April 28, 1994

Page 1

\ olum r 72. Number 25

Women's coach named

Mexican exchange programs

College Bowl team pla('es

April 211. 19') 4

Midwestern State University

MSU closes to mourn the death of Nixon Foll r,.,\ mg


d-:.•;.· r:e of a

stl lt:'

da y of

nh1ummg h;t G,..' .... -~nn R11.:hJrd!!-. Dr. Louis J. Rld n.f. u . .·,. un:, l· rsn ~ pn.··-stdc!nt. clo& d Uni-

v..·r,lt) ..: !J.5.scs ind func ti crn..s \\'t:dncsday . in mhU! ~ l ,""1 tht• I.J t~ Pr('s1dcn t R 1chJrd \1. :'\ JX\'n \" l\.,"'n J icd Frid.J~. -\ pril :2. fo ur davs aftr..·r , uffi:nn~ a ~lr\,k1.·. He: '-" .!S S 1-, .:::.J.~-old. H1, ,, ut: . Pat. r:c ~cd" d h1m in. deat h in J;n~•" 199 ~ ~ !X,,n_h:i.' been a domin:?.n t tlf:un· of pohu-.·.:- m I 9~6 '"' ht"'Jl h~ St'l"'\·ed o.~ 3. Repub lican .:on~n.' ~~:u, ln 1950 h ...• ~..:.amL' s..:-n :1t0 r :ifter

J.·fr .111:if Rep. Hc.-kn GJ.h.::u:~n D0ugb.s. Al Lh,1! lime h,: \\ i , ~h .:.·.n th t.· nlcknJ.m . .· ·~Tnck, ::? ...·rnmpanil'd hi m through•oUt

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und.:-r 0,, 12.ht D. E:~nh(\\\ Cr H: &n·l.'d l'-''O Jnd 1hc..·n ;Jn fe r term, J.' ::i.- vic L' -prc:~id ...


pres iden t and \\ as dt.' rc ail!d


I 960 hy John F

Kennedy. He: lhen ra n fo r govan or o f Cah• fo m1::i in 1962 an d Joc:.t. In 19 68 \11., on was ckt.:t cd th e ~7 th pn:-~id1.' n t l,f the L'nit..:d Statc:s dl'l·catrnl! Hu ~ n Humphr~~ 1-k ,,on n: -c lcc t1 on a[!a in~1 Gcor_£:e ~kGon :rn rn 19 i2 hy an nvc r,, hd mln£ mJJOn t~

\\! Jt \.·rgatc forced NI\ Pn 10 rc.::'-lg n a t '-' h1c h 11mc hi: dr lin;rcd 1h .: mos t dr;im :111r Spt:c...\:'h ni his poli11..:Jl c:if\'a dd l\crt:d Au g ~. l9i J :'\'ixon ~ ,1gncd Au g 9. 19i...i One m o nth late r Gcn ld Ford. his .;;ui:c..·L•,. ~or. f' rantcd ~ixon a pn.·s1dcnt1 . il pan.J un. From the! t1mL' of hi~ n.:..,1fn:.1t1o n un11 l th e his de-.1:th N1:c on conu nucd a.."- :.i 'Jo. orld lcJd l·r :ind 1hr author of l.'i t! ht 0()0~, S u£"'\ 1,·or- inc lude (\\ O c.lluph1 c r1.; Tnc.·1a and Julu: . sons- in -fa ..., Ed\, :i.rd F Co x and D3\'l d E1-..:nh C"l•,.1, '\:i :md lt\Ur gr.:indchil d~n

SGA endorses prayer resolution B, Lis.a \. Bo, e ll

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,u,·~ ;,~..i\ .:r, '•" 1il tx· 1r ;,r •;in.1:c r\ r, , 0: uuri n w:L, bn.'ug: hl lil·h~r..: the '°n.! : 10r, \\ hi.: :, \\ ,._) ulc! J1:i, .. ,)n;inu t: r uhh.::rn .,n Pl \\ J i J-.: 1.. n The r\.'S ,J u11on -.. l .!1~~ 1hc curr l.'nt 1 1


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.:\..i-: .1dd1:1 0:u l r ..·~oluu on v.Js pasc.1..·d con ,·.:.r.1~c th.: H , m~comin c C our1 The c.·o urt

Pholo by K<lly Webb M,,/, /ey

Dr. Louis J Rodri ~u ~z. uni vc rsil y pres ide nt. prc~ntcd an aware.I. of_appredation to Swtc Rc prcscn1auvc David CounLs of Knox City. Cou nL< represents D1s1nct 70: however. he ha.-. ~ n in,;; trum cnta..1 in ~upponing MSU programs in the State legislature. A lunc hl'.on w ~ ri ven fur Coun ts in the C lark Stude nt Center on lY1onda y . 'Tvc never Jx,c n on a camp us ,;, ,,h a hc ue r atm osphere." said CounL<. Wi1h regard s lo the SGA's

n::~oluuon on pra;•cr. "'The student body is wa.nt.ing to have prayer. that's an indicator tho.t they fMSU students) arc gelling their prioriti c..< s1rai gh1." he said.

Finnell tells MSU to start building coalitions

~h.Jll ~ rc:L-rJntt:d to coOs1s1 of the fn ll ov. H1 m..· d mHlf Qul.'cn .lfld Kin;. l ~d: and LorJ \tJ ~\l,,;.~, r.:m. S<.:nH r Durh..: , , and Du ke . Hy Brian Ballard Jur1 1 r Du . ~;.•, , JnJ D uk t: . Snphomnrl.! A.~ i:dt Editor T cxa.< Slate Re p. ChJ rl es Pnr. . . c, ~ .tlld Pnn\-e . Fr~,hri :rn Prin l.'. l.''-"- :rnd . Tn.: n:qu i n.:mcn h fur tltL· -...: hu nor, Finnell told MS U aoministra Pn:-... -l.' \\111 ht. the '-'r.i.: I< r m~~rn f\\:r, pf hoth <.t: \ C"- tors and facult y at a lunc heo n .1nJ , cull ~' nf(t rTTI w the "-lJnd.1rd .s ~:um:nll y ,n hi , honor Apnl 26 1h a t MS U s hould build po l111 cal li.!>t1.-·J in LI-: ...• \ fSl . H.1:, Jt-.1,11 k coJ l1t1ons wuh th e 16 01hcr k r. n .1n (jhJJJI. "G ,\ \ 11..t· pr.:, u.k nt. ;.1 n • 1ndl.'Jx: ndcnt un1vcp;;1uc.s. n un . . l· J tt-.•H At.Jdt·m11. C, un1.. il mt: l J. nJ l n<l c pc nd t: nl uni vc r,1111: , LnJmn · J"' ! .Ja cptL' J 1h: Lh..: J ' lfl!! r1..·,r ,/ u tir111 wa c le ft out of ~J)C(..' 13 1 fun d tf'J t v. .J~ pJ._,~ J h) l ~- -· \ 1uJcn1 ~c n Jll.: 1.:.1rll, r in g ml.!a~urc~ fo r higher c du t.h 1, ,,:m .. ., ~u ca1i o n hy 1hc B ro L<:g,s!J " {,m: 11.1 u~, n, ',\ .:fl.' .lll\·r !i.: t.1 h 1r ( JUL\tand in~

lllg' <;1 . ~o; { , <.: n..iHJr. t Ju hl~ndrng f- .tt ult ~

)lcmh.: r .1r.d O ut,t.J nJ 1r t' S1.1 1r 1'k mha Tt't\.·'-C J\\ ,J rJ, \\. JI! llt'.' .1nm unll: d J l the n1.:.,1 \(..'nJtt..' mtAt1ng 0n \i.:!.; ')

tu rc.

T he fu nding hill passed hy the n:cc nt k g1,b1 urc pcm111 , liu.• Uni va s 11 y nl Tc ~a-' ~ys ll: m .ind th ..: T-.; x J.s /\ & ;,i.1

l\rISU employee and volunteer honored by J.C. Penny and W.F. Junior League

l~ ~ - -··

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ago. Po pulation growth has spithe in upward ra led

rnc1ropolitJ.n CClllCTS ca..,t of J35 likl! Da llas/Ft. Wo nh, Finnell rcprl.' scnts Tcxas Hnus1on. and San 1\ntonio. D1c.inct 68 which includes the That grow1 h ha..< g ivl!n th e l·o unl H!S of Archer, Baylo r. mclro centers mon.! rcprc...,;enWu.: h11 a and te n 01hcr mostly tati vcs and more polllical rura l cou nties Hi~ lli , tritt ha., powe r in Aus tin rel a tive 10 a land area greater than 1hc Tc,...:as· rural a reas. Fin ne ll ~1atc of Massad1u$CILS hut a said. decrl'a.\o ing pnpulatinn ha.~. He recommended MS U

\Vh c n Finn e ll was fir~t c ln·tcd to his pos iti on. he n:prL"sentcd only four l·oun • 11 e'i But 1ha1 wa_c;; 27 years

admini s tralors and fac ull y to

build a coalition wi th th e

sec Finnell, pg . 3

Liberal Arts grads see 'the big picture' ;,rLS <.h.-- g rl'\:, mJl~c 1h1· m di!· , 1r.1hk In l .. c 1, nvc..·r fh ..: p.1,t

Ed ito r ·~ note: this is the tliird ins ta llme nt in a ~t: ri c.<. of arti clts :.about rompani c." Uu.t are en~cr to hire liber.11 arLs graduates.

cmphi)cc.s , nnu lll<lny h ire s

lly Cheryl Woodruff nnd Grci.:, PtaC'l'k


few y..:ar" A c u1 :1 h,"" in• c.· rcns..:J l l 1i luring o f 1hc..:. .<i i.!

u!lOul cquJI nu m h\!r 'i of hu,i. nc~~ gnu.J c; e&nd l1b.. : rnl JT I.\

Coll tl:C' Pr\' ('f ~i-r,,k e

Trad11ionJ ll y , 1hc mulu h1ll1on dllllo:r m"ur.incc indu,;,.

A1 th e Ch uh h Gr,.u p . a di\'c r, 1fi cd group 1,.1f 111"'111.itk c c::.i 1-r1c...:rs with 65 t,fl 1t cs ,n

try hJlo tx:cn a soou ho me fu r l1hcr.1.I ans grndu ah!.'i wh o .ire N1irth Am ~rica :ind 19 , ,v,·:"froqu enti)' l11rr d ou t ol col - ,ca,, l1 hcrl l . a n., J! raJ ., :ire lc gl.' in to mu n;1gcmen1 1ra 1n - val u_eJ for 1heir .., up,: r:ur in g progrum'i In th<.' an.·a, nf \ ',.' flllll g and tH!Jl y11 cJI .1hili-


-. .-...,,.-.,,,.-

-,, ,.

sy slcrn 10 issue ~lullion rev • l'nu~ bon,.b .. an d sell them in tht: OJ}l.'n markc1. The 1u11 ion lhal st udenLs will pa y the uni vc r s 1t1L~S rn 1h c future a1.:ts a.~ c:oll :u cr::il on Lhc.sc bonds.

l 'tlr;; (nrn cr ~i:rv 1cc: .

I" .'

rnmk<: tin c

unJ !'.!dni ,ni:-.1ra t1 vc art:a~.

on n iilct;l' campu.!,C~ an• ~lu..: h piaut corpurJ Liun!!- aj r\ .t inJ i.J K, 000 em pl o y c...-c:t nuti,Jn w i ck ). I\-fc trn po l1un L1k Pru d · n t 1.ll , -; :. 1,00 1.

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1k.t'1w1 ahu"'<

,oluni«n in Widuw F:lll,

\V I,, ,1, p ,1 : 1I l' l



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. . t.1ff rccru 11t!r 11,r The TrJ, d , t:r \ lr1 i; u rancl." Co. \<1)' "' lh~ c. ommum c.illnn , , lo lh th.H l1hl.. ' r:il aru grad . . hrm f! tu d ,. l'om r , ny Jrt J -..cv " ''l' h ' T h~) ; •1c t u 1(.'

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Among the Jn,urn nc.:.c C.J tri1.•-r ·~ wh o ai.. 11,cl) rl·c.ru il


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Page 2



Thursday, April 28, 1994

MSU College Bowl team places eighth in national tournament lost 10 the Unh . uf Ch1cagc,, co uld s1ay in there w11 h 1hc Univ. o f Virginia . W,:slcrn h1g boys ... ~aid M:thunn A.&soc::bteEdltor Ca mphi: 11 s~ud i1 v. as The MSU College Bowl Mic higan . Bri£ harn Y() un1! . hc,ar1c.· ning to H'J hzc 1h:1 1 h ,ur lowJ Sl.llc. Gc11r1! l~ \\' ashm!!learn placed eighth in th e NJ (1f th e !-c hools whkh hall ,klional T o urn amen t at ion Univ .. and NE ~ti ssnuri fra teJ MS U pbc-ed 1n the l"P Gainesville, Florida, Ap ril State. Ac tua ll y MS U 11,·d with four ;tt th e natH, nal 1nu rn.1 22-24, beating out ,uch Iv y ml·n t. League schools as Corn ell. llc rkc:k y for i:igh lh place ~1SU's journc: y l l l the N:isince ,·:u;h !tChoo l had ci~lll Dartmouth, and Princeton. uonal Cnlkgc 8 l1wl ~ gan I~ Mike Mahurin, captain of win~. hut MSU won C'tn pmms year~ agn whc:n r..1su SIJrtc:d si nce: it had 1 k ic:1.1cd Ilcrk l'.the MS U team. placed scconJ ha \' ing ,1 C11ll c: gc Bow l .It in the United State, as high Jc,,. · .. we we n.: told th ~ll nu ~tS U. individual scorer and was "At that 1ime I nn c r n1 11 voted one of the eight all - fir~t-t1m c nati onal toum amc:nt r1.· 1,·ctl nf e\'ell t' 11lt' flll g Lill' stars to play the final game. team has cn:r placed in 1hi.: rcgh,nal to urnam c: nt. Fur His all star team won thr: na- top half bef,,rc: said Dr. kff tlm.:e ,·ca rs ,, c had an ('l !l Camphcll . MS U professor ,,r tional toumam L·nt. campu~ c,m11.·st w11h ohri ut 85 In addition to Mahurin . English and a long-time fac- studl' nlS p:.1 rtK 1p:t1 1nt'., .. ,;ml MSU te am mcmhr:rs wcrt! ult y spon sor of the ~IS U C.im phdl. who hi:ram c 111 College Bowl tea m. John Gerhard, Michael O th e r MSU farn lty Vtl l~d \\' 1t h 1hi: Colh:: ~i.: Bowl Koofcr, David Morris. and coac hing the team Wl'ri..: Dr. th ro ugh 111s ~pon"tlrrn!! .r\lr,ha David Dunsmore. C hi. till' Juni ur/St· ni i' r Ar aThere were 15 universitic." Ch,rles Ramser. Dr. Dick dc.·mli.: Hon or S11 cic1 y. Alrh :1 which participated in the na- King. anJ Mrs. Marsha May. Cl11 sp1, 11.1-o rcli tht· Cn llq!t' Mahurin said that MSL' tional tourname nt. each one Bowl on 1.·amru5 havi ng wo n a regional tour• did !iiO wc: 11 hecausc: 1t was a Th e fnunh v1.·:1r 1h.: ~I SU nam cnt. Each uni ve rsity real team dfon . Gcrh;1rd wC't n team plmnp;.Jt n l in th i: n.· a loL nf poinis. and ~·ta rn s played every other university gio n:i l 1o urn am c.: 111 m .1dL' up al the national tournament had a perfect score of I 0 -0 o f schcw ls fn, m Tc."-.::1,;; , Initi allv n,,t m:mv ,,f 1hc with fifteen rounds in all. Lou1s1an:1. and .r\rl..:1 11~.1.-.. hut MSU won its rounds with s1ud1.· n1s (n, m 01hcr Un ivc.· ~1- d1tl no l ,, 111 Jny thin g In Cornell. UT Dallas. Univ of th.:s h:id i.: vc: r hea rd of MS U 1989. ~tSU placed "l'l'nnd at 11linois. Georgia Sutc.: Uni \' .. and confused Wichita Falb th e regional ,,·11h R ll"t' l 111 1, ·. Dartmouth, Univ . of Califm- with \Vkhit.a, Kansa.,. wrnnm g. In the l:1s1 ll·,1.· yt'JN nia-Bcrkclcy. Pnnccton. and " But after wc won a c0upk ~1SL' pi.:Irrd fDu flh t1ne yt-.ir Oregon Univ. MSU 0r rou nds. \\l' rcal i,ed wc :ind fiflh anothc r ~,·ar Uu 1

By Brian Ballard

1h1 1; \t' Jr ~1S ll v. on rt:!.'. i0nll. ~Ji m!.! 11ul l iT Dal\.1, ~ At lhe re~ 1011.tl thi -' )t'J r . M~hunn w ,b Lh l' top mdi \ 1d u.tl , c.·,,ri.: r w11h Rt)hi.: rt ~b r!!Uk-..,. from UT D.111 :,s pl.1 t'111 ~ ~c.·i.:ond. Their rt>l c, wi.: rt· rt·h 'r~\·d :J I the nnt1Lm al tnurn:1lll l' lll ' "' 11 h Marguk s pl,1n ng fi rst ::i nti ~1:i hu rin :-.t' C\'JHI J , 1mll v1 du:i l l11ch ~llrt·r:--. Th is made.· fo r :J n ~,:,1reml'I)' qrong , htm rnc fro m the S1,uthwr:s t rq;1('1 n. ; a1J Mahuri n TI1i.: g:i mc.·s wcn.- ro ntl m.:tt·d in :.i fn e ndl) . compL" tll iVl' mann a hy :tll 1hc ti.:ams. ~IJhurin wa~ impr~5-l'tl w11h all lhc te:im s hut ~a ,d the Un iv . u f C hic agl\ a nd Bri c ha m Y oun t! ,,·i:rt: 1he 1110;, eve nlv hal~rnc.-cd t..: ~1m:a1 thi.: co-nfc re ncc '"''h1ch hl'lp c.· d tht·m place one and l\\"\l

nlf. Wlchi~n

C0 II ge students fight fires

e b rd money for room, oa ' JIL,I

th Colle'c Prcss Sen·~cc - roRfLA f'j'D , M:11n ~ \ Vh1 k nw ., l st udcms at ~ht· l 'niwr:-1I\ 0 f Snuthern ~l ame.· In Port lJ1it1 JfC ,;J lcly f\ t'Slkd 111 iheir hell:-. ih rc:c ~tud i.: n1.o;, \\hn w,irk for th e G1)fh:1 m o.,u nl) Firt· Di.:pJrtm~nt an: fig hlHJ1! hb1t·, :inJ r~i.po nJ · Ill ~ lll

otlll.'r L'nl t'r £t'lli..' ll'.''-.

~ In t'Xc h,rngt: fo r the tld\l ll(l ur~ .mtl to ugh \\ l\rk . th ..·

:,,IUd~ nt ,; rc:c1.· 1,·~ frcl' r,wtn ,md htlJr~I Jnd $5 75



ThL' _.,1ti.i: ?1 ~ _hJ\ c.~ ll hi:llt"r sta)l llf! i.Ln. l11r lrt,' ht' :,.11J . T llt·rc.· :!~·t· lh l kgJ I r1.· qu trt·m :· n!S ltlf the.· ri l' !! ' ,Hn, t'lu t Lt·lt' hurc ~.!1d ht· rider, stmkn 1s \dHJ :.1~ ph ~s1cJ II) fir ant.I h:.1 , e pr.:, h 11h fill' figh_~n!! ~,; pcnc~\.·c.· \ Vt: rt:' h.w k rn p r\1r ~tu dl·nts ,, lw h~l onr:1.·J I<' thei r ho ml..'l {lWll fire and rt' !<>CUt and al n.: J<ly ~?'e an rn tcr~\t in th~· "-'r,·1ci.:. ht' -.ai J . In adJuwn Ill rL.,pom.!m~ lO (alls. thi.: ~1ud~ nt, he ir th.; ck anin[: and_rn::unt l'n~1lt'c tll 1hc fire statl()n. Duri ng lhl.! ,, int er n1on 1hs . lh t' ,1uct..:nto;, al "0 ht·lp shnvl.! I snow fro m fin, hydranL<. ~It's a !!OOd w J y for th i:m

,, ht·n 1IH'\' r1.· ~pl11HI w :.in t· mcr~t·rh:y· c:111 Thi.: studc1_1Lo1; ;Jr~· rt·quin;d hl .-; 1g ~ :1 sixrn unl h cnnt r.1c1. all lil the ;-.1 u de nt~ ha ,·l· ckc 1cJ lC' stay hn1gl'r. C'lll cf Rohsrt L,·fe bu re aunh u11.·s the succc.~ss of th~ pn,~ rJm 10 1hr: cxcc.•ssivc cosl 1o e:im so m t: C:\ tra m onc)•.' ,,f housi n!! in lhc Portl.rn d Ldi.:hun.: ~aid.

Mah un n. p :1-" IM of Fir., t ll :1p11..;1 C hurch 1n C h::i rl tl'.

MSU Symphonic Band in concert

rn,~L,. 1s J nC1 n-Lr:1d 11ional ,111J1.· m ,1.·t·1 i; hrn g 350 pl1umb and knnwn for his un convcn 1i11nal hum or Askc:d durin g the awa rds 1.·1.· rc.·mon y at Lh c national ltrn rn amc nt who he would "ant 10 play him in a mo\'ic aho ut h1 :- li fe-. he sa id Rmt·:.in ne Barr wc,uld do fine.

Friday 8 p.m. Akin Auditorium

Jewish organizations object to ad By Jason Zdano,.icz The MUl mi Hurrkan~

CORAL GABLES. Fla. -Jewi sh organ1 lJlllln s ha ve prolCstcd a decision hy the University of Miami's student newspaper to publish an ad that questi on s whethe r ga.'t cham bers wen: used a1 Na21 concentration camps.

A petition conuining 2112 si gnatures was prcsc:nicd to Tht Miami Hurrican e 1hi.: day be fore publication . Stu dents. alumni and residents of the Mia mi area. wh ic h 1s hom e to man )' surv1 ,·ors nf th e Ho loca us t. a.; ; kcd 1hc: newspaper not 10 run Lfll· ad. which they said was "b latantly anti-Sc-m1 11 c, hurt ful and offcns1vl! to all of us." The quarter-page ad. purchased b\' Bradley Sm tth on behalf of the Comm111ec for Open Debate on the Hol" caust. ran Apnl 12. JU~t da ys af1c-r Hol ocau s1 Rcmr.:m hrancc Day . L'!t ta hh~hcd to rcm cmhcr th l.' si x m1ll1 o n Jews and mhc r-' wh r, dicd in

U11.· l·lo ltx:auq. PrJ) er., . , 1g 1b, 1u~t f0r nh,nl·y ... Fi..' rn .rnU r.:, hut didn '1 kd Tiri· /11,rncmu· and !he.· co ntm unu:- n·.1dmg nf !'-.lid " \\ \· h :J \'C: .l \1 1( or ~ lU · sho uld sc rvc :is a foru m for ll iUTll'' of J:..· \l 1,,:h \ ll' ltnh di:n l~. laru lt v anJ alumni 1ha1 Smith's mess:1,ge. ma rk l· d lh l· 1n1 c rnJl1 ,,n.il 1x·- :1 n: suffa in c· n ch1 nciv. \\'t•'rl' "r\ lth\lU!.!h <.1 ffc nsi,·eni:ss ~a., i0n. rt· :ill ) sor~ ah0 u 1 tha1. T hl' and c.:on1ro,:l' rsy ,hould not ~ka n\\ h1k . tlw Ci.:n 1ral ri.:.,~on we'n.• runnin c thi s 15 t0 h:ir a ncwspa~r·.s dcc1s1on w Fl omb f"u tun· . .tn 0ff-t·amrus \..' Ju e.Hi; ~ opk.·· ~ dwose to pn nt. rcaso na hlc puhli c.1t11rn d1'1ri~u11.·d 1t1 A numb er t)f U 11 J\ l'.' r , 1t y standard s of j ou rn a lis m Uniwr:-.ll) 01 Crn trJl F\on d:i <'f ~1iam i alumni and sup - sho uld pn.,cludc making big SlUdcnt., . ah n L·a mt· uadl'r fi re po ner,;; thrcat r.: nr.: d 10 ,,·11h - otry dcharahlc ,"' Sonid said. fr1 r puh il!thm~ a ... 11111 1:u :id dra,, fi nan cia l suppon ht· - "t\ (.h·i:rtisin!! th a l the t--foln "T hi: F1r:-.1 ,\ mt·ndmc nl 15i <.:a u,L: 11 i 1hc ad. Thi.: OH'S l ra ust is dc b.11ah lc. and 1hat not 4m:sunn.1~k ·· thl· pJpa pw minc:nt J nn:111 011 put in there: an.: 1wo 5-ides to th is ha~ tht: ni=h t 1~1 run thc Jd story. misi nfom1 s the public Many pt:of}k . htl\\l'\t' r. h.1,t· Jt' n pard y was fro m Dr SJn - hy gi\' rn g hi go try 1hc appearford Ziff. wh« had planned io 4 uc~ t1 orwcl 1,u1 d t' \ 1~1i •ll 111 dona1c: 52 mill ion l<.1 an a n ancl' nf validi ty." run !he.· ad ,' ,J 1J EJ 11 nr Ju nior Stt.:ve Fncd~n· musl'um and 1.·anccr 1.·cnli.:r A Lyncltt.: M.d 1ngr.:r homb lhrr.:al al!-o w :is tc.· k - 1:~: rg's grandpare nts lost thn.~r.: TI1al dn 1:-.1 on \~ :i~ m.1dr phnnt.:d to the pr1.·sid1.'nl':,, 1) 1° - of tht.!i r chil dren . thr.:ir parcni.,;; hy Ju lH' Fcrna nJo. the.· flu r filc . ahhou~h 0(1 t· v1Jcnt't: ,,f and 1hei r hruthas ant.I si stc~ rican t•'.t hu~tnt·~, m.macn du r itH! th i: l-l n locaust. r.:xp losl\ cs ,~vas lnun d. Fi..' rn JnJo , ~ud 11 \\ 11u ldn t JJs11n Sn nid . a :-.1.:r.: 11nd- Friedcnherg said the ad has havl' hi.:c.-n 11.· .s p\in:-.1hk· lur thi.: , yca r la\\ ~tlllk n1. ,1,:11d he: r~·atcd a conn1cl hetwccn nc w!tp:ipcr 111 ph' lt' nd lhJ t tlw agrl·t:d 1h :11 lht· lll'\\ ~r:1p1.· r h J:,, l11 , t·m oti nns and in1cllcctu:il Holocau.o;;i fl'.'\ 1,10111,1 J1 Jn l 1hi.: fr~ t·tfom lu pnn1 the Jll. r1.·a.,;;oni ng. r.:x1st. Thc 5,~1'.X rh.1r:,:c.: l,1r iht· ad "ill he d,1n,1tt· t..l 111 tht·

Ho lo, a u~I i\ 1u, t· urn Was tun gtun. D C .. ht' -., J1d. " W e don t \\ an1 pc.· npk l u lhrnk th a t we'rl· d\Jlfl!! 1l11 s



OKINliS ,\ Nl:W lONC[l'TTOYOll k. ARE.A

p~ ·y rrn ~ V ~~


a d rversified store pac k and m all. tanning salon & video store 11'1 one

766-6833 VVe Invite Yru To Come By or Call Dolly McCur1ey to See All We Have ToOferFor Your Storage Needs.

New tanning beds.'.' 10 'lannmg Sessions

UM PrcsiJ cnt EdwJrd T. Foote condi.: mned Lhe ::id, hu1 supp oned the nc w~ pJpi:r's

nglu to ru n it. "As a s1udc nt edito r. I w<,uld not have ru n the ,:.J\'er11scmcnt As president l'r J uni\'c rsity. however. tbi.: standard fo r my dcch,1nn mu!<.l he J ifl,,rcnt ,__' I rnnccdc that the quc:stion 1s close . :ind tha l 0th1.•rs will dbagn.:t.! with mt:. hu t al a uni ve rsi ty, of :ill pl aces. \\C' shoul d c.: rr. if :.it all . on thr.: side or irt·,:dom of thoug ht... Foo Le s::iid UCF oJm inistr:uor:-.. 011 lht: Clthe r hJ nd. \\ Crc ..:ritical

of the Cc ntrJ I Fl orida FL1urc's deci.s:1un to nm the :.1J. "Thr Firs! A m~n Jmcn1 J1~\ n01 confer J requ ircnw:11 1h_,

any n~wsrJpcr r ctili:-.h an~ ad th at ii rt"' (' t·i,c-:_ " l "(T spokl:'smJ.n D-~J n :,.1. .-F.111 u,d the Or!mu/,, St•,,;. ,~d. Accordm g lll 1h...• :-.h1r:, . I~ mt·mh~r.s o i' th,; Ci.: nu .i l FlonJa Futu:-c q J,ff L"-' t:cJ J st:1l..:m1..· nt \.. (1 n<.h- mr11r11! Lh ..• 0

dcci:--ill11 to I un th.: at.I. E1itl'r OJvid 8.lut.:r tnlJ th..· St' ,11mei th al pu b!J.;h m g tht· Jd \\ J:, con~is tJ:nt with lht.: nc" sp.1pcr's £0als l )f "th.: fr-..:L" tl\,v. of id~as. rc:g.1rd lc:.:, ,,t" th..: 1r r opuf.mt~."

Come By Lalani's for a little attitude adjustment, then ...

-~1 . . ..

'j \ ' J;lli

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Tuesday - Saturday 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Also s,iectod mixed drink specials


COUEOE NIOHT 5:00 p.m. -1 :00 a.m. Drawl 75' Pitchers '3.50

'.J ( Y (, A WINNER in the contetl lor



THE Wichltan




Timrsd:ir, April 28, 1994

Mexican officials discuss expansion MONTE SCHENK of exchange programs with MSU

Monte Sc henk, 20-year ,,Id J\·ISU student died s day. April 17. in ~n auto un J,,lc accident on U S monorth of Windthorst. ·· · 281 He was bor N 19 71 in Ar~her ov. 12 , a ro·rmc r rcsidc ni"Yf 0 ~~d was and Jacksboro. etroha Schenk , ~!SU '."ember of 11 '"d ' iayccl u_ asehall team ~n i1 f s¥mmcr league ~~eB~irkh~~ t _ire~ )'~ars for ~ a, ·ho _ncll lack _Sox . r~,:~.'Okl~~~ ~: plAaY 10 !he llase hall G . . 11 Star . , ·. . . . a1;1c 10 1992. S,hc-~k allcndcd Texas_ Tech Um\l:rs uy_ ~f~rc 1_ea \1ing ~o purs~~ a b.1sc~a,i_1 scholarship 10 0 " ,, 1~..c r'. Regional Jum or Sch1.: nk was .l pan-tune :mpl oye_e or_U~iled Parcel

i ~ b~schall. He achieved nil ~1•st nc1 hon nrs foothall. bus kcthall and ha.sc hall. Rosa ry was Monda y. Apnl 18 and 1hc runcr·,I wa Tuesday. Apnl 19 ~t s( Bon iface C_,Hhnlic Ch urch. i,; Semi and w11h _1he Rev. Chris Davis offic 1a11ng Burial was in St. Boniface Cemctdry u,,'_ dcr the direction of Aulds Funeral Home Palibe arc~s were l. T. Hoffman . Kev in Conrady David Conrady, Mike Mc : Donald. Bradley Veitcn hc1mcr, Russe ll Zotz, Man McCorkle and Grant Martin Survivors include hi.s a~en1s. Leonard Jr. and GaS of Scotland ; 1wo sisters. Siacic a~d Shelhy, both of Scmland; lus grandparents J M and June Duncan of L~hi,;.:k and

Serv ice m \V1ch1ta Falls and

Leo nard Sr. an d Vera

B,·rend Bros. of \Vind1hors1. lie was a rncmhc r of St.

Scotland ; and great-grand mother. Luci lle Schenk nf

Bomfacc C ath o lic C hurc h m Scot l:rnd , Tcxa.". . . . A graduate ol Wmdthorst

. , were 16 Mc~kan _and MSU • students par11c1pa1ing. Many of th~ MSU studen ts studied Spanish al JTESM. An MSU 1hca1er group trav_clcd to Chi~uahua during Spnng hrcak_,ih,s year an~ put on the play Terra Nova for an audience of 1400 people at Chihuahua's largest hall, Theatcr of the Heroes. II is ex peeled thal ITESM will soon send a theater group lo MSU as part of the exchange. Mr. Garza. who ae1cd as spokesman for the Mexican group, said that ITESM is the Offld•b from lh, lmtlluto Tttboo~lco 7 .i. E.studlos Suporloru d• largc;sl r,rh? tc un~vcrsity sys- Montirrny In Chihuahua, Mnko, •l~ltird MSU April J8. L tor. 1cm m Mexico w11h 26 scpa- Viclor Ortiz Madrid, Salvador G•na. and Juan M•n•rl RulL rate campuses, 62.000 SIU· in 1995. ~cnts and 4.500 prMcssors. The ratification of NAFT A Each campus has 11s own in 1993 will bring importanl board of directors and rai.scs ITESMis hu ahua campu s was s ign ed its own funds from priva te changes in 1he relationship three yea rs ago. Since !hen. industry. hctwcen Mexico an d the the two schools have exITESM was started in Uni1cd Stales as well as uni -

Scotland_ The family rcqu l'sLS a ny

cha nged bo th professors and studcnL,;; in 5'!\'Cral programs.

memorials he made 10 !he Windlhorst High School L,hrar y l'und or George

One of the largest pro- ca lled th e Monterrey grams is an MB A degree of- hlS!llule. . . . fcrcd al the Chihnahua camThe mission of JTESM_1s

Bca mna Shcolarship rund ,

pus on weekends. Dr. Charles

to grJduatc pro f:-,;;s1_o nal s with

boi h ai

He expected that Mexi co

McCullough. Msu·s dircr wr exrdlen1 skills. sa,d Gari.a. nf the department of husmess fh t! sc hoo l ~ncoura.gcs

wJuld suffe r more Ja1cr as




-~c.. .



High Schoolm 1992. S_chcnk paruc,pated_,n Umve rs11 y In 1crs~ ho las t1 c L~ag uc aca• dcm1cs alon g w11h lcucnng a ll four years of hi g h sc hool

l\,;n o f

P.O. Bllx

19 0.

\Vindth ors t. l\;xas. 76~89.

Finnell--Frum pa,:e I

other 16 univl': r!-iti e.s :md th !.!ir st;1te rcprcscnta ti v~.s 1f th ey

independ e nt un1v e rs il1c .s aho ut way~ 1hey c:m he lp

want 10 ge l th~ proposed S7 million health scienc1.: huild rng fundl·d .

wi1h the MSU's funJing r halOnc po.-.s1hll11y 1s to add a hill o r n n= solu tic,n to a piece o f lcg is latinn th:11 ·· must pas...~ .. in th e OL! Xt kp i.sla ture that will allow !he 17 independent uni ve rsi ti es to issue tuiti Cl n rc,·cnuc honds. \Vhc:thcr each UOl\'!.!r:-.1ty would hav e tha1 au 1h or1t y or whe th e r the bonds w0u\<l h, fur 1hc u ni,·t.:rs lly grc1ur JS ;1 wh11k hJ."nN hcen dc:cidc:d. h\..· s:ii<l .

.. Th,· legislatu re ,s l,lleJ Ann Richards and LT Governor Bob Bullo,·k have taken the no new t.J..xcs plcdgl~ fo r 1h1..· ncxl legi s lature which w,ll he gin ,n Janu ary I995.

They 10<1k 1his plcdfc dcspi1e state fundi ng for hig her cduc:011011 havi ng dro pped 25 pcrce.nt sinrc I985 .

Finnell docs nut antkip:Hc:

the kg1slaturc passin!;! a nl'w

Finne ll s:i1d that lll' 1s talk •

tax th .a l wo uld

mg w11h State Rep . Joh n

·· s t:itc mco mt.:

Hirschi. State Sc nJt o r St~ven

Carrikl'r. HouSl' Sp1..·akcr Pe lt.: Lanc.y wh o represents th_e ru ·


c alkd



l~,-er. lh l· stall.· fr an l·h1Sl" tax mi ght ht· n.·,·J mp1,.•J with so me kind of 1ax o n se rvices . prl! senl ly exempt from s1at1,.• 1~1.:uu o n. H t) \\

ral dis ln~t JUSl we.st o f his. as. well as olhl' r rt·prcsc ntauvcs in th..: d1 stnct.s o f the 16 othe r

ad mini s tra ti o n . said that MS U pr0\'idl's the prok.s_1;ors


Pl-ID s anJ

"The mission of

I 94J by an e ntrepre ne ur in Montcrrey and is sometim es

s uch values as 1nnova t1 vc• ness. hones ty , en1n:prcne ur•

Mexico will probably benefit more initiall y." sa id Garza. many o f the s maller Mexican companies di scover they canno t compclc successfully.

ing. dedica1ion 10 community

ITESM has been restruc-

supplics th e s tu de nts. Each semester two profc.-.sors divide the le ac hing loa J . cac h traveling to ivkxico four timcs for till'

se rvice. apprecia ti o n and re• spcct fo r social a nd l:ultural values. as we ll as res pect fo r human values in iL1; s tudl! nt.s. he said .

turing to re s po nd to th e global. interconnected m:ir• kc t. It has required all students to takl! thn!t! foreig n lang uage

ITESM is the most expcn-

courses since 1990 and cstnb-

weekend seminars.

sive universi ty sys te m in

lished an internatio nal trade

Rountree. Roy Patin. Charles J\.kxico with semcslcr wilion

degree in 1993. Students now

Ramse r. 1-k·nry Van Gccm. Mik e Patterso n , Ralph F r i t zs ch. a nd Y os hi Fukusawa have a ll tau g ht weekend courses in

have options o f taking international finance, international economics, and int ernatio nal rd ations. said Gar1..a. The Institute has al so

rates similar to private uni,·ersi ti es in the United States. The s tudl'n ts generally come from the middl e to uppe r classes in Me xico. Thirty fk!r•

to graduate rrofessionals with excellent skills." M-. Salvador Garza

versitics in both countries. " Bo th countries will get benefits from NAFTA . but


Drs . Bob H arml!I. Dan

lc n!!C.S.

with nmonu us skinninL~ ... he s:iid . 1--k no ted that Governor

By Brian Ballard A«odot, Edil~r . Three ~ffic,als from the lnsu1u10 rccnolog1c.o y de Estudios Supcriorc s De Mon_tcrrc y . in Chih ua hu a. Mexico, v1sucd MSU _the week of Apnl 18 lo review ongoing and possibly new programs of student exc hange hctwcen MSU and the lnsli• tute. Mr. Salvador Gar,a. dirce• tor general of ITESM; Mr. Victor Ortiz Madrid, dean of undergraduate studies; and Mr. Juan Manuel Ruiz, acadcmic- din!clor of Lhc Northern Zone of !he ITESM Sys1cm participated in the lalks wi1h MSU nfliciafs. Th~ ori ginal agn:cmcnl ht.:twee n MS U and !he Chi-

"The trust is building between us... '' David Brinkley ponant w hen you communicate across dif fere nt cuhurcs," he sa.id . .

Chihuahua 1he pas t lhrcc cen t of 1he students have yea rs. said McCullough . so me form of sc holarship

movcJ rapidly to establish Brinkley noted that MSU exchange programs wilh uni • and JTESM arc no w dis-

Fukusawa is sc hed uled to re• turn for 1he seco nd tim e in May thi s year. A Mexican pro fessor has

vers itics in other countries. ITES~,f now has 40 agreemcnt s with uni vc rs i1i cs in

cussing the possihi lity o f do ing s ports exc han ges, possihly invo lvin g soccer.

Anothe r program which they arc talking about is for ITESM this s ummer to send 10 MSU eight professors to study English along with 20 Mexican studcn t.s who would take two busi ne.ss courses. ont: in Enclis h and o ne in

hasc d on financial need and ac ade m ic ac hieve ment. said Gart..a.

1a11gh1 a1 MSU in !he husine.ss

.. ITESM is accredi1ed hy the Southe.rn Accredi1ing As-

Japan. France, Spain, Norway, Bel gium. Canada, and

department each o f the past

sncia tion. the sa me group

the United States. ht! said.

1w,, su,11 mcrs. which accredits Msu:· vo lIn additi on. Mr. James untecrc d Dr. Louis RoHoggard. MSU professor of driguez. preside nt llf MSU. English. and Dr. Lyn n Hog Gar,a said ITESM must g:irJ . associa tl.' pro fcs~o r o f meet th e s ame academic re·

David Brinkley. coordinator of intcmalional programs at MSU. said that the ex change program with fTESM sL1r1cd so mewhat slowly but seems 10 be pick in g up mo- Spanis h.


Frenc h. have tauchl courses ITES:vf in their re srx·c 1i ve

1.1uircme nts fo r accredi tati o n as any America n univers ity .


The lns1i1u1c was last accrcd-

of the ITESM officials.

A -:, fo r :he s1udcn1 l'X· chang.c , in 1993.9-4 there

ilcd in 1987 an d is pn.:paring for a return \'i sit h v Southern

"The trus t is building he- make a decision on thi s protween us. something very im ~ posed exchange program.

... Brinkley will mcc1 w i1h

mcntum since the recent visit

oilier MS U oflicials today


_ _T_h_e----==Wi=-=-1-=ch:---:;i:--ta--=-n---, ~!9,eral Arts----\.J 10 Tall Dlvd P (l Um 160 W1c"hlta F.llh. T..-A:b 7fi 10S Nl' -... s Lk.sk: 6,.::9~ 70-i

[i on . - we look upon thinking " ... I think liberal arts skills as ana lysis. the uhi lit y grads have a much


,\ Ll vc.n:h111g 1.k·.-..k: 6S9-S 705

10 assess s itua1ions. des ign

llclle Malnnc

and organ i, e wnrk. and gen·

Kelly Wchh Mobl ey Ed,wr

t b'Jnl :arr

Drew ~lycrs SportJ Editor


Dea n Lawrence

Eric Beeks

Uaru llawkins .-\drt n iJm_a: Al1111t1.a: l' r


Busmc-sx Mm1t1}!.er


Stall Writers Cmd" Kahler Bell. Li sa B1n't'trt! . Sprncrr Fn ,-di, ,\Inn Atvs,·,. /..J:. R1 ch,1rd.w 11 Htrks

Phot ograph<·r> Rr1 md,m Oltl.,. Edam ,\fa, cw: C/1•,·t ltmd

leave s. work -a1-homc ar-

major is an especiall y good

rangcmcn L"i. n exi~ le w o rk schedu les. sabhatit-a ls ;wd

lit for this program." says Ge organ n O cchipin ti. Mel Life coll.! "C relati ons consul • tam. e

Cop)· Editors


Dr11 et' S,u ith

\Vm·/011 Green

Asst. Circulation ~lana ~t: r ErwSrlj



there· "'" numerm:, cmpi<•) .

] nJ11n Fnirl !11 /d

n11.:n1 0pp u r1 u n1t1 l''- tn s ul'll ... h,·l' l3 C: r'idd s ;1 , hl11nJn I'\.'· s\•u n·c :;;, IJ '" · puhlic affam,.

Ad-.ertisin~ Repr c....,;e ntit,•rs R1111th Brru stn ) mm, Tucker

C1.l llll1\Unh.:ati o n ..... m..ar kl! l1n g .

l\'H iur,1, 1 1, J n h.• mt).: i t•f TI,cT...-u.~ Inl1.' h.' Oil t'giJlt'


Pre!!..\ A~~h' IJ1ion

JII IO rm ati n n ~)'~ ll'm"tr;1min£ - That'~ in add ,1rnn



Cop) right t90-I. Thr 1\ 1clu t~ti _T,~i,.· Wichll.lll l t.'5<.'f H.".' lh\'.' rl~hl tu L"<lll :I. II ) rn ah:riJl !'iUhnum.•tl fr1r i~,:~~:t:~nrJ l ni!1.~ ~ll~~ \: ~)~~r~.if JI KJ 11\.4.' Cr,!k; ~ Pn.·:-s.Scn I-X 11 1 ~ is...• nH~lll Clp i1UC' n ,; L ':tpn..~ "'<1 a.r~ nor n l' t'CS'- ..anl ) tN1s~~r, f the f!lcu ll y. ... ru hl;c Jl.lfln :md HJ n.•fu~~ J.~) .ll,',',","1,-·d \n'!!.ICfO S1a1c L' m w 1~1!y and lllJ) n<•I n.'p1i.•scn1 a t'\)ns:n.. u!'> ,11 lhc :md cl:ii m'\ ..

adnun, , u alilmorsruiJcnth\xl) cntnc \\ 1clu1,in S-t l ff


1t mak i: , 20.,d bustn!.:'-~ '-er.,e tu k('l'r -lh r1 1 B ccl ll'• \..'

Lette1· policy

ni" \\'wliiwn ,.,,:d com~.

1141:ma, ;;"'


~~'i' ~;~sm~-~J[~\,) t.'nt' d Jl,,w \\ hl l L '\: r\ lh i:1r l'm pl\lY~' .:s. hJrflY ' " \q•Jl In

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ll l lrlleJ' o foplru n n rwm farull) . :,,tU\ 1.· ni..






.uxt \\ 1thou t at,usjvc Jnn E,U3~C N r'-7!!~R1l l )'f'.,J) J.nd -.h.l.tllt..111,..-tudc: a tckpht •nc nu111t1'..."f and. ~ , ~,r Lcneis. tnU)" t t,c.• sig nt:"d tiy l~.1tc:~~l1\,c puh li,h;..'.O v.iU11h< authors n:i mr unl:ss ru-r:mgcm('DU hl\'t"

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co nt rnuin g cd uc:ui v n a nd training progrJm~.


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Jason j\-falt )nt'


people.' ,he says. Iro ni cally. many lihc r:.tl arLo; g rad~ don't even co nsider a can:cr in the insurance industf)'. "I think there a.n: a lot of misconcr puons atio ut who

In a c,•mpan y as large as

Circulatio n !\tanager

"Since out phi losophy is

cra1c ideas. I 1l11nk lihcra l ans technical people." 10 develop generalists with a gra ds have a muc h tie u ..: r broad co rpo rate: view. lh c fou nda ti o n tlwn tcch nkal l-1-ic--s-. -111-,,-c-rn-il_y_a_n_d_p-ar-e-nt-,I-' we ll . ro u nded libe ra l arts

Acfris,•r Bri u11 Ballard

French linguis1ics. poli1ical science :ind 19th-century lit erature.

better foundation than

\•Jlu e



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hcl1 l' W th l! [11..lvcrttscmc nt s th:n l:t ll it an "m tcr:11.:"1 ive movil'," hccauSl' it is not 111 llTac11vl' al al l. It is a muvil' ah11u 1 an interat'. l1vl.' vnko i::111\L:. I don't wanl vou to hl' di s.1ppoit1l\:d. · This m,wil· stars Edward Furlon g. Yuu mi gh t rc mi.:111 ha him frn m "T!!rminale>r II .'' I k play:-. f\ lic hacl Brown. n hi gh ~dwnl kid wlw Jncsn't really fit in, has a ha ndka p fr0111 a car acc1dl·nl whc- n lu.· ,,-.1.1, a L" hild th;ll ca uses him to limp. and now spi.: nds most of

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f:111. th en you w ill prohahl y " Brainscnn ." Bui (hm't

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By Denn l..awrcncc

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En er ainment . TExAs 'Brainscan' 1s about c~~~,~~ 2·~ interactive vide o

TIIE Wkhii_~

TI11md:i ·. A ,rll lR, I •>•>-t

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µa mc._ wi lh his c: uk nex t door nn ghhur (t\my 11:trgrcavi.:s).

i li s hf1..· L.° h:i ngc, \\.' hl. ° ll hi: responds (l> an ad f~r tht..· .l.1t 1 ~~ r:: :;,s~~~nL:.l\. _ c;i~t~:~~;~~ St,.~~ ti: rror hcyond anyth rn g h~' cvi;r fell·. An d it dcllva s. i.:on ~idcring th al it rl· q um:s him ltl commit Sl: v..: ra l rL·alhli..· mtm h:rs 111 th(' 1, rc,ce:-.s.


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1 I k 1s pu:-.hl·u' o n vicko hmn entur nnmcd I hi.: Tiic.:kstcr'' (T. R1clc r Smith). a Sl! Oll · l'llnk rockL' r who ca b raw chirh:ns and Slll'L:rs at f\·1h::had v.'lh' n hl' n: fu .scs to g:O(lll. He dni:~g~lO~.though , until. .. hu t no. J can t tell yr1u thJI

Thi~ movie is what l c:i ll a :-.nap•hac k film : it mak es you hcl ii; n.: on e tl11n g

throu~ hout 111 1,,;i l' I u. lh, n :-.nar-- y,_111 h:h. ~ 11\\11 ,\ dill c, l' lll rc J h l .tll\ll l l.1h.: r. T o k'\i )"l'll what 1hat ~n .1r h.1 c~ " wtn ild nu n lhi.: 11111,·1~· 11,r )fill, t,ut 11 1:-. un~xpcl·lcd \\' hat I\ not unc'< pl!i.:1cJ 1~ lhl· ''" 11 ti r-bn 't•it'' cndin ~. th111 11 fairly

._ l1i!ld:1rJ tn h t11rur

film s. F url oni; Jm:s a p.1s,,lhll jPh 111 th e k :iJ rok . hnt h,• has an ~llll'rc.11. s,1 mct11nl·, alm ost k mi11 1JJL' qu:.i.l11 y th.ii makes at hard 11 1 hclic,l' lhJt he is n.·.nll y thJl mnch f\f a misfit. S till, thl! movie wurh. I'm not predictin g a hu ge hu

hl!rc. hu t if you like prcuv gnod horror. with a link h'Q ,nuc h h lond-s pattenn g. then y011'II c nj0y th is o ne .

Review Rating: R

AIbum is fast-pa Ced treat lly Melissa Sullivan Mtt~lc Ht,·li'wi:r

When I was a liule ki<l I though! tha t when you were in the sandh ox di1?gin g wilh a pl as tic shovel. if you dug <lcc p enough the <l cvil woul<l pop out an<l grah you. There-

fore. my digging in sa ndboxes was limited and after I passed thi s hit of kn owledge on to all the other ki<ls. we all

nvoidcd the sandbox pla gue.

like the

Aftt:r a while I grew out of th:ll noti on, and I hnvc n't reall y ha<l much or an opinion

on diggi ng since then. Dut

arc ha rdy even au<libl~. T rock num ber s ix o n the

di sc b "Be lieve." This is pruha hly lhc m os t we llknown tra ck. It rece ived t·onsidcrablc ai rplay on MTV as a "Buzz C lip" an d h as carn l! d so m f! a ir tim e o n E DG E as well.

Otht.!r nm abk 1rac.:ks m.

clud~ "Ride thl! Wa ve.~ a ve ry fast tr;u.: k in which yuu coul<l ju st c.:nvi.sion people moshi ng. "' Gri;c n Room" ,~ also £"Od. The son g bt.·~111< ,n

a slL1W. dre am y m;;mncr, but cn1pt." in ~ loud pulsing gunar lhat m a kes you wa nt h >Ju mp

"Bdicvc" is jusl Oa!-OUl coo l. It mukcs yo u wa nt to roll th e windows do wn and drive around nice ncighho rhoods just to offend w hoe ver

up and do wn. . A ll in ~II. Dig's sc lf-titkJ album is a fas t-paced t~ ai tha t's a linle on 1hc hard ,_jdl·.

is standin g outside.


but won't di sappoint rnns 01

when I checked out Di g's new alhum, titled appropriat e ly. "D ig," all th ose thou ght s aho ut the sandhox came hack to me in a fl ood of s tupidity. Dig's alhum beg ins with "Let Mc Kn ow, " a song that. like most songs on th e album .

uses thund e rin g guitars. 1t SL·a World of Tn.n~ ha!-. 1)pl' nt·d !or 1hr '-l':1.son. 11ffen ng \'isitnrs lhc opponunity for

s,,ml' spl:tshrn g

gn1 1d

llml·, . I 1)c. 11r d 111 S.111

lhl' p.1rk k alun:..~ a huge wave pool

t\ 11 11 111h1

(a hnvl'l. th l· 1'.i11 Ll)(,:,, rapid :-. ride . \ ' 1q.: il \Jd 1L.111 ', \\,h,. l ) ,, :Hn\\'ork:-. Ill Sham u's 1-lapry Harhl,r \ hd t.l1L·n ':,. pl:1yi:,r1lund . \. ,,,1 l..1!!11, ,n , l,nu 11 ,,,.l·nng ,,.a tl'r .\l1lk:-. and lhL' Texas

SpJ.1.1,luh,wn llu1111· mk C .t1 1 l .:' lll l \~ 1 \r d I 1.. ,

ilhll l'

aupts in to snrn c se ri ous ly snarled lyrics.

"An ymore" is one or th e slower songs and the lyri cs

111t 11 nna 11 ,u1

Last day of classes isMay 6 Final exams begin May9-13

continu es w ith " I'll S tay lligh." a cool tune that has an ominou s background and

OST, Wtt: ll lTAFAU.9



• • • • • • • • •

Edi.tor A s s o c . Edi.tor Copy Ed.itor• Reporte rs Sports Edi.tor Ad. R•P•• a - s a n - a s llWllgr. Ciirc_:a_ tilon :IVSgr. Photog. ._phors <ararphilc , .Artlist







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Thursday, April 28,


Page 5

Lady Indians name new coach By Liz Richardson Hicks

sport, Reponu Courtesy Tlmes/R«onl N•w•

Tuesday aflcrn oo n th e Lady Indians baske tball pro-

gram look its first maJor step into the 1994-95 season and a new chapter of wo,;,en's basketball with the appointmcnl of new head coach Wayne Williams . Acc ording lo Williams the r~sulls from the pas1 will remarn the same. "'I wouldn't come in here with any o ther cxpee1a1ions tl1an 10 keep lhe program a1 a high level. J just hope 10 have th e success Coach R ay

has had a . . a naiio alnd keep ~hooting for said n cha mpi ons hip." he Succ " . . nothin c:s 15 ce_na1nly who . gl cw to W1lhams. I C oll In. seaso ns lead Blinn T- c_g c Ladt Bucs lo six 1 C~x~ ~mor ollegc A1hle1ic In ~ ~'gn~e Championships. 9 Naii~na\ e} ad_vanced to lhe Associa1iounn1or C".llegc Toumam Na11onal em. R He was chosen NJCAA y cg1on XIV Coach of th e A ear .'" 1989 and Texas C sso~ialCon of Basketball cs oach of lhe Year in 1 ·


The Lady Indi ans former head coac h Jeff Ray, now 1he MSU men's coach , e nded hi s caree r wi th the women with back 10 back appearances in th e NA I A Na Ii ona I Tournament and a 50- 14 1wo year reco rd. MSU gradu ated starling sen i o r i ncluding AllAmerican Lynn Buckma s1cr, po int gua rd Mindy Myers , post Emily Dill, and forward Tammy Murray. Jun ior fo rward Stacey Franklin is no1 a definite returnee 10 the 199495 squad.

• 'But there are good playc rs returning and we'll be compc1i 1ive right away. I know lh~re are s?me big ho les 10 hi!. bu1 we re gomg IO set some goals right away. Obviously. one of those is 10 win h national championship." said Williams.

. . , . . . . MSU 1sn l w11hou1 lhc lal- need . 1 he pnmary idea here enl for next yea rs season. is 10 build from the fre.<hman Freshman Juli e Loven o f level. " Holliday had . a _spec tac u_lar A 1979 g radua te of season. while iunmrs Monica Miller and Renae Josselel add Ab ilene Christian, Williams took over at Blinn in 1983 experience. Freshman th ree po int sens a tio n LaS ca n and led the Lady Bucs lo nine Hockenhull came on strong al playoff appeara nces in 11 years. He has served as an the end of the season. '"I don't think there will be "'I've been able lo sec instructor and coach at basmuch of a change a l all"" some of the girls play and I ketball camps at Louisiana Williams said . ··1 love 1o like what I saw.'" Williams Tech, the University of press and fast break is a big said. "I plan lo put lhe besl Col orado, Adams Stale, pan of my game plan. We'll learn on lhc court possi ble Texas A&I and Texas A&M. huild eVC l)'thin g around man and we'll play as hard as we to man defe nse and we'll run can as long as we ca n. If I go "'Coaching at this level a zone for speci fi c weak- 10 junior colleges for rec ru it- has been a dream of mine for ncsscs of our o pponen Ls." ing, it'll be 10 fill a speci fic years," Williams said.

Quick Sports

feam Arrow, Ronan win big in San Marcos Last weekend the MSU cycling team tra veled 10 Southwest Texas State 10 compete in 1he Sou th Ce ntral Colleg1atc Conference Championships. In the SCCCC Division II. MSU walked away with top honors and Chns Ron an captured ! st ove ra ll. Alberti Vasquez IO?k 3rd in lhc CAT A m e n; Crys tal Buller grabbed 1st m CAT A wo men. In lhe CAT B men division Travis Lawson got first place and Lisa B rown did the same in 1he CAT B women divi sion. In the combined, Division I/Di visio n II , MSU finished 3rd behind Te xas A&M. a nd SW Texas. The Indians heat ·teams with the likes or Texas at Au stin . Baylor, Ric e. and Texas Tech. On Ma y 21-23 MSU will compete in th e 1994 Na tional Collcgiale Road Ch ampion ships that will be he ld he re in Wichita F alls.

Indians sign Collin County's Perry Jerry Perry, a guard from Collin co unt y Community College hns accepte d a sc ho larship IO play basketball for the Indians nex t season. At Collin County Community Cnllcgc Pe rry earned second te am all-conference accolad es holh years . He a\'craged 17 points and 5 rebounds a game fo r the Ex rrcss. New head coach Jeff Ray said 1he loss ol E.J. Collins and Jason Paty prompted th e coaching staff to sign him. Coach Ray also announced that MSU has signed exDuncan ville pla ye r Joe \Vashington to pla y nex t season.

Rugby team finishes season undefeated By Spencer Friedl SpoTo:r~~cstc m State rugby team finished its seaso n strong by trouncing the University of Nonh Texas 35-12 last Saturday aflCrnoon. As been the case all season long , Ilic first half belonged 10 MSU as the Indians look a 22-4 lead into intermission, with mos t of the damage done by Du ane Duey. II woul d have been 22-0 bul 1he Ea gles scored on 1he vel)' last play of the half. 171e third qu arlcr was mo re of th e sa me as the Indians got goals from k ssie Cowan and Brent Beavers to put lhc game out of reac h, thus preserving their und efeated season. The Indi ans fini s h the season with a record of 8-0- 1. Rene Ramirez. Ramirez says that even th ough the spring seaso n is ovi:r. th e summ er seaso n begins at the end of May. so anyone in1ercs1cd in playing for "one of 1he besl rugby learns in Texas" should contact Ramirez at 723-86 11.

Tennis team comes up short despite success By Spencer Friedl Spo%~rrndi~~ tennis tea.ms found the mselves in Abilene last weekend competing for the NAIA sin gles and doubles champio nships and a hc nh tn th e Na tional Tournament. Despite a great showing, according to Coach Dan Ne use, the tribe came up a liule shon . In mens singles action, Hea1h Hoover made it all the way to the se mifinals while Tony Wcscoup. Steve Usami . and Cabot Rank made ii 10 lhe uarteril nals. Carria L ' ,

Lea Harriso n. Akiko Okamalo, and Laurie Arnold all made it 10 the qu ancrfinal s for the women•s team. In doubles action, the learns of Hoover and Rank. We scoup and Brandon Negri made it to the semifinals. Arnold and Libel, Harrison and Okama10 also made II to 1he semifinals. "We had more players and more teams in the semis than anybody," said Neuse. "They had a super year overall. To have both the men's and women's teams selected _tO i:o 10 district, that was really great. Nexl year, the d1stnc1 10urnamen1 will be here al MSU, so we're really looking forward to th at. •·

Track team grabs second {'lace at TIAA meet Both the men's and womens track teams finished the 1994 season with a second place finish at the TIAA Championships Jas1 weekend in Abilene. Howard Payne took first in both the men's and women's divisions. Patrick Birk gave the Indians a first place in the 500 meter run. Brian Crawford did the same in the high j um p, and TiAda Hill threw over I 16' to win the discuss. The men finished 24 points ahead of third place Austin College and the women finished 17 points ahead the Uni versi ty of Dallas.

Joy named Metroplex Most Valuable Player Jake Joy, senior soccer player al Plano High School, has recently been named MVP for the Dallas/Fon Worth Area. Jake is younger brother of All-American Judd Joy of the MSU soccer 1eam. Jake will allend Mid wes te rn next year and play soccer fo· the Indians.

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II~ one of the

Contact Michael Land at x4139 or come by Ferguson Hall, Room 302


ews Brief:

l'a ,e 6 Thursda ·, A ril 28. I 99·1

I\ ISU P e r cu s s ion E ns e mbll' performs tonight in Akin Th e


Pe rc uss ion

Ensi.:m hlc will present


~pr rn g conce rt of {X'.rc u~.!. Hln

mu~ic at 8 p.m today in Akin Aucl 1torium

Th e pe rcu ss ion e nse mble

1.s made up of fiv e s1udcnLS who will perform pieces w r it1 c n

s pcci ficn. ll y


pcrcuss irin instrum cnLS.

The cnscmhlc i s undl.~r th e dirc!.: ti o n o f t\bn B lac k. assh ta nt d ircc wr o f m us i..: and a sS (lCi iH l.' dirc c1ur 01 bands. The conce rt is frl'C :md ope n to the puhl u.: .

Forum on A IDS/HI V set for tonight

E ni:li s h Clu b elec ts olTice rs for 199,Vl5 T h~ Em:11,h Cl11fl h1.: ld 11..,

l.iq mn : ll,ll'. o f the ,c mc , 1cr on \\ 'cd ncs dJJ . A pri l 6. '.'-,:1,,.· \~ nrfi cc r, :.:k:ct..:.d ior the 19'1-t 9 5 ,c hnnl n·Jr llh: lud t: Donn :i Chur(: h . rr c ,1 dl.' nt. ,\nll l' tf a) l.'t; \I C~ r ri: ,1Ll c. n1. She rr y C li fton. -.crrct. 1r), Barh:.irJ Rnr:i lx m. lrt·J,url'.r. Shnn on Cnfn . puhli l' ll ~. Rohr rt R:1m 1rc;,, Jr . .s tu d,:n t '-C nJ lC'l r: .:1nd Su ~annt: G ra ce. projec t l·.-1ordi n:iwr. The duh \\ Ill bi.: tr.l\ ,:lin~ 10 Da ll .Ls i\ 1.iy I h1 , h ll ~k d1..:v:d T1ml.', fo r dinnn an d a :-how. M cmhash 1r 1nh' the Engli sh Cl uh 1s ri pe n 1n ::!II

TIIE Wkhita~

Jo, m C lay Co un t y

Italian students arri ve atMSU

MS U Theatre presents student d irected pla ys Th l· MSU Thc:nrc " ill he ho ldi ng the I 994 r-c,11 ,·al of Stu dl'Tl t Dl!'L'Ctcd On~ -At.:t Plays nt 7 p. m Fn<lay :i nd

The play~ \\ di !"-.' held rn th e 11.'J \ \ 'nnJ SlllJh, TI1c:llrl' App roximatel y 49 Itali :rn loca ted in th e Farn Fin,: Arts slud cnt pilots a nd nav iga tor~ C\:ntt·r hcg an classc.,; a t MSU on March 14 . They wi ll he hrn: Thl' p!J~, incl ud r ' ,. \ until July I takin g Eng lis h lang uage c las., cs a lnng with l\: rftTl \lat ch.'' Jircrtl' d hv Sh: :i. wn:i L :-1RL·1nL' :-.1<:G o\' i.: rri. their av1ati ll n cl :issc:,. \\ llh ci.'-l mL'mhcr, ~l1~·h Jc l U po n l' flmpk 11on, thi...· \ Chn'll:in ll 11 t11 h' ,lnd Ki: l h · wi ll he assigned to Shcpr~1rd. Va nce. Rcc...c . Cnlum hu.'i. ;rnd SJrn o/1\I. t\h. r: u nJ vc(' dm..·c1c j h) D \ 1.1t1 ;\ 1:"lh l)ll. Rand nlph Ai r Fllrcl' B:.i 1-.c~ \\ it h i...a,1 mr rn t-x· r, JJmc , R J 11 11l l' r knn \ PhJ i.:J n :rn J MSU J azz E nsembl e sci i'-111.: hdk P.id!.!.;t 1. ~Jn J 1h1.: 1


l 1Jn l rl.1~

for MaJ I The MS U Ja zz Ensemble w ill present :in outd oo r co ncer1 at th e Fain f-inc: Arts Center Ampi th cGll.:r at J p.m Sunday, May l . Th e ja.Z? ensemhk 1s und er th e dircctrn n of Alan Blat·k. aS!- ISlant d irt.".Cto r c,f rn US J(' and assnc1att: d irec tor l'l hand s. In the l.! \'Cnl of had wea ther the <.:o nci...:rt \~ il l hi: hd J 111 A kin A u d ito ri u m Thi: co m:crt is fri:c ,md o pl!n tt'




\:1.lkt'" II t {1 th ~· Tu p uf th: \\'n rld. d 1r:.: l 1,·J ~\ C i\' 1c lH) b" \t or n ... . \\J\ h 1...1.'t mL.'.mhl·;, Oc ; 1.1:111 n ObL· n Jnd R1,,.k,:~ h , :,!Ill'. J\ d m i-.q, ,n i:,,. ir:,: to -.C.l!'.> 1.1n ti..:kL.'. 1 nh·mbcrs . \1SU ,tu dc 11t, . IJcull\ :1 nd -.ta ft v. ith



;.i li d Sp~ ng '9.! 1D

For ad uli-... h1 2h sr hu ul :-- tudc111 s. sc ni 0r l:llit.'-= 11'- .i nd rni l itJf). aJm 1~S !( 'll 1~ 5 !

Circle K blood driH set for /\fay 4 C irr! c K International ,vi ii he sponsorin g a bl ood drive 1n <.: oniu c lion with 1hc R t!d

C'ros 5 - 9 u.rn . 10 2 p.m. Wed nesday. May 4. in the Cbrk Stud~nt Center Room 10~_ If yo u havi.: any qm:stions

S tu dt.: nt Educlllun .'\.\,soi:1.111, 1n hdJ :, hak l' ,.l k an,I t..! r.l\\ Ill !.! 1in \1a rd 1 _;o \\' inih·r, -rn.1y p ie\... up pr; 7t' , 111 til l' c 1II N.id in.:: K oe nig at 696Educ :H1 011 \1 ffii.:I..'. h il~:l tl' J 1n 1-11 0. the Ft·rg u~ nn Buildin ~ 111 R,,11111 2.ll l \V 111 nt.: r~ a rl' \ 11t· hl.' lk t-.. 1ani n and Thr n.:s:.i B::ik hu~ 1w v ~1r Ci .ll ll ·~ ;.i ll \ii u-1.::rn •L'J l huffe1s . ~b risa TIH'


twn C 1Ci's P1zta all y()u-canc:11 hu ffL'.b . Rl· hccc:t Monrc l\\n C1Ci .;; P 1a.:i all -you-c;m c::it huffcts. BruC L' 13alchus thrl'l'. vi <l i.:o rc nwl~ f rom

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Scarhoro ugh


whee l ha \ancc

fr um Expert Tire and Larry Or,ak a front r:ml ali \'.!nm i.: nt from Expa t Tire. -

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Payfll l' m, .'-l-c:..r :,. l1 1i.:.re;!2i·1;1

' :-:o [vent,

Sc hedu led


• D ig Screen TV • Comfortab le Ct1a1rs • Fun Cou rse

~!un cy $10 of free gas from S to p . Ja me s Ha p p y


Al' ' •'~!• ,c,

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13Cl 9tb ~ltctl

l[UMIED~J ROO!\.IMA TFS WA l'oTED Looking for I \\ O fi.:m a.le room-

mJ1cs 10 sharc :m apartment W,mu ng to move i.n :iroimo M0:y !5 Call Angela Fuk.sa 21 691-854 1.

................................ '\V lUl Co upon

: • :

Calling All Artists : and Writers!! : ♦


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m1,..ll l ~.u1d \·a 1k .~·t,,ij l; !OJ C

_J F(~ .\ \ 1~ci ,n.:· C "JC !l11,pr:i.l1tJ Rm - .vi prn ..J l1W i ) i ' >! .:-o:,f l ,t · 1 ll'i : P:,


Rc~ rudc an au1ogra phcd c0py uf -Texas \ Il le. ... K im be rl y

Macho Chest Contest &Sexy Silhouette Conies! 18 and Up Welcome. Hottest top .fl Dance Music. 3711 Collfeld 696-0055

• >a "~ • ! •

~u nd~n, i\b ) 1 ;_J Bwdi \'t•li •:, ":tlf i 11uni.s.-


DriveS a -fe De-tensi ve Driving

: NIGHTII : Dooo()pen at 8:00 pm OOC 8oJ Dmb &Draw Beer Until 11:00 pm : Feohmg Our Infamous


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1 ... au~h ab ou t the 1\.lloney you Sa .,.·e

BJ.,ck hu s ter Vide o. Frank



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Oiri.:... ,. UPl-,p. D.•1

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\1 1H1..· 11i.. r ~trt 1ru. nr AJd n. 6 p.m .J '-1:cr-::-..UJ~eball ,·:-. JL·-;.;u,1

TSEA winm·rs d rawn

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\VN1.J:f1 p in

~,1SU stu de nts. D ues an.: $2 annu all y. En1! llsh rl uh adv1.'L' r 1s Dr

MSU Nu rsing Prog rJ m arc on AIDS/HI V in th e Clark Stucknt Center today 2 p.m unt il 4 p.m. For more inform atio n, ca ll Ms. Church. 689-4598.

. . . auon h:15 :1.n t! \ ,.:;H for Campu~ Cnnoc1.. ll >nur o1~a;1~ 1,·llifrl'I at 6t- 9--4i'tJ..S Ot,•3dhr. c n n..vo,r {l~)n. l ~;~~JJV ix:fl'\fl' lh~ T11 ursd.l ) ru hi 1c :Hh,O

':J '-;a1..~~n1 r1.n.~1~d l"'iay~. P~

The \Vi c h n a Fa l l.,; r-.knta l .'-\rv illi! T a, !o r. J~ s 11c1:!ll' 1-fc:ilth Assoc i:llion and th l.· pro fcs~nr of En,g h:-h

sponso ring a panel di sc ussion

Campu s Conne ctio n

Tor n adoes r epo rted •1 2 :50 p .nl . T 11m aJu \1-a-., n: po rt L·d 5 -C'l mi .NE l ) f O ln...:.y . 11 wa.'\ m, 1 \ in g at ::::o m .p .h . I\1L'J n w h1 k . ,c vi.: rl' thu nJe r, tnrm~ we r1..· n: poncU in the arC'd vr l-k n u1 .!U,1 ::irl!J l l i' C la ~ C ouni y . •1 : 0.5 p .m. Tonwd o w .1... reporte d tu ha v~ to uc h l!d J n\, 11 near :\ n:1 r Lnl.' m •\.rc hc r C o u nt ). •1 :08 p .m. T , 1r n.1d( ' \i.;i ..., ri.!pn rt c d o n th i; g rou nll \-..t m 1 S \V 1n 1m \\ 'in dIho r:-.t in r\n: h L·r Co um ~ .i\nP lh L~ r ll irn ad,; \\.:l :-, n:r o rt l·d 5 mi . .d1t.:-a J ol th 1.., o n i.: • l:14 p . m . 1'" 11rnad\1 wac:; re po rt e d 12 mi . cas.I of \ V111dth o r.., t. ~ln d J m i . S .\ V o f

Design a logo wit h a t heme for next fall 's HDMECDMll\16 CELEBRATION!

♦ ♦

: S u bmit design t o t h e Office o f : Stud ent Activit ies ♦ ♦ CSC 119by

: : ♦♦


'. :

May&, 1 9 94.

: :

It' s open t o al! MS\J students, iacult:y a~d staff.

1c,du,\· • N .: r-•~

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llc.ol<k<-<µin~ J>u hlic Relation.!. Arln 1ini$tr u1l on

Vv', 1i.. f.1\1-J1J, m.u1 ·-.::··rrcnt 1 i}Ll



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Mon.-Thurs. 8a.m.-9p. m . Fri. 8a.m .-11 p. m . Sat. 1 1a .m.- 11p.m, Sun. 11 :30 a .m .- 3p.m .

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in :


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