1'1rlt "1tyt Volume 71, N.,...,._,
W1cb1tan(i )
ThundAy, April 8, l 993
l~),1;)111 .Card Catalog discontinued ~i~!g~~~~~r~W'~ Computer replaces old system n.."C'ogm~ studcnl$ for their
academic cxccllcncc.
The illl~ual event is one
J•• c,-.,.llant
u:d r
Meyers said th:11 this new
pl;inncd to ha,1-e bi!cn upd:111.:d seems hkc ll'S broken.~ Sd f
system makes it c:asier for dunng spnng hn.-ak, hut the said ~, W\)mJcr wh.11 lhcy will
The main problem i11 lh:ll
~~~c ffllJOr SIU~Rl aca- Moffet c;ualoguc. in the people to find books for re· computer ccnti:r which w:as J o . 1( it ever cruhcs. often most of the tenr11nals a~ . 1~ ~ lcadersh1p award David rary has vam5:hcd. search :tnd papers. L.O.1.S providing 1hc prog.ram did not Technology is not ;is dcpcntJ- 1nken, Fish s:1111. "Thcy no.:d acl\"'.lllCS of l_h~ yc~r• .•c~ s stems r Mcy-crs, ~ smant pro~dcs the w;cr m.1J1y more have 11 fim.1.hcd, Meyers s:ml abk as ("(:Opie m.1k1.· ,t out io to in,-cs 1in more of them... cording to Phtlhp Btrch ne hy ~ranan. said there ~ an of _studc~ts. ~everai c!:dnot nan u~ 3~inthc . onors wdl be .&1vcn tnclud- whc Cilta1oguc sm~e 1986 ing Outstanding students Th n L.O I.S. wa.s ms1allcd. and the Faculty Award. des~ card catalogue ""'' 3S Tickets are $9.S0 each a t&nalCd lO be removed long and can be purchased in go. Room 103 of the Clark . 0 th~: medium .:ind large Student Center before April u.n,ver!IUCS alrudy have lllcir 19. hbunc~ on t'Ompulc rs . Compu11:~. Meyers s;1id, 3re MSU chccrlcading and mo~ effic.en~ Midwcs1cm is dance tqm tryouts begin the keeping_up wuh k."'C hnolotics last week of April. to provtde Sludent.s wilh the An orientation and clin• bc 5l possible lcarnioi; fc5 for the prospective melhods. chcerlcadcrs will be April 23-25. The orientation begins al 7 p.m.• April 23 in the Cwk Snidcni Center. Work.shops will ht: conduct.ed from 9 a.m. to noon and I p.m. to 4 p.m.. April 24. On April 2S. a Wlrm•up session will be from noon to l p.m.• and actual try-outs I.-.. M , Arrin~ton will begin a~ I b m. and end By R,portn MSU history 1nd poli11c::tl (;t0 m .L. Ligon science students have found MSU dance learn clinics themselves in an interesting begin April 26. A brief ori• and e-hallenging predicament. Juu lwo years :afcer the Persian Gulf w11,r. they :1,rc p.m .. April 26 in CSC representing Syria and Iraq a1 Ballroom. Other clinic.s will the Southwest ~ odd Ar:ib be conducted from 6 p.m. to League. 9 p.m. April 27-29 in the MSU will host 1he ballroom. On April 30, the Southwes t Model Arab clinic will be moved to Lhc League for the scc-ond year. D.L Li5:on Coliseum Gym April 15-17 m the Clark 101. Tryouts for prospc<:- S1udent Cc:-nter, Approx tivc dance team members imately 18 universities from begin at 2 p.m.• May I in four states will travel 10 lhc coliseum. Wichita. Falls to pnticipa1e. El<Ctcd chccrleadcrs and The Southwes1 Model Arab dance team members will re- League is sponsored by the ceive a $300 .scholarship per National Co uncil on U.S. semester. Arab Relations, which is For information rea:ard- funded by Fonunc 500 busiing eligibility • .stunts and at- nesses. tire, contact the office of The purpose of · the student ac tivities at 689- Southwest Model Arat'I 4500 or Sandra Grant. di· League is 10 1each about rector o f MSU dance. a t teamwork. Middk Eastern af689-4396. fairs, and parliamen1ary procedure. said J. David Martin. MS U 's F US I O N professor of political science. Wintcrguard icam captured The studen~ spend three day-. 1he s1ate championship in lndt! pcnden1 Class A com~ r:~ivacn~o ~~ petition 31 lhe finals of the judged on their ability to stay Texas Color Guard Circuit in character. This can get d,r. on March 27 in Killeen. ficult. says Manin. One yw
scrv,ca th:m 1he ca.rd c:11.l· The ur<fa1e ~hould he in r l.11:1.~ he Tr.u.li1ion and old h.lhtlS logue could. It c:nables 1hc l:uer th1s.scmcstcr. an: hard 1o bn:ak: USl'r to perform rapid sc=archl!S
for infonn:ition .lnd matcn:il by ins ti1u1ing kc.· yword searches. The compu1cr sy\11.·m m1kcs p1perwork C.l.~1cr. Meyers said. It allows us 10 check on over-due hoob helps us to oNcr n<.'!w ma1crili and keeps track of our book inventory by k mng u.s know if a hook 1s l'hcd,cJ out h) someone or ·LS ..:in 1he sheLr The L O.1.S. syswm :..:u
MSU hosts second
T he new L 0 .LS d11e~ have a help sn rcn wh1l'h Lis.:t Pe(:ot. scn,or nrn,;;s ~, don't care: Juhe Fish, makes the:- sys tem u~cr communic:mons roaJor. sil ted ~ nior mass l'ommunica11ons rricndly II is very u.~cr rriL•nJly JnJ her 1.·oncern 1h a1 the new major. s:ud. - It is :a g:ood 1t.lc.1, ., ysk m m1g h1 not he u, cr t,ut what happc.ns when !he has all n('w tulnriJI '-4..'.n:L·m l,1 fti ..: ndly a nd -.3 hJ. ~w hJt compull' fS go down ? Will a.ssis1 1hc u!.l~r. Meyer~ sa1t.l :i hout J)(Oph: who ;arc l·,,rn- there ~ something 10 fo ll hal'k If any person c:m ou:ucrs pu ler shy'1 WhJI will 1hcy on·r problems 1hc rden:nl'C l1br.1r• ian will glJdly help 1hcm gc1 J o"· Ka1hryn Self. frc~hm,m Fish. how1.•vcr , >aid she on the right track. ml~s C'Ommunk:i1i11ns m.qnr, Jvc~ 1:ikc ad,..aniag..: of the Meye rs said the lihnry hcsi1a1CS JI Ull.' advam·l~mcnt ~rarl h ft•:i1urcs pro\'1<lcd t,y plami h.> recycle the old 1.·anh - E,·..:ry tune I tr)' to wo1 k. L <J I S. when rc~can:h1ng hy rc~using them as scr:11i.:h w11h dn.: l·ompu1cr "Y~ll' m 11 (nr her parers 1nd newJ-sto- paper. ,....................._ _,_............,...,......,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,~~
mock Arab League
- :~~°':h:t~ Zr~~~
:;~~~r~f Black. associate director of bands, performs regularly with the marching band through the ir nag ro utines. Student ins1ruc1ors or 1hc group arc Jason Highto wer. Tony Chapa. and Penny Pool. lhc group captain. As a group, they .tlso re• By Lortt M, Arrlnalon ceivcd the Bill Bradley R,porter Spo rtsmans hip Award SGA's asking stullenis 10 whic h is given to the most come out and make 1hcir congenial gro up by o ther voices heard ! circuit competitors. The Student Govcmmenl H ighlOwc r. a junior Association is sponsoring a music education m3jor. won studen1raJly to oppose ScnalC the gold medal in Non· Bill 177 which recenlly Scholastic Mixed Solo and pa.ssc:d the Texas Senate with was named a member of the a vole of ~I to I . The rally will be: a1 noon Wednesday. AII-S~tc Colorguard. Alccha Sht:ppard, a April 14 in the Clark S1udent freshman music m:lJOr. won Center Atrium. The SGA will 1he bronze medal in Non· have postc ards available for s rndenL'i to sign to send to Scholastic Flay Solo. fan Bryant, a sopho• rcprescnt..11ives t0 oppose 1his bill. The bill was sponsored more environmental scicn~ major. and Marfa Zarate. a by Senator Carl Parker. and sophomon: music educ.ltion the purpose of the bill is to major. won the bronze limit the number C'lf hours medal in Non-Sdolastic s tude nts m:1y takt: as undergraduates hcforc 1hcy Fla Duet. mlL\t p;,y ou1-of·stalC tuillOn,
an exchange student h orn Norway wa$ rcprcscnling lr.1q, and th~ )'Oung man that W.lS ~prcs...·ntmg Saudi Ara"1a kepi voting with her. When reminded 1ha1 he w.ls out or ~h3tleler, he replied, "I ca.n't help it...shl!'s St' hcJutifo l." During the r roccedmgs,
students wntc rcsolut1tm> and try to gel them pa.\.~ d m mock UN fashion. The students . hopefully will come away with a bcucr undcrs1amling of Middle East pohocs and n:la• tionships. said Ma.run. MSU is represented hy two teams. one from the history departmenl and one from the poli1ie:1I .science depart· menl. Each tc3m has five members, who represent the team :it one of 1hc five commillees. The five commillccs arc Economi cs. Palcs1ine Affa irs , Cultural Affai rs. Social Affairs, and Political Affairs. The Sou1hwes1 Model Arab League will start in the C l ark Student Center Thursday. April 15 and end with a noon banquet and Ge neral Asscm hly on Saturday, April 17, The proceedings arc open to the public to observe ond everyone is welcome.
11w W,rlt1-'IW1trU...d# &11, -
Studen tt who nomin ate d Dr. Lillian Warin1, director of health scieace1, for the t hird annual NSNA/Mo1by "Leader of Leader," Award an (from top ldt) Jan ice Fl.11eliu, Betty Bouchard, Tobi Gue r rero Mary June Walke r, (from bottom left) Rhonda Campbell, Dr. Wari ng uid Karen Conklin.
Educator honored
Nursing students nominate director for leader award
Jly Howard L. W,11.c
Dr. Lillian M. Waring, :issociatc professor of nursing. won the third aunual NSNA/Mosby "Leader of Leaders• Aw:ird. The :iwarJ recognizes nn oulstantling dean or nur11ing facu hy mcrnbcr who has ~hown di~tin goishcd support :tnd St.' rvi~ic 10 n ursing s1ud cn1s. Thl· Nationa l S1udc n1 Nur~es' One of the m:un concerns Association mcmhGr!i nrc inwi1h the current form of 1hc vited 10 nomm.ih: ooc out· hill is 1herc is no allowance standing pcrM>n in the nur... ing for university le ve l student field annually for this aw.ird. Ttaching for 17 yc:irs. appc.al. ~, don't oppose 1hc intcnl Waring 1s cu~ntly the direl'· of Scn:itc Bill 177. I oppose to r of health M=icnccs d1vi~ion lhe language of the bill ~ - a1 MSU. She was nominated eauSI! it 1s very ,,ague and Al the local level hy the MSU needs a lo t more work Lo S1udcn1 Nur.~ • Association, provide for 1hc protcc1ion of Alhena Pond. 1992-93 MSU students," Jenny Sal:m. SGA Student Nur~cs' Association president said. vice president. said. • or. Waring was rc~uircd In its current form. lht! bill to submit her resume anct offers no protection for Mu- Ronda Camphc ll, a Junior dcnis who change their major. nursing s1udent. wrote 1hc Curn:ntly. 1hen· is nol a spon- manda!OI)' cs.~ay,w P~1nJ s:iid 1 sor for lhC' hill in the House. and ii 1s ho~d students voic- not ing 1ht!ir opposition lP the hill essay criteri3 indul11,.•d tio1h m 1L~ 1.: um;n1fonn will pn:vt nt Or. Wanng's profcssionali,m 11 bi.· ml! spon~orcd in tht! and her encouragement and motivation she gives to nur~House.
SGA sponsors student rally
~:i~~:: ~~i;~:~~~ ~~
ing s1udcnt(. Th::i1 <.icscri hcs Dr. Waring perfectly.~ The essay s1a1ed thal Waring is a "rare gem,- who "provides motivation and generates en1husiasm for students and the nursing profrs ~on, as well 3S cxhih1ting profession3lism :ind purposc for higher cducation. Waring earned her bachelor of science degree from Wagner College. N.Y.• her maMcr of science from ,\ dclphi University, N.Y .• and her M.E. and Ed.D. from
eluding Fa1.:ul1y Grie"·anee Commiltee, Dean's Search Commi11ec. Univers ily Researc h Co mm iuce, Nominating Committee and Sigma Thelll Tau. Although W11ring hos received several awards including Tex..u Nursing Students' Association Ouutanding Tca•11cr Award (1984), "Who's Who in American Nursing ." ( 1986) and Academi c Leadt rs hip Academic Fellow, KeUoge Foundation ( 1992) she tai(es Col umhia Uni ,·ersi ty's great pride in being named the Teachers' Collcsc in New 1993 "Lca<lcr of Luder,. • w
Yorlc. Spccialiling in (lncoh1{!y, medical/surgical nursing, rcsearl'h, prC'lfcssional issues and management. Wuring has given many presentations on these topics throughoul the cnunlry and published her re"-Carch in nursing 1cx1books and other publications. She has held several offKc.\, including 1hc Counselor of Honor Soc,cly, MSU ( 198N), a nd president of Sti;ma Theta Tau, Alpha Omega Ch.1ptcr. Columbia Univcrsi1y {198J). She has lx·cn an active member of man commiuccs at MSU in•
"This award means a E:re:11 deal to me bcl'llu,;:c abo"c all. I con.sider myself a teacher. And believe me, studcnL'i can be your hardest critics. The \'~ry facl 1hal a student just wanted Lo nommaie me is \'t:ry nice," Wanng said. Courlesy of Moshy. a nursing publisher who sponsors the ftleadcr of Lcadtrs• Award, Waring will rccc:h·e a !rip 10 1he 1993 NSNA 41st Annu::t.l Convention in Knns.i-. City. Mo. bdd Apnl 14-18 and will ~ccivc her award on April 15 al ihc awards b.lnquet.
Pare 2 Thunday, April 8, 1993
p•intin;s. · x -R11cd· ind
• Studcn1 Govcmmcnl Auoc1auon offur and tcn.1.1or c lec1inns will be held
Balancmc Ac1 I· Mcuurc Co, Measure." in a rc~1onal competill\'C' c•hih1hon ial the ~:i:~s(~rn~~,:~~h?r::c
~f~at!:«;,1:~~~~hc~r~ *
om«•• fl89◄709. The h At 7 pm., Apnl 13 in s ow will run thmugh the Akin A uduonura, the Ma)' 23.
Midwestern Art,n•L«turc Carla P. Bennett, sencs w1 II present the Oalla.s coord,natur and us1Slilnt Bru~ P"?fcuor of mass commu7 mcauons. has bct:n named to •!'.;< the _lx>ud of dm:ctou or the G ministered in Bolin Sdcncc W11,;h11_1 Falls 1.: hlliptcr ? r _the Hall. room 100. Amcri~• n Advert1 s1n g One act play, will be Fcd_c rahon Bennc ll also held at 7:30 p.m , Apnl 17 in .scr.:ed as pronouncer for the the Bea WooJ theater. n:&1onal final~ or the Scn~ps On Mmh 11-14, Dr. Howard Nauonal Spclhn& Ernest A. Dover Jr , as- Bee. .* V~lcric Showalter, sociu c profu.-.or of pohucal science. served iLS Ch:i1r and rad1olog1c ~cchnology proBc1h coo~d1na1or, D1scuwnt on a panel tilled calc, chmcal coordinator, · stack ProlCSt Pohuc.s. The Lesaey of the I%Os" at the rc«:nlly cave a prescntauon annual mcc 1in1 or the titled · Tcchn1ca l Im ace National Conference or Evalu,n ion • Recognition of Black Poliuca.l Scientists 1.11 En-on- at 1hc Nonhc11St Arca Counselo r's Mee11nc of OuJ.nd. On Man:h 16, Dr. R.1d1ologic Technologists 1n Shelley B. Archamho, as• Amanllo. Ra.diolo;ic tc:chnology sociatc professor of music,
RV' ~e:t·,:.,~f"~~ * *
Theater presents final : :;••··································•·: plays of the season
• 1, I.tu""""' : Rtpo,tff MSU Theaiu will pn·• : • sent iu IILM three one-act : ploys at 7 p.m.• Apnl 16- 17 • an ihc Bea Wood S1ud10 • ThealCT. Bcny Carroll will direct : :Te nnessee Wd hami' , • •rwcnty•Scven W:.gon.5 : Full of Cotton,- a drama : • hout fake Meighan, a • .southern gentleman who : loves his land, Jason • Haacmann wall ponrty the : leading role in this play. • Kacy Longan will play his : wife, Flora, 1 woman • haunted by her husband's : rage and anger, Jorge • Mcave compleLCS lhis cut Silva Vicarro, the : • Mcighan's oext door ncig.h• : bot · • Denise Rcnoh no will : • direct .. Laundry and by James : Bo urbon: : Mclure. This comedy ac1 is
-;:,:::\ -
SCI in Te us The ca.st £or : thn play include Shawn• : McGoven u Eli1.11~th • Caulde r, a housewife: s1ruul1n; to keep her mar· • riag..: alive Rebecca • Mobley .u Ha'ule Dealing. : Eh1.ahcth's best friend and : neighbor: and Li1l11n11 • Bocqurn u Amy Lee: f-ulh:moy, the pns.sy town: • go~1p. The one-acts will finish • wilh ..The Zoo Story/ by: Edwud Albee. anJ is an• in.1cres11~g dram~ fi lled : wuh al·t1on and m~ngue. : This play will be directed• hy An1hony Damron. Batt : Nofglc will play ~cr!Y•: while Michael Chusoa.n • Huftilc will play Peter • this Ju..,.pc,u.c(uJ dnmL No rcsc:rvaoons will be • Liken for these shows general public is cncour· • aged co atttnd and support: the Mudcnl's crrons to pro•• duce quahty one•act plays. l
7:, 1
LINDA w. scori 11ri•••..••.............•••..••••••....•·•..•••••..••....•,. SHAi"l'NON 1'1, PUGH pro1r>m faculty St<ve H•yes, St d t o r S.< ~- \ Pn•,ill,•nt/\ ii.:,· Pn·,i1h-n1 O entS earn awardS Kan Dave _L ahm_a n, \ote , .,;112-16 McCormick, Tina Moore.
helped coach students and
arran,c: the cntcruinmcn1 for tbc Wom.1n's Forum's ·trish Fantasia:
Palrick Fortner. Michael Vendrick. Sanders Nobhu, Tickl e, Belind a /\-:-111111 t,,.1!hni:~""' lh 1\ l,.111, l' h ·J u ' 1 I u c-, 1, Clcll Awards earned by MSU print and broadcut journal• Bertram . Mary Mills, Bnan I ,hr.in 1\\,.t. 1111111 ism students 11 1hc Tens 81.llud, Brcnl Warren. Bruce V.im• ltmi : t , t , 111111111 111.,, . \ \ ,•Jl, C ,t · 1 ,,u11i:c-1 ll1ur-tri1 Press Smith 11nd Kevin Dulce. Intercolleg ia te The students aucnded Association compc 1ition April 1-3 will be formally seminars in I variety or top1c.5 pre.5ented at 1hc Media Club ranging from newspaper de· banq uet on April 26. sign. the impact of Lllk radio. Apprmumal.Cly 500 journal• photojourna.l1sm. rcalure ists (mm Texas colleges and writinc, advenising, public , relations. yearbook produc• 1 110n and internships. MSU pu.blishcd ind in llvc compc• ~:~~trr~°mmf:a.~udre tJllon cvcnLS. Students rrom MSU who piec design. photography. NIGHT auendcd Yr'CCC Brian Yount, radio and broadca.st Smuh, a senior mass ~;:,,::~r commuruC'ations student. said TIPA is a great opportunity to meet students from other uni• vers1ties and learn more O!ll'cer and oenator election.a will be held April 12-16. Run-off, and votinr on Rel. 1bou1 their journalism de·
G:uy Mom .son. Valene Showahtr. Marsha Sorter and Beth Vc:ilc recently attended the annu:11 mecung of the and professor of cduc:uion. Tens Soc1c1y of R:ad1ologic attended a workshop 1n Tcchnolog11u in Hou!-IOn. Amarillo 111lcd • e rokcn Showalter presented a physics Hearts • Wounded Spirits• review for inudcnts p~panng which dealt with child abuse. for their National Registry Eu.m1nation. Through Apnl JO, the • Dr. Rulh Morrow. Bolin Wichila Falls Mu.s.cum and An Center will show an chair of piano. and Gary invitational lravehng ex• 1nclud1n1 h1bu io n ·Runman." a w:uercolor 1he Knox Competition. :in pa1nlln& hy Elizahcth A . annul.I compctiuon span.sored Varon, aS$oc1ate proressor by the Midla.nd Music Te3chcrs Auoc1a11on at of art. Yuon. is also U • hib1t1ng two wa1ercolor Midland College.
On March 25. Dr. Clarence L. Darter Jr.. director of Lclchtr ccr11ftca1ion
l yl.Ja, ~
.. •
~u::::=~:1~ ~~~~:;:! ~~a:Ce!~~~C:rC::;b'!~I:;
Student Government Elections •
* Mond1y:
92193-2 will be April 19-23 in the following places:
6 p.m. • 8 p.m. 9 a.m. • 12:30 p.m. 6 p.m. · 8 p.m. 9 a.m. · 12:30 p.m. 6 p.m. • 8 p.m. 9 a.m. • 12:30p. m. •, 6 pm. • 8 p.m. 9 a.m. • 12:30 o.m.
• Tuuday:
* Wednesday: :"Thursday: *'Fridav:
Tax filing due April 15 lyt..ahciot
Killingswonh Hall
CSC Alrium Pierce Hall CSC Atrium Library Blue Lounge Library Blue Loun•c
ncr:en tw-reeYT"I ND+In:U IIIIIPIIBW tP tWta«!T
.. ........ .. -·===-c .-~-=-"_.....,__... ,. ,. ._. ,
We believe you should get more out of church than sixty minutes of sleep.
"......__,_ ,,,...,..... ,...._.. ..,.._,...._,, , .,_LU ,...,..,_,• ....,.. _ _.__ .,......,_,....."'._.._S~
~ deadline ro, filina taxcs is Aptil 15. The Accounting Soc.e1y is help· inJ everyone who needs help fihn, their lues. Studcnu needing w is1ancc can come to 1he Small Business Development Cen1er on the corne r o ( Midwestern a~~~ l~a1do_m~ r~~
.... .__,.,.._,,_....,_...,_ - . .. , ,.,...-.., , - .·
Sa1urd1y, AJ.>nl IO. this scr• vice 11 available 10 general
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public aJ,o.
rm ~.~~:.~~~:~~-·~ 3410 Taft Blvd. Box 12160 Wichita Falls, TX 76308 New• Deak (817) 689-4704 Ad. Deak (817) 689-4705
~....... I
with archaic cer~ monies, ouldoled lan-
(Belllnd Sl<N Slnltr MIIQ Sunday Worahlp
t:30AII 10:SOAII Sundly Sdlool
S..0 1',.tiol!
G l'acnd~n ~ M I M. 'nt,tW._ 1'".,,....__ , _...._, .... r....1-........,."'"'-
9:30AM 10:50AM Rick Thompeon, P111or 691-1568
guage, boring singing and irrelevant sermons Simply put, lhe lime spenl ohen doesn't seem worth the time and effort ii tokes If you've slopped going to church finding ii easier Jo sleep at home, why noJ join us !his Sunday mom· ,ngi Because we believe you should gel more oul of church !hon sixty minutes of sleep.
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or many people going Jo church is ossocioled
~bt tlllcbltan
Logo sought I he 1)11 h.. c 1, f ~lui.kni
Ac11\111c \ , , holdinJ J ,._P,'llc , , m ,1ht.un 3 l.1~0 wnh lhi: m-.:
~.&II ' homccn,ning
• h :cl 111~, lu l fcJI h ) h tn1cnJr-J 1111 '4.:h°',I ;u.Jm 101,..
ha~ t''lnly one
Workshops slated
lml·ndcd for 1ht• "110.: p:ir• 11c 1pan1~. ..Th i.: ConJ ut· i Disordered Child~ <k:lh w,th 1 wo \I, n r ~hop1- arc being of1cred hy the dcparuncnt of children wh(I rq",.'Jh:d ly v1o. mJJOr ogc-3rpropn.it.: su• n rntinu,n ,: c du c :u1 on clate 1al norms U11h11ng c:1),C : Fcc.hnr, IO lic 3l By· ond \IUd1c~. tx-ha\lorc. ,;,ud as T he Co nduct D,lordercd lruan..:y. running aw::.y, l)mg. Child" "'111 be' llught hy Dr stc:1hnJ. v Jncfah -.m , .:ind Jamt·s Suuon. 11 Mi(( psy. physical , 1ok n1.~ h u't·, a chol o~1.M for Wmtc:r Garden kc1ure mc1hotJoloGy w11h Mcdu..al Center 1n Fno planned ac t1n11e\ :ind a n 1mCounty pn:hen~1,·e "'!lrkNJ\, k. ft)' O■ rl• lrii tc1c
Rc pt1 rl,r
Join Us For A Simple Celebration Of Eternal Life • Non-Ocnom1nJ1.1on:1I • Sy,,;,1em:n1c lc:k.hini; lhroui h the 81hlc
P,u1n 1r.1n1\ " 111 k .1rn the •' uhlu.. S-.-CIN. -.1II he.• Imm \('<'Cd11,: ~h,1v111t\ anJ 10 3 m 11, 111111n M;1, '
lrutm~. 1..0 un.,..·IN, , ;and h'.n.h• ~ymp1om, of t.1111dm I J1"Mlf· Cr\ 1 he Jlro{!.rJm " J ..-,,~m·J d(·r. l llld) lh(' C3U\C 'I, lea rn tu ll\\l\l t ht• m ,n htl r m, ICn Mr:Ucg1c~ fo, t'lll."\h\ C 1n• lrouhkJ ) <'Ulljh !Cr\ u111,k1~ LCl'\'tntiun with lhc-.c ~tudenl4;.
'Uilnd J.Rll rvlJk' .irirn1pnJldy rule n'1 oh..._t•nn,c\ .. anJ ,, In the fl, t· "·'"' ' k c hn1:-, i>f : ~J\I," - maJ. ~ · i;IJ J ,<'fl('n lo :1II MSl I "ih iJi:nts ~arcd: JnJ "h1ndv h re• (M.-Ult) JnJ l!IJO rm,1 I~ i:11,•\ 1; , pc, 11iC' Jlly 10 th<." nt't J1;, 41 ~c.n l!•II 1.:c n1fic.11c 10 the n ( c n11>1tn nJlly troubled , tu· MSl ~~, \. , r1Jt\' . 1 den," l ar11c1r 4 nt\ v. ill k Jm ln ll'rC'il(' tJ art,.\ I, and lhe five hJ, 1C (cc lm~,. the w 111N, ,;ht uhl ,uhmu dt'~icn\ common 1.1n.um.'ilan1.t·, where to the O lf1cc of Studen t lhc~ l ccllngs e.lU\i,: lhe c hild A l·11vt11t'"i ,n Cl11rk S1udcnt to rc-ac1 1nappropultdy :ind ( ~n~ r room 119 hy Apn l 2, how rhcy r an be U\ l' d 11, och1cvc 1,..,-mouorwl healin1,;. Tiw
Thursday, April 11, 1993
Tornado caution Faculty Forum A l1houih Md ""c,1cm h.1.<i. Dr (i3ry f J \h1mp,u. a.,- pt'O<.i:durc, r11r infomllnJ: 1hc
lt:1,,·d tin 1hi• lill.11 m.11l:1tt•· Cflnu •r1 1t:.i:h1n~, u ( W l·dw,1rJ, f>-.: m1 ni . du11.· n, ,,r t llmr lc) of how mumc111JI :l!!(nC'l("j C.3n adl'jll th,.; \UC'CC'i\ fot mula. u,cd h\' th~· nHl\l compt•1i1 1vc Afficr1t'l n and J,1p.tt'k:\C lirmt WI ii hl' rrc • \4' nlcd. Al "Mt 10 ~ pfC!.Cnlcd .1n.: m :11q:1c-, dc.,1j:ncd 10 n'· ffll'RI
3nd \U!,'.~CSIIC'IJIS lor dr~l • o,·d)' wur kmi; v.·1th 1hr fl1f· col\ l'I 1hc11e Mudcnl!E.lch wo,k,;,hor ""•II fulfill 6 hours o r C on11nu,nr f..chx.:.111M Cn:Jus (C U '\) lt\d (,. hou!" of adv;tncrd x :adcm1c
~~~~ ~~\~:~,;'~f(i'~l; ;~:
;~;~":J ~~~~~nr~~~ ~~~~
M>n anJ n,:1-4.•rv:w on, mu<i.l tx· m11ck hy Arni 111 Thi, will h..: :i 1w1, •pan -.cnun:ar w11h the d:a1c <1r the M..'Cnnd hJH m t-it· announced l.au.·r. "T1:am WC'l rk Jnd Tc:im Work . 1hc Turn ,\round "i1tu,1111,n 1n Bui.mes~ and
4 p.m. Fnd:ay, Apnl 16 "1"hc Conduct D,~ordc rcd Child" "''111 tic from 8 10 a m rn 4 rm. $31urday. Arnt 17 Check-an will he from M to Jl·.){J i .m und lunch will M l be provnkd Tuni,,n S7U tor "Feelings· 11nd SJ.~ for "Child". There 1s o IS r-,.·n."Cnl d1scoun1 1( you 1.lkc both, .11nJ 25 percent for group rc&1~lr.lUOns of four flC' more For more inform:a1ion. c-J..11 lhc dw1~on or continuing cd· UCallon JI 6R9-475b.
~~rr~~t1!1 2;rc:~~~~;. .s;, m use
1camc. :inJ how lhcm 10 the advanllJ:e o( the cnmpany. The clJ.\\ will be from 10 :am tu 2 pm ~1 ay 6 R(&1\ UJl!On 1kadllnc 1_\ Apn l 22 -oeyond 1he Bask> • lntc rm cJ 1a1c F1n1nce and Service excellence Ac..:ounun g for Nonfinancul ma nage"· will he c.;a..,h l y lhirl• Sltl• l hur.;J:1y. Arril I thruu&h Rtporttr A work,hop dc~•&ncd 10 M.1y 6 Deborah SIC\ c n,. help you undc-r\ land wh:al CPA. will teach lhl· course VrOrld -cl:i.<S cuslomcr ~-n 1cc Th1 \ cl3~s \:tu.i,fi.: s m r:m 1hc 1s .ind how 10 give 11 10 )Our reqmreml'nl, Im :r ccn,fitltr m bu,1nc.ss m1n:1gcmc- n1. uffon!d by the MSU d1.,.LS1on of cduc:at,on. hu,inc:\t :ridm1ni~ua11on and Service E~cellcnec: An con1inu1ng cdue1t1t1n in c on• Amcncan Snluuun "''" he JUnCIIC'l n wi th American from 9 :i.m. to I pm Man:ai:cmcn1 A !I\ Oe 1:11m n~ Salurda y. Apnl 17 w11h Ex1cns10n Pmgram This !toe· 11e!I offers non-1cadcm1c ~:r~)r~:~;r crcd11 1ow:11ds lhc ccrt1ficak. c,;crc1.scs. module\ , 1.:ipc.~ and Mnrc mform:u1on can be ohcas.cs wh1th wall :allc,w the l:u nc.d hy cJlling 1hi.: depart• p3.rhap3nLS 10 incrca \C 1hcir ment or c,, nLmumg educa11on Incl or .service dd1\·cf)'. and a t EJ:1 4756. cu.stomcr $lllL~fa<:tmn. Tu1uon 1> S28. the GhlUp r.111.· for 1wo Milstead elected ormoo:is S 21. For mo,c inform:111 cm. Britt M1ls1c.1d wa.,4; clcc1cd plcuc. conLJCI the dc.· partrncnl Kap~ AlrhJ. Order prc..,1dcnt of conunuing educ:mon :ar for 1hc 19\.13-94 :1codcm1 c 689 -4756. year Much 2K Man FJrquh.ar. J >Oflho·
1phen..- lh:a1
" 'elcomc, ~' <',YOO!: '
, oc•:u c prorc .., or o f , N.1JI " \' rk. "" ill pres..·n1 h1, kciun:. "Prohk m, u ( P:1rc n1 1nc Snlu11tm\ of S, 1cncc· 11 1hr lin:i.l FJrnhy forum .11 Krm . April (,. in the ('IJrk: ~1uden1 Center ThcJICT H1, lu 1urc w,11 approach common prnlikms potrcnn ha, e w11h c:h1ldrt" n 1hrnugh the cxpbn.11100 nf , oluuons r ror,1scd by ...armus Mx·1:rl M,::11:ncl.'.' 1hcone, Fa,h1mp:tr wi ll Jlo;o aJ • dress the cffcc1, nn 1hc de• vclopmg d 1ild of d1ffen:n1 par..:nun!: proce dures dc, 1..-I• oped w1thm 1hcM: lheom:~. hasmg h1( rem:uk~ on hts own research findings and those or othe r S('l('lal !i>C1cn•
""' Alpha Phi Alph:a J>h1 soron1y r,u .\C:d :about S200 1hrough 115 :rnnual
" Phi
Apnl 3 the second yt·:t r, !he ~5 U1.!dC C's" Wllkcd Jwil y wuh the first pbcc trophy. Sigma Nu fraternity won !ICCOmJ rlacc. and the SOl CA.."f tc.i.m won 1h1rd plJC<: IOUrn.lfflent on
Fo r
~~,~~~:e~•~f ~~~~:~1~~
• Comcmpor;u y Mu.!il(" • Loving. mfomu.J 3tmo
Po~e ~
:u npu, u ( 1u111.1do Jkrl, uu nj: 1~ d .ty. m• pr,, l"durt' u ,1) , ~,, :&kt11 n): (.Kully Jnd , 11.1<1..:nL~ """ '~lllf ,-n , .. rn pu, lll'f °'I p m ~l·\ l dJ) , J.nJ "'ockcnd, F.t.Cuh'w mcml~ D ...,,)rk,ni,: 11h ,-1uJenl\ -1ftcr hl•ur< hould uk~ mill' nf 1hc fol · lv-.mg mformJlitin • M..,GJh:t " Jn on1;.3(e b u1ld1ni= 10 wl11ch 10 13kc o,rr m the r v..: n1 o ( ::1 tor• nJ.dO wJrnmg • fhc mu, 1L' ,rnd .1r1 cl:ri~ n:,om ~ 1n the f•1nc ,6 ,rt\ 8u1ldmg arc i:c ncr'JII)' co n• )ldcred Un.."-Jf("
• The loht,y rc.,ooom 1;. m 1hc' thcJlrc w1 ni; of lhc Fme 1\ rl4; Building Jn: cnru1Jacd lhc ~ SI shdr1.•r Ne"lt w(luld l'ic: !he f\!<i.l"°'1m< JCN\\ from the faculty otficc, lor thr.:atrc nd m:i..\!- cnmmunu;..:a11ons • The M SLl2 s1ud10 1s •3x,11~bly '-JIC lnd1v1Ju.1I!- <i. ho uld void 1:ikinc ,·ovt·r 1n any h1gh -rookd Jrt"a \uch as the fmc ArL\ Th:J lrC, BcJ W ood Studio 1 hcauc Jnd 1hc:urc $,CCl'IC ~hor The ),Jme :ipplic. 10 ur~u1n. Jn::14;
Comet® -"'
V. -,.llnU~
l )' # • d O.... 691<YA>
I ~11 M iJ•_,, r.-t •A) 1!) 1900
11,12~ s.~6,1(n(J
mon: from W,ch,u Fall,, was clecu:d vil e pres ide nt ;ind 111 O.rl• Sltllt Chns Kr uhlcr. a Junior from R~por1,r W1e h11a F::ill\ , wu d c~1ed Upcoming \C'mm:ars or- n:cord1n~ SCCh.'13.ry The rcfored hy !he dt"par1mcnt of m:unm~ 11rficcr.. nr 1hc.- Order co ntinuing cduc auo n v. di
covcr 1op1cs rani;,tng from m• 1crmed1:aLC finance to un<kr• s1and1ng lhc new -Amcncam W1th DLS.lhthuc.s AA., . The ~ m1nu . · improving Sen·icc with TQM :rind ContrC'l lhng Cost) 1n the
(MSU mvcn1ory #Tl792) \'COIOf) 1'2"'!971\). :a l ei- Aidt·
from his office fhc 11cm 1s CRT tcrmm;il (~1Sl in,·cnworth S64J Then.:. :1re no lOf)' 41 11)-15) from 1hc ~col•
Bowl First Game
.. On March 25. Dr Rolx:n Clark. dm.--c1or u ( lhc Di\·1srnn o ( Soc1:1I and Och:1\'lor:il Sc1cn<:cs. n:rancd mL~t ni; :ri Fmkn model 1116 i:lectmmc- display ca lculator ( MS U m \'Cnlo ry • 24244) from the O'Don o h,,e Bu1ldin~. The 11c:m 1, won h S6W T hl'tl' an: no !-U5pc(l.<. .. On M:arch 25. Dr. Nonnan llnmt:r. d1rec1or or 1he D1\'1sion o ( Sc,cnccs. n:•
41 05 Maplewood Ave.
C OVE l 'l:. f
I • 13 Rc, ula~j'n Tables• I S~k~r • 2 Coins 01', • .a.rt.s. Sfiufflcboard • Pinc Pon, • V1~1:o Arcade · J l T .L, • 11\-ld<Strren T .V: • C. D. Jukt Bo,
· lnb.N""" ~"' l"'l
PR!9Rt!l• ""'-,:PR .-,-•: ..-
Sn~ 4\) o."I'\.
,>n the IC.rffllC \OU
mo,1 w1C1Urrnont
n..' fd
17'1 ~ " ''C.U P.vk,·ay •lfl
v,, ,,:b1L1l·ilfl\ ln11, 76'0R
• ,n cl off"1' "''l'l,la
anJ foruit!,~ m Tt"1(l(Ni ,(.L.,,r'r"u ,n c on: ll('n .ja- ,kr,artn"fn( ·K....... ~ i&r "'c.tft · Xtrm. C"Pll'"n & r..,., \t.._1""'" ·~lM.'C1n1ewn1m ...,.,...1,-_ br..-.d nli'occ fun 1of11N" •lt11nv,,- l.lNf;y, ""r1'X l"~\~•uhtt• ~\.,Lh t h.t~ PLn •l m- 1,,~ 0cL,""'
"~tl\. IOYS
•Free delivery twice a day tt> MSU! • UfJ.'l"'ll ~
• • ,\n unkoown 1nd1v1dual domJgc..l lhc mulJ1n~ :rnd
c1s1on <:am en model 990 l I on Mar..:h 19 The dJmJgc (MSU 1nvcn1ory #'22671). an w :ri, JJ1pr:ai..ed at \ r,() There Amcncan Op1.1cal micro~ opc :in: no \ U.'-J'CCI\
students and faculty...one of our priorities!
Ar,111, U,c RodlNRullDanctKah:uct ..:I
ogy lk·panmcn1 in tlh' B,, lm Science Hall Tht· u,·m~ Jn; worlh S201Ht Thcrt• are no \u,pccl., •• An unLn,1wn m,1lc wa.s rcrort~J w::at..:hmG two It.: • mJlei ..:han~c clmh1.·, m 1hc northwes t "' omen\ J rc"ing worn of the D L. Li~on Cohscwn on MJ1d1 2~. 111cn; arc no su,rc'- L"
po n cd m1,.i,rng .en Aud1 \J WCJthl·r , 11,ppint: .lr\'• unJ the T cchn1con (MS U inven1ory dnwr', , 1dc doM ,,f l 19'-) I ff lb660). a V1J1con OPL pre• ChC\f'Olcl lk:n:UJ p:trLl•J m lot
7A.M.- 7P.M. EVER\'DAY (817) 696-SOl\!J
JOBJ (M SLI 1n,•cn tor y #07723) anJ a C o mmodore 6J computer (M" ll mvcnmry #J 1623) from the h1olngy de· p;.irtml' Rl 1n the e ,, hn Sc1cncc Hal l. fhc 11ems :uc wMlh S4,945. There .11rc no >uS•
Ce nter. rcpon~d m 15SIO£ :in OG.Y, n:roncJ nu~""t Jn IBM Ok:idaia M1nolmt.· &-IP pnnttr St-lcctnc 1ypc1,1, n tcr (M<; U 1n•
-.,II he 3.pl"'(ltnlcd ")' the p~1dcnr M 1l\ 1c;id ~J1d, •we arc e~c11cd ahou1 1hc UJll:Ommg yc JJ :and look forw.ird 10 t::ar• rymt: on the tr.:ad1t1on.~ The llCW officer~ will he mducu:d Apnl 25.
F.;1;\LLS 'Ef(j) L -----------
(~fSU invcnlMy #151\23). 3
hcc .• ';~ ~n..h 2J. Timu1hy pc~I.\ • •On M:1r~ h :!5. l)r Jnhn Thomas. d1rco.,r o( the Sm:ill Bu siness D c vel,,pm c n1 KocurLo. J'Mlc , !>or ,,r gcnl-
Seminars begin
J IIM; 0 l· ANI.R~ M'nl Al~1>RY Z7ll \,.•Ji-.ntP,••••'I' 601 l'hl l ,o \ .U P ~ •
MSU Po l ite D..-ranmcn, rc~pondcd 10 !IC \"• CTJI 1ns1a.m.'.es o ( lo!lt or Molen ~-1SU pCOf"Crl)', flRC COUnl or disorderly cunduct .md :1n J l· templed buf};IJry ~m;;c M;uch 23, H.G. Evan.'I, chief of ru>-
-:I-·};: • ;-o{~
-~~~ •
., ., .. ·.~•;:
II I \oo o tt,w , lflfl l )#f I ·· I 692-3633 I Valuabl e
Coupon On Reverse Side.
C ""l .·I
J: ..10:- t..• rla, r,•,mt,
►,, enc .
_,n 1i...· ,u"k•,11 R,1t,cn i' •.. ,. '::1, J.,.., 1.i.-d w tr1nsf1.•r Ir .n ~,o D1q:o <;1. 1(· l r.,, .•,":) ~., r11> 1-"111.1h..t..1i
!, r t.t • lrJ•Jn, n(',t '-."U(ln .\ 1'1 ~-.. ~ • . ,1., h lic-ulJ , •. , \.' :'\ ~n-,lf':l,,,"tJ \1tlftJa,
, ""-., the lup u1-. h,n1 'f-"lt for
L"C' An:«1
the- 1<AI 9-:
A,"' turh ...._tw,.,I f'l"') d' ¥ l>ul'k..i111, 11lc lhi!l'I '-\.ho.,1. R1n~ rlJ )tJ t""11 )an unJcr ~ ·1d u,1,. h Ph1J ~k"-'t'ck) "'"" i, ,u,uni \. c,J..,h k -,b
"\\,ftll Ill< ka or Rid, Fatina. . ., Ofll) 1n1t point iwrd Ibis-...., nu_, o.. rttn11•"1 rffort,... lo llnd I qu■lty point p■nl . 111d Roll<n Rlnco Bu.., p«rt<dy."
· C.r■l4 Sledton
f"'•1:i1 ~ua,J
McQt. .11J, , h1rmcr ~ISL C'h1mp11 Mh1r, 1n IWI JnJ plJ )cr He H c r:,;icii l 1 \\:h a tt.imm .1.1.: 1•1 Grq; 1ht-1r t.aknt.. ..1 \ t iJ""'l.''1.1.' m 1n pclnb ' O.'~)t.mds Mid 7 .u- Oncrug . .a 7-0 '-'' nil"! ,.i.:, . rectn: hu,hlr;, indud:ng ,:,u tu,- .);('n:ur "-" .uon and rcntl)' pl... ) 1n; for t~-.: ~u.ard h mt) Burk hJllc r d981' 91\, f'O"I Arthur ll ur'\I •:u named .1.ll-d1\tnet •nd Ln1\"trsHy o( K,m.Q.S 1 t'l9().9Jj ;ind ,uJrd J.L..-.(ln :'i.:•d ... , ~1,.•h(, ,1 SDSl' Be 1Jl•n:i:111n He aj)O ,..d m ;aU' prC'\l' Mt;i; :ti.',! P:uv I 1%1)-~. 'I I-pre'Cnl). Ringo r:.11y,•J ► 1, l'1!$hml"\ )'CaI fo,- dmn,·1 hi\ Junior ye;u- He )CU ~ Ill COOh Mt.k" I'\,: tr.:nd · w nh Lht los, or R11.h , . ._ h Jim Bnn&nkl,r ind alw hclptJ lc.:,1 Ouoc;mulk or Dun1.in\1II.: ~.i,k..:tt'l,.11 F:uin~ our vt1I) tru,: P'-1,n1 h, , H•rh ·rnor(" ,c.u .... uh to tl\e Cius SA Stile rliyt"n v.·~ h1\ e \h11""u~•J cu;atd this xason. our numt-.cr R ,t'lfl
"'ti "' 1:I fiJ, 1,,' t'llo O ,u,s f'f 1o•l.~1~1ia,, ~ m.1n1n,. ""-"' • r.Jr\ Jffl( \1.lr\c:r lhc- h \l l'lloO 1t.; ~, .,, 1.1iec-r l"'\' d1llrnsn1
Tqtem Pole
Boys of Summer
I , ,~.._ Gt• ....;;,-rt., fAlhor
\\t-.. ,
ruu lht boc.:-.nr..-c ,n .1
AJr't !'lo)
U..'1) hc11et th.an I
....,,,.,, day and lbc sheet J'.'Y .( 1
~ ,ctu!I r~
I n."ff'ICfflhn- ..,hen I was • 1 p1■i-..1 ""' .., "'" r.. U ('VUl,"Cd lnCo ~ love U I lo.,ked at my p.venH .u.d gr.1nJpa.rcnt1 \.httna.g me on l.Slh<}s,t inlhe\Ulld.s. Bucb.aU 11 Ok of those - Gnu.u,u 1r1 lift Y0t.r kao,i.
• ruio.. .>nd ,ea,--,n year-oot the game hu not clu.nce'd JOO ycan
!Jtu.,..h lfl
The ,-.,fy rul dw>t< 1w l-c-cn lh.: r b ~ and the ~tic
Uni ver~ity Programming Boafd
"""'· I
llotl t
dunl any ~ u
v.1..-_~ P•) 1ng ;v1y one rl.JytT , , :c s: s r.ullion to play a h1lJ, ;.i.nct
0oes 'Ibo.I Heart Good
4)- .con-..-,
would like to
AJi\ ( ro,: J.g.('nt)' l )w.nl Ii 1
·,•,:,.;J f,.r (.&.lure if a .s.al.11) l\. r l m ,~)N M i ...~ I t.!....n. .... bo p i .&) \ bll..\kc1t-~1
Thank all Students
h•r th-. ChK..a go Bull~. ,cu
who participated in
;uM1 i l mtlboa , yeu b) h1.1 •: ..,.m t-ic... ..a.1.L.<.t o( Ml.dr.c-u,,tlh .....,J,.rv .:irp .IOd m.-C.s L"tc ,c,-c J h1, S '6 m1ll10C1 " )('lr w.1-'ly :nn·,,;h ~~~nu 'J. ~..,, ,~ my potn1' J thml
.. J..._ "'.ill i,,.111 ~ l or.. l J 1n1" r'""-\ jn ",n, lC'lr:\l..~oo ,uu w
.fl-'' ttll.' ~ : .a 'r':'rS U !J OCS And
1Jd f.t\)). ncJ .tn.! r,.-: --..~:, ·r-tt:U ol
Resumes that reallywork
!.JL;.l~.~ ~ : ~ Jlbl
f Kt....,h lf\o m.a.n) " ~- t-.u1 J., .in, tl-c '\C.oOfl hc~in.., I
WELCOME MSU STUD ENTS! We prov,dc school supphcs as well as office supphcs.
"ll:-- l 1h,. ll:t~ of n~~,-.JII l'l,•ulJ ',c ,.,,nc('mo:j .iNo\.ll lhc' .....-:.. !1Dl 1n P''PUl..&OI) o( lb,.:
; ..m,;,. dJC 111 the rums l.oq, "' :i,..k~·t rnCl', tMX'n,1 'fU ._,d ... k. . .... ., ::imc:
S<tmc uf a mans fondt~
c.( tus lbil(Shood ~ "fli(:OI rl.l~1nJ Clk:h IJI' ~a!..h mi .a. i:l.S.:1'-lll g.imi; .in 1dc, 1 tJ•.tt ~ ,th hu J.iJ aDd Rk,ncy fflCffl(',n(''\
-.4... nc-,er ffl.!.l."ll tJ
3401 Kemp Bh·d.• W,dua., F'11,. T, 76 •HI Phooc /817) 691-6555 Fu (8 17>6•1 750!
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Professional resumepackage includes one page t~ p,.:..et and !>aved on d1>k. 12 copies on fine stationerv. 12 mat<hinc til,mk sheets (for cover letters/. and IZen·velo~ , (11101. Opm24 Hours 696-COPY 3916 Kemp Btltind tht Olfrt Garden
kinko~· the copy center
Thuroday, April 8 , 1993 Pn1e 6
(817~ 696-0212 DE~I.G l\l : JASE
...---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --1 Po1e 6
Thund.oy, April 8, 1911.1
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