April 27, 1995

Page 1

Blue s Traveler

Athletic signings

Campus Voices

.,~•73.N!!ie Wichitan

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--llfiii=:!;!~:onal students office to undergo restructuring in fall

:; :~ c,1>MPUS EVENTS

A 1tJcconfcn:ncc ttLltd lft!l'ltrfAlucntu~n K-12

Mark Loyd Associate ed.Jlor MSU 's Internat ional Students office will undergo "rc.s1ruc1uring" due to "cost cutting efforts" according to MSU president Lou is Rodriguez. "The stale of Texa., is not making it 100 easy 10 survive these d:iys," Rodrigue1. s:iid. He added that pending Texu lctlSlatiC'lf1 could have an effect on interna1ional student recruitment. One bill, he said. could eliminate outof-state tuition waivers. Two other bills stand to make 1 ~u~:r~~ i:!iv~~ m~:-~rr~~:1~ by incrca.,ing the competitive scholarship fC4juircmenL One bill raises the minimum scholar!ihip from $200 to $500 the otherto $ 1.000. The ISO receives no s1a1e appropriated money. It is financed through the Intensive Langu:1gc lns1i1u1e, Brinkl~y said. .

o,,v,tcMn. Using 1tdfnoloiy u, A ts,st Public ~-/tflOls will he held April !1 rrom 12 noon 10 2:30 ;..., The broadcas t will ex~ lhc use of the computer iiid videO networks and tt(hnologies of~ emerging r,,uon1I lnfonn:iuon

1nfr1-WUClllrc to restructure

1"1>hc cdUClllOn MSli's mu.,;1c deparuncn1

is sponsoring a percussion coc,ccct:n8 p.m. in Akin

i\ud1tonum Thursday, April

Z7. An MSU symphonic

1,111d conccn will he held

FndaYApnl 28 in Akin Auditonum at 8 p.m. MSU theai..:r's Festi-.,al of

()De ;\CL~ will be held in Bea

wood m ,re at 7 p.m. Friday. Apnl 2R and Saturday

,lpll 29. Aspnng choir concert ,ul l,e held Sa1urday. April :9al 8 p.m. in Akin Auditon:im.

The MSU Jazz Ensemble ..-111 ~

nt an outdoor

spring concert on Sunday, Apnl 30 al 3 p.m. in the Fain rioe Ans Ampuhcatcr nut »Picrtc fl:lll.

Focuhy and Staff apprca:ltlon day ~ Monday, May A l reception will be held in CSC room I04 from 3:30 Jm.•5 pm. illld L'i open to the lilrtcampus. MSU"s ycarllook. The l '11•Kun. is ac<.-cpling appliCJllons for the cdnor p(IQUon, Those inlere!-lcd ~Id ccm1ac1 Jane Lc1shner


f1td Stangl. Jr.. MSU hiology and

~CS<;()J Clf

lnry Au.sun. a former MSU ~ Muckni, have a re-

~ a.n,cle in the current lllleo(Thc: Southwestrm :....u,~. 40(1):104. The ~leU 111lcd ~v ana11on in "If DcciJuous Denoon of ~M,ce (Hctennoyiadc: ... thus and Chactodi-


floggard. profcsso,

t....~~ hand coordinator o(

;::!-! l1nguagcs, has """'YP\Jblished •

~ Y1 un1nns111ed ooclq'~,. Ln conccn 'a (AConc,nin ~ ~•totho 1,11 ~ic1y ;i.,..~~on, 1"94. Vol.

r: ::u~;::,';

Alkn T•ylor taka •chantatt of llb fr,r;,- ~, ':;':''" ;lne 1M' weathn wnnu: on "5 l°"•wlnc


=.:::::·.J ope!~~~~~:;~!."..~~~~ '....-~M:--:~S::U~,=.:.= 1B1i;an:-::q:u:e~tihr'.onors S students $80.000 per year. This , amount covered everything from phone calls 10 travel

, s named SCh0Iarshipwmner James Winham II Reporter Corby Walker and Cody Cole were named Hardin and Clark Scholar. respectively, a t MSU 's 1995 Honors Recognition Banquet The banquel was held Friday. Apri l 21.st at 7 p.m. in D .L. Coliseum . Olhcr aw.ttd.~ prcs.cntcd a1. the eve n,

Erfccti..,c June I, 1995 lilt: Financial Aid office will mplcment changes in the SauiKtory Ac:ulcmic '1ogress rule,. Students ffl.lvmg financial aid tould con1ac1 I.he offi<.-e ror lllYCdet:uls.

Thursda y,April 27, 1995

Included: O u1S1anding

s1odcn1. MM and Woman o( the Year. di visional awil.r<h, Viola

expenses._fie said. like mos<

Grady award. Jamu L Stcwan aw.-d. Monar Board award. Alplu Chi Scholar. and Honors Program

awards. Shana ll1ckman and George Cunningham rcc:t1vcd Outil.lnding Frt.shman aw•&. Nadine Koenig and Cbrist.ophcr Finnell rtteivtd OutScanc!ing Sopflomorc awa,ds. Kaihryn Seir and JCMC Mcfldcl

~:~~du~ =:!,w/;.::

Alul.1 rcccived ()yt.Manding ScnlCI' awards. Cyntflia 1..cick and Brian


Msu's b"10}ogy department


recognizes citizen's contributions Bernard Hurtault StaffWritu Glenn Collier, Sr.• deputy game warden al the Waggone r Ranc h, wu recogni zed by the MS U bio logy department for his contributions to 1hc university the past three decades. The prnscn1a1ion took place WcJncsday. April 19 at the induc tion ceremony of MSU's biology honor society, Beta Beta Beta. During the ceremony. 24 new member~ we re acce pted into 1he scu;:icty and pledged to main1ain the .scx:icty's go.ils of promoting .schola~ship in the h1l)lo g1cal sc1~nces. e ncouraging rcscan.:h . in ~he discipline. and disscm1naung informatio n a bout the hmlogical scie nces. Thi: highligtH of the proL·c c d1ngs wu the prescn1a1ion of the award to Collier. Thc ciLat1o n s~a~cd that .MSU was rccognmng Collia for hi .; in\'aluahl~ se n icl' w lhl· . bw logy pw !!ram for o-.•cr thuty Yl.'Jrs. The :award ~cnt on m rcaJ that ( 1lllll'f had a;;;i.!'-tcd pakn1C'h1~11;1 W3Jt Dalqu1i.1i.n h-c,1 11ng. PlcistoccnL' fossil dcpn~ll '"" Bca,·L·r Creek as pro , tding _his ~•d i h e:q'll'rw;c nn local \\'1ldhfe. Colher's knowledge was

utilized as an information source in lhc hook, .M.iLmmJJ..s oC Nonb·Crorr;ll Icn,s which w.11.s publis hed hy MSU prc.ss. The ciliUion concluded by rccogni1jng Collier and his wife of 57 yc3rs. Ina Jackson Collier, fo r having served their famil y. community and humanity. making all who ha..,c come in L'Ontac t with the m heller for the experience. he had Collier .said became involved with MSU son's s hi fo llow in g aucndance. He S4id that he tting ~e at was very pleased 1hc 11ward since. · 11 was the had an)'Onc that firs1 time done some1hing for me.· ranch. W:1ggoncr said fie wl'll're most of lhe reS(arch was conduc1cd. would remain :1cccssible 10 the biology program at MSU and he hoprs 10 continue helping as bes! and for as long as he can. Wai!goncr Ranch is the larges! ranch in !he world con1amcd by one fence. a~cordmg IO MSU gradua1c stude nt Margaret JenowskiBcll. ~h(I 1s conducting rc~arrh on the ranch. The 520.000 acre ranch spans across four Tc;,.:as coun11c..s.

org:uuzat1ons he would have liked more but this amount wa..; enough to run the office. _Bri~kley said the waiver legislauon could have some cffec_1 on inte rnational recruitment but it would simp~~ mean reorien ting recnmmg efforts. In 01hcr word.~. MSU would approach Students who could pay the oul-0f•slatc tuiti on ra1e, ~The re arc some cultu res, including the West Indian region, where its cheaper to come here. and pay out•of SOile tuition then it is to go 10 lhe Univcr~ily of West Indies

which 1s right in their backyard," Brinkley said. Functions of the ISO will be distrihute:d to ocher campus offices, Rodrig uez sai d. Recruiting will be handlt!d by William White, instructor and coordinacor of the ln1ensivc Language lns1i1ute. Immigratio n. Rodriguez said, could be handled by the rcgis1rar's office or school rcla1ions. The decision has not been finali;,.cd. Brinkley. said he wa.s informed in February 1995 the o ffice would be •abolished." According to Brinkley, the decision was made by Jesse Rogers. viccpresident for academic affairs, Brinkley said. The ISO is under the division of humanities. The ISO. according to Brinkley. has hccn a folltime operation on campus for ahout two years. Its purpose:. he said, wa.s to increase cultural divcr..ity on campus, boost enrollment and to help raise the "overall academic standing of the campus" through recruitment of motivated in1crnation al students. Brinkley :iddcd "By and 1:irgc infcrnational s1udents are ,·cry good xadcmic:1lly... and they tend to graduate here. They stay here and gr.1dua1e from MSU and in much grc:ucr numbers than American Sludcnts do." The office served m:iny includin g functi o ns stu den t internation al recruitment and helping the studen1s get along 11t MSU once they arrived. The office handled everything from immigration 10 academic

advising for int.cmational students, Brinkley said. As for the quality of service MSU international students will receive following the res1ruc1Uring Brinkley said. shaking his head, "I don't know." During his two years. lhe office successfull y recruited over 250 internation al studcnts:--primarily from die We.st Indies, Japan and Mex ico. This number, Brinkley said, was SCI by Rodriguez who expressed hope that the goal would be reached the nc.tr future. Rodriguez. said, one o( the goals in starti ng an international program MSU was 10 make s[udents more sensitive 10 1hc international community. He added tha1 the university sought 10 a1trac[ more internaiional made :1nd s tudents arrangements to take care of the m once 1hey arrived at


Rodriguez said the move should have no significant impac1 o n international .students already on campus. However, White said recruiting efforts arc bringing 280 Japanese students 10 MSU this May. The uni versity is hosting a conference at which these studcnlS will be advised on Ame rican colleges and universities , as well as American culture. The NCN lnstilute , whic h helps Japanese students find a university to s uit their needs. guaranteed MS U thai 7-8 of these s1uden1s will be enrolled at MSU this fall. White said. Rogers was unavailable for comment.

Oklahoma City bombing has possible fanatical links By Ne,·ille Lewis A.tSOdate Editor severa l Whil e Midwestern S1a1e University profe.ssors express outrage at the horror in Oklahoma, they believe lhJI the country's c limate current political lends ilSClf 10 the rise of such radicals. "An environment ha.s been creaied in our country. o,vcr the las1 15 years especially, that has allowed people of thcsc(u hra-righ1 conservative ) pcn;ua..;ions to come out of the cracks and woodworks. • Ernest Dover. associa1c professor or politi cal .science. said "I don't like the climate of the coun1ry right now. • Emily LaBeff, professor of sociology, said. "J think it is mean-spirited. I think that 11 has a mean, vindictive side 10 it." As federal :1gcn1s comb 1hc rubhle or wha1 wa.,; once a Unit.cd St.1ies fcd~raJ building 1n downtown Oklahom.a City 111 an at1cmp1 to put togc1hcr the pu,~ c of what happened in la.st week's horror. bl.imc

is s1ill uppermost in the maJority of people's mind. With m:iny eyes cast .. and perhaps, fi ngers pointingon them , conservatives. who have been creating much news la1cl y. now find themselves on the defensive. in p~rticular the c:uremc-righ1 wmg. LaBeff. however. is not hlammg conscr\'ativcs on a whole. She thinks tha1 "most Americans who lean to the n rh1 would never apthe a1rocHy and P.rovc~ lirccl~i~~~1ticd hy something


Dover hcl 1eves that hlamc h es With l hc VICWS of radical conscn •at1 ves as much as some rhetoric from main stream 1ources .;uch as the media. !.'s pecially talk shows m ongly advocate wh_1ch an11-governm ent scn1imcnL,; "I think some of the talk s_hows . no douh1. arc parually re..,;pon..;ible in tht: scAA• that .so much meannes.; and hatred is espoused on tclcv1. sion 1hat goes 001 across radio land and all aero» the 1t.1tion.··

· 11 is unfortunate. I'm sorry to sec all these kids dead. • Dirk Lindemann. associate professor of history, said. "Many Americans arc going 10 he ..,ery much sohcn:d and wary of any kind of extremism." With 1hc arrest of the fi rst suspect in the recent Oklahoma devastation, a second bomb seemed lo have dc1onatcd with a nation-wide fall -ou1effect. For mo.s1 Americans. the fact that Timothy McVeigh a foreig n was neither terrorist nor an American left wing radical was disturbine news enough. but his alleged radical right wing ties remain c oncern. a cause fo r c.;pcc1ally wi1h the current con'serva1ive brccw that is blowmg across the na1ion . LaBeff said she became angry a..; a rc..;ult o ( lhc Arah "ba.shinl!( which immediately followed ~ports of the bomb1~g that has accounted for 87 hves at pre.~ 1imc ~h did no1 make sense to automa1icall y lay hlame." she Stt Oklah1una JNII' J

"""" l

Thundav. Anril 27 199S

En1er inmen. -· ~.,,Of. .. .


Music Review





. ■" Blues Traveler's new -••" ■• ::~=:t~°!. album "Four" may .... " . . . ■• take them to the top ,.,.. t

CSl"Ct ~ 1tT1o,p,ct l otlit'°I



■ " ■ "


17 tmW,tt

11 ,.., -


11ve11,.,, ,i.ne



Melissa Sullivan

Mw.ic Revlewu Blues Travc k•r's new al•

hum "Four" ha., hccn out for a while no w, hu1 finall y

Bum" is a fas1. bluesy tune wuh rapid. "spat-out~ vocaJs.








""""""' ,z,..._n o, ,,_

29 Cert#'l .telOf

-. "

-·. - J _


23 8'NII IMO

"Freedom" starts o ff slow. but hrcak.s in10 a hard rock funk odyssey iind "C r.as h


■ »




, ••■•





-··- .

f mspeedt0 Bullock goes ro with her latest role by e,11 Pullman. Pullman ,. S lee P l~adin~ roan and he\ Larry Bllls MovirRevia

Were Mo!'t Rtvlewe; Sleep~~:!'~ 1hc ~~l sumng ~ le for Sandr~ Bullock. ~~ spunky~ bus d;ivcr fn,:>:~mc 1 1 (ouod year's Spccdd , ~ • Bullock coul n t ave a bcth:r film to showcase her Were y talc~I. ou While Slccp1nf" ~~is-:ul~!t the lone y.!~·rve~t.ee.n'so many . gold thal 11mcs in romance movi~s. She simply wastes away ~• th her cat waiting ror Mr. Right to t."Omc along and sweep her off her fo.-t. Whe n Mr. Right d~s come along. the movie


t 3


~;, cry from lh~ Princr ha~ drcamco abo;u~lock's Lu~y ,11 a lonc1 subway bo~th atlcndan~ whose only w1Ul 1s 10 lind lhc r her dreams. She h:u ~an o sh o n David wh a ~1esc~ subway cvc;y da; n't know she exis13 ~:.Cdn°oavid is a11ackcd and left (or dead on l~e s_u h~ay tracks. Lucy s:r.vc~ his hre. and the acc ident leaves h1rn in 3 coma. _ Due 10 a misundcrs1and~nf at the hos pital. David s fami ly thinks Lucy is his fi:lnl°cc 111d they welcome her to lhc family with open :mm,. Lucy lays along :ind soon findi ~crsclr falling in lo ve wi1h Oa\/id's brothl•r Jack


■ • The guitar nff on "Price 3J 1no,c;a1e ■• seems 10 br p1dong up some 3'0fllN'loMO steam. with 3 slot on KDGE's to Pay" is catchy and .1he 35~aobr "Edge Fest" and mo derate ~necsv~~ ;o~tn a~~o~~~1~~~ ~----~--, •~ ,_,=~ . ,... ,,_.. _ ,-. cw9f 1 airpluy on KNIN. 1 ~:~ , THE Crossword similar 10 the style used on 3l=:ena '"four" 1s an cclccoc mix J6 1MoV1®11s &OStNCI "RunAround." 11 Ef'IQ ,_ 2 N.,,...ol or blues, folksy mclod11!S and 37 a,,,,,, 21 o,,,,, Deseoa• 'ihc Good. Tiic Bad, and ' 1 ~ old power pop th:at Sl.'Cm.'i h.l work r,~ne,, The Ugly" is an instrumental '3 unru"'-<! 3 amazingly wr-11. " 1,,oa 2• Nl!Jhi •'9111 blues-packed song and is the. 44 ~PIOITIO'°" , """....., 10 1 The album t"ICgms wun last cut before the album 4SAQO WII\POHI 2ST, .., ~ . . Wll: 26 "The Hit."' 11nd "Run- slows down. with "Jus t •• ~ .,,. shO\' CS 1hcir romance d own !~~~•~ ~ Around ... The l:utcr or lho.sc Wait." " Just Wai t" has o ur throats . I ncver really ,sun...-..c 27 Hel111'11arm 7 A,oe,I two 1s a gentle song with a smooth upli(tin~ lyrics and :;;::;oen undcrslood why Lucy falls so !~ ~~':~~ ; roo, folk-blues-pop mix and vo- acoustic guitar interlaced ss FOOd • ~ ,o Flow oi s,wuo, , 1 Tnt TIWI ,..~ 1 dc~pcratcly for hck. played 31 Mali o. cab, that I couldn't help but throughout. 009 3J ~ , , U st•rn VIP SI~, 34 15 1 think sounded like I970's ;; ::: up The album ends with the : ball:r.decr/icon Cat Stevens. - ~ _~ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ - ___ _~ ____ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ six-minute long "Brother r --~_____ The hand then sw,tchc..-. Joh n.N which has a speedy rtears with · s1and." funk-fla- bass intro with a hannonu:a vored with forceful . power• line to match that lasts for a " Look run minuce. dre nched vocals . TWICE VOTED BEST BURGER IN TEXOMA! Around" is a bcauuful ballad Coincidentally. "Four" is with an aco ustic guitar and Blues Traveler's fourth effon . COOKED TO ORDER. sort emotional vocals. ~The and wilh this one they may be • ZJlOHOLLIDAY 767- 1921 OR 767-9066 Mo untains Win Again" is well on lhc way to getting th~ ' lif?.hl, a,ry pop that is packed recognition they undoubtc(1v 15% Off WITH MSU l.D. with some mean melodics. dc5erve.





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;;;..~......~~................................ Pmion ..............

Pagt 3

lbundsy, April 27, 199S


a.np\ls Volc•s ~~~~~~~~ C,nt,Ju.llc .... ~ d COfby Pc1n A ~ : omaa and Walkrr were MM oC die Year. ~

Has your sense of national secun·ty declined since the Oklahoma City bombing?


lu~;~I ,,:'1~

of \he •~ he

vc Yipieof sl'lip


SWAT ori••i:niion

• (Social W~



L wa, t.hC tt<1.,...nc · S~1::"1J.micr 111d Pul


Fk ·

rtecivcd tbc Honors award DiYbional awards a,c I\ follolll'I: (NOundins Acrounlln& Studcnt• PCJIY Alston ,

Oun11nd1n1 Ciocral Buslncu Studcni -Jo,cph r e1cr1al. Oul.Sl~LRI Bulll'ICU Compu1cr

lcifonniuoo Syste ms S1udcnt·

'- -Box,- junior 'Brian - - "\.

O urth. ()uut.lnd1n1 M ~ ~::n'!:aD~,;.!:!,~ 1 Hoye Ootstandln1 Comp uter

S1uden1 -S u~an

i :~~:~

Tay/a Duncan , freshman "I'm upset. I had family i11 rhe building--tht y .survived, but others didn't."



... I






~ Atchuy, freshman . Ht // ytah--if thty can t prottct nur federal bur/dings. how are thty supposed to protect us?"

Lau~a Bradford, f reshman "I heard Oklahoma had the least orntection and that's why thty went rhtre. but it really frighrens me because ir could happen anywhtre. anytimt .H

Brian BoUngtr, graduatt studtnJ "No--/ rhink in a democracy like the U.S.. it's really hard to keep everyone absolutely saf e without giving up some of our frudoms. •

34 10Tafl Blvd. PO. Box lliO, Widli111 Fllls. TX76)08 News dc.\ t : 689-4704 Ad,·crfuing cbt:: 689.-1705 Mllrlc l.oJfl

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Jao,. T11tlur

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Ain•t rllSillt MaflDltr

J,uo,.1-'tuMlllld Croplll( ArtlSI


Mrlisso S11Uira"




M11J,rRt VttkYf

TWtrly Epu,e,/hrnonJ ll11rl1udl Staff Rtpurttrs

Jrr,MJ IC'1tp lo" Adl•trllJlfll Rtprutnftt11~

M•ri• •l't'id:rtu Sp01u Rrportu

J,n,,ifrr LAMirw.. NJwrrrsmg Rtprt.1t11r1iv

C,rcukmo" MfJllagtr l(r,ltt M t 1fF

Ja"'~• w,,,,-,. II

Circul011011 A.u1na111

Cni, ral Rrporttr


W ll'lluo,111•--m::t!!",.;!;;:'.1: ,~~; 1-: ,di.ue •nr 6d~tr~mtnt bNit idnnn1-11tliionootudcni :;:;~'_::-;:!~~~=:;J~~;:;',!;:!'1~11wn~nmofll>tcnu~ 11,r lr&Wt Ptct• ,..,0(,2t1C1uoJ'JMA_ W>1, 1111~rrcu any ~1eo•I , ut>m1tlt-d for putihc111on .,,i.t



rrom,-.. 1 R


pco~: him. t4e ingedy Eric Ml/

Kruru Watlllu l'ltnt/lgruphtr

COf"-n,bc 0IY9S. ,-,..,

Oklahoma City s:aid. He r reason. they (Ar.abs} have never s1ruck any u rgel in the U.S. that w.15 not a maJor city. RYou would bomb 1he Golden Gate Bridge before you pick some court house or federal building in Oklahoma. I don't mean • it is in~ significant , but why then.:?· she asked. The sociology prorcs.sor said her feel ing from the beginning was "r,ome luna.lic. .some small group. These "misguided souls: Dover sa.id, pick up on the rhelOric of polillcians running for office on antH;overnmcnt platforms -as if the govern· ment is the enemy of the

po1• icy

lol(knrutdwll' l ..clltf1

~..-..11i11M-1conw.a11kt1enofO('lrnontrncn f.:ulry•.i 1klu"1titi-r,n..1...-.t:10U1 .tb1,111\~ 1.ao1D~~oi pcr,c:,c\ll•'~~lu.k c1, pbcM 11 1.~u,n 11'111)1 t>t ligi,,ed tw tbc "'"icr 1no1 ~~~:u t,c:.pullh~b<od w11b UJt


::..~::.~:':~~:;';';;~nlfl.lde.witn1i.cJ,1m\.cucr,. •ullbc :~_:_7:;~•*f•nfwwMICcnta',BIOl

r.:.: : ~ ~====-=--- -~

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uhimatcly bring about a changl~ in the monitormg of right•wing grou~ -· Then: has never been a concencd d fort 10 try to not only infiltrate 1hem. but al.so to find out and monitor their movements 1n order 10 detect whe1hcr or not they create :a clear and


Sclc_;e StudeDC•Rcbckab ~


Ouuu adia1 Maauf1e1 urc f.l'lgmccrin1 TccMOlot:)' S1udc:nc• Sim Broylu, O uu11nd1ng Matbemalical Scimccs Gr;atkiaun1 St udcn1 - N1t1l ic Ro land. Outstaodin1 Political Science Student-~c Ann RobcrtMln, OulUIDdmg ('11m1 nal Justice Student-Li nda Axe. Redwine awirtl- Annc n,anchi. Leo M. SaboU BAAS aw1rd-Jc ncv~vc Jonci. Ou1s1and1n1 Pohucal Science Gradu11ln1 Sllldc~tAngela Baikcrvlllc, Ouuunchng Biol0I"/ ~1~1-Gaylc Brasbcr, Ouman<ha& l bcm lstty S11><k_n1Sbcryl McCutcbcon, ()uuWld1n1 Gcol? AYM Stud~ t-~ Oh~~a! I Ruhid, art re• ic award-OlnM~ Finley. W1dma Couniy Medic.al Soc~_,., • ~':'dT,?y Wauwortb. ~ un 1n1 ScicnccGnduatml 5 M~~ McCutcbcOP u d Ill • Ouwaodin~ Psycbok>ly S ~ Allene Wildman, O ullllOchng Soclolog~ S t ~•Jcn'ruri Gbanl,

QulS.tandittl Social Wort Studcnl• Sbcrri Pryor, an~ Outstand ing

Sodal ~d BcbavM>ral Sc,c~ Gr■du111n 1

Studen1-Jtn nan


James W1ah1m II wu lM rccipknl of tlK ~o,w BNld award. :and ~st1nc Lcdbct~ .,.. tbc ru:q,tcnl ot !he Alphi Ou •ward.

Thornberry holds

Campus Voices photos and interviews by Kristen Walther '""*"4-*•••~********"**•*******************~

The Wichitan


A~~-S=u•: · Deaioo.

T . and f. ll)'ft W\i&c Studcnl T~::lns ; ; a,d-Dan:a Anb ut . Cbwk t-loyd Andy OClAulcls. and An II c,;.wford. ()wwding Educ11foa Gndu:aung Studenl• Debra Mam. Outit:andin1 Art St\Mlcnl-EmcM Neal. Ouiuanding Mule S1udta t-Etic Cotney, 0 u ts r ■ n di n t Ma ss Communlc1tfonJ Student-Lis■ B lit Ou1.11anding TbtlllC s1'::n1-iltdith Whcekr. Willi.am V Bolllftd V01« award-Mdiua K.cmou. Madge D:avis OKwi~ ot !he YCM aw:ard Mchw Ktrnoll, Univetsity Cbonis :award•Rtchcl Kape lski. Haddon Band awwd. Brin.a Swansoa and Ben Finlty. Roy Allen Media Club award• C,yua!Ta1eandlullcNanfly.CO. Mo,gan Memon:al Schol¥ awN'd• Liu Bo~ue. S1danlc C:arTOII, Micbad Gruham, Mc liu a Scbrcibcr. Kathryn Sele, Prcucr Foundation aw:ard-Emc.11 Neal,

:~ .- = ~-·i-1

Applegate , V1s1!>n Crc.ativc Wriclng award-Freda Ful!cr. O u u11nd i n1 lfuman llcs Graduall n& S1udcftl •DOnna

Manaacmcn t

T~ unco Nagai, uuta n ng finance StudVU•JKtic Jobn.\OII, Ouuund1n1 Ofldldl•~g Studcn~in BUWIUS Division· V1tkic Funn:~• ~ g f.Jcmc.nwy EdlOllOft Stu dcn\ Emelia ~~!~ OutMllldi I Scc:oadary, d S1udcnt• Ansel~ Crawfo r · Ou1stan1hng Special Education S tu dc n \ } •~r:ial OuUtantl 1 "/M Sbclla


Mich~tl Wtslty, MSU2 coordinator "No, I believe our national stcuriry is fairly srrong--as far as prottcfing our bordu.1. Govtrning from within would I>, strictly against our constitution "

"I ..-uuldn 't say ii"s declined. \Ve j11st weren't prepart dfor it. I still have faith in them."

Oui.s(aldl11,: Ptul~y S1LK1cm-

Ray lhllncr. OvbWKIIDI 11,.wory Su1du t-Oontcll Cilpsoa. h .. OIIUtandint F,cncb Sr&tdenl• Donna Cburcb, Ouu 1and1n1 Germ1n S1udcnt-Alan t1;1R~ OUUiand1111 Span•~ Srudtn ·

v u, ,1 Stewart, Outsundins MIiier, Ou111and1n1 Mar~clli"I Student -Cb~rlon~ Ell n~· Outstmding £.conomo•cs Stuckdl .

~--,, fo:-,-

fine Aru G1adua11n1 S1udcn1I inda ,'\,'('111, Out!>tand,n1 f)cnOO Hnknt Siuden1-Wmdy J11nC100. Outwnd,ns Nuums S1udcn1-[J Collins. Ouu.urK.hns Rad10ioiic S11ldcn1•S~ f)ndd, OuutanJu11 trcallh Sck ncc• nndua11n1 Studcnt-EJ . Collin,. OuUlatKhnc EnghUI Suldcrn.Cyn1b1a Suuct,

ha:1.'C turned." Dover S3id. · 1t is not the lcft-wmg now. The left-wing is silent. We don't have mucb of 3 left-wing in I.his country anymore. but we bal.'C an extremis! on the right ·· tbc uhra-conscrnlivc. In Lindcmann's view, 1hcse events rcprcscnl -a pohucal break " or " a mod· era.ting mnucncc.~1 bopc 1hc talk would tone down their (the uhr:aconservatives) rhetoric . Hopefull y, it will take the steam out or their vi trioI... Dover said he has no problem with 1h1s ~vitriol~ even though h 1ra.nsla1cs to haU"Cd. "Freedom of speech. freedom of associa11on, even f~edom of h.11e. there is no law against it." In fact. 11 is pro1ec1cd by the First Amendment. The problem an.ses, though. wben this hatred is used 10 perpetuate harm ag~nst other pcop~. "Then i i has to be. grahbcd by the throat and R

has lo be choked off." he

said. There is a lesson 10 be pn:~~lsd:~~~·i: in siark con~ learned from all this. LaBcff inst to 1he J960's Civil said. "We have to deal with R1gh1s Move~cnt ~-~en these righ1-wing tcrroris1 t,\ack and white act1v1s1s groups: the radic31 • violent 'A-' Cl'C beaten. burned and sr,at anti•ahortton groups: 1he upon wbdc ~FBI agen~ radical, vmknl survivalists: stood idly by and w:uchl!d. these groups that grow and ft::stcr in this environment of he ~ d~hink now the t:thles hate."

town meeting at MSU Mark Loyd Associate Editor Co ngrc.ss man Mac Thornberry said he was pleased to sec studcntS geJting involved in governm('nt at a town hall meeting held in the Clark Student Cente r last week. "It shows they are concerned because 1he general pcn."tplion is they don't Thornberry said. Thorn berry also fielded audience questions on nation.al is.sues including health care for American veterans and the bombing in Oklahoma City. Wben asked how studcnlS can best voice their concerns to their reprcscnlaiive Thombeny replied, "Send me a hand-written or hand-typed letter or better yet contact me by phone." He emphasized I.hat direct communica1ion like the meeting or a phone caJI helps the reprcscnta11vc "do a bcucr job." Uc added that petitions signed by large groups arc helpful. but often limes don'1 get the same attention as .i lct• 1cr or phone caJJ.


Several American vc1crans attended the meetin g to discuss health care concerns. Most in attendance felt betrayed becaus e the government used health care as a recruiting tool to service personnel but isn't keepi ng iis promise in their opinion. Thornberry said Congress is looking into alternatives includlng allowing veterans to buy into federal employee health can: plans. On the Oklahoma City bombing Thorn berry said. · 11 is hard to descrihc anyone who would take that many innocent lives." Thornberry added be feels that now more than ever America needs to increuc its intelligence cffons around the world and across the country. Congress 1s not is session for the next two weeks, Thornberry said. Durin1 this break he plans to attend at lea.st 20 town hall meetings in his di.strict and plan for the next session. He added tha1 be has picked up some good ideas from mec1ings held so far.

Blood drive to aid Oklahoma City bombing victims Monday, May 3 in Clark Student Center ballroom 11 a.m.-4 p.m. lpOMON'd hy C •INM Plil Beta and ill«

Rcod Craat1




Tbunday, April 27, 1995

Indians sign Temple's Karro~. ~y or Jonathan Brady fo nsrc: ss In tern ati onal coach Jeff Ray said · He ts Spon,EdllOr Summer All-Star m 1994 and \'try coachahlc and 1s a very Karron Taylor. a j- 10 as.\iMed in leading Tc:mplc to h:ird worker and came highly point 1uud from Temple 1he state re1:1onal tournament rcl·ommcndcd Imm hu high High School, bas siened a his Junior year sc hoo I C03.Ch . Brurc national lcner-of-intent 10 Etheridge ~ ~~arub!:.,~~~t'

· we could give Karroo Co mmunity S 111 an and 1hc ball and tell him to swingman Dai~ ; ~0 "ribblc around for 25 St.'COnds Slidcll posr Craig · tas y. bt.'(.'.3\Jse he is no1 going to lo!-t! it. A 101of lhat g~ ~ad;. Thc Indians fi_mshed the 10

the foct that he has a lot of

[or ~~;:E:.,~:roii·1i~:i:! <ur!~r ;~~~g~:'.~,~~~v~f :~t the

T1ylor. asecondteamall · di~trict standout for Temple lligh duri,g 1hc 1994-95 season. ilVl!raged nearly 15 ts a d · ass1sts a game poinTayfo/:as a Baskethail

St.'Cond ruk. th c point guard posiii on ha s hec ome ,ncrea,,ngl~ more important lhesc days. and he believes lh t T I ca be a delay g:nc b;!

quickness, andKarronTaylor definllcl y pos.~sses bolh. Ht: can-shoot 1he three and can handle the ball going h:f1 or ht d 8 1h b ll :~11 i!\,acf~~c.P. ~~S Ue he~d


and quickn<ss." Ray

The Indians have signl-d two other recruits since Apr 12. 1he first day schools can sign recru11s to national Jeners•of•m tcn1. MS U has also signed Collin C('lunty

Midwestern State will bc"in their two-y ~~r rtvisional member~h1p in

Ph. Lone Star Conference nf ~ NCAA Division II during ihe 199~.96 season hut will

. season with a 19· t ~ 1994 95

~~rt •~,~~·•;.~~.:~.'hr


Nati o nal Bas kctbal : - -- - - - - - , Cham pionship T~urnam~n NTARY for the thitd ,iraight year. (OMPLIME 1 th They were defeated ~ t! FACIAL first round after advancing to the semifi nals in ~Lh 1.9.93 Milr"V Kay h;,u skin car,

Lady Indians sign Granbury's Boase Jonathan Brady Sports Editor The Lady Indians have added to their depth by

signing Shannon Boasc. a 5. 11 pos1from Granhury. Boase averaged 16 points and eighl rebounds a game for Granbury High School for the I994.95 season as she contributed in the Lad y Ptratcs' 27•6 record and a spot in the bi· dis trict championship game. She was named team captain her senior year. :ind

tough 10 teach, but Shannon Tournament for the th ird will fit in wdl with our worked very, \·cry hard to l.'onsecu1ivt! 1imc. losing IO system of prc11~1ng and hecome the good rc,st player Arkansas•Mon1iccllo in 1he runn in g." Coach Wayne she is.." Granhurv coach Leta second round. Wtlhamssaid. Andrews said. . Nexl year. 1hc .Lady ''Not only 1s Shannon a The Lad y Indi ans Indians will he compcung as stning post playt,r. hut she 1.~ completed their third slraight dual mcmbcn of both NAIA a dandy n:houndi:r She w:.s 20-wm season this year, Di vision I am.I NC AA such a lhrcat a.-. :i po,t and our comp1hng a 20• IO record. Division II as they begin lh<:ir kadmg n: houndl·r hccau~ They advanced to NAIA t wo • ycar pro \•isi o nal she had 11 willingness lo learn Women's Div1s1on I Na1ional mcmhcrship in 1hc Lone St:n lhc Jlt)S1tion. Pus1 ddcn.sc is Baskctball Champio nshipp~C~o:•"~•:n::nc:c•. _ _ _ _ _ ,-----------------,

she w:is a first Learn all• and cx ccllcn1 stri:ngth. She:

dislrict and firs1 team 311 • region sclc1.:1ion in 1995. shooiing 56 percent from thc Ooor and 75 percent at the ~~ lhrow line. Dunng her Junior year. she was named all•distnct and helped guide the Lady Pirates to the n:g1onal f.: hampionsh1p game and a 32•4 sca.-.on record. "What Shannon hnngs IO our is that entally she is ve ryprogram sound fundam and a proven winner. She is a solid athlete with good speed


h~'~:.~l c,.,.,.

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