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·~ill d\V ... 11
,, rinhrr 3, 1997 • \'olunie 76 ls.,uc
St u d e n t Newspaper
Senior Art Exhibit
M idwester n
1 s
Dreaded Finals
rn 1he Art Department pre a :;'n graduate p re their senior exhibit
On Page 3
Un i v e r s i t
Game to watch The women's basketball !eom plays Southwestern Oklahoma on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. In O.L. Ligon CoUsoum
The semester Is wrapping up, and flnats arc jusl around the comer. The Counseling Center has some advice for students
On Page 4 .
On Page 2
Kappa Sigma member Ben Nickers gels a donation for the Box-A-Thon charity fundralser on Nov. 21. The fraternity raised nearly $3,000 for Faith Mission. Photo by J.C. Garcia
Hey Jerry ... Wichita Falls Wants Your Cowboys!
McMurtry Center to be dedicated
hHaFalls (lents sign ~thtsbanner, I whlchwas lstioW" at the Dallas cowboys' game on
. '
~ bring the professional
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{t< - - .
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totb811team 's
summer ~lnlngcamp )Midwestern. Acteclsion Is ~led from r team In the iutcouple of weeks. PhOlo byJC Garcia
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Midwe~tern S1a1c wil! fo rm:1lh· clcdicatc the ~fr1\fonry Center for 1hc An~ and Hu1na111tic, and the ,\ lc,\fo nry Di,tingtii,IK·d Profi:"or,b1p of Engli.,h at a pre~, rnnfrrcncc Th ur..d:iy, Dec 11, at J p.m. in i\foffc!l Library The ccn1cr and pmfc,~or.~hip. n:imed ror Pulitzer Pri1.c-wi11ning author Lin)· :-.. tc,\ 1unry of Archer City. wa, made jXl\, ihlc hy a don:itio11 rrnm the Bill Thoma~ fa mil y of Wich ita F,111' through the <?ornmuni t!c, Foumfa~ion ufT~~:1~ MSU Prc'ltll'nt Lull!~ J. Rodnguet. ,ind the new center will help adv:uH:c the u11i\'ef\11y·, \\Wkin 1he;1nsantl humani1i,·,. "Thi~ h a ~ignilicant development fo r Midwc~tl'rn Stall' Universitv:· he ~aid ...'111•: establishment ofth,•cl'lllerw1H he~ 1rcmcndm1, ~tcp forward fnr ,\fo.lwes1cm in 1he.w ;1rea, fthca arb and hum;mitic~ )." Organi,i:rs hclicl'e the centrr will highlight MSU\ commitment 10 thi: ;irts :md humamlie~ Project~ cum:nt!y underway for the McMunry Center indudc the Young Wrner,, Youn£ Actor~ amJ Young Artis1, ~Limmer 1rnrk,hi17, lor high ~ehool student,, whi,·h will he hclJ •ll i\·ISU It will abn pru\'idc M.:hol:1r~hi ps for ~t11dcn1, m:ijoring in the art~ ;unt humanities. as well a., support ing the dis1inguislil·tl profe~, ur~hip Theecntcr will in itially b,: undcrthcJirect ion of i\fa!wcsicm S1ate alumnu~ Fred Reynold~. who is cum·nt ly the dircctorllfwriting:11Cit) University of :°'Jl'WYork ~kMu11ri• h:i~ wri11cn murl' than 20 bm1~,. 11 1 1 11 1 1 • ~·;:·"~::.n::.\:ii;: 1~!1~~ 1~1~;c ) · ''..ti1~1 were made iillti muvic~
~SU Theater production opens Thursday Shady
linessman leon(Kirk •rley,left) trtesto i'lceDavid (Jeremy itrman}lo :,me anair ~alityon lhe radio. bice ofthe "opens ursday, Ind runs through Sunday. salon is free to estern students
theirlO. by Amber Lehmann
'Voice of the Prairie' closes fall semester WAYNE MOORE
ThoWichitan Romance, frien1h hi p ;inti an Amerir; u1 idea of progrc.-.~ through technology ! Tiiis is whal youc.rncxpcct from \1idwc~ti:m State Theatre Dcp:irtmi:nt's linal rcrform.inee of thl' semester. ··Thi: Voici: or tbc Prairi.:." b) John Olil'c. will he performed Dec 4 through Dec. 7. The play take~ pl.ice in 1895 and 1923, jumping hlll'k and fort h. and i~ ~cl in v.irious locale~ in the Unitctl Stale~. " !t ,;pin, ;1 compdling hX'< li-rnlor talc ti f lmr. lo~, . .,ep:1r.1tion and reunion;· Jircrtnr Run Fi schli ~aid "In ~o doi ng, he .,hows how the 1radi1irn1 ofs1ory1cll ing, ;is m.inifrstcd in the charac ter of D,1\'id (Jere my Fcnn;rn), was perpelu.iti:tl \"i~ radio " The pby begin~ with :111 ,uJolcseent orph:1 11 hoy narnl'd Davey (Rieh.ird H:illi.:w ), who l'Ull!ll'Cls with a hlind girl n:nnctl Fr:.mkie (Andrea Goodwi n), who.,c mmhi:r
has fl'rc1uly died. and ha, ju~l cseapcd:m ahusi\'l.:fa1hcr. Frankie's father (Cody Cum rning~). reali zing hi s damnab!c act,, lakes out an advcrtic.~111.:111 i11 the locu! p;irer, profrssing lhal he i~ reformed :rnd offering" rcw,ird for thcrcturnuf hi.,daughtcr. D.ivcy ,ind Frankie di:wlop ;i ~1)1!cial relationshi p (If love ;mJ frii:n• ~hip until they arc .~cparntcd hy the \V;Hcrmcl on Man (Cody Cum ming~) . The Waterme lon Man ohsCf\'CS;is 1hc fomishcdjuwn ib pil fer a waicrmclon from hi., watermelon p;1tch He raptures Davey, whik Frank ie escapes. ,111d 1hen uses hisc;1p!ivc ;i~ hail to cap!Urc Frankie for the reward money A grown- up David. s;:p;inucd from Frnnkic, now Frnnces ( Kim Hubh,irdJ, hooks up with Leon (Kirk Kyk Corley). who sells radios and takesmlvant:igc ofl ocal talent Uon oh~l'f'\'es David in a fi:ed ~torl' 1ellinga~tory,111disamazcdathm1 well he captivat.:tl hi~ audience Seeing this ~s :lll advantageous
lllO lllell( for him.,cl f, Lenn :1ppm;1ehcs Da\'itl 11ml olkr\ him a job 'Ol iw t1~c,radi11;1s.ime1.1phur 11i rc1·c.i l how tcdrnologic:il prngrc,., impae\"I on im!ividuab, p;1r1ini)arly through {he character.. ut L,:on and Da1·iJ." Fisrhl i , ;1id. ··011 illL' on,· hand. Da\'id g:1in., .~ucce~., anti r.unl' a~ a rad io ~tnrytcllcr. On the 111her Leon inni:as 111g ly gch .,hut uul irt his effort, tu nuke it hig a~ :1 radio .,~ lcs mi1n and prnducer. llnJing him~ell t,,,,,,1cd hy l;irgc curporation~ anJco11,tr:1i11nlhy tbegol'cmment ··Jc \ .i play th;ll talk, to whJt\
i1isideevef) pe0.on\hl•art:· Other mcmhcf'\ of lhc ca, t arc Ja.~on Nurri, !Puppy. Dan-y/D:i1 i,!', granJfathcr ). Chris-lin.i Bell (Susie ). James Paul Lemo1h (J;im,:, 1 and N:11han Landrum [Jailcr/Nl'w~huv ! "'The Vnirc ~f th1' Pra1ril' .. runs De..:.4 ,S :mt!6at8p.m. antlDl'c. 7 al ~:.'10 p.m. Ticket\ arc free for ;ill stuJent~. faeu ltv anJ ~laff 11·11h 1alid ID .
~--- t~I
Page 2
Early start is best stud y strategy JOS H DHKIN AS.SOClalO Edllor
Thr limr ii, nc.u. !·or m<hl frc-,h • men. ii \\Ill bi: their fil\l umc, 1111d for D~°"·cmt-cr gr.iduah:,. 1hc 111,1 II/Ill' .
Fin11l~ .1rc upon u, ill M1dwt·,1cm Stair llni\'Ci"'II\', :m<l with 1heu .1rmat. c,·cryonC \hould k:im how 10 ~,uJy for lhcm To .,ur, 1vc exam weeb, ,·ou mu,t dn ,c,·cral 1hing,. :u:cordui!! to the
~ISU \ounwling Center.
Fin,t. ~Ian c:1rly. Schrdu lc your ,1 udy pcriixh 10 aH>it.l la.\l- minu re aarnm ing. ,\ 1,o. allow lari:c block~ of time for ~tudymg. ThcJ>C hloch ,hou ld be u,;cd for teami ng conrcp1... and ba,ic rcl:aMnship~. Ano1hcr imponant fact or i~ to allow ~hon period!> for review. You ,:an do thi, at odd moments ,uch a., in the ,howcr or \l.hilc w:ilking ;u:ro.,l> campu~. You !(hould run
through the inform:uion quickly. Thi-. wi ll help you remember it and bro;u.lcn your 11ndcr... 1:inding of th~• ~ubjw. Varying v.·hat you _.. 1udy i-" :moth er imponani \lcp. Don't s1ucly two .'>im1 lar -"llbjc-c t, al 1he -.amc time. It i, hcuer 10 hrcak the pattern wi th ;1 compc1ely di fferenl study :ipproach. So don'1s1udy for your hi,1ory 11nd economic, IOi!Ct hcr; instead go for ,;orneth ing like history and math Don '1 forget In schedule hreak~
among :i ll 1ht swuyin~. ll wi ll t-c difficuh to s1udy for -.c,'trJI huu~ ;it :, 1imc . Oreah will keep yuu from hec.:oming cxha11,1eJ ntforr l1 i, :ill O\ t' r. You an: al~o ll f"}:l.'J to st ick wi th your nom1al c.iaily rou1inr much n~ l"O-"~ihle. If ) tlu do gc1 off your rou1ine and need c.1: tra time, :t\'oid .~111y mg up all nighl i'k.'ClU.~C the \hmtcr you .ire on sleep, the b ~ ckarly you will hc oblc to think and write what you know rm 1hc c.-.:arn. The bcuer !>Olu1ion i,; lo go to hcd al regular time and gel up a rnuple of hours earlier to con1im1e studying. This wi ll allow you to under-"land and rememhcr more when you are n:~1cd thon if you po~lpone rest So you 've made it through the week and Mudied your tir.iins ou1, don' t hlow it 1he night lx•fon:. Spend your las1 hours calmly reviewing whm you have learned. You shou ld nol tr\' hl taekle new · material. If )'OU arc going to eram, do it sclcc1i,'Cly. Cramming only scrws 10 maJ.:c you rnnn: fran tic abou1 1hc exam . Use y1,ur l;1.~1 mintnes .~1ud)'· ing a., a I\: \ iew of key conccp1s. instc:id of 1ryi ng 10 learn it all Ju,1 remember 1he,;c suggestions :ind final s week should not be a.\ h:1d :t~ everyone mi ght e~pcct. lnformminn fo r 1hi,\· anid,• 11·0J proritlt·,J by lllt' Mitln·eJftm Srare U11 il'l'r.1ity's Co1111.w·li11.~ Crma.
rnitYsponsoring Teddy II Thcate~ frat~ rhc:it~r fr:it crn ity coll_reting nc~, aea~a j),
tlcndit loc:11 polrce :ind fir, f;llil~ ,\lphu P~1Omcg, 10 \tuffctl uni n,al , :,n~ / ~Y-" t•d 10 (11n1 for1 chd<lrcn 1n u,~ 'ti. 1 1 atim1s. The _c ;;~nai~o~: c:m he dr11ppc_'.! off in F:1111 1~~\ ~:~,~~~l\;'~\~;1 ihe green ruulll in Fam l·me An , Ccnrc,
, needs stud ent-produce d Pr Burly Bc,ir . .. lnrgc.:,t collcgc cahlc nctwo,k O~
~;;::~; l~ r ii, l:h~rly Vbion StuUen1 1.~~1, Burly Uc:•: 1 pruducL-d pr. g)lwc a ctrnn1:e tn \,,1n Sl.000 :md a \Un1n~, 1if\ producer~ w1 1 · • . form:i tion, t·onlar.:t www.hur!yhe,a1~~~ Burl)' Be:1r. l·or mnre ,n
. r to visit campus G~v.ern~, George Bush wi ll_v1s 1~ the__M SU c,unp 11 \ Ort
., •7:30 W,
Tex,,, Go :.ck off hi, re-dcct1on c,1mp.11g~. Uu,h Will I l\ 1~11 11cc. 11. '.o ki . C 1 ·r :ii 9 ;1. m. For more rn fo rniatio 11, t.,.,\ Ou1door l:duc:111011 en l: Fins u1ext. 42J 7.
Wednttdty, 8 p.m.
MW p.m. MW
=t=!~ 4,111-'11t ..J
Un~ ve~SI YS1;1te
~~f~:15 p.m. - 5 p.m.. S:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Thuildat
~ c:::: iR ;:: ~ ;:l;~~p.m. TR 6
E:irly registration went a, predicted with a Iola] of 3J5 ➔ students enroll ing e:,rly for 1hcir spring cour~cs. according to the Reg:irnar\ orficc A few more ~1ude111... rcgi,1ered on Monday, Dec. l , and Tue,d:t)' Dec 2. The)' were nol ahle 10 rcgi~ler early bccau~e their TASP . . cnrcs we re not in by 1he time early regi s1ru1ion ended, .'>O 1hey were gi\'cn a chance hi rci,:istcr e11rly on these dav-" There wen: also some student~ who~e registrati ons were invalidated. Rcful;tr reg i~trntion hegin ~ on
~fo:~~~ - 8Lm, MWF
F tball players receive honors
•ti a.m. to l:JO p.m. - 12 p.mi MWP •2 lo 4:30 p.m. - I p.m. MWF
~~dwcstcrn Slate <lefcnsivc Enc Cos1cllo wa.~n.imed ll1111t1., Conference rir... t te:i m by the LSC coaches ~as! w~ek. The ~ sivc end who cndctl hb career with the l11d1an~ w11h a 2.l.1ai,1~ ;n·mcc ii~ Jhc 24_7 win ewer Eao;tem N_ew Mexico. led the tc<tri :in,d wckleo; wi1h nine and 9 1. re~pccuvcly. Cih!dlo wa.~ thcr.1 • . . ~luycr 10 be named to the AII- L~C 1can_1. . J11nior lineb:1ekcr Matt Garvin a'.1d JUnJ()r. oflcn\1\'e liller.t. ion\. ~elect mcntron lc honora~ named were Alkins Freshman rn ilh:ic.: k Boohie Thornton .ended the ~ea.~on as lb: Division II lea<ler in kickoff returns w it ~ a .l5.5 yard~ JlCr l:i.:t average. Thornton h:id led t~e Lone Swr Conference all ~ jumped the nai ional leaders m 1hc final game of 1hc ~ SOa 1 school-tying rcc()rd return of 94 y,irds _for a touchdown in~! 24-7 win against 8.1stcm New Mc.11co. For lhe .'\l.'a~ t returned t2 J.: ic koffs for 426 yard,; and a touchdown.
hu\·c li llcd up were main ly l:1h_..,.. Tirmsaid . The schedule for regu lar rcgi~1r.1lil)n for the .1-prini; scme~ler i~a~ fo llows: WeUne,d:1y, fa n. 7, regi~1ratio11 for seniors. grnduatc ~,udent., and honor swde n,_.. s1an s :.i I :JO p.m. fnr the lellcrs T-Z; 2: 15 p.m. for k11crs L-S; .l p.111. for the leucr... /1.0 ; and 4 p.m. for the leuers E-K. Regi s1rn1ion clo~es at 5 p.m. On Thursday, Jan. R, all d;m ifications can register starli ng wilh the lcucr R at 8:30 :1.m.: lcucr S at 9 :t.m.; lc11crs T. U and Va! 9:30 a.m. ; lettt!r Wat JO a.rn.; and lc11crs X. Y 1111d Z ill 11: 15 a.m. RctJistrn!ion closes al 12 p.m. II opens ag:.iin :11 I p.m. for 1hc leucr K; I:45 p.m. for 1hc lc11er L: 2:30 p.m. for 1he letter
M: 3:'.\0 p.m. for the leucr... N and 0 : and 4: 15 p.m. fur the tellers P :md Q. Regi,1r.i1ion doses at 5 p.m. On Fri<lay, fa n. 9, all cl:1~~itica1in11 _.. c:i n register .~ lar1ing wi 1h the leucr Cat RJ0 a.m.; lcucr D at 9:30 a.m.; letters E :rnd F at 10 .i.rn.; and lcuer. . U a1 10:30 ,1.111 . Rcgi s! rn! ion do~c.~ at 12 p.m. II opens again :11 l p.m. for the teller H; 2 p.m. for the lcners I :md J; 2:45 p.m. for 1he !c11cr 13; :md 4 p.m. for thi: letter A. Regi.~ trnlion cln~es ;i\ 5 ]Ull . Evening rei;istration opens :it 7 p.m. and close.~ :11 8 p.m
To include information in Brie_fs, send_ it to Th@ Wichitan through C~m~us Mall. Deadline is sP Friday prior to pubhcat1on.
SGA hon ors Rodriguez
Wednesday, fa n. 7. fo r senior... gradua1e student.\ :md honor s1udcnts. This wi ll :1lso be the li rst day on which s1udcn1s can :.idd/drop classc~ . "I 1hink it " 'ill l'C hu.1,y hcc:rn se we ha\·C a 101 of studeni... who ch:mgc their mind and :1dd/drop cl:i~ses," lkgislr:ir Bi llye Tims .\aid. ··we al ...o h:ive students rcgi~lering al the ~ame time" A~ expected. ther~· arc alrc;idy cla~~es thai have li lled up. According to Tims, 110 1 m;iny classc... ha\'e filled. bul ~ me ha\'C. A few of the req uired course.~ that ha\'c fil led arc some scc,iom of Rhetoric and Composi1on 1123, Speech. Voice and Diction 123), Spanish and Children 's Li1eraturc. "The rest of the courses which
·t receives $300,000 donation
has received $300.000 from the 11ry. - M1d~~-\ 1cmThc funds will he u,c.:d IO purcha.,e_cquipn1c:~ ~ 1 11 :;~ ; :; ~~~ Bryan t and J)oro1l.1y E<Jwar<ls ~c~ptr.1tor,, C~ ~ ~ . will he located m 1hc J.S'. Rri '. lwcl 6 ~cn:cr.• ~~~~~ •-iinic supi,c,rtcrs of the un1 ver. 1ty, 1 cone ~1uden1~ .ind County Chi)' r~om studc~nis :~::~1~; 1 al Ilenrictl.1 High Schon/.
•II Lm. 10 1:30 p,m, - 11 t.al, •210 4:!!0 p.111. -J:30p.m,
Registration continues into new year JENNIFER TILLERY The Wichitan
Ausr~: ! i: ::~SON
I /\ bill recommending renaming We_.., Campus Ori\·e for MSU President Li,uii, J. Rodriguez in recognition fo r hb nearly 17 years of sen·kt wa~ presen1ed IO lfod riguc1. al Tue~d:1y ni ght 's Siudent Go\'ernment A~soc ialion mcctinl:! SGA Prcsidenl Aaron Young pre-
~~/ b{i~r::~ ;~;;~t~ft§~,~-tlx:fore the SG~
originally presented at l~c No,·. . 18 ~iectmg. where tl aBd~~~~iii :~~~1 1 on the bill. Rodriguez told lhc SGA. ''When 1 ft r_.. 1 heard what you all had done. 1 was spccchbs. Thi s i.~ more lh:m any other award I have received because ii comes from you, the ,tudcn1s."
~/;~,"~:~~;:Y~ ~J:
rnc~:s~~h~:1:.~:~n~s~:~/~~i~~~7~~t~: which called for longer library hour~ on weekends. Currentl y, the hours :':\ from 7:45 a.m. 10 5 p.m . on r nuays. noon 10 6 p.1n. on ~aturday.~ . and 2 10 . 10 . p.m. on Sund:1ys. If 1hc.re...olu11on I-" .icce1>1ed. the hou r., will he 7:45 a.m . 10 10 p.m. on Frid:iy~. noon tu 10 p.rn. on Saturdays, anti 2 p.m, 10 midnighl ou Surulays.
Stud ents ready for brea k BRIDGET SWEENEY
"I was thinking MSU needs a Fall
The Wichitan
Break !his wccJ.: . I wou ld feel much b s of a need to mi ss class if we had
With the scmcs1er corning 10 an end. many MSU student~ arc lookmg rorwurd 10 a well -deserved break fro m schoo l. Most of the sludt·nts said on Mond:,y they were looking forward 10 resting and gelling ready for nex t \Cllle.'>ter. Studeru Cody Reeves plans to go home and not 1hink of ...chool for one second. He said he was looJ.:ing forwa rd 10 ~pen<ling lime with frien<ls and family
some holiday right in 1he middle of the semester," Reeve.~ ~aid . He said he wa.s planning to spend time wi1h friend s back home and 10 find a way to make 1he hreuk las1as long a... possible. Freshman Trey Kirkpalrick i.\ planning 10 go hack home to Waco and spend time with his fami ly. He said he is just lookini; forward 10 1imc away from school and going back home. Other ~,udcnts will have 10 work
through 1hc holid;1ys. Chri stma~ h:1s a specia l mean ing fo r sophomore Jc;111c11c Truman. She wilt be 1r,wcling to New Jersey 11ftcr fina l, to spend Chri s1rn..1s with fam ily members ~he hasn' t seen in eight year~. "/ haven', seen any of my otllsi<lc fo mil y.exceptgrn ndmothers,since l wa.~ 12. I ;un now 2U and I am sure it wil l be crno1inna! when I gel 1herc ," Truman .~aid. ··My 1rip there is attm11 the hcs1Christma~ prc. .ent I evcrhad"
CE:1~z~c0Ulte~oo~1\ 20 940• 691• 1466 <Ed,oc@"f.n<I
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Now servinq breakfast.
li. )
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4117 JACKSBORO HWY. (Between Midwestern Pkwy. & s.w. Parkway on Jacksboro Hwy.)
Art seniors exhibit work JENNIFER TILLERY TheWichilan
MSU stniors Rae Paris and fa~on Montes will hcranicipaling inthcScni11rExhibi1ion fmm Dec. 5 10 fan . ~. 1998, in the Univcn-it)' An Gallery Fowr in the Fain Fine Arts • Center. Thccxhihi1ionis n:quircd forgmd u:i1ionby scnior candidu1css1.-ck i11g1heirhachclorof fine fns dc!!n:C by 1hc Dcpanmcnt of Art. The works c.l hibi1cd will be pieces the seniors workcd onduring thcircarccrsa1MSU. "It lets you knuwwh;it you willhavctodo fo r the future," P.1ris s11id. "II helps if you're !lOing to he a scriou~ urti~I " Paris" exhibi tion is crllitlcd "Color Dynamics," and Montes' is cn1 i1 lcd "Emb0•ogcncsis." Paris' exhibition will con1;1in water color p:,intings. drawings und ceramics. whi le Mmucs· cxh ihilion wi ll con• tninco111putcrgr.1phics:mdprints 8 01h students arc in a ~nior cxhihi1ion cl:is.~ taught by an professor Elizabeth Yarosz with 1woothcr gradu;Jtingscniors. Thcclass asawhole helped 1opu1 lheexhihit 1ogethcr. "Wc know the sp:1ce.'' Paris said. " II wenl really well . I think:· Pari~ likes natural fonm ,md lots of color. Shcs:1idhcr pa~sio11 for color even inOucnccd her work on her cera mics. She .~aid color, texiurc. li ght and shadow have always imrigucd her. Jcge. Monies will showc:,se his work on "beautiHellclives the embryonic fonn is a "powerful :md cle_gant" "emhryonic images. acc~rdin_g fu l ;ind rich subject." .,•hirhheplans touse in to his artist statement. He also said m Im fu,ure work.~. He ah,o realizes the growing s1atcmen1 that thccmhryonic images h:,ve a importance of comp111crs. and therefore. consuhl le meaning hceau.~e he wi ll hcs1ar1ingon struc1cd some of his piece... on 1hc compu1cr. :1 new journey and beginning: Jife afrcr col-
" Picasso Frog " by Rae Paris
The foyer will he open from IO a.m. !Cl J 2 P-~- and 2 r1.1n. to -I P-~'- Mo~d;1y through FmJay. when cl as. . cs arc JO ~c."1o~t. ,~ re<1cp1ion wil l he hdd for both cxh1h11run-" on Friday. Dec. S. fn1m XIn JOp.m.. and lhl'Yarc free 10 1hc puhlic.
cCartney successful with Rollin' his sleeves up ,ip to classical music realm Dover not afraid of hard work, challenges BRIDGET SWEENEY
li.1 1cning !~, Mt:Ctnncy's in!! S1onc. I am more
1 1 {1;'n;11~p'.1~,-~~, . ;i,~_:,~11h;:n~1;,uutldJ,1,~._,f,:,~;~_ u .,
fJtttm' uni il he had a 75 i:csymphony. \~hen he had hi.\ cumpo.,mou. he had ~ purer print ou! hi_., work -jr;ndingS1one·· wa., heard for riNt iime Nol'. 19 at Carnegie McCanncyh:1-" al ... o been ridrht )ucce" of hi, .i lhum ..,._,Jin May. ··Flaming Pie ·· ~ nd "Stand ing Slmll'" lack~ ttelmical devices 1ha1 wou ld ii a ··1 rur.: .. ,ymphony. bu1 C11111ey hits very clCl\C 111 the ,,j!h thi_., work . )' 1hcmc_., 1hroughou1 1hc
:1~cn;~~t,u~~l:~ti1~-a~i~i~~']; 300 Bach , ymphonic_.,_ But theme~ and mu... ic:11 s1ruc1urcs nding Swnc·· .ire more comLhan thmc of hi_., prc\·ious
The tx~sl quality of McCanney·s work Cl n "Standi ng Stone" is make ... ,he niu.~ic relate 10 the li stener:-. Composers such as Bach and Mozart wrote such challeng ing music that the common man often missed the concept. McCartney ~lakes his music relate by bringing 11 down !oou rundcrstanding. --.J ~--C-c---··L1\·crpool album ~;~;~~·He doesn't make his music so 1 that we he.ir it and miss comple.~ _The clas . . ical mu~ic connoi~scu r rn1 gllt be tlisuppni111cd with thccmot ionwi1hi n. Wi1h·oul reiding the poetry. the "S1anding Sronc:· Wi1h the modem lhcmcs. mu,ical _., ,ructun:~ and music reminds me very much of a h i I \Otrndtrack forasuprrhcro lorush 1 1 :_'.,~,'_,_,~1~~;~~ 5·1~~~~:. i~ ~ ~;~~~i~~~:~ in,.rnd ...avc1hedamselin dis1ress. ., is story 1he However. Throughout 1he 75 min ute-", McCartney's interpretation of the many theme~ anU s1ring~ or musir.: crcatiunofman,mdtheu ni ver.,al. arc very rcpetilil'e . McC;1r1 ney H!.! give.~ us visuali zation of hi s rna ... tcrs !he .in uf tak ing a th~·ml' dr!.!arn 1hrouth two paintings :md mak rng i1 memornhk. I round included in the book let with his myself with cndJC\_., mr.:lodic~ run- poetry. Hi~ words arc hes! ex pressed ni ng throughou1 my head ;iftcr Ii~h:ning 10 it. 1hrough the melodics of si mple hm.: . . ongs. The art of .~ymphonic 1 1 0 a~:~ lit~ 1h~~~:. ~1~• alo \~Tiling is very new 10 hi m, so give !m·;mmg 10 the cmr1 i11ess of the him :1 fcwyea rs 1o progrcss. 1n~trumcn1_.,_ I rnn feel 1hc lfowc~ It i~ true, McCartney is nol hlooming. !hings taking form. and Mozart , but for a former Beatie life on Eanh 1hroughnu1 the second from Liverpool -he's done wdl.
Bridget's Music Review
ha:dhe:;ch::~"' P,1ul
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"A ll of us in thiswholebusincss.whctherwc'rc lalk• ing about fami ly life or our professions. must reali ze lh:it ihc most important thing tha1 we can have is personal integrity." Dr. Ernest A . Dover is ;111 associate professor of political science :11 MSU and a man who isn't afrnid to get his hands dirty 10 aid his fe llow man. He came to MS U in August 1985 because he was impre.~sed with the factth al it offered a gmdua1c dcgrcc in political science, because it had a non-traditional atmosphere and because it presemcd him with a challenge. " I bclicvcU th at I could m:ike a ni.·:mingfu l con1ribu1ion here:· he said. "I wanted to 1rnin and s1imul,1 te you ng minds. to teach them how 10 1h ink critically. ,malytic.il ly ani.J indepcndcn1ly. "The most fullillinga spcc1ofm y johiswa1ching1he young people blossom and grow intclkc1ually.'" Dover tcnches J numhcr of classes in the field of political science includi ng Con~1 itutiomil Law I and 2, Ci vil Liberties and Ri£hls. Judicial Proce.~s. Black Politics. African Politics, Comp.1r.t1 ivc Criminal Jus1ice Syslem~. Admini str.1tive Law, and /\mcrie.u1 Govcmmcnl. I-l e mos! enjoys te.ich ing black and Afri c.1 11 polit ics, classes tha1 arc a clmllcnge to teach and :ire not found commonlyinmnnyunivers itir.:s. On campus. Dover is an alumni/sponsor for tl 1e Al pha Phi fra1ernity, a coordinator of 1hc Black Studcms· Union. a member of the loc.11 chapter of the NAACP: is invC1t vcdi n1he Prc-LawSociety:and servesonthcRank andTcnurcCornmi11ee. Outside of school.when he isn' t golliog or fishing for
11, 6 mr,,'W
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s C-P-rN_M_I_C_N_IC-11_T_ _ ay_i_ s_d_ _w_e_d-ne_ TXX . __..__Je_s_s~ K~, .A~f • l?,W~ in !his adfor20%1~:~:t'0foodor drink ilcm. Exp Ashton •_Bring ~
the elusive giant crappie at LakcArrowhe.id. he L, kcr1 busy by hi s unwavering commi ument lo commuml) involvement He is currently conr.:emL-d with the wpic nf school desegregation in Wichit:1 F:i/1 ~. an is.,uc hl· hclicvcs requi rcs:.i !argc:1moun1 ordclibcrJlion :1nddb; cussion. He al., o works with lhc Ea.~ t Rranr.:h of 1hc YMCA . a foci li1y1hatprovidesanumhcr ofbcndici:1t,crvicc , fo r , thc localblackcnmmunily. He is ;m ord:,i ncd dc:1con at Mount Pka\a1,1 1\.lissionary Bapti~t Church. He :md t1ther memtx:r.. of Whcr.:b. on Meals his church sponsor such program_., a... food and clothi ng banks, local housing prn_icL·t~. :1:- 11cll as offering tutorial help forchildrcn He was born in Winston-Salem. N.C .. :md hi, child· hood home was commonly a busy one. He. hi~ ti 1•c , 1hli n£S, his parcms and hi.~gr.111dp:1n:n1... all rc, ir.ki.J under one small roof. an experience that taught hi m 1eamwnrk \ cooperat ion and how lo share He camcU hi s barhclur"s degree in politir.:al ,1.:iencc :md black poli lici. at \Vins1on-Salcm Un iver..it~. He wqu on 10 Kent S1a1e University, where he e:1rncJ a rna ...ic"r\ degree in 1978 :ind adoc1ora1c in 1985. hnth in p!1li 1ical science. His in1crcst in world .i ffoirs h:t, dr.m 11 him 111 ... ur.:h countric:, 11s Malcw, Swaziland. Zarnhia, Zim hah\\L' and SouthMrk·a ··1 enjoyed lcilmin!! about other rnumr:-, \ pcr..pL'l"lhc of Amcrica.""hcs:,id. He has :il.~o participat er.J in the Hri1 i. . h Swdic~ Program. a progrnm hc bi.:lil·vr.:-" cvcryrnw ~hou lU pur1i.r.: ipatc in ..Travcl," he !'.-aid, ·· adds lC1cultur.il1,cr,pi:t:1ivc··
• ···· Bl\-.i;i · · · 1s1-11ir .;., at~ · J:Jtl1, imd Hhafr ·. lU!<<AUAltll'llct:.,.,.., ...,
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Page 4
Thif ti Thursday, Dec. 4 •Environmental Science Club meellng, 12:15 p.m 1 and 5 p.m. in Bohn Room 315 •Association of Social and
I Behavioral Sciences meet' Ing, 12:30 p.m. ,n O'Donohoe 1 Room 11 9 I •MSU Chess Club meeting, 3 p.m. in Bolin Room 11 5 •Men's basketball, MSU vs. Southwestern Oklahoma, 5·30 p.m. in DL Ligon Coliseum •Women 's basketball , MSU
.L. I ~t1;ii!t~~~~~min D 1
Ligon Coliseum •MSU Theatre presents "The Voice of the Prairie," B p.m 1n Bea Wood Theatre in Fain Fine Arts Center. Tickels are S6 for adults, SS for high school students, children. senior citizens and milita ry person nel. and free to MSU sludents, faculty and staff. For more information call 6894393 or 689-4399 •Backdoor Theatre presents ''Funny Money," 8 p. m. at 501 Indiana St. Fo r more information or to purc hase 1,ckets, call 322·5000.
Friday, Dec. 5 •Fantasy of Lights opening ceremony, 6 p.m. in front of Hardin •MSU Band presents a Christmas Music concert, 7 p.m. Akin Auditorium. Admission is free. •MSU Theatre presents "The Voice of the Prairie, " 8 p.m in Bea Wood Theatre in Fain Fine Arts Center. Tickets are S6 for adulls, S5 for high school students, children. senior citizens and mililary personnel. and free to MSU students. faculty and staff. For more information call 6894393 or 689-4399. •Backdoor Theatre presents " Funny Money/ ' B p.m. at 501 Indiana St. For more information or to purchase tickels, call 322·5000
Saturday, Dec. 6 •Men 's basketball, MSU vs. Cameron, 5:30 p.m. in • Ligon Coliseum •Women 's basketball, MSU vs. Cameron, 7:30 p.m. in D.L. Ligon Coliseum •MSU Theatre presents "The Voice ol the Prairie," 8 p.m. in Bea Wood Theatre in Fain Fine Arts Center. Tickets are S6 lor adults, S5 for high school students, children, senior citizens and military personnel, and free to MSU students, faculty and staH. For more information call 6894393 or 689·4399. •All MSU choirs will present the Combined Choral Masterworks Concert, a p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 3601 Tatt Blvd. This event is free . For more infer• mation, call 689·4267. •Backdoor Theatre presents "Funny Money/ ' B p.m. at 501 Indiana St. For more information or to purchase tickets. call 322-5000.
Sunday, Dec. 7 •MSU Theatre presents "The Voice of the Prairie," 2:30 p.m. in Bea Wood Theatre in Fain Fine Arts Center. Tickets are S6 for adults, $5 for high school students. children, se nior citizens and military personnel, and free to MSU students. faculty and staff. For more information call 6894393 or 689-4399. •Beta Beta Beta Biology Society meeting, 7:30 p.m. in Bolin Room 214
Tuesday, Dec, 9 •Red River Photography Club meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the Wichita Falls Red Cross building, 1809 5th St.
Wednesday, Dec. 1O •Retirement reception for physical education professors Clarence Darter and Don Flatt, 3 to 5 p.m.. Hardin Room 106
To inelude an event in This Week, send it t o The Wichitan through eampus mail. Deadline is 5 p,m , on the Friday prior to publ ication.
Home again Ladies looking for victories 1it~\;;:~;lt, r:~~~ ~:;;:n~~ft;::~; ~~~f1k; it, ANTHONY NEWBERRY TheWichllan
The Midwrncm S1:ue L;1dv lndi:111s· nrc hoping home-cooking will produce a fe w \'il'tl1ril·~ a~ they play three COll:-l'CU li\'C gaules :11 D.L. Li gun C(llisc mn. MS U had played :-ix of ii:- lirst ~e\"ell g:une:- away from 1l1c Dome. The Tril'll' h 1-(i a11<I hdng at Imm.: l~l"on; fi nal:- ~h(11ild he :1n mtvanlagc. :1ccon.l ing. to rn:1c h Jc1111ifc1 !lull. "It'll he 11iCl' to hl' at hlmie. We play h;u\l :II home. and you do11 '1 lmvc 10 pu1 up with 1rn,·c1:· I-lull ~aid. "This is a rc:11 hnrd time IU he on the road wi!h finab comin~ up:· MSU is hosting. Lone Stir Conference Nor1h Di vision rival.~ Snu thwesll·m Oklahoma on Thu rsday ;1t 7J O p.111. and Cameron on Sa1urclay at 7:30 p.m. A week 1:11cr. the Lady lndianswiltcloscoutthcir fi rst sl'mcster KheUulc when they ho~t St. Edwa rd's Unh-crsity orl Saturday. 0cc. 13. a1 7J Op.11 L Sou1h westcm is .i s1ro11i; te:tm that is a power e\"CI)' year. :1n·ordin1,? 10 Mull . who said Cameron wflulll :1tso ~ c;l ~\~\~l l~~t~~~c•'i\l~~c°f\~~:~hri: : 1~ 01he r. The L:11.ly lndiAn s l'lc'l.~c d 0111
fir..t \' ICIOl')' .''. 1 i\lSU pit:kcd up lhl' :-.._.:1~011 I.L~I Saturday hy kotKk• ing off Mi,souri Southcrn 7S-7) . . 1
ft~; ;.,~:i:i'~::i::::~::::~:.i:·::t}'.; i'i:,: : :•;~~',;::.:~ '.~';li•~~;,~"c::;t';•::::: ~
~cctind h:,lf, hut the Lady Indian, put on a ~trnr~i; sel·om! h;df ~urge to e(ll111.'UWay w11h1hcirhrsl WH1 0flhC
ye;~~\1c didn't play well_the whole g:mll'. hUl Wl' didn·1 qun when we 1
g\ h~~~:~,:~~:t~:::,~:iitd the wuy for
th e Trihc wi th 2J points. 13 rebounds. three a~~i'.'< IS ;md 11 couple nf s1euls. Sh;mnon Boasc added 19 pninls mid IO rebounds. Andrea
~ i,:\:,::,;;~~:":;;\~~o;:~:i•;~•i;::~~• ste,11.... "Wedidalo1bc11er bc ing pat ie n1 with 1hc offon ~c ;md so we were :1hlc tu get i1 inside (lo Boa~e :rntJ
p'.1.~1. :i~\:~~•~~n1~1~:,i~~icil; J.J . ;\nderson and Marie Hi gh c1u.:h pi1chcd inninepoin1s. ··Maric ca mci11 and guve 11 s sornl'
4S) and Shannon Bosse (40) MSU's Toni WeStlall ( ame on Nov. 25. The Lady]~ , nd ~; UCO player In a ho~;o~o by Michael Fitzsimmons 1·6 on_the season, oint uanJs lndi:m~led 31-26 n1 int good r~unutc.~ when c;~ ~-r Hui lg said. w~rc mn~corcd 46-26 i~ . "~(were Ill fo ul trou b . d ivcs u.~ a ,mnutc~. ··We ha\"cn't put 1 "'She has s1cppc~ up an g off ihc ha lve, 10ge1hcr. 311~'1 ~ lot of d~fcn~e .m_d k~~~;y
hc~c~a;••~~r\~~~-i ~~:'rihc~!:~ Pilt ~hurg Swte 7- 57·
wc·rc where we :ire.~
Men prepare for home sta1' NtCK _!ATMAN TheWichilan Tht:Thanksgiving holidays might he over. hut the Midwestern State mcn·s b:1ske1ball team fin:1lly lws something 1obethunkfu l for -coming home. Aflcr a grue:ing six-game road trip. the Indians. 4.3. wi ll return home for 1wo weekend rn.1tches al D.L.LigonColiseum. The Tribe will host Sou1hwcstem Oklahoma on Thursday before tak• ing on C:imcron University on S:i1urday. SOU and Cameron arc both Lone Siar Conference members of 1hc Nonh Division Tipoff for both game.<, wil l be at \ :30p.m.
straight wins. On Nov. 22. Midwcstcrnrceeived 32 1mints from frc:-hman Charl ie Bennl'II as the Indians knocked off Southca~tcm Oklahoma 76-68 in an LSC crossover gume. Bennett, a forwa rd from Coppe ll. Texas, also had a tcam•high ~ight !\'bound.~ in the win. Junior guard Tony Ave1.zano po:-tcd 18 points. six rebounds and six assis1s. L:ist Tuesday. MSU defeated Texas Wesleyan Universi ty 69-67 with the help of junior trnnsfer Richard Johnson. who scored 23
oints and grahhcd nine hoards. p Bui Midwestern could 1101 cxtcn~
the winn ing streak 10 three games. losing a 119-98 nonconfc~n~~ conlest 10 ddending NCAA D1v1si~n _II champion For! Hays S1:.11e ( Kansas). Se nior center Joe_ Washing!?~ led 1hc 1eam with 22 pomts and W,l s one of three players to snag li\'e rehounds. 1 tri,~~enJ~~ tah~d : 0
~:;;r!\,j~ ~oc~~d 15rI'o~i~1\:· ~~~~~t_i~~~~son lops _the
1eam wi th I -'O points (20.0 pomts
per game) . .wh1lc, Be~llcQ . 117.7 ppg) ,ind V.. a,hin~~ ( 15.1 pp~l- Avcuano 1, . oiher l~d1~n to ~\Cfagt ~~ figun! ~conng, With I t. ) .. , game. Sop homore guard facho_n . who ha~ b..'t em ·:-s1x:1h man1h1~\Ca~~ the bench forse\cnPoi _'
boa~ds 1
i~T: xas Wes~:
a:~o~~ ~~cb~~;'.
Thclndians went2-3 onthc road trip before the fin:11 away game Tuesday in Aus1in again st St. Edward 's.
Af1cr :1 85.78 loss to the University of Texas-San Antonio on Nov. 18, MSU rcsrondcd wi th 1wo
November light month for Midwestern State's police heat.ls. 25 doonnat)., and 12 c,ms ol ., urfacc cle:mer stolen from a i:11 ,10f\on:mher 13 di al dnset •A ~tudent reported her !li p phoni.: mi "'i ng fro m u classroom in Fain Nm·cm ber23 Fine Arh Ccntcr. •A ., IUdcnt reponcd damage 10 the •A Ki ll ing,\1'onh l\'~idcru reponcd ldtrear ofher car. light receiving threatening phone calls. •A student rcponed .i thrcatenin~ NO\·cmhcr24 No\·cmher Ill •;\ ,1uUcnt rc ported hi, hikc , tolcn mc~~age on the voicc mail on a •A :.tudent reponcd his motorcycle phone in Fa in Fi ne Art~Center from 1hc area ou1~ide Fnwler. ~tolcn from whe re i1 wa~ parked behind Pierce Hall. Nornnhcr 19 No,·cmher II •A K1 l1 ing,\\Ort h rl·~iJl'lll rq>0ned •A student reponcd losing a silwr Novcm hu26 ring in Fcrgu,on. 1 •A student reported 1hat she had i ~1~e ;~1~: :~i~~ ::~; r~;~:J~~~::~d given money 10 a person 1ll':1r Nowmhcr 20 hl'r\ i.:hirle. •A ~Ludenl repor1ed th;tt ~he had Ferguson for a magazine subscripon•mherl2 gi ven money 10 :1 person on carnpus tion in September and never •A 11tirkcr for the company Uoing fo r a mag:ainc ~uhscripti on in rl'ceivcd her rnag;1zine., lhc n 1n'.'< truc1ion on Mi.:Cullough• Scptcmhcr and never received her •Two vehicles coll ided on Wes! Campus Drive when one .111cmp1cd nugazine~. 1 : ~~gf\1'~ \:~~i d~:~ot~t1!~~r;~~;i~~ •A rn,totlian reported 36 mop to pass lheothcr THE WICHITAN
er in the rnns1rur 1ion zone.
Nm'l'lllbl•r7 •Twu Pi en·c rc... idcnt ~ rcponi:d a fi ght lhl'Y hud mer u\\Cd money. Ead1 daimcd the uthcr ,1aned thc
1 ;-,..
The Wichitan is taking applications for ad director, section editors, reporters and ad reps for the spring. Call Josh at x-4704.
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