April 1, 1993

Page 1

V..._ 71, Nlllllber 22


McKe e hired as new vice presid ent ly G. l'•lrk:k Staitr Wrkff

••nn,..r, 11

St:ttc Univcrsuy has a new vice pn..~dcn1for husine..u ~airs Ru.:hard Mc Kee. a 19;0 MSU .rrad u;uc:. swp.s into 1hc new Job lod:i.y. whi\'h w:i.s vacated by Charles. Hardy on January I M id wcucrn

Students favor program a,

LorH M. Arrtn• lnn a ~portu

CcnLrJI Safety commmce. !he hospil.tl's UC"Cut1vc t."Ommil• lt·c and lhe Quality lmprovcmcni Council.

President Cfin1on·) cdu· cauon•for-scrvicc program looks like a mixed hlcs.-;in~. Thnx:. hundred M SU studcnL-. were t4 ues tioned a boul Clinton's proposed plan la.s1 week at 1hc Clark «i1udcnt Center and o,•e r two•third~ want 10 pan1c1patc in the pm--

~ \ 'IC'C prc$idcm orbusi-

ncs.s :1ffa1~. M>mc llf McKCC"',, n-.1opon.s1l>1li1ics mclude OVC'r• )CCing 111.: business olTtct.' and

con 1rac tual l'n1\Cf.S lt )' McK~ has been tht'.' a.,- agrccm..:nb. He w 1IJ 3.150 pfay .\1s.111nt supcuntcndcnt of lhi: a ma1nr role in completin; W1ch11a F::ill~ State Hns.pitJI 1hc.• final draft of the :annual for the put nine years and budget, which is. ~cnt to Strwd a.., acti ni ~u pcnnicn- Aus on for apprupnations. dent for about one year. Mc Kee'.-. dut.it'~ included


or .ipprox,m:itely 1,:\1 million dollars. ~urcr,·1$.1(\ n of a.II maintcnani:c opcn111on, 3nd

ol ~ cKc_; is a



r;'' !"~mbc:r

A: :~~n~ Ccmfi~d pa.sl l'h,urpcrsnn or lhc 80,,lfd

of Din.x-ior~ o f thc Wu:hiia

fJII\ Stale. Hospital Credit Union and former prcsidcnl 1 1 rcrw nnc ;ind M.tff dc,·d i p• or tht' Hcnnc:ua Independent :,:;~1a~! ii~~~t~:•s1rict Board M

~~~~::~Ki; :~~<1

n., ~... "'1tfAJ,I,


were hoct to··th; Loui■ Rodr lquet, MSU p rc:1 id t nUldt), and C~il Stttich (riteht) Republ ic orMes.icoon

Ho1M>rableCarlo1 1tuitSacri11t.an, undt rM"crcita ry offina nee of the

• • Iomat gives M ex1can dIp

Mar .%9.Sacriatan ravean a dd reaubout th cNorthero America n Fr ceTrea tyAc'reemc nL

!!~!l!d~~ po<iuon, fr,-h;.;r~;;;;;a;;! ~t!~!ich ~~~!!.r. m Katlny■ S.Jr

IJ a.,......,. A German•. 11.n author



The Honorable C:irlo.-; th.it br1ni .s a German m.u and a teenage hoy co,ether •. Ruiz Sacnstan, lhc under~ creury of fi nance o( the ad .a NIUlball ebamp,on for a c:qnwt.naliQQ Rcpu!-.1,c ~, Mexico ,puke "'111 be ~Shi 10 life 11 7 surpnS'mg ruuh.s. ahout the Mcx1c:an cc1"lnomy "An 1.ntcr.·iew With F. p.m. April 2 and 3 .t5 the and the North Amtncan Fn:e p,n<apks of dirte1ing cla..u 5':oo FiVJfr.l.ld'" 1s t,:ascd on Trade agn:.cmcnt in the fine prc,tenu 1u • orks 10 lhc :ln :auual mccv,cw between AN lltcai.cr Man:h 29 .a reporter and F11zgerald on pltblic. The speech. part of the T be fi rst set of his 40th bu1hd1y. annual Streich family '"'rhe Onc•On -Onc producuons lncll.&des ~s1~l Lccturedupon free cn1crpnl\l..' . tllc Old M an's Bundle: 8ai kc1ba.JI Champion· is a wu sponsored by the Burc1u directed b] Sun,nnc E dram111ic comedy 1hal o( Bw.mess and Go,'Crnmi:nt Muftson. An r.nrcrv1e"'' rc\'c als the pcuonal Re.search :lfld the D1v1~1on <•f a of ~iU'I F. Scott Fiugef':lJd," triumphs :.md trascd1es Businc.M AdrninL,iriuon directed by Oonna Fcntl!r former t'la..1, lccU'laJI pl11yer and During his ~recd. connccuon 11nc11:p«tcd his and "The One-On~Un!! S:acm .1an d1scu~.-;cd the B1dc:c.1b:lll C han1plon," w1lh a leen3ge hoy. economy. 1hi·u Mc,,c:an with (rec ,, Admission Gn:imty. Maria by directed S)'Sll!m,cn,irflnmcn• ·stea.1 the Old Man's MSU 1dcnuficauonclltdand ba.nlong tal cum:crn~. :md 1he ~11.:1.il Bmtd.lc• ts 1 t omcdytbrillcr .S I f0t gcnc.r.al adm1.u ion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dc.,•clopmenL~ 1n hi' coun1ry.

t t t t t t t

April 1, 1993



•t• tf




t t

about the growth o ( the ~1c.ucan e<:onomy. t-le was mslIUmcntal m thi: improvemen, or Iheir CCOMmy a.ftcr ch,: 1980's. The Nairon.it SohJJruy Progr:1m WJS an01ht·r lllJ'lle in $3cris1an') Ice• lure This 1s a prosram de~•gnL'J to help undcl'J)f'i vilc1,'Cd l'Ommumtte.' t SacnMan ha 1972 t;r-Jd· ua1c o( Anahuac Univt'rsu y ""'1th .J dcgn:c 1n business adm1mstra11on. He earned hts m.J, ter·~ degree in business rr u m ad m I n1 s trat 1o n Nc,r1hwc,1crn University m Ch1l'.tgo m 1974 Upon graduatmn, he he· came an m1ema1mnal trJdcr for Banco de ~kx1co. Mexico·.\ central h.mk After

,.;1th 1hc N nk. Sacris1an he· came M:nior :1dv1.s.c, 10 the General Direcior of 1hc hank in 1987. Jk w:a~ :appliintl'd hy Pn:s 1dcn1 Salina., to 1hc pos1t1on of gL'nl•ral director ,,r puhhe t.:n.:dit ,n 1hc ortict' o( sccrecary or finance In his curren1 po~1tion. Sacn., tan ,s rcspons1hlc for the manage• mcnt o( 1hc bodgi:t or the Mcxic.:an go,·cmmcni. Sacn~1an was .1 mi;mbcr of the IC3JTI m charge o( rcnc• goti:mng the cx1cmal ck-ht or 1hc bdo re Mexic o lntcm.ttional Ba.nkmt: System. He was also a member or 1hc


See page 3

Response was C'lvcrwhclm1ngly in favor of the cducation-for-scrv,cc poruon of the pl:m "In general. :i national service progrJm ,,. :a grea1 idea.· ) :lid Dfl n HcnKhel. rrofcssor of theatre at MSU. Many studcn1s liked 1hc idea 1hat they would bl! gctong paid 10 help mner ..:.it.CS and rural :areas. ;ind also work1n~ o f( 1hcir lo:ini. Other:( had more allrubt1c rc:1• )ons... Being a minority. I know of the problems minon ties face 1n the inner c uiC). 11 woulJ he a grc;u opp<1r1un11y 10 help out." s;ud one survey rcspond:int. Some scnu>rs c.xprcs,sed d1.-..1ppoantmcnt th:it the pm&ram would not come in umc 10 help 1hcm p3y off their dcbL~ ·rm e n1hw..1as11c atx1u1 the emphasis Pn:..\1dcn1 Chnton 1!. placing on 1hc ,mporUncc of a higher cduc;11ion and uytng to make u au.:un.1hk for cvcryl1nc," .~aid one s tu• dent. But the cnthu.s1asm ,s a prohlcm. President CtintC'l n admits tha1 not C\'crynnc who wants to p3rt1c1pa1e in 1hc pro~ram will ~ ahlc 10. In the

I( ! : ~ ~~ ~

Guest artist directs ou~cl?.,~E~,blc .~.~~-~.de ~.~.!.!~.:h


lh pnrlu

1 ,.,., 11·,.Mo'llftr/,,.f,z P, ., •.,,..

From ldt, .atud~a ll •ppe.• rinf In Cindl'.ttlla Include: Rach~I Kape lshi, AnJt-lo Cornn. M~li... J<crmoU. Robby Cupp H !ht' prince and Joy Sparks H Cinderella. Produc llon i• achNlulf' 10 open frldey n i«ht. April 2.

llic mu"c Jcplrlmtnl will pn:..\Cnt an opera worbht.1p :11 St pm. Apul 2 . , ,n Akm Aud1tonum lbc worlc~hop 11 offered in rnmplrJncc with tht· dcb_n'\'. ,if ha..:hclor 11f muMc in · \'C•t:d.l rcrfonn.ani.c l h.: w1•rk,h11p 1:,, dl"'-l~nt·J to prm it.le 1he community ~,th J!R'Jt cn1&.·1t.11nml·n1 ~hilt.· ~1,·mg rcrfurmcr"I a n:.tll\lu.. appu,a,:h 10 -.tag1111; an opcrJ pruJu(t1un, \Vh3t 1s rnm1 l'XC1tin~ to IJale Smith. l?UC),t ~tJgt· d11t·ctur fur the w ~1,~ ,h,,p, 1, 1hl' fal·I lhJI th,, )'\.'ar\ prndu1..1mn \Cnn 2 1,, a hom('.._r,1THn}: for hun A r mfcHionJI flpcra ''"f:\'r, Sm11h. ~r-Jdua1cd from MSl ' in I IJ7fi I-le "' '" J ,1u• JL'nl ,, ( Dr Dc1n ~tu.wdl. prull">,or ('If mu\1c iani.l mu,1• l.'.'al J1n.·e11.1r tir the opera "'·or~ sh11p ~1 l'Jfllc u1 .\!St; hi ,tuJ)· un.Jer ().,n while pur,111ng a tkgrt'l' 1n mu.-;,c cdu"-•;u 1on. Dnn ,,. the nn<· wh11 ~•'I ITil' 1nti:-rc,1ed in ,lpcra. lie ~•vc mt' 1:d.:t'1, 10 1/'K" \lt'lr,1poh1an Op...· 1J Tuur 1n DJll.1, TI1Jl '1,1, J, thl' firq t1mi: I " "' nl h1 J/1 1lr'l'r,1 JnJ I knt'" 1hcn. 1•1'1C.:r.1 ""\ " hJ1 I \lJnt~·d 11, Ju, \(1 I dl!\.ltkJ 1,1ch.tn;c '"> ni.t,,lf" 11, lnU\ll ~ rlOlmJm,:c, "muh SJ1d rhcy h,l\t' 1cmain..:J


f or the pas t IO year,,. Snuth ha., ln'ed m the liro~x, NY Mc 1s i:urrentJy teacbini: ,·011.e :u a pnva1c sc.:hool m the Ea.,1 V1llai:e of.the Bronx and tcachc, apprn111ma1dy 10 Siu• dr ni:. pnv3tcly l k h, al~, o(ten employed hy sc,·cral uf 1hc are:1 chun: hc~ and enJoys w,,rl.:ing and performing in opera worhhop productions One or S mith's moM mcmorahk c11:r,criencc.11 in p:rforming orcri WilS h111 de but m Mozan 's · RcquiemM at Camt'g1e 1-1.,,11 m New York. City. During a convt' r-..1t1on with Muw('ll, Sm11h mentioood his de.sin.· to d1relt mufil\'3.I proJuc1i,ins. ~D<in called me and J mid him I wanted to .\h1f1 my &nlen=~t from pcrformanl'C lo c:ollc1;c tc:a\.b1ng I .ii-.-., 11111.J 111111 I wa~ , cl)' inter• e1,,1cd 111 dm,c11ng lie u 1d why (hfn t you rnml' up, ~c .ire Jomj! :in npcr.:i wurk,hop :rnd 1hcn he dc-.n1hcd lhc ""-L'O.:), th.ti were 10 Ix· rcrfunned: Sm11h ,.ml TI1~ If, ,tuJcnt:. \\h11pc.'rf11nn 1m·olvc th,·m,1.'h~, 1n .1II ,1.1ge, of the pr11Jud10n N111 onl) Jo lht·y hJ,l' lu lc.un th,.·1r mufi1t. but 1hq .1rc m,,,lvcd 1n J'lrl'flJltll!! J)fll()\ , c,"turnc\ Jnd put'llk.1ly \1any

wor~mg on one ro!c while scr.•ing a., lhe understudy for . ano1~r. We knew this mus,~ ""'ould he a c.· hal k ngc. M~wdl so1d. "The worlcshop ts m1cnded a,; a ~ aching tool and one of the 1hmgs they ha w to l~am 1s wha1 all goes mto staging an (1pcra. tf CO<· tumc)o arc h.1rd lo come by. they ncl'd 10 find that ou1. a, well :1, lcam yuu m:ty nccJ <;Ctmcbod.Y ll! covrr a rC'llc on short notice. As stage. dm:c 1or. Sm11h hopes 10 t~ch lhc student~ how to bccclfflc thc u cha.r.ic~r ~nd how to act as one would in a srx:c1fil' tune pcnoJ. ~I h:svc to talk to each of the performers md1v1do:1lly and give 1hcrn an idea of the charac1eri,.aoon. For exam ple. the part or Prince R3m1ro m ~Cmdcrclla'" •· the pcrtonncr must know his :ut1tudc, what age 1s he; how J ocs he carry him.sci(, how dC'I ricorlcof th.JI time stand and c ~prc-.s thcmM:h·c.,,, Al~,. wh:111s hi.s rd:i1mn,h1p 10 the pc'1plc on sugc •· m:iinly Cinderella. but :ih o thi: c,•il stcps1).ti:r., who treat hn ~u badly. Student., a\),o learn how to halvlce the \Uj:C I■


see page 3


11rbc 111itbfta~


Thuraday, Apdl I, 1993

Pa11e 2


Letter to the Editor

'Point of No R~turn' features heroine

1'>c. sn.

Midw.•tillCffl S\Me IJ1li¥tni1y tna1 ab.1u.1 k1J1I loJ.., -<00 :.nd MUI.km lrtcndly l& m..y ways, ii I~ Rue. lhcrr: Is onr wn of' out utll~ty wbctt wudriab .-c- htl;cd Md 11110ftd • tlK- ta·<•btOtt Tllc M S U 8 0 ( ~ 1W bcCD NA by• ,-,ew Y(wk (i,m ,-a!k d lhc' Bame. Md Nobk Corpol'IOOII MIC'C IC>SS I bclie:w: that lhi.i 1m1in1c:mcnt ti» bttn <lt'trimeocal 10 tbc wclr~or.1ou,Jcni.. a, M S lJ I rcah1it tNC book rn,co wt bll,b nation,.·,dt:. ltO~vu. ,1Utknu and do DOIi btnt..-t Lbt book.tMW'e 1.1 C'\-.:=a mu1n,: M trron w, poteut'ln l « r pnco, 10,w S Udtnu .e u ponaUy bilked whim 11 romci IO huyin1 u'("d ~ 8atnb -.cJ Nohk\ CMU'k'1 ,.,u.b, tht WU'U'\11)' Sllltct,:: · u 'led IOlboot., ...-u1 be docounltd 1~1y-nvc (25'1.J pcrtt111 rrom the p..tbh~s lb l Jrice or WIii be DWl::cd up fi Ry (.SO} pcn;'tnl from lhtu." «! tiook buy-Met prb. wtlldlc'"U u ~ • Tbal's nJht • • f'iny pattnl awtup' B llf'nCS ad Nohk CM make Ill ~ prof11 by 1elhn1 1 d nik: 1-Q,k O\ICI' and ow, apin Malm1 the ,,tuw,on "-unt ~ lhc r-1 thal \ludc.nu a'f: thscoura,N 10 run t'OOt. ~ 1r •lf'Cr.1111\ts o, U <'f wl lts on campus healuk: of !be uai'l'Cf,ny, fear ~ v,,;1l11un,: It)(' oon1tae1. Doub wt noe the only O\l'tfJW1C'Cd Item., 00 lbc :lbt:IYC.S of I.I~ MS u. 8.--.\o\.\Kll"C A~I _,,i,h I.be MS U . k,go b wsy Upt:MIVC. Md D ~ and 'loNc'l pnc11'1£ al ~1al wppba nttdcd for dasus (wch III mll),c r .-pcr ~ ,an1« cquipmcon iJ out or sip1. One prova.uon o( the


·s~ supr,hcs md 1cncr.ll

... •

MSIJ lOOOJUN __.dip& • h11t P0"tr"ltolwd



10 En,pitt- No.? ptneilt 100 ) 1..l Rultd Bhat

lll<l<.o~ 50Mtw!lcatl'Ji2:e


.19 ($:,\-On)

0...:Tr>y l Dunictll 8lllCl'tcf T•pc.Dbpcuor




(Sa,•-Oo) 1.89 (Sa"-On) 19' (S:n·•O.) 2.47 CK.....,




A \ Clr) Telt-pb.,nc


.95 (Sav-Or,, Jt7 ~'<t) U9 (S.v•O\)


~ trb~ 1UJ tcbttan ~ Mldweetern Stat.c Unlver8ity :Wl0 Taft Blvd. B o x 12160 Wic hita Falls, TX 76308 New• Dc•k (81 7) 689-4704 Ad. Deak (8 17) 689-4705

............ ....,...,_



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S .....,a l<,,H•1 'fl'• ) "'-• C -




C.,._Molie■ M•-•-

IJ j()

J!J') 90


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Memo Record


.,..... .,,,.,

G l".lnd.F.-.-.11

TX 76Q

MlflPOIC. ,nitt«d IO be a ch;lnC: WJd o( I '11,-aJ,ltd-OUI. tlr\1£·a(ldlC boO~Jllll rwned

M1ggic, M:• :

(8ndgctt Fonda) bk)wS away m I bOKbcd dnlJ~ robbCf)'. ~ II (lramatically t,avtd from e.1.ttU. uon by k:Uw injection tty an un named .-d unhkely ,:ovemmcnt -~~jott.lf'Pil"C'" Oy,ij lO ~ »SA\Su» 10 snuff out nu,or Wl'Y~~!~()lfl(: 11\IUa> ~


1sia,,cC 10

Idea (dunns which .sl\e gets co



hrcat arms. kid: Mound m uch latter than her, and ~

Grap hic ,vt"'

°"'"'""'"""' Ar..i...l>ur.-

cause a IOI flf mayhem) I.bey firully succeed m · , cfonnmg• M•uic.



,.,.,tb a


Sh.N,,, (.,,_

C•py t4Uer



IIC) W ~ I



Ven-kc. Calif . nt·w idcnuty. • new hall N>Jot trrom d1t1y blade 10 sinw•


-"C.l her up 1n

bcny blow.kl and • sctUITy ~ waJk ■r:wnent

She meets a r hntn1,~~ ,cuneJ J 11 tOcnnoc M ulronc-,1 atf.CII\PU 10 carry On • IK\"fflill ;: E«'Y 1,0 olitn. th11u1h ~ "" • pnonc call from 81ib. ht, 'P1. scwtme r1101 (pla yed _ by <,1tit-"t!

Oyme-l had,




tdb bef to st> lh11 louunn rc rrlf-. I.be -.-c-.ipwi lhal s .,.,a111n1 fc. ~ Sld dohtf"ducy.

Tb< a.u.a.~m;mon, hccon.t .,_ mucb for trr tall o( :a ,udllc,. lbtt, pun). bddeYClopsa 00.1..-.c.. ~..., ._

she wants out No. nn. )lt)t a,. thc:f'C IS no 11u1 •• -.·ell. Ollly (lllt really, whic h lhc y • nultl J.bt, p-ovtdc few her ,r ~ d11Jn·1 ~ 11


Tbe tt1namdtt of the rnorc , her 111einpC Ul J:CC out ol lhc "'-~n.ahOn bu\ine,s with he, ~

rurchc:ad unpcrforatrd hy ~ V4i t,ullCC boles Thil ffl('I\ IC I.S fun. hu1 11 1..cb i.s a k>C o( ~ for-act•on·s-We, but 1u d11ttt:1 John Dadh•un (" Bird on I Witt' -rbc Hard Way· ) at lc:L\l ~ a r viewer ttus lxk oC dcr,lh IAroa"

.a1MUnC'C There

M:1gsac:·s rcM.nCtcd. a., ~Ul ~t V1t•Wt fi r, ntJ thc m1<!1-tt pulling for Maggie, and not OOJ 111 , bcf" lltc:O\J)U 10 e..,;cap: ltl< ~ way of Hfe. btu abo be a IUCnufll

\' IC•


·llalins· e

Dt.ll•l. \.C•~

Tk_.~._ • ......,...,aa..T-1-.0,. ,,.v~ c..,-...,.,... ,,,..,_ ..... .......,.,__,_• ..__,,_ .._ __ n,,r......., _ ..__.__...n... ..y _....,,.,~ .............. ..... .. ...,_ ..

,. .......,_t.

G,o,~i. ...

0,..-•,.._... _ _ _1 y l"'-flll,..r-llJ . . . .r.Mtrl- .. •i..tll"°"'1ol M...,__,.....l)o,a•.,.-,., ..... _,_ n_,•--•M'••"'..,11•.,...,.....t,all'


Barna aoo Nobk ovcn:brea, u,_ theft ~ufh our boob full of credit card t.'ocburu (Pfe.""um.ably b«ain,,c w-c N"T blown all nur ca.<:h on bed.,). then rtfu'ln n"t"n 10 casll our cbetb. l behC\~ II 1$ I.Im( fo, Bame• and Nobk to go A uuly "r,n-Mudc.nC bool.\t«c would t'o(. run by ~ u n1\·cn11y on• nol•fcw-profil ha.sis II •oold rrov• free bo(w: n chanp and the IM,'CS( powbk pnttl on all 1tmu l b l) I\ not a ppc Jrc:a,n · It (a:l be iJc,nc: lbc 8.in,u and Nobk contract e.11rv-c,. May l I If yoo bcllCff. as 1 00 rJut lh.s conll'XI should not be rav::wal. pla\C ~iitly OCllltiC't l>r Rodriqucia, 61t9..C21 I o,Offlccot dlc flloa.tdcnl. 3'IOT.n., WtdlkaF.a.l ls

" lS hbed


"Poinc of No Returnailed "La •·outd on a 1991 mndl movte Fanine Nitit&.. lfMI ls. one:

j 1-ull Strip Sr..,ib

fhc abo\'C pn('<.\ r-rt>N.bfy upla.• • h y ~ Bonkqou \ me«tland1\C I\ Jellln~ kn.:! ol mokly Ol'I I.be \bcl~ Bante.1 and Nobk I\ s imply l,dlin& down o n 11J C'on1.tac1ual obh 1a1KHI 10 ,urrrly reasonably pnceJ


°' n,::::,;:: :=:=:tKsbttftMllol•l

.49 (M_,.,) .49 ( K·Mon)




lhC aG•

,novtC ,en,~ ~ 111enncmo~,c~=t b3t d<O nlng and • (Cll'WC aclJOO tor K"lf• • f•r_,m,e ti<W\/adVC•UtfC

.J2 (11,'ll'I)


2.30 2M

-4>.6 lndu. C•d 8m



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(":;stone inn:


lnUChantfb,c wlll be sold 111 locaJ.ly

I comra,td pn«.,: bc:l•un Bamcs :.\ti Noble: and ~ ioul wons, Here I\ wbill I f()lnl

• ~•

"Po1n1 or No ~~.u~; ~.

,showlfll M

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Behind tht O/freGardtn



the copy center

~ t tll!t~(t~n


J h urs:rlny, April 1, 1993

Alpha Chi honors freshmen students

I Smoke Signals I *01'Jh1l Tht· 11 y

~l1JJl·1t1 AJ, c,Jh \ ,~ ..r t n~ \ \


tSIAUA I gr,1up will ffl t'Cl in

lhc ho ,r11Jht) !M m ul the Chtl. ~tu<il:nt \cntt·r 11 \pm

1,A1ni,: 11,... •i'J I", r ! , ,, .._._.. l


h ,1 Rl\11\'

Alf•iu C h, rr-t t,.1 , t-,.,. t t 1: 111 ~ I 1.·, ., .• 1 11111 t rn,·J , .11 , 1 , ••,,n,


l 3II i'f'd "'4Ut

• I ) r \f fohn t...,, urkc, ( , ,·ry,lne 1~ r,r,1).'.1,m1 ,.,~,1J111Jtur t1I f CIII • •• ') ""' .1·, pt., ,, ,. h.1., n·• , ..·ml\ h..·t II J f! r i•UHO:, I .l>.\ll\,.l T he V. 1l h ,•. ..1 f-.ilh .1.l(· l' .ill<>r t I ;:r ,I 1•, : ,1 1hc Mur.cum .1nd An ( \·,11\· t ,... 111 I, x.1, A" .t.lcm, 01 ~ 11.:11,e prc,cni ..1n ~l ntcr , .. 1 , ,l.

,,n ,\r,nl I


Hcthh~ f '-hihu until ,\ rril 10 The l"Ah 1b11 wi ll nx lulic 11nu,

"'" hlo,\d rr,·"urc <nurn,

prorcr hrc:uhins:,

11.:.. hn1qu,•, :

w t111c hl,'<'IJ '-'dh .1tnJ 1hc l I

*.y () L' lilltnt f)4"1,111un, 1,.1r o;umm,·r c>l.111 I\ hl ' '-'

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u. Ollice JI (11',II .i.u 11


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1\l umn1 .o\\,.11 d li•r !1)111 Jt

'\1,u1h,·rn .\1l.in,.: t n1 \cr,:I) •n

f.:cu of M n.'!-\.

l\l.1 c'tnhJ

\ 1, .


rn·t•i!llfll1•11 ,11 h, ,. 1.~rrt·t·r ' ( I \ 11.,· 10

,1d11,• v,·111,·n1 :,,~,1 "i;\l '

lr r>1 '\ ll,·11n- B Lh n \\' h1h•, " ''"- IJ.ll• l"lilh'\, tlr..

Arl.l,.1 inti11 ,I nd Dr

l 1,.·n:h j'h ,..:n:\ ,I J l'J!)l'r. l nh 1n, ,1J C ,,run11 11,,111om,.

arrhc,,1ion 1n, m 1h,· Offi\·,· 1,1


Sdu-ol Rdat1tln\ ,n 11,uJm S,1u1h 101 Tiw l).._•JJli nc tc•r

n.:wmm~ .lflf'lhl.tll

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19 F,1r muf\• inlrnm.1:111n \.JII b89-J12'J • Bt·II Pr1xc'-,1 n _1 11,

n,,,. .

r>p, n111f I ~ \\1 nJ, , ... . JI lhl' I ,.....,·n1k.·1h A,mL.1I \ I .·.:1:nt



h·~l .·rllll'R

N ,\ J~11111,1r-111\1' l>1\o..1phnn. <;ciu1h1,1,1. q R. r1,1n ,,J the

\,,,,, 1,.111,11 1.1.- U1i..rn,...., rn New

Dale Smith, rcucst director

Opera from pa..:r J \1\

11 l('IOL\

l' lk.' e ~

( 11mmur11l J l1,1n

Ork.in, ,lfl \I.tr\


Musicians present sr nior recital Pt'nn) l'uoi Jnd Rd~·I P:ark.cr ..., ,JI p,.. rform the ir w • mor l\:C1t.:al-. .11 X jl in, Apr,I f-. in Ak in ,\u J:1 on11m 1 hi:

11 dull Hr t-,1,nni: A..., nuhnf It> 'in111h, 1•~rJ " J\ Ilk' pt•pu lJr ffiU\I\ ul 1l~ 11m..: · \1111.in ..,, .., the ~h . .- hacl fo1..l\1in 1 ( lu tu n,. he w :h " rnrul.u rxr1111 1,wr , he ,.utl 'Oprr J "- ,1, 1hc: 1di.:v11,1on or 1/1,· ,J3y .ind 1h•I ,, wh,11 I JIil 111 IRj• Iv

IM lhe Jud,

h..• , J HI

"•'IJ , 111 f' ,111 \.(·l.'nco;, fh1m l\ 11..1 in, ,

"I tk· O~ '-ll>I\. 1)(


La ff oh l." m,· CmJ1.•fl!II:». · ,mil 0 .) l lt, ... .-rd I . \\ • II• Rrl)flrtrr

111 ,! \ I ,,, ,n


·c, 1.\1 l 11n '(uuc .

"\\ l' .1n.· ,l111n: 11. I •11 ,1, lu\l aCI ol C ,,,1 l.111

11r lhl'


t=1l .llht\\ f l l 'i Wry \'X(;lltllf

.inJ '):n rh1• n11. h J11J , \ht: Tune. and lhl.' llnJh " ' th ,· ...,1!1 pc:1l11r:n '-'••ii., n, Hint t·, SCl' i tnd ill' l cif l ' tnd1..•rdl.1 l u·,,r,e l ,1urnt.·ur n.mu'< 1 he c nurc t ir,c ,Ht 1, t I J \hlh4uJ. J nJ ~ licrn.. ~!.,n...k Dohc m\.'' ...,.11 hs p..· rh,111wJ

,111d entl·n;unin~ 1"hc'-C .u. -. Jll 1\11111)' 1.. h.1r,1dcn., lht~ ~t·o..·, J t\: 1:nmcd1c°', II I i, h\.r M"l-lO~ J IR\)V ll'

hw Th at


lh<' JI'

pea.1or or-,.·r.i ~

l' Jrl ·r 1 ['It I"\ 11,...t<'IH\I, 1, :and .ill 1l11cl' Jh' dunl' 111 ,,: \l',l ... 111J1 .. hin1,: Lnj;h\h,• ~m11h ,,nJ Pcrti;-ir\ un,· 111 th, h •'/1..' ,I :mcc wuh the J q : rcc r I ~ ·hi:· .1n,I ,ymrh, •1111.. hJ nJ J n,! r,.:r• lor rir mu, ...- rn ( dUC'l trnn 1.u,..., 111 1.1h.-ml-l.._• lk h.i\ m1-....cml'rrticin~ nl t·;•..:1.1 .,. 11 They .... di r1.rf\• rm a \,lX O• 11\, p, :i.·m,~ .! "" •h the \1.1\. hllJ l ,1lh 0 1.n,·q r,1 ph<llk.· md 01.,nmh,1 Jut'I Pl"'n l .1 , ,t'<o r~,,;us ;, ,._ J P.ul c r ,, J \tu.!..:nl .. 1 r\ !Jn 0lJ.. L. .......~,, 1.1'11 flr••I, ,,\If"' n, llo,.ud L Wc:ll, SIUJt.·n t N , , r'\' J' l ' r~\\.\ .1 , mu,,._ l k ..., 111 tx- f11:r1,,rmut~ Krrorlt r !,l!llllll p 1u 1.·,w r t'f me.,,1c,.· Sh.: ,, o1 nh·mh..·r ,,r the \ 1u -.-.,,~l~ t,\ l'.iuJ < r.:,!, m. John The <k:p.1rtmc-n1 ol inu\1~ Phi f.r q l1>n, J 1?,:t:.. nJI rro- R,"1.. l . \i l'J)'\ Ml a nd \ ha ric:: -.i.111 pn:q-nt R.u..h\ ' K.11,:l,\.1 (c-.-.111n,1l lr.H.:mu,· m mu,K. \l.u,.,;k In J JUn1or fCLIIJ I II );. In I "a,· ral ,nn;rn,·,• " 1r.;.._· Thu~ J ) . April k I h,· HIil\' .tnd AlphJ Ctu. " ~.i11vn.1I \(' nwr hun,u ...,--.i.,, I\ p.,, ,J 1< _. .ind C:'-Cl'\-1,nc 1, .:t1loufJt,:.:J m rcclla l will ht 1n 1U111 mc.m"-· r pf \1 "( , mJ r lhlrlJ.! 111.•,,J Auduormrn and I), Jfcr..:d m comrhancc: ._., uh 1h.· kTn:C UI h:ichclor u ( mU'll m \ c l JI

n:c1wl, ,lrl' 1111..•1\·d 1n , ,1mpt.





Ii_ ' 92 OIDS>IOallE

curws CllRA s

•:_ _-:.:.:.::,.

Ill "M TOYOTA CAl'lll

F r:a1c-101I). :a OJlll.J0:1I pwfo\ , 1ooaJ fr.ucrnny m mu"'·

The ICCH31 Y. 111 ri..".IIUf(' an J, performed m Fn~h sh. r· 1C'rn:h. Cicrm~n and ltahan. Tlw rnu~u: al selcl·t1o n~ \I.Ch' i..hos..- n (mm .... orko. hy UJtllc..,. Schuhcn. Dchu1,,y

J.nd \1111:ut. fhe ptrforman1.·c 1)1 fr\'\' JIIJ lht· puhl,c i~ \l.dl'Oml' In auc nd

r---=:.=-19'2 BUICII PARI AYlllUE 0r.,..111111PU7.U,

...,_, $18,988




,_ ,..,..-..

.... -$14,988 ~~

•-•-VP ···•.... , --

1111C11 wnvn ,_\'199z l:.=..-::.•~~ -Orl(IINll . . . 117,11~


P,c, h) 1enan Church She ,, J nu.:mh.·r or Mu r h1 Ep">1l1Jn

~ , -,$10,988

I F J.\ tL ~ 2/JW L



** MSU SPECIAL** I Bowl First Game I RECEIVE SECOND I GAME FREE q, 22 11 II 41 05 Maplewood Ava , -


• 1, .' (

---------------~-· students and facuity...one of our priorities!

rir this

Streich lecture



, ,·r11m1· n1 lll


I ~ 49:"/., I , .,


The many hcncfits



- - - - - ~ l~·u<'r for


n:fi~ 1hc upc.l1nc.d mrormallon. re\ullin~ m double the work and lime 111,'fllvt.:d.

lq :1.sl:a11on may be ourwe,ghcd hy 1hc. c.:umbcrsomc task of .Llmo ,t f '"' \ l \ l , tu k·nl\ r,: ironing out 1hc many details ,.:1,c ,luJ. ' l 1 .tn \m,1n1, 1n1;olved ,n 1mplemc nta11on. th.:..c .ir\: \( \ rt, rllt'h lt•JIH. E,·cn 1r Con grcs.!> pa..\.\C5 this \\h1lh 1)f'"f J t, , in j .Jir,.·ct kslSlauon 1n lhe cuncnt ses• I , •.~,, I, ,1'.l l, •Jlh ,;mn. 11 J!'J)C.1~ Wt some of 1 '-' nv 11 !ul· . I h- nJir. ~ lhc mon umental problems hi.., ll,~ P.·rl;n:. lu.Jn, . the have yc1 10 he worked o ut. '-' Orkl,uJ I, r 1~· '. ,n_:1t1.1I J JJ prohlems o f adm mmr.i• om....- -.i.11 ulJ inu .'J.-< .a hun• The 110n. sclectmn cri1cna , pmv,. Un;J r,,IJ .;;111,mi'"" ,.,11J th1~ ~io n u f 1obs must be worked ""ulJ h.- d,1r. m,n;.d It\ 1h,· ou1 the country 1s 10 rc:1p ,1u,kn1, ,1.i,111~ u J 1,ing ht.-ncfi1 from I.hi.\ proposal. dr.c" n , 101 P'•<'-''' , he ,rud the: l 'nn ·i-1~, hJ, ~\'11 , cry '-UJ'J'Orllh d ti·..: :,n in.. 1JI a id ~1lfin· Ir: Iii\· r J •I. ru: lo l h· st11t'i t11, ...,, ·1..1, 1d wuh curfrom pagt I r.:nt l"'r . 111. ' " ••uliJ t-x· d111i ncgo11a1o c learn m charge of '-uh \hl' 1J ,I ""ulJ he es1.1ihl is h1n g 1he North lir..11K.1.al J'tl

was a foaturtd sol,11~1 m IJst yc.. r, ~viv:ilJ, Glun.i~ JI

- - - - - • - - - - - --



·1n.. t11 :. n • p, •rll• n "1II .ti..,.,~ , ;-1 ~I ·m I, r 1he

K.triclsk1 1s 1hc J,-.umr.iIIISI ror !he MSU )in~t·rs .Ind

K:ipds1u . J "'1r,r.tno, ,~ J s1uden1 n( Dr llt,n \1.1\ "cll . pmfcs\or 01 mu<1l ~he 1. the dau~ll1n of J.1111,·, .io.l Slurk-y K J~l\\.1 111 \\'1, IHIJ FJIIS

1cvamp lhc e xisung program, v.h1ch ,~ cumhc,snmc at best Si mmon, c11Cd the following N: nc.111 1 r,11. ,. \ 1h;, "IJT a, ,inc c xJmplc o( duplk :auon , hurt OI ,hi ,11 C m 1IIH•II )lU· m !he ,y1,tc.m: L.lcsp1tc the fact d1·n11. "'1,. 1, · lt1Jn~ thJI the financull aid o ffice e.&n ) , .,ri v J . ' . \-~ r•1 im . ~1"1 i documc n1 a change in the SIU· J1n'U"' I · ·u 111\1.!.I rnJ, ,.11J drnt:.' fina nc ,ol s1a tus, they - I he th. ,1r1t· 1. J U\ JI uli.:J, ,11II mu,1 file ltt'il yc:m ; data. hut wh1.:n,- J n• 1JK t1,t"o, 1.11mmi; wJ1I for II to ..:ome !lack, then

ahout !I.II · nut, ,1uJ,·n1 ,

p.iti! '"

Soprano presents recital


I.Lll )l",,r ..1 11, · f'hJ1,. m rll, 11 yc.ir llJl)1,

1hc- 111111.111\ • I

dC(.ldlni! ... 11,,

Jnd mvucd lo :tlk::nJ


from pa~c I

lrnm • Wh,•. ,, 1h, u1~r11 lnr ~ ·t· II pJrtll.l-

The ('l'rformun,c ,, frt.:-e .111.t lht ruhhc ,., '-'ne(lurut'-°J

.1 mt:mlx:r


tr.·, hmen



Er-n,•,;1 Nt•..11 w ill flrt~•n1 mu"'-· .. , ,rlltn Jt ·d J t ll ,o .:an organ H."l"lfl l ;ic "\ p ni • l,tl \,. L,!1o p h ,·1,1 .tt Arni 4 ,u t he I ir, 1 M1d,, 1,,1, m h t-. IS Prc ~h)' ICri ;rn Chur, h I, ll llc-d ♦ n, ('h irk , k..tnh..:r. al 3001 Tart Bhd p,,,,~\,,•r ,,1 rr. U1J/l'm1·nt, n.·•

• S1uJcnb :nh:n.•,1,n~ in ticrni J "i.run 1 D.ay, pen cnun,;,chir , h ou 'J ot,1.\m :ar.

I ,c:em.ln. Mit c hel Ou:1nc G"''"' Al:Jn G len H••&ood

IIJnn.1, Penny ll u1c.· h1 \0n • l.1J\ Mane I rwin . Karla D. J,,hnw n. JcffWtlh:im Ju~ucc. \I Jn I , rlt , r, :anJ Rrt·nt H ~kl l..., :11n, Mcliss:1J \\ ,mJ,,11n ,• '- p11i1 - ~m,1h . ., J,. Md .iushlin, M:1rc Brian 11nt· j\f 1hc n irl., 1, r-;•1•111.'0 ~ll ~hllan. M\\I)' Rene;: PJrk. 11~un· , rn 1hl' o 1'1t.'.n,n~ l•I 1hc flJll)l I.cc PJrd<-r. knmfor C. \\ ,., 1 pJ y1u n, U.·.,h e M Penrose. 11111 , '" , ,,• , limln qu fo\'lC J Recd . Jenny Diane d,,111, \\ . " . . 111,, 1li11,111:, n:, • Jt 1'vt•r, anJ Dec Ann OJ:fllll'd :rnJ ,,'tnml·UJ\·J ll•r Rnhc.: rt~on lhnr ~,1.. dkn1 ..._hnl.ir\h1p :u ~forc .studc nu ind uf.lt'd 1 11 1 :'i;J~~~~, '.;;t. : 1 '-11.<'lc Loree Rodtcrs. Faruk ,1 1nt!J1J , , .., J.dmi...,11.>n IO 'iJlt1 ~1.. , S t:a cy Lo n Alph,, t ·1,1 S.in tc llana. L i u Marie , 1ulkn1, tu ..,_11eJ •,u·r,· S1.· htlllng. S:andr:1 Kay Hr,- 111 L ,\mk"1,n lrJC) Sd1ul1c. Kathryn Ru1h Self. \ un 11 ' "'' ~ r ,h Ann ~1.:,c n R Shaffer. Alccha L. I \ I t ll K H 'l! Sheppard, fohn W. S1cw:1rt. ~--~• ' 1 '"' •-·1 t :n ~.11; l,.1.une D Tntlon. Julil Anne Ui.rt , .\ ri l ,~1 . ·nc CJrJ(, Tud,:.:r. Troy W. W3dsworth. r,u \t ·1 ( ,-, , I 11,ahi..•th ,\ nn Jt,~hw J. Wagnt.'r :and Kelly f .,..:L,·,. ll, n1 I\ n,., ,.nJ"•rt. k .m Wimmer.

or ,l~\()Unt -


D,1nyc:lla R f.dwudJ, S:1rlh Ann 1-:iigkdow, Jo ni Nadine

..11 1 h,,n

0" 1, 11111 11 tl urn n 11n k\ tur1.·J ,,n ·1h, I C),!,·ml o! JcJ 11 f,.ih " mrttt \luun1.11n

♦ 11t'lll'l\' I{ 'l...il hr\ . ,h·

~O\'IJl\' prt,t,•,.._,r lO~ WI ii r,·ln\·c

1·111 I l>r \Ii lu l ht

~-'.:~·:}"~:::::::.,: ~:·:~:: ;',:~};~~~:~hb·/· ~~



PaJe 3



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Amcric 3n Free Trad ~ Ai:rc<'ment ( NArfA). The hi ll is pending in Washing.to n. hu1 SacriJliln s.11d he is confl. dent lh:11 tM aerecmcnt will be puc mco crrccc in January, 1994 The program cnck.'d with a 4ues1111n and answer session

...,,,th Sxristan. Distinguished members o f the audience in• duded Mr. Coed Streich and Mayo< Mt<hoel Lam.

J( )S'T'~~~S

.htt.!kli.,·,·ry I wiro.' a <lay to MSU! •I.if\......, -,c~ 1 n1 .f II•

, , I -. ~•~I ltm1,1nrt ,n lt'Ulfl\,1 1

• V\111fW1r n-.i " • , }(r,,,,.,hJ ,1, " 'I

.l ' P~19~?ll• · Xf M\ L •1"'' ~ I ,n1n. lH~ •\ .,..,

0 ' -. .

.-...,,._,,., Iv.., I

. 1,.,, ....,1 1i

.. -

1992 IUICIC SCYWK .....,.,,_:===:---()rigftJllli:IPSll.ltl

..., -S9,988

BRODIE BUICK · MITSUBISHI 2213 Jacksboro Hwy 7664191

"Ooni Bring Much Money, You Won't NNd 1r


· \.',I, 1J, ,. f''' · h u -1 , f'l•"'l'- · · u

.,.. , ,.,_ ""'' '"'




<1 11



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""" " ~" l'r "



Orderyour .... • • . college ring NOW. Date: I\ 1· ll. & THURS. Time: 9:30 to 4:00 l'l:tn ·: \ISL! IIOOKSTORE

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Tirnnd11y, A1>rU I, Jq93

Pa1" 4

Team Arrow Road Races

~:.~{S: s4' ~


.!rw•. M..:,.lJI.IYI'

'-4),f""la:, . 1,,..,

h ,,,_ l ...,..-wt, a - s k -

1'\1f1111 ( nM'l• \otM....4R..:.-



The' t, ,II·'"'" ,' ,. ,

«-.i'IOJ ' OAA I ,,irr t.il-4.' pl.t~ ..• ~l••n.! .., 01) lfl( I I\ ( 0.1fllr ;. FJirv. J) 0 .1 l. , ( 1<u•1r 1n At't1k:nr

.\ I r • :

'll ,:

a...,,. ;,



omrns: t..a,a,._,,.,. ,,., ~ " ' -l !wa(IOI

Sponsored by Robert Clark

Race set for weekend ly


(,hus 'j'""'Edllw

Team Am,w. ..tong wuh

tn dov•nlOwn WK.h1ta F:111'- t,o Apnl 4.

l y A.Un P.h luHd t.- -""'l• k, l •fflf'• \Vh.at d1.s11ng1mh..:, 1h1, F1C\al Four 1~ &hat l'''t:I)' p.u11, 1pm1 ha, a leg1\lm:u,: Vl()l 10 v.in the t1tk

I .m lull) .l""V\: 1h:u the Kc.:· ntu1,•, ky h:.i,


W ,ctuta fl.lit Bh.'.)1.hni;

The Collcic: tc;am\ "'111 OUl)Ulh:J l hc O('(H•,1tion. Club. 1) 1pansonn1 the F1m ~·,,n tbc Di.JC ac X • m .and ~ -.:6-1. In lhc lOUmlmc.nl ,o Annual Oa yh1h1 Sa\1ns, ...onu.n ut 1hmugh noon The f:ar lnd ..,,on c.J,:h t>r ,t.. fo11r CnlC:num l n1h.J Srah;, C)Cltng ~JfflC'~ hy lll lt:J.,t .:' \ f'llJln l~ College 1oms Irom 1hc FNkn.uot1 RKO "''di ~ ii 8 u1 the W1ld...m, m1¥hl South•Ccntnl Collrg1ih.' 12 :i() p m and will c(\nlJnnc hllw f'l~ycd too well for th..·ir Cythna; C'onfcn:n"c w,lt rxc ...nlll ~rm i 1v.n r uc•d The) hJ,•,n't .ilt h(

lov.cd thc:m-.chc'i to~ IC\lcd

Tennis team has up and down week

.,. s..-


S port. ►:dllM'

The MSU men, tcnn1, team Ooun., hed l,ut ,.~•, k

1i.11ns1 th..: Un1,cn1ty ,,1 D.11lla.s '7- 2). Jlnv.1nl P•)nc

(.S-4) 1.nd ~ul R,,._, , ,i; :1. while: lhc WOll'k:n, h.'Jm !d i

short in their three mall he, I.he 'lffl( comr,cl•U n. The women 'i k.jffl :0,1 1,1 tht Umver" I) ,,1 0.1.!IJ~ U>, •1,


UowarJ P.a)'TW' Ros, lf,l/)

<4 ~,

J.nd i;u:

cornpcu1c.w- ""ho ~,111 find~ UITlt.' h) i.nulc when 1h,· nc, ~io n

..,,arr.ants 1L Kln\J}

k::id1ni; ,con.·r.

&;ulrd RC'l WJhcn. cc-n~1d·

cr..:d ua.n,r,•mng 10 UCL A af1cr 1,••ving N1n1hv,.c,1crn

lolluv,. mg h,, -.urhomorc yc.u

Thurnh\ up 10 lm11;1n:1 C"l,;alh Bo h Knight IM n:lu"• mi: 1hc .1l1h1 th.1t crnt~r Al.in I knJcnt•n w~ :ah!.; h' r t:iy onl y three m1nult:'i J:J:,iln~t

8 1E~~,t h11 u l 1 r.,,; >J'l':, ,inik ~.1nJ.1.i , New Y,irl Y.1.nl \·,• I'll, ' .'7 }-

K.1n.):1, rhc mo,1 c.wr1d nww ti)

w;at; th(

~ ,ffl('h..+t,I) u i,:111n~ to ~nc J .lmJrt lfl.lCh dunng Ilk: ttiur• 1h,:m .1 '-1lflt.." m Ne..,, l>rlc.:m, n.imi:nt \\' :L' thl· 1t'Chmlal 1\>hn ~ h n:mJHb ll' he \CCII h1•'4 Ch,Hll'Y ,,1 T,·mrk dR:'4 hlf they v.111 r c.l(. I M1~h1~ h.L, thi.: mn,t UI· foul bni,:ua.~c \lhcn hi, h:.:m1 t.' nt ~ 1•nh C.,mhn.1 h:ac. 1l, '-'J..' trJ1hn~ M11..h1l!,.lfl hy 0111) h.."-t I, ,m 1n )<:.a r, K..in., ;,, li,·c poin~ wuh I .,19 kit


Kka fll f'l"llllJlll tn,ur.ri...,.·, . th !.! M 1n1w,1'1J \ ·t.1r 1

Pica....:. Rl.'fb'c.' \\ hill' •.;•

• A hrigh1 note tt, the h.» lhc k ,hl l.llt'nl, bu1 per• I( :an)1>0C h.1d a ngh1 to ,.omen·• "-'CCk, M"-·,·,·L"r I.\.J• hap., tt'M! hc:.\I Ch,\,. h It ·~ c..~y i:ompllm. 11 wu M1ch1ban

rNt)l Wng_hf, Win iS:llMt u-. "'' -.._ h) kn) Wc~1 oncrcJ

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