September 30, 2020

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Sept. 30, 2020 Campus Voices | Black Student Union | Breonna Taylor | BLM | RBG | Media | News | Sports





Fine arts seniors Sapphire Vasquez and Sarah Grigeo display their art in the Juanita Harvey Art Gallery, Sept. 29. KHIRSTIA SHEFFIELD FEATURE EDITOR s we slowly transition into a new season, Americans across the nation commemorate the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture and achievements of the United States. Inspired by their culture, two students, Sapphire Vasquez, fine arts senior and Sarah Griego, fine arts senior, cultivated an art exhibition comprised of oil paintings, wooden sculptures and ceramics to pay homage to their ancestors and how far they have come. “This curation, to me, reflects how I feel about my heritage,” said Vasquez. “It’s the art that came from people of Hispanic heritage. They’re all different, but together they show that even though we all have a similar heritage, we are all our own beings, as the art is too.” Though Hispanic Heritage month is meant to bring individuals of the Hispanic culture together, Vasquez and Griego strived to create a masterpiece that relished in the beauty of artistic differences. “We did not want to be restricted in gathering art that solely deals with what it means to be Hispanic,” said Griego. “We wanted to show-


case the individuality of each artist.” lot of pressure because they only had two weeks and their art in order to even have an exhibiTogether Griego and Vasquez created six in- to finish this exhibition. tion,” said Griego. “We also realized how little dividual pieces. Griego’s pieces focused on oil “We were given two weeks to gather artists of a Hispanic community we have in our departpaintings and a collage that was comprised ment which was another challenge itself.” of mix medias. These pieces were named, “We had to juggle our other classes and “Los Herreras,” “Omar Apollo,” and “I’m our jobs, so that was really a challenge,” said Drained.” Vasquez’s pieces focused on oil Vasquez. “But we got it done and I love it so paintings, a wooden sculpture and a ceramic much.” vase. These pieces were named, “Rebirth and Despite the challenges they have faced, Transformation,” “Boni and the Plague,” and they hope students and faculty of all back“Koi Fish Olpe.” grounds can leave learning something new “This exhibition means so much to me,” about the Hispanic culture, but also see the said Griego. “It has been an amazing opporbeauty in their differences. tunity for me to be a part of. I felt so honored and accomplished after creating this exhibi“I would like people to see the variety of tion. It is especially nice to be able to walk by talent that people of Hispanic decent have and see your work every day.” through their art,” said Vasquez. “We are Art has been an integral part of each of our own individuals with a connection to their lives. From Vasquez following her faone another through our heritage, but it’s a ther’s artistic footsteps to Griego becoming reminder that we are so much more than our inspired by Instagram and Tumblr fan art. heritage. It’s just one component of our lives.” Art is their form of expression and through “I would love for people to just see how difco-curating their first exhibition they have ferent art could be under the same ethnicity. continued to ignite their passion for telling a PHOTO BY BRIDGET REILLY | THE WICHITAN All of the artists included in the gallery share story through visuals. A handmade sculpture by fine arts senior a similar culture, but each piece is individual Although the end result is beautiful, to them.” Vasquez and Griego said they were under a Sapphire Vasquez, Sept. 29.

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