April 23, 1997

Page 1

n ta . 1Chl

Terun Arrow

• Midwestem State Universit

The rirlc is 111 , take'" th< MS U cycling learn ho.;t, tht· conference {'hnmp1on~hip. pa~r


Eastern Illinois AD to head MSU sports

to !he: m fanu.iry. \ !,:Ike\ n:ink" ,.,_., noc oo 1ht- l"r

Bui .inrr 1wo lim1h,h w~rc uno1t>k tn :t1;ccp11hc- Jl'l'I lmn. R odrr~ul'I v.cn1 h:ic. I,. 10 the rc-u11k:, Jrlll lnund

Md3cc m r.ul) Apnl l·ron1 1h1:r,:, M1.l!a:1.:imc 111 \ 11il 12, urtd mC"r lhc prt",1ikm .1nd ,11mc n'lt'mhcr, nf


•~ -~:::~;:~•:.~. hc "'"' 1hr mo-,1 qu3h lirt1:· RoJnguc, ,:ud...When I "'.r n1 hocl thruuih.. JI/ lhl' iaprl1

0 ''11,~11':.~.t:~1~~-~~,1~:11~; ,~ri~~~..~t


c.irncd •• dor\ degree 1n hl'lc)f)' lint.I pol1Uci,I \C1c:n..r ln1111 Prc,h}'l('n an f"i C ! ColkFI." m 1968 He v.c111 on W c.im a ma~ur, Jct:rcc:: m 'l~omfary cdoc,11ton ar1d \Ol 1111 ,1uJ,c , fro m 1hc Lr11H:r\1I) ' £•I Soothcm

11.l""'''PP' 1n

tCJ74, uml 1111.JJrK'J h,, d<lctor.arc m .«ondo11) \"1fu,·awm

Stt ~tcBet paJ::t> 4

oung cla im s GA ele cti on tl'<l. JII ah~• ulJlt'\I , dm,._·,I b.,r l-r1day Cl Ill A:1ron Yuunb nm ngh:1111 <'merged • r.lCC lo ~aJ lhc L,I

11·111,\"0i.lJllt"II ft1f

Jl}tar 1.11, ul.11<·d m 1he ,·d J Chh c r.ai.•c h,r L'J 27'111i ~)6 \Oil'' llh 11pponcm . f".tc 227. .t d1lll'fl.'lkC 1ll

11H' rrc,n.km v. ,h C:unn1ng.h;m1 1l',;c11ed h1, LOm pclllOf. Paul f(J~ lor .t m.~111 11f


, Oi l"'

" I v.1, h AJWO .tnJ ,1 ol lu,.:-1., ,,nd I hopc-

ome lhc In....

Cl('ll'CIJ •

101 1hnn .• he " h:ipp} Ji-oul le1:11011 hut he hJ , h1, IC ~ I

he fuwrt ry c,cueJ h v.,1, J l1lf?g


y,,un~ and Cumungham outluk'I.I their intcn11on, ,n a letter to the ~ ,•:t1Jn publi,hcd m th( Apnl 9 Their rlJ\lmm 1ncludr J ,·ho1nl!m!! !he d11flluh1!) cur1cw to 2 a 111.,


~ renal prnh1t,uu111 nf rhc ~ - r11mur1lp1wn J nd di...ln• r( DC\Jhnl1, t>c-H'f,1):e• ended 01 BIM al M1dv.e,r.·m S1atc the 1 1;;:~~'t~l'\lllc n.:e I.Ill' ~ \tile,. "Al<tJhol1..: ~"t"r-

Kartn Mall

Wlchiion IJe;:iorler

m~rc11,m~ , tudcm L:nu..,.kdgc of StiA ;.,,.11,111<•, and cicni.... 1n1·nh mg 11 ffk>rt' fl!.tm1attmh m on, .unpu, :11·u, 11!1•,. J1lon111nl? n ~) 10 lhr Ga't.:I. ,~,tern, ,md i 1\ln~ 1hr- :11c,. ~gc ,IUJcru more .iccc" to 1hc SGA ··w e nctd to l!Ct lhmg, .\l(U U'\I l.',1rl} and i,:c1 a ied for tio.... thmg, v.orl.,' 'l'11ung ' Jld Yor.m,g and C'unmn!,!ham ""ill lake 1•ffice .--.n Mu) I, JU,t hcforc r loMe, t·1ld tor 1hc "11nni; '<)7 -.cme\tc-r -w,: "" Jnt lhc \llidcnll. to kfKlll th.it ,.,,c v.ckomc JO) ""-•d)', 1dcll., ,md ,u~F•M11111~... Youn~ '-lid. " We v.Jm to get 1hc , tudcn1, 10 l.l'IO\\ 1h:11 11 c II t,,,· hcrC" all , u1n1m·r and 1ha1 \lo(' JfC hen.- for fhC'ITI ,. Deedra V.cathc.!rtxe will \\.'f\e J , W;A \\.-cretary She 11oun tilt- po, 1• 1100 m Jll un,.· ontc~t'J 111C'e.

tudents disagree n alco hol poficy M■tt Gu rsk\'

Outstanding students recognized

tv.o ~eel., of .:amp;u gn111i;. When yuu v.orl. \\l hanl. ll \ n1re 10 v. m," !~~:~ 11d " \\'c·rc fC"ady lo ge1

, , II) Pl.'11plc who JIC' O\cr 2 1 (hould to..: atllr4«1 tn dnnk Tiu, 1s collrge We ,houl,I he atlo'II-Cd to do nur own

lhmg if v.c'r.: m,1 brcakmg the law" i'rl.'~hman Per,,,~ \lt1lkCfM>n, who live, 1n P1em.• II.ii!. di,ngrcetl w11h \ l:mghJm ..r.., ,I ,voo J)OI IC)', Y,lU .J\outdn't dnnk 11 ) tlU gv m school anyway," W1IJ..cr,on ,a,J 1 DI) lh')\ f:ic fl' ""°'\C'\J, \Oil· Th,: , rutkm, ,,l,;,o d1lagrttd 11bou1 "'or 'il'r\1•J m the ri.·,1denl'e i 1K1lhn~,v.1or1h H.alJ. P1cru• the WJ) the polKy .I \ "enfore«I I thmL: they \lo 111.cr,on ,1uJ ( Mr<.:ullou~h- l nj:p 11:111 or l'nfor,·c II thc r,ghr w:iy No drinking fblli " lblbol mll)' he l\l0'lmk.'d m on campu, mean\ no dnn)a ng on · JI Coon, Nt unly mklt.·1 1c~- c:impu~: · .\nfllhcr fre,hman, Pamck True. 01.llhnC\J in lhr h,.11Klh<K1L: ah11u1 1hc pollu,, u1 'ilutknh l't11ll1p H11dme • v. ho h.id lk> commc:nt 1'«hn1u1II, n·, 11111 :1 dr y icy h,.•l au-.c he " not 21. ~ •d the can hr 11 pnhl)' !he of n1 enfon:cmc \111..'h Jfo.' 1101h ,l:,1n, thr bu1 l'h.11d 1, 1 ~am ,.1,::,·c" 10 al,o- l111lc,1nc1 " I 1h111k 11\ ch1.•6 y tha1 )'OU can'1 OfftnJJI)' r,-~J ' ,1,.rc l,,v. hd\t' a twl11k colll-Cllon. If you gel l'or 5uf!IC J!rnho l U'-i: .. ·nc ~t,11 ,..u,I 1h,• polir} h.l' c~uvh1 v.irh an cm p1y bonk. 11 ran •dfe,t ,111,c ht-fore he rnmc !'IC ~1i 1n-,ublc,'' Trvc ~aid Aco:mJm~ lo 1he handbook. IOI\CNI) . dorm r,•,1Jenh ha\\' d1fh-r• ··Kq:ardk" ol h1.Jhcr \ptt1fie h:ill 'll'li'\t'lrl lhcpol,.)'JrKlhttv. 111, or ::iinnmcnt a"1!-?nmen1. siuJcnb ma\ 1101 ro~..c", J"p/Jy, ot eollcc1 R\loUl~h.m1.:. K1llmg," or1h cmply akohuhc h.:\'Cr4gc C'Ol1ta1ncN •o1rd. " I 1hml. 11·, l.mJ ot in Ilnwcl'\11)' / lnu,mg,''


Seeing double

Honar. H11nq~ 1 on tricl■, nid!L T Iit Sl,000 ■v.11nl Pffible l ynw __, namtd lht Clari. Mh<>l11r ■I 1hr 1nnu11I h 1th·t n 10 ■n til)('Omina Junior. Plru1a.1 ll,1· h ou \ am,r

Plummer, Byrne nam ed top scholars Leila Plummer and Dehb,e K)·tnc tool top l1onor\ at the annual MiJ11o·c,!('UI SIJlo.' lhlllt>f'\ ,--,-- - , B:.nquct Frida) m,1:?.ht Related Boih ~u<lcm, n·u11 c J Jl"l.',-



Story .:1~n~:.a: •~ :i/:'1;~x,\: ~ Page 3 ~~~,~~~n:~n1~'~,.,_~;cdcmi,,

Plummer wa, nJok!tl 11.mlm Scholar. and Detih1e Byn1t v.~J, namcJ Ct.11L Scholar. Plumn1Cr, a ~ mu,, t\ a OOuhl,· m~Jl•r 111 ,·om pulcr \CIC'ncc land humanu1c, . lier nun,,r. Jf\' Sp;.ni\h alld math She h.:I~ bC'en 1·rry 1n<olved with MSLJ \Ince the hcginnrng uf her colleJ:?,e elrttt. R11:hartl S1mp-on. a\\\.lC1ate r rofty;or ,11

Set Scholars page ,\

\ l "il ' l'rr<-idl'nl l.otil\ J . Korlri1tun pr N n h Nadlrw Ketnht " 1111 !hi' \\umRn of t ht lt•ar ,b u d.

Mtdv.-c,tl.'m SllJIC' m:o!?nued 1" out• \l::Jmhn~ )tudc111' at the annuJI Honor\ li.in(jUl'I Fnd:&y IIIJ:?.hl 1llC llartlrn Scholar Av. ard v.~J\ Jlfl.'• M:nll'd 111 ~cntor LC'ila 1-'lumnk!r. .u1J the Cl:u-l Scholar Av.:ird wa., prt'4.'mcd 10 JUlllUI Dchh1e Jone, Bpnc ,\r ltlkm1, a..,,ard, we-re J'lr<'\Cllll'd for e~cephonal )IIU.lcnh m cxh program m ,,., h1ch MS!,; oiler. ,1 maJur In :tdJmon 10 ac..<JcmK av.·a,J~. MSI · rnugn11cd 11, ,1udcnh ,,.,ho J)th'-1:"' C\ Lept1nnal 11:adr~htp :11'111111(',. GrJ<fu;.rc ,rudcnl Jc,-,c \lcndc, ~a, reco~n•1cd a, MSU M,m of 1he Year :\knda , a h1,t0f} ma1or. " J l,o pn:"dcm of the S1uJen1 Go\·cmmcnl A,,;oc1;i11un He 1, a member nl Mortar Boan.I. P1 S1gm.1 A lph:i :ind Phi ,\lf'ha The1a honor ,.o;,·1coc, Mend<.', i... ahn re,ptin,1hk for 11rJ,!an11111g the M1,pan1c frJh:rnrl ) , 0nlt'~a Delia Ph1. :u ,\ IS L' Mende, .11\\J -.cl"·c, on the l!mH·r-11~ f'r~rJmmmg Ro:ard In :1dd11i!Nl h> Co1mp4, lll"Jh e • n1tnt. Mender v.orl , ::ii lhc n,mmun11~ food bank :md ,olumt'Cr. v. 1th W1 cht1:1 Fall, lndq>cndcnr School 0 1\l rKI', P:tnncr. m l:.ducaunn Senrnr Nadmc K()('mg n'Cl'l\,'(j rc,:01;• nmon 1') ~-ISLI Woman o l 1h,· Ye:ir Kocmg ha~ a duubk mJtnr m Engl1,h and pulur,::il '-C'll'0l'l' anti v..1, /lJnlt•tl OuMaodm!:! Jumur Wurn:in m IIJIX, lkr eampu, a; ,n 1l 1e, mcludc C,rdc- K. Na11unat Organ11ar10n for Women. S igma Tau Della anJ Monar Ru.ird honor \(,c1e1te~. Umvcr-;uv Dcmu,:rJr-, \KC prNdem uf SGA. and rrNt.knr of AlphJ Chi ;',/Juonal Hunor Soi. 1ct) In ...Jtl11ron to campu, m\·Ol\·c mcnl. K11rmp ,tl"J -.er,, e, a, a men to, ru, the Pll:. pwgrJm m WFISU JnJ 1, J rncmhcr 11f the Amcnran Lnerury ·rran,!ator, ,\,!>I.K:rn-rion H~ c l'mp:man earned rcto!?ntt1011 J , OuM,md1ng SC'r11or Man. C'm,1:?.1m,n 1, J)ur.u1ng a double fllJJOr m ma1hcma11l, and ph),IC'I.. H r, eampu, m,ol\en,cnt incl ude, NAACP, che ('Jtthht!an StuJ.:111 Or1:an11atu111. :\.!Jlh ('lut,. ~GA. Al1il1a l h1 and trca~urcr It» the Bl.te~ Studi.·n1 l lnhln AJd11111nall)·. CrogmJn V.J, '>Cl~-clr d for Whn', \\ hu Amnng ,\ menean CollcJ:?,e Studl'nh Jnd rht•

Stt H onors PllRf']

Tennis team sen ds 3 to nationals Anthony Newbern

Wd:;;;on IJeporler

The .\11dll'e,tC"m State Indian, ream 11111 send t hree player. 111 nat1onJ h 1n.. llKlms. kff Ov.en, , v. ho 11o1ll tttum 1u nahon:;h for chc'-t"C'<.lnd ron..ccu111e )'car. Ov.ens v. 111 he joined JI 1hc \'Al,,\ 1";111onaJ T11um.un<:11t ti) lhc duuhb lcJm 1•1 l..c,hc William, and Chm11 Te:1J..dl Owen\ .M:I\Jn,:cd tn lhc mmonat lourna• rncm 1h1, }Car hy \lolOll lllf 1l1r 'ln¥h,•, finJ! ,II the St11.1th\\e,1 R~"'lon m Oldal1nmJ (1t} IJ'-( "'cclcnJ. lie utu-cd th,nui;h lht fir,1 1....., munJ ~ h,~mg JUM -.Cl.CO g1,nll', 111 lhc 1in,tl. O,,,.cn~ contmu...--d h" donnna1111n ,,, rhc reg1no v.11h a 6- 1. ft.I \l~h"'I') "ktl JU~I dc.,.rc,yed hr, 11111ioncnt m 1hcfin3f, ant.I w.i.., pl;aymg re.di)' V.\•11; · \ISl ,·o:ich Larry W1g11m, , J1d LA..~1 year. Owen, Jo1h anct"d ro 1hc n,,urm.

JI 1uum.uncn1 h) rc<:t·111ng an at•lar~c hid. Srcenhnck and douhlc, po1r1nt•r Hn,.1n l h1, ye,1r v.a, d1llcrrnt. and .1rn1rd111~ tu Hl)lrf'ttlt, reached tht" 1k.1Uhk, fin.ii "111.'rt• ICJ mnrntc M.m,n Stccnt1ot."L. thrrc v. :h 1hcy '•"l m thTL't' '(·h altC'r 11o rn111ng 1h,· flr,r hc,11 nr•N'it.l) .11 1hc rwmamcm v.•ho nlUld -.cl Slt't"nhud d1arJo1.' lcn1«1 In, pl.1} J \ o ....t:n, hclu11, p.11 Jnd ht"l1r1c, the, ,huulJ hall• " Jrfr 1u, 1plJ_y ,•J hlc he"·" , uppo-.c,l 10. won m lhc finJh · u,J .. , 'i1eenhi11,:I. hcue,:· ,·,en pl:a) hur he ~Jn '1lio1C, t/1c wo.-...i ut rhc gn,lt.l Jout,lc, ~lSl "s IOJ) l.... \l v.omcn', 1lo11hln lc.1111., frl'\I ••m· "c Ilk' am.I 1k1yed 1 ,c\c 1 1 team, m,•1 m Ilk.' lio.11, ru.- the ni;:h, Ill ,1 h<.:rlb JI the hJ\t' lu,1 iv:· !)fccnho..k ,;ud "We d1dn·r n.,11nn:at 111um.unc111. TcJkcll a.nd W1lh:un!<v.cll v. h1.•n U lOUntc,,I lfv.c .:,·1.111 JI· plJ)' .,f tluo lhl.' ()\Cf t 67-fi, lop ,,n OUI c ,Ulll: l:trg1.· hl'nh. we' ll 11la) tocuc1 :m,J t>ump up Kn,1cn B"I<} Jll\.l ,\ h.. hrlk Th....en our g.irnt.· ·• \lo 1gfm, ,a11l h1.· v.,.1~ not ,t1f])f1:,cd to ha1,: W1!1g11i... had high prn1\\.' lor Sit't'nho<I. •Wlll'r ul hh tc.1m, 111 lhc fin;1I, , :t.1\\.1 d1,Jppu1nt,-J hut v.a_ ·\\c nJ)t"ctcd one of the ~uh· dnut,Je, and llnkomh mi; their ,ho\\ With \Jltl W1g11m, IC~llh u, g•• 10 n.111nnal,,'' ' 'The) ·re tht" h<.:,1 doubl,·, rco1m l' vr C\rr V1~Lrc l lu1e rt•pr1.'\\."nlcJ MSl i welt m ,in• for •Ur(' the} 'd ~11 1U Fk, Jnd ~tier l llll,m)! llm•ugh the 01"('11111); l'OJ,''11."\I. and I lh<tughl plJ,i:J !hJI r, ,um!, u l Ilk· fl'pono1t lnurno1mc111, tell 1n !he n.1111,nar...:· V.1gp.tn, , a,d. "II 1hc-..


SN> Tl'nrlis Pai:tt' 6


l.itclo1itarn 1· w

-- --


Policy shou ld be reconsidered ~kCollou,th-Tnil'.g und March ..hould hnvc ~t,dv. c,lc:m Slltll'. ,n itdult 1-. no( man who arc of age llOnnally ,omronc v. ho hvl·, m 1hc dvnn" 1hc freedom rhcy woulJ Wh:111., an adult ' In 1hc: 1.")C' ol


\l','<111," ' / ~~\



--- --- --- ;;,,;.;:§::,"i2~-=-=-=:....::~:::;..;:..,;::.:= =-- --- --- --- --- ---


It's no t the

on r amflll" 'fhl' JMlt'-.) ~g.irding o1k·nh11/ hA\e 1( 1he~ ,, ere 001 The rclnxcd pohcy woukl al,o ·amptF, 1-. one th:11 should ht' (Of lhe point Kihn~ be u gri::11 rt'\ 1i.'\\ 1;d Jnd chun~ctl 10 a~(·om\'C ,;rudcnts rnuJnll· lhC' bt-~1 1111.:rc:,h of thc univcNI) Pro-spccli

\\fl ..

nrc k,oking for ,1udcn1, and lhe - - - - - - - - -


plan~ of higher w mrnunny •h•• v regarding i<nmmg pro- The polic_ s,mpl) makes: tht'm fee l h1bi1111g ,11.:uhohc alcohol OIi campus should bt' changed like pcopl~ and nOI N:, cr,,i._..,. in :ill accomodate the one tha1 reminds rc-,1ilcno: hall, " 10 !hem of Junior , onwllun~ lhat rul<'~ and rcgdO\:, n·, pro1t"c1 best interests of the hiFh ularion,; sllldents and the ._,udcnh ln!>1cad. The fac1 1s alcohol communit_\' ,.:ncouragc, ll 1s on campus 11 1hcm 10 dmc 10 been dut-, . har, and - - - - - -- - - has always be here. othN place!> 10 hmgc drinL llw; here and it will always s1umost for aurac11on It!> mam 1\ nrn rinly dangcrou, for lhc "IU· that it ts not (k:nl\ drrnkm~. bo1 11 1:- .a.ho dan- denis 1i. the fac1 i crou, for the Pfoplc who rnmc allowed. Th1\ 1s a \'Cf) dangerous s11uam 1..0n1act "uh 1hcm on 1hc l1on. m the facr 1h01 ,;tuden1s go It would he <t.ifer 10 allow ,tu• orr l'ampus to dnnk and then must dcn1, . " ho arc 21 or 0H:r. the find their WU}' hack home. II i" also very muw to a.1-wme ahd1I) 10 havl• 1hc freedom of 01h1hut Ju, 1 hcc.iusc 1hcy are undercr, 1hc1r age or younger canIt " prcp<Nerou" 10 115Sume age, students 20 th:u q ulJcnt~ al M SU drink le:-~ not get alcohol. Th,._ 1i. nol just a JU"I hccause 1hc) h:nc 10 ,;ncal problem at MSU. but every" hert 1hcre 1.; a letal dnnkmg-agc lm111 an, und lo do 1I. Allo" ing alcohol on campus The far 1 t'- ak-ohol 1<1 here at 10 MSU and wcanng blinder.. 10 1hc \.\ OUld nol be a :-lcppmg Slone fact \\'Iii 001 make II go away. d1,a.!>lcr bccau:-e younger 1-1u\\, h) not tukc o pro-acuvc \lance dent1-. m mosl case ... have all thr on !he 1s1-uc and at k :b l haH~ accc,s 1hcy nec.-d h 1,; a quc,1ion or respon~ibilily "-.nnc , on1rol over 1r, needs White alcohol ,hould noi he and tru, 1. M1dwcs1em Srntc leam 10 1rui.11h ,1udcms lJorms 0 1 .illov.l·d m rhc freshman The benefit" will for ootwcigh hccau.M' of lhc hif!h populauon or unJcrag<.' , 1udenh, rcs1dt·n1s of tlll..' COSb

Cou ld MSU apathy be over? .\faybc- 1h1s 1:- .i reflcc.•1,on o( a changing tn:nd. After .all, whc-n rnnc 500 MSV SIU· run numcrou:,, ar1iclc,;, and wa, 1he las1 1oge1her? Cfllumn.. on ~1uden1 ap.:uhy. <knt,;, did :my1hing com- _ _ _ _ __ _ __ II cer1amly wa,Wc \ •c n' t !II mos1 home :1bou1 pl:unclJ events. apathy m every• Participation at MSU sponrng E\'Cn :u crucial is something !lung from ,ponof e ven!:- lo everyon e wants, and games. mos1 In ~ the )lands '-layed Student Go \ crnwe are maybe empty. mcnt to 1m-ohcIt is cncouragmg beginning ro see a ·111cn1 m campu,; think thal this organ1,a1mn,. swing in the right lo10 percent could mon: When n directio easily !um into 15 tlmn 500 s1udclll'next round. wli."d 10 lai.1 - - -- - - - - in the al MSU 11- :-omcpation f'an1c1 _\, eek', SG;\ elcc11011, we had 10 wants. and e\·eryonc 1ha1 thing :1akc another look to see a We rcJlizc lhe turnout wa.. only maybe we are begmmng d1rec11on. ah<1u1 10 percent of the student swing 10 a posll1ve for rea.,;on your wha1 maner No populatmn . but con.s1dcnng the say thank you and l:iddU!>ICr election. l O percent •~ vo1mg. we no ~mall fc:it. The lac:k of cxc11• keep 11 up. Now. gi\'Csomeone ebe a push inj!. cand1d:11ei. was enough 10 in the nght direction. v<11mg numbcN down. OK. \0 m.aybc v.c were ,uong. In 1he p:L,t. 1hc W1ch1rnn has



.. ,,,/


his vklory ndly, while police Tht newly elttltd Presidenl or SGA spoke candidly al slruggled lo kttp lhe cro"·d.s under conlrol.

' No w, wh at do yo u n~thic;:nk ~ :!::,::

f t rdbt1Ct - / J thrrr11irn 111 tht' inpu1ofu t m o, fNJrf of 1hr ou1pu1 f>{ a ma,·hmr. 01\'. llunr ,.

prorrs , 2/ rr-,,xmsr r1prc,ull\ 1

AdviJer Jim Sefnoe

Edlto< In Chief Or9 wMyers Auociote Editor Jason LOW1ence Advertisin g Manager Donna Payton Accounta nt Jennde, Lonorum

N4tws Editor I\AOtf G u,sky

Nick Eatmon

Photog,ophy Editor

lsao Noruse Circulatio n Manager Jim Joiner Grophk:A rtltl Heather Moore Cartoonists Adam Chavez Wlc hlton Reporters Teran Curry Affsha Ferguson

Mary lfing Katy Martin Karen Mort AnthOny Newberry Johanna Nuding Robert Ramire z Jr Jyn Wheat




uuthom,· ub(JM/t/flllr lll'IIVOrpaltc ):

S1ncc I S(artcd wnung column~ la~ ~fl'IC)tf.'f, I have rtctc\·ed my fart 5h!lrC of fccdbad, - good, Nd and ugly Al fin.r. II wa, wrmi ~hen people ~ ould


~:~1::~: .i~~r~a~:f~s~:;~~sf~; , ,

fccdb k and~caughl ~ otr gu:t: 1 ac · rteci,·cdm~.a.\ ;: :·~~II mOf'C . I ~~~t where I dtdn c:c ii,ho; ,.t,ru O <;<;1.1w,.. • wa\ rtecr,·mg, a., mg :a~ f wa~ ~ntmg ',' 1 ttcciicd a copy O my co umn VIK' umc. 11 wuh a .mc~ ge wnttcn atros~ the top of . I This par11cular column ...,~~ about thmg~ l howmuch wrote:tbout l odo" 1 don'1"ha\·e hat.~ 11 w~~ pcvplc !t.l)'.."}'ou ha1·c 1odo th11·· 1 n tt~pon~ / m:e1,·cd Of from th•~ column wa.~. ·•You don'1 ha,·c 10 be a IO!ally goofy n :Jiolc (Jlht'r. btll I fUC\~ you cho~ to he ~ - huh'I'· It Y.'ilI un~1gned and camt through nmpu, m,1111 i tovcd 11 I don'! koow 11,h}·, bul I did I think ti's the facl th~t, .,..rolt somtthmg anJ II aff«1cd .\Omc:hody \0 moch. they kit u nee• t\sary 10 1tspond. I agttc with Nick Ghobon, ,portt cduor a, the Times Record New\ He ~Jd, ''The r/ung I hkt 10 do m columm u c111ltr make pcopk cry, laugh or ge1 m~ As long L~ yoo can hit th<»C thrtt cmooons, )Ol..rt domg fine " He said you need to stan worrymg when rhcy u ad the first 1wo paracraphs and then put

., -'-~sr,~?.


out rh,, P/r111~ wA~ o ruu1,lr ,,f '"""''"~ nf rm,, " '"" 111 fill 10 thl' ,i R,udrr', Surw·~. Aftn cmnplr1111g lhl' ,un ·I',. plrmr rrtum 1/f dmp ,, Wich11m1 uffia , R0<1m BIO) of thl' fom Fml' ArtJ Crntn:, m Cumpu., Mml.

I How ofttn do you rtad 1hc W1chrnm"



2 Which agt group do )OUfall 11110"

Ad Rep,

Tr.uhr1onal (undcr 25J

Pom Boiley

). Which secuon of 1hc \\~chit an do you hkc bcs1?

c.J The Te~Oli witorc()llegtolo P!'l»S '"'- ff-0/"! '! ?Q7 l'f',o W,cr.,,.,,1 I\ o me!T,ber cnv mot"'9SU()l 'Tlrtredio,P ubk:a • "'. :HX'J:. n r>v> 1J:~:r.1 c r , ~ l"(''9'll lOecl'l orldoue any OtOOuCIS Ct lt,fl..J.e ~ . ,)')\fell~lll Tri., W,c/Jtfan does~, l'l0)6 0 1 mo locur:y OOfl'W'I· n&::e&IOI',._. PqxOSUld!7 0 nc,t 't"'V, 1:15 xi....,t!SO'J ~ to te ur,.,,,.iy.5/h Ol"O rroy '101 ,ep,~r Ocon6 111.ll~)f• ?f SI ,dent OC(U <JI M();<fffl!8,T. )

By Drew Myers L---------'

) Our column on tht bo11om o11he hm:kagc I couldn t agrec mort If I d1dn·t rcct11c anv fccdbacl. from my ,howcnnl,! m tht cb.rl. J coiunm. I m1ghr ha•<' , topped wrmn~ 1.1,•ctkly column Bui the fecdb.ick ~-J.• 'iO ,ncm:!1hlr - 11 1u1ccd me All ) tar. r,c \lnl· ply bci:n pumng m) Idea, uo.... n on pJptr :tnd pt'U()lc ha1t been rcacung to 11 Anothi:r one of my column, found tb \lo J ) to onc of the bulktm bo11rd, 1n the O' Donohoc Building (Kttp ,n mind 1h1s 1~ h ~i~~n~~l~; ~t~ ~t ~ g~oa~d::~~~r l r~ Thi, column II nci·rr found 001 .,.. h,ch one II ~lb ) also had a mc~sagt Y.nlttn on II, The,, rne~).lgl! ,aid )Omethmg like _ tht.) !) 11, h,it }our ~ludcnt -.crvice fee!- an· gomg lo1t.::nd. I n:allt.c this ttadc.·r wa:- 1-cmg ~ J, IIC. but f \ •c alY.a)'> ~ ,J, 'Thank., for rtading " I 0tlly ha,t one column m nammg hcfon: / d o..c dov,n \hop, rehrt' 1s W,ch11an cduOf. Wld grJduatc Be.fort I ~ n1c my grand lin;ilc. I want H)fltc te~ IDxk. I w;r,111 10 kno11,• wDat J)('Opk on 1h1, campus really lhmk aboot me and 11,hal I wnh: . I am .:haUcngmg an)Ont and t i·eryone to lakc fi1·c rnmuCC) out of their bu~y !,,(hcJub wxi drop mt a hnt

Ro ndV Brewster J C Gorcio Ma,IO Lowry

Tomm y Flinn

~( . t . ·do~~~ Difti e11::n A ~t Pers pect ive


arc a ,tudcni 0 11 · ie~J curt } ff ~ hor SUI you ar<' d.11,1, c n<'Xt ~1 1 1" cl;l:S'> lJf • ,ng llln<' htl'Attl·\;r11e ~~.~c~t: <' T~pt Jt II. m:11.t Wnlt '".Mt~ OU



1 11 n: Jnd,av~nG: :r:1,~" column, unle,, the ~uthor of the ~ <'nwgh to pu1 h•~ or her name on 11 lncn. drop Y•lur letter 1n nrr-fll u ncn11on The W1chuan). drop n ~ i the f:1m Fine Ans Centc:r or ~11c 1( ~ Why am I .Jomg th1,; l\ t .t-.lai lhat quc~uon -.c•, crnl 11mc, ~h,Jc J ,.~ , ol th , 1 " .' u~ k , . c~ 1: ; : : ~•g;u;;::l~m1t.n~ •~~ ,tylc I mighl wrue -.cm: thU1~$ )•~ Jgm: wilh. hut I would fk'\ ('r Jbu\t tt> lo ~ ',(.lmf.'l~mg hke th,11 I m not ~ ntmg 1h1.) column 111t:..i,~· up c1thcr I know lhal for ei<'I) P'"' hke-. whm I wn tt . there b ont or r• ha1~ II I v.:1111the good :anti the h;i,J r•. lhh fccdb~I. tio.~u.i I m J\ ktng abcnchmarl.!0 \lllrtfroma l1cr l g!i... If I'm full of hot air and tk.'\.-J l'1 • need to kno~ 1ha1. If I pre-.cn1 \()ffl( tng aq?Umcnh and 1Jo a good .toh c1~ 1Dcm, I need 10 know 1ha1 too II I Jon·1 ttcc11·e any rc--pon-< .11 guc,, I W.bted th1, column Pk~',(.• I "ant 10 know "hat yoo 1hml.


Reader's Survey

3410 To~ Blvd. 12160 • WicMo falls. Texas 76308 News Desk: (81 7) 689-4704 • Ad Deslc (817) 689-4705 Spom Editor









'i 6. Do you bd1CH' <''C,Y group on nmpu~ h 11,cll re1irc-.cn1cJ g Sr, 7. Whu:h aniclc, do y1iu parur ul;uly cnJO:,' reJdmf ' tc Pl:iycr, ProfoMX Profilc. Un\tgncd Editorial) 8 What kind of ai.ld11tons would ) tlUltkc ro


m 1hr par,rr'

Non-1rad1110n:il 101,:r 25)



4 Wh1Ch )CCl10ll of lhc Wich11an do you hkc lcas1"

·~ir ."JIXI ,~

Job of .o·,C'· 5 Wluch atta\ doc\ 1hr W1rh11an Jo a good/poor


r1ee OOCM'looOI C<4)18~ore $1 wrl5oA J""" w-t,ro wcr.1,-.,1a,r i,\1~~

- . - ----- ---- -- --- ----- -


WIIJI 1 9. Would )OU like to '1.'C an entatammcnt ~ hon• shoulJ be co~errJ ·~

.,,,,;J IO. On a \Cale \'If one to IO, 1t. nh 10 bcmi; the tic~t. h""' rank the W1Chllan 0\1."r-J/I'.'


Kappa Sigs win James L. Stewar t award for second consecu tive year "Mid,....,. The lime,, L Stewart A'AIN lor eommu• nU) \oCl'\' ICC' ""b

11\lollfdw 10 Kit~ S tSOWI

FD&tmuy II ~-nd.l)' ni1ht', UOOOf'\ O~uct Kappe Sl1m.1 11 the fiN ura11n111t1un 10 rtttm: the bll'I<'$ L Stt'A'J.11 A.w11n.l. t11i 1cr ;i:nJ in con~u11n· yc:m..

AH·onl1n1 10 Joyce McNctlcy. l"l\l.1&111 lo tht \ 1cc prc,kknt of \tlltkru .ind ldm111•

1\1111/\C \C'n'icn. thc ,,.,,'"11\1 ,.-,~ r~1d1C:d 1n honor or former Vice- Prco(knl of AJ1n1nl\t11lk>n J1mr, L SICII-J.rt, 10ht1 rtltrtd m 1919 1--t)ltt Pondtr. J1rcc1or uf \IIKknl atll\'1• l1h. q,d the ;aw.int btt",unc a ~ of 1h(

Honor, Banqucl J>ffi<Olalion~ tht- ,:amc


•·~hd11,·c,1c-m 11,anttd tu honor \lui.knt 0tgan1ut1on~ that ha\'t pro\1dcd uul\ltnd, 1ng c:impl\ and communny \tt\'ICC'," Ponder

~,d. Prrndcnt of Kappa S1gn1;i ff"lllem1t) Brant Muston uid the ch.Jptcr romr1t1cd appro:um11ely 1,200 community \Cl"\'1Cc hou~ and raiJ.CJ SJ.JOO. Kappa Siama'i larsc~1 mot't(y•mJLmg philanthropy Wb tht annu.al Bo,-A Thim The chafller ,2ijW monq for 1ht homdr"

repanng resume a ital part of job hunt

,'o., ~111g to Tom Wh.l) lcn. dirtttor or ,er,1CC~ :at MSU, Iha, ~m~ tobc thc ,ro ►lud<nt, arc pumng off Hc \aliJ

, hJIC 1Mher pnon11c, .tnddon't ~IC 111 bt\!'" hun11n; for l jt~ -'T!w:: ~ -.c.i«h procc,~ Wkc, :a ""hl!C ~ :,_.1ktl ...a1d ''Th.11 mclu&:, -Am1n 'a 1 lk ~ind IOl•krng fof Joh L\ hkc ,nodlcr thrcc,hou1 clJ,, to , tudtnt', ff

...\l)kn \Jid !I ,1udcn1 )hould )I.Ill J 1oic1hcr h1, or hcr rc, umc I' btforc the C.\pt:\'led &:radu::iuon da.t.c~

~;;,i ,~~c:~ ~"of;~~~~"'!~~ 'lf',1n1 cl~ ,, rmng on 11.a1h In do their rc...umc .a t1ghtcr ho.\ and U11n,, hankr." Whaytcn ~id. "I feel for rc<>flk 1rym1 to I.lo 11 l'IOII> "

1f a ,1uJtnt

puc 1hcm-.chc, 1010

.,;'hl)ltn ,11td thc p,,,cc,~ of putting yoor 1o;t1hcr \ IJrl\ 11111h -.ome ''<,OUI b1nf :.nd then fnO\c, mm actual!) IIJ 11IOf:Clhcl --ThcTt 1, no nght or wron~ way tu do a

mt.' Wh:1}kn ...i1J "But 1h.! one thmg :a ll>C no:O) w do h ICJ)ft's<nt )'OU .. l "hJ)ltn \Jld thc nl(hl 1mpon1n1 ~ of ! ~ me. for \()ITl('QIM' ,tr·, 1ght out of col-


•• JA,1#1 l'rwtdn:,

/;t«t0rof"""1t111c1Mrin hy , l«ring

,n (',mJhorilrd NJ\f" (,H .

\O, (Ck

end on ,ht comer Clf Mid'A·t',ttm l';ul. ,,_,,.,. :ind T:ifl Houk,11J. Mcmt.cl'\ ,1oud on lht •trttt ('omtl~ Ju111111 tht 4K houh ...,hc1t1nt:


Lrilll Phi-r • It' NnMCI IIK 199'7 lbntin Sdtolar, the llla,hoC k -tmk honor ti MSV,


• H •luntecrmg ,,,, 1ht ( hn..ima, rro,h,11.. 110111 JI rht ll<•Y• lluh

• ,p.;111-.orJnj!; .i ( hn ,1m.i\ pMI\' fur McG11!1.1 ~klllC'nl.ir) ' v.1-tl.Uljl \m lhc h mllll•) of l.,Khl•

• hC'lrmv 1he YWC,\', ca,uK• , 1gh1 10

,-,\C nw,nC) !or ,.. hol:at"htp, IOI' h1~h -.chnvl -tutknti • pn:\t'nhni,: the

.._,:,,nJ ,1n11u,I John


r~cr Mcmoo,1 I •Uh) A.,.,.i,d • U l~UII 11MIOC) v.1th lht' Sillllhlll~ I tOII' CltJh lor k1J, 11.ho n«d 11.1,\t'• 2nd c,nlMM affnfJ 111 t-uy tbt-m

• W['fll)IO(; Clfhl nK'mt><-,, IOI w ntor1n,:: :,r11, 1ur , .it \ kG•h• l;lt:incnl.11)· • puttm~ up ,1~•n, m Hu,kklrncu .-nJ

·1b1, )C!lr tht- Rn,-A,Thon 1:i1-.nl ~1.700 for F.iuh M 1~,10 11.' M:a"'°" , :ud Vi c Wllh11.1 t,JII, for the l nitt:J \\ ,1y Oihtt Orfo1n1n1110fh thal •Pflllt'd !Of UM' woold h.i1c r,11-.n! more "c hltdn't lo,, t,oth SJlurJ.a) n,¢ 11 afll.l 'iundJ) mumm.,: 10 Janie, L ~1cw,1n ,\11>-,ud 11.c:1t: 1hc ,IC'CI ;1m.l ~now Loh t )'i:M .,.,c r;11-.cJ ~':?,ZOO . A.-Ol' MUOn ol Social .. nd Hc h11,wr11I Olhtr conununl\y \Cl" ,.-c pruj«h Kapp.i Sncncc,, ( '1n:-lc K ln1<mauonJI. K:ipr,a Alph-' Ordtr, M rlft;v lk>:ird. ~1gn" KJppi. S1gm.1prtfonncd1ndl.Kk .and ·t.iu tk,,. ~,,ni.i • Jooaung me.ii- to ilk- F.JOO ll:anl.



comhuu11un " Jo..hu:a \ lm,1., J (\l ~la111 rmk,..,, ol Sr,:1111-h, ~l,!rtCd " 11h S1mr~nn "Shc I.\ 011(' lll 1ht mo,1 dfi!N.Jlrd. coo1,,:11.·n1,ou, ,tu• Jenn l"\C c,cr tud " Mora ,11J "I c:m \CC Lh.it ,he \ Ill\ fOC.\ .bo\C .ind bo.•yood "' Plummcr,u, plc.1-al 11.h(n ,he 11.nn thc :."' JrJ "'I ft-ti rc;illy hOO(lrr-J and rc11l)' : , ~ 1~111-Cr , Jul " II "3' rra11y nk:C 10

ltl .JJ11:i 1hcirto-dc)h,c lt(t<ln ,1udy111g for final\, fin,,hing up p,o,tct'- .ind makmg i1radu:11 1on plan~. bJ'"Cw put 10£tthtr a rc, umc anJ find

oulltaDdlnlCIIDPUI and commualty

rru.th, ,he CJP.(Ci- al hunwmt,,:, - tha1 ', o11 uc


)liJ'!I~"' S1:m: «moh ha,·c ont n"IOl't

( 11) 11f 'WKhllJ

wmputcr -ctcncc. cnJ(l)cd tu,·mg Plumrncr a, a "'udcn1 ' Lcd:a 1) !Jnti"\1l;· S1mr,son ..:i1d "She \\Olk\ ('\11cnwly hnd. C\IICUYI} J..·,h( .1tcd lk~tJc, t,c1ng gOld JI ~omputcf \C'ICOCC :llwJ

Drew ~htrs or 1n

Wlllltedto ..... llCU•

dmt ........... that haft provided

• , p,,n'""'"'lf l >A k I • 1h,.,.....m3 .in 11,nnu.il 11.illu"'-«n 11::in) IN 1ht Mcnt,11 kcc»1d.dtt1t1 c:C-n1c1 • ,,,lunrrcri ni: ;h IIK.11 gu1rle1 /or lli,lltt'A«tt 1n 1ht P.tfi. ,pu111,orc,I hy the

''She (Plummer) Is one or the most dedl·

cated, coalllCleatioal students I've ever bad. I can eee dlat she goes above ud beyond."


AlthtlU~h Phunnw:r v. 111 not g1~UJIC unlll B~mc her fam1I)' knc--· bul l cpt 11 » ..«rct J99S. .Jic 1, .ilrcad> tu1urc pl.In, ··1 v.ould ""They knc:11. lhal f 1110n llfld lcp II f,om hkc m do ,omc1h1nr 1mcrnMt1on11ll >,- me." ll)me \.11J ·1 don' t know ho-A they Plu111mcr \ J 1J '1"hcrc\ J l(l! of o p1111m " kepi a -«rct " Dchbfc ll)mC, ,1.n l:.nglt,h rn:aJOI. v.a, th1, li)mc, the a~)l~tJnl cJnor of \'01Cc,, un year , rtt1pi<n1 of the Clarl Sc~M\h1p ··r dcfin1tcly fed honofflS.'" B)rnc ,.1d "ll MSL pYbhnuon, •~ alw 1n,·ohcd in Alpha Ulllbd.a Delta :tind Ptu Eta Sigma hoMI c.:unt u J t>1g ,u,pn-e" Alchough the a,,.,ard Clime a, a ,ufl)C"1-C !O \QC!CIIC\

Honors ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ Putm:,n Mathcm:111c~ C'oml"lc:111100 Oumdc of MSU. Crogman I\ m,·oh·cd m h1, church :.nd \Cr,,·c,,; 31\ 111 mcnlor m WFISO. Mth,~ Millet ~1,cd rccogmu.,,n .a~ Out'-tandmg SfflKlr Wom.u, Mtlkr •~11 biology rn&JOf 111·ho was gr:antcJ :a fclluw.Jnp 1n 1996 al Har,,11Jd Mcd1c:tl School Hr r c.un• pu) 1rmi110 1nd uJc Monar Bo;ud. CMholtc C:tmpu~ M,n.,.lnC\, 11nd Studtnt

Alpha Chi N:itton;i.l ltonor Soctet) Miller 1, t1I~ 1mnhrd m her church


George CunnmghlllTI Jnd Jc.inncuc RichmonJ -Acre namcd Ouhund1ni JunlOf M111 and Wom:&n Rr)CC S1ncl:a1r •:a) n;m1ed Ou1,1:md1ni; Sophomore M:i.n. :.nJ Juhc Pc1cr,,on 11,r,1) n:lml.'\J Otlt\tandm5: S o ~ Wnm:in O,a,hc Cunmn~m 11nd Penny ,\ lu.111cll ,a;crc n:untd Oul\lJndmg hnhman Mllll

Mtlkr i, ~ )11Jcn1 or Btt;i Bcta Hcta S:a11ooal l!ooor ScKicty and 1rc:asum of

;and Woman 1nc Viol~ GraJy Lc:i&r..h1p A111ard ,,.,1,1,

rrc..cn1cd to Juhc Pctt"N>n, ;and 1hr J:unc, L Stc-AMl Str"•~c A,,.,,,rJ "'a..~ prc-.cntcd 10 tht K:1r~ S11:m;i Fra1cm11) Junior Ja")I' L:a11>•1cncc 111o1., prc1.Cntcd the

fa,S1udcnt ,\,'()("1.11.on ,\w:u-d rOf 1hr oul· " :tindmg ~•uJcnt m the llonor,, ProFr.tm. Fn:,hmcn Cr.ug Snodt;ra" :ind AnnJ ('0.1. wcrc rc~ogn11cd a.., the Alph:11 0 11 ScholaN. and Bryce S11'1C'la11 -A-;t, J)(CI.COtrd ""Ith I.he Mori.at Bo.&rd \or,homOJc Scholaf'h1r, A•anl

The Wichita n is taking applica tions for the fall. Call Jason Lawrence at 689-4704.

Ll r. . 5~P~~Yf$il 3908= ~lvd

No Appolntment Necessary. Open 7 Day, a Weck.




:- ~ -- NoTnneToBeSick? ~•!:"~

11:11,i~ ,1 m111t"ll"<'llll'T)..'t.'tx)''-"'fX"'Crt,in,,· nlt.'nt At ,\kdicu/ -~ 5 tht: donor, m .lfll.l no apprMntmrnt t- nt\."''"' ,\I \ fNl1<al favrc·,.-. >00 \,, Uh.M: j.2 o.:m.1 hutu, a ,,n·k ,1( ,IC U'•N h\c. nullO! n1rth1...J c-,m• u-,,·..-r.lf.....- Mf'd1mJ 1:.\ JJtO\ b )\'lllr .i.111:nutr-t• lx>1.1r,, llllllO( -fO} ~~:~1..~~-Clltfl ko,t1..-d III Rnd~ Cn,:k 1",1,nul) \kJ11.uw t lin" ,11 1

S,x lmui.lf 10 Rndgr ( ,n-k lw,111\- Mrclio,11.· <Jmlf p,,tinu., Mnlical Expt·~ 5 - l l pm. M, r-12 -ll pm. S &~

I i!

~~.7.;-;, : , ;-;-~--:-:; 1

+ medical It=--



::,·1-;iiwlD, · 111,1111., foll.,. r

, Wid!ittlD

~!f.anic fraternity granted national charter ' , ~,,,,.'$ c



)tlUI I'll• 1hl.· ll1\pJn1c IJ1 M,Jwcstcrn S lilllC, , n1111on.1I r h~t·, l:N 11 uJtn1 ,.\nJrc.,., GoorMmbn• h:id to

,x-ral ~v.:,h bt-!Ort' nurJ 11a111•11111\y h,11c a IOI ot commu ·t hal t I~ )C\·110dor GPA on c:impu,

"It means that we are able to be seen as an acti fraternity. We're not a ve colony anymore." - Ivan Can1u . 11ce Prtside,,1 of OIMga Delta PIii

uc•I- WCJ\hl had to • c h:kl :i bunch or rrcuy much ~uared

, ~d

11 nitllll• that "'t Jtt Jhk i..> bt ~n a, an K1r\c fr.1rcm1h Wc'rc nrM a colton)' anymOfc Wt .ire :illo11i•cd to hold ru,h :ind hJH· pk-Jgc,. " C.an1u \J1d Prr" Jcn1 Jorge Yalcnc11 , a,d ..Wc"rt no1i1i. a lull-pkd~ fr.itc'm11) Wc'1c ,,., ,th the l"S bo,- O<'I"' h tm111onal rt'tOgn11,on1 w,11 allo..., u, 10 C'lplJIJ our lfi\pin,c cuhurc on 4

11\c fra1cm11} io, Qn 1, Y. hcn 'AC iir,r

111 hccomc11iclu~."


lnlomunt: ,,udenls about 111,,

p,mc cuhurc and 1un nJ H1'f'M1k-, on f (UTIJlU\ 1 •"fJt«' ha, al1,1:11y, DI.Yn :1 111.IJOf goJI for thl' IIHncm~ r frJ1muty " In ~ \Choo/ IA"llh • ,nt:1II lf"fl,ln1r rormnu111I)', ,t ,, 1mp,•f'UU\t I\ • ,huy, Lhc j'I0\111\t •1dc of Jfo;pan11; cuh11rr We i::wi do th1• lhrouVJ our commun11y "'nl\C' JHOJ:r"2nl•." Cantu , aid

GontJJU ,11J, - we're 1ry1111 tu 1.er 1hc ~,::in<ttnJ 111 GPA :lnJ .:001mu• ntl) -coi.:c

V3k nc:1a ~tre.,"C'd 1hJ1the lratcrn1• I)' 1,13, flOI JU•I fo, ffop;&ntC1. tout 11 v.11/ l'C:i plxt'fnr(K"OPknflll l race,

If.I lu m 111d h1w: a llO(Jd umc\·Jknc1a -aJd the g,uup hli 11, "p.ht, ~on thcfututC' " Wl'' tt ~11ng h.l t,p:t1\d ffll.l do more rf'mmunit) ,,:!''KC ,n tht furure.~ (",on11lc1 -.Jltl

M tmlM'f"I n((}mfcl Delta l'hl. ltN- 11i'f)1/lk rntrmlt\, ~ ,oilh Inf' Oll:I Oi ll•-

11on·, n-a. Tltf rn,up phwd 11,tJoNI l har1,r lhl, ..«-lt·nd. l'l1111i, <011n11,

ells presents senior exhibit 'Fear and respect' motiv ated VP Rogers to get educa tion Ttrth Curn-

lh, wurl h1\ nppc:m:-J tn 'l('Vn<1J C'\h1b111un,, 1n...· hxhn1 11\t S!r>d Annu:aJ Cnlllfl'C'IIIIOII QI th,: Mu,tunh u l /\h1lcnt, 11te !71h Annuli.I l..:d,:_c C'ount) .~n t-C'\mal Ill Gr:ah.un, 'lh,1, 1n1.I \C'\l'flll ohr· l•1111lfl,11I MSl l Well- IO,(lfL l,111 i"t -.rtn Iii th,: SrnOOu h h1t,11t•11 1111 l·mfa). Mu ! , ,II )I 00 r 111 Ill 1h 1· I 'rn•Cl'II) G:ilkn

Wclh. a \en1or a, (ft! St.1lt', will t\: prr., cnt-


~!N c, h,tillk"II\ al lhc An

(• Stutknt bh1h11mn \ JJ.lJ lh~! h1, 1.1 nrl: nurf"OI"\

\ »1 '",\ (1cr pa1ntmg 1.1 11h ,.,tY--OIJ J.iush1ec. l:.n<'.l. I t,1111 t,(f \,\(Irk 1cflcr11.~ lw: r Jb,.'llll communal l\~uc.,,"

cHal~'~ Navy ' a gathering television stars, comedians »mi"'1 Jr.

>11'!'1 '1 tA·orl, 1


a• y"' ll


fi lm

lll\tlf'lttldt'•i 1~1on

aumg " ~•mply ~ Olli l:t) ..... , ~,


Gric-1. from ··in h.i, 11\C' N ie i,f

, .,.ho .,.J, pl:i)ed hv , Jim c..n'Aav 1·1l'k' n Sho..11.1 "J, Grier hob , 10 till. 111 lh;u , ,on,1~tcn1I~ Mlh:uu nu 1, funn) m thr, 11J, :ihk m the m:1~1,:r 1ni; 1n<"pll'll'" that ;hi ro the ,m;all •t i) , h1lkngmi; to bt t,oc,Ji.lJ,( 11mmi;_. body movc.,,.J linc J,:J1,·c no 111 h.i,c :r.11 in •:mt ur the- gap J"-"'



luu!~~- ~ ': : : ~r knJ.,u..clft1•:. I01 ol .ictM.V1 \\ hrl; 1he hum,,r " lhl.'ft'. uoc ,':In ,.c,c ,hat the conx-J} and .IC1IOll •n.- \·ou<'lul1> 14,w en •~ther ltJ form a plu,. an, R\O\tc'•¥Qmi:t, J)l'nc-l'IL.. ._. Tom Arnold. plJy1ng Md b lc.

doc, 11.-!I 1n h1, roJlc of ,ua,ghl m3/l I<' dlC' other i:""1'1cd..: actM 1n the film bn.:,t Botgmnc. v.ho 11 ,1, on the TI' ,001.1·. mal es 1,1 hat 111 ftl\l Jf'P('ar. 10 t>c: J cameo appc:nncl! 1n lhc film II >1:1~ the onl\" \Inc m ~~ tht J!~r >1ho laugllcdi . I ~)' •f'PCal'\ ba.~ustth,!>lllm"n ot rcillJy oU1 c, p.ndcd cp1-«k of thc TV \hov., but more of a rnnunua1100 ('f thc •hov. Oth<r ca~1 mcmhc!' from TV \how) 1ncludt French S1cwar1

r·Thml Ho,l 110111 1hc Sun">. l")t•hra \ k,\mg \''Nrd and Sllk'cy"' I anJ C'\rn f,lfllm} Clw•ng. >1hn un be \C'\.'11 on " NJ , h lln,li:l"\" l r,1mhll l..-.wt,ou11he ... 1.-)r pl.t) • mi: rhC' h\·,,,,,. T1111 Cun) i"HO<'. l ) lfom.11 1-'ld urc ~h,,,11," .. llun1 for R«t 0..·1t•htr" :and · W1,ttU)," among oih\-r mo, H.',). ~ hu 1, ....-on. dcrful a5 the ~IJfllJ•br~L lt nun., 1 in the work! The -.«ond,hc~I thmg I> thc ...:11,11\-C ol a runmn~ )Ol:c 1hruughuu1 the fltn1. and 1c 11or~, CufT)' " tem lic Jnd he http, carry the-film. •·Mclbk ', :,,.:a,) .• cumc, out of tilt chuc,.- a, a cu111cd1c film, 1rJOS• fonih 1ti:clf mto an acho n film. thtn ctuini:t'• b;icl: Jj;Jlll Thi, ,~ a lemfl, film 10 •ct on .i d Jte bccatl't' there- 1, none of th3t

cmh:m.1,,,n; nud11y. blood ~nd guh. or profamty lo COIIIC'nJ II uh You can come 31All)" from th,,: lhcJtcr k cl1ng cheerful all\l enthu-.c.-d

Johann• Nuding W-.:Nion Acoc..rl~

h,i m.l\l J1(1'1f)k. ,,Hlcj!C ,, J pl.11.c hi E,l'I Jn t-do. ,1tU'!'t, nlC<'l Ar"W pt~'{!lt JnJ mal.e ..,nON:1n'lfl• lur 1he IU\Uf(' hue \ 11:(' Pn"\10.:nl f,11 Ac:,,drm,1 All:atl\ JC'•~

R,,,t1, h11,m:idc-.a c..n:er 11f,1

W:c•grf\ e,Ulll,."tl ll h.td1elv1 ol \t lC'OCC' dc:JIC'C' 111 ch1·m 1 hi') fn,m 1hr I m•·eNI) of fco• rn Arhnytt•n m 1'"1 lie ""'H ,1Nt 1" h)f)l" hi\ m.,,)Jtr, dc~,c:c Jnd l'Jrt'M:.J h,, ..i,,.,,,"J!e ,n l'X:•' 111 ph)''tc' ,.,Id l hrm1•lt) t,,irn Tna, nm,11:111 l ' n1•tr"II)' ( lr,i111

i;131.luu11nn, l<OBCI \



~~~~~~~,:;1~:Jft~~;~•t:7;:,1 7



:t) 11e;id <'I

m hi\ !0th )CJf



Ri•t:l•t- 1<111,I ht• .,,..11mu•,u\l) .,., .., ~, ht 11111.knt.uwl hi,11t1.k'nh J11d1hc-ir l>C'l,ch 'I [~ !fl O:l•1'fll /t 1h.11 rh.-11 1,1utJc111,· f ,,,hx•, Jf'II.I 1i,lc11r, M \' <l1fk 1co1 ft,,111 mrn,c h\11 I llhl•I 1hJ[ lhC\- Ii• "'" ' " ffl) 1dr.., .thi'tlt \l,hJI • llltf"'HT.atll hct'\rl,11111.J A, 11'1 ld• 11.c 1,11h,: , ruJcru l'!o,J, R"Fer~ l'-''"·,1011 \\l•rJ, of 11,'>(!,,111 1h~I hr1kl~h1 •IK•C" 11• hi, ll\,\II l1k ' \1 11d} ...,.,,,K'tllln~ ,,,u t llji •\ ,mJ 11,;int 1" do \\ tl h11ut 1h1, u 1, ,1 rurc 1nJ1,1Ju.1l ,...,li'>, ,m , u..ll'l:J 1n 1hc1r ,1uJ ..,., .inJ.,.,c.d , .. he ,J1tl l<,•i!t' " ' m,pm11nm C:JO!l' fn)m h1, l,1lhcr. lto~n I rJl'll h ,,1 I 'TA Jnd V. 1llum1 "JI\C>O of /('( 111, / Jl/i,.>1 mo11,:;1c,J htfn ·1hn,u~h fc.11 4nJ tl' 'f'<.'l( tu t('l .in \-.lu, ~.1111,n II ...., ,. rll< t. ""' ,m , ,rt,,">11.· h,: ,,u,J Fr.illl", J 111p Tc-,.,,. pr,irc""' .,.,,., m•pira-11011,11 tu R<>tin• h• m..l mp. d1lfi,ull ,uhic, t , l' ll•\ IO u111kr,1,1nJ .md tn.1l 1n, tlx'm tnlCTt'•hnl! H,,.tr, •.itcl he tr1t , to 1'-'1· !rm h1, 1t,11,hmr •l} k ,mJ 1c,1mi'. rnan!k"r, .,rrcr I r,11"11.i. \1.,11 .,,n >1,i, R<•i:,c-r<· rr•< ,1r~·h mcntm 1<h1k ht'

M~t ··, •11.e pre,,

In Mll) 1'180 1<,,acr. """·t"d ,., m1cnm p,r,11kn1 1111111 Lou1, I Ro.J11gue1 ""H hittJ m JJu11.iry l'Jl!I W:1.J111uc1 "the third ptt"\+dem he h,a, -.rncd under RD11er< "1td. -t h, tRodngUC'/J lnltlnl) " Ull(tl,ICj, llonah k and he h\l"\ '"' ,\ l u.lwc-\fcm ~IJIC l nl\ (NI)' A, f•)f Rugcl\· rdat10,hh1p ""1th the ~,uocn1"'-'dy he .aid II \,\,l\ diffic ult hi Judt,!C' " I make ~ lo! ol 1b :'l\1on, rh,11 alTcll ,1udc-nh A• king :., the , 1U<knh kcl thcir op1mon r, IM:Jn:1 :ind 1Jw:'1r ICtjLll'\I~ arc fut11 l'Om1dcrtd. I think they're \ 3h,fied." he c-,ptJJncd. Bc,1J ,·, scn11111 a, \ICt prn1dcn1 fOf a..xlcm1l aUa1r,. Roger< l till tcachc, one chcm1, 1~ couN c;io:h scm(',1cr R0t;cT'\ hie, t;,ught ..c-icncc 10 lfWI~ d,,cr-.e VOOP' <»·tr lhc pib1 29 ye-~. bu1 hi) m.1,n ohjct· o,c u m,un, the '311le "Thcr,:\ alwap a gc-nerauon gap hct.,.,ecn me .ind my i-iudcnts m ""hat 1,1(' •'llhJ<' I t~ to rcc:Of.m1.t th t~ ""hen I tt;ith I try to k am a~ much from ffl) , 1udcn1, a, lhc) din from me." Rogers -:11d. The- e.,ampk Roger, u~'d 10 lllu~trate thh bcllCI .,...._, lhc e\oluhon of the Wudcn1 hod) ·, ..uuudc O\tt!hc pa..,1 fi\e to , ,., ) t .11f'\. AcCOfdmg 10 ROfe"• tht focu, h:a, .:hanged from valumi! ..ti,~ 1dc;i.., " 10 "11,c- wanr corn-cl ans11·er. 10 problem~ m the mo-'! cffic1en1. effect1vt .and

Jr~sc Rogers

('J\) IIJ\ 11.l l,Ln !incl .

•ht dXnmn)

Jc,r,t fo>r..C.adtnlk 3ff,11 r,


11n tu,

d.-tCl(IIJ I('



1h,: ,mrk

C c,~l'l~~oll PRINT I OR 100 ONE DAV SERVICE e,.


Don't Smoke. It's bad.

-c 1i,


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on your lavo,111 - l i e fight btti.

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60 oz. Pitchers $2.50



1mponan1 1n,J1\1du:al m ,tx..... m~ m,· l'lh,11 4u..1u, .inJ !w'd ...-u,l, ;m)(\Ullf lo lk -.c.·1 lh<.• ,t.1111J.1rcl lt•f nil' hlf !h,: rt,1111 m) hfr · Ru~cr, , JJtl Ju,! Irle lhc ,1\t'r.t~(' c,1llq:c ,1u..k.'n1. ltOl_!l"h ,, - untie~,- of h1, luiurr f1k: one 1J11nc lt111"C"1, 1, ,,:n,un of t, hll Jc,.,n.- In finhh hi\ ,·,1n..i.·r JI \ 1\1 " '""''t \ .:r lt,~CI'- d,11.'•n"I ,,'(' n,:1tn:11K'nl Jll\\\htn• UL the nor futurt' I lC\'1 h~l ~•MIil)'. Jlld 1.'1\\'fJ:,'hl hi l lllfl',' he ,:ud \l~L' t,.-, ~cpc hun hu,) h>r almthl 1,4) ~<'.t"- ,11111 .i..corJ,nF In R~ l,.,_, ''there :.r,· 1nu man) c,i:1lmj? 1tun~'gnm~ on Ill( me 10 ~er t-..ueJ '"


t~,, _,

o.' us~0 1::/l'"'-•~~cJ,'f-



Ht hturnc .an ,1wx1a1c pruk,w III l'J7Z JnJ .1 pm•


Z -.; ,


~n "'"''•n• pi1 ►fr,\lJI' of , hcm1\ try

~~~,./~r</' ii~tt~ ~ f

M1,J .... e,1.:n1

tl)IM d

. , a

r _o-fe-ss-o~ Profile . ,___P_r

Hpm-11 pm i I.Ill/ Mar~arito,; l~ ('ol:ul:i$.llJY S1111t•r ~lar~i1rif11,; $1.7" '1'1.•411 ila Shoh



~,1,. t.urr,-, \Im "'-••) • IC· M1tllJ• lkiotlh, \ltwni ' •~llt l . lulh f ,t,Of r,.•. k.im \ rffil , . . ... ,, ' "" M.... 1k n , ... rlthll 11,d!INI tr.1>9>ffl.. k run1n11 kan1t1I \ llddlt No14 1lf-n In rlthl l J1\0fl h • •~ ' " ' '"" I Itri- \ MIi••• J,., \ldMn1wl l, 0••1111 llu•tll: Mu• tkr1 Ill rl1thll \lim ..·I \ I IIJ(lr-, \uUllffl l •rrk. lfflJlhl'll•ll t Rn-nd• ...iw.n l"r,n,. .,.... ," ( Rllt, I ril' ....If, , nc l'k111r,,d· Tim tr., IIOfl l l'f•111 I U,-n,,,("h•11 fr,\l,rk J ulln ,hf.thin kulkh1inp, t-..ut \lnl,.., kn,,nd, \lnaftilkr.

J_ , , ,..,,,11.11.

Meeting expectations

hU "l'OIIII h ' J I

"ilk \4,, , , in, t>I I,,,_. l•hl \.1J,...,c

•l.'fl('tl " '

, u n lht

j M'•~I .Ull


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l'l•ll.!,r.im . •md

•h.: I\ 1 1,I l'>,ofllJf•--...l)>IJH'f .ulJ,, 1, ,...-n v. J• r,,.ru,11•J t,, m ,\n_, l 1t'Ot J


... lk->I• ,md ,11111.J IIJh" pl 11cJ .ii


If ,m I• I 1.111,,.·, lhc• ,I ,. 1n C'1!1ht •• rn ,,, 11 flw "'""1t,1, t~.,m t,,., m rh,: , ,., ...,,1 w 11n.l J 1,lflHlt..lfl~• -l 41 •"1 ,,,,•1 .ui,J \\11!,,m, 1,1unJ nm,: ,•r,nth~• llJ!l11,t ()111 hu ., hcr 1"'-,J.1t1 k.>lc'H,h J r "'"""" t-..11 \1\t l,1,11hr<ti! t-1,•, fllJ t. h.:, !<l p\~· IIMJmt,'. l h,1/ f"'llll

!l,.1,Jt11~ l.n Jllff f"'"ll,lt

!.·.tl cll In •II.· ,1,hl<'\ ... ~·r (.)l.i...bu., V.tl l,.1m, .uiJ Hui, .u1,J Ho\h\ Huit lo l,:,,J fcJl,11 .111,I \\ 1ll1.1m, .ill ,kom111.11,-.J ,n ,,n~k-•

,.,'II lhctr ,loouhk, OJJl, h ,,. J,J

\i\l C" •ldO/"\ Jt•t.u i:r 11·.1rn I h-t' ...,,m.;:n .ar.: holdm~ ,1t11 IM'1"' "" .in n, 1hl.~ ~ n h u, n,11u,n,.1,. .an..t '" ''""'""~ ,., \\ 1i:,:1 ,..:ti.fl v..i, ,N1,J t "-'11, ,11 ,h,111,.t lie: ,,uJ lho.- ll,11,hng n•r, 1<!1J"l'<"•..._,I -' •lh \1,1 • k•d "t rl,1, ,lflJ l h,. u .,,llulf ,,~... h" ,..,.. ,., 1h,: nJ11t'ltJI r~nh•r, , , 1J h,: lh•ou,"h! '"0: IA,'f<' ,I h'fl I• l<'Jlrl \\ 11.'~IO• ~l!t r l ht' fl11C'fl • 1t.11n .,1,,, 11<,IJ , ~ire i,,r., MJ c•.:tl 1') Ol,1.&t,..,m.i ho m•: i..,,.,._1,,;d ull " ' 1hc (1r , 1 ,-,~11kl I "r.>nl,,l'\/ , ,, 1 ,n the: < '111,1un


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I I'!.: lllt ll .u1J .,.. .,, etx- (l<'fllUJI , h ,1mp11,i1 .., 1111.· rq ••••n 1111 NI \\ 1;F•n• IA ,'f\' t,(,11,:11 ( . fl 1'1 the ht~h1) rJ!ll <:J le ' 1"" JI 1h,: , ,ml 1h,:n- 1, J ,h,1•1<.· t lht1 ,.,II ,r,11 '<'1.ur,: .1 l,ll!Un,u 1M:m

11,('f\ Ill 1..1'1 ~('.If lhc~ 1,..,l the i.•r 'n ll.>llh 111J \lit'

ll'f <' , n,l }'U,U.Wlt-..• lht.• l11J'I lf} .11!(1 th,:- l ,1,i p,dl NII t/

1hr, II 1,1lc 1:u 1 m.1m. \\ •11~111' •J•J


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