VobuDe 71, Number IS
Thunday, April 91, Ull3
MSU honors outstanding students Metivier, Shifflett receive Ha rdin, Clark Scholar Mch ~sa ~k11v1cr. was A!>SClc1atiun ~f Ch ildhooJ :tml· d lt:J.rJ1n Scholar :ind Et.lucatm, and Lhc Reside nce u,;3n l.1,h: %i f1ktt was H:ill Associ::uioo has served
amcd C la rk Sc holar as J Cuuumcr Scr\'iCc urs<l.iy ni~ht at the annual R~pri:scntativc for MSU 0 ~~~~s;~fi:u~.nqutt 0 111cc of l-lousini: :and a Lady
/!~ t ~~,nt~:i~l;'~~:~h:~r~;:::::~
~k 11v1cr, an intcnlisc1. ~~.X:.~2.Vo llcy ball Playe r -
the r ctC l\' Cd m c nt. Unl\~ r'\ily\ h1i;hcs1 awJrd for acade mic c:cccllcncc. The 11w:ird t'lc.·~an 1n J()6 J t'lv lhc
Hardin Fc., tmd,u1on It i$ pn:S1:ntc.J c.11.: h sr n ng to 2 siudcrll during hll, or her ~ nior y~ar and a .S2,000 aw:1rd 1s g1\'c:n wuh the honor Mc11,·1cr i:.1m c:s a 3.929 ~~de.Jt ~/; ~~~Gl~:t~~~~ li1t c .i1,.h , i.:mestcr and 1s a mi.:mt-,cr or Alph.1 L3mhda and Al ph:1 C hi Honor So..: 1ct11.!, . She "' l!i: named NA IA Ac,'ldc m1c AllAmcri~:m Volkyhall Plil)'Cr 199 1-9:?, Wh1k J t MSU. Mi.:11" ier has becn a member of
Susan L isle Sh1fnt't1, a
nursmi; m:i.1or , T\"Ccivcd tht•
Clark Award wh1.:h was t"S• ta hlishcd ,n 1976 tu honor E.B C lark. ;i fom1c r chair• man of1hc OoartJ ofTru:,1c~s
of th1,.· MSU FoundJUOn It is prcscmcd each srnn g to J Mudcnt in his or her junim year and l.'.3tnC$ with ii o.
1c!,l~l;i~~~~~t:o~~~ MJ~~~ grade point :&\'c ragc while commuting 120 mile) a da y from Gruh:.m. Texas. She: is involved 1n the 3l"ti\'il1c~ of her husband and fou r ..:'111 · drcn. She ulso works as a housekeeper 1w,l da)S :a week to pay for her child c:m: and 1ra,·cl e~pcnsc.s.
Dr. Lou ii J. Rodriquez. (far lefl) and Dr. Jene R. Rotert (far ril(ht) •tand with IL-R ) Clark and Ha r din ~chol~ rt. SuSMn Shifflett a nd J\lelip.a Metivier at the annua l Ronora Recog11i1ioo Banquet Thurtdey April 22 Ill O.L. t ,gon C.:o li~e um.
Carter , Maxwell named Man and Woman of the Year Freshman and Pn.!s1dcnt's Lcadcrsh1r Scholarships. I le •~ active in numerous student org:1ni:r...at1ons including pr..:~1dcnt of Student Govcrnmcn1, r rcs1dent of Un1vers1ty Oc moc rau, Comnuttcc ch:ur of Anis 1Lcc1urc Sen cs. t~asurer of Prc-Llw S01:1cty. President of Alpha Lamhda De lta Freshman Honor Society, senior ad,•1St·r of Ph1 Eu S1!:ma Fn:.-.hrnan Monor Society, his • 1onan (lf Mor1.1r Board Honor Society, sccrc lary of P1 Sigma Alpha Honor Socic1y, vice pn:s,dcnl cif Phi Alpha Thl!l:I H1s1ury Honor Society and captain of 1991 and 1992 Collc~c Dow He ha~ .also ht·cn active m C ircle K . 1 ~~,n~~t~u~~:!:~~~,1-1~!~~~~ S1udl·nt Amh:1 ,.~adors and Dcpmmcnl, Rc,cnL<', Forner Un1veu1ty Programming
Johnny Carter and Jennife r Maxwe ll we re named Man and Woman of 1hc Year ;i1 lhc Honors Banquet Rcco sniti o n Thursday, April 22. Carter, a h1story-poi11ica.l science mJjor w11h a 3,982 grade poml :111..:rage , was nom1n:11cd by Alpha Lambda De lla, Gamma Ph, Bi.:ta S tud e n t Sor n r11 y , G overnm e nt. Unive rs ity i.)cmocrats. He was la.sl year's winner of tile Vmla Grady Lcade r.) h1p Se ho l::ir\ h1p Aw:i rd and Ou1s 1andmg Scnmr Man Mc 1s o n the Dean's Lisi und has hccn ....._..__,.__ ._. awarded numcrous ~ hol:irnr w.. 1t,1dlt/Kyi, Rwmll ~hip aw:mb Sut.h ,1, f,;;adora
Johnny Carter Man of the Year
numewus scho13rsh1ps in Off campus acuvi1ics in· cluding MSU Crcd11 Union. Dcpa r 1m c n1. elude Wesley FoundJ1ton. Sc1 i.: nec Junior Assis1an1 Scou1mastcr Mamou . MnJwc..,.tcm Club. of Boy Scout Troop .l2. voter F111_pa1r1ek Mcmonal. Mad~c registration deputy, American Dan s and Shanor F11undation Poli1ical Items Collectors. scholarsh1plio. Ma,wdl IS Monar Board Wichita Falls Co mmunuy Orchestra and inlcrnships m prc.s1dc n1. AIJ'hJ Chi 1r..:aRep. John Hirs<:hi's Aus1in surcr. Alpha L ambda Ocha office and Rep. Bill Sarpalius' sc:crc1:1ry and JUlllor advisor. Wich1t:a Fa.Us office Pl'u Et:1 S1~ma h"1or1:1n. Jennifer Ma~wcll. an French Clul'I \ ' h.'C prc,idcnt En1:lish major with a .l.991 and MSU Sc1enl'e Explon.•r gr;adc point :1vcra£e. was Post No 1957 lm tun:m. She nomina1ed by Phi Eta Sigma. is a mcmhcr o f Bapllst She has been on the Dean's Studen1 Unllln, ln1crn.:1tmnal List for seven .~ mcslcrs. She S1uden is A '>.S0 l' 1at10n, w a1 an Alpha Chi Freshman Ora tt1rio Ch1\ru, . Sigma T;1u StuJ c n1 :ind Honoree and C lark and Dt'l1:.1 Hardin Scholar Finali~t. Shi.: Amb.1., sadors She 1s alM1 an was a Studcnl Dele gate 10 the Enghd1 1u1or for fore ign s1uSpring 1993 i\lph, Chi dc nts and :1n Adop1 -AConvention. She has rccci,·cd H1i;;hway ,·olunll'\'r,
Who else is listening? He ~aid 1he nl!,hl to pnmunit·Jti,,n:-. m.ina1=cr for MSU, 1-hcd ~(lfflC lij!.ht on the var.:y has hccn dchatcd for )Url Jnd yeJt') hy ~ hol.tn. new ~ys1em. lie said chat .il1hou!,!h 1hc ..Since this ~y., 1cm ,~ unde r the ~IJlc ·~ 1uri ,dic11on. righ1 Ul prJ\'3CY i,; nni htl.'ralty then thc.y are frt•c. 111 munil(lf mcn1mneJ 111 thi.:, 81II of call'> that L'(luld he. 1llcgJI 111 R1i:h1,. 11 hJ,;; cv11lvc:d 0'-Cr nature.· Hard)' said MFor IA· yea,$ and 1.\ now n:~·o~ni,~d l .lorln . slam:e, 1f :t prufi;S)\or ha~ hi.:cn as an inherent n i;ht pwtL-ctcd alling his hnok1c I m m hy the Rill of R1i;:hL'\. c Th.: ~l "L' phone \Y!>IL'm He 31.( n s.i td 1hat MSU t'lrru;\ J , l.'.y 10 ll'Chno logi,·J I l,,Cht10 L· Before 1hc Mcmhan rhonc pcrsnnnd 1..11tild have d1t: righ1 1nnm::1ton, on L'am r us. l'iut II .· prnt..:ct1on hy privacy m111, 0 1 .. 1~0 l J U"-C'- 1,. C•IHfO\'er:-y 0\'Cr !i:ystcm was in\lallcd. lhL·n· IJW'> bel'au,..: II I) a MJtc l;i\l>~ "-,rut1n11cd throu!,! h the were :ippfoxim:ud y S4tMM) of .ai;:cncy. )Car\, .ind rna<li.: eve n more 1lkgal calls ~ 1ng mJJ~· J)l'r A nOlhl'r .it1111 ncy :-,ud thJt d1f111..ult ~11h 1lw c,n'-t.' l of nL' W month fni m ,1n·t .tmpus bccausi.: M" U 1, a , 1atc ph<lOl'S 1.t.'t·hnoli1,.:1t .il d1"'-1wl'rK'\ .at,:l'lh.:). and lhL' pn,fc.~,r,;; .tn: nt·d Mi,l ljtK' )'~ Ill' 31hll wo T 1-. 1i k ~.11 fp1 · o,J! l"mplo) i.:C, 111 !ht' SIJIC. and Bro1hrr· u , 11,tcn Iv rh, inl· n-,;rr,ndcd in scp:uJ tc v. :iy,;; lilflg l11, 1.1n\t.: l'all, l(C ,,m..cr\Jl111n, .11 \ 1Sll I Yl·, . 11 J t king that 1h.:y h' m:u oed lx'\.Jtl'-C tJ1.11 f'llld hir h)' thl· -...h1>0I, lhne ,s " · mJ)lx·. 1k 1x.•ndm~ on " hn ammymoulio Jue to thc fJct no n.·.il 111\ J \hlR ,l f pm·.1cy, ic-~1panh1e n1ultl Jn,v.c~ their J lh',1,l' f \ lh,~ 411t' ,l11in ll :11dy hJ, hi.•l·r1 wn h 1 he hJTf\' 1:1 1n m: .ilJu....,, 1hcir c.irccr~. Whd l1a l)r llllt 1hl" nwni· M~ll for 11,\. )'l.'J" Jm.1 hJ)\ J J11, 1rt1 \ l ; a(n1n Ill cnll'r l hc thi.: IJ,t n, 11 rt·,.:.1n.:h111},! pi:111 , . tNini: ur ph1lnt' l'all, wa'> an pht•O\' r 11nVl'rl.llH•fl \l,l J 11,nt· th• ~ m.1d-rh ..ni.: '>' 11·m. M'l:d ii, ....:" llll' 11,:h111..· ol yrn1r ,nvJ)\ll'II of pnv,1... y w,1., J dil,.uJ nnly ,tnL·c ha,;; 11,irdy rficult q UC",11 011 ru, ,1nc atw \JI! 1hr ,.~ ,1.:m t, :cn tN'J In d ll.xk \ 1.u,n,,11 tlJ1d, . 1ckcnm• ncy
1 hi, I, l h" ,c-co "d uf thru In • urlu in, l• ll nitn h conurnln• nt'W lr c-hnnlnay In t" duu l lnn. lnfor mal lon J ot It) ' 1t• l h e r ~J .. iu rlllmn u , Oi om, dt". l lull) :O.hn, Ginn•, Ma r)· Utlb lhnlrll• and lhjthu f
on some loca l call.~. wlm:h were made from JO offi~·c on campus 10 a locJI rJd m , talion. A SCrlC$ uf l,' .111.\ wtrl' made over :in cx1enckiJ pcnoJ of 1imc. during thL' i:Jlldlio working hours in J ll Jlll·mpt 10 win a rJtho quc~1111n. Belle MJlone. as, Ol· 1atc prok ,;;sor of J0urn.alism. ~aid she ohjt.'Cl'i 10 hcmg. m0nit111\:ll on prirn:1pk·. nnt hcl.tU.....: :,hi.: ahuscs the prl\'llcgc. hul ht·• cause whi:n she nukcli long d11;1ani:e phone cal b thi:y Jh.' fo r profrss1onJI r u1p<1 ,i.:.i. only. Mah111c al~o :,J1d th.u 1r ~~ e\'Cr dni.:,;; m.tk i.: pcr... uul L'Jlis. :1ohc u~~·,;; AT &T 1MSll offer:- MCI sen 1<.:c) M1 liohc can u~ ht.:rL'n•d1t c.arJ LaurJ W1lsun. 111,1rut h1r t1f communiL.1111111\ .and llh.' Jln:
,:li, IVir/ld ON'A.)fr' R td1r ll
J ennifer M axell Woman of the Year
Richie leads election protest By L"1lark., C•1tt Copy Editor
Oo Wednesday. Apnl 2 1. lhc ~JSU studcnl government cl~~on hoar~ ruh:d ug:11ins1 a pct111on filed m pl"O\r'sl of 1hc ou1comc of last wee k's SLU · dent gove rnment elections. John Richie, an MSU stu• dcn_1 scn.:11or. lil~d lhl! petition wh1c~ was rc,·1cwed hy the d cc11un ho:ird on T uc1-day, Apnl 20 at which tim~ the hoard ag,n:cd 10 mcc1again 11, hea r three u( Richie 's conl.'CTilS. PJrt one and 1wo of th..! pt.•t11 wn accu\ ~·d Shannon Pug h. SGA pn,•1;1dc nt ch t • and fohnny Carter . SGA pn.·'>id<.' nt, of using the SGA lccliun printout 10 idt.:nllfy stude nt~ who hadn'1 \'0ll'd. The cl1.-crm11 pri111oul i.~ a li)\I ur all SIU<k-ni~ d 1gihlc to \•Ne ,nd is used hy 1hc pc,\~k, manning the voting table.'> to
ensure th:11 only eligible stu• dc.:nts ,•otc and 10 prevent studenl'> from V(llin~ twice. Part four or lhe pcti1ion claimed C;u1cr as :m cx-offi • cio member of the elcc1ion board llnd accused hi m of violating clt;c 1ion l'C1dc by c.3m(l:tigning for Pugh J uring the ckcllun. Richie said he \li'fOtt' the
p!lilion ·t-ecwu~ f saw some im-gulanties I.luring my 5.ludy uf the dcc11on code.• Ric:h1c. m l'ilmmcn1 on 1hc clec11on rrc":~ss. Ib o .>Jid. •1f you're ~urng to do ii, du ti hy 1hc rule-~ .. Oun ni; thi.: four hour hoard ml'Ctin~ R,, hie t·alkd Tr,·y 11:u,i,;;, .an M~lT ~lud<.·nl ~·nat,,r, a, ., v. l!nl'lio:,, Harris •
see page 4
- - - - - - - - - -- - Pap2
Thunday, Aprll 29, 1993
lMtlr .. . . &iitlllar.
The horrif,c eod 10 the 51 day .undolf in Waco wh,ch _....., np< be/or, ou, «,y cy<> Mon<J,y, April 19. w,U Mdy be et:hod ia <MIi' nuncb ro, quite somcumc wilh the cuh on f,:b 28 S'""' lhc ATF's ioilial - IN: CftMUAI sc.ctoff. - NttOft's Mwspapets tuvc
10 WI.< I
l y lrtU MlhtrM
Whtn lht Giff.le Sys1cm ,s
mcationcd many 1m1gcs of "'Ammal Uoux· may come 10
leader, wt,o 1'oonb. Lui - . , commcnlar)' wnlOcn by Briln Ballan!. al• blame on lhe president. In lhc body of lhe "'11poe<I ., . ho acaned l'laldent C110100 o( l!lllcing lhc ~ dccuioa &O aow. 1n on the. cult as aa aucmpt co mate him,elf not loot WtU and 1ncrrec11vc as the ducJ-e.uait.ivc and in clue!. Ball.wd cWmcd. since lhc prwd<nl bas I credl'ln'JJty problem u far u """'"'' lhc dral't goe.<, Cbn&on could no lonS('r allow lhe s.c-gc, which WU nc:.anng
mind. Olhcrs bcbcw lh>I lhcy arc buyu1g l frkod or wuting lhetr time and monty. Each
orsaniuoon in the Greek sys\cm lS I CllUUy I .Mnall
business. coosisllnl of a pres1den1, vice prcsulcn1. .1tC'ffl.ancs. and a \ ~ t y of councils and commiuccs. They are rcspon.s,ble for the business l rinucuons 1Ju1 occur from day 10 day. A sisnif,can1 prol>lcm (0< the Greek sy11.c.m u the s&creotypc 1h11 h.u been put on them by the movies. Hollywood r,ottny.< Greet life IS • group of people who do no<hln1 bu• drink bce< and (111 their cl.use, Stl.USIICS show I.hat 33 pcrccal o( men
tl:t ~ decision was made etiw:r due IO
w ifrh~•~:i°
ltoresh's cm hC ffld bj1.,irrc b(-hav1or which · played ,ato the pub!Jc r<buon, J1n1CJY of painunc l{orc,h IS -
• YIAllical cull leader' • In addition, B•lwd q.-ioncd why lhc ATF C\'Cft both· Cl'C<I wilh lhc cull wmc:c lhcy wcn:n~ doinc •n)'1hing but IIOC:q,itinc ..-c,pons.
E.ahoy-six people do<d .. including 24 children llll Monday. no1 bccau,< or lhc p,cs,d<nt °' lhc fcdenl agencies 1ff\'ol¥t'd. but because they were unlucky cnouch lO N.¥C lhe : : : : , ~ : ; ' ~ ~ 1 ncptivdy chansmauc min in
r~tc~~~csc•:s,uscr:d~.~~~ Many of lhc people who jom lbe Greek sy,tem become lcadcri in lhc coromuniry and t11 the nauon.. Sevtntoc::n U.S. Presidents have been fnlemhy men, and 87 pcn:::en1
Yes. Lb.as wu I m2n deslined for doom. who preached Since 1985. ho prca.:hod 10 from lhe book of ~ lus (oUowtrs chat Annarc<Sdon would come tn I violcnl con• (IOOQ!ioo w,lh lhc '°vcnuncnL He wo prcxbcd lh,o five had of lhc ScYCII Seals mentioned in lhc book of~ been broken. Tht sc.i1s Jte gid 10 SJgnll a vengeful end 10 lhcwortd. JCon:sb u.sied the confronw,on wllh I.he government lut Monday u a ..,.Y IO fulliU bis own pbo for .. apocalypUC cud. H11 prophecy si,.ply ewe true. Why lay blame on lhc lcdcnl offlClals' should<"- lhcy wce JUJI oyu,1 to do lhcir )OOI. Somclhing bad 10 •c,vc• M>CDCC11De, and It might as well have btcn lhe government to dcodc. no< 1 aucd manix bkc Kol<Sh. E,thc, w:iy. lhc OU1C0111C would W«ly haYC been lhc ,amc.
d\e members
,mp<>tU-nf 1roup illrc ~
=~~ ~1:,~r !,::'1t!dil:c!!;f~. lha1 !bu :!""°~ meucltinC low<di.!"0:Y:,!! ~/!,"~ Amlq<ddon ,
G~~~ks provide advan~ages for students, community
Lett er to the Edit or
- - - - - -Qc 111tch~
m fra1emlry members.
c,ollcJt swd<nts and ho, ~ ~ i "·~ Greek hft 1l,,,~ .siudenLS arc: !he people ~ ch,p1er _wants "' Ui. orgin1u11on. Dc1ru11~◄ ihouJ hU about chc G,e,1 sys1cm w,11 brine II
bee11 "d ts have t r the 'Seventeen U.S. Prest en fraternity men, and 87 percen ·ty . Congress are fraterro members m
member s.'
I Grct Join in g orianiz.ation 1_s l 11 1,.-.. org:iin11..111on .s,cholvshtps a\'11!2bl~~ ugh de,veJop leadership 1b1ht1c1 4 h!~•e active rnc.mbcr hu a vt>ltt . c,ch org.aru1..1t.1~ The orguuz.a ociations wblt ,oes on m Lhc ch.a~ many outside ass Sl deal ,r,h.ich improves his 1pc1.t] with wtuch the)' ~ n d ability !here ,s al.so ~ e-r day College I 10 tJ,e pp,onun11y lo ~,....e 1, arc ,-cry imporian w1lhOUI 0lea(k:rSh1p capacity t!u<,;.) Gn:<k sys,em t,ce1u,< izatiOOS the different officer PCls;:,,,,. d,c,r support the ~ ch1pier and commiuec c~m 'fl-. q ies and could nol exLSL posit.ions help leach hott , mus1 adhere 10 : ':own by wort will> people and hao:, die 'JIIY rciutauons han the Umv~rsity and han hem problem SJIU2llOns. Thac ..., compl:;u.nts re!erring_ 1to~ ~ same of the lhmgs lha1 " es Gree.le system IS aboa1 trt A1ummv-c:1neoes,s:IY 1s 1hc1r support. M.t'!1a1':ru .some of its advant.a.gcs. rt on the chapset wt.II ask for advioe or for sup~ouse. ~Hor'• ao«e: MU,1u1 ._ purchu1nJ a new rt of rue ■IIJ eh c:ted lttJ.tt Id K ■ p p• Or~,. Alp~• Wi1hout ihe suppo alumni. many c.haetm=sh '""1 J4ent.
Each ocpn1..t1tion h~ it~ plul.ant.bropy for wt11c:h they rl1SC money through different The fundra1.sc r .s philanthropy's range from and Aid MDA 10 Cardiac some of the fundra,seu 10 cars wuhmg of consis1 selling mogrnncs. The MSU Greek organ1utions nuscd more than SJS,(X')() and spen1 mol"t' than 8.000 man hours fOf' thal purpose in 1hc 1991· 92 acodcm,c >=· There uc scholastic 1dvan11gcs for Joining 1he Every Greek system organiut1on hu a bu1lt-m lutonng system, advice on courses and professors and • supcrv1-Kd 11m0Jphcres for not be abk to sut'VIVW: srudymg. There att nurncrou.s
Th: FBI ga,"C him 5J days io sum:nder w authonocs In tune fn.mc. he did noduns: bur implement wiling lX"· ocs. first by ra,uesnng a rac:bo broedcast messa~ anJ then JSk1ng authoriues 10 w:u1 f0< hu condll$11)n to the book of in 2.cn:> ~ ~ v a 1 Seals. wtnch bavca I bcc:a sol~d ~
year~ dtd a 1ood job .JI keep,nJ the fedaal authorities 11 ~r wtu~ ht c:on1emplaeed I deadly es:apc. Thi1 WU Korc.ih's fine.st bout. Hie rcwlcd III wha.l •'"1.S gosns: on.. He felt like God. He wu a man who would not succumb to the (o«:e.s of nun •· to do NI would only make ham a liar 1n lhc eyes of his followers Md confirm bu hum~ moru.Ji1y. This whole JCCnmo reml.lld$ me o ( the person on the IOWCrioJ led,e who w:ant.s co commu su1C1dc with lhose undin& around ll')'ln&: u, wk him OUI of IL The ck>scr you gc1. lhc doocr they get IO 1ho edge. You arc damned ,r you do and damned 1( you don'L Ifs ludicrow to bbme lhc COV· enunent for the tniic final outcome They were ac11ni in evcryoac's best inlerUI so they lhouihc If they're CO blame few anyth.inc, it's for not be.In& able- ro predict wh.Jt wu go-inJ 10 happen, whrch as~ all know, 111mpossibk:. Sure. u .t ra cau tion could ha1o·e been u.1Cd and lhc siege c.ic.endcd.
-------------------------------• ----ntary uComme
the aurhnnues chose thi.s route. Ballard's opinion tha1 the media pain'Cd dns picture of u a fan111raJ cull k.ader was com:ct. but they c6dn'1 Koresh do 1t becaux they lo't'C to wig.hr hes. He wu a (an.abC in every ,cnsc of the 'NOfd but
True self should be ·expressed
way~'!~ ~~ni; el:=: ~~t:~;~~
slappinJ bll.mc on the new president who is do1ns hu job. Some can ,ay lhc pllln, colbboralcd by lhc FBI will> lhc by lhc ,,,..id<o~ b>ctfi,ed 1n lhc worst fuw OK David Koresh poss:1Me way, bu1 the uuth is .. th.is
1 7 Dwla Ss.p
r::=~~~~~~ ~
~--- ---- ---- ---- -~ ~7t,~c=~n;J;:f~~ I hear people .-.....:·.. 'e'.~~-y . ~b~ 1V tcbttan -~ cri11c,nn1 Olhus.. Then rcli•
.,.._ -.__ ---·- .... u....w ......
..-o.. ,,_,.._
s....ca... z.w....
lives. their
are wron1, con,crva1.1 vcs Sl)'
sion. tbcir
l i f ~-~ ~ olmy n:• li,-ion u simple. · 0o who.1 you w,U u long u you lwm none.• II means JUSI lhat. Do whal you w1n1 bul make sure you aren't huning anyone doinJ IL I Jee • lo1 of Judging ,omg on in this country. Chri.s1ians .say homosexuals
Mldw-t ern State Univer• lty 8410 Taft Blvd. Box 12180 Wichita Fall•, TX 7830 8 New • Deak (817) 889-C7CU A d . Deak (817) 889-C706
hbcraJs a.re wrong. Catholics siy Protcs1anu arc wrong. But, if c,·cryooc IS wron1. who's right?
Everyone II n gh1 Everyone has 2 ngh1 10 live
lhtirl.1(clhewaylhcywa.r1110 ~• 1•n.,....._ ,........_ ... .....,.,...,_ .......... ,,,_ '_ I u long as they Jon't hurt
_ _......,._""""""'" ,_.....,n.i........,..,..,_._._,._,... ,......._, •..,_~.., ..___
anyone else. Well, what 1s hu.n'! Hun 1s dimaic, hun is
,._0.-.-,,. .. . . .....,...._. ..__....,. _....,
:.C:~~~i f:,H~~n,s~)I~~
.,....,,,,_._ .. . ,, ......,.~•
0.--..,,..... ______._.,......, ~
ways 1ha1 hurt others. but what they bche,-e LS thcus. Fon:ing others to live by your stand:uds, your morals. u v.·ron1. I have moruls. lbey 1ren'1 the same as yours, bu1 that doesn't make lhcm any tells neigh~ a lcsJ vahd when child him he and his famtly arc goS1ar Trck.. that old basuon 1. 1 dc:scnbcs and hell W ing of Kicnce fic1ion. incorpoHun is los1ni your Job rated 1n10 its myths: a concept becau.tc of tc:xu.a.l orient:atJon. 1h11 1cft room for everyone It Hu.n is 1nylhin1 that you may ~m amusing to refer to wouldn'I do 10 one o f your a tclcV1~1on program. bul an own. open mmd 1s willing 10 learn The authors of our ronsti- whcrc,-cr II can tuuon didn't mean only Mt• IOIC. lhc Vulcan., call iL crotexuab have a ngh1 to pur- lnfinn_c ~vcrsi1y m lnfinue Comb1nanons. "We rejoice in :-:anba~ r~~l.heJr our d1ffcrence.s.· Can we mlJJ\Strcam rclig1on5. arc the learn from fictional charac only ones enutJcd to religious tcrs' Should we? Vulcan; freedom. 1f you wa.nt lh~ come from human minds good, you have to accept the nc fmm hwn.,; bid lhat comes wi1h 1t. how- ~~CO< ever you de.fine 1L lf you want ~ I U.S lcJtn lO f'CJOICC I 10 be fn:c 10 pursue your our d1ffe:rcnc.es. If you can·~ happlllC5S. I have 10 be fr<c 10 Cradic,1; pursue mine. If you ha-.·e the ~"'.: Slo,p lly IOreligion 1, l about freedom to follow your rchIt i.t.n'I SCluality •~nl~t g,on, I get the freedom to follow mine. Even Sawusu. ~,•~ d i wrong. h 's n:edom.s and or 1hc KKK havt a righ1 10 what this country was bc.hevc -... hat they want. 10 founded Then: u no room "''Onlup who Ibey wiU. They for Iawsoo. . 1ovc:rnjn C Pnvatc rnw lho line whoo •hey SWI behavior bet actina on those beliefs 1n control tltosc ;:_ccn adults - r don ' •i;rc<
Freedom of sp.cech. There Li no room for interest Freedom or rcli11on. The pursuit of happine.s.s Word1 wnucn a Ions Lime aso by sees rwo men walking h:ind•a ut-hand. Hurt 1s the ~n o( man pulled lrom hi> tru<k and Do lhcy mean now wha< lhcy bcateo., ll'J the 1error o f a
roUing a conscrva.uvt" i eu ,n
, · "°
wilh. There u no room h hlle crimc.\. To the Chnsuans. , .. mind you of the words your own god · Judie a.• lc,1 ye be Judged." II • Judge me. you a~ g1\·1ns • the right to Jud,c you U• condemn me. I h::1vc !he rt lO condemn you Yoa ..: "!'IY be judged by tl>OK • &•vc lhat nghl 10. I ll'C i:. only judge, I •m ,oklJ • spons1blc: for my hfe So your Bible tells ~ homosc,.ua.Jitv IS v.-roni, 1' witches arc ·go1n£. 11.1 k Fine. No one's asking )"" be a homosexual or 1 • • No one's even ask.mg )'OI like us. But don't isl: Id chan2c 10 fi1 your sur.Ja:: You're going to hilvc "-' .. wuh us. We're here. sl:t with a11 the other "den~ and •smncrs' We're !IOI. I ing 10 disappear, no ,w'T how hard you '"' .~r:J
Consu,uuon says )'ou bJlf'
right lo make us. Quu judging m<. "' who UC d1ffrrc:nt, ind 11-' trying 10 unders1;inJ If can't · or won'1 . then 1' d quit trying to change u..(
Let us pursue h ~ our own fashion.
~br !.Vicl11tM
PAfe 3
Thu n d ay, April 29, 1993
On the Uh: Screen
DeVito 'bearable' in new flick IIJ l)ua l.awhMt Mo.,k kol,w,r h's hard 1n imagine
D.inny OcVuo as a.ny1hini else but 1 short mturcd con. 11 man on the lJ.kc, who scoops up any1hin1 and everything from anyone he can. Witness his n,fcs, from the tdcYismn Ml· com lu1· to hu later films like "Romancing the Stone,· "Twins.· "'Other People's Money· and even ~Batman
Returns.· Yet in "Jack the Bc:u/ now playing 111 Century Six
Cinema. we find a whole different DcV110. Instead of lhc brash, &reedy liulc con-man. he becomes John Leary. a
~nd~~~i~a:'~f',~: ~'~11~ dn:n who is dome hu best to eivc hi.s boys a stable and
h'';."~r!':f :,~;=.Ill or The story u told from the v1cwpo1n1 of John's oldest son. Jack. The year 1s 1972. The place. Oakland. Cahf John ind his two boys have
DcVlto hu some funny. cni1,1ng mome nt,. bu1 the real sr.;r of 1hl\ ,how should be Rohen J Steinmiller Jr.• who e1ve, i r~marbhle per: form anee as Jacky Bc:ar, John's wn He 1, tryme hard 10 cope with ad,10, 1int I~ a new town, w11h IL' mor'C hb· eral 1970s 11111udcs, str:ui,e people and conf,.mon c"cry· where. And lhc StrDRJCSI of an is Norman the nc:1ghbor, who cums out 10 be • Na7..1 child-napper. To uy anymore would ~ to Jive awy the plo1, but It i.s safe 10 offer this p;ccc of advice: 1f you tend 10 ~ry al movies. take a box of u~ ues with you. You're certainly &oinl 10 need them
ju.H moved 1herc, and John ha.~ uken a joh as the host of a late-night horror-movie ,how. During 1hc day hr sw1ll1 mar• unu 10 help him forcc1 his e,rid and guil1 over his wife's death. He IS sloppy, the house is run down, and I.he boys arc oficn lcf1at home alone. t( this sounds hke a movie about the peril.s of ;,.Jcohol, ti isn't John is a hw 1ng father who dc,•otcs as much time as is physically possible to his children, and the three of them connect well because John 1.s htllc more than :i bi& kid him• self. He plays · monsters· w11h the neighbothood kids, and chases them around Lhe front yard until they fall on the ground with laughter In fac1. one of 1hc heM I incs an the movie is delt-.'Cred by one of the neighborhood kids when, in response 10 the doorbell, Jackie answers and one of the kids says, "Hi. Can your d:id come OUI :intJ play-,•
While this film has • lew paru that are .somewhat unbelievable. it is worth watchinJ. It is, at the -.·cry least. a movie that will leave you with a warm feeling uuidc. Review ~ting. B+
Graduate student commutes 450 miles CROSSWORD ••••••• to attend classes at Midwestern ■ ■ ■ II 11■■■11
I J U ada WU.• Scott
Terry Johnson, a graduate home. Johnson hu round student 1n Engh.sh, has a chctubed c&rd in his car that reads. · u you take your eyes off the goal, you will sec all the obstacles." Mile after mlle, day after day, this card ha.s served u inspin1ion for Johnson, a non-1radi1ional student who lives 1n Decatur -and commu&c:s dady to dUIC$ 11 MSU.
Altho ugh Other colleges. such H the University o ( North Tuas. is clokr to his
["'""'_...,""""""""·' "·'I •
• '6
•n.e ldrt olmy d""•m• Into my • hOC' wobbled
j aon, MUI tan fn hff f)'8.
l ,1 ho~ you ju9t brokt up with your boyfrl<nd,' I Mid. 'No,' llhe ttpl~.
: :
l [
driving 450 miles :i week to atlcnd MSU is worth it. Johnson said that Lhe small clwcs. the nppon profcsson hive wi1h !heir students, the chance for success and recognition arc well worth dri ving almost 1hrte hours a day for. Johnson, 50. is the owner of the successful "Jls Rest:aura nt" in Oec:uur. Johnson bought the bus1ncu several years ago from his ~~~ro~~~~:C,~11i!~~1!; yurJ or hard wort paid off with I home in the country and fi ve cars in the g.lngc -but 1h1s was no1 enough for Johnson. "Twenty years aio. I lhouch1 I h.id it all." Gradu1lly, u his three childre n gained some independence. Johnson decided there was something
: 'dwwheer.lftldmn«mr.' ; ; So I 1tfpped • Bir\eftl(Q('k• ;
"Je.,., Orella, Blouses,
Skirts, and Suits"
j Sin .,.,.. iJrying t!H ) ! tear; .,/,en I rtal.iu3 Bir/un.,t«/c,, wre
' •.Ha,ing a grtat dtal or monty can diminish )'our rrttdom as much as nol having t nough.' . Torry Johnson cnucal Jacking in his tire. the grade not1fica11on. His Although he h:id achu::vcd w,fe IICtually did cry. 11\M)'
orhis goils, ,t WU limo
10 change dinx:tion~. '"The pursu11 or 1hc dollar bill is ul1tma1c:ly sc lfdc.fcating. Having a grcal duJ of money can di minish your freedom as much u no1
luxury or scum¥ his own schedule for 1hc ng:orous life of a commullng college studcnL Wving his home before dawn and arriving in lime for dinner mt the rest:1.uram w11h his wire, Johnson uses the •dnve umc• to compose his thoughts for papers he must wntc. Johnffln muJt be doing somclh1ng right :i.~ he w.u 11.-:1 year's Enghsh Studcn1 of the Year. Not con[cn1 to merely •gc1 by· he is very mo11vatcd in order to achieve his goals. In d,e six years or ancnding claucs, Johnson has.received only one "8." He wd he felt like crying when he opened
! I ...,Wn<d how the n><k
: - . t .._'1» ollo<k _, bowlhtmo&ckd : : bttlcup C!'\Tnly diwibuk':I : bo<l)'...W,t 'l'h<n. .... 11nlled aid Mid. : : 'You Miff know how In
Callin~ ~I Arti~t~ an~ Writer~!! Desing a logo with theme for next fall's
n..----Availa ble at
submit design to the office of Student Activities CSC 11 9 by April 23, 1993. It's open to all MSU students, faculty and staff.
Sunshine O nly rule: No obscenities
Natural Wear Parktr Squart 767-2093
First Prize: $50.00 gift certificate to the MSU bookstore
Johnson·, dedication lo
learning is tvidcnt 3.5 he e\'tn comes lo MSU on days 1hat he doesn't h11 ve regular classes in order to audit extra clusc.s. Since he hopes 10 icach EnilL\h .11ir1er graduation, he feels It is 1mpor1:m1 10 obsco·c various instructor's approaches 10 te:u:hmg. He aJ.so finds lJme 10 ass,~t other s1udcnL, 1n the Enghsh lab two afternoons 3 week. Johnson's family life has helped shape his c11n:cr goals. Johnson explained th1111 he focls a closeness to people of Hispanic ongin, u his three adof)led children a.re n:11ives of Mc.1.1co. Someday he hopes to impvt his cnlhusia.sm for the stud y or literature 10 minority students in South Tcus. JohnJ<>n h:u decided he wanu 10 1cach at I small coUege 51m1lar 10 MSU. Hud pre.Med to n..me his ravoritc professor a1 MSU. John.son commcn1cd he hu learned somethinc val uable u lenccd fr om many indiv1du:il, who arc very 1n1e~ted in chc success or t.hc:ir students. A t least someone at home
undcrslllld.s the difficulty of working and commu1ine 10 graduate school. Terry's wife tc:ac hcs e:irth science at a junior high school and commuk!$ IO the University or North Texas.
■ II■■■
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w•~•••• ■ ■ ■
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■ ~ a■■■n■
ACIOSS I, To knOw bef0teho"ld
3. AIOfQe meol I . A brOOO crid basic 'lAe Of lnJTT'I
9. Tobo~e 10. To n"oOke o hOlo 11. lk'$Jt0ble (ryn) 12. A morketwifhfow
16. Acrlot'l !Okon on yt;M
19 Agron o, ,eect 20. Coofidenl b9lof Of td1ti
2l. ~ 1 o e n t e r o pmlC\Aorcoun"°' 2A Con'.p()'IIOn l.SlQft:e
■ ■ • • ■ • • ■■
■ ■
OOWN 2. AmostcOICOfT'OOlltion lhal • rreo n ro,m l . "1gnl(,yn)
4. Abulc1f',gusedfOt
5. We&-fosw:Jed
, . W>OUe ro poue1e rom
-.. -·-
1. Slvctv Of heovelYv OOCJes 13. To toti<e ploco OI o ,et
14, A boo'dlng 1tabM for
15 tooctoso,~
, ,_
17 Aloof011"1'JTn.icnon010
26 To ,otect a bll '17 AQc,"IO"ld Oftlov.ers
21 NIQnoflC.Ofll hfOlmotlon
21. To exp,eu gief or
22. A . ~ Of disgoce OI
2t. The oc:1 o, cwoceu or Decori'lglesocttve o,~tense 32. COPOlllo ol t-,g
36. E.r<ogod ("") J7. Flt 10 be eaten
11. To COV61' WIit! wolet
IOCIOOCll H . Wam Olfecrion 26. lA"IMOI ooetrv lO. ncesKnl and ll/AJdiv lnC~llol IOI:
JI On r~e
33 Art llll,ve CIOCb'OflQn
... ....... ,!>'>.) .M. lo weep aloud
See answers on pg. 10 TIM TIBOR
"~tii _IOTS trguo11
Pick up the last issue of
The Wichitar, next Thursday!!!
27'1 Soutbwc.tt PwlcW3)' 116
Wlctuta Fall.,_ Tau 7~308
Pap 4 'fhunday, April 29, 1993
Meux retires after 29 years at MSU l y'TNaM R.pertn
l rt■nlH
In RUSS(ll's opinion. there is no qucsllon lh.11 Meu:1 has had a great inOucncc on many students h,'CS. Mcux sud the m21h de• JWUTICRI 15 no harder or cu,er th:an any 0 1hcr department at MSU. ·ir you arc looking for qualuy teachm£. you will fi nd it right he.re Then: :ttt cer1.iin levels of competency that 1s pe:ni.incd 10 be successful in mal.hematic.s.,. he said.
At the end of the 1993 sprina scmcs1cr MSU w1U lose one of iu outs11ndin1 fessors Dr John Meu:c. of the math de pan.men I hu annou.nccJ pl:aru to rctirn Mcux hu been tcacllln& at MSU for 29 years. While na his doct<lfttt from the Uruvcnity of Florida in 1960. Mcux tau&hl for about a )'CU'. He also muaht at Lntlc Rock cntral tfigh School in Arkansas Since JOinm& the faculty at MSU, Meux has
·ons ~~~o:!~i:Z:b 1
and was a SpoMOf 10 Alph:1 O n for xvcral ycan.. When asktd whu;h pos1uon he CnJO)'Cd more at MSU. each1n& or adm1n1strauon, M~u~:~~~tit~~doubtcdly
Dr. John Meux
1 Ch I r ~; or . McCulloush, divisiod·rcc· 1 business admin1scnuon. 11 Ide' two prescntauons ~~ :nnu•I mc:clln& of 0 d Southwest C,1 unc:d Busi ness Sl· hools ; ;, Pro,ums ill Teus nd 26 University Mtrch 25 " li in Kingsv1l_lt, Tcx:a.s. n:rn~J prc'icn1111on cone · siudcnt Exctunge Pro£r:LIDJ with Me:u co: and t~ ~ on 0 had ~ ;11~ tt:~~!ti~So~ h~~ concerned ..Accred1111uon of Business 1ng a grueling math depart· fo u r - Yc:■ r mcnt. llus 1, not true, u1d Programs." 1 Sis Flap o,·tr Tr.sl.1 in ~:~~~u!:~l~rc~~~ e~ ~. pectcd 10 give their best In Arlln~1on will prescnl a the mmth department Slnving salute to av1:ition Sund3y, May 2, with the Confedtrau: for e-xcdkncc is upccred Meux II not the only Air Force in the sky and on :c:ru_o~t~s~~k'.'fu'!~:! dasplayinthepark.
MIU in
Ludwi& Van Bee1hovc:n I be pre,cnted by the ~~ Cholrl and Soloists -I~ at R ortt1estr■ Saturday. May I, at Baptist Church. Tickets $2 for students and SJ ad~ The Alhlttlcs Ban'lltt will be at 7 p.m. Sillur~ May I, ,n Clark Stu~1 ecnccr Ballroom.
A Piano Mod<i R«;t,j w,11 be at 1:30 p.m Suodoi May 2. in Akm Aud11on~
Sta1 The Tu: ■ s Education Assocl1tion "'~ host ic.s end of the )'Cir ~ 3 1 8:30 p.m.. Thursd>y. AJ1<i
Jan Ensemble 29 in Ferguson Room 301 A Uon about anylhin~. he 1s the 10 go 10 him :ind .1..1:k ror help, Mcux tausht in the Journalism will be at 3 ~:m· type of person who wall sit but once you have done lhai. departmcn1 be(~ tt:unng la.st ConcerlMay 2. m the me Sunday, many spent ha.s Each year kwards bx over bend will he it - "" down with you :ind eapllin . Ampltheall'I:. Arts .J , :.:;M::;S:;;U:;. : :,"' : "n c :;•:::"::.: , n:.:.:;of:.;ded::;: U _..;:)' _ _ _ _ _ · .~ o:;u :..;hc;;;·;:lp~y:; o in:s.,.;:' ·11::; Y.:,ou;;:.:h:.;•:.;:ve;,;l:::;o,::bc:.,w;,•::; . 0;;...you:;;:;,. 1 •.....; " "-•~q.;.ucs_ : -:·;al::,bc,:":'•~If..;y"o:"uvhv• I However, Jcurc1k ~ from pag• I When askt'd by Jenny cv11Jcncc-. 11 comrutt·r gl.!ncr campus· Mcr1d11n phone and Caner responded. ~ves, said. " I siund behind J~ Sa.Ian. SGA vice president ated II.st or chg1blc ,·otcrs sysicm showms 111 calls from IS did other non-memM.rs. t,ccausc he's my fra1ell!1,) ~ocs helped J because Just on office C'c:nter s1udt-n1 1he le\llmony wnue,n with and :tn ex-officio mcmt-cr of along brO(her. but l did not 1.\k, hiQ the. election board, what his staling th11t the, list w::is ob• the night in question. Carter noc make me a memhcr... out or dit In his closing suuemcnt. 10 go. John did this 1e.1uftcd that he s:iw Carter in1crcst in 1hc 11ppropria11ons tamed by the otTkc Clf Mudent and Pugh 1den11fic:d all hu1 • Richie goodness of h,s hc:on." Johnny s:ud, · Whot and Pugh m:ildng use of ~the commiucc was. Harris rt' · ac1iv1tic.s ror the llnn·cn.uy few of the calls u personal C00l3Clcd Richie ~ ve given us ~ and s:11d, "'Thts signature list and ffititer Ii.st• $mpoonncdyedro· .':!~n,cdsi.u·~'.nr,1"0','.· Dcmocr.11$ and wu on l0;1n friends. and pointed out that and Shannon had are smoke and mirrors.'" He not • Grcck-:tnll·Grcck Wlf1l to call student voters from lhe ".tniz.u ion-,.:~s,1,n=,,.·' cd. from the UDs Carter and ,,nly three t:l1g1hle voter\ and Carter of wu not scn1 by anyone, Idid Pugh acc:uscd whom of one contacted. hc('n m:adc the)' !'Wh;.,h o••.• 10 ...h-h H~......, Pugh cla.imed that studcnl center office. evlsolid no · preKnllnS vo1cd tlf'C'.ady h11d ... ... ..,... use of 1hu: Im ruth<-r th.in the ... ,.... . this on my own.~ Pugh addressed lhe issue dence." I n c ross-<xam1nauon. rcsrunJed, '"IFC (lncer SGA Jut Dunna the closm, 11~1eR1ch1e, aadreu1ng 1hr: When :askc.·d by Dr of Carter as an c:x-0Hic10 FratcmityCouncll)." 11 ~~i.u~h~~ mcnt, Am y Dean. 1 v~tmS vagut'ncSS of 1hc SGA elct. R1ch1e also presen1ed. as How.ird F1rn:ll, vice, prc.si'"objective observer• of the Richie. a.stcd memher. bN.rd cock. uid. "If 1h1s !laid uon ;admmiselection 10 which Harris re- cvrdcncc. a O)'cr d1str1buk.-d ck·nt for S1udcnt and by Caner to da..u es during t.rauvc scrvu:cs. whc1her he statc:s lhll the SGA51 prci,Jcnt "Who brouaht7 lh1s maucr to been dcah with earlier, 9' dcd '" R1d'lie said, wouldn't be here now: auenuon your ' ~'!s nt demcm e, . v~~oefp,c' "d/eo!: :!rv using Pugh and er Car1 SAW ~:, H, '"Ye$.~ Caner tl'lcn the elec-ti~n. "My a.uoc1:a1cs .. fraternity I"-' .... 0 ,. fi 0 Ca.n.er ~g.an his rebutual the SOA list or the UO list, ..... arri.s whclher or not he Carter funhcrmorc UJ4. th and broi::: Jcurcalt, ptt:Stdenl •If you (the bo>rdl :tn: 1°"1 he ta~!~':~r,::, of ;i:o~~'r!r the MSU c:h:ipter of Phi - an appointment that would pcuuort $Ince the losing can- by Stephanie Moore. a vOtJng Salan had a d1scuss1on in of the c::~ board member, Caner said whteh lhey agreed that Salan Sigma Kappa. when con~r-esim;!~ by the next SGA didate, Mchnda Manin, had the issue, said. this in the election codt ~ n that the hst was :,l\'ailahle 1o would serve i\S the c:;1.-offic10 tacicd ahout .dnothcom,i;:u nG,.A~g!,.aJ so Harris SI.id. "Yes. .. one of fin1 1ed the elections 11 WIS that would be I s1gnificu •ourinc th:u 1a1d also Pugh member. said Pugh crcs1ed in1 anyone 1..,,. .. ,111,; ... 11 5 01 00 th~ th1 ~&5 1 want from the rode specifics tbit an obJcct- that the intcn11on o f the elcc- it 1s U'3dition for the vice brouiht to a lot of people's v.olauon of my nghl.1 • that Atay Pu&h (sic) prc.s1dcn1 to serve on the tion code is to prc\'Cnl stu un1YCrSJty whi le rm he":_ LS to ing party musi $.how lhc $pc::,nu~ry anii-Grcck. To After he&r1ng all Pvtael. be ~n th~t comm!uce. buc ci(ic rules broken u well 3S dents from checking 1hc tis~ board. The com mittee asked those of us 1n the Greet sys- the board ruled tho.t the J'C>~•ed bcm& promised an ap- lhc effect, on the outcome of at the ,·01rng 1ablcs. Carter also presented Carter whe1her or not he ever ttm that's not something we uon was groundless. ~•nuncnt by either prcstdtn- Lhe election. _ ••.,want tohear." _ 1_o_f,_he-bo1_1_0t_ bo h•_d_e_o_nuo _ b_y_th_e__ .,. . ,_s__Ph_o_nc_1i_,ts_ ge_n_e_,.,_,ed _"'_·•==-- - - -Ca_rte_,_,1ie_n_P_"'.~-•_1e_d_ rU-•l_e_an_d_,da ~Jo:.;~; tu~:c few 0teachers o( lhc ....m..
• ElectIon
!:;:f~~~ ~::~.!:':rt:
rc:~d :;:;:i~;
~=~~!:r!~r::i~~ :~
rrom pag• I
so be out a1MSU.
l'•iorthcrii - Telecom, c ridian One. Opthm 71 1, ~,em's name. and it 1'-
he s
t~:~ t:"~~
~ fi~~-
Percussionist per~orm May 3
Phone s stem
at MSU. docs not obJecl 10 beina monitored because she doesn't make personal phone caJIJ. Extension numbers .serve u ID numbers to access the Meridi:an Mail .system. Every phone user has the option of changing his ID number to prevent oumdc :access to messages. You musi con111ct H11dy's office to change JD numbers. Mesugcs th,i !lave been oesscd three times in ~ row wilh che wrong ID number will lock out any UJCr inco lhat mail box uncil the telecommunications office is contacted and the problem IS re,olved. This system connects ev· cry phone on campus 10 a phone bank, where persona.I compub!l'l can be u.scd w11h Jhc MSU modem and ,.,td<nc, and professors have the ability to do research almost :inywhtrc U1 the world from offices or dorm rooms. If sludcnt.s want 3CCCSS 10 this system, they musl contacl the tclccommunicauons office to have their phones re-wired. The reuon there are 1wo phone., in every dorm room 1s so that if one person has his personal computer linkc:d to the phone system doing research. the other roomm.1tc won't be w1thou1 the use or a ph one. MSU c urrently h3s 1,532 phones on this syslem. but that number c:in he c-.panded to 15.000. MSU will nm hr withoul phone service for more 1han two hQ_urs at a tune. What about c3rthqullkcs, tornadoes. ;md 01her acts of
s!!:,~~~ ~ Harr: ~~~~:\k~~~on
'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!- thin& on one of the lislS you ~ - - " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - can get a response. Mills s,jd MSU is one of I1 'Tb• nut sttp is to get a g,nuato r tor th• systt m. the lu 1 colleges to get nCI· but the 1dv~u1gc 10 Th• system would tvtntually make it possiblt for work:in,,learning with teacher ccn1 l1ta11l"I . . 8Jf:www4LW from others th111 is McLaughlin 1s a student d a student who bas missed a class to coll th• mistakes. music Alan Bbck. w istant profo,. of depanmcnt The professor's officts to get assignm,nts and also MSU is also hooked up to will present Teresa 10t of music. Mills menu. a U.S. Libraries McLa.u1hlin, percussionist, m 1bc recital will (cattr. MSU studtnls will soon bt abl• lo r,gisttr by s::i.id all you do is pu;k a sute a senior recital at. at 8 p.m.. divers.ioru for the nute u. phont.' and 11 gives a list of colJcgc li- Monday. May 3 in Akin manmba and vu11110ni fa braries it can connect to. It can Auditorium. The pcrfonnancc multi-percussion and nut. • Marshall Hardy also find lhc type of informa• iJ in partial fulfillment fo, the 1bc pcrfonnancc 1s free ~ tH>n nocded. degree of bachelor of music all are invited to attend MSU is also hooked up 10 run 2nd serviced by W1l1tcll. opens a Pandora's Box in reTo get 1hc bid 10 service gard 10 ethics.. c::a::a::ccc,c,,::z:1.:c,c,,::a::a:ac,::c; li,,:::c,.,.:z:,c,c:~:z:,a :~o~~~~~ ~~:~d New innovations in techMSU's new sr,1em. W1ll1cll had IO ha\'C servicemen living nology allow MSU. to cur- the United l(jngdom. Mills would like 10 st.-e m the Wichita f oils area be· rcnlly have fiber opucs on C3U.SC the con1r;ac1 S131eS lha1 phone hnes connected in MSU hooked up 10 Campus M SU canno1 be wnhout the Moffet. Bohn. Hardin and Wide Information System bulletin use of the sysccm for longer Memorial H31I. Soon (CWIS). a compu1cr Ferguson :and Cl3rk Student board. 1han two houn at a time. collcgi:5 several said He 8 01h Mcnd1:1n M::111 :and Cc:nrcr will ::i.Jso have fihcr already have them Mtll, .s:ud the phone sy)tcm h:ive :a tiat- opuc hook-ups. Eventually CWIS would show clau icry back-up system, wh1t.h 1s the en11rc campus will he ocl• Job pl11Cemc:nt .tnd nccc.<,ary 10 ketp them opcr.t· worked iruo 1he fl~r optic schedules, Ally s1udcnt could go uvc during clcclric;al storm, or system. said Sclln Mills or 1(acuity. Computer Support Scrv1t:e.s in 0 a computer termm:tl and other c.·riscs. find out this kind of inform:i·The ncxl sll:'p 1s 10 gc1 a Mcmonnl Hall. The cos t of h<'()king up uon. gener.ator for 1hc system: Mills would hkc in sc-e was Ctpllc.s fiber Ill Hardy said. ·1ne system Ferguson this in place within the nc;i.t would eventual ly make 11 S 15.000. To hook-up lhc IWO years. l11ply mu c.impus. possible for :a srudt."nt who has en1ire Attempts 10 call the office ffll55ed a CIAS.!i to C3JI the pro- $1 S.000 by 1he numhcr o f o f the American C ivil fessor's officc.s 10 t el :as.s1gn- buildings. The SI S.000 L1bcn1es Union in D:all:u t0 ments and also MSU .siudcnts includes only elec1ron1cs, not Jet a quote rehu.ed to the legal will soon be ::ible 10 rcgis1er lobor. Milla s:ud this summer the aspects in question rcsulled in by phone: dcfetll at every turn! It louk The system does save compuicr :ind lt'lccommmm:3• about one hour to get the some 1nform:11ion. suc h u 11ons comm111cc will decade number in Dall:a.s, get pcnni1on go will hulldmgs which time calls 3fC made, UICr\SIOn to call and gc1 mstrucnetwo rk r1rs1. They will S1on numhcrs and numbcr1 C3llcd. 1ions from professors on how This sys1cm. like tho u· examine which hulldmg.\ h.Jvc lO use the system. When they • ~nds or other phone and m:iil gr<,>ICI need. "I'm very op11m1s11c. wen: contacted II turned out to sys:icms uu:d in 1his country. for great be their mc~ge and Fax hnc ~Look s1ud. Mills A llgh1n1ng Mnkc !WO lhmg~ 10 happen when the SCl'VICC, Wl'Cks ago knocked out a Anempis to call a prore~1s installed 31 co uple of phonc:s in nc1workrng !ior of communic3 (ions :tt McCullough 11,11 ,nd the MSU." l Texas S t3tc Southwcs ~hlls .said we 30: currently CAD system rn the engineer• F University for the same pur1ng dcpanmen1. and lhe m1cr- hook.ell up wuh Stephen J)O!IC ended because 1hc phone M1..1I face had 10 be n:pl:iccd. It 1~ Ausun's Elo.:tr0nic l:ab was no1 S1udents and profess1,rs in the joum::illsm nol known ,f 1h1s dlm:igcd 1hc for use for long di1:avail3.hlc can sob.~ribc 10 m:uhng lists. newspi,• the compu1er1: lhlt :ire conncc1cd before calls tanc:c \ 31d th:il whe never 10 the system and thJt will he Mills r dcadhnc. someone v.TiltS ;:ihout w mc -
«ii• 111icblt«t1
PaJe 5
11iu nday, April 29, 1993
Foley latest recruiting prize a
'Clint can hit the 16-18 foot shot, plus he is very effective in the post position. t:iJwe~1~~c~~a~~IU~~!c~i~~ He also has the technique to become a Indians neAt year. Foley, u M:nior at 0.)ppcll three-point threat as well.' High School, :ivcragcd 22 points and nC3rly 12 rchound.s • Gerald Stockton
forwa1d from Coppell. Tex.as. has accepted a schol:1rship to
:t game this pMt sea.gin for lhl'-
Cowboys and head coach
fo rmer
"Cl int c:in hi1 1hc 16- 18 announced
Midwcs1cm baskc1hall pl ayer
and t't ro1hcr of MSU women's and men's assi s1an1 Jeff Ray. He also head
coac h
the upcomi ng
fool ~hol. plu1- ht: is v.:ry wccb. cffcc11vc in the poSI po.)11ion, He also h::as ihc h.:chn,qut~ 10
M SU fi nished the 1992-
shot a lofiy 62 percent from
become a thn.-c-point thrc;I! as 93 scunn with a 25-1 ~
thc floor.
wcll.R S1ock1on adlJcd.
th e
reco rd.
and ~;i~,~J~~.'~ r ~;;.,1i rccr".~:cyt~~ nr;~it~~,:~~~ ~~.u;;~:;•~~~t:i~~ n., w1d11-.1K.,U 17.,,11
The MSU eoccer team won a pair of am C-0~~::.~~~~d. The first c ame wa, acainst Tuu WeslC!yan. And lhe ettond
this season.
Foley was offici31l)' s,~m:dS
I~ Baskc tb:all To urn:imcnt in
i~m~;cs~u;:~cner1~c. Kansas C11y where 1hcy lld·
1 sch.-cLCd first learn all-d1stric1. ~; Texas product Rot'itr1 Rin~o : ~:t'!c~~m mctroplcx . He w as also signed with the Tnbc enrhcr named to v:1.nous all-1ouma- th~s month. :m~ S~ock10~ has
~ t~\~; -~
v:rnced 10 1hc Final Four, losing 10 lhc cvcntu:tl national 85-
~~r:'/1': :
tes wins all-arou";d··;thl;t;··;ward Es :mr E.llitcs. or the MSU named t~c tnc 1d~m. ouLUan 1ng cmalc athlete m
field. cv.e nts Saturday after dommat1~g t~c shot put. discus and Javchn events at the
PLAY GOLF . . , at 81 counes in Texas. The Goll Prhilo&< Cardo, available for SJS, ffllitlca
.. ,.
Three members of the Texas Intercollegiate A thicLIC ( 136-3) litlc on Sa1urday second to Howard Payne (227 men's lt!am c=imcd first place Associ~1ion Trac k a nd Fie ld TIAda Hill. who is :also on the poinlS). ns. including M ark hbo n MSU for places first Other Ch:unp,onships MSU lral·k team. fi nished Estc..'i. won · the shot put second in two of 1he c:vcnl!. included Denise Leviston in Marsh in the pve lin (177-5 ). (40-8) and javelin (99-9) on As a team, the Lady 1hc long j um p ( 16- 11) and Wc.~ley Tr.tmmcl in the 5.000metcr run (17.f)()) 11nd Jason Friday, and added the di'-Cu~ Indians ( 104 roi nL~} finii hcd triple jumr (33- IO).
Fox in the 400-mctcr hurdles (S6.1 4). Pat Birk had three second-place fini shes. The lndi=ins ( 128 points) were runners-up to How=ird P.i.yne (248 points) in 1hc tca.m ~landings.
P.A.T. sponsors scramble
Soccer team wins pair
ly Shnt G h·11u Spor b £.ditor
The entry fee i.s $1 5. which docs no1 include can Phi Alpha The ta will and 1;rccn ·fcc. and tcc tim~ sponsor a four-person ~olf Manllt noon. scramble on May 4. to bcncfiL tc-am. A free group lesson do n:ilcd be golf pro Todd !heir scholarship program. A pri,.e will be awarded to IUrperger. lndividu:il pnzes will be the lo west scoring te1m representing a Midwestern awudcd 10 the closest to 1hc State University Dcpanmcnt pin and long dri,·c conte.sts. Mulligans will be SI e3Ch or Orpniution. Team pri1..Cs wiU be ba50d and participantS will he ahle to on 20 teams and first. 5CCOnd purc h:i.\C two mull1g:1ns. one and third pixes will receive to be used each nine: holes. Dc.tdlanc for entry is 11:00 ca.sh prizes. Also there will be: a prize for the highest sconng a.m.. May 4. 1993.
Resumes that reallywork The right introduction can make all the difference when you· re competing for a job. At Kinko's. we'll help you create a resume package that introduces you in a professional way. Fonnal and design assistance
S1>0nsored by Robert Clark
Bushwhackers place 1st 87 Brlll Mlli.lud
Rt por1tr
The men :ind women's Puu-Puu intramural competition was held Apn l 4. The Bushwh.i.ckcrs pl.iced first in the men's compctitmn. with Sigma Nu fraternity placing second. MDA went home with 1hc third place 1rophy, .and Phi Sigma Kappa fr.tt~r-
nity finished m lounh place to round out th.: compcuoon. Chi Omega sorori1y won
the fist pla.:e 1rophy m the wo men's d1v1sll)n. Sigma Kappa sororn y finished second :ind the faculty placed lhird. Mchnd.i. M.i.r11n, Chi Omega, won the .i.ward for the lowest score.
April 30 al noon for 1hc following paid positions ori
the Wichiran staff:
Reproduction on fine stationery
• Editor
• l>i, trihutlon Ma nager
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Professional resum6 package includes one page typeset and saved on disk, 12 copies on fine stationery. 12 matching blank sheets (for cover letters), and 12 envelopes (#10).
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CUI dfro )'OOr Alcohol arid ba!antt. cnord1na111m. ilnd v1o;1on. Aht.,r dnnk1~ or talon1o: mrtfkallOn, don t ndt l'h1fo; the::~ pt~rtpllOn for your s.a1c1y
Nails By Phyllis Headlines
• Ui,tribution assista nt
$29.99 professional resume package 3916Kemp Behi,ul the Olive C,arde11
The MSU soccer team won a game agi:inst Texas Waleyan over the weekend in the TCU Srring Off-Season Tournament. The Indians won 2-0 Friday evening as Judd Joy .i.nd Junior Fricke r both scored a goaJ to ddca1 Texas Wesleyan. On Saturd:iy. the tribe played host to TCU :ind came away wi1h a 4-0 vicory to keep them in off-season shape. MSU has made a rocord1-ymg 13 .m.:iight trips to the NAIA National Tournament
Letters of application will be acceplcd unttl Friday,
• Typesetting
Open t4 Hours 696-COPY
B y Sliant Glvt n, SporU E.d llor
' ..q,, • .,, hdl ""I UI
• Uusinrss \la na~cr
,1 .,.,,.,. 1,.1,
• 3 Adn•rtising Sal~ Rcpresenath·es
1,0 ,n, ' ~ ~"' b l'••£ 1n lh," •I" <;J~ ,,
....1. ..... ....1, .. : ,
.,..t, ...\I_,
,.,.,, , ,1,,~~
• Sports Editor Letter of application sho uld include c lassification.
experience and qu:ilificauons. and wh)' you're c;cck•
ing this pos ition. Personnal imc rvicws will be cond ucted so please provide a phone number when! you
_,_ ----•"..-I _,_ 0,,..., -.,... .........
can be reached. All lcuers should be submitted
-~==:=.:.'=.:,=.:.-:::, l..,,.... .._., . .-' -
09oN,a . .
Belle Z Malone in Bl 10 in the Fine Arts Uu tld111g.
._ - ••.:,n, c..
Dl~illo• of Buttnaw Admini1tr1tfoo: 1'hoM ,-:e 1V\nf a"Nard1 UT (L,R) SyMa Andtr-Ma. Ed••rd K,ltr@II Vinion, M1rraret. Grau. R,chnrd Drw and
P1.m1la httersoo
~ 1~
t' r# '
! •
Out,tandlnw Freshman Man and Wo miiii· J .W. Ju•lice and Kathryn Self Di•i.no• ot. S ducatioa: ThoM recaivlnl Wudaod.lwFiote.
•••nb •n (L·R> La~ Lyla,,, Ann•
·l·i 1
Hardin Scholar Melina Jane Molivltr
li ' •
;),, "
• ,,> -
~ ~ ~; ft.
of FIN Arte ThON rMIMY\AI awarda ne (1.,.R) Rach.r Kapebki,
AndHa B(ackw1II, K,itbryn Self, Nicola 1-' rey, R~u Mobley, Marie Morpn(BentiM:tDri, DtniM ReaolliM, O&rrell Franklin, M,cbHI Vendndt and J uJ11t Nanny.
Viola Grady Leadership Award Gretchen Armstrong
Oua.tandin( Graduate Man and Wo.,,. Chrutopber Undell and Sh annon Pun
C.O. Morpa a«a... Cotnau•~t1on Scbolanhfp; ThOM recemnc award, a.re(LR) OeDIN RtnolUno,0~1 Fr11nlr.lm, M•ri• Morpn(Bentf1et.orl, M""ithael Vfll'Wfrlck and Julie Nanoy
Crens.ha1'1'1De.9cartes Award An1ellc Crawford
onors Banquet
OiviMion of Hu wRnitiei: l'ho,e rec•ivh11 llW1'rd1 ere (L-ft) J ohnny CnrlA't, Chm G1lbert, Chorlu rloyd, J ohn Mark CN!ftu a nd Hernut Gene Nelson
f Divis ion of Sclonc"s J ames P, De \'nt!y ,u,d J ohn C. Royte
Dlvi•inn ()( M!ithrmi1tknl Sdt•nr1.·i.: T hoS4• rt>re1Y10W award,a !Ir(' (L-fOTin:Joh n , ,H'!, II.ii II 1h t"ut111 ,uul Ahi., R,a.,. 11
Outstanding Sophomoe Woman J e n'nan Ghazul
Outata nding Senio r Woman and l\lan Holly Atchley and Richar d Dens
Mark L nx Pre-Medical Award J effrey Gilbertson
Dh·isioa of Political Sciene4!: u d Publ k Ad ministrat ion: Thon r tteivin1 awardJ are (L-RJJ ohnny Ca~r. Da Vld Conrnd) . Jenny Sa Ian, Richard Hill and Karla Wnrht.
Ji '
' .,
Divi1looofSocial a od B~ha vioraJ Science,: Tho,erecc,vmr aword,are (I..R) Karen Sue Kelton, ESLht-r ZnnteTilley, Karen Kny C.onv.·ay McComnck •nd
Staci• G•~I Carter ffnney.
.}; Alpha Chi Scholar
Dondi Han cock
·122, 1993 Ou t.staadin1 J u nior~: Tho.;t ri>ce1ving 11wnrd~ nm (l., Ri Rulm, H,•d ,t'lmnn, Ruaeell Sanders and T11nu1r11 Taylor
~ -c~AMP ~~~~u~s~----------------~
----- - ----------
8 i~::~P:•~--:~~Th;~unc1;;A ;Y~ ·-A;p;..~•211:~·-l:9:93 _~-._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._
t hr lJJ~
Outstanding students honored Depression disru~~!~:~ ChnHophcr L1ndtll and
Justice,• pnhtic,11 , c1..:ncc
Shannon Pugh wc:rc named SM .lent from Wich11,1 F::i.lls
OuL1tand1n1 Graduate Man a mcmhcr of the fr\·shm°Jn and Woman for 1he year honor soc1cuc,. Alpha U ndcll, • puln ical -.c:1- Lambd:i Delta and Phi E1a cn cc ffl lJOr, wu 1hc Si&mJ . the lntt rn:nion:al O.~ n,uwicd Grad~ of the S t~dc nts Association. Un1vers11y of Wisconsin- Un1veu1ty Ocmoc.:rots and M1di,on Co llcce o ( siudcnl , ovcrnme nt. orr Encinccrina . He recciveJ c•mrus, he WIS awarded the numerous schol1rsh1ps while 199 Youth of the Year for there and the A,r Force Field Rn1ary lnlt'nutional and i.s 3n Trainint Vkc Commandant'~ as~11s1ant scou1mu ter for the Award, He i, a member of Boy ScouLS. Tau Beta Ptii Engineering, Pi Sci( is a mil.._, commumTau_ S iJma ~1cch1nical catton.s major fro m W1ch11a Engmccnna. Pht Kappa Phi. Falls and u: the reci pient of Phi Eta Sicma Fre..shman ;nd the MSU fine ans scholmrship Sc;abb.ird and Blade Military for Spcin&1993. She rccch'M honor socic11c.s. He lS al&o a the Vinson Award for mcmb~r o r De lta Chi Journalism for 1993 and was f ratcnuty. awarded a C.0 Morgan Pugh, • pohtical sc.c~ c Scholuship ror 1993-94. She ma,or. won the Out.n andmg 1S.1lso 1 membcr ofthcMSU Sophomore and Senior Student Ambu sadors, Womu and lhc 1_991 Wom~ Amne~t>: lnlerna11on:il and of the Year. She IS the n:ctpt· 1hc Mcd1:i Club. Kathryn 15 cnt of numerous schol~ h1{)5 currently serv1ni as coordina• and awards and active 1n tor or Tht Wicltuan many MSU organ1u11ons S~ has been a member of . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phi Eta Sigma Nauonal Honor Soc;;1ety, Pi Sigma Alpha National Honor Russel Sanders, Robin Society, and Ph1 Alpha 'Theta Hect elman and T:imara Jnw:mattooaJ Honor Society. Taylor were named out.standShe has been prc.s\dCnl or ing Junior Man and Wom,n Mortar Board, ch:urpcrson for the YcM. for Ar1is1-Lec1ure Series Sanders, a nursing s1uden1 Co,:nmiu~c. president of rrom Wit~itl Falls. is a reg.isUn1vers 1ty Oe macrau. Lctcd rcsJ)lratory therapist and Student Scna1e. coordinator a 1tansfer .studc.nt from South fo r the Fall Ho nors Pl1111u College in Levelland. Symposium. ch:u~rson for Tex:u. Wh"1k: a1 South p•-·.u w.i,.,.. the Studcnl A locations he was on 1he Nalional Commi ll ce. Amn csiy Dean's Honor Roll. the International, S tudent Dcan'i Honor Roll ~nd the Rcprc.s,cnlltive ror the MSU President's Honor Roll Academic Council and the Sanders 15 a studcni rc~ nMSU Academic Appeals taU Vt! f~r the Teu.s Soc1e1y Comm i t ice. Si ude n l ofResp1ratoryCare and is a Ambas11dors and Sierra member of the MSU Studcn1 Cl11b. She wu elccicd into Nurses As.sociouon. He ,s Who's Who in American also an l.\SlSWII scou1m.L\tcr Urliven,tics and Colle;c.s of Boy Scout Troop No. 256 Thi.a year she was the MSU and a Lmlc Wguc ..,oluntccr. Ull Coordinator She will Heckle.man is an English aerve u pruident of Student maJOr from Wichita F11lb :tnd Government ror 1993--94. has been on the Dean's L,~1 for two semcs1crs She w.u rcco,nized by Alph:a Ch, as an OuL,unding Freshman and has been the recipient or the: ~! ~~ na ~.~f d MSU Acade mic , e 3n on Gh.,,ai ......, . . ..,, ~ 00 Robinson and S1udcn1 ins Sophomore Man and Amh:wadon schol:mhip, . Woman for dlC year. Hccklemon is president or Nacai. an economics ilU• Alphri Lambdll Delta 3nd 1he
:;~~~~;~~~~a! ~u~~~
Spanish Club and is a rncm-
~~ia~j~:· Ph~;lh:c;':f,'; ~~~o;~;~:01 ~:~r~~t? i~~ ~rf~m:~U'c~ 1·_.~er : : received 1h c 199 2 Out.standins Frcshmin award. He is active off campu, in Head . Star1 and ~pec1al Olympic, and works 11, a tu• tor with lhc Upward Bouod procnm . .Ghazal 1s a soc,oloi;y maJOr from Crowell. Teu s, and I~ a member of lhe Auoc!;U1on of Soc1.1I :and
Sigma. St.adcnl Amba.~ dors andSludcnigovcmmcnt fm:t~~!~~~fe::~~! been the rcc,p,cnt of lhe President's Leadership, Merit •Flin, Madge Davis and Studenl Amhau.adors schol~ arshi ps. She ha.s hccn a mcrn• bcr of Alpha llmhd,1 Dcli.1, Order or Omcg,1 and Phi Eia Sigma honor \OC ICI.JC.\. T:iylOJ wu ihc winner of 1hc
ft i~~!~n o1 Yc:/~~~in~ Outscanding S~phomorc
:~hS\~~\:n:rn: :,: i"/ has ~r,,ed in student .cov• cmmen1 and a., vice president of Alpha Lambda honor SO• cic1y. She was . :awardcd .ihc 1992 Outs1andmg Dclci;.ttc for 1he ret:iona.l ~: 0 League or Arab Sm c. • 1993 Ouu tand1ng Delegate for the n.111on.tl Mod: I Leasuc: or Arab SIOICS • d Alpha Chi Ou 1~13nd ing
( Of
Wom an (ruhman and so ph o ~ o re' bc :a ui y Sophomore Homccomin& Pnnc.:C.~$ and Junior Dlteh('s s. She has served 1n s1udcnt i-:ovcrnmcn1 :is Exccuu vc Cou.ncil Stcrcu ry Freshm:m Scn:uor. ·Sophomo'rc. Scnalor, Ekcuon Bo,rd Chaonnan , nd I member or tht Studtnl Freshman. ~ lloc3.l10 M Commm oc. She L._ a volunteer worker for numcrouJ organ1c:111ons mdud1ng the F:inwy of Light._, the J W. Ju\llCC 3nd K:.thryn Wich1u Falb Rehabih11tion Sci( were rwncd Outst:tndtng Clinic and the Lock Key Freshman Man and Woman Chddn:.n's O, ganiu tion.
r"' I.he yur
"IIJl■■■■■■lll-..1 Rtch.ird Dcgg,; ,md I loll)· Alchlcy ,,,.ere nam\!J ~nior Mlln and Wom:u, orthr yc:ar. Ocgg.s. a rin:mC'c major. ha., been the rtC"irient nr th\! Du1ingui11hc d Gree k Seholarsh1p Award by the Order of Omcca G reek Honor Society and ihc N■uonal Order of Omcgu Scholarship He was hstcd in Who's Who in American Univcrsi11cs and was the winner of the Outst:inding Freshman and Sophomore Man. He was a member of Alpha Umhdil Dd lll and Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor Societies. Order or Omega Hon o r Soc 1c t y for O ut1ngu1 shcd Grl'Ck lnvolveme n1, Alpha Ch1 Sen,or Stholbtac Honor SOCJcty :ind ~for1ar Oo:ud Honor Soc.1c1y Dec,s has been lhc sophomore. Junior and senior class Senator, a Swdcnt Ambas.,ador. and w:as elc.~ 1cd Junior Class Fuvori1c and Beau 3nd Lord Midwestern He h,s been • Sludcn, reprcscntauvc to 1hc Boob1Nc AdviM>ry Comm 111cc. the Adminu1ra1i\/C Couni:11 and the Tu a,\ S1rHc i; 1c Pcrfonnancl" Bui:d Ma~tc, Plan Commm~ As :t mcmbcr K or Ethr Ifra1crn11y. h h Tau app.a psi on. e 3 '- re• .;:eivcd lhc ht,nors or Top Tckc, Top Ch.1ptcr Scholar of Teke and was scl..:clCd IO al• 1end the Tckc- Lcader3hip Academy
ni, h
,u nnil of
lnrorm•llon ,._, a•rh, nd by HIib, 1,1nd• \\'lb-on Scnu ..,d c 1,11 Tldcl, . ·, \., hod tht.1t mnmL1111 ht/<'' '· b»1 M\'tr / or Jo/ottJ lil r MIN Klrf
1 t:::~;1;/~'z~;:;;1A-Jall'"' :~.·~
/iJAt c1iain1t •h•J /t1!i~ ,,1r11 bwr 11 Jttpl 111 Ewrywh,rr ,
'"'" 1 Jtt1n 10 t1t"Olt du ptr ONI Jt~ru11.,u.,wurr1bkdtJPO•' •. Lu Down ,n Darl ,.,Js b'I' w,/114,111
People u c losing their JOhs hec.ausc of ii, :ind I.hey an: gening divorced bccau'II! or 1L II causes people 10 u.se drugs :u a mi::ms of escape bcc.au.sc of it Stnou.s c:iting disorders 3fC a result or IL but more horrifying th2 n :ill . people arc dying from ll Whal is ii'' Dcprtss,on. To begin 10 undersu nd whal de· prc.1...ion is. 1115 n«cssary 10 undcrstand wh:u ,l's noc. lAnscc,,01u'1dcin ogr .'1?.n,'•hlcl1cN,*~~o~ ... p~css1on is 1hr mos1 widespread m~nul hcahh pt'\)blcm m Amcnc.,a
C ~ Cu ,
bioehcmtca ,n n::iiur2, ~fe..,
j b,I:
Chrb tlM
By Ould r ruion
will aJ_.so include poetry froiril a,ea h1ch school student.\ llld( 10 pieces of :iin work ( . Funding for lhc pro,c<1( r ~arne . rorn vanous sourcrs I 1nclud1n& a generous sourte ( ~~ ated wudh R the h~pN~! lh:I T1mc.s an ccor c,.1 This year's faculty 3d\•LStr LSI Or. Robert Johnson. Tbel former .advisor. Dr Toe ~off~;m. helped the coo, I ~tna~on of funds for the ~ I
•'Pn!;'annual publication or 'b led ~ w1U u areas Friday at bedidrlstn rc:rcnt D1s;ib1l11y Awarcnes'i will around campus. meet from 3 p.m to 4 Pm. The mai:m oc's coordma• Tuc\day. M:iy 4 in room 118 iors are Jean Hlll. cditDf, and of Cl:irk S1udcnt Center. The Yvonnc-Baker•Kistlcr, assis· meeting 1s Op(n in any 1n1cr- 1.1.nt editor lky IOOk over the c..u cd including ,stude nts with pr0Jec1 this scme~1er d1nb1l 111cs, soc1:il workm3. condcnsingayc.u-'s wortmU> JOO, nursing ma.JOU. spcciaJ a few mon1hs. because or educ:iuon m:iJors. prc.-phys1- budJ!CI proMems Hall said. cal therapy n1:1JO~ and c..,c -This has invol~ some bcalJon. I givers. inlen.SC work: she said. . The org:an11..3t1on's pur• The pubhcaiion mcludcJ Magannes C3ll he ob131ne.1 pose ts to help gc:t equal op- wnungs from gradualC and al uibles located m IN" s1udcnl l ponunity for :ill qUllillcd per- undergraduate s 1uden1s, center. Engh.sh dcpartmt~11 ~ n, w11h J 1s...-ib1l111e~ to be' mostly mass commumc:i1ions and the fine rui.._ fo)cr abk to p:imc1p:itc in .111 cd~ J· l and art students, Hall said. Thcrt will he .i.CXX> m.1i• Lion::il prugrlms :md ac11,•111C~ ~ ddttion.tl wriiing,.\ came frorn :mncs pnnicd :ind all <"llrl.l Also, the organ11.at1('1 n l j m1t·r- EnghAA. nursing. and com- will be kepi m !he Eni;liM\(k. ~ led m r:i,smg the :iwarcncss puter )Clcncc MudcnL~ panmcnl. of :c ncc1 ~f all d1s11Med The 42-pagc publication Mu nu: an I OM' 1~ll"rc1-1cd - • - • • • • • -• • m the an:.i of d1sab1lcues. The organmuion will S1111pk make any mlortnJll\in <1f the R,porlrr 1nc S1udcnt Ad\•ocatcs for
~~i~;ts V.f H~ ~; s,; :
Join U~ For A Celebration Of Etcrn.11 Life
• N('ln. Denom1na11onal
'~t~uc.ar-~. G •SystcmJUC teaching t
: :s~ !:ifon, ch! I Nda~,:~:; S1udcnt Nur~s· Assoc1at1on a nd th c SI u den t Ambusadors She has bttn a member of 1hc Ret,dcnce Hall Assocntion and the ~; ;;;r:.; crpc:i~f!~~::~r;; cha1rpcNm
spo~;~t~di.:~~ Counschn~ Ccn1cr The foeuhy .sponsor 1s Debra J H1ggmhoth:un Tik-ir offic<'rs arc J. Ben F,nky. prcs1dcn1, K:uhy S1cphcns. VJlC prt"s1• t!~~~~ut~~t":~;::;~3 11 1 and Karen ant·y. ruh 1c rcb1ccins ',:,,m ' , ,,, "•,•'•'•:<•"•'•'·"•:•
lhrough hc Biblc
• Conicrnpor:uy Mu!i1c • Loving, mfonnal atmo,ph(rt Iha! welcomes evcryon(''
',i ,.t.J'','. .1. ·-:~ ·. ;, ~-~
:~:~;-~_/ :~::':::;,-/ :,_-:,:': .•
\11r,.l .it w,, ..o Q 4 \am. ..t norc
ISCOUNT ~ "'Jj tr'fl, \ ) nt \\,;) i7 l 1 .
F·r:;f;::t: t:~~~:lt' ii!-.: ::: t..:. :~ r::.
~;:; =~ ri':i.~~:~
C~~NfER 1
i::l; =::t C4;.'.t:t 1 !°iQ:7 : •.:;.;:l:t ~t::t ~ W:::c.o. 3:!Zt 7:r i~ t.1:.::c Xz:.
Bather w 1tl'I 1,C) years cxpcncncc
IS pcrc..:~cd de·
\cvcrt :rnd untrCJ sch·C.S 1n1 one pcr\on m IJ T~ pressed will lull thein t 0 ( disardcr sin kci U.\'1J\tn rti., Annually. 12.8 o~ic,dc often thin men M:iny f\i',.,,· JOO,(XX) will comm11 27 arc ,w~rc of thc oh, mu~ ~ cosun& the cconorny the sons 1h.1I c:iuie dcprtl\, 4 li on ,c, ord1n, c al suchudelth. d1vrir\t , l1"-'i;, llandtwok of 1n· I job and thcr n,:.av'"'· ►"lf Psychiatry 'fhcsed c~:ivllY lhere If~ a ~o C'JM'\ in Whl(;\ cludt lost pro u<.: d 05 ~ eYCry1hing 1~ g01ng fine.:, ~ worker rcplac:cmcnt an " people s1111 hJ ltk wnh ~ di., of hcalth C3R:, . order, as WJS th e ca.,t "'r:\ Some: confu~ dcprc5~,on JennJer '" the r rcvroos ~ft with udness. Jrief and ~~"\Cj cle. ~ ,s type nf di$1Jrdtt limes evt..-n the blues wtw.:_h 111 deals with the hram stem rrorn failures, rc;ccuons. Depress inn \hows Q( the unh.appineu coming rrorn prejudice. It affects :ill r~ the death or a loved one and lhc rich. poor, male, fcma.1c the ending of pcrson::il rtla· youns and old. The h1v.e. t1onships. These arc symp-- rate of depression OCturs " ,oms. nnt 1hc ac1ual disorder. the young aduh Th11 JflfG1 The5ic syrnptoms ill'Cnotto bc mation was a re)uh or ,"1.1 overlooked because they epidemiological s1ud1es per. could, 1J no1 properly han· formed in Almed:i County died. lead 10 some fonn of Cali f., and Wu h1nc1Gt depressive d_~ r. ,' County. MD Depression 1s a disorder ':' 1th Among college s1udc11.1:1 specific symp1~s !"d s1ins and college dropou~. dq,lt':$. which substanually 1.n~ctcJ sion has been rcpontd u I.he u.·11h • person's func.11onmg or mos1 common symp1orn {If wh,ch causes gre:it personal suicide con1empl.i11on Ii ' di.stn.:SS _ or hoth. •----•'-· u
~~~! f~~;.~~~ o~.s~i:: ~~u~~~~n& Center to an)onc
o,·cr umc.
~ ,A· A- • i~cy5 •a~ iatris <>
5urrcr from i his d\ of ih('
;-;i Ad vocates r-•------■ ' '01·ces debuts Ffl•day
Atchley n=ce1vcd the 1992
1 h(allh di-.ofder thJOJ ~ n.~ uc-itablc. l~ i i ough•'-<, ►.,.
Ten milhon Am~~~J:r,;
ctir n
Atehlcy. J. nur)&n&maJor. ha.s bi..'<" the rcc1p1cn1 of the Prc!lde nl's 1.cadenhtp. N11ion1I Student Nurses· Associauon and Tex.is 8 03,rd of Higher Educauon Rural Nursinr Scholarships. She 1$. a member or Alpha Ch, and MS U Nu ru ng II unor Societies. She was 11~1cd ss Who 's Who Amo ng America n Colle ge and Unive ui1y Stude nts and Who's Who Among A lhcd Health Scl"\'kcs.
I ll•
lnil•llmcnh In • u rln con• c u a l na 4 ,p r , o l o n .
L New ~tude11~r~ : ·p 1st donation , 1
J:i •
Call foraopolntmen1s · Earv uo,to S60 every 2 weeks
811 OliioS:. (8\7) 322->69:
~ r Witbitan
Thu rwday, April 29, 1993 Pap•
Mass communication students receive awards u:u c rrom W1chlt3 Falls. Rochelle Mouhews. :a MSU graduate from Wictuta Falb. Dnrtlt Fr.1nklin. a .senior from Iowa Park, and Denise Renollino, a st:n ,o r rrom W1ch110 Falls. f 1Bt place in best ncwM:3Sl ,,_,-ent lO David Keating, :1 scnanr f, om W1c h11.a f ,111ls, Rcnolhno. Fnnkhn, Bright and su.fL K~ t.1ng c.imcd third place in nn n-feiuurc story. First place
:r::~: :~ r!~1Arhngwn,
0 ; , ~; ::
Tex.is. Mary
Mills. a MSU graduate from W1chiu fills, Kay lo WatL~, a MSU graduau: from Wichita Falls and Kcilh Holland, a ~ :! ~~1;.opu.~n, ~-~ryn Sett, Anita Uu.mphrlea. Deana Vieth pre.teat • 1• 1•r lft to ie nior from Jacksboro. • •men ... profe:NOn. Warren won .socond pl1cc an public ~ " ·,cc announcement IJ Lb.a r,c.t ~on es. Lindi Wilson Scan. a senior fro m W1r h111 t-JII\, rt.· Ke111tng e1mCd 1hird piste an a,port,r Junior from W1ch11a Falls. cc1,·ed hon,•r.ablc mcnuon 111 1elcvmon producoon. 11ud11ion Studr-nt.s who c:arnt"d earned ho nor:able mcnl l(ln in .SJ'Ol'l.\ fc■tu~ pho10 amJ \.CC'• upe and ,ccond plocc in fca.• ilWlrds fro m the Tuu ncw11; ri:iipcr news fc.1turc ond rbcr. 1n !tpN I~ action lure. Warren and Funklin Prcu Mnry. In lhud pl:icc for nC\ll'S· pho10 T n~h Cho~1,· . .i ,\ 1<:;U 100k second place in (n1c rco llc £iatc AssocLJ t1on compelillon were p,3ptr scric.$ were Julie Fish, a gradu:lle from W1ch1u I-all$, sporucast. rccognrzcd 11 1hc Mrd1;1. senior fro m Plano. Tu:is. c~rncd sc-~ond plJce for cn 11Cl ub's annual banquet Julie Nan ny. a Jun ior from -:al rcv,cw. Thc.w: 11udenu ' e n1ries Mond1y. Apnl 26 in Cl:uk H;a~kc ll. Tl! u s. Da-.o1d ""'ere among more 1h1n 900 SrudC'.nt Ccn1er. T 11d:cu . 1 sophomore f rom In broadc:1\t Journ:al1sm award, c1ven and more lhan Tv.•cnty M SU student W1ch11.1 Falls and M1cht11t"I catcg0f1C.s. first place in 1elc- 2.6C'X> cnlrics Jud&,cd. journ:ahst.s brought ho me Vendrick. a Junior from \ ISJllO documcnl:U)' \1.1,.'.nl 10 awards 1n 13 differcsu cue- Wich1la Fa lls. Kvlc Rus~ll. 11 Jennifer Bni;ht, II MSl I ,tr'3d· In on-Jl&hl compcti1ion
nw w-. -~1..J.a 8nf• -
against 500 s1udcn1S from across the s 1:11e. Brian BaJlard, a MSU graduate i tu• dent from W1ch111 Falls. won firsc place in editonaJ wnting. Bruce Sm11h. a senior from Wichita F,11lb. earned second place in newspaper IJyou1. Nanny received honon hlc menuon for headline wntms and Vendrick won second place in yearbook l>yout
franklin ond Renollino won first p lilcc in documentary 1.cchmcaJ production and dnrd place ,n do<umt ntll}' perfor, manct Choa1e won third pl.ICC for cn tical review and the ncwsp.ipcr staff won hon• orablc menuon for desilJI lay• out. T racy Sanders. 1 fresh· m2.n from Wtchill F1ll1. and Warren won second pbce for Brian Yount• .i senior their tcehna l product.ion of a from San Antomo. won the public service announcement 1clcv1sion comme rciill cor y S1udcn1s receiving the writing division Qnd honorable menuon in ielcvuion :m- C.0 . Morgiln Mcmori.11 nouncrng. Pat Fo nne r , a S<hol:uships for 1993-94 ue MSU graduate student from Vendric k. Julie Na nny, Wichita Falls, e.1mcd second Meli.s.sa Schmbcr, a fres hman plKC in radio announcing .and from Wi nd1horst, Tcx.1s, fin-t pl11e: in r.>d,o commercial Aulia Duran. a {rc$hmon cop·,1,1•1iting. Wancn rocc:1,·cd from Fort Worth and K~thryn thiro pl:,ce in tele vision Self. a freshman from W ichita Falt, . Jports:wntinr: . JCM1fcr Denton. 1 fresh~ l n Uk! Rocky Mountilm CoUqialC Medi~ A.uocutJon, = iv~ ~dfcr':i1'~ 1 ~~::: :: : MSU took honors in sweepstakes and best in tek vu.1on. ship. Linda Wilson Scou won First place in public service 1he Roy A.lien Media Club announcements we nt to Award. which is one of the WltTCn and David Chaffin, a most presticious hono~s MSO" graduale from W1<h111 awarded to .a mus commum· falls. The 1elevision surf IOOk cations S1udcnt.
r - - -- -- -- - - - - - - , Depression Times , Channel 3 begin new scholarships trom p11.- I :also the most frequent com• I )' Lh• Prcot a 1porter The · T, mcs
Record Ne ws" and KFDX•TV3 awarded two new schol3r• .ships to lhc mo.\S communiCJ• tions dcpanmen1 for pnnt and hroadcast JOUm:ilism mllJOll,. The Wam:n S1h·cr scholarship ~ublishcd in honor of W:irren Silve r, the former general man.igcr 1 1 Chanr-.:1 ) . will be 1"-ill.rdcd lO Mudcnts m.ijoring in hroadcas t JOum2f. i..\ m. M SU bas rccctvcd $ 1000
toward the M:holarship from the telcvu1on sta11on. Dr.
Mitchell Land. profQ.\Or of
ilnothcr S JOJO to the schol:arship Silver rchrcd from the station in June 1990, 3.llhough he sllll produces the ~S1lvei" Report,• 1-k has been working in the telc vi:t10n medium for m3.ny vcm . The Don hme.s schol:1rship was s.ct up to honor the or the l imes rellnng Record News: It Ii dcsig• n:Hcd for studcnl'i pursui ng a degree in prml journ.ihsm with the ultim.itc i:oal of becoming print JQUmahSl. · it's (the honor) bc ucr 1han ~ gold wJ1ch: fames
:~r:::r::=.:r~~ awar<k.-d
with $ 5(K) fnr c1~l11\Cmc..,tcrs plaint of studcnu who consult The SIUdCnl will abo b,;: or• uni versity pJychiatric serfcrtd an in ternship .11 the p:t• vices, per
S1udc n1s 1hroughout
Nonh Teu s ;,re eligible to COO'l pdC.
m,;~fc~==c~:iy ~=a~~~:
depression dtSOrdcrs such u feelings of sadness or irritability, loss of interest an IC· tivities onc:c enjoyed . ratiguc, cha.op in sleeping and pa.uems and weight Jou, Like s it 1s moa depressive di.~
M. Ed ... trmlble.
CSWACP. u 1d. "It may not James has been w11h the surface un1H something ex• Hebert Mcycn. e,c.ecu1ivc traumatic ha ppcn.s. It director of I.be Mental Health ~per for 37 years. He bc~an hlS career as the farm editor occurs frequently among col• As.socillJOn said he bchcvcs it
and wortcd his way up cditor. which he has held for fa mes twelve yc ,11 rs Lonerc~n. publisher of 1he · nmc.s•Rccord News: Si11d
kgc studcnt.s b0c1ru.sc ,omc: of lhcm arc cxpcrieocin& pressure and responsiblli1ic:s for the lirs1 ume. Also their growing in&ellcct allows them de~.:~ ~~~ to not only realize lhcir 1 1 pressive symptoms, but al.Jo 1mpon.ant ilCComphshmcnu .. face lhcm.· the wongcst news dcpanmcnt
:~ffa~~ ~t':.~s~
ftrst place in ne wsca.sl per•
fonnincc. 8ng,h1. Mauhcw1,
11 Clu-cmc..ly imporunc to reaJiz.c: clinicaJ depression is a medical Ulnes.s and e ffective
nOl easy to uea.L Doctors have not come up W1tri a true w:ay of identifying whit the pntien1's body lacU . Many Limes lhcy pre5Cribc medicine, only 10 reali7,e later that the drug will not wort. Unfonun11ely this is valuable ti me wasted and in some ca,e.s cau.te to loss o ( life. Doctors arc very much aware of this and arc trvin1 lO develop a lest ~ l would determine what dru1 would be I.be mo1t effecti ve fo, their patient.
ucatmenlS available. Mos, treatmcnll arc a combmat1on of medicine, and ihcn.py.
·Deprc.uion iJ no diffc,. en1 from other medical illnesses - it res.ponds 10 lt'C3t• dcrss~r:cc : :ra~;:i:i~a.a~;: mcnt,• Dr. John McIntyre,
Scre1onin and nore• pincphrine have been dilcovbe the two ne:uro• tranJmiuers 1h11 gel out o ( or de· balance during prusion. Scrctonin imbal• anccs causes symp1oms such ercd
S3i~ c scholarship will be every fou r yc:irs ll.nd porters and cdnors ahuuc the thymia, clinical dcpreu ion ercsidcnl of Ame rici n n_,:'Y,;·J ~~c~ :lar and unipolar dis-- P'Jychiaaric As.soc:iauon• .wd. m:,u::: :,:m:, :.:he_co n_d: ,1_:. •::: :: "_"' ,: ':; :::h:::m:::•:::n~r:ciu i"" ::'-'f::: ;;.i;;.ll..10;;.ro::.;v;::1d::;e;.:•:..;n;;.c;w .._w :, '° : in r.:•.::;dd:.: "o on;;. d.::; s..: u"a,;; o ;;. ·m ,;, "'"' ; on n;;; ;. ; ;;;;.;• •'" ·Depression ii considered 1hc treated of lhe ances 1n norcpincphrinc ClinicaJ dep,c.ssion is the emotional doordm. Abou1 80 sf~~~gu~~ disorder more people today IO 90 pe,cen1 of • II depressed arc expcricncin&, Jt·is e1pcri• people can ob1ain symptom Reaearchers and doctors. still have not dc1ennincd whether cnced by on~ out of fou.r relief.• these imbalances u usc the women and one out of 10 men 'The majority or d-isorders disOf'dcr or arc produced by JI is m°'t during their 87 l rUt Mlb t.Md Ale 1:andra Ha ncoc k. lhedisonlcr. of type some by caused arc common 1mon~ 2S-44 year• f orty-one MSU s1udenlS Hanmann. Penny Hu1chason. olds. Mc:n UC likely lO atw:h mental Of' emotional p.ain, but were iniliatcd 1nco the MSU U n M,chellc Irwin , Jeer Depression. like many thi, dl.Son:lcr to a social stigma all disorders arc not. Doc1on chap1cr of Alpha Lambda William Jusuce. Brent Ryan and arc less likely 10 seek have discovered that some de· emotional dis1urb1nccs. is a 1rcatmcn1. A fc:aturc of this pressivc disorders arc 3 l'C5Uh · complicated process to un• Delli. a n:ation:il schola.J1ie Mcilwain. Meliu11 Je:.ncnc. dcrsund. but it is or I.he Ul· honor society for freshmen Mc l aughli n. Je sse Perez disorder that lJ most observ- mchemical imbaJancc.s. college 3.nd un1vetshy SIU • Mendez.. 01inna Miller. Gail able ts the change in previous most imponance 10 do so. Allhough chcmtCaJ 1mba.l• Depreasion huru. activily and interests. Othct dcnu. Apnl 4, 1993. in the Larraine M o ln ar. M1s1y Clark Stude nt Ce nter Renee P11k. Jennifer C:am1Uc anou arc treatable. they a~ and in too many cues, ki lls. Payton, Les lie M1c hcllc Ballroom. Alpha Lambda Delta 1s a Penrose. Monica Lynn If n cont n/point ccmld Jo to ynur /t.t ,t ...,ha, 1t don to a wa/( society which rccogn 11.u Pribyla. Joyce Je n ldme )'VU ..,ou/J n, v,r lun't to .,."''"I e1h<11d .skin cart • f ortunar,ly, s1udcn1.s wi th supcnur Recd. Dec Ann Robertson. ,tin car, i.s nu,rr dt1111111clr.i.n,: 11p a pnittt bnu h. Rodgers. Loree Nu;ole academic ac hicvcmcnl hy ■1 C. hlrtdr. r..-1arr U their riBt yur 1n iun.n11u11ons Jennifer Gr.ace Rudock. S~ cy · 1t•s good 10 sec younger Marit :a Lu . Santell:rna swrw..._ o f hig he r educ:a tion s1udcnts involved in student The Student G0Yemmcn1 govemmcnt..smcc 1hcy will Ehg,hility for memhcrUup 1s Schilling. John Wilh:ims C arole S_uc Association has a familiar be the campus leaden i n the • Fncinls $15.00 b:iscd sok ly on ~ holarsh1p, Stewart. Mar hy Denise fu1~ ... T1:,vlor said. All stu dc nu who c.irn 3 • Ptrma11 t ht1ir rt MO\'OI Diane Laurie Thompson, for faylor also served a.s schol:ush ,p 11,·cr.1pr or1.s or • TtJ/IJrmg h,d SJ<>.00 a M011th w11h a stuJt nt ID and sophomore freshman better during 1hc-1r freshma n Triuon, Julia Ann«: Tucker. Tamera Taylor~ • junior scn11or, ■s well • S<ulptuml n111/s J llOO Fill, J I J.00 Wood row W:1dsworth. Troy as being 5C· yCJr Mc d 11:1hlc. f rom biolos y lccted u outstanding fresh• There are 2 1 I Alph11 Jos hua J;u: ob Wagn~r, ill w , ens Stephenville, J3qu11a She woman. juNOf' and m3n Lambda D e lta Ch3ptcrs Robbin G31J W:llkcr. acrvc u SGA secretary for a is .i member of Chi Omega. throughout the United Sl3l.C$. Sue Warnock 3nd Kelley ICCOnd con.:cutivc tc.rm. Orde r of Omega, Mo r1ar The society wu c..\ Wbhshcd JCQ.11 Wimmer. E>c h year Alpha Lombd> Taylot SI.id she feels 51U· Dou d, Beta Beta BelA, Phi in 1924 111 the Un1vcrs11y of ~cnt government plays an Eu1 Sigma and Illinois and no w has 3 mcm• Della recogni1.cs gradu:aung have who members scmor role and student~ Am bassadors. 1mponant hcr,hip of n,,nrlr 400,000. In ma.inl.1inc=d the iniu.1tion leYcl should get involved. She also 1 addi1ion to providing n:u 1ona.l ~vcr:1ge _(3.5) point gudc said the number of younger lcadcrsh,p eonrcrenccs for throughout 1hr1r nc.1dcm1c c~Sludents that :arc gening in- ward a maste r's dcgrct in chapter membe rs and 11dv1s• rctrs. The rcc1p1cnu of this volved in SGA is cncourag• t ither hiology or physical CB . the society awards fi fteen yt.tr's scmor cert1ricu..:.s were therapy. 53.000 fc llowsh1p5 tO mem· Johnny Cane r. Stacie btrs for gradua1c or rrorcs- Beauc hamp, Richard Ocggs. MSU STUD ENTS ! WELCOME sionaJ Jtudy. Tonya Wril,!hl. Pamela arc Sauh P.1t1erson a nd Jennife r New I HR. a..E.AN[RS ANO LAUNDltY We provide school supplies Ann Belgrado, Anne ~,1 Jne 2n1~r.1:.-.,. UOI M111__._ rd•'f as well a< office supplies. Bianchi. Michelle Rae Bl.lrg. Muwcll 1996 6'1· The Jo Anne J. Trow 7U-1to0 W 1d11~Scp... Sam David Broyles. Angclu Award. cstahhshcd m 1988. llo Y-.Pka 1o.a,• 'B1Jrk 3tht:rinc Caru, Lu Ann re wards a n ou1s11ndmg lll-US4 7t7.GDIO Cn(1d3nd. Bre nt Ala n SC'lphomorc member of Alpha Davenport, Lon de Lope• Lillmbd:a Delta wi th a s1ipc1~ ~ 3401 Kemp Blvd.. W1ch11• Falb. T, 76308 c I l,_,1.,, I Di.11, Sherry Lynn Dodd. of SIOO. The n:,c1p1cnt of this 11 .. 1 I P1>onc C8 17l 69 J-6SSS Fa, (817)691-7504 " ' • d11' 11!, u Su .ah Ann Englcduw. Alun aw.ard is Jen'nan Gha1..al. ~I , I \1\1 Ill 111, 11>,, 1, ,u 1 Glen ►bigot.J. Dondi D1311nc
Freshmen initiated into honor society
~i~~bi{~:gife~:~ :~:S:s~!:/s'o:'n~
mos, effectively
iher :•:uc:,:sirn:: il:u~•:o:o:::. !p:io:m :========::..•~y:m
Taylor elected secretary
Student M11: ~94J•::d fh;~a!~~e~~
'" .
Q;IJr U1iclntan
Pap 10 Th und•y, April 29, 1993
New honor society starte<11
U.S. hosts peace talks
11 Tll<NnaJ ■rl•" lo• tcd 64 \Cfflt\ll·r h1'1Jr, t' 1 Rrpo; r C11rnrutcr scit n~: ~:urJe work 11nd l k kl'Tlt";~, !k•r:1r1.mcnt held a chilr"·; of hour1 o( c<'mputrr -.c arnc(. .ind inJu, uo : : :;~t inio an hMOI' ,s.._,c i; "The rcq uir.cmcn1, 4.1 for cC1n1pu11 n& .sclrn«-l difficult t,c:c;11.11t 11 1, ,.m hnt, ' cty , ._, lfpsiton P1 F..p\11: · MJCICI)' It ti not lhcrc 10 r:." kno""" Feb 16. t O ,ae ctron or an) lhrnc ('('(' ~nil~, \4.JC'ICI)' in di( com· 5 chapu~r 11 sinctly • ·c.
ll7 l.«'ffM A"l,,flnt1 StanWrt1u-
Pcacc 11lh between rer Jln.:aunn fM JII 11( tht· Jord:an, Syru. hDtl 1.cN.nOn l';ilC)t l nl.t/\S •nd 1hc PalntJnt.ln Lihcnoon · T ht" L<";.\J;Ul' uf A rab Or11,uz.1hon hc1an Tuel-day State) c,,nJ r: mr1, 1hr rounJ Apnl 27 IO W~th1neron DC lhc -<l<d : lsr.1.ch \lllt lCITOr• The United S1:11ei 1s ho.song 1s.rn a~111nst the P:ik.-,un1.11ns the talks ..,1th hope that a whu.-h indudt 1n1cr dia peaceful resoluhon to thl' h mung whk h >. c losure of
conn1cu facins the Middle un1vt rsi11c)>. confi$nttns Ea,i .,;11 be tet<h<d A, a lands , demolishing hoUJC.S. ncw ,1 pany, !he U.S. w,nlS expulsion of ptoplc and to fti:iliunc \he 1~11cs. In bchd bui lding calonul settle• lh ll a lu ting o:soluuon M USI menL,." s.ud Sht.'ih be ncgou:atcd hy the people Jas<'n Ader. mronnauon 1, ( the region, Qfficer, department o( pubhc In ~ tck:phonc 1n1crV1cw a((.airs (or lht Embassy of Warren Christopher, the lsr.acl. 1n a 1dcphone inter• SccrctAry of Suur . J11d. · we do not condone dtrort.atton u a form ot runuhment Ocporuuons contra\'\.'ne the 4th Geneva CClnvtnllo n, wh1c:h sovcms the trc.J tmcnt
view. ddendcJ the- ~poru uon u 1 "ntccs.,ary R'l(.llSUl"t for SC'(Unty ~ and th;u the di:·
~~~; 7.::,·~
1;omprom1sc w.u .,."Orir.td \lut to :all,l w 10 1 o( the ~00 P~lestin11ns 10 re turn 10 Israel. h ut u.1J th t Palest1rua.n., rdu..-d the offt r. 1be mmal CkpOrtllloru wcrt for .a pcriOO nf one lo twn bd-.'ttn lsn.cl 2nd Lcb:i.non year$, hut cu m:nlly. lsrach in a ,·111u.~l I\O•m.an·s land and Pvhamcn1iry Review Com• said 1he United States m,ucc.s 1ft' rev1c .... '"' th,~ J"l"hcy 1n .in effort 10 shoncn the ume Pillcs1Jn13.n pcor lt A a;roup u ( ilk· P.tlc-suni;in On h1~ rtcc1\l v1s11 ll' deportee", m1.n hcd m rf\•ICSI MSU. Dr Abd1ll,h Shc1h. of the reic<" 1:all,:1; ~fonday They called for Jn Ar.a" boy• ~~aSl~~: f,~h(t~: aJ ~~1: J cott of lhc t.ilks un11I thl')' Statc.s. cited the Un1 tc d were reJX&ln.Ucd t'ly hr;ad Nations Sccunt y Coun1.· il "We •re s1lll.<cl\! m havi ng fCSOluuon 779. which caUcd pca..-c an th<' M1JJlc. bbl. OtJr for the im111cd1itc and 1ut;iil IRU'nllun.s art" honJfHk.- llu."ft
of people whose: 12nd 11 Ol.· cupted by war • One of bu ,..rr tdcnuftcd one of the mru.t prus,ns 1$.SUCS U hcin, I t'C$OIUUOn for the Pah:Jt1n11ns caught
:~tri?:~~ ~~;hl~tC~~•m~~:
, huuid N: pti<.c h.nm,iny conn1c1 h ,~d lnll\ l rek .a~ and tr.tnqu1ll1I) in t~ \11ddk Jcru.uli:m ~ au;c 11 wo uld Eu1 We do n(lt .., ant any be the 1...ap1ul ~1f a PJksrnu:in mon, bl0<-.hh<d." Sb<1h ,,,d su1e."' n 1d 1ft He -SJ1d t ~ United !\311001 >ugL"C'.\11.'J that J~runkm he' Securn:,, Counl1I pau (d made an in1crna1mn:al c1I)', ~: n, ~,cnce! ,n.suUc,~,n:: ward whert :ill p(Opk +.. ,1uhJ h:wc MSU . The: 1ru e in11 of lcncc . rt"SOIUll1'nS 3.$ t ar h,1c k U
ou1lln1ng :a M'fl!lr.lh.; Palcstm1an Mite ·Pale,~ n« d:i. 2 bonkr and IIS ov.11 C1"luntr)' for 1hc proble ms 1n ~ f(.(CJlvcd, • Gary Gold~cr1. MSU pro(cuor o f u 1 u1d Goldberg nJd 1h1111ro,uc all)', I.he peoples involved 1 rc YCf) ~mibr in both educauon and culture. Goldht,g ~ •d 1hc conceuions that l.sncl wu rroposmg ¥,,'Cr( good J l£ RS lhilt a pcaC'cfol l(Si\Ju11on.1, C\Juld be madt lsrac:I r ropos.c:1 a three )'Car P'=nod o( Jcl(-rult 1n the 1947
Ader s~1d Jcru\.llcm 1.s "' "'bot 1,Sf\lC.' but th.ii ,t IS nol 411 1, suc (or compromi"SC or nc'"'' lUon. "kruJ.1k:m is 1hc
~:f:;~Ict::,, •~~r~s:i~! '!,11~ ftC\'Cr a,1.1n ht-come :a d1v1dcd c11y."' hC' ~ •<l
ll\'C (."ornm1lltC
as.~ . ~d
<'.\cci s11d D, S1c,.,a,,
u~:~l~n r i Cps,1011, MSU raculry already man~ Greek letters hy ~1arti~r of of UPf... MSU ,s 1hc P, c • ( T Tut Alr ha ch:1plt'r O O(ficet1 for lhc COf'lhriz T,cxas. 1 located at TcllaJ A~ year are John Rb1ckford t llS~re UPE orig1n11ed tn ~dent: Nitin Nand1c.1~ ~ • ; Thi.s socitty is nut ex· viee ptesidcnt: Wc-nka1 Che-. "~:ivt' to the Untll"d SlllCS. secreLlry; Bre nt 8 racbhh w11h c haptcH in Bulp ,n~ ueasurcr: and Kyle Ru,kll Engl:and and ~nc no hutari&n. orpmt.1ng 1n RuMt:11 01 Up.sihin Pl Epsilon ''t or Dr, Jamel C,,mcr, Tc~ reslrictcJ to ~•udc:nts an h Chris112n Un1vc:u11y •114 faculty member, Althoutd member of the E11ccu1J\t lht ,ocic:ty 1s uw ~ly house Council for the lntrm a1,Ul\ll 21 cduc1.11on1I in1uiuu~ns~ 0rsiniu tiM or Up11lon 1, there art ~,"o non•,1:IU c~ Epsilon. conduclCd the cla,. memhGD A ~mdcnl chap tcrina ceremony The nu1ie may 1n1t1att' (:M.'. ully fflC'm:Crs chinc.r mem bers 1ndu, 1e4 who have:. dune Somel mg were Richard W Berry. J"par11t 1Jl,u ly d Jn1ficanl ,n A Blackford, Gregory B ~omputrr ,clt'nct al lhcJr uuu- Bradsha w, Wcnka1 Cht~ tut.ion Ch.1p1ers can also in•: Tina V Johnson. Suu.n A 1Lltt" rormcr studenLS or~om Mc A1ts1er. N11,n k pu\tr pm(eu;1nna.Js who ave Nandisama. Alu.a A Ru.ucn done ,11mfic,an1wOC'k. . and Kyle D. Russell Tht GDdw1e st udc.nts soekini thlU faculty advlk' rs, " hu mr mt'<'Wup must h.avc c:~ - were already mc1nbt:r.1, « pkll"d half o( lhc1r UP£ Or. Stev.-a11 ih:Jrc:e ;.:ou~. whi.Jt •• , S Carpe nter. Mu . Ranr1tt: "-''"t "l('r hour) wn h a Halvcn on and Mr Rllh~rd ,l~cnll CiPA t.:ndr r~ r,1d1.111tc Simp,on
Adc-r '\'.aid lu acl 1s prt"· plrt'd to ,,, c up 1hc G\Jl.ln Height, ( Of full re.ace .,.11h Syria and d1-.cuss cum· promu,c of tcrrilol)' Jordan and Lchanon Be added that w11h muc.h 111 OCCU(Hcd ICmlonu tn cn,:urc d1~ uu , ()f:at"I 11 t.ai,>c:r to i:CI a pcacdu l 1rtn111111n, with lo 1he RCiOt1.1t1C1n 1Jbh. 1nd ncgoll.111on.) :at 1he r nd or li;oks 1orwud I(\ J pc;au·ful lhrtC )'Ufl- for .a fi n.ii n:St>lu• n.M>l uuon 11ons. Adi.:r .wd · 1t 1) rather 11on11.. th.at TM purpri\C ur lhe 1hret" fC'U trlRJ"IIWn 15 hi t n, urc one o f lhc fflO.\I holy and \J that icrron.sm ,s m1n1m11..cd. crcd are:h ot 1hc world. lha l mudcrllc l \lf\. C( lake na me l y P1l<111 ne .anJ romrol. 11nd 1h:u go,·<-rnmcn1 Jtru\l lc m. is a hoth<d of l'OOCCftllJlCS l, n lhc.- CCOMmK. conn.ct and fit;h11n~.~ Stw:1h and M>C111I we ll "cma or P1k .stin1;an people, hf -c;mJ Most 1mport:u11, 1., tci cn1mn: ":'r.:::•,•11u}. tha1 :a scpJra1e P:1lc,11m:a11 ' lon·,n,,,",. ,.: ,... sui..- 11 nm a s« unty 1h~ :11 to Madnd wcrl.' hrol.\"n 1lff 1n lsr:a,cl. Ader Slltd. 1990 , bu1 1hc con01LI h.d he llc~••'.'_!d~ •d:;J:'.'.":':..!'":!"~''~h~•:,:•c::,.::co:;:'";:.·...;.....;_ "k ru51km I\ 1hc l OU uf • t OU't& \ i '"-'C the r nd ,r thl' r rux {1( the Arab hnl'h On Wu1ldW:ull
!or ~~•dcm1c
C~ t e f, one o f the O,rtt
_ _ _ _ _-.J
.\.:===:::..-----=---::-::::::==:::::, 11r.u1nnn11 111111■1
luR A~ • Ulll!HIDllll
Spriu& FestjvaJ
l "'• L■nr.111■N11 I Musicians present spring concerts ........ ..1-...n: I I 1 n " n nI ■
~ department o ( mu~c will pRSCnt its innu.a.l spnag fcsliv>I Apnl 27 · May 4. The festival consists ol • scnc, of
cn,01 and apprcc111e ircat
performance will include: works by Jick Stamp. Roben
w. Smith. E.uic Hagen, John
Zdcchlik. George H.:im1llon
Thurs.April 29: A.km Auditonum MSU Percussion Enscmbic
The spnoJ festival bcgui Tuesda y. Apnl 27 with a
Fri, April 30: 8pm in Alc,n Symphonic Band.
~~c~: 1i~nhe~Y;~fo~~~ 0
The symphonic hand. conduc1cd b) Or. Larry Ar c: h a mbo. auoc u 1c professor o( mus;c (caturud 11 8 p.m.. Friday. Apnl JO. ,n Akin Auditori um The
Sat May I: Sp!" Failh BlP"" Chun:h Uni,er>ily S1n1c"-
b 1
S M, plewooc!Ava.
!5\1 """""'="•
,.., Ma.leorFt:INk Forc~loytnffll rroiram call 1-206-SO,AU S u.1
All ll
r m.
7i :tn:AJ~:~~;3".a~~
I 1
fl fl
-■ Hll■lll!I l'IIJ !! l:t
'1 Ullllllf!llllft
l'I fl
n ~-R■II n n n
REMEMBER US FOR YOUR DIPLOMA NEEDS (ranunc • pnnu • pos&erS Ao:1oM ho. Boott E• -
At The Mall ! Visit us soon!
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l211i\11~i~lc1nl" ""Y
o,$4(D)+llmndlon rls.lllnCbotlf ffcc IOOOopmiap. t'on("l'lfflC'C ft«Q•
Ense mble :n l
Sundlly, May 2 JI thi: :imph1thca1cr ( hc: twl'i: n th t' rinc Aru bu,ldmg and Pierce J-1:all) Bl.ir k will direct the performJnce Adm1s, 1un 1.s frl.'e and thuse pl:annmc to attend Qtt requt>stcd Ill bnng their lawn <.hair,. The Dllltun Honc~rs Recital will be J)fc;'k 'ntcd 3t 8 Pm Tuc,d3y, MJy 4 '"Akin t,c•cd•,•00~11u3 u cncour.11~d 10 .iucnd
j L:--------------~~----~. ::,:.~,::.;;,,:.:.-, 1RErer~r~~OOND I
r'm I Amnesty International &International Student Assn.
,IJ.ARA AMMIR IMP1.0YM£f<l' f\l.hrnCf. E n ~ lnuncnc,
1rantr,c:in:auioal Room& Bow\ Ova
Sun. May 2: 3pmFine Ans Ampiu.ca,,e Ja:a. Ensemble
r AL_:,
and are (n:c for P..·ISU faculty •nd Slaff An outdoor con1.c.n will be pr<"sc:n1cd hy 1he MSU
prc.scnts "'An Evcn1ng of Percussum •
"'Embn cnblc You• and Ou1door Coocen several 01hcrs Or Dan While, WI.Stlnl pro(C\M'r or music . direc1cd 1he perfannance On lbur>dly. April 29. al Green and Cl1udc T Smllh S:r.turday. P..f ay l :al Fauh e..p,ist Churc:h Thr y will 8 p.m. in Ak.in Aud11orium The rformancc 1.s free ~ au in C M:a1or .. by 1bo perform · A 1ubif3n1 l he MS U pcrcuu1on cnx mble • ill prcs,cnl .. An r 1J. , ] ~ ~) t. , ~/ Evcnin1 of hmlssion." Awo !?>Q) Black. a.uisw11 director or music . will conduct 1hc t t MSU SPECIALt t performance. MYSk: chosen fot lhe pcrfomunce includes "Jive for Five.· · Rudi.menu.I Rag~ and others. The performance free :ind all UC uivitcd 10 la.end.
Song," hy Norm:11n Ocllo Jo10, b1.Sed on l tc \l by Walt Whitman Whuc WIii conduc,
Ludwig V;in S«tho,·cn. will be presented by the ~ vcnr s11yhoru s',~f,<•~ r'n,nd. 1 t> u,.1 10 0 C
~\s .1:clu~~fr;1n1t~C:::
111 811 ll II ..-WIii ltl II ■ IIDll!IIIIIII 1!1 fir.I Ill
l y Howw4~Wdk
any purchase over $2.00 O n t ~ ....... - - •• Not...,wWt...,.,...,dllCOl.ll' II--
32 1 0
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\/lB~1lfiLb D.J.CLAY