Attendance policy
• Mi~ternSJjl!cUniyfrsi!y
1Chl tan
Uni\'C'rsil) atlendam·e polic)' continurs to 1
rtteh•e crilirism from sludenls. paR, J
Board of Regents decide fee increases are justified Jason Law~nc,
XM2,o1o rn:l0t M,J.,.c, 1c-m S1..1c', 8 ll.1rd t•I Rc1:1•nt, ~pr,, fwr fee :.nJ rJIC 1/'K'l'tlL'IC\ JI t h
IT'IC\:Uni ,,,, loch 1, and 1-' Th( tkwd ,tppro,'f'd ,. S,.I uw:rc4\l.° m tht t;t'l'ICDI UI(' fee Jod .- Q9 C\°nt m, rc.i-.e in ~ , - . . , , - - ~ ~tudcni '-('r\tCC f«
Related Editorial
Page 2
,,!'it":::::.' ~~~':',1 lo o .. lit lhc 1111.Ttl-C, N( dcnJcd 1hr) wm JU\11•
r~~ ~ .:~"'~ m
1,1 \'.Of\ltnuc to rr11,1Jc 1hc q\klht) of
Nlu;:auon and -er,. 1o1.'C) k" ,)Ur ,100<n1)
wr ... Anl.H hc ,..1J '\\'{' , 11ll tttl ~hd111c, 1cm " a tur;JJn 1n «tucauon Our frc:, hrrt' IR' ,1111 on lhc i..,,,.rr end of , 1,11c c,,ttrgc\ anJ
k,a, " lir,,.,tcn, \ ICC prc,
unl\CNllh m Al
i.ffao, >1d1n1
11\f t>..Mnt\\
tbr j!Cntn11 U'(" ftt 1n<1T•~ ....11, f,lf 1111: un,,cr.11) IC\ .,1n11nuc rr1)ed~Jl1,,n T'h<' moor.,
r.1-...-d -..111 ~n 111 ,11PP1m :uu, 111.r .1 nt-.. tw;=h-lOT'll" rt'>?l\tt:atton ~ 'C'dUrt ll001cn ,J1J tht ,1uJc,n1 t<n •• t f~ Jl'ICT(ll'4' \\Ill help the: '11uJni1 Alttl\..tll(lfl\ romn11tt~ wtll'n II h.i, 111 lk\,dc "'heir um •tf\11} lnl'OC'f -..1U l,'0 ll'lc 111,1\'l ~ -..1[1 :.Jiu-.. lundllli,! Ol ll'll'ff uudcnt Ol)IJ.llll".llll~ITllt Ro,.,JJ ..,.,., .tp1,ro,·cJ " -I f'C'!'\"\:111 11\l'tN' in ~,mg rJ\t\ tor tht l'.N7-98 ~NI ;and ,1o rcn·rnl 1nc:'ff~ in plan rn1e, Tht',,nm•"< ..,.,ll.:010',l..&nlmal.:10g lnlfH'."l\'<:mc·m, m um,.:Nl\' iJ,1111111C1r1C, Ho"' ml l·JJTCII, , IC<" prt'"'nknt ll)f \lu..knl :11111lldm11u,tu111 t '>1.'r\ ICC'• , ;iiJ t11~IKT In"'! ,:o,h .11Kf 1hr mm1mu,n .,. ai:c f,1 1.r fotc<",I lh<" 1m rta'<' m lh<" meal rLan utc On Thur-d.ty. Rcgcnh lowt'd lh,: tk•hn Scic:ncc \fall. -..h1~h I\ ,1111 b(m~ l\'IK•\,lll"'d \\'c--t , :uJ he .__,,., plta'<'d "'11h 1hc JlfOgrt'\\ .1111d 1mpr,1,·en\Cnl• mack <1n 1hr hu1ld1n1t In '"""''IC'", lht Kru,d 11f Hcj:tllh Jpp10,·t'J D,-ctra C'un,tru.1wn w h1.11ld tht \.S 1 '"111,on J S HnJ..,.dl II.ill to, tht
<I {luah1\'
"l"l'''' h'\! the n.1ni1nt ol Ht1tl.,. ~tr, n·,pu.1 ' '"" center .1hcr l,"lf!r-11:11<" um•tNt1 ~"r ponr'"" ll r)Jnl ,1nd l).11,,lhy I d-...11d, \ISi ' l'Tt'li.knt l,c,u1, I KoJn~ul"f l{'nl
Rc~c-ni, th<" .1dmm1, 11.11,1,n l~'f'•I I" fill 11..· \i,\'Jnl d1rtd •" nl ~,hteu,·, p, ,.,1r1•n 1n 1h<-
nt'\t "'e,:I., RC!!l'Oh •1>1<"J IOC\l,•nd R,-,Jri~lk'/ '<OIi 11~1 j,,. tht !IN., UR 1~,11r ,\ ,1)mnu1t1·,: " J• •I-" ,1rfl!•1n1ed '" n1.1l..r n•,n111111cnd,i111•0rq;.1nlinj,'. the r k cu,..m ,,t ,,t-.. k <"Y<nl r,u,.ii tilt M.1~ mc..•l m j! Rttrnh Jcfrnl"1 lll: llll0 "" .I nK1t1,111 l·111! ,n~ 1hr 1tudcnt ,·cnlrr ke ....1111•1 l ,lf ,.ii,Kkrn 1101 t,1\.1njl: .-IJ,-...... ,-.n ,.1mru• ;\ rc-..l·ru ••rm ""' "> 1h<" l r\.l, Aw>nl(", C,cnt', ,,u>,,.: , ,ud 11 -..:., 111'!1 :1prn•rn:ir,· for 1hc m.mdJ.11-.... 1«1ut.;--..1m tdl1Jf""IK'llu.k,ll • 1lk- H,~rJ :appr,,n,;-J the .od,.huon ,.4 ,, hJll -llmc ( ir"('('I. hJ1~ 11 l11o.• r,m1hon "' Ill D<"i:m \'l:u,h l. J•JIJ"' • .11 J ,:,,la~ ,,1 'i~ J (~) p,:r ~t'.U• •, hall-lime 111\IJ\IChlf ....., ,11[,(l IIJdtd 10 the 1111.:-n,,,c,h I ;m~U~)t• l n'-IIIUIC'
MSU • reviews tenure policies
c;:---... =-.:.:: : t
, 0,
mtcrc,1cJ rn a ,'an:'l:r c ,1an1n~ ~ I ll), :-.hJ• 1c rn1gh1 t,e th.: -.. rong kl I
Jason l.,.inn-ence Aiioc;,ole E&f01 PYcrarmg 111 .m~w<"r co the 1,·,J•
l.cGl\la1u1t, \ hd-..cstrm ~till<" 11.,, hq.un 10 rum,nc: 1hl- urn,chll~ , 1tnurr re, 1,:-.. M SI ' Prc, 1dcnt l.r,u1, J Roclni:~, h;i, .tppt>1n1.:J J n ,mm11, I«' ot c1gh1 pr,1ft,.,.," tn•m ,, :rclKlenm fie-lJ, !O I'('\ IC\\ Che um 1·ch 1t, \ ;n cull tt'nure pr"'-<''• Tho\t' :1M"'-'1ntcd ll\ rh..· H111l!IU11,'I' rolk. IC\ on
l 'n1\'C hll\ C'o11l'• e-..•Jr~h lmt1•
. ~hl' Nlcr. , one ,11 1he m.1Jor, that u, the h1gh,1:an,ng --..1:i -
• Ch:irk\ Ram,c:r. rrofc",}( " I m.1nal!('mcnt .1od N ,uk'." ;.i.Jnnnl' -..ho:, -..1II ,•h.11r tht.- ,1)1111111\
lh( 1/)r fh c hcnu.::a! cn~1. ~I" ). m.:c hJnlCJI 1SN.X~!1. clc ... u1co1I )\Q,81 I J. IOdU\lnJI n . 73:?1 ~DIJ comrut•
• ~.i™,lr.1 Chun.h, a"h1 J01 P'" ft,'iOl"f!I nun1n~ • Em.,•1,t llo.hcf. ,h..,'o;IJ\,.- f'hlle ,-or o1 pol111,,1l-c..1rn,:c • Ann E, ,orofC'du.::lll()tl
f',flfW )
:mttk' l-t1IH'.f\\•n. J,,ocmtc pmof cnmputtr .... 11.•n,.t, ,.11J ·" 'l.11k!., for her -iu&:m, -..-111 b«Ju-..· thctl" "a 1ri:mcnclrn1.&11J m ttk- .,.,,,1. rl.lC"c for ,ncnct' prnfr,"nn,11, mipu1r1 -..1cr)("c 1,n,)1llw c:.,. dtjl\-C to >?ti. Tl1c mm1hc-r uf C;Ulnlll ~ccp UI) -..11h ~ ."' lfoh,.-,.,.,on nplJJOCJ \ ( l"',t-.rl .11,,., , ,11J thCJC :ire
Credit cards, debt go hand in hand for many college students Man· King ,11
.1 Ma,ctr C.1nJ .1ntl a 'i~t•f l111u1 l'h:tf.1n , m,lfTl .td" hl'f co u'<' •he , .ud fl)fC'fllCri,:cn,;-rt, onl~. hul II J1J no, IJl..l' l(,nl! hc-lhrl' 1hl,• 1ln11enl<"OCC tu U!o(' ti ·" Wal ~hr1 for , hamroo .1nJ H,,:nn,g,111·-. tor thnncr -..u, 100 1111Kh lv O\cr('OfllC
fk101c tk.·r
hJ~h..l\')' -.. uh
:ill .,,.<"r. i>tlJjtln h:11.l mJ \ CJ 0 111 1-..1, ..:ird, and lound hcr1clf m ntn:medt:N nu, ,, :i pwMem rnJny cfllk8e , wdcnt,run rnm. I d1J 11 lo ~Cl lhc frtc ,111rt:· Phaii,.rn ,;ml Jb\iul -..h) ,ht m111all) ,1~1icd up for the c:ir<l l'hsg;m .1pphC'<t for bofh of her WJ\
cred11 ,:ar<l-.a1 MSll Pha~an r«me<l her ..«ondcartl, :l DN'O\"Cf ,•arJ. and tr1td IO ktep !hc h.1lance from n·ach'"G lht ma \ 1mum hm11 IO lll"Old aJd111on:sl fl:6 11111 Jltcr J f,.-11, month, uf for~ctling I~• P-') the hill, she went o•<"r 1hc 1'"111 .and her m,mmum paymtnt , t ) rt"IC'kttcd. ~1<...1ot Phag:m·\crt1.li1 c..,d pur~h•\('• "CIC' 1yp1ol A l.uJC part o f the Chllifl'\ went 10 cover the the· a1cr mt1Jor", np<n~ \ for nurnctou!> oul-o f-11)\1,[I i,tfll(]uJtC 1.ehool ■nd -.chnl:u(h1p au,h1ton1 P'hagan ~ll\ OOI 1hk 1(1 p.1y her rnm11nun1 pa) mcnt for 11 couple of l'l)(lllth,, -..·1111:fi -.tnt her d\kti11on9.I d1,:ngc~ lhmujl:h the mof and hrr rmmmum pa)'mcnl 10 11bvu1 5, I.!~ A, II J:ri~I rtlo(in, , he called lhc
01\CO,·er cart! compl,n~· .. I -.. .a, pucmall y m trur,." Plas.11n "1.IJ She c~plaul('J 10 them 1h111 ,he -..oulJ p.iy .$121 iht llt.'1:1 d■y .:ind a\kcd 1f 1),·cr could do :ill)thin~ 10 dccrtJlo(' the IOtl·re\t (l( 1top11 from 1ricrca,111g O1..co1~r wa, $CAl.'f'C'III' lo tomply :m J ~'-IJ that aflcr Phai;u pall.I her \J:?5. ,he .,.-ould ht under her hm1t and 1hcy -..·ookl ,1op ('Ompouodmi; the: 1n1ctc\t "<> her r,a} · mcno would be- ao1ng toward dtcrt.urng ttle ■ctual balance Ph11gan had to learn her ,'TCd1t lrw,m thc: hard w•y and ,a.,d \k u \ tJII p,;iymg for her baJ ~pcnclmtt hahil\ " II ha, h)(ally rumcd my crcdu:· Plurgan •,:uJ ·T \·e btcn ik:mrd al Beall"\, Sul\ :ind Best."
Pha~.111 h;r., le.lmN al>oot hcNlf and the 11,•o,l in~~ 01 crt'd1t lhroofh lhl\mi.kal "I kamN 1hat I'm OOI rc•(l('fl'I• bk l'flOU8h 10 t;tke C:U-(' or 11," Ph:&FJO ~Jd. " h I~ a lr,an, hut [ d1J tlOI thml. of 11 tha1 I.Ill)" I thou~hl 01 II a~ i.111f,11 !nunt} lhcy g.11\e nk' . Accortling 10 l'h1gan. 1ht ideal rca~ for hd\ '"I! .a crtd11 urd I\ for
cm::~c:nc,c, ,ml) A~ far
Phaglln\ future c~n
pl:.n, '1K <'lllk:cmcd, ,ht ..:rttl..., \\ 111 no! ti) 10 get arxithcr card until I get th1, :ill paid off " Jo,h Belt. J \COtoJ :11 MSU. h:id great l'rl"f,ht .1mtl1hon, Imm 1hc
°""'Beu "'1•rl..cJ
hi, -..a) thmugh dcpJnmcn1 ,1nrc carJ, un11I he
Ste Crtdit <.:ards page 4
Ste Salaries pa~e 4
• Tom l lofln1Jn, .1~-uh: rrnk,Of F...n1,h,h, 1• ,tJ..,.1,:ha11111:r'°" nl tht F;a~uh~ "-cnlt<" • Ru1h Mf"lfTtl"'- l\'11' 1:lll' pr,•t,-.. '°' uf mu\lC :md Bo lin dutr 1•l lo(lf
W,cM on ffo::iod ,:,• I-or Jenn, l'tlJ>?Jn. .i -<m,,r
1o1udcnl -..ho I\ m 1hc- 1111.·1..hca.l liclJ i::m t1tth:1« 1n1cn:,1 with h1,1l!" her Jnd mo ,1 ltkd~ li11d J Joh for - Mtf1 ,k1lh o1rc needed 8,NtJII~ lhc) 1,:omputcr ~•' va<.11u1c,1 dt.1 "'llJI the) hl.r , ft lloJI kll-hxi 1mo do ing Olk.' thrni;,.. H.ih ,;uJ. ate , 1111.kn1 K1r.1n La~l\hqiJ fi1, h111nc ~·t)t10lf)' 111 l n,h;,
.. ,.,.ll'1~tl' rm1~·, ..
• H:.1r'l<'tte 1-1:.ihc"on. ·" --<..-1.11e pule,..,.,, u1 ,ump11t1-"r "'ll'AI.C'
M,d... c,,<"m "'Jh:, II .1II 1IJ.r1CJ -..uh
('Ulllftlt. J
• :inJ R11, I.. \\ 1111:un, r,w1,:,...,1r,it chC'm1,1~ 11w: >(1mm1nro: ha, not ~ct h.11! an)· mcetmg<.. J,.,-.,,.ln11= tn R:am~·,. .uMJ 1, In the f,•mlJ!IVrT \IJFC• Ramlt'r ~:11,I !I 1, ,11II hX• t JJI~ hl comment on he,-.. the 1,l•llUlllllC'C will a..:compl11h 11\ :1101, hul h,• hnpr, th<" fin,11 r111t9 .,. 1U l..:l'p 11-..· 1enu1c •~•l<"m Ire<" vi Jhu-..· Pr pro lrtllun tu, poorl~ pc1fom11ng pr,,, fc,M>r>, " II lwl., hl..e -..e .uc ~1•10>? 111 hxu, 0t1 f:K.11lty lk\ rlnpmr m Jnd J \)·,tern of rr..--cl"I, 1nJ! tcnurr .r11J tlll.' niht\ aoJ rn11kgc, lhJI ~o -..11h 11."' he ,a,J 111)'4(\tt. he ~ I th.11 !111; um,.::r-.1ty"1.l'."um.:n1 pull;:, 11f pi:rt,u• mance h'11r-... -..h,,h ,, t-.1wJ un , 111dcnl c1.1lu:i111,n,, lt~.'1.., ~f,111([ ..Wc'•e IMSl l nc,1.·r h~ a\" 1cm chat J1Jn'1 ha,c r.:11.....,. ,UJJ l'\:du.illt>n t-t..1lt into 11" ht ,J1J "~rid "'e·rc not at..'IU1c" ,1,m <!fl(' " H::un~r -..uJ h,.: tJ,it, nnt lo:d
Set- Tenure pa11.c .i
Mortar Board names Mora Professor of the Year Kah' Martin W,cnllon l«iliorlor Rc:ich1ng t>lht'r human t,,,:1np 1n" po~m,c "'"Y ,, a"1~1.in1 pmfc,,or uf 'lp:im,h Jmhua ~lora', go.ti. nu, 1~ one rt>:1<.0n he w:i, ~ ·tk,,.cn lhc 1•196,97 Profc,'-Or of the Yc:ir b) 1he M1dwc~tcrn S1a1c\ !-,lurllr Board chup1er \1t)f"J w:a, chr...t'n b) the ~mN honor "1C1c1y t'l<cauSI: of h1 ~ m,01,emcn1 with h1, 1tudtnh and h1 , open-door l"'f}h1,1~,. !-,fortot
k,..,,,J Prc~u:kn1 A:,J,m Youn~ )<ltd "II ,,.,~_., " unJnt11'1(MJ, Jcn~1on," Young ,a,J of the 1ofc lllf Prufc~,o, 011hr Yur. ..He had .100\.lt 10 l)('Oplc
.,tand ur anJ \peak fot hrm" YounG , atd the honor•~ ht•IO\\C'J on l'mlt,-or. -.-.hl,1 ~htw, e\ce!lcmc Ill ll':1C'h1111: .and ... 11o arc -..1lhn}! Ill ,~nlil'< fOI' the i;ooJ of the d a" "lh~ door -.. a, alway, u~n: · Y(">Ung ...s1d. "You <"oold call him :11 holllC <If he -.. oultl tutor ~<>u pn,.1h.'• l} 11 Iha\ I' -..hat )l•Un<'e<lcd nu, I) ,,.,hat the \IUtknh wanted" Mora. 18. .,.•.,~ born 1n Idalou. Tc\.1., (•Ul\1tltofLubbucl TIIC'-on11I migrant -..-orice,... ht 'Jll"OI <"l'I) , um-mer tr.l\'Chng l•l Oregon. l".1ht,,m1:i .ind w,omrni! 10 w1:,rk. M<lf'J 11.ttcn&.,:I Tc\.t.' Te,. h .IOO '-lolrltJ tcaeh1n~ J, 11. iµ;,du.11c ,rodc:-m 1n l'lll~ "Oiicc I M,ir1CJ texhmi;:· he •JIJ,
"I fell 1n love \Os uh (\Cl)" :hfl<"l.' I of It Tca.:h1ni; to me -..•,1, 001 Ju,t ,t~ndmp. 1n fl\Hll of thr d:i"rotlffi " Mora, -.-.t,., I\ aho It , pon\Qr ror MSl ' \ M,,na1 B1•Jrd, tJu~ht Span1\h Jrld -..a~ flW11M!l('(I ti> A,..oc,.uc Oran of S1uJrn1~ at Tr,.1, Tclh In
IW~. ht n M1\CJ 1,.:, W1ch11.i F.i!I, 10 I-cg'" te.l("htn)! Srarn,h at !-,1Sl! Morn ~•J ht' unllcNanJ, 1! l1l1· 10 be iAII uOOC:rirJJu:ite ,tudenl J.nd tnr, tu ...-.11l"r tu h1~ ,1\Kk:nh ..111., 1mpon:1m 10 ult 10 btoo thc:1r l1,'\tl," he \JIJ .. I tdl 1htm ,II t,I)(' liN ol 1hc ""nlC'.,lrr I w.u,t to ht th1:1r fncnd, Ol.' I 1u,11htir tr• :hcr" Thi, lt'nl<',tcr 1, M1>r.,·\ la,t full term ,II MSl llr ,.11d he \Os;mh IO 1,
l'\plure a ,·ar,:,:r 111,.,un,1.'1111~ "l"m prvuJ ,1111.hJI I hJ• t· ~l1•m fih)hcd at .\ISC. . lie 1.JJd. "hut 11 1, llf\lC to 11111\t 1111" !-,lllf'J ,,.11.! he -..,u f'(<>t-,1N) n, ,i ,1:1} Ill w,,h,t3 I .r\h .m,l /)olJll:• ht· d0t•, not h:11c 1,, r,·ium h> ..,.h,,~•I 1,, F('l .t guoJ t,ltl in rhc coun.....-1,n~ 11.-I..I Mor:1 ,:uJ he -..111 nu" the , 111• dent, "'hen he 1,
"Thtr,· Mt ,,, ntJU) mcru,>r1,· , tU•I IO lhc...:- 1~v .anJ-.1-h.1lr \l',11", he ~.11d The Ml•n.1r Boan.I", lie, 1•i.•n 1,, m ,,kl' h1111 l'r'lltl',...11 , ,1 lhC' \ r.11 II, ,1(1 h"oor !-,forJ , J1J hc -..ill 1.1~<" .. uh him -..hen hr l~.•H·, ·1 Jm ,1·!\ thud1«I,'" he :,.ml
Ectit~~ial Regents gave thought \\ hen th(' \l 1J,H..,.1,·rn \ la.fl•
IC(' ,ml.I ,1ulk·111
1, t fC'( W('f('
IJ,1411.J l1I Rt'~cn1, ,,.n,,,k,,'\I ,..,.. ltt 11"-t(;l\l,;, Jl llk'II m1."°tllli
\.('10lt1111C• II\ pn)\I\K \tl'\ll~~ IU
1'1f1 l hu1--.iJ \ J1kl I nd,H 1ht, J1d
the k,cl ,1u\knh rk""ed. \\ lllnl 01.ttin.,J,C" lhl'tk\. • - - - -- - - - dt.mind
IOln!111r,,(', in
1hc um,c",1, 1,,
1... ,,m \l.11h,, u1 1,:1,
,· 1,h ,m.:
holNnJ (tt,,, \\1II
J:.IC',11 1,k.1\ ol ll\\,u>,'.111 .md ,•1111 , 1,k-r.111on
Tht1 llot1nl "' Re,or111., 'J ,o; ~are c,,rt,ful tlw" g/11 to J~r rncrea.H' \
lfrfp1,· ,uun~ h 1 1n,1c.1,c the i:cn,·,.,1 u,c." kr
l'lll\t'r\ ll) ' '
lt.h.k-1, 111 111:\~l" , un• 1he ir fi11:1I .k·1."11m '-' ,L, m IIK' t\:,1 1n11: rl',1 ,,1 lhc ,11i..knl I he 811,11\I 111 ~ ('f!COI\ rcall,cJ 1h..: 1111.n•,1-.c, 1n I~ i ..:r" u-.c
\ \ h1k 11 1, OC\cr l'-''' !Of l'nl lt.• ic ,11JJe111, lo ,1om.~h h 1~hl"r .._-o,I\ hv tht-11 edu1.Jt1on thC') rHu,l ~etp 1n mmd !ht: 111 •
utters to the Editor
llrinst k-tttn to tM Wk hltan Uffl<t. Room Bll>-1 oC th< f'ain f1..- \rt, lklildina,
ICM ~11
l"t"ih:, anJ me.-.! l'l:\11 r:1h',. 1hr lktt'llh .. un,ullc..'\.I ""'llh , tudcn,
' '"'<II')
Jncl l.1..,1 1.111', nunimum htlc
llt"d-.t:, IUC JII\I .I fad
,,f hfo
To.., W1ch1t,1n Wt1 k,>m1., lcth'r-,. lll or1mon from f.iculh (;tU • dt•nr... ,ind ~1.1ft Li.•ttcr-. should N- t-nd ,md \\•1thuu1 ..1bU!,-l\'C;u,,~<' or l''''""''"·1I .111.11. ~ I ,.'Ill'" mu,;,1 rt~~•>,;tlt..'<.t i-i, tht•
,, n tc, .md 1ndudt•., lrlt•phmw numlwr ,md ,1,.hln,, f111 ,·t•rif,. (,ll11m rurp,~" I c th•r'- will
,1'1,1 ~ ,
h nusht ~
ffit'lfl-'l"'•'lcldlUffl.ln!J(''l\, 1\ t ,"'CT') t l l n t l h u r ~ ~ \ II
111 1hc me.ii rlan rile,
ht-u,mt: - - - -- - - - ht·... Ju,e uf luthcr
)°" lu,,t IO Jr, 1~1
my IIIO'l 11,ontt (1111.-.t" tl'l lhc .... t;ok •o,kt llr,·r 10·• 11.hai poo,,,·t'rlul l.m,:~ J ,u, 1 ~ lht ,..-, 11 1ull~utf 1hr k!t!fUt •Ith 11Kh'11. Jle''Klfl ISIJ r , ,11t/'rlt'IM h fflO\~
d\1rm111,nr., ln<.1t;1~"
1h,· , 1udcn1 ,er
, ,,c
1mprt,,<'tnCflh ,n
I k)tt 11 "hrn w:wnnlflC' ..,., , ilo ltu•" " '
".-n! llnd ~ t n 1n•kk. It ht.wt he.ti f1,1 :tnJ "" j'lltlnu lCC It I hr.u 11 ,ooup, I 1<nJ 11 N>\C" <'ffl
ml ..n.t 1ue11bncf1n\Ullll."t' lt" l1l,(' .1..,...t"' 11II\ P.,-1) •11un1 lc!f
Ji,...n on thr "'"',c,
"""'°'w tn ,1•
lt1,·t ' Ill ,oW\ w111hu,~ d .an"1th1nr ~ilttr th..n lhl,w 1v,,1 "'unk ' A.\ l mantt !\I f....L I nn ttu!U. (11 I'll mil h,,n d!mf\ l"'(lk'J 1twi tlK"'< t"'n • f".(th ,n..lud1n,: ,,q,p,nr .ttcr drlf1"ns ~ ) un ffl) b"-"" !«1 MM.I .,,ul,1nr C'Jli'"~ ,1;f1t1 (1'1~)Jc l>t ·sa,ro ti') tht sc:11 the C'oUtfdc..-. ·· Ull\t 10 1ha1 " pruNMv 1tk mtN 0J11u k>1n ~ 111 lht 1-.n,h•JI IM'JU'l-t' fl "'•• t'C'1ns~\lk. htforc 11 )'NJ~ I ,ach,.,,l Jim.-,., t..Lt' the ruJ'I You""""' ,,1r1 lo -...ho,">! ' ' You ,W~.- MIC'1 -' J('b.' I mmn, no, 1 000·1 A• 11 tl\,llttr •◄' lol\l. I d,111 I hlll( /0 Ju ,flf)' lhmf 1f l Jon 1 •.antto I tNr.. •).'ll l'C pr.'-pk lllfg("f lb.I Y. hn, "'~ t,orn. "'°t •t'rt .1!1 Nt11nu1 1<..\II> ll•ffl 1hr \ j....C1•I J,lft ,,f nw.ll!1X , h,.lk I.'~ With C'\(n , htu,t lhC'l't I• ,1 tl1!1ttrl"I ' '""
~ • N1t<"ll fur );r,,mm,,r (>nlr
Irresponsibility teaches lessons , ,.-i l,"r R,.,.,." 1,-, tht
r h.,nl
~11 tw-ur l•k llw cl"" , tJn, ,1 I' 1,u p n1 l riu -tr,;lkd iOf\11 • , un1-u, ,1hi'>U1 t , .,
,,-...r k,-<1n 1,,
hN ".-.i 1.w,:h1 !he , 11,dtr1h 11 , O K II' ~'t'fflC' ~1 41\ tnlCf\ 1tv. nw11c 1tun ~
In .J,.111""" t,t rt.>1 l\.r.HnJ t.1 ,.1, W'lll ll'«'l~l'l;mi: 4 1'flll\'l"'°'lt1
, ,,u ,-'I, f••'ll.'l~l,,c ;at,,1111 cvll,•" "'IJl.k111, \1 11, ,an ,ug•'" 11ln an- .tH ,u1 ~l\ttlll 1hr ,..,,, ' '"-'"~•In'• .i1.. , n1C.1n,
Jl-,.,ut II\ ,11 , ._. , 1,,ktlllt\l 1'flh ~ilh
1h..11 nc\lN"C1 Tll<c•,irhJ,,,t,n 1111..1•1r1 fnr I.Ill I • 11""-' " ' Ill\ ,IU1\o.nt , U( I" •hc-11 nliJ 1(~ ;11,: nWTlN l'lol•C' ,h,I Jtrn .ulJ "'"" .. 111. k.1;,1 llll\' ~>t, lull ,um.· l'°'·\• •1'! lht«' ,1uJ,,•m, JI -""11\U(l'I" 1n lhw .uh,: , .u,'1:1 d1,111rc-1 ,, ... 111 l'IUn~r tl\r,'C' V.htn \ ,<J V.llk .in.Kli..k' IIC'\CI kt the- 1,..1,-.t,11..:lmthe' 4.a~ \If It J'",J \ 11J 11 " "' ,,111 I hnJ "" ' t:..i. tl\JL{ ,m up , .., ~\JUI 1•!( ,n Hl\ll I'd• 1: \,,l un111 "'II ..i:tr,t-uh: •~•1111•1\'lll• h t 11'11' I I'll\\'.! 111.ado. ) uu ...11.1l~I\.Uffl\11.,11J1 l1nl(~ 1n hocMm& ,,,.,,11 ,w f\r.,,,,.. "" ""'1l'M• "'hu1bJ l'l'\C mJl t ., tonsil h"lf 11 "' \1'll , t~ml(\J 111 \•'\II -,1hm111 ~<111 \~oh I l~tr ~JJ '11,,.h J thln)I \ .tu.11t, Ill\ •'f'lllt1'11.,t-...<ut"'-'.-nnitfn ..n 1o.1t11•-tUIIC th( •'f'f"hllt, \ h 1\11 11.11 I "'°"IJ h,11( cn.,,,rJhunn,.:111Jro•,>vJ1 I': ';(l rm I d• "i l,. oll\ltd , n, mu..111111\;.'.il'"'h.11 •N h,.J In..,., lt1 m, J,J\m1t1l,,,n ,I.a., In 1... 1 I -'In h~UI~ .. ,1111.hc, IA\\l-'HOn l'lu,c: ""')I: ~ l ' " Ill\ d ..... \\c ,ill'
1oumah,i, "'ho ho1d t-ccn 11.,1111ni f'U\OC'nll) II.> he.r.t ll'lfll ,,.., 1, 1h;11 f"•• 1C'.,..orul 11,un,.,lp,,1, ,Jn -ho.""' ,lfl ' " ' tnltl\l<'V<• 11.ho:lk"\('I lht) .u~• d.lffl \\di
In 1ht thrtt \C'J"' ,lo.,1('"' ,-, ('('I.I ~ ll'\lfl• \ht k'C J ,,1m11Wrui\ 11'11.luJo~
do., ,, . ., '"""''"' JI.Iii::('\,, f\
(1'-. .i,,.h-trt1,1n~ ll\J puN,, 1\'1,11"'"' t(',n>n;ah ;MW C\'(n •Olll bo ..., {"1fHII
l.all,.t,J kl m\ 1r•t,•1'.llt,tT1
'••{,n((\C'1..kmMJcJ 1,.,.-.1 2"lhc
rnc<' ,,, 1h,m .,-.J 1h◄.-r "mlkJ ut morr th..n 'O m,n111C\ l.t•<' h" "lftl( •\JJ 1t.,,.,n. tho.:, 11.('lr ,..,1h11~ to ,001( I,.., It« .tfkl kh 1ht 1\('C'<J ,,. Iv
.in 1111'1( Hut,,.. \,'U l•>iJ m,•. :u,J m, 1"'" l'Ctl'tCl.lnl"! -tuutnh ... he'll \!"II hn.,\h ,lf'f"(.trc-J 1,'\lh..Sh•,•.tth,ra.h l ,t.lll• 1 .-..., t-..,.t,.. k..._ U•I..
11f hlM th1np M'C" u, 1t)c- rr~ ... orlJ J1..:
IC'lf'('•'l'k'"' "111l\o.,1111< ,1l1ll\l"'-""f'k l't IJ!l 10 lor •l•"1C'1 ,, n.>t ulu..J',k II m, f(>unu,lt...11 ,1udtnh .in- -..hnh1k-J 11•
1nle"1C'"' tht 1mt•l'f•II) rrc•••ltiM ..c : 1'11'11 foi llt\f.t/1\(' ft(I , .... t ... Roll ,n .,""'-'t:'IO l dl tm•""-'h.-'ltk•C'-'t h, 1'11'1 hl<' ht,ht,.. OI' :tn)tluni \uuiJ,,1n I h,ut' h•,1111.,,iJ llll h1n1 ••">ct lrC' ,:,11n1 lo ht I.MC Jco \\ hJI , '- h;all br.">llr ,w "'~\ Uf \h('
•11 11 "'<111\Cf: I,; ht-'r ''"''
\ IC"' o l \\Kh,t;alJll•~i,m \\ev. 1ll~, e
.,n,~hcr ~wpk 1ll t..,u, ,,f frt.,b.:-1 ln •·""'-lu,11•"· ~'"' t.iui:hl my , 1u
dMt., "'t,,
IX'i'f'k .._.~ \he)' It.ti~ the m«l1,1 nuw..J,y, ',\udt'nh ~·h., tmulk ""' 11.11\ t...- ,on•1•ttnd) I.ill' for lnlCf'\IC"\O'>, fk'\('f :ardo!1fC' 1... t.wd,
1-C:•IIWl nt.imt'C'r 1v.o k-1n,: :, •<ltr~ rq,t,nc, l,,r tht IR'- mtm, lllt'\ff hJ\ • 111110 ,,., u,u R'"'"' ) ou l'IC"C'I ~ 01111cJ IO nl~ ,1\kJ(nh for \1~1~lin11 lhrlll up h J.x-"1 I m..llttr !t'ul ... )CfUI rtq\.11'\.1 tor l◄ "-..J llic) r,:-411,h,rd ,n1u tht11 •*n p, ,lti. .M'ld t....1U~ ll•o N1 t>.1 u, 1H JNl11hl(.1J\\)\j folTWU.t tn.lllC",.llf'C' \ lkl 1n-.ultcJ 1hc- ,u.o,.l,cnh b~ R'l cmn~ 1•1 1htu dunul\ 1n \f'lllf .;,11111\rl "' kll 1>\('r• d j } the "' 4) t-C"rn1 "<'II man, n,crl'll h\•'4\ 1hr ,.iuJc-n1, ne, cr10U('htil., •m&lt' ~l.vt'tl donut "'11,k .,.,,.,,wr ior \lkl l ,TYttu.llh the ,,uJc,,.., h.oJ 10 1m otl II\ 1hc-1r ~ MiJ (141\rl d;t,\C", Hut the) lc:h lht Jotlul\ t-th1nd Ill p1,lmt , ,-..wlthoo , ,,oo nu••• N' u«.I lh muth lt'r l;art• ,l\t,.LCn•fnt J •1<'4k , hH
-..1 f!Yfl)
f'Ulun(hlJ\er.,III.Khcfro,t11 1K', IN~t up l .l\. h .iod 4u,:otc, Jnd cll\-n u\C' lhtn ,olumn, r.,<' , hup ,hot, .ti ,oun;; (IC'l'flk ,.h,;1 ,J,,n t N•C' ,q:ub, , Cllumn, un tht N11un.,1 p.,~ l•l figllt h.a..l Ltt. J,1it !hJl\l, Inf .,11 tht,c: l'lt'-•
Hf'.J!J,jf\lc: IC"-..•ll• \\e \( \C't'fl .. nu~k'I
1n ... uon \la,hc IJc'lm, M:oJnun rnuld u l c "'lflll' rip-, trum )·nu ~b(\ul hlJ',I, 111 bchl\-.-: lfl .. rul ..J"") "'") Or htw. .t"-"'' I"" t,;ii,d\t.ll 1llo1•<'r •00 .pit •Mt 1ti,: umptlt' ' \iT )OU •\.11l•l'lk M F"t J)l'1, .a1..- tut,..,,ng• Ot &.on Tllo,r11on Assis~n1 PrOleHo., Oe(I! ot Mast (;ommur<IC.lll!Onl
Wichitan 3'110 lo" Blvd 12160 • Wichita Fo'ls. Texas 76308 News Des!< (81 7)689•d7Q,l • AODeSI< (817)689-d705 Adviser J,,nSemoe
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Cartoonists Adam Chavez BbnHelner
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l'tlolog<opM<S Rondv 81'PWSfer JC Gorc10 Mo!iolowrv DoVld locken
Wk:hiton hpo,ters
Ad Reps
Tommy Flinn Sulonne M,!ler
A~Sho f81'QVSO'l
,.,. \\ ,.;. "lo'a , ,\ CJ me,,,".t er I ""' T~~OI ..,,,i,r ~ !(t Poel& t:,r '9WY8 U'lot f7'" !c. ()"Iv f'f'C'ltt~ ~ ""'''0-J bl o..,t»c:Q •')r'IJ ft) ,01 ,..'\f, Y,., ~ ~rl ~ O'l>C" W 'l ~ ~ f,<'VJ,'"" ')'\w J;f'X),.., h • 1,t1,
.k.-, -,,. •~
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• '"(;' ~,,lit' ""-A 1
• 1-w•,cr.~
r .Jm,t\ ),• · Ttx;,,Jt • ~ - - - ~-., .,,U" ,,e· 'YO"d"O, no' •;)(;ll(tW(! OC\.'('I·..r,•O"'! , ~,•1$1,,,t' ,s ...,.. 0cr11 y-,at ,::-;p,,1"' JtiS
" ""n'•e
In an dfort lo 1ttracl moni ruders. Th, Wichilan'i swim.w it ~ pro,NI unsucas.~ul, dtspile lht cover or its Maff mm1btrs.
d,._,n111, "'-'llll'IJ
Child care would benefit university, are, Colk,C•Pf0"1drd child c.wt "'wld ,11,~1\I m1ny i.11Kknh 1n lheu colk,c ( »ttn An OIi QITlflll, ctn4C'f "' °"Id m.abk more -.tudtnls 10 ,pend 11nlt' .!olud) '"' .tnd JILrnthn,: d J (-C:, r•1hc1 thin dn•1n110 .i.nd Imm Ji) cart ct.n•
"~Bv pm IJ1111 Con•tn1tnt th11d o ,r
"'l'Ukt :,nr.., m,:,n- pro-pttll\e Sluikm• the e;&mpu,. n"l~ 1.1uJe11h, in 11.1 m, t,,~ i, lhC' k,JI t,unom) l·unher, Jf1 Oll"<.llllf'll• loc.,uon ptoY1dt, "" cwtlknl 'll>Of\ii -,1uth Oflronunm tor cJucMtto11 ...,,..,.,1 und bcha\·• k~'C\
,,1or,1I -...K'i,ct m.i,o,,
In -.id111on. IAuhy mcmb.:-1, w,ch ch,1,hu 11...uld l'ot'ncfil from lhc con\Cn1ti,ct. of :an on• t';MOJIU) Crnttr Wi1h 1he..- tw:ncl'it,, an un ,irmpu, c h11t1....,.. ,,r fa1.1111v 1~ llll ,,,..c,,tnit nt ... ,11th COn\tdrnng by ,1ny ,'Olltgt o, Ulll\'C"I
An Ofl ( lllllp.l• ,C'nl" w,-.ultl the lol:al rcot101n) l'I) ,u,..cung ffll"l't. , 11,Jc:111) m thC' umpu\ fhc:-c: ,1udcnh In-'} no1 bC' rumidrr mg colkf<' bN:JU\C' <>I thC' t\lnt UP,:ft\C\ or t tfcndcd d.1~ UIC fO~I• 111.t)' nol nwi.(' 11 lino1ncu1ll) P'"-' 1hlt. n 1ty m.,y noc hJ,t fanu , I) Of' fncnJ, <'OUIJ help t,y unng for thc-11 chllddunni 1hrt\lr,1 un~ they ••uukJ bC' tcqwnntt C'h1IJ urt. A ,,ntCf 11n , , mpm .,.,-riuld pro, l<k • '-tit plxr m pu1 • ch,W, ""'he" ,11ldc:111, w.-...1td only h;,\'e IU pi!) f;>f lhc ok'h.ull 11111< lht> lift' ,n -.tlld)Ul@: anJ IIUI f,,r Ilk .,.,n,n lul"IC I•• Ind Imm the- , :imJ)U\ The u,uu>C 1n .111en dMICt' 11.f'IUld 1hu, hdr lhC' kol C'(OftOffl) .., thc-c: 1,11,iknl\ 11,r,wlJ hr nuc hktly to ,.,, nur 1hr 1;◄-1111'111• '" 10 run 11110 ,. neath) '""'
Hov. roulJ )OU en-.ure th.It ooly I~ i-N· dcnl\ u•tn& the ,:cnltt pa> fo, the -.<n·~ " e,, ch~mg onl) th&.,,c .!ol.Udenb U\lfll tht ~ ,i.e, ..nd b,..,n, lhc ICC" ut1:, ,c1 rwmtier o f how'. ), (Of eumpk ~ houn per ••«k. help-, Iii lttp tht DIC°' l,11r for all \lootnl, IT'QUlnnJ lht:,c:ni.:t., Wh1k IIIO',I ,tudcnt, .... oultl llt.'111 olt'v~ 1ht \("'ICO, thrlC' "''Ill ~ ,omc ... ho v.,11 ~ .u.: !he- ,1ud<n1, "'ho 11.·oukl ,fflop off thtu chill.I .it S • m Mid n,.11 rt.L up lhc ch,ld unol 10 p n1 lk,c .m tht "udcn!• "'ho '"°"Id V'<' tht J>fO\ 1JC'1 .-, ,ut,,111u1t parcn!, llnd t'IOI •~ tcmpor.lf) C.U<' l'h,t-...,• , tudc:nt, .ut. not u~1ng 1hl\ IIMt' 10 , 1udy Of ...Of\ Nt f".tthC'r 10 ~an) I 1ne, ,holfJ("ll Ill , 1udc:nb .... tio JO m·CT th( 1lk,Ucd IIIM •1II ptt\ffll the: J buloC CM' II le~~ kttp 11 10 " mmnnum Thi, htlp,. to hm11 lhc nun1t>cr of ,tudc:"t' 11, ho Jrup tht1t <'h1ld off to mU.c • round of lhr loc:al N:.ahli,hn'K'nh 'iu.,l.knh, ti.Mb tho.r ,cqumng ~ll'c znJ lhl:he' ROI n«dmt; tht -c:M,c. 11. ould brntfi1 from ., •orl ., luJ} J'll'llif.lm .11 lht ( I n ~ ~ ,tnk'r l:dvl.' ~11011 n1.i1°" ct>Uld g.1m ul~k l'\f"C'ncl'l,t h ) 11.'(lfktng ... uh )(KJnJ-.tC" w.h1lc , 11II worl m1 m11.111J thw lktfrtt "'uh ch1ldrtn 1n a umpu• di) l:i.le ttnltr u.ould hc1r lhcv.' ~•lldtnb dt:ltOMlt' 1f cduca1101'1 I\ real!) .... h ... lhry W.Ull lO do Su.1al .and l'lthJ\ ton1I '(l('JKC' m.lJon could 1'1111 only ufllkrul t :t ,..,,,1,: • lud} l'NJ«I at the \Cflltl hu1 t:'111.lld a l-.o mile' ot,..c,f\ :1111\.'lh uf I~ <'h1ldrcn 11nd 1ht1r t'Ch;i, l(,r,, for rla~, pro•
It o,Hamru, dJ~ c:lft' •~ -.uch a rood Kk~ 'll>h) don' 1 mort lolkgc<i Pfll\ ldt 11"' Man) lacm" h1n<kr cul ~ horn pm,,idmg on• UfflJll.l)Ct"nl(f\ h l r lC'l up ~wnc1h1ng A n111Jc1t 1'1.1mcr 10 on< ,m('lth J•)' un· 1, \10!«.l\tf, 11.h1k •Omt: IOI.II Ctn1e,, m.,\ the !Jo.lot ;1, .,11:itik \p;tcc llirflJS1nknt v f 1mt1,1,II, IO-.c- the ~h,ldrc:n o f \llfllt' ,tuJcnh Pr1J1.a·t1\C unJ M:tgul;Hl'I") SC'n i..t,. che rcgu tnJl\fC'rflnt 1hm t h1klrt n 10 °"'MllJlll' d.a) !-'llni • uthonl) I\Jf ch,ld•U ft' J"l'I" tikn m un:, th,cq nlT< :antp\h \ ('lllt h ... ould 'IOl'fl rcu,, ft'\!Ulft\ \0 nwl)' >qi.I.AK f«I J't'I ch11J hl\C' motr c h1ld1tn 1n 1<'f)IJ1.e lh,~ k~t tor A11111M, f:K'tt'f l\ money IOI m., Uflllllt 1h1• u.i\Ol'I thtre JU\I Mt 1,ol cnuti,:h loc.11 Ac,ontmJ to Nut111an Lat-c:n. 1.h1ld C•rt cc-nlt.h to mctl the- dc:manJ ur "1udc:n1 an.I hcen,1nl! ,pcc.1.ll1\I for 1he Tua, Oeputmt:nl worl ,ng iu,t.nt\ for J.iy ,Mt of Proltc-u,c iw,d R~ul. 1ory SC'nlC'h, the l·unhcr. althouF,h .,n oo ,.unru.) ctnttr rrun1mum ,1;an.LuJ IT'QUIIC' th;,t1 a hccn"-C'd v.ould !IC' , ~orr,cnitnet hlf m~)' ,1uJcn1, f•ol1t) lot rnor-c than IJ chlldrtn mu,1 UfT) ;ind f1eulty, 1ht1t "'lll ;al"";i>' be !IOm(' ..,u. !\OfJOC,l1 ,fhah1t.t)'ln\U,..U,C(' llu\mcan~• den,~and 1...:ulty ... oo will prdtr lo u~ a r n • IJ.1111) , 1n.urJnct. tomp;in) mu,1 P"-) up 11, ,:11ec-h11d c.rt pn"Kkr \~,(U) rtr ,hlld for mJUf')
A. third pmhlem 1~ 1ht tn1n,n1 'C\fl. the prt,'idrr'\ Although C\ten\M ~ l'ICJI ~..ary. 1n1n1n11n m l.1;n1 ;ind ,b.,. diopuimotllf} IT\Uiellatton md flN ..,
lrJJn1nr " ot:iu,nahk from Ml) , r-
\1Kh,~cm ~utt
oti<ampu~f.c1l1l)for 11, ,1udcn1,~ ... ltoYoC""CT• .if'tr \C\tnl ye""' of 1n.c, "' ll'IIO tht~ Jl'USIO'IUl'ln, the un1•t"+h !a bt:c-nllbk1nfind.1;v."l!) 10tund1hc: ~~ kttp the nil"' romrcu11,-c thl>-.t lo.:al communuy. 1CCNd1ng to H t-.&rTCll. ,·,a, ~Kkn1 ,1udcn1 .anJ ..
\ un'ClldJ. chr Ulll\~lh pmidt. 1
t1' .all lon.lJlffl'Kknlt1:1\lnN 'fltoth ~ •
Ocpanmc:nc of Pn>t«ll\'C lnd Rq .• Sen i«<- Thi, h\l h au,IJt>lc ,n cht \ {",M~mrntnt A<;~llll\l.W'I o fficr Ru.lffl the- Clari. Student CcnlN Alth1]1,tiJI I\, !ICNu1KJC1 lh1~ '"' 1~ :i.r'I cu,.,, to ~udcnn nca.:hns c hild c¥C lnc~aw romllment. h1ghc:T i, 11\'Clllgt., and lhc mamlC'nan,;:r of l.ll'(r'! (Rl< h1\d lx1n1h iLrc: ¥1 .t)<; "" Oil , ..mpu, hcnr.fil, the ~uJcnL\, fAUlt ) ,Intl 1hc: ~• I) FoJJ uampk. the cnm·cnlt'nct ut !ht: and lhc :l\'IJl..bll,t)' of cm OIJhi.Jc 1hr ~ t1Malhcur'\of"11.m 106pm ... ,11 lllo.R'a~ tht un1H'f'\tl) , cmullrnc:ni lkn, IOI.I. Mudcnh u,1n,: tht Ctnltl • \.htN. on IIK'l'l'J\C m then o,t1JJ1 s1.X ~ ;a,1:.-.gc, ~ lh<'\ "'OIIIJ ha\C llmt' 10 .t... C.lmpus ahC'f~I~,~. n,t~r lhin ru>h~ up lhc" ,h,ld. lhcn If') 10 \lud\ •!'Ilk for !hrtr child The ptu\lfflll) ~I the ,• tht (lu,km woultl help to , 1rcni:1hcn iv child honJ,, m.a~m~ 1t t.i'ler l,,i the '" faruh) n1t.mbc-r I\) >l\1t the ch11JJJS', :
llll'll.' lll(ilft'
Fmall) lhc \.C'lllcr would r,m 1Jt""" tu tht kx.111 rm1l t1 \lore dim "" d ,ut<' ;ind ltdC'ul k,ch v.,lt m.i.l.c 4 , p,o\ Hkd f.'~ntrr 4 ,UUICford fOI' 111 uo11.:- flt.It JU\\ tho-c: "'1th monc, Prc:'liknt Chnh"lfl l\.r., .i...iro 1.1'1~ tw l to make cullt!,t l'TltJl't a..,h<o,Mt 1,.
An~OClll\\ f"O"tdmg .. n l'll-1..tnlpu. u rc ,-cn,cr htlp,; uprn the door, ot ,1' :'I
mor~ Amcnun,
Wichitan a,, Frhruon 19 1997
tten~ance policies continue receive criticism from stude nts 'I 1~ hlul1M<" lc•1""1\,' hr~ "I Jhd ailmd,1111.c t"C'.,.'"M/-c it.C :n: 11111nm, lhrm Ill h.vKUf ~1\1""~ ' M"lall) .nl II J...,--n I lnoi. I\~ g,,nJ 11 lht' lt ,1dlC'I ,l,~111 I .JI.M llf) t.,Tln ll11~s.uJ, ~ rr11rr,.. 11 ur l·rcn1.h. ..:u,I,11, d.l'• .1111·nWllr.l' h JfflllN"~llr I•" l<.a'nfflS .I lf'f were rr•ll)' \k.k OIIC lillt'd,' ll!l l l'llffl t..1, ~ r. In hc1 d .m , flll<1 lhn..Y ,1"""'1"-C' th!.· ,,w.:,11 • rmdc: ,, JJIC\I would 11kc u1111,IJ )'OUr •~1'11..r, · Whllr -.\flll' ~11JJr111, hd1r,c roll td,in.J.1flt•rll,. lhc-.l1idrol1,l.ln'P1nl ' \l.c 1rnd 111 1..- '""'-'rl111.1111m<' 111'-ing ,, unfair, ~Nnc' MSP pmlc, "'-"' hcltt'\(' 11 ,, a pn..11<.c thlt hl'IV\ .Jw •.i1tl. lo .._.,e h, ,1u.knh hum them--.•hc:, l'lf\:JWf ,1mkn1.1 l1.1r 1hr w,)llpl.i&:c 11,,,hl,lt•~)' l'rnh.•11,,r A,,,-',1.u11• Jf 1 l'mft~,or 111nd Coon.l1n~1ur P'hy,M:11 Ji.J11n111,n Clamll'c l>AJtrr l hc11•111 W,11rn..ut1 ..1111 thtlf m hi:r 1 , ,11J m,mJ~lllf) • lll 'lltl.Ulfl' Ill cul• r ,rr11cA1.c:. ,l.1""t1rnt.bN..c:f• l11.1l',
GC.•:ll ftf
) d ~''-t' hJ,c )OU
1111 poh1, \ .u "4.!l(d in o, li,(o,J~',11', h 1t~lnt1ni; ,UlrnJ;inct'
l't\' ti\\' diYI\M.'1(1 ltt 111(11 ~\tN h\11 thi- p11l11, \ 1ht d , ,,"Jl.1htt,.
J•y of Ilic W.1,'t'k , \he- ~a1J
Ac-ron.ltnt lo "',pho.non: ,nl(rru IKlNI lJ'lldr JTI-Ollf Ja.1o11,1 T111ek, hJi•. •ni .i.n atk'~'t' f"--licy I~ ,nod. bul the ('l)lnmc)n rni,tu:c l,{ 1IIVJ>tlll1¥ ,f ~ludcnl A01,•r thfft at-.,cni."\', ,, IJflfau - 1 thtnk Ii\'\' mi, I'll' :, bi-tt.-1 nmn I'll',.• ~ ~ . 1'N::au~ 1tthul 1f )•'U
~llhtel ' f~ M,\\lt'J til)n ..ouh! JCI '"nlt' ~IAIC , 1Utic-111, dtn'jtrt•J
rh \l!rll k-11, .:, •ltlC'n , ,,, up Iv rnd 1,1,tu ..1 i\01I 1'10l(',..,1h, "()1"'-•
t,c,y Jll1,'11il•11,:C' , h11ulJ r m 11f1h.•,11J{k'111 nnl)
kgl' COUl \l', I\ •ITM' IU\' IU hdp
c:mun• •ut'\:h, m lhc: ,,i,11 im1r~r1
II)' h.1 1111t11/
Jr, 110t J,-,.,11,.111) ,h.11111:r ....
~ ~:JFe:e~~~~~ ~g&~a~~:l ,,~~~~~' ~ ~ i;!, r !. . .. ~ , .~ ~,~~;~~. ~.~~ :,~r 11 >~~,~:,!~R.!~~~~~:.~eu 1q K.11► ~ °:~~~ ~ ": i~ ~~ Wi::~~,;~ ~Thr~t::t;ck(l by l.arT)
\\•a, nc ;i~:~•ru. "''
~ ; ~11~ ,mU('m, :,,:tr lfl\t'I U.> Lnndon tin , ,umn1<:r ,-rtll'lp;ilc 1tl lh.; l'N7 Rrni,h Prup:rAlll
flt Bnu,h Stud1c, P1,1gr.1m I 11 :.i 1T,1.Jrn11.11 ,ummcr 'l'~· o(kreJ :mnua/1)· Ju, 1 mi; July
progrum nfk"
1 ()o\·c-r. .L.• 11)('1atc: profc.,,or ,if pol11,.•,t1 ,c1cn..·c:, ,11'11.1 Kn, Tilkc1. Wdll.1011 ,,nd. " Mo~• prOli!,nim, chafFt Sl .501 mott lh..n 1h11 f)l'O· &\IO..IJk' proft•"°' of l•1"1nt,, Tiw: pt.1rpo-.c: uf' thc: proj::ram ··" 10 gr~ . ...,hiCh d,_,._•,n' t include airfar~ promo1c ,1 morr f)fOfounJ undc:r - , . · Sludrnb art m lht Kmp: ~ ,IIU\Jmg. OI ilt1h \h culture ,1oJ \OCI• lollct,-e h:all of rc,Kk'n...~. k~•uc:d rn .ICll\' ll ll"I
\\'1111.un, ~1J ...,h,lc the: I;::; ~~~IC:"
:t~~r~\•. ~~;uu~~:i:~:~~~"::lj:~ ~:~ ~ - : ~ h addc:J, in l:loth !he: l'nllrJ ;M(~~'°:1;..: ,: ~:i:t~
~ ~10: ~~c1:; • ,t._,,11,n ,•fkh undcrir-Klualc
ht<.'-au.1oC the h:1111 " locatc:J 1u.o nun• -----·· 11'liodl
••""'""4 fooad---. ...._,._......._....,_ ~ - . - , ot
1111 ~ . . S Fnd.), lw 2.I .... Mardlll, 19971~ . . _ - 1 , o
4'_.ubauo-,.-J,.,.,•Affll,Nrot ad_lO ... ~ ~ l"CS,UI. _,.- Ja,•,-pfot u ,-,.., .-•IMW•Dl-o 1~eer-,.
,-,.-zoJ [lloltt\l.,.wtJ~ s.,..., ....W l 11 •
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f!i:~~.11~~! ::;;:t'
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1 1 ~1:.::;;~ ;!~~~;•,~r: ~:Ch:~';:~ ~11~,...,~ al ...,orl fo, li•·c: hour'\ a day
;~\1~ :::~: ~ wh1c:h ninn«1, Uindoo ~ P11n, lnc tnp to Pan, ...,oulJ lake: thrtt
Dn•rr. ...,nc, ~111 (WtK"IPJIC •n Rnui,h cn11111W JU\.11t."C ,t1.1J.1r,. -.ud "I am rl'l(N o.c1tcd ab11u1 thC' prugr.utl
hard Tht-,c " a d,ffrrrnt lcclo1Tr l'\'Cr)' W.y •1 'hc unu.juc: thin~ aN>UI lhc'l' d.i,\.C', 1, th.lit l'\('I) ooc hl• .i l'>utll• in rt-c:arch cumpooc:nc ··
Wc Mon IJopo,ier A1,p1uim1a1ch .250 ne~ rJtt• ~,II l'ic: ro:ammg Mid~c,lc:m ~I.IIC'
:~~~ = ~:'~';p.
p;, ~n~; p:.n,ci• p;i S igma, wilt l't' ,.~l.,cd 10 p;itt' m a lt'!"ll('l' PfOJL"l.' I afkl hdp dc•an the M~l• ,·,.mpu,. Th( wnfcrrnrc ..., 1] rnJ ~.1,urd:&) ht with .i him ucl1utcr,:J h the III m rht• {1·:rl Student c!nirr
1h1, ...,c:tl.cnJ a, Kapp;. S1Jnl;J lta• 1c.-m1t) hthl, 11, .innu;d Tru, Lone Sr.a, Con.:-1.ivc l(l'lfl•lr..i1on ...,,II bcgsn .11 : pm 5,•: :~ : 1 umvc:r.11~- J• \ltll ,1, '-l>mC ,chooh
~~~~ic~,.,a;d {:~~~~;'1';"
h ~~.1;;;7,:;~~~:~:" 2,:;.~; :m<.I tu \hat( 1Jca1o ,1mf>11J: the dup-
1 ~-alCh up FnJ.i) nigh, ..., h,lc c:allnl! l\¥1'ic:c:uc: at the: Ou!dc>llf f.JiKahon
'\.11urd.a) ', .igcnda 11K'lut.k, ,. mcmt-c~ \UICI)' of n)('('tmi;, lrJ ol D1~1n.:I 11• ...,htch 1ndudt, l ' n1wr,11v of :\,,nil Tcu,. l l1mCNh o(Tl'\ a, :u llJ!la,, SQuthcm Me1hoJ1,1 l'm\Cl\1t)'. Tr,a, Om,1 1.1n Un,wr-11). lh)lor l 'm,·cl'll} anJ MSl 1 The: rlk.~ lmi' ~ •II co,cr 1upte, ,111..h :,~ le.tdrl\h1p, chapcc:t man:.gcmc:nl. mcmt>c,...h,p rc:cn.uonc:nt .tnJ
ic,-..Aw>fJ1n,1n Kc:,1nShn.·•c:1. 1u..t\ r hiurman. their ...,,11 ht- w,c:ul n111111nal offirrr, m ancmbn,:c The l·h,11n11an n l M) BMhrr·, K«J"-"'· the akotl(,I ,....,.in:nr" commutc:e. .11, ~·ell a, 1hr ol the hou•mi c,,qw11:i111111 ~ 111 he: hc1cK.ippl S1~ml 1, MSI '\ la~c,t fratcmtl) 1,1,uh ~-' mcmhcr, Ho,ung lhh )t;,r', c-unlcrrue~· ..., ,II help ljUahf) 1hr .... hool", lh.ipicr quahly fo, ~,er.ii \IJN1'"1 , ,.1J
"''e)COMED~ At The Holiday /1111 8.00 . /0·00
mli maoagcmcm. aixonhn&
Karen Matl
~: 1" •.;,,~ .~:;;'~~ c~~~~~~-~:::: i:;r,m ,,t 1bt)·pr m II)(' tJn11~-JSt,11e-.,'·
1 C ' \ ~~:~~~:%1T~~ , : : 1u,1icr ~ ,11 1-.: Jt,lr 111 ~ the Kuy.ii ,\ hJC''I) Coor!n)flffi laho nlkd 1ht Quttn\ (ourtfO\lffl l. the:: no· 5'.olland Y:ard anJ thr Inn, of C'CIUn, v. hrrc ··1av.)'CI' meet 10 J)llf · and to ~a..~:
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lnlorvi,,., lo r,., h<kl ror t'duaUoo .-andld11.c<
, 11 --eiw..n1, ,fll,1, ... .i "' ~'-" ra1u,1 ''"" ur ro, .. rttn,ns tri. , ,.,...,, """'-h .,.,11 t.llt ph,t '"" hb !It ..nd \-bt,h 1 \111'1 \If' \ll(t'h "II"'" 1.-1hl. '""" '"'W'iulft.-t .t'fi11 ,_)fo It\""°' !01
t11,ironmt nlal S.:itnl't Club lo bos1 ltl..:onrtrtnct Ille tl•rd ...,...,.,_.l ttl\•ninnlfflwl 1tk-l.'Nlltrro,.tul k r1_., A,nm...,.,,11 "'- 'wt.JI ·b I,,..! u1(1iut. \twr.lt1>1(tl'lltl K,'<lwn l(Mf,~ a,.,..J t,, .. ,, ..tnJtJNc: ,ti.... u,~"'" ~ ! 4 ~ r u1
,._ in...-.
.\ppliralion_, a,allablt ror Sludtnl Amb1.ss1don< \rtH""C 1"1,, r; ••<J ,n,-11n1ns ~ nl ,\ n\t,,,•n pi, ~ wr i.n llf!PI, ,11,. ,11 l"f lh. I""' IQtl~ )Ht 1n OffM.C' 111 Alwnn1 Rtla111.1m 11 41 IH• ~'"' "' I ll n)o, ..i..,,111 ,nt "'"' ,.tinw111n, ~M..• . rm 1)11' Mian h 7 I • • nll•( 1n!H fTUlt;1", runw.-, .\11\:t 11111n .&I 6,8Q..4?,C l ,., lit-.."ff) lo.. rll.,.U II~ 11~1
,u. c, ....
··••nal ,.,.......
- \lk•·
.\t~I P•U lfw ~ Jt!WMfrr ,-,.._., nf, •hi"' \l.rt,r 8-111 ,.-......1 A■..- \--.: ••k~ Th4' u , •iikt. tlllll r.m.d off ~) ,tllN.W IMnl. l"'a• IUA ~ ,_,. 1ft M )
\\ckomln~ rectpllon lo bt btk1 ror nt" din,clor
~Mor-'"'""'.,..,, r......-.
l "h,, l).,,,,.'lft .~ lk.tl1h Snmcf'\ " h<wlftS .i fC\C'J'{l.>ft lt'I' ",lh-J(' ' P •h••IMI 1N' "'• ' '" ' '""' J ,m:to, ,\ft •~ !,. foit0 \ If) i., ~ r n, •• Be, \\,,..._I 11~11 K..,,,." 101 1.•"f'ftl"C'W" ""''IN
MSU ,1uden1 recth·ts stalt scholarship IWIIOf I n,.11-h nu>o• .lr<lltllffllC Nxhmt.u.1 "".a• ~..nkd tht l "f.11.h l.dut.itl"' ~,tlf'WI\ 1n 1111 vnl> ( « flthc• \lu.lrnt 1n 1hr ..i.11t
lob opporlunllits a,·allablt 11 Employment Expo
I '"l\... h n'lt'fll I\~ 1\'t'thekl ,n.-.b.koc-oo foch .l)frv111 911 m IO I p m .,1 II\( \ "'"''"" ~ .... ( ~nm I0.11! tul\JR" I . . . 11Anl('Uf,i'4) ,~11,h Ju,ntQn, ..en• , . ;1nJ 1lumn1 Mf' 11)1111'\J 10 '"11 • 11.h I~ 1nl('ff\lN 1n
Cam,r Planning and Placrmt nl offtrs s,nicts
..11,•/'lJ11;i: ,.KM tl't,1 1,itr "" ' l~ l ' Mttr Sct,1,.c, in Hllf\J1l'I ~t'Uth R,iam, 2 11 A m.. • .,~ •other 1ntoon.111,1n ti..· O\ tdcsl
:!t.anJ an 1n.ln"\ k-v.
C111ttr 1i1nninc IOU t1111:ic11)t'"M will ht!fiJ • rt,umc v.n11n111,\, oa hti
,1.,11,du, vn F(ob. ~7. twllh fr-,m7
hum JklN>,nJ ...-,y urttt lor munt l,anf(",'I.On\
I ,,.._.,M '4'( •IIIIXl\h l('I JO ""her
cHr 1hc-11 r.1••1Uft) thc-m 'lou \ C rM '" Jo -~· )\!&I kl'\C • 1kMC11 "p1.. l"IC'd BMIX'n h(hC'H'• the' lululf' , 11 Jl)Urn~h~m Cf\\lltl (lfftr ITM>fC' 10h oprortuflll1<'• anJ h11ht1 TY' ' We J« ..«mi morr ~ 11""" 11, WC' N\·f'fflC" r""4'c L,J1nmuni, .lll(ln t,;s,fil V. uh ~h~I ,C'fTununi.:..it11t1 t,,,..,_ , .,..11/lJ
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f'ftRI UI bfo.,, k 11,I II , 1.-'0lfr,ot'.tll' 1'-"'rNll\1t1 M-.J ,nJuunal ,owm,l l\ffl Brnnru •Jtd 1 ·.-.mp1,uc, mu" 1mrm•c 1lw11 un...&-.: .. uh cht ruM... ~ t 1hr, rt- ,vina 111 nttd pc>'flk-""ho.,,.111.,.mc1uJ.,,1 1,w Ju•uo, o;;unumr \l,111ht"w, J1'1lm.1h,m1,n• ., hi1Utln(Wlt) 1 1..n(M 11 ~ • f"l' n,uch It', CM'lt1ng II nw1 he- 1hr ..,.,-w- \okl 1'-11 l'\<'.r\d.l NILhc-lll""•l\l'IC'Y>illlddWil m.ale- 11\·\llllllf" \buhr,n -.Kl
Credit Cards _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.t -.:,umul.Ncd
cft'\N l(l ftl "'" ""'
hlf ~Md lf'Wtl IJi-.,;,-,,n
lthou~tM " "" .... PflSIUbc-llCM I ,.~.
~," tu,r..-: ,u,i1 ~ha1cone - lkcl'•.&ld
.... hffl Rtv ~ ff'fflry •--n Q'loff hi: tMJ,n.a'("J~fi,r\~CMlltt I thuutt>l I • ,-ulJ ,onrn'\I ,ptndtnJ - 8ctJ ..-J hMd•JU-Ck)l)C;IHhJ ...)ctwt,clt -1 ~11,,.,,. -.,1h 11 1;.'fflt of Btu , mort r,tm~ ,mruh,• , , 1n. twde' • Sl.{W)f1 lnouftl.&ln htU , u.hich hr
,_, IIPJJD'J h) S l,:!00 ,._, Jnms an m ~ Ml and .. JNnhllllJ: .&dll'
kl~ hl,ltl,C'nwdc'IMJI.X11tclll!Ol4UII Ari, br•t ""~~- ,... qittl ·~ to noc IUI\C
....,d "'lll..·
1 "'-'' l"tl•nf lltt holkl<,. .an.I Jlnnrr ~ m, f,wnd, 1kt, \.Ud '"'lltcbM.w-, 111.-.tcd mr oft lhr IIOOf
''"" me
lktJ I• l'IOJI tn ~ • N ~111U«' th..n .., tu ftM· ffll\. ""ho ~ l"IJ't,nl'J hr, 1n l1IN)k ~ ~\lfll! rur 1hc 111.1JU"I)' of hi, trrdil &bl anJ
8ct1 obhscJ thrm l(tl" • • Mr ~ ""~"'
Net IV Llw' L•h"' ,dirt d.11W1' Mil 1,.,-.a 1hr SI .DJ~ tud "'•"ICI cM111.-r plu, Sl.500 hr rnM'gcJ '-"" hi• 1,_lllll
"uJrnl k\¥1, lie tu., t.u.rn 10 \\I) oil the ''-'"" Ru,J) Gthv."11, 11,r JTt...Jcn1 uf 1\
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1cnu1Y h"\lf'<'l and ,,.,11 -.c:c lht1,'1tnr'Wt1C'l' • tee"(•mmu-J.&1"°"' I .. f .,..,lh 4-("n-,w:- tu, OC"\ff l'i«n ,,. '1"""-IUOO .,. ~Inf c,-,1Jv,jl H, >f(rn.w, w.J lk itl"'1 ._..d 1n.a.1-. ('"'.< 'flk h"''" r,)1'4.("IClo,C'rt"~ 1ti,t 111111,t," /':of> f.,, hk I rton I thmk 1hr a,entnl pubhc
~""" • ...,.... high lht \l.ind1ni, MC 11)1" • J)CN'fl lu m:.._r trnuff ar "l1d"-'"\ll'ffl, he ~al HofTm,n ,,od knurciJ f.._uh) mrmbc-r•\.&n he d1•mi.'C'd 11 lhc) ~ dt-r:mcd 1"'-0fflptlcnl Of .r pnftwm•ns 11 .1n.cpcaNr k\d~
w1d, ICTlUlcd (..:uh ) ,ilulhtrunl'CI· '-IU~, llon man 1-l!td he ~ -c-, not -« 1h;M.1111,pruNc:m.a1 \11d•<'~m l k r,,11nurt'J thr .I\TOfC" MSl · rrutr• -.or .,.(IO., ~\ 10 b()hoor; per wttl.
h..,r .all lfflf',>.I nn
I ~ ""h•~ i:rtdll l.illlli
)oui l\.luft' ~ (,1"""')1'1 ,,11d
\Olllk' f.'ffll
\lt P,"1\1-k'flJft
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ttlr,11n ''" '" "-"<.,'"I' 1nm~1.11,
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k.1)1n11 .a hou\C' Of 1J/ 1•.:·,-1. • crf'd1t r-.111111, nn fCI .1rr,,,1,·J the) "''IJ 1•l1rn face h1rhc1 1m11r J 1
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..._:oni,nt IO G,t,,.on
d,... nm1n.a1t111; .igJ.l""I , oik',r- \ludrnt.• NI 10 1n,111C' .1 h1V\ ~111, mont) 11,111 t't~h.,..I. t.11h-.on Jdq-.r-. ..,_u,:xn4, ..«1,n, cmht 10 hr,("n',.u-dul \\. h.ll;,·oudo.,.,.,Ul,1cd11...,,II
Tenure ___________ ________ lc,rJ,11,-..r,."'111.,nu,r,p,i, 1"1!11 anJ , t,a\, 1.,.. • 1rrdll
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lllmrd h1' Ille <Ind h11 '1eJ1I ,11°'-ind 'In((" h11 1.ntil1ng t.1..)• 'I rn} h.M-d tu IC'l,I\I lhc ttnipuh,...,.
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(,Oi r · I " . • COI/1< ,/ // ·. Llllll'•'' \ ',''
's choir
'Hoop Dreams' subject speaks to ALS audience
Pajama Jam
anJ l·.bcn Ill l'>'l,l
Jason l.11w~nce ,., a
u ptr1om1;an..""(' lnp Mll)'
1Tc..,a~ ~1• 1~ UniVl:1"11\)'
will 11t",· omp;iny
P ho., ,u con,·crh a!"hlU• lo..:&11011, ~uch 3~
nn:1 ilnd l-"UNcnfcld', 1hc MMCr { II}' lo
. V:
ldy 15 <;h1dcnt, v.m th1i,
Oriror, ~n.l he
lhrtnp. I 10 dmtk beer :ind
~rm 1u,1 p:oin~
d II WIii h( 1un IO JX"f•
the ,:O\llllnC\ Imm
t'~'->nMtnllcd u p,a1n1cr ~tluig 10
nmc., ,,ud
~ pm.Went of t~ dhlir
abooi. Y1\Umg fam"r<"' 1.ra,·d . Dilt1 wuJ "Dr really awc"",nc abou,
1ogc1hcr" 11 be •tJ~in11 m GrJ, c~ o f l't'l umms 'A I1
JM Jol!n'iOfl IIDd Jalk Rltdlk mjoy than111hu ac dw Pld Sl1m1 Kappa Pajama J&n1 hr1y, • bldll wu bdd In tM Olrcdoor F..duc:alion C:tnltt on \'Uffld•"II 0.y, Plralo •1 l1# N• rvw
inners named in high school competition nmeni ;u Muh,·cMcm S1a1c <.pon~on: nual h1_gh J.('hool art compct1t1on g MSU, C1•lkgc Day, Pre, icw o to an p~rc,l.(n Gary Guld!>rrg, the c•cn ndc-d v. uh appro"m:ucl) 200 ,n 1111cn
JohaMa Nuding Wchrlon !ieoorlei
w,·,;:; truth" ""'Y P"" ""1 """ , imp•:· °""
JI! the local h1l!h ~hooh. anJ
1r )Uu'\•e ever 1aken a cla!!.~ from lknc1I Taylor, a~i.o• l'll le profeSWr of commUOICl4llon 2nd lhcll1rt. lhl\ quotc might )O!Jnd fannliar 1
~~~d the c,ent *' a
~ .:..~~:~~ .~~=l~~rf\~;~~~:~.l)lh School ~Ip~ were aJ._., .IWJn.kd to Che , ~ ; ; ~'.1 School ;md E11n Clul<''' f;~m i\'o1~ JJ\'
Holhda); High School for Jcv.elry', Counnt)·
llttonda ~~ ud M)r.S""th ,~1> tlw h)rh.-.chool 11rt uflibh ln llN' l 'ni•~"""Y Gallar,. PltOIO t,y l .<WIO ,\ 'onm
C"\<'111 and d1~played 1hl• v.orb uf the rcgmnal h,i;h "'-""hool ..tudcnL, ., The lif1 . ,._.Ill to.: on e,:h1~1t until Fch 111 m the Uni,~n.11)' Gallery located 111 the c-wmg of the Fain Fine Arh Ccnlcr
of ,p«ch conunu111c~1,un, wh1lh alluv., h1m ' lo i;c1 c-,p<>-.cJ 10 -o mJny d1ffercn1 pcupk Jnd their d"c'~ S1:uc t t1111·eNt> al'MJ UiU. before c:nd1n11 up at M1d ...c,1cm. .....hc,c he ', \pt:Ot lh.: pa,1 27 )'Cat'\. T:a)'lur fiN hnrJ ahuut MSt' from a fncnd und , iml he ~pphcd JU\t tn :,.iw,fy the fmnd fk Mud d tcr h\' 1•,~1tt'd the ClUOpu,. "'11 w,111 no1 a h.u'd d«111un to eume here. " I came to MSU hc-cau\C. I d1dn'1 hL:c Ul<' large claS!!.· C\ und lhc ~hxknl\ hcmJ: a numb(:r ln\lC:Ad o r a pc"'°n." 01o1l lllt<'rpre1a1111n of litl'r:uure •~ one of T,1ylur', fa1onl(dassc~ to teach,;c 11 rcqune, much crc-
311, uy
" It allow~ me: tu f»" on my knowledge of hterature," he \:ud. Ano1hcr of Taylor·,- fa\onte cl:ll.-.C) 1\ fundamcn1:11~
3909 Ke mp Blvd
Dencil Taylor
1er', dei;rtt 111 1%2 frum Nnnhv.c,rcm State Colics-.- 111
~\ilte UOll'CI\II)' Ill 1979 Upon entcnng rnllege. Tuy1or w,11, a prc-n11ni, 1eri1I lllaJUI Ile bdlC\Cd he »«<led 10 ,mprove h,~ ,pc:aklng !!ol1II, and changed h1!!. tm)Or 10 !!opc«h. It d1Jn'11:ikc lnni; fu, Tay lnt' Ill ftllhle hi\ 1ruc CJJlmg ...,:11 Lil the d.1\\lr1om Taylor, u U1U1,1:an11 no1111' C', )pen! "<'\'Cn ye11r,. ICll!:hmi; ill :i l11gh '<>t'hoc1I m LJk( Ch.arlc;; He :11"1 taugh1 111
111 rrom Noltl' Dame fur p:nnlmg. Mcrtdnh Sc~,on bkr for pho1ogrJph), -\,hk1gh tlum~h from
hxt.groon<h " Aw;iy
lie cnJOY~ y:ml v.or~ and pbn1, whc•~~1cr po-.,1blc. '1'hcy dun 't C\'C:f grow, hut I can hupc. he
""'T.i)IOf Jl-.11('IIJO}' pl;,,ying 1<.Uh h1, ~· }C.1t-olJ grwd ,on, collc~·110g old l,ook \, anJ n:~111g One: m:m 'foylN h..s al..,;ay, looked up 10 1, Waldo W Br.idcn. one of h1~ profcswr, from Lc;U .. H, wa, a f11.n1a,11e le.Kher lie ,·ould mo111 :11c ,1udc:nt\ and ge1 Mull uut of them 11!.:t no orhcr l'H: ,
-ec:n." According to T~) ll)I', Braden v.:,, nol JU\I .i good teacher. but a guod fncnd a, "''ell \Vh,lc T:i) lm "'"' wo,lo ng on h1\ 1hc,1,, he "''ould rccc1"'t pos1 card, and lellC'r.i of eocouragcmcn1 lrom Broden A\ for 3dVl(C to MSU ,rndcnh . T.1~ lnr , J1J. ' 'Thoroughly prepare youl'Cff to ltvc 111 1he r<'al v.orlJ T.ake adll'Jntaj,!e of c1cry upponu1111 ~· v.h1l.'h ..,_ ,II cqmp you 10 h,e ~OCet)sfull)· N'yond your eollq,:c y~.1r, " Taylor ha.\ plan~ tn reurt' from ~1SLI m three )"t'Jr,., but unul then h1~ ~0311, tn ",ontmue to Jo 1h,;: bc,t 10h I can po"1hly do m 1hc d:11--,oorn "
Recycle this newspaper when you're through. 0 R /J E R r O II ,\/ OBSERVE THE
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fa)kW- earned h1, doc:turJTe 111 rhelunc and puhhl' :addrt)", ur• I 1n1erpre1:i1inn , nd 1hn1re from l.ouNan1
(orpnn1mak1 ng anJ Jcnmtcr l krrcll ltQm Y.'i ch11.i High School for '4Ulplurt: entnr, wen: judged on -.CH·ral d1rTel'l'11t i:mcna, ns 1hr o,era.11 (jUJltty of the p1«·e, tl'thnical se :and the con,:cru or uJt'J ,,( the v,orl. , )oolcd for worl: lh;,,t w;&., hcJd and •Jrnul<kr-. the rc'-1:' Goldbt-1}: ,a,d. · It v.a:- .a \('t) t\.C1tmg
proiessor profile
nung 11 unu h1~ cumculum. lie t'Jmcd hi\ bachelor\ dcg1l'C' ,n 1952 and h1\ mu:;.
place cash award, wcm 1o Damd Chave, from
toffiCtl High Sl'hool for ..1i.1v.mi?,
.~~::!~!a:,~~~.~;~;":~'. ' ~~:~~~,:,r;;:;.
~ood r«•nmml!l tool 1or
13th Congn:,,1onal LJi, tnct An ,\v..ud
p,ciurc 10 f.unc ,!JIU"-. But 11 w-.1., bemg 1wcrlooktd fur 1hc: 1,om1na11on lh.t ienl :a 1Jocut1'1Cf1Ul)' uhouc twn high -<hool b;,,I.C'lhlll pla)tl' t':dkd " Hoop Orcant\ " !Ilk! one nf ,is ";in· Wilh;u,1 ti.ll1'\ • ,._. ,u,Jo.rn G;i\C\, whu ha~ ticcn on the \ Clf( UII \ 11\CC S(ptcmN:r \')')~, r .ame 1n M,J..,·ntcrn r11r\lhl) n1gh1 a, lht- 1hml \fJC:tlc:r m th1, ..ol\lll hk, ,uch J, t,:c:,,nu11g u 1111/ir, JI 17. lu 1k-n10.V1,tr•I<' h1, pt,1111 lb: \ "CM\ Attbl·U'l.:lurc Scnc, . Gillt"' "''ti ont ot duu h1jµl -.·hc:>nJ mc.J.11t thlt he: :.'IJ hi, ..,·,le."'"" 1tudents drc.1mmg nf ~ ,·.vttr m lhe .... J\Clllly l '.'i ,ii the IU!k", h.),.J lll j:I\C up ,1 r,11 (1'1/11ng, 1u 1:tlc,art ,ir the d1,IJ NBA to he: ,;cb.1cd :a, the -.ub.l('(.I Cll "Thmk h,M mu..h ('J,1cr II "'OIIIJ! 1hc docufl"IC'ntary, ..,-hich ho.•jl,UI filn.., h11t' heel'! for hoth nf u, 1f ...,e d1dn t mg m lht ,ummct of I1JH7 Wh:if onr111.illy v.r.i.\ "-l()f)'1..-d m h111c ,1 d nld We don' t unJct..i(ltltl the !H't-'UA'\ ...,c wmeumc, 1•u1 ,,n be IWO .... oeb of fr11111n~ fnr a lO, minute Ji;x:umcnll&I)' 11.1111C\l mtn ,1:,; OUJ'l.Chc, "' (iJln \,lld He rnkl ..tlkknt, lo , um,Jcr ttM: )'Cal' of hfe wnh earner~ .ind J dutt• hour documtnW). Gate., :uit.l U••-.tar CUtl"'-\JUCIICt-.. l>cl(lft lhcy l:lk.(' KIJOfl An hur Agtt Wt'nl on 10 fini,h the d,..c- t,cc-,1u)(' " li\Cf)'lhmll.)'0Udc11KJI/, ..... ,11 umcn1ary. 1hc Ulhc:r teen l>t'k•ctcJ rcllcc1 )OUnc:I( now.~ he c,plJlllt'd Ci.itc~ 1, cum.:01ly 1,0,nrkmf 110 h,, i.lcc1dtd not lo 11oon with thr prt'}C\-1 At fir~,. " Hoor D,e:im, " , lidn '1 ma\ttr', Jtirce m , ocmloi,:) 111 gel m1JCh attenoon .md ...,.J, 1dt:1\('d Aug1i-1. he- ..,_,11 hc~m lilm,n): J or" mov,c, "CodJO'JCh,"' :1hou1 lhc 11, c, oo only SO 'Crcc:n~ The lir.t hrcak cam< v.11h a faw>r• ,if \t:m1 -ptok \\1t,n:1I ~.l'h· tt<,111 uhlc ct\itw from film rnlk:, s,~kd pla)c"
MSU prof incorporates famous quote into curriculum
brW~ m lhrtt - new high ''-'hoot~. Ch1ldre,~ 1 I\, rrofe,\Of' of an :
~ 8 ~ 3~ 11~
Hut lh( nll"\ K" d1Jn'1 ,.~1..t1 hrt· u,1111 n fJtl..:d 10 l,!.1mcr un A.. .11km) AW3ld Afll',on tu, ht,1 111uv1, Thr bad,lo,h ,11tc111mn k:J 1(1 1h, 1110,ie h.:-ini rc-rdco1,1·1I on l(,tl ...crt>cn, 11nJ ~ llm~ moit· N'.tl,Ol(l .:opic\on vi.Ji~, G;i1n u ~ ..tudc1•I\ m tli,,· ,1uJ1cncc: Ill IX' \.Jrcful 1,1!,oul urulC', c, urv ptt" urn" they nllcn !'Ill •lfl 1hc1!11,('ht"\ lk Jl't'\I, c,,1111fl~ !nim hi, ,,._.,.
'Rarely pure, never simple'
. =:~~eth:~;:~~
ks&,ola ta11°'
An A,OOC:m) -""'•rd uomm:atmn Ix~• pil1Wt' l":10 \t:nJ an ~IU'C'
II ~ hM clleo pain lasting""'
mmutes ormo:t!. :ieeacloct«.
v~-Auoclotion t •m-.....-.-
":K;; lJ,
d,J' \\~<:7
sports Wichitan
Indians look for playoff berth Nk k ~:..tmian I ht ('ll\;/1'
, ., ..
,n h,,,
HI<') llA l.fl t,,. f l11•t ...,,l!1 fot n r 1htir 11..i "("'ofO J;i.lll<'\, lbv ►dlt.l We t , f'C('I 11 10 ht Af)l'lh,1 MJr_h,,n~lfll' u, '
,,w,· J ,r.1. 11 " ' ., 11,,.~;nd
Inf tll\• \11111,,·,11-m \t,1t, 11k h ,
1,_., l .-1t-Jll t..•J 1t1
t •1t1:,
\.\. 11ti 1l;c- f'lloi\ II• ,!111 111 •!U\I lh,• l11J1,111•. t.i 11, 11,,.,,:1 ,,1 It l\l '""'" ,\ ir, tn
'™' l uUI .....,, ~Jll'II' \
,,J~~~:~~::~ tl~:
, ,, 1,·rn1,qul l1t~,,,i,: hlf ,1 ,i.1.,,,11,r,.11 1hr tt"•m• .,.1\l 1hi;·11 ,,I I' .n •I"-" ' " 'J,.•1tt,'1.lffl 1111t"nl 1n l 1111 \\,,., h "II \ l.111 h I, , JO,J ~ !114' J lrtp 111 lht ' Jl1t'I\J I r,,.,r.,un,_,u lll !1.1!,.1 \ln.t..,.,• ,tt•ri h,1 , 1, 1.- u, \,(. \t Krni;, Hlk lh.i1v.ll\ ,1 l'- 11111 •n•I • .1n..-11on l '111,,•1si1v
1! IOU\ , 11,pptd P ) I
rl"ven1e oo Ilk' Indian~ 111 11n 11,l 6 ' w,n in Cmnmrn.~ l"hc Tnhr h-lll bt~t11 I.he I.Ion\ o rh t.r 1n 1hc: t u .' °" hut ftll 00¥,n rhe Mmi.:h 1n 1he n,m,tc h A.1-.M-Comn~n'f niaJ.:o I .2 ,-...,.~1,u frrc 1hmv.• 1n 1hr (1111,I m•nu~, tu 1, k,jt iame ,ntu:. 19 poilu win "With Ii"< mtnUlt"\ tu go, I LhuU. -.c .... nJhl in the pmc.-; fuy ~-"' '11ul 1twy rtwdr key pb)'
;'1;~rf.~::~ ::~.thr \tmd,. arid "'"t JV\t nu,~ -oinc t •i}
I 1
1110\<' lt0J11(' win
~!i:!,::::.11~11: 11:,.:: th( liN home kM fo1 111' \\ c: r lJ\tJ .,.,.11 '" ""'n
\.1•u:J,1 ,u, rm ' \\., ~11 '" rl ,, \,\ !fl t,.~11 \!ol!IM'\ >I t " II l'C' 1n 1hr 1",11,•II \\\I ~.11! , 11,.h Jlll k JI u 1J ' Hut rl ,,. ,. IH'-l h,l(h 11 \ ,1,..-r lor "' I ,, ..1 , ht-.11(1 1, ,n,.,..on,,.. \'ll'>U):)11u r 1.1, ,,, t,,,, rt ...h '" rlay·• lt1t• foJ,.,11' ,kf,•Jt,:J \ ,I. I.I m tll<' Iii\! I ,,n.,• " ""' t ',11"1f('lr1111, ):.llHC ,,r 1ht -.<.,.. in g, .,, l\l'l l \oc ill 1,.,, P,.\ , ..1.t th,,· l.1\ 1•l1n.1,., h:.,t 1"c11,. "'di l.u,..h
~~1~,n~, /~~~~ :,~ ~~~~!t::fre ,:
h'-.h.1n ,. ~II ~fl on I~ 7 ( .11n<mr, 1, <1l10"t\ , ,1 to,11- f,)f u,;· Ra) ,11111 l t\t 'I' t-t.1 U• ur !ll(f(" fl •w1on Oki• 1 thf hhl l1J1'1.' Jn,1 the-, Jl',o,.ir . ,,tu, .. 110.ltl ~i,rnr .. 1 11 :~ ~~;;~~~~1 1
h,1 1 I" ,1 "C'Jwf1 ""r11• 1n 11,i' ' \ I \ r l u<vt h l h,.• 11, 1, · , . , ..o,n11\ IA hlltl pl .a;c 11! rl\o.· , \I\ ' •'\o(h" <! loC i•t•t• ·ll l<IU~ll't-• .,. ,th lfl( 1•1'
g~t it!
th( ,m:1.-11 '
1 1 ,;~~::, ~-~~:: :I~:\\~~~-~ "
M.i, ,:uJ
I~ f .UIIC" inJ
M,1 h~ 11,,• pl.1~rr, 111 Joutilc liiurc:, "' •lh -.·nu'f, J11m.11 ~ 1•1\d11d, ,1nJ t luu 1,,tn k .iJin, 11' ll~ I ,,. r-11111,. rr,f'('\ 11\1."h
1hr Y. I\ .... ut-i
k :11 , JoJ JI,~,~ 10Ul1 h olr 1 m l t,,.m .Jnd,. Cr..111
;~""~!i:;;:' h~~ 'l\~;.:H~: ~:~h~~~e~1"111 "'Ith
<111 lh111-.J;1,}, ltu, 1\ &\ I t",,n11m-1,:,• Jlll
Kt'11d11d k<J1hr ·rntorw1thl '\po11m.and c11,h1 n-~-.iOO, F'(\flmlifl Jrn)lnt J..ct.on ~hipped lfl
f;;"i~~.'1111:~d:n c-on(rre1Kt JA.111t, anJ
h,o·r \C'\C"l'lll flli) t'" ~ n)( !op uf lht mJ 1v,Ju1I 11.Ul\!11 , fot tlw: I.o ne \ tw Conl tltn(C M~Kmnc)', who 1) runth in ...:onng 41(1 11 " li,\t 1n \ IC:<lh I~ 111 ,Ukl 1 pl lir l.l ,o,J, ill I 1 per
r.~:~ICm ~~~1~~ r;~ ;\;n,,~~;--~;~ ~~~:;,~~ ('__,,. _ f'ttl Jkb ', h 11I, \'1 ~.: ~~~:~i:1,;: ~u: ;z1,;._
t l-l 10 Ju01(1f lt11.• \\·,1,h1nimn I\ thm,.. perc:tn111ge(lt~ r--n:, nr i
i,;.ll ot·t r 11w•~ : :~ ~:::_~,.,.. t 'hl On1rt• • r1tn1u h J r ,,. , : lntraMUntl •·: . ~ ___ ___ -· - - rir,
Freshman works way into lineup 11ckn1 l" J .-.)...,111 "'-'•\l y:,,1 110111 h1, 1r .1rnm.11r , ,,,.~
Nirk F:al mMn Si3oit, !d,I01 1-'l•~·mg t1n1C" hJ, nmic ,..,onl·r th,u, t \ J'<t-1. tL-d fo1 lr(,hrn.1n k n•n,c:b t. l \(\11 ,,1 the: ~l,J"',:,1en1 Slate llk'n 't,,1,l cth-"JII IO:;alll 011 ., tr:ini uf fh ·e ..cn1,ll, ;1nJ tour ul Yohrch \U1n J:.ckwn ,aid 11 h.&, h.•tn h..rd v,,irl and ~niv, 111g 1.onr,Jcntc th111 hoH' (.'.1\t.'11 h1n1 nk'ft' 1111nu1c-, JOO e11:n an''-""''""· al ,po1 m lhc: \l.1111ni,: luk· up ' I 1u,1 Ir) ' 10 ll,U OUI anJ wo rk h.1/"tl 1n·c:," J.11.l '-llft ...aul "'l'N(h iJc:(f lb) . , t Sl IK'"11 u1...:h 1 i , cun • ,1:i.n1t~ on me m 1)1""-IIC<', JJ'KI 11 Ju, I mJl1·• ~vu ,1 tlcllcr rtJ}CT m the
1u1111.•,'Ofl v,ho 1.1w little: ..._1ml'I e»t) 10 1hr '<";a~ln. h;a- h«n ,11"1(' o l thi• ltx,h.u1\ nK>\.I unprmc:d pl;iscr, dun nt: tht n.1u,,t• of tlic -.('.i,on ,1tt.,,nlm~ tnRa) · k nmic, rla)t.'J K""JI "' " II r,~ u, l,lld): R11~ ,:od "'l ie: , .i twill "Oil · C:f, hc:J...,,:-,. C:"'t) lhmj,: 1n· 4,\, .,f him, hi• •Jll•I rt'.&I f.i•y IO,OJC"h ' J.t..l"on ,1t.(!1;ig,•, JU • I ut.c:r \1\ f'Olnh .1 ~.,me. hut R:a} \; h,, v,o nh'1k · ,k-tcrnuncd t,~ ,impk ,JJ ll\ h t,
J c-Mmr Jad-on aori up ~nd undtr ■ Tr"" A&. \ I I aa- tat"lltr l hb - -· r JoMj> • ; h-. \ 'w • •r
drfffilk,r In ■
l k 1.,1nl(• 1n .10tt Ju,• li11Jt. ,110 J)' 11,t...:-aruuml 1hc .1Clu•n. R.1) ,,11J
Spotli~ht Player of the Week 1997 !il2 1~
r\\ Cnt~c• (I I ptll llh pt•r g;11l1<'. ho• 11
Homtlown Mme1JI Walh Ttxa,
t,lodecl , h t)(\ Coaehts Commtnls " l k lkli.', CH 1)d ll OJ: we J,k 111 hun. he ~ JU•I ;.c,11 t":I~}_. -~ll l'OJ Lh , he.Kl rn.~h Jc-ff Ka) 0
High School Well~ HS
··Jm11nc " eurtrnd y a1hk11c and allO·J)" 'l'c:m, 1(1 1H;1.kt thmj• h1f)rcn " Ra) ,:ud J..,_J.,'(,n\ Jthklll N ll .intl fk \lt,1ht) I\UI onl) hclr, ho Cc:,1111 1',u1 ,-ive, horn ;a , h.llll.r to pl.a) lllOf C:
We •t hcc:n Jhk lfl ffl! I\ C: hun 1b , l ,Pn) /11<1\\IIJ from lht.' 2 t-h<V"l4· Ill~ ¥Ul11Jl '" the ~ 1\111,d l fonurdJ un \C"Hr,11 ,-...\J, 1on,," R.1, u 1d hdp, u, N'1-.1u<.e ht',ont ul our t,c,1 li:r IIUhhk- ,h1101cr- bul he .il'-0 C UI taJ..c: n In thr t,;i, J.,c-t In the l:t.r fc11, 10et.'h, J.,..·Jr:wn\ m,nute, hJ\c ,1e.11h l~ 1r\..rt·J,td,
,hmctl 111 h, , ,t.lll•. -. 11h ri,mh ~nd thrc.: 1d1ound, ~g,1t11\I l OJ..lal11•n11 lYo'c) 11<«h J gO .ind 12 po1nh and" ~ r.-f~i,unJ, a..i;i1n,1 ltx.i, A&M c ,,nm1en:e ,m l ·d • r J lie ha, -.('or\'J m Jiiubk figure.) 11111('\ thl\ -.(',l,Ol1 ll\\.lu.J1n~ ,I 14,r,unl tllon Ill JI l"i ,6 1 1;1,- m ,1,c:r 'ol:i11onal l' rurl) m 1hc:- \CJ.I J:...k"'" .aht.l•• oil" tht: ho:1'11.h JI Ah1k nt ('hml!Jn " " J.n 25 IO \( •JI'( 11 P"MI'- mdudmj.: lhfl..'\'. ·' pmntcr, 11, hdp die, prc:--c=r\t.' a N 74 \tCluf) '("\Cl\
' " , 1., ,
·11 I i,:n our .1~d fll•, ~. pl11> , J.o( l.,,. htlJ)' m),df. hut 11 1/.,., '\ 1c;1.m111,otn h~•c ltMlft
faol -.con , 1.-rrtd ,JI ''·~
,._ /i
!l1J1h \thoul, Yoh ·rc: l1t c,,-~1u,1 V.1lu.1hk 1'1.i)u ltld ltfKI ...,,
Anthony Ncwhtrn · • llrrJ ,,,.ti: p ofth..-JrtYo,)-J.ln'A"rl•ld
tnp , nJ ... 111 Ir\ IU rrID,l,ur lhc n~n,um ,nm t,..o •idonc-, K> f,n "h ofl!~rq:ul:.r-c:.1,.on TI1uf~) \l:Jv,'""'tcm ~1 .ilc ...,,11 f•-e rn.., ,\&\I K1111"1Uc •t to JI 1n Thtr, on .!-,1iurdlt, · M~ l "' 1lt i,l:t) h<1,1 I<> Wnm~n·, l lr,wtf).11) ,u 'i r m 1k l~od) lnJ,.1n,. " ""' It>., ,,n 1 the o1nJ '1· 111 I 110e \r;i, Conferen..e 111.i) K111g,,1II,;:
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ti6-~'I inure th,1n t...,,, month\ .igo .111d ... 1ll 1ry. 11,,1:,1 thtrt tt\l-nro: here lnur\Jji\ lll~hl \1 5lJ , OMo.h \\ .i•l'IC \\ 1111.utr. ,.11d Kmg"1 llc: 1, 1 1h:11 Utt, 10 10e;u d()v,n 1t,\'rP()nl'11i,,_,,th 11,,u ,: snd p,ioc:n1 ,11P< ~ " lhc:y ,1 Hf) h1g Jlh,•..i...:,J ;ind hs,c ;1. •,ohJ
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111>1tk The -.holr k..-) 101II be v,ho CUll!Oh lllC" tempo .
l hc• L..d~ lnJ1J11> I¼ I c.uhu 1h1, ,r.&r m :i lfl7 7 4 rn,1, -...:re. hut \1\- 11!1.un, ,:uJ M~l "'Ill
ht fac,ni: ~ mu..h•1ml'fl"l•r-d turn lhl• lllllt .1rou nJ :i n· 1111 up,1c:mp,• tr .im Jnd \C~ ::is;.re--1,r r..~h i,fk1N\tl~ :;1./)J Jtfen,l\tl• .. \\ 1llwn 1 ,o11d M~l niu-.. p«p.uc fflf 1c:;am, w11h cootr, ,1111~ •l) le, In t,.-:-l·IV hi91.· k
In l_., , v,c:('). ·, _.,11,111, \1S 1 I ddc:.11nl the Tc:,Jnnt. of fatklun ';1.11c , 11,(w Saturtla) bdund J 001.inco:d ....:onn~ J !ru..l k nnifo:r Butlc:r h:id .a g;m,c:-h1gh Iii p, on1, anJ \('\CM 1: •""" lo lc:ltd tht:' L:id) lnJu.n, Juhc: l.1)1ctt :.,,kkd
CRAM THE COLISEUM~ M SlJ Indian Basketball
\ Vear you r J Poinl T -Shirls for a c ha ncl' lo win Prius!
Prizes w ill be ra fficd off!!
Febm ary 22.
6:00 p.m. D.l. Ligon Coliseum
\I, Ith
bu,IJnlJ! lu, V\\ n con
J,1\ l,(,n \ Jld he a -~~
h,,,,. 4u1CLly lk" h.i•pr11i:1t,'< ' fir-t\t.lT
··r·r11.pcc:1rd 11 111 he , hrr!( • th,m 11 \ hcen,'" h,: ,ind lhi i I \an I )tel u, r n::vnfuJrnt a1i ' to) letp~1nng NII t•cry ii•)._1 v,u,l " I I •ln
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""lk , JU~I i,?c:mng ,tlrlt<d. ,,11d '"flt , i!Oll'ljl I" ~fl be11t1 thml he , 1om~ to ""'° J frtar; here"
Will,~111- ,.ml " They ,cnl 17 \X>lllh m lhc: .:nntc-,J. .inti wuh her lhrc:t pe<,pft :ii u, .a, \0! 111 ,1, ..,,.c: \('("<"\nJ b~•lcl ol 111( i:afJIC hcc.&ITIC the: 12th rha) l'f ,n M1dv,r,1c:rn S1.:atc c.iught 1he b.ill m the: JIO'I ' Ul,c:11 ,ind Butler rc,J)(lf"ltitd h) h1-iur) to tnp the: I J)O(l rmnt m1k ,1011t t;akrng ,he pcnmc::tc:, ,h,lh the: Dcni.r 1>11101111 .ioJ ~h:mm1n Jrfrn,e W,h l!'''"1 them I O\C:II Ru:i-.c- ru.:htJ 1n "'uh 10 r,,mi, took .W,,1111:iee o l the m r lc:-te:iin, :1p1~-ce. t-.u, \\ 1ll1a01, 1hot1j!ht TSU ")' hming of htt 3-pomt )IO(l)C"J \l\ l_j ", ,n,1tJc ; 1t,1C"J., llUtmpt, La,t ThuNb.)·, the: l,;ad) lnd, ..n, T';l J1rJ a.\ SU(IJ I JOh lh .tn) · hoody ha, JI , to ppmg u ur m\ldt 11.1rn~J ~ moft, 1er i,-:amt 1rnn1
Jto mtcr l.111k mh• an .lrk-1: 1 o•cr
ln:i, A &M,Cornfllc:r.t
,.,,red ;i c1u"C'Cr-h1~h ~4 m,,. , JU)I 25 m1nul•'' Ill rl;a\ I 1t1l,_ nrcttd on nmc- o1 her It, f 1t1 .1nc:mri,. Al ' "'n J1ffrrc:nt r · the- -.C<'OIKI hall •he "-°'N L'OO'-CC"UIIH' p(llMh L,ulc: t:llt her C'h.1111.c 10 v,h11t P,umM JOO 8 0.1,c ii.: mmu1r, cut ht,,.au"" ot loul u
Sponsort>d h\ 1hc \ tSL S1udcnt (Jl1Hrnmcnt \ (,1oc 1atio11
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1r.1 m •\ ll ~t.ilt -c=le\ !u,n ~•-1 Hu,l,·1h,d l \1t1,:J 1111e 1..\1 ~~ I lk htl rc;drhc- k .iin, 1,, i,. i ,r<UIIIC 1)1, !nd ~-IA IUk, ~ lllf
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