The Wichitan
\lotume 73, Number 15
Thursday,Feb. 9, 1995
Certificate program offered
College Day gives high school look at campus life
pat""IS and guests for Col: tcgc Day activities is near the J .000 mark. Barbara Merkle. director of school ,c:1:uions, said Monday lhat 401 prospective Students~ SS9 parenlS and guests had mtde reservations for Satur day's event
The event is staged each
Sludttot APl!rlQ:1 9:00 am
9:30 am
10:20 am
11:00 om 11:30 am
12:00 am
year. Merkle said. to show off ~e university , give ad!fllssions and fi nancial aid mforl!'atlon and general! i ~ov1dc. informatio/ th o~pcc11vc students nod . c1r ~arcnts receive frform::ition about college 1
. arc _high school junior's and seniors from Texas. but there are a couple_ from Arkansu_and Lou1sian~. Merkle SI.Id. Ho~cvcr, &tu~ nts no,1r:·~&tStered can ~tiU Part!c pate m the evcnlS
pcct as studtnLS at MSU Most studenlS reg·1st· d
c and what they can ex-
Y ~eg1s1cring Saturday
The schedule of events 1s
as foUows:
ft:notl<iuntAPPOW Student Regbtrat1on Fain Fine Arts Center Atrium General Welcome Dr. Jesse W. Rogers Vice President. Acedemic Affairs Fain F,ne M Center Theater Student O"-ntatlon Phillip Birdine, Deon of Students Chad Bridwell. Ass. Director Fain Ii-le Arts Cenl&r lheate, Campus Tours MSU student Ambassadors and Student Hom Academic Dept. Vlstts MSU Faculty SIUdenl Activlttes Fair Clark SfUdent Center Meetin g Rooms Athlete Meetings Clark Sludent Center Atrium
10:20 om
10:30 om
Parent/Guest Reglshotlon Clark Slvdent Center Ah/um Cconttnuous through 10:30om.) Campus Tours MSUstudent Ambos$odors& Studnet Hosts General Welcome Barbaro R. Merf<Je, Dir. of School Relotlons Dr. Louis J . Rodriguez. Uriv. ~ -
C" Daf-rec:epllon Parents. guest. faculty, ondstoff
11 :00 om
Clark S/vdent Center Atrium Parent/Guest
Onentotlon PhiiKp Birdine, Deon of Students Barbaro R. Mende. Dir. of School Relations Fain Fine Alts Center !heater
Olh,v CPd't:Y pqy Ac/lv!U.S MSU Bookstore Open 9 om-1 pm
Clark Student Center MSU High School Art Competition Opening 11 om-1 pm Fain Fine Am Cente, Foye, Gallery (facing West Campus DflveJ
MSUSchqq{6'44:lfiqa• Slqff ijorboro Romos Merkle, Director Chadd J Bridwell. Assistant Director Dixon Baily. Assistant lo the Dlrecior Carol Peirson. Administrative Assistant
The Di visi o n of Continuing Education. in an effort 10 help prepare stu~nt.s for work in manufactunng,
plans to hold a Gen eral Manufac1uring Cert1f1c a1e program (GMC). Program da1cs have not hccn set. The program is designed to broaden partici pa nts' knowledge in i nduslrial safety. measuring tools. interpe rsonal skills and automation. Those interested must first be accepted into 1hc GMC program. Acceptance Takln& advantage or 1he Ftbruary "1ummer." Christopher is b~.on math, ~ding and Michael Dtlmark and Ser&10 Puer10 enjoy a sunshine break mechanical rea.sonmg t<;:sts. bttween d llllltt. The winter weather In Wkhlla Falls has made These assessmcnL'I are given hudllDH with un, mud lemperatuns. a1 no charge.
Accounting Society offers tax assistance The MSU Accounting So- Center. Room 204 o n the following days; Tuesdays 12:30 • 2:30 p.m. Thandays 7 - 9 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. • 2 p.m. Those seeking 1ax assi.,tance for their 1994 income taxc.S, should hring the following items 10 the sessions: 1994 W2 forms. a ll 1994 1099 fonns. 1994 .schol~hip informa11on. 1heir 1993 tax (Spring Brc:ik) and April I 5 return, and informauon about {Easter Break). any other income you had m Sessions are held in the 1994 {lottery winnings. c1c.) Small Business Dcvd opment ~~~1ftd~~ti~ff:~na~i~~c!n~ MSU stUdcnts and-..,,,,io,th rough 1he Volunteer In come Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. a program of the Internal Revenue Service. vrrA sessions began Feh. 2 and will continue through
:r~a:lh.~it I~~ f6~e:;i~8
Counseling Center awards $200 to contest winner Alpha Omega was awarded $200 from Lhe MSU Counseling Center. according 10 Debr.i J. Higginbotham, dircc1or. for their entry in the center's 1994 Alcohol and Dru g Awar e ness, Responsibility and Education (ADARE) contest. The
AUSTI N (AP)·-Dig city mayors me t with Gov. George W. Bush on Monday -.d rcponcd th:11 they arc "in S)'nc'' abou1 g~uing tougher <xt young criminals. Bui sever.JI mavors voiced dieir opposi tion J10 another ltgislalivc push Bush hacb .legalizing carrying conccak-d
""dguns. "Therrt's a reaso n why IIOst of our poli<.:e chids b,·e said 'no· to 1ha1 bill. ~y think it's danF,t·rous." Slid Mayor Bruce Todd ~1f ~Uj(in, who chairs th1.· l~i~hl· group Mayors Uni1ed on 1(e1y. Cri me.: and Law Bafortcmrm Bills ving through ~ l.eg1sl:u urc wnuld allov.• tJ.arts to be hr.:cnSt.'d 10 carry ~aled weapons Former _emC1crat1c G ov. Ann kiciards vetOC'd a (t}t), m~·.1«lft calling for a \latt.:w11.k ~ on th¢ question.
··My police chief and I arc very opposed to this, just because of people's behavior," she said. ~Righi now. you know whal it's like when you're driving down the freeway and somebody cuts in front of somebody else. You may get some hand gestures ... but that's a liulc bil different than someone who is. maybe int0xicatcd or not knowing wha1 they're doing, allowed to have a concealed weapon,'' she said.
"We seem to be really in sync with him. .lnd !hat's very important if we're going to get any1hing done," Ms. Rhodes said. " It was a very encouraging meeting. and I h::ivc hi gh hopes for 1he (legislative) session."
Tht.: mayors arc pushing five maJor ideas: Reducrni; iu\'enilc possession of h::imlgun!I by making 1r:1nsfcr of a handgun to a JU· vcnilc a felony, and hy requiring ~O days au1oma1ic detcn11on for ju\•c niles in The mayors said the con- posscs,.ion. The mayors also cealed weapons issue didn'1 want 10 conf1-'Catc c,:m; and come up during 1hc ir meeting revoke driver's hl't'nscs of jufed . al lcas1 fro m our with the governor. Rather veniles convictl.'J of carrying l' o,pc,:un: . thc mort' gun~ they focused on proposals by wt•apon~. ~ou han: on the i.trc~t iht.: Bush and 1hc mayors to .-\!lowing p11li,1.· !('I kt·t·p ;non.~violence you'rt! going 10 toughen juvenik justice laws. fingerprint and photo tile~ ( 1! . That was a key Dush cam- juvemlcs ,in J \t:11cw 1Jr.: hahave " Wolff said. · M~yor ~hry Rhodes of paign issue and one of has ~•s. , us Christa called the priori1ics since t.ik mg office lncrc.1:-in~ \ late fac1ht1c'i ~~~r to carry bill ~re.all)' tcr· last month. to hou!lc 1uvcnik cnmm.ih . nfy1ng."
Thursday Februa~ 9th
l l a.a,SCltdc:M~
NI-,. CSClO! Jl,-.n. BWISE
NOOll- 1:lt p ... td«mfermce
- · Graduue Scbool: The
..,.......,. Moma Libn<y 212 l : 15 p.lL Faculty Scnue
M«liD1. Ex-Students' Dlnin1
Room. CSC S:45 ,--. Women's eauetball • ManwTOCb U @ Ruslellvdk. AR
..Atl cxbibitiofllqiru.lun Hip• Suen Sooa,or Vani1y Fair; Fain Fine. Ans Center. WW nmtl>routhend ol "-~•-.
Ft bruarv 10th FREE DAY!!'!!'!
Morw- Board's entry placed Satur~ay Ftbrua~ 11th second. The conte st is held 7 ..... CoUe,e Day Preview ror annually and is sponsored hy biPIC'.bool Jmdttsand teniors the MSU Counseling Center aDd lbdr -...,:_,_ csc Its purpose is to promote Sunday awareness, responsibility and February 12th education to 01hers abouI drug and alcohol :ahusc s., p-. Phi Sigma X2f'lfll OlCCting. Hospitality Renn, CSC Higginbotham added.
Governor Bush promotes concealed weapons for Texans; Texas mayors say "no" Bush, a Republican who defeated Richards in November, says he would sign a ~right to carry" bill. "It's going to make for a ..: more peaceful world. an~ I J.ust re• s~ ctfully disagree with opponents. he said Monday. , Although the ma ~~rs group hasn't 1akcn a pos111on on the concealed weapons t,dl. several indi v1_dual ~~Y· ors j oined Todd i~ _vo1cmg ihcir personal opposumn. San Anwnio May~r Nd son Wolff said his cuy has iakc.:n w on{:. ac1ion to reduct! the number of guns on thi.!
This Week I On Camous
Creating a mandator y minimum sentence for violcnI gang offenses. Molding parents liable fo damages in crimes commiucd hy their children. Todd said 1hc mayor s found Bush "rccep1ivc on almost every point"
7 - 1:JI p.m. Tau Kawa f.f!Silol mctting. E:..-StUUCIIIS' Dining Room.CSC
Monday Ftbruarv 13th I un. • S Valentine'• Day flower sale, CSC
Noon • I p.m. BSU lunch/bible scudy, Ba[ll~ I Student Unioo 7:JO p.m. Men') Dlbkc1ba.lJ -
Phill~ Umvcr11ity @ MSU Uron Cow.cum.
"The leg1sla11on w~ pre M:nted 1s lcgi~lation that hC concurs with. and we're gr.11c ful for tha1." add¢d Dallas Mayor Steve Bartk•u. Arli ngton Mayor Richard Greene said thr.! combined c f. forb of the governor and h1 g city mayor-.; 1ohould gi\C an aJdcd hoo~1 10 such lcgl'la
l uesday February 14th
ll a.m. • 5 p .,n. V:dcminc·s Day
llowcr~.CSC Noon · 9 p.m. U 1.L Crt'I!>~
Examination csr Lounge & P.uomlo 104- IO'J 12:lfl • I p.m. Chi Sigma lunch ~
lfospit11h1y Room.
5 • 6 :JO p.m. Bahai' Club 110\piUtluy Rnom, CSC 6 p.rn. WCNnc.:11·~ 8a.-.J:c1hall · Cameron Unweo.ity fl!' f.awmn. OK 6:)0 · 9 p.m. ' faenmg at 11rier. CSC Dallto<>m ~- 10 p.m. C'llclc K fnlem.'\Uona..l metlm~. BSII 100
\\ ednesday He prl'd1t1cd that """ t.:'r February 15th go,ng 10 tl'C .ilmo\t crimpk IC' <,ucce~"' m thc:-.c m1 t1at1vc Noon • 1 M orw Boon! during th 1:- h:g1~13ll \C \C~ Society luncbcon. CSC 104, lOS, \ Ion . and l \ a result. ,a fe 107 c1tit-\ 1hrtlughou1Texas." Noon • 12:50 p..m. D11(1tl-.C
StuJau Umon llillChoon, BSU
Thunda Fe ACROSS
TIIE Wkhita,,
Music Review
The Stone Roses comebac~ results in some great m~s•c
·payhreak has no intro tun be gins dircl.:'.ll_y with Brown janging. TIH5 1s one of Lhe few eJtccpuoM on 1he alhum where 1hc hand ,ound~ hkc ihcy ? id. h~d when. · Your Star, w,lh 11.5 acoustic guiiar and catchy sound. u, the shortcSt M>ng. clt_x:king in :at just under Lht\.-e n11nu1~. "Straight to 1hc Man hJs . (unky Jillie in1ro ad ~Begging You· 1s a liulc fa.t.icr and JUSI makes you want 10 dance "Good T1m_c..\· has 3 bluesy cu1t?~ lh:i.t. without Brown's Bnush a~ccnt. would be right it home m any blues joint. "How Do You Sleep" is :a perfect example of c:uchy smoo1h pop. "Love Spreads• is a gre;u song that I'm pos111ve I've seen on MTV. h sounds a li1ilc like Primal Scream, with its wailing guitar intro. A nice much 10 the 3Jbum was th:i.t the disc cover featured pictures of the h:ind when they wete child ten. I hked Stone Roses in 1990. but I would have to ~Y that t like 1hem even more now They've drifted :iw:iy from 1he1r 1cchno sound but haven't gone 100 far the other way. The result i.s some gl"C.ll music
t'ivt years later lht: lad~ from Manchtsttr have relustd another album called "Th• Second Coming."
Ldsu.re_ Affairs Regency. billed_ as the #I
Shore your love.II G,vc to fl,• Wicl,ito Folls HuMor,a Society. To donat e call
Back.door Thcaue begins
ac11pell~ group 1n lhc cou~• 1lS production of Ashm3n and
try . w!11 appear 1n Akin Menk.en's · The L11tlc Shop of Aud1tonum on T~3.y. Feb. Horroo;" Feb. lO on thl' Main 21 al 7:00 p.m. This group Stage. has
cal led
D ircc.:ted
"Fool's Gold: Wdl. tf 1h:iL i.s what you arc e:..rccung (com Thr Smne Roses this umc aroond. prepare to he d1i.ap· pointed. . This new alhum hcGins with 30 I I-minute song called " Brea.king. in_t o Hc:1ven: that hc:g1n.s w11h di sto rte d gu1 hefon: lapsing into cn ckc1s :ind water fl owing tn ' h c bo.d:ground fo r about two minutes..Driving South be· gint. wi1h heavy ja~ghng GUI· 1ars und lead smgc r l:in Bro..,,•n's thro:ity voice. Jn 1990 The Stone Roses incorpontcd some ht: 3 ":Y techno-pop in their muuc w11h :in :ahundancc of drum mechanics 1ha1is absent from this :alhum. One of my fa· \.'Onte songs 1s ·Ten Storey Love Song: with 1L\ nowmg faint melody that f.idcs out before Brown's voice gains no1iceablc strength. The lyrics arc s:1ppy, but for some rca..w n ii works
L ynn
9Tcmpt.J.uons of lhc 90's· he- Mars hall and Cy nth1~ cau~ of their showmanship. Compton. · Lmlc Shop· stan c~'!l• and su~e_prc~ncc. T om McNeely. Wendy l'hu presentation 1s part Wood-BrnLd B ig Jim o f the 1995 Artist-Lecture R~U. and o~rs. Sencs. Ttc.kcu arc SS and $7. "'L111lc Shop· features
:JC:voo a attle lteatl a;ru/
For more information call many well-known songs such 761-1976. ext 4500. as ·suddenly Seymour·. MSU~ti'-'at,cs · v ou'II ~cv~r Kno w: :md will prcscnL~ a showing of "Malcolm X" on Wednesday, Feb IS. Admission is free. Call l.he Student ActiviliC-$ Office for more informal.ion.
!/,We 1k,Ito/¥
Be 3 Dcnllst. . ! •eke~ arc gmng fasl, ~o don I hesna!c. CiJII 322-~ for rc~rva11ons or more: mformauon. the Arlt. in
6ll dmlaWnff /bma·
W ic!f:P~;~.
89tQ@rJ~pies Nol-.old~cr,,,ott.dllc:ol"ior COIA)Of'I
11Dtto1""Coorlil!ld,Pr1dlJl•Mlltm:t~I l,')'OI, 'lleilillqr !JffWm • as, lllftoll • 17Colrreoi,tu
12 month Co:k>r Calendars 824.9S
Playing th< B<st 'Dance Music In Toxoma
Featur1ngour lnfamou.s
'Macho Ch~f and "S<xy SIihouette" Contl?St.S
W11h first donation and student I.D.
Dnnk~p,ml, Ill< Wm,. W,D Drinks & Dr•fl RrrrT1IIII 00
Call for .ippointmcnt
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Earn up 10 S60 every two weeks
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The M11m of Hildc.gud \"O• Oiagc.11 A very modem offering o( the music of Hildep.rd von Bioecn, mcrgine 12th cc.ntury chanr, \\'Orld beat rhythw and electronic sounds.capes.
h~,§ttug~ Wlchit. Squue
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For More Information Call:
~ At111111e1· Al um
llam1hon RmlJmg, Suite 1-100 900 8th St \Vu,:hna fJlb.T:\ (8171761-1777
Our views Black History Month. a short tiJ?le in space ..: a short lime in memory ... 81~.:'"sH: ~ ~ ~; and anoihtr ~bruary ~d ar,0 1hcr And JUSl In (."llSC )'OU ha \.'C foe 0 1 aJJ of much oorpor.u(' ~DOf\SOrsh~ ten. the rncdi:1. wnh lhe •v,hat um<.· 11 1( ~ ip, Jcu )'Ou knuw dcftnitdy $l, if you h :1vc hcen 100 b grounJhof, ~h;idow at the 1-oeg usy look inr for that ,,mply ~i;noo:ring. " 11 is time ~~n~nfk ()f Fc:bruuy (Ir ootTcc:- or pcrhars mol't' apppropn:ttcl c up a.nd smell the
J()fflC rhythm llJld blues SUlC( ll J~ Bbcl't\l u. Um(' kl uJte 1n 1.stoty Monlh Yes. 11 1s that time or ihc YC:J
h1S o~n and aJI a~ wclC~' ;-hen Black Amenca
the darker hrot~·rs and si\tcr, hJv/ to sec what prog.res.s
s ume tra:\'el wh<.•~ JiuJc known
fa4.-::at·Uflt'nl!mcs, u
conuibu~ons rhrough lhc ages~ n:w,os.Jedaclucvemi:nl, and It
inJo:d commendable .lnd · ru,uon's latJC,.lit minority h:u a~ r>rutre\SJ\'C th:u the 11r,:h1b1ts and commcmor::ucs m~, igna~ d month tn which 1.!i
,LS conmhuuoni. lO the naLion in JUq ethnu:uy bul also pr.1cu~ a£ full of mhc.rcni gt'Odw,ll l<'nt:r;il. Ev1dem.Jy, I.he Hov.-cvC'r, there 11r- quli!sltc,ru, ,..h h 'wh31 happcn,1; after Fe b 2~" Aftc~' muu be 1., k,·d AmcriC:a~patting IL on ILS shouh,h:r with c~rr,laudmj Olac~
Bl1ck Hmory Monih as well as M· k rporuc Wu1(',5 to Oougla.cs.. MaNla.11 and Tuhm3n w ~ : ~~":~ _like Ktni, from then: ! · ~ , me nioon i.o
DoCJ 11 fflC'an A OC'W heg,nn,ng vr h.k·lr: l 11 1 usual 1n tcnns l1l nll.'.l' rcl:ation, and fllm J ' IL\Hlt.'\S a.., 0 r("JnUnllU."~f ' II fo,tc r ~ttcr-tc1~ : : , C::r~:~11\t:~ n.1ttonal
?ocs ~)C.,
:1 v.a("('ot•~s
:1noth .
clhrm:11)' make for bt:ttcr undM-$1.anding wh,l-~f J"f 1' 0 :t can k-ad 111 t,ic-n..,"r cooprrallon, u1t1ma1clv Tl,c lruth. hnwcvt:r. ll r..thcr '-elf-e,•1Jl'Ol Ft\r • m ,nth 1re1.t mc:-n , ~re .it <k eds. J:T\!~l nU'IOlt'll l"i OI 1.'.f tl •ll I,,; ttmcm~rcJ. 11-lt"n • .;.uJJc:nl)·. DJ. 11 ti) l'l<'l\:k "" 1 ;ill rnds ft h 21'l Wh11 h.1prcn~ bt· l"''t\'n Man.· h ot Mt" 11)~ar and fr"ru:arv flf 1hc rlCJI ' In 'Alt.bfol ihml.m~. 'Ac suppo~J ~ r\ln~t. ru,.. 1\"df'C"s..~d JmJ Wt' bt'l1c, c h1Stl1 ,·.:,,J 11 Cffl"l£"S arc madt" nihL.
Rut take 1 k1.i.,k. at the hl!ioh'f) ht~ik.,, lhcn 1("(1 t~ pul,t~, of , uburt,,:1 .1.nd urb.1n Amcn..-1. They , un:- d\1 tr'll .a d1ffrrrnt <.wry Y. hlt llml.! II _is. " f l!TI\' h) W3l::C up dnd f\•ah t l', unfort~nJ ICI), ,u n,dst all the hN•p l:t anJ Ian Ian.". 1 h JWI 1 m,lnth. for mu>t ,1f Am~r,.,: :t.. :I t k:-;uL ( ltl..~<'
~ & J ) •• llf
i_gSUl. chc ~\'COL'f. may I~
)"\"'..\ltn:b )
lll'\ll'S v. hM
:~:~i\~n~tch ,r ~Id hy M'bru;u--y·, l'lld, ma) tk"'t
llus time . 3 i.urpnSC" )US.I m;iy 1)Cl.'Ur Amr:n,, .:i. mi,h1' ur IO a new J..&) t-fo¥.·c,-er. 1f th.u hap('t"nj,,. thr:-11 1hcrt •,i,:oold N'" rw nc-cJ ftlf :1 81:ack. HL,;,tl)I') Moolh h >r c,-cry J.ty 11o--owlJ be 8la('k. H L'f.t\lf)' Day (( the' saying ·one-
iooct tum
an\,thcr· holds
£NC', thc'n 1h(~ will be no ncxd for M Y e thnic dJ)' oc1thcr
Afnnn-. As1in •. His~ic-, 1\3.tlY't·, nor Euro-Amcnc.'.ln. Then 1n UOl ((>n. WC Cftuld au S,3r 10 the hypt.'CTIUCaJ sa1u1ers: · w 1ia1 umc 111.s" Time <Cl Ulkc a h1kt, •
The 1-410
rin BhU PO
9m. 160. W1dut1 F.llls. TX 76YlR NcW\1.bk..MC~ ~
Advcnl.."'ltJ Jal: 689-470S S"11t 1..-k
S---Colu A11«101, F.J11or Nr- r
A J Jtx."lf.rUF.dllm
JttNilhan Bndy Sp<VIJ ui,,or
Mark Loyd Copy£d11or
\ta" ltr• Nkk.rRI Spr,111 Rrfl(lrrrr
lk-Ur MBMW Alh,wr
M~ll'M SuUiu.n N1mcRn~"'"
Jant Ackbml FtOo w shlp in Phila nth ro p y.
Tbc Ind.uni l.:n,vcr,uy Ccnu.-, <'ti Ph1l.1nthn1ry fd~•'-'~h1('
a..,a rds cxh fdlo•"-h1J'I n.-..1r,1C"nt Sl5J OJ h">r 1ht• )°':-.U- Jnd 12 crcdllS tnwa:rJ • tr..,.jl.Latf" J.:,ro... >\;"f'l1,.,1hftfl dcJ.dlu:ic 1s Feb. 17. Qu1h ltcd i:AnJ11oh1r'f. mu>t f\c.: re\.·cnt sradote$ With l Nd\('k)t''f. dcrn,c 1nduJing <enu-f"( :lflllC 1puuig gr.tdutt,on ,\prlKlnt~ mu(;I ,htw dt·m, 1n,trltc-d lc*n tup pcleOiQI src-cul 1n1~•n.·,1 m " ..f11C ;a,rc,·t ,-.1 cornmwuty SiCr-.u;c. .and ..._ .:i..ktr.h. ,tJl'i1l1I\I ThC' r n•_.; Ctk:oun~ asru,n.g )'l,"'Ul'lS: 1,.:-..aJ&:n IO -.,xk fvt 1hc .,., mmno good v.-t11lc .studying and 1n~sn,:.1tmr; t.h(- rvb <'( j"h1IJ..n · dvt,py In adchlKW'i w SV1Ji."<I '2'Udv. stu<knu .... ,11 ~ k"\.'t 1n tnllenwup wuh a. QCll'l-pn"\(it or1:u11aaon 1n 1ht- l nd1lll:t.pc-.hs c-ommum1y'd !I-luck-nu vi~\fJIJ i.:-unui.· 11hc. ll1 Ccnlrr on Ptub:nthropy, .S50 W c'f.l r-;,-nh Str\"C'L Suitt- '4)1. ln-
duA&polu. lS ..\620'2 or call , 11n.:'74-J..:1\I
Brandon O lds
Kn.drn\\'allhu P1tolt1Jtt1pltr r
""'"Winh11"' 11, Tm G,.Kl,.m
New Orieam~lnn.sbruA lnl~rnallo nal
'\uadents can am up 10 10 t.cmc.qcr h<•~ ,,)t ~-rt"J11 ff'1'ffl ,wcr 50 .. ~ nCJCT'!"d Junn1 lhi=- ~mtr i"''g.n.m JtH L Y,,1r A JO'tna.. 8•vJ~, f,ir .,J ,\'t. "" £,.,r,y,t A1! :n,U'UllJOl"l 1, tn Cl\lluh Prottim orlCT1 - « t -d~> Ln..\lJ' :u-.J thr« J.1r • •td::cnd\ fmm foly 2 I.M>Llth A-'I I~ F,v J hn 'C. hu:,: anJ eou~ dcxriptJ,~ i11-t •nt.:: to l "'.\:1.) l'"ln:,t-ru...·\. l._,.,,!li ln lCm.aJ.Jona.l Stu,.!) Pr,-p.11:l"i 8' 'f. Jll 'i. l n1,,1'1t"\ ,'I ' \!"" ' Or'rlns. :,-;cw Oria:.IIU. LA · 01~ t V u il t.hc.· l '\( ) Olh,."'( oflnv:ru.tK'l(Qltiitud) Pr,-,r.inu .11 154.~ •1-:~ •~1,.
lnh;rnataonal ~ udcnl (nw the' 1,lanJ of lin-nad:i. iand a Jutnor hen: at MSU - a Ions way frnm hOfflC' Ea.rhcr th1~ 'NCCk [ mi.s..-1cd l-\Ut oo 1 «ry s~'..1,11 Birthday• Ou T«i.J:1y. FcbNat)' 07, m y t"<'"UMU')' tumt"d ~ I )"C.2r i c~d. Wluk 1-.~ he~ 1n W .ch1l.1 f alls battl,_n& tM v. mJ. 11:,~~ ! I d ind lhc -.•uh,ns m:ach1nc. my lnc.'nd~ JnJ 1i; • ~ al home-. JI I.he t'lt"IN:"h N ).lns:in~ ~U-Mltt\' hymns 1 , ,or lndC'-pcndt:ncc par1idc m our CC"nl.J-al f\lB. • \ I . ldn't help but be • lmlt nt.''-la.J~ic on lhl.S :-J:u1N131 Puhl: '~ ohd:iy. thtnkin@ Nl'k: oo I.At SIOOO o.>f lndc('cnd~~·t. the s<ru"gk o, Cf Ille fifth (nc'-' ) ( o n$11(UUM. the Re, uluuon I.NI h,ll~wcd JU<f fh't' y,e m J(k'r oor dccl21Td l"t-r<ntk;~~ F,,·cn mott' ~1gnifi..:1.n1 I<' me N'. rt ,n T t.U,'i 1.han J:t om(, c.'" I I.hat hnt..- p.1u,oo~· uch io ,;,peal ur and "> ~~~f> .,nnd f1i Mon: con lC'flt 1 .m n{'lw , h l coounue 10 rl 'm~--cn:it) hfc . b:1v1t1g s.11,prccf and .,d:nov. l('(f~;;<"d YC~ im nan1 tnn.hday. 1 ¥1 t~h :11II my \'lhC'.r Grt:n~dtan~ a ~er~ b.a r<'v ln<k-pcndcn«. "' 1th a pr1\"t'f lhJI thl\ )"t".:i.r "111 ~ th<: bit"~ innmg of a new chaptl"r for NJr hL'f.1\)f)' m:akc,-. JJ1d \"f!i> On lhll JJ.\' .lRd t-,""rv day. I i.-~ n-mt"mN°r ihc m~·.in,nt: t•t the mi 'C"U,,;;$':\"ld) and pttnof the Gn..·n:t,IJ tl.a.: n'\J ' '"' iht I IC' /ft r'\,"IC", lhr1r ffltr't h" ~ fl'l'l' , ~dl,1w (\"lf i!,,ld>(\.•r 1he ~ 1~h10<' and the i:,n:1'."n for ('ur , ('rc-Uth'" JnJ I~ tm - an; nllc \1f Aj;nculluiT. I c:1.n h,,IJ 'Allh pn<k' ll"'· t .,,,_.:::;. ,1nJ m,•antnJ! \lf Grt'nJdJ. s N.1 t11~nisl t lnJ.:r-,•n,k~<', An1h(m I lll74 t
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Dttrf'tdd s u...,,,... rt11o,,,shlp Prornm: h :Uow ~1p fut J'fr>"gr.ltl'I 1n ,..,,..- ~ mt'fl\.J.R l'l:~:,...., J:\d M J · k...'"fl.;.l c uh~ u .uJ..&Nc f,1t ,,•lk-,c 11n-k·:1r...!1Mk, , 1,11kot, 11:1U h\'1: tn [>N-rf1dd \b.H !1,,m m,J f .n..-- t, m·,I '\u~u,1
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Wl\h 10 Cl: h,:n(f IIUI .,_ood,1lt' DCe " 10 Ci,u l,nd, w1J.1w. K.1v h1, 1..- h, ldrtn , nJ
Journalism Khol•nhip • ' 11ilablf': The Nt:\\S-foumat/bmc.'f. M CoA, Jr F, .unJJUon Sc-hl,l:t.rsh1 p Program w 1)hcs h• n.--c1•1?n11t· ;im.l \!"fk.l•uu~ ~n&ht and 1a.kn1eJ s1uJc nt 'f. who h :ave rxprcucd .and ~ m\)f\s tn tcd an 1nh:n:s< in 1hc. newii;raper mJu,1ry T'IIIP'l'I annu:tl 1w:a.rds of S2.51XI c:u.· h will t'lC gl\en tu a Jumnr r,r !looCn11,r studtn t who ha.s cxrressc.d :a s<rong 1ntc~s1 10 a news paper career Smdcnls must han: a .\.0 GPA fur die f'l"C\'lOU.S iacadcm1c year and submit an applieation package by April 15. 1995. For more infonnauon on opplttJ· t1ons caJl (90:\)237-7703. or wn1e 10 Longv1c w N<w.,,. Juur nal. 320 Me thvin S1.• P.O Box 1792. Longview. Tens
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~ld l:Ma Trdford, Jtnmy Klnpton, Alf,r r1,s,ll, Rr ptfflttWlllf''
Letters to the Editor
Study Opportunities prai:;nn:i
Thursday, Ft-bru•I')' 9, l99S
Bulldmi Jin 1h '" b. ,1 1 t-cn,~ l1m1.·hrnn for !hC' famrly l1fGarl.and H.ldk,
Th,~ bc,u:olul tiu1ld1nr f<"rft\. t ,l.... .:ati.,n 2n-d
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Thursday, Ftbruarv 91 }995
Lady Indians 1-1 in Indians too much Southeastern OK, Classic for Evangel College h1tllng JO of good D.lley (lop pass 10 Roderick Hay put the lnd1:ins ~ack up by 13 with under four minutes to play. The Indians held o n for the remainder of the gume and ra~kcd up 1hc1r fifth straight wm. Ho.y led all MSU ~orers with 18 pomls in 28 minutes. Danus Brown took the rebounding honors. grabbing three offe ns ive and fi ve defensive boards. H:ay, Clim Foley and Brian H1gh1owc-r 1icd fo r second w11h sill. rebounds each. MSU shot 29 of 61 from 1hc noor in the game and 5 of 14 from three point land. Evangcl's Nathan LaHaic led all scorers wuh 21 poinLS and nine rebounds in '3 1 minutes. Barry Kemp came m second for Evangcl !ieoring 18 points.
by Mttthtw Nkktns
Sports RtporUr The lnd1 ;1ns took on Evangc.'i College Mond1.1y evc.ning at D.L. Ligon Coliseum 3nd defeated them
83 •77 putting them at 13- 10 for the season. MSU lcJ 41- JO at the brco.k thanks to l5 or 31 shooting from the Ooor and 2
or 7 from beyond the an:h.
Eva.ngcl shot 11 or 25 from the noor and only I of 6 from downtown MSU opened lhe second half with o 13- I run that put them up 54- 31 with o ve r 15 minutes to plo.y . But the Cruu dcrs no intentio ns
of &iving up. With 8.21 to play in the game, Evangcl narrowed the
score to 6 1- 51 on a Jason Hoc k
Crusaders would close to wi1hm seven on more free
By J onathan Brad y Spo~
~~~ Indians pl3 ycd
i hc SC1 u1hcas1crn 10 Oklahoma r 1as:-1c on Fl'.b 1 :and 4 and wc n1 1-1 for the con~.Fct, 1 MSU squect.'-'d
out a victory againsl East
Ccn1r11I Oklahom> (9-9) 82·
79. Senior gu.:ird Rcne.i Jossclet led the Lad)' lnd1:ins in their v1etory h1mng 7 of 11 fie.Id goals for 2J JlO!nlS. Sh~ made 5 of 6 l -po1nl f1dd goal~. Senior Lo uni: ~tc Adkins and freshman Dcn_,sc Pium:an :issis1cJ, both S<.'(lnng 11 points each. Pittman al_so led thc tc..:im in rebounds with 12 . Rebcrca Couon led th e Lady Tigers wi1h 2~ rwin1s.
16 field go,b. Sho.wna Townh:y c.amc 1n ; lost ~cond w11h 25 pomts :after 10 of I 7 fit!ld goals, and Sally f 3rmcr linishcd third witll 13 p<nnts. . The L:i:dy lnd111ns lhen played Southeaste rn Ok Siatc( l9- 2) the ncx1 n1gh1, losing to t ~ m 79-58. Pittman le d l ~C Lady Indians in scoring and rebounds s~oo1ang of 11 fie ld goals for IR pomls and n:covcnng . ~ rchounds Jc:nnifer Little . came in second w1Lh IO points. · The Lady Bulldogs were led by Cryst>I Robinson with 24 poin1s. Mo . Deeb and Ani;el SL Gcnname u_cd for second w11h 13 poin1s a piece.
throws, but four fn::c 1hrows ~ - - - - - - -
from Robert Rini;:.o and a
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MSU Senior Roderick Hay goes up for I.he shot during lhe game aaalnst Evangci College oo February 6. The lndi:w v,-on. 83-n Photo by Brandon OldS
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Contact Michael Land at x4139 or come byFerguson Hall, Room302