April 6, 1995

Page 1

Registration automation


Thursday, Apri l 6, 1995



Crafty computer hacker invades MSU's system enroute to New Jersey

CAMPUS EVENTS The Southwc.,t Model LN&UC or Arab Stat~ will m«t at M~U Apnl 6-8. 'The student scniuc rnect.t. t0n1gh1 in the CSC thciltCr.

Students and faculty art cncoun~d to :mend and uke part in 5tudc.nt govcmmcnL EffL-CU,.,·c June I. 199S the FininciJI Atd orlicc will impk:ment ch:mges in the

Sotisf.lCtOf')' Academic Progtt.u rule&. Students ~ivmg financial aid

should contact the office for more dc:taib.

EJt:c1ions for SGA continue th rough April 7. Students ca~ \"Otc in the CSC. Moffet library and c:1mpus dorm<.


MSU thcotc(s prodU<tion of K2 opens tonight and NM through April 9 an Ba Wood theater. Shows begin at 8 pm. throu&h the April 8 The April 9 matinee showing bcgi.ns ill 2:30 p.m. Fcsuv:il of One Acts, a p<<SCntauon by the MSU theater departrnen1 fc,nunng oc1<-0ct plays din:ctcd by swdeots, will run April 212'2 ond Apnl 28-29 in Bea Wood th,.ter at 7 p.m,


"The Chief Executives of Texas: A RcviSJ.0nist View"

wall be the 1op1c of discussion when 1he MSU facuhy Forum presents Dut1ngu1shcd Hardin Professor of History Kennc1h E. Hendrickson. Jr.

in Ille CSC April 11 ot 8 p.m.

ACHIEVE~IENTS MSU r.11.hology srudents Judy Reid. Randy Smnh ond Sicphan1c Gam:11 pl:iced second our of 19 teams an academic compc1111on held at the Qnnu:il Texas Socu.:ty of Radiologic Tcl'hnolog.ists. The tc:im was coached hy Tma Moore.

Tommr Carty reh~1u·ses his role as Taylor In 1ht MSU J::~~~~~~~•~"

-:,:CO";:i"' produchon of ~ 2. His rolt _rrquired researc.h in rock-climbin&and ..:f;pa : ~ wall used m Che play 24 rect 1all and sils a l a 9(). degr rc angle. S« IS

annivcwry ot 1hc end of March. S111ce 1994 the 1roup h.i.J mi:rcoscd 11 ~ 11cmbcrsh1p by one-third


The Feb 16. 1995 issue

t0nll1ncd II misspelling of Baba', dub president Chanel

Taherpour,aJ:y Al,o, The Wichtta n rcponcd I 0 •ember, consrnutc~ a q\lc>rum. The numl:lcr is 'ktu.ally rune. We r1!Jret .iny contu.uon these error'; m.ay

.... '"'•IC<I

a~a,n. Cox Jddcd. Orawhndi;e L\ a computer secuncy prni;ram w~1ch :analy1.c" auempts 10 ge l ml0 a computer sy11tcm. Wh~n u~rs enrcr 1ocorrcct security codes 10 ncccss secured information 1he progr:i:m :inempts 10 1rack th( illegal loca11on . Cox user' s explained Au1hon1.cd MSU r!. have 1hm~ use network ch:inci:s 10 enter a c.:orrecl access code. Afler the third failed a11cmp1. the u~er is locked out of thl.' sys1em and mus t s ci adm,nstr:uivc pcrmis~1on ac11va 1c user pnvilcdscs. Cox s::ud, 1hc alleged h11cker has no l been idcn11licd. but ac-.-ordmg 10 mfom1ation he received from Ru1gds, 1hc rcrson :1llcgedly operated from C:.1mcrnn University in Oklahoma. Except for an overload ol s l o we d which daia opcr:uions. no major d:images occurred 10 MSU's systems.

Cox said. Sinci: 1herc was no linam:1al loss MSU caono1 in11ia1e a ful l scale in,·c..,.ugati<m. ·w e have to he ahlc It) show monctal)' loss in order 10 tum the m:.1ttcr 0\'er 10 investigators.~ said Co;w;, He did add that Ru1gcrs oftic1als .arc mvc..,.11~:ilint; the maucr.

MSU makes plans Model diplomats to discuss for electronic mail new Middle East peace process James Winha m II Reporter MSU will hosl more. th.an 200 university students from Tcxa.~. Oklahoma. and New

Mexico April 6-8. The SIU·

dents nrc panicp;ints in the South wcsL Mode l Arab

League l..caclcrship Develop• mcnt Pragr.1m. The mce1ing begins at 8 a.m. on Thursday, Apnl 61h m Clark Student Ccn1cr. The lccyno1c address wi ll be given hy David Lesch. 3 no1cd commcn1ator on Middle ~st offairs :u 9:00 a.m. in the Cbrk S1udc.n1 Center ballroom. ac,·ording 10 Kevin Rosser of the N:11ional Council on US· Arah rel:uions. The model l ea_gue is

h:iscd C'l n 1hc

The MSU chapter of the $1Jma Lamdo Alpha torori1y cckbn.h:d 1b Jtrst

Berna rd llurtault Staff Writt r The security of MSU's computer system w:as le.Sled recen1 ly by II so-c:1lkd computer hacker. According 10 MS U di rector or 1nform 11tion sysrcms John Cox. MSU's compu1e rs were used a stepping stone to access another compu1cr sys1c:n in this p:inicufar incident. The h;acker infiltr:ited MSU's system and then went on to :itt.tck the system :11 Ru1;ers University in New Jersey. said Cox . He SJid goi ng through MSU IO RuliCrs m.adc it oppear that the individual was operating from MSU. •This 1s :i frcquen1 strategy illicit u.sc:rs use 10 cover their 'footprinl'," he expl:iincd. Cox went on to cxpl:11n explained th;u ~hosl•hoppini,:~ (going through scvt~ral computer networks in anack another) in many ca.,;;cs 1s easy to do, ck:.!)(Ddfog on 1hc seC'uri1y or rhc p:ir1icullr syslCm. Mowevcr. comh:atinli hn::ik-ins is l!:ISY as well. The use of 3 rclatl'•dy new techno loi;y CJ lkJ dr:iwbridi;c, acts :Iii a · moa( between 1hc outside u~rs and MS U'i. system. This should reduce the chant.."C an 1nc1dcn1 like this one from h:.1ppcn1ng

AraM S1;11cs


Lc:i!!ue of Cairo, E~ypt.

The l.ca!!uc of Arah S1a1es discu,~cs i~,;ucs of concern 10 ~hddk Eas1crn no11ons. ac,·orJml? 10 r..·tSU his1ory K enne th p r,dC!>;Or I k nJn...-kson. The agenda for 1hc modd k:a~ui.: is ~ I hy 1hc N:i.tuin:J I Council (1n U~Ar:1h rclJl!O R~. >\_I ih!s

<.·onh:rl·n..c the cvuntm:.s will di :-ni,!> 'l'\aJl . issues tni,.-luJin~ 3J \ Jnc 1n i; !he M1ddk Ea~t flCJl'C rr~"1:SS. s trcnt;.thmg Ar.1t'I rd:.it1ons. public hcJlth and rhc t'n, m•nim:111 :ind other 1.ssucs afk,. 11n~ thl' uJt10n" l)( thl' \hddlc E.:11-t. · Ro1-,cr ,:i 1J 1he c,•ent

simulates a summil meeting of the ac1ual LcJguc of Ar.ib S1.:itcs. S1udcnts ac1 a~ re:il and diplomat s lifo ncgo1iat0rs deahni wuh problems in the Mu.Jdlc East Teams from each um,-cr•

~rd:1~~~ Th:~[~~~ ~ 0

St:3tCh their na1ion's his1ory. economic. social. politic.al .ind cuhur.al :iff:tirs. a.~ well os problems specific their p:articul:ar n.1.1ion. according 10 Hendrickson. MSU has lhrec learns in the conforena:, "Thcy will dc:il with is• s ues such IIS waler. and cduea1ion. dcvclopmcn1," Ja1d Oa\·1d M:1r11n sponsor of fl~ tc:im from MSU's political scicm."C dcp:irimcnt. Martin's 11:11m has adopicd Dijihout,. The poli1ical .science deplnmen1's othl."f 11.:am. sponsored. i\y Michael Pn:da. will 1akc on 1hc role of Q~1or. Ddcga1es mCCI in ri v~ ,·ommith:cs.polirieal. cco• nnmic. cultural. social and Paks11ni:m affairs. They dcMa1e Jnd rc~urch issues :ind iind :.oluuons to prohlc:ms prese nted , ,h~·y arc Hendrickson s:ud. At the end of the conference, 1hc nu1ions cornt: t0gcthcr 10 vo1c on propo:.als m:.de hy the romm1IIL-CS Par11c1pan1~ will also n.•cogn11.I! OUL'llandmg !Cams :ind ddegatl!5 with uward,;;,

AwJrds v. di he pre,entcd ba~d on the dcbJting ~k1lb, knowkdge (o r 1heir respeune countfU.:\). and staym1; m 1hc characcer of thl.!1r nJuon',; people. said l lendmkson

Hendrickson Jddl.!d thot MSU teams have panicpalcd

~in~~ r9t°Jt +~~~~


cc1ved OulSlimdmi Odcga11on Awa1d~ on e1~ht \'ICea\lOn\ rhc MSI I (Ja1:u ICJm mdu.tc, Wllhc ll,11., k111, . StlC'y Scoll Oir,.,l\on,:. J.1,on r :uplcy C':amm1c McK1nncy. fahn lhlbld. Chcmh ltcyts. Ind Mignon Mtwi:,111 1 he M\U DJ1houu tum h n:pr~nted hy Ur.id W1~ 111:m. Sherry Chlwn, Tern Th001r~m. Anne Dl:inchi, Na,h lfanlf!)'. anJ Kun l .:.ilh.1n .),1n1cll~n:i



b 1Hor y

dcf',Vllncnl'\ 1eam. ,pn11q1re<I hy

llcndnck!Orl. mcltKk< K1mh<-1ley Rot. Chru 11:illman, \ h:ules Oh.on. D:n 1J Gamc1,. Ir:. Krot11n1u Gonkln MornuloHc lllr~J11 IIV.W.i, (r:111 Met1tn1,. They .,,, ,11 and Paul S(lfaU l'Cf)rC$COI fl'al~lll'IC' IP I.he C\Cnl In adduion 10 MSU. roonttn Olher college, illC Ofl(CIC&.I lo :mcnlJ lhe conference 1ncludtnJ

0:1.ylm, Um.,.Chll) \,J( rcu s i.1 San An1ooi\J, Soul,..,C\I Tua _,. l1.11norCollcse, M1s\0Un Sou1hem. Tnrut y UnhcNI)', Uqcrn New MC1K'O. UG1\COll)' ol Arkan~, at Mcnucillo, S1 Edward'), S1

M:u> ·,. Okl1tboma Bar11u Suth...,e,1 Tc~ St.'\lc, of


Ncmh Tens. Te:t:a..\ \\e,I>""·

and lhc trnwt"11y or Tu~ 3t t\U.\tin k'tmhna IO llcndnc,'°"

Bernard IJurtault Staff Writer student s,;:rvicc will A soon pl:ace the world-wide. network of clcctton1e mJil (E-mail) at lhc fingenips of

MSU i-s designing a tqL'lll'ation form which will make 1he t;1sk c:0s1cr. Holl

S31d. Cox 1.ddcd 1hut in the future MSU hopes to assign E-m:ul odd~ 10 Mud~nlS MSU students when they According 10 John Cox. automatic:;illy direclOr of 111format1o n reJlSlt.'1. communicotion ma,I E systems 111 MSU, E-m:ul bl."\:n ava1lahlc to 1hc allows compurcr users 10 has and umvcn1I)' for .ahou1 two mesngc~ send Cox sa,d its use has ycan,. information elcc1ronicolly rn .i fow over telephone lines using ~n rc.,1ncted sere.nee cour.r.cs and compu1er personal cQmputi:rs. Cox s:ud the ntw .scrviu: some com pute r scie nce will ~ implemented tins fall ma.1or... Faculty members in This summer a «-:~1 group of the Bc.1 Wood. Bolin and 100-200 Sludcnts will be Fowler htnldings. Moffet .and select provided wuh .strYICI!. to help ,1hr11ry, m:akc any OdJU'llnlCnlS and dep:arunt:nts 1n thi: IIJrdin find any probltm, in the building Jre .,;onncctcd tu & m.1il sen Kc. Cox .sdtkd sysLCms. Cox s:ud. Howe\'cr. Cox said the Srudcntl 1n tht! test group will he p.1vco E-mJ 1l un1ver.s1ty has ~n lryini; to 1 addresse, and will be Jhlc: to ~.~nt~x~;;1~/d OICCC\S 1he nc!WOl'k. t> n• the pa..\l. Mc secs in c~pans,on ciimpu.s or 0lf•c.impu~ usm~ a pcrsnn:il computer anti the upcoming E-mail liystcm 3'- 3 hoo~l for :l.l~U. AhTI\1Sl modem Thi!. computer addr..:i~ .i.11 ffl.JJ(1r Ulll\'~r,111e'i, make m:il.:.:.s Mudcnts and fo..:uhy 1h1) \Cr\<1t.:c. a,.atl.ahle to their acccssatilc to millions ur stu<kot h(,dy ~tudc.111 rcqucsh ror Ecomputer u~u worldwide through the lntc1nct and other mail scrv1Cc:' \lr.J..~ an imJXirt.llll compuu:r networks. Co.< fauor 1n expanding 1he cmph.b11ed th:ll the \C!n·K:e 1~ \)'1-tcm H:ill said he CXfl('CU for use by 6S pertclll of 1hc MSU provided being cduca1ional purpo.,,c~ and u 1s student hody. Ila.II said he ,;;res: 1h1~ S)·s1em {:.re.lily expanding the ~~1l~.~~:~~~ ~or :imuunt of 1nform.11ion Ne1o1. Jcr\Cy 1mpor1an1 Jvailo1hk 111 Mudcnt~ and An cons1der31ion niht now. hence hro.tdcnrni! their according to H.all. n~•twork h1•n,on, Student-. may not MSL', .'Ven hJve to lca,c their Clf m.in.ager rnform:itmn ),-.\tCm'i. 1, the home, 10 mJkc u.M- ol the 1s :idmin1slrlll\C 1:aslt LO\ ohed \er, 1..:c. The 'i.f'1tem .1llow .11..,·css in procc:>Smg the a.\S1~nmen1 Jc\1grti.:d tu computer home :i from of 1he E -mail addreJ.scs

ac~d;:~ :l:,



New theater department play "K2" redefines "break a leg"

,,, Amcr1c;.1n !-kart .... A.~,oc1atmn .... , -

Timberly Eys.wn :.wps nnd ui.ing cau11on hl' I) Staf!Wri1er .. not f11gh1cncd an ymo;c, "h lluildint~the Sl't Brc3k a kg could he really 1i. nol a.~ dJn~crou:. a\ ·1 ht' w.ill i. cr,11,:truclcd more of a rcal11y th:in a Jokt' 11 3Jlpcars to he.~ he :iddt'd. with vi •nl h ply\, tioJ The1wo MSU :ictors performC:u-cy ~td cvcrytimc h...: a1rc prok,,nr 0 1, n Hcn.~chd,


McLachlan remakes "Ecstasy" in "Sessions"


,ng m the '!_P"~'!'ing 1hcatre suu_ i s chmhmi! up the v.a/1. \Vho ,n.,.. 1:.:iw ihc he 1s aware o f the posi.1hd11y The play s loca11o n 1s a of a foll "'h's a n:i;.pcc! of froicn lcdie, 27,()0(l feet hc1r;ht," sa.id C'arcy. ahovc sc.a level. on the ~The Plot mountain In Lhc What hci!lnS J ~ a m 0unThe scene is a 24 foo1 1:11n-d1mhrng pk::isurc t!'1p conslructcd :11 a 90-dcJ hfc-anJ-dcath

production, ~--

::!1~~rt wall,

~~~s j~~,:~t:r~h:"!a~i3'~

cC'ln1;trul •

ti,,n. s:i.IJ l hJt lh\· i.c1 w :i i.n't :.o iltfficult tt, t-imld a, 11 wa~ unusuJI h:. hJ,,c ,\ -lramc dc~i!!n v.Js h111l1 "" rolkr-. hcl 3USC ll h,1J hJ rw r~·mt1\'CLI th fr~,m c m.un 1otJt;t· l<lr 17;" hJppcnm1;

Mt'liSSa Sullivan Music Rt\•itwtr Whtie SJrah ~kl.athlJn has tx·cn around for a wluk . she'~ ri.:t'c n1 \ y hcc1\mc 1hc ncatt'Sl thin~ Slnt'C :.lt~·i.:d hn!Jd. And 1n Jn t"ffnrl tl' ap• rcase old and new fa m, huth. she has rdc3~d ·The Freedom St·s~1lmS,K Jn alhum th:u takes prc\·mu,ly unre k a,t·d matcnal and s p1CC!i, 11 up w11h nt' W \ '("l"Sl ( ln\. It work.\ 3 ffiJ/• ingly"-dl 1\n,11hcr nwl a,rcct " ' thl,!, dt~C '" the firM lrJd.'. It 1s ac luJ \ly .1 ('I) R<)~t mult1mcd1:a thm~ 1h:a1 mduJc<;. :m add1t1onal \fl m1 nu ll".S of music and \'1dco I J1111't hJ \'C a com puter l.'qu1p(lCd 10 IJkc ad\'Jnlagc of this n~:w m1'<cd tec h. so I can't tdl you how that works riut. All lhl.' )l,C'lnt;.:.. hut Olll' , hOWC\'l.'r, arc rcmakl.'s tmm her 1991 alhum ~Fumhlint; Toward EcstJ1oy· and tx-~111, w nh ~Eli.c.v. hl·rc," a hlul.':.y \llng that has 1o,1mc throJt)' soullul lyn c,;., NeKt I,!, J \'l! l"<;\OO Cll .. Plcnl) ... Afll'f l .!ll'<lY·"CC· r-nd a cappclla k :u.l. a drum mJchmc coml"'i. m McLad1lan IJy~ M:Vt'UI \ u1cc 1r.1d.)I, 1o~cthcr be.lore mJkmc 1ht• fu1JI w rs1on and the n,:.;u11 1\ hrcathtak1ni: Oot· of my fovorne , on~, when I firM hca1d thc ~,~urnhhng To w:ird &.·,1.1.,y· alhum was · Mary " On tl11s ,·cr:,,i<m she takes a more folhy appmach Wllh a \'OICC th.II t an

dcvclorsmto ~~~;~:u~~:~:~:.1~ 1 JonOU~~ r :;~"' u ~~l ~ ~l~ri ~ ~~~d Acc, rJrnt: hl Judit h P:tlnck Meyers' plJy · K2 .. Whcdcr • thc plJ)' s h~htin~

the ac1ors can scale up and down from lhc lcdsc 11 1.s a h1gh-:iction. suspenseAc tors spend much of ful drama. w11h !,,Omc humorthtlf ume pcl'\':hed on :i lcdGC ous undenoncs. Wilson said. 12 CCCI ab<»-c lhe st.::1ge Other -rhe ph.y ,s ahout how than the actors' ropes :ind through true hfc we lhink rappcllinc ,car. there ~ no success. 3mbition. and m:ncnfcty devices 10 cushion 3 ri:il lhmgs are most 1mporfall, said director Laur.a w11. 1.:1nt. We Ukc for gr3ntcd the son.

rc.tlly un porunl siuIT hkc. I.he

However, upon Wilson's 1nsis1cncc. actor Tommy D:iy Carey and assist:int director

people we love.· Wilson s:ud. ° K2" 1s a play ah,,u1 h:'Othcrhood IO\ 'C and mman-

G reg JOl"IC$ took a five hc1ur nppcllmg safety course in D3lla.s to pn:p:ire for the pl:ty. Bolh received a rock-chmbin g c cr1ificat1o n upo n complctmg ActN Jim Joilll:r did not tnke lhc s:ifoty course bcc:iusc he spends most of the lime sining on the ledge When asked ahout chc: thn::al of domgcr. Jo iner ~h1 after comg throu,h an the

tic lo,•c: ~1d Wilson. "It re::illy $a)S ak:~ahout m0<krn soc1c1y: she ad:-Jcrl. A coupk c,t yc:ar~ :a~o. there w:ts a movie \'Crs1on of the pl:iy KK r . WilS<'n says the play 1s not :1.1 all sur•tlar to the movie. "This 1s not J typ1c3I pl:ty, I ,hmk coll(t?I! ~1.uden1S "-1II really er.Joy 11. 11 s very unusual: s:11d W1I· son.

dc,!, 1i;nc1. the ~t· t "'"' lun 111 1111 t-.c.•t·3ullt! 11f ihi.: un• wor~ " usual lk·,ign. ~It v..i, lnll'f\"~t ing hJ\ 111~ w11h :a ,·c111t'JI. rather lh:rn hon,11111JI "url.ict• Ix·· cause II she'l,\l..·J tht· 1..irdc)I, fro m the h ~hts ." )l,J1J Whcl!kr • A ~ luh: h.11:k· tn1und 1s U!i,U.lll)' avoided he· cause 11 n:fll!l"l, , o much litht.· ~he JddcJ. 'h 1 ocs m.11,:d.• (\f the to w11rk

n o m\J! !i,h.'.l\:\lt y p .:..{ .,,


,;1:it;,t•,;: s:11J fo,:il.'r. · o ur ~1.i.:;c I,!,, a lcJ~l· Jnd a wJJI: Performances an: Apnl 6-8 at 8 p.m and Ap11 l 9 .it 2 .3(1 p.w. ,n the fain hnc Arts ThCJl1r F,u ticket,, ~·all 689,.a )IJJ 8Ct.jUSC lhc plly has :i -.1roni.: ad uh )Jnt;,uage 1hcmi.:. 11 1s. no1 Hlll'Odcd for lhildrcn




American Heart


Association V

Energetic and Responsible young pc(\pJ~ needing summer jobs nca.r Austin. Ulokmg for people who enjoy working wnh ch1ldn:n an ouL"1dc a,mosphcrt· 1t ln uire b iclc honan 692-9782 1t !ll!!l!!!!ll'l!!ll!! ' !!!tlllllllll''!!'!'!' '''!'!?lll' l)l 11!111!!' 1!1111!'''


1he good... ..1he bad . ..and the ugly

hn a ny oc1:n i:


A~'l 1AIII""'


1 1-1-.1 All\ l·" '\ l

,n the wm1d. Mer two h1~J;l!.lot ,!, \'"Ill!;',

' c;,,,1d En11u~h" JnJ -11titd On~ d ,l\.k 111 al .1hm 1, 1 X Ol lllllll' '• \\ 1lh J ['IIJ IIII llllfO th.II 1, ,i!mu,1 J minute h1n~ 11, t'II The v1u:Jh , ,)und hl' j f l • W 1en4.h1n t: an t'11hll\llnl l

" h.:c Cream~ 1, a fun •Mng a n)w:1y. hu1 thl\ vcr(1CH1 ' l'l' m( m (lf l' 4.,Hcf fi."l" anJ

The Talk uf The Town.

lit:lll. rhc only , o n~ 1h:H ~·ould\ 'c hccn a m1,t.1~t.'. w:i~ - kc · On lhl\ \Chwn. ~11 L.1lh\Jn ,ip1-. fo1 .111 d ee• inc i;u11ar instead of 1hc n::gu• !J r acou~t1c ,mJ 1ht· wa din g i:uuJr d1 ~11 J t' h from hc1 am:..11ng w-.:als -or 55~ ,._ a T,1m \\lath -.Onf:. 1ha1 wa, J l,o foJtu rt'd on 1he ., oundtrJck nf "Bo) , <In 1hc Side - Tiw r.iint; hj<; a hlucs-0.ivorcd gullJr and Jll ,111 of fod111g lO 11 The -Frl!cdom Sl•s.,;1l1n~alhum




\/,Jf/J, ·rrn

Frat11r111g.· 11,.~,·- ( ,• ,l',d"C.1f,,..,!&\Cr,1h ! ' ,,,.- ,\u11111.1n,1 \\ ,.,d I ,,.,I llraklb'nl 1'i1J.a-,

11 \(. m.o~ Sl'J:<..1,\1.'i sv1:; & lJP.

a mu~l •ha,·c for

Mclad1l:m fJM. E,·cn 1f tht·y Jln:ady o\l.n "FumMint: TowJrds Ec:Mj~y~ (like me). 1hc)C ,·cr-.1on~ almos1 mJkc 1hc other vcr~1on~ ~cm hkc )'..:Slcrday·s new~

692-4754 J\M !H , 1

1,t1\-\1I 1' \ IC I I ._

Oltlll ll'•



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A cmical re\'lcw of 1hc bcq and the wors1ot T~xas govcrnor'-


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s1.oo DRINK


F.ARLY DRINK SPF.CIALS TllF-~. • SAT. S:00 . 9:00 ec.,., cc 1Qo1 Draws '1.00 Dom.uc 60oz Pitr htrs 14.9S

OOM~ ~ '





Tele~i~a~~~ ! paper, queues, headaches By Mark Loyd MSU con1inucs to mee t !he need~ 1n many a1ca.s barring ihc re, . ~ ~f ll1i studc1u~ While many Te,tas uni vef'~1.1" 110n process. convcnicm..-e of telephone ie i s~,i~1; offer the 1I0 subsc1ibc< 10 lhe corrol ond ~."'" n. M SU sii1 I iay method of class reg1,na1ion.

Clas~ registration and ii rcprcscn1 one of this tmivcrsiis. subsequcn1 lines terms of serving students. T~1 wcak~st are_as 111 headaches for students hy 11 1• giSlrtnion relieves 1h 1 11 c ~ nmcd1 :nc inform:1tion on com sc clos'n~ Cancella11ons. No one cnJoys wai1ing m lin~ learn thc11 courses arc unavailabi°' hours onl y to rcgi..;1rn11on system can inf~rm e An :u11om:11cd course sections and notify them 1-~ludcnis of 01hcr an open sec11on will fit their schedule. Telercgistra1ion also allows 3ddi11om• and drops. Uscr1. 51111 1 for ~ai;y class 3nd ,ccuon codes and "pre 2 P Y iypc in !he class ~dd or ) 10 drop." Bui :m au1oma1ed registrat~~n c3C.)' add/drops :md schedule m~fl: ein goes beyond Easy acccsc. 10 mfonnation g~~n~,~~uabl e 011 campus. A11toma1cd syi:aems like th Texa_s A&M and the University of ~~~!~~ix:~ provide _4 0. ~ and 25.000 students respective! onna11 on_concerning i uuion paym Y wit ~ inl_ rcg1stra11on deadlmes. address changes and ~ntsj ma · grade repo11s at c.emcster·s end Most im~rtamly. an auton~ared 1elcreg1stra11on "-)Stem alto" , studcn1s_10 register usrng a louch1onc phone. anywhere rn the world There are no Imes to watt m. no siacks of gree n. barred paper with . lls.11. o f canceled courses and no employees sending swdents from one lin~ to ano1hci. Student~ mer~ly ent~r _the proper codes over 1he phone and receive a bill m the mail. While lhcsc sys1ems arc mofe convemen1 Jnd have more 10 off~r. they are in no ways pcricct. Management of tlus system is imponant 10 Jun.it ihc number of calls. Students will have designated days to reg1c.1er based on classific~uion and la:--t name. There .tre alwJys busy signals, bu1 if lh',! sys1em grows wilh the universi1y. lhe~ 1.1gnals will be kept toa mmmmm. Should MSU 11nplcment a 1clcrcgistration system. u should not el11111 na1e 1he need for advisor app~oval prior to rcgis1ra1ion. Meeting with an advisor once per semester is vital 10 keeping a student m•linc (no pun iniendi;d) for graduation. Studen111:; should be given a clearance code befo1e they are all owed acces:s to the 1elereg1sua1ion sysrcm Keep rhcsc advantages in nund as the Imes for summer registration twist and turn through hall ways and spill outside into 1he Texas sun. Hopefull y. in 1he near fu1ure. 1hcse Imes will fade liL:c a summer mirage.

Po~c .S

Th ursdor, April 6. 1995

campusVoicu• Do you think the Student Government Association serves your interests?




Matthew Nickens. freshman Natalie Halstead " I reall y Jon'1 k no w much abou1 SGA. ii\ "Studcnl 1.ssuci; arc probably my foul! for no1 nor public11cd enough for keeping up w11h 1hcm. I 1hc rest o f 1he student ha ven 't heard any body IO gel involved."


~ IO T,,n Dl \·d. PO Ou,- 160, Wkh1t 1 !":ills. TIC 7630R

New, Jcc.,k: 681J-4704 A,h·..::m ..1111 de,,k· ~)4 705 N1,ill• ,~ .,.,;,

•'111rk l,1,1yd A Ht~ ,mr Ul1t11r /'frw r

Jum1tl1m1 llrmly

Brll• ,\lt,lun1

A,fO(wft f"'ltr11r Op,n1(ul/Ft murr


Ja.1011 Tu, kn

probably doing a good j ob "

Campus , oic:es photos a nd inteni<~,~s b)' Krist('n \VaUher.

v od now, anotha TUI-life



~upoo ■ llmc,thtttlhr.d

~ _ ( ~}

111-0 prafla8 awrt.lees: Mom, ■nd ~llmJ MIDtis. They met ODt wvm.




d,yonai.-hhJCh~ill u ou tztt ..d wm: lmm<dlal<ly dnn ., each o<h<r. Alla • loat! and happy oowublp they dcddcd ID

matt. Whm thcywm. done )lomsJIU(d loriolllT illlDMlml', eycs. lbJs WM tli( happieat momcutofhftyounglJfc. "Oh ~limi!". hca:ioed. "Soon wt will be bl...cd "1th beauuful 111d plttloos ~ttl, childrm!"


r<bW<d Im pu a.ad 511llk:.d. "What do,mcaa ·w '?!.. a&kl Miml Then she at.t him.




ri,, yrn



foo th.tll ~~:::nt~c~:.~,1~~ L.tSI WC\,:k f C31n\.' Olli I f> 1hc 11dJ dunns my lunch pc· riod. (5 r .111 . to (1 p Ill ) 1(1 oh-

]11,1111 1:1, irc/11/1I G1t1flhlf A, rt1 •t

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F.nlt<tlfllnltlt"nl E,l,mr

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serve 1hc pr.11.·11cc ,ind mu<.:h

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" Hcrbtr Thr 1:1.appr Herplr"

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11 "ill tx· .1Lh1._•,l·,I ·•

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Rt'ICI. :,,:· R,1~~·r

J f

" fun With M.atche.s and fle.ctrldty"

.,,,uni F,Mm

,1kln,a 'i11//irn11

" h's hard 10 1cll w hal 1hcy do. They don'1 hn vc 10 enough interaction with be more public in 1clling 1he Greek commumly." " s of their in1eres1

SGA does. They need

compl aints so 1hey'rc

('}w,. {f/,;/,/,,m~Jl.orin-~ , 'f(,t/d,,<1{''1'/4"""


Jarod Ziolkowski, Chauncey Franks, freshman sophomore " l don't know w h:11

Easter break is T hur s day, April 13, 9 : 30 p.m. t h rough Monday, April 17. C lasses res u me a t

,~.;i.m•.l"'!1.~~R~fn~P.r4!.!~·•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .t.2 ll'l>1EstrM11 ...., 1n

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TEXAS CROSSWORD t~ Charity ,\ C u~ Orbi)On

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'). S wtvH "' "Gha,$1• ..~ c:rw· ;;.g•x,,,.., ·,001e, • )101,,fhMd. " -~ Her,.,. .t.M · a1 0 • 7 Cokrl'ltus'"'D."I0 °_ s,,ee, JO _ yo,.,,- ~ · ,,.,S&nAr!O"~ o .,.ru,.,co Ot12""



~Pag,.g,.!_4_ Th !!!!!: ur>d~•~y.~Ape!! ri~ J 6'.:,_!,1_22992,_S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..JS-4-pc.Owfutl..!S.:2...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

UCLA steals repeat from Ark~!!~, thl' k-1::cnJ ary fohn Wu11&:n, mJlin~ n h1 th,: F1nJI I ,1111 . who t:oadx·d the O!'Utn!o to IO tht') mtt·nJcJ w \\Ill 11 champioru.hip:. in 12 y\.'ar-.. ol "hich )C\'1,'n were m a niw. Th1..·, \l.tHdJ \\Lil I\. J,·to r ll(ter o ,•crpnwcnng was ~imn~ in the sianJs. :i.p11..• 1hi.:11 ,1.11 1111~ p1•1111 Arbns:is ktJ-7k IC\ win 11, Th"' w.a~ c;o.:u.:h Jim lhr- t:uard. :...•111111· I ) u, EJ111..') . rick'!o h.::im. the 11nly tt)r N.'t-d only pl.1y111~ 11u,.·.: mrnu1~·, :c~~:;r-;~~1:hi':~ 111 m.1L:c it 10 1hi.: FmJI F,mt dUl'tO.i ,pr.illll'd ,, n,1 most champ11mi,.hip~ for ;my 1h1s year But the Brun,, E.Jnq · h:.iJ h..·1..·11 .i Jrn inc ""-=hoo l. l·low~v~r. 1hi:. lime . wcn:n't ,a1i,11cJ with 1u,1 1t1rcc m the 11..·Jm, m.il.111)! i1

Jonathan Brady Sports Edilor II took 20 years lflr it 11, h:tppen, hut UCLA 1:. h.ll k on

}~'.~ ~c~:

1994. She averaged 3. 1 Sporos Editor nsists and 4.2 digs ('ll!r game. The MSU volleyball team got its second scholarship In high school she hcll'°d recruit since the offici:11 lead the Am:mllo High NCAA recruiting period for S:indies lO the Cl:iss SA Slat\! volleyball began lust month. tournament during her senior Shelli Churchwe ll. a 5-7 sca~n in 1992. Junior setter from Eastern New Mexico Univcrsny, Joins Mandy Pinkerton, an o ut.Side hiller from Lake Highland,._ High School in Richordson. as the first two scholarship playc~ for the Lady Indians. Churchwell played in ::ill 30 matches for the Zias in

MSU coach Jimmy Picht. who beat ou1 Texas Tech in recruiting Churchwell. s:iid her experience and le:1dcrsh1p quihties were wh:u attracted

him to her ~When I w:u cncc..: ncr play. her defensive skills

Ye Students Who Are About to Did )Ou 5'no"' that many Art. \tu.-,;ir. and Thealre h1....id,-.. the " .\ppn,datinn" couJ'W<io may be u, td 10 , J t"'f" the f-"inc .-\rt., Rl'(luirent~nl':' lle-Jd1...., .\ rt. \hNr.' and Theatre \ppn-'(°iatinn Courws. C'OU f'W',

mam alll-rnatiH· d av,,t.--. imohing hands-on "ork in lhe art~. a-. "l'll a... h"'lor). theory. etc. are an ilablc every

~:,~(,'.'t,i',''./"'"'" ,n.unr,-

~,'.'.\:.-::~~I ,::'~1:,\'.


in th~

,:~;:l~~~:t~ ~~ ~:: .t•~::·:-;:·~:1e~ i'. ji, r\1rl1~1'

WililJITI!oOll. 1lw 111p ~:,in:r

,:~:~:,',~~-~:"t;:~,~,;',; Ot•ll.ir. Jnd fn:, hm.in T~•h\


h )t ,tl


~::~'~f~:,~",~",::~'~,-:'.'.'.:; hJlf


The Razl'ft,:.ids c,,ulJn 1

11 NI' th..:ir u-.uJI narmw P!' .t 1ry in thl' ,<;Cl' {l!ld hJII




d I I'

Bui in the s«:~un i :i l, hen nonnally Ar an\iJ~ rui!I wl .:tht:r c:.n1Ju1?-h dckn-.;c 11, ~-~n. it was lh< Brurn,· dd~ns~ 1h 11I ~_ cl<l the

~~•~:~:: wl~~,\


h d a t '\ ~)illt ll•.id a C li;H Ml o.,ml'I kJ lh.: Raiorti:.id~ ~..,1_th 16 p11m1, Willi:ims1,n 11mshcJ V>'llh 12 points ::ind _kJ_:,rkJn,.a~ 1n rchound.,; with It ,.

Team Arrow_s . _


L~n'~~~;,a~:~~~~~-: :~~

.<J'tmt ,Ii"




I!fl:rn~ a11d ~u:r 2705 HJm[h lcaJ ~1on -Fn tJ ,o.s· ~I Sat 9-5. Sun 1-4

all 6S9-4'2



O.iv1s :i.lso came in first

ln1hc critcri11m m,· ~pnl

2 in downwwn W1du1a Fall,.

T . m Arrow's CAT A m~·n

d~~inatcd 1~1c f,.~IJ " ~th V·


ta kin~ l1rs1 wuh

;isq · s •cond and Read c 3p~un nth~ /

Ronan taking

,r ·

~w i ped lh l• Da vis we~kcnd tiy o nce :1~J1n l!lkint first in 1hc CAT ll ml'll with thc help of tcammate Chris Amaya. Alexander took third place in the CAT A women and Buller fini s hed w1Lh fourth.

(h•erall st:ige r::acc honor:,. in the CAT A men went to MSU with Ronan first and

~~s1u;zm~ci.o~~·vls" I~~,;~;;~~ first with Amaya in l'ighth.

:igain 1n the CAT B mr.:n·!i road race. whh AmJya taking

Alexander fin ished lhird In 1hc CAT A womi;n. ovcr::ill in CAT A wome n followed by Crys1al Butler in Alex.indtr captUred third with fourth. Butler ukm,e founh





'$liaring tlie 'Vision!" TIM Mldwntorn St1t1 Unlvw11tr ileplrbMnt of Atllietlcl Is gnleful to Ille ......... llllltl llllow for IMlr Cotponta 5poalonhlp of 1111 ltlllellca program. lllly . . llllplng MSU build I -lrltllllon al nCllllnct In latercolllglata 1t111e11c1 111d lllelr aupport Is apprtcllted. For lnformltlon on 1111 Corporlle Sponsorship Program, contact the Allllellcs ofllce It (117) &e-4351.

. . ..u. ,._,._MUISOI.EUM


111r-u Wichi_ta General ii'ts='-fl Hospital @ParkerSquare Bank

Official Spo,wr 1996 US Olymp"' Team



w 'iill in first

t or more information about these courses,


"~/i.1 tx't11m111~ 111..· tl1111nJ · m~·Oi'., M,,,t V:.ih1Jt'ik Pl:.i) i,:r 0 '8.tnmm (ini,ht·, th,: 1,,ltf·

l1l'ld ~nJh .in!J ,mly J - IO, in BJtk:)' \llh{)SC .,l'l'11nJ 1.'hJ11.:C 1h1..· ,c1.·,mJ hall 1-k W:11' ~l Id !ohOl'- on ~pcc!JculJr mo,·e, hal"k t,y lhl· l'ff,,n~ lll 7 1t1ot 1111 g J,'l' him 26 pinnL-. anJ nm.: center Gc1•rf1..' Z1dcl,; "' wen.- ::is adv::inccd as :my l\."t'tounJ~. adJed t-t ~)101~ 1if h1, eollcgc player I hJve seen. I But i.:ven BJ1ley·s pl'rforIn thl' lJr,t hJII . A_ h 1hink ha scuing ~kills will allow her to be a,;. good as m,n.-c w,- over , haJnw,J , ,pt 1h,· """' ughl lily scm:r ever a1 Midwl!S1cm Smc when ~he walks on the coun in the (JII," Picht s.11d Jonathan ~rady In 1hc ind1v1du:1I um~ Spor ts Ed 11or 1rials hdtJ Ap n l I at th1: The LJd>' Indian), iin1~hcd • MSU's cyc ling 11.:am. Uniw:rsity of N11~h T~·xas. 1hcir 199.t sca$on wnh a 14• Tc::i,m A1ww. s1dl h:1s a gr:a.<o:p Team An,lw took thi.: lop 17 r1,.'l' \1rJ m 1hc Tc ,i: a,. on first pl:u.·c m the South three: in 100 men's A ca1;1gi"lry. l ntercollcgiatl' Ath\c11t.: Ccmral Collegiate Cyclmt Chns Ronan fini shed A.c.sm:ia110n. thl'ir finJI Conference, Jhcad of team.!. lirst. while Ami Assayag season u~ mcmt,er~ flf the such as Texas A&M :md UT c:unc m st·cund. and Paul non-sch,•lars hir confcrcnl"e Auslin. Rl•ad came in thud. Next year 1hr LJdy Indians Team Arrow conunued ''·" In th\! wo men's A wi ll he ,·o rnpc tini a~ lc::i~ in the conference hy catJgor y. C'rrtal Butkr t~mg first pl:H.·c ow rall team carturcd third place and honors m a Wl~kend stage Br:mdy Akxand<.·r fin ished NCA:\ 01\'1) 10n II r.mks but race co-hosted hy the with fourth. will not be .ihk tl'l \ "Cllnfll'll' Univc:r~lly of North Tc.:ll.aS foCion O:iv 1s 100k first for t he c-o nt'..: rc nc~· ?"d MSU. Texas A&M ca~,.- place m lhc men's B, ra~c wi~h ch.imp11,nsh1p until lhl" fJI\ o f m second, and UT Aus11n Chri.c. Am.iy3 fan1shmg in 1997. e:1mc in lhmJ. seventh place. In the C t:atJ.gory. Philip 8001h 100k ninih. fl tr;//, ,f,,f;,,.,,t, In the CAT A men·~ mad Give h er n gift you can both e nJoyi r3ct:, Ronan ~hell to lirst pbr.:c 20'\ D.scount with MSU ID ()(l regular ~-r,,:erl me1C..,,1r,(j150 with AS!oJ )':l& ~·(1ming in



l'I, ,,m: EJ Cl'B.,mwu () l3.t\ 11;,n ., n 111..·J \II r lunt:- J~~l r • ·k •ti up 17 r.:~•unJ, 1111 1'

But n ...·11 \\11h, ,u1 fa.In,.·\ . i1Hhv1duJI , w 1\' 1h,.· 8 111111' (11- ~I \ \)unJ .1 ttH.1m:11n..-nt ArkJ n, ;n


MSU volleyball signs ENMU's Churchwell Jonathan Brady

l1• l h\.' lh.1mp11, n,h1p He \\;1, !hl' , 11w '-'h,, d1,1h• J,",·n 1ht' c11t11\! kn i:1h 111 1h~• , Pm l \\ 11h II\ \! '-.:t,,;1u, ku JuJ ' l'Pt,:d .1i:J 11ht ,\ l u.hii:,111 .1 1 tlh ' 1iU11 ..·1 111 l..l· ..·p· illc ll: 1111\-"

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II AmericansAtTheir Best The Anny N•txxw Guard is an Equai ()pponunity Employer.

---:;::;;::::::::::~===::=:::::; w~:-;~:-,~=~~~~=~ Delta Sigma Theta

~Pl -"i<h.... lll!=

P:1s<· ;

Thur...l:11', .\ pril 6. 19')5

Campus litte r p roblem ...

launches new chapter Students begin campus beautification pr~ject Mark Loyd A~ocialc t ditor When ShJquJn a lfall }Urted at MSU she ho,xd 10 find a s1ud.:n1 mc:ini-,;it,on wiih mcmhcrs who ~h,m.:d tdc:Jj :ind i.:~mr from :a b.ic k. ~nds similar 10 hen. She didn't.

Sn, M:ill dc:c1dc:d to fnrm JO ori:m11.:111on herself. On ,.pn1 1. 11ws ~1.su·-. ncwc,t s1udc1U or~an11.Jt1on and her

~o:il ',l,•tll ~ r,:ahlcd . Di.:h.1 51gmJ Thet:i. a nat ionally

recognized sorority. wi ll iniu3te Hall and IO oth.:r founding mcmh1.'r~ of


MSU chap1c:r Acc..'Ot·ding 10 H.111. gcuing [)(:11:z Sigma The1a to MSU started m spnn1; 191J..i. She

c:ontac,ed 1hc Ddt:i Sigma ThclJ hc::id4uJrie r ~ 1n \VJshin~ton. 0 .C. and w:is stnl infonn:uion nn ho,... h>

~a chapter. N~:,;t. she hld l o prove to the nauo nal

o (f,cc


univcrsi1y rnuld support the

or~amz:rnon. Ila.II sohc11cd members by pos1ing llycrs tround campus :i.nd hy word of mou th. In order 10 ~cl a Delta Sigma Theta chancr, she had 10 rccru11 a1 k·i1s1 seven members o f sopho more rank

or higher w11h grade pomt t \'Cr:II;CS ol :it lcasr 2.5 on a 4

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Po~ 6

Thursdov, April 6. 1995

******* * ** ** ......................................................................................................************* !********....._

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1995 Nomin ees for JI Outsta nding Studen tj * i# Awards

Outstanding Senior Man

Outstanding Senior Woman

Alicia Pres1on Aaron Marcus Kealoha Allen :\I.in or the \'car Peggy L. Als1on Arula Zoran \ \'c-nJy Gam~on Jt-,.w \11.·nJ:o Pq•~, I Al,wn /l1r.1.n ArulJ Angela Uaskcn ille M11ch Baumari C1rmcn Guc.'ITl'TO \11h'h H.mmJn K11Jnn I >.1, c \1 th hdl I inJ.1 Ci.1~ i\,c Amy Blunlzcr Sco11 Birdsong NJdml' Knc.·m~ \.1m Bw) k, I >,l\1tt \\ ,111th1•\\ ' "11 Ana Paula Borrego Vela I..:. 1x·L1h BnPni..· Rodney D. Oise J.1,on I, l'l11lhp, M11..h,1l'I Circ:,h.tm .\ 1u I' 11 1\.1 H,irn:~o \ 'c.• \,1 / umr., Pl'hn \1.mi:r Julia Brown An1hony Todd Cedrone \ l1 hhl·I Ciro,, knmh:r Nm.ii,. I \ ,111 .1 l ·hurrh ifp\ \ lt' \ 1 l'rir1.Michelle E. Brown Robt'n E. Church knmh:r R Pool lfl"- K s,, .111,1•n \11 111, ,n ( ·,•h:r K.mdJI S Ul'nn~ ChriSli E. Caner John Fleming \ f.1r) ( lf.1,, I 1m ( ·1\rJ11, .1P1inJ1 l>1Jnnc.· K11kn, \ 11ll' Ir.in lh11mJ, Hn'-"t' Donna Church 1'..11,1111., R.111hn11,, d Troy P. Hoye Cnrtl~ \\ .1U,~·r JW Ju,lh.t' \ 111..'.,:h. 1 l 1.1,\J.,rd Veronica L. Furnish Kyle S1even Joyn<r I .1ur.1 \h11rt P.1111 l).1,1, Amanda Garcia Danny Minniear Jennifer "Jen'nan " Ghazal 1"1111,1 l ·rc. hurc. h Outstanding Graduate Man i nll·l1., I 1,d1c.·r N.1gai Tsunl·n hue.· \ \ ·,1r1.1 c Juhl· I ,-rrnn L1su Gonzales Roher! Donald Blank Howie M. Pn nee .\r h.:lh.' \\ 1ldm,111 \ n,1ni~.1 I. I urn1,h Carmen Eli ,;;a Guerrero Bnan Bolinger Tege Rndeli ffe Katl1y Judson ,\ndn·" W DesAu1cl< Charles Rice Jcnnifl-r M artinez OonLc:11 J\nthonv G101-on Jf Ripley Tale Outstanding Graduate Woman K. Peter J Hoch1otrali.scr Debra L Mar1z Michael K Thoma, Oavrd J Houk Amye Marie Miller Patricia Mary Coker MikcTrnn Bradley S Howard Martha Mrtchell Jennifer A. Craighead Brian K. Wallum Terrence lnm,;;\ An;..1s1:t!i.1a K. Molina Angela Crawford Byron Keilh Walson Gordan D Momcrlo'lc Jennrfer Lynne Novak Lori L. Edmonson limmy D Samuels Shan Offull Kelli D. Hill Nick Ngu Tu Domh Diann~ Ridens Mary Jo &rbcc Johns1on Outstanding Sophomore Man Na1ahc Roland Cynlhia Leick Krisuna Rurherford \" Cody Cole . S h Susan H. MacKenzie d tst 0 u an mg op omore ,oman Meri Be1h Schwendeman Horace Crogman Karen K. McConnick Leigh Ann Segler Shay Kellcne Benion John Gregory Hergens Davis lina Moore Laur:1 Short Monica Renee Burk.h::iltcr Chrisiopher Wallace Finnell Kimberley R. Roe Donna L. Wngh1-Trevino Stcfame Carroll Jay Fisher Judie Smelser Tnna Upchurch Na1asha Gabriel Juan A. Gonzalez Outstanding Junior Man Arlcue Wildman Be1h Goodgion Drew Myers Iliana Jaramillo Breni Lamar Anderson lsao Naruse Outstanding Junior Woman Nadine;: Koc:nig Willie Brown Gangj ian Pan Judi1h Mauhew Pamela Lynn Bailey Sam Broyles Melissa ~1illcr Alyssa Beaugh Jason Crawford Amy Pennartz Outstanding Freshman Man Naialie Birdwell Mi1chel Gross Suzcuc C. Prncda Zumga Kayce Chf1on WilliarnBcrend J.W. Justice Leila Plummer Donna S. Fuers1cnberg Charles Knox Boa1ner Ill Tanweer Kaleemullah Michelle Robertson Tricia Gray George Cunningham JP. Kearney Anna Sumon C1ane Gros~man Paul Fleming Andrea Leonardi Jennifer Dene:' Warren Mana Dora Guarnera Brian W. Lewis John Loblnck Georgina Helen Whmcon Jennifer Ha,good S1even Spangler Jesse Mendez Yamamuto Yukiko Kerry Hm on James Winham II David Woodrow Noll Jennifer Liule Richard Glen Young Jason "Ty" Phillips Outstanding Freshman Woman Theresa J. McDonough Carlos M. Thomas Mis1y Brock Claudia McEwen Mike Wil, oo Jennifer Buller Misiy Park Chrisiopher W. Woodlock Carrie L. Coaker Momca Lynn Pnbyla Carol DeeLynn Cook S1acy Santellana Nominees for James L. Stewart Service Award Shana Ronayne Hick .ian l<,,thryn Rurh Self Junko lwazum1 Bonnie D. Tate 1-'Jnn ly l l1111y Accounting Society Shannon Norris Rebekah Tellier Piper Payne Gillian G Thoma. Gamma l'hr lkl.t Wendy Nicole Peters Alpha Omega Robbin Gari Walker Monar Board L1ura Windedahl Carla White Social Workers Acting Together (SW Al)

Woman or the Year

Friday, April 21, 1995 7 p.m. D.L. Ligon Coliseum

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