April 22, 2009

Page 1

The student voice of Midwestern State University

The Wichitan page 7 Rumble n’ roll

page 9 Playoffs underway

Trio of Red Dirt music artists visited Kay Yeager Coliseum for a performance.

The NBA superstars really come out to play in April, where good players become great.

WEDNESDAY April 22, 2009

Faculty pressures provost out of position Chris Collins For the Wichitan

Provost Dr. Freiderike Wiedemann’s office is a testament to her character. The tidy, efficient workplace of the German native is honeycombed into the back of the Hardin Administration building. Wiedemann sits at a sparsely decorated table, studying a photograph of the Berlin Wall, a reflection of her heritage. The Wall stands in stark contrast to Wiedemann’s own wall

– the one blocking communication between MSU administration and faculty. As far as she is concerned, this wall, unlike the one that separated East and West Germany until 1989, is still intact. Wiedemann, who sought to improve university communication during her seven-year tenure at MSU, was removed from the office by Dr. Jesse Rogers in early April. The provost said she is confused and hurt by the decision. Though she doesn’t

know exactly why she was removed, she guesses that it was due to her management style and some of the changes she implemented. Wiedemann says she had no inkling that the faculty was unhappy with her, or that they were conspiring to see her ousted from the provost position. Rogers, after speaking with the Faculty Senate, removed Wiedemann from the post. The action will be effective Aug. 31. “I’m stunned,” Wiedemann says. “When I wake up in the

morning I think it’s just a dream. I don’t have children, so all I have are my husband, my dog and my job. When I was first told, I thought I would be an outcast. What I have found since is that on campus and in the community, people have come forward to express their friendship and feeling for me. “At first I thought, ‘If I die, there will just be my husband and my church.’ But now I think there are people who will come. There are people in this office who will miss me.”

Wiedemann, a tenured professor with a doctoral degree in medieval French literature, says she was going to step down from the provost position in a year anyway. “I wish faculty representatives would have come to me and made me aware about their misgivings,” she says. “I would have listened to them with care. I would have been grateful to them and I would have acted upon their concerns. I always had good evaluations and I had no idea the president was unhappy with me.”

She compares losing her job to getting her heart broken, but says this is worse. “When you get your heart broken, you find somebody else,” she says. “There are many fish in the sea. But when you reach my age, there are no fish anymore, anywhere.” Wiedemann says she regrets there is not a forum for the provost and faculty departments to meet yearly. She says she was told departments did not have See WIEDEMANN page 3

MSU police officer loses his battle against brain cancer Brittany Norman Editor in Chief

Patrick Johnston | Photo Editor Professor Nathan Jun was among several attendees of the Yom Ha’Shoah, or Holocaust Remebrance Day ceremony and candlelight vigil with tears in their eyes during the moment of silence.

Never again,

never forget

Jewish Heritage Month commemorates faith, remembers tragedy Julia Graham For the Wichitan

Jewish Heritage Month has been established on the MSU campus. Assistant Professor of Philosophy Nathan Jun has been instrumental in establishing and implementing a monthlong calendar of events to educate students on the history of Judaism and Jewish culture. In addition to numerous planned events all month long, students are encouraged to stop by the bookstore, where a Jewish author’s books will be displayed until May. Earlier this month, the Philosophy Program and the group In & Out sponsored the showing of the movie “Paragraph 175.” The documentary was released in 2000, and chronicles the lives of several men arrested by the Nazis for homosexuality under Paragraph 175, the sodomy provision of the German penal code. According to the film, 100,000 men were arrested under Paragraph 175. Of those arrested, only about 4,00 survived.

The documentary follows five people who have come forward and were willing to tell their stories for the first time. Students were able to ask questions and discuss the film with MSU faculty. “I was in Dallas during the showing of the film, but according to other faculty there was a turnout of around 60 to 70 students,” Jun said. “A lot of the people who attended didn’t know about the persecution of this group of homosexual Jewish men during the holocaust. Raising awareness was just successful in itself.” The Philosophy Program and the Office of Student Development and Orientation sponsored a Judaism 101 forum and discussion Thursday. The forum was touted as “an overview of Jewish history, theology, rituals, traditions and culture.” While there weren’t as many students as there were at the film screening, those that did attend were able to get their questions answered. “I went to the Judaism forum baSee HOLOCAUST page 5

Tim Swedberg, 45, a longtime member of the MSU family ,passed away on Sunday after a battle with brain cancer. Swedberg was an officer with the campus police department for 19 years. “MSU was his extended family,” police chief Michael Hagy said. “April 1 was the anniversary of his 19th year. He was dedicated, loyal. If he could, he would have had a cot up here sleeping.” Hagy said that Swedberg started feeling bad in December. “They found out he had brain cancer,” he said. “He fought a hard battle and he left us on Sunday at about 6:30 in the evening.”

He left behind a family, including two children who are students at MSU. “Everybody wants to honor people,” Hagy said. “Tim was one of those people. He was an honorable man. He loved life, he really did, and he loved being a police officer and serving the MSU community.” Swedberg was on sick leave while he underwent nine weeks of radiation treatment. This year’s Spring Fever, the sports benefit event put on by MSU, partially benefited the Tim Swedberg fund. “He loved the students,” Hagy said. “He loved his job. You can always tell a person loves what they’re doing by how long they’ve been doing it.”

Abuse of printers leads to restrictions Heather Preston For the Wichitan

If you have walked into a computer lab recently, you may have noticed a new policy being implemented. There is now a fifty page limit and a five copies limit for all documents being printed in the labs overseen by information systems. If you try to print a document outside the allowed parameters, it will not print due to the recently installed software MSU is using to limit the amount printed in the labs. The new policy came directly out of information systems. Michael Dye, director for information systems, said, “We are the ones that fund the labs. It comes directly out of our budget: the paper supplies, the toner, and the student workers’ salaries” The goal of the new policy is simply to reduce the rate supplies are being consumed. “We can monitor the output remotely and we were seeing things like two, three, four, five, six and seven

thousand page documents being printed and we’re not funded to print thousand and thousands of pages every day,” Dye said. The wastage does not stop with the massive documents; it creates a snowball effect for documents waiting in queue to be printed. “A good portion ends up in the garbage because let’s say you come in and you’re trying to print your ten page paper and somebody in front of you is printing a 2000 page document and it’s going to take hours to print, then you just leave. Then when your document comes up and prints and nobody comes to get it, it goes in the dumpster,” Dye said. Dye attributes some of the large documents to online textbooks. He said that many students are finding their textbooks online and printing it in a computer lab rather than buying the textbook. The largest one he remembers printed was near 1800 pages. See PRINTERS page 5

Staff Editorial

Printing restrictions Recently, signs were posted in the computer labs on campus that set a new rule: students can only print 50 pages or five copies at a time before their computer is blocked from any further printing. While 50 pages do seem like a lot of sheets, every student pays computer lab fees in their tuition. There are times when professors make assignments that require excessive amounts of information to be printed. Sometimes, students just need to print a lot of pages. Since students have paid for access to these computers, and their printers, there should be no limit. However, students should exercise a bit of discretion. Printing out your 2,000 page textbook is definitely exceeding what’s appropriate. The new signs also limits the number of copies a student can print to five. Why can someone print off 50 pages, but can't print off five sheets just because each page is the same? This restriction can be quite an annoyance when a class project requires students to pass out information sheets to classmates. Now we'll just have to print those sheets off five at a time, and jump computers till all 40 copies have been made. It is annoying having to wait as someone ahead of you in the queue to print seems to be printing a novel, but we all deal with it. Even if the school continues with this unjust new rule, students will find ways around the policy. We’re all broke college kids. We’re not going to go to Kinko’s because the school won’t allow us to print off 60 pages at once, or 10 copies of a paper. In the short time the rule has existed, students have already realized that by simply switching computers after the set limits, they can continue to print. Even if the computer lab assistant is in the room and realizes the trick-of-the-trade, you can just go to another lab to get your work done for free. Since students are always going to find a way

3410 Taft Blvd. Box 14 • Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 News Desk (940) 397-4704 • Advertising Desk (940) 397-4705 Fax (940) 397-4025 • E-mail WICHITAN@mwsu.edu Web site: http://www.mwsu.edu/~wichitan

Copyright © 2007. The Wichitan is a member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. The Wichitan reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. Opinions expressed in The Wichitan do not necessarily reflect those of the students, staff, faculty, administration or Board of Regents of Midwestern State University. First copy of the paper is free of charge; additional copies are $1. The Wichitan welcomes letters of opinion from students, faculty and staff submitted by the Friday before intended publication. Letters should be brief and without abusive language or personal attacks. Letters must be typed and signed by the writer and include a telephone number and address for verification purposes. The editor retains the right to edit letters.

ShamWows, Snuggies and Smooth Aways, oh my! It’s time I finally admitted it. I have a confession to make. I totally have an addiction to infomercials. I’ve only actually broken down and bought one item the TV has convinced me I couldn’t live without, and I’m pretty sure that number is about to grow. To me, it seems that infomercials go through phases of being completely addicting to absolutely boring. Just two years ago the Magic Bullet’s fake family who could only function with their mini-blender was a constant topic of conversation; or at least my conversations. But it seems like since the Magic Bullet made its debut through the Uncle who interrupted the use of the product needing a hangover cure, there haven’t been any truly amazing products offered in the early morning hours. Now, however, infomercials seem to be making a strong comeback. Alyssa Edson Opinion Editor

Maybe it’s because now that homework and studying for exams consume my life, I feel that I never sleep and therefore watch infomercials every night, but it seems that the programs are of high entertainment value once again. These “As seen on TV” products have more than entertainment value; after watching a half hour program about how my life will be entirely changed if I order their product, I have no clue how I function without whatever the item is. The snuggie? Yes, it’s just a backwards robe, but when I’m watching the infamous clip, I am suddenly frustrated with whatever blanket is around. It’s a bit of an embarrassing trance, because later I am able to make fun of the woman who acts like the phone ringing in her iceboxof-a-house is possibly the most inconvenient thing in the world. I actually ran to CVS and bought the Smooth Away after I was able to recite the commercial forwards and backwards. It was

my first infomercial purchase and it won’t be my last. I was seriously amazed that the product actually worked, and now I have convinced myself that they all work just as well. Well, except for that dumb volumizing straightener. I’m pretty sure that an actual straightener can do the exact same thing without taking an hour or two to make your hair “shine” in the process. Any regular commercials can be funny, interesting or dumb and won’t have any affect on me. But for some reason when I’m lying in bed at night and the ShamWow guy is yelling into his useless microphone, I feel that paper towels should be eliminated all together. Even the makeup commercials that just obviously Photoshop before and after pictures have gotten more amusing. They have interviews with “celebrity” makeup designers, but the pictures they show are so bluntly fixed by a computer rather than the portable air brush makeup

applier that you would think I would get bored of it the fifth time I watch the segment. Nope. For some reason, the product can be anything from a food processor, to a steam cleaner to the Cricut scrapbooking machine, and I will be hooked for the full half hour the host talks about (or shouts about in the ShamWow guy’s and Billy May’s cases) the product. As long as I keep watching TV before I go to bed each night, I’m pretty sure my fascination with infomercials will continue. They try to sell the most random items, yet they also seem to be the most brilliant items ever to be invented when they have their own 30 minutes of fame at 2 a.m. Seriously, a power juicer that allows you to put full vegetables and fruits in? Genius. As long as I’m just watching them for entertainment value, I’m pretty sure this addiction isn’t too harmful.

Something to say?

The Wichitan is seeking guest columnists. If you have something you’d like to write about, email us an opinion piece to wichitan@mwsu.edu. We welcome opinions from students, faculty and staff.

Use your voice!

The Wichitan Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief Brittany Norman Managing Editor Chris Collins

Entertainment Editor Jamie Monroe Op-Ed Editor Alyssa Edson

Sports Editor Bobby Morris

Photo Editor Patrick Johnston

Reporters Richard Carter Courtney Foreman

Advertising Manager Jody Smith

Photographers Peter Hiatt

Adviser Randy Pruitt

Copy Editor Lana McCarley


The Wichitan April 22, 2009


WIEDEMANN.......................................................................................................................................continued from pg. 1 time for such discussions. She notes the irony of becoming provost to communicate with faculty, when they are the ones who pushed for her removal. “Quite clearly, I make mistakes,” she says. “My error was being more concerned with doing the right things than with doing things right. I have always gone by the book in order to be as fair as possible.” Another source of conflict between the provost and faculty, she says, may have been her efforts to award tenure to the two MSU deans who had not received it. When Wiedemann started at MSU, faculty could not be hired with tenure, regardless of whether they were tenured professors at another university or not. Later, a policy was adopted by MSU to award tenure to newly hired administrators with the approval of certain committees. However, two deans, Dr. Anthony Chelte in the business administration department and Dr. Betty Stewart in science and mathematics, were hired before the new policy was implemented. They were not grandfathered in when it did. Wiedemann and Rogers agreed that the two deans should receive tenure. Shortly after making this decision, the provost says she heard rumors that faculty thought she and the president were ignoring policy and giving the deans tenure under the table. “It is because of my eagerness to be fair that I spoke to the president about the two deans without tenure,” she says. “I understand there are rumors that we wanted to give tenure to Chelte in a sneaky way.” Wiedemann says Chelte was

not behind the idea. The stance she took was in regard to student perceptions of professors. Her concern about the budget and the tremendous workload of deans led her to recommend that the deans be given tenure. “If it weren’t so sad it would be a ridiculous joke because the whole thing wasn’t my idea,” she says. “It was started by the associate provost and agreed that certain colleges would do it and then everybody would.” In the face of faculty criticism about this decision, Wiedemann says Rogers consulted a lawyer about giving the deans tenure without going through the usual evaluative avenues to earn it. It was decided that the two deans could not be grandfathered in because of policy. Chelte has since resigned from MSU. Wiedemann says she has accomplished much in the years she has held the provost position. She points to spearheading efforts for faculty development, including university grants, developmental leaves and the Center for Teaching and Learning Research. Her office worked to raise money for faculty earning terminal degrees and set higher increases for promotion. She also led efforts in creating a new band hall, which is currently under construction. “When I arrived here, people asked me what my goals were,” Wiedemann told the Faculty Senate. “My answer was quality. That remained true for the seven years I have been with you. We now have the true beginning of sponsored programs, which is possible only because I did away with the position of associate provost.” The provost says she worked

on program quality with faculty, using accreditations, program reviews and curriculum mapping. The provost also takes credit for forming relationships between MSU and four German colleges, all of which offer dual degrees to American and German students. Wiedemann arrived in the United States in the late 1960s after marrying her husband, John, in Germany. John, who was in the military, had family living in Germany who knew his future wife’s parents. The two moved to the United States when John’s service in the Army ended. Wiedemann began her American teaching career at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago in 1966. There, she taught full time and earned her doctorate in 1974. The provost recalls that when she started doing administrative work, one of her students approached her in the hallway and said, “So you don’t want to teach us anymore?” “That hurt,” Wiedemann said. “People have told me that when I talk about teaching my eyes begin to water and start shining.” Wiedemann’s administrative career began in the mid-1980s, where she was a dean at the University of Colorado in Pueblo. She became vice president of academic affairs at Atlanta University in South Carolina in the 1990s. In 2002 she was hired by MSU as vice president of academic affairs, which has many of the same responsibilities as provost. She said her husband has always been very accommodating to her career, which has involved moving cross-country more than once.

“He is truly supportive,” she said. Rogers made a statement to the Faculty Senate earlier this month, stating that Wiedemann had been beneficial and that he was glad she was going to continue teaching. His statement, however, did not clear up the reasoning behind his removal of the provost. “Dr. Wiedemann has lifted the university significantly since she started,” Rogers said. “We’ve accomplished a lot and I appreciate her contribution extensively. I am pleased that she will continue to work here as a faculty member in the fall. She has worked tirelessly for this university.” Wiedemann, who worked closely with the president in almost every decision that her office made, remains mystified by his decision to remove her. “It was always a very open exchange with the president,” Wiedemann says. “We were very honest with one another. This is a president who chose me. I thought we had a close relationship.” Russell Long, a former president and provost of West Texas A&M University, will serve as interim provost at MSU until Rogers fills the position. He will begin the job Sept. 1. At this point, Wiedemann will instruct two German classes to ease back into teaching. “I am not accused of any shabbiness in my work, any untoward action, any illegal or unethical behavior,” she told the Faculty Senate. “No one has ever doubted my integrity or work ethic, and if anyone had, they had no foundation. I have served American education for 43 years with dedication, high quality and even love. The situ-

COMING SOON TO A CAMPUS NEAR YOU… Wednesday, April 22nd 4-7pm, Sunwatcher Plaza

Western Dance Lessons Learn the cupid, how to line dance, and more!

Thursday, April 23rd 6:00pm, Sunwatcher Statue

Holocaust Survivor Speaker—House of Jacob The final program for Jewish-Heritage Month.

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Relay for Life Begins Show your support for the fight against cancer.

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Congratulations to the 2008-09 Outstanding Greek Award Recipients!! Greek Man of the Year Greek Woman of the Year Greek Program of the Year Greek Philanthropy of the Year Greek Advisor of the Year Outstanding Greek Alumni Highest Chapter GPA Most Improved Chapter GPA Panhellenic Highest GPA IFC Highest GPA NPHC Highest GPA Greek Week Winners

-To the MSU Cheerleaders for placing 3rd in the Nation at the National Collegiate Cheerleading Championships.

Luke Shelton, Tau Kappa Epsilon Erika Hatcher, Chi Omega Chapter-Based Initiative, Alpha Phi Make-A-Wish Week, Chi Omega Sandy Andonian, Alpha Phi Jennifer Gresham, Chi Omega Sigma Lambda Alpha Kappa Sigma Gamma Phi Beta Tau Kappa Epsilon Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Kappa Alpha, Chi Omega, Kappa Sigma, and Omega Delta Phi

-To the women of Alpha Phi sorority for sponsoring their annual High Heel Walk to raise funds and awareness for Cardiac Care. -To the men of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity for raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Association at the annual TKE Elite event.

Has your organization done something worthy of recognition in the Spotlight? Let us know! Call 397-4500 to be featured!

SGA Elections

Be sure to cast your vote for the 2009-2010 Student Government Association executive officers. Vote online at http://vote.mwsu.edu/ during the week of April 20-24, 2009. Elected positions include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Class Senators. Your opinion matters!

Finals Frenzy! Don’t miss the last big program of the year. This semester’s event will feature the bizarre magic of Campus Activities’ Entertainer of the Year Brian Brushwood, the movie “Paul Blart: Mall Cop,” Aqua Massage, Late Night Breakfast featuring breakfast burritos, crafts, games, prizes, and more!

-To the men of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity for sponsoring Alpha Week which included a College Preview Day for local at-risk high school students and the annual AlphaApollo step show.

MSU Theatre:

Moonlight and Magnolias

The MSU Theatre Department invites students, faculty, and staff to attend a showing of Moonlight and Magnolias. The play will start at 7:30pm on April 23-25, 2009 in the Fain Fine Arts Theatre. Written by Ron Hutchinson, Moonlight and Magnolias, is an uproarious farce about the high-pressure race to finish the screenplay of Gone with the Wind in time for the cameras to roll.

The Spotlight is brought to you by The Office of Student Development & Orientation Endless Opportunities. Lifelong Connections. Clark Student Center, Room 194 (940) 397-4500 http://activities.mwsu.edu

Look for the final Spotlight of the semester on May 6, 2009!


The Wichitan April 22, 2009


Cheerleaders place third at nationals Last year’s trip to Nationals for the Midwestern State University cheerleading squad was plagued with canceled flights, an overnight airport sleepover and latearriving luggage. This year’s trip to Daytona Beach, Florida was smooth sailing and more. In the finals competition, the team earned third place nationally in its division. The squad competed in the Small Co-Ed Division II category of the competition. The MSU Cheerleading Squad has finished in the top five in the nation for the past four years of competing at Nationals. The cheerleaders practiced the recent competition routine at least five days a week with several 6 a.m. workouts since January. After a fourth place finish in the preliminary round, the squad competed and won in the Challenge Cup division, earning an

automatic place in the finals. The finals competition included teams from Valdosta State University, Blinn College, Georgia College & State University, and Hawaii Pacific University all vying for the top spot. “The experience of going to Nationals was awesome. It was a world of cheerleaders and we got to meet other squad members from all over the nation,” said first-year team member Alex

Uvere. “And, of course, the beach was amazing.” After participating last summer at the NCA camp, the group received a full paid bid to the national competition this April. According to MSU Cheer sponsor Sue Witherspoon, Midwestern was voted “Most Collegiate” and “Most Spirited” out of all the teams that participated during the camp, which included several larger Division I squads such as

Texas Tech. MSU provided the additional funding for the trip to Daytona Beach. Students can view video of the finals competition performance on the varsity.com website by searching Midwestern State University. The NCA Nationals Competition will also air on Fox Sports Network this weekend. Tryouts for the Fall 2009 season will be held Saturday beginning at 4 p.m. Tryouts are held in the MSU Don Flatt Gymnasium (gym 101) located on the south end of D.L. Ligon Coliseum. Tryouts will continue until Sunday with results being posted at 2 p.m. There is no fee for trying out but squad members must be fulltime MSU students and carry a minimum 2.0 G.P.A. If you are interested in joining the squad or receiving additional information, contact Witherspoon at (940) 397-4500 or emailing cheerleaders@mwsu.edu.

I’m happy with how they did.” In newspaper entries for the 2008-2009 academic year, judges awarded first place to Patrick Johnston and Brittany Norman for photo illustration, Patrick Johnston for news photo, Katlin Morrison for sports feature story, Brittany Norman for feature story, Chris Collins for news feature story, Brittany Norman for news story, Lauren Wood for critical review, and Brittany Norman for editorial. Patrick Johnston, Brittany Norman, and Loren Eggenschwiler won second place for picture story. Patrick Johnston and Brittany Norman earned

third place in photo illustration. Russ Lawrenz placed third for in-depth reporting. Honorable mentions were Ayesha Dorsey for ad design, Brittany Norman for illustration, Chris Collins for news feature story, Laura Hull for news story, and Brittany Norman for headline writing. In television entries, Wazir Maolud, Kim Bailey, Jennifer Copeland and Melissa dos-Silva placed first in public affairs program, second in production, and third in documentary. Honorable mentions were awarded to Lana McCarley, Amanda Warner and Whitney

Coggin for spot commercial, PSA, promotion; Bethany Berry, Marissa Millender, Amar Spencer and Minna Gilliam for public affairs program and Amanda Warner, Lisa Moore, Josh Mujica and Jessie Lewis for documentary. One of the prestigious honors during the convention is the bestowal of scholarships. Every university involved in the competition is allowed to put one student forward for a chance to win one of nine scholarships. This year, Brittany Norman was selected for a $400 scholarship. “I was really honored to be the one student from MSU chosen to

apply for the TIPA scholarships,” she said. “I honestly didn’t think I’d win, though.” In the third category, the MSU literary magazine, Voices, won an honorable mention in overall excellence in addition to three second place finishes and one third place finish. Second place awards went to Adam Bell and Adam Henson for cover design, Elizabeth Hawley for poem and Cody Mason for feature photo. Caroline Telesford placed third in feature story for a literary magazine.

Julia Graham For the Wichitan

Patrick Johnston | The Wichitan Fires ripped through the North Texas area April 10, destroying homes like this one at Lake Arrowhead. High winds and dry conditions fueled the flames and allowed them to spread.

Photo Courtesy

MSU publications bring home honors from conference Heather Preston For the Wichitan

The Wichitan amassed eight first places, one second place, two third places, and five honorable mentions in competition last week at the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association in Dallas. Campus Watch students placed first, second and third and picked up three honorable mentions. The Wichitan also snagged first place in overall excellence. In addition to newspaper and television entries, MSU students scored well in live on-site competitions. Campus Watch pro-

ducer Lana McCarley placed second in TV news writing and third in TV advertising. Wichitan editor Brittany Norman grabbed a second place finish in newspaper design. Honorable mentions were awarded to Jamie Monroe for feature writing, Brittany Norman for editorial writing, and Jody Smith for radio advertising. “I’m always proud in the onsite because we compete against the biggest schools in the state,” said Dr. Jim Sernoe, Mass Communications Department chair. “Little Midwestern can keep up with UT Austin, and A&M, and Texas State and whoever else.

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Campus briefs Wednesday • Early registration for summer courses is April 20 - May 8 for re-enrolling students only • 2009-2010 Student Government Association Elections are online until noon April 24 • Museum: Kimbell Bus Tour to the Ft. Worth Kimbell Art Museum at 8 a.m. • Tri-Beta Plant Sale on the Bolin first floor at 8 a.m. • Distance Education Instructional Brown Bag Lunch in Dillard 189 at 11 a.m.

Thursday • Museum Screening: ‘Tornado Aftermath’ at the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU at 5 p.m. • Jewish Heritage Month: Holocaust Survivor at the Sunwatcher Plaza and House of Jacob at 6 p.m. • Spring jazz concert in Akin Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. • Theatre production: ‘Moonlight and Magnolias’ in the Fain Fine Arts Theatre at 7:30 p.m. • Spanish Club: Salsa Party at the Sikes lake Center at 9 p.m.

Friday • Community Health Fair at the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. • Academic Awards Dinner at the Wichita Falls Country Club at 6:30 p.m.


Owner: Bob Beck


* Free Wi-Fi

The Wichitan April 22, 2009


PRINTERS.....................................................................................................continued from pg. 1 “To me, that’s wrong, because if you are a student and you are doing that, no one else is going to be able to print anything for several hours. Now granted it saves you $200 or $300 or whatever the cost of the book might be but it’s not fair to everybody else that’s sharing those resources,” Dye said. Students printing textbooks are not the only ones who have been abusing the computer labs. Dye said the recent NCAA tournaments put a large dent in the labs resources with people print-

ing off large volumes of brackets. Another abuse observed is organizations printing off flyers to distribute around campus. “That’s not really what those labs are set up to do. We would like to see those set up for students to do their homework on and to print their homework off. It’s more designed for that; it’s not designed for personal use,” Dye said. Dye said that the policy comes out after seeing a dramatic increase of usage in the previous two semesters. “We estimated at

the volume that we were consuming, it would be about $120,000 annually. That’s just paper and toner. That doesn’t count any other supplies: the printers themselves, workers’ salaries, or electricity,” Dye said. Computer informations saw the new policy as a necessity. At the rate of consumption, the funding for the labs was well on its way of running out. If that had happened, there would not have been supplies in the labs come the summer term. “It’s not like there is a never

ending bucket of money to keep feeding into that resource, and that’s the truth,” Dye said. Luckily, the new policy has seen great results in the limited time it has been in place. The first 11 days saw a decrease of $7700. “Obviously, there are still ways around [the policy.] You can do the math and still print what you want if that is what you want to do, but we were just simply trying to slow the consumption of supplies,” Dye said.

HOLOCAUST.................................................................................................continued from pg. 1 sically to better understand the difference in Jewish culture versus Christian culture beliefs,” said political science major Lane McDonald. “The discussion with faculty and other audience members definitely cleared up the questions I came seeking clarification of.” On Monday, The Univer-

sity Programming Board sponsored two showings of the film Schindler’s List, in the Shawnee Theatre. The film is Steven Spielberg’s epic depiction of the Shoah (Holocaust) through the story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than 1,000 Jews. On Tuesday, Yom Ha’Shoah,

• Relay for Life at the Quadrangle at 8 p.m.

Saturday • Autism Conference of Texas in the CSC at 8 a.m. • Museum Screening: ‘Tornado Aftermath’ at the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU at 5 p.m. • Theatre production: ‘Moonlight and Magnolias’ in the Fain Fine Arts Theatre at 3 p.m.

Tuesday • Speak up, Speak out conference in the CSC at 8 p.m. • Music: Morrow Piano Concert in Akin Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.

National Holocaust Remembrance Day, was celebrated in the Sunwatcher Plaza with a ceremony and Candelight Vigil. The vigil included 11 candles that were lit, each to represent one million of the 11 million who died during this time. “The vigil is meant to be evocative,” said Jun. “It’s a day where everyone is human and everyone has empathy.” Each of the candles also represented several different groups that were also prosecuted during this time such as the disabled, gays and lesbians, and those of polish descent. “The principle purpose is to remember this event in an effort to stop current genocide,” said

Jun. On Thursday, the Temple House of Jacob will host a talk by Holocaust survivor Paul Kesslet with discussion and a mourner’s kaddish (said as part of the mourning rituals in Judaism in all prayer services as well as at funerals and memorials) to follow. If you need transportation, there will be a van available from Sunwatcher Plaza at 6 p.m. and returning at 9 p.m. For more information, contact House of Jacob at 940-692-5476 or for any questions regarding any other event, contact Jun at (940) 3974128, or via e-mail at nathan.jun @ mwsu.edu.

Vote for SGA officers Online

fery and Kevaughan Graham. Current vice president Lenny Students may vote for Benton, and Sam Shelley are 2009-2010 Student Govern- running for vice president. ment Association officers Candidates for secretary are this week. Voting ends Fri- Yonel Hunte, Shamiqua Robday at noon. Winners will be inson, Christine Linson and announced at 1 p.m. Friday Kaysi Overby. outside the SGA office in the Go to http://vote.mwsu. edu/ to cast a ballot. Students Clark Student Center. Running for president are may vote using any computer Susan Estrada, AnTuan Jef- with internet access. Kristen Mullen For the Wichitan


The Wichitan April 22, 2009


Astronauts of Antiquity ‘Funky-luscious’ band poised to make a splash on the music scene

Jamie Monroe Entertainment Editor

Categorized under the genre of “alternative electro-pop neosoul,” a band called Astronauts of Antiquity might not be the first thing you rush to download off of iTunes. However, you should give this New York-based duo a second thought, and a listen. Lead singer India and guitarist B. Rhyan started out as an alternative rock group. A concert in Poland, where the audience went crazy over a dub influenced song, led the band to focus their sound into something more eclectic. The band’s newest album, Rocker Science for Dummies, is a mesh of jazz, eclectic pop and

funk vibes. “Everywhere,” the album’s opening track, would be the perfect backdrop in any Starbucks or yoga class, but that’s far from its only appeal. Quirky lyrics like, “I’ll put you on my mantelpiece- Inspire me to sing,” set to catchy tunes make the first track on the CD the one to keep on repeat. The first half of the album is equally strong. India has a beautiful, rich lounge voice reminiscent of old Hollywood. Paired with Rhyan’s guitar, the blend of styles generally works very well, and if nothing else, the band’s Photo Courtesy musical stylings are fresh. B. Rhyan (left) and India make up the eclectic duo Astro However, the duo’s genrenauts of Antiquity. bending doesn’t always go nality, songs like “Sweet-Tooth” over with rave reviews, and the steam. Rather than showcasing origiand “Sweet Caroline” have middle of the album loses some

chords we’ve all heard before - in not-so-great 90’s pop. And the band’s attempt at a funk/hiphop edge with “Soup Du Jour” comes off as a strange caricature that also feels dated. It’s the songs that stick to one or two musical areas that shine. The jazzy song “Breakthrough” showcases India’s vocals without anything overshadowing them, and “Strangest Places” hits the mark of club-inspired without being cartoonish. The songs with the most success are the ones that are the least traditional. “Love is All Around” rocks out with little more than a sitar and bare vocals, and really, that’s enough. The album carefully walks the line of over-synthesizing, but for the most part, stays on the right side of it.

With such a diverse array of styles and sound, Rocket Science for Dummies has something to offer for almost everyone. It channels vibes of New York, LA, and European music, and gives them a unique spin. Rocket Science for Dummies is by no means a flawless album, but its faults are pretty minor, and it’s a solid production from a duo with a lot of talent and a lot of promise. Astronauts of Antiquity will tour this fall with scheduled dates in New York, followed by a tour of the U.S., Canada and Europe. Rocket Science for Dummies is on iTunes now. For more information about the band, check out their website at astronautsofantiquity.com.

This Providence came together in 2003 when Australian born vocalist Dan Young and bassist Phil Cobrea decided to make their once high school punk band into a career project. After inviting Gavin Phillips to join the band as lead guitar, the group was well on its way to success. In 2004, the band released its

leased its latest efforts this past March in an album called “Who Are You Now?” “Lyrically the album kind of explores finding your identity,” said frontman Dan Young. This album is said to be more of a sing along album than the past, and tries to be a bit more straightforward with the theme.” This Providence, having just left the Snakes and Suits tour featuring The Academy Is… said, “this is our first tour on a bus and it’s a lot more laid back than in a van.” Only Phillips joined Young on the acoustic tour that wrapped last week and said he enjoyed their time on the road. Up until now, the band recognizes that its connection to fans has mostly been with high school kids, but hopes they will gain a new maturity level with the new record. “With this next record though, I think we wrote it to kind of broaden our scope a little bit,”

Young said. With influences including The Killers, The Cure, The Beatles and Oasis, the band plans for at least another record and much more time on the road. Heading straight from tour to tour, the band is now on the road with Copeland, Paper Route and Brooke Wagner, and will make its way across the country this fall. This Providence puts a new spin on alternative rock that has proved to be insightful and comforting music to listen to. Not only are they a hard working band, but This Providence has a level head about success and plans to keep bringing the same power it has had in previous albums to new projects. “Who Are You Now?” is in stores now along with their past efforts, “This Providence” and “Our Worlds Divorce.” This Providence is on tour and its music is available on iTunes and its MySpace page.

‘This Providence’ heads on tour, upgrades to bus Courtney Foreman For the Wichitan

From Seattle Washington, This Providence is well on its way to becoming a household name in the world of alternative rock. Described as indie-rock, this group has proved that hard work truly does pay off.

first five-song EP “The Sunday’s Best” without the influence of Phillips. After the release of the EP, RocketStar Recordings caught wind of the unique sound and requested the band put together a few additional tracks, resulting in the band’s debut album, “Our Worlds Divorce” in 2004.


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After the debut album dropped, the band played shows relentlessly, gaining a bigger fan base and well-deserved credit along the way. After spending time doing gigs in the Pacific Northwest, the band plunged forth on a series of national tours alongside like-minded bands Daphne Loves Derby and Forgive Durden. Finally, in 2005 This Providence took some time off from the road and decided to work on what would become its selftitled album with record label Fueled By Ramen in 2006. After a slight lineup change that left them drummer-less, Ryan Tapert jumped in as the new addition, thanks to the helpful twenty-first century invention called MySpace. After the release of its selftitled album, the band has been seen on tour with bands such as Paramore, The Starting Line and The Almost. Following its efforts on the road, This Providence re-

‘No Justice’ heading our way Brittany Norman Editor in Chief

When it comes to making it on the Red Dirt music scene, there are no rules, no boundaries, and No Justice. The group will be performing at Outskirts on Thursday night. The band formed in 2001 inside the city limits of Stillwater, Oklahoma, the same place that Cross Canadian Ragweed, The Great Divide and Jason Boland and the Stragglers call home. Steve Rice, lead vocalist and acoustic guitarist for No Justice said that the band’s roots helped shape its sound. “I think (Stillwater) taught us what real music was,” Rice said. “A lot of people are just oblivious to it.” He said while Red Dirt music is getting more radio play now than when the band started, the music genre was a part of everyday life for him from the start. “It’s just kind of something we took for granted,” Rice said. “We just took it and ran with it.” The music No Justice plays is hard to classify, even for Rice. “I would probably say we play a kind of high-energy Americana crossover type music,” he said. “We have a lot of different influences and we’re pretty deep as far as our musical backgrounds individually. As a band it kind of comes together and makes just a different sound.” In addition to Rice, the band is made up of Brandon Jackson on vocals and rhythm guitar, Jerry

Photo Courtesy The Red Dirt group No Justice will perform at Outskirts this Thursday.

Payne on lead guitar, Joey Trevino on bass and Mondo Lopez on drums. They released their first album, Far From Everything in 2003. They released a self-titled album in 2006, which contained several singles that reached the top of the Texas music charts. In 2007 the band recorded an installment in the “Live at Billy Bob’s Texas” series, joining the ranks of artists such as Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard and Jack Ingram. “The most exciting show was Live at Billy Bob’s just for the sake of being a part of that whole thing,” Rice said. No Justice plays around 200 shows a year, and Rice gets his

inspiration for lyrics from things he and his friends have experienced. The band members are all close friends, something that Rice believes is a necessity. “I’d say anybody who’s been doing it for any number of years has gotta be (friends),” he said. “You can’t make it in this business without being close to the guys you’re doing it with. You have to have a pretty strong bond to be able to get along.” The band will be releasing a new record around the first of next year. More information on the band is available at its website, nojustice.com, or the band’s MySpace page.

Entertainment Country Rumble rolls in

The Wichitan April 22, 2009


April brings Red Dirt musicians to The Falls

step skills. Rogers’ set kicked off with “Somebody Take Me Home” The atmosphere was chilly, and followed up with the hit but the music was quick to heat “Tonight’s not the Night (for it up as Blue Edmondson, the Goodbye),” both off the band’s Randy Rogers Band and Robert 2004 release Rollercoaster. Earl Keen took the stage for the Rogers capped off the night Third Annual Country Rumble with one of his most well-known at Kay Yeager Coliseum on April songs, “Kiss me in the Dark,” 9. which of course left all the girls The night kicked off with Edin the audience screaming with mondson, who showcased the excitement. bluesy-country-rock style he is Legendary country music artbest known for. While playing ist and songwriter Robert Earl a mix of songs from his 2007 Keen ended the night with the release Lost Boy, Blue continuclassic country style he has been ously encouraged the audience to performing for nearly two deget on their feet and sing along. cades. The crowd was more than “He is one of my biggest hewilling to belt out when he roes,” Rogers said of performing capped off his hour-long set with Keen. “I would play with with the song he is best known him any day.” for, and a Texas country anthem: Keen’s performance, while “$50 and a Flask of Crown.” a little more mellow than Ed The size of the crowd conJulia Graham | For the Wichitan mondson’s and Rogers’ before tinued to grow as the stage was Bleu Edmondson opens the third annual Country Rumble at him, kept the audience on their reset for the next act to take the the Kay Yeager Coliseum April 9. feet for the rest of the night. The stage, The Randy Rogers Band. climax to the evening was defi The band had just returned The Wichita Falls crowd size said. nitely Keen’s renowned rendifrom a weekend in Las Vegas for was tame compared to the na- Rogers admitted that his ritual tion of “The Road Goes on Forthe Academy of Country Music tional audience the band per- is to “listen to Merle Haggard be- ever.” Awards, where the group was formed to on The Late Show with fore and after every show.” This Senior business Major Jimmy nominated for Best Vocal Group, David Letterman in January and got him in the mood to perform, Lemons was lucky enough to get and where as Randy said during again on The Tonight Show with and he was immediate in captur- VIP front-row tickets. ing the audience’s attention. his set, “we got our asses handed Jay Leno in March. “This was a dream come true,” He was quick to remind ev- “This was my first time to to us.” see the Randy Rogers Band and When the stage finally lit back Rogers said about performing on eryone that “it’s a long weekend, Robert Earl Keen in concert, up, Randy was center stage in a national television. “Definitely do whatever you want to do.” and they definitely didn’t disapblack button-up shirt, blue jeans, something I had dreamed about The crowd obliged with a roar of point,” said Lemons. cheers and many a beer up in the and a backwards Texas Rangers since I was a little kid.” “Being so close to the stage With over 200 tour dates a air. baseball cap, accompanied by really made this performance so band members Brady Black on year, being away from home is The crowd not only sang much more dynamic. I would the fiddle, Geoffrey Hill on gui- something most musicians have along, but as the night pro- definitely recommend any fans tar, Les Lawless on drums and to deal with. “You just have to gressed, many couples headed to of country music to see either of Jon “Chops” Richardson on the remember to put your family the makeshift dance floor next to them any chance they get.” first, no matter what,” Rogers the stage to show off their twobass. Julia Graham For the Wichitan

Josh Abbott Band rocks out at Outskirts Meredith Humphreys For the Wichitan

Outskirts has been known to give a good start to dozens of new Texas country bands, and that is certainly the case for The Josh Abbott Band. On Thursday, April 9, the band performed at Outskirts in front of a crowd of 500 people. Abbott played his hits like “Taste,” “Miss You Again,” “Buried Me,” and “Good Night For Dancing,” which is currently sitting at the number eight spot in the Texas Music Charts. This is the song’s fifth week in the top 10. Abbott showed great appreciation for local Texas country music station 94.9 The Outlaw and said that he likes to come to Wichita Falls for two reasons, “the radio station and the college crowd.” “The Outlaw is one of the top three Texas country stations in the state,” Abbott said. “They stick with just Texas country and don’t give in to the other kinds of music.” He also said he enjoys the fans in Wichita Falls. “The college crowd here emHad a wild night / want to put your mind at ease?


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Meredith Humphreys | For the Wichitan The Josh Abbott Band plays to a crowd of 500 at Outskirts on April 9.

braces the music and The Outlaw,” Abbott said. “They come out and listen and buy your music and merchandise.” The band originated in 2006 in Lubbock while the members attended Texas Tech University. Their first full-length album entitled “Scapegoat” was released in 2008 with 13 tracks.

This was the band’s second appearance in Wichita Falls and Outskirts this year. Outskirts owner Carol Humphries brought Abbott to town a total of five times in 2008. Humphries said his first visit to the Outskirts stage brought only 211 patrons, significantly lower than the crowd he brought

in last Thursday. “He is really talented,” Humphries said. She also said she has enjoyed watching the band blossom over the past year. Humphries added that she would like to get the band back on the Outskirts stage at least two more times in 2009.

Julia Graham | For the Wichitan Randy Rogers (right) and bassist Jon Richardson.

Question session with Randy Rogers Q: I hear you were in Vegas throwing down money on the blackjack table. Can you confirm or deny that, and did you win any money? A: “That can be confirmed. We were in Vegas for the ACM (Academy of Country Music) Awards. I definitely didn’t win and anything I did went right back on the table. I came out even.”

Q: Are there any artists on your iPod that we might be surprised to know about? A: “Definitely have some Britney on there. I actually knew her when I was younger. We went to church camp together.”

Q: Any place in Wichita Falls that you have to go to when you are here playing? A: “That little sushi place Q: What is your favorite Sakura over by where Graham venue to play? Central Station used to be. A: “John T. Floore Country The lady that works there is so Store in San Antonio, Texas. nice. She got me hooked on Robert Earl Keen actually re- eating sushi.” corded an album there.” Q: Any advice for aspiring Q: If you could put together college musicians? a three band lineup, which A: “Not to give a f*** what three would it be? other people think. Just write A: “Dead or Alive? I would and play as much as you can have to go with The Beatles, and be as honest as you can.” Willie Nelson, and of course, the Randy Rogers Band.”


The Wichitan April 22, 2009


Eskridge leads Gold over Maroon in Spring Game, 33-21 Bobby Morris Sports Editor

It’s football in April, but four touchdowns in a game is impressive regardless of the month. Zack Eskrdige showed he’s definitely ready to lead the Mustangs into the 2009 season with a four-touchdown performance to lead the Gold to a 33-21 victory over the Maroon in Midwestern State’s Annual Maroon/Gold Spring Game Saturday afternoon at the MSU Practice Fields. Eskridge was flawless in his first 11 attempts; eventually connecting on 16-of-20 passes for 269 yards, including his four scoring tosses. The junior QB hit Sasan Faradineh with a 21-yard pass-andcatch, hooked up with Ethan Ro-

sales on a 58-yard screen pass, threw a 33-yard strike to Sheldon Galloway, before finishing with a 28-yard throw to Andy Tanner. Eskridge led the Gold to a quick 14-0 lead in the first quarter, on the back of his first two scoring tosses. Redshirt junior Ben McMahan led the Maroon team back into the game in the second quarter with some quick, improvising plays. McMahan snuck in a scoring rush from one yard out to close the gap to 14-7. Neal Carr, Lester Bush and Eskridge combined for three plays on the next drive, ending in the QB hitting Galloway for a 33-yard score to push the Gold advantage to 14 points. McMahan connected with

Jared Freeman for a 64-yard score at the start of the second half to shrink the lead again to 21-14. But that’s the closest the Maroon team would get because Eskridge just wouldn’t let up on the air barrage. Eskridge led an eight-play, 65yard drive by going 4-of-5 from the field for 45 yards ending in a 28-yard toss to Tanner to push the lead out to 27-14. Maroon defensive player Stephen Alexander stripped the ball away from Gold receiver Garrick McCray and returned the fumble for a TD, cutting the deficit to 27-21 to end the Maroon’s scoring. Gold defensive end Major Magee finished the game with six tackles, three pass breakups and a quarterback hurry, but

most importantly kept the Maroon team off the scoreboard on its final four possessions to seal the victory. Cody Hicks and Ty Duncan both finished with four tackles apiece for the Gold, while Maroon’s Austin Daniels tallied 11 tackles and a fumble recovery. Wesley Nakwaasah also chipped in eight tackles for the Maroon squad. Eskridge and the rest of the Mustangs are now done with spring activities and looks forward to summer workouts to get themselves ready for the regular season grind. The Mustangs open with New Mexico Highlands on Aug. 29 at Memorial Stadium. The start time is to be determined.

with the Indianapolis Colts and Joseph Addai. But now the former MSU Indian will be playing for the Buffalo Bills after signing a two-year deal last week to back up thirdyear rusher Marshawn Lynch and even start while Lynch serves a three-year suspension because of off-the-field issues. Rhodes is arriving in Buffalo camp along with former Dallas Cowboy wideout Terrell Owens, in hopes they can bring the Bills back into playoff legitimacy.

Polk also keeps his name in the news even after being released from the Dallas Cowboys last season. The National Football Foundation Gridiron Club of Dallas announced last week that former MSU Mustang QB Polk would be one of five college football scholar athletes honored at the club’s first banquet. Polk was a four-time all conference selection, two-time national player of the week and a First-Team All America as a se-

nior in 2007. The quarterback finished as the Mustangs’ all-time leading rusher and leader in total offense. Off the field, Polk participated in Feed a Family for Christmas and Thanksgiving and served as a coordinator for the Martin Luther King Jr. Highway clean up. He will earn a bachelors of science in respiratory care in May 2009, as he is continuing to take classes at Midwestern State University.

Walter routed Tiago Valarinho/ Daniel McMullan 8-0 at No. 1, Justin Raiti/Nick Arnold rolled over Vjekoslav Stipanic/Octavian Dinuta 8-3 at No. 2 and Bernard Lancaster/Boris Barrios doubled up Chad Meeks/Carlos Battaller 8-4 at No. 3. Midwestern fought back with a pair of singles wins, spearheaded by Stipanic’s 6-3, 6-1 decision over Powers at No. 1 while McMullan claimed a victory at No. 3 singles as Lancaster retired in the second set. St. Edward’s survived a pair

of split-set matches to finish off the Mustangs with Raiti edging Vilarinho 6-4, 3-6, 6-4 at No. 2 and Walter nudging Bataller 2-6, 6-4, 7-5 at No. 4. The Mustangs were leading at the Nos. 5 and 6 positions when the match was pulled off of the courts. Midwestern plays host to the Lone Star Conference Championships beginning a week from next Friday with matches set for the MSU, Hamilton Park and Weeks Park tennis centers. St. Edward’s, which has won

five of its last six matches, improved to 9-10 on the season. The women’s tennis team will also be hosting the LSC Tournament after dropping its last match of the regular season o Tarleton State. Faye D’Hamecourt and Alex Odell-Michels continue to be a dynamite doubles duo for No. 38 Midwestern State. But their effort were not enough Tuesday afternoon at the MSU Tennis Center as No. 16 Tarleton State rolled to a 7-2 Lone Star Conference victory.

D’Hamecourt and OdellMichels edged Natalia Yanes/ Melanie Zilles 8-5 at No. 1 doubles, but the TexAnns rallied to take the other two doubles’ contests to take control of the contest. Odell-Michels also battled Yanes, who is the No. 41-ranked singles’ player in NCAA Division II, to three sets at the No. 1 singles position before falling 6-3, 2-6, 6-2. Colleen Kinser rolled past Zilles 6-3, 7-5 at No. 5 for the Mustangs’ lone singles’ win

while Holly Gunderson fought Evgeniya Prokofeva to three sets before succumbing 4-6, 6-1, 6-2. The TexAnns claimed straight-set wins in each of the other three singles’ contests for their third-straight win against NCAA Division II competition. Midwestern State plays host to the Lone Star Conference Championships beginning next Thursday at the MSU, Hamilton Park and Weeks Park tennis centers.

riders, who raced with the Men’s B, were able to take 2nd, Loren Eggenschwiler, 3rd, Tiffany Stewart, 4th, Mindy Burns, and 5th, Laura Whittle. As the fog cleared, more races began. MSU’s John Cope was able to take third in the Men’s C race. In the Women’s B race MSUs Angie Reay was able to take third with Amanda Eade taking sixth. After the races finished, the eight-mile loop used during the road race was then used for the second stage – a time trial, which is a race against

the clock and racers compete individually. Doviken took first for the Men’s A with a time of 16:55:52 and Short got second with 17:08:82. In the Overall standing, Doviken, Davis, and Elenz were able to maintain the top three. For the Women’s A, Tiffany timed in 20:29:18 taking second place with Loren at 21:56:65 for third. This left the overall standing remaining the same for Saturday. The Men’s B were able to take 1st, Sean brown with 18:51:25 and 3rd, Tyler Matthies with

19:00:61. For the Women’s B Josephine Eggenschwiler was able to take second with 24:14:22. For the Men’s C, Cope was able to grab sixth with a time of 20:59:79. After a long day on the road, racers got their one last chance to make up any time in the criterium which was held on Campus Sunday morning. A criterium is a race of multiple laps held on blocked off roads, in this case on campus. Men’s C category started the collegiate criteriums where

Cope was able to get fifth place in the criterium and fifth place in the General Classification. For the Women’s B race, Angie Reay got third and Josephine Eggenschwiler got fourth. Reay got third overall. For the Women’s A Tiffany Stewart got 1st and Loren Eggenschwiler, Mindy Burns and Laura Whittle filled in fourth-sixth. For the Men’s B, Tyler Matthies got 1st after breaking away only a few laps from the finish and teammate Sean Brown was able to capture second. In the Men’s A criterium, the top 6 positions were swept by MSU racers, Todd, Collin, Morten, Jason, McLean and Matt Fox, respectively. As a part of a stage race, all results are combined from the

three varies races and then winners are declared. MSU racers won the following titles in their categories. John Cope, fifth. Angie Reay, fourth. Sean Brown, 1st. Tyler Matthies, second. Matt Sauls, fourth. Loren Eggenschwiler, second. Tiffany Stewart third. Mindy Burns fourth. Laura Whittle fifth. Morten Døviken, 1st. Collin Davis, second. Todd Elenz, third. Jason Short, fourth. It was a great week for the MSU Cycling Team as they travel down to Austin this weekend April 25-26 for the Conference Championship. MSU is currently leading the Conference and plans to attend Collegiate Nationals May 8-10 in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Kaitlin Morrison For the Wichitan

West Texas A&M. The other half of the tournament will be played in Durant, Okla. Southeastern Oklahoma finished as the top seed in the LSC North Division and therefore gets to host the other half of the tournament. Southeastern will play Texas A&M Kingsville after Angelo State takes on Cameron. The winner of the two brackets will face the following weekend at a site to be determined to battle to be named the next Lone Star Conference Champion. The action from Abilene can be followed on live stats at msumustangs.com.

Former MSU standouts still making news Bobby Morris Sports Editor

While both Dominic Rhodes and Daniel Polk broke numerous records as a Midwestern State football team member, both continue to make news in the world of football. Rhodes has been a running back in the NFL ever since graduating from MSU as an undrafted free agent in 2001. The eight-year veteran rushed for 538 yards last season while in a running back committee

Patrick Johnston | The Wichitan

(Above) MSU quarterback Zack Eskridge drops back to pass during a late-season game against Eastern New Mexico. Eskridge looks to be in top form this spring throwing for four TD’s during the annual Spring Game last week. (Below) Former MSU standout Dominic Rhodes runs off the field after leading the Indianapolis Colts to a Super Bowl victory two years ago with 100-plus yards rushing.


Men’s and women’s tennis teams limp into the LSC Tournament MSUMustangs.com For the Wichitan

No. 32 Midwestern State men’s tennis team battled back after suffering a doubles’ sweep to St. Edward’s, but the No. 23-ranked Hilltoppers held on for a 5-2 win Friday afternoon at the MSU Tennis Center. The loss is the fourth-straight for the Mustangs, who fell to 8-9 on the season. St. Edward’s claimed wins in each of the three doubles’ contests as Brett Powers/Mick

Men’s and women’s cycling team capitalize on cycling close to home Loren Eggenschwiler For the Wichitan

It was a great weekend for MSU to host a stage race for the South Central Collegiate Cycling Conference. With a foggy start in the road race Saturday, MSU was able to win 1st, Todd Elenz, 2nd, Collin Davis, 3rd, Morten Døviken, 5th, Jason Short, 7th, Matt Fox, and 8th, McLean Worsham in the NCCA Men’s A event. The Men’s B was able to capture 8th, Matt Sauls and places 11th, 13th, 14th and 16th. MSU Women’s A

MSU prepares for ACU

Matt fox, Jason Short and McLean Worsham with a few laps left in the criterium.

Loren Eggenschwiler | The Wichitan

The Midwestern State softball team heads into this week’s Lone Star Conference Championships as the fourth seed in the LSC north division. MSU (29-15) will face the home standing Abilene Christian Wildcats in the opening round of one of the doubleelimination four-team brackets to determine the participants in the next week’s best two out of three series to determine the conference champion. To start off the games in Abilene, the University of Central Oklahoma will face


The Wichitan April 22, 2009


McCasland takes over as MSU men’s basketball coach MSUMustangs.com For the Wichitan

Grant McCasland was named the eighth men’s basketball coach at Midwestern State University on April 17, 2009. “Our family is thrilled and honored to come to Midwestern State,” McCasland said. “I am thankful (President) Dr. (Jesse W.) Rogers and (Athletic Director) Mr. (Charlie) Carr for trusting me with the responsibility of leading a program with such a great tradition. I hope to continue that.” If his track record as a fiveyear coach at Midland College is any indication, the Mustangs will be in good hands.

McCasland led the Chaparrals to a National Junior College Athletic Association championship in 2007 and a national runner-up finish earlier this spring. Midland College has won at least 26 games in each of its seasons with McCasland at the helm while posting a 143-32 record and an .817 winning percentage. “We just felt like he was such a good fit for our program and what we are trying to do,” Carr said. “He has a great passion for the game, and he came across as having a great passion for the kids in the meetings he had with them.” McCasland led the Chaparrals to the NJCAA Elite Eight

in all but two of his seasons at Midland College and earned numerous coaching honors, as he was named NJCAA National and McCasland Texas Association of Basketball Coaches’ Junior College Coach of the Year in his national championship season of 2007. He is a two-time NJCAA District Coach of the Year and earned Western Junior College Athletic Conference top coaching honors on two other occasions.

McCasland is the first coaching hire from outside of the MSU staff since Dr. Gerald Stockton accepted the position in 1970. He steps into a rich basketball tradition at Midwestern State. MSU boasts 15 NAIA National Tournament appearances including a national runner-up showing in 1975 and four trips to the NAIA Final Four (1975, 1979, 1993, 1994). More recently, the Mustangs experienced great success under Jeff Ray, who vacated the position last month to become the full-time men’s and women’s golf coach. “Coach Ray is very highly regarded and it’s an honor to fol-

Mo Williams teaming with the incomparable James to forge a dastardly alliance, will navigate the treacherous playoff waters like salmon swimming upstream, catapulting the very competent Mike Brown into his second appearance as an NBA Finals head coach in the last three years. With LeBron totaling 28.4 points, 7.6 rebounds and 7.2 assists per game in the regular season, the Cavs are truly the real deal-just take a look at their pristine 39-2 mark at Quicken Loans Arena this season if you need a reminder. And Mo, minus the shoulder hair, has dealt a lookat-me 17.8, 3.4 and 4.1 line every step of the way, making him Tonto to James’ sure-fire Lone Ranger. Since Boston is back, back, backing into the playoffs as the second-seeded team without Kevin Garnett, the Celtics will

certainly struggle. Orlando, riding Mr. Shoulders, a.k.a. Dwight Howard, looks very strong, and the Atlanta Hawks (not your Daddy’s Hawks) will make the Miami Heat sweat its hair out. The Philadelphia 76ers (not that bad, but facing Magic), the Chicago Bulls and the Detroit Pistons should be first-round fodder, which will get us into the second round in the East sans too much consternation. In the West, the Los Angeles Lakers, Denver Nuggets, San Antonio Spurs (yuck!) and the Portland Trail Blazers have the top four seedings, but their respective roads might be fraught with danger from the likes of Houston, Dallas, New Orleans and Utah (Jerry Sloan is a beast, even seeded eighth). So without further ado, here is the road to the NBA Finals: In the East, Cleveland rolls past the Pistons in sweep-like fashion, while Boston dodges Chicago, Orlando bullies the 76ers and the Hawks end Dwyane Wade’s most-fabulous season in a seven-game, do-or-die battle. Next up, Cleveland finds itself in a tussle with Joe Johnson and the Hawks, but with a true home-court advantage, the Cavs will march on by 4-2. In the same round, Howard shows his redwhite-and-blue, Superman colors and kicks tougher-than-dirt Paul Pierce, Jesus Shuttlesworth (a.k.a. Ray Allen) and the Celtics to the curb in shocking fashion with a 4-2 beat down. Doc Rivers might be a better coach than Stan Van Gundy but the not-so-svelte Van Gundy has the better team with Garnett missing in action.

That leaves us with Orlando and Cleveland in what could be a monster series in the Eastern Conference finals. But, as stated earlier, LeBron happens . . . and he surely will as the Cavs squeeze past a determined and talented Orlando team in maybe six, more likely seven. In the West, the Lakers handle the Jazz and the kitchen sink Coach Sloan will throw at them in five games; Denver manages to subdue Chris Paul (love this kid!) and the Hornets in a shocking seventh game; I don’t like the Spurs, never have, but they are still very good and should get past aging point guard Jason Kidd and the Dallas Mavericks; and in the most intriguing firstround series, it’s the Rockets’ red glare upsetting Portland behind a yeoman’s effort from Yao Ming and Ron Artest, yes, Ron Artest. In the next round, Kobe shows all those who feel that LeBron and Wade had better seasons that he is Still the Man as the Lakers bounce the Rockets in rather easy fashion now that Andrew Bynum is back in earnest. Denver and San Antonio, well, this is a pick-’em series, seriously. Lovable loaf of banana bread George Karl and Gregg “I Got Rings” Popovich going head to head should make for great newspaper quotes, but in the end, take Chauncey Billups’ brawn and Carmelo Anthony’s creativeness over Tony Parker’s speed and whatever is left of Tim Duncan as the Nuggets, yes the Nuggets, advance in seven to the Western Conference Finals in an obvious upset to the uniformed. That leaves us with the Lakers vs. the Nuggets; Jackson vs.

low him because he’s done such a great job,” McCasland said. “Having him on campus is a huge plus for the program.” Ray compiled a 231-121 (.656) record in 12 seasons as the head coach at Midwestern. He led his teams to four Lone Star Conference championships earning a berth in the NCAA Division II South Central Regional in each of those seasons (199899, 1999-2000, 2006-07, 200809). The Mustangs posted win streaks of 11 and nine games this season for the program’s fourth LSC title and fell in the second round of the NCAA Division II South Central Regional to host

Central Missouri. McCasland also earned the reputation for developing great individual talents. He has sent 19 players to NCAA Division I programs and had a player selected in the NBA draft. During his tenure, Midland College, McCasland coached two NJCAA All-Americans, a national tournament MVP, 10 NJCAA All-Region V selections, a WJCAC MVP and 14 All-WJCAC first-team performers. “The people at MSU really sold me and my family on coming to Wichita Falls,” McCasland said. “I’m ready to hit the ground running.”

Superstars ready for the grind of the real NBA season Garry Howard MCT

Where LeBron happens . . . That will be the supreme theme during the real NBA season, which begins early Saturday afternoon with first-round games in both the Eastern and Western Conferences. And you should know, right from the start, that these matchups will be as riveting as Commissioner David Stern’s extremely capable publicity machine will have you believe, despite the two months it takes to crown “The King.” In the end, who will be left standing? We’ve already given you a hint as to who will be one of the last two breathing. The Cleveland Cavaliers, with former Milwaukee Bucks (gratuitous mention) point guard

MCT The Kobe Bryant-led Lakers look as poised as ever to make a run at the NBA Finals title since Shaq left L.A. A crashcourse with LeBron looks imminent but Kobe seems ready.

MCT LeBron James is attempting to single-handedly carry the Cleveland Cavaliers through the Eastern Conference playoffs and into a possible collision course with the Lakers.

Karl; Kobe vs. . . . Ahaaaaaaa! Too much Kobe and too smooth an offense (Pau Gasol, Lamar Odom and Bynum, with Bryant? That’s a wrap.) will derail what will be hailed in the Denver Post as the Nuggets’ finest season this side of the franchise’s memorable 1994 upset of Karl’s top-seeded Seattle SuperSonics. Now, after taking a deep breath, is the time to purchase your most favorite libation since the NBA Finals, pitting Kobe’s Lakers against LeBron’s Cavaliers, will be must-see television, no question. With all things being somewhat equal between Kobe and LeBron, we have to dig further for the true outcome of this series. And here it is: Kobe’s bench of Trevor Ariza,

Jordan Farmar, Sasha Vujacic (Vujacic!) and Luke Walton will outshine LeBron’s bench of Daniel “Boobie” Gibson, Wally Szczerbiak, the ageless Joe Smith and Sasha Pavlovic. Superstar Jackson will be gunning for his 10th NBA title while neophyte Brown seeks his first. And lastly . . . but most important. . . . Kobe over LeBron! . . . Still. Although we would never suggest you place wagers on the outcome of sporting events, the Los Angeles Lakers will defeat the Cleveland Cavaliers in six games, or maybe seven, in the NBA Finals as Bryant clings, tearfully, to his fourth career championship trophy, leaving LeBron to regroup for another run in another season. And that’s the truth. Don’t believe me? . . . Just watch.



The Wichitan April 22, 2009

On Deck thisweek...


Softball The Mustangs’ softball team will be competing in the LSC Conference Championship this weekend. The Mustangs will be competing against Abilene Christian in the first part of a fourteam double elimination bracket to determine the teams that will compete headto-head for the Conference crown. First pitch is set for 6:30 p.m. in Abilene.

Ludlow sets school record as MSU finishes strong MSUMustangs.com For the Wichitan

The potential of Midwestern State men’s golf was finally on display Tuesday after at the Lone Star Conference Championships held at the Par-72, 7,194-yard WinStar Golf Course. The Mustangs tied a school record with their straight round of 280 to finish the third in the league at 24-under par. The three-round total of 840 bettered the program’s previous low 54hole total by 11 strokes. “This team has been capable of this all year,� MSU coach Jeff Ray said. “I was really proud of them. I mean, 24-under par is a great score and it got us third. That just shows you how great our conference is.� No. 27 Northeastern State fol-

lowed Monday’s phenomenal opening rounds scores of 269 (-19) and 275 (-13) with a more human 281 (-7) to claim the LSC title Ludlow with a threeround total of 825 good for 39 shots better than par, while No. 4 Central Oklahoma closed strong in the final two rounds to card rounds of 281, 277 and 277 for a total of 835 (-29). Midwestern got within five strokes of Northeastern State midway through the final round, but aggression forced a shaky finish over the final six holes. “We were rocking and rolling

there for a while,� Ray said. “It’s a little tougher down the stretch with water around the holes. We were being aggressive, trying to make up some strokes. We talked about that last last night in the team meeting about just going to play golf and have fun. That’s what we were doing.� Senior Andrew Ludlow got MSU out on the right foot by stringing together three-straight birdies at the beginning of the round and was an impressive 6-under through 13 holes before suffering three bogies over his final five holes. But it still didn’t ruin the South African native’s recordsetting tournament. MSU’s lone senior carded rounds of 70, 68 and 69 for a three-round total of 207 to set

the school 54-hole individual record of score against par at 9-under which gave Ludlow a fourthplace individual finish. “He was a good golfer when he got here, but he he works so hard,� Ray said. “He loves the game and now he’s going to go study to be a great golf instructor. It was really nice for him to go out as a senior like this.� Junior Mitch Molen also bettered the program’s old low-par tournament mark which was held by Brady Jones, who carded a 4-under 206 at the 2007 UCO/ Kickingbird Classic. Molen fired rounds of 67, 69 and 73 for a 7-under total of 209 to finish sixth, while sophomore Travis Klutts was ninth with rounds of 69, 71 and 72 for a 4-under toal of 212.

The showing probably cinches Klutts an individual berth in the Southeast Super Regionals to be held from May 4-6 at Robert Trent Jones on the Shoals in Florence, Ala. “The scores were low for everyone,� Ray said. “The kids were playing good golf and making putts. I think this team would do really well at the regional tournament, but we’ll have a chance to be a really solid golf team next year.� Junior Eric Thompson delivered MSU’s best score of the final round with a 68 and finished tied for 22nd with a three-round even-Par total of 216, while junior Jay Weaver finished tied for 24th with a three-round 1-over tally of 217.

Mustangs Conference Standings Lone Star Conference

Softball North W-L SE Oklahoma (38-7) 9-1 Central Okla. (18-10) 11-3 MSU (22-10) 8-4 Cameron (23-15) 8-4 SW Oklahoma (11-19) 3-9 NE State (9-25) 4-12 East Central (10-17) 3-13

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Both MSU tennis teams will be competing this weekend in the LSC Conference tournament. The schedules for men’s and women’s have yet to be released but both tournaments will begin Friday April 24.


North W-L Central Okla. (24-6) 10-2 SW Oklahoma (19-11) 8-4 TAMU-Comm (17-11) 8-4 Cameron (14-14) 7-5 NE State (11-16) 6-6 SE Oklahoma (5-22) 2-10 East Central (6-22) 1-11

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