We \\7·
tsh You a Merry Christm~~~~,; ,r,
1\ s 1 Upr 'd esi ent 0 ivcs St a t e of h "' e University t
\ I
orld at a
Glanc e
By Alan Mooer Report,,r
Houston Astronauts began $629 milli on servicin a m1ss10n, one of thc,mos~ compl ex of its kind, to repair lhe Hubble S pace Telescope. . Early Sund ~y morn ing as t.ronaul~ successfully repl aced two sets of faulty gy ros copes, in stall ed new fu ses a nd prepa red th e Hubble's power-gen era ted solar arrays for removal.
California LINDA YO RBA CALIF . · · The Rich ard Nix~n Libra ry, the only presidentia l libra ry in the nation t o operate without fed era l fund s has lost S1.5 mllli o~ according to lhe Internal Reve nue Service during two years of operation. John H. Taylor said recently the loss was due to an aggressive and expensi ve program to attract ,'isitors and pos iti on th e library as a public forum for deba tes a bout governmen t pol icy.
Milwaukee MILWAUKEE (CPS) ·· Companies are planning to increase their hiring for the first quarter of 1994, according to a survey released by th e Manpowe r , Milwaukee- based l emporary help firm. In a survey of more than 15,000 employers in 470 U.S . cities, 18 percent said they intend to trim t heir job rolls. Sixty-six percent of the companies plan to remai n a t their current levels, t he s urvey found. Manpower President Mitchell Fromstein said the strongest sectors for hiri ng were in durable goo ds man u fa ctu r in g and fi nance, in sura nce and rea l esta te, whi ch are "key industries tha t often fuel follow -up in other sectors."
Wichitan l i Dcc1·111ht r
t\lidwcstcrn Sl:tll' Uniwr~it~·
Bolin bomb threat no more than scare
By Cindy Knhler Dell nod Kelly ll'ebb Mobley lkport,,1'11
ing to be derlnri•d safe. the fire dcpnrlrm•nt h:rd to search Bolin lo s,•e if Th e pri,·ate hrnnch actua l IH1111h had brr n ex_change operat or re- nn planted ceived 8 bomb threat at S:2 0 a .m. Dec. 7, Sgt Or Rod111•y L. Ca li' , Tho~as P. Sloan, a uni and coord'in nl,ir \'CrSJty police officer, said professor chcmi s1ry , sa id a of In an incoming direcl c.111 ra mr int o th e from olT campus, n male woman roo ms nnd a nvoice said a bomb ,.·as in cla ss "There is a sc• Bolin Sci ence Ha ll and nounced, th cn hung up. The ca m- curit y prohl ,•m. and till' needs I n ht• ing ild bu pus operator said th r call e,·acu:i lrd .. was not recorded Sloan said l he decision to evacu a te Bolin was made by the admi nistra tion shortl y before 8:45 a.m. and was ea rn ed out s hortly th erea ft er . The Wichita Fal ls Fire Depa rtm ent a rri ved at approximat.cly 9 a.m. In order fo r the buil d-
1>ulsid1• Bolin fo r approxim nt clv 30 m1nut ,• s. Sl!n ~rni s tud f•nt s romnh'nl ed th,, lnnldi r,i: wns c,·at" ual Pll 111 n cn lm
m anllL'r .
Bolin w:rs d,, d11rod
sa fr a nd fl' ll p1.•nr d a t a pprox imall'I)· 9 :wn.111
If a h,,mh had h,•rn loc11 1cd, t h,, bomh squ nd fril m Fo rl Si ll , () kin w,, uld have h,,en notifi ed Slna n :-:.11d :-i nc1.• \\'1 r hita Fall ~ dot' :,: not han • n hllmh :-:qu :1d , th r rl o:w~ I wou ld he rn Forl Sill The squ ad wo ul d have llwn traveled to ~!SI.I and at templ ed to disnssc mhl e th e bomb. At thi s lime there arc no lends as lo the identity of the ca ller. hut th e in-
A noor lw ll no r sea rch was hcod,,cf hv 13nll alion Chief Ga n · B~oy lcs, hend of the W,chila Falls Fire Scn r r h De pa rtm e nt Team , and Dr. J esse II' Rogers. Vi ce President fo r Academi c AITnirs ves tigatio n is on~oing. Student s r emain ed
MSU's year in revi~w 'ly Sloven Day Reporter
Th e 1993 year was one of great change for State Midwest e rn University. The foll owing is a wrap-up of highlights al MSU .
JANUARY Oklahoma TULSA, OKLA . .. mother charged last year with deli vering coca ine via placenta to three newborns has eiven birth to her sixth child to test positive for cocaine, police said . Prosecutors sought to convict h er on state charges of delivering cocaine through her placen la , but Special District Judge Brad Griffith ruled that delivery requires some volitional transfer from one person to another .
A&i\l will lose: College Bowl pkks
linin-rsit~· Polin:: Dw.irf disappl'llrS
OThe MSU Stll(le nl Center voted J an. 15 to join th e Texas Students Association, a slate-wide organi zation designed to insure a student voice in stat,c issues. □The Division of Fine Arts received a $2 million grant from Mrs . Ramon Wood through the Fain Foundation . The endow-
$500 thousand O\'Cr th e in Killin gsworth nnd Pierce Halls. next four yea rs. □Th e ~! SU personnel offi ce cha nged its reFEBRUARY □ D a nny Glover and quircmcnl s for working Felix Jus tic e opened stud cnls, making 20 the Black History Month Feb. m axi mum numb er of 9 on MSU's campus. The hours an undergradu a te two perfo rmed togeth er a student cnn wo rk a week. theatrical reading of the J eanne Whit e, mot.her word s o f La n gs ton Hu ghes and the Rev . of Ryan White, spoke to MSU students Feb. 23 Martin Luther King Jr. □ MSU Bo a rd of about her experien ces Regents officially re-ap- with her son's legacy with pointed Dr. Loui s J . AIDS. The eve nt highRod riguez as uni versity li ghted AIDS Awareness president for the next Weck. academic year. The Board
l':rnl ~I n!<", rii,:ht. lllntl h:rlli (;rir,::rr , ctn kr, c:t\l lhr ir \ t.> h· 1~n 1hr Cla ri-. Sluth·nt Ctnlrr rr frrrndum . L,>nnK' CN I~ fa r h•n. n:um thr
poll, .
CSC voting exceeds SGA records Dy Charles Cage Reporter Voting has been hen,,• in the Cl a rk S tudent Center refe rendum \\ith 436 votes cast as of 3 p.m. Wednesday. Tota l vo tes a re expected l o exceed the record 450-475 voles cas t in Inst April's Student Government Association's
"I'm glad the re's a lnrgc turn out ; it shows tha t lhe students are int.c rested," Pugh snid. She at tribut es the large turnout to the fuct that the slude nls nre being asked to directly pay
~n .jsee 1a::.:n;;;no S:;;l::. n,::. ::.ec:.:l.:.io..: :.:1c~e.:.r.:clSGA ident, pres ~;;;a;;;g;;;e;;;;:;3;;;;;;;;;;;;:...;o~ffi o ..:;S;;;e=e;;; Pugh, ;:; ;.e:d:.:.u::.:p::::::t:. ho:.:. o::.:a:::u::.t.:: s:::: . fo.::u.:.r :.. :e:.:;p;;,:ai;,:;d;;,:in renovations forr..:iz m::.:e:.:nt:.:,w_i:.:,ll:b $200,000 of ...:a:l llments insta equal ;.
pa!!e ._, 3
Book theft on the rise
By Cindy Kabler Dell Reporter Students should be a ware of increased book thefis towards the end of t h e se m e s t er, Sgt . Thom as P. Sl oan of lhe l\lSU Campus Police said.
Books t hat arc stolen can be sold back to the book s tore 1f the thief possesses a MSU ID.
If the book s to re is suspicious they ca n copy the ID numbe r and nm n class schedule If the st udent is not in the cla:;s that requires t hat book. th e campus poli,·~ arr no tified. Sloa n sl n· ss,•d1 t ha t
writi ng- onl''s n itn1C' i11 th-:-
book is Lhe b•~~L\"l dd errcn t of the ft . ber 3use it mnk~s , t h u, dn for the thief to pa~, l ilt' 1>0,,h ,,ff us lus uwn
__ Thursday. Drc~mh<r 9~. 1~992,!.l_ _ _
-!J (pt f11 yn' s Co me r·- -
Billy Bobs, Beehives and
Peo! ! ~ ! ! ~ ~ k ~ ~,~ ~,~~ public. n movie They do not know how to si t quietly m ns theate
r and let those around enjoy the mo,ii'
ho"· to much u lhov do And, lhov do not knn"' dress when gtli nt: to a mo,~c. in beha,·c who , Murphy's law subJcc L< lho,
keep thetr trap movi es to s it next to thosl' who can't
enough to shut to sn,·o their lire, nnd if one is lucky a sixnot si t near a loudm outh, one \I.i ll sit behind foot C'O\\'OO}' wearin g his trusty cowboy hat.r by •• ch theate e Analy, ing the design of a mo,i patron would greatly solve lhis problem. th3t First. the mO\ie I.heater's shnpc is one Whoew r n..re:1. sound carries throug hout the enti re So, if designed a lhearer, knew what he was doing. so \\ill Ji m lhe sound ron be bc,unred olT e,·el')' w:,11, of wan ti ng cries Susie's as well as Bob's snort-laugh more popcorn. en in th e thca l(lt was built largl'
Second , the ~
thus enough to be nbJe to show the entin~ mo,ie,to tell freeing those who feel it is lhcir obli~al1onnext. happen 11 ,.; what everycne around them to a Mo\.ic-goers do not go to the mo,ie to listen met. never aiticaJ annlysis by somC'0 nc thry h::i,·c h·es themse for decide rows other in L<t lhe people how lhe movie is. when sense n commo use Finally, people should t ormo,ic• dressing for a mo,ie. Ninety- ni ne p,?rccn before th ey goers know they will be seeing a: mo,·ie house. e\"er leave the to Yet, 25 percent oflhose same people decide cowboy make lhe evenin g a fashion show "ilh fullsmal ler outfits or French beret hnLq. And :m even hni r in n portion oft.his DM OJ,'1I1g gm up puts their boulfant, beehi,•e do. nU o,·cr .My s uggest ion to mnnngers of th eaters lo copy lhe world tlus Christm as season wo uld becxpl::ii n it and this column in extremely ln.rgc pri nt se a ticket. lo every person before they purcha to folrefused ticket a for ate And, if the candid or us Jow the rules, don't le t th em in. Save thosesuffering from mo,ic the who rcaJJy wan t to watch ll t,,ke If this is nol a solution. maybe people "i others while m it upon themselves to be sensith·e to of t ood e tim a 1.!it and m:15 a th eater. This is Chrisl cheer and fellows hip "i lh others. By the way:
r Jan The nex t issuc- of The Wichitan Y.111 resum how 27, 1994. Many on our staff can not behove went! er semest quickly this last and The IVichua n hopes every student . faculty staJT membe r has a safe holiday ne e,·el')·o us bless God And Merry Christmas'
r. Kmhn'fl5<1/ u rdrtor(I/ T1ir \\i ch11i:
State of the University address
Midwestern achieveinents push school, student body in spotlight Denr Studt! nts.
The ~ISU nthleti rs proThe Fnll 19!13 &maswell o,·emll . We ter has bt.'<'n o hrctic, ch:1I• gram did TIA.-\ ,·olle_rbnll 1 lengmg, and pc.l.sih\'l' om won the Tht• soc~r fo r ~lid wr~ tt.•m St:1te Uni- chnmp io n.ship. tra m odnmced to Nation · ,·crsity ucnr oll ntl' rtt nls for th(' 13th ronsrc Our mt• n·s bnsreached a n•rord high Lo- ll vl• r rnr. The ranked wns lcmn cnJ fund r.u s: ing efforts n.·· ketb;,11 WCl men's JJ tJ1 suit ed in MSU bei ng 5th mid tlw NAIA Dhinnm('d :unong i l unfrcr s1- in pn•-scnson llrs, junior coll ~~cs. rrnd sion I polls school districts th ro ughout Onr oft he most impo r• the U.S for cxccll t•ncr Ill tnnt dr ,·r lop ments th is th is aren or ncti,it y r has brr n th e We haw doncextcnsi\- e p:-ist sr nwstr ncli\'lt\' on the work toward s st't•king nu• incrcn sed ;t body in stude1 our thon zation to ti fft~r new p:1rt of mntt cr.-. Mas ter's dl'gn.'<' S in Nurs• uni n •r.-ity The Studcnl Go\'cr n• mg and R:-idiolo1,,fr.1 I T<'C h• mcnt .-\ssoriation took th e nolog:y
X, profrssor of □ Fnculty mcmbe rs Dr 1fohn MNL nt profrs.sor of mJthemnlics and Mr. Ray Sims, nssistn 1 nnd 30 yenrs physirs. have retired from MSU nfier 2! of !<C'nice , n•s pcclin ly
$75,000 to Wichita General Hospilnl hns committed Nursin g and support the propos ed M.S. progrn ms in Rndiologicnl Techn ology
.) proO The Youth Opportunities Unlimited (Y.O.U mer fi rst sum ,cr:im enro lled I IOs tudents during the was 120 , of$384 t session . A gra nt in the amoun rccei"cd from the Governor's office.
has mnde n O The Te., as Department of Comm erce -Teed S200,000 granl to MSU nnd Vetrotex Certain ing of their for the purpose of assis ting ,\ith retrain compa ny personnel.
ON EAf{J}1
received 0 MSU's FUSION Winler1.•1rnrd fl ng corps tition in first place honors at the statewide compe Houston.
lc.s~c. -... _
........C1ipy EJi1or
Wihoa Srou
.Edi1orfa.!. A.tsisun1
Az.11i.1f>urJn ..
.Gr.lpl1ic Anis1
Kyk RuU<II ...
P!l(Jlop:iphy EJl1c,r
Dr-MKion OU\ .
. ..J'fk.llop:ipha
Dc:Ti l.:ti.'fCnc t ..
Mc:liwSullh.ui WarbnGrccn
J.uon Mtlooc... ,_, . F.ric Sclr.._ ..... _ Erk Bed:).
•••. .kt:f1,111Cl
-.S11oru Eui111f' . .S('(lfhRc pnr!cr
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-· ·- _..Cmoon1:>1 l ' ucub tionM:111:ig~r - ,'u~ht1ru Cirrul.tlion .\f:1113~cr
..... Du~,, Man.1i;cr
O:lra lb v.l:iM..... _...
······- ··- ..J\Jwnhi n: Mau:ig~T
Ja.soo T1JCl:cr_.. •---
.... Ath·c:ni.\il1~ Rqv,:scnl:llh c •···· , , - ....Alh-cttl\m g Rc~ x-ntalin:
Randy Dl'C\t.11cr, .. .. - . DdltMa lotic. ... __ _
ed JOO perO MS U denta l hygien e gradu ates achie,· for the fifth cent pass rate on their licensu re exam straig ht yenr.
Outsta nding O A group or MSU students receiv ed lhe Model League Delega tion Award during lhe Nation al University. of Arab States competition at Georgetown This was the highes t award presen ted.
00 to 0 The Priddy Found ati on has pledged $135,0 ms in support the proposed Master's degree progra MSU. Nursing and Radiological Technology al
\Vl chlla Fa lls. T X 7 6308
New s desk: (8 17) 689 -4 7 04 705 A d v erLI SlnJ! d esk ; {8 I 7} U89-4 .EJilnr ··-· K.:uhryn Self. J.fwgmg fahuv Julk 1"1nny,__ .
Orc111M~m.._. ·-·
honor SOcicty O Upsilon Pi Epsilon. the intern a tional tcd nt Msu. for the com puter :-cicnc C'S, ha~ bee n initin
, wns named O Dr. Harry He11itt, professor of history Foundation. lhe 1993 Hardin Professor by the Hardin
34 00 T a fi Bl \'d . . P.O . Rox 160
Bryan D:ill;vd
o the 1993 Wrigh t wns one or 44 athlet es named _l NAI A AII-Am eri cnn Scholnr Alhlel1c Tenm.
John Gc:1111twn .•
memher Tonya □ MSU grndu ntc nnd tr nnis tcn m
of 0 The M-Club drive reached its 1993 goal nnn of lhe $100,000. Jerry Evans ser\'ed ns Chnirr b Presi• dri ve. Woody Gossom is lhe curren t M-Clu dent.
~ '1 .
Midwestern State University Highlights ♦ PRESIDENT'S NOTES ♦
trilmt ion III lwlpi n~ initiat in• in cxplorinJ! nncl mnkl• ~hdwcstcrn ~lll la ons (•ncfnti nun reco g mnkin Univur slty n hc ltf' r Ploc;' C1JllCt:1rmnj! a nrrdcd n.•no• \'at.J on nnd rxp.:msion oftlw Wr hnvl! challc n Clark Studen t Crnh' r uh rn cl. h tl WC\'l' r, ou r fut the of rt suppo Student ind L•f•d is h~J!ht. Wt, n Urt' l993 Homcromi n,: wnsout · nnd npprccinlL• your ('{lq stzmdinj! . tinui ng irwolvc m<'nt COi). rt. ns we nll assis~~d suppo hm·r Rec miting efforts ~ lo move Midwe, t helpin supthe by ced bren cnhnn crn Slntc Una vcrnily ton port of current students. nnd higher lc\'rls of o,•er~"'11 MSU f rndu ntes concxrf' llcncc tinue to exrl'I in ndmissions IJC'st wi shC's for n gr~at into grndunlc nnd profes- st.•mcs h•r sionnl schools, as well ns pcrfom rnncu in the ln ho r Since rely, forcl'. Dr. ~ouis J. Rodrii:ue, J wnnt 10 thank ench of Prcsu lunl you fo r your significnntcon·
Soccer Team is □ Tho Midwestern Sta te Univer sity
son NAIA rank ed third in lhe nation in the pre-sea Division I scholarship group.
0 endowment D Mr. Roger Paulk hns made a $25,00 ing MSU. gifi to suppor t part-lime studen ts attend
tta OThe Bryant Edwards Foundation of Henrie ; d the propos Texas, hns pledged $300,00 to supporl g and Radionew Master's degree programs in Nursin logical Technology at MSU, has pledged 0 Bethania Regional Health Care Center Radiol ogical $-10,000 to suppor t lhe M.S. program in Technology.
Presid ent, 0 Johnny Carter, 1992 MSU Stude nt Body rds for his was rccogmzed by Governor Ann Richa Student MSU oulsta nd ing work as President of the Government Association.
safe during TxDOT encourages drivers toIn be .. th U •
December 1s Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention month . Every year, the holiday seaso n ends in tragedy for some, tragedy that is avoidable. Las t Decem ber, 90 peo ple were kill ed on Texas roads in alcoho l-re• lated crashes. This year the Texas Department of
Trans port a ti on wants e h1ted States , lhat number to drop by at tra ffic g L ras es are the least 5 percent. d~=~he~ single cause of ages six The safety message t O 33 or people aired dri,•er s • lmp_ for TxDOT's December half of for nsible respo_ campaign is "Tex ans nts. Don't Let Friend s Drive t eso acctde Drunk ." The message enTexas has had a 32 courages others to be re- percent decrease in the elves thems for ble' sponsi numbe r of people who die and others. m alcohol-related crashes
duri ng December. "The holiday season is a lime of giving thanks for all the good things -fam ily, friend s and h ealth ." sa id Gary Trie tsch , direct or of t r affi c TxD OT's operations divisio ~ "Our message to all or Texas is, 'Enjoy the season and don't wreck your life.r
nJE lli r hiL>n
i r_iS.i______ _____ _____ _____ ___JNLl~e~W
·._!fl<'C!!!£c~m~b<:!!••_'.!'.l:.J11_2'>'2)1~_!3sl - !,!a1;, JTh:!!!!!u"'1~
Campus review ___ ______ _ ___ ___ ___r,,..,.1 '""'f'>r<I
~IARcn autc o( '.\fid v.('s tc rn Stal(' ccHmun 1e): \\C>rc h <' lrl n1 vcrsity April 19 fo r th e n C' w ~I u s IC ~lc Cull nugh -Tn ~~ Holl D :J Th e . c_partml•nt pr(' H nt ed ~I S L= rere in•d n donatwn Cindl'r clla tn its operJ of S2 nu Ili on from ~l un ·in work.shop The cn nt fo:i - ond .~dahne ~l cCull ough t uncl a pro fe;i;s 101rnl which funded co n s true • :~co~ ~ sl"::;c!"· Dall' Smi th . lion of t he new 15-bed ~lSU, a 19 , 6 gradua te of dunnitory
:J J an Turner. Stat"' senator from di strict fi \'c· introduced
le~islati o ·
th3t would create a dn ,,s_ory student rcgcn~ ~~ s,_uon Und er Sonat<, Bill 2~4. each un1 vcrsit . 5 ttm. would s~hrn it ~ ~~~ nee:-. from 1t~ st d go\·ernment a~d ih~ ernor wou ld ma.ke the sc. lect1on of the non-,•otin g student regent. :JThe Lady Ind ians traveled lo Kani;as City for NA!A l'iatio n a l Tournamc_nt Th ey were defeated rn th e second round ~Y Arkan sas Tech. Me n 's 0 J he Bas ketba ll team claimed th ird place in the 1-iAIA Tou rnam ent in Ka nsas City.
Lillian ~l \\' ::l Dr anng, ass ona te profo;;j . :~\ ~fdnu r srn,e . won th e annu a l NS · ; ?\A~!osby Le:1 dcr of he Leaders award Th e award re c-ogrn 7.cs .in out :landmg de.in or nursin ~ acuity m c mb C' r who ha s s hown a d1 strn gu1 shcd SUpp ort in se n ·1ce to nursing stu dents . ::)S hann on Pu gh and Linda W1l !.on Scott WC'rc elected ns pre:-ident and " .1 cc pres ident, re :-pl' C· lively . of th<' S tud ent Governm e nt .-\..::soc-1at1 on for 1993-94 schuul ~car
APRIL _ :]Richard ~!cKce wa s
hire~ a s the ne w vice pr:es1dcnt_of business affairs . He 1s a 1970 l;T:ldu-
:lGroundbrcak1n :,:
Voting Fmn Pi,!?c
for the ren ov ation and tha t the st udent center foe is the only foe O\'er which s tudents have di rect control
Two ,·oting period s
co~n t cd at 3 p m F~day, and thl' res ults will be ann ounc{'d at a co nfe r .:,ncc press schedu led fo r ~ ~O Pm F1iday
rem ai n
0 6 p .m . to S 'p.m Thu rsday in the ~l offett libr ary lobby :J 9 a .m to I p.m . in th e CSC Friday atrium. Ballots will be
"It 's nn t li" e i f 11 fail s. !his issue \n ll go awa y, Pui; h !-:ud She said if th e plan fa il ...:, it \loi ll bC' rC•\•;ntt e n and prese nted a g:11n n ext
s prin g.
:J~1t?li :-sn ~lt•t1\"le r Hard111 wns named Sc holar and Susan Li sle Shifflett was nam ed Clark Scholar :it the an • nual Honors: Rerog nill un Banquet
~L\ Y Gradu:1tion'
SEPTE~IBER QLaurC'ncc Luckinbi ll s tar r ed a.s C lar l.'nce Darrow , thC' famou s dercn sc att urn l'\'. in n one• man play sePt 16 Tia• performanrc \\ll !- 111 ro nJtmcllon
Art1 s t -
Lccturl' Sen cs :J.-\n Alpha Plu Al pha
!°'cu rry Com p :',;o 60 G of lht.> Sl,n~ of C,\nft•dl!rat<' l'tl' r.tns. ofW1rh1ta Fa lls pru\'1d td n n a dditional stud ~nl ~ ns wr ll as mm · $10. 500 for the ~ISU st udcnL;;, so me of wlu ch Nurs m,: sch olars lnp promay hn" e hc,•n local g;1ni: i:;ram Th(• sdlOl~rship mt' mbcr.i Gunsh ots wcrt'.' will bc::in in F'all 199-1 QTl~ n m Arrow , th(' fired in th<.• incid ..' nt hut MSU cycling lt?am. cnpno one wa5 :-hot turl•d a fir:-t phH~l' finish :JThc number of stu- in LhC' ra ll'~ory ~:\" ml•n's 9 at dents wh o p:1rt1cipatcd in dt\'i s1 on Oct th o Fa ll 1993 r ush in - Southwest TC'xas Stulc crC'a sed from Ins t year's UniversH,· St u dent Q Th~ number s, s:ud , JarH' Lcishner, assis tant dea n Go\'crnmim t :\!-Sociation uni~l'rsity c~· n _ a nd ~pl c~ of students. policy mst1tutmg suspen ,1 nd mis5ial sion nnd di s OCTOBER QThc ll"uiou-s B/111d puni s hnlC'nt for possesDate premiered Oct. 14 in sion of a fi rea rm or pro t h e Fain Fine Art s hibited \\'C>i1pon on cnmCenter The pi ny was di· ptLi . QBon r d of Regents rec tl'd b\' Or Ronald member Otis C Polk J r ., Fis:chh. . 65, died Oct. 20 in a :J The Lt Jnmo s Wichita Fall s hospital Tay l or He was n long-time educ.1• )ladison Scholars: l11p Fund es tab - tor and civic lcad(' r in lhe lished by tJ10 Gen \\" R. Wichita Falls community dan ce held m th o Clark S tud ent Ce nt er Ball r0t1rn t urn ed \'io lcn t N.'pt 11 The fi~ht s m n1lrrd ~ISL'
:-.-OVE.\!Bf:R \ "1rw
iJ World
Sympm•ium bea:Jn No,· R
wit h Dr. Hu t h ~forrow l ec p r esenting · :.rnth tur e / n•c1tal. th 1• ,f c Centur\' ~lus:ic AmericRns ~ The wcC'k ended with a Po rndt• of Nnti on:.; nnd luncht• on in the Clark Student C,•ntor Ballroom. QThc ~!SU Soccer l Nlm won a pince m the Nnti onn l NA I A Tournament fo r tho 13th consecu tive year DECEMBER Th enter Dcpartmc nt presen t ed ~Noises OIT' u nder the di~ rection of Loura Wilson, assista nt professor thrnter QStudcnts vo ted the week of Dec 6 through IO on n referendum r'a ising stude nt ce nter fees to r enovate the C lark Student Centor.
Moot court takes victory in latest trial moo t court ad\1~or. said. Ed Lane . Wic hi t a as5 istant di stric t County a tC>d organizati.on prt'.'scn An n e t te moot court demonstrat io n a t t o rney ; Fernande1. , a~sistant in th e C lark Student p rofes so r of cr imma l Center th eater Dec 6 ~f oo t courl ,is n justice. and Dove r sen·ed 5:1mulated appelbtc court as the demonstration which round's judges. sltu3tt on m Do\'c r said, - ~foot s tude n t s present ora l argumentation to three court is desismed to all ow jus tice s, Dr Earnes t A under graduate students Do\'er. assistant professor planning to go Lo law of political sc1c n cc and school to get experience in front ofj11dges who ask thorough questio ns which s tudents must answer on ~Jidw este r n
Un1 \·crs 1t,·'s m <w t court
tournam e nt moot Abilene their fee t The court org.:m izntion a lso wer e : Nelson Trejo and recently uttcndcd a Texas Micky Gross , Charles Ant o n io and Unde r g r ndua t e Moot Cage As so ciation Fe r na nd ez, Jennifer Co urt t ou rn ament in Abilene, S a lgado and Tammy Texas. in which Ne lso n Hughes-Pns chal , ~felissa Trejo and ~ticky Gross J a mes a n d D1ana Price ad\'anccd to quarterfinals and Perry Teaque and and Cha rles Cage earned Micky Gross. organization T he an eighth place speaker plans to nttcnd at least award. MSU field e d fi\'e two t ournament s next includin g teams , a n d 26 teams se m ester Houston in the Inst week participated in rul. teams of February and Texas partiripnting in, the A&M Apr. 8 and 9 .
~, su
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g1 fr fo r (\'l'l}iln t {'0 }Ou r
Im. E\·cn ~·oursclr.
eGenUIIle Atticle.
P;i~e 4 Thursday, December 9, 1993
'Perfect World' lacks a perfect plot, climax By Dean
Movie Rcvla"'~r "A Perfect World," di-
rected by and starring Clint Eastwood, nnd costnrring Kevin Costner and Laura Dem, should be o sure-fire ,·oluc-foryour-lickct-moncy winner, one lhat, finnlly, is worth the price you paid to get in to sec it. Ilut •A Perfect World" is, in one word, boring. Herc's the plot: In 1962, Butch Haynes (Costner) cscnpcs from Huntsvi lle prison in Texas, where he was scr.ing a 40-ycar se n-
tence for armed robbery He immediately takes a hostage, S-ycnrold Phillip Perry !T.J Lowther). and shoots his fellow escapee, Terry Burch and Phillip ore pursued across the sta te
by ,·ctcrnn Tcxns R.1ngcr Red Garnett (Eastwood I nnd a feisty federal criminologist (Dem). And that's about it. For the remainder of the mo,ic's 2-hour-nnd-18minutc running time, "A
Perfect World" cuts back and forth between Ilutch and Phillip as they mnkc their way past one Sun-
baked cornfield after another, and Red and his team, ns they drive past the same cornfields. Nothing much huppens For all that Butch is a hnrdcncd criminal and a killer, he is n supernice guy And Phillip, as the host.age, is never in nny danger; us they
dri\'Cdown thl• road, Butch, in n honC'ysmoolh dniwl. is wunn and appealing. So wann, in fact, it becomes difficult to Sl'C this guy ns n man who can kill wi thout hesitation. And Plullip has nothing mu ch to do but sit there and ndmirc Dutch .ind look liken shy chip• munk. Doth b'TCW up in dysfunctional families, und it hecomcs appan•nt, after a while, who the real criminal in this m0\ ic is Absent Dad. Eastwood nnd Dem, on the other side of this chase, nrc not doing much either They trndc n few bnrhs. as Eastwood does to n~l hi s femnlc ln w-enforcement comrades -- before learni ng to respect them, of cour~e Otherwise, th eir doing terribly intert•sting things like cooking steaks, helitU,ng th e go\·emmen t and discussi ng pnst cases. Finallv. the climax the cnmi;rnl meeL'i the lnw. and the hostage is in the middle But this particular ho~t.a(!e now docs not want to be freed, nnd the audience wants the crimi nal to ,\in. or, nt lcasl, not IosC'. The final outcome is anti-climatic, nnd the ,icwc r goes away rclic\'Cd the mo,ic is fi nally over Rc,·icw Rating-· ~ 1
~Thi;a,i'ik~:ac~E~~k;, or something'
Uy Mcli1,i.n Sulli\'un
Nir\'nnn pcrformin,:: .. I such insightful lyrics as i:iomc of the sonr:s Prov hate mvsl•lf und wnnt to "I'd do thin gs that suck to be funny, especial!~ t 1 These days, if one hns dil', .. which wus originall y ~0 r your love.~ Anthrax's insult to Bu not_henrd _of that _fusciTl,e rest of tho disc_ head, but, I th_ ink th,tt~ D plunnc,d to he- the title 10 20 " it! nalrnJ.! pmr, et~\·1s und trnck for the b:ind'::i new proved to be 8 major distcr or limes ofli · ~~tt-h.cnd, one 1s tntly In Utf'fo ullmm. appointment. Megadeath ~ning ~o this disc, the~. hvmg in a cl\ve It continues with lead singer Dave Jokes will grow stale i:I Between a!I !he hype Anthrax·~ cool pcrfur· M~islaine sounds exon? will find himRclf l'ld ~bout ~he, two~ 1_nnumce mancc of The Uc;.istie haustcd and "'.uss-like on quickly fast forwarding 111 n chtld s d~c1swn to Doyi/ .. Looking dowh the .. 99 Wnys to Die." throu~h them. h~ir_n do\~·n lus house, tu barrel of n gun," which The White Zombie and As1~c from ~her's k.1llmg his two-ycnr-ol.d mysteriously sounds like Primw:i songs arc n1>thing duct with Bea.~1s D~d s1stcr _nnd tl~l' rnarkct~ng II Oc.islic Boys song. hut letdowns, and the Butt-~cad on I got you ploys 111cl~1dmg ll'c slurls Next 011 the al hum is Red Hot Chili Peppers Babe, the humor Will and key nni;s, tl~e only the duo performing remukc of the Stooges' grow old. wny one could nuss th~m ··come To Butl-hend," "Search and Destroy" reIn~ ".~ts~ell,. to quote wns to s.1:~y :ii home ~nth which is n hil:uio\lS disco ally foils short. U1e pmr, Tins h~c, no tele,1swn, magnt.rncs n,l\'ored tra ck, fcnturing The banter between sucks, or something." or newspapers. .&1 Ar k~n,n,i.uswc As if the two nclomi ng ACROSS lo1th,sconle,.nc.a Christmas stnckin,::-: were I Z:'o~~;~.h.\lr •2 ICll'lgRanch1sb,ggt rlhtlt'I not enough, now lhcv s •o.\li.u· Soiilhlor~ lhOtt.11eol_lsL,nd hnvc rl'len:,;ed their Own ,, "163·_ ,~n:11 •s mu,.produc1 [,y Charity & Guy Orhl1'!n 46 dtrtthontoOubl,n cli:-c, just. in lime for the 6 iod;111d horn BroM'lwood 10 holidny season . Clevc rh-, ; ~~':"~ .& 7 TXt~'youVe~ll'l'lo th.in«11, 1l1mand _. it 1s titl ed Thr Bcnrrrn n.rul hog 01dro' ~ TXo,ll1rehghttrAd.lir Rutt .!,end F.xp1•riencc: 9 TX.vn ·,r o _ _ •?To•.1nJenk1n,novel ·_ _ PlayH111l' The disc be:.rins dl'· :;,n:;'l~ 'db.l ~2 Oall.:11 Gr~nd _ (foce) cenlly enoug h with 1s , ~ 111 th0 Gu1t Music Rcvlt•wcr
-'-- - ' -,, 11, "mh ~·~- ~.; 1
- - - I Hi
Last Puute
Solution '·"· 1
S,v , lntoNO S!ore
~~!":~:1~~~~dll _ M>orica totll'l tryJ
53 For11J
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' Somolovo' 22 pr111den!l'ltloolfluod
~:~,:;~~~;!e ~={:it) 55
28~~~th' 29
30 Tuosg.:iscomP11ny 32 R.ce111oolh tsTV Co no00Bo.,,,1 1n 66 33 TX,sm 'heCCXJldn'I :1-t8lhroiigho b:11Nd _ _ . 36 TXr.hiidllrHS
37 TXcom.OYIStovo Miirlt1Wgllbou1
r· •
:11-\,t;_'~:.;i,,~-~ .it~:~ ~
by _ - Myer,
27 Cors1c.,ri., AM r1=M
:=======~I ::.;;."ch Ant••r
tha.1101 1n 'Ben Hiir·
(192ewrs;on) .111
DOWN 1 l\owotol'lboy :.Jy,'wi,.· 2 c.ntr■ t TXhadblg
U T'Xivn: 'ldo!blrt· d:)Q_youl' 15 f11mP2JbyTexan
37 TXiarn: ·1,110
3 rn:r~1n7fJ
16 =-~t:1'do'Ml
1~!.lit. -
,e !'~;::na1one
IJu" (monoy mllkar) 20 lli1, Grty lllduded 8 ·- _ 1o· (m!tnd) Oicuns Co. in a 9 over!l'lls. ,fJhOI!
10 __ "Elum' PtuU1ps 11 TX T1ern1r [,nit.I 12 TXlsm: •- _
for prelldtnl 1n '28 23 TXism: 'saddle
22 1111s TX Sm11h ,an
,3 Ml1011~.: ~ 25 halratyles in 60'1 26 TXi,m: ' _ _ .
M•P• lut' (olfiaent) 2fJ an LA. i.am 1h11
_ Doo W■r ,. TXism. 'mosey - . tothellOl.ljl-;ooin 1n) so TXtsm: "kaep you,
b6a! Cowboys in '92
w■ f~Liegg.d} 31 UTaingingcJub
pocMIS (Stll'gt) 13 0011 of USA fllbbr)
2• medal'ITX:'Baby h
_ Miis1 Fall'
~;;-:knodted htm1nloaditltflr\t
saddle _ . (beprtpul<f)
34 TXllm:'l.et '_ ripl" 51 abbl'. oll'lebttl JS Ranc,trs Nolen (init) 11.11111 In 1he Unia1
So, you're in ctewerate need ofacomputer but you're totally broke mtil after the newyear. Happy Holidays.
lrt!In<ludn~ lh'.: fk'-1 A1~..1.: 1,0m1~11i.1 lm11. Nm:1~1:l11finl :1Jldont,c.1n tel :111y select Maan~Nt Of f\T,1ufkcl:v.·,tl1oo p:1)111t11L~forl)O day~
Nmv, )OU c.u1 take home some of our mos! popular Macintosh' and lime,sevenincredibly usehil soflll'are programs will be included all for Pm1~rllook' models with no money dm111 and no payments for90 dai~- one low price. So, celebrate Ll1 is sea,on witli abrand-new Macinlosh or (\ou could qualifywi1h a phone call, bu1 must applyby January28, PowerBook computer. II does more. ll costs les.1. Its tliat simple. 1994.) llsall par! of 1henewAppleCompuler Loan. Ami. for a limiled l111roduc111g The ~e11 Apple(0111p1ller Ioan Vhit r,,ur Apple CampusReseller fnr more informa1ion.
Contact Michael Land at x4139 or come by Ferguson Hall, Room 302
THE Uicbiian
. OUniversity pO1}Ce -
By Cindy Kahl• r U.11 ft,port<r
place ment is S5~
police are s lill iookin a; g or th e thief. An addi tional theft led to th e arrest of ~li chae l J ose ph Robi n so n . A dwarf, la_kcn fr om the Snow White ex hibit a nd ,.,lu ed al $500, was recover ed wi th th e help of
two all eged ucco mpli ccs
~-: f :sh:
1td s~!~~~!
No.,. 29 S,mm rm s. who was d:1,1ng a blu~ ~ .:z"Jk1 S1dek1tk. col li ded -.,th o red Esc.o n at the int er!-Cct1 on or Coun cil On ..·t . Fl ags Ove r Tcxai:: an d Ca dd o Dri "e Th e t~ckcts. Eva ns said t h~ Esc:ort failed t1J ,icld at a tickets we re remtJ••cd hf:. stop S l pl. The r; we re no ~wee n ~l arc h 14 an·d lnJUri C'S pr,I 26. Tw CJ sea ,;o n Q A repo rt cif criminal passes a nd six nne da v mi schief wa o: rilc·d "" ith we: re tahn fro~ t he campus pr.,li ce of ~ O\ ' O ark S tud c-n t Ctn l<' r 20 Se,·cr al k,rks in th e: ffice ln\'est1 gat1 rm mto Fai n Fan e Ar L'- Ccnl er th e lh ert is cont in umir we re dam:1i:ed ht.·yond re;:J A brown !(lat her pai r The in\'c ~11,;aurm t'i wall et wa s ta ke n fr om ongoing ~loffelt I.ibrnry Ko\' 22 ~ A hu r d a ry r; ( a The \'>Clim possihl" lefi ,t bu il d in & wa s re port ed on t he et rcul atrn~ des k Dec 4 which l)Ccu rre:d The wall et cont...intd an Dec ~ i n t he en n1 nc ~tSU idc nt1 ficat1 nn c:.i rd. hou ri:: An unkn nwn in• a Texas st.ate dn n- r'i:: li - d 1\'l dua l en t c r l.' d, CSC' cense, pictures .ind ~9 Room 106 a nd : - 1:arc hcd The loss was cstim atc:d at tht· des k :\ locked dra wer
ofRobmson lwhi nson was arrcsll'd by th e Bu rkbu rn ett Ci ty Po lice De_c I He " ·as ho_oked with a cl ass A mi sdemea n or fo r th eft o\'e r $200 and u nd er $750 His bond was se t at $500 He a lso ha d tw o S31 out standin g wa rr a n t s 0 Cha rg-es of fa il urt' to from Lhe Burk bijrnct t have a dri ,·cr's l1cc nsc Police Dcpnrtm<:n t an d ~nd . fa il ure lo pmd ucc a one ou tstandi ng wa rrant ha bili ty ins ura nce card
wa::. pru:d open and t hr
loc k mccha ni ::. m "as da m.i~ed No thing was rcportc-d m1s~ mS?: :J ,\ th eft of ,,,·er $20
ollr.if-¥':'I o!f°'4rki'l4 .'}\( jj~
,:n:1,_ti,ll!;tl ,i:~,n~f[,il_t:•,. :l{f'P ~ ·D·
ar.d und c-r S20,J rt?(l rl· ed ly N'cu rri' d D-:·c I A :,feridi.i :1 desk top t l-: · :,e wa s t.1k r n [r(l r:, A,., hn Sn cn: c· H11 II Rc,oi.1 I l..; Thl' re was n'> si~n of forrd e: nt ry The ,·.:1kc· d th e t el eph.anc w ~. .'- C'!- t1 · mat ed at H 50 Tht l!i· ,·ei::tip t1~in i; ung-,,mg :i T,\·o h.:rrla ry £• f \'C hicl e::; wert n·por:ed thi s wl'e1' Ont:' o~;urrd
r,91-22 11 .JJll5 ~'1ar ln,·ooLI
~i.:xl dt'f1r IP the tht.'.'a tcr Lc,( alL'd m Ccni r:i l CII) Pb ;,.a Spec ial rJ tc~ dun ng the Hnhda\S
~"' t.4,,, .-
Lisa Ellard ~laru1,: rr
Dec 4 c.n Tecpt>e Dr"l·.-e m fr on l of Pie r ce
OfficN J£'rrt :,t Smnr~ repo rt ed tha·t the car ·was poi::sihly E'nt <: rc·d ",th th e h elp of a !ih m Jim tool Sten o eq u1pmfl n t -;r,·ai:: takrn including an ln 1n ampli fi er, a bn::.s box and a Clari on cquahzu Th e \·.ilut ,:,f th e «.>:iu 1pmen1 was set at S600 Th e 1n ,·e5ll1?Jll on 1s: ,.in~omg ThC' sC'C'On d bu rglary r. i :1 v1:h1clc rc·port<.· :ily oc• cu rred Dec 5 in Lot Ii Offi ce r B Stnn1?er rcpor lr.-d · e nt ry !-cems tn h an bee n made ·,nth a sli m Jim.· A rod:ir dC'tt.:t or was stole n. and 1.s vn luc·d at $300 :J A bomb threat wa s r epc,rt<:d Dec i Refer t c1 fr ont page ff.J r deta il s
KJlt and Jan Bolick host s,nio r uhibil ion B)· Ll$3 A. Boy-rU.e
A , ~ . ~ :- o •.~ 1,::,.:;:: :f • .o.=r:-.:::: ... ;,:...:~ r...:1 c..~ ;-:,=!1 ,. :...,
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, n111rsdny
PY.:,, 5
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Am ong th e offo n,os from Wichi ta County He reported to th e cam poli ce be t ween Nov p~; wn~ rcleas~ d from CU'-· . was a th crt of t1,dy Dec 2. and Dec q H G E\·a ns. un1c,nc of Cmd crcll a'1' ta r. a id sa ef du police ly be)51 na ~e wh ee ls fr om th c a t ed theft w~s re Fantasy of L1 ghL, di spl a c Eellmat cd cos t for Y ~ ~ ed Ncn- 24 in,·c.,l-.·ing
Thursdn. ~emb<T 9. 19').\
&: ,T_ .:: --=--,.,c: r:::, ,. n ;..:r .oc..i :'lr !r..C: .: ..., 1--
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feoiln"Q Cuilmm
MoctoOef Qnesl&SertSilm;lleCai:esl 18 cllll ~ Welcare. Htttesl lop<llDJncel,\z!ic. JIii Comel:! 6960li5
Sat. 11th
. .. -..-- ..-----· ~
Sat:: 18th Monday, Dec.15th
$5 Cover • $1.50 Longnecks
P>~c 6 Thund,y,l><~cmh<r9,19?}
··.-::-.. •
·.=.. '/l
Special Interest
·-:;::.. 't; .:;_ ~
·- - ~"-£ ·••.
~p .-· ':It . - ·.B
->'. ::::.. -L;: ·•.-::.. .
.•:c: ·-
£i(/hts cr;a t; ·eh~i;tm"as fanta sy ·· PholoS und story hy llrnrulon Olds
It mu•l hnYe lw.en • liluf! ChrutmH back 111 the urly 1920• whrn LT llum1 dPcor;,11-d • live ChmtmH tr,,, w1lh one blur Lulh rm 1111 fr11111 l11wn u11 10t11 1tre" l. I. T Hum, came rrom II poor bnckcround,
10 hi, (ronl law11 with the 1inrl11 dl11,1!11iy made (or a very 1pec111I
Chri,tm1u Thi! 011 Lu1h11'11 ltle11tod Mr Hum• lJ1rour h th,.
dl"C11de, nnd from lh11t lime on, Mr and Mr,. Hurni vowed t.o ndd II du11l11y !'Itch yrtar AO.-r Mr llum1 duth 111 1!)54, Mu. Ourn1 kept thi, tr11d1tlan 1oi11e lf, r drntl, 1n 197 1 l"n th~ dl1pl11y in du, hepmi: of her IGII, who liv-,d In Atcher City Thro di1plny laid m 1tura&r" fo r !lur e yun, unlil thll 1011 dnnnt ed ii IO M1dwr1lern St.,111 Uni'f'enity 0111: 1llpulntm11 n( th" &riR n~q uiru MSU to di1111ny I.he l1i,:hU with 110 thnr.:e to thu public 11ml m honor of the 1Jum1. MSU c,ullmNl thr bulldi11r1 on c:11npu, with 18,000 liehlll 111 l:172 1m d 1111mNl lhl' d1•wr1tion1 1)11: •.-n11tn1y o( (,iKhta." The Uurna' d1111ln)·1 w!'fr. fi nally ndded 10 the front lnwn of MSlJ m I H◄
opportunit)' for MS U to wovule (or the community n11d 1urroundm,: nrrn It IJnnc11 llCOplc to c111nriu1, nnd it I• pnrt of the W,clut.., ►-nib Chri.imn1 1c11Jon: TI1r li1l1lJ 1t.1y 011 du11lny , vr:ry nir.ht for opproairnnlely n month c:an•pl in 11:111 ""'talhr:r Durm~ 111,, r,•\I of thti yr:ir, the r 1h1l11t 1llly• in • 1torn.:e builtliui nea r l'rof,~•ionril Un'f'r Jnn Thnckcr n Wlchttn f'11lb t rrnJrn t , wnrk1 ,.,.."ry ye11r, 1tartm~ in J ul/ to 11repnrc the d uploy for th.- MSU /own Ou~, 111111 J o11.1tio1u keep the lit:hlJ turned on, ;1nd "" 1th11ul i,ulJhc f tR •. MSIJ'- lawn would be dark ol Chmtm:u Th, ,-,, l..-1••·" urr ~1•! up with tbr d1splny wl1ich allow f il\.i to lie lrn Hun abo 1:111I tho,r ""'1111!1115!' to coutnbule, 1ho11\d ,end do1111tm1111 tn A1111r OppNm1111 nl MSU
~ Snow Wl11lc and U1e Seven Dwarfs ride lhe rents wheel In lhe dlspl.:ay.
Santa i:ntl~ ,·bltor, t nch yur at 1hr main tnlran('[' lo 1hr
Hard work and creativ e minds,
Nol by Ole hair or lhelr d1lnny-chl11-d1lm wlll lht TI1rtt Llllle Pl~ let U1e Wolf go down lhe chlmne)'.
imagination and dream s
Thls metal robot computes nol only malhem.at• lcs, but also U1, diameters of the bubbles he
equal a ehrist mas ll'hrn Rudolph falls' Old SL Nick can count on Ibis wagon train to pull him through Christmas
fantas y at jVI.SU
OKAt 50 roVl[ WOT INPEr£NP£Nnr Wf.ALTHt ~VT rov <AN~[ INPEr£NP£NT. WITH M(OVU,® <A~P
u~uu aouo
rov 6£.T A11.,000 (~EP/T LIN[., NO ANNVAL FEE ANP W[ PON"T (A~[ WHAT mt[ rov 6£.T H011E.
6£.T IT~~
Pa~c 8
s orts
Thursd• -. ll«embrr 9. I?'J.l
TIIE 117,iu
Lady Indians come up short OyEllubt lhltkhnrc bon Rtportc!r
: ~~~e; :.~;r, an~~~prc the Word
~ in lncnmnta ~- ~ game of the -j-J , • 3, l'C IC D rookCln<S As hb 1• !=.-f ~ 1 ~Jalf f ~.: the No 13-rnnkcd MSU Ladv Indians were defcatCd 65 to 55 by the No 3-ranked Southwt's tcrn Oklmhomn Sta te Lndy Bulldogs m the chnmp1• onshipgmnc Dec 4 Southwes tern , wh1rh lo5t in the scmi-finnls of ...,._ ___ the NAIA Nn ti onn l
firs t
, ~
1 rm ~ .lp-i·~ 1 ' . ~,....r .t:r m ·11"r n1 ·H' 7 1' rm 11 ;.:, ;:r-,, J.o. ' ''' rm .t ,...,...,. ;i..;..;r ••,•.L....-L._... b:11mlnt ■ll ,"•cllnn, 1il1hrrollc'.• lni:cl■m.• .,,., 111
d■,unJ llmd l
,-111 llf' hrld on 1hr r,,Uo·•dni:
Nl ' Ks
~ 111 '°
11 11111 t
, ..
) .
' ~ Tourna.mcnt ln st,ycnr, -~ ~~~"~;;~e~~.;::,ii~t:!~~::.~ ing outside shooting (22 o f 62, or 35.5 pcrcl'nl. for the gnme) a. nd 15 ~ turnovers . "What hothercd me most wns, ns bnd ns we e:hot the bnll, we didn 't position well: said disappoi nted head co:tch Jeff Ray . ·so uth we s tern l 'h, ,1t>1J.:,:., Rum/I worked fo r posi tion nnd Cl:,..,lt· T■ mm) ~l urn J ■ llrmph • ., .,..._,1n1u durin1: lht A,hhri"•k we got pl nycrs just s t.ind • Cu S1 11lh111•,lt rn J!ltnlt lht S:11urd~) ni,::hl . Tht I.id) lndbn,111,1 If WC ing- around !pollll cit,:ht nddcd Ol.lahoma wou Id of go llen l wo or LO\'{'lt and ~lrcri; thre e more offen!H\'C j!rent two i:nrnci; If i; lw it up, sh(•'II !-CC lots cnl'h mnde thr :i ll -inur • kccpi. then rt'd sco nod boards cnt teum. n:- cltd nam stopped lhl'm, that could ofpla)i ng time, I guurnn· S I • h .. ha\'e mndc the difference
1 111, 1,.,•11111 11 : 1 ll 1• 11•n1P 1 1 11 MJit1 tu i,. 1ro ~ l\• I
,11. 1~11
II 11 10
lly Un.•w l\l)'l'rt1 ~p('lrtJt lh-portrr 8 1 for~,~~~~·cs~i'"~~cl d drfcndcr llrud Moormnn nnd midfielder Michn el Chnffin huvt' been nnmed to lho rng:i NAI~ AllArca :l tenm . MSU hcnd t'o:tch Nnthnn Pife r wns nlso s<.•lcctrd us the, Arcn ;1 Coach of the Yc,nr. ,Joi· led lhc lndinns in !-Corin..: for th e.• second slrni ,:? hl ycn r wilh 15 goa ls und 10 asi;isls. 6-5 Moorman led the MSU defon :,;r which recorded
and se the :,;<.•:1:,; on hl' nt i p.m. Dt'c. 1-1 Murrnv mnd c two frcC l.o\' r ll nnd Myers ench -will --------~ .---------- -....:...---throws: ----.. . .- - - - - - ~ . . . , • - - - - - - - eig ht nextlndiam: But inthethe L.1 dy minutes whill· c5S scord hcild were th e Lady Bulldoi::s hrokr off a 16-0 run, to build an rf,;-, impressiv e 49-29 lend
We hnc all the fashions IJOU sec on TV.
c,..1.,&a, 1.
~ . .:
R......-,Oicl,,&Poloto (b- Now Wlit, Pim! Rcmofomat,withPtsto Vllit,flu~ Bot,,...!00,.
602-680-lol7. E>t.C147 Addruwn Wanr,d in11ncdiJ.1clyl No capalcna: r.a.l'.~ . l\om.s FHA moniagc rdunds. Wo,k .ii home:. Call toll fm: : l•SOO.S.\J.7] 16. Waco JSD 11:u lnuntdl.11, Op,nlng,
f1lflhc followiug(l(»itious: l'..'Uly Onliioo.'J, Dilillgu:ll KhxJop1• 1cn Elcmc.nr:uy (K-6), Sp:1.:13.1 &lurn1ion Leaming Rc..~-e,. Rca..hnJ:. M:11h.Art.UandGilicl.V Talcotrd.Sa!:iry Surfllcmcnl for Texh,:u run mtIv NI L; ltrer bi.I·
tkr S[Wing Dotl~s fot l 1nl-c.M For Jl'll 'l'C' mform.11100 :ird 10 n_:. quc.,1 .in i ppfiolioo, ('al l WISD',
Jnh V;,c-..ncy llothnc 24 hCIOI\ a Wy a11817) 75S-9.S92. or cuo-
;.rg• : ) i.. : ,: L,; .-...,. ....,..............,.~~ ---
' iu Ill
-~"""... •~
th Pifer snid thrsc ree th at Pifer has b individunls h:ivc hccn key nnmcd the Arca 3 C plnycni for 1.hrco ycnrs ul. o f the Yeur sinc/<lth th MSU, nnd now tllnt cy ncccptcd the cuachin .ht nrc juniors thcy _nrethkey nt MSU in 1~tb leaders . He srud th~y Ho wever, he did . . .;~ O honor while he was h~e r cn ll y_ . deserve . recogmt10n for their hnr conch nt King Coll •d eg~ Tennessee. . work nnd t.nlent. 1 .... .,.. ... This is the fir:;l..,! m~ ~ .... .... ,. ,. ,._,.. ~ ~
11 t
1 I
Dg ~
- ·_
Moke thot three numbers.
1 Beccu se o nly ot Toco Bella
con you get so mony different tcste sensations
89\~1;~~.~:;v;~::;~~;;hos 11
for three
Jow p rices. Got
Tcngy Chllltos. And moro tor only 59C, 89¢, ond
$1.09. At Toco Be th. It you
\ 1 ,
:•f '. ' _
'\;jj~~!.\..-"~~oo".!""-'~ii'-N ~----~~'.-'
MuidC',,..V'9'1m Smrtaft
56.95 56.9S S6.9S
Sunday: Football• Monda,·: Football 1\Jcsday: Karaoke• \\edncsda);: Shufficboard Thursday: Ladies Night
56.9S SS.9S
Weeknight Happenings:
w :41,1,~: III* ~ ~ ~ ~ M<GlhalPim1
Sl.95 SS.95
----- --1 r---I Buy on001 reg_ul,r price ond gel lhe I I
.., $0 00 :I ::;_';,:;'., oi:. n,,tic.._ 11 ~ 1n1 i,
I .t m,•ri,111u1f, 11-rfit/11•,1cl• l'//ll;..'l' I
Locaicd in Ccnlury Ci1y Pia,~ • 691 -7172
692-4754 -------~ L---I
r 0017 P.o~x Nin' )(, .. ~ n t.;,~ two or lhe rl"IMI rttognhzd and
• lettplcd crcdH c:a.llt. In lht "°ri<L\fl'IA1' 1nd MuttrOardIN ARE NEW cmlll c:lnJL·ln )'OUr ramc: EVEl-i
"-Ul l."(jllfl t.4
it .10 TN
rrtr .lJl·.1-L, :U LJ
✓ ~·.1
, :~ :~
11,nuo -... ~
• ll<
s. TR
hos Just come up
Or. l'Wl 1203 to hsNfcl
~111 ;~, ' It} 10 IO
wontgrco ttostoson d greet prices. your number
CJ.tEDtT Of HAVE BEEN 1\JRNED OOWN BEFORE! V!SAi. Ind M•ltrCa.-d• lht :~,I t:Mi• )'OU de1enc •nd nttd rot- ID-OOOKS-0£PAATMENT
monf' {Tt11 rr
watch The Brad'I Bunch.
R *
Cru MShlp J u-1,,! I.J rn S1ul.lcnh nccJcd' S2lXlJ.t.montllly Sununcrnioh• d.1y1,lfull umcW(11ld1m·clC:ir• 1btx::ul. I IJ11.-:u1.f:u10f11=. Muiru ·fowGuttk\.. Citft Shclfl Sal~ . Ocd:lbll<.h,U JinoWod.:m,Clc. Nonpcrk oct OC<'Cs.w')',CAU.
i)dir~l~;. .,.~ 11,(p
0S28. ul 75.
, 1, 1 • 11
< IU. T 1 11.
; ,;
Auumin9 , of course, IJOU
~-_10, MW
11() 1]I)
i,m. T 10 · 1k11
$10 9~
~ ~'{,· , ~
1 ¼>
, 0
~ MW
.;- •~ 8
yocncll! AndaFREET-SIIIRT i\1$lfnr c:i.lling. Clll 1-ROO.t1_12.
. '
Rab<upioSI.IXXllNJUST O~E 00 ~ : ' ~~
& ''
" ;:~ :;
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1< JJ' ; 1,
•• 1 ~:11 lr1
I m
i~;~~'.,:1 t:i: : ~1:~:,;~:t~,\',t~ 1~'5/;,:;t,/'~ :e~o;;~:~~~-;-'~~ n~~~~~;l~ wi~·~,;~'.~~": ,;';~;dh~~ ::i~~~~ 1 : ~'~ed i:~~i ~ f\!~:l~:~day ~:1 :.~J!U;(~mc1: ;1;h:icl,i~:;:~~ o~~: Their ~~~ht!-l~edp~it~t~ i;n~c ~/::~~ reb t1~;~n1}~nf1tlhi:c~o7 durin,: as:;ists SC\'l.' n next home ounds Tf' nmmntcs io r Tnmmv
;:~~v:: ::e ::r~c:n,rt:.: can't improve on some things, especi:1lly re bounding, ~ Ray said Ml thought Julie Lovell played a great gn mc,
(1 10, W
d oach honortu'-'ll rs an C
PI aye )i..· 1r11u·
~ 10
~ 11110 110
: "
~~ ~~~!WW
1 1 0
1 ~0
;1 \
,:ui :i.ai , iju1on 1 io:i ; ~;~~ A..
• .t 111 ; .. ~ I'
,,. I
:~;:d~~!;,t,. .:. 1~~3 8
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oo\.O ,-.i::1'e~ '11\~11l!11, o
Mo ten, downs! No Cf'e~!t ched:s t
No socurlty deoosltl
2873-'l~ ~~EOR GIA
m;s :
lwan1vtSA•tMA.STERCARll9Crt<ill :
1 Is 1~ rcfu ndab~~not 9<d nnc18 S Which ;"'!!'10 : 100'1', GUAR .lNTEEDI mmcdlalcly. pp ----_ NAME =-___ _ _ ---__ ADDRESs I
- - ~_ ST.:ATE_ z t p CITY -____ PHONE S.S.• _ _ _ _ __
m1 h,• tt,,: ~t h1 , ,,,~1.
lh,· ,,1 h• ,,~,,1,, I ~ .,,th
1~,1,,.,-1 ,.".t (',,,,
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li1,h:11u J.. 1o ~ th1• .t:11 ,11\ m t lw ln,lnv11,l ,•n,-,• l\,wl l'l us1 , h,·nl.l 111• .m 1•n,11 b rn.,t,·h,-...l .,.m 1,• l\•l'l, " Il l 1•1111 ,•Hf :, n1n
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rm,l , ht< \ ,, \ll I•,, ,, \lh• 1t,1 ,'., ,,,h,,,, ~ t ;, l ,1 1111,l u,n
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1,,, ,,,, , ,. •u1r \"'H l11,•1u \\,,111 ' " ' kU\1 .1 !Uhl F1,•11,l1 l•iutl,• \\ 1••1 \11 1, \IIU i' •Hhl \\ h \ 11 i h;11 ,• ,,t th,· ~ ,,11,•n;1I t\ 1h• ti 1h,•, ,,111 l'tw, l\lll ~-~ I ' N,•\\ 1;,, th,•1:,111\1• ,1, ,•1,-..•H1• , . ,1 1\i\ 111 1,,•
I,•,, !In•
l ' 11111.:1• " " " I 1: h•i 1,l11 N,,l,11111, u (t•1 tlH• N11H1•1u, I 1•,1h•
~,111\ h1l1' ", H,t ~ i"H\" h,·h \ llu• ::,,11111h,li"• 11H1 h •1• ~,,,, 11 1'1111\' ,, h t !I;\ l t
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11,l rh'\\ I ,·1•\l h l
1 ,,
Indinns drop two gumcs: l'Olttinm\ losing stn\nk
d ,1\\1\ thl i \,':II . l•11t M\' \\Ill ~ -•Ill' l l.lll h' \'h,,
h " h ;:;\ :\11 1! \ .~ ~I ll' l'h,• \ ' ;11\ )lh''- ' I\.,"\ 11;11mr ,h th,• ll.l ,, Lh1 s1 t1•, ll,• \\ Jl ,, 1il 1•1f 11,,c hin t \,ll q:"'' :,~:un"f \'11 .;mm.
\111:m 1;111\ :\ 1111l,l 111'-c,•1
ll,·h1•" ' ,t ,,, n,,1. tl11• ~\ ,• s11,, 11,,"I , ,•11l1l 1.._, lh,• l""·-:1 a; .1111o• ,,f th1• l•,1'11, I -:1•.1-:1•n ,, h,·n ~Ii .um ;111 ,I
Employment , family, DWI. tram e. bankruptucy . insuran~c. and ,rill,
Dorie ylickmcm 322-6366
/~ile!p J4.{pfui P ~·6,i11:1 ! 1
in tlic liofid;1y.,· fiy:1iuin.9 tlic!iiJt cf rueto S0111CO /I C zufzo rcalli1 need.~- it . . -~-..,"I,:(· ✓~,_, .~ . ..
\ • \\' ·\ YS ,l.111~ ~\'°"'uh.
l'.1,h, ,11111 l·\rn 1 .i,\., . 1 1~, l \ S,1uth\\1,, 1 l'.11h, "-'' l l ~ ;1 m • ~,m I~ : 11 m , '1"11 ,I,
1 1 , ,,, ,ti.111 ,
S11•111,~ 1
iii/i\ . /~stA
FINAI.S? For that Inst hour's cnmnning, tnkc yom kids to KIDS PATCH.
Rl't'l'i H' Sl~ (1lr the nrs1 don:alion nllh sludr nl l.0.
You ca n donalc 1wl« a W('('k! 811 Ohio Strttl • 76 1-lll\12
f♦~.@@1 LUNC H: BUFFE T
Paul Mitchell • Mntrlx • Blolngc • VoVoom • RcdKcn • Scbnstlon • / Ncxxus • Xenon
Have you checked the Cotton Exchange for ... O M~n·s (t.\J0nls 1n1m LUl Un~1:1,·$ ;11111\\'1~1!1n·h
~h'll'$ S\\\',ll~•rs and \\ ' SI lll ,, \',m ~·l~·
□ ~kn's
,,1 t.'11h 1s .tn,I slyk ... 1
mi:hy shin.,
O Lad1,·s t"l1\l0 1t1 skin:1 \\ ith \\l\ll\ fi11;11m~ tih..,u.<;(•-.; anll S\\ \'iUl'I~. O Lndk•s S\\\'111l' r .i:1..:kl•ts 11ml ..::mJi~11n~ 0 Owr IO;l dilkl\'111 1rnn:1fcrs induJin~ Chri~ lm:i,;
*ill * 20 % oil' storl'widc * :r. *
,w\l11~i~,\1~vl4\~11,~, ~
◄·U• •St"t\' I ~·rn,,,1
1'-\1n 141t!~•t'l11M\'.u,, • ~~,·ut\' l\1n lilt \ \\II (btl,t
\111' it''''"'
llt,,11 l~~l l \1h11.\, l i\~1\1
, .,., .... ~1W1t.lt.1
•l i\ll ~11Ulh\\,'ll l'atkw•y
61/ 1,\\~!i
Fat McBri es
Steakhouse (;rllh, t rhkkrn
•1ktMll •~m \'•~tllble .. r Ihe I~
$Ml 01rlu11C.h
t\ -.ll.t\l ll\\'I M~,,~IMI\' \\\ ,,1 V 1\'l'II ¥1"1ll\ t~~f\l )'OI~'\ MIii . . 0
$l.l5 l>l'IIW IltH
. " ust rrsrn _-...'-' ' _•!~;?' ... _____________ ;'!.- _ J I.D. Curd 1 " ""P 11311.,n rJ
Wf''rt"hn 1rdonl\ll~l'll'fl'm P1rk"·t..racn~rtum Slkts&nttr,1K".).I lo \'lnl'(nlS! &.%--i6S6
,it ~1'\Mh•i 11 l\til ~ " '} ,._, t.l"""\11-o,,t hh l 1klYt 11 llk- ., ... , R\"'1 \bl' Mlll 1
"T\'9At...'1:"1\1fll ld""''""'--.. '"''k~l '
l'a~e 10
· Interest
Thu r'<bY, Dercmllcr 9. 199~
... and a Happy New Ye@:!'
' .
. . . ' bl e and rclnx ing Chnst~ ns. 11,e \\'1d11 ta11 would hkc to \\1Sh every studcn l, fam il y member nml slnITnwmber ll snfc, happy, CllJO)ll d . ' fi na ls docsn t come What sign ifies Chris tmas spirit more thnn nny1l11ng'1 l1 muy he laughl<'r and good cheer Of course, cheenn es.s •ts not used duri ng 11 cnsy. To mnke the load of this week a litt le hghler, lhc staIT has assembled tlu s page of lellover ca rtoons, puzzles nn " this semester Have a ~Jerry Chris tmas!
uu, of rncus
YEAH BOB by D• rryl Kluskowskl , -
P'LASi ww<,5011EONE. ""I
Ptrr A l.ARGI:. Ru138ER CII/Cl(EN IN f/lE COi1£CT10N PL.ATE. .
UCI f'f f {'Cl'S 11~1).i POPPl!l5 SUffcR.E.D Ft!OM !>Ul'ERCALIFl1/IG /LISTIC. CHRONIC. HAUT05!5 , -
ACROSS 1 ponoonTXr;inc.h S Huntsv1t!t ll'lm3!i 12 ,Nd~) 6 TXiun 'p.ay _ _ never m,nd'
7 S3nta thoicks
th,s r,.-ice a TXFr iuollhll ' II Vou\'o Got trio Mon,y Got theT1mo' 9 Wlni.na.'lilo(llor Col Clin!on W1nklar
YEAH BOB by Darryl Kluskowskl c, .. ...,..,.
' •otv • ... ~ , ,._ , ..
49 &• R,,nger Poll1s (1n1I) SO TXpru,dentolMPAA SJ TX,sm '!.OI In ' fpurm3f'lenl l 56 rx.~m ·,nop,gs _ · 57 Cowboyor O,torscore
S6 TX Budd'/ Holly M
'Ine Origiriaf
Dy Chnrlry & Guy Orbison
60 UTEP w spendod 1h11 typo • -, olrockcontar1 (211o'Cls) 63 TX.sm 'brnve onough lo, - - - boom!o11onc.:i1o ■--1-1-,1• 64 wodd1ngv.<1rds 65 TX1sm.·_ punchor'
15 LBJ's l11s!Mlrd\ ·_ M,ko1mrr..id1a!oly' 17 oldTV !>how ·_ Eye· 20 TXEllorb&ebook 'And _ It Goos· 21 ' Glant'star.L:amos 22 RedOukenic knnme 24TX11thlo!Jc. ru10 •_ _ no play' 30 8Mdems'Funt1er Oays'has 'World's
All , ,
~;J:on f sc~• TEXAS ~~~;;;\ CROSSWORD l!il!lll!ll!ill"!'!.......
l'!!"P!!"!!!-.. .1111!!1
34 !.aughword 35 GalvHIOn humcane 011983 4 TlCrsm• 'don'tgo t 36 TX & clfs h1I: lfo Gol your shorb in a _ • a Tiger rr1 the _. 9 Ra~rs broad• 37 TX Oarm1U film castvr MMk (1nu.1 'Forwvir _ 10 pickup 'Cowboy _ · 39 TX1sm ·c.ould _ 11 Midland AM radio :fl05.'WTIIJ! Otf your 12 Mrdlolhianh.s.ckl&S molo,s'(hotch111) 13 TX1sm: 'changes his 40 'Pa'r.'niatoin ·so often as him by TX Soogw1c.k hQdo-;s 5ocks' .;4b1bllc.al kingollsrael 14 'y1ppeo11 _ yo' 45 TX!sm. '_ ll xe rc,sa' 16 movie 'Plaaso (ca wersohon) __ Daises' <7 Alhenshcs1,·s1ac.k· 16 Mr.oOOmmi(abbr) Eyed_ Js.:nborae· 19 'heoin·1 46a:.xf11H 1sual(ahbr1 1n11cm1s'
42 Olt DllllilS Cowboys kJckerW1His 43 TXism: ' and
ogain' {o~si;BIJ 46 TXism: 'so broke l co.n't_onan11on'
wrangler(doctor) 27 TXism: '_oso lox1nohonhouse' 33 TXlsm: 'anracted 28Spanlsh 'yH' likesteel to _ _ , 29 TXou\l;iwBass 36 TXiw: 'attm.c19d 31 TX1sm ·1ra1dy hkeo _ _ _, (coward) _ hghl' 32 TXism· ·- !ho 41 TXism: 'lftshko nai lontho he.id' 119lyonan_·
51 TXgolfor l ee(inil.) 52 TX.sm'neonllght _ ' (goodlhought) 54 TXsollQ: ' P1 s10J Pack!n'
55 NewYoa7'; 59 Asrro·eteagu;61 TX.sm: 'ctingshka - _ to.idog'sear' 62 onl•l0, OrnngaCo.