April 20, 1995

Page 1

Walker concert

Students and the environment

Montana retires

The Wichitan

Volume 73, Number 22 :::::

Thursday, April 20, 1995

ii@fiiffiNIQMMN Newsfi_\

MSU community works to better the environment


briefs w CA , rPUS EVENTS Al::aD 81.\ck will d1ro.;1 the ~lSU JU1..1 ensemble 1n

an ou1door ~r1 ing c.:onc..-cr1 oo Sund>y Apnl 30 >I ~ p.m. hthind the- Fam Fine ArtS Cen1er.

he added. ThuMrly Eysscn According to Balla.rd, :an StaiffWritt r MSU chapter of 1he Sierra Midwestern State Uni• n,ent ,s. sponM,n ng a sen~~ Vl"f'\1ty ~tudcnt,; .and faculty Club began in 1991. with of free psycho lo gy chnrq. arc doing 1he1r p:m to help Ar<il 21~28. _T opics ,ncludc keep the environment clean ::ituni! po.ccnung ,;;lnlls. gn..-r man hy rcqcl 111i and promoung faded aw11y and is c urrendy agem.:nl, Jbu~1\'\: 1-clJ1io ninactive. <"nnronmcntal aw:artnc.\.',. sbips. ,1~. nuuIuon :rnd Paul Dowleam, o wner or The W1ch11a Falls Sme exC'tcl~ and lhSCrt)VCOl'l-:il Spring football drills begin Wichita Valley Ulindscaping. M usp11al ha.s hccn recycling 1ra1mn,. Clm,~." will l'C says w;ch11a Fall\ 1s doin, r arer w11s1e from MSU since held ,n 1he Clork Srudcnt better 1han mos1 parts of 1992. A nalysis ... Cencr.r rooms 108 and J()I.) Doug 1-hckman, manager Texas. where pollution and and O'Donohoc bu1hhn~ vf the pJ~r ~cydin; work• wautc: remains 3 problem. room Dowlcam said he got into .\h op :l l the hosp1tlll, c,, f1la10cd the: rccychn1: the nursery husinCS..'i henu..-.c Student gOvt.'mmem or he hkc:d to grow 1hings, not procc,;,; f-tr\l, l hckm;an said By Brian Ballard . ficC-f'J were ('l('Cl<'d laM E n,•iron~ntal R Thi5 an1cll• will h1ghh£hl banning of the use (lf DOT in hf .tnJ J paid p,mcnc from the because he w:i.s 1n1ercs1cd in ,tt~k Winners mdui.Jcd Some . 'J!Orfu the growth (ll 1hc environ• 1hc fonili U.S. ,..crs (hut and insects. not the u pon of hm p1tal come 10 MSU and Jtsst. ~cndc,. H,:c:-pn:.~122. the 2~ P1e ~ink April mental movement m tlw U.S. DDT 10 01tler countn~\ by p1d. ur wJ\le paper from the Dowlcarn s oid th.1t the Earlh Oa ~nnivcrsary of thl·sc pa.sl 2.S years. in add1• U. S. chemical compamei J Hu.,1nc~, OHiu.~. the com• public 1s becoming more deol, ' Jdinl! Kotnig. Jt:CTe. and ,t.~ ccti~ will find Eanh 1100 to cununing M:,·cn1l of und the pa~agc of m111onal pu1cr l.1h. and the Nursing knowledgeable about organte l.'lf), Gor~t.ln MomL1IO\l, d gy better off lha.n the moS,L cnlical e1w1ronmt•n• lc g1sla11o n including the dcp,.rtmcnt uf M ~U Bd:11h Tellier ::rnJ A na products and have been n.:· 10 1970 man UC to the passage of tal dallengc.A ...,.e iaL'C. F..n\'1ronmcntal Protccuon Ac1 Paula Bom.· ~o "L"l"e el...·1--1cd The p~pcr 1~ lllc:n hack 10 ccn1ly coming into his s1ore J/7vuonmenta.l laws at u( 1970, lhe Clean Air :and the ho\p11.1I. where paid pa• ask.mg for them by name. st,alOI tlA$.S SCn.J.lots~ T) 0311 One of the produc1.i. most Ho...,e \!r and s tuc lcvcb. Mod,m Environmenta l Clean Waccr acu:, and the ti<'"I ~ ~para1e 1he paper Pb1U1n..~ J nt.l An.1 Sun~,n arc JUni,)r t l;J~\ \t"RJ• taliw ~ '!rose cnvironmcnMovtmenl CntJanKercd Spt:c1c1 Act of .cc,,rd,ng 10 1h1cknc.u and ukc:d fo r 11 D1a1om.ace-0us our' . t I ormed conclude 1973. In all, there wtrt over Earth. a b1ologu::ally safe inUU1 J fld ,J1.1,h!l GJhrtd clforts to preserve the 23 piecei of legislation ~;,1:1J~~·: · scc11e1de thal works by and JunJlhJn Arady .in: cnv!ronment amount 10 Rachel Carson's hook passed dealing with the cnv1 - money <1h1.a1ned from lhc re- de:moy1ng the cxoskele1ons qew sorhomor.: da,, l,,('nJ. fuuing J b:indaid on 11 gapini; S1ftn1 Spring. fir5t publi5hcd ronmcnl in the intervening cyt.le<l paper g<,c.\ back 10 the of ln5CCIS Since insccL'i have olc still gushing blOOd Imm m 1962, raised th.; specter of years hl,!>ptt..d to pay wages Lo the no coagulauon ability like the plancl's he:u,,. an Eanh depicted of iu vari• Some of 1hc laws worked p:uicnL\ Snme or the money humans. they dry out and die. The cnv1ronmcntalists' ous bird 5pcc1cs due to the fairly well. The bald e:igle u \pent lo fomtsh cquipmc.n1 Oowlcam said. Diatomaccous ACHIEVE~ TENTS \'erd1l'.t ~olhmg we do at this wi<lcspn.!ad use of highly which was on the verge of for 1hc rccyc.ltng proeram. Earth is also used to wonn E!Gvcn chan~r meml'k!n ~int will P':(vent multiple. toxic, broad spectrum pcsti• cxtinc1ion in the 1960s made H1ckm:an sauJ. animals and purify water. of ~!SU\ ~·huph.:r of lhc hfc•thrcaicning ecological cides s uch as DOT. This a comcb11ck once O~T wu •The organic movement ~fary Cage, admini.stra• Odtll S1~ma Theta 'o()rPnly ca1a.nrophcs for Earth and iu book, written by one con• banned. The same can he said 11\'l" ass1sian1 to the director 1s gctti ng stro nger,.. said ftf'e inll1JleJ Apnl 7. N.:w spcc,cs towards the middle of cemed individual. initiated for most other birds of prey. of inform:mon systems. says Dowlcam. 'Non-toxic' and mtmtliCr\ .in.· \ l\phi'lm orc~ the 21 .~t century. perhaps lhc modem environmental Rivers and wate rways the SI.Jte hospmd pick.,: up 'recyclable' slog:ins arc politi• sooner. S11l1, 1hcy argue we movement in the United were cleaned up to some c.-c• '""o 50•g.1llon harrels or cally correct and they sell Bndge1 CIJrk. ~hJquJnJ must t.ike immediate and States and the world. tent. The Potomac River wa.,1e p.ipcr from t.hc com• products.. he added Htll. lkM~ rc1J Hi\l mJn. dra.\oc. steps 10 mitig.ue 1his The alarm raised by flowing by Washington D.C. pulCr lah\ c:Kh week. Del>orah RJy. Junwr, ·Some companies u~ the oncoming d1.sas1cr. Carson eventuaUy led 10 the smelled like an open sewer in Mu:bcllc C Jmphc:-11. John C:atron. an employee s logans for advertisi ng 1970. but smelled almost 31 the ho5p1tal's recycling purposes and not to be Ra..:helle Cherry. T oni pris tine by 1987. Catalytic worbhop. said the: plant re- responsible, but that's okay a.s Jones. Ce~diJ Frall<:r .1nJ converters wen: required for cycles paI)\:r from over SO lo ng as wh:11 they do will ,tniots Li,. Hick~. foyce mos1cars to help clean up the comp::inK'.\. ~me c'"•1i1pames help the e nvi ro nment.· McCorJy and Linw Sims air. ManufacLurcrs and utili• m.:yck their "''a.\tc on an u- Dowkarn .said. nccdcd b:l.'>1,. he: added. S.. Earth Doy pq, 5 A MSL1 i..·.un \ron,;,ur.:J Anyone tntcrcsled in be· Bri.1n Bullard. ~SU coming more in"olvcd in by the hiSIOf) J t:pJ1Lmen1 student and mcmhcr of lht protcc11ng the enviro nment hccn :n MSU •u .) 1w.JrdeJ .tn Ou1\tand· J ames Winham n S1err.1 Cluh. ...ays he feels th~ can aucnd the next meeting Applican1s for 1hc award mg. ~kfllhln Aw:1rd at Rtpor1er gcnl!rJllOn •~ irresponsible. of the Red River Sten. Club. An hon urs banq ue1 must be in the top JO pcn:cnt d1ie: regional c-onl<:r.:m:c of · 11·s very \ hor1-s1dcd to The, regional organitat1on·s recognizing o u1s1anding: of their class. The Hardin die Model Loosu< of Ar,h not take care of our environ• mccung wall be held ThursMSU s tude nts will be held Scholar is chosen by a Suoos held JI \IS U Apnl 6mcnt. " said Ballard. " We arc day. May 4. 11 7:15 p.m. in Fn day. Apnl 21 at 7 p.m. in committee compriM:d by Or. g nuc~ m~m~1 s uf the MSU stude nts will head passing this Earth on 10 our the Catholic Campus Center Rogers, Or. Farrell, Dr. lhc D.L. Ligon Coliseum. 1t1111. P:ml Sprau. Jru K mt• anJ t wo bock 10 the voting booths this children and j?flndchildrcn.• a1MSU. According to the Dean or Rodriguez b.Dp:r And Craig Mc, t~n, rc presc::n1111ivcs from lhc week 10 elect a s1uden1 hody won 1nd1vidu.l1 awJrds 3~ Stude nLS Office, there are I 2 Hardin prc.~iden1. Founda1ion. awards for Ouutandin g <'IICStand1n.g <lclc~atc!. The ::award i~ based o n the Student The awards include: de m o n s tr atio n of .Govcmmcn1 Prcsldeot _ wiU Outs tanding Freshman Man The 1994-95 MSU Carlo~ ll\omas rccch•cd achievement in at least one of :i,cld April 18-Apnl 21. • Jeautiu. Be.:tus. Favori1c., and Woman. Ou1s1anding the foll o wing areas. the mos1 \'Otes but did not . . -C.dida1e1 in lbc run-off S o ph om o re Man a nd 11d Lord anJ Lody Mid• a maJority of the 356 T1mherl) E ~ 'i.Sl' ll !:zortn An1l1 a.nd Carlo.s • Woman. OuLSlunding Junior c11i1.cn~hip, campu11 honors. c:irn 11t11tm v.'cre c:lect<.·d Apnl ;..lbomu. valid ballo11 cast d•1rmg the Staff \\ rilrr • Man and Woma n. campus oc 1ivi1ies. aud April e lection. according 1-7. David Noll onJ Amy 10 A Pllll h.' JnJ htkrn~ ; Votina times and places: academic areas. An award of OuLo;landing Senior Man ~nd St uden t G o.,,crn ment D, .,loore wen: c hosen oulm~ \\ ill tl..: hL'IJ SJ1urJJ). : arc: Tuesday, April 18. from :, Woman. and Ou1s1anding 52.500 goes wi1h the honor. secret a r y 1\pnl 22. in the \\ i...hua • 9 Lm.•1 P~Dl.. in the CSC • Loni and Lady M1dwcs1cm The Clark Scholar Award Assoc iati o n Gr:idu:ilc: Man and Woman. Rebekah Boone. M oun1.m11, Wddh fr Rclu~c Ill : Atrium and 6 p.m..•8 p.a . rapocuvely Senior cl:»s Awards fo r Man and is awarded 10 a sophomore cdehrJIC 1h1..• 2!ilh J111uvc1)J1) • Pierce Hall. • !ftorilc.s are Tnna Up· s1udcn1 who earnc<l at least Wom:m or the Year will also 01 EJ1th Day Th_c hl(.'JI R~·J : Wcdnaday. April 19, : Cbrth and Zoron Arul> , be pn.:scnied at 1he banque1. 40 credit hours . .JO of which River ~hap1e1 l'II tht· S11: trJ •from 9 a m.• l p.m. in tbc • Thom:u rcccl\·cd 17 I llllior class beau1fos and should be from MSU. The Jwards arc hascd _o n Atrium, a.nd from 6 The Clark Scholar is voles, but needed 179 for a Cluh 1, 'f'fln,nrm!,'. the c,·cnL lea., ..-e Siaccy S1anely •r:1dc po1n1 averagt", si:rv.1cc Act1\ 11,i:, will mdude J • p.m,•8 p.n:1. in I.he Mofrau:, chosen by the Academic majority. A majority \'OCC 11 ad Zoran Arul:s. Juni<Jr M SU and the community. Council. An award p1rnH: l11nd1 ll\1111! 1cu, at'lk : Library. fifry pcrccn1 of lhe vote plus • of S 1,000 tlaM f:t" orit~S Jrc: Mis.,y ho nor,; and JwJrds. and o ne. according 10 Boone. dlllnl'l \\ ,l11,.' ·1\\U \ 1p 111111, fOI . Thursday, April 20. g('ICS with the honor. r.r...,,,ay ond J P. Keor- summary s1atcment from ihe h,km~ will al...:l ~ Jvadahk. % Thom.as 9 a.m,• received l p.m. in 48 Iha percent CSC • The Viola Grady ae,, S<,phClmorc da~s fo • nomrncL:s. The MuJcn~~~ Leadership Award and John Of the VOie. one lc!i, ,1n:nuou."' for pcoplt! • Blue Louoge, and Crom 6 1'nles :m: Cry.stJl GL~ and m1na1cd by .· who cn1o y ~111 111 ~ und : p.m.-8 p.m. in the Moffan • L. Stewart Award will also be lad: Amidt!i, c;ophomorc onor(;ani1:111ons or d1\·1s1on-.. Ohscrvrng nJIUfC, :in<l one : Library. : awarded. The Viola Grady 4-beauties and hcJU\ JI\! Other awJ r<l~ to he Leadership Award 1s based mnrc :1dvcn1uroU\ for pcopk : Friday, April 21, from 9 • ~ 'l lilli.tm)on unJ Drew Zoran 1\rula was second who like 10 explore rL:~cn1l.'d 3 1 thl! hanquct on individual .scr"ice 10 the . a.m.• I p.ro. in die CSC Blue : lfJni. 11.t.\hm.in dJ,.~ fl· fncluJc: t-larJ1n :ind Clark community, academics. and tn the bJIIOling wi1h 120 An,unc lnll' le,\ ICd in • Lounge. • ~tt.t Arc DJwn Aher· vo1c:s, followe<l by J.P. altl'.nd111g lhl' 11111111g ~htluld : ... All studenu are. eli&iblc : leadership T he John L. ~ rod Tr~vis Panc.."t: and SL"~~~~;>~ding 10 1hc: Oiiicc of Stewart awards as given 10 an Kearny (:\5). and J.W. Justice Oll' t' I JI 1hc Ca1ho il<.: CJmpu, • to Y<Me if they pre,cnt a valkl • fresfua:in bt.a\lllC! and Aca<.h.:m1c Affairs. thL: Hardi~ MSU organ1 z_;u io n thal ('.10). Cen11:1 .11 MS l ' .11 I) a m ,ln ~SU I.D. lluulll wiU .._, Ire O,wn Ahcrnn1hy Studenu can \'Ole in the Apri l 22 f111 ,1dL1111on.1 I ~tcd Sa1urdly, April 22.oo: Schnlar Aw;1rd •~. pr~:~~o i:xhiblL'i s tron~ Jn\<Olv_cmcnl usual loca1io ns on campus m1<111n:11 1on " " th~ ,1u11111,! . .µbe door oC lbc S1udea1 • Old F,,..k S.·hmiJI d on the campus and m the 10 :J cum;Jll MSU JUO through Apnl 21. • "'d al lc:L.,1 75 ere ii t.tll \ 1.u> PJ1.,l...1 JI 692•tJ77X :ffli'}Hl'i'Ji.t.of& . ..... community. ~~su~1-~rn~f which. 45 ha.,,e

Tb< rsl'<holnty dcp•11-




Earth Day retrospective




Banquet to honor MSU students

Student president to be elected in run-off

Hiking trip {**it~:-~?r.·1~t·~.~~~:.~ be: PIanned arc:,

in :




rro,a,: !



- -- - ~ E1.n!.AJt~eoe:rlLJtua:11i~n.!,.m ,~ e~n!,.t<----:=:: l ::~

~r.ge~2 ~ Th!!!,!; lll'S~ d•L_!r,A~pr!!_: 11 ! ~() ,1 !9'l,L !!S

'Rob Roy' features quiet action hero Larr y UIII, \to\ lr Rt, ir wc-r fhc 1h: ,, r,lm R11h I~") ·

.1rJ" 11 tun- u11 I h,,11,11 It , .1n '"'1..'1 C\1111~ l dtn '"''l.11"•,.' : 1 , l ,, f ll t'lcl \\ ,:CJl \\Jlllln!! IP I'\. ,1111\ ,' \h'l1 )' .111J J ll Jth\'ntUll' I 11,• J illi th,· ltlnl ,lllll.l"l" \lJl t,. th coun1, Uu1 th..- J rJ, cnH•h' ., J11 ..-ril 1,, 1l 111 kH·

\llm ClUTI ..-\

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,11\rJ J\ ,I I\' • ~uh '" R1,t, Rn) 1, :t 411uct ('mntum,;al :h h ,:ntUI I.'. 1,,I; -. 1th )tr,•n~ \·h.11Jllu, mW,! Jd 111 J luuJ ,;at,,.;a,1H, ,1 unt lllk,1 h i thl' l•n,• , IN )'

;&l,.\U)n ,tt•f)

11w hl' J II n l Ito~ l<t1) "

Dr. Lynn Hogan!

the 1d .,11,11',h1r 1'.. 1,\ ~, n f{. ,t, Roy JnJ hi, w1t,· !\lo11) J.:, !.ICJ l.JR);l" .1nd L1Jtn 1\\•..:,1•n


:U'e Cl Ll'pl1nn:il l1•~\!lh1.: r 1 he lo1c Jnd PJ..'-\Wn f'\.•t'A-.'C tl the

Hoggard expresses A Certain Attitude M11;:-x Loyd l11cnry Journal · Guss As.sodatt ~dltor Roob '" :i.s well a~ rt:&dings The poetry nf Lynn He>s· .;;hl• :utcndl."d 1hmughou1 the ~ar d .


Frc-n c h




Sl:lk' RlH


Mdl<i:a Sullh 111n

Mu.sic rt''-'ICMU Elion fohn. frl!sh from wmni n&ht\ Ac.idem) A,.,,a,rJ fo r th .: · L1un Ki n~ · .$Ounduac- k. h:as rcccn1l y n:-k:a.\td a fk:w .album c:Jlll.!d "M:ade an England: And al~J' hstc.n1n.: 1n 11. I 'NJ S bctinnmg to h 11pc h,: woulJ h3,-c :at le11sI riu.:kcd up some varie ty 10 his mu~1.._


·cittpcr fo:hnrs ""'Cft stin"tJ chose ohout 10 from e.u-h by rd.1 11o n1,h1r ,1: :ind .... Oler :.nd indudeJ ~ c or friends · Sh.: s:mJ · when " hl-r own wmin1t!..

poem h.ippcn,.

harpcni, C\U t \, 1

11 :ilways J cr,mpkit

~cl o f c mnw:~ns tens ion,; ·


Hog:1.1rd l!t n N :i n .1l1,·;: Tuan hl\ln~ t'll.:cn N'lrn 1n Lou.siiiu B ui she h:lS liYcd

in 1hc Tco s for 21 )'('31'S She said her poem~ and 1hl: poem.s of tht n the r poets CJtJ)fCSS a . h.lrder edge· thJt Tuu v. om\' n ,;c:em lo have She added tha t Tc-u\ women h:a ve :a cc: n ain · spunk" and · humor· to

!hem Hoii!ard bcc:amc in · \- Ol\·cd with 1ht pro)(Ct artcr

a eonvcr~t1on ihc h;id with the book's edi tor Uliura Kc-nndly Kenne lly came: 10 knr-w (cm::i.lc Tex:is poe t\ 1hrou; h he r work :a1 the Un1vas11y of No11 h Tc.11:u :and u cd11or of the

lfo{:.gl rd'\ ohcn st.atus ""a, n111 ~ c.;ince rn 10 Kennelly. '"Once you Im; hen:. :md m.ik.c your home here you're .2, nJ IJ\'C Te:c:i.n,>h< »Jd S in ce the book's puhhc:u mn In c,uly Mu ch, the Sl.!vc.n women h,;a ve given scver:il rc:ad1ngs in the Oa lla\ 1F o r1 W o rt h mc trnr kx 0 1her re adin gi n:n ·c: bee n scheduled :at loc:ations :aero).$ the ~late. Hon:ard :added. The MSU Enghsh club 1) )pons.onnc 11 reading by four or 1hc seven poeu on Apn l 27 at 7 p m. in the C l:11rk Studen t Center 1h\! aHc HCtggard a nd Kennel ly, :along wnh poets Vn.ky Lee S,;ant1cjtcha n and SuAnnc Doak w ill he f,•JIUn:d

1h<rc The :alhum t'il:~ins ..,. 1th ·nc.1ie,·e: "' h1ch :ictuJll y hJd ~omc prcu y i:ool v1nhn, 1n I.he 1n110, but 1hc lync.\ "'cn: hJn:al and mo ch.:..:.,) 1"1" my 1:1\IC h l Onltnu..-, .... , ,h 1t,c tllk ll"!ld;. \\•hich IS :i hlllc r:a.-.ic, .ind 1nduJ n lyuc , ahou1 m~ up m En~l.inJ "Mo u, \!· h;:id :,, , lt,w wah1.•hkc ~ :1o1 to 11. :rnd :im:umgly · c r-1cr sounded IU~l like II My IJ\OOh: tr.1, k on lh( ;,!hum lJ nd th-.:1,· w~.-.n·1 much \J rti:ty to cho.._· from) \liJ\ '" P.a1n" w11h 11\ e.11chy intro ,;and smo(llh ru1r feel. John J!X., h" vl•11,1on 111 an "0 1.k 1r1 J, i;l,;and" " " h




~~t ~~ ;!; 1:.~nf:~~k ~ 1

1han p,;ay h:t<.' k 1tw mC1n1:y 111 1h( m:irqu1, Rnh R ,l) m,ulh ham r.ind l um, lum'l.'.11 mto J fu~111, c Cunnint:hJm lhl·n le.id) a rulhlc!r.., JIIJ\ ~ ,;a;.1in,1 Roi'! Ro)', wile rl.a y,:J h)· k.\s1lJ Lrn t:1.' . .1nU thl' cninc ~•1Jc.:Gn.-~11r , IJn

"Beltmsl," whic h has an 1Rltlt'31C orchcMni IRlrO ,hat

camcs on for mlmost two

,nrnulcs Cxcu,;c me, 1houi,;h. I du.In'! rc:ahtc John was Irish and I d1d1f1 thmk he lived the war over 1hcre fim hJnd. but \,h well



nv" tnt: and

" .ihout a lon~•J isunce fC1ve, \\lm.:h 14UU ldn l be that h;:id. 1r the next ~ ng - p1c;ase'" d1dn'1

~ und lll\ t ltkc II. - Man" was 1',y fo r the wor-:c soni; on the alhum and 1h..· mm, to "L1C's· )Ounds hk-c i.:::irl) 1980 ') Jll'f'I• and I don t mc:;1n that tn J £ood W.1)' 1 hc :ilhum end\ '4·ll h ~Blessed: wl111; h 1s about w.inttng .1 .._.h,ld Wh.1t h:ippcncd Ill the rod mt n ff.;. 111 "Hnnky Cat. 1hc heJuty of "Tiny Dancer· ur "G ood t'l)'e Yellow Bnck Rood"''

I don't l: n1,w, bu t don·, look Jor II hcr1· h\' "Lmn Kmi: SoundllJCk huge lor fohn. But I J on·1 think -~l,;ad~· ,n En~l.1nJ" •~ C'ven d•"c tu "h,11 the m.1n 1s t.:Jf'Jh!c ,,f putunc totcthcr 4










fe.atunng ou.r lnram()1..tS


'Macho Chest' and 'Sexy S1lhoucrto' Cont ests



Dnnl,. \Jtr<MI\ :.ti, \\'mr Wrn Prtnk\~ Ordfl Rttr I 1111100


Country artiS t

named JY'J"\'s Top New Ar1 "1 Country music rcr1ormcr hy Rml,o & Rrcm·t/( rc.ickr, 1~ <.urm n ~ tr1le \\ J !. ,;al.so m1m1nated 1,1r Mc mnu.i l A,1J11 onu m 11 11 Oest Nrw Male Voc:ilt)t J t SundJ)', Apn l 111 the Amer ican Mus,c A"".thh Uo1 on ttk: hl.·d_.. nl W.ilk• :and lhe ndu!olry, ACJU1..· 1n) 1 er·, current numt'l..-r one \ In , 1( Cnuntry Mu\\l i\wJ1J , W.ilkcr hJS :ipf",.' J f\'U ,1n ,h~• all the h1b ol!' h,s pla11num Tnm,r;ht Shm1 :ind h.1, ••r,:.:n.:rJ debut .tltlum, C/f/1 Wn ll rr. IOf , ufk."ri.t.u l OUnty ""(!. ./\ :i.nd his fl1llow•UI"' ,;alhu m. If I 1,kc Gc11ri!I! S1ro1 1t J nd AIJn JJck~Cln J-k h.i, .;aprx·,;arl d c1111Jd nw1 r II L1rnr,t.: Thi, la!t .llhurn 1, lhc numh,:r l ll\lf w11h T.1n)J T ut. ku ,ind J\ J alhum 1n th e c nunlf) , "Ver)' Srcc1JI G oc,t \1" lh.: acC'ord1n ~ u, ll.u1.hl?.,u:.J l'J9.i 8 ro4,1L., ,;anJ Dun n ·1,1ur · CJ,;a y ., J. 1t•r •nc1tlh ~ Tc1p Album \ 1 Chan ~:,•~r; J~~.~ W.ilkcr's dct-ut )rn~k n.:· 1(-3~'() tn Allf!U\I ol 19'J l \\J\ w ill ddin11d y h..: .1 l llOl.l rt yo u won'1 w,101 U"I m1,, • nnc 11( 1hc lu~hl',t Jchut .11 Jn mmg. WJl kcr ""'11 J !1-11 hums 1n the Rr, ,lw <1 n1J Rrcnr,b L11o1rl h1,1111 )·, anJ bl:' 3 s~ c 1al ~uest. to 0..: an d1mbcd to n1.1mll\.·1 unc ,1n nounc~ 1:atcr Ticket, arc J~J dJ ~k .;it ho1h U1llh,1.;arJ .1nJ R&R ch:ut, , 111ml ) C\IJh h,hm~ Ca ,h•A•Check n n Kt·mr WalL.cr J , J \ 1in1cntk·r III tht: Stn:c1 or ch:aric hy !"'hone Jt 1:m•f'!,11.'.crJ. ~hll)' "" orld ol 817·69 1• 172) . T 11.ke1~ arc cnun1ry musi c He wa, $ 18 plus service charge

Cby W,1 lkc r

~~~.: ~:./)\h~~••:~~·,c:~;;

!~t:~ Gt.~



LAeo~F F o s r E. R..







\\1lhn' To Wal~


! MDU<~D ~Dffil~~ION :


tr:ivding home with 11. R.ulx·r

~i~~:~::J~r,.· schedules concert 'Made in England' not John's best work in Wichita Falls

She foll tlll: poets were gettini; cnou[:h 1nc n1ion she decided 10 comrulc a Attuudt· Pos:ms by Senn book of thc u rcspec uvc work s Kenne lly said she Touswomc:o The hook ,s the first tn .11\o kh the poets e~h1hlh.-d {ca1urc l-lon :1m, s ~ try .in ;utuudc UOK)UC 10 Tcu.s She h» t-.ccn f11lbh $,htd women, '"Texas women 1.J'C prc\liously in litc n r)• d1fl c rc n1 in a \'t ry good Jnum:.ls She s:11d she bcg;in w;i,y/ ~he s.Jid. wn t1ng poc1ry 31 :i very S" poc1s fr:uu rcd in youni; ::.g:..: Hoej;;ird :added 1 that while 1n col!lc£C she ·:~~ hc,:in \,l.fll in, more .1s pcxm) c:ach Kennelly then

pmfcS.\ot, 1i. fcJt\u'CJ in th4!

IWO ch31JCll!IS (H Jl llt.:J II) Jumr~ of1 1~ ,r1.'Cn Ncc,,in Gl\'(1 :l p(ll urmJ rK'.C \ I r ~u,1.t \Cns111,,1y lhJt " r.al\·ly \i!C'l In lod3) -. .l\.ll !lll hl.n""\.' , \V.,_• c.1n.- .1hi.1u1 Ruh lt oy ~1.'JII ~ of Ihi.· lk.•1.11111111 h1. ll'\!" io tm wife Jot.I h1, l.;am1 ly) h,in,11 Whl· n M.in h..' ltirn..:, th\' \ ll'hm ,11 ,;a' h,•rnt-k l 11111l' , L a nie'!. :«:lln ~ ,urn, t1<t H' :md poW(rrut Shl' m,1nJ~l'.-' 10 ~hn" U\ 1hi.: .-.lurm a;,. " ..:II Ji. l hi.: nc,, founJ 1>trc nl!1h ,11 wnh 'IKh J 1.:,.

l h,: , ,nl, p11•tl k in .,..1th ~Ruh I<••\ , , 1h.;a1 , ,111\l'timn 1h1; film i, ,,.._, ll u1,·1 fl ,ouhJ hJ \ l' 11-...:J m11r,· Jdmn \\ • qo,n1..•c, J l'l cl J t.;a,h' ' PJl\' Olh n thl• lllm '"·c m\ 111 ~ h u1IJ 111~ to .an l' \ 1.. 11111, , on• fron1J hon tl1Jt new, 41111c an1 v1.•\, .at k a,t nn1 ,, (k n cnou,h W ~ nc \ t'.I R<'h Roy d ~ fJC\! 11/ f 'A ll h hi\ en.: • nur s. 1h,: ' " ' n..:, /U III mtu (l:aN11 .11e <IJrl' , ,m11 , 1, in • )t.:ad 111 .1,111.1I 11~!11 , ..... 1111. h kll ffl l' J link J1 1Jppt'1Rl,·d · L1Jm ~ ,·l·,on pl JY-' Roh..•rt R1t)' MJ1. <iri.:(.!t\f, the lc:Jdc.r .,, ., d Jn ,,1 ll nJ 11t (;u mcr. \\hll liw IA Ilk.' h1 1;h l3nd\ ul ~,,11,111,l 111 thi.: ,-.1~1ly 17t>lh Rnh l~11y ,11r ,111t?1.' ' m hom1w 11 0 1 ('11., umh ltom lhl.! m.trqu, ~ 01 Munir,,,.: "' ho o wro. 1l1e l.1nJ th!.,, MJlG,,•~or clJn hh'' t•n. i.o he , Jn "4.1) J herd of l Jtt k The mJn.tui, ~ ncphl'W, Ar1.h11\.ild Cunn1nt• ham. rc1i. winiJ ,11 the lo.in


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~Don~:,.~~=~ CGlilPUSVOtces


instead, make a com . for change on earth :;:.~ment

Wha t do you do to help the envi ronm ent?

Mark Loyd Assodatc Editor . Eanh Day 3.nd the acti \'itics ~cs1gncd to m~kc c itizenssurroundtng it arc or the aware care unportanc~ or cnv1ronmcn1a1 B~t. will the C\'c n1 be 3. for reason cnv1ronmental fanatic~ to all 0\'cr lhe green g rass surroundin lra~p I ton ing c Wash Monument and shout lh J cir messages through bull-horns? Then thc1 c arc 1hc signs a d r the Rain forests," "S;"c th "w~tcra1urc •. "Sa\'e o.lc.1:." "Stop Acid Rain" ·· left to blow alo~

lond-fill space. And don'or~r'lrccis and take up

signs along Texas highwa ~cl those. blue road works of groups conccrnef procJa1m1ng the wnb keeping our st:1te litter free, If you wan1 10 save lhe 1 of its lnhabitan1s. avoidp Ia~ct and lhc sanity cm,ironmcntal terrorists and d c sign_ waving something wonh while. S tart by apprcciatin rc and all ll has to offer--thc blue skies r!y~•uu_ 1 crisp autumn leaves. Kc~p in m'!1 ~ ::can waves, Earth is your home and sho~~ b a1 lhc planet e trca1cd as such. When ou1 and about pick


dispose of any trash you' sec

Kristen Baker, junior "Every year on my birthday I plant a tree."

Angie Allen, sophomore

Demetrius Buchanan, sophomore

"I try


recycle as much

as possible."

"I recycle cans in the dorms. "

J°P and properly

but :it,,n;e:ur


wa.y. th_1s weekend Not 31 what materials can be recycled Wh · Learn finished with your soft drinks o· bcccn rou arc bottle or can in_a carton. Take ) 0 mi~~,:~~~~~ month to take us contents 10 a rec 1 · The same goes for ne ws a ye mg center. P pcrs and other recyclable products. On lhc othc~ hand.vote for local leaders who

support a recycling program in Wichita F I) D0 your part to ma.kc your space on Eanh clc:n~·r. . Plc~se. don't shout or marc h or wave an signs this weekend and don't contribute 10 groups who do. Instead, make a commitment t~


your,;elf. your campus and your community by

p1ckmg up after yourself. Show concern for the planet al the c u~b every week by making sure all y~ur garbage 1s acco unted for and properly d1~poscd. Plant a tree or some Oowers and set aside a place for your recyclable. The Earth's ted ious balance fi nds lntle suppon from most Man is responsible for most of the terrible things he is facmg •· .x:id rain and ozone loss. which in turn give rise to activists. pr~l~stcr~. and g roups wi1h highway and building sig ns...



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CVf')'l'IJht CJ995. nt. WU"!l,11111 TM w,.-.\11ia, IJ I RH"mN'r o( Tho: Trul ll'llffOOI

lraia.~1 A,uoo1hon-.l 'f'b eA~1.tciJl'n-o 'fbrWicb1tMIIOrr"'U IMllJbl IO edil .Ill)' ffifttn,.I ,uP.mitltd for puNK"I IIOII M"Jd c., rduw- •n)' ~YrlOUintlll 0pml0Nuprc u~ .-cool M UI.Ul ll)' 1b(w;c o (lbt f.a:1,1lt) , ..dm1n1•LTI IJOIIC'f Jli»fl'II bo.Jyof Mid•~ICOI Stale Un, •<cnll\' .,J ffll)' n1,t nr,r-,u I ooMt MUI of cht fflUIT


Letter policy

~ IVic-i111a11 ..·cl001nn i ll lt11tn ol opm1011 homloKull) . Jlodornb ind \tMf l.eiltrl Wl11d l."t kid a:,d w,tbwt abtl JIYC ln l'-'l&t l'I pnxin•l LtltiITT lll!UI bt 11pJ b) tbf •Tlkf tl»l l)'r--,11 ..nJ stuuld ,i,,./uJC' I t e i : • AU kncn ,.·1/1 bt pubhibnl ., n1m1bt, Ind ldd/Qi (Uf ve:n(1"illon ~ .,..,II t-., lutb.iu IIIIIDC unlt.u UTIIIJfflW'IIU b1w: t-rr!l ma.It • 1th th<' rd1IOI' i.trlf'~


e.t.11:Jtc,, IJ&IIUrW onl) 1'1,, 1tjj'A<1,..uJ.-cilfdalllbc'F.1m l lMM> Cmic. BIOJ

Julie Thompson, junior

Naketa Johnson, freshman

Keith Bell, senior

" I live on Sheppard and pun iripa tc in thei r recycling program,"

consideration how they

"I think it's sad that people don't take into are po lluting environmenI."

"I try 10 buy only products that wi ll not effect the cnvironmcnL ..


Campus Voices photos and interviews by Kristen Walther

---------------------... Book review


Critics: Generation X will be 'loser

Economic trends show hurdles ahead for college graduates By Brian Ballard


· the age of firsl marriage

1s h1ghcr than 11 ha.1- ever been

smcc the U.S hcgan taking a U1tt BIMmtrs by David yearly census in 1890, 27 for Lipsky and Alexander men and 24 for women. Abrams. ,., a .DJ..U.S..Ui:ii for you memh..:rs 1>f Generation • 1hrcc out or fi ve people X who are, or aspire to be. under 25 s1ill hvc with the ir collcrc gr.aduatcs and fail to pan.:ms. For those o,·cr 30. 25 mcc1 your 1;ucl'css cxpcc1a- pcrccn1 s1ill li\'C with lhc1r 1ioM. Why' Because it will folks. ann you with the hard eco· nnc•thud of Generation nomic facts 10 refute cri1tcs X 1s unemployed,

\I.hen 1heycall you 'losers'.

Yl•:1h, that's r1gh1. 'Lo'K!r,' 11·, a harsh word wh11-pcrcd hy mcmt"Cn: of the 81h•mcr ;ind World War II ~\·n..·w,ons for you in Gcnerallon X who. despite

cr,lkt=c dci;t\·ci. fai l 10 find r rofc(~mnal 1obs afo.:r gradu:111011 :ind then gel on wi1h

your 3dull li\'i~s Lir(ky .ind Ahram.f thesis •~ , i:, l3ck C'lf Job \ipportunity. not IJ1in1.•ss or J3ck of

1rad1110n.:il su~·c.:(S m011va11on. \I. h1ch 1s rausing so many m.:rntx·rs o{ Gl'ncrauon X Ill g1,,•1 slow ,1Jt1S on 1hcir car.:1,,•r:,,, 1-pOII{:\: off their

As for why the profes• sional Jobs arcn'1available for

Gicncn1ion X. Lipsky and Abrams point their fingcn at a chanscd economy.

·ecowcen 1990 and 1993,

lhrce m1lhon of us gradualCd

S31d Stockman, "The job of every prcs1dcn1 since

Re:,gan--a sunshine boy who

didn't want 10 ack.nowlcdge 1ha1 1he defi cit was his prohlcm••IS 10 distribute and admmis1er pain. Chn1on is

from American universities. mired neck deep . . , It was In the same period, only really an unneces.u.ry c ha~ 870.000 new American pay• lCr." roll Jobs u.·cre created/ note , - - - - - - - - ~ 1hc :rnthors. The drag on lhc economy was pnm;u ily cau~ d by 1hc

"lack ofjob opportunities, not laziness ..., which is causing many members of Generation X to get slow starts on careers... "

par\:nl\, :ind n(ll ~Cl married. Wuho ul prr,b,sion:il jo t-is.

1hey 1,,•:10'1 r.:iy their hills. • incomes have dropped ..:sp1,,'CtJII)' tl111M: horrendous since 1973. ..:olkg..: loans, .and .art: s1uck 20 pcrccnl m r,crpctu.1I adolcscc.·ncc. - living expenses have But l!i G1,,•ncr:11il.ln X gc1- grea1ly increased wi1h an tm l,'. ,u1,, h a , IC'I ~· ~tan? Yes. ;ipartmcnt typically costing 1h..: author,. and give 50 percent more in the early 3)' .( 199<~ ohan in ohe early 1980s. 1h.:-.o fa1,,b 111 h.1rk u up.

huge n:111onal debt, which

hallooocd under 12 years of 1hc Rca!!an/Bush adm1nis1r:111ons. Bc1wcc n them, they cobhk·d IC•!!clhcr lhrce trillion dollars or new dcht as compared m a 1otal of 800 billion dollars of dct,1 hy 1he 39 previous pn.:s1dcnu. say the authors.

A1- IO why 1hc national dcht w;i~ allowed 10 grow. lhc :iu1hors cite an amcle in Tht Nrw Ynrku by Sidney Blu• mcnth31 hascd on an in1crv1cw with David Stoc.:k• man. d1rcc1ur or the Office of Management and Budgcl m the Rcog:in adm inistration.

Strckman sa1J I.hat 1hc people in g,1,·crnmcnt knew how large the dcficus were going 10 he afler Reagan's tax cu1s hu1d1Jn'1 l'.. Jr\' . He claimed he ad,·iscd Reagan and his cconom1c ad,11-cr1- in 198 1 ahout the Jmpending dcliciLo;.

her"1Hal Smaslled!


Titt \l'ich~a

Pa Thur5dav. A ril 20. 1995 Comm~ntary ...

Montana retires, h!!t still the best J'o:. •n rady Sports Edi&or

Stars shut f~~:: !~c~:r

DALLAS (AP) -lrlhe Dall~,

career, Montana is c11lhng i1 ~!!~~of~ '-1U1L"t He re1ircd offirn1lly many seasons. lhey11 need to When I was ~rowing up. Tu~\dJy 1n Sirn Francisco. take full advantage or lhctr the word sports had a much whcrt he srent 13 of lhosc IS currcni six-game homcstand, narrowtr mcamna 1n my ycan longest for the: franch1~ since family thin in mOM Mo n1:m11 pcrfcc1cd the ihr 1983-84 season. households Spans meant two. minute drill h kc no The Stars got lbc cntical foolball . And football also quanc rbock bcforr him and IO•day str~tch o ff to had a narrow dcfi n111on: no qu:1rtc:rhack s ince. p ositi ve s tart Su nday.1 Dallas CoV1•boys. My father Montana ~1ayed coCll and tightening their grip on the r1i~d me to be a Cowboy lc\·cl•hcaded C\'Cn under the ~ w nth pl:iyoff spot an the f.an , a.nd I didn't disap('IOinL grcatc~~t pressure. Wc~,l('rn Conference wuh a 2But there was another In the game th:u made O dec1.s1on O\-er the Chicago team I also hked in the him a premiere quartcrh3d:. Rlad:hawks. cight1t'S . the San Francisco the 1981 NFC championship Mike Donnelly and Oa\'e 49crs . Ac uully there was ag:uns 1 Dallas. he made I Gainer notched power play only one rc1lSCin I liked them. l:is1-minute dn ve and threw g oals a nd Andy Moog and that wa..~ hceausc of the what 1.s now known as · The stop~d 2~ \hoL~ for his 21st man w,th number 16 on his Catch· 10 Dwight Clark with c11rc1.•r shu1out as the Stars chest. SI ~ onds lefL snapped a 1wo-gamc losing No1 that the 4<>crs of the Mo ntana displayed this stttak, eighties didn't ha\'e other ab1li1y once again in Super · wc'\'c got to do more grc:11 players. They won four Bo wl XX III when he put than kcc ou h • ds bo Super Bowls m one decade's to"gcthcr "The Drive· : he waicr," bagn~r ~:id 1-- ~ : span. Super Joe couldn't have we nt ~ for 9 for 97 y:irds in a need to do more than stay won all those ch.1.mp1onsh1ps 92. yan.l touchdown dri ve th:u ahead of 1hc teams hch1nd ui. without the help of pbyers ended on a six yardcr 10 John We need to t:lke aun at lhc hkc Jerry Riec. Roger Cr.ug. Taylor with 34 seconds left to teams ahead of us." and Ronnie Lotl beat Cmcinnau 20- 16. One of tho.sc would be lhe Bui none of those players Out of four Super Bowls falte ring Black hawks, who ·ould have done 11 without that w as lhc only o ne in saw 1hcir losin g s1reak C'C either. which Montana was nm 1hc strc1chc-d 10 SC\'Cn games. I can't remember the first game's MVP. Dallas.. which survived a irnc I ever saw Joe Montana Wi1h the impact he has physical gaml' that incl uded ph1y, bu1 as Io n~ as I can had on the NFL, now that he 170 penalty minmes, s 1 n:mcmhcr. Joe Montana has i~ rtllrcd. it w ill never he the SC\'Cnth in 1he Western been my hvori1c football S3mc. Many footballs fans arc Conference with 36 poinLi, mourning on this occasion as 1hrcc behind ~ix th•placc ._player. ..s..u,. ,n.n_,~.,·_,r,.1c.,,,.,.,1.s,.. .,ea._,__________ Vancouver. Those teams

nleC'I Monday msht at Reunion An.-na. The Bl3c khawks, ucd w11h 1d k Toronto for the fourlh \\'cs1crn CClnfc:n:ncc

playoff \J')I (41 pcnnts). are 0-8- 1 in their last nme games. Chicas{"!. 6· 17 \ when II

seores thr«

(:O:ih o r less. has managed only l 2 goals dunng the currc111 ninc•g:imc winless stn.•ak and m oower play is 3-for-46 during 1ha1

span. "We had a )l)I Clf KOnng chances . again." Chicago

coach Darryl Suucr said. · vou can't win games 0 -0. You've i:OI to score 10 win and we've had our chances: Moog rcgislt:~d has 313th career v.ctory with has second shutout of the 5Cason and first ever against the Blackhawks..

holding down a Chicago

off, nsc tha1 has sagged without No. I scoring threat

Je remy

Roe n1 c k ,

ou t

indefinitely with a knee ITIJUf)'.

~This is a huge wm for us," s11d Dcnan H.itchcr. a ma rked man af1cr h,s acc 1den1al c olhsto n w11h Roe n,c k u dc line d th e Blackhawks' star in the team's last meeting A pnl 2 in Chicago. · ·we·ve !!OI a hunch u f teams beh ind us This

raises evtrybody's spin~" The Blackhawks' offen.'«:

Thrun Arrow takes overall honors in criteriums Jonachan Brady Sports Editor Team Arrow. 1hc MSU Cycling 1cam, 100k O\'crill honors in two collcgiat.: cri tcnums 1his past w..:ckend, On Apr IS at Baylor University. Tim Kelton and Ami Ass.ayag took first and .second 1n 1hc men's catagory A by lapping the field. Teammate Jason Fishm:in followed with thud place. and Paul Re.ad

and Alb...·rn Vasqeu1., work-

ing 10 block 1hc field , finished m nuh and e1ihth. I n lhc women's ca1:1.gory A. Cr)slal Butkr finished i11 third fol111wcd by Brandy Ak~o.ndcr \\i th founh. J:J.°'on D.1v1s. who swepl first place 111 1hc mcn·s calai!Ory 8 ::it the l:a.st e n •

Ph1hp Booth took seventh m tht• men's c:nagory C 11nd Jcn'nan Gha1al took fiflh m tht· wunll.•n's catngory B, On Arr 16 a1 Southwes t Tt iai. ~l:l lC l im,·(.•rsuy. Read ~ot awa y on a solu bn:ak :1.nd lar!"·d th1· field lo take fi rst

m 1hc mcn·s C.lt11gory A Vas~Ul'/ c.1p1ur1;d second.

tcnum. Clnce ag:un finished wh1k A,,;ava~ H>tik fourth, fir~t V1·i1h teammate Chn.s :1..11J Kd10n CJ.me 1n SC\'Cnlh. Am:ay.a taking fourth. Alexander captured thml


m th,• wom1.·n, calaJ!ory A \\ 1th Outler 1.01mng in sixth 0 :1v1s once ag11n took firs1 111 lhl' m,•n'i c:uagory 8 . wh1k Oha1.Jl captured 5«0nd m the woml'n's ca1a~ory 8 Team Arrnw will tie par 11c1pat111g III a s1age race 11 Rice Um,·crMty this coming weekend. followed by the South Central Collcg131c Cy• clrnt Confcrl·ncc 1; hamp1on • ship the next week.end.


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f;,~~n75 ~rccmuf 1~ ropu-

Ill CUI do wn o n lhc IOX IC rrn 1ss1on~ fr~ m t heir 1111 ukt'Slads. Cars, fo r a

po h11c.1I . d cun"1dcr:a.h lc local to n~::~~ni1'~all lc veh .. ~hill~. wac forced to impor~;r..11e 1h1 \ ropular ~up. im'''I! Lhcu gu mtle:igc. Pu,hing thc.(C change.~ at during the ~~: 1:~1\•1ronm,.,nt. tht' polilical lc\·CI were 1hc R1.•:1g:in and Bush )'W~ ~r the ('nv,ronmen1;.I groups. mos1 1i,1n!I ( 1980 lo ·1~dmmn.tr3. 21· many o< wh1rh \l,•cn.- cnhsllnl! m11n- of the 1970, rncmbl'f\ \:ac h p3s,11,g t:il laws w , ,·ra 1.·n.~1ronmc~m(lnth. Jl,cy ra.n~cd from thi.: foct ·r e~ cmascul:au.•d in poll11,all)' moJ..:n11c Sierra Env'ir~n not in name The men ial Protec tion Cluh IO the Envtronmcni;il A gtncy wa." ~ underfunded Qt:kns.: Fund wh ich look the and undermanned that it l,,cn11fo.· ('l\:r~pcctive. The Auduhcin S1x:icty was mostly ~:~~ 1:ly $Upcrficially en,:l.'lnccrnc J_ w ith pr~SC:r\·ing the cn...iron~:~1 S3foguarding birth, In 1dd111cm, there W3)

the World W1hllifc Fund. as 11,•d l :as Greenpeace anJ Eanh First nn the rad1ca~ left . cn-

a•ccd in

d ramatic • . direc t

acuon :sg:un.st mdustnal polJuicrs. the ships of whaling ,ountnes. and the destroyers of old growth forests 1n the

pacific NorthwcsL

According to Kirkpatrick Sale's arucle in the July 19, 1993. is.\uc of Th~ Na1i011 . the cnvironmcnul mo•,cment in the U.S. had grown to · 12,000 grassroots _g roups, some 150 maJnr nauonw1dc organ11.111ons, 3 totaJ budget of perhap\ S600 million a year. an eslimatcd member shi p of 14 mi ll ion Amerie3n5. the support, according to various polls. of

COMPLIMENTARY FACIAL M.11"\- -'<1\ has a \ ~1n ure d~tgn<-d 1or VOl)r •kin',;'(' ":; l,.a51c ~l.11'\ u re P"~'-'c1, .,rt' rior-comPrlogpn,, a"ld (hmcaliy lt"Slt-d •ar •kin 111 ~"=" and illerg\ pro[tW TI

'4(-11 ••• 11,.s1.1nct--:ree lnd

,:·t 10, ,eri,,11, e , ,1 n 0

(.11! loda , 10 ff'<fh•~ fac,a l

vou1 complimenuw,



•.:.• •0 1-a u.._.-••;,v-:1·•

firs/ ~me~ Wa~1. R~a~an's • ~ t3ry of the 1nleric1r personified the govcmml·n1·~ ien~ral anitudc IO"-·ards lhc c_nv1ronmcnt during this prnod .. Watt was public! , skeptical or lht! hcnc.fits the Endangered Spc:1.· ,cs Acl and argued that c.conomk· growth was hcing sac,..;ficed to P~CSCf\•c thi.: cnv1ronrnc:nt Dunng his. reign, thl· U.s: Forc 5 i Service continued 10 gr~n1 sw~cthc.an contn.\.-u lo pnv~tc limber comp.3.n1cs 1o con11nuc clcar-cuning old growth forests on the na.t1onal parklands. Usually these deals were so lucra.tivc that the government $Old 1hc Limher 10 the compsn11::i. :u a losJ. Bill Clin1on's ek ction in l ~92 was iniually greeted with hof>I? and op1im1sm by most environmental groups. A1 Gore. on the tJcket as \'icepresident, prom1.~d the cmi ronmcnt would he a key is.\uc since Gore had " 'nttcn a book promo1ing 1hc environment lhc pn.:vmus year. Yet. two years later most cnvironmen1ali"1s perceive Clinton as only lukcw:mn 1owanis safeguarding the environmi:nt and po~itwncd politicaUy so far 10 the right tha1 he can do h11le to help defend legisl:1uon Jln:3dy on


the t-ook.,.

Congr~·ss,on31 action on the Rcpuhlican Contract wilh America 1his pa.sl 3 1/2 months indiea1c.s 1hat the 1rue age nd a or t he new

•,rt•;>t>r['r n• 1H .i~:-.

Thursday, February 23 1 1995



Republican Ccingrc.,11 i~ ,n t.cuulc a~ mul' h cn,•1ronmcn• tal lcg1sla1ion a\ J>O!i.'iihlc and Water down the re~_ The Wisc U.~ ~fo\·cmenl J'IO~~ a hig thrca1 10 any new poli11cal gains hy lhc c nvimn,mcn!al groups. Wisc Use, which_identifies it\Clf as 3 popuh~t pr(lpeny riih1s ~roup, 1s :actually a combmation of limhcr and minini; c_o mpanics hnkcd org.ani 1a. llOnally and ideologically w•th conscrv:1ti\·c ta lk show h?,'HS such as Rush Limb.1u1:h. l'OnSCT\'ali\·c, think tanks li_ke the Hemagc

Fou_n~:llio11, c,·a11gclical Chn:mans and multinauonal companies. This powerful co~bination or conscrvau vc social and businrs.'l IRICtnts hu dccri financial pod:cis to push its agenda at n:itional :md st:uc levels It was a key fa~tor , in Republican scat gains m Congrc.i.s' election

last year.

Human Population Growth , Politics aside. most populauon analysts agree the growth in human population wi ll ovcl"",l,'hclm all efforts to preserve the environmcn1. Presently ai 5.4 billion pcopk, 1hc world's popul11ion is growing ai the me or I b1llion people every ten years. There a.re now three births for every death, with 1.6 birth! for every death in MDCs (moderately devcloped countries) and 3.3 binh~ for every de;uh in LDCs (lower developed cou.nlrics). according 10 G. Tyler Miller. Jr., autho r of LJ,•mg in Envrronmtnt. Thus. hum:in pnpul:uion will double in the lifetimes o( everyone reading this. Consicknng thlt the p1311et is not adequ:uely supporting one out or fivi: ;,coplc now alive, che world will incv1tably cxpcricncc a popu· la1ion crash in the 21 s1 century, wuh hundreds or



m1lhon.~. pcrhap~ t'11ll1on11 of pcopk. dying prl·maturcly, wm~•\M1lkr S<1mc arc sull ari:,u1ng 1hc plancc c.ln ,uppon M:Vrn to 11 h11\mn pc<lplc. pcrhap~ rvc n 20 hdlu,n at a Jcn·nl >l:tm,'3rd or living h)' di,tnhu1mg the worlJ's land and fund \Up ply mm..: l'qmtaM y and shifting from h:s, abundant n.•sourcc'l t..;uch JS lead, tin. urJmum. oil. and natural gasl 10 more abu ndant resources (such as alumrnum. glass, and various forms ()r solar em·rgy). Howc,·cr. pohticaJ rcalL\IS pomt 10 the.! Eanh SummiI or 1992 in Rio de J:1nc1ro and the Popula1ion Summil 1n Cairo lt.5t summer :md conclude the world's poh1ieal leaders do not have the stomach 10 fat.-c up 10 the hor• ror of 1h1s cnsis. much less the vision and rolitu:al w1ll 10 make the hard decision~ nec essary to sunnount 11. Short1cnn poh1ical advantage will kee p them from d1n.:clly challcn1,1ng the Pope: ,md lhe C11tholic Church, the Mu.slim countries, and 1hc ngh1-10-lirc movement around the world.

Deforestation and Loss of Biological Divusity

forest.' Fon:..\ts 14•1 as watcrshl'ds, \ lowing down runoff c,f ram and hdprni control .soil cro~ion. Rce~nt flonds in Bangbdl!.'ih wen.· caused pri · marily hy ddon:.u1111on \'JR the !!lopes of the illmalaya~. hundreds or miles away ForcSL~ also play a role in loul, rc~ion,1I. and gluhal chma1e. For e"<11mplc, 11hou1 50 10 MO pcro:nt of the mo1s1ure in the air above 1rop1c:1I forc.'its ctimc~ from trees by u·an\pira1ion :ind evaporiuon. When the forests arc clC'ared, average annual preciruation decreases and the Climate gets holler and drier. l·knce. ddorc.uatton will he a hig factor in chm:uc change. Smee ro,cst1ro also act as ::i holder or c;arbon. the burning of large areas or trop1c::il forests in Bra1il will contnbutc 10 more carbon d1ox1de in the atmosphere, adding to the wanning of the Earth's climate. Miller writc.s I.hat tropical foresu arc 1hc world's key storehouse of biological diversity developed by 100 million years of cvolut.Jonary activity. Allhough they reprc.scnt onJy six percent or

1hc world"s dry l.tnd area, 1hey pro\•idc horncs for 50 pcrccnl or more of the plancc'~ 101:il stock of species Whe n 1he forcslS go. 1hc species go too. The irony of dcforestaunn for C<lmmcrc'13.I profit is t.hal a tree ~old for commcrc1al umtier 1s wonh ahout SS90. tlowc vcr, a 1ypic;il 1rce provides S 196.250 worth or ecolng1cal bcncfus in the form of oxygen, rcduc1ion of air pollution. ~ ii rcnili1y and erosion control. watt:r rccy• cl ing and humid11y control. wildlife habi1a1, and proccin for w1Jdlifc, wntcs M1!Jcr.

Other Challenges Many other cnvironmen131 challenges including ozone depict.ion: energy use; preservation of soil. air. and water re.sources: hazardous wastes: and the use of pcsti• eidcs arc also staring man in the face. Unfonunatcly. the world's political leaders arc no! even blinking their eyes. Like ostriches, they've stuck their heads an lh.e sand and hope these chal.lenges will go away by themselves or, at lcas1. not because major crises until they set o ut of office.

A l the pr\!:.Cnl rJIC of dcforc:staliun, most of the world's remaining tropical forc.1ro1s. as wel l a,1r, lhc few rcmninmg virgin. anc ient forests in the northwestern U.S. and sou1hwcstern Canad:a, will he gone in the next 30 10 40 yc:u s, wntcs Miller. This will result hccause dcfori:stauon 1s 1aking place 1cn limes fas1er 1han these fon., sts an.: being replaced by natural ~growth and human replanting. The force dnvini deforestation 1s the commercial v:iluc or fores t products, cs1imatcd at S150 billion per year. This, of course . docs nm take into consideration the ecological significance of

The Talk

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t the Texas The Wichitan congratulates MSU Mass Communications students for their success a .titions April 6-S Intercollegiate Press Association and Rocky Mountain Collegiate Media Association compe · Live Coolest Winners

1st TV Spans Writing 2nd Radio AnllOUncina 2nd TV Ncw,writina 2nd TV Commercial Copy 3rd Prine Ad lllusrntion

Michael Gredulm

Lance Morrill

Print Ist Editoriol 3rd Sport., News Honorable Mcnrion--Two Pg Spread Honorable Menrion--Single Ad

Michael Gre1ham Kathryn Self Jason Fairdtild

PmiPMely PubU,hgd M■tcdll "Canoed"

Broadcast 2nd Desi in Television I st r-eaturc I SI Spons Show I, 1 Documenrary 2nd Sports Show 3rd Nrws Honorable Mention--Docun>cnrary


Ist Sports News 2nd Critical Review 2nd Fcarute Page Dcsian

Drew Myen

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P.dirorial 3rd Ad Olmpaign lfonorable Mention--Fearun:

Broedcasl Television Sweepstakes hi TV Newscast 1st Documentary 1st 1st 1st

Non-fcarure Srory Feature Story Public Affairs Program


Television Production


Audition Tape

MSU2 · c.,mpus Watch" Alida Aaron. Davis TIiiman, Kevin Duke Davis Ti II man Howard Wells Rene' Ramirez. Michael Gresham, John Grantham. Jimmy Terry Alicia Aaron, Davis Tillman. Kevin

Honorable Mc1111on--Ncw,

Neville t,ewis Drew Myers Bruce Smith Jason Fairchild

Alicia Aaron •sporu scene" le LaUt11 Nichol&.< and David Kel y

"Sports Scene" "Campus Watch" . and Alicia Aaron. Davis T11lmnn, Kevin Duke

..----"C :._arnpu_:__'_w _ a_rc_h'_'-::-:;:;:::-:;:-::;::;:;:-l " Wht n • covernnwnt or ,:rouP wtshes to supprus Ith Journalist b«•UM enryont btJim ,. ol th< , ,... 1, 1 basis knowi1 lhal frtt sptteh and l'rffdom .. for all othtr human rtchts. frt<domt, It

Tfl'T)'Andtnon jounlall,t 1994


Alicia Aaron Dllvid Kelley. Laura Nicholas Alicia Aaron Trey Williams, Sara Donnell "Sports Scene" Kristi Bro,.ek Shane Miller. Linda Scou

2nd Documentary Non-fearure Story 211d Public Affairs Program 2nd TV Sportseut 2nd TV Audition Tape 3rd TV Promo 2nd

care r=or fhe

]Qlcmlhip Pcdormaocc hi 1st

Television Public Relations 2nd Television


Howard Wells Linda Wilson Scott Davis TIiiman

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