February 12, 1997

Page 1

. tan 1Chl . Mlmvestern State University

Love is in the air HIRh st·ht~>I swe.ihe•rt• brln~ thtir

ronumct' lo MidYlt'~tl'm, pa!fe 5

rade riflation ommon tMSU

Fee increases top Regents' agenda .1-.,011 J.awn.•,u:c Xi.tk I ih.1


f d,i,.)f

~IUtknl ftt, ,.1"1 ~mh "' Ill h 'I) tltt JJ('I\J.i .ii ,111 t '4ho.•t ~hl' lrJ:hl lnN'hllj• ..1 !he r,11 m ,,..... lh,,ml nt Kclt('III• ,111 l hw'4.I• .inJ l nJJ, k (j:l'llh v.11! ,k,111<' 1tK I.di· .., J ,..,,po,cJ \,J H'M.II' , .... Ill Ilk' 1'<11<'1..il 11\C' r.-, ..n,I ,1 •t-~ ,en\ IIM,l\·,1-..· Ill lhc-


denLs, faculty dis.cigl'l't' tit dL'\'«llll'~ L'ducation


Mun (:ursk\

fh<-) "'lll.11 1.11 \ 1,l('"ll .l .tpt:rH' fll HK'IC-.1"'' ,n ho1hmi; I.II(' \ .,ml .111 m,,rc.1-< m 111C.',1l pl.1111.,1,, \1\1 lt11I l ,,m , I M.,,J 1111111.'.t •..mJ 11, nu\ J , 11 , l·,wn ,1,.- llltt'llllj! h • .1 l.11tl) h:,m J·•l'll ,l.1 lhmj:• ,II( .,,mi,: " "'' .... n -.hi.>ukl N' • f"11ti-tu( h0fl r11n, h,1\(' U'f'f"l'll -c,.:1,tl of Ill(' l.1,1 Rt~•,:nh 1»N.'l1n~, hul M:oJn~ti..·t •J 11I N-.,.iu'>l' ll1t•w 1'"111·, h :m :- u11,k'1 "'.tJ rh,:n: ,.,u he link 11('Vo l'• ".i-int" t" ,nmlw1.1 .11 •he' ll~'f llni,: lk ,,I-,• , ~111 !hi: 1•101~ -.cd 1Jll.((.1-.c 1n !he 11M:JI r,,lt' 1, , 1,tl hr1ng fKf"ll,lll.'11 ..-.1111 '\1,un~rl f,>111,I


\('f\lt C"\

Inc ,tdnun1,1r.111un ,.,II ..nnoun..l 11, ICIUffl llK'flJJU(lfl for lhe J <; llmJ,.rll,,111\lru..111,n,,,.u,,11.1,111\c n1telmF, R111, lur the pmii:cl ..-.c,r •'f''ll(J 11n h•t, ti M:r ,.-i:nc, 1.. , , ,111.itk1 the l'" "' hlc -~k II( tr..1Jc 111 Ulll\.:f\tl)

,.,II ..

Ill ,Ill C ~l'\IJU\'\ ...,., , ,rn1

11.hthl>'c,,r , n, ,,11,1h .,,.mru,, .111,,I 1'.u.,1,1.a, ..,,11 h,,. J1..,11,"°d 1'111• Ho.utl il\-1\ ,1/ .fl '"''"" lho .11 n.111r11 nl 1111,or\l _..,., 11Jr\l I" :.i.. vl I) ll>t'nlt-('1, ..,,11,,, .. u· J"''"I\IIIC"J l hc .m11,un1 ••,,rn 1111 .. n 111,1,u,; l<'f 1o1h11 hl'lut111,•, ~n .\\\Ill .all! p,l ,. fl•,..,-, , ,,ylJ m,1t•J-c ltum \\(JI),., l.1/lJ 1,11 !\1111th,.ru

\I.tit.I I

A,,1,1,m pr..1,.....,.,, 111on'!IJC1 J 1,1 ,.-,,i< 1Jtr p,.,f, ,,of\ ,fluhl 1,-..r111• \ 1,Uilll 111,1r..._1 ,11 1kt.• \I 1~11) '"•nu 11·. .., flt!\, f:<'' ,\ n,I l\"41\ 1.11<. 11"'' ''"''' \O ho 1111111· ,., lull f""f.-,._.I'" ,1.11u, d•11/J <'Ji n Sl tn t1.11ti.;, lh,n \I \l,i \ I..,• •Ill lh, k ..~•fnh .tj,'t'f'Hl,1 ..,,. • ,1 ll'\.Htnll~n,.l,11 1110 tr'-'•"hn;: d 11.• r\'1'1t:\0 .1I of k,,J11g1K't' • ._, mt, .... 1 J • p c,u,k11I 1111 rh,i· /IJ'l,I ' 11K H'lf • ..1n uf111..,,. ,.f ,·,on,1n1;. 11..n rr.•• 1e,i. ,u11,·i11h ur1t.k1 v..1, ,.,1 , ,m


• lh,· ,1l,h1mn nt ,, h.11t. 11m.,• f,Wl'l li,11.i,n I ii.;- 1"'"111\MI .... , u lol (\I'

\'..Ulll ,umu,dl)

♦ 1h,· 4't.lltl011 tll ,1 h.ilf IIIIJ( in,lni<tor m rt...- l mffl ,1, ,• l:.t1fh•h I .1n~•u:ti,:t l n•h!Ulr • J1ttflfl'"t 1ht' .. ,1Jh1.- c,111..r, 0 11111,ri l r,1111 the t-111111.:~ d1:i,•1« 1••• ~r•m I m11l1m<nt m Lhc.· 1wurr,,m h:i• hf.:n drd1nmr hi!' ~·H•t.il ,or, • .lll upJ,u,· un 1hc.• ,,,:.u.11 ,,,, .1 new J11~11•r ol J thkhl'

Professors, students try to cope with Bolin noise Ka1v \ ·l11rtin

o ~Fh , h, hJ• n,,_., nrc. ut·nu:d ,n0.1tu•n fihl~nd

IC"II,,.,. ,1u.J..'11h

, 11,,l,I ht-r "'hh,h I''""'°'""' Lu 1,,1..c



~ i,J,i,, .11111 "'hr. h r t1•lc"°'' ,he.· i1,HJ


~ 111

,11K1..•nr, m:..:ht

n,," 111,,, h..·1nv

,U,,, ""h(-n,· th1; (lftllc,,, ., h ,111,1 t>u1 lfl (111.l thc1 "'Ill~ t-..lk'r .,ft lhMl ,111,(knh


JrJ""' 1no1nc."1crd.a,, J lh&n._ ch.st ,I , ,,u ~•1 11\o.· h.uJ,;r ("11'1.1t,•,. !ou·n Ix" h,:11,·1 rr.:1 .., 1,·1! In""" n-..,.-c ;,r.. 11 , ..u l C"cJl 11. ''f'.:11 mmJ . 111u'H 11.:1 ,n,- 1"'1 I'll lhl. ~1, .., ).,u 11,nmc <IUI pR'f'Jr,-.1. \l,111,11 nrl.un,:J \1~ 1 rr, 1 k,-..1h 1Jm11 fl.l(k tnll,1 l-,1,1,,,11;J11o1lk,hrh., ••H•r.1Jl,.11tN.· ••1

St'<' (:rnch- lnOalion pa~(• 4


'xi..·1W.<' ll.111 .. tud1 hi.i;.1n la,1 \ l.1), h.1• ,.iu'<',I "'lltc:' rrot>l,·m, tor 1fir .111J •111Jenh II ho mu,t h,1,c ,l.1" m the tv., , h1:: k , tur,· h:all, I-rm ( h11\111.'. J fn•,hm, n ' I'<'"' ~n<l \\,.-Ftl"' 111.11'11 ,,1111 , lit I' ;:d tin!! U'('d lu th( n.--.1>e III hc:r .\ni('fl\.lli h"hlf\ d ..... ~, tud lh.· ru,, (\.fll ul Ilk' ll)UI',( m fk>hn l.1,1 -.('m.:-,lcr , ht ,,.,J I'm 1.mJ o l ~etlml,'. u-<J 111 the nott« \I, hen the'• ,,..,, Nn~m~ n1, rrnfc-.,..,, 1ta-i 1..1lk, louJc1 .. (l m ,ue ,,111.I ,II elk· hr~mmng "' the 1.11; ...:nit:,t•·r II ... .,, h.uJ 10 1;z11,Jf\' tl-.c n. 11\C' '"V.hcn \<)ti r,· ,n .i..... Jrl(t }OU h(-41 .1tl 1/11, t,;in~•m~ i;1~n1 1,n J I! ,m ,unJ ~l•U , he ,,11J t,Ut fll't1k•


it,1nl th,·h,111k1 ••n,• 1r1,,1,·,,.." ' l•rc.il Jl l!I~ I" lr..11. h lhc • IU,J,.,,nh " \I.min

·"'" ,.,,J

r n1111\tru,. 1111n " '

\IMl""" 'Hn 'tillll' fll'nlll'r JOII' \\a,,hln1t1on put• up• jumi, • hn 1 1fr•pitt• the l'nhn,11, or C'tn1r1I Ol.lo1hon1o1 drfrndn In hl\ flM,"t. l hf Indian, ,ta)NI

" 'llh tht ~o. S•rankNI ltrorwho,. 11 rnajurll) of lh<' IIUTIC' ht-fort' f11Hln.:.1}7,11'7. 1111" 11 1h11' , 1n:tch. ..,,.,n

on p11tf 6. PlrtHu by'"'" \ a,,,v

"'" .. ,>Ukl JIN \ll'fl h1, kc1url .itkl k,i.11( JI lht ,..111, Puh11,: :1I !)... tc:'1-..c PrulC•'(,of 1),1, oJ \t.u11n ...."t the l'll.11\C' ,, unrk-.1....n1 hut ii " :ill lnr , he' j!{1,ntl nl rht• 0

VJ1c;.h.l()I" !Jeo,iti oJf J,,._klun1m,,."f'. dl"Ctt1t Y,., ,md Jnll\ JJC JU•I :anu4tl<'T p..n ol d :11,~ l,w "'""'' \f1J1<<'•lt'ln ",fJIC , 1ud,:111•

""'"'' 11 \ 1mtJt1n~•

l•J Ill<' • ht'


' h.11 there h ..1 r11lf tu I'·" lor \~ l ' II h,1,t: ,om\·


Ill\ ft'dihk ,wll If\ hrfl' oou· \I.( ~cl the hu1ld1n1 Jllll h,11 I. l•l~t:111,·1 .ig,1111 T11t." " '"'"'<' h.111 ll'll"\,IIH>lh <.ml .1rpr,,,1111.11cl~ \\ := 110ll1,,n ,11111 •hrould ~ \0111Jlk'lcJ '(,lll'lt;Ume Ill Jul) I nul then . \l,111111 ,.uJ he "'•11 Ju !he /'11,·,1 ~ , .an lo prnqtJc J llunJ lumml,'. e.n, u11nmcn1 lur h1\ ,111 .kn1, ., Ill n,'( r kJ-t'd ... h.iH~ In fi~hl l< llh 1hr r'lllt'>t!,- hf \ JIii " n"• J,lo.l. h.1m11l<'.r. .ltl' J t-11""11.h .ii 11m,•,, Nu 11 ,, JU• ! \l•nlCthm~ ....... h,I\(. hl 11,.v. uhJrM.l1hr .... h1M•l ,. 1IIN·l--c:th.'1 t1•r II


Legislature could change remedial education J:a.wn L11~nnct'

,0,1 IO ll'N:Ufll\ Cl•IIIC•

Asiocl(.J!e Ed!01 T11t." Tc,J , Lc111,l111un: r uulJ h:i,r ,1111'1( 1rui.1vr t h:ingc, m ,,h)IC for rt:mc:J1•I cJucatmn 1h1, -<,,11111 Al lcJ,t fi,c t,1lh ha,e Jlrc.wh ho:cn tilcJ (',ICh .11IJl'\"\\lllj: rt:nk'd1~1 1:,hn.:i11tin 1n :1 lhffercm w.1> I\

Ml ,J111t1,orcd h) <irnh: Sen

0 ,t\lJ \ 1hlc}, 1(. \1, .1,:1, t .il h 1111 11 rc-.c,. ofchc Tn.i,A,.Kkrm\ '-;lo.di, Proi!r-Jm, lhr ,1Jlr\ rclll(\hJI rdu..J· uun ')'lfm. bl"\3U\C of 11, , l ~rt't'l thll)! l • ..,.,, , ~HI( (' the 1~8)1.l{t,I h,en, mum t he ,0,1 of fA"I' ha, 11M..f<':l~Ji11lmmtl1ltJIIIIT'IC• S1a1c lkp l'.oul lhlh,.11 , It, lluu-.i.on, ',\illlh 111 huh.l h15ih ...,h,,101, r.·,pon,1hk hM ll'ntt:Ji.11 n lut.,lllnn 111, 1'11II r<'t1u11r, h11,:h ,cht"l<Jh 1< 1th htj:h nuruhrr, o l 111aJ u111c, nct'Jrng remcJ1;1I ~ 1:h •f• 11, ra~ 1h.-

fhllx11 t,.,:hc• n ,11kkn1> •hookl toe Jhlc ,., 111.iJu.ar.. lu•rn h1~h .... hool unol tht:) h.a\t' m.1, 1c1t'd 1hc ,l1l h 1.1u~h1 t,> rt•flk.•J 1JI ,IJ,...,• , 111, t,1 11 r111p1.1....-, rlk• .·,cn1u.1I clm11n,111011 ol \<!lkg,: lt'llle,h,11 rro• !!!ram, h) c111l1111,: ch,: n,~J tor lhem \1IJ.,..c,1cm \(,tic \ 1,t: Pri:,1,k:111 ln r A•' .11km1t ,\ll,111, Jc,w R"f"' ,.mJ rh,11 \l hth.: I \\I' Ji.,,.. , 11('r J "'rt"k' ,han~r•. ht.· " 11f,i"1"'•t.l ,., dmlll\Jlm g Ilk r,11i;1Jlll \t•lllpk1cl) " I .1111 11,,1 rn 1h,· , .11111• 1h;11 t>t:hc, e, lhf '-I.at,· , n·111t:,1t..1 rr••· l,'.l.ltn h .., l>l.·cn .1 h!IJI 1.11lurc. Rn~tf• \Jld I llunl lh,11 lh,:r~· .lit >O Ill.HI) ~ •it•k mu.1lh'tl .ll h l lhi.'"-' 001

pt:1111k' ,1n · ,CIIJU\h \\t'll n11' JlllnJ: ,1nJ mtdl1 i:<'n•. t--..11 1111:, 11.11, nor 1-ocen d mch tcl.11«1 l" th.- prnhk rn" ' l\' nll"lll,\\U111 ,1,rJ th\' n,•.-.1, tor IClll<'1h.011,•11

1111.-re ha•c t-«n J 1<,t of ,t>nr. lu ,1om Ju., n th.ii for the tn(lf),C\ th,u ,, hc•n~ 'i)Cnt, 11h:i, noc l'ict:n ~fl,'\ . 11\f ,n ..:-hK"•m~ 11 .. purpo'-C' R~t'" , .uJ I'll( nl 1hr 111..Jt•f r..,1. wn, TA~ I• ,, 1111,umkr.mtll.l t• lx•,.iu...: l't'Of'lc J,. nut .,m,..,, htl\\ t•• IOl<'l'f'ft'I 1hl" ,t.11.1 lnun the\\''" lfr,.11J the 1c,1, IIICJ\Uf\' :i r,:r• •l'n\ Jt>1lm 1<>Jo m.11hem.1111-., JI .1n C\Cr)dJ~ ,~, cl IJ1ikr thJ n .II Ilk- u JI k gtkh•I ..The fl.I" Ind h.t, h,...,...n .cl "'' Iv,. to ~ t nM'f<' J)l't'flk lht,>u);h 11, RC'l);tr, ,uJ ·Tu1 ~•• J pt•l111ual p,~e", 1Mtt Jn .lt':.Jcn11<' p,,, c,,.~ h<' aJJcJ M.oi;fr• , ,11'1 1h e Jl'-'"1t,1l11, 01 l"/\'.'11' 1'11:m" .-hn1m.11cJ h," hun w,1rncJ " h lr1~hl<.'II• Ill(' 1,1 thm l 1h.11 UIU •tt•1l1c, ~ ouhl I\.' !of.ill~ 11u1 c,I tik· t>u, 111t" ..1 1h•111i: ... ,me f\' tlll'tl1.1l

\IIJ .... c,1,•m •Utltlll h hJ, ~()I) ,u.1Jenh cm ,,tll-J rn r.•ni,.·,ltJJ d.1,w, anJ 11«-..h 111 l "P J rrme.J1JI \ ' Jt11. , . 111111 r rni;,.un " \\ e h.1\e ..,, n1J n~ , wtk111, 1h.11 JCIUn\ ~l lt:1 lx-111r 1».11 ot h1~11 ..... 1u~•t 1i,c , ,, l0 ),·.11, lh\ l l•li,.1.11, ~,.t the rw1,•".1r)' r\•.1,hni: rn,I m,,1l1 ... ,Ii. lo \11\H'l'tl . h.:: ,,uJ . n,,., JI,' potc1111.1tl~ ~•-oJ , tu,knh ,m,t p ,L,·n 11.11 ~rJtlu.11.,, hu1 Ok•, nceJ -..,int: 0)


Ro~\•1, ,,uJ ul 1,,.1 \(J r, 10 ii11Jl1,h 101 ",l ')t , htfik" .t\J,km• 11 hi'lflt'f 1h1. 1i.ll'J111 \i. hol.11 th,.,.,_. h.iJ 1.1lcn .11 k,a.1 nn\· ll' nk·,hJI d.1" ' 111.11 tdl , ~,~1 1ht.• 111'.cd \ n,.,ni: nn·J ,,,me U!"ll~l lllf n 1 , l,1lh .11111 "-•me r,·....-1.1. , R11~<'" ,.uJ


Sec l.c~islalurl' pa~e 4

ove thy neighbor U, Episcopal School have maintained good relationship over the yl'ars K:i.h ~lartin

lk~tH, 1, 111•11Mrt "' \ 1\l

flit I r-.....,,,11 ,.111.. ,I •• jllt\,lh.: ,c:h.10,I tkm.:n1.1r, .ii•.: d 1+1 J rrn. h." l'-c1·11 •nc1i:hh'I 1,,111'1 •h 1h.111 ,ltlh'.lf',mJ Ill'< 1,f rlk• Jfd11r..-.,1ur.1I ,1m11.1riu..·, 0 ffll lhr "h,.,,I uiJ m.m, \1\ I h.ultl "'fl'll' l'C')llk ,t '>llllk' II 1, ,Ir.in ,,f lh,· -ffl'•

I~ 1ir .1 Wik' I ~,I\< 11. J th••L:,:ht ,1 "·h ,1

ran 01 ..ur .... h0t-..." 1'h) ll1, B,unf·-.. 1um11r 1nl<"nl1... 1rlm.u'\ , 1uJ1<'• 111.1Jvr. ...utl rht: ..._h,,.,/', Jm.-c111r, (ikon,c Rurrc". ~.ud ,, IM,.•1 l'!Ofllu)Ct:, :iri: u.)('d to being 11m1,1....:n 1.11 p.ir1 ,,f MSL' ,,,n11.:t1m\'' pe11rlc come in :ind ,..,l u, 1< ht•n: ,,,rn~·thmg 1,on ,:,unru< ,he , 111J " h rt:J!h J,~,.11 I t-.•1h,· 1 11> one t,n," rtrc l·p1...,,,pJI \l.ht'l"I t--u,IJrng ..,,..., rnn , 1ru..1ul 111 II/~ \ h, \\ i.hllj I-all~ ph1l"'1• 1h1,,r1,1 I 1lh.1n \ld.,•c!,:'"' Rum, Rum,. .. h,, Jl"'I <.1•111nbu1,,J hi \1 \ 1 " , 1-.tnlJ•) " '

l.1i,:h1> \Pl ,llll(J lht· fln\J IC ...·hool anJ the um,el"\11\ 111 l\•..emt-1,• t:.k h ,ttht'-,, ..,, ..tic h n.m.:c:J° the I r •"-"(\11 <... ht-.11', n•J.N"K l

llurge" ' " 'd th.: "'hool I• ~r .01,•lul tu \ l °'l' lor Jll<r,,,mg them 10 u\t:' \\ t·,1 c·Jmpt,, l>me ·w(' hl> (' J llltlll rcl.1l1t>ll•lur v.11h M~I J,'" ,IK- ,,1td ..llk::r .arc f lC,11 l"M.'lf hhi•r. " ll1t I (11\\.(>pJI Sdk1'1! h.1, ~..u , 1mi...11,, 1.1n~mg llurn -t-) t:.ir,o ld lmderi,:,uw n d.1 .. <'• lo ,1\lh irJJc l)I(' t 11rn,uh1111 1n..lmk, ...oo,pu1rr d.1,'(, lh.11 >lJl1 Ill IIK' ~ )l'.U 111,1 l1nJcrg.-r'l\'n d.1,-<~ .111,I ~p..iu ,h ,I.",..-• lhJI hc!,!1n 1n J . K Our ,11~knh .ind ,1Jrl o11r 1M.u,1.1ntlmi: H Ul)?l"'' ....111 .,, hfn OIJ! ••udi.·111, f\1 ..11 lo tMher \o..ho• •I•. the, ..1.,...a,, ,t,ni,.• h.i..l lht•,

Stt Nl'ij!hhor, pu~t' ~

\ l!rnup of l11h In .:rildf' 5- t.. pl•) t1u1>kk ul 1hr I· pi-..--opal ...,_huol. 1•J..,1u lor H1111llJ Jl,r~ ,1rr


\\,dtt<-.dal, It~

Foreign studies slighted Thief shows dark side of Midwe~ v. h1d1 .. , ...." .2wul'kl ) l.~''O r-:1 h..inh· In J1,,1n it l' N'n 1'n.1.,Jl·r ul'Kk.• r,f,1nJ1 n:.? 111 lh, ln,1c.\J \11 Jl1n,.-.111m: """lt\ hlf ...,,1f1J ,uxl .in .tJ\.t.lllJL't in lhc lhc:-.c' \\,'t"lh\\h1k rroi!r,un,. 1hc Ill.ill.Cl 1111~,·, ( r ,, h11t_.r,.h1p, -.-.. ht 111I pr,,,_ 1(k', ('\t·n mnrc -...·hol 111, rJk· •'l't" 'f'll.fllll"' ~tk.h " th..· . ,,h,,.,... I,)( ;1thk1K"' tnm, Hrt1hh ,,u,hc, l'ro1tr.•m 1mJ thf \\ h1k 111,1nn1ni 11:Jm, ma} \1n1u, l'\., h.tn~, j'lll1•.:ra111 . .tr\' l'!t1ni Jtlrtll!••n 11.1 \t\l a ~uahl) \1 1\Jl.'I - - -- - - - - 111trm.1L10nal cJu. • ,'hl'i 1

11 ,11Jhl " .. ••on,'•.Jt k1 "''-' thllll.. ,d,.-t.! Ii \\ k..t ,. ,jl I I., •·..,,"-" II I• h 1tt>e ln11J1 h • ""' m, 1'4., \1, l t-..1 " •' ._.,n ~'f• ,,

l)pf"""'l/11(, h' •IIIJ\ ,lt,r"oaJ

Clh ,1uJ.:nl\ .t \


I Ulldl"J h, th\· un:

,._ ;umn

, i::r, 11, \1 I J \I.\'• I t· t


S, t,,./c1nhi11,, f,,r 1/w llmi,h S111di,,, und


\IJIC i:I\\', ,,111\ ~• ,1 ._) 1n "-h,•!.i1

,h1p,l1-rt~ .allo1 l\1111,h \tu,h,• ,

rJ, 11w

l"nou~h .. ,

h \1


11m ,'.f 1t 1m,




i:.l\l' J

th.II l1.11 i , 111 thr \ l.11.\., ) ,'\I olll'

n<>t ~ .I h.ljlf'' ,1IUJll•~


4u•f\ \1t llut'I


r-,11 ,11,r ' ' "" , ,ou

~•~ vc 1hr R'll· .,,n !NI If\!" I• laj,10, 1n

\ •lU

llllf ,, , 11:I\

1ntllhl'l'.l lM.Jfl



II '

i,°'""f 11• ""•

,Ion, .U,J I \1\1\ II(' lllt"Jc ,,


1~f, ,on Hvthf"" -'1 \lrTttl('J I "I , 1111 \\, Jnr..J~\ J«L' t...' h"\ <,>~k, l ( <\""'lh.11k, ~ ff("•I 'l'O'T•hr• \lwla I..J\Jlf\

,:l1mp-.c- 1•!

,..,,l C'J'IC\• -,tJ r"I oo !ht

:~ ~7::,~ ~~\ ::x.n


\.t1h1_e ,,,..

~ ~<JIii

,..,,..:.e111,11'1'1Nl1 r- hM.I ,nru,h r,tlfncd "l) rrv._,, lf\"ffl lhc J'hl.>nt t--:•ith .i I


I 1c-d h 'f\ ·~ , ,~, •.r•it-, 11'lmr ,1 i..on, h.illl 11~,, ll n, 111 ,-,-.., .... 1•'f h.Ji,111c llth.ll "o.11 11111- "t'Jt"I~

the hlt'W·

I'""'"'""" -~•«-~' Hl!JI ,c!II 1\,11\C \l, llm,


n•putJll('fl 1h,m a na11on,1I dt:amp1· \1n,h1r c:,n1.11UlJ <\nd \\ h1k ch;un r111n,h1r te-,un, 1,,"l•tll\" !tJl<l fO \C'iif

rrn ________ ,c:,

\\, ( d.

en- tho.• ,lim.

,tn ~c.:31 J lh.'I 1n1em.11mn;il ,1ud,

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~, .tu~ ,,1 the IJd, ,11 htlp ln1m lCllllH"\ H mu,, h,.1,c "-.llltethmg 1ht -...· h\'•11\ IJOh\Ul' hl ,1t1t-r ,1udc111, \ 1\1 ,1llr.M.h h;.1, a rn,'1 h,un f hc ,tnf\ "jll•I , 11~h11~ t\.lh:r "11h the othd l,--t,•1~ 11 , \u\h flt" ll,111011 111 lmt·1i,t11 ,tulht", 1\11\\. 11 gr:1111 Onl~ 'ti tlliC'l " )!l' C' n 1,u Ill'\-...!, IP t-11,ld 1111 ti t'I\ ufll' llng l!K' \ le\1('(1 c ,..,· h,m~r 1m1~1Jm, llh'I\" -...htll.11,h1p,

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utters Editor


to the

ht• l•n,•I ,mJ \\ 11h,,ul ,1bu,1, t• l,in.:u,1,,:,· tll 1·'t·r,r•1MI .,1t.11. k, I ,·th'1, mn..t l"t• .-..,i,:_n,'\t t,, tlw

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Rrint,t k'ih'r- lo tht \\ k'hilrAO Room tU O.,\ of tht hin f1M .\ rt., Build.in~

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,,._ 1'11,,


••n I 1t'\ 1 th.11 I ,-.>t•l,1 ,,.,.

Long distance lovin'

,, 'llkl 11\"I hcl1• '-IIK'"'"i Ille- a uth<'nlh.11~ nt ,n,h ,1 """ " " • ;111\I ho" mu..h "•~

The compelling saga of a computer roman1

'""<' a 'l\l\111\" 1111: l.ollc-r t-<mi; l!"\11' II ,,'llhi ool\ ,.._•r-.c1n unJnmul\' \ I,;\ fur 1h,;1 .in.i•1n..t ,.11tJ,,1nvou1h;iJ,·cm"'

tncn• "1hr ,c,.,,nJ mu..t. 1nflocn11.t.l lmJ 1k'..m11h:a1.11,._t,,..,>111h.a1,-.iuldnocpo,.,1M, htlp cn,.l\'..1-.c .111cnd;u,,.'\' rht- ,aJ.kJ J1...,,J1,1nlll):C .lf'P('.&r-MICl!'.. ,-c,wi ,.imp,.1, M.'~ .. ~,n ~l~tth;i.t • " "'" pw.,.11-.t •A'fl.'""h 111 ftt ral\inc "' J1.1IJ ""tlfk. Nun \\ uh ch(, r-.11-.c on ..1uJt>.n1 'l'f\11:"c.' ltt\ It" 11..i \(".ti Jnd v. Ith ,be rrot,km of 1ctJ,ntn~ •l~tn1, ..urt'h , •lov.tr l'lt.lt'.i....- h'\l'f'! ll'llldc-r.t!C'. UICl\'llll"lllJI .1n11ounh1 ,."NIIJ t'C mo.wt 1vlc-r.1Mt f ,c-n the- ~•• <'nll1lC'III rl.in, 10 v.,M"l ,lt..,.I\ .t1 the 1-""' f(t);.-r.il Jcbl v.h) ,Ji,.111JJ tht' U/11\CNI) ,Wt.1.:nl) rc.1h1C' •h,11 lh<'• h;a\(11 f !\ccn i!f'llini l.'.fl("!U)!l'I lnd l•,r,rc1 m rtmed) 1hcm


,1:I •l'' fin-1111.1.tll\ Ill t'llll." -CIIII!'""°' \ , J rtf"\'-.cnlJ\11<' UI lhc ,m1.knt

t.., !, I JIil 11o1t .tlonc ,n d«nnn~ ,uch ,-...1i-111 unf.ttr 1n ,tu.k11i-, ,tnJ de1nmcn, t.1] ht lht U111\c:'f'II)


Arulta Keens·Dooglas SefllOr Senator




Nick Eounon

Edi!Of In Chief Ofew Myers

PhOfogrophy Editor lsoO Noru'.e CirculotiOn Monoger


Ad'Yerttsing Manager Oonno Payton Accountant Jenn•fefSrn,Th

Cottoonlsh Adom Chovel Blon Herne,

Mo110 Lowry Dovd locketl

Wlchlton Reporters

fJ'ott Gurskv , 'l-Y<w' '

~ondv &ewster JC Gorcta

Heome, Moore

le,oh Curry A!'5ho Ferguson

News Editor ..,.,,,

·,,. .~ _. •:,r,



Wo,;rie Moore Anttx,ny Newberry Jonoona Nud<Og Mondy Tnomo,oe Jyn 'w\/heaf


Graphic Arltt1

Ad Reps fonvny Fhno

Suzanne M,ller ,1 ,.._ 1,m'.JS Ne<N:ol@Q'r~ Pr~

"""'''-'°-' •·,, ,~,•.•.. ,t.., 1',t,rc, ·• •t.~'7 , ·1•~:;,..c.,-..i1oc1upvt6c.a ~.,., y ,i. ,,., ,-.,.., ,.,,,, ,1.- ,,....1 '~ 1\ 1.:M.1•·l.-"v•~a'NP'(ldl.(:hr:< )- ', ·•



Ka1,, Martin

Wc Mon keoorletlt \Jl,1, I! lQ on ,1 N'.iuuful Wcdnr..Wy .ifll!'m.)\'f\ m urh 11111 I v.allcd mio thf' hhr.tl\ ·,



"""on.,,, """"';m I how t~ al'-nul lntt'ffli.'11-cfott I h:kl 10 do nl)hoffit'\t,Nl

Al 11 J5 1h;tt mgh1 I lcf1


IU mm. l:ah. h tell '"' Uh;.. .inJ I J!dn' 1 ... ,un II) 1(,1,c Wh1 ' I "'"''" lo\1!' m ) ,•,., l fcli IIJlh-Jio M Ulllrh, tor lhl!' ticttn pan ol thc-J.i} \\ c1:11l ttl at>ov, r-,,1 lo,t,. lh' 1..1;,r:<11>1 mu•K .mJ ~n• .aod "'<' talll:'\l,11'oou1nolhll'lj1Jl,1IJ WtJU•llll1 ..N I "'0"" ' Ht J:OI nn htK tllt.' 11<"1 J.i) anJ ,,.,1, thtrc \\, ..,,J.,IC'd Jn,,chcrd.1) h 11 lhl!' llr\l n1111nh, "C l,1ll «t ('\('t) ib} Our dlJllm~ \\,1, filkJ \\1th hUlt •~ rnhoh li ..r •,ma..l' 111 lurk red on 1/ir chcc;,, ,)I

thr c:,cr p,-clCtll' vr-.ik, f,M.t \ ~ from H"" pultf l n-\lrlV' t htwll) be .o.J.cd t.:,r ,m· ~ I p•.: •I 10 tum Ht allcd me (l'\t" ""'"""" .att>1 '<i\t chauc:J l"iG Ille phc,nc tor .iholll 1.0 minvi"" 11 .. ;a,, the- bN ptic,or ~a11 rw c:,n hiAl , ,... \OOlc.'thtng I INpit Iv,.(' kC1«rcd Ill tc:U \tlU

hr~;!; :C:lul~~m,"'

c:,m A} unul He wdn I undl'nl4llJ ',l,)fflC' ffl\ f:ne.rl.Ji ..nJ I ddn t ~ much ot hi, Juhm•En~h-.h ma hul I did Wldml~ U).11 "" C: "'<'IY h•n1111 ll<'ff tn•hlF, ""•) '-o"". I Lill.,.. \ou ~ '"')••e I am lm, Wb) ....wkl I ull b..1 WI h.6hMI ,or hotm Ofl lhl!' U Wllptlltt ' \lo hlll Cff!IJK'I~ In( !ti IJ'f' him m\ numM "' I dor(1 lJIO'llo hul 11 "",,,., "'onh II 'The: ·-rd.11K'4hhtp" INtd unul Chn.-.tm.,, d.i•. ... 11c:n I rold him not wnll mt .ICilln Ut ..,.;1..,1allmgat-.,u1u, "..twlllf0Wh•T\ !Ofeth r, ... ,1nJ ptirJ..n hl c- 'Tm rc;,d~ IO \C'llk Jo1,1n · v.rrc , 1oep1111,: 11110tbr1.'0IJ\C'fQI.IOO h tit



..,.,l,j!C'IIIRi!, J t>1l l,IO),(fl(lU'\. The l:1,1 unir I communlC"alcd "'uh him

...., ,<11 (lln-im.,, 0•\ \h f.r Cffdw1,und 1hrJ1n11r1•.ihtcl!'', lili nf 1hr ht-,1 ,nu/ of Int'


~l')mf •n4•lm) < hn,1m.11'1.im,, •1th hm1 Mid hr hmlc m, IJr.-: ~ c,w,I lll•lt'J•t tt(w. ,,'l.!ld l t.t: .1 , "'"'f""C1"'-"n"rn' I d.t11 rln,, .. l'"fflWTlk j'W\




I ..,.'Jnk'd .i <:lttpk-" ,1· \c I ,unl("d m, p;tr\nt, ~nJ, mt! ,n dlC'm1~1J, d.i.~, .on.I lhrttbl!'1r fiN J:.tc mt'\ •c1,· '~ff·


d1n, nt'IJ• ~ <11r •hll t-••\'I.\, ) NI' v. ,ti 11 h;11pprn 1u m,: · ! \I, 111 II h.1rr,.'TI IJ\"t'f lhr ln1m,. u""1111dn· 1 -a, Th1, \-1lcnllrM: , I l,1, I ""' "' , it..iroJalt\ Ill' 11,..... c:r~ Ullll ('\\!' • r,nc:,1, hJI )OU ln,...,. ""h.il' II "'.ill 111f a, loni a, 1ttAt,i.•1o:,J Ye", 1-..ao ,,..,,1, ~1 I ,ull ~.,, ·,,·~

C1 IJb a.nd. JU•I 11• .:11,er m, h~.._., il\tll!'flCl!'dl'- 11111

, ltlplh(- Lfhdftlh '

Wichitan Auoclale EdltOf Jason Lawrence

\ ~---:-":--.---::::::----J l_j__ __c.! "h;;.~~blc·1clling Cathy c,ocrly how he feels, but she already nose

nut.\ JJUkn:ou \ ,.. 1.._, \\nJl'll,',..l;a\ n•,'1111111 "-""ktfl l•lf , ru.Jc111,, h lt'.t,t hk..-1) II• N" Jl''f'IIIM ), .1t1.ii..h.-.J. \jlnr{I "'-JIN' .,~ •l.tll\lK, -h,,1.... 1l I\ ti><- 1111••1 ! \'I l 'fl\° 1•/ lht 1Th)'>t1 f!'-.'fllll,u , 1,1..,. hnw:.. ~ nh 11'11• thi-.u.:hl 1n m,nJ. '-Vllll"

3410 Tott Blvd 121W • '//ichilo Falls. Texas 76308 News Desi< (81 7) 689-4704 • AcJ Desi<. (817) 689-4705 Adv<ler


hl<J•l · ·- 1 ,..,,...,, ..,ti\'Ofl 't•'ll"~ltr,elQ( ,.,.•,t•>'1L'!f'

., •~ ,:.~;,.;r,', J~_,.:;.·:.J;:•~ ;;-:~,;;..~~~"'::1,~nl OCOf'

V-Day a reason for celebrating loY "~'"'"' 1h,:1,· ""' _. htr> "' '"'"'"

Valrnlllll!' , 0•)' I'- IC'!)' fl«Uh:u I can·, 1h111l ul .inodirr huhd.i) 11\;Jt 1• ,umiuno.kd h) '-0 nww J1fltttnt ..m11.i101h Thtf<' ,Ill!' man~ 1:11.- opk "'ho 1h1nl: Y:dn,ui,c", OJ) 1\ nod1mg rnow th.In a sm:11n,:,n1J hohd.1} l'hr\(: l)('l>pk- l',rl1tit 1hr ..olc p!Jlf'I"-'' ,,1 1-d• 14 I• 10 lttp ll.1Jlmarl. tn N1..1nc" ( l"ht). mort' thM lllrl}. ,prnJ 3 ,m,11 fnmmt 1111 ( •rJ, t''•t'f) )Cat .ind thm

8'. rlflt Jl',r,tU


A Different ~\)I~~::::~~~~.:,·:~ Perspective ,\nJ 10 , l11k hcl. \.1k n11~ l.'.\ f'ff 1ht-o~h link .' ' •

II fo1 ~ 11iuplc (!.j\1)

l'hl!'n ) OU h.OC' }l~f hanilrul uf 1nJ111Ju.1t.. ... IM• hrli~·,c , .,knlHl(" .. lh) ,, .t lOlh fl•1'11\) .IF<iln•1 lhrrn , ..u ).nm• the '1WI 111 J)<'N>n I ffl 1all:my al-oi1t 1h,· 1• fc-cl "'lfT) f111 1hC'm'('ht, t,,,_'lllU'-C l hn J.J\' "•lh/11!1 thal ,pn-1,11 ,omc:unc:



1,,l1lnl(" 1on-.1l11cJr.);

:Jti.Ju"l.itcr \\ htn }OU :trr


iln"t' nuth1n1 d-c 'lt'(1n,

II.I ma.Utr It 1, faNJltJU\

Th;11' , wl'I} th1 , hohJ:a} t) ' " ' l~•t b ·tn ,.hen I ,,.a, a lmlt t)L<'. Va,lrmmc-', IJl) ..,. .I) murc th.in 1u,1 .aoo1hc:r hohJ.a) It ...., ..1v.•}' :t tl'IOf1Ulll("fflal J11) ... hen \I,(' m.tJt tho'-C' rc)ll\"t' h.nt\ h) C1•ll«1 Vi.kntmc:, Imm rho(ol,11c, our da,,1n:11~·~ You alw hJH' )uUt ,h:11c o1 fnll, ,,.ho E,cry year, I ""IIUld pul :t hnlr 1!'11:lr.1 1111w: ..,.ould n,•t t,,.• ,llfnt1·J 1n .any 1hppc , form \Jr 1n11, m) "l..11\-c B1J,~ ,o all 1hc- i:1r" m nl)' fa,tuoo ,f V:cknhnc '1 l>a) ..,.t.,c ,impl)' c:cllt1I eta" "'oolJ want lllC' 111 N' thi.-11 \ atrn11nr t ..,,·oulJ grt nJI) "'•th 111C' ,cd :md r 1nl c,,n. llitn ,·ou h,11·t l'O.tplr hk.C' me. ,,.hu arr , rrucooo r .1r,c1, lhc dmhc, and th\!' maiLrr, wmpktC'l) mfotuJlc,1 ..,.,,h Ill" hohJa) Thl!'n, I WQtJIJ ,,. h1r OUI the !;11111!'1 lU!ll lini\h II I thm). \'.1knlll'IC' , IJ,1} I\ ..o 11rr.11 l'l.!<"o1u'< off ,.uh 1111k p,av, )OU llrl!' uklw.thnF kwr. lhc: nw,,t J)O""l!'rtu1 The funny thmi t,, lho1Ugh. I ~tdl gilt the t1T111Uon m !he' ..,,lflJ ..alTlC' Snoop), Garfield ,ind n~un.in Valrnnll(, lllf'rt t, Ill) uthcr \'ll'l(>\11'111 lh.at C.UI mal:f' .r.e•t'f)hoc.lyc:lsc ,olllffl')r U ) JU•I J\ c;1-.,h a, II un mall!' But Cuptd .al"'") ' •~ind mr "'uh h1, amr.. ...:,cni-.lfk' l.iteF,h ,111d ,m11c: I 0 1c ,.in m.ilt ) OU l6fll.l doudtd ffl} fllflt)ll•l lhmlmz ... ,th " k,\(' fl.Tl ,~l t,1 )''Ill ,h'lmJt. h on one d~, .100 I ...., COO\"locrJ 1hc1t ..... ,l"ll\ \ ;,II(' 1n 11)(' bunch 1h.11 ~i&l11td .i h1dJrn \:iknlllll' m.il.- )"U :eel hlr )llu '1t ''" l11p11( Ille: ..onJ lhl~ \ (",If , .111,I 1h..• ) ,rlchn1tc:: \ .ikllllll<' \ I}•) ") ..,.rarm~ ,1JI hla..l :mJ dn)Wnm~ their \llr ro..,., m ,1 I'! huulc ~heap wu,r or ,1 I'll>\ of

BJff' . 1 ~· ~lldtdlt' \ he mu•I rulh

got the e \ ..,, ...u11t

By Drew Myers

kl\r mc::.l'MII 101 , N,dt, had \tJITll!'lh1n~ ' f'l'\ 1.al l h.l!


\iknttlll'\ UJ• '° "''"hlo:rtul fhl!'I tl'lt }~'"'· lh.\\J~h th, I \,{>II, 11 , n.~ Jh..

ch:tngcJ J lillk-

~ht.LI!'\ \lr>u"C' \ ,1k•n1 1111. 111

d1\,ll\l/1c,. ,t') ,r,:,.,.111n rn,>1t •~ l)f'(' Ill "'ll~ \.1kn11nc·,

IJ.,y ,,\,.., 11i..· .1


rn) lo•e Ir) rn11•k lilr m• n1,w11J N1Mlk-r :md \l•te, .. , Ill\ ft.i.i.!, fUl1ffimJt1', ,1nJ tht r.:,t ,,r 1111 :nc·. I ha,-, ~ \Cr\ 'Jll.'UJI tnoiJ, \C':&f ,1nJ \J!,·nt1n,,• , llJ, ,, Of'l"L•nu1111) ft•r m,· 111 e,pit••


1::~ I


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""-r ho"' l''-""-rll' ht,,.,. " ij

L,rr.,~lt' ..t\t.,uhl .k•

"'"'!l'1~' ·

,·dcl'l".11c h•t, IJ "'hC'tlirr ,i", ,. hc;ui..,.,"' 11•'!1"1J , hl<"h,,, .&111>1,11C~ V,1k111•n.· , '"" ,unrh 1, ' ' ' hl ... ,,,u 1ccl.1t,, \\J[ thorn

Nfu~~~c.?epartment to present opera ~~~ ~.1 :u::~i~~:~\7;d~~~~~1~ ~:~:: '"c:'I)

,trcnuvu, on the ,·01,c." Huong ·Mi,d

ll uon11 Mm.I <Wll" gtc;at thing 1boot the tlf)("r-;i ''


tcam11,•ork ~wc'tt JU~I hk, one

l'ohC\I\C gmop," Huong "Id.

Ma,"c11.ahn Maid~ ca...c I\ .an imporuint P:,.n of the producuon .. D.a,1., D1ll1" 11,hu fll.ty~ Donnu F.h·u-a. ...:11J PtltUng ,, together" ha, ht-en a difficult :hJkcl of the pmJuc11on r fona1h1m Mooh, who play, Upordlo. 1 ncnd of ~ 1 G 1ovunn1, ~;ml mcmon,uuon

I• i.hallcng,ng.

''A ll the tole, llrC VCI) long," Moot\ ~uJ. Mcrl:\/1th fan~n. :i ~phumorc ,·ocal per• f1Kmancc 'TI.iJor 111ho 1~ on'1'«'1ng the publk.'1ty for lhc opcr.1, \:ud m the p;a,t, tht

ITIU\IC dep..inmcnt h:r,~ only done wn3llcr -..::de 1)f'('rcU.1\ or \t'l«-ted


h om pu-

11cul:1r 11,orb. '"Th1( " a very huvy open. very ~m:111d1ng," J:u,""n '1l1d


h n~ n w1J the urtra v.111 br pcrfomitd pnm1111\y m Engh)h w,th only !ht "ngmg 1n lt:ahan She u1d the- purpo!loC in doing lhat " to inalo:c tht' opc1;1 mntt hchev~ le :md a1the i.:1mt umc:: retain the n:nor of the ongm:r,1 worl,;. There= att t •tcht prin.:1r.1I, m ··Don G10,:ann1" wuh thl't'(: bc111g womtn Al l thrct lift M>pfRll() pan:. and ICJ)l'C'tnl d1ffcrc:111 lypt\ o(,...omtn "A k,t of the mu,tC 11,m,1a1t ~ hy cla\'.° D1ln ..:11d D1h 1 :.ho ~:11d th1~ can he ..«n 1hroui!h d1frt1t'nLch:.rxtcr~ m 1hr produr • tion from oob1luy ID pc11s:an1clas, Arn hitih !JChool ~udcn1~ 10 wdl :r.sothc=r "ngcN from the conunumty hii,e :.ho lxc::n mcorporatcd in10 1hc: C:1'1 of the opc:r.a ··10 the bxlo: or M)' in1nc.1:· M1nwrll w1d, "l',,e :alw:r.)~ wantcJ 10 do ·Doo G10,ann1: hut wr dKln't h~,·t the u,1 I tui,c:: the: ptO· pk~· ··



1.)M'lk JtnldM. l'nlnt. HIIOnl, Darla 01111 and Jonathan \looh -.ho.,. offt~irffl'ltumt<i ffir " l )on Gk,,·unl,.. .,.hkh h bdlll p.--ntrd hy l hf MR lk-plrtrMnl. /'"°"1 by n.rid Todt11

Financial aid provides opportunities for MSU students

&i if·! ~j .S}j_{L._9!-:➔ •1 • _, ~·

Tara S"·agtrh· Soecial Conlr6.il01 The mmg l'O\I ol IUUIOl'I may kild ..amt -tudtt1h Ill bd ll'\C' I l"olkgt

Va~/~ntine's Day Spea,·a 1

«luco111on 1, OUI c,f lhtir rcach 8111

! •l • , JP 2 for $SO ,- .c'.

MM1111·~t«n Stale )ludmb l'C'('(:l\'« I S10 n11lt10J1 m fina.oc1:.l aid la_-t ytM Sue Ndwn. :an MSU financ\;al 11J C'OUn\C.'lor. u 1d thc:rt 1, ~ 1ypc nf .1•~1,1;ancC' f1"f ,my ~,udt nl who

'\ t car·ry ;i rt ~ --. u I l int nf t:mnin~ products

31'f)ht, for II She ,a1J grunL!> arc ha-.c:d on fin:im-1al 1\CCJ but tht go,·cmmcnt now uft'tr) guaranteed ~ludcm loan\ that anyol\l.' m:ay obtain 11K' d1fkrcncc bct111ecn gr~nt\ and Imm, I \ 1h11 grant, 00 IKll ha~·c

S 1,i111,;uit S:1lc !!'. ~10-..,i mo, Occ:i n l'acHic. Uody Gto,·c La,, \ ou~.. lrm11lhOnt7 $25

I O % off tann in g wit h I. D.

tlfJA12S, TOl3Att0, tit. Come find

~ rcr:1.1d Hnd loolt\ dn Ntl'°n ,:aid Jnyonc )ttlo:tng :11d need, 10 come hy the fin.mcu1I :a1d office and fill ou\ a f-rtt Appht'.1tion fOf FNkral Student Aid The ,1uJc:n1 will nc:«I h> inrludc tht pa" )"tllr\ lnt'()ffl(' tu rc1urn If the .o.1tK.lcn1 1, a dcpclkkn1. mumn.: .wmconc d-.c c:an claim hnn or her on 1ht ir rn fornh. he or ~he .,.111 nttd their p;,m,1', liU, rcturn, al-.o Students need 10 rt mcmhcr the federal gm·cmmcm h:a, ruled 1ha1 )tudenb mu\ l meet ,11t1) faC"tury progrc)~ rc:qu1rcmcnb to rccCl\'C 111d. Th1~ rule appl1c, througll()U1 :,, )lodcnt') college cmtr Nd -on ~1d, "Many t1nie- "udcnh do IIOl undcNarJd th:til WC h:i\'C IU t'httk. hy h.AnJ. a .)!odcnt \ ~~ by uch SClnC)ler even 1f they lui\t nt\"tt had financial aid :,,nd t\."cn 1f they wmt to ..chool 20 year. ago



Another 11npor1ant a~pttt


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Tht c1-un\C'lot\ rn the fin:mu:al atd uific\· procc" p:arcr,...orl up un11I the \'~ IJ•I m,nul(', NI lhctC' Jrc thing) ,1uJtn1;; c:i.n do 10 ~peed up the prOC'<'\\ S1udcnt, ,hoold hnni: the= ~pph• nunn back tfl ,tic financ1:il 11d office before they mall II Thi) will allow 1ht coun..:clor and \ tudtnt to wnrk togclhcr tn c..1ch ,1ny m1,talc, "1llc 1nu,:al :apphca1111n 111kc, " ·~ " t d.., lu l'.ClrTl(" h.,d. lfl tht' , iuJ.:nt, and C0rT((\lon, !.,Lil l;tk( llrlOlhtr , ...o to thrtc on top of 1h;11,'· Nclwn ,~id She ..a,d the nc" cornpu1c:r ')'· 1cm m th..· financial aid office h,,, hcen helpful e\'CII though they Drt , ull 1ry10g to cu,1om11t 1t to meC'I the n«d, or MSL' ~cl\Of\ !!.tld \OnlC , 1udtnh 11,•1th •pcc1;al probkn1, ma~ h:a1c hJd C,)fflplJ1n1,. 1>111 n1·enill the= •~•tcm 1, " Dflmg fit1t

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j/1\'C hnn fin,llk.lJI bul ,\ 1Sl' ......, • I v.ouldn t h,nc m.iJc 11 "'1tho111 li11anc1:al Jld. I JU,I rnulJr, I pa~ II•~ tu111,m: · Addn 'Jld '-Chfll•I• \O, C(l' not p,cp.ircd 10


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fill out a gtnt'ral ""'~.mt\ apphcaun a1!he office of ',{"ho ol rclutmn, 10\. aw;ui,h f.!l\'CO b) M SU Jfc h:a\C.'d on !I \IUlknt, gmdc pc11nt J\Cla£C .m.t a,J1 lah1l11y of fun(}, Ol·pcodm~ on the number uf apphl ;1nt, 'fomc M5ll •ludcnt!> who recti, r fillJrK,1al aid ~J1J 11 1, helpful m,1de thC' dll\\llJOfll 3Ud (IUt




!'n~: ~~1:PJ':~~:~~,i~~

Scho l:1"h1p, Me al'-11 :1 tn.6JOI' pan of 1ht money g1\en 10 help dcfr.t)

out what the Etc. is all about


the C'O\I\ ol l"llucat,on Anne Opprrman d11cdflr o f dc\·tlnpmcnt;II ..cr\lcc,. ,.ml I.JOO 3.,. m h . no1 1nclodmi; Jtnlc:uc ~hol• aM•P'· " ·ert g1\·r n ID \tudenu. th•~ ~pnng Student\ m1rrc,1et.l m -.chol•

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Wichitan \'rdnr,d •[' f'thn,~

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s' on camp us '-c:ll'nn• dub \'llWS to promote 'resp0nsible choice 1on.• lflf """' ' J\11"-'I'\ lUltl l,nt lv. n l'>m) 1nlht r,1~1>1Ti,t l,"1,1•h,.,:J JMJ"fl

J,11 Whtal

, , ,, 1, , •1 -,:•!,1


, 1,.,:, ,1,J,., I ,l11t• ,•n,11•11"••

,,,. , ll•""

1..-LJ' •11,, \ 1 11,• , ,.,, I


,rl',IUlf\fflt flJ.WI\

, ,,,>,,,-i •,,,..n


ll'ltlf •h1tk-•lh

the ,,,, ,,,,, ,1,,, , ,ch,:, ...,,,,,.. , , 1111'-• ,,.,, ,mru, ,1o1i:i11,IN I ,,.,, ·'1111,. t.d '-""'' 1 lut> frl1 \O(' lr -:,1.. 11 ,11 iii. -1111- , 1,'-111 \ 111"ti.·1, Yid. " '' aoJ UV: , ~ t-.J ,.,,, ,., l• t,u 1, , t~· 1uJi. nt, Llll' .:.u1 1 l 1n,: ('11\IR~llllt'nl.t!lt ,· Vl\'t~Jl'I" \ ~he-" .....1,..1 HU1 '1 1.. (o..u, , 'f' ,.,.,r,i,. , ,-..._,.., <11't.llo' 1, ,h,: du" , ITim;t,n r,, ,a1,. It • •I '" ' lul'- \h,1\ I 111,1111,n,,n, • JIJ ,ht

\ ,. ..

,t, , lut> "


C'\<'" hum.u'I 1• .,.,, .,,... 1n.lC\• 1h.m


• J.,111),'. ,'1,,111,1 .,lr,·.~.h tJ:inJ I"'-· r · ,,,,,n , ..·11,,.J -... "'n.r(lul'-l'u, ,,1NJ1n:t1 "iu,1,m.11'1 k ,,.,II 1..,,,, 1tw- •1.111,m.1l ,,otllc1,n.,I" \1 1~,nj Ul-i 1,n ,,.. ,., • r'I \ I ul \tuJ,cn1 ( cn1r1 ""lfn '"'"· •n

\\ ,,11,.:-.l,1, 1, 1'> l 'l lhtm1,1,y, { h ,rl, \ \ 11\1('\-lfl '""' ~Ill f'l1tl(', \jlf (t( v.tu, h t h.ul,-.. ,,m1,"•r1 1Jo.1ht,d1 J 1111, 1dr,,,n!tn- n...r l pm .uld ...11 '-" ,.,,...Jc..1,1 ,.,,, '3:dhtc hcJ1r,n1ni:- .11

r...1•nt un, ,i 1h,,~1 -l 111 r 111

, ,,_., ~. "'" I',- ~ J tlJhl(



t-n-.i l



11,1n,J t.1Mt ':1, 11m l hl 111t··11111- v.1 111.:,,111.- 111 11!,J · ,111r.1;,'J111 ,h-...,.. , .... , Mill (h(' N <:Jl l •cn ,w l\en-. ,111,; 11.I ,u~t l\11111 11,,1,· <Ill r,..m l hc ,I ,I'> h.1, r t.ac.('<\ ~ ., ..1 n.'\.hltnit '""' ''" ,.in,. ;U'lo.l din\' art r,1, ) ~,, ,, s t-,n 1111hr l1l>ur,

.u1J ~ t r:U dui'I n,em~" ,1,llc..t lht rt\.)lbhlc, Rt'l.t'1 l,nic 1bt,p 1ht-m 11!! 11 ~ ~hcr,•M\1.\11 hlfC'C It.,,.. "''" n..ic ~ \o\'\J '"' Ccnr.-, fhl' dw1t1.r 10 rn1r1t • t ' " ' IJ..n1 tl11M111.1I ,,1111• niow) In fllK'I, !ht-, luh J."' IX'C t.ll.r 1h.a11n.~•n • rcr1,,111on (Mm 'iAFti <1u"n1C"111t....-" .,i;11Y(I 1/un m-"'- •ns • d,flc-rtn,."t 111:1, ~"" 1,1 " <ld,111,n.,III) , the 1:t'nlrr on Ill<' 1-\i,c "itrlC i,1111,,.rd t,,. rr-.,., ,,.1,,11 IC\.) ddN,..... kit d,..ir, .t.,r("' ..mJ 1\1) • cl..,.k•l<:m f'luti l.,1,1 '('n1<,1,, lht' I n\lf•ffll11tnl•I YK"lkt' ,aid lht- \I\II Y,J \ h'Urt'd thr lt'\~clm& ('tltU'f \ orllf'I\ lht) ,.,11 f"oC-\.'f'CNnJ ' Ull ,..n I 1m.ip11k' ('\~'lhl"JI 'J'f' "E ft'(~- •r lilt' 1!uti 1111\ l l~ f lht' i:f'fll('f ~,111n 1111, .. I .1/t• A1c11nf1n1 II) cluh mcmbtl\ 1ht ~•• • ut \\ 11.h11 ··unJ'fl'I llot• 1'flf p.t11u p;a1c 1n ft '(')"\ hll~ hclllU'\t 111, h l"Olm.· n1c1 r r C\.,dmi; k ~,\1-0 lhc ('H'I, .. 11(, ,rablr .111 11\ h ...,,1f. ,uffi11rn1 Tht ~ n,r, 1, ' l'1r,ui1111'> k Jv, ct", rurd u~, .inJ r,,.iuirmcn1 and II• r.i>'"' cmpl,,, \!SIi \ l:1111rum11('Jll:ll ~~U,'tkC Cluh 1o1 1l1 ('il"1"p.11c \tuh,Ill lht- IIW1 l'anh OJ\ I .11r ''" \ p11I :: M dlf' h) rurr,,,c h cnh ('t"01C1 l'tir cit.Ill I' k,n. •f'tlll•.,rcd , unn ,nd SAM\ 1tu· P-'1 "' member .l l'lttonuni ,n ,nlcR'•ltl.l Anyone ,~ung ,n duh .-cu, utt, -.houl.J JurnJ the ne.u mn-unr t f)..4 ,ii 00 l·nd.l~. l·r l, 1-l 11 11111! l1t' hclJ UI ('\( rv,•m



Campus Briefs

Auditions tot,, held for onr:.Ct pla)'s - - \ISFa luninus rompletrs Border Patrol traininJUg~1cc AuJ111oa , I\Jf ,111,.kn1,tl1 r«1N one ,11,t plJ)• v..,111'-1.· hdJ 1"1·h 1-1 , t.ul,nj:

1 r• lk,rtt m1nmin1I M,,11.1!J I \J.,..,1, " ' "tlt' t"Jrlk.-d h1, ha;;htlr ,n l'l 111'11 Jl>J h1, lnJ'-1(1 ' In 1,uhh,· :i.lm1n1,tr.iuon fll(ll \ litl'l,••ftffl A,.Jcm)' ,n Ct1.111(, ~ F':lllul R,lf\kr rc.1 •tth , r...iuJt\"J 111\ffl lh..



d d,w,c, 1n ~,wm lfr ,, ~nrkt.:d ,1.... I )t ......... .. ,,ur,c lhJI in,. 1111.k Jn\lng )l')l'<~l b'I lir,:.in111. 1,1,,,h, , ,lHJ ,,,ugh tcn-;a1n Plirml \ Ir.~ , ha.,~ a"1,:nc,I 1ri 1hc !t.1n l),..,ro Bunkr

h 1111n11

• I hc,11r,: 1 ~ l r('m 1J ~ ,n Ill I! lltl(lJI ,n rht J ~Ill I 11\C' \11 I~ C.allh:11.k, ... ,11 bc' ln'tn I rm l,J ~rm l'II I d• h•! llk'll j\lfl' \('\\II JnJ on1tn 1o1 'f h r,in, 12 Tht-n· M\" ( l~h• plJ\• 1o11th r M,~1m Cknpt, llltt itY,11!,1!,k 111 1~ F,1,n f- uk' An, C.1111crrflt. ~\N For morr 1nh,nn.,11on . all ~()~


,Ir m ,nJ l•rt,

ers Conservation As.~ociation =king volunte sale c , 11<11\o\·•ralll p,111111•11• Honor societirs to hold bake The Sttxklll l11111,('nlt10n A•-.«1klKln ,, otlcrin1 O:lt.1 1o11II hokl .a t-a1:r \alt 111 U1( Clift

Phi I tJ \1p ru 111...i \ lrh,:I Limh.b ,cui.knt I Cfl\•'f .a.:nM ln•n II\: tsool.\luf.:




l'Cb 14 btlV.'('-('n 8 a.m. ;nJ 12

1o1,ll t,,;-,cll1n_\' ., h.1o.11U6t,:w !J•J1N10on ,1n nJ,J111~lflh.>



1n 1ht l n,1«1 ~1;rrc1 l 11J 'lk'lf\" 10 pcr1', ,.m (Ofl\('f\ .,,1on v.Ofl on put-lie 1JJMJ,

tnlorrmh.m, OOllUCI ~kl Tuel _!_<U .ii 1(',()J) ~.I l 11128


B«ky 'rouuun, .11 1bM 1 \,11 I ~u, ,,, ")

Legislature _ _ __ _ Neighbors _ _n,,_._ __ lie \Ai.;i r h.1;,, th-111; .inJ

11~• ,,r h,t, h1:,1111ir ;rnd

r,~, hit\ JU\ r-.111,

rw, ••u..kf'lh IU ult' rnD(' ,h.i\ , I_._,..,., "' h.:o thr\ Ju 11,.•1 llo.'l-.l lhl.·m

••!1t11 h

/11th: Ulll• Ct\1ht',

h)d n klt('\<'11

t1,•l ,,1 1o1h,• 1\'0i-l rtmrtl1.il1;>n Jlld

1hc- k1l'l,ifm1 ll'J1;i11Qn lht-) nttJ. I lh,nk lJ'lr rn•Ff2111 llt 'UIJ I\C JIJ\I · ~ .u.·«,,fot ·· MOft" ,.ud Hr \al1tl hr v..,,ulJ l1lc 10 >tt \l ~l Plc'- .ahk 111 m.alc rt'nlt\lial ,J;.-,,1,M)O, l..,, :t U'(' b\ ·CJ\C "-1-.i, l,lt ,t llul l"Ch 'I"<' TI\SP \U\ 1m11/c· n1t.·n~ I .ttll Uunk "t i.1111..., t,c-,1 hw ,i,ur ,tudcnh.-, M11~cr, \<lkJ


Jl(ltJng ,I, l'fC.I «IIK,1,lk/11 h<K

~!Id 1hr) IIIIC' 11 " l lle' ~hool cmpkt\·, lhrtt tl.f foor M'W , 1uJcn1, fo1 !h ~(1cr ... ht-.ol dJ\ U R'






d .a"

l'\)001, f,11,1l1Jc nltt•hrn

!all Tht- ,hl~ v..tth 1hl• adJ1hrw1of ,1 011,hJlc '4 h<>0I l•l' \l',lnJtnp l'lt'AI

l ,l,lllf"I\ JI H OO \\ r,1v.-anf ,\,r rhc '('h1•vl WIii hl,,u ,l' i:1;11.lt, \(\ ('n,

Thc-1, ...,,• ..,...., r lJ!h r1,;h1 .11111 u,.iJ,I • h,!fh "hunl

~ r .arr l.,i:•~m; .11 .at-. ...u 1h1« 40

ii,·l' ,r.. l\ l>t l1lf'r II,, .tll 1f•m11k1r:· IJur,r --•4111 .\, 1hr ,,;h,,r,I r ,pJmh tlll' Jin·1 l(lf h11r,.• , lht r JU\Jlllol\JI •'f'plllUJII II('\ ,,., thl' •ludcnh -..h,1 J llt'f'IJ the ,,l1t•il v.,11 .1hn rtrJnJ

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A llhi>\l,ih he' • "11 '-'111" 1,, tt'llft klNla tll ffll'') ~ llV l\'lallOl'hh lP" he ', tk•·d11p11J ....,n ,11, vuJtrl', Hw"lk'lt rn,m,mmcrt1 ,.ncJ put>/1< r,- •fllf •• lu(J\</Olt' l'lbl•• 1(1 It.Ch ~au .... 11 I\ _, llt•hm,1h k'•d c l;i,, .u,J 1hr l h.ino..-, ul bo.1cJ.."1'1 art ,l1m 11, 11"-nt' · r rn lr)·mi u, ~Cl the-Ill !h,:•htfl("rl l ,l!f , on t, ,o1 m 111lk~ .1.nJ 1/~ ~""'"" ,,r.t'r ,. h~ "' d11fcn:nt wh,n:1, - hr ,.1.1.:I l ie tud 1.011-.c .-h 11.c Ill l•lltr 1hr l.ludi..'111 h."h

j,rl ••"' 1,-rt Yt\fl ,lf"f'it'll\1f'twt,.

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Early Bird Special~



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1;,kiss way cool.


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Back to school


Our ,1yh\t11pa.11h« 1n makmJ 1n:.;1 firjt 1mprcu 1,,n, W()fluna: c k"-t'ly ~uh ) OU, well dcuan a t.Ul ;anJ \ l)'k' lh.1.lC:llfflpltmcnll your pcr,,:·i nihty Mu'\ wc11 mo.... you he,,-., \IJ rr U 't llle 1h31 lot,._ with MJlllX

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1 Dozen Long Stem Red Roses


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Bouquet ,n p.1per ivr,p

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Ont month or tanning 5

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Amv,ng Fet, 13111 Wh1IP They Last'

We also have a great selec1Ion of bud vases. lea cup and mug errangemenl s. e wide variety of lndoo, plants like exacum, primrose. African violets, cyclamen and assorted

hanging baskets

Diamond Stud Earrings


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l,ook At (J,o

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~i,10 S11n•lh, 1o t'



1401 Southwest Parkway Wichita Falls, Texas 76302 -



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