February 10, 1994

Page 1

,___ The Pre~idcnt ' sweetheart s


Lady Indians are fin ally ranked



hhru.l.T\ 10, 1994

\lid11 estcrn Stutc CniH'. rSily



Off campus .....

in Review

MSU student is stabbed \• -ph,·'Ti, n: ( 1,.!) ' '"

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Pc ~. , "to. L . Lr f


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Student Gowrnment passes campus cheating resolution

ll\ Cimh ;.; : :i hlc- r ll ell



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In, L°Slrncnt Opportuniti e-, ii mJ\ h:: thl· hottc ,1 , 0 . \,:,!rr:;.:r.t,: th: 90, Ir 1,._:i 1•ff:.:r J\ ffi'Jl'h .•, 15 [1 2ll pr:r.. i.=nt rd~m, Ill J\ lmL ..i., {\\ ll 1(1 (1\(" )'r.'.'Jf•.

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l!H, Sprin!!, 1:n.d ,' \Jm ~qlil'O.:l'' llf ,.1 ._JJtf:'llt J 1-..- .-. .. h..: JJ!: o-.,· r'.·"•r'~· ,,nld hun~:-( ~ 0:1 c.l'•. h c 1ui\.' -~l- 11, n \\.1 i.JIJ t _ 11 1 h_ , (' rr,llfl' 1,hu,. J flt'.'mO( n l'\J'Tl\ u:· nut.: hou t . Suggc ,11,1n , \\l'r\' .!I,,, !inJ.b.•,1,,1.-i:-k. l' UtlincJ {II h.·lp r rt.'\t." i11 Sr .·c 11I ~t..i.:-. l ,p.::ii:r:r

SJid BriJn PJrd o. pre,,idcnt ,,f ch..·J t11H! 1r-:du<lin,;,:. h.! \~ ,1 u- ~1Jr:, Bi.: th ;'\ hl1· r,· . fr ('lm L!fc PJnnL'rs of w :.ico. dcnL, :,7f n J 1,, t1nirJt1 \,h 1-. h Ch.1nncl h 11:\~,. :.1J:n1•Lnl,:J Slltl·~ thJ t th.:, Jck n °I \\ l:Jcc lh: Wal k .·\ .nu:nc-J rr\l}l".:I lO tht,.": r~p-..·n.·1..:,,rl:n., of JLt!J :1r~1i: r:i1,c monn fo r tt,i.: ~lount V<:rn on, Texas \brt h CJf An El P:.1.so wom:.in and J d1 ~ho nc~tv D1mc1, to tidp pr,.·,i.:nt hinh Al,o ·n.·quc:"1.:d ;-.J...., for d.: fr~ ts. TI1! , , ..·.. ;, \\JH. \\l ll J\ifo rni:i ma n \\t' rt: J:.iikJ SuncLw in the SL' ltun: of J! - fac ulty m1.·mr>': r- 1,.1 r.'fh.)II the ~ hdd on S.1:urJJ). Arni n:imc:s of rhr:!li:r~ IO the: J1 - 16.Jt 8 ,.m . ·\''1 i1Jlf J wn 0/ coc: Jrn t·. \'ision d1rccto~ . ,1, onh up 1n S3.! .8 million. Shi! J! ,o :mm1un,·rJ th:n J Thi: !l our ".b op,.- ned Al Smith . a»istant di;and a mott on "a, made hr hreJkfas1·1,tll t--, he ld • t .\ ISL' nct anomc ) . ;a id a T~o; on TucsdJ) . .-ch. 15. 7:}U Depanrr,en t of Puhltc SJfety JW Justice to table the d,i. :i.m ::i.nJ cncourJ!!L'd q udcnts 01 1iccr fou nd lhL' "unu.-. u:i l r u5s ion of the rcsoluunn ThL' t" help wuh thi,-" orth wh,k bunJn ·· SJturd:iv :if11.:r ht.' motion fJikd 29 to 16. :rnd C.lUSl.'. stuppcd the cour·k fo r fol- tht.' Sl'n:itc: conlmut.•j \\ uh c:x tcnSi\'\! d1St'u ~wn. Th, liO~t mcl.'. l lTI£ or tht· lm\ rng J car too clo~~ly ·n1c n:soluwrn origm.t!I) SG..\ " tll be .-ehrnm· 17. The e,ttmatcd g;n p,,und, of coc.~mt! wc-n.· found in\1dc 5tJII!~. "1..h.:11 foc ult:, mi.:mh:r:, 199.! :it h p.m in 1h 1.· CJJ.rl.. ~ washer. drver. 51n ,'i.: . :in<l n.:pon the: nJmCS of -.1udr:nts Siudcn t C~ nta. n,.1m 10-t refrige rator: said DPS Tr,,opcr \Vil he Drabbk.

Fort Worth , Texas U.S. Sen. Ko\" Baile y Hutchison pkadt!d 'not gu1ily \!ondJ), on the op,,ning doy oi her tnol to hoth fdony and m1sJ: mc:mor chan::es :.Jrising from h::r ~ 1/2 year's :is Tl·x:i: rc~urcr. Hutc: hi,on is ~h..:cu~:!d 01 1:.. r fel ony c0 unL, and \,nc · ,J ,:!;-mc,mor ch.in!..: fo r JI l_eg.:dly using s[ah.: e!Tlplfl)t.',·~ ! ,r pcrson1I \\Ork :md then lr}J"'~ 10 cmer it up Py 1:im·

MSU Board expects to vote on urgent issues

ti~:~ly\ I'cI'h M bl ry 0

The ~li dwc-s tcrn St:i tc lln i\Cr~il )' Board of R~ 1:nL\ will he mtt:Lrng Frid:1y. Feb. i 1 Jt 9 J.m. Tht.' boarJ of ri:g~n1s.

cci m imtt(•cs \\ ill begin thr:1r mccung:s w<l:iy at :! p.m.

Th..: exccutt\'t: comn:i,ittL'e w,ll twg m ,1. ith a tottri11 Mr · Cu :lough-Trigg H;ill. thw rh( Jin:rn.:l~ :iml audit. p..·r,\1nn.:I and curric ulum . qdcnt «r·


~ nng wuh gtivc rnrn en t J,x -

..._ See Page 3 Urr~nh.

Si aff fh ,-port cr Fr.,-..;L\ t-.:\1 .i. 1~ - · - '·

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O.J. and the Nigerian All Stars to give show Monday In Paub S. Bro" n n·cpOrl l'r A l t'lll;i.: ~1f mu,1al St) !: "d i h: r .:rtomh·d ~h. ndl~ i,,: \r: mnr F.:h JJ . Jt 7 p.m. m Alm :\udnonum ¼htn Arust

Lt'i.:t un.· Scnes prt·x-nts Or1,nd" Jui?Js (0 J J Ekcmod: and th,: S1gsmn All Stars. Eh ·mo Jc'.s mus1t.· stem._

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"I have a dream... "

d1 , cr,l· r:rn~c of P>l'~


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Afnc:in music

EJ.ch ~onr throuth the J.rid Lh:: dnvin g hc Jt nf 1hc drums i:ommunrca 1e s: Ekemodr:\ ple.: i for world pt".J~ ~ ~l ot,:!! undn st3nding and :icc... ptancc. costumed dJrlc~rs


Tk ket,;; :m: :i, :11l.1b l~ only Cbrk Student Cen~r. roc,m


Midwestern students

obta in one free ud,:et v.·ith

f.D . ,nd iocu! t, member, rcreh·e 1,\0. All 0!.."l~r uckelS are S5 :ind 56. In ,ckbr:ition of Bl,ck H1sh. rJ :,tom.h. a hl.J..7~ ti!m fi: ._U\JI 1~~hcdul.:J fr1r

c!~·,:..'.h~pm.::nr {'t1mn;ittl'1,:s \\J il be- mc<=tmt! th roucf;1'U1 th e dJ\' Jn d ,~ ill c:i{ \\ 1! h th._: a1hl!!la:-~ com m, tk• ;.· mc:1rng Fi:-tiru.'.lr). Bin_gn U.1;-,~ JnJ 01 Jppro,., m:ilt."IJ -4 ]ll r n~ hts All-,!1rs" ,1111 p!J/ F:b. Tht! b,1:!rd u·ill b~· dts • 16 ::i.nJ .. The Amnti,c~rh~ 1.:u,~in2 ~u.::-i i..,,,,.:.;.,·3 1 , ~!u - of hnc Pittra:!11 L'- !-Cheduk<l dt.mt u~7Hln kc:~. n.,: \\ room for Ft~. 21 J11J J, r:ile'-. fof\ J )\~r,1cc con irJ~·i EJch liJm cco t,., ,,:rc.:n:d .:md \\ hcth::r l,1 c,..,minll!'. t!:' t'-.! from 6·J5 - 9 p.m. in L'ie Cbrk SruJ..:nt Ccn~r The.:i.er. For mlm~- micnn.Jtion on 110n. an\' uf tht'"-< ..-,·cnl'-. c:onu ct The r.l;;eung it op,.:n to ci;u k 'i~.!cnt Cc:-i.:r Office

:o7i~;~t~~rL~t~~~~l;l~~~: me ruolic.

L"'1 }-J (h;

SBDC offers tax help J

Ala n ~lot.rr Staff Report er

1i'e Jt:.0.; ~1-,

.:n. . , p, :.:: --: --·~.i•,: t• . : ... r·,· .. o1 - ·,

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Sf},Ht'- l·. di 10r \h Ju."·,:.~•n \ tJ< :: l_:11-


~fart.in Luther King. k, a bla.d: Amencw Bapa<t mioi~ter. "'as the m:iin lea&t: of the Ullilt!d Swtes :i,il rights m , , ~ duriJI! lhe 1950's •nd 6(k Kmg s tllent for public spc:mug cmbled him to the <iffl1ands mJdt b) bbd::s 111 = h fo~>0..""lJI JUSU.:e fcbrul!ry IS bb;k biS!IXy l'OOMh.


l'a •r J

0 -Ed

Thu,-..dn ·, I 1·hr1111n• 1(1, 1•1111

Thl' age worn issul' ...

To cheat or 11ot to cheat lh, ti! dh ,

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\11 li1n\· " di ynu huiltl v11111 " ·1! h •t }'111 11 11111111· ntl1· d11 w 11 1111· ll\'1·1 ,1, .1 11p1 1i 1 1 111111 , 111· dll' Ul l°I 0 1 . , , .... , , , 111111 d1 :11 al 1t· 1. ,d 11111·1'11 1, ·1 II \ \ 1' 111 l h 1111 c

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p1:1· I



\l ' l ' lll \

111 11d11l11vl'. It• fnrhul lhl· 11ra nl' l' fa1111cr 111 [; I\IC

r 111 111h·r

nway lh r.: ll·" pcrfrr1 11f /11., ..:rop 1t1 lhl' ni.:nly , 11 ll ll' rnrc call llt' kt·p l ln i: h tu th e fn\' wh11 l·an alfonl 111 pu rth a,,· a

Ni.'W<i tk'-k {, >(t1~ 17i).J

/\chr11 h l11r cll!..'> k fi X'.1 --l "fm

Belle ~lalo11c Ad1•1.\ n

Kelly \\\:hh Muhlcy /;'ditor

Brian Ball:11·<1 A,.H"u11, · E,hu,,

Dara I lawkins

Eric lkcks

Ad1·n 11.\'i11g Alf111a,:1·r

AsJ,1(·,,11,·d [1/11,,r

lh·rw Myers

l)(•un Lawn.!ll('C /:'m,.r111i11111 e1111:',Jir,,,

Sporl.f Editor

Copy Edilors

Circulation Manager


Ja ,,;1111 Mafmlt'

l\hy/1111 (i fl ' CII

Music Hcvicwcr Ml'iiH11 Sulli,·1111

Ass. Circul:ilinn Mun11gc1


A,h-crtlsiug Rc(lrescnlitvcs Rmufr Bn·n·su•r. .la.\1J11 1iwk,·,

Jnw11 F11ird1ild ll k: lll hCI


·n K:Tc• a~ lnll'1collt·,1a1c Press A.~snt·inllun :1m.l TI1c Collcgl' l"rcss-S"rvkc 11u.· Wichll,m rc5(·n·cs the I ighl ll• edi t any 111alL'ri al s.uhmhtcd lflr pHlill c:11lcm and !Cl rd use Jny a(h'C.'rli ~!mcnl. {)plnlnn,; tnculty , ud111 l11ls1rn1lt111 ur

~,uck nl 1H\Cly ol Mtd wc:,ICT II SJ.II(! lJ11h'l'r~ll y lllld may /1111 n·pn· scnt

n t:onsr n,.us of II N.' enllrc \V11./u w,, (:!al f

:::~i:~~~lir v\l:~~l•:1;;,,::;:1~-~P,1;1'::';: :: r:11hcr can l 'U l'll , hut dt:ny ing him the uppurtun11y 10 p111·1if.:ipu te in lh:11 famil y unil.


Ramona Rodnguez alks 1t,• Kdh• Wd1h i\lohh-y

E~ li:1111~ :,c,l'rih,·, hl' r :i., llt'a t1llf11I ,111ll very U1hlt-r, t.mJ,1h!c wt1h ;1 un:,tl M' l1 \ t' nr h1111w r I k I\ l)r l. t11_11 , J l(11tln1,:, 1.1,·, fll'l' \ld1·11I : Shi' ,, 111., .,,, ~c1hc.:.11l nl (\\'{'fll y•fo-r )'t' 1r, Ha11111na R11dn ,:110 · Siit· /! I\' \\' up in ihi· , nwll 1t 1\\' II lll ~Llk r lw 1lll· . VJ qwpul.il1tnl \!Mil when· o,; he g1.11!11,1tt:d lr,,~n .N!dchvillc 111 !h S i.'1111111 Ill JIJ(,(I. Sl1c thl' ll :1th'1Hk_J l.:.a ... , ri.' lln c~"l'C ~ 11!,c lJ ni vrr, 11y 111 J,,hn , 1111 C it )', l c nn: · whn~ , 1i 1, rt·n- n·cd hl' r h.ir hl'l,, r uf sr11· 11n- dq!rec wllh a 111:JJor in 11,·:i llh HIHI phys1ra l i: d11i.:;111,m 111 l'Jh.l . J\ r11·r ll'l'C ll' III J: hl'I' deg n·1·. ~,fr,,; , R~,Jr~c m:, hc~Jn tr: 11 •h,n!,! l' lt! l11h g1.1dc !!i rl., ph y.,il:al l!d11 c:1 11 n n m Ga tc City. Va . Th :il ,am1: yt·.ir in J111ll' her lugli sd1t!o l .\\\·t·_ c lh!.!nn_wa.\ klll,·d in a r:1r w1n ·k, ~•1ghll'l'II 11w111h:-. nlla lhl.! ir marn:itc ,\II 1hi~ h.1pjlt'. lh'll hy the 1i11h' ~he ~\a, 1we111 y tlm:e Shr: thl n p11 r:.11~·d ~n 1~1a , 1n :. 1_11 ph y~1c:1I l'. d~11.:a11on 1111 111 N1 r hn l1 , Slalc Ur11 wr.,11y. 111 ll11ht1da11, , La. Sht· w ,11 :1w;11dcd lhal dq :nT Ill 19(17. Dunng Chrb1111:L, lJf th:11 :.amt.: _yc:1r, she nl t'l Dr. Ro, Jri,;m·, :11 a f:it"t1lt y lhris tmn!. fu11 ~t11rn whl'l: he wus d~':ln nf lhl: husinl'.~S .\l'l111,1I nnd shl· an mstru i.:1or Ill the physical 1·d11r :111,111 ~ll·partml'll l. . . "\Vi.: hit it 11 lf," ,;aid f\. lr ,;. Rml11 gul.'. 1.. tleo,;c nhm!! their fi1,1 merllllf!. "I le calkd lll l' tht.: ncx: t duy.'' I l11wc,·l'r. thl.'i r rir.\l d:11i: wa., 11111 until Jun. 18. 19(11) . hLc111 se ., he wcn1 h:1r k llom c ttt Viq: 111ia for Cliri.\t111a.,. Wht·n re111 111is'-·ing ;1ho11l lhl!i r first datl'. .s he g1gi;_l~d an1I lw hl11 .~ hl'd. hul thl' )' rerm:m bert.:d i1 as if it \\'l!rc )'l'."- lt' ni.1 y. Sh!.! dt·.~l'.rihl·d ii a,o,; w ry rnm:rntic . "We wcnl to Ni:w Orkans :md hud d11111i.:r :11 Un.:nncn's, and ,w111 111 til l' pl:1y . . l\w lfth Ni!!h1."' E:ich said that "c\'ery1hi11g fdl Sll na1ural." The rd,t1 in nship wa.\ "s.11 na lllral" lhl:y wcrl.'. married l111 ly h1ur .'-h1 1r11111111111 ... lal~·r llll t\1:iy .l l. 1969. At 1hc lime of th,·ir marri :lt!l', nr. R odri!,: UC1 had hl.!l:n ;1 widower with 1wo l·hildn·11. su ...;111 and ~1idm1...·I. One thin g impori:1111 to 1he 1.·oupll- w:.i~ th at the y ~hare 1hc same va h1!.! s , althot~h 1hr.:ir pt'J".\011:ilitiL-s arc very di(. ft.:rcnl. They ha \'C ,me son tOglilht.:r. twnlly two-yi.:ar-old Snllt wh1.1 i.,; nn MSlJ Sl'llinr. Sh1.: suy.\ 1ha1 slh' puts sn mm:h lime inlo hci n{! ~first Indy" hl:l'a11sc "I j u~t like 1x.-npll·: il's my nalurc." Dr. und M"· R11drigm•z ,·,11nc 10 MSLI in Jan. 198 1. In 1hi.: past thirtl'!.! ll years th ey have had over forty-th ousand gul'sts in 1hdr home. "A pe rson wmlld have tu l'njny people." s;iid ~trs. Rll· dii g111.:z alirnu h er "joh." She lau ght:d :ind suid "he t:xrx~e1.~a lot" of IIH' . ·111!.!~ Sl~l: u cm~S-Sl'l.' tiun nf people. said Dr. Ro<lrigucL Grndu:n1011 rl'Cl:ption.,; arc lidd in tht·ir home and high 11111 vn:. il )'

school .~lmlents tour on ur.:r :ision. After the MSll '93 homl:coming h11nlil'l'. , they had upproximulcly .~i.,; hundred SluclenL~ over.

Uolh Dr. :111J Mrs. Rodriguel hnw tra\'l'l t.!ll cx1e11.~11'd)', A mor e rcns1111 :1hlc h111 ho1h ag1\!c 1ha1 Wichila Fa lls is "a crea1 pluce 10 live: ap11rouch Wt111ld he tu Mrs. Rollrigui:z is involwd in mllny acli vitit.:.." uul5id.: suhsitli le 1h :11 father's lowof MSU i~1cludi11g the \Vichi1 n Falls Symphony Board, paying s,il:try so lhl' mother Wom ~n's. l·orum hoard of din:ch1rs, unt.f \Vomcn of Rornry. c.:an slay 111 hon11.~ IO re;1r th e She JS currc111ly presi dcnl of 1h c Women's Golf young thildren. This mit?ht Association. very well s11lve MANY social prohkms :rnd provide a heller When thul fair share lakes USI! of available n·soun:cs. lhc furm of tak ing rare of When people an.\ laxl!d for tllll~'s family anJ kl'epini; lh;1t hcins charitahll! or h:incring family nff 1hc wdfnrc ro les their goods anti services in Oto W\ci1lla11 welcomes all leu,n or opinion from s1udcn1S, facul1y by bartering pot:itoc s nnd defere nce tu fili1\g for nntl .wr. Lcucrs should be brief and wilhom abusi ve langu,ge "' lH•;rns. ii seems hu.l krous to gnvc,nm cnl wcll':!ru, lhcre pcrsnnnJ 011.:icks. tnx th1.:m for thdr dfor1. Thi.s ough t lo he some mean.Ci of 1101 only kill s their self- rewarding 1hcir ini1i111ive Leners mus1_be signed by U1c ._,lier .• no1 IYJll.'<I .. and shoulJ 1 es1ccm :111d 111 i1i11 1ivl:. hu1 ralhcr th an punish111g th em '.~1~ nu_mbcr and address for vcrificallon pUijXJSI-~ 111..·11111i1.c.~lhcm . fur it. be puhhslv.'<I wllh lhc auU1ur's name unless ;imn_li"· Atlditionally, it is sc:1 rccly Nuw 1ha1ii is "hclly-up •lnmcn1s have ht-en m:1t1c with the ctlitor. an inl·entivc to remain tht~· lax -hur" lil11l', one rnn 1 Lelll'IS will be cdlied fnr grammar only. married when 1hc [R S cmk only wonJer tu,,._, many more Jem:i nds a "marriage" ta x. tlf fomil ks will be hroken-up llte Wlchll.ln Is locaic'tl In Ute Fain Fine Ans Center. eve ry taxpa ying marrictl lx·causc of lax hills lh•y have l'ouplc. In some cases, 1hat li11k hop,, 11f paying upon la~ is high enough to ma ke demJnd. NOTICE ••.•••..• divo1'l'C :t ht: nclicial 1:1x hrcak. W h{lt: Ver says Amc rka When one.: looks eve n doesn't prac1 icc soda lism The Vinson Awnrd d, di' brkny al whcrt.· tax in nnics doesn't und ers tand th e Noon l\ln S c_a •nc hns been exten,-d 10 1 go, the inccnti vc!-i to the funni on of the IRS unJ 1hc • re 1 1• ' ubnut to Dr. Robrrt Joh nson, d cpar 1m~nt of E 1· .11 · tax. payer to llXc rd sc h{111cs. ty t.ncing sys tcm-- it e4u uls •.s ct nd Helle Z. l\fa lonr, seem like a "slnp in the fuw." C\'(' ryoni:, CX C.'Cpl a \1(ry fl'W, 11l-1mrtmcnt o f,Jou, ~g nuhsm. Alt hough Amr, icn ns lwvc 10 p1 1\\' l'IY Sl :l llJS.


Letter policy


Gmphic ortl~t

C1)pyrlch1 191J,&, Tlw W1duf1m. 71'1t' J\'1r hit1111 ,, a


:1r~ue- -111os1 frcl111ently the collc1.: tors -·l h:i1 e.vcryo ne lllll.\ l pay his or hn nwn fo ir share. Bui . it con he nrgued tlrnt "fair sh;m:" t Omt:s in 111nny tliffcrenl forms.

Jln11·,· S111irh Dt'lm/.Anvr,•nc,•

rx pi i.'~"t.'11 llfl' 1u1 t ncu:. . ~arlly tl u,~c 11 r1hr

:111d lhcir fa1111 lil's :1~c 1lw11

term s whi ch wi ll fit more IIC:tll y in lhc ms l'tllllJlUlers-promis., ury nnles ,if c.: um•m·y which ndlhcr m;1y have. ·mere an· those who will

Cindy Ko/J in /Ir /I, ('/111r/n Co~••, Sp,,,w;,r FritiJ/, Ala11 .tlo'{",.· Liz Ridum/.w11

Mfll'<'II.\' C/1•1•1•lt111d

a r1111at11 1:11111..:r 1111gh t h,•t· a l't1llnly nr 111., 1.rntT .

forced lo equate the 11cm.~ in

StalT lkpm1crs

Phologru(lhers /lrn,ulon Olds, Editor

1hc.~c peopk. And. it doe:-11'111111kt: 11111d1 SCIISt' fur piisun i11111afl'S to hl' aw:inlcJ lax supp11rtl·d l'l'II 1\111 ll om a hr.:;111 l:irmcr I.cl granl."' :111d tl c111cd tu l:iw 11 , , :1y the y work 11111 nn nhi tling .\huknls ~lru gg lin~ 111 :1r1 a 11 i;l· me 111 f11r cXt.: hangmg uh1 :11n lh t· ~ki ll s a 1ul hc.:a ns 1111d put :ll m·, for lhl! c1l11r a11u11 nccr ss ar y l\1 mu 111,.d hc.: 11d 11 of their hcn111w 111c111hcrs 11 1 ll1t: fo1111l1e., . sorh.: ly of lnw l ul mid h.:g.11 Tlu.·rc b 1111 111t111 ey lax payers, t·xc hnngcd. h111 11 1hc legions 11 \ 11111 !-il' ll.\i hk h1 tu x a of lhr.: ms cl1 M:O\'C f they have work 111 g stlllk111 . thl'II 111m 111 :11il· sud 1 an c.xeh:1111:t:, 1hcy .iru1111tl :rnd g1w lhl! 1111111cy rn ~i.\t up on :1 sha re of th al had in 1hi.: form 111' 11 ur.1111 ur tn111~a1.:1io11 -• and th ey w1111't loan. ;11.:cept llt.'.'u ns or po 1:1111i..:s. 'Ilic Ifs l'r.:11ainly 1101 si.:11.,ilile 1t1 two fonncrs 1ryi ng to gm h uul dcny 1hc dt•l' :Hll' lll't: of the un c.:x i:,;lcm:e fur 1he111., dws family unil wl11ll' nlh1l·;1ti11g tl 1· \ ;1~1.1lln J,! " i11 rl' llll\'l'"-"


Mr~. RumunH l<O(lrii:111·z

11, 11· 11 1, ,lt-1

,lllll y lll t' \1 ' 1 \41 111 '

-., 1n11 1, I,

that hir111 wl11 d1 l1cl1l: W .\ 111 lt' l' III 111 :111 )• \\ P l ild ,I ll.1t h In n 111al lfi\lnh1111011 ol lh t: th.II l1 illt.:r111 ,11 arl·ri. ,, llltlll' f'l'l' h'l' I m ;lll J!i.' 111 i•.i:ry - is t: nat.:ll:d l11\x 1111vl' l\ .: 1h;1p, 11 \111u ld 111.· .1 111 111L' II ha ., lll' \'l'I' 111ad t: 11111d1 to ht: p111tl11 c11 vc. Ill hc a p,1l.11 ,1h l1· I UIH 11 1111 11 11 li.11 1 .\t: 11 .\ l' l or 1\1111· nc1 1t1 ha ve :- 111 :1II hll .\ lllt' 'iS pcrs1111. 111 l'l'l' J h n· 11 lq :111111 11cd hy l'll':l lt: .11ldJ11t111al juh, St'l'lll .\ hurndo.'i pcoph: wlii: 11 Wt' rt111i-: •t·-" 111 11 11 11 .1 d ,non· l o h t: o,; 11111 and dy111):! in lrnv r :i h a1 1J nr1l· d 111d11ary hascs lhal haw 1hr lal'ili111•..; p r11 p nr t11111 111 1hc llll'l\.' a S l ' ,\ 111 1.1~ rl',tri c.: 11 ,, 11 s a nd 111 house at lra., t sum l' id

The Wichitan

1 / /,llf11/ ,1/nr1111 Clnl/Hfl.J


lhl' 111 111·1 li.111d , r 1ad11.dl v h1· , 111 111·, 1111111· ,111rl 1111 111· " II ilW,111 · .111d ,llll1111 , 1rnn t1 \

;1w;1)' 111111~ hce n 1:t: 1h·11111., :11111 ll/1)' d1 :1111 ,1hl l· 11, a l:11111 . 1/ii: 1\· 1,

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Fihn contest announced 'I I\

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h ,r S tuJl'l11', 111u1 ~ Dn1L' II \\ , , S11..· lllO, 11,~.I R,1h 111 . Ft.1.: J,.1_12

□ Police b,· Cinch· Kahler lldl




beat hullk nf c/11..·cks wr.:rr.:

Repo rter IJ~r.:11 l n1m J r,1om rn ~•crct! Rcpl,rb fi kd w11h tht· HJI I. ThL" inn:sti ga1ion 1s rr.:~1S U pnhl\' 1.kp.11"l1m.·n1 hl·· mJHung ,,pen rx·nding thl' rcI\\Cl'n JJn ~7 :11hi Fd, 2 Ill· 1..\ l h'ry ,tf the L"h,.'c~hook.

rlmk ilwfL--. rn11 1111 •.d 1111:'\,h1r1

O.-\c11mpul1..'fml1111tor\'::J.!anU l\.\lttl',b l11r ,1 " 1,t.111 l\ ' h~ tlw \\'1l·h11~1 l-.1!!... l\d1t 1..· Lk- ul'd :It $5$5 w:.is rr.:po_r1cdly p.inmr.: m. DA .,iu,.h:nt

rqi,1rtrJ 1)11

~h,k n out of J r0,1m rn ~h_e Fl'r!.! u.,1111 Uuildrng. lnve:ill-

Jan . '2.7 . th:11 hi\ .,prin g r•J tron~ discun-n:d th :.tt t~i: ~' llll'...\fl'r dr.:r:tl tuU hl\:n .,t11kn ~111ni10r had hL"i:11 take n hy IL'ofl' uf 111, ..::.ir hrl\\ :~·n J.111 . 17 nwnl"r. Thi.: c:is..- w:.is rinsed.

and fan 17. Th r.: hi,\

··11 h:i., hroughl pcnplc IO · ccth~r. - Ericbon said. "Th~ image Iha! pcupk have Iha! Los An:;d.:s i~ cold and uncJrin !! is nm an.- uratc. E,·try camp~us in _thl' syst:m h:is n:spondcJ w11h he.Ip.

World ... Frnml1:J£l' I

Arlington. Texas . 1Vich11a Falb Polrcc v;ilu1.·. J al S12. Thl'll' ~:.irl· n,) DqiJrtmt.:n l r ont~r1cJ t~c A 67-ycar-nlJ Cnlv~r,;Hy ~ISU rnlrcc hl ask lo_r hd: '." of Tc·us h1s1ory prnlcssor lur~lling ln•,:n1:rs ,,f rc.:c,1,1..:n:d was arr1.\~tcd ~1onday for Jlk gcdly trying to l_urc a Sl~ Shllcll flrl l[Y,: rty. c.knt into an In ing -h:151.;d WJ~


GYROS 11AND KIEBOIBS Try Our New ~lcn11

lshow I D. Dclm Ordr,ing

Jndmks: PaJtromy, Roasr B"f. Rm·ioli , a11d l'eggie Gyros


JO"i OiscuuntWit.hl.l)

lncludl'5 Facully

I ocatcd In Sikl'' Ccn!l.'r Auoss From The 11\eatr.:rs







~~.~I -; . . ~


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3108 Kt'mp

prostitution rrng.

Dr. Howard Lackman. who ha.11aughl Jl L'!A srnce !955, tu rneJ himsc ll rn to Arlington police and was released afte r pnsun p a S2.500 bontr. Lackman ·ctefi ni1dy disputes the cha r~es and intends lo defend himself vigorously: his anorney, Ml rk , . • Werbncr said. Wcr~ncr al.so S"-ld I c:in I go into specifics._except _lh?1 the police's ,ersron of rt rs quite different from what really happened."

b) Dre"" ~hcr1: Spur t, F.<l itor

[ ' ..,:- -i: \,- :.- ,: ;.1r i"-'" , \. r,_ !_,'. ·, !-¥ .:r, .. 1.,- :

SJ:urdJ\ r 1rh: in L~ i,r..t p in e ,if J ·tl,,~·~k. h.·.: iJ:r .ll

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Men win one, fall to Texans Sp<n«r Friedl Sports Reporter


run L1• cul :,-1, L , kJd 1 1fi-~.! Ti'.Jt \', ,) j r _: .! •

1 llt hl 1 , h111-:m.: d\1 "'- n l~ t· Midwi:stt·rn St:i. tt' cnm r k1"-' .! ' lhL· \! u\tJn~ , \\ ~lu lJ \lil'tch. :il1l1'.l-d tk- Tl."XJn• 111 plctcd thrn \ t: l.'.P!l :-·.i. L'L"p 1, 1 ~.:I :1 \ \TSL' U\~·J J ,::,\Jinllnf: pull nut J ~ ~ . - ,.., \\I n 1:-: We stern Ne w Mn 1u, Jrli.:n~,· tlut le r~ci.l \\ ;\ 1\ l l 'tl'rh\·n\dk Umvc-r..it) 1m SJtUidJ)' m~ht to t.1kt· \( 1m.: tuu~h r--: nm~t:r T'\L , ~~ .rn \\ JH.1:r 1,~ as lhL') l1Jnde<l thi.: .\fu.\lJn g~ , h11t.s thu ~ cnJh!i 11 c the thdr t:1gh1h k1\., of the !lt:J.i,un lnd 1.J m. t0 t,.!O mw hJli- 11mi.: tlfilt' J!!Jtn 1h l· J111 ..-r\·n\1.' J .• hi." ,,;red 111 p 11 ml.\ JnJ en roulL' tu :i 9.1-~ I v1 L·tor) J I \\llh J J2 -3J .1J\ ,mt.1gi.: tr Jht--.:J 12 rl h, ,unJ\ D L L1~on Coli.scum \I SL' ,., :1~ k.1J mr hv tuu r Tht: JndiJn \ h:td 0ni.: nl \\' :-,.;\ll' \n n11nuL'J 10 1he1r finc.~t off:.:n!-J \\' p.:rfur- lun e Jr,,unJ m lhL' ,r,. unJ l.Jll' 1n thL' 1:J !n \' h-ut ·11Ht'i.: ,,:1 1 n ~n :u t J\ L'~ b.J,lt: h h\ mJnt:cs of tht.: :-t.:Jf,J.,n J.~ 1hi.:\ hJI( \\ 1th 1mpri:~~l\t' 111 ,1 dl· shot 5211 fr11m :he fidd :rnj pb ) fr0m SJm l .!11h.:~ JnJ \V.::ll~r t!:lv._• 1h..- TL'.\ Jn, 1h~ h:Jd acj m Hov,l·\L' L J 192'} from the frt."t! thntw Jim.: Gar~ T:i) lnr. \ \ h i) !!LPJ'1,'d 21 It was clear goin~ in thJl p01n ts m the h:.ilt h ,, ,)U ld pmntcr-hy h .\1 111 P.11y hr,,ugh l lhc lndiJnS f!l mL· pbn \\ JS to not bt.· en ouc h as E.J C, il!m~ ~·ISL' w u 11h1n nnl· JI 79-?P. J.llat:k Ll1c in ta111r dL·knsc ti f scorrd 14. 1ridudml.! ::i tirc.ik- v. nh 1u, 1 -15 !.: It to p! Jy 1hc MustJ ngs. hopin£ lO gc1 JWJ) Jun~ th::it hrnk t.: lht· ·n 1:il v.11ulJ h,,_, :i., c l, 1\L' J S hig h pcn:cntagc shots. MSU ~fu..; t.J ni;s back, flh.'.Sav rn g thi.; lnd1ans \q1 ulJ l.'omi.: J -" wa~ successful JI doing ltn 'io victo ry numhcr 14 for th1,•. Barry Knell! ,Lnr\·d 11n !ht.: as they consistc: ntly fr J 1ht: lnd,:rns .:n!-umg p0~5L"5~1011 for th e ha ll inside, mostly to 6-rootCol\111s led MSU w11h 19 Tt::<:in s. th us prL"~c rvrn g [\\ ll,

8 .Jri

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E J C11!Ji;:,

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n SHt u.rJJ\


.J t: •. l ih l Luht-n..:k Chn s1(Jn

G·_,;,i,; 11m.: 1, - ·05p.m


MSU Athletics

Championship savings on ourasoft 3' Color co,rcc- a .s,5 BLy 2 Pair Fo· Only

s199. " .· ...··•

. ;do' / , ;·r~ t. -.o·:: s· ; r~•?-


/un and a/fordabl,!

Ch:>~~;.:·~:.;·~.~,:s~.,Q! '!,~1


Ge =~:.;:e Fc.r-<l'll

<c'-:-.epooais '-crp.,:w-~


Haw ,: li:zle i·•m for a cr.angt'.'

lO-mch Charlie Sager. who

scored MSU's lirst six pnrnl s poi nts follmwd t,y .Jason Paty TSU ':- ninth :ilrn glu wm. TJrlL' tnn S tate irr.pro ves (lfthcgamc. \.\ith 16 T::iylor lt.:d th e to 11-9 whil, MS U fa lls to 14-8. 111c Jnd1Jn lc:id rose to IJ Mu~tJnp with 25 pnin t!-> .

1nd1 minutes in to the \\l'rI~~~d:i~fs ~~~~~!~'f Jns ball ,gamc hu1 thi: r..·tus1ants quickly rnne h,ck with a lbfi.·fSU looked 10 avenge an jusl SC \'CO

carl iL'r loss to Tarleton State

Alpha Plasma (jive more tfi.an ffowers ancf cancfy at '1/a[entine'.s. (jive the gift of [ife. Our exciting new menu features wonderful new _;;:;:.:> dishes as well your old favorites. Bring your friends for TIME OUT every day from 6 p.m. when you'll find HAPPY HOUR HALF PRICE COCKTAILS, HOUSE WINES ond . S1.00 DRAFT BEER.

•i · 811 Ohio Street 761-0612

Earn $25 on your first donation with MSU l. D.

A111erica11a Fare' i11 frC'11cb l illo:-w

l\'1i:. i'.:::--.--h





Sf, f.1r 1lus x·a!-On. MSU's r:rnk1n g h;i ~ not affcc.:tcd 1hc ~1uJlil) t1f lhi.; pl.1y of his ICJm,

:u.:cMtl1n f: tt1 R:1y. 8 u1 hi!i hcc n ha\'i: pl a yc r -. d1 \J P1'0intcd h..:c:iuM: thi: y kcl 1hl!1r lcJm ., hould ~ rJnki:J in 1lu.: IOJ1 25 Top ran kin i! 1s a n:w:ml fnr 1hc pla ye rs, :md 1f )' t1ur 1i:;1111 1., in thi: top 20 or 15 in the l·0tm tr )'. a pl ayer fL·d.1, !!Oild ahout it. "You fi.:d like you'vt: ,1 c,nm pli~hcd so mi.: thing ." ,:111.J Ray fr es hman pns l Jul ie Lowtt said !-he thought 1hc team ik~r\'l'd to h,,: rankt: d hi f: h. "Wc'\'c worke d hard :md ~;11 some gooJ teams:' .Some pl aye rs arc a!J d lhC)' t'irnkc in to the 1op 25, hu t J rL' ~till fru ~trJ!cd .i t where they an: ·:w e knew if we kep i pl:i ym{: the way we were c.:apahlc, they wou\J eve ntually ha\'c rn ra nk us.'' said senior

forward Ly nn Burkma!-. tl! r "Our rcrnrd should prn"'c w..: JI\;

he l ler 1h:i n 11 ."



$1.25PER GAME 192' 10 ST. WICHITA•=


691-2211 Located in Century City• 4105 MAPLEWOOD

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Shake .• "- 'n Bake! No. not the Chicken coating stuff! The get down and boogie while you / . tan place . Laser Looks' The place that has 8 really cool Wolff tanning beus with headphones for getting do·,,n while vou·re getting bronzed! T,y it out and see for yourself why everyone Is coming to Laser Looks!



b oog i e w hil e ; 1 011 b ro11ze

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TRAW-f:RS - ClO~'O A '..olr

Page 6

Thur,J:1r. Fr hni., r,· JO. 199 1

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Sh)ffil lnhi~•n, \\ 1t h mJcl1111l'

cuu , ,ind d 111; , mil 1h r11ui.: h [he: ~n,, w-i.:,;, l' rL·d s lrl·,:i ,. ~.nlwnn g ur th, i-..c \dh 1 h:th' 1n ,·d 1,, l'1- ,::qw R l•q,1 :1111.: l· hnn ~, IO'-t.1111 ck :Hh Of 1h 1l'1 l ' ~.1t hc11..·d up. mJny .ir.: lrn~·d ur .1..:.1m,1 the


Py f'h:1rlcy ~~ (;u.r Orhl.\fill


Silly lyrics sell Du1nmies' albun1 hJ ~Jclissa Sullivan :'\fusic- Rcl'icwcr Al lir~I 11!--t~n. The: Crash

Thl' :ilh11m hc~1n\ "1111 thi.: title trar k. :1 r ,11 1I p,,p tt1l h ' .1 \\1.· m l ..;1.:r.111,: hv Tc.~t Dummic-"· n~w :i lhum drum bi.: Jt .1 1 the hct: 11111111 ~ "Go<l Shuflks Hi s Fcc i'' is :rnd 1.•nd .. 111d i.:n1111 nu:•, \\ 11 G A(1nn11,,n, .ind C, ,1l°l'L' · CJS)' lo hale. In fan. whc: n thi: li~ll·ncr .-. r,1nny.," .1 \\ h1m, 1r:il ., 11 11~ the: n·lk,.: h 1111 ilk,, 11h :-t h: h thJt from hnngs 1t homc rccord s1orc. hc is d1:-. up- hn r~ .1 , " , 11m1..·dJ\ I'll ,, cJr poin1cd. Bui if 1hc ulhum " ~)' r :1 r:1 m:1, JO ihl· ~l:t ~IIJIW" g1vL"n a ,c:cond •· nr perhaps. Th1..: n1.·,t II .II."" 1, " \I mm 1h1rd -- 1.: hancc. th e- li!'l tcnr..-r wil l he pkas:i n1l y ,urpri,cd. ~Imm f\ lmm i\ lmm :· \\hJ\.'11 nn lw:1vy. hL·:1 , ) rnt.lt!,lll Pll , Ill is grow. ly mr s1 The: <li.\C rad1 11 , 1.!ll nn KDGE and 1, )'OU. thJl u,c,


m:ikmg .I II;\\ upr1..·.1r.m1.·~· , () II

h;1·:i:111 .,1k _, :: :t.l l'ln11,:h ill ,I .,1 .1~, \\ llh )Clll 11111 !: :1ftl'I IIH' , nn:..: 1'tl H' I' ~l.)t h;r 111 11.1bll' 11.K"' 111 -

dmk "S" 1111111 111~



( k l·.1 11, " ,l :-nn !.! \\. ll h ;1 J l· lt

!l lh' p,1r h.1r "b:1n1.·. ,111d "Ih m D,,c.-. .i lJ 11\ ~ l--.: 111,\\ '." .1 i"l.11 l llll ., llh ,1111~ ' \\ ' hl' ll I (i11 Out \\llh ,\11~,1," 1, d.-fi11 11c T11p .H) r1111.·n 11 .il . \\ 1th l~rK, :ilH1 u1

" ruh 1,1, "

" d,1J:11 ~h " - - fil l[ )tl llr .1\'L'l':l,!! l'

Top -HI f:1 1\ · Thi , .dhurn . ld,l· I .,.11d . ,~ di ..! 1, .tpp,11111 ' " :1111 h l'lll.°L'

Auditions set for musical drama

O Briefs Theatre department announces auditions

Autl11 1n11' \\·tll h L hdd dJ ncc:r..;, :ind thc:itcr tl't: hnt • c1:.rns !O (ill J ..HJ , :1l:mL·d pu· Sund.1 y. Fl.'!1. JJ III til t.: Chor:tl .-. i111 ins for th1.· ,h 11 ,1 , ~lJth I I.il l, Ronm 11 ~II. 111 1he ., i:150 11 . A nylin~· IS yi.:.ir, l 1r (h,1..·n, Frnl' An.-. Cl' nta on olJr..:r 1s 111 v 1tL tl 1,, ti'\ 11 11 t. till' ca rnpu :- n f Sou1 hn 11 ln d1l'1du:d ., rn1 ,· rcs1i J in \ kt hod1:-t Univi.:rsity in Da l· D;.inn·r.-. will rcg 1.-. 1cr JOrn in~ thl'. ..:a.q mu :-1 hnnf a 1:1 .-. from I p.m. In I J II p.m. :ind pictu re and r1..· l°l'rl·nLL'., . The scripl c.dl , l.ir lour ~111d 1th111 :1s ,t l!fCH T 111 I J O men :.inJ fo ur ,q,m Ln 111 l\~lll~:·5\~l\~1.l~l'f lSICI' li.:adi n,g ndc.-... In JJd1 t1, 1n.

R:/Jl~~I ~~~~

Rehearsal, for lhc 291 h there arl' ,i, m:dc , upp ..11ing rn lcs. ,\ c:wrs will p1\·..;i:n t :.i annual sc;Ison will hl·t:in Ma y n:15. The .-.how opens June X mcmorih·d srcnl'. 1w1 to cccd thri:1.: rnin11IL' .), th at ;K - an<l pl ay, nig h1l y Monda y ccn 1ua 1L:s nut lloPr ,01 ci: ;rnd th ro u£h S;.i tun.Iay. The show presence . Singers , hould will cln:..l' on /\ u!;m,t 20. Fur morc audition infurprcp:irc onc numht.: r uf their d 10ir1.·. N1) "pop" or "roc k'' rn a11on. or for r1..·.-..c rvation.-.. ln sec 1he ., ho w. ca ll (2116) 655hi ts wi ll he accepted . :! 181 or wn1c P.O. nox :!68, Can yon, Texas 791 11 5-0268. the Tor of 1hc World," and Ah. Ewydicc'"

rcc1cd one- ac t plays Feb. 11 a1 5 p.m. and Feb. 12 al JO

Studcnls Needed! EJrn up to S2,00ilt J>(' r m onlh working fo r Cru1.c;e Sh, p~ ur

L rnd-Tour comp.lrut!S World Tr.we] (HJw ,1i1, ~fo~iCtl, the C.rnbbe:in, tole ) Summl'r Jnd

Full -Time t-mploymt111.iv.>11.lblt• No Uf>('nence nl'Cl'Ss.1ry . For

c.a\l Cmiu Employmt nl Strv icts 1206) 634-0168 exl. C5838

morE' information

The ~




A1mnmt•nu Call 691- I IOI

l'I~ ll'f


·o,oam TC',1m·

;ig.,inslttus counr,y 20 01111wy ,.: Gon Gn1vos ron0,1\' 'l2 TXTnny,1 lunn'lrs

Lovin NiCJnr 2ln(l.-.•0Tc,an



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3,1 d1roc11on10 Cot!!~ I fr om UlllclieJ!l 1 35 IHSI TX stale

no,• Aoge1s .,., Ne ., pc, lormm~ _

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1 'O;mrfy Dons· olclnotwork 2 TXEvans and

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:,~;~'~h- /ounce, (m11. \

Resident Assistant & Student Assistant

...1:ndoll'tl i:ourlJill'tl 1&S1ri111111i11g Pool ...1101 ll'almx llrilling Pai1l i&llinulrs mrnr from 11.S.II. .,.J& ~ Jll'tll~OIIIS 1&Shorl1'1'1'111l.1 il.lPS

Fall 1994 Openings


Pick yours up at the Housing Office CSC 121, the Hall Office or from your RA.

D<slgn Maslrr T•ttoo Studio Ml llt!L.71 AJfll


Jlul!ll ~

o.tom &fTtd.at1d

Sl• r rr1.'lt A11n,~


t ltr9Qliall\ Chuat Alllcd, -i: Slff!Uud

~ '"' ''" "

/" r. ••..

,........,...... .._,


oo ~ , e,..,7&7, 676J

~ !~~~~ 1

1or s1zo· ,IO LBJ tcok lh1si;n Air Force One

Applications Now Being Accepted

MSU Theo1re will have Scholastic I.look Fair audi1 ion s for ils s1udcn1-di - lo be held this month

Th~ Scholastic: Book f-'uir will be held on Fch. 14 · 17 il.m. - noo n. from 8 a.m. IO 5:30 p.m. in Pans are uvailabk for room 303 of 1hc Ferguson eighl men and 4 women. Building on Comanche Trail. ScripL1 arc avai lable in ihc T11t, Scholastic Bonk Fui r r-ain Fine Arts Ccn1cr Con- is sponsored by the Assnc iaference Room. Ca llbacks arc 1ion for Childhood Educa1io11. scheduled fo r Feh. 12 01 I p.m. ATTENTlON STUDfNTS! Plays incl ude "A Pcrfcc1 Maleh ," "Fool fo r u,·,•c," "A Welcome 10 Need for Brussels Sprouls," "Scoo1cr Thoma., Makes II 10

l.. nov,, 11,rn

1e UH:.Orrxtc,tiol 10

.i n d

th ; 111 ,1 u H1 p k 1111w, Bui Brad Rnl"lt.·n~· ckc p , ·01...: i.: ~ITV. Wh 1..· 11 I l 1r:- 1 11 ,::,rd 1!11, , ,1 1111.· !111111: :ih,1111 11 pull, th l' wi ll prate: on yn ur ncr,·c~ in1 1ially. hut a, 1h,· alhum !!""·' ., <1n~. I h:11 i:d 11. Th1.· ,~'l.'t"' ll1l h, 11.· 11L·r HI It, t_-! 111 10 lw 1h1.· on, his vnir:.· cn1r;rnc1.!3 , hyp- 11 m1.: . I !-till h:11cJ 11 Bui .dtn r,, r 11/ h , ,, ,11\· ,,11 ~ l)nl..', noti7i.:1-, an d mesmcn7CS the lh L' f,1ur1 h tlllll'. I w:is h, 1,1"cJ . 1 11. 1~~.1~ lw 11 \ p1,1 th1.· fu n RPhc rt :-' wail111 g .1b111Jt h.111. k;ltnr II ~ l h ' \ )'t l ll audi i: ncc .

hr Denn L:1 wrrncc E"nrcrtainnwnt Edjtor Audiuons fnr 1hi.: in tcrn:.itionall v acclJ1mcd ti utdoor music:.i"l drJma "Ti;x:1's•· wi ll he hel d in Dalbs on Sund ay, · f-ch. Il "Texas" uses :--ong. dJnc::, and dramalic· dialogue 10 1cll thl'. st<1f)1 of tht· l'.arly scltkrs who came 10 1hc Tcxa" Panhandk in lhe b1c IROOs. The spectac ular sci: ncry of Pa lo Duro Ca nyo n Sta ti.: Par k scr\'l'.\ :ts a backdrop fnr thl'. play 1ha1 has h1.·i:n recognized as 1hc bc:st allcnded outdoor drama in the n:.i1ion. Director Nc: il Bess is looking for ac 1ors. si n,!!aS.

rounl\•sra,9rst!C1wn hisown· 15 ·10 16 JX1sm \\ OUldn'!

Application Deadlin e: Februar y 21, 1994


fJIE \I ic hilan

C Con



hy Cindy Knhkr llrll

I lu111,clay puhht·a1101/'1d l11 1t· 1' noon ~l, 11111,t) S,1lu rt1 .1~ . 1\ ·h. l'I

CJ ~kn, ll.1,l,l.' lh.tll , , I u!•hud. ( 'hri , 11.1 11 ,\ \\ I) '".S 11t1d;1y, Fd1. 20 .

0 ~kn, U.1,~~-,~.ill ,~

U ~k~t~1·,11:.1) . l't·h. 2.! ~n\'llu.: ll.1,l.,·1 h:il l , , Unn

I uMw.:c-~ Clu1 ,1i:111 , ll n111l•7p111 ~ und:t), Fl'li. ll Munda), Ft h , I ~

•~1111ul:1) • l•'1·h . 2J


,Ill.I Ath \1 11111\·. 7p tll


0 \\ "

111\' II\

0 WrnuL·n \ l\:1!>kt·1h:111 ', l lm, Sli1: nn .· ,llltl An , . 11 ,1 ml' , 7 p Ill '


\hclt1t·,;(lay, F1·h.2J 0 l·,:v1111h·, ·nl',Hl\ k✓ n ,•.111 , \111101: l '"( ' i\1 1111111 ,

1:ngl~, 11 Cluh\ \'~ lrniuw BJ~i.: ~:1k Ill lrnnt o l 11 1,. t'S( . ~

, 1111e. S :mi -:! prn

ll :1\ kl· ll1.1ll ' ' SI·

( 1~1.1h11m.1, ,.\ ,, , ) 1

h p 111 '\ 11111

11 111 1

'111111~ 1.1~ . F\'11. 2~

• TUl·~:t)', t\•h. l!=i

0 I ,l\t•11,~·-./lk.1t1h1·Vllt-.lll 'i

\hdn<'sd:.iy. 1\·h It, O F:n·c•111c, I 111.::uui ,·, / ll n u Nn 111 lnal1i11i-. CSC ,\rii u,;, ' 9a 111 - I pm Th ursday, Fdi. 17

\ 0 1111 f , l ' \l ' ,\111 11111 IJ

I p111 ,\• t, pm ~ 11111


l.1ll'I \' . •111J MHl\l.•l'\ll" rll Stn ll' l 1111\:\"l', 1t y hOfW\ h i l'{llll 1111 ., ,,nh· IH•I hcud, "11h II nrw

· lh:pl :1n~nh·11t

nf ti\\· d()n1111ory's hl':l llll l! vcntila tio n/;11r l"tllHlil ionrnl: u111t l ll\1/AC) wi\l 1nkl· pl:1~·1· in a



h' m

I k: ,aitl lh :.u th l· ,c ,,·,II I'll.!

Tnm Brnmfk ld , <li1 ~t·t111 11f the Phy!-kal Pbnt. ~aid illl" uld !<>)''- tl"lll h,l!<> ou llh l'd II \ 11:-du ln~.v,; :111tl i1on'1 wr1rkm~

l'ml-ll' n11 y 1)1 L,1111s J l{olldt!Ul' / , MSll p1,:.,1ch-n1. :-aid \Ill' lll.'W

., y:.. ll' ltl

will h,t\'l" inJi ,•ulu al

~·1111\hil'i in thl' ni11rns that wi ll all \!\\' stud~n1 ,: 11, 1q!ul.lll' tlw h:mpn:llurl' w11hi11 :t th rl·1· · d.: ~ll'l' r:1111,:l'.

1111 ,1.1tc lmhh 11.1o1·J tn IIH· h ' IH l\ .1111 111.1, s~~7 ,000 will h,· u-.1• d /1 0111 -.,:hool rt.: .'- l'l\'l' 'i, ~1' 1-: .fl()( I wi ll n1111 1: tm m al• \i11,:a1t· d l1 in,h. and S 125.tMIO wi ll hi.· u,1·d from th,· 1!L·ncr;1I tJ \l' lr:c· 10 lin ;Hll' l' lh c ~1',:71),(X.ICI pr<•kc l. Sfl llll' !<> lt11.l c nl.~ .1, ay 1hcy nri: i= l:1d 1hi: vc nt ib11nn syi.lL' lll I'- !!ni n!! 111 he rh:11,1 g(~d . "Thc 11ld sy~h.: m 1s hanl 10

Thl' , r1,·111 ,,·111 t.. -. h>' t·11 n 1l.11i11 ~ h111 11111 1 l1 •ILI w:1h·1 11L 111 11 t-: i1 thl' '111ild l11!' rill· " \1 : 111 w:i , lll\ l.1ll n l III the ltr, 1 thrr r ll,111" 11 1 l\1(1.\ .1ml 111 1111· ., n·nn d 1hn-,· fh 1111, 111 11)(17

1.:1!<>1 \T ,11 . 1h1· n· \\1'h' ' l'\ ·


n l lh l' , ,,, ll.' 111 ,r,1c m 1.11 k 1h1·

1.11f111 p

Whr 11 lh l'

Is "a w l ul ·• Till:\\. ., 111dl' l1l~ \ ,ty 1h1' )' n1\· lo11k111 l_! IM \\ a 1J Ill hL'llll_! :ihk tn m1mi1or thl· 1rm1~r:i lll rl.'. in th l'ir ,1wn roo m.i.:

C1111s1ruc1io n will bq:111 immc,liatdy Jfla ct1111 lll l"nccnu.:nt 111 May, Ro dri>_!lll.'.I said ·nil' p.1rts will

hl' hi:rc ;JI lhat 1im~. anti :in rndcfll:ndt•nt l·ni;i nl' L"'.f will h\! prujc.: t w 11h th l! hopl' of l' Um pli.:tfn i; the r,•nn,-.111011" hcforL' thl' fa ll ~ nll' ~h!'r. RuJn._:lll'l s;111I 111:11 any s1ud..:n1s plann1111: 111 sl!.1)' O\'l'f1'l.' l"ln& lhc

In Killit1 1!~wnr1h t.l urin i: th!! summ er wi ll he rdncall'll 1t1

n1H,1l1cr dorm for the llur:uion l)f till" p rojl'C l.


,\ kin s p111


'' lhc ro11111 " :lrl' nlw.iy ~ 11111 ho( anJ 1hat lh l· nlil •,, \ ll.111



" 1•1111 ~.

'!he• 11ld w ~IL' III IS .1 l \,·t', PIJ'l' '-)' 'h'lll :i nd w ill t,,. up~r:nkd hl 111111 p1pvs. a, ,dn l! lll' / 1k~lliL" l'l l'nl lh l'

5,S7 0.IIOII prujl'l' I th i1o )1 11111 ·

0 ·11 1.:.11H· l'l 1i..h111 1nn ,

Aud1 h11l mn . s p111 Frid:i~ . 1-'l'h. 2~ iJ l·,1,1 111k -.llk, 1u1 1,•.Jlk:uh

fl'J; 11l.11c We l!,' I 1h1• hn l Hntil .,1111n w11h th<.' "rndm\\ anJ lhW r'i 11p,·11 .~ Ahl H L,,c\.nrd .,ail.I Ch11~1ic Cohh 1.11m pl.1111l'il

ptr11,·r 1 a~ u "hi1: plu~. t,c c 111,,• lhl· ,,Id ,\ )\ ll' m \\Ill h~ n ·pl:1,·r1! wi th n hi.: lla !-Y ~·

n11l111d1.1 l ' h11ir l 'iim ,·,1.

h ni.:

0 l:avo_flll' !<> / lkautll·, , lli.:.m., No111m:.it 1o, n, CSC ,\1r iu111 1 J ,1 m - I pm 0 Stmk nt S\·n:1tl' ~h: riu ,, CSC!lt-1. h pm' . ~kn\; B:is~d hall \ ' Uni v C!.'. nlr :11 0k., ll ii1tk' . pm 7 frid:.iy, F'th. IX 0 F:i,·111i1c.VDt·:1111 1\.•VOi.::tu, N1 ,111111:il1un . (.'Sl · Atrium 9:i.111. . I pm .

~f l

tJ t

Killi11 g~ w,11·1h II .Ill , vl· n11 l:1ti1111 S)'!<> lc m ha 1o hr 1•11 1,li \ 111 ~ .1 lni 11f '' tl' lllJ~r'· nuin·\ 1

\\'\ ll'lll

• S:.iturd:i)·. h ·h. I.?. 0 l '11lkl!l' DJ) l 'l n •l' \' CJ \ \ 't1 llll' II\ 11:i, ~clh,dl \' I uti1 w.1r ~ L'/111 , 11 :111, 11 11 111\. , Ci p11i

,\ ,1i·111 \ .11u11 11 I\\: u,~·d t11 h,·nt ,11 n ,11I ,11111 w.111: 1 d,111u i;1· 11, , ur 111 11111\·,·r, l1y propL'I ty untl Pl' I ,, 111,1! pr, 11w1 1y


S111 rt ltqx1rtrr

'll1UNl:1~ . f:t.h . Ill • Frld:1y, Frh. I I

P.,~c 7

Killingsworth Hall gets new A/ C system


lf )'otll l'l~a11i1:1tu1nha":ine \'l'n1 , . ra il lhl.: H ,~-~111,m :11 681).,170,1 l)r: t t ,1111p11 ... ('(, 1111c-i.: t1 n11 . t,d111l' lht·

Th11Nl.1 ·, fl'1,n1.ir)' to, i'l•)·I

llusin~ss, Profess ional Women plan slyk show

Thc an nu al s1yk .\ ho w

Sl'at 111 c l'i 11111111·11. ,n 1\-,l-rv a11111 ~., 11111, 1 hl· 111 ,Hll· hy l·d1 17 N11 ll d ,L h wlll lw

Du11:11ions of i1cms fo r 1he al11.: ti1111 must hi.: v;1h1l·d at a mmimum of $50,00. r-Clr mori: information e:ill 1tw A1m~ric nn lk,1 Cross al 122 X6R~

New fralernily to form on Miclweslern campus

An nq;aniz:ll ional mi.:cting for 1he Alpha l'hi Omegn Service Fra1crnity wi ll he Yarosz pain ling ~t'I"' li lll' An, Aud1h111 11111 s ~ 111 held al noon r eh. 14 in the llt•sl of Show award 1100 11 111 lhL· Cl:irl. ~ 1111kn1 Clark Student Center, • 1111 c, l' II B !<>Chttlo il·d I hn h,·1 h A Yan"'· a,- Educalion program l \· n1cr h:illn ,\Hl\ The Alp ha Phi Orne~• :\dm 1.S!<>h 'll i., $ 11 f"ll' r 1x·1• ,,1l•t:11t· p111f\'"1• r 111 :,n . ha , lo pro,·idc scholarships Fr:1tcrni1y is the largest ser· s1m. Pnl'l' inl'lud l'!<> lur1ch. thl' h:1d her" 11rk ' l' hTll' d a:- lksl MSU is p:irtici p:itini; in vice fr n1crni1y in 1hc Uniletl ., l ylc !<> hnw and a d1:11Kc al 11 1 Sh11w 111 '' ( ·c11l1 ,ii St.il l'., 1hc ne w, fcdcra ll y fund ed Stales, with O\'c r 200,000 E\l11h111 , 11 1 'II t " .II Pr:lll dn,,r pri1t·:-. NJti l,na l Seru rity Education s1ude nts in over 650 u~iversi• C'u111111111111 y C11ll,·1!c. 111 Prall . Pr,1i;ram th at pmville~•unller- lies acro!i.~ the i.:oun lry. Student Aid ... K:111 Yarn !<> , · pain tin g £11 - !!raduut c si: holarships for This fr:1tcrnity is foumlt.:t.1 rd1L W,ll l.'. ll"l1 l1H and ~11 ld :-.111di1:s :1hrnat.l in critical on the principles of thc Doy ka L wa~ M·k r tcd lor the world :1 reas and ir.1duatc fcl • Scout s of Am i.:rica, and is awa ul. Till' p:1111tin!! wa., al!<><> luwships for th ose MudenlS open lo hoth mak and female hi· Ci ndy l,; ahlt-r 11<11 ,:allflll . rl:i.:,,m mc nd n l f1 ir p11rl'11a, r wis hing to add itn intcrna - s1utlcnt1,. S laff lh-jmrlt'r E\'c ntually . ynu will n.!· fur th e l.:1l ll e1.·t11111 of Pra ll lional rn mponent ln the gradTh 1, 1111w 11( 1hl· x· mc.'ill'f, Those intcn:.1,h.:d should u:ue program . Thi! deadli ne con tact J. W. Jus tice al 692 m:m ~ ~1uck111.-. :in· " ''nJa mg l' CJ\\' a stmknt ;1ill rqHwt C11111111u1111 y C ,1ll l·l!~ ahout l111:111l·1.il aid If }'('U arc tlm1u gh 1hc m:1il. llrinl_! that for und cri;radu:all! ap plica- 4766 or Dr. Millie Comcrer al 1nc·l udL·\I rn th .J t ~rou p and rl' jlOrt inlO thc offh:c and thc ll ogga rd' s translalions tions is Fch. Ik. For gradua te e,1. 7276. ncc J ml orrnJll{'l n :1hnllt wh:11 C1lu11sdor can thcn lr.:11 yo u s1udcnls th e llcadli nc is stori 1•s puhlishcd March I. ~lcp_, lfl t.J kl' lo chrck 011 your what Iypc of tinanci.tl ai tl you bml'..' I (1 lg_!!:m l, pn,fc.,sor Christ ian l'l1 ~ 1h d11 y, )ilU lll'l'd 1n ~n 10 :m.! c. li gihh.: for :mtl what 1ypc For moru infonnation call Fellowship the f-111 :mci.il r\ 1tl 01'1lc.:e in of s1ud1:nl lnan would he hi.:st of Engli:-h. ha., h:ul thrc 1: David Ilrinklcy. Coordinator Athletes l ra n:-. lati tlll\ or !<>l llfk" puh lh l' H :m.1 111 :\t.lm 1m.,1r:i11o n for you. should you 1k·dd~ 10 of lnh: ma ti onal Programs at apply. ll1c co unsdor will 1dl li!<> hl· tl in "C o s ta R1 l'a: ,\ ,•,L 407 l. Fellowship of Christian llulldmg. 11r r.!11 flSIJ- .11 1.J Athletes will he mcc1in s on Kun I lugm· . .1 cou nsc lnr you when 10 rclUrn ;mt.I pil·k Travcler\ Li1crary C, 1mpan • ion." Th,· works tra11., la1,;ll arl.' up thc loa n :1pplica11on. Thur.;day ni ghLs. 7:JO p.111. in at tht' fi n:im 1.tl :11t.l offh.:c Thi: Car- Lord, Lady Midwestern the Clark S1udcn1 Center's After mailing, the d1.:l'k "Th1.: B1111i-:l1" ;11111 M :-.11d it 1s n11t 1011 CJ rl y to sl.ir; hu nero. ~ h111h h\' C:1rlos cx•studcnts dining room. thl' pn1n·du1\' ror lh c fa ll will take two 10 th ree \\'l'L'ks nominnlions needed Salaza r I krrn:1, ai1t.1 12 vi·• 1 0 rcturn 10 the office. E.J, Collins, FC/\ pn:si!<>l'lllt' SICr The d:11es for nominations lf you an: applyi ng for a l_!ll~ ttes fwm "Drl'pl'r Than hy_classes for Lord & Lady dcnl. soid they will he Thl· ri r., t ,t<.: p 1., 1t 1 l'Oml' ~ran t. it will he app lkJ to Skin" hy :\lx:I Padll'i.:u. I~ ll 1 lhl' (1ffi(l' :tnd r irk up J l\111hws1crn, Class Favorites, scheduling guest speakers J111:111c1a l :11d applir.11 1n11 lk your MSU :1ccoun1 automall• lkautii:s :ind Oenus wil l he when mem bershi p has stabi.\U H: IC• !<> fl CC.:d ) whi c h ca ll y. If you arc app lying for Red C ross announces Feh. 16- 1~. 1994 from 9 n.111 . lized. Everyone is welcome and Sl'mc,;;tcr you :.irc apply mg fnr :1 :-. tudent loan, yo u ca n lhl' n "Bid for Lifo" auclion to I p.m. each t.l:ty . Nomina• 111 ordcr ll> gi: t th 1: co rrn:1 pi ck II up at the Fi n:-inl'ial Aili Thl· Amem.·;111 Rl·ll Cros~ ti on h:11lo1s wi ll hi.: availahlc docs not have 10 he an a1hl e1C form ~i ll out 1hr ;1pplil'ation nmce. unnoun r,; d it~ \rd Annuu l in the Clark Studcn1 Center to he nn ac tive member in FCA. :md bnng It had 11110 thl'. r,j. Gr:rnt s and Jo;111 s :m.: "Out fur L1 k" TV :uu: tiun 10 Atrium. n:incial Aid OJ lie~ Elections will lake pince giwn to those who are digi - hcnd11 the \Vil'i1 it;1 Co unt y Om· of the r ou n~~ l ors hlc. first 1i mc horrnwas Disas tc r Scr\'kc.". The event r ob. 2J from 6 p.m. 10 8 p.m .. wi ll go ovc..:r ii with you to must a11 i.: ntl a sc hcdulcll en- is sd1l'd uk d for Sunllay on fob. 24 from 9:30 U.Q1, Ill I di eck for ;inv mistake..~ th at t ran ce inlcrview sessi11 n be - Vis ta C.1hlcvi)lit1n Chan ne l p.m. and 6 p.m. 10 8 p.111 .. and rch. 25 from 9 a.m. to I p.m. could res ult ;n dda y:- . You fore 1hcy can pick up a loan 10, fron, :! run. to (i p.m, will 1hcn se nd off yc,ur app li- check. Ite ms purchasi:d will he All \'Oling will lake place in it lldi vcrl~J di rect ly tu hu ycrs' lhe CSC i\lri um. A nm-off, if ft required, will he M,reh 2-4. ft homes. ' 1 ,1ml p111 l '1iodULih111


rn·,~ nh·d h\' lh,·

,\!<,,Ol'l ,IIH IIJ

ll \',l\\.1bk ,II ll ll'


nf nll !<>lll l'., _.: and Prol°l: :-.!<>ll•lla l Wnml.' n will he Fl'h. !2 at

[[~IBI Fall applications due ALASKA SUMMER E~lPLOYMENT

In fi s h e r ies M onv cn rn $20QQ-!- / mo m C.'lnll~ri cs or $3000- $GODO .. 1 mo on fi sh ing n ssc ls. F or info call l206-5,,s ..11 55 cxL A583S

Cruise Ship Jobs ! Stu d e n t s n eed ed ' Eurn S2000+monthly . Summ t• r/

holi da ys /fu ll lim e Wor ld tr::i.vcl. C.i ribbca n. ll:i wu 11 , J::ur opc, Mexico T our Cu1de!'i , Gin Shop S:ilcs, Deck 11:mdi:, Cas1110 Work,:ri:,ctc No exp<' •

ncucc nccc~s:-ir.v CALL 602680-164 7, Ext.CM 7


S50 -$250


YOURSELF 0)11 ,; UP f n ~.'i QO fuu.:.iw.r..cl.!Th1s fund raiser

cosls nolhing :-ind lnsts one week. Ca ll now nnd recicv(' :i free cift. 1-S00-932-0528, Ext G5.

nm lllJCKI ,F, f:ASIIIONS FOR lilJY:-. & UI\L\




Thl' Jlu c.: klc h 11pt·nin~ il.'i 1J2ml ~lure In lht> Slkt.'i CC'nla In Wkhil:i }-'a lt... :111J i~ lookin g (01


..:111hu.-.bstk r'l=llPk wl111 :in.: iula• ~Ice.I m ~ llmg lhc lall'i-1 s1yks frnm the hc.-.111:unc.-. iu l:L-.hion•Z.

C.:\\":uk:d. Girl\1uJ, Pepe. ( iuc:--, , L,wm.111 aml mon:.! l.c.1m 10 ,ell fashion d othing in :iu cnjoy:ihlt: ,1 lm u,p hcn: ;\ppl)' Ill pl'r!<>U II Tul·~ .. Fch 15 tic:1wL'l'll9 :i.m.:u1tl

7p.m orWl'J.,Fch. 16lll'.1Wl'l'll'I a. m. arnJ<,p.m. Look 1c1 u.-.


)'OU c:m C'-fl(.' CI grc:il t.c11c li1s, :111 cx.cc\lcnt cmployc.; <l1M"oun1 anJ ;-.Jv;mccmcnt oppor1uni1 ic.1, :ts a h.'am mcmhcr wilh Thr Uuckh:.

Alterations Th e Buckl e Fashions For Guy & Gals Dn you enjoy sewing n od

hemmin g? Would you enjoy Working rn a fw1 , cnthu si nsti c 1.' nvi r on ru e nL? If so , T/, e B11c-h le is opening it.s 132nd

3lore in the Sikes Center in Wich1tn Fnlls and is looki ng fo r a part-time alt erations 11t r~on. Flex ible ho urs ond nn

exc •llent cmployuo dif:count! i\pply m pe rsonT ues., Feb 15 1

frC1n19 a.111 . to 7 µ.nl. or Wed., F'eb 16 from9n.m. Lo6 p.111 .nt

!he Hue-Ide. locntcd acro:,:s 1 rom Kny Ilcc Toys








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You arep;t the o~~ one w~o punuu-nig11ters [[lhe proj«I ~ due IOl110ITOW, you're probablyworking all


night So if you need ahelping hand 10 ~ yoo p:i.;t the dcJdlin.!, come mlo Kinko's. We're working 24 hour.;, 100.

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