April 21, 1994

Page 1

On the Inside: We need a coach!

Chevy Chase needs another hit \ movie

1HE Wichitan

~Volume72,N----•m be,24

April 21, 1994

Midwestern State University

Students honored at banquet Ghazal elected The Ha rdin and Clark scholars. lh c_ 1op academ ic

Academic Programs Subcomm,ncc for lhc MSU S1ra1cg1c Master Plan and has ~~~ired lhc . St_ud~nt Govemcn~ Assoc1at1nn s Academic A<lv1:-.ory Commiuec. She ~·as named Outstanding ~1phomore Woman for 1993-

law Society for next year. Church is a BAAS majur. l·k has maintained a balance between Sheppard Air Force Base. MSU and the commu 31 1hc annu al Honors Rccognity . On campus. he is a niuon Ban4uc1 a1 D.L. Ligon member or 1he English Club Coliseum ,\pril 14. and ha~ been involved with Jcnn_ifc r "kn'n:ui" Ghaza l. the College !'air, 1hc Honors a soc1o logy maj o r. wa.~ The award was started in Symposium and 1he High named Hardin Scholar. This 1_96 I hy the Hardin r-ouncla- School College Bowl. He was 1s tlh.· ~nivcrsity·~ highest ti o~. It is presented each named J82nd Training Group award lur acad e mic cxcC'l - spnng to a stui.l cm during his Airman of the Quartcr and lcncc. o r her senior yea r and a Medical rn forma ti on Sys1cms Ghazal carries a 3.97 eradc Clerk of 1hc Year. He is a po111t ave rage. Ht.!r ;l t:llc.:mtc ~ ~~~~~r~ward is given wi1h mentor at Au:-.tin Ek'mcntary honnr~ include hcin g a mem . Oondi Dianne Hancock. a School. a memhcr of \Vichi ta h.:r 01 Alpha Lamhd a Della tnology (pre-med) major. was Falls Muse um Arts Cemi:r Ph, Alph a Th e ta . Ph, Et~ named C lark Scholar: and a Mili1ary Sptinsor. Sigma 3nd Alpha Chi honnr Hancock has maintained a scx:ictics. Gha,al was named MSU 4.0 GPA while servi ng as a Gh a,a l was re centl y ap- rnemher of Student Amhas- \\\>man or th e.: Yc;1r. Ghazal pornlcd by G ov . Ann s:.HJors and Alpha Lamhda scrvt:"s a.s v1<.·c prC!', HJent for Jennifer Ghazal Richard s to ser ve ,::ts the only DL' lta and Phi Eta Sigma thc Studt.· nt Govt.·rn ment Ass1udcn1 on the bo:ird of dircr - honor socictics. She is also a soc iati on. rrcsi dcnt or thc tors for th e Texas Guaranteed Regents Scholar and an Student Senatr. rresidcnt of the Burcau of Business and S1udcn1 Loan C orp ora tion Alpha Chi Scholar. Phi Ela Sigma. vice presidcnl Government Research. S T of Alpha Lambda Delia and until 1999. The Clark award was cs She has also .S.:r\'cd on 1hc 2,;:,~~~rhcr of the Academic ~'-~i.s~~~rt } honors at Midwes te rn St:uc Umv~rs it y. and Olhe r ou tstanding studen1 s were named



~~~~~ ~~~i~;



Uli C. Bauer was named the Air Force Achievement man of the hoard of trustccs of the MSLI founda tion. his Outstanding Graduate Man . Medal. Organi,.ational Excelpresented each spring IO a He has been named lo the Jenee and Good Conduct s1udcn1 ,n his or hn Juni or Dean's lis1 and Who's Who in Medal and National Defense yc;1r and carrirs with it a ,\mcrican Colleges. Hc is a Savh.:c Medal. His activities mcmher of P, Sigma Alpha. have included Beta Bela $1.0!Kl award. Oulstanding MSU students ln1crna1ional Students A.sso- Beta, Alpha Chi. Biolog y fo r each ch.iss were also rt.:c • ciation and is tht.· prl!."i iclr.:nt of Cluh, Biology Journal Cluh, Educ a Ii on Phi Alpha Thew. He is re tired Na Ii on a I ogni zed al the banqucl. Mitchel Gross and Rohcrt from the Germa n nav..il air Association, Texas Student E. Church we re named MSU force and is currentl y a grad- Teacher Association. Texas uatc lcctur<·r teaching i\mcri- Acade my of Science and Men of the Year. Disahkd American Vetc.:ran.s. Gros.s is an economics can history. i s also~ rcse~rch ; .n~ lab l-leday Jamil was naml!d He _ major. He is a recipient of the 10 ogy 1 e Graduate ~SSJSlanl '" Grace Scholars hip and the Oui s iandin " ll!partment. e Association ., \Vichita Bar Kory D. Fancher was Scholarship. He also has been Woman. She is the past presinamed to the University dent of thi:. lntl!rna ti on al Stu- named Outstanding Senior Woman . She has heen the reHonor Roll. He advanced to seve ral of c ipicnt the quarterfinal rou nd of the moot court competi tion. He is Theta. She received 1hc Out- scholarsh ips and is a member a member of the Un ive rsity standin g Dclegatt.: award in Programming Board and the Model Arah League. She Mortar Board and has been is currently involved in lhc ra::,:m:..:::in_:======= =::'.J nt,.!.p::,:n_::,g::_: re::,si~·d~cn;_t.t~o~f~lh~e~P re:,:··~g:'.:•ra:d:,::u::at::_e:"-':_s:::,ist:::,a::,: ::;c~lc:;_ct~c~d_E

i~-~~\. A~~l:~~~~o~/';,1)sc•;~


Mitchel Gross

See page 2

L ________ _


iresident with large turnout Alan Moser SL,;rFWrfttr

The president conducts various student opinion sur-

MSU students turned out veys to accurately descrihc

in force during the student government election April 10-15 wi1h more than ten percent voling to elect lhe new officers. "This was the largest student turnout for officer elections in the past ten yea rs." said Jen' nan Gha,,ai. pre~ent SGA vice-presidcnl. Uhazal was elected prc..s1den 1, garnering 360 vo tes or 73 percent compared to the 130 voics of her opponent David Morris. She said tha1 some of the issues she will face next year arc 1he upcoming book store ncgotia.tions. setting up a student government book exchange. and 1hc negotiation for 1he food service contract in the cafeteria. PFM prc.sen1Jy has lhc food service contract, but Marrion and ARA arc also hiddin g for the contract, Ghazal said. Another important issue

1ha1 Gha1.al is already working on with 1he sc hool administration is <lay care service for the campus. She said this is jus1 a concept at present , and all the details mus1 still be worked oul. The SGA president has many fom1al responsibilities. She is a member of the administrativc council, the intcrcollegiale athletic commince. as well as serving in various other organizations.

the needs of s1udcn1s to ad mini s trators. The main purpose or president is to relay information from the students to the administration. Amy Dean was voted in as vice president, winning 338 voles or 70 percent compared to her opponent Carolyn Brown's 144 votes.

Dean has been acuvc tn student government for the past two years. She has chaired the election board (She stepped down for the present election.) and served on the student allocation committee. She has also been a student senator for the past two years. The responsibilities of the vice president include being in charge or the student .senate which requires making the agenda for student government meetings, taking and typing the minutes. and tracking 1he attendance of various committee members. The vice president also prepares le11crs for 1hc s tudent traffic review board Rebbeca Boone was elected secretary without opposition . She is presently a studcm senator. The seqetary is in charge of the student Joan rund which requires keeping track of payments and loans. Other responsibilities include helping with homecoming elections.

Financ ial services fertile ground for college grads Editor's note: This is U1c second installment in a four-part series about how to find the kind or job you want

By Cheryl WoodrufT and Grcl Ptacek Coll~gt: Pn,,;; Servin·

The field of Jinancial


vkcs, including hanking. ;}~--

counting. invc.:.,;tmcnts a~<l _f1· nancial consultrng. ,., a lertilc career grou nd tu cxphm.: fo r , new colkgc grads. Surpri .s ingl y. y,,u . don t necessarily nel!d a spcL·1al1 zcd dcgrl!c or experi ence in the fie ld 10 get started. Lois of companks hire n:ccnt graduates 10 give chem the educati on and training to hl•n unc.:



Hc:.i<lquani.:n::d 111 Ct11co_go with offices in most ma_Jor cities. Anhur Anderson & Co .. 3 n accounting and husi ncss consulting. firm with 60.000 employees , s pends $300 million annually on Lraininl! programs. College gradua1cs who arc I ·red into the company's t~~ining program h.cgin with a sal a ry range of $25,000S30 (J(Xl. 13ul by earning CPA ;~d· MBA dcgn!CS while.: ,·1 k 1. , through a com hina on- thc-j~1 b trai~ing ~~~ 1~ and classroom 111.'itruc tton. • ., advance quickly 10 ~:°h-~~'~ini; positions, such _S. , ditors. accountanL,;; a:,, t~x au ltants and c~n~u ng ~ 26 _year-old c!ir c~~suitant. was hired s Arthur Anderson righl oul



pro{~~~!:na, 10 don 't hav~ \1/illbms Colh:gc where hr: husin t:s., d.: grl•cs -· c ., pcriJ ll y duated with a hiswry delihc ra l arts gradu:.itt.· ~ -· gra, . Spcciali1j ng in AndershouJJ 1o 0 k for a com pany grc<;- '.nvestment clients, he lha1 offcrli a form;il or (ln·l hl' - son: 1 oul of the co mpany 's Jnb m·•n:igi:me nt tra1111ng. \VOrc~s in Zurich. Switz.erCom p:rn 1c::, suc h as .l\rth% off . d earn s S50,()(J(J-plus Ande r.son & Co , Ern , t : land . an Youn g, GohJman t;J, h..:. a 11d ~ J. y~.1;;.1thcr giant account.in g hus1 nf hanks nll l,vc r ihc.:: itmi . En1st & You ng. head · country ~1ct 1vc ly n:cnu t r1.·t. cnl unrtc red in New Ynrk w1tl~ gradu;l(t'..:; of thl•lf fll 4inJg c- \r,cs ,n J(Xl t·111e~ 111 the . mcm prngra rn s. Hwdm·ss consu lt,o~

~ . ~ - ~ hi res re ce nt

t:Ol! Cf?C

gra~uat~~ who don't h~vc business dcgr~cs and trains them to he audit and I.Ix spcciahsts and management con. sultant~. to A c c n rd I n g spokeswo man Cathy Davies Salvawrc. Ernst _& Young cmployccs arc . of~crcd more t!ian 250 contrnumg educat~on c.o~rses each ~c.a r. :he firm also s~onsors !IS employccs m_un1ver.;11y_graduatc pmprams rn accoun1111¥. Investment bar_1km_g l~v~st~m: nt. h~nktn~ 1s .::i,no~h~~ a~.,;n. nl fma,ncia l, ~1.::rvices that ..iuracts )Ouns c.: ollcge gradua_1cs._If you l.'md_ a JOh wuh a firm s uch a_s Goldmorn Sai.:hs, you won I ha vc w worry ahout money, pn..!st_1gc~c_arec~ grow1h or fi. nancial s_ecunt) . trai~~;

1 1 ~;0 ~;/.::~-~ : s~o:u~~~

lies and invcsunc-m analy!',lS. who start 0 1 SJlancs 111 the mid-t o -h, ~h J0 s. plu s b0nm,l~-'- and prugress ?vcnl~ally LO .tx,:o mc assoc 1alL'S, vice presidents and paru1':r, . eurni ng in the sh . IJgu rcs. AflCr 1..- omplcung -o IW(l - )' L':lr

See page 2

Lake Wichita nood control project

Flood project explored Editor's Note: Thls Is the first uf a thrl'e part serJes on the

Holldav-McGrath Creek Oood controi projert. By lllll Alderman, Paula Brown, Toni Jon es. and

Al• n Most r Spt-cl•I Writers In rcccn1 m1Jnths. the rlood t.·ontro l PWJl'l"t on I JolhJay~!cGra 1h Crerk and Lake W1ch11 n h,: n e gi.: ncrJ t1:d

considl' rJ bll· IL,c J I 1.·unt n1-

vcrsy-pcrhup-. blatantJy. sincl! the proj t.:TI is no w in thc fin Jl s1agr.: s. Some lrn..:;.il:-. ha\'t.:: rc.:gistcrcd compl:iin 11;. t:11mpk tc with pliieard, of "S.1,·1.· Lake Wu:hi 1u.·· However. J1 \1od111 ~ in the H,11lid::sy Cn:ck fl ooJ plJ.nl'.' has ht.!1.·n a prn hk m in tlu.: \Vilh1 t.o r.111 , .trc.1 ,in~·t.• th~· I ~,H I)_., Th e.: ( \ 11111n tU I.'.\' llll R1vc.:r, o.ml lf.lrt"i, 11 , . tl 11u.~· fl l Rl"rn.=, t.· nt .lll\t' ~ Jir(' t.'d , 1n ~o v \ 11 19 ll\ th:u a \l Ud )

nl.'c dcd 10 be conduca;d ccincc ming modific.'.l uon .. to th t.· fi uud plan,· fo r fiood contr,,I

purp0',,1,.' S. The \t udy condu~tcd h) the C"or;i-s 1'! f. ng1m=t:r5 ~ll\ e 1he L''"1 st1 11g L .1L.c W11. h1ta

dam ..t h,11.m.lt m I rJ! 1r, g - the wor, t p1 i..,1hk· fJ tin1-1 In th.: ~, t.·nt 1.1 t d,1m f:u!u rt: , lh.:>

See page 2



Thursday, April 21, 1994

TirE Wlchl~


Financial services ~omisi ng for grads from poie 1

training program, mosL analysts i:nroll in a prestigious husi n..:ss schoo l and la1cr return to the company.

Again, t..:chnical expertise is not req uired to land such a JOh . A ccording to one young

liberal arts c.raduatc who is no w a vice Pn.::sidcnt earning a six-figure income. job-seekers must have good interper-

so nal ski lls. and ahove a ll . team work o ri e ntati on.

Consumer banking First Union Corporation, the 16th llrgcst hank holding co rporati o n in the country. is a good example o f the manage ment training o pportuni ties available in th e hankin g industry.

Essc nuall v. First Uni on

unctc rwntmg an d appro va l process. co mmcrciol product training. husincss la w and in \'C.'-tment banking. Mortgage bankin~ The honest area in b3 nk ing is home finan cing anti fi n, t timc home purch:.iscs. a rl!Sult of some of the lowest inlerl!St races in decades. Little. howcva . has bee n di sc ussed


~~--- --~

about the tn!mL~ndous impac t this increased ~financing and lending activity has had on

johs in thi s sector. says W ashingt o n ,

D .C. -h asc d

~a~ftf:P~~st~rtio ;.~,:'~; r~:~.: ~~ble•:~Jin no


1 Lio~i;~~:: tt~ci~ c~;~:t:~; refinancing and the demand fo r loan processors. ahh nug h th e greatest deman d is for loan originators. "'Thc.y'n.: Lhc peo ple o n 1he front lines .

Hcclay Jamil

Timmy Samuals

Kory Fancher

Banq uet held eor hono rs .l I

1-'rum p11~t


Scholarship : Sherri K. Williams; □ Cody R. Cole -- Alpha O Humanities -- Drn! Chi Scholar; Sannc Erik~ n: Je ff Ju stice. __ Morrar O Mathematical Scicnr~•'i O Board Award ; -- John Blackford; Morta r Board __ James O Politi ca l Science & O

looks for leaders who arc foor thc U n ivc rsity Outst:uuli~fn!opllom ore c uscd and outg oin g. acco rd Prngr:.immi ng Bl>ard. Student Jeff Justil: e ing to company recruiter John Go, c rnm c nt Association. Outstanding Sophomore Fitzhugh who says beginne rs T e xas St udl!nt Edut.:itors' \Vomnn can go into consumer As soc 1ath\ll Jnd Alpha Rnbhin \Valkcr (hankin g) o r corporate areas. The y're o ut the re dady nwc t· Lameda D,· ll a and Phi E ta OulsL,nding Freshman L. Steward Service Award. P ublic Adm ini s tration .. First Union's con sum e r ing with rl!altors and mdi\"iJ• Sigma hon1)r Mll'Jl! lics . She Mnn Outstanding G rad_u~t\n g Bruce Pal mer; hankin g associate program is ual horrowc rs." ~a td Da ve ha." hel'n <111 th.: Dean's lis t. Cody Cole Students from each di visio n O Sc iences ·- Bradk y a seven-month program that 1 ,~,:~ comhincs classroom instru c1~;;,a ~·ro;~~~o,'.~f:ui','.~ Oulsta,~~:~~~~eshm an 1t~•~~:d:~: i incl ude Uie following Joi;; ~t!~ial & Behavio r~) ti o n with on-the-job experi- Sigt~t~~~l~~~"y!:~~~1.:~~·ing..; O mcfJ Grcck Il n1w r Srn:ic1y. Melissa Miller __ g~cs~~t~~'\ Ad mi nistration Sciences __ Kell y Dione H,H ence. Associates work closely with branch m anagers in can average hctwecn $60.000 Outstandin g Junior Man The following students □ Education -- t-.1clissa This year's Facult y Awar~ crcdiL dec ision making. c us- to S IOOJX)(l ~rnnu :ill y for loan lllnv1l· Pnnce were recipients o f special Mclivier; was prcscnLed to Dr. Jeff tom er relationships and per- originators. Out.standing Juni o r acade mic awards: Fine Ans __ Bari Nag- Campbe ll. pro fe ssor of En, 0 sonnel management. 1 Coast Federal. one of th e Rd,~~~; ~ ,~,m1.· 0 Wend y McSpaddcn -- glc; As a corporate hanking as~~~l~ib!~~n~~ a.~u~~::~t .~ ~~~~~~ ~5r~~;~9~~ n~~; r - - : - - - - ~ ~ -~~.,;,Y,.io.,;l,.a""'"G.,r,.ad•• •L•"·a.,.d;,.e;;;rs:.:,h;,;,i1.......;;D;..,.;.H;.;e;,;;a;,,;ll;,;,h..,;;S.;,ci;,;c;,;,n.;,cc,.•s ,_-.sociate you wi II corn plc tc a year-l o ng stint that combine.~ class room training. indepen- gAngc rs rcce c 0llcgc rad slc.s.a offe trainin g n1program dent credit a nal ys is ass1g n- cal led "MBA " •- M o n c ac mcnu; and on-the-job ex pe ri - B , nkin g Academ y. ~1B-Ac e nce. gives n!Cc n1 ly hirt:d loa n orti Arabs as nomadic te nt the natio nal conrcrcnce he ric nced. he said , was th~! Associates wo rk o nl!-nn- c.;rs thorough kn lly Brian Ballard o wkdgc in dwellers of the dcscn . had allended a few wee ks some of the dckgatc~ on th1; o nc with experie nced bankers As...••od..u. l" Edil or Although Arabs arc ofte n ea rli er in Washi ng ton D.C. 10 develo p financial skill s and loa n sales. The prof:ram 111 Mo re th an 150 s tude nts portrayed in the med ia as a T oo many there, especially eco nomic committee do huild stro ng me ntor relation- volvcs several wcc ko,; of d1.: . n01 fro m 14 so uth weste rn uni vc rmonolithic group who c:innot studen ts from 11\,: Ai r Force come to the conference with s hip s w ith ,1,;cn 1or lin e manding cla.o;srnom lrammg s111 cs engaged in vigoro us gove rn their ow n affairs. Academ y. looked on the con- suffic ient economic and bu~!dch;.i1c ;.ind t"o nsc nsus- huild - Bauer bankers. The y eve ntuall y J,c . in Coast's k ndmg prCtCL' ~S. agreed with Dr. ference as a time to party. ness ba ckgr ou nds. Th11 '"~ d unn g the Model League Abdallah coml! inv olved in th e credit producL-. and rc.gula11 ons. Sbcih, th e chief n:p~c nn cth Thieme . scnior- results in a lot of con tr,u!il'. of A ri e States at MSU April rcscntativc at the Lea1:,.'Uc of religion/h h;to ry major fronr tlon s fro m a tc chnicll 1--l • 16 II was th e second Arab Stales Information Trinity Uni vcrs iLy, · was th e pers pective in Lhc cc onomi~ year in a row that MSU had Center in Was hington D.C. head de lega te a nd on the po~esol uti o ns wh ic h they hrir.; lw-" IC d 1hr.: conft..!rt"ncc. and gues t lecturer a t MSU 's litical affa irs i.:om m1ttce for I_rom the ir country dd.: i.1· T he " ay the Model A rah conference. th e Unilcd Arab Em irate~ tmns. f,"rom paJ!e I L c:.tf'UC wo rk!,. is tha1 each Dr. Shcih had reminded (U.A.E.) "Due 10 their lac k of crcsaid. d a mag..: s arc estim ate d Harding Strc l' t to EaM~ idl' !-.C huo! l11rrn~ \t am."i nf five to the student delega tes during a He said th at the mos t im - nomi c ex pertise. the dC"b:i.tcs ~cvcn :,,tudcn t.., 10 rcprl!scnt to affL·ct 80 pr.:rcl'nt of th e Drive. workshop that th e Arahs had portant iss ue at the conrcr- turn poli Lica l and, in turn , prope rt y in th e n ood pl ane The seco nd undcnaking hy c,1c h 11nc u f thL· 2 1 Arah 2,000 years of experience in nonhca st or th e dam. a to tal the Corps was lhe largl'.st and C\' Untrw,. EJl'h !-.tudcnt 1s as - governing Lhemsclvcs; the ls· c nc e was th e M iddle Eas t St~er away from to ming up peace pmccs~. As a moderate !'-1gnL·tl ll 1 a l..'n m11111L..:l' an d raclis by comparison of 1.958 acre s inc lud ing were the Arab stale. the U. A.E. s up - with a practic:1l economi: sol uti on to th l.: j,;sucs at A rche r. C lay a nd Wichita mos t extensive of the project cxp1.·i.:11.:d to hi:cn mc l,..nowl - 'ne w kids on the block' when and enc ompassed th e area c<l gL·J hlc un tlw, suh_1 ec1 as II port s Counues at a c ost of $25.X th e hi l a t eral ha nd. " Els hihah, s:i id. it co mes to self gove rnment. fr o m Ea s tsi dc dr ive to rclali..::,., \ 1J In. . rnu 1Hry. _He sa w a hig impnn cm~ni Two visiting professo rs negoti ation s bet wee n th e milli o n and a prubahle loss of Southw est Park way . Durin g Ttw, )t:J r 1hac we re rive PLO and Israe l, hut it al so ti n s year w.i_... l imit ing 1h: life . thi s phase. the s pillwa y was comm11 11.:i.:s: pul111tal affair:-,. notl'J that the various student s upports the Mad,id numhi.:r or rcsolu 110ns l'. ad: m11h ila1The fi :st public mee ting improved to help !-.tah ili zc cco nom n.: at'f:ur:-.. :,., ncia l af- teams s imulate the personal- eral negotiations. commitlcc t ou ld come up was he ld in 1950. durin g McGrath C ree k's n no ding fair ,. cu lt ur,11 a ffair s. anLI ity characteristics and nawi 1h to tt)n _ T hi "i kd to um Thieme said that U.A.E. is ti o nal pe rspectiv e o f th e which citizens ex pressed a problem . and the final phase. Paic"iU niJn artair.'\ peoples o f the Arah count ry very concerned ahon Led uca- silferahl c CO\\fh: ra~i on be· de.sire for channel improve- currently in progrcs~. is exPrior 10 the l·nnfcrcncc, the they represe nted. Many t~Vl',cn the vari tion ou!-> rcpn.:.~111.! · i~ the A rah community , s l11ments and nood control. Sev- pected 10 he comp le ted May stu dcn t5-i rc~carc h lhe iss ues dcn1s even wore Arah dress and_ h, s team had pre pared a llvcs of the c o un tric.~ at tfl;• e ral preliminary proposa ls 95 . ;.i fft.:L' lin g 1hcir cou ntr y un <l to the conference. pos1t10n asscnin g 1haL ('vcrv co mrni1tcc Jc vcl were di sc ussed and in 1956 This e nta ils r~pai nn g the cs t;.ihl i,;; h 1h 1.: ir to untr y's "Ro le-playing is the hcst Arnh should have an o pporone was fin a ll y c hose n. Afte r dam and co mplet ing the po s ,111111. insuring pn., 111 nns "T he ..:conomic affJir~ tu~tt y ~o r modification. thi s proposal s pillwa y 10 J ac k s b oro arc inti.:rnall y l'.on .., is1ent sin<.:c educati o n Looi for lea rn ing um vc r.s 1ty sec ondary and ~o rn miUet.! ca rnl.! ur with 1u· c du c,niun . H e ahout inlernational rela1i o ns was given to the U.S. Bureau Highw ay. Due lo ll111in g man y i-.suc-' ovl· rl ap. A t !he intcgra tL·J n·solu11on,; w hit ~ note~ tha L Kuw ait and Sa udi once you've done you r reof Ri vers and H arho rs. Since prohlcms. the spillway a l thi s fnrm:.11 conferc nL.c. e.ic h s1u Arah 1a have we ll-fund ed un, - ~hould !-.peed up 1hc r n'l'C-\-' search on your co untry ," said then ove r S1 milli on has been sectio n ,-..•ill be narrnwt.:r an d dr.: 11l rcprl' & nl:-i h1~ tn untr y a t Dr. David Lesc h, assista ni vcrs1ty syslems and th:tl mo n.! a.n d hl· mll rc p1.1c1h::d whl'i'i s pent on s urveyi ng and plan- the stream bed hci ghtcn l"d. com rn it1 ec mi.;l• tin gs a nd professo r of Middl e East Ar_a hs Y-'.~rt.: going tn th c.: ~c we ge t lu the !' i: nnal sufll· ning the project. A fter co mplc.1 io n , th c loht11l·~ 10 ~l'I hi s Cl°1 UnLry·s umvcrs1t1c.s all the tiinc mi t,'' Ehhi h.thi ~.11 J Fl oodin g o n Ho llid ay project is expected 10 be ef- positio n al·Lc ph.:d by the ot her Histo ry from Trinity Univer- _ The _ro le-playing hnng.. in Creek nonheast ,,f Lake Wi - fec ti ve even for a 100-year dcl cga1cs. On the fin :1I day. sity in San Antonio. 1t_ s tra1~ '!1nny vaJua h h.· in He said that once you put I ~,c:, kcd Lh.hiha hi w bnctl' chita co me s from three nood. Water changes aflcr th e re 1.1;, a gl'nrr:il summit sights, . rh1c~1c ~aid . '' Bv ,u 1 :-.tc.p oUI ol h i,; f 1\h ' ,IS ;J n:rr~·so urces: runoff from the wa- co mpleti o n of this final pha~e ,vhi;rc the.: dl•kgalc., \'0 ll' on yourself in the s hoe of the means 1s a !'-uwa it i the ;J. llll' St· n t,lll\'(' o l f ; A.[ ;It 1h.: oUtcr person and make his artashc d south west o f the cJam. w ill lc:lVC large sections of thL' i!-.SUI.'.). h<11h Clll\l"t- rr.:n u• unJ ti.:-11 me \,·t-J: g uments in disc ussions and as an Egyp11an. The)' which often exceeds the pre· 1hc west hank in dr y doc k. ~•1SU rc.prL' :-.e nt c d two Arab s_und proha hl)' Mu,li m. viou ~ c hanne l capacity of thus the bast!-> for lora l uhjcc - countries at th i: cnnfi.:'rcntc : a de bate , you give up your hut they c an still be very d if- he lhuug ht al,nu1 thl.· Mod:·i pre1,;onccptions, views, prcj • Ar:.ih L.1.: al!u e :1, :.i n:!ll \'t ,;;yr Holliday C reek . the overfl ow ti on. The top of th e dam will Learn frnm th e histo ry dc-krcn t ,~n a numhcr of is~ul:o,; ., l,lll I hi'L' c:,n n~ 1h.1u~r,t fi1 from the s pill way at Lake be 993.0 feet ahove sea leve l. parlml'nt rl·pri:sen1ed Kuw.iil udi ccs, and reali1,e that lh l· • S :1 1111~ Eh.hih ahi . .1uui o; \V ic hita , and hackwata from The water lcvd of Lake Wi - ,md a team from the political other perso n has a lcgi1ima1c lll tcrn at 1on,1l hu s inc!-i\ and :.u H.I gavi.: lhc f11:h1,, in r l (\rperspective . ,i<let\:'d repl y. · the W ic hit a River which chita will change from 980.7 scicnct: 1.k p;1rtml'nl rL·pn.!m~1l~L: llla t1c s_ 111 ~ior fr c, rn Dr. Glenn San de rs from ca uses fl ooding al o ng Sey- 10 976.0 feet. sc n1 cd Qat.ar Oklahoma Baptist University Tr11H~l' U 111 vcn1tv, w.1, mo ur Hig hway in the lower Ult B;iucr, gr~ulu atc lee• hod ".-\<i a S ·~11,111 U.A.f-:. , till-.. . .s_ n~ pn(" pr~~ma11 .. ,~ ,in the 1cams reprc.~n ling l...i hya Although considered a turcr •hi !-. Lory at 1\,'1SU. IS a lying areas. rt.'rtamlv d(,t\.., no hann II'-·\• and Somali a at th e CCO~Ollllt ~lftJ.irS 1...·o m rnilkc The first phase of th e separate project. Lht.! Corp of ve tera n lh t.:. Mod0l Arah on ly lh1 gnu. Unhkc _ \_ !1 many o: ·: , • or the (it he, conference. project wa.s fund ed by the Engineers will beg in wo rki ng League , hav in g par1it:1patt:d 1 "Ou r s1udcnts learned that st.ut.!ents. E_lshih;1h1 lwll lirsl~~~.l~-1\~ ~; ·. city and co nstitutl' s 30% (_)f on another fl ood control pro• fo ur years in ~ row in th e Lihy,1 is more mode rate than ha_nd CXtt!nc.:1u.:l! li ving in tht: total pnijcc l fundin g and 1s JCCI as soo n as the curn.:nt Midd le Ea, 1. He is :Symn by the .\ r.1 h "'·;,rJ J i.,n~ tt'. .,(.:~-, its im.igc suggcsL ". ·n 1cy also 1 south western conMruc modd and ti o three n is comph.:tcd .th e city "s cost-share agreeh 1rth , ,a nt.I hi~ fa the r is a th.n l '41.. h , , untn, .1, " 0 • learned th at the si tu ati<,n in m en t wi th 1hc Federal go v - That projec t will inc lud e: time.\ at the national confer- Somalia is as had 1f not worse J?h y~1crnn \\•ho had n1o vc.d ihc w1111 a11 J 1l1l.' :::, , . . l ' !'"t" · ence . Thi s McGrath year he Crcek-Co was nnu ence ernm ent . Th is phase <.:overs 1han the general image sug - la m1 l_y lo K~waH ( I y~· Lr) itn tf .1' 11 r ,1., J \vhnh: tht: area from the. Wichita of Holliday Cree k LO W ee ks MS U' s he ad delega te fur gc.s1." Sanders said. ~nud 1 ~'\rah1.1 tc, ) .!' '.'I . I lh Ri ve r to the Harding Strrc t Park Lane an d M1dwc ~11.:rn Ku wai t. 1-k sa id his Lih ya n h:·am la1hcr 1, tum J rrn f1..· ···" " H I !i11,; i'h:. \.I~ 1J/', ._ " '!..- •• Bauer s.aid 1h.it overall the Bridge and mand a ted th e Parkway 10 Sikes Lake. -n,c t \ rh, '\'. ., . . ,. wo ul d make Lihya's kg:il ar- th L· ll11_1, c.: 1, n 1 nf T,.- , . l , kngthc ning of the hnd ge fo r plans nre 9K'K· complete and c:onfr rcn cc WL"n l well 1h is ~llnlL' n L c o nl·r.: rnin g t hi.: ~~t,'1~~:.~_;,1r.:nc1. : C.·m,·r ir S ... 11 ihJ t ma n , .. , p:, • ch unnel wid L" n1n g and lh.·cp- will includ e- a new s pillway ye ar nnd thut the majonty of Lol·ki:rhy bomhin g a1 thL· on Sikes Lake t<, n:k~e w.i • the s1udcm <lck: gati:s ('X h1 h• ITll" l1J Jq,j 1' fTl3t \ I 1..l ' I' ( 1- 1, hi haht , :uJ tl 1;11 I .: h· l L-nmg. confcrL·11cc. iti:d J po~1ti vl' spint. /\t 1h1o,; p(llnt in t.hc prnJcct, tcr in to Holli day C reek. ~<:-~i~l;J;~:l~il' 'i': 1rt~L \1 il!: j 1 k lh..Hed that the Mod\.·I the Anny Co rf' nr l:.ng.i n1.·(• r..;; \\' a1cr ch an gt·s :ii lt' r ,\ r.1b Lcagut: Samkr, sai d th :.11 h1...· .....,J-' 1s dl·si1.tnl' d to ''.·I\ 111gN. ' i \ 1'd (lfl ti~ l~•·:.l~ took over and hc: go n the 11c: xt cnm pletit"n of thi s li ni.1 1 ph:tSl~ prom mc mll.!llt'l"tua l intcrL·,1 imp re""~d ,-..·1th the pn·p.,rJ - o~· lq:.111 ,1 n Li , ! ) c ..i :~:; _ phas.c w11h Ft-de ral Junds wi ll leave large ~cc11on'> or ' ( ). , ,N" h onu" in thc ~..·tiddlc Ea'-ICrn cu l- 110 11 or th(' SIU J \!fl l', :u ~I SL: \ l .A.E. th, , :,,-\.: ,1r 11,1111 ' 4 1 1 3ppropr1Jtcd fo r the ~ Ol d tn- the wes t hank in dry dork. ccinf1.:n.·ncc. a.~"'-·rung Llhtt 1h ~· tn g co,ts . T t1l· ,;pi ll wJy wu thus the.- ha.srn fo r local 0h• tu re.s ond to tHc rcnm\.· lhL· m,q1,ii t \ of 1ht· ,uuknh rlo(· r 1111 lhl' t~Ll1 fH''.!11, l.' On1, 1111 ; \~' nc ~u l1 \'(' q~n..:otvp111~, nf Ope rn ,h !l~II , h, Ji Id (' ~ ; 1,• deepe ned an d v.;Jc ncd from Jecuo n. lormcJ l 1l •r 1h ·





--Arab League does no--=----harm

Flood proje ct



f:•,;r~~r/J~\ ~·;-.~~ .·





., 'Oil!Wkhitan


Thursday, Apn121, 19')4


MSU theater department takes :;[!._rra Nova' to Mexico over break

A...w. Edita,~o you wanted 1o visit Mcuco over Spri.n g Brcalc for a cross-c ultural interchange, but were afraid 10 because of the s1ories you'd heard abo ut the security siiuanon there. No problem, said ten theatcr students from Midwc _ cm Stale University. loaded up their whole , / duction of Ted Tall ,, Pl "Tcrra Nova· and j ot~f a~ in MSU vans and trucks mil•· s 10 Chihuahua M · • Th; y performed e~ici°s befo re a full house",::' Chihuahua's largest hall Th of the Heroes • eaia Chihuahu;._ a c ·ty Of a million people .t over the students 10 ·' tmroduced b incss. btg urne show us "When I IC d . li2hts and gfirr)'~d tnl~ th~ was facing, I didn't 1cri:wai~ I co~dThold their auenlion," 0 sa, mt?y Carey. junior lh<:3ter maior. who plays the Bnush . expl o rer of 1he :\.nlarcttc , Rob~rt Falcon ScotL Carey begms the play with a monologue. What Carey faced was al mos I as dauntinc as what his c harac ter Sco11 faced : Care y , an audience o f 1400 people fro m a Hispanic cul1ure who had s ludied English as a second language: Sco11, a




hilce with his four companion · --~ significan1 events. He nschel explorers across 1he vast, rebled how Dr. Carlo., Licon. frozen c o niincn1 of d1rec1or of _c ullural d1ffu51on Antan:uca lO the South Pole. _. al ITESM. in1roduced hi m 10 Care,Y a!'d the cast of a currcnil y popular so ng m "Terra_Nova sunwed. Scou ~ Mexico 111led Heroes de la and his party reached the ~ Antardida." This popula r South_ Pole a few days after Spantsh song 1old the story of his Norwegian competitor, •.• _ It, ~ Roben Falcon. Sco1! and h_,s Roald Amunclscn. . . _ • _ 1.:1 doo med e,ped1trnn rn de tai l. Amundsen, played will: Someone fo und a casscuc admirable disdain by 1'.hch>ci ,•;:;. ,:: · ! . . , tape of 1he_son~. and HenHuftil • . l,-!:- .:4 ·" '.,. schcl used ti dunng the preth :irgueJ• J~tor catcr maior, ~•":(, -:--:.:,,. '. ;- • ·_ ,. .. . program to introduce the life e play and 10 real t_ - • · , ~ Mex ican audience 10 the plot /";,":, _ti:., ~-- :, ·-· • · • • •• •"'"'.;: • hneofthe play. 10 ull ogs should be used m P ~ e S!ed, rather than A:l'i'.<''~;-~:.> ·:· ,.,.- --, ,,..- • ;j 1'[bi Rebecca Mobley, seni or m~'couJJuse ~ 1 way the 1,,. •.:_ ~:!,:.;:,~_;. · :·. :- -~;...,.,. ~ !healer maj or and stage manWh 1h save CU' energy. age~ for the play, spoke cch a ~ c _d~gs became ex- n. cast and'"" or MSU', lheatu productlon 'T•ma Nm-.• pn« on stattcally abou1 !he wann rebe It'll ccption she and lhc cas1 re1 ~r lnJUrcd, they could lh• rid• orlh, hlih,..y duri"!I th,;, trip tu M<xlco on r SprinR Br<ak. c and caicn by lhe ceivcd from !he ir Mexican men. . hosts, Admining 10 being a . Tre.aung man's best friend s iud~~~;"~~~~eaF!-ts~~I linlc anxi ous abou1 the lrip 10 ~n such a manner was bar- she looked ou1 into the vas1 whom 1hca1er is an extracurMe:tico beforehand, Mobley ~~e~y, co~niered audil o rium o f expcc1an1 ric ul ar ac1ivi1y. contract out said, "The people were so none 'or iL H~ ;;,~u his~;~ faces. she reali zed her "inter- lhc work for coslumcs and ~~~~,:::;~n~~ndly. especially herotcalJy pushed and pulled ~~ti~~•~ di~u~ '~as h~tf-~ ; sets. Mohlcy and some o f the 0 hi~ 1000 pound sled o,·cr 800 Hensc hel spoke warmly cas1 mcmhers went ou1 one mtlcs of the Antarctic. ~ag~ {"i;'~cncc in Mu nd ay of his ne w friendship with nigh1 10 a 1hea1er cluh with 18 00 Bu! '\mundsen pursued c , Senor Enrique Fernandez. disome of the Mexican stu• the wmnmg strateg y. Nol All lhe cosiumcs a nd th e rec 1or o f the 1hea1cr hall in dents. "It was nicer than mos1 only dtd Amundsen win the seis fo r Terra Nov a we re Chihuahua. of 1hc clubs in Dallas I go race to the South P,,tc: he and built by lhe MS U cas t and Somelimcs a small inci 10," she said . th his pany ate lheir <logs and cre w : a fact ai quit e dent occurs wh ic h is highl y It was af1cr midnight lhe sun'l\'ed. Scon and his men ~t~ Mex\c~ I~~~\~ meanini:ful 10 all involved. night of their grand perfor• rns~d o~ the rclurn lrip Tec nologico y de E<iudi os Carl Jun g. lhe fam ous Swiss mnncc by lhc time the play's mm e po c. Superei or,,s de Mon~ crrc ,:. psyc hi a1r is 1 a nd ,vrilcr. cas1 and crew had packed up Sco11·s wife Ka1hlccn , said Don Hensc hel. pm fcs.s,i r coined 1h,• tcnn "synchronicplayed by Kac y Longan . of theaier and dircc·ior of ihc i1 y" to dc.:.scribl' these seem - their cost umes and set S1ill made hercn1rance into "Terra play. in gly noncausal bu1 highl y quite early by Latin stan-

~.-t.::.-- . ,

~~~ti:,~~~ ~~f~'l,~~~;~


60 l\OlfH® .lffl l 6\l~e~ 1

Greg Stewan, Shannon Pugh, Rebeka h Boo ne, Jerry McClurg a nd Kathry n Wes ! (these are ju.st to n:cogn izc a fe w).


t .,p~~e·. ,.....__,.,.,,.. fO

~= ,~

., ,.,.,., (SXljl'~ ~


~ ill\Nt;''

Ne"' dc.sl: 669-1 7().1 Advcrtismg Jesk: 689 -4705

Brian Ballard

Drew Myers

Associate Editor

Sports Editor

Eric Becks

Dean Lawrence Enrenainmem E,litnr

StalT Writers

Circulation Manager

Copy Editors


Waylon Green

Music Reviewer Mt'li5Sll Su/Imm

Graphic Arlisl

ltuon Fairchild

Ad,·ertislng ReprcscntitHS

Ram/~• Brt ustcr, Jn.ron Tuc:l:.t! r

. . . Wic/iitan ls :a membe r of lllCTc:x:i..,;; Jn1crco llcgl!l1c Press Associatio n Cop)Ttgh t J994, The \Vidutan. T1ir. "' w ·crutan reserves the right 10 edil any matcrial suh m1uctl ro, and 1bc College PresSScrvlcc . •Th~ ~nl. Opinions expressed an: not ncccss:irily U10s1.• of the fa rull y. publication and to refuse any ad,ertildwestcm Stare UnJ vctslly and may nol rcprcscm 3 ccin!-Cns:u.,; orlhl' ad.mi nlstratlon or student body of M

entire w,chilan staff.



Letter policy

lcUCJ'S of opinion from fucull y, studcnL\'. and staff Lr ner!- shuulll be briet Thr. W1cl11tan welcomes all nal at1arks. and wllhoul abush-c language or _pers<) l)Cd) and should include a telephone nurn lx', anct atldrc.ss fur 1 Lc<1er.; musl be signed by 1he wr•~~ / : '~hllsh,"<l wilh the auUt0r's ruim< unless arra nyemcnrs ha ve ,·crifieatlon pu(JlOSC5, /\11 leners s will be edi ted fo r g<3mmor onl y. been mlde wllll lhC cdllor t~r;:: Ftmne:_Art ~ s:_:C::<::: n1:cr:.,:.B:.,:10__, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __. 10 The W1c/11 ra11 I< h)Cllted It 1 -


·••11- A.a N u

, ....,,.


t_. .

~ -


1 g ~

--..._ ....._

Math proves to be a 'disability' to sollle . ________


the mforma~on. I leaned l_or-

ward, frowning and squmtmg at the blackboard, an cffon 10

~~:-1; ,~/~" ,fi~ts~f;~i;t:~ "In Russia people are College in Ma.,sachuse us _ or not frightened of math" at least then! used to be such a pos1c r. It is Alhcr1 Einste in ''We don't look at it 35 , landing hcfo rc a hlackboard, ch alk in hand. The cap1ion something to be afraid re ads. "Do 1101 worry abou1 or' your difficulties in ma1hc ma1 ics. I ca n ass ure yo u tha t mine are slill grea1cr." Some how I never found Aflirmativc Ac tion ollke and ~~•~os·usr~:1ccek_ tidnd1.1lot~,\. mNes,,saogn~: claiming !hat I was 100 old , o • ih 1 1 h d


Bruce Smith Dtan lawru 1ce

Jason Malonr AssL Circulation l\fanagcr Eric Self


c,~ea'? c.a"~- /

There's a slriking hlack-

Cindy Ka/J/tr B,11, Lis<1 Boyrtte, Sptnar Friedl, Alan Moser, Li: Richardson Photographers


._,,.(Po 'l'ea-.<'';;-¢-·:,.


Coll r~, Prt.\,.,; Srn·lcr


Brandon Olds, Editor Marcus Clev,land


B)· Sharon Cook

Bdlc Malone

, les1-t'I l:,r- ~ec.\.,\~<, toO ." \< 0" ': ~·... ~

" \ , .,,,

"""IE'5" •~()\:. \llml /\ • 1 !------1.""'~""' <Yll"l ~ S..11$t , -= - 00~'( ~ i'I{f. gf !Mlli&.~~

Sinccreh·, Jen'nan Ghazal , - ..=-: Amy K. Dean ~~ ___:: ~_

Busine.ss j\1anager



Ro'#:..re ..~t le•"°'~ _

3410 Taft Bh..d P.O. 8 0 .1: J(,() Wichita Fall ~ Tcxa.\ 76308

Dara Hawkirts

And such an eve.nl might spur beneficial cross-cultural exchange between the various ethnic groups now living in Wichita Falls, a highly positive result from the MSU thea1er group's "run across the borde r" during the most recent Spring Break.

~~Oi'~ ,...


""""'fhe Wichit-;~--

Advrnising Manager

"A !healer produc1ion here in Spanish would attract a whole new segment of the cily 10 MSU, • he said.

LACI\ or= r=ocu~

JU~ 'ii~ Tl!~ '10.ThR i.e~e~

~'\' UP o~

W e b oth look fof'\,\l:i.rd to




working for and with eac h of you ncx1 yea r. Please don'1 hcsi1a1c to contac1 us th is year wi1h yo ur th oughts . ideas and/or opim ons al the S1udcn1 1 689 rr, G4700\'9Cmo~C~IS~-d~g; _a One~ l again. thank yo u all fo r your f suppon. ')

Kelly Webb Mobley


! -~:'. .... ·f~;. •~

o rg .iniz.at.i o ns, and we would

'" '"'''


.• ~~:'J,< •. ' ', . , · .

j ust like to express o ur ap prcciati on and grati1ude 10 all of !he m. We w ould also like to thank all of the organiza1ions who gave us 1he o ppor· 1uni1y to come and speak ..;th !heir groups. It would be impossible 10 tha nk each indi vi dual person wh o suppon cd us in this lc L· 1cr, but we would like to give special thanks to a few who rc.:ill y worked hard for us : Ty 0


f';:'~ . . f _;; ·:::- ~1

ILetters to the Editor I We'd lilcc 10 !alee this opportunity to lhanlc e,·e ryone wh o supponcd us during our campaign. We received a 101 of e nco uragcm e n1 and suppon from many studcnis and

KiT"T'i n



dards. 1ney '"'.ere. then 111t~ viewed by Chihuahua televisi o n ond treate d 10 a reception where they met the prc_sidcnl of TTESM and vanous ct1y officials. They were then whisked in cars across town lO an early morning fonnal din ner and celebration. After much toastin g and spcechmaking, Senor Ricardo Az, z. JTESM student affairs director, announced, "And now ladies and gentlemen . . OUR academy awards '" Each membe r o f the "Terra Nova" company was awarded, in lum, an individually e ngraved plaque with the seal of the school on behalf of 1hc people of Chi• huahua, He nschel said he hopes tha1 ITESM can bring one of their !healer produc1ions to MSU in the future.

:::[c~t~~I',~1iif/~J~,I~~~ ~ i ~~e i.:siE~t:~')1 :Y.:'


sho~t.:!fe~,°'t,~~~u~. knew ii, Id bc_c ome aware of 1hc student sutmg next to me, her perfume or her jcwc_lry woul d capture my wa ndc nng alient!on. The n I'd wonder if he r nngs were real gold and h? w do~ she gel _her hair 10 suck straight up ltke th at and befo re lo_ng my mind ha ~ slipped 11S collar and was olf 10 ihe races , leavin g me 10 m ake desperate anempts 10 dra1 ii



:n: c~~ igc d 10


prolicic ncy in malh ci1hcr in Miss Bi ckne ll . Surel y 25 ~~~l);a;~~gl SAT ,core s or 1h rn ugh ad- r,;::,.~:in~ldn'1 bri ng any im - 75 s lc'ps every day 10 the lop

~~~~~~l!~~~ 1 1~~~~~. 1~. ~t~~~

Dr. Pl!lCr Wong, chairman

floor to reach it. I clim bed

co:i.slmg , Jong all lhcsc years, of lhc math de partme nt, had :~~ i~~to:~J~~ ~ :g~rg~: a math numb skull eve n 111 ~~nfi~~~~~ ~i,~~c. surgery. The math lab was lf1 ~~l~~~~:c~ ~d ~~wt~s~~ evening course would ht:lp unnatural. alien en viro nment



S<..· orcs 1.:uuld hav~ ~ en 1hc me:. "It's easy ," he said. On lO\\'l'St c va recorded: th r.: col- m y firs t qu iz o l:! a nd, lcge spared me lhc re sul1s. franlc ll , I nc,er did th al well Thr.:/ s h all ri: m ai n un di s - :i.ga in.' 1ur bcd and undiscl0-,ed. I haJ One of !he bigg,es1 obs u n0 nltt: m:uh·c but to register clcs to le:iming alµc;brn v..as

fu r ln1ro,l uc 1ory ,\ lg,•hra l l,l<I

in my mind - spcciiicall y my

me.One of my lutors . J 20 ycn r-old Ru ssrnn, co uld n' t spe:tk English VCI) well but h\.· was a wh i.1. at numhc rs.

• tn R ussia," ho said. "people are not fnghtenc J v f muth. We don 't tool ut ll 11.S

h i, unsee mly thJL I. over ina bil ity to corral ir long somc.-th mg 10 be e.fra.ad of .. -W 11nJ an adm i tt ed ma th enough to 1ocus (ln th1..· subA not~r tutor. Ju nr. an phobic, should han: tO suft',·r J«:I. In c lass I ,a1 in fro n1 the humi liatillh of karni n!! "row, n ght unde r Dr \\ vng ~ tllgl• hra, I 1nct! to \ H 'J.>cl ('lul nus.e, as though pro,omi ty of it hy suing 10 1he collei;r\ could help my hr"'n abwrb

See page 6



April ,1.1994


'E le em osy n ary ____ ' _o--=-ip~~-~

By M C Ii ssa S ullivun Rr"irwt'r I like lo think 1hal I know a 101 of h,g words. Howeve r. I did n01 know what "eleemosyn ary" mr:ans. But that's OK. After Saturday ni g ht 's pe rfo rmance of "Eleemosy nary '' in th e Fain Fine Aris Center Theatre. I not o n I y f o unu., o ut w hat the word me ant. I li:amc.::d man y o ther new words. "Eleemosy nary" was writ• tr.=n hy Lee Bless ing a nd di rcct.c d by Dr. Ron Fisc hl i, as. soc1atc professo r of theatre, and .centers around th ree gen• r.=rat1ons c,f wome n. Rch!.! cc a Moh lcy is Dorthea . thL" ecL"en tric grandmoth er, and. as the pro· gram ca ll s her. a wo man of

some means. As the pla y be· sin s. s he has rece ntly s uf· fcrcd a sirokc c. nd is cared for hy th e gra ndd aug hte r she raised. Ech o, w ho can s pell any word in t.l!C world . pl ayed hy Allyson Slagk. Michelle Padge tt is Anlc. the neurotic mother of Echo and daugh ter of Donhea. The play is sci in 1985 and is to ld th rough a series or flas hbacks . The tak focuse s on Dorthea's cccl.!n tridty and Anie's pa.o,;t. It also lead.,; up to Dorthea 's s tr oke a nd high.lights Echo's win at the Natio nal Spelling Bee. Dorthea is und oubtedly an eccentric. In 1958 she made a film in whic h she s trappcd woode n wings o n Artie and tried to make her "fly." She

· h h al S e saw Prcs,den l James Monroe walking down the street. D ort he a me ans well. Education is very imporl anl to he r because she nc,·cr ad• vanccd hi.;r ow n. llh!rdorc. she is cage r for Artie a nd Echo to succeed. She C\'Cn tries to teach Echo the G re ek alphahc1 when Echo is jusl three months old. Artie is co mple x, nnd it is obvio us that s he carries around a lo t of pain . She is cager to plca.,;c Dorthea. but also run s from her when things get a little roug h. She decides to leave Ec ho with Dorthea after s he accepts a job in Europe. \\' hen s he returns. s he decides th at D orthea can j ust keep Ec ho C Iaim s I

after all. Echo is an extremely in• sightful adolescent. She loves her gra ndmother. hu1 also wants 10 know why Arlie won't come hack to her and he her mo ther . She is very inte lli gent [lnd uses a n ab un · dance of long word s in ha everyday speec h. She eventu ally enters and wins th e National Spelling Bee in which a <.:ompelitivc side not typically see n in &:ho comes ou t in a hum orous way. This play was com pk x and used a lot of symho lis m, but it touc he s th e- audience dee ply. When Do rthea di es towards the end of the play. Ec ho and Artie arc thrown together. ft see ms like Anie will finally have to be the

Tl 'S play was com JI lex and used a IOt P , of symbohsm...

50 years away from age she wa.s 011 <Lagehein,• ~ u,, I p Michel e _adgen·, P«fo, ma nee as An,c reall y lei 0,,: a udien ce feel her pain Ii,, ex prcsSIOOS and tone or volt cx.c mplifi:d lltat thi s Wai~ woman .w 1th a lot of pinnc;1 up cmouon s. Freshman All yson Slag, I d ., dazz c Ihc au d.,cncc as Echo She narrates ~ I! talc and did a n excellent Jo b ponra y1rii Echo from infan t lo Prt·ado. lcscc ncc. Her future in Mid. western State Uniw rs ity plays is undo ubte dly J hn@ h, o ne . O h . and hy lhc \.\•av elee mosynary me ans t..:harua: blc. And ~hat made H a i oc~ title for this play.

t her 10 mother th3t Echo wan .s he.But Artie run s again. t~i s 1·1,ne "· he sends E c h_o 10 li vea w ith her uncle. It 1s o nl y matter of weeks ~efo~c E~I~~ handles the situatio n JUSl hk~ he r mother. S he run~ . awa) and comes back 10 Arlie, who fin', lly secs that s he needs to " h he ~:~:~~~ to ~r~;ayal o f 5 Dorthea was s u pe rb . As I looked at the frn gile old lady I d o n the st agc, it was very larl to imagine that she w as a co 4

'Cop s and Robb erson s' Lase r light show debu ts 'Fre ak City Soundtrack' anot her vehic le for load ed with guita r hooks ~ By Melissa Sullivan sagg ing phys ical come dy ~~t~t~~·;~~~isur~~~dt Mu.t:: ~~(~ehC:vc a c~mp1c of "Kim the Waitress" is about a - ,◄

By Dea n Lawrence E nterl.ll lnrmnt Editor

Wh at Chevy C ha.<e nce_d s no w 1s anothe,r hit ~ ov1c. \Vh at _he . ~o.l.!_s~ l nee~ 1s yet anothcr .vch u.:k ~or hi s hrand of sagg mg physica l comedy U n~ortu na.te,ly. howeve r. thats w hat hes gotten. , The p~o1 l1~c..·.. of "Co p~ and Robcrs o n s. sta rrin g Chase and Jack Palam:c. 1s ext remely weak. It'!- a s to ry ahou t. an ult ra •ty p1L"al d~•s• funct 1o~ al suhurha.n fami ly w hose lives a rc going alo ng mos tl y. n~rmJll y ~n!J I a v10 knl cnm m:.il dr:c1dc.', to USl' the ho use nex t d0or as a h1~enul. The po hci:: ITlllVC 11110 th e R0hcrson s hOll'-L' t (i ll "l' It as a SLake ·OUl pm:t . E ve nlu • ally •- 10cv1tah l) fl·:1 ll y. v. hc..· ~c dsc ,..:o uld tlu ::, !- lo ry pn.":-s ihly gn ' -- 1hi.: t 11r:-. g7t ca ugh t up in lh t· Kot--r r{on !lives . and yeah. you gul.' sscd tl. cure..· thcir d ysfunc ti Cl n, all bl·t·omc clo!c-c fn cnc.Js and II\L· ha ppily c..·vi.:r after.

"This movie never had a chance of being a quality piece of work.'' T iu :-. mo VJL' ne\c..·r had ~t chann: a l being :. i quJilt y piece of wnrk. Evc..·11 ,f uth cr ac tors had pl:J y..:J th e kad roles. ll s ti ll would nut have no wn Thi..:r e ,m.: mo ment s thal are n11ldly amus in g. hke when ··unt:k Jake" (Palancd 1s attat.:kc-c.l o n tltt' nL' l.'.k hv the littles t Rober:,,lln . who 1f11;1gincs h1m !-!..·lf a vam r irc. hut those mo ment ~ :m: kw, and virt ua lly nonr: of thl.!m tn · volvc Chevy C ha.<c. He plays hi s us ual hum blin g mornn charac te r who looks stupi d, fa !l s dow n :.i lot. and can't seem to do any thi ng ri ght. h w a.~ d cve r in '"National Lampoo n's Vac a u on·· but who needs. ur is even 1nterc s1cd in wa tdun g. any more of 1hat'! On the 0 1hc r hand , his infn:quc nt ancmp1s at a

c harat· tc r that's at ka sl ini• ti ally more main strl.!am don 't sell at 1he box oflicc e ither. In 'The Memoi~ of an Invi sible tvlan ... he plays a g uy that doe s n't fa ll down all tlrn t much. Chase obvious ly los t hi s tcl cvi sio n touch sincc.· he left "Satu rday Night Live," so what 's a uuy lO do'~ Maybe he s ho uld d'o us all a favo r and jus t gL" l out of show hu siness. Pa lani.:e pla ys a diaractc r th a t ynu hwe to hate, ti,n in wha t rece nt mo ne hJ~ hr: not pl.tyc..·J th:.it'' If ynu saw "Ci1 y Shckcrs:· all yn u han· tn do is exchange hi ~ \:owhoy ~ix• gun fo r a po hce m:rn ·:-. s ho ul · dcr ho ls ta and vou 've go t hi s role in ··cors· a nd Roher • ..;om,." The name ti f th e movie is contrived to fit 1ls so und· a lik ~ cli c h~. and thL' movie is l'lintri ved to fit lb sn und alike actors. \Vh o needs 10 !--Cc..' thi s on._. ·, Nohody that ha s !c-Cc n ho th '' Stakeout .. a nd "Cit y SIKke rs, " L"at.ainly.


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d~r~~::; c htl!-C Paul S1m01i" .. , uld h11 ,ong. "Kodad1romL" ." tu pla y ove r the end n c d1t s. I don 't reall y kn ow w hy. sint:i.: it didn 't sc ....m to apply :..i t ,ill Lo the them e of the movie. but tl was grati fying 10 hea r one th mg I Ii ked he fore I le rt the theater. Chevy Ch:1sc · J,, pun· r r · qwt•Jcat' Rc\'icw Hatin~: D




Lase r ligh t show al Wichita Falls Museum and Aris Center lh Alan Moser Show Designer" th at aims 1he Sl~rT\\'ritrr lasers to create the graphics Art goes high•tech w hen 1hal arc modeled in the prothe Light Fantas tic premieres gram. The graphics scree ns Spring Fling weekend at 1hc have a "conncc t•thc•dots" apWic h ita Falls Museu m and pearance. Art Center. Walsh creates many of Tim W a ls h of Laser 1he graphics him self. The Spcctaclc.s, Inc . was on hand co mputer term that accurately to comp let e the laser dcscrihcs the graphics is i n sta ll atio n whi l e h e "vccto rg raphic s," which described w hy he enjoys means they are created in working will, the laser show. rea l-ti me ins tead of being "It e nc o mp asses eve r y modele d and 1hen re ndered. discip line I' ve learned in Argon and helium -ne on sc hool : music. co mpute rs. lasers arc used in the show. grap hics. and a linlc plumbTickets for 1he Light ing." Fantastic will be $7 for adul lS Wa lsh . a University of and $4.50 for children 3 10 11 North Texas graduate. ex• years old. This special packplained some of the hardwa re age price includes all-day he uses 10 crea te a lase r s how admis sion lo 1he Spring Fling like thi s o ne. Festival a nd a pair of special The compute r platform is laser sho w glasses. TickclS an Amiga 40IHI with a soft- arc available at the museum wa re package caJ!ed "Laser· and al KFDX-TV .




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Doors Open at 8:00 pm soc 801 D1inks & D1aw Bee1 Until 11 :00 pm Featuring Our Infamous Macho Chest Contes! &Sexy Silhouette Contest 18 and Up Welcome. Hottest Top 40 Dance Mu~c. 3711 CoUfield 696-0055






customer's unrequited crush on a wa itress who 1o,; ~?i., i prct1y it bothers me." Next o n the disc is "Fu nny Fl!e lin g ." This h a funn y liulc song with a crar\ slide g uitar tha t leaves thc: li:itcnc r wi lh a happ y feeling Other nowhlc tracks in• elude "T he Fan." aboUi an obscs..:;ivc fan. This cut fr:: tures Char fro m Bi g Ho!! playing violin . "A Very Gt'l'<l Thing" is a powerful pop 1ur.c with thundering guita.rs. "I could Use You " is on.: of the swt:et love songs i"1,r which Material Issue is ii<" know n . (Their "V cry Fi N L ie" cut on their firs t ma1c~• label a lbum. " Int\!rnat iOn.1 1 Pop Overthrow," is an cxn:.llcnt example of th is type.\ Matl!rial Issue·s pi.:rfo 1 mancc a t Edge f~,1 ·9-1 l.u1 Sunday was one of the m.':t energe t ic pr.: r forman c~· ., (a lo ng wit h th e Viole nt Femmes and the alwavs cocil Trippin g Daisy) and th,ei r hvr e nergy is c aptured very \\'l"il o n "Fr<:ak Ci1y Soundtrack."

albums in my co!leeuon that I cou ld listen to s 1r:11ght through beca use every song is so good. There's Van Morri so n's " Mo ondancc." th e 10,000 M a n iac 's "Unplugged," Tnri Amos· "Lillie Earthquak es." and th e Cra nberries' "Everybod y Else 1s Doing It, So Why Can'1 We." Bui now, I have a new album to add to the select lis1: Material Iss ue's new "Freak City So undtrack." Th is alhum is full of catchy g uitar hooks and 1hat brand of pop thal just s lays with you fo r hours after you listen lo it. "Freak Cily Soundtrac k" a lso uses a lot of ta le nte d guests. Mike· Chapman . known fo r his work with Blondie and The Knack. produces the album , and Cheap Trick's Hick Nielson and Guns N' Hoses band member Gilby Clarke also add 1u 1he disc. The disc begins wi th th e fast a nd danccahlc "Going Th rough Y ou r Purse," a nd continues with "Kim the


in th• contat tor


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u~g . _,n;i ;'. S~lqN G FLING -~-


FUN FOR THE WHOLE FA_l\'fil~Y ! \Vichi ta Falls Museum &. An (' ~n tc:r Pbnc t:m um

TJCKFTS ON $ Al F NOW a1 lhc M u<cu m J nd K l· LY\ 1 1· CAN'T !\!AK E Tl IE P l N h. FLOY [) f'o , rFRT' IIER E 'S TIIE 1'-EXT REST Tlil~C! Clllh.:Crt- Lcngth Pink rl ovd

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l "n1v..:-~T1'-". 5 • 4, 1n ;i m~tl·h th.1; 1t\\"'lk · ,l,·cr fi ,,: houn. to pl.1y. The s1..·.,.·,1nd rnund was n,)l a.~ land h' the Indians !1,!; 1h,· y " ,· re ddc,1eJ hy H.,nhn Simmons Ll nivcrslly, S. 0. O n th,· w,,m c..•n 's sidt·. Hardin Simm1,n~ U nivcr.. ity kncx:k,·J 0fi MSll ,n th,• lirn r,mnd. 5 - 3.

Students organize annual BikeTrek

\ .-.~ -- Sh...J •.

f. ·~ . L'i.t


Tennis teams compete at district

~-~ ~ -(..i."' tr-,.:, 6;, :-,.~ 1:·:l !i.l..~,,~i=.faU ,•.:, 1:-..,

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Thursday, April 21.1994

v. o m:.'.' n·s. C\lS~t.--r!l:ill GC'\.'"ld-Oi!~: J1d , ,.. u hkt.· th.lt s.aiJ. 1..'UlC'") • n:-.:run hc:.r T he trt·k s:t:irB :-.t a) I:-.

Ci.'.J~h to

\\ ht'n cyd1st:- dip th e front ,\h1.·cl ,1 i 1hr 1r t, ih•_,;. into the Pa'-· ifk Oc,·an and tr.:iv"' I :1cros.s th t· north crn United Sutc.'i. h\ttini;. such S()'-1lS as

~li ssou lJ. ~hmt.. Mount Rushmo r1.• in So uth D.1ko1n. Minn(' apoli:-. :m d Nia~arn F31ls.. 11 will r:nd up wilh :l dip m th\; :\tlJnuc Ocean at p,, r11Jnd. ~fain...Thl· idt' a is for t.::ich par• ti ci p3nt t.1 rai$e a minimum

,, f S,.no

hy ~c uing loc al

c,•mmunity businesses or ind, vid u:ll s 10 sponsor the n dt r ci n :t pc r-mik hasis. Al1.m~ 1hr: wa y. hi cyclls ts

swr :11 s.r hoo ls amt civic orcani 1..1ti ons to tJlk ahout hc':t hh. fitm·ss and hicyclc

cdur:11i,m. List y,:~u. 16 riders rai sed a~,,u1 S50.00. some of which went w the Amaican Lung Assori ati on :md so me to a

Bik,· Tr..-k fund . Proceeds from the Bike Tn:k fund will ~.. used

to ~ivc communities

j ffi J.ll Sct:d 'grants for various i:,1mrnunity ~n·icc projects. For morl' information. ra il Hi1man al (609) 5612:ll~ or wri1e U.S. Bike Tn:k 199~. 29 Emmons Dr .. P.O. Bnx ~006. Princc1on . N.J ..


Toe lndi,ns gc1 an,11hcr sho t ,it nationnls tlu s we('k· end ns the y tr.>vcl 10 Ah1lcnc on<·c again for the do u_blcs cham pi onships on Fnday and the singles c hamp ion.ships on Sa1urda y. 01her schools competing include T.1rkton State Uni\'crsi1y. McMurry College. Sul Ross $1.:11,-. Austin Collr~c. Dallas Baptist Univcrsi1y~ and 1hc

University of UaJlas. Coach Neuse hkcs his teams chanc.:s 1his weekend. .. Heath Hoover and Tony \VtJScoup have hccn playing n:ally well 1,1cly, as well as Lea Harrison. Dana Booth . and Lauri Arnold for the women. so

1 think

we h:1ve a

great chance of doing well. " said Neuse.

Quick Sports Baseball team on a hot streak Dr Spencu Frie-di StafT'Rtpor1tr

Toe MSU club baseball team won their 1enth game in a row by sweeping a doubleheader agai nst Southwestern Ad,·cntis1 on Tuesday afternoon. Th,: victories gave the Indians a 30 - 13 record. which is ri ght on course of coach Robby Rube l's pn:diction of winning 35 gamc.s. .. Pitching has been key and we're hilling the ball well righl now.·• he said. Toe higgc.<l lcst of the season will come Thursday when annual powerhouse Howard Payne University visits Hoskins Field 10 take on the Indians. ··1 r"'111y wish we could gel a lo! of people out lo support us because 1his is a key game lo show whal kind of level of baseball we can play;· said Rubel. --1 e,pccl us to du n:al well agai nst them: · The schedule docsn'1 gel any easier for the Indians as the hanlc the number 15 ranked 1cam in 1he coun1ry. Oklahoma City Universily. Following that con1es1 (which is a doubleheader) 1he. Indians must play Howard Payne three times in Brownwood to close out the season.

Rugby team beats Police Last weekend the MSU rugby team kepi their undefeated n:cord alive. defeating the Dallas Police Department 49-14. The first half of play was dominated by the tribe. Jessie Cowan and Rene Ramirez lead 1he way for MSU each scoring a pair of goals. In 1hc second half. the Indians continued 10 poor ii on. Andy Peun1as, Beau Tanner. and Duane Duey scored for MSU. This Sa1urday al 2 P.M. the Indians wrap up the 1994 season al home against North Texas ...This is your last ch:lllce 10 sec one of 1hc best collegia1e rugby teams in the st.Jtc ofTcx.:1.S," sa.id Ramirez.

And ou thought you could only a ord macaroni and cheese.

.. .



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H,o1.:11111,..i,· Lt V U tV/u) mkn 1:1I Vtk111" it~ t..O /\Y,l lt,'ln;r if('k'J.:,)b..'1ttl//rmil,r.a:c..;:

R, N 110 .._ ,uti ci,~1!d l:L~< !Kime 011<' of the ,-ou:nn ~ hN ,eliin~ pcr,011.11 no1d10l1k comput,'r The,..n· :tll p<llwrful , easv to use and more affonl:iblc tl1an 11 cm. lis Iha! sim1~e So. stop ii)· !l•ur ,~iple C.1mpu, ro~ipu!e;,· fut mrri:di~~ kll\ nmnth~ p.1nnenb. 01 The Apple Computer Loan. Rcsclkr for further information. I ., ,~i:tlJ, ini; for ilw .1,,p!e Computr-r Lrun. ,ou c:m . choos~ ir.•lll the ,-ntm· )l1Cmtmh" !111" or ~r.1h " l\11wrBook. !he most Jl('pul.<r \e1fll be .11mzd \\h:11 Ill\! cm huyon a tight college· budget.

App1e .

Contact Michael Land at x4139 or con1e by Ferguson Hall, Roon1 302

!'. "":!!sc~6~Th~u~rsda~yt'.!_,~A£!pri~l~2:!_l:..,£19~9~4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alsio n, Stacey Ambu rn. Zoran A" la, Tom my Ashton, II. Da rhi e Bice. Rcb aka h Boone , John Boyk:n , G rJcc Kcnith E ric C o tney, Cordo va. Chad C ou nt s. bJnt o ne. w ill present hi s Carolyn Eplc y -Dro " n . sen ior recital a t 3 p .m . Emelia F isc he r, V i cki Su nday at Alt.in Auditonu m. Furnish and Lisa Gonzales. Comey wi ll p<!rform "Au Others arc Mickey Gross, Fond du Te mple Saint" from Randal Herring , Seth Hicks. th e "Pcarl fishe rs" i n a duct Thom as Howe, Mi c ha el wit h Ca s e y G ra y. Huftile. Mel issa Jarvis. Jason Additi o na ll y. Cotney will Joy, Mary Land, She ry l three c ompositi ons by John ti.kCuthcon. Michad P;Lrvi n, Duke. C otney is a \Villi_3m V . Charles Ri ce. Kr is tina Bolin V oic~ Award wmn er. a Rutherfo rd and Jay Sheri ff. More members are : Jill member of Alph a Chi senior hono r soc ie ty and Pi Ka ppa Silvers. Laurie Ve itenheime r. Byro n \Vatso n. Cra ig \Ve s t, La mbda music honor society. He has perfo rm ed fo r the L orcl W i lhelm . Arle tt e Wi ldman . Trevo r W ildman Women's Sympho ny League and th e Christian \Vomen's and Renee \Vootcn. Club and sa ng in th e Senior adviser is Dr. Linda prese ntati on of "Rcdec mcr'" H oll abaugh and Drs. Ruth Mo rrow and Emily Labcff, at Faith Da ptist Chu rch. Cotney is a stu de nt of Dr will advise the junio rs and sophomores rC.'ifk.!Clivcly . Don Maxwell.

Cot ney to perform his senior recital

l\!SU's i\lortar Board announces members Among the ne w mem be rs of Mo nar Board for fall '94 and sp ring ,95 arc Peg gy

Alpha Lambda ins talls new officers, members Michael Gres h a m w a s o ffi c i ally insta ll e d a s preside nt of G amma Sigma

JN~ue~w~~Ss.JBo~rr11·je~Jf:LS~----~=-:;:;:::;~~T~w:o~di~f~:cr::~.:. ;.E:::::: 3 0 Tcdro rd , ,c rl Tu~l.! r~f:.: th Thomas ~• ,"~v cbh. Vivia n Amandl Yuk iko Ann ic an Mane! Yam a mo 10 ·d Chri st o pher Sparks an HuJnatcn· rc JoLne~~-hm.: r. As!lis ~a~t Dc n of Studt:nts. is 3dv1sc:r 3 10 hoth org3niza11o ns.

rR~!n1\g~l~·a. ~E~m~'..,°1i·1na. NBF\,:,hs'c:h~'ctr~. Mi chel le Goodwin , Lara " Jo lyne Hunt, Tin a Wa lker Brandia Norton . Dryan Infin ge r . Tanweer Ah ul Gilbert. Darhic Bice. Laure n KalL-cmulla h. Nadine Koe ni g. Hra,.dil. Michae l Gresham, P e ter A ndrew Kur y la. Charles Rice and John Je nnife r Jan Landrum , Brian Blackford. Nath an Lewi s. Carrie Beth L ic h! , J a m es Mi c hael Membership in honor Manary . There sa Mich e lle societies nam ed ~1,caBrtri.1nd:• . JJ\einant,.tfhcc,• wNo•MII·: - Carlos Th o mas took th e "Men z ie s. Melissa Diane gavel of A lph a Lamhda Delta Miller, Gin ger Dea nn Minge, and Rohbin Walke r assum ed Christi Dclaina Moore, David the preside ntial duti es o f Phi W oo d row No ll , Akiko Eta Sigma acade mi c honor Okamo to, Jennifer Dtan societies in ceremo nies April Paden, Amy Marie Pi.:nnartz. IO. Paula Denise Perkins. Suzelte Ho no r stude nt s mee ti ng Cl ari ssa Pi ne da , Ohaidur the 3.5 GPA require ment for ~\~,~~'~l~a~ic~~ti~~i Jl~~~ 0 ~\db~~~'. ; 0 ~~~ ~f;ta D~~~~ Rich ard son. Me linda Di ann Gregory Francis Birkeo fcld . Roth, Dale Josep h Ru s.scll. Judie Lynn Brewe r. Thomas Kimhc rl y Diane Spradl ing, G. Brillhart , Amanda Anna Christine Stinson, Lisa

Tt"ckets to leade rs hip luncheon on sale


M ath. , diS8biliiY'. . From pagt 3

o lder wo man. says o f m:Hh anxiety. "In other cou ntric :'I lhe y're brought up to belie ve !he y can do it. Also II takes a lot of hard work. This frightens people (in the U.S.). Dr. Wong. who is Ch inese , said of numbers. "Don't be afraid o f th em. They are your frie nds." While not exac tl y m y fri end s, halfway lhrough the co urse, I sta11ed to feel th at th ey were not my mortal enemies e ither , ready to sabo• tagc me at any m om en t. Instead I viewe d Lhem :i.s in d iffere nt s trang ers wh o wo uldn 't tell yo u if yo ur house were on fire. I asked Ju ne if there wa.s a name for the conditjon that I c alled math disabi lity, and s he s :iid 1t was c ullcd "d vscalclia " bu , II 1, ran.:.. ShC' told mt: 1hat s he

didn't think I had II th ough s he didn 't sou nd too co nvin c ing. "' Yo u're no l th e wo rs t I've see n." s he said oni.:. hot afte rn oo n foll owi ng a long and frustrating sess1011 . Theo she told me abo ut ano th er ma th disahled so ul 0ncc inn1 cted upon the math lab. He co ul d only do multipl icatio n 0 n pape r. dra,,in_g tiny spots in tin y groups. A ve te ran many years in the ma1h lab. Jun e ;ighcd and ruh hcd he r eye.~. n:: mcmticrin g . I kit c nco urag c: d. so me ,, hat. kn ow inc that someone out thcr-..: w;L~ wor~c than I.


Th ro ugh out the lnng sc,s1o ns. Dr. \Vo ng would p..:n • od 1ca ll ) and paradoxicall y sa y· ··P1c Jrc ...qu :m.· ~ I v. ould g n t mJ ti:1.·. th. ho w I longe d lu - just o nce sa: "Ex: L: u!-C ml' , P rofc~sor. w11h all du!.'. rc >pcc t. I'd l,kc to scnlc a point.

\Vhik yo u an: . no dnuht. a numerical ge niu s, I harpc n tO know th at the c0rrcct us.1 gc is 'Pies a rc square." no t pi!! . And whili.: we're on the suh -

jcc t , ma y I make the o hscrva ti on th at pies arc nm sq uare at all. as you have hccn ins is ting through thi s cou rse. The y arc round - do yo u hea r mr.:? Pies arc ro und !!..

teacher lau ghed wh e n he aeccpti:d my paper. It was not an encouraging sig n. If I wen: told that my fa. the r would he executed if I didn 't p.tss the course. I do n't know if I could have saved him , th oug h lo rd knows I trie d. Somehow th at pan o r my brain that does math had a trop hied or vac ated the premises entirely. Nex t to the last class, I asked my teacher if I could write a 50-page term paper to bolster my grade , a pape r ahout so me of hi story's malh i:matical greats. T he teacher sai d th at he knew I wou ld not hcco mc a nuc lear physicist. If l promi sed never to t.akc an ot h i.: r cou rse in hi s di.: partml! nl again . I would pass. he said.

Midwa y thro ug h th e semester. with the help of tu to rs. I co uld mult iply and di vide frac tions. Mcanwhik. o thers in m y cl ass were \I, o rk ing o n g r:iphi ng linear eq uati ons. When we turned m ou r quiz papers. I noLiccd th at the s m111 girl who sat next ll' me had sc rihhlcd long fo m1u · las o n her pap~r J nd man y fo rc 1g n-lnoki n g sy mh,d ~ I d1dn t know if he was wh1k min i.: con~1sti.:d o f Onl!- joking, hut I agreed . I was or twn -<l 1git numb r.: rs ~vt y willi ng to sign - in blood.

Police beat


G rand Am was trJvc.hng v. i,:q Kahler Bell in p:1 rking Ju t 2 and a Chevy The fo llo wing offenses Bl nc r backed ou t of a parkin g s po t and hit th l· were re ported to the MS U Po lice Dt:partmcnt between Pon tiac . On Apr il 13 a Ho nd a April 12 and April 17. A case of cri min a l \•i.:~ri,~in(\;:~;, mi sc hi e f was re po rted o n April 15 when a left front tire Camara ancmptcd to 1urn an<l struck the Prelude. Acco rding was s lashed . Value is to th e report. Office r Dland estimated at S175. observed tht! acci tlc n1. and he Three accide nts occ um,d thi s we e k o n campus . On did not sci.: lhc Camaru April 8 a p arked H o nd a Accord LX was struck by an unknown vehicle on !he le ft


~~~~~ k~~~~ ~~e~nkn own

a d1Ve1silled s1ore pack and moA. taming salon & video s1ore in or>e

New tanning beds!! 'i ... ,,io11,

, 11 /J l H Up •II

of "Din~cr Mu \ 1c 10 a li'l\l, . Factory will _ii<: rrcsr nt!!d ,

th e Un1vt:rMt y Pc.: r1.. u,\ . E nse mble a t the ir ~j)ri1~ conce rt , Th ursday . Ap 11 1 ,: in Ak.Jn Aud itori um " Unch.:r the bato n of f\ ! B lad, . the ft vc Pic.l. i . o rga ni 1.a1.ion \\.Jl l. t"Ctfo~ ~%~~ fC::,t\~1~ t~ ;~~~ally 1, r Th · > ·ha g ere " m \ 'h c au(! liie Cl)nccrt 15 Opc.!n I c puhlt.:


MDA needs volu nteers Mu ~c u_la r A sso c1au o n

D ysir up; ,

(M D.-\ 1 1,


:~f:n\~rs. s~:;;~P he ld i n Guthrie. OK " Central Oklaho ma Christi an Ca mp d urin g the week,, c:· June I2- 17 and July 3-8. Voluntee rs will ~~rve as co m panion t o a chil d or t.eenager wi th MSD--at no cost to th e volunteer. Call Barbara Lawrence a, (8 17) 696-5581 for addi ti" nal informatio n.

Cam pus Con ne ctio n ff yo ur organi1.ation has an e vent for C a mp~s ~ o nncctio n, ca.II the Wichitan at 689-470-l. Dead Ime is noon Mond ay before the Thursday puhlicatio n. Th unday, April 21 O Officcr/Scna1or Run-0rr VOiing; CSC Blue Lo unge; 9 a.m. 0 Officer/Senator Run-off Voting; Morren Ll brJ.Ty:

W Nl'M'Sda y. April 27

0 M~n•.s BaschaJI vs.Brook.have.a J C.; 1 ~

3:30 p.m. Thu rsda), April Z8

0 W.F. Mc1113.l Health

,\.,;~(lC .•


Panel D i ~ u~,; 11Jn on

O S1udcn1 Scna1e Mee ting:

/\10-/ JllV: C'SC

CSC 104: 6 p.m. 0 FCA Mee ting: CSC ll osp.

Thc:11cr: 2..; p m.

Room: 7:30 p.rn .

Cl Sym phomc !fanll Conccn.; M u,;ic Dcpa.n111tn1: AA in: ~ p m

O Mcn·s D:Lo:clxll l vs. Howard Pa)nc Univ.: .H ome : 1 run. Frida)'. Apr il 12

O Spring MusiC' Fcs1.h·al : Akin: 7 p.m.

O Officc.r/Senruor Run -0ff \'01ing; CSC Dim: Lounge; 9 a.m.- 12 pJ11 . 0 Strii:ch l.c\.'turc; Dayton

McClanc Jr.; 11 a.m.: R('ccp1ion~ 10:30 aJn Saturday. Apr ll 23 0 Spring Mu sic Fcsth•al; Akin; 7 p.m 0 T ASP Test: D:illroom; 8 a.m. Sund11y, April 24

Dept: Akin : 8p.m.

FridJy. April 29

O Men':< B:i.sd.,::i.ll , ~. Howa.'li P-.tync l h11\·cr"i1y: There: 3.10 p.m. Saturd:..~·. April JO J Men's Da-.;cba.l\ -n.. H0\\ :1nl l¾ync Uui n~rsit)·: ·there; 12 p.m. Sunday. Ma~· 1 0 J.u.1. En.~ mblr Con\.'Crt

Mu);ic (~:pl ; Fin'° AJ1'.'1 Amphi l.hcatcr. .i ft m • Mond4)', !\lay 2 Tue-.day, l\t.iy 3

..] Di tlLun I lonon RcciLiJ. Ak in. 8 p.m • \ \'e-dnc.,,tfav, M :1v"' Thursd a,:!\1.i} l.J Slullem Senalc Mccli11~. C SC' 104; n p m. .J Fu\ Mc.'C ung: l 'SC' Ho:-pit..1li 1y Rnom . 7:30 pm .



scck.~ org;2;::,:~vatcds1u dents for rull -timcsalcs positions wi th flexible hours. Extensive ongoing tralning provl<lcdlnsales,nurkcting, bookkeeping , accounting. people skills more. Great EXPERIENCE to impress future em· players . C all Andrea at 85 I· 0020, 9a. m.-3p.m. Mo n.-Fri.

1.1 111 11 11 g.


is To m H offman, c ha irm a n of th e facult y se nate, said in a re lease that Lhc luncheon is to reco~ m zc the leadership of the. business. edu ca tiona l , medi c a l and militar y lead e rs o_f th e Wichita Falls c ommu nity. MSU percussioni 5 ! will present s pri ng concert

O MSU Singers Cona:n· Mu:-ir

I •~~ /jl;;I


l".J! .l IX> F,\17,li, ~ :ll!K TJll! Tl O\l.l\lltl$. ~~ l :.ii> l "JM~ 1.>,,;1,1 'IIJJl 10 i!-1 ~ ~:1 tv=T ~ :Ill\ lli!ll 150 Cl\l.'f tl..__'

~~~ ]-@ -~~ -~-@ ---- ,

for $20

Facu lt y , s taff and admini s trators can purch~sc tickets 10 th e Communit y Action Lea de rs lun c he on scheduled for no on in Clark Student C cn1e r ballroo ~ on Friday. May 6. Cost per ucket

Univt!rsi1y: 1k rc: I p.m. · • Mon day, Aprll 25 Tuc.o;;d ay, April 26

On April 12 a Po nti ac


vJY¥r °

0 M en's Ba,;cball vs. Ok. Citv

Staff Reporter



C hacon. Kayc e Lea nn C lift o n. Cody Ray C ole . Snrah Elizabeth Crocke tt. Donna Leann Da vis. knnifcr El aine D a vis . Kenda ll Stephen Duq ue . a nd C hri stopher \Valla cc Finnl!ll. \ Also inducted into the ~f~cni 1.~~~~l1rne.rc

office rs prcs.c ntc d wt:rc John Black fo re . vi ce preside nt. Laura Hrnzdil. SL·~ri:.tary . Laura Nich ols, treas ure r, and Bryan G ilhc11. senator. New mcmhcrs. induc ted into the acadc.: mi c hon or so c1 c1y for fraterni ty and sorit y s tude nts arc Ta ma ra

BAR " ~, • GRILL

go ur me t

ll]eate Receive a 2 5% discou nt on all sandwi ches (en trees) With studen t LD. OR Buy one meal at regular price & pay half price for the second meal l\fond ayFriday from 3 p .m .-6 p.1n.

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