\!Cbe Witbitan~J) Volume 71, Number 2,&
Thunday, Ap ril 22, 1993
Pugh, -Wilson elected to Student Government offices
MSU women invited to social event
P romisi ng a year of Linda WIison Scou, a JU· change and more campu, in"olvcmcnl, Shannon Pugh nior mass communi1::1tions her new and Linda Wilson Scott wen: ma1or. plans to use as a clcc1.1.:d Studcn1 Government role as vi..:c president n .administraPn:Mdcnl aoJ Vice President mcdi;rn hctwee ~. s1udcnL lhc and tion 10< the 1993-94 S<hool yw. Pugh. a graduate Sludent studying political s cience. ho~s to improve. the rela-
tionship between the student the student
go,•crnmcnt and
"l hope 10 m2kc MSU more user -friendly to more
5egmcn1.s o! the population," Pugh Slltd, My goal is lO try
to e xpand student involvc-
men~ to different groups induding lhe non-traditional students and 01hcrs who do not currently have a strong
Carter, Jenny S:1lan and Rtehard Dcggs. just to name a. few. These dcd1catcd Siudents taught us that studcn1s can make a d1fforenee at MSU. and I hope that we can continue the work they -My goal is to 1alk lo sm- wncd.· dcnts to find out what i.ssucs are importnn1 to 1hcm and 10 Bo1h Pugh and Scou look find ways 1ha1 the S1uden1 forward to a year of new Government A.~ialion c3n ideas and plans to hring mon: address lhcse issues,- Si::nu e•citement back into SGA. said. -h is also my goal 10 They said they w:u11 10 inmllc sure that people know crease cooperation among I.hey can have •m active voice various groups on campus help build hridgc some ~~i~~~~:~:f~~~rough par- and gaps. Throughout the year. they also plan on hdpmg - we a.re losing several more freshman and .!iOphofine leaders to graduation,· more students gam more Scott said. -The SGA will leadership skills and experidefi nitely miss Johnny ences.
By K•tl.rynSc-lf
An in\'nation from the 80th FTW/ ENJ/PT at Sheppard Air Force Base 10 the -1.ad1es of Mid western· sparked conu-oversy and crici of · meat-market"' acrou MSU's campus last week. Several weeks a io, Major T o m Dolla hite fr o m Sheppard Air Force Base contacted MSU o fficials about a social his group was organizing for NATO pilots and women on campus. Dollahite explained the social he was pl,mning 1c, Jane Lcishner. assistant dc.1n ol tl""'a /Jr,t,o,n n., Wi<~ students. -we were appro-ached by From left: Shaanoa Push aad Linda WUeaa Scott are all • miles after beia1 elktad student 1overameat preal de■ t MaJor Dollahite at Sheppard a.bout a hospi1ah1y night at aad vice preaidenL the Officers· Club fo r the NATO pilots." Lcishner 5aid. RHc wanted to invile some college women to come out to the Officers' Club for 1his 'Hospitality Night.' He gave us some passes thit would allow indi\'1duals 10 come m the mai n gate and wo•Jld :tlsn MSU students rallied and the Senate with a vote of 31 be used a.s tiekelS.• The University agreed 10 signed more than 500 postpublicize the evcn1 , which cards in P'°'"' of Senale Ball said Carrickcr V(l!Cd for the occurred Friday. April 16. ~~r : clro~ional ~l~t~1 hill because he felt ii is im- and po.s1cr.s apprO\·cd for disCl~r~css~Jde~~ri~ent!~ por1ant to allow all s1udcn1s play hy the Clark Studcnc who want 10 aucmJ a univerAtrium. Dr. Marilyn Mcncns. pro- suy be allowed 10. Be:my fessor of political science. said it 1.~ going to get h:irdcr and Johnny Ca.r1cr, president and harder for Tcxa.~ 1axpayof the Student Government er.~ IO keep subsid11.ing SIU~;~o~j;~~~~o;u~;cr:~~; Asstialion h wcr~ spca crs al I c ra y. OI. higher education. 1 Senator Carl Parker's of~ 1 0 fi«:e decli ned to be intercurrent form. -w e have 10 voice our viewed o n record. Parker concerns loudly and often he· originally introduccJ and cause 1f we don't our Jcgisl:1- sponsored 1hc bill in thi: ture will h11 us with more Scnalc. In conjuncti(1 n with Opponents charge I.hat the National Li brary Wt ek. bills,- C3rtcr said The purpose of Senate bill's language is flawed, Moffett Lihnry h:ts many Bill 177 is 10 limit the num - vague and offers liulc pro- interesting exhibits. N:ttional her of hours students may 11.'Clion for serious s1udcncs. If Library Weck hegan April 18 L:lke as undcrgrJduales hcforc i slUdcnt 1s CIHk.:um:ntly pur- and will continue through 1hcy must pay ou1-of-s1:nc suini a dnuhle major or if a April 24. tuuion. By rorcmg siudcnLllii. to slut.lent changes majors midAmong Moffc11 Lihrary pay out-of-state 1ui11on. the liln:am, the student would e xh, hi ts and a cti\' ilit" ~ hill would cul 1hc numhcr of have 10 suhmit a state level planned will he · amnesty s1udcn1s 1h:it attend school aprcal to the Highe r week- for .1\1 procrastinators withnoinlenlinn nffimshing. Ed uca ti on . Coord inating and la1.y hom·s. Dunng th1!Thi! Higher Educ.ition Board. Dunng the arpcals' wcck, any ovwdu e l1hrary Coordm:11ing Board csiimatcs prneeJis. lhe student must materials can be hrough1 m lhal ti..:twccn 5.<N.10 and 1,(Xl() prove tha1 all hours 1akcn fine free . Any finl."'i fo r students l·urrcntly ahusc the were in pursuit of the ir direct overdue hooks will he.: fursystem and that the sa\'mgs 1o dcgn:c. Ont·e the student\ re- gi~cn. On April H . J dr.iv, mg will be held for po..:tc.-rllii.. Tthe S1a1e would bi.· SI -I mil - I ■ 4 See hon t.1 ,,ll.1rs m the first '"' 0 shins and 3 hltl' h;i!! Dun:iuon p1ckt:d up at years Scn.&IC 81II 177 passed ••- - - - - - - - • tickets can hedt:..:k. the cin:ula11on During thL' v.i:1.•k <1f \ fay I - 7. thl.'.'rl' will t'\: J ,pt·c1al display fwm the F11rrc\l Monahan railro:1d l·olkt·1111n Monahan stf\'t."d J..l i . a ml.'.' mht.•r or 1hc history faculty lrom e•pl' ns1ve. say111,; 1hat cm lhl.'.' fact that thl· e:4.chJn~e 1962 unhl his di.:ath m !Yin dothmg ncms arc currcn1ly W3.lli . poorly run and 1-hs mo1hcr !>l'I Ji..Hk tinolcllii. fr,,m 110c parucular d1-.mhutor cqu1rrcd from h1.s l.'Olln'.lh1n .1h11u1 and 1hat he 1s working. w11h Ruhy R:twn. t'l ol1h1orc railroads The C:\h1t'li11,. ~mg M.;vcr..11 d1fkrcnt di, trihutors emr1t1yl.'c 111r 20 yc.1r~. ~aid .spOn!>orcd hy the W1c.h11a in an i:ffort lO upgr.tdc lhl' the: c,1.:hJni!c \\ nuld often Falls Ra1lro11d Mu.st•um. and clo1hrng choices al a lower nffr r fl uldJtl'd vcr,1,mns of wil l di, pla y mt·mNat-.111::i cmt to :-tulicnts. t'o1)\1h and that M"lmt.::t1mc\ such as a c11mluc111r.\ pocket Wau.·r:- s.Jid he fwl, 11 1:. hook:,, would sn on the watch, hJI, anJ mJny more unf11rtunate that tth.· rx-mu,n ,, :-hcl\'i,:, mJdin11dy -11 {the:. railr('l.&d 11cms. RanJ}" Duke, \. lt\.'UIJtmi;. hcc:tu:.c ,,f !hi.' t' , L°hangi.:) ",.11, not h:tndkd prL')idcnt of the W1l hna F..111\ quality ~·rvK'\.· thal 8.in)l.'.S JnJ "'di JI all." Rav.n s.11d. Radmad Mu, L·um, Jrrangcd Not,k prllv1;.k:,, for this par11culJr ah1h11 Carin ., .nJ . - , hJ\C .:on(l'rn An ti thcr Th111i . )'l'J r, thL•mt· 1,. :addrc.,llii.~·d l:iy .studrnt:. 1, lhl.'.' ~p"·c1hc.1lly rcque,tl·d Dr ~L,hr.mc,. 1.'.'han~c Im.:-!>." and to ~nc lull 1s reprc..enicd thrnuihnul 1h1: d1mm.1t111n ol thl.' ,tuJcn! run R,1dri~uo .h~1i..t.1nn~ tn rl' l.'.'llii.l.1M1~hmg a htlrJry display,; Alsn. the h..'Uk L"(i..hJ.nCC ~ all•r-. '-~It.I lhJI t~ !11~:,. h1.11•k C\1.:'h.tn&t' I th ink 1l'"i cm.:ulath,n dc~k v,a/1 pr<t\ ttk 1h.11 ,umconl' ptL·k an op1n1t1n n1HL' t-t,hll:: for 1mpOrtJnl 1•ur 'not of th..• l!.\\°hJllfC \\J..\ ~ 11hlc 1 up the h:a II 1111 th1~ Jnd run hhrary user, tu g1\'t lhl.'.'1r .ind ! 8Jrn1.:,. d.:c.·1"i1on I ~ -hc,c 11 \\Ji.. Jn wuh 11 thoui;h !hey may t,c upintrin\ (i i h,\\\. hhranl·\ l.:' 3/l Mimm1~tr,.1u,·I.'.' dc..:1~1nn ha.~·J d1...,; ~•ur.1i;ed mfllk"nu- (IT \.han~t· h,•~~
McCullough-Trigg Hall Students ~rotest groundbreaking held ~~!!!_te Bill 177 By Linda Wllaoft Scott A,~rowd o( studcnll, facully. administrators and gueatJ were on hand IO Wit• ne.u an important moment in S ta tc Midwe s t e rn Univcrsily's history Mo nday al the around breaking ccrcmony of McCullough•Trigg Hal~ SU rccentJy received a donation o f S2 million from Adaline and Mar vin McCullough that wi ll fond t.he com~tructJon or a new 75 The d o rm i to ry . be d McCullou&h's donation is the 1 1 y•c~~esh,,.• ' ~lc,ai~11dwin..!h,;m7_0.... " 10· , 0 M ....,. ... -1 am deeply indebted 10 Mr. and Mrs. McCulloui,h for 1his mos1 lamely, signilican1 and much needed gif1: Dr Louis J. Rod riguez, MSU prcs 1dcn1, ~1d. WI( we wane In increase cnrnllment. we must be able l<l offer on-c:1mpus hou.Jmg." During his re mark .~. Rodriguez c •p laincd that MSU docs no t rc,c1vc s1;11e funding for con)1ruc1ion and maintcnJnC'e of on l'ampus -... housing. lie c.,pl:11ncd 1hc nw WdlUJA/Jt,h,_,.&,,,_ critica l need or funding for housing as MSU develops Adaline McCulJoucb s1u(kn1 ou1reach programs 10
encourage student recruit• ment Rodrigue1. linked lhe 0 ~;: 1 ~nsion and success of MSU. Kay Yc:igcr. chaupcrson of MSU Doard of Regents, ~id the McCullnugh's gen• cros1ty supports MSU and Wichita Falh in:, s1gnifican1 wa~.W11 h the fm:.nc1al COMtrillOL\ of the state. this kind or i.upport 1s more cMCn11al 1hat ever to pro\'1de for the growth or M1d~tcm State Univeuny.R Yeager iald. Felicia Brown. president or MSU Resi dence Hall Ai.sociat1on and a ~-tS U Student Government n.:presenlativc. told the audience: the students were CJ.Cited 1bou1 the new fauli1y. Thi.: McCullt, ugh~ hive hccn aclu·c ~upportcrs ~f numerous c1v11.:" taU.'-C\ 1n W1ch1ta Fall) for rnany years Marvm McCullough is a nali ve of Moorcv1llc. Texas. and aucndcd Waco. Tens . public schools. He later ~ - - - - - - - ~,
i: ~~h~~~i~~ ~a;°fu'::!
1-on.n page 4 ~
Student petition void
!fv~ 2drefoB~:~~•ca:~~i:~~~
l ■seepage4
Library has amnesty week
~;~1\::~~~\f;~ ~:i/{;,~
Bookstore contract extension signed I )' G.P111rkk F'n rlncr II
~~tl~lll10 n cum.:n1ly c,n:ulatmg c.ampu, calling for dtt n:m,wal or Barnes and Nohlc 3s lhc con1n1llcr of thC' Untvc~11y books.tore may. for 1hc ti me being. N: a lo.\l cause. Barry W3tcrs, manager of tht· hooksll1rc gid 1hc ,,riginal c11ntn<.'. t d1k:s s1alc that the con1nc t f ,cp1rc~ tin M:i) \1 , 199,, hut th.it J n add111('n.1l opt11m year on the bo,ok...:hm: ha, :ilrc3dy ht·cn ne,011atcd thh•ug h M.1y ll.199J Johnny C ar1cr. ~!uJt.·nl ,,,v~rnmcnl J!SOt.lJl h'n pre>llk.nt anJ i m.un uu 1,ga1t1f N the f"..'OU•ln. \aid. ~j\cy (tOC
,,d1:rnruwat1<'fl~rcncwi:d ,1 (the
undcrhan&:d m:tn~r a..1, they d1dn '1 ~o through lhi: a dm1n 1,;,1 ratl\'C lOun..: il Students )hould \'.{'l nlinuc to prc,;,s 1h1.~ ~l ml hl·t.· Ju Sl..' 1hcy dnJn'1 give the book~ton.· l full rcoC"w..11. Ju,1 a yc.ir R11. hard Md\C'c. ,·1c'-' rrc'1<knt fo1 h1mn.:,._ Jll ,110., c,1nfim1cd th..11 tht· CC'fltr.w.:1h..111ii. ti..·.:n cr.u..·nJcJ thiuugh l'JI.JJ
Tht· l OntrJll i t,1ti.:, th,11 .1n e11:tl· n"on mu,t Ix· at;n:t·J
up,.'n al lcJ, t 1,0 cJa), pri<-r tl 1 1h1: t.:-'r1rat1on dJtl' Ill thc o n~inal " oOlfil\.1...
;\ ...-onn•rn addn.·, ......-J in lhl' rt·talH•n lllii. thl' tn:k \lf r.iilly 1n rru.c, ul ,urrlu:~ lpafl(:r. pt:n.!> l"t"·) Jt lhl· t,..,..Jl ,tM~ \.<wllP,lrcJ (\'"o ,•lhl·r re1a1l imm.•_., m 1Th..! :.n.·.1 ...imc
the contract stJtc,. -. Schou! s upplies .1nd 1;en cr.1 l merchanJ1'il.' will tx- ,C1IJ .ti l()C;Jlly l"Om{'.:t1l1\·e pnc~ Wate rs >J.1J h..- h,h -, omrarison•'ihnppl.'d- J I )tor~~ in the :m.-..1 Jnd that complNd hl :.tNt:'\ ('llhcr thJn largC" ch:1111 JnJ dl·par1mr n1 'itoO.'..li., !he l:iook:,,111re 1, very ..:omr,c11t1,..-. -w e 1u~t \. .1n't uimJx:h" with stnn.•i, ltkl· \\ .1!-rt,l.1n 11r Target t,ccau\c wc llhl d1>n l hu y 'iuprd1es ,n th.11 rnlumc WI.' 1111}!.ht t-tuy 25 11f ,,nc hrlnd 111 f'li.:n ,.1nJ lhl·y (W.tl ~tm .inJ T.tq!l.'11 m1),!tit ttuy 25,mu.- WJll"r\ ,.11d \\ :\k·rllii. a!'-t1 ,.1d1ln•,'-'.'J th..· llii.lUlknt, cvn.:au th.it ~1 $l' rdJtL•J d,,thm~ ll•.:m .. J t~ 4u11,,:
Pafe 2
Thunday, April 22, 199:J
Give me a ladde r to climb out of this hole
Editoria l The doing makes the difference The "inv;u.uon" wa..._ moppropnatcly issued!
~~!:;n~;!t.rd Eighty-six people dit'd lrangate, lr.iqga1c. now we Monday in a fire at 1hc Branch can adJ Koreshga1c. Apnl 16 -- · crom 8:00 p.m. until ?7?' •· at the Officers Club Davidian compound just outBut what did D:a..,td located II Sheppard Air Fom: B35C. sidc Wi,,:o. h was Day 51 into Korcsh and his followers do 11 appeared to be a soltC1tallon of female student._ for the the standoff. TI\C FBI decided 10 w3rr:mt such a reaction by ' comfort and plca.wr<" or male Air Fon.-c personnel. it wu time to end 11. It ended our government? The media Numerous tt:larcd concerns were brou&hl t o ~ in a mini-apacalypse. said AlFs most serious allc• staff. U.S. Attorney General gal.ions ag~inst 1he Brunch 1bc complCA1on of the event seemed to change as M.:iiffers Janet Reno took rc.~ponsibili1y Davidi:ms wen: th:11 they had began verifying infonna11un, and by noon, Friday. the invit:t- for the decision to flush out accummulated illegal auto· uon had been extended to MSU men. Staffers dispatched to the soct using tanks to insen matic weapons and were cover the event reported propncty was observed. CS Lear gas :md demolish the ho ldin • some fo llowers h ·1d Women hnvc fought for year, to better lhenucl\les and 10 · • ui mgs. Rcno sa1d ·m an magainst their will ::u the com~ an equal plxc for lhcmJC.lvcs in a predomil\3ntly male tcrv1ew with Dan Rather April pound. Unoffictally. David SOC1Cty. Thus, 1nv1t1.uons that cany the wnt of solkitauon for 19. she didn't :anticipate David Kore.sh was accused of being dishonor.1.b\e acuVJtics are offensive :ind dcgr.ading to Korcsh and his followers a Mfanatical cult leader" who w omen . commitllng mass s uicide mesmcri1.ed his followers A change in mililary regulations.. pem,itting aMOCiation r.ilhcr UWl giving up. There 1s with words and Biblical n:fcr. he Id d d er her.,.,ccn enlisted personnel and offlc:cr1 could help chmin:11e •, noth mg s • wou o I er• ences from 1he B..JuLk. i u problems of 'illfficicnt numbcr1 of men and women for socfal ently, she said. b3SCd on the ~ . Korc..~h is S3id 10 mterchangc on hases. infonnation avail3blc 10 her at have fa1hercd numerous chi!Mixed soci.1ls arc clearly common cultural events of lhe the time. In hindsight, s he dren with the legal wives of times, but lf the mihwy i5 interested in p,omoting association adm111cd, she would change , his male followers . T he between military men and Universicy females and if some things. Branch DavidiJns have hccn University personnel wish to assist. surely it could be h:mcontinuously referred to as a dlcd 1n a much more respectful manner. The public still doesn't M cultMm the mcdi.1. almost as · know what lhc exact allega- if this label Ju.sufied whatever tions agai nst the Branch federal authon tics did to wipe Dav1dians were bcc:iusc the out this group. original search warrants were scaled after the first assault But why was the decision March I . But don't exix,-ct to made to end the stindoff April Lcuer to the Editor: It was a day to remember, The sun was shining. Classes ever know much :ibout 1his 19 instead of jusl letting the boichcd case. Yes, there will incident wear useIf out1 This bad sonc well Pcac.e and harmony seemed prevalent; and be a conircsstonal inve.,.t1ga· was a pohucal decision made men trea1ed women like human beings not devices. tion. but II will paperovcr the a1 lhc uppermost lier of our Unfon·unJitcly lhc day wasn't exactly all tha1peachy, but wrong-beaded thinking that gove rnme nt ll was a day to remember. Pres iden t led lO the initial qt13Si-military Clinton made that decision. Sometime before April 16. a Oyer cin.:ul:itcd on campus. assault on the group and the Reno is t:iJung the heat. But It was an invitation from the NATO pilots of Sheppard to pohtical pressures which led Clinton made the decision. the ladies of Midwestern for a night of hospitality. In bold lO the case's dramatic closure. That's the way government lcncring 11 read : Attention All Ladies! Covcrups arc the tradition for works •· here •· in Russia •· Some people might not think much of it at first. our aovemment when it really m Chm3 and everywhere else However when most of my friends heard the news, they screws up; 1.c. the Kennedy in high profile c;is.cs. Why dtd immediately took offen.K:. • Attention All Ladies?• a friend assass ination. Watergate. Clinton decide to end It., The asktd, "It should have S,3.Jd Our Inicntion...All Ladies•• We musl go to lhc beginning of th1~ to understand fully what it seems to imply. One can assume thaJ. at first lhe pilots needed pcnniuion from the university to allow women to :attend in the name o( MSU. Someone agreed to the idea and the prOCC$5 continued, Next, the women had to be ap• proached in some manner, so the flyers wtre 2pprovcd at the CSC offieie and circuhucd. At sometime, thc sororihc.s were noh lied and rumor h.:&d ii that some were 1old io attend by their individual organiutions. (writer·, note: this is my best guess u to the process.) Sy 0.N L urn•n So. wh3t's the probk:m? In my opinion lhe problem is MOYk Rul,wcr riagc. and she responds by 1hat this WllS an issue before ii was an issue. It was permitted "Indecent Pro posa l," going back IC'I hC'r h111ionairc a.\ if nobody would be offondcd by it lnslC-3d the proccs..~. s tarring Robert Redford. lover. They never n:covcr from beginning 10 end. made MSU look like a c:all girl .serWoody Harrelson and Demi lhcir dream houSI!. vice. It doesn't matter that it wa., possibly intended to be a Moore is a movie hased on Directed hy Adrian Lyne harmle.~ night of intcrc.stmg conYCl'S3.II0n. The nyer made 1t the old question, "What ("9 1/2 Weeks" ). the movie sound like something cheap and many people have exwould you he willing to do mny he auc mp1ing to say th3t pressed that to me. for a million dollars?M we would all likl" 10 he put m Aucnt1on all ladies' This is an inJUSticc. You have been David and Diana Murphy that posmon. :md that C\'Cr)'· expccccd to perform in the name of the university. But, if (Woody Harrelson and Demi one can be boui;ht, At the Moore) arc a young couple same 1ime, 1r we were placed mis1n~J~r1 living in Santa Monica. m 1h31 s1tu:111on, there would It is a combmallon of several factors th:ll hrought this Calif.• who need $50.000 to be no way we coulJ accept Oa[:.ellant suggcs1ion to our doorstep 11\c: blame fall,; on the hold on 10 the drcffll house Gage's proposal •· thoush i1:norancc of man. This should have been i1ven more con• lhey arc building on the we'd hkc to. _ sidcra1ion before 1t was thrust upon the university beach. Dcspcnitc. 1hey go to ~Indecent Proposal" is the Briefl y I $hould also say th.1.1 hccausc of the stench this Las Ve1;as to win the money k.Jnd of movie th:11 leaves the creatt d. men were invi1ed at noon the d:iy of the function 10 through gambling. viewer with mixed emollons. auend It i5 bchcved that this was a last duch public rclalnsicad. they moe.1h1lhon- On one hand. the viewer al11ons d fon . aire John Gage (Robert tempi$ to 1dcn11fy with the The "sm" has been committed, but without a judge and Redford) who makes this ca- young couple who arc desJury nothrng will come of ti, and our sunny days will consual proposal: He'll pay them pcraicly trymg 10 make ends tinue to.be cloudy becaUJC of those who don't use beuer S I million for one night with moct and 3rt willing to do )U.\t Judgment when it comCJ to CA11l..£ CALLS. Diana. about anythmg 10 survive. -Bnan Yount T hey arc shocked. and On the other hand. the couple initially refuse. Bui, a.~ they wu pl:lccd in a situa1ion think ahout 11. they ra11onah1,e where they made a series of it with promlSCS 10 each other. poor dcc1S1on."i because t~y
NATO pilots wucd 11 blankcl invitation to MSU fcm:.lc students •- ONLY -~ 11-. ancnd I hospit.ility night on Friday.
Letter to the Editor
ls thi.s u,evitabh:'' I think ~ d ff continued. I wrote, m an cdnon,1 longer the Slind ':nore inc:ffcc Day 22 of the Mando[f the weaker an I0 k.cd 11s the seems that ATF. the r-e1. / tual ChntO~ 0~d comrnanoihct police agenc1e~ lt:irr '· chief cxccuuve nothing from the Jnn 1,1,.~ , dcr-in-chtef~sident who h:ts massacre 1n the late I1J10.,\ be As ~u~ of :1vo1d1ng the no th in g else. that q, en a was an anti-war acd~ft and , VieUlarTI tra., demonsirated th3t a t-"-t· uvtsl dun ng ~ credibility which emhraccJ an ·('ll(j Ii tt' he already ha • ;a ·11 ry He world is neat. sccnJnri problem will,;'~ m~ ~ 11 ·that t,clieVCS thal 11 cont31Q\ I.'• and his lop a vise 11JI 1he chosen .' will not pa\\iv/ ive up whl'n att.acktd ~• he couldn't afford. to ~w ~fi, ••odoff to conunuc_ 1ndc 1 force. In effect. ~uch gr(11.~• .. m t ume nitely. Be.sides, su icicn ch lhink 1hemselves mu1 dr~ th 10 holes without ladders ~ had been given e Bran Oavidians to make thc /ov• group consc1ousnc~, !,1fTlp ~ emment's action Apnl I bjP· can'l sec other opUoM rh:in. I r reasonable to pu ,c peaw hi'ch w•• gen ing annoyed be tnJC to i lS v1s1on of llS n ..,, de al~ mission. A group 1n 1,4with the standoff. W~at m!as modc will simply h:ni: 1,, 1hc decision easic~ d conviction~ confirmed v.tc, Koresh's erratic hchavaor an attacked and will die fiir bizarre demands which pla~ into the govcm menl's ~u~hc ing.;rom the bcgmnmg, a, relations sU1.tcgy of .P11 nung case screamed for a scn!.iu,. Koresh as a "fanaocal cult sociological ap~ro3ch wh1c,; leadcrM. took into cons1dcrat1on Ill( So another McultM got s pecial dynam 1cs of c11.: group~. the wtped out April 19. How isola11on, ir psycholcg1,l and doom\d.1 does that affect you and I. mentality . T he Branlt law-abiding citizens?.. Da~ Davidians nccdcd a ladder lilit Rather interviewed a cult expert who said there are of the hole they had tho11:.rt themselves into. l nstc.l.d, nv anywhere from 800 to 2,500 cults in the U.S. today and government attacked the~ co nfirm i n g Ko resh 1 that there had been an upsurge in cults since the Jonestown prop hecy that the end of L"t ma.uacrc m 1979. If our gov- world had come upon lhto ernment continues its m1liwy All this happened while 11.e approach to dealing with the law-abiding ci1i7.cns. ~ •cults: perhaps we·II watch sively watched 1he s1cg( ~ many more '!'assaci:c,s of fcl• our fellow ca1i1.cns on ~ low c1t11.cns m commg years. T.V. screens.
Critic says movie has major flaws
ir~~t~J ~~u~;
: C~J:~~l~~a~~::~mg
~ tl'.bt UJ tcbttan ~ M i dweat ern S tate Univ e r s ity 3410 Taft Blvd. B o x 121 60 Wi c hita F aUe, TX 7630 8 N e w • D eak (8 1 7 ) 689-4704 Ad. D eak (817) 689-4 705
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11 docsn'l work out thal way. however. David finds that he can·1 live wnh the idea of not knowin{!. what hap•
~~1~~:nf c:~·~i~fn~:t ~hnaJ their relationship I
falls ap3n. David, through his ,ca.lousy. drives Diana out of their mar•
;~~~~~:~~~l:r:~r die 11 and the results ton: them aJ>3n.
Redford) !or $1 million. Following the reluse or "Indecent Proposal'', Entu, \ainmtnl Weekly dld a survey and askro c.he qurstion: " Would you sleep with (or allow your par tner to Slttf with) another person for a million dollars?"
o .·1MOw1Nf.......
honain: who normally cats hi• ti!.! pcopk fnr lunch. should suddenly dcvl•lop a c:isc of altruism, or why he's so
the self-made htlhona1n· h,J dcnly docs a morJI ;i.!'ll~at face.
on Doan, m the first
thcr!•~u;lct~ty\;r"2,:J•:1. a nd profanity. Th1.·rc 11.1!1 docsn·t seem to he mu~h .,i anything else 1ha1\ H 'I ~ convincing.
And. if they can't get their dr~am house back. why don't t~y Just take pan of the SJ "lndeccn1 Propon1· ha.~ m1lhon and build another one?
:~c:;:a~na~~r ~~;so:~~:a:~~ tum." to Gaec, whom she profc,;scs 10 hale It leaves unexplained why Gage. a h1I•
From • Telephone Poll or 504 adults conduc ttd b, tlk Roper Organization ovtr the weekend or April J-4. ~1~ri;ir or error : plus or minus 7 p<Mnts.
I found the end mg to be unlikely and unsat sf Gage doesn I get Di~ ying body ge1i1 the SI m na. no111 ion, and
"Indecent ProposJl 1• now playing at S1kr , ' 1\ Thcalre.s. . Rc... 1ew Rating· C+
-- ~-- -----------Acappe----lla will ----perform at local-----church
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oes the movie business really know what Amtrica is look.In&ror on the big screen? f\·1ayht not, if the following is any Indication: In the movie, David (Woody Ha rr<lson) ag"cs to leth, wlle(D<mi Moore)spcnd the nig)ll with J ohn Gage(Rob<n
a,.r\ltdl lH
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P111k• futa.
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Acappc lla, a na11onally Hobhs. N M . Bass Duane known en.scmMe of Chn~t1an Adams from Ode..\ .u ; Tenor music. will pn:.scnt a concert Gory Moym from Lubhock at 7 p.m on Tuesday. April and Lead Sm gcr George 2? at Fa11h Baptist Church, Pcndcrgra.ss from New York 3001 Sou1hw~s1Parkway C11y. N Y Acappdla was founded tn IL~ natmn:il and mtcrnathe c :.rly I980~ hy K~11h t1onal tour sc:hcdulc includes Lancaster. Voc.a.hsts mcludc more than 200 concerts a year Santone Waybum Dean from as well a.-. recording 5CS.Smns
~a~~. ~~:
·based studios in
u i ~ ~J~~d~lry magAcappcll , . calls a s unique i.1ylc " pan strect-c~rncr / ~ prai~ and worsh 1~ Aca I pleteJy capttvat.mg • :._r::orded its fm;t h.i t 10 rnany top 40 hii.s
::J>J~" 1St
have followell Wr u~,: Seen His Glory." on~ \1: ~ rcccn1 releases, rank" n11111 c 25 Acappda's nl.!wc,1 n:l~l is ..~c~c ~~~: ~· t pm(: !he conct n . hut a love •111;_ 1ng will he taken dunni t concen . Door,; will open JI p.m.
[ Ct,e lllfcbftar
Thursday, April 22, 1993
MSU hosts Arab League Technology is friend and foe ........
ayi-M. A.........
Edllor'1 Nttl•: TIINI I• 111,
Or Abdallah I Sbcih. Director o( Jnfonn:iition and Poli1ic al Af(airs, Arab
• ,,rlu coaur•l•1 ••• hd1aolo17 la • d•utloa.
nut of tllrt1 IMlallnw•S. h1
h,for. .llon ••• 1•l..1rcd by Malone uid tha1 Macin1osh Holl 7 Olo m1 dc , Ju offen the best poss.ib1lilic! for G IUH , Flll•on.
Le.aauc Information C.:ntcr ba...~d in Washington DC . wu the keynote , peaker ·,;
1hc Soulhwc11 Model Arab Lcacuc. Dr. Sbeih, a native of
sues for J)('.accful n!$olutions . in the Mi~~le Ea.,t, MSU ho.•ncd 19 tc:ims from 15 sou1hwc.s1 universities for lhc Sou1hwc.."il Model
1 cam•:j.c'=i:1 (acuhy this week according to
Mb League. Studcn1s had a unique opporiunity 10 karn
or women, presnvauon of Shannon Pugh: Palcslini3n more about the Arab w orld and affairs - Gary Boyd, Chris while networking w ith frlloV.: Ar:ib cultur:il hcri1a,e
across the southwest Man y studt:nts lcfl wilh 3 heller cduc:m on ~hout the Arab world...
Students p:micipated
live comm1t1ccs who disusscd and di:h:ued issues like arms control in the Arab
world. ~uh support for lhc P•lcsllman cause, the s~tus
management nr lhc environment The five commiuces we~: polit1c3I affairs. economic :tffair~. social ;,,ffairs. and arfairs c ultura l Palesunian ::1.ffoirs.
MSU wa..~ reprc..~nt.ed by tc::1.ms from 1he his1ory dcpo_rtment :inc.I 1hc politi1.:al scie nce dcpanment Team members from h1s1ory were cuhural :1ffa1rs - Johnny C;:1ncr. Jcn'nan Ghazal: social :irra1rs • Jenny Satan .
Hvtman; econom1c affairs -
:fr~,~~ tia!~d~~::: lt:c~' Uli Bauer. Tum members 1
from political science were: dfairs - Jeff Downing. Matt Hardin. Trey Harris: social :iffairs - Erin Valerio, Ju lie Lindell: Pales1ini:an affairs - S1cven Kerns, Anthony Turnbow; economic :1Ua.1rs - J.E. .Der rick 81 acks hi:ar. W.1i;goncr; poliucal affairs Tercsu Prado. Brfan Gilmore.
111~1t•Jt◄ 11tR~M L11 Bob Krueger. Democratic candidate for 1he open U.S. ScnalC xat. will be presented at a coffee social from 8:30 a.m . to 9:30 a.m.• Friday, Apnl 23 al the Wichila Falls Activity Center.
the parking lol of Analysis in Profi1 Planning: M1dwesll'ffl S1:uc Un1vc.rsity An Empiric31 Comp3nson of Two appro3ches," accepted A Muhti:ullur:11 Work- for public:a11on in the shop will be at 1.30 p.m. Fri.• loaern;uional Journal of Apnl 23. in the C1¥k Scudent ~ Ccnicr ThcJtrc. Dr. J:imes R. King, as.\oDallas Brw will perfonn Dr. Morrow's Children's of history. :u,d proft.:.ssor ci3tc Conccn will be at 3 p.m. Sun., April 2S. in Akin three MSU student dcle,galCS at the MSU represented free wilh a siudenl l.D. and Audi1orium. Any overdue hbrary N3tion31 Con,•en1ion or ue available i n the C lark Student Center Off.cc, Room books returned before Fri.• Alpha Cha April l ·4 in 103. April 24. will have the fine Chicago. Dr. Michxl Preda, diviA "Second-Hand Sale" dism1.sscd as p3rt or Amrk!Sty fundraiscr, sponsored by lhc Weck al the Mofffr:1 Lihrary. sion of poli1ical science :ind Or. Mike C. P:uierson. public administration dirtcAIDS Suppon Center of Wichita Falls. wi ll be from 9 professor o t m1n:1gcment. has 1or. co-3.uthon:d with profesa.m. to 4 p.m. S,11.. April 24. h3d his pap..!r. "Constraint sors at University of Nonh Texu 3.nd Texas A&I "The Me aning of Meaning in 3 If a coat of paint could do to yo11rf11cr 11o·hnt ir do,-s to u -..·all. Post-Meaning Age : A n you would nevrr havt to worry about .rlcin cart • fort1matt ly, lntcrn111ion:al Survey of .rHn corr is tnsitr than piclcing up n pflim brush. Undcrgudua1es· Values. " which was presented April 9 at the :1nnual convention of the Americ an Culture As..\OC1a1ion in New Orle2ns. • Facials $15.00 La. • Prrmant Mir rtmm'Ol Dr. Garland R. Hadley. • Tanning bed $29.00o month Mith a stutl4'nt ID professor of cconomacs, made • Sculpturtd nail.I S15.0Q Fills S/5 00 a prcscnlation. "Recent Ocvclop men ls in lhe Accn:dnatton or Bus mcsi. Schoob," at lhc Sou1hwcs1 )IOOC.nncStrtct B~iness Sympo~ium April 8 Wlcbh.- F1111,. Tua., 76308 in OklJhoma City. K17 691- IKl.s in
on Tilf1 BoulevMd.
Ho1h"I ••d LU~rlo.
New tcchnoloJy •• it c:in be u frienly as a puppy or as deadly au snake! Technological advances seduce us willl 1heir cue and comfon. but at what cost?
Jerusalem. intoned 1hc scnousness of problems and is-
tunity mretrng ~tudents from
the Openina Prucn111ion a1
student,. Jenny S.ilan. sociul affairs commm cc me mber s:i.i~. "h was a great o ppo, :
pcr.s where cost, and space his s1udcnu are t.eiChcrs wi1h prohibit VDT (video dii.play deg.recs who an: back to lcam terminal) mainframe systems.
the minu&U of the March 11
facully senate mocting. Professors were warned that pcr$0nal phone caJls will no !oncer be person,!. MSU phones can and will be monitored due to the ·new and improved~ Mcndi:an phone system -· one cost or
convenience and cffocicncyl
New hori1.on.s in 1eehnology have made il pos.sibk for today's studcnu, it all levels or education, to learn quickly and more cff,cicn~y. Next semcs1cr the ml$$ :s~a~,i~c!ti:~~~~~~~;~ lab, rcplxing lhc cum:nt reM lib. 11
the money. For MSU studcn~ to be competitive in the job market. Malone said, they ncc:d to be: exposed to hands-on learning or the tools being w.cd 1n the real world. 1lw: mass commuNc.1uoru: dcpanment will :ilso ha vc a vt~out projection SCI with CD-ROM. Dr. M1ch;acl l.:i.nd, as~oci1tc professor or educ:ation. recently wrote a book "HypcrCud. A Tool For Leaming.· With HypcrCard. one can manipulate video disk and sound from CO-ROM Land said HypcrCard now comes with every Macintosh computer. The focus for compu1er instruction. Land s:iid, should be on how we can use it to bcucr do wh:ucver it is that we do, 001 ju.st as a tool 10 use an doing our job. Land said the reason they cho-'C M.acs for the cducalion lab ate the use of use and Apple's interest 1n education. S1uden1s who use Hypercard IC3rn 10 use 3 mu lli-media sys\cm to IC3Ch or
pub;i~hi~~:'c~etsifwt~~~: assistant professor or journal- leun. ism, said. Teachers can use it 10 Malone said speed is the main rcllSOn for the swicch teach en1irc lessons. For exin a foreign l:anguagc ample. from IBMs to Macs in lhe Mass Commun ications lcs..wn, teachers could show words with pronunmovies. Oepanmcnc Malone wd hoving been a ciatioru and even t.c.1Ch songs rent lan1u:1ges. iffe d in reporter and secinJ IBM and Other desktop pubhshing sys- Studcnu can eve n like their tems, Macs arc the simplest icw on the computers and the compu1er can grade them. and quickest Land is cum:nl.Jy teaching Macs are beinJ used on other campus.es !nd nc~p,1- two H)'IJC!Card cl,sse,. All of
il~~~(>MIC~ows develo p-
ers 10 combine text with p1c:1ures and .sound. Even young ch,ldrtn can
ma111pulatc chaucteu .ind re,,
~o;;~;~c~c;~~;i~'g ROM S1ory Boob." an article
IcchoofoPY and l +ilmmc January 1993. students re:,d in
3loud 3.5 they go along and the story is highlighted as 1hcy read. Some prognms have: bu1ll an dictionaries in lhe stories so s1uden1s who don't understand a word can look 11 up ~ they ;m reading. Also. hoL-spots arc 1n• eluded bchmd chanctcrs in some s1ories. A s1uden1 can move the mouse to a cha.racier and click on and hear a part of the story not u.su:illy hc:a.rd.
Land nud this new technology may h.ive users looking a1 different subjects, such as S~nish ind English. 3nd their rclacions hip to each olhcr. Lilnd also S11d th3t maybe it will give educa1ors a chance 10 cmphas1ic that no one ca.n mcmori7.C a.111 though mcmonzing were .ac1ua.l lcaming. •M.aybc it will get us post lhis 1hing or JWt memonz.ing :ind rcgurgit:a1ing, when we actu:1l1y work with d3ta, • Land said. In the March 1993 issue ofTccbnolngical Horizons JO ~ :m Vticlc s1aies.. ·ln m:iny cases. improving the quali1y of the higher education system is closely linked to 1he ability to utilize existing and emerging technologies to bctk:r deliver the · product' to the customer consti1uenCLes."
Depression and suicide linked T his II U.e nra1 of lhrH ln.i■IIM1nl1
cua i•I
d 1 preulon, lnform■llon WU 111h1nd b7 T •m•k HIii•. Und■ Wlboa ScoCI and Cl,11 Tlckl1.
Jennifer Thomas• is the k.ind of girl everyone envies. To many obscrvc:rs, it looked as 1f Jenny had everything a girl at MSU could possibly want. She w.as a popular member of a sorority. a former cheerleader; her prominent parents adored her. Jenny's nawless beauty and sense or humor made her popular enough to win scvcnl
honorary titles.
happy :11school. She changed her mOJOr; 1hmkrng 1h31 this would make a difference. Increasingly. Thomas round thal she was not enjoying anythini; C\'CO though she cold herself 1ha1 she should be
No one would have
guessed that Jcnmrer Thomas was so depressed 1h:i1 she believed suicide was the only way to stop the inner tunnoil she raced daily. Thomas. now an MSU senior. rtmembcrs the progression thal led her 10 a locked hathroom slashing away at her wrists dcspcr.i.icly seeking to end her life so she wouldn't have to l'Jcc .inOlhcr lonely, miscr.thlc day. Thomas' problems began one semester two ye:irs ago when she found herself becoming more and more un-
happy. At first. dnnkrns :i.nd
partying St:Cmcd like the solution. Slowly. over the course of a semester. Thomas found it more difficult to get out of bed in the morning. and at1ending c\3,sscs became impossible.
•The only time I was h:tppy during this time wo.s when I was :1.."'llc.cp... she said. A." her grades plummc1ed, she s1aycd home m bed sleeping as much ;is possible. She remembers w:itching TV 311 day and refusing to deal w11h her hfc. In 3 maucr a few shon weeks. Thomas completel y dropped o ut or school and her life .is she knew 1t. "I put my entire life By appoin1men1 o I Barber with 30 years experience. on hold," she said. Although Thom:,s' life became an endless round or For A slc<"p. TV talk shows and isolation. she felt exh1ust.ed. Of Eternal Lrfc She became so depressed th:11 she d1dn'1 bother dressing or • Non-Dcnomin1tioru.l • Contemporary Music balhing each day. It wa.5 at • Syst.;m:auc teaching • Loving, mfonn::1.I 11tmoi.phcre this point 1h1t Thomas' parents insis1cd that she i;c1 :1 through the Bible that welcomes everyone! doctor's care. The phyi.ic1an knew immcdia1cly from Thomas· symptoms 1ha1 she was suffering frnm :1 t·hcmic3l imbalance rn her brain llus was lhe cause or her depression. not 3 mental illness. The phys1c1an promptly pn:..111cnhcd om anlldcprcssam medication and sent Thoma.!. home. "II was
- tyl~
Join U,
• •y
llh/lt 1Jwnw11S'"""u Wkb,to l·.olh
Srmpk Cckhration
SUOOlf Sen ..:n lf 45am .lS \Or,m I Si l'fl\NISI 7~
l■seepage 4
lhr i.v,, 1
~P;a"'::,:4~~Th:u~ni:d~AY:•~A~1•:rl~l:2~~-~199:s_______ __
Depression trvm l'llfi' J
th.u he th<'ughl that ht \lob too IJ tc lu U\'l' lw. °t'fau11ful
the fiN umc I h:,,,1i.:,,·n hc.U'd (•f .1 d ,tm1,JI 1mh.alo,,,l<".' ,m,
u 1J
t · nfortul'l atl'ly, thi: mtJ1 ca110n mlldt rh,,mu ~k<'r Y, M> 1nMt1J nf f\1llciw,n, thcdoctflr'S 11tdt'rl. she stutc:d
Fonunai.cly. ~ amount of
wa., no1 enough m loll her )0 her phy,,c ,,n h;id anmhcr ch:u1« 1n CON'Cl'l !he r rohlctn\ 1h11 dmv~ her I(' seek lil de1troy her life llus umr. lh<' physicu1 n 3tu.n?d her on PrM.llC•·• diffcn-nt int1-dcpre.sQJII. W1th1n tw o wcth. Thoma& and her fa mily noheed a d1fforcnc<' in hc:r
mcd1cut1on Thom&.\ took
dcrrc.(»l'\1..$ to make her -.!rep moll'. Thoma,, W1)uld v..akc: up. ti.kt AnO\h('r anti dcprc.,.<a,nt, j l«'-[) 11 off. then 1U.c m,1rc medu,·1111, n. She did Mt k~p hl:r follow. Ufl lf)f'OlnUT1cn1 With the doc•
U\11'\g lh(' Jnll
l"'boma-" did 001 Lnow th:u Mncc 1hcl"t' 1\ nl)t ;A mt'd1c.al 1es1 10 dctcrm,nc: the correct mt'd1c2111on M.·dC'd to stop the dcrrcss,on, tht m,11.:al s1a~, of treatmrn1 l rt' man) 11mc., a period or · 1n:al o.nd crrn r • Since s.he rd u~ d h) k.c:c:p her i1ppom1mcnts. her physic1Jn wu unlhk to adJust her
1ha1 hrouthl her re lief w;u .dee p. mayhc nm w:1l1ng up agaun would he the best solu• hon 10 her pmbkms.. · 1 t-cµn LO think. of 11 1., :i 'pcrm:111c n1
sleep •
I\IOllC 1h1ng •
Lt1shncr al5op,nhellcn1c 1 ,n she C" ~" I -1inJ, Council. asorcm !.~,~-coun·
Farrell ..:xprc\\t'd ~p('lin1mcn1 1n th•)'IC , ~111: fflO,\ lhJI ,~-the ru .. ,,. 1.">.crr1
~we a,,nounc~ !" had cil thll the Jnv11,•~---"S do and Iha .., ,_., d been m• u,tctttttd cou1 for anyone •• th< Student be p,ckcd up.' t.,•·• net ,aid om« IA-I' Ct n&e:r 'tuaenu t,eesm, AJ ~(~: event. uncon· aware s bce•n 10 fi nned .s1i1cmen1,he ,social c1rculia1t 1h11 th1·n1 more ned was no P1an .. cit a1arkc1: as one
,. 13
· meal murkcl or • •fo
, a11-, 1rt pro\lllutJon ~ '1' •J would hue "'1,.., r:urly th< p1lim,>nd • 1 JI d 111 · Farr< ' " , really be unfair In" ~n)L \p\'Oh'Cd I( I Wa\ planru~~o, I would ~ prc11)• '4! ',~., me allt:P3h11n, " vvv ~ Alcohol wa.s ...,~il~t-1. thott of asc ond f:ui,H • he t,chcvcd ShcrpJrd ,_ -c
t:':a~e mMSU .uudcnl de · not allow 11nyonc undcrft;
sen~.;. confronted wtt.h thc drin~I have noth1n~ h~t ,, allesaiuonj Fnday mor~int greatat recflmmend.i:..-~ •• April 16. Or. Mo; J;, for praise ahout Shcrpad ~
hf(' hc:i;.:an .1.i;:11n Unfortun11c.ly, Thom..a> d1.-.covcn:d th:u \to'l"-'n !ihc hJd som~ probltms wuh her boyfricnd, su1c11Je wu the r1rs1 thini! she thC1ugh1 of Altho ugh s he w.u Slcrnly w2rncd by her phr,1c1an nc,-cr to dnnk 3nd 1akt: Pm,..ac \1mult:incously. onc da y Thomas found hc-N(IC dnnking heavily 1n her lp3rtmcnt follo""ing in v,umcnt. ,\flu dnnki ng all eventng. Thoma., st.1g£crelJ ,n10 her bathroom. A-. s he looked 1n the mirror. ~hi! hc£.ln crymg >nd l-..:<ltmc cnra,.,,d by wh,t
REMEMBER US f'Oll YOUR DIPLOMA NEEDS framm1 • princ., • posltts
tudeiifr11l s: 1st donation
frv ffl , ... I
lhc mc.d1ca11on, Thomas felt hkc her fonne, self Thoma\ n:...c.nmllcd m da.1;,._<cs Jl MSU. It seemed like the end of 1
The id<• o[ ,uillllc slowly c rept 1n11, h<" r waking she saw On impulse. she thou ght-". dorninltini; !hem took ~vcral n1.o« 0,11 l'f the Thom:is dec1<kd to pb.n her mc:d1c1nc c,1,bme1 :ind bcein 0\\11 dc:Jth. A.1; she thou~ht of sla.-.tung hes wrb.1s. Wffcn.:nl ways 10 die. lihr aho '" At firs-t . I.he cuu hun so hcg.J.n writing letter, 10 c, much 11 rurpn.~d me Then. 11 phnn hi.:r su1ctdc m her p.ir• cxcum:d to me 1tu.1 r deserved e nts. · 1 wanted 10 apolosu.c \be- ~n so I kept on cull.in& • 10 lhcm .SO thC) -..ouldn'l be As blood spuned all over the bathroom sin.I.: and noor. hurt when I died." Jhc- ""itt Tho mu' obsession with Thom:u watch,·d her wh11c dealh cau.\C:d her moods tn ulk .s turt become s.a1ur:aled m change She bccamc :short• blood and tC1tf. As hc:r hfc temp<rcd and m oody She pulsed out of her wrist.s. tried lO p~tcnd lha t noUnng Thomas remembers h<'aring was wrong. but I vI5I1 to her her mother"s voK"t molher's hnme promp1cd • Thomn' mo ther h;id violent display of ■.n p:.r and dnvcn to her apartment. let hoolillly thM Thomas h.d been herself m and dLSCovt rcd th<suppressin& When her bathroom door locked S he moc her made• comment about pounded on lhe door un1d her h11r. Thomas stormed Thomas opened 1hc door to lhrouch the house, b~king the bloody '<Xn< vasc.s, knocking treasured • All I can rcrncmher 1s my kccpu..kcs off shelves and moltlcr'i screa m when she pulhng pu. t1,m~.s c,(f the will. 1,1w wb,n I h:&d done.• .she Tnc race ~med 10 bu, Id :u. w d Thomas dt'uroy~J hc:r mothAfter medical .and psych1atnc treauncnc. Thomas now er's pos.scssions " I dcc1dcd I h.1.1cd C\'Cf)'· thinks she hu rc:gamed conlhini MJ evcl")'one."' ~he wd. Tho mas stormed out of tht! ~ u0!d~~ house. drove hC'l mc ..nd 1<,ok worked hird :.1 he3hng her the t'('ll r ( the bou lc Clf 1,1nll· wounded sdr,c: uccm and re• dep~'5JntJ. Liter. Th11m:a, llec.Ltng on the: problems thlll father brokr down her door nearly COM her her life and found the n,11c~. 1hr '"I oow know Lh:11 I have a chcm,c;iJ 1mN.lancc tru.11 C311 ~ treated w11h mcd1t'a1Jon. I
MSU women
hch2v1nr Aflcr 1 1nonIh l'ln
nighun:tri: to ThomH
mcd1cauon "Whe n 1 w.1..s :nlccp. I wu OK I didn't ha,·c 10 worry. I didn't have 10 dc.11 wuh anything: she s.1,d h OCC UITt'd 10 Thnm:i., during this time. 1h.:t1 1f the.: onl)' lhmg
s.•~•llUIAf[ S ,vN,~YAAIOU, • v>GaU1PS f HAOUGti A 19 !'[AR PE~ 'OO
[ /:::C::J
learned the harJ \to.I)' that :ilcohol and med1nuon arc deadly , \0 I never dnnk :ilcoho l.'" she .s.;i1d ThCln\U has 1bo learned th:u hl.lm1ng her self for ~r prohlcms 1.s Jc. 5,trucuve and th:u p:mcm of bch;ivior ,._ .something ~he wa.nis to lca\'c in lhc f'iSI. She h:is ab.o l~mcd that she has 1 phys1ul probkrn within her Min. not a mental prohlcm
Thomu' stor)·. sadly. 1s
not unusual AC\."Ord,ng 10 m· lorm:ill.lon from the Na11on11I
Center for Health SL1llst1cs. .su1c1<k most often occurs m the 20-25 ycar•old 1111c grour. which mcam thal college .SIU• dcnL\ :arc ill risk A..s Thomu pn::p:ircs for , radu:u10n m Deccmhcr of this year. her pr05pcc1S for a bngh1 fu1un: ,ncn:asc dlily She credits her ph)Su.,an. Dr Richard M1h.sc1. with .uvini; her l!Jc. She .al~ praL.\t!Ji her p2rcn u. for hw ing her even
~~~~,~a w;;n~~u1;f :
Thom:u· mo1hc r s:ud,
·she IS JU.St like she used to he hcfore everything happened. At firs, I thought sh<' v.•35 JU1' goi ng through ,1 1urhu lcn1
lime. lhcn you kn'1w how SC• n ous 11 u ""hrn 1hey 1ry 10 commit suicide • ru a parent who has Sl!cn hc:r daughter suffer, she uffe15 some ad v1,;c for others · v ou can't shove your prohlcms under the car· pct. Like a broken arm. 11 mu.\t be tff'atcd • When Thomas sm,le.s and ialk.s ;ibout th<' future. her sccady boyfriend and her hfc,
:~.:J~~ 1:df:~~~ &~~ 1
of .w,ctdc. "The healed ·d1ts on Thomu' wns1~ remind her daily o f he r prc:Y1ous 1nil!Cry and of huw lucky she 1s. The scars also rtmmd Thc,m:u many mend.~ how fortun:a1c they arc to ha,·c hc..-r and th2t anyone - ewn the m<¾I populM pen.on on campus - can h.1vc prohlcm.,.
cc1,-c then fi~I undc-rgradualC nu.c s th;u some , tudcnts do dc,rce. the bill no longer pc-r• ahU)&! 1hc "YStcrn, hut lhitt the 1~n~ to them Scnal.C Bill 177 currently docs nOI hav1! ,1 SJ)(•nSOr 1n the Hou'il: of RC"rre\Cnt.1u,-cs Jamie Muchc:11. lcan,b11vc 11d 10 Rep J1,hn I h"<"h1. said tha1 I.he bill wa.\ n111 nrcctcd 10 he picked up in th<.' Hou)!( M1t&.:hcll ,.aid thr\l h1 rccog•
bdl in 1L1; currcn1 fom 1 has 100 many IIi-m,. lh:it need chanfic;i.11on
8110hoSl {817) 322-4684
said. • rm d1sappoin.-,- of hc:u at'ioul this. The~,,_...1
Omega mcrn~ ~ no complain ls abnu1';
mJA Chi
evening. th(m inv11intt people to c ~ '" It wu fun • Dent°" over 1.s great. We arc/'!,'~~ '"They were fncndly ~ 0
real harJ
in:rac v.'C an:
them Pan oflhe _ing
hospilahlc. They were .
is pu.shy. Peoplc-.hoarc'.t)-r 11 was a mc.11 markc:1 ~ lt wrong. I went Just to go 1 ha'; good
doing at the Univrrs~utr U)'1nc to cnco~~g~ Ba.M: unr~r-
~t~~!:'s':rc:71' ~ isan
a 11mc:
Groundbr eakmg--= troM ,..- 1
111cndcd Uru..-erstty _o
ex nd
Bar lor Unav(.rslly I Univcm1y or Texas Law School. He ts I hceo,cd auorncy w~o miv~ ~ Wtch1ta F:ll_J, tn 1~ · cnl been a.\-WC:t11td witb ,cv hu.\Jnc.\.\ cnduvors.. U1cludinc p2r1ncu h1p m ~ pa.ndo Oil Cu ' IS ba.scd tn W,c~ ~ •2M~Cullouch, the former Ad2lme Tngs, l$ a nauve of Amarillo and hvcd
on lhc Tngg R:1nch 1n S:l Mexico. She ancnc.icd Park and Am:mllo Coll ~1 The couple met in
Fills and were m.1rnc:J • 1934. Mrs. McCulloush • • longtime supporter of ~ charitable causes. 1nclud, Lhe Wic.h11a Fa.II~ Mu~ amt Art ~ntcr and the K House Thl' M<..C'ullour~ have two children, Thom~ [ McCullough and l111J, McCullough D«kcr
rfAC[sl'wNL- ----
41 05 M1.,...._i Ave.
Pm,tc,1rds arc lll1II ;ivatl· able for Modcnts to s11:n rrom the
SGA Off,cc. C lark
S1udtnt Center Olficc ur a n:rrcioen1.111vc c1f 1hc SOA
1 IIR C1J•M1·1 l'- A.'1>LAtl},,,'l>RY 2n1~wt.cPn•.,. (,I}( IQ%
students and faculty ...one of our priorities!
7A.M.- 7 P.M.
-Fm: delivery twice a day to MSU! • Lift'MII ,,..l,,:111'" 11 ,Jro VJprl~ md fumlfu~ 111 Tc-vw"•' •CQfflf'k,c in◄l,rt "C'. -Wr drp,11mr,c · l<n.MIN.lo-........ ,fr • Xr,...,, (..,pc-n & l·:n \bclllr,e\ ....... tl'l (t(' r~1-rJ1m •lr,u,.•-w~""'-.r.1,,~
s u ent
hcyond • [ricndly iathcn ' was occumn, . '"The 1l_kgation 1! plctc surpn,:c _to me.. tt d 10
force Basc-: F.arrdl , · 1"he)' do a first da.\\ JOb,~ t,herC I have nt \'t'r sttn thing happen that w0u~ peos!lc ' Jcnn1frr Dcn1on, a fr""
SPECIALtt Senate Bill 177-!!!!!!!!!!' I tt MSU Bowl First Game ,..._p.l
•--<«U-t"bnnrtiA1V fuml(urr
Farrell, vice prts• student and adminim,uivc services, denied thJt o.nylhi~g
· X\JlyLN,.-Pl,u •F=E,,...,.ll<~•-m -1,1,.....,,,v l•H!
.....,t-4'.l r-..""\
m.-.lflNr r,_...• f'T,cff'
(817)696-ll068 IJ. U,.Roc:lrNRollDIOd: Kabl1te1,
C O V ER !
rion 1'ablcs • 1 Snooker • 2 d • Pin, Pon;• Video
/!hr U/11biran
Thuraday, April 22, 1993
Thunday , Ap rll 22, 1993 Pall" 3
Dean guides by example Spring 1
=!~~:: "'"··· To
S,ott students
DirJinc enrolled in college at 22 years old, grJduatcd al .26 wiih Obachelor's deli'!rcc in history, then earned hfs WC· ond degree hy the. limi: hi: was 2k years ohl. PhUllp Birdine
wcn1 all the w:iy 10 the ~uprem.e CourL Evencually. Doc Fishcrw not only taugh1 31 Uingslon, bu1 now Jervcs on.the board of regents for the ~m vcnucy. Fisher's admon• 1sh~c n1s to Birdine h::ivc rem:uncd a., 3 guide for hu ca•
F1slll~r always told us to never. C\'Cr give up: never kt ~ oplc 1c\l you you can't do something." Birdrni.: puses on Fisher's advice to his students.
Birdine 1s a native (ll Frederick. Okla. He s pent three years in the Am1y. and acceptance rnto law school then one year. -searching for
~I ',
A,P')t(S£rin" fever h:is not hi1
their Budweiser NASCAR,
Anon Cooper, who will he £1vrng concerl'i th roughout 1hc wet'kend. Rnce car legcnd1; Eddie Hill, Terry Deatherage and Lloyd Ruhy will be present• rng mcmc1ruh1lla from their r:ac ,ng expcricn,cs. The Quaker S1a tc NASCAR will also be on di.splay cour1e.1,,y or Gro1jcr Munn Oil Co, T - Bonc Road . Heart Brt:ak and Dayscar will pro• \'itk all•d:iy musical cn1cr• 1:iin mc nt whil e th e ln1ema.1ional Food Boolh will take willing 1as1cnc :iro und lhe glohc.
th~ hydroplane boat, The Bud Light Magic Truck. the Velcro Man o.nd Marion and
For 1he art s1udcnts. 64 arlists from D s1:itcs will he
the M~U co.m~us rc1, the 1cmtcrn1uro will n sc this bwlcocome,ndon •,•hcSpr,. ~·"h~,,- FFl!"11~,
w . . .. ..
M useum and Art Center's
Birdine said 1ha1 one of the mo~t valua ble things he can do 1s nunuring in studcnis
Bird inc·s model comes rrom the influence or Ada Fisher who was a prorcs.sor he had while he :m ended Langston Uni\·Cr!oity. Birdine said that "Doc Fisher" was one of Justice Thurgood Marshnll's clients during. the 1940s. Sht: W.lS the !irs1 black fcmille to :mend Oklahoma law school. He r case 10 win
achie"c his gouls. he would h J II ave 10 ,men co cgc,
have already found th:u he of. fcrs the wann, gentle support that ma!1y studen1s would like 10 recca".e ~rom P3tt:ntal fig. ures This is by no accidcm a.~ Ix.in Birdi~~ said he sec~ h1~ ~ob 3S ha ving ~Orne simi. lanlteS ro 1hn1 of 1),3.rcnL°'.
. Me_ said .he strongly t)c. hcvcs m lcadmg by exampk..
RyK11hrJn S.lf
1 1 ~~i~n\~h ~~: ~~~~~~~ decided lhn1 if hl' w11n1cd to
bcx'.n !It the university for only sc1.-cn months m,n y •111d ' · ... cnts
:Jpi~~s~t~~s ~I~~~~~ ~1~ goo!" in lire.
to do w ith h,s life, ii was
Ph,11,p,' hc,,ud, i\illwu. hhc
11 (?e~n of S 1udcn1s :lh~~hrg:.ng~ is8a, rda~er fig, w~~
~ sense c!f. fa.ir play. e:ni:ourng-
w as 1111!.llro of what he w,mtc:J
Fling opens near MSU campus
He said. · 1 saw my.sell 11s a scholar. I wanted to correct all the omissions and innccu• racics that had lx.-cn pnn1cd in lus1ory books about minorities and blacks."
grou nd5· This year's gal3 will t,,cgin 10 a.m Sa1urday morning with events pbnncd 1hat woulJ .1u rac1 :my collc:gi: stu• d e nt. accord111g to Joy ~forri.rnn, chJ.irrcrson of the Spring Fhng commiucc. Engine°' will r:icc as Falls O1s1nt'lu1ing and Anheuser• Busch ti:am up to provide
Durint his master·~ s1ud• ies. he met and married his wifo. which sidetracked him from his doctor:il studies. Needing to work. he got a A ppli ca ti o n!. for job in s1udcnt services wilh a federal program. und it was Un iversity Program min$. there 1hnt he found his calling chairs are due Friday, Apnl 21. SC'.hol3uhipso(S150 will 10 work wilh studcnis. be awarded to those i-clccted Dean Birdine hn5 alw.:1ys for the positions. believed pcrsui ng 3 go.11 and Chairs for cn1cnl1nmcnt. his ohjec1i"e is 10 somed:iy cinema, is.~uc and ideas. pub· become a vice pn:sidcnl or a Jicity and special cvcn1s arc university. open to studen ts.
UPB applications due April-ups23chairs gives
~~~~~~~-~_:__ __j
''~ :wtlliJ:~;,;'
, _~.., .., ..,,.,,,>.., ..~~.. ~:::;,,,,"
~ 6-~
,,,,",.' ,','
tecyclable ',',;< '
~ '-'JI¥'@
I f a status report wa.s taken of the progress of this year's Wai. Kun. MSU's yc:i.r• book, it would show the crcat cffon by the staff to meet all de adlines and prod~ce a quality annual, according 10 Jane Lcishner, advi>nr, , , sch~:1idca;: °~is~ it~~i;~ Sept 20, 1993, will mry the theme ·The Legend Laves
Resumes that reallywork The righl inrroduclion can make all 1he difference when you're compe1ing for a job, Al Kinko's, we' ll help you creale a resume package lhal inrroduces you in a professional way.
On .· It ,s approx11na1cly 176
paics. according to Lcishncr, and abour SOU books h;ive :al• rc.:idy been sold, "'We arc going to have 600 printed," Lcishncr s:ai<l. "We think it will be much bcncr and we will have more last minute s.iles. Lc1shncr s.i.id sales are down this yc.ir. k ::ivini; her to worry ahou1 the future of the MSU y<arbook. -0ver the next 1wo years. if we can't revive mtcrcst. I will have 10 adm11 to myself that i1 1.s not the quality but apathy," Lcishncr 5aid. - It (the yc uhuok) might he something students do nc"ll want. If we do not get more mtc~t in it. we will jus1 do ow:iy with 11. If people don·1
they can use after college," Linda Wilson Si:olt, e nter• tainmenl chair for 1992·93. said. For more informa1ion concerning applications con• ta.cl 1hc UPS or the office or scudcnt ac11vitie.~.
The Run ning Springs Exmic Pcnmg Zoo will bnng 50 to 75 bahy animals mcl ud· mg po t•N:llicd pigs. ,.et'lr.u, miniature horse\ :md pygmy goaLJ 10 pc:t :ind hug. TickeL°' arc S.2 50 ,f pur• ch!lSCd 31 the Mu!ol!um before S pring fling Opens or c:m be purch:i..\C!.d at 1hc gate fur Sl The event IJ.Sts from 10 a,m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and from noon 10 6 p,m, Sunday.
y N■nc.:y Warr~n R,porlu
Auoc1a1c prorcssor of art. Eliiat'ICth A. Yaro~1,... attended the Texas Association of School or Arts annual confor• ~nee at San Antonio College pril 1-4. The theme for this ear's co nference was Computers: Exploring the cdium.-
Ya.rosz is also exhibiling some of her work in a national co mpeti1io n exh ibit io n ~N;nional Small Painting and Small Sculpture E:ichihition." is rcature..~ two of Yarosz' wat e rc o lo r p::1 i n11ngs :
buy it, we l:an't produce il. • T o dr:iw mort! people mto
the ycvbook, the st:irr de• cided 10 have 1hcir photogra• pher t.ct up during College Day and freshman oricntntion last summer. This year. more than 700 rr~hman will have their individual picture in lhe book. according to Lc1.!.hncr. Anyone wanting 10 pur•
t~eor~ ?~ul:;:
ulptor and chair of the art
cpanmt:nt al Fort H:iys S13te University, K3n sas, and Paul Oil.vis, painter and proressor f an at the Univcrsi1y of Uh juried the cxh1h11.ion.
chase the 1992-1993 year• book sti U can. The cost is $35 and ma y be bought in the Wai •Kun office in the Clark S1udcnt Center. "I wonder if people 1oday think about wha1 their year• hook will mean to 1hcm/ Lcishner said. -11 may not seem impor1anl now, hut 1here will come a time when it is.·
Desing a logo with theme for
OMECOMING CELEBRATION submi t design to the office of Student Activities CSC 11 9 by April 23, 1993. It's open to all MSU students, faculty and staff.
• Typesetting • Reproduction on fine stationery
• Affordable prices
$29.99 professional package
Professional resume package includes one page typeset and saved on disk. 12 copies on fine stationery, 12 matching blank sheets (for cover letters). and 12 envelopes (# I0),
Behind the Olive Garden
The e:ichitiit1on opcneJ pril 2 :ind will continue rough April 30. Boise Slate niversily will sponsor 1he ... xhih1tion. Yarosz also i~ d1:-.play1ng her work in a lflvcling invita• tion:11 exhibition. ~Hanger 1990's: Nol By Brea Alone." This 1s now on dis play at the Wichita Falls an An Cen1er. This exhih11io isplays M s. Varos;,.' water olor painting ~Ramman. i.s show opened March I. and will continue 1hrougl April ,10
next fall's
• Formal and design assis1ance
Oven 24 Hours 69'6-COPY 3916 Ktmp
dcmOnfotrallOn~ w ill J l~o be
g11rng on all day Sa1u1day and Sunduy in pouery. we:1vmg, sculpung, painting .and quilt•
Professor attends art conference
dents a lot of good c,cpc:nencc
---::-:-:;!~1)~! l!f£4:t&f' ' 500 yearbooks already sold ","~ :::;~;:;~::;:;~;,' :y:;:h;rn&lr ~Q
c,ch1b1ting Jnd scllmg 1hcir pieces nnd n juncJ iln show will he t:OnduClcd A rli~I
the copycenter
;s.;o GREEN FFES 1be GOLF J"UVIl.ECE CARO• i.s avalllblc (~ $3.5 ad tnthb tbe bolder IO fRie Sttt:11 (ca ll 11 aoU oourxs la Tc.u,,.
'Ix card is vaild lbrou1b December, 1993. A"'IP. l<A." t
ll•l'l', ._~n,)!Oi
Only rule: No obscenities
First Prize: $50.00 gift certificate to the MSU bookstore CO:'llT,\CT I.E:->;S
49.?9..., 69~.
___ .. __ ......._._
l fX!4. 54Jufamo"'
,.,..... .... _ .,,, ~
~:•::•:;:::ii '"~d•ly'' Mond.1y.S.1h1tJ.a)' .• IO&ni-S
r---- --~-----~ I I I I I
U l~("oA-k,,.,I f\,
....l!.!.)'; -•1
I I I Coupon On Reverse Side. I Goodlm H OOOff I •u ~o,:,.._..,.,.. I 692• 3633 . I, WE DELIVER
_ ,.,,
l •. 11 P v ,1Par1CWa1
loC..,,My P,uo
" ~""•• t11i'0' 763'..S
Thunday, April %2, 19!13
· nhonor Beasley earns AU-America 1(10 tbWJII
Ban Bculcy • .1 (orvr.ud IUlion>I ,onifon>lut MSl ·. hu btcn ntffl(d I SAIA
rn 1en ,,uu np 1ndud 1ng a 1e.11m
~~,\ h'tt:~ ' w~•n~v~~
Men·, o,. .mon l Bcle1lwl Honorable Mcn11e1n All • Wcs&cm New Mc1..1~0 in the Americ an for the I992-9) 01JtnCI 8 (.11.1,mpi.in1h1p ll ,ca,on. U"vclllnd. Tc ..u Buslcy led the 25 12 Inda.ans 10 scorinc dus 5C.UOO Dunng the NA.IA 0t,•LS1on by avcra11ng 16.4 p<'ints per Na11C1 na l 8:1,kethall game and wu MXond behind Toum.1.mcn1 1n K.ansas Ci1y. lt:am.matc Arthur Hurst 1n rt'· lun. l.ut month. ~Icy ,..,. bound1n1 with a S.1 a~l'l&e, mged I l .S po1nl\ 3n<f .S re· The 1993 firJt team all• bounds II i1me m helpmJ dinnct performer -.·u the Mid'tValem ~IJIC' to four wins Tribe's leading Korcr aod re- bcfntt t,owing O UI [U the
cvcn1ual ,hamr the il',n1ll·
P.acific. 85 ~J. '" t.s the: 11,~1 ume pal~ 1lu• md\at • Mid ~ ,n ux )'Ca~ b.1Uc1biall player 5,ai, meo s . ;.iiy has be01 nafWfi aper ('IR the for his pcrf0,=';rmrr Jndian budwood. H,ll1'1S w&.i ~ g~ ,::-~ All•Am<ncan in 1987 when he ,,~r..,. 22 po111L< per ,,me, a~, ~lly think Bart i.s in a posiuon lh:1t al.lows h1~ \'~ ,C(lfC I IOI or poool.<. and )'P
cally a )4'.0rin&
, ,,
etl ,note n:cogmtk"'1 fhli ~ dtfoflAJYC po~111o n c.r <"\~•
reb0und1ng poj 1t1on. Ger. ! siock1on. MSU he-ad c~,·
.. ,d
· ea.rt IS certainly qU1S,r1c,.
an all-.tm<"1x;in ~• f think hr ha., pl1d hi\ duei~
(or hctnK
Stockton Ja1d · 11c i, flt', gn:,.<1ng n~h• up the lo<Jdo, , pciJition h1m t.elf 10 h....-t l grcal yell! nc~l )'('3r :md ~ i. sibly make fiu1 tc.· .. m I\I! A,rnerican as u \Cn1or ·
Lovett signs national letter of intent ,or in ,J)Ol1:, and cxeru-.c \(; Julie Lovell. a 6' t • forward from Holl1dly. Tnu . 1w 1&lffil ., play bukctb>U for Lhc MSU u dy Indians nucfall.
""" ._._.~~~ -"
Catch me pleue
Dallu Cowboy Nate Scwto• Ht holU up Crq Giddf.,tl t after GW.di•p . _ clunb O'l'U' the ~le .,.1' i D tbe CMrity p - oa April 17.
LoYClL. who Ii I ~n,,v I I lloloday ltlah School. wa., an All-District tnd AII-RtJ"'" ~tion this .,.s, ~11..\t~ fot lhc Lady E.i.Jlt.J. Sht ave,,.
•&cd II pointt and l.J rtbouod.s I same for I lulhdll)' ·0nc ~.a..14.,n why ;ht in• tere'-kd us ti mlK'h as \he duJ
'One reason why she iorcrested us as much as she did was her heigh, a.od being able 10 play both inside and ouL,idc," • k ffRay, MSU head coach uid. hc1d11 4'l'\d hc1nc ablt Ul\ldc- ~nd l)UI ..,lie: Jell R..y. MSU he.kl L,1:.c h. , 11d ~She h.u lhc: ~ 1.t her
hl fib)' h111h
11h1ht) ft• ~11 lhc lhrtt·potnl , hot and l an ah,t.1 po,t up
James will play with Lady Indians next year Con11na
J ~mc,
faJb R,dtr sundt>ut. pbycJ (',1,\1 )"C&t'5 at Gr~)SOO \lndcr bC'ad co~b Bill Brock and , am«! hononblc mcnuon All·
(pronounced. kc -ti..na \. 1 5 S"
pomt guud out uf Grn\4",n
County Collcie m Dc0i~n. Tcus. has a..."tt'()lCd ;a s.:hoL.i,. ship ., play t,w,1t,,ll fo< lh< MS U Lady lnd~ns ncu
llm, p,ast Cr1nf.:f\.-n.::e -.,·o~ ~u.:,n and a, ~r•ied ~1~ fh"IRh. four JTht.,unds and nt.arl) ~wn :....UUts rcr g ~
son James. a former \\ 1ch11a
lndtan.s tlus JeaSOO.. Sbt ~w:ragcJ 6. 1 points 2nd 3 re, N>Wlds pc, same this a.r,d was SC'lcctcd bononblc meauo n AII-Oi.Mric t. She sporu a l 75 gndc point av-
Academic All-o..cnc1 i
(or !he 1992-91 sc.a.,on Murry. i 1un1or cuard
from Graford. tnin.dcnT<f to
m,c in fiRanCe.
MSC from Ct.>,Co Junior
cry game for the: Trihc 1his sason and aver.ice d 9 .9 poinu and SJ rebounds per contcsL She: is a mass com-
mun1euions ma,or and hH a 3.37 GPA. In order 10 be ehg1blc for
the acadcmoc AII-Dlstncl ,am . 1ho,c players ~lccted mint tu.,-c at last a 3.2.S ewnulath·c a:;radc point a'iet.Jge o n a 4.0 .sc.lle as of lhc. l:ast 3c.,11dc m1C rcpontng pcnod .and m1de 1 S1£nif,can1contnhuuon lo lhc IUlll.
Card saves golfers money The American Lunr TC'.JU. Th< card sells for S35 Aasoc1atio n h,u a deal for sclfen ·- a solf pn•dcp: card '41th I.he proccc:ds bcnefitinJ w ruch entitles d,e bolder 10 fru ,-n foe.< a, 81 golf ~~~T~ lhrcc cards, !he """' - Wnhtbrousf>out the: cird. 1 gcMcr can Cards ue v&l id throu,h also lakcadvWap: of 'l)CCuJs at 22 dnvi ni l'lnSC,\ 1' nlU De<. 31. 1993. Can renal is
:!: ,::.:~~,::_
Nails By Phyllis
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, ,_
, .....,\.a
.. , ..... , •• . . . . . .i.,.,.,,a ,;,
"-hut:11. Lovcll. who pla.nJ to ma•
PLAY GOLF . .. at 81 courses in Tcua.
required on al I courses. and each course hu its o""·n rc-
,,,, Golt l'ririlop Catdo, avaUabkb
stricuon abou1 tee times and cbys of play.
Sll. calllles lhe oolcler o, FREE
Doaatioru: for the cards go to aid the American Lung Association i n iL.; cffon, 10 fi&ht lung dl$CUC throughoul Te.xu.
n,nntNP 1n Dis1rn:1 k
Lady lndian.s al~u r<"cc:1"t' their first ever inv1tabon l(I it. NAIA Wo mtn' \ Na1tooa; euke1ball Tour nament 11 Jad:son. Trnn . where liq loll in lhc JCCOnd round 10 alt evcncual naoonal chimPl<II Mama> Tech
Charity Event! benefits MSU '. •_..t!<I....
DIii, a jwuor po.st form El Colic&<' 1.,. / all and suncd ,._., bolll..., for !he Uldy Rcao:: OklL, also )tined CV•
ICMD. ba~ bcCD named k> the
in high
for tfk.• Uldy \'1kini:, J.amr, rlan, tn ma1ur ,n As a r,rrr r haycr lll Rit.k·r \rurh 1n1I cu•rc1,e \llCnGC H1&h School. hm,·~ w111 wluk 11~nd1nJ M<;L.=. named All Dislnc1 thiu· Cl.in T1•1rnn1 will ~,1.lly help $l"l.'Ulh'C' ) ~ f,,r (\,:.i-h Ken U\ OUI di\" lk.'XI IW II yrau he· BuIToughs She J\•i:rag\·d I h .. au11: 111 her ,peed. qu1 Lk.OCM 1,a... c1.... rmnu.. six •~•~I.~,mJ alm,1~1 and wlll dd1111tcly hdp us Jc• The Wicl1111 Pills thlu ~ bound, a ~-oott,t dur rC'n\l\'dy: kfl Ray. MSU Ktwanu Oub will lt)OftJor • iog her x-nmr S('.bOn head c<~h. wd lloop-D-Oo oo J - ,_s and 6 at !he ,oudleast part;na lo< o< Sika S.- Mall.
Academic All-District team named Tammy Mwr.ty :Ind Em.I, Otll. bo4J, m<mbcn o( Ill< MSU womc■'s hukc-tball
fun<bvncntally. )~ hu very sood pauinc and shoo11nc ~.11, and t think thal I.S be· co1Kh1n5 1.I UIC ihc had
ence. will join • MHh•,·c~rr State women·) learn lhill r~ ,>hcd lhc i992-9.l s,,:Ll<'11 .... .,, 1mpre»~vt 2~-Mrecord~
The pr~d• will
towvd mott scholauh1p aoocy to -
ciwdas acholalripo o( S'.lOO
• piece. t:nuy dcadhnc will be June I • and the COS1 will be S80 pc, ium or S20 pc, mu for , four man 11eam. A slam dunk con!CA will be held at tbc pre-event rcgi.strauon on Fnday, June .c. 11 JC Penny's coon and a 3-point shooung concat will go o n 1hrougho ut 1he weekend. The aames will be ,cored on a one poin1 per buk.ct basis and two po1n11 will be awarded if a shot i1 made hcyond a two potnl bnc. Teams wtll be brxktlCd into d1,·isions based on their
bukctball experience, hc,p.t. I aod1,e. The K1wan11 cl ub hb been KIIVC in the W1ctuu ! Falls community for over 'I.J ycari: and opcr31e a.s a ~ t profit orcaniution 1h11 h~ 1 contnbulCd to the W1Ch1u. 1 Falls eommunlly throuc• I sucll prosrams u 1he Childtco's Marxk Nc,~ut. W .LC. (Women. lnlan1> w
Children) and Hosp,cc · 0ur soal lS lO hl\'C »,I
&eam• ouc here and t.rv io ~fH t he i n crease scholarship, 10 S l(,i"Ji'1 1 piece: SlJd Ray Lun:i. lpOk.c.Jman tor lhc K,v. ;uia 1 Club.
Tbc corpora1t sporuon fot lhe tv<III will include 11-< Fellowship of C hn su111 Athlete,. W ich11a Falh
Teuns . Sears. Pcp11. 1 i Spanlew and O'Douls. i:or more 1nformat1011 lbootlhc..........,.~ c01111a ! Rayl.wu> a, 692-4012
for more infonn:.t,on or to get a card, call the Lung A,,sociation 11 34)-0.502 or (8()()) 252-5864.
r '•-· •• 1o . . . .. . . ,:.~
"' 11,,. ,~,,-.
t41l''' . , - . . . . , ,
Letters of applicotion will be acccplcd until Friday, April 30 ot noon for !he following poid posi1ions on lhe Wichiran stoff:
• Edilor • Ui, trihutfon Manager
WELCOM E M SU S T U D E NTS! We provide school supplies as well as office , upphes.
3401 Kemp Blvd., Woch,i, Fills. T, 76308 Phone(817)69l-65l5 F:u (817)691 -750t
• rn,1rihutiun 01t,li;tant
• ""'' "" Vhoto~rophcr • Uu,int'"i'i \Jnnn~cr • 3 ,\dH·rlislng Sollr.t Rcprc\cnaliu:s
• Sport, Editor Lener of applic.11ion should include clas(;1fica11on.
experience and quolificouon,. onJ wh) you"re seekSALSAS UNO D INE
.. . .-.-~~-.
'--~ ~
"~ei1. 10,s trgu08
ing this posuion. Perwnn31 interview(;
w ill
be con-
dueled so please provide • phone number v.-hcrc you can he reached. All lcucrs should be subm,ued 10
Belle Z. Molone in BI IO in Jhc fine An< Building 2 1 " Sout.bwu1 P:atkway • 16 W1Ch1ta l~b T~ts 76)()(1
692- 1002
<!:hr U/11hi1n11
ThuNldny, April 22, 1993
Po11e 7
\\Y -ER\\Et.
wn,1, RE JEFF"
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