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Robin Williams interpreta a Sean Maguire, quien actúa como mentor del personaje de Matt Damon, Will Hunting, 1997.
Ya es tiempo de echar un vistazo a la película que nos ganó en el cine y también ganó un premio OsLizbeth car “Good Will HuntJaimes ing.” La película que fue escrita por Matt Damon y Ben Affleck en 1997, se trata de un muchacho que está contra la ley, pero por su pasado turbulento y gracias a la ayuda de un profesor que ve su potencial intelectual; su único castigo es asistir a terapia con un psicólogo. Era él único castigo que no quería; pero así es la vida.
La película empieza con la introducción de su vida simple. Espera a su amigo para ir al trabajo juntos. Trabaja. Toma. Y repite la lista otra vez. Will, interpretado por Matt Damon, es un hombre joven, empezando sus veintes, en Boston, Massachusetts. Parece que esta, es la rutina de su vida. Si no trabaja, toma y sale a divertirse con sus amigos. Will, el protagonista, trabaja en una universidad como limpiador. Un día en el pasillo donde está limpiando, mira una fórmula matemática escrita por un profesor en el pizarrón. Aquí la audiencia no puede ver lo que está escribiendo. Sólo podemos ver que se atrevió a escribir en el pizarrón. Después, en uno de sus paseos, Will y sus amigos deciden pelearse con un grupo de hombres. La policía llega pronto y por esto Will se encuentra en la corte. En el último segundo del caso ante el juez, el profesor de la universidad entra a defender al muchacho. El profesor de matemáticas, interpretado por Stellan Skarsgard, había visto la fórmula en el pizarrón (y que era la más difícil para los estudiantes) y alguien la había calculado correctamente. Después de una búsqueda por el estudiante quien había completado la fórmula, descubrió que en realidad fue el limpiador, Will, lo había hecho. Al descubrir al muchacho va a la corte a ayudarlo.
La mayoría de la película trata del personaje de Will en la escena de terapia con el psicólogo Shawn Maguire, interpretado por Robin Williams. Will es una persona que ha pasado por muchos eventos traumáticos, entonces como adulto le gusta divertirse. Will no es como los demás, él no es simplemente otro joven de la cárcel. Es un genio con el poder de hacer lo que quiera con su inteligencia. Y lo que pasa en la oficina del psicólogo es un ejemplo de que todos tenemos que recorrer nuestro camino.
La película Good Will Hunting es una historia con humor y tragedia, y últimamente es un cuento de la belleza de sanación. Pero sobre todo contiene la moraleja de que necesitas a otra persona para sanar.
12 April 1, 2022 Contest Winner | News | Gaming | Women’s History Month | Entertainment | Español | Stang Stories SARAH FIDLAR Passionate about helping people
Born and raised Wichita Falls native, Sarah Fidlar, in Iowa of 1996 was asked if she would like to start teaching fitness classes. That’s when she learned how much she enjoyed being around people and it led her to be assistant coordinator of the Lifelong Learning Center in Wichita Falls.
“When my second son was born, I was asked to start teaching classes and although it was just fitness classes, I just really recognized how much I enjoyed being around people and helping them in that way. Fitness is a big deal to a lot of people. It was really fun being in that environment and the creativity of planning out what I wanted to do for each class. My favorite part was the people and getting to know my clients. I learned how personal of a person I am,” Fidlar said.
Fidlar, who moved back to Texas from Iowa so that her children were able to grow up in proximity to their family, said she was able to make her own schedules and also spend time with her kids, while partaking this job she absolutely loved. Fidlar was a fitness teacher for 26 years.
“I could go really early in the mornings and teach or in the afternoons and teach, all while doing this job that was just so fun for me. I also didn’t have to put my kids in daycare. I was able to homeschool both of my boys until they both continued their education at Midwestern State and graduated, both with engineering degrees,” Fidlar said.
Fidlar went on to become a personal trainer which gave her of a responsibility of the individuals she was training. Fidlar said she was able to establish stronger and more intimate relationships with her clients. “After being a personal trainer for a while, I was then offered to be the coordinator for the ‘LIFT STRONG’ program through the YMCA…it’s a fitness program for cancer survivors. it’s a three month (12 weeks) free program for them and I loved working with that population. It was extremely rewarding and emotional and fun overall. A lot of these people had been through the worst thing in their life and came out of it stronger and just continued to push forward, and I just loved that,” Fidlar said.
Despite loving the program and the population Fidlar worked with, during the time as a coordinator, her own father was diagnosed with cancer and ended up passing.
“I worked there for two years. It was hard to maintain my schedule because I wanted to be with him as much as possible. It was also emotional because here I was training with cancer survivors and
PHOTO BY COLIN STEVENSON Coordinator Sarah Fidlar is a Wichita Falls native, and is now happy working with people back where she was raised, Mar. 31.
my father was not going to survive cancer. It was tough for me, so I decided to take time off that specific program but continue to teach fitness classes,” Fidlar said. Fidlar landed her first job at Midwestern State at the MSU Credit Union and worked there for two years, through the beginning of COVID-19. Fidlar was a teller, and again, her favorite part was interacting with students and people who worked on campus.
“While working at the Credit Union was when my friend told me about the Lifelong Learning Center. She had told me that I should do the interview and then see if I wanted to take this job. I really feel like the center has taken everything I’ve ever done and learned and put it into one. Being in the fun environment surrounded by people who want to better themselves and enjoy learning…I think really resonates with me and what I enjoyed about my fitness career; I love people who keep pushing forward and don’t want to give up, especially within this age group. All of our clients are senior citizens, from the age of 50 and up… we even have some people in their 80’s come, and my mother joins us as well and she’s 91,” Fidlar said.
Fidlar began working at the Lifelong Learning Center, just this past September of 2021, after working at the Wellness Center teaching a HIT and SPIN class. She says she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
“I wish more people knew about us. We have such a wide range of people that come and speak, and they are all volunteers that are all just so knowledgeable. I’ve never been disappointed in any presentation given. It’s really just the opportunity to be a resource for this specific population and help them expand their knowledge,” Fidlar said. HOW IT’S GOING
The mission of the Lifelong Learning Center is to be a memberdriven community of learners dedicated to inspiring and enriching the minds and spirits of Texomans over the age of 50. Fidlar says the center has everything from a songwriter circle, university professors that teach classes, and field trips that take place in the summer. “We go to Dallas, Oklahoma City…it’s a day trip so nowhere too far but we try and go visit museums and parks etc. It’s always a good time, and we actually haven’t done a trip for two years but are starting up again this summer, and I can absolutely not wait,” Fidlar said.
Fidlar says what gets her through the day, are the people and her relationship with them. Even within her short time at the center, she has already formed strong bonds.
“The relationships I have with them, throughout my short time here, I have met such remarkable people who are just kind, selfless, care about the community and each other. Their stories and lives are incredible… every day, I walk through the doors at peace because my job is to be here for the people and that’s what I love about it. I hope what people would say is that while I was here, they felt that the center was warm and cheerful. I hope I make everyone feel like they belong here and that this is their home,” Fidlar said.
PHOTO BY COLIN STEVENSON Coordinator Sarah Fidlar introduces Lifelong Learning Center students to Robert Palmer, the speaker for the class, Mar. 31.