April 7, 1992

Page 1


fue.., duy. Aprll 7 1?.91

MlllWES l'EJl,, ,TAm I ,1 vtwHn

Boa rd approves dorm itory site '°' ]t'lUI JI.JI

Staff'Wriltl" The Bo.rd of Kccenl\ h11 app roved a plaa lo locate the new , u ,deoce bill heh,nJ aMI between 1he K1ll11111wor1h Hall 1nd Pierce Hall , Dr Howard F urc ll . v1(c p ru 1deat for ~tu d1nt a nd ad· m1ruscratl~<e litt'V!Cel, Mid The louc,nn wu ( hoaen 10 pro\ 1de bclh:r acceu1h1l1ty and • cc-olra h ud loutwn ..,,lb a ll the



~int 1e r¥1CH, FamU Yid. Pl ■ n, are be,oa d1sc u~1cll to conoc-c1 all th1ee ru1 dcnce b~lli w 11h un rred \l. &tkw ays The bous1n1 1Jm1n1i lfll1HI offi,e,, will 1ljll) be reloc ~t«l lo lhe 11ew hlu klmi Ted Rt dlacz.) k . d 1redor o f ho u~tnj, u 1d lht ~0,.1 oi proY1d1nj uli llf1e , W I \ 1no1he r laClor 10 choo(.1n1 the klcatJOn. Uutine anll -.oohnr (crY1ces fo r ~11 ca mpu, hu il l.1 1111• at e p r11v1d cd 1broui;h undc:rJIOUlld lunncl~ from 1 (e ntral pl1nl Red· lac7)l J>11J 11 c0>li1 , hout Sl, 100 per hnu r foot IO con~tru..t lbosc utihl) lunnel,

"Thi~ lo1:a11o n 1~ lO to 40 feel from tbt end or I ut1hfy tunn<I . • he a;ald The o ther ~:Ce~ con.1idned


!.._ :nm

,.._,_.,.. .,_

ror a whilt . Tom Brumtield, director or the physical pla nt. said lhe sidewalk lld( bt f'inbhed btfore tM fountain can bt tumed on.

Tltt rountain is run or water, but ii won't


ew phone system o e installed by May

'1 ~Saitb

WriMr MSU vllu: ,1h bo pc lo ".:ul tr ' to I nc:w ICkpbool S~) tcm hy ¼~\ Tb, ~ d111 t,;I commun1catuH1i. iplil:111 w, U UKiud,,, • -ral future. , ,..,,l, tilc un lhc: c11r,ent ~yl>lcm,

" - ~ v1>1,e iu,I.

I IIIOflllllC


~• ·i.p. ~p«d J11hn1 and lcul· fhf rouc.ni lon1 -d11t 1nC'• calh, ('lule.1 0 llarJy , v 1,;e pru1dcnf

1 he

Ul'I 11!

the nrw

HsrJy \IJd thcrt will ~ • ~v. u c h1ng1:. for lht new ,yslcm. It 1. no l po"1hlc 10 rd.11n lhe 692 XXXX num~, beuu,e th.-re are m,I eno ui;h • v11l1ble numheu I upand t he , y.c iem. T he new u .chani;c: w,/1 bt 68Q•XX XX Eve ry atlcm pl will he ma<k rc111n o lJ 1;;ah:n•1on numbt-1 \ 11n

llfaln. ~

ftr ~

~1i,l1n cc 11 ncrdcJ or the d1rrc number 1s not k!'IO'Nll

Ille fl<'W ,y,10:111, H11Jy !o.Ud,

~p lrm


pr.., ,m, 1t· I) \881 .000 ll,¥hcr 1i. , 1mn l " ht,ncc 11,nJ\


II b

nut a j:Uarantn A, 1h-pul me nh e• pi nd lhtrr "'}' \l.:m ~. II m11h1 he nc , e"U) lo re •n umhc1 Mlm e t' A tt·n.,.1un~

;1 /111


~onw. ur n:nl numhc-,-, , u, ll"ll~ lfl , _, tho: ncv.

64!. (;(,) I ,


, ) 'h ' IU tor , tk hmh• l'"''°J ul hm ,,. 1a,. 11, 1a1c- the: 1,1,i-1111,n r hl

1/,iJ~ ,11J the prc •o,: M ' ) -.lt'm l lil , ,.., i.ut~J u r1r p.a11, . nJ1 , lc.Art••l••u Parh " " th, .. ,1IJ

u.... ~ Htllll•Ulll11o,'f\ , 1 1u11un•l1;•J anJ hu•n~n mh:rvt:mu ,,. ' "''I tbo,e md1v1Ju.ab, 111ak11u Ul'IIH 1, /I)' 1.1,1JI

> - uch.11J"1lil.J Th "'"' •y , 1c- m w,U he 1n -1,,1lkil 1n , 111ta hu11.J,ne:, un l • m •N • II the 1d'" r1h"n, , ,.,It 1w

I.. ""'"

h •· m11l.,yr r -..,II h.,, .. h1 , •• <lifted 111• uil Ji.I 1dq1f\1>11<' 111h.t1 \ ., tti.._,·r "'Ill n,,1 :,.n)!ir he ,-.,1. tii.. ,.,,J ln.. ,,nun, . all, .,..,II ••nil) , . tk kpu1n., nl " ' ,,.., !w n,,....-r •._r lhc rt,,.,,U.__, lo.I :• l•11m,u. .:i nu:nh..•, di.,

A"f '41ic•ltott, I ~ 1M IICW

• )•lo:.10 111ul hnw 1t ••P•Ch pa1-

By JWI Hall St1ff Wriwr The Te111 Boud or Criminal Just ic e w ill decide April 10 1f Wieh11a F1ll1 v,,1U be c~ n u the ilto for unc of 10 oew pnliOM App111~1m,1.-ly 800 people auenJ<td lhe open b Uflllj'. March J I to de,;1Je public 111ppon on Uk' ,u w .

Alto:, the Board ofCumrner,;•e 1nll lnJub11 y ruJ the propoMl tUr the pm"n . H spcal eu voKed opp ou l 11;)n t o lhc p rl) OII a nd J'2 ,pc11l cr~ vo1 .. ~ 1upp.w1. 31gn1tu11n 11 the d(irn ~howeJ

lt>l pc'f'f'k presc:n1 ,.ere •1••n11 the r n,un . mJ JJ) v.c,e u, r:.~ur

G,,,up, who ho·e Pl,lbhcl; en 1,/nr, cJ lhc p11~0 11, ,.,h,.:b 10..luOe th, Ii( I. 011 Wi.:h,t. P1lh T111\h k .:,urd Naw1, the W1, h 1ta Fall, f',,l" c- O thcah A,.....:1,111-a anJ ill t-u l u nc o f Iba elu1cd nff,cuh r• nent at 1b1 mcc11n1 . d auu 1be1 r n,i.MI hlLI! lbe Ulpr.otl of tbc JKfl,J1.. ll'IJ w ill M br1J1j1n1 M 'lr /OIM MIJ t<. • ~

1ruwcll 1o tn. -

Co1c•r MJ f tllLt1ni. A1•u a-l the f',110• II 11, J lh a t U1• 8r t

llarJ1 ., c u 421 1 u,

h.•a rd llll•f•P•<'•c;nl•J the IS..lk 1,, lht puhli<., l h a l tht 01.tc-1h.e tlf puhh, 111pp,Ht v. o t' 1,,u , reJ ~,.J ~u,lctilt/\4 • ~ Uw,1 tbs p,1'-(1'1 DlJ /c !l. f in U\•a j,• .J w,111,JJ



M. , , h,11 11..-Jy . 1..-/..,.,vtttm111n1.. a \1o,11, Jua.to" . •I t:.U 4 .! IO 11111 \' MC lh, ,ml) 1-..,, mrn "" . • ltlf'I" wllln l .rl p1v v1J..: J1· f1n11.- •11...,.co. h, '4u,•-.t1,"',1rn tl\o;: IJCW~)"-.:01


Weal Caibo l ,e C ampu• Ce11ld C i n:l pUI 10 all•v!llt Iha p•rlc1nf problem Redlaciyk u1d 1ilbou1b lite 11ew p1rk1n1 lOf wdl he futthr:r 1way from the campw;. the cc»! of hutW101 11 w,11 be coaa1denihly kw- than that o f u1end1n1 utility 1u11.u l• ,..ould b.ive b«a A• uf preu 1,me. lhar• w•rt no prOJcct,d d• 1e, Ofl tbe be110111na o f ('0 1'1SlrU.::II 0n b,ec1u1e &J. m111ntr11tou v.·111 aot rneiet will tk 1rch11ec1J untJI Apnl 9

•1 kaow I soUMI va1\N about 1h11 , • Farrell , ;i! d , "but die ar· r b,1ec11 w,11 be able IO tc.U "" wbM we can do w i th

1 1 IDOl.lnl

of moocy

and how k>na I.I ....,u take. We will be meeltDI w llh the 1rt..lut.cb ,·ery


Redl•c iyk e111m11•d 1b11 th• ocw 1es1ckncc ball will hou.a• be,..,·ec.o 60 and 90 sl\ldeall anJ. that the co~t pc:r 11udcnl room ,.-ould

,,...,,..se sio.ooo.

Altlto u1b Farrell 111d tbe W'll•cn ,I) w ould move u qw.;tJy • po■ nb l e to co iaplete th • d o rm, Redl1c i yk warned th.ti COHlnC· 001 If a flow procca. "[' n, hci;1llnl to a&.k I fi,U,e, bu1 I 111t1c1,-te 11 wdl take ont Md I half 10 two )'CI U lo bu.&IJ, - filed. laczyk M1d "Wcwow:kibrllof1l.male 10 he 1b\e 10 oil er the ..-· ~ ,

btbr.f1Uoil994, "

W.F. as location of prison sparks controversy

1,~ul,r olln.:.-1. 11, arc~ o l fUJ'IIDl'>r 11.hh e1,~cd IU ) th1lil1c , ,


were Ulto400he1 • The ( 1lc ~huscn for t he new dorm i_~ .:urrcntly I pulran1 lol. F.rrcll u, J the bu il il1ni; ..,. ,II chnunalc: 50mc hut l'll'i all the parkini •Pfi'c:. Pl1n1 arc: bc1ni made LO dis•

10 \ UO bu1ld11lj I ttCW p1rbn1 the fi e ld ba1w u 11 the C fn1rc h o t he t 111d ter Cu C br ul Sludeal


ILi) IMln,ptt~nLIII\ t tr" II P u f p,o ple anJ con ru"c-J lv,ul.:d<jtK',\,.,n:,.

,.., , Lai.en from

).1.)ftC• ,....nJl.ll lnJbc: t.....,ll puij a"J f,~n.d 1~1 II'"" th,n lwl! ..,, ~ pr, •ple fl Wll'CJ th.: poA.11!, j oh n lhHCIII • ••• ,. 10: pl l"• • eDl.lll\C . ... ,J aha '4W..C .. ~ •t.1e eot loa de.J l!le.:ao,.- tltc y hul 1-., ,w c r,:01u1 lb• 'IC(illlYt ~ onauuil1o"'°" ,ii dx ,.,.wJ l'l~IQ

In .JJ nu-n, • ltt»11th I.ht! tl C I -...cJ \ti .. )' t:n o: th~ -.v.1•po11 ,iJ ti,e nu J h " ' .onJ I .at1n, ,•mm••ii,.,~ •ti m.u1, oor111,h1. t, ul ib, ')i er••


l , \Jwuc,

l'{J,O,.<lll'lt1d C u run, f"'"nllr'\l

letten: wnrtca by the BC! to 1amer support for the pri,oa 1h11 were dated 11 leut I moatb before tbe BCI stated 1h11 11 h1J aot dec ided whether 10 1.cek the prllOCI hid. l a add!I M)O, membcn sa,J rh..1 couoly co m muuo n ers h,J • J • 1n1tte d l o app,uv,ni lb.:- prnposal v.,cboul read1.:ie 11, in etrer.1 "rubbo:1 sUmptnJ • the plan T he jro up 1h,1 111d th.I UU·c..pollJ pre~cotcd by l h e HCI '4b1.:h 1how«I o u,....bc lm1n1 public ,upp.,rl for the p,1:,00 v.·ere 1aconeo:1. Or . Howa, d K, ~ner . hcaJ , 1,1,~11, 1,n ,.,, AC s1~ rlrlu1 • ..,,1J m h" ~pc«h that the p,,11 .,. • • •'<.' A Ju, 1.-.I in an uos. 1cnl1 h\ millnn<'r,



"•Jn ': ,1vc-11 aa, ~aJuu--e-

A ~ & ~lit~ I ~ , -.0. ,,;y p,rforna 6 p.m. Wl\10<'" in lllw ~ ~ Caltr Ballroom. S.. rrllNNI

""'Y ,_ P'le• $.

Edi tori al / R.~FU ~

roe£ A



c.ARro olJ!


Stud ents shar e abo rtio n views Do the unborn have rights? Whose rights are violated ?


By >Lrl Hu-clu, SalJWn&a"


We dec ide d tbal tbe Dred ~oCI doc1s,oo "'U wrooi and r:,y,uturned 11. The SIIM dlould be dooe to Roe YI. Wadi.

Abortloa It is lcJal because rbe co,uu u y a c b1ld is 0 01 pro<cc1ed uodu the Ccns11tulloa ot Ck U Diled State.I u.n lil 1he umbili• cal cord 11 c ut. tn other words. the courts bave decided that the ltfe of I c lttld doe. ao l bo1io uald 11 11

Tticre sltould be no e.ii:cepuoos lo lhe rule ei1hcr. ff a wocnan ~ U pre1au11 becaus e of rape . sbe s hould be loved a.ad cowiselcd but aol be able to a borl tbe duld. II 11 noc lbc c hild's faull lhal bu father commilted a cnme.


Tbo6e wbo support the leaality of aborlH>G uy the woman bu the npr to privacy. ft'• her body and abe 1boc.tld bave coa1rol onr what luippeni 10 ii. They ba\'e tu.med the 1borr1011 ,u ue io10 a civil r11hts

I c an undenta.nd the emotrona I effect th u c o uld ha ve OD a wo man. but 11Jowu11 her lo ,eet u 1bo r1ion is pu1tin1 bc r e mouons above t~ J,fe of aoothn penoa.

que,tica. Abor11oa • bo uld be 1lle1aJ be-

came an 11abcn-o baby If 1/Jve, and we do aol have the r11h1, uodc r coo'"1.11ut1oa1I and B1bhc•I law. to mltfdt:r uotber bumu bfe. A, far as c ivil n t blS •~ conc.rned, those support1n1 abortion are u yUIJ the womao ·, n 1 hu arc mo re 1mpo ruor lhan aaolher peNOll'I Jif•.

Wbal abo ut 1he ioooce nl cbild '1 ri1b1a.? A wo man does 110 1 ,ad a;houJd 00( have tho riJhi 10 k.iU aootM, huawi.

lff courts Dud to ,e-evaJUlle lheir opuliom on w~o life M11n1.

Benuse a baby 11 inside 1bc womb does DOI men he i.s nol a hvinJ

The baby 1s ta ,u 6nt stap of

development wh1h: Ul 1u mOlbct. Only U day, afler conctpflon. tbe bab) '1 Jaeart be1uu bulinf. Ten •eds MllO tbe p,c:pan.:y, lbe brain 1od s pinal cord form. The h•b)' 1s itOWUlJ before birth and will ooollnue Ir.> 1row •fret bulh inco ,n adul1. We, as Amcuunl, (ac,, '4"bll we ovc,n~ art.r 1!,f, O~d S<:oU doci&toa m l 8.S 1. lJ a.d bucb wea'II 1 01 °pe1a;o1u:• ,a <be: e:ves ofl.N Co,m1tu1Joa. 0-.neu ~ould buy, ,ell o r e ven kill lbeir "propet1y• if

Uk:ywMOfc,J T bt: l ◄ lb Am.c nJmetl! ov•t· uuned rh n dec1&1o u No w Ill• (OUrts ..ay tn tinborD pctw, l$ Ck property o t lbt motht:t f think we I.re lfOaldUIJ 1ntl,- Mmcwattf. J~

The u me applies for women preananr w nb bab1e, who WIil be born re larded o r handic apped . Who·s to say lhal lhese c hrldrca wdl DOI bave productive hvct?

They could co nlnbule plc111y 10 the world . and 1bey deserve the.! ngbr IO life as much u anyone else. Thu ,s !he u mc as kd l1n1 off the weak or 1nfcrior. Shwld we kill the elderly bec aus e Ibey do no l coo· 111bu1e aoythmr 10 the world? We don. I bee• Uk It woo Id be murder Tbosc for 1bon1on ueuc: th11 1f 11 ~came- dleral, m10y women wootd J:d 1bo111oos anyway. f rhink by m,k1nr abortloa rllejal, womco. and men, would be more: rcspon•ble.

The,. wo uld realize ho,. life• 1bru l e ~1n,: an 1fle11I abor11011 wo uld be and d t.e1dc lO take rnore prrc a u110 11ary mcuuru if Ibey tni•rcd u:i sexual mlet'C(N.lr.;e. The couru mu ~I ctuni:e 1hc1r opin10M on the 1hor11on is~uc:. The: who le u tua1Lo11 s ho uld nol be a quulioa of lhe t1Jht to privacy A

w009n, u any oeber Amencan. h&s dte n,:111 to pHvai:-y Tbe quc...llo u


doe• l b b,ve the Oj:bl to kill

""""' -livilrwho 1••1 ,-.noo


&e,aliald altoriion UlouW ask hun-

#lf NW ho. '-'• about btu,;


. . OplpOf-..ily to Live. b be lhaol:· fllJ ._., .ltis mnlkr d,J no t abo1 t

•'--7Sitou(do ·1 oth er.. bavie the .... o,,,or:aaitiu?

Cbo1c c:. It's one of the fundamental hhc-rtJ~ this country wu founded on An md1 vldual's n~ht lo c h oose ho ,,.,ever , u:emi, 10 be limited lo> those who oppos e aboruon, or so pro-M r ad\'OCates would ba\'T II The debate O\'e"r the lejahry of abortions hu takcn a na.s1y tum m ttus cow,I() 1n recenl ycan, anJ ,t's ume to refocw: on the simphc,1y of the 1n uc: the r11h1 for an md1\•MJIIIU lo c hoose Pro -hfcrJ. as the ) have ico pre1e nt1ous ly namc:d 1hcmsclves. ha ve oraan1 led the ir c rusade aro unJ 1hr rights of 1he unhorn c hild. I rc..:ently had the orportunuy lo allead a pre,;cnfat1o n i l \t'II by lhe Wichita Falls aJ\fX"IICS of prolife It cons1)>!rd uf a series of horrific \ rdt:O!- and shdc, , ccompanitd b) equally ipp,11,n~ punted l11cn l LHe dcp1cllnJ ,,.,-bat lhc) c all the •truth of aboroon. • The s hdc sho-,1.· ,,.,.as ac.cur1tc m one rc.sp«I. An abortion l:!I a mcJ1c aJ proadurc Graph11,: de piction of an y s uri1 cal p roc c:tlure, if ph.itognphcd and filmcJ ,n Its en• t1re1y , 15 an unpleasant and d1~1urb-WM ttung 10 vtcw. 'Tht 1ru1h· would ~ equally unnerv1n1 for a s moker 10 w11c h the removal o f a Jung sbown 111 all 1bpyck-1ai.1.


Brought to you by :

Pro-ltfe 1 ro up.1 fi¥hl unrdrnlle,.. 1, f..,r che 111h1~ of the unboro, but what aho ul rhe right~ o ( the mo ther? Pro-hfe &J\OClllC' ~ fighl for tht h1t1h of a child and hn ·in~ 1-.h1ev~ tha l, fer! then JoJh \.\di don.: and mo ve o n w hen the REAL fight i,, JU) I bcgtMIIIJ: It wo uld be r.:ire,h1n1: 10 sc:c a c rauJ group, ,uc h as Opcnu on Rc&1.ue, work 10 t , 11bh.. h an a c• ceptable 11do rir1on ,\)'~tern ,n lh1'" ~ounrry m~tcad of l,:rnfy1n, wo men al an ahorcwn d m1l' . Wh y no l u,;c !hat otherwise wulL-d eneriY lohhymr the r ow m• m.: nt to pro v1Jc a dotctnl nalmnal hc1lth care plan, a plan 1tu.1 ,.ouh.t lteJ itnd c hHh 1he rc:suh ('I( their

COME .. T GLEANEI ,.,,_ .,.,..-

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Mak1n1 a boruon illegal w()Wd n o t , to p 11 hu t si mpl y p ut th e f a c d111e., 1n unq11al d 1td hand) . T hac \.\a" 1n ,ncrca~ 1n abortions 1n Brazil after II was outla,.cd and an mc rea~ In lhe number .,f lk'.iths r uul 11ni from bor,. hcd ab..,r11on,; pcrro rmcJ by the witra.med The ent ire 1b,1r1,on l ) ) UI." has been lnn ..formt" d by lho~e who would hm,1 lrcedom into an ,11..:un• cc1ved dct>att. If you review 1he faclS on 1!-aor11 o n and c om e 1,1 a p c:r .. oa al de1.1s1o n •~• m ..1 1t •.~1.'lnd hy 11. but allo ,. eac h 1nJ, v 1dua/ lo co me to he r owo con.:lu-.1o n and lifand by he r right to d 100tie.

week's puzzle



c1mpa1J(R '

The Weekly Cross-.ord Puzzle (CPS )

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M M!n<llof dtnc:t



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5 Sht111


aA. .l ltanl

Tri,h Chooie ..•.........•...................•...................... Ediror Julie Nanny ···-··········································Copy Editor Michael Vendrick ..........•.......................... Copy Editor Belinda Bcrtrnm •..•.........•.......•................ Phoro Editor Kyle Russcll••.•.••..•.•...•...•..•..•.••....Spons phorographer D;1n Fannin .............................,_...... Bu.-iincs.~ Manager Elizabeth Whirten Meux .....••.•......................... Adviser Brue, Smith .......................................•...... St>ff Writer . Staff Wn1cr J~an Hall .... StaIf Wnter ~l.irL. l fanfrn... . .1 c..·1.·lrnK;1! SIJff ·1Lxhm1.·JI S1JII .Archm::i. ... Cin:ulation 1' 1d10IJ, Mom s.. M,kr ~fur<lo,.:k .... .. .... ................. "····•-··•--·Canooni:.1 SJ1IUC'r\ 1\obllll... .........................................Citt.rtoot1i:n

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~7J I Sor.uhwcst P.ttkway

K,,ht.-n Bu1,:h \11.. hdlt' l.J~krt ( ·1m\t1c Wilde..

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Rio \ '1, t,1 Pa,,;i

CMne(: 1 HR CLEAl\'ER.S A.'Dl.AL'!"'.~ \

I0% discount on dry cleaning and laundry


150 1 M1d'lo't'Sd


--Dis.:-oun1 mv11hd ,,.,,th any Olhcrspo.:ia b \\ ht S....,_ II ,~ - Ptc":m MSl, ID \lo1th lnCOl1W\J iJtden lO IOCIC\·e d1"-


' by Jc-.'Cl ...,..

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~ Y• April 7, 1992

soaking the rich 11 0 solution to country's woes • ., - ; :



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'T, ii• SL&CC' o ( lU Usua. Id, . p,uidfot lull a•~ Co.,

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)t11cll 2')4-flat, 10 co.. ~~ • «.caocuc pla• 10 saun. f# , re•·Ui dd tOUUtef 'Pl'IIMI-



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aveec tad ..,--4 , c.ru 11•1 uw,. lllt

er"-•••tter 1k hi;.,, &u



lu111,y ceu ,.,,, aect:..!:, ~4 .,,, 10 ptrt:aa.

11 Marcll 20, U.


C•I'.,, 111ba1 tt.ed a pl... 10 - , uu• o• tlit nd1 ud 1,ve ~dlt clu,• fuuhu a toke ■ - TM ,du IOUDds tOOd but ~ ,-o 101 1ha\llat t 8coao,uc ~t

tull Coaare.o oa thaed

,t1J•d 1•1 u oa upper cl a iu 1•

•,;wdf,111 IS ptrcnt. I t ~ . JO ~ n: eet 11ud1ar1c o• 1aco••


~ Tun~~-,.__,•• r.. 1w.a,..,11 .. ~


lk-1- A recca, kUd,c--n · Dtfftf &.r · I,

tk~ tbal tilie lt'Yftlll nll!M tu ioc:ru..c. wu •lpe4 ._

,!: ;.!-::_• t,J

11 1,as,n

co. of col-

b.t-.e ••fdly 1 1 11 • '- U. tax wn ..,__ Ui " •;op~d hr 1• 1 Aac11c u ~ •ad ';_l'Okrowe .


blll.l e u .. ,, 1Le•1 M11.11 7


For cl.lH fu ultt:a. fo< md,dle -_..-. U S.CU), , ta■i1,-,... -,ukSrt«JYS aSlOOb,ui .

arc nd1 lad,.,.Mhub thu MGlley ':J)(lrte4 u., .. llr.u 1 • on: :.,.1

,-i Uafof11G&ltly, the bill lp0red

M.ed1 lo ruli1.1 !Mt i0ak1A1 tlllll ~ • o t ,.,, UIWU r.., . . ,

_. wki real.Itta. PL.BC.~



e, l,cfOft-



,_•, •• ~•,"'1&.J


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.-tfiowever , !he btll award, Chai

: ;Nlul ;.;:;.othflf d.u1 t ny.,

•c~,:~~~~ou• ta.

:!!i"~: kt~ ~~::

_. t,.auly will

, .. }Oh..

_,.. and OIOfC LU N ID.... •cover the defM:11 cre.aaod. SeconJ . lbt tu 1nc, uau do ,,. , nee, Olll) nch indMduaa ..., srnall h\mnHK.t ind fa,ra, '1tla.1e& " UMS!vldnal, beca\lae "- • _,eprofil• i ~ inen ma) pt,IJ La A • rn•I nG0 ,000 1n • yea, But .rter the ~man pay, overht&d ope• 1« ud ul1r ie1, be ":1'Y o n ly SA0,000 for b.um;,tlf. Ht•~ .-,..ultby ltld.iv,d~ . Butt.aolkr .u,,.1 ro WeadvlDlapo4 c&u. WiJ• Moat of u, lik• the aotad ot •


Tl• IOhM.o.


·• ,1:~# , ', , :,.1


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Ju ., u , . . . tul111 1 '".. ttlollt



MHh<. l • ft.r w

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"'••Mfal •-- ._, ._.... .. ..,_ ,,,_ ... ...,.,,..._Wt 1 .., "C SL lh-llM f'"f'••·•

tbt poo,l'I .,.,._ ,., ,u _._ ._ _. C<Ml,-r..,.. Ned• 1 ae-. btll M wJU c& to h 1 11M.s♦H 1o . , , _ : : : - : p o,i, Tiu• c-.... .._ ....._ tu bfCW 1etur••· n.. ~ C M - . . , . 0 ,.,., , ltJ .,. ,, •• , Ilk eapl •J •'• • • • I , , p l • J•• • 4•• a •r o •• a• ••• • •t ll • •r


---,·ty --· a··-n ....a--n·--seeks--h--u··-m - 1·e-pha·nt· lJ,.11 E twl

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t.,• •



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ll f•• te nt rt¥o .. . a..t "

re'•NIIN: to 1rve 21 ec 11 11 1 day to • muSdle cl•M

• "'11\l:l

;:._ '.


NN 1 C rotafu• pto rr•-•

.i:: ....:·.. ~~~::.;::-:.~::' _.u "* .oup rec~"• • fmaU m

·..A,:,~ .,. 4


' d.c," ;:;:.::.,~.::.:::'",.::-

,.,.• of fu, "'.'.: retura, IIM hall cal lc.ci .--,,


0 1M,c,a1. pl,t • ,l~t Sn ,..., ... ,.,. \ p,,1 ) 4 • - S....... •...-.I od Mdd,a.d ~ •


r. ,.., ~ . ,

..., r.....,., a......._..,__. .. _.,._ Wund Ha~ rd upe,lly

Ir e-II 4 ........, 6-11 -,..-. ot ...·, 1,_.u cc a-' tn1tltyi. .,_WM1

--•ti~ ;:~ ...,,,, hb ;:::~;~.=:--. :.~:~~ ..-ul to ,-. etb1l,1k4 •111• . . . , ••d • tto.1 , H ~ .. '•••r• i..LI ... of IIMf"HU IMI I ptl"ble 11,c-1. ot NllfM8!.y "T~er• 11 , 111111rtl• lo ru t•lltcd h'I !he •Y•• · aed I l011l4 feel 11 .• • Mernck 11awi ._. ... Ja )J of h11nuh111ott 11, c U'C1111 «1 •

bihf!K:C.. t11 on• .ccoe. JlJdey Ho pe . wlto played Mernd,. ..-cal dtroltc:l cbt mo11on 1 of u~ 1b11 10• He .i1.irbi.eoodupmdlw .._yoprn doU ,luJ to Wfloot Hlllddlltt u nu oul ftori luf 1JdN a lttde ..r

,-.<t . . ••4 ~ lh pll ) ,,l.11 u ,1e u w• e•m toe , u 4 • i.ol••• lrtknrt ttf._i...._~ .. a . _ . . . r__.._.

l,._NIC' A.alwro■,llr..N'MICY

.,..,·r,... --.1

_,..__ . ... ,.,,. ............ .......... . ,., •••t.a• • •• "' ef llrlil

.. . . ,... ... w- ,_...., ...,,_ ..

Still. Tr•"•• c uno1 o&der~


M•n.c• ~•Nly NC.-.


.. i..,._., M_.•

r. ._. w:-•••· M..- u c l kr•

•-.vc., l11•H• faUMr

6m t ... tal:nillly ....,..-..m.c-



--WkNCllaeoa ••l,.,..fltd., '-,••• M~md. lUI pnvtL.p of ...... , . ......... lAlclabi.m.. Hoa• aH !twvua. a1 U... ~

tc.p. . aJ..... ,...,,, k4

·0"9"• ,... ....... . .....,..-.ca: ......... ,., ....,,11, r.,.. , ••• ,.,. ,ark o (

IM n4 1H .,. •

c h-..chc: . . . . ., of ...C:O¥Hf .1ac ............... .,..-'

·,onn,.. •,- ,..,•........ ., .............. M1h Tff"l"'M,,

P, r,. ,tt , • ·llo

,1a1•• ~

••-'" • I • " • tll• a 11d1en ce • h"II~

Jlint,.. of' wb•I 11 '1 hi e IO rM.:i aa4 be 1....-..,J •••Y ud ol'wbiil:

•••tib1ot....Mt-,l'NC•out. Svaa • 1 Ill« ud of dM pla y,

r,.v... lJ> sc,111,,,•• lo __,II.lad

M•rt Kk . Ar,., Marr~ .. .. dc11i , the Ekpunt M..., T,..._ J"l'tl

-. = ; ~ , -~~~; ? ~~~; !:-:~~~:e . . : ] or . ~!&titer tlWliWj~ Audience takes trip to 'Graceland' ~

an .m.c-w • O ~ •for.-


~ • • t-...d a. Mtmd: '1

Pf .. N4 -.JI T ' " " 4..1.t 1e Ilia



a ■4


. . . . . . U)'IAIIOICCW... beNw , •



· - k tM - Mttoc bol of

1,1,. . ._. ElopM>< ..,....,......., H

llow " r 11t,0•1l1l.-u lu ■ c.llt y



.... T--.

My n1mc II Trub W1CN trw::i♦t .. 1pelha, p\aue) o f 1k Bapl.111 $Qi4eat UMOII .nd t wou.ld hb &o ,.ut I retracttOC c~ & tbt coadu1 10•• yow drew from our toeVl fll1IOD COOCCl"IWlf tht Marcll Tada 11111e of the wm..._ I ui eo -.·a1 uaphed lbat tbt 1aptt.11 !1\Mlt.al UQtOG acpanted 1l· tdf w,tk the probl em& o( dnac ud lkdlal 1blae. I dtd tta&e dial u die pruat, we ba¥e DO sucll prosra,m 4uliar w1tb these i11ua1, aod I lUU:cd you fo, bno11• t.o my a.l• . . _ the leek of Pf'Oll"UII of dial 1111rt 1a our or11oitalloo. I also aatccl tuc • • rately dee.I w1tb die •tM.¥ ,.....,. of dn&& •od .1~ llecttM rDOII Uldmduall wouid DOI:

lir1111 Mell prublcm, t.o a reli1sou. 01cu1u11oa , therefore we ue 1e1atwhl,1 ~ from the problm; . . by chc>ic.e. I 1\10 do not apprec iate your .-otlDI ze u •Yi.al that we u &D aq:aouahnc. lab: DO , t.aDl.k oo coo-

dt ffcrc■ I

tow u 4 U1M1u • 'ao: n

cloal of d1p11y ll&,eJ with dnp11tr

.,,.. . - - , . . .


1ho 111 1 tb e Elephnt M..

1• • ,eaH , TnvH IH 1101 faild 11 ••p 11 ~y Hd 1&ad•1·


C\MMh•I• H• Waa JIW IIIU INk.Ulf



:rov..-,aaJ -.~ M fneao Su» JollHoa. wbo •u 1a CM ,.,. . ai well , will vQIIC.I, fDf tiie t.-1 ._ I aid ooctwir akJof tt.o.. ta... I 4aif , t, te- tbac we .,,,111 lake , .-110.r , taod oaly oo tbo«- ooa1rowrwi1I • f\,ICS UI

wtuc• OUI Ofptllu.l.KM .. a

..-hc>le II umfied , IDl"ll&Kalaf ilc u •

ample o f abor'Uoa. w. IUl'"' lo to tll.e clcu 81bbcaJ sta.od5 oe 1111 d. 1uu.e1 that face oor casnptY . coa-...,,, 11.0d world. We do .,,c beck dowo o• 1nut.1 of • coalro,,en11l uture wbea we art ~un 1.1w 81bhca.I pnoc1pka cao be 1pphcd. I feel I wu ~ ud dupl, ye d 10 u 1a co rrtc 1 nJ uaf1¥onble Ji 1bt. aod 1h11 o u, OtJHIUIIOD 1uffued bec ause of tlus . I would appreciate 1rut11 for aomc ammea,,b: lo be mack. JOU,


Trida 'lt,.- .e



. , y,_ C.... U.,-

Ehn , ,ui.:, --•"- blart.d Tou 11 , p,d lc 1, ••u s u d u4:.c-■c.e 4le•INrt Uff IIA•t.d a btuts• eiarctan Wt were 11 'Gracel •• d • • o ae •Ht pl 1 1 b) k llu

111 () , ,

dir-.led ..,·ell b), ~ " ' -r Mil pr..uled by the Ml\.: ~ I pre ► 1u c■ Apt1I l--' 1■ 1k l ea WUIA sa.J.... I■

I.ht- pla). Bev ud ltoot1c: to be die f l.f.i pct._. 19• 11de Gra celsod oa opu 1111 Betty C.rrofl c•ve • ~ p e r fouuo-.c: u 8-¥. a.ad Shawna Mc· Govero s;aVf ao 11 11mc:1 ~b 1os; ptrforrrwi,.euR.e,,,ooc B,v. a dc.d-nnrt-r for- PnKilla Prul,,- ui tk d.afl of llrer bl:rOQ\IC bullive . pna..:ed o • 1111c 1a 1c u1111 i 111 -rcd , m otl ·c:t fU IDI}' COlltcoded


poti--•ts. A• H 1l101e puu weraa ' t

kn .. i :, cltNfk Be-, *OH • alack •••• • •II oyk -1il11 , 1 " ''•' • w11li wl111I• 110.C .. IAIJ ud r.4 rtU-W•rt · • d IUIU •MHI• ~.,.,10,c.ai..l ..........



Jl ooll t , o• 1b otlH, huJ . Ml-er:d 1t.t J• t qw,.tl7 ...,-,.,.. Sha wu d1nwd plual) •• a yellow T• .i.ir1. llJJ 1b11lli hi~ tc-" nt-ofh


- ' v. ki1e lffwll1 .\1 t1r .i , tb t u 1wo Pr o ltJ ru, 110 la d 11 cc; m•u• oa ly • lll O delum1u l1o a HI b,: Grsetl 11td 1n4 • fncred kli<f ,a !be rrutnt. ul Elm, • 1· m 1o t fo1 c,rt, 10 God ' • lAete 8111. I know H¥1:t u . • Roohe aatd al one~ in tho ib1


Root1,: .., u uo lbe m«I s.dt. qu1tt Ula• MU fiu . lk-v'1 pcnc:ck 'acll• 1od damu , bu i.u.1'11 o.11fit aod r1d1C11 lo1u l y t111i do . all brudod tu, II• wo man •led to fC U l ■ I ..,h.i 1b,c W•All , Aad, ol yH , 9..,, -.·as• 1u.c , well an•r

m 1 ■ d SIie lla4 • 1111 of • pall&i; il pol t ■ I Ollt IS k, r.-d pol y.silt

......8..- ._,

10 t,r flnt baclu. • ti.ct a.lwty• bNa finl Uthe wor\d'1 a o,1 4•d1c a1,d Elvu fu . bu t J OOIJe k&d to be first bocaue 11M Md to bf •._, • few pc,upl• back 10 br■ Of MMDltbaC UM ct.,._ So lhl •-111 ti.pa. lo om knee-11.appft(Jy flauy sceae , Carroll and MeGovt:r• wrotl-4 Ol' Cf , la w ■ dw.r , ,crt..111tf ll back aad fortJii . i Mc00¥«• "• '-ad and c , rro11 ._ !eta ,n. Bev li11ca.a lo , r,..But facli ab®t RootH, Mid tic, kusbend Hd aft.er bell101 out I few Eh·11 tuo w 11a Jl oo11e , Bev 1a h eo• toward the 01 bcr womu . Roo0e·1 l1:111ltu d uJ bu frsenc.l On• Duanh , 1ed Jtoouc, ca"1111a1 ber t.o ftoclOGra«lud. Tlrie w o •e ■ cv1 D wor k toscta&r 10 P' rnl of IOmCI othen ,..a.,, ..,- M>f"a•cm liieu-,-C•\11



liH . Wliui a ur clrov, ■ p , Bev pr•tHd~d 10 work al 011t•laad H4 sot od of tlH car . ! ~• I.rt Routw IA cbarp of 1M 11.,... cbllrl, EIVMpillaw ... acbalt.

fc, • 'av.mor o,u mo va , Mc-• Gonrn pWnd "f'., mea u-■ WI.lid aecl clv.LC:laed 11 watil CvrolJ


I ■ Ille end , bot li •o•n rc-tc .. • d 1h ■ H o wa k i•d of

Orac.wtd wtthout enaKt:httl loot IH-ldl. Wait••· for Ill• opuinr , k oot1• 1ltpt oa lk fold-out t■ w111 chair w11h lhe Elv11 pillo w. Bev ,■w.~ to berxlf. bereft ofllet- Pr»1:i lla w11 whicll eit1tl6d be11dc btt tnd lc.antlf •t•UIM OM of Roottt'I

dure.-1 pt1UeNltMl'1 , 1 pl.Lia pillow IA • blue pJkJwcaac "TIie £ 1b1b1t1oa· "Grate. land ' m,de a l!Ht e full covrw, ctoo1to111I mu.I: ~ - , , lb111kllll , I fN- 1aufbl ud I Dlpp1


------~------ ---------- --•··---- ........ STUDENT SOV!CES ,901 z1,0Z6,HOLL!ll000,Fl 330l1 1

Now }IOl,I CU ha1't two ol the. mc.t ~ AM ~ c n d l l can,-; lnlhe 1Ctftd •.Vl••and MN~~ ~ cardL·tn JOW" ..-me.. £YEH !?l"OU ARI Ntw ZN ~ a, KAVE 81:D< lU<HPll OOV,,, BUOUI

llo HCurltJ deoo•l t !


VI~• and M M ~ • lht c-~lt cvd• )'OU dettnt and need for - lO-OCl()KS-OEPARllfENT i5TOA:t:S- n.ir.ior-EHTERTAI/IMEHT £><[!(;ENCY CA51i - T1Ck£TS-REST"'-"'-'-"TSHOTtLS-MOTtU-CAS-C A.K R£r,, TAI..SAEPAlRS-N4D TO BIJ1tO ~ cru:DtT RATINGi

--~· ~?

1-VISN'/~C.. C.nlL Endc:ad Ond 81 ~ wblch 11100'4 - l f not

NAME -----------ADDRESS -



CITY - -- - - STATE -- ZIP _ __ PHONE _ _ __ 5.5.• _ _ _ _ __ SIGNAn.rR.E _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ -,n ,_.~,. .,. , ,.._.,.. ..._,,, ~ ~ .__ __ "-

v,-• • ----• ~

•"""'u.v..a.. nVISA 91.. .....,.

~at,aoluidy~ ., I ti!l rdfi l·I h 1 3-i'!J,i i h:J.i, . _ • _._ .._..._. • _ • t O<We OUA,.ANTIIDf _ _

Easter Holiday April 17-20

News Alpha Chi honors freshmen students


a,v._w..-i u.11«

Jriuuft, H1 c kc hn111 111J Ru ht'I I Hl"lldnd:,•

Ocher , ntd11u. 1rk. ludt Shclh) Kr u Henle , . hmca 111,: h , l1 H H,11 , M1d t.1d fluR1/1 , l tili Aa• lnMH , t,.nn M"' ''" J1•ltt: . ('t_>I\ C hri a u Jo 1u , 11 ,dt,

M tmkr• of th e Alphe C IH

• iunr "'-.,..... K'rlef} bau chow-o IO ltl'.' ■o r • nm~, f< t ft~~mee sn,. Mta ch11"'fl

Ci ■ il

Al lM tKtpt1Ni . ~I lttshme. will M r-.cornu.ed a.ad ,.'NhmenJe.d I<!, !Un ""bulu sh1p tfforu E&. h o f,, .. ., at1du11 mt'I rh, and• po1et r.land.u d~ fn r 1d111, 1.au) t11 Co


S1udu t. 10


K u\. f'■ 1 tt, L Nin e•· 01) Kllnt;

mu.o and Ii"- Lindetn11N1

Aho 1oc hu!1d u c Hnthet L ) fl D Loy d , Jud y Au Muf , Ou1al Ma u1s 1 , S ber)I M c• C"11 1d1t o a , Suua Ka y M1ll u . ( r1ulJ • Mo lltrnu yo r , S1rvcn

hoa oH" d u,

Baro , Lo1ae Andt " o• . Jerry Andu,oa , Oar bi, Juo Bi er.,

M1-.hr.r, Jeffrey ~

lbhc-kah Anne BooH , Cll1t lo1te il rowo , Muau lantll Br own , She.me BlirlffOft, OrLena CMrrrll u,d Ehaheeh AM C'ok.

. Jnt.,y ~ .

lard .ad C'1w1• ta Rohi.aene

01 i.,, 1t ud e:n11 an Rry na Rod ri1u u , hflre y Sc hu elc-r Jerem y Sluw• . W a yne Sm11b , Do nn a S1y m1 ns k1 , Joi n Wahl . J o Hpb Walker . Jud.rt,, Wbe. ler . Arktte W11dmu. Tr-e:vor W1khnu, Cind)' WalMlm. Md Jo Z...,11et.

0 1lur1 u , Jobn Cnyu , J o1 bu1 Do hru . M• y • Bflll INt.Ju111d. JOby Cl1y Dwui., Brffldl Su, Erpu 1011 . Jtn.Q1 fcr Oh, ul

Jtth-e, 01lbcttsoa, Am y Goodi,oo.

Clar k discusses AIDS II ('l11k uad ~ clwtH U.11 ~ "''Ol'k101 "' ttb rt 1■ lht bum111 U J.lllilly C()llfU: and other counu 1w tu.:ha Cl ark "'u pr uerlltoJ wuh 1 plaque by AlpU ('Ill la boftor lu, "''or'- aDd acadc-nu,: ~ ,·en'Mdl Alpll a C1111 hu ho • nre d a un , 11, J1 ■ ,· r ra c11 lt y l'M4 Clar k Ila, bee• 1 11ttmbe1 o l M1dwe.t.11rs ' 1 fKull y 11IK"1 IQ1J

bf,cau, M Wu

H o w 1oc11 t y t u pooch lo AIDS aad ho w tba1 response will c han,. 1n I.be future was lite !Df... u11e o f Dr lloberl Clark, dtr« tof of lbe D1v111oa o f Soc ial and Behnionl ScKaee1 a.d pm~ or aoc 1o lo1Y , at tbe ~ I Alpha C1u lec llHI April I ID C luk St udent Ceater



of tb~l:~e::: ':! ~b~ar;o~:::: reatnt1on 1ppr01cbet cbe ,u ut aod the role of educaboa 1a du, ap-

h::/:::;::::,:~t:: !~.:::;

JOUnlal , 1e Im fie ld He ,,..u ebo h<.l no red 1a 1912 111 Ille Har d,e

Jt:an 11111. f:ni:li,h and ma~s m nununit·alions ma jo,, ('fl nl("i our

or lht> rf dm'\ k d uwt.

Arceneaux & Mitchell to entertain at MSU 1n Ilk Wn l lndtu, B, banw, Nu•

IJ Wlt Nanny Copy Edia

Th-, rn mcdy dl,I{) ,,f Curio Ar

n ae.w1 and N"rman Mu,·MII will . proach qd ~ - - - , l1, L o rr th l' Un1,t u1I ) rrniram .-----------------m.101 BotrJ D,:iuhlrbc,Jc-r N11ht •I b p .GI Apnl 8 UI the rl11l Slu.Jrnt Center Sallr,)IJffl .


Contributing, possessio warrant stiff fines



From p°"e 1

lhou coo1ribut101 lo tht dehn• que ncy of • m1oor ba..-e the ume peo.alt111 u • m1oor UI posw-.u tna

firsc aod w,c-oni.J olfemc. People c baraed for pubhc 1a1o xi ca t1on fa c e a Clu1 C m1 tdt.moaoor and up lo a S200 finr. Ted Rc:dl,n y k . dueCl or of bou1inJ and re, idience hfa. wcl that 1 tu dc- ■ 11 h v 10 1 ID tbc: ru 1dc • ce hal11 who nola te tbe.k 1tat\llll are eolltled 10 due pr oceu w11b111 Msu·~ dllC,plmaty syskm "Student• - ·ho , us pect otht:r , 1udc:nti of 11.noc 1llc:pl sul,etuces ua the rtstdence bllt >houkl 10Jon:n lbe ru,deot u111ta11u: oi thi t, • be said . ' Tbe RA s are lhc:n morally obh1ated 10 inform bow101 or the tkuven,ty ~c: .• Tm11 Tedford , K,lhapwottb Hall r cu drnt tsli11lanl , 111d 1( w meoae it cau1h t w1lh 1kobol UI the hlllway and there "oo oommo1ioa 11 ., her rc:~po1mb1 h1y to u · pl1111 to the ~r.soa 1h11 •kobol 1-1 11011lloweJ ,n lhe hallways. ind 11 m wu no t b1 ppea 11111 . Wbea 1 m1001 11 cau1hc w1tb , kohol . 11 1, pow,od WI aad the at\ldeot II - ·nt•



.. op. "People come 111 drunk aU lbe tuoe , II IS lMY IUlble ,


taid T edford.

la (act , loo man ) 1tudea11 coaa ta drunl to w111e e\'eryoH •P · But t)ou uiu1 ■ 1 a d1a turbaace au

wnuea ~ . All rra1cmi11e1 aod 10ron11ca lln• local 10d u11ooal pohc 10 co ■ ce rau1f the UH - of alcobol 11 th1r run ~t nn, • . Todd Sd ,or, Pb.i S 11 a11 K.ap p,a pr.-s1 dc:nt , 111d the a1 11oul pol 1c1u a u followtd ,tnc:tl:, If • dNAk Jllll'J<!O, Gredt or DOC , ld! a l\ltK"t1oa !Mld '-au.scd l.Q}' duure ,.., peopJt n r r roperiy it c (IO]d oosw bif"l on 1■ 1 fr11cr■ 1ty ud r•~t ln t-.: loe,6; cf .u charw The foll0"''1ft1 fUtdc l,~ ~It i.&ai lr<JfJl the l-1~ro1t) livi.uao..1 Purdu., tOi Groa p r,ol hlel Th«e arc ruin 10\c:nua-1 10111, fr 11er• t\11 111 111o c111ed wu ~ lhc: MSU


I No c hi ptcr memht-u , collocu~cl y IN 1ftdl\'tdually , Jlha.U pl.II · ~ltue rur, iCJ~ I,;. <A -.ell ue..m:... hir~n ;e. 11 1 an,· 1111n,>r 2 A.ii rvlb • -IIY,11~ UM,.;"'lod .. .ui •.ny cb.ar, '°' ,.. 1hhl"10RY,v.r.bA1T•~ } N,., me•be1 iu.•.11 peuo,, . IG!er ah: . t&1.ui.ra1e or p1 r1 1cipau

1111 ·dnlil.mc..- "

4. No 1JCOOOI shall be prHCII.I a t all y pleda• U IOC lltt au .. ■ l bet 0l'I C e ptOfT• • or aCll\11) of

... ,.....,

S. O PEN PARTIES wberr a~ coho! 1, prhcnl 111uo1•r lbote \lo iTh Ullr Hlr!Cled l tC tU by 1100· mcmbc ra of the fr atenucy . ,,.·1tboul •pe c if1c u , 11 1 11 0 a , •h a ll be ptolubcted Stun Harvr y. Kapl)fi Alpha p1 t11dut aod Joey Dnunc-dr , Siam• Nu pru1dcn1 . both bad tbt 1a111e v,e w• ud re1ul111ou cooCff11U1t tM>11 i,o,~. The c hapte r1 al Mtd,,.estum bne bad 10 make lhcn O""D local rule, 10 co mply w!lb !he 111110.1/ po h c ieia. S11sa Nu parhu ar e 11tv 1tat1011 only , &od ool y On,eb are , !l o wed . The Ph, S11m• K1 pp11 c heck IO, and sump bands 10 aa dlOrt 10 contro l tbt 11 fu nct1011s. K111 Java , • tpoku-wom,.n for S11m• Ka ppa soro nly, said tbsl rc1ul1t100, fo r aoronlles are much mo re u uc t than tb o•o: for ft • ttr •


Ja va u1d 1h11 S11m1 Kappa ru a c t 1 0 ■ 1 c aa oa ly ba\C alco bvl ti.lllM vlMe, prCKCII by I WWI.I ~ ud 11 b.u 1o be ser.·ed by a utcnlioll barteadcr , IKI kep , So me pohc 111 1pply 10 both IO fOrlllU a nd fnltrn111c:a IS·

socialeJ with Midwutem. In M)fflt c&Ka, nt1thcr can use a>ooc:v fron !he chapc.c:r lruJ111ry to p,n.::hbt al c,o bol. lo every UK o f the Greek Ofl&DIUl!OOS polled, 1 bt.Widy ,y)" letO or de11111aled duvet ptoc ram U, i;-w-reotly pc.:tx:od. Mark B Cooke, Lippa Si,ma pre11deot. u,d thal al all fuoc1Klllt 11 least one: ptra.JII re.1DJ111u sober, and &..I I membeu pra.: 110 the u ,t. c o ho l educ:. 1100 pro11 nm , " My 8rotbt.r 11 kcoprr. • The S1 1m1 K• ppu h1\C a (U OI t po:d:er II tJaei r e ko ho l a war , neu met;l 1n1 1, u1'1 urc • "tnut yow aukt·" QI06:) whee 1ry1111 lo W1ldl lhei , IOfOfll ) _i, 1cu •l (111K11on.,

01 1be: f1"• lr11c111, 1iu aa J t oro riti,u polled , !he y bad o ec: thm1 1a .:ommot1. T'b•y all a1rec:d tk1t Of¥MUU · 1hat 11 • ttieo.ibar 11,;,a h.J • dJUUl :ai ur other lypt of 1ul'>1lutt. pr;.,b)em , tbt: fin. I Sle:p "" o.i kl be to be.Ip •~ pt rson. 11 thr pl!Jblem he,·omn ovt c,f .:ontrvl.


11 brou1b• betor. a ru •ie.,., ho,1d aod n:, l>l' upelle4 h um\he o r ~

the:• lite: per-

l11 1dJ 111on.. Lllrd an.J LaJy M1dwn tt- l'n, d u, bnulu:.s . ~1u1 anJ f,~onlti wi ll ~ ,wardcJ II the enJ of dw coDkd) ~ · Ar ... enuu x and M11.:hr ll , both nal1\u ol Hou~ton , Uep1 c 1 m•n )' upe-: 1~ o ( l,f.: 1n Uk'1r .:omtd), 111cl11d1n1 M1c hul J1ch on ll¥hlin¥ M i k e Tyso n for lhe W o rld Hcav)wc-1i: bt rnle. •Tb ty 1mptt>\' Ut r.1 Ill the crowd, " Mill.It Lo,·tll , LlPB , ha1111,oaW1 S&.11.l Tho: 111, 0 "''Or ko:tJ '" 1 le•m ,n b1c h ll huol 1 nJ th o: n 11,ent thrn sr panle v.•a ~J 1ftrr g raJu.at1 on h\e ) t ar \ l.a1rr th") rcono etJ 10J decwieJ l<J tr y H1m..:Jy Sinct lh,: n lh,:y hH e ru · lor m<J • t tup t,ima!) , Jo~ ,n Lo<1 AnaclQ Thty al~• ha,~ J"C'lf,irnwd

1111 1nJ ~1ldM1y 0.11,erf,clJ '1 d ul'i 111 N('"" Y,11 l T hc IWO \Ire" behd Ill one '•

Jrum., . "Wh1hoe:vtr yo11 , 11,, 1dl y ' « , uJ e n tl) dt\11c ind o n,r rel) bclicH 1n ha~ 1<> h.iror(' n , • 1h,,~11i1.c-d 1n a p,c~ 1tlrA1< Ar,cnuu .1 and M 11.. helt .:ur antly mall' the n ho me 1n New


"It\ the- ideal pla.:e Lt~ to ttc: uibt now rbcrt an· a lt1t ol rooJ d ub~ ther e Iii \G,ull, c1K our calc:atl 1n, • M1ll.'.bdl ~IIOJ . Tht duo "'di bt rc:lo.)1nf 1n 1lhum , "Gu1,pe l A~~orJ1ni t◊ Ar· .c:oc:au.\ and M111:hrll. • To tnd the d o ot-lchesJer , "R,,b1n HOuJ Puncc: oi Th 1r v~ · will t...· , ho..,·o II I! p m 1n the CS(' Thutc r. Adm u~ 1o n le• hoth e\ cnl ) 1" frtl' •nJ upf"n h> 1nJ o t tht MSli commun11y, llirni.b anJ f..nuly . "Th11 11, ill h<- a ft.all)' c hc ■ p datt l ot I iU} C.:• IJlkc: h1.s 111lfuend un,' l... well "1iJ

e, D1u id lhaffin R ~:t,.JUM K,Ne dirt,,,.'I°' uf Iha d,,1 siun o f fine 111 ~. will rr tar~ in Jo nr 10 he n ..n'lt whal s h• ralh: an

••p\~1'::IC11i;a,ly 2.S yc:an al Mid· \lo,: (ltrn , Ka blt and hrr hu\banJ • Dr Prtd lhd,ha u,. u .u1.:,a l e rorofc H o r o f pol11 .... 11 Jt: ic n,e, ire ITk~III, Ill Coru lll<1, Orcjun . ,nli' 1 howlt un Ilk 1,Je ul • n► •unt....n She !111d , he ..,,, nu 10 do a lvt of ,.. nhnK and t11\'Cllmi, K, hlt 101ned th• M SU r1c ulty 1n 1%7 u1111U\lfru.:10T ·wh,n I,._, htr ed , I 11,•u tbrtlll'd 1c, 1r 1<. h al the un1vu t 11 y k•c:I,' ,.h,i: -.a1J "I f\~\·tr \Ulllcd 10 hr an adminu,l,.tor My p l wu lo tuch., antJ 1111.1..11 h1l'f'cill"ll . • She wod,:e,J hc:r \lo'a y up ltl

~, d o n ' I Ct)CU1der IIIYM!f , fen11n 111, b ul W(l mea Gl1111 .._., 1Jrrum~1,. 11 vo a nd com.mqltMtt 1k1l h• J1ffe rf'n l from thoet the s ame p oa 111 011 , • •h It!( - w o m t n in 11.dmuustrab(Ja llMIII• mu ~·b be1ter p rcpi&red 111 pr.._ 110n and Job pc-rfonneoce, • Bui 1 ~o n1111e n1 palltr1 tl bc,na wcll •prr pt.red Mid 11 111 respec t w hether OM u 1 •


I )•

'1111nl prolc.,.1,Clf, t ot&l"-l4 1C: f'U)fe»H• r , full pr ofo~u r . • nd in l'HJ rl'rlacc-J Dr JeM1e HmJman w he n , ht ,~tu cJ n c h11 irm1n nf !he d tpulnic nt ol ....... mmum,·111un 1nJ the11c:r Si n•• 19 8'4 t h• hu beo:n tht dirt, 1t11 of the J1vm11n of fine 1r1s h( 1J1n1 ma u co mn1un1 c111tJn.1, , ~ptc'th, J1JUrn1hs m, tht1tc r, arc and


O(WO~,$,bo ,aJd.

Ou o r K1hl •'• p,014,111 ac;h 1•ve mcnl .1 Jiu beea l t111J lhrou1h ' thru or fow- Maier.. .: 1al budJtl cu11e, a.od 111II 111. . 1 J1 v1s100 of hnr UI I ' BW . _ , lha1'1 not JU!,l he r do.at, k'1 a ,_ n l !i.t0Jtn11, f•1:ul1y and ad. . . ,

IDU..\IC ,

University Police Tbc Un 1Y1ra11y P o h l<' r c:. puedtd 10 !W O I CCl dt nh and two rtpo rt, t) ( m1u1n-1 ,u , tvltn cqutp mc:ot lul wc:d:. •-on Ma t\. h 2J, thr drwc, 1)f1 1987 Toyota Co,0ll1 bad:ed ha, 1n10 • 1973 VoJk,waae:o Su rer Bectlt 11 I. 10 p. m. 10 lvl J The Volb11,·11ea """ eaal bound 1t1 lot l wbe n tbc Coroll a backtd ou1 uf 1b park.101 pla ... e ind coll1Jed with 1I. Tbc re were no mJunci , only mUMJr d.nujt. .. T he po li ce r t.i1 po nJcd l o IOOlhe r ac c ,deot 11 12:0S p .m Much 27 1n lvt 10. A pm Oud,c R1 ru p,d:up and a 1936 Cbe:vy Stl• ¥ tndo p1d.up wc:1 e both tMickina Olit or p11k10,: l p,ICH I I Ills ume lime ind collided. Tht'rc wtrr• 110


1njune1, ocily nunor J.un.~ . •• T he

ouu int

d c pa r tme t:ll

rr 11t1 11 c: J • TelcmlllOTI T V, U 1n11i.· V C R . RCA c o l o r TV m11n11ur, rcce 1\'c t •nd Spc: r1 y ~·omputc:r w11 h ke yboard m11,~101 ~fter 1n C:'4U1pmeo t ln\'tnlon The 1ltms ,re worth S-&OOJ. Thcs; 1lc1Jb cw lJ nol he found 1n tlk- dc- routn1en1 . •• The Jent1I hu 1c:nt dt-parl· me nt tep o rt e J l wo J l'nt1 I -: h111 ~ wo rlb S IJ2S anJ I tooth ~c,t, na device \lo orth $91~ m1» 1n¥ alter an rqv,pll'k·nl ln \'tlllocy. A()pareotl y 1he , hau~ v..-rc 10 c,mpu s 11o n 1c bc:111M used fM iCpare parLi , hut the) "' ere rl'mo,cd wl1 h o 111 \h i: d e f)acl mc:nt', kaoudedse 111J sold 11 <1111ur11<ia fl,t; laoih K 1lina dev1.:-, ,·oolJ 11.0l be ICK:1111d Nooe of th l' current (ac uit y h ew ao yth1o a: at.Q ui du p.ece o r eq u1p1nc-: n1 .

$CHOLAR$HIP $$$$$ AVAILABLE W,11 you ba able to return to eta$$ next $eme$ter? Each y,,ar hundrea$ of tl'MluSandS of dollar$ $el a$ide for Scholar$hip$ lay ,die, while de$eMng $tudent$ Struggle with tuition, book$, meal$, clo!he$, and fee$

Sound tamihar? Our Service will provide you a l1 $1 of from $1x to twenty• five $ou,ce$ of pnvate $cholar$h1p money tor you 10 aol)ly Thi$ could be the an$wer to your problem$ Ttie$e are non-government tuna$ A tradition ol Servin $1udont$ Since 1975

Kahle '~ OU K1n1I 111terc~ b 1n 1nJ lht unJc,~l.and1n11 o f thea fe r a nd mu , i. h a v e hro adcntd u a rc: ~ull uf h~, rr\ r o ns 1h1iity fo r the d1,·is.oo . diesa1d. Tht , ,eate•t p1r1 of be mt 11 M tJ Whte rn u ht r wonde r ful pro!C'n1ocul fr iend~ and collra,uc,. K1blc 11aiJ. · we h• vt I unique- :,1tw11on Ill

'""'·Fnr her sU1..ceuor, Or. AOIII F ts c h h. h .!iU laol prof111wf thcaltr , Kahhi ha1 1 htde~ •9• ho neit and e11l,c1I 18 I l l • u11un1 w11b f1c ully , • ~ I l l

1Jm1n1 • tnt1 o n hec au H ..., i. . tr u,t fr om 111 e n11t1u, . . . . . .

te d 1v11w n of line_•~~~.~~J.:__~ c : ~ ~hly lfo:"_~ ~

I"Ltnd every man thy ear: lend few thy tongut.' !_ _.___Hamlet , A ct II , Scene lII

Y NE MO FOR COLLEGE Every atudent le ellglba,lor IOffll n,enc,el aid reganllw of gr■dN or parental .,___

type of

Fin,tncial1ld.iXid l:.tkl\ \ \,!ll1hk· h11 11


s~-pro cnm, E,ay_,1c lipble No oao lllmOd <Iowa Simple appucaticn

-"&:"(~,~ SludalSonic.

P. O.a.D-41 U Holl



...-------------=-------~ Digest --~----ruttda,\ , April 7, 19'>2

The Wk hitan


News ~1001 Court Team ' •illS first at UTA \\


tJ '{Yfllllllll

. "Beardaw." 1 comedy dral'II&


hy r lmothy Muon WIii he dl.reckld h) Thai.a Baudin. The play, ,ct in 1

''"~ri'.:.~~!.°'''" ""' 1, 11• •

Oo,/~t !150 ""•• raltod, J._.


I 'l/tl..-,()

(orb•• allO received th~ Top

s~:..:":~~::-::n:t::~. '1 aad ,,,~ • fon11ul11eJ caae : 'iflll•Y were 111 the Suprtrot

Plu •111n•1tral cbairA 0 h~.,• r.irnately IO people !)tr• $1 pc,~~ •ve•t. Eatry r.. WIii s nJ Otll tum, uf 10 12



bh;;red.The 1aut-

WOlb(b et('h ...i.

Gan»nt ...._.


ab.i~ WIIN: IOld kl








,. :':~s;:u~_."-•V9111..





flle M1Jwe.iern l u Dl i,Wfelted 1tam$ from Te,ai. A&M , liO"l..,J PIYM and UT Aihtttlon, o,M<r tHO'I mcmben 1n1:ludr. fOIIY feruodu.. Mauha Aleman, Cuhlhl •Oil Be a Sulla\'lhl. Or ErDe't A . Do\°tr. asai,tut pro'.-oi' of pohtic1I Ktenee, ai:led


11.,J\i~ Wlhc-.n


pl111ned for " ••111 •~ bnpea to _,,;cr.t year. Alpha Phi ev.a. e Phi 81ll 111 •nn~I Plu llall MS U I.Dttamura~u;e~lacr. 011 tha Liaoa Coh ae11 helund 0 ,L. auppon, Pki B~il Wuh lhe c 1ty'1 play\lll fitldii may have ffiOfe

•we W)pt~~,:-·

Ser and beue r,"



ma u

CO l'I)

•• a,c111 011 1 d e panruent ... a ~ prttelled lllt' Prt•1dee1 ·, Award ~ General EJ.cellnce , and 1everal ,nJ,eal,: woo 1nJw1dual award• at

t)e 1992 Rod:y Mouot11n Prcu ,~uoeialloft co11vcntio 11 in Gun..,., colo, The pfU!Jcnt's award 1s £1\"cn ) d i- Evt'ry I C ~ m the asl(ICialioa t! mv11ed lo tompete for l),d aw.,d. ApphC-llthlM are Judted OI upacu s uc h as cumplei o f


Co t n est deadline April 21 By ~ An Small

RA SSO 1 1h c er11fic1te to ihc MS U bookstore will be awarded for. lhc but thcme/ loao for Mll rau • bomcconuna ceiebnboa.

Althouah plaiu for the


prHentat1 011 arc 1ndefioile. lhe d eadline fo r utriu b u been

t1v1nea 1n Clark Studi,at c:a.r 116_ The COalet l II Opet lo •II MSU 1tuden11, faculty ■ ad staff. The only rule fOf lbe contest 11 00 obsc:enit1ea.

The p res ide nt's award " im~ 111 so rbat s1udenu arc able to •roeo,1111.• • small liber1\ 1m, colleit, !Ike Midwestern. can 11ve tbem the 110111 1h11 will ~land up •·•II only in college competi1101, but 10 competin1 for Jobs I ii .,d,' Meux. said. MS U s tudt nls a ho woo 1adiv1d11.1 l 1w1rds m the newspaper, rsJ10 111d tcle\ 1s ion competil1ons. Tbr) compele d ag11nsl s1uden1s


f,0(11 l(boolS tn 14 Sia.IC$, 1ncludm1 Ult Uni\'efS1ty of Colondo-Denver, U,uvenity o f Nebn.ska-Ormha and Soulbem Utah Umvcrs ity. The fol\ow1n, students w on in the newspaper compel!hon (small , ,vu.r): Bruce Smllh ·- news wr11first place ; Sonny Armsttona sports 11e.w1, second p la ce; aod Katby FID)'d -- sporl.s news, third p\Ke and spor1s h:ature, u .:ond rlace. No first place u, sports news



Otben winnin1 were Brian Ballard, Tush Choate , Keith HolJud ind Lucien Vmson ·- secOlld pl•~e ,n 111vcst111t1vc/interpretive rcp.mln1; Jrff Dillard, Kcvui Duke, Kruun SpHsartl and Darla Steae tiurJ place m 1nv~t11at1ve/mlc~ uvr report1n&, C hoate •• ~econd place rn ve n c r1J 1spec 1alized cohunn: Arm s t r on g •- spo rts ~ LIIM. first place. More awud~ presented were Cbol1e - mucal revie,,1,·. first pl1tee: Make Murdock · · bumur ous car· rooa, fine place ; Behnda Bertram ettv.·, photo, firs! place ; and Kyle Ruk ll - re1ruie photo, first place.. The follow1.11,1; student> woo 1n

I.be u d10 compc:111100 {Divi11uo I -· 4-yur): D1v1d Cbaffio ind Mani ••

co m mer·

cllllPSAlpromo. firSI pliicc. Tbc foHow111e sludcnts won m Ille le~\ '151Uf1 ..:ompe11tion (D1v~tofl I · · 4 -ye ar) : Midweu e rn (producer/J 1re~1o r Ji ll Jah.olu:) •• eommcnta, y PS A/ p ro mo produc110n, ucond place IJ)J Mtdweattm {producer Out~c:: B1lho1er) •• t0111mt1111 ry! PSA l pro ino perfor• IIID,;e, firstpla.A. " I an, pl eued w ith o ur slu• dtGt) Av.ar<b were ,11ori over , u.h '...-1Je lpci:lrum of dalb, • Mo111


fOf Apn121.

The de11101 1bo uld be submilled 1.o the Office of Sllldeai Ac-

Regional science fair held at MSU


As • rHult of the , urvey, the NC AA plans to appo1n1, tuk fo1cc 10 make rtieommeadatlOGl on

T lle C lar._ Student Ceater Ballroo m l oo ked more hke 1 l1bo n1 0 r y ,.·be11 Midwes tern b os 1cd the l1rd Annual MSU Rca1001l Sc1enc.e 1od Eniiounns F11, tbt ...,.«t of March 24.

Elemc11tary. 1un1or and seOJOr htgh icbool 1!\ldcnts from 11 count1e~ a nd l2 d1 fferenl schools par11c1p11~ ID the IJUlual CVCOI.. P1mela Stephen1, 1dJW1ct 11tstruc tor o f the d1vmon of IC ICDCet wu • co-d1reccor of the fau. • Lo ts o f pro feuon aro und c 1mpu1 were 1ud1u. • Stephens


Judg1n1 coordinator K1thry11 Quaslmod , laboraiory eoordwlOr for c bem111ry , couldn' t Judie one partic ular student, Her ron J1mei. Qwishno d . 1 s tudent of BurlcbUJ"• nett Hi&h School, wu • pathcipana. Jame.'I Qu11bnock placed , ecoad overall ta t h e ~ Wv111011. Other lic boob tbat placed 10, cl ud~ Ep11copal S chool fo r the clemeot.ary d1,·111o n , Bowie and McN1d for the; Juruor divwoo. W1oaen in the se:ruor di,•1.(ioo will a:o o n 10 lhe 11.11101111 1c1eru:e c.omp<tit1oa ui Nasbv11le, May 10 •

16, The awards were presented at the science f11r banquet, Marrh 27.

Students to direct one-act plays



Tb11 s econd p1, r o f four ,1u, d e o t •du c cte d o ne•• c t pl• y~ ,,. al1tcd fo r pr uducl1on 11 7:10 p n1. Ap, i l l 0 - 1 1 111 tbe Be a Woud Studi,i T heate r 1n the F ine Art• Build~.

EAANS500 · $1CD'JAWEEK! 11. r.i.W9"~•:ro.,n1I

~!~·,,_ .. ,;...1;~•

lcr11te sporta lla\·e twice II many part1c 1paau u ••ome11' 1 sports and that lhe mea'1 sports rccc1ve live 111:nu JDOf'e fflODef for recnat11AC, The 1urvey w11 rcque1ttd by the N CAA' ~ Womca Athlollc Ad· m11u,1r11ou HJ i , planned to be u~c-d to determine I un1 ven1ty'1 progr ess co ward ach1ev1n1 render equity . A ccord101 10 NCAA, the b11 d 11p111ty bctwre• me n's ud WOO'len·, l port:1 II luply the rcault o f foo tball and the lade of an oqwvalffll .,,i fOf women. Tho N C AA 11,o said !bat the survey wu no t me111t to 11u1c a 1ebool's comphllllCe ,~,1lh Title IX , lbe federal law that ban se1 d11· c nm1n1110 11 11 federally f11nded


s , ~ McKioloy

\' /') \ .t:r:i,r.'° P1;;:,-

funding unequal !CPSl •• A. •urvcy j1111 rdcucd by th,e N1l11)nal Colleaatc Athletic Asl0(:1ahoca shows that men·• col·

Liz Meu1. W1c b1 tan adviser, -,·ea• to Guon unn to a ccept lhe


Natwool News



S1 l v 1 t o r e

Oftly ooe fU1Y1J fMbion. Still, 1n term., ol marhtilll lO colle a e s h1dtint1, ,c111ler, aaru Iha! 1nytl11n1 w1tll 1 .:olltlf' lo,o on 11 ·· 1r1d111on1l or CrO!l■ •over - · i , lh• b111ut ,elhnf ite m on um•


• .,rt. &.cull} invo\vemeot, use of j 1 cih t1U aod plac c inen1 o t



Cui member, t r. 0.Yld Wal• It,, Nic.bol11 Mnrna, Patncta Pt.vi( aod M1h Huftile The Oflo•act pl1y1 111 the c11tn11nat1011 of couna wo rk fo, 1he ci... •~!Im of play,.. T ick, i.. which will he 1vatWrlo •t the doo,, arc SI !o r ~ e 11ntral public ud r,.. for MSU 11wlont1 Wllh ID


Cud11c Aid 11 Ulociit,e,d . Alpha Phi'• l'latl('IIUil i>hilanthn:;.tb

rakes 1n awards M,d ..· e1t e 111 '1

IWlwe.r,•ir... ..111. The lf1 n oa M T V 1re fr,q 11ently rapper, who WNt collar , 1o>&o at11re tbM Uiley'Ye alllfe,J ■ bu 10 fit thm pe11C1Ubbca.

t::c:at,::t~- Survey shows

1\'IBSS communications A1p1,, ""· .,......,. ....

Tli• up utflue .11,.e ~·o m u ~IDMflly froet MTV . P11lah •td • Peo ple w ill wear wh11 !he

• ur u n1 h l, me , du ls w11h the prnblema of coauniaaK.ahn& l<'rON the P,DCtahoo l•P· 1 1 Girrr~: t ; Mobley aad M11k Hardto. • M1raucn1e. • a m)'ltlt'ry by AJ. lnaod Salcrou, ,.,111 be d1~·1cd by Brad H~ ard. Tbr. play deptct1 u •dina fuher "'' llio refllae, to die UOhl h11 dead aon r•rt11 fmm lh•


M,rrh 21 ••

b...fi, Cudi" ,.,;,"

woman, !


• ~..-uttrn ·• Moot Criu11 Lorri• Corbin ll)J • ftl!rall ('okmu woe fln1 pla.co ()t,, u rrd.e:r,rMh.ate M oot ('°()\If( ' •1~1IIOI a..lJ Mar,:-h 6· 7 I I the ~ofTn•• Arlln(too.


Alpha Phi raises $150 for charity

b o w 1hc: NC AA 1bou ld make proaress loward acb1evi.o1 sender equ11J.

Styles fuse to create college fashion (CPS) •· Just as music 1s becom1n1 • m1sh-mash of different 11ylu fused toaether. so i1 colleae


Fred. F11l1h, owner of Sport Xpl01ioo, said lhc fui:1oa of fashion ,ovolvcs rap music , tyles, .~urfin1

colon aod sporu lop. • A lot of owtets arc 11'1Cll'fli, • bes.kl. 'CoUep:. MTV, surfing aod sporta. There 's about to be 1n et.plo..oo in fl.WOD. • Tlla1 e xplosK>e, of course, hu 11o th101 lo do w11h trendy, traditional d«1pcrs hk:e L12 Cl11borne, GIOl'i(lO Arm11nt1 0t Anne Kkin. Designers 11kt F11l1h are talk· 1n1 s1r1c1ly cuual, fua and cheap whic h m1k ea th e 1ppeal even


rwo yu rs 1,0. lbt lttnd

wu toward. nrf1111 color. ind lo1oa, bot F1ll1h 111d lbat trud ha, tm·ome pul of tho atw trond 10 crOM O\'tr. And the $2 b1lh0ft•1•ye11 co l le111te h ccru1n1 busines1 11n't lftC


· 11 · 1 •n 1.1n e. 1pl11n e d

phenomenon, · &11d Bob Car1t'f, ol' S&S Oe111n, wh1~b mar..eu 1raJ1110n.tl collerc swe1~h1rts and ocher

collerc tppaR"I.

Documentaries provoke protests ( C PS ) • · Tw o lub1 an d.oc11men1ui11 shown al lM Un111enaty of Nortb Flonda de.api1e


protesu by a Chruli&D orp.DIUhOII and threats of I IIWSlnt by I IIU· den!. One uudcal, Kelley Copel.and, blfed 111 atto rney 10 o ppoH the s bvwina of the documentanes · o ut o f Subwb11: 1'11111 Slones of Eleven Le~b11ns, • and 'Seventeen Rooms {o r What Do Lubin, Do in Bed?),· wlucli w ere 1bown M1n:h 18 al the Womea'1 Ceacu Bu1du Coptl1ad. 1be Chnst1an C011ht.on of Duval Cowlly 1l...a ob1ected lo !he 1bow1n1 of the film and se nt pro tu tcn 10 lhe c enlf-r 1he evt run1 oftbe show111C, "The iuue wu " ademic froe<lo m and d1vers1ty on camput, • Mid Shtrley Wahb, actana ducctor o f lhe Wome11'1 Cenlar, w~o s11d 1h11 the ad.m1n11tr1ti o o bad no bet:11.alK>t'I 1bnut aliowin, the films. Webb said sc hool o ff1c1 1I, were 1urpr11ed by tbc number of hvonble calls 1ad letten they rci.a1vcd 1n favo r of 1bowu11 the

filmo. "W ,c bad I buac c r owd , so huae we bad t o move It. The o ri11nal room bcld 60 people. We

" We had a lively d.i,c u.,,un and debl111, ~ a,;hd f.lll"IIOIU like, ' Why are you ,bo,.·,i,1 lhue (11""? ' II WU what• lml\l'l!Rlty i. ail abo ut· d1alo11,1e. ch•cu.1100 and 1du,c.at1on, an n ehanJe o f Hku. •

i:u and yellow• u we ll u the school colors. Shu! Xpl0110D then adds ■ rap ao1te, like the worda."Ruo UNLV" over the Rebel cbaract,r' i bud as he po~o lih • upper wnh h11 fiogeu in • V-shapc. arms croucd ID fronl of hl1 body. Another eumple 15 a U11.1vcr· 111y of M1,m1 , hut, spl, ) hed with lhe ! t1 d ll1o n1I OflllJC and tUr· (!UOI SC but with the ktlem11 MYIAI ' k,. ...,.. ·

~:;;~c;:;:~~~~:.~~ S ,1,,,.,er"-4l"'0~1l.»ol.C lpot, 0....- IOOCO


l.<.tfll "leljtl!a

t>,." l~r: .. ,o1c. .

1..i s;~ .t1 S, 1l

r, .) ~•• ~ , :·ti2

r.;.,a; p.,..-,, ?ublt>ing S.:.• 1m Jop1<11

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; '::,H (,,)'.l.f r;r AVAil A.BL!

t._.: MF ck> y('.H tyNi<;J

••Applical10111 for , 111du1 A•ltundo u fo r th• ' 92 , ' 93

Ked.ilauc ,.., .,. 1va1l•We ID Uar· d1a JOl . . . -offM:c Tbc



. . . . . . s,.a . ApJ

lfl T o qualify, 11uJsnl~ naliAI be hall•lllH ,tvdenu. each umater Ml,fOlled •• Uld pua1nr 12 llc,vn if H under1n;Ju1te ur ,i.1 twvn ,r • sralhlete aod m1io1.i.m a curuul1tivo ,ad H •H ttt G PA or 2.S. Con~t Debbie 81uow, Stvde-al Ambl1MCkw ad vi.er, at e:u 4'2 11 for JQOR

Copeland' • 1110,..y. Jt,ffrey A.ISOC llltd Prc.n that h11 d1t11t ob1«1.6d lo dw WK of pubhc fun!» to promote ao "abn<,r· mal h fa11yte· ud quc1110Nd the r1lev1nct of the film co woMOD'J b151oty.

Wood . told The

A&M research finds nice guys more attractive


••Studeau 1cce1v1n1 educat1oea/ bnc f111 throu1h Vcc,n H A(f11n for the 'Pflni sefflftlt'l atMI 1atend101 10 , nroll rn S ummer I ,

(CPS)·· N1ca 1uy, are more 1uc1ally d . .1rable •• well H IIIOfe n:11,11lly aU,act,va. at:cord101 &o a , tudy by • peyc~ ruearclw If Te,mA&M UINYfflli(y.

111td CO JO by tha VA. offioc III JOI K Hard in S o ulll and fill Ollt a

worbhoct f,.,, summer. Cu1tf1c111on11 Jfi!IU Hrly w,11 en~ure benefic., c u auou~ w1!houl 1nterrt1pflOfll St ud e nt• re c c1v1n1 these btae fii. mu-'l t M enrolled hall' Inna prueotly ind 10 1he , um.mer Th11 doeu'1 apply lo th0$C on ac.Ovc duty 1a lbe ,01htary Suhmil acti,·e d111 y cet11 tic11101111 to VAR.0 tht' firt l day of the ICfffl For mo,~ 1nfonn1t10n call e,;t

L1ur1 An11 Je.nsen-Cam.pbell 111d lbe mdy p«)Yff tb■.1 \llllell'ilb· nu, JHIDJ to cahaace • mu '1 at• t,act1veneH. reaanJleu of bow N


la coatn1t. tlie 11vdy fo11nd thll the dom1oaace nliih1te d by o.it,otnl, Utro\lencd IDIII teem IO detrKI from lhc1r appearance.


The researc her v1dwt1ped two mc:n 1cl1n1 out four d1ffereal behav10n wadi ' attnclJ\'e" and "un1t1nc ttve· face s provided by • makeup 1111,t , tbta 1howcd the

. .Student Seoalo will meet 6

Jl.m. Apnl lJ

trac tive "uD1elf111i· ma■ , while otltcu observed an attrat11ve •alf•

w,-mu. huen •Campbell u 1d th e Womtll pc1t•1Yed pbya:1c.elly attrac.• live meri u havitls more weallh but did 0 0 1 perce1u men who behaved 10 a dominant fHhio• as haviaa ,,_.ealth.

Altr\U111c bebav10,, bowewr, mule cbe men acem more 1u1111lly dcmable ud more llkable, accord-

111110 theawly.

free. ••The nawlt11 of the '92-93 SIVdeat Governmeot Elecuom arr the followin1. pre,ideal, J OMny Caner: VlCe~pte&idcftll, Jenny Salin: secretary, Tamar, Taykw: ,r-duate s e nato r , o pen; 1enio r ,enalo t , Meliod1 Martin; senio r senato r , ope n ; JUn 1o t ,e n11 o r , K ory Faucher; J unio r 11eaa1or, Natalee R11pec1; 1npbomore l ea.tor, L,-n L111pell; and SOf!homote NGalof , M111y Pouuu. Tb• Pru1Jent-e lecl will 1p1tpa1a1 lh• open po1111on ~. ot the1 will be filled ,n the fall SGA el«· hons when freshman sc.oalon lie elected.

UPB Double header Night Wednesday. April BL 1992 The Comedy Team of Arceneaux & Mitchell

8:00 pm

«:~t: 1tbeatet CSC Ballroom

6:00 pm

1-tobin J,oob

DHAll<. l 817 549 &.'47 '-

C II 11'~' • '

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•Et.RU f'XTRAlffC~

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ro, 2:,3<, .. , ~. ,,., . ~


Clark Sludent Cea-

..,C,£1 L. P,ttmao W'!U perform ~, scruor voc,1 recital 1 pm. Apnl 16 1n the Akin Aud1tot11tm. The pubhc 11 1nv1ted and 1Jm1s,ion u

r·r •:.,)1lOf:D r,,i;:5$AG!: (i1VES

- ;. .., •..,,c~•u<,•· .\


tcr )OC-105.

llpe,&olOO~. Each wom111 "ted the aurac• 11 v1neu of 11,1 mae lhat , he w11ched. Jtn1ea-C1mpbell made 111re aomc women obecf\led. the al·

areaur tu the ~,udcn1 o f the~The look F11/1b ducrihes ts ..alled ·,.p.1.i.s1•tradibooll. • Shirt Xplo11on basically t1kt1 1 tradm onal 1cbool 1010. like the Un, ven1ty o f Nrt1da 11 Las Vrias Runnin' Rebel 111d •plashes II w11b sur fer colon lib bn1ht mb. o ran-

P"g~ 5

~ 511

mov•J ,t tu a room fbat held HO prop!& and ll1d 11Hd1n1 rnoa

CWy.' Webb-.d.


tbt pttnu of tbteb

Tursda y. Apr 1J 1 i,,

• ~ lidhoo<!

Indians backhan d McMurry

E0uc<'.~ !fl• "5SOCial'°" tor C ual memberSIHP dnvt All tle"le"ta,


T>,e MSU Slt.<l&nl t,rarcl> of lntemat:onal is naving its

to atttrid our Aptd 1-4 mfftlr.s ' ;, • &di.<:at,oo maIors are oncou 181 0 p M 11 you cannotanfnd,~ 1 302 a • a m,mbtl ot ~El 11H Dr E,:r~ Ferguson su,1<1,ng room meeMg a'ld would ltkt to oeci:,tlding or call Janet Martnez at S7~ "room 306 of th• FergUSo/l 2186

By ~bu·!,; 11..rdifl St.&ftWrilcr Tht MSU l 11d11 n • 1~nn11 luin• kepi their po,~e antl their J efr 1t1nir the w1 nn1n i; re cord Md,1urr } C o ll ei;e lrtd1n • l d l Wc-J~W•} 1n Ah1l1!l'ICI, Tht. wnmen ' 1 tf'llll , m11Je up ot Thcrtu Vu antl T1ny1 W u sht, 1wepl lht' Ahtlcfk' 111hie t,y "".nmnJ h,1 1b ~1n1 lc!t m11 c ht- , and thc11 douhlH milch Vu look control in the tlu rd set alte r, close lou 1n the



k:('Ond, WI MIOJ lbc match 7-.5, 4-6,

6-J. Wria:h t do m1n1ted he r ma tc h, w1nnu,11n two .iilf llliht Kb , b-2, b-


nwMrAIIM/Mliw ..._

The do ublt ~ mat, h fouod the Ltd) lnJ1ans behind affer the fio:t t el . R1s1n1 fo the occu1o n , they took thc- nut two .K i l 1od woo lhcl

T•nya Wri&hf and Thtma Vu battlt'd ii out a&ainst McMurry for a win in lht ir doubles match.

match, 3 s. 4-1. 6-J

The mt"n ·~ 1nm i-ottd M~-Murr}", v. rnnrng ~u i•mc-s 10 1Ju-c,,i antl m:1 na1ed 10 11nr,ruve 1heir re-co rd 10 6 -1, hold1n1 11ah1 to cM1r No l c®fereni.·e $p0(.

Club baseball wins, loses lyMart<Hanlul record by no t only play1ne Junior ,·aru lles 111d Junio r collei.:u . l>ut NCAA d ub teams u wc-11 The l 9cn season bu proved to be one of the bt:11 yet for the MS U i;lur-

pmc 10-6 but m&n1pd to ~l""'P llld WUI tb,e i«oad l)- 12. W1tli twealy 1•mea leR tt1 the RUOD, the d uh 11 holdint oa to an 1mpreu1,·r 11·9record. Tbe t,ibc b11 ut1bl1) btd ,1s

5',lfWriwr Tbo M S U bueb.11 club •pht a

fWLI bill IJ&Jost Teia, Wei-lcyan ·s j uior \I H Sl l7 Suod17 II Q1U101h


The lnd 11ns plt)c-J wd l, hu l Don Wal ~o n ptoved to be the fier • co l lnJ11n Of! the COUii by blWUlt h1 ~ •1111ln opponenl in two Slfll&;hl

-·Rain enhances Team Arrow's performance ,._ TM lod1atl1 dropped llM fir11

c luh cy<" hnr team, Tu111 Arro-w. •111n proved they un nde with the 1M1 do,s and ride. well co mp•11oa ia 1be Sam HouetoG Cnlenum aa HUDUvJ.lle on Mardi 2 1 ud th• Ba ylor Staae Race in Weco oa M.atcb. 29-30. •T11e .. are 100d team, , b11 team, fr o m b11 1cllool1. We did Jrelil a11iul ~ py1, • Shao.non D1•1•ls , Team Arrow member. M i dwa ■ tun ',



race of tM! dl y w■s the <"ate,ary C race. Duuels od,ed TM

lu red some of the pr,m1ere cychsl'J 1n tht' )lalf. W11h th e Sa m Ho u ~l o n C ,11 er1um l-,t'b1 n d fhem, Tu n1 Arro"" K l thc1r s1eh1, on the B•)lor S111e Ra ce , 1 1wo da y evt:nt \\1lh cht time lnal.s and cnlenum then a road ract the second day.

take th ird. Bl'O""'D firushed U1 fourth place . Th e M SU v.·o men did a tre mendous JOb wi th Marth, D1,·1s fin1 sh1ng ~1,ub , and Crystal Raekoc• t y fini shed ~venlb af!t" r ha vins to tm:. s:top 10 replact a A II J hl rain heeao to fall mak.inr the rema1runt 1v,o rac~ ex• c11inJ aod danprous Jus r as k Sit'\' <" Scndley and Trav ,, L1wi,;on who bolh v.·c-·re ID· volved ,n rain prnmpleJ cru be s bul rc-1a1ncd and urned st:vcn1b and t11thrh place- respoc1ndy Adam Sp1ku fimshtd K\"o nd 111 rhe final r•~ of th< day that fea•

1y Kai, V. 1111

fi r ■ t

oul bit teammate Robbie Brown to

~ . b-0. 6-0


Afte r • weekend o l irud1n~ .. ompc1111on 1be e,•ent.5 ""ere cakula led aotl 11110 Team A rr o w placed well

aa .. nsl him he 111II manaced 10 place 1hmJ O\'crtill

Tu m Arrow then 100k on the o teaory B racc w11h Stanley Peter• son plac 1nr fifth . Stradle y look devcn th and a aood r.ace WH also ru n hy 1.... w)Vfl The c11egory C race uw three nden fro m Tum Arrow Brown fin u ht d w ith se co nd , Da ni el , hring,ng 1n thud and Jeff Skinner placcJ well ,n h1• fi rs! race o f lhe StaliOD.

The o nl y ca te,o ry A rid u from Team Arrow ..,,'ti Sptl::c:s. With man) of 1he l;.r;er leams \\ Orl.1na;

Rackoc iy took m 1b place 1M Oavu scve nlh in lhe wo meo ·s



H el p Wan te d



esign a lo'go Mth t for next HOMECOMING CELE BRA

PB is in search of New Member s The Unlnrsity Progumm lng Board I• t he or1ianl.taUnn on c ■ m p1.11 th a t bring• moviu . c ntut11\ner1 . a nd choug ht p1 ovok iug 1 pc-alar rs to th t' s1udents an ttalf of MSU . Wt Ir<" in ne<'d of me mbert with ne w ldcu u nd euthuain in . Our inembt""rS gain h um I h e ir u poien('U . Not 0 11 ly ue therie Jllrlica and fun ac livlli l!-1 , but • l•o t ri p, a nd th e o p1t0rtun1C 1 l o mtrl

a wtd t variety of peol,lle . m1tde up o( fiv e co mm lttc u . Each co mm ittee hu • c hai,p('-no n .



wbo reulvcs up lo $ 150.00 per aemester ¥C holanhip mon ey . lklna ■ nu: n1b,er of UPO 11 work but It Is al.au a ,crut dnJ of fun . for more lntonnaUon . contact the of0cf' at


X ◄ 5 GJ, c ome t o the meeti ng

Wr.d.nt"dtay at 3 :00 In CSC 104 . o r • l o p bf CSC 130 a nd Oil out an lnt r:u:s t

~ .... - ...........

c.,d. i - . - ~ .....~ .......u,,. .... , ... _

====="', ·f~"\.'l, ~I

Subm it desig n t Ojce of Stude nt Activ CSC 116 by Ap It's open to all MSU stud faculty and staff . only rule: P First nities No Obsce $50.0 0

certif icate to the

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