April 2, 1997

Page 1


. t n 1Chl a .Midwestern State University


All-Americans M,dwr~trm's D:u111011 McKinm:y and Dcni,t! P111 mnn rccogni,cd on national lc,cl. 1mxe -I S1udcn1s and professors dbagrce on 1mpor1ancc

ol 1cm1 pa~r.. 1mi:r J

, ..,.~ c,; .,....

l(Jin~ ~•""


lht.· ,11,u1,11111n J1h"( hlf 1, 1 ~,u,kr1• ( " " 111111"-'nt .:,f<kn11,1l ,.in,h,IJrc I c:,· "'"' Jue;! h•r


rini: h" llll'lc' ,h.:ch Ill 'IJ\11111(1 ,1r 1'/IH, ••t>..·n \llrn I tt r 111f'll11}1•J 11 the


,") lur •h-•11 •IOC' \ f.U we h1, l(nt\11\.llh>tl "'"h \lkn, llo:on,, k-11 tht- ht-r,.,, i·,o11h C.1~, tlu1~:.J11,,l h

Ihm~, ,:,.. l'llhlCr

Midwestern continues AD search ,,JI

Nick Eatman 5cxils fd,l01 It ,t.u1td al S1 II wenl kl fi,t, Jo\o.·n 10 four, h..-...1. up tu , n , 1.UL to 1hn,:, thc:n 11110. 11\ Nlk .u lhrec ""here 1hr numhcr c,f r ln• J1d.atl", fur !he Mtd'"c,tcm Sr.tic .:uhldlo. d1rc,•1nr p:t\1111)11 ,1.;111,h "' nl foN.b) . .ccurd1n~ w \ llil rrr, . i.klll Louu J KoJui,;uc, I..J..i ~1ond:a) . 1hc 10h 111a, offrrcJ 111 Ch11\ Gai;t, lhc l 'n1,er,.1t) cif Tua~ S.in Anion«• 111hlet«: J1f("('ltl'f. bot he dtthMJ Lhc ro-111un b,e,.;111,c of Uk' prnblcm, f'I( ITIO\lnf h1, fatl'U·




Kooln~ut", ,.ud l.l1t d>11ITTUn,i: 11.'C•

nmmmdcd .u'IOlher cJndtd.11:r. 111ho

.. ,IIN'.mft.-.Ml ll11mlt\ll on l n~, Rf'lhcn \kfkc. ,thktK" J1rrt1C1f at f..J~lcrn flhnc.M\ l n1H"r,11) Imm t•194 io IY96. 1\ cumntl) the \re•


Ill ,t,,c, \h,< rrr,1tk'nl ;II r1 11 Mdke hclp.·d ro,.11 t hi, u n1,tN 111 -.;('AA 0 11 I\IOII I AA . •mJ into .;.... cr1:,nce Ill the 01110 \I.ilk) Con· lcr~nct Kcfmc Ml ' , Mclkc ~l\ i:J .,, ,11hlc1u, d11C\tn1 .it kc,t,cn Morn• C,•U~t ,n P,ci..Nlrt:h KuJng...,., JJ....-, ,,)IJ the ocher 11110 fin.ih,h Jun foht1")f'I a11J S1.inlc) 1-'cn"h.Ui• .tit ,1111 m tlK" nmmnjt. hu1 hc 111..nco.,I III h;a,1.• ,11101.her c~n,.hdJtt " l k 1\11. Kct' I ,,,.a, one nf tht· on 1-111Jl ~ ~-· RoJn~IK"/ """J " I ,u~· gr,1«11})\•} 1i111.», .if:.un Mdkt' v.111 1ntt1\le111 11,11h kl....lr,gUC"t f--nJ.-y lot 1hc- fil't lnnc We ,e 101ni: 111 ,,an nulmJI. ik\1~tflfl\ Uf'I p('>lf'lt \Cl') 11u1d:h: RodrlFIK"I -.aiJ "f>nc: "',11 flf ,&llolh· ('f ~c·u ll:t' thl \ 1h1ni: t.loint

tor ,tudtn! .in~lr\


Deadline approaching for merit scholarships Kah Martin Wcni10"I Repo,le, A SSOO t hc<:l for .at-ou, 20 mmu11:, 11, ,)(\; ll OOI 3 bad deal Tht' -tpplu:,11100 dudl mt' for ~ - - ~ M1d11,("'-C'm Sl.ih.-

ReJated 11C.ldcrn1r nlC'OI Story ~ho:;1~~~\~'; Page 2 ;:\:i~ti·.



r«lnt' of \Chrol


""'""'""' , .., .. ,1ud<nh \ nlnflti, M.it,,. !k R 111nd \1;1nl11 \Uport p11rti..-lpalt' ■ ~ bl- • hlt·h ""' hdd in llw n iirl,. ,111d, n1 l ' c-aU'r 8 ,tlroom • 11

TUt:Wi1) . llwtHnl, • hkh .,, , ,pon-.on-d h' t nht'r.ih Pn.,cnmmln,: KMrd, alio-td , hldtAh ,. c»lt.t I bru.lt. rrnm " •"- l'hom h '"'" \,10,,it

~JJ C\CI') \ ISL' ,rudcnt

~houlJ :aprl~· ..WC' 11,,ant 10 ht-Ip a, m:any f'(Clpk ~ pi)\''"k 11, uh Uk'\C' -chnl.1Nl1p..... ,ht- ,.i.1d HWc kno-,r. m.&n\ \IUlknh h.nc hmncd fund, ,llld • th" ,, a

,m:1ll.., ,1,toca-c"mlot',,t th:it " ~lc1kl( , ,nd cH'!l ,1uJcn1, 11,uh lower CPA, ,,hould In .ippl) to, 1h.: -.ch,11:mh,p l>c;,:au-.c lhl' moOC) J\.&IIJMc tk.',:J, !•• hi.' u ....·J 11,c nffK:e ,i.1.,.1 ,1,.-.:11' C',M.'h ,1pplt ~atlOfl 1,1'('(' If IC \l,\'tlld t'C' ,1 l..UiJklnc for ,1,Mthcf -.ch.~JNu r pr•1f11.im Hin \Omc c.11.e,. "'c u 1U "'nd rel• ('\JOI .,pplK'.31100\ co d1tfrrr n1 Of~a• n11atu-.n, ,uhm1,"l'lfl... ,he ,:iu! 1hr .ic.ii.kmtc '( hol.ar,h1r ,, fundtd U\10$ 1hc in1cre,1 Jn,,,. n on -'tfflC ~l~l ,M:l'UOh :inJ ltk: .ul'lf>UOI J\J11Jhh: aOO the nurnt-tr ol ,1111 .ir,.l, m..Jtllu..111111c,tmmo<m("•


/('f l<J\C'UIC,ll' r

Set Schola rships pagt 2

oll: Midwestern State students not satisfied with advisers Kat · Martin ,C:

Qll NPC)r01

•.\JI ,11,JJcmic aJ,1-rr 1, J 111':fll• of 111( f!M.uh~ l'b<• i,:uu.h:, the I tn

thc ',('ki:11011 1•! «IUN•

10 ,ol1 Ill~ ptCIMnn , Th,· , ..,it rn•r;i.re the ,1utlcm,

r,l.n JAd .... . u.!Nlffl\( rlw • IU

·,'('11,:Julc: -ti c....:h rcp, ir.itwo "uJtnt ,hcoulJ h-cl lrcc to ,,in

h:01,. I In, 1, "'hJt th.r \fal.,.,c ,tern ~ •.ii\.' .iuJc:111 h,1n1tl-.i'l•l •.i)" the cluhc, ,,f ,Ill .ic:.i,.k-11111. ,Mh l\CI. NII J , uf\,•~ u lf11lu..1cd re,t11•l~ ,0011,ed th.II "'h1k 11Jh\l f.1et1h) i,11(' reJ"-'"· ,chh , 1,t1,l1t'd llllh their rule ,1, :11h 1,c:r,., ntJn~ , lu(k-111, ~re 001 lh,• , ur\t'\ '"·" ,·un.lu,tl.<d hy ,.. \ 1"1 , l,1" ,,tlk d C'.1-c S1Uil1c• 10 l'uhl1, Rrl,111nn, 1:iu~hl h) CJrl:i 1Jr1111c 11. 1.1~inhUJlfll OI thr ffi:!I\\


,'1>mOU!Ok, J!l••lh dc.-p.11tmcn1

Snl\-C1fht rcr,en, "' fo,:ult) ,ur• ,cycd ,.ud It ,, J llJ!f'rllflh.lt(' IU help ,1udcnl\ \l,\Lh lht· lk."( "100 l \o.e11I)· ,11.ldcnt, J j:ft'C'd Uh} ~.11 1-rr, hc:11(\C 1ht, h~, e :1 l knltt'II ,,ml !hr , ul\t} -ho,,,,rd good rclJ11,:-,n,h1r v. 11h thrn thJt l.t(.Ulh.1,J\14'1'.lll:/tllP,lflJlltlO :!id11,ce, " , 1u,Jr11i", ldu..111on n1,ct tom1wt·, m ::.1. l'o.' rtcm l•t '0 1l'mll 111h,11 v. c: t, ~111,J " thJI 111,11,} ,,.,.... , th,· t.... uh 1 :uh1w 1 ,, ,h~ , 1ud..·n1, '"'~• t~..-l 1ht., •MIil' ,\d11...:-r, .ind ,tu.km~ 1,1..., rcrw n "h" ,Jn , :i,e .1 , tuJ,: nt h11111 Jj:ICCd on v.h(lhc r l,11,UII) ll1C1t1hcl\ drorr,n!' 11111. ,he.- ,,11J ,ht,,uJJ help , rudcmt,, h.u,,-c .t lllJJII' fh,· •UI\ C} ~t •nUIIIIC'd ;,n :iro.•.i for

TI1<,une},v.h1.. h.,..1,,1n,111cn:d 1-y 1.& (.Kull~ ,tJ11<.<f\ Jnd -I 17 ,1u• !km, . , h(N. cJ 1ha,,.i1rcr•C'nl(lf (.JC

,,~ f'CIO.C'I\I ill


ortar Board chapter fr==---._r--7.::.....,,:;=.-:-... I ' aps 41 new members

- T""Y71"77:'"-;:--,:r.:,------,

ThtWk hiran

J.-tu11fc1 Hutkr. ~h.ul.i C.1r..:1, fh.J I JU''>I.'' \ 1clmJ .i. C h.trJ . ShJ\lo'O C1,~ct CJlh.:nne Ct.>tJ~ R..chd ( ..,1o111 (ol""lj:<' Cun111 np.h.tm, l ,m1.ir.1lullcr 1,lmt• llc11,IC\. Tctt,3 lhmc, . t h,c11Jr.1 lfJch11~1en, CIJud1.1 llol~rn. Rq:,nJ llun1.H1ll , ~c.11.·e} 1"'111. \!JI")' J,,. m~. Tx Lee. M.11!1 l.w1Jo11 ,\ nlhtl\l\ I 1'llt,, D.inn} \1,1:"'.:in, \!1111 ~k l ,1.Jn, 1-'a.uhu, M1~1li:1.1 • 1u, J,~h::11111.1 '\ ud1n,, SJ't'n,rr l'J~t' C h1n,1 P;i.rl.cr. ),.. .1) Lvnn

ftrl ldeqv:ucly 1ra11K"d to h:i.ndlc ..d,·,,injt

,:uJ The: ,1udcnh 1n 1hr d.i" rn·ra,t,1 1ht· ,ur.r\ , m,Kk• up lhe 1.jUC\h\lfl\, ti:,tcJ J fl, U• ~roup ,111,I ,11ll111n1, 1l"r(J the ""'"'' "lh(y ,,,...,,c .,1.,., rr,r,111-ihk h,i g-t1h,:nn~ lhc- ,ur.,·~, Thl· rr1)t,n ,houlJ he fi m,ht.·d


lknncu ,:111,J the ul11111JIC goal of Che ,unC) 1, to rcfam ,1uJcn1, frnm \(11'1('\ler h• '-CfllC'\ICr. ~n<.I a good



•, "1ift'inllllllron ol lht-(;rut \\•n nf l "hlu k on dh,. of tht (lark " lutknt c·rn,n ,,,,.,,,. t,,1 ' '"" \ou11,..


h i:h1

1:amJIC' thJn t,1 (llf.,(' lhc dJrl • nr ,,.H rckh 1u Amnc,1, lntrrn.11t,,n11', dt.',l1u11,'" 11> ·drav.mg 1111cn1100 10 IOJU\IKC'. v. hirh nk."m• hth h.id m mmd III hen lhr)' pt\'· -cn1cJ th.r ..Greil W-tll 111 C"hm.i.. (IUt~•dr C!Jrk "i1udcnt Ctnter Thur...J~• :lllC'm6.>n .4,n·, ,;Jm~ 10 Kichnrd Youn,. pre,1&:n1 n( MKl..,,C')tcrn S1at1"·, chJpter of AmnC',t~ l mcrnJ1m n .1l. rhe ..., ;ell ,, ., prnpx-t for the C:hu1a C,1mpa1~n :mJ \CrH, .,, J tJnJ:1hk •~mNII o1 th, ur, .1n11,1l10t1, J)f(lte, , Ji.i.10,1 1h1• hum,m 11ght, .,N-c, f'l'Ji.11lCd t,, 1hr (.' 1110,:-c J:•l\cnmicnt a~.1111~111,\W.11 profllC' •\rnnt~r~ lntcmJLIOO-tl p.ini\, UIIC'

4mnDC) h,~ pl~y on !ht IIOf1JI

Ol::\l\lo« k

Group tries to draw attention to injustice Alisha Ferguson W-c:h,lon Roo&ter

J,,,..,n \,lit ll.:r. k rcm~ ,0111h l,,:n ,m11h. ~h nJ, Sp;dc, J,1h11 ,t,,r"

:MJ,1,mi , 1.ifl 1, OOo." "'J"J 10,lo th.11 "Wr IC' "'nllng :I r'JflC'I ,1t,.,u1 ~Ill, ,m.iller un1• c1,11u.:~ o.;1n 1mpruH· l\'lcn11,,n \l, (llloUUI lllU\ h h'-1,~ ,ht'

In fa~·• ! \ Jll'l'l'.COI of ~J'Ondent, ,a1J lhc)' d1,.11~ w11h the poli,. \ 111 lhc ha111lhook or "'Cre no l ;1,,,.Jre n1

The mono ··11·, hcuer

1<,,. .,.•.

'-1,.,,i.., \ iro•cr. l)u,11c f 11ym1a. J.1...,n l uo. l..,·r, Chn-11 lr Jl.e!I. "•lk1 \,•1111,r.c , ,\ ~l'tl,1 Wtll.C', -tnd K1,l!JtJ 'i ,'lln~ l'ht n,c--. 111c:11lt'l-l' 1,111 "'-• UUIUII c-J '" ' ,uii.l,t\. Ar,r1[ !• ~• -I pm IO lhc. l I ,1l \1..itk m ( cri•ct RJllti-.101

""ntten rtlJ!Ofl\C\ lknncu ~Id nun~· 01 the f;i.,:uh~· npf't,'t'd concern 1ha1 the) don' !

pate, n1.1111h m k ucr l'/llmll ~1mllJIJ:U• ,111 hchJII ,,f rn"lfll" ,,1 \llll.... 1en.,: \loh,> .UC hcl.t l11f th..•tr r:...t. 1ch~11•n ,., r11h11~.11 , ..,...,, In •hc C"h111.i. <"•mp,11):n. , ,,ung ~,u J - \\ h,U 11,r'rt' hurm~ tn :ai.:cumph ,h 1, hnni: .i.111.irenc" oo hch1H (If cllt' \ISi J1ld 1he W irh1tJ Fall\ rnmmun1!\' h • th,,,•...,· hum,111 nghh ::ihu\C'~, gel )'Cork m,,,hed m



\ mn.:,t}

ln1cmJl11'lfl.1I. ut IU\1 1.,l.c 111.,r,: 1,1 Jn 1nte11•,t rn 111tr m~11..n,1I pi1l11tl ,, JIIJ ,pc\1fii:,tll) Ch1111.'"" pnhu~ ~" , 1111nl!! ,.ud ( h10C'-l' pn,ontl\ fl l rl>O'\!\'fk.(' ,lie , •lll'll hchl m tun.~ 1..i-..x ,.1ni11- l'h\'ll' Olln Jr(' ,,,mc:-

t11nc, m...,ic " ' v.,1rlt.: 111 , ••1, 1•!

o:h<nu,.,h in lhc nu1k- JnJ .ue ,ut,. 1 ,..-..,r d lo "h,1mrlc l t'IM.ht11,n, llll

SN.• \\'11II paJ!'-' 2



,... ,..

n, 11, 1h,.

1h,~nl.lt11, ,,1 '-' • , 11rruJconr1~ , •* l,..»,K", .\.1N1t1 \',lUC, .nl J..._ l.1.'t'


hcc'rt ~k\l ,,.,

lk-t,lfT 1>i" \~Jof



k"ll'J llft)('

l hAI . """ ... h.. \ t\11.k'nl O,o c,nmrnl ,io..r. IOf'Pll'IJ Y,,unli , pl11Hunn 1• nw.


finJ1nc ., ""'>

( unA1rtth.1m. u hu1klin1 h•• rl,nf,\fm :UNln.! du11111n, ,urf~, ,n ~ domh. nul1n, \lllt~nl\ OMlfC' 11,'fll '/1&( ,,1 thr J"lrf'N' NltJ .tell• 11.1h ftt SGA ,r11.1ns c.vnru• tYJI· n,,.non.. mnrr 1Mti h~. 1u-.J1n, • ••~ "'


\f,,\ ,\fl1,t


h" 1\t lhrfll.• ,,,, 1 ~


""'' " ' "'Mr m .Ill ,1u

I ho,pr \tu,.kttl• .an-n' I t'\pt-.:llnJI' u, !fl Ju thtflJ\ M:r kwornftf IUIIIIW'I - YOUftl; "llJ.i


""' ' °'


'-'hi ti M •• dn,K'J •nJ un

•~1.JI UHtt l>t thc-c IN-1• to) ,,.._ cfttl . ufh1, l(ffll.,ht • 11l t'C ""' ~

N ht,, ,lln(Wpl I ( lfn!Cfl",1 Ofl 'l,,unt1,. ,.h,, 1, n.nnt,.J N> lhc- '-'.mt h, l ft •• 11<, JMhl4k'.nual ..:~1U11r (

,J,1 1,,_, lbo.·\rtl•mf l'wl II ,rlcf1, •hu 1, nll!"lnJ 11111 •tr< 1tic,,.k1lt "' ' 1~ "1nk. 11, Lct .o I (< .,.k) I h.an)\" h.,,


I &h ,.andkbk' l't,1, \;1.KI 0111 A rflJhlfm

11o..,,. 1ofu,n,1ilf"1 'tlooJr"lt(M<\"1'1ffl t'ftt •Ill, .n1•M1f<1ll•oflV.h. •fl'tw'" .Jt-,1, 1,-l\,11 l tt ,,11J l'h,, ,c,r, VI,'• t lf'lll w,:'1h,.,'I

,•!l'i.r,,i,,1H• 1t.-n<"..n..Jnur.tNc-,at>

1rul1n, ~,A .,.,,

'" \.l ,J\ I lic, h..i , fue ,I'! mi'lfflfflWm. 11"('4.1!\\ \.alJ. 'h,\ th1• \1',tf, chc) ,...n1.lll)' 1t.~thtti..rl '' \ ll!HI, Mid I "' t,;11:h h:-1.c,c tht• .in: qu.tli(IC\I hi l'innt lhttot llt\.t'\-.W\ d1,NIJ<' hi S1udt11t C""-.:mmml

' I, . h.on~·i' •n':u-t.-•l((""C'f fl


.&il11c.111r ~ 14' M~l •

Vfttl ,,,1c1"

Y,,un,:.: ,enJ (\1nn1t1Jlum. v.h,) ~ r,i,t ,d1ll1accJ v.1th r. Gttd, u,,,111,.ifl(JR ...,i,J ;i •lr\lfl' Gn:cl •> •1cm ~Id bt "''lfJOf1Ml on

1 , .imp.1• tht •IIC' , )I \l i;,h~c-.tlffl,

11• lht <,red. ')\IC'ff\. .m.l

Wall _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ d,,iit.z


fTII."" IM IJ\I "J'C•\


\f,•mi-c,. ,,f .\n1nc-,1, lntc, 11111.itYI tu.•< .,.,1'1\4"\I ,,... 1hr Cl11~ ( ".m1PJ1):n ,,n..r ,,.,, June Tht\

lc"'1W'd ltw , "1.UII .\tnrft\.,., •X'fl'O· r>1""1, -.rrt lnlf,\l'ltn,: t,.'1"'.J- f"'O J1t<rd 1n l<)fH•J t.iNV , JmP,. io C'hln.,. .u,d,.fl 'ff'1'•Tht-\c' , l ~ • J'1.1ni thrtn ,., •lc'f' rur,tw.ins 1b.:~~• \ll'1""'""" h.1•1' .....,

•m1m lo'\

thl llllM"< C'"\'Tl\fflCfll 1111 hrh.11! 111

ht'Cl.111 n:-hg.n.,.. r,n•,uflCT•• Dunn, the: 1hr..-.: ...rd,, t,cf",:,no 11t,r x1u:\I t,lnlJmp \Jr 1hr -..&11. n'll'rnhtt• o/ ,\n1nr-1, lnll"ffl.Ml1tftll \,tlUt,,l,. \ , II• 11kfl,tJu.1h ¥\ounJ ,.MlliJ)V' II.If a

~IR.il'°'1 lbc, to.n.. l ._ mo,.. vi "-kKh dollar N-;ai IN' \<lid l\ll

""""nJ ..

K.1tr '\tartin WSct~'or" Qii:X"f18" F1tl,nj1 ou, "'""'· 111nonJ r"a)• !In.inn•' •l•k"fflll'fl(' m Mid


•11~, "4\fnr MKhr-t\k1"11 ~ -.tu m-..l'o)!


h 1, n.)4 d11" • 111"lri: 1hc'-c ,tu.kn,, .re dotllJ tu tithn, l'VI .ar,,fi..•

,._in,lr<11-ch,Jt~P " Mrttt 1ha11 1,SOO M\1 ..iudrnh


"hN°"h'~" 1t11, '-C'fnl'•lrf ar,ordlnr !fl the Njl\tf'¥ , ofh,Y l'lrc lll.)1-"'k .a frr.hmrian•hor. 11\&J'-YlAJ huk'J) .anti chrnll'-II'\ "'nulJ ftl'IC t"t It \1\l 1( 11 •ttt not fol' lhc ...tioi-'.k1p,. he m.·c,,1\t ·1 • ·• "'"' h.l,r hccn tn tf'lil' ""'"· • l)o\k ~ I tnll\lltd -.I thrn I $i"" I.ht .,.ht,1;1N11p. •' I Jc-<,.lhl<\I .-I d.Jn' i fO 10 t,,.1o,c • """I' '


Jn,v,n' n.11nr--

V;vt nf tho. fun.h sCflffllJiC'\S toy 1hr ct-...!) ut J..>NIK'ft, help


knldrn, 1hr "-1111 !Ind f"ln .,.,II ~1 into f\mhc-1 lt-uc-, .... n11n1 flllll


A111M•I) fQ•Snt.. 'loon, lntC'fTHIU\'fW .... ,11 l'lll'lhnw kl l.d.C' foe 1ht tnuu tm11:' 1ht'


v.JJI ..,.nJ, fhr "'"II .,. 111 t..r up•• k.1•1 1111111 .\pnl 10 .ano.l h\'11tl.ill) kon~"f lhlin th;;w,' \oon~ ~ R~rt lXl'lluh , 1,· t rwt,idi.·,u nl 1h< MSl ,·h.1i,4t1 ,,t \mo,:-,1) ll'IIC'ffllhOcuJ '-'tJ. 1'hc 'Ulla! l)a,11,.411) t-,n•.,u-.: ul the- tth JIIIII' n"P,f'\\hWI Ill Hbr-1 h } th( Ou~ l'"mtnW'ftl mJ """1fiul I. ltw (\Hllmun1 ,1 J'(NIV Y.r ~ I


k'lltr-111nllf1$ ""'0"'"'" """"''' ('!)

r,bt1M monl ~ md ,.un, 1h.1 bttn 1unurtd \\'(' ,.cm fmm 1hr1c ;uw;l

v.rmn, \('\•lll'l't\ Jl('hllul C'h,nc-q





hl\l'd Of> pl'l~l l'l('f\

Amnl"\I\ ln1c~ht>n11I h.J;, t1C'-ffl on ,

40-yut "lfflfWltll "'1th lh"

°""'d) al"'


t>t,;-111,1'< t•f tk

ro, nntnr111.11ct11Jt1, tti.r h.lln• t.v.C'n

pt..-(''" the r,a-.tt....,I )C...... lht,wpl• n11,mon h•• 1n..n:.-~ 1h P"-"-'"""'

t,,,, IMIIP\ h \c' lhc \I M ,ti.JMcr YNCII!'-'"'- '-'l1r111"('\lflk"ff U• v.m 10 1um thn 1t1to ., 00 1h1\ J"('lhtk.il1"uc,or d1it) 11o1n11, , wm,1 1111u an l\:t'IM!ffltl. 1,\ut But 1li.,1 ,


no1 111h..a 11\at,ow,i h,at..:.uthum.m 11Jhl• If• •N'VI 1hr t.,..K' fR:NJ.,.n, ••Kl np:h1, 1h•1 -."t' .,, human ti.rm,,

p,r-...-t" 1h.a1 no n.u11w,aJ ,-1,'ffnml'fll ""'-'ulJ N" .aMc- 10 1.dc 1-.:., from

" l'wl lht{"\.ln,, 1hr •1~111 \('n,,th



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h, \Olrl f ~ \, dW,nflf•anJ ltll'

Ont '-UCh .tu.kn1 ,, \ Lann.a StWIO)C'\K", • ff'C'\lln,-i !TUI \ cone m.a,x ,111.a1uWh· (n)l11



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<Mlt'n,..I high


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GP-'• 8 111 , ht- ,,ud i t ~ '

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Ml) rarnw c~111v.ktt'd 4 ht "'"') 1• lffll'Jllfl.11\t -


,,.iJ Y.t 111J111t w \ no.,. "'h.u lhl.., r p l , att.il \iSl1, 1rlhc:} 1,1,0,\ .Intl •h.tfthtttrf.in•w t '" \lrtUt ..a,dbor1-.«n:tA .lianJ~ .... holarJur :q:,ph..-.iltoo• :an IUl'l'l(d m 10 hr, off.._c c.1o.·h «n1e,1c, "lollh"ft'JIC"'P'.t M,ujdbtlUffl.


in, Ulc'\C',rpllC".ltlO n•m~al61-C1li


lrtt mone) and II <k'<"n 1 Ukt l'TIIK'.h "'"ft1,1fillMuut," Jlt._,.JJ


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Go'"1 oo.n noon ice Chest AIOweo. () Cl'leCtea No Oos.s Con1oner. or IOOd ConceRlon Stana c,pen For Mo,. l"fofff'ICl1ton Coll 514· 2.U9 5pon1or.a In port by:


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iir-11"-""'l!•"'•l',1flf'k'\(Jlll'•l"""'ll"k"1 J1,r h,Jlo\11\1 ll"'C' lt.6 • ~ fl !wJ 1'11,lf< ct,.,


~..._, tor """~ m,:-dr\•~rd n.~

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, tun.:i•d



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Pk"f ~l t'' 1'1111•11.k If'> ..m,.)lt !\\ Ion~ ;I.\ ""C'I\ ,J1-1,11.,-J1,,1-1n,.ilt,1Ut....it. 1tut ,fuit

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TrullW' t \ j'MJ.lntd tf'III

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ICU professor invited to conduct art seminar Ttll'<'Onfel'fnce to be presented In library Tht l'Rllii l tk\'\11\ftrr~r ·nw ~ f'vhll<" I ""chl'ly ,.,,.,.

Ttr•h t'urn W-:,.h-rr a;:;J•ctf '4td..,neem ~ , r"1'..nmc"' rl M ,-,. ..,.llr'd ph<fn .. w Nono1k1 1.Jn ""c

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Bank prcsidenl lo SP"Bk a.s Slreich ltclurrr RN"C'n :,OkTtt1 1"C'' kkn1 1•1 1-edn-.W Rc~c- 8.nl ,, O.Jl,1, •ill 1peill in the- F1m h llC Arh Thf,11c1 o11 Ill~ n, Apnl ~ Tbc \trtich le..twl' 1\ .II\

\r1 .ti

Tna, ( hn-tl.n l m1eNI). II)

Thr 11t1'l)C"I,(' "' ri..: «muurr i• to ;w'"ldc- ,cudcl'II• 11L1th .in Mff\1'1:'1 1n tlw \l>U.-1

ol ~ cduuhon •tH

41'\d 1'..- u, f'f'cp,w '"' rhc

"(lp!K.Mlk"lpl',:,..c » The- Cir;adulk \tnun.or 1• ,cbcduled fr" V.toneid.lr) Apnl ~ imm I pm ltl 1,~ p,n 1n lhl' ~nhns lliiwdfll\ l I!Jt, 1n 11w f ""


,1nnu11I C\ffll


._.!t' ,- -\.

~ 691- 4600

"'41.\Clf'I dwr ,,f ll'lr llr!:paru!'WnC ' "

~onduc1 " o<rmn• ''" 1t1.tu.Kt' ~IJ!.I 1t,1nltx- f1N \ffl

hfte -\Jh Bu1kkn1 \l,A \tln OKTt:nth,


ic.,-c,Jpmtc,_ 11.-tlllTf"l



V. 111>011 c:;un.rd • ha,i.hdot • i.kpl'C' u1 cduc-.i11on ,n 1'164 rrum the l ruitt l 'I) ol ,n

, ,M~l•

11/'llU,n l\c '-" .iJO MIi ~ tunJaJ mrmbtt

u(tht ' .,l(l(Nf~mm:kvlht lh•nwulk,.' Sumnwr Wmuu. Ont,.,rll AS l'rlnt• ~~ 10 f ~ ')" al Columl'u l "'""'"' ~l""'



In 1118" \l. ,11>u11 dcncd d1,11rm.i uf the , lbOllal (.'{l!.lfK II flt An -\dm1n.1,t,.._..... Ii< hS\ al'-41 h«n lhttd 1n ' IA ho , \\'hr, in o\l!'ltl"K .ln \rl

V. 11h•',r1 ,11,11.,.,., m .e.Jt~\1bk thtr"3Kh >e1pr11n Imm the , II) o!

" "-h1t.i l ~ I\ thc: Vl t.ht11J-,ll1,\m C1-mm1"tQl'I 1nJ the \hd -..c..ttm ~tm l hll('f•tl) -\n t-~ mtnl


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MSU pre par es for spr ing matches •• 1.



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,n,i 1,11;,r IJ .J

The Wichitan ' is taking applications ' for the ' 1997-98 staff. If you are interested come by B103 in the Fain Fine Arts Center and fill out an application.

tu, , 1,i,:lll"'ll /fl 1~ rv1f• 1,,, thc-1,dl ,1~ 'lt'J .. 'ffl< j1('C'TI\ r•-d r l,1, cn. ' "'

1•, 1e1 \JJJ 1h.: 1(.,m


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