~~~'T"=j~;~[~::;:;;:::,. ~~~~i~-1=~•~-t~~~a~~~n! : ~~~~:~h ::~~:c ~~~~~~::~E~::1 New software changes early registration for MSU students Mau Gurxk,
1n 1h( PJ<ol
v. lk-•
,,,,,h! finJ"Y"1hc-
~~• h.1\ dun~J
, lntlllh th, ,
"""'"' l urthc hf'l hmr \ l ',l .,.,11 ,dk," ,1u.k,1h !1• R'Jh ll'I t .UI~ h" lh.
'lllftmcr ltm1, .,.h11C' ,,._,_.,
, h.""'
ins thtu d;a,,..., lflf ~,1 f,111 \ 1) 1", M:<ti"'r"',l ~rl"'lr•oe "' \J rn1"1,1o11, H1lh< 1,m~ ,,uJ flo"loh 1n-.t.allcd ..._,n.,..uc ... 111 .ii~"' the 110 1 \'t'"lh lo .KH'l11tl'II.M.bt' I' f•)'hllollHWI
thr 'llftwncr 1e1m, .ltlll lite- I.all
'lrt'll"\IC'I •l lht ...,f'M' lllnt
lt lllw......,, .. ,11"'.vt • Jfo ,, 1h,.rn 1hr l lf"f'llft~th \n rq:l\lef h f ,ti! thitt IC'fflh tll llfk\" \l.r ht,pc ! lw! 11 ~'th lhcm t•1u.Stnh1 ' '"'' H\1ll11.I I
idwestem o honor its utstanding tudents
.ll\\.l '-1111
.&Nhl\ ,\I .),1(\C\ 1kJ.1111, IUll<lfl rr,11,IUI,•\
, 11,_.,_,..
-cUtktM, ... ,,h nlO'fl'
th\" o'rfl('IIU!lr1\ It• ' t'I thc'd,1,"-'' lhit\ .,.,1.JII ,ii tht hPK'• II i:f\ C'• IIH·m 16J,IJI
lh,' \
,111<1 1h(-no J,IC' lt"•H' I
~lt•loC'J , 1..,'('l rml\ C'\ p1111u..J v .... t11. ,1 )"ll!Jll,1lr ,111tk 111 1t1 lhc \°ilUCt1tM•II J,:r,111n.-n1 ,1,:1\-,:J rti.11 1bc- 1K'V. ,wnm,"tlfoll ,q:1,1,.,
• •lf1\tllll'III .10,J 1(1\ C,
1un,11c, 1t~UlJ1 rcJ t,1/Jtmn tu, t J.,,:\lll1•ffu I\ , d. h 1111d1 111111\ , •.,,,,·n1tn1
lb" •• 1h,,·u11I, ""' .,.(' , _.flj,IC'l •tUl •i,,...,.,,, II ••• ,,,1,1c1 ., 1h,.• 1r,ul,r lllllt lhc \.:.,.d i ,1, ,.\-J Ill ' , oJ, -.C-• th m ICj,:l\l~nn11 "-·I\M ,tlC'h
c. ,M.i•Al'\I
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t i!\
IH,hlt'I ,
,. '-'"''" ,.,tJ
N",,.,,,._ "mn•·
I m 111n~111, ur ,111c1 ,,,.. ' " " , 111111111"1 ..t,,1<111 -tnd I .,.Jnt 1,, ,n.A c ,urc I J<'I 111111 ,.11 111) , IJ"<'• h 1C',1fh t, i:i-11,11 1<"11 J'l, ,t,.1t,h h i\ I l!"m~ 1,1 111Ac -lll\ ,11/l, 1tn..,• hul I m W•I n1.1~111l' ,111.- I ,l,111 I h,,., ;111• j'h'hk111, \h l n!••• h ,:, pl,111k·1t lun, 1t , t111un,: 11, I, 1!1JI ,111 , u, ,k nt- n,:1•1,1 ,•.111\ 1•,·n 11 Ill\' \ ,i re n1111.ol m., , 11,11n\o.1, 1,,.._ , \Ii,. ,.,11! ,rt1-• t•I th,· ht~~,.•,1 Jth,111 t ,11'1' , ,11 1•1, l t1lf 11.1,"' ' "'cforcft\111)1: hollllol f,oi th.- • hffllll('f h ll'PJ II ...1,1, Ul(IH h lllt U• ,un u l1(1 "'"" ~ It t/1("\ fl"~l•l t."1 111111> . lhc\ j,.'\"C ~111,, ...1 ,.o n u., .,.,"<l .-hie-ti u,11 " ' ,...,,.11,,.11
ftwS ( l Of
l""lll' lll Ill ltlt' ' "(J\ ,1uikr11, w ho ,in,·,i,.I M,J,...\'\l1•m \t.th' HMtd \11-.nJ.ly 11nd for"11\' Ill
h1 , 1 '"' ' ' J ,1,H ol the IIN7 ~luJml l11Acm mi-n1 \ ,o,1.1h1,n C'k:', U•>fl• ( Ull\'111 ',,( ,,\ VT~·" (lcl'II Jc,~ \lt-ndr1 \J,I\J lhr c, u "'c,:•n ~ :...•o \.lu.lcnh ,.hi, ,111Nt r111,111111tJ ,,,
nm, •ror 1hc- .,. l"f'l- lonJ c-k,·11t,n \f~nJr, • •Wllfl.JIC'd ,,__.. numhrl\ '" tht
lcaJcr- JnJ
~-I • 1\11.k'Oh H tlCtl ,11111 -.,Ill li!h ; l/,4... J \ Jll,.,1, 11 111,C llhll\
( tlnlOJUllll )
1, •f'III ~l \l \'\' n , ...11
l'ro , 11k111t~I . Jl'ltl Kh1t· .\_.,,.., , ,111111 \.tlll lht cktU()!J •l,1(1 ~•lll(ll t•tl I lhml 11 • ~om,,: p!t"lh f(ll,J "' f,u I J M c hi '<C' m1,1t f'l"'lll.t.' ' "-"" up ,11iJ HICl' ' Yuun,i , ,.111 I.« , .111, ·1 : !0 •nlC'f\l lh.11", .ic r 'f'l'llt't'fll l • ' "' '"~
\ \to,1JJ 1• .1
r,,u, ,.,,..,1 II v,r k.C'\"fl 1h,, up 11oc m,rh! Jo hcnn- tset mr.>1t • Ol~I" ttMn the JJ-..t ck<l11Jfl Ltt ,11..o w ld hc 1, hopt111, a lot ul , 1udcn1, ,,,tc-
~I 00) "-h,•l41~1p
I0 .111 OOh1JnJ1n~ 1111\ll'f ,111\kn; I n , lfdcr 1, 1 '-1,IJI•
\ ,,,o,.1 111mo1111 "' •II ho.·lp nk' (Ju, pl.111,orm •• dl'lcl"C 111d .of'f'C'.al, lo miln, " udl:111, ." he ..JJcd ),1Un111 -.,1,I 1hc nwnbcr ,,r ,tudcnt, v,hl, 1,,tc ,..1!1111,i f't.tll\ ( rf,,1 hl't h.t.fkt • lu1 \ II.I•") 'I , l<lfl I k nu.,. I don I rhml 11 1e;ilh 1na11,,,.. Ycoun1:
- - • mu,t h.i• c ,·.arTIC'd ~'"' « n .ti) lnJ '~ hr>ur, JO rl 1h.l'<' hill.I" ~umpk1rJ .11 \bl ' '"111ntt, N be ,1 full-111ni.· , 1uJt·11r m th(- 1,-.p 10 ~r,cm ,11 ~ NomuK"c, mu,1 pl.,n 11, .ilk·nJ lxilh F.ill ••)1 Spnn1 ·9Jl "-"mc,1,•,... 111111!.1.h k" 1hc llJf~ \dt1•l.u ,..,,ud mdudc J,un,: , , lkhb1e 8 )111,·. '-,1lhJn Landrum. J:a,on
On~ 1h1n~ 1h<- ,.,n, h,b1.-, ,hd :,rrr•• 011 y, ,1, 1h,11 , 111 Jeni\ •lklllld f l'I "ur ..n,J \ •>!~• l,clc>rt> lhc-<nJ 111 thc y,c,:k
lffli,.f . Juhc Pt:ll"r,un ,IIIJ 111),c ~Ultl,1,1 \ISt.·~Out,1.u" lini \ I.in ,111,I \\ om,111 nl t~ }'(' tt'('('l~lll/l'\l f n.ll) mi,:h1 1),,:,.1,n , ,, "IOOC!lh 19 811d11l<' , ,11J lm'-c .ov..i.nh ,ire pnm1crc :ii"'.mh
llf \'ff} COIIIIX'llll•C'
'lh~.tll~ .,. ml'k" h.1,c hccn .... , ..d k-nt , 1utkn1,
.,:,hcJ 111 .:i m~n.iJ ol .... 11u11c, th.ti hnn~ m :o, lo the un1, cf'\U~ Jfloll lht •irtm1r..11101'h the) m
, ,.mr11, n,1.,...J,
1., hr,ir lho:ir
, 1u1km,' 1
"''' " l..tT,.mJ , , 111ni: "11hl. • 1 lhml 11 , , u1t1ni;1 m1pvt1.u11 1111 , 1u <kn,, It , 1hr1r ,.,11.: .,.llh th,: .lt.lmmM1.1t11,n \\,rhc11nror(' \h.. hclk lt,-i1u111 ... lk, 111l1.111ll'<'ll'J I•• help .,.1lh ,,-_.. , lt"",!H,n, Jl!rced y,uh holh 1.c,,: ,111\J \ ',,uril,'. "! he, c,c,.i-.c 1~11 r1J?hl to"') "'ho 1, ~om,,: tu 1un IIK" \11.Mkn( <i,t\Cffiltk'nt Ao:\l. llol11u1n , ,11J J,1r, 11111 pl,111 ,., • tote t..,n..ii:i Kmr , ..'flhi_,nlf1t<' t-c, JU\C , he .11, •, r, t l.rn..... Jl\) lhm)! .. t..,uL the ,.1nJ1 J ..11:, .,;uJ . I thml 11', lllll'!•n.1111111 l'C' .k ll\,' I 1h1nl 11·, l.om, v. h,11 , )i:" 111~ no .,n.l 1111run.1m ""' pct,flh.... 1.., thr , .11Khd.11c, .ill' 1.. , .,,c l•1r,hm.111 Ju.111 Ort~·i:., ..uJ ti.,• "J•n'1 mh: r.:,11:tl 111 1ht• clr-..11on hn ..u'<' ht :ih(• l.11C'Y, , rn 11111c ·•"-11.11 rhc u n J1, L11c, \b\t-,: lhn , h,,ulJ hJ•<' i;-1i1~ ,,ur " " , -tmpu, ,11iJ hJ1ld.:J ,1ut lh c-r, '"' "''nil"Lhm~ \la) t-..· Ille') ,hJ 1'1111 I h.edn I IC'\Cl\cJ t lQC . • J,lk Kni \ 1-..J1hc-1 lrc-.h111.1n Ju \nn \lnJ111k:1 h',1,011 " ""'" , ..u ni. I lhml. lhc) h..,c 1'•1:lll'f l)C'\'f'lc ru11111ni: IOI • .... Ph... 11k-n1 th,m tho\t" rum11111!? h11 fn'>l1km I he, •h1•11t,I lr t (u11nmi:;hdm JliJ 11,,pl.m, TUI\'"' lht: ..;me hl ~CI. \ k , ,md,:1 ,.,,J
,,:J .,11h - 8 m.h111:'..l1J
Ro.1p,tnt, "I tho.·-.c ...,.,;111,J, :arc 111>mrn.itn l h) \,1rn"'' 11.thoth ,1:,J Jqt.1ruucn1, '-onl!ncc, ~,r 1hcn IO i;,11npk:1c .in JJ)flh\"Jlltlfl [\1 hdp IIJ(f't""' the li,r
t11, r,-.id
mu,t pl.1n '" ,lltrni.l \l\l Iii,: 1,,1• , punii ...:11~·,1,·rfUf th,, ' <'0.t\ ll.1nlm Stht\1,11 \l'i.11\l h.11(' cJ lo 1hr h11.1lhl• K1mh.•th 8Jll.uJ. Ml 1l" Plum,111.'r 'k, ilk l lh1n1J, .m,I 'i..l,·n.1 1tl("(',
'ht O,rl ~ •h.•IJI
,•k-\1""1 '"'"
\CJf• 1r h ll.1• 1 \C.U ,.d i l.kC'• Y,t"IC Uflol.Un!,."... ,•J .uK( lhC'rd.,,r "" dnuon ,...,., hl'k.11 .,.hl•n "Pr"' "1111.11ch \ t,,r, ck'\.110f1 .,.,,u/J
.it lc l,t .J ~ h."1" .11 \1 \l
' \ ,H\' l"l.'!,jUll\' , i In ~
1, ,
\ H
'l'Pf0\ 1111,!l th ~
rh..'. in.Ji I mu,1 h..ih c.am,:J 7~ h...ou,,
tt\ Cf 111tltl
Candidates upbeat about beginn ing of SGA elections
~~) ~Jh:~:"~~~:~f~dl\)'\,~
!up m,.\tl("~
t'. uh •j _,,..11,.• JU\I h• ►..:I II
:mJ lt•1 1hr , houri lmt, ;.ou1111~n , ,ml
..u.oJ1njl ""flh'I \lu,.klll J I \\!
,, _1111Ju,.•r
1 n~h •h
A week's worth of...
'\:L~1~~= :i~~~~ ~~~1:"'· I
11,14.J ,.,.,,mun f\"1Nlf1 •he rrc..1,,,
~·hill (;unk\
:u l h<' ,mmul U ,lfl,'lf,
l\r\'l\'I ,.uJ ( h<,·I\I \ 't11•,1u,i, 01
Jun, , , 11l,.111t-J
Kartn M1ut
o\,, ,,rJ1115: hi lhc , 1\Kk·"' h.u iJ h,,ol n'llll'llJtllof\ "-'jlll• 11f1 \\ C\I -'uJU•I .'11 .11id , !.o, -.c• ,ti,n 1 ,1,111 t1l'll11 \a\ \ Ul' U•t ~ I \<, ,,,,i,c,,.ohh tho-< ,m,knt, ,..l1o1 , flt.,--< lo t Jlh h"fl,11'1"'",ul,Jt,.i.w ,1, l,"'\l, r\ll.i•I..I\• 1,1 M .J, N'lt11,: 1hr l,111 ...,-nv,Jr r ,111lk•n1, l1l r ,( Uhll 1111i-mr rn.of('I ltr,111, !1 i,,..,x1n , .11,l 111,11llllk'lll lmt I' .. , .... I r.to !.' n tl hll 1ttt• 1'11•1K'l•t, .., ,•.11h rr i:1,11.111,,11 Y,>o , ,111 111,11,_r \\If\' )••U fl l tlk , 1..,,c-, \ o\U rlC'<J hut I 11ur" ,11 ,u t1~\\' 1, , ....ur III twl' h •1 c•cn·1h1nr
,kf'II" Ill flllhttt J I u,,1n.1'-'r 11k'nt
r,i hlo,
"'"' h,1i,,, 1,, h.1,.,. !h{- tJl.,..,,IIUnll) h i\ •lu,<hn In ltfl\l,• 1 , .t1h !, ui 1·n.l ..i \1 \1 .11r ~
'-'C'O'l ,epo, 1 ' t.:111: 1,11\l 1C\.")?.011.: 11, •"Uhl,lnlit0J •Ui
M iJV.C'\l\'nt ~t-"'C' • hk lo.' fll h,nc ''""" ,1th~. ., "' LMh U1et't"1
l1rn, WIii f!:l\:.lln J•,11\
lh< I.al l ot1t1<, t1.•1
iGJWl f'' ''.)I
°i)____ --i--·-
• Midwe5tern State Universit ·
1~n.il~~'n1~. Jc,inn.:11c R1,h1J\(\lttl. IL1l:t Plummer, lnJ Juhc f'tlCI\OII JU' fina1h -.h for Wum:in
fmfiq, for M.u1 o l the Y1•J1 1nt.ludc J \\ Ju, ucc . it ' k mlc1 T,ll' Ltt. J,m.._., M: \\1nh;m1 Ill ,1nd ilk L.t...-1, Otticr ,1.,.;mj, 111 ho.· p,c..cmrt.111-..:/u,k 1hr \1101:lG1ady 1p, J:unt·, I S1c.,..1n 5c,. 11.c, OuN:and•nJ! f;., ., 1uJcnt ;\,'1"- IJIWII. l)1\ l)H1tt1I Audcm11."\, KNrd ScholJr,h1p ,mJ Alph.1 Chi The Nllqutl I\ ..chcJukd Ill t-c~m JI 7 p.m.• 1\ p,11 18 DL Up:un Col1~um \JmM 111n •• S.\ 3nd 1, PJ ~uhlc IOOIII IUJ 1Jfth~ ( 'brl. StuJcm (\•mer
Sllnr, tlopl Mtmfltn of Atpfla 1'111Snmrily, O.vit 1kft1, )l;•y l,ynn Kctw and (hri\11 r1t11m•'- tom • ptlt In lht Ptr• rnld buUdli,c '""' dutln1 11tt• l,rtt~
\\,~I,. O!Jintlk,,.. I H) mpl,-., ,1111 -0111 •nd lhf- f :fffl. and p h llt"' tin \ \ "'I,: hllllqllf'I hl1hU,thl('tl
'""'"" "·\tor,
1,1~11' 4. l'lwto /11 l•nu 4\ i,11.,~
h.J, ,.
Stt Elt.'<'l ion-. 1m~c S
ime to say goodbye
Saving the best for last
'dwestem State seniors have mixed reactions about graduating in May Katy Martin
0 .1tl,1\ ,,nJ I'll proh;ibl) ho: ,...11rkmt!
c.l e oor er
ft) liOrllC lh,:- 11, ;1r, I llk'Jfl\ n,·....
Story Page 5
,1,lvrruure ,
:~tir;::;~~~~ "•lff)\11tl"'l' •lc ru ~1.11c -c111(1r.
al\" Fr.tlluatmg m _,C' 1111,,'d rc-.1..:111•11\ ah11u1 'II lllld ,...h,11 1111.1 ,..,,II 1l11 m
"''It0 J l h
:-ltll :tll , tudcnll
'1. ICR,, C
,-~1:, ,...uh a-.•mp.m, ,o
: : 1~/::·~
M o r;M I\ .,n
Ofllltlll "
1\ n,)I
1111, , hi. rocnd~ :ind h1, roommJtl'• wh..·n he tc.1•1'• DJ\I\ ...iiJ h1, lhtte )C.lf\ lll MSl ' h11, ,• hccrt ,c,) poll.Ill .tntl thll 3lth,)!1~h he I\ C\ \ lt1'.J :il\.1111 ...w l • 111 ~. he "'di 1111, , the fr«dum 1ha1 0
,1•11lpllll' f
he h,1, ,, ,...., lnlt'J up
af1ernnon 1ot.,tV,tllJ ,u11u11t1,· Ill' ,:11J.
'I. llt-.il
101 a .,. h1k ·
~.;~~1~.~;t;~•;.::1~,::~~ ~-~101 1Ill11~:l "i,:;~~"'It'll~(' ~:~,"~,'.J;:1~;:r~~J~~~~ 1:il c ::.:.·~ha:n~~::iJIU:.,~J1rl'.'l.tly ..1111 , .. lk.· <•If llflr r he gnuluatt,, ~~{,;/""•h1•n J.:~~t~~ F~::\,~,1: ~~tt~:'.\.ii •~ll'~;w;i; 14,)}J D;inuon an oll 1 :.::p1:,~t,u,c- t~!-~\c~1~ 1~~t.:: h,i, ~ ·en " lil-."1 ,\ l ~ ;•.~ \c;1~":,,:,w~ ,::~t::;r.,.:;~m.iri;~'::;~l: \i.: ~~u l' \J't"11,•nu• "' lrnlt"
... ,11...~c htc hJ • ufftrnl • r m goun.1 ml"i l'lcm~ ., li.J I OlC',i!I t<t.·int-'. ,,hie 10 JU\I •p.!lld ,In
:ihot.11 h1\ p!Jfl, ,1(1l"1 ;r.,.lu.tllon ·•rm 1h111km1-; ;,it,,,ut r;il.mx: ;a ) C'.ll off. 11nd lhrn """•hi) g,11ng Ill J rJtlult<' \Choo1;· he "31d Morv,111 al"l \.ltd hc .... 111 llfl,t.;,bl) wnrl dunn~ hh ~,..ar off from ..choul
po.•1111('.JI 1 ~~11•11:;~: •1 •ix·n1
111 ~,·n l'htl
\ tillt~c
1",lrl'l'I ,II
- I' \<' h.111" .,.nn.krl ul hen•, 11,.• '-'•tl " I( I h.MI n 1,1 Uo JJI (l\ ,'r J f l lR. 1\ 1 COOi,,> Nlo l 1,1 \l'-1 " tkl\J '31d hr " n:J<h hl ""''-'" n11 ollld '(C," ~ th111¥' ' IIKC' ,.... tu, ll\1-J m lh1, :at"C"'.1 I,.- the l,1'>1 ~1 •~·.u,
lie -...Kl th•I ho: ... 11\11 plJMIII¥ It!
' h \ IHTll' ht ~Cl ou t lhi- ll' J tKI "'"'
d1rcc1ly IU ,llf.t,IUJ lC -.chool hcc11u,c he h~• 'hJd Cnt}Ugh ol
\l'tflll"ll11n~ ll('.... :ind hJI\' IHI"' ,·\r,t• rll"f\\. C,. 11\' ,,,.J
•.,h1:11r1 J Mln<-oo Ohllfl,\ •1.1ol1 It•• run hoU\11' 1\11 l uN I••· 11, .... , t ht \ {•r·, h"l ,\rl1•t l.« IUll' "'""' •11...aln , l(ln on lllll:f J . l'h11t11 "r \11trl<1 I.AM r,
Bivin's bill hits the mark 'IJh' ' • n 1,d 111, 1n, C:\f\'<'I /10 or ll\lll l' hnu,, art l'WlllplcJ, Hill 1'101111,,·, ltJ hen1•111 mdudmiz th~, c wnh Ji,uhlc 1.-u, , 1ud,n1, ,,h1k , ,1, 111/! lhl 111.11111, ,1111.t thti,,• \\ ho h,I\ C ,1,11,• ,rn 1.·,111H.11t•tl \ ,Iii ~ nulh.111 .ilr(".td) ,omple!l'd •• h.1, hclnr\,
\ h .Jcn h
•' '- 1.'1 ,,,,. nt'\ I I\H ) )t'lU'\
l 11Jc1 the t-11! ,1u,k nh \\h,1 lo1npk h. th,·u dl'!-'•••1.• \\1l h,,u1
In~ ,1mkn,.., v.110 ha,c n, d1 nud:11,·J th,· Jar~,• numht.-r ul
, ., h,,u,, ,n c;r 1h..:
ftll:y rm• filling \t1lu. :1ML' ,patC'~ thal h i IJl,,c th1.·m
Bill " J'IY1Uli .H J to 1
1m11.. n
ht~tl<'fit Tera~ stwlents
•cb.ili:. Snuknt-. \.\>hn h,&\C t•.,rncd
af"C' trying 10 cam n \lcp;rcc llr-..:n c 1lu: n·halc IIK'Cll· \\IW
th<•., 1mc• 11UJ1ll1y
llUUnn rJI('\ S1u\k111, ,h11ulJ h..· L''fU•l-'r'Cd
, ~111, the, lll'C<l 1u ht.·
..., mp(m,w m 1hc 1nh m.ul..cl h111~ l"'i: f,,1t.· lhc) ,1l~1 u111ul.11t· 170 h,1ur. Con,uknn):_ lhJ I 1hc , 1,11i: l\lil\, ~(I prr1..t.'nl o l ,1 , 1udc n1·, 1.·tlU1..Jllt'ln, II ,.. not .t,l..111i h\U mu-. h lur Mu..k 111 , v.h<1 h,i\c
, tuJcni,
111hc r
,t'l,i/e ,aring
l"'O hour, "di t'(' r,•qun~J to p.1• u ut ,11 ,l,lh"
,q1h thl'
,u,11:1l mg du,~,
··corl'<'r S111dt•11H
\\OUIJ f <', CI\ (' .l
, , 11(1(1
hl rt~ not 'l'l''-m~ dcgn·c. I hr) nrr
Stale St•n. 81\'in ·.,
num~·, ,c-q,i,rn l 1,•1 1h,·1r 1kfrec
t .1!,.111~• n11•r,: 1h,in - - - - - - - --
'"~'"'"' n
1 J IIC'\tl r,:.111 :, ticrn 1111WJOI.I .amtlun1 hi..,· lf1w1 N'lntc I m lroo, ,11own t1I 11a.1 11\ tf c,(J() pr,,
And 1,0-.. I n1 the
c:~I ~h~:/i;::.:,:l('m~,1, fil} I.Ill lkmi tht f_lffll ~pi,nn- 1h111 I JnJ nc11·1 h-1,1111 hc-t'n
W1, h11,in ( )nr 111 Ill)
<''-I"''°"" '" ......_h ,1 thmJ. I ~.o l'llthtt ,hor..lrJ h) lhc t,rcocn<c
11,,1 mo ,1
lltM thlll~' dl;ul¥t'
u hk r ,r-rn•
i;;ul,,.,: ,.,11uny •ht- ()Jptl, I h;i\t' cucc, 1,n lhC 'ttn imJ J 1,nc ,1 101 AnJ I h:1\I' \\ 1ch11411 \;fllk' chJ;nJ('J a lot ,II Iii \llU r,u!) t>nc- ol IIK ,no~• 1mp<11Hlnl thc-lir.1 ... ('('.. 1h1nt• I , ,e lutnt"J on 1hc 11fln I fOU!N \\ 11. hu:an 1, the rult thc (\Jptr the r.,rcr m \hl'lllld pl.iv on 1h1, u mpt" h the ,rnns ,ti I"% Thc1c I It'-· , huultl not· nnl) 1nfo11n -.iudi:nh bla. l ~u..rrcr llik.l anJ 1....ull) NI 11 , h11uld ~1>41 hr IC'l"IN ., the thcll \ ·Ot(C' u(hl\ til1.11J\' l('l\,e 111~nglc !Jut to put Ollt • pr;irc• 1hJt And thu, t>f,:.111 '"> ~,m:r OIi
11\l' 111:1~ ~nc , 1udc m, locu, a , 1hc) l hl>c.i..c
"h1ch d.1,,c, 10
IJI..C rht.'} "-111 h,l\ l' a f"C,hUO to
da ....c , unnrcc~'-ar, for their 1.kgrcc, 11 "111 3bo m~rca~ 1hc1r pn11.luc11, 11y 3, 1hcy c nh:r
·"·0 1d
the Joh m:ukcl earlier. rn,1cad of 1.11..111!!- more lnllc1,:c <.'lat..,c, CirJlllcd. 1hc pl:01 J oe, ha\'l· m:1.tc f:"'"!!' 11, ,chr11.1I thl'lr l.'.',1rrcr l('I p1d, up the 1•,trJ rn,1 ,ome dr.1\\b.1d,, Ir '-an ca,11) be The m,inc) ,.t\\:d h) 1hc ,trite l.'orhlrucd a, a pun1, hmcn1 for ,-.in bt.· u,l·tl 1111 o ther puryx1'l'' m v.an11 nt In learn Bui 111 1hc-...! day, ol lt·,:mcr budh1~ hcr cJ11-.alh'O. ,ud1 lunchnl,? fk•,1 lcl· hno lo,?~ ttlkl ct1u1pmen1 ~ct,. \;Kn firc!, arc " nl'Cc~,uy ;i, unn·.i-.i.m,1hk. nHI " hlll Student, \\ h11 Jrt m,1l..10!,: a ca,ccr 1 ht CIJ\\"Ollt'lll\ \\i\Uld ,,1\ S tudc111, of rnllt:gc , liould ha\l' to pa) tht.• \\ 1th h:1;111m.:i1c 1c;1~11, m h,l\ c
s utter to the Editor
Hri~ kttrrs to lht WidUl:m
( >mtc.
Room n 10~ or 11"" F•in
~1nc .\rt..., Buildi~
nw W1ch1t,m wt>kom.._.._ lc11c rs
nf ornuon from focult\', , tu•
J1·nb ,mJ , 1.1ff Ll'Ucr-. ~hould bi: hrn..·f ,md \\'1lhuut c1bu:-I\ l'
li\11!,;ll•lbt.' or pc~m,tl ilU,1ck!> LctlC'rC:. mu,;,t IN "'lhlll'li bv tht.· wnter c1nd 111du\.tL• ,1 l<'l<'ph1)nt• number ,md .,ddn:~,; tor \'cnh· \'.,lll ~m
Ld h'N
\ Viii
ht' e<l1ll't.l lor ~rJmni.,r only.
Aerosmith 's cover offends Hindus ( ,1..ur
MnrJIIIC:• 1(, ,,lurr.t-1.a R,•,01J, , <11\(J Jn \n'k'n...lll ,,, l P •\.ll" \ l"t•Nnllh hJh' ruhh,h,·J , C I> <"llt J ,inc I 11,•, ,h,i..,,111~ ~ '•'" , ,0'~1,-1,c ,11,i.•rll-d ,mJ lfhulllni,: .kj'11~ru'" " ' I nrJ >.. n,hnJ on 11, ~o\('I 0...· (. I) 1.i.lc1 ~'"'' ,1 <.11,flEuh·J ,hruh,in " ' ,Ill .in.. IC'lll U1nJu p.tmlln~ ,l..111d1n~ ...c 1!1nJu Ci,'ll.l. l m.t Kn,hru wtl•im hun<lrc,1, t•I 1111!1,.,n, v.,,r.lup :1H
,,i,:r the
<ill'4tl('! lllJ! lh.:
'<fl'll.·111 >...ihllJ~ lnpl~r11Jl.01tJKn,hn ;i , l.i..r ~ •m .inJ I ..1tm1h1.o .ir11,1, h.11 c ,n-.cm-J t he h,.. ,U ,,f ,1, .11 The, hJ1c ,1ho ,dtcrcd !he n.,tk i.h,•,t ol l,.>1J >..11, hn.1 111 1h,d uf ,1 1~ 1.,!c ,.. uh t-1c.1, , ... V.('Jlllli I lo.OIIIJII,
'.1~ c:~~cr~tt:~;c:~
Ilt'lllu pl1111Hl~ :mc.J Jc1puc the. JhC1
: j : : ; ;c~ •·~:~. l~fl:,; -.11,i:;~J~'-~J
~['.,~l~:,i~a~, ~:~~~
:~n,i~:~~tJJI -~~
rriu, { hn,11.., ,1 II•'" ... 1111lht hc:.iil I'll N't°J, t,
Jlltl ,I v.11m.1n \ 1>1011-c
• ""-I nl •Uh\lllUl111r
:t \JI , hr.-.l 1n
1r;,., "' I ,,,,J >.. r,,lm,, , tic.ad 1, not onh .,tQ,.it-'<'• ou, h.:) t>nd all)
lllt'J\Ult', t'iul
111,ul1m;i IU th,· l'IIUI(' lltn,Ju
\ !1,hxl J.,.,1....,n('f) hcxJu-...· ,oc, ,..c,t
1tllt'T!..i1,: lo Jc,.., 11 1, IJJbhc,i~,11n, lh;at t ~ 111,IUIJ · ••nlmll J much mort hlJl.llll l ;IU\ I'-'' "" -.)011 \omc m,~ln ,.u.... the- !Al rh.ir th1, I\ JU'' ,Ul J C! 111 lr\.'C<k•m n1 C'r'fl.'"IOll 1-ut lhl:lt I\ ,->1h1ng n1ot« \ mc-n,; JJI 1h.m con,un'ltl'\ t-JnJ,nt: up tu rn-,-.un: J l'('('J k 11r·, nt \\,: .11l ifl.',l•U!( !he hbrral IDd1h1)fl\ 111 11lc- ll mdu ,uhun:-. Nt thJI mu,1 1)<>1 ,un"1Uc'J ,1, J IK'Cn-.c tn mo..l the to:hj!NIU, l«ltn~, or lhc- llmtlu (OllllllU• nit> ' cl-.llC" ,n ....\ lhitl w,;h x 11on h\ ',,iu) anJ (\1lumh1.1 hnJ Acro-.m11h1 h.iH• mJdc 1hcm ,er) unporul:u Jt'ld unv.dt."mc m /11J1.1 •nJ .in11111g,1 l hnJU\ .1ll,11rr 1h<- ... NIJc.luttotheout• 1Jgc: lch hy 1hc ~ommun•t) 11,nJu, h.i.1·,: u1111c:J :ill U\C:I lhc '4fMIJ ,.., np,i",, their •lUtrJJl' at th1, ~flr""11 111 11..-11 rc-•rft'd 1m.1gc 11! 1-"lfd Kn,hru On hchJlf .,r thc cnhtc ll mJu o.lfn111uml)' ,.,C', 1hc lnJr,m , wtlcnt, JI MSL!. tkrt\olllll th,11 \t)l'I) mu,t rnul'IC(J1a1d) , u.lf' 11~ ....ic of 1h1, CD. ilnJ complctd) d•:ul~'C' 11, une, ~ht111W W) tkc,lk no! " ' d,1 •,u 1hc lhnJu u 1mmun1t)' ,..v,M-....Jc: ,..ill •~J..c Svn~ :int.1 Culumb1.a t" the ( 01,1"\ -<cl mi,: l)\'lfflll'ICnl IIIJUn.. • !ton ,md J~m.igr,
\h, ,i,. r,-...c:m
tj1Jc.J 1.,,ti.1ngl.' 1h,,< l}n1,1•n ,1 r,'\.clll
Rahul NakSu r•l'lulOa bacus mwsu edli
Wichitan Sporn Edito, Ntck Eatmon
Jm serr,oe
Photography Editor
!dltor In Chief
Moy K,ng
tsoo Noruse
Circu,otion Monoger J,mJo,ner
Jyn Wheot
Graphic Artist Heather Mooie Cartoonists
Photographers Rondy Brewster JC GotclO Mo rkJ Lowry
Adverltslng Manager
Cerino PoY'on
Accountant JonM Pr Lonc•um
A:isho ~e , guson
Mul'f Gurs_.., ,
• · ,•• , ,._.
lma111nc lhc: lei dov. n of 111 .i.ll ,ng OUI o t >•IUI la,1 .i.. ~,. loo,. 111g you cll./1 ·1 Jlltnd guw.tuallon bcc.au-.c ,1 ,, fi1c: to IO month, ""'J), and 1,e.il111ng 1h1\ 1, the end ,,f >CJO. of h,11tl v.oik A 1«cpt1on "11 nice gc,1u1e. jXl,'l<'d. )OU ""Ill ha\t' IO ,._"Jtl t-u111 ,, • I.at C'I"}' from ,..-unns :a un11I 19', S to he rcrn,:n11<'d in:, , ap itncJ ,~n. hc,11111g " Poo1p Jilt.I C 1n:-u1m1.1n1:ie. • and ha1 ,n;i }!'IJdUJ.lton ('t'ftlf)Ofl) StuJcnr, ,.,ho ~1;,odu:11,e 1n Augu\l :,nd 1hu-.c: ,..ho .arc proud 11f you D«cmlltr dc,;c,,c ll cc1cmo.my d.ip lndo.·NJndlhl) ,1 [)):cmN'r lh.at )CU '-ot onl) " ti unpmcllcal. fot gr-.Kluallon ccrcmon~ would !IOI tit' ,1, glonficJ 01 .1, ,..,ell airo:nd , --~TIC •cuJcnc... II I \ lfflP,..... \thlc 10 .111,en.l ,. \l.ay gr.K.tu,oon L<'f • cJ ,, one m Ma). bu1 \Onw:th1ni; cmony v.hm lh<"'Y h.i,c :.lrc3'1) •~ c:cnaml) bt-ncr than no1hmg c111crcd the 1c.al ,.,-orl wo,kJ Ir Who (3ft', rf the 11udU11flUfll Of the ,1udien1 " not r,om lht' coh-.curn " ~ p;w.lc:d .1, Joo,: Wrch1tJ F.ttl, .. re-a. then !he) 1, you, f.im1ly ant.I fm:nd• ate mu, 1find .1l1cmalt' JrCommodll· d"ICtt. ~
I rt t\c r(II)
da..- planner ,ay, 19Q7 -.in(t' hul h.a, M11) .a I r c :, d )
,\ , , tu<lcnl\ hntd U() ooi-1tk the" Rc:g1~lr.11' !lnJ Adm1 --1on, Ofli,'t' {Ill \lond.l)' 10 " tn Of\ for :mnthcr -.cmc-,tcr ol co llt"j?C I ~ .illy , t:,n. lm1t," hc1c ill cJ '" rh1nl aholUI Ill) \i1dv.t'•tcm You know. lhc la,1 rune lfl do 1h1, or the Ja,t ll nl<'" to Jo 1rui1 II Ille tu refer to lhcm pocll• n lh ii, rhc'"la~, 1,rn,e, " J Anytunr 1ht'rt ,, a dc:fin1tt' ,ending 10 '>Olllt'· 1hm,: )Otl h~, t' UIC-.c 11l0fl")('nl\ there\ lh(' \ \ hen )'OU ,ell ) tlllf fir.I t'W" la,t 11"1(' )'OU JnH' II . the J~\\ 1111)(' )!Ill 111,11h it .ind lhe la..i lllll(' )OU CUN' II {Of bt"c:dmg
The~ arc the 11n,c,. I'm t,1ll1ng .11'iou1 When vou ffl(l\(' oul nf J hflU'-C' - lhctt\ 1ht l.1, 111 ~11.· >•"N.I , l,"'<p there. ,he l.i\t lltnt >•II.I cool dinner 1hcrr I 1h1nl 100 ~.at~h 111) Jn ll
AdR'eps Porn Bo,ley Tommy Flinn
Snmt "' cht-c mllfl"ll:11h .In' lf'IOK -·~•rllli
,;• ,
Adam Chavez Wlchilon Reporters
m wll~,,~
IIOO\ lor thcm.-.clf ,,, ,..di ll\ rhcir 1.un1I} m Ntk-r 1n ilrtcod the \la) gr..Ju:aoon ccrtnlOlltt'"' h v.oulJ hc nK>ft' k.t,1blc for lhc l tudc111 11, ancnJ g1-;itluauon 1n D«cmhct hcforc he lake, on ftl p011\11">1ht1c, of the rNI ,..·o,ld .1nd ~fore- he mo\c, fn,m the
Katy Mo-Ion
K'orenMon Antt'IOnyNewbe1ry ..IOhOnnO Nuding l?oberl Rornirez Jr
Auoclofe Editor
K11rtn ~fatt
WdWO"I &or,orle,
Yoo h.a\C: , prn1 thou~, of
.,_,. 1-\
r r:i.
.:i M(l'T'( ),e, .J' 1..,.. loHJS tn:0-1 ftl{1'1ie
.1mu,m~• ..1~1ut rh1, .., "fhnt"', nothing lilt kJnung ,toout 1hc ttprodue11on nf .i p;6[3· ~me -...orm ~1 S , m m 11M'.lk,C)
da-. ,.,h,lc hcaung h.1mmc1'. --aw,, dnlh .lnd kluJ jlhr.i.,;c, 111,,,.•tfc:}, p,1,1 that 1""0 h) •fotu. E.lrl'" Th~1 ·, ngh1 T hi, cnutc )Cll"IC•tcr. I h:11c h:,d t<t \ I I through an hou, :lJ"ld ii h,111 of t'on,inicunn m Bo hn Sc,cn.:c: H.iJI I AKA. lumber )llrd) I hlll"C felt Mlrf} fo1 my
m,1ruc1or u ,he h~, lfl ytll the -.ounth of pro8ft''' 10 l«run: a cla" or pr,eJ01111n.a1cly , leery frc,hman At the bcgmnmg o l the '<'11~!>· 1c,. I ;1,)\Umt'd ,n~ tool~) l la•, ~VIIW be 1n one vf the rnotlul:ar bu1ldmJ:, I l no,., 1hc~ .ittn't c -actl) :1c,..hl:UcJII} pk.1,mi Ill f-acl tlx-) rcmmd Ok' ot l:trgc: t,,ov,n porl•.i•poltK') - l'tul thC') ill\'. run,11011~1 Ahhou~h ihi.:y .1ro:n' 1 hc.aUII• ful, I bcl thc:y llTC qo1t1 ,ll,o\t
me "'tnn,:. 11') rNnn,1ruchrH1 .ind ffflr:r
l ,
l)on I ~<"I
I ~uc,, I m "'" ~ .,-. the ··1uxunc, · 01 the h ~ kgc d:a~ut"IIJm h>r tht PJ" lw r 1c•• COJt l)cd \ITIJII u,u.il) lf4' pc.1eclul cla"rOflm, The o nl> d1\lr.1i.11,.,
hct'n ,1udcnh commc
c!J"· "r,omc-c'IIC:~1111 , lor \lort,r Board \,foybc •ll 1h1, ,.,c,. -.c-1\ ,e, :annthtr ()Ufpo,,c 1
cJmru, Ma>h.r t>\ m ,>Qthc,1 hc,1{h hljltlhc1 •nd Cl• ..hale lh1ng, Ufl .i liit h ,..1rlcd I lcJ\C' Hol,n fc..-1,q ,.
rnnk-hc;itkd M a)hc 11', Ju,1 100"' h:amllc Iha.I ca,h m the i-, I 11. 111 >Jm1t. 1tu.y!i • ,1..iymg 11,.,,l~c 1n ~ ~ cla" 111U,hc.1,1c1
'Last times' are startin~
3410 faff Blvd 12160 • WICMO FOi~. Texas 76308 Ne,-,s Desk (817) 689-4704 • Ad DesJc (8 17) 689-4705 Adviser
Decem ber grads Bolin noise make: robbe d of glory learnin g a chore
,_.,,.IJ,_. 1J,,:
-i,"i,o,,,Jiw,~ 1h..11 Son)
Parkint ;
One of the nrst k rms the Marti•ns learned while visiting campus: Reserved L__::=.:::..:.:.:::..:::.::.:...:.:..:::::::..::::.:.::::::..::.:.:..:::::.:...:.....------------.,
;'·~~•~ ~ ">t::: :.-.~1::;,;;..'::: ,;!'2-~~:r;~•~· ,.....,._,.7,\tt.:,,., ' '""J ' .1<,.Jli O.Yf'l.-i
i11•,. n_j~ · r r ,,..,., • ·, 1 •.•1,.,,,,J,. 11• .. ~,_.•~~ r,-,~1•,i;•rt'>t.><'l!J"..~ • , .,,.,.,, ''!" ' ' ,. ,,.,... ·JJl'J' ,r.:),. 1·-.-y\.,:,1 •• ,e .•rr...1, .,.
can1 th.in otht•1'. N11 the~ n· .ill ··1a,1 umc, .. Whrn I rcrMcrcJi,w-<IJ•'- l.1,11~11. 1d1Jn '1 rt.ill/(' I """' Jo1ng II f,,, tht.• ,..,, llff'lt I v.cnt 11.11hthrcmsh 1hc ,.,hole p.1111.,1:ilmg <1u1 c1cn f,e;1l11mi; 11.. , ,gn1fiCJl'l('t 1n m} hie Othc, "l:1.,1 omc, ·
School trip leaves lasting impression
St·oll ~1arlt\ .c,.;;·, ~,
haJ I t'fl)"')l°d 1hc cMUt tnp
"r;:r ~~~~ ':!~"ca1~~.1~~
wJit«l lu j:1\(' tlw.·,r !ll.>nC"\
I Ml<'I l''lt"lt d du!,,. 01 ('J m -..1'111J11ol ttl~<'d o1o.1t\\11c•, hir!N('
~ :;;:~;:,;:''~:w~~~~
~;:~·:• ~:~•;
~non 11nd .mrcr .,.en- JU\t
I ntHr-111
~"'''""' 1,, ., i-.r..i.n~ p,, 1111, "-n
Inn,, ,, .:Cl'K-"ll. I
t,tit!ll•Md Jnd l ".1,M~nc\l f:J!
1• ,mtil I lo.,l,··d ur ,mJ
UOI)" liUcn..kJ thr
fOJ'm;il1,1)'.nJt,..iy1 Jin,:~
r...,, r,"...,,an11('1
,;;,1u1J,11 Fth 22 I tt~•lord lhc I n-11o.h I 111h on
m) fnn:l\tJ,J, I
i f .JU lu\c
g<>t lo !'If. l..1Jdini 1.t,o..i..1,n-J1tcm10,cr1m
H !1fhlh
" ' 111r ,.,
.,.,J p,unlulh IOI(' 1m h.mJ ,,..i, ,1 U\ll '-'11lt,..\I OI
; 1
J \<...,. cnmm,l-11 ".ll'f'h<', M,t a ,_r.i,JJ1tr,<UJ,1ric,.~ ••l p,Nl't•
~ '1""atclr'- "11on1...... w 1ht: .d lflr tine In thh .... ...~ •he Ufll·
eader Survey
Your chance to tell us
1.un..h ""'' 1111 < \f'l'ntnl.t I ""oo•
J.'T ... h.\C -.-.c lool.«I h1r to 1hc: olhl."f J,ntn- HI r<"Ofllt ,hann, ,1,,-,J ~m• phnJ t;i,,;h ud,c-1, food ! ht thtlloler 11>•1 J •um "(Vil ro,.t •~ "'ell l'h<' n 1t)\ 1t·• Jnlt'n\C
pfl•II\IN fl&flU.t l( (:Olll('f'-<1111Jf1
1111 lhc Jm'\' hoff'IC'
,,1..,Jrd :md rhc: "'IC.I h,lffl Foo \\ nnh .., ,"
Tu ,an """' J111r 1.,
Inns Hut fKIN\J.., 1ttmcd to m,nJ
\ 1) rur 101111 ...,.,_, «lfilh rlw- r •t,,t-,1 ..n.J n"'l!C' ....tr.. lltt IU ""°rr,hcr,ul thtlmll.h( luh
I 1m ~ •tchrt 10, thC' cnuu: t,prlM'n(C' I -.,.,, h I "'ould h.1,c •tlt,wt\l
\A h-,, b:.SJlli!l ' I N"all) dldn ! t l l'C(I ,n ,,rra;t
Jin.,._ lb\
t,u1 th.ii " t"•""-1h ,..h,tl I
much m,-.:tf 10 rana: 1pa1c 111 -.chool rclll ed lurKlll>l'I> \Oflnlel I h..i,c h«n reformed
Advisers out of touch with students· ,<1 m.1,,,-.,mrnun11. ,1tlt11'h
Ne-,,.., l&kit
,,., '" '""'"~ ·~:.:,:-:._i::.:~';:,;·;
C0J,µng next week . . .
.,.:a, mv,c 1nten-11,n,
lhVI I t\~leJ I ...,.._ tfflJ"ft'~\.Ni Th\- figun:-, Ill clkh o t 1ht l',llflllni• '4('ff' •ti/ 11et.11,k\l 1h;l1 I io;.i\ ,urc the- f,;,ud.il. <('al .,., 11 pnn1ed ,.,., 1ht
h nirh rc'-Ul/f,lnt .1/1\l" I rt11d1 l1tm
tllt l..mJ Cl! f''"-•tt ,.,t,0 , r,>1nlflUI "i"'~kn, .uiJn,-4 , ~ J ...,,1uuoo tl,11,,~wr. I ...,,It ,1.., 1hJ.I the ,..,1u111wi ,,, 1h1, 1" I• f-.Ut1,11l.11h c1-mp11,,,,1N. 11('11
.,.on,.'.tlf!f\..un"L"'•t:, cmprn,. ,.~ ca:rib.."'!(' l •n1,d l l't'nun.kr 'llll" rfll°'~N"l' tJ•h ;mJ,h(-.,io;, • Ou• •1J!1 ,,'tllJ t,..,• {'11.,._'C'J ll
I on
\\urth lhir-•tt11Jfl( 1111,.lu<kJ • 11\il 10 Krn1t-orll •\ n \ luKuRI. 11111 -h .- •
,;.,,IC'!ll ;;1.1r\' H)l)nc,~
'°"u<.111nd t, uiclK', " 1.Jc ·rhl\ fuf •JJiolflJ\hc,.•1.,,,,nh (,!1111~ Ill) h<';.li t-.1o. l anti PUlhng
!\SN •~..m,1
!lit C\hil'HI
McltiQ!\ ii000ti&1
,1u.kn1, 111hopJ1 t1,1j'IJtt,I
I ,~;~
thc-11 ..,.h1-.cl)
l'ht-wr•<'•"".i' cooJ,1~1cJ • .,, :1
cl:w.room t'\ IK'rm1em in C".1"' ~ludlC'• tn Publ1, Rd3t1on, 1:1ugh1 b) C.11t.1 lknntll ;\l'\ U \OOn.imator
o l .td\l"n~ m the- f1r-1 pt.-_, ~...:II} num, \l ~I ,11Kk-n!, •tC00
h iur hunJn:d th1nv '-"'l'fl -fu «•en,, fout <lll-,1w-r~ f'JI• hUPJltd m !ht !"•II ~ 1.\IV p(f ((RI of \Jx adv1;('1' ~ tlk"') m.11nl•111 J JfilOd N'l,(J('l'ldtip
ctasw,u1t "'"'t fml.1tl'f fhc-, ha\'\" btt,i CUI IOtN h \
""ll h thr1r ,id,1.c(l r~ Mln,<'1 ', 1n 0 ·1>1ul M~l
1uide them 1hrouJh th1, 1mpona111
1kn1, Jnd
l"-•h lOII 111\'(lll'IIJ)kkl> f"H.ltuflfouth fl lll>f'C'llr"\lhJI IM\ • ••Utnelh.r .igrnns 11 ,1uJcn1 , .... hcJull' ,onsu• IUIC'- ha1 ma; " ttlW.Al rc:lauoo.Jup
nx, pro.c,, ut pid,ms cb-.-<'
(k,1,mng .; \ki;rt"e pliltl ( Ml b<' tnCI..)' Too o11cn ,1udc-nt1 hllC lmlc or 1toC-\p,:rn:occ ..., ,lh 1t lll,- ,, ""hY ""C h.tH• !he proc~ ;and
~~~~L~:~n «!,,.,'ff"
::\~ ~(h~:~f tht-11
who, c1thc1 L..n l OfW1.'lnl
Acn,rdtnJ II) ..n M1k.k 1n lhc Apnl 2 I\\IK OI Che Wtdu tan . Bcnncu ,..ud m;my Qt tht f:t,,:ulty mcmbm polled Jnfl r l«I ~UIIC I) tn.11'1C'd lO hMwBc ,X h l\l"f Tluf II tn.gK St:loldtnb nttd .a fa.er ctuncc ICI !he b<'1t1 ,hcdule pvo,;,1hK. bot
sci ..,,lh
>eh 1\C'f', 11,hnlt!.lmll thty don t l ~ •hAI the-, re l.kJ.in,r he,,,. .,,n 1hc> '. Th-"'' rnr:,<,1 hl..,:h """h> ,o,nt- \111 dent" n.t,,c w p14 l thc-u c,,,,nd:n!C' 11k' ..dll'C'"' pmtuhl" rirurc 11 h<'I tcr w kt lhc , 1uden1, !TIC~• up ;,>n tht,r,...,n Al 1c.1.1 \OU their h.in<h Mt d un 11 llll)'OIIC • , tlln\ pou mn~ ac,u,-al'1f) fin~cf'
Ads11,('f\ nee<! 1t1 ,r:.ir1 l•l mJ tf"()'.IOl'hlhll ll)
The, nec-d 10 ,1op "rtnJ 1,.,.1 Ii ,1gn.i/U~ on .,_ ,d,cdulc: ~nJ ,1.art 1J.l.1ng 11n ~ 11\ C tole lit !hell ad11~' l"duc-.ahon
This nne Texas band spedallWl In ham drlvlng mllSk:.
Wednesday is FtUIA N1GNY! 8pm-llpm S1.99 Ma,pri'- & Coladal $3.99 Su,..- Ma,pritas $1.7' Toquila Shoes - -
~ WF.OOIN<; c:EAt:.\tOSY tr111t '"...ic, rr- , -t"h r n- /fl__.. l',,--Mr}
' 'ec,1..-,. ( YMI ,,-..:..U
--'''"I r n l,r} Sunday Nict,t Wor>hlp Fin t P"sbyterian Church 3601 Taft 11,d. 7p.m.
CIIANCISG R~ far trU, TII Rl:E IIOORS USf. OF llot,'Sl'.Jt,r wv.Ul t1', - ,._,_ ffllf'fll"flfll OISt:OIN r51H1Mtlf?""N'" •tUM, ,..-,Jw--,,•1r.n111~ .-.lv,a.na/ " - . , . firl,f<eW14'fU ' - ' - "
SUMMF.R & FAU llA11'S AVA ILAHLF. E1' Co,.,u ol b,,,,kl,n11 • ,.J.,]~ ~• ,c pro"IJ"'
Call (117) 322-2299 for lmlormatlon or appointment to..,., hoase
WEDDING H:a:n10N-11'141t llfM ,_.,
Greeks make annual event a success ~.attn \lau . • ', , , ,~ v· od~., ( ,r,., ·i. l'"J
l,l,:_.•1J 1\r.
,I\J 1..h ,., I 1Ui:h• l>t"lprd, IC' ,1.• ,, •11-. ,'htul \,,1 ,·\ I,. \\ r,•l :I! \l ,J"<:•1t1n \iJf\' b-i ,.,,,.d,•nJ ,t\\,:,nntt:. · lh,· i-.,111111,1 • '1J 1n.11,,r ~ IH \ ,1/ ( ,..,. ,.111.! \
1t,11nun.1 1>111 lku Ptu Srgnu K.1flr.i. "i,,::1nJ I .1ml,J.1 \lf'h.i JnJ l)dl.i '\1,:1,,,·n11.1.1 1 .,.,t,..,h oni >11lh Ill\' )l.rttn l( JOI I K.1rpa S1f mJ •nd
lo,,,,l l"f" 1 a,
Th,· 11.'JIII, .... ,u111ulJIC'd r,.11m, h\ ~nrnJ1n1t ,..,cd,cnd r, ,:nr, .1r.-.l n,n1 f4'<'.ttn~• ,11 • in...,.•._ Ol\1np1,·, Jill r urm,111 rr,•,1.knt ,..,, (.111
Jtt, ,!J,.·,I th, 1h,r,I .1nn11.1l J" ,ml ,
(>,1ll:'f ol, ,,uJ 1ht Ill•" ' ''"""""' p.Jn
111 the >l ('('..Cnd "h \l Jldun~ th..· torn, k111J r,tr.1m,J, 1lunn~ ( ,1C"tl Oh11,pt, , T h,, h.iJ J lm111t"J
l'f•'l<'"'°'lf J,1<oh\1,1 \t,,,.a ••I ,r,.un,h h'H'l\t'J 1h,· S.. /t•tl n l \1tic11, 1,... ulh .. ,,.,t1J \IJIIJ\ V111l cr1,,n \\,1, n.arurd t,h'I.J.. ;:,IJJ,:", ,nJ <."h11, 'Sell v..1, 11.u:'t'!\(1r,·,.l ~,,J f'n,·,1,l..-111 ,,f Lhc \('J! \\ J ~ Cr.,1,11
111,I \11,h td I !.11, n '""''Jlt'
, :, ,
1'•"•1•,...., ,,, pol,11•.,J -..wn..c. "·" !he J, -lm l,
,l... .liJr,I
\ ,, \\ ('J
11.,u,r , '1!'!11,1
I• th.•
".t• uYi J1JN
•lo•o ~,,r,l
..., h,1l.it• h 1p
"""N'" ..1)(1
.1m1,un1 ,,1
t"I "llhm thl."11 1c.1111, ,, ,, 1h.: (>l,mpi, , <111\t 1h,: cnlm: "n"~l·rki." roman , ,11J .\l1llu l't,1 \ t-.h) ( .itlm, 11 ho r,;tr ll,1pa1N1nhc.-1 liNC'ir,:d,"'-"'l -.aw.I
ttit J)UJl'li"-C' 1•1 1hcr,.rn11, 111hnng JII t~Cirn:l, al \IM 1 11~r1ht"r · h tGrr(\. ""-'1:l I ,..J, 1un ~... JU-<' I ~'<'I I\\ nk"'Ct :\ 1!>1 of •~ f'l"'f)k I d1Jn t lno"" ,n 1hr (~r«'k
h •nn..1•11.C't" l ,11 t1k)ll'\C ••
f.r;;1,•m1h .inJ "'h>ftt\ o, ·cra11 "'lnn,r, >1,1,: 1~ l'illlC' lr•m
I\CC'l CII\I II hr1n~, rt••rlc \>UI It\ ,l,.1
thmf:, I thmlo. r,tr,pk J'iilk(! 111p,:1h,
:,1r m,
tmw 1u N1IJ Ilk' rHJn11J
.u'IC1 11 "J' 1ro1II~ tun tu watch, l 1.1rm:,n \.J1d 'I i:•" t11 l "°" murr Vn"<.,_ , th1,
IHI .. i:1•C'n • mit '-t)nl! ht'\llt,r, 1,,,
thtu •inr1n11 Jn,l ,.h,, ~r,1ph) ~I•
· - -~1~·~ ..~ . I
\ ·t,;NS~
\l,1nh,.•I"' of Slicm• Kapp;i '-,on._-j1~ 1111d Kapp11 SIJma FrA• ftmfh pt'rftlf'm th<'ir n-ndition ol •·t ootlOl."t''' durln~ f.l'ftt. \\ ttk <11\¥:•'lln~ romprtitkm. l ht Jroup """ " hip hoonr. ror chc-ir pufor • m1111<T.
Confo~td.. and " Pulp •·ktloo." r>mu. b,· l •IIIJ
,\lphll Phl Julk Rl1t K11pp11 Alpha h t11lt1rq ~ ,:art partklpa!r in rnil rrrnb durin, 1~ \\ ttk Ql_,mplo. " I lhlnk it tCrttt Ol_tm plC'I ""•~ fun.lftd l •~ ,:ood for 11lt tht- <•1t1t t(lllrlhu," RllchJt ~id. 1 htw ,\ •r1111
{, uu;·
r,lf11lf'd d unnit the- ,mi:•-.ont "" C'l'1'
,y,1cm.' c .11in,,111.t
Olmos delivers cultural speech to packed ALS hous1 Kah \larlin '/\.c l • .,,•M(l<)r'a.\\h..,1,J,,,,,uo:Jll,I J-"{'l ;,(Wl\\h,,_11, .\lrM.J'l ( 'h,r>e"-' lnJun .anJ ..\ni,clo' ' " th:, 'n,'4 I In~,•. II I\ lfk" "J' ..._1,•r JJ,..,11,I J.111k, Ulmt." ,k"'nhc-J h11r,--.·h ,h.mni.: l ue"'"b), \ n1,1 l t'\:lu1,·x,,,.,
h v." ,1 ,n.hnJ! ""till I Jlr, t,,.... \11, lh..· JICI .,.h,, •lJrT,'<.I Ill \JJ,t(lol \ IH
' JtlJ
rn 1!\o:' Oln'°'
,.,.,, J•
tnHIIC• \ulo.h ,1,
\ d,nJ ,1nJ J1rl.'\. rc,1 \ men.. "n 1hJI J, ...._rih(:d hi, kchn~, \h .1""•u1 h. r,1.11.:.: .rnJ ti.," 11 cffni..
r<'"Pk J
I Jim, ,,. v.h,, d..· ... r1bcd h1m..cll •• Ch1,·J11t• ,,.,. .i i°'',..lfl l'>t•m U1 lh.:
We want you! T he Wichitan staff is putting together next year's staff. If you are interested conti.u..•1
Ja,on Lawrence al
l n1h.'\I ~l-'ll'' lrom \k,1,Jll r,.1n..· m, , ,atJ c thno,C"•m1, ...,11.·1cu,·, h.11r ,h ... rJ 11c11,•J"'-'Ut hcncagc I ll'flll.' ln•m MC\t,:.111 1•Jr,:n1,. The} ,lfC h.al l loJ,.m anJ h;1]f v.hHl' TI,c,. ~.tnk from the- (hHk'-.(: ,..t,o .. .anll.· tr,:-,m 1hr ,\l n,.ui,. · hc , .111J 'I
cmpnotKlt,,~ ... h,.•IJm ~1.-.1J \ M ier J lrc.J\ll\JJI ~n1,:rJ/ ,mdll'• ma1-•1 ,,ud ,he ,.1111<" IO tht kttutt "' $:rl ("\Ir.I ,rt"J1t r,.,.... Oil<' (If her .-IJ,'1.'' t..11 kft " llh J nc-11, prr
.. t,,.1111 ho" ll\"\'l!llC .ire IICJl('I.I ,lll\l h..:,11 l""'<,Pk 111,• "' 1,x l,11 , ""'1rl) 'l.>1•r>1h111j: 111.· ,J1tl "J' 11np111• tJnl .m,1 11 rt.all\ m;11,k me 1lnnl 111} ' '"11 ht·n1.1gc 1,. JnJ ""'-•ul hi,....,, "" JIC 1111 m1wd 111 ...,,me,..,,,,. . ..tk-,uJ Olm,.., •c1J 011c ••I h1, m.i1ur cune,~rn, la.'3, rhC' I.II.I lhJI .nm,: ,IJIL'•. l,~e C.ahlomt.i, Jrc: ro1111ni: lU'I\ JIJ
.an ~f.nglt,h ,i,nJ~ •~•lcm ,,1 g<'•cm•
1J11, """}
' \~ hrn \1!U 1,• ;-..h
.. u!tu,,·, thJ I ~Otl h,,. Ill .. hr ..., ..,
11,· •JIJ rc,•rlc .,.ti,, J.ft' muh,lm tu.al hJ\e JnJ \\ill hJl't' ,I ~h'J I JJIJlll,1):l' (\l Cf Jll.'(1plc "h,, JU•I
•real Lni:h,h lh:,c
z,; mt"mhl·r- (lt
1hc Ro)' JOd Gui, Cluh- o1 \\ -._h11,1 I J II, Ill JUcnJ.1111;e H,.in,.11 c ...'fflC, 1,
1hc ,-JUI.Jlll.lrl d1m;l\)r Ill Oflt' ,11 chr fl,c 1,,..,11 rcnlCI' Sh..· ...W chc lid~ lJI'• t'I) !C'\jUlllflE: ,di g<'wmmc111 CJITIC lo \I.'!:' Jll C.l..U11pk of J po,,tll>C 1t1mi- N' en 1:ni:h,h and fllkJ 11t1I 1n rut.- 1mxkl "ho undei-tJnd, tht'11 l:ngh ~h Olmo, ,mJ 1h1, 1' "fOlli:' r;i,1 "Tht.•re .11t: ...,, m.,m prohknh .. t-erau',(' 1hc L' ~ '-tl\.lCI) 11,,1, l'l◄JI ,he ,.11J "'( he~ :uc more :u n,l ' hu1h on - 1:ni;l1,h ,>nl) ·• ,1.i11J,1n.h 101 .u'ICI r J i,,.·,111on
- t,,i:lr,h onl~ • ,,
a r,oi;r.im {k,,E"nt'<l 10 -..i•c 1.1, J oi
\ f)(('U•e on c ullu1t
" He rc:,11~ h11 the n~ht ,pw.11, ,..htn hr IJl"-l-d alli)UI hi- ,uhurc ," ,he ,.ud " I thtnl.. c1c-ryt,od\ ntt<h hl u l c 1hr uni< 10 re~JtCh their mot, ' ~he -::.,d Oln'II." n1a.k hl:r thmk
tc;IC"h thi: ~h1kl!l·n t" >Jhir 1hc: ,J,,+11:it bul }llll 1k,n t t,·.,,:h them h i ,,1lm· the:
l i.J, 11, c,-,d 1u \C\"" ll i\f1J!ll1 lc.ldc-r Mrc m \l, 1chllJ f'.tll• Olm,., ""ho 1, 'if! , t"ar- o ld . l!l e"" up 1n i,-_,.,, I ,.., o\1wck, .1 pa11 t•f t~ ,111 1nt,.m,.u, ltn uinlr: ,lll,I pn•cr1) -.ud. hr1>H1er. thJI IK' ..,..,, l"ru,,J or the ""j) he i:re"" 1.1r, ,all\l dl,.c,n'1 r(l'rt't 111111'".1 m1nutt' "\lo hrrc I h1e1I 11 ""'J' hkc J .111 ffli.\~ m"cJ -..ilid People: t1•~cthrr :inJ 11 11.J, ,. <lfldcrlul In ..om1. p!.i,.r, ,1 ,, lilC' .1 t-,v.t 111 let
1ucc hen: . 1hc ,,11,e, <"er there, .md thl.· drC'-'lllE' ,llf 00 the- •Ilk .. Anw:m.J , i rcJU'I("•'-. ht' ""'id. 1, Jue to 1hc fllt.t thJr 01.1r " t-lt'I} ,, d1\cN. · r hc-re', .1 rca-..on ,.. h~ "c JIC' the -in•npt',1 n:i11on in th<' >1 01tJ
11·, i-ecau\C' Cl el) """otlll!rl ,..l•rlJ k.uh ,1" Olmu~ JI"' ,uC',\Cd tt., [Jfl('( ol cdu, JhOII in lht •
nH:nl ,,f 1hc L ,;, · II i11e, the Jl('f'plctntiiof ,11l OJ>P,<lf'I Untl} l n ~
-...:he•." he -.aid 'If l ,, r,,111,c r ,Uytlurc I >ICIUld ,:~It' c•C'l)\JOC" 11,r fn..~·
hl, for
"Thi.· J.i) "" C p;i~ ~r•m~ ,~a... hcr. more 1hJn JI.ton_ , sttat for A 1ncn 1.i," he -.n:.1
Hubba Hill?
10% Off
- graduate dresse:-=.. - career clothing~ - accessories -costu•e jewelry -handbags
( 81 7)69 1-2 291 261 1 Pina Parkway
dc:gm...., -.:i,d hr helic,e,. r ,hcluld m,1kr mort' ITI("-,
\ WEDNESDAY: Karaoke NIM \ $3 Pltchen '\\ SO cent Draw All Night No Cover
Suite l OS
,1,... _
.,,, \l
FRIDAY: 1-i-3 Nik Pitchers l.ollgtlecks $3 COftr (No Cover ldor•
.\ ·I} ,'\. Men's lrtd •
111111 11)
loHr And Ll•a• Shol1
_',1/-- ·:)If ·' Shll1 Showoff
_j,. . _,. •
SATURDAY: Hilrcl-locty Soft•locty Cotllat $3 Pltchen 50 cent Draft IIU 11 Of 11M . . . . Upsuln SUNDAY:
' ·."-;,. :::.:~.::.::111111
8th & Indiana Downtown 18 & Up Welcome Dress Code Enforced
, Wichitan
More school? Undergraduate d~gr,'<! isn' t enough fur sonw Jason l.annr,nct "It (going to AiY.ICIO·U HLI,....
II , i.«n
graduate school) keeps me from working at a burger joint for another couple of years.''
kin, u·.v• )vu 1c
~t~::!~;:;~.:.~~:-~'.-~6~~ )•II.II J1rl~ol1U \',1t1\c 1"'11 m ,1 lut ul 110"' )OU u l'I I,_,.~ h,1rd ... on., fOf\l,.arJ Ill f™IJ.- !4fwJl'-I' 1
1nl lhltt ('\Cr)'Ol'IC
gr..Ju~tr•. J N9Chrl1lf • l.k'frtt ,,n·1 ~-n.>UJh llut c.-ch ,!fl(' hh A ,hffrttnl lf.l"'lfl , .., ,001,n111n,i,: h1,11(tk•rrJ1.11.,111u" f O'I
I Ille :J 1\111\ln,tl clrc:\'C nu rooin 111 ..:om.
• ·, ,ot<:' 0.1ughcn)
I ..a1J 1f
~ •Ifie
Scn,or l.n11l1<JI Jn-'Jm ()nth•• "i1AA l rhu,, 10 ,11H:nJ ~,..J -.(hool ,1 \fiJv.,"1cm .)1;11r .afltf irxl"-'un11 frumN'Ji: th1• 'f'"''I S1ruc l ...,1d .i h11--hcr ~bl") 1..n't tlK' , ,nl~ 1r.i-''" , he 1, i,:omg on 1n \Chvol W!l('fl I ,1,, f\"1 fim,h<'J, I •1II t-r lh.11 much mntt pttr,ucd hi
,ntc thc:n the b( ,1 C'lllkitd:.IC
. hkc frt', hnian unclurrn~ ,
.,,..,.,_.t · u ndtd11t, 1hcy
1'unK"r-•u• f..._1u1, l <rr Strik. l ht1t·.i1MM ! .., k_l\ l" tht ht~lt\h .kJWtlTK'UI .. ~ '<tld 'I 1hinl 1r', Of'I(' nf 1hr tit,1 S1m( k h.a, .iho bttn offtml ,. 1r.i.lulll"0:.,<:1\lr.ntf'O'olhMM'\l r;all And .al 4'1
old lhc MIii IU
J uronJl •111,knt J1J "'" •""Jnr 10,clo
,,ue hr, f,rn11I) \ht ,,111.I ,t11 untkr
, 1.aud1ni: tv,, •ho v. 11J .,...,n, v.11h ht-, ~hrJuk nul.t, II ('J\\ II• •l.t)
pr,,..lr~ h,1d ""'\1wd,1nlf• i;1JJ U1111• \Cho,,t "1111·
""°'"' Cc111cr po,1
iettmJ h.srdt ,1 thins iahou1 1euin1 '"'" sradtutr ""hi» 1, hnm1110 rrJprl) loJ tht -... hool )"U ,jtt ~r111luJ111n,: (nvn u h,r tht~r ln;jJClf \h.,,,.·n l,Mhit a!W"A p 1,r.r;v111,dr;a,,.,n, h1n1101hr lrl Arlllh.1• c,t I n11Cl"\tl)' F•)'dlt\ tl lc l 'ht- ';('b•o h 1, hrgin mnJ J 111i,~f, ol line :in, cklr~'t' twufall Ii', ru111n1 ,., hr m "" 1hr con I )utho;- -.aid J 11tu;r..,1, ~t'l)'llfon
tt\y('al~ ;i,nd lfndcrv.·cnt
. -iJ_:.,Jt~~~~:~t:
fO( lflt l~W rOO(J Coun
~ I HXI I\ COll'lpktcd.
pt cffi« .-an ~ Cfll<ttd by lhc _. Room l~1n1ho.- Atnurn or -.JI llt\l 10 lhl: hool,1~ In • pool ofli,"'< .,.,II t.-.- ;wxc,\ti,' Ille ~ a ( I door, klntcJ d'l,t ..irttt
from O' Donohoc
Jason l..a"Ttnct WicMon 1/oporfer S 1111,knl\ unc.n gu to tolk1:c 1u find 1co1tttr. hl,r 1fona~~Nlof
o/ ;._~t\)~'\~!tt-tl
ha} h1\
167-n l l
~,oocm~"°"·, tic rN~·
ing a l"ll\'« or oollca:c. A bill Iii«! tiy St~le Educ-auon Ch.tu Teel Bi\lfl). R-AmJnllo. 1oOould alkw- unn cr.ittr, ro chat,t wt•~•)l:1tr lumon r2!h fl.W unJcrgradu11t ,1udcnb 11, uh ,note 1hu11 170 r redu houo Thr bill. nll«l the ·-c~r Stu1krm 81II.M ,.·oukl al\O
1..,1 1',,,rmhtr lhi1 IMh1t Joe, JroJ uoc p;m ,,f tht yr..i.lu•1r 111lmi! 1hr CaU: , "hool plPlt" r,rr,.•1411\ !ht "1.11h \t't IKtfl rm prr1H un:d "' tc•,h •· he ~.ml i\llCI (',IJ'Tlln~ hi\ m.o1,1t1\
.,hu h•lf'<'' 111 tc•h
rht .. ullrvr
Bwh•f )' m:itor rhrrr•j \I. u...,,.....,h ""rll ..Clrnd the- I fll\C(\\I\ ut ~,:,r1h fc,,., 111 l\•nt.iu nc\t r.1111<• (:l.fn ,. m.l\ltr , 1n tm 1mnnk't1IJ I \C'lrtk.it ~hl• ,;,.id I~ ,dJtll"l h.1, , ,nr,
,M 1h< ~ rr•~r.-m, ,,. 10!' , 1111o,:. :1nJ 11 ,, :iUuRlahlc .nJ lk'arh) Mrl)11r10Ufh ..:iHI Jte 1, C\~1trJ .i,.J1.1I • llendnttt s 1;adu,11t .,.. hool ,uh.I
\ht' hdit\C'\ II ~,II ht .. i:rr.ar t l J'IC ricnN'
··ot,1d.!, ,1
L«p,, In<' (n\ffl
w11rl 1ni: 1r1 \I htlrgr1 ,orn1 lr11 JIIOthtr ,ouJ)kuf)C"" \ hr "''d ,hr h..aJ '"' pr11bk'm, ).-etlln~ mio p - ~ "'lhool m.o1mh hnaO\C' ,,( her i,o,1(1 rn,,n.h
Proposed bill could eliminate career studen ts
~ rJ" ">i. r->""'<.,,i"r->' ~ )
Httl ,~
en a-1- Student
J'..,1 1.f the- 1"'HfF,1m, ,1~.111• IJ\t 1,...1. " ' .in~ r1 c,,nk.<'1•1·tl u.J..·.. ~ .IN'UI 1ht pJ.,~ , II (N...J\,11, (' .. l>uihK k .omcd ,,h11ot the " l'h>11I ,,.hen hr <1ud11111rl<'J m., , rn111~u1t111
1cah ''
•· """"' MrDorwMcli.
Jluh.tf•rn Stuu
};I\C :I
$1JX)() tUlhOl'l R'Nlt 10 MU·
dent\ 1toho 1:radu1&1c w11h '" or U\tt 11o·ha1 1hr11 tk1r«fe~cr
Don't Smoke!
~lf>v.<l-, rJ" ">i. *'~,J"r,.>l'../J
The Beer Garden &
plJ n~u1raJ Tht ~ ,..,./ ..,;., • p,n
,,f • l;,ft
Cu111ptroUa John !l,h;,.rp , annuo1I prrfonn,n« IC'\'IC"" The Lcw1,l~ll\ t Uodi:t1 8'>MJ N 1fl1.ol1c• 1hr pl.s,1 11,,>uld ,nt 1hc O jk S8 ! mtlllllfl fot
I~ 19'1!VJ9 b1r nn1um
A~-..'Ordmp: 10 .1 ,ro1,.c,r:-r'-'III
81\ 1n, the ....-rulflf be.hC't• .iudrnh ,hould '"" be .ihk 111 m.,lt .a \Jm;T wt of ~uelldm,11 rnllq:t. C'\f'C'Ct.tll) btU U\C' lht \IJlt fltd,, up 1!(/ J'IC'.fCtn(
of 1hc 1.1b Tht bdl dilC'\ ,Ullt;affl JI\ ('\('l!tptnln fo, ~udc111, v.hoti.i,r .1dciuhlt' ln:IJO( and anolhc1 f~'f ~mitt, eJt11td th..n IU )c.lf" JE:•1 ~1Lld(m,
hh•.U.dio~n "'"' noe .1•.ol..hk- ..,m,.!11 -.Judrnr, ...,1\IIJ llll"tl rhr h,trJ III lht' h,11 A numl'OCr ol , 1uo,k·nt, bdit••• 1h..· ,,uJimt, -.hn ti.,,,: ""'"' ,ti.,,, 170 t11II " nuc ,he -..,luuun Al 1tkC t.owf'\ .uc IWlf ••"kins: 111,urJ • "i'.1l«nt 'kn.1te' mt<'li~ ,,ri i\r,nl dryte 1'ht) '>.I~ tho-c- , 11Ak11h tllt \C'n..lt1I'• ,lllf'ftl\i.'J a rc.,.,lut11111 h~ 1:.il1n~ up , ;ilu.ahk ..p...r , ,n d.1,<.<, JWlu,lh.C1tf'f'C',mjllhl.-h11l J1"t" c ,,.i.l he hthc, r,, the- h1ll 1, th.ii ~IJ io 11• ,11.11Xn1, t 1min11 ,. 111-1.l'>fhllkrrd " It', fHJI ~f\mp h• ,c,..lht. 1hr If JMh""1, thic: hill v.1,uld J'fol'o:thh nukr hulc J1tlertner .11 \11d..,r,1 J'l"hkn1 hC' ~..1J All 11', J:"mJI io, d .. hl•lfU'.•luJr11t,hJo. lmw lhrJ,,t, Cfn ~~•lf'din£ ltl ligu,t, lrutn chr um~eNI}, IC \fil , t.uJtnt, .... I -I m.ulr1 1111..11, unr,,t r.an-J. loOlll'l•JUI pc11:cn1. h.ol• r ....... umul:u~°U I -11 ttr 11,,c 1k-)•1~,·• dJt:~ n«J tu N: ,umpct lh\C mtlfC hoour. AllhoUi?l'I • ,J'IC(1li,, •hfi ha\r prrHuu•I~ ,.,mpk1cJ • bit,,h(lof', dt,rtt .ii(' .-lw l".( Cfflf'I
from tht h,ghrr rumon r•lt' Pfl'f'Ol'!Cnt•iu,uetlu lmo-.toflhc
u( th11<1t
Campus, community music recitals upcomin g h:w more mlonn.it11m • .111 ~ C f.7
Tht' WlchiUn ·j hr MnJ\oc,1rm o,;1;itr lnlMC dcr,a111nrn1 1, 'i"™htll'
mg I ~pnni Ft,ll\'31 Oil AJ"f'II ::~ .,inJ 2ti at II pm 1n Akin Au,hlOnum Th( fc..i11~ \olll fe;alUK the lfhlntnicnt,d. le}bolrd :tnd \'OC.11 i.kJWtmtnt) PJl'IC'tt'J, \I. ill t,.,ndil 1hr mu,11; drpanmr111 ..-hol:,r. ,hip fond
MSIJ student to gh·e or~an recital
J (.'J1tlnrd TrrlNr.a ""Ill pt,torm !11, ....·nm, •'i~,rn ,ec,tal NI \ I.I~ Ii ,., - l() rm :., thr I 1M Pn.:,t>\ tCfl.1/l Chul\h
He ,,.,II perl, tnn ...,.,,l_, ln•m llt11r) Pulltll J•·h.mn W.Utht'r, l-r.an,.,,1, C', '\ipc.·nn. I \ H.to.h, ll1·.1h \\111,.n llr-"tm•.lflJotht'"
In the /\pr,I 9 1~,ur ,,r !he \\.1~h11.in thr I IP \ 1o0 111n1.·r. li..1 ,unmt•d 'ih,,11,, \l1Uer. s1.... , \11!}::kl .lf'IJ Kmtt11 WJ/th,;:1. v.ho .... ,.,, 1h1nt rl... t In rrlt·\l\fl!'I r,,,Jucuon mJ ShJn11t,n \ l111' Jn,J Br-.! f,..,.,lu ""ht• "'"II 1hirJ plJ1.1.' m trlc\1,IC'lll ~flo:111\Ca\t
Deco is the ,-st addition 10 1he loo a1 Evtrh &Indiana. Two complere/y different atmospheres lo choose from.
... ... ...~
L ·
~..;,J. J. 1150 Frozen Drinls
l))IMo!•.....,,-...,5,A I II)
12'° Large 6 0 o ~ ~
1 50
2 onyshor
t1c,,,,.r.n1w,a1: ~;,m
~~ + M& .13.-.r _11so Domestic Langneds Live En1ertoinmenl Every Weekend
rJ"'l" (
..I ...,,
Mark Rios Stylist " \\ lwn _,uu hJH' pl,u·l'' l u t.:o, jll'41plt· lo ' l'l' and ht.·,ul, lo lurn. l'omr Wi.' llll· ll,rllwdilkrl·n n:.••
{\ : J \\.,(ti,'
Alpha Plasm a Cente r 811 Ohio Wichita Falls Texas
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 1~3 • Tue's, Th •~:30
322-4 684
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1<>1lh th., 11,:hl l1fhhh\/ JI.IIICm It"
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llmnll ti JI •hl ,,mk' IUlk ht "-'Cll tlt','."l,m: II l!lt.111•
t>ut ,n,1c~.,, .1,,,1nr,dl<"n•1•t1,·,1
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ll'\jUllf'• !hcnt Ill J ,n-, I ('ll,1, 1/l HrJc1 hi lfl.1dt1.11r
k.'\..tU'-4' 11
the I)('\! ,I~•" 'f',alu rlltlll tr I \<.' i'\'cil ~,,11\ll lo11,,..,1uJ ll• 11
1,, .w'-C' ] \(.' II,,'\\,-,hn-,.'II J ~/ II'• It ' .alln\ •'i'-\1,,rth,;-,lfn. 1o•1 1p. r~nu 1 """"" k1•M J'h11•,1U ._..,,,, ' \\J ICI .:;h•II(' ,l11a.r,n~ R,1r11.111 r1 (>,,1Ur \\ llj'hl ' "" h...:I
l h..JU(' Df(',lf11:X-"I .m· 1•111nlkJ tn r1n,..1 rk• .-1 lm:,rini: ,,..,11,h
\l ld""'""n1 ._.lllf th1'111n ,htltNth ,i11h11n I :.111drun, •nd tm.Jh \ lo,r, prrt,au \■011, rru1n ■ .,..._ ff'IH'I• \fkhfk• t':akrmo,', ·•f .il'lnf
Im, J,,m,-i ,,..hi,'' , J,rul
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, ... oh~ (irrs l•lf'lt, ....tJ II Hh( •lf'k. ,t,,I r(,,1 pu1, l"'l tl\lh,n, ._.. r \\'
MSU profes sor offers life lesson s Schedule set fo Johanna ;\udin )'
\lu,l..nt, >11••• ••turd,· t h1<111\! h h uh••• •r J,, Im, \1, !J , ,,1.w;1, h hJI\° 1,, l, 1\1 h1,
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'Grosse Pointe Blank' is on the mark c,,,......· 1•,..111, ltlJr• h.1,I J1111,'!I .k:,..-1"1"-J num d1J1.1dC'I, .ihl'll'lll!h 1I, h , 111 l:'k' ,h.u.... 11·1\ 111 Jhc lih 11
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... IH 1h,· \ ,u,11• ..., ..1un h,: ,1, ....1 ur l•I '1.ll• ,.11•1,·r '"r Ilk' Jlt't!lll \ l u1111,
n,-rf ,lun , "' "
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C udr N
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"":h.-lJ ,,,.., Ul):11\h Jutnl \ l( J'I OUI 11""' lli,.I 1111,•" l'.1n \ , lwJtl rl,t\, 1 mJ! h11 m.in Y,.., ,, u,mc 1., 11,u,,111,,· JI I 1h1·
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,.,1,., pl...,c I Iler ,11 IJk· li!m . \ , ~h•\J .in..l I 11- • l ,,,. ,n ttk nmklk t>I _, , hoo1 , ul ... ttc.•" , .... ,. 1, ltr.,1 ,::i:ott, "'"I ,;\ ,, ! 'h, I , ,, hu 1111,·11 l,WI thtor t''" <11 1J1,.• J~'•l\1, >iltl ~t/1 thl:111 \ . ~r,",I rt,r,, ,,, (
11,Jl.. ,11i,I • ~1 ,.
\\,-,l .:-r- ut Ill+' .,.,-,/J 11nUt' In U,,,- h ·-11 ,.orll,I 1hr l.1U1•11= or ,,. , kd,:r.il -~•·n1, " n11f funn, ..,
tlu, 1• _. ~)IK' ,m(I 111.11 p.tth d.JJJ tl.11~ '111111111' ._..,>uld
.,r),.11 U• ,uikf1.llr m1'1'1, It H MI ,111•• 11.-,im.,.,_,1 ,1t1N'' lk-.1• 1• •nJ
75th ann1·versa1 l'trnah Curn {J'(. h.!on U<>Por'et
llunht.1<! 1)11 Artk'IU.,t ..nJ ' Pr1\Jlt' P.uh. v ..u .. on 1t,,,•1-rfro1kdbfthr humor 111 th1, lilm \pc.J.mr "' 1h.• humo1 1hr mo."1t Jho h.ld -0,1,c wt-lie humor If wu h.11-c • 1cnJi.:1k} to 1aJl J unng ,1 iilm or !'" Cfl 1hr ,,,,w.r.,.1011 , 1.i1td .a lot, ) '"" l ..'IIJkl m,.,.. ... 11111.' uf UK' hum.,r kw t \,1niplc. -.h,IC' ,n h1, rar 81..nl.. " h-.&r111n; w .l Gun, ' Rtl'\C', \(l/lj/ ... hi.·n b.• \o,JIL, 11141• ,I lllMCnM.:11<.C , 11.rt !hr ,unr " ,nt! 1, tx-mi; p11,cJ, NII m ,I Mu..al. \Cr..Mlfl AIJII Arlm 4 1-rcch,c Jnd tht Hun .arid • Chu ('hu alk.l thi: Ptull) 1 1....r,· 1 I\ Bl.ink , un .. lllm{/ UIC'l ,1 ['1•1 J11tl ht' f1• c, .. 1111♦, ,Of'IIC'd1i. f<' llll"IIIJIII.C 11, nl •\ 1.inJ J1ki Jo,r11 C11-.1~ Jlw m thl> tilm AIJl'lll\ r,:rfo, 111.111,;,C "\Ul'ldu1:ddu,.• 1r, 1hc /IJIUlt' •II the' d l.lrAIC'I hr: plJ)' Jrun Cu'-'l , rw1.lc, .,, thr '<'l lt't"'}' nf the m;m1 ,h..r.1.trr 111'1 r,cn,,1111.:11\1:c 1,lkinc ,o "<'II lh.it "hen J Uu n l lll J U 1h1: oll'll.1' "'-"C'tJl(k·• / \(' '4,,"('0 on -.Cree'II I )I ......,.,, rcm1:01he1 hrf ll~MJI) , 11c ,11tnc, nfl /1M: ,1 ,,1,.., tac'l>1 n:fl d1l1)
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If, ,1,. l'll<tc' 1,.,,1,11,t
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Jushua Mora
k•~h ,n11k t k r,:i,:.in h, .,i;h,111u1\ 1r ,.i.,..,
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ProfilI e
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tH'nt, ult-•J ,, , ,mml<.'lll•"Jlt lhi' ,lllnllt'I ~..rtk' J11 •ht l1JJ1u o n:il " '" ,,, 111, ,i.,,,.h,1,1ht.:t\tt1~1>lf/K'nl' I t~u" lhl' .11!-...h1-.)i p111111. ,IHd lht ,,.,,/1 l1~h111J1_..t.: \ ,,. C\t·lll, h.iH' hl,·n .a,dik,1 l(l ch, ,d1'.:..11k hi,... ,•• ,., lnd11dcJ Ill 11("\I 1,111. JlCndJ , lfC ,1 j-'tdl IOllfll.l llk liC ,n.l rhc.' '11111 .. ,,,l h..·r un1c1l,11,: •u111\olJC1.h,·1 ,, thc- tl,Ulk ,11 1hi: 1,,..11,r .1.11111' ... 11·.11...1 h\ J.i,I. \tr,r!, ,1 l,.,.il ,1111,1 rtk' • l.11\k' ......•,J111, t,, \ 11\ IJ 11..lolllll• ,,1 lflr , 0 11,..11,h r 'i11,·m1~ l,1111n11t1r<. •• ,1 ,,,.. ,1 !oU i:111 rn \fl,l flit• 111,1 r.111 ,,, rht f!H ., 1hl· J.,11 ,1.. >11 ,1 \,m.,. ,11,hcr h • \ 1\1 l h. lfhc'• i' '" "' tht· ,:111. J1., , .,,lm)! t-· ll.1.,,L1'1, , 111,. ,1..Jem cnJfl" ,.,,·,,r lunl ,~, r, r-•,1:1, 1t111llrJ 111 r..:pvn .,1 11'11• umc 111.,, .,.,. ,,,, 1,1,1lh111 ,, 1,·"" :hou, w,I J. 11. r, •'It 1,m~ 11,r 11K' Ilk '"'"' ,l.illK ll.1Al.1t1' ,.11d mJlt n u11 r.art ,.t , ,w pit 1, t h,11 0
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hk 111.:hJn ,ou11on1 • H:c.. ,•ri1nn .mJ 1.imru, ~ • li..10>1,1 Ko,,l , u1l~.11er~
• llvnlC't'i•mmr 1,,~1>.i.1 \fcmon1/ ~r,11;1Jum
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Please recycle this newspaper!
~,.,.HAPPY HmJR 3to 7p.m. Daily _---"!I,... Pitchers
$3 $3 Appetizers 23oz. Drafts $1.25
orts l'a~r ·,
Preparing for regionals Tennis teams gearing up for NAIA battle in Oklahoma City 1 ·,111nt) Jun,m
Anlho1w Ne""htrq• w~!111111, lforv-ilf-l
, mlr ur
1 ~:/:;~.~~~:~1~~1~•~1,:}:;.,::;,:~h:i~l:~lll~~~•:
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t-1tl l•n 4 • i.lrH (", 11)m
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Thr .\111t ,,.e,1nn (;lah' t1·n11" tc.om, r 1111•1· 1htNAIA ~1•111h .. r,. l<r~mn11I II\ 111.1.m,,1111 ( I!\ • I n,IJ) 1111h 10111r,111m11 nf"l'l.!~1n1111 n1,· ...,.,11m•n wlu, lu11t >•'I 111 !11\.l.' 1o, Jn lUU1111l.1-J ••rr,111e111, ,tnd IH1ld lhc l~lh •1•11 Ill lht• '-Al •\ p,;•11 t'\ jlC\' I Hl lll' I ,m hi l,lftC h,,J t'\rn 11 Lh.!1 lh\C at 1hr ltj!kltl,11 h•UfllJlll(Ot <""'- h I Mr) \\ 1n: m, 1.01.J he r,r,·~,, 111<' " 11""-'U tu m ,,l c 11 l'J•t the op..•n111r n>1md ll11·) II OUlc_l 1111.'.tt 1111.1· IJU.ilM.•111,1 <"II) J1ntH'hlll . 1th"
, -.,nc~c:
lfru , hon ''Any of the girls 111nin11 ft•, .,, lnt11.. t-dst 1I have a good shot (of """' lie t,•;1nwd Ujl 11.,ct, \ IJrWI M1•• h" rlk· '™ t,,r. ,1-1,utllt", going to nationals) • ltuk ..ml• ,.,kl "in·cnht, UI' -..,1111 l t,,,rh on any given day." \1r<nl~,d, ,11.,., l""'ll"d ., , ''""" m ,mrJ,... h) ;'~•~'i'i,,,·~~;~, t.~~;!: ·~ ,._ Lo.try WlggvLS, ttn11is coad1 :~~•:U~~~~ ,,l:;i~~~71 71~1~,:I~~ ~:;k~~:•. :;11~~:~:•~:1:::h Ilk
rlllk." 1MU.ht•
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.. \Otflflrf
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lltc) ,d'J!lll"tl lot ,. ni1nu1r N"for<. tht• t ,,llm
hJ1e ,I fllt ll', 111• )1.I , 111" for ,tll JI l,tfJ!r 1-...•nh .• W1u 111, 1_11,J I ,1,1 )Cllf the- toufllJ• ::~~ ..1,,,:,L lt'JUh ur lhhHJijh ti)(' !'i1/, r.tnl rd
lnJ1.111, 7 . 11 CJIIJ( r lln ~ \('J,011 lhcl :•.;,~ lllJLC ti 1,111 "' the h hl r,11,1ntl
f 1~inl) pl.f~r, kimptcl llul«,mh lh1· l ,1lhn ( tk.1111) C't •.Kh rt!.kk' the t.1cu,1ur, '" pull In, pl")
~ -1~ •l tcn~lh (II lhe IAIUlk:n \ lt.£111 .£11 ~c:11 h,1~ uoJ~1~: 1t~~m;11,11h \\1gjt111, i:nmni.:nh
'",\n, ul Ill(' fil l\ IAoUhl ha\C a i!tl/"l\l 1hol h•I g111ng 111 nJHl"lfl.£1,1,,n" i:1,cn JJ, ,' W111g1n, '-"d lhl· rnrn. "'ho hJh' )''I lu N,•.iL :i t,11\1.t:J 1c,un. fac:r an uphill b:ink ii 111(~ ;ire h' ...,.,urr J , p.11 .,1 11311onah The,• .£rt' ...,_•hcduk,J lo plJy OLl.£honu1 Ch n,111m, rJnkcJ m 1hr mp for, tn the op:n1n1 round of n:g1un:il, 1,n Thur-d,,y
:~In;; ~-~h~:·:.:~.«"~-~;::nL~:•,: •'i~
etff lhc lOUII
l..1d• l11J1:111, -''"'' ,,.,,,.. ur ,ti. ,r1 m •hi, rn:1td1, 1ht1r tmJl 11,,im) ur 111 •I""' , c..,, hd-,rc 111()\ln.•rn1 t1> 1c r1<.m.1.h
('hn,u fc.ikcll """' lhr ortl) \I \ I 1JIJ\t'f t,, ,nnk:' ur 1,1 11h J , m~•k , , 1rlon \f1J 1,1c\l:CIO ,l iw ... un the 1.,, ..... , m~ k • 11),lldl('• "~ 11t:t,>Ull t\:',.,1U"'-'. ( ,,Um Count} h1ou~ht onh J,1tu pl.JVC" M\1 ' Jl\j} ""1111 .., 1k111bln m,11 h .,,. Jd.iull Kn, tcll H,,h) JIii.i 1nd, IC llu,r ..r... , d,nnc:cl • \-1c101')' ,n th<'., Jouhk , nu1ch
] ~~~~f. .•t.•~1,~:~: 1~:'l,~~:~:1~1~:;h~n.sn ','t,..,..,,,. ~
lh.· men ,,.,II do,.c t'llt 1hr 11•cul.1t -C:t\11/1 ,,hcJtilc -'I! ,m,1 ( 1mcrun on " rdni:,W) \ rnl 16 !',,,:f,,t1.· j:tt1n11, 111 lhc n:~u,n.ol h1t.1mJ11k'nt Ill
11) 1h1, 1,1ccknJ OltJhl.lfl -' lmen Koth 1hr
hnuJ7l:~~r.~) ~ .;;~l~~-~~ j: bcn tht'll)'h \\1~11" h," OOI ibl..rttl "'ho w111
anJ "-Olllt:n fll.o)Cd h,.,.t t,1Cullm
Fear of losing motivates Huie ohc [(.IOU don'! .... ,tnl h i thrnl hJ.:e th~I 11111c k-lrtlC \ ,tic ICJrtl ~.111 rull dlC\ 1)111 J \ 1lllH) Lhl\ ""ccLcnJ 1997 ~•u Nomt "'orL IO,t'tlw-1. She '-1)' 1hc.·~ mu,1 H .t.1 11.3 rccnnl m 1.ont1nu.:- 10 1)1.i) h~c 1hc-_1 \ ,• ht•c n Vid.:ie Huie ,mglt, mate-he, anJ pl~}mg Humttown ll111e j \ no \ l (JOf!t'I lu \Oh ( \\ Ill 8-4 1n Joubk, lc;inl 1cnn1, \'cmun ..!!Ill IU ,tJ ll' Vernon, Tex." Coa('h~ Commtnts J unng her / :t..i 1hrce ,t..,• m high "11..:r \l.orl e1hu; ,, lli,th S('hool ,chool l hc,· ""on th< 1ram tcnm, ..., h.tl nwl..c, her ne;1rl~ Vtmon HS •IJl4' 4h,1tnp~mJi1p h(r -.(IJ'h-lffltlfr J 4 O ,iud~nt Jnd al\4.1 \ C;u". llu11.' \ k'Jtll pl.....·J th1r,J her Clas.~ : · c-11:ti.h pla}cr )!oud " \ ()"Oji ltHIIIJf yt':u 11nd 1hcn fim,hc:J J1 run• ,nphofllOfe LdIT)" \\ I!!!!'"' I l,tl\.lY, 1hc le.am ntttt, me 10 1,1tn lluk rl('r•up her -.enior \t'-'"'lfl m} matlh,~ lluie ,;ud ..It\ lhJI llu1c1,Jl111.•I•~> lll.lJ<>r"-tM.•hi)fX' prt,,u,c ot l1'lt 1,1:1nltnf! 111 lel 1h1• "'"\ p;,n ul ,, ,1a1c ruuncr•ur doublc, Hult \illll ,h<' I\ \Cl) h,111orrd II'"''" 10 N,' a f'hy1K'JI thcr-1111,1 Sh,: "l"i k·~ doY, n 1h;11 make, me pl.£) N.'1· 1h1, a"'JJd 4 .unc," l •1\ g ru1k pomt 111cr-J~~· IC!. I h.£te lu,1n1" puhhCII). ..on..: i;ct to t' " 11/'\ "It\ Drc:1p1tc tie, :oc,rnnpl•~hmc:nL~ m Coa..:h 1..ury Wi~~rn, .,unhurt , Lo-1ng 1, ~)mcth1n3 I lute 1, unfa- the jl.l\l, lhl.' ftar o l l(NOf!: ,ult dnd II 111:il.1'~ me (eel good :it-ou1 her \UI.CC\\ NI lhe .:-11uf1 to the- \,,11\lt m1ha, 1,1·1lh. She nmc~ .i I \ .J nw~ 11•111~111, lll)\Cl(.'' llu11• ,,ml lhln): .., h.•r \\K'..:1.·,, nff th,· ..-oun th1\ ,prmi: m ""f'k) 1100 1, K J ,,. 11'.Jm• .tr\: the for vwl, '" lkr "' 1111( c1h1c I\ \l h,ll mJl r, • 1 OC\Cf 1clt 111)'-l'II f" rn gnm~ lfl IJl)Ut.lc,. llu1c -aid ··111 Jo. tlftt'nteJ \tit• '-')' lht• tc'JIU 1'>111 tx• her nC'.£rl) " Jo ,tudcm J11d Jl\(1 .i Socct\~ rnr Hu": ha, h«1•n..: .., "'rn 1l'k• 111,11ch.'" J1,.1flf" Hntc,I ., lhC) .J(l'O I Jl>k h} f!:11 ~uoJ pl.1)1·r. \\ 1y!!m, 1.£1tl "''\ht' 11 ' h m~I• 1hc t,)011 II I •hen habit She 1,1 ~' a 11:llt' qu~hfirr m Star I ll IIJIIHll,lh ti en th,1ut1h 1hr a ,::o.lt.f l11J, I 1t 1,hcd l h:,,J " hun,bcll Lnnc t .£1ncd ll u,c double-. 1h1cc: time:', "'h1k ,1.uTin~ "' hn If I d1J. I 1,1oul,I h.£1..- hl p.i) Vcmoo High Sc'hool lier hC',1 fin1,h Conference \\'omen·, Tcnm, f'!,wr pr,,, r,.'(.[\ In, 11,· ,t )C,lf Ml' hn~hl · I roulJ rhm~ Jhoo1 111: \1 ) Car, hut m ,u,ti.h ~ Clm( m her \tnK'lr }UI 1,1tlt•n ,hi' of ehe Wrd hvrlUf\ th!\ pa,1 1tc-~l Wt'
Anthom· Ntwbtrrv
Spotlight Player of the Week
Wc hiion l«:ipo,ie, Some tCIIAI\ rlJ)"(I" :tic hlf!hly ~CC\\Ul on Ilk· u,un ~JU\l' r,( 1bc11 confi<k"'c It ma) r,cn N.' intcrpri:trd a., co..ku11:" But 11o11 fVf \'ick1c llu,r Thc M1d1,1l-.,l1'tn ~1a1c ~'{lhomorc 11•nn1, pl.i)a '-lid , he 1, mom:1tL-J h) J lt1111 ol knmi; hc:1 1c.i.mm;a1r, lru""'n JIii.i lhl-~\\Uft' lh.ll COlnc, trom htr fe.ir, 1~ the: torcr bth,nd h<'r plJ) 1h1,
I ~~I
MSU ready to repeat in LSC next fall ""' Tnmok,l~~•'""'"' t"''
N;ck Eatman
Intramural Update the ,oftl'iall. lmb«· jdl·run and tr.11. l 11,utnJn1Cn1, l t,w. ncJ l h,1mp1on, l.1~1 wrd ~ \ ,uflNtl. K.if'f'J ~ 1i:rn.1 ,kk,1t,:d Y. \\ t- tn lhe final 14"K" Alph,1 ir-.>l. 1hm! .irill Ptu \ 1~1111,1 He111 rtt1.c1I 1our1h t n-,hc~ t;iM. Joe Ru,~ 11. 11( l\,11>JJ.1 \ 1j!m,1 lim<Jwd fir-i r!IOI • pua-puu. 1hc hkull ) lim,hl-J fir, 1 :100 Wt,lC) f ound.i11un
,O llie' i~11.imur.il l.(';i,on mu n.:lini,: u11 h> l/1<' ( rid.
J:11\J,\ .,.,,.,c -cllmd
' 1111!
1'l1lllCfl, rli.: L.1"" l),,,..,.g, .11111 ( hr 0 11l<.'11.1 tout. lil'II :111d '>n:Ond
:t11t'1 !lll'n) U.11.l. th,•
HI A oU I ,,,d, lir'\t pl.Jl.e, V.blcy h1Und:il11ll'l
-•rr~ li1~m ,1 11t•111m -<,noJ, .1111.I /'Kb rJ...,ed h111r1h K,,,, art.I K .,.,nmcn', 11.K.l 101.m1.uncnr III fil'lt. the Lit" · [>'.tWi\ ,,t,:-.::WiJ. Chi 0111cra i,1,1l Ouf\.l ,md ,in tmlcprnden1 tum ..,-;i, founh 1 )\icm1l, d th<'
Sooih \ 1:11r Y, fllflt'II, ,:-,lt<ml0tl0f l1lc: .\!id,,. \Ol..ce, ll'Jln h.i, 00(' 1111..-e ' I"'"!! toom.arnc,11 1n prep.,r..i100 1or 1he "iu:.J', fir.i l ull \C ' ,\,\ l>i1 1,.,111 11 ',('d" ' " lk'\I r..11 The' L:td) hiJ1..n, ..... n ,pin mu• ,....11 lt.l/TI~ ~nJ (otllflClt' ,11 ,1 7 vf1 7 lfltlm,1m(nl 1n Ahlltnr t'ln •\p11I !fi :ind :1 Head 1\ ...,, 1,1111 , u.-.h Jd l Tmnbk -...1J he h.>pt, 10 JI~·, bo1h team, 1n different hudr 1, Jnd 111 mr.tlt,it,'.h otl~rm1hcfin•l i;.1.1nr ''Th:il ,,.-ouldN' .:~al 1flhc) 1t.. ,1h MM 1 ICJIJl\l _.,,ulJ 011.'CI U1 lhc chJmr10111h1p ~.inw:.~ Tnrnhk: -.uJ ··1t '"ould 1110 0 a lot for thr M"'l '-"CC'C'rpto,:rum
l\lhc!l'llhl 1,1ur tu i.k• m 1111.• \h1k111•Wi1!11\ ..,,men Hllf'11r1.Jnlltnn1hl' thf n,uncnl h • i,~nr w t-...· ,,......i 1111 1hc ~u l, hi plJ} •h1n· •-'nk',, .£1IIJ 1,1c'II -.cc "'ltl'tlt' IC.om• 1,1c'II J>l.i) 11\'\L )c', lr.. l11mt>k '-lul " \\..- 1,1Jn1 111 vn out -111J RIJ~t .J , 1.,1rmcm !Of nc,t '-c'J· '"" kit If thi.') Ull )I<' 11111 ...,,.,, h:1\C lun, 1ht:n 1hJ1, the 1mp,,nant thmi: ·· Thr ,rr111i muman11:nl 11 pn•parmi the i...J) lnrl1::111, h>r :m °'1ponun11, 111 rcpi·,1 " ' Lnnr 'iilJf
Ctntwy Pw• . . wtthln •lklng ilatance trorn ca,npLtt
' _.,. n
' :~
( •tnlCrtlkC \ hJmr ron, 111 1}7 ',11'(
"\lch,'-l ln,"tt.1 Ille' ,fl(' \ 11,tllllb 11•
, .,,em"'°,
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Keiser Morrl1 Ill<.' lur 1hl.• Chll"C lhJI It(' lH·r . Tnml'>h• ,1ho -.ml h"l1h... l .\ I,·~ hi.· J rcall) s,ol plJ)<.'I Im u, l)t'~I Mom,.,n .,nd n11Jfid1kr \ 11g1,· \ 1',l \\Oil lhl' fir,1 Cl(I L",(' hlllm~- year.'" lnmhk 1,11d ·•\h( tUu111 Jn,I U,,~d h,11 c 1mrw11'tl m,•1 1h1· , ,v ,nv 1111'111 JJ,t ll.1n:o haH' had rc a lh g,11,J J)l,11.'ll,I'\ .£1111 1t 1ll l'l',1lnmhu1ur,n..•,1 IJII ,,11011g h. .. rn, k1I 11\,· ll",IITI rn I or the I.oil. l11mhk ~·-ricci- lh1, , p,m~ . 1111uo1 h.tntJ1d, lkd1 Alht \' Jlkl ( )n J,,frn,..-. lri n1hk \ J Iii lhr ,,ormv l,111.....:.,...,n.11J,,1 l.1111,· 'itJr \H-C,1nkr,·n,e ,t'lc, 11,,n I.hi w.11 A)'llil \ld ' 11J1,.u.:h tn i,,_. kc) ·J•-<t• I .,,t~ lnJ1a.n, 11.111 ht· l/l,11kd nc,1 :1lnni:. 1,111h Uunn,·• \l,,m,..n · Jn,1 In th• \\1J.. r,1t 111 ••IICIJ\l\r ,Ill.Kio. ) C~I '"11h ,.,1111 1kh'n,k1, Re"" lfo)J \h,rr1, .. ,1, 11,111\L'J I.">< · lir, l 1 .iuJ \pol JJC 1hr "" "' .\lu111, an1I ( ,11hl'f1"t Hrnuwr "'\\l• h•1t• our J..tcnd1.•1, !1'1 lll' \ L I u,hm.111 ,11 the ) CJ/ llllfl<lflJIII p~II t1! uur f'llknv.::· t t 1h..- t,·am Tnrnhlc , -1111 ~.. JU\4.' )c-:11." T11111hk ,.n,1 "'ltr"" ,,n,I (Jlhrnnt• h.£\'e hc:,;n plJ) IOS n:~11) n~m 1nl! 1,, ~( \ ,\ 1)11 i,111n II l'\l"I\ 1tcll and "-t' h ,111• ;1 hlf of ,lcft<n,k-" game ... ~ .Ill f"hl-',("J"lfl1hJl'll.l'' , h::.£m 1/,.,t ,. 111 ru•h <.'ill h uthcr lor f'I-') mv "In U111\lull II. ~nu h,., ,· t,, i:e• ,1 wnc·· ,\t JZOJII.L'l' f'CI Tn mhk , :11d 1/1<.• h1,J ti • l!•'I UI lh.· r lJ1,,11. • 1'11ml>k 1-c .i111lftwr'1mr;..-1.1n1 ('(I\U11,n to, the te:1m .. ,11 h:oc li,4· l i:,:p.·r, .11 1hc -.uJ "\,1 II, 101f')rl.JIII l"I 1,1, I{' )ICI 1,1 .t f '"',J , 1.111 Jn,J lt'llk:llllx·r o .. ,1.in nr \Uf 11\I ,~mp Jn,J ,ut d,11t n t...i, '""'~' "'''""' that .oil 1h1,• ll-'""-'' 1,1111 t-...• IITif't'fl-'fll \f" ,.111 loil ' " ,nptmm,1rc 10 1hrtt ltlf tht.-\t'a"lll ~ hlf u,101,110· 1 " I 1cJlh d1111l "C , ..,n n11rru1c 1h( .\ISl ' , 1.,n, n,•,1 \l"-'' ,,.,,h 1,,.,. 1~ ~ 1 ~,;: ~o.£1 l n·rcr ,m,:.i lor rw , 1 )tJI " ~ ( ,,l.1111 , ,hut, JI 1111Jf1<.•l1kr Tr1mhlc \J IJ 'Wu h "I 111,m~ l c..-r • ~-unc, m l lt111 c, Jj:.£Uhl lht null· 1t4um111·t1• l 111,cr\ll} ,,1 l.knitt .mJ l , ,h,r.td,, t h inc.imp. u ... (ollt<)ll'
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pB.n:tr.'S 'E,Ci.J'E ~"''aa. 1s1-1131 Bf.B.'B
1:1u. 1111d 111airr
to.,., ,.
ISupport MSU Athletics I
llie tolfoll to the alxtle1 (60 oz.) .,c,lel>mo our "Duece-&-A-Holf" nlghll ($2.50)
60 oz. Pitchers
The ••,
Ones! .
1no1 those little puny ones)
$2.S0 each on yoo,r favortte domeatlc llght bNrl
l(ooday r:, Tuesday Ni1bt1 · ,:oo p.m. • 1:00 a.m. T · • - IO TOIYS
and-• with o lrlend!
Doors Open ot 8:00 pm SO<_So, DriniJ & Dn1w Beer Unh1 11:00 pm Feotunng Our lnfornous Macho Chest Conrtst & Sexy Si houette Contest
18 ond Up Welcome. H(ittu1 Top 40 Oon,e Mcaic. 3711 Coflfield 696-00SS
. west ern State Univ ersit y Mid
Recognition Banquet
Nom inee s for Outstanding Student Awards ~Man of the Year~
~ Woman of the Year~ S1cfan1c Carroll Christie Callin Libby A. Chavc1. Leslie Dague Cry<iul Gee Nadi ne Koenig Chrh , Moore Leila A Plummer Julie Mane- Pele~on
Donnielle Rabel Jeanncue L. Richmond Nkolika A. Roach Mand, Kay Robcn,on Anna S1in~n
Lily Stroud Sarah Vw, Hooser I.Jcedr:i C. Weatherbee
John Fknung Jim Hen,lc~ J W Ju,11ce Tac Young Ll.'t: Ne, ilk Lev.,,
John Lohlad. Perez ,\ •kn1..lc,
Sc,»• Murray Gangj,an Mil'hacl Pun Sun<lccp Po1lun Neville Thomas Adam S\\ink Jame, R. W,nham II
~Outst anding ~ Senior Woman
~Outst anding ~ Senior Man
~Outstanding ~ Junior Woman
Patnc1a A BuN>n AlfON
llt"INI.C' Cn1~111.-n Chad M Jit., k. ,on T'ac-Youni I l't' Ni.' \llkl l' "'' Jvhn Loblad; 1) Manh(•w, l'ruy h ~k(i1II lkmn IJ K.t·\ in Pan,iln, Oba,Jur th, lud SIC\Cn ~I Shnt·n Ne\'11!(' Thuma~ AJam S"ml.
Ktm~rh ki-ntt Rall,mJ ,,,.~, UutNr Pamela Ynhmdl" rhtrr-a l>un...01
Srcfamt" Carroll Libb) Ann Cha,cL An,) Cod,.nll
Ca1henllC' F Cr,•k Coun nc) Conic Al1k.> T.aL.a,g.1 F1orcn111w K:ira Filh S111a,ha G•hnd ( l"\',t,11 Gtt
Kclkv D Gill
lhana ·1arnm1ll\l An1h t<Ct"n.-..Dougl:is Cn-.u Kin~
fank.' ' K \\ 111hJ111 II Atmin K Younll
'iad1nc >-:0t·ntj
~Outst anding. Junior Man V1rir1I t\nJron~ he Gt-uric CunnmJ:h:un Anlhony h l"urd, Jason La\HC'n1.c
t,111.\ I ►bit" \ ·II~•, lfan~n fr,c.._; I ll 11nc-. ( r-,,1...11 \·J,,r1m \11111 \1d· "JO
Ko.ha An!hmt) Lot11,
;\ndrcw Martrn l.)onm Md: w:111 f'auhu, ·M,n k.c,,K,u\ J:.d<.t,n Richard, Ja-.nn PJ!tlt' l \chcller
JIii \1ullm\
Tht-a , rch Apr1I I> l',1r...tll-.
~:In ) ~W('(nt)
K1chard (ilen Youn~
Wemh l't'l<'r'\
Kay L) nn Rcc,;,r Jea.nne11c K1l hmund Ch1N1 ft-•lcll
Pa IIH.1J L Htoma,
Chen! Kmak1l
Brc11tfa R fr;k \ Du,111.· M :mc rn~i-ina
Bn'n.ia E. ~fartm Mchs..a ~1ilkr Chn,t, ~100fc Am111 Nc""-~m Oun~ ParL.cr
L.:ib A. Plum,ner Donmelle Rat'CI SkohL.a A Roo..·h L1h S1roud
A!Ou-.a Challrl Tahcrpourzaky G1dgC'1 Tibb11, l,c-,.hc Watson
~Outstanding ~ Sophomore Woman
~Outst anding ~ Sophomore Man Marlon Ed\1,ards
Ali~.\A. A1r::1II
Le.~ Paul Hopkin~
Tabnh:1 E. Andre Knstcn Bacu~
Jason Huch1on Chnstopher Hun1er Jonathon D Manhcws Bryce Michael Sinclair
Lynse) Bckendam
L,~a Halad)
Launc Ann Hankins Michelle Holguin Mandy Mayo Juhe Mane Pcter,;on Mandy Pinkerton
Ltt Ann Roberts Mary Srmpson Jana M. Tucker Kimberly Tucker Sarah Van Hooser
~Viola Grady~ Leadership Scholarship Libby Ann Chave1. Dani Marie Goin Mis1y Hansen Tac Lee Julie Marie Peterson Leila Plummer Christopher Roman Rector
Mandi Rohen.son Reesa Jean Taylor Julie Thompson Gidget Marlene Tibbits Sarah Van Hooser Nikki Ann Ventura Leslie Williams
~Outstanding~ Freshman Woman
~Outst anding ~ Freshm an Man
Kri,tcn 81d'I)
Mch.!o~a Bradle) S11\•1a Brulll.'I Tamura Gore Alys~a Holltn1""onh Tar:.1 Lucas
ManmAllpon Charhc Cunningham Oamcon M1dJlc1on Yu,uke Sclo.1
RI.Urt K. Van SIOO<' Fla, 1cn Mohcre \\ 1l11anh
Aurol,c Malone) Ptnny Ma·n , cll S1a1.·1 Miller Rana Mi'-'-ma.n Fcmand:1 F. Parillon Arny L)'nn Pontius Adrienne N Ru~ II S 111l011t Fiona Scnhou~ C:i1hcrinc Eh.tahc1h Th)·cn raulu Va.lc:nc,a Pc1ronclla C C Whue Ermly Ann Wii~t
~James L. Stewart~ Service Award Association of Social and Behavioral Sciences Circle K International Kappa Alpha Order Kappa Sigma Fr:11emi1y Monar Board S,gma Kappa Tau Bela Sigma
Friday, April 18 • 7:00 p.m. • D.L. Ligon Colis eum