April 30, 1997

Page 1

M1J-..C''l•'ffl \ IJU' pi,J t,Ccd 1hl.Uf "'1.ut ,,(

,.....·,and \ l">fh ..l\Jfl\'.' d,m1i, 1ht p.1\1 _,,J 'rhc W1, h1IJJI -..,1, t!l('IC ~l) \ lr(l lll fh(W:1) 111 1« 11 ),w 1nf,1trT1C"1.l WC' h.1ic (l'll'ljllltJ J 11, 1 ,...f ,hf- l"fl lk"' ,t,,rn:• ,end lhc IO(I \J)OO ' • U111C\ t11 IY'J(..t,7 .,,k.l pur thc ru toareibcr IN' 1,u1 l ltU I I\\U•' 1,.~ l t11t1 Hi..L · "' h1o.h t"l' fnunJ !lfl PJTC " h lllt 1ur 1(/11(.., , •l•>fK\UI tht u·.v J..rvvllmcr.i N ffll"' of ll" l"f"'"All,n ,1nJ, f>fl ,m,. ltclfl k'('I thh h,I ... hl!c: l<TIWC' m lt'A ~ Joy, n,111n; tlllhrt,c,d'1ff'fNndlt (oUI -Sn-rf'II} 1hc' lk \l. • ht.h l MI (...u~ ,>n rlt( 7, h .1• lhr lr,pl0~•,11,nc--Cll l'M • rhce#!l\ tf' lt) ',....-.1f\l1 ru, ., ncv- ,111hlct" do,~-...11.11· :uiJ ,,n.-"lhtr l/lfl 10 n:ahC'IIAi• rnr ltlt ""'-' "'• .,.,u« tc..rn '"fl tb11 h\l

. .,.ho.,!''"



igmaNu tans to be

Renovations hit full stride this summer

ry by 2000 \Jail Gur~k,•

.Karrn Mall W-cF ,..,., 1ie(XHei"i1u.kn1, m um,nj,! "' \foJ..,C'\ltm ~ I.JI<' m 1hr l,111,.an nrc,.•., \ .Ul<'I) r,f d1,1ni:r• 1111 , .1mpu• - ,•,pc'CJJII~ 11' the C IJl'l \ w Jcm c enter JJi.J n,,l,n ',cK'tx.c ll.1II , ,1, ..1 uni cc• tn 1ht.· f'\( .... 111 h. fl'III\Cd "' " 1 \f"'II .uh.I,. m.1Ju111\ 01 ,he C!'l<" \1.1II t>c ,M _ 'd 11•1111 \1J\


~·• hl e Uu, .an: ...w,1o: ol 1ix' '"'•""""' \ 11 ruu,,n.al lrJtemu) ,, fili111n1ng ,n Jkohol-11« hi ms cn, 1ronmC"n1 1111 rn ol 1hr u·mu~ ~ ~Jll•h~ • r,uhh-hcd m the S1gm.. _. .Jetter. · Kni~htl) :,,.c,,.,. <'f!l'llirm ~ ptrc(flt o r lif hh . Q \ r,:r-.:cni 11f -.e, , JIIC'~Jlll>fh, ~; l')l:f<'.C'nL l'I JUt,IITI,(),, IIJl~ nr,, 67 J'('fl.'1.'nl ol ,l1p, anJ f.a!I,

~\:r:•:t~•;~:~e, ,)n


n,,.., t'C' f,i.unJ 1n O l.lro111.1hoc 1 1 he f),:.,n ol "i1uJt111, Olft« 1, ,n kuvnh 11'2 JIIJ IO ' \tu.knl A,11u11C', I m1rr, 11~ Pn-~r,1mm~n~ Uu,11d ,"~ I ~ IIIIUrll' I ( .1mr • 0flilC' ,1r,,· 1n K ,111tth _l. ,\ J /1<\ l h<' \ r:1111111, 11111\C ,, m k t..,,11 I I~ .1nJ ~uJenl f)r~Jlll/ Jlltlll' .UI.' Ill M, • 1111 I ~,i l ht t1l ll(C honl , h}IC ",111tk n 1 (,111cmmc.111 ,\ ,•!IU ,IIHUI O lli,c JnJ th~( '",( O!Ti,c .... .11 rcll\,1111 Ill Ilk· ,tuJcnl ,Cnll'I L.ht'IIUj.!ht>ut the fCtl<•\JIU)fl• 11 \\>U .,..JIii U1 j,:t1 10 !ht.- h,,- ,l\ hll'l" JllCI \IJ\' )'OU mu,t 'u-c !he l'JI ! l'ntrJIICC d lN"•I 1'1 Ilk' h,,111l1tnlf Ilk· r,.111 ,,fh,c Jtld ,,1h,·1 offo c:,. , .111 ,tt1!~ t'C .i,.,c,-.cd 1hri1Ufh 1hc duo, 1lt1 1h1· ...--.u1hca,1 , ,lk 111 the \ 1mk n1


prcr.:cnt ,,f ,he 1.11.1!1111-.. .,, rr.11c:m 11) ,. ro-,1hc: nJl!Ofl ,n,,ll\ CJ .ikOh<>I ,runi:,•• 1hc t1atcn ul) r lJn, 111 mal.i:tu11n,n): .1II .11.oh"I ,i, n11n -r1c-c.ripdrlli' 1n,111 rhl: ,·h.1fUl' r h,'114.'\, :-any ,.t,cn: Jkoh1•I "111 he 'Cr.c-,J "1U\ I t'(' JI Jn 11Pf'l" f'll~C third•f),,lf1) IOC'Jh on. Jfl\ rJnv "'hc: r<'. .d\ 1 -h.:•I ",c:n·ed rnu,1 'illl!IIN 1,1 t1.11cm11, mcmhcr-- ..nd 1hc1r , J /11.• J t'l",,f lc,t"JI d11nL,1ng J j:l,: J>t.,.!L!,1, \m,m Jn " ""lJnl c, ccum c M ,1 ~1rm.1 :--. u, n.111,,n;il hc-adqu .u~ J 1/lt w NJ/l,l,T-fr,-c h, m~ cn\lron" 1,al> Jl'lothcr , 1cr lhc h ;il~'fn11~ h:a, 111 LI• 11,l n'dl1'.tmn poh,) 1t, r.it' nl J (nfllmuum lhJt \1~m:1 ~u l!r(n rt•h UUIC )Jni.:c the nud, IIJKl>,u , lhC frr, 1 lfJICffl1I) 10 t>;an Yoe ...c,c 1h..· fo, 1 u, rc, tric.1 the JXII· o1 ,11,,r,h,,I "' 1t h ChJplCf IUrkh \\°I,' iir.l to m:ap ou1 ., n,I,, n-Juoton .~ Gb--n1Jn ,.ml a,..-, c-\r!,111wd other ,t"....c'I\, 1hr , ,,.. "t-.snmn~ Jkohnl JI ch,lf'ICI l'i4lU'('• imp!) ,1nt.l rh1l•"••rti1, .1lly. ... c:·, c £ h• p,n, ,dc tho.• h,,-\ i !"(M1hlc 11, , tll'ltunmcn1, "' 111.'rt \>Ur memhrl' lJl'I hr cw:I .11..idtmll,,II}, Jlld t"l Ccl In ,hc,r llffllUIJf .K.l!\ III(•. ( il.i--mJn -.;11J. fon1k·r llh:,1J..n1 ,,f lhc ,\ l,d..,c'lcm ,11.i(l'Cr t'II "l11m.1 -..:u. 1 hnmJ, ~h,~ 1/tt" n1.1m ri:,1,1,11 1hc nc.,.. r,ohcy ,,


11-.c the Jtrmn1 ., the t•nh (lllfllull ,,r lhc N11ld111~ not undcrirnnF h 'IIO' J IIOII, II 11,111 t,c " "'"'I ,1, .. •h >fJ J,:e

J lf;l l urfum llUfl'

,11 *

l!fl~kmcnll•J" to 1cJ u,:.: 1hr r1:11em1lubll11}. hul he ,,11d /llt!lll"CI\ rmphl


SiRmaNu pajtr 8



~~'!:'~~: ~':!;:,~~::..'!! ,:'':!::

(" s«ll..n,oflht llulldlnt. nwblrd hit\"'"'"• pu('H1br •1tnif • liclcl _ , \llttknb ·'"' prvf'N,On. h o., ,\11ru1(

r,.,,,., '"

exas Le~isl~ture has ma~e si~ific~t anges In higher ed~~~~?.~-~.~•s sessrnn J~son


\O" ,o e



nt the Tc,.1, l.c=~1, l,11urc h;i, tna.k ~ - fo1 h1gh.:1 cdu,.;1U(lfl anJ for , iudcnl\ ,n tk n- 1, .Ul upJJtC on ...,nit" of 1hr ,,,u,c, 111" ;~

;\,, i-1.tnt f)r,m , ,, ~111J,.-01• I.me I ('1, hnc:1 .-.,.,1 ,1u,,km h>fl!,'CI "' ,1t,lc Iii l'C-.CI\C H'tC'l:'1111!; ru,,.,m, 1111b. Co;( !)11.1!.lcnt• ,h,.,ukl ,u,111..., r I 1nd.r ~011 m th,,• kt)!--ir.11 , Otlicc "' f\""'-""<' """ """"' h11 mi.....-1111}?' Tltt u:mudchni o f C\( • ..,hi..h \l uJcnt, Jl>r rmcJ f l'(' ,c, ,._ .11.!11 n'ICIIJOr, the ,.,khunn 1>1 a ~4-h<,ur ,.um pule; JJh. "111\Cnlfnt'.t" , 1,,n: ,ommutcr, loun,c ll11.J \l'lln ... 1,h l"'lflUlM h\J Lha1n, e\r,inJctJ }:,jmc r,:,,,111 Nt1Qurl mom . ,.uldo• •r d1nm~ ,jft,1 ,111d J ,.._..,. , 1utkm Jmmi,?rn,,m . l ho. ¼A (dli..c, t,. ..p1t.1l11~ 11"11111 Jll<I I\ ,1uJ,.ntl)1nmi; R.o,,m ... 111 to.:- rcnllxkkd J ntl h .1•.: '"'"Ill,'"' ,11.IJcJ lbcrc .....11 ;11-.n t,c I rcnt.·h ,ls..,r, .,,nnc,11n11th: ,.,..1.1 r0<l!'ll, tu maLc ,t mmt Ill e , n cn1cn,11nnk'nt , u1t•· lllC h.1llr,-11n 11,111 ht 1Cf'l1.,.,-J IO. llh , h •rrn,d l\..mqu.."f n'(lfl\ l c1-.hnr1 dw: h.111tJlo<'l n •om 11,111 1'.• l ..lff'Clt'tl .,.,th UJ)'tl.J ll' ll~ h1111g ,mJ " "II' Ilk• , tuJc:,u J ,nm): n •om 11,111 ti(' m 1h1: Ile'\\ ,1Jd1 l11'll '" lh,: CS(' h 11, 1lt N" lum" hc,I ._.,L11 ~~•th, a , "di .t.~ tJ hk, ()lhc, \ h,1ni;c, ... 1ll 1ni.ludc "' llkl,>IO. ,, lk""' muh1, 1,1,11,:d ,.up,:t Jml hlu,: u lc r ho.: r,,...,r,,, .1.... c " 111 1h1° J 1mni; n~"llll I0.111 l"t lh!OU!,!h t h ( Ill:"' 11o(ir, ,tlf•I\• 11\>lll K1 llm11,v. n11h ll311 The 1\CIO. J 111m11 11>(1,n "'111 he r~.,d~ • h~u ,tud.. nt , ,11g Jllll.1h f'll• "' 111 l'K•

-..: \,,on

Poo,Hcnu n"Kt',lt¥1 Cll'J'f•"td~ ll149mlJlcFcl:mi"") rlk-htll rn.1, um ,cr, 1111.'• w 1c-<,,1lu,11c tenure'-' ~nit'l.·r. a, k J,t C\C~ ,n )C.Jf' l). 11 1~ 111 1hc C.d cnJ.11, C.1111m111tt ,,f the 1\1 Rer1,·,,..nt.11" "' ,1Urr 1/K" ll•KhC llli;hcr r om,11111<-< Jfifln"cJ 11 on Apnt H ,l'll!• of the ti1II. ll'll. lUJmg ~ II J{C f.du, Jhnn Tt"CI H,1111• R ,\m,ml\o. ar~ur 1h,1t f.11. ull) mc:rn~ ld 1-(, 11,:l,J m,.in• ~ \ 111mtal,k .1fll·r 1hr ) Jri•

t q111u ~


1, •• ) thi· 1'111 1• ,11.·t11a1ly ;111 cn,I hi II~ tenure ~ 11111 ,,tl.,.., unp ipul.11 pr,11c,-..•r, rn ~ ;:,1~11} td, Th<} ,iJ,.., • J ) l'cu, h.11 (" a har1kr llflk' , ~ l"'>ll•n11,1l 1.i,.uh~ l'Ct.iu,c nwr< (\,Ill'' do 11111


P:'•1 1,i.urC l(\ ICIO. ('urrlrulum S1.11ndardl111tkr n u a, ,.,u~h ,,t1h 1,,r re,.,, 1.1m, c1'1lll"' 111Jc,clnp ~ , ~n,~uh,m 111~ " m1IJ tr,1n, ll'f )'(-1v, c-,·n .111 ', r~,-ctl th.. \<nJ1t I.Ju~J111111 <·,wnm111« 1n 'lt"r-.1,11) .lllil .... , ,IT'f'l•l\Ctl ~ the l t,1u,( llcj:hcl .I,.,, I 11m11nu« m Ill<' \ "lln h 11 ,, "'-'"" m Ilk-

Pruronc:nh ....,y thi, hill ,~ IIC'C1."<'#J t,«J lf'C li0!.-11.'I \ h:h t,c,,"",c 1nuu , mgh ,ooti,k They JJJUC 1hr ' ' ""' .., 111 ""' ·c ,none} k-1.·1usc: \ ludcnb will 1101 h.t\Y lu rc1.1l,,c d J,~ 1f th() 1r..n, fc1 1u ..nNhn uru• c1'11~ Tc,.1\ r:a)• :al'>l'lll )qJ pcnl·nl of J , l\aim,', hi ~ cdur,IIOn uN\ ()rr.,ncnh -..., ,u,11Wll11:1uonm;,~· h.w c .awr.:al, lu 11 " 1_. :aJ..,:a)·~ ctla::'u ,c, ~1■11~ lll luglw:T tdoc:auon 1hci

;::1~C:t~·,:,.J~,,;;;:~~a:,:;~ur\\.-1 8t11h ,('NOii• 1,(1 ~ ~ ~.~1, Hill " .ilt lUfffflt11 1 111 ~nt.1 H~~iit •~, 0-:WIO\J'fl'ICnl ( ,,mm,n,:,: The hill rthC'\'c, J)l'Oflt'11)' ( ,V.fl• c~ ol l\"\f"Jlhlhlllit) 1(11' "'' Kknt, 1h31 f\.'\.'Ut Ol1 thrtl (Wop, CM) . C' L<'JII In CJ,...:,of j.'1\M llC'rh~cn..c Suf1PJ11L-N 1•r 1hc t-111 -...~ l.1nJ.w.ncr~ m: k-111~ "!Cd for 1a.·~i1knr, Lrur 11.. cu1 011 thc-11 prop,;·n) J!though !ht- f"OIJC1• I) ,..,... 00 1, no( at f.wll lbc) -.<} \11\1 lnJn~ " nlCn!lr•\ " t.110.,ut1, ;u\' t>cini,! filed •).'..m\l the f>fOf)(l'l\ ,Mrln' ( 'nu,·, . 1nc!udu1g\ lllhUlll('I n¥hl , i:-:ro1up,.. \,J\ 1hr bill ... ,11 r l:11.r u·n:t111\ ,.i.rcl) JI n , l l>o:CJU\C f.u'l(!lnnl, v.i ll h.1,r 11,, ll'll.Cllh\ l' !<I l"l'" td\- -.t'CUl'lh 11.'JluK\



\Hl-i8S... hich ! ,: ~~l!~'::1r(':~Jt:nt, ... h.)~\· uniu,

IJtC j 71) 0( jl)(,t4'

cn.:J u hou~

r;R :;;;1i;~·~:~~

1 ;

Set MenoH1tion puiec 8

~ iding high-- -- Team .Arrow qualifies six riders for national championships Nif k Eatman Scc,i'$ t i tor


fh · ~unn),! ~nnJ pl.11.e 1n tlk' I ~ ,ulh CcnttJI C'olk-j:1.11< ( H hn~ ( ,wifcl't'fll.'C \ 1",I , , H lrll)' k.un ltM11 ,\110 .,.._ 11,1\1 ,,:nll ,I\ 11.J-.•r, 1,1 the n,1111-nal lt'tlfnJlltt"nl m





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Sports z.~ISl • ,im,b.,I Page 9, 10 ~~::1;~,'; ,1~~ ~•h,,rnp,,m,1111•hrld 1... , Y, Cl'l rnd 1n d,ttrrent r .an, ,,1 " KhllJ I .1lt, ,,nd ISurL t-umr11 l'he,)'l l1'1> hc:itlc,I " ' n.1tM1.1!, 1ncludt" °'lp 1~ U\'.1U..hJmr. f ull Krlu•n. Alhcfll V:i-t.inr, . J.1...-.n l)a, 1, l),1hon K,,rrd , ..nil Hr,Uh.h ,\ IC\Jlkk r llc.1u.h.11np v.h,1 ,, .tirr,•11111 111 1 ~~:1~11 ~:1~

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k ut

\bl \ J.....n lli!,k ~- l!l,llo..ln( '\\Ind.ii,) ·, cri1rnun1. l'Mln ,., / VIII '"""' ri:1t1rn i ..r tlk· n,11ti>nJ I !ournJllk.-m ,h.1111.c, 111 Iha;> 111.1111.1\1' k .1111 \ m,... ,khlo('f \I. ,• h.11r .1 1r,tl ,:,11,J , hJrk~ k ,ii-.·n ( l.1rL C\\ ,tcJ J N•ul h1, St-t Tt";tnt .\rro" pa)te Ill

;;!; . . t,1,h Im

he y,1/I

Decision will hurt fraternity lllC' dt.-c1,11m h, 1hr S1~m11 Nu , uggt>,1 1hc- follo\\ mi:; in plal't' of n,111011111 lrnt('m11) f('I b:rn nkoh11I 11('11\ ,r, mv~,h•rn~ ak olltll • A ,nt:,w ctm..: pany, when: :rt offil ,nl fu1K't1on, 1:,. 111 ~t1n~1ll Cl\'\I and\\ 11/ onh hun tht' frntcr• ntcmhn.. i;c1 an 11.c ,ha\'t~r and

malr ( OO'-' COIIC) .n11y 111 the- end • S11-Com 1:.u hJngc. v.·hcrc r ru1t m1t1<",. :md ,1d1,•111C', that veryone nt lht function has thr e 1 1 tx:l•n ,mg 1 mv,1h c :d,:11hol. h:t\C

r,1nof 1he:collr.,>t: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ na1nc of a 1cle,•1. ~,on charo1c1cr tmthlmn. Uc, 1dc, • Finger paint hook, and d:a"· rt1t 1m, . lhc\c' :ue a

Tn>ating members like children will 110 1 help fratemiries, bw 11111'1 them




, oll,•~c hf< 11\ nul to \It~ 1hal the 0111) cnJ'')abk p.lrh. ,,1

~hin~ nncJ finger paint each ulher

11ll~ acli\'1lll' \ \I.Crc linC' when wt werr

111\ \)h C


when: memlx'.r, wear while l·




intdc Bui chrsc a~ oho t 1, the only - - -- - - - - g11me., could hardhut ly ht enlrnammg 10 1111 m1clhgcn1 rca\Qn tn j(\111 a fm1cm11y.

alMhol, or lhal

the, do hl)ld l'CJ1J111 truths l·m1ern,11i::, do lose u ccriam .tppelll II( lhcy an: forcc<l lo adopt Ju,cr11lc mcu,ure, , uch a, ban mng :tk•ohol Quite ,11nply. anyone who 1,;; at college or :1 mcmhcr of a fratcm,, I ) 1, an .tt.lull 111t•y "-hould be able 10 make a m:uure. cunsctOtJ.._ dCC'lli1on 10 ron,umc :ikohol. und be able to deal ,, 11h any ram1fic,11ion,. a,; a

adull The nalmnal fra1crn11y su.1d II is adopting the han 10 help slop declimng numbers. Bui do they honestly lhmk a snow '-'One- party "111 bnng in any new pledges? If fra1cm111c,;; wanl to continue. the)' ,hould find way11 10 repair their dn.magcd rcpu1a11on. Community ~ rv1ce and other \'Olunlct'r ac11v11tcs h1ghhght the hc_q parh of Greek hfe Showcasing the other benefib r~ ut1. prohlem!. m:1Jor f l'irotherhood will also atlr.K"t o the of One ,, 11h lhc notional fra1ern11y',. pledges Bui 1rca1mg memhcrs hkc child« rcc 1:. lhat 11 doc11 n01 pro\>1dc .iny other rca~ nabk SU,!!ge,.11011.._ dren 1s no! the w lu11on. II will Nu's ma i S1 In mukc Hhnrckr for tht.• frJter0111) evems al 1 for « national ncwfilcUcr. they actuall)'

Survey is chance to speak ~mcstcr. take JUSI a couple of ll's been kmg. mmulei. 10 fill 001 the Reader's And 11 ·1; been tough Bu, tinall). the \C'mc,1er ii, Suf\cy on this page. This 1~your chance 10 say what dra..., mg 10 a close. And os yet anolhcr yrar cnd1:, the Wich11an goes inlo this paper nc~t year. would hkc 10 th11nk our rc11dc N. Tius 1s your chance to tell us how It *" hccaui.c of )OU tha1 we art" yoo feel abou1the Job wc \'Cbeen lmc If 11 wcrcn'r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ doing. Let us know for you. the new\• whul you hkc and paper would no! There Readers Survey is the what you don ·1 c u~1 1,1.~)uld he no rca- chance for students hkc. Let us know how we can I.On for 11 10 OH·r tht: cour">C and faculty 10 have change 10 bc11er their say in what serve our audi • ol the pa~1 1wo 0

goes into the paper

en:~ know we

~::· ~he~: 1ha:~ aren't perfect. and Lh3n!!'C" here. We ha"e conllnually - -- - - - - - we don' t claim 10 10 make continue w,11 We \IO\'C not only to put out a p.ipcr be tha1 M1dwci.1cm Sme can be 11ustake11 here and there. But 3..\ long as we arc infonnproud of. bu1 to put ou1 a paper lhal •~ uJ.Cfol to lhc \ludents. fac- mg the campus, and 11s long a.s we arc a ,·mce for the s1udent.s. we ulty und admm1strat1on here Bui to be 0101:1 useful to you. arc doing our Jobs So please. take JU~I a couple of "c have to know wha1 you wan! and need To do 1ha1. we have to minutes 10 fill oul the 1hc survey and drop um campu~mail. h will hear fJOm ) OU, our ;1ud1ence. In the final hecllc days of lhc help u.s help you.


'd t , a c~rtwhttl as hf lt n lhe '\ After rtttMng his diploma, Chuck lhou,tht ht Iaug s. stage, hoping to gtl a r,w

It's bee n one hell of a rid """'For !he

la.\ l IWO )'CM\.


Spom(cltor Niel< Eotmon


0t8'\lil' M'(et'S

Pholography Editor lsoo Noruse

ANociCM Edttor J05on Lawrence

ClrcukJtton Manogt,r



Jrn.Joinel GrophlcArtltt Heather Moore



Accountant Jel'\nlfer londrum

WlcNto n-

leroh Cuny

New! Ectto, Maf'!Gu!s~

Alisha Fergoson

Mory Klng Kofy Mortin

Koren Mott Anthony Newbe<ry Johanna Nudtng RObert Ramirez Jr Jyn l'h1eot

Phofcglophefl Rondy S,ewste< JC GOtclo

It :,,II .,1.uttJ dunng my sophomore )'Cir








.,,,.uh 11 I wouldn 't 10 ',t( 11,hal w~ l.iugh or nakc fun. bul I Ju,, had 10 ~chow tht ~Ill( coulJ po-.~rbl) lop the m1~).r, lhc)' m:Mkthc 1••cck btforc /f you 11,1;rcon campus at that umc, you know u11ctly \O,'hat I'm 1:tlkmJ aboul The Wk h1tan wn nothing )hon of palhct•

"Wich1r:1n So one d.ly I popped my hc-ild mco The office and p.ibt>N :in 11pphc•11on for cdtlor This nc.,..~p.tpcr oecdcJ 10 ht 1umcd IIOUnd, and I kntw I W:b tht person to lead tht ch:ugc

Th.11 m1gh1 .10Und I lllllc coc-ky, bul I W,t~ I helped tum thmg, 1UOOnd 111 thc yc.ubool:, and I knew I could ndc: thal wave of ,uc«,s O\'c r 10 the hm Fmc Art, Center The nc~t fill - w,rh I ncv. ad,1'itr, • ll('W cduor and prcny much a new Maff - 11 , tancd We had our fair dwt of problem~ at lir..t, bur the 1ran, 11100 or the p;,.pcr could hc 1.een We were definitely hudmg 1n 1hr: nghl dm:c•


The follov•mg ~pnng, Tht W1Ch1tllll staff h11 lull smdc We ""'CK i;mok.m' ind oothmg wn 1om1 10 ~•up u~. We rook homt ',()Jne prc'~tig,ou~ I WJIRh from TIPA and .,,..c"' honottd on rhc n1uoni l lcvtl lhat .w:r~lcr. Rut more 1mponamly. by the end of the year. we hid cn:atcd I topMldwc.\tcrn S1:a1e rould notch publ1C'1t11on be proud of A lol of dediutcd people made the \•>Of\t to•lil)t lntn!>lUOfl happen Al lhe end o( lhc ~mng sc:mc,1cr, we ~ c"' .,,.orn nut but h1PP)' 1he lh,ng!> we had occomph~hcd Spong 1996 martied the cm.I of my 1ttonJ SCff'IC\ICf -~ td11or. a nd I ....~, Cll'.trcmcly !Ired



....,u : ""' er-•~e

W\:l'l.'(11"11°0'! 'll"l'


;a~~o~: ~r!!

problem, J I the bc:g1nnmg {'( lil\l )il.'01('/llcr and WC didn"t ltve up 10 (lUr hig~ 001 11 pul e~~ t:iu;:~~!.:e11

: ~~;~t

~ :~7l;~f~l:~lia~I; ~

CIII l'Mptr C\'Cr)' wed , o,·cr the 11111 lhrtt i.cme\tm. 1~

~:k'~~~I,t;f~c;~a:::-:r.~ 1

~ ,

mJl CS 1TI(' 1m1le

I'll llC\Cr forget

the omc 11hffl ' uj



'I r n: groud of what wc\·c done 1h15 J);l!>I ~~:- : J="!~~ho)~C:r II hacked Nick 1n the face ti«a11'<' ll! yelf ••f-111n Fmc Art, Ghoy~ Altt'r hcmg editor for 1wo yt'.m. I am dog \Cared or the forget the coumlr,1 I' ll BC\Cr tired IUld an,u ou~ 10 tum 0, c, the paper'~ rc1gm to Jason U 11·n:nce, v. ho I\ gomg to do IIITl('S M:itt and / \:II tn tht Wich1~ an) th1ng and C\«)0l'f about talkrd 11 fan t.l) IK' fob 11 Bur the re 1, no doubt III my nund thal I 11111 1tahnng 11 &\ 4 am I'll nc-.n , cry 111,:e ;& baby 11 hcn I 11·:ilk out of 'fht llfflCSV. C(ll.t 1n thcofficcllflJplot1CJ pany W,ch11an offiCt' for the la)I 111ne I' ll AC\'Cr forget I~ \lttpinJ I'm taking all the great mcmon~ w11h mt. but / am bemg forced to leu,·c a part of my TIPA 1n Abilene or me. Mau~~~, , heatl and '-OUI 1n lhat orf,ce I lo\c lhl\ ncv. )• 11.1 dcslIOy our h\'t'n .u Ch1h\ haw,


;~ui:,~;~;;~';tt::lf:!\'~,:: ~:,~u this l"lt'\1,,papcr from

I rcmen1b(r when Mike "Whucy · Gm ,ham and I \ll)cd up all 111gh1 lfYmi! to put the paper 10 bed People Wt're ,howmi up for i,chool at 9 o'd1.1d Wt'dnc"111y monung and llt' WCff' ,1111 d1l1gcn1Jy ""'Ofl.mg We V.tK l-0 uried, bu1 we 1tfuseJ 10 throw III the 1owel Mike 1md I 11·r re rood fnenJ) before we 11;cK on ~aff 1ogcthcr. bu111hen th.Ji ~mc~c, .,,.., , O\'t't. wr \\Crc g1ta1 fncn<h. We bu~ted our hum .mJ h,1d fun doing II Wr workcJ as a tn m IO'A11rd thr ~me gOll


!.'~~:1i;~r~l~~l~ ,' :~~-i

...,., fhc.w: ~•one~ are JU~t hm11t'd 10 gu)~ I h::i,en'1nen touched on ill er great ,1aff mcmhen who ha, e 11·otk!· W1ch1lllll dunng ffl)' 1cnure, bul lbtbem1 editor ~pc,:111. 100 I'll nc,·er forget our "Top Gwi f "!)a.zed ;ind Confused Party," and th: thc•semc~lcr bemler 1n Ottcr,ib(1 I I forgt't the !>Cindalou, part) JI &nr f4 That w:c. ;iwr ,o1ne I'm going to rcll'lt'mN'r 11 all



11 1 11 ~fcli:r ~~1t~~1ftrlb~ j cr;:,'.'i'~.~ p~~ Tn~~. pu:ce of me will be nus, 1ng. line -.cme~lt'r II Tht Wichi1an a rnJc ol hell one was h of one Gunky. Mau Thal umc '-CfT!C~cr.




S Which areas don lhc Wich11an do a good/poor JOb or CO'~ 6 Do )OU believe c,·cf)' group on campti) I)

111 C""'P"J Mail

I Hew,· oflrn do )'OO rt"ad 1hc Wtehnan"

W« kly


Non-tradmoral 10,rr 251

J Which -.ccoon of 1hc Wichtlll/1 do you hkr be.sf' Ednonal J




II What knkl o( 11:khuons would you

9 Would you like 10 \OOukt be c-m ered''




~r ~

m 1M ~

an cntcnammcnl -.«uon1 Wh.11 •


Which M:l' llotl of the W,chuan do }Otl ht e least"


...,ell rcprN·llltd''

7 WhK'h at1K'les do )'OU p::in ,cularly CflJOY K:llimg ' rr f Playcr, PToft'.!owr Profilt'. Um1gned bl.11or1;il1


2 ~'h1ch age group do you fall into?

" ••ee o-1'.):,ona cue-es O'e s1

,lf,. "'

L---- ----- ' !ti~rA~;~: ~,~~,~~

Kfc.\i1t111 off,rt. R(Hlffl H/03 ofthr f ain f1111 Am Ctt1ttr. or drop ii



rrom '"'

r :\~,~~◄ 1~1~.~: ; ~ siuffo v.h11 ThcW1~hu.n l\._·; NKk Ea1nmn. ho;on U.~

By Drew Myers

But I d«ulcd h) 111gn on for another )'e~ WeI had .m all•:~tar 1c1m n:tummg m Ilk' fal l. and hilll to itt how (111 and holA' high The Wichuan


v. e'H!hcen lhebc:\I Off~\j rm goms 10 m" ' h11 ~

'"' "°""' Perspective !~ m

;/:;:~;;:/;,!::,"; ,::;;;:::,/ :;;;:~i!,:,:;'~ R

Trad111orutl {under 2Sl

lr~lQ CCO•• ,~,rr o ffil'1lfl"llbO<'f>t.~ ' ./. ,.t,,""<J'l"'r")' .Jllt "Vve'~l /ont]r'fVTf'1C


A Different

Reader's Survey

Mollo Lowry

Tommy Flinn


colk8c I 11;,n editor or the ycMN>Ok fat!)' '4Cdi.. I would pld: up The \I, ,chuan

Ad ' Pomllo"Y

rl r-na !IUOS lnt9fCOlleQIO"e A-955 ro, p,.,ok'o 4.w;..v:'O"i '"" W,c "'OO 'ewtvel tr>,;tr,g,-1 1:i"'° t or,y/'1Vei,a1 ,...,t:,n , t11ed "'Sor tv 7'0''>•~.Mo.,,.., ~ISl'l"T,61'1" ,...,,. ~ c./'l".:,.""~l\Oler'l d<YMO"WOfO{)JC O"> ..._., ,......9'IIO""v ~ C'f...,.. IO..ll'v OCJt1W, te<.rM O . . : ~ OPiroonfe;.p,e~ ;.. C,"'<r'I •

The W..-h11an ~\

bttn m) hfc I ha\·t ,pcnl hundred~ :i.00 hun• dtt'd~ of ltot.n doing Cffl) ltu n.g rrom ,.dlmg 111h to I•) 1ng 001 the front p;agc

3410 Taff Blvd. 12100 • Wichita foils. Texas 76308 News Desk. (81 7) 689-4704 • Ad Desk· (81 7) 689-4705 AdvlM<


~ - - - - - - - - 1he n)O';I colorful lll1J p~'

8 ) the 11mc )'\Ill arr tr.K.hnil 1h,, rohunn, my tcnurr •~ N 1tor 1n 1ch1cf "Adi ht O\Cr :ind a huge ch:ip(cr of my hfr 111·111 bt do.std A~·,ua.1/y, hugt' 11,ou[J br lUl undcN:Ut •


,.,,, •• ~. ...,, 4;H ~ • .,,tt\'

)l· ,."

I .,,,.,

' .,JJJ

le>r no(calln-., Th.111\ v,·hat I 11"'•)~ 1.hJ Uc WOllld '<nd mr can.h on ~pa-,.1 Q('('ll Ht c01NTWnic11Cd 1n b,, own ....., Bui 1f Y,·e n ·cr talud Oft lht phont, 1111.1, btnuw I CillkJ him. Ht' Y,\lllkfn' t ~~II me K'lll

JI\OO'l"J 11.h(>n I 11.;r,; 4

=~: l~~~I\~ ~~ -o ,,-.un11





\l,,m .md O;\tl', h.'lt)C' J.114 n 1hc •tttct ,.., ith in 14,tl~int[ dt• lal"'-'C clulJho.xt \1) 14t• J it(} h:tl"('I)' one 1 hJJ l"O jlllr(llh 11,h._-., 1h11ut:hl f .,,:i., "''11n.Jt-rlul ~.1••• fl'IC' all tht-11.1,t 1he)'. \"\.'l.1ltl. .111J I rJC\'n ~... htard 111rm fi~httnp.






etters tothe Editor

Y,iu ( :Ill Jkll 1'"11Jill1ot' h,r,,. (hJI fl n1,nl Mio.h e.- h1s,h~nvcd nw hll' and 1c,liornl Ill) ' rrhi1101hh1r .. ,lh Ill\ l),MI Wt t.1ll rM1Vo o1rk,.,r,..1.-e .114ttl..1l.11111 niM,• \l.r ,h.uc Jlt the llltkllun~, 11>11h t,l, h ,11ht'1 1h;11 ,Il l" ~, Hlll)llf1,l{JI m h\ulJul& .11 l1k:lll,hl1tr 11nJ <IW llhont' ul11\'tl'!tlr,,n1 «l" 11\11 ll'A l \I JnJ 1111y11101,· When 14.:' ""l"f\' h111 lnl! ' '" /1 J p11•'11f '" 1:ill 11~. ~, m.111) 111mg, 14th' mi,-..ommtm, utrJ I V. ,I) O.'\l'/ tlUII(' •urc h,,.... ht' fcl111Not.1r nit' JtKI IK' 1Koh:.hl~ ffiWI tht (&Ille' (IUC'\ttfln,

bc\·1mc: o1n t'\t'n moni -.c'n'IU\'C. , ul'!Jn.l To 1h11 da), I don't know ,.hy. otht1 thsn 1,cc;iu~ v. c h.M'I Jdfrrt'nt 1tk UJ. 11t>ou1 h,1Vo II .....,,~ l't'all) hard 10 do. If, h.tr\J 10 t ,rbm, much WI\ t'l\t'Ojh The ln,1 urnc I \a"A hnn w.1, l.i,1 J,in.u:uy hut somtthmg Jbuut pK'k1n11 up t~I phont·. min, .... nrn m)' granth nolhrr d1td. Wr 1hJn I gc1 h• hellt'ing hi1 \ 'Oh,'('. 1altinc frlf JU\I u1t, ti«1u~ -.e didn' t hl \ C much to Q)', 1:t!I. Vff)' fflUCh m till' room H ui SOOX'IUII('\ JU•I and thc:o 1ust hano5 to Yf 1ood•byc-: ant't• 'Allh \(111)(\lftt' I\ ('lk'•Ugh. C•Jll"\tall) v.lk-n ~~ I "AOUkJ JUU nu\\ hun ~ mlK'h I wuldn' I '" had: IO lhc IHTIC' when hr )'OU kllltv. )Oil Ml' 1ltt\k."d Soon .irttr mv icr.1mlnw,thcr dK',I, m) w<l ,d'(,ul Int' - I h:Jd talttn hm1 hnd JU" down tht ~ 1Ju1 """' th.ii .,,,t 11111.. imJ 11,c k:inun~ hrokc- up -. 1U'I hi\ , ,r1fl,end ilfK\ IIM"M•J J for pm:t'dlhcn 1!1111 01'11'1•1,,,,.._\ ,, s,Jt" o1hout u,h But I felt hke ht lud I ~ me JU\I JU,I hllptll'nt"d IU c•II him heron- he' d,d unJ ""--C.1u"4'n.'llll:tlltr 14 IML, I ln<"" licl,J•lf• llll' SOI h1, flt"' adtll't'" ~ tekphOIK' number "A'hcn I nMkd him~111\d he lrtflV,, I IP\l' him He- and my <lcp-mom t'•·cntu1ll) 11Ml t•mt1I Mklrc.1•

h': ,:'~~~hng, of ,, ~~-•~1':,th.ti~~: u•uJll) go a.Icing -.uh


d1ux,·C'J, 1-tn 1h11 l)t' lt 1,f lallm,: l"'Cf) tio..r 1n I • ·htlt and t"•u ·1,,on1! \11th lhc ~illllt' Ill

.« n,r ~ (C'V. llltK') IU(II ront1nurd 11110 nl) firi.1rc::u- 11ii:oll~t U11rrn1 \·,,ll<'j'l". lhc ,nrmt')' , 1111all11fl

The Wichitan welcomes ~!c~':n inrorms students, racully about campus letters of opinion from faculty, students and

staff. Letters should be h_nef a nd Without ,,bu• s,ve language or persona l ~ttacks. Letters wilJ be edited for grammar only.

A, YI.It/ !Irr .... riling )'our fin~ column. I am tempccd 10 hr,n,: up pa•l um• c1cs anti GIJUC, 11"k "1 tl"ast you aMut ~)fl'IC ofthl"rn. It -.uulJ noc be 111 IIIIX'h U!,(' II lh1~ btc (Ul(' I did want 10 cell ynu ho-ii· mu..•h I h1\'C t'IIJU)'cd rcadm, tht unl\·cr.11)' nt'14 ~J"tf Wlt'e you tool: o..,n 1i cd1to1

\~t;,,~;.:\:\,~:n~~': e':t::c•=~~:Sr~~t•;;,~,~~~~m;';!\ 11. J)O'A«ful 1ool fUJ u, l hc M1dl'i(')IC'.m

111, r;tf)C'.f Stall" It lch u~ ) IM..IW Uk: prmpecmc ~,oocn1 not only the- n,ev., on ciunr,t" 001 th< \lhi, of uur 11udcn1s In addmon 10 that. 1h11 11mc- of year,~ h:lrd for 'oOll'IC' mcmbc-,·, uf my &laff hc-cau~ II f( fflHMh u, lhaf ll1ttk'nb ... , m:nm,rd four, li\'t. t\"C'.O ~•-' yc:.io aro art fttt1n1 rnd ) tu -.-alk 1ut."' 1hr !>11~ for 1h11 lmk l'~C' of V-f't''· and ,i,•e ',1,0fl ·, lo« lhc-.C- \ludl'flll •Sllln h b«un)C~ 111, rtm1ndrr that ....r llfl: ,11u hel't' on n mpm und 11\ nu1 ,1\ Sl'utt Milley ,111«1 111~1 wed.. '1'ht ~mug (onJne\~ <>I N 1n1KT.k) 1h111 un1• \'ef'\11) emrloycc~ '«In 10 h MI "( '" I tllfl' t ft'('llll ('\'l"r fttlmg "\fllllij ~ I 11111


clrar on the- dcllmuon of 1ht- 1tm1

~t-u,~:::t\:~1~~:::~~a;;,~~a~,~~'i: ~~~~~ int'°.l,k~::c: 1 "!),:~:,~~:~ ~:~;~-~ 11c;;: ~ ~:i,.~1! !::t~i:':,!:~~ be ''the: 1 ~~1

item ~JlOnl< And apathy.

f.-ulty and

'A"C still hMI lht: 'A',nmn. llthlc!K f)l'Ulr.lffl\ IUWJ

not'"" ~mu1" ,,an k1

1n(onncd. qUt'\t,on the valt1.h!) ,md


Fm:.iU) Ort'•·. I II.Ive- -.\ll'trd ....·,th you on numl'f\.11,h proJ«h llrld kr.,.. ~lll'fflplt'd 11, ,ound Ill -.omr "' ) \'\I (ll'f'M>lllllty Rc11r\lll"\\ ul "'-""' ltJUJh )'UUI ~~, dlllt k \, I I. now Iha, )'OU w,11 m,~, ('\"l'OII on campu~. and th:11 )""I lmc thi~ '-'=holll Witht.ur \radu111mn. I 11m li1\1nj 11.1ru1 rtcnotc, for MSI'


de111" 1,.11 1-.'.ull) thwl. ~rnl I thrnl th.it,, l1•111111cud.11Nt' \'1-.u <lid .1 l,.'<-.od l~h w,th the p:OJ)l'r ,lo,111,; )'0111 hllll' ... ,•d,IUI MKI tm,1111,h l II .I kill¥ \II~ 1,1.om v.'hcn: ,1 v,,1, wtll'n )flti tir-1 tool. r1•01n,I C.luro,l lu.-1. 111 Ille' lutuh·

0.0,ve Cut'lnl~m

Wichilan. ronipus change grr~lly over last .lO years Dur l>rt"A

I h~n• dr,, 1,kd 10 1.11.t' )tlllr rh,1llrnJl' anti r-t,J)llftll 10 ) t1Ur ' Wl1.11 Jo )OU th1nl " column M) JJ('f'\Jl('CIIH' t• w>nM"V,hlt d1flen:nl from ffl;III) .., tht , tudtfK'i 41 M,Jwt'•letn N"4 <inl\ am I J nun-u.1,h111111:il , 11..Jcn1. hut • fonl'IC'r ,.,~knl from \0 yur, ago. ...·IM• h11, h11J thl' t'lfll"•num11 10 rc1Mr 1ht 11111\1''"'Y h~ ' atttnd11111 MSlJ 1hl\ 'Jlf'ing ,nx m, ttr In lhC' lfJ(-1). I "'a} ,·t'n- :i,ch\C' 1..lll 1·;1111()1.1•. -trvtni ;;i, Stutlcnt lfpJ )' PTC'~1Jtn1. 1111 the M1dv.C'\tt'in f,)('b:alt 1,•11m. ilj,' IIH' 111 lr111enu1y arf,u,.._ t'II.' 1 ... a, 1ll10 tlK" ~11hj,C\"I ,,j ui::n~r•'Wwl l'(htoriul c,11111dcrn11f,n b~ th<· ttlt'n• odm,r. or nlhcl -.nll'f'\ ill lhc: Wn.h,1:111, und 'A'II\ 111-.o pcmllCll"J Ill ,utifml 1 11 f:t,tlmr, .,rt •optn<,r 'the •~~:m: ~:~~~ rr...-lUfl,' ('\, llllfll lht' hhnu')' Ill lht (Olllf)IJl('f'\ :m· h1h1 )t';lf\ aht':aJ jlf\\h;,1 I


l t ~cr"\+C\

~:7oc'.'~~z~:·~-~r;:';~~~,~~:1~:r ~r~:~~'. r:::1k: 1

1 1 1 II~~:~· 1h1, umc. 1md 1h~1 )OO lunhrr rcprot'nt • ~,uh1dcmhle 1mpimcmcnt lt'nurc .,1M'il ' earhc1 Ill)' frr11n anc<111or , .1. 1 -«n1, 1h11, >n c<111,hlio a . nr:ith) 1,r F1N. you rott No ,11,r c.111 au·u-.t yoo ~~1~:;~11:: !~lt':~~t:~~ Ill 1f1rx1 ,1 , 11nirk11n1 numN'r of our ptt-.c'III ~,u.knr, ~nnd. y,,u r.11'-t'J):I• ,en.atmn :ind uni}' nwry your best fnt":nd'" (\'11111 l'~\I(\ , brofh ,,f lWJlpll\ ilnd l'<'NIIHII ~(lfl(('O, Yon Ill.Il e u, lhmk I N'hOl' 1h.1t }IIU make ,1 ' "" ' m,my 01 u, lli:11\I In n·:,,d }OUI ,:nlHOII Oirtctor, Office Of Sd'lool AelallOnl Th11d. ~-,,u pl:.y no 1,,unrc, ind C'\Cl'r,11c ,1 ",i.11 II 11, I '('t 1t' atmo<le' ,i.J,i.11 ,, gel'IC'1~11y 111('1.IOJI m lllJIJ) (1111\'('r• II)' IM:...,1\-'pl'f\ In ;ell ddcn:ncc to ffl) fncnch on the- W11, h11.1u •l.111 from ~}... )C-ar, ,.l(u Material in ne,.·spaptr not always •nt to print' OK, 1m....,. )'!II.I ;ulcd for II m your attl( lc. IO I f«I more th.vi ~ y IO lhlll illlltuck -.11, ,aJly had:111, 'rht' IIMJIIO '-CC"m.-d Ill he " nc,cr ;i Hlflll'O\C'I obhgc yoo lktt 1~ what I U'lmk of your 1U11d t'i, both the Kood and the bail ,y 1h:11 ""Ill o1ur..r11hc' :encnhon of any um\cl"C11) off1C1:.il" You and )11Ur ,u,H art oo1 -.o ,rn irtcd .uMJ tw,e dt'11ll v.11h 1nJny t'-uc, ,,I pocen11;1I You cue I 1h1nl: you arc an Cl.i'.'CpllOnll wn1cr w11h loa,h a NM the piper and 'A'l.nl 10 sec it SUCt'ttd. This WllS o0t'l1 l)fO\' (TI when )'OU -.<nou• concern ;,nd mcnt m a direct Mnd Jlloh•ni: m1nr11:t L:ol. )OJ )1:t\e -.wld slay up un11I all hours or the n1gh1 co make ,urc that the fin11I product bttn f.111 So one can , talc "'1th .-curacy lh:u you l"\Cf, t'llht'r m ~CM!• p,.·r• ......n.iJ column or othcno-1-c: thNtJgh n .. rf "'ntmt1, 1111,1cprC'-Cnt1.'d .m 1,,u.: " ' "'"s a gre:u one - OIK' on -.-htch \'OU we-rt' proud 10 pu1 yuur name Hu-.·cver, I oricntimr~ do nocigrtt with 1hc m111m311h:11 }Ou put ,n )OUT 1pmhlc:m. 5oow m1gh1 h11vc mUt:h prdc-rrtd th.ti the -.., ,l hll,m h.i<l no l r,,i,,cJ :1 p.u pcoonal l'Olumn,. It 1s not the fact that I don't agree -.uh the matcmi.l. but ocular rm,ucr or conrcm. Of p ~ 1he11 tlUJlt(1Ca11or11, or tlK'rr Jn,·n<l, it 1s the tt•Min that you pul somc sluff ,n the p;ipcr with ""hich I d1!-llgrrc ~:. Nick Ghoh.on -.'I! righ1 whtn he told )'OU thlll )'OU nttd 10 touch the cn'll)- ambttlt)n~. t,u1 1n ex-ti 1n,1anrc. the rcp,'lr1111g ,,..a, t-Jlan,,ed .inJ r111r Th,~ \CITl,{'<,IC'T ] hu\'C aenutncly l"IIJO)C'd rn,hn. tilt Wteh1IM \t,irc tions of your readers, brc1u.sc ochCN-1SC you arc -.·1M1ng your umc and dn«tly. I h:h-c looked foro1,-.ud 10 )t"'U I ,·,,lumn. :a) yf,u h.i,c .-xpn:,\C"tl J "l'ICfl!:Y in -.·nting the column • Howc,-cr. I 1hink 1f you .stril-c to make your rc¥icl") ~hockt'd or :angry umquc r"""JlC'.ClllC on 11 numt,e, of /1\llllcr~. hod, IJf};C :,n,J , m;iU a cCJITtpllma'l1 IO our Orll\CNII~ lhiiJ IOI: ha1c: ,,uJtnh ol )t>Ur c.1l1hcr -. hen they ttad )'OU aruck. then vou ll't' m1s~1ng the po1nL Gninicd. the Job of a rcponcr is to mform ochcn. but some of tht mait'nal that \'UU-.n1e 1s a 11illl1ng IO de,otc: the IJT:mendou) lime ilntl IIUl'nOon t,, •Ucll .I dcm;i,nJmg 1a.n1hll1 1~ m.11\t11 • the about c,h,hueJ know 0 1 ha1·c complunent 10 )OU dut )'CM! Job. hnk bu mon: mform:ui,·t U'lan Wt' would likeI am •urc 1h11 you ll't' familiar with the phr.tsc "a.II the new• ltul 1s fit 10 OCCll~~llll'II humor. l'IC'a'•-.al) tn leer u, t'll!llmg h:... l lor OM.I«', I w11h you v.·cll 1n ~our future cndc:a1·.,,., MSU ,h,JUld mM )uu. 'f11c pnn1:· Well, 'iOfflt' of the ~ uff you wrote about wa, probably not fit to ponl. • O\•cr:,JI, lhou3h, I hkc: the' lll'lkks that you wntt' h«uusc they ~y what W1cht1:.in,urc-ly ,..·III )'OU reel. And although I don't always attrtt with 1ht articlts or the mot1,·c bchmJ them. you iJo have the aud:lc1ty to run them, no m:llll' f v.h~I the SIU• P.u!W. Jo'n;,s


~~r~~~~-~:rfc ~~

00 ~: \ti)' .it




It,. It "•

Alen Ballard, ASS1Stan1 Professor of Social Wort

The Beer Garden &

Deco ~ the newest oddition lo the fun of Eighth &Indiana. Two completely different almospheres lo choose from.

~ .........

~~ 5Jl0 Frozen Drinls s2io Large 6 0 o ~ r t ~ s2sa any shol

M~~+ ~ _ Sj ll llomesfic langnecks

Live Enlellainmenl EY81'( Weekend


1 11 1 k-l:11~ ,_~;, !~~~~l'Ii:~::~1~:::• : , ~:~ , 1Utknh, "'e uni) hlt\t ~:ilf It"' ffltl('h p..n11.1Jl"'IU ftl in d«t1nn, . .tilt.I for ftlliC:r ,tudrnh w1U1nJ 10 '-l\',1'ftftt n o1H1r .,, w.ho1t 1, aHul,1hll' - from thr Allhl•Lc\1ure Srnt, m umpu~ 1.fptl

Wic hitan

fThe final hurdle _:_ eature

----•.,...~.\.lWl..1.:ILl.J~- - - - - - -

MS U professors have mixed tion :emotions abo ut gra dua t,.., J1-.on J.a~rr ntt Aiioc .J C fo110'


~UlfK>n ;lj')f'ru,1 ('h<'<,


I) ,._,,viii IJlc:

~ ..

,w, ;tu,.,:OF'\, mi«h li~C' "ludtnh k'lfa

,ilhN:tfflC' \l<Hh ml\W C'ffl"otK'f l\ Wb1le lhc tt.xhcr, .in- h .1111"~ h i 1n lift ,_. tfttlf Yudtn1, m ,)'l t M ,..,,do h.t''C • I-it ..>I '-('nUnk"nl;il1r-.• ., -tt•n~ 1hcm 1,'.fl \hdud <l'lhn,. J1Tu:1n, of lht l),' " lllf\ti( H Url\>ll1l ~• ..:Mdht lt,ok,

C'l.:I ~"fl« lflCl' lla., ::a fU\OU--O

j, 1fit ~f\'-"t.._l rr,,...nJ Ch.:il ¥<Uh 11:.a.hmJ \lk hJ\t ~ , rn.,nui ;h.1~.,rlhtirniu...1111,n

•~~• •rf (•'ffk"\

~ ~ 'h,lc- he

h6'.-:i.k.1. '""-c :~

lhc v:i,Julle ', \toMll lh.·rn l<J fflOH'c.lf\ llJ \totU


.., ""..: kn,..,. 1h.11 1, 111e1 11.ihk

'i/t~:1 ~~:::1r~~~~(#\i 0

tt ,.(f\,.i.1.h.11 l h.i•c:n,~ ...ithcm. IIC'-.o(l .. " () \l. h.il(), r,r,>!"C", _.,, "' ,~.,

i<•i1,·.1I .... ,c-lkr, , ,oJ ~ununcn.:tffifnt 't. '(tv11.nni•l(I for ,1111kn1 fk ...,,J ·t:~1tqu: " 1u,1 lh<' hC'J!111n1n~ of 1hc1r 11 h.1, pr1.. atu,.·.1r,11n. ..nd ti\' '\"41-U 1h:m 1.1.1lh.1 f,-unJ.1111•n ((lf thl:' i'( i~l •f rht1r r,,r, ' •c;r.,-c N/llch l11fm ( •\(1' !he ~-II• ~{,t..,. .. I••• ll<' ...i1.J "lf,uu~ n,l '4 1111 ,1 , lu(knl !Of J,,ur ~ur,. I~\ ~1\UlC 114' l,1m1I) '?, .idtfetl lh:11 ... h,lc: ,~ IIAIH'l\1·

' °"'''


l.xp ~ludc-rtl,, 1h(,

mat11 pu~ 11f h1,tic-r cdu.allOfl 1, m prep.ire ,tucknh rllf 1M real ""orld 1haf romc, af1t:r ~f3duaoon Lynn ll"iM••J. profcHor of hrnch ~ \'CQdm.u ur , ,f lht: forr1gn drf'wlmcnl, ....icJ .,.-~:d ang l;u1g~ 1n i1 ,IYWI .vt:.1hit'thc: J-rc-nch Jq,,.n , mtnt. pn:,(c-:w)f'\ ~"clop ~kN" rd»· :allt-r hl, mg IIOl)Ju~ '4 1Lh thc-m lfl I 1141,nh,-, of C. IUf'O .., aJ...,.1y, fr-cl hkt' thc:y 11.rt my nwnc:M J:· ,hc:u.,J 11 1~u.1llf'ftl l.ln t,c ,en, tmohrn :.il '


M:~; u~~~Mlr.._.d •:KI::r.-Juaoon li~~~c,,r,..1111 ak>utuud

11 oflefl Jcr,cnJ.. oo how t:~l'11c'd thc studtnl " INlVI fr.tdual1011. the plNI) : htN.J rh.1•m.a dt-.1ndh ov.dn-.c thr) h.:I\C'tocctofflC' t)\("fltl(' yC'~ Atl \ lC'1) "(!fl(' (II (he flt:IJI.• CfllO· ltetn, fk,g.anl -.ud .J'it" fcch :111 I.hr. om,: of lht ,c.;a, Yoo ...-ondc, 1(

you'•t ptC'f'it(Cd t,h;ti " udcnc Adcqiwc

•h;,i 1hr) Mt' ahout ltl fa:t ' ~he "'-'Jone or che n~ rN.vd· 1n1; p.im of lt,t1,.hm¥ rn~ aftn 1;r..Juatli'N1 '"hen "udt'nh tn!tt tht rc,tl ..,,..rJJ liht ,.ml , 1ucknt) Olkn 1cll htr thty h;o,t' 1 J:JU!ct u,idtf. )l,m1hng nt ht:1 lt'IC'h1ng \ 1fttr i r.tt.l uaoon

ly (~

-- -

- - - -= := :

Duck, duc k ...

ho Poetry, live music highlight ne w(If'"'''coffee J .

[ "''

ason .a rtlK'C

mrn and dun' I Jlfl)\ 1<lt thl' l:u d,Nd, at1™»phttt Mag,__. Mu,hroom dot\

'Tht nov.d for thl\ pl~c ...,J, here .t.lttad)' " V.·h ,~ fl,lf}\ , .11d 4"hc pllCC' u,r dldn·l c\l,t · e efidc-, the corrt't' hOu..c- ,,anThe Maen: Mu,hroom Coffee dllrd;; ~uch a., goormtt ('()ff~ lane\ ~~~~ ;;It ~ ,::~, ~· ,..:~~~~ mochb, rhc Magic ~lu-.hroom and ;,,,th lttt \I le: coff« hou"<' mm offers hcrh;d ccJ, for non <offtt )IC ~tr) rt.a<lin ~ aoo' lh c ! abo and dnnlcr. Tht' cofkt hou~ Ov.nc ~ { rry Wh 1 offer-. frolcn grtnad.1\, m1Jk.J,akt\ Sh;,in:t R:..~ fhd:m: ':.i UlC) dnnh ltlc ,· hocohue\ptl'.'Ull) Mid ho(h g,,~ 10 optno.l thC' •Xlfttt hl'lbe co•crrd ,tr.1.,.,·btfT}' mt)(h;,, )OWIJ and old c,ov,.-<h a pl317C lortW (lfilOO"IC'r\ can Of'Ckr tht-11 ra•mtt - Wh:h11a Fall, nccdcd wmcpl~ The ~nJ(\ ,.,,th a hrtk 3llliJ lark h:.ing :.and go could v,c '"hcrt cOl'II Mu~hroom offrr- "Shocl" Magic: l'IO "~ ·111crcou1," Wh1\t°n.ifll ~d fh~r<a na1ur.tll) m •h1eh dnnk).. rl;w.t to tJo ~•- 1'111, t\ a pl11Cc you fcm.iltd. a,wJ c:an coo1:un ~ ptrt"Cnt COfflt' 10 rd11 ~ r a!lttnc: th:an the rcgull11 laU('(. Wh1~nan4 and HIC:km;m \31d tht 1norc Md (.\JJfC''° " moch;I, coffee hou\t', a/rc-:;&()y JO W1eh,1a lhckman ,,1,1d 1ht inc-nu •~ \OnFall\ t'J.ltf tu uppC'l'< N..S bu, 111(', ,-

AliOC'loie f&fo,

ht / ' Im ~ b11 of Au,1111 h•) 1,' 0fO(' V. idut., f;tJ11,

,t,mtl) ch,m11ns t'\l'f) d:a} &l.idt) a (!Ull k ,..,fkmc fi\ , the M.agic- Mu~room h.1, lor pc,clf) rcad1n,, n ·cf) TUC'--<b\' 111!,'hi .inJ ha) 11\·c bllnoh pl:aym~ w, v,ttlcm: J, ·'Th,\ l\ tkpllC'C to'<t'li, c, onj· 1n11l mu)M.," Wh1"-'n:m1 u ,J ·11_K-rc " al'"•Y• ..omcthmg h,1ppcmnJ llt hopt• 10 promolt' lt.lCJI hanJ, .IUJd he.Ip thtm dc,dop .1 folln"t11l! Ou1-of•h~n band, v,11/ ahu OC'CJ• ~,onally rla) JI Uk' .olfrt hou\C TIie Magic Mu, hrfll.n n .Jw hou, C') thc: Internet C'afr " hcn:u-C1'(~ Mlrf tht NCI fof a ,m:ill hourly 1.11r Thc c,1(c1, phmnmt 10:id.J 10..'ft'IC'f 1mn.11h ,n tht' nc-ar future Inc \\ h1-cnant ,,ud he hr>Jl('\ ~J!;ll Mu~room '4'111 J ra" J)C(lflk 10 the- dov,ntl)Wfl :&rt.a lie .,.uJ I~ c,rct,r3nd :area .,,,,ti r ormnuc 10


Ill.Ill Ill.I)



1 Thr \ l:1~ , \ 11.1-hr , .,. '5ulldJ} ll~mu.:h l hi.,,.

11111111 ltJ - •• tl1 4)ri I· S:i1urd,1\ tk.,,r, .if(" t'f(T< unc,I J ,1111 M11l'"l''ltm \1.1tr '~ tht.•, M c 1/k• • hJ11~·r ,,, :-... d't(ke hrHJ-c t>rm~,

'wf,h<ll'nt•n• Il mn, '"· I hl-1· II 11 i- .1 pl.,11, / ,_,h,.. 1u,1 lKk II I h••f'l ti •IJ\, l•,1,Jh .1, lnni .a, II ~.111


· 10% IHSCOUIIT Far AR S1udlnts

t __ _ o,, ,,,, M or SMdwldl Orde /lilust present I.D. at time of purchase)

-~ . . .

4011 a.tcll tl.

155-1921 :&tt, . .... ,..... .... .,... ..................... ....., r ,.,. .1111

FREE I Alp ha Pla sm a Ce nte r 32o z Drink i 811 Ohio Wic hita Falls , Tex as 0 1 Mon, .., 1-6:3 Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 1-3 • Tuu, Th i J8 May expires I ;:::, ::; -- 411. ,!}~.. ~ 32 2-4 68 4 .... ,... . ... ,.... ......... .......... .... ....

.• ,· .,




.. ...........

" lffil \ \ ~.,

,h...,, n.-..Jh 11-''-' n.,:f.,, ~-· ., 1..ill) Jt 1he 1,•uflr, h.'4...,h..1r~n.. <}". "1\,)1.hmg ,.ml .d.lint,: lh.11 n;~ub, i' l,,.,·p J.u1!,'CI ,'u .1 n11n11n,u•

1 /Please recycle this newspaper/ I when you are fini shed! ...~. .,, ~ ?B.1N\~~tcUt 131 to 767-1 '!3.--..-i;1 90 J:Jtb and lllu ff -•1 ........... _

Subs Sandwiches Hotdogs Hamburgers & Lots More


V, 1th tht• UII 1¥rJf'\. lo1.auv11 rw:.Jr th, u,tr,-. AnJ\lo h1k~J\4nh... n •..,

1, 1.IIJJ

Sunday NiJht Worship First ,,esby terian Church

3601 hit Blvd. 7p.m.

JOMnna N

& IJtr1 I

lilt) uokhr,. J"'l4~ ... ., ,,t . ,_dir'ICnbtd p111,cc,,n phcu .n wlft.h ,nd ,-,oc1ih1. •I t..t ht ~1111 uJ1Uldn I lhui~ 1,t M>)lhll\J (I~ he d r>thrt hf Ut t-.c.. ..nw 1 ~, 1N ,n phl"'llf'•phy ., , ch1kl and had-' J 111l/1111m in 1'11, huu'it .11 .a,c 12

t~l1n~,, earned~ ,-,1wi.,,-, dt,r« IA frl!C .n, lrom l """"''" 1n 1111, Md hit 'IIA'llrt • .,,,, ,n t•H9 11..m ltrc I ruvtt\11) 111

.. n,,.-..1 \1w (k,:n:of• 1n fine

"'kN'a<il .1,11L1n.•,ln f ",Ux-" lt..ttc, rhrtt m ur\n at \1Sl lfttwdJnl ilfl

,..,.>!Ki.tl"ICI ,..n11nrrc1.JanffldohM<..,.,,-

lhtH' .wt l ffl.11n .llpn.h u( c~h C11Unt c;.~, find\ fa•,.,uhk IV"' VI 1,.,...lkd ,n lhf' -"1 dtparrmn1 An~«•• 111.-, pul · me di l(N(h •1th lht JINWf41 urtl\fflrly pt,p, Lttu,n ht \alCJ M y m.-'fOfl " IO hdp pn-,.c undn •C•nd M1 ,\, lvr , r,mma,.~ .,, (.otdhfri ~d ht tt!Jl)) ' 1t.-.hu:1 , ,.t.h• 1n-h,. ~h,i( c11tttf1dd C~~ to Cfdle Mt \roCd tfl .111 1~ohc1 "'...rte 1M t ~

Students discuss plans for summer Ka~n ~h,ll . , ..._.;:, ')(' ~I,.'(:


h"1 1..u..k-nl.11" '" H.d>•·

1,N. \f,J... (.J.,.•m 'iu.r( ~lldcill• -.111 1,it fr4'(hn~ 1h,.• "'OflJ th1, ,u1mnc-r «11.lc-.1,1 ~u,h1n1 .tii.iut 11


•Iv.kn,.. M,l' trc,-hm ,u1 knrulr, C'.,hk, the: '\Ufflmc:r .,..Ill he 'f'Cnl ,.,'fl1ni; 'If I go .&n).. httt hor


thh ..ununcr.~ C.&blr ...,,Ill. ·n will ti( "{\Ur 01 1~ momcnc ' She hh (k(-1JN to t,llc :. break :too l'IOI :incnJ

c_bt{sta ti~ ·f;;j • =clul, 8 #'t111=

.I ,


fri•Sa1•9pm'"-> Cover


""nmc, ~hool t-rc,h""n prc-ph),1nl 1hc-ro1P)' m.i,o. Om)ol J~, v,111 ah.o be 'Avd,1nr, but \ht h;a\ a u,p plann«I l<>t the t nd of July Jon:,, pl11y~ on .1 ~ ,,oll() bill IC'.am ;mJ ,.,II he p~ l('1p:1un1 1n r la}uff ganK, 1n I-on U U\krd•d c 1>1ant Co,now\k1, 1 \tmor Engh, h m:1)0I'. h:., 1 full , ummcr :Jhtiad ..~OI only w111 ~ ~ cnn,llnl m both , umm('r ~-~U)lh II MSl' ,he .,nil Al..o ,pend the firM \I.C'd, of A11g1.a-1 1n London ilOO P;im

fa"°n B) ;li\ , aho II -.enior EnJh\h ffi:IJUI,

Bowling for Soup One or Ille buslcSI bands in l eAasl Mockro musk

and a grt:at timt:.



b(, J:Oll'IJ 10 -.t· hool lhl \

htl m~. ''Olbtr th~

Wednesday is ir,irsn liol1GNT! Kpon-1 lpm RW Mal')larilas & Coladas S.\.99 Suptr Mu-prita_~ $1.79Ttqulla Shub


..ummtT. 100. The tntm: , ununcr 11,(lfl' t t'C' ,~ n1 -.tud)1ng, hcw.c,c, Ry:.s "'111 tit 1:V'OI!- to Colon.do 11i 1lh hi\ ('hun-h yuulh i;roup tht' fiN v1rck of Junt 10 , ~ hon :.t So.Ill', Arl , VI outJuo, ~ 8)-;1' 111,11! t"C ·••hllc "'attt rafhni. rarrclhna .and



·, S' k , _ I ,r _ _ _ _ _._ , _ _ _ _..;;;;';;";;;;..~;;";;,;;;e., .L,,l,.


I pl.&n


h.ins OUI v. 1th lncn<h ;ioJ ,l«-p bet.~ Bya_, wd. Smior hl-.tor} map Po1ul Mote, h ,b • v-.anny o( a(II\ lltc, pl:anneJ fof' hb surnmrr Ht "'111 con11nue lrnnmJ .and hw:yc:lc rac1n., Allhouth ht- ,.'On. I be enrolltd 1n ,urnmcr s.=hool. Mott ~ plan, '" ► rt~mh ·111t En11ma Elh h;' -.hK'h ~ . '..~lht

c!!?.~~=~ c;.~;~


Cddhn) ~ "wdnli\ "'"°do "'ti! in h" <b,, r,oo IOJCCIJCll~lftdw l ~ . i J Mtfidd un pla) \,IJfflC' pM111t lht .. -11·\ ru1.c -.hen



gt111nii • 1Jti ~ (.,oldb('rc "'-' f'hotocr.apby. (it>IJbcrJ I main l:llcft\l, J,AC\ him w opponunil) 10 be ,1 '"lour d11«10r oa .a 1m~I "'01.l!Jt • -1.-~ 1n1nc,1m1 IO wll(fl -cudcnt, p~ 1n lhest W)f)tll'll("lllOft (II Im.tin .ll'ld ,dQ,..~ he \.ltd Uc dN:nbcd '"" btflDntctt phocofraplty ..rudeoc" ,..

' 'lkh 1n ti l ollld) 1t,11c " ..,


11/'-1.'1'-l'f htddcn tllirge ,


GokJ!,c,J , ..d hh h,uc1.1 ~,,. Ill tea hint O •1IIIO ·" ) C'l •hd 'nl c;dJ\ .wwJ '"h fo, .idH l -., Of th.uth htlfD t•or

....11'11Cdun)':: .,_., lu.mcd ln,m him ' Ir \ '""' IU "C'C thtn1 kip ln•m ,111dc:nt 10 ,.ulk-4•.11: ' 1f ~ : " ' - ~ ~

for Loldh-lJ, N, •h•• bun • ~


~,p,r,.von ·1t\ lutd lolffl\l\.r,n


uMcp,11 pw1 oi'Ahu I 111'1'1 -

ttun .. p, h,111WJ;)vfl1fc

hlr •rtho.NI 11 h • ""'-II .an ht wd h "f'inP>ldc<t,,.,.

(i(~ r t ~.t,1,;c Ill \1St l(i.lJctlh -..a..1,,f1nJ\Olne,.

ounr llftll .. ~ ,..._,M.JMleiy ,NlUI




..ur...rd tht 1,npon~ c ,)1 tnnt llloWYICfflt'nl Uc ~ \ f f l \t:-e,) t'C'~ll•«. 1».tumc.1,l 'Clr'tht-.'(lrid

.-ldmr. te. ,nbt"m •'flr'l~)' .--.i-,,nnhlle t0M 0

cad! dk) wn ,.o I kit II bC1ltf chin tht 111> bl'tlff I\• fOf I.ht fu1un: G t ~ hon nn uucn111.>n Of ._. 1nJ ,,i;;t MW.I pl111, 111 i onunw •ur\Jn~ ..nd ran.,ng " " 111n1I~ 1n Wic._tu11 J-,.]1( /

Art department hosts student exhibition Tr rah Curn

S1ucknt b .h1b1tl00, II\ '-1\lb Md l'in1I c.,J11ti1Cl\..'fl ol the )"<41 The- C\h1bmon "'111 he \ h )' 5 Lhmu,:h Si':pc(mbn 1 19',17 Tht Student l:.\h1buion 1, .1n 1nnu.al c•mi in ..h"-1. \tudcol• 'Uh-

m,t,.orl1nhopt, ~ 111,cho-,cn1,, be. J ..pl;.,}td dunn@ lht nh1btuon The- c.duh,oon Iii 1ll 1."tV1•1•t of~.... ,11l from boch JeNin tli.\..o MJ ,11,l(hoc1a..~

Oc,,gn cac,ono



m:W . two--dlmcnl.lDIW and thrtc: ( ~~t ll'tc, Studio d11T1mS10N1l

w~+..ion 1./ef,o?.w The M,J..,.c,tcm S1'1t< An()(,. p,4n mcn1 .... ,11 t't ~hn~ lht 11197


1 : ~:

n.-ubtnatuni~r't'k) Dunn, the "l'-96 Annual ~11.1dc.n1 F..Uub!i.M-, men rJ\a.n I f,lJ ..,.,d., "'ttt nhibued. and Uk' An (le:r-nm,m1 Cl.ptl.h :tniW, g,ood


Juh2 Frank.Im. ,


:an nup

,.t,o ..oo, m ~ -.n Dqwtmcn, ~ theft' b.J\C bttr. m.,n, er.me.. ..._1 IM

~optfllftfl"CCql(K'Wl ,.1llbe. on fndl~ t"('N"I .a 3 p Ul >\'AMd\ .. ,111\t~ali:.i~r,m dunn,:


The .\nnu•I Ju1n1t,1


h ~l°tlcl'l(t .o\'Aal'\J (111 \~~i 11i1II I"!! frir Br,t of \ho""' in 4 '11tnn 111 10 \lcn1 ".,..,.,li.. n.-togn1,in, 1,u1 ,1,tn,hn~ .... ut\ .11kt , .... o s 1:" ~


.ind Ju.nna lfanc~ .....,.,...rJ, h'f ~ \t 1-.-o-011ntn\!OfUI Worl .lf\J Bt,1 t . f)lmtn,inn.,,l \\ ork rhc <IP('t'llnF rt, rptH>n 11. Ir« MJd tht f'lhlll. I\ cni.our:u,'ed ll• .-i~Ad 1ht c-crrm..on}

The (\)'Ubltil'f'l .... tuk .:I••"'' 4tt

m.., t"t t11


..c-,"'on !'Ufn

~l(t ,.m lol'M.•in v:dl mm 2r m 1<1 -I lll pm \llA!..~ lhn'IIJ'b f nd,;.) 1n tht Ltmet\11~ G.1llcf'

New complex to add to Wichita Falls' night life Kah · '.\lartin

J1 nlffl) CC)()f'lCT 'UJ)tf'lOl)f nf lhc W1d'n1~ F3l~nu,.

Wic:Fvloi iJaoc,i&" G,~m Central Station fl'• no1 ill form or traclc-r :.and 11\ nu1 , raal• -a) \laUon in a ,m,dl IO'A II II o ill h4r complc\ upcr11n1 "OOII 1n W1<.h1tA h lh


!i:tl~~~ ~~~(:~~ ~;/~ ;:!u~

k.i\lf'IC)) Grah•m Ctntritl \1o111un ,.,,11 be J ··inult1•u!IC cntcrtammc:nl filo'.'1hl) " llkl .,.. 111 hou\C ri,·c M'W du~ Grahllm Ccntr•I ... h.i1c Ofk' ro,cr 1.harsc th;u .. 111 1110..- ~(\ 10 wiy o( !he fo·t dub!, Tht n1·c cluhs "',U1nclutlc 1' g;amc- rl'•Oml~J'I'"" ha.r. • l;u-rit Ml, ~cuuntJy d:tncc h.u. :. oo-.1iJ11a d1\Co llnli J



kc, IOf Gr41\im J-.n1C"11,munc111. ""h11.h h.r- hn:n opaill'"I club\ •lfll.C I Ql\8 , "3td the comf!lt\ I\ ab.iut t() pet


cent fin1~ anJ ~ I d tit 11rcn1n1 \j,lft'll"Junt th1, .um


Courcr :&hu \:&JJ Ult' l l!-<X} ~U.lh" looc plq lr,,11 ~u1fl' 11'iou1 1111, "'nfkf' (ir.&Nm C:cnlr.&I \t~<ti ,, wl,ng IJl'l'l,,.dllOlh lor mu,11.•I wknt .uiJ cntcn11ir;rt .1\ "M.'tU a~ ., .an \.l:.IT and gcl'ltral hcl11 I k uild the, C,,~t c:unc"' ~d 10 hc cncrgru~ .an..! ,,h1c IO ptc-,1i.r I t ~

··1r yuu n:" , hov.-of1, )OO\ t roe .1 rU\u~ ,., Qpbatn h.1,c 1u bt ~ l,r )'t)ll Crnu.1 ·· (01'f)C1 Y1J • .il'-C• hu,c to bt 1t1lc 111 UU.c • lonutu or l'AO"


Thr (nltfl.11nmcn1 !:CftlCt \\111 bt: 1.lp."ft \OmC"IIIII(' thl•

wmmtr. l'-ut .1 ,r,rt1fi~ dd!C' h ... fWII bcrn "C(.

The W1chitan Wants You! We are currently taking applications for nexl ~••r 's Wich ita n stair.

WANTED: SO< Bar Or1nks & Drow Beer Un11I 11:00 pm featurtng Our Infamous Macho Chest Contest & Sexy S1lhoutnc Contest 18 and Up Welcome. Honest Top 40 Donce Mu11c 3711 Colllocld 696--00ll

Doors Open ol 8·00 pm

BRIDGE STUDENTS AGES 12-80· FOR SUMMER CLASSES Ta ught by Amtrican • · Contract Bridg,

Ltague accred,ltd teachers. F« More lnfonnation Cail: Ka1111ttn Brown Marti lin~ 691-1703 ~



• b 1 trltalVt/iy»eMul.bl, (o,,twdr, u , ~ 2:5


MS U' s top 10 spo rts stories of the yea11



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Eight was Enough

,,rm,.:. Jrl"'I

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Lone Star Cham pions


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t•I lhH'f i.ju.M!i' I • l,w'4,,,J

1lrn,•.., ,., ,u1o...t ,., 1hr ,.o,. , ,k'"'-t' \C'.11 r-1~,td te>" .. 1h,. 1 "'" \ !,! h'Ulkl J '"•" lo lt,.,!J n'I the ! 'lt1tl,,1,1-vl<.·1 ..i1t\ .. 111m,,.u1mk' \ 11<• , ,·,1111 l.1, h · r ,.,, hao 1.,n,.·1 l.>. ._N ,1 ~ ' , .arJ lidJ ,:u,d 1n 11'1.· lo,!1,11•, •"t'r11ffll' P.••-.C"-H•n, \l,t , -<n,,,r «r,·n,1•~ h.t1. , f);i, 11 \l,\lmtiut1,m..-ptrJ . 1i, ..-.1r,.i" m ;h(, ,•r,J l•lfllC'li ll'ft'<l"\Clhr 11,m \\ (" r1.,,o1 hl.c ,.c h...t Jl/ ~t.i6.'

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l'l·•uk, t•,n,om "'"1,1 '1fllfC'- h .1 \h i l>, A ,i •N◄ ,



Dodg ing a Bulle t





lrc-m JUn 1,,r J l'1l!ll'Jn R"-<n~rt Tr ., .i-, J1 c rag t'J lti 8 r,mc, o11kl Joi o <rt...•unJ, pc:r !'""(' rn hc-/pm~ the (.,..h l111bJ11• 1,, .t lO- IO


J.~,1t-.1, TbC' \h.!•c~ni 11:. tm rluicJ 11o 1U'I ti"t\)f"\ ,..,,,

lnJ.:pcndrnh p,, l



'ih,: fm1,h.:-J

m IIK' lOll)C'r (fll.(' m..._,,.,,n,

"'-'(or,,J III n-hounJmt: :inJ -..:,.1,nJ 111 fi,:IJ t:•lal pcn.·rnt:i~t I ~,,01 PUlll\JII hC'\l


-.rhovl f"C\.'\'fd h'f

f'>lllt, a 1.tll1<' 1n 1hr wa-.on fio-11,: :ig,1111)1 ,,~ I rJnlC"J Arl-1-.J, l 'tth P1111n.10 ..._~'fl.'1.1 41,1! the Ult.I, lur.hJ11, t,t, p.,,ni.. 1n Ilk' !N-M 1o,.·, m 1hc f'JNJcn "un, <;jht ,, rht ltllh -...,--..1K'n , pl~~\"I m \ ISi ho,h•f} IP .-am 'I.A IA \ It AiftC"M.an h,,ni;"' mrh l

Reac hing New Heigh ts

Cheerleaders take 16th at nationals 11'1< \IJJ~1•,1rm \IJlt' dt1."<'rlc.Klu, Ju !Ill>/\' lh.in -.Ul'J'".'11 ,11hk r11., vn I m.,,u, 1..~, ~.•d, 1hc:\ uul. lfrh 111..,r m 11k' , ~ ,on .ii l htrr DJ\/""-l lkxh I l,1 1~

\ \ \I




, unil.1.1 , I/('

lr,,m ,ml\1111! Ehc 1.1 'l111lf\ lo cumf'=lt ut th,: 1.on1r,1 .t 11<1t•ntllpc of 1f1t d..:t1J,·..J.1, f''rlunnmy ,1 l'OIJ h K' y,,1, ,uto,1111:cJ

,., Kvt\



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f;llllC',lfflfho. l111e the t nN""'- IJ t◄l .J1~o1,IC'I -,d J'tt'.lllcJ 11o ,1h ,1 :,.JI.I \11,, l,V\

l.c.J1.,,i the l';wuhr:'I M ,.. , ·• •lh JU'-l fi•r nunwlf) rr1n.11nin~ 1n 1h: !fiUIW:. lht lnd1~n, Jtkn.-.c ~•'1'{1'- J 1ht- .,.i:nlht-rs nn ~ h~nh-di""' r rl.11, rm1n 1h( \l\l ;,, urJ l,"lt' "' t-nJ 1ha1Pr•int\k:'ll,nl h VI 1th Ju,t \U ,r,••nd1. k ll \1 1J\I.C'•l~lll J(t~O•U C' t,..,_ l r.11 M.10, tll rmrrccrc«t h1, ...,:..,-00 f'J'' of lht f;tnlC •nJ l.1tlC"J .W\ n.""rl'~ ,11 rnJ1n~ ~ k~•ni ~ .ak h "'"'at,,~ -...,n / r,r u, 1,1 ciid thc\ISl he-~ .\oCbOO 0.1 hi~h ntlfr C\>.Kh Hank \I,{ lun, ..,.iJ -1 ln..""" 11 "'"-'Id "'-' a Ckh<' t.tllK' 1n 1hr lu1mh qu:1111,•1. kit I ,i;i.11) lht'Ufhl Y.C' had lhc hcttn It.Im .. l"hc "''" ,.ullC' 10 ln•ot ,,1 P!Jnlt' v,r,,. , llrnoc...in1111, 1. h •"J ,,1 SA~ I , the hcf}'t, t I\• u:,: :m 1001.in l[lml'll\\('~f

- 11 "'b

JU\t J

~xi Mn'l1"1\f"hrn:

r,N>th-»U ' " • a.. nMtdt-1h1,fall.r i1t1J.1111:"*I J,,.., \1:,-,, j


- , : t GI ;:.x,_ P•m•u · •

,1 l'Ulk.1,"t l••lllh.111 i,:..11.: \I ,.11J I thmi. ,her_. lf'l•. '11 'u,). !Tkff I.at•\ lh.u, th.ti. ,r ... ,, Ult'!(' 11,crc- 4t,,,u( Iii tu l hc lnhr ,tJm J ,,.\ lht ~'-'-""-' '-4UMht .,,,,. ~t!Mlnt-"' l \1.u 1~ \ 1 t.111; nl·dc1I 11,11h '-l."111•'1 1,11'-,, \ ,1rJ 1,""'t,J,"'" • 'm11h


l l ll



Early Playoff Exit

1n<' IQll7 -.ca,011 1.111'11· 1,1 in cno hll' lht- M 1dwc,t(•1n SL,lle mt"n , 1\,1\ l c lbJtl IC.lln .. nd.t) 111gh1 1n 4 q11 <J.i 1•;" " 1 \ 1-,,tt•r', l ,llkir 1n 1hc "AIA \t,u1h-...r ,1 Rrginn-11 -.f'tn1li

dlo'>('n l<J •"llll'C'h: (111' 1hr

n.uuon.J 111/t \lo h1k 1tw rJnlmr t,,c,n·1 -cc111 • , 1rrlt)("I\ h•j:h 1.htt-1le,1tlrn~ ••t.il. h \l1o.ht!k ,tir1t,, ,.utl 11 " , t i•oJ r.·nuuc.11 " n 1"'-· t,·.,m .t.u,I 'f'C'"~' ... c11 ,,,.. h11u1c .,1111r,.111«,n,


Men ousted in regional semifin,11·

: rum 1h,: hUlklrt',h t•I ,•r11nc, 1hc 41 t...-,1 ,111nc, !r11rn r.:kh J 1\ "h'n


8 1,11 v,ith


k,1.Jcr. h ~ot1J11,in ,·11mrr1t1H•n m

.l~Jllhl "' ... hv11h


P111mm 11,;i, ,1J.., "-'"l«1c,J i._, lht I tllK' "131 ( ',l!'IIC'rt'III.C h1 ream .enJ .tho Jn All ) 0111h-...c,1 R(tloJII


•• r ir.aJU 11.hJC•(J \'Al. fl\;1.1 .ukl tlfl J n,rll'"-'r ,n tf'\111!! "'

Fallin g One Game Short

I"'- \I, 1.. ,.,,_.111 \1.1tt I .iJ1 ln..!1111" h;,-,.kt"•h.tll i. ,01•1 nudt J " ' "

Natio nal Reco gnitio n

ltn l'lJH'f' \lol"f(' Jl", i.c-d IO CJii.' h ,,1 the- !lf,t -c1.onJ :ll'K! th1rJ tcJm, "'luk the rem-111'1\kr " ' pl;i)"rr, .,..rn, rt\CI\C ,·orr .. J(C' .@'11,•n ,uh,l\'l,,r.d'>lc

11,,. \t,J\\,•..i(m '\1.dc 11..-nt"n·,


Six athletes named All-Americans Tribe slips past Prai rie View A&\':

L1dy Indians claim 1st LSC crown

,, ,. , 1rhh



Women stumble in rcgirn1.1 l fi nal.'

._'I II -' \\-< Yflll

\f ,I

:1'1'- ...., , 11,.....

U"tl' ,

hi ,.,_t•,1 K., l..hu•,•l'\.'•"1: '""-'

\\ ,


ot,p,"klM 1h1rH1t1. - " l \hl •lt&.-....-:,_.a-M M, "'-11•/ 1 f -r •

h "·• !1111 •, \J,.1,.,,,etrt ,1,1r

IIW- \\ f'I hu, Mt'"'" Cl'...,


J'-l ..


.......,,_ 111 _. •h• • ,__..

-.ht'I ' '""' •...,

.,,.n..._.,.._..,._ ., ""'1,_ltl""'

.. ), .,.,, rt!-J'hn.""t,.,,., .. ........................ """• ,hi -r ·..:,

, ,

. . . . . -,~


lnd i,111:,; li11,1lly tind thl' win rnlumn

\ lld•""'1'nt

,1.,,.,....,. '-4-.W , 1•t""""-



,•, .. J fi,J,• .i•J ........ ,~ ·•t .• p.,, '<"

fo,1l t"II JI...! \\ ii

,,\ \11111,,11\,

-'\\:~---i· ., _




,,ul i1t'l l<Y' ~ n to I ••\n • l(n ..lt't1 H 1,t-\ tn.l \1 1,.h,,,!




l,J,flhm(IUl!h..l, 11.il l,1 ., It• • l,i:r1h .ll ll'K' n~""-,1

h,,.lt"'(' Ill r\111► I "

'••.) ~



l" '"'"\l

••-ll• 11 I \I ,, , , . , ......,.,,

!h-.• II J"l•

f.-.. ,,

1,w-"•• ·I•k • ,N . ,.. ,......... t- ' ' \ i" • •., ,,." \'

NJI II, , Jf\ l !,., tt! ,,1ynt--, .. ,JtJ \1 ,1 , l•lf' ~ "''' '" 'f'l('


Clo' 4•

>el\."•~ 1,\c

r, ••,

1iwJnY!Ykn• ,..t,o,, •u·Ji,,._. ).-fl M.hl J"l,1H, I hlf I'

~:..! .tlhl~,. J,.1 •,t,'f ,

rti,, .,~,

,., 1..,11, "'••

, 1<'ln,t-., l 1h.•f'".,.

••~ ,. ,1ts P, \I Ht1

1-W d :.ill,;



,UIII ..,., ,,nJIIIJ' I•• 1•-'111 ' ,~ , ,

Back to Natio nals

!h: \l1J \ ~'""" , 1~t.· II"(" " ' '•, l•u• ');· ! ho.· I"""•-.,...~ '" • .. ,J1 Ill.I. ,._, .,.. r,~ •\ .ht ' 'lh ,c I· ' \I \ ,..,,,.,,,! 1..


,u11,,.ul ,,,11n•...n~ "'"-....'("

,,,..,..,... fl.

n>f••rmt •"<""'J"'l,I" •r 1,t11~-. '.-''--'" • • , lt~M,':lt"/ ~,., I

,N n,._..... nr


l ••IH.ll (NI."•

"'' • ,1h:,•••· r•· •,1,.,,, ,,

,_.,..i ,, .,. -.!




Tri be has po0r showing ,it tmirnL'Y

>'~ ' " ,

~~j~ I~~~'

•,;.;r, ,

fl, I,,

,_.,.. ,, .......


\ \



l .htcm


' ·"''

' " ' ~l.n"1~'1lll ,.. I <o('ntl,n,




M: -w;/1 '!WI

.... ' ' k I"! ·,k!..ni I •,u" I

'I : II

\l,d• 1 -•c•n



II,· , Cl

\ '

Natio nal • Berth s

. tea m sends· 3 to nationaJ \ Tenrns

Aftt'r lengthy process, position filled n,. _.,, "h1•~11



Search • for an AD


I hi' \ ISt r hftrln dl'n "orhd t\•IN'rMh h•rd hrfOf"f' n11lm1■1...

II.II i::m ~ l"ht 1..,.., dn,,pal 1hc hkh,m, ,,... 1711 ,.,1hlll1 ht 1J"("l rrranJl•l..rrr hid hJ the \ \I,\ '\,11,vn.,I T,,v1 n,mk"nt 111 l ul...,

A, conlm,i 1, \!!'I I l\f.-i, lh) , tht· / nJ 1 ,n, ,J,1 • •

J c ft

lltll d fotl 1n JcltJI I, I/It \ '<1.-..k',J \ h..i:am.:'It v.J, ~ i:,-..-.1 i: ,m,; .or>tl • '

pl-,~rJ rc.i:lh h.11J M,, 'l ,amc ,t...* n 1,1 .J , ,•..., t ·t r1.o, \t'\1ondhJII Jlo11l 1ht"\ 1, ~ '"·" · ... , ~11111,l h.oll ,. ,,,1 ,, \

, /

OOKING BACK SU's to p 10 news stories of the ye ar

Game , • of Numbers ,estern 's enroll ment tumbl es


IJllent bounc es back in spring pP\1)1.' \ "


~ 1ll't nmi.h ~·ncr ~ , ,r,itl~ l\l l rnl\(Nt)'

\,IIM' ' ko,.C'li.'1.1('/ tSIII ,1uJcn1, comltrJ 'f'\oJt -.ell'IC'-.trr. "'Inch dl,afl .ll 1h1, tune b,1 ~Coll l , J 1J Ilk' f.11.11r I\ pied('('n'l<kn n[ 1ht 1,-w. .,.'\llkfW• t'1'lf\•lkd t,,, 1h..-

~ -

J 1ra1irndt.lU,


~,ound." k ~ We V.'Cf'C V.ll) Jo-Tl m the fall anJ ~ · "'""'w boun..:cd t-.arl (n)ln tht I.ill~ 1o,,.t f"11) at\M

l1t.OM\ldal.,from l...-.t'i'flnit" There v.crc S,6-1 , \llkkni, cntulk:J ,n ~ 19% r,11 -Cmc'\fcr Thitt 1, :.bouc 200 ,1uiknt, le" lhJn tht \!In)(" llnl(' 1n l99~ " Wr ,c hc(on 'Utpmc,J tv.,cc thl\ R«.lngl.l('t ~ d. "fif\l h) the t.it,11 rrduchun .i.nd 11c,11n ti) ~ ,p,1ni,: f1"-C b, A.tu, Mu11m


Texas Tec h• Wichita Falls? · ent kills incorporation rumors .., \ii,J.. c,1rm \1.1tr IOk m.,t"f"W.itCd into


l' n1H' f\1I~ ')'1,•m

•'""'~r ,n ) ,•.uc



of 1t,,c, r1nlt""'i

,fllllJ'Cfllll.OfK Lll\ tluol

Prc•1tknl I •>Ill• J . ,..\mJ th,.• Ut\lH'f"I \ 1J l'\- ,111.. ··u 1r•>1.i.t..-.J lflltJ

11w• A,MC,tion r.in,..,

J tt-fll pa&,:"ft~ l1m.-, ,to m'ltnd1ht c rmr

"1 hJ1 .J:ucmcnt YIIJ.• RoJnguu '-lid



t'o) nlC"," 0

' M1d..,.c,1rm t11, nni ""t:n •Pfl"iadacd t'o) ,jfl) •)'•lrm \\c tw,'C' OIJt ~ h c d arl)NXI) ab.xii JOtn• 1ng 11 ,y,1cm. Our Bovd fol Rcterlof'I h:a-. 1nd11,atcd M ITIC dut al th1, ume 11,,ey oon·1 h.,,c :ai 1n1criK1


:11 •)•I.Cm

'"\\'c:•<duncn-a'°"..bh""cll1h1" 1'" .u1 1ndil'pcn&:n11 and 1hc)


don't ~ an~ arcac 1wcmd1nr ..dunUJC"\" b-1 laMNf U 1i.rt1tU


~ 1¥1111 month, k'II m

nl 1hc J,:u\. " iipp(.U• lhil1 \ l 1J•

aoJ tht 1hroc oihu

I\ 11 lot ol ""•-.di.Im m ,,wr,aun1 1111th ., ')' 1cm ki1 l "'t.1Uldnol•Uflt"l.n 1ltltJ\I•• 11un th.11 fof\c-, :ln 1n,111uuon 10 ,0111

a •)"Intl 1( lht) d(,n I "';ant 10 .,

~1Sll Pfc, 1(knt l..o ui~ J R0011ieuc1 ).11d there ha, hl:cn no fflO\"C · mcni 1,-an1 •) ,1cm ,nc,lff)Of'iltMJf'I "' r11r th" \(\\1(111 Rt-.Jnpa 1,ud he did Ml CAp«"I the hWC 10 <omc up in lhc rcm~m 1ni W y• , 11 the 1>u1 I d.ln't 11ulc !In) dtfinm,e .t•lcmcnl\ ,.., 1hc Lc11•l1t1urc " h1 J,01-,, '"''" rrnu




tht fac.c hH M,t ,,

ul;u ,,.,,.,.room\ on C,tnlptl\ nw lhll\l llo'l.lf o( \1ofktl L1ht41)

hJ• hccn m..Jc in1u 11ffll· t ,pace for th< .... 1(1'11,C: f;1i1,.ully who "'ffC fflO\"Cd OUI (II Ko lin

'Once: Bulin 1s lnmrktt'J." MSl l'te.,kknt l,.uu1, J RoJntlk'l c.ald. •·._e'II h.ivt the hc,t ..CINtC'C l...:thl)' 1nlhc•l&IC' ' The \0nlJ'llcl,on ol lht Rolin

Sncncc Ibl! 1, -chedulcd fr,r 1h1, Jul) h, ,\111H I l;,.,(f

Rising Cos t • of School of Regents OK fee increa ses uftal ,n 1hc cnJ '1"hc 1n, f<.'I-.C:\ .UC n«ehlfY If• ,'\'IMlnlll" hi J"'{l'I Kie the 4uaht) .,f tdac.a111,n .inJ -.tl'\I\.C, fr•t our .tu Jeni, 1tu.1 v. c wM\1 ," ht '-''J '"\\ t , 1111 tnl \1 1d11oc~tcm 1, :11-".uJlUl 1n

~u.. ..11,tf'I


(,:c, hc:rc ..rt ,1111 on ut ,1..tc u illeJC\ :ind

c-nJ u111,mt11c,11 Tn•• ··

1ht- 11)',ll'f

l>wJ,1w11 /11-..ff'n<"


• ~ ~I• o,dtr IO ~ ton·


..,.alk4twa llh

Kappa Sig's riguez's 5. Rod 8. Greek Tragedy Steady Reign President has catapu lted university Blaze rips throug h fratern ity house too,,

When I RuJnguo i.t,r;unr pit':Mdtnt of Mll.l111c,1em l;j1a1c ,n



111111t1,111 •


rollmcnl. ""ould


Bui II> ) Ur• h,1c1, \t1J.,,,c,1crn ha\ ~rtJ'\lo n fn"lfn JV\I IJICf .a .(Xt

11') V.('R' F-ClllflJ muller M';l' h:1• -«n qu11t :11 fc-v.• ,ha111c, , ,nee Rodnsuc, took 1hc um,~1"ty'.) rc1an~ o,cr SSO mdllOll hti b«:n ,pen! on con-iruruon ,,nee Rndnguct toot. O\·n Ile » 1d aflcr 1hc c~ (01Nruc:IIOll ,, comrlc1cd. the um• pu, 11.111 h.l,,c rc:all)' "'C'Oull' ol ilJ:t '

K1>tln1uct -utd heh•" .Al.ti "«n a kM nf ch.ngr, m the -tuJcn1 bod) "Our ,tudcnt bod) I lhmk. " Chan 'i.1100 tod.)' mofc d,,·n-c lholll 11 h,1, C\tt been." And ..cc,,,,Jtna; 10 he , .uJ MSU now h.1• nKIK th»t ModripH RodflJUtl the JOO fon:1~n , 1u<knh frum -'6 C()Un• lllU<'' llClOmph,hm cnt 1n h,~ tnc~ :&nd h.1, a,r«:mcn1, ... 1th cul• itnutt ha, btt11 g1<>"'·1h Jt a 11mc ks<• ,n hpr,n and China 10 \Cnd 11.hcn 1110'1 tolkrc•acro.,J, thr C"l'Un• h, /1u"'1 fA11 fl'mr \U,ltkrlbtOmo tt

A(1cr 16 ) C.U• .,~ \11d¥- t:,tcm <;c.,,r , prc,1dcn1. I.A,u1, J koJ nguc, rl.am u, ronunuc ht, cfforn 1oenh11ncc the Ufll\(hll) '1 l&'1hlll'•.

I\ tll\l thet1p11fltll' ICCh:!J illl.Jn~uc, ,:uJ the nu,1u, pro-

;r-,um .,n: :-'"' pl111mng to up.ind

" Our rJ,bOl(llK"oll \CICnC'n pr1>

fll'Oj.'..tMII\ MJ p,,v.1h Ont.· nf lhc UnflfO\ ('llll'nlS !ti MSU 1,1hc CIJl\\ll'\l(l10n:andrcnm:..i.tctnol


S1uJcnt Ccn1c1 Rudnpu \.lMi I.ft ol the riN lhml" IO do •~ "'fin,~ all lhc eoft\lN:•

\l,Hlllflcarn111g fron1 a <,("ft'tn 111 hc.1c thc 1c~hcr on be 1111~ a"''l)I m alre;,d) u\Cd on ~.llllptl\ hut. Rl-..11111:UCI. ,31J lhh lorm ,1ftcJ(h1ng 1111\1 e\iww beg.inning Ill thc , um•

Bohn ~ lffl:C 11~11 and the Clllf'l

lion,· wtuch 1ndl.UC"\ 81'Kto4cll COUit.\, Ol)onohoc. OL L1aon Coh-.tUm wwJ Rea \\o,d Hall Bue ccn..,rurnnn

I\ the f1N Ill thc Un11cd SlalC\ anJ the n111,mie pro~r.1m 1, fo11ty nt,111," K<>dnauc, '-lid CouNt\ 1h1ough ,rMcncl!\C tdc

mtr o( 19117 b1 Uru1/tr, t>..nu,m

Search • for an AD

·culum includ es constr uction """"« J.llpih J ft'

-·~ ........... ...... HfftilirWa nl



After lengthy process, position filled

..tlnc-N c.in ~ fnund 1W M,dwc•tcrn 51.,1,:

...... Clort


, •-1,r


ind <JChcr d3'"f'' hl\C l\ttn n-locat· c-J to lhr\4h1, -..ouc D,11nc Jnd mod-

~tt llwt.t,Hol', Mt"M••lkM of ..._Sch-tK'f 'H•M

fMIDh l •.o

Hard • Hat Area • coiwru.:1ton ""1lfktl'\

,,1ct..narni !i,:uf,r


vestern to keep indepe ndenc e Rodrig uez discusses future plans Am•nllo •111d, '1lk:1r ,o.Jc !(•\kin

( Oll'trvctt.n ..... INll,-rtfltM rvrrinh•m M

l'ht '-Cld\.h 1, tin•lly O\·cr Ahc, nutl) lhtt'l' monlhl of lonlinJZ. for • new ltl.hlrllC duum,. M ld.,,,C'ICfll SIik ptt.u(knt Loul\ J Rodr11uc1 cM.kd the ,u~n"" Mon day •tuK'\Ut11. 1111 Rot,c:n \tcRtt h-11 lbr~tlKl!l

~fol¥- C\lt fn S1111( l/n1\Ch\l) ," Rudr11ut-1 , ~ t\J) .111 u,tcn ,..,e l',JiCl.j,!.1•11JNi 1h,1 ,,..11 ,enc h1111


wcll,ntmnc "' .,-.1gnmcn1

"'\ISL'\ :lthlt111, l"fl"'P1"TI I\ cnlel· tnJ ., n,n,,

{'o llrge

J'fl\11to n o f -,thklN: dlfC\IOf 11

)'l'llf'\ -'I.



HI 11' h1,tt•f),..

Rc.-Jn,uc, '-'Kl ' I'm ku-1111 r,._-..rd ll• ¥-ld.1f1111.1thOr Mtik(-IOOITIC.'l'\• mg I.hr l.h.ilktl,:c, UQI be :.he.Id.~ \\dk-c. ~ - ..n,cd fi,c )ta!'\ • ~ :.1h1N1l d11«1or ;.1 R,,t,cn Mnrm

~1cfkc-. lhc frrnwr t-.tileffl llhno1, Um,m11y •hk"tic dtfCIMOf, will JJNI -.MJng ~ Mld¥.'t\ttffl M~ S Ml 1m •'Cl') plc1-.cd 1h11 01 R◄ibMI ,\ It Bet h4i iKCCptcd lhc

w.. I


t-11 h,

\o>tlfktng 111,0

°"" t f.atm.in

Financial Aid • Troubles

Fire nppctl lhrwgh chc turr;a "':?:.&00 lfllh

S1pi:t fr:a1cm11) hou\C

Sc . on SqM I¥. kal·1ng lhc group

unccrt11n .,, 1hc future The fire btS¥1 ~""C'Cfl 1ht- ril'\I :and -.t.:ond nooh hrcfighlcf\ ,m\'C'd on 1M .-.ccnc al aboul 10 p m but v.crt un.iblc co ptt\C111 mU1.h ol 1hc hou\C' frum t-,c,nt; Jamagtd The l11..hcn. Nlhmom, :,nd h.111 """) on the' l('('ond floor of the hw\C ¥-"CIC dc\lto\Ctl a, Wol) the )l,IJN-ell, x cu«11ng 10 K.app~ ~1,-m;a Pr~i<knt Bnnt \1.-ruon M:w,.11,n '31J m,,)\l ,-,rt~ fr•tcm1 brQl.ho:f" Jtt h:.i11,tjhnt the \;IIU,j-




"E,rl')onc'• \.«p1nE 11 p:)'ltl•C •lhludr: be '-',d 1lM: fr.1tC1lUI) I• •~ 1np: 1,, flnJ .1 tcmpoUf)' n)«11ns pla.::c J,1lh •n held\, 1111,e(IOI ot tho: H,x... ng Coffl()l"Jllon for the KaJIJ),I S1gnl.t ch.if11cr. '-'Id the future of the f'IO"'

hc.,u"" ,, \till unJ«ldcd


.1nd hc.ar lrom our ui-ur.afK'C ....i1u,1tr ;&1. the cntl nf the '"cd:.Mfield\: wd "1ll11 " \\(


IO v.:,11

hllffl31C v.11! !ell u, 1f •U nct'(I 11"1 rtb1ulll or m,,i,c oo · ,\,~,~tanl hrc "'h"hal )()('


j6 _.:_,.__

Thr Kitp99 Sip.a ,,.tn11111) wff,rmi • It~ bkt'" •Mn It~ holl'W c•1tclll !!,(,p(rmhrr. l'l,o,o 6.t /wo

t..,t .Im ,,.,.._,.,

'11<¥-!lft. ~hll IA\hll~••Cd lhc fire. the litt ,,.._, ru,~hly cau-.cJ h~


ckelrtCJ\ 1,robkm,

" II v.:,, a.:c1dc:n11tl. ' Stc~.l/1 ,a,d. ~t,ut lhc 0:111.I UU\C 11\J) l'ICICt

b< lnl)ll,n It Jl"f'C:a!" th:111 u ,, ,UJ ck-ctm.,l ,hon " St1.~,1n '-'td the f1re', IOC:41Klll JnJ lhc hc.lu-.t, ,-tJ ~1nn11 wcrr "'"" of Jn do.:tn c,11 fire

In 1'1W11 l..tl"n'ftfr

ure 9. Ten Review Midw estern State exami nes policy Prcp;u,nJ 10 an,¥-cr I,) the Tc,.,, l..1•;1,blUR', M1J\l.t,tcm l;j1:,1<' h:h t-cgun hi cnm,nc- the un1vC'f'\1h ·,.

fl'lllCK"• on po-t-lcnurc R'\ 1cv. MSI rrc,ldc:nl I.OOI\ J R11d11guo hil.• IMll,!lnlCJ I l11111111111CC of

r1shc profc,"'° h\lm , _.,tOU, .-.._le nu,. field) 10 l'(\>IC¥o the UIII\C,..11)' \ O\Cr• ll lcnurc r~IN JlfOCC'" lb11-.c •J)f'IOlnlt'd Ii) th,c \.l'l'llllllllCC' arc

• \ hilllc, Ram--c, prulc,\OI of

\l,)fl,)fnur.mi;. • l:.n1ro,i llr.nc1, ,1,..,.,,1tc l"nfc-,. ...,, (ll pOIJll, ,il \ol,.IC'n..C • Ann t,_,,r.,J.,, o\\"(.ICIJI<' pn1fouf cd11c:a111,n • ~ ancuc Hahc,,..,,., ,1,-c.._,.,1e J)fflfrw,.11 ol C'ornputcr ,,... 1tocc


• l o m lloffm.an, a.,",-.: 1:ue proft•• Enth~h. ""ho

\l.11 OI

11 ,1ho l h.,lf'pil• '°"' of the 1-:a.:uhy Srn.,,e • Ruth \lnrrow, "-'"'"-I.Ile pwtr.'l()f

tlf mu,1~ md Ji.olm ,h.ir t•f

manigcmcn1 ind l',u,11l('\\ admn.1,tnltlOfl, ~ho 11,1II c han th( ,nn11111t•




• l;j• flllrJ Church, 11,_,,,11n1pwlt\.•

• ,uK1 il1dW1ll11am ,, J!fOIC\\11fl•i

Downsized 10. Bon fire

Students have to scramble for cash Annu al traditi on forced to shrink A Jd.,)

1n 1hr am~.tl 01 s n n1 •nd lo.in ,hc(b ha, lch ',()fflC '1iJ"' ~ 1cm 'i1a1c ,1udcnh '('r'.lmhting 1n p.-\ for -c:tk~ll illlJ h\lnl! t,f'(n'-l'• Jon trl14ipf'l' :rn Ml;jU £nduM< )luJc'nt ,.uJ he iikJ ,. Ji1tlc l•tc 1h1• \l'mc:..C.1 ~ hi• INn 1, .i1II OOn11, J'fl..:'C"~-..l (1nJJ'IJ'.'('''"dhch..J10d1p lllh• IU• ....,mi;• Ill (\I~ for~"'"" h n.in..1,1I , id l1M1n~il,r f,., 1m IIOJUC ),ml 1hc 1,1,cm1n(nt , hut

duwn. ''"'" ,,oim\ 1n the :"\lorthca,1 and a nc..,, ,on1JMCr ' ) ~cm 1n the fin.n..,al .,rncc h:i.,c :Ill c,,n u-1hutcJ 1u the dcl11)•


Ul1"1~all) 11oc ha,t ta\.cn the

amoon11•! ..,,,..,1,; 1,. c U\ual1y ,Jorn ,1,

mt,nlh\ ..nJ i,;t,ncn 11 tlo.on..: 1U •WIC munth


' \\.t< -ln: "''llL lfli, a Inn (JI ,,. tr

llllll' , ,, ,It\\ J "'«l. I~ b.,u"., d.l, m M.i1,c...11, 1

One o( M,dv. c,tcm SIJlC,. 11ldc:,1 lr-..:hlN-n•. lhc hom«om,n i bonlilt ,.,111 do -omcthmg th11 ) Ur 11 h.11 nt\l'I &.inc

btf1-.rt ,htin\. L.,,1 )l'.U lhl' ""'"{i~ "'"~ nca,h

KO feet \,1JI. kit th1• )•·.r W1,h1Li bl\, I-Ire \1""".il l:.d S1..ti1 h.o

lonlerc-d 1ha1 chc lire mu,,


, u1 tv

.,t,.,11,11 :UlcC'I wll ~, h;,il( 10 tlC tllC ¥- Cl M;onl..ct l"1

}ou, u-:.h110f1, bu1 I ha,c 10 ,,1n m,

llJOIC h• lh1, :,00 11 "'!111'l'lhmt


pen, I m t"int 1t1 tit, in trouhlt .,n,,J lhl' -.cht ... ,I I\ io1ni: lo l',c- 111 trouhk u.,,,,-- $L1hr "'til Stlh1 ,,11J hr R'lCI\ td m•m " 'nl•


rl.11nb 1.-,1 ,·e.11 , firt IWnl MSl ,. fl<'1ghb,.,'f" Bum1nJt .mt"'IJTM'° dl•hn, ~•• u11111nJ dange,-,u,h d('\\(' In hou..c'• 11u l'c:i.;:h 5tn.'t'\. 101111 n l \\hllh h.il•r 1,.,'f'drn ,h1n r tctl ,~....., b1 Mm, ( ; ..,.h



Wr d n ~

Renovations ,1uJ)m,: ,ild ,l«pinJ '°Our rr•mM) rmf'h.1,1, h:i\ l'tc-r.n .and

t-ti:m KIUmll\1,: hlf 1hc I.ill "-"fll'\I( ( ' " \ ui:1.n l


I n ,11l,J1h•11'1 Ir> (''I;(" ll'f\11\.llroJtK . J l'\111 •IFncJ ,,, N'jln ( \ ~ (h l t.Hl or

\Ir< ul1,'l.!i:h• l n1" IIJII

,l'111r.1o.. 1,., .... . 11 t"1C11n pu:p,1,nns the .it>.n,I m,d- \l J\ Thf' .1dJ111on I~


,,pc,'<'<J h• N' .._1.vn r tct('t1 h, Ju h I 1-Nl'I

, ...,,.. J1nj/ IU \ 1, r /~ idem r,,r Sl~ III uW AJrmn,,u;it,\C \ t:l\ 1u· , ltr,,,_,.u d

I mt'II \ l, t ull,-u,:h Tnt, '-tll t-r <lt1..«t

11,h1I<' 11, ('ll,.c" , ompkli.' l ht

h'I !hi,• •IIIYlllk'f

,1..•d ""llfk h>t d1t: .-kl,Ul'fl Thr hlnllllOjt

.... ,11 n..· •If"'" ,n


'"111• ,\\l~U~


,.....,_.ll thrnurh-JUI 11'k· n' nlli1ntk1 of 11,,to ,·,in "11U..1!<'1'1 r".' rt,,d. ,\(lt11m1,tnt111,n 1, a•. inll'C' ,,, 11,,;- H'Kll!l\t"• "K'nl(

, i'ofl• ln... 111.>n n.11-.c, 11, 111

~ u..c un the

r, •iJ<'nh ol the' h.Jlt fo ' ''"li''ll~IC:. \ kC'ulloo¥h-Tnu l't'-1 ,!,:ri.. s• "'1111\' ("C:o\( ,H''l.1tllhll'IC"il \~. rt'dlt m th,: t-t..1.,1nn: .n.J 'l!A I. NI dunflC the- f.ill

lll\' '1,1 '

~ lk'n

11NNo.ll(lll "'1tl!,c durms

n~ •luJcnh

1>u1 diotnt ,'Ith..-. lh111g-. Thi(-

••1t'>< w,11

~tn1~ :Uk.I 111gh1





, 1,in11:alh romplt"lcd b)' JUI) I. 19\;8 E4u,pmem and furmturc ..., 111 ht fflO\<d


l .ancll ,;ii.JW n


1I Wll)\ .... , 11

l l • I h,b "'\""




N' \ J lcf} Th~t ,, ',l,"hy 'o\C tr the r.1111~ t,i11IJ m1 1h" wmmt,.N d ...... brrdl ,:1id. ~urJrnh rf"llunrnr m !ht f.tll • .an al"° .-, ,)C,,,11,1finJ .1 "un,r lr•dy rrOO\nlt'd Rolm ~ 11:"lk.( li.ill /\rr11r.J1ns 1e1 Viu• l'rti1tknt tor Bul,nr , , ,Uf:ur. Al ll001cn. U'IC hu1kl1111 v.,11 N' ,,1t11pfcrcJ h, Ju.I) ::::. 11.N"J fhc ~•cenhou"" h.a, to«n complr tcd, anJ the th1N 0,:,(., " hr,ng t luned Uk'~ ...,,II tot- J lk'• el(-\";MUf ln~l:allt-J f\C\111\0!llh The- moduh11 h1,111llmJll th.ii h.1,r hoo~ 'l.tt"nU '-'•'-\("' 1h1, )t"III" ..., ,II hr rctumcJ 10 W1ch11:a 1 ;ills lnJrf)(1kkn1 '-hoot l)hlnct 1ifl June l i The~ :irr m~ , ummcr \Chool cl,t•"C• '1.hc:t lulcd m 1hc~ bu1hlmg, Int mo,lulir t-u1ldmi, will ho...,C'\tr, l"C u\N f°' ,umnk'r ~ c.unp the: fi~ ...,a:k 01 June 111<' nc"' Hnd11odl !fall will :tlw ht ,uh

\ , ..,"'C\.lmi 1,, {"u,on.bn, 1,11' , >t Siu.le'"' I ,·m~r \\T\ 11..'r' \ l.i,,, \ Id Nf\• • largt f"lt· h«r1,11 th.: 1un.J.11, 1tl ,_.., trM.ll'l.l uf¥r.)IJ1niwll.l n.,-,l• »~ th,: :ur l 10,flti,'ffln(l: Ill 1hc hlllklt, .

tnlu the: hu1IIJ1n~ 1n umr fo, the h it 199R ..croe,trr Wori.,m art runcnily dnll111g fltt" and p«Ji.tmg the: COl'l(tt1c ( ~-

,n • IL,, Of

ht- • pnlf>lnn dunng '-l\.ldmc,. IM't

ti,-.,."' ..., h,k


1997-98 Cheerleaders selected following week end tryouts )Ia n King Wlch,'O'l Rei:Sor'o.I IJI\' Hill E"' 1h :i.1 ,pint''



faces ...,,II bc p nmg lhc-

Stc:...U~. ~lid: Robcn, and J {)

uc•n on .i, lcd \hd~r,tem ~tm,t•} _. 1 ihc 199 \1.1.t httkW ,n~ l1'•1Uh I l en 1 lhc ~"' "'iuJJ membc:~ .1re . ,c iurn,ng lrom !he 199(i. Q, ""iU;tJ Am\ Slo,n ~V".ih l),dc:n,, rill.in} Jc-nn,n~"· K:11• Pc:11nJrtJ Dt•.i Ddont: J,1.mr , V.111R)·n. •\:iron Cl Ru c n Ch.. tlc, June\, lh t"II , 1.,~111 .utd "-1111 H1lllanJ 'fhJI •....,, the:





M1elkllc: Sheth~·. cu...-h of the

<.htc1kaJ1ng ~ utd., , ud JW'J('IJ),11· uon 1n tnOUf\ ...... , mt\110Ctt Pam n p:in,~ were rt"q,umJ 10 mtt1 for .Ul•<by wof\.Jiop, on Arni I.! 100 16 v. ,th lk ac1u.1I U)'OUli totg1nn1ng :111 ' p ,n on ,\ pnl l b !)hclb) :,.,"l~d hc-r fflJ III gn.:.I I\ tu h.uld mo~ tc:am unil) Bc\"JU'-C the flt\\ ~u.ad ~mbt"f'\ M'('"ffl hlc h.llrJ



P'.inntr .\,llnltlng •• the h1i;gt'\C aUC"I 11:i :a coed ~.iJ. ;K'l'ot\hng to Shtlhy and \OO'IC uf the: new 1nt1n• bcr. ha1c- nc1 rr dunt p:&nncr \lUnl inc l'-cUU\C' the} c:itmc from .111fcm111f" ..qu..<h ~1 m JU~ iumi: 111 !llkt u ont yrar :at a 11mt.' Shl"lhy -.:.1d Si.lfflC" uf lhc rcrumm,: chccrk;.dtr. hll\(' lhe11 C)-0 '>Cl ,..1thrwmp.:·t1tl00 The IQl'(i.Q7 "-'uttd 1111J hficd to, l\:IIIOO,lb, 1hs, "PflOg f<-. t,ht fiN 11111('


FJw11'<'1h Y:1111-L. pJOfC'-.o1 o l .111, 1• l.'. \ h1b,1111l! 11 Wlltcn,1loc :and golJlr.11 pilllltlll!. '("IJr•t'tll tn I/e ll '" Ill :m 11MCmaioruil C1.)nlJ)C'llli\c r , h1b111on ,n \'C"Yt Orlon, l l"K nh,b,11011, \pon-.orrd b) the Lou .. 1,ma WJtcrcolor SQC'1c:1y. "'111 run thnlUg.h Mflil) tJ

Corbin lo perform one-man show

HTf- 1"n.-..h1<·1!ilfl, 11o,II prC'-.rn! ·A Tn.-, Pc:l'f'("(IIV~. k uunnr R.1m (,,,t-1n 1n Cnarhc Goodn,gt11 , l..&'4 ' hBht' 1n Ilk: prog, ,un '\ Tr, .., l'C:f'rec1t\ e IA( Arther ( JI) lh _dl '),,.hool Ufl \ la> ! ..i ~ p,m r l("l.Ch .UC~ ~ , C'..Ch or p(, lor ICt>Jcnt, ... ,in ID l'tk IK k l pncc t, Ill\ Jnlu.:11hk .inrJ pfOl:ttd~ ' " 10 cfl,,m 10 ,c:t-uild !he R,•) 411Thc:JIC:r h •r ll('kc-t 1rt1orm,mon auJ l't',-Ctv.&tllWI.., ull l -.-nl.. ~ 7rw !

,\, thc o<rflC"\IC:f l'OlllC°' lc, 1do\C, M1d ...,e\ tcrn St:.1c:·, F.~ 'itudenb A ~\ OCl:l!UN1 " lo,,>kmg rorw;uJ 10 cd eti,.:umi 1hr Untl"(l \ ll)' ' i ")S1h anm,·rr'3n nc,1 r.ill Sherr) · Kmc a1Jc. dlf(:("IOf o ( Alumm RcLu mn~. \ltd a llhough \OfflC thmt;) 11ft )1111 m rhc- phmnmg ph.hn, prep.ration fo, thr ,rkbr.i1ion " 11o·ellon 1L, ...,,}

Th._. Rhn Nu Oi.tpcer 1,r ch<- Alpha K:1pp.1 Afph,i1 woukl hl.t 10 ~ ~mu Dc~ n.1 f)ol[o,d, Nd1,dk G1ffot'IJ W l rnn Starke, , ...,he> "c:rt all 1nd1.1Clcd 1010 1hc c:h.iplt"r on March 9 1997 1bc Rho Nu Ch1pm w,i1, l hancr«I at ~hd...,cs1cn1on


,\ hn;:h 17. 1996

Legislature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ r .11c, . .,., >11 ~n:tlt:" •PJ)rt)lll 1n miJ• Apnl ..,,d I \ l'UITCOII~ 1n thr H~

11,,-t~:1 falun111on Comm1IIN' fhr hill :al-.u , .ill, f"'" a SUlll'J 1u11w-..n rct-,11r !o, , 111,:k-nh wh., ,urnplctc: tlk'ir ik¥.-rtt 11, 11ht,u o nung more ttun ~" 1:"\11'3 c:n•d1C\ \uw•n tt, arJ.uc- 1hc ,1111c: ~ Ill fo, , ,u 111'4 hJ~~ l(HOnllm..1c: P.. J n u ~ "" ho ... 111 nvl i(f3'.1Ulll(' Opf!o ~M:flb U~ fhc hill \l'fld\ ,1u• Jeni. c., 1hr Jllh ~rkc:1 unprCJ'M("d ::mJ un.lbk- 10 .:omp.:-lt: l lof'd Turhook Pritt C• p 11a 21 1 ....ooldnocJJkw-· u..cJ 1r:,1


1111d-\b1c h

J l 'IO

u,IJ 'ONI IH~f HOUJ:£9 Bed & Breakfast & Weddings

h n currc.n1l) ht1ng

2014 Elcvcod, Street Wkhlta Fallo, Tc,,.. 76301

"ThC'y 1(r11c:m,11c, on ,~ na1mn• isl lcvd) arc: ,n .1 J)(nud or da.hnc Thty au 1n •nx to ,ni,ll()\C 1hc11 ,m:age, ~nJ ,f rh1, 11,·-,ik.1 ,1 m19h1 help them 1c:1 out of th" rcnod ..



"'-' '

r->"'l(,v " r->"~ 7





s'f.Of, e,.'f.~~tt.~t.~


c.t~e-~oll PRINT I OR 100 • ONE DAV SERVICE 'r, ~




~ _JJ.~




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~K~i::;c:: 1r,712'1


. t

... :,.H ...,(Y ~

,, .f ;_>


rJl' ,,,,_ !')''"<,i, lb I'>'/~

nwn ', ,i1nJ 11i·omc tri 1 ball ,md incn , ~ ' ' ball ('tw:T I JI r c-.ad(,. ,... ' "-·hol:tt,hir t.l(h '<'"train, rC', t:1\'t SX() ~~ I 1 StK-lh,· ...,,ll J J)JYij-. af1er , ump ..., htn ~ 1 dl°ICfflllfk' ~hr, 11J-. ~ I l ue, imd p;,i,cocc: I




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1~\~r1·· _ ,

.ll~/--- -1 . . ,:.;~~ ''--<I , tr' ....~·

,'- 3- V1$tr:1.

;...,I :x:.~::~ /i,;t,1~· ' A.?~,!).~ ,· ,






" We're rt":al l) eteuc. ~ V.crt ,

tb" Lm, ....,a

c,I 104al ly J)J)Hlf lilftlr J-l~ ·l1m\.UJ!ht),.. ! work un11/ 1hr un,rihr; prr,,mt ,1 , httL for , -t mc-ot "hen 11, c umeub, Sun"'Jl( hC'r " ,i1 t,,£, of .i S1,u1h P/,11n lru_ lo...&I :artl.J fo..l Slc\Q,

~!! F Y!}/i5Cre!

1 ~





HOURS: MON·l'R I LUNCH 11 · 4 MON-TliUR 5 -1 0 l'Rl·SAT 5- 10 :3 0 SUN 11:30 - 9



v.to0t.-.c 11r.arJ10N•""" ~,., ,._, tiH L..-.



~ ·/.!/§:. ouu:...._ __ t-o


WEOOISG CfJ\E.\10SY·o«11t ,..cu4c ff..,

Comrmltef". ,~ .al-o rt,- ;



~A ' -s

~ " l t alt,) CIIA;~ ISG RtlO\t ~ tirl,/, TIIJU:t: tlot !ll,Ci USE. Of JIOU5E:,W 1Mfl,,t/,w, -



___ 'c:






1rcnd for

\Ct .i

other 1r,11crnuw, "I th uiJ,,: 11', ...,oodc:rful If tho ...:o ,i1 frt"nJ, t i \\ Ill hC'lp 1hc:-m IIUIMJf'l.ill (riltt m111~ J." l.c1.Jlnc:r

r->" ">'I, ~ ~ : i. -


, a,d 11 m1ghc

from pcopk u·, ,omg -.·elf " Kmc~,dc ,i1/w ~1d ,ht 1, happy the Sunwatchcr f'fOJCCI h.1~ ht-en \UCCe:-~ful \0 f.ir ··1 rn rrJJ u n tN bt1,_~,111~ v.c'\t r•11cd \fa pcrcen1 of our ,:0,11," K111cu dc ,.uJ Syh 1a 11111,. , k,n~. ...,ho 1, mvol1·c:d v. ub tht Sun"'a1rhcr Sitenng

Have a great summer!

ron,nkrcd by 1hC' lfou" Loe-ail :ind Con.en! Calendar\ Co11u11111«

Sigma Nu _ _ _ __

h,11t nuud fo:hni,:, ;.NM lhC' rbn ' I Jon 1 1t11nL 11', wmc-rhtnl! .... .. I t looking fu, w;uJ lo Propk Jo,1·r lil e ' " .. 1wi,e, bu1 s ,gm:a ,u h.a, " J('I( lu 11lft'f .,MJ tf pc:oplc !lr..C"CJ)l 11 / the n(" polK) !. i t (h(l(1\J bt .i f('i'ld lhu•t ~ ~-f:&111ltl'1 ,:ud ,\ 1,1>1Jm IJn n .,r 'it~nh Janot· l,J:,,h.ntr ,,i11d , hr.• WP1""1' S1a,n~ , u , c-11,w,~ ... oolchr :ui«tJy 'ihc

T m thnlkd hcr.1u-.c 1hc c-.i11• p1111n hac j(tfl(' .... cu," K,nc::i,dc ..a,d. "W11h ;a k)I of hdp .ind a lol ul work

Terah Currv Wic:Mun lfopofittt

Sorority recognizes ne,., members

book prKC\ tu !'IC m.utcJ up mote lhln :0 pen:tt11 The: NI I .i.pprar- to ht p ng ~ hen: the~ '<•~on 11 1'14• bttn m tht ffrN\(" lf,p,t:t Edu,,.JUOO Cnmrn,u,-c for mcN c,f the '>t'-\)IOl'I, :and M publl(' hcmng, tu,·c hccn \ChcdulrJ Tht ~ •.on end, m :a 1,nk ow r .1 nlOlllh. lc.11 1ng tulle 11me lor atlMltl nn the- bill Orlnkln1 C ame Ban HH74J, whlt"h ulh Of a hMI "n d nnktng g;i1nc~. v. :a, UJ1Pf0\lcd hy !he Hoo\(" LK"t"1h mg and Adm1n1~• 1r;it1\t Prr,cc:durc-, Co mn11Uct ,n

AftC"r ihi:11 r.wr1p.11rt

v.,Jlhct!m ...,Ld.1n1 IO~ ngu,ou, ..hctn,. ~ ~ fht ..qu:KJ d 1t

Committee still needs mon~ to pay off Sunw atche r stati;

MSU prof enters art competition

'1Jl l.lK' Kim ;;,,ndC'r. Boohtf 'o\11\ :a"-.rikd the Xllh 11111u;i,I Sht-1!.1 Bml'lllnt ,;:po.,;il f.docamlt"l .\.....ud The J'"..rd 1, l"rt'\("ntcJ hl \ l1J.,.," blcm St:i1c·, mc>!t4 •11JN.1J'k.hn¥ ,pecu l cdtk..tUOO fradu.Jh:" \ ludtnt


Th:,OC"" Y;Jid TIIC'irtir.-t &ll' lt)'.i., 1)..-l:.cru , .nd MSl ' ituJcnh ~,II orutl• ) <'Nfibr 10 Jlitnd NatK.INII :.IM>fl {lf11J) at A ,I 1('111 " ' . h.-,cmtlt"( OJ)plf"tUOlh(( IOht,pirll N I)' 1n t'J brc.tu~ nt" )'W l tk' ( htctltad, Chcnk ....h ~ \WCI l f er~ 11i1ll be hold1ns pc:p ulh,, t,cfOK Sou1hl"m \·lc:lhoJlll n••~ Dalla.\ (,om Jul) ~ IO Aug •· ,0111t Clf 1hc i:.unc, th1' ilfC ihcy Whctt'•·cr Junior Owl<" J,w, ha, W-1 a 1 pc-,,o,ul ioal ·10 ...,ort,: twJ to get 10 the 1,.h«rlc:ackr- wt c, ptc Ott on~ lifnt) • program .in.I toO; 1I1I Oil (l,IIJt)nah ' >Ind 10 ,mj)fO'\ C hi$ 11\<h ic,, ,tunllnj rtncr pJ r 1 1h, v,clual , ~a lls Jtinc, '-'Id \ludc:n1, c:an u.p«l ~hc-1hy , ,u d

Campus Briefs llooher wins special education award

ular • mn:bl1c, nc,1

mon, thJA reg 1~ squ.td Ji;,,ng 10 rhlln III lhc p;ut ycu and more (Winr ~~ ..qtJad h,.( a ni;-

~ , m o t t SMah Dldrn~ ..a,J one of her h1igr,1 p h " 10 gtl lu n.iuun,h lljllln anJ pbc.•e 1n lht lop 10 tht-rc. ,fnot ...,,n 1t all

...,.orl.:f"f\, , hc w:.nl( IO'-C(:tht-n,el tcl

~ AIK,a Voc-qu,n, knrufc:r m ~

rr-,,..r1• 1--r""-r.o,i

,; _, .f,-p..u

"'"-""' ,1,,.,.• ., tirlfk.'""1~ , __,_,_

SUMMER&> f All. DATFS AVAILABLE Call (117) 322·2299 for lmf~aOon or appolntmcat to ott hoaoe

c.n1ury Plaza


Within M iking dl•t•oc. florn CII~ •

Take I •troll to the 1lxtle1 (60 OZ.) ■nd celebrate our "'Ouece•&·A-Half" nights IS::

60 oz. Pitchers The Big Ones!

1no1tno,e l• • ,..,. ,

$2.50 each on your tavorl!e aomesllc llgh1l)C!it:S

Monday ~ Tuesday Nigh~ 4:00 p.m. , 2:00 a.m. Tlke I llroll 10 TOBY$ and c e le brate wllh, 1rt

ix MSU athlet es among NAIA's best A11'rCn,11n," P,UnlJfl

li ~ il l 1.alUMn


Ml.it' hc-1 co,.. h " "HM: \\1llt.u1h ~•t.l f'tluuo1n 1.u'lt'l<"d h.ird 111 hv11111.c kick rr1KT1 hi\\ "4:&~\ hlfl4 inJUJ'), o111tl her dtdk t1Unn

fo,_JI l'otllnl t1I the ICJ:ffl v,vrl;(d ft:.111) lul\l ,UIH' h« 111,ut) \u •~ ~ Nl'.'l lO Ult'"""} \ht'"'""-- W1l1w,n,. ~ "'She,,,,., c~ o f th('""' lh"'f~ •Ail· ~~ICIICMI

~ her ll


hi.W11W'lll~,,eN1n td1n~i:i,twn

M\KJMC). llt,.I \CIIIOf a:umJ lrn,m \li ..,.o.

Ctlflf\!rtncc liN 1c.1m 1mJ n.an1"1 the L~C Toum,mK"nl, MO\t V:duablc PIJ) Ct . PlltmJn, ,. 11111,0f frt.1111 RiMnt-c'rg. rtu,

I Jon' 1'4.'(' II., 11 p<'~•n;aJ :IW.std,' l..11IIIK'II

'>ll1d ''My honor" 1u,t II credit to the ,1n•ng progr:ain we h.tn• At.rt II '> " g1c.:11 honor. 1( lhcy 1'-lAIA) 11,,IJU 111 IM' 11 IO me. I'll talc 11. bu1 I 1.t11nl: 11 , more:- or • lt41ll c-rfon Pif(T '1;1J ~for"'· p1;a, .,.;i, lnlf"\"'"''<' !he \C.i-.on wa., her fi"I ...., , C'i>I· kg,:an - ~1n1,: J frt,hn1lUI, ,11, ,uch an 1iuMund• 1ng: OOffllf for htr," P1ftr ~;aid "Wc'1t

' I C,&lnc Into Ille' ht.Jtliy oAntl RI\('

IIXI prrcrn1··

Mt 9'1-,



\ lllf1

\C-"On JU\I hv111n11 lo "ll)

led !he Tnllc- •1lh 16 2 poinh ~ i •rnr cn !OUICIOthc: lnd1•n• 17- 11 uxord McKmncy ..., "'' 1li-.o " fiN •lc.&m lulX' <;uu Con(crcnrc 11nd :an AJl -t;(lur h...,e•t

Kc11on -.clt\lHWI He kd the LSC'" ,tuh n I re• i;.uncl :ent1thrtt•potnk'f'\'1l rcr,afl'W' / -rm proud or1hr honor," \k Klntll") -..,d I.SC fin,! "'I' m glld I ...,.,, oon1uu1rJ IJU" L,nJ ~~ •orJl al»i ,dcc1t'll hkr o/J'I)' other honor. but 11 ..,a, nM..c tt~lll ~nJ :al•,o camcd :rn A!l•S(luth-.e,1 11 ,\ lcKmncy :a,JJcd hr 1, e , ,11rJ ,1bout lk 11on lntlCJl(lldCnb ptdt. She fim\hed .r.t loofth 1n 1hc cnnrcrcncc m \o'."onnf, ..«Olkl hcm,t ('lhtccd m IIIC' MS II 11:tll 01 JIUMI', Livoo ('oh'<'Ulll I O ,n td"l.'IUnd,n~ ind ~ 1n ftdd p-ul pcr''I'm ,1.-:1 my pdUtC i,Ch wan up the•~· «~.\'1t'rC~::0:hoo1h1 I couhJ I"<' an All· he ):tt\l. •·IJopdull) thf] 'II rrmcmhcr mt ,ir ugcd 16 k pnmt, ,111d 110 rthut.11Mh l"t1 uwJ helped 1hc 1.lMJy l nd1:ini to I ~ IO rc-.:Oftl :and :a 111p 10 lhi: SAIA rqlOIUJ





(Cu«hins ,11ff) rt"III)' lool ini: (m~.11d lu h:anng he, here 1n lht l~urt Morm , 1 fft'\hm,m ,wttper 1ron1 Allen Tcu\ . ..,a~ :al"} «lttttJ 10 1hl: l...ont ~1.u

- - - - - - - - Sports Banquet honors top at~let~s V-.•:~h~~=~~:--~~~~-ICI ~d "I ncnr thought

'. rttnt !;Il l 11"1,1.1n1 1001h:lll c ~h Chm ~- • hi.I u~ J rlayrr dunni; Mclke\ lir,..i yea,, ~ rormrr AD lll•J' the n ghl !'JC"'on to kad the 11th•

~ ~ J I ~ n ,,., me (Ind the oihcr cuxhc~... ~ud --11c , :a\l")OOV.h:lll )OOlk'Cdctl 1ov.m " ..,..111 \J.Jd McB« :11 ....~r- off(~ help 10 !he •,n;,t ~~ onl~ for po,.1th-c- rc~ll.( ,n mum

might lhtnk he\ IOUg_h,~ ~id 'Hut:!$ long "'' you'l't' doing your JOh 1._,,

,l)l,l' rt not \lttnlllni , )00 • '11'1

:ti, tit' ll



g 1\('


"'h:al II




(\ ('fl IIIOft'

:i::l~!:,~;r:~. ~~n: n;:t11V"KJlhl"t .r.n,dc

:::'1~ ~

~ tJ;:1:~rttlOr hy N1dson1nJunc 191N,

1 1 = \h~ 11~~~1!'f9: hl\·t

•11 11

pt""f!IC ha\C ..:aid he.• i ~k8tt) had the rcpu\1• A 'hatd~_l•ffWI.'~ Wt~ 1'1,)n ~



"But he\~ 1n he-rt ( ElUJ ..nd j:OC \OfflC lire,, lit undt1

:.: k~~·:! ~ kic of propam, ...-on • lot

of s:amr,

In !-.kHrc\ fir-,1 )Cllr :Ill F..1..,trm llhno,,. the for,ib..11 tc:am c,Kl(,J II l uur-yc:ll' •l n'llk of lo-mi; ~A-.ott~ llillh I

':5 rctord nae 1nm follO\ltcJ up wuh 1 10-2 playoff -.{';!i!,l,)fl 1n McR«\ -«ond \t":IJ' 11.\AD Ahhoo~h l:.ll, Mild h;a,~Nl\all C11;K"h Rid, ~.r.mud, \&Id (Kl MOOOJ) Mclkt d1J I gOOd ~of UNrild1n, the f:w:1huc~ 1•fthc:: ~flOO, J'f\ljn1m, . he ...,ould noc .:ummcn, on h" 11.,lflmJ rtb11un,;h1p 11.1th McB«

Hov,·c,ri, fonfK.•r MSl' \ :ithklK' \.hrcc1ur 11nd n urtnl or J)CNlflncl, S IC\r llolland. ~ id he hcl~\(':) ~kB«\ U~l'lfflt'(' WIii hcnrfil M1d ...·r-.1Cm\ :uhlrhl dcp.1t1mt111 l"on,iJcr;ilih -wnh u, mm 1n1: up.co NCAA. 1hcrr Ill"( mt1n) ndf~ :.and tC"¥ulatu,n, 1ha1 arr d1lkrrnt from NAIA," Holland ):11d "'Wuh h1 , c ,~11cr,,:e m worlmg in 1NC'"AA• DL\'l\l()fl I pmi;r-.tnb. he alroJy hlli\ the bKk(llOUlld ~~C'dar th:u •hould ~•lly hrlp u~ llUl ,n these fir.I


sure lo check oul the top 10 sports stories of the year on page 7.


Nick F..a1man S&iifi Ediior

"" \1,Jw"'"" '""

,thl<I< Jcp;inment hclJ 11., ..nnu,11 :dl•)llori1 :~~~~~a~th~\!~ · hon,,nng All eight -.pan, ,,vlk}Nll. fooiN.11. mc.-n\ and 1,1,tlllltfl' , N ~l ,:tNt,I. men, .&/11.1 "'°''irn'\

lllld ""omen\


and mi:n'

31 tcnni\t ~.1w


thra- 11111."il\h Kl lhc pbym for their p(rfon11ll'lo.·t ~ OIi and oU 1hr rirld ilur 1ng lhc 1'196-Q7 <ehool )'C'» Mo-1 Valu;Jlk Pl1)Cr awards m nc::h \Jl(HI V.(111 111 Sh.1)AI e u~lt.ltl IHlllf) t'o"'U), D.1m1on .\ lt K1nll<')

~n~t:t:~ ::~ ,c,



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olleyball MVP - 'ih.iyn1 Ru,1on Huslltr - Shcll ir Church111cU

• hoh1r Athlclt - Mandy Pinkcnou

Football MVP - Rdy WtJi\ rf

Scholar Athlttt - Nath:in Tun'rCr

McColl<1Yph Ap11I ,ocw,. (111•u mcn', WlCll"fl, 811.tn 111-komb

fighlin~ Indian Award -

::~~!:n·, :~~~::;

Special Fighting Indian -

v,,kic llu,f Of lllf c111lu MVP' , . fotutl,(lfl, M<"Kmlll.') and Wc.,,\·cr h.1,f played 1hc1r final gamr "'' MSU hwkm, , McKmrlC') \lliJd1CJV..inl1\anice Wit)' 10 l"fld hi\ ka.,kcth..11 CllfC'Cr 1111, fim,hc, QIT m) Col/C'CI ~ ,, \QlllCthms Ill fall Nd 00 11nd lool :..id co1nMC : 1 MSU hr:td footb;1II coach !lank McC'lung ~1.11J .tn MVP make, 1hc ob, IOU• lmp;t('t 1h11 I\ mo-t OC•llc~-J MYou can ,1h\;1,p tell ...,hich guy me.an~ the mo,1" Top Schol.., Athlctr .i-.JJJ, ...,cn1 10 Mandy Pm~rnun lmltc)NIH.

~:>~ ;!7; ~~;:;:~


t,.;illJ. N:u han Turner (fomb.,,11 1.


AJ;/r t~~~ Q\licm rn1cn') lfnnl\) and llu,r (Y,·orocn·, 1cnn1,).

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Men's Soccer ~tVP - J.bon John-.on Sc:holar Athlek - Jm,t1 John\fm

Hustler - Chm McDoopl

Women's Soccer

M VP - Apnl Mc.Collouih • holar Athlelt - Amy Cocknll 1

Award -

Scholar Athlete -



Women's Basketball M VP - Dcni-.e PiltmYn

HuRller - Jcnmrcr Butler Scholar Athlete - Jennifer L111k

Top Dtrendt-r - AndKa

c;,c,~ tloll1nd

Coathes Award - Donme


Men's Baasketball MVP - O.muoo McK1nrlc)' Huslltr - M1d1xl Joon


Men's Tennis M VP - Bn:in llokonib Scholar Athlt te - JrffOv. rn, Huslltr - We, Lu,.1on

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Scholar Athl~tc - VKL1c llu1r Hustler - Kn,1m IJ1xt,.y




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b tter showing this Tennis teams still waiting for at-large bids Owens hoping for e ) ,..,. ~n11 1,, ,...,1,1 l'lel..iuw

•~! 11tr,,·

t ... ,nl\.ht'""l'k•klt.ilTllt•ll" I ~ ,•·• ,.IM•• .t,""ll" th..l.l l\11.1n !l l11k,1mh1 1,,ru d•"<c:J 1~,1 ,_. ,n:ul,u, •• ''-"' 111 ltld I •qll .:• hvt I u, n,11 ,,, ~ m)' ••\ k ~"I ,11u,-.ish '"' ,11, 1h( .1II h-'(X"·, u1•hc...iu..- 1111o,• dul1 I mal.c ,1 11! Iv ur'4'1 hotn 111,, , t.l \ "°I" '"'fl, , lfl1111111.-c \11en1-. ... 1. ,...,., 1',11t~,t w 11h n,.-.. ,,('Ion , ,,..,,., u,,,ii.u!<'.111,, tkk 11r.1h , t, • ",('I., -,.• .t.1i.l 1ht•1 , ,.. t• u,, 11111,'l• •I 1-otrrn..,renf h..J r,tih rbhJ • k"' m,1d1e·, ht, rb \, l,14 lh1..- ,.u,I .,,.,f\ I .1 1t1, It 511th,:1 cn1t 1u1; 1h. ""' " ~ " 11h-11•I Rq111n-1I \ltf'nt-."I. \\ 1ri; ,. tu,~"'(":""''"'' W '-,•. 11.,Jr 1,-..,..,,nl(n-C'1'\,,rttnn,h, r' l}~d "" 1th k ll t)\f.m, f•lf """'I ol the,~•• 1!,1,1 lh. \ >A 1II ~ t i \ ( 1 '"'"1h nt'•I ,ui.l ll,1k.omt, 1,, u,W I\M'\ 1.l, .. 1i\ l\ tin• t,11. .,r ,.1""4, ......,J ' ""-c.-" qut,,\.I) ,lln N ,n,: run-d l •<r)l",h • •\l'lo., llnt' h• ,., ,,1 1:r I hie, iklr1111'1.I • 1nn1 1h:.1 C}o.o.e11\ llll'-lflll~ "'' f'( l'"I .., UIIII. f,ot lh,c"""i,J lf,,lC' 1,ud h "'"dd i,ii-1 " "' \111\•nN\.1. !'I.Ill I,,., h• c.1rhcr 111 h h"I 1110r J.,,11 m,\ 1 11' the' l,(',ilQfl 11'k-n t-rc-~1 ( .1mc111n, 1',1 h utt, ltnm, 1~.111•, h.i1c 1.1\ cr, ..1 11,:,,rn, "h,' "'"'' II} 1 ,,n1hf' ,.-J.,_.1n J.t" nK' lnJ1,u h rl.-) t'\I one nl thc-1r l "' •' I 1•11 111,I 1h1• I ••I~ lnJi.v,, 11,,U,'"...,,.'t"\l..Jth j'll,11.ll,<II 11ititc-,1 n1., l,"hC\ of 11-r .........'" '"'' ,,..,, m· t1\i' .1111 lll l,11\"( t'lt.•nt. [huNl.1) lll lhc L,w "•.11 Coolr ltv1nc-n, 11CW11 1,11t1Jtt,..UO.'-!, n-n...c- l,iunumtnl ,n l\cnh'lfl Tiic) A"'4 I , tu-JK.,_ lur .&ft .I I.Ul,'•' \loom .a lhntkr •"C't t...,-.c Ccn11.11 t nl\rt•1I) .,.hen \l, f \ 1 U\100 , , ., ...k, r1.-,r, \!..nu, \H.'l"nhi1'.I. ,u11..cJ ,1'1 the ~nun ...,,h ,1 1111Jgh 4. J m,...1 ,-t 1hc 1,•.,1,m 1o l')•rt)' ln " " · \ O l "'tn Tht ltt\tinun bf\tkcln-r tlwn lto ,r o UI d\f\.l (,,. lur,11 .,. +.i Ii< II\ m.ikht) II.I gl\l' \I Sl 1hr


\1111• 1 l l'l1





..... 1' '"

Jh~rr,_-M.llft"\I I! lhc:) d{,n I

, ... 1, ..,

t\,rt \f' • htd


(,.." )T'Af th,:\ 1111•\. tt-.- '"P \Cl It""'' .1,wJ "'c .. ,-n- r-,il.c,J l{llh 111


the: lN pull

lh,: k.W lnJ

'11t·Cntvi.'.'I. .,.1,1J ·11 \

( ,1IIC'\l I\

!he 1n(h l

n ..1110, lhwl ~I ,ur ·11 .ill I\• IHlC


m.i~h .1llff ""l' h~ k>'\C llo\" "Cfl' .ill )'f1tinjt r<.,r

A nllmm· Nt"ht rn'

'>'.,•, .w'll.l """' l"',t1Jhh n11.wt M1 \\"" 1h,n \\1 •.

W t::Qt ~auo.fui

h" ,,ml

lctf Ov. ,n, r,r1u1111'\1 tlm HJJ ""ilh .i '"K' ,,., l. 11110!.I O"'cn, ,,.,., t,c111 ,111 1nal.1ni ti t..... l lo• 1hc 1\, \ 11\ n,11101'\JI lflllfll ll l'Hl:111 Ill ,111 ("!h ,O t.1 N'tttl I.., )'U.r' , ,ti.,... 1nic 1 ,,11 Y( .-1' .aftc, (l'<C'l' IIIJ art .ii IJtf:Cl\111 °'1rn, nu.Jr .1 ti(lh l

M\1 11-.,l " I U IC'IJ bdo1r Jwp r,1ng luur ,11111.,hl 11'-lh, IIC't M -.cl 11{) L!'lr JriUl\.llk 1ln1,h 1hr lnJ,,11i. ,.,.,,,... the Jvl1hlt',

cu 11.t..:-,, .u)IJ '\(«111"" \,

""°" h1, 1tn

i,:.k•n11t1.ht<i1tt•fth(-hk.ll.uh•k;M,l tht, J.n,.t ~l•Wl' I U\ll'lll . llllh.h

'°"'0...fl"l\'4.111111\.li.l' h y IHrn1~ 1111ht flr,.I l'll!Jnd

Jl)Olht'f lllr

n i..: 1 ...,) IAd11n, IH' R' .ihlr '" \'Cl l hc

,o ,.,.,, nu..,tw-,t,ti.we ,, ,,,AC\! \l,l'ffllefl

d .111M.I . t ' ) lh.lOI)'

n•u,,n.aJ, th1• lll'l>r .. 11th.YI h11


t-.J \I, hrn ht' .,.,:,n (h( N,\I.\ \Qulh"~ k ~11'1'1,1h ,1n1k•

1111 lo :."'~II ;a


~-.1ht-n1cm OUi1hl•nw ~I.lit: 1111hc

, tumrinn1.h1r he: umcJ




, .1111 11c111n1t Noel to 11.111,,n,!• tullilkd I'-'" ul h11 .:o.,J 'l'J 11~,:, h• .... 1n ~, tc11•t ,.,.,., nut. h(-1

uupc Wilham,

Ill h,,•11

1hey ITl(>lt u,, tu /\(A,\ 0 111,,c,n

hr ,.ud " Wlitl hcr I


11hll- '" JU\I JrrvnJ• f~I !he dlol"' O"eth lu,I .i , .i.,,,,.,,!k lll 1hr R:lfl00.1l ll,UfllJI0\'.'111, ""htn: he: .,.,Jfl ... uti.1u1 drowm11 .1 -i:t .\00 .,.,on 1hr fin.iJ nukh ,n 111\f'll"\ll''l' la,hKWI. N1 hr J..1'1(1\1,, ll v. 111 111kt mon- h> "" '""' the- nr,t W'cl - rm rl;r)1ng .1 hllk ~lltl, l'oul I , h ll tuw h> ""(>fl a httlc mott .." °"'Cn\"111.1 011.rn, Jm1C'd Jt MSLI r,iiMh ~l~ 1of h11 fnrnd\h111.,.-11h M:ut1n

rrcununi She Jlw ""•d ~ th1nl.1 1ht I~ )' lnd1.1n• 11,11\ hr ahk hi pl.t) ....1th the TJC"" Hlflt!'C'hln... ., Ill lhc' L~(






t>tnh ,ii U,llKltlJh Jnd Juln'I h.i,.: lo• ""Jll 1,'1 al\ ,n1,1•IIOl'I

\ lt~hclk r.-,-...:11, Chn,11 lr.Jld l •n..l I r,hr \.\ 1lh.un, ill "'''" bo11h ,11 lhtlfml!dlC\ tlu1r tool, ~mglc, 11('1,1ry L.td} lnJ1;111~ lo the ""'ond rounJ lht' I.ad) ln..h..i1, I,..,, 1i O IOAt.tk~ (lw1'11.anlmlt'NI) llu,c u1J 1hr I .-t, l11t.lW1) '-00!.lld be m1pro,t;\J nt \l )t.tr 11.lth the' ~khllOfl uf -.umt IC\.!Ulh ml.I

~IC<'nMll.llX' t.,.,O""Cl't R'l'll'llllUlf\


.md J"IJH'(J


1hr ICIIIII\ 1r:un .at

Team Arrow_______ _______ _ I,• d,\ \O (II m 1hf ! ttJd r...._t \lo ilh ,1,, 1,111 .,.nJ r,m , ~rl!,.n, U .ir\. "1td ll r 18 uu, h.amp1 1, f!:,Kld CtYIUfh "'' t'f' I mk1 fin 11 1-.un'{ll'Jn J'fl\lf•l(>tl;all(llffl ..., hrh.t•thc Jt-11 II\ "'IJ<• n-11Jr .... r11 h-r a, ( l.11~ ,dw •Joli hf 1hmk • 4,lr,""'-.k.r will ht\t ,1 tc•uJ , h:.&l>\r "' v. 111 thf n11tnun1 r~ al na11m


' l f~C"al-.lil\' .... llhl hr



!he fir-1 pan 111 tho.• r:..:t.' C'lat l ,,11J.. I 1h,11I. ,he t ,1n fitu,h \ lh'lflll J I tht rro1I I l.dl '<!Id \M n J.-r,. v, 111 k,oT fOf ll,t1WIJ() •Jn'i•) I.I f'bir) ' 11 .11u up the1c ..ikl 1rain 111

1hr h,,tl Jlln~ f,'Jf .ilwl.JI 1 ""«\: hrt,wr 1hr ,..-r, c 1.1,t. ~"I lri lht \l>rtl.('nd • IAC\. l I \u,.u" .,.ho ""1'" lhc hrul c:onfrr ('Tlo.C' 1UAJ111r, ft., I QIH, ·J7. h!IJ thctllp ' " ' 1,d(h ,n C .ti .\ rned , .,. ,

<u1u,rd..t1 ·, ~n·•

1 I .\11,lm ,.,1, r , ,cp(1>lt1.III) ~,r.,11~ !fl 1hr IHMI I~ C''" ~.wnl•) .. ('b1l ,,11d '"1hf)' "l"I huth lhc " « l.c111\ U'lJ the """fcm~.c l l,11\ ,,,nJ II f.lll'ICll <111 dill •


hu1 11

h..a t,11 1c r trt\.t•


1hr r;1o. •n,:

\ ltn's Socrer Sh:nings

l hr"' 11,'"( 'IC no ;t,.(idtnh 4n;I I 1h1n.l. t ' tr)tlung ,..rnt trill \ll10l.lCh. C l.vl


\1\l ,

AJJm 1kn1011. mtdfiddrr I I\C'fpt,nl, f:.nt:l.1od, R1.111o1u KclV'lt\h " f)ubl111, ln:l:and. P.iutC'l N"'hOI' JOJlk«p:r. D,,•~100. ln..u " ""'' Jcrcn.JC'f. Pl.ino. Tc.u•. M;1.1l KutJ, hll"'.inl, Y. ,chu.i t--.i.l\, In,

>r.eh1"' •nJ ttrvn•nc

k..n~I hni.JICJ -<W!llh ~kl ,·15:hth U.1t1, .1nd K11p,rl. p\...,tJ 10.h ,nd I llh


rr•pr(.t1,11 h



h lh

.ind lr-.: \h l.h1tl(ll .,..a,l2th

tt. CC'da, 11111.

In f'.-1--l' ,<1mpr1111,,n Kt'l,n (,n11hC'J ,n n,n1h :inti rully t.t'tltJC to"l I Ith Kr.imh o\lrun-drr. v.l'\,, .......... M')l • 1101)' """"'.in ndcr to f1n.-h

Lu'!d)t'y t., 1..cr. go.ilkttprr L.1, l'rll<'c,, 'oJ \1 , Sl.ll.)' \ kkt..1 Ahik nc. Tru, ~lrlt".i Dull 1111Jf,;:IJ,:1 l '" nl\CNI~ l'I L\.'111 cr

lhc ro.,d

foll. C'.

Men's Bas~lhaU Sfgninl')i

\ '.u'1Jc:1blh Unl"t·NI)'. Rich.mt John'°'1. fOf"".ll'J lh)kM-1 n,,c, \b-00. f1)1'\\Ud. S.)n Anwn111. Tt, ;,a.\

Vomr n's 8 a..1oktthall S ignln~

fiN .u)d filth 11w .,.omen• 1un1 hn1J.cd -c-.1°"' On SundJ• lb," u,ul. fir,, pl;acc ,n 1hr uvn • C .it \ ~ntcnu111 rx.-

R.ac-MI Rus<ht-ry, ctnln , Bo,o,c- ('11~. 0...1.i . I I_ \nJc, .,_111 VICI!

Intramural Update

Kcllon .u,.J \;J"'fUC/ fin1wd fwrth

)tr n•~ •'lnal Standlnr,

\fSI ·• TIM Krltott r'""P"w', In ' 11Mi•>•, cn 111riwrn ''" • • ~

tl•w. KrlllNI n nkhNI IOYrlll. ,.,.,.,_ i1 r -

In t~ ,onlrrrlkc, mc1;11l

1tandina, Rc.11Khlmp hn1,hord fiflh plAc


....... , , Air t"Mn

\ ,r·111~ l),1q,


...n.:I Kclwn -.err r1i,th1h Am,

nm1h r11,f!C'd"11h \ •\J"o.lf l,m,hro I llh


_,..NU WUUN UUlll

NoTnneToBeSick? \I \irdknl l'f"1'lS tht<b.,o, ,1n.a,ld 1l(l.ar.,:ni1tmtm r,nt'C'C"',.,'1\ \I \tnh. al ~"l"™ )OU v.·JJ llJ'\'t ,i L"-IT.J h,11.11" .4 wn-N d ,-.t..--ihk 1n1n,.11

Kant;SIC.k(ltM111sal'Nllllft"ft..."f).l"'ll\ ~llt't"ro ,n\\'TU(TII

nirdd tW!' tlJ\ff~ \kd1<al 1.-.:prru L•)1'lir Jlh"m.1t11,_· hc:111" ff\lt'lllf' /n\"Ot.-JI 1.tn'lrn11.-rk-...itaf in ~< rc.-k I.UJuh \kJ-.lfll l·b,"'- .u \1.-JU ~





\ vd.ull~\

1 11pm \I . J - 12 ll p rn \6, \

-+ivp medical • •es•~ e




niff, ilAA «l 11 \l<d•"'


II" h"" lull,, I\

Womfn', H11il \11at Pnlrtb Tr•tn

I Wr,lry h 'l\lnJJIIUlfl M,11:h ri K1ni~ !Ot,O I I.J" l>.1""1-'. ' 2 Chcn.1k:C'l' 8 0~\ !190 : Cht Omcr.i \ F,11,ult} ~1" ' 1.-.ulh 1P~ 4 ..\lph.1 l'ht -I l'tu "i1ym.i K:aJll'.I I(!() ~ ~,i;ni.i >r.,r,,.1 ~ K•~S11ma


( nrit

•""'"''>· rh..,.hc ~

Tom A, ruano. euard, AA1ckl S1.11c l 1

hJC>l .«1-nJ pl.k.C 1n

,r.,, nee

tht •1lffllln A In \.itu nl.&) n1ahf, men, 111.1m unx m.tl, \f\l tud IC•m• fuw-.h

.tilt! .r1cn1h k1n11cl cnckd thr r..c ,n IOlh Y111lip f11o0th p1 ... cJ l]lh. Jlld IJ,on f t~hm.111 l(,,rrck. \hd1k'I \ l .iJN• ml ( hm ,\t11J).1 finnhl'J ,n p," 1hnm 14 thmu,vt 11 AIC't,Nkr fm11hcJ IA \('\.."c.,o,J pl:t1.· t 1n !he Y>on\t'n·, Crucr,um 4,

k u"

Women's Socter Siitnin~



'\..1 ~ 1,, 8nJgt

",11 ( ""' "

8u:lkl~II. Tt o l>. , \ ~in Ca~UfUN. fuc-v,uJ. \l1tll1N.. l, lb~t1ng,. m1dfickk-f, Dalla, . Tcu, \f111k !lopper ..k-lcnJn f",. G rci; G;iMfOII. dtlrndl'r, Mound Ri"-t , Tru., S.il\.ad.11 k611brt,

!'he .... .-.1.ht-r .,.,,.\ itmhlc. hue

<t(l\ l


h>tln \ h«h:an f1n11hcd 1h1rJ tn lht r JI H f ,IC.(' l'..tt1I \Iott, J\1-l("(J ninth,


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