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Title IX is a civil right that prohibits

7 RIDDLE TIME HANGMAN March 4, 2020 | Campus Voices | Media | News | Activities | News | A Day in the Life| News | Locker Room Talk | Sports

Riddle 1

What two things can you never eat for breakfast?


Dots and Boxes

Riddle 2

If you throw a blue stone into a red sea, what will it become?

Riddle 3

Why do bees hum?

Riddle 4 Why did Mickey Mouse go to outter space?

Riddle 5 What do you call a fairy that hasn’t taken a bath?

Riddle 6 You will buy me to eat but never eat me. What am I?

Answer to last week’s crossword 1. Lunch and dinner 2. Wet 3. Because they don’t know the words 4. He wanted to see Pluto 5. Stinker Bell 6. A plate

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