April 14, 1994

Page 1


------, 0 fficc of'D• 1sab1't•t· I ICS ' • assists students




On the Inside : Rangers new park

Movie review: 'Jimmy Hollywood '

~~~=·~~=-===·~~~--==--=-----:--:::-:-:-~ ==~-w ll-..: . .): ==E ,\pril 14, 1994

l\·li dwestern S tate University

SGA ...

Supr eme cour t table d . pus. In mhcr S~nJI.: busm~s. for pn:sidcnt vice Hom,·n. ,\I The Midwes tern State llni\'t'rsity S1udcnt Se nate hu ~incs.s aff,11 rs, prr_,;;1..• nt~d a d· \ .~ t,lrl.! , ~ook. 1h..: on rcpnn ,·oted unanimous ly April 7 IO tabk a rt·solution tha t wo ul d ,·1so ry Cumm1ttc1..• mci..' lin g welcomed He 311. March held crcall' :i .s tuJL·n t s up re me Pc1cr R\){1k :is l11c new m :rn • ro urt. . Denn Ph ,ll i p Birdine ,1gc r t) f thr hooks10r:.~ '- p11 kc bricny on whal he said adrelay<..•d bl, a n otllc H <lrawh~K·ks w..:n: h1..· hcli1..·,·..:d \ ice h l !-tudents wlh1 hJ\' 1,,• t l1 the rc soluth"'n. He said Sud1 . llll'n Sl s k hno h:ul • .. mor ting rrea y. ,nnfidcntialit hun..·Jun~.11.:\' . :mJ fund111g for incidc nL'> shl1uld h.: rqw rtcd .l .s 1.1ff nll:llll'ier l1l lJ\'Cr.S('i..' t<' the hnok.:-1 orc ~in r i:. the :ind adv 1sL" the co url w1..~ r1..' hc10kswrc can track stolt·n , ,111w 111 the li:i.1"'dil1c.s of 1hc hO\~~::~~~~\~-~u~~i~;~~d ior n·.-;olu1 mn. ShJnnon Pugh . prl·.,;,1ckn1 an incrt·.:i~ 111 .... 1..·hool fundi ng t1f S tudent Go van nwn l. $Jld lx·rJ usi..· or a.11 inrn:.is.: rn cn ,ill' "'-·hn·\·s 1h1..' c1m1mitt1..·..:.-- n. . llml'nt. l-l owen·r. MS U 1s re• :mt! bou rd.'- rcsid mc on ra m pu, ari: full y r apJiik of thl' t1uesting aJd1tionJ I f undi ng n..·p1IJ1l1ry pr1h..·1..·s.s on l':llil · fr1r sclwbr~hips. NAFrA re -

si:.Jr~h. fihl.•r optics ~ysti:.ms. J1; ~dd1tinnl l tdcn.s10n S lU · dio. nnd moneys fo r th e;: constru c tion o i ~, new health sci ence cl.!nler. A moti on YI. J S ~1ppru\·ed 1~, pro, itlc S1ud cnl Leader• ship funds f<>r a workshop IO ~ atte nded by th,· Accounting Socie ty. · The S1ud en t Senate will pbn t a red oak in honor of all rc ll ra n g faculty members pn or 10 thei r las t m L-e ti ng. II was :mnounct.:d the last mcetin~ of th~ se na to rs will b.: Ap;il 21 . Kiow;i KllOk w ill pro,·idl." di nn.:r for the scnJtors ill the rncL'linc. Nomina tio ns wili'also ti., made for ~ISU 's lop fa,·ul ty. s taff, and sena tor for the year.

Hen<lricksnn Jr. The Model Lca c ue of A rab S1:.1te.s offers College

vcrsity. Missouri Southern State College. University o f Texas at San An tonio, T exas Tec h U niversit y, Un iversi ty of N,mh Te xas and L am ar

Dy Lisa A. Boyette


r't.. -:.• I•• ( ;r-i.t lln ,nr ~ . ~ ' (Front):Julic Nannv Srotl RrY n n 8 8 11 r· d· Pa~n Bcucnmurt. Carin Bennett, ""'·in Duk<'. Limfa \\ !Ison Chri•;rv s·orzck 8 n · t h ack) : \ Vnylon Green. Da r a ll uwkin.;., \ fa rn1 s \ lc, cla nd . • rand on Olds. Bruce Smith. Spence r Fri r dl. ~licha l'I , ·t•ndrid.:. · -

Mass Com m. stude nts League of Arab el Mod A '11P trium ph at States coming to MSU

r.trt.1..· 1p.:1t...·d m the II\ l' C\1.'!l b :..' f,' i~ Ill 1Q l) ~ .mJ , ,·r11 nJ in \.I. 1th , ,1m~i i11H·~ 50 ,._· ,,nii.: , . i '.N .' ) T hi, \L·.tr Sm ith st.1ked T \\l'lv~ st uc.k r.L, n.· pr ~> I.ml, rtu . . \.(1 mp-:tm~ f.1r the 0u t fir~t J f, IHl . rou nding o ut r,.fs t ·· ~ rvt :is~ i~1ur pl.K. .• li 111., ht·,;, .t:n t inr: th..' ...-m:h.· quit,._· nl':t tly Jt th l· Compt.·t111 on \L.L-- 1i~· n·t·. C<1m m~n1cJ ti on , Di:p:inmcn 1 KL" vc n D ul..L·, ~n1 nr m..1 _,. . cnJ 01 ht'- ~·cl li:.~1..· t .1ru.· r. u,crn hel med le.um ~ (r\Hn I l <l nr.1rn.i l'n t )\lb.. rn.•:,. hm Jn ~;1-:,~11 r.~ Trx.1s: IJl11,a~it11..·., l ,Hnmunh. Ju1, n, m.11,,·. ,._, J , b, Bri an Ballar d .~ssocia te Edit o r

JI tht· 11\t' cnmpctllnm of thi:- 1h ..· "1,lr OJ lhL' -. 1, n lt'l l' !1(L' . JU..J~-Q-! Tc.xas l ntcrcnlh.·c13.1L· Jd ll(,' \111 J:. Olli l'lh'. 1'u1 1,i ,1


I TfPA ) 'fir-- 1 pl.lC's.· rini , h:.·~, . Du kx ['l1 1onJ~·J tl Cu rp u.s Chri,u fr•m1

.\:-- soc- 1atiun

('('l Tnm llllll':'ll h'll~ m,IJOr .1.nJ r,!ww~r:1rlh'f for Th!' w;. r.urnnrd th n• u~ h lo , ;11t1Jn mJ , ,

(ir ... t thi rJ pl.1L·L· 111 tll' \L:-./.1-.· 11 on ·\ pnl ThL· ~ t SU 'Pln,.,,: r 1;.·.1 ni ·\ 11,1th~·r wrnn;r fpr \lS LI .1.nn nwn.: ~! w:i rd..: in thl· II\, In:-! :\fllHhn k .1<l1:q; re~ \ \J , sr. ·nll'f h ll'd l. 1uninr Ctin•r \· 11t1o n than :1n, , . . tlh· r ir ~1 Sl ; \\,1, \ l1k...: m..!." ,._ 1 mnnm1t-.il hll1 ' m.lJ l)f .. 1 m1,·r f,• Ti:\.i, , ,.: h,Jol. 11u1dl\.1J n,.:1111,: !-, \l fltc r f,1 r Th, · ,i\[! h>u, Gr,·..,l•.1m. 1uni.1r n1.1 ,,;, ... nm- JnJ ,p11 rt ,i.: ...·h ~,.:l:11(' \:,. w1Lh pr,._-_ H / 1 lt 1t d fl r- n l·dl ,iut.~r ortl·J ::i rn .d1,m dl.'partmL' ll h .1.... mu:1H Jt1dn" m:i 10r. \.., hl 1 ill(;. .. t1mpc l1t1,1n 1r, ,,._1111h 1n J ScitHh\\ :'-l T l'. 'X U~ S tJ(L' \ l r.1s p..:-uhc Jdcd to _rir.-t r l.ll'l' In pL.1 c.: 1.11 pn111 , r ,m., \\nllf1 £! . \t.'f'-ll \. ( !nive r:,.ll v cf T t.: x.1..: T\ !-fWft , \L ll l lil J'.! .ind thtrtl \1 Sl ·, w n m.: n \ \t.: f l' ,wt " -\ri m~wn. Ba; 1t,r. S \I LI. rlac ..· 1n T \ ' nr v,. ~\\ nll n~ 10 h,._· 1'luldl1nc hv ~ISt '. , nwn. • \Jm !l r:tb:Pll S! JtC. TCU . BnK... Smnh. , t'!lh1 r m.1,~ hL•\,._ . ,· ,1..·r 01 1 1 l--: n., 11 Urn11.:k pn unclt-d cnmmunicJth•n:,. 111 JJ\'r. hJd ,~ rom plJ. mnl th:it ht· , .. ..,u lt.I nnt ~ - - - - - - - - . I ~n'1!1 T,:,J,: ;111J St~phc n F ,ctLk fl, r X:l'VnJ HJ :- I JI L'. tl11 , , -~ lb (lfl St.:IL' V C,f fo r nc' \\ SpJprr 1.,yout \! or.: than 600 :-tu tknt., {Snuth pb ced fn.st 1n 1h1 ~ CJ!




~:;:t ~:1,1/,11~11~:~H~~·;: ~~~f:~;t ~:!~l~l,~~~~~~~-lfl~~,~ ~ :~i;_. ~'It·


See page 2

b, · llrian llallord :\·ssoci~1tc Editor

~l1 dwc.s ti..· rn St:.1t1..· Uniwill hos t l hc v(' r ~1t y S. f'U lh\\:L'Stern cnrnpc1itwn of 1h ..• ~h'lJel L,·Jguc of ArJh

Stall's s1arti ng today, April 1-l . th ro uf h SaturtlJy. April

16. in tl1c Clark Student Cenrcr. Ofl'.'. ning. l·c n:monies wi ll he a t 9 n.m. in 1hc Ball mom The gu1..·s1 .spc.::ikcr fo r the e,·,•nt is Dr. Ahdallah Shie h 0i th..: \V a.shini: 1on D .C'. nf. fi cl' of lh t: Lc; cuc.: uf Arah StalL''· Num crn u.s cnmmitt1..·e lllt't.'liOl.!S J llJ lHh..-r l'\'l~llli;, ar.: ~di l'd t~ln l th r11t1i!hou t the lhrt'l' d:1y p1..: riod . 1~hl' ruhli c is in\' Jti..• d ln l,hsavc all l.'\l'I\ IS .

Lr~<.. ·:i.l hosts fr1r th l' ml'ct111g Jri..· ~ISU rrnk.sSCl rs Dr. M 1d1al'I Pr. .·da, Dr J. David i\ b ni n ,md Dr. Kennet h E.

an d un1\ er ~it\' s tud..:nts an

op ponunity w· learn and dc,·clop leaders hip ski lls w hile lcarninl!, ahou l 1hc s.ocia l. i.:conomic. c ultura l and politi• cal is.sue s faring r\mh world k ~1dcrs.

As rcprc .sc nta tivcs of mcmtx.:r st.'.l tcs. stmk ni dclc• ga 1es a u cmpt t o so lve prnhlems and :::id1icvc conSl.!n .sus. o n ques tions dip lomat.'- con.sider daily.

P~rtlcipam.s in this yea r's ronfcn.:ncc ind udc two MSU stu den t delegations rcpn.:..scnl• ing Kuwai 1 (History) and Qatar (Poli tical Science). Other delccalions incl ude studcnL,; nnd fJc ulty adv isers from St. Ma ry's Unive rsity. Southwes t Texas Slate Uni-


A ho ut 200 panic ipa nts an: expected in al l.

Schedule set for Saturday , April 16 9:00- 11:00 a.rn Com mittee Scs.~ions I 1:00- 11 :30 a.m. Faculty adviso rs ' meeting, CSC Lounge I U0- 1:Jllp.m. Banquet, Ballroom CSC I :'.10-5:00 p.m. S ummi1 Con fcn:ncc , CSC Ballroo m 5:00 p.m . Awards Pn,se ntmion, CSC Ballroom

Rec ycl ing pro gra ms gro win g m il J.. ,in J 1u11.:e ...-.1 r1 _,1_11 ... {p\ll)'C(l:1ll:<l PJ JX.' rho .nd), f h1.· i:J w .1hd r1..·qu1rc ~ s. .·hn,d:-._l,l cn ·c pft." kri: m:t' in pur.:h.:t.'in~ flro<lm: I~ mJ,k 01 rcq·ckd

mu . . t anytl11 ng 11 1ack Jrom alum inum Ft11I. IJwn l'. hai r fram1..·:-. p1i.: p;in,, autum11hik part.-. and -.; 1d1n~ :in.! n frw L'X· :Hn r k :. .



:\ ddtn g lhl.' '-'.l' ITI J h! ·

nals Jnhl u ~c h1)n l ll't) ding

nt Jl~~,;~; ; sclh1ols II\ Tl! xa s prng r:i.m rtt n innc:t:.c 1h1..·. Stl!\'l! ~Ji<l .m: .i.h,!aJ of 1hc lu L~ and haw t~J rlllll!! S, lll)IJ~ rct·)-cling

~\~;~ ~~--~~~ J~~\h~I~~~~(' 1::.:,hY

\Vi5'.·hoff. lk)

c..:nt~·r rn :rnacc r.

The Rt:}':nc1IJ -. rccyl'l ing T.lt~r!,'.l'....S Ek~mc nt:iry ~ -l,c1ll l lhr• Tr .ichr r Rot,,n P111~m:111 cen la 1.-;. located at 2 !09 for more in fo m1 ::nion v:1rd. h..!.' . .- o\uduJ J lC.:d :u1 :1lur111num .duminum r Jn rcqdin!! clfl,n u tl h h1 ~ ,m ~ uing up nn cal l 122sixth ~rJd . .·. ~i.:1c m:c rlJs:,. f'?r rc·cydmg pro~r.i:n, 20~0. th~ pa:- l n111c ycJr,. Th1 :\ Ho~pibal Sr.au F•lls hlla ·c ar'!, cl ass cdrncd a1"' ou1 Wk YI()() . which v, ill tic d<1 nat,·d np1.1nd.<1 1111p,rr n-·cyding pr ognm 5 th e Wic hita Fall s Human,· T ht: P:t r L·r Rc...-yd ini fl.)C u.::ty to !\t1ppn11 t.hi: ~a~ c.,f Wo rk sho p 01 WichitJ Fa ll s . ·un·d or orphJ.ned J..nim:tl_:.. ,nJ Pinkm un makes 1w)·chn g State Hosptt al ( W FSH ) is now r11.::ci.: ptrn~ news pape r, :i hands -o n componc~t of his shredviwnmt!ntal curn c ulum. clean trash pJper. and e n_ £. it Ill illuslra.tc points on ded paper for rccydin~. St·n·kc.,;, nnJI Voca1i Thi: u~!~Urn: u, c and co n ~erva.• De partme nt at WFS II has lfi, , tmknts seem <o re .



rt:d int o an 31?.n."l~ mcnt ~~~;~ \H:tl · fro m the c-xpcri- i;nte wi 1h Gras"-' \V;"tf!k ~En \., iron•

\•nt.-...:Rci..·}cli nf! cans mc:..ins tlll'lltal .\d.:.i ptati{lns. In1.: .. uf ~ to di g for mo~ Vanon. T~x J..S. to supply pa1,1 h:i,•1. w~ J l)~ unr . :ind it SI\\' t'S rn • r,t' r for U5'4..' i.n the mun ufacturr 1 .i) u.~ ! ~id Apri l JonC.'-, il M U· crt;). Pinkman·s d a.~dL·ak1~~-nlllds purc ha,(,L'S al·

See page 2

Stoa_nn _Wisch,'.IT• Reynolds necyclinf center 1nanager , unloads c.ans coll~.-l'Nt b ~· Rob1~ P1nk_man s sclence c~a.ss from K~te Bur;~ss FJcmentur~ School. Apni ,?onr <. Jen rufe_r \\ est. Roxa nne 1 orrez und So mme.r Wttls h helped d un,p t.he n us J he dass w11J donole the proc-ceds rrom lilf'lr rl"(') Cling dforts to the ll u nrn11r ' od ..1, to help injured and orphaned animnls.





April 14. 1994

TIPA competition

Police beat


From pai e I

pac k con tarn c d tw o nut c-

lly Cindy Kahler llell StaffWrltM

The following offenses were reported lO the M SU police depanmcnl March 22Apri l II: O According 10 Police Chief H.G. Evans, LaCaudria Graves. a rcs idl!nt of Killingsworth Hall, was arres ted in connec tion with crcdi l card ahuse April 7. Graves is charged with s tealing an AT&T calling card from a room in Killing swonh Hall . and ille gally using the calling card numhcr of an MCI card. Calls of S77.23 were c harged to the AT&T card and S859 in call s were charge d to 1hc MCI card Feh. 16-2 1. Grave~ was arrested again

April R in connection wilh forgery . H e 1s accused of stealing a check from a room in Ki llin gs worth Hall and cas hing ii at 1hc MSU Book s1orc fo r SI 00. O A case o f c riminal m ischief wa s rep o rte d hy Dan William s. a ss istant ph ysica l pJant directo r. H is vch1ck 's paint was damaged by a s harp ins1rumcn1 in five places. Acc o rdin g to th e n.:port. 1hc dam age s tancd occurnng after he iss ued profic ie nc y reports on employees of 11Je power pl ant. Then: i~ a su~pcct under invc.i..ugauon. O So me one siole SI ., no

out a st.::co ntl place in rad io hc,oh and five hooks . Tlw commercial co pywri 1ing ::int.I va lue of stolen Items 1~ csll - achi eved a 1hird pl.J ee fini sh matcd 1<1 he $ 150 in TV announci n~ . O MS U police ass iS1ccl Brozek told ll'amm alL~ 1hc Wichita Falls Pol,ce De - s h(: had to wait th ree ho urs 10 partment Marc h 2 1. Two pcrfonn 1n TV ann ouncin g. MSU stu dents Wl' l'l' arrested c1hviou sl y huilJ i ng up n go0J in connc..:11 011 wi th cn·ch1 cart! head of s tenm ,,v hik s hr.: ahusc. Mcn;handi ,l: was re - wai tl'd. cove red r.. 0 111 th e ir dorm Ann1her cate gory 1ha1 roo ms. MSU did we ll in wa." m:1gaO Mo ney was stolen from 1.inc layoul. Julie Nann y, the video ma.chines in Clark senior mass communica1ion!> Student Center. The theft was maj or, placed 1hi rd in thi s reponed on Man·h 5. $25 is category. Nanny a<l mitte<l to miss ing. her tcammate.s afterward." th at O A lice nse pl a te was the competition was thl' fir.~I s w le n bet wee n March 4 and time s ht: had C\'er don e a March 6 from a car on cam- magazine layout. pus. Canned Compclilion O Gregory Ca nnon an MSU al so did cxtrcml'iy MSU student. was arrl!s tcd well at TJPA in ihc "Canned April 4 in connection with a Cornpclition," 1hat is. materi telepho ne harassment case . als previously puhlishc d hy He is <:harged with harassing contestants in college newsan o th er MSU stud ent. papers. T. V . o r radio sratitm s 0 The Wi c hi1a Fall, Po- and submiued for evaluati on li ce Dcpa rlm e nt a rn:.s ted in advance uf lhc li ve com th ree juve niles in rnnnec u o n petition in Corpus Christi . w 11h hurg t1ri cs o f \'Chicle s.

lrati:d hy tho~ arrcs ll'll.

D Three hurgbry of n ·· hiclc caSl.!s \'- l'rc reported on cam p us this wee k. /\ Su 1uk1 1

Sidekick \


l:O\' L' r


cut and a po rtahlc Pan:i.i..ona: radi o \ alui:d at $ 20 wa!-. take n Th e d;1m ace d to th1.: \'t~h1 r lc i., cst1m atcd at 5,.)00. O On Arn i I ." .s lim Jlnl · hk c d C\' lC.:l' wa s u~d 111 l'•pc n a car Th e <la., h wa, ri.: rn ov~d

form Lhc c.: onccss 1on ', (.'.l nd on the northwest side of D.L. Ligon Coliseum ri.•1an:h 5. An MSU st ud ent is a SUSl'l'C I in the ca.r;e . E va ns dc!-.crihi:.~ Lhc and an A M / F'.\1 1..:.1SSl' ltc invcsLigation a., :· rn ll\ mg to- s tcrl·o and CD pl ayer we n: ward a conclu.-;1on o n th:.H tak en. E "-l 1m J ll'd \J l uc 1,

sus pect.

O Coyctt Joh nson. who b not an MS U s tudent. was arres ted o n a th 1nl dcc rcl'

58tMI O O n Apnl fi . •, loc ked

MSU had many 1l11rd

feature category.

he ~50





l'\ll!Ti all'd

and Suicide" series. The ad campaign ca tegory was dominated hy A1.alia Duran who won third place for "Alpha Plas ma" and

an honora hlc mention for her "7'24 A.D."

canned competition including

in news feature : Dean L::i. wrcnce for "Movi e Themes" in the critical re•

sicm sportscast event. "Fitness." a vi,Jco pro· duc 1i o n of David Keating,

view category; Juli e Na nn y for opinion page des ign and for her "Fund ing " in the


Kathryn Self ror "Class Rin g"

television non-feature story.

Editor's Note: Th e Bryan Ballard in the story is a different and younger


person th an the writer

this story.


. , ·:■


__,.. )

~.. . , O .

American Hearl Assoc1olio n

Doors Open at 8:00 pm fiOC Bar Drinks &Drow Beer Until 11:00 pm Featuring Our lnfomOIJS Macho Chest Contest &Sexv Silhouette Contest 18 and Up Welcome. Holiest Top 40 Dance Music. 3711 Cofifleld 696-0055


V i

,;.. 2: ....m...



fholo by 1Jra11dtm OW,

h HoUda}' [nn in Corp us Ch risti urns<, The s~curUy offic er at t :b Tu:as l nftrcollgfalt Conftrt nct on the ftm nlt protdtor at kt d Playboy Runny 'P11m' Mt • IU..,

:c:t/!j~c:~:J:::~ •::~P:m' simulatedthis for TIP~) 0; 1


Paper recycling From page J

of 1heir product. Ron Barb, director of vo-

l.'ational services, e xp ressed

At this tim e , al l pap.; s hou ld be hroughl to ihc V~ cati o nal Services Building,. WFSH during the hours a .m. to 5 p .m., Mond, 1 thro ugh Friday .


de li ght in finally be ing abl e to give 1he co mmunily an ad dition al ou 1le 1 for news papers. The Vocationa l Service, The ag recmcn I has been B u ilding (Bu ilding 71 1) is in negotiation for so me lime , located at the back of 1~ and u,e Recyclin g Workshop is cager 10 begi n the projec t. hospita l campus and may be For 1hc pas 1 se veral years , the reached by en1e ring ihc cam• Worksh op has been recycli ng pus al West Drive an d re used computer paper from lo- maining on Wcs l Drive ti) cal and area businesses. Paper recycling is a very Aven ue 5. Tum righ1 ,,., labor-inlens ive process be- ap proach th e new ly -c on· ca use o f the need to so n pa- struc ted building. per _b)'_~ades and types_ ._

11.lpha : Plasma I-_ -

.i a





-t: ' -·


~E =·

¥~ ~







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treet ( ·~



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New! 01, S,d., New/


Morrisey :

The More You Ignore Me, ~ e Closer I Get" • ihe 1iog~ from •



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' Your Ghost" (with Mid,o,l Siipe) · the <Ingle from

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Buy one meal at regular I price & pay half price for ! the second meal MondayI Friday from 3 p.m.-6 p.m.

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Tammy Hill, Linda Wilson Scott and C lcll Tickle achieved a third place in print !-cries for their "Depression

Sto l~n 11t..: m , :1 rl' \'J lu t" d ::it

s21,< 1. Dam a1.:c

I ~~~' ~ ~~

Kathryn Self placed third for her "Day Recogni zes Saints, Souls" in 1hc print

ne\\'.S C:I.',L Allen Gknn. Brian Yount

Juli e Fish and Chris1ine Pugh,


place fini shes in the can n~d competition.

and Bryan Ballard ac hi eved a fi rs l pbcl.· i'nr "MSU Spo rt'- Sce ne" in th e h; lcvi•

hro ug ht the team a first place vch h.: k v,,l.., hroh ·n in to and Ill tdcv1sion production. th e c n111en b ri: mcni.: d Th e MS U had 1wo second felo ny charge Apnl .\ John • ncm, stole n in c. Jude :.i , onv pL1 cc fini shes in the ca nned son w .1.i. c harged w11 h c.irry - walkman, J. kJth 1:r pur-.e. ~ compctiLi on. ing " .357-calibcr hand gun on duffi..:I hJt: . :rnd t h l· f.1c tc, ry Debbie Macs taz a nd ca mpus. IO \ l:t lkd. A ~1/ l- ~1 ', \ l'fl.' 0 Var.cssa Perez knocked oul a

O A purple hu r kp"ck was slolc n form a w.hk m M0ffc ll L1hrar, March 29. The hack-

" A Day in 1he Life." . Th e lcam composed n l K)• le Darn,,11 and Li sa Pccol ach ieved a .r;c,·oncl pl arc for their "Humane SociL·ly'' in lhl' tckvision puhlic affairs c alcgory.

MS U had se vera l first "Drunk Dri vi ng " won the place fini shc.:s in 1hc "Cann c.: d MSU 2 staff a third place in Compeuti on." Ci e l! Ti ck le won first the tclcvi!iion s port. PSA or place in the singk ad cate- promo cate gory. Bria n Younl placed third gory. A team c ffc1rt hv J\ l!l.: 1a in lhc tc.!lcvision audition tape Prclii to n. Juli i.: Na nn Y. Brian cal cgory. Yo unl . Da\'id Ke ll e y, Kri>1i MSU ach ieved many Bro , c k and staff won them a f1rs 1 place for te levi s ion hono rable ment ions in the

Pn licl' say th~) have evidence 1hal tw o hurgla ric.s of ,·c hi · clc!-. on campu, wc rl' ~ rpi.:-


sci;o nd place in tcll!vision doc um entary for their video





Sok P,<f' f,tr,•1ei t./ J(J/9t.



h¥£mg~ Wlchlt• Squ,r<


Iii' •


".■ .. u .. is11••• '"'•••••••·• •• .... cut• "'•a:

>o u r "

le t t G ree k Nigh 1 e r ~ "-n d rece iv" SS pi1<h~ r<

r 11 u llS n.\ y


l(., HT ,c H:( I ot f on un,., h_.;ci;al f hou~ : o r ,..1110.I- s1"'·.i.v' . f h .n !'i r lfhi' ,._ I H•1 Ji( FfUO,\y ,'I. ,,-., 111 f\\t r, , ' ' R D A y l\ ith'-' )( C.ou,i,1s \VI

\\i hc... ·J ~p i n, C:Vp p

o r S tr•n,





\ I



ll I


I i


,!!!_t: \11chltnn

f ommentary

Ve rd ict sends a message about crime in Clay County pl11111hl'I

nrnrd •r 1


~1· fn,

u'.t ~11~~~11;:d lhl· ,n 111c 1 ll.,kc r h• J • • 1 , "' 111 0111 ~ 1·~ pk: ii~ll ti J.!U1lty _hn!\i s ,ign,Hun· 011 ~wo~ ,: $1, 2001 11111 ,~.~~l\~ u\~\·: 1s"'i • 11 11 R1.: d H 1 r I n h11 ~111es1.; run b s1 nnd, lon y Buki:i ('c ll ,ll~y

l•,dJlor' s nolt-: Tiu.• ro1 . lowlnJ;:, con1111c 11tnry hy Alon !\loser wias oriJ.:.innlly publislu•d in 11,e \Vichitm, Murrh JI. Errors in pn,::c layout by the editors resuited ,In th r . scqul• ncc of the nrl1rlc being <'onru scd Jlcncc, it is rcpuhli siic,j hrre in the <'Orrct•l order.

U} A.Inn f\1os er Slufl'\\'ritcr De hm Baker w.1 ~ con . \IL:h'd o J nrnr<IL·r Peh 2 in th . poiso nin g denth llf Jeri l S1l'rnade l. d D enn, Tex a!.


,'\/:'t't " \·

~tl rn ndd 11 1H Cl

1 11 11




ount y Asli is111 111 ni st 1 At~' 11 ncy John Con ~ .) 1 on .;~ 1~ 11 ,;·:;~l:~~\11 u B;1.k1..· r 1 )i.:,lrs 1 I) l-!I c.J cfi ,




rL:h:r~1 ~~,r

1 111 h~~r"!~::~i°lin,_

I, ~ ph ,1 on the I '. r' o ri. . cry th,1rg1.: But ,1 p1 e - ~l' llt e 1H: an g , u_trn c :;:~~l;~: !!~;!~';':l.. lllrlll'd up the i;


( Hfiuul ,i; 111 1,; 11d 111; 1111 tlh·

B n kl•r,

lnq!t.'. I y ch,,q;l' wn, cl,·1,,)'t ,I until thl· Vl' llltll nve1 tlu 1nm tln w ,1 1- H',ll hl·d , hn1 ?ff/th 1J1 ,. 1n~1 Jmll!l' Rnhcrt I l'h'11l_fl' r 1h<l 1Hll m.11u.lnh· .1 p11 s11nh1111 l\nkl' I ut;1ced 111 u pk ,1 hru gn m th,11 w1ll crnwil l h1·1 nl 1111µ~ 1y 111 ll1t)'\ ( '11u111y, l n ;us, hut ' l'lltcmc..· hn lt t 10 y1·,1rs prnh,1111111 fo1 th e 11,1,2 olh:nsl' r,1th1·1 than 11111 t111w , s,11d Cu,1l'll11 1h,1t wns hns 1t: 111l y the s ,111!l' 1w11 .1lt y. she . wu s nss1.. ssl·d hy ,t ( l.1y (u11 111 y Jllr) lor 111111 dn111~ Jl!rt y Stnnntld. l'Xll'fll 1h,1t slH' w,Hiltl ,ll st1 l.ic.:t' ,t $ 111,1100 li 111•

1l111N1,l.1y ,

''I II, tllu· 111drl.•\ ) h,l "l ll f,·,·lilq: wa , 1h,11 it ,It,· w11 .. n111 1:11 1n1: 111 11111 1111 n1u rJ l.·r, :- ht'''- II PI 1:• d11 }' lo >111 111 i.11 1 f111 11111:1·1 .v," ( """h' ll11 ,11lt l


h ud

1Hc1hatln11 , wi ll h,· ' l' l\' C.: d lht' \ \ ,_! ()(I WIii t,,· paid h;u.: k 111 l ' 111111 rl.'. l l 1111 \\Ith tilt· l11q~l'r y c:11111 ,;c alonu wllh \hO ho ur.Ii ,,1

C l.1 y

ll ll•

I W\t


)"t',l f

l' P lh.' 11111 ' 1111 )'

' L"rvu ,. ·1hl'


l 'lllllflHlllh)'

llnL' 1111 , 1

D, hrn Bnkn n u ·h,·tl Im, uni hll' II p.rnl , m lllltling 1_. 1),111 SluJ•k \lhlnl l Ll,·,k uf C'luy ( •ou'111 ),, t-cc.:irn ~· l'Vt 11 thoui:h , hl' H'C.:l'ivt.:d thl' lt µ htt·~ t si.: nl CIH l..' po 1.;s ihk 1; hc 1~ uppc.ihng II to till' l ud Co urt ol Appi·.ils 111 hirt \Vnllh l' lu y Co unt y Da s liltl t\lhnm·y I 1111 \ ttk liiU HI he to ultln'i unlh-ist md how "n pl.unH·tl mt11dl'; 11 1111 w.i, l,llltl·d 11111111 , mh II h,,rnhk, hn1nhk lns hinn " (;011ld hl· uwullktl w11 h f1l' l'il C1111 Coll' h,ttl nskcd tht· 1111 ) Ill his , l11 s111!! nr gunicnh 111 111vc mu x. 1m~um th e ll.1kt'r \e 111t·11t1·. hie in p11 s1111. tor her c.:nme

Economks seems to be the concern in this case rather than justice.

jlll' \' 11 11, .., I>•

,1, ~l·d th l' ).11 ry 1,, 11 , l· i t, '-l' IIICth. \ ' 11 1 ~..:.nU !l llll'\ ,!IJ'C 111 1\•11 1 ..: 11111l' 111 < ·1.,y (\111111 v · Hut . whut L. 111d ttf tll l'''.lf.:l' ,1h11ut , rnnt' ' " th" ',l" Oh ' lh ' \' ~l'lldt11~•, '' I f , h1·\ µ111lt y ;i., th...~ 1111)' tliJ 1ntl1t' 11ti·. !h t• !\\' ll lc11,·\· , ._ 11_,o 1i1;h1 ," il\' 1.:Ndi11 ~ 111 om: ( 11u1H y J11 0 11L'C r.

ln my \lfllllhlll , 11 DL·hrn Uukt r hud ll:C'dvt d .1 10-}t'.ir prisnn tt·nn 111 !-.h' ml ol 11 10· )'\'!lr pr11h,11t·1I ~· nh.:111..t.:. odds .m: 1h111 !-.ht· w1111lc.ln t "C l \'(' lO ,tl l1t,1I )t' ,1rs, all\· r tlirl'C or 1.1:ur she .' ' ~11.1ld J!,1·1 lcl ~,n Iii~ piod h1h.1,io1.


Apri l 14, J1)'J l

the l OUrt u )!l. ! s 11"ll put Ir "~ l 11 hutt.kn on the 1:1)i.p,1yl' r, \11 lk nrh· ll n



nl pns~lll o~'l"rClllwJin~ At lt:ma 11 shei,, 0 11 prnh.111 0 11. Sllllll'Pll l' will m;1unll y 1111,·~· n ,tn ng un hl' 1 hw the next JO yl',ll s Ami ,t ~he had rl'tl!1vcd ,1 grl· 111c1 pr1 , ,1n tl· 1111 , li hc Wl) Uld h,l\'l' :1ppt'nkd II l01 cvcr, wlu i.: h d1 lC s11 't IOl'lln th ,11 w,1111 h,1ppc 11 ,rnywuy rill' m.1 x1111um l111r 1h.1t wus lt·v1t·<I 111 th t.: rul111 r is guo tl Ill rny opmum lwca'u""· 1l will hl·lp hi n.·p.ty some lll

1-.rono1111rs M'l ms to lw til l.· m,un f l111 ct.·1 11 ol thi s c.:.1 ,1.: rnlher 1h:1 n Jt1st1c.:c n l' l,1U s1· cvc-1yonl! kntw, , 1h111 "'mall c11u1111..;, lik t· l' l,1y dc, 11 t

ah v.1ys h.1vc th e nMney In ~ov~1 lhl· l't1 u1t lO!'<.ts 11r a l:.l St;, fnvnluusl y dr.mn till( h} lawyer, A'- J p11l1l1l ,d t ,111110 11 ckp1 c 1cd rl' l i:n 1l y, till h ll'

sp.1n nf u <kath r,,w 111111 ,11c is rn<l cl 11111e w1lh , !!Oll<l l.twyl'r

-------------------------------pro-life inserts Vandals destroy

----------------Insight: (ODA) Office of

Disabilities assists students Editor's note: The following co lumn is a commcnt:.ry by Debra J. lligJ:inho th a m , AOA coor• dlnator-Counsclin~ Center. It has co me to my allcntion that many studcnLo.; wi th disahilitics may not he aware of lhc resources avail . ahlc :it MSU . ·n,is is of great cc,ncc m lo myse lf and others. as MS U i.s co mmitted to prc1vH.Ji11g a harril~r·frct: campu., with equal accc.ss to all servi ces and program s fo r every s1udcnt. The Office of Dis:1hili ty Accommodation (ODA) is loc aled in Hardin So u1h. room 21l . Any student wi1h a ccrtilicd di sabili ty (as rovcrcd hy th e Amcrkam, wi 1h Disahilitics /\ct ) is encouraged to rcgislcr as soon a_.. possible upon acc c pt:.ince to the University. The ODA s taff works with students to dete rmin e an y. if wha t . acco mm odations mi ght he necess ary each .\i cmcs l_c r. This ma}' include mov111 g classes to ac:ccssih lc cl ass-

roo ms . provi din .,: i,, pcda l desk$, ~x te ns1011 nr l t!.\I lillll:, uddition ul tim e I n gc l I n cla ssl'S, se parate 11:s1in }! areas, and providinl,! rc;1dr rs. scribe.Iii, o r ASL intcrprt·lns. The ODA cnn ta~·1s in ve rify 10 s I ruc t ors Jccornm od.i ll oiu, and 11r 1.._ :L, a li:Jiso n w hen need ed. Even if nu ac<.:on11nuda1 inn.'- arc re qu es ted. s1mk 111s ca n hc pu1 on a nmlide ntial mailin g list. and will rercivc a rnnnthl y nf fl t'\\' \ nc w ,1,; let1t· r . up co m111 g C\Tn l~. un d pert i ne nt itt·m, 0 11 new ru lin gs which may affrc t individuals with di,ah1liti i.:.,. In addition, th e Univt.:rsit y

purkin!! Add 11i,111u l pkll'C.li, 1hc n:11111val uf dcH1r." in C l:1rk S111dt:lll Cen ter, utl • dili onal siµ nugc in many huiltling s. new le \'t'r•slylc tln o r lrnntlk s anti dour rq,l:in:ml'III in 11:mlin Sn111h;11l of thl'...C rh;mgcs occurred hl·causl' ., pt~dfir requests were presc nlcd to the Task

IIJ' Dnrin Klnhr

nnd Jennifer Knm nrh


Fla. •· l'oll(_t:()~~r/\L 1\ 1!,nl llf' callinl,! i1scl f "Pissed Off \Vimm in" dai mcd re• spons ibility for 1.kstroyi ng 10.(kkl prn-lifr m·wspapcr in se rts th at we n.: s11pp11sed to he dis1rihu1cd i\pril 5 hy "//11· Miami /111rrin m,· Howcv l·r. thl~ s1mk11t m~wspapa at the Univcrsily of Mi a1111 has vowed hi dt· ·

liver rcprinll' d adve rti sing suppkm L:nts as sehe<lukd. "Thl' h1Hllu11 line is 1ha1 we're ntll µoi nµ 10 kl this get in lhl' way of gelling infor• matwn out thcrl•," said Juli u rc rnan ck1.. lht· /111rr i r t1 ,i1• 's husincss mana!_!('L Fernandci' s:1hl s taff in • h:mk d to distritm1<.· 1hi.; newsp:1pe r:s the morning of April 5 h:Ls a 504/AD/\ Ta.,k fo rce. I rJthcr than lhe ni gh I hcfore to 1..·ann o t cn co ur:t)!C stu<l cnl s p1\~v,·111 anyo nc fnim ronfis. ion much o f lhl' need to be - not can.:. or ck.s 1royi11g is." ucs :ll eating lly. fncu all nd fou have I come involved 1 ut di stri huti on points. Due tu 1h,• 504/ADi\ staff and administration 'Pissed Off \ \'i mm in' Ill do whatever ing ll wi U MS Committee. wh 1c.:h is com • ncr cssar y to cns ure thal rm Claim RcspmtSihilily s tuc.l cn1 stud e nt is di scrimin:11ed of pri se d A gro up th ut hlcn1ificJ it· reprcsentativt:s and facul1y aga mst, and that curh :111d cv• self as "Pis.,.cd Off \Vimmin " and staff chose n from each cry ind1 vidu;1I will have the faxt: d a press re lease HI lht· di visio n, man y projects to in · sa m e to news pape r ~fan.:h 28, daim orpo rt1111i1 y crease accc ss ihili1y have part1cip111e eq uall y in all ing rcsrnn:-; ihility for trashing hc i: n impkmcn 11.:d in thc l;L'i l as~x·c.:L" of life. thL· suppkmcnl s. Police he · few month.Ii. licve the insl'rl'i from I luman : - - - - - - - - - - 7 I Life of Minnesota Inc .. an anti -ahnninn or~ani,.ation . wcr\' tlcstrnycll bctwc t~ n 2:JU anJ 5 a.m. Mnrrh 28. ~-l 111 Tall nl vd p <) 011\ 1(10 Wi d111;i bib. Tcx;L, 7(111)~ Th e I 2• pugc tuhloids New, 1k .. l.: · r,S 1).,17(~1 were st rewn across 1hc nour o f a s1aif\\'t' II in tlu: \Vhi11en Atlvn11 , i11!: ,1c, ~ C1S1J - 17tJ', Univers it y Center and rell !!ell,• ~lulum· pai nt was pu111\·1I un lhL·m. A,fr1wr Paint was nlso poured into l>rcw i\.1ycrs hnxes of ,1,; uprlcmc: nts. Boxes Brian Ballard Kelly Wcbl> Muhlcy containing ano ther suppleSports Etluor A., .w cim,· Ed1111r ment, U: 711t• Nmimwl Col· J~daor frgr ,H",t:a: illt' , we re nut r>t•nn l,a\,·r enc·c Erk Ul.'cks touched. /\ llicr glued 10 the Dnr!1 Hawkins £ 111t·rt11i11111 c 111 Edi10r n,,_,i111'u· !i,fot1tfg1' r wall depic ted u l'Oat hanger Arfrrn iJ ing Afmul.~" ' und 1hc words. "The alt~rnaSt:ilT Wrilcrs Cin,lr Kohfrr JJdl. Li.w /l11yrm·. S111•11 , er Fri, •dl, /\Ion Mou ·r. /.1-: R11_l, urd"111 r-nn·l· for action. Bui involvl·mcnt is criti • 1h c 50<1/i\Di\ Co mmittee needs student input! I rl!l!f"Cl that change SCl'ms slow, and that sometimes we may lw vc to work out some ulll! rn ntc nn:ommodations un1il 1:ompkte remodeli ng ca n he accomplished. But plc:csc d11n'1 1hink MSU doc.,


;-~•• .--------==---Wi:::;-~-:;;;-----:;h

le ltan



Co py Editors /lrmr s,11111,

J>J1otog:rnplit:r!'. lirantlnn Old<. Etlaor

{) r:,m L,111·n ·m

/o.1"rc:u.t CJ,,.,,,/mul

£,.;,,S.-lf 1

. . , U'ich r!l lll I\" lllt'litl ~ i ,11·111i.:T1..:x .1:-. ln~vrl'.,11le!;!l.1IL' l 11..:s~ A'-~lll'i:Jt \~111

Cop>•rl ~hl 191,.1, ·11 11 , \\'it l 11ti1n l~ic , Wi chil:in h',i.:l\l'., 1111.! ligllf h• t'dll .111 y 111u1t·Jlal suh11111tl.'d hir <111(1 ·n ,c t ' ollt'1.:L~ J"'rl',, ,S i.: 1 vkL' , n1_L_•1111.:111 ( )pi 1U1lll '- l.'~jltl' \:>l'tl Jli.: 11111 ll i.! l'l•s,arll y 1hn ~1,; ol 1111.: l :1r~II )', 1 r,uh lk :i!lo n :rnd w rdtl ~l' any ;Hh/~; ~wcst..:t n si:ui.: Uulv,'.l', lly amt 111:i)' 1101 1~·prl' S1..• 111 :1 l'.1111sc n s u s ot the 1 • ,1dm ini~unthm o1 studr.: nl h11dy ti .

Letter pohey

• l' f'\


u p i r1 1t1 1\ 111111'1 l,Jl

1lit· W1rlura11 wl'l r 11111 t:S nll ld l ,r p1.·rson~l at1.u: i.:-

anti "'ilhoul nbu,;;iv..:.

~• Juri'y\~~ .

: ,rl lC: r

u\ty . 1;t111knt ~ :ind ..


l .\'lll:1/'I

/'l lll1uhl tu; hrh.: f

. K: lu<k •i tl'l i·ptu,rn: 11umtll'r

1111d mJW l·ss f111

\lf',~~-in~, ltnlv :um it· u111r,, ,ur ang1,.•1111·nts w'

{rKl l 1Yl'1.:dl .mtl ~ 1


~~ lhiu\

h :t\'l"

i i.:: ·r, wl ll he puhli , hL·d l..c.11C't s mu!<! ht! slgucU . VCJ Jl lcaLl on pu1p:,scs All l~l~lff.'f .; wlll I~ l,"(.l! l~'ll ltll !P{1,•;; I 111 0 -------------' ~ 1 :_:".:_· _:C_:,·: • :_:• v ~ 1 _: : Plrnuc hct·n made wHh lhl' i.:dll ~ ihr 111 1 T11,- i9i<.11 i1w1 Is IOC Jtll,"C.I


and wi1hou1 apology. " One ,1dd Jsrx·ct was that the heade r on the faxed pn:ss release in<liculcd it cithc:r hnd hcen sen 1 frnm a pru-lifc group's 1'.·ti umi office or from a fncsi mik machine th at has N:cn n·progrnmmcd to make ii appear thut the rele:Lse had come from Respect Life of the Rurnun Catlll'lic Archdio• ccst· of Miami. The ~kasc dniming responsibility for the vandalism also conduded hy !"!ivi ng an informati on number thut i." the saml~ as Respect Life's . l'ossihly Vnnduls llnd Inside lnfornuttion Joan Crown. ~LliiSociatl~ di• rector of Respec t Life, said POW hnd given Rcsp,·ct Lif..:'.s telephone numher in ano ther irn.·ident in what the group l'luirncd rcspo11si hili1y

for sprny•pnin ti ng a coat hanger and the fomt or a dy ing wumnn's hody on th1.· sidewalk {'IUtsidr 1hc Miam i City Mall. Offki uls cou hl not imml•diatdy <.· xp1ai n h~,w van• da is knew wher.• lhc suppl<' · ments were ilorcd in th~ Uni •

vc rsil y Cen ter. Till' stomp.~ area is in ;1 fire exit 1hn1 i,1,; nnt heavi ly iraffic kcJ c,ccpt hy tho~ who wtirk in the l'cnter. llunrnn Life of Minnl'SOtJ h:1., hccn targe tin g ,.a11lcg1· ncwsp:ip(' rs w, th aJ vcr ti sinr supph.:ments for the pJsl fc:w Yl":trs. nnd the inserts ha \'t: causet.l contnwcrsy tlll othl' l campu.st:s. The Miami inl'i • dent :tp[)\!ars to hove bct.:11 tht• fi rs t lime. th:u the insc.rL'i we n.. dcstro yeJ prior tu puhl ication. "111is has nevcr hap pened before .~ ,1;.ai d Virg i nia Colonel. prcs hknt of th rBrowa rd Count y Ri ght 1,, Life Fl1unda1ion . The pre-printed supplements arc distrihutcd in~idt' news papers for n fcc. Ten pages of the inserts. wh ic h feature photo..; of dc"l'lopins fet uses :111d first-pl.! rS(lll acl'nunls about wh y yo ung women s ho uld no t ha\' \" abor1i1)1ts. nrc pro"idcd hy the Minnl!SOIJ ~roup. while hx:al pro- lif,· groups include .-ustumi zcJ local infPrn1~11h1n on the other t,11o·o pages. Fema11dc1. said t..hc cos1of running the supplemcnt wns $600. However. he said it appcareJ th at th ~ 1/urri c.:am• would have to puy at k ast $300 of lhc $2,000 it w,,uld lake to n,print and ship new supplements to rcplnre the ruim:d ones. Lynell~ Malinga, edi tor of the newspaper. said she thou!!hl the issue \l r fr(·t s~cch wa_.. . mo re import:rnt than th!.! money. "111is is c.:en• sors hip, " shi: said . "I don't can, if it's Rus h Limhaugh propngu nda or u le.11rr fro m (People for the Ethica l Tn,ntmcnt or i\nim:ils). Th,, Firs t Amendment a ss u1\ '$ that all info nnation is av.ulahk to I!\'\' 'Oll i! . '"



W11 yf1mGrr· t>t1


Grnphk i\rtls( ~1u sh: lh:\'kwt•r J11w11 FairdJild Ci rru lation f\•la nagcr ,Hdi \\O Su l/Jwm l a.u m A1o /pnt· ,\d.,·crlisln(.! lkprt:scntit.,·t.'s Asst. c:irrulation f\•ln1wi!cr Rmu/\1IJrrw\trr, Jmm 1 Tut-k,·r

Cntir,· \l',r/111,11, siu lf

tivl· to k gul ahurtillll," wilh P< )\V' s name and l ogn, a

de1~l'11t•d fi ,1,; 1 raised in 1hc air. "l'O\V has stoppcJ inal'· t.: urat c nn li-clwi t.: c prnpa• gand a frum hl:ing dis1rilm1cd to stutknL..; hy 1hc ,1,;chnnl pa fll'r , Tht' 1/u rri cmu," th,: faxcl1 rc kase said . " \Ve will 1w1 allow any pcrstm or an y }:!rnup hl u~urp or rt·stril- 1 our ri!!hts 10 ahort ion. lns1cad Wl' wi ll unmask the 'rig.hi to life' ha1c mongers and n.weal their a gL•nda of mi so gyn y. Tahlnids such ns this arc 1ht.: s1H:nllcJ 'rig.hi to lifer's' dt.:.~· pcrntc effort In m~1kc W1lrncn feel shame t1r guilt for ha"ing ahoninns . PO \V says womc:n will have abortion s openl y


t ·,

Page 4


Thursday . March 3 1. 1994



Pesci can't save ~ g~ e

IJy Dean Lawrence Entntalnn ~nt E,dllor

h's hard


?\,fan ," ~Orne r" and .. T1 n Men" 10 the M,:rn ; n . But he

th e

;_1l sn w as H'S pons1hh.· for b •a

sec Joe Pes ci in somethin g ..

yea r\ ''Toy~ ... which w ;11,, nut alt ogether ;1 ha g o fChrh, lm a~



movies 1hcsc day s and not

he hit a home run as an

unlike ly


.. My


Cousin Vinny" · · hut it's also im porta nt to kmw., wh en to

pass on an offer. fli s lead role of "Jimm y 1-loll ywood" was one of those limes 10 pass. You mi ght think that an actur would he pre tt y "are appeari ng in a movh.: din..·ctcd hy Darry Lc vmson. i\flcr all . Levin s on brouglu "Rai n


Blll l'L"sc 1 and Lev inso n ha ve hot h stru ck lHII in " Ji mmy ll nllywood ." Th i~ 1s an other um: of thm,l' movk !> wh ere lhl! aud ience spend!> more time trying 10 fi gure ou1 what their watchc~ !-ay 1han what the d1aractcr~ on the 1 1 1 th !i 1~f1~ ~h~~fl\ u~·~r e


Pcsci plays the part o l

Jimmy A Ito. a I-loll yw <1od

Photo by Jlrnndon Olds

LaSun llock•nhul l, Lo ntlna Jam<<, and Mnri< lla P•opks done, ~;!.~~~; _Fun Flkk.'i a mu.~k vld~o produclion hrnu ght lo MS U

~M = - =o-- d- =-e- : : l : - r-- e~

l ~ e-

'TE XA S' cho ose s fea tur ed artist


Nationally recogni zed artist


a _ s _ e_ s _ - - 1 . ~;~;c ~-~i.m:;,ec f~:I\~~~ for th e 1994 "TEX AS " souveni r program .

A sc ulpt or

'Divine Comedy' By Melissa Sullivan Mu.dcRni ewrr

S uperm ode l

Mill a

Jovovich ha.~ release d an a l•

bum tilled "Divine Comedy .·· Now laugh if you must. Then shut up. It's OK. I laughed too Loudl y. Then 1 heard the al • bum and I howcd my hc;id in shame a1 my Jud~ml'.nt c al l The a lhum ts (s urpns 111 g lyJ no t

had .



1t '!-

(surprisinglyl very good. Mil la. a.!-. Jovovu:h call "

hersel f o n thi s alhum . has an

an geli c vo ice co mparahk tn th at of gotldcs~ Kal l'. B u, h. And th e Ce lti c n .i ,·orl.'. t.l mel odi cs onl y add 10 th e

drcam •like imag l' th:tt the

songs proj cc1.

The di sc hc g10 s w ll h "The

Alien Snng (Fo r TI1osc Wlw

Lis te n )" and c o n tinu e~ w ilh

"Gentlem an 'W ho Fell ... 1h..it begi ns ,vith a hag pipe sountl that literally makes yo u want to dance a jig. Other not:ibk trac k.s in -

clude "Charl ie ," in which

Jovovich !am en~ a lll'ad boy and '' Bang Yo ur He ad. " w hi ch incorpora te ~ a hu rdy -

gun.J y so und al o ng \\ 1111 lhi..: s ta ndard gu i1:1r, kq•ho;m.l a nd pcrcussinn nffs Jovov ich wrote the.'. lync~ for th ese so ngs herse lf. ;ind th i.:r~ arl' s0 mc l' Xl r1.· mt:ly 1111c.:nsi: ones In an 1merYI~\\' m April IYs Ent<•rro 111111,,m Wt·d ,fr. Juvo vii..:h , I R. s~ud !-he \\:rot L" th i.: ..,ong~ :1 yL·ar anti a half hc.: f0rl' rc.::co rchn l:! th..:m . She <.:f1ml'.~ ac r\1!-.S ~,·, h av in g :i vl' r ; d c t· p




painte r. Cox has hcc n calk:d " the cowhoy's artist. ~ \Vhi k th cn: arc many artis l who can depic t the cowhoy and gai n ~uc..:c1-~ hy doing so . few arc ah\c l o please 1hc cri ti cal cyl! o f th e.'. ..:o whPy s th e mselves. In j u'.t a fL" w short yea rs, Cox H a,; ga in~d favo r and ar cla1111 fr nm ihc hunkhousc.:s 10 th c f!! OSI pn:.s11g1ous gall e ry

c'< hihiu on:-. Co x ha s a firs t•hand un di:.r:-1andin g of cowhoys and ran c htn i; Grow in g up in Dunca n. J\rilona, hi s s pare Uml'. was spen t <.:owhoyin g on

ncighhori ng ranche s. And. acco rding to his mother, Co x t\·hl b ', t·:irca a, a "1"!:!t·r wa~ drawi ng cows anti ho rses w ill lw pd ull y he :i lutk hcl · cvc n hcforc h e.: c nt e retl kand c rgartl'n . The artis t tn th an h L'r ..:ar..:i..:r a~ an :.iL·· l rl'.,~. having had ro le ~ in admus he can't rem c.: mbcr a " Rl'. turn to lhL" Blui: L :1goon." time whe n he was n't drawin g. ad olc-'ce nt mrn d .


low-life \\ ho \·la1111: a:- pirin [! JL" li'r · : 1:;'. 0 a r Jrt

l·vc r :u.:tuall y f", ~'\L" " ol JII

lk k nn w s 111 1hc ;icto r, :.in _

d '\;

1ho uJih.


1hi..: fi hn.... i;.1 lk a f! no c.l

;111<.I L~l1 ,

ih :H ,,


,111 und cr~ro un d i11 11-cr t:is k forLC th at ~,,in .. m =ikL:~ on 1mp.ic1.


T he mnv1 c Luln1i r..1.1..:, a multl •policc tlt.:.par r.- • roadb loc k l "01ll rnnt.alJ (1:-; 11 ,1.ould have m ade the RJ 8rntht: ~ proud . bu 1 puni.J1-. homi: . 1h,c C<1tnri 1e,

µ: im1.·, .i n :..1hi ii) •!tow n. ..,. ,m r value 1111 in~ ., . ,._ 0 \V hc n hi ~ car 1~11.a~I s io lc n. J1 rn my g .... · ·ihin ~ unhclli: v a b 1lt ~y of lh;, ·m i ugh 10 d o !-o mi.; h . _ ,tua 11 on and Lh t:- movie i.; h JU I it. \Vith IH 'i dim Lil ·;r \ . _ t y , itl ck ick. \V1~l 1~~1~ ·• Jimm y l-111ll ywo()(J · ,, 1 (C'hr i:-l i,:1 n. S_bt ~.~) .. , hc~,in~· no w playin g al Centu ry I · 11 Can..:ma..._. co im:!- k ~,dw. .. I ,ghtin g vigilant ~ and .l~-k'r\' Review Roti ng: c . ,·ulk


he ro. W..:Jnn g ma

[::~~:~;~:~~~~i~~~=~;::::~ii~::::::::::::~ ··

Br ie fs

th e Youth Opp onu n 11 Cen ter, 701 Madison, ju.1 tol of Ea.sLside Drive.

bu th the print and purchase awa rd at Cheyenne Frontier

Spring Fling art & craft festival tickets for sale

I he so u ve nir program s produced for cac h season of the internatio nally acclaimed musical drama "TEX AS'' have he comc collec to rs ite m s.

Gwen Beaver Cud , Tickets arc on sale for lhc director 1 of HARAMBEE in;: ann ua l Sprin g Fling am and former MS U ad Jun,, crafts fest ival which helps LO inst ru cto r of voice, said lfi• , upport the Wichita Falls works ho p is designed t Museum and A rt Cente r. te ac h pa rti cipan ts wi thc,u: T he an nu al fu nd-ra iser will he held April 23 from 10 a.m. prio r acti ng experienc e h,,., until 6 p.m . and on Sund ay. to aud ition for parts April 24 from Noon unu l 6 develop acting c haracters an1 p.m . While tic kets can be pur· Je ff Albert. prom nt1Lr. chased at the entrance o n director fo r KFDX TV-.1. ,:;,_ event days for S3 .50 per adu lt Jon W ill iams . gen cril l and $2 pe r child . advance m a n ager for Bac kd ,,c: tickets can be purch ased from T heater. will conduct tr, Trish Blevins, 692-3433. at works hop. the discounte d rate of S3 per adult and S 1.50 per child. The workshop 1., free Ii.: all partici pants .

Days In vitati onal i\rLs Sho w.

Almo s t 2.5 mill ion peorle hav e see n the show wh ich plays eac h s ummer in Pioneer Amphithe ater beneath lhe red

rock c liffs of Palo Duro Canyon Slate Parle Acknowl e dged by the National In stitute of Outdoor Drama in Chapel 1-lill, N.C. as th e hc s t atte nded ou ldoor

drama in the nati on, "TEXAS"

is a perennial favo rite wilh audi ences. Due to the show's popularit y , rese r vation s a rc

stron gly suggested . TickcLs for the I 994 season arc $ I 4, $ I 0 and $6 fo r ad ults and $14, S5 and $3 for children under 12.

Haram bee to prese nt acting worksh op fo r C ud J o sa_, d i h.t child ren/8 d Its A . HAR.AM BEE _will au d:Mn u pn 114 f o r p arts rn Lor.·,~

Hi\RA M B EE, a black Hansbcrr y's play "Rai~1· L~ the Sun ·· at Backdoor The:, • auditioni n g works ho p for May 16- 17 at 7 p.m. acting group, w ill sponsor an

To make reserva ti o ns. or to childre n, 12 an d a bove, an d Fo r mor,,; informatt-1' A profc..,;;sional for 18 years. obtain additional infonnatio n, adults Sa tnrd ay , Ap ri l )4 call the Yo uLh Opportuc..:. Co x's paint ings ha vl! appeared call (806) 655-2181 or write fro m lO a.m. to 12 noon at Center 767-5972 . and Co nfu,cd·· an d "C hap· on th e covc.:rs of more than Box 268. Canyon, TX. - - - - - - - - - - lain ." It ha.< (not s urpri singly) five dn7,Cn wcs tl'm magazine - - ~~~~~':~':': ~':':':':~ • 5 s Cl'f1ainly stancd o ff hcttcr. in c ludin g th e \V L"stc rn Now w e c an a ll wa it fu r Horseman . The Ca ttlem an's th e rch: asc o f Namm Camp - and The A merica n Quarter be ll 's alhum . T w o s uper • ll orsc Journ;1l. In 1989, hi s 470 I Sou th west Pkwy,\ C,\1,L TODAY :i nd m ore rl.' c:c ntl y " D,11.cO


m o d e ls wh o actual l y can

sing~ I g ues~ we'll have to wait and sec. Maracle ~ do

happen ·· Just ask Mi ll a. And the n lis ten to her album . It'~ a pleas ant surprise all its o wn .

Free Refil ls when you buy a Large or Medi um Drink

Nails by Gayle For Students Only Full Set of SOJlpts $25 (GelsorTips) Fi!ls$15 Escada Salon• Cenlury Plaza

.\ ,

, \ , , II ' . \ L \ '- IJCll •1\

I \ I ) I ti

Call 692-6994 Appo1n1men1 Only

\ l, , t l· I<) E ~ I I< \ U H. I H '- .\lf\ A l l\ I· ' I t H I·


(e),q~!.~~F l' lt

! 1 k l '>



ck Theater For Showtim es.


a dlve,slfled st0te poc k and mail, tanning salon & vid eo stam In one

New tanning beds!! Ill I ,llllllllf SL'" tu11,

for $20 \ !lh l••llf"'tJ•

Easy Sto r 692-7776:



pa 1n11n g "Hclp in' Dad" wo n

Ill!" A1n1} l',Jh.ml 1~.1..nJ 1-.n •1111-~lwr q ,1,.1....,-.. f,,r ll<fl M•\ ,.. a,•11 r:1• 11'$1 rd w, ~-u 1i111,: 1 •l 1J! 11 ,011 1,..,.·lf•\1 n,-,,•1 ~h~1 ..1v.~mt."I~ J!•OJL h ' Jllr,t,l)f ~ I nd


l'tlJ, ~,....,1r1 P>! hr.\11111 l;11,·(l.;1 •,u.u •l , au

l• l111,..: 1u1·t,,1r,41r-1:r ~\,th l~ /,t ,Jr- " ••ryt, I l~l Arnr, f.u11 I 1..1\ny •••I rfln l.-nrf4, 1to1 r1n

,.,.,n ,,..1t.'f11\ •l l,,.,•1•! 1 ldl t l l~lwc l1g t,CU) .i,ln,,. ~ lt,c 1~1•,h1"'fl

817-723-6 501

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Mo nih ly or Lon g Tenn Le ase.-;

Summer Long Lc..·uscs Plan Sum mer Storage W it h u, Student Discou111 Wit h MS U LD .

}-. l'p:a.nillnx Sp r int 'IU \.\' 11h:h For 'lk1t' -"Jr ,,~







Cd an

eve,yday divcow11


111E Wkltitan

On the

Inside Sports Colum11

by Drc-w Myers SpMtsF.dltor My hea n race d 100 m h· mi: stomac h felt lik e it going to blo w; an d the res t of ~)' body w u_s ge tt ing frost bncfrom the icy chills covering _,1 hke a blanket. J fe lt li ke a hnl c k id o n C hri s tm as m0rnm g. c un o us. ,in x ,o us and j<1st down ri ght excited,;; I ma de my way i nt o T he 611lpark In Arlin gton .


1 stood in. hn.c waiting my tu m 10 go inside the new <"at hcdra l or America's past li me. I stood m otio nless and dJzed tryi ng to ahsorb e veryth in g lr0 m the thi ck swee t sme ll of cotto n ca nd v to th e 1,,'\'~r pk asa nt aroma· of na•

L'hos :ind l'lel!r I w_an1ed to re member ~n~rylhm g a nd rcmemhcr it vivid ly, beca u se t his w ns

someth ing i wou ld ne ve r he ahk to do aga in.

l wa nted 10 rcmcmticr

. L \r 11 \c r11i nu1c::,:. I \, ail ed Jrou 1~d th1.: ~t Jdrnm p1 t k111g ~~nlu , ic <ktails like ) haJ 10 i.:odn'.ng in the lint: wJi ll n£ fTh.: in .

Then I r1..' Jli 1.cd

~he . sc n1im c n1 al pa n of m y .ram wa."- full. a nd ii was time to fill the res t of it. I_ wa nt ed to sec if this stadm m li ved up to a ll th i~ hype a nd whut it real ly had to offe r. I _s he lle d out my si, doll a rs in change to sec the

stad rnm_ , not lllc game. so I w~.'- going to inspect cvc ry-

thmg from the hath roo ms tn th e res tau rant. (D o n't ge t me wro ng. I love haseball. an d I love th~ Rangers, hut it was

an cx. hihition game acai nst

the \<lets. B,, rin g IJ ' . On a scale of o ne to ten. I give The Ball Park in A rl ingto n eight stars . 1 do n't give ..it ten fo r two reaso ns. F irst. th e pub lic addn:ss system is no t a ll that ho t. Wh e n you arc s itt ing up in the nose hl ccd sec tio ns . a ll you hea r is ll l ah . B lah. hlah. J ua n h lah bla h . blah hla h Ca nscc<>. (You ge l my drit'L) Second. ii is called T he Ball park in Arlintton. \\'h at 's that a ll abo ut ''' W ha t wa s wro ng wi th Ranger S1:1d1um ·"' ! 'here arc n1Jnv rea so ns

TI1u rsday.

('.~~Ch not content with results kr cn ce C h am p ion . is prese ntl y I:! f\!c t aw.1y frnm na ti onals qualifica ti o n . So pho more Mark Mars h ca ptured bro nze medal in the javel in wi th a th row of 176- 1. · Juni or G ary G rL'C n threw 45-8 in th e shot pu t to capt ure the sil ver medal.

Ry Llz M.lch a r d'WKI H id u Spor t~ Reportn



men's a nd

woml'. n's trac k team s have rom pelc d in two track meets in the las t two weeks. Coac h Robe rt Blackshea r adm itted that results were not the le vel th a t he wo ul d like , hut felt th at th ey wo uld improve by 1hc Co n fcfC' ncc meet. On March 3 1 the Indians co mpete d in the Tarle ton Relays. Se nio r Ke nny J o hn son hroug ht ho me th e gold med al in the.: j ave lin with a throw of 183 -3. fohnson. 1992 Co n-

In tht: woml' n's d ivisinn , Ti ada Hill, a senio r from Breckenridge, fini shed fo un h in th e disc us w ith a 121 -6 toss. Freshm an te amm a te Kerry Herron fin ished fifth in th e 200 me ter da~ h wilh a tim e of 2R:05.

Las t wee ke nd the MS U socce r te am travel ed 10 th e

t\ k tro pl cx to co mpe te w ith s uc h sc hools as Tcxa!-C hristian. Sou th ern Met hodist and Rich land Jun io r College . W h,· n th e fi nal bu zze r we nt off in Sund ay's co ntes t MSU sto,,d with a perfec t three fo r th ree record. In a dou ble- header o n Saturd ay Kevin Leonard scored fo ur goa ls to hel p the tri be to a 6-0 romp of TCU and a 3- 1 vic tory ove r SM U. On Sunday the team de fea ted Richla nd

7-0. Head Coach Nath an Pi fe r as well as some of hi s players

why the new s tadium de-

~,~~~htt~\~~c~~f~;'~~~Jtgj~~~ sTi ~'.~

!~~ ·~;;.":~~f\~~~:1~~-~n: ·:~J~~~

righ t tr.11.:k hJc k ro nati onals an d the nati onal t· hampionship

how th ings smell .... a nd hO\'-: th ings ti.-.tcd . 1 wan ted 10 n.> mcmhcr how I folt ju st like

the manu Jll y o~rar~d Sl·ori: -

"Thank you and enjoy the game," s.J...id th r nice- !Jdv, takin g my ticket whi ch \\ j 5 drenc he d from the '"''a t fr o m m y palm. I walk ed through the turnstile a nd I was irl ha~b.111 heaven . Ever;thi n g was bea uu ful from th·e cOncc.s sion w o rke rs· uniforms to th e playin g field itself. I knew it woul d he a lone time hcfon: 1 rn re0t till s _d_a ;_•~ _ _ __ __ -_ __

AlLstin College l1 wiln lional The Jnd i.ins 1rJ vl! kd to Sherman n n Apri l 5 for the Aust in Co lle ge lnvit a turna l Track ivkel. T he wo me n Wl' r 1.~ h.:ml h y 1-k r ru n who

(n 1he ml- n•s d l vh 1on, Gree n won the gold with

dista nce of 4 3-6 1/2 in the shot pu t. Ho also hro ught

home the sil ver in Lh t..: discuss ca ptu~d lWO silve r mL·dal.-. in wi th u l\lSS of 1.18 -6 114. In the 1avclin Ma rsh tl1re w 165the 100 me ter d:1!1- h \\ i th a time of 13:(,9 and in the 41 K) me rer d.1~h \'-,' Ith a time of I :09 .54 . She al.s o fin ished third ,n th e 15110 me ter run wi th a time of 6:0 1.9 1. H ill hrnught ho me two bro n:t.t.: mc lnls in th e d isc us wi th a throw of 107- 1 J/4 .1 nd in the jave li n wi th a ll isrnm.:c.· of 73-9.


to ca pturc the s il ver.

Fres hm an Nath an Tu rner fin ii-hcd second in the men's lri plc j ump wi th a disUJnec o r 39 - 11 a nd third in the lo ng j ump with a di s t1111ce or 21 -8. Te:1 mm at(! Bri an C rawford jum ped 5- 10 in the high jump to ca pture th ird place.

Quick Sports Soccer team wins with unity

how the k ids' eyes danced with 1..'xci tc mc nt as. they saw the new palace . I wantL' d to remembe r how thi ngs looked

those little kids did . .

April 1'1, l?\M


~:.~ ~

~•uo~, ~1:i\~ ~



1 1 unilt~~-·~-~ :~ s~~ n~.J: J~~~; u~:~ 1 ht:j ~1 ti~~ mPrc fun and we n: more relaxed. "\V hcn I ramc hack I felt so muc h more positivf.! ahout "\'Cccr here a t rv1su:· sadi fres hm a n fu ll hack sicvc n Schn l1.,· . "Now I'm rea ll y looking fo rwa rd for nex t yea r."

the plaCL' . T h~ hie e·k L·tm nic .SCC'11t ho.1 rd is ..:=.m ; cul:!tc . a nd

~~ ~;~ira.~;_

j~~h ~~~:)~. ~ .1.~ 5 Jnd overloo ks th e fi e ld. speaks fo r itself. The list of posiiivcs £\ics o n and o n. (I smo:~rncdi" 1i)kc rm d nin ~ 3 r nm- "1 I'm very exe11cd a hou t rrn1rning t. 1 th e park. hut I do n·1 think tl will 1mpJi:t mt: the some" ")' II did lhc 11r,1

A ll -A me ri ca n, hu t the vo1ers usu all y c hoose 1hc teams based on how ma ny poin ts the playe rs sco re d and no t w he ther t.hcy arc a team p!Jyc r on a winning lL~an1,"

Awards keep coming for Buckmustc~ Seni or Lynn Buckmaster of the Lady Indian haskctball team has been ha nde d her second All-Amen ca baske tball ho nor fo r the 1993-94 seaso n . Buck maste r has most rece ntl y hecn named to the Kodak Wo me n's A ll-Ame rica Tea m fo r NA IA co lle ges as selee ted hy the Wom en 's Baskcth all Coaches Assoc iati o n. Thi s ma rks th e first tim e th a t a MS U wome n's ba_ske thall playe r has been selec ted a Kodak All -American. Tennis

team heads to district

: ::;: :;~e~~;dl

The Mid wes tern State men's and women's tennis teams will he in Ah ilcnc, Texas, th is weekend to compete in the d istric t tourn a ment fo r the right to go to natio nnJs in T ulsa.

Okl\ 1·s an honor just to q ual ify," said coac h Dan Neuse. "We fee l ho nored to he in vited Ll1is weekend. " In first round ac tion in the men's brac ket, Hardin Sim • I' . . I , rn ons Uni versit y, the No. l seed , will play Tarle to n State atv receives nahona attention U nive rsity, w ho is the No. 4 seed. MSU, seeded sec ond, Ji.1S U guard Jaso n Paty has been named to th e 1994 takes o n third seeded Howa rd Payne Universi ty. NA IA D ivision I Hon orable Me nt ion Me n's Baske tball A llO n th e wo men's side, top seede d Hardin Simmo ns plays Ami.::rican team . fo urth seed Ta rl e to n State whil e second seed Howard Paty ave.raged 15 points per gam e fo r th e 23 -1 2 Ind ia n Payne plays thi rd seed MS U. UrnL·. ~~~~c tt,all ti.::am. He also led th e team in tot:il assists wi th "Hard in Simm ons is the fav orill.•," Ne use said. "b ut there arc so many different variahles in volved when you ge t All I c an .SJY ::it,0u t my '"Ja.,,;; on has ~en the ul1im a te team pl ayer since he came to the di stri c t to urna ment th a t you neve r know w hal can fi rs t t rip to The BJ llrJrk in he re fro m Duncanvi lle H ig h Sc hool," said head coac h happen." _ Ar _ lin_gi_o n _ is ·_-c_" "'_" _d_" :)_··-_· - ~ ~G~ · e~ra~ld~ St~o~ c k-10 n . ~"T o~ m~e~. he~d csc·rv~c d~ to be a f ir,,;;,st 1ea m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 1:1xf11 urday th e Indians play hos t to W es t Texas A&M at








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d Power. And more ;pc-etl That's 11 hal the new fuwrr ~la.:mu,;h' is all about. !Is a like Slalist,c.il :m:tly,i,, mult imed ia , '1 -Drl!'H!eling :iml rnuch more $ll, what are you w:1i1 ing for' \11il your Apple Campus Hcseller for nturc inSpee .• •--ith rowerPC technolo&'· 11'lt!ch makes 11 :m The new Power MacIntosh from Apple. form ation and , t·c for 1our;elf. Now J. M:ic wto,h " · . al cumnuter. And the possibihttcs are incredibly fast per>Oll ·ti' ~·we the Po\\t'f \'Jll net'd for h1gh-perfonnance applications thal Power i-tacmlosli is here. collt)t may nevt r b~ 1hr S'!Oli'

endless. llewuse n()'i, )W



Contact Michael Land at x4139 or come byFerguson Hall, Roorn 302


Pai:" 6 Thursdav, A ril 14, 1994

Harrington exhibits in "Fused Metal" Joe Barrin gton, instruc tor of art. is cum.:ntl )• rcpr1..·scntcd t11 a gro up cx h1h1t1 on titled "fused Me ta l" hos1cd hy DA rt Visual Art Ce nte r o r Dal las. The c xh ihi t10n opened ~·1orc h 25 and co nllnu cs 1h rough A pril 29. Barringl00 1!- pieces include three we lded steel sc ulptures titl ed " Shooti ng Gall e ri es or

Texas." ''Texas Brand Can• o-G un s, Skull. "




Artist Lecture Series cum p cl1 t1 o n A lc1..·ha presents Edward Asner S hepp ard pl ac.:d secund ,n MSU's Artist Lecture Scrii.:.s wi ll pr..:scnt ac tor Edward Asner at 7 p. m. April 19 ,n th e Fain Fine A rts Ccnier Thea te r. Tickets arc avai lahk in CSC. roo m 10'.1 and a rcfree or c harge to MSU students, foc ully and staff wi th l.D .. $5 for ex-MSU students. Tickets for the ge neral puhlic will be $6 each. For mo re information. call 689-4520.

individual fl ag


Kirk C onne r won fourt h tnd1 vidual rmx cd solo. Jan Brya nt 11 nd Tomas Flores whi pped m u a lo unh place in in

the duct comrc111ion.

FUSION ha s hc c n


compctiu on fo ur years. Al:111

Blac k . as.. c; m:i.i1c director or hand ~. dire cts 1hc group \ e fforts.

lnstruc lnrs Penn y Po\.,I, Tony Chapa and D,.mi L1 f.4! ri 0 assist Black.

Fusion winterguard Ash show s works in places second in state "Texas Selections." Art profossor. Ric ha rd ch~f~.~ships r- LI SI ON

New sorority expanding to Midwestern State

Martin As h 111 , is cum.: ntl y re prese nte d m ''Texas Selections:· hosted by the Art Mu seum of Southeas t Texas in Beaumont. Th l! e xhib ition

Persons interested in joining a di ffere nt type or soro rity m ay wa nt 10 cons ider Sigma Lambda Alpha. a new

opC"ncd Apri l 4 and runs 1hroug h April 22 . A sh is

show ing a large monotypc form hi s "\\lea ther" series.

wintcrgua rd placed second in the lnd cpc nd e nl A ca1egory of lhc Texas C o lor Guard Circuit state champ io nship held at Clear Brook High School in Houston March 2526. Tomas H ores wo n thir<l place in individual nag so lo

organization expanding

Camp us Conn ection If your organization has an event for Campus Connec ti o n . call th e \l'ichitan at 689-4704 . Deadline is noon Mond ay before the Thursday publica ti o n . Thursdny. April 14

Saturday, April 16 0 Model Ar.1h Lca~ ue: Pnlit ical Science De pt , CS\ O Mcn·s Ba<.r ha.11 v, M itl Amcri c:m Baplt"' I ;:J Th~ 1tC"r Pn'IC l11c1io 11 · ~ : Fi 11c /\rt~ Amhl onum , S p.m .) C hoir.., & Symphony Concert Off-Campu ,. R· 1S rm

0 Model Arab Le.ague: Poli tical Science Ocpt. : CSC 0 Officer/Se nato r Yo1ini; CSC Dluc Lounge: 9 a.m.-12:,o p.m .

0 Men's Da.-.cball v~ S W /uJvclll i!- 1: There ; J p.m

O Omccr/Scn.11or

Vo1Jn i:;

Mo ffcll Lihrary: 6-~ p.~ O Ho nors O:mquct: Co liseum : 7 p.m 0 "Ibcarcr Producti on: f!CCID PS"'\11'\D'. fine Ans Auditorium : 8 p.m 0 f-'CA Mr..:ctins:: CSC llosp1 t1 l11 y Room: 7· 10 p.m

0 O ffi n:.r/Scnalor Run •nff Voti ng, Picrn .:, fl p.m.•8 p.m U l\nb1-Lccturc Serie., falw;ud Asner: Fine Arts Aud itorium . 7 p.111

\\ 't•dm.;d ay, April Z0

..J ()l tkcr/St·n:tlllr Rull -lll r Voling . CSC ,\tn11111 , o a.m - 12.30p.m O Mrn':,, Da')C hall vs .

S W Ac..lvrn tist: There . 6 p.m.

J OfficcrlSL·nalnr Run-off Sunday , April 17 ::) Thcalc r Produclion

Votini;;: l..ibmry: 6•8 p.m.

ElrTmnssmaff 2 10 p m 1J Men's Da,;,ct,:tll vs..S Ml i. ll omc. 1 p.m

F ridHy,April 15 U M otlcl ArJb Lc.ai;m:: Pulllical S...:1cni."c 1}.:pt ; \SC U (Jlfa::t·1/St: na1ur VolJnJ: . CSC Dluc Lou ns:c : 'J a .m • 12·30 p_m ':) Thc:ucr PrO(!ucu,m:: EkfDWS>YIFIQ : Fine An~ Au1..h 1o rium : R p.m


Midweste rn State Uni versi ty. Thi s soro rity was beg un in th e summ e r of I 992 at Texas \Vomcn's Univcrsuy. It

hra nch.:d to TcxJ!'! Chnsuan Univ t.: r~ity 111 (k!l)fo~r o f 1993. MSU .s1ud~ nb now haVl' 1h i: oppnnu ni1 y 10 bt.:co mc part o f th1:,, n t~\\. grnup ,rn

.:ampu!-i r\ llhouf:. h rcc ru1t 111cn t l'm phasis ,~ for Ill s• pani\.'. Wl1 m i:n. mcmt-.c r., hq, b. u pi:n to a ll vdio

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U nlike snmc s0ro rit ics .

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s1rc ~scs Cllmmunity scrvkc . E:ich Sl'lll L'Stc r th e sorority sponsors t.:xlcns ivc comm u• nity service activities. Mcm• bership is quali fied hy a 2.5 GPA and a $40 sc mcs1cr fee . Fo r inform uti o n ca ll Teresa Ramos. president. :u 692.5527 c,r Elisa Lo rl! nz:mo. treasurer. at 689-737 1

MSU Opera Workshop slate solos ensembles Th i: MnJwc s1a n Sta le Opi.::rJ \Vorkshop will prl.!sc nt

a n t.:vl'ni ng of operatic so los and i:n~cmhks in conjun1.:ti on

wit h a n Italian d infl c r a t 6 p.m . Apn l 24 in 1hc Clork S1udcn1 Crn1c r Dallroom . . M as te rpi eces nf operatic.: htc r:11urc to he foat urcd in• elud e selec ti ons from thc re• ci: nt opera workshop pro<luc• lion or "The Merry Widow." Performe rs will include o pe ra workshop s tud e nts . alumni ;ind fac ulty. Reserva ti ons must be mad e hy April 20. Tickets. include d the meal. arc $20 per person. For reservati on informa1io n, call the department or music at 689-4267.

Mund:.). Ap ril 18 J 0fliccr/Scn:1tor Run-0fl Voting. Killm ~~wnnh. Op 111 -8 p rn

J O rticcr/Senator Run -off Voli ng; C'SC Dluc Loun ge: 9 a.m.• l:!.:30 run . J Ofli!:cr/Scn:llor Run -o rr

MSU's College Bowl Team faces one Fin al Local Challenge

Vo11ng: Library: (,...8 p.m

College Bowl --the varsi ty s port of the mi nd- - will make one last appearance at Mid western State University next Wednesday, April 20. at 7:)0 p.m . in CSC room 104. MS U's Regional Champi-

CJ S1utlc111 Scnalc Meetin g CSC 11}1: 6 p.m J Me n'!'> Ba,;,cha ll vs.llow:ud

Tu t..;day, April 19

P:1ync · I lmnc: 6 p.m .J F< '. A r-.1cct1ng; I lospitaJi1y Rm :CSC- ; 7.11) p.m

J Officcr/Scu:uor Run-01I

t• R I :,/ C t I'

Cruise Ship Jobs! S1utl c 111 s n ee ded ! E.irn S2000+m o nthl v Summ crnmUcL1ys/full -tirnc \vorld tra vcl. Car-

ihbcan. I lawa1i. r::uropc. Mc.ll. k o.


docs n m d, scrim in,u.: o n lh !.! ha.si s r:1cl!. c1hn1ci t y. n a ♦

lional origin . or rdi g1nn.


l mpr r, "' cr,i ,, Cour se Mo y 2 & 1 /,r o n,; hip C1)ik£L' B,i \\ : -~~~~~ I 9. I 5p m I la rd in Adm,n, ~ w 111 I JCI.! on(' r/, : :~ pill' 11ti on room 2 1 J ch ;:i lkn !:'. c :1nd r f I p(1 l\\~S'11 Int ro to D0 ~. 6.0u ,, r n:1l c xh1h1w-in 1 , : , ; ih i.: N.1p .m M onda y . M ay 2 ' hcfo rc he Jd tnt Cnlk£,L' uon:11 Champ1on!-h1 r . t TnT~\.'.11 Com putin g. !.\ ~t ,n Ro,,·1 TlH1rn :.101ln..,, U thSI ' G.11nl·~v 1lk. Fl:l. ,\pn l --!.(,tu , 1- 2- .1 9.oo , ••1·1M1 r 111 M onday. May ~ 1 E n g li sh dcpart m; nt will J,11 I I.1 th St. " W ate r Ae robics 6.0(J.7-1 awurd scholarships ick· 1 111 p.m . Mo nday . . Wednc,u,'. Engl i$ll 111 :.11o r:-i •• ~, p s up ~c holar:-h1ps ~ippln.;,ll~•;/~-p ,,nJ Fnday h~~ inn in ~ Jl th~ pool, Lt£On Cnh,,i.:ullj" fnnn the ckpa_rl mt.:ntal !'\09 O n T u esday Ma y ] L\ tary in lbnlin. r\10 111 ~ Cf,mpkh:<l upplicJ ll\, n!"I nws l following cla.sscs will b,~i.' ht.! rctumr<l to 1hc.: tl~r a':rn 1; 1~Int ro to.Com puu ng ".(ji tal sce rl't ary hy Apnl - ~- 9 :00 p.m . l uc sday, !\.la\' 1 ,. L11n1h:.d fund s arc a va1ln h k:. J4!l l >lh Strce t. hut :-.evcrnl gra nts w ill ~c Q uickhooks 9:00 a.111 • made tu s tu dL'O l-" o n ihc has!.~ 4:00 p .m . Tuesday, May 3" of acade mic ac hicn·mcnt.. l i · 1411 13thStrect. na ncial ncl·d, an d po~L~~ual. Sai ling <> n Sikes 6.Jo. Most .schn lar$hip rcc1p1 ~nt _., 8:30 p. 111 . Tu esday s and mu s t he English ma_1 o rs T hursdays May 3 through I', carrying at leas I I 2 ho.urs of at Silve r Lak~. course ,vorJ.: per semester. Successful Money MJn agcmenl 6 :30- 8:3 0 p.n, Me etin g of AIDS/HIV Tuesdays. May :l lh rough 17 at Bol in Sc ience llall ) IS. consort ium scheduled On Wed nes da y Ma, 4 Th e nL' XI hoa rd mccun g or th e AIDS/l·IIV eonsoni um Powcrpo in1 9 :00 a.m.- -11•J or Wi c hi ta Fa ll s w ill h~ p.m . at I 4 1 I 131h S1recL On T hurs d ay May 5 ih, Tuesday. April 19. JI 9:30 a. m. ·n1~ meetin g will he held fo llowing classes wi ll be ,,1. at the Ame ri can RL·cl Cross forcd : Quikcn 9 :00 :1.m.- • :t\J cc nle r at th e Pro[ Jackso n Learning Ccn ler. I 809 Firth p.m. at 14 11 13th Sircc1. Successful M oney M,nS treet. Mc mhc rship 1n th e co nsortium 1s o pen to a n y a gemcn t Semin ar 6:30- 8:31) agency and commu nity•hascd p.m. at Boli n Science H,Ji organi zat ion which has a 115. th::monstratcd service record On F rid ay, May 6 the [L'lor. if n ew ly form e d. has lo wing cla;scs will heg,n: shown a commitment of serMediati o n a nd 0 1hcr vice for populations wi th ADR Procedures. 8:45 a.rn . HI V d isease. Individual s 12 :00 p.m . at CSC room, concerned ahout HIV as well 104, J05, 107. as those affected hy HIV arc O n Saturday, Ma y 7. in vi ted to become mcmhcrs. Driver Improvement Course. 8:00 a. m .- 3:00 p .m. " Continuing Education Hardin Adminis tration room 2 11. classes begin Fo r mo re Informa ti on oil The Division of Con tinu • the Office of Cn n linuing EJ ing Education has 15 classes ucalio n at 689-4052 . starting the week or May 2. they arc follows: Aerobic s Plu s Body Ton ing, May 2 th rough :i I \l'lchitan adverti~ing Stud io 5678, 4020 Rhea Rd . Com p uter-Aided D rawfor you! . ing , May 2 through 25 6:30· :T689-4705 9:30 p .m . M ond ays an d W ednesdays at 111.

Thursday, April 21

Votill!' • CSC /\Ln um . 1J a.m - 12:10 p.111


TII EWkftii. on v l'r

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Te»cher Job Fair WacolSD Apnl 29 -30. t9<J~ •Meet WISD priiK",iplcs and icachcrs • In terview on site To n•gi!t.1cr and oh1a in mmc infonna1ion. e ll (8 17) 75S-9438 .



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If the project is due tonxmow. you're probably wo,king all nighl. Su ,r you need a hdping h:ind Ill pull )'OU p:isl the deadline. come into Kinko's. We're worl;ing 24 hours. loo.

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