April 10, 2013

Page 1


mw ;,h@ Fells


animals a second chance to find pet owners.



ra;,e, '""~~ B

to compete in the Deaflympics.

Wichitan ■ '""OITW'U,lcl4 ....




__..n IN1 at tilt Hkflitality rNIII at 1ttt CSC ,-T11t•aMrltatftet1tltoM<:1m°"rMWSU'1 (llllGKT} lobett c1,,1i stops so,honlorn ,.._ kinNi•IOIY m.jor. and KC01H1111tt rujor Jlk(:l1NOll 10 tee their frH EURECA t•ahlrt&. The .. 11 prom01, IWffllHS ol thl Duality bch1nclng ..,111e,chool l1 trying to nnpl11nent. EUIIECA stanch .-Cini Un41rs11du1t1 lletHrch End11"°" I CJ.. _

, . - y ~ l . _ , J , .....


An Al111111. 111nilf In Sp1nilh ,114 kd1mation1I studi1s. mana91d the EUIIECA ratla booth tnd invrtttl UIMralda To,al, frt1hm1n, 10 pl1ct htr nlmt In !ht EUIIECA 11tla• Tbt r1ffl1 only appll1d to 11UHl11rft thll w1r1 wuri1t9 thtir EUAECA lhlrta. Thi 1tffle pri1111h11 Wirt g1vH OIIII c-ist1d ol 1itt urds 1tnfi"1 from fiflHt do/Ian to lfll hundrff dollars Tht nine WH lttld ti tht csc AtnllllL


MSU strives to retain accreditation Team visits campus in final stages of process rtnam cnteni and btnchnwks. II t,.tsU does llOl conunue to mttt lhcM $tandards, lt runs the nsk of

Rllnt Bl.ACK STAffWRITI ..

·we sent a 38S·page rufflrma mat~ to undergriduatt m ~b, w!uch mduded spt'llwlg to three ternbert he said. "In November, 1 freshmen about lhf1r upentl'ICes. k>sttlg1tsaccred1t.nlon. SACS commltttt met to.go over the ·we w.1nt students to en~ 1n If the unrvers11y tS not accredited, document, ind If they found any de lwnin~ through research. it's reaJlv 1he uruvers1ty wm lose federtl fund nc1eneieS, which they did, we draft 1 spedll WiY co learn. We feel that thlS week to evaM.te the In-depth mg and students will not be able to a focused repon address.Ing thost is thlS can be a tnnslonnauve proce.s Ou1l1ty i:.nha.ncement Plan a pan of receive sues.~ and grants for students,· he said the nrw jlages or an accred1t.at1on government Clirk also sald the OEP is separate Maga.ty Rmcon·Zacllary, ptofe$ procm that bfpn m 2006. In tum, the )01>--sttkmg process from the re-aJftnnation document, sor of biology, .said m tust the mere "Ill bttD ii IOng. lon(l ptoc:n, for graduating ,rudents would be ind that lt IS vital to the campus and nve weeks of UGROW. srudents nor )\At the OEP. bu1 the P.?aflinna come dlf!kull, u most employers wtll lmpact student Jearrung btause who were turud oc unsure about uon procffl. ObVlousfy, theui·s a ct:r- do n:qUllt a bachelor's degree from W OEP focuses on undergl'iduate their pl'Of'CtS. wm complttely 1.air1 amount of relit!, but we·re al. an accrechted school. Showasing reseuch. trilnsfonned by the md. They fell oki.n.gfor.v.ud totbeafflrma.tiOnof undefW1duate research through an ·1 cha!Ted 1 16-person et1mmiuee command o,;er the subtect they rt c-u work .n 1ht future,· said Roben annual series of highly promoted, lhal wrote the OEP proposal, and searched. Clark, vice president or admmBT!1· funded, and marketed s1udent fo- then the focused report and OEP ~we used UGROW as the model 110n and tnstltullonal eflecllven~ a.s rums would signal an 1nst1tut10nal were sent 10 tbe on-Site group that for EURECA, so we're e.it:tendin& the commitment to siudent research. well as SACS liaison . ~ V1Slung campus now,· he said opporturut'( to students that an't re Toreallzelhat~l.offlciaJspro· ·Their main focus Is the CEP and semh dunng tile summer,· she wd On campus, m recent wttks, ofd Olis fOCllsed on compleUng I.he OEP, postd Enhancing Undergraduate they will be here eva.luatlng the cam Rine.on-Zachary a.lJo said empk)y' a plan that addrewd wuer weak Reswcti Endeavors and CrtatiVe pu$ until Wednesday, and on Thurs ers ~ thu students involved m nmtS klenliAed by lhe comrruntt Ac11Vltles ~ on a succas!u.J en d1y !hey will submit thetr 8nd111gs.• research havt better crioal thinking According to Clart, SACS k)oked skl\h than students who have not and txl.eodlnR Ult e.it:BtinR founda deavor by the CoUegt of Science and Malhemaucs - lhe Undergraduate at the OEP report bef0tt vtwung had the same e~nce. uons of undergnd~ate mearch. As part of KCrtd11.ation, SACS Rtstarth Opportumues and Summer campus, but telffl membm focused on talking IO students and facultv QEPpg. 3 requ1rt:S that schools meet requut WoOOhop Sprl11g2010 £stab 'ftleadenhioit ~ $111111NtZl1GNarrat1111W1,t1nqllew;1s AugvstZD10 Nanat•1'1lslDraftsOut Nonmb1rZOlG fllstEdttolNanat,ve1 M11cb ID:.member ttam represent mg the Sootbcm Assoeiaoon of eoneges and ScboolS Com· IIUSSlori on Colleges VWted nmpus



~want students

to engage in !taming through research." IIOIElll'TClAIIK .PRESIDENT OF AOMINISTRATION 111STITUT10NAL EffECTI\IENESS


uon document to SACS last Sep

from lhe

Magaly RincH•ZKMlr'f'

"Ifwe don't get accreditation, we lose federalfundi11?. and students wont be able to get loans and grants.from the government." MAGALY IIINCON-ZACHAKY BIOLOGY PROFESSOR

2011 Sti~nQ Ooctn•"llall(WI RfnMld / Cotnp,1ed Afrll 2011 OK ufflHlltJ.n Unk..t In Ooc-.m May 2011 P.e¥\twby John Clar\: JUN 2011 Second Edt1 J11ly 2011 SACS Ontnta! N'I ol lHdlfdtlP lea:!:, 2111 ~ r<I C<,nteqt fd,t Extnmal llmev,,n JM&itry ZG1Z Send Common Edit lritemel ~ s l March 2012 Seoo Serkol' Slit! Eiti1 $111MN1r 2012 1.Jpl • IJoa.lnM'IIIJOll Zl1Z C,o,n,; ,,11_.;t Repor1 Swm,tltd to SACS NlflNlr 2012 SACS Off Sitt PNr" Ae-,,tw Conducted W Wffkl 1n 1i¥1nc1 of On-Sn, 11,view O, •iv~- ntl'I;· O..~ S,,1nt2113 iAf.SO,..S,tal'NrRe ,rwec-,,t,.,:tad DKMllerm13 RM!wbylhlCom-:r11wooonCo11egu



ermath of DUI goes beyond the courtroom

DUI Penalties PttfollK11111, i,ifrxM,i/10"

prr,,•irkdbJDMf'"K pong" an

alttrpartv at To,


apartments. Ounnst IUS drtVe home

to Bunburnen. another driver nlled

In 10 th.: J)Ollcestaiuon 1orepon him

for ·SY,-ervrnglll over the ~d.-

il!tet lonathon I charged Wtlh dnV·

ICl.ltd, Ult

2A yur

lhf pn«for 11ed

•They had a cop follow m.: for I coupl,e of m11eS twt to ma):e sure that Ulev Wl'l'C all talklnR about I.he JONATHON KARMAN same peMn; Harman said. ·And _ _ _ _ a~ a coupW Qf mUiutes, thtJ fe.&l Harnan \!ill an'r remember

however Harman has pa.id and wtll

,.;..;v_,EA_o_o,,.o_~_ co;~t;e~~eS~~~f::VITig


Tbe poHct arrested hlin for dnrnktn drtvlng and ad.mltu5lC"'ed I 5()a'letf lesf 0, lttl' spol. •J bkW 11o,· tfannin said. 't WI.fit to wake any !lit ltome," H1rman ·nllre was no quest!OO I was !he Aptil nfgtlt d b1s. drunk • HIS bloOd llcotlcl coolfllt rrgl)ttml 2.2 umes mott t.l!an th e )eg,al f!!Utu' ')fl Zl ·:hfsta!e )11\US, ~vt ttt:i dr1vtng, aoc): themom•

"I shouldn't have been s2,soo.· drinkinu, hut it was for':rt~~~r1!'..n11n~d:~ O· -~-e 3 a.m. and J didn't ~taitl)ticsfromlheNauonal Highway want to wake anyone :~ru~~n~~;:•:~ !:~ " uj,t O drive me home. In th!! country about $500 per year,

fCll hi! nmw.e. m.ikingthednwthatn1g,t11. Taxpayers are funding the 11 Tht nm Dne he piid or S850 tennalh of ~ery smgle drivtr thlt dealt only wilh the OWl o(ffflse. He mlk~ 1 dttiS!on like Hinnan's. lhffl bJd to pay I lw of SI so, and I • Acc.ordin& to a lllldy cond'JCttd llllrCI of S250 to have 1U5 l!ctrur re- ,11 ~ VIJIU\11 UnrvemtV. w:pay \Jl.!ta!ed during lilt 4S·dav pertod In m and me i,;,vemmen1 spend ~51 berwtell his offtM ind coun diilte. bUtion on alcol:lol rt lated mcldtnts. "I paid OVt'I Sl.200 m dnes be· "You kno·,., lh01t signs you 5-N'ft fort I even $0!Jghl a la~r. • Hal' OD lht Side of the h11v"?way tllat s:ay. man l,lid. •And I paid my laW'(tf

'DUI. You can't afford 11?" Wtll, you really c1n\" Harman sa.id He has had to tue unpaid cbvs off from work to meet with his l1w yer. go to coun 1nd pay ltts. ·rrus whole lhing has cost mt more than I dang hcense, • he said. ·1 have ha.d to work harder to make more money to pay thr 8nes. I have to rely on other people to tlke me to and trom wotk and I can ·1 operate tht nl,\ without a dnvers ltcense." Harman worb

fur I

wdl 1tMC·

.ng company th.It keeps his money md ame Utd up. •1 ;am lucky to havr I boss who al .yws me to ':tkl' lhe ll'Tlt o,r: bt I.ltd. ·we w•.1•k hard lo· -.vr11t Wf'

DUI pg. 3


fntoffense Up to 1 $2,IXll fine Up to six montht bthmd

1 2


3 4

Orrver hunse susp1ns1on {up to on, year) Annual fine of Sl,OOOlor

three years to kaap dnv• mg pnvileges

Second offense 1 Uptoa$4.000fine 2 Up 10 Ont '(tlf behind bm


Dr,verhcenst 1usp1ns10n fuptotwoyttrl


A1tnu1t fine ol $1.500 lor 1hrll y,1111 to ke,p dnv·

... ,.,....



Greeks enhance rela~_io~

MY FnrnDs TlllNK I'~ WASllN~Mt lJ'l!l( Af r,fM\MTb Sc~IXl . M I ro WF£.R ..

. · art of the fraternities Competition and rivalry 15 P Pa1


rtwtntl'rfu rtriirv ruuntd ,)I MldW~1i"nl di i tnYJr>g for a ntW levrl oi

et~t'lltni:it- on umpus ~nd ll

taldllR•lfl ' {[lvt'


rolt rn tnhat1f lnJt Grttk Life In J~nuary. uur

councn i1rcK1rd ~t nttdtd M be th(> mrn wt}(! \IUI thr inn~!cnmtJon of th<' rrattm111t~ dnd t~kt our pcrfor mano 10 1hr ntX! ltvtl lne lm.lR,. o! fwrrmoo on cam pu~ ha< btfn ~Ul'Vl'\'td ln tht ~M and round 10 bt nt!thtr tiorrfbk> nor C'Utstm d!nR Our Vrttk W\ttm I) very umqut and hu ch~rKlfnWO th.it targie S<hOOfSdO r101 h AVt Wt h•V( !hi' ability to know ty ..r,toov 1n nur chip(tr, mosl peoplt in 01htr charms and m some c~ alumm from 01ht1chap1rrs This chml trnstK wt po\.WSS al lows us to~ .it.le 10 rt<tlve rtal sup pofl from -xhrr members and 11 has enab!td IF(, to SiK(O:::.!Ulh' motJV.,f(' •nd t>mpow,1 lfl" frattmltv men h> makr lhtll ch.1p:m l:,,t1cr By 1allr11 a<1van1.1gt of !ht fu turf'< 1llat nuke~ d1!ftrrn1. we tiavt h.1d rtmart'..1blt succ~ compared to rht ~I few yem.

"'(}::, , . . ~


Undergrad research should be top priority OUR VIEW: The arrival of the Sot1thern Assoc11tJon

of Colleges and Schools Comm1ss10n on Colleges should not end the umve1s1ty's encouragement of undergraduate r1s11arch

~ ,~ ~~;71~rnrt~~~!:°~~ v,•,;;tv

10S4! !Ider.ii! :Ur.1t ll)I. d !ht'v do no: mt-et .iCcttdilll.11>.i ~1.1ndards. wh:ch tm cat.Std other c0llt!lt'5 to Clost rhtlf dO(ll'!!n 1r,, r,?\ 1'l SAn: membtrs. 11 1:1•~1 looic bkt SIUOtnlS UIOW .llll

•bc.iut the O.1:P and HIRE.CA, blU tht'V won't a ttw mofll.ru, /rorn now Sll;df'n[) on lh..S C,iffi~ h.i\'t' a sncin ttrm mtmorr whtn Jdus COn!t.lintl~· reptillrd to them

U~I :

lna1tw 11.t,•U.1.h<'on1ys1gr.~)1u Mf'mbtr, o• 1ht' Soulhffll A,,sr)(1 dtnts WIii h.ivt !tit ol tht l:URF.(.A a:1N1 u' Collt'JJ:n 1nd Schools V>m will Dt abunch of worn OJ' rsh!~ m~>or oo LolltP?S "1Sl1~ umpus 11\t probkm ~ 1h.1t unrud of l!'~\ 1vttk '.O nru1:z, !ti,, tvlluauon rorcmit siudents 10 memor.zt wh,11 o! Uh• ,JnlYtNtv inclu.dtnF, !ht Ou~ ctm,n .iCrop·r.ns sund for, .1dr.11:i 1ry i:nhanc~n1 Pl.In, wh!Ch has s1:•1ors ~hould be F't'Kt:mg lht Im ~n 1..n U'f'Of\riOpmtnt Uflct 200t,. pon.irc,• of urnkrgraduatt rl'!St,tr<h, Ovt· the lut lhrtt Wtt.b, ~ To ,om nue Um t!"!Qft, lhf otft mm1w.1:o:1 have bt.>tn holtd i t work u~ ~t'ould not ittH• up on tht 1m prrp.1.nr.1 \IU1enu, !iniltv ind sarr ponancr ol unde,gradua!t l'f'S(illCb

o! rhr1r .urv.il


gpin~ ou1 frtt

1 sh.~;,, pton'.(•ll~ !h(' W RFLJ. pro ivaM, r!'.P unlvl!~1rv'1 aM-...-tr 10 tht uf P. 111 V)Vm~ a•,;ay r.:orev asp.an <,t a ~tudent ,alfk-. ti b oo~iow univl!r

~1ry offloli. w~ntcd W membtct\ (If ~(S !l'l know t~t tilt'/ Wfft tlik.lnQ. thL,; ~ TlOUSI}'

Jct. t>'tn wuh ilJ uf !ht advtru~ 1n;i. 111J<ltr1l, rultv de, not u re: ~ t rhis pro~urn S·mpiv pu1

:ti, u:i1vtmto' will

\\ '11h !ht enroll~nt on ,1 decline,

th\.\ could b«om, a malOI' ~llmx

oomt 'or M!dWt\trm !t coul1 .also mcru~ rtit'fllJOn ,nrl ~u.itlon rilr\ bPuust doing rC5"11'th prol('<ts fOTCl'i Sll1denf~ (0 hA~t ,1 faculr, mrntor i int of tr, ma,or ispteh ml5.Sln11 /rom a lol of dep,1r1r:-trnb on c1111pw

,~ L'm 1hcre ~ no la(ulty s1u.lent m

•f mplOyl'f\ know that )tudrnts lnwilvtd !n r~.uch ha••r btntr lhtnldng ~l:tll\ than S!Udtnts w"to h.i\t' no! hid the :,am(' t'XpN! enc, : wld Maglly Rmrnn 2ach11rv, prn!t'ssorolh101o,;v Rincon Zactwy has tlit rlltflt v1twp,.,1n1 and other uruvers1tv It.id m )houkl !ollow her !tad un:or1un.1tely, Midwestern )llll h<IS a SURfila of a btm& a Pl.1n B (or ~ etm:es C or D) cO!lqtt, com p,1red 10 lhf UnJvttslty of Tuu or Okloihom.1 Un!\•emiy. Md.tlga succtufulind de<tJVt Ci1lll il!

undtrgr.idbile ma10tbtncfi1.

meuch dhis!on i:, •

SchOlarl\· .1ctiv1tr stould be en· couragtd. Now thf qut$UOi'I rtmalra 1r stu dt>ms will actuaUv part!<lp,ii< In lt'.t ~archpr()!tcts Ld~ hope umvtrsl1y Jeadrrs real ly want swden~ to -LF1qu1rt, dJSCO\' er .1nd create- no: 1us1 btuu~ thev want 10 pi~ 1emd1mJon srudtnts. Herr's 10 hopmg campiu otdctaJi undttstil'ld how the SU(Ca\ of I.Ms program COUid gel lht umverslty 001 of m.~ nnaooal t!'ouhle and allow s1udtnb to have a more wt ll round td co!legt tlptricl'lCt,

ltfKIJ<•n 001.\ ldt ol tlLt' C1a1$ll)f'lm




PRE•MED BIOLOGY ~Honestly, n's good for the universrty. but a hell loud of work for students If a studen, comes up W1l h a good u1ea, rt'II dehnrtely work and s1ud1tnts will ge1 their mmd up to rt. Ifs a good 1hmg and seniors wilt especially benefit from It·





•.",1,"'co'u~c1L PRESI0HIT

••1e,1 INTER,

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . : : : : : : - - - --

Grtt~ l;!e :~~" !) ~ N sen~UvP ifKI uri U \1IYtit tam1shtd, ew•n • f rrr


,mprovtd our

im•~ 15 by·unI11n~ the fri1,m11JI').

Gt,neraJly, thrrt arr nv.l! frirerrn™'; and sororlt1f'\ on every ,ampu~. bu w,: h•~t worktd hird to t>hminare th!bt r1valne~ lh~ helps crute re ~pt('t for not nnl\· our own members. 001 als.o for lt!lc>w r,.1emHY men A pr~nt.itlOn hosted bV IH' was g.rvtn to ihf f,1cuJty and staff mem btrs r«tntly 10 Yiow our dtsll'l! to g.,,m 1hcJr suppon for Grttk 1.Jfr and to show tlltm our support for ihelr

ctroru As Crttb, one of our mam gNIS I~ lO .iCh!eV(' hlp,h .1c•dem1< pertor m•ncr and 1ht help ol our prol~o~ un suppon this

In r~e luru•~ "

rw m !fJTWfl!Ch N~ ~.

1.llCUII)' •'lrf

··•ti ",•~-


C(','l'°<i more 11.tVI' il~kfij 1•J/


• ,#'

<h..l c1,ur,c1j t,•• '••

In" P,1nt1l'\trru: r..,.,., M ulUC•Jltura1 (,re,,,~ ,,, g.o,.rming body •I :.,, Mid muluc11lturi' '1,,,... roril!t\/'t'$pt'CIL>'h) • • •

morr sopr,on .iln1 r1. : 1mwcr on rMnptll I t,. IWtf>O ltle lhrtt C1'l1r.c: ~,. 10 bf cxportntm!v IJ,. t'

~harr n,mmon ~K .., The (,rerk~ ~! \l11,:.,. more mou~v,n r,rJ,· . evcrtoshowevt:-,00,;,_ ties! , makr men kti•· women belier wc,r:,,r ~ • oor communay aM f:,t . Ut'S e-srabh,!ltd bv om•,.:,

Vinson Health Center talks money not care.


sp,~;110:;~~~ tht


lt.ut'lfd lhi l


stud,m wu re fu~d 1ro1mcnt the Vmson HealrJI Cen1er


i!'ter Sht wa,

d·h.S('d I apologize u.. -... ,1ry M\ failed m thi• -.... ~ s.,ld Associate Vice l'·tc:»A stmp!r: $TD !~tJnR, which rt quIm a urine >1mple, ~rem) too dent Affairs MattheA' h-1 compll<lted !or the V1n~n He.illh does no1 undnsra,1 l:.t Ctmrr 10 h.11dtc The excust a hind thl' dec,s1on rna1, The Health C.1re V'"·~ urine Simple cannc,t bt' eva/ua:ed, btcause tllere Is now 1.J001a1or,·, lose 1reatrnen1 on me-: w 1r r.t1a1 would n01 bt!lH· · therefore ti nttd~ to be !if'nt off Accord,ng to 1hr studeru. tht' 1/ldual, but in thlS Ci~ . A excu'-t from the nuiw w~ th.it tttn unnPCess.ry to,.... , ueatment. ii mrn!~I hullh namino111on and ~rhe purpose o! :t~ 11 coun~l!ng u more 1mDOrt.int in :his ter tS 10 look out for·.· SIIU.itJOO who are our pnonr-,: No, 11 LS not ~nding out' ttt:in .r: Of coo~ t.1lkmR :o a ~ycholo grst after a rape or stxu.al a.<;S.1ult I.\ nw, be et:JPns1ve. tn..1 preferable 1f no, e·,er. nect'\>iry. but that 1he unwer~;\· m:r -; 1he firs• step IS 10 find out ii thtl'f are m1lhon on a nrw ba<,t~· • ,1nymcd1C.i!probltm). dent~shou!d ~ IMt:nt : Vict Pies1dent Stude-ii Aflam, Ktilh W11J1amwi. r..,, and Enro!lmen1 M~naR<'fflt?n! kc1th ,or ol lhe \lm)(ln Ht il " , .. lamb said he c.inno! bth"e 1hat tins fust-d 10 m.1ke am cur.-.(·

Center dotS not mttt thtse )tan dud~. ,,..i,ICh \hould be nt,,•11)lli .lnd jl/aOttd

r,p,d The female s1udent w~ to!d she nttdrd to hive a psvcholoa 1caJ rva)uatJon done first b<"lort they could do a STD 1~L S!udtnts pay hi/th tul!IOll {O bC' mtd1cilly !n~urta. 11. hilt? btmg f,1r awav from home It ls mappropnate 1nll n trt'mely concerning thilt stu• drno (VUlOI rely on rJlt' unwe~IIY lhty a.rt il:!ttndlng, When looking /or medIul aut n llOfl ,i SIU<ltnt should TtctlVt cue ar.d rrtpt<t, which art neces.s.1ry to bt )ttn as a trustworthy orpmza CilS(!OCCUlted. •11 Is mort than inapptopnait 1100 Ap_Diremlv, the Vinson Htal1h and a problem that n(fd~ 10 De acl

s.11ti M111elliol

~mi11~ rnr What are the benefits of undergraduate research? #If you can engage in research education, 11 will rmprove our knowledge The research program is going to atfecl our hves and prepare undergraduates for the future It wdl be bener for undergradua1es 10 learn how 10 do proper research early:


Greeks /){11.Jt ,, f'\H.' S wtrf'I' r·,"< , · ation to show -.r•rlr:iu ,md ,t r, nvl.O ez/Vbodru what we ''''" "" w,w ,. '' J l af!fJll l'Vff', !.) e do est:makemen n ur 1ft'Jr.c1l tc.:. , belier men, make ;~~:,~' ;t·;·:,,',:,J,..... n better women, wpt• t>t1M, ilfl<l ~ •• 10 wome · ,. th 10 k.,p th, n11~rv r.y give baa, to e ri,1,1•~ ~ 11.y fr,: .,1, . ~ ·~ community. " P~•. i·r, r,I d.tr,t • 11

"It will make MSU look more competItIve compared to 01he1 schools and also students Undergraduate research will enhance criucal th1nk1ng EURE CA Is a new opportunrty and makes us unique as a university, because I've not encounte<ed 11 at any,.vhere else •


PRE·MED CHEMISTRY -Research will pull undergraduates mto closer relationships wrth their professors Students will have !he opportunity to learn with 11ss1s1an1 professors how to do format research, because it's not that easy domg it on your own,~



Is baseball a wise investment for the university?


H1( hlf,m.

wichitan :W!O

r,tr 11'1\1 &ot

IA Wlduu hi~. lu~ 7U)S Ntv,, ~ 1040)3()7 .SiO-I .-.:b:l'MOIJ<)7A,OS Fn 10.col)07.e()25 f!MilwicM1ntt11:v.')lledU

editorial board

EDITOR•IN-CHIEF: Snr.na Cottintth,lm OHO EDITOR: Sult! Mu,chtof SPORTS EDITOR: Otl,ndo F'l()f'('S PHOTO EDITOR: Hanwoo1 Ltt WEB EDITOR: udtn lk,r,0$S CONTRIBUTORS: Bnnu,y D'Alrsan1ro. Cot1rtl'lf'Y llfrh. R~ll" &.,,.,-:. ,.. ll!e'ilns She~ Oa,i\. Altx1s Cav, Sh•nice Clo•m. S01' Hra. ,\r~~ \'n Ethtn Mt'CCl!I, Brll1llla Mo:ir~tt. Uurrn Robuu, Brbh r n:rn (~ 1~ Ertn Wrlnklt,SanllSht!ton DELIVERY: Slr!ln At11UWJV ADVISER: Btillllry WiOOn

- - ----

-·-- - - - --


3 l·1'r:;·•t ll'1ll'i'_'

Jl · 1

't,.'J. J I

Dell officers to discuss sales experience Srtvt ~el!<t., ~ pri-:;ldent .and chit/ cc,mm•tcll l offl(tf for [~!I ron•puce:, f'llM to 'll"t' W';Ul !Mb,nno, U1111tnll Apnl 17 10 O~s<ua t " U?fr."fiCf \."I tt:r

, n-:1 mui:rtmg W?~(? • Wt l flnl ~ li-trs 10 1M U'IIVt:

u !n

~IV l,C, JIUc!tr ., on he.a: Iron-: 1•JCCWl'l.ll bus,~ ;1,u;;,I".' ~i~ /rt! \iaml;.ru,11,

,tlr•C1Ql t>I th• I.ii..-: (..,.,:r, tor EnUt f ••nt.ir!hlp J'i<l Fi-"1' t nt t rpn'.t

ft.rm" f sr.JIY \'Ice ~r~tnl and p:nidr n·

of ( ,w._n t· Snu,\ 4~d Mrdl

:im 8'J~ f/OUJ,, ,01ntd Dell m \ OW. Jelict 111,0 /rd o;,-m.on fo• !!ell 1n M11 r~nrc ~:-,,t ),p.1r rc~ ~;r.lMt:7,.''I d-t's(r\lA" F-l"lto:r U • M ~

:al(.e1 an1 l"<>;>n h:s txpt,:•n,.• t1orn1r,1 11ou'id Dtll win t1u<,:t busmtSJ tludmu.

aith-based group explores ollege student challenges al church kickstarts religious anization in hopes ofguiding dents down a path offaith

<XthOSt, elghl ;i,;e rebg!ous a.no la.1th•~


hStOf David Younp,blood of Unity Christian M 1m~uy

~ one of the:;e organ!z.itlons, lnsplra!lonal Moliva,

lm~ ctlul m their llv~ where lht>\' nttd 1t.

The program uplores the d1rferen1 challenRe:. colltgc :~~~,:


keY' to SUCCN through

·from the few 11 mes um J have gone to lhe pro gmn.· Tll'les Rus.sell. freshman In marketlnp., sa,d. ·1 have 11lready seen a difference In how I approKh school,

relauonshlps, and !Ives· challenRes •

::::::~~~:~~~~~ ~l~~~tian Teac_hl.:. "~...:'_'h_•.:_'P_"•_·_ _Al.:.<_: ho.:. ug/1 :_th_e p~h: ::r:S~ys:k~~g ~:~~~~: 1bt reason why I stantc! IM·

~~,;~a~~~~ ;:;sa:1;:h:i~


do not ll')' to Sl.lrl no cholr or get no band lQRether none of that. Just gJ•;e them what they nttd, be innuenual. be

students will face on the!r journey to a dejtrl'e. and at

"'1~; ,.7 rEA MSU rm 05 registered student orp.ruuuons.


The IMPACT Bible

study program meets


,,_,w..i III TfA

1ha f r1.il'lo~gll\Allt111{11s19<DUI> !Nd<t 1i.d U1 JlfomolJ,llg ITttd'louQ!ll

whKll 15 1 phlosophoc1i-1d'lltW

tl'1111ct.ou1ucOl'llol\9toYoU<O'IWI conduwni 1boo11 diff1eullciut1t1MS 'l\lftllOIA rtly!ng on trldrtion. dogma



f 'li'lch.ila Fall!o," Youngblood s.lld. ·1 every Thursday at 7 LnVOlvrd with u. that u becomes tni . , INt thtre wa.s a un1vers1ty here p.m. in Clark Student ger than wha1 Ican imagine.· Young• wtllt God 1old 10 me was. ·Don't Center. ttlood ~1d. · 1 want students 10 bU1ld tr~ same thing Wt hap~ntd to Uftame bndgcs 10 where ptople art ,;:A~?'-n to them" so 1r1can makt helping 2nd men•or1n( one anOU!fr, a>1.l!mncein }Omebody elk's me that'!> what I want to counseling ont another. loving one anotner and being :io: there for eacll other for ov'E'r .i bfeome. I pray that 1t be· ·L\l.PAC.1 iS a moveml'nt th.at~ desillfltd 10 enhance comes a hftchangingexpenence that wmurry lhrouwi Jlt colltgt tx;ienence by ensuring that God mikes the out tnelr lives • ~ impact m our llvt"S: ~id Ominon Bradford, an As a way 10 bener reach the ~tudents, the pa~ior use )tPACT Ml•l\Ser. a different techn1qut 1han when he is m church pre;i.ch YOUllgtl!ood said when he wg youn~er he did not mR,. ;,,taprogr,.m hke IMPAGT to help tum. so he wanu to "When I preach al church. 11 LS a 1ota!ly d11feren1 i t tbt person in a s1uden!'s life thit Is 1mpac1ful mosphett,- Youngblood said. ·when r im heri-. I ia!k 'Tbt program 'NP had was Just achoo: Youngblood a !01 and tr; to reach out to where lhe s1udenu .1re. At , 'Emybody sang In the ga&pel ch01r a1 the school, church I have lO mch a variery ol people. I t:ave to reach mrybody was sllll doing crazy stuff.d1llerent people a1 dUlerenl leve~ and m d ;r.'t'Jtnt place!> Ht wd no one Wit!> dealing with the group In wa'{l in their Jives, ~ hert I jlear 11 10'#.lrds !.tnctly colleies· ""'cau.ted us 1ochange and lmp,;i,ct our minds. Cod ~Id studenu.·

ucon61ry roltolJ1f0¥<do,,Q~co1M1wu1y lOPIOfflO\IUCtl>\•fl{tlllClloltltMI

w,.,..,thh,tat1ll'l'ltl!TWO n1oollll ot91ni11110M,lht$tcullrSt11dt ll'I

INSPIRATIONAL MOTIVATIONAL POWERFUL ANOINTED CHRIST CENTERED TEACHING IA ll'lll\'l l!Mllll d111oned~1ntltnulht c ~• • •11Kltnc1t,y1111110t1glh.t1Goll fflll.t11ht ~IMPACT111_....,, Thol01,....__,,_tt11""""1M toll~ ~11H11111 '" m,fld ro help U>t,11 ~IIP


NURSES 4 CHRIST !-'-,.__._

........ t-"""-hN- . . _

.....,,,.......N1111t1 4 Chnst wu oig1l'lo.Nldon~tt1192009t,y1


"'' QEPpg. I

search, Rincon 7achuy 1mplfmenu EURECA, doing everytlung from 'If two appl!ca.n~ have rdenucal creatlnp, the apphca1Jon 10 helping !iOns t;u1 one did student rt· student5 with rrsearch ldeli. •A g.roup of us evilua1e I.he rtIPdl. Ult employer will dellnittly )f'an:h ipphcauon~ ~nd we ~ l« i !hat.· she s.11d. Tbt de~mon ol rt'Sea:"Ch down thr most stude.'11 foe~ on~ !hat l:l'lply mean tradmonal N'5("UCh we can." she said. -F.·,•erythtnll v.·t Ult library, she said lt means do I~ for the Studtnl5. We look Spt' !q ttilngi i!ld applying l<nowl cUical!Y31 whal the !otudents' f(l!e m (ht rt'S('i rch process wU! be • \\'hile tht' accre<hm10n team ,,,,.as ~ n g to lht OFP ~Wm izr.dfr,,o1:d1mr t't)tateh 1s an on campus. 1Juk and R:chon-z..,·h ary cn<OUf;\$,.:'d ~tu<lt'n~ 1n wear the or 1twes.tip t1or. conductt'd I URECA )htrts. (1,000 which were ' - or mtirt umkt'Wlduilt' stu ;mnlt'd 4:ld d:sirlb\Jttd all OYr'r cam • "1th fmiJ!y ltJldil:nct, th,i! ;:,us, 10 shOW :heir suppon for m.1 ~ t,:, mikt- ,n ,1:ttl:«rwi. dent rN,lrth dur!nj[. thf' <iAt.\ v~ ?t. .... Of app'1tJ O'l;lttlbUll/\!1 to ·1Hit acc~iti unn proca, h.\sj • 1tor, ,l:s,:1~lm~ 11. e nem tJ a g;eat a:-r.01:nt uf mtrr· •1 WOU!d lik.: 1:1u..hml'l fron all tt!.t-~ to l?Pi\·: Rmccn h ~tia- ~ l In the yl"Ofttar:1, We\·e a!:udv rect,~ •ed reqJe-,t'ttrom facu11y il:rd l ayi "ll t!'!("{ don·: Jlfl in lhf irsl hll a lit, tj <lp.ln btc'il:USt' thtrt I) a.I <,t-..i!knls." (.la,:!( s.a,J . i:ha..ice o( ttaih' !..'lOW~.hnR,. • il' ?;tn"'..ln,rv \r t'IICt'\-'Or.t • (>e,pJ1e tht OC!Sl clforu ol mmt Al.~ ·"'C: • v! unJt;gr.Jd~ate rt',

;Th1S 0

of :ht faculr, mur.bt'rs to t>duc•ie students at.out undt ftU'.1:dt rw:-arcti i!l ~eneral and EURFCA spe<di cally, snrr.e siudenu reruamtd unin formt>d. •A!J I know is lhat a's an u!l deigr~uate lt'Stateh ~rogram: Dmalt'f'f Peterson. 1uninr in r.m.s commur.t;:.:itaon. 5-a1d. ·rm ~ure 11 will have a good impact O'l ~tudenis :-csear.-:!i, t•it ptobat-!y r,o! !m

~O ;':ll

1)thti M1nft:'lt~ d1~pt.a;•rd an .m mt'J\SC' scn!lt' ui optim:sm a::d t-e:1eve m the pl)6it.,e Impact :hat l 1iRlt,A will na",'" on th" Jn;ve~ry. •',\c wi m 1n ma,:e ii bfllti fi>t st1:t:!ents by tN'l•anjl 1he <!mOl..!l' OI ..1r.der;:tadua:t fdtarch: Meiody


(oUe•i. S1ude1•1 l ,r'l\'l' mmt nt Ali wa.a:,,,n ,','-t ;:rc\1dem an:! )(n:<>r in 'Tlt"Chanioi ,:riiunernn~. ~ :J. ~utrROW ~ u: t...,,.., ,~mr.:e•. bit. wi•h El !Rh ·.\. \ ',)U c,m rNare it

anv nme.


«11tll$ftd m1110W\fl9'911'11Utly WESLEY CAMPUS MINISTRY 1 0

.J--,lir.1t1.,,_.iNM1tWCM 0 The W.lltyfoundl\lOllll l lllllllStryol lht

Nonll T1U1 Contt11nc, ol lht \.ln111d

Me'IIIOOIIIC1'1urch.Wttl'I I CM~ u!1, Mdlibt111 1 - , c ~ W1 bt,l,fYt on !ht POWtl of lowt lrod MrnCt through CJ111t1 lo clll"9t lhtt world Out go,1 ,s to ,1wn1, ~i.c,plt, ind t l!'!pOWlf nud4ntstf MSUtndYtlTIOIIColatt to910WHCl!nlU"lt1dt1a.OIJl'doof1 lltOpln hi ti alucltta 11'/IIPfCWI o1 IWIOll!ey 1r1 AllhtW,nlty, nudtnb _""11M _ _ _ , ~ . . foclftllOll-..fl'9, "'9<1ftdlfp-ltgtd,

J.11C11l 1Ult1n. 511Hfy o roup,comrnuMV 0WH Ch, l fld ffllhtO"f11PI"


g11,d111t1 d Sinufflllt-Olht1n111t.1119

ltlltltMsN'Yt1ttJ)Pldup1opl1t110 ptOW1dtlt1dmhiplol'lhos .rvoll!lll l1J!h• OH,d ltr.odtnl 91914' l l\b MSU th1p1t1 ll ptltol l llllrOI\IIOlgtl'llll bOnCtJtd ~sCJvmilnhllcnlN\ip Nl.ll'IU

, cooom~· ,:enetall/ The Nt!T$A /ound Iha! · akohol ru ted crasht"i KCOUOl for 22 pc1 cem of the tota.l economK co:.!" of opemmg th, hig)lwav:t saftl)·. This mcl:idC\ 1he ce&t of those th.al are fo11.1Jlv 'NouMed from alcohol rclared mclder.tl and th05t' that sur.er rrom non !ital nl1uie~. l he rt'port of Lconormc Imp.Kt nr \1ol.Qt \ 'eti•\le Cmllcs also supple menu data w1lh mformauon as to wh.1 It co<tS 1he economy money every u:nr ).(lmtcne ~,t!.5 a 0\\1, or thtealtn~ anotner hie by dlmbm~ behmd !he wheel J:unk. In short.

m011Wd 101

Conference to feature computer studies Jmmy Mc.An1lly of C!tllub. l web· t.listd hosting )l'IV!(t, will str','t as key no:r 11)f!akrr 11 the 17:h 111nual North Tens A!tl Studl'fll Con!trtllCt Tht

computti scltnct <!tpu-.meni WLII nm\ collt&( 2nd hlRh Khoo! ~tudtms from ;around .ht area. The conkrrni.:r fNturt pmrotations of compu:er-ttlatN: siudv pro!«b ind l'btarth ,flofU to Wit

The .,.,, ll """ 8ohnHal! ,',prd 11 forum

begin 118.30 1.m. at

Communication students receive recognition TUJ.5 lntrrcolltgll!t

24 MMiwtttrm State studenu received rtto~ltlon ln on Mlt compt1Jt1ons and for wo,k ;,m,ousrv pub!11.'ll'd

"Nas arrested ifler "losing control and crash.mg mto a bnck will • , The police arrested him and charged him with a DWI after 11,wmg h,m a sobnew test without his per m~ aon. · To,y made me lake It. ind then took ml' to ,~u.· G1lhs ~1d. · 1fell like I had het'n in 1a1l forever, and ,t had only been IWO diys.After ~ndmg Chnstmas Eve and half of Lhnwna.s day, he paid SI 00 of a 101al S7SO bond to be re1e~ by department. · 1 found a pretty ~ood lawyer r1jUHaway. ht only char&cd me SOOO ind I w:11 p1obahly end up p.iymg an addltlonal SOOO afm my coun date: Gt!liS !>ald, "I have de8nltely lumcd my hmlt. I m1jt.h1 haYe one, maybe two beers 11 rm p!a)1ng pool nr some Ihm)',, but never more tnan that. If 1 do, I Jllil call a cab. I have preny much 1houj/}lt !his throuv,h- this Is a ftm and la.st !or me: G1!1ls ~d N~w. Gill.is ~Yl hts goal I\ to ·si.a~· !he ~lrillg.hl and nanow.• Botn ht .ind Harman Chl~ to dr.vc- Jnder the mnuence. costly dt etsmn~ th('y deal With on a ditlj'

ac.:ordn2to1hrMffSA, dn·:tng1m der .he mnlJ('nce CO!lt1 tile etonomy · ncarl'f s.lObJlion innua1.y • ~ta:e anJ fedtra! r"'f-llauon..~ 1hat have- bffn p111 1r10 plat!' tc, decrease DIJi and DWI related modenl:. ue not me.int lo have dnvel\· Kcounu !octai)?t'd. ·1 ~t wh'f lhev m.1:ke Rettmit a baSiS. DWI <o ex~nswe,• H.;rman said. · ] ~1r s rcallv a bad thing, when you ~; : : ~: ~ m~s,ake, and I ria• ,, 10 realize you ha\·e sptnt w2y too much mooe-y on a!cohol. but it'~on akohol lnd1\1dua!.H!l.a~ejwltha ~on1 ;vu havl'n·1 hild m two j'ears,- Har o!lense, the ..lri'.'tt may be ~ nteTKed mansa1d. :;, to two year; In !~!I <l.'ld ha\·t nis ·1 m~y h.ave made a really e1tpen or .her llctnse si•sY' tl'1td fo~ IU\t ~ 51ve mistake. but at least I te;;.rned no! lonJ.. The ann.:i: <1,: X.hilt"W c.n dou, to ~ b.>hmd tht' wh('('I al1cr ii cou hie, and o!:enoe:1 m.tv be required to pl, o! ~f!>. Or.e n1gjlt ms detinitt>ty p;l'( ca..h for lhl'N' ~·un. JUSt Ill :lO: wonh Ui t.~e money I wa.s1t'd.• .. rttolln a dnwr , l.cense. 11pon a u1m:! oll~r~.('. .i tmrd dP~\'t 1r.1<i~v. ~ cr,.·r ci n rece,\e v:o IO IO~'\'a:S ;:i ·J ;_ A.lSl.o!l L;ll!~. & :""..a.,.Jt .n ::'las."i C(,'llm...:i,caG<m tt.aC t.'0Rf 1•{t OR,-.AT!UN a ,1:n:!ar cxC":,f!\CJ?. La<t uec. 24, tll' ('f-.i.1~.E. AT THEWtCHiT~N COM


Ibo worked v.11h er,:1 Atll ll\JC

.and Stirn O!J ,no i.en·tt un cnr t:ou d o~d1rttW'S lot lht II$. C!IIT!ol Billinr-..1 (.oonci! wi .s a member or the S1nf} pore Ec()IIOlfllc 0M'f'!opmtnt So.trd ~ part of !ht 011lud C.otltit Eu cu 11ve tr. Rtt1dfl'ICt ll'l:1 Lli1mCtntff l},s tingullhed Spe1ker r,ro,vim. F-tlk't' Wl!i p~n1 h11 exptrlfnce of worJung tn the blJi:ntSS ~e\d trom 2 p.m. 10 l30 p.m

At lhe statewide confmnce of lht PJeu "1.KK'iauon,

Ol!isli1nhllwrts~INCFJ 91011111 vtry

frlllll Cln'll)III IO CIIIIPI", bUI OUf fflU IOfl

earn, b:i1 n·s worth lt so I can pay th1!> !aw.,-e;otf." While dnv1ng under lht. mfluence of drJ,;s or a:cohol I) cos:.Jy to md1 viduals,111S also(OW)'toU\tlJ.S.

"sO'~ll .... ~\1:A U"'IAIIS ,Y!f.- •A~

Jt\ldtllt,Hrhtyllt"'litftt'<l,YCOIT'll)\tl c110~1rhld N1.111u 4Chntt uiutlly fflllll ll1'W llfflfllt1Ch1-mn1t1t1!1v

on lhlt'i'tlllftg llAllt1!11BrHd Nlll'lt4 Chnll:ii 1 nondt-1110r1tl g rou,ptfl0

DUI pg. I

' - ' Clarti IIMIH out rn,ucA , .,hirts IO -,h.....,. JHSICI D,_,. •"' jUftio, Vic ~i• '"" in tbe Cl,rti s1uc1,n1 C.n1tr

S41ffllual CIII 111d .it1,u l tllMlfl'tll. I IM rh41 roltoltlltl1cilry td'ns«toNltrt l • ptl»IICH ,Ul mtnlOllll/fMlld\lllltlllt


wtkOl!lt$1/1'1'1\UtMf1911UIHfll lN111

.t.1Nn<:1 1!11111!1C111111l1>1~...ry•

the-~7:i"~t: :eP~:~:d:~::::


111011<avlot 11Choth11, andtoust!M B!bltU1d11tUHCWfltnt l'IW""91$.....S.


fot110n•M lttvt11111W1d 1111J1h . 1nd •fl0•11f119withtlit tommunoiy,1l1101

oppol!Unl!V lO

high payllll ,ob IO do so .

d!Kuwo,,1nd\lltqu.~ot dttl'l, llt6d pe1-11 btlwh Mo11 ol lllloug hnotd)IIICIOV!Oroufl1-,._.II


h.11 I

gow a ma\Or computecr i.en'Kn com panv nanird Ott~ C)tit.• Sta·nt.a•Jll,/'I Stld. · &;1 t,, had 1t1 ltavt h1, Jttur,.

Registered religious and faith-based organizations

"TIPA was l reallv IIJt'il 1,1m1n11 t i ~ rkncr lo! us: Llndry RI.IWII. I JtlllOl ,n mus commun1Ca:1on bn»dcu unv.. :.aid. ·11ull..,INmed a !o1trc,m thtollt'n dlSC\1$.S!On With Kathlr,n

MCEiroy la ror

mer td1to1 at the Ntw York llmn ind now awaduate studtn1 11 lhc Unr.-tn1ty ofTu as lit Auwn!, ana I had I lot ol lun '4"1th allthfcon:tsts l 1ookput tn.· Russell, , mn member <,I {..,lmpus Watch, placed Ill two Oil Jilt compell• Honi. honoruilt mtmlon in radio an nouncm1t and lh!rd place 1n TV sport<, •1mung,. Brookt long. who ;al)() p!xt d 111 two on ~11e compeU!loru, ~ 1:J. ·oomg well ,it competition IS alw•vs fun. I l~t hope c\·trvone ltarntd .o mu..· h as l Jl:1 from !lwnpenrnce · l.or,g, a]1,0 a l tall rr.enit.tr ol Campus W•:( h. placed !'Int 1n 1V news wntma IN I JIOi'Y ~ , vr.o!t ibout a tr~tll dt' nilmtJ\I s.mul. tt'd u tht T~rrant CountY Co11~t nr.• training lactllfV, ~ht 1!1,0

plM:ed Sl'(Ond Ill r1d10 ~p()lb 'N!Hmg. The itudtnl MWll),apt'r, TM l~k/l1 tin, lltd :n• umd place" m 11$ d1v1~10n !or o~uall t i ce!IC'ncr Two documrnt.onrs producr,J 1n Jim

Gorham·~~ n101 OOu unenu~ d.i..u. a'10 rectivt'd lt'(uv;uuor. 11':t documentir,• on Dciwn Svndromr. · \lot lU5t • Svr drom, : b'I ~rah loot,. K...suu l>iVJd !>On, I•J. CtU!l"V, Jost- th ,~C'r ~nd COfil ~uvkendJll. pi.lCrd ~rst m ltit'VJS;OIJ public a!fa1f' rn.,. 110,."Urr,~11:~rv. ·Ll'tt:i rv Rtntmher How Strv,: prClduc,.-.:1 b'i' Bw:d1 Stmcd , \ m1tr'. N,n,h


Abbr\', 81a,J•,• TY.,r Ind Altn:1d•.i, Mc t:Ju:,a,r«eived;ant:,mo-.~el'.ltrt!01'11r. teltV1S1on dOC'umenta;v 1/it l\.\."-'"'"'" · ~ · ~ wa,co<'•"'ff• ' t"<r• :;,1 ,:,. f rs ,,. - i•it' • lo,~t,..!·,.. ~ I• 1:,. .1 :,.(, ~-,· ,. : .... , 1 • \ • " • "'.,,. ' ... .odt,. ~ o! i-• .. .,., - :. , - ~J .,.,, '"'"'-'I & ~ ,,.._•Ji,. ,p-, •r~ I ••, "l,ll,t,,1 -.


4 N~w~ n11r:1,

Prospectiv Greeks to he bake sale 1


Jazz ense1111 !o displays, Jazz sounds



TOIi! DtSt1l1no LIN Pon,, •nd 81llit P111C1 111/fthHed. buSllltuon Pt1flW1 lta ■ d lorSJO)l,om 1n1lclt1tyn11nwtio1r1d1dandtoldstrty11M1111l1

Wrthlll I WHk. 10 PtOflle Wtrt wort1110 to It.cl tht t1111111l1.tlnn111dp1tch11ptti1bulld1n9 Monthly ffifflrngswe11h11di nch11rchu11'10otht r pl1tn, 1nd



Fi!td lor S!.111 ID txtmptlOl\ 11 t nonprofu tlld rtquu t




ltndwnpu1cllun1t pr1HnJloc1t10t11 t 4J60 1ow1 P1!11Ro1d

Mov.ct tllt old hOtJH from PttlfSO!I Rold 1m Btiilt1ntwshlll :1rco~of24dog1n.ns, un1r,, tM lfUMt!Q fOOII\, llfOOffllflO room, k,1chen, food


Providing shelter Local humane society continues dedication to animals

n~1111roo,r,,office 1ndlobby 1m

Rtetrnd tdUCltlOfl bu1ld11t9 IIOl'I Slitpptrcl Au Fote,

But. d111 to tilt 1Nort1 of ClfV and Gt<11ral Ct~ Fox, but COt'Mll!ldel' VoftHlltt!S l"O!ll Sht""rd A• fofct

But. 111cludino sk.clled cr1ft11Mn of ttl kinds, compltt1d thtltc1jjty


Mtt WiCh clty-1119-, tboul hous,119 Ill Cl'l'V 1nim1b lrom Alt Ruchtd 1g1um1nt


An.mil Rt claim Ctllltt WII complettd l)fl Apd I, 1179, jUst III brn1 for ltmble Tu11d1·( - tht torntdo thlt

wiptd 0111 mu~II of th• MMllh l!d1 o1 Wi;twta h Us.



flltdwlth lRSHPl!lllptofit


Addtd 111dosed 91,111• I rid Utorn! 11111rant)n1 alH to ARC

Ltlt POflerW11trfO'MpOndwt1buill. , . Added ID new d~ flJflS tnd lq)tndtd lobby.


lnth11ptmgol2Dll , lh1Kllmtftl$ot,1tytook11tl90 CIIS111dkitts


P1t ov1rpopultt10nlffl91c1tdlh11oc111'1' Pl•MMQ1n 1obll11d1n1w Sl l'lllll,ont,c~rtv

ze,z Tht

Hl.lfflll'II Soc Illy do11bltd SU rwmb11 klfltn11n!ht1ptlf'IQI OlSO


ol Cllt lnd


In Jun,, with lht help ol th, J1111On. 0,y 1dop11on tf10rt.lhtsoc1ttyhtlcl1p.11doption9Ylnt wiutn H~td15tn""-1ls

-._..,_. _

_._ .........


~lew TME 'MCH(TAN OIi Twitt11.

(J Uh THE WltH1TAN on flceeotk.


-;-l 1--·-J.-:---- Voluntetrs help clean kennels, t s rewar tng pimt. socia.lize, teed. woom, and knowing the animals pla~:!•s'~~soan;"1~ 01 community 1 10 1 : : : : ; ' !'~ ~_e7 : ~~: are getting a home. wort the volunte,rs can do, such 12 t:::Se We're not in thi~for :n:~~n~~~~~ 1 ::~~~::~~ wayandtaktthtm 10Uvti1 happily the money. ingrun the ~option events. l'\"tf ~AnAHSHHTON

c omA,eUToR

on: Old Iowa rark


road, nght


after. The Humane Scx:itty of Wichth County is the m1~ piect itw helps ttpmfflt lht anunah 11\d ;uds Jn ftndlng lhtm I place to all Uieir homt. A noo-pro.ftl organJzut0n, the Humane Society is the vok, lor the arum~ !t We on I.he responslb1h ties to provide we iind eventu.1/y ;i new place tohve foroch and every ffllm.al brought thtm Rlchtrd Dowdy, president of tht Humane Soc1trf 51n" Janua.ry of 20!2, ovtnttS th, orpruzations objectives ~()\Jr mls.11on is to V( lhtw anl· m1Js a horn, We do animal ln!ak.e and we also pull anlmalS trom the dty;inunahhelttt WedoloUtrpto(UilTIS, rvtntl, mett and gTtf'ts, and mike wre animals flnd wx,d horn,: at the tnd of the day." f)owdy ~ ·we hne an educal1on cornrnitttt, and wt'rt uylng to ttKh 001 to U'le communlr," The Hum1ne Soaety ed1tCauon romm1tttt also performs prognims fOl' ch1ldrtn in pre-k through SIXUI ~e and for lunior and senior high studmts.

r<- Wichita n

TAFT HAUS APARTMENTS l',·111 Ill! (0\11 11\ !'OR Ill: I Ill SI

,\:\!,\ZIN G .'\10\1-> IN SPECIALS!

(94fJ M-FMIM M ' AlJ. IIIU.5 PAIDONIIEI.ICl'U'il'n "\W lttll I< 011\'EaCONNl!CTIONS IN-SI I t.tT I toOR PLANS



be brl~l _d,fl"mr.1 ~tt,.

concertApnl II

, --------1



Clmpus orpnltatiOnS and iPiffiS ilSO do their part and volun umt IO 1he Hunwit Soc,er1 Terri Todd, a fmhman m mass communlrnlon, w,nt to the Hu· man, Society with lhe women's soccer team and volunteered ume by taking all the dogs for walks on leash~. "Ifs tun and ta$'/ You 1ust grab a leash ind walk them around,~ Todd said. Tnsh lendley,a kennel tech.said ·EverybOcly IS here to save these anlmals.. On som, wttktnds we'll have more volunl«rs than staff. We've had 30 10 40 airmen com, here and thry walked thl' dogs and flxed reoces. It's llJTie worth lnves1• mg." Fostermg Is also a form of vol unteenng thal the Humane Society offers. Brandon Millet, a senior m lmerl'lilion.tl studies, h.u been fosttring a dog rrom Ult Humane Society ror four months. "After we lost our dog. Soo?!e, we decided Ulat we wanttd 10 help our with the community and In this way we can ~Ull rtmember her,· Mlllersa1d "Wechosetofosterher because sh, hid ~n prtvlously owned before but tht' people kepi her In such homblt conditions. She was Slllned yellow bttause of her urine and 1he wu smved 10 where you could ste of .tll her nbS. • M\Uer Sild fostering b a lulHune commitment. ·11 you want to do it, do It. The oaty th.mg,; lhost animals Wifll Is love." he sa.Jd. Hosted adopuon even is htlp to market the Humane Society\: or~lzation. sornethlng tl'm has ltd llwn 10 be ible to host more

1m_ PR.a; _.;.,u,;;.M.;.A.;. NE..;.SO;.;C..;. ES_m_,NT__ mane Society alter I pre.se.n11tlon thtf performed 11 their school. The Hum,rne Soc1etv bolrd. members stt 1he children's dtclslon 10 r1Jse money as a Slll,Tl thiil the programs art work.mit The board also plan on broaden Ing !Mir 1un.sd1cuon for education progrwis to include surrounding towns.

~0ogsare no1 toys Youcan·11u~1 ~1apuppy,1fsarommltment1youj nHd to mUe. You havt to realize that they l!;rQW op: Smh Youn11,, a )UOIOI' m am!NI tnolop;t and ktnnel ttch a1 the Humane Ciocleiy, said. The Humane Society runs on grants and dooatl~ from the WJCMa County community. "We'tt non,proflL w, do tt et:1rt soml' ~ants and we have a.n outstanding gTillt writer who helps trtme..ndousty, bul we depend on donatiOru btcilu.w w, don't have any I\Jnding comma. 1n The Hu mlM Sooety ,;eu .i very m1nun11 let !or worton~ with t!le City and by W:tng a lo1 of tht!r ammals Dona uom. .ue the bt!W'11 lncorne by Ju: Dowdysud. Don.luonsfromsourctScom,in


It focll5es on giettmg kJds to tik.tacUon. Dtpend!ngontlltagt group, d11'1tttnr levels of tOplo ue vlrious sizes s ~ The younger chlldrtn lum 8usmts.sts. mnp,inles, lamlUes, .lhf ba.sics to pet care likt pttUr:R pt'! owntrs.. and even tids bnnging ltld touchlnll, or 110( pulhng a!'ld their lfmonade aand proffon~ ha.ve poking. all contl1bu1ed ln som, way, f'Orm, The oldtr klds leam abou1 dog or !Mon to !he Humane Socltty. flghMg a.nd not berng alt1id ro Gwm Mills, ,helter manager, report n to tilt police or even a wld, "Some kids now even ~ave ttaentt birthday pMtleS where they don'1 The bonom lint: 1M' Humane want wtts. Tht'V want everybody 10 Society wants tht kids 10 ltlm rt bring somethlnR for an anlmal here sponssblt pet ownmhlp So instead of ,.e111118 toy, they·11 •11, tough! Ther!'s so much to ask for biscuits and rood and then tdume on, whether ifs money thty'U pack 11 up and brtn,. it here. !or day 10 day optraoons, or g,et KJd.s will grve up their whole blnh tvtnts. ting people to quit brted1ng thttr day ,ust to brlnR donal:lons In • animals and g!n.mg them spiytd Volunteenng IS a Const.lnt form lnd nan,rrd, Of even IUSl proptr o( dOIWIOn INl the HumUll' Sod· vet care Totre's a1W1ys a lot gotnR ttY IS alw.r.vs readv to iCCtpt. on,· Dowdy !,,i;d With \ht irum.ll lnLllt:t numbers MO~( INFORlolATION ON The Sot.Wm Hills Sludent growing, the number ol volunteers LINl Al lttfWlCHITAH COM Council donilltd S.380 10 the Hu has also ivown.

"WtWillt.tp~vh,. ""-

:ilu~~:t':1~:~. ,, TM ~zz msem.~ .,"Ill t'lf,YsemtlttrU'iov , ~



Faculty Seri~ to showcase Chicano an

pro=~a:~~~ ~ h opens Apnl lo at 1 pr- :~ rutv /or IKUlty rriem~ri 1

snowc.ut' lhtir rt:seud1~-· • forts to cthtr mtmbea ,,·~• stall, students and thf cr:.r.,• ~' "Thosit \n atttnd•IK1r, to new aod rrnwtat.:,, ,,.. CUHltlhffortfrontof O't. 1ng wilhln the spe~kt(s "'4~ Priceu1dol:.h11serts ThtStlitsJ>trmlts.st':lii

105 20

A,Jl.hl" t ,:1t;


t.RS °" r14 ,


p1;.r; fO~


~••,i ,,

.!.'~C SA,lS



87 "

,,, ,.


qu1r,andcreallv1rv. Pnet'~ 11t """""' .,~ ~""" Ann ~-lane U'1mer,<hll t.

•tt profasor ol lht )1Ut4•

Huvey School of VistUI A.a tnl !hf "land.

Body IN

Conslf\lC!Jon ind Pmo..-4-"n btymCh1c1111IC'.hlcw1tr · le\rrmwillprovic1t1rn of r.hel1 worts llnd ,urr,a1.


\ : fl

50 130 o,

1,: 1 :;

• .,p f-~H~




ftumces,J>rice~K1.·nVo\ilJI!\ be 1n tvmlngofsllmu·1t..-1~, With irulgh1on tht!ic-.:., ~ 1 ::n~~ape lh1s dyrm--.:c



Mass commpn

to introduce karate film

Mitzi l.M, mWCO':',"~":ilf slst1n1professot,W1 il.n~~.,, Aplil 10, 1 PG 1J. kmi,~~ :t mmWartsiconJtt ll.Au·nt diet U'uhlfl(lf'I tm~t .,. ll


The fret tvtnt, hoslfdt'l'':'1. for Conllnutng Edunnc,,. •· 1 English subtlOes Will bf ~~

Admtssion i61ttt

Life after colle1 seminar to bri~ grads comfort Student Dtvtlop(:l('nt 1111'

uonpresen15ktynottq:'tUl\" 1 " ZltronApnl17a1 7p1': ::"<-' IO transiUOn from coll«( it· ·• world.

mzlff, 1n IUISUT,! pn:iltlWI Dtplrtmtnt of 1½1 Yfll r--...-. Kennesaw Statt U:i,vt"','1' c kH-htrSUCCt:SW1n ns•i· "'llr tr., motlullonL

cianp. conf!lct, tlmt


..,,.._lnff\ Uo.''.'"


-b" ..

~ l n l ...... lnffllf'Dulcllle ,..,_,,..,?\'

-i·11, 11.. •,t , "JI, A• r



aoo ...... .._. .....

no•,:,, ~ ~Hf f-~':•JFO 11[ • ...


~~n urophOnt, tru~~;





5 ff)ii◄

~ \



Killer of2 students in 1985 not caughtfor 14 years aM w~ fl-'' . t ~ on r,aro:.. on Ott 11 \ QQ/ , \C\f'\1s1on drima, lrom l ,q 10 L'lw and t>l'dtr, Wttk

i!tet wM>K, ,.,1!•~1ns from 11pki\Jt~ #1 ca up]lt in no ft5. ih<' rtahl'r' IS th.it <atdtln& .,;-Al ~.:l!tr Oil llkt' \'"ill), i-w•n :i, srr;al

,. a, 11.,~.~in~ 1n \\'..:hit.a itlJTitd Marl) .30 Ytan l)°(I lftl 6,1",r,nt' rtiumed l(I h,r homt' "'°• .mattl\• 8 i.m on tht m\llTL ~ Otc.

21, JQJM, afl<': ~ p111linp,

;.,t,t.lt •hi!! a! Wl{h1ta (,tneri.1,

:')Sy<tal at ~ht' won:t-1. Afttr sht

,. .,.,,!lie :o ~•et 1ri 1,.. 1oc~ed rrcr.: #£ ~t c.al1C!i :ier !.):\<Jk,rd w ho


- 1titt·:i..r,d. M51 1st:Jde:i: :;,,. dud on tilt bltliroom ~ • .,_r/. :.er o·,r,111 bl• <>d 1 1 ).!!.S

rr...'C.td fny..,n \'/~r1nf1

5(7ti!:1:n& II ~ie \\J.J;- .1nd \.\t"U

~iar.1, \Varctn1,1.



:Jt.t,:1 :I) Mr. Sims locketi ll!~ 'loor, waz1np b:Qke ,t down d:id ·r.J:.t


p-.ltd ritr.1~t ,~ i~g her all i,o,~ n i 'IVJlem t.lt('. • Ward:'!p • .c,o~linR :\) CO\ITI doo.m..m., . jitd1T:UaR""ol?.•J ~kn St1;N,!I, a rortmtc ei.a1holo ,.. W,orned tht! a1.,o~w on '>HT!\ t11 .e.t.lttd tn•t ~he t.ad "111)!! s:.h ;ri the from ,if l:N ct:es1.

After 1 S ,"NI">, llt"W !ll\f"'iliP)\Ot


haMPO th" 0 ~ and l! dldn': ta~t h.m IOflR to ~ !,t"Jm~ clut<;. ! t.w nc,utd th a! a m,n namM Fuv.vi W;mlnp n11mt'1 10 know murd"r \"ICTtfrl ~l!,.r, S:au s,;; lhl, t Wa;.:1r,p hold .l.1-.o b--tn a ••nlror ;u W 1Chit.1 (A,11("t)j H,)).pdal. 1.-ti.>rt [on; l,.t,!)S was .a nu.._,,. '-ms ood{

John l.1t:1t

h.c! a!.s.,, t.Pf-"'I d&ove:i"'1 on;y 1wo Uc,:M 11,1:a; lrom Wa111np s ,1pa11 m,m. •1, hc;e Blau hall bten rtµortt"d rn:Wiit tl'H,1i1)l rm.A ,.,..,11!:n.:-<:: r-.a1 D"ffi \a>h >.\ :.ht> ,c,-111". IM,:Ulptc;n hid 00 flNA 10 rr.a:,;h II Wtlh ,O{ CQnlPlfUOI\, .JO LIHlf' had 10 p;et er,,


W•ffin;i ·l'\ovM :o lli:H.·Y. ft'X lS aftt: ht, rar<>l1'. 1<0· tt'm,r:,cd, becaml" a:, xr,,~· m,.m~r ol h" ch,:rch. il'ld ~ il1ta worbng a1 Oi tlt>V Scrr,nu>d

l\roc,r Acr~, uv• ,in,.:c,n f,,t;, S, JOQQ.

to t6tifM thil )1m~ hii1 ·tta\P g ~· illniCll'd byWar,trip !O•p-fr

~I', ~ilft111' f')!~l'I, t.•H


v.a1on w,11°11 Im h.m lJlUe qi.Jt;S!IOnr-1 Wa!dnp .tb<rJ!

_, W!l wound5 o:i lhl! nll}l1


tte :i¥k u1d nne ~1,11", woun:I rin :- 1tr: ur,pt'r mn r ua on 51m)·

W:1S ~,d han:fs Lnd•(a!td th.al ~ht ;ikl ~.#,t ofl hrr at~Ckf't 'itJIJ."<'lr

Tt.f mme-; didn't ~tc,p thfrf' ~titn•t•ly a ytu I.lier, on I-ft> 111oits, an elcctman. t,lml,.\

UW1'¥l tll\ tS,11

~ k',-1


"Student Response to an Active Shootef

SU(Cts.l, • Jep('ndS 0 11 ltieir wUlLi~

Aprd 10 • 1 p.m • O~l1td 101 p;Htnllr 0In W1ll11m1, MSU Chitf of Police

ume~ thry m1;,ht bl' competJn~ to ~v1' the cnmt' !Im.· Tcltv1,:on rnlf'.t dt•m~ aha lt-a,·t oul 1h.lt a .:urw!<.:«I klllt'r whri con!~ on somewl"ll'S acape- • 1,l!'fl'llt' of \mr~ , in,nrn. \'.'u :lr1p Wal re:Pa5td 1in paN!t' ..:- Ot>a1:iber r,f tw7. Havln,a ~•·r.-til I! ;w~ ol h~ JS ynt !>tnltnce. h,. lppta:ed Uld Nap('{1 lht :ltalh p('nil!Y W1lh.1m~s;iid ihe ..:nmmal ~!1c, sy~tc:n in Amt;ica · t>v a lon,t !.hot .s !l(II ptrlt'CI, bu! it's Clnt of l~f> btS! 1n the world • Wtliiam~ -.it:l 1:-: tht l,,lt)\iUtvt mta\ures had t«n taken lh.\t iiave a vas· mar.m\· 'l! Jnma,~ tht •)pportllillf)' to lpptal thP1r CaW$at"!:l i:.rt out on p,1:olt !N -~ood bef\.\V1N " LonR 5-al:l. ·1 aR,Trc ·1,01t'l u,,- ap pul L>tath 1~ too gooo /or pt'('plr wt10 comnm heir.ow cr1m~. Th,•i dt'St'r\'I' l!!c with ,ti \'Ur<. .v1:h as !utle happ1nl'\S as JX)S)!tlk • \\'h1'rl ;I comrc. to thr !Clp!c .>I !ht' de4!h prnalrv, civlhan\ n11s,)l· ha·11• a d1llttt'nl opinion ·~an :har o! 1hr of !kt?$ who 1,tt lhf'SC cnmr1 :h:t.ufJl

lht' murd~

but WM!irtp d enied

t·•1'n koov.1r.i m, .-,ctltr,5 uMI! ~rtt t1,1,v-. lato..r Wdfdnp ~ter ainlr))td !.O tht 11urd~n c,f S,mJ, l,1t::~. Blau. and tVt'l ., >,1Ct.Jm that mvestJ~tors d,dn ·: ktvr.Y atout Wudnp s.1i1 he .,.,u ,Jrul.ltt' 11! h,r namt Detra r..,· ;or was :1Pnltf.ed M tht v:cum and W~•dr.~ s.a1•! rht rnJrd1"f occurrC\I 'IO!::."tsm, ,'l :ht mid~ ' }n~naUv itJ\'e'l !ht cuth ptn illl"v. Wu11;t la!tr tW,l"° h!S Cast' 1,n !ht S',l'l'ltJnib ll\.l.l ht had cr.effec UVI' 14'R,iJ cw.nsel and l now Sd',i 'la. ll'llr" <r,ns,;C\Jt;~t Ir~ vn!tnc~ re ..v.\on ~t ••w\ m;g?it tt :bttin

11111: lh" :ullly u! hl'f,',' il'lllR U tam IO c,mt1 ! ~ t.iJre.f'i cvrn 11 ll'!llt)IJIQ 1'lrs t 4Vf' UNA


"lit taktlj aOOu1 4 we,k "'IT

th~\llfl~, a:.- ~tr,lv!o:tnU!tUln

/).':~ $.e'Ot'n me.nth) •f!f'T tht li:hl'i!. was fnund. a cnunn·

.,o( Drin Mur,an, d1sc;weted IIJv,'.

body I>! 21 ycaroid rntn !\1•11. I M,(tl 11u<1,n1 and w,tiir,rq whn ~ lf.O\'rd from Ctinnf'CIICUI w

Ot-:ompos:1l!on h~ mad~ •nv

« 1u.•nl a.~ult e'lld<'nu• Im A,

81.a•J had f'Ctll m1~Ml,P, l11r

•mon1h 0

body ,!l,:Chtr· kl,:lt'-J

•~ hi' \\.IS

aeJln on May


WaMr.p kll1('11 OnJ K1ml.·r.,., Vl'::itin~ t-u w;•h



~, r, !.a'"r, WJ:d'lp ca!tt•c! trif r I~ aM .1.drr1;11r,p tl' know mbrl'~' b-',1 t.e JJl•t, c~1mrd tr,

111o<tt~, muffJrr v1rnm. F.l\r. H~ c~-m~ aM : ft.tu w";~ nor t•~·td fora..'Tl'Kl !S·,,.ar( r, s.;r: r.t ,· n ,onk,•e'1 rfl ''It> V,l.'1111~ 'l'll-, <..f'!". \'r! 11 of~:• 3) ._ Ji:'1\u,.._,. ~1;

t.mt,aw\ r: 1t1• r

rnem v, loe. ind not so much lor

thelr ~ccumy ·f watch a lot o! cnmc ~hows,· Brooke Long, a ~nlnr !n mm com municallOn, s.a1d.




Tht.y'rt not mcrt.dlblv accwatt.. ~ coon and It~! proctsS 1s.,1 very tx citlnA SO tht~· ha,;p 10 Vlmp JI up • J.tke Taylor, sophomore In com· Ollter scien<e. ~d t\'tn thoog.h rnme ~ows ut rnlfl"'.aln1ng to w.ich, 1t:t creators hav(' a tr:'tdcncy :o {l\'t.fdO It 'They tUAAtti1e 1hr ablllt1~.of th,. pcllcr dtpmmem; Taylor said "l'r:i prtlly 5-ure they don't RCI I ~, At Ont nrnr, the Wardrip c~ WM thttt.- !itpllfilltf 1n\"PSllgaUons • with h!tlt ct.im~uniuuon bttwttn \h, dL!ft'll'nt agtncll'S, 1nd that \!f')wed :h,, prc,ctu down

~t~IJ eti~t ti! Pohcr n,n wn h.ams ~;d, ·\\ t can Ix' !errltorial. ;I\; ... ' - · ••.r-,,,:, ',•j ~.--Ji :it ,,.7 • \ 1

YooaPAmT~l'Oa: DoMlmCAND Sl'ICIAaY 111111


The laroest selec11on o f croft/Imported




' B110 snrc T. Zlf.GENIHK K 6, KFYST ONE J IG I-IT 1/2 MRR[LL KrG S · S9J rws


FU)1('1:I \'.'~Jdn[I IO('lk IS vtats t(I $0\vt. but that's j~t h.all tht ba;!Ut.


rv, n if H;i, tuv.. D:-.:A ;mdtn..:.:. so,v,np_ a ctm1e tak~ lcm~N 1han wt:u~onTV "Th.als ll!S: no! TN!ir,·•• Wiii111ru s,ud High p,.,,!llt c~ wlll ~ 1n the couru lor f'E'ars. ana havt auto m,u, appeal\ all lilt way up to thl' 0

w, h.ive to work throf4tt! ~rry piece ol t'v1dtncc

Sui.rtme Court

\\'t un't attord 10 op('ralt on hall

truths.· /}fl

rnJa;· A;itl!. s. the ~OTlhtm

ll•~tr.(t or 1ex,u <•~NP'.l th/I! hah('n C<'T'J:il!i rtuc! bt ir.1.n:cd to \Y3;Jr1p's (3.<;(. fhti WU lt)\"Cn t1) him l!tiauSI'

ht' Cl,llm~ the t \1dtll<t ~hvllld !lave shOW!'l him :n a N'll\'f ~l. ~uch M h1Rhhghtlni hi~ work fot (he pruon

n<....,-sp.,pcr f'lf~Dl!C 1!:e m:!Cornt of a tu:ure !NI. It:(' duth perutrv \fnl!':-tce now o/i c,! :r.c- utle

====KHANKITKAHAOKE 1.f\11114,.lt-lllS



..... ,:••"'


TAX 1'

QeatNleclloll. CJeatprlall,. aid beltcwlms ..vtce In W1cNlo

Now hiring Editor, The Wichitan I Producer, Campus Watch I Business Manager



Cornt'r Of Sheppard Ace-, Ro.d & Old low~ P.arti: Road EXIT 10 Off J.44 • 9 40,761,9099





1i 'l 1 '

//111;-11/11,11/ Ill// N'IIJV,{f1f1 ,11,






been In town!

nns 10 ltt 1nronnat,on ou1. Son,r

OJI tht ~n o: 1helr car,er. -1 m a duUi p,r.alty 1uppo:1er. • W1Jh,m! ..aM'.I · Vo:J r,nd !h~! ~ I po!ic, offlcrr.. mi.· .'\1!"i lhr m~tJm in 01, ·so-., womtn oou~t 1tU,ns, st.Httd luck 1~ :1'.rir doof\ a."ld 11<,;;ptd l:()!n,: outsidr at mg.ht Tod~\", }lu1t~ts st!ll iakr p10:uunoru ·r !oci( my ca· I il)n't te1t whtn 1._-oom'rornyca·.~lonRsaid · fpaiv attt'nl!O~ 10 m)· !u1rnul'ld1njl;l .ind tt ctnl ietl\llV C:,,raJ killers. t>y denmuon, ~ ~ the ~bthlv 10 cM.m lt cnmes and t\'.ldt Ju~!Kt, a lac- known •II 100 well t>1· l'l\"t)!J~tor.. Ttw .:,N"


C 01ner of li:.eq) &. Sovthwe11 PorhtOy 0¥; Ii?; '.l"(f

wnt:t' hf'f boJv v. ~ found

- ~ 11'1 h.t'lt. lit '4'lS lattr .KQU!t\cd lilt! hi$ lfi.A d/6n·1 match 1h11 of •fl, crirrt


lalc.e !4ylur, a }OJ)homore n <or.i p•ittr«1,,c1','-<ild Stu::lrnL\ SoPt.m •c, undtf):iL"ld :1»:1

a m,o)e;· ur riear

hillct 1ha~ O,.ruiy Uu~l,n t.! ttfr murdtr .liter hr obt,\Jn 1n r-1·10n on 1hf .ns,e th.ll ht> wa\

mrn ump!~ frt>m !ht Sim.~ Uld LJbb.!, ~ lO bt tcm:-d for • mai,h In ,\~rch ol 1900 thr.s \Jtt'tn, ~phOmore tn grajlh!C d ..slgn. $.,ll'1 i polL(t age'lC)'·~


~ . wl'IO ~d R"r,e 10 ct>e<it rm • ~ r . lounl1 ttir body of fon1 ~ off 11.~·Naf 2AI t~:bbs hW •bhuiRWn"lJ lfl•J"lll• 'Nilfl h'1

#6 'our:'t



happiness as posst e.


!J!l:t pt:tn~rd •11 w~ll hi) clotJ\~ al 1 !aun1to·n111 Krr&, :h~ \lit'tl \'lh~n Y ._,.,,. W.i•1np ~ o~ a co! fe,, t.r.,.ik.. lJu:, p'm•1 a pinch n! lo!>Kco :r, h-~ m"J!I, arj a~lt'!d I! h,. c0111d u,-, r ;;i,"Qnp\ ci.fftt cap hr ,p.t11n11,. W.rr1r1~ aW'f'f"1 U111.- tlrtf'I '.tnl !ht C\1p 10 , ,n:• '1Cr1',n Im DSA Cf}ffll)MtYln It re su!ttd kfl a n1alch. fir 1m, c•J1"d 1r. A!1tr 1ht mat< h w,n mW ty h,\ p.irolf> olllcr~. WJrJrl;., mou~,1 h{> w~ 1rtt·mR

. ,. :!)


- "Death is too goodfor people who . :t;1:.•~;, d1;~,~~~-: ~~; • • • .J ,v1<1enct io conntc1 1htm 10 C'lll' commit heinous crimes. 1hey ueserve .,,u,.,• . . h l" l 1h13 t·11denct d!ftn·1 turn up un lifi I e with as many years wzt as ztt e ,, ""'"" A:tom,v 8,HTy Moc,, , 'bl ,, ofl?tred a DNA !l'~t ol the two

' -.::.

KQCKS Liquor.Beer.Wine Happy Hour Largest



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and wine in town

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Art~ &[~tmtai~ment


Being Karl ~~!n X

Musi~ ~11els UK singer's sophomore effort not up to par

5 Philosophy prof helps bnng acclaimed one-man ,1<,,o1 ,Jl id,.» ,hr ,pc<


ltf'p dln1111 l11Mt

Al.in ,\11:rnonu~ hM«fd 11 prtidut ol ·Marx \OM~ ,111mn• ltob ,n WrKk '" !tie ~•Jtt r,f J:611 Mall l"f1...:rflf'd lt>Cltl! hts na~ and d!tftr· rntl•'t Marxht t!lf'Ory from SuUn\


Jlf'J"t, &ltllJt'tfltl.

llltPWl\laaPf(lb ti~ wtlh I~ tht 10 mut

tN'pl."11 ~



~~r.,. t;r lats



Prrh.apl CJ¥tf'O'OWTI.

"'"' t l ~ Mnllrft•tomr


''"°~- •





!=r o1 PhllOIO phy Dr N,lll,n Jun"" lllai upon

~!f mtl1 Cllutlb Ind

!Jvffln• n Off!" !11s •1vt 'f'OC.tll. flv !hf 181t1t !t•.Jt rtM!'r Ill of !ht IOfll ls com p'1Wd.!l'ol"I 81w win1lui.bnlh.111tt,10ft

'fOKtMMmlt\l~nl,IHYII\Cl°O'lthor ..,,,..,, .......... .,,_...,..

fuloltlltman,-quffl)Oft..lbitut#Ulll tlW ., oruo Offltrown

Swedish duo continue strange musical ways ff·NStrl'

,..,. '1uo


dancnl:llt' gJOO'ff Oo!IOldhntlhltUltWIGftl'C«M ~ bf' acai3tnl. ~ - Cht I>-r\,tt Mbbnp know whit Ir.ff lit doa lfl&. ~bnglheH4'>11<J&l'sr,.it•fu11 ol Art~ • a mllf ffilrll.l~ romp ttoJo: .s

f'ft'll tNf Cl\fflpbutfd, CUil.itai tnd dlfl:, and It wt!I lfnT )OU nha\llll'd b'f Ill condu:s.on O'.of. tht btOthmr hill ol T'PltKnl,,,.MSMl'IWtrutr'lit!'l1lklflloC' ol ltw r'Mhl'I on Shlklng tht Habtti.1.11, With •fu11 of hrr• lr4'turln& • pull,,dng cuc.i, of IQIJJld, cm.lid by Mklnc !he optntndol•PVCpipt Uu~oftht

trKIUon thr~um. you ba\'t to tw.,.lt :Oblilrft·t Follow'..,, cl Ar,· ttt JOffib!T "A r.hmy On TOI)" thll mtm



blt-s ANm.11 c..ot«tlvt's ·tuckoo Cuct

no· Ill~ mnndffin« )OUmff bt1Wft'n ,oo:t:,n1 and shnlJ. A ~um.btt ol trfti.l mlurncts w1 bt ro>md on thf tilbum, Wfllch IOllrld ~ l1'lffl l111tmt1n1 whm lhfy m lnwpmtd It.rough IN lrxl1.1Sirulwt.so!Ol,:,f K1tlnDrelot(SW'Of1lY9C,llllrtinort

conl'dffl thin l?iey 111ft n-rr bf'tn.

but\h<YlotM'.n•JOrtofrttrAlfl'uca tht cont,t,nt bffl!ln& of tht W'.olttdm( IOl,IMl\.-dln"'ffYtllf'C,#1'1111Shak

1n1rnfHlbrtut<avtrydyl\ffllJCJOUM dNpltf 1U OYtrlv dDc.Ofd.n! fllturt

Producers latest effort refines, improve sound



lffllpo'l on~t Y1

llolllrln, lonobo. Lk.aStmo,,~, Cffltinuelef'tftnt

lus IOJ1ld ffld 1111 PfO"' h i s ~ incrtdlblt mu1on • •~andOtonhilntWlllalbUtn

Th,Non!!""'"'F,o, I product'I' N1ioric&fl'Y known for ~&a~llolopllyolllntatpropff 1iDn 111 productn,1 II• NKUOl'llt mUfk, a ~n.m,t-trolou~HC$IION IO d'\11 r\;of l'llrit '.htlr WU M:0

TllfNonlllBionkrs JMu,imC'rt.r ..,onuw.ntl.m"~•knfftrn." .,.....,mMUrpitttknltsOW'"'""'


dill ~ ttl ,k:~ • pNISll"t 'Mdl ll!loflrl- r.dll!fl!lffl0'1n and rt IW'#f\&

Tlwt,d:)tOW't'fwkaltl...,. IOloWMNn,.l'n:twtt!ObMltsflA M,d!h.•tbttnlnrfm!Ya.il'tffffl 1'".Jlftfftt'-llt-slcnm&

,..,."f(l ..

Tlw~~:.!Jtffllrt.ltWd -~Cl(.'loCft!K!IUJ,,.;tltllCwrtw


1111t:alD!an&11umt."Wi1~110~~ tllN' ltn • ~ Q!'ltff o/ toWncb


blioltA PN)Jlifll-j ,"ott

wf' •"' UV

I'd \!atl'\ I ·H~td ,.~,. :~

,df,H 11'



\l.• -~

sh•r1,,,r.g, tM r,1ao,, ~.. 11 •nbult tn Zin,,·

l•m ~1 l'lf' "'\

dvJ1.1irl -f'.ld A ~ t~.elr 1iffflm, 1 J# ,, . t !1jthtni1ng :'l.l':.tt ~,

·w,·r, ,,,untrv tblt,

'.l JP,'M •

1h11 brt.f'.._




eople changing their cirmmstances. 1bey ;": lave thepower to stand togeter ~nd make a ~~ h fi the better. ,.,. ~ c ange or ..-~


:,a.:• ,.,,1

he would rt<OOl


toftlf'tloW IN"-1# to cuifflllll~ tntn I


::: :,: :i:~:,,:e:::x.~' lt~~ tv•~er ~101111


rtUnttfltlua,td Cht'.t Int •lt,.arn In

•na• l',Jnb\N •rm of iimn1tou!'IQI thlt


; ~ rrlt·111nt ttian rm •Wr'rf' "tt!n,i$tfV'II' prrJblfffl\ In ,no ard ()(/\tr p11t.n d1;t ro c,1p Am • l d •fht corittmpo, IIAU1m~.~~t:noc1mpfO'(f'dsmct rafV ~ . -, )\Ol'ltn wont. 1 Mirx' t,:rtf' ' ood Ill ,.kvanc:J to Jun ).lt'f bt_:'M&tl 11'1 SohO~ l'- ,iso modtm ll!M: I FallS spt(ltUIIY rt~~;~11·~:: ~ a kind o1 Afllt~

~:~~r~:: ro~i:a/~: ~;!

broth apm



~:l:·100\lt~ PHILO~~fo'~ssoR ,~: '>how, he ~urtd rtpm:ent•tion 01 lht country ~ 11 lohnston qld \n, e..~ll' funds trom Ult Libra Foundauon tn wholf.· Jun y,d. ·Wt b.ivt hi~ un td ro airend w <!'...., ~# order ro hnnit ·Mui: m Soho" 10 ,mp10vm,n1, a s.tnst of dlS(Of'ltf'nt 11 humu1iuts rr:oar• • W1duu Falls lfld our dtpt>ndtoct on tM mil.ttJl'Y 1100 w1nttd to .,,,.;; ,; ·RootM ronlKttd MW .nd oth htrt ts suont1,. of ~ who ''lb~., tr Tuu schools offt>Mg to ptrform, Sen!Ol an maior JacksOfl Slushtr With Man:·s 1dti~ )() I Rot Lbr• Foundauon monev to \11td ht iglttd th11t MlTX'<i ideas Art ·1·m all forv.-arcr ·; gel him here." Jun Slid of ~ull rt!evant lodav. proplt squirm 1r. tt\t • "f 1 lun SlJd the prrmtst the pay ·P,oplr nttd to heu hlS ideas.. llsttn 10 lhtn~ ab-. 1 Slus.her ~ preny much tvtl",' Jonns:on S.tld ·i .. ,n tht Us. we tend to tful\X ot upect ht 1ouchtd on thtrt w.s rt\ ~ IOO. )() I '41f•o:

tinw ' R t ~ • d!'lw,,loadokyoo


l,m ii.>JJ

~ :~:,';".!Mn >.Wt\


orw ol ~ · 1 bfst offtn•• mu Inf. ft!f!'ll,l'ft .at o! 1!1kf'1 'OKf br M."lphnc I\

m . h')

""'° ·•u _

•~ /um Ar,d hr,<,,.._.. m•J(.I not.tNy ''."' '41"~

lhlOU T'()n ~mlndt<I mf' .,f •ht :r:,tf'~lh:11 l ~ Jdn~.

rtprdlng hi! fAmil), Id _ _ · ... r d ' l m,,.., ,nd ~'°' " 1be pl;yshows the importance /J_j or .tnary .., '.'

ol W11 lmpoetd IIM'I



ot commu

Wnu,n by COOU"O'l fn11l xl/'flSI, rns10011n ,nd il.llhor Uow~rd /IM. thr QO mlnut" Ont m~n J)QY \how (W'S no! only tht YltM ol ~Tl. bUI Ult ,moucw ht may have 1,11

IMOICOffl~1w-b&iakt. H\l'IOli! Wl'f\ U.Slil'lil UilN'l. ti ll IS ofttn h.lrd 10 stint t."!t ""t:na lhfc &llkt ls sU1vtn1




lOl(MOO«- lad~ a'\.¥11 lf'ffllllO fin.II ll#d n tt"t rk.'Nw m~Jdlt oovnd ~(M'l'l.l.'ldl1mn&ut




ti. \a'f1t t!'kwt. W\U WM" to tmnc t-,, d..tlutp ~ 111d pp«! f"lr•

10 "TKh trlmt


On Mor.day Apnl 8rh MSl,s

IIUt~tr.to,'N I fa,f ,INIUl',I o,






, '''"""' Mf ,, "' ' S TA,, Wl'IITI"

....,.,,•• -.,.~~"""""'u



Ac-.hllW.kk,..,... Man:. wtlt , .... MC.It 1111• ift-t.e He s,eab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - . . - .• • hewfflfli1tlt11he ~ eMI e4Y-.- • ~-1-. - lltlll .i,..... w idl lhl ~ • - " 4 i11W.uw Keclat-dwit

.... ..,_tf.....,.~..

.....,;u•-•MaKfac:,. Wwltite . . ridltttrldier.lM,eor_.. ...... Tlltt111t•... ,...,.wnUIIAtlilANil:Ofa11MdwpiaJlaaN!. .-,O . . . . ..

Regardless o( v1twlnA "Mari 1n Sc..ti: •


mend the pl•Y

Jun said Weick did ('llKll't' thil with hts performance. now1ngfffon

spilt sayinp, 1h11 ht knew lrttle abOul Marx btfort Ult pin .., JUSI knew t!Ut ht ~ wm·

trom tmoUons of sadotSS lor hb dru1t:l11ers 10 growmg rtd 1n the l.l<t w1th passion for Wgtsulesoo euld1angt · He wu woncttrtul; Jun s.ut. ., h11Vt pr1nclpallv known Mm !fflly

of his friends de

1,n Das K11pl111I and Commurmt ~-\Jm!tsto,· Slusher~ .. , want IO go and rt11d ffl()rt' of hl' work now. though· Btfln Wttck took tht Stagf:, i

ulumaltly WJ.lllt'd ~ thf-1r 0...,,, P0"''tr t'l ~

ttJI cl'lingt ·The plav s.'lO'NS :.'~ olordmuypeoplect..i.• cumstanc~,_· '~r "ir.1 tht pov,,r 10 ~tand -, make I change for (]l,o ='l: I(


English department looks fnlef!ammenl ~olumn to revitalize former literary Jimmy Fallon society.on campus replaces Leno, Faculty hope new club will create more campus activities Ol'll ...... f,toJ!•'KH"O.JP

A• I l'DIT'Ofl

A new IUmrf clut wYI bt" ,111n trl(IOMOO utnp!ft

The ArU loo' IJlm.l'\.re Soaer, will ho4d ,u ftnt ~1llA on Thun. day ApttJ 13, lf1 the A1num of tht Ct,r'II $tudrn1> <'nnn "t)ur tqwl:S~ the Ans ind U1tnoturt Sodttl' wtll bt(c,m,, iO IClrvt a.ni1 VltM f,1rtlc1pa1II II MStn ~nl Ir~ 1':"!&Wt," ~ tan! protes,or of t'Tlll&:SI': afid c!ub

\txll'N ~ j~ "' • 1¥:lit of ,n,n d.lncr 1nd n•m11 from 1M lt\ldent bodv.


wrrll u Jtn!Of mtrr-.bffl


studtn~ ~k abou1 1h11 Stnwstt1\ upcoming performance. attending r, •nd thtn mttlir.g 0vtr dinner lO dli(.Woi lt. Sludi'nl mru. Shar-

Lrll lhr,r rKtnt works 11.0d lrilil Ion tM'":plA:, but 1hn •:f' ~mty ,melnfn~. music students talkma poortr Wtr.<IM." Loo..-,~ "Thll 1bout corr.p0ers ind works thn ~, or n ~ -:lue 10 ~ 1ldVffllS m lmpOfUnl to thtm and ttadin,i 1n1, and m ~ d..r •o 4Pi'hv-• conttmporvy pottry as 11 ,voup in LMJII' ~ )aJd •ria· W br!lf\'tl. ttw Wichita Fil~ MWtum of Art 1hilt many ~udr,u Ufl < ~ ilrt ·&s1c11Jy. Wt ~ 11 trtn:ttndous cnmm,,ltn uid hi\'f' ITW','f other opponun1ty 10 promutr and tllplol'f' ONIPTl'lm t11,,t prrv.,nt them ftClm the man-, womkrtul cultural evtnt.s il'ltnding. M>d !(kl$ llrody Uiklng pl.le, on To hr~ rterJ1t Y ~ljenr •nltfeR. campu.. as well 15 mating our lodpw:.d :ht club~ toloC¥'-:l own,· T,,d,f i.,)d. It &."l 1l'nlf tJ t""11S and KUV,!'l"\ IIJIUOI' tn En~ Ctngrr Ramah ,n., n wt1! ~,.,r-Md. t'>nttltn,1# w.l bt thr pmtdtm ot thf' nrw rr, tht l'.mtnll'ini of rt.t .,btni MU ciub. .lOd has bffn 1nvolvtd wuh oo t1mpuo. anJ_ cmrrtl, app,.al to htl~na Todd II!' 11 up 1111d runmnR,. ~u1tni.) .. ftw whol.f procm of ts1abH!h Alona w,11\ oromr~ t\'Mb., lnl Tht ArU Ind Uttf1!Urt Soc1t1y ToJd ~ Ltot (iull fvTie5 10 ~I.so ~1 bttn UOlinil,. !anus.; wid, ~MIC.pl!t in kl1 tr P\ &vi' b mttt ·11·s n,c, to be SUIJ'OWded b y ~ ., hrr,


foorlder Todd l,1ln :.aid. "Af!n aJI ont or the U'f l!,pteb ol ii llitTal arts eduutlon ts tostmna: an ln!el 1K1uaJ lOffimumrv l ) U ~ of tht c~m t(I tl!plott. di..cw an-:! c ~ ourw;vti. and nUwn.• Ow nrw .xitr., w-li u.t, ·ht btn plier ot tht !orr.m lJimry XIC. "An u: t'fY. ·.-1,ich dcsba.'ld,od ~ s,emnm. """' &, and ,t wm tlltrnd 1u.cl! 10 !hf ilr" studfflts 1., th luanli• ind R.l!J,h HlrYry Xhool ot V11ua! M.1, 11\d •••• ,.,..J potenU11Uv ttle mt ol Ult Fam Loi lqto41intAru "Dr. (;llf1 lflVittd IT.t 10 l{llll tilt Soot:,.· 4nn MAnt Lt'fmer. asao.., •rt prnfnwlf •n<1 dfprtmflll cJ\1111 ol tht KMOI fff \"61111 arts.~ "/ t,.,, ',co., Mo hope ·11111 the Aru and I.J1t111ur- m11di-1." T<>drl


;:w:. .!::


libt-uJ ITU


1r,d pm(nl,on, from~ dlSClpbnt









"Our hope is that th, "" · Arh and Literature

Society will become an '!~five and v ital


"'"P'" •



"""" ,.., parttetpant in MSU's .,. ,_,",. ~:__:~:: liberal arts mission . .,

SocwlY LJ. goin,i: re ,nrourag • con !lf'rtl,.n I~ brtwtffl \Ndenb, ~d ln,i: wfl•t lhtT Mt ,n (1'1(JllnQn a'ld tnnchlr~ •Mir !'IM..'n, • "'C..Yd:tlt fO ~(\f: i.odat, at' 1-.thff f.n¢tY. vn'"-1a 11..0C111tf'd wtt.h 1h, c';.it>. u,.. ~ r Ltml'\"

rr,uluJ, \0 " 1 ch1n,,e idus, (Ake pjl" tn umcus KlN!tla •nd



~ j •\Yfo we> ::d lolJo,r,• 11 up t-) Uibrlf • :np '? LIW'nri\ -..ii..lt'Vm IA !flt 1,rt.lt f'i,,ru 1nd tN \\dvu

\b.1!'11.\.M -


('Yf'r.t ~•II.tit') W'Oultl

inC'_. wa'c!\i:-J ~:1! du.;...-1111 a fl:m Heh ~ , r ,



cvrnrriurury t'YtnU v.o Uilli; .oou1 ~dly ltk.oa. •PtMN!rf, I unnoc wit! tQ Stt NII' 1h.& qic,erl ~ Vld ~• fCI

Sanus.n Ykl. ·\\',·rt png tia-l't a lot of f,in!"

TlleAmu4Litamllfl S.ctlltft When Apnl 1t j Tlfflt • •5pm /'Mler1 AtnumofmtCl1r'I SludtnrCtnter/ hr ,..,.~a,coatKt T..U6ilnMIOtf.ptt....,• •

changes late nigh


NBC set to make chance in 2014 The kil~n11f,t ttJtvblon CU' cult "- seen ytt tnOl.her shake· up wllh an t:a:pteted to rttlrt Jay U'!'Oltthtrenttrollli!I. SUirt Ina In Ftllnrll'f 2014, Jay l,no wtll 01tmsfbtf rtCirt from tht -ronfghc show with Jimmy r-atIon Ailed to bt hts rtp111Cf'mt'QI Much CIJ\ d'l.angt bttvmn now and flbru.ary howtvn, so 1.tno-Mtm may not WW to gee thtlrhopnup qwlt,tL ~ t : tht larOft flll\U"t of thf mott, latt·nlght bolts havt llrta<ty begun dolt\g wlm they do bat by ffllklnA fun ol tKh Olhtr. Oavld l.tllttroan poked fun at ltoo rl)f biockln~ 001 on ha pilnntd rttiremem back lJl 2010 when Lttttnnlrl sud la.st wtek lhit NBC 1.nnounctd lht offlml dale for Ltno'i dt'~nutt mt11lJorun1, When ht would UlfVJWl~ rt1um. Leio, who wtin !he • ro rugt11~ Show ~I (11/er wtthoc,t

VI 1902, WU

Lenerm•n quick Yo'lth hb- own

ffflllW. ronftsWnt 1h11 flt had lO m,t.e m ••~Nard phone ulf IO l.tUfflNI) uw.t. dll' In Of:M'r to

Ml btm

lll■ hll> d)00'111:f1 tht !Ob •

~ 1l#J!..

Ftns v.unfd lbclut tht ratt of Tht loots can rest ruy howtvtr, 15 i\ltstiovt. ltader Of !ht long til'lt "t..act wmi hmmv


Ft1Jon• 11i1oct, t.- COl'ltmwd ~

Tllf Roots WIU Stay N-, nunt and Mand bv fur 1 movt 10 lht "lorua,"'•· In &n lnttrvltw wit."' f..1t ?utSllovt .added. ·~1' know, k'S, going to tit :br Ylow.·

Thi& comes u


good l'lf'WS lor fans of ·i,.;~

WlUl )lmmv Fa11on· -n a!rlldth11ltht!Jlo·N"Kl, ....

tn its move to a btnn o~ At thts pom1. lrt ::llfU'

lwtm lbl~ wtu.atKm 1r..: ~-iltf' night dtbacle m it, ni ptrent, ludmg SOMt '0

II Falkinl t3ilt' WIil m!ITO':J

Coco's,11.k&.tMMlrl~.,... Luciulv, h tlon tr,l'l"I btnl'flts of a youqi,r ':IC" nt(tfd n,d lK'b ~\'\i '¥"

rma., _j,1r.' untll ifter thr t.Kt.W NSC's poor talent m..-~ This muns th~t · h ~ Fallon lies ilt wai' • t ::S phon,s m hand, !(I .;.,'("1" -t 1 Ion Ind hlS "U!t '-.,~~•· •"°"' 1i0mt1h,ng

5000 as NB( f'Vtn :l! .,._, tfl>

ftOma blck on the •m.: PerhaP\ NI\L .,.~ ~ from the mo-rt, a. :fl(" ,.,r. bavt lc&mtd trnm ·•., W Voo connKt ' '111t !•~.) • ' Wlys h.lvt .. Wt n ,~~ t• of dub., espteil'I\ ir t. f/1. onlme j(l(Uii TN"...,,. r" .. ~ Hert's ro TirJ rn ~ David l.tt1ermilfl n :¥ •;J lun



7 \ 11

' lli11:•T1".,


l)jJ,;j I


Softball's 'Swing for the Cure' event postponed p.,.

r•,,n~. , 'N,"'~ fH v-r.-"'t ' f ,( mt~ 1·, t, fl'!

•<,'"! I."

ti • 1, :,,.-

'llf.. l•:r,:ul.1!. •


!o• r"'> NY'

J ~•.,11•r

.,.,.r,.tTN.a r,·"11 .an&•"'. p-,M<I ,t,..,.


N))..0-' 11,r,:r.r"'• w,•>t·,r, cfln,1

i,rntt-r.u1c.1·1.t IM,..:., 1~.,., IAtfl' lfVJM Jr''1 : 1 •n ,•• ' • ;:i. u,n\

irAl'. rtA.Y'°' ~i\~hwt•.,>:• ,, '"

1,., IO!"t,,

......, •• .._. ..., , .... ' • 11<<(,t'o.\

M,chll, 11..._ jll!Mr hi ~Nlli<tl "9iMefi111, s«, llfl htr t1.-ut1 11 1pfh lfte NII onr lh• '"' 4utlnt tht ntl1yb1II IHlll'SIntl NICI! lll IN 1n1Wtl -,n,. ,___.. ...1... IIM MSU1llll'IWl11, -

• i ·-


VQLLEYBALL pg. 8 most ol lht .iumm Uzat pl.ly m )Ill in·roh·,d '.I.1th volltyb,111 tn ~mt'




!orm or fu h1on, elthtr c~hln~ Tor hlp,t, schOo~ or club teams. Atv~ha


\'OU look a, and tn,uate si!;,ive:l bv 'Nhlll \'OU want lo ftx or how VO'.l

regular SN>On gamb Ith, and CoKh Kill ClrroU and I Wtl'C Uilli:.lng about

liumpen. who playtd trom 2()()1) 2000. is !ht head vo\lf'vball C.»Ch al S.11. Rllltr High ~hoot ·1 camr DKk 10 play be<:auM> !Coach !lores Stallordl encour aRtd mt 10." Humpen ~Jd ·1 al!J'I 'Nin!Pd !O ',('i! !!Om, or my Old




~plar:s. ~l'f cOKh m St. l oul,. quit lhl\"'t ttto:e I w.s su ~ to l,'l!O I.hat )Chool: Vtnson ~Id. q-.dt lnd lhty h.td l'IO ~kup Vld Ulty dL\bnded softball 1.l'ds. I hid about two week.\ ~ O(.I\ Wht:e I WU going to col

takt lonR bffore Vinson bt~n to rr.U.t her presencr kn<iwn .,n the tum 35 the dtstltll••t0 hmcr Sne ~ cunrntl\• ~,!ting SOO at ll':t

tht team's suc(ts\ 1h11 ~.uon ha.s bttn st.l'{lTilt hulthy, with se-cond blsnnlrl ta:,,· cmptien and ou1 l'ieldl'D l;lfn1 Rennctt and MtRlTI

plite w11h S2 hits. JQ runs. Jo 1161s Chuuer bemgou1 du, to 1n1unn.

and 13 hr.inl':'l.11':i

.~!~~ng';: ~'; ~;:,:~~~ ~:;noo it~ r.:i~:'l.

~.\~:t;!~;'~~,;/~ ti1: :~. Ofs=. °' 1

tt1 a:. w-....t

the ki~ c,n her

~ s,:h,oo,.S <tam t>elo:-e, b1Jt wr , r nc!ktd he<. f ttr. W11 thi: afler d11ving back i sol'l,wll tournament 1n {))(la t::r,. ti, t'!Cl' ·1rd a u a lrom s wmmtt cnac~ HplainmR i.:t\,,l1ion ITl St Lou.s. T,~,i,



lllen ~Ill dtspltf th, ~ . lhl' mcitl' Wltn her AlVSHA HUMHIIT "' tr.r C:ay ovmll ta\,nt ol tllc tum has helptd rormtr pl1:,tn. AlUMNI \10LlfV8ALL Pt.AYER ,rd"\\'r're IU\I h.ippy prop,\ thtm to tile ~cce:M tht"(\'f M'.(ordmR 10 Bores S1arford, H1,.·11 1ha• a 1<>11 ril ~,p't <i"!'l" <>vi 10 mnnl.lllntd Hf' al~ nottd that dur• pmt thP alumni ,~·enb :n • group \:.1p~r, .-: lin:,~~ia~urd ~Id. mg 1ough llml"-. team cll,m\stl)' mts.Sagtw1thad a1e.andl110!.l! lhit · we didn't .:11:p cou!l' of how 01 re~pono art lhe alumni who ·.1.dl marv pt_r)~!t ur.,. b~t !ookln~ "ft-wis/'u re play on the team up m r/ ,, ~•anjs ,nd ~,n~ lhtm Thl' elm ytar of the 1lumn, :no~1h· f d Na\ ~l:"nr,r,,na! 1 was /'!ck to get a t~~~.;'.rt kind 01 ~ngcs from lhosr 1ha1 enjrd 1tt1r tl,1 1f1 •ti.;;· J lfl! ro! , ~,;atnls carnt dion't ~ta hmnP,funw11h11aM C"lll,tibl11r,• dunn11. COiich Aw~ wt an'1 \UP►•;r1ct1 •J~- !• 'Na\ a weat notjust a great player, ~ :.a~~11;,:.; StJtfonS'l 111)1 yur ol tOKhtng ti, rr 1.tu1..,tng.• 1n 200-1. 10 r«ent 1.emo~. ~u,h ~ i1 w Mn't hut a as hav, um,

·Jf1 dt~T\Jlfl.- a menu1t µme." Vinson ~id. ·t u-.· to siav positwe 1.nd nc,• ~t O\·ttwllflmrd by hHlt misnkH rm a ~n of th~ ttam and

\-=~: ;~~s~:.:: ':~~l!~i ~~/ ~e 0




given player like her, and great kid

to wony

we//. "

tn.11 big o! a about 11. thouil,h You deal 10 mt HAOY TlGOO fU!.l !um 10 dtal w ith It nf'Ytl ltlt H[AO son BALL COACH It and mo·-:e on • like ll 'NAS Vm-.on !.aJd Shl' ~ so~t!'tlng I hid to do.· l:tvcs dtsp:lt tht v tblcb the tu:n Tti:;en ,;;ud the thing he lo>'t$ ril\ faced. !.ht bel1t'lt'S 1l h.s caused :no~t ,bout V1r.5')n·s v.ame .s htt tht pl,r;trs :o bond , ·1en mort. \'!l'd()CI ·$ coach dt'scnt:fll her strtnl{l.h. \1a11n11, 1~t evrn whtn sh, ·Totrt m wmt 1n!n~ 1hi1 1,:ea1 p!aV('l', but h'hal Y,c tcall·/ ,-.1s 1ammtd on a pHch, she can ~ill ~ll11 nttd tri tweak, but I 11,N clos.€'1 ,us so:n,where to r,o with a ,Jrl':t '!'it' hall ha·d. and closer 10 lMSt ,Jrls tVfry day ~.o,J'.lm ()net hf' knew tt.e · Sht ~ the b!!I so well: 1111,en ana I t"ilnk 1tu.1') a ke-; lll(:or 10 sue · .. 0Rert imrn~i.a1,ty took ..aid ·.\1tchamcall'o' we chan!'l'd c~ $OM¥ tn1nJ1.S. and !Mn she 1ust go: tn As for V1n500's col~~a1e rnttr, d r!lvthm. luckt!V, II WIIS, V) ha!d to T1p;tn !.Jlld ht" t:eilfYt) sht S upab\e Rel her r,ut of \hat 1hy1hm.~ o! cvrn grnm thlnp Ll-iiln htr rr cemst:eak. '11EMIIING FOIi nu Rm.IN: ·1 h;iven·1 ru!I)· thOup,)'lt about [le3p1·c Vm nn·\ \!rUk btu)Jng whtrr stit s.ll5. o:i the bst ol hlllti'S 1~1Mt Texas \'.'om.n s l 'nr1trs11y n, ~,d · R I\O'N we're ~lt bri.i1t1ng VmVln in so ,uit or. Apnl f.J, the 1.0flball team ~ ~till m JU){tak.mM ll ll~V by•dav. I'm ..,irethu \• Tiarrt ~till wa~n·, ~ure what to good po-.1hc.n :.1 rr.:alct a pLil•rolf run, 1umm,r \'h mmk abc>u111. tsr,«lally from his new play,r. Wilh lf,Clf c,,rrtnt rKOf,j 1!ri>ady Im about wl;ett l'r.i rp,ng to n«d her , wem 1nd w,11ched 1v1nson) pro·,in~ cm 2012') 2ri 2S rttord. in :he lineup, bu1 I 1h1nk she could 11 • l',ln:or wllo.e I coupir of •\"fr'rr s.ltlng wrll !:'l the' r~r. end up bl'lng o,r of the btst hlltm ~ t • n~ n. said • ,u a cNCh. ngt11 no'4', • T1~e.1 sa11S · we have Io I've t\'fr had here •

Irutnni! ~11c11 I:~ ,1u:

1n11. the hon.

tump !') anend W




Ha~~'.•'1,r 'Q('IA' up Olll

It :J-,, l<>l' .o:r,'" ·1~.1,., , If' lla.S



h, l>c•~Yn.;i,i:., 1.1ml ► ~ ',;' i ts,-~ aho·;1: a·,;



C(':JOU\'.• ht> Q td. ·n,i<, mcluC~ l'\'

"I f)f'r,eifl\ 1:l'tJ ·n U l5f ~ 4._SW

in o\·j)r 200 corr.mumrf $l'rvt.:t

-.a.J hf' { '.d,rl\

i\'.e day:i

Dtt;:t ,, ,1 L'lrtt rn-ol'..t iu d go:r ,·, 1ri:o r,.,..,1i1'/( r-: ill c1n o! 1:it o,;~, ft.i;.L!~ ~ 1,.thtn:er'sit0tf tt»:1!t,l:o,:."J°C r1.ctfnuh Thi' lOUm&mt rll )!ll~~j !ht rr~"'\

s11inionv.- sta!ntttnt or J'ton;J ~iact

f Ni.ht l.

TI-.t ttillT''S k'il1 d "l'lr..shNI d:...,. tn s!\00!.:1\ 24 011t• a\ :t.un :r,roa,n :ht flrit nmtl'lo!t1 dv<> 10 r11:,h .,, ,n':!s, but t.'!t n,n ,Wit )t't :,\ pull lt1tr.'l~l'it, lO

g,tt...'fontt,. :..ac, nir.,•.ntr,\·11auf<l:,, tu~ ont w,,1,;> o¥n p.11r w ~1.,;.:: •.vith an 801 '.O\l:r.~mtit 1ou1. \JI wur, I::( 1'1•~'1 t.ht p\a(t (ltl.ilt.oma (l111s<1.1n, l M t'A,., WOie:iK t..rlllnQ 00'! !Nfr. 0 , 1.~ e..i;-uJ'

So~ om0r1 Or·c~ t)'.ard ,. :l !-tS► 11U11 $.ir.ti,lg(I I..O:nf't (',t':! for 11 0\'Ttl! ,

~hoot.r,g; 224, w,:.n s.fnlOl' ,\:,1on1C> Her ran f\'ITT&lof 10.,.,tn 22<> )fftmT LcG\lt'n en.sh~ w,th 220 ,,.,

take 20 ;>!act. ~r-l :rn.'1n•,n 1.11 <~..;, g..~l'T ~n,sl'td w:J'l 237 n,, tu n'! will no-N r,:t~-att :oi IJ'r Lont '-tar Conlrtrc,. Cl'il~p,omfl,;;:



Tl-,t 1nr. ~Mtlfd \hf.: l\n1 S4 rio.t tournamtn! o: tM stuort ,,. L'l l ..corr

'-''V l • "l.t,.S(., l ot~,-.,_

C.J, .....flillll - - off )111 Moe won H he •1Nil41 ~ I INottNII 0,-1 l,YOWf OIi Apo! 6.

COIII Hrillf dll tlolNII

n!O'i') F.n.sllin~~t·:-;oM oo:,tor~wo"'l

eri Wt"f 1-tncira \\ Mtio•. 'A'llo Ul'd br

U1w11haKortolZ41 Mld Tay1o1Kl·.t:.:., .v;lt,a,cor,of l.i.l

Yl llOC l 'l"'td]I

Uuren Ro~mts 1...uowtd cio<.t t,,:, l\!n-:I w11h ii K ort of 24~ w tit 'o• t!, Wfllll' l..n~y 8ur1t~.a1 l'O;,,r,dN ·t1.: !tam t:loM ~: wilt' a ,;co•t o! 2-1(1 10 11eror34 1bt ,.'f)ff,tf'\ \ n,t t t?llfNTt nt IA"' bf l.pn•801ot thl' lor.e<:1ar C,,r.!,·rtn:t Ctlilfflj)IONlllf)\ rn ~t

f,irniautd h~t prof~IOflaJ

eMhmR fn;m •,Wl~1r, on the coun.

HJ'l~t( !d

Men's golf finish third at Dallas Baptist Classic



tt:,:--.r nwr. nif'>l'lt'V MT: Pt'f.

ll (i)\'ef all t'X:,' :'\(1 bV tum• I . Ile '-tt:J

!rlm "•"'

ltlV'IU t·on~ al :I)( P,114' ltl.i.M f..OU'.\lf'i C"'ub m t.'lU!oflt './ C on~r.189





~ ,)\ Llit Unlltd Su~ \\'cnt:'l's

"°"""'' °""

~ •IJi/\

~•w.t ,,:.11

~homott Btt;;N MOClft

per wttk. ,nctu~ln1t wem;th train Stayu,i:. pt:r..u\11 IH L\ 1mper1 ll\'t tn Im,) icces.s. ht ~Id, Thr m,n·s Cflmpf11U<,n ,n Dtalh


il'l Oldft l'l

l ;Ol"".t

13 1A1\J', • scort ol 2..\S to htlV :~ :ht

p!ay Uirrt our uf fiH· <.rts "Alldillfi~a!ly. lh" O,,afr(fflPICS "ll wa~rniunan,· ;,lannt:i 10 bf m will bt hrld or. re:i clay couru, • ht ,...,,....,...... -.,w-.u., Grmc. but al Wt. ill! ~r.nv.•1ht«o:1 ~id. "<Nhi<h rrra•iS lhl' bl'I bnUt.C~ DJ Wllll_ ,.,..,_ ,IPI ..drty ....m...lfl I tti1 lootb1II 1ryo11t. ~ -~ttltr's f,u her n<,w worits as ornv m t ,r.-C(f ,<ind of /ell a.part.· ht \:r>we1 and ro:nts 1:ut tong,r. It w1U The1 lrflll Ollf f.,tllt loot111H INffl WIii Jut lht11119h I Hrlll ol 1,.,., 1gi1ity Mil ,..iti011 lrllts I• h-,n ,, ,..~,111 fl on II th, looll11tl IHffl 1.l(;nJl consu!mn and htlp, Si?d •Ai t~r l.l\l minutf, Bulgana bl' vrr-j ph;~Jolly drmard,n~ • -.1~ of r,1htr p,o~lr around Sl~ .....,m tht ll'.')lJ fl') U:kl' (Wt~ lS1o ge1·Ne,I • . _ _ . - and plaf hOSI 10 HANGSTUUt ANO MSU TENNIS As the a.r~uat, is.sJ.siam ttnni.s 0<,>,mp<>: IIMuoG FOR fh.- l~t m1r: -.~ch Al MSU. Han~:rli:: ~id he •ll&R.nt,,u een ult' changr al de\·01"5 n,os\ n-! his rime tn wor~r.g : ~ Hi~ ~ 11n!e :tr., " 1.h b<.>th th~ p!aven or. t?-e ttam rnJ l ooc'l Scm Unn d<>v, 1op a t: TMo~ Park. :r-i~;hl~;\ ,~; champ·1,,nshlp pro~am ·t )u: vu1:in :!- to de•:t\op th, be\! M?lJll c,l'i~it' :ennh pmyam in lht DANIU HMGSTlFUI GRAOUATE ASSISTANT Tf,NNI S COACH


\0 ,\pl'IJ2(1, wr.tn '.r!r :.earn t,uL. Cr: ttori .u rJ lnu MM t.11 ~vulf

WOfr.fT\S " llll lt'il:'1:0a~\'t,\h p:,a::n

Otaf:ym!)lC'S almost 111n'; hai,pen

...._~1"."lmor) i)uJ


IX '>-'\ A;r.l I! i,,, • 1~.Jf','f'..,_, t, H>:Mt rnl firlt\"'I •:..,;, \()(:U: , \



b-:i 1t,l

V.,'h an 3 7 ll•'•" \•l.J l.o"'t'.,"'/ ~ r, cur1 (t,l'r. ::••ti} r,; \•r, '-.-r·r j f

Moore leads women's·golf at U.S. Invitational

A<cordm~ 10 Han~1cft1. the m,n·s trnm~. he Y1d , meinint. ·,ou

"I am blessed to ,,., b • d have ratse in afamily that ~.,. .,.,1 strongly encouraged ~rt. ,, ''"'· and pushedfor ''"""· ,,pee,.,:, ►:,h.!~:i excellence. 11 !;1t~u~::ri~:;~

rl' ,.

u.1ui:aktp:.iict nF' Wort.'! il:!h<<..o.'

Viltson ,zz I r,eshtr'l.vl I 0.1'911ated Hiner t Bm: llli1ht I f1c'os Righi I Welk-•p Softf'. •■rns Moehy· lty a.tie 8 rp I ~BA I S2hitt1 39rnt1~lll Hit I 13tlOl"lefUfls jSoerce: MSUMtmanp. cm !as Dl 41!/1ll

WIL"i !hf' <,lpi:,t)r" i>I holh 4-lm Ir.OM ar.d M\\J ~rad Tl'llnts C~n X1111 Linn. H•m1t:itc/er 1s now mak

l t,,-,•1

Ch.o 1: Q,.,i~,ocu <mlt on A~~J IS




3 2,,ac,,r,<>t.J<~ •"•'I •~ lrlf 11"\I ,_.:,-f', i-i.l _vA'.n~ 'V ,:,ou: 8 •)vn,~, rlfl<>VCQ":11(,1.1'1t Tr.,1, 4 1> l~puv1J ' CI 111! ,ra

M.1~1~~1~~~,.1~ ;,~1:~11~::~f d

a :01 from last VNt and !hey ~hould havt a rt~!l; ~ vu , comzn~ up,• Bvrd ~1d After thl' 1oumamtn'. thf cur rem vollc..,.Wi!I 1ram hrld an hour Ion!!, clinic f(lf it,tls m 1un•t}f M'.h and bdOW101('31.h U'lPm the funda r:i.,nuts of .,.ol!tvb.111 Admbi!V-1 lo: both thl" 1ouma rnrnt Jmi ir.t cl:m< W.t\ ont non ptt1,h.iti 1e rtm 1!l''n 10 bl' llonaif'd ro L'le

1 came hack to play heca11se coach 0: :i:!r :;: encouraged me. ·1•Jn 1hat t< a~iail'd 0 ~~~~ ~~1; I also wanted to ;~~~,r~;~i1r;~r~:;~~~1hu f iOfrs ~:.if see some ofmy old th, boJ. "4.' n:i!S dt o! ~7! girls. ., '.~~nt~~su~u1~0~0~:

Wtrt them 11: your s-nt,m. ~ I how ,,... could c.uily win 40 µ~ was set didn't )I?•' (her 1mpanl com mg what thli yur • $Jrl;·h~ ,iumnt wttllll al a colleRt in St Lou SOl'ver.• 11Rt"n >1id Ult b;~1 obu.Klt to ttam h om , .i suaden prop,.-am <hanged It didn't

,1,.••.-r tJpl schOol. Vinwn


, :r, tJrvtlY~ 1, ..t r•,nle-, r.c: ·-·: r t1m1in~1

tn J h1!!,11 tNnl t,r,t ti) Wulklrli In IN comrr:Jr.;;y 1lhl' tt.rn !'.as ~t:>d 1': 0uT\ 1h1~ ',Ur . .ir.d 10 de""loP g11:at alvn:11 :,-1a1.un\!up.


Louisville beats Michigan in NCAA Final H1, U11.11w1,:,


~<"t:....1 rro

lt)'l'TI ~,, Mict,pn') mrn• ' dm 8) '.'o Ap1.l~.11,\tan1acov.,nthi' ::-.ll1'<< 1'.'\

?'•boor 1l C:ll,m1.·oo\l11~ fh win ma·'u l~IS'f:'lt's 11'.rJ 11.1 t,ooaJ ct.unr111~.Q. a:,J 1~\ fir· , ..,,


M1Ct1,v 1u T1.-v 8.i:l{t', •l.t AP 1-.i

tio.'\ll r lntr.,i ,tt .'f~I, f"l •r1·,•. ,,rrr Pl' ~:,. blJI I t.l ~ H~r..:c,,,·( CalT'.tU't the( 41(i.:,1.· tt11,•. l(l ?o1,1 •r,

mrs ,,. It


!l ~,."),rl'

1.:i i-1 lt•t..

.v ,

ll> ::.c \'

• ...,



1 ....cir.;,,.~111 "":""'-". ""

U .S .

.,..1n In~·"··l•-·i'::::.-== ::.":T1~~...:·it~~~-:.-=:.:1111tlrlNMt..H... INJlcl1lfy-,,.,t •i.tn Mny...,c.-rtfl · ....,,uc,lly

" ·· lnillMltNfltlcoecll 0..tlll Klllflt,ferhllll Heft CIIOMfll.,.,,...... IM i111f111-,·,o.. ti,._ 14,. t l cner 111111,...._ it1cl..i111 trlffl, 1"'11111, unift,_, !tu 111111 tCNf .,,....._ 'lltt U.S. 0!:7:lc C.-illN...,,.

lluncla . 1N wtticll

Tenn is ·coach to comp ete in Deaflympici Graduate assistant raises mo11ey lo fund a trek to Bulgaria "un• Ill.ACK STAFF W,,ITEA

mor.arv encouragtd am1 pu,.:h~ for tht Ol"ll,JnJUhon u 11n ln1trflllt10nat u"Ue:i<.e,· Ftdmuon With ()Jy!l"plCS!UldJng. Han1t5:cre• and hi) little ~i)!er will Smet 108'>. lht flai 01 lnttrna bo,h CO'illfl\lC Pm k @.ilCY ucd t!OMI Olymp,c ( l)TJlfflllll'l' na..~ tlown lenct wtitti lht\' ~ill t~il~'tl 10 Sul nu t 10 lllose (I{ lht !<.SD 111 Ult µ~,1 ttus \ummer 10 1epresem the Summtr and Winter Dt'alh'tllplcS.. U S. m the Dtanm,p1Q In ord,r to patttc1Paie ,n int De11t Da.n.ei Hi!!P>ttfer r:u ~m the The l'l-eallpnr:c~. he.Id tVt'I'\' lour tvm;11cs, in athltte mu~l bt dt~ned btiitr ~rt ol h!\ l?!e nllnJ., S.:ttp111! v<eaN. CO.'\SlS~ of thtt al.hlttl') fMr.'J as• hormg ICM of i.t lUSI ss d8 ptt and N'HL'lll\il, ff'ML\. all O\'t"t ;ht wor:.i al'ld nc1u~(" manv 1one l\'tr.ig,e m tht bfltPr car and rht jU)dUift il~lJM terir11s of !ht> s.imt sports c-'. tilt f't1{U!u .t mtm~r of an afli.1..11ed Nat111nal coacri for tio:h :ht men a:1d worn Olymp:a. 1:i,rul!,ng Nllm.nton. \OC Deal 'P<>rn, Feo,m1on and cniun\ en) ·ennLS te.u:-.s ni.~ «l!lqt.PrPd ctr, ·aticwotido 4nQ !tr.r:,1. of1h111coumr, :oanv lttts t~ro1.of.hout ta~ t.fe. but Mo:'t tht.'I 4,000 dnf athlm-. Athlttn art not lllOwl"d :o wca1 oni: 1ri pu~i.U.~ hu aiwa)'l bttn :n and ort':<"W:ls trom 77 nat.ons par he111ni a"11 or hu.nng devices dut U'lf' fo•e!":'ort-H.inp:.fler is leg.llv IIC!l)alte tn lt.t 2h1 SJtr.lT'tr lleaf lnj\ the compeution dul lymo:c 1n fa1p"1, ChmtSt Ta1pe1, in ·Manv of lhl' alhletts partlc1pil ,\(( O:i::llllg lO H.in,;stettr. 'NhLlt Septtmbtt2000 i!lR art ('\"Cl'\' bit u lalenttd and n, ml.I~ a c!~ np1iorun~ while Tod.i·,. 104 ruiu.:,n.il de.al sporu qual.Jfttd u lhl':lt reno·.., he.trlng alh wa:~ h1nr rek'-IISlon and W>rr.'1:mtS ltdem,:ms art mtmbtrs ol lmtma lrirs.·hl'wd. t,as trr>(,r,:;, hor,ni:. the radio. ht hu uon/11 Comnu:ttt or Sport\ ror the Hangsttftr 1.atd ht is more lhan f':('Vl;I ( ;l\\:c!ded his htmn~ 1mp,1,!r l"ltaf oc11ed 10 bt cornpeung ·,1:Hh hiS mtnl a.s an 'Y..suc;P ro h.s. )\JCC~ The lmerr.auoml Olvm~K tom vouna"1~sttr E-n1ly a1ttw compel.I · tam b;e,<.<,td '(, ha1e btt:i ra!Sfd n111tet lkX.1 11t 1•~ SOa: ~or. in 11on. but thm is ont !In.I obstacle ,n ,1 lam,iy ar:1 en-monment :NI Pan~ in lune IOSS «'W!Yt-:i to adma \:anding m h.s wav


· n,, US Ohm1p1c committtt only llnancially supporu 1he Ol'(m· pie and Par•lympt< ath!ttts." hf s.llhl "fht II s IS one or lht> ltw counmes 1ha1 dOtS n01 ~n.tno,tlly Sllpport dtaf athlt:!fS Many Olhcr c(.iunmrs do. which au1omauca!ly pulS tht U ~ at ,i d1S.advamagt when 11 roints to Dfafiymp10 • Han~1t>ft1 1s acu,tlV lundn1smg for his up<:omm11, mp. wht<h Wlll re quire him 10 e,athet S4.SOO "I nttd 10 rai'le S4,SOO to cover all txptnstS, 1nclL1dmg :m·el, IOdg 111g. un[fonns. fre; and ocher rxptns es: he s.i1d Tht f1.1nd1n2 ,s llanll)tt ftrs pat est obsrxlt kttptllll him rrom mu Ing the 1rip. ht wd. and nffib !ht commun11v·s support m htlpmit him mal:.c this onct-m-a lilt'tlme opportu nny a rea~r,r. The tUltsl w;iy 10 mal:.t dona IIOM, ht said, ~ lhrough hl!I Razoo fundra.slnit website at 'lt'WW Ra

zoo comt s1orv, lhn1,:I Han~tefer The communir1 and )tudenl body ma)' also vis!! hlS blog .at deanym ptC)201) btogspot <.Offi

Deaflympiq facts


Jlan11,tterer and hts n. .t s1bltn~ iii! wew up plllymp. te:nn.s, ht sa1:t All ~x of th, Huig.,:tefers pla}'f'd colk' R1att ttnnu. ftvt of thtm pl1;,np, ii

thtD1vtSHml !evtl four M hls ~l)Jin~ played .at UT l'.hatWl()()Ra, anl'J hi~ o!d~t bro:Mt

playM at L.iamnqa S1a1e: Com mun1ty Coll~•- His olde-.t SIS1Pr WiS

abo the head women's tenm~ coach before the 1tot marr1t<I, ht s.it:t ~l-1nl(;>1ffd~ yoirnr ~ , \~tr. r m liy, WM abo btlm ., .,UI a t-.t"anng 1m pa1rme:nt, and win bt autn11ng tht Otaflvrnpic. in 8ulµr.a ai. well $Qme ol HanjtSll'ftr'~ ht~ m elude his lather who wu given onl)'


Orgemztd Smtt lti . by tht Tht lllttnir.,, Commine1 cl s~ Deaf Sanctioned by!ht lntern111on110¥tc.t

Commrttee The first SUffilT\fl' Duftymp1cs ~ );

Pi m More 1h1n 4,000


athletes Ind OtflCI!,

77nations P• mt~

the2lst 1ummtr91f\ Chin• IO Stpltmt~ ~ Thi 22nd SU.'1V:'ttt 91e'witl bt held1n8USV.-,

.., "t'l•a-~-..- ~u ,..,

n...-1n •-c"'"'11" h..._.. 1111 ti._.,,, ,MIiiion S~~C.ntr after lillblllt 11ie-n11111•1•1M1 r...,,.

' "' -A,-rl ,. ftni..1111111 - .i111 IC•lylll V111Mn, 0111 DI, 1., ritlll. hH ,,. , .. I ~it rot, ii, the,..,,..• IVC:CIU..~

Alumni continu e tradition Softball's DH keeps hits comin( Former volleyball players participate in spring tournament

ORL.ANDO l'l.ORl!S JR' S "°ln& l!OITO,.

nit volltyb.11 ptoqam hosltd s;mna •~namtrn at D.L 1.Jgcn t '.olu.eur:i Ap11 o Accot,Jmg m h,3d vnlit·,~lt COIC'1 , n j A$))~nt AlhltlJC D! !!S annu•l

;«to; \t>T\t ra r:utts '-t.Jl!'ord, \ht ;(lurllAl'll''I' . whlCh u ur.r ol ctiret ir., tum will pll\' m du~I'~ 1l( ~µMg Nts.twxt fJVU the p •it:::. 411 !JJ)Pvl1J/UlV c,, ~ I ',) l:.nc,w tl' •. <:vnar:i:c .,r playing ,1,11n tac~ 01h Pr, ,a( wtl! ~ uid~~t•nJ!:'IP wh.l\ itil'lf"hlp ro!....,lflr,"' hnr )11•hr !1jlw,11,0f.

11s roc.1er l)y brm~r.i ,n n1:ie:



·w, ~.i·w atFTi~t a\ mam· l)t'O·

tu m 1radv io p!a~· 1\ cint goal of Ult 1ourrarr.tnt, ar:Ol.'".fr p~rpow

tOf' tht roumirnf:ll is for tht .tnnu

pit :ha< wt rt 11,om1t ir, tml'lg tn i1 . : YOl~D alumni SftlJ',. lt,4.1lt we haw on r~• rum I\OW, aJIN)S.t A. inm mlde of i\l"-1 I alumni an l'll,l(T I. I tillll'I," Porrs Si•l!utd \"l)!Jt')'bl!H ?lJi"'r.-. 11\so pa·1:e!~1ed !-llJd ·Toa• WJ!I hnr~ .n ii (!1fltr :i Sal'Jrda'I ~ ;oumm, r,t, Pli't1ng em d\'Tli.,111(', bro·.ise rr.:.ic.iL'V, i•·s ma•c'll'S •~ r.s1 \iln jac,n:u State-. o~ly lhm of !o.:r lt!a.-e:"' cn':'l:f,@ 11' ?""'?l,an &~.n. l,.1~-trur 11nd 11':en tfldlll)i [t'l' !av S'1Ua!l!'I@: rll ,n !'11,•1 to :r,d ntr i"tar's tP;un i i:.amst 1n, n,rre11· ,\\Sl i !um ,r ~.,,,. .1 r~.-.r. stmn~ if(' rtti1mini )W't.t'!"< ( .ti!II., Wa, lact. Sr.ina-, He~\ i.r'1 M:ct,t ut <1•·ce: !"\, t>-tr. httf'. w.tn U'lt ex Al<iu:ii f;,,r~ ~1a!:(,I''! }.):d !Ml ' "P" T. nl n•·· N' :ti' n~ '{C'H or )hi u:i;tcll :ht thr~'(" \tlilOj\ to rwo Liu I ~tarwd, • fW""!s Slo1ffor.! J)f' u:,1, pl•'1!'1!. "X:it-r,t:'\Ct to 1.111 · Wt h11,... • 110 alumr, ~·cnls le:.a<J !>\ "nrnplt ar.., 11, :p ~..;ot ~n,...1'JI" r11ct: ,,.u We ~ue an t.it wc:ii:tr p).a·:t:-s •• -.-.ne•t 1tx- :\IJ:n:11 1-:,:ct: ,l'I !ht fa,!. when my on~a1T. wnu!J 11r tr, ~ ,·w:rr;,: 1r, -r: ;•,OJ piavs tht alumru. ·wr .,.,,,3r:; Ill >' hkt t'l'tn'Oflf an<J 1:ie~ W" !la\·t tl1r •prmi t.ollf• t!St.. i::Yt:> ~ll'k,:d Q' 1. •Wt 1:;m:er.1, whit 11>.t a·umr,J .tel like .,.,,am l•, p.tt •t,,t• 11':i<U\1 Wt Y, l..;: tl·ev'"'t vou:,g .l&IJn an.i tt:er ;bf 10 p~ the rait-P in :hf' .oJY'ur.t !..1 &,t :ow-riarnrm ~" t'lfl";!:.or;

· rrr~ RJ'(>I,~ "' , fan~ ri1.1i.: ~ti. -..i,J ·The:r , f!Nt s bt\'{;rJ 1(,0 ' " :-r("ll Tt.n f) oot :hr'.,, l!',e-1 if:1e •o p!av and Ult\ ~Jn :,, p•ay ~,)t , ....,, . ,.,u,1'r Wha.1 wt-rt Rt'•!!a t:. ~ W'(lfki.ng ;Y.i lot ·t-t 1H \S h;~t bnnl! :tt.11' m hl\'t ~l.l'l,\"t>tn'"l'lttna l\f.,.,"t'''lf hkt 1r1, ~,;etb.l,I ·,ar.-,~ Thi!) people. wh,u !tile V'a!!l ~a,1i,~I lhf\r t \'l'I A1t,r1~11at"s'.'l).H'uon,l h, roi)IMII!.! !n'!l w.U be roamp1r.g



/\c(('rd;..i,t ro f-lO:T\ SUffotd,


Freshman's 11-game hitting streak earns national hor

~~~;~:u JR Ttit> \l')fthll prog,am

I:\ 'Ntll on

:hti: wa1 10 success this stason wr•h 1 20 12 re<orcl: And a filth pl•ct s1and1ng m'ht I <Jnt Ccnftrtrict One t,f thr irason\ for :tie ~::;;\::~ ~~\~:Zl~en tt:C' re<ent etloru ol d~il'Jla!M


Tht trnt.m11n slumr mtntly ":lijp,j an 11 RirT:" hlt t1-iu1ruk Ul111ta\!r-:l from M.ir(h 2310 Apnl ,1 f)uMg that Mr-e-ak. V1r.\On h1: nine ol her 13 -.ea~n ~~~l~~<irfol a 720bmmp.,ve:raRt w1th llln.n., •nd ·To11t$ i~, bnl. s:reak wt've t,ad from any pliver: heaJ ~ f•ri..11 <-»ch Budv Tietrt sa.:j ·11 wu phcnr,m en•! 1,.., set htr h•1 in L'lat many 9u:1es and tha: m;in;, l!omrrum l 1!\ml:. .,.,.f!··,e ~.all<.Offi" p!11vtrs'10lc.niter hit t.n~ \l"tAk, bo! rw""m.:as pnw,.r.i. 15 •t,11.· Thi~ ,trnl:. ~.f',Ol'.1 \inV1n •~rt :f>t S.tt.'onal h~t ~~c;p~~~t;es· ~x,~1,on :-Oatir•'lal H1rttr uf 1hr Werk


1, ranked s«ond ror homeruns n a tf!b~- · Ma:lory Moonev·) 1201I 1, ii:id 1Jn,N uT,.. n<~·~ currtnt w-aso t t I of \ S :You would thi;k ~haal somtr.onc v.l',!,,j ,·1· cockv, but I would not il'I mysel! dn t~l' · ·• •As soon as I qantd thmkmR about •at ""f.,, trf not to .ind rus: see tht bail, fc<u, •~ ur -. 1 half fun.~ EMILY PLAYING CAIIEER \"msonsatd ihebtRlnplawi~...i~bJ''ll • 11 baU INl,'Uf bt.'OU\t' l'J! htr fnr,1,;_ ~~· '~ S,Chool ptav1nR Ila\-~ thar rnt\' r,,t "t" r•,. ·• AllhO\JR,h itlt mrltd in hc,r Ja \ rv.•' · ~nuthlaki' 10 llnish c..u, hr hiJ/Jl ',(. 'looi c.· . · B1.;i S..:ll(-'oi whert

mt w~ 1ht rt,•: r.,~~

\Ol!..•i,tl t('~fll. \ i•-~n !,;11d i.llnou.:tihcn,,1rnr:,,•• -•;,, ·




nr-.1 rC"11.1n'1 ol di~tnd r,layi,!h, -.1 ,·ar": 1

1,k1lh l!lt!l' 1hat $ht ~ IOOa'( •1 w,i: 11w1al,y pPtt, l'J lo A'!l iwav • \ 1,u,oo -..,.ie - 1 · ], N'.altv titll)t'13 'Tit bt :,::.. ;, a-,,·] l;"" :l•d nf','t' l,..n ttt( 1J}1z-ea on tt111 b £. r,• a Yandara f..1v """ -..a,J • ~ :,,. 01 11 ha~ '(, 1,. ,,., ., . , ,.•. /i.J"1·1·1 w.a.. n c.tt 1 Jt.:, 11 1, •r 11:.iq se,:ng rl(J'N 2.11o! w~, ,.r. r-ur j,mi<!l ,\h , .... ,,. , i ,,_, ,. 1 ~~ertie:r makr-s me rul!v "X fl3\W .:ii ihr 'irn fut our di,1·1ct •

~t;:!.,.;~~~;: .;::,~~::!

\ ,r:)')" o«~r.w · ~" <K":id fr~t.n,,m 1n \C!\-)1')1 r, ( 1 !I'> :; 1 II• J ' ~:,rt tO:"\tl''Jr( .n 11 \l';i,.,,,r .:ia \!It



VINSO~ r-.


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