April 3, 2013

Page 1

~ -Amerimn ~tar


Senior forward Corbin Thomas earns his way to the National Association of Basketball Coaches Division II all-american team.

~i~~~~'~trtmeot, ., :.,""''!


for their potential career, anything from working in a prison to becoming an attorney.

\vichi ~nll ■

If we build it, will they come? Fundraising effort Baseball's past continues for new may provide_fresh team, baseball field insight to its future $300,000 gra11ted

to university toward baseball field project

"This is ~ win for the university and a win for the community. " IIDWAID futlf:U VICE AAESIOE.Nl IJICMRSITY ADVANCEMENT AHO PUBLIC A.FfAIRS



7' 1~err. \I


ha.,; liopt1 of thf' ~~till

ThlUf!l\'Y~!)' lTql.lffitd $400,000 rr,,rn lhf .48 ~In Tu Board 10 l;.md the Constr\Kllon of .t

t>awWll llt1Q

I.Ml Wt'tt-. Howard Fi.'Tt'll, 'Ike prtiJdcn· of unh·enitv ~ '11.0(emtnt and puhoc affairs. propowd Mt.:1 ',\,'e$1trr.'s baseb.llt p!u. [ l'.l me 48 ~rd anr. ><11~ 1· was wen rec~vcd. ·we war.i U'l!$ to ~ a pi~ner m.ip W,tr. the CllY ol WIC~?a faJ~; f.urtll ~;d ~5') WIUI 'l,t Yt.tl"f"i !Of (ro(

J.8 Boo"1 l5 rha•


ll a gru1

oppor:u-ir.v (or •he ul'J1Vt':'SlfV to err. ~If' ar 11.hlttJc ~n ,r~t would Mlp m our <'nro!lrnr n•. b•J' w• want I.hi\ to bt a pumtl'lh p 1).-uh thf' cit)' o! W1Chlta htU\ Tor, H'Cf'Wftl II verv warmh· an:! Vt~ S!Jpt)Ortl'lt btOU~ yr:tJ r .i:1r.o1 lie..., an num!>tn • Tt.,, .t8 t..<.o.1r1. whlC!'l uu:uts c:iv ~it~ tu mc,n,oy ro lt..nd proi

W.11· n,..corff41

Mru ,-11,tae,in""' 'f) w.,'-KIM yHrboek.

0 .L

' -CNCl!d die IH II\.




. . , ...... w.. ,ut.nN14 ■nlll

.,. .11..Uy dis• cOlfflMl9d. Tllf W1tlwllll

·From our vthKlt behino. 11 w.as like wa:chlng a movie w:ent ur.told,• Buss s.ild in a March 22 td,10:UI ht submmtd to thf' Wichtia hits nrM.S Rttord NtwS. ·Numetow br0r.tn

a wm lot 1hf comm,mlly -


w.tSn'I a st.it t,e!, t.a•,11, !: s1J1 Sttms

Thf' !'itld mil tt built With pr! vatt coni:tb:nll'.)m. According to hrrtll, ht and llnr,emry PrtMent

Tot program dOtj h.ilvt a stoned history, but not In lht samt s.t:nse u li'.e bm.ttbilll or fOOINlf Progi-anli.


·.-.·1th mort than S2 mllMn sav,d, half o! !hf' t-Jnd!ng coming from tht Briih,.dl F-ounoa11o!'l Fam11 sale! he b o;itm1wc tht ur.i\'tl"Sitv will rectt'ie vm monry to ..'ford

enough pn

1ne b.1.seN!I fadMy · \\'t"rt at Utt fundr.i~n,. &sptCt of 1hti, • hwn ~1d. ·nus ,sn·1 golflg on !o~t\·tr. Wt do:-r': haw lfl r:uct d.tlt, t u1 I lhink Wt llilvt ., Inst two or thrtt mo,, monU'ls :o s.t:t JJ

.. n--. ,••••n,.... ... 21,...... W.t,-Kun

hf' subjtc1 of butbill h.is bttn



...., ......, Wftdlt-,vs Wltdl Jl'°'9cM luff llorift • Miifwnt9m NMt•ll.iMhlllillfan - l'M'W widl TNI- . •p...,., onlti. 1'511


De,yt ff•ritt, T• l'i....., lht tlWi.c.fflil wi....cM/




COKh m the tt-am·.-an tn routt ro ii


MSU begins talks ol

t•r1int il1 •H•••II ,rn........


: I _.._J

that nobodr ditd -

The Apnl I) , 1060 L\Sut o! f1w l\.kl'ut.111 g,wi btltl cow ra~ to the If ~ l l doeS evtlllwlly makt a Krident, rnmg I.hat .,.,htlt m1urtd. rewm to ampus, 11 .,,,11 bt ns tlurd none of tht pl.ayers wert seoousl', ITTCatnatlon In school tustory. h"n. The ~t timt (olltgli:t ~b.111 !n l!Ul ~mt bsut, ~tpor.mg 'N,lS playtd 1n Wkhlt• Falls \\',lS In on tht board of dm.'<too' full sup1040 whtn MSU vns known simply port of ithltoe prog;~m). an ~kit ~ Mkfwestem UntvtmfY. announced ~~! would be di.s How loni the Gn;t prog;am 1.isltd conunued m thf: spnng dut to d1ffl Is dtt:.il.lb!~ Somt documtnts. In· culUN m schtduhng iµma Thts di> eluding thost held Ill th<> ithlwcs commuauon ~!td unul \074 wht n offlct. cJaun tht> progam d~ out ~b.iU was rtm~m td on umpu.s m Ult wty 1050s befote qutclcly bt· afttr months of comm1m11v suppon [rig rffllrrt'Cltd by Ult m1ddlt of th(' and dtilbtrat1011. dtr.ldt . AcrordinR 10 a Marc h B, 10; .1 Othf'rs, lncllJdmg fonntr W1chlla Met of tht Wichita I-alls Rtrord 71~s (t R«onJ ~ tditor and SS,000 wb ralscd 10 he'p rr• pl.lYff on tnt 1000 sqlUd rtt1 &m. !nlll!U1t 'ht team ~I ye.ir cUlm lht progrtm's ~rs.t nm Wttd Thtrt" wu i utch to thf tl'?lni.1.,u /rom 10110 IQoCI unuJ a tr-•1'C or ac mtm. howtw•r. In 1hc 1--tb 12, t 07~ ddtnt lnfWt'd Ill plJ}'tD md :hfll

Jtt.Se Rogers havt been activtly fun dra!slng !or U"e ~~ progrim


Aftat I mid·


ag,.irm 0.Uu &pcm Uniftf'

Wt)· ·owartb tht t>o>icnn .n,. o! thf'!:

calJSUlg qui:, • sw- amon,. stu bones. bc:tal licmtloru. a cou;,lt pf dtnlS. flcu!ty and sa.ff u llS back fn1ur.es and ccnsklerab.t b!Ooil mum to cunpus apptus matt and look its loll. Al a ume when thtrt

FIEID pg. 3

" " a h.,. .t NW lih i11 • foftoa9• -,o,t N dtl c_,.us.• W11•Kun



John M1ronei , proft-S:Sor ol Konom k , 11'.t «onom1c ltrlJ)KT fl)r tht Cir, • "''C>U!duce,,s Si l rru\ilon •Thi.s Is • ·Nm wm, • F-mrUs.a:o. ·This IS a .vin f« Ult uni'.·trs.i[V and

trom tht- c,:, rounc•I -n11.s \.$ a 0.1\.E!t-lll rtch tnvlron

· under dtt bllonMII •f P'HI lrolaer• IH, lN MilwNt9"t NH~•ll ~ ..


Accorrlmg to resarch iJont by

OIIJ)' gran:t:I MSU SJ00.000 anJ r; awa1tmJt appronl hOV.' (''ll't.

Prmntial comellaclt would be program's third time on campus

wt would be ~tling studm:s who wouldn't nortrll!ly com, 10 ,Mid wes:rm, • FaJ"Ttll said

we can v:-~r.iie ui, tundm~ Wt re not ~:'r! 10 pul SOrMlhlfli up th.lt !$rl't Grsi C\w. hkt f'Vtl'IIUllng cbt wt h.t·•r on c.impus Wt w.int tht amvemry 11> pood of II.· Wt Hant


_,. ttMIN:NII.

Wldllu fl.laJ. ~ ~ol'th Tuu. In tt-rms ot enrollmtnt.

ffiffll G0l only fOf





** ,.re~

Lamrus Voice




A l•~f dtfT"f :S

t-uaJr· .JIJ ,,er;• !Jr"thin :itll'.11 Orf 1,,1 IJ voca'.:(ln nrl

rn;,.1 ~ !ht Jrp-~d SIU Jf"ts 't(.....'t :n,'!'IVt'O\W ,rc"tnK'll ..<tiools. ~t- , ~ ur.n SU" W"',,

.\t,. ~






'('fj,!)t!,,.\ .


-:.a-...,-"< ,•ds, ~.1,,

~7 ~ V:!'i-f~ -l.i



,1ttj ,1{'«-F!

rtt.'1'. on UY' !!. 7\ ' 1::S (tar.}( :"i~ 'O ,CCurtiffi' ••fl•'i.tl•'1id.-n•\a.~rr.JC IL"t'Jf'YP






.. ;-· ·" • t,r m1~)(n,.~ bf -.11<'1.ti'.I I •

\ ·',.:f' ~:.u1


w bKt- Ulf'

ot'1Wl tlll~ liJt',lll,)il~Wht>lh

Baseball team exceeds importance of academics OUII VIEW: Adm1n1strators should 11th1nk tht 1mponanct ot acadtfTltcs versus sports Recrurt• ment should not depend on baseban blft 1e1dem• 1c programs P,,,y,t,.'.. zl'\a,· be )n t~ wav ~ iii to MSll. ~I tl°"'.. J..,. \! 1 •,-w obs{ii:les .n m "~v . ..,. ~ tf"'<.·-V t~ S2 n 1il:on Q \"tJ :ow.ifds l:?f ·;: ·-:e ;:., ~."'Im tia._,c, •1,1:h S! m1D10.i com ,~;, · · 1 f"' "•t g.. ~we · Fou~<!i'\00 and SI mW,on f:'iyr: 't.rJ~· ,-:~ .:krt b·; ~ ;dep,t lfSSe ~ogtrs

\\'hilt those mvol\·ed have ~arantttd \!lat Ule money tw and "'JU b(, m$E'd through pm·atr fund iT'.f.. -nta:-.:rtt !hat none o: !/'Ir ba.i.tNI! program\ hr:.:!, v.1!l W:.€' away "rorr another sport or uniw~ Sltv d~-un,n1. ll WIii bf ~3:l'd lor MOS! lOswa1 low :he Iact mat the umvel"\lry , an nurh; d,:-pltlf' , deparunent l)f its rtSOO,,"Cts dut to bod~1 ruts whJt !:'lvo~ Spt>'ld r.i rt-ariY SJ m1lhon on a

, . • t~j,r J,p-tt 15 v.-orth mort thl"I ,1 "Pf'('llk ~ 1n one 6t?,ct. Rti,.St.,"lr Oar.a lni ~ ...aid ,1n lt',l1t'r.~'. /ta'l)(ipt ii ~t ll!:ro'ttSlt'I ~<' ~ ,1 nocn-d ot tht Sfudtn:'s

grldt\ for complrtt'd



A :ruis..nr;1 ...rtould noc rtpo,: •n·,.,..tre 1h._,, i )!Ud"nl ~ C.PA an!'.! ((IU'1tWCII' trnp'ovr.s 11'!v on ptt \',OU) ti:~'fll'nct than on~ rudi ~ wur m.,u.1n4 11.nng dtciS,oru W"!'u:t ilaeemx uan.scnpu give :1':tm ~" IPJd -111orm,uot'. !hey "A"itl'II I;> kr,O'.I. "' lul land o! 'Al)fk

Instructors absences make students fall behind in class

r.N ·team Aoot.'ir u:glt trom tl':t tir.11Ki.tl rr,alm 1~ 1ht tac 1 um ~'ltbi:i h-1> COfT\t and Rone lrom th~ a"j ;; .-.,n.-1 , 1·-..11, v,:-t' p'l"'•dent of uru,·ers.:-; Jru\'!rst:V r•i~e \\'hitou~de fxto"" \'.JCh as a,:h1.~r...,, ~- , ..1 pt.bl:< 11.1.~ a ma10:,•"· of tJ':t team gem.'li:, w,~slv m'urtd m Jf\ ~ - j ~ •f- Q.e ... rwer-ty $300.000 The a u r Ac.dtit c· ~titduhn5! con'hu and a movt ;.....,1: ~ ~- c.t ·:-. ,.,onr,· 'A'\ll be ·1:Y11 •,.1U-Jn W r.o:n tht '1a'.;O!UI ~ it)!.), ol l:'ltt rcolteiuatt lM')' whtn 11.-t1 ~n ,.,.. ·!"...'ff -nonrhs II ur.si..ccnsfu!, tM Ath!.tCC\ i(' ai, l\.;n,O" al I ')/!egta.lt' Athlftks k.softl\d OUJ , 1 ~ !J'l.>Pr,1:y .,\~ii '":'Mt o:i trom ir11ng to m~"'n('t m.:on l\a\"t bttri cl:M as rt.1500s lot rh, d~on hH bt<'n c,1n t?-<t )f)t>f'. t : adr:i,1",~·mor. ,,main optimistic we :muatlor. o! ~boll, I~ '.IM' p.w. uno.emeath u·s ctlNl dOf: to ~i bo i • ·· .., t.J.,,~1 <HCk on campus in the near clf:ar ·o ~ 'ha: ~..."'ti:".c1a, ISS\.es pl.1ytd a rote m the lmiru~nt ~ ft!l~'"t d~:or: :o get nd o/ mt •por.. Tht' o;:1 ~ ,1ng mnw,uht>r or a profes.sor · 5!d: .ltiillllltadl !twre 1;-e v-,·i'ra1 t.-.,er:ts ·o ir.e ·l'Sll--«Uon !>f 1! at trst >"Ou do not succeed, rr;. Ir{ again, but di}. o1 the ~:,,1· Dl"OW1m, tht mo.st touted !)elr.g at wr..n POIJll W:!U V-.-? •tal/ZP II ,iar no· :>t worth art noutltd nL, l!Udt lhi.;;&;!y. trrdlrrlf:i: 1, •.>J,j t!'I(." t ~ aM ha·.-111~ a b.iseull thth~e? iht~ ol time of i c,1nctltd cli.ss, prov;im w .l"JU t,e.;, w:th recru1'.:r.rr1l The fut that donors art sJpoosroty btmg



A"r. •·•. 1V"('.v( (hu,ie Cl.fr ~ .d rt'">tvch di,<:f' ~-. 1:-t- i.r.r;t"'S.. ' V ~~ur."°" )(hooh th.at add





1:r.~ro·,-e"nffl' m enrc,..

~:u-...,,"'C!' brmtr2. basthlil I- 1..:,-.,, S'l r-::JlJ>na ;ea,•I) t,l,,,. •t,~JTP ·:-, c ··, ,, \\ ,.::r.,ta f i:,. ""tarm;i mOie 'a-:-1i1n .,)•. J p-.:·r r : ~ ,' :-•!',P "'""t. •Llo( rM.r chiOJen t-_.,o•e , ... :! ~,.,j , ..,'Tl·,, .\tSJ !"V coileft .\ ,... P.•..- ,., -~ j , :


a " .,.,., "d) :t:-i


•r• <.et .,. ·~ n~t ,,

-'l p,rer..u "tarrl r.ot i.,-,x.;t"l'!~ UJ'I an lot I! biYbl.'.! rttu!T'~

Fr\. , • .1 .• ·r1f-:.m,,t..,,,1,•s~•.rrtni bud~r •·,;,g .Ja' <1• ar.J ;M;,._nf ~~ r.d1r.p_fr•se•tr.al dt~ ;;y.,r• ilt'>'r,-.>\ rr.llCt :TlOt't 1f'tnbM tt.MJ '.tt> p,"I\~·:.., 'l ,1 ~wrg1rg a ~por: bacit to u,r:,us

~td to d,inatt Ui MakP '!to !Nm a poss1b~lty coh not he'D support U:e )Uppost-d U\"trNhetmlng communir, wp;:on !of tit ·tam. If ail tlus effort ts beln~ done ~ot a spon. why .s :-iot :.~e sirr«- dor.P for .uide'T.xs~ It l.',t umpa1g11 to ~' blSttAl! back~ sliCctSS ~JI, m••~ the t.1l''.: -.tn!t\' ~r.ut1 takP this appts ~~e aci:~~t. when aStJr.~ 1,,r 1o:taL'¢r.> !v. Ult> Kit:"<t aepa:1.'c.tnl tir 'ht Eqt!u.'l cepuuntnl O!' I.he r t1rtn· of &.t Fa.~ f-mt AP.l ~o ma1ter 'A'hat ·ro~r 'lltW ~ on th:~ suoec•. one ttu:ig K ~eram 1 dtct\1or. is com1r.g. 1hi uruvt"'IY wt.ii look 1M orry ror a CU'Cl ~:{ •o som, of ou; campus C!ITrtnl ~ut), blJI a:so 10 lht' l~I 1rg tfttcts the dttiS!Ofl w;U h.lf+" fOf ·,·em 10 come

,.1! ti

er, cru d or ,111 in<lu,s

1~11."11td, mOM 1<.c,1



"There are so m,ny programs 111he school thll can use Tht money mstud ol baseball •


· since 1he school t,as hnanc1al issues already a base ball 10,m 1~ not .moorunt The money would be bener ustd for 11tl students •



m.r.J ,r.t

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J1;end cla."lo (Ir, a ,,;ular ~a

•r n ulu:r.a,el)" ~:'c ;u('n,:'> 1no •;-e ,r, · _1 ~Vt\ Jl '.tr•rds • •~r•._.

!' \ 11:tfn•, Kr~ J' ,,,,, ~ N


al1' :re or.~ ;:.tVJ,',2, . • ! )f,. "'. '!:t 'lt.r'r !ta.st•...,, i!':<:u,i: !lf, a;,,:'! •r.t Sl!l'lt

· ?('\I.bit . r.ot.ku,o:i, ..,.,f',r,t ltW M1,;-pn. ,1 ~r: rnrt .!" wet.ii ...,o•it. !tt.s t.'11: :t>t Nruc·rn Shwl! bt :'"t~.:I to &t \olMf "lf'~rd. ,... htr.t';ct pc,ssrti't, J U't \' r.ttj t-'

pro~ts lt-1'11 (A tr"'t o/ Ill ~fl<f', U>U1!h, V.'.:11 ·ht r~Pf' doc•;mcnUtH)l't such I'. , 1ocr,r r. ,·t or proof of a,m:d r.; 1 'l'l.ida•O) un±~:-st"( t \ l'nt Jh-o µ-ot~f:'I ~ U OcJt>liU.. Wt


P' l'lof

tocf.li fnr Ln'tn.ctors. IS Sludt'nts Ut

C"OUrt.bT (/ C,,1.'4(.J',.f'lii.lOn

• fht11

Ci'-~ !':,U,I

It """"'' I!,

c.11n Ult, nOf t:n•:.. •r.d <,,1\ ,. :~ :"to 111pr Mor,o•n -.a;j_ ·1 'If' tM"''~"I


t1o,;,c..1 1"

n,,• I')(' 1" \".S

up ... •n •it •t-~

.,., ·, .: ~


t"t 'P\" • ,\ •l'


::Ir. !'lu" i:,• :'le ~ffl( <OtJr!ts)' bT our "f!'l.f'Q,IJI"'\ .1thn Cll~ IS urerp«l


JI ,I ,PjU\1~f~ t1

watsa•,-~ -· 1r~" 1<; • t!lf' ~1 ...::<~ • :-1:'t : i : : ' II''!

f' l 'lt it

bt.it wt


~,:,...ty \0 -TUt ~:t ._

C-lfKt-l ,1 CWS

to~.· .:,1,ict'-"' '..W-,, ~u,:1tnt) dn\>t 'rom toc:,1

n1,"'m"'1\U\i«'.nfc,:c;;. < ~ ind o·h ·< ,,:,-.:ct fl'~: Imo·... ..-1~-+- r

wht n do wt, ,~ )luilrr:~. lPfa" t.1p Af",,ra.1.l.\11',ld.~WrlLl'lo;e to bitch amt r'>ir iti<~' 'l.tv.n.,c 1,

1,,0:.ori i,,,·cu.1 0t lht proret pro-

',</,\ IS Ur l'R I~ ,I.So \tm00 -1t IS

l'T'rnN>ntum wn,r. a-~·

u.. ,. h~ri .nnuc

edly r.l!(t last rr.:r~lt can~tl,,ui1 r\.

l'A'i'IS UPf'Cll':::l '.O notJv

,l l·'f'Jo.''11 ~• • '" t,-n . . :,,,. A~• ''le• ;:h '• ••



CO:llilCI 1J W>i ,11~ g,•, '.lit •r, 'I'" '-.l • At 1htsa.me :.nt-. v.r,1rt -io• tto ing mmbt.r..ta ror '-'Ur ~1~ rr.uy, 10 <onimu1t 10 ,1 dm 1h11 ·A-.:i no1 bt htla i nr? IOmt \' Udt ri:Jo tHt.

' "~' ib:;c't(I' J' •~•


1"10 ,,~,l'nl .,. ...... ic:111~r• . 1P....,1,:.1t., •-o..t._O,l())'.17..Ci'(M

M !oMOl07 4~ F u ~ ) 07.aQ15 t!Mll,wx'>~'lml'\U,-J

· 1dono1car11fwege1ab1S1ball tum ornot I do not kl'IOW much about it ·

editorial board



WITOR--IN•CHIEP. ! n'Uln' f'..ntt.r.,tiiln MAHACINC EDITOR: 1"1 .ib)'b l.111rwo,

OP·ED EDtTOR: 5-rlh M ~

SPOm EDrTOR: 0,-~ ~-n PHOTO EDITOR: Ha.iW'()o"o' ltt IUSINESS MANACEl: 1r,,-.,._ w ~•t WU EDrTOlt: f.W,, 8.. r-w CON'nJWTORS: Il•,:u1.1 lrA Nl\1f0, ( 1'Wt:,r1 ~•, ~J·: 1 ;1<(. Bin'!r., Shtfbt' Ow,_ A.U'1 f..v. S•.J l',Cf l,IC<rl'f. ~\'\· Hr•• ~ • '.' ~ ~IKcalf. Iln-tM1 \iorvl. U'.•Mi Robtn, 8tt-J,'I t .. .m v- i Enll 'i1'1ult, 'i&tah ~M)"

ass1SfInce as domestic students have·


DEU'Vln Stt!1n At~,.,.., ADVIS[l; BM...., '.'; 1.,..,

_The school can gNe that amount to the baseball team but the money would be better soent by locusmg on educauon Ttiey should use ttlat money for fhmgs we use everyday like umpus wide WIFI and better food •


j Ulpilftw:C.J>U

r· f'/1, 11 ~-, •.,.. • ""'"' ! , ,,. ,!!f '11,t "'5rfW_..,l~ 1.,, fr°' et.I l"l ~ .••,.. :r t~111T1t,Li\ ....,.,f, ""1( --: - , ( ' "

I~°'«"t'~;:·/:~;:-1;•;1 .'" ~

-&o.·1,, p.,...~~"'~ ~--,·•'" •


' ~=t::,,:;:;::,_.::~~S•



, _.,, ,\'h "' I'., u.• · ~ 1, -::,,t,rrt ..,'JI('. ~·.r 1 • ~• •, - ....

;-• wichitan

· 11 •S nor a good idea for the school to have a b1seb1~ 1eam The money should be 1n11est.ed lfl scholitstups tor mttrna11onaf s1udents since we do not hive many opportuno11es for ftnanc11!


j':,I\ ~

"'"" lt D clltlkull to rto

!Mor l~~i-ini USl>!a..1t, ~Pf'li'

I' v. ou.! J ~m tti11 an earl\ no


m1).)ll'O (I' ~Ml<flt!, ' •

TM !lOnom Ji".t


tJooo bool:ng to prep,1rt !or tbe dn, dnvt 40 mlllt.!n to umpus :or On«" <ass, or1tv ·o ;;nd ou: tru tht cus.s

1,:-,.. -~.., ..



~ -J d,..,

:rri..t H'rnch ~~~,t.,;i~


' ".t ,- , ,

fftlr.u~ dnw trom thtu nomn or tilt I.ht 6vt m!Lutr walk from tilt d!tl1flS 10 c~ to tum n~I b.ck

Given the budgetary concerns should MSU pay $3 million for a baseball team? HNo. w e shouldn I h111e a baubaH 1nm. b1cause enrollment 1s aileadv down The money could be sptnl 1lsewhert.•

·•~~' .~ r~c..-

h.s tttn Cilc!'ICt-.M !.x u.e da'!' N'I\


r-~- • , ~,-

,r''f! •


~wichitan ~



•• , I

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3 \

Slaying the monster Engineering junior creates student-friendly, job-seeking software ,... .... , ;...,, w,-,1nJ11 o>1:i11tJ rr>bilftc-rl_U'.td1:,1 u,:,,'l u r:o rasy t.lsk F.r1e 61on1:w.. 24, J l\lr.1or


tf',(:p.N'I"',,~ "f'(O~M•td (t¥t";l) :.,, '!'I

;cti M"ud: rn~n(.", 3•.11:r1n1<-

, ,.:Jtr.ts 1nJ r~ N v. 1th rus

,,- .:niq\.'E' •ru.wer lC ,~.. ~rob:t~ ~: ,OJ: Rl':>J/1'... Uot)1e:'\'0111


,,.._t N'i,1!. 8inmon\ <oftw,re: crl'

cnt:.:trra Job~< fr:)\"' abOJ; ~utm1t'1!'~ AA ont!nt'

::-,. l\1t.-.:lh-S

~ ,.:c:;;;::;::~~-.J

:o ~,t) ~.IKt: tnjC~ ,ln(! ~ •..!,ja~s <"udf-tts' roncetn\ ~f

i,s l p'.ommml'r, e:~ r ari:i

;.. p,,:m:t,n has upe:-1i'r.cl'O ~r:S fllr J,J.' t ~ 'l,r.R i..ps 'A~lhln iob wtklr.R Mn!ttr.n~


studrnfs abll

:\I 10 ~11 htr carrer :Wld.



:hi\ 11 i<, :'IO\li rou ~ l,>t rmpl<'\-el'$ 10 ~t•1 800 ;:!us ~ fc- t vrrv iob ~r 6.nn;on ~~- "}.r.J 1h.1t ~It~ like Mor..s1er •(►.j \"NJ !(n,)•,1,

:,ri ~ so'l',\'art: lh.i! v.~Cds Oil:

..,,...,.1ttN1f11:;~;:-:.t.;~'. ~;i:::

that Jon't 1r.cti;dl' c~r~l!I 1rr'll'Ol1h-1 Thal S(,il'f"; tnl' hl'll OUT

me. na..'\h mu!.IC·PiaYtr.. unong other /e.11tu""5.


To mak, hl~ MvS~ct> p:rotl!t ha\'t 1 '(l!Jd pro,;1m for lumlnR com~um·,. h, stwtd !tmungbtts lund•mrmals. In r«C'nl yurs., our

~! t- ~r· 111,1

;>e:-sonaJ ma:'<e:!r:g

~~ tl'Jt p:ib 'IU.1l':tt$ !II !iorll ti◊'<r.u cm;,).)ve~ ;: I)

..,,.il'l lvr ~pie ttm art

..~, !V t,') r:ew. Cf\'.U!\'t lr-.'.h )f.J!S to gt'\ l,O'ICt'J in .11 cro-,o,•Jl'd

,-e1o1:ct. 81:inion ~1J. •J di.'fl't WJl'l! 10 ~,imr!t th<' h; · 'If c( ~f nrttt o:, the ch1nct

o! .:od1:'IR ht-rt and 1hC'~ ,u r.ttdtd. ht s.ald Ir. 2007, .11ftcr Bir.nlon gradultf'd h~l'I !>(hOOI. ht ~ realty uughi up in •summ( intrtt'.('l ow.infflb. ·SQ;n, u: ~ btmnnse:s ~ S2.000 IU.\llOgf'I m.· heS.illd, .And ;l!'tt>r th.lit. I h.t.1 no money top,ir fw J. websltt to ~ bu1ll. Tlus TI\tllll I l'!ad to k?u:i tiov.· 10 progrt.m 1 but<'

' ,-1~:~ ~=~:~~ :t:~~!1 by u$iog ('~ ~



Bt'fore 1rrr.ding h-1Sll, &nn!on ~I) \·tmure 1:,v, SJ._j ';e •,o,;u l'nty .iblc to hack away ~ t r p-r,grammmJ,\ dur ~: ·,o,·\'bs.it~. mam· of which ended ttt L~t' Mripa,ct boo:-;,, ht ,,uc. m dl~tl':. ' ~.. t.'lt ·cool k. .!\ .t,I \l.lnf'C io • " T.tiu~gcomputtr sc1roc~ cilSStS




FIELD pg. 1 r-~il!l1

lol ot tur., 10 do this

!t.,:r:-s YJd MS\ J 1p;:,~0ichtd rhe

,e &:,.-d

~c.1;.;se the t:o.l:rd l~!f .·~ro~r,g ·:!5.:tors tc., \\ichi:.J


\·att :'lO'ltY 10 ~uUd a goo.-! and t>P~l!lul t'le1;t. we wm no: pl.ilv b.\.~ba\1.~ Rogrni SJJd. ·Ho-.11,·:er, we are e.,,coura~?d by t.~e 1nrrrn1 ~how r. bi' do~rs. found,rnons and

me co1T.mun.:·,. ~ H:oF;C'~ )a.IC rht llrst ;um's tq\Up mtnl wUI be p.aiC for t;y contnb'J•


' Tht mati.' ~1m~ t.~· will be • Alter thai. !here w ill bt 24 play . ~ rw, w :J! tmn~ milhOru per ,-::-~-ou-V. food, !od1sin11. ~:-.d fuel trs Da\1.ng 30 hours or 1ul1wn .ind , J bes frOO: tt'il' TcSl!J:111. IC'irnS, ~ I~ per yur. • he 'Said ·This W\JI ._,;,. sa.d Add111onalJv, we v.11: 1':'!0rt Ulan co·;er lhC' c~ of 1 tt.11m·s expt"•.ses ci :.~, ftC'iJ !or !'!1p,h S(/':oo! cnam The -r.osl conwrvat:\·e t\t1mates :cos,.\.p gamt,. and m:t'r~t has :nd1catr lhC'f'E w;il be 1n u:ccs.s ol tX?~ m crln~nr .11 sum SI S,OO(I w S20.000 ?flt~t tC'ar.J !O W1C:.1!1 ~afo." -t_1cts.1o dcl1<1rs w1U come from ~c.51.: »Jll ,l',l.S(' :~e 11e:d to lht .,,_,, J1mn~ 1hr :.ummt!' l'llontr.~ r"!d st:m p!.a'(tts i.."id tJ,05,e who camr tn the unr:rrsir,· to work ou: 'fr, w• Oa.<.eball tt.un would!\'! tit' with :he ·e.i:m to uv and m1ke the ~!!"e':eid. M ier.· Roi..crs 5-a,d. "Thi:. numbe.t ~ ic'I:<~ ...i:d tvtn t:,ouah ~rnir: s1gn1!1ani." ~ -.)J'S l'J!•·r 1~t t.e~un pt;mntr~. I new M1Jden:s w1II tit p.iYinR ~:-1 of Rt>t.:n~ has been ~up p-.'tt. 1>11: t:.i•;e not app!'O\'ttl ail fui: ruit1on in,j ~f'~ and rtttlYi' no sd10!.11~t:1ps. Whill' manv people -.:,:ii 1~ tf,e t'ffon. ··• ,...e (lf,:int ralS<! \'nouW\ pr, on Ci!npus art' li'l!l'fl!SIPd about thC' .,os.stb111rv ol :ht .11ddmon of ~



FOR Dt:1;\11.S!







""'!'*lriclillM!lc~NllfStWftjM--111111.,,.,•b1i1, ....~m........ ... .... Ms •lqleriNto with H'TMl ~ MfpN lf'Old, In dM ,,Nluc1i• .t F-..,.cY"'AeHN.,.


Actor<!t:-~ '.ll Binn1M, fo,it't ~.: Ft.""Jmc -~a.tool me.1:-11 tu bf

ht ~~du. ;~:


1bwl ,'.\omttrcom ot Lmktdln h;l,Vl raihng Jt and 1t.11vtng vou with Ou! Jli onl!r.t prt":Stncc." Bi!lraon ~Id another unique lea rw-c cl Fnrgl'I Your Resumr is that -tadtn1s art able to crea1t their own cus1orn dom11n., wch ;u; www. I r.cf11nmon.com. di.sp!.aying a more or,,te.:sl(lnal .and prrsc,~llztd ar rari~emtnl.

,, ;,:e: m.iti.t'rr 11 \Uct~M M"

•',r"'°~u.::ces!ifullv ~ ::llmpett lot

WMAT MAKES rT UMIOUE forjtf'I Your Re1ume make:$ lt \!lpcr )tmple to nr.11:r a persontl p1oftll' !hill Oli t)r UStCI 10 promOII' ,l!Jrl"nl~ tn poltnU;al employt rs. Uinnion...iht -.:ince ~rudtnts Install thC' soft •..,•rt un 1ht1r own nosu, they trt at>'~ 10 moft pmt~I\' m.un1.1.!n and rl'Mr,e I.heir profl16 ~ tha! ll':ey 1p pear m:)rt ptf'S(lnal .anj prc.,ftssionaJ

~--..Ttr~~. ),--,- ..

4611 TAFTBLV1'.

!,at MSUj has rul11· ui.en mv ,1b1h lt\'el." he ~r.t. · Wr

!lf5 10 anothtr

hf'l\h ~ho,.,J


rorr~11tle 1! )'. II

dtnb .tlrt'a::lv havi' r;rt' • f\lnn.011 ~kf hi' f<,O: hr; >(lb at M; rrn~nd Mt :11-' lri ttSpon!l1np to ill lweet At.out ~ :nomh 1~. h~ ~nd h,,

dt~nrr.cni hi> ('Yfn hid !ht ab1IJIV 10 buJ!d mObllf' 11 ~ ror rhe umvtr 00\~ s·anro t.tlkmR Jtn;,it how tw SI!}', wMch \\'b !un tC' do.· Whit, thflY I~ no app WI Ut ~OI ht, ~Jb. YU l'w1t!l't, U1j born (lf atf'<! for 1-o~tt Your Rbuml'. 1hr c1dt1 it \\OUld bl' lt.ll'J,-;ll:lg to ctf' sohwitt ts pt(WammNl in ~..:ch a at.. a t;pr ol •ol!WU(' 'hit NOU!d t,r way lN! protlll'$ look 1p~11111g on motf' b<n<1k1al Ill 1<.tJqoeit1ng col MT'lutPhonts ,),.!: w,n .l\ t1ttk10i>i, he If~• va11ua1r,. 1tia1 w1mld 'M'lp !htm /Ind ,ot,s more ru::y Tht1t ts no crt.: lor 1he )Ohware. • Jht RUY) ] ,,ork W1(h nt illbvJ •Sul. $ltlet Ult' .;o!'tW&lt I~ stU h~l lutt fQCk ~Ill'.. he ..aid ftt. ttudC!:nlS will nffld to gt! h())t ·So .arter bulns:ionn1ng 1 tng, whlch un~'ts an,whrtt rrom bit. 1'tcy un!e~>itd r.,e and t SO S1S. • he said. · 1 nrROUa!td a had thC" !ll'\t >'f'r':ll(ln 1N:!' 1fnr P-i"lll'tsh!p Wllh Gt('('fl C4!:i'ks !O RC'I Your RfiunlC'J In 11~1 ii 'Nttll'. provide u.s a S30-off coupon :n well A.nd trom there. the pf'Olect Mt .., NS)' 00(" (lick tnsut!s. M ost W("b kttP!, growing.~ B1n111l)fl w11



batl, Rogers s.a:d tile fca~ of how th!.S coulil nei..atl\'tlv affect lhe uni \·trsity m unfounded.

· in D11Mion ti. bt<"atl)t o: ihe hmllM number of S(hOIWii~ and the laJW' number of plillyer.,;. mtt"r col!t ,rj.itr athitUn products wtil ovtr S2 S million In l'ICts.\ of whilll MSU ~pends on 11.. Ile ~td. •All of these fund\ go Into vwou~ fee cat eg.ories • EnrollPnent growth ha.s been

~~:-d ~:..


sons behind the




and Rogers Silli.d the number ol t'0$1t'r pla','("f'l, ~uarantees this iuowth.

Confertnce • Athltl!C Dtt« lm Ct!Jriw Catt bas(ball is ill gre.i:t ~pecwor sport and hc,pt, they will hulld ~ fac11J{y on campus studtms could tOIO\'. ·we·re one of lht two schools m ri',t Lo:ie Sm Con[oi!rence without a b~b.all tum ~ 11 would rtall\· hf compleUnJI. tht p:.izzlt.~ Carr Silltd. ·1t"1 it \pn!lg ha!lmari span. VtiY popula; m this ma.· said

"Our intent is to bring some excitement and enjoyment to our students andfans.'' JESS( flO<iEkS UNIVfRSllY PRESIOENl

a1hletJc d1rt'Ctor

~t:\!~~~~~~ 1

· .anach,d- to be a b.setaU re.im ·1r~ ver-,· studtn1 friendi\' with .i l!J! of

· Evtn t~ugh w~ are !un11cd

\n:tresi: (arr ~1d '"It'~ a ~i:ort

to mnt sch0~1'5h1~ by the NCAA. thrse schola~hlps are d:'t'1dM .i:monR U plarrrs. • Rov.e~ s.i1d ·AddrMnallv. Wl' w~! rm.., man)' sturlrr.~ work.m i wit~ 1t:e !tam 10 make the tos1rr I h(v w,JI bt t(' ctt'flfll no lln.11nclil suppon. This h !J'\Jt of M"vrra! of our 01her ~p,r~ • M1dA'~1em ha:. nor ha:i 3 ba~ baJl protram ~lnct ttie '80s. -our 1n1tnt 1~ to brmli romt uutPment 111d f'f!JOi'TllC'l'II 10 our Mlldt:n~ Uld fans,. R°'Pl'S ~td ·Mainly, ttie pl?<Rnce of a !Nm wlll t:nni more Stl!denl\ and rr crw:ing will !ntrodl!CC ~ to hith ~hool tt?at h.i'lt nol ief,t ~Ludents !D ltle p.ut. F1rl.illll'I , !MSlJJ would b(, ~ stro~Ktr member of tht I.one Star

where everyone h•~ ai lt'1.s1 <,omf famt!1anry wt(h I think 1t·~ .i:n rt~r unden.;and1r.v. aM an usy thing to

demitv wl!h 1:·s \'er-,· pop,11.ir an:J ~n ol l.,x.u: llwlding a tJ~eball f.l'ld l)n (Jm pu<., Kcwd,nF: :flt '.irr. ls .a mt1,: ·11 d~.-.n·; do u) anv it'Y'd m bu11.1 a facu;1v of! co1mpu~: IM' Sillld. · 11\ :riucti " par, ,,I tht 1Jnwcrs1t'{ Y ou \\'Qut::in·• wam 10 do 5'lmcthinF 'hit W,\,n·• 1i.ttk.11l' nr In !h<': rn1tn\trl"tll"'l uf tf't i.::iVl'~JN. Aftf'r the monty :, f,indrrl rcir !1'.t 1at1litv. nrr !--al 1 ltll' next ~1ep would be sr,1/!1r:r. ar.:! dr'(!donr \ow u,e 111'.:tllc Jt:-ar~nP1,1 wtl\ hind!(: lb .in:-iua! ,u1rl t W1!.,11l\ll dKruphnR o, hunmi 1l'ie ff'<.' '>I the ;,rvwam or




]oina, Us 1




A1.:cord1ng 10 Binmon. Fo:(!tt Ynur R~umt. 1\ wr11 .l' O!her lnll'lt· lll,l/1UJ\ de11!]1:"d "1!!\!n lhC web).!!(', pnv1d~ a IJunchpad ror studt nts 10 bc~)n Thl"!t own nnllOC' prtsrnces .ind mi..1:e1ml( ,·ampiigns whrn =~ty .i:tt rod\' ti> Man look.in~ ior ;Ob\

!ht' ..oltw;m K e~v to install u~. he Mtd, imt allnw ,111dents 10 t»Ji'.d 1hrlt 11wr. prol\lts. m 1ust • few mmnt~. 1,11 1ht1r own d('>malns. • Ti'lf' mm.t tmpot1an1 1h1n~ for \!lllll'O'\ In know a~••ll Fcll'}:tl Your R~1r..t ~ t.1·m :1 ~ a !oo: -neam to nti;i tl,tm ~I thti~ drra.m ;obs by iat.,r.l adv1;-1"s,"-' ol 1he !mert1e1: ht.. s.111. ·Thert a.re .\e>Jeral cue 111J'Tln wht'rt P"")plr hn~ succm •~•\' :a~jt1 a"tlmni.: ,•ob~ ahrr ~pa rat•r.~ thf'T'.s.tlV>'S fMm U:e 'tirrd' tbl IS thf •r.11d1UQnal ~\ume • •W1

lhe university -nu~ is 11 tittn 11r.dtrt1rJr.g un dtr lhC' :'JU !ha! 11will SUlW:l !15,t!f and 1t ,-,;,rl·1 t.11kt awiv from 1nnlh,r )pOfl or an·{ factt of thf' unr.-ers1rv." C.arr said -ihat ts ·,e.....,, 1mponan1 10 Dr. Rogtrs .inJ I • Ca.'7 s.a!d ht \is .!.-eady seen greatmteresl-1!1 :hr 1eam ·There are a lot '>l stul::!e:it:s uound h<'rr who h.ive J Wt'1: 1mer• c:.t U'I If." urr said. ·That') .a pretty good Utmus 1es1. 0..:r students att tn:er~tcd m comlnlj .l!ld it's cert.im ty born out by the rest of our spons and we .11J do well.· 1111 recr1v~lundlng. thtbastb.all ftam would rompet,? against normal 15C m·.il~ Ilk<' TulE-tnn University. Carr ~Id he has laHh M idwestern will succe,.1 again11 other te.i:ms. -Au or our sport., ue successiul. • Carr Sill1J "I would certain!\' t'flV1 )ion us btmR \'t'rf SUCC't'SSful ....,,h II.~

t l[um11el\'. R~r- and C.rr ;i~rt\'



a Rood time to brtnR

b.11.:k • hwb.all prosram. ~11·s !,(l:'lletlung !h!I a number of pcr,ple havt missed ha\'1ng.• Carr q1d ~r ~1p!e r1Hy around b.seb,111 and rli;tht M W wr are !oolung at wan to e:i.'lam:e our enrOllmem an1' hl~lor,. bt.i:r; out tvtrywhcre you R\1 that 11 has tnhanc\'d tht' en rol!mt'nt ,n d1ff<'rent way<.. Not OD!\' 1, •t 9nod for our pn,gr.m. but aho 11 wo:..ld bP ~ for our campus and 1he communay •






News ~1ie:~ Students design and direct OneAct Plays PIA\'\

ptO.::h!CN Dy l lif1Jdtnb •n 1

dlrt<tlng ind dts!Jn ~lass optn as ~rt or I.ht. or.c- ac1 !nUn~ Apr,! t 2 The IS {I) )0 1:-11nu:, pll.,.., (lJ(C' mi,JIIY tour moolh\ 10 J,rodUCf' JM 111vo'Yf' lfl M s,r.,rtmfnt or \(udr111 acwrs. 1NflljtU$

JrulCtNI "TI-it IVC'li~



1boul thrtt

rfhtt™)!: Pf'' v.rtk: Nk"o'..t N«l'f, .ilS slmnt p:ib:lri•y m1n1,:tt, M"nY.A 1-. Ille


Aui:htlnn., ,~r-~ m J,in~r; .lM !hf ~ud,na. stmors .and 1un1un. work untll pi.1}'1 optn Thf illllltnb ~I to pl(( whll pJ.n thr( W.lll! \() direct k>rl':'I !ht



•Thtrt ~ , nKI' m11 or comt\1y ind dr1m1.· Nttlvwkl ' Tht p!.1p, r«tivr no h.,ndin,: lot U\1$ twn: thC,J,Ji Tht SladtnU ~ro!ll'd in ltrtcWs. t.a~t~' !...turt ltl'l'tn.on,clmr of tht thH\l'f dtp.1n:mtt11, ltt r~I\S.I b!t rm anv props or othtr emu. Tht ~u dt"nll hl','t'IO~prop.srro:notht:pla',') lJld iivina r.tiem fumnure and props :hu <UlttflO\~lt.

Al10,llltytUlht'~IJ~tnUhJd a bad gt1 of SIOO.

Ac'cordln,_ 10





play,. Ihm last V<'U, h.1't'lr:11 lour wttb worth Clf pl.lys 1rntud of two. Tht pUys a:t on Apnl 12 13. AprtJ l9l0. ~ I loZ7 . • oo Mav J 4, au starling 11 7·.10 p.m m 1hr Bel Wood StudlO Thtaut. Mm15.\k>n b Sl !or ill


Relay For Life preparations kick-off On Apnl 12. ~tArlmg i l 7 p.m. Mid wotrm will bt hosun• t/'.t ,rnnull RtliV forllftlorCWl'f~UC~ fhl' rtll\' lS lln orpniztd communlr1 fundrilin, ,i,htrtmtmWncf tKhtnm tilitt tum, w;1lk111g ;.round the trki., Un

11kt OU\ff rtla'ff, thb m ay i,- - comp,ttl :w ,v,m~! t.:nt ·,trsi.:s thC' utllri 1umi. Sti.anrU Mil.~~. c,~:JC'n of lt.t Cor tKllonti C:.OU'lstkr.' ~l.l:Jlin tNm, !>.iild. "l!}l'IO!atlO\JtUs, butt\lJl WIYror US 10 ltlVI' !O tht co:nml.lJ'III)' Wht".htr It', tht u n ctr p.itirnts :::r nrqtwn of t.'lt p.111tnu, or 1"11- r~arct, bfFund !I 111, !hlS 15 ()'JI l.'1inct !O show ~ Utt vid lO knoW ifs !or I g;u; Ut.:~ IS tt\\'lld lng t':'OIJ~ • S:udtn:.I. do not hi\'t a i.10up to JOln To rt~ttr u J!'l 1nd1\'ld\l.,II putlc1pu11. to l'.!01.lltt :c. 1 +4r".K1p,1n:. tl"tm or ll'lt' nffl!. m11 "tta:,forh'.t ~

Sorority helps awareness during Women's History Month ~m:!:11 B.lstt'.'I of S~a Lambda All)N Vld lcrdal't Maih.s o! tht Na l'«'l.ll hr.f)e!ltn:< Counc1i, co llmlt<I :ht Wo.:!.tl't·s His.tor\' \lonth l'Vt"nu on Offll).lS ~, ,\Urch. ~,ctud•ng Satt:t ol tht Sun. sp,1 d.iy and Womtn\ HJSt.O"i' \ ~:hNnqurt.

·wt dtcidtll ,o nosr Ules.t t vtnts be Clll~ ll WU the Of's. "''lY to get Ult' v.wd oat ,100\lt Womtn·s H1stor.· Month. .ind ht:lp -...·omrn tel rt-cogn1:.<'d for lll of !hfu ~ro ..,,-o,l.• l»i:rn, a sophomort incnrnma' usuct.~1,J, 11,uJ.t n .irio \\.i!h~ pllJ1::td. .sfl up Mld tanthPf'\'tr:ts · J: WU A fhl\'fl'!)?.t. tlul 11 WU rtll:y run: &sttn 1.1id. ·we wrrc 1n clur&t llf'CllM Wt winttd to be." 11.utt..'l 1,,1:1<1 hlf'I 'nor1tt tvent wu !tlf Worr.rn'< H1~orv Mo.1th a..rn;utt. du.ing which I iludent aM illff mtm bC'r n•cttvtJ r«owu11on Im h.i:rd work on ompu.1 ~nd n U'lt oommun1::v, .ind V\'tl:t Ca.s":Jtln. OM o! the Sig.mill Ulmbda AIFha's louM,nv. mothtrs, spoke ibou1 wnmrn·, rn ~wtmltl'tl " h w.u :Jn l'ld YHt~·s Sftt'(h WU vrrv1ru.p1r;tio:u!: &s1,ns.ald f-or l'itlr !\ht 1·N: nosunp,. B.1,:r.1 >.11k3 !t wu a ~ tum out. "Wt hi-:! !O stilts at tilt ,b.lnqutt anJ on'v !Ji:tt WPrt!l't :UIM." \hf~"01N1ll, 1t-o~t a h1Jndrtd r--o1Xt nmr to out ('vtnt> comt..nl'd.• Ba.s!t"n ~i,1 Womrn 1 H1uor.· Month 1, ~f\'OU:l unpor..11,t to lier ar.d •,rr wro111f\• \.lst<:n. ·w, hop(' to nns1 nmrt' Wo!TM'n·~ n cnu; In 11\f huu~: shr s.:ald lllrltfrta.1 """-..-•1...,. - - fl,y,.11\>J<:\'


IV(ll!N~-bt,rt. (a,;~Mf!\......Sbtthh

100..,._ ,tuoN:,,i:k,ku., -..,-,,,....

~ ~ ~ . . . , . , . . . ~ • ( "f'o:l(lf,HV...





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K:.:~,..r...,wk ll.Y) I•, ~ t~t con ;u 11e• Ct' o1 'w 'ood ~!Jets such~ <':t:•,(i-r f-.:pr• ,, !.ltCL..~ he doc.., :')nt arAil\ . f,:.,, li,:e ~U('lltiog. ('°,"<:- ~;., J. n:~ fn.1 ~erta:n if., :•ur,1Dt.$ ·r, be " "rt •PpN l!nR... , ot

mar., ~-.J:IC'!'I!!>, 1 C,'.( d at ,'•:' :h,. r.t-'" •.a~, i\.AA1 t>til..!on , •~. -:-k !ht fo:vld 1~ ~;,,id al')j l'ftl r~;i•;\ h 2i)~\ tl\2• 'A t J ' t u --1n11 • ,.:.... ·• •,, .... - -.·•-bo):l--.l:tl


o!ll't • l ..~1'!('$!,

cr,.v, hue r:":O'ltd

,} .:M!,•:e-• 1•,.a, t1t ::ier s.ar :!'w.d

~"l i ~an'·{ bv ro:n•mttrnj). a i:I~}' ~ w,1··~ •J! ).l,1(', ic, ttw ct,'l(E'n llfi:';2n1 /CtKr. ." \ ,rnrr.-i \~al•l>' I'' f..laithtw M.i,·n ~•j ·,\JI ,,! t!'le p<1:it, from

"\ 1:.,'t',,"',c', .\11kr:,C.E'Ul:)('1:

t:~ ~"l-,\- t T'lrt::r.:i, ~'): t",t,': Y,l,'fl


~!':ll;"' .ir ,1.! fi:illt v '(',.,'nt'S O,;\ [Ot~,c

lorir,·:, t;.i, i~ t : $.i,'ld ~t1Q?tn,f"1;.,:r,,1.~,,•,'


iri \

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ma:-,; ,:.,!Ynb rlt·:r i~d a cc t ,1i<e tr:, YMw.ct.c:,,- ...a,,:i

o~..i.,on fo,

M Jk <' ~ f.lMl l'l('lnt)' !Of

a ln

w1!J 1'0 to

CO~!J"IJ~l'i' ;:i:{'ur,t, t!'i-(' .! t 'J..\!t.t""~••

\\ t'J,t>;.i.l, ,~e .?ith

~:J h,1, 'l l • m"'-'· • fr,.._,,"::-..,n tr m•,, , -.~!"Ur..c•· t,ri. • 11>cy U'! rt .it,\' ~"'">Gr,al:. t • "I·": ' I'!" :nc..'.h o: M.tc!\. rwo·

'h ,i r,1:, 1 ~e Ale ,~1 Wrt.hJl.i U):rntv"

LocAL Bors

__.,,,.__,..,,,._.,, ,.,., f'c-"~, _....__.... The


rtf'r ~,. ;:•• ,,,.,,.,• ;,

.... .



lt"t"', r-.he ~ wa> or•pr.11ly a P'•;>1::u tr\:,,·a:11 d ,a1,on ttlt h:o! (r..,.\t , t 1.t i"na.''\" , •1;· 1i"d lra."1,h1:,

Co,-.e,, Of'-efl'IP ' ~ ,.: ;,1

ll PofkwO)'





!fflM Wh.tt

h~v.-• "'(lf""ld ,,:u,'l)ffir/ ~ tv!Ct and ROOj food,' ~n\Ul'I ,;aid -'v.tme

nna11v announcrd that u w,s .:om•

:,ta·:\ ~: .dt't::\i•, lhr,llrlf abol;l the


O?-'mn~ LtcaLJs-r they u1mr lrom ·~• 1),1 h) I<"" \ ',wth Jr• a ,q1rr,· th•· ·r,:.,1r•·t d•a1,,:,ar·.. nd.Jfll - :;: J ' •' •X(.'.l I ' c> (n;'l{" :,. th"

Geat Nllectlo!\ c,eat prlCef. end b e l t ~ aerYlce In Wichita

Backdoor To Broad_ way

-1 llon·1 ~n out 10 u: much. bu: r I f had Mlme plaCl~S

p:~cl'"\ ue ,ied1um, but o,·cral! its 11,o oJ l:erC' • l)l'l,f.;1lf 'ht ,hKkf'll hypo-. some st:.iaen::. ,111! ·,v.in1 to ~t othl"'r popu!.1r utttirs hrou.i,&11 to W1et:1ta

'J".-1r,_. • ~, ~" ~-• " 'h• UH,. ~I A ~-a: "l ·t .,,,,J,') n I' lhl ,·;;i:.- ,,: lt'X ~- \,Id/ 'l[ ·~ l'e,4!, l'I\ f )(•:H,IIYl i';;,:., lt ',t,·•,,·.-.• "Ar !hi\ pn;nt. 'h(' ,:, i •, , (' 1 11 ~ •• id 1<JJJ!••r OJ:.- n

- " ,, ri•,"l d R·: ll'·, f\P,( } !)..tau"·

]I h.15 D:1<-ktl rhat lS on potn!,~ Ku runwunt»:d Dui'.\ ,n Wi<:hna

5et a Souper c;.Jad

f-aJ, ~(aJse ·t'~rt

.ilfv ~ t()Qd ,rnd mv Clad 1ore-s 11.• )l)rr,~• \{t.denh

na:,\'f iO w ~hiU

f ali, ~pprt'm!t' t'lc rt' C"nl Jew lop 1111•:,t, m thr to,,'!' ~ re:aur ,rn; 0u,1

rr~, - W1d11u I ,.Ji\ na~ WJ\' rn0re rr:,1auunt) ar,,j a hette1 •1a:a·r; than :tw; lla,j 'm :nanv vrars." w1,:! I tmu111 • P-tnuY. I W"14 up htrt Jn.J haw <,t>,•n \',':ch11a !-J1!) w11h ,,u1 ;im· nrw (•,:auunt, fnr \'t>~r-. I W(•:1 ! c,1rrrJ.1in atx.1u1 the Jmoum

h Cl't>! \ ','~_,•:,

• ·,·

rm:n~ ~• -it·.\ •,~ • ,

~~:~:~~,~::,~,.A;,·:· l ,,.ldr.,r1~ fit-\., u: - ,·.: f • \', h.li,n· wn n-t,} •



p•c. ('1.1, 1• ·:l~1!·

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V."'ltt ' t• ' e JpK! ff\ ~ 0 ,1 ; 'u\",SJ''

"'1Un3 m 1~, r· •;:.•r-,


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mi N~1:f11.b :t•'l Y••r I

~;~~~I 7~~;:~.~~\:;~=~~•• ~

fa,,11\'a• ,\~!, ►i\~•n·· ~

THE BEST TIME YDIIU HAVE IN WICHITA FAUS! olit>r ·, .,,p,,,ne !hi'

Jft 1J•l


'"'llt'f"'!t. d,1r,r1.,, •nd l)l'•tormeri.

oµpo•t,,,,,,~ to tr.1,n ,r, ar ,.,,,.,..,.,,y locu-.<.>d l


p,,...,.,..,.. ",, ope,n 10 <tld•v<fl,,.11\ w,tl-i any ll'Yt>I ol \lo"I and



or•"'"" -:,nN'I

u•;~u• u ~, .

')ludPn!, \lf,!I a t h'-l'ld ch.illen11"',: arM\\ s1n,11,n1 ill'!d dJn<" cl,1~\.l•\ 10 11'.'.l•n l hl.' ar! ol pprlorm,ni !,w,, and part,r,o.,t <' ,r n,,1,1er <la,«-, ,1 r,d W')tk\h()p\ V1>th Thi"


r '



Bowling event, planned by UP~

d,,1,....>1 ,, ., ..... .,,.. ,111 tl•t>-lf •l'


wOr~,nr. ••cit bv "di'

Tl r \ "" ''"' '"",11•~ r,o,:• ~m •\ (')"fJ'",-i ) f ) ll';lMJI(' \1,.id'l\

w,1t·- P "1•'.~ Jr ~1.J"- "' .1 nu•Tu< ,..~ ""Y"l'"mf'nl


.,+ . ,,.,,.,r:r1r •!">~ n,, --/'•.tn' w,11 ~"'~" ""

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,n(JH{'I0J'l•!"\d11di.,J'\ •rnd~tJ Of "'-l'Y Ir d c,f \ !udy (JlJ,.,.,


- , ••

~ .:


Comf'r Of Sh•ppud Acc.ess Ro..d a otd Iowa Part Road EXIT 10 CW'f 1·44 - 940. 761.9099

KQCKS Liquor.Beer.Wine Happy Hour Largest

10-z·-orr LiterS of Liquor

& ALL Wines



Selection of liquor. beer, and wine in town

Wine & Liquor Tasting Saturdays 3 p.m. - 6 p.rn. 1




1-Wl~ l!.>ml ii!\ ·11~/l ~ ,. ·• Ar~I J lrol'"l ll t ~ ' • •

,o~ ,.r1bo.,.,:


f-nr mcrt :cfr,-r.a· - •



Join the UPB I marketing teaBl

Wl\~/,~(:~::;r,~r~-;: ~

.t ,

Ull'l'<ll !nt,.lf ' •1 '!, •

:htUPSi!'f', . :•l- ~,~·


I\ 411m 1n ~ }U f 'r !ht ri,n • n1. ,.,,,,

Mvlltlll Thtiitrl'> St ud ,o ~r, j , 1-i.. Actln1 Studio t ,1," ')1 ,d v ofto>11 ,l



(,ro1t1'tk.lr vr,:.,C"r'· • lxwic;:•mtnt •rJ ri- -·•'lo. h ardat.o•.1·1w,•1 l , ,.

( ..i1.l v

/JIIH'lllll3d /JIii' #t'IM/1/1 /~

,ndi,,t•~ ~ ""IO)I fl.'>pe,<led OrOJdw,l~ and Tpl,v,\1(,n

orof,.~"o,•.11, Uu,,ng !ht (Ov•w n• th(' uroA••m p-1rt,r,p.,,.t, w1+1 ,,.f,np ,1nd prrlo,,.... lllr1'1,on pot"(I!'', ,Jnd


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fhl' A,.,irtd"O' !O 8ro,1dway SummN Th<.>at •tt P•o.:ro11m


Sin fror1 - nrt' '.~~, 1·~- ~- -. J :Mb\' ' ilJ,'lii>,:..c ·, ,•r. . 1•01,•,,1•1-t cr. .,r·r-, A.a,


•·111, ··. , if'\41.Ur.15W"



pc~!:'lf'ofn:ldhll't •l.> •


· 1d 11kt" in


Doi ATM.ON am

nrianrn1l man~1tt-mem. said rven 1hm..iid'i ~1:1" d,c~ nor i'ilt out m1.1ch, \he ha, !ourt,1 !oc,I dmini 10 be

The W,ch11.a) ,111, lo..J:R•~ ,s t•nP of the 1\1"): of do/en:, ui iOl'a' tun\ ort~,r..:1 ,n lf>.a5 bt\,,11,q- nf tht


·suo HI f CT l lrG t:N IIOCK & KrY,TON r 11(, HT 1/2 M RRFll Kf.G S, - $?3 PLIJ... 1AX''

~-•MY• could

1r(l:,1 01 1r,,m.· ,\lavr.,a"l

mi bick .0 \\'1lhJta I .all~~


Radiology , student selecti for leadership; program

( 'J)torr:r•fntr1d\v

m, n, ~o'.lt>;tf ~•uJr,,s A ;,npclar rn1a1:r•nt m thP wo•t:..-; h•\ thr ca:u ptb b.izz1n1:, ,1>,.t,1 ch,c,tn. • Mv tav,:mw p!acr "' 1tr1 l•"!Od 1, Ohl ti! .\, - s.>1d music .... ra(); Lnrtl-.1



:1 1:1;,,,r!(/I)


bl>1~,11. •i'1+:: 'u l,tar • l1r1lr .1t1,u! rt-,rir da"; ob 'AP makr 1:11• ~md AtehP\ ,n

1m1R 11rne comm,: oi;en 1r.~ h~ !a'tn annc•pa'"1 bv M"I\I \' 1.:k 1:!:, ~ln\t th,• nm:M!o S'Jrll'11


been In town!

·,\!\ ri•,ornc rir1 ..: t~, ,ob b gemn~ •o ta•~ It• rhr cu~:c'T'l'I") and

t t,,:,;in1t · l've t,i:Pr1 ·1,1_,(Jr,11,:o-A'dr>1 :o th~ t l'SIIIJJ'.lnt S!:'t<'.(' tttoh• tht')'

YOUI.PAKIY ~ l'<la: OOMlmcANDSnaAI.TYllas

/orge,t selection of craff/lmparted

mim l l•1t~\lll rr(en·,r,1.-,;

,""•I I ll<.'f'

,:c .r-, t, 1 ,,, ",,





,,...,.t 8, ..,•~...«ll •ft ...,._...ru..,

cn:y f,1r thN •ooc, t..:: aoc, c«• IM


•.•.1·,•,.•· t


Ct11ck-h1,.. which II IIM1r COIIStrvcli. . ' " ..... llvd, Is Ont of''" -nv 1ntau11111 c ht1n1 lhet siu4• nll .,,_c-,n life.

\11:ri,.•~ !a1 1~ t.n ~·.cr.l' re !l•1:-a~·, ,,,-:-·1, ·,•t~i:·. J.(,CJ' <'~ :·ra· '.!SI ' aM m•n\' ,.,.;ta•1~ar:i i· .ui r,t"t" Cf'U!-s.t , ·

.... ,

•p'l'"••·· It~ " r "'"· I• ,·, , "- ,...,~ r·!





~(;T'':('H'1 ,\1;>l,fl •

' < 4. r ~,rk 'l',:I nr MM!r'd \'i::wn , '!',C Al •h~

11 ,,


.., .... .

.., ,flt' ••

•rdr,,.:, •·,1r111t:..rJi~ ·••Jr.ir '\ 1t,,11 •cmm1 ·~m of homt ! ,· r- t r\ H, · ~"''~ o,rv;(' 1 · \\y /i\"'1T,T :,ew r~ti ,um 111




,ulh•,;,· \',. :, 11 •,.~ ,,wl T•~t1~t ~ ~''."; .\ \~I 1, n,,1rn:, hkt ! he rl'~

,:r,.:;•r,1 c~-::pu,

'll• :·~-

r,r •'

lo <'?('1 l {I( nur M 1dWl'l! tr !-:ale 11'11Hl'\Jl\ t'f f AU\t ,•ur

t:J•,••t'>I> ~u1 l'\,r,

1 r ~1 .\t• l·t., ,

"i' :-i:, ·t: / •


nr·:-1;•J•,", t• \f:<)~ •'W~ilt l,1, 1 ,,,., 1,'•T'r," I 111 , (:'\,l',' · 11 .\·, '.tilt:;•;,, fur &,t <omp,m

~ t~~ ~ i:k 940.696.9229 rax 940.322.3672 ~•;,;~';".\.Y~.!'-~'i:~:

Faith retreat , welcomes new( 1 members l r ..•r. 1•·!n a\~ \I.\A, ,·, rr ,;-,,. • ·, · ~; :tr 1 1'h ·", ,- , rt1r 1 r L,

t1 J' . ~1? • ,.. .. • .~r ~,, 1 L. ~,.•· . ,:,, J~• •,

,r ' ·J • ·.

·.... ,.,, f,,•• ,.,

ln the Ma1th 6 An 8rtQ'

S\l f

N a ~ rrJdtr ,,;, '

·su !t 1ac,..tfy •.,1".~ · otrnr" or1 P1c, J l't) ,·•

:Vohm:,,·i ~~·~:;1~•;~":i ::·:·,::: ,. .·. ._P_..,,1· ~· ·, i:iu:re .. \ ' ti:lwJ>::.~

• ··

llHt?O•C''•-·..-1.- ·r, '1 uiarv arJ~,r, J.1·, - · ' 1ul\ e1-,p,"\ t 1•,' r• wl'l,rh


GC"t'• ,: '. ~, ,

1h1S41i"tl 'l:,-,,.,,,•· emo•o1e~

The l'J r ~ T tr



'.i-.-, ).• 1 , i..



._,r:r· r t t'IC fflh

.fl,,,.. ,.. 1 ,1>r n,ii., wa:k

.''! 1:;, ..,,, h.'U'"l :hr Ro,c-)\t,.t'' ,-. ,r.;·r 1 Ttv"''1 '"''''"'•\' WO• .•• r w-i.':.l


;,~:• \\j°V'-4 ,, fn'.

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tft.i'~' k 11 '",J rr~.lt


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~Mtr•11 tw.iltl(.l1'1,(' ~ 1


~1,.-r ·, Sl',

:or tt... SI., U0

ff cf!I' '."!lU' ...-flt 1bt•~·r Aprl! I I,. t.:it·'ti'1-. "

12u,l •JMtt

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,s•tll t.i ,r-...oi:!1lJe,, ,:uru 0 , t·,.~Pr< uft t.!~-,o;,; r H1»1



OtnJ:, t<>Uk c,i.~.

"I'm always I.earning because criminal j ustice is alwayf changing."

"I've le,mud that anyone is capable o[ being II criminal.




"1he dead are still people too, and / jmt want to give them a voice. n

"/ will be helping to make the community a better and safer place, and to me that is wry rew11r'di11g."





-- L

. t ~ l <~M:..ft:'.l!)(r ', D<~r..11 .lM llM.svtlb!t hr'J 1 r;: Wm1m Wd. i •t...,tXh~-ir,;,tr.d :,r.·11>aw tot,,,-i<trtan o~~p.rrM•hi:

,t,.,., w,..r..dtn.·up cti1 11.t~ • lie-. ou t'(IJl"p,"t, W!ntrn Yid I W WU v.J? t.rr1<1W !:.t

THE GUARDS' PERSPECTIVE "ON THE INSIDE" 'rr m!Y.I' M:ccp1:r,t (,( 11 -~ IONJ:11


. "h1!\ b:c,wn xct;:1u11;t 11

•loflg,n·, r•r,-..,,,.., • A rt'ttl> ( :.i •I: TIJ'lm rj/JJ

','Mrn,1ay ,r 1230 p.'Tl ,YO'. ( ro ,ur=i1 \Vln•~n t'p!'tlmlr1ffl i'lff, Pll!I~

r o1 i•Wb: lt' tn1 • 31Ak,

usiness Career ir gives tu dents pe·in future ployment

Criminaljustice students preserve, protect and defend • tllY Pov.'tT', I li>rtr.l'r .-:onte'1•1~\ (/f.c.,r ) ~ ) a' :ht b,mt\ V AllrM lln.'...)(,&:~ rot.Ir milh nor"h'Nf"' o! Wid'J'• hJ:\ ~ptnr


1)..1'-,:tt ;_;0J1:~•M l)N.,&UW'

~ .U.·i1I\ 'I) ? :,t' r,t-N ,1:,d U' ',) lff"'." ((l~~-w 1n·I

ilti"f :oi\1.d .tCatl"t'I - ·, ,. ,, xt·n,; ,o-',e,t .. : rr; •,· Afa-., • .i :f'Frt ~ 1. . ! Sr~•rv.~ ~t •Jt

12 hours ,1 dav /or \.IX ;r1,-,; ,urmun1N ty murd"l'l'rs, I.hie,.., , 111!11•p~, "I've hJ.1 t'l1'f,' body Cw:J ,. fffMl fl!, ~(' :!l rv-ry u;rntm,11,,>r..· !',,wr;, ,...11 · t ' -•mi: inR. • as 11 t) c1t.rJ ,11 pr \.()fl imf,O. ·\ • ~0111 mo:: uecuntncc M:rl ,, 11suaJ1;•a form of !'etlh 1 uon a9.,1ms: ,rn orr~rr wti1J 1n ir.matr f('h !-,d wrongt d them . Onc o! 787 ' t :rir.· J'fttrh, P1J11,.:s w,Ni 1 alon, 111m1mia1mr.p orJ .,1 at 1he :ix(1r-iJ l'n '.f! ,·unty unit. hou-in11 wmt 3,r,(}() J j 1r,, ntt\ o lfr~dm A.\ v.•~ri anv y,b, bt1r~'. .i i:•mr.:1,llf') offi<tr. ont ol 1,h< ;01cn11~. ~)! . r,: jll'.1:bi·~ of w ,rim1r.1J J!i-\hCt' p1~~rr. tat- c!,J;ltnit t), 1nclud.r.J.. •1' J!•r.11 w ··. rnJ'r--. ...-,:>u,~,~ with o:htr J'Jl'lh, a"J r.,,;,,-,,.._r; ;:,o.. ~ 1 i)f"(.,, (~,;il'Hii '"" all'.' ; ~

d ;




itu1en~ w 1uld dt; ,1 ·'- or tnr t ~. al'\d ttlt'V r.. J n11X"J ,... Hr:, ..!,.)tit Wht':ld or !IOI :ri, u; . .-c,•h· r·rran:-1 ihr :n :or ,...,,.:; ~~ •.-.,1h CJ 111'\-"1-

·t~.ll°'' :;it,,n -.., '.}-,fl !O dn wt,~r. rte) ~tr :J', .l"ld ~v-,.•

• \jy ('O•if'M ~llo. ,\ OIi ,JIO'"'" It h.ll

· o lO:mu11•r 01., •. Aho




,~:. ·-'.


f('tt/>\ I




,· ;.1•! ..-11' -~•"t. ,·r,·1 -r. :.-11 A ~

Lnl( •owud1 a e.trttr in

rnior.. ~1 IN' uualKl"t)

'-' J:-.! COf',tTI'IIIIVTOf't


,an·,.- ,._: lh~I \",J)h

: :!.~:~~:c~:;J~

Ntitf'f' cr,rr,n,11, 4:t 1ryir.l\ ·omtn.1~1,·a·" .. t)(lr,'1tru,: r.hr m lh-r,·

Criminal Justice

Tll" (



rnjt Audtm•· l\ I 1"1l!""d

fo.Jtm'l"llh lt.l1r111i ;,1,1 ~m :ha' 1,.,c;,~ ,,•"J~1 r, about

l' ,'t'TC<Lf.Ofll 1.l'll'l

mt.mla'..:1,n tki)l· w,rh ,,f lrn .lc:r-. a• 1 .,h•,. u ~1 '1('





t1lkrnr c,m ·1 :r)(l, w• ·tir \'1 .,, n c:J•r.tnu


TIIUl,fll' f• b !•J"'Y•!,t lt'• ).!IUaU,Jl,

My,tf) !~.d · 1 t111•«1 c·:...,mP, • k"C more and 1.ailk1n_11. '•kt' .tn 1~rr1tP I "~!O'f l\j!)lt1n1-1. 1 lot cnm:nal eiC'ment to 'IPl'f 11 rnme ln, t whl: II IAtt"( . ·on dav-; I wo•;.,, I IM•'1 .hll\"t' ~ ptrson•I In mr, bUI ro! 1.M life, bJt :I dcflr.,;1 i-,· UU'I('\ <!'r!,~ Ill . T(']i!,\IOn 1'1.. ;m t•l!t>n:h!i Wlil 11!~ ~hrp 1, .:h•n~ s rou Yc,u llflome highly i g ; <Mnc:~ a~m~t (IJhct'r... ilfn~IH" fo3•, Ntl\ ~••t ,r W M de, th1:. ,otJ lnmm.., <rn !t 1mpro hi\'(' \·J~h 1. l1.11n w,.•iH' ••:,-.. lll:ll {.oJy M.c .,.1~,1 ,., ,, ~P<lfl\ :;n..wn ,b f .artn\'. a 'hr•'" -.rM vcn, ra1 ~ip,il3t•on o1f.cer ·,nar,,t.,,·w•1o1llf ~ lor r.-.,.,,.,,r, \WI, Ii.\\'• Iv !UVf work ii ~1at:b1r,i!, mou,,~ but c.in work a,, J horn,••' hvna. }'oU un't bt i 005-~ ,l'~ l,t IJSt'1 \IUhm,i!,. in h(lm• and ll hu~t-,r,rt ~n,1 fathtr al work. lht-t lt-thai t"fl"illlOm un lhal .ran•,l,<11\ I\ ('Uf1,l] t 1• m~• 11,,:n anyttm;g. ·1 -.tJW.l~ywhnm.ite THE c,UMINAl JUSTICE PIIIOGI\AM .i -h,mlt 0 111 l'f I 11t!, Dtb '-he. r. '1P:tr.n ,1111 ht ""' n..t 11,orr tnrou£)1 wmi. 11 d ht uoun,J lht

lncksdes 5iteh pnnc1ptes IS democracy, ,ult ol ltw. const1tu1101ullsm, cMI l,ben,u. and the sale9u11d1ng ol crtuens 1garns1 1n1Jm1dat10n and opprt ut0n Provides sludents wi1h !he opponunitv and nsi"ance 10 • cquire tnowtedge ol the roles of pohcmo, courts, laws, COrtl!CllOOS. end 1ntern111on11 1th111s as they contribute 10 soc11I order

.i,-r .aJrr.•')l a1•1o·,ay,ttr,1r1tto S:tl thtl r w,lv," '-.1(tr., ~1-'

o'fc,~ 1l ,.1,.,;lP



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NATHAN MORAN, associate professor and chair of the criminal justic~ department: "We do indeed produce highly employable de• gree candidates. The Criminal Justice System •• the largest employer ,n the world, let alone the U.S. We are high demand field, with salaries increasing as the demand tor degreed people increases:

Art~ &[ntmtainm~nt

6 Rappe r matures on sophomore effort

Bar set high .b~ season premier Game of 171 rones fans excited for season of high stakes


tonk p!,1ee UK~t.

upstts Robb&n1 adQ11"11, to lht i!,~

fiHY i;f the N,)l'lh, Llnn1Slt'l'5.

11 btcome, at


Just tJx>ut

,.1011 . .~l,ltll',,l!hfl"O IIIM hlloW1ft1 th. SHIH ln1l1 ol U11 W1lklttg 0114 fans ol ltle 1how •G11111 ot Tlttollff• on HIID wait to watch thl ,remm• of Maon llwN Thay 1an II 1h1 11l1v11lon sc~1n, w11tl111 tar tht lftOw II HwnlOld Ola lo ltc:lmictl d1fficuhiet, IM 1h0Wi119 ol lhe p11ml111 wn moved lrom Shlwn,t 1h..11r to lhl Sund111c1 Ap,nmtnts.

.,ttt~ 1l'lolvma ..

'fltlN~ df!lf'n:511'1' of tht ·~ngl't ~!'4 Odd fc;U't Coatttift' 9Tu:: t• ll ar, lbit1rcl!¥ , JI\ inc-~, gt,l\rR lat' m,'l'!ti

,.,.,..,. ,n~'l&I



lN Ind I


thllr,.ru.1() urta,;~l:!Uf ~

Th<Mrt~ ::-,,w. ~


h TVltr shc!.ws

ptlK.W-· !.irshxkm f.~

UPB hosts Walking Dead watch party for season threefi11ale

ftlO!'Ol»IC ~t;.a,.:,15 ~

W-}p1tA1,'t II ln ;ab','.'!' \o Mrt OlllfKi.:tNC tiai•!fITT'aM • ·~t• r,1,DfflMI St~'lely.'

OddF tuff''Sllldti 111\11 '-¥1L'l ~ 1m ffllCT gU~ Nt'

!'i1Ul#, lrom tht ''U.I ~

' IA tl!S



Watch party provides new experience to fans ~



itv Propamm1op.


f'~tnt detpJ for


Su · J

lndie rocker cleans up lo-fi sound

PIJ!, zomb\.; apocalyp!K Wofld SIW

t1llnng 01 1deo1~. II provldl"S people lnp, lilt ~fur.es ot S\llVJVOF$ from !he who share tht ,.unf attrictlo11$ AUant.l u~a f'llf SUl"VlVOl"S \lfllfU!lt and past1mn thr opponumty to to nno humanit-. tert ,n thf'lr work! W11Cf'I l~ther ff'lf a iue;iter rfll "' f.annJ n,~ ol .!lnaili from tion When somebodr di('!, u1m"s oot only zomb!t\, but other survl 11 choM of tmoMn. lt"s the same


ttftcl ul Nhlll someruic wOtlld Rtl If Ba,!ey llt~\. a -enJ()r in rnm1na1 they Wf'rf' at lilt' !TIOVII?" thf311?"f with and .1. l!F-8 a wnup ol turn,Js.

j\l,.<,IJ<e ar1J v.idol(~

t m10ymen1 o all studti111: ~s:sml'mbfr, said. ~11\ Just a frt~klng Br.id Morrlli, a 1t11du.Jitl' s1udent 1r: •1•T"C~~. !ah ~amPQ),. On March 31, t1!t tJPS hoi;.1td il waicb r.l")' ilWtWmr ~how and v;e all got rt In history who a!1ertdN the >Nat...h ally Sr_.wnet lltNtrr [or thf' popu the uc11ed Wht'r1 we heard that pal'lY, s;i,1d, "I lll(e 1.ht> chara.:.ter dy lhm1 suson wa.~ ,-otn~ 10 \how ramu:s and I think a kit of people tfli strlb. ·Toe \\all~ ',\!ule ~hOol Wb ln )t~ton. II\ tniov the :iocia! asptets of lht i.hoW De.iii • wher(' 'ho!'Y play(d lht• R"il •)(lrnethtnp, a lot ol peop '- have 111 In thll :-how lht'y ch.llltnge 1ne ~ M ~ . t,clow1?d by tt,f' tniett'Sl m and 11 gJ\'CS. other ~hi chuac.mi.. fl i the kind of thin~ .J. w: !lter Pff'J111f're o/ ·vam, of rl<'nts a chance 10 uy ~mclhlng where you don"t knO\\ who is ao """'-" nrw Wltf'lout btlOR 1nUm1datl'd.• Ing to die nt>XI Thr'{re !'IOI tfraid IO Tanrwt 5-ndr~ a freshnun ltl B«aUS(: ol thP 1ucces.s of lhe kill off a c.hamtP• and that crea1e1 ~ low t,ud#t'no bud .s.hq# and the schtdullnp, of lht lat a good a1mr,,spttere lot pt0p!t! 10 gt- Cl~"ma:!. of UPI', m ~ the ~ semn, lfle UPB h~ ~n ablP talk abOut 11 You p:! to oWrv, the ,n.k,h r;er.tl lha; t.lke plkr Ht to hOSI: Wltch partltl, lhrougtlOllt sboC:k and awe factor when somt M'j~ othtr boa:-d mtn:bffl: dKidl!d thl' :.eason rvr s1udents, aJwa.% tor t.tunggoesdown." >n a.inn,. ·111t W11'\mg Dtw~ for lrtt with door pnzes for premiers All tvcnts hostedtt, !ht UPB m t.nr c.oinmor. m'ertsC. of Ult' !.'low ilnd 6na~ rree and offm·d to eV?ry student. Wo',V1r-g wittun the tilr!IJ>l..11. ·There are so many d1ffermt "It gives yr.,u somelhlng to do •1· ~• zomt,n and gurti. It'~ J110Ups or people. HonestJy. not ev Srndents pay all these fees and thtV ..t me ,\,Tflr..c.in dream: Sander.. erybOdy IS int~ watching q,on:s or don l rea.hu that pan of that got$ sa ,j An1 theft\ frft puj)Ci.)m • bell11t m (,reek Lie 11 ~ 1mporunt 10 to tht UPS budget We hc»t 1hcse T ',\;illung Pead n,-.;t ail?d h.lve a variety of thio~ th.a: rw:h fun liHlt' acuv1treS lot peQple to do 0 •~ of 2010 illld hu no-.i. JUI to evttyOM on campus and as our way to give bac.k to !he SW· ruche1 more 1han 1i, mllhon VJew have nobody fl'fling k'ft out.· H~ denu." Sanders sakl k,ed vn tif ,;omk book ~nes ol' the s.mt name, ·The Walking Sl\Ows llke ~The Walkl.ng Dtad~ Dtad a f'IJmr -..ent$ about a illOw for group commentJng and




H ,~ts,







lor.nullfl;cd-,:, ~, ...,,.ofUJI llac.h

•nvont woold


itw. pomt 111 U';t

t.lustplSOdtw• ,..

aw« that JOf <UY, I> 1 ~ng any!OOst •1>bf:'<, rune but fans of the htr senes ,e-w,n while PfllT4.!

Gun~ of Thrones woo.Id ien 'f{IU lenl found1Uon I,),,~

th~! 301 <kys reeia: mort U,:e an lM epic bittits ~, ettmlty ,i,; mUlions of o~ed WIOlt$S Wll,~ lhl....., ~a sptn1 .an .igont.Wli IO months eaRfrly awaiung mor<' uon IS s1.1ndard f<f tr!i.Vl+'Wff llltfftlic epioda 10 relieve tllell to some powelf~ !f)P\S or acute Westeos wllh DOlilbly tht he.ii·~


dr.l~~rjly the re1 urn of HBO's tween TlrioD I.a~, .clapt•uoo ol Georp,t R. R. Mar faUler Tywm. Of COUl"St' HBO .. un'l beSt ~Jllng 1anwv $tries A Song of let ami Fire bHuufully doing, it.s rend 10ft ::c' bridged tile painful gap ~ cween of Ice and flll!' 11' se~ns two and three so well It tl'ley lefl out Ill! Ii,. letls Uke we never left the mas are ll't'ated to 1 ~ reaiurtnl{ Dm~ slve ·world to btglll with. Thin~ pick back up nght now much bi.,- t~ whl'~ rhey ltfl off m Ult' fin!le d11!(0ns, accura1,, of ~ n two as. we see ~mwell th< pa,sap of li!oel> Tarlv, the mo--t cowardly mem wt last saw them bf:r of r.he N1ght'l Watch, nearly II needs 10 bt bllt the d'J)I (I mean snow] at CG m te!•vt.won ~4 the hands ot a White W.11ker. de111Js our ltnagir..:.,,c_ for tlle uru.n.Jllated. lhe Whne pearlng so obvlous!ra;Wilke."! arc essen112l~f il horde i.--ast with the~~~· of zombies bent oo spreading but boy are thest '"'~ !Cy de-3:lh w everyone and every era1f<I bt'asts- Im~:;, lhlnR W!th ~ pul$e Yeah, Wtnler Thev're dowr.• tv IS deHnlle}y comw.. accually, wf'11Cl'l f<>A.fm that we stay In r.ht nonh hOf)eS ror their t.a.,..., to SH hOW the re<ently Clptllfed Jon Snow is famng, as he at lrs s.afe to say thr temptS to cr:;vince the k'ader of how good !ISi Sundr lhC Wlldflll~ that he shOuld let or Game ol Throne: Jon r.lefect "1 tr.tir 51de, e'l"etb'lf"- 10 be, fa!\$ wett ~ ly be1r.1ym11; tus adopted brolhers be back m their fall~ of 1he N1gt,t's Watch choice Some olmou5 foreshadow Thinkfully - --i114"4. 1ng of the bud<UOp; relationship mglv at llus po11: btt·,;ten Snow al'ld M captor the fanwtic HBO Ygrtue ~ takes plact, tel.1111$ produced an amlll."6 viewl'f'S of anot.l\er Jove .tfaiI tlon to a !aS(ID &i1.tt1 sure to take place. bf' more thnUUtg UW. We also l>-tE' Robb SUrk and his army ~ they discover the rums ol H.-renha:I IDd fhf slaugtlrcr of Northerners that





f1".lfl," Paddatklitd

Despite the dangers. v..otking m ,demo!ly and pro'llde a !ht r,lison S','S!em ha.:, tis berK"n~ b.l~e upon which to bwl1 1 Wf!i'r There art' lauridrv servte~ ill"•llable •Qxnmunaoon Is key: wd for only SI a month. Shot lllmmg Piadack. · \\'e ~h lhat .uues. Uld bi~r $er,1ces are :also avail SM'J!d bt hndied in \he ll"MI te Ible lor oll\ctl'\. Low CUSIDd'/' lt'Yfl



1111-:tw .ut;,.t.b,ai\Td .l!ll!orffll lN!l)Clll111ttr atr.g~a,t&t)o lt.W~VVtt 'NtUJtoipo(. bft,,.,.lllvtb i cot,t tnlti!tiipbra lffl -1on A!rlld o! HriJtt ts. Whl ''°I llM- II

lr.1Ul"-f.~be ;r.;:lreltt'1

Slrll lvt l!n'llronrnPl!l, iTld glV-.? !ht mmattt can paruetp.11e in mechanle most ~ry 1twy ICJ.mih'\1'4 an ind wa I mgm1? ttpi1r couNS Mid handle. Sotnr c:rmlltiats can·1 hand 1e within 1hr pn!ian. and lhe offlce11.



tht1Nnt1rolAl(',ti,a1 n g r s ~ n"""I lhfb,-i?.IIMI Ut~Of,-.. ~! lf"ll

d •k~

Rapper's latest is a classic-worthy album H



ir-tu.,!.!t!O pv-


The Allred Unrt. all 320 acres ol rt. 1s located lo1.1r miles nonhwest ol W1ch1t1 falls on FM 369- North

A!hed, a ma1t-ofl1nder fec1~ty was estebllsh&d ,n June of 1995 cm t.1l'Padvan11geol lhewstrv1ces. Iht ''"nll '"least ttStnrtive tn· Heitded by current Senior '"lmuran« and ~tabll ty, lhll"!> Wtt nt could llmplV mtm tust rhe only rn~>n why I ~ta\'-~ W1rd1n Richard Walhen. Mc .aJ.tl.TIIJ t0 !be <lfendr". 0'1s t. somt C.1nhv uid ~k11r1e ll or not, l"ve the AUr1d unit. chm1f1ed es umrs ttft'cred to a_\ "vertal JJ.:dr1," really lf'.amt.'li how to ta.lk !O pwplP e malumum•secunty pnson, ,ui (' n~itnctt'le -.... owd !'i! ar,d get mv poim acr<N t;..e-uUM: of has• m1uumum capacity of q,,1r('net;~rylorce. working lhtre.3,722 mma1es, which greet "You ~.,., to be cmnforuble ly out-numbers Allr1d·s 787 ·Ttie lll': rfi:::s ltl' prttty aood.4 wtt, c.<mirollmi;: anothf: pe™>n • Power,, 1-11d •Yo11 tum secur11V employeas 1)1111:'nce, .!,lid P1.d:l.ck., '"nN bKa .!St TOU wrtal and problem sotvt:;~ will, • ha~i: .t t-111; ~iclt. but t«aw 11's wrll •~ muln mk.ing. You ~ 1end support. Thi' only thing !hey h1vt to your imndare. • 10 became ,:,me mm.a,~· role mod WfITT'f about IS \'.lllg upt,'" Powers hddacX said purus?lml!nt wa~ els, mentor-;, tYen preacne". • ..1; ne-cl>SW.l"Y u,d a mai0r pan C'lf ttu~ W•th1ng1rm $.l!d hl5 in1trt~t .ri laW" don·1 allow Mons. 10 gl'.'t rdla:i ltauvrproc~ climm.tl Just1~e came .ab(iu! b«:a~ http," Mccarthy Uld. Oftender:i do ~Pur. hn:':nt attd rth..bllilah('fl ht wantI'd to ht!p ptaple, (Jr ~roitct notqual1tv'for'>'.~entloans,fcderal w rJI{' same ,ntng.• Paddilck -.itd. propiein!IOm1cwav rmplrmn,m. and can·, tven 10m •Ttie•r goals are tht same. We dNfl Pn5{m svw•rrt offlc1J\s daun re the mll11ary Ul fflill'f c~ "That"s srnd Pf(lplf co pmon to ffiJi:.t :hem hat,11•t1C1n IS Ult'JT pnmlri ~I. why r.o manv go bac:t.,• McCarthy bel!t·r. Wr !,(''Id uiem 10 be pun bu the system m11V1t br work.tng said. 1sh1• all)Jl1.Sttt5Clf A loell progrtm, Wtl'd on the W,th approxin:.ate,y 250 ~tu "Some of lite ll\CYS lockt'd up com,r or 1300 10th S1. Wlchlta de! eotol!f>d m 1ht cnm nal 1us c1mt fr,im bad ne¢borhood Falls, i Teus, caltrd "A &Mge !~ck KC pro;,arn, PJdjack WU~ tNI whm v,,1,1 ha;e 10 t.arn mpect !O St1tcessr I! dc~tll;nt"d to htlp 1nd1 I.he pr.I .n nttds etblcal y ~ ,1,nd -:lo tad tnuigs 10 k:1¥~ 11 They vlduals wno daire to IP back mto ocr,r.c ~i'id ttw.• tt1i' ® Is no1 ;in havt' nt> prmpec;.s, no ~- so thtv tum to cnme. Wen, ihen they go ,o -A Bndr,t jS.uk tn Sum-s:sr IS Thtre iS :.o rrafa:s!on that can pr.IDtl and Rfl rrre hti!th c.m:, edu· de-slpi«t and structuted to bentlll io ore d~t> 1n 'IIC!fl\l than ail mlon. (<Jw-ts ar.d lf'r.al strvKc~. t nd th tnd1v!d1Jal pril.rt!Qpam wh,l (Ir U" nrr, 'Il l ~ Id n,.,,rt' nr.i rer,t and no child C@ vj qf'" and n,eai a ·h lpmR hand" (a


,.~mp.k>rto mMMIObti 'I

Allred Unit

.,_,,,," """ Allw ll'1ftR 11,ap·~,1


VJ:"anoi ,y tlir.itn:h N&sandATr \bf-f l!t40uwt!b. ami tretl ,. g tu,pht1(hl! rtal l::r<I 11111.1 ·old 11:hotr f'f'<111\- mnnt rlJI



..., '




bndgel over some troubled waters. the nickname "the ISl."li Accordmg to the m1S..\IOO sta.ttment, ofhcm. and offendetsd:i! ·Through an eigttl week, work tion wtthln the prtson etluc, pragmauc outreach program. ·JnEC&vouhavetoli! A Bndge [B.ck IO Sucrmj pto\"ldes VJOlence, but should tn \host wund pnnc1ples required of the situauon. Ad·Seg 1 ptrson~ who have a strong desire to ngtH knit chque and art (rt'J tStabJISh ~If back mto concor cal type peop1t: Ml't,~51 diTic.e with ill nrwty found produc don·t need peol)le ~kllls'tt. uve and personal and societal rela Ad·Seg houses m UW uonship.· tht.' worst lnmatn m /J THEALUIED UNIT

HoweYer, not alt cr!mm1aJ iustlce students get to work with mdiYldu .ib being re:hab1l1tated. Some choose 11> wori i.n msutuUons such as the ~ate pnson And tht Allred Unit loull'd 1un OU)Ude Wld\1ta Fall~ Allred's hOUSlnll Ulllb Include gener al populauon, admirumauvt segrt pbOfl and exp•ns1on cell block, also known as high security. The hous Ing units are stp.a.rated mto d1fferer11 b111ldmgs located acro$S the un11. lienml population hou1-n the vast ma10mv CJ/ olfende~. and Jn dud~ eight W:pame bwldlngT,, tach de iwuit~ 10 a spoon, custody ltvel. ·c...rneral popul•Mn 1s au about people ~kllh .nd trying trl defuse S1tuat1ons,~ Myers ~Id, which 1s even more crucial ~mce offender.. outnumbt"r offt,ers Oflken t.iJ.1 tf'ln; reluionstup •white- VS, Wr'f- bt:u.U5t' of lhe Colo~ OI unUorm~ Olftnrim wear white, ltld o1ncen wra; gey. hpiinslon cell block ha~ eamf'd

COllSldered too d ~

hou~ wnh otlm


only illoW!d one llout 11 However, only on, ~ out tn the rec ,ard 1111 hib a pull up bar aM hoop. Inmates IP Ad Sft foot outsJdl' unlll sen! bK. security or genrral P•l good behavtor Ad Se& LS not al.... il\"'S a pumsbmem In M'..1ii tmg ~nt to Ad~ pro mate·s ltfe ~pan "fiitcL a umn I.IM'd 10 des,:nbt • Uon of the pn.wn S\ an mmate WlU Ci1\i$€ even \ll()!f'ncr at nnl'l:'S. t'J

mM·Se$ Proonga:io,~ on Trial R.tnf mrlllW\ umes. Uld catdull$ OUl

awayt01!$Capeani!trd mmaie·,°"'1111te Thll> marupu1auon of·~ PtJt.sofficmfur'.hfflP'

~metlun!l,tudent5 ucee,:p.:,ct lt'sp,a.'1 '

THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAM: Four programs corrections, coutts, International criminal J~Slfce, law enforcement I


I Cnmmal Justice includes such pnne1pk democracy, rule of law, constftutionahsm, civil liberties, and the safeguarding of citizens against int1mfdation and oppression


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I'( WOUid !

I 1

Football open ' tryouts set for i April 6

r.tr nttn\ i:<>!I. n1r.n~ .Jif:d

,rid mn:'i u- 1 x ..mrr,, ~t :,am, t..1-.-t,U ,1ir 1 Yl~il ~'\ :tdtr',r;;,-d

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li IJ' tlt dltmlnT";. lM I !hri.:1),t " "# flNI i chu .:, iri d , ·xr~ \\r won C1J:-.!trtt)(t, .£M ,..,.,. N , n IJlt to-Jr :'l.t'Tltt-1 m A!!tr.. 100 I 'A U ,mJ 0, l <;,lrp(v.ttd whfr, wr d:i,r,pt<t tht

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~ O'N U'l<ll "\A ~!~

t,; .\ up

I.: I h·,,. a fl-.omu .s •Jtld'I ·o.,l-..llf tO'o\'alUI ;.,Yen rr.r. Vlfr.ttlr.~ I ~·a r gtl ~ q . 11J pta·,·-!',i Otfft' a!'!t• I'm quick,., ,r:,u, him z,a.1urmp w.th n:s l.lnt\kliop;y j (' rf"tl r,",v t,(l'~'I ir?~.!t ltlll Coll!.• p;t"r •11 !."t nu! !11• t1t 1-..~ ""-Y '!".ot ~~ CV"t, n.nr u <.,1;! ~ , ~unt::1f cr.;-...ri &m


OtH. fl)()

/ ; reshman's streak earns her LSC player award

c,n !lHt- .i ch•net IC £"1 (UNJ1trtd 10 mO\"t 10 IM NBA: Thorr.is s,ld.

· r h1~·, a friend In !Ar."any, alrttrA In RomJnt.) lust J IOI OI 1Jint m11 pu,cn ! WI~ talk,mR 1(1 !h(m J boul ll"r.r tt~fktlCf'C W how 11 .s llv r.~ In li 1 " tltnl ,t>t;ntr; .ari:1 ~V1n1t

>Or.mhmg I nope tru: I (Jn gtl oonr · trid V,lln ~ r .q it~nc" Imm· Nnm.urr.,.·htrth.lti, ~h rhom U , h( SAIJ ht

.\'11/ J IWJ0') tffl'tmbn


M time sp-nt .U ,1 M U\!illR, JJld

~~ ,-~l or ~'-' rr.m,:t .a~1 1ha·

rro:'~,O:'?Jlt}', t,likhll'f: W 1)1,\~ lni:U:llt.

1• 4 pJU.."lil, 111,ies t t'l)'ttl'ltr to srr,J ·o l:!.t',r,r:1 < 11:, n hf4'P'\ of bt".ni .i, und io j fft•1tr1 t1'ill'l\) \\'h, C :'vim&<. ._.IJ h • l.'~•.IJ


.o.,.,. r,Olhl."ltl m'V"t to rtlu:JI homt

1M ont ~r, p!ay ft'!" l"b Mrnt :awn l h!ug_o Bult- .n trc,-;1, 1}: ._,s h t r:,h ~..J ',1r-. ,. h-. ,,._, tflC JS n.,_"l. "IO'N 11'.t 1-..--j) lt'I r,;,f' .. ft ba.11 ~



p,m bt'f'ltr lk'<l;J,ng If i: ~

wo n h I.hf mor..-v Jn<I 11mf' 10 ln\O:SI

111 ~WIU\Mur,

•AAinst dlff('n'nl iCUVS- If\ dtlln.nt:Y


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"I kl·,t niv llmt h'1t ; Thom•~ ~Id · 18a..kttballl hu d>'fnitt/y bttii .11 b~n~ to mr. .ard It '-':I mt up to get my t'd1.1u1,on. lvtryon,t W bttn tflJ •uppon!~ Of mt, from r1eu1·y. to co.ct.e-. ,1:,j p!a\'tl'). Im tt,.J lh.a.,du! /Qr bt!'\A ,,1b'f to come

rm a-.d!~hm,c1rttt·

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1~.o(l>', " I'' · ••twr. 1 " , •.

Freshm an matches school history with perfect game

Ir., 'Tr~- J" :.c-.. •• J • ! ' ..,. '•

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/ Runners set I personal best at Texas Relays

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Women take second at tourney Arlington 1

tJ.,, ,1'


t.a:. k J'

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Softb.l/1 w,-on t!J \ 1.ibn off 1M 1hr 1n m

1c,~,•. COO'llf:R up





n"" •·r,r

1".1 tu" Al A.,,. .,



~::.:/:;-1;,.t, . /.:/': .~·: .·"

t,·:i.i:•,nr 1,rr1r,

Haley's performa11ce has played a key role in softball's success



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.1._., 1-1 RBI•

UHCht ,e,,,.tOM'ff,a.1 ,.,. , JM(Chff •1• 111111 lflt Ceftt,■I (1111,t. A ......_ l1HKllot Mtic,a. SM ,11c.11tt1 '-' 1b in.-.llf,._ tot 11 hib, sl• ,-,, four MSUwH 1ht llrfl H fN4 ,.... , _ ....... ... ~ M i l ... ,-.IW ..... , K ~ , - t , .I

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,,. . .......,


I, •

\'"'•'l<)ff' MU.Jt

,,.,, Football opentryouts Aprill


8 +ww;w



University should take a chance on baseball

Springfaotball game, at undecided location, April JJ 0 '"-ANOO 1'1..0IIH .JR S PORTS I OITO R


~i's~;~ ':~:': t~::c\:,:: t , =~~


,,.!Mki no,n "'


!hf m1mur.;i 10 y ~ l"lfl ,11nr U k h m.ii:lt bvdiN.-rtnt J:I 11\'t~ d -,~;ll.l!f lht> \l,l()l"'.s l.tnltr ..11U,!11.,':•< 1 un!ll the srrJn1t 2012 st h r;,~·f'r lt:J: I 1:·1,y a;-pft'(!.Ucd tl.iSf' tA!I f,v w~a, ll w~. I V. N l a\ l ,porb ltpCltltr at lhe .'ml<!'.< Rr ·ord ,\l,-w1 di.r'~ most ~ l''l cch.'i.ll \p()ru SflSOtl, and that <.('mMler Wl~ :he llrs! lltnf ! hid to


,,,:er • ',\'!th111 F.ills H1Rh School

t.1"'Nl'R1l!'t. 1~'lt 10 wa:\·h thtn Ion! pltchmg ~"n!-.it,.• : C.nffln Rllwll, no\l.· plivlng

1n !ht '.11 B lar:n MICm Cnfl\n Wi-', a .1mi,r.iin1 p11cntt. l!ld !'It clPu lv

Y.'lS lhf' :eMn f.:,1 :ht l'ovmf1'


CtS,$ J~' "C.ISOfl. Thfo µmt I wouchtd n,rn i;:1.-~. h~ w.u up aa1rm Dtn1on Hii;tll Xhool oo ; \ool ,\tmh tvt n:np. He S'."UCl OUT ~Ulle l 'fw plavtn..

~t:t ht\ ll>tM WU

,r..lJ d O'All S 4 go-

inp. :nto 1he bc.wv:n ol th11 !-fve-nth With t'Nfl ();.it, ar,d a s:nkt a'AiV ftOI':\ ICl'>.l'lll', tht <'nvom wtrt able rt'> VI an RBI ~tn~(' ' I) UC t.'lr µ-ne

u;i. rt-1 nt1l p,:ch. Otmon's pitcht r t!lrtw 1 'Ndd p,tcti that bounced !)ff or t..:~ , 11eh1..:'i. m.uk Wtllle :ht ur,>ier M:ram.b!td ro !ind the ti.lJ, a½ Hb ~ runntr on ·ht11 ,11ntd !'ll~ trek t()Wllti:: home. Ht" un ,1,c; rur a$ ht could uitl ,lidt <tght o~,r ti<,r.,e p!..nt !u~t .bt fcro? ,,, cat~t-r: rnaiiy four.d 1he- Nll ,!11 •uritd j l'O\JnJl l-1d tned to t-,g

nm n.,

CO', '>tn

'>'~tn •




~rrow~, an.:i

heaped .lbso

II 'A'a$

,t..'t/V tl:t rr:ost , xc1tmll, conlusing ;ir.d hrtaftit.iktn~ 1m.\ll to in',' ~poru

11:am,. l'vt wunf'S..wd 1n pcoon or nn lt!l!'Vl\l"r, f rorr. :h1 pwr.• on. I •..,•.,\ honkt!l I~•• all •h~, t"l'UIJ~ in tht ntll 'ftd! ,1r !WO. M'il1 ma, brln~ bisetMU b.K~ tu c.1imr,ll). S:3 m!.lhon ~att1um ~nd all. \ \ hut- wmt w1ll argue thU thu 1S ii Nd d4'a, e-sptmll11 wu.\ Ult budget <U\5 xri•nit nn around nm pee;, M~IJ ntl"d< N~oa1J. l ho'-t' I0\'"11\'('d With thl' com m1rtte 10 Drmp, ~se~U bick havt c11ed thf l)(lttntlal ro bnng m more \!Udtnb IO umpus to h,1p wnh Ult umvt~ty'~ tnrollmtm protik-ms. White 1h1~ ma;• m,•l•lv bt , p1pt 1;,>1:r.:, br!r111,m1t Ni"f~II back to camr,~ would do wondeT\ for I.ht unrv,l')ITV


- ,.,.., 'fr '),,;'•


Wd\ tl,Otl,7) IT',t_{j•,,,

lht ptKti(t ~r,t2l M:rr~ from D L Ugon ( OlUtum A~nl 0 AccordlnR to qu~1.t'l°Nd,!i COl(h Ad;un Aintin. tht two hoor-iong try


U'U)\:V drnd

I~ •

"flt' d•V ! ; "V l

'lU\tll ll\ 12th anr,w,J opl!''l ll)'OU~

AprtlOc1ot.t1 N\ai.'A' I ru:'-' w.ikina up 1n

•,Jrj I'~')


aV..lrt\la('r,~":t,o.,,•· '.'lr,lb •nd :t11'\>•,,-;._·

• )roq>('('hVt f,Xllbl', plll'I'~ \', ·IJ

fhl biiSfhll l,m In f~.::, I


''Jf'O'.;l,!~ ttf


A1t,oup): ,,., 1 •

'1,·t ·r du~

.a..v -~

Wi ,,a;:fat •,:,.,.

oul Wl11 ltar: I! :M>On. nd WI/! be

ti. Jp(O~lr.y ~,. \[a"'l"!y W61'1.H r,• f"

~ n !') t.olt1 ht;:.h <,(hOOI and ro!,t~t llhlftn a.hkt "l~ntrallv. tht optn uynut ~ for ,UhlC1C) Wl\u ba\'t bl>rn O\/€r[(l(lk('d

·wnj!rrar:drn;•,,.: "1ld UtlCIClfll' '' C.~t. •



Au~t1n M1d. "\!\ •!~ ,1,n oppc.,nuni1v /or cummt MSI I studtnts who wam to com, out anti 1rvout. and also for

IOI )aid ~But /•••,;,





W'" ;~

lor the 2011 f'('G'lll1IO~ cl.as..\ •nJ haven·, hid anv nlfon am-whtrt."

·1~ )'tl! t,..


c~oe,/; ·


rN"~iY"t<..' are !leo,r~~ ;~

foury,ar un1\'"l"'ill)' r.r.msfe~ and 1un11v. co!lesr transftrs that want :o comt \hOW lht lOi. ch,.. Wh.lt

lflO!Dl:!I pro,:ram


tht \'\t ROI.·

1,thrr uadI11on

L'.~ ~-

an:ttnnn:wo·ru:,;•..: Nor-~. With ih~ r,y. ·~

Tht ~umattd 00 100 atttlf:tl m amndanc, will run rhrouR,h a ji1unt

While tl'l" ll~ c· h.1.> )-'f 't lO be anM,:( ... rlnY'd on trtl:tr 'h ,,·

It! of ll'Jhty j r:J!~. !he J O~·a:d d.uh. Ule b~d 1ump and pt'511JOn ~1ftc dnii!i tn an antnipl to µin• ~ oo tht' foo'bl!l n»:er tor tht upc.ommg 2013 stuon Panlctf:',)nts WiU also b( melSurtJ ar.d wv:lthed. ,nd the 11VOUI '>1' 11 end ;wh comptt11111e, on, on on, dnb

nt~'lra<Mtmo;li! , •. In tht p.151, ar.,-,..;~.

I.COO ~? l' fr,;:r. ::,~. and WicL;:,a hil$rnr,-<.

up lo ~t• a ,.,,a•·~,. ,: mg s.riro:i\ tPaM ard . footb~.l. Ma~\!!! s,a11 ·..

While lhi' llrtair. IN mO!.l hll!,.'l

1-.:hoo! athlt:n .) 10 ronun11e 1htu p!aym~ carttr 1n10 L"le1r co!l('-gt' l'Nrs;, ~a{l.):K.S are n(I{ on mt ~dt of the mort than r m1t:,.-.n \ IUdPnts ptay1n$( high S.:hCill !notbatl, ob a "\.' P,,'l 1one b',' the \;(.M f l)jyb1h!V Ccnttr t!i1Jma1e<:1 that (Inly f)l ,000 '>'111 tvrr pil V l 1fl • colltj/.;,l!f' foot~ll field. Howt \'tr. thtse stattSIJcs thar h•um 'NOU!d be fOOlball ~ia)'m Ut only u101hrr obluclt on ihM w,v !OlUOf','

Accordmit to ·Mtns1ve h~ coac..ti Rar.d\• Wtliu~. whilt )(lmt lll!'t'!


11;a.me Apr1I 13

and pt,1,n:.,1,; r«ruit, ;

~ •·· •• •..-f•••~•,,SYl'C..U" 11>nded n,.. ~.am, ~ ,· 10

h-ttNNn 4..._M •'"'· Ten•11ca A,i4ano11. str14clrtu wittl /1111ie, NtaMM i.ckk, A,aanti Yhar,roa~ "' TIIHfty while for 1H -,ritlt tcr'-'-te,


that romt lHII t<l tht n~n lr)'OIJI Oift WU \illll thr!t Uml', thrrr ar, • lt"W gtms dlJCO\'tlt'd. La,1 )'fll, thtte w1df r«tlVf'~ found a spot on lite fOO'.ball t~am, includmR luton Rt ts(', hnh:nar, U'l comput•rscitnct. ·! 11m Utrenltly ucltcd Wht'n 1 ma,Je :ht tt~m o1nd re•llztd 1h,11 mv hard work WM JUS\ tht btgmnlng.. R«ws.aid.

of Llit p!.,,'.,olffi• l he '\CAA •Uo·,,., 11~ahnma Ba~11u 11n1v1>~·r\' rd fdi}' p.1'1de-.1 foo:b.l :·~~ M~Wlpp1 (.olle-11,, com1np, out or spnn11,for1tssanco ·"!,.:: 11Jwi sct.ool but 1ru1ead chose to at p am.\, with the spr -'J c ..· rend MSU and 10 a11emp1 to walk be1nR lht las! Chara :· nn practtc~. !><> /.:it. ·t:r •y, •, kr.cw h'1Sll had I ~'l'rv ~ood ha·:c c.st'd mne oft.,,.·· I001hai1 prc,wam,• Ree~t' said • My 1rr tht spring ~mr. ··~ IOOTr. IS ltl' onl' 1,•hO )('I t1·er,11li"II; focu, rm cond1l!o:'.n • up and tn.:oura~d me to go to the

RN'\,\' or.Iv rJi•·td I NO 1ear; ' f h1Jl,h -c:hool footWJl btfort tus ume at MSU. Hr played ll Rockwall Hrarh l!lgll School durmg his sopho, more y1:ar before iransfPJr!ni,i 10 ;i IA l·uhon ~hool m Heath. leu s Whtf,' he had 10 SIi h,s l'JOIOr OUI uni!! hLS ~nior '/('af, Reese hid offers to play ,11 the Univt~ly 0: th, Incarnate Word, tryout·



Basketball player named to All-American teai Senior becomes second player in school history to receive top NCAA recognition ~~:~d ~hka:



A ltnough lht men's b.i~kethat! _\ J.or~m le:1 to Mt1ropol1tan \.s:.i.:e !n the Soutti Ltnlral ReJ:onal StmlliMls of rht' NC.AA DIV\~or. n playoffs, Jl hasn't stopPfd t~e accoladt\ from rollmR in ldr lht'

<';WJC,lleun~nait,:o ,..,

at M:dlal".d 1·01Jr1r r:-,.. thal 'IChOOI coni1~,LP! · caren tmm h.:C(, •,1\' When r.htv lour.a o~· r· lookm,t 10 tra!lSfPr SCI.JO. me(hatt'ly rea,l'l'd &-Iller ~ert ,JI Ms1 ·. .,. !!fled Mtn's: Heail ~,.


o., ·_'

Cortan Thom.15. senior 1n kmtsi OIOR'f, bf-camP trit second pl.Iyer m ~nool his(l)n· 10 ht na:ried 10 tht National Aisoc1aUO'l c.l Bi~ktlball Cwchts All Amtric.in ium lor d,;1 ~ion II t.o.~ketball on March 27.


ire· torv,m 1 i ',f':'~ll;£d

Nel!iOI\ llaAAt-rt:.

Thoma~ ._,11> Ila~,-. he wa., IOC>Klr~ "IJ : .:,

!4 I

ofl tt.P ba! ii ti.e cane· up,a111ed Ult' bi~~~·c•

points and 8 4 rtbounds inrnugti

I '4'.I) bo;n tnd rllSeO in Su1k 0111 nls sen10r c,1;mpa1AA. S<onn9 20 tiumtn. A\ldt from t.l?t high school pomrs dJffemn occ~l()!I~ and ttam, Bu·k 1:bo pli;'> hosl !o lht 10, pom:s m 2'> of his 31 ,,a,mts Bll:CbOI, ,I tuv,:m1t {tatn that pih'td !'hflm~ pos•e:1 11 doutle trtnz m mr.n- rti,n 100 pll:Vtll dO'Jb~ Illas 'A'aw.l, inc;udtng a ~ll from all fl\'er tat' wotid tKh StJm son hi[IJ'! 27 poun. 18 rtbn:..rnt ~me mpr l'l wmpelt Wllh temn. Kt'O» agamsr Tuas MM Comm,rcl!' In !.ht C'l>-L11:"I ftbMry that clmchtd the LSC mle l'v, met many of the gun lh•t lcr f,.lqj aTPn ·, !rorn t.'l,s ma throughout my ·1 >n, rr:Mlent I lt'.tliv ren1>1n h'e All 0: lhN'.l • • , S,(lfflf point dur ber was when we won conferenct mit their ~U!Tll'r.fr, tlld up askir.~ !ht herr: 1hom.u ~1.:I. ·t wa.\ rnl Ym• ll!Ot1on wt:tn they~ MSll proud of :he RUY!> for ~mni th11 w~v 1.:r,·· 1hcrt a ~seball ttam? dont and cutttnl[ tht ntts down. ll's $rv~•r1l !Im'°$ l'v,• l\ktd !h1..'Sl' dtlln1ltlV ~methmt !'h !'ltYtl lor,amt p!,wen. ,1 t~n ·1,:owd C(lr!Sldtr gri • cnrn...r.!,,'. ~<k ~nd oiavinp r::tw ,f WI.' Another rr.omem Thomas b sure t,.:! ,1 !dm 'ltnt 1,mtli out ot 1,n, not ro forl\Pf happent'd on Jan. 13. 11,,•v -l..:!•,•r, W~1:cJ i-now~'(Ulg 1,1,hrn ~n mbound a!Je-;,oop piay :o w:r.('tl\11 I! ,nu lj,),nJt 11 all!' rwo d1f Thorr.u .1ii.:a1:i~t Tar!l'lon )tate madt •.•;,nt ·~n,~. n -...,,1,;!d:i't t,un rt-.t I\ 00 lhlll .1ay') td1uon oJ tht f)P:-J ;r,,nNt\ •n m,n:i I to taj'., •nto 1.hls Sporu Cer:ter Top 10. !4 t :: 1 p-... l,1Jfli PJTh !ht lkxmsh · 11 ~ta :O!ofan1>nL:or.1nd,1 lol: •'l~ 111.:m pro! •if bOttl \'.'fHS .t:-d of ,~:s frofl' prt~1ous ,OK~~. film lt1.-• HI):.'; -..:~1'<1,1. A: brs1, ~D.'IH 11\• and pt('P' t.'la1 ti.ad ~n 1t nri :n• pu1rnt141t., ,oh't• "'11' ,.f ~SP"l." Thr,ma.,,s.i,Jd 11·s a p.a; rhu •t. n.;,'nt'!'f>•;s ;--r~:"ls t'>r! omp--J~ Wf' us·J<ld}' ;.n OUI .,, Xlun.js, l:r:d I •• ,: !. • ria"• a ~?•r· ,l) r1:,tra1ft as ,i:ad I w.u at't 10 wr.n·r 11. • W:,-!:..i w a a ,\' !~t r,!l L't,~ I tom,. ~d :ha1 t'li' txprn~c• ~-• :,f. t:1 . .1.l"l't". ~ISi. ,• · • I "of i:t:cni,t :m.1o~a 1 ttcliiUli~u'.l ""


,-_, °'"'



Thoma~ ,a1d :r.a: re·•·

wmmnR !t.:ad1•10n ,,, 7• that tl:e comr,-·" ·-; tmni,i m tht l$f ,,. rabil!tOlht' 01(1'~;.'- · 1:iMLS.SOUit.

S.Ale,Cfdt11N1Mt •ewtrt1ef0tll Wl lh Mu,tMtf wiftW1rdlitMIIMI QwittiuWihkett,

ana SO!lltthlna :hi l ht liked. hul l! mostly ga11t him motivauon oo m,kt pla\"i for hJS rtam. ·1r wasn't 0111e1ttlng I g01 a rt ,nv b:11 head about.· ht s.a1d. · 11 WiS somtthing I was more proud of ror ~tlinR rt\.ow,:Tlon fOf the-tum and the lChoot· fhis mar~ !ht fourth award ThomM rack..'(! ur (01 this stason. mcl:iding be1r1t namtd lo !he I ont \lar Conlfrenc~· All Conferenct Trarr anJ 1h, tg;\ :,,if'1,·comrr or ·r, ·, ur. as 1,1,•tll as 1he Dakunmcs . Alt Sou!h t 'rntral Ft.-sl ream. Thom.\., v.a~ alw nantd lSC f)f!rn"J'" J>/ive-t n: tht Wtto: thrtt :im,1 .n ~ ~"Mn. 'ldr~Ollt"', kM'>' t\('r.111m1tlhat l 1. 1 !'!; ,,m, 'C!'IUl.:!1.": t •·:, dn11t

'"'1thou1 my c<»ehes or my team matts." Thomas ~ Id. ·1 was happy wltfl a lot of \he things l WM ablf' to Kcompll~h this i.tason. but as In as t 'ltl)'lhingtl~. not bl'ing able to KO down to M ama was ii IJ(IJe upset 1\


THE IIOAO TO MSU Thi! road to Thomas· kmt sta.son a; MSU had )tYCJ.il stops a!ong thl!' way. Th<imas starttd ht~ pl1';ing ca rttr in Oic:ago. where ht ltd his h1g."\ si:h'>OI. St:on Au11d,my, 10 .n IILnl)l<. Htg.h Sct'.ooi ~illlOO $Ult champK>rzSh10 in 2000. "Plav,nit ball ,,: Chicago~ mt t0:1\' to play c(;:'.tgiatfl;, • Thorns w:-1 ·fhtre arn :ot o! good ol.1iyPr1:1 U!:ca~ t~a· I -.~1 to p1,1,·, ~


·1 thOUR,'lt ht .,.,s ~land up jt.1..t\'," 1n,,r,:41 d1dn'1 uv 10 wll 'a st·~·: and tie ktrt r rta1,... ·~a lotof1hmg!, he n ,,.. lhil's what lt.;td l!lt fl('l

high school. mv 1m't'lln1t !£'Am and Ml J ball. and um 5"1 me up 10 do PfllEPARING FOIi THES[.lSOII wtll at 1he nutk'vtl." Once Thom.r. • / \ '.'_• After l'l1Rh school. fhoma, be11,an nRht 10 wot~. r~ ,-i h!S colltgm, career ptylng Ju Co ball tht' bl8Jtt!S1 th·rip t k' '• I t Southwest fllinM t.olltRt' fro~ ~!~'-Cd '.O him a~j ~~ · .J 2000 2011. Ht t'itn mmrd up 10 w,i~ cond111f'r.1r~ i·: I.he Drmton I Tllnks. plav.og at Mis ~tatin2 rh,1: Haf.,1r:-"I· • soun St.itt m lhi: M1s...<.nu•i Vau,1 tum m ,:lap.- Ct'.•:, Conltrence lnr the W t ! 2012 1.ta



·He Nanrd :,JI'· ' "Going to Miooun !ita:e 'N,t\ a motor, mta1 :r i', I 1. •dru m COIM 1rue 11, , mP: Thomas j!.rr.,o,: T~v:':"a• "! said. ·1 Wanted to ~o tn Diviskin I alh ~n'l,,,.,,r, ur. r ~r i1gh1 out of high scnooi. so geumg v:di,d•a.•1r'lj:J1<r·,: intrt was ll wt-at txptntnct . I VJH11, ~p1u, p:J,',. Plavtd thtte lor a YtaNnd a hall h r fh0:na-: ':':,11~ · I dtctded 10 lta'<1' Dtc.aust l! w~'I C•'''<"avinw~1;r,t· ,·; worbng OU! ~ice I •Nan~ ft 10.• One, ht let- M~'-SOUri ~Ta!f. 1 THO~HS:-

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