Latest Theatre produClion 'HabeaS Corpus'~ a·
111JSt-see . Pege5
THE WICHITAN1 Vll.77,llla24
99 vote in SGA elections .
Studcnl the il'l rdcruidum ntldoctor dostd its second day
:~6~ ~~~
Prtsideot y sun~r 1nd Sen. MlrVin · le arc: rwminl for the office
L SOA Sec:rc1ary Jessica
is nmnina for re-election
. , t,odn1""1'J'O'ed. Thc docitftrtndum 11ves students 1 :t lOS~OJC?J)postlpro.
IO bnfll I fu ll-tune doctor 10
MSU ll If~ of Sl5 pet wdeft1. 8 11:Daet Mid n voter turnout is the bia,esi problml, makina it difficult ~ spe,cul11t on ou1comes. ~ictw:~le Holf'Z.UI, SOA cl«tiom choir,u.t"flhiak10ac1tp,e(lh< bill bu . _ Nnlout)
Hol,ui.n observed rrw1y votm Wd lhey M1ppOrt thc rdcrtndum.
couple ~an the 1umou1 h.u been ralbcr low. soil's difficult to predkt 11 seems it's Joing 10 be a better 1umouc." He wd after suueiting non-uadilional s1udcnts fonn an 11 I'm for (the doclor rdcttndum) orgaoizatioo so their views cao be because ~ needs to be a doctor bct1tr expressed on campus, some here in cue of emergencies. Thert non-uadilional studen1s have Deeds 10 be I fu\1-timc medical Slaff approached him on lhis issue. Ind the rtfcrendum. The 1tl:'nctum be><." Voling will continue Wednesday hu acn&ally rnoli....led people .. Damcon Middlc1on. a resident from 6 10 8 p.m. in Mofftn Library, She said many students didn '1 assistant in Pierce, said. "Yoo have a Thursday from 9 a.m. 10 I p.m. in Willi to vote until they Wffl iold responsibili1y IS a Sludenl 10 VOie. Clark Student Cenlcr Sundance they could vote on the refcm>dum 1b.i.s aJlows you 10 choose !he voice Food Court and 6 lo 8 p.m. in as well. ''They've bee,\ uying 'I you want 10 re~scnt you." On !he Moffett Library, Friday 9 a.m. 10 I don'1 know anyone, IO I don'1 doc!or rercrendum, he said, "It 's p.m. in Clark Student Ccn1cr to voet,' but you tell them about lhc very important that we have a doc1or Atriwn. doctor bill Ind then they want 10 on campus." 1n lhc event of a tic, run-off elec\lote Ind they vote for officers, too." Superville said, "Over !he past tions will be held April 19 lo 23.
w'l~~ :::m~~\!= Wdtnt participation Mid~stem.
~~l~y~;:ne7!i~ 0
A student excercizes his right to vote Tuesday in the Clark Student Center. Photo by Teanneffs Miller.
Organized Chaos
Beta Beta Beta teaches young children about science hands on
Reorganization plan_ entering first stages .
ANIKA ll111T11N TheWIChllan
111c Bolin Science Hall opened its doon to 1 JJ0IIP or curious mincb. Biology ·
""""' Society. ,,o / ~ ~ ~ ~ ; t ~ : ' : ' : f : ,oufl, &aid tbc event WIS <qmiud "to pn> . - science. specifically biolol\Cl,I Kience, , ,ilb small kids." fl WU Cltpetlui foster • pithy illtaa1 ill hioloaical lcietices amoria dcmfflW}' school children. ()lidcd by padP&te MUdet1IS and membffl ~
Ed~~~ronatr=~~~a::g :~arrc: Comminee is being fonncd to handle problems which m.1y be caused by academic reor• ganiution. 'The g:ime plan has been approved," MSU President Louis J. Rodriguez said. "Now we a,e going 10 gel on to implementing ii (acade. ..:. mic.JtorJmiz.ation.)" The oriainaJ plan lo go rrom nine divisio11.1 inlo five colleges is still the goal. They will be lhe Colkgc of Business Administration. tt,e Ellen and Gordon T. Wes1 College •of Edl)Cation, the College of Health Sciencei, Che College or Libtnl Ans and lhc CoUegt or · Scitnce and Mathematical Sciences. One of the (ml items oo the agenda is fOm) • ina: a commi11ce 10 deal with lhc transitk,n
~:y ~':: 1:un::-ib~
Wlchltan Editors 1
r!m~ ~ :: %erm1 ~
rooms hipliJhl· oa a tour JI& differcnl aspects of Bioloty. SIM:h include animals, m.icrobioloff, pbysand plants. ' Spiders were lhe hi&h.J.i&hl in Bolin 2(17 . nu room was very popular amoaa tbc chilm. Anmoay Manin. 00t of the putici~u aprts,scd bis deliJht ill kaminJ men about 6r ipiders and mat.a wbile IDOtbcr paniciUz.o Op aijoyed beina abk IO pel the
~rully -M ~
1tscnu':' ~~ agtlD~
s.prisinaJy, she and mos1 of her counierparll did 001seem 10 be in fear of or intimialed by the makes or spiden Rinoon-Zaclwy said the childml received -on upericocc in the lab. Wt uied to lllltra&e the concep( of inlCTKtion unooJ · · J OfJlllisms and humans."
~~ ~ ·:u:!~and~n= eitJnned by tbc children. The chil-
....__ , .,,... '
·1,; ,
fro~dit.!!.~~~c: c : i e e will coosisl rtprucntative from each division appointed,:f! discuss problems which will be faced duri!'I rrorganizatioo. Rodriguez said 1ha1 Facu!!J: Senate recommended !hat a represenllll.?! from each or the nine divisions be present °'! the committee. The n:commcndation from Faculty Senate to Rodriguez said "Senators from each divisioit will arrange lo have the faculry in their d~ sion a represcniativc 10 the tnnsic.ion team." It WIS passed in the Faculty Senate ii Jan. 2 I; Rodriguez agreed on Jan. 27. Tbc division senators arranged to have a pii: son rrom that division appointed 10 the cO. mince. and the rccommcodations were giliii
~n!~:nso°::~~~~~: ao~Slth:r ~~
"8 showed pal intaesl in tbc aftemo00'1 ICtMties. They were quick IO Ilk qUdtiOlll
~~~u=n~vitics of lbc
illy was the beart nie measurement. The DiJmai Wctt lhriUed aboul wa&china tbc llledlesofthecardioppb etch !he pa11cm of kit bean rates onto paper. They wert aJso lblE IO lake home lhc ,nphs IS a souvenir. Sberi lboaw, a Boys and Girls' Oub vol• limo ODd Flthy lhi,gs 01 lrierdy critters? Agraduale sluclenl shows large cockroaches lo a group ol caulioos elemenlary
::i ~';".,::,,":'k~-
run to kam abou1 cxpcri•
school.students at Beta Beta Bela's Biology Awa"'\~ pay. Photo by Masako Miura.
happy with lhis process," Dowd sJd: "People have dooe a good job. They've done it differtotly in diffcrenl divisions, bu1 thal's CIC We did no1 nquirc: the same selection procC.s.l in each divisioo due to differenl sizes and org.; :..: nizationsofdi vision.s." , The lisl was approved in the Faculty Serut! aod seal to Rodriguez 10 approve. He approvcll or all but one pcDOn, and that division's sea:;
lee lllll'IIIBlllan an 4
:owboys' ~amp causes housing problems
:,,.e have p1.1sbed back arrival ~:~ Director of Homina ~ Life Rick Larsen said ~ -Y-.c: 10 ~ Dallu Cowboys' sum1 lrlinin1 camp Khcdu1e prob~ St>Sc fo, the Housirag Ofrtee
~!!~s~sc=~ ~ 26 ~ .Ill Wichita Falls to
"a'ftll JQCtice until Au1. 25. ' llfl.iqiae for 11udenls
~,t. Vice President of Scudent
"4mittislrative Services Howard ltUsaid. "I don't think ii will be lribltrn." '°"c: in day wu ori1inally Kl for 23, but due 10 the overlapPUI~, II lrt CDCoutaJed to WIii until
L t ~~~rt:;:: i~t of 1own
in Marchman, while the interns and support staff will be in the west wing or Pierce." The doors to the wc,st wing will be locked to ensure they staff is not dis1 lurbcd by students, lhc mcdi:i and ct; s~ · lhe rooms for the oa<ampus resi- other occupants. "Lisi year the Cowboys had probdeou. "On the ni&h1 of Aug. 25. the lcm.1 because the interns and support slaff ..wre DO( on campus to rt~h ~~c~u~ the 1cam when Ibey were needed, so orientation 10 ~• up cquipmcn1 for this year we decided 10 house them placemen! tcstinJ which is ~ t for for convenience 10 the Cowboys,'' cllSICS l(art. but will D0l be ,in their the 26th and 27th,'' Larsen said. Lmcn said. The media will also have desig"Testing ha.I also been pushed back , pennaocol rooms. They will be ircaled IS o~emighl a week so srudcnts will n.oc be forced nated rooms, which will be in the ,,_iats. who will DOI be able ~o senlc 10 ht btrc before lhe Cowboys wing of Pierce. The media will leave." renting their rooms nightly 10 be m until Au1. 29, a1ooJ wiJh inhelp the housing dep:irtmcnt brc:11: 0 eotoUed students. 'lbcse stµde_nts even or possibly make a profit will be placed in lcmporwy bousmg u!;ca';~7~!irr~~;hce~ As for the students who will be until Aus. 29. with a slim chance of the summer. '"The players will be staying in living on campus, their rooms :ire the room actually beinJ their permaMcCullough-Trigg," Larsen said. being reserved now. nent room for the fall . staying be will staff primary "Their "Anyone that would Live on cam"We are discoura1in1 cu\y and absolutely have to come in. we will have storage rooms for them. hopefully in their -ltuildin.1," Aui1111111 Director of Housing Reiidence Life Lynde Thompson said. -Ne arc really encoun.1in1 CVff}'one loNy~~IAu1. ~opeama day. wbicb is Students who have DOI lft·rtJis· m:sbmeu who fall tcred for have opted DOI 10 participalc ~
arrival," Larsen said. "S1udctits thal arc already enrolled for fall arc noc authorized 10 mQ.VC in until 1hc 29th."
lbe official lbe or :fo:m.'1:~'!;s~~ :::li~:=velbelhc~ :
~= t
:ce~n=~in;t~ ,~.;:
~u=!l.:e~nn : ~ • ~w~o~ slaying on the second, lhird and fourth noon in Killingsworth ir they arc female and tbc third floor in Pierce for the malts. For those stu• dents that will be here for both semtslen, we arc uying 10 gel lhcm into Bridwell, because no one rrom lhc Cowboy camp will be housed thcrc. Thal way those students will not be discurbcd." Marchman nuy be off-line during Su~r I to reduce c_.tpcnses ror 1hc Housing Office, bu11f the occupancy is high enough ii will remain . , . . oP:c;n, . K11hy (Gnffin) 1n housmfr 1s ilitfu~u=crs y~~S~0~:ssllii:~ spaccs we will need for this year and :id.ding a rcw lo it lo make surt WC
, ~d~!v~r;'t~ !~~tng~n;,'::~~ will be indicating whether or not they want 10 live here during lhc summer." MSU head football coach LinwRl)d ferguson is hoping several or ~players chose to stay during for cla..sscs as well ,.s the practicing togelhcr for the fall . • ult's not just here," Ferguson said. "It's a direct corrcl:ition for guys thal st.:iy io town to work logcthc This is thc best time to gain 5 trcng and ht 'climitizcd' (xcustomed the heal). This is the longc5t uninlcr• ·· ruptcd training fo r the men. also gives them 1hc chance tci h~
:a~~~m0~ : :_.~at we llrc workin ,
See ~YI on 4 __ L ..:J _ __...,,...:,__.
I ·
VIEWPOINTS Aprl 14, 1989
A trip to remember Student goes on first collegiate quest
wil ,, ________
Thdl. obnoxious bctui,·ior and~phr.uc:s
I wanted to get up halfway through the =!~~~~·~'!t: first c?m~tition and •"""'"''""';,,.., ........ go sw1 mmmg but I knew I had 10' stick it ~~":''.;;.~~;::;.;,ru~ propk: v.-rtt human. out
,;,~ ,n, .,,,,,. ,.....
v.·ay • • tht: ,':In iOl't-of b r o l; c
o,is;d, dow, Hamillon. Texas. We as dedk:ued mai,.s communi •
ca 1ions
decided 10 tal:c
- - - - pic1urcs ins1ud
of trying
Senior Reporter
10 1
~r!mt':,h ~~ \'all .
~; n ~~t iC:~;
- . . . . , . - - coo rd i n ator, Carta Bcnncn. called I~ administration. frantic.:ll ly to find out what we 11,•crc to do if there was somclhing utrcmcly V.TOOE with lhc \'2n.
find out.. we v.·crc out of
- So. our genius, Bcnncu, swi1ched the fue l wiks 10 gasoline, ~
"'·hilt the men were trying 10 jump the nn. Mcanv.·hilc, at MSU the adminis1r;1100. were imagining the si1ua1lon. They goc a good laugh picturing
profc.uor Jim Scmoc sining in the ,,.,, v.·ith a slurpcc, r-dusing 10 gc1 out.
hide underneath the !able. OK. so I did ;alrighl for myself ()CC()f)(j in sporb. third in commercial). But v.-c: had 10 wail 1-.,0 days ht-fore we found anything out. ~ -en though I assumed I did no1 ha\·e a Y10Wflakc"s chance in hel l. Other than the frighteni ng competiltof\, lhc weekend rocked I think uch of us have a memenco from the n:staur.u11 we visited, legally or illea;ally acquired. Making fun of the lady that ran the rest.aurant was a highlight of the evening. as well. The 12 of us also realized v.-c: had found the only gay bar in town. 3nd took the opponuni1y 10 male fools of OUl'litlvt:5 by yelling out quotes to go on our famous quote board. I think Carla lknncit has close 10 9,999 napkins in her purse. We managed 10 mal:c a ~nc everywhere we v.'Cnt. includina 1he banquet on Saturday, when lhe announcer yelled at us for being louder than the entire crowd put together. He had scolded lhe crowd bccaU!,,C several of the schools were being rude during the award ceremony. Of cotm;e, none of us realized ht was to us. "If I can your conversation clearly. I'm sure other people can, too," he said. Oopi,. I pcs.s Heather Robcruon's comment, "'We rock," was taken out of contaL It did not help that the room had grown deathly silent right as she began spaking. The scenes we made. the thinp WC .'>!Ole and the things WC drank wi ll have 10 keep us happy until ncxl Ch·crall. the trip was an event 11w v.·ill remain in my mind for l good few years. I may evcn go nc:cl year, if the Tens lntcrcollegia~ Press Association ever inviltS us back.
Aflcr we reached our destination (Kcm'illc, Tcus-whert?)wtscnlcd into lhc ''Coolest Place in the Work!" ICl'Ofding to mt . I fell like a littJc kid at Christmas. lbc:re was a BAR* the pool! (Of couiv., i1 was dost<! until lhc summer. but it was still amazing!) I was running around telling ~ryone lhal pa.sscd me lhal I was in hca\·cn. 1bcn came the compe1ition. We do no1 ha\·c 11 13dio station, so I was thrown in10 unfamiliar 1crri1ory having to wri1e radio commercial and radio Sport.\ . I wanted to gc1 up halfway through thc first competition and go swimming, but I knew I too to stick it OUL I W,b given an awful 1opic in bolh competitions, so I a»Umcd I would just chalk this journey up as a new CJ:pcricncc. Htnslry is lOpl,omorr com Luckily for me. the other 11 people were c.xtrcmcly supportive of muriica1ions major from Borgtr, me, and undtrs1ood why I wanted to Tt.tas.
Studytng to be I veterinarian, James knew th• toughest part was giving physlc■I checkups to the animals.
Reader thinks respect is earned, not demanded
waited for things 10 changt. And ye., ~ were many people who did not rupcc1 ti rights leaders lhcn and even now, bu1 thm 1 also many people who rcspc,clcd 1hem Ihen• Slill do today. Where would you rather be today? In a It civil rights rounuy because Dr. King d1~ 1 want 10 make waves or wm we a1t 11t because he did? The rcspc,cl you cam by ikc what you believe is right is more imp!lftl
I, like the writer, btlit\·t in equal rights for women. I, unlike IJic wri~r. do noc believe thilt hardcore femi nists have ruined the world for the rcs1 of us. Today the word "feminist" is a dirty word. a word full of ncgarivc connotations. But before we condemn them, let's look at the defini1ion found in "Webster's New World Oicoon:iry" of the word feminism : "the movement 10 win poli1ical, economic and social equllli1y for
change the laws tha1 now g~t us equal access 10 education and professions formerly reserved only for men. They werr ac1ivc in their suppon for a woman 's ri&ht lo an abortion and her riaht lo birth control. They helped to change family law so tha1 a woman could file for divorce and to chan,r the laws that gave women pmpcny . riJhts. ' Their innucnce has also been felt in thc worlcs>'acc with.sexual haraumcat laws and~jn their auempts 10 bring forth the iuucs of macernily leave and child care policies, All these rights and social chanacs we take for granltd today, but it has been a long hard road carved out by the struggles of lhosc hllfd• core femi nists wc llkc to condemn and separate ourselves from. As for respect. rcspcc::1 is earned not !iOITIC'•
:ri,:Ct!~i!~c!; that we, as women, should be proud of. A loot back though the last century alone shows us how much those s;ime hardcore feminiilS have managed 10 chan~ and shape our world. In the book of essays "What is Feminism" by Juliet Mitchell and Ann Oakley. v.-c:findawealthofcumpksoftheirinnucncc. For iru;tanct, they united 10 lobby the govcmmcnt for our right to vOlt and the leaal right 10 equal pay for equal work. TIiey helped 10 "·
=in~::C~nf!'!~i~pl;~~ This person may not even know you, and if he docsn'1 know )'OU lhcn lhcre is no basis (0< rcspctl. In my opinion, having 10 open a door for myself is a small price 10 pay the above 1 mentioned chanecs. sl:it~bl:i;~~~:;:~~fgf~1~ '{Regarding lhc issue of losing men's rc.!ipcct for demanding equality too "harshly," when alright. The rul world is not that simrlr has tbc easy, quiet way of doing lhings worked EstherAu<lcnt well? 1nc Civil Rights Movement never would · have take(I place if people had just quietly
To The Edi1or: As a new transfer Pudtnl 10 MSU I've enjoyed reading your f'l4X.r throughout the $CfflCSltr. You do a gnat job of kecpina studerits infonncd about what ,is going on at school and in the community. Today I would like to respond to the article :Oivalry: ali\'Cand kicki na?"' from lhc April I
::C'°!~ :Ur:~: ~~r;i~l~~ wfnd, I wasn"t aw~ that WOIIIC'n ~ ever been up on pedestals. If we had t\'tf then we wouldn't have the cqu11li1y pmblrm h11vc today, we would he superior being,' It is a fine goal to want rcspc,cl from all 1111 and equality c~rywherc, but rcspec1 i~r;imc not given and the battle for equality is for Ira over. We have 10 look no further lhan ~1 lad: of women in powfflul positions bolb government and private COfJ)OflltK>ns lo lhis. Lee"s not deceive ounc:lvcs by thinkin,: ~
Professors' best lessons learned outside of.the classro01
Have you ever seen those public service announcements where the kids arc t.alking about their heroes - spons fi gures, movies stars - and one of lhcm mentions a teacher? Most of the people I know scoff at that commercial, and I never really put much stock into it myself. Growing up, I have had good !cache~ and bad ones, bul ne\·cr one that really chan1ed my life. But in light of thingi lhat have happened n:ccntly, I h.avc seen ttachers diffcrcmly. My friend is an educa1ion major, one of1hc few guys in lhe major. Somc1imcs he gets discouraged because he doesn't rcully rclatt well to other students in his major - mostly women who ~ a bit older than he is -and because he isn'I confidenl that he will do well. I told him that ii doesn't mat~r that he doesn' t ha\'C much in common with the other studel1ts Of that he can't always help the kids he meets when his class.cs require him 10 visit elementary schools. I told him overall. he is really good with ktds. he's good al math (whkh is what he wants 10 ICICh). I know he's good at leaching bcca1.1se he taught me LO play chess, and that bcc141SC it i, what he wants to do, ht will learn 10 do ii v.-c:11.
34101aft Blw-d. BoJ: 14 • Widllta •·au.., Texas 76308 News Desk (940) 397-4704 • Advertisl.. Desk (940)397-4705 E-mail: MSUEdJtortlaol.rom Webs'~: hnp://www.mws1&.echa/-wkbltan Copynp11 0 1999. The: W"IChitan i~ a member of lhc Tu» lntcrrollcgillC Pru., A).)()CWIOl'I. Thc: Wlt'hitan rcscnn lhc ngh1 10 tdil any mattri.11submiuod for publicatJon. OpmlOrn, C l ~ in Thc: W"tehitan do not nccaarily rdlm ~ of lbc: uatr. Mudents. r.ruhy. Admin~ Of 8oanJ of Regents of Mid11'CSlem Swc- Un1n-m1y. Farsi copy of the paptt is free of charge: additional copies~ s.1. Thc: W1Chitan -.·dcurncs k:lltff af opi11iorui from ~udtnu.. raculty and sutr 511bffl11tod by the- Friday before inlCl'lded publica1ion. Ltnc:rs should be brief and withouL ffll~vc langu.age or pcnonaJ lllacks. lcttc~ must be 1yptd and signo:I by lhc: ~"liter and include: a tckphonc number and addrc:u for vcrilic:alion purpostt. lct1en, will be- educd for grammar only.
Furthermore, when he said it makes him (eel
uations. No matter what the complkatcd dcw1s,
apparently few guys want to do, I told him there are plenly of liule kids without father figures who could use a good male role model. Boys learn how to become men by watching the men in their Jives, and airls looking for husband5 will often base their judacmcnlli on the men in their lives. There arc many kids who grow up without any kind of father figure or a bad one. Is is so farfetched to think maybe tha1 one good malt teacher miaht have a lasting innucncc 10 counter that? I might ha\'t 1hou11h1 It far-fc1ched until I remembered people I've known who ha\'C been innucnccd by a good teacher. Mostly they have been inspired by their tcache~ 10 follow a certain career path, bul there's no reason why the inspir.i1ion can't spill over into other asp«:lS of life. I don't know if I can suy I've really been inspittd by my college proftssol'li, but I think I've probably been innu,enccd by some of them. I can say I have learned a lot from them, outside of mere academics. Al lhc paper, I've shared ethics problcm5 with our adviser. Jim Scmoc, in all kirwh of touchy sit-
e!~~yi}.~:~!~1~ ~t!!!tn,;li~ ism class: whatever you decide lo do in a touchy situation, be sure you can , leep al night If yOU fol-
odd to be a guy wanting 10 teach li11le kids, which
:~:~~I~~:~;~ ~:n~~t you did~:
hat you
I see my academic adviser, Carla Bcnncu, more oflen ootsidc class than in class. She has been ins1n1mem11/ in helping me find the money 10 con• 1inuc to go toi;chool. I have 10 ha,·c llfl in~rship to gradu:uc, but I have no, and she's tried to help me find wuys toilet around that, She's always doing things like !hut I've occassionally wondered if somehow I've become a professor's pct, but I've heard from other studcnlS in the dcpanmcm that she has the i.amc ~ n of dedi' cation to them. A~nOlhcr of my professor.., Brim Thornton, is laking another job in Illinois. I hate to sec him go, because ht has helped me a grt:at deal in class and out. I'd even sllll1ed aoing to him 10 t.alk about ccrlain unpopul:lf opinions of mine that he shared. All three of them arc genuinely intcrcs1ed in our welfare. I hear things along the lines of "I saw this
THE WICHITAN Editorial Board Editor In Chier Jason Lawrence Managing Editor Deanna Dolford Viewpoints Editor Jennifer Tillery Copy Editor Alisha Ferguson Photo Editor Teannette Miller Senior Reporter Dawn Hensley Adviser Jim Sernoc
Reporters Nick Bagherpour Stephanie Cerny Kim Chamness Wendy Garfinkle Anika Kr:ntish Jennifer Hem:ll Joe Russell
opportunity, n!r&, and I lhought of y011: 1 ~ fi:t::y~~o ~ : Recently, I hod an experience 1h111 rc;illi me. Let's just say I was ooocemcd aboul 1~
~=lao~ f:'!,::dc;~n;_inc- I t1u~1 Now one thing I never do is cry in fl"DllJ ul people. When I wcnl to see "Saving Pri\ .Jlt I I lcfl the theater with a headache bc(au'I< I to cry in public. But here I was, bawling my t)'t~ out in in God and Carla and everybody. She lried 1vN me, telling me 1ha1 when it was 1ime 10 ... 1..-i: would worry. That didn't really slop m) " but I did laugh a little. Being six hours from my ncares1 ~It~ don't get 10 see my fami ly much. But I dt..,, ly miu them much when I have prok, ....11 mine to lum 10 with any little probkrn -" best part is, they're willing 10 lis1cn to all 1111 ing and rambling.
- - - - - - - - -- 1 Fe,.,uson is a junior mass major from W.-d1i1a Falls.
Photoeraphen Davon Baker Masako Miura Lind.,;cy Hoffhines Graphic Artists Adam Chavez KtithMym Advertising Reps Chris Jones Donna Pay1on
81.wness Ma~~ Josh Deskin ClrculaUon i\lP MauHumphttl' Wcbslle Coordir' Adam Chavo
AN THE WICHIT Aprl14, 1899
MSU dominates journalism contests Reha\ •orJI Science ~ tnn.'lmg. noon ~n c;.~tlJ'i tudem Cenler Room 171 lkcoin i1i11n Banquet t,-ti'->non. Coli~ u~ ·- p.m. '" D.L. Ligoo
(" Msu.. Theatre
, ~~~,-emmcn1 :ind tloc1nr
m ,01mi:. 9 a.m. 10 I r,.m.
~ Siudcnl Center S undancc (Ollrl and 6 m 8 p.m. m t.11'orJJ)
Pf'l=~nt, '"1-fabca ~ 8 p.m. m Ilk Fain Fine- An,
~~lurday, April 17
1su .. The:itn: pn:l>Cnt., "l tahca.-. ~~~- K p.m. in the F:iin Fine Art., , ,nt ,i~n•up. 9 a.m. 10 S p.m. s ,dtnt Center Rtxim 140
11 <nni d•~rl:s}. IO a.m. 10 4 Sunday, April 18
tll (la"- Suxknl
•~,nc nx'ru itl"I' , I 10 4 p.m. s1udcnl Center Room 108
rar1 -up ~m111a r. 2 1i,u~u11.'." ., f,,~ kr Room 106
MSU,_ 1heatrr pre'-tnb " llahca, 0 An~~a~~O p.m. 1n the Fain Fine
~~~~fi~~a~~:~ c!nt~~m.
,sdaJ', April 15
!"l•nday, April 19
•Ill c...,,cmmcnl and dt'k:lor um ,'Oling. 9 :a.m. 10 I p.m. S1utlrnt Center Sundance
:md 6 to X r .m. in
:t,11in~ ~iin-up. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Studc-nt Center Room 140 .~rpha Fri10 p11: ~ale. 10:45 Jt.l I J O p.m. on Clark Student
IJ"" Lifr n.·cTtlllCni, l 10 4 p.m. in s1u.kn1 Ccmer Room 108
1n the
• S<x:•cty for CTC':111\·e An:lChron,~m in Clark S1ud~nt
~"t~n~::C'R ~~ r.i;·m
Unl1cd C.:arnpus Mini, 1ry ltmc:h noon a~ the Catholic Cam pu~ Cente; • . H:i bitat _for Humanit y meeting. m Clark Student Center 1
;n~~~~l~~~d:~~~~~~~\~~~ r1~· ~n ~~~:~~:~ ting, 6:45 p.m. • _Circle ~ Internationa l mct'tini. m Clark S1udcnt Center : -~ :1
11, StnalC' meeting. 3 p.m. in
silllknt Ccmcr Room 17 1
lltrnc Coonci l meciing, 7;30 11 [l:irl,: Swden1 Center Room
~ ~ d ~ ~-~gJ!~m~?o 6 p.m . in Sludcnt Cc~ltr Comanche
• Men of ~ist inetion rallle, 10 a.m. ~ ~- m Clark Student Cence,
l ,av, April 16 0
1 Government and doctor um \'Oling, 9 a.m. to J p.m.
Studen1 Cc-n1 cr a1ri um \ · n~ ,ign-up. q a.m. to 5 p.m. S1uden1 Center Room 140 1«1a1ion of Soc ial a nd
• Sr~,km Govtmment A~soc ia1ion mecimg. 7 p.m. in Clark Student Center Room 135B • Chi Alpha mce, ing, 7 p.m. in Clark St1Jdcn1 Center Room 138
~~~:;i:~~~ concert, 8 p.m. in
Wednesday, April 21
• Gred, Council mteting. I p.m. in Clark S1udem Cen1cr Room 19,l
The W1chltan MitlwcJ>tcm State Um\·cmty\ top ma" c:ormnun1ca11ons ,tudcnt., j!OI a chance lo show their ~tufTJa,1 week end _ a1 lhe Tc ... a, . Jm crcollegiatc I'~~ A~~lic iahon tTIPA) rnnferin Kerrville, Te,.;i., la.\! week -
The conference wa~ hdtl on April II. CJ ~nd IO at lhe Holiday Inn in Kem·1lk. whe re lhe participant~ were lodged. Award., 1o,•ert l)rC!.Cnted on Apri l 9 :11 ~ lu ncheon banquet ~ cate gonc, we re !or material pobli~hcd o_r bmad~:ist m 19911 in print, tcbi,,on, rJ_d,o. m:igizine and ye:irhook ca te.gont~. The Wi cbu:m won an awartl for BcS( O,·erall Weekly Newspape r ob well a~ an hunor-.ihk mcn11on in Be~I ?f Show, :ind Campus Watch, i\~S U ) TV newsc-J)\, won a prcl>lig~ou~ swcep~tale~ plaque for winnmg the mo,1 ll"lc\'i~HJl'l aw:ird ~ in the Sl:lte. In the area of print journalism. lin'. place awirds were given 10 A~isha Ferguson for general column. Niel Emman for spon) new.~. Josh D.:~kin for sports action photo antl nc_1o,•~pa pc r dhij!n and Tunnenc Miller and Jo~h Deskin for pic ture \{Or)', Second place a~·ard-, were g1\·en tu Ja~on Lawrence for new~ ,cnry. 1im Man;hall for c: ri1ical review, Josh Deskin for sport~ page de sign. :md Ad:1111 Ch:we,. re~ infonnatiot1 grJphic. A third plact' 31o,ard was l! i"cn 10 Tcanncne Miller for ft'ature pholu. A number of awards wen: gh·en 10 MS U broadca,1 journali )m )IUdcnls m l~c 1clcvi) 1on category. F1r..1 place a1o,•ard, were gi\·cn IO As hl ey Bcnnen . t\nrnc Young. ,\ fort y Mitche ll, Jennifer Ran som and Pam Coburn for best documentary. to J.C. Gan:ia for best PSA/ pru1!l0 and mtcrn,hip perfonnancc in ndoography. to Joh:inna Nuding. C had John~on and Randy Bn:wster for hcs1 production. and m Jcnnikr N. ansnm for internship pl' rform:ince in public n: lmion,. Sl"Cond place award, wen: giw:n 10 Jamie Higg ins in audi1ion tape and to Kyle Coffey for intcm ~hip 111
, llillllll!~ ·~
um,er,,1y Southcrn Mc1hoJ"1 Um,c r, uy took fir,1 place, Tua ~ Ch n , 11an
A number of honi,rJble 11N: n11um a<herti,ing perfurmanc:c. , Thirtl pl:tec a~·artl~ were i;,~·cn In were al"O g1vc-n IO MS U \ ludcnh for fea Johanna Nutlmg. Chad John ),l)n and including Teannellc Milk-r phoiugr~phy, Kar.i K1l crca-.c cure umcn Rantl y Brc~·, 1cr fur TV doc and 1mg w11 lar)' and lo J.C. Garda and N,d for public rcl a11on, Jamie Hii;g1 m for 1V commcrc:1al F...iltman for ~port~:l~t. hon Monocablc mention award, were wri1ing. Ni ck Eatman ~-Js an l'>rmni; g1\'Cn 10 P.Jul Trigooa for non-fca- or2bk men11on for ~port, category. lure ., tory :ind fca lurc ~lur)', J.C. Juurnah,m The SouchwcMcrn Garcia for audi lion !ape and PSA/prumo and lo Jamie Higgin, Congrcls alw prci.cnlctl award, fur j o ur n ~ 11, ti c for inte rn ship c,.c:ellcnc:e al in pcrfonnancc banquet un , . - - - - - - - - the ' telc vi,ion. Friday. Along wil~
~~~e Y~:;_r 1\~!
:~~P:i~,i~e~~ Thun;day in
~n:iucin~r~~~ '.
¼~;;m~r:.c'ti..w;t'~~~:~.~ J~~ M1J1o,•c,1ern ,\ t1d~·e,1c-m al..o H••l top hun<lt, al thc annual Hod)' Muu n1:un ,\ "o,;·1a1 mn Med1 J Collc g,arc Con1e,1 held tn Albuljucrqu<·. i\c~ Me , ico. 10oh1ch chu,hc, 11, J"-Jtd rcctpicnh from an ll -, 1a1c ,1rcJ MSU ,1u<lcnh who ~·on JIIJr<h JI !hi, compc1i11on inc luded: • Jennifer T illery - hnnor:ibk mentmn, edttonal ~rilmg • Nic k F..a1man honor;iM e men , 1ron , ,pc.m, new, • Jo,h Dc, 1.-m - 1h1 rJ, headline wn11ng • Jo ~h Dc,lin - ,e~und p!J~e. ,pom • Adam Ch,l\"C/ hunor.ibk nwntmn, grJph1 c:~ • Teanncu~• t\.l illcr. Jo,h l>e,1,,in 1hird place. pho10 , 111ry • Ja~on l.:1wrcm:e - th1 rJ plan·. Jd campaig n NuJin g. Rand) • JnhJ nna Brew~ter, Chad Juhn,on - ,ecund place. tcle1 i'lon pcrfurma occ • Jo~h Dc, ktn - 1hml plat·e. ad campui gn • Nick Ear man - hnnora blc men tion, tcle\·1,mn pmJuetion • Chri,, - honor,1bl e men rmn , 1elevl\mn produ<·l1on lc;1turc • J.C. Ga rc ia - hOnurJhtl' men tion. telc,l ~ion prod uc linn, ,porl, The T IPA c:onfcrcnc:e ga1•c m.i" confrn:ncc ~tudcnh :m opp11r1ur111y lo e1tccl at 1o,•hal they !oH·. "With journali,111. )'OU gcl IO walk tn a different person \ ,hue, cwry Jay." senior compe tit o r Jamil· Miggm-.said. " 11\ an honor 10 t'C a,1.-,..J 10 go;· M:nior Kara Kik:rca ~c . another (1 f 1hc attcntlanh, ,aid. " h wa~ aho a lut of fun . I lmc deal ing 1o, ith people and tx.·mg u medi ator. Ii' ~ definitely ,omclhmg 1ha1 I'm glad I gm tu dn ."' Senior Hc:ither N. obcn .son, anoth er o f lhe c:ompc1i1of'i, ag reed. " h w~, a gn:a t cxpcricnrc :ind a great opport unuy for people who aren ' t u,etl to wrmng under prc,) UJe," Rohcmoll said. --11·, cmnpa f'Jhk !~ the pre~sure of an inter\'ic ~·
With journalism, you grc,~ Th~: .~;~ get to walk in a differ- ;.:~<;:~' m i~~ ent person's shoes ra~;\ J.1;;r to t,c. :inm every day. Jamie Higgins ~~ '::n~~~; 0
1tla1ion,, lie: tekv inc1o,'~. radio . ~1on . :ad\·tni 'lement and cdilorfal writ ing C\·enL,. A number of ca1ci;oncs fc:11un:tl moc k J'fb' conference~ and field Irips to che Cowbo)' An and History Mu.-.c um in Kcnvillc, meetings from whi ch lhe compcti!Ors g:ir hered infnrmarion anJ produced new\ rclea,;c), art icles and phOloi;raph,. Semin;i.r. open 10 all p:irt icip:mt~ on 1opic.~ ur intcrcsl to joumali., m ,tu<lents ~ere al ~o hoslcd on Thursd:iy, The uwards for thc ~e compc111io ns were J)ft"'lentcd Friday afternoon. O\'cr 540 ~tudcnl ~ from 51 )C hool, s1a1twidc particip:itcd in these comcsis. Each compc1i1or wa) originally nomi nated for p:ist performanccs in their ca1 cgories by their prokssors. Of th e 12 MSU ~tudents who aucndcd the li~e competit ions, six were honored with a~·ards fot wril• ing :ind performing under deadline. Secom! place aw.1.rds were gi\·en to Dcanna Dolfunl for TV annouoc mg :ind Dawn I knsley for radin sports. Third place iwards were pre,;cn1 ed to Nic k Eatman for radio news and yt'arbook de)ign and Dawn Hcn)lcy for r.itlio commcrci:il copy~ruin g .
a mcm~r of ' ' lh b organit.a lion \i ncc 1995 . pre.M: nt~ bo1h or-ganiLation The indh · :ind un in:r~lcy a1o,•ard, annuall)' al the T IPA confe rence . Judge~ from New York and Nevada rc,·iewed entries from studcnh m 17 member sc hools . Elc\·cn MS U ~1udcn1s 1o,•crc hon11red wi th these awards. First place aw:irds were given 10 Josh (.);:~kin for best ~port , photograrhy. Adam Chavtz for hc., 1 c,irtuon ~lrip, Ch ri s Lewis for bc ) l \'idcography, C hri s Lew i~. A,hlcy Benncn. and J.C. Garc ia for bc,1 TV nCW K:l)t, arnJ Randy BrcwMc r. Johanna :--;uding and Ch;w John~on for bcst TV prugnim. S.Ccond pla1:c award, ~-en: :iw:ird cd 10 P:iul Trigona for bcs1 non-fca cure story and bc~t TV fcaiure story. and to Chri~ Lewis. J.C. Garcia and Ashley Bc nncu for. be~• TV ncwsca~\. A thi rd place award wa~ gi\cn 10 Thorpe Griner for ~ st T V fcalurc ~tory and honorJble mention\ were gi\·en 10 Joha nn:1 Nudi ng, Chad John,;o n and R:indy Brcwsier for be.s t TV vidcography and to Paul Trigona for be,1 vi dcoSrJphy edi ting. The- Southwe stern Journ:ili ~m Congress also named ,ts choices fOf the bes t joum:ihsm pro~ ram ~ at a
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THE WICHITAN ---=----~ -14,1-
Team Arrow cycles into national competitio .
D•- HIIIII.IY Ser'iprRepori.,
Winnin1 by a h.air7 Why not win like the Midwestern Slate cycling and win by I bikc-kngth or
ThriO. which is~ ofBwtbumrtt, for the Road Race. Sacun:b.y aRcmooo Team Arrow will compete 11ain in Time Trial 11
~it~:: :
4-4 .
cally go 10 nalionals. ~firstands«ondplacctcams in the ronfcrtncr: 101onationals, so we IR dcfinately png," sophomoff
N~=:! ~acfn't:'~c::1-AaM last week• .
Team Am,v,· won the O\"ttall team
ca!u;:!~~~~=i~c,:!~i~; compe1i1ion last ., and solid• ificd the seco nd straight Sou1h ~;~~oa~ICw~n~ge~r~~o supCcnlBI Collegiate Cycling Confer• ~ rlCe is ~ 10 begin SuOOay CfK't: Championsl1ip with their dominating performance. tcrordin1 to monung 11 8 1.m. on Comanche Tniil (the 51rttl between the Clark faculty advi~r Rohen E. Clari: . MSU will hos1 the Confmntt StOOCnt Center and the fcrJuson . . Championship on April 24 and 25, building). With.thet~amw1nn1~gtheS~ beginning Saturday It 8 1.m. in Championship, they WIii IUIOffllU·
cOO. T~ A~ flCCd
~o;:,;·:~ ~.::.,!~;
i~ Kathy Well~' wer~cn~ on
:!%Jt!::i'.'ng ~., nvals with an
ThtWIChitln Midwcstcm·s wcighllifting team is going for lht gold. MSU Weigh1lifling is I member club or USA Weightlifting. the major governing body of compcti1ive, Olympic-style wcightlir1ing in the UnitcdSwcs. According 10 lht team's mission statement. its goal is "'for our athletes to win gokt metals in the Pan American Games, Olympic Games. and World Championships through lht development or weightlir1ing in the UnilC.d StalCI. Lon Kilgore, assistant professor in lht depanmcnt of kincsiology. and adviser for the weigh1lirting ICilm, has been at MSU for two years. MWhcn I came ,here, lhtrc was not enough equipment to actually have a team," Kil1orc CJ.plained. "We've been slowly but swt:ly puhing ii all together, it"s just now staning to pay off.~ "I lhink it's going great," RttVCS said. "Not 1 lot of pcop~ know about it yet, so lht learn is not
ra.lly big." The second annual Top of Texas Weightlifting Ownpionships were hosted by MSU on March 13. Weightlifters and weightlifting teams from as far as New Mexico and Georgia competed in thc championships. The weightlifters compe1cd in three weight categories. Medals were awarded to the lifters who placed first, second and third in each wcight clw. and I lrophy for the best lifter. overall, of the men. and the women. Ursula Kechko, representing Coffey's Gym of Georgia., and a multiple-time member of Team USA's World Champio,nhip contingent. won lht Women's 63 kilogrtm weight class and the Women's Lifter award. Chad Vaughn or Oklahoma. a member of the U.S. National Junior Squad and current Collegiate National Champion, won the Men's Best Lifter award. MSU gradua1e Jacob Reeves, placed second in thc kilognm weigh I class, is one of the found• ing members of the weightlifting team, which was staned January 1999. MSU's best result came in the Heavyweight
class. Aaron Corum won the class and Jarrod Meno placed second. Tim Canicrbury and Jason Cates placed third in the 94 kilogram and 105 kilogBm classes. rcspec1ivcly. Game Silvey placed firth also in thc 94 kilogram class. As a team, MSU won lhe overall competition title. '7wo-thirds or our athle1es already qualify for national [weightlifting! events," Kilgore said. "We're cithcr doi ng something right on the roaching side, or we have some strongly 1alen1ed athletes." "Anybody who thinks !hey mighl be interested in weightlifting. come and try out," Reeves cncoungcd. "In this area, we have the best coach• ing team." MSU'S weightlif1ing dcpar1men1 has applied to the USA Weightlir1ing goYcming board 10 be a regional tr.lining facility for weightlifters. If approved, MSU will have a quality facility expected 10 produce athletes and research. "We woukl be lht only u-a.ining facility in the southwest Stites," Kilgore explained. " It will bring quality students on campus." K.ilaorc said he will know the results or the board's decision on April 26.
Fine A.Its; Nadia Bugg. Division of HeaJth Sciences; James Hoggard, Division of Humanities; William Hinds, DiYision of Mathematical Sciences; Rodney C11e. Division of Science; Emily LaBeff. Divis.ion of Social and Behavioral Sctences and Samuel Watson, Division of Political Science and Public Administntion. Only divisions that haYc rejoc• tionli would have to appoint a new comminoe member. , This cornmiuee will have many taskli 10 undertake. They will be reorianizinJ uniYcrsity commiuces and revtcWln& the rank and ICflUrt policies which will be affected- by academic reocganiz.ation. The committer will also create , equitable way, 10 handle fonds for research as well as f'C'\licw or clarify job descriptions for dellls, associate
ClwlllY•--- ------Larsen has been worting with the housing staff to reserve rooms in Pierce for the Indians. since lhty must retum to MSU on August 11. "'We have reserved the second noor in Pierce for the football players. which I bellCVC is 52 spaces, although they may not utilize all the spaces," Larsen said. Even though lhc players may be able to moyc in Pierce on August 11 , rooms arr just temporary. '"1be: footbal l playen will not be able to be in lhtir permanent room, but there will be space for them," Thompson said. The YolkyNII learn will also be VTiving in Wichita Falls, but on August IO instead of the eleventh. "We are still trying to work things :;,ut for 1hc volleyball learn, but by the time they arrive, there will be rooms in Killingswonh reserved for
vice president and program chairs, a new organizational chart to well IS ere.ate I VICll'ICY ootict describe the TCOfB&nizcd s\Jllcture. ror posting thc dean positions. They will also reYicw, and ir needed A memorandum sent to every full - rewrite, thc academic part of the li me faculty member lis1ed the MSU policy manual. guidelines for hiring thc associate The task of geuing commiuce vice prcsidenl for academic affairs members has been a huge task and deans of colleges as WC II as which has taken a large amount or ~sponsibiliries of the pmitMWu. communication and teamwork. Membm will also consid"There's been lw of cooperaer a possibili1y of I university cur- tion,'' Rodriguez said. "It's been a riculum and a committee of the joint!cffort." · Faculty Senate. They will also wrile IS
GOLD'S GYM is now taking applications for a part-lime posttion. Includes free tanning and free membership. Call 696-0831 and ask for Rudy.
of surfaces and '" .a1 1M>ns. So, depending
your train• • anywhere ing schedule you c~ ~ r s I day," st 10 from one hour ~ Widham said. nlS cat t,er Wetl~rnadcher~a/cloCking dust, w11h her nearest n
~-t tilllC•
for the IP"
Mer g,M!Mlting from college, ~ eon. pined AmeriCofl» to
tt. youngiNl members al . . cornrnunity---. h a d ~ a whole new wurid, Ma IMcher'• aide In a low-Income ~ ....., hts homa in achoo! hours and pn,vided IUpf)Of1 tf"')' oftetl didn't get at home. "If you_. a problam, )'OU hwa s IWIP(lflSibility to do IOl'Mlhing about II," Joah says. "AmariCo,pl ~ me that chara." help
•___ • ......,.. __ _
• Earn a n,nthly living at/panel of S600 to $700 monthly. ~ $4725 ech,w;::1tkln-rd to .-pa)" your ■wdent loan• or 10
«lucatlon. ,_• Bulld)'OUr,....,...I
~~~ team i~ ~ 115 preparing for nexl season~ ~w coaching s1aff and "!C s. "So far J>B!=liCC is gomg .e•~ tionally well,..- head coach ~~ on
~~S:t ~~)'
sh~." team tw ex~rienced lilt~ fatigue due 10 previous wo,kou from su-cngth tnining coach John Martin. actording to Fcrgu~- . "Their learning quotie~I . is extremely high and they are picking up the new system and ~echniqu~ much quicker due 10 their sue~g and conccntr.11ion." Ferguson said. Due 10 thc regoroos ~ning, !he Tribe has seen a dcclinc in membership. Las! year's team began !he SCI· son with 78 players. compared 10 th \ ~ ; :· is smaller lhan last year, but those arc !he men that wan.! to stay and want a winning se~n, Ferguson said. "The ren:111n1ng playm arc really in1ercsted in football. These arc the ones that are going to stick through the good and ""bad." Sevcral of the players feel !he work will pay off even with a smaller team. . "Practice is going well," senior ccnlcr Wade Dean said. "It's hard, but we arc learning a new offense and defense. We are also learning the coaches techniques and how
"TIAA-CREF sets the
standard In the financial servka Industry!'
without• win. ~ 0a'n"iefR~s!~s B""'-«., 01 Andrea Han~finiV!ed':\
they feel about us. We things up really quickly:: ;:J;~ty:r.~wj 10 do IQ I~ According
to Ne,\,\
~I=-:: :y I! tlOl,j
lhe Jndians will sions. Ferguson prepare in each or ri much as lhey l)l'tJ)lrc ,~'-l
se~-are going to use I) instead of all 15," Ftffl,,,'t "Spring practice will c~ ~ clusion on April 24,
f: :i~ ~:~r'~!~~l11 :m~rJ~~-::i~;:a: ~
men! in the ruiuced ~t 1cam. "Most dcfiniicly their ...,i:n has improved," Fergu\O: ''They are much IOUghtr Ill shape and stronger." · The major improvelll(n,: Tribe is noticeable not ~ : coaching staff but the plr, well. ·· co'!e ~!P~f.['!th ~ full-back Michael Edwar~1 "We look better on off~ defense, because we art , . hard on and off the field." "We are learning a ll(W I} sophomore 1igh1-cnd Childen said. "Next nitely going 10 be bcucr 1k This is our opponunity to !tt we will be next ycu."
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DAWN HINIL&l' Sef'lior Report..,
"l"l Tt take a lot of pride in gaining VV high marlu from the m.ajor r•ting
·corps, I saw ''With ,Ainer1 . gbborhood
G) 21~---...-....
r~ ~¾;
Football team sweats it o
ec.tan, Jolti with 1tudenta Will t.)'Ol'ld
Sa~a&~~~:n~_, ~or ~ ~ ~ .~ tl~ I
- Moo~yMagazine, January 1998
them on one of the three open- - - - - - - - noors," Larsen said. Resident Aliistanls will be mov• ing in two weeks before classes start to prepare their hall for the fall semester. "We have 10 go through an invenllpfl1llfflllll1Dflta tory, cleaning the rooms, training and decora1ing before the semester .k'ld11aU1t1Slflltn begiiis," said RA Damcon Middleton. "h takes a lot of lime. it's not just a passiYe job." flltY~hef\OfCIOldelD..., The Cowboys, however will not Corck•eS I0.00. inwfcre with the prop-eli,S in the donns. "We will be pceparcd for anyCongratulations/ thing, we always arc," Middleton said. ''That's pan of the training. The only problem we had last year was the tnffic or the fans, and lhat wasn't really a problem. It was more great publicily than anything."
beyond tnY n~l
take the 0Ymll lcad. Even though sopho!TIOf'C Pedro Saldarriag1 expcrien«.d a blowool, be caught up to many of his opponcnl.'l and earned an honorable fifth place finish, followed by senior teammate Rory McAdams in sixth.
lllm'llnllalllln _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ tors had to find another person 10 be on the comminee . The division approved of another person, and thc new lis1 will be brought before !he Faculty Senate on April 15 during •heir monthly mttling. Ir the lis1 is approved, it will go to odriguez for approval. If either .cully Senate or Rodriguct does JI approve, .. h's back to the dnr.w.1g board." Dowd Wd. "I think .here's a 99 percent chance Dr. Rodriguez will .approve if FICUlty Senate approves on Thursday." Vice Prcsidc:nt for Academic Affairs Jw,c Rodgcn has already been appointed as the chairman of the committee. The pcopk who will be voted on in April 15's meeting arc Michaelle Kitchen , Division or Educa1ion; Charles McCullough. Division of Business; Dan White, Division of
c:~rs~.;,,C::::,•s A i..!"r!stT~mc Tri . tion. winning r ·tt,aleadofmc,tC ~ 1 1J · l!5forl ni« ofthc _yelf ;adof~~arcst ·. to.:.· thall one mu,utc by placing fourth. · ~ th ~~dhalm bas t,etn racing for Rangel rcponcd 1 cl~ lo n_ine ycan. l'Ol,I h my d~: overall. a:o;:gh llltt~
~~~l ~s:: ~ ~meM~~:sR~\~k~':!g~ w:~~~ry day, ~ :PZ~
a~:l~~Cs ~ w~t I winner really looked hke. "(la) pul the finishing touch by kcyingoffofagrca1petfonnanceby his t~matcs 10, ~~p the '!verall l~1nthcMenA s, Clark~1d. Strong W()R. kepi the entire field
Out-weighing the competition WDDY Cblt,INIC.LI
Wtdh_■ lt,:i
togflhcr uncil the firial sprint whtrc Akin1 rcuivtdanuccllcnt~ from (Bruning) Ran1cl and {Ptdro) S1ldarri11a."
AmeriCorps: Are you up to the challenge?
Emadng d,c for-wboabapeit."
_T:..:H~E::....W.:.._:_IC;_,H-:-:IT-=--'A_N_ Aprll 14, 1889
flabeas Corpus' has the body ewest theatre production is strong in every area, especially comedy '~~~t11~~:~·~~ ~!~ ~ ~::Nlu;;;~~g. H~~~ ~. pr,X1uction. c~udc~ fun and i:~·:1t 8 p.m. o~ WcdncMby, , ...,,,11 ha~ audience., on the plji)l,rir !iC:lb 3Aticipaling the f~ entrance o( ~ of the
, lany, wi ld charactm Of bobp:-u ticads 10 the sounds of the of wch ~ho-A~ a~ ''The Price , I { ~ ..f;lm1ly Ft:ud."
.. rlay. 11,•riucn hy Al;rn ~ 1 takes place in the 1970s. . ;, reOcmd by the lei~urc iiJbtghair. Ac~ingtothc •1h("game·1s playcdi n lfllllpd 1tic Wid:stud\ hou~ in
F,ngl;iod:· All of tht :»elors ,ctm-S(S perform in Briti~h tlhihi1ingthcir1ructalcn1. fi!,L"hli. the director of the ~ his creative mind to spice ti,:: p11y. How ~s he do this? }finging the audience onto the tht charactcn. Each pcris abk 10 feel a~ if he or ~he is a
pan or lhc play. conMdering the ch.aractcr. actually interact wilh members of the audience: at 1imrs ~~~:!~.their hands and a~kin·g
lm·e~ ... In addition tu all of thi~. the author adds a lilllc mu~ical comcdr This play is difficult 10 explain bc-cau!>< lhcrc~ is nC\·cr a dull
Sining in lhc audience ooc is :":u~ie': e~~~:~~!n ~~: almost mes' woman roammcri,.ttl by the ing about the bright colors or ' , - - - - - - - - ~la~c in black the SCI :ind lhc:lingerie, chas• blaring game ing a man who show musk . doesn' t like
Each person is able to
:~~ feel as if he or she is a
~':rac1~~"real" ta."'\ 'r thin, nighty the 3CIOO, and F C 1 i c i t y p8 ., 0 P 3C1resse~ did a Rumpcr (Kay superb ac11ng Allmand), said job. 11 is evident it bc~I when she that each per• made her son 100k 1he cntr.tnce: "I like ' ' nccessary umc it here. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to create a1m os p hcre . incredibly The rec~ of the pl1ee." The~ were funny and believable charac1m. my scnumcn1s exactly regarding 1he Truc'comedy is hard to achiC\'e. set and aura tha1 had been crea1cd. Those who do not mallter it sound as According to Fi schli in his if they arc just reciting line~. Th<>M: "Director\ Notes... "Bennett cooks who do masier the an of comedy up .\C~ua\ in1rigucll. intricate pk>t perform jus1:.t.\ the c:.t.'it of this show comphca1100s, mistaken identities, docs. turned tables, ;md a foolish old man A word muM be u id about there blocking his son from the girl he being no such thing as a small p;an.
r th e Iay...
PLAY REVIEW Br.indon Smi1h. who play~ lhc suicitbl ch.uxtcr, Mr. Purdue, i~ incrcd• ibly hilariou, und almost moved me 10 stand and )l[ttam at the lop or !11Y lungs. ~r 11 give you the aucn.uon you are cra,·ing!" Gladly. I rcahzcd before I ac1cd ~pontancously that even 1hough I w-.i.s brought on sla~ 10 feel a.\ though I 111·a... a part of ~ action. I would have been crossing thc is wonderful aboul this play i'i thal ju~ ahout ~vcrything that occurs is unprcd1ctablc. When everyone's plans for 2:30 p.m. on Thursday stan tu fall apan, ~very• thing that follow.. is ::1 successmn of humorous follic.\. . "Habeas Corpus" is a crcauvc. well-acted and well-choreographed play that will pka.~ each mcmDl!r ~f the audience and leave them wanll•
ng.;;:'~iay 11,•ill run from April I~ through April 17 at 8 p.m. and Apnl 18 at :uo p.m. TtekCIS art free 10 MSU students with an valid ID and generaladmi\ .. ion i~ S6 .
The cast of "Habeas Corpus' aci out a scene. The play opens Wednesday and runs through Sunday. Photo l1f Teanneffe Mrl/er
ovie recaps high school horror New Petty album TheWIChi1an nt studic~ have ()ffi\'tn one
t,u1 simpk mo,•ic foct: When 10 thccharactmonscrttn can not hcu )' OU! And they ,i..·«gi~youarcply. · g !ht mo,·ie "Ne,·er Been I actually found my ~ If 11i th countless 01her5 yelling ., the charnc1el"!i on i.crun. Tl1C seemed li ir lhcy WiUlted for our young heroine. art a f~· of you who ~w .~any yelled .. run Elliof' or in ·Maguire .. whcne,·eryonewas "l iss him." And if you sec Bttn Kissed.. you will sureI a11hc screen or a lea-.1 a )' multcred ''Oh no n<M again.' er Been Kissed.. drew a ,-aria( audience members. There adults with small childml and l)Jlical college 1ypcs. A few tlilrtary 1ypcs and a handfol of underage "sneak-ins:· lncre abo an abundan1 number of whom seemed 10 have jus1 rnctthcrequiremcnistoslide 1PG-l)movie. er the less, '"Never Been stam oul with a goofy -wonnish Joste Gellar ( Drew ) who is a talemcd copy 111 the Chicago Sun-Times. desperately yearns to be :an ·ga1ive reporter bu1 is con• 1umcd down by her 0\-"criy• s bo!.i John C. Reilly. whom oppo~itc Marky Mark in . Nigh1., ."Whe n Gellar gebhcropp:,nunity, it turns ID bean a.ssignmcnt that returns ., a pmonal hell: high school. ii twk ally your geeky unsopmfcs~ioo:al thal had a less ' appealing hi~ school cw.peril think 1he term ..Grossie ~•~enough to gi,·e you a men•
music to fans' ears
tal picture. h is more like an encounter lha1 is so Nd it could easily lead one 10 !>CC a doctor and spend S60 an hour 10 sit on lhc ··comfy-couch." Come on people, a majority of us have a lcu than enjoyable memory of how high school wenL Some of us may have to reach back a bit. bul I guarantee ii islhcre. Now, at age 25,Gellar musl rig• ure how to crank out a sensational undercover s1ory 10 impress her bosw:s, scllher ieUasa 17 ycarold all while reliving her homfic adoks•
ct"OCC •
Gcl lar procccds in her undcrco,·er assignment. but lindi, the transilion just as painful ti it was the fini time. One wouJd think that with all these horribly insufferable memories. W would fall on her face and quit inlhcfaceofadve~ ity. Bu1 she keptgoingandcnduredatorturc ·worse than your most embarrassing nighlmarcs a~ being naked in a public place. in 1hc middle of December. • Now, wha1 kind or movie would constantly hun its main char.M'.:ter and make the audience suffer along stdc her? And suffer the audience will. Just when you think she could not be humiliated any more. she gets ii again. and wor.;c than before. With all these honiblc expcriences p~ 1 andproien1ldccided10 point out some of the positives: •She docs get a second chance at high school (rabc halld for second trip1ohell.J . •She easily impre~scs her Enghsh teacher with an intriguing translation of Shakespeare (he is the handsome guy that stares from across the room. Can you )ay )Candal?J •Her brother (David Arquette) the wpponive sibling (rare that siblings geuingalongthis weij, cspcciallya high school fi lm.)
Drew Barrymore stars as a reporter who goes undercover as a high school student in 'Never Been Kissed." •Her co-workers · enthusiastically pushing her toward success (!hey also w;uch hcrhiddencamerJ likcu soapopcrJduringlunch breaks.) •Another handsome boy named Guy (Jeremy Jordan) who reminds Gellar or her high ~ hool crush (looks like the lost ~iAlh Beatie) After covering my face m anguish for the first h:1lr of the movie, Barrymore's character finall y made that "Can't Bur Mc Love" tran~i1ion. (Tbc movie in !ht 80's about the dort becoming popular. never mind) She quietly 1ums into a "Titanic" princess from a lowly lunchroom bottom-feeder. This tr.1nsform11ion is the work of Gellilr's younger brother Rob. He wli a popular jock in high ~hool but now is destined to work in a lousy themcslore. Heenrollsinhii;h ,\Chool to help his sister better fit in. bu1 mostl y to gel a second chance forbastball gJOI'}'. Rob befriends lhc popular crowd in a mauer of seconds and starts the po~iti,·c rumor mill turning. Boom,
C\'ef}'OOC wants 10 be around Josic and be a pan of her high nying lifc~ tylc. First is her prom idea, 1hcn her shopping ~J>l'ftS with the girls and Mr. Popular following closely behind her. A horrible memory erased and a new woman emerges. The res1 of the movie move~
~~oai::ir j:~i ~=~e~:r~r~!n~~
first. With all the hu'miliation endured by Gcllur, the climax of 1he film is well wonh waiting for. Thi s romuntic comedy is tough 10 sil through al times. I even caught myself a~king my friend s if we cou ld leave. But. I am glad we ~,aycd bccau.)( the ending hll.'i to be one of the must enjoyable endings I have !>CCn lately. It was a hit pn.:• dicrnblc, but ii was extremely cnJOY• able. With the triumphimt ending and the gre~I ca.,t of aclors, especially BilfT)'morc and Arqucuc, I give ··Never Bttn Kissed" a 4 on my I 10 5 !itale.
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Tom Pcny afKI the llcarthreaker,;' new album . "Echo," ha.\ not only been one of 1hemostan1icipatedalbum)sincc their las1 collabor.nivc cffon in 1994, but also one of the best kcp( ~ KIS in the music business so far this year. With )UCh hype and a~kiety surroundi ng this album, it's a good thing it turned out so well. "Echo"-produccd by Petty and his usual team of Mike Campbcll; 1tic lead gu1tari~1 in the Heanbreakers. and Rick Rubinis close enough 10 Peuy ·s previous efforts, but it's a little more mature (if 1hat's ftasiblcJ and prugrcssl\·c. Pcny ..«ms to be traveling along the .">amt musical highway as hi~ younger countcrpans, Wi lco, although he doesn't seem to be as far down thal highway as thcyarein as much as thcalbum is no( quite as experimental as Wilco·s ··summenccth" which wasrt lcascd eMlicrthisycar. All in all, "Echo" i.\ an amalga· mation of Peny·s '80s work seen on songs like "Counting on You" and "Lonesome Sundown" especially, with influence~ from SCV• eral of Peny's comemporaries and a sprinkling of blues and country-rock. It's almost inm:diblc how Peuy has been able 10 keep his mu)ic11I integrity during such a long cmrccr. but he hu.~ already cstablishcdhimsclfas arockicon on sc,·eml occasions. The album still holds the untlcrlying tone~ or defiance present on his classics- "Frce Fallin '," "Mary Jane's La~t Dance" and ··You Don' t Know How It Feels." for instance-that Peny fans have all grow n 10 know and lo,·e. Songs like ..Swingin' ," - silly the Kid" and "Rhino Skin" all hum with 1his quiet air of rebellion, angsl and fonitude. He also still manages to do ,1 number on the traditional concept
of the rock Jo,·e ~ong on ~ong, like "Accused of Love" (track 6 ). The Hcar1bn!aken alM> ~m:...,. crcdil for staying in practice enough to slill run like 3 well• oiled mu~ical machine af1er w much time has between this album and their laM. Campbell') skills and innovalion remain remarkable a.~ docs Benmont Tench's nearly mindaltering keyboard work. Howie Epstein's solid and origi nal ba~, lines al!oO help perpetuate the IOC· 1appingclemcnt. , Though Pett y and the Heartbrcake rs ha,·c experienced an expected ik~rce of changc; it is al !oO obviou~ they arc no foob in regards 10 keeping up alhum sales. Tbc entire album ha., a " WildOower~" (Pcuy ·, wildl y succes~ful solo ulhtlm from ·w,1 reel to it. Aside from the u~ual Hon· • ' Dylan innucncc). Pcn y and the He:anhrcakcr!i seem 10 be tather- ~ ing more innuence~ from . their / r youni;cr comcmporJ ric~ like The Jayhawks (a rclali\'Cly undc r~round band that Petty brought along on his "WilrJOowers" tou rJ. The Black Crowcs. The WallOowers and Unc le Tupelo (which is now basically spli1 into Wilco and Son Voll.) If thi, i~n·1 the ca,e, then ii mus1 be that 1his long-lasling band '~ inOucnccs on 1tw.· hand ~ prc,·iously mentioned arc ju, t beginning lo show thcm\Ch·c,. Another possible e:c pl:m:a1iun for this could be lhc protluc1iun assistance pro\·idcd by Gcori;l· Drakoulias who ha., worker.I with both The Jayhawk., and Uncle Tupelo on some of their hc,t albums. "Echo" should ca~ Ille tcn~ion of .ill the fan~ who ha,·c been waiting fOf Tom Pcuy and lhc Heanbreakcrs 10 record for all uf these five long year.,.
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:,·Midwestern State University : H o n o rs R ec o g n it io n Banqtlet
n Coliseulll 'Friday, April 16 • 6:30 p.m. • D.L. Ligo Ndminees for Outstanding Student Awards
' iJ /·
: f; !
i, ~
Misty Doyle liffany Hand Cindy Hermosillo Ilona Irish Quianna Krause Michelle Martin Myesha Mayfield Jessica Morris Elizabeth Pickerill Amy Pierson Candace Twilligear Diana Williams
O1JfSTANDING ". ]UNIOR WOM AN Tracy Eubanks Lynn Starkes Sarah Barstad Melissa Buck Jaclyn Bunger Emilie Buske Lindsay Devos Heathe r Do~zab Tina Hanks Alyssa Hollingsworth Misty JClement April Tipton Andrea Mcinturff Sarah Madsen Jessica Markum Penny Maxwell Veronica Malesio ,Ruthlyn Riley Jamie Roberts Laura Shannon
SoPH OMO RE MAN Darrin Rasberry
Leslie Bailey
Randel Barnard
David Carlton Mitch Conine Masanori Kono Chris Lam Christo pher Lewis Condell Maurice rd
Melissa Butz Stephanie Casanova Arlene Ford Shelby Hausler Marianne Lee Amy Park Tamika Samuel Amber Studda rd Danika Tpylor Randi Tigrett
Anthony Becker Graeme Bice Andrew Garcia Aaron Joseph Clint Kennedy Bobby Thomas Matthew Thomas Dominic Vu Noah Wilkes
Craig Mayna Brady Sharp Chris Stutz
Fred Tramper! Roger Tubbs Paul Walker
James Alexander Tom Aguilar Reynold Bailey Randy Case Delvin Defoe Dameon Middleton Marvin Superville Jeffrey Surber Matthew Terbeek David West
Kimber ly Bailard Silvia Brunet Jennifer Chevier Michelle Davis Erin Decuir Elena Farmer Deborah Ford Sharon Fredrick Sarah Franklin Amber Hofhn an Michelle Holguin Akiko Ishihara Joanie Lankford Dawn Morris
Susan Nguye n Glynis O'Garr o Julie Peterson Laurencia Pierre Leila Plumm er ' SuzaM Riddle spriger Rona Ross . Melissa Ruell 1 1 Simone SenhOlJSe Rahel Skogsberg Susan Talley Julienne Winters Courtn ey Zenk
i J,
, f, .
J 9' : ,,
David Bridgett Jason Cates Charlie Cunnin gham J.C. Gama Matt Harris Paul Hopkins Nathan Landru m Robert Light Mark Mackey Joshua Matlock
Bryce Sinclair James Smith Tobias Syrus Steven Tincher Robert Venable David Vital Christopher Vomastek Brandon Young Hui Yue
.. L, j
1;.J '
' " J
Megan Apostolo Rodney Bertram Melissa Buck Tina Hanks Michelle Holguin Julie Peterson Brad Phipps Chris Robby Matthew Terbeek Carlos Thomas Randi Tigrett Nikki Ann Ventura
OUTSTANDING GRADUATE WOM AN Amanda Barnett Kathy Brookman Zayde Charles Debra Condron Angela Haley Elisabeth Huerlimann Nadine Koenig Heather Markham Stepha nie Middleton Kimberly Spradling Gillian Thomas Amy Thompson Brenda Tracy Gina Whatcott Layca. µchary
AWARD NOMINEES Alpha Omega (Church of Christ Student Center) Alpha Phi Sorority Association for Social and Behavioral Sciences Caribbean Students Organization Kappa Sigma Fraternity Mortar Board
YEAR Arlene Ford · Kimberly Ballard Sil~ia Lisa Dixon Michelle Holgui n Joanie Lanl<ford Glynic O'Garro Julie Peterson Laurencia Pierre Mandy Pinkerton Leila Plumm er Terra Rife
Chris Bain Greg Broussard Travis Carnpsey David Dunsmore
Grant Grimes Virgil Hill Jeremy Smith David Vroonland
Simone Senhouse Rachd Skogsberg Randi Tigrett NikkiAnn Ventura Petronella White JulieM e Winters
MAN OF THE YEAR Travis Campsey Rodney Bertram Charlie Cunningham Robert Denton J.C. Garcia Grant Grimes Daniel Hartsock Chrisf am James Lemons
Robert Light Samuel Mitchell Bryce Sinclair Marvin Superville Toby Syrus Matthew Terbeek Nicholas Thoma son Christopher Vomastek