• Midwestern State University
»m lchitan ume
MSU All•A-rlc:an !iOttt'r pl■ytr dral\NI by K■ns&s City In IM 3rd round, pdf• 6 -rt1nltt ckp,art-nl pr,pa.-.. for I.ht-tr rN,>I production, "Abuod■IN.'1'," pai• 5
SU enrollment bounces back f!~M~_sh~rply declining in fall ""' lhc-'-'illQd llUlli ~ )f'.lnn&."
~~c wcr, S..501 ..audc-m,rnrollc,J ,
'f'"nt \ffllNcr, wll1d1 ~ th1~ tin~ la.\1 ~ :W )a1d 1h( figun: I!> CWbidcnng lht kN> udcn•~ mn>lkd ro, the
trnnlfktalllftd ..._.~ IWO \llkkn,t, (rllffl
11ia1~x;~~= thc_ ~ •::t.'~
y~ .. RoJr -~ I~ 1h11 [aJI , red igur, wJ. "fin,, by lht \Jlflng : ..!Oft • nd 1ga,n hy lhc
""""a tn-ntcndoi.i, turn- mi!~~: or :.wdc: ·
~Id 11 1, hilrd iodc-tcr ~ the n~ and
lha.~.- hr\MJ "'hn f-A lhtlQ\(Jfl ti ew1' 1 IIMNdly firi ui ftM They f'ln t ' IU -.chool and drup {1111 ,nd hid.kodnr,ac, -.Jone l'Q.1(.- for lhcp,d numhtn " the -.ivnt ot money "fk"nl \"' ...~ p , , 1f1J fin:n:ial atd lh1, -<lne\ln llln-.:tor uf l-1nolhl:lal Aid KJdly ~ 'lid M:f off"!Ct' g~ IIUI mcwll'M;lnr)· lht., ~ - . 1 ~ pnaihly hai .wt dk'C1 c,n nwllmt'fll -1..a\l ~ ~ tQil ahoutS6.5 m1l-
pcopt; ~ 4"\
lioo 11'1
rn, . i ~ 10 ~ 0Ul..
Tho ,c•
M' N\1C
ab,u J7..5 m,1
ID'! 11'.; !Nlk , blg iliffct'COC'C.~
"'Ma'tlwd illOfllhtt mDlJll\ \t'8•
Tarktoo s. .· , cnmtl-
prrtCf Kim. :r, w:n,o, a1 Mid11,•C\lcm S , 11k111J mnn: lhan !O hou"- ~ ann~:l'~ ~ :r, pout.rm.., ,oo \IW}" -, f'1I plu;air '<hoo..lf c111r.a••r 'nam, ,..iJUUhni all 1hc--< 111,·11, 11.-, .,.,th ,tic- :&Jtl J a..«lly r'1101,a
l.a,.uh y lu d hu,y th;u n:;r,lrn t}f' "'--h.iof-n:l:u,:J
; , - bl') •lfll.l the
1~ ~: •lmc~, of 15 JU'1 .moth...·r oh-J:.i,;lc ~ ,\kkm.,. fl;:uhy O~f ("Oll)C 1hnxii ~ u lhc-11 al MSI,. tou1 lh m u ith thr1r r .\flCO• thq· dr..-dop O't'.i"·<" k.l dQI 'yllt dlr C""tt"fda)· \ln.'-,,'<' of ...-oilitg,r lirr . jpMW Kirk f"o...ky\ ,:rn 1c~ '-Ire.~ ~ frorn,:k,.k.lhnr--. 400 tm W- L'OnStr.llffl, lilll br t,;r. lank'd h• cup- .,..,th them hy """' one ,b y ;ai .. ' ''"'' rathrr lhan roc~on L1K hig lend \lJfl"l('l1rnr,. o,·rrwhelm• pictun: )lbnlyn MurJ!fly. :a Juntor :If MSU. :&h o .,r-1 IO dc;al w11h whatC\ L"T ,~ d1m:lly ,n ltl)III of ht-r bdurt" movm~ on 10 1he nn.1 ~
. En~li-.h
b;im cr NI.'> \lopped him from r ,1nh1o hccomr IR\l M,·1.-d m u ua:umcular ntlC":lo , u.:h ~ "itudcn1 {",0¥emmrn1
Regents to decide fate of student fee increase thc) un.Jl'l\&o>Od wh) ""e Mt In h;i,·t ti ~ lb1, ffilt 1he ,1.11c 1>1 k~;r. , p.:ne. on
C"iirnl'ral~ l«" ftw M ~crnStak ..,went, 11My hr on the ri-.c ll1'C MS l l 8 oaril o, Rl'Jlt"'"' Will dn·.Jr on 1-<-h. I\ 14 whctha ,·11cum\lancc<> \l,"1'f rani ramns. tht- ftt fiutn \ 1.- I'" \oCfflC"IM hour 111 111 tlouu n ~ lhc llllmml\lf!lhon w ill l'Cl."'l'.1111· mend 1hr ,ocrc~ .ti t he tw11;11d mec•1tnjl. cti,<.pk' \om,: \hki(nh' ,it,«tllwt\ jlft'\COttJ .i •
hcann11 on Thur-.da). J;an \41.
tducillw,n f1,r IIUf" <Judc!"lh lloolcn \lllKI 1hr ..cuikm, .. t.-, llllt rklnl lhc ht--.J1tc anJ "'flllkc: llUI J~I Jn,J !ht !rt w.n:aM' WCl"C' \1111 ~cry ""l'P'"'..,. of lht..,,~ 11)" ''fhey .di ,,ud 1hry J 111n·1 warlt ,1;· hr "1.ld. - h.,i :r.lmo\l .ill ot 1hrrn roded ~Y' " '"
'"Tt \ i, " amuor th,: """(',1\.1 when 11 1ulk""111 , 111:1,J1nJ ffll'lffl") , ., , 1uok 'lt\. · lkl(Jlt"n ...._,J - \\-c arr ""ay h(-t,,.. lhc ru11una l :i,·n ii~ -
At thr -..nw- 11n11.· . hc"""("Wf. MSI I h2'\ • llW" nl fh(- 1,,....-....., LU!l11141 r.ttt, ,n tht ,Jak' , IC ro:, ;i.., 11nd llt1114t n '-IKI c,rn ...,lh lhc nu -.c; 1n ltt... 1tu.1 ,.,.,wt t ~·h1t11~ - rm· f11:t ....- tic ,111J ··.. h11 ,IC 111hc-l ,d11 • M, ,11e ra,~mi luo . If • ·<"qMrd h) ,11,.. ~~ !hot Hll rca-.c ..-1II t'ol- 11\l'd 10 fotl!J Jll'flJ«h that hcnrfil ltlC ·nllff ..it.wknt t,odv ilk.<" rhc unpk-mcn1auon 1 ul pho)ol"ll' ll'~t, llilll lOfl ■nd lc,·hno l,>j:y lhr HlOlll'J \I, 111 :ii.cl ~ u-.aJ IO he-Ip linano.l' Joern 1t~•r. Inc ftt 1nr.n:.J1-.('. 1f ~ T d hy 1hc NM1J. woukl no.II 1ak o:flect unlll f• II of 19'17
Uflf'~ '
Mau Gursky
P-.trtway Acrordlllg IO Scon raylor. 1,ttllllln
nccr for lhc CII) of Wich1U1 b l.II., . the trJfK problc""' ..uncJ:aruund Jan l . whcfltht- CM} bcpn IMt:r.lhn, l'IC"' ptpo alooJ Milho"Olem PJrtway
- ff
lolJflOOfflllff M:wly JacL'\00 ..:.kl oooccm• 1ng i,zrcss. J.:b oo ,ct., stm.\N .,.-hen W ha~"'loo m;r,ny •~ 1n the fire.- Pnontwni hi.tr x 1iv1llb help,. her gci l"VC!)"thll!J ,n10 pcr~ i,·e, but when all else (:uh. runmnp. ht"I~ 10 clear the mtnd. C indy Rios. a post-Netalaurcatt' , iudcnc at MSU. worl.i two ,ohs for a t-Ollll of about 4 .S houn a Wttk . hut SlfC)..'ia OVCT the dcm:r.ndmg nur..,ng cla.~ .\he ,, •»-·
RM>!, -...(I \he doC:.\ no! le! \IW.S !l'I to hrs. She ~ reah1,cd ;ui 1mponan1~'Cl o( <Jw.s. M11•~ my fault I gel Mn:lo.'i«I." RKl'I' \3.ld - 1do II lo my<ielf .. Fw.hman Md,cllc Ram1n:l ha., to r-l
Ill mg c:vr ol my hUSNnd. hou~ Uld t.Kb .illd\11llm:aktA""!> "!"° R&m1n:l lia)S her fiN Cl),11\lntlmcnt ,~ lO ti.tr kkh :aod helping tk-m w,1h 1hcir humcwud . To avuKI !.lrcs.s. W Lrin to get her own vmrk done :ahead of time. '1'o me. gcmng -.omcihing dot"IC hy the JUI.' date 1s gcnmg 11 000(' late." Ramin:, 0
Sludi:nb :mo not lhc only one.-. who c.-..pcncnce !>I~ !>. Faculty mrmbrn alfiO ha,·e ~trict ~ hon that often go unno-
Ralph Fnw;ch. as~ ·,a1c profasur of :a.'<'OUnhnl[. u td dcaJhnr:. We the,r 10II oo h,m. hur he liod~ 1ha1 m;akmi an d fon lu i,tct \IKOC u f hi' l:it~h ~;("omph ~ d
hcnclL '"Am I going to be ~ 10 h:mJlc
S.. Stm,; pogo 4
-w.,. ~ IM-llllh"8 lift tl'll'qll lllofl """-.,c hnc Iha w;11 cary - ~ from the """"'"' i.idcof the <"M)' to the a:.<J "ik .,.1'ctt thl' tn:aUnm1 (x-1h1y 1\ kx:altd,-
TayMJl'\aid Taylot al'° \aid the pn:l)Cl.'"I 1s pn.1CUdmF W'.hcduk and the COO\UUC1K>n Cft"Tis shou.Jd be cf f of the ca,npu, ..omc: lime nu t wed MAs \(JOII a., we gct off Midwe!.lc rn P:arln y. thrtraffK".J,,,111kS dc:r,rup.M Tafl.x oplalncd. Thc carlycompclion of 111'CproJCC1 \l,l)fl· , OOffll.' ~ ,n enough for loOfflC tnff1C • ""'t'M )" MS l l studcnb. Jun10J Ca,;cy l)an;r,hcy QK!. w11•, a great 1nroml:flicnct" 'Acri.~ Part b cb.ed. :rind I n;r,d of
have lo t:al:c 1hr long w.l)" around to get 10 ,;cholll and the ~ntt -
Fm.hm:r.n Tan Luta, ..aKI. ~1 have 10 lr;M· about 20 mrnutc, r arllC"r 1hao usual. I ha\"(: It) get llf' early. lend I ha,~ to hurry lo gct to w°'" · I wurk n ght ar1n- ,;chool.-
egislature could limit rice of used textbooks or
the OO(M(, will nol he \OIJ. lk of the U!.ed hnoh arc no1: hought. ·T ,·c gut 11 Ion of uMXI hooks ht-re,.. Schaffer -.a,d. 1sb 11un wut.11d D & M Bookstore mana~ Jill rt a cb<..\ C Tunnan. who l\a.'i hccn on the job ICll.OOf for only ~incc lhembcr. ~td \he wa.\ •ttouukdcakf nut ...u1t IM,,.. mud! u-.cJ hook.\ ■re II a used hool markrd up aflcr they an: bought 20 pcrrcnt than the from studcOL'Shr saiJ lhe pnc~ arc somctun es "T p:11dffl" lhc )Ct aocurdm~ to printoub frvm other rrcnrl)' in tht f k cpr,,"('flta llvc'~ 0&. M hnokslllfC". Turman al~ , aid hooh tores Comrmttce. Jc-~ oo u.-.cd hoob for pmliL,. 111 Brn1n Schaffer. ··c o llege hook~1orc\ dun "t ma te MSU lk1ok, 1orc:. the ~., profit on new books: · she )lltd. scll~ :an: m:ulcd up ocn IO and J_l per· ..We ~e s11II offcnn1t i.ludclll~ a chance lo get money IMck.,J 1hr pncc of used Some M idw~rm State studl'nt.~ rough a cnn1rx:1 the ~ Id they '-Upportrd the lcg1~b llOll °"'JW'Y· Barne~ & S.. L<gl,Jalion pag, 4 llh lhc uniu:r-,ty.
~ ~ r . c t l i N •MWwatffllPwti.WII}
rilk • ,..,,..,-, ~ I Wftl.. 1'1t«o ., RMtt/y
'iophoml"t" K1111.,kc HraJlc) ..aid . - 11 l1hc 1r.dlk1 mildc 11,c btt a, 1,upk of 11mc,,.. TI•· wurkm """l'tn•ul hklll, 1iii; oll the r11-kl.-
Sa,ah 'lu.,.,cll. J rre-.hm.m .,,,-ho .1,·0ttt, MIJ..,c..in-n l'•,u k.,.av hut , ull h.L, to n.1v1g~tc '" m1.rr.c:-c11,,o .,.,1,h "IJlt Kouk \ J1·J. u ,J. ··1\c JU't 01>1.11cd 1h111 ,n chat .m.· J Ohc llllCT'-1."\:IIOn ) Jll.'1,Plc J on' t haw ClliMJgh hn'IC In Jt!.CI lhfUUj!h th,_· n.'t) h j1.hl .•
Local high school students get jump on college careers
Schaffer ~ ,J the po« of u!<d boo!,;., IS -Cl W'!lh the :L\.W ffiJlhOII lhal illl
M "'"'".'"
..Whrn co'\t"' ,n up - lh..-...cn -.a,J. ~ II kl itn \l.lfflr'lhl~ W,: '>11II h■Y'l' to f"ll'OV1dt :, quaht)'
;.::;~~);,:~,:;; ;~:\r...;~~~c!~
f"ondloct . llC up. tn1lfK 1arn • whM"-~ you call 1L fOf '4l!TIC Mld~lt"ffl Slllk: '>ludml.~ ,1·, tht- d;ltty wur.gk' 1ogct frum boo.,;choo/ ;and l'w:l ~ •n on Mk1~1cm
Bo! 1101 c,rn hi\ fru.~lratmn w11h the bf!.
Street problems to end during upcoming week
;:'~fe;:h. :,:
1 try noi 1,, CI\CT rht- h11k- thing\..)Wpby -..uJ. '"I :11\(J ~vc :r, punc-h111J btJ -, bac-k yanJ It hcl~ U-Cmrndously.frt\hman c\ ch:r.ngr , 1udcr11 Diego hchrvc, h,~ J!:rt"al~I ~ r n from nwnuumni; a high ~ pomt ror ,,,:hl.1l:u, h1p pul"])OSCl,, ~ 1nm11 n:lauon~ 11,,th h1~ family m America. Pa,amu ;alMJ r.-c, .a 11nt4l.ll' '-ft"CS.\ when to cvmmunu; a1c in h,, -.ccond Ian•
VIC'C rn,...Mlrffl It.- 1-fu\lnt\\ l\fl.111, Al
.::;;~ :~,:~~-~n:~~~·~:. #fl.' »w.t_ '"°"'' ,....,,,.
s.sos .. s_.so _~)~
mmt dropped (rum "i.Q9S m the 'JlflftJ o( 1996 IO ~.9'6 lhl, ~ 1er TSU otfM.· 111b humr thr m}JI • thr incra!ai COIJ. of <"mkl hou"
!ff ~ -n1ra1C
MSU Spring Enrollments
Jt-nr, art" ~ lbh ..cffll:ilef " ~ the wmpaecr 'Y'k1" x.J ttw: g(M'fflffl(n, delay, •c n,J( • rac IUI' 111 ftrtJllCtal vd prucewng "We dldlll' I ~ the ~ prob1c:- tho. ~ • .- 1hr ,,;aid. "('M com~ arc worbeg. ~ 1ft .:-,hi yp.and the ~ l f f • l o t ~-M~ SI* COtOPM"' wdl Wllh llllhrr Mal(' un1n •r,,.11ic,, 1h1.~
Students, faculty .find ways to work . through pressures
Joy drafted
'31d many
Mllnd-v Thomason W1<.:hiim IJeoollRi C n...iy Scamotwlf.h "a 1(11Jcr t h r h S..-t,ool '<"mo, who noc only 1~ ,m·oh cd """h u u.a. urn\·ul:u ....:11\ 1 II('!<. :and .-. on 1hc wor\. p,n~r.im. hu1 I\ al'-lt l't11icur renlly e nrullcd J I \ hJwt-..lt'm 'ilJI<' S...art..111,uii.h ,, t 'llC , ,t " l'l""'"'"°lcly 7/t 111):h \l:hool 'L'mor, 1MJ11t· 1r,;.itmi 1n th,: n.on,:unl·m e nroll mtnl pr~r.im at \-ISl l. 11,h11:h t in·, , 1111k'nh J hc..,_J
Mi d ~'y l>amlo. 11,lclo:buwy IJ"W"> l<:1 l1"1 -1.Wnc ,tartfd b- lfw lndlal\'\' off~ d11rint;
lhrir . . . .•witllWNTru,. A&\t on Sal•rd■,·. I\.L"illlo,t,Nl llw tMJ,._ n ...~. Slory o. ~ .. 1""""1.,
1. - ,"larvft
, tart rn colk"Clmg rnlki,.-c ~-•l"tlil\ "Inc pm !,!l .tlll Jll""'"' hl)!h .... ht11,t "-'lll!lf\ to ti..· \lmuhancou, ly r m, ,llcd :111~11 h11!h ..._.h,.,JI ,llkl MSl l \\-hilc l';muni-: t·1111rv l"n'J,r, ,II ~ -.h m, 11tuh1111~ S1Ulknh Alll\ l 111t."'Cl ,he lulk,.. ,111! '-1Ual1f11:11hon, m onJcr to I',,.• t h):Lhlc lor ,·ntnllm,•fll m cht- ~ r.im mai111am a H J,cr.iy1· ,n .1l1 \Ut-Jl....-h p,t,._ ck rn.&., Acaik-nn<" Sl 1lh l'l l')!IJ!ll ll'\.I. "1· J ...~llhlf lfl h,~h ~hot-t. ha~·t ft't.'i "1llllt.' ntl.itu111, fnwn UIUll\Clnr- ,1,n,:I lhc pnnc,pal. .ind Hll, "1 MSI ' rl'\'.IUIO:mcn,, for tht
Stt Conl·urrrnl pagt 4
Edrt~rial Organizations suffering I h{'t\.' ,Ill' lilt \qt\, ltl fl"! 1m ,1i, r,l .u \f,J1A,·,11:m '\1,nl',
11,c": , 11hk1111, ru ... 1111,nr 1lw11 lll' l'I' dn\.\ 111u, 1 '1' lhn , ,tn l'"-'t .,
h111 111.un , 1tuku1, ,Ill' ,1hu, 1ll)'
d..."' cnl 111h ,, hen !ht'\ ~1JJ11ulf ~H"r\•'11l' \..nm, ,. t'•11pln,u, lo,,~ lit lll\111\('ll\l' lll JU\ I ,I\ mu,·h ,,, tht, lt.10\.. ,II l!,1,1;.f,•,. morl' ' " m
lhi, lr\\ll'.ld ,11 }!l'IIIR~
111,ull1"ll 111
111\l'h' \ l' !Ill •'1);,Ull/,ll ll'll llk.'d
111.:11pl,• 11 11h "11111,11 1111,11·,1,. rn ,.,,.i.,,., 1hn1 111lk~..: , .m.·,•r 1n11n•
t 111111,11'11·
,1 111111\
mw, ,1,1·,
, ...
\ lt11k11h ,Ht'
n:11C' :111d a1 \', 11uth1l lu n,i:
Thr,,· , 1111knh ,lh
I'll 1, ,1hh l,111, 1u, l \\I
11n11, •" thn
Mw11· MSl 1 .,w,l,,1111 //ll' ilt'/11g ,11'lji., h/11 ,,,u/d111g rhl'ir
wmc,1,•1 l h1,1,
a dul!r l n·,11h ol
1'1 ~,1111 / JII II II ._
\,k,I,, ~11hl ,,hen
,m: ,ufl e11nl!, ft,1tern11,r, rmll
lhn p,1dhJ\r l hl' ,1' , 1uJl·111,
e, - - - -- - - -
l¾.· 111~
di.:1, ·· ~chi,:1ou,
f(' \ tufll.\
lh\ 11 f\'\l lllk.' \\ 1/1
\l'llll'\I CI
\11hnl \\t!h 11, \ll t ,1111/;I nl.111 \
1lr>(,tlll/,tl l1UI\ 11,M"
- - - - \l11npu,.11,.•,1,1i~
p.1d,hll!! - - --
1\ \11d c m11.·
1tc1111:h \l'.'lli,h .ind , hl',11111,!! !Ill' nr~an,1.1111111,, h1111111 ,U1.' 1c1,l·, ,11~.11111.11100, Ilk.' \ .uc lll\11hcll .md ,ix·c1,1l 1111c tl',t !!ruup, .m:
Ille, ,ire prnnll', m ~• 1h1•11 llllk.' l'llhl'I .md 1kw1111n i., .1 p.1n1rnlur I he , 1ulkn1, . who arc padd,n~ !!n,ur ,ind rhrn , 11c.1l..1nt 11u1 1tw th1·1r rc,11111~. need to w:tl..c up h,1..-1.. dnor \\ht'll II lt)II\C, hi Jncl rc.1h1c 11hu11hcy an.• doml! 1hm~, hi..,· lll\' r1111~, ,ind lundThe) nuµ ht be hdpm).! lhl·lll1J1"'" S\lllk.° J>t'Ork ~ ti a, ,.,r a, "-'h c, 111 thl· lung run, bu1 thc~ l'-1~ 111~ 1hc ,rn1l· ,1t•r 1IU1:, Jnll :ire hur1111g the llr!,!Un11a111m, till', thmk 1h\·~ h,1\l' Joni• thl·ir Cll'tl 11101\'
fhe \V1d11t.in wclwnw~ !('tiers ,1f opumm from facu lty, !-lll· dt'nh ,ind , t,1fl. l.t•th•r-. c.hould l't• bnt>f ,mJ \\'1thout t1bU'-I\ l'
utters tothe Editor
t:~ft!~};~H:~, ~r:;~;~da~:·1\~:
llrinR lrtlt r'\ to lht- \\'khitan Offkt•, Roon1 HIO:\ of tht• Fain Fine Arts Ruildin~
wnll'r ,rnJ mdud(' ,1 tclcp~1onL'
numhcr ,md ,1ddrL...,, for vcnf1• c.1l1<in purpo~. I ('tier!- will bt· ('l.11tC'<I fur gr,m1m.ir only
Punishment for infraction too extreme 1>1:a1
I d,tuJ
h ~ lht f'U'I lhlt\.• '<llll',l<:1' I h.ih• "Ofkl!'\l ,.,.,,, ;)I... .inJ JUmd1:J \ l ::,L tul1 llll'lf' .. ntk- , ,in\flllJIIIIJ Nd, """' lonh lr'1m 1,..,.,1 (',irl. thr,~ cw h:,ur lnl'IC'• J .L, 'I 111, scmc-,t,•f I dl:'~uk-,1 11 w.,1, Inn<' 1ur ,. , h.1nt<' t th(lu~h1 n "''1Uld mal e m, hfr .:J'llr ,1 t h11-J .,n ,.unpu, l"lkr ,M thr« ued,, h.11 C hn,•11 \',N CI Jn,J I h.,, .. 1-<cn ~•111rcm "1th m, ,1-.mc1 fl ,om ,,n the hll h lh,u1 ••I K1lh11l!'""rth th,11 " Ullhl !hi, 11.~l.rn,J \o11urd.1), ~ 1ne nJ o l "111\C' di,:... l \-J mtu "') 11,11111 \ht 11,,1, phlll,1hh m m, H•om for ., 1rand 1,,i.,J "I ten minute, l h.....:,c1 ... h,:n II,(' kll. sh..· h1f¥•11 l<> 1111.•ck ,,u1 Jnol 1•1~~up litr \1)l 11> • • ,J l.o1tt:1 lhJI m,:h1 I n-, el\,:J ,1 ph,>1'11: ( ,all lr" m tht: rc,1Jcrit ,11,isl,Ull ,,11 Jut) 111 lht: trunt olfKC' )II,.• lulJ lf\C' lh•t m, lnt1M.fh.-J h.ll'1oum h1:r 111 ,t.nJ th.11,II\" llt\.'(kJ 111 r•• ~ u i.1• .1, \(~ ~ .11 r,1...1hk I tolJ hr1 I .,...,utd tdl m, lrirnd ,., ,~ i " ' .m,I 1h.1t "'•' ch<' ,:nd "' ch( t 11c•1cr-..i1m11 \undJ}. !ht· ' JIil'-' !'UP I ,,1lk'd me 110111 1~ 111/,h, .ult! ,1, l.t.',J 1111e ,,. , ,imc ,lu\\n ,!,111\ J1t1l lcl 111.•1 m I lt•l hr, 1n ... 111'1,.,ut IIJ1111p- lkr 11Fn 111 I lr~,.11cd 1r1hm,:dl\ ,hr ,,..,, , 1111 ,1r111.-0 m \', h(,n ...,r,,1111,: ,l,,un,1:11r. ten 1nm me, IJl1:1 , .. ;•,:1 h,•, II.I ,ti.: , 1u,,lr111 .,,,_1,n1 lllh'1n11.'tl u, th• t Ill\ ru..-,1 "'Ill /,,: "'1111\.'ll UI' ,11lJ hJm)l'tJ tmm Clll<.'lllljl tli. J,,rm, l>.:<JU'-(' , /11,• l"l!,'.•1' her 11) ,1..,, ,.uJ th,11 I "'"ulll ,..,111,:n up \!w mlurnir,1 tilt' th.It \lllH' lh h "'•" Ill\ fir-t ,,11,•n\C•· I "'"ultl tl<!I "-: .1t>k tu hJh ll\!h'f1 lor11'1,. llt:11thuhdJ\,,11'!J "'' "•It hud, h.11,· 1.. ,111rn.J J J 1... ,ph run htJlllhl
Ilic r lt'I lhJt 1 hJ•c 1,1 J\ICnJ. hCJI• 11111 n('\ .111....- i,f th,~ h-g~k-- Ill) mmJ. I .iJmu th,t,1 I JIii ~mil~ (>I t..:MI Judfn'oCnl l-h.111ldh.,,e111111.'t.lhc't mlht-~lintl UITIC' .illtl r..1 no.11 Jt~nr "' I \\ J, "'rong r ,111~1) J".,ll:r..-c .,.,,1h Nlrm1nl' m) L'ue•t .\II -hr J1,t \l,J• lo,11..-1 lll'I t I) 'he hJJ 110 1&:J rh.11 ht·r ,11..U(\ll\ "''"'Id hJ,,:,,i,,.h , ,,,1...,.4u,·nr,·, llc.. l 11 I .,.,., ham1'.'J lr1\m CH 'ry hu1JJm~ on ,Jmpu, th.lt I ktc n,, 11) m I ,..nulJ n, ~ h..· lll'rmmrJ 10 rmc, th,: hhrJr. tht ('l~r\. ~ludcnt (enlt/ or 1hr l:N.li,, lt°'lfn,m m U'I(' l o1m l11lC Arh ~.uld1nf I fed 1h.11 11 tht' hou,m~ uffi,t' h.1, th,11 mu,h a11thv11t\ ,,,er her 1hcy ,tw:mtd h,I\\' lhrn pHh, 1..-, po,11·J m 1hr lohh) JnJ Ille ,u1..-, ,h..ulJ N' o:,rlJ1neJ !ll r .ah iuc\l tht li,,t 11n11 1ht:-y,he.. 1.. m nic, 1.11.1111 th<'
111.,nrr ,, I m 11,,1 rcr-
re,1 ,111,l nc11hn 1, the ')'l<'m II ,r ""' '-11, h J h,g d,:.11 lh.11 ,J;e lel1 11(1 11) .Ji.,ut.ln I dlC' k 1\ hJ,,_. ,,11t.l " "lll'lhmg .,.,h,,•n , h( 1,1lled Ilk" s..1u1d,11 11l~h• 1
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341oToft Blvd 12100 • WicMa Faus Texas 76308 New, Desk (81 7) 689-4704 • Ad Desk (817) 689-4705 Advise, Jim SArnoo
Sports Editor t-kk Ea tmon
AuShQ f e1guson Marv King
Editor in Chief Dre-,., Mve1~
Photography Editor lsoo Noruse
Associate Editor JrTSOn L0V.T€'f', C8
Clrculotion Manager J,m Jo,ne,
Advertising Manager
Gtophlc Artist He,.1tner Moore
Cortoonlsrs t.d-,m C heve1 BIOn~lref
~oPt.u ton Accoon1001 )Pl'V\"tl YT'M""\
News Editor ~,! JI' '-7',r-k,
l<otv Mortin Anttior111 NewOOry Johor,r,o NIJdng Mondy ThomoM)l'l
Rondv 8rew-$1€ r JC Ga·c10
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Justified madness?
or~ t Re-release of 'Star Wars, more trOuble than 1t s W ' h.i?f P("('f'IC, Ill JU
,..,,,I> 1... n ,,..,,rJ, I , an thml.: of 10 de~11bc lJ•• "'cd,•nd\ ll' • rclC',1<.cof ' St.11 W~t, An~hll.l) JnJ c1cr~t,.,!d) ~Jill!' Oll1 .,f h1din~ II\ ,t(' 1h1, llk)• 11' 11,hllh ....h U11g1n~ll1 n:-ka-ed ~,, }C.lr, :aiu l'~oplc 11oc11" htmg font'd Ill l?C"I thc11 uckrl\ hour. Ill .t,~n,.,c- anJ 1hto ,und 10 lmc fn, J fc"' mur,· hour. iu,t 10 get J good wm L1k,: ] ..ud, II 11,a, pur,: maJ.
"'"In .,, C•pcnmg ....erl l."nd,
urnclt..,d,,-1, coll«1cJ Jnl",lt· mJtcd ~.lfi 1 m1lhun Aftc, I J'Ul a ~JkulJtOI I(> II. liFurm~ tlM.h 1,dl"I ,,,IJ co,1 JPfll'llX1111•U:I) 'iii. I ( ,1/flC 10 lhc !.'Ol\rlu,11)11 lh,H :t IN vf pcopk "'"' th1,m0111· An,J J m proud 10 , .,~ I " ''' Olk' of1hc 111 But \ \Ill l1M1"' 11,h~1 • Im rno11c rrood :111hc J.K11ho11 I \ l.a}CJ J\\Jlt for !ht ,..ti,,,lc thing IA hen I 11.J, 1"""m~ up. I h.id 111}
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.,.,rnl •111tn1n~ m~h! Jr.., ,rd up lilc one .,f 1he ,11n,J p,.•npl,: hut I
"'"'"''· I h~-,g«~""'· m and \.('c 1h1, mv11r !,,
A Different Perspective S
By Drew Myer
our que,t
"~t.11 WJr,· on Sa1u1J.l~ \\. r wuld hJl'C' CJ\II) gm,e ,,1-r entu1\ ( II) 6 here 1n lt.'M n hut 1f )•ltl fl" ~•111111 t,> tkl It, you·>e gc>t Ill du II n!!hl \U',IC .....nt IODJlla, w,. . '1ot 1,vr ud,•11 the n1i:h1 hcforc h) culhni: one u! 11'1,.1-.r Ill ....'('
.1111\t\}lng tclt'\'ompu1i:r ')•It'll! ,,,t,.111h1n~,. 11ohtd1 trC'at ~,1u h~c )UU :1r1· ..I ) t"ar, 111d. t>ut 1h,1t\ Jl~llhcJ ,ulumn 11111-.rll J\n~"'.1) ,,_l. hc,KictJ lllll JbotJt no,~1•nSa1ufl.lJ} Wrh.w.l J ,t>U• pie of crrJn,I, 10 run m th,: ~lclr.>pln hul vur ll•·l t•h \\,:I(' 11111111· 9 pm , hu.,., , ,., ""I" "''-"re
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u,tlcrcd Uc l ei.. tor lhc I} /l rn
,he",... w lune 11.oult1n·1 be ,,,on,. m~ ai:J1n,1 u, Nen.ilc\\ IO'-'), II
It ,,:cmed M,: .,.,c h,iJ ,:nou~h 11111ton our lwnd, 10 1ilm uurciv. n
011 uur """ 11:r,1011 ul '1'1w f;mi11rr Stn~e, ff:,ck" (Of cuuN: I ... ould.,C' pla)l"d GreJ o. . 11K~rc-cn dude "ho rn Han Sulu l>to,,., av..,) m thc har hut conlm• ue, 11, pop .ip lllfll' and umc 11g11m 1hnruj:h,.1t11 thcmlng)I IAc irJhtitJ .1 /'>11e to c-:11 !lllll h.iJ ..,mctjuulil) cun•<'r-.:itiuo , but ,1 good ,hunk of 11mc n:-mami:J ~l,,re the 111(11 IC' , 1.111ed ~I \IC UJIICJ, ,tod u alled, and .,.,.11rd ,c,nK' more h lf 2 11= hl,,u" .,.,c \I nod JI 1he iron, or hnc llo.llllll~IO\fC'lhcllpm ,hov.mi,; of ..s,,.1 1,1,.,....·· - :,g.1111. 11 wa,
purc m..dnc" Smu· \IC "en: lhc lir~, pc~plc 111 lmc. "'' .,.,e,c gu.u~n1n-d the t-(>,1 '<'JI\ m the house Wr JU,I hM! Ill \loJII lntC\("1111 g<'I Ill thtm Surpmmgl). the ,,.:i,1 "''"'" I li'O had I lh1nl It WJ, Ilk' f:M.'1 1 ... . 1, gcmng mun: c,en,•J anJ 1hl· fat·t I cnJnyell .,.,,11d11t1'1 1h,• pure nlJ1lr11·" unlold Ill IJOUI nr my
1~r . gl"t \.' JnJy • 0J1ural d1Y~trrs Aft("( th!: \\JU \lo( r•••
UJ \tt II
\\,1,Ji.•1m11cl) c\,ned rl11cc uf m) fnc111h J111.l I \Cl llUI O{\
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and a h11 nt pto1•lt' 11.q,
'"S' ~-~•., .,,, '™ Ihm, 10 )OU
kno\\ ~~.,
~~\c : ; ~sa1n l'ht'rc .... l' IC ~ k,
JllJU,llllC.'llh, bui I~ ~•, W1<h1IJ .md all tht 11,,._. J1t1n·1 sttm ""•nthu Lile I ,.,Id hcli>n: I, ( proud of m~-.c:lf fur ,1r , • ~ ' ~ mgJv.ak W11 h .111 the (lfnl< .-~ totht·mo111: 11wU. l 11. 3, l ) 11reJ " "· I IJl( !It.; \\ J , dc.tll A u1urlC' ric"h xmup .tl.lU..all~ kll ,1,J.:.. ft'all} Jon·, MJnM.: lhr:m '
So ("tlllp·o11ulJlkllh l • ~ thl'R' v.ho 111\"d th•. rn,1dm:" ,111d J,ru,ilt, n" r1h• 1t11 1h,• .,.,h11lr nk, h.11 ~OC\ ,,11 1,, ~1111
I m ~l:.ii.1 l " t:nt t-.-..111, 1, nothm~ lil t• J 1''•'1 1 , "'11h :1 ft:11, "' ~our 1/ttr,,. rm proh,1hl_1 nr,c """"•t 11.IJPf,cd up 111 JU 1hr r, 11,hl' ll lhc~ ll"•ld14. l-.tnp1rr S11 1ln 11.itl mofll h
I\'ichi t;in
Wheeling ,ind dealing
Giving something back
MiJw~ tt:!rn St~te gradu,11e in thick ot pl.inning n•IC'hr,1t il111 lrn,h ( urn
r ,,·r ,t , J o~
~h,i ,J ,, •H 'I "-,•
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rt .P:ofessor to take xh1b1t to Nebraska h·rah Curn
;~ Ii,,. t'~:1~1~.J ,:::;~: /, I 1, 1,.._,,. ,,1 f , ,,J l>.,:cll,
11 11 :- ~,\,,'r,~t:;c,.~•~1\t l,•~ ( ,,,!Jt-crf '- lhll'lr ,.k I rhr, •1~h , ,)inputer
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tht 1TM lh
Midwestern State's Fall 1996 Graduates
~c•mr ,,( thr rnm\ "ere m.t!k !rt1m r1 1 1urh l,1l,:n t-1 Hmc·,h Jnd ' JI-., h1 •>1h1·1, ln..luJ,:J m 1ht , c,llt,1wn Jrt r1-.-
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Sixty-three Midwestern State sh1dents named to Who's Who 'I\ N1, Whn
lh,,- I-A? cd.CI\HI uf \-~
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Tn•AAM, ""-h , _ ,. ,,,_,,,
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RA\-~ -.aid MrKiNX'J ·~ dr-s.u-'l' ~:;:..:;,.:...ad'o"MUf!C' IO htm -.t
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,,. , ...,
"" "" ""
kiKl'l "I
\f\l ,
Sincerely Yours
DID YOU KNOW? M.afl1ng 1 ton of rKYdecf~rUSH only •bout iO'¥t of the ffltt9Y ~ 10 1TNII~ •
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REQUIKBMl!lffll Ap: JIN" older w-.ht.:-rllOrt. In rood hM.lth $tud.nl l. 0
Bn,. .. KXPl."Ct'ED COUIISI R&SI.R.1'8 ►.Jtr1 - r 1100 ia I◄._,,_ NlilfKllffl l.OOWU"C th1t you h.N pnmd:ldmtdieiJM
" sood ut:1p1.inun11y "' ~ ,.,., .11 101t1 !hill cuukJ t'C' roll7 J!nl and IC'' • h!J way " 11-...,.- r.a,Uu,r; • ~nc Ju1 ul tht W1UMWl'W"nl 111Tuf-.l l.N.....,.,n ~ w-. ,1c.n h.l\,r. ,.....t.t1-ti..~ ul bf. . lolll..U"\14'1 1ft th( JIIN 'C'NJfl Mid ('bvoff1, McK1mt} ...i - 11 "'IC play , lull 4U mu,ulc'., 11(
i,a:,,,krtNII C'oTf)' 11,nc, OUI, I WC ,·an N'ill Ml) lllll' Wt' II f'M:C',H McKmnry UJJ
- My Jllh •111 hl- Lil ,n C\'Cf)'(lflt nJ JU\I hr ,WI
111'\'olwd In thr l ;amc'
~l.tmu9'd pl;ayn -
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811 OHIO ST.
N.1hoMI fou,-11tt11 ..., I k N I MIJ
l<'U\ .\4 M. Md(JMC')' nrnc
~..Wt\U) ' •
,uo"C'C'' nl tht lc'.ani r'°"' 1hr p,rv,t11n yc:a1 thlf dfrwlt1m 1r, ,,., •h11, l,II• ; "'ally hlrd( ,-.► lK.1) 1' loll AOO 1hr 701 McK1" flC')' l'C'fort· I ~-;affl(' he-rt' lhr'II • rrM h• the
-----~ L----------ha\ 11 "l k M "6C'IW1. drlC'rt.kr 14r~
lnl9'\"'--cJ Wfllft nl"t')'lhlnJ \ ludr'nh Mid lhC' , ~
f",_..h tt,v .,,,.s 1hr
l "OM•Mj l ·nmmrnL'I ··11c1u.,1ail,.,,..-v,'\C'cm, 10 be the-re when "'C' nttd a hil( ph1y.~ hc-1ttl i:~ich kff Kay
l .:o ~il ltS
1•,)l.,.. ,..,,1, ·1111...alr111 W1i,.· n1,
11.wu•-a " ¥1 .Ill .au'""J J)l,a)'C'f lk 1,1...1111.U.,•, ri""'' I(.;, ,.u,I -uc , oflW"" elf'"' 11'1 -.iuh lw in tt..· ,,,.. ~ t,,r, ht,t ..Jta:,t~ h."' .Jll>I i.t.. ~,., ..... n,., "' ~ ttrn.· .,,ti,.'TI "'<' .....,.,1 ' "'' ~ A\ \I, t.. '""'' .1 '-",..,.. 11'\llll \\..Ko. r( 1..a, ..,,d ,,..1n,:-, ...,J'l> l.ll'lln"up
, 1c-;11h
Hich Sctto.l
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