February 11, 1993

Page 1



Volume 7 1, !llun,h c r 16

Thu ...day, February 11, 1993

'R e por ting Midwest ern S ta te Unive rsity Ne ws Since 1922"

gioy er, Justice enthrall audience I


- --

- .

-1 By Linda WU.on Scott



Reporter Black History Mon1h W8S


• celebnltod m eJClraOfdlf\O,Y style / F'eb 9 as intemalional supet"slar


Danny Glove, and actor/dlrecto, Fehx Jushce hf up the Fine Arts

Glove(s aoU-spoken 11-.ten•

s,Iy kepi l h• audience en• thralled throughout the 40· mtnUl e performance His poliahed interpretations lelt 1he audience smiling Atthough exhausled lrom • day ol travel tMt began al 5 a m, Gk>vlf and Justice entertained many qUffloos from the audience ,~ ro wing lhe read• lngs. •1 owe my success tn part 10 the many others who have ushered !he way for me," Gk>var sakf

evening wu sponsored by lhe MSU Art1sH ecture Senes A slanding-room-only crowd I eagerly J1s1oned to every word I as Justice lransporled lhe audionce back 25 years k> Memphis, Tenn King's words were deliverl!d lo lho audience with such IntensIly lhat heads nodding sigreemanl could be Hen lhmughou1 the lhaater during lhe perfOfmancc Justice' s fa1lhlul rendering ol King's can tor non•v10lent re• sIstance and opposI!10n lo lhe Vietnam war visibly sltued lhe audience JuS11ce's talent alone could have packed the llouse, bul the evening had promised more. Anet Juslic1is perlonnance, he said ,ok1n9ly, "The next man 1s a performer you may have heard o f · The audience laughed as Glove( s familiar lace appeared lhrough the curtain


Glover dressed m a T•shn1, 0 black SUII and 'blrk1es. !lashed

"'' lamous "mdlon-dolla, -·· 9

-----------------------------1i-------..l ~~ ~:;


Student taxes

Expected changes are minimal ly Charle• Cure Copy Editor As tax time approaches, nwny students aro beginning lo wonder what new surpnses l he lrll•mal Revenue Service mighl fta ve w aiting for them Fortunalely, most area 1a.w preparers Jald Iha! shldonls wiU nolice lrHle difference lrom lharr lw,g la$I year ol Rodger s . David Affordable Bookkoepmg and Tax Serv es at Market Square, Mid "Not a who le lol haa changed The I0,ms Ihal siudlnlt will be dealing wtfh a,e pretty basic· Rodgers also said. however, hi many peoplo are noticing lll'llhr refunds this yenr. Ot some concern to stu dints are !ho wide vanety ol ttrvices 8va1labte 10 help !hem " ~•ing lhoir returns and re • eeiving their re funds. These HMC:es include return prcpera• lion eleci ,on,c; Ming and refund

w,1 Jack Cross. who o ffers JnPltallOn and c/ecironic filing -.V,Ces. said, "Sl udenls need IO con!.tder how cornpl1ca! ed • torms wiU be and how much

Cross ag,eed w11h Rodgers !hat lhe forms are simple and said. "lh8 1nSlructions •re well wrinon and rhe form5 are ett~Y • Cross advised sl udent, lo complete their returns !hem• selves ,t they can H owever, Cross said, "Sludents fall mlo lhal special ca tegory where lhey make enough money 10 be taxed. buT !heymayormayn04bec la1med as a dependant Sludanls should gel with l hatt parents and discuss this· Cross also said 1h11 stu• denrs wrth mullip'8 Jobs should be careful t>ecauu often Iha income will put them In • higher lax bracke1 which lhe ,ndivdual businesses are no1 aware of Th,s can lead to 100 linle with· held income and smaller re• funds. Both Cross and Rodgers of· fer aJe<:tronic filing, a system in whN:h the cu stomer's tu return 15 senl electronically directly lo lhe IRS. Any rel u nd s due Iha customer are also processed eleclronically '" Ih8 form of di• reel deJ>OSlt 10 a bank account Cross said lhal Ih is can dt'a· maI1Cally decrease 11rne spent

~·--------- ==-:--:-:: :---l nll!!,oy!kno~w MSU night at the TEXANS game


'tnnight at 7:05 the TE XANS will host lh_e Port Wayne Fury al the D.L. Ligon Collseum. Get $ 1 off any ticket with an MSU 1.D. Com.: out and help show MidwcSfern spirit!

wail ing fo r rolunds. in some caMS droppng the hme lo three to lour weeks "An ind1vldual must have a checking accounl lor lhe d1reci dopos,I method W1thou1 it. !here's still paper lo be PfO· cessed, and the melhod really isn' t lh.fll much faster," Cross said. Cost vanes, but Cross thetgesaf1a1feeol$3S forelec· tronc fifing Rodgers Utd !hat an 1nd1• v1dual's re fund mus! be bel wten $300 and $3,000 l o qu,ltty for his e5ectrooic r~ing CrOff also suggested lhnt , tuctents UM paper p,ocau1ng to !hair a dv1nI1ge' by f1l1ng normalty if they axpec1 to not re• ceive a refund. Another service offered by some businesses 1s II loen guaranlaed by Iha customer's pre• dieted refund This offers some advantages, but also some problems Th e overall cost of refund loans can be extraordinarily high. Cross said He said lhal customers pay tor lhe loan pay interest and sometimes find themselv es In lrouble when the

clear Iha! !he audHtnCe wa s delighted and ch&rmed by """ J>ef·


TheaIer wilh the words of Martin Lulher Kmg, Jr and poel laura-ate Langslon Hughes The

. I

D anny Glover

a b0u1 poet Langston '

Hughes' lrfe and poetry As Glover reed Hughes· WO($(, It WH



When asked abolJt his aC1• ing career, Glover said, "Ael ing is a small part of my life The most sigrwfieanl port of my hfe Is being a fal har and talking lo young people.· Glover said. ·Hughes' poetry reunites ma with my lhoughls and dreams.• He said as an Afncan-American aC1or, he Is constantly frying 10 figure oul his relaI10nsh1p lo the movie In• dustry After spending at leas! 20 minul es fielding queslions. Glover and Justice pallently signed aulographs and posed lor pIclures as eager fa ns pressed against !hem






refund doesn'I come 1hrough as planned.

Aodg•rs ag,eed and


"That's (return loans .-.re) pretty

oxpeosr,• •

has~':J:;.:=::!'.'.::'.~ halpshould

studonlS can be o1 find drfhcuh1es in hlmg

Rodgers can 0e ,eachod ••


:.S~~',':s can b e

l ,_ , ~

A ha owilg job

These orker~ re gearing up for a nother dusty day of disking while constructing an ISU prking lot. Tlus new 120-spoce lot, locau.d between !he Catholic Crunp, Cent< and the Church or Chnst Student Center , is slated to be complet.ed May~.


Pare 2 ■ Thunday , February II , 199:1

Educator discusses Texas' violent past

\ioices deadline

.dded 10 1h• •lfeAdy •x1sl1"9

By Julie Nan.n y iate FAfit.or ~ Or MtehHI Collin.. ... aoct,ite p,ol9NOt of hlt.tOf)' and d1r.c1o r o l the O1vl 1ion or Humanities, ci1. t NY..S .V$1t & In Te,ras N6to,y lhlll conllrlbuee

war In lh• county over lhe location of !ht Counfy IHI TM T•rrant pounty Jener wH 1igned by WA. Bailey end addreued 10 William Buley, W the Rev An1hony Bew&.y WH



tpt,ech ·Among Demon , ol Al\arT;hy Violence, VigNnt1.m, Conleder••• Iha and

._,.,_ le,t!,w ~nen Abtaham Lincdn look office. more INr and IUIP'Ck>n bulft up H Taua emer~ with

Experience in r.u , · pr..-nt~ at the F.t> 2 F.colty FOfU'T\. H 11tonan1 beha ve l hal vKMent becauae ii T••H


was a fronh« 11a1a. btA Colin. buovN lhel II pumerity began In

anget over lhe ~ •teolTaxaa







1 1


were ,n po11et.s1on o l st,ychnine These 1wo evenla

Room. •• The MSU o.nc. TNm W11 practice at 8 p m • Feb. 11 , ,n lhe CSC Ex.atudents Dining Room •• The Biology Club will mee1 at 12:15 pm , Feb 12, in Boin Science Hal 213

Pohc • Oeper1ment responded to lwO automoblle accident•. two theift• and one burglary of • motor vlltucle during the peat


•• An MSU lfudent df'N'IOg a red 1PM FOfd F100 !ruck alruck 9'.-, 1982 Subaru GL stalion Mlgc>n white attempling to back CM.A " a loC 2 pertong aip,Ke. Jan 29 As of pru.a lune. the dam-•O- hean' t t>etin app-•IH<f •• An MSU atudent driY~ a OlNCI( whtlo 19TT Dodge a brown 1979 Dalaun 280 1'. wt.lo ot1on,,U,,g 10 bock D<A ol o 1oC 1 parking apeK:e, Feb 2 A.a ol prN& time, the damage hMn'1 ■



•• An unfilnown individual removed a Vis■ gold cred,i card and an MTEL I ~ c redit

card from a n M SU atudanf't -loca<od,nGym101 ollt,o

Hall. «htOt, will make hnal ~bQedon a'V'ailllbfre~.


·voic.s• lit9fery/arhshc ma~S1udents .submitting malt• 1zlrw Is Feb 115, •nd the st~N It: ~ ~ ~ 1 ·~•-~e rials lfl !he submtsa10n box lo· 0 coted ,n upet111ra Haird,n should 1Yvonne Bak•f, HIIMant edito,, nol pu1 lt\81t name on 1h• work bec:tluse Iha s.e5ect10,_ for put,. lic110on wdl be made bV e blind -Most of our •lbmuions so ,orv, &Qt said poetry, and we'd 1far have been AU worka will be given wrth• : Mil like to SN more ~,y al'ld lrie11on,- Baker u1d "But "No out iden11f.c:a1ion to an unn,med need • balance of ar1work to jury cons,.st,ng ol ~ I numbers

~~.•. I__,__,., -.-¥--, ,.__,,.~

;uid. !


13 "They tust keep ooming in: Bridw8II :said

By Charlee Care Copy Editor

boundary dispute Texans shtt that lhey QaV• up 100 Wltisled much They ■Lso feft thal lht goverflffl9nl pro~ 100 ~nle prolecik>n from Ind.an&. Conln• sad As lh1ngs progress41d and Texas seceded from the Unton, ev.nta worsened ln GaiMVile, • total of 41 peopkt died tn a "dan o l confusion," commonly

c.aed a ~ In condueion, Collins said that the vioktnce IA TtXN "tt · mains so muc:;h a par1 of the Texas heritage •

.. An Artist-Lecture Serie. rnNting _. be h9'd at 3 p .m.,

Feb 12, inCSC 118.

- A Collogo Day P r - w,I be held .. 9 a.rn.. Feb. 13, fl the

Aldn AI.Olonum.

A cover ihHI anached 10 submt11ed WOfkJ should inc:llllff !he s;lude nl's name. addreas, c L1sait1C11110f\. rne,o, and IM titM otlheWOfk lfalfWOril:• IOOla,0lot lh• 1ubm1u10n box. atudent• mtl'f ialk lo Gary Gokt>erg. as&1stant profeMOf ot ar1

h.ad r.it

f•edtwa...-ancew-.prope · ring ft#Ofk for publication arx.o hia atudenta to •u~ .,.. woric" H• aa.o gave ■dY ice on_lM a ttiltic • ~ ol the ~


a z ~ forlhe meg■l: w,lla aleo com• from ,•;:: Wk:hilen MichNI Vendfick. fldl . tor, ha• off.red access to lhe

n• w ~ •r'a compuf•rt 1 nd tQUipmenf to typlht · v o.<:• • 'We're getting a lot ol eoop.. of hit unhappMH wih ctttain •ration.. Baker aa1d "Th, dec1111ona, tM dtsag, eernenfl piec.■• are faffing logether, and I ~v• .,, 111Credit"9 fi. have been put ,n the ~ •. and "''"""'- ' Goldberg It now WOtkjng with Baktr said lhal aNhough Goldberg had dtsaocilted h1m5atf from the magazine bec■ uU


MSU'a Office of StLKten1 Ret■lionl has sched°'9d Ills an. nuel Cotlege Day for Feb. l3.

Thia aMual actrvity IS detigned to "provtde en oq,ortu• ni1y for prospec11ve sll.lC»nls and their perents lo SM the M SU campus before mekmg lheir allend•nce decisions ." Chad Bridwell, M SU achoo! rela• t10MoounMlof, ..id. The Offtce o f Student Ra&abons has elreiaa, regillored 924 t.tud«tls to attand College Day, and approx1tn1lel)' lot


more Ille exp,ected before Fei

College day will Include an "orgamzalion fair" to be OOOtdJ· nated bv the Office of Sludent Actrv1lles. The fair wil oonsiM of booths Mt up and ffllnned by !he various student o rganiH1101'1

at MdwN1em. Student Acttvities reports 25 student orgamzaliona al• ready 11gned '4> lo participat•. Last y8lU''s allendance was

636 students , partnta a nd guests. With 897 regil;loted prior 10 the event · 11 depends a lot on th•

weather,· Bridwell said •1 wasn't

ignal s


meet at 6 pm., Feb. 18. in CSC 10 4.

here lasl yeer, so I don.I know what the weather was hke, b"

wilh good WH1her, we ex ~ • turnout ol about 100 more lhan last YNI . The p,og,am keeps perem and students -■perated for the majority of their vlU by provdng separate programs for each. Prospe,c:t1ve s tudents and par• enls can stay in MSU's res,denco halls, or mey opl to stay elsewhere. Area holels are providlng discounls



~~•~ •n

be enl

a .

C.nler Atrium and will begin al noon on Feb. 13· Arry organiz■t10ns w1shmg

to par1icipate can oc:m !Kt lhe Office of Student Ac t1Vrt1es (CSC 119) al 689·4.SOO.


With smcere regret. we acknowledge that the front page story m last week's issue, headlined Sup~r Bowl prompts Intoxication, was less than the pro1essional standards which our readers expect and which we strive to attain. The articie did not clearly indicate which university the story was about nor were accusations adequately attnbuted for the reader The Wichiran staff w,11 make every etton to clarify the matter and present a subsequent article ,f mented.

rnor• inlorma110n contact Jf'I• Leishner. N$latanl dean of IU-

=::_:i.t::d !~. Df or


•• Favonle, beMJt)' and t,,d

•· An SATIA.CT prep1,a11on wilbeheldal 1 30pm . Feb. 108 14, in


•• Morla, Board'a 5th Annual

& Ledy Mdwnlem norntnatnl

_.beheldfrom9am Feb 17-19,"" !he CSC

•• The St uder,t

io ''" Atrn.r




(Poli H.G Evans, M SU chtef of polic• . re,po,ted that lhe MSU

loons. pa1n11nga, photographs,

poetry, hct1on. t()UfNllsm and

13 .College Day slated for Feb. ta;;: 7!:


~mo ke

•• The Facutry Senate will mNIIIIJpm,Feb, 11,.in the Clo'1< Sludon4 C..o, Hoopitolily

la.pone, , ! The tubn-.uion delid~n• lot

ot ltudlnla and faculty The juh.11 ;,,,p.ct.' ry'a input wtA be the principel f1te· volcff" ,, optn lo M SU 10f in deciding wtuch woru will ICudenls' ctMlIve works car- be pubfi, hed. Baker and J..n

Uni a thock '"va through Ih a Soolh. Col.,. &IMd 0unng the""""'"' ol 11160. numerous hrea broke OU: .cron

were convk;led and put to death CoU,ns utd lhat no one rNlty knows whetheir Of' 1'101 the fflln were gu1•y Flty•t'M> self appotnl&d men made lhe "arrests · In Tarran t County, a mysterious lener cuculated .-.aing the need lo free T exas ard a s1,gN ~ K > n a save r ~ At lhe ume tffne, II was also rufflOftd thal altvH

1By J .. n Hall


Herp«s Fetry. v . - witt. JotV'I Brown' s raid ANhough B rown was convictltd and ha'lfiled, it

Ta-■• tr\ ctt;.. auch as Oatlea and Oenlon. Netghbo, Nglln lo INr netghbor, •nd the ~ blamed 1M northerners -,wt lhe •bolifton1t.11 In Callas, eighl staves were singkld out for the cauae of th• hru, and thrff

s :Staff seeking last-minute submission ~ the':.~~andao::';'

O L Ligon Coliseum. Feb. 2 The fem, ■,e wof1h $4S There .,e no sut,peClS •• An unknown 1ndrvidU111I

removed• blue l'nlll pm.,,


ver frame. a pnnt composing

thrH facN in b'ue, a pnnt com· pnaing • chlld wflh and a n umdenHfied black and

•• An unkncwn ,nd~ual removed a Sony portablfCOmpact <he p'8yer, 25 CD•nd a mounting plate from <1 l rock perked 1n lol 7, Feb t The cems are WOf1h Mk>O Tiwe are no suspece,

an.,..,_,. fFr""'""'"""""""""""'-"ill

whit• print hom . .veral antrances of the Clark Student c .,,ter. Feb 5 TI'8 il•me art worth $230 There are no 1U•



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ONE HOUR OF FREE --·: ··----------POOL : I


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'l'hu"tlay, Ycbnuuy 11, 1993 ■ Pouo 3


C'bc Wtcbttan

Bankers warn president of lendi!lj t~,•~;r:~ :'

Ry J•rry Kn i•hc • 11 d ~uun ~hmidt

"4",ll'lg lho reguta110n oo bJlni..r

The Wuh11"11to o Po,l

Tho econotNC bo~t111 ol ioduc•nq bf.nl( regulahon1 ■re o.1e1hk)wn c, 111c~ cald. Md

In whd, bnnU M vo c u n 111led lhlllf lf.Od•nq 11\0~ tnQ 11 dllh::ult lo, mtiny t.iu,mHHS lo g et k>■n1 •nd hokttnO bad. eco non.: recov,i,y

wlm ll!'VOr ltMt bf!n etrts aro, lht IS loo g1eat The f&g\il•· 1t0n1 b.a r.li;1m . w•nt lo ,oll back

At • Oecembt1r KOOOITite co nltttnee In t ,1Ii. Rock, A1N stven1I bonltera b..,.mod OJtUI·

Fc., r WA SHINCi TQ t, PrHlden\ Chnton tho ~ 01111&r from lhe btinl(lng intl uSl ,Y ii. nNrty •ntM'1it>'f' JIJII ioo.•1.•

tew :eou\111,ons I nt.I 1'1• n.,110n '

~ •..::'. ~!7n;":u~~~;,;~

o• p.and, , ,,-tmg ~ea,.:, ~ ,ncre:~:g wllh



dehc:.&1 l o VoO<J to be true wArn many Domoc rRh, 1n Conure.5,, who leor lh,. Wh11~ House 1s buy,ng lll1(\ a p\311 11\at WOlJk1 dQ n'IOfe to pto~n.e blln.,ers than to be~ it tho ec000n1y 0lunlly skephc•I o f lhe bankert:. p1orm se~ lt.ide, s of Ho use end Sen111e bAnlung eomm,11 ee1. , lhc Gen et3I Accounhng O lt1ee and the Congreu,onal Bud ge l Othee • 1• c:..ou110n1ng lhe Cl1nten ad· m in,atrahon 1gnmt1 IryIng 10 sh mutate lhe economy bot k>os.-




community lending t ha h r1e1aJdiSCrimi• ' pro \.$w,;

3nd HVfHS.


;;:,io;:~: ~~n;~'t;!,~~ duced tho S:?00 bt1hon savings ond k>11n d.t).,cle

Do:1J)lle the ff\1Sg1v1ngs ol mo!-1 Domoc,elic berik1ng lead· ers. au1ng bank r-oulahons is ,uppor,ed by lawmaker s from re{)IOns where banks a,o under '>tega. par1icutarty New England t1nd CaWornia The Whtte House has made efforts 10 encourage ~nd,ng " ,.,, banking p,oorly. Stnee lhe ca11"911gn, Qnton hes reyeatedty tnOoned t he dca l hal govemrnenl ll:9ubhon ... IO bliefM IOf a "credl Cf\Jf"Ch"

they w~l+n~ k> r,tp<Utl lawa lhat aod ,,... ,. wr1t1en by

l(; !P'1

p11 u ed w,lh !he help QI con





sumer grOl.ll)S and other Climon Roberl O A!HS(;hlluer, dlr«• cont liluent, Whilt Chilton 31'runestralc;n 10( o4 !he non p ar11un CUO, !Old ol!w:.als ecknowlodg41 l hal !he !he Senate 8,ank,ng ConvnilctO huge incrense Ill ltindm g lhat N doubts • relaxahon in

;;;:;:g,~'".:,'; fo• Al()w,,19 OCO•

~::~~·.;!,~.!;",'::•,,:::.t;: : i::.-=~

The Amer ttan 8Mkor, Ass.octaho n proc:la1mnd lhnl re•

Mdl ec:onomte benetd, lo bft oblained by ouing bank i egvlt1 ·

Ho also Hid Congress should no1 beck away from tho

duC1ng regulahc>ns coukl pro • duce $86 bitton • voar rn •ddi· tlonal wtnd1ng C~nton Hu.ad on INII prom.wand has pfe(Jgod lo lai-M ~eps lo refTIOYe regula!Of')' impediments 10 lendmg


relorms nNdod ro ekmntle The ,,sky lending procttcH of the p.tsl "Having gone on ,. diet, three quatlerl of lhe WI)' lhrough lhe diet, I lh1rik II wolJk, bo a rnistako lo say, 'Gosh, Ihle

Efri>oldened, ~n"tng lob· by1sts 11re wcul1t1ng doI01led lisls ol Laws and regutahons they think 1hould be repealed lo he'p 11tmula1e londtng

Whlle Oemocr.111c lawrnaktns do not wont 10 prOYoke a con• froollh0n wllh the p,es,denl on 1he IIUUt. they are sending sagn.sls 1haI they neither behovo Iha banlcera· PfOm1M1 no, ero

·A• 10 whelhor 1hero's $86 btfhon, rm vory skepheal " Rogtt A llman, OflpuIy Treasury Socrtit•ry. aa,d "Thtire IS e credit cIunch Ih11'tt re•I We

pl~~~ !O can do a......... 11 have

s,ee whal we

Among lhose in Congr&SS

lleshng eau1Jon ~~ts on eas· mg rulet on banks 15 Aap Charles E Schumer, O•N V . a senKH merrber of 1ho House Banking Comm1llee. who wamod 1n a recenl speech to a t.ikors group thal tho govern• meN would have lo repeal ~«y

'"m9 .. ~-hc"," _,

be good fo,


said Challongrng !he bJnkers' claim,. !he CBO and House Banking Commlt1ee Ch.a11man Henry B Gonzahtz, D•Teus, asked lhe ASA l o bKk up rts estJrNlts of tho oconomic be~ ef11 o# reduced ragulat10n on lhe industry


"NIM ')nly ◄ P.11.0"t rho vo& yme o( M'... ..,,.ns would t>IIG'Mri SftC bil\ton .. U,o brin k.Ms g,o up rtC)!.ed ·a■nk9ft h om the country per11Cul:a,., lt,QrA in


the, N...,.. EnQ!,,lnd states.

r■• me

l'Miv ,~ lhe ,dv..-M r9Q(Aelorv env1,onmeut hH to ,u,d • ,• .

:::~;;,:n.1:::•~'l.!a,p~=,:; ,:

'111ll1am Brandon. who • ~

p,ottd~•t c,1~!t~o:~~lf)n& ~rtc~"~J~._. knOwn Clinton ll)f Y"'"

lhe ABA, how1Ner offered no specifics 10 s.how how r•· duet>d regulahon would trens• lale imo _. percent more m m to businesses GonZa le-z Mint a lo!· fer IO Chnlon. urglf'IC] h,m ·10 r&qulfe lhe bMkmg 1ndu,1ry to N(:k their derrGnd for regula:lory , ehel wch hard fads and hgures •• noe aneodot•I &tor.as aod h.alf• bakod argi.ments -· belo,e any ~ are mede on c:hang,ng pubic: pob<y ..

Small town lives in fear freed rapist 'could snap' By Malcol1D Cladw~II The Wuhinr1on Poet WYCKOFF , N J •. A few mile,' dnve from hero, on a hot summer day 1n 1980 Donald Cheipmln dragged a 23-yMr-old woman lnlO lhe woods near a IUOf'YOlf •nd leh hat htld 10 a lree He returned uveral hours laler et sundowf\ with 1nslru• ~n" ol whill a Iudge taler called a 'barbarous · IICI ot r3pe and IOrturo a 5hovel. • p,c.luu • vtn1or, • hyp,ode,mc nMdte, a 88 glXI, MJVernl r.Gatpels ~gh1• lluKI , bt,ck and red ink gun• powder, rwecrack11rs. bl.ad( "4)fay pa int, 1.Cisso,1 r11 zor1 shaYlng cream IOf() QifU7•. • vane!y of

slfaps 1nd ropes and rwo h,e ex11nguuhers Chapman, now 37, flmshed a 12. year pnson term lo, that cmne IHI November and re• llnne-d to thl5 lown aboUI 25

ITlllU norlhWUI 0, Newark. NJ , lo hve w'lth hls parents Wyckotr has noc been the same smc::.

eted eknost cenain to ottompt 1no1her rape, hevo been conaround-t he -clock ducting sWVH!ance, •I U .000 e dty, 1\1110 monlh• tole las! monlh Bergen Counly pl'O$Kul0f John Fahy won a court Older pl11clno Chapmln und1r UvH WNkl of tonwrs,y psycl'Maloc obHf'YD • IIOf'l al 8 nearby memal hospll&I There he refl'WM whtle a Judge determtnes hll fate, prcs.entrng lhis ,mall subt.a1>1n commur,ty and New J ersey tew-onlorce• ment oN1C&1ts with a soemmgfy ~ problem


Chapman's neighbors tetl their chrldren no! lo p&.y OUldoors The local newspaper has rNlde l\lm a regulal on IIS tront page Seve n bills related 10 ~pmen have been introduced s,nc e Jan 1 1n 1he 11ete A,uembty Local polte•. ec:ltng o n Chapman cannot be re• w~m,noslromChlrpren'spricon paychO~SI tha1 he ,s c:onsd• I ~ lo pn.son bee.luu he


he WIii • IO klcel pobc:e who fancied hmsel a ~...,.~isl .. H• hunled and : ; •enm11i. ond ~ang t a uaintancu. M>melim" I0 inlo drU'I pipes to lol 1

denoerovs aner release lto m p,ISOl'I BUI lhe leg,slahon has

followed a s,mllar. d mot• depraved, pellern Aher repeal•

~':s.W: .,

Al 18, he lured lhree 10· yNr-old girt• ,nto woods al• k>cal~ slope by leJling them thel !here was a r'ICe lniif With wtdtil'o, aUlhontin sad Tymg two lo • lree, he~• kniilo al the Uvoet of tho thtrd •nd demanded lhat she pu/1 down her pants Sho relused, and he ~ her 00 The ct.her two gtr1s ¥ , f t ~ free and eK-1pod Pol1ee aa1d th• r•pe tor whtc:.h Chap,Nn was "'l>f\S0n8d

wooded ereas . lying lhem l o and seJCU11lty assaull,ng 1rus and tortuong Ihem He had vowed ,ape agen, aho sard. 10 hmwlf a falkire and conaid«ed

becauce he had lel hts v1C11ms hve ed h 24 hou hy ' • I e F:..cOfder e. IUl'Ve After ht.s rflease. Fahy sad, Chllpman made numot"ous trips lo local faSl•food esi,ibhs.hmencs wheto he 10kt htS lhre&-ment>cr suiveillance tum IhaI he was seeking youno girls 'as young girll undefsland him benor ~ On one tnp, he bbcked 1he doof lhe WQfflen·s restroom al 10 Onano4hot. ak)aaJBorge,rl<ing

"he a.poke to a coupie 1h11 he did not know, I.a.,g lhem lhal lhey had a beauldu l daughter

:::o= r::~~rt: =t::-~ 1 :::;.h:~t1~ and:::::~ poke ~ ; : C::":;~nders lh1s week. what's nexl? Arsonisiar Jama Reardon, a Seat0e psy·

c.hell'llf actrve ., opposng Slml· 181 leg,s laho n ,n Wash1ng1on state. said "N you can dohno a d us ot Cflfffflllls H mentat,, 111,


': w

c:n ::-;:i:~~.;s

Pandora I box ol p,.ven11ve detenltOn of &nye>ne )'OU doo I like It's ,vst hko tho Soviet system, pulhng polil,eal disaldenls in mental hosplllMs .. On the other hand. lelhng Chipman relu rn home ratSes oqu.tty 08Uf'ltlOQ problems AC

S2,000 a day, Iha !own cannoe long aN0td to keep him under observaoon, and lhe lerror and hy:.tene he,. ,,nee Chapman came beck shows uo stgn ot abahng girt• ." sad ·1 have two P111y Ed'w111d& who kves down lho , 1ree1 from Chapman 'At some poll'C, lhes men as l1(>nO 10 be ~ ,ng here W'llh no police su,va.Aan,ce end no guarantee 1h11 he "-" be.n rehal:)dQted vurs l1om now. my girls could be walk1ng home from schod and thts guv coutd ~



We live 1n e tmy. quiet nelf)hbothood '" a smaN k>wTI

ourmet Co ee, and Accessqr~es


H h his aervtd •s senl enc!s :, ••1 cannot be plec«t 111 • superYiHd rroalmenl program for sex offenders, because lhe slate hes none Nor does ii seem ,1tely that he can be conlined lo a menl81 hOaptlal Thal would mean decla,ng Chapman me-nlaly di, and a tNm of pnson paychok>gtS1s hN determined 1h11, dea,pite the doprovly o l tu cnme. he is NIM Finally, many legel experts enlerta in 111\le hope lhat the stale legisla1ure can resotve Wyc.kotrs quandary MeHures Ihete would •mend stat• law to al:>ws.encllng ,.p1M1 lomen1aJ hospttaJs • thoy a,o deemed ,-1111

nt.,e ~ hes. 10 be somethmg rTIIIW'lg lhel th• could hew-n hefe " Chap,Nn ha.• ~en known

Jim Tibor


~~:o• l~~s ,:::~:,

and unhed her Then h• !JIV0 hot" a can of Mace. which he klld her 10 use ag,u nsl IUlure as • sailanls , and a knife. which he .,expllcably sad she shoukS not be afraid lo use on him


=~,~ Of~;

The next day he Surra~ 1


MW Chapman, woanng 5Urgcal


glove• leave his. paron1,· house. then put larg• co.ls ot yelk>w rope a nd olectncal cOfd lhts as •ntudsiic" •rid said vioa.nee HCKned lmnW'lent 'I can opprecaoto tho CN~

subsequent conctit 10n Many ol lhoso 1nvotved wllh 1ho case said that , In IelrospK1, lhe ChapmAn problem would beal hove been resot'led then H• could hevo been given 1n• 1en1,ve trealrnonl for his comp..-MOn 'ft'tiile in pnson He also n,i.ghl have been gl'leo • ffext>4e sonlence H\11 allowed earty re• lease 11 he appe.ared tehab1h• leled ot a longor tarm • he were

be lett alone," Fahy said , upletnlng why he lell com • peJled 10 IOU Wyckoff ntSldonl s about Chapman "But here we have • pors15tent s.ox o1fonde, whose Ia,geI group Is young g11ls Socaety has 10 be pro• Wa aren·I really I ec1ed tquipped lo deal ~h that

shH considered • ttveal

lried IO "-"• Cf\ac::,mfln placed 111 •n tnpalient lrutmont program wrth regular therapy end close

Bui even Vincent Be.1111,

Ch111pman·, lawyo,, concedes lhel whaiev.,. therapy he re• ce r,ed In prison dd nol work And because New Jersey , like many , 1a1u. has f ixed stn• le~s !Of ,ape. ne«her the vf. ctOUaneaa ol hts cnme f'IOf his apperent lack QI rehab+Wal,on couk:f be used l o kNP 1wn tn Jlllf Days befOfe Ct.pman·s I&Uta No,., 17, l<ayJackaon, the peychobgrst ~ ,reeled htm in P,1101'1, warned J)f050ClAOf Fahy Iha! Chapman ,1111 l anlHIZod abou1 l•king youn g women to


With c:o·operatron from

Chllpmen end h• patrents. Fahy


" We tooked nehoowide ·• Beaile wd '"Bui there's a ~ ful tnedeqUKy


l hts 11rea II'

,_Dy qu,lo lrivf"on,ng "

Fahy then won a

cour1 oroer

l•te IHI monlh comm1tlln9 Chapman lo a SI/lie lac:.1hty in p.,.tnul for 20 days d observa• hon Fahy exprei.sed hope 1h11 docto rs wia find him mon1alty 111 so he can be commlled lo a Pl)'ChlflllllC hospital perma • nenlty

Steve Ramming

LOCAL BOYS LIQUOR Mll /1 1 <.. ff'lU




lt\lrien v,ew Iha! when II person

hes done lheir hmo, they should

(817) 692-1002 2731 Southwest Parkway #16 Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 LIQUOR Y WINE Y BEER VKEGS \' PARTY SUPPUES y I CE CATERING V WHOLESALE BAR & CLUB SUPPLIES

~bt tlHc~ itan


l'og~ 4 ■ Thun,day, February 11, 1993



. this family Wife wears the Pants ID

,,wed Wet,vto lakeo...

The Russia (actor

How it affects Bosnia

By Lally Weymouth

The WHhinstoa Pollt During the W'Nl-.end of Feb

e• 7

PrMldenl Chnlon instn,cted r111nge of op· tlool to laclde the C,!Sjl W\ Bo.n• Al pres.nl us ofl'te..ls .,. eonSldeflng a n ~ of poky jfteffllllNes, lltnong them (1) ~htng the U N anns en-c,argo tNM now keeps the Sertit.an nwrtary at on advan-1age, (2) us.ng armed mtQhl atrlousty 10 enforce the no-lty zone, (3) authorizing the lhipm0nt of up to $!,O minion in arms to the eo.n•n• ao they"" defend l hemselves: (-4) eonchJC11ng limiled air stn'-;es on S1 rategc posltlOf'ls 1r, Serbn1n-controri.d teml:ory

t. Nfl110NI Sec:'-")' Council to produco immediately •

A•hough • nurmtr ol race111 ref>()f1 s indlca\e thel Iha C"nton 9dmJf\t$irahon ref'M1ns ,nterested in continotng the SMrth !or ti d4plomatc aet11ement ll'l Bosnia, Secrelary of State Warren Chnstoper c-lA ot1 one hne cf r111rea1 by distsnctng himself trom lhe peec9 pl,ln l ormolated by one ol his predoceMOts, Cyrus Vance. ~ the former 8ritt5h foreign SftCtatary, OaYld Owen Sul 5-'I Josoph a.den. 0,0el a member of the Sena1e Foreign Rela1.ons Comminee who has been in the lo,ehont of lhe Bo8nia dftbal• over the course of the last year, nolN that ar, In· creasingJy hard-111,e Russ1.1 poses • \argely undisclJM.ed but en.cal ditf, c~ lo Policy·maket.s who Mtvoc,ite mferventlOO in SoaOIII The

'"Ru$$a ll'C1o(' has rtle&tVOd remat1ulbfy IClltt •ttentlon n mecM oommerury on the crrSIS in !he Balkans. In Blden·s v,ew, howo-,,er, and tn lhal of other e:irpe,1S. Moscow's lf'll:en110ns loom large Indeed. some harcM1ne national• ists are suppor11ng unding voklnlfft'S to fighC on behaW o l th• Serbs Bden .-.:plains that. on lhis is.sue, even Aussial'I reformers Wllh whom he has spoken share lhe v.ews or more rNCbonaly fl Rusa'Wt p(MltlCa lie Al lee! lhal the West has dtscnmlnal ed agamsl the Serbs - !hat the Serbs and the Bosmans ate engaged ., an tq; c1111I war and are equat,. re&pOnStie lot lhe alrocilllh The RIJ5.5•ns, of c:ourse, haw longsi:anding hlSloncai and ~ lies lo the Sefbs.- and, d courw, pwi-Si..v..tn was one ot the molt powerlut n.wements in rmeceenth century Rusu The impl,!Clt10ns ol ttus circumstnnce mtghl well be profound. U S •AO$Sll.n cooperat10n was key to the $4.ICUS.Sful prosect.lllion of lhe gutt war rwo years al)O Such cooperation has continued ~ lo tt\is potnt wl1h respeci to the Balkans 8LC in deciding whM::h poticy lo pursue in Bosnia. Cfinlon admirusarauon officials muse take RUA16n sensbhlle$ into ac:oount and take care place President Sons Yefls1n tn a prec:erious pollllical pos,t,on. Thal, al any rale. IS the v,ew d a .serw.'.>I" Bl.l5h ednw'ltstnlbOn of. ficel who also Ngues Iha! I Washngton 9"0fM the "Rus.saa lack>f," ill faces the nsk of a Russ111n veto Ill t~ U N s.cunty Counel. Bkkto goes one ~ep far1 her The senator belierves th81 8oSNa and R ~ have become mtertmked fOfeign policy problems for the Uncod Slales The Clinton adminls1raoon. said Biden. must futflll Cltnton's campeugn ptedge and develop e large and ~ • hensNe ad package to s.upport Rus.wn democracy 1n OfOtt lo shore up y cfts,n '" his struggle wrth hard·lane natlONllslS, "'The k>nger we wall , !he more diflicull It will be in the UN ," 9iden said Cl+nton has now no4ed the need to draw Yekul Into the


Ry Joe PIAni The Greenwich 'Nme

My 13-year -old daugtller has reached 1he age wt\en she' ll nev..- pHs 1.4) an opf)Of1un11y lo eff'barr-s.s hor parenll. 50 ii came as no surpnse 10 have her recently •nnounce at the dinner tat>J• that my wife wears the penis W'I our l•rnty ' 'Hmmrn," I respo nded lhoughllulty, "thafs an interest· Ing concept " Pemc,pl this qualified me fOf a pu,pe Heart lrom !he Nal!Oflal Org,inl za110n ol Women o, a grant from some ITlllnanl lem1mst oroup so I could go into the woods and heal on d1ums ond get bac k lo my manty r oots rather lhan carry on like Alan Aldo

My wife, to her credit 11nd mt reltet, sla,ied out of this discussion and mut1erad some1h1ng blce. ''That's 004 tn,e, Joanna " On the other hand, she dtdn'I bother to olfet any evidence proving I wore 1he pents even if they were onty short pants and she had a grin on hef face tika the cat tha1 ate lhe ca•

no,y She had staged a bloodlNI palace coup r ighl under my nos., demoting me from 1mg of the manor to Pee-wee Herman, court tester I tnad lo take it like a man. Of mofe appropriately like e man with no pants. but it' s not easy when you're s~hng around the dinner table wrth five femalM, all

of whom are nenc on undef'mln· tng Y04Jf euthonty However. betng • N•w A.ge kmd of guy t had to prO\l'e I was big •nowJh to be c,ittctzed end

~":~~~ ~h~N~:~0~•~~8~

worw, Wl"'4)'(

"Sooo "

I asked noncha• lanlt,;, " what makes you think Mommy WHt$ l he pants in the

lami~ obn~:~:



acquire when they have yoo on the delensivt . '"You do whal she tells you to bul she never does whal you l eM her lo .. OEOI How could I respond lo that? I war.led to say, .., hope you break oul m z11s belore moming." But betng a modem.

al-purpose gltf, I kept my cool and had 10 admct to myself thel lhe lod coukS have a p,omising legal career ahead of her 11 she and my wife pay the 1uiOon At thi1 point lher• was nothing l or me lo do exc ept open my dose1 and hand OYtf •11 lhe panll lo my wl• but on.,, alter I had !hem talk>red to fil her. (Unless, o l course, • _,. preferred lo wear he.- own ) Scenllng blood, my three other daughlers reacted like a school ol baby pwanha and be-

gan nipping at my rr-.iti ego "Ye•h. Oad, remerrber the hme you dtdn'I go hshrng be· cauH Mommy had friends


·o, ~ you

blah blat'i bl,h

~S~e. Dad try agalfl


ti oaughter smc ke, ed ~ , k)Oked across the labte al

:~n~::nat, tarnlly

• my fa:-~e~e~:OW ~~ diSCU~gh he ~ M WS I occ.,. bed ~t,' .ron a ,~11'1 ) In tus day S,l()OII • man was a lot ea~, t)etng wMe no threa1 s l o P,lerTher•l,J'lhOrily There wes lrad1•




1 hlesl y lu with cle&r ly iearfy roles or apparent~ more c defin~~ha~s~~ v: Mis Dobbs do something. sh• dotit it,"10m; e-yHr-oiJ d•ughlar "


" Veah. llhe snapS to at1er·

1ton ~~ven lhe Irids are afraid of • go out· htm She s.ald, ' Oon 1. 518rt 10 side, Nathan.' and he• go oulsid• Then, she s,iy• . 'Nathen, rrn 90"lQ 1•1 YOU! 1~therf' And N,than runa t,eck tn ' When Mr Dobb• comes home, Mrs. Dobbs ,tways hes dinner on 1he tab'■.'" " And 5h41 ttons his $h1r1s .


hive felt: Czar Nicho&as II, th e Shah ol Iran, Richard Nocon.


Louie XIV. XV and XVI and

"Look al 8111 Clinton," I said "His wd• 1s ,tway• 1eHing him what 10 do, where lo stand •~ whal lo say And he's !he pres•·

litn•rt 10th• •dtl0t 11\oukSb• b~I. lo 1t1• 0011'1 •nd Wllhoul


IIOl'ltt~= )'O\I' i.tt•r 10 ti,., ptbll1hed Without your n•ma. and~ COMIWII JUstifi•• lh•1 a,ct-,n. ~ - -· contact IN MMOJ so • mutu.i .gtM· INftl can I » , ~. AJ i.n.,. w,I ~ J;nm.d UMdit.-d

I ·


Mldwe•turn State Unlverelt:••·• 34 10 TaJ't Blvd. Box 12160 Wic hita F'alh•. TX 76308 Nows DeNk (8 17) 689-4704 Ad . Deak (8 17> 689-4706 U ltwl• Cll..t )'!Mi\MIVr...,rl


A -l•t• Eo-111.o>r CgpyF.cUwi,,

( uie,t ..,.-


.)ha..- VI....,

·-~-·,._..,...,.. M .IW'-1_._.,

n•-s "'• o.• ...._

Cvc•l•U•" )Ian••"""

AJ.....-tt.1,,..11r-.... . -



G nph.te.Arti•



..__II , .....,

c; ,...,,•

lkl~lkfflo,'I ' • JIUl"l'• ~ <obull




l'\•t n,, ,r.,-.,._.-,-.- .-..~'A.,.JrNwf.., ,._,,,-....~ --1 •~ •w-n'I"' l•e'-\.

.,.r .d,n -


, . . . . ...,,,.. ~ ....tr

110w .... .. ~.

le kids v;,u lose conlrol your ca ke control Mtd ihe nex1 you knOW, no o ne has any _..,...ad tor you rlwas a man adrcf1 1n shtftmg ie191 roles I wish I had be4:!n SOC 15 yurs earltet I could ~ t,een a contender


F"ird 0&A whal II means 10 me) I

~ have run my tam•ly Ilka "-- eo,ieone. bUI hOW could I

::::..-,of,_..'1.)ad can I have frve dollars

go to ,he mov♦esr rrrf daugh-

10 ., Mked after dinner 1 ''Nof)e ..

UMd the word "nigger .. Many commen1a1ors said

the l'ine WU IOO lrtlle II - s. bul

you gofta hke the treod line WMn Thurgood Marshall was 1n law school , he got • summer fOb at the Gibson Island Club near Annapolis . Md . where his lather was head Slew-

llni Years later Marshall l old 1h15 SIOfY. lfl •xagge<aled dialecl lot etlect. 10 a tnend ' 'Thefe I was.

wo,1on· at the c lub. when 1n came a U S senalo r h om OUI Wesl. - • very crude fdah, a very



On the big screen

'Alive' sparks public interest By Deao Lawrence Movie Cr itic based on

a now-infamous 1nctden1 in 1972, has capllatized o n th• A.mencan pubhc:'s new interH1 "' car-nt,elism T~ new laac.-..hon. probab~ ..,.,... ""',oly by "S.lenco of the Lan'bs." 1s a loose chronk::le of lhe Uruguayan rugby l•m·s crash-'8nding in the wm· try desolation ol lhe Andes Mounta1n1. ln111ally, survivor s of lhe ~shdeal with !hew injune.s and lived on choco&ates and capfuls of Wine Bui when a p&ane flew over and 1hey 1hought !hey were aboUI 10 be rescued , they f1n1shed off their meager prov•· SIOl'ISll'lcelebrarion

Unfortunately, lhe plane dtdn I see them. and !hey eYenlu.aily rffOfled to eaimg 1he ca-

suathes The ec.11ng wH mad+oc:re

dllhcutl to 1denhl~ with these c harac lers (even when 1he v1ewar u in keep \hem stralghl · · Uruguayan name apperently all sound s,mitar) t>ocause 1Mre 1s someihong s,ngu'8rty unple•Sl'lnl

i_. ,_ ,.......,._ """' " ,-.-. '0,,.-..__...,._ ..,_._..,....__....._....,~u.,.~Yoo•.........,._llv,"°• l~,, _. _, _ ,..~---u1 1i,.

n•I •'fh()re wa, rospeci 1100,BIJ'l 1h11 is w h • I happen, o u' ,e sympa thetic l o wh•'~/ 5 cau.ses Yo u ro OSlta• ~ i-... y o u:- fellow man and eizc,u "'..!.o-•n not to rne nhon

the Ciocinnat1 Reds . was fined $ 25.000 last week tor t.aving


Ethan Hawke and Josh Hamilton c o me oft as blandly A meocarwzed cipher fOCks ti ,s

"-llr',,..u1.-.0 1""'..,....,_ ~ .,.on.._, ....," "'"""T""... i . , ~,_,. ~ , _....1o0•~ ..., .... n,..

'Americans are supposed to find cannibalism disgusting, and the movie played on that emotion to further intensify its impact.' about wa1chmg people you have no empa1hy with undergo an ordeal this Int.ens• and hor·


The p4ana ~ was not the survivors' only problem Ou-ng 1heu ordeal, an avalanche COY· ered the plane in snow. loltlng mo,e people, and rnak>ng rescue that much more dlfflCUlt. Eventually. rucue opera• 11ons were stopped, leaving the survtvor5 10 find thetr own way oul Maybe " r•lty happened that wey, bUI ii seemed• br con1rl'led On lhe other hand. lhe cannbalilm was matt of the bme p.-eMnted.,


Amenc.ana aN suppoHd lo find cannbalc&,m disgu~M"lg, •nd the movie pla~ on the\ emo11on 10

turther ttllensity Is unpact. The scenes of ovef1 ca nnibehsm were held to a minimum, and were irr-.,ied more lhan eciual.., shown. Evan 10, 1here are scenH lhllt are tor l hose who have week oonslilUlion&,


Al the aam. time, lhe: R'ICMe

turns Iha cannbahsm into a tn.1e bonding experience. It brings tMm 1ogether in a mutual need end lhfOugh thal they ere able 1~ plan ther own salvallon 11 is ditf1cutt to rate this movHt Some WIN like .,. Olhers 'NII noc. but aH w,11 find 11 thooght-

prOY0king ".AJiv•· Is now showing a1 Centu,y Cly Theaiers Review rahng. C +

vulgeh indMdual •• w,th a bevy beautiful women o n his arm HHe takes a seal and yells over. 'Hey, nigger!' I d,dn'I like the r· dee of hi5 cattin' me 1ha1, nol one bi!, but I go on over anyway, and he says. 'Nigger, I want service at this lablel So I give him Iha MNice an' he -s atways calkn· me nigg•r all dunng 1he m eal an· ah' m ~ · r1 tes.s en less But when M gels up to go, he '8ev•mee$201~ ·· ~ Hnator kept 11 up all s ummer. Then one night lather " hears 1h1s lel· lah calln me that and s-ees me runnin' 0¥ef, so he calls me over and a.aye, ' Thurgood, you a,e hred• You are a d isgrace to lhe



Al lhis po ml. Marshalrs

friend Mtd, " Then Thurgood Inned loward me and sa,d, 'BelWffn you and me lhe la~ J)?SI, ~ you w.mna call me nigger, rust put your $20 down on IM !able ArNj you can koop on doio' it all day • Then his eyes narrowed and his voice sud· denly hlrdened and he said. 'But lhe second y ou run out ot them lwenhes . Roberl. I m gonna ~ you 1n lhc nose' · Twenty bucks lo $2 5 000 ·· head"'g 1n 1he ,,ghi d11ec·


.. One defense of Schou w,is everybody says rt " Bud Selig or th• ~-aukee Brew ers deal! wrth lhal this way ' Im SIMled ancl disrntyoo wh en people say 1ha1 s ?a'1 of an ov erall pattern in baseball. I've been a round Iha )'ears. a nd Ive ncvet"

~m,: :~

What IS romar kable llbout lh.lt st•tef'rMtnl today IS lhal rt IS so behevable t d on I recall hearing the wo rd uttered bu! once in prr,,acy a nd never 1n pubbc in lhe past 24 years

~ h • real prot,l em Y11l h ha 1 • the1she lives 1n a world


-------·- ---

-- ----


By Theo Lippman Jr. The Baltimore Sun Marge Scholl, 1he boss ot

f:.G-IE !>T<JDIE

The mew.. •A.five"

@ -m:b~ 'Wicbttan ~


Reds owner loses civil rights issue

Ro,., Tlf£. TEl<

a.tievu,g lhal Bush dldrfl do enoogh k> hd the alrocities lfl Bosnia, Cfinlonllas are now searching !or more k:lfcefui pol,cy ~ t,ons Yti'I S,ar,s John Warner, R -V• • a n d ~ Wallop, A-Wyo., aoond • cal.alOf'lary note tha! should be heeded In Wamet'• v,ow, "No matler how fnghllffllfl91ha (atrody) ~ ries this counlry hasn'Tcome 10 ~ with 1he lfT1)la110M of fflli1.ary' eno-Qemenl " Waflop asks, "What's the purpoM of the ll'ller· venbon, and how d we know when lf's been fuNtlled?" The..,... tor 11d, "fm dead uil against go.ng lo war because of TV pet· fur•• " Policrm&ke,. ~ do ""9fl to remerrber that It woukt be ..., ier 10 gee w,10 80lnia lhan l o (JC4 out

lal\gu•99 or ~ ttonal •t.c:U L•n..,_ mu,1 M 1 ~ t,,, m. wru, -. l'IOt ryp.d •. and lhoutd tnclude • 1e'-91'1on• ntilT'bet ef'd adaHt b ,...,IC•·


d•n!~~my ard have•~ economk: s.anc11ons . !hay I enitive. New Age ratatlOf'!ShiP, 1 wotk flllef'f time



.,.;te She had !hat canary

fflY -,sn·1 gou'Q to let QO

too Not ant,; hed I lost conltol of ,. my wife. wt,ic:h I concede I nevrofer 1 shc)Uld have been tougher had bul I w.s also losing conl ,hC)Uld heve made them walch of ~ kids I understood hoW all I Godfeth«, par1s I. II and Ill the great talen monarchs m\JM -:;-. ~ in R-E·S-P·E·C·T

c,1< 'E.M l)

The 9Pl)Ml'ante of the '"Ruwan 1-=:tof" on lhe acrMnl ol U S poic:y•rr.kers ~ 1.4> an issue I h a ! ~ Arniarica'a ~ 1ione: How.Yer. 11 does nol al er 1he es.sential character of the ,saue nor the absence of ltmple and ur;y answers h's long been pw,lf'I tt.t the dtanger of ■ wder Balkan war 11 ■I loo real President Bush look e firm Slop to preclude • spbter of the war when he Mnt ~ Prasdenl Slobodln M1losevte e lee· \er warning h,m that ltM United St.ates would raspond wilh fon:e ii the s.rt>s ventured beyond Bosnia 11'110 either KoeoYO M


rpos•• For co,nparalNe ~ter re'. our younge 51 doug bOut coun!ed whO



~.... .nt each o1het's Cktsues

I I$ long gone Wllh Iha


llrbe Ullcbttan


Thuroday, February 11,

199J ■ PAge


University will co-host collegiate cycling event e, Shue Gh·en1 9pMU Editor

1994 c ollegiat1 racing season and Is expected 10 draw approx· IITlllety 2S0 ol rhe top col egiale men and women cycksls from an <Ner lhe Un~ed Slltes.

Midwectem wdl CO·holl lhe 199, NatJOnal Colleglllle Cycling Road Ch1mpion1htp1 on May 20-22 with the Wichita Falls Bicycling CU, The e-.ient will include 1

team 1ime lnll, road race and cril&fium The Wk:hlt1 Falls BcycJing Ch.~ has enjoyed grNI SUC:CNS because of lhe annual Hotter'N Hell Hundred road raca. which has taken P'9ce for lhe past ten )'NfS,

Tha event will rep,esent lhe chemp,onships of tha 1993·

·our organization has coma • bng wwy in • short time and we 1ra looking forward to putting on a qualify event." Or Rober1 Clork. MSU Cyclng Club spon•



Midweslern. who has yet lo wm • cha~hip. hos1ed the South c.ntral Coaeglale CycJing Conference Championships ,n 1992 and p6K,ed ve,,y well in lhe inclvdual .vents

Tennis team will play West Texas State Friday By Shane Given■

INms al:Mli'IIN and I thmk R~ley

Sporu EdllO<

CbarileSapr, n1,_,.ro,•--,.tutllo..._ ara Oklaboma Stat,, oo Pob. I.

Indians earn top rank By Shane Glven• Sport.a Editor

·we deserve lo win • few cloM on.s because w.'w 1ogt a

Midw.stem beat Wntem New Mexico State Unrvltf'Mty, 69-67. and ciinched !he No 1 seechng for the post season cournament to be held In Levelland cbv\g Mon:h S-9

few c lose ones,' Gerald Stockton. MSU men's hHd

Ar1hur Hurat, who pushed lhe Tri>e lo a 4-0 f'900fd in NAIA

basbtbdcoach, seid HUf'St twisl.cl his ankle In p,aehce on Feb 5, however. he managed to play 'Mith the P91in and proved lo be the key lo the gomo fc< lho lndano.

8o,1 _...., - ~ good District 8 , wu MidwiMfem's high game by scoring 16 f>("Ols as he scorer with 24 po.nt• The game t1hd 1n tor James Stegal, who


atso sp,a1ned has ankle tice on Feb. S.

in prac•

"We can't continue to play garnet hke we have been and continue to w,n, • 9ock1on sakt

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New Mexico was led in sconng by Gary Taylor. whose 24 pomls missed his District 8 scoring average by a poinl. Kennie Avary chipped in 12 po1nts, but his number ol shol att~s caused him to have a disappointing game.

Ind C1bo1 WIN h•lp us get Tha MSU Tenni1 leam will thafe," ~ M said lock-off h Mason at Iha West Th• g1rl1 w,11 have a full Taxaa Stata Tournament at 2 ,quad lht• y•r, compared lo pmonFeb. 12 lwo gir'5 last y91r Only ono1 ol · 1 hope we gel aom. more the g,rts will be rttluming lo thtl support from Iha sh,dent1 lhi1 year'• !Nm yaar, • O.n NeuH. MSU tenni, Tonya Woght •· a HntOl' hud coach, said ·1 expe,ct us lo crmNI j\.lShCI rre;o, - wil be redo good things 1h11 y. .r • lurning lo lhe lennis court• this Ralurnmg ~ayar1 tor lhe year, bonging her 9-2 record in mena INm compriH Heath singles and 9-t record in dou· Hoover, Chris Blalock, Mont■ hies back lo ~ the g.,15 learn Ctampetl, Tu lly George and 'Tha new girls k>ok very AhnCo&grova cons;sient wi'lh l han shoes and The lndiln1 p4aced second Wrighl sad In dietrid 1111l yNr and lhay went The new members of the to bu.id on their pall IUCCHI girls learn compnH C11hnne Two new I.CH on lht INm &mek, Jennifer Garrboa, Maril wM1 be Ripley Tata and Cabot P1ngiolarako1. Jaqu1la Ronk. wan-. NozMRon1')' ond ·rm cuuol!y apcimiolic: o1>ou1 w......



By Tammie Raporwr


Thti MSU Lady Indians de· lt1led the Lady Savages of SouthMstlm Oklahoma 65·63 Feb. , In D.L. Ligon Coliseum. Lynn Buc:kmasler netted 25 points to - 1 •• aoorers. Serena contriblAed Carter and Emily 17 and 1' point• respectivety. Crystal Robinson le.ct lhe


Conlrolling the boards lor lhe Lady Indian, were Carter, with 16 rtbounds and DIii with



,._ ...==-~=".'::..,_ ,,__ ..,......,...,___ ......_. u,. a _ . . .,r........

...-:r-:--•----.._ _..,,.,_,_

14. Le.cling lhe way wilh hve ~ I WU MJl'O/ Myers. Wrtheightmin...Culeiflw,the lirsl half. Iha two INml seemtd evenly malched, and the ICOfe verified it •· Lady Indians 21 . Lady Savages 20. Myers. a Junior point guard. said, · we didn' t play well Ihm lhey - lonoght. (I) • good 1Hm at all We 1us1


ployed bed: Bolh lNtM suffered from poor shooting and muhiple turnovers. The lady s■v•gM shot a 28 2 held goal parcenlage 11 the ha. C0"1)1red to the Lady Indians who shot 42 3 pe,cenl from the ftek1 The Lady Indians had 26 turnoven whlle the lAdy Savages had haW as many, losing the baN only 13 times. Still, MSU had a lhraepoint lead .. the hal Ten minulH into the second half, Carter, a senior fOfWllrd. left lhe game with an


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Lady Indians lose win streak to Southwestern Oklahoma By Tammie Hilla a.,.,....

The MSU Lady Indians abt· game wn'Nng .., . . WU broken by No 1 ranked Soul hwHtern Oklahomo 5'11• udy Buldogo, es-57, Fab 5 ,n o L. Ligon Coll__,,,

s.... _lhoOUloomo

W11h a1gh1 m1nutN ~ft to play, tha game waa lied at 52 Michelle Southustern' s Washfngton broke !he tte with lwo free lhrows, but MSU's Sydelle MeOonakl matched h• tree lhrows with ■ fasf.t:nak lay· up.

Wuhington nailed I ltweepointer with 3 40 klft. gw,ng lhe Lady Savages the lt1d, but C.rter returned IOf !he Lady Indians, and~ an NMt 10 Oil Ind a pair of ,,.. lhrows, •h• gave the Lady lrdans • ttweepon loed,


Southeestem's Washmglon attempted • lhr'N·pomler that would lie the geme 11 54. but 10 ad'lanlage. l'I

Myers had a chanea to ice the ~me with 27 seconds left, bul mined !he front-end of a one-and-one Soulheasl ern'a Stacy Walke, drove 1n !or a layup to bring the Lady Savages wilhfn one wilh nina seconds letl lo play. Myar, got a second chance to p!A the game away, and lhis lime she made Iha ltrsl free lhrow but missed the socond

We provide school supplies as well as offi ce supplies.


pe,cant■ ga.

In the final penod, the Lady Butldogs ahot 70 percenl from the field. whie the udy Ind.ans shot 39 4 pe1eem from lhe held · wa P'ayed hard. and • we'd , ~ shot bette r, we woutd have had a chance lo win," Jeff Ray, MSU women·s head coach, said MSU's Sarena Carter tied Wllh lhe Lady Bu»dogs 6-3 cenler. Shnley Harmon, with 24 pomls lo lead all scorers Lynn Buckmasler conlnbuled 17 po1nls lo rhe losing cause Emlly Orll and Carter racked 1n 10 and seven rebound~ Buckmas t e r respec11v ely broughl down five rebounds Leading !he way with aSS-lsts were Mi ndy Myers and BuckmaSler, each with three The Lady Indians were down at haN'hme by e1ghl, 31· 23 and wen! on 10 lose by lhal s.amenu<rbe< Bulldo g s Lady The mantained !heir lead dunng the game af'ler Weng an earty Lead two free thro ws, but MSU's Sydelle McDonald malched he, tree throws with a fast-break layup Washtnglon nailed a threeleft, giving the lady Savages the lead, bul Carter relurned for !he Lady Indians, and Mth an 11$S1S1to DiU and a pair of tree throws, she gave lhe Lady Indians a lhreepomt lead

po1nler with 3, ◄0

Soul heaslem's Washmglon 1nempted a three-pomler lha1 woukl tie lhe game at 64, bu1 10 lhe Lady lnchans advanlage, 11 nmmedoul

"'""'"'--flrl•-"'""' ..,ill~---"IIIIJ6'-I• ~.,.,, Girt Ro•lh Now!

Myers got a second chance k) pvt lhe game away, and lhtS time she mad e !he t1rs1 free ltvow bUI millfld !he second


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of the game might have been different had l he Lady Indians shot • bell er held go al

Myers had a chance lo ice l he game wrth 27 seconds leh, bul m1$$ed the lront•end of a one•and•one Soulheasl ern·s Sta,cy Welker drove in for a lay• up to bnng the Lady Savages wilhm one with nine seconds left to play

The game ended wl'lh 1he final SOOfe in favor oflhe Lady Ind..,,.


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The game ended with the final score in favor o flhu Ludy lncMins

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Cbe 1'1tbfttu


Pa. . 8 ■ Thunday, February 11, 1993

Prothro family donates $150,000 By CMirles Case Copy Kllltor Tt,e El•-h and Chari<& Prollwo ICholonhlp lund hu,.. cffied a gift of $150,000 ffom tho Prothn> fomOy ,,,. oc:holo-.hlp fund ucablished in 1991 and pro-

vld11 1chn~rshiprt tot the IC· ,,,. in lho o;..-. ollluoin _ _ countingProlhro tamly hN

donated a 10-

lal of $300,000 lo the account• ing .::ho•rshtp fund. AU of us HIIOCieted with MidwNlem State U ~ are dNply indebted lo thl Prothro famity for thil much app,ecilted and needed gifl: Or. Louis J, Rodriguez, MSU Prtsidenl, atated. Rodriguez alao 1lated, "Acoounting has been • ttrong 0

arH al Midwestern State University lncreasingtv our


derns are t1nd1ng it difficult lo lind !he resources to pay !or the 1ncre.smg cosl of eduealion. The generosity of 1h1 Prolhro1 wm assist worihy individU.,. to ptKsut their Cllffff preparation N'I IClCOUOOng at MSU." Midwestern' s accounting program di10nguished illelf by ranking fot#1h out of 21 Texu inatitut.On1 of higher education in• 1988 Texas State Boerd of

Pwlic Acc:oonlancy evaJuatk>n In Spring 1991. MSU business atudanta scored 15 percent highel' than the average ol 1~ other universities in the aw:::cotning portion of lhe ~a;o, F,ekj Achievement Test in Business. Charles and Elizabelh Proltvo heve a htslory of dona· l ions lo Mldwestem including assistance with l he Moffett library'• expanding horizons program in 1972, anolhef library donation In 19n and the donation of remurces thal led to the N1abUshmttnt of the Perkins• P rothro Professorahip in


Give an original Valentine By Cbrlltlae 8. Pu1h 11.eporter Once tgaln Feb 14 1s raplcly app,oaching and you'r• wondering what on Nrlh lo do

lo< Y""' • - - •· Origonolily io the k9y h«e )'OU want to .ur· priM that apeciet someone with more lhwl jullt cand)r and a bouquet of red roH5 , which il.n't a b.twsyl05tarl.. You can make this Valenlina'a Day a day lhr(ff nevef forg•I if you chooia to lake lhe following adv~ and UN it to your utmoat imagin•• tion 5of'nl ol the lips may call for cash and Olh•r• are JUSI as special minus !he drain on your pocketbook. Jason Frey, an MSU engineering ma;or, said h• would transform a relrtgeration box r,to • gtganUc Valentine's Day card to presenl to lh• apple of his aye. If )'OU went to lry aomething new and dtfterent. why not go and ge4 "buzzedt" Junior the.,,. maJOI Becky Mobley said doe• lhll by laking h., sweetie to picnics al 1he Ot1llaa/Fort Worth lntemetonal Alrpof!.

To rmke hef' kw• coo. MSU atudent Lori Edmon.son would c:t,..., him Wl • pai' oi White box.,. "'4th red hNrts Food • • way to a ~ t aomtone's hea11 MSU shJdenl Tommy Little saud he would whip up • <WiclOOS itnlian m.al lo be M1Yodalo oondlehg,111ylt tt fun and games are whal

your (Nlionthip 11 aN about then how aboUf a game of lrea• aur• hunt' Shawna Mc.Govern senJc:,, 1hea1re mai,Or, aald lhe would tull• messages around lh• houM leedlng up to a can• dlelight diMet. Tab another thN1t9 rnajo(s

My1ynko Kilgo,eNidoho ikt 10 ,ndufgt In a candle·



tight bubblabath rendezvous


Valenllna'• Day ii not onfv for lovffl, h 1s •110 for thoH cioseet lo you. Show your par1nt1 your gratitude lor putting up with all your crazy antics 1twough the yean and don'I forget your poo, grandporenll who are won<Mnng if you ara 1h11

olive So don't be a stick in the mud WMf'I rt 00mN lo showing

on this celebrated lover'1 dly Whal lo do for the writer? How abol.a a qualri picnic in lhe park ~let• with a bottle of champagne and Godiva choc:o4alH.

)'OlM' feelings


On-Ono Boll<etboll Cha"'"°": Belly Carroll w,11 direct Tennessee W1llaam1' "Twenty· Seven Wagons Full of Cotton· and Anthony Damron win direct Edward Albee's "The Zoo

members tor this se•~~~.: open lo all s1udenls ents in!er· , tud in ne:xt cou,age1 any _ esled in paruc1peiring contact ye11r1 Of'gamzallon 10 him al 589-4186

UPB will present hypnotist By Lind• WiJIOn Scott

.... o n d ~ •• •doy.

He ,ad that there haa • • drftlrn·t,etin • caM in medica1

,..,., ol a hypnoll1ed poraon

:::::i~o owat<en

P•lme' has appeared 'Nllh

9,tfb'ir• M•ndrell, J erry lee L -• Mickey GiHey and Roy ~ ~ . , travels 150,00o ,,_.. 8 year throughout n,1 S Mexico. C1ntrel America,


Rep;~~,w.,s,ty P rogr.1mmlft9 Board will presanl self-pro· ctatmed "World's faslesl hypn0"' 11,1•• John-Ivan Palmer on t•ba 15. PalmerwiNb e~': 4 s1ress-ff8negement


in !ht Clan<

FUSION places first in Plano

give& IN audience a concentra-

hon test and asks tor volunteers who seem to have a capacity for mental absorption PalmM lhen hypnolaes as many as 30 pec>-

ple simultaneously, using a speed lecMique Iha! places the wlunleers in deep hypnosis in less than one second. Volunteers are suddenly transfOfmed into d1Shrags faltlng oif chairs, race car drivers, camef riders in th& deserl, Marlianseven Elvia! When !he show ia over. lh• subfacts remember

w..11ndie• and Eu,ope

Employees receive pay raises

scm~ ~er


Alnum and w,11 ptrlonn ti 6 P "' rn th~ CSCenler Ballroom S10,y • Adm1u10n is fre e l o MSU stu"ll's • good lite experience . dents, faculty and staff lo gel ~ and do somelhing that Palmer began his c.weer m open and !hat diffe,ent from ev· 5'udy"'9 psycho~ while 1969 a 1n eryday lite,· Damron slated al lhe University ol Callfom1a, press release "People seem lo Berkeley. Expenmen!lng on think ,rs 100 d1fflcult or loo hippie volunteers. he P.erfectad ea,y: new 1echn1que1 of waking sug· compris• Fifteen students, elfecls menl1 I geslion, ing 10 men and lrve women, are (mistakenly lermed ' ESP-). non· needed to tin cast poa,tions verbal and speed hypno~. HIS Exper'9nced and inexperienced psychology experiments tumed actors are encouraged to at• into 8 stage show thal eventually lend, and auditions will be him ou1 ol the classroom took: ma,ors opened lo non-theatre After performing for several Script• are available in lhe Palmer dlscove~ed lhal years. For office. Fin• Arta division wanted ac110n-•fast more information conlact Laura audiences action He began experimenting Wilaon, assistanl prolessor ol hecklers and occadrunks. with theelre, at 689·4395. sional violent audiences and developed h,'pnolic methods lhal earned him his claim to fame as the ·world's lasleSI hypno· fist.· Palmer said. "Anything that By Charle, Case captNales your altenlk>n is hypCopy Edit.or It could be vacation notic. Winlerguard , MSU 's car, a "FUSION,' defealed North thoughls, your dream radio . ." JuSI luning !he bikini. Texas State Univerdy and others lo capture first pi.ce lfl com- into one's own thoughts and petition at Plano High School on mentally withdrawing lrom rulity 1s hypnosis, he said. P•lmer Feb. 6 The group al50 g•rnered said everyone can be hypnosecond pi■ce honors al Azle on tized, but not to the same degree Jan 30. To begin Iha show, Palmer Winterguatd is a oobr guard

Play auditions to be held Feb. 12·13

G Patrick Fortner U

=~iwr11er A• o4 Dec

31 , 1992,


MSU ernployHI r e~e,ved a ~




ra1H , Bob

- !ASU personnel 6rocto,_

,-ldRingiJe Ntd lhe raise was f#/J ■pphd to student assas1an1 --aw,a, ft'llf1dng the ftrR !me a ~widli ,..;se was added lo

........ poyralN. StudeM pay rates are de•

,.,,,.,...i by !he lypt of tob pe,. U 1d Ringle totmrtd, but moll of lh■ student positions a,e paid on ■ holXty basis. Ind many different pay schedules

oxitlEvery MSU °"""""ee. upon his Of her e~oymenl al lhe uniWrsily, has lo (•II out a panonn•I Transac tion Form (PTFl-A PTF is used by lhe pe,-,mel office 10 track employee _,., lndoding wages. JOb per. tanned, number of h~urs per week. addre• and social securily , . . . -, Ringle pjd the PTF's are also used to ensure lh•I stu• dent.I are not e"1)loyed lo, loo many hours 1n conjunction with

lhoir ctoss load. Studenls ,re not allowed 10 work full-time schedules, not only becauH full -l ime sl ate ~


tlivi>J• for ben-

afft.a, blA ateo because a tulHime ;oti can be a detriment to a studlnl'1 ciaa&room perfonnance,

Ringle uid. According lo the latest fig• ur•, 317 studenls have PTF', on file with tha university

.tt,lndgS ~ t o- 'Bod!J

_._,._.a-,,....,c---,;:=-,::-,-· Al-•--.. .... °""'"'_,..-• -~ -.o.. 1m ..... ' " -


l'VHICH OF THE FOLLOWING DO YOU PREFER? I A $4,000,000,000,000 d<lldl, Gonmmontal I : Wost,, Hipor Tu.., Pay Raises for I I Politicians, More Co•ernrncnt Power OR ■

•........... .....•..... •= r•J l"'N ALBERTS :s3~BEER • ::19.J.\Jl.JHH~1.RP.-:3S¢ Pooq ■•

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4105 Maplewood Ave.

With F Scott Fltzperald" wdl be directed by Donna F■ nter Jame• McChxe's •laundry and Bourbon" will be dire,cted by O■MIH RenoNino •nd Kenneth Pressman'• "S1eal the 0kt Min'• Bundle" will be directed by SuzaMe MUMOn Maril Gnn:iy win dlred ls,ael Horowitz'• "The l!o,mer On•·

Varsity college bowl team chosen

Bowl First Game


,.,Ch~:,;,., clo,ms lhal hypnog•

Six one-act play,, each di· reci.d by •n MSU atudenl, wiff be prntnlod April 2·3 ond Aprfl 16•17 m the Fine Arla TNeler Paut Hoot«'• ·Art ln1ervlew

and Thomas McNeely, Eng"sh wi11 face Iha cha!lenge ol lhe sludenls, A student team or alls1ar1, lrom lall !airs campus will also challenge tournamenl By Charle. C.1e !he varsity group. They include Cop:, Editor Derek Andrews, Williams, Jeff Sa,pafius Congressman Bill peid a visit lo the MSU C8ff'9US Melissa York, and David Morris. teams will play stlJdenl l'NO The town a attand to 8 on Feb first, with lhe faculty-studenl meeting. The meeting waa achedoled match immediately following. It either team defeats lo begin al 11 1 m. in the Clark but ~ the varsity !Nm, !hat team will Sludenl Center to ba moved lo the CSC ptay !he varsity tum in a final Ball,oom due l o excessive •super match up· for the attendance. More than 600 evenmg. If the var~ team defeals both challenging 1eam1. shdent1 and citizens anended preu lh• !um scormg the most Duncan , Phil representative for Sarpalius. poinls agail\St the varsily IHm said •Congressman Sarpaliua will pay ll'l the ma/ mach. College Bowl is called was Immensely ~ e d Wllh lhe "1he varsity sport of lhe mind • h lurnoul • Duncan sa,d that the challenges players to answer questions covered the full range ques1oos from widely-vaned ar• of curr•nl pubhc interest eas •· from hteralure lo rock and including is.sues such as social roll. lrom physics to hockey rrom secunty, heath care benefits. geography 10 current events The game IS faSl•l"nOVJng gays in the military and defici'I and fun for spectalOrS H . . . . . . olfohool ol dn,m ond bugle cont reduction •The Congressman was par1k ipanls. The varsity team. competillon and consists of heart•ned by lhe pu:llic intere,t lhe facuhy velarans and lhe flags, rilJes, dance, ac:enery and expressed at the meeting.· rookie students woukt al •ke lo costume aa wel as much more have an enthusiastic audience ' Winl erguard allows Iha cok>r Duncan aJso sa.d. guards lo maintain their profiSarpaliu1 will return to to cheer !hem on Friday n1gh1 a lor The chal enge oi facing c1&ncy yeer round. tt'1 a real ensummer lhls Wichita Falls well qualified oppon,ents in a real 1e11ainmen1 package, · Alan simler lown mee(ing. !)ame sllualion wrlh a live audl• Black, the group's organizer, ence will be an 1ntegral pert of ..id Black also said Iha! the or• the prapara110n !or the vararty gani.zallon is help ing lo recruit team Admis.s10n is free College Bowi ts spon• potential studenls from all over Oa/Wls won Super Bowl sored at M1dwes1ern by the lhe IIMe. XXVII in a bbM:>u1 •• blA who WIii Alpha Chi honor society Or Jeff This year's o,gan,za11on win MSU-1 Supe, ~ Bowl Ca mpbeh i1 the College Bowl con...is of 11 people who have Xt? On F.t> 12. M~stem·, ooo,dinalor and receives auis• been pracdcing since, befo,e the newly-ch<>Hn v1r1ity College lance from other Alptul Chi end of football 1euon, Black Bowl tMm will face two chal- sponsors including King, Or said lengee, one from a veteran fac:• Che,tes RaR'lltolW and Merit-. May FUSION w,N compete next uly ,. .m whose record of MM on Feb. 20 in Houston •nd will againal Iha 1h.lden1s ,s marred retum lo Houston on Feb 26· by onty one defeat, and 1h• 2 7 before going on lo OeOYer other from a bfaah young team on March 6 and attending Texas d rookie student p6ay..,.. at 7 30 slale COff1)9tition on Mar 26•27. p.m., Feb. HI in C~rk Student By l,iN PMot The organizalion has al i1s Cent., 104 Reporter Midwestern's var111y Auditions lor the MSU theSfwiky an,{Pao{oColege Bowl teem was cho&en atre department's Feshval of last week after intensNe ptaetice One·Acl Plays wdl be hekt al 5 l fmJe you ~/11 uuion, lhat began 1n pm . Feb 12and1pm , Feb, November. 1mmedia1ely follow- 13 on the rminseag• of the F'ne ing lh• campus College Bowl Arts Theater loumamen1 In that toumamenl, Dnvc:Ritc 14 INffll ~ e d for lhe k>cat championahip, with more than 80 Individuals perticipeling ThoH chosen as Iha 8AM Feb. 20 lop p layers lo represenl 6PM Fe b 22 & 23 M,dwestem are Chns Gilbert, • 9 AM Thursday Feb. 25 graduate atudanl in Enghsh, 8 AM Man:h6 captain. Johnny Carter, a senk>r 6PM March 8 & 9 hiMory and pof~ical science metune a 31 la.s$ May Ulke hnlf c JOI', Jotvl Oerhard, a junior pre· J- 800-46()..3503 med major, Michael Koofer. a



lory, Or. Michael Colina, history

Sarpalius attends town meeting


• rt\tLs :filt)Jv\/L tt

se,Hor English majof and S11e1e Beauchamp, a senklr biology ma.,or, Hatemata The players WIii ,epre-Hnl Midwl-stlfn al !he Rag.on XII bnllmen4 at louiliena Tech m RuMon, La on Feb. 26·28 Reg10n XII includes Texes. Loultiana and Arkanus, so M«twestern ..,., be facing such 1choola as Rice, Texas A&M. Lou,srana Slale University, Tulane. Texu Chr isllan University, Trinity and !he University of Texas at Au1Un last yHr'I team d• ltaled T CU (380 lo 50), Louisiana Tech (155 lo 125), Hardlng (310 lo 160) and Un.vtrsily ol TexH al El Paso (335 lo 35) They were defNled onty by Rice and TexH A&M, the first and 1econd place fin· ishefS al the tournament. A facufly tHm com• pnaed of Dr John Meux, malh· errehcs: Or Mk:hHI Flavin, poitical science: Or Dick Kklg, l'MS·






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