April 9, 1997

Page 1

. t n 1Chl a

Simply the Best

• Midwestern State University

"Campo, Wa11.: h" hring~ home- top honor, fmm ,;tate-widc l.'ompc1I11on. pagf' 4 Texa, Lcgi,laturc consider.. controvcr"al prup-

:;i.;:1a~~z:==:--.:=:......:'.~:_:~::~:_~~~~~~~~~~=::,-~crty nghL< hill. I"'~' .I

Matt Gursky N9wiEd!fo, Mort than 1 )Clf 11fttr Mid11,t, . 1cm State oftk,,h , 11ncd d1s<"u>tlnS I.he future of S,kc, Lake. no dcfrnur

tlro~100, h1n· httn ~ about the IMl-c\fu1u1t

The curn:nl Tc., a, ,ta1r kg1,lou1vc

comms 10 :an end. and 11 ,1.11c-fundrd proJttl 10 renew di\' ht.kt h•, not bttn d1\tu,~ d. MSli PmiJC'nt Lo1m J Rodntiuct ,.11d ht bd1r,·c~ ullmuud y tht i:t.kr ,.,,U bC' Jmli;cd. hit hl· ttoutit., thoe money for tht pro,«t ,. 111 t,e J pprop,l»t.tJ h) the Yatr ~ " 10 0 ,,


" I don' I think. tht- -nw,'tr hc,


reeks in forces r annual stivities

New Heights MSU cheerleaders break into top 20 at nationals

Karen Mt11t

IC 1100 ~P<>f or iii 1,:f11il) ,ind "1rHnt~ mcm~ " a! rll ~1.,;c " ill unit~ Thur'<illy h> ~ lbr u n11e1, 11~ ·, annual G rrd: \\ 'cd,

).:~l~J~l~~k.~~:t )If'~ •


Katy Martin Wicfoiori !Jeoodef


,d1<-IJ.N11p w~I ,,,rnpct111on. ·

Gtc. GI\~). \\.l-cl ~am,cr, '-lid ,.\f'IJ,ned 1h.u Gn.-x-l \\l-cl h ~


' ~~:;~;·~: ~:-:it~~~:~~~~~::: .nJ

hJ\ (' run l nhlc m:.m Gred

l ,.,J -er\ ire Pf\.'Jl"Ct,. Grc.,.-i \\l'\'k •1 f(l(u,tin 111'.h11Ju.,I gwu1 -r.

-3FhGh'\:.. W1'('l, l l'1l' lllCI .alOll•f 1,,.·(ltJld h:l\e olh.:r ... 1"4.· •'C\ 'Cr mt't," "',II t-<¥111 I hur,.J.a\• ac 01l0!1 \\ hen h,1"-1.1111.ulh Mm,h 1n Fain lbll ) P11. h1. <.,tC'd, hJl"OO, •,..ud 1h1, I> ,111 C\1't'lknt UJ'fllll"lunuy fut Gm:t., 11,\lh fJ('ull\ nw:mllo,,:r. ..\\c J rt' , 1,1n:,..11"i' lh.ai lhC) :trc ,fudcnh fi™ )., \Cl.1>0d. • 1'1, ht 1J11I The fac:ullv 1\ a ~ ,od \Ii J ~ 10 C'mphhlle lh1, 1,Jc,.i._ 9 pm. Thur.....l.:i) there .,..111 he ,1 to,, )..



:iiJ J

Mendez puts students first throughout presidency Drtw l\·t nrs

body "

Sen Cf)')lal Gt'c ,aid ,he Ill"' th1~ men1:i.lit)' m )Cvcral of fl.kndv '~ dcc1)10,l\ When MSU v. a~ d1~·u~,mg p<M1hlc affili :i.1100 mto one of 1he \latc11,1de ~y,tenh . \,cc '-ltd Mende,. oppo)l.'d the pcm ,hllny b«au..c ,1 would ultim.itcly hun 4hC' ,1u-

E&lo, !n ( hiel S1udcn1 Go,·cmmcnt A~:-oc,atmn Prcsuknt Jc),c Mende, . .......nt, to he remcinhcred for one thmt: .,..hen peoplelook bi..· k on h1, 1cnurc m office - h1, dcd1c:auon 10 the studcnh


• t 11• -l p rn ,111 1-n d.i}. ( ,~ to 1m.:rn, -.di l'I( .at Che h ... ~ Uanl rJml1p.01n~ Uflll~ '4:f\ It( J CIII 11) <\l'lllrdmi; . Grttb ..,,,It I'\: ,11,1il,1Mc to do Jn~• If,- 1-ood 8anl nc-,· J, doni.· La,t ) CJf ...,h,J i:,«'Certc• anJ helped b.ig nee-

From !he lime he took oflirc l:t~t ,pnn,, dcnh

"faef)thmg thal he ~d W I) for lhc )IU• throughout the fall and dovon the:: home, llrctch lhll ~mcMcr. Mendez !-aid lhc )IU· dcn1s ftf\l," Gee -.aud. '11m @:t'~' me .a 101 dent_, at M1d11,·c!-lcm State h:t\'C httn ht~ morC' confidence ,n Student GcwtmnlC'nl " 1op pnonty O,.crall. Mendez ~ •d he .... ,., plca\Cd " Whcn you n~c a dccmon (:U SGA v.1th hi\ 1cm1 m offK:c ~IOC'nl), 11'~ not ou1or stlf-intercst, but According 10 Mende,. dlC' mam accomfor cvtryonc,~ Mende£ \Jid. "You have 10 ph \hmtnb th1) year Ill Student do thmg) lhat m bcM f0< the ~1uden1 Gtn·cmmcnt were ~,amng MSU Rn You,

"'"' f nJ~1 r1cnmi,: .11 7 r m. the Gu:d,

,or ~111g ,,w1i: m ltw- bJllroom. g Soo1 I• .1 ,O!llr,<'h UOn m \\hK:h ,c • 41ffl lr.1tcm11,c, .1n." @.l\ell J themeI h) J'ft'l'-"C J ,ton 10 mu,I\. Thrtt 111 !XUII) n'l(m l',crs ,UC '"~Cd 10 JUdg,:

SGA", mcn1or prnp-:im, ;and conllnumg 1hc ,lnnUil ..cholar,h,p dn\e " Lool.mg h:M.:k. thctt MC -.lXl'IC p)Xt' 111·htrt I 11g~cd ..,,here I , hould ha, c1.1g1c-d. but I feel tit.e II v..1, a p:ood }eJr," ht \ll!J "I c.an·r po1n1 ti> J h1ghlli,;ht or ,. lowhgh1, [ JU'I med tn ck.ii v. 11h lh111i,;,

:an c, c-ryd.1}

h.l,,, ..


SGA Vtet Prc,1.kn1 S.iJmc Kormg 1,,11d no pan1cul.tr Ml or pr-1~1.tm , tood 0111 dunng hcr tcnn 111 office c,thcr Sen J~1,c,1 JtJhn,on frc,hm.1n, Yid ,f ,tw- had 10 rate \kndc, on h,, 1cm1, , he would gt\e him high m:trh. " Ii', obv,ou, he ,arc, .ihout th,,

See Mendez page 5

The ~hd10 c1tcm ~IJ tl' l hl'l'rll"aUC'r, Jn rnl'f'C than '-IJj>JX)fl ::ithlc11.:, on CJ ITifl\" L,1,1 week Uk') 1u..1k lf1th pl.-.· r Ill tht• ' Jll('ilWI Chccrlc:Kkr, ,\1'\0I.IJ IUIII dllll~llll•lfl I ll 0 3) 1llflll Bc.llh, l-1.1 Tht MSl ' ...:111.KI \' (>rl\f"l!IC:d J !-"Jllll\ \I) '4' hooh nf ,11111lo1r ,1,c from ,m1und 1/11: country Tu 1.'<)lll[ICIC Ill thC' 1C!lllt''I. J ',,ko 1arc of the <'hcl'1kllUl.·r, pcrf1-rm1111-" ., r,)u• unc w:1, ,ub11uncd 1-rnm th1• hum.h,:J, (II entnr, , the \0 bc',1 cnlnc, fu,rn l'Jl.h d,1 ,. tlOn ¥ten! ch(•..cn h• l UrTif"l!lt' lr,r the n .1111•11al 111lc \\'h1k the r.1nkm~ doe,11'1 "-ern 1." \tn.'llll' I) h1gh. 1.hcerk:,i,,h n1: , nac.h \l1lhcllc ~h,:l!t~ \Jld 11 1, J good rcllC'\.IIOn l)n Ilk' ll"Jffi .&llJ ,peat., 11,ell tor ru1urc ('umptut1,•n 1 .. ·1·h1, 1, 1hc fir,t year for them 111~•'· \he ?>aid " 11' , ;aho the liN ~CJ ( lor "'")(' ,11 them 10 CUIIIJ)Clt' J1 JII I Ill f'l'.1lly pruuJ ,,r them " Shclh)' h.1\ hccn W.K"hm~ thl' 1.hccrlt•JJe(') , 1ncc Nn,·t'mhcr. !,he ,.11d t he 1-.1\l ..quad I\ one uf lhe ht,1 ,ht• h.1, C\t~I ....,Hh"II wuh, .11,J ti v. .1, 1101 1u,1 hl·,au, t' nl 1114. checrlc:Klt'r, . ' Tic Jorn: chorcni:mph)' tCJf 1111- "' other -.chool, before. anJ I ,c nc,l·t '>l't:n ,1 pm· gram v.hcrc lhe l)Jftn h Jlk.l 1hc ,1J1111m,11 o1 1100 \l,('f't , urpon11\' h ', l1t.,• a hf'cJlh o l frc-.h::an," ,hc ,..ml. Aaron O' Bncn . .t JUnlOf ,,n the "'!U.M.I. ~id h11 fir,I tnp h.l the XCA .::omp..11111,n .,..a, not wh.11 he lhOU)lhl JI v. ould t-,,• " We hlld J good -.quad." he \.mJ "hu1 v.,· real!) did n't t.oov. ',t,hJI 1oe,pcll Th\' ntht·r ..qua1.h ha\ c hctn go,ni! 111 1h1\ for )Car. .1nJ v. c- were a littk h11 r,cr,·1,,u,. Thal', v.hJ v. c


5ff Checrle11dcrs page S

McTeer speaks at annual Streich Family Lectureship Kah' Martin WclilfonUepoi'te, PcrM>nal dri\·t and industry arc wha1 fuel the Amcncan economy, Robcn MC'T«r Jr. ~ad 1as1 Fm.lay dunng the 1997 Streich Family L«turt~h1p on Ftce Entcrpme. McTttr I\ the J)fc,ident and CEO of 11\t' FeJcral Rt!toC~ Bank of Dalla\ and wa~ the 161h .\ pcakrr 1n the r.c~. which focuses on the ,mponan«: free enter• pnsc m American bu1snU.\ ~ lttturt .sene.s is ~J)OO\Oml by the Dw,scoo of Bu~nc~, Adminisua1ion and the Buretiu o( Bus1nc~1,, and


Go\·emmcnt Resc.uch


In the k<'turt, ~kTrtr uled t umpk.i, Ille Ad.am Sm,th 10 show hnw mdu~nousnc,~ 1n bu,,nc,, \·an ~ ,~ry profilabk. He !wild Sm1lh wa., a p1, 1tol fijl:urt> m Amcncan h,Mory and brought into focu) the 1mpona111:e of lcmng bJ1sno~\ 110,·cm 1hC'mstl\'c s whik ,ull producing qualtty &oods :it lo,.,.• co,1 He ,111d a hu1\nc11 owocr'i mo11,·a11011 hcl~ keep thC' need lor go\'emrncnt con1rol tu :1 nunm1um lie ah.o IOUC'hcd on the currtnt ~itua11nn- m Cluna and Japan and how thclf economic 1.~ ,tc-rn, ma) '-t'Cm pmfi1ablc at prc...cnc hut :1rc doofnc-d to f:11lurt Pan of the rea\00. he \ltd, 1~ the IX'k of 1ncm111·e tha1 the .... ort.-

pre!>tnt, w,11 fall v.hcn 1hC' un,i.1l kd .,..orl e,, v.ho makr up J 11gn1rl\'Jnl pcn.'t'nlaJ C' nl the l.1h11r h•n·e n:1olt aga111~1 lhc t111\cmn1tm The J.ir :mc-.c ancrc:1n11Jc ')'tem. 10oh1l·h h.-, Ix-en m place for mort' lhan 250 )C:tr., ,, al(,11 t-cr111nm): tn , h,110 ,1gns of ,mun . hr ,:uJ M,.Tl'l'f , :ud m.in, ,.nuntnt·, .,,e movmg: toward a free 1•111c1·pt•~ , } ,tt'm' ol 1•1.onnm,,, ,md the change v. 111 be ht'ncfa:1al. 11\ll JU-t 11• th,· mJ1n du:tl c11un10 ·, hut t(l the v.orld ,..,_ooom> a\ v.d l Mrlet r •~ J Gc,,rg1J n;aU\ I.' .,..h,1 c.1mcd h1, J,-.:1,11,ill' 1n c~:Ollllffll(:\ from lhC' l 'nt\1,'flll~ 01 (j('Ofl,'.M

very little bit helps?

ha\C 10 produce- quahl) r,mdu..h He ,::a,d the: f'hmC')C CC'oootn), v.h1lc .1ppc:ar111g ,t,1hlt•



dents have mixed feelings about way tutoring is handled on campus Kai,· M11rlin ,c on eoor P '

hifc, JI\' ,111, l 1,1 ~ulklm l"-1;ard, ,t!I ovc-r •-hcn1,mi: tu1,11, v.hu 101lt hdp , tu-.1,h cl.1,-<', r,,n):mg 1rom 11(,iany hi -~- M1J¥1,.:,tem Sl,11'" , cuc:knh h:1,c fC1:lin1, alvlu1 the v.a)' 1utooni 11 1 0ll cmpt" ~I ll.u1."l>ci.• .:i 1111110, hu,mh• cum lruOrtnatKM1 1\II Clll• ma,Of. ,:1,d ha, t .,.. nh .u1 .-..-.:w n11ni uuor 1-t,t • ~~ ,crv l'>c:nrfk. 1.11 1'11::ti'(IJ mi.· v.uh -ot111' of the pro>t-lcm, Li 1hr l/a,~ ho.'\.1u-c I r,._•,1llv drdn't Ulld 1hr r,rufo,,111 \!MJlCCll~c,," he



111..-edcd help with. Thi, , cmc.Mcr, llart;.ock ,, 1u.k111g another da,~ 1ha1 he need~ l,(}fflC help wuh. but the 1uwr~ ha,·c ~n chW'lgtd :md chc new lutor i~n·, ...,,ha1 lfaMsod: thrnks ht n«d, 1,, Ix-Ip hun Apn l Uulm, .,..1,o 1\ a fre.hm:.rin landeriilllcn tducahon majof. ,,u.J ~he occds a 1u10f for ht'r ::algchr.a d a,;s bu1 AAC c annoc afford one "It', rt>all)' hard to find a tutOf 11.·hcn you don' t h.1,c- any money beuu..c }W arc gc>lfll!

1l1e ,kp.m•

-ch.'111." ,he ~:ud. :,he \JiJ Jle I) 1.akrn)l the COUN for lhc lllll(' t,1..•;:au~ lhe fir)! umc ~he ('Ollld, 11'1 r -•~- II 11.11hnu1 hdp. "1",\1\\," ,I..: ,;uJ, .., JU\I get lll8cthc:r ',1,' llh .i d:i,~m:1tt· ;rntl 10oe tf) 1,1 rigurt 11 out :inJ then 11 I I tloc,n·1 ....N k . Yt C j!O lo 1hc profc, -

11:wi.., l -.&Jc.I . anJ 11,,1~ ~n,110kJ~,·il\• tht' ~•lt.11, c Jnd 1111: p1t)fr, '-'•r ho:

The m .1th lkp.,nnk'nt hkc ll'l<N Jcpan-

1\t lu\(11'

"'·'' pr1,H,k,.I h,




mcnl\ on nmpu~. ha~ ;a very informal tuior• m,\)'Slem. "They ha\'C' th1~ hsi w11h tutor~· name, but they tell }OU 1ha1 you h.a\'C 10 c-hcd 1hc1r rcfcrtncc, )OUr<,cl/'," Hulm \:Ud " You d(111' t C'\'C'fl know 1f yw .are ~llmg -.omt"tN'k' qualatitd "

Thc "fot'' •~u\C'd III manr dtpanmcnt.\ 1n hcu of a formal 1u1onng prc~ram The f0<c1gn 1:ingulgc, c.kpiirlmcnt a1 MSU ha\ ,uch a h,1 of IUlnr, \l.'hcn a , tu• den, call~ for help. he or , hc 1i. rderrcd tn Ofll" of lhc name\ There arc about 15 nanlC', on the:: ll~t. Tht \C1coce dcpartmc:nl'-. IU\Of'l. ,.:1111'111 mamly of lab :b.\.i'rlant~ and tc:ich1ng ,1"1":u1b knmftr ~favficlJ 1, ~ trc\hman C'lemcn• 1:uy cduc:11ion· maJ1•r 11ho ha~ ho!h bcl'n

Stt Tutoring pagt 5


ThtatJT , cuM nl, 1;"'11 Jullt'I ind Tn.c) M oon- ! It h 1. J tnn, l 'h•1111n. Jim Joinn and t,.im Huhbiml ~cl out I Wt~ from~ ln1pot!■n«-of l~ln1t t:..m"'t," 11,hl,h Optn, thi, .,,....__ tnd. ·\ dmK<Jun I) f l"ff for \l~l ,1udtnL.,_ S1<1r, un P•lt -l. Plt1>11> I" / ,1m \ uri"r


____ \_\_NI_"_•~




TH E VO ICE OF M10WESTER~ None of the above and clul)... Ncllhl•r hu, ~omt clo,;;c to oe" S1udcnt Go,cmmc111 IC'aJcr• 111N:11ng thl' .-.,,e,· 111J need, of ,h•f'I llt"\I week. the, ,houkl non- 11nd111onal ~tudcnt~. Nontr.Id~ ma l..C' up a chc-d; " Non<' Cl( 'l'Olmg huge 1hr ,•\ hove .. Yvunx and lt.'e t!o bloc on lh1!1 N<'•lhcr Aaron but ..:11mpus. , l,uns nOJ Tn<" l,e(.· When MuJ" C,l<'m SI.tie' ,iudrnb g~• 1t, 1hc polh ,~ clcc-t a

hnvc pruvcn tht"m-

\Che, v.orlh) 10 ht 1hc- M,t SG,\ prl•,1dcn1 Nc1thrr ha, pre•

org:11111:1110 0 ,

not offer students neU' ideos or r~al

Youn~ and






solurimPi to our

/ 4'0,.DK;,

The .,,udent,

biggest problems

uf Muh"C'!>lcrn

x nt<"d nc"' idea, _ __ _ _ _ __ _ dhcasncrve,,,'.,."•,dre· 0 1 or given n:11h,11c 50lu11,m, 10 "'* 'c 1hr h1!1:ge,1 r;a1c SGA rrc"1dl'nl And they on(' for "-Clllc noc hould , prublcms on 1h1~ campus. S1uJcn1, ,houkl k1ok for aherNcnhcr ha~ addrell~d MS U'i. f1Ulure lo ~lam i.tudc111,. N(1thcr nJl1H:, 10 1hc currcm cho1i:ec;; has found a ~) 10 mal.c SGA Some'-' here ou 1h1i. c:1mpu, of wort 10 makc a real difference more thnn 5,000 ,tudcnl'- 1hcrc ha) 10 Ix one who ha, nc:w 1dcai. for li;fl.Kknli. Neither ha., m.1naged 10 tap 1hat reall) m3ll(r MS V , 1udcnh. Jo m>t -.ellk 1S1i;uc, that appeal 10 rhc m:lJOnl)' o f MSU s1udc n1, The) h3Yc for what you arc bemg o ffrn.."d a '1a1cmcn1 when ) OU ~bt..c 10 platform!. , impl) cal('~ tht"1r APJ>('al 10 only the ll'IO'>t acm·c

Hdlo. th1~ ,, 1 kucr fmm T.1..t t and Paul Hopl1n, \\Ch~\(' .a qut,lmn 1ha1 ,.,-c ,.,001.J ltlc IQ 1 ~ 10 ,·ou 1hc •tudcnt\ of \1Sl Y.h,11 do ,ou ... ,n1 from \HUI Stu.Jen, Go,·t"mmcn1 ' 1.)(1 \ ,1u ,unt ., Student ( ;o,cmmcm ih11 bnnJ• )l-Ur n«d' 4nJ ('i.Jni."\'ffl• 10 the- Jll<"n11on of 1ht ldmin,,u;i,nor(' (lo )IJU \O,~n, ,I Sllld\•nl G!l\'efflfflCnl 1h11 fighh for lht 1,wc, •nd pr0t;nun, 1h.t1 you lind 1mp(lf12n1 1 Do~ou "'Jfll aS1\ldm1 Go,cmn,._,.n, 1h.c1 i-nn,, •dc•s 10 lht 1.ct-k 1h.a1 "'111 un('it'IJ\'t hfc on OU, ,.111,pu, . If )OU ...-.m1 ,.11 thc:-.c ttnnr, And mnrr. 1hrn l\t h.l,c , loc 1n ~ommon Thc'-C' :att the ruk • th,1 tht Sludcni C:.0-rmrni:nt C\ hh 10 fill Th<""l" MC' lht l"(>n;:e1n, lhat ., rllC' I.cc and P:wl lloplan, admm1,1r:,1f()n ~ould Ir) 10 :tddrt" in thr dl)'•ltJ-da) l'fll:'1-:i!IOO• ol the SGA th.al Our t.lflP)nCnL, h:a•r the ~u~dcnt, h.a,c k,.1 lhc purp,."'-C' of lhc: SG 4 The,• ta,· lh~I 1hc Studn,1 f'oo,cmmt°nt ;, 1 /vnc duel Ind Iha! JI " ,1 llll"le for clungc. 1 urnc tor nc-,,, 1dc, , We could11 '1 11gn."1: more Thc 11udcn1, h.i,·c I\OI the (JUI• JlO:,,C of lht Stuckiu W'cmmcm bccau.-.c 1hcrc ha, nvc b«n M ) purpct<,C ~1uckn1 G"rmmcnt ha, been tJn(1rng atmlc" I> for the pa~, ~vcral )CAf\ Ir I\ rime lhM purpov: bt il'ffl bark lu lhc SGA \\c - ·oukl hlc 10 dcl rnc.>rc lhan o.tc- the pmhkni



Eclto<ln Chlo/ Drew Myefs

Alloclofe Editor Jason Lawrence A<Mtflllng Mol,ogo< Donna Poytoo

rr-- OIIIY ....,}

IU Nlnjl



""'°' ,.,

tX'\/ \ 0:.lf

• \\r "' 1II nc-.1tc " C•mpu, H,._·,\.S10. :1p P"•~r•m. 1hn,up:h 10.hk.h ,1uJ.:-nh , .111 bu, or -c-11 u\('J bo,vl, Mudt"m, IO.OOld "" lvnscr h.i1c to -<II t-oo\.~ b.k.k to thC' t'l.-.1'."'orc tor I mr,~, , um or

p.c, (\llmlt&nl rocc, !Of old IC'\I k>ol, Sdlc-:,-.. "'o,ilJ g~ mutt for - ffiJ kl}(" would [tel 1hc11 ~ a \1Jr11fo.:.&t1t d,.,.ount • \.l.r "''-"'IJ J/-.o 111,c 10 1nm.,,ca ,,mpu,-""'1dc- r•r<"' .1oJ <1luminum rCC)d1ng pn)tlr• m Much of ttJC.' p;t~r u'-CU ('fl 1h1, ,.unpu~ t-) :M1rmm,tr~u,c- .anJ f,11.. uh}· offM:c.. ,, thnM n ,n U'IC lf'lhh Tlm m.l"l\t. qu;ml'II) OI p.)ptr that " 1hru"'n a"'-:t) on 1h1, .:ampulcou ld ht r«yclcd "'1th hnlc IO flO CO\I and ,nc-onv('mC'ncc- J,te,,.--,d,ng t,111, (';ail .tl\O be pl.teed llfUl.lnd CiUJll)l.h i-,r 'loludcnt U\C' • We ~ ,II alloO rrukc 11 a prton• 1y to ("i.ffll7(' ll Mu,i.: and Art) F~ ll\tl 00 CJfflJ!11' \Ian) Ofh(r

-.chool• Jo 1h1, -.ul)(' thing :ind ha\ C ttp>nN grc:.1 \UCI..C\\ Thi(

~i,= PhOIOglophy Editor bOO N0tuse

CIICIJIOfloo Mor,ogor

Ol~mpt•• ~h,,:rc ,1uJcn1, muno,p:1mn11101'1\ can j!CI

\11.1' ('Ampu,

:l::~:C~ Compel<" fOf , .t.-.h ~ 'fhc IIIQ\I llllpl)f'l.ull thm~ lhJI the SGA \ an Jo lo m..).c 1hc c:amfl'U' a btuer plarc- 1, 10 Jc\clop • 'l,('n'I,(' of communil) at MS l E•tr) YudC'n1 1( ,1 mcmbcr Of •he ~1udrn1 l'o1"' cmmc,,1 flit" SGA hiu no1. l)o..e1 cr, 11onc 10 grcat kng1h, to nW.:c 11 ..«m lh.it ,.,,.y Y.(' intend lo ('h~ gc lh.&t Wc 10. :ant to reach out to you. We w.anl h> ).r,o,.,, your ldc.t., :,.nd problcm) )OU 10 fttl like )'OU Wc ... arc a p;ut OI \Offl('thmg Tu do II. wc ~ your he.Ip. now anJ afkr 1hc cl«uon Help U\ "'-'•Id J communll} 10 bt proud nf Ld~ pul lhc -,..u. dcn1·· b.Kk ,n Swdtnl G<,\·c-m•


NewtfdHo, Mott Gursky


Koren Mott Anthony Newbe1ry

JohoMo Nudng Robert Romitez Jr JynlM"leaf


Rondy Brewsrer

Heather Moore

8bn Herner

WJchlton Repoffen

TerOh Curry AllshO Fe,guson


JC Garcia Morlo Lowrv

Ad top Tommy Flinn

1 DI-• C OCJYf,grtt o 1oc; 1 11le w.icrwan II a m8l'"1lX'I ,:,, ~ ef01 r-t!etC'Ole:1>u'e rx,bloCO.A-MC>CVIIOr' Th;,, IV,c"l.·'Ot') r ~ tr-.. r,g,,• lo ea,, Of v mor~,ol tl.c:fflll90 le, • 11'\e \/Wcl\tO ' I ~ no• 9"'00'~ crv P'(10.A';!1 01 •et\tle o,,-, ?O.-.rt~ -".(p,9\..¥-o] "'9 nal neC"Mkl'- )1 rnc.o 1.,l 'f>,e IQ.'"\..""v oorr.n Ml\oiC:el 1XJ...,l,WO ~ O COi\. • 'fO'Q'I o, S'UCW'I bOdt QI WQ- , 'o,I"\ S•o·e- ~ or'd mownol r9CCOW'l ....... ~ lt"9 9"..,e ~ "'hl TO ~l o f' Fn " IW.A)d~ee Od,1.l rooal COC)ielO'eSI n:Y'> 01"'1 10



Presidetlbal Candidate Gaotge Cunningham, V,ce Pres..:1enllal Candldl:e

Presidential Cancbdale ~ Hoplttn• . Vlea Presoent,al Candidate

Mrxv l<Jng

Jim Joiner GrophlcArllll

Adam Chavez

Accountant JemfferSmith


W<" ,.,,.n, iootfcr ., -olut,oa

/Onnul111c i,. pl,111 of a...tmn. \Ul'IM.' 1h1n~ lh.Jt 1h('\ Lttillt1plm, h.l•r .-Jm1nhtr.11t0n un olT("r llll c,~111111 '"''"' f,11 "'h.at \l'il coulJ bt- llC\I ~u, tho: t.ik hlc ,..,--,,dJ Wr IUnt' 10 ~1:,i:c , f('1t, of Ollf ldrh Y.c h;i,,. fi"c rn.un go;,ih r,., 1h1,



/ CuNN1, >VG11,

t,, th.:- Studcnl (i(,,c,n11·1('1lt I) I••

3410 Tott Blvd. 12160 • Wicllito Foils. Texas 76308 News Desk. (817) 689-4704 • Ad Desk (817) 689-4705



Aerosmith rocks on with new albuq


l o ..,,y I k,vc A.cro,,m1th would be li ke••} - ~ 1111 Wk:h1t1 F:..11~ 1~ kind of I bonng clly It would be I huge Undcl',11.lemcnl


Ac:.~~'~W:,' :;~~~~n~I~~~~ =

@W •

then, J ,..... bttn ( ~ \ ~ d w11h thC'\C 1uy, from BoMon

C\'fi' \lf'I(:('



1t.1!./';;:.~ •1:t:;c~:,:-:~"~

: ,•\~~°:' T-~cw~~~I ~~~~t~~: '::c~ 1

llcaO l',c \l}llcd their ,.,.,b pllgc J C\'CII pl.in on namrng, my fi,)l kid T)kr, :1f1er lhc ~od', lead ~,ngcr. S1c,cn l)lcr / llJ\·c the~ guy, Whcn 1hcy ttlc•\CJ .i MW 1Jkim on March 18, I thought 11 ~11\ I perfttl llll'IC' for me 10 )hate my lhouj'hL\ w11h M,d...'('\ICm SUi/(' When I w.u a "l"n1or m h11h '-Chool / ,.,,otc a J)f'l('ffl that apcum! the ,.,,y I feel ahou1 1h1, b,:mJ II') cn11tkd ·1hc Ult11na1c- SoulN.l fhrough I.ht E)es of I f\Cll(h ..

'-4'" . \

1, cuclh how. I lttl \-ly f~mil), 111, fnm ,h ,anJ ~ , don·, c,.cn kllO"' ~••c- IIIC Ill/'!"

A Different ti ;::~ 1~:~.~ht:! •~;;,I,~,:~I Perspec ve knc,,., ho"' I n:Jlh ." Thar·, "'h:u 1hr, Pf'('m ,

11'\C 1fthC')

By Drew Myers J,,,,,

Ami nrrw,MJ

Thr 1<Jl'NI 1"llkl-1 h11n 11"1/r

/I""''"' ,,,,,. 11,mJ..

To him 1M 1uund r,,prr1rn11 /,j(' 11111/ dm1h. G<>1,dmi1/r11I Hladmitf.,,hi,r con hf' l111r,r tothr1r1NJ,n' Ur,111, 1·u t1 "" JtMd rhat ltJUrid •


;,;:Ht. :;,~7~:;":rt:1 ~/111,;,~::;·:;~'EJ,,.

Hf' J iff 11(onr . /11trt1m, lnfMlh-

::; .:;;:: ::

" " 1'1\11ttrr p1 lu,n (-'1/ftfo: OIi rhr

A 1, rru,n, 1hrt111/r11< r

Jhtif''-. llirn " 111,h11(¥•

!:i',~~":z::' ~i;~: ;;,',~h,: hufi1m1I,



,\nMttm1r1 I thmA· h(' lmu

/Ir J1o s11 hrl11i h1,n O"a"' On llr l1At'• '" •II"'"''' m th,- rfor(.

A,u/ J,u,-,, Ivf'•rn• P,.llf

l,1.1f,if't1d 1


th;m m.-


: •. 1

.iJ,.r, . __ _ _ _ _ _ __J rollc,-.. }ho~ lockr :un-.1un1_of dru11• ;inti .,1,t1t,,.~


rind lutr,.t'd / l1t.wc " " t1llh Rm 1hr Jou"'IJ ""'U tM ""' Thr ,nund, 1,wkr ,~ "'''"· u,,ifuJr tl.


Ii,, a11,1111rnt/fKM.Yd11r1 ll'lflhmx


IJn nPf undrn/t1NI Prcuy wmy. huh • Hu1 Y•lU J,:n1.i10. IO.hlll , rhir




7 .mJ c.uh W. m lhc m(' thtm 1-c\.·Ju-.c '~> "'"lfflJ( d<i.pilC' all !he nap 1hr) , c pi,I 1:.:· lhrl)ugh. Vmtagc Smuh IUIN."\. hlt ··v.d T" "'Drc1m 0n.- ··s...«1 I 11W>11<'1t al)J km." a,c mcrcJ1ble rh.11 p:C'C, ,...1t1wv~I !Jul o,·e1 lhc )'CllN. they h111 mt r l'C111t and h.1,cconnnucd ropu, ,l\11 ...,. And 1tw..,- d ldn"r ,top thrrc ~ ~~


::{~;r~ J('~\:J"•j:'

II a~~~~r~np~:t,½t:1 but I don·, \Ug.U < OJI .cn, 1h1ni come<; 10 1hc


NJ"">' 1,,.;.,1 Bc.1rt,w t •

}IIU I.he truth, f ptob.lM) "'- f\lll nllf mn1c th:111 J , hr'tlld "Nu1t' LI\<",., ,, ~ ,tn,ng ..lh.1111 ll h IJI ffl) t>,o for pulllnf! (1UI ._..,


New.§ Wichitan

Legislation draw s criticism Legis latur e t,~· Upda te ~

Juon Lawrtn«


l\,, o JlfOf'('M) nShh t-,lh 1n lhl-

fr.\b l.qi.latuft arc dtl""•"I C'nlt · u,m fnlffl ,o,uumtt n,Jl1, rniup, who \.a) tht tnc'I\Uf'(\ ~.11 mdt trnanU, more ,ulnt~1t 10,,mw-

lhr btll, 118 I 20: at\d 11, Scna1e

C'CMlll'"1)&11. S 84]1t, 11,-oukJ rtl,cw property 0¥-·1K'f '\ of fin;a,nc11I rt'\J"Of'I•



Uk' l!.klll\

lhll O{'('UF

... H81« Summary: RIQUII'. .

I HI S11148


Sunvnlfy, ()r,c• I 1luoent hU met the

thrir pros,rny, ( \ \Cpl 1n U.'C't 111·hcrr "ltO'\ntlh~~r.. t-:uit'O('pro-,ffl Bui OM ro,~umtr 1roop, t'ubhc Cioun. , ..y, the- lttl/' , l.tniu•ac •~

all IUIII inltlMlollt ol


hogheleOueabOn lfl Tutis ID •tt•~tl'I aomelOlmolreYNt'#

crlOtl wlll trtntftt IO dothll~s. ltetut: S.nt lo

S-U•: lnHJgl)et

ltQWiltNt'llltf""1 ■t,ftunM,srty, N

1mb1i;uo1a 111nd will cumprum1~ not 1rn1nt11' ~ (ti) ' Llndlonl,


h•,c Mt ll'IC('l\11\'C' II) prtJ\ Kk ~(ny musurc, ,uch ,, good h1h11ni, ...xuriiy g11r, anJ n ll'II doonoch XCC"lfd1ng 10 the ~fl A ,pol e,,pcrvin fot ont OI the Sen1rr btll', ' f'O"\C'K'• Xn. R1du,rd Fr.1._«r. u,J !he- "111 rt•ultcd from the 11w:-rc:rnng numbt, of "tncnt/t,J

frofpotM~r• faQJlly mtl"i'()efl,

HOUMC11tt!dffl eonv,.ttN, tpp,oYl(I by s.Nt•

the ~poloptl"\00 u1d Ht ,,ud 100 ITW1) prorrn) fM'nt" m , UN! for .c.ridtn1s they arc not rt,potl'1Nt for Bui mtmt'Ot" of Pubhc C1h1rn ut ~h ·pucal 1hout the tff«h Ult blll coold tia,·c Oaphnt f..l'.lanc- ol l''llN1c Citutn '-.lid. " P,m1n,: lh,s bill •ould mun

7~:00S~~: ~-:J'~ 1~::i.1~0 thtir ltnanb " Sht

1 ~N!i, ;~~'~_.!"rovan•Ddrc hllrtl CHI

Cronma on

b,u1an1 nllnl&Jff Kim complt~ :.abo pro,1dt\ 1cn1n1~ ,,nth :.a nlOl\110( mln1,1un alarm. U'lt' Qfd. Rhottrt saw:l ,he did rtut btlit,'C: tht ~ -IC("( art rtquiR'd by ,talt u .1 prot«· )~ ~ "'"' ,.,, '"

.~~t:n~t:rcd :!:,~=~ ~~1;','~;~

Tt~=~ a s«Unly g111t thai ttqUlrtS 1 ~IA! card 10 1:un acccu ,o W prtm1\t1

Vh1t0f' can tnltr only aflrr lht t.tn• anl~~~~,f~ ~~nu who lwt ,n apanmc:n1• uiy they rrcl ~fr fo, lht mo,.1 pan.

v.-on't JlrokCt uid ,1ucknt, ,ull r,pte1ally ht put lhc- l&lt hoof\ Allhough 11dot<. not ~ -c -.('('un.




W11: tu11


cornplc.\, Jfunltr\

SumfMfY: SeMIJO aalaryOfTet.. pro1essor1ni-,,t,... ., INO(MII0moat OOl)UIOutt..lN

Statua: In s.n.1e F",nanoo Convniftff

E~oonCorrwrwttoe flPP'0'4d bV Senate

Fall, ~::!':.::;:r.kJ :.,.61n,, Tru, pn>pcr- one ~ ~ ~/ ;.nc~r :~,/~"';:;'.! :7'~~~;;-:i,r:,'_:~:.~/~ Rhoten Th: '"The mtcnt ofchr bill I\ to pro1r1:1

... sae10 l).<lng!M . . . . . .







u,·tly ~It. but I - ooh.I lilt for lht cumpln 10 1u,c ffl('N"t' hgtmns .. Gragg u,1d the al.vm S)1>tcn1 1u , the mJ!')f 1u-.oo \JM' c ho~ co h, c in She uid )('I.uni) Hunlt'N :ut 1ncffc,;11,c toecau-.c I.hey are tu~· for &n)f.N'IC 11, tnicr -hc-n ano1htr cJt ,, c,11mg Jumur bu,1nt\\ ma)Of Juon Thurmond. a TcJl'A,xid rt~•dtnl. hn :..put· n1d ht ■ho f«h ffl(fll compk,



~rr '"

~ ·(~~;\;;:~:-~~:,:')


poh('t' olf~r often p•trol\ tht pie,


t,.eatre professor know n as 'The Capta in' to his stude nts Johanna Nudln

to co111hmc h1) nrv. round lo,t to, lht.tltr v.1th 1hc tv. o thm11~ hr 1,;n,:w bf\l l'II.UIJin11 anJ llr.riv.1n; ..NOi a day $:Ot• ~) that I m 1101 rr•lclul h-r v.h1l I Ju," (.'1p •11d ' To gt'I pind lor "'hat yoo hkc 10 do. u oot,n·t aci much bee• lt't, I oon·1 thud ••

thu JO y<an. or ~nc dt"'" , 11 b no 'Aond,er Prolc,W)f Don d lo by ha\ , tudtflh :a, MiJ-~,tm S11it ttam 1n ~uoo frum ('OOJndo h.:rt tit tamtJ .,. m:,ultr\

C"fl t\platfWd hfw. ht\ gt'fltUlllWI w.n 'Ar■pp<'d up ,n "'l f)tnl 'Ahi!t fflfi$L of tod.a)"~


·helOJ of \('ltlk:1.' dtf rtt aiei- ln,m Sonh r>a~oe.. l>d:1n~ 1n 1%8

10 find thtm!>tlYt"," ~olltGC ,1Uf.kn1s MC

ffll.>nrlan1y Jn,en 111\ ld1 ic-t tAa• 10 ''nt1tht1

for 1ht n1eaning of lift

lool 100 hvd

''°' money ··



1,1.t1fyrn1 !)M1

n< IC'ac-hint for

Cap Cflfl'lt, with hclpinJ ~tudtnl\ dlSC'oYCr unchlfttd 1k1ll1 and c~hllmc, "M11\f \11.Kk-nbc.ando\Omuch rnottthan theyth,nk Thc1t(lf»hd1ucsfM t"'ttdlhc11 \Clr•-Mh ,~ he •,.1ud.

C•p w1.1tk1 •lon1 ,itk lhc MSU


\ludffls., IO crate I.ht Kent dc"rn for !04Jr m■,or producllOft\ r■ch yur " It\ I k1clr to waleh I ,how COmt lt>gtth•

ht WI\ n11mtd Hardin Profc•\Of " It W&~ 'tO unc~p:.. tcd." ht UltJ. "'I bMt It'll\ runninj: oo-n my face: It blew me aw.iy ~

Donni 1ht ,ummtr Cap Joci romm1s ,iontd - ·ork for the hnlH)' of L11hu and pll"Jdr p!C'Cl'\ (o, \'UlO lb people and



u," he wd

lit' 11;,o CIIJU)'\ lrlH:hn, w1lh hH wife. S:o1.II)", W'ld hi\ rv.·o ch1l~n Cap rcctnll)' tqan \-olUnlCCnllJ with lht

,·un II MMi


The"'°" rncmrnblt momtnt 1n cap·~26 o«umd 1n IIJ87-1983 'Ahtn

Boy Scouu as •ell He•~ an t-:.,,dr Scoot lb duld nf wd. ..II\ • dtbc I nttd 10 n:pa) '

Art students plan exhibitions Terah Currv

piece\ «n1n on commonly cl;1~, b«au~ 1h1\ 1~ 1ht mnhum Lu YarO\.i: ( :111 prof~wr) wort.) w,lh," l.litdpun, "Yi't\at I' m lnlC'ft\ttd 1n I\ body l.tn• lkll -..1Kl ""Thc'rc\ noc many art 1ua1t.'" Franklin u1d m,truct°'"' th111 tnJO)' watcrc-olor.'' Franlhn said hn an u~ upm• Otll uud \ht ti.., bttn lcam1n1 mtn4.JI lm.a,ti 10 \et if people l t t· d1fftttm tee hcnqut\ r01 u\m1 w•n• ogn11.t them color. "E,trythmi I do u ~tbmg ··1t·s re:illr how •ell ynu u\C 1hc you would -.ee- C\try day," Fnnkl1n 1ec:hruquN..w Bdl wd i<ild " It\ \OIIVlhint )'OU can ttlJlt HOl"'-.th 1, v.c11td aboo1 h" :ut• 10:· 'AOrlc. Btll. - ·ho an11c1paio 1~uc•t1ng ''8u1u lly. I • ·o rk w11h tht nu.1 Oucmbn. ha~ bttn 14'0ft1n, human form." ht \.Jid, adding ttw on bt, •a&crcokw\ "h\ I real ::.ch:.ntage tak1n1 lhh ht ha.-. done ■ loc of ~uch 1n the l 1hnr)· O\'tf humoUI IIUIIOrll\' H('lf\'alh cn,oy~ - 'orkme '10 crutt IOfflC

Wchilon ifus&\er

A\ the tnd of the ~mc)tCI

1pproachcs. SludmlJ lit M1dwt\.ltm

Stalt', An Dc~n mcn1 art bu\)' working on 1hc11 final prDJCCU for the upcom1n1 \ludcnt oh1bmon Student\ m■y , ubmil up 10 m,

v.·o rh fo, coru.idcnuon. Seniors hkc Juh• Fn.nkhn. Jen H Btll and Robert Hor,·ath 1.rt ■ fr•· or lht ~udcn1s ~-ho h11\'c betn fin1Ml1ng tht1r lttV.'OJI.:

FJ111nkhn \IJ.ld htr 'A1wk mainly on \hon. leg, and fttt. and


I coU~c dfttl lfl h,s .,,

He .uid ht fold) ~ It.in p.aptr to 11J ,n chcproce,\ "I lt.ar II, m.,n,pulal(' IL fold 11:·


Hon·ath~d Tht <.eudcnt\ hJ\'C bttn , pcn\hng ll loc o f omr 1n thr Fine An, hu1k1• mg 'Aork1n1 on thtlf pn>J«l\ FJ11111klin, 'A·ho rttc:n1ly mo,·td rnto II ncv. hou~. --aid \ht nov. ha) lht room ;11 homt IO •·ort. but ;di I.ht t'(fUlpmcn( \he U\C'\ I\ In lh( f"1nt



An~ bu1khng

S 3.(HJ PITC1ll·.'l l.... ,LUJ .:W IJIIA JI•~ Ull71L 11:00

Fl'llnkhn \llld .Jic would rJLhcr • mk on her proJ«IS ■t homt bc'C1u\t .)() much or her d■y 1\ '1-J)C"nt at ,;c:hool "Yoo h.1\'t 10 do a lot of problem )t}hmg.- FRru.hn \J.id. "8u1 th:11(,

-~111 .,,,,,, , ,, IUll/1 lltl/lt'/ .~JfT IIOIH' $3.tHJ PITU/t.71.. . ,t .UI .,'ill ll'f.'/,1.\. V ,\71L / /:IHI

-mu 11\ 3.11 .ibw1-

Although htr da)',

.v ·.\11,ff:

,u.,-, .~ u

·1'!>TMR-""J IU'ITl,J,,· Of' Tllf; llt.T/ltl (/HIit:\. ,\T,1//l.fi)

tl.Ut· S.1.tHJ HH't.'ll flfl'f.',\111111.\ ' ll 'f,'/il(f.i\11 AT. ..




,__ /


,\ ~•

·1. ~~~ r-Y' ~ r-Y~,i')r-Jl'_../c.;'


long .

Franklin cn_JO)'\ her lr1'A0tl "Anh • cha.lknt t ,- Frankl,n ~ '"But 11', \0 grtal 10 ('frJI(' .)()ffl('lh1n,:.1nc~ will be an awanh pm.cnra. 110 11 Junng the opening of the S1udrn1 Elh1b11K>n on fnd.y. May 2 lit 8 p.m 1n the l 1m,·ef'1I)' Galkry.

~¥!',~C,Y!~t: . l **

3908=~lvd .

NoAppointmen t Neceuary. Open 7 Daysa Week.



l)onnn Pn lon


'f·~nf"h \\ 11,h ,v..r r,1 '" ' \ thr \t"lrn~II0,•1' .1! lh,: lc-•.1• ll'l'lrn.-.•IIC' l"fr" \ ,..,i.,,1,111(1(1 1Tli'<\ 1 rn \1,hl m 1,,1 .,..«~r1'1ll ..nJ the- \IJ" c·,,m11111n» ,.,,.., l)cr.1nmtnt "'-'\ , ,tr,t .1• , ~ 1'! IJIC' t~ 1n 1ht rt£11'"


I IP-\ ,• .t11 •w•rh1nm l ,"lf \l~l• 111.", ~omr:iun11. J li,•n '-IUtk111>, to .c•mr,i:11 "11h ,1u,cknl\ fr.'fn 1"1w-1

Ir ,,-' , ,,Jin,,, ,,, un,, r,..,1,c-1 m

J.11rn, ul , ,,ll"'~Ol"I<' \ll\h .., hi(, 1 t''Cl-'11 0('14'f\'.lptr, llC" .... ,r,,l'l"t fr.11, lM,hC"ff111R_g

h,n.' Jffh.k

•heft the') hJ\t' to rro \fJtncth,ng undcT \&1'11.·1 dud

11 \IJll~nl

w.. ,,..Oil ) !of:

ICIC"I I • ~

J" 111111Cn lJn ,111J ,,1c-rall ,.....,.....:,,1 J lj'\ 11"11.lu.k, 11111 '-"r'-'1.lll' Cllffl l hc- hie ICNTI~l111on ;'Clll 1tlfh l!'l\l•h~ • ~•11nJ paru,t p.1111, an

l111c-, Thr Olhn f.""1\IOpc'IIUon ,, thclhtw • .anncJ "' 111 •hh. h .,..,wt lrrom pn••1<11J', ) t» -' •uhmltU'd lo bt 1udfo.l '"l 'olfflf'U• w~.h" ronhn«d 11, reign :a., ~• 1n the \l•tr h) 1.-innin1 tht nll't:all ttl'°" 1\ 11.111 •"'-«ft\f•ll'\ f(lf 1hf 1hmJ ,·c.u ,n • n,v. and ttr-, 1 ttltH•K>n ""'..c:01 (Of tht founh 1'('Jttn• mw "'TIit C"\("tflt'OCC' of l(lfflf)c11fll: 1n ,onfiTIPA http, lht- ,1\Jtknu, ck-1'11.c- lllld k1, Wm In' that t \'C'n th\."IUfh rhn ~urnd 1 "1WI -...h...lOI, bcllC't M4 MSL: •• pit l I\ cooo.l ,1 lhan I~ largt r .,.hQoJ,.'" P~ni Cupe. ''C.'•m1,u, Ww:h- -111\C'f M1J JunlOI" M ~.t.•IIOJ( m.ap KDd


Camp us Briefs

Phoni numher<i iochang_c _________ rht .u\":1 ,odr lo , th..: \\,.tchll» 1=11.11- ;tf'\"i1 ...,,II ch.angt" from h ,,1 \ t,a1 Ill"' 11, •IJO Tht- \ISi pttfi\ bSQ "'111 adv,c-hanrc- h,397


Percussio n groups lo ptrform

Jason Lawrtnct JG:;Obofu Edfor

"The \I\I rc.-.u,11on En..c-mt>k .and -s 1ttl BIJ"ld1h- v11ll p<'>C'nl 1 , pnnJ m •U , 10 AuJUCIOUill TIit ~rfonnantC' ..,11 (C';1. l.~UI •\menc-:., TnoxbcJ .nd 1hc (',a.nhhun lh

\ {)j"l\;C'M ' '" ·\ pnl 10 .ii ll p n, IUfC" ffl\hli:" ' """ V.("11 \fnn

A<-lor/direclor lo sptak al Artist Leclurt Serles

VIC(' ' mJ f-d~.ird J.amr,,. OlmM. •ho pl.11c-tl LI Ca'ltlllo l"MI ··Nha~ of thc Ani11 rt\.t•mh dtrl\.!n:I ,\mc•rt.;an Mc ' ""111 l\t the 11,1 ,pr:ikt'f . f.i,: . MSU,tudcnll Thcattr F.lln the ,n m ,, 1 l'\.:M l ~,tJn,\rn t « •'-"' mt)" l\t ulry :and ,wn IT\CI\C' , .... .., Ir« td.C1.\ .... Ith propc-r I D T.c-kl'fS ri. l.c\.l "f> UI CSC Room l(ll I t)I" llll'l'l' 1nlnrm~oon. ~all t,89-4~20

Services Volunteer s needed for Senior Citizen volu111rc" to i.lrh\l• for


'M-niot C"1111cn Sc-r, t1.'t' -,1 '-<"ffh T<ui 1, lool,a ng mr~, W homthounJ -nltl)f nt11c-n~ J-,o,- MIOR" mformaoun.



N 1U 1

•t iz:--0111

Students must take right exam to get into gradu ate progr ams &r;,m N:QUIIT\

Ka rtn Mi ll W,ci:..ion~eooc ter Tu ~.11n .ldm1,MM 1010 ,1r.c- uf

M,J,.,. c,1tm \latt J r.un, .


~ 1=r,Ju.11r ~

niu,1 111.U.C" :in ..Jr,qu,llr

"-t""" , ,... •''"IC' of thrc-r vr..i1,u,1t


Tllo." (ir.adu:11c RC'\.'Uru I:: \Jm1n..1• l1011•!(,Rt i.C,r.,Ju1k' \ l:1n~n11Cnl

\dm1~~11"' rl.....1 fG.\l ,\Tl :ancJ \M irr \ nJlo, i..·, Tc-\l •re .all ufl..-rN .al

\ISi lhll11J¥h ll'IC' t~Mf: ,1ffi«·\ 1.0nftl1 n_c ll1 ~h.mnn t.l,rm:aJJ J,n"'l"'h'f t•I r,•.JutF Ill<' IC'\..! yuu nr.:d 10 1..kr 1, dc1c1m1nrd t-, 1hr g,Wu• ,II( pr~r.un IO "MthN:'h ~l'U Jrt' -.«- l lfl f adml\\ltlfl

If )NI ..rt wM1lJnJ J \fJ,IC'f' ot Bu~llk'" AJm1n1,\1JUOn \C'U ... ,11

rxvd w 1..ol, 1hC' f ,\tA J rry<IU ",fff ,r1 ~luc-.ll!Wfl ,,,u ,,.1Jl!.W:thcG Rf.oJ1" tht· \hllcr ,\11,1li)IN:'• Te,.t E.Kh pro-


d1fftttnl lt• I ~

E:.a.1m.inq1J. TllC' OC'\I .., hNtulcJ lt\lmg lb1r

for the GKE •• Apnl I 2 Tht dndlmc h..t, al!ca..l) r,i,)<('d. kit U.,11N11

..aiJ 1hC':1·r ,, the pm1b1l11~ ofa , rutkn1 rriiuc-oni om ,bndh, Tht fer for thc-GR E 1,$80 \l :t1· l.1 1~ the dtadhnr for tht

June .:·1 G~UT IC"•nn~ c;S.ic ThC" ftt l,W' th1, IC"\t ,~ S,84 ThC' ~lilkr An,1loi:1u Thi U ot'ttted on T ~y~ and ThuNla) \ uf t ,l(h • ed. alki on the fo~t

S1ttun:l.i) of u ch monlh The f« •~ \.W. and ,ntc-rrstcd .tudml\ Dttd 10 m.iiU an appotntmrnt 1hruu1h the cc-u1n1 olti-c-e III room I02 o( thC' Bu\.ll'k'),S Adnun,qrauon Annex ~tudC'n1s 1n1c-,c-,1,J ,n any of thc..c- cum, may !lbuln 1nforma11on •I 1hc-


4.d m 1m s1111100

AOJJC'l[ or by ralhns 689-4676

F-torb11Jdc·n l<•ll' f.aJ..c- !dct1t1IIC') l lnl llO"'AJMll'lll,Sr No, II ,,n I the- IJlt•I r 1n\.!Jdc of

"All ~ly (lulJrC"n h \ thr upcom• IRI JlfOth.lC"I.IOII of lht M1d.,, b km StaAtThc.ilrt' lkpanmclll "Jbc lllr11rc- Orrann'll'nt .,,,JI prr 1en1 "The' l01p.•rt11k.t of Rt1n1 M

l:.amc,1 ,"' a pu,-.h· o f Vte!Yn•n

1:-n,lllld, ~ gmn1n1 lhl.lf~)' ai tl p II\ Th.· pb11 then 1'\101 .it Mp l'I\ •-'II Fnd•y .inJ ~•tunJ,1y 1111d 11 2 "J pm''" liund.n· TilC U... .u W1kk cla",c- Jl('~r• fun ;II the \ ' 1t,.hlf1ll0 Kic'.i fl l UlllC'tl nt•~. ■ fallt' "'"oou..nr,, 1hat k-ad•


h)pocn,) fhr , onlUtlllfl bt,m, "Mthrn l"Mtll mm r.,,,.h :a.."un'll' lht Ymr n.afflC' J11d. bul for J1 ffr1rnl ITlll)M ( hlllC'\ J011'1Ctl "MtAfltll 10 ""' J illN

rumple- f,'lf h" •.anl. C"«1ly rn-.... y M,11.tn."I, :tnJ m• rnt~ an ,11,fC'pulcd N1'thtf, 1::mt~1 J..::k .a.,wmr\ t-mc,t , ,dC'n111y 111\d bad hdm ·,nr 11ohtn hr tn •ch alonc- 10 1..:'fklo..-.n Owlng hi' 1r1\cl1. Jxk f.11lh 1n kl•c \l,·lth G wr ndokn 4K101 llubb.tnfl, • hc'1 lno1,n hm, onl)· "'


8 u1 .,.. hen ht ~ ' m1m1i:c, Lady mol~r G"'tndokn' ~ Br«kJJC"II {Jenny Ph.ag11n). forbuh

the IIWTIIJi= ~ "llU.\C •Emc,1" ( llll noc tc-11 her ariyth,nc ~ , h,.~ fam,, I) In rr 1. ;!JI Jxl know, al'oul h1~ rr.1J J».)I II that hC" .....~


1n .i

In/her bag ar !he V1c-tona R,111 St:111on

Whrn Jiacl: ,~ almo11 read} to rornt c le.an at,ou1 h1> 1dmu1y, h,~

fll('nd Algtmun (Grrg Jone-, ) ronlC',


The Beer Gorden &

Check out a new c-. u ~e offered by Alf-I . I ", rr .~ COURSE DESCRIP 110'\' PtovtcW Pla 11n• lo u...., f <• •h Md l■Vt :1\.-• •

HOUH! Mon . V. ,d Fr, ~ · T\.t and Ti-, 11·



Ai• 18ot oldtr Wt 11ht ovtr l JO ,b1 In(-ood hu /1.Stud♦nl 1.0

ll nudntra t.rr,t , 2l W1Jhnrn•u to ;,re, a•• product that othtrt nnd

Bnn, Ad


EXPECTED COURSE RESt.:LTS About two hour• tw1..,. a,...,.~, El;tr■ m on • y • SJOO 1n l ,f J•y•

uu, fact ion knowmc toi a1 you haff providtd mtd 1c nt t.oh1lp 1■•1 a l,f,,


Arr1n1, m• n ta {or i('"OU~ ( ,., J r•1•in1 ■v1 1!■}-I ,


Deco ~ the newest oddition to the fun of Eighth & lndiono. Two completely 61111 atmospheres lo moose from. 811 OHIO ST.


PHONE 322-4684

~ . ........


NoTuneToBeSick? I k'.YIS Ol'\t:r oon\t"llJrenl

~..;. ,J.J. spo Frozen Orinls

t\r Mnltcal

lkmg9Ckor tu.ing;i m lllOr ~ fapras mt"tb..tor .> 1J1.ind noappov,mv:ru '5nteO.s.ll) Al ,\kt&al faJ1'm )'OU will ha..-e 52 C\'trJ hours a \1-l."tk ol accos1hk. nuoor 0

mc:dd CV\"00'-~ Mali<aJ ~ IS )'OUI' alrnnatM ' hou~ mU'll'lf


2'° large 60r>~

t t ~ s2so ony shot

ITlt"(hc-:d rnrr mucr lo,:-.ucd 1n BnJgf Crtt:k f.vnit} ~ft'chcw- ChnJ.. JI -4031 ~lcddDrnt ' \.(II btrnJ.tl IO IJ,.J,.,,,. Cri.rl fimul) Mrditrnr Orme~tt:n~

h~U is~ +

,\ frdiral6p,ru 5- ll p.m. M- F-ll -ll p.m SNS

~ - s1so Domestic longnecks

+medical tS\\'Kho/a ~II<, ex pr ess .:~-~;:!ul

live Enlertoinmenl Every Weekend



- - - - - . -- -- ----------




Student Government approves two resolutions, bill at meeting TIit Studrm (.'i..-...cmfflC'fll \ \ ~t.tfl"(t ■r,,n)\nl t._,, f'C"<)h.Jh,; ,n, ..,,_i A NII l hur~I)' n1tJu ~I'! \I, 1lh1,n •\ ll•up ptt...,n1N Wr ~1l1.tt)o•n 9tlN" 1 11 hh h rn,'ll•)('\J :,, "'.an.ult~ 'JfK"l~IIIOfl .~ll\C for .ill

1Mudent f,ovememenr A">-~oc,ation Offirrr/Senator \'oring \ltlftday, April J,I

K1ll11is, ,.,'lflh ll.1/1 ·1\k-<lda) , o\prD 15


.,.. ftt,,.hmm ,rn11 ~• than \J \ '<.ml"\tr1 t.run II 1,,oulJ al-o ti(' (Wrcrrd ru tntl~rt and 1n1t:11\»11on-i

,tiaJc-m• 'l'br CUUN!. ,rbd wr,uW ti." tlllghl t-1 rn•'"'"''I' , •nW\k'IOf\ and dtpcutnitntsl q.!l, ,.,llJ'-J ;:.,..,:r t•19"• m..ludlfll tqJ""raf""'- fina°'-, al uJ. 01.·1~· MiJ ,Alffi plawun,. .-.Jt:nl.l" l d v , ~• .ithlttk 41.u111ic, llnJ ~ TIit ~ 11,e\lct•kin1 ,liau •oukl ~ worm· /W Cffdll how aftd v.oold reqwrr , tudeol• hl lttp II n.:'illl'boot kc II (fSk' A.n~ .a.J !hr cl, 'l~ -...'!Nkl h(lp \I.S t h.111t> 1~.u..·1 •tuckl'lt retenltnn JndCf'OIJ ...""' Ill , on~ochon 1ht




Wft ~ D C ' ci'd; \.Uf'f'O'ttJ the' tt11Mut1,'fl Sht ~kl •nidcm>ll'l'l'OhrJ "' <)l~;uUfillhOll• n)UIJ h.,,r btttl tMuh c:d 1 "t'IU or l'• cn 1,111 }C"" urlin 11 1U'IC',1 11'«tld•rh..:J.1 ,IJ1,1hl c1h1, " ~ ,on \ fomi~ ..,,....c .l£.IJ"'' tht- ~,olUlll>fl I (k,a I tl'IIIU. \ot11dt·nH ~houlcl h..l•c hJ pl \' rn,."W', ' ·"' "lffl(' truns UIII ft1 1n ~pm l Da,, .x ..,mcttuni; Iha! 'fO'a c.ac lc-;un flflf flt uid lk 1l\o.• wi,I hr dfl\lNCJ -.hrthcr quJenu '"l.1t1M r,,ttnid 1~ d .i" rtrul.1rh Mkr dtfliatt .-J qot\Ut1t1101 1hr rt'l\luh1..--.n ._<111




w ,,.,a

(lff.tnlN b~

\ (fl

I \\' lu,tl\C'

~C'\I rhlll the ,1udm( hu,h ,11 \ hd \<l"l''-W°lfl '\1t&r 11,....,.

.\ toum

l"\C'M lt.111 \\tdnr.o:dit) . Ar,ril 16

\( .\tnum \ lt·Ot-itl.llQr'V

llwr...da). April I J t S< Blue l.•'Vl'IP' \t<"lftu l.1brv-. h id.a~. April Ill <"\( RIUC"I.J!Un~ i,,,c

~,rr,,n 11-M: Ml Jll'l'f"~

t," ~ ~ lttl l~"fk

roc t-.,!I ,...,,ulJ req1o1lft rc,1dt-n1 ,11.ldt":U• .. ,1h I~ , ,.. more (!'('(fll t,our, 1,1 t u .. ,( , t..1k 111/lN'fl Th,r ,.."',


IUIIUR r,a,.rJ

\,;'1h \11\hclk l "'lf lHfl ~ P,1111 lt. lf-l.1n, ('rc:..nllttl 1h11 {lf(,IQ7 11 f"l'Of""lll# Ille IH(IO.llKW'I Ill I I\JN"Rrlahom Ct.1nwi1111« ._h11.h 111..o r,a•"<J T"br \,llhmit f« " 'll t,c,. ,omp~ .,1 IOU.I mn,\k':I"\ .mJ • d1.11rpt', \OIi, v.h,.• ,i, 1\1 N' r-r,ro,,•1t>k 1,,r """'I .,11 •\ .Ul.....lt mt.In• 10 puhh, !IC''>(, \ IOC'\'Un,, .a,.'111 rs,,('l'I \ .an,,,J i,;1 (ir.J

,i,n, f'l, N"utr ~,,mmun1,.uc "''h \ht- , 1uJtn1 t,,,'(t~ n.r 11('\I ,;;( ; " h ,.:1 lot 1:- T1I< ,;;, ,;. 11.1ll 1.J.C' 11,c•mu1o111u,m hor t,,1,,:uh, ~un '<'n.,.,lf ...nJ nr,.



l ,1i.ull\' <\11-i\l"I 011bt-'tC'1r

SGA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ N' ~ lfh'fl' 11\1hk an"'fl ,.., JOlflf •"t \ t \l ·, \•m('lllt I h"pc m tJw lllt\lR' \f, A • 111 h t,hn11111 K1rt n J..h ll\tJII ...,d c,,nunllt u, '"~ lo ti)(' -tJdrnt:l .uitl 'l'J hl r tMm , ,c, , , '" N' nit.ff 'MAL f1,r •II tl'lr ,u.dcith lhr!' ~ 11111,h l,J 111th tht , tuJrfll• tJiJ h.11r \tilt. not JU',l the• lif"!'lal lflla\'1,h 111,1\f\' IM'"" .11.'lt\UIC°' h,JI tlt.ldcnt• ht ~,olfJ 1n 'if 1<\ l'M!f111tJI ,.,,_ nn ,;-am pm.. M~Unnr M,11,, 11 ,omur III MSI 1-w J u nan C1111i ~n,~ g11M ,a,,1 ukl "t•-\ ,ht'IIJIJ h :m ~ ·m,1rr UJl('fllo. lN,t\ l O!KC'"""' thit on101n, , :i,n ... ,ththr,ttkktltN'I.I~ h• £l• t 1hi'm 1 r,a,gn f,., ~' '" P f ~ \ludcl)I\ h1tlc l'cllt'f \..n,.,v.kJ ~'\" of \\hill I\ 111~ 1tdnJ1Mnl'-'lftJ'W...' -.h!111IJ

,,._ ' II toe c \ pa. tu~ l,h r,c,1 ' The') 1.nov. v,ho

!IC -.00

Please recycle this paper when you're done!

-otN'E.'S ~ ~ "!l.,.. ,... B'B'E.CU'E. . ""'~..,,,.._ 767-1131 ... ,.

3tla nucl Hluif _., ..,..,_... ,.


Thi!' .urt1r1 , .amr,;a11n h:n •kk'J ll'lltlt,IUIJ Ill.I" ,..ti!! tht'

llfl"-.tvpuluu• 1.-hklld

llftl< k'


1"'"" IM' l~c I 1WllnltfC'\ICd In -<c1n1 ho•• ctlr uu,dco1 N.Jd) 1c-..1, llfl~Ulh<11fN'd<.t,,IUfll, U.1,1t1w, wtd Jun"" ( )NII V,1,q#./ ~ ~ 'f!h k1W"A cw , ,dr,,f ltlt' ,--,.iu1.t· o\Mun ) ui11111r , 11ui.c .11 hf"r


.,,mo,"~'"' '"'-.i&i""-•

,.ud he t>c llt' t• lhC'

,iamp;ai,n " •l1"1pc'llll•c tlcum-.c hioch ,,dr, h.l\t m~h Wflf'll"I


·11, , nm1•1j .ilonp .. , u. ,,.,,J1,.1.i,, ..attl l\<ith t..uidid.at,., h,11c Jt"-"1 ftl.ill,ocm, .ut\1 pn'fl) I"" dtKu•c ,oah -.c1 ~ Uudy ,111d I hclli •t thl-~ 11hl: , ;tnthdw,, art ~,1 •~Y 1mohN and J""•"'4hlt ln,,11, It\ mul.h lh ..n1,,,,,._ "'hill the- ~Jw,c,t nttJ• Ir , yri1n11 hi k»lt.' IIJhdctl\ 11111

Mendez ______________ __ _

xh,.,,.)l," \ll( ~ ,ll Sm I 11) StnioJ \l:11d. "llm , car. ~GA .,.,., qu1e1 :1 t-11 J,fft rcm II y,i,\ n'IQft <l( I j1t\lJOCU\'(' y c :H

lh.an 1n llk-

pa,C Struud, 11,•ho I ~ ~ \('HIOI F..ngl,,h cued the m<'nlu1 program, th<' rt..,.,-orla ng of th..: \ tudc-n1 ludcNup


fonth ;mJ 1hr fta. Iii on pcl(IIMIXO 1:1ry





M~~~~ :\~, a~~ Ille • puppet .JN:,v, h


11II ~<CS.

Stroud '>llld '1ll1, )'t21. ~ v1·1~ 11

,111~11 group ~r pcoplt th.II "" lll11Cd 1(1 m:.kt .11 d11Tcrnn ~

ArM.llher "'•J'lf" IO,\ut 1hr \ kndrt .i1tm1nhtratu,n llll.ctl lunn,. UY I*" yc::r, "'"' \ieodc, • •t1v ,,1 .a bdl tJwt "'0Ukl .(k,_. lludrni\ VI 10!ffldutT k 11~i11,c,n

\1t.ndu -'elONI itir non )(l'liiU" ~v,rcdl'-tllheo..-N'hc~ ll ..crvcd oo purp-l'IIC, ,nd he: lhnlli'H ~ h a d ~ 4'. ~C'' IO thtSm;,cc ,( lhi:'y Wn1 thmvgb Ilk: ~

pt,;:~~ttmprf\i I,> •l\C'T!llffl dw \ ctn hut lcU , 1\1111 of the t._o-

~ ~l~ON HOUeFu

thud• "1.1.J'OC!l) nt<dcd lur !he 1\\Cf


\.kndt, ,a,J nc , 1 )Ur • prt\l

elem •ill ha\t' h,, ._,'fl lUC out fur him Ht ...wt the rnurc ...iudent g," C'l'l"ln'l(fll nttJ.. IO l'C vvr!Nukd "'Thrff.uc:toom.:iny.-,mmutc,r<, Kl

,c..\ ' \itndrJ -.00 It , 11\i:r pr.1!f)k h.rll'C thf, ~ ,.r1h ~ ()rffl\lf~ 1nt-ft- ,- 1numud1 N n:-au..Tllt)' " He \Aid the' br"' per,oo fOf 1hr r"' 1•1:htnnt y, h11duhv,1th ~n ~"m.1n .lf'Cfflenlthc-t,c.,1

We Want You!

We are currently taking applications for the 1997-98 Wichitan Staff. If you are interested come by B103 in the Fain Fine Arts Center and fill out an application.

ed GI Breakfast GI Weddings 2014 Elevenlh Slreel WlchJ1a FaJla. Te»u 76.101




c.n-.,~~:~~::u.:::. BAR&

Take• stroll to the sixties (60 oz.)



and celebrate our "Duece-&-A./ialf'" nights ($2.50)


•r.DD/,'(; CER£MOf,'Y•lftdo lfllUIC' (Y.., ,-,◄d,. ,-.-1J1,,-.

60 oz. Pitchers

ltC,01,w; REC£/>TIO,'f..,,..lt '""' ,-., t1•_.~ (r.., /#fl-◄d•


Sunday Night Wonhlp

CN,tttCJ,w; AQQ.tl-jert,,ule

111t££ HOOIIS l/SI.' OF HOIJSE·J,,r -,,Ut~. -

,_,. ~


r""-nnJ JtnAW w llrldtwnail/U ,._,.,,._

flnt Prubyterian Church 36411 Taft Blvd.



CaU(817)J22·2299forbnformaU-or oppoln-1 "' -


SW C(tf11•1nfbuildine • C'h,JJ ,.,. r,o..,JNI

The Big Ones!

(not those little puny ones)

$2.S0 each on your favorite domntlc llght beers

Monday l:I Tuesday Nights 4:00 p.m. • 2:00 a.m. Take. Itron to TDBYS and celebrate with I friend!

s~,~- t=-p-or=..:~ts~ - - - - - ----Wichitan

• •= : : , t.

Wash ed-ou t

Spo rts Briefs - .,""',=rh~in-t-s in Dallas races ~,- ro - A --.l~'ra-· m

..1k \ltJ..,..r,·m\l.1lt•l hhnJ11,·.-m IC'.tm \ n,,.. r,.111.. ip.i1cJ1111 .. n, t-1 t l i:1,,1l· , n1,,,u11h 1h" J".1•1 ""ttl ('ni,I in th\• \ku,,pk, •r-•n..,•r«I

ll,1IIJ• i'lh 111th 1)11 \.0111,Jn 1111ho. f \I \ !Tk"II , ,i-,un lk.1u..h1mr 11,u"""-·J 111 10th ,111.J l~U, i.·111muk.·• lh 11111n; M.on~d J.flJ l.t""' l) ,o l\ 1tn1J'lm~ rl.t1., "-''f'C\.m'"h Ii 11M:"11 ..nJ Hr;i,nJ\ ,\ lt,.111,kr t,"'111 \t,,.,t,,111 1in1•hcd 111 h1 pl,...., 1n C l,•ul. ., 'rd rf.1,,r 11111\.t' ,11 tht ( \l \ \\t•mcn



fk .,1Kh..imr fin,JW 111 ~00

\vrid.n • ,11t.1111m


,,.1,h 1t,1111ntJtl-..

"' r ,m lt,,1'11< -n I ),1\ I\ .mJ R.inJl'I , .. lmr ' th, ~h .ui.l llllh "'"' ,1h lc,lfllnl•lr '""ul \11tlt\ ,t,,., •h.111 .11,'lHI hnhh1,l 111 ' " m lh(- l ,, \ "'llffk"II .. 4 th \ ln.1n..kr l,\l"tlm.l hi

rt,, . .

r:.-(' ..

'"l' "' ,, . .


l llllllf

.ih,.l",I ·1\ ' "' \Litt /c.1m \ m,.,. .,.11l ,,m1p,.•1,• tn., hl.)tl 1 ( ulkf• •·~ I nl\~·r,11~ • fl \ .,inJ.,\ "irnl j \ t111iJ ll lll h,,.,-.1 th,: ' ••t.llh , -,.,,0 .. \ r,d ~t, .m,d .' ' ,.,, t, tJl 1,.hUJ in\\ l \ ,ltnJ! I -•nk1..-n..r( h.,,nf!t,J(l,lu~

Indian, lie TCI ·• pla~ S:\11' Sunda~•

t>.it lhc \ h {hlie°'l c:tn \tJ.11! n~n•, ~,H•r U",.un . 1,1, 11h ,.,.h 11 rJ,1h•"• Sun1IJ\ m h ,cc 1k-d chi: r('\J, ( l11"t1,1n H\)f?k'.J It•~' "' 16 1. 111\ l,1,1 \\1iflh

11"'-' 1.1,1 Ai.'-JU-< ,,, ,n,un\'' lOI.I <h¥1l'l1ltl\ r,1.ttl\'111, er-• In"· h.kl (\! fJn11· .,._.... on, -..:.-n.m, IJ-.."" 1.-hn-...,.. .100 J \n,l..· r,on hi pl.1\ 1111t..· the'\ lr,11cl ll• \ I \I .... ,11 ·•~II Olh." !(l J'lf•ll•t t,,r .lflollh<-1 .... t.,•\ unut I >.11),1,, 111 ,..._i: \.1'.,lik•tn \ktltt,h,1 l 111•1·1,1l\ ''" "'u11J.t\ 1l1c11l\ll.'II 1•IJ\t.J .... ,. u .&l,!.im,, '1<11h'f nthl!ti.·ld.·1 krum K;inM.U ,.u,I rh..· !\',1111 H l d111,ht,,,•n11~ 1h..• 1£l LI pl..~C'r • I f ,11 .1/1 tht r<•,t,,km, ""1· h,,J ..m.11tM. 1.h. l ,,1 numh..H 1rl.1)u,t 1h1nl. .. I,'

ri .., ('J

\l. t'II

k.irndl ,,.uJ

I thml ...... "-\:I'('

huk• Ulll!llld,11


.J,i•!'l,l h..t\('-..:,'f._-...!,1 "'-.,ull•lUll.':l'\,d , \I\{ l'IC 11.1 H ..,._ h , ,1,1h.1n Pifer ""h" 1, In I Un 'f"C 1•t1 /1.i,



lt'-llllllllJ: 111r

un.,1\.11IJh)(' l,>(,tl!lltl~UI

The Wichitan is taking applications for the 97-98 staff. If you are interested come by B103 in the Fain Fine Arts Center.

rm !Hf ms



rm Asrm




Rusty Wier


Larry Joe Taylor The Grand Street Cryers

{ {



- 1723 TICli:81~ Al Cos h •A•Che<:k 3002 IC• mp Of 90:Z Lomo, · 691

Co1 ~ ooonno,y., 11.:.w- Cres!A'IO...,O<J :'.ic~- •i.d


of 1ht fali1hl1t~ in ,om, ,;1.ii,,


w •~crcu~•-n• iK.f'J ht' 10,b) v1111 Jr" .1


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l'nhren'«I ridt n acrounl tor ··,{ll



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Ray Wylie Hubb ard

l)fO\ f'

)i· ~ -~

Archer Co. Rod eo Arena


",d bt·nt•r ndrr

Col!o,ld 69/>00SS

W'I..f! ~-: J.J. 'lJMCcmt:5 l;• ,~ c0

Sat., April 12 Arche r City, TX

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