February 13, 2013

Page 1

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additions to·the offensive and defensive line.

as director of the marching band.

\vichitan ■Blood drive stirs·debate; screening excludes gays Openly gay student turned away from donating blood IIAITT'Nl'I' C OTTINOH.-.M l!DITOR·IN..CHll!f

ltst Tund,1y, a mrmbl'r of the

Teus Blood lns111u1, approachrd srnior Darvl Smith 10 J)UtK!~te In a

"I have spentfar too long lying about my sexualityjust to do it againfor something that is suppose to be for a good cause"" DARYLSMfTN SENIOR. SOCIAL WORK

b!ood dnvr he!d on campus.. Aftu re,1ding rM blood donor edu mJon maten.il, one qunt!On stopped

·Som, peopl, told me I ~ uld

h.l\·c tied about who I am lust to doSmith trom yvmg a ure. · Do nOI donatl' ti you are II m.Ue nate blood." he wrott Jn a lelttr to the who ~ had sexu,1,J contact w11h tdllor. · 1 hav, ~n1 far too ]orig lyinR ilnother mtle. rvrn onte, !.Ince about my :.exuality tus,1 10 do 11 .apm 1on,· 11s1a1ed. for som,thmg th.II iS !>uppost(! lo bt for Smith said he connrmed to .a good cau.st." the nurst ihat hr wu a 11,ay m;1.!e Actordlng 10 Smllh, feelings of an· •md was then told he was no! ger and sadness were lhe core reasons quahned 10 give blood be<au~ ht sllbmitted 1he Jcuer. of a policy ma(k by the food "Kno..,.i ng lhilt I couldn't givt blood ltld DrugAdroinls.tratJon. btaust I have skpl whb • m~ Since Stnci Smith could not t1o 19n.· Smith !>ilid. ·That's realty a

na1e b!ood, he wro1t a leucr 10 lhl' Editor In the Feb. 0 IS·


: ~~l~a~~n:t:"'~ !.ga{v:~a!: : deserves 10 be a hero.· prac As long u gay miles use uces. Smith aclnuts this shouldn't even be an is.rut . · 1 honestly feel that there ate so


community co Qke noucr of this blood donllllon su n dard policy.

many healthy gay males who should have tbt right 10 donate." he said · Wtm we do m the pn•1acy of our home has nothing 10 do with the qual Jty of our blood • Leslie Gamble. d1rtct01 of commu· nlty ret.uons lor tht Tex.u S!ood IMll rut,. S21d slruaUons Ulc:, Sm11h's dotS come up from ume 10 tlmt . · Our blood Jnstltu1r dot.m't take a posttJon on this l!<;pKI,• she said. · we ;u-e bounded by mt' FDA regulauons and guldebnts. They l,upect us illnd hold US 10 ctnam Slandatdi that Wt hav, to abide by. The Food and Drug Adm1nt~11at/on sets its po!lc1es that ue ~ on medical data. !'hey want 10 be sutt that wbQe'1er :s ttce1ving tht blood ~ the most protf'Cltd possi?>le in ttnru of giving ~re b!ood • In IQ8J. tht FOA muoduce-d a ban on blood dor:a11ons from mer: who had sex 'Nith olher mtn beeJ.,1r..1ngm 1077. Abo, lhe CWTtnt policy for human l!SSUts Is tht deftml of ml'r. 'NhO hi'/t had sex wit~ anolller man in Ult prrceding flve fears due to the risk factor for HIV and Hepauus B However, Gamble Yid !.ht FDA bas, m plK, , onserva.tJ\•e me.sum that ate

BWODpg. 3

@darylsmith1089 DAMN RIGHT! this quiet one is

Why doesn't FDA allow men who have had 'sex with men donate blood? A.vrrJ."& ~ ,I>, US lw,j



..,.1,,M1,nv,c11J-,1wr-.. "'

,,,.,n. ,w, 19;; (1H" '"'"'& ,f1MA/DS'fW"'k 11tlN Un11M Sti,ltl) ,m ikfrrn/ 11,

............... ....--



. . . . . 1mMftan HIY

... . . ,....i,.,.iatieo.

8tlO limn higher tn,n firs1 time blood donors i nd 1.1100 tirneahlgherthtnflptll blood donors.


- I CCOUn'llo1t.h1 lergut s1ngl1 gro11p of blood dol'iors

who ,,. fo11nd HIV positr,,1 hy blood donor luting

o.cdell sl HIV lllhtctNa lt~dllllNII.. wh1n wry lowlev1l1ofvini1

1r1pruant 1nth1bloodlor eumplt d11ring the I O·U llt d •window penod"

Mrtrl'MllhtVlll'IIW!thlMfl llso hawen hlc::rNN4rWc

ol hni.. t8ltf Wtc:tiOM th11unbl1r1nsmm.1d 10 oth1rs by blood tr11'\ff11slon. Th■ policy11no111nique ro thl Unrttd St1ft1 ..,.


,....,_....bolh ttte sc11nc11nd 1thle1alth1

lifetime MSM d1l1rr1I. and

hlvllrellintd it

gonna make a difference in the world. #determined

"Doverai, no proverai -

t rust, but verify. "

ormer adviser to Reagan et to ·give views on Russia ·a expert selected ak at Artist-

r Suzanne MliSle has wnt ' tt'Cjj(/llle.:f by President haR,a11 i nd made a name for In lhl' world of !Jtr~awre. of rlfr hffb1:d, be5t5el1er

lt:an a wu. ,:,1.c Ma.-<:e·~ ik'kN)Wlt'djtl'd by Rm~an. \lltj lf tht book al1rmar w :t. (('!UN)',UI' Rotirr ~t Hrs! mt· Rt.apan 1n IQSJ


~ p:t'l,:den: l'N,j tht !)00~

k~M :

{ C:V

much al'J IN•k

·.v1!n ~ m wte'l tr went ro .,. mffr 'i.."Crrt~!Y 1M1kha•!J ,e·,· 'or ''lr 'ir.-t umt' 1:i Nn 11Jas.~ \li\S\ e <.;;1d Rru1!'1 , n·~: ttrm from JI l9M. :•,. Co!J War reKhtd



............. ............,,,..

Td:et1••~ •tMlllr' Studitntc.nc.rmlonJl,ldtft

,.~:==-1:.~~ '-c.,f f1Cktr1•rt tllfw ... ..-,.t


1:rr thar, aie:v riad l;ffn wm~ the l'f-i\lnninR of tht Cold Waz ifl 19J5 i)tSj'llC {hl' fall of Cammu· ,'.~1t:t':'\'tC as aa u.iof nt,m. v:e are ~hdmg back into neo -,.fl<Ar 10 ilt'aii,ar, durmir. h:~ L:o!1 war meionc and both .s.ldes IN:~rlJ 'rt:T, · out 1ne worst in "-,I~..! •~, p:,,..1dtn· 1n lin ,,..l?m fl) bl' bnn~:1~ oiner,· Mas',l('~!tl. c:.cti i~ ".;i·•'l.!r,\nc,,,,. .:ons.i.Jer M~e ~•d one of flt>r ta·,omt iklU .llf,IN"l'')tl~ f:'('!lo1 .if 11-te w~ duttnR • 4\r , 111-:-(.. wti,-n :o· me fi:-s: r.Mlt'Ot< y, .th,1! Rragpn $Utt' Dinner the Wh!i,e llou.~. 1 14 ii'.!~ wJ, h-t1 :io n1•i:ot,a 10th!' ~m, Dinner :~vufd RBt'i:11,l ..,lb ·1,, \,:vlr f l 1r.11m a• all.~ u !hf \\1J1t, House !r;r Gorbacbt\' Ixc. ~. l'-'8i• .ar:d havrne both ~:~ :J2;1 • ~ se,;miJ ti"ln . on p~.Jelll an1 stertl11'Y general .,,,~ ·o , ,r1t\\' • b•.-aJo:rhroolifl :he Vl•Ml u n:on s1oml1mJ side 'ht or ·~• 11 1r, 1hr l nor.. me was ill ,.-.~•. t1 It'~ oJri, r. rtJ.aror~, b'-' si-tt ar1 to:h thankln~

....~ ,

wf.;(' ~

very speci, J momem for me,· Mass· !e sald. Rw!an m and cul1ure tw bttn i fo,;us ol Mas.sie·s SIUdlts throuilh• ou1 t,er career. In her book, Li nd of rhe Firtbml. she enhg/11enrd readers aboul lhe cul1ure ol the RUS5fans, whJch had bttn supp~d •nd fal SJtitd during !he Sovttl Y'ars. In !he JS years Since it was Brst published, Massie sald her book changed how people pme1ve Russia. · 1 would not call It imptoYemem raih, r the restora:itln of lnronnatiOn. freedom of speech and travel for • Russian populauon for whom these had been denied dunng the 75 ytars of the C'.o.'T'.lmumst ttgime: Massie said, noting that her book was pub liShcd rn Russia in 2000. Mustt said R~iillns often e1«1 10 e1press lhem~ves lhrou~ prov• er!». Massie t.lught Reagan the Rus· sian proverb · Ooven!, no provera! - tru)I. but i·ertfy" at lunch before 1he Rtkya'llk mttLng ln 1980. ' He toved 11 and i..sei:1 It ror the nrst tl:r.e when mttung Gorta.chev at that mceUng m Octobtr Ioao and men u5Pd II mviy um~. u.;mg 11 ovn ar.d over u~ul now 11 has pa~ mro tht Amencan lfucon. • ~~ Wld. Sht said ~he hopt~ tier remarks at the !ecl\l.tt' sents ·1,1!! cause •iuder.ts to Ul!nk d!fftren!i'f ar.d tum1ne ~ltreoiypn about Ru~.a. "I ha\'t :11wa,-s IOt•t'd sptaklnR l'J st1.-dtnt.., !or,·~,J.a:m,11 art·.heli., rurt." Ma~ es.a;j.

City drought restrictions impact university water use Stage 3 water regulations adjust campus life ITHAN MfTCAtr STAFF WR!TfR

MeasuttS to conserve watt't in Wichita Falls have betn In effect , vtr slnct the area drought began, but those measures may become e'✓en more rtslriCllve ;;is tondltxms con11nut to wonen. City councll officially dedued a stage J 1rought emetRtncy Ja11 Wtdne-Sd.iy I.\ wner lf'1tls at Uke Anowhud and l..ake Kickapoo reached a combined capacirv of 40 percent. Midwestern Stat, Umvers1ty Q

um.:~:;c;:a;:,':~~-, get '"'

- "'MS Up th ays e premium in order to obtain municipal ~;;;~~r~a! lions. Now, undt r m ge 3 restnc waterfor the campus' " hmlttd to lions, waiering ume use. only nve hours.



that '""''" , " l'I

long time: Owen said. Acrordln~ 10 Owen, MSU pays the city a premium tn order to obi.in municipal water for the camp~· use. howevtr tht school Is looking m!o the construe• uon of water wells 10 help keep the iootb.all flel1s m good cond!Uon. Th~ wells could CO.SI the unlvemty up 10 S7S.OOO. but the c~ts W!U be offset by the money saved from not buying municipal water Owen s.a!d these wells may rv,n1uaJJy ha·,e a nega• !Ive Imp.cl on !he fie!d s cond1uon, hov.'tver. ~nit waitr looks clear bu! it h~ 'ty a 101 ofsolids m u that m1gh1k.111 the ct gras.\," Owrn said. 1 1 ,;e:~~ yea~e ~ 0

f; ::i~ !~~e

ill neKatJ•e impact on the gru.s thou~ , meining that 1he wells i re is only intended to o!fwt the school's relianct on cnv water. cunem OWt:N KYLE Facll· of President Vfce A.ssocme 1 thc~ v.~ ~ n~Jdbe <;;nre:~dc!JC::: ~~1~;~~.e~~l:n~::U~~dar~a; probltm becau:-e they are on sandy sod whrcl'I requlrei,. on water usagt m campus housmi ilS MSU ha~ almdy taktn meuum to reduce water waste. more conSisient ,,,..atenng than lhe l't'5! of 1he field~. · we u.se low now toilet:> and showt r heads, and · r look:it Uas vt Investment· Owen said, "The c!illy aerators on faucel\ to regulate tlow. • Owen !>ltd. fit lcb can surlivt a wrtk or so W!U'IOU! Wiil:trnng. • Stuelents and c1f!ztns •like ue be:n~ encouraged Befort the drought, MSU wu USLOR between 1.7 pg. and I Omi!!Jon ll,illonsof w;uer ever1 month to mam•



Stage 3 water restrictions

• ..___..I/S....Cafee9ria tJ Foodestabliihmems shoold noc th1wloodwrthwater • .,.._, S,,1y irription is only anowtd from m1dmght to 5 a.m for 1utom1tir; sprltlkJer sys11m and lrclln I p.m. to ltidtligftt for host·tnd spunkier systtms. • , _ IIt thel bt u ~ to optrart I wattr lt1ttrrt on • rffidtl'lti1l pooi, irttludilt, bul not lvrutecf to, fOf.ltCN1I. wttert1lt ind descll'lll. • C. ...._I All ltff-1erv1 tnd full serviu car w1Jh11 within tht tO!llOf'Q t"il¥' linu wUI bl r.ciwr•d to clost tM wnhing portion on the1t l>imnHstt on on, day "ch WNL


~am~u~ Voi~e


i>,J, •




Midwestern needs to.recyci

SGA needs to implement a be~er recycling progra~


SI.bk' !or t1k1n11 out lh<' trash ca~ to m~rnalk'UHti Recyctiog !1 i ~!), a IOCllUOfl, wherf it IS co!k'Cttd ill~ ttnll wa~e to :>rrJQ,_...~ rtad'f for pick up. bl.I (hiS pr,x matrr-1.ali '· has been siruggllnR due 10 0$nlll Ii reduce1 t.~e 1ncompost, thll UOOlli, !:U::mp!Jonof1 ne admin 1entJ11Jly lStful 1T"-1·~ \ , It rt<liu:es !ht,,• Student Gov istnUOn 15 s1ut1enu would JR/lore the ~,. e;nznenl M;II) pown~ on myd!ng bins. the wav ti frWI nw mai~ RtcycUn~ lfflac.. lliUOO nff<» h•s been, wn1Ch I! also caUtd lgnOM,yitb< plllsUC, pape-t. me11l, glUS, t !KtronlCS or


10 implement a

bttterl'f<YC!mg progr,m, Truh cans collectlng pllStiC, pa pe: .1nd cans arr tmtwr~ng 1o an Kademlc IKillly anJ do nOI mirror mtt!1Ktu11l decisions aod v1Jun. Tht blot IM caJU sprtld around campus cmy lht Sjgtl -~per. pll!StlC and o m," bul sep.araling !htst nu 1ertals wOlJld be mort t fftclent ,or the tnvtrof\mt'nt and woukl suppon the universlr(s interest to Kl as 11n exemplllry ro!e model Evtn though lht currenl TK'f• cling program hu ~flown 1~ difflcu! l!ts with fllCU]ty, Slaff ;and studenli. 110 1mpro~•t>d recyding process $hould no1 be an obs!~le. The admlnismtlon assumes s1u dents would nor support a more effklfm r«ycl!ng progrim, becau.st S.."'-:Wtf

Conserve water City may hit stage 4 restrictions by summe~ OUII YlEW: As part of the community, students

have to work together to save water, because the future does not promise heavy rainfall to

end this drought.

only buslne~ left with liquids. II the community fails 10 save more wa1er. stage four water mtrictlons will be enacttd by sum mer, meaning even higher wa1er conservation suttha.rge.s.

ate; Is gettingscme.


A5 01 Wedne:s.dav. reb. o, the dtv

council announced stage three water

rtStrlcuons to the pubhc and encourages everyone

to help to conservt water Mldwtstem is no uceptlon. As water levels of lake Arrowhead ;md Lake Kickapoo t\ave dropped to 40 pe«:ent of their capaCl[)', Mu:!.wn tem ~t:111 wate~ ill footbill ftelds , ll\mg up tc, I Q million ga.Uons of water every month. But this 1s the fault of the sandy soils. Kyle O.ven. as.so.:1a1e vice president or bctlitle5 services

exp!a1r.s. f'he football ftetds nttd watering. WKnit.':I Falls has been In a sute of drought for ihe !a.st three ye.r.; and no.body has thought abou1 the possib1!i1y that lhe c\tv might run out of water at some poinL It is a tmlf)"ing thought that an e-lemem

as baste

a~ water. whlch has always bttn thought of as grantect. mav lead to the city's death or relocation. Th~ are occummce~ tha1 might happen In 1hml world countries, m dry deserts of North Al r11:a. where people starve and bum In the hot sun. Wtchua F:ill.s 1s on the same latJtude as Nonh ;\Inca. Tnt here is a desert. During the hor summer monlh~ Ult strrtt works as well ts a tryfng ?<lfl to make Pp.gs rnnny-side up. BtcauSt of the ~age three water rtslrktions, li•y offlclals expect water consumption 10 bt

redt..ctd by 15 percent. This doo not only include turning off the sprinkler system m the front yard, bm It also lffects bus,r,~ like carwashes. restaurants, pools a.nd golf COUl'St'S

More lmpona.nt. the restncllons also affec1 bus and school nreteria.s, which might soon be the

Mid'A'tStem wlll lla\'f• to pay The city even more to maint.in murucipal wa1er ror the c11mpus'~ USt.

brushing your teeth or soaping your hands does

a change. The change could start nght here on campus. ()y.,en pointed oul Mldwestem's awllreness to w,:itrr conserntlon. The evidence Is the townow toilets and the conserving shower heads on campus. But these luxury goods are not going to help the fact tha1 llnother lour years of arought are

put p!"tlc to plastic. gl~ to glm and p,,pr-1 to p11pet Stpa.<1Ung uuh Is not d1fflcull

11lr 11ndwlll('t po!J.,:,..,,...._, RecydJng nu 1:--t-., • ft«S. whKh IS 'tit••· •· unr.·er,1ry has 10 ~•;i~ ~., t$

ilnd ovtrcoo:e ·t" .~

n!rnce, but look


JESl lsllprWJ!\s'•.-.;·

tlon company offenr 1 ••: VKts a! IO'H CQSts ii'~ .• nual ~vmgs vmh re,,. '_·

II SCA imp!emer,~ . ' cl1ngprocessand1,t,J,1t••.,


1ml)llcung role mOdeJ " ""' Go grttn, beo~ ...

cool Th11 generiuon coo.:1. to as me gt!lfraoon k.f,t.: lhtfuture ' M1dwes1em ha.s It:• mlke the first steps - ~

Enjoy Valentine's Day, even ifyou're sin; Att yoo S1ngle onValen

tlnt 'sD11y? Alt you Wll

FaceboOk and T'Nlttt r about drtVt thtu and gel !)a(k ., shows. .. your new sernot ldmirtt

iurts on

Oh la. LI.. Also. now that you m no! re11lly

htl~~ l~::!~r;:~,~

lowing in your cdebr111ing It will no! mauer Iha! largt fryj lht e:mployee: , own self-pity you ar! buytng 111 the er.tap Valen you art going lO spr-nd I . bec11w.eyou are tine's Day umty the tolloWlng day night


not seem llke a slgnlfica.n, was1e or Wllter, but It all adds up. If eve,yone would pa\' more attention to water consumpoon and would take a ~th lns!ead of a shower once a week, this community could make

t.lltir owr. studenlS to progress !O'Hitd a htlllthlet ,nvtton ment lnd sun KtlnS agalNt pollu uon. nOthlng is going to chllngt. ~ cause tnu. grnerauon n" to rt11llzt global wlrmlng wd poqutlon ss m l and manklr.d Is leavlng tasting dam· age to lhe enY1ronment, whkh can only hum tuture generallOJUlt •~ convement !azintu to not not behtve 111

If siudents m not ilblt 10 stl>i· r11e lhtst muerials. people will doubt our rtpulaUOTI and hOW much a col~e degree J.S worth. The emh 15 runn,ng out ol naiu r,1 tt;SOurces lruh p~es up whilt !ht populauon mcrr-ases. the current recycling process has not It IS TI.ll'lt 10 think fU!W't genera round ant support. l)(lns m noI going to sul'fer from thlS ~~um professors ue respon

Umiting water us.age in campus housmg will not be expecled. as Owen promised, bu1thiit does not mean thai s1udenli should noi worry about Conserving water during these dry times l~ ne< es.sat)' to prevent tunher damage the communlry. This city will have to work together and become more aware of how much water each person uses Simple habits as lfumg the water run whilt

rance 11nd lack ol ~ II Ult llf!tvenil)' lldmi11lstri1lOl1 do

l!one7 fri■ YMMI•





are tooklng 111

this labu!0U) holldil~-11l1 wrong. Here are some posttNe thoughts

about Vailemine"s Day! Fint ol au you ma·, think OClng a.!one in your apartmtnl Is sad and depr~mg. Well no1 when you .t."t

You could tven ttll ; ... since 11 will be on s,le. Now you are ~ving money, )'OU thlsunagi.narv boytnm.i ..,1 thJS fast food 10.r.1 on il.'.:!-i go gi~!~! Anoe.her. pmJavt thing about Viii.I in ftrstgradt. r-ntine's Dr/ ts that now you W!ll rea.Hy know 11 tht guy you wtrt talk tng to really

catching up on your Hutu or Net11lx llkes you or ii qt.1eue you u e l~l I mean. we all know how slow a ·booty Cllll. sueimmg here Is on campus but Curs that do now 11net tVt?T''j'One will bt OU! cd- not wantarela ebn ung wilh their sigrnlkant other tloruhlp go mto you Will bt strtammg hke nobody's hldmg on this bLWnes.s.


Next. i! \'OU are rl!ally lttling sad I mean.who 1b0ut thmjl;!i, you could a!wa~ ust know-s flow The National Wea1her Service predicts thal lhe the money vou would hHe Sp('nt on loog lt may heat will go on lor a longer tlme, b«ause a cycLcal 11 ,:ift ror YoUt boyfriend to buy your- havt 1.1ken you '°""""KIYM "•lt1•,(,,n.., 11".~ I 10 ftnd 0UI thal drought, which can Wt seven years or longer. n~ ~lf liowt1$. )1', Here 15 1tie twtst, ctlangt your lhi!, rebtlOl'l)hlp Is no! going any tllt the city. Pl~ you will ntte '·ld voice over the ptlont 11nd 1~U the where Day 10 mt becitM ·,-o..l:,, With this pace, lheN' w ill not be any Jake$ in C<>wer shop to "'gn the wd from a You art we!rome. hive au your frier.ds w'.c ·,. 1 this am by 2017 and It seem~ !I m11y atready be secrttadmlm . Now you hilvt to worry abou: tnends complain ilbo-JT l' too late to think abou1Innovations 10 bring water Thtn m11ke all your friends )eal- dinner, wen I am giving you an u iak~~tie· mlde. tolhisdesen. ous by hav\ng them dthvtred 10 cuse to ~futlood! Nowwh<> is1t.esmr,..·1 So the onlv w!utlon to the drought problem is your room ind Ulen pm1 1 lot or p,c Th~ w1y you can go through slng.!e~lf 10 conserve wa1er and treat It sacredly, because praying for ram Is no1going 10 help



~fJlill1 Wl

~IO Tl!l. ll'td lo114Wl(~fjijs,

#Oh yu, I would recycle a lot more. It 1s avalible already to an extent bvt it Is not tembly convemenl I think every lrttlt bit adds up to reused resources ASHLEY MIMS, SOPHOMORE, SOCIAL WORK #


~Dtlt: lo.tOIJOJ-4704

Would you support a new and improved recycling program on campus?

Adi; [9,COj39'470S

fu f9«1!397-4025 ftcd-sdJftaroen.-su.tdu

~Yes, we have the flsposib1lrty to menage the resources 1h1t we have for future generations.· BENBIIYANT, GRADUATE, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

editorial board !DITOR-IN-cHIEF: Britlnty Co!tln&ha:n MANAGING EDITOR: Muavi, Kinney O,,£D EDITOR: S.uh Muschlol SPOITS EDITOR: ONndo 1bn PHOTO EDITOR: Hatlwoot Ltt IUSINESS MANAGO: Phillip Mundine


COPY EDITOltS: KtDy C.!uot, Mlllofy GIW}'l'l$kl CONl'lfJUTOltS: Cour.Jtty Bt~. RurhSlact Jonnny 91tvw,J,,j'..A'r~ Sht.1Jr Da'llf, Aln.s W)°, ShaillCt Glovtr. Styt ~ Arron Mtrtc f:".£ Mttulf, Mor.:es. Cody Pl.1'h. UIUffll kobnu.. !w.h nmm.•.'<;J WY!lams, EM Y.~ .JtMtl!Wilttte DEI..JV'EIY: Sldu!Aums:,,ov


-Yes. because w11 need 10 get resources back to make more stuff:


"Yu, l don't behave in wasting, and 1nytll1ng that can be done 1odsy 10 secure a future for tomorrow's


generation should be done. h is the least that we can do. I think the unIversIty could do a tot more to be environmentally consef\fa!Na.~


- •-Wlbon

fl',.jchitan New~ Jlist0ry of gospel music examined


[J/ork history month tpntinuts with gospel jllnce celebration ·

. -1,. Wllo •AM~


c., fhurs;:IJV n!p!t u Part of

,,.i fllS!Ory

rr.onth aC'!lv1tlc-.s, th'!

~llu~I Strv!CtS held a -('~

~.tus1c and f\anct E:miva~nzi·

f1'(ll~ Studenl

f.tnttr"s L~t Co-

~ht ~ulle.

Spt<U:ors wtrt ue.ittd to !1m rJsWN ol ~OQtl ffiUS)C via pow • p..~' prt:srnt:moo by Shoniesa ~ coordim1or

of !ht mull.ICU]

ai:tl,ttVlcn d~rtmtnt.

Tbe PowerPolnt preM!matlon ex

~ whert gosptl mus" bt~n , ,_ r,ow It !I.is tvolvcd ovtr vears.

~IS .1lso had lht Plt'Mu:e

-llttftlnlt 10 the VMIO~ SOUndi or l m~lc from Mtlstes like Piul ~ and Andrtw Dorse-,·. the


:,,r ~ block gospd.

AS I.he PowerPolm Pre:stmat!On -,dll on. the tmporunct of Ptaise


Greg •nd Dustm or Ice !Mnd. ~e slgnlflum 10 the Newo Th(' IWO younRmen Pl•Yt'd "To~ ·10 uuculate lhe word and ll.I Pnfs.e,• "Th.ini;. you lord." 1.nd ffl ot Cod through Ule body,- sevmJ other gospel melOdil'S.

tp.t. wis rtlaytd. f>ra\s,(, dance


Soon 1.ftet thf group concludtd, h wu used as .1 lorm of exp;a- Jones lntroductd the llral act for the ~ 10 commun1ute emotional t.tning. C<1nbbe1.n Student 0rganl• ~ through body movernenl$ ZI.Uo!l l>ynurnc O1.nctrs. ill'· Tot e;oup el('pntly d!nctd 10 ()let 1he PowerPoim Pttstnt, gospel music 1.nd lht ,\Ud1tnce WU ti! (D!ICIUded lhe aud(tll(t ~ mort 1han lhnHed with 1he group's ~ 10 .soolh1n,R and upht'tlng m- per1omnnce. ,..c.tnu.l gospel music. played by Jull11.n Oke, stnior In nu~lng.

BLOOD pg. 3 :JIii,» prottct the blood supply. 1,;i,son who c.nnot qualify lO itlOd 101' iny rtuon Whtttler It w."1nR In anolhtr country or be· lhey'vt had mil.le lO male sex. lf(omes a question of not embM ,g a pt™>n because ii goes be ol those 1hmgs that our staff ·1 point out to anyone or adverwhy an iodMduaJ wun't .llhle to CMnble said the Tuas Blood In f1P.t's maJn goa.l is SIVl!li u many aspo,sslblt. Although Smith said he under,r.ds tht Tens Blood lnwtute ha.5 1 ti110w certain guldellnts, tie said ftf should stand up agllnSl these


•If they Just go alon~ With !he pkliatS, which they know tx t.ffl iii ~nlcular communi1·, !tom iqtr-1, out som!Ol\e in need. it re· iy doesn't send a gOOd m~ge: • 10 everyone,· Smith sakt • All & u.t.n is someone saying. ·Hey! r~ isn·, rlghl .ll!ld lhb nffds 10 be ~1g,d.'"

S.·:mh sald this blood dnve mc1 dr.11 is not the lir$t time he has been db:rw-nma1ed because oi his sexual 11, ;ncludmg being denied a lob beQ.4t ht adm1Hed 10 bemg gay. 'lust yesterdav. I saw someihlng U'.r:I thiilt II was a choice that I was ,, md I nttded l0 check off btf111 ii Boy Scout lnder and donating


1 thought the turnout was good compared to other events that I have had an opportunity to attend" SNONTEIA JONES MUlTICULTURALSlRVlCES COOROINATOR

blood." ne said. ·1t I$ Ignorance like t ~ present S4mllilr htW! Nb for ex tl11s th.11 mues me want 10 speU ou1 posurt lO tr.aralusJon U'ilnsmuslblt and get people to know mott about intt'C\l()IU, whether through behav the gay community. We dam-t the IOI S\ICh u lnJ«tln& drug Ultl'S Ol same1moumct rtgtiaas,,,,.«ntgt,1 commerdal ~ worttt,,., to rn.41ctil person: conditions or geographical exposures hke proplr who have traveled to or sJnce Pmi· rtStde din mas wilh high tevels of dent Obama's malaria or r\sk /or exposure to Mad tlectlon !'lostil- Cow Dise.i.se.· Chappelle said. lty aµum the Junior Mike Winte~. soaology LCBT commu- ma;or, Slid he wis also deferred lrom nity hu Jess- giving blood I few yea!'l •go because ened. ofhissexu.allry. "Thtrt illt ·1 can on!y think ol a hindt'ul of De,yts.lli w.llastltcl fe.w times whtrt I have felt complt1ety !rut lrt stuck powerless and m0&1 of them have In thtlr W~}'$ with saying bring g,y stemmt'd from my sexual onent.11 1S ISU\, SmJthu1d. tlon." Wlmm said. ~1un deal with According to Rita Chappelle, :.e· nasty rtm.-.rks iilnd strange look..s. mor communlc1tlons olftcer for the However, Jwej grow up with the U.S. °FOOd and Drug Admmisuation, notion lhilt tweJ can be whoever or . In March 2012 the US. Depan wha1ever you w.i.nt, thiilt twel can ment of Health and Human SeMces punue happmes.s as long as you hun worked on I s1udy tru1 would ltt nobody ,1st, that lwtl can live freely men who have. had sex with other In a counuy of equals no ffliUtr how men give don~!lons. dtfftren1 lwrjm." "The OHHS IS commmed 10 Dtspue lht blood insmutes not rontmuous!y improving the safety singling out the gay commumry by and avalll.bll1ry of the nulon's blood also dtfemng blood from thc,w, who supply: Chappelle said. •oHHS ls ha·,re traveled to or were bom m cum:ntly rev1ewmg the comments other counr.r,es or hiilvt ever used submitted. No dects[ons have been needles 10 t~kt drup; or nerolds, made yet to proc«d wttn 1he ptlOI.• Winters s,ud gay men are caugh1 m Chappelle said men who have a prtd:camem where they lie aboul sex with men, lbout 2 percenr ol who 1hey a.re s.o can give blood. adults, comprtst about SO percent ol "The question ltsf:lf shows IFJIOalt HIV tnfec1ed persons In lht U.S. ranee." Wlnten. s.a1d. "HIV Is spread "FDA defers other donors when tnrough lnlecltd blood, nol semen. Yet. the ques110n ltstll makes II set"m like semen rs the vessel for HIV 1ransml~1on. • Winters said thr Texas Rlood In StllUlf •nd other inst!IU(ts ~hootd

I -~ 0



Shon1ts.a Jones, coon1Jn1tor for multicultunl ~Ct$. wd she wu p!t~fd that s1udenu !umtd a lo1 f'l'om I.ht evenL It wu 1mpor11n1 to her that stu dtnu ur tnfonned on how 1mpor• tint gospd music tncj dltlet is lo bli11Clehblory • A lot of peoplt did 110( know they WII songs IO pass t1JM away or tru1 some sonp were wed !or /ertlhty pwpos,t5 to anract lht opposi!f stx: Slkl Jones · 1 w111ted t.'1em to 1pprtru1t the gospel and where lt rnne from, I wilnttd them to ~ctu1lly entov seeing s.omethlng I.hilt emit from lht planmlon and grow 10 where u Is today. And that • there ut different forms of it, 11 Is not 1ust llmlted to )ust singing, It hu dennlte!y grown and the dance e.xpresst00 Ytows how It his grown to dll!erent forms.· JO~t$ wd sht WilS plcued al the tWTled out and plw on going bigger nutyw ·1 thought the rumout was good wu plt~d overall w\Ll'I I.he event. compared to other n·ents that I ·r am excited 10 bt here,· s.tiid hive had an opportunity to attend,· Ok · 1did no, know '°'pel mU5lc !Mild Jones. · 1 thoroughly t n ~ ~a:il~d=u:~:~:~g,n~t : : see:ng that many people exct1td. I hope nex1 yu1 more people come from tne old Negro splrltlW and out •nd mott people pllUlfr with me to gel I.ht word ou1 about ppel ,i,...a ll w.s muSK Next ye11 I w1n1 to get more nice. I WISh It Wtrt longfl. Next choirs, I Wlnt It 10 be b ., a.nd at yur it could be longr:r, m,1~ a dllftrem k>c1tk>n. l'h,t w1y more some live ,mgers can be addt!d ~nd people an ct1me from the commu• lht' music and pu!st dancers could nlty, and won't feel 11kt: II IS only 1 bt lon~tr.· s1u<1en1 event.·

:;t:::. it~:~~i"~!~'!~ with th•"''"

!ttand up aplnst the lam . • Jney are on I.he front hne or tht &ue as much u we m.~ he s.ld. "&ll JI.net they att .11ctually In the

waw durtn& thew dry umes. bu!

medkal tpMre of fnfturnc::~, lhtT


hase more pull than I.ht avmge

mort 1wmnm. Freshman Stephen Alonso, crtmlnal )ustlce m1lor, lives In the dorms but said thiilt ht was not IWJrt of the drought until recently. ·1 may have seen some ·N Un· ing signs on the showt!'l but I didn't know about u until oow." Alonsosald. He saJd that more studena Should be made IWlt't of the prob !em so that they on help out. Sophomort Chrtsune Mounct, agrees thai more students should be .iwatt of tht drought, but she feels lucky I.hat i\{SU's water IS at least dnnbble. "The Wiilftr ln Htnnttll IS un sale 10 dnnk nght now, so thtlr si1u11ionlssllghUymoredirethil:n

Joe.· Since btmg dtnled 10 donate blood. Smith said ht has r« elvtd positive fttdback rrom s1udents and the community, Including being fea• tured on KFOX and NBC News. · 1was hont$1.ly a little hnlunt to do some ol the inttrvt~ with peopit unnl I got some \'try encouraging words from my boylnend,• ht Silld. ·People Sily l'm"lhe quiet type, bu1 when I do speak people listen. Now everyone IS paying attention 10 my story and things are looking toward a pos1tlV! change.· Wmters saJd the lack of protest is lndiutive of 0!lt larger issue that no one ll'llnk..s about the policy. "The fact that hone:s1 gay men are sWI unawatt that they c1nno1 gJV! blood should be addmsed: Win ters Sil.Id, · 1 tven know ol sevtnl nursn who wert unawart of the pohcy whtn I mtnllontd it. Wilhoul I.he knowltdge th.It this unfavorable policy exists, how Is anybody going to challenge 11?" According 10 Sm1lh. srudents ue currently planning a protest raUv against lhese FDA policies. •Hopefully I an sun some more ralhe:s iltld gt! th~ Jaw changed beCllilt people n«d ro realize that time.\ ti.\·e changed and we as~ giY commun!ry tod.iy ue safer than that ol tne communuy m the '70s. ~nd -~.-he)a!d.

C,\1.1 . OK CO~II-: HY FO K







NeedsYoung Adu/tf to,~rk-during·the·S~ ;-





WATERpg. 3 to play their put in comerving

ours,· Mounce said. Mounce s.ld thiilt me did nouce a poster hangJt1g tn K.llllngswonh Hall Informing students about I.he drought, but lhiilt more should be done to edurne the public. Owen encou11gcs students to watch how much Willer they itt uSlng by tummg otf the sink when brushing their teeth, taking shoner showers and using lts.s water to clnnd!Shes. • A lol ol common sense considerations can go a long way,·

Owen said. Students art also encouraged to call campus central pllnnlng at 307-4202 and report any lei.ks !hey happen 10 !Ind around campus, whether It be Inside or on the grounds. "Uni~ 11 ls an emergency they won't respond right awty." Owtn said. "but someone Is opeutlng thiilt phone line 24 hou!'l a day:

3 News ~riefa Film series presents Albert Nobbs Donnie Kl~k Wlli pmtnl Alber! Notblttb IO,t7p.m lntlltMwnun of AA u 1 ~rt of :hf Cenllr lot Contlnu

ll'lJ Edl>C.lt!on'J J-'iltn Senn. In WS tl!m, A.lbtrt NobtK nt1.1Wt1 to Utt m 1.itt 100. crntury lrt!.ir.1 Whtfl' W'Offlf:11N'Vlt'Wa1Udepet!tltntAlbtrt poo.t1».amin :owon uabut1trln


IUl\lTM)U!o hotf'l ..,,,nm she ml'f'U I pa!nttt and "'" ro ,,ur,, t.')f' lit sht' ts lf'Mg. The ftJ:n !s tll.td R. f-or ITlOtf' tnlorm.it'.on call 040/307 , 4770 Dubl!nl

Pope Benedict XVI resigns Pope Btnedlcl XVI, 8lshop of Romt in<! gi!it>il ltldfT 10 Che C...1thOlk On.irth, m19Jt:i:1 1rorr1 tus d11u.es dt!ng o6d qe il!ld mtnW htflth u tht moltw. The &MOWICtmtnt was mWe In L11t1r: Mond1r moming In front of • ![7'0\JP o! Clrdlnals II the V.tlwl in Romt, ltalv.

This carnt u ,1 gmt n:rpmt globilly, u well u loo.Uy. #My ~n-nu. lnd t m ,·ery drvout Cltholiu, and my mom cal!tJ me when lllthutd thtntwi.lt r!JSl roltysl'locktd me. Ont reuon why I .am wch an avid follower IS t-tau.se wt' ~ue the wnc •alun. I hope that I.ht nut one Will be just lite him,· Haley &rnttt. 1 h'eshnun lnllioloiY, Wld. Thb wl1I be thf !nt t!mf a pope tw ittpped dov.'11 from o/1\ct In nea:ty 000 ,un.. For 8tntdlet XVt howewr, his In ttnt i1 due to peno:ial h•1!\J1 and r;ow

Ing age. ·1 have come ro !ht ctrtalnl)· \JIit my suengtlu, dut to an advanced age, art no longer s1,1itfd to an adtqiute n:tl' dst of ltldlng the world's bUIIO!I Roman Clthoha. ·

Tht CINiinals wtll mtt: to choOSe .a

new popt ftl>. 2B 11 e p m.

Wish week begins The Chi Omq,a Sorority wiU be h0$t· lng lU lMIW WIJh week starting ttb. 2S wltn • glYf bKk nlghl iii! Buff.ilo Wild Wlngi. Evtry r•v. memben stt mde iilWttt torais,e money for I.ht Make-a Wish FourM»tJOn. US! ru: thty :-iillsed more thvi S7.000. The funi:lnlsing mclude:S give back nights ll !ocll restauranu, i silent U K tlon at a bn.inch. 'J)ONOnl'ltp bV CO/Tlpiil

nia ind • btikrtblU toum.ament II the Wellnm Ctntt r. The mtml>tn oJ Chi Omep colltct donauor~ h'om buslnes.s lor tht sponsorship monq· and the item\ lorthe s11tm1uct1on. Frt$tlman Kimberty S11tth1n, nunmg m.1~r.1.1klsht[S,mostualtdabolltthf basktlbaD touma,'lltnt.1 thrtton three,

doutlt~llminauon tou1T11men1 wtth a Cllh prtze lor tM winning team. Thf teuns Will be mlde up monly ol MSU studtnts, but gucts 11e WO wek'omt. Tht mtaunnts p,lft!Clpiilung L"t Bui Ilk> \Ylld Wlnp, TCBY. fu?Zy's Taco Shop and Chuck E. Chttsr. On thtst nights th,e rtstaunnu wtll doNte a per, cent of $lie$ to th~ Make-a Wish loundJ

Passing all the

way W1lson Sclloo! of NUt'Slng.a:inoonced the \) SludmU WhO took !ht Amettc111 ACldnny ol Nune PncUtloners Ctrtirl· cauon tum Hmtd iii 100 percc.-11 ~ ingratt. "The program Is very ngorous, but I believe wh.,1 contributn to tne succ~ ol our lludenu art tht ucelltn1 pre cepcor,, they hlYt had tor their chnk-.il n perkncn: Filmily Nurst PrmlOontr Program Coord1MIOI' DtM Wa.iur Yid. Btfoie the eu m, students are re

q1,1!1'f'd lO lab ptaellCt Cffllbuon u

ams during their l;u1 stmester along ...,,th an oral comprthensh·e cu:11ca1 :ni Tht pl'Ogiilm h.i.s iChltved a 100 per<:ent~\\rate for thepil${MX'f"ffl. MSU's 11udents nen#(I a .!(Ort of 015

whllt the national l l'mf:t WU 5BS. MSU studmtucOttd h1g,'ler !h1n lhe n• tlonal1vtrage1n lhewc.s!1lfn1.i:11afJ10 sis. planntng .tni:1 tHlu.mon ntego:,e,, f.or more lnlormatlon c.11 040 J07 4600. f'),K\:111'4, -i,...,..pr-. "tl,~ ~<"W•···

for more informaiion, please call 817.279.1016 OJ

send an email to annttttMn@gmaiLcom

~ b11tW\ tr,,ft U(t, "'1tfob...dci, ~ XiO worf\1"'4 ,n,A,d""Clial,t L'w- ft'UJ -.Jt:a<f'<! ~ll;orJ!ff .,/1tH"".1<l h b ,bll,,l;J~II.U'\i~t11:t;lr,dtf t,tt"~•







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0-ti 0111 Tl•e W,criit1t1's f 1e.ebOI»

''9' to, eMMtt to 11111 QW

,,\l, JI


► l.,


' , ;;·

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4 perce nt undec lared in fall Undecided majors decline throughout the years

c.,.. ....... .......... ,

jtl l'," l•1\£'~"(;:~A~1.,h\:t Ot.ll{ .. •,i,Dl,A • •:;.JcJi,", r, rr1t MA>I f • -•j~~~


A.:cot:11."lJ :o p,,pt 73 of tht Mld ._.-~·er:;S·naa:ot.~1 u!lentsmust hilt a lk:i:rtt or 51t 45 aed.! /lours HO'N t"'l tt, U of last I.I.II, lhtit Wl!'I"! 108 i;t,jt(.~t\"! m110r-s or. C,1.:JI pa - at1o•J! 4 prctTll of I.ht total studtnt pot:•Jlltlnn ·Ta.kt a .or.J: II PIRt 73 of tht Mld~PfT' 5'-i[t Ci"..1.T.og.. Out.I ln;,.!iSI", rttJS:..'lf, iitd. "Tht last p a ~ "Jt"(ler tht ht.iCM( l>tVtt r.i.,\ t 1ti!•:ns ,,.., 45 t.our n111' • Tt.c•,. m awronnutely 42 m1· ~ and Y"'ll':I pre .,rvies.s!~rul p:o itnims :::i chc,r,w ~orn. but !,(llf.f


~;i.-r,l\cr:«: UIY of ltlt',t

~=-.su:~j· ~~pa:-~:


ur, .:Jtclil tJ stl.l".Ar.:s '-"' frrsl::rl'fn 1mi 1oph•1:n lrt~.

Addtd to the C.ttlpus in 10!0. thf MAC. lS lt IS .SOfnetlmd olltd, IS a pvt oftht ACldtmlCS\l((f$5Ct nttt Wl'lf te students gCI 10 Rfl Kl;dtm1 u~'y ad\'Ufd. · OJr ~ m rne AcldffllK Succes.s Ctnlfl is 10 ~I tht srudt nlS connteted to thtir IUGtmk rol !fgn,.' Ovk sald ' Brirgundf:ooed • and spendmR tune la hmbo is lntffi c!tn!. SO by gttt.ng ttlt'ffl to the11 K JdtrnJC ~ IS soo:i IS ~ I t.

lilked to m•r"( d•t'ttt:it :::o.'".c-l! pt-Op~ unltl I lounG ~':mg .......:! l!ke'd Jchi»er:Jfltnt ~ l.iKt:t ping l)f'Op!t IS somtth!r.g ttu· I ,!nJOY dO.!':ti" Ott:ttthl!lont-0n o:1-t-.:1dov,~

With i d\1$fn to l'ltlp tht urdmje(

c ~ a ma;or, the cWS o ..to Co. ltgt C..onntctJO~. \l\\'!J 1233. !li UlOthff W1}' 10 ~:p the:n mlkt' an

1n!ormtd dtc\!011 about C~llf: !.'Irr ma~t. The cw.\ Wb dts:gnN to uplott thf' coontroon or~v,: ttn Bt)ldfS. n IS m1Kh morr moth·at rnlltgt and cMtrrs u,g wt.ea tht S!Udents art tllklni ·in Colltgt t:onriKUOf\!I Wf' ln 10 pteplf, wt:h '!It saint lfl!t'N"Sl. lS COl"l)Ofilt nr!onr:s. n'.l,J()r<, ,:-,d Cl lhtm We want lhtm !O ~ ua[c -i\ '1.'fD 11110 U:t (OUTY conttn: ant1 tf'ik ltlllly lS poss1blt.• addrf'SS It tl':"Ou~l':ou: tht wmnm. C~ru1 8r.iw1tr er,1ertd as I Pur.ela Moss prof~"!" l>f tolltgf ff'f'Shman in tM f1.l of 2012 and dt Connt(l!Nts q'1! •(.lf rouM O\Jr <l.i!'fd herself a.~ 1.1 ndte1dt'd Many studrnt( .ire if'Q\ll!'fd tC' JUerd thr peoplt in btr llfflilv l'll\'t bttn in .\ la~JCS ~1!r. btl1 t..,.r; {)(1~ ll!d wt ,rr YVUlj; th,ern Omt 1nd mo:if'Y

"Our mission in,;,- ;-



academic SUCCtSS unter knn ,• tlut sht is to get the studtnts ~;;~, ~0 1~ conntcted to their 11ong thost 1 academic colltges." W:,· t111d of NAOMACLAMI 01R£Cl0A Of TH£ AU.OEMIC SUCCISS Cf:NTEII

~;:~~:<!r~;';:;~:~ (~~~;:

can Y!Sil ....,th a tt~nmwt ul tY ma~r en urnpu$. i ii u,


1 :~

Work1r."' tl'lmur.h 1\1\K

.ind 11:1:0



: :~ nrt:d~ri:::;en

l!tl!'idV ltnew · M~t ur.dectJt'd ma:ors wor~ WI I "Nlil't'i thoug..'l ,r,, ~ Ci)U~ btuu~ to bt LI\ lht ~ Ut tht COil~ IN! ue re nu~rti ffrld. qulrt\1 lor rterr m,JO,; C11rk ~11d. t...r 50r-:e ;u"ton 1'1~ ~niO!"S sperd but ill som, polnr m llmt I tho1Jat1: "They We 1hrw cour.n 11on~ wnh I stme.o;ll' JS ur..!<!'1Jdf'(I,' ~aorna ibOul dotr.11; CMhtt" ~ ol jOm U thf,s,t 1n the hopt), of ft!"ld11li 1-0mf: O•.ul. d,;-('C'.nr of ll'lt Kidt1ruc SIJ( wtli. • B:aw!t'( wd. U'm~ !Im lrcls r:llht to them • cm ~en•tr, sa.:i • fh,, uprerct~ 6:a'.l.lltv wu given an •d\15et to Un~"C1ded ma~ h.ave m.any op :nen j(i th s lt<"&Cy ... nen !hry ut ~ htI \ti p:iUll",Jl I m,jor. Cul WU uons lO http thtm C"ioost wha! CI tl'llnl01 ~ 1t.oJI c!ung:r~ lhf'lt ma r.tYtr forcf'd to pick a m.1)or. rrtr would tint j1 tho>m 10r :o sum,.,r~nv t.l!.t, 01 J l1lr)' m ·1 can, lm.1gint haw bnng co "Th• unlvt:rs.iiy has t.-ttn vcrv de StlKo: ttt·Kf'!.-:1 two ma~., and nttJ rrct!:I ·.vou!d r,'tt bt 1rproJl!lltC hbttat<' m l'f'(tnt ,n,,.m 10 prov1Jr a !.:rle n,. p c~oos.nt •NiJ~ or.t ~u Clari said •A studenl's t :luca:iorul tnflk'm a.:Jnimi wr..ces 1u ~tu lhtm tt->t" p:.:!'Kl1t IS ?"1¥>1'111 in1 otlf'n dcvtl dt ms, and :n tnr summtr o: 2010, • jr.e r.umt~ ?I' und l'ddtd )tb O!)fllf:N.al t.'1d •n 1mtl(,,Unt .jf<\Slotl tht AS( !hllLllltd the Mu.\:•r@:> A1 Otr.U~Ul.ttrH..ntn tCKl:M:Mm a cho:ce lhU af!a--u lilt itS1 of \~,n~ Ct nttt /or iin.t \"tll \hldtnt Mc(i$<rfon, i:hrl'(tOI" of mi,lltuoonal !.'le!t Me: 1d·l1s:np. • CU!k q;d "I bf'1fe,·t fht res.tarc}i :u:d ~~mcnt Sll.:I lht aodrmK \UCC~ ctnter -sue i\V.C II.is l'lad • p!J5.IU~e and p.,ou l 1:-i mt •~11 ol 21..1:P !flt nu:"l tf'WIJ!Jv m._,~ 8rav.1tr 111 f11Ckim1, 1mwn 1t:rouW1 m:,.m:o:iaJ a1n~ina ter 11 ;r )1'1, ,r. 200t ~~ numv-r a ma(or to help s:ujm:~ 10tnll!\ e-d•JCl!.Onat droi:p,,'.l 1r, Bl ·To htlp m, Ol'o!lt 11,1'111 m-iiOr p.l.iiu •nd ~o,:S •n1 conntc: wn h I ":!Cf'<:1 I..-J SIU.!<"1''1 ITI!' l\Slll:lf'CI WOUI~ be t>-<1 lt>J mt,· 8r.iwley, a ~•tor\ l!'"I '.t., \II ~,ld{ml( cnl1rt,ts,· :nan a-: • ..sr. •t 11'.t '-.lwt.inp Adv>l lrnltrrwn ln m.~.r,11-, ~ ·l ·1 w.ttd !"'/ , ,.-n1,! attrr ti ur /rnhman ytu. to mar,y d;f.ert :n ad'l!51':'\ .iri:t tMn I



AW'kW&tfelhh... .., ..a _..,..Uw.,.,.1ter1 ....cli11N Ullill

111....-unN--•--...- .....

Smoke in Moffett library raises

commotion Defect i11 air conditioning motor causes smoke

thot ~111rc, and·,, )!.<i ,.· 1· • en~ra"i•.t' '1111 l•! :1.~ : • J · • tnt '-.,11J11 i\,._-.:.:l.."'. 1 •• ~•·

~AAAH MU'U t-l 0t


Ht'IIMMn :1•,d ~• • !-.••


ft""\'I, l.111 llc1•; ,', .l· O ..INION [DITOA

As , 1:1o1.i1 25 ~odtn~ dj :hu la1e r.111.ht studv1112 on \\'f'dnt'iday, fell o in rne lJt'rilJ"\•. ttt ctak!r,;,:s


k'Cor. Cl :~ \fCCtflC


l\llfd up w,1n \mok.. a1 9 1nr . due to a defeo ~r CC!l1dltlonm~ b!tlwtr motor. W01km1_t Sl.l~ f','i(\U:fi'.I Ult

build1r,1. 1,·hJ!t !lie pollct .ir,j llrt

dcparuntot m)pttlnl tht s,1ua11on Cl'J'IS He:idt~fl. J1rwor fl: ·ht mtd1• dewtmen1, $1,d, • Tlk.rt •,m llt"'Y smoke com1n~ out ol thr t 11,,t aru I tried to make pt(lp:t :u,;,.. ,~,.

tht h.:·~tM'i. ,·~ -

ar:ncura:--.-r.t o>-r- ·.~11-


i,• , -,-,

·,c-u c()l..;:d "' w1at ~ht WI.!. 'w\"T.. c,., ~llrtf'"d 1(', ~:\ol,"f'l'l'I.

dtrb "-'h,1 '1,>t:rr ,1.. · , ,, ·


fhe hb.ta'V :,.. r · \Upptt'~'Ofl ~~"'f":, '


r...a tlr ·t;u ; ,j ···f ·t. -n(' p,c.t"n,' /"'Il l,.~'.• I trl.ti,t'":l it',d j1·

l,,; '

de~mnrm.• Jln· j,.....

U.lfii l.t!t'..tr.i, .,,. . "-fol'ttt Lt;:ar.·,...,t-· •r,

bJl!J;~ b(:,,t.k' lf'lt t!tt> 1:1:1, Jid

l:l~ Int l'\ilulf .. ~, t ' 1rof11;m,1 h1, 30 t"1r ,, ! pol11.t' Ufll'')


mg, lkni·r <wh" t"•., 'f'\:; ~,J.

m-t~oo:t· The I 11dt<1b,.! 1),im (ll l Ml «o uff, bf.c".iu\f 1hr :~mokt <k'.n1rir-. art I\m WtJl:ams. ch·•· .,f policr.

~ .J . • f?lvl!

WI• 1U\I :i<i: tn,,,1,.n StnOKt bu:!d tip 10 <4'! o!' W




muundt N



fl:f' t •t 1,N'.




fNlh:ri,', 'l.l' '.t,fM\. "-'\, , dPTll\ W,-•r-(',._'r; >, •~r• •

th( MJ

,uon ~ i ?ta l'll{.o' tr•· ,jrtl! 11j \J<fJ Tt-.1' tit~lnr W!'o Ir lf,i·, 1rg tt,r b~i1J lllll

r;4J I ,! t,I,.•~'.•

I .I''- \!lf't"! ' A'li.1\ ..;






I Ir/' ,ti,.1•11, ~h:rr,..•'



- ➔1411



pre_~med student finds new passion ~on-trad1t1ona1 stude t d. n a fusts to campus life, commits to becoming a doctor in 10 years

...... .,.

lVl •·

tor 1~,.. tm~tion, !)<mJtY rr tn

~J\ff WA•n:R



roltt.1 ~rt um<' .i.•h1lr rem,lning

\IJ!1,.,1 in lhf ntth 9.J'lJe, when I •·otun r,;vJ•('l'.lp,-.! r,111,,rdn.ift\'rsctio01

Juli Wllt at :t;t' t;onnR aid offict Ahtr 1wo M!tr..~1ers tJI ,~Ung

:o allow mt

DUI lt1r 11/JlC'~ ht WolS read',' TO 1ai:t



,.,_-it.',-"''1 \\Ud\' V.,'1'.IUP

t mployed

plun~t .

fll'!' t"-11rr nmc 10 p!.11·: St-th llonlt",·


,:,J 'I.' t!'l .lg..,~ !\.•_,(-.i .12, ~ 3 "'"PhNl:ort ~M

of 2012. I QUI( mr !Ob. lO!d mv nrw t3r, put my hO\M on lht ma.i:,t. round a homt !or my



-r.rO > dNit,

·,,1,1 !ht t nd

Mri:n.:, co .\O:ne

#If fu~'IU t,, dxu,~ 01 ~r..rn1n,

doit,. and prtp,1rtd 10 movt in:o 11


•~.~~~l;n:I t~:~~ll<lrlil


1" ;.r-i' ShJdt:m y/J [\_,,.,..,,


t~ rung nd of his milttnal ~ w.u 1he tlSY pM\, 1'1t S.Jld--

w\th a full run~ now • lull timt pr,


ft'! 1:'.l~l'n" 3r.d itVfS «i<tmpu,1. In

-:~: : ~ : : :

C': hr;;;; dogs "'

;,r..:.t"l,,' l 1'1Jf"~.

-~r,_.rtroi\, r>ootev\ dtt~'>n 1,,

Jf')~ >:!C~ ;ir, mttnst dtstrtf' wa~ ,,_.tl'lN~)' C\-nt, am1 t:(' hu IICk!ed r,tri! ,lb):~,. 'ti alo<:f :ht w1v. bu, lit ~ ~s P\'" o:i I.ht pt;lt anJ a ~ outt00\:o.il!lt ·t., htith \Choo1, I hit l!lt low Of ,ri (Cto!~suc ::woll"emen1 tw !,nun, 1,.,~1w:t clt.~. tn rt-c name ol <1f>i tt"ht <.a-11 !'.)or,lt'! t'ndeJ up R;;(h .armi

.,.,u rb tht b('luom of hJS c1t.\S t:,e a9 .:,f l'IIS .nd,ff~~r.ce !Owaros - ~ fif' ',,lt.!. ·: ~rtalh: !\ad • ttarhtr 'Nho .-:i;!-1) :olJ mt, 'I WllJ JQV(' 't'llU ~ JX<) 1! ~OU t\'tf Ottam a baa1 ,:,s~,• • i: was1f1a RM.turt !or ~ ,-ati<Y.l I had JU~ stmplv not ~ hJn am~..h.nR tn mile him ~ l wt> cttablt.- hestid t)c(.!tV c.td l'::s K twr.s In Prt\'I ..,, f'l'.'lill mq.h: tcU.:tUy to.ave It<! ._ :o btl,eve ltlat /'le would br ~ m1;:1f"lur.:i wa£t !or tht rffl


• ~ 1tee,\ing an .tS§OC'.at6 . . . m compu1tr~1)lf'C draft . . dt \'!Ul, which never .f'd to n, l111ded 1 ,» ttt kol a.d ofrlce wbtrt Ql.s tMnlty e:l

· r ve atwtys htd t love :or mt'ISt anitr.lls, but dog5 11"1 parucuW- 1 thou~t ol them n my chlld1tn l don I htve any ·ru l' ch1ld1tn, b\J! I 1:n~ne !ht atmhmem i:s )imnu : htS.Jlt:! Oonlcy'.s enduvon 10 bt<om, a doctor 'Nlll i.ke nlm roughly 10 more years to complete, bu! ht I~ fo, --o-ro, , .,.-,, .,/,Mll .,e,;,,.1t,,. custdandttil1y 1otakeon1htchtl 11itw ln lllt lraali911. SedlDNlty, 1,,._...i..,_...,, ....._. 1111.. 1 lfnge m otder to rn.llJe his ultlmalt Oonll"/ \aid ir wun·1 tmld rh~ ~ I Donl<'V complt!ed aveuol uam- mtmbr~nr, which uandorm~ 1he •So ihal j\ whtrt I am today I ing lor thf ~IUOn and al5o o..,\td Mll!nd w~vr mto mechanletl t nerw.-. «onom,, m\h in 20()I) th.ai h~ 1 ,tatt hcr ns!nP, txam, brcommg a hvt m a donn. I l'a! a frrrria tood Throogh thrtt tin)' bonts con· lhou,Jlu ol bt(r,mm, • !loc1or ff /which IS actu.al!y prtUV good) t nd ntttt'd m tht u r drum. !he m, surlm·O IKMStd hetrtnii, atd dispen~ t. \Vht!t !ht Cti)lt 1,dn'I afll'Cl him I walk ltom elm 10 cla.u 'A'llh .a At h1S !Ob, ht perfotml'd httt ch.aniril tnttgi' IS thtn 11anslonntO mg tV.aluatiNU .a:i.d ftl palltnb With Into hyd~UIK tntrg,' U II t nlt ~ tile unlll 2000, U Clu.<.td h!r.l 10 taltt il.W\tly drlftrtnt outlook on Ide than a d1!frren1 i,trsp,<1Nt on ftntnc~ mOS( Slucknts bK:awt l'vt t.lrttdy nu.ii,ftll~ cochlea. . menu wl'lrn flKts ~rv'", ",,ll -~~~tru Fro.-n tht rt, m,rroKoplc Mtrto, s1abilll'f rwn thoul,,~ hf was mak livtd pan a, one, - ht ~ •d. _,.. ii wu Whitt SIUdylng !or tht U cilia a.g.111nduingt 1hr energy Into an Ing• comlottabif wa~ at tht hw If 1'1t had to do tt all over qalfl. crnsin~ tnm 1ha1 he 6rst dr(:ldtd tl«trc-chem,uJprocb.Sthal inmn 1ng ald offict. "I ll'(flVed ,Utlt UlkttctJon it, Don)ey wldtht! heWOIJldn'tcl'langr Wll"OuS?y.wndi eltt!JonK 1mpulse:s hf' wanted fObrcomttdoctot · r wu trammg about lht ana10 througti lht audlto:y nervt into lhf htlpmR ptoplf to l'lttr •AA!Il. and I uiyd'ung tboul hi!. Wt · r ve madf ii lol of m~tak~ and rny of tht human tu, •nd OastlS.fS auditory conn whe1t the brain ft knew I d1dn·1 wan: to lr6t th.11. ,o or Coordm that .affrct thr hn nng nally mun mcullngtul u~ ot lht I thou~t. 'Why oot b«omt tn tu. t.'lOst mlStaffl ha~ givtn mt .a btt tr. undtrstanding of 11ft . 1 grt1ttr nose •nd thrcwi doctoi l'" ne uid mrct:an;s.11. It was all ft,Y fuctrat rnergy. Allrr I couplt mott years of m rtspt(t for tvtryont ar.d tvtryttung After m ffi1ng Ms dispenser H 1ng to me in!!. and shafl'drr.e intotht uruqut Acro:dmg to Donlty, a sound cr~ ,Donkysald ll'lathisdru ms 1rmal debltt, Donlty wa.s rt~ ·~ ve IKOUilk mrrgy} is fl.inntltd of bfcomlng a doctor quk kty' sub to re~mer colltgt Utt and uud~e bnngl am.· he \oilld -withoot that tllplCt, l couidne'lttbt\hfdoctot beID palb wd·btttal thf down sldtdwhenhbpocittt)oOkbt<Vl)t Imo thtewWlll Yil tbtm,r,al 11'1a1 I hope 10 somedav be • ICOUlOC meat\JS ltht outer earl mort comforublv padded from hlS commR I doctor. To make wrr ht wu prtptrrd where 11 Vibrates tht ryrnp.anlc employment.

'° "..,

reen initiatives planned campus-wide to takt !ht ctns ol rtCYdtd goods lo

Rtc-1.:lmJ.: IS nr,1 • r,r:w cor.ctp! • U:=ipll\,

bu• tr.e

\IIJ<!f'I II


!usoc,a11on ~ lookin, 10 :o'.!-1 :n~ro,·, 1t:P I.a( k or ;i und!td

( t:=:t11

~t'Tl on campu).

,1,ccor1 r "

·o Aw,curt


!JC'!,11es ~NlCfS Ky!t ~t:I tt:~rr r:.a~ ::01 tC#n I recy ~ .till1t i on nmptb I!'! mt pnt. >J•":o:ip)l lhnt is not • un11\ed ~ .'tll:.~ prowam currtnllv. )(,A ~·':t' tC'lcl'ttnp.t thL~ 1n The near lu h).J,-:;• 10•

·we rtt l!y y, ant ti) fund tht bms %: rrrn:lm~ on umpu~ and htve a l!'K ol t!',m in rvt rv ,1nRle buildtng ' XI tai-npw.,. !>aid Melodv (,o!fey, ~;A \ 1c.. p·,)ldrnr ,md ~en:l"lr ir. ' >t'.!.ll':.1\ll P/ijt,l'!Cfil!l~-

M.;n\' cu1t-11nxs on campw. al "!iJ,•t-.a·; e t11m. hOWt'\'tr, 1hfV need

campus was rtmlnded and If Wit wnr bins

KQCKS Liquor Beer Wine Happy Hour Largest


M1c.....i.tN1,11..,;,.tMc...-.-.en. n.s:e.ANtG.....,....._.



..•-tat• ,.... -~

ie,,.....,,,,, ~ ,::.,t


by lht c!IV is <.reen ~.urb Rccycitnl! Crttn Curb Cuts can ~ ob ta~ lrom the Qnl1..11on dtVJ\W'l Thtw caru ctr t,, nl:rd w11h

~,._ ,-, KRANKIJKARA!~~ _~-I _ :.::-_.~· •••.• ~_"" -,,,,"'1. ~ ' -: a



Credit union paycheck loans due h-b IS ~tnr<k.tdlil'lf to pick up1

p,ythe<.k !o..n w ougn tht M.SU Crtdll Unkln Rtquau must Lt ~mmtd ~ J pm F-tt>. 14 A."";y r,,,!JtJmt . bnlf'Ct ff.g;b't tmploytt who u I mt mbtr of !/',tettd•fWl>OflllJ)ffll\tl!fd toa;iply!oc

a p,ychlc-~n For MfX't tnJorma:ion cil! 040/J07


Sweets for sale Kap~ Dtlla Pr, Mu 8tia Ch1p1rr and Wtst Cot.tgt of F.1uw10n ut ~poruor 1~ , bfit.t!.lle lnceltbra:iono! Vllt11 ani!'s D,~ GoodJ wm be' sold 1:1. Ct,,rk Studtnt Crnter Feb I~ trom io 1.m.

Tll; l4"''Wn v · , - 1.., -.;,,....,r-.... ,•vjo;{ 1n,,-.,.w t~ >w"

a,;,.r, i.x,,....,lll'~t


~ 'n)'0,111 ,-.-...'1 ...~,,,,,. ,,....Jo.,.. ....a.J »::,.,.u-,1~•. ~t~l I ♦ ( •'r1 p,:"IOf>

8N'l'1,•'4 t.- ,.tr.•-..jt1•~ •,,,1., t,rt-,


~orrn~tion~ Rtq1rd1ngt111wt1k'1 p1g, 11rt1d1 about tht Slud,nl Govu nment Auoc1111on muling. 1111 un1¥1r111y WIii

HIIUNOn/llU III MtV Th# WicM, n IPologllU IOf tht ,nor•

& ALL WineS

..- r ~ ·

For !urthtf quntion, contxl St.on to.t Jonn 11040/ J07 4048 or mi:J{Kul


K = ~I, ~ : ~


.,.'l~ ... -~:.


•~•~!- •a-.11

of liquor. beer.

:ax 94C '322 3&72 ,=;:,·; ..'.'., .,....., ,. · '""''



red ...........

and wine in town

Saturdays 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. ';r,,kockslk-(uor com 940 696.9229 . •·.-~ ,.~-~.~-- .. ~lKeUs On racebook .

a••~•/.._,..,., ... ~,

~•~.. : .. p,a-:t-:



Wine & Liquor Tasting


c~MI pl• i. u 111ti1111t1M1 1tt.nwiltl ..--c-'1clrtl tN t flq'Clillf , .....iti....... tltle,lltpt.

10'?.'·orr LiterS of Liquor

at!'I', Tor lllm !ocuJtJ c,:, rxiil mun In &:ookl\'!1. Ttw ll!Ml Wall stl'ffl P:-esent.1tior1 will bl' llrid Ftb I J In ( I.Irk $rud(nf Ctntt r lll tht ~l(lW• Suite 10 dLKU.SS lht lustor')' of lht tconomic bOO:ntown

mllyasp. ..,,

~ 1; , 0..-s

ArM.'f'C1"'9 Illa h, frtn411 lllllh. .wri Mall n- et . . ways 1tla . . .Ritt


The white bins arr dtsigna1ed for rec-, chng newspapers and papn products only. Tot blue bin is uwd for glllS ~ and bou.les LOCtOOns of thtst bin! include firt Sll llons in IOWTI. Wal mart and various Uruted Suptrmartets A populn pro,;am 1mpltmtn1td

Sfnkt ltt's 1080 ~Im 0o lilt R!gh: Thin& WU! W lhcr...-n Frb. 18 I I 7 p.m. 1n ~ - Srudffl: Ct ntrt's Sh1w:tte rt'lt'

For m«t ml'ormatlon and to m.ai.t


:, u, ·at.en ou· ·rp;ululv which l'.>.. a d,ltmma l,1r thr univers11v. "EKh blJ1ldU1g needs )Orllt!Otlf prtsidrnl ·This hyJrallon ~mion

Black history month activities continue

hup·/ admJJJoOr.$.mWJU.fdu ' mu$tlng


hadan rfflaent rtt"y(ling pro ,um , 001 now abllltv." ~Id t:or :ey. ·11 IS vrrv Important to hold !ht;' have esttbhshf'd ways lo htlp rH!dmu pmffVt tht mvironmrnt voul'Sf'lf .aw,unt,.brt lor W.!Ste • The dry fKYC!tS nt wspa:ptrs, · \\'e will 1Jso tit havim; .a 1ablt m inr t.:lm: SIU1tr.t Ctnttr at some paper products. mtlt l. g)a.u, 1ppU poinl 10 promn:t our hydriUO:i SU Ul(fS and tvtn organk mattrill. The:rr are while bins and blue uon: • said Anthony f,allma. <;GA · Rrc vcl lnl{

Wtll help i\lSltlll


t'fWNUIOru call 040/ 307 UJ.1 or v'ISII


~~:ntu;~ :~~::

?[IM1,I), mi n t, WNl u I b•Jlltr in DubUn\ IM\: 1:JIJJ10\H l'IOttl wt.t.:e lht ITINU a pi!nltt 1M lf'tls to r,c,1pt lM hl'lht Ii ~'tlflt. Tht ftlrr, d rated R. fol ~ t ln!w'll'allon cl>l 040, 'jq7

ru) aid

everywl'lm on



Tht ld'Tl&.OM offlcf rnv1tt1 PIMP« uvt nudenu and gutilS 10 visit rampus duM1Mus;Q~t.)lvS,1unl1Y, f-cb 1~ Those Who anttld Will bf ~ 10 tour campu!, Wk 10 laculTV, (NC~ 111d C'Jrttnt 1tudtn1S, loolC II hocslng fadbtln, mttt v,,11h adr:'IIU10111, 1t1m WJt c01,1na a"ld malon a.id spell: w11h tlnan

· 1 would r«yclf more ollen If I

camp1JS.• said 1 would recyae was :,;~10 : · mfl:e often rst 1n ~ting reminded and ifthere ne::ss mant ge· mo~ •"l"1'"R were bins everywhere mtn1. 1 1he ;,t~:: !; on campus.» ~:~~ on ron:mlu~

Jn 1hH rt-:,, All:tl"I No~ s :nu~

Mustangs rally begins Saturday

Lies.GaUlna Si.Id the dlrtttor ol rte camjM,• Cof!ty stlO. f.olfry Sli<J !ht only bul!ding rttt\otw sports tnd weUntSS cemer. SCA knOW\ of with volunims to Joey Grttnwood Is wo,k.ulg w\11'1 la empiy tht bins. iuch ;u )a.nitors o, cillty st.Men to i,1 a l'lydntion ~ s1udtn~. are 1n !ht U rrm D Fain uon msu\ltd In tht w,Une:ss crnter. SotM' Olhe:r students also w.ant Collttf of ftnt Arts. ·we hope' to providr a way lo 10 Pi~tt tn rttyclmg. bvl lhfy tmpty tl'le recydlfll bins frequently want 11 to bt t ~ r to do around

~gemen1 Otptrunent, • Cotfey Yid " Stnt1on. and

lntUUCAl»ll': f 11!nStrtt-. h1'f (tl Lltf' ! YUi ('tnlcln' l:'t~nd Wbfff

wu:ntn ut Y",t..., l'J 11 1t ptn0t'1l Alt,trt

Blaclloc.l at 9401 ]07 ,1810.

ha.s 1lrudy s,ved ovrr 13.000 bot

t,y iwnRour funding from tht Stu dent Af!;iin i nd EnroHmtnl Man

f>ol'lr:., t:11\ 'NII! p ~ nl Albtn \;~l-tbl Ya1 7f,, nimtt;t \l\-K'.Jffl

o! >.rt ,.1 , pm ,.., t~t Un1t1 lo!' r..onunu

i.mUIJp.m Fo~ mort !nlormauon contac1 lr11

Ult lat~ orange bins located ilf'Ollnd


News l111els Film Series presents Albert Nobbs


\}\It 1 _., M

,..!:',:o"' ,, ·✓


/l//lfl//11,7// /JUI tf'lllf.Ill// /Ill S//1,71/1'/Jll//llSI tornPr Of Shl"pp,mt An~..,, Road & OM lo w;J P•rii R0.trl [XII ID OH 1-.t.S · ?-10.76 1 Q0')C)

Wednes:.lav anJ 1hr waste Is tumrd

mto q~11)' co:npa.t. Even lhou'lfl SCA ~ ,1111 sec'kmg apf,rov,. 1h, or1ta111m1on hop,-s l<> )('he:Ju/t 1 !'t'C)',lmg compl'uuon 'Nllhm !hr colleil'S,

[;J F.ilew

™WICttrTAN Ill Twlhf.

(J Uh THE WICfllTAN 011 fKftNk,

D .,,_Wichitan. )f'i!P./J.:l'\IS i'Ul11 NIW'.)

Art~ &[ntmtainment

6 EMdidiliii

Violinist entertains students w•.,·,r· t.:w~,r \•' ir,xh'"\lt~ r,.cv.• \'Ott. 10 C"-1\t:t ~.is:,,; ,.1ul."a~'t"r:

Brtlgarian-bonr Sl'tl tells of his S1'CCess, joi,nrey to America

\\t'! o) vi, ,lf .,:-,c,,,i I rr.·!~<Y'I Bu: ~•M ,•N' i~t..l'\ •n ,: !1.1l~'U ~W-.nir::;.!J1..,i• 1,• hl \'t'l,.-:, L'l .!I ht r-.>t a, JJntrl LI¥ I ~. <:tr. t1t.-tr-.."l.:p ..., Cj!ll(lr. ?1J h s


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Sophomore treads farni1~ 1 ground

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,·>1' in. ,l)d

u,:·o a: Wto'\ln Sct.ool o( MLl!J;.'., inf!.:tnct1 :riv 1 ,, J wanr :htbeSt$d!OOI .,.......:"". ,1,0;~ ~ 1, 1 - ~ td\.,c:l :r""l."ld t."1\tn:l':'ltll r.al p t ~ t v l' "' ~...r.. 1.-:d




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+t.c1"J\ •,l(\1,Y,. f ~ 1, I D,,,:i.!t•hf' a't.rr·, •.,,... ('tlN Wl'IINKLt

STAff WAITTR On ftb 8, tht Wkhlliil Theurt 1nn1 b.lck to so·s wtth thri.r ttndiuon ofthtmustcill GrtUt. nus production brought u ten· 11on 10 m.1nv actors of ill ~ . but S<'ffit oi Mtdwf'S1tm 51.ite's own r.11d tht honor o/. t>ting 1 ~n ol lt h•ve stVel'lll f,,-\SlJ students .ind illu!TI) in tht show, too many 10 count" IV)du.att student Jenniltr V.iu~n wid. Jt nr.1/tr Vaughn who p\,1ys the rolt ol l•n in Crtue Ls a sptclal td· unuon gnidu.re s1udent. Vaughn smted acting when she wa.s IO ...~ 1• .-,.-;,tJ~"\ T"tWIOIWI ,._,_ fMJ9-' -... ,. ~ - lhtfM .... . . . W1ehilar.....·, .u;d tvtr since then Ute has bttn ~ - " - n..-..cat~ llffll-.ti.,- . . . WkMta n... Moked. --•Merdtl, .... . . . , . . _ u . 1 N i o . 1 1 ~.cea•.ttNII Vaughn isn'1 the only one who n::,.-,1. sh.ires 11 puslon for Ult Stiilf:e Fmma 8;own who gl'lldUilttd Jut ~r.ng from MSU with a 8A In The .ire StiilJ'ttd Kling whtn she w~ IUSI J \'t.US old. "NOi 1osoundcl'letsVOr clkhf. but l'v"' httn an llC!l)f .ind ~ rform htlln SIOCt I 'NilS rully Jtnlt, mund agt 4,• lM Ell'ma natJVt w:d. Whtn !ht •ud1ll()~ for Lrtiil~ amt uound Brown ~ed herself ~e ,,utslion. "!fow could I not au ·'-- d!Tlon'? Not only II Brown busy with



htr rolf: u J chorus mm.bt:- t:::i hlnd ~Vt' dWtr in Crust ~'lt ti.is rtCtnt!y bttn cast In .a oot .a. ;illy , l'ltrt •t MSU. The cast of Gmst has~.,,. working on mi.king r.ht Wl'N g-e.i1 sanct Dtcembfr whfn Ult)' .i:ud; ooned. · we pr1e1ktd Monday, Tuesdav .and Thursday up until I.ht week befort tht show, and thtn we ~ htustd ,very stnglt night 11,11.t. full costumt and mlkt\lp,• menooned K.l)'lt1gh Boye/. Even With aU the practKf'S tht educ•tJon maior sull man,1ges to find umt lot htr Khool work. "! ba!anc, mv time prttty wtU bttwttn work. school, and rehtars al." Sovd Y.!d. Boyd 1s !,Cl ded.icattd to hrr cnfl lh11 she evtn worb on Iler homt "'"Ork dunng htr bruks .a! rthtarsal. Bo}-:!, who is 1lso .a chorus mtm bft and 1'111.nd j111t d.ancc-r ,n,ovs

S","l.P,t ~c~




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iii "::i!:,iilO'tf!.f"l

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M.ar, Wewrt;,..,

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:"-n--i • focf-,~'1:rs•~ Llt1r r ·tiec.b...., r..,~ ~ !"'.S


l::rac-! 'It'll" 1.:0:t"t""



"As ,:~a<ha. [U'11V ll:':O ! ~· to .:lo :t"tf! danct ,r, :,'.irir,a: ·:ie nv-1 bl't M't~.' Ylt 'ITtd "E'>t>...'C'"t

u:1·tiewi.1•:mg.\•c...-:s;.t1"• Howf",'t~ ":"!" ~! ,,I :t,r H .•- "

The ~in:ul{\ "!,.ii~>!. ,\




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m i ~hoY.."5 l.:lfik) .,. ... ,. : .1~1 w':t'i she nl't0 'le- r .,..,th """"')Oi WT>tic

·n:<' pe,..""f,lt JI :re Ca,.\ nHI" bf \Orn(' , t.1mi!.-. a-:~ ..., !°'f''l ort 1:t ..,. hb prubof'!!U ,,. 1t!'l h<l"'lt'4"1'1r~. Ulf'V

mmo.<tlh.a:-:v.·1!,,11i· .~:;:, •.•i.t.· p,1rforrnmg lht•h• nd1tvtd1oct·m W•thtrbtt u:o;.ii,tc tht show. ~11 Is~ lun a.ri!'.I t-JIJ of m Rtgudlfi\ ~ t,-;r "Tl,,) · ~ tr!ij', J t:l~ 11.a 1o1.· ~ht mqull't'd. Must.Ing.\ hJ,·~. f~.... Ut I.I ~lf>11r:y Fr~hlJlfn Mary Wtthtrbtt •nd U:cl!td fo:- sorr:i: (,rra~ L2hti'l1t, Sonnie Gunm a,t lll~ invoJ,·td in L,;ew IH.ktb an t.c- ci.rd'llltd tht urning mUSKll] h tn though (l.ihnt iii w,ct11:•the;.:re ..:om or by they 1111' ltrshma.n the)- N vt wll phone 111 10J01 723 QO)i. m11nagtd 10 rocus on the stajtf' hre l>tt ~ will be mnn.ng at tht u Wtll llS llltlr school 11ft, Wlcti111 Theurt untl M..r,h 0, "School work hu n't been a

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gt'. !O be L1.:. '>lht:' :t:-.t,• to: .I



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V.!~.:tt ,;•.:.

-.iill(,' a:

,-\ ~digital ,~~ ············· •~-·••!t- •• :~~~ rJ~Y>.fi.u l • ~deviance ; ~ k l - ~·[fCw. screen printing, graphic design

__, l_w


a.~....,, 1,.,••..,. I .,¥.ltlO!'!'t..1'.


!www.shawsbea1.1typlus.net • ;2113 9th St. Wfchlta Falla, TX 78301 • • :J 1:1-:...~ ~ ;,~ ;,~ ..!tlc"!.!!e:. ~o!. ~o~ .,f..c!_i1b'/t.o""~"'-g to.....,, CAu...,....,._,y,

Cakes da Killa releases first ful length mixtape •~·Y<'-~'iDPt"UJJ"I.:.•


~-\~1':"il ,·J;~=-


J•, ... :,: bin~ ...-, ,. 'l'~"l',' :· .:; ~'.~,>A·¥


l'.omowr~1.tv1:ih,;,r.co. H,phor~ l'\On,q:,t..X l IS ::1,.

O'. lht '"':."ldrr,,·, ISCil~"'ut.

Nr.i/':ert,u;/txtttirt:, , r,,· br• AA,'1~ '.t:11 ~ . 1n1_-; 1· •

1rro,1 t:1T""1-n'.C •Hr~.- ·•:• • · cr-1rplii(u,:t•.:IOl'ot::ar w.·• "' IIJ~t1n,~oreilt.Ots l)TICI '\', C.itl!'S Wu~~,

KnN: l.ll Kl:n, llm~t•11::-, V(J'H0Uid}.1U~a tl',._~


onto 1.,~·~ H,'TJ C.J"l!l'J."


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cf s:1:tMr.it 11'..~,1 •.,:-:-..i.o·•. ,u,: l ~$ t.l'~'IJ l'l,~... t


7 CYCUNGp g.8 tas:nf

And O L\ tht

fourth." lama\

Iii ,._.:i:1 -Ont of acr S ndl'n, Ua\,1

l\,ntlt, Ktullty 'Nllltt1 to ~di' w1•h tht k,, but ht hisn'1 actu.,,ll'( •JPlf"d fd Vtl Thtv ~taM I.ht- !'lt"!d ,.,,,,!h lhl' A ,:uvs en,. ano tht b tU'f\ s.tan about n,·, minut~ la:tr .1nd v, on wtth lM othtr wouin On a ,lnz)e ~prtd blt.t. OaVld plS,$,f<I t'U"r'( "1!glt pt-Mn in lhf' A ield except !or hlS iummittt. Tany B•ca. In th.it win Wt' Mpt 10 s.end 1)\0!,t two 10 n1t10nab tha VOi

For th:, s,,.iso:-i, Z1m~1:I ~11~ ht> ruuy upe,cts 10 ha\'t .wmrbo1y 1':n ls.I'! o., tht podium in the m,n·l and womtn·s 1nd!'lld1.11I d11mp!orut11P',

~ \!.'ell u wtnmn~ !ht 1um tnab ·eau 11 ovtr1v op:1m1~11c. bt<:aU')t !o0mtt1mes cychn~ ts. • cnp i.'1oot and you're gom,; up 1ga1m1 l 00 oth er ptOPlt> 1h11 ,.,,·.int tht wmt lflln11,. but wt l'lavt s.uch a suong 1urn and they'rt so committed 10 woriuni togttl'ltr 1ow,rds a common go11.•

Zwutll said

W?ult cycling


• tum sport,

ZJmsul ~id that 11 ~till only ~as one

w,nntr 1h.11 ~t.inds on the podium Thls meJns that ror that person to gtt Ihm, a su~porovt ttam ts. nc<tmrf to accompl~h th1! feat. somttNng ZamasUI be~eve.s ht has..,,1 thhistu.m •This tum is midr up of room mates and btst fr1rn<h, • z,maslll Slld "ThtY hang OUl all the nmt outs1dt thf concept ot cychnp.. ilfld as fir as I know, thert's no internal drama. They gentra.lly and truly 11kt uch othtr. I h1~ con~denct that come natlon,ls, wt're going to ha\'e a bf:ner tum, and ifs tht bet ttr tum t1ta1 puts tht 1ndiv1du.il on the pochum.· Dnp1tt their strength~. 1hr 1um docs h.lvt a few areas to Improve on ZamasW said st.iymg ot'I the ground, or 1vo1dmg cras.hts, is .i m1m con· ctmforthe teJm. 1tch111Cal

Mustangs dominate ftMM11111 ltllfie ltt- , . . up 111 (118n! N•w M..ic:e ff!Pkf iwi111 IM WOIIMll'I ~Mk1tb1ll 1 - FM S. T\fff . , _ . aeorfll in '-die lprH l1 le1d d l l - n•• 11,etltdMII ,,.. I ' - to lhtu lJ.52 Ylcto,y nu ENIIM'II New Mnkt .. ~ t . Mitr11 ot 21 ,-a , M 1,,...._.1.,. e11 whfl• IC,mi o.,.u. , M Dieflfll J-s ifl 11,.i l'ltl, Th M....... tiff M'W111t9t1 of btlOlft N,w Me11co's INII ..... "'"'t-utnlll33,oin t1.tl.tltl1 Zi1'1 lOtwNnn.wkl l1S._c...fll

c,n.,·• MlfM,.,._.,





t'4N\tl-'al.\ . . . . . ,hyc, ,-.n.. i• I fffff . . . . . I Jl'llCtict INfell..leyc1 UI pll'(N Ndle .... tlf'llle J..tt-}'Nff. ... 111"11 ...... . ... ,. .ffrahip , ... ..... with t, ltow .._ ~ ~ I. ---ni.(1"1 .... cri1ic1I te Mf tvec. .: ,.... CNclrl ~ • I•. •tL

..1)t..t h,el1 .....,_.Wt8Nl ..eici,. N 'Haa." ,_., __..,.....

ennis prepa res for I.SC play thn· m.iture.


conunut 10 pbiy bel:n in1 bet·l'r,~ Linn said ·1 ihmk

beaer Nch matcn. Collln Col!e.:c not t:e o:i: ~, match b\' any )ttt:ch on ·~ inen ~ ~Ide Nt'U If.Ci


rus ~r(l11J~rm· Sjln:'lit ,u ng m10 lull sw,n11., ft.r p.J~•rd tne1: r1rs1 ma1cn i:ir. Col:tge ~eb 9 ar.d vwi!h72wm

good re suit,· hud roach Yt:! •V'l- t \ Wll'd lhlet' n tha: m.ii:ch 1:1 smg!n , and thtv w1>t r a p,rt s ror U\ So, con~111rr!r,1t W ,:on,!dt-nnlo\ t.o!lm 1 :,,'lt>ge wel.1t,· ont iii t~(' top 1:imor col 1t.1ms !nth• counlf)' tarh yu,. AS1 1B)Odwm.· ~-t tt.a.--i ptPpartd (hi) ~ 11nng by .:n~ In nvt 1r.'11vM1111I touma ') \.u1 fall. l.' well a~ hol<1111t

hom !here. 1t comtt dowr1 to how far thty want to~ fht'(re not hm utd, a:Kl I Uln,;; v.•r'U have the abll 1:y :o win c~.impinn~h1ps 1h15 ytir 1f we coi,:.ir.1., t o p ~.Ur, rh,. rr.f'n') -,ide. ~!lJ(lf\ Lukt )O}'tt and (.r~1by Mrtb. w1!I b!fill

the !"adrr;h1p ro~ lt1T tht- tum, alon11 with Ll<ie o~tf four ttlurr.mg pl<1Yt'a Accor11n11: 10 Linn. luk.r had a ~t.:cc~flll f.i!I srAwm 1n prt~rau.o n

lorthew,r11 ·t uk, ,,..on rht Loi.1n <..ounty l0ll:Tiamtnl ..r,d bNt N'l<' of I t.U's stant~ tn 'h" Jina! m tne '.in: Uon sah1 ·niat h ll p•ayer .ii~ ~.01 v,mi,C\ne wt,o pl•Ytd fc,r Stanford,

dMIODmcnt. )Ulll,Jt-J a•l11 dot.·

aad rh,y >J, 1a!!v "i.tt t ont ol I.ht lop 10 prti ,:Vl,\ 1n tt:e na1.on e.ch ,,.ar 11.u,tl l.l!O t.e.it nnt of ~\ill':s }:;in,r.. in ttiat h1umamrn•, u v.tU.

ib'ls ;ir,J ~!ll•fffl.aJr.c t' d(' •'Clop

Ht• n~ a W"Ji 1o•irn.111"'1-n1,.n:11 tt

~:..-Uf'l ) UiC" Jan 11 ",Io~ PfiKl!Cl"\l ( 00\1\I uf l ac

· u.~:i said. ·1 !l)) niu ns we·re




11.tm,b. c.t..·• · - 0.,.1..·1 .,1ck 11-"1 c.-it "fl widl dlrH stNII NCII 11 IIN

t•- ·wflll1 SINl•i• G.... , 1141 L,, . H....... H eh pfCkfll oft' hff,

tllt Thi

t..iW -•1. ClwtsriH

MNtMp .....o-.-. ti 1J.l NI...,.. Star c..tor..ca ,1ay . - 11-l Thtir n. .1..-h wiU llt tNllf " s:» lllrt t•h • AMMM


MSIJfJ, ENwa New W.alceSllMIU Jl 31 U. l d - New W.1K1 10 » Sl! MSU 111-l. tJ.Z, . Alldfu t,tt., n (,,rt, OIQflo• 10 JoMi 10. 6ol!N I, W,inc~ l S Jollll' H1ffllll0ftl.Oowdl; l - . " - • •w.• ll-1l " 111 H, ~ ~ - 11. Jot, ,ty-n[oope,11 l Joll-!.J JoM- 9, Ji Cofi9ell, Gnfhfl51 J.P,...._.,MIUJ.1110 .i-i1·LD,;,UH l'wl0•2.I-M~OII O-tS-,"O•lt ~ . _ - . . . C , ..11 1J4 (IOll'l•ll.JofvllOftl •l.J1 C...., l ,t , ci.n..,,1, l. , . . . . 1-1\ l " "- - • IIIU ll·tl lt...... Ntw Ml1 - IO·ll


rrrumtrs. but wr .i!~ 1",1,.., , goo8 freshmen da!tS... Unr. u1d 1h11 lhr women's team did turerr.ely wtU~ !all, ,.,,,n!l,na IS lnd11ldua.l ch1mpion~hi~. cu· lhey'II still nttd 1hr rctumina pl.iv erf !t1denJ11p to ~um•fd L)iis ~nng. ·K, ndr.1 C.utv ;md Sin1a Ad Mbry art our two ~mors 111d 1hey'II r.etd 10 show !udr!'!,h?p on and olf tht> coun.• Un:, ~'1. • hy!or Corfman ~ a s.op!\omort 111d ~,r·s done a nut fl.lb o! tit,na tNdV tM ~rmg. Sht p:.yed every ru1c:i lor


·we find w1ys 10 gt\ anyont on a

bike that wants 10." he said ·11 you want 10 1<>1n. all you h.1~·t 10 do IS shool me •n email and you're on the tram"

u~ Lisi •;ear, so sllt'll ~ 1'h0thrr mi 10r con1nbu1or to our ~uc,r.s.s. • Th~ worr.en \ flr..t match , .,11 ht agairu! S1 Mar,·\ on 5.aturo.i,. but t.n,v :c a!rtaay ~ecr,,·~ somt ex· per!ence fvr 1h1~ ~liOll wnen !ht'f scnmm,~e.1 Col:Jn Coll•ltl'·s wom ·s tum dunnR W mtn \ mi1cr: "Thty dl(I v~rv w,11; Lmn s.au1 "Th<'Y jtOI \Ome gamt~ u, ilitimJt 01her oppontnts, wh~h IS good. lne'{vr betn prac11cln11, all w e,,~ on doub!t~ pll'f ;md l>ul!dlr.~ 1he1r ~1nvJn ~mt for S.turdnrnt :tum will pl.1v 20 ll)>m"S lhlS f,U!-0:'I m prtpll'UJ')ll for th(' Lone Star Confertnct wurnamtnt

lo lht ~t. ZamastlJ's nders hne approachfd him personJJ.ly. on the team'1, websltt OT on faC('book, The te.m membe~ have a hand m rt cruittlli, and llnd peop!t of au ages on c-amp~. "I a~tually got 1nvotvrd w11h the te11m .11ter 11lkin[t 10 i fnend of mint who Is a cyclist during homecoming of 2011: JQ.ym old ~mor eng!


a::r grA J f.a.l. Hr) rin,rd J<J m t!\e ~nr:V 1r11np io 1ti>1 r:a~•rr) io a c1)JntN r:~•n M W, 1nd ht ,bo n~ a ~-,J. ;ind lnt' ;ila'ltt",, 11\.'1! put ior•J rt"Sult ait rvtt'r Jun.or Co:lrRt"·s ,1 :!..: tvt:eL'Jer !h" CK"\ ll~•JolllV to•,mamrn; I .inuct~I~ ne II r~'" • 111 AprU. · wr lllSI t.1k.t It Nit rtla!Ctl' ll a ver, gotXI "Pnnp in• c~ 1t-e11.e ,·a•1e., · <m the- women\ s1dt". lour play 11mt." Linn ~•d ·1 d6n': !hml II ~ l(>,lJO~ '\ h'J l1\ /\ rt!.lllVt'!V bfr.eb anvoodv 10 look .1he1d anv t t"'I arr re· .Jffif!", w1tn thrff ol ~'j,' U6!ir.,. f'I nm, unoercla~ lurt.h<'r ~n the r.ut m1!ch. It'~ rl.' l''.:r,. t 2pla}'"t rO!ltrr li'1r them ~1.1r,ni l~t 'ai aomR to be an tn10}71b~ seison. · wr l~ t 1 )1,r numoti one •n.:, t i'!, whi'r thi: w,)m,·n ha~·e ~:4'-rcla-.:.mt'n Otll ,ll t! t'' f l I two t;l,l l'f!'S 10 j1J3dultJUll at the t'nd \hOllgh. ind u \hould ht a IOI of Taking control OI !.bl lfl~n. "(l prop.c havt' !O )ltP fur." S.- ltfl11 Greytr m¥H ,nll t111 bsttr11 Ntw M..lc• Hlenffr lhlr-. !ht up.· Lnn s~1..! ·You r~frr th•t :o :it


ft,rt, ! 1•• 111 D.L


;• , :<,c -..--•~•...U• .·,c,-->1 i,,/\ f(7t;!(,,,i (o,nefof~,Sc,u; t,w,e11 Pok-.oy \90:hf:f/ / \ryj]

LocAL 8oY$ .

--~~~......~, ~

The lo,oe.st .selectlon of c raft/imported beer.s In town!

t!n:aiNo POI. HOSPrLWlY ,urns, H<)UD,\Y, ~ONANDO THBI..UO I PAJ71l5





'kms,1 l t.. f. /IH, LN80CK & KrY~ToN r LIG IIT 1/2 RARREI L KEGCi . Y.>3 PLUS TAX'"

IA9aleelectlol\. c,eat~ aictbelf CUIIOMr-. 1Ce~ Wlc:Nla

· Some of the bike h.ind!J..,g b

suspect at umes." Zamuul s.i1d ·1cs not 11 you cmh. but whtn. Usu ally you can avo,d 11, but this 1nm has hJd a hmory ot ,rwung uch other out btcatu.e of bikt hlndllng or hmmg tht deck. Knowing when a cruh might h.1pprn and 'btir.g ln position to 1vold it ts. a le.untd skill Thty'tt so strong. but a lot of them lack experience, so grmng 10 thilt point where I.hey can antic1patt It JS a p;ocess.." Zamutll 5ild the 1tam IS 1Jwa;-s look.mg lot new ndm to prepare ror


- n·1 b 1htrtlll ,r091-·1 t.,01111 l, H i11 the l rst htK pro,.IIN lttt• le Nll-n YiCltf'ffflr (ntenl New MIIICI lfl F.11. , . Thi G,tyflHMI MN11Mtl rt.ck i. . 111, ,..,. •111 . . nc:tM~. klettl1 MllllNpMN011lort htYieterywitti , .... sc«i111



"'·IMlrior ,1.., "°"" 11 be . . 4-ci ..1111 l1t1or

"'°"' ,_, 1t1

tll• 9-•. nth Mwt"P'

i1t1W. ....... 1IIOWH only 11 ,.111t1, wMlt ,1.., tr- Co,t,i11 -......1,,,..... ...,..,.......l ,-c••dte-•t•Kllfl"l.,... ilt dte

G,.,.._,,.·, ,-11111.


K, Yln , ,..,., kd ffMI Mlnt•"fl in ICOlifll with 2t ,0111t1, H w,11 N i-,NIMr-llb , _,. , icki"1-,twtlful1. D1tN ltn11Mle.. t t t e ~· Maell ~ i N widt 1J ,OHIU Ml_. . . t11f1l12'Nncll ,oflltl. TN l"'ff"'I• 12-J:ln"" L-Stetc.nt.r-• MMI 11·' l 'lflt•II wi9I the wicitcy Thy WIii Conlllltll their II-. lttllWI l04ll'f Ill 1il ,.in, wbN


. . , ..... ,n M1l1ne CMilllM

IIISUG.(...... ,..., ..._._n lMSU J116 R (MNffl ........,c:, 21


n1 MSU

111-S. 11,ll, 1(,-.,11 6••'fll• 11. C,111411 Thomu II 011'tl KHIII ll AOtn1, I 81/fll"'l!IO!t • HHu1\.G:bt/1tG1111r l. Sc.ilm111l J G1t¥91 ?. £....,_Mew ...,,c1!1t-tl 1,JI) , Rllitl l~rt l& Fw.l~IY 811:)Jr,ol, l( Jotcl1n ito..... o It O~o I lfl try l Huov.-.n 11 J,h..-n - MSU MO llfn•1r n l a.,..,.,, I Gobtl• I J G•·~101 .l.dS.!1oty0 I.Si,.1• 1<11~0,I\. E• rttn111kw ...•1Ct l123 ilqvp 4-6 ~ • o • I a.1t•ll"l«IH H11~ff0.1 ~.~o-11 i mtnw- · MSU ZJ 1'. (d_.._ .... ic, 11 It

neenna ma10r Austin Smith s.iid -ms uncle w olS a pan of the tum and ht menuor.td LJ\erc wu no age limit. I ftgu1td II would t:t a iood wiy to elevate m·f abl~Ut$ on the bike )() I 10ined !he team Zmuul s.a11:t lht team mt<'ts ev erv Monday at .3 p.m. it Uw cyclfnp. statue bdund thr lhte1ln bl.U!d1ng for • Wttkly mttl and FJttl Tldt for cofftt ot ft0zen yo~n 10 recruil newrtders.

·11 you own a \\'& Min b1ke. you can come,~ he ~1d. •Wfll go u ~ow as we netd to. You have to

remember th1t w t'rt 1n this be<:au5,t> we tnJO)' blkts more t.hlin .1nvthmi,. Nm('!')' percent of the J)t()?l<' on tht' tum ha\·e no 1sp1r.11ions of goml( pro or hl\1fl& a carttr l:-i blktny..•





Celt.---.... t . . . . . . . Ill NltfY, IUN I'""' II llltfl ....~ ii )111 Int INtyclt



rte• wllh the Cytll111 Tu111 MOatllll Mitri w1M11111 11'1 t .... ~,.•• 1w1r ill Wylit , Tutt. Jtn. 21·

CV.~ll~!~~!R!~w !!~!~"

OMANOOP\.CfflH , J ,i S#Of'llS lOITOlt


ht (V(hng IUJ?l wJI m in I~

dowitnthtm ·To, NCAA dots not

us,. Zvnastll ~d. "Cvc.mQ. II the springkason .atlht1Jniverslr, colltir>a!t lrvtl ~ p;<Mrnt'd o,• USA of 1uu u Ausur,') Road RiCt Cvcllng. wl'lk.h 20\'flTIS al! pro!~ Wttkttid on ~lurdJ)' and Sunday. )ionil toms to club 1eam~ Anv ra,, ·Ro,ad racing 1s whu\ go.rig on ou, the\' wtethrr ,n h1p,.'l S<.tlOo:il. rtghl nali, md 1hu's our pnnary un.ttt\of, profoslon.il Of Jr.~lf'i'i, 115

It comn to Hotttr 'N Hell HUlldrtd

W!llk :wd nclng win now tl4! tht tum'.i rNlor focus, lhttt ot~r tvtnti tM tum parudpitn ill vur

round bmautl Yid the cvchsts tbo

panici~:r m mcludt track cycltng.

trrd, It tw nothing to do with the

NCAA." Even ttlou~ cycl!ne, ~ nor an NCAA !J)Ytmt'd spon, iht 1nm mil melvrs lOfflt budgtu.ii !tom id mi:usU.)000, bu! ;i bulk Ol .1b hind .ng is donr through lund~ng an-i spoosoM.lps 1<cordm1t to 7U'.as:d

which is dont on tht vtlodromr and •Cycling~ a surtirumgl'(Upt/l fw1.11td huv1ly•n thr 2012 London s1~-r ~11; Zunuttl ~1d ·Evtr,' OlympKs, RMX blkmg. mountain b!kt 1ht rtdtl\ ;ire on wm a:1our· lllkmg.shon tu,k, ( f'IV,5 (O!Jntl"/ bik ch~ by thrm up unlil tllts '(!at Ing. gm~w e·,•rnu md ()-ch aw Whtn we go1 a sponsorJnp dtal The cvchng 1ram. lormtrtv w;th a p;iani 01cydt cornp,tny r.wy known ~ Tum Arn,1,·, 1W bttn a ~U own all their own b!kb, and nmpus cl1.1b IU:n !.Iner IO~Q, when th"/ cost probal:ly anyw~rt from Rol:.tn Llark. vier prnld,m of id S1,000 to $0,000 Thq- travtl ntry mlntSU'allon Oind tnstlhll,Onil efl'tc. 'Nttltncl, and {hr, !lay m I holtl Of tlVtMSS, helped tstabl~ the 1nm. ho&c bouYna whtn wt go to rac~. lhe ma:or d!t:'ettnc• Ttam Arrow is Cloc.hlng and znr abo casu a IOt lhflr ~t'minR body, OSA Cycling. whtn II an ms up. too." and tl',at Ulr NC:M ~ nottu~ to Mo.toflhtrldersonthtttam

l am~ul )lid the rr.im'i T1Ct schrd11le ;md strength prtpi;rt'S thrm 10 oomlnatr these racl'S For this sea son. ht took hi.s A team 10 bigger \JS>. c mn to giv" a btuer COJTlpttllJ;efitld ·I'm not goln1t to t.ikr thrm to a racr that .i not Stl hard,· lamas!d said ·: wam 10 tikt thtm fo rKtS whtrt lllr'(Tf gomg to Ill! going up ,)gllf\SI people !hat Mt M"h.11llystrnn • get than Ulty art, or ilt IU ~I it !ht samr level Whrrt as m conference. mavtw 1t1e1,a1tthrtr~ys 101althat arr even on tllt sam, level asow ill gu~ Aside from tJC:1ng. Ult 1e;im also has t('am pracuc~ on ndes on the Nttkends Zamutll S,itd ht llt'l'tlts OU[ iii ~t sonil!Jzed tramm• pl'Oj!J'am for any of the ndtrs based On U\r1r level of fttneSS. ability and how m,my vws they havt been doing this Thr team also has 1eam mrtlinp; where thry talk ibout SIU.CR)' ~we abo dnve up 10 1hr Wie.hua Moun1a1M eve.ry Wrdn~ay, • Za nwlll said "The nden arr Oil their own with ;i workout rw wnuen for


locus.• htld COKh C.h&l'llt ltr.1m ail USA Cv.:L'tlt, we!. "That's whit you lhJnk or whfn 5P()ft, v.•h;ch [\'f:J Jf tt'Sa n.~lfV 11 what -.vr'rt cor-Sld or :l'lf Tour dt fnnct •

""1n•CA:itJ11UMOSS,~.,...,, .-.11icq._....,_..,_ .. 11nwey1t1.,..,ri,.111c..-wiit

::,:U~:C~~,Z~-:.=,.-:;t.-:- cyclillf ..... NIIIM tJtl

r.ot only rm for MSU, but also fc:- to club raCfi. Whl)(' club tram tK~ hm gottfTl in lhr way of the cytbng other dub tt1m,. - 1,, couple ot ow guys ndr !or .a ce, m's racl'\, cOlltgLltt rn:1ng dOt.S tum &JC of OlcJahom.1 c.l!ltd l>NA.• w, pnonry when 11 comes 10 "" 7a~JI \aid. ·Uts1lu Pnn.irrj JiOrs uonal ql.Wlftm.. "Out numbtr one go,1! is 10 make fotRldtlltan . ,ndSa.m lC:roft: ndts ror Ult Glint hcotrv South Tum. 1ure 1hr wholt 1am quahnes for I.hr whl(h IS actu.atly mv dllb \Um !hat n1t,ooaJ chamj)IOl'lshJps; ZamistU I ndt for whtn I'm not coaching.· s,id ·0n1y the cop teams m Ille con Z~.il:dcollrgiattracesm ltrmct gel 10 do thlt. $0 wr have to only open to schools in com~ makt we KO to toough confer


.. .




~iaeo.-1,n _-,s-,,...o-i(OII







MMklll .,..WrM •1hl 11111 ,..._II

,c.ctl1t111Uia . . ~ara !Nllt1 hr-.1111:11-,-._. .. ltlSU, N ................. _ . .:M,1uN.-W.. ... . . .


•i.--.-.za.arnw211u. t ....... c..a-....,i....,"'as,a11


. . . .12 ...... W.eMCW...

..... _,..•MMclNdl .. S..-


_. . _ . ..... \-.- I _ I _ ............... .. 1 IJ.-l r.cln

_._ ,_..

Team addresses needs "This is a very 10/id, rmrunan. II not, we're piing 10 rtd sturt I.hem so wt can conttmit to de with new recruits athletic clau. mo velop:hem.· from Texas schools Of tht plilyers signed, four went were able to addrm 10 high school m lht Wlch1ta Counrv QAIANOO fLOAH .ffl depth nuth with a lrt-' Ricky Clark. ;i defensive txlcJt, l~..-TIIOITOII 111crub Bl.lrtbumctt High Schoo!, very Jtrong group... • ft1et ero.s, rl'lt lootblU p10,,•m unvttltd a :t,.hc end.

WIWIIU 1heu 2013 N'<TU.ltmi cl.won Feb HEAD FOOTBAU COACH <; - Nuional SignJn11 lnv 11\is year's cllu is !TlldP up of .at oor powUon lor lhi.1 dlss. "Wt ended up With lour tKk.ln J8 h1gtl school Pf?P standouts from tht stale ol Tens who tlOpt to help Ind four mb.• deftnSIVt hne COKh keep up lht Mumnp' dominance Kennv W1lki11S said. "That's wti11 in tht Lonr Stu Conftreno:t While II,'~ Wtrl' N'll]y looi.log for . I 1,·ho)# 1hr number may Sttm largt, Uns ts frtwner. group that could be rwousu.aily tl'te !il2f ot • siwimg CW:S l'tr dttp, meuung !WO taeklt-1 on tach st,tq>nlctf the team. sll3r and !WOtr.ds on ta<:n Side, thu "Th.s IS .a vtrf sol:d, ath)c1,c wt'd Hite to develop th."001,h thr elm; ht.ad COICh Bill Masktll 'i.lld program· in • pm.s rrtrw ·we were ablt Wilkins s,id the coaching 1ta1J tO add!"ffl depth needs W1lh I Vtr',' bthevei thttr rtOUII! CUI bnng .a lot to tht pqram. ;ind the·, hope saoo11; group ol lkllled pl.ayrrs.• Thr dw tndudrs 21 ottrnsr,-, thty'll ont d1y tie smttl\. Wtvlr pliy~ a.'Ut 17 Jt!ffl5lVt pla\'tf1. "'.Ye d1d:1'1 sign m,111y de!tMfVt tll.lt \'OU WO'Jldn) tvtr tum .town ihr()flt\Wt Mas-ldl Mild. 0n !ht offl'rlSl'll' side. )IJ Qf'ftn lmtrM1, .u: wJde re<t,V\'"-, tom if',linerbickS. three til!h• rnas .i,d two ru.'lntnJ l>acks werr si:gned Otfe--.)1,t:~,. It,'! ilnr~,:t:, ;i:w, b.:.r lklelb.•'t CKt..s wnt brought .tl, b-Jl ~ Mtntin,;s looktd 10 bttf U? :he dtfms/Vt itne for r>Ut )ea,oo, M.11t,1r 11 :r ei!l,h! rec.r..1.n~ thr moo ~U}'$.



IUUON] cna:r.pKlm:L;, l

could comnbutt ngh1 IWIY from 1hi$c~.

·we·re looking 10 dt\'f\op lhffll.

oo: d onr of tbtrn ca., contribute



Tor 'Nm is look!n 2.

tht1r WCCP!,,S {fOIT'llSl"'l ,

lht !tM?'I ~lllct<I \('((IM r n.1tion1~ in Stpttr.iber ,

ha'llni seve!al mem~• •. ' viauillv.

· we have



yeu." U.aire RoutJedto ,

&f()logy,Sild. "Wt tA.•o·

new nders 10 our r~·•·; will only add 10 oi..; ,~.-. variOIJS d&tplmes It.·;.' strong p,rfonnu:ce i· • . giateNatinnalsract'.t,••:, lhf lt llm

nm, TNi 0:( ••

num t venl\. •

lhe1u.m,1Jso wv:i. t,-•• and 8 group) a1 tu o;;,.· conlerenc, ( hamp:o:i:•.~.btr, and 7.amaml ..a1'! ~,e ...

a moment from that -..,. 1hettam·~ 1alent "The A group b t."~ 't IS lM second fasttsl C


Tht lOl)l'}fllfJ• ll ,eu .11111,(J d .-i.· tc:n~1.I\ 111 :)1 h.,,i. ~~·· lromthe ,1111t nt Tr\,U TIU! M"'IJll{IS w ·II bm111 1r 71 r'h 1nrh;d1n~ ~,11 offttn\lve Ji,1f'wt n ~·( v.1do 1trl'rv,..1 in:•r 'I 1~r~ thrll!t t,ghr r.nd~ ,,nd lwo 111nn1nn b11tb Sovcn O"h~111~. ~ ,,. ,,.. lu11blt~t1rl 1nd fn111 dtl1ns1ve b1tk11ou11d 0111 1ti, lb !ietr"•' th11t •51qncd w11h iii" M•1sr11nqs, 11ho 1Sou11.1t ,.,,mm,•.1•~ ,


low, Put High School ;ind &odey Wtst, a tigfll tnd and otftn)!Ve line

Tytllt,c.1IN!II OTf1111bl1er1tkHS lkllllr)


men, ano:I Brandon Wdham~• .a Wl~ ll...._ OL Row11n HS l'Keiver. both anend S.lt. Rider High .-... t.lwt-ittlf OENonh G1rt1nd School. All lour h1v, played loo!NJI HS(G1Jl1ndf from a verv voung a!_lt, ,oo they're tl(!ltd about thr'tr opportunity 10

?lai' ~'hrM>JStan~ -1 cl'lo!it MSU btcaust re's close to home." f.rll.n!r.ilid. "Tbt1rntuet ics and acil<ltmKS to.ave bttn OUI· Stilldlnp. lhtoughout tht yf'lrs, and. I hope to on, d.ly stan on thr 1um • West o1nd Wtllauns agmd with

Mlrbl11 Clia.kn 08 D1vton HS A.. CMM.i LB 8ow11 HS lAlhngconl

lltky &wk DT Bunb111111n HS T"-Clitl OI.CldtonHS Ou4' C.wlf1 OIi Cltbu1n1 HS

Treu Cnu T£ lo'NI Pitk HS ,.._EbWII L1119hlm C1t1k HS

MSU's .at."'ieuc ttpumion. and ;ilSO IMounon! said. I' w~ i factor In Ch~IDg 10 GMy~Wft-Throc\rnotton HS some woul!I ~~thal lhrMus• playhtrtntrtSoWOl:l. iangs would rem.hrrl ~ of lht:r lreshmm. Wl\klf\S Slid the COKhts art w11chuig for tmf)Kt p\lytrS who

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foot chmb lhm [ 1c: Sco11 lS on])· 1,000 f1t:.

Football recruits 37 new players / ·• . -·~

(hem 10 Rf'l )(lmt c:~· :

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,.._ FM Ol Balton HS

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