Jerky Boys
"Super Bore"
The Wichitan
Volume 73, Number 14
Thursday,Feb.2, 1995
New collection plan begins for defaulted student loans
U.S. Dept of Education ••
and outslanding Borrowers who defaulted on s1udcnt loans have been ~fauhcd borrowers who gl'31ltcd a ~ray of collrction. The Clinton administration ~ce11 gamishmen1 no1ices and the U~itcd States Dept S::tion.~~ays to object to the or Education announced in "So~e defaulters don't re• mid•hnuary that those who pay, their loans because they borrow money from the can t afford the month ly fcdtral government h.ivc 3 payment," ~id U.S. secretary new opportunity to pay off 0 ~ education Richard w their defaulted s1udcnt loans. Riley. "We now have option; Monthly payments can be that enable res ponsib le urangt:d based on income borrowers to make affordable and the outstanding Joan payments. But those who balance. If payment re fus~ to pay face serious arrangmcnt& arc not made sancuon.s," Riley added. borrowers may fac:c having their wagcs_gamishcd.
Defaulters arc ineligible for funhcr fcdcra.J student aid The U.S. Department of ( loans and grants). Their Educatio n will continue to dcfa~lt status 1s reported to coUect loans from borrowers c redit bureaus and thus who arc in default through dcfauhers risk hcing denied the Internal Revenue Service. credit cards or other loans . The IRS deducts money Defaulters who establish from defaulted borrowers· tax and honor a repayment plan refunds in order to repay their c an avoid IRS refund j()UIS. withholdings or cam income Under the new system, de · tax _credits they qualify to faultcrs will be notified by n:.cc1vc. mail that they can correct Leo Korn fe ld, senio r ~fa~cgboa~~ngo: advisor to the educatio■
secretary for direct lending. added, " I cncoungc individuals who may have defaulted loans to lake advantage of this opponuni1y lo repay their loans at an amounl they can :ifford and g('t back into good standing " Collection of smdent loans by withholding of 1ax refonds began in 1986. L3St year, the educ:ition dcparim enl collected $ 598 m1l h on through IRS withholding of income t:ix refunds from an cstimaccd 780,000 tupaycrs who were in default on a student loan. ln fiscal year 1994. de • faulted student loans cost taxpayers ~ome S2 4 billion. Default costs hit an all-time high of S3.6 billion tn fiscal year 1991. hut have dropped s teadi ly each year. A comhination of 1oughcr sanctions ag:um~I high-default schools and continued action against defaulh:rs arc s:aid 10 be main reasons. according to the educatioo department.
MS U fres hman Rond:i Edgar pulls down her woolen hat in an attempt 10 shield her ~ from the I() degree Texas wind chill. Dcspile the cold, she is determined 10 get 10 class. The batter cold comes suddenly on the heels of an otherwise warm winter. She reminisces on her life in the Caribbean and the wcahh of w.umth she h:ft behind in pur· suit of hi gher cduca1ion. According to inform111ion provided hy 1he lntcrnauonal Office, Edgar 1s one o~ 42 students who migrated lrom the Car1hbl'an as part of MSU's Jn1ema1ional Student Program. A.,;, of spring 1995, 250 in1crna11onal s1udcn1s were enrolled al MSU. and 15 of the 49 new mtcrnauon:il studcnLS enrolled this St!mcstcr ut from the Caribt-iean. ac• cording to the l n1cm:u ional 0ff«:c. Acco rd ing to David Brinkley, the new Carihhcan SlUdt!nts arc kci:ping w11h MSU's goal 10 enroll 120 Canbbean students hy fall 1996. Bnnklcy 1s hi:ad of the lnicrnmonal Prol!rams at MSU Brinkley said lJlC C:uih~an Enrollment Jm11auvc 1s a pilot program intendcd 10 at1rncl academically !?,ftcd scudcnL'- 10 MSU He also saal that. W date, 1hc pruicrt h:is scrH•J the un1,·crs11y wd l Bnnldcy s3 r hl' 1:?1 "he~rl· med by lhl· case wllh whu,:h the Can ht-oc:an scudcnti hJVC mtcgratc J in111 MSU and •·1dcr l"Ommun1til'.'s. tiy 1hc1r Wi.lhngnC"~s 10 d(' c,mununi~y ltnitce olnt.l by thl'1r llJdl'nuc acJisc"Cm~n1~·
J amt1 Winha m II StaffWrilirr
In a tribute to Native Americlll1S who first called Bri nkley also said Enrollment of Caribhc:an Siu• W ,ehiu. Falls home. dents on campus cxc:mplifies Thelma MurTdl donated :i MSU's compliance to Equal Dr. Garland R. Hadley I I ro MSU in July Emp loy ment Opponuni1y uic work was un· laws. These Jaws seek to en• veiled Monday, Jan. 30. at sure higher gr:iduation rates a ceremony in the atrium of among minon11es. Increased Dr Q.arland R. Hadley died lhe fain fi ne Ans Center. The bronze sculpture enrollment also attracts more last Tuesday in his Wichi1a 11Lled, 71it U gtrul of Wee • slalC dollars 10 MSU, accord· Falls home at age 58. Funeral services were held at Lunn·s Chj•Tah is a work by local ing 10 Bnnklcy. Coloni:il Funeral Home Jack Stc\·cns. h 1s a minature version of the The Can bbc:in Enrollment Thursday, wilh burial ut larger LJ1un life version he lni1fa1ive was the br:iin child famil y plot in Lakesv1ew is currently working on. of Randy Glean. 1s an ceme tery i n Mari etta , Thelma Murrell. who MSU graduate of Carib~:m Oklahoma. Garland had li\·cd donolcd the nUnaturc Sl.ltuc parentage. He alcr1cd umve_r· in Wichita Fall,,;, since 19X4 said of her contribulion," I sity officials 10 the a~~~cm1c with his wife, Kay Lynn. hope everyone e-njoys ii as and leadership capah1h11cs o f They were married July 16, much 35 I've en.joyed givTerrence Innis, Trevor and J9R7 in W1chi1a Falls. Garland graduated from ing 1t • Arlette Wildman and Carlos the University nf Okl:ihoma Wichita F.ills and Gi llian Tho mas. Caribbean s1udcnL~enrolled ,al ~:~~~\~f-cr~ . .
MSU during the early 1990<.
The university responded hy sending a recruiter 10 . ~he Caribbean 10 offer compeuuve scholarships 10 students. . These students h:ivc since estab lished a .ca~ihbcan Students O rganization o n c arnpus. C:irlos Th~mas. prcsidL•nc of the a.ssoc:1at1on. said ihear aim is to promote C •tihc:rn awan:ness and cu~~~re in me Wich113 Falls an.:a Thoma~ also s.11d two mai~ vch1, k s u5'!d to promot~ 1h1 s o hjl:..- u vc are tht:: C ~,bhnm Erpr,uwns Nrght • ti MJrch Jnd 1hc Annu:11 ;anqu,: t Jnd. Award s C,·.-cmony in Apnl. Ed~ar said she .and the Nh;.r C:in hhcan studcn1s_arc , •ful 1or the opp1'lrtumt1~ £~~t.c. h,• MSll. Herc !hey l~ltt:r1i.:ia,~ 3 higher educ.· ation ~.1~ ~onsukrahly lo\Ao·er pn ce ~~mp:1n:d u, ~1uJ) ;ng ,n ,h..: ('Jntitic::in. -.h, aJJ..:d
,,,._"7 «"n,.,..W.tdw,
Artist Jack Slotns. Thtlma McHam Murrtll, Rohy Christy, Kay Yta~tr and Presldtnt Rodriguel admire TM l..tftn4 of Wtt•Chf-Tah. Thf bronzt sculplurt, crtattd by Sltvtns. lkplcts a Comanche lndlan ramily testing Che wattr dtplh or tht Wkhila Rlvu. Murrtll donattd lht •ork In July 1994.
ronze sculptor onated to MSU
Caribbean students enhance campus and community diversity Howle Prince ltporUr
,-·~ · ~'/ J,\11. • A •~
a nd V:t lleys . Inc . (WFS&V). a non-profit group comm1tcd 10 promot• mg economic development in Wicbtia F:ills. commis• s1oncd lhc work In a statemcnl relcascJ by WFS&V. proc~ds from the sale of the m1nia1urc Wrr -Chi· Tah arc car• marked to fund lhc larger 1han lifc•s11.C sculpture 1h~ U..gt11do(Wu -Cl11-Tah.
The statue dcpicu a Comanche Indian family testing waler depth at the base of the original falls of the W1c-hi1a river. The largeMhan• life. ..-er$ion is lo be pl.teed :ti the hase of the origmal falls of the W1ch11a river. The purpose of the
Wt..-e:•Chi-Tllh project, according 10 WFS&V, is 10 define Wichita Falls' roots by showing :m apprecialion for the Native Americans thal originally inhabited t his area . A Nauve American dano: circle will be incorporated into the s ight. WFS&V said il hopes Nalive Americans will use lhc site to d«:mon• stralc lhl"ir cultun:, music and dance. as well :;a.s showing the 1mponancc o( cuhural divcrsitv. The )arger•than•li(e sculplure wi ll cost $450.000. s o far S300,00 h:1s been raised. Twcnly • seven miniature Wec-ChiTah sculptures lltC available for urchase .
-----------------••••••---,I C omm1•ttee hOIds ;;;~:~i~o:t~-~.;~:~i ·~~ disciplinary hearing ~~c~!~~s t~%c
ini . He continued on al 1he Univcrsi1y of Oklohoma at
lhe graduate level
and business. He received a
He: conunued Ins career at Mid"'·estem State University. Ht• served c1gh1 years as d1· rce1or of hus, adminis1ra• uon at MSU and cs1:ihli1-hcd 1he s mall hu s 1nt.:ss development ccntL'r. His h' nurc at MSC wa,;; well rccalkd b y his collcap.ucs H 1i. assoc1a1c, Dr. Fnt1~ch. recalls h..:- came 10 MSU pr1manly thmui;h 1h c
r ffort~ ol Or Had lt:y. ,\ ccord1ng to Or. wh,1 tOSl'lhC'r \Aotlh Dr Fukas.awa dchvcrcd eulogies at the l>Crv1cc. Hadley's 1.. h1l'f ,;;1rcng1h \J.y m ht'\ ah1lity 10 £Cl along wilh pcl)plc -u e had u,;cd th:11 .i"dil) l(l tiudJ a .,iron~ dt•p J rlmi.:nl.N
Timbtrly EySS<n
,n lhc fa\le\l p,,, .. , hl c. Studcnl and Adminislr:itive Scrv1c.:cs a~ Chainnan, three manner. A d1~uphnary hearing Birdine s,ud hl' wa, i,1c. till ) mcmher~ hJving wa,;, ~ hcdukd Feh. I 10 de• un~urc of the current , 1a1us of c.:<1mpll'tc.:d a1 k.1.., one )Car of tcrmine whether a student 1hc ac.:cu~d. hu1 did , talc that 11:.1ch1ng Jl MSU . .anJ three al'Cu~ d of date rape will he lhc SIUdl'RI was IR good ,t udent\ l l.t\'i1 l11.:r.l a~ aMc 10 remain in <.ehool. The !>landing al MSU ..ophumuri.: or ahmc. wuh a According to thl' M SU GPA ol 2 0 or Jhovc. and 1nc1Jerll \\,IS rcponcd to the M SU police department on li ,;;t (I f c.:o un c.· ils and they mu, 1 not have a record C11mm1uec, for l!J<).a.lJ5. the ,,f prcvwu , d1 ~c1phnar y 19 Currc.:111ly, the Phillip Birdine. Dean of J1 ,c..1phnary '-: nmmutcc ha\ -.u,pcn,11,11 S1uden1,. ~aid he ha~ invc..\ti· the.: aulhority 10 llhL'tplme any pand L'on,..,.t, 01 Dr ll11w:1rd gated thl~ ~cxual a~sault ,tudl'nt Jppcanng hdon: H FJrrdl. 8.:th Ve.iii.-. Dr Srnu .:mnplarnt J nd colkc1cd ·nu, J..:l1o•n 111duJ\·, hut,,. nm f-k1Jn l-L·. 01 Rac hel Carl. \l:ll\·ment, fr.;,m \Aollnl',~S If hm1u:J to ull1c.:1.1I rcprnnand. .ind thL· thrl:'c ,111Jcn1.-. mL·ri1 1~ found in the allcia· pn11'1.111on. ~u,pen\ uin. or T he.: un1 vcr,..11y t.11~C1· 11cm10. 8 1rdml:' , J1d 1h~· pJrly L'\ pu\,1\IR. pltnJT) hc:1r1 n)! 1s ,l'parate ·1he.: Lt~mm11tn: 1nduJ<",. IU•lll JII) k!:31 acti..•n lJ ..C:n JnlVt,r p.1r11c, tn,·o \H•d "''II h<· upprnp11.111.•I) di,.c.1rlmcd 1hc.: \ '1lC Pl\•,11.frnt lnr h) 1h1· \IJIL' 11fTCXJ''.
Slaff Writtr
TlllWlcb.._ Pa
Thumb Ftbru2
2 1995
********•••••~•~•,... Accounting Society Opportun1t1es . lls new chapter 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t l>.*k-ld{******* 1nsta
University gives athletic scholarships By Jam<s Winham II StaffWriWr
For lhc lir~I time in 4S athlc11c .scholarships,. A rcpon released by the MSU Athletic Department stales S 175,579.57 in athletic sch olarships
YMCAYouth buchall umpires flccded . earn exira money • tr:iin • mg provided. You1K butbafl ~oachUliccdi!«. Fillll co:ichcs meeting: M onday, Feb. 20, 7 p.m. al Ccnlral YMCA . 1010 9th Street If you arc intcrcsu:d in umpiring or coaching, contact Georgene or Brenda at 322-7816.
11ccording to the repo rt, 101aled $1 8,523.95. The money was awarded in 17 partial schol:i.rships.
years MSU foOlhall players attended 1he university on
have been
MSU Crtdit Union •
The women's basketball
Teller position is open - mus1 be able to perform proper cash and check handling procedures: process the sale of travelers checks . act as membership officer: be able lo expl:un/discuu .services the Credit Union offers :tnd cross•seU to other areas in Credit Union: need to he computer literate. Salary • S15.0CXJ. Applications arc available through the Crcdi1 Union office or call ext. 4729.
team awarded a total of $52, 292.84 given for 8 full and 6 sc h o lars hip s , partial according 10 the report.
The figure for
bas ketball wu slightly higher
awarded to MSU student at $57 ,062.78 the re po rt 11hle tcs for the I 994-95 stated. This mone y was awarded 1hrough 9 full and 4 academic term. According to Sandra partial scholarships according Keichum or the MSU Alhlctie to lhc report. Soccer sc hola rships. Dcpartmcnl. the toul includes women's basketball, men's according to 1hc report. basketball , soccer and lotalcd $47.700 and were awarded fo r 34 student football .scholarships. Football scholarships. athk:ies partial scholarships.
"TEXAS" musical drama · Auditions for talented singers. dancers and technicians will be he ld on Sund:.y, Feb. 12 a1 Sou1hcrn Methodist Umvers1ty (SMU) in Dallas. TryouL,; stan at 11 :l.m. in the Owens Fine Arts Center Choral Hall, Room 11 80. The production ha.,; 140 paid positions available. It plays during 1he summer. nighlly exccpl Sundays, from June 7 through August 19 m the Palo Duro Canyon State P.:u k ne:ir Amarillo and Canyon. This opportunuy is open to anyone 18 years or older. In ::addition to performers and technicians. positions arc also available on the "TEXAS" hospi1ali1y staff. Individuals in1ercs1ed in auditioning for ~TEXAS" must bring a photo and .-eforcncc.,;. For infonnation on au• ditions or other audi11on dates. call (806)655-2181, or write to P.O. Box 268. Canyon. Texas, 7901S.
SGA announces nominations Representatives of the Stud e nt G o ve rnment Association met Jan. 19 in the Cl:trk Student Center. Although representatives dis • cussed only half their agenda, the SGA managed 10 set no m inatio ns for 1h c Outsi.tnding S1udent Honors . Nominaiions arc as fo llows: Freshm an Woman or the Ycar: Piper Payne. Freshman Man or the Yca.r: Will Bercnd. Sophomore Woman or the Year. Stcranie Carroll. Sophomore Man or the Year. Drew Myers. Junior Woman or the Year: Pam Bailey. Junior Man of 1he Year: David Noll. Senior Woman of the Year: Trina Upchurch. Senior Man of the Year: Howie Prince. GradualC Man or 1he Year: Gordon Momoclovic.
Disney Entertainment Work Experience Program•
Man o r the Year: Corby Walker. Woman of the Year: Rebekah Boone. "The Graduate Woman or 1he Year nomination was not announced at the time or this publication. The nomination for the Viola Grady Oum.anding Leadership Scholarship was gh•en 10 Zoran Arula. All nominations are hascd on character. community service. acade mic pcrformance, and involvement with the u1Uvcr5ity. Olher topics scheduled for discussion were a canned food drive. a campus liucr resolution and student leadership fond requests and re-
Disney is sc:irching for t.alen1ed and cnthusi::a.,;1ic musicians and singers 10 join this program during 1he 1995 summer sea.son at the Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland. Perfonncrs selected for the 9-weck program will receive salary, housing. daily career workshops with top pcrfonning anislS and college c redit. Pcrformcr5 soughr include ja1.z singers, all saxophones, trumpet, trombone, Fre nch horn. tuba. percussion (set, mallet,;. marchmg). piano. e li:ctric bass and guitar. Auditions will be held in Dallas Feh. 16, and in Austm Feb. 17. Live audihons arc preferred. but video tapes will also be accepted. Video tapes must he submined by Feb. 12. For additional inrormation. call (407)345-5701 or (714)490-7327.
Commiuee reports and announcements were delayed unlll the next SGA meeting scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 2. Aramark Food Service Director Ken t Jefrery is sc heduled 10 attend the mec1ing to discuss lhe new food service offered al MSU.
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&,,de Stahl, in lhe ll>H Occ upa t io nal Hea lth program. said that _persons at home are ofte n tn greater d::anger or c arbon m~noxide poisoning than those m large work spaces. since small, insulated quarters trap and concentrate the gas. ·Many people have had the early effectS or carhon monoxide poisoning without knowing the cause." said Stahl. ~ Anyone who has awakened with a hc.1dache or
dizz.iness after in i c losed room w ith an unvented heater may have had a mild c a_s c o_f c~rbon monoxide po1sonmg, he saidChemic :illy. carbon mo noxide repla.ces the oxygen in the bloodstream. Lack of oxygen causes hea dac hes. . dizzi ne ss, weakness. slecpmess, nausc.i and vomiting. This could pro gress to co ma. convulsions and death. S tahl said pe rs on,1; exposed to lhe gas often do these not rccogni1.c sy mptom s as c arbon monoxide poisoning and fall asleep no t reali zing 1hc dani;cr of death to themselves or their family members.
You may qualify for a
bonus with Air Force nursing! Contact :tn AH Force health professions recnulcr near you for more information. Orcall
Not 'o'Old wllhan,, ottl9f ~ , o , c~
I , 1 37il CcHfield
Each year. dozens of people die fro~ carbon monoxide poiso ning. Th,e Texas Department of Health s (TOH) Vital Statistics Burc~u recorded 51 such deaths m
'Macho Chest' and
f Health of . warns • T exas Dept• O carbon monoxide pmsonmg
Other chapter benefits i nc ud e 3 Ce rti fi ( d Ma nageme nl Accou.nti nt sem~:r- M SU Acco unting Program . whi c h is a . was recc n1ly recognized profcss1on11 designaLion for manage.mcn1 fn~~~~ as a cha~te: in ch~ accounta.n1s; a Na11onal Natio nal Assoc1aoo n o S t udent C a.s e Study Accountants. S - •ty The Accounung ...oc,c of Compctiton, which t5 open to all IMA student ch.ap1ers; also known as the Jnsutute Management Acco~nt:iro~ and 3 Carce~ Ku ~or raduating seni_o rs, w_h1ch (IMA). is an organ_izat ~ niain5 infonnauon ~neat .th mcmhcrs worldwide. for those who are makmg the W1 The JMA offers scve~~; scholar~hips for ; c~~; al tra nsitio n from student 10 including 3 o c a.rt employee. dissertation JMA/Stu
Trade Us Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Used CD's...
With first donation and student I.D.
individual chaplers.
o/ ~ plnMna.
Discounts with MSU Student 1.D.
Ill off anylll'JJorrllJJCD
Ploying the Bost "Dance' Music In
MSU accounting stu~;: will be a ffo rde_d ihi~ opportunities starung
Glacier National Park . Glacier Na1ional Park, located in the nonhwcst comer or Montana. is looking for students to fill more lh:in 900 summer jobs mall segments or 1.hc hotel and hospito1h1y areas. Jobs include hotel front desk, room attendants, cooks. wait persons and bus driven. Many Sllldents also part1c1• pate in the guest entenainmcnt, which includes American Cabaret Thca1er. Employees are needed from mid-May 10 early October. Internships arc available for hoteVrestaur:1n1, culinary arts. travel/tourism, accounting majors, movie and theater. For de tails on jobs :md sal:irtes c:i..11 Gtxicr Park. lnc., at (602)207-2620, or write Glacier Park. Inc.• Dial Tower, Phoenix, AZ. 85077-0924.
and Margarci McLeo d Sc ho l~rs h1ps, M L,cod Sc holarships. and ~c~olatships awarded by
Camer on
James Winham II StatrWrirtr
I I 1 696-0055
=-=~=.,tfl!lh, =~~~
l!lgb ll),eo!/l!lgh folmi< ~~ • s.i !mt Coptu
o..1cr..,Co1>rOifut,PnmlrJJ•l\illStrvlaDulgnl1,oyt.i Yleddlrq ~ • 8S l ll wp tc ll l 11 CAtr c.pi,,
·-·W.,P.lOnth Color Calendars 824.85
ha\', . < books • music • Video Wichita Square
r:igc J
Thursday, February 2, 1995
I j!'g\1 '
Time-out for Discipline
Scholarships open to all minorities BRYAN. Tuu (AP)_ _ The T,•xu l·hgher EJue1110n Coordin11mg Board wants rvcryoM w undcruand 1hat minority M:holar,;h.1p., an: not hmi1ed 10 hlacks and HL\~OICS..
Re.,pc'lndmg 10 a pou:1hlc m1~undcn1anding. lhe board )a1d 11 wdl won 1end I letter 10 ,;;;1ate ~ho<,b mtkma sure o ffic..ali know 1.h111 Na1ive Amcncaru:. A.11an\ and other clhmc Jretup, also :uc r-lig1hle for the award~ Ques1mnJ may hl\'C an~n when A&M officiab said the school'., m, non1y
l\m('nc~n, 11,(.~m 111 he !iatisllcJ w11h .· . bid hchav1or 1 wcnty yc:-ars <: ll1 7<"ns whu exhibit clu\K'd corporal (lunishmcnl- ilag;J, cla.Mroom Ji\C1pl111e in• lhC l'n~ kk-.. T1Klay, di Y:iplinc.~~~o~~ _lhc ;°~Sl, a whack on ct'~ <hlldn:n aie a.,kcd 10 ~tt CS lh( time-out- conI1 ~ offi:n"4! lhcy 1·11mmmcd 1~ ; a~d 1hmk lhout the blrn\S. hut to ;illow time for ~ 1le purf\(\\e 1s not 10 cm.ire Wk.uh n:ally n:ncc1111g u~~nal rcllcc1mn Bui "'hll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - • scho larship, are c.1g,ven 10 hlackA ltld H1,pan1 heca u~ C-OnCC'pl of t-<: u..,;cd 1 Ad 0 d, could lhc 11me-ou1 a hoard m.andate ipec1fies a u1I worlcr,lxc·'
Ibo~ two groups only 8 u1 that j,; not trut-. u1d
If. •n tJ1cir mve nt1vc mmds h11 110 M \.\h,11 good Jocs 3 dd';~Clnj~stify their acO n:ut'CJ 11me-out are:,, and lhmk Hh ~It in 1hc d~igdon..: They think 'I should ;hai they should lim·t uglier lh:tn her mo1hcr.' Timc.-oi, ~ 1• Im harder.' or 'She 11 s11 aOO make fates 31cla..\Sml'ltc.., or licffls f'Jrty ti me lime to 1).ir,1111,n Children enjoy hn:aks r me 10 b:idmouth m the fi™ place. rom school 1hal's why 1hcy
Belly Ja me&. usul:lnl commiS!>IOner for ac<:C..\S and equity. ' We have nothing al the coordinati ng board 1ha1 rcsLncU scholanh1ps 10 any mmonty groups.- she .s.aid.
nu!~;J"~:::: lo rind Its w;iy lnlo the workplace for a
A& M officials have m:Untai.ncd that thei r minonty univcrsi1y scholarships arc based on a 1994 Board repon . .. Access and Equity 2000.·· whic h calls for an increase 1n the number of Hispanic and black students.
l m.igme. You lo~ a m:.ior de I i lhc boss !>a)'.\ IS it the COrrw:,rafo or Y°:f_COmpJny Vld all whot you've done." r aw h e;; :mJ thmlc 11.hout
11us would Ix gri:,:u. You could w .1 ~ vacJ11on and, come up with an: :p~:n:u~::Cf~7 1~~1; w~~ to ;hy your~ not geumg promoted All th!: !,hilc Y wo crs conlu'luc wc.:i.nng thcmsclvc.~ out
T h~ report docs no t spec if ic a ll y 1d d rcss ,ncrcuing the num ber of AsiJn and Native A mcncan s1udents, o fficia ls
Suppos.c you ?ceded an e,tcndcd lunch hour co mcc1. SJ. w1lh your child s teacher :1bout hi~ duc1phnc problem ~
:!~vld ~:~;l~ u:~ld commit .in error before lunch·
If_:. pcrwin is really good they could get them.selves a lat"CI bkc Hyperactive· or Allc-nuon Dcficu D1sortkr - A real! · spu11c cmployc.c could file for 1.hs:1bih1y due lo thei)r M
: ondn,o~ They C(luld use lhe b bcl to du 1hc talk \how (;1rc u11. HyJ>t;rac11vc workcr-5 and the compan,c.s who i~h~;,;u~'o~~:; !,•on ddici1 d1M>rder an mcccrt'-b1e
T1mc-ou1 dc.~rves attc nllon from corpor.moM 3.\ 3 ere• alive mana~men1 lOOI. Spec1.a.l room~ should be 1.on~trucled and filled wnh plc:isant artwork and mu.sic Boukd w.itcr $hould be: provided 50 healed e mployees can cool down P1pcr and pencils could be rc;id1ly ac:ccss1hlc so lhnug.hts may be n;wrded for fulurc tt'fcrcnce. should anolhcr o(fcn"ir;c onur. All \l.·nung~ could be pl;tCcd m the- cmplo)\.-e's penn:inent file and suhm1t1cd 10 contcsL'i 1( cspcc1:11ly well wn111:n ParcnL'i will he no11ficd of all outbur)U:
College campus news and views Ex-student blows whistle on nude "tiger" ride ARKAD ELPHIA, Arie.
(AP) _ Nude members of a social cluh al Ouac hita Bapust Uni ve rsity rode a 11gcr .slatue once IOO ofttn. Now, the club is out of aclJon. Campus officials revoked 1hc chllftcr of Sigma Alpha S1gm:11 :ifccr 3 former OBU student complained :1hou1 1he 20.ycu•br-om ldem~~•,•,•0nw.ould ,,, C1 ,, _., naked on the statue of the , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , school mascot on campus on e such occasions U •dropping· 1 girlfrie nd or b(comrng cn~aged The event would , 1:1r1 m \.410 1 .a(I 8h'd. 1' 0 Om-. lflO, W K."h1U f-aJll. TX 76l08 lht' dormitory. where a
Nc"'" 'do t · ~1-4704
member would be coverc-d Jeff Roo t, 1 .!Chool with s ha"ing cn::om, hot spok~man. <.Onllrm..-d th:11 s.aucc, a deep-healing rub. OBU revoked the c luh's and sometimes luna fo h. charter las, monih. Asked C_lub members would drag why. he s.1,d. NI don·, thmk him to the sta1ue a block or wc·d want 10 J;O inio 3 lot of IWO from l.h(" dormitories. detail Chris Bosen, 22. lhc cluh's The rider would s it until president. ~:ud he off<"red 10 0thcr mcmhcr.~ could toss his suspend the riJc\: hcforc the ~~c~~:rlhoc"n "ra~: ~;~c:~ .school mok uctwn ·we were w1lhng 10 do whatever w;is W donn. ncces.sary to keep the chuner. Kare n Spencer. 22, s:iid including dropp1n& the Wed nesday s he became tradition.~ he ~ •d. of the prac tice :i!tcr Ms. Spencer learned of the ,he e nrolled 1n 1992. Lut praclicc from other women in ~ine~tcr, \ht' said. she had her dorm, she ~ id. ·s omeone seen rnough and J'CfKlrtCd a pro bably rain m. saying, · ndc .. lo uulhormc,:. 'They're riding !he- 1ige r ' I N
had no 1ck:1," ,he said. The women lhe n hid m ocarhy bushes and watched. Ms Spencer !l.31d she hlc w the whmle bccau~e sht' ~llcvcd un1vc rs11y orric1:1ls ho1d no1 hccn cons1Men1 m d1sc1plinmg students. For example. she uid, offi cials pulled the t\fl'V mus1c-v1dco network from 1hc schuc,l's eahlc system 13-\1 ~emcs1er hccau.1.e or ObJCCllClns to its co111c nL But 1hc same offic1.1ls allowed Sigm:1 Alpha Sigma members to he involvrd in campus nudity. she said.
At.1\•ffll)1ns dc,,,i 6119~70~
Nni l, 1..-wi•
Slt.tinnn Coftr A.J1110,J1r f:Ji tor
A uot•UJlt f4J,u,r
J nnailhan Brady \'pom l) limr
~bflh.-• Nk-ktn..c
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e..rk M...kln..
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St,lfRrpwltn T,mbt,h· f.1ur11,1'11,io1J Jl1mn,d1
M,1i,..,.S111l11,-an Miu,.· Rru1t1.-,,
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tM l ,,n l ,,.. ~tn11n 0 111 1
Colleges urged to get involved with NAFT A SAN AITTONIO (AP) _ A SAFrA offic1:1l 1s urgmg
Hamm, blue• and wh,u:-collar workcr-1, can tram the
college\ m the Staies. crn_~,,.~~g :-0\ ~ [ ~ 1nvc-.t· Mcx,co and C:1n11da 10 he· comt' acl1'Vt'ly ln \Ol\'Cd m !he mcnt. la college) might wmd tr.idc pac t among chc 1hrcc up ..., 1th a pro,cct 1ha1 gentr• lln hunJl't'd\ of 1hou~nds of nn uon~. VK·1or M1nunon1CS. dtputy dollar, m fee\ ;1nd mdhon\ of dn ll11r<; rr,,m the ldh'i,N Mir.1director of the N'Pnh Amrn• CiJJl lxvclopmcnt Ban k, , a,J montcs ,.ud f"Jkin g 1h111 m k 1s the CPllcgc\ ca n phly p1v1,1al mies in tr~dc dc.·\·d opmcnt if ll'U~h l'i.\lK' C(11lcgc:s ha,c to dcnl with they arc w1llini to mk \Orne ~-li r.1mo ntc\ was ktyno1<· of 1hc1r ca\h l\·llramont('\ Jddrc'i\c!d JO -.rcakcr 111 a ~ cc:ung of the ~·,1llq?l' adm1ni~trahir,; frt1m lntcm.unmaJ Consortium for t he bordc:r rq:wn, of the and Econo m11. l'n11cd Scatr-,. \1r'"1.o and Ixvcloprne;nt. an aucmhly of Canada O\cr the- \.I.Cd.l·nd fie l<t 1• S \Pfflmunuy colkgc\. told them hl help set com• s111 Canadian 1wo,ycar u,1mumty ~NI-. for r Mtecu. n· IC'!?CS and ;i Mc:,ucan orgam laLcd 10 1hc ~11rth Amcni:an ,ation 1ha1 rcrrc,;cn1s 250 1cchniu\ collt'J:c\ Fn.-e TrJdL' At:m.:mcnt · Wh:11 I wa, trytng to i:ct Are the rcopk in 1hc: c(lmm11n11y \,I, 1lltng 111 tiuy the m 10 MX 1s 1ha11f you want mhl thl' pn..11l'l I. ltl ht· CO•JU· pa), yo u heller mvcs1 ,ome r,· ~ urccs on your u\.\ n lh1,h" he a,kl'J ('olle~C\ ,~n tN' fa-.uh~ l oJ ;iy.N M1ramuntcs 1old the c , pcn\ 1t1 ,1.t \C J , t 1m,ul ~.rn Antomo E,prc\\•:--Sc\.l.'I unt-. 1tn \tk. h pr,,)('u,. rJ1hcr af1tr the '-f'C("Ch r~)tn~ hunJr<"J, ,,1 ·· e cuu\<' \.I.Cre not gomg 1thlu-.and( " I J1>Uar~ m 1,.,, n- lo ...,1,1 When VIC ~hufnc ai , uh ing fr,·-."' ,iu1,1~r, pri",c, t , 1f 1hc rr11rc\ 'M.•r ,a> , l ummunll) collc,l'\ JI • Ci\\'t" me \ I'( m,\nlh\ h • ~Cl rcJ,lV 1.'\IJ !'lll\nl•J CXfl(n~ In m" Ju, l , 1n J r, iw · wc·rl·
~o mg 10 \ ay. questions h3\'C been riuscd about the bank's abili ty to cl~ up the border region Miramonh:s, 42. a Wells Fargo Bilillt ClliCCUtivc m S~n An1on10 before he JOtned the NAJ-IA hank month. said U.S congrcs..,ional 1c11on 1.s needc.'d 10 stah1li1.t the
Paul E llall1d:ay, vice prt~dcm of Sir Sandford Fl cnu ng C o llr:gc or P..:1c1Nlrout;h. Ontano. s:ud the ad \·<'nl of NAFf1' h:a, i hown Ca11Jd1Jn~ JU\I how li u/e 1hc y know 1ho ut Mnu;-o
··c.anaJa. for a ll \Ort\ of h1-.1(1ncal rl'a,on\, has hccn f0t.u\c:d pron:rnly on the Unucd St:l!C( and l:urOJ'>C'. aml w11h the \ 1,;nm~ of the NAFTA Jgrc"f mcn1. wt h.a,•c a lot 1)f c-•h h1ng up 1t1 do, both a, 1M11tutuin, and 3( c i 111('n'i,R he \ J1d The S utth AmenCJn l>c\dopmcnl lianL. W,l'i 1.n.·:i1c:d undc:r :--AfTA hi uf11·1 l<i\.l. • mtn('\I loan\ ,,n \,I, o11cr and '4.t\k· 1n: ..1nwn1 rro1ec. 1~ T~ l' ~ and Mc,1c0 cJlh .ire Ill 1.·.c•ntnhu1c S.225 mdhon c,vcr four year, Each countr\'
·· In JO year~. what 1s h11ppcnmg 10 the p(\O 1oday will he forgnttcn. hut water Lre:11 · rnc nt fac-1l111c, w i ll ,11II be nCTdcd," he: 531d
The Wichitan welcomes a nd encourages letters to the editor . .Just remem be r th ey must be sign ed 3ho will pro, uJc S2 ~.\ b, i. lt,1n in • c.1IIJhlc l JPIIJI a nd must include money lhc 1.·. an dr~w from fi nanc,:11 m.i:rkclj. a telephone numThe ycaHl ld t:ian~ ha -. ber where you can been cm 1c11ed for mn, '"!! mo \Jo..., ly and, l1•urlcd w.,th be reached. !he dc\alu.1t11..1 n ,,f 1hl· p,e:1..u.
TH! '\rithitan
2, 1995
Thur>da •, Februa
Super Bowl A Super Show?
w,1or1i.w ,,,J't"'t
t, · 1
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l ) 1M;t'
854»- of the poruh111on. in front of nty tclcv1s1on and w11tttk'-d the Super Bowl, and the
•:w C•l•t • l\-l~I - ,,...., ro,q,
Ill u n ~:•:t:~!!er The prince, of
. .. s ~11 , er.-r-1~ 11.,
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15 ! "IC lo!JQO u M;)
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y1wncr, I had high hopts for
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JU\I hkc 11n c,11m:,1cd
• Q.- 11"
"-1.1~. .... .
'l f ~ Pe1()t I tO'ICl !tl
Jerky Boys sound track a mixed bag
t. _,. ·no 7 ·-- - ~, ... ...
?> '(IC•:•"( t•.1
By Dtan L•wrcncc Enltrta.lnmt:nt Editor
... .... . .... -~-~..,.,-.,o,,• ~., \....,t
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Lhc half11mc show . I so on :11x nu •pot,y p •11ry·
found out 1h11 in front of the TV was the ~ t place to be r
lm11~1nc 1h1s. your actu-
ally at a Sup.·r Bowl game. You're sittrng on the JO.yard hnc and the game 1s l,w h 's been pretty boring. bu1
rou'\'C he ard :ahout
c o mplic:atcd halftime ~hows and is the insanel y
M:Cond quutcr ends you foci
1• • '° _
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C-o 00" 13 30 "' ~ 32 ... tm ll"lef £1b1 ol'I
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to sec it all Didn't they actually fly a UFO onco the field during one h3.1ftimc'> You arc
brcalhh:ss with excitement.
, ~
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announcer introduce:.~ Pally Labelk. You hear her voice as she bl"hs out a tune, but.... is she" There arc thousands of people out on 1hc field doing every thing from pretending 10 be Indiana Jones to hauhng equi pme nt. bu1 Pany L3.hclli;'l You don't sec her. not c\'en with your high-power binoculars. AIJ right, well. Tony Bcnncu 1s next Surely you'll be able to rccogmzc hun. Sorry. no. He's JU.St too far a.way. Th~y could be playing a recording and you'd never know.
Next year. you decide, you'll stay at home and watch 11 on TV h 's 1hc be...q scat ,n lhc house.
Douhle biusist Ed&ar Meyer. who at the ilge of 33 h:1.s cstabh., hed himself as one or the 1op insuumentallSI.S of his genct"iltion will ap• pear in conccn wi1h the Wu.:h11a Falls Symphony Orc-hcs1ra on Feb. 4 at 8· 15 Mem o ri a l 1n p. m. Auditon um. The conccn will fcaiturc G. Bomsim's ·conccn o in 8 Minor~ for double bass ~ d strings. In addi1ion. Meyer will pcrfonn the second half of the concen in a • Mcc1 the Artis t" fonn11t which will en• able the audience to see :tnd hear firsthand the wide rsnge of complexities possible on lhc double bass Meyer h:u played not only in tM clus1cal .arena. bur ha.s also performed :1nd 1 uch artists as
Garth Brooks, Mary-Chapin Carpenter. Reba McIntyre and Hank Williams In alk11t1on. he w :is a mcmt-cr of the progressive blucgr:m tiand. · strength in Numbers."' Single adm1~s1on 11dccts m a range of pncc.s arc available for 1h1s pcrfurmnncc, and mid-season t1ckct'I are available. Tid:cts may he purc hasi:d a1 the Symphony office located 1n Parkfr ~u:in.: on ill lhc box office. The Wic hua F:ilh Chamber Orchestra and 1hc l>ro Musica Choral Ensemble will present a concert on Sund:ty, February S, at 3 p.m. m lhe sanctuary of the First C hrisllan C hurch The joint
endeavor wilJ feature :t work b Ha dn titled ~ Mw for
Drlv•Safe D • f • n s l v • Driving 691-4132 ' -•"--"
The Town.
1\1\NI'S \111111111111,,,,,JJ
=~= c .. m.,,!Hm
Laugh about the M oney you Save
The Talk
4J U IIOl)'lbyT)(VT 0 ,1l•'l9U,1had • l,11 "Aflt y ~ Sttv1C1M.ooll j,n;I J .., o 0 1 'l11MIIW•~ · 2!, .lrlf\Q\Hl car t11 '92 Olyl'"tO•C' on 2e TXIIIT'I •..,, , .., 111·
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on~ 21 1
2, 111•1 • :.; Mobbyw•
11 o.C.,n~ •99Y9 i t RocMtt' Tl'io,p• 11.t'idlb-Houlton& 2 l TXi..-,,. 'gotltlt
Mtl'COln l e35 "- I T " X ~ ollllll"I
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17t1Ndirle1t1 •N1
J 7IU'ffl'lel"Cll'Utlctrlnk • TX(llf\ •1 l ll'lt•ncl)
Some hot mus ic c rupt:i: ·~ rx Kf'iooll from lhc loudspeakers. The
"')ll'ft♦JI° (1t1111li.!"9 • 11~1)
T1"""" h~t•""
le ,,uadlt Nmecl TX
yo ur heart rate sudde nly 3e 1ncre.t.~ in ant1c1p.atmn.
YOU forw~d. ready
~--~~ 1Ml!,apt1tt1 IOflnkl,ng ' -
WtU"I Cou
T ime of War,"' :il., o called "The <T 1mpan1) M,u s .. Twcnty•cigh1 orchestra members and 25 singers will take pan m chc prcscnt:ation. The ma~~ will be conducted hy Judith Higbee. D1rcc1or of Choral Ac11v11ics 111 1he Firs1 Mc1hodis1 Church in W1ch1u
prank phone calls. the Jcrtcy B_oys. arc ahou1 to come oul with 3 rnov1c dct31hng thc.•ir :antics. AnJ, :u u~u.:il. 1hcre is a soumJ u ack 1hat. although 11 has several h1ghlighL'I, .:also has a few shorteommg.s. The disc hcgins with a sample o f the Jerky Boys· handiwork as it dcl\'C$ in10 Johnny Brcnncn·j convcrsation with an accordion sales• man and no"') ngh1 1.n10 Co ll~Cll\'C Soul's ·Gel." ¥ihich 1s rccc1vmg some :ur-
pla\~~~1~:1~~11r~1:~s of punk,~ pop. Gn..~n Day. perform · 2000 L1gh1 Years Away: one of the band's classic song!! from way back when few had heard of the blnd und they performed on 1nd1c lahcl Lookou1 Kccords. Cool111 :ind the 40 Til(vz perform "'Dial A hm· and Supc.·rchunk performs whal, m my opinion, was the best ~nng on the album. "Shallow
End · lfumcanc. who sounded very akin to the Bc:isltc Boys, perform · Four Fly Guys.~ :ind the nl',:t song w:as wh:11 had IU he lhc scariest 11cm on thccnurc d1i;c Tom Jones I don't un· ,1and the :ippcal of this dcri, Falls. The concert 1s open 10 1M: fift)'•'-OITiethmg man takmg songs and turning dcecn1 puhlic. them mlo •· wi:11. I can't say puhlic newspaper. a in 11 The University Progr.ttT ming Board will prcscn1 th. Anyone who ~aw him rerYll:') c lass ic , rm fo (Consciou3, Mooney Twms Comedy) at the Clark S1udc:nt "Situation,· on O;i v1d l..cnenn:m knows what I :im Feb. 8. This comb1n:auon of lec- s:tying On lhC' Jerky Boys tu re and entertainment ex• soundtr;ack he dcsecr:11cs Le nny Krav,11.'s ..Arc you pl ores the honest of the day. Gunn;i G<1My WJ yr roe. s n
Punk girl tiand LJ pcrform~ a rockin' vcr-.ion of Hlond1c ' · 1-l:1n~1ng on the Tcltphone '" .:ind Ho uS<' of Pain and Hdme1 ho1h make appcaran,c:'I on the J 1sc Qui of the 12 ~ongs 1~n the disc. l'J say about ux wcrt worth 11 To me, Tom Jone~ made 11 $Cary enoui:h 1(1 at lc;,sl have 3 'lk1p huuon on the CD player. Why that man can't suck to ~,ngmg "h 's Nol Unusual"' ,~ hcyond me __ _ __ _ _ _ _ 7
L.A. c_,.Afu:/4
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This unique combina t ion or lect ure and en t ert ai nm ent ewplores the ho t test Issues on campus today.
February 8, 1995 csc Ballroom
~B=-:----_;Sp10~t ts__ _ -~----
___! ~~ ~21~ Thursday, P.,bruary 1995
~=1f)ch .... nl'l
owl is.•.
Yet another . ~ ''Super Bore'' BJ Jonathan Brady
ihis. In fac t ·
SPo"' Editor Well, i1 h~ppcned. To rnlK'h _of my d1sgus1, the San franc1sco 49crs ate a ve Jarge dinner Sunday nigh?' dlC San Diego Chargers. ~ Charg~rs defense looked
more. like mannequins modeling foothall anirc than actual players.. The _o nly life it showed 1s when 1u second \l,'ould play f?IIOw-the-lca~ (llways staying a good tc with the 49cr re~
(~I behind) CCJ\'CfS.
to even cha' tt has a chance next yea n,gc as early as teams r. Wuh. several AFC p~i1oso;~i~~•~~~ng to NFC p1onshi . . NFL chamname. p m1gh1 hvc up to its wh~h~h~~l~brgh Steelers ( won the AFC ave P.rohably has finally red~!!~f:;sh~p) gu! th~m four l ombardt~~ m the first place: de-
playm like Rod
n and Kevin Gree accomphshed was to settle ~c ~cbirth of the St~i
The o~ly thing this game
some issues that everyone si~~~- could easily be con-
had tJ:ce n wondering for all longomc.
For instance, it ilnswcred that one lt\Jc question: Docs the NFC dominate the entire league?_ Well the answer, of ~rsc. 1s yes. Until now, the po1~t could have been argued, saymg, tha~ only the Bills c~aildn t win the big game. f,n,Jl y, 1hough, Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas could not be found anywhere on
Iha! field Sunday. The J\TFC had won the past IO Super Bowls by an average of 22 points. The 49crs covered 1hat easy: they won by 23 poi nLc.. With the way the NFC is going. 1hey should rename the big game 10 the Super Bore. The game was as boring as an Al Gore speech. Don't worry. I truly don't
p A.lso. the New England ri~nOLli SC.Cm. to he on the · The Patnots have found themselves ~ coach, one Bill Parcells, winner of iwo of these past I I-in-a-row Super Bowls for the NFC. They ~lso gOI a Quarterback in rew .Bledsoe, and their defense is on lhe rise. The only , h!ment missing is a runnin g~mc, but that's ParceU's .lipc~ ::,ally, so no worries. to the main story at
A second question an• swer~d is the theory on a cc~am two teams playing al th c 1r own level and every ?Lhcr learn in the league playing catch up. The past three Su~r Bowls have been won by these two teams. One of these teams is obviously the 49ers. If I have to tell who the other one is and you live
believe it will° alwavs ·be like anywhere near this area, I
guess you have been living in a catatonic state for the last thrcc That team :rnd the 49ers h,;avc played t"ach other in the NFC championship the last three years. It has now become 1he most heated rivalry in football Don't expect ncx1 year 10 ~ any different. except thar o~r team will come out the victor. Another question an~wcrcd: Was that obnox• 10u~ly large point spread fair? This question is easily answered. All you have 10 do is look at the score. The Ch~rgers never had a prayer agamst the 49ers. This was made obvious when li1tle number 80 of the 49ers scored the first 1ouchdown in n:cord lime, only I:24 in10 the game. So 19 points wasn't th:11 big at all. . Even with all these questtons aMwcred, there was one question that it did not answer, which some think it did: Docs this San Francisco team have the grc111cst offense of all time? The an• sw..:r is also simple: NO. This offense 1s good, real good. hut not the greatest. F?r one thing. it's only fifth in h1ghcs1 season scoring. It also didn't produce 1hc highcsl score in the Super Bowl or lhc largest defeat. Thal belongs to another San Francisco team (the 1989 team) who had II different (and beuer) quarterback th,;an Steve Young.
Indians rip Ok. school,
~ ?r~~71kktns ·
MSU sophomore Oint Foley a nempts a shot white Texas Wesleyan's&an Zone " ·atches during ~ISU's win on J an. JO. 1M flnal score was91-80. photo by D~w Myers
Bragg, Indians outlast Texas Wesleyan, 91-80 By J onatha n Brady Sport~ Edilor Af1er sudden ly coming ali ve in the ,;ccond half senior Kerry Br:igg led th~ Indians to 91 -RO v1c1ory over 1hc Tcu s Rams Monday night at D. L. Ligon Coliseum. Bragg scored :a game high 28 p<lln lS, -.coring 24 of thMC points m 1he .second half alone. lie made 12out of21 ficld goals. lh,u of which were ] -pointers. Fr es hman J oe Washinglon also had a big night coming off the bench to score 21 point<;. W.i.shington went 9- 12 in the game. MSU took an early lead on an 8-0 thanks to some poor shooting by nvu. The Rams finally got on the scoreboard with 15: n left in the half with a three-pointer by Sophomore John Hubbard. MSU kept its lead in tacl in the first half thanks 10 Was hington. Sophomore Clint Foley, and Sophomore
Michael Jones. all of whom came off 1he bench. They were also assisted by some more tem hlc shooting hy the Rami. TWU only made 34.3% of their shots in the firSl half ( l2-35). The game was close un1il Washington's free throw with 5:48 remaining in 1hc half hcgan a 14-6 run thal ended at the half. making the score 45-30. In the second haJf. ii was TW U that came alive . beginning on a 7-2 run, bri nging wi thin IO points. The Rims made 58.1% of their shots in the second half (18-31). Unfortunately. about the same: time. Bragg came alive and assisting in sho01ing down any hopes 1he Rams had of coming back. Senior Sean Zone led the Rams in sco ring and rebounds. Zone, who came down NCAA Division I made 29 point,; and 9 boards.·
WMl~l!M$G;n1i~:1 766-4128 766-4128
Sports Rrpornr The Lady Indians defeated the Drovers of the Univcrsi1y of Science and Arts of Oklahoma Monday evening, 95- 79. The victory was their fourtcc:nth of the year. Senior Lo uneue Adkins led ,JI MSU scorers wilh 17 points • shooting 6 of 8 from the field and 5 of 7 from the free throw line. Top rebounding hono rs we re awarded 10 senior Renae Josscler and freshman Denise Piuman who both grabbed eight boards in 1hc victory. USAO's Donitta Burkhead led all scorers wilh 22 points, shooting 8 o f l3 fro m the noor including 2 of 3 from downtown. Teammate Destiny Hesser came in second with 20 points. MSU sho1 I5 of 27 from 1he 0oor in the firs1 half and was I of 4 from three point range. Th«:y shot 13 of 25 from the floor in the second half. but improved their three point shooting to 4 of 6. USAO was 27 of 49 from the floor and 3 o f 6 from beyond the arch in 1he game. The Lady Ind ians dominated the boards. grabbing 17 offensive and 26 defensive rebounds while 1he Lady Drovers grabbed 17 ~bounds in t~e entire game, su offensive and 11 defensive.
The Lady Indians play in the Southeastern Oklahoma Classic atAnhnore,Ok.or Feb.3&4. The Indians host Cameron at D. L. Ligon Coliseum or Feb. 4 at 7:30 p.m.
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Red Cross offers training courses Tbo Wlohu.t Coun1y chaplet of lhc "'-1can Red c,.,.. " offtrin1 !he 1o1io-, Msic cbsasa llldnin1 councs dunn1 Fcb<oary:
lacrod,octloa t o ~ SerYltw · Tiiunday. Feb. 2. 6.30
10 pm. Thu
a prm,quwlo fO< all diiu,cr
:f::att •Satuntay. Feb. 4, 9 am volumoors up cm,rsency
io s p.m. Prcf)llt$ WIit!$ and hondle DIW
lO SCl
fwlina opemions.
Olsater ~ A - · Tborsday. Feb. 9, 6 p.m.
lO 10 p m Trams voluo1ecrs ,o do Red CTOSS Damage Assessment un,nochalcly alicr ad,....,, OC<ll1S.
~ n c y A . - - to Famlllto · s.turd.ty, Feb. 11, 9
a.01 to S p.m. Enable.s Red Cross voluntettS to work
directly with !hose 1ffec1td by disaster through the iol<tviewina proce,s. These m fttt ol..,... Those w!shmg to pan,cip.,10 should call lh< American lttd C= 11 322-8686 to so1tr1 up,
Theater department sets auditions for on act plays Th~ MSU Theater depart• mcnt has announced :1udi tions for lM 1995 FC5tivill of
Theater's MainstJ.gc Feb. 3 at S p.m. and Feb. 4 , 9 a.m.-12
p.m Callbacks for :ill shows One-Act Plays. These !itu- will be Feb. 4 01 I p.m There arc a to1al of 33 roles. Scripts presented April 21-22, Apnl arc available in the Fain Fine 28-29 and May 5-6. Ans Center Conference Auditions for the 11 onc-ac1 Room. People auditioning arc plays will be o n MSU not required to be MSU Siu•
dcnt-dircctcd pl:iys will be
MSU hosts Winterguard competition A mixture o( color. ari, mlll1c and dance will be presen ted by FUSION , Midwestern St:llc UnavcrSlly's wintcrguard team. on Saturday, Feb. 4 , u they com pete with o ther wmier&uard icams from local
Im \1.1~ Moc,n- Dt1l,:1r\C- in M•lfl t')l(I\\TI \ I~ i;e,'\111,i.tlictrmt~qu <knh l.1..-c.·r ,,:.,a· ''" thrir f1n.mtt''
1111, 1, nof ,1 i,:.m)c.- md n,nmni,: 1"1( ul
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compcti1ion beginning at 4 p.m. in the Hirschi High fic:ld
th(" tulk' I ~01 In 1tw 11dd ,if pl.n K.lutnl' tlll'"'"-hu, .in\..l.,.,'C ,;,,,1..,J,."llr\j,t
MSU will ho~ the winter· gu:ird competition a1 H irschi High
Sch oo l.
house. T e n win1erguard teams fro m Wichita Falls, lie nricttll, Arlington. Fl. Worth. Mabank and Houston will be competing in 5evcral
h" ,~
kC"\:p 1hl· lnMd hl}.-..1hu
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different clas.scs. Win1uguard 1s a mi:uurc of colorguard drill from marching band. danct- :rnd theater. The colorguards arc highly compct1tivc:. much hkc lhc drum and bugle corps o( lhe summer competition cir• cuit. A wintcrgu:ud 1~m c an be from five 10 30 members in si1.c. and the teams per• form on a gym Ooor with
n,1,h1n11; do"'n ...,_-m11urf
•1n1u Ilk' '<llld \l.11r
taped music accompaniment.
FUSION was the I993 Independent C la.u A champion in Te xas wmlcrguard and fin ished at 2nd place in
Vinson competition
Entry deadline extended The submission deadline s to ry. ne ws story . and for lhe V mson Awards h3.S cd1tOOaJ. been ext.ended. Contestants The creau,•c wnting may submit their works until enlries (poetry, prose no nnoon. Feb. 17. The conl.CSt. fiction. prose fic tion) should held annually at Mid\11>-CS!em be deli ve red or mailed to Sla1e Univcrs11y, offe rs cash Vinson Awards--Crcativc pnze.,;; or $680 to winners or Wri tin g. Hardin 22S. e ach o r t he fo llo wing Midwestern State University, categories. pocu-y, prose non- 3-l 10 T a.rt Blvd .• Wichi1a fiction. pro~ fiction. rcaturc Foils, Tcus. 76308-2099.
The ncws/cdi1orial entries (reature ston e5, news slon cs and editorials) should be dcli,-ered or mailed to Vinson Awards--Editoria.l, Fine Arts Division, Midwestern State University, 34 10 Taft Blvd.•
Cl~y Lev,1css wasUK w lnMt"ef last week's
Wichilil Falls. Texas. 76308·
Winners will be an• p~lc awards nounccd ceremonies. at th~ 1994 -95 .,._ __ _ _ __
!~~~!!~ l ;N - U -oo
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