Football signings
Litter on campus
Thursda y,Feb. 16,1995
VT system --q . /4 gets three
11fa Student Center
expansion pro ject slated for October
new board _..Jj members
AUSTIN (AP) - Gov George W. Bush ha., named three people IO scats on the University of Texas System
Bo,lrd of Regents, including a
JOflgtime friend and a fonncr
Bush on Wednesday reap-
pointed Tom LocfOer. a former S:in Antonio-area con-
gressman and unsuccessful GOP candidate for governor in 1990. A UT graduate and tswycr. Locfficr currently is a director for the John G. Tower Center for Political
St udies at Southern Methodist University.
The governor abo appointed his longtime friend. Donald L. Evans. Evans is chairman and chief executive
of Tom Brown Inc.,
e«urtd 11 the ;ere lakta tu \Ykhll1 Ctntr1I IIMplt1d 1fltr I lhrtt: Cir wreckMl anflable al ~7~°r::::rlt Mldwtstrrn P1rkw1y and Wnt C1mpuJ Orh,,. Dt11J1,1 pres. nm:." •trt
Midland energy company,
and chaired the governor's in- Religion augural committee. The thi rd appoinimi::nt went 10 Linnet F . Deily of Tahcrpourz aky added. ~~ Winham ll Hous1on. She is chairman and -The fundamen1al spiriw:il _ ta • Wntt:r president of First Interstate of our era is humani1y.truth MSU student Channel Bank of Texas. She ci1ed the oneness of They both are UT gradu- ! aherpouru ky is helping humanity as the basic studenis fellow her introduce ates as well. foundation for 1hc faith. "'These arc highly quali - to the Baha'i fai1h. Taherpoun::iky said the In a recent talk wiih fied, outstanding individuals West's Human Baha'i faith was the newest who bring a wealth of strate- Barbara of the world's religions. It c I a5 s y it rs c Div gic and fi nancial planning alr.y presented ~tarted ~ut as Babism in 1844 ~xperience to the board of re- Taherpourz some aspects of the Baha'i in Persia. After the founder. gems,~ Bush said. that the the Bab, died in 1863. his explained faith. She The nominations. which basic fundamenta l of Baha'i s ucccsor , B.:ih::i'ull:i.h , require Senate confirmation, is -0ne God. One P1anel, founded the Bah:i.'! ~iJ;ion. arc for six:vcar tenns. fai1h Baha ' i The One Humanity~• the slogan incorporates all the world for theB::iha'ifaith. religions in it's system. Racial and gender equality is s1rcsscd in the faith. "The Bah:i'i faith tc:i.chcs us 10 rise above 1he division of add ed pr ejudice , Taherpoura ky. Educati on is equally Timberly Eys.sen a friend where he W:i.s diag- imponant to the B::iha'is. The Staff Writer nosed wi1h a fractured j::iw. paren1s arc responsible for Police Bui Thompson received surgery 10 his mouth. He was released from the hospil&.I on Feb. 5. sophomo re MSU Grange pos<cd a SI0,000 Christopher Thompson was bond and was released from diagnosed with a fractured jail on Fch. I0. jaw following a Feb. 4 fight in fron1 of Killingswonh Benion Nixon Hall. according 10 MSU Reporter police sergeant Thomas P. Sloon. The second annual high Michael Grange , a school com~111ion was held freshman a1 MSU. was in conjunc1ion w11h MSU's arrested Feb. 9 in connection MSU professor of ~rt College Day on S::i1urday in with 1he incident and charged Richard Martin Ash Ill, will the fain Fine Am Center. with aggravated ass.auh. Six c:11cgorics were represcn1cd in. two be Accord ing to Sloan. u pc o m in g nat iona l judged from the contesl. The categories were: printmaking; Thompson, w:is pushcd to the exhibitions. pound and kicked in the face According to a pr~ss p::iinting: drawing: jewelry: by Grange. release Ash's 1wo rcduc11on sculpture: and photo. The first pla1:e winners Sloan said 1hc ::irgumenl screen prints •su mmer be1wcen the two men bcg::in Evening, August" and "Dawn were: Brian Hefner of Iowa High School fo r Park eb in from of 1hc K::ippa Sigma r shown be Creeping- will fraternity house on Tenth 17-March 24 at the F1:~r S1rec1 :ind spilled over to Great Plnins National exh1b11 Fanner of k.Hlingswonh Hall. in the Moss-Thorns .Gal l~ry for dr:iwmg: John Falls High School Gran~c was not ::arrested at Fon Hays Strate Un_ivers11y. Wichita Allred of &:1,tt jewdry; for in H::iys Kansas. Ash 1s o~c of it the time of the assault bcWichita Falls High S1.:hool ct nse police did not know 67 artists whose work will be for . and Clin1 sculpture Wbo ass.:iultcd Thompson. disp~~br~·ary 22-March ~9. Thorm:in of Rider High ro!o;dc;~ ~ Ash's reduc1ion scrce_npnnt School for pho1ogrJphy. All first pri1.c winners infOl'blation and officers &r· ~September Skull wll.1 on were given SSO and three display at the J99S .N~~1onlll seniors 1.•.:cri: each aw:irdcd J Feb.~~ g £.ih1b1!1on at altl·nJ Collt.:gc in New $SOO sc holar.~hip 10 Thompson was taken to Trenton S1:i.1e MSU. by Jersey. Hospital Wk hita General
ent talks to class on Baba 'i :yStud
Fight results in broken jaw, arrest
lheir children's educa1ion and learning process, she .added. . . 1n te rn a~1 o?~l The ~::id9uartcrs of the Baha 11s in H;ufa. Israel. The n::i~nal hc~d9uar1ers, The Na1mn?I Spimu~ I !',ssembly. u loc::ited 1~ Wil~euc. 111. Any commumty,. wuh a1 lc..is1 lCn adult B~~a I members has a local spm~ual il.SSCmbly. The ass~~ blle_s se n :c as a~m101str~tJ\•e organ12-?t1ons - Th~~ is n~ cle~gy i n ~ said htth, Ba ha I . Tahcrpourzaky. T~herpourzaky 1~. lhe president of the Baha I club on t~c MSU campus. The mec11ngs arc held every Tuesday at five p.m. 1~ C~C room 108. . W~ 1nv1tc every~nc to. m~cst1ga1c the Baha I fa11h . beckons
Local artists exhibited at College Day competition
Professor's art displayed nationally
~l~~~f ~~l!yM~~1f~~~i·
The $500 scholarship recipients are: Jamie Hovis from Iowa Park High School. Christi na Nelson from Wichi1.:i Falls High School. and Marni S1rojwas from Notre DJmc High Scho(ll. The only award in lhc pnn1m:iking category was an honorable mcnlion sivcn 10 ~l~~~tch:l~ue of Hirschi The hig h sc hi,ols compc1ing in the event were from the Region 9 area. which included: Wichita falls High School. Rider High School. Hirschi High School. Iowa P.:irk High School, Burkhurne11 High Sc hool. Archer City High School, Saint Jo lf1gh Sl·hool. Bowi,· High Schp4.1J. Vernon High Sd ool, Henrietta Hi gh School. Jad i.horo Hi ~h School. Notre Dame Ht~h School. Thl' pr11e winning ,Hlwork will tic on t'xh1ti11 unul Fdl. 2/il.
ltrnard Hurtaufl Staff Wriltr Clark Studenl Center is scheduled 10 be renovated in October I 99S 10 mecl inc reased demands for 1tuden1 services and cope wi1h fu ture expansion. accordini to Howard Farrel, vice pn:s1den1 for studcn1 and 1dminisut11ivc affairs. t he ad de d Farrel upcoming rcnov111ion iJ the most cs.pans1ve ever done IO the ccmer. Additions 10 CSC will include an mfonnation desk, compu1er lab, a multi-cultural 24- h ou r a ce nte r. convenience i1orc and II new game rorim The cafcicn:a wd food services will be es. panded and the career planning and place ment office 1s ~lated 10 he moved m 10 the (SC. F1rrcl said. ln the put. lhc center hu b«n upgraded on an as• needed hu1s. Fa.rrcl jllJd. However. Farrd ~cs this S l. I m1lhon pro,cct as timely cmng enrollment al MSU has increa.scd ~ign1ficantlly over the yc:in. He .said enrollment
looks 10 increa.~ 10 over s1:cthous.ind smdents over lh C' next few semesters. The proJtX't began :1bou1 a year ago whC"n the s1udt· nt body vo1ed IO accepl a S20 per student frc IO hel~ fund 1he project. Fam:I s:ud lhc s1udent government h:is been greatly involved in mak!ng s uggc51ions and a.pprovmi new features and services. Farrd also dispelled rum ors :it"iout 1he CSC h::illroom hcing lt'placcd with Thc dining space s::iying. M only change io the ballroom wall be a mC'ldernization of facilities.~ Dining area expansion will come 1hrou~h u11lizrng exis ung spaces. Thu includes reducing the s11..c of s1or::ii:e area.~. mDchinery rooms . .ind orher such expendable areas. Farrel said. The maJor thrw1 in food tccvice Improvement is to be spc.1rhcadcd by new food service vendor, Aramark Corporallon. Ar.murk will he comrihu1e $300,000 lo lhe overall project, according to Ken! Jeffrey. food service director a1 MSU.
Higher ed ucation .••
Non-residents find bargains in Texas colleges, universities · 1 re:ally think that is an inequity tha1 we nc..-ed to look at,• he said. HeOin was one of seven llUdcnlS al Texas public colleges and uni't'Crsities arc Hou se Appropria tio ns saving $88 million a year. Commitlec members Tuesday higher education officials who questioned the w!liven saidlut-1 <. that in 1993 -94 went to Out-of-s1a1e and foreign 47,629 out-of•smc students. Sllldenll often qualify for in- including students from foreign countries. SIIIC 1uition rates. meaning per S28 they pay All the tuition- waiver undergcadu.ate credit hour programs were c:re::itcd by inae..dofS l7I per hour. cithc:r the Texas Legislature That transl.ates into a or Congre$s. savings of $4.290 for 30 Tuition fo r graduate crtdit hours. This savings studcnu. who also qu::ilify for cannot hr ma1ched for Texas waiver pro;rams. varies residents, said Rep. Talmedgc between un iversi ties and Heflin, O-Houston. degree programs.
Texas residenlS paying the same tuition as in-state
Publlccoll• •
Texas students pay less Unctergarua1eWQefi1s at T e . l l t S ~ ~
$per)laoaverag eolSI 420 IOl'X>~erh ours. leS.Sll\cln lhC'laltONll aVltl'd~olS26 21
Tuition and Res,oe,ni
■ S4 000 lfld ll'l()r"
(2J Sl t/XJ1,
1< 000
•;:~ 900
600 300 64
Thunct. •, Ftbrua
16. 199S
flll• 'l'ichttilt\
7nt Onginal TEXAS
Music Revie!!---
CROSSWORD renown tenor
GrOUP Veruca ~alt has good potential
Alan Bowers to perform ....!.
" \
• I •,:-• J 1,' 'f'. • • " ) .:"... ,· )0 ") .,., ·~ • •
C'\'fh..W Sundav. fl-h Ill Jt I rm In Akm Aud1f1}(I Ufll Mr lJ111Aol'P1, 1-. t·uncn!I) a ,1nil,'r .1nJ J lt'Ji;h('r rc<,1Jml!, ,n Nl·W y Mk ruy I k ha\
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')t !ert'l•J ~ Ja"
511 1trpol 'lo.i-..
Leisure Affwrs Rc~cnt y, billed as ·,he X':ti('<'llll group in lbc
~~~t~r l~\;~~a~r~~SI~ Lecture Scnc, m At.:in Aud11M1um on Tucsd:1y. Fct-. 21 :u 1 r m This gri,up h:is h,.•i:n c;i;I kd •The
·rcmpt•tton~ of 1he '90's.. bc:C.LUst ()I their Cr'Cill\' C. h1g.h-tncrg) ~ ur.d :and cnthu \1.t\m They mn. the grtlllt'~l wund .._,1 yc.stcrday wnh ,~ h1>1tt.s1 s('unds of 1oJiy En1oy a night of Ju1..1pcll3, fun'('lb. and rod,Jpcll :r 11·~ :a night of pure ent~r1;.1nmen1.
0Ulr.t8','0US laser :lrt mike lhu
T11.. kc1.s •re \ 5 and $7 f1Jr more 1nform11ton !.'all
Omli to laser. d3ncmg in
p:aloola.. b11ini s.aurc and
•-- "◄
Sm:1Jh1n~ P\Jm kms.
r-.JfatVl3 a /;Jtle ltCOAi l; ·:t:r .~. (llllfl
1•,-4,,. ,\,- ,,·f•.•I'
,, <I Jt,,,, <t lh, ., I'·,
&Semon, for $19 (Student ID HJ/ t<-,, & Ho,,.,._,1HtlmXr,1t .S,..C.,• '1t,.JJll
l: 101 1l!e==..,...
' Dance Music In
fei1tunngour InfAmous 'Macho Chest' And 'Sexy Silhouette·
_==J: I I
Sunday , :
nnnl,,;, 'rMMI\ .,O< \Vmr \\lfll Dnnl,,;,\ KIJr,lfl fk>rrldl1100
U(!D ~DmmmN !
1 371! Cc'.t~·c - - - - - - - -
~ fJ/oMJlfl
I C.i\l for ;;ippo1111mcnt E:,m up to $611 C\Cty IWO -.eeks
k l I Oh111~I (Rl 7) '22-•UikJ
·- .
Freedom Shouldn't Hurt. NORPLANT DOES.
696-0055 I
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Are You Suffering From:
HAVE MORE I ,, - - - - - , Playing th• Bost 1
Do You Now Or Have You Had A Norplant Contraceptive Implant?
'lf,•.,.,. • f..O,. r, 1"~
@ y,; ,lh fir;t don:aoo~- .ind studcnl I D
I Month Unl,:tcd o.Jy $29
6y rlonf.lDJ11{/plaMmt.
Spring Break Tanning Segcial
11 \ \IUII\ Sl'HI\I., ')J.~t5 &. 11'.
jWC the !Ill
'.U1 ll u n.,9p m. 'un 12 .W t,p.m.
Fw t11,r11t
:nd 15 from ('h1t·:1i:o. hon~ r :tn(\tlicr band 1h:11 h.1., ht.'l."n ~round for IJ while hcforc: i3nyofk! heard of thl'ln, Tt11:
st Pw:d t
mcnl Weekly" d1J J )(Of)
d ,he 1wo -g1rl-l1Ao (l•£t1)
U, l · (,•ilk ·! .._ ~~~<Cl ,\ ,,,
• All M.tltlf (.'n'Utl l':arJ.s Wclcunl(.-J ~
You 1niy not hJvc hcJrd - V(ruca S.1lt yet. hu1
~ni:cs arc you"" lll ~Eml·r
:~" Ulr irnup 1n r>c.:cmhc,
II off anyDanrmJCO
lf,.ur,, \Ion
, \/lll'lltl/1 11/( ;11/I
Brand new CDs starting at -
Fun Set $22
The Town.
-skcr•n~ hJ\ a ~UIIJr
( Discounts ] )with-MSU S1u<lcnt I D Grand Openin
that dn,ne.1 m the t-iad,.;round iil.C, churth hell
n,-:('1tal I) frrc:. hi M"l' ., 1u dcnlS with 10 Tl":rc will t'IC .a small 11dm1~\1110 ch;irG'.c fr'f' 1hr n:i..111I for non-Mi.;.lJ person) T1ckcb m•y t'IC pur• c:h.ascd at the dlX1r
Support the arts in Wichita Falls
f tht son& 11 j!C'lt ,1 l111!c ~h>WC' ~nJ 1ht· lync\ hcturnr :tJ,nOSI m:md1 ~lc.
-1 1
Fain Fine Art.,\ C'(·n1rr The d;i\~'\ :irl~ lrcc .lnd
and delightful cxprntnu FOf tick('t in(orm:1t1on t.:all de- 692-()1)23
" 1th
._ --rw1n~1ar.
1 d ly""1 n,.: song, 2S h,, 53d ~rortl·d ~u11:1r Jnd J'lul\.11 :n,/rtiyihm, but 111 lhc _m•~•Jl1:
fculcu shnw a memorable
light 10 lhc pure 1ones of The E:&glcs' Cx,n Hensley m the exciting nc...,, la..~r light show now ;u the Wichita F~lls ~fu:-cum and An C"cnta. Tots 1s twenty minutes of ~u .scr-
'!'he Talk
1\... 1 I
iar nff :and '!tr hy_h:i,~ Itri,• On ~v 11.:1t1rl:i ;a hc.:i\) ,.u11~r intro p:l\' \.'S the \\JY for '"lnr hi •h•p1h.:ht'J \'OCJh ~ Ttu:: cfo11c3'1 thing 11, ,. b:11ll:1d on • At~Cnlin 1l11i:h,
Jm .and I ••~ r,.m m the cha tt rnnm. l11c.11cd in the urcn tu the rubh, and
NofllClf\11', .,t
h1inJ: ""llh 1u ,;onJ1nl,: £Ur
lt:,~~j~~JlC\"'J:~dl.'~in:~d 1s uutcJ 10, h1\ rcrform.111t""C of l.'l'nlCffl ll(\f'.lf) \ nlU!ol\ He maini.11M ii hu\y pm·u~~ \' Uk.'C ,111d10 .ind h1 , rup1ls gr3.(.l" lhc. SI.lg~) of the ~1t'IH\f)oll1 :rn Opc.r.1. ~"'" ' Yurk CII)' Orcra, 8('rl1n S1;11e Opcl"ill, Fr.mc1sct1 Opcr:1, .and OlhC'r> Mr Buwr r, ..,,,n JIW pie:• S(nt \.'OC'lll mHh.· r da..,,.c,·\ 1t'n
Frid:ty, Fcti 17 Imm
rhc Edi;c .. h~\
ickcd up on Num~·r On,•
lite ~, • 1ii' ,.• 1 u•\ 0 .,.c,u •~ ,,.••co J~ .,..,, .1 ,..,.,:;..o ~
...... V",J,,. ·~-- , ·
dv.cJ•S(lltnding n-. JI~ ( rl chrJli You" k.1tut('\ M,rri, .l'''i i:;ui tJr\ w11h h~ht 1)11\. 1 !'I<'J '" flv~ I" \Ulll\.h'ntl)• ~~,..,,·('r thJn 1hr '11hl' I \.Im, \ !\ h iL( .anJ;ch~ \ JI\
AIJn li,,..., c,\. tlk· t<,' 00\1. 11 IL'Oor V\JlJlt,1. \4111 r ~\.l•nt J
:r 11
,ll 4 1>1 ·._ .. :; ~"M
:t1 M'tl lt• •~•
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Sc\c1c Weight L,h.. ,,, \1.1111
Even if you are not currently experi encing these or other symptoms, you may be entitled to compensation.
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~0Ti"'eur ~ws ~...;. , t ea,z ·
O Cl
Up l.YIS U
Texas legislature
. ,. . ,.,... ,. . . ~"~~-~!!!1~-~-~~~~~-
I 3m w n1ing on hchalr of ground!-
l'r:,,h · tt') a., bad :u gr;tffui a d I recently , 1:mcd a rmJCCl lo Ji•{ .. ~.ilhng c:ird Studcn1, nc-c~ to CI.IU3tc graffi11 wuh J <k:crcasc lhc. amoun1 of liner "'""I n-<Jl'•n<ththly and Ihm hu• Man think1ns ah,,•,t on lhc M S,U. campus. It hu .r u,nk 1wund the sroun<1s as yo~r.;.,.alk hccn bmu&ht 10 our auc.ntion s u1IJ.n,,n1ryw,y, _,n:s1>incdwi1h 'i 3 fn>mc1.,,. ,ocla.-. hy <c1•cral ind1v1duols lhat a,.. nt'L< 1llkrnng chip :tnd Ow. 1.: g8~11r hut!\ Tn:1.•s JCl 1ome1hing needs 10 t)cC" n dnn\. cur( ;m.· ~lowly fonning a co'1J:· roken ~l11~s :ind ,;oft done to r:11 ~c s1udcnt How 1::111 , 1udcnts allow lhii 10 h around Pierce Hall 11w11.rc.neo about this ncommunity and SChooi,. · appcn? Wh:u :.tbout ,.'nde prohlcm J ' '' As Cha',rman of 1he ,\ 1r1 ) rampu~ IS lll cinharra~ (:,1.'.UII)' .L111cnng .shows a comsp~~nt11?stu!.knts. si:l!(~nll Campu s Env1ronmcn 1 •Jn,pu\ l:1c1hllt'.S Jndlhc inicgrity i.:fch ack of respect for Comm1llcc , I will be 1,pt,!,,JI nt trus h means kecpin? 1 1' un,vl'r~uy. Proper Presenting a rcsolu11cin to lhe 1 ~\l1td ng~ dc:tn :ind be-:tutiful Al g Campu1; ~rounds Jnd Student Senate on February ·Ir' ":111\f)U.S staff focus (\0 ll~\(l;c:~rorcr W:l~lc·,pos;al i1-6 concerning the campus a1111J1ning :rnd improving bu1ldinus .r~rpusc .. ,1caninG, lltcr problem. We arc hi•ulJ nnt he wa,tmg their lune o :Lnu grounds. Workers Pro_P.Osing 1h11 :an Adopl·A· ' h,t /,II 0 111 of studcn,s• '""· i'~ ft\•g loc, p1d,n~ up Building campaign be Jt'n~·int "?da c:an1; hcsidc you C!lr Rec u 1n th_c morning J)romotcd 10 lhe orgam1.ations l"hc hni:r prnhlc:rn on campus Y~ ~ \lutf on campus. Org1nintions u3.~h 10 ,he pmpcr n.-ccptaclcs Th ~s c~s1ly soh•cd: put your p art lei p:tt ing w1 II be 15 .,_ n, on 1hi,\ l.'Jmpus, cans ....... ~o sh_ ortagc of lrash 1 ' "' .. , ,,, JM Y 1dcn1 fi d h r"""J ,n ><hoot color,, lf you <;cat • I ,C .. , cy Jrc campus. Jo nm '1:CI it free. (f you so.: •a~htra.1;h wlu le nn thi,. c,mpu1 anJ ,·an d1Spo,c of II wi1h ,:, d age Ooa11ng >round pick II up Now I'm nQl talking J~u1 t ng yourself harm, th into uaftic I mean the cans 1.;py of c 'The entire s1att' ofTcx3.S lhal ha,·c tx-comc part of the campus l~nd.!iea Olm cups has now been qu3ntnlincd to Campu~ v1s1tors--after v1 si11n ' ri..1r· , help prt,cnt the spread of 1 i.rochun;.'i, h.tndhooks, schedule of cl,~" U-:takc . )'(lu_r rabies, a~eordinP 10 the 1' andit Iman nfam1a11on home Wllh you. Take tim~•'-'iCS read all OciaI att.ld Texas Department oof Health m:U.c your di.:cision. Then, if the need :J.r ,. d \'et :m The quaranunc forbids the unw,m1cd m:ucrials v1:1 your personal was•t~es~ .'s~se 01 any lransportntion of potentially Can:irus or~ni1.a11ons anJ depanmcnis-~ifpc~ ruccptac~c. infected animals within 1hc 0 pr d1m1hutc ne~ slcttcrs on cJmpu.1;, make su~ ~h~)! .>co. state, or from out of the 3 httcnng the university. If your cvcm ha.,; PBS!'oett\ ~ 1n~ state. Commu sioner of fl)·cr:i. t.lnwn \Vh~n the bake .s:ilc is over. dispose uf ~ • Hcahh. Dr David Smith. 11
the C:1mr11.1s Env1rnnm ~n1 dc'-1t;n.itcd hu1ltJ1ns ln Comm 1llcl' whu: h h u return. ~•~M w,11 he r osh:d
OOy boo~
Somc_po itu:, 'X"'c~uron ca,:h tiuilJ111~ indn:Jun,;: $a)' th111 15 an every • Y whu: h oq:.in11:11i,1n h:u R:~~I on Wc:dncsday, four adop1ed the hulldins, Th,s mtlcsn,kes shook 1hrn t01ls will result rn 11u1h.' a Im of and h,m:d 1hc1r f.i~.S.'rn'm' ~.•.,free publoc11y for the loukers and so , , • ors3m,-11t1tmi involwd who, ~•·r'e,'·d,u~~-• _get We .ire h11rrng then lhe wo_rkc:r.s th shth ry .. ,._. proiram will rcsuh in on nc~ c ak .~ ,ncluding 4. mcrcmJ amount of pride in sn er· 11part 1h~ anpcaranc1.: of our of footi:r n:i'!'be111un:apII Yu,' own ' the ,. :in exh1 c3mpu-. For more de1:uls, Sweetwater h ycccs, 1 -.·ho ple ase call lhc Student sporuorthc " World's l..argcs1 Government Office :11 689- Rattlesnake Round-Up" in 4700. Sweetwater every Much Th:mk you 1n adv:mce for This year's event is Much 10. 12. . your suppon. " t don't know who s Thomas, Cho,rman scared. me or 1hc snake, sa,~ Melissa Garcia, 11 ap110 Ca mpui Environmcnl employee who held her h:in~ Commiucc close IG. her face: tensed her shoulders and shred away a.s the snakes coiled and clat • tr:r<dinan openairrotunda. Former Texas House S-••er Gib Lewis, an avid h ~ who now works as ii · Thii 1.s a dan, erous lobbyist, wa.s amoni those s1tuaiion-onc which can db thetxh.Jb1L spread rah1cs beyond lhe wh.o ;ioppcd hunl ral• Po'"' of our , b,l,ty 10 control . kusc.. L ·s said , · "tlcsna They' 10 cwt hunt," hule 11."' !i>aiL1 <;milh. Ammal.\ suhJCCt to !he dangerous. It was the cl_oscst quarantmc :ire dogs and cats I' come to gc111ng a over ihrcc months old ~!ne;~~k. I had one strike without ;a current rabies me that hit me right on the va cc-ina1 1on c-crt1f1ca1c, thumbnail · hyhrid an1m:ll:,-such 1-S Lavcrl. Slephens. one of
Rab.1es quarant·ne I covers ent1• re state
'~~:~!~~'.irt ~~;.r.;'% find yoursctvc; cont,nu:•,:
~fi~~le~~ oft;~\~c ,;;~~~1~:~ :,;:~:k r11b1cs. Some high risk
pKkmg up after any organ11..a11on. talk to someone withm lh~ orgam1..a11on about 1hc pmblcm. Com;%cr ~tudc.nts•h 1 ~le;an your c:u-s out at home ur :n :a car was O Olli! on . IS c-ampus W3nts your crcd11 (.'3rd fai led ICSIS or poo1ty writt, n P'fl""
N~~~~~·;~~.~~ ~f~t
~ i;,;:~h;~~;~,• now ramr:rnt in south and ~~i~t: 1~~;::;11 of animal rnh1cs CllSCS and n:ducc lht": 1hreat this tlcadly di,c,~~~::rr~t:~-- the
StudcnlS living on .can:'PUS·· cans C3n he found lhroughoyt lht do~ s. Pitching ~tuff out dorm windows may be sport in somc_third world nations, but on campus its c:1llcd hllclmg: 8r~ak1ng bc~r. boules is like w31ching lht hug urJ.'l(r••llS only cnterb.lrung 10 those wnh simple minds.
Texas Board of Health took quarantine acuon following reports of exportations of coyCllC.~ und foxes. including some infected animals. to
•·Thl·y uni )' ,u1kc for IW(l rcllOns, for food ;rnd out 01 luld ltk~ children.· · If
you ..don't mow;. lh(y won'! bitSt h,•ns one nf th< r,-m',Pry r,·a,o-ns fN lhc p ndup ,;Sw,ctwJtcr" to rtr:oauch pc,, pl" how )afol y .. 10 <kal with rJulcsnJkt.''1: " W( promc11c s3frty and ('ducauon." St4.'phens I said. s to " That'~ our m.irn goa • . 1each people iahnut nat· 1lcsnalcc.s :md hnw to hvc with them. .. Thi.s IS uuc Tex:m rieht 3 here," Stephens said. while holding one of ihc snakes in his hand,< '" He is kind of scared down here with all these new Repu blicans who got mto office .. • The roundup will f<:ature thoos,nds of the 13n-sktnoed snakes as well 2.S ,u1dcd ~I· llcsnalce hunts and the Mtn Snake Charmer Queen ConlCSL
Animal rights ac11v~sts have protested ihe roun up for several year, They con• lend !he snakes are overhunted and mllhreatcd be· cause of the event " Thc:rc are snake hunters out there who go 10 extremes 10 get the sn:lkes," said Tom
:~J;,e~~:~.'it~:~:~t~~ ,:;c:e.-r .. group of M:hooleh1ld~ n by consider them atypical," allowing one of the rcpules to
:;';~:,c: Ya;! 0 0 and raccoon,;. V1olnt1un o f che quarantine 1, a Clm C
;f~ii~r~c:~~r :an~::a~lcl~~~~~~ offo:crs will help enforce lhc quarllnllne. All Texans are urged have lbeir pets 10 a :unst r:sbi~ . vaccma~d
)410T1n Btvll, p 0. Dux 160. W1du1.1 Falh, TX 76308 Ncwit.k:Mt:681J-1704
AdYfflhins da.k; 61?-4'705
Cop,,l&,b! C>i99.S II iai.PT-,
other Sl.llCs.
,,,,'.., Ill
nvw~ •..-i TJwWi<Malt• • ~
{)p.lOlll:l p1t..i -
"' lblT..... Jnu:ROI•
n,.Wldut•N--•tbf n,bl
- ~rw ..,..,. ro, JIUNiullllft llftd
IO N f U'C I n}' .ctwrtaMm.11.
bodyof M ~ S u M Ua1Wf'lll}'Jlf,dll'l1}' notR"pfa-ml1COPM'flMHOftbcmt1.l't
Wll'"Ml'.. ,WI'
!hat's right,
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20ll l Sui, St l'lllll,.a P.rt. CA 9tl06 Tri (1111)7"7111611 1•111'91-41ll 1nffl1115our , Nu ur1nrn« "'llllllld Br~n now Fut info o ll
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Thunday, February 16, 1995
- ------------
. . ,- d I diaOS fall to MSU football signs 12 high school standouts La Y O ech 63-SO By JonathuBrady Sports Editor The M1dw~tcm football team h.u Mgned 12 high
21 \-r ounJ follh.ack from Pampa Hiih ~chool. :and
~": all-district l1ne hacker 1nd second lcam all-d1s tri..:t runmngh:1ck. Henry rushed for 960 y.irds ilnd 10 1ot.11.~hdov.ns. He :tlso pl:J)~d hnrhaekcr and madt 121 txklcs Uc .,..._._.. 1111da.s1r11:1 runn1gbad anJ fo)Un Pierce. J,>hn Maynard, and Josh Cutlc.•. Pierce 1s 1 6 -7. HS-pound tackle fo r Vernon Migh School where he was on firs, tcam 1U-d1sml.'.'t pl2y1n1lne L1oni,; Ma)n~rd, 1 6-2, 275pound lineman :r.1 Gnh:r.m lhgh School. wi.\ a ~cond a·ant al\ -J1,i;;mo,.1 lineman Cutlu. a 6-4. 205-pound 11ght end IUld dc:fons1~·c bx.k., 1 n and senior ycau u Archer City H1~ School. I-le c:tugtu 2.5 pa.s.'4:s for 300 yards and al,;o rc- cordt"d rue m1crcep11ons on in 1994. MSU also signed three defensive linemen: Brandon
Shayne Shipm:rnfro~ pou~d- t.allba<:k . .S-9.Dallas t70- 0 1stnc1 9AA . dcfcns1vt MVP Chruttlll. Mau Garvin. a 6- 1. Offen.~1ve hnemen to sign
Thompson of Dillu Bishop :r..nd Chns Dunnic. Barryer and D:t\•1d Benson or Richland
ToJJ tlenr).J.6-1190-pnu.' td
runmngback frnm Archer lChool ,111ndouu !('I n11oon1I City High. lc11eri-of-mtct11 Nine were Shipman mshcd for H OO 5,lgned on Feb. I and the yarcll :1nd '\I touchdowns and 01ht-r thr-ee were sis:ncd on .,..,u 1.... 0- 1,m.: :.11 stale Ft-b i . tllllba~·k and wu naml.'d the HcadinJ the 11st of d1,1rict MVP twice G;m:m $1gntt.1 LS M1ch<:1Cl Ke_ lly, a 5- rushed for 865 ylll'ds on I '\6 10. 180-pound runmnghack came.\ (6 4 )'ilrdc; per carry)
u~;y~~;d ~-~~~;~ct~ on 2 11 carncs ( 12. 1 y1nb
~ards I carry) and scored 32 1ouchdowns in 1994. He was a fiu1 team a ll-st:11c l'\lnmnghack and a ~cond 1cam all·state defensive back for W. Clw lA.. Other runnigbads art-
~~~!~ ~~~s~o;;~;
~•;lac[~s11 ~~ ~:~dJ~~~:
Arkansas Tl
rligh School. Thompsun. :1ti· 265 -po und drfcnSl\' C tackle. was tw1c-c n:uncd .ill- By~·f•UhcewNkktns smc ind a.11 -dmnct and was S.-,.f<f; Jt,porttr --' lt-.tcd " " th(' Supt"r Prcr r---,i;: Lady Indians 1~vdc-u Team ~ Top 50 lic;t m Texas. to Arlcanw Tci:h Thu~~.~~
•hcarch Th,,
(rom t,cyo ~hO(itin
f,ce lhrow Aler ~Vt"~ dr1m1t1r111yh r 11 t•n~ onl)' one o1 I rce ~ throw, in lhc fjr,1 half ihey shot 8 of 16 (n.1m the ... h:mly 5111 Pt 1ri the iccond. Bui ~rk:r.n~a.1
SllrT) 'CI'. a 6-2. 2SS-pound ni&ht where they ... defensive tttckk. wu :.n all- ddeaccd 63 .SO dtwic1 ~kx:11on m I~ . MSU s~o~d h1lf of 1~ Tech was too much ,or thcrn. Aho s11,:n1ng 1s Jonathan pciinu in each qu111tr. Thef outsC'onng them hy I_O 10 h{,ht Bailr:y. :r, 6- '\, 175-pound first 25 csmc from I2 0fl 2 r ,111 for the 13 pomt victory. and deftnsivc h;d shooiing fro(!l ~c is°:d
r~~J~ ; S~~~taH:~~ :t.,:~ .1ll-dis1r1{1 k1rker and dcfcn11w back and II second team punter and wide ~cc1vcr for the Rmk:rs has senior Yrat Clii'rcn~e Harns. 1 6-0. 180-pt>und all dastnCl w1dl' rcce1 vcrlcorn~rb:u::k rrnm
MdGn.ncy High School t,,,~ d«1ded 10 sia::n v.•1th MSU.
~s~ ~~~~~~ ~
:~~';!,n~e:;~y ~h i I II r 3 from 1hr fn:c 1hrow 1ine a ,nt.S and grabhcd lhe top ~nd ....,ere only behind by ~b<>uf'ding hon~rs wuh lhrct, lhree at lhl' break. f'•n•ivc and SI'-\'C' ?_~. . . . :. Tech forward Hc-a1tic, DlJ•11od II The tl·:am·s shooung Campbell le 3 . Sl'Orcn; "''Hh slumped in 1hc Stcond h~~ 22 points on 8 01,14 shooiing. when thC)' made onl~ .. She also had f lX~c hou nds
l■!pcrc!~]c■•~•~o;f~•~hc"'~~"::E"lh~ .' o.!ts~~•o-:.~m~~=-j•:..;ndie":'Jg.ih""••~i•:•e;•:~l;•~~•~•;;i~;;c;o;•~tc;:.~•~•~
l,!hc noor includmi: I of .S
Indians squeeze by Phillips U., 78-73
L_"~"°"::~=-.,=• "°=======::: ~======--------;;;:::, g;~
By Jonathan Brady
the game in rehounds w11h Th e Ha ymd:crs T• But in the )CCOnd h:tlf. 0• .c t<.~ ce,.,-,r,d 1 13. Erw: Henke. w.nmg in the Ph1lhps begQfl to Mle:tk up on :,::<.::._-'7~B [i7~.e!!.!J place of Perry. itlso n MSU's le~ wilh two rarly \. lll.C'mp1ed :1 comehmd ind came. w,thin three poinu potnts for th~ g:imc. Henke. less than a minute left inwuh the • nonn.:i.lly a very dfcc1ivc J-. kj~:~sJ~~n~~~ ~~~,~~ ball gtme. but they were BAR point shooter. was off the mark for most of the night. lv.'O frteshon throws lhe, same ,topped as put 1-icnkc' final • - .,_..,., -,- -~ . . _ •U/ ~ -, RESTAU huting thr~ of 12 thre<-• l3tcr, lhl- Maymllkc.:rs went tln out of rnch porn1crs.. A1 one point he an 8-0 run tn tte up 1he )l..'.Of'c m1SSt"d c1i;h1 1n a row. Rut 52-52. Yob.met NKholas led the 8 1.11 1h1.·n thi: lnJ ian, to 9- 18, H~okc made the.· pom1.~ when nt'.'Cded. nu:ikin)? fo ur of four Mruck b11d with a 14• \ run abo contributed w11h 13 AU 1be Indians ovcru mc the free thro.... s m the h1s1 minu1c highligh1ed hy a ~ham dunk points. and Ju on Mayo l'ly ~hghtower Haymakcn 78-73 W11hou1 Ill< llnd a half or the g:amc. scored I l po,nu . S:OO p.ffl . • mldniglll Ju.s;ury of St.antr Jerry Perry Dran 75' PllchMW '3.SO Darius Brown o..nd Bn:111 who missed most of the game with tendonitis. Siartcr Kerry 1-tightov.-er both had 11 romt.~ for the g-amt . Brown also had Bragg also played hurt. but S• lnor llodt Nie•• · nunda)'S 1 led the Indians in sconng a career-high 10 ~u.. DnWI 75' • l'ilt hfft 3.5e with I.S points in 20 minutes EARLY DRIIIK SP[CIAI.S ofplay. In the first hair. hH.' '/'1«,1 ,. f,,e tk:, ~ FROZEN BELUNIS 1.1,..,,1,; n;t,,,v.1 lnili31\S 10<.,tcd like.• 1hcy wen: TtJF.~.. SAT. S:00 · 9:00 Wed. & Sal. Rodenck u iy s ru~-cncc going 10 domm:.1c the g:unc. o.,,.,,.ir Draws •1.00 ti..N . 5:00 · 1:00 '"•,v,ft yw ,,,. /,,./Ii ''Yo/ ' was l1mi1c d hy the Even w11h the H:.ym:tkcr's ~ ,o 01 Pkd terll '4.95 "S.IO · l:OO · mWn6tM Haymakcrs' 11gh1 zone Y,,halh."'C N1chol:1S SC'0nng. J:\ Wtll •1.15 ,,, J .x• .,.......,,~ "- 9i.& ff, ..Xi coverage. However he points 1n the firll half. the (ur)tH~ mana~~d 13 Poin1.s :rnd led lndfaM stilt led 44-J2 Sports Editor
The MSU m en 's basketball tam maintained their six g.imc win 5lte:3.l: by lighting orr a second half come back. in 1heir game against Phillips Uni\'Crs i1y Tbe win brines MSU-5 record to 14--10 while Philips drops
~n•J~1.~t~u:~h J7! k!:;
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Ap l a pe•