December 10, 1992

Page 1






~bi <» UJ tcbttau .



Thunday, December 10, 1992

Lawsuit filed against MSU By G.l'IIDick Fortntt- U Staff Wrikr M1dwe11em Staki U lllvor11ty,

lho M SU Board of Rc1ca11 and MS U P ru1den1 Or. Lo uu J. RodJ11u11 h•v• been named 11 dcreadanu 10 a lawauil filed with 1hc )0th Jud1c11I D1atncl Coun


W1c h1ta Cowwy. The plauu1ff, Dr. Neil 8 . Hol· liman . bu brouabl tbe 1uit on the 1ro uM1 that tt.. vwted nrt,u u a teour•d facull7 1111111bar at Midwu torn wuc 11kcn w ithout due

proce u or law and equal prOlcc • requued under the Sth and a mendment, lo the Uo11cd

110 11 H l ◄ th

Stal« Con1htu1100.

A ccord1111 to Hol llmu ·, o r111n1 l pc111 1o n to 1bc cou r t , durin,: the t pnna of 1987. he offered tulimooy to tbc Acadcm,c A ppe al, Comm,1100 a t M idwu1crn la 1upporl of a araduatc siudcnt that b■d be.en d 11m1u cd from lbo propm. Upon c o mple tion o f Che a~ peal , tlie 1 ra duate , cudeot was

subaequt. oll y roadm1llcd lo the 1 r1duatc pro1nm for the 19 87-88 acadcnuc you. After tho 1tudc ol's rc.adm11· , ion 10 1bc pro s nm , with u ce~ lum o f Hol lima n, rho ptycbo lo1y dt. pulmonl fac uhy docl1ocd to serve on tha t 11udent'1 1rad ua1e comm11tee. Ho lliman·, au1l cootcod.J that the department's refusa l lo serve on Uld comm1Uoc. W H • • • an e ffort to tbwa fl H id 1raduate stud4!ot·, de , rcc p ro1 r1m 1n d nec l co&tr1d1c11o n to u,h1hcd Un1vc,• 111y pohca ~ ptdcn1 aamc. • Holl,man 's su11 abo coocends t b a l aft er I b o 1t ud e ot waa re101111ed. v1r1ou1 me mo randa and 1111emcnta from faculty mcm. bcn o f lbe D1 v11t0n of Soc11l and Behavioral Scteaeea, a, well u the div1s100 c hair were made with the 1n te ol o f dacna1 101 Ho lliman·• profee.t1onal rcputattnn. Holhman wa1 tbc.a cfum1ued 11 t he pros ra m d irector 0 1 p,yc holoJy a t MlldwcAcm. with a

conllrma tt u n o t Ille d u m iu a l d e 111 led 1n a memo h o m 1be dueclo r of tho Div1"on of Social a nd Behavioral Sc1eaces , date ct

S.,,,. J0, 1987. T he m e mo slated tha t Ho l· li man wa, d1srt11ued H result o f b u a ppe uan c e b e fo r e th e AcadcmK Aff11ra COfflJWltoe. When con1u lte d abo u t 1h11 v1hd11y o f chc,o 1lle1at1ot1•, Or. Rober! E.Cl■rk, d irecto r o f Use Divi1100 of Social and Behav1oral SciencH , ■ 1M could oot u,mmeat. and any q uesltoot bad 10 bl! duected 10 lhe office o f academic

afwn. Du na1 Uld 1988-89 academic , Ho lhma o filed a 1neva 11ec wi th th e c h a u o f !Uc Fa c uhy Seni le lo q uestio n the academic p u c11c c, of fellow fac ulty mcmbc n of lhc depu lmcnl of psychol· DI Y al M1d wu tcm 1n rrft rtnce to • .•. lhc ir 1nvolvemco1 10 d11c redi1 Pla11111ff (HoUtmao)... •


See Gri,vance, page s


'Voices' deadline slated for Feb. 19 By Jean Hull Staff W

Tho ,ubm1u 1on deadl ine for •v0tus• ina1azinc bu boeo Sd foe Feb. 19, accordin1 to D, . Robcn Johnso n , fac ulty ad vi ur. The ma1az.ioe will be d11tribu1ed May

1 0

PN#o by K)I,.. liuxll

MSU basketball player Jason Paty receives admiration from his #1 fan, his nephew Brock.

Vo1ce1° a1us11n1 ed ito r

YvOllne Bakar u 1d the subnuss1on bo1. w ill N louted in the upstairs hallway of tho Hardin Ad m1n1s1r1• tion Bu1ldin1 from no w until the deadline. Si nco 1ubmiu1ons will not be re turne d , atudcnta are eDCoor11ed to hep c opies of all work s ubm iu e d , u pc c 1a lly photoir■ph • 111d a rtwot-k, Baker .wiid.

A ll lite rar y s ubmiu1on i. should be typed and accompanied b y • cover s heet coot11n1n1 the !Ille and len11h o f lhe piece , a nd 1h c 11udeo1· s nam e . a ddress, te lepho ne number , clus1ficat1on and mtJ0r Students s hould not put tbeu na mes anywhere o o 1he wo rk 1t• self, only on lhc cm'n' '1,c,ets_ StlCCllonJ W Iii be choKn by . comb1n111o n of c dno riial dec1s1on by the '1af r and blind riev,ew by a p,rne l of e1, ht sludt nls and faculry members. S 11u.le nt1 w h o1e wor ks are ~ lec icJ will be noc,ficJ bcfm e the m11■11nt. 11 pubh wd.

Christmas history kindles holiday spirit ..,_ ......

Chn, tmu cu~ton'LS vary from lho Ch rn 1mu tree, 11 1~ widel y place 10 plac e anJ a mon1 a ro ups behoved Chai Marlm Lu1her bt11n o f d iffe ren t na llonal o r11 1ns. In tho custom 1n Germany. O11vin1 ■ round town , ti h•~ The .111h1 of an evcr;reen lt'CCl mo st ■ r eH , however , homr.1 are '-OGW! evide nt thal C hn ~1rna1 1~ dec o rsh:d v. llh e ve rerecn", ca lled on Ch ri11mu c vo, wt1h ~tar, bl■ z.· mae ue ( C hr is1· , Chulillna.t trees , colored lifhL, and in1, above, ,s said to have matle a Huo ld Jo na., Park. 111 N inth Ma u ) o r C hri, 1mu . a rcs11v al Jlllk:rin1 link l. area l 1mp reu1on o n h im, ■nd he ffrttl a nd ll 1e hwa y 28 7. IS P eo ple .tend o no ■ n och r r pu1 a s1m,l■r lree , dccou led with com miemo ralin e the h1r1h o f l cJW 4oc«11rd \\ 1th light~ in n'I0\l o l C h11, 1mu c arJs and bu y r ifts for h1h1ed candles. 1n hn humc. ln the Chnsl I ) • , cry old hoWay. k trecs. A C h n li tmu u et m.idit" ·A, o u nd A , O J20 or JS J . 1he H fam il ie s and fr 1e n d 1 . pru t-n t d ■y. clec111e Chr111mas ' htltu , 1run r o n an u o n fr1me Dec 25 w u c s ubll li h e d u Ch1IJrc:n look torw ard lo • vis ll hghts have come lo bt. w1tkly us,cJ - 1llum1n1k~ th e rark ~f ,d· Ch ri ~iin:u Thie rr111on for sdKt· f rom Sanra Claus . They h1 01 up 1n place of the t11d111ona l candk:ti. There arc- man y legend, 1h11 their •tock,nj i on Chnstmu Eve. lillltrn, 111 l u pins w,1h 1rad1tmn. in J th" par11, ul:1r Ja tc IS obscure. •lho 1n che sp1111 d1 , pl11,- mg 1he Mil , i:o:neriilly b,:heved lhal lhe snd o n C hr1 ~1m11 mo rn1n1 1hcy a c couat for the 011 1 1n o f the 11 1 d1~.:over 1hct 11f~ 1h11 have hcen C h ri (lmn lree d ccout mns. The '-" Fant,~y <>I L1GhL-1 J lllC w .1, , h o~c n 1u c o rru po nd firs t us e o f l h a, bee n e.tOld ■ nJ yo u n g ald, it" l' Ol!l<' wii h p■ t,:an fes11vs h 1h11 took td1 for the m duuni the ru~ I. T hese ~us1oms. tevends i nd plamed hy lht followmc \ IOf)'. &t■ mile, af n und 1,, t, , ur th e pla..:e 1 10 11 nJ th e time o f 1h e One e ve ning s hu rl ly before 11atu ; o r L 1t:h1S ca .... h ye ar . w1n1ier ,1,o>bll\t, . c d c:-t-UI IOn o f trad1t1ons ha\'e Men h.■ nJcd down C hn , tmu . • poor, good wo m11n for gcne r1111>ns lit.rd C' rn u..:h . 1 W u: h 11 1 f• ll c 0 The c.ver~recn lrtc n • ~rm• d cco r.ue d • tree for he r fam ily. '-o, Clhun. s11d 1h11 C hri-.l lOU ) OCIII ind lhc:' · ; ,;;:~.::~ : ll c.b1n1ed ~111,t' ht- \\ I._ 1 yuu ni: fanu h h o ll J a y. ,. nd n11ny o f 115 htil o f ,mmortahty and • S) nihol ol Du ri ng the mcht, sp1Je rli lodgt d 1he Chu • 1m.-:- s-pm l While there , n lhC" tre e a nJ CO \ e rt"J 11 w11h >,. mos t i , mill at \ U)Ulffl~ have 11111" u c m11nv uk•~ ahoul tfk- 0111tm of th r ir wet- ~. The C hri cl C hi ld , "\\.'hr n I wo III t,i.,, )'llU u ni~ v r n,• rd,, 100., -11•,n1tica0<.e 1tl On e 111)' ,. , C h ri,lffl -' ' 0IIDly TffTy

C hflSlmu w• -1 mo re o f• time for family 1et· 10l:etheu and bti neats. Chn ~ima, ha.~ become more com• mc:- r,.. u luc1I in re1..en l ye a rs , ·



s c e 1n1 th 11, re a lu .ed 1h11 lh t woma n wo uld be u d to s ec hu surpu ~t ,po1lcJ. He lu rne d l hc ~p1Je1 we bs 1nto 511\·e r. ■nd the nul mo rnm1 lhe poor f1m1ly w..s d.u.tleJ by the t111ll11nt orn1mcn1, th lt ~hone oo 1hc tree. C ht1Clnll \ C' I IJS arc . C0ffl• paral1 \C I)' rt ccn l 111dt11o n. T hey fir~t • rrt■ rtd e■ , ly 10 the 1840s, \\hc-n -.C\ r,;11 Encli,hmtn had c a,J , maJ t.l for their fncnd'I. Lo u1" P ri ne , a p11n1e r and a Ge rm a n c- m1 1 ra n1. intro duc ed Ch11, 1m1n c ud s in 1hc Un11e d S1.11c, m 1875 Su-...:c lhat time they h a , ·c rapi d l y 1ni:r e u e d 1n popul,nty, T he c uMo m o f e , c han 1n a

Sec Romans, page 3

\\ \~




MOCADlSHU. Somalia, Dec . 9 (LAT/WPl··· ·-··· ·U.S .

Ma rtnca descended on this shattered d ly by a lr and sen early Wednesday on a mission of mercy. to help stab!• Uzc a country racked by war and s t arva tio n that has kJllcd m or e than 300.000

Soma.Us and t hreaten a

mtllton more



d cn t -elcct C linto n

filled two mo~ apol.9 1n ha 1 ~


Cler Robert E . Rubin to direct a n ew economic polley coordlnatlng coun cil and Rep. Leo n E. Panetta. 0 -Callf.. as budget director . sources say. LOS ANCELES--Flflecn years a ncr hlS dea th. Elvis Presley has another N o. 1

hit; only d ays after a mass

malling of some 800.000 br ochures to people who vo ted lit the ..y oung Elvis b lo a t e d E lvis" popul a ri ty

contest la s t April,





b e gan

a 29-ce nt pouring ln stamp th at Is w e ll o n Its

way to bccomtng the best• s e ll ing piece o f g ummed

paper In U.S. h istory.



\Pop 2 ■ Thunday, December 10, 1992

Special session studies funding



Tuu State ~,,.taNre·• R~ specul MIDKMI bapn N<W. 10 widl Lt. Gov. lob BullOt"k prOJMMllll • con,111 u11oul a mudmon t acd

coiopu, on le111l111on to tb, S1ul1 Ed11t1Uoo Comm,u«. Tu propoul, , supported by Bullock, <iov Ann R,cbards and Houu Spc1kcr Gib Levns. 11m 10 prov,d,e mo n r,nanci•I 11d to propert y-poor 1chuol districu w1tbou1 raisins s tate tau,- or cul· tine olbcr 1ta1c spend1n1. Tbc Tuu Supre me Courl bu ducakned 10 lhlll down Trxu 1choob by Juoc I, 1991 1f no con• SlllUhona l plu II t:netted, fo«u11 the Lc11ilatun lo eel by fd,, 20 lo sct ,·Mcr 1pproY1I fora cons11n,tJocal aincod ment deadhne.

1.~.T;~:r.::=:=~~ IC~:.:~:~::,:~~s:.:':w

educ.11oa d111ncu sad pennil Iha sta1c1oukemoncy fromwcaldud

co1ble the Ler11laturo to carry 001 1bc cons1iM1onal amtodmcot and 1tl slit~ funJ1111 k:Yels. The amcnJmcnl p1ssoJ 1n the Scn■ tc w11h a 29·2 vote. but 11 bas ~t to pu, 1n I.he 1-tolHc. Sourc H o f 1nco m.:. for lhe

pubhc M!hool1 1n Tu.u are lout property 11.1u 1od a;tate uJ. T h o 11 11e ,o u 1i1 u t1o n preu ncly mand.Hes thal achools ,n Ten a; bo opcn.tcJ 1n 1n "cfficiear." (11r i nd equal m■.nner ,


d1s1ubuhot1 or opporrun1ty for •II Tuu studt.nb The wtc Supttmc Courc ruled 1ha1 1tate aid II un•

const1tu11onal by w1y of d1S1nbu· tion tnd 11vc lhc Le11sl1turc llmc to remed y tho problem n.tbc:r that 11opp1n1 1bc m oney flow tc:book. Or. Joh.a Dowd. MSV usi,lanl profr.uor of oducat ioa, 111d

S1•du11 cu serve u11 Ibo Yeu Yoluateer proaram spoa.,ored by tbe Tuu C■thohc Coofe.naca . Veu Yolua1eou o rre, 1heir 11leo11for a yearormorcia full•time profe11ional p0111iou in teac b taJ , puiab mi11 is1riu, rieh110U1 edu,cabOD, campus mDJ-



*** .

~ ::s-ta!:::::~:;':U!:;


Voh101eer, c10 1 1 10 crou• cultu11I c1pu1encc, profc" ional d:i ll s an d deve lop life loor

1iij~ij~j~i II

Beao f,11 1aclude food al• Sow■oce, a fumu bcd howc 1h11 is oftr.o shared by other voluntecni, medical u d dc:n11l 1111urance , , ivdent loan defumcnl pomb1lifics,

11 mft.•n.·.,1cd,·.1II (\·ntrJI & l:quipmrnt al 0<17)92X -2 1:i2



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d irectia1, nu me , commcd11 •lkl S ha lcupu re. She wu tbe 0 111•

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Add~n: City. State:, ZtpCodc:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _


J ordan hu a Ions h11 or

•• Th• Su•dcot Senaco w,.n mce1 • • 6 p.a ., Jan. 2 1, 1993 in CSC ICM

Earn u1n Chrilmw mooey


~ ~ / /.....--: -7'/


-__ ·-.... ~- --- - - -__ -__ ~-----

_...,.._ ,..,...Ma. and 'Jlltlhlll develop- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Imagine the latest Mldwntrm I me11I sllpe:ad, aad opportuntllH In your I State Untvccslty ~ 1o 1, ow profuaionally. personally every week. Sound In- I mailbox \t..l~'($. ~ upporl , a ilhui w spmcu■lly and ..\ t . . ~ tereatJnc?To recetveyour l year I actwortc. s ub,crtpllon to The Wkhltan. ~~ rl,


'1/" 1.,.




dram• al Concord Sc hool , 1 Buuinonl,


• • OriH lallo■ •ad adv111111 • • Tito Faculty s eaalo will Do-...·d believes 1b,e plan will satisfy lhe State Supreme Court ir meet 11 ) P•• ·• Dee. t o i■ 11M for lite .Spriaa 199)......, will ti provu 10 be cqu111bl♦• But lo Cl• rlc S1.t. .1 C.._, Hc»pitalily bo Mid--, 1an 11 I ) 1991 .. Repltra~ ~ ~ s,'n. 1olve the problcnu. facins cJ1JCa- Room 1 19') ......., wdl be ll,akl dutiaa uoa Ul Tuu, • plaa a,u:.,t be •• Faul U H !iLUlioM ror ell Ja 14-15, l99'l. both cqu,1a ble and pronJo 1nclHNI will k kid chma1 Dec. c rcues 1n f und1n1 oa a rc1u l u •• Clu■e1 bet in at I a.a., 11-17. bun. la 16 , 1991· Bui where would the 1dd1• • • A O MAT t u l wi ll be •• A• ACT udc..1 ...1 will llon1l fund1n1 come from7 C1ppA sa1d a state 1DCOIDCl iu be 11vea at I 1.m., Doc. 12 ia the 11vea ll I • ·• · • 1111. 16 , 199), U1i BAA IOI . 8olia Sc1eect Hall. " dao tall'$ we.y. •• Schdw. le c ha ■1all a 1c It coulJ also ,ome fro m tho •• A 1rad1111ioa rccep11oa re1 i1tratio• will be ltl!ld d1ma1 s tate lottery wb1ch scis 1a 1he 11a1e' s scncral fu.nd. TN 1coer1I wall be lteW al 2 p .a., Dec. tl ia Jm. 19-20, 1993. 11 1penl by tbc ,u.. ,ovcm~ tbe Preiidat'• Homa. mcnt accotdlDI to wb.t JS d,etcrllulaJlor llyst,q,11y •• Oac. IS i, ti.. .ctmiu ,oe mined 1mportanl. Do wd Hid , "Tho allltude of dudl iH for 111• S pri•I t 993 tbc sovertamcat atMl c1tatcn1 will . . . . . .. T--,,11.;o<t-llNIII b• i m p rov ed If aduc u ioa ia •• Aa ACT .....a mt rea•flkd u aa i•vnlnMM for ca. be,;..... al I a.a., J• . 6, 1991, i■ MUN,.·


L _'\

6 Campus !Hiappeni·nrg.s6 ]~






Mn. Lyu Jo,il&o II JOt1110 d11 MSU (acully a, COll\iffitr 1pN1Ch uulnactof ~ •puns 1n tlit the pouuon vaurcd by R1rbtr, Hudy. whose huaband, Cb.,kt b u a ccepted I potit100 ""'nh Stepbcfl f . AUICUI. Jordall u roed btr becbc:lo, o f ac1eac• deJtU '1om l.1111., Ua1vcu11 Y, Besuinont • ad bcr master of rino 1tl$ 111 lhca1,c •n. from lhe Ull.ivcmly of Houdoo Prev1oui ly, •he h11 Worke,i w11b c o11ume duian, .,1a1ecuft and coslu me prod uc ti on 111 the: Un.iver111y of Hou.u on, aod Ll111tw

Viess program seek.1ng "",...~·csc~- ;;-:t::.: .t:~ .. e ;~, student participants

.,. Ka lbwtrim


1be11re dep1rlmenl. She \1/111 fill

:~~~n:n;• on ~:;; :~/frn:~~

and~~e":~~a=:,oterim ducclor o f 1be d1vmoa or cdllt:i• hon,11rtts. "lfpeof!leuc:a' 1odu-


H ? A &-

' Robi.n Hood' coocq,c, ,s 11mply takio1 moooy from wealtluer Jcbool d 11tncll , od 11vin1 i i to che poore r o ac1 h> provide l'IIOfc equal d1unbubc,n. • Bur tbue 11 anolhcr 11111e1 Oo"-·d said . "Evu 1f fuod1n1 11 ,quahlcJ , 11 ltlll wOG't be c:nou,h. A ooc-tuM ,nfustOCI of funcb woa't kip. A coolUI\IIII now is needed. " Most w.. 1th,er school dis·-&mt• wuu s ..:c1hn1 on how mucb un ~ taken from ~m. "It '" ouy 1o u 11 ii tdlk:ltlOO11 1pcnd1n1, but 1hc uib1 term Jbould ~ edUCIIM>0.11 lllVC.lmc.'OC,* Do • ·d u,d. "Spcnd,ns II le m• poury' 111d b urdc:u Tuu throush he.11th car-e aod aocul scr-


Costumer 'materializes' atMSU

RE: w€P.£ YOU o1

wou~h~::,~::;:,\~n;:de~lc:~ tho 01he.1 band , pay• stale and loc1I c:duca!Jon rcvc:m.ics mt11t , ~ J1,1nbutcd equally •mons the d1v1 du J s, put, people 10 work


DF 5 otJiA u

:;.; ~~~~~.~;!r:or~~n° • be •id. "It


Cbc W1c,111, :::..r.i


.. ,,,mwothoom,of1h,ulm

l yS-,1-

--- - -- ---

- -1--


p~Jf~flJ• on ti~ iccmt )\JU need !Mil in our Priority Prim!




Bad,lft . n?


<~ ~t ."M~l , ,:;,$t :\....._Badde Coyege Stude This Sun Dcccm

Drink Speoals- Wed- Sun till 11:00

_:::- -

Con1eWweek ly See n yers ror details




ttomans begin custom



Thund-,,, December 10, 1991

Political Science offers new MA degree

ljcontinueAl N".;,~::;.~-::. '"" ~ ;i ~~en • hou.1 A.~~ ; ; • ~~t 0


pa,ie 1

Ho :~m

~ 1 Chnltmu ittem, from UI ~tMt' Roman prx1ice , 0 11ri nt Saluraal,a. the

J.,., ns r rueoled their emperor

••~~:~!.: ~f~:i',,:! 1

r-'"JC had hHle material value ~ • I mt" rcl y • ymb..:>t , o f lb; ~ -, p,d w1~hell •, it bo_,. ~us1o m1ry 10 I"'• prec:,oua 1ndudu:i1 clo1h101 •lld ob'f"-o~of sokJandail'Vff.

..... '""


"'L;•;~~ b•tor of Myn_-


¥eflcr0J11y •l'ld h,: 10~

hfll~t lQ di.: fltbenl.l io the poor, • pre~• Mo r,c~ of hi, lood deeds

~~:~';'~d :~I be 1


St. N,ch~: p!c~e~~

Tb• D1v11io11 o f Po ll11c al Sc1nce and ~ ic Adm.i.a.ittntioo • I Midwc.alem offer, • maste r of a ru in tcie:nce public man,.emenl which can be , ~ pleled enluel y wilh111 Ill e


•~ink 0 pc..: fcd rreu•o11 1n l~ne, 11~ : ~•~ni bec a 111 c kno....,,•n lhro u~hout


Ni:o~~c . He ~• r call ed Sanln

To help 11\adeals ac hieve their m•tter·• dearce 111 • m1111· mv.m amouol of lnDo, tho depart· mea t offeu lflmHte r 1eu100• chmo• the repl1r 1ebool you

u.s o r Knu Knnsle III G ;•n>· and Sa1n1 Ni k i 1n1c rklu.t lll Hollalld. Oau o r



Throu5:hout lhe c:t-nt\lriea, the ~ ii·tr1c' r)' of thtl b1nb of Christ ,., rtfttWtld fcc hn•s of joy and •, , t-,11v 1n1 l n l h o u1 w ho 11 \ 1,tirate i ~. Tbc r r i,, ll ··• n 51mu time , many peo ple ~ah a J pccial effort to s how


h,, 1

?LUch colon,5t, carried

.:«1ttiry lbc oEAtnc r 1c a ,n the !7th · na hsti HIii L _ to c.11 lho 1«1111 s,.,. ·~•~'. =c.. .. C',._

Ia th 19 th C. M oor / • centur y Clc mco1 thco lo s y , 1~~~~profeuor of

~ ~ ~~C:.~n~l: ~b~~hcir ! ~~~•~~:i:; of St. Nie: : :!~~~~: fbc JOii y , plump wbite•


1n 'he red su it who "9"'Jlllltl the, modem day Santa Otid lt larr:ly 1le1enda.ryt,,ure. jif 11mc and so me o f bis per• tu••I qu1ht1e1. however, are ,cr,ved fr~m those o f an early ~ 11111&UL 11'1H

ru:no~ poe.::r .-;bd s~e1ah in bas ;!it1atmas .•,,.•,.,'',',',,"oorue ror,,1 ,n

a :m•i Nut pictured the sunt in H c d: hu • trimmed s uit for •rpcr I Wc,ckJy io 186) 11 holid• ys are ; tee~l.l •n .~ 1rad



n but c.s~1ally the hoJida

:~vhi-~i ~,'J..!.• C brucmu~ ~ 1 , tAS!

Office Jtsdstant 'lJeparttmnt ofJ4rt for

~ hav~ !W'OCUlt(la~~mputcr skills, typing skills. simple t,o0Ucepmg. bulk mathng. tdephonc and reception skills. I~ ~ours per ~ k .<~ me flexibility on scheduling.) Tr31ning and availab,liry desirable by January I I, 1992 _ All interes~.and qualified studcnu will be considered. N~n•tradmo naJ scudcnts arc encouraged to apply. Apphe>nlS need no, be full-time studcnl<. Please bring a copy of resume and references to Art Office. ~ ASAPu,:

Uz Yaro5Z, C:XICruk'>ll 4385 Of Bonnie Norris., CXICnSi<m 42()4



Cb~.;..c_.-.a....,...__.,..._ IISU _ _ _ Doo.llalMflMAno


UB seeking tutors a_....

By A.any Focr5tcr Upwacd Bound u loukmJ for leachtu and tutor~ 10 wo rk l wo S•tuul•)·s • mon1h •nJ ~u wttb 1a. the &umme r lca~·hma 91h and IOl.h ~n Je sl\ldenh1 math, s-citoce, w r111n1, cumpultr us11ci, ~.:11,esteem b u1 IJ1n1i1, fo re11n l•n~wie and cullural wpic1. Upward Bound is a calle1e· hued proc nm of acade m ic i n• s uucho n, 11u::lud1n1 1nd1viJu1l 1utonlll,and cou.nacha1, funJoJ by the U S 0..paflmenl of Educalion 1,11, form of I Sl00.000 1r•nt ,

TIM public mana,emul pro1ram bu boen de111oed to meel 1he career need, of military per• IODHI lftd c iv1li111 11!,NMall who will be e mployed by aovemment a,eoc1u or C<"lfllOC•llons. MU.UDQGI fleJ.ibtlily bu bCleo i.ncor-por•ted 10 that military per, 1011.Del CUI complete Uleir dearce duno. • DOl"mli 10W of duty. Moat nf lbe counea ..-. offcrod at Sheppard Air Poree BaM, ud clireclt.d indivtd\111 fl\Mly COWIN CUI tw, In· corponted 1n10 1n.idca11· dearce pl•a• ,n order to meet 1pec 1al , c bedv.l in• needs, T here are SI 1tlkkat1 wo rkin1 ia llM proar,m I.bat Fall. Admiu1oe require-nu are

u k,Uowt:

I. A hed1111kH-'1 do,nic &om • c.olle,e Of" uruven,cy apptO¥OJ by • rc 11ooal , cc:red1t1n1 1,eocy 11 reh ('1p1n1• com11 ho m l■ m1hu at o, quired. Any v.nderar•d uatc:i m1,or hcluw 150 p111.:e n1 of the ft-dc ul u acc eple d 11110 1be po li11c 1I po.,,erty 11.wel anJ he the fuu 1n 1c ,eoce p ro .ram. No n•tradihUOII lh<"lf 1mmeJ11ie lam.1ly to con.~1,Jcr d ecree• require 1poc:11J 1pprov1I I colltJO Jccrce. o f lhe 1ndua1e pro 1nm coor· T h 11 prorra m II du11ncJ to d ina1or. prepare s ludenb: lor co lleae by 2. All ada'IIUIOG uwlo1. ii ul• p ,ov1Ji n 1 1u1o rin1:. ennc hmu t c ul11ed o n the verba l 10d quao-l clusu. co un ~el,na. 1nform111on 111a11ve 1corerof the Graduate 1hou1. financ ul uJ anll 1n form1• Record Eum, comtn.d w1lh 200 tmn 1boot applym1 for ■J mu,i,ons t1me1 lhe 1pphcaa11 aradc point 1es t1ng a mJ colle1c enrnll mcnt. avense for the LUI 60bowt ofmUpward Bounl.l tlso J'fO"'i des field der•raduac.e won. 1tip1 , c ultural ac 1, .,,1t1u and J . Twe lve 11nder111du11e recn11honal ach vilies. ho un of OM forci-" l1n,rw,1e or

12 undor1r•du1te bo,nt1 of . .lll (w hich 1ncludo1 math, comp11ter 1c 1eocc: andlor 1ta1i1tic1) ,,.. r.. q1,11rod. Studcn.. wbo do DOC..,.. 1h11 r oq11iremeot ••Y ba1i• 1nduato wo rk bul CH..004 co• plat• llM u cil . _ , . . . . .



D••rce roquiremeola are u


I . Tit.a public mac••••••t pro1 nm require. • 12-hour con

of fov. r c ourso ■ c omp nala1 PS592l. o,.ao,utiona l •ad Ad1ninia1r1t10• Theory; PS5933, Public Penonal Admio.i■tratioai PSS94l, ~ .C 81.tdptia, - P"• c al Adm1a111t1tio n aad PSS9'3.

Admm1atntrYO UW. 2 . Twaol y-fov.r •ndHle hov. n of eloc:tive c0tar,01 are r► qv.ired 10 meel the tocal requir.menl o f 36 c:rcdtl bol.n. ) , A reuarch p1por, oot • 1be111 , " requuod wliicli domo nstute1 the a bility to do rract1.1aeelcvel~tdt. 4-. A comprebe111ive oral H· 1minatioo i, adm1ni•tered •t tu oftd oftbeprosrun. l111e rH ted penona 1hould fir11 apply for admi11ioe to Midwe11cro; 1h11 i ■ free . Ori1i■al cnnsc npll ■bould be requested from 111 prev1o ua ly•atlended uruveniliet, tod an •ppolAllDIDt 1hould be made wnb the pro.nm, coordinator in lbt O1v11100 of Political Sciaaco in order to d1tcua dtsree plamuat, Studcab have • lolal of tiJ. yean 10 complete lbe proan•, and • mu1mum of s i1 •r•daate crcd11 ho urs m1y be tr1nderred 1ntn the pro1ram 'lldlh tho appronl of Ibo 01v1tioa of Political



For mo re informati011, co. t.c t the Sheppard Air Porc1 Bua

MSU o ffice at 692-6611. Sbldaecl 1ee lua1 1 muter '• doJfM cu bt eh11blc for fu1u c11I aid ••d ,hould also con1ac1 tb,■ fiMDCial 11d office at 696-67116.

"'""''·"'""'·"'"""· Grievance results in hearing bu omploymcol

pocnlKln. A ccord1a1 to Holliman'• pc11t1oa filed with the court, the Facult y Due Proccu AdviJOry ina plac ed on adm1n11trat1vo Comm1t1ce mel on De.c. 11. 1919 leowHolhmu '"'• lot· aa d c oncl uded tb11 the cbaracs tcr da1cd Se;,t. 26, 1989 fro m 11111Ht Holhmui " ... had ai>C beea Rodri1uei whi c h no tified Ho l- su b111nt1ated accordaace widi liman of Rodn1uoz·1 docmoe 10 the M 1dwe11crn State U.;venity propose' a d11miual u • POUClCI and Procodwea M...t" Hollimuf, I WI lboo IICCtenured faclollty member. FollowUla due prouu ~ Rod ria ue:r. of i1noria1 t ll• 1 ioe• ..S dures IS O\lthncd lll lhc Mid· committee' • recoe western Policict and Procodures ,cbodulia1 • duo proccu boariq M111.111l, HolhmlD c b&Jlca pd U.C b April 19, 1990. A represeaC.livo of tbe MSU dee i1ion to term1.111te b11 teav.rcd w11

1uhjecl to

I■ Continued I~O:d~~:';::!:l::Coc1:CC:: ••d --------■• from pa11e l


Color Crea~ Great Gifts

Tbi1 a rievuce re.suited • hcarina whi c h concluded tb•I Holliman' • riJht to teach bad bcco inte rfere d with , aad lb e MSU dcpartmcol of psycbolo1Y at Mid-

wcstero wu " tc,adina 1oward moral aod ethical ~ y. • When atlllLUI coolr1ct1 came 01,11 durioa; IM 1919·90 1nde111ic yur , Holliman was notified that

=•ved •


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Holhman's 1t1o n1ey proposed a co mp romise •arecmeal whicll Midwcstcm ~ Holh mffl '■ 1u111tatet, bowever. tb11 Midwestern' • attor.ay proposed tbe comproauM. Reprdleu of which par1J acllllll:y be~ the ae,otialioea, tbe co m pro m ne ••reemoot wa• s1ped, and the due proccu bur· in& wu never beld. Tbe rc matader o f tho suit deals w ith coatraclllll disputa u • ruu.h of the compromi,,e ~


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._ -....... .... - ' -1.,.._



Su ort s

Pare 4 ■ 1'bun,day, DecemMr 10, 1992 1

■ Sports



Wom en beat J<..'TSU


High hopes thwar ted by losing streak s vtCIOr')', 1he Tntoe ..oo. 24•10

11,· O.•t. E.TUlman Ill Sporn SlalT Th, MSU f00tball 1eam had •

T\o MSU !Ady I..,_...,. ruush riJe Jur1n1 1b, 1992 fool • b,t...... •,-ce•hol bill""-'°"· "-1 pl"y-4 ,,.,.,1 fut Tuu Th, T ribe ' ,_ ovtu ll rc:cord talc O•iv•u117 OM 1 111 D L. MH Oft and I ◄ IA IOflCOhtM•, Wiwtk

a...,.1t ..1fbc-tM111. •r.. T-. 11-", TIiie e.•ttr• t• • m work•

,.,,. 4·0 for th, Tun ln1ercoll11111e Alhltl\C At· toeia.lton d h,1nc.1 compclllton.

The T ribe anlrrcd the 1991

01e1h1r to c.~••nt the.•••• ~u soo w 11h h11h bopes. Thr In• ni1Dlit1My~)◄ owr­

The firtl lou o f tbe lnJ11n, · (1n1I los,ns ,1, u k "".." f(l Hn.. .,J Payn. at home W1l h I

..ClJf l

uf 13·

21 M1Jwcuern ·, playMI hope, w, r c 1b1Ue re d 1n lh111 • •1h1h rompe1111on o f lh• ,coon when 1h1y were defu 1cd hy Mc Murry UN \'l'Dtl) . ~21 .

With both 1um, conun, oll recenl lone1, M uJ,.u11rn )i1J to 1h11 s•m• 10 be ton,uk,cd 1 b) the 1lun o r 1he 11 101h, 23·22. The follow1n1 wttk playo ff hopet'ul MiJwes1cro 1nJ 1h1 lnd1101 played i n fro,11 of • McMuny sre cocmdcred "Nnn,n1 c.-ptf' ,u.. ho111e crow.d o f mor. 1han 4,000 1, 11111. • a nd 1b u 1•ni• ...,., •nd watt.ct aw• ) VtelOflO!Ji Wllh • prcJ1lleJ to !>.come I t<.1111, a t 1h1 runn,n1 b1c kll , Surpu s.1n1ly, hu•• Carter o'"' •1•1• l l•l wm. l1ud th IOM Ill ■co,1111 ud lhe P'' " " I t•n1e did lhc lnd111ns lnJ11nt fell 1n10 1 1wo 1n IOI' the acuon ~.21...iu ....,...... f l lMTh• lotint slre1lr. which 1t11teJ '1. Cart« alto lt.d au •Leal• Ok· • 111n11 lllrd1n T he with 1 13· 10 ~ 10 Southem fwr I.HlllJ M1ody Mytrt 1 T h" Simmons lht follow,nr w he· ,, ........ 11w-wi.i.1e 1 l1 ho m1 S111, Univer111y \A<U Tri~ lhe u we.1ern , moil d M1 con11111,cJ f k o 1 11re. 11ne c-1111• ow ••• t,1 .., k o-t1te. Abilene e,c,hnc i • nws of 1hc seuon The ro.1A1 •• ll po1a11 and (iv de. felled 1n Abilene by lnd11ns r n e lhe1t home c rowd 1n Chn.1•11n Uruvers1ty, 24-10 elec1r1 fy1n1 fourlh q1.11rle1 U1 ~plsy T111 w1u1•t co, M,d~tem "''" rclllJy lo WIR with thr..:e owr11met Lady l ■dtaN u I when 1hcy met "P -.·,lb Pubandle. . ll Atb- Ca-.. Slate Un1v cn1ty ,a Goodwe T he T11be even1u1lly rcll DLU,,.~ Olr.Ja. The T nb. wen ?1-6. 1borc ol • win with tho fi111l score TIiie Lady lndit rudutt 42-JS. com• 1h11 '>ff com1n1 Afcer LuW.C.\ OntUU Fr S ul Rou Stlle Un1veru1y fort1ble w in . th• lnd11■ 1 JOUT• afordMlrfirttp ncyed Ii' Sherrnaa 10 pl1y A\IJIUI defeated M1dwc,1crn 19-6 ,n the IMNd~wttt.1 fiMI Colle&• Pro\•u1;1 tu t"c Ju-: :nJ,:i.n lndiua' seuon fwlc l6.

ll few lM ....,_ ...


r to•r lilo•• •••• v.c-to,.., . u••-1i1n1 tlK>t • cold )) .3 Pff"" ,..,_,... ~1111Nn11111-,,.


J11M &1u 1eJ off on a h11h note as

they d e fHCed So u.lhcro A rL111.1H U ■ 1 't♦u11y


... .......,,,,_



Mtdwe1Mn1 •u"'

lak1a1 1H t.a4 ur-ly ud •• r.lLaqUM,lu-, 1' IO the udy 0-,.. Sod& tato lht M.lf '6-23 Cart«, Moau:a M1ll.r aad Myer, ...c Korad •• double fiswru roe a11ht Carter coHectod '41th I po1ou ud p1dled cfowo I rabouadt. MtUtt h" all bu (or I' po1a11 , act trt.bkd au; r ~ wlwc Myen aek a toul ofll ...... forlhol..odyln<ha& SabHdaybroup ...... viotorJ for Ute MSU udy 1"'1iut, ~r..110, l.cunate Word IJ-65


Hurst leads MBB victory a,K,t,-


TII♦ MSU ...... b♦,btball illowed 80 1U effect, from ltl T uu day ■itht lou k> Olr. leltol■a St• t• by defut1■1 Eut Tuu State U■1vu11ty 11 O.L. L11o■ Co l1M. . oa Dec. 2 by • c.oaVIKLDI teen ol 17-70 diet■ (ETSU) loot had at 11.U U1 drt,e; first ulf, ud I.bey werH ' I 1h11 Neil.• Gerald Stoclt1oa, MSU - - '-cl beabt·



M1dwuten'• mot10• o rfuu ball c:OKh. IUd of'. . tac.. prove.a 10 b. paf..l off, lw-i.a


~to$◄ aW"nll .

... S-l lfl

T111 lad ..•• , ...,-, ou1


Ea,1 Te111 thta follo wed by rech111 o ff scvca 1tr111h1 po1nt1 ud w1da I 1·02 WI in dx, the Indiana lead llad 1brunll. to a1M1

"They um, back tllc ume w ay we did t i Oklabom.a Seate,. S.OC:lt:lnllM1d.

He uid tlie u 11o n E111

Tuu S&aae I°' beet UIIO the pmc wu bcc1\ltc MMlwulcra m1S1ed IOIDC cuy lhola , ud ETSU made IOCDelfOII .....

'ftie Tribe potted • 4-3 record duriar the 181t tootball tea-,•·

cs 7

1992 Football Statistf

Q.alll 9/5 19/12 I 9/ 19 9/26 10/ 10 10/ 17 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14


~ Southern Ark. Missouri Valley Soulhem Okla. Abilene Christian Panhandle State Austin College Howard Payne McMurry Hardin Simmons Sul Ross State

W-27-6 W-24-10/ 13-28-L I 21-26-L 35-42-L 6-19-L


C°'y Sltead. Ma1o r fot"Wud, . . . • J-poanteT wiat. 6 04 to pl■y

from aa fro■I o f ETS U 24-6 ia UM firll 1t1d thu stole ch• ball foul♦d , • •tht 111d I balf cni.ute.1 of IJle ETSU pla yer ■ nd w11 H11t1•1 1M Sktd made bolh free 190Ca pul· f llDI. th• dlff•reac• f<n I.ff Lady J &M w1dr (o.r pt.yen KOr. . ua Arthr H unt pl1yetl • b11 ci111 M1dweatc:n11 \IP 69·S4. acvcr dollbl• fi1vru , u1led 21 pen lD tk llpw1 by domiaall■I dill tobcthrNICeed apa. h mu Stcaall ud Bart Beupolnlt, My,n wlllil ll. Ma11Mta M ards . Ht.1fl l .co red balf of b 1 P,opic, tt,ou,-1 .. 12 .and s..1, taae blah 22 ~ • ._ 1p19 by ky sco,ed I] potAll apiece wbde 11 ud P aty fia111Md Shced cbe,... 6oa I L ~ fin Dill added 11

•Ito•• i•• ••de

C111er wu c•one u tla, ud mwn, • rn. 11wow

..,_mat•• MVP. with• IOW ot ]7 p olah ud 17 rebouacl1

~ ... Clu,,c.


Hl1ctU to lit dHour..•ut IIM8lfotMidwlllW D

M 1 dwe1 1ar■

S119MC:.rter, M$Uf,

hn bMa 111••d I.JI• Oitl

AIA O1v1do■ I, Pl•>•r after btlp1 ■1 1-4 Lad)' lnd11u bubcball t ~ di,rN 1tn111h1



CIMr, 1 S foot 9

""-• M-■





poutt,eacll for tbcladl.MIII.

I~ 4) ·22101111 into d,e locku room , c I.he Mlf. M1dWHtcn '1 bl11fl1 le♦d of dtc a11h1, 2 4 po 1 ■ t1 , c:1 m1 al the bct111Juo1 of the aec:oed Mlf oa • l-pot.llkrby JuoaP■ty.


Team Statistics

19'.) first Downs... •·· ~ I Fifst Downs Rushing, .... 110 W-23-221 Flfst Downs Passing ..... .5g W-31·2 Total Verdi............. .... .3710 PaSHS Completed....... .... e,; 10-13-L puses lnlerCePted..... 11 10-24-L Pen1-lties·Y•rds. ..... 11 1-1os-

T he lead1n1 ,co rer for tlte L,oaa w11 D1rn11 flen11n1 who fmJabod Wldl IS poMD. M1d we1let11 ' 1 record ■ow 1t1od1 • I four WIOI 1Dd tft.rM le»-

-• S111,U



PSano -.:,o,ed 65 pot,alJ lD ¥1C10nU, Nlp1!1 pl1yJn MU'lllllill .. .....,,...... Sh,i aa1led 24 o f )0 f,

noo, , 16 of 2, r,0111 1M ,tnpa, pulled down 30 re ud d1dwd oue 7 • •UU

C.rlct 11,,it 21 pouiu ..

' 'NUl oYer £ul T.XU s poi11IJ 1n lh. 79-5S 'l'ICIO L\lbb(lc:lr. Cl11t1ll1!1 Umv,o 11 po111t. 1n ltw U-6l vi,111 l•car1111a Word She wa ul•ct•d u 1he MVP A•h~root Clto1c. l)V


•St,eea hat NC:n 1h UI pla,.., 01' tiMi


un1il l)cccmbcr 31. 1992 Special price~ for college s1udent~

Open till 6 p.m. ****$1 .00 per game****

Happy Holida ys from the Wichi tan Staff 11<_• , r 1ir..,ue

Every Wednesday

w ill

b<• published )Jn. LIi, I '!'H.

From 9 p.m. till close ****$1.50 per game**** RcgLStcr for a f~ bowling hall when you c-omc an on WeJnc\J::ayc;

Ct:nlury CH)' .i 105 M;:iplcwood Suite o W1ch1tJ F.tllllii. f,; 76108 (~17)6Ql .2:11

The Blarney Stone Billiards, Sports Bar and Grill



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