licking the Ivory
Athletes and INs~
Morrow lo present V I Page 5 a en11ne·s piano recital.
Discipline has become an important issue for athletes. Page 6
Hird times The Lady Indians are in a do-or-die situalion after a pair of losses this we_ekend. Page 6
THE W ICHITAN y 10, 1999
VIII. n, issue 1s
The Student Newspaper ol Midwestern State llniversitY
n call?
.GA proposal for full-time octor draws ~ixed views _pA~~~~!~nNE_Y_
1 _ ~~~~~ ~ s;t~:)~.:n~r~r ~¥cr. m11hing 1
. lhl' S1t1Jl·111 G_o \·l' rnmem II ~iauon :1pprtwl·, :1hill rnnccm irc:ilOJ(' lll at ~ 11~ "0 11 J·k l lth J Clim1..·, qudc nb may not haw 10 hraw thl' wee hour, of the rn,1rn 111 g to ~Cl' :i Jocrn r on l':tm pu:-
·l~\~~11:.b:~· S Cl~~;;~r:l~-1~:.~d~:~;
F;-irrell "aidl hl" SGA h::i ~ ~l·n
)>l udyrn g other similar havl.' full -1imc doc ton..
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inhmna tion :is we ran from pcPpk )>aid. A1:,·11rdin~ io both F:HTt'II :md Bun~l'r. thl' :tlk111tonal "llldi:nt rl'l' would Ix· Jh1."IUI :s 15 pl'r "ClllCSICr. hu1 :iny r1<:11on must fi rq he
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Currcnll v. a d01.· · ' fro111 Slime,; of Norih Tcx :1)> ~ 10. Vinson nni: hour c:i~·h day.
" lllic .SGt\ I wa111 ~ to get more tnfo~at11in hl'fore doing :mythin~
d '-C, Bungl'r ~aid ··n1c hi ll wi ll l'IC ~~\~•,~1~;:1~~:::n~~c h:t\'C :l "'=lll'f id,·:t
idcnt of S1udcnI :ind t\dmin iivc Si:rvin:, Howard Farrell
1 ~1}LcNo.
1 rcq uc,1 w_c get by far (h:ll student~_would like to sec ;1 ,.1or(:itthc chn1_ l·J 11mrcofh: n" ~1the lasl mcc1mg of 1hr SGA . a ' · wa~ pn.:scntecl propo:-mg that :1 or would be :1vai !able from 8 1 10 5 p.m. at the chmc. TI1e bill ·ubkd for fu nher cons1dera110n H11wi.'vcr. accordi ng to SGA Viel'
arrrowd hy "l'Wra l grnup, . irk·lud •
LO£ 1hc,;,1a1c kgisla1urc "Any lime 1hcrc ·,;, an mcrcasl· m
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See llochlr III Page 3
acuity discusses estructuring plan ALISHA FERGUSON
Copy Editor Pim~ 1t1 tran, fo rm Midwc ~J('rn ,1e·s mne di\'i~ ions 10 fi\'t' col· c.• me\ with ~omc nc\l. ideas at a • meeting lx·l\\ t:l'n Vil·t.· Prc ~idc nt for Ac.idcmil·A ffair , Jc ~sc Roger., and nwm bcr~ of the MSU
Tcxa,;, Assoc ia 11 on uf College T e al' h c r ,;, !CTI
·Pan of it (t ill' reorganization J1sbc mgconl inucd jus1 a,; Lill' )' iglllJll y planncJ and part is bcmg Ti111:n based on Facult y Sen ate ,romme11da1ions:· educ:1tion pro• ~~r John Dowd. presidcn1 of =ni1tySc11u1e,said . "As for as I know they did nut tmion a 1r,111sition 1ca111 (one of
~~~ - ~!1ywa~~ i;:t~} gc;u~r;i . ~ r~~~ from cad1 of thl· current d1\'1 ~iom 0
10 wor~ 0 11 the 1r;in .. i1ion tl'am w "rm1<1thcn 1hc r hangc fn>m J1 ,·1:-1011 , 10 rolkgc, ·· Thl' fi \'c 1cn1:i11w collccc'- arc the l·ollq:c <11 hu , mc,~ adn;1111 s1rat1on wuh 1.0().l ,1u1knb and JO foc ull) . thl· rnUq;c of educ.111on ,,·11h 9J4 s1udcn1 ),. :in~ J6 fan_1ll y, 1hc college of healt h ~rn::nn:~ ,,·1th 8 14 ~,udc1m, and 36 fornlt y, the coll ege of nalur• al and ma1hemalKal scienn:~ w11h 900 ~tutlcnts and 60 focu lt\'. and the l·o lkgc of lihc ral arts with I J15 ~1udcnh and 107 farnh v.
~~~m !;~~\O~\· 1~~o~~ru/~~
h:i~an~ 1 d1.Jngl' than lhl·y orig inall y did . Dowd s~ud . 'The uans111on 1cam wi ll work lhrnugh the coni.:cm:- of each divi1, ion and find solu1 ions Since everyone has a rcprcstnlat ivc
MSU's Terrence Thomas goes up for a shot against Abilene Christian on Thursday. The Indians lost to the Wildcats 95-85,
Holiday Blues Valentine's Day can lead to depression for some
snapping MSU's eight-game winning streak. The Indians are ranked second in the LSC. Photo by Josh Deskin
CSO to celebrate independence dayt · DEANNA COLFORD
Viewpoinls Editor Valentine's Day brings wit h it more nowers. candies. teddy bears !ilddcprcssion . Some1imcs people who don't hal'csignili cant others during holi days such as Valentine' s Day. where the holiday is centered on ~ving a boyfriend or girlfri end, ,,11 become depressed. The degree thal the holi day iffccts someone has 10 do wi1h 1'hcthcr 1he person might have depression, according to ADA Coordinator of the Coun se ling ~?1er Debra Higginbotham. . If someone is prone to dep"'?s-
~~usuallygc1sworse. . .If someone is just sad. then 11 llllgh~ be a good 1ime 10 change. not Just centering hi s fee lings iroundone holiday." Higginbotham offers some ad 11ice on how no1 to get depressed O\'c r Valentine's Day: ··see what
Higginbotham said the feeli ngs of dcpres~ion come on when a person starl s feel ing alone. The loneli • ness causes the depression. Another way to over come year• ly v.Day depress ions is to look al 1hc bigger picture. For people who think they arc 1hc onl y person who is alone, they arc not Another suggestion to ge t over the depression is to try 10 lind fr iends who are also single on Valentine 's Day and do something with them. "It 's amazi ng how doing some• thing for someone else can make you fee l belier," Higginbol ham said . A 101 of times people just need the connect ion with anolhcr per• son, and not having th at kind of conneclion on a holiday cenlercd on being wilh someone causes !he depression. "It 's harder 10 reach out to someone than to let them come to you.'' Higginbotham said. Displays like this could bring depression for some around Some students feel the pressure Valentine's Day. Photo by Teannette Miller of Valentine's Day. (Valentine's Day) because 1 don't "I' ve never gotten depressed Sophomore elementary education student Charisse Bryant isn' t have anyone to spend it with. It's over Valentine's Day because I just a plain day I ha\'C to work," don't let myself. Depression is fond of the upcoming holiday. such a harsh word." "I'm nol Joo king forward 10 it she said.
m3:hej:St~~u~oi~:! :xral~~ ~ -Keep your expectations in line tth rcality."
Managing Edilor Come on and take an hour away from your studies to take a ''trip'' to 1wo Cari bbean islands The Ca ribbean Students Organization is sponsoring a "uip" to St. Lucia and Grenada Saturday, Feb. 13. at 6 p.m. in the Clark Student Center Shawnee Theater. The island of Grenada celcbra1ed i1s Independence Day Feb. 7, and St. Lucia will celebrnte this holiday on Feb. 22. The CSO is taking 1h.is opportunity to bring the islands'cul1ure, music and cui sine to the stu dcntsofMSU . "People who have never been wi ll leave with some insighl as to how the Caribbean really is," Jason Mathurin, a na1jve of St. Lucia, said. Mathurin further explained tha1 !here is a slight rnisconcep1ion abou1 the Caribbean. "People tend 10 think of I.he Caribbean of being one big island . There are dis1inctions between the islands." S1udents from each island will perfonn a 30-minute program. The perfonnances wiU be in the fonn or narrated skits tha1 portray the history and culture or I.be countries wilh humor. There will also be cultural displays that are rich in culture and heritage, according to Malhurin.
Mathurin and Shirlan Williams .. a native of Grenada. said the celebra: tion of Independe nce Day in tbeii countries is very simi lar to the Fourth of July celebrations I.hat take place in the ~nited States. • 1 In St. Lucia, which is celebrating
20 years of independence fror! Great Britain, there is a monlh of celebration leading to the ac1ual day; Historical displays a.re showcased 10 stimulate the ntinds of the young people who never experienced life. under British rule. There is also 1~ national address by S1. Lucia Prime: Minister Kenney An1hony ; Grenada, which is celebrating 2S years of independence from Great Britain, begins its all-day even1S with a rally, or parade. There arc twe{ speeches given, one by Prirq( Minister Keitch Mi1chell and anolh{ er by Danny Williams, the govemol; general. : Williams said there arc cultural perfonnances such as folk daocCS and songs. The day ends with every~ one going to a friend's house for ;:( large dinner and then to the beach. : As for the cost of the event; Mathurin said. "A smile as yoU enter. Just come with an open mind to experience the Caribbean cul;
VIEWPOINTS February 10, 1999
Cat dissection cuts hole in future plans \\lll'II I 1,k,1
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thank God thi s thing is dead .
I 11111,1 adrn11 1m 1111,·11111,11, 1H-rl·n·1 , ,, purl' \dw11 I iir,t <kn1kd IP lll:IJ1lr 111 l°ll' lnl'lll.lt"}' L'.111~".lllt)ll l \\anh:,I i-1 111.11111 111 " •llWlhm~ I l1nl.'d . .md l J..n,·" I n1ul.t Ix· .1 ::real 1,·.1dwr I 1\a, 111:11ull ,•,1myn1,·d a , k .td ,1wn11wn l\ llh till' l lllll' II 11 \IU l,i 1:11.. l' nw [!l 1h.11 ~r11 "1·d m1· ,11mpktl' 111 ) , chu,,1111:: . .ind ,1 n111 i 11.1, 11,·rdl't.!l\'l' Ill l' k llll' lll:11"\ ,·,tt1,.111, 111 kc th linc1111 h 11. ,,.,:nw.1 hi-,· thl· ,hunc:11>1ll' I n111ld 11,b • I brar .1lll'I" 1i111,t11n t: :1 lnnt: IPUI \,·:1r, · l'\l'll able 1,111n rl, • JENNIFER 1111 Lill' .11,,1•1' 110 11 111 tud1 ,d1001 I \~ .t, hu rn,·d ,1111 .md I 11,llltnt ;1 1111h, ,u1 ,:! 1111 ,., h~ TILLERY q11K·J.. 1\:1 ~ oul ,11 -..-h,1,,I I ,1a, !11\·d ih,' ,11 oi tx·i n~ L'du,·all'd \\ 1th ,uhJl'Cb I Viewpoints 1lw 1111ddk \111uld tll'\1.' r ai;am n,·L·d ~ I ~ tk:' rl'l· 11 :1, 11 Editor 111 ,·k1rn.•11tar1 L'dt1l·:11i1111 \\:t, t:11 111 c • • - - - - 1h,·1.1,·11h.11I IO tx· lh.11 IIC~l'I I 1ll'l'd,·d I h mur 11 , fir,1 11\ 11 1l',1r, .11 111,·"1·tl up lhl' d1",·,·111111 .-\, I ,1an,•d J..cpl th 1n l.rn,1; 1,1 111~,,·lr 1tm1u~h(1u! \I Sl ·. c1 L·r~1h111:' 11,1-. :,: ,,;11 ;: 1hl' 1h,· ,,·111l·,11:r. th.ml- GuJ th1, 1h1111= 1, ,,111w loruw ,k,1d L·klu,ill\ h1, 11,1111L· \\a, Jim . Cl:t"l'' 11.-re ,1dl 1hc ,;1m.:: I ,1111 ,lll l' I 111\ l'\ - t-, ;,frtl'lld l kit 111-L' l ll"a-. h,·1111: l1>rr n l 11 , ,11 m I J..m;11 tx·1 n~ :1 'L'I 1, ;i l,ir murl' lwur, l• I kcrurl', 1ti:i1 I \111ul.t Pil l\ 1w,·d 11 I \H'fl' pla11 11in,:: 1111 hl'111 ~ :1 ; :11:1~'.\: i ;: :::;~::.l~;;, 1: :~1-1 1, :11:~;· Ctllll l'\ l,1111 Clll ··Jl·op,ml~ .. 1 llll' Jilt, T h,ll 1, \\ h~ th,· dl\\l'l' II Oll\ I h:1cl hc: 1rd \1\lflr~ Pl h,111 1. 11lk!.!l' lwlpl'll llll' dP 111~ p.1 rt 111r llw .in un;i\ 11a, ,o mud1 hL'll L"J 1h.111 h1~h ,(ll'll"I\ ,d1011I . .,nu 111.1, ,t:1r1111~ 111 lwl 1l'' l' 1 1h,·,,·11 ,· rc .dl111,1l1,·, l11 ,1,11 ·rh :11 .111:n::ii': ~·~! 1!~.'/~;;11~i; },~•;.: _ mt: 111,,rL' tun 111 tolk·!.!1' . I \\,1, lthl Ill \ 1111\1 (\r ~l',lf 111 · 111 gh ,l·ho11 I / rr~ 1l·11 m:,: Ill } ht :' h ,d;,,nl d,1y , Jl·l·1dl·d m1h,1l·i11raruma l,11;1,11 ·1 Btu 1h,·n I d1-.·tnl'l\'ll 11hat ,·,il!.'11 111 !.' rn ·,.1\l' lhL·m ,1 h..:rw1n I k!.!l' 1, :ill ahou l ~,, 1u1:1hl· l"lll 1111!.' thL·m \hi- 'L'tnl',t,-r. I am lin.dl ~ 1.11..111 ~ IP1,·. Ttk·n I wrnni 111 m1 <.en1mJ ,<,me l'klllL'lll,1r~ L·d11ca1u,11 r l.l"l' ' · · du ldr,·n and I am l.11 111~ 1lw111 I ha\l' Jdtfkr,·111 lmL· lord11ldrrn I :1m !i 11all \ i1:1\1t1 I: 11111 :1! , r huol. 1h:m l d1• lor:m1rnakhu1111 ~ f!( •at1, J u111 !.! ,n111L·1liint: I In;,. Thmt: , h,11l' ,1art~d tu fall 11iio pl.1L'l' hit 1iw ;:::.\\'i"1':~-~-~:1'::~:11:~r't1l~fr] 11am h• hL·lp I JL•d rtt'.111 ,II h,mw 111 111~ m:1Jllt rr.KhllH.'. ~;II (' llll' lhL' ,111,\ll'r J nm, . L'Ll' ll 1hm1:.: h I J1.in·1 t:l"l min 11 J.. 11l· 11 1h.1! k·~·t•1111ng a pi.:,Jratnc dti..·- forthl' rorrl'l"l rl':1,oii;111\\1a lhl' Ix· lo 111g ~11 ·1 11,1,11 ,1 1, It", fuml\ hl ,1\ cal J1"L'L·t1 L1n, hl.'l's1t1, L' ,1! 1111 tn.,I , 1111h till' L':tl hrlpcd llll'.JM·rncr I ,h,1uld lx·.1 C'U!llll.!,'. ]ll'll[lk n pl' tl JU,! \\;t\11 °1 1,:arha. hut al k:1,t l kn, 111 rm ~111 m.! to 11nrJ.. L'llhi.:r 1\hcrt· I hl'long. • J ~11.tdl· JU ~ Jl'Cl\1(111 ,l lll' r Ill~ 1u111 nr ~l'.11" I 11a, g1 11ng to h,· :en L'k 1n,·nt.1r~ ,, h1 k.•I 1,·:1d1L-r. Ju,1 111-L· m~ Tifl, ·n 11 ap1111ord1•m1•111c1n ,·d11 ;:r.111d1111,tlK·r ,ind 111~ morn c1111"11 111a1orjri1111 \\1,1 l1110 Fo f/1
!l:~:; t.~
Attompllng to fini sh his mastarploce , Jimmy was bitten by the love bug
Childhood dreams become reali b
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\L;;l~~ \~'.~11
::;l·:1~r;~~~/''.:;~:1l~i;I t~ \~! ~t,\\'~-~~ ~.i:;i, ~
raicn t,rcakfa,1. I would gr.ih the ne,1 I nw.1111h1,llt,· ral lv I l'a n hc drif1i11i; off h.1 ,1· 11,1 11k ,t ,1h.11 I .un ~ tllll ,:'. h• d11 prr and he:u.J 101hc cmpl) den 1 1 1 \1 11h 111~ dl·~ •n· " I 11ould fiN ,11 d?" n o~ the ,01 , 1:~llt~~i'I,,•;\/~~-( ; nc'i~~l-= ~~-'r 111111 111,1111 11mc, h,1\ 1' 11111 hl•;ud 1!11 , ~\\,~I~~!: thl.' piano hcnch 111 tronr or mr Jfld _ 1 rhL' hefor,· TIil' 11 l\l hq;m ,mJ lx·d nl 1•1H 1111111 ~\lilt r~·l l11\\ ('11lkapil'\' l'rt •ll'\\l'r, nizc my ,crip1: 1hc nc11,paf11.'r 1. nwmomy frnm ,lip 1 1t di:uw,· ,, h:1, .111d ,t<hr,,·r, l"' fll'1. 1.tll ). h\1\1 11flL·11 ,h1 , 111 - 1(k ,1 begin on the fro nt page for ffi ) lcaJ 1_hc :id1cn 1t, ,k111 , c,1m,• 1<1 1,,11 ,1111l l1.1 \L' u,,i1k,111h1l ll r, to 11':t)' my work and • ,\flL-r 1111 frr.:,hm:m \e:1r. I h.1d :mchorrd ,l1 fl'l"l1tU! hL'lll -, h,· i-h,·.1d,·d ' ,ection fo r the rommerc1ah I 11,'l"L• 111l 1 had :, l·11111,·r,;11i,111111 th a Every once in a while. for J 'Jnt; !((~f/~i'~;:.l:\ h1:: hl ~ 111tL· ill ;:c111 ln,·nd 11( mi11L' ..1 p11Ji11 Ill) nrws ,how. I would lnh>r ,i,.. :ind .,-.,1 , nl'lll"l.' lll,IIPI "i1•IHL' h\l\\ OUr C\111\L'r'a• 11(k1 1 h,,n1L' lhL' fo ll11\1 1ng !lummer tirothrr. who wou ld pretcnd to!\· a i 1 1 1 1 111111 dnr"11·d 111 gr,1du :1t i,1n :md ll'h fam ou, 1rnni:- pbyr r who had ;u11 r:t ';:1~~~ g ;1 ii.1 pn"pl',·1, allL't11 :11"d Wi111hle1on. unprm ,· tll) \\"lw11 I .1,!,..l·d IK·r 1LJ1.11 , hl· 11 arHL'd t,, du lllL' 011 \\hal I lll'l'JL·d 10 do 111 I dcfini1d y bclil.'vr m the P.'-' ei :1 llll' gavL· 1)1 J..ind ,,uh lw r,k:.:rcL'_, tw ,:11 d 11 11hahl:111J... h111 11\L' ral l <k l1, l"r). hL· n 1111 pl11HL'lll " You ·1,· al·1u:1 ll y r,·a ll y gtXKI ~:~g it~:~c~ ~11:~?~r~ ,mn·rc. 1, ,o°J.. . ·-1 h.11 ,· n111,k:1." ' fL'all~ 0! 11 11. \\l• t'-ot h l.1u ~l1,·d :1hPU1 from Ill )' l'l'I)' own d~n J..m111 111~ 1L h,1t 11,1, lunn~ I , uppn"' Ill' My goa l here at l\·11 J11c,1rrn 1, r,1 . drdn "r J..11011 111 111 L· l,l.' 1n r,•a(I hi lhL' l:icl 1 th.11 , he h.1, 1h 1 uJ.·:1 \1h:11 ,hl' 1, g11111g In ::1~e~;,~~:~e~~ i .' 'i' ::!~~r:~~~-: ~:1~~~; 111 d,11\11/J ti.-r (k!.:1,·c IV Sli.- n pl :110,~J h, m , hl· i- .1 p1)l111L·,d ,~·i· lf I do no t nwkr It to thi.: tnp or m\' c11cl· 111.11111 hl'l·:111 , ..· 11 " 1lw nn l~ ,t1hJl'll or even if I nevrr get a job mm, r'tct 1h.111111,-rl',bh,·1 ,10J1, lwr ltr,1 l,1H' -.1udy. I know I still made 1hr ngh1,~ "1 d1d11 1 1 . np11m111 111~ 111 111,1.1111. thi,.\1 :.m yway. Bein¥ able lO ~raduat,· J~ m,111 ,·r In 11w lh.11 ,hl· 111, ,·:,nhl ) 1d,·:t nf \lantl y gel a hi gh-paying Job 1, n01 .i1. 1\ h.11 ,lw 111•11 IJ d11 upo n gr,1dua1inn . I what is rno:-.L impon:mt. You l'Jn I\• c,1mpll' IL'I~ 11rn.kr,t1 J< 1J all of the monry in the world ·JnJ,,1 \\'lll"ll I hlld Ill \ d.1d I \l,I\ ~Ultl !.! 10 !.!tl Ill unhappy. co llL'!-!L' 111 , 1ttd) hr,1,1(ka , t /111rn?i11,1~. he To all of 1ny fellow cotl raguc, . .:r :111111, .. 11;1, . 1,1 ,.1~ 1! ,1mpl~ . di- :1pprnn1,·J loo dir h~. hc-rl' 1, SmL"L' tlll' ll hi.: h;l\ t1L'1cr 1ncd to pcr- ri~k of ,ounding L..·1 Ull' L'\pl .11n. D:id 1, .i pn nnp:11. Mom dreanh Follc,11 , ua(k ml' 10 fol lO\\ hi, Jrl':1111 of ha\'i ng ;1dvice . Foll ow your 1, :1 IL':Khl'r. l.:ducat111n i- 111 Ill~ hl ond hear!. Follow tht: yellow bnd w:iJ f • ld lil' ur:1tio11 ed lhL· v 1111 go me ll11\\,·\L"L ,o 1,J1•unwh,111. lakr, you 1u J' ii as long a!<. rarc. I us1r.1tc ill to !<ihll)' more L,·t ml' 1dl Olll' DaJ dtdn '1 'l'l'lll 1,1 fol IOI\ rn~ r:,tiona le i,m and that wi~ I ultimatel y nwkc you h:ipp\ I k could 11,11 und,-r,tand w hy I wnuld how rnud1 I IO\ L' t.iro:1ck:1,1 j ourn;1l And 10 all of you poli11ca! ,,, y tick.I for me. 11:11111n ~radual<.' \1i1h :1 dq,'rl'L' in hro:1d - how I J..n,111 1hi, i!<i 1hr onl bc liew insurann.· ,.ik, Grnwm!! up ,~ i1h !l hro1hrr who is eigh1 major, who 1/i't~l1i1,~:~1;::~1::r~I\ ''.~1:l:/~~1;~·/~~~~:I lo t!L'I :1 year:- nlder 1h:111 ml' . one mil imagine that be your on ly opti on for a Job, do I\ dii.n1aycd. If you arc doing 11hJt ~N I don·, fu ll ~ u11,kN:md 11 ci1hcr. I do I played :ilonr oflr n. One g:une in p;1nicuto love. there is nothing 10 \1orr~ :ibo.1tii J.. 1111\\ 11 1:-. thL: 11111~ ,uhjer t tha! 1111crr,i- l:ir in\"Oh L'd the use of my imaginati on t1ll' hL·,ide\ thL,11.-r. Ar1ually I' m morl' 1he fulk :-1. Volford is a j 11nior IIWS\ nmwn WhLn I 11:1, 6 )'-'J r:- old. c1·try S;1turday 1h:in 11HL'ri.: ... 1eJ 111 JOurna li,m. I ,lcl'p. 1.·:11 111orn ing . :ifti.•r I h.id watched r:1rl OOn!<i :tnd riu11s major from Sw, Amomo :m<l hrl'alhL·1 1 ·· 1
Managing Editor
,,- -,,
more than interested in journalism. I sleep, eat and breathe it !'
Love us, hate us, read us and write to u~
Staff Writer
Th, , ,, your p,1pcr. Y(1u ar1.· 1h,• re:holl \1,· ex1,1. Co111rary tu the op 1111 u11 of a ldl,m \Vidutan ,1aff,•r \\ ho , :ml 11 ,. ,· 11,1 bcc:1u,L' of ma" ruzmnun1c111un. I J..nm1 that 11 1111,mt .1 rl·ader,hip. lhl'r1.• 1H1uld hi.: nu nL·cd fur ma:-., co111mu11ica1ioih . Su 1w. The Wkhi lan ,tall. arc hrr,· 10 hroadL'n ,our hontorl\. to l'ncour.tgL', d1:1 lkt1 :?l' and aunny )1 111 . our fd!ow , 1ude11h of MS U I hal l' fri end, ,mending ;.,1s u who hall' ,aid thq almo, 1 nc l'c r re:1d Th,· Wirh iian . Wh) nor.' 1 "lhL"y dnn·i ha\'t' 1h,· 1imL' (0 11 . re:1ll y J. ur they f1ir gc1 1,1 , mp ,md pid up :1 cop). or IH)r,1 of all. ! Ho,~ can ed".' i111,·re:-.1 Not . i111crc:-.ri.:d 1101 thcv·ri.: 1 ~ t11i 11111 he i111crl.',1ed in your campu:- ncw!<ipapr r" M:my pf the 1:-.,lK', and cvl.'nb w-: rLpon affe,·t nr f)l'rlain IO y1 1u. 1hc , 1udenh of MSU. Thi, p;1rx•r i, 11or1h lc" unlc,:- ,,..e fut lill our !!oal: lo :-.cn •c. inf,inn. ente rt ai n. annuy and othcr"wi:-.l.' rha lkngc you. !hr ,1uJ enh (a 11d lel u,nol forgl'l 1h,· fa cull y1 ul MSU. l undcr, tand 11 ,, :-.ome1i111i.:, difticu l1 to d1 :-.cipli ne youN: lf lo ··take li \c" from your hu\y ,chcduk 10 ,upporl the rnmpu:-. paper by rl'ading i1. and rr,p11nding. ii" you have i111clligcn1 rnnun1.·n1:-.
J-1IO Tart Bl vd. Uox 14 • Wichita Falls. Texas 76308 Nfws Drsk (9-'0) 397-4704 • Ad ,•frlising Desk (940)397-4705
E-mail: msm•ditor @aol.com Wehs ilc: hllp:l/www.mwsu .edu/-wirhila n Copyn!! hl f.l 1999 Tlw Wil·hnan i., a 1111:mhl·r nfthi: Trxa., ln1crrnllq;iale Pre" ,\"1 1t·1a111,n. Thl· W1rh11;m r,·wrvc, !Ill' righl 10 i:di1 any mall·n:il M1hmilh:d for puhl1.:.1! n•n. Optn1 nn, l'.\ f)f<':-,i.:d m The Wichil;m do nul th.'l'\•.,~:1ri ly rl'lkl'I lhl•'l' of lh\· ,1,1fl. ,tu,knt,. farnl 1y. r\dnu nl\lrnlmn or BoarJ uf lk!!t'nt, of Midw1·, tl'fl1 \t.,IL' IJ111 H·r,II ) F1 r,1cop) lll lhl' p:1ri.~r i, frl.'t: of ch:irgL': addi1iun:i l roptl'' :irL' SI I hl" W11. h11 :in v.,·lcn111,·, kHrr, l•f np1t11un~ frum ,1udl'l1h. f;.1<·ully :md ,1 .iff , uhmittl·d hy rhi: Fnd,1y h('l flfl' mtendcJ puhhl·a1ion . Lcua, ~ln•ulJ he hrid :ind w11h11ut ah11 ,1\..: l;mgu,1gc urpcr,(1tt:tl.1u:1cb . Ll'l1..:r,11111,1hl· ly[X'dand,1g11L'Jhy thl· w11k'r ,md mdmk a lrkphon,· 11111nbc-r :niJ .11..klrc,, tor v._-n/i<.·a11Pt1 purpt1,c:,,. l.l'm·1, w1H hi:nl1tcd lurgr.u n111:ir 11nl)
N,·11,. ,o now l make it a point 10 sit :ind peruse it \\'\"L'r:tl lillll'\:I \\'l'Ck. Th,· grca1 thing ahoUI li ving in a small 1ow n is 1hat you mrc1 ~on1L·on,· you know almos1 everywhere you go: ,o it is with a :-.ma ll town newspaper. You read aho u1 ~omcone you know of almO!<i l Olll"c a wrl'k . I likL· !he.• ch:111 gc. I gri.:w up in the 11letropolitan r ity of Fort Lauderdale. Fla . 11 hom you nught read :tbou l ' ' - - - - - - - - where I could go mollllb in1hl.'p:1per. I makcit_apoint wi1hout see in g someone I . 10 real.I The W1rhnan 1 bc..-:1u!<icof cour:.l'. 1"111 a :-laff ~hnec~~\n ~~/~~;~p,:~~writer.ind hcc:tu!li.:. frankl y, J we a11cndrd church or school 1hink we havr a grc:11 p;1pcr. to~el ~cr. I can te ll you that I do haw 1rnuhlr rnak in!! W1ch 1ta F:111 :-.. Texas. is a 111 ysdi :- ll dowu long enough - - - - - - - rcfr1.·!<ihing change . 10 read the Time, Rernrd It" you don ·1 read Thr Wichi1an bccau:-t· you Nl'w:-.. though. becau:-.c. wel l. 11.'1\ fo cl' it. tnO!II of or rontcn ts - which have layou1 the like ·1 011 1 . L. 111cr1 to !faining ~ ve. li 0 1 g tryin husy u:-. arc :-n ' ' add - then do thmc de:1d linr:-. anJ makr thO!<il' !!radc:-. th:u 1w ch:111grd a bi1 fo r lhc bcuer. I might se nsi ble sugges. fo rge, sometimes m tak e thc timC 10 "s mell 1hc ,omrlhin_g 11 ,efut and nrn_kc 1iuns... o tkr m he a staff wrner. I know there arc nowers" ...or to read 1hc ncw\p:1pcr. more pcoplc out thcrr. lxsidc~ 1he c urrcn1 Wir hilan s1aff._who have a lot of time and talent to
:1hou1 ,11111c1hmg you h:1\l' 1\·aJ. What a wu11dl'rf11I pruhkm 11 1111111d h,· 11, ha\'t.' [)L'opk ra il ing Thl' Wil' hi1an ulfa·L· bl'L":tU :,,C lh l') wu lJ11 ·1 find :1 rnpy of 1hr ,·urr,·111 eJi1in11 :111~• \L lll•r..: on r :unpu, hL'Cllhl' ,111dl'nt., and fornl l) had 1akcn them :111 ! Now don"t };!U tra:-.hing or L'at1ng 1hrmall.Ju,1 "i,0111..:,m,· r:u1 complain! You lll'l'l'r k11m1 what ,1r
This paper is for you
ha~.'.1' ~~:11 \~:•1~~t'.:~~:1sf1; '~~~~c~::;1~? ~~~::~~I~
THE WICHITAN Ed itorial Board Ed itor in Chier Jason Lawrence Managing Editor Deanna Dolford
Viewpoints Editor Jennifer Tillery Copy Editor Alisha Ferguson Photo Editor Teannclte Miller Accountant Josh Deskin. Adviser Jim Sernoe
conrribu1c. Aren't thcre'.1 If a person doesn·1 vo1e. they ha,e- no H'J" right to complain about the way th ing~ an.' S, with The Wir hi1an. If you don·, li ke ' L'nl( state your opinion or keep quiet. ·Nough ,J1J So tell your friends - and your cnc:mlL'' • J the Wichi1an; encourage them to read ii. 111~ some1hing you don'1 like about 1hc papi:1 I, know and suggesl an allerna1i ve. I do11 ·1 rrl' that we'll use them all. but if it'~ ;i ,en,1~., gc!>tion. we' ll 1ake i1 imo consideration. \\, alway1, intcrcs1ed in hc;1ring from }OU ta~ I, you have something worlh tell ing). You are the reason we 1ake 1he 1imc :mJ o: 1 do to report . write and publi sh 1hi:- p.tf'< plc:1sc do your part 10 supporl U3. Takl' ::i It:"' hro:iJcn to schedule utes out or your chaotic hori zons; sil down. relax and ~njoy Thl' \\ 1.-~ 1
Ca,ji11kle is <l )1111iur hiswn· majarfmm II:< Ff/f/s
Repo;lcrs Nick Baghcrpour
Cindy Bell
Davon Baker Masako Miura
StephanicCemy KimChamncss Wend y Garfink le Dave Gunnell Anika Ken1isha Daw_n Hensley
Gr.1phic Artists Adam Chavez Kei1hMycrs
Advertising Reps
Nancy Quan Dan ielle Roney Jue Rus.)(' 11
Chris Jones Donna Payton
Circulation Manuger M:111 Humphr•··• Websitt' Coord in:1t,1r AJu111 l ·h,1'-
TH E WI CHITAN February 10, 1999
Two career expos planned DAVID GUNNELL
The W1chilan ~
Y1111 h,1,c ju,1 , 1x•nt :11 k :h t ro11r t·.1r, and u1110IJ lhf111 ~;nut, of J,il -
~:::, 1::~·1:~•.~111g. 1
for lilL' n.::11
CL L'llt, 1, 1·urrt•n1ly :11 :iil:ihk un thL· lnl efll t' l :H h11p·/111w11.m_w"1 l'01n/- c 1rl'..:1 Tran, 1ll.>n :111un In 00t h l'Lt"llh will tx: prm 1Jetl irct· of r hargl' hy M~U S111ctcn 1~ needing 1r:m, pnn:111nn , houl d inqu1 rL' ;11 lhc Caren Sl·r, in·, nffin· in 1h,· Clark Smtl,·111 Ccntt·1 Th n1ua~ Whaylcn . thrt·r tor uf
C.1rct' f•rn1mk<l 111di\ldua l~ will h.1\l· thv1)ppor1 u11i 1y trirfln11t'l' l wi th l'lllplo)t' r- :tl Jtih f:m, tn Ill· hl'ltl in Al'>l1t·111· . Tna,. tm Fell. II and 111 ;1,~l~1i::;. ,~:~~ :~i~:·c:11c~~-:~~;,~~~..:,;~~ L:1w11u1 . Okla , on Fd1 2.l Adm 1,,1t 1t1 h frt't' :111J ju ui or, and ('\ t' llb . 1 ,t·11111r, art' h1}.'. hl) t·nruura~t•tl to ,11;~~.~;:ha~:j'~~ll::::i:~t ~~;,~;:~ ;1t11·nJ Tlw \\'t',1 C\·111r:1I Tn:a, Cart·t·r get 101=ctl_,L'f 1111 1lw ,1 udcm > hnmc C, m,Pr1 111m E111pl nymt·nl E\ ll\l will coun ,",.il(I \Vhay kn . "Wl·hrrn g 1he hl' hl'IJ at tlw ;\ hi k 111.> Cl\ 11.: (l'nH.·r 1 111 ,\hil1·11c from 10 :1.m H• .\ p.m. :~' ~ ::~ St11dt·111 , :111 rnJ 111f lhl' ;\hik1w 1•, pn 111 ll ht· abk tu llk'e l w1 1h rep• :111 lhCl,L' ,lirl ~ of thtng, .. Mc ,:,it.I that !'e,carr h " H' I Y t'C\t'lll:llllt'\ from 11\'l'f 70 rq,iinu.11 ,mil 11.11inn:1I cmplo)t'r, . "11h r:1rcn i111pnrt :1nt when ;ll tl't1d1nt 1·,1ret· r •'Plllllh r:lll ); llll! from hu,i11e,., amt l'X pn, C'an:rr-,er kt· r, ~huuld Jon ~ l'l'i •1hi1n1 t", li1•l,h 111 la11 i:11f0rn.·• through the li , ung, of wh,eh llll'lll Tht· R,·d R1w1 Car1•1•r fa;('l• wi ll crnp!IJ)'t"r, will Ix· allendmg . p1d, hr :.1 llll' Gn.::11 Pl:111is lti li "'lllll Ill thr ulll'' 1h..:y would lik tt• , 1x·.1~ \\ llh f1r ~l :ind prt·pa rl' l!Ul''l lllfl' lll l..11\hm f l'lltll Y ,I ltl. Ill I JI Ill Tlw La1\11>11 JL'" fo1 r wi ll h:11c a,k t·:id1 reprt·,l'lllril11t· All , 1udt·111, 1111..:r1·,1t·d 111 :111 1.'n d• ml'r 10(1 1'mpl,1~l'r, rt' [Hl·,..:n tt·d . mdudmg thl' l lni 11•d St:11,:, C'l'nl ra l 111g l'i tht· r cl'l' l\1 ,hnul d l'n11,;111l 1he C:trl'el \l'rlKl' ' l'l!ll!l.'r :1( l'\ I. ,l,!I) lmdh~l' ll\'t•Ag..:111·y A tult h,1u1g \ll emplo~t·1, .11 lxith l{lr fu nha dt't:nh
!: :~i;i'~i:i~~\:\:~•: ~~i:'·i;:;-,
l \ 1csda,. Frh. 16
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C Lul,. \111 di:11t l ,:llk'r I ~:,.;
• f~l',ullll' 11 ,irk ,h.ip . - 11 in 1,1 :..: <o p 111 Ill Cl.irk ~111drn1 l,·111n 1-~
11 S,· ll·ncL''
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So, 1,11
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MSU student Chrislopher Reed parlic,pales in Virlual Pac Man las! Wednesday. The event was sponsored by UPB. Photo by Masako Miura
Reorganization ________ ____ _____ ,,11 1h1· 1r:111 ,1 t11>n tt.'am . t·1·l·rv\1nr h:" ,,,mei>111· ln,,l111 1! mu for th~ru ·11\ ht·t·n q1;1tl' l'n1hu,1a,11catl } rL·,·t·1,.-d h~ !RPi;rr, :111J R11dng ut't1 .nhl I thrnl 1h:11 h.1d :1 l:,rgl· l'ff.yt nn f.1t"u h~ ,lt't't'platlt'l' ol th..: , 1111:1110 11 .. A111•llll'1 r,·,ul11t1 n11 1ha 1 w:" .1,l,,p11·,I 1,11 1l w 111011(":i l rct'(l lll • m1•11,I , th:11 "lhl' Dl·:m of v.1dl nil• lq;e h.1, l' lht· :m1h, 1nt) :mJ rr~p(l11'1· bil1t ~ 1,11 :11·.1JL·11111· :111d hudgl' lary .1d1111n1,1r:ll 1\l't'e,p1111,ih1l111 l'\Uf lht' 11\·t· prn1JL· n1 fm At·ade m1r -\ft :11r,." l>,111(1 ,:11 d 1he Ac:11.l cmk Cf\L1 1ll'il 111 .1, h.t\t' had thh 111 mi ntl. hut it ,,.1~ 1h•t ,,rillL'n ClUI lx:forc ion the -\ d1111n1,1r:1111 e Cnu1ic 11 ·, propo,all Wt· 1h111 ~ i1·, :Ill adl'antag,: to hal'l' l'1erylt11ng "ri llrn 11111 dt•arl y 'l' l'\Cr)'fln,· c n1 under,tand what to l!XJlL'l'l. I thin~ it', goi ng to 01: a hig
Student Government Presents
C1t,,.. t4e Coii,eu-.. 1999
tM Coti~eu~!
It's time for the annual C1oAAl Thursday, February 11th. We want everyone there to see the Indians play Texas A&M-Kingsville. The Lady Indians play at 5:30 p.m., and the Indians at 7:30 p.m. Show your MSU PRIDE and wear Maroon and Gold or you favorite MSU shirt to support our Indians! Remember, the Coliseum only holds 5,000 people and there are almost 6,000 students, so come early and get your seat! Drawings will be held at halftime of the Men's game to win: MSU Students 1st Prize: Color TV 2nd Prize: $100 at Sikes Senter Mall Faculty and Staff 1st Prize: $50 Gift Certificate to McBride Family Restaurants 2nd Prize: MSU Sweatshirt
lll'lp" Tlw tlurd prop,,,a l. ,d uc h " ;" turn rd (1011 11 0) lhl' 1\ r.1d..:m1 c Cot1 t1l' il . rct·111 n1ncr1dt·tl 1h: 11 . ra1l11·r than coudt· nw the d1 11, 1un,. till' w hfll1l d1 :111gL· the n 1rr..:n1 nml' dit 1,ion, tci nmt· collrgc, 1,11h lht· currl'nt di1i,i1• 11 din·;.: tllr, g1,1·n tlit· t1t k . rt·,pu11, 1h,li lll'' and :1111 h11rit~ 111 de:m, "Prl',i1k 111 Rudri g110 :mJ IJ r Rog1·r~ ex pl:11 111: d why i1 w:1, 1101 po"1lilr." Dowd ,;ud. " One l1f 1he prohkrn, 1, 1ha1 the Te'(.a, Higher Ecluc.i1ion Bn:1rd rnu,! ;1pprml' th,' d 1:mf,:' .. If M SU d1a11gl'd nin,· divi ,,nn Lhreetor, to nin,: dean,. tht' 00:trd 1mgh1 1h111k thl' ,d100l h.i, 111url'de:111 ,t ha11 it , hoult.l ..:ompan:d 10 lhl' :1(hn im, 1ra1 ivc eu,1 per ,1u dt·n1. Dnw<l s:ud he 1hink , people in till'
l:tr~er l'fl lk gt·, .1rl' rnn.:l' ml'd 1h:11 1\ .1 ~ lht·~ .1rt: m t·h:111):!e 1hem lo ht·tall\1' 1hert· ,, di tx: mnre p,..:npk J..:p:1rllllt'lll <·h:ur, .. rq lnr11ll); to :, , rn gk (k :m. thn,e C11rre111!~ . .!111, an11 d1rL'l'l111, t.le:111, 11 ill haw llltll't' wnr~ :111d k " 1ndl\ 1.l11al .111,·nt11111 l \ l l' :1eh 1kparl • ,1"11.!11 ,.1n 1n !.! dut1t·, tt1 l'O•>rdrn:i• mem ll11\\t'\i.'.r. hl' ,:1111 <•1w nl rht· !Pr,~If lht•~e r: \\t l h, 11\ \\.e re dl,Hl):!Cd purp1'-l'.,nl th..: tr:111,11 1,111 t,:am i, 111 11 1 d,:par111w111 chair,. their dut 1c, 1,nrk11ut rr,,hkm,,uch :i,1h" wnuld hi! , 1:111d:ird1tl'd . Any 01her The r..:0r:;:m1,.111on plan 11 111 h1.· t hangn III Joh d1 ,cnp11011 1qll he , ul',m1llt:dh 1lllt' ll n:ird (ll Rcgent ,.11 ,,orked11111 hv1h..: 1r:m, 111unlc:tm 1hl'1rh·h. l X111L'l'llllg Thea 1re ·profc"or F.litahc1h k sst.' RPl!e r, . \ ICL' pre,1dem nf Lc1, a11J n11 ,~i. prt·,1dcnt ol the ~ISL' Ar:ide nut Aff.m, . 1,a, pk.i-t•dw uh ... hap1..:r LIi T1\ CT. ,:1id ''I'm ,ur~ 1hi.: 1111lfP11ll' 111 the ml'i.:11111,? " I gnt :i g11111I rel' ep1i11n rr,1111 undl'r 1l1t· ngh 1 k:t(lt-r,h1p. r1·nrg:1 n1 TACT I ll:1, 11:: il l~ l'Xpla1nl'J \le 1,11111n 1qll ,,or~ Wt· hnrc 1h:11 ii \\ l·r..: g<1111 ~ In f11ll•m lht· fi r,t 11,,, hdp, tht· u1111er,11~ nm m11re ,.,, ,ij . l't"n llll l1lt'llda!1n11, 11r lhl' l·:tc ull \ Sc 11a1..: . T he u .111, 111\111 team 11ifl l'1e1u ly dm1n !ht· rn:1d . I 1h111 ~ 1ha1' , addrc" llll' pn1hk111, ut ,l\\ul'tatt· tht· gnal o l 1!11 ,. rl•al l) . ,n he ,k an,. ftl11n!! po, 11 1,m, .111,I 11 llt'llll'r 1Rngt·r,11·an h.1 1t· 11111\.' h) dn 1h1 1l):!' 111 ~cep lhl' prugra111 t"1)11rtl m:11 ur, till' 1h:11 ,ircr1·;tll ) l11 ,Jt 1h "
Doctor ____ ____ ____ __ ,,·onikr, for , wtknh n1.·c1l 111g meJ, 1t·al attt·ntion "A lul l-11mi.: doclor Wlluld ht' a bi~ help 10 1ho,t· of u~ who rn n' t afford 1n gfl ltl :, pm ·at,: d in1c," lfo n1lll ~aiJ . Hnr1 u11 work , pa ft•t lllK' :11 a l(ica l cn1cn :i in me nt ,ture. l kha, 111• m1•d· ic:11 in,ur:ml't' 1hrnug hh1, L'lllpluycr He ,ay, that h1, ,i 111at 1on 111:1kt·, 11 di ffi cul1 10 ub 1:1i11 111 t·d 1tal he lp when he lll'Cd~ 11. "Sct· mi; a~ I :1111 :1lrt•a,ty pa) mg 1or ,;d1ool am! . .•;111 ·1 afford ht·alth irh ur,lllt'e , ll 111:t ~t'' \l' lht' lo gel
\ ' \\ II ,// / ~
,ome kmd ul 111ed1c1I ,en Ke thn1ugh the ,d11•0L" H0r11111 ,aid . Hm,t·,a. Lit her , 111dt·n 1, J1 1, t ,1·t' lilt' pbll a, ,Ill lllltlt'l'C":,ry a1ld11 1u11 tut ht· lt't·, th,11 , 1udt·nt, ,1re ptt·,t·111 • ly rt'ljl'l1'L'd to pa~ S,1p!111111<ffL' knmft·r Sdn1111 ;11 11i 1, 11111' ,11 thu,e , 111Jl·111, l kr p.,rl'llh hLt·111.111e,irh\1t1wn. :111d. ,1,:1,1u .le u1. ,hl· 1, ,·1111 nwl' rl'll hy 1ht·11 111, ur;Ull'L' "For 1111·. 11·, a w:1,1,: :· Sd 111111an11 ,;ml. "We h;l\ t' a f:unil} tl,x·1ur. :mil I h:ivl· 110 re:h1 1111t1 ~L' 1,, Vin ,l1n " Sdu1111:mn 1h111~ , 1h:i1. l1~t· ntht·r
, 111de11 h , 1111 \.'\I\L'fl'J t,~ tht'II r ,u l' llh . ht·ah h plan, . ., 1ul!-11m1· ,lntt1•1 11uul d he nr 1111 a""1a111·1· 11 ) her " It', 1u,1 a11otlll'rfl',: lhJI I'l l h.11t' 111 pa) hl fu nd "•methtnc! I \L ,111 ·1 u,t· ." Sdn1111,11111 ,,11tl. Rq.1rJk" 111 ,1,1nd11l ~ l1pmh1n, t•n lllt' l\\llt' , tht' tin,111kt:1,1un h." lltll ~et IX't'll 111,ldl· l 111 11 th:11 tUlll' , lht· Sti 1\ \L il l n1111111u..: 111 rt·,~·:ird1 11h,11 111:t) turn 11u1 111 t,l• ,,ut· ,,1 thl· h1g,;e,1 d1:111c!e, ,11 \111s1•11 lk.1hh C l11111· m :1h,ng 11ml'
if, ,[FlfC3!R~J>lCSJ 8 8' I \ + I
/or IISU -
71 f}:fJ2 @W 8V 2 • <'>nc mon1h tanning memberships fo r only $50.
V ~ BrlltQ ijw suJwkait !.. ,., , Q Q QQQ QQQ QQQ Q QQ February 12 . 16 Must have val id MSU 1.D.
Ex-Students 1st Prize: $50 Gift Certificate to McBride Family Restaurants 2nd Prize: MSU Sweatshirt You must register by halftime of the Men's game to be eligible. Obviously, you must be present to win!
The Student Success Series have been moved from 7 p.m. to 6 p.m. so that everyone may attend.
T II E WI CIII TAN February 10, 1999
Caller ID upg rad es pho ne sys te1n NANCY QUAN
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last week 111 tllr Cla1k Student Centc, Roll' em up: An MSU studen t takes t,me to donate blood Pharo by Masako Miura
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Flu virus poses great threat to hea lth STEPHAN I E CERNY The W1ctu1an
\\h,·u , 1ud<'lll• l1.11r rh,· ,~mp ,.,,11 ~ 111 1.111 ~m-. h1•,td.1.J11·, .11111 .1 ,1•l'l' 1hn1.11 thn l~['h: ,ill1 , liri i1-= 11 n ll ,1, 11i-1 ,1 lnld Bu i 11 1,,u ld hi· 1m,r l' , ,·1,·1-.· 111,11 1 lh ,il 1\ u 111dlllJ! 111 / ~111,· I \ , l u, 111 \l'llh •r ,it 111.- Jir ,t , 11 ,,,·"lul 1llrll11"Tl /,1 11·,1 111t"lu ,·llt .t 1, ,,11,· n l 1h,· 11,.1 ld , 11 11 .. 1 , 1-11 ,,u, 1,·,p i ' , _ _ _ _ __
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Spec iali sts trained in
recou ni tion of i11 1l uen1.a
wili lyp ica lly diagnose in flu enza correc tly 30 percent or lhe ti,ne. -
/J,: No/Jeri J. l-/11drn11
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·m1nflhr ~r';~~~: ~r~·~:1 :l~~:.~ l~t,::' , vn11el'tw11,;m111nflhl' 1
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\anr 1~ ul ;1 ppl 1CJ p1a11<J ,11urw, mrlw..lmg \..,·~ ho.ml lila,Hllft•. p1Jno p...-d,1go~~ Hht· JI'\ ol 1e:id1• mg p1,UluJ. pcr1 11n11,l!ll1· ;md 1, 11.: .i l JniJ 111'!rLiltll'n!:LI ,ll'(,'U!ll p;1 111111i:n 1 She ..., .. , named till' 1-1:irdm Pr11lc,w1 fur IIJtJ6 lu1 ,·\rc1kn.:i: 111hi:riirl iJ \ \orro\l :ih<• condut:ls an op,·r.1
,a11 I gr:;~:~~:~r 1 l'.:, :~ :;::~ 1 1
;1/i1:h~~1:~ i~~11~;c'.'. D~.;I .\lurdcr" !:!"I 11 , ,1ar1 a, a pr, xl u,11011 LonJ1,n\ \\'c,1 End rn the l'J~O, h later m,11ed 111 ll rnad11:1 \ 1n '-e\\ Y,ir\.. . , lll' , .11tl. .H\iJ th.:11 11 ~ ;" 11 1;1iJi: 111h 1 1h,: lil 111h, H1tl'ht111." \.. She ,.ml 1he ·pla~· 1, not nne pe,1pk , hn11M ,,·.: lor a 1:mgh . ~ c m, ~· 1l 1, m, 1rr nl :1dr:1m.1tr, lhn lkr ·· IJ \ !11..e \\,11 ~11111:,! ;1 - - - - - John Cin , l1.1m 111m1l· ... ,hl· 0 11
, .ud
It 's been a lea rning experience...
lki•, ~r:)!~ r. ',h~ 1 1
:~;~ d1~1~~~ ,:i~~
iJi,i:,t mg ,1 11 11h:i1 m11,1 d1•111, 11 ht1 h,l\l' i 111 p r1·, ,l·d 1h11 h:1d ,,,111e tu m 11.,, pr.11·11,·.11 cxpr n • " l:mll ~ ,·nrL· 111 the ii1•ld 1,•n .,,~.1Dirl'<'ltlr' ul 1h1· ' 111/l'd d,111 ,; 1,1 D111,u111 111 h n,· - - -- -- - -' 1hr •\ fl, anJ det.11 1·· ,\ ,\11c·1a11· l 1r(1k, ... 1r ,i i Th,·.1trt· l k ,,11d11t1, 1\ ;i,,1,111.:lhrng h1·.111d R,111,1111 Fi,l'hll ,.mt hl' 11 ;1:, pk,P,,.:J h1 , n 1. 11,11\..l•r, 1\1'fl' \kti1111,·h m 11111,111i1h 1tw m11ia11 1\· tl luwr h.,, 111·,·J ,11 t,m h:1J 1h•l h1·n1 .,/ l·u, tak.·11wg :un 1·,1x· nrnre1 11din.'l'li 11 ~ l\11\ll'J (!l . She h,h .1 11·r~ glll.id 1111ml tur .111J h i gel intu grnd11,1le , d1ool. ·· s111•·, r1•;1lh hcen ;1 wl f-, 1ar1,·1"... h,· ,tc1.111 :· 1w ,J11I. ,hld1 n~ th,11 ,Ill' 11,1, ,,ud . l'\lll\l:11111) \\'11ri,111 ~ 11,i rel 1,1011' J!hl lk , .11,l ~l,1, cr 1, 11111\..111~ ,,! i111p11•,l'lll1'nl, l'1r11 up 111 1he l,1,1 N,,trl· U:m1i: ll 1i:h Srh11nl lt·.id1111g , h111\1t1~ th:u h.1d pl,1~1·,I Bn·,rni:,·r ,,lilt 1hr .11tJi1•11,,·, !Cir m 1he 1lwa1r,· di.:p;,nm,·111 anJ 11Prl i11g 1111h lhl' f11r.: rh 1l'., 1e:1111 . Thl·,,· th,· pla) 11.11 ,· h'-'l' n r,·bti1d~ ,111.11! ;tre ;111 1hmg, Fi,rhl 1 ,:1111 pr11\\· Jl"-1 ;,, 1h,·~ 11er,· 11,r 1h,· pwdul·tmn ~1u~a·, Jedii:atu111 111 thr.i1n. h,:rur,· II , hut lh,· tlll':!ll'r \'l~lrlhn;,. Thnuth tll i, 1, ~·1ny..: r·, fir,1 pff. h r, hopnl 1..i ana111 :m .1Hr 11d:mrc 11t campu~ pr,,j,·rt. , he J1 rerted MSl l", 2)0 pcopk 111 !Ill" future ,1, w1•rJ•o1 • pr01luc11011 c,I " Bnth!un Be,1d1 m,m1h ,prr a.t al-....101 the the,n,·r t--.kmrnr:-·· 111 1hr ,ummrr. The pla) 1\ n·, 111g,· 1 ,aid h,· 11:illll'U tu ll';i, , ut h :i ,uc-1·1·" ii ,ol.t 11111 c,·l'I} l' lll'!lUr:Lfl' .myn nl· i111,·rc,,~·d 111 :-hnw \\1>r\..mi: 1 11 fo1 uri: [lft1t.1Ul'IIOl1' at 1h1• Wll,nn ,.iid :-ht· rl• n 1mmr1hkd IIH.'.ill'r ll'ltlwr hd11ml 1h,· ,r1'lll', 11r t--.fo ycr1111he Ro y:il Th,·:ucr',,·1>tir- Pil ·' l;1gc) l !! l'lll\l ,1el !11 111 ;1l lh,• illl' Ji n:1h1r. Ahhy Alicmathy. a:- :1rn11d1- :11,·r iJall' In dtrt·s·t lhc pl:iy :-u Mu)l'r ··wl• ·rr 1rym~ h• ,k ll·lup ,1 1:1 knt ro uld gi:t morl' 1•~ p1·ne11l'e pp,1!," hi: ,aiJ ··.ind 1hl·r1· ·, onlv " ' " It', bt:en a karnmµ\·x p,:ri,•n1·e.'· 111.111} pi:oplc ~n u ,:m i;,·1 fru m Ard1crCi11 '· M1•}t:r :-:tid :1hn111 \\ Urking 1•11 " U1al Th,· pl:i)• wil l ,h, 111 nn Feh. 11 Feh. I~ :md F,·b IJ .11 l-i p.111. TK\....:h :1 proft:s:-ion:11 envi ronm.:111." 1qll Ix· S8 on F.:h. 11 :md $ 1~ nn Shl· .~:tid :-he le:mwd " Int :1ht •ut frll. 12 :inJ Fl·l"i. IJ h,r 11i·k1•1,. tru,ting ,·o-work1·r, - l·,1wr1al !y 111t'o n11:1 tillll un (u1m.: pl:i~, ,., to gee 1lw..c ~hl' doc~ n·1 kuo1\ - ,mr1· , h1• )HUr n;uut· ,111 thl' m;ulm~ 11,1. ,·:ill ha,licenll'111.kingon1h,·pl:.i y the 1lw:1ter:it (9-lOI ~7-l-2."05 M11yr r ~a1ll ,tw k.irned 11111rl'
-E111ily Moyer
~-~~•;)!;~,:~l~I~~~ -
l:~ ~-:~::
\\'d ..,, 11
~h,· r11111pk·ll'd h,:r ,·iJur ,J11,1n 111 l'JlJO ,·:,nung :1d111: t11ratl' ol mu ,11 HI JllJll(l lll!rh,rm.111, ,• J illi p,;i.1,L • )! Of~ tro111 l11,li,111.1 li111r1 , 11 , \\11m 111 ,11'l n·d 11, hl·r dl·C1, 11111 1 :~1• ' · :l:~l'fll~~~I~
~'i\~n•,1,:i~ ~•:;:~iJ1~:\: :~ frn,·1:
:it->111111 he d1f'l'll"rhk , 1f lll'r rcl:111,)rl · ,,n .. ll rtgh1 nr1 lk.11·h ~km.,,r, " .111d 1h1, h1•lpcd lwr k.im lhl' (Pll1Ullllll(:tl 11 111 ,\..111, net • ""•*') \ll l'l· :, J1 r,·c1t 1r \ lo11·r ,,1111 .1 l·nmrmm 1111,,rn1r,-p11 ,;11 1, 1h,· pla~ ,1,,rced ,,ut ,1, ,i
, tup lrom \1,>r\..111f
MSU alum directs Archer City play N,..,
m11 , 1L , h1• , ,uJ . 'hul 1 11,i-11 1 l'\,ll'll~ t·ll, <•lu ,1gl'J ,11 h11m,· Onl' t1I m~ und1·rp JJL1.,ll' proll'"''r' 1 1 ~:::~.iJ 1i'1~'."i1::: ~l~l~t g•;:::111 :"1~:l.;1~:~ "' tli,11 ;1ftrr I ~r.,Ju.,1ed. 1111 ,1, m~ "Pllf• n tn d11>t 1,,· \\ h.11 I \l ,lllll·,l 111 d1•· ,\h,11g \ll!h pl,,~lll)! t-.. ,th "'l"
1hr '\lh md linn 11p1:11111;.: 11 r ..: l-r 11d rtu , 11111\ ll' 1, h.m l 1,, 111 , 111.e . :mil , ,111) 1h,· 11 •11i:hr,1 P l p,·,,rlc \l 1tl1 °I 1'11)1 1) th, , 1·nu1 11,,n,111 11 ~ 1,0,11 h h.,, 1he lM1:1I rao:ill~ t,:il .uw,·11:",nn m..:nt ,,1r:1..i m1·mher, :mJ a PG t' r:,u n~ Tlwr1· .,n· ,11111\' , c\11,il ,ir 11 :11111n,. l,ut 11<1 1111.III } Ther1· 1, ,1,111r ;1k11ho l u,i: tit ,1 lu~h ,i:hnol p:1n ~ 111.11 , e1:ml'd lame 1t1r u 'l'lcn 1h-~1.1dt ,ke 11.111n Th,1w , uper m:1r h<1 1ypc, 11111 1· 11111~ 1111, l'llllll l' ·IUHer h:1pp~ l'll\1111)! 1·J,: l \l' .. Sh1•·, 1\II ·1h,1(· ,l Jon my I ht~ 'l•'"" I tnil ) 1, ,1,•d lbd1.1l'I l,l'1~h \u11 \.. .1111! hn ,1nrc n11 I c1111111 lhU.tl l'l,i.ure wi th lhl· ,11 r rl } h.1pj,} :1·11,l l' \.J'l'l'tt:d pnf,·c1 ,·n<lin~ Thrr,· 1, 11"1h1n!,'. 1\,1"\' 1h.111 f"lll!! humc :1ftrr ,1 111111'\l' \\ hrre 1111· !!"• ~I ;,: u~ dtl' ' or 1l,.r,11 ' r i:1·11 he f irl 11 ) IHI tlcnd1· )"II nr,, 1 111 g, , 111 lht r,•, 1r,'<>t11 durmg lhl· 1111 ,1·,l· .m,1 h.11 c ,,, 1111" ., ,,,·nl' . I r1•c11m11wnd the du,re1.1i; r:1phcd ll:im·1· dur111f 1h,· pn, 111 ·" ,, perkl't nppo rlll· 1111\ 'i'h1, 11111\ ll' I\ :1 f fl',11 J.11e mm 11· ;n1iJ CIC!I tx·111•r 1( y11u go I\ ith ,1 l,lff l' i; roup. EH·n 1h11ugh 1h1 , pll'lur1· 1, .nnll·d 111n,rl ~ 111 th1: l'" ll L')!l" :111d lufh , ch<>f•I l'fp\1d h ', ., pl,·:i,cr Ill ,Ill :!);1' ~r" ttJh
\ lnrr,-11 h ,•g,111 h,· r ,. 11 ,. 1• 1 111 Jll,Ul( ' .11 ,\~1• 11,n, 11hl'n ,tw !ir, 100 '- :m 111t1'rl·,1 m th r 111, 1n11m·n1 1 '\hl· ,·,1ml·d h1·1 h.1, hl'l,•1 Pt .1n ~J l'} rt·r m rnu, 1, ., nd ph1l""'l'h1 l~r,m \\ h1t111;rn C.>lk p· m 1,1 ~Sh1· ,·;1m1•d .1 m,1,1 n , Pl 11111,1, 111 p1.mn 1111111 lhl' l· :i,1111.m Sd1, 11 •l ,,1 M11,i.. m l'Jii() ;111d .1 m:"11·1 , ,,1 :1r1 111 mu , 1n 1l(1~~ trom the ,.1111.m,111u11nn m l'lii-l Mr 1 gr:i.tu,1tc ,111d 11•, .111 .,rdl'J ~1nrr" " 1h,· Ppp1,nun 11 ~ 11 , 11 .nd 01,:r-,·.1, l•f11m 1•1~- " ' pr ~ ,hl· , 11Jd11·J r 1.111r1 m \ u,1n,1. t·,1rn1r1~ . 1 1 ~~-~~l, ,11,h1 r aw:irJ i,,1 11 " h 11,1, rcall~ \\ 11t1d1-r1 ut 1(1 I-,.• ,,hi,· !•• ,111,h mu ,1, 11hc'!t' ,l.1,-i ~t.::~ll lx·,Jml' .ind ~ri·1, up,"
~: ~~ 111\ I\ ··1 :_~~l: ;~.i: t. 1~1~:t~·u hl pUJ , u~·
/ a,·I.. 111Jc1·1, hin 1,rll 1111 1 11,·r 1111rld . 1111 luJing , 1>1,: 1,1l 11 1nj! 11•11h lwr d.,d ,11'l1•11I 1he \\ 1•1111 ,,f .1q11.,11,: l'npnecrini: 11 1, trnd, h,1, .\ Ir l',11 11 l\ rlllrn PII Jill' ,idl• with 1hi: '\• ' l r.,t\hn t , ,uc 1 1 1 1 11 1 t K1'.~ :1, : ~:: I\., ~r~:~·1~- r '. :: : -~\ i'11. i1~·~. 1\lo ,11l' .. \lal'.1u l1 C11l\.. in 1 ;111d ,1i1 \.. , up lor tum 11hrn ,du;ot iJin -h:,11 bull1,·, pill 1111 !nm 111 rhr r 11lc ll'fl ,1 / .1,\.. u,l'' !11, ' llfll'I 111111111,t111ui: pr1·,1·11n· h> fp1\·1· tlir hu ll1.:, mh • c.11111!_! lll'wly m1,·,1eil puh1, h .111 p111 .1 l'n,h.1M1 th1· 1,,ui:hl•,1 ,,.,.,w111 th1· nH•l ll' 1, , ,l1µc•, 1 l~c·• . Ill\' ['1111 , , lllll! lll i.-d I ll l'fl· ·, 1lu: , hn,1 L.1m'} 1, tul l ,,! h,,mc l~ ,\\l'l'llll'" .1ml l..u:\.. 1, lull,.., l1111N·lf Iii , ,upp,•t1111t 1h,11.1s1,·1, ,c·1·m 1n !'le llll'l' m .1 , up,·rfin.d 11 :iy Sh,· ~e" :ill ,k.111,·d up .111d 111.1\..1·, .1nm ,11 prc•m quel'n Sh,· fin.ill) ll',11 1/l'I h1·1 11 ,1• ' " l"•rul,ir1 I} 1, due l, 1 :11c,1<" k'n,11,· llC I :ind h:i, llrr h1·.,rt h11•\..1·n 'i lil· dol·, n·, rc,1111\' /,u: 1- h.1, 1alk11 111 lo1r 1111 h h,·r l h:11 ·, 1h1· ,utpt .md th:11 1, 1.l h:11 drn1
Morrow to pres ent recital JENNIFER HERRELL
C"III h,·r h:11 r .lllll , l:1r I'll
d 1.!0t l' ,
h,11 h1nc ,1111 rmll 1h1, i'1rl 1, 1h,· m·11,•, 1 h,·,111 , 1r.1kr· •
- - - - - - - - -- ---- ---, 1
n1 , tn1,·1•
Th,, l' l - \1·,, r • ◄ •hl t-.,mt-,hdl ,, " ' h,11m·h 1h,1l 1"ll•n11; 1,: ,,·,· m, 1i 111 11 " h1•r ,,, •Ill' 11,111.. ,
Rulh Morrow. Bohn Cha,r of Piano. will presenl a free recilal on Valen11ne's Day. The music will focus on Chopin's influence on classical music. Photo by Teanneue Miller 1\, 1r\.. , h, 1p .11 1d 1,·,llhl', pr11:11,· p1,111 u
"ihr 1, ,urrrn1h 111\ 1•hl'd 1111h llll' .-\n ,,1 I i·ctrn\: 'i,·lll'' ,111 1,1111· pu,.111ll,l'f\ l'';i-.1n,1J11, 1• r1, 1T,1t1 l.k1,1 ~l )l lll,1. .1 ( ,r cY\.. h;,11d h.,11,1r 'tl\. ll'I )
on1J11lpu , . ,l1l'll ,,..l,dd.11111111 her , ,1 ,·,111111111 1,·l· l h.11r p,"1111111, " 11h llll' \\'1ch1t,1 l .111, .\111, 1r Te.11h1'h ,.\ ,,111. 1.111,111 .1 11d 1, .Lil ,11·11 1c llll'l!lhcr ul lllr W1d111.1 I-all , Ar" (',.un,11. .11111r g.11111,111nn 1h.11 , mH·, lo hrm~ ,111 rd:11l·J ;1\·1111. lie, to lh,• \0t·a! l'<111111lll111l~ \h ,m111 .,l,o 111 ,r\.., 111"~1~ 11 11h
till' \\'1 11111.1 1-:111, S}mph,•m 0 1dw,cr.1. hl'l p111 i: r111.1 i:u,<1 .1r1 1, h . PIJ!,m1 1111g mt1111hl~ , ~111111 1 ::~:'. 1 \d 11~,h,· h11l,I, till' pt1,1l11•n 111 ,1rt1, u1· n •11u111Ul'1' d1.11 r11,:1,.,11 1111 h tlw , ,r~•.11 11 1:11 1, ,1, \h1rr1111 lurlh1·1 J1h•llh>1l"\ ,·um • 111111111) 11111·1,·,1 m 1h1· :ut,h) ,,:n . 111~ .1, 1hi: \ 1_,,. prr'l,klll ol pro• f f',1 111111111t! l11r 1hr S~ 111phn11~ l.l•,1gul·. ,Ill urg .11111 :1111•11 1h:11 enl·our,1g,·, 111ae;1w1I 1mul1rmr111 Ill ,ymphPII) al·1i1111r, hy l'Pllltllll • 1111 ~ 111<:llli'll'I,
~·rl:~;::::,~:~:t::.1·~ ~ ·.'.~
Yd· .
AmeriCorps'VI STA has thousands of positio ns available NOW
~ laza ... within walkin di5
0~ EN 7 . Y5 o. Weellll M~n. - Sat. 4-2 • Sun. 5-1 l@tdtt@Md Ca$RPl'S Je Ht,;q l:tiJz. ."'i'" V2~ °PITc~(S 9hl , ~ fi /" $l Pll °"i, ,,L,r, 'X)
· . Mon. & ,Tues.
When you JOin AmeriCorps ' VISTA, you'll not only 1mpm1·e your resume- you'll improve the commumty you serve As an AmeriCorps "VISTA member,
you might help stan a youth cemer, establish a job bank in a homelts.s sheltt t.sct up a literacy proJCCt or organize a domestic violenct program ... and the list goes on In mum , you'll get a living and relocation allowance, health care, money for school, and the satisfacuon of helpmg othtrs. For additional infonnation call 1-800-942-2677 or c.:ont.act Homero Perez 2l4·880-7059 . email- hperu@cns.gov An _AmenCorps Recruiter will be present :it tht Red River Expo Gre:it Plams Coliseum on Tuesday, Ftb. 23rd from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM! www.americorps.o,x
~~ll~~i~ll~,~~~:~;.;•i~;~~-•~l~:~n'.: ~l~~!:I;~
p- McCa x_'t..• -: TEXH .S Tuesday College Nigh-t
S 2 .00 Oo11u.•..,tl P P ' le c l1t!' r s * o p t.· n t.o c l ose *
Thur sdayN o Cover! $2. 50 domestic p itchers open to close Wed. &Friday· Mad Martin All-Star Karaoke!
TIME MACHINE- Saturday, Feb. 13th ;70~-Akicksi::or~ Ewy., '. nex: to Scolls Dnve In)
TH E WI CHITAN F_e-bruar ~y-10, 1-99-9 _ _
SPORTS _:;_:_. .:.:.:.:. =-------~
MSU's 8-game win streak comes to an enq: Staying Alive: Indians still look good for playoff berth DAWN HENSLEY The W1chilan
Thr 1\ l1J \11.", ll'fn " r:1rc nwn ·, lw, l-.1·1b.1ll !l·a111 l-.1h111 , 11 h.11 it", likl' h• r hi1 h :1r1· t[,,w11 S: 11u1d:1~ 1h1· lmllan , l.1c1·d 1\11gl.' l(l m :1 hr:1111 1h:1 1 rndcd wi lh \1 SLI P tl h'I' with :1 75 - 7-1 11111
11 111 11 h c 111tw
SI. Il l'
11 :1,
hlll!,'. 11 !!auw:· juni l1r
!!lt:in l ·1·1·m·111Y Tl1rn11:1, ,a id. ··s 1nl'c ~11• :1r1· r:111 !-.cd m IIK' n:1111111
:md !up
111 1h1·n111kr\·111·1· .1•1 1·nbnt l1 i.:0 1111·,
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:m1uud1 lw ruur1 11! 11\'1'\l'r, Whl'll
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ft11 rh 1· ,1·n,r1d h:tlr. ,\ nE!l'h • h:1d i11 ;1 h1!! \\ay. ASLI m thl' ~, l'rti; id half \\'!l h lhl' l11Ji,111, \\ll h au11l'pu111t ,u:tn -
Sophomore forward Rodney Beasley goes up for a shot as a defender tries to steal possesion of the ball Photo by Josh Deskin
;\ l ,1,pl] , "I llll" :111. \l l' l'llll ld h,1 \'l' 11l:1~cd t,l'l ll:r. h111 :1 will ·., ;1 \1 ·111 . Orl l' 111 11111 \II' ~ll l'PI UI -. . 11 Jt ll', 11 '1 111.111 1'1', 1\l',t il l!c1i1a·w · -rlll' li;d, ;111, · do,l' win w:i, 111 p.in ti, tlll· d1q :11K·1· 11f the ro:uJ l!;1111t· ~
ht·in~ p!:i~ 1·d
Lady Indians in must-win situation
New football players announced A junior college AII -Amc ric:1n ,md •·,1·u 111or1· hera lded ju nior co llege playe r, h11ve ,igncd N:Hi onal Lcucr.~ of ln1 cru and ,. wi ll Join till' Midwc:-tcrn State fo1~1h,1!11e:1m ne xt fa ll. lll'W MSU head co:1ch Linwood Ferguson annm1ncedWcd ne sd;1 y Mic hael Jami-.011. a ti-foot - 1in.-: h. 180 -pound corner hack. carn1·d juni or wl lcge All Aml'ri ran honor-. 1.ist seasonas a ,o phnmorc ar Trinit y Valley Communit y Co llege . A native of Tyler. Te xa-.. Jam ison was ~lso a fir-.t team all-conference pick at TVCC. He 1..• .imed all -stale ho n· ors after gening 12 imerccp1ions hi s sen ior yea r at Tyler John Tyler lli gh Schoo l Derrick J:1ckson, a 6-foot-5inc h. 305-pound ddensivc tack le, wa!-, one of Jami son's te;1mma1c-. :II TVCC. where he earned rirst 1cam all-con ference accolades a., a !->Ophomore lasl season. Prior to Trinit y Va lley. Jackson w;1s a fC1ur-1imc :1ll di stricl !-> Clection ;1 s Hallsvi ll e Hi gh Schoo l.
al-.o _gelling all -stall' n.:cog 111111:i11 twi ce. Dominic Rhode!.. a 5-1001.11. inch, 205-po un_d runmng bacl from Tyler Jumor ~ollcge, all-0 signed wit h the lnd1 :m,. Rhocte,, a fo nner All-Stale f~ 1hal! playt, and track slarat Ab1len:Coopcr High Schoo l. rushed lnr morr 1han 900 yards and :.l\cragrd about .six yard s per call) to earn first team all-conference acclaim al Tyler last ~ca:-.on. Broc k Bailey, a quancrback from Tcnne.~scc- Marr in. and Bri an McKee. an offen ~ivc !in~ man from Navarro Junior Coll ege. joi ned the MSU foo tball team al mid1erm and arl' :lllend, ing classes al Midwestern !his spnng. Bailey, who spent two ~eason1 atUTM.passedforaround2.500 yards and 20 touchdowns to earn :i ll-di strict honor!-, a:,, a scnior ai Mesquite Poteet Hi gh School in 1996. McKee. a ll ali\'e of Rockwall. Texas. was a two-mr starter at Navarro ·
Discipline an important issue for MSU athletes nl
MSU students and the co mmunity have th,· pr.,hlc m, ""' taken more noti ce of pri \'all' prohlem, , j " "1" " th, t""" its p ayers , , th :11 r\-.dl~ d,111·1 _ _ _ _ _ __ _
llcl'd 10 he :-h,mn to !hi.: puhlk. hu1 1111· 111ed1;1ha, ;1 101 w do w11h gcuing Sports o K ,ionl'-. 0111 tn the public 111:11 arl'n·1 Writer -.un:, Mir h:i l'I 1N 1ally -.ee n: · lntl1a11:- · -;ophomore J11rd:111 J,.,,,.,f\C, forward Clwrl1 l' Bcnn<..'11 '>aiU. "I - - - - nuiri.: mnrK'' th.in think a !ol of lhl' rrohlcrn, ',('('I] IJ1 a ,111:111 rq'lirll'r l1k me. hui why 1he NBA ari.' ,c<..'n anywhcr<..' cbc. bu1 doc, D.:11111 -. Rndrn:111·1 Wi thout 1hc i1·-. puhlicizl'tl in lll!:NBA" OK. ,o the mcUi:1 ha1•e a lot 10 tlo rrc"' . Rudman \\U1tl<l nn1 he a-. \\ llh wha! lhl' puh li c :-l'c,. But what l'anh>th a, hl' h . Dol', ;rnyonl' remcmhcr 11 h,.,11 h\· pl:i yecl 101 almu1 pl:1ytr, lik..: Rod1m11 who go D~1no1 ·.• lookmg l'or 1hc anenti on'.1 AcrnrJing !o Midw.:,ti.:m Sta l~ I thi nk head basketb:111 coac h Ken ha,kl' tha ll player Cr;11 g Snndgra:-,. C.mcr frum Richmond , Ca lif.. had thc,e pl:1yc r:- dc:-.crve 1hc money 1hr ri ght idea when he hcnchl'd hi s h~cau:,.c they have put in their hard undefea ted high school basketball team pri maril y for alt itude probwork for many years ..Tho,e guy-. h:we heen -;t;1rs on lems. Hi, team was required at the thcirtcam ~c\'l'r since they were little ... Snodgr.i:-.:,, -;aid. '"W hen 1hcy ge t beginni ng of the season 10 sign a to 1ha1 level (N BAJ, the price and contract drawn ur by his wife, an their ego-. connict u., uall y with the atlorney. stating that 1hey wou ld folgood of the team. Some of them low a code of behavior. They wou ld alway, w,1111 lhc glory. and they care sit m the front rows in all their clas.~ahou11ha1 more 1han they care abou t es. They woul<l address adults as .. sir'· and "m;1'am". Anti they would thc1r1cam winn ing 1heha ll game:· Ei1her way. 1he a11iludes of the maintain a 2.3 grade point average. [) layer-. in 1hc NBA could use although the state requirement to he improveme nt. Wi th players li ke eli gible 10 play is a 2.0. With more coaches like Carter, 1hc La lrell Sprcewcll auacking hi :coach ii makes fans and everyday auitude of .. I deserve thi s·· or "You people wonder what happcne<l 10 the owe me that.. wouldn't exist. He profc~~ionali sm that Larry Byrd and believes playing high s7hool basketball is a privilege. nothing more. Magic Johnson brought to the game These hi gh school pl ayers now Many player~ now show the type nf a1111Ude that rock star, have know what is important. Playing , hown in the past. They arc con- basketball has dropped to No. 2 on ~1an1ly in 1he spotl ight . which leaves their list, even though they are still ·1hem ac ting like children without having a great season.
,1hout hl'l11l'l' it L'\' l' f l.!Ot lo thal i, 111111 •.1 " Midwc-. 1a 11 he ;1d h:1,ki.:1hall rnad1 Jd1 Ray :-.aiJ . "I c.111 '1-.cc having 10 :, uspcnJ lhe whok 1ca 111 for di :-.c iplim1ry prohlcnh. You :-.urc could .,cc lhinp den:loring hcflln: it got Ill 1h:i1 poin l. I wou ld think .. ..Also, he\ ge11i11g paid :1 thou • :-.and Lloll ars :i :,,ca:-.o n. Hi :-. jo b. whether he lo~l':,, 1hc ha ll gaml' or not, is not on lhl" lir11·:· lby contin u6. "So it"s a liuk bi1 l'a'> il'-r for him 10 do th,11:· Whil'h bring:-. me to c(i lkge basketb;1II. With a na11 onall y ranked team. MSU students and the communil y have taken more notice of it s playe r:.. What do our player:- think of all 1hc at1entio11 they h,1vc been rercivi ng·_i "We"rc :i rea l. a lot of people wou ld say. coc ky ICiim ," Snodgrass said. "We. have a IOI of conli dence. We think we arc a prclly good team. So we. try nol 10 be so cocky that it wi ll be our downfall. We know tlmt where we want lo be is not where we are right now. Anti although we might jump around ;1 lot. anll it seems like we're talking a IOI of noise, it's just that we're having fun out there.'' The Indians know what it iakcs to win . and although they have had their problems. they try to keep it within the team and look to the future. "Coach.if hcsees aproblem. he' ll tell (learn captains) Tony (Avezzano) and Richard (Johnson)
10 wa1ch 11ut 1l1i, :111d th;u , M:1son ag reed, "He will bench Till'\ 'll l·nml' ~ay ,11111l'thing to you, and if it 's \'C ry, very seve re. you 11-. tn 111;1kl' ,ure we 're wa tching out would probab ly be removed fro'm i'nr th111g-. :· 1k11 nell ,aid. 'They lry the team:· he said. ··Coach Ray is 111 1.ikl• car1• of thing~" real nice. bu1 he's kind of no•non• Ray kl'ep~ h1, tl':tlll in line wi thou t sense. and all of us ha ve respect for direr1l y , 1eppingi n. Ray bl'licvc:,, his 1e.im i, dlli ng ok hy u,ing teamwork hii~~-ith lhl' situation in Cali fornia. 10 -.n lve problem~ other coac hes arc wondering if "He proh:1hl y would nwkc it (a benching the entire team would be pruhle nn a ll': 11n i-;sue," Bennett the answer to unso lved problems. ,.iitl. ·· He ohviou, ly wouldn't make The Indi ans arc hoping Ray wi ll not 11 a ruhlic i....,ue. He would prob:1hly fo ll ow in Carter's path take u~ 10 lhl' lol'kc r room and " He probab ly wou ldn 't do it o;plain whal th\' prob lem was, and (benching the team) without prior lel 1he ~en iors take care of the prob- warn ing," Bennell said. "He wou ld lc1 us know it was com ing. 1cm lir~t. berorl' he got invo lved. .. I probably wou ldn 't be loo sup"Thl')' have been asked earlier in 1he year 10 lake l'. are of some proh- rortive of ii unless it was a serious lems: 10 keep 1hings in 1he team 1hm prohlem. With problems in the past, need to be kepi in the 1e:1m." he's counted on the team to take care Th roug h lh l' yea rs, Ray h:1s of them. and he's s1cppcd in for indiruachcd team s in whic h ce rtain vi ctual players." players Ji s1rnctl'<l !he entire team . Snodgrass· agreed with Bennett's He doc:,, !->CC puni shment justiliab lc fee lings about Ray benching the lo 1hose men who have an ex treme learn. a11i1udc problem "Fi rsl of all, I don'1 think that "I've suspended kids before. but wou ld ever happen here. He has not my whole te:1m:· Ray s:1id. " I've pressure on him also lo win ball had two or three kids here over the games,'' Snodgrass said. "We would l.ist four or all just go talk li ve years that ' , - - - - - - - - to him and ligI' ve suspended ure out where for a game. I he 's com ing thi nk the most from. and see ;hai~~sgoi~~n~~ And if we had to make some changes. we would. "'There ·s nd way I would suspend my whole basketball team," Ray said. "I'd lose :r~~.b if I suspended my whol~
will be seeing a diffcn:111 typeof!a:i "First he (Ferguson) taught di'-J pl inc. That's one thing that l k!'!.~ MSU hasn"t h:1d in a c_oupk, a years:· Clarke sai<l. ··01~c1plt:i: leadership. you have to bi.: win~ 1 0 ~; ~a~~~o 1~ot~i~!e~t~ ons. act like champions. and p~ like champi ons:· If an atlitud e problem or_i~ Ferguson would more than hl talk to individual players. acco · to se ni or outside linehacker Ch Craft . "He'd probably talk 10 u~ e i~dividuall y," Craft said. "An_d : nd of people thal have thl' h1~;. altitude problems that ;1rc 11·1mlh to change." Several of the football pla~ know Ferguson wi ll do wha1c1\'I takes to keep them i(l line. ma) eve n taking such drastic measure Carter took. "I would 1hink that' s a lilllc hit of hand ," junior running b3'. Gennont Jackson said. "Thl'f'L' i: other·di sc iplinary ways to sol1·~ ~ problem. but J guess I coulJn 1_ anything because he's the roach "I think he"d have a good re~ to do it if he benched e1·eryood: Clarke said . "I think C FergusonkndwswhDlhe'., uotOf 1 :~c~~:isha~c~~~ :ve;nl;' record, and so J think what he di: is right, and in Lhe best of t~alil intentions." Sophomore outside lineb:ic Cory Vogel said, " It wou ldn'_1· prise me if he benched all ol u~ think he' ll come in and be a g motivator.'i
f~:t~1~.t~~? we be seeing a new
~d~:~~ ~::~~r~:/~sa~;~~:~
Coach Linwood Ferguson is teaching discipline and leadership to his team, making sure they !~~selves in a champion-like manA rd" bac~~~cC1i~~r l~(~;s~'raar1e~Mk~
Maybe with coaches li ke C Ray and Ferguson, the -·1 d~SC.': and"Youoweme" aniiudc wtll Si be a thing of lhe past. Hopefully by this time lll'\ 1) ~~i:~.:\ and NFL will cv~n I
Wouldn't a real coach
see the problem early
~i~usra~de~-a~ three games. Ofl? once. But the learn ." The puni shmcnt fo r mi stakes, however. usually lies in R.iy's hands. a -~~!y~~~\~l:~tv:~{:~.~~g50; 0~;r~~{ said . "He tries to tuke care of things
:ht~~ ~~n:~~s~eu~'.w~:;/~~\t~c;arr~ he knows that people ore going to make mi stakes. He just wants us to make sure we see what we've done ~;;~Wa;c~h!~~~ ~~~~nto%t~~~ ff ·h i :~st~t ees_~ways pums es us or our
With a new football coach on · 111 :;s~ -~~~~
ti~~~~~:~ ~~~~