Dfflce8118Ce Movie givi:i co working w·o ldm ca 1look at the stress of the r . Page3
Lasting effect
I\MtllJle personalities
Erruption of Montserral volcano con!inues to attect students. Page 3
Six actors play 57 different roles in MSU's latest theater production. Review on Page 2
THE W ICHITAN arY24, 1999
The student Newspaper of Midwestern State University
Vol. 77, Issue 18
ame Over Ladies' basketball coaches dismissed after .500 season _
1n Ch1e1
After 1wo )'l":1r( ('lf up, a nd down( Lu.Iv ln.!1;in~ mwnm head Coxh knii1f.·r H ull and J~s 1,1 ;1111 kff
knkms were lin-d M1md;1\ Under Hull. rlw LaU}' l ndi:11 1~ •·n111p1kd :1 2fi -2~ ri:rnrd. mdudin!! :1 po~t -,ca,,,n pla ~·uff :ipp1:arallL'l'
b,1 year Th,~ ye.If. lhc L1Jll'' w,: 111 l l - 1' aml m1"ell till· p<"( l-~ l·:,,rin hy nnly one !!:1111•·
L,10\.:ing h::irk . Hull , :11d th,: pn,crnm ha , m:1tk ,nnw l.!:1111( dunm: :i, cn:id1 • .. Thl· kid" Wl' hrnucht m d1\I ,, ~real Jnh:· I lull ,:ud. rl'.i·ar111g m hn lirst n:..-n.11ti111.? d :1,:- ··w,: \\f.'rl' 1,n thl·riehltr:t\"k__ _ Hufl pomll·J lu ,cn:ral h1!!h hf hh of th,: ,,::1sDn. , ud1 :I!\ \"ktDric" (lv,:r Ah1km: Chn~1i:m :mJ Wl•,1 Te.\:1~ A&~I. who l1 eJ for th,: Lolll' S1:ir C'llnkr,:nr.:l· d1.unp1unsl11p Allh1•u~h 1111: L;1Jy l11Ji..1n" , 1:,r1ed llll' 'l'J\nn ,, 1th J rl·~rl·l·lahk •J -5 r,:l·ord. p1ohkm, wi1h 111JU rll' ' ,,..,,11 :m1Sl'. "Th:11 \ rl·:, ll y hur1~ ~,Jur depth . That m:tkl'' 11 re:1 lh h:1rd nn :1 kine r,1,1d lnp ,'" I-l ull ,,ud " Bui I wnuli 11 ·1 k·1 111~ Jud, the th:11 :" :m l'\l'tl,l' Thl· L:idie, \\''-'fl' 9-: w11h ,1,,r1inc ]>1'1111 gu:ml knmkr Griffin. wh~, 1111:-~l-d 1mu;h 1•f thl· ,l·:,,Cln h..·,::iu,c ufmiunc , "Th:,1 :i bn: r huu~ ,,f t;1km:· Hull ,:ud. "'Thac·,.·:1 11,1 l• f c:<pl'fll'11r.:c.'" I-l ull :-:lid , hc did m•t "'-: lic\'e 1111,:-• i1,:r llm•·
oCoach Jennifer Hull and Assistant Jett Jenkins watch the Lady Indians from the sidelines during last Sa turday's 95-67 loss to West s A&M. Both coaches were dismissed Monday atter a 13-13 season Phofo by Dawn Hensley
ing 1h..: playnfl,; w:1, .1 fa..:h•r m h,:r Ji-mi"al ··J rcalh d, 1n 't thin~ th.11 ma,k .1 d1 ffi:rl'nl'\: _-• ,he ,:1111 ··To1; ,k,:1,11>11 ha,I prnhabl~ ,1lr,·a,I~ lx·l' ll m:1,k hdnr1; 1h1; L.1J, lnd1:111' w.:re 1;l11111 na 1cd · Rl1her1 ~k81;1;, d irc:l·wr o( a1hk11.::~. ,;11J h1; ,,a111,:d t11 t:tkl· 1h.:: I\Ollll' ll h:1i,kc1h:i1l prngr:im m :i n,·11 dul·.::1i011 .. ,. ., oh\lou,; \1,: .lid lll'' 111..:,:1 1h..: np,.·l·t:11 1011~ i'nr 1h i, 'l'Ji,,,m:· hl· , :11d ··Anvtxxh 11h,-. dt1c:-n·1 \\Jill lhl' hlc~t pih~1bil· prngr:nn 1,11 ·1 louk111 g ,1u1 for 1h..: h,:,t 1111..:n.·,1, 11! t i ll' \ lllllll: bdtl•,; " · ~l,~Be1; ~.,i..l h,: h,1pt.·, Lo hn ng m "11ne,•n1; .:ilr,:ad\' (.1m ih..1r with rna , h:1,kl'tl-,111 h,:cJti-l· ,11 thl' ,t.1tl··,1 :tr!!l't :1kn1 pi-..11 ··rm 1,,okmg f11r "rnid,{lJy 11Hh l'\)ll'fll'IKl',l'.'Jl\:l'l:111~ mrc,·n 11t111!!:· hl' ~;11J Th,: 11.:w .::,):il'11 ,h,,uld ~ lm.:J t,\ th1; c: nJ uf Spnn_!:! l3r,:,1k. he ,,ml 11h1d1 , hDuld n,,1 hun tlw pmgr:u n·, re,·n111111g ,·ffl,n, ("okUi:l· ,.uJ h,: did n01 knml 11h:1t d une,·, h• l''\;P,:l' tl°wm.1111;11 ,·,,.tdl "'Th:u ·, h:ird IP ,,11 You ,h,n ' t krn•w w!1.11 a Ill'\\ ,·11a~· h 1' ],,,,~ill~ l'M111pl:1yl·r,."hl' ,a1d But 1illing tlw 1""111111111111 Hl11 l-....· ., prnt-km. hl· ,,uJ. "-.·,·.m,c 1h,· pn1gr..1m 1, full y t"un,kd .tml 1, :1lr,:,1J~ m !!<11k.l sh:ipc · 1 1h111k 1w·11 h:1w lllllrl· p,:,1pk 1h :1n 11·1; c:111 shah· :t ,t1l·k :11 .1ppl~•." hl' ~a id Hull ,:11J ~h,: 11 ill "'-:!,'.m ,,·;1rl·h111~ ft1r;uu,th,:r .::,1,1d1mp.J11h 0
layers, colleague shocked at Hull's dismissal DAWN HENSLEY
The Wichitan Th.:r1· .uc nu rnlc k:l(h or unc -hnto npl:am the d1s:ippom1111g 1i:rt1t1on of wom,:n·s hc:id ha~kct ncoxh Jcnnifo r Hull. a..:rnrding collCJgws ;md play,:r:, llk' annou n1cc men1 came :l'i a •d 10 her tcJm and collcagu1;" 11hwk 11 \ a1,1,-fu1 :· m,:n ·~ head h Jc:- IT Rav ~aid. "I was J1 sd by 11 Jerinifer is agrea l fril.'nJ
Df rtlllll' :md ,o i-, k i f knkm , 1Hulr, .i"1,1ann. :m<l I ju~, hJtc: ,,:c ing ou , :,t: hool gcm ng in1n lhh mold. 11 you will I though! ,he wa, duinf :i finc Job·· ··1:,.:rv1mL· ·, J1,.ipp01 11tcu:· frc,h • mao guarJ MmJy lfruwn ,aid., "\~c ha\'C a Int of 1111:1.,:d ,:moti ons She •~ a grt·3t p,:r )OH. and we all got :ilong wl' :ir,: 111;r,·ous ahoul nc::ll )"\;:If . )0 ,w · II ju.SI sc:e what hapJ)l'nS.. I-l ull 1~ the third coach 111 two yc:m, to l'k.: fir,:J b y tJ1e a1hktu.: d,:partrn1cn1. and tlus was onl y hc1
~.:on,t yc.ir ;i- head ,·na..:h Hull led lhc Lady lmh:m, 111 a f)fl'-l •-.c::i\on h.:rth la,t y,::ir. and 1hc leJ m 1111 ):ted lht• pbyoff, 1h1, sc:i,nn hyw11; game MS U ,pl11 tlw -.c:3,Dll IJ -!J. hJ, i11g " " uf Iii.: Sl'\'c:ll h,t ga me, lh:il woulJ hav..: c:nsur ell 1h plac,: 111 1h1; LSC 1nurn:m1en t Ti i,: ·•JS-' 99 team wJ-. I-l ull', fir"• ch:ml·c: t() rccru 11 bd 1,:, fur lhc lnJ 1:m~ "/·kr fi r.,1 fL"LTIHllll!,! [!IUllp wa~ gooJ . :111d I 1h1 nk w1 1h :1 l1!llc h11
mnn· linw ,he ,1011ld have .Inn,:
g1,::11Joh:· 1b y ,a11I " I lhoughl , hc w:1, ., gn::11 l'o,1d i." ,a1d ,I fre,11111:m rN·m1 1 f1nm Canyon . T..:,a, . Lmd y Lomh:ird. ··r ;1111 gc11 11g In mi~, her ncx 1 yc:u I hnJll!lh:11 , l11:d1,,:,wd l ror h,:r,l• lfrn lhcfu tur..:" Tu mo~t 111 1h.: L:uly lndi:llh tlw ,lcci,mn ,::um: a, :. cmnpkl,: :-hotk Soml· nf 1h,: L:idy Indi an, ,kdin,:11 to {'Cll1\111Clll dul· IO .thl' ..:Lfl"Ulll · ~,anrc, ··r wa., 11 ·1 ..:., p1cc1ing 11. I 1hn11gh 1
cv..:ry1h111g w :1, !:!0111 !,! firw :· Ln111h:ir1I ,,11d '"St11lll" Ill lh c~p,i,'lcJ II h,,:,:aU,l' 1\'l' didn 't nrnkl· till· pby1•fh W,: wae all di~appL•Lll ll·d." Brown ,:ml F.:l lliW l·nadie, .ir,: di~app1•11 1tcd 111 lhl' ck.·1, 1n11 t1, lei !l ull gn "' It', 111,1 1111fi1rt u11al,: h,:c rnw wc:'rc: l11.~111g roac hes ll'fl :uni right :md \\·e·rc :1II fril·nds.'' Kay ,:11<1. -- 11 mak..:~ it luugh o,·er hc:r,: now E,·cf)•N11ly·,: jtbl :1 11 1\ll' disappoi nl tJ." "DiJ.:1ppnintl·d i, ju:-t a good wmd
h •r l'l'l'f)'hvdy 1 r.111 · 1 'fl<.."a~ li>r :111 thl' n,:1.::hl·:-. t,111 I ~111111 11·, ,11ml·· thrng th:11ha, h111hl'h'.l ,1II thl' ,:,,;1.::h,·, 1wt·r h,:rl' ... h,· , :11d Nuw 1ha1 till' -.·:1,1111 1, ul't·r. h111h ,·l•a..:h Hull :md knk ins 11 il l h..· looking Jor 11~·1, job, d,t·11hcrt·. :mJ MSU 1, ,:,;1mluc11ng .1 11.111011w1<k ,.:ard1 for a ncw 1'0,1~·h. "Wt· 11 ill ~ ln1pd11I." Brnwu s:uJ "I hopl· l'Vl'ryonc come-:- ha,·k .. md w,: ('an h:ivc a ~lrt•ll ~l'r 1,:: 11n .mJ t""': morl' , m:cc,~ru l ·
egents approve fee increases Elders stresses medical prevention JASON LAWRENCE_ _ Editor in Chief Regent!> approved an mcrc:ise in m fee:-:- and the acadcnuc rcor~ 11011 of the uni\'ers ity las1 "l_though1 ii went very well." said ·oman Kay Yeager. ''We had e in-depth discussion of issues
n.:·\~:s:i, ins~~~ ~elimf~~· will a."' from $10.94 10 $ 12 per kr hour beginning next fa ll . ~ lluden, ~erviee fee fond s such ngi a.\ Artist -Lecture S,·ries. t\ n, Government and other scrl'he computer use fee wi ll eao;c from $3 10 S5 per semester Room r.ues will increase by 5 ~ nt.
-l~Udent~ had mixed re:ic1lon to • ~e •ncrcases 11 s not good_;, Dorolhy Davis, a
se ni or social work major. smd ··W,: ' rc pnor collc8;e ~t_udcnt s. They shou ldn'1 k.:cp r:iismg JI .. Ki vett Gr,:shlm, a gradu:i1c hi slO· ry s1udc n1. said. ·•Jt doc_sn't bo1~er me. You 're pa)'mg for tlungs you re us ing. J dou' I ~cc how lhal's a prob]cm:· Y1cager ~aid ~he was c_s pcci~ ll y pleased w1~h the lon_g discuss ion about bringing a fu ll-time doclOr 10 c:i~ :I obviously is a concern of the students:· she said. Regents also approved !he_aea~emic reorganization o_f Lh_e u111vcrsJ1y from a system of d1vismns to col•
college would ~- ~c:ide~ by a dean. mther than a _d1vmon chrc~tor. The College of Liberal Arts will also have an assoc iate deaf!. An associate ,•ice pres1den1 for acadmcmic affa irs wi_ll also be added 1o the administrJl!~n_. . Under the plun. the d1vmons of
pol~1ir:il ,;d~nc1; and puhl1c admini~tr:11 1O11 , s0<: 1.il and hchavi?~al s~1cnccs, fin e :iris and hunun111cs will merg1; inlo the Collcg..: of Li beral Arts. 1:Jie divis_ions of r:nac~.:m.itic~ and science will combm,: mlo lhc Colkgc of N::iturnl and Ma1hcma1ic:i l Scien.::cs. The di visions o~ health sc_icnccs, educatmn and husmess adm1~h1ration will conwn 10 colleges w11hou1 comhining wuh other di\'i!>ions. ··t th ink it wi ll ohviously disscmina1c some decision making and .iu1hori1y lo lowcr levels:· Yeager said. Sh,: s11 id 1hc dcc.cntraliza1io11 wi ll allow the ad rninistrotion tn belier
mccl students' needs. The proposal will now go the Higher Ed ucation Coordinating Board for approval.
The adminislf"Jtion hopes to have the new structure in place by next fa ll.
The Wlchitan "When I wa:- .t child. my mnlh• er told 111.:: 10 do 1wo things: Be hcallhy :ind be cduca1ed: · With 1his S1:1tc me nt . fnrm,:r U.S. Surgeon Gen1crnl Dr. Juycdyn Elders hcgan her discu~~ion of the fut ure nf hcullh l'arc in Amcrka in h,:r Ar1i:-1-Lcc· 1urc S,:rks pre~cntation Tuesday night in ,\km Auditorum. l kr lcc1ur,:, 111 kd ··Jk:1llh Cur,: in the :!IM C.:nlUf)',.. fon1J.cd on the cnnr,:p t u ( nh1l'a1ing A.tnt·ri..: an~ in the pn:vcnti on of heall hpn,hkms Sh1; suid most money SJ)l'llt on h1culth car,: in America is f01.:uscd on trcJting ,:xi~ti ng problem~ and only appruxi mately I pcn:-.:nl of 1hc money is spent on prevention. Elders said cv,:ry American deserves 4u:ili1 y medical atl,:n-
1ion. ··1f cvcry l'riminal ha~ a riglu ID a lawyer. cwry sick p,:r~nn trn~ a right to h.:alth carc.'" ~IK' sa id. "The U.S. is the b..-:-t pla1;l' for su.:k care III th1; world," sh,: said. ··wl' h:ivc a .~ick care -.yi,tcm. Wh:itwcnc,:1l isa hl·alth c;irc sy,.:lem." Elders outlined four h1;alth l·are a.::ccss problems: l3l" k o ( pruvidl·r.~. anJ thc difftn1llil'.S of li n:mcial acccs~. l'Ullural access and transpol1:tlil1n. She ,.:aid 100 rn:my provi1krs ar,: not in the ;ir,:;1s thal n,:cJ them most, primarily inn,:r-ci ty areas Eld.:rs also saiJ many pcopk need to Ix· eJucah:d about how to best lake car,: of th1cmsd"es. She s:1id th:11 uf all tl1.: pcopk who die prematurely, 50 J)l'rl.'ent die from bad hcahh habits, Mich a.~ smoking or drink.in,; . The uthcr SO J)l'rc.:nl arc due to l'O\·ironmcn-
1:il or g,:n..: lil· prubl,:11h Elckrs ab,n sa id 1h.11 the g:1p OC lwcc n ·· ha,·,:s and h:1\'e-1101-" is widen ing She ~a id puor cl1ihlr1;11 :'If!! ml·mb...-rs 11f tht· "5 I I club"; thl· children .ir,: hungry. hdpk:t:-. hmn,:kss. hugtcss anJ hop,:less "In many l·asc:.. it' s ,:a~icr to g.:t drugs than hugs for many i.:hil• llrcn," she said Elders also stn:sscd the 11uportance of compreh.:n)ll'l' s,:x cJucatio n for chi ldren from thl' tir;t through 12Lh gr..1,ks. Sh,: said 1h ;i1, while: 1c1cnag..: pr,:gnancy · r::u,:s haw falk n 1w1;r the last s,:\'na l yl·ar, , mu..:h progress sull hJs 1,1 "'-: made Dr. Elders i~ cum·n1l,· th,: 0111v Afril':tn-Aml'nl·an wom'.m to hold thc po)I of U.S Surgl·on Gc11.:r.1I. Shl· was nrnmnall'd for Surgetlll GencrJI by Pn:~1dcn1 Clmlon in 1993
2- -
TH E WI CI-IITAN February 24, 1999
Play starts fine, but ending drags PLAY REVIEW ~·;·;: :'.~,;~ :::::d;·:::"::::::·:·;t ,'.,,;'.
M;rnaging Ec/llor I I ~ 1111t·1111 1" 1i, 11 1•1 l h l.° p l,, ,
l )uurit
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_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ l o11i:c 11 1l'1 l
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d111111!! 11•PIII r. 1hk
'l hL· pl,, ,,..,.n~ hr \ I< C,mn ,·, 1., kn .1 11"11 11 ,1d111 ,,11,1l n,utl' l u l'\ Jltl',, 111 ~ ihl· dc, l111f ,ii 1q•[ll' I l l..-., 1,111111\ l,1J 11L·, 1111,,ui.:!1 ,1\1·1 1.t pprn~• 'lL'lll'' .111d d, ,11,;).!ul- hL· , h11\\, ti,1" l,ur11 l1L' ' h,tll' ,1,,,, 1, d11I IL'd .111,11 lr , ,m lhL· Ji,1111.11111 ,111~1 , 1.1bil1I> 111 1h,· d111111 i,: 111.. 111 1.1 hk 1111< • 111 ..,,. ,ompl,, .md k" , 1,1hk
IILL·, 1•.11 tL·d i.,r tlw 111., > '" lx:g m lnml l l.l " ll, 1111 11"1, 1L·,, 111,11l·d 111111> l',11 ' ,,1u , mf! !Ill" hi ,1nt 1,1 r ,11l· lhc 1ir,r,,,· ,1i: l h,· ,i.:1dl·,1 ~11"·"' "u pk . ~cl l,1'1d11I ,uul 111,· ,,111111L·t r1 ,.,I pl.1, 111~• ,1 1 tlw , h,111 , ,111•111 1d 1lw d111m!!l •"11111.ihkc,pr,· "l'dthl'1Lk,1 ul tlll' uppl'• -.I."' J,111111> \1111lhl'I lll'.i lt\l' tn11, l1 \\,1, pl.1 .. 111!! ,1 hc,111tllul r111n,11 111 lhL· l'l' llk'r 111 111,· , l,l}!l' 1h .11 "·" lll'L\'l ll\l'd h i-1,:,1d 11 ,1111> rdkul·d 1h,· 1111,,)!L'' \ , I
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KL' l'fl',11 11. \l h1k lh L' :iilulh 1111tw ll}m~ 11, et 1\L' r 11p lhL·u
nf ih, i- l' Lrl'.i l iu~ ,ll ll n u ••lhl,l~L'
,u' lll' V.L'h'
;~1:;~~~u~'"i~~~l'~l:::;'f1/ :,::h'.;;•l,';,1 t~; :~l~ ~:~::; ;~•r'anl.1 l I,,, !>1.;~ mnm i; ,\hhou~h thi: ,ihru pli!L''' ,, 1 ih,· fi,,, ,,,.. 11 ,. ,.iu i; lu 111 ,. ,, rf
f ll.ird I ,,,,, , lll l .lll'd h> lhl' Ji g hi rn ~ dkl l, 11 1 ihe , ,pl'tll ll t ,l'l' IIL'' · a , ,,,:i l ,I' lhL·en,L'trtbk L,I-.! lk,, ,1.-.l' iii.- , 1, ,Kirn, ;wd :i,lr c,,l", -\hn-.tltl,I lk ll, •\u.lr i.: .i K, 111hcr l) ll uhhard . ( i1111d" 111 . Gr,u: uw Bi n·. Ji.:rc nl\ I l'rinan . Hr, 1111 Jun \imlh pb)C:tl ;; toi :,I 0 1 5 7 d 1,u.1,·rL·r, among 1hi.: rn. I L.ll lFHll , a) nrw pcr"m p,inini l;irl ) ,1, 111 ,_.d ahm,: 1hcit1 .il l Thi , l', i, I. hrn\C\l'L dul.' , uillkr,1:rnd llll' lru(' 1T1l':ut1n g 01 l'lhl.'mhk In ,-.,d , ,,l' ll l'. lh,·rl' t\;" ,1 !!L'ntlllll' ,enw 111 h,trd \\nr~ :md -.·u 1nrn 1t 1nc111 h ) 111 :i~m ~ 1t,l, ,ill1<U1 iml ~ l•lllll' alllL' ·1hL' 11r,1 ,1-.i 1\,1\ ,, o nikrlul \h t.1 \ 11n lL' 'Ll'lll' lt,,, rh-.· hirlhd:. ~ p.,n~ lq r \\ml,. ~ .i <; ,l', ir "Id t\ 11 ,, 1 !Ill' ,1Lt, ,r, ,11 111 ,1.. 1,l'"•·, p,irll,i)l'd th\'
.dlat!' \\1 h
Thr11ui; h,1u1 lhl' pl.1~ 1hi.:ri: w,·r,· ,I ,cr 1L"' 11 1 , h(orl ,n:nl' , th:,1 ,,f11.· 11
"'l'rl,1pp1:d . )'Cl d1J ni>1 ,1,tJ u 111lu II l\,1, ,111 11ln1111i-. l l1 ,1 lk11i;e , 1t 1n f11r lhe :,i.:11,r , :111 J ,tl'lll'"L'.' 1, i uph 11 IJ lhl' 11 d1;1rndn llh 1k 11l hL·r unrl'lalL'd :1Lllon L\;1, ta~m g pl.Il l' ,11 the ,:unc lum.: \orh 1lk rt11 g lhl' ,cl dl.'..i g 11 t1Cl,·r c h:rng,:d, lhc Lhr,:ctur ,,t 1tw pl,t> Laur., Wil ,011 . dtLI an l',,·l'lk111 l('h 11f d1nrl'ogr.1plu11g thl' .tl'l1 1111 , 11 llll' aud il' llll: d11i.:, 11,11 hl'L'Cltlll' lu11 l·d \\ 11h till· , 1111pk ,l.' I Ad tllll' prng r,'"L'tl , 1111101 hl ~ l'on,1 :,nt l) l'\ pr,:" 111~ tll\' tdl',1 " I hnl, l11i.: . .ii ,me llllllll rL·,.,hi.:d arnund the tll'l'tl l1ir rill' ,l"l1 pli1 1L' ,111d , 1ahrl11 ) th:it lhl· d111111 !'. n ~•rn ,,,111i: l11 11\ 1m n llkd T111\:1 rd 1tw i: 1111 •ii 1lw lir, 1 .1d. 1111." d111 1t1}! 1.,1,111 t.ih l, 1, 111 need , ,1 rqla11 :111 d 1lw 1111." 111,, Jll'' t ) I till' 1111 p11rl ,lll1.L' 111 lhi: d1rnllJ!
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St udt·nh
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C'l'III L'I ~ (>1111 1 I Fi ,\ ,llld J l 'iH • 1\ mm·, 1, ln lnna lio nal mcdi ng. 7 pm In. x Ill rn Clar~ Snukrll
(l' lll l'! l{1H •I II IIJ 2 • \ l urlar Huard '- [>t'akl'r nigh l. 7 [) Ill 111 X fl 111 111 C l:1r~ Swdi.:n l ( l' lll l' Tk 11(1tll 172 • l( l'l'l'Jlli1111 U. c n pi ll l! Yin Fmnil_, . 7 p 111 to 1J p Ill 111 \l.111-. Swd,·n1 Cl'rll cr Kt>11m I f)2 11 •l 'a nhl· lli11i l' nlt'l'lin l,! , 7 ·; op111 . t tJ 111 \1:ir~ \ttllkn 1 (\·ntcr
17 1 Tlw:1ttr lh-p;1r1mcn l prt>· .,,.111 .; " Tiu· Dining Koom ." X rn 1n l ,11n l hl'.i l,·1 • f': 11111111 .. (.' ru,,ufr, llll'l'ling. X l O fl 111 111 Ill 111n 111 Cl.irl-. 1..i1Udc111 ( \· nl l' r l<o,1111 1 lX ~lini ,; lry • ll apli.;1 S1ud1•nl l{ oorn
• , 1st.:
l·'t· llu n,hip . J p rn 1
Association for Computin g Machinery hosts contest JENNIFER TILLERY
Viewpoints Editor I ,,r , r,uknh 1\ lu , h.r\l' r111uhk , pt·:ilrn~ ',p,1111,li "' l rl·nd1 tr> , pc.1~1H!! C-t ... 111 P,1,L.11 I h1 1,L' ,1r,· t1\11u1111pu1n l.1n ~• 11,1fl'' 1h,1 1 .1 ppn 1, 1111,,l l'h 'i'i , rmkn1' tr,,m , d1Pid , ,11.,u od till' .1rl',1 l1.1ll 10 ln11\\ ,d 1c111hn p.1r1 1up.1rl·,I 111 thl' \('\ I ( ,,111purl'r l'r••)!J,1111111111 i-: f ,,nrr,1 I Ii,: ll •llfL•,1 v., 1, run bl \l °'ll , \,,ol1,,11011 l"r ( ',,111put1 11i; \1. 1lhllll'J\ ll llh 1tw , upp, ,n <>1 n•m J'Ull'I \ l lClllC pn1l l'"''r' 1\ " 1, t.1111 l'r,,l,:,.,.,11 !<1.JurJ \ u np,f •n ,.11.I rhe Ll •llll·~i n,11 <)t1l 1 J!,111· ,rudnu, 1111L·r,·,tl·d 111 L1 11n [llll l' I pr1>}:'f,ll!llll111 t: .1 dl,llll'C 111 ,ti,,,, o il 1tw11 ,l 1II , 111 llll· llt'IJ h1111hn .ii"' i.:111 ,1 d1.1tllL' 1, 1 ,n· lhL' lllllll'I \ II \ " ()111h· ., t~·,, ,,t thl''l" l11!-- lll'fL' rhi: lll',t trom lhL· 1r .11,·,1 :md ,,l. ,Ul' l1,,p11n: rlil'I 11 ill r , ,11-.i dc1 \ 11 11p-,,u,.11d ,1t lt: nd1 11!! \l\l "l lil· l11f l1 ,d1,,11I , 111,kut, IIL' ll' 1,1l-.1·n nn ,1 h•llr
Midwesterns Certified Fitness Staff
-, ." Kri sti Benso n
II John Martin
,,t 1l1L· c,,1 11putl't 'lll'llL'l' di.:p:1n111L' lll . and till'
tl·, 1dwr, 11i.:rL· );! 1\l'rl intoni 1,11 n,u ,1h,u 11 ,\ 1'-i l 111 J;IIL' 111lhL·u ,11uk 111 , \\ l• did l'Ll·r~ 1h111i; t\L' n 1uld 111 rl'LILUI lhl',c i; u~, \1mp.,,n ,, ml \1m p~,,n ,,11J thl.' l·,1111\·,r ha, hL·1·11 :i !!nrn l ,1 ,1~ 111 IL'dllll h1 i;h ,d1i,nl , wdcni-. lll!L'fl'•ll.'d 111 LOJll pu11·1 ,.i,:rllc r" \hl III lht· p.1,1 l k ,;ml ;i let\ f'l'"Pk \\ hn at1c nikd the U !lll l',t b,1 ~ l':IJ l'lldcd 11p h,·u ,m 1ug \ ·l',l , 1t1dl' nh. <:;,n 1p",n .1!"' ,.ud lhL· l lltl[l''I p.irlll lp.111,111 11 ,1' 11,l'n , 111,L· 1ti..- 1ir,1l·11n1 L:,r !hrcl' y,·.tr,.,gu Ir , l,lfl cduul \\llhl.'IJ;hl lhfl'l'• f')n,11n1,·,111h, 111tl 11 1 : : ·~;~~11i':' \l' 1~11:: ~1l'~/~~~·.:~1 ;.~;~: 1L:: l:,1d1 t.:.1111 11a, }:'ILL'll :1 p.ll~l'l 111 'l'l L'll <jllL' ' 11nr1, .md I NJf h, ,u r, 1, , co111pkie till' prnhh:u1' "I Ill' q11l',11n1h .ire ,,n 1hc kid 111 Co111 put,·1 ~lll'llll' II . thl' "'Lt•ml ,,· ml·,11.'r L·,,111pu1n (' la" 1,,r ,1m1 pllll'l 'l ll.'llll'Jll:!J(lr, ·1hl' ll·,1111, h.,d 111 rc:1d llll· pru hkm, . ,oh l' lhl'm .md 1hc11 put llwrn nn lhl' ,.,1111n11,:r Then !Ill·~
~I~~/ tr,im l::u1
, uh111111l·d 1lw .1rh1tc1 "Ii ,1 ll"fl(l\ tit , ~ lu !hL· llld!!l'' " l11th\ 1d11.1 I 1,1,,hl,·111 , 1111~111 hl' ,rn 1 h,1d ' "t • i1r 1 ri1_:ll l. bdrll l' IL·,un , }'Pt
~::·~;~:, :11/:\~1
Fitness Consultation Hours Meel with one of our cerlified slaff members for help wilh your personal fitness ptan. Please call 397-4232 for a referral or come by Ugon Coliseum 109 during th e rollowing hours for consulla1ions on a firs1-come firsl-served basis: Monday, Wednes day, & Friday s·oo 10 s ·oo
We've been busy upgrading the facility so everyone will have a better exercise experience at MSU. We 've accumulated new equipment: NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW
Rowing Machine
Tread Mill Olympic Weights Dumbbells (20 pairs) Exercise Benches Stereo System
We've improved the old equipment. New upholstery on all equipment Racks and benches repainted Old Metal plates cleaned and lacquered
There will be a ce rtified instructor on duty during the scheduled open times. The instructors are there for your safety and your service, if there is any questions regarding equipment or program design, they are there lo assist . Also , Health Assessments will be available upon request for all faculty/staff and students .
1n l·.1 111Tl1l'a!L' r
Saturday. Feh. 27
• \lur l:,r Board Ct•nera l 1\-ll'l·l inJ!.
H, 1. 1(,2. 1()0, 17 1, 115 B. 17:!. 177. Ii x • Spri u.e St' mcslt-r meetin g of ,\ lorlar llu:1nl . 9 :1.111 ro l p.111 1n l·i.: r~Lh(ltl R, u111120J Crrt.'nhl·lt Counse l in ~
1l' • l'h i ;\ lph :t T lw1 :1 lfrl,!iflna l 1 ~ ' '{~:~~~I(~~ t;d: ~( :, ~~.,:;~ : .·~: l~·,::1, 11l,1~~_:•\l~'.~·1: t:~ l',',~j' ';1:\:·~~,·;~,i: ;:~ll'/~r~ r~1.r:.:~:;1i,,~: ,_1,1~ Th,· l\t,, 1,:,1m, lr,1111 l )u11h.11 ll1 i; h ~th•H•I 1n I on \\ ,,11 h \1011 lir, t ;111J ,l·,011d pl .1L c .. ,111tl 1hc
l< uk 11, !! h \d1u11I IL":tm l·;un,· Ill th mt Fourth :111<l 1"111 11 plaLl' h<mc1r, \Le ll i 1t1 ·r ru111 y V:1!k ) Jl1g h '\d11111I 111 l·ort \\ ,,rrh . :111J lhc tl' :11 11 frnm J:Kl-. ,ht1r,1 ll1~h \d1oo l \\'P1l ,i,1h
171 • S tudc nl St·nall' mt'tlinc. '·
111 . in Cl :irl-. ~lu1kni r H:JO Room J l5 B • Facu lty Forum Snit'.'\ p,..., U r. l\ lic hacl <..:nlli11,. 7 pr. Cl:irk Swdc111 Ct·ntl'r ThcJt~r
Wedn esday, Marrh J • i\ l nrtar Hoard J,!t:nl'ral
~ ~.1;1\1~~
\1;}~~~ \1;1
n~rl \!.
• l_);i ll a,; Cuwho_\ inkn il•111 ,1.111 . ro I:?. p.m. and I pm 1.. ' 111 C l:1rk S w ckn 1 C'l'n1t•r R,,,m • C umpu,,; ,\ulhur, Uoo~,1~ 10 :1.111 . 10 J p.m rn tt~ Swdl'nl Cc mi.:r Bn0~, tllrl'
BANG! Men's Basketball
Intramural Staff
Joey Greenwood
Du.crordln!rmnutalSpo m
Kyle Redding
GD/ 's looking to repeat
The foUowi.ng IOteams
after dominating last
have secured their place
year. However, the Law
in the playoffs for
Dawgs are seeking
Intramural Basketball
revenge after their close
Ryan Geer
39'7-1786 39'7-4166
K&ra Pennartz
Only four teams will
loss to the GDl's in last
advance to the
years championship
Monday - Friday
your opportunity to pick
Current Volleyball
your favorite four.
Divisional Leaders
League I
League I Crusaders Fab Freshmen
League 2 Faculty L7 League 3 Rat Pack
DX League4 No limit Fraternity League Kappa Alpha Phi Sigma Kappa
1:00-10:00 S1111rday - Su.aday 1:00-5:00
Macho Kings
Softball Februa.ry15
The Skirts
League 2 GDJ's Faculty Gamma Phi Beta Alpha Phi
Tennis Singles Februa,y25
Frisbee Golf Man:h4 Putt Putt Golf Man:h 11 Golf (Men/Women)
Aprill Track
April 1
We"ve also put all of our cardloequipment In one place The Cardio-Room i s ~ localed in Gym 101 .
MSU :~·'I,
11 ~J.:~~~t~-"1\ t ~~::1~~i( ~n;,:~,
INTRAM URAL SPORTS Intramural Sports Kick-Off with a
We've added new services
~ r .111
7 .1111 1, 1 7 ..'i!! .i 111 111 l·,,11h:r R1,0m I Ill • ,\ ISL T lwakr lkpa rlm cnl prl' ,cnh ..Tht· l>ininJ! f<onm,'' X pm. Ill J-.11 11 The.il e l
Weight Room Hours Cardio Hours Monday - Friday 12:00 10 , ·oo Monday & Wedne sday s:oo 10 s ·oe B:oo 10 rn-oo Tuesday ! Thursday 600101000 Friday s·oo 10 , o:oo Saturday & Sunday 1:00 10 s·oo
• MS U Tht•all·r l>t•rarlnn·nl p re• ,t•nt , " Till' l>inilll! U.011111,"
Tuesday, March 2
• C;i mpu ., ,\11lh ur, 1!1111~111'.I IO a.m. 10 ' P 111 J l 1hr r S llldl'nt Cl·nter lfoul-. ,rorl'
Friday, Fch. 26
\\ hl'll .1 tL·, 11 11 J.;• •t ,1 pr,,hk111 l, ,n l'L I. 1hc> g, ir ,1 u, l11rl'd h.111 111•11 1h.11 u1 rn·, p.. ndl'd !11 1l1l' prnhk111 numbn lh 1, 11," .1 ).!' ~Ill \\, I) 111 , h"" rhL' lt1,1L h• ,.., 11111 , ,d,· th,· 1• H1rn 1h,11 !lwtt 1\.',1111' had gnt1n1 ,1 rrnhkm L•'IIL'd 1 1 : t•\~r~~:~\·,/t:~:.:: ;~· ll',:~~:k~:
1:':\': :,\·~: i,.:::u ~-In:~-.~~'.~,
Sund ay, Feh. 28
:l.~!~~.-~~~~;•:1,~;~i;:~r~::: ,11 ' p.tll 111 ' :: 1111 Thl':!l l'f • C a 1hol1t· Mw,,, 7 r 111 1,, . ('a1h11lil Cl' llll'I
S1w,g1l1 & PoNJU
Dr. Lon Kilgore Kylelltdd.lq
TH E WI CHITAN February 24, 1999
,office Space' offers comic relief for the overworked MOVIE REVIEW ~![]f~:;=1r===:;;;;;;:.;~iii,i~~',~~~~;;;;;~ I
:111.I rr11111, 11..: 1h..: , l.,d,l·r. Pt·tt·r l't'll'r :i ud !11 , ,oorH, 1-hc 111w111 -
t, unmL·r.:rnl , fo1 "Oflii.:l' Span·:· I
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th:11 , (.'L'll\' " Ollke '>p:ici.:" 1, 1il· li 111ll·ly 11nrth thl' 111 11c I h:. 1L· ,c..:n pkn1 y ,1 1 IJl(l\ll'' :md tl'il'l l'lllll , 11.·11111, aho ul r,ff1l·l' l1k : !h1 , h:1, ~" ' 111 hL· 1•lll' nf llil' lur1111e, 1 I h:1\l" C\C r ,t-..·11 Th,· l111111"r i, M1k l' Judi;L· :11 hi... t-t;,1 Fnr !hl"L'OI ) UU ,,1 1ul1 h·i nL·,1,,:, , ,\ l1k•· fod )!l' " ihe l'rL':1H•r fl1 .. IJCa\ i... and Hu t1 -h,".1d" ,ml.I till' cn-l·n·:11 11r "I " Km ~ ,,t 1lw lhll "" Th~ , o ,11w,l~ .1h11111 the d 11tku l!~
1 """' ~
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lrll·,i vl..: th:1111·illll' ll hc111d.,111Jth · Ill!! :ii :111 Till' rt·,t Pl thl' f1 l111 ,h1111 , how ll ll''l'. 1111,f11 , f l.:1 1ntn,,nJ, ,u1 ,,frn,11 hk Y,iu 111:i y ht· .1hil' 1n ')mp:ith11l' 111 1h ch.·t r pl1 ~h1 ,f you h:11t· had 11r 1
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Peler G,bbons (Ron L1v1ngston) declares h,s ,nten1,ons tor Joanna (Jenmter Aniston) lo go next dOOf lo have lunch with him \ , 1,,11
I \ 1.1\
1'•'1' I . ii ~
l'lll[' h 1\l'.I llll l'rll('\I
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1,,r 11p11,•r 1,·,d 111.111.1~nu,·111 rl1,· 1,, .. dlr, 1r11,~ r, p,·11 , i,:11,· lr\11 1 C I I ., lull ,, 11 11 1 ,·k,111, 111:.: .11i.l dc, i.k 1" 111\· 11!,· " nil\- ,-...-.. 11~
sl'l'lllH I. Pl'll'(, ll<" ) IWl !! hh, )r (D 1cdn r h 11 :u lcri 1, L:mrcnc..:. ,1 h,1 1, played h} tlll' gu} 1dui pl. 1) l'd Hl thl' 1.:m.1~ l' nf .. Thl· lk1crl) 11 11\hlllie, .' ' H1 , dr y\\":11! 1111.· ll1 gl'lll'C .111d h1 , , 1111 pl1 ,11t 111..:n 1.du ) ;irl'J u,r l( ,o (111111 ) h) 1:;m•rl' r hl' third d 1:ir:il' lcr \\:1, " ' ,m,111 th:11 111 , 11:111\l' \\a, c xd uckd fn•m the prl'" n:k:h l' I( )O ll ha,e ,l·c u an~
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l\ ~~'. ~~-.~r;,r~~'.k:~:l~ \:.11;1;~ :~~:'. humor hl·,:111,L' lhl'~ l:1.·I-. rL•,,l· ll'tl/ hl npa1cm:L· Th.11 ,, 110 1 :, ,l:1111011 y, 1un ~l'r , 111 • dc nh m.111~ 1)1' )' Clll 111:t> llnl Ulldl'r • ,1.111d!hl· l1umnrol ,1 gt1} 1L h,1 d 111g, IO hi' , 1:1pll'f :I\ if ll llll':JIII llll' .d1I i'l·r,.. 11n: l1lc :111d lk:t1h 111 ,m 111fil'l' ,t"t w1g . .1 go11l.l , 1.1 pkr L',111 , :ii t· y1111 Imm )!Olll!! " [l!hl.11" tll\ ~••t1r l<I · 1,.,,kl·r, n 111 . 11n1 "' 11vrr~ . rtu , 1, , 1dl t\111-.c JuJgL', .ind h,, h11111 nr 1, C":1,d~ n·c11;:1111.1hll'
' aribbean Students forced to live in the shadow of a volcano ANI K A K ENTISH
Ill,·, \1.111.- '\ t· ll .1 l{1 ln .1 1111111 •1 , ,,ud 1hr 111,,-1 , t1l'"l 11I p.1fl ,,t 111,·, 11 ,1' 1, 1l1c 11 l1,•kd1.m;:l·,,1l1 i..,1~k 1,111 h1d 1"Ill' 1, t" h•·J 1,, ,1d,111r \bm \\ l'rl' l,1rn·1l 1, , 1k,· 111,·tt h<1111,·, .11hl ,,·c~ r.· J1 n·•· 111 ,li,· lt cr, 111 1!w 111111lwrn , l·, t1<1n "I rhl·
The W1ch!ir1n
!{iln ,,u,I k. 11111 :.! ll,·1 h11111l' 1, , 11 1,111• 11, 1h..: !l<'!lh,· m . ,,1 1\'t' p.111 , ,1 rhl· 1,l.111,I m. 1lk h,·r n ·.111 ,l' 111 .1111, 1 111111 )! 111 l1k ,, 1·1c1 r 11,11:il\!l'l'd ( 111 11:! lll' I h,•m,: ,1, ,111 l'\,1 11\]'k. l{ ill'\ ,. 11d , ··1 d" 11·1 l.1~l' thin )! , l11r !! r,1111 l'li,111\11\oll l'" Thi°, m11n11, 111,· 11,'11, 111•t lw1 \h,11!-L'IT.11 1.111 , 11 IH 1 h.1l l' lll,'!l lhn •ll!! h !hl' .,,,k.il l· u,,·11.1 11 111 .. 111 •\n11 ;: u,111 m.i " ,, 111 111w111,,1111 11h 1rn1 11 ,1 , 1h,111 :,:h11lw 1, ,J . , ,111, , " br,1u;: h11,, 111111d h,,11 1r:1;:1k l1k 1, · \1 1k ,11 11• h.1, .·l.111 !1l'J Ill.Ill~ l11r, rtm,u ;: 11 111!.11 ,,· 1\·11(1 , 1, \,ill ,t r ~r,,.1.1,11, ll,,11 1'1 11, ,,.,·lu r, 11!1l·11 ,1, h, Ju,t r,•r ~ .md ;:.1, ,lfl' d1,,· h.trgl·d tr,1m till' ,,,1l,Uh• "'''l·nr1 ,1, ,.1~ 111,..,l. n, ,1,, 11 .11(·1 .11 , 11.111 .1,1 ,r1t:l'J, 1h.11 .111~, •lll' ,11 .111~1h 111 ~ ,.1ui;lt1 111 th p:1rh ha, 1111111111.il du n,·l· 111 ,uniL:1 1 Th,: lll• "t de.,dl~ c111p111111 ,11.L·ur red ,11, Junl· ~'. l 1J1 ,11,l,k-11 p~n1d:1,1,. rlt'11 d .Ullll'll lhl' h\ ,·, n l llJ p,:opk \l.m) lw:;.m t" qul·,11<111 lhl'lf ...:11l'I~ \ l11rt' .md 111<•rt· p,·l1pk CL,1l·11.11l·d till'
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ring i n this coupon or yo ur rn li d MSU I. D. to receh·e O ne- mont h of tannin g fo r on~I'
1,l:111, I "·ding ,,,fr t~ 11111l'arh~ 1, 1.111,h. :111,l A1111g11a lx·r.1111L· lh<' p,1pul.tr ll•·,tma11,,n 1or i\. lt•t1hl'rra1111n l'\:ll'llL''-'' •\t MSL1• Rik~ :1111! hl·r i\.•k111herr.,11 .1n cnumerp,trl , 111,111,1,;t' I" 111:11-.l' dw h1.·,1 1,f !hl· , 1111 :11 1011 Sill· ,:11d , " 1\1 hr,t. 11"a, 1er~ ,tr,·" lu l. l''P•'l"l.ill ~ 111wn 1,l. kq11 lw:irmg ru11111 r, ,1( crup111111, h;K·~ h,1ml' ·· ,\, lllllt' pr11grC\\l'(I. hflll'l'll'L Jill·) , lt ,11 I) l'll'g:m Ill pul their lllllllh ,It c;hl' and l'"nccmr:11cd on re:11 11111 :; thl'lr :;o:il of lun!ll·nng thl'1r l'1.h1l·a1io 11. 1--.111111,crr:11 ·, nl.' 1ghhnring 1, l:1111.h h:11'l' :11 ", e.'\[ll'fll'IKl'd lhc l' lfen, o f thl' 1,ik:11111, A11t 1gu:i. 111 parricul:1r. lw, ,·\pl·rtcnced !he ph),1l·:1l ellL'1'1, ,1f 1l1c s,, ut'rkr\· 11 111, V11kant1 1', bn ) ,\1111 p 1an, can rl·c 1I I th..: l1L·:tL~ a,htal l 111 Scptl.'mh,:r 11N 7 ThC' , rrl'l' I' lll St. Juhn ', , Antigua. \\Cr,· l'ULcrcd m ,1,h ;1, p,:npk w;1ll-.cJ 1l 1th du,t 111.,~~' , m 1h..:ir foi.:t•,_ Ju,1 :1, p..:opk· \l'Cft.! d11ing in ,\ lonb crra1. Tam1L1 S:1ruuel. ,m ,\1111:;u:m ,,1ph,mh,r,·. ,;11d lhl' , 11ua111111 1\a, " 11lll'fl'' l· 111g,}ct :1tt h..:,arm· 111nL' i11,pirmg· Tlw M1,n1,erra1 Vnk:i n,1 Uh,crL,1lnn 11'. IVO) rqx1rt~ that the S,iuJ ru.:re 11 111, v1., k,m11 , h11L1, l11tk :1,11\ II) .11 prt;'L' lll H11,1 l'll' r. 111:111~ , cl"111,1i- o( thc hl:m,I l'l'lll:un l'L al'11.11cd :md peo pll' arc rl·,t n ,:tL·d from enll·nng thl· ,,· arc:,, Sl·1,·n11,b h:1\C n1• wa y L•f prcd,cllll)! the fu1u rl· v r clw H1k :1111•. Currt·nt l'qu1 pmn 11 t· nahk, them lllll ~ 1<1 fl l't.!l.lKI thl' hh·l ih,1nd o f ;m L'Olpl 1Pn ,llltllll111i; "' llll' ;1. 1VO M,1111,errati.m \lu,k nh. •il''PIIL· thc mc 11.1cmg L,,lcm,,. 111.m:,i;t· w r,:m,1111 up1um,11,· Th..: nrdL·al h:,, ma,1:.:.i;ed tu n t.:,Lll' :1 ,p1rn 111 111111) ,1111 011~ lhe /\•ln1hl'ITat1a11 ,tmknt,. Thl•~ all m.11111:.111 l11 gh GPA , ,111d :ffl' ,Ll" J\l' m MS U Uf!!:1111 1.1trn11, .111d l'\\'flt , ThL·~ 1.1kl' L":1d1 d,1\ Ill , m Jt·. a,n,rding hl Rilq
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TH E WICHITAN February 24, 1999
Twofor the show
Indians two victories away from LSC champions hip; will face Commerce on Thursda1 R ,tl
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Lady Indian s miss playoffs .
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Please recycle this paper when you're done with it
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If you're interested in working at The Wichitan, call ext. 4704
.'\ ln11·nd, . C h11\·ol.11l· brr,·, lkan, . Tnl-.ul G n ld l ',11,w1, Chu..:ol.1ll' O r:inl!l' llir, .mJ IIJ' ,ri,·d 1111~ri puund h:ig ~ ,11
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lat,• 1·,,ff,•l'l' ,llHlk,. d 1·"1'1b. pa, -
Specials Nightly
Snrnl' , ,1 till' S1:1rhu1~• ";.: .:handi,l' th :11 \1 ill h,· :1 1.1d.1f,t, lhl' 11,•11 ,i n n: 11111 111, lud,· f,,"
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F,eshman guard Lindy Lombard Ines to hnd the baskel ,n "The Box" a, West Texas Saturday n,gh1 Photo by Dawn Hensley
Starbucks coffee shop to open March 3 in CSC
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