R. Hinesh. danc cx-crirn· er, tna l, leader
On the Inside: The women's soccer issue
Movic:''Acc Ventura Pet Detccttvc"
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Regents vote ...
.. j MSU pursues
by ,\ Ian Moser
Sta!T Writer Washington, n.c. The House voted Thurs. Jay to mnslatc a posi-Waie gate l;1w that aut horized . rdqx:ndcnt cuun!->L' ls 10 inv'.'~1ir,:11c .illegcd_ :'"rnng tloi , ehsll'P fed,·ral ol t1cials ng Y First enacted in. Ing 1,w lapsed 14 month . . the Former Pre side nt
r-· ,1.rt/...1 , ~
< - ~-.-,
Bush anti Repuhl ica S. g 111rs had previously ~1• 1• f~ -, 't, ' i1, renewal. com plaininoc r l :-- , ~ , ~t- A it had been ahused h ~ t 1a1 c,, ntra specia l pro~ . ran: ""' Lawrence Walsh . · cuior '-• A11or~cy General 'Janet T'lwtol \fnr r 1a L'lndnnJ Reno <le,:1t1cd last month nn t the ~~ nk ..: f-ulf~r. MSL! Sr.. shows hi!_!h Sl'h11ol :-. 111cknts ;mnmd to wait tor re-enactmen t of ampus the 199-t Cnllq!l' Day Pi\!,·it·w. ,_he law an'.! appointed a speApprnxim ·II I l IX) c1~I cou,nsd, I(! i nvestiga1c the thl.' " t,·,l,v,;,. ,, · l.'S)'· '. stud.l'n ts. p;ire nt:--. _and ~IIL'S I.., wcrr (_lll 1 1 - m lat LI 11111111 s d F ) ~~~:;~n s \\ h1tcw~1ti.:r in vc,q. the "199~ Coll,•~~ Da~• Y" '. atu, a>·· ·ch · · Im Rci nsta1~men 1 of the law Okl!tl.' studc n1s were Juniors :ind Si:n inrs frnm Arkansas. would prnn11 rolitica ll y n,•u- wcr ~ i°m~i ai~cl Te;\. :1s Somr nf thc 111·m., 1hl.' , tulkllt-' k :Hned tr_al rnves11ga11 01" of the 60 ~ Hl\\t lo .ipply !or 1.:nllc~i: and li11anl·1.d :ucl h1ghes1 ranking official s of th • Mhse , ~den!S . their p:ir,·n t., :mt! l'lll"''-' '""r,· ~11·cn '1 IIIUr of \.: ~ U campu:-. :.ind Jorrn!-i the cxccu1 1vc hranch. Am~;l~;~d~~~rl' 75 r-.isu .~.ttHklll.\ 1nrl 11J111 g the.! Stutkn t artic: . · · hou:-.ing o ll1 Cl' :111 L1 rL'S tlk111 :1.~.\ l!'lt ;1111s tha t Austin, Texas If everything goes as ex - P . ipat1.:d Ill tht: cvcnt. Also 111\'t)l\'l'J wne (18 faculty aniJ and 36 MSU organi1.:111ons. whirh tl1'pla ye<l 1n form :11 ion pected. Texas will hegin us- "~thaff out thei r rluh .. . mg bank-style cards th i, year to cut adm1nislralivc CX· ~:.:ns~s as well as red ucc wcl. Ian: li.1ud and thcf1. _Unde r ihc program that hcgui,s tlm fa ll . a "Lone Star Card wi ll be given 10, rood st~":P rc~1picms Jni.1 those gelling Aid tn Fami lies with Dependent Children. l•y llrian llal1 11rd i.:r.Jh:c tcd lhruu l! h thi s fee Assoc. Ed itor wou liJ he pla~·cd 111 an Go v. Ann Richards reThe hoard (,f rl.'gcn t., m1.·t mains popular amon!.! Texa: Friday. Fch. 11. for three and in tcrc .. , t IK·arin !.! accoun t aniJ uti ll 1.cd for ,l;i: r1,; 1wv:11io11 vo ters and r oniin ucs... 10 lead o ne ha lf hour, anti liki:ly Repuhlican challenger esuh li shed a S1udc111 Un ion and add1t1011 to the Clark ' George W. Bush. according fee . approved a nt·w program Student (\: nti: r Ri.:ecnl Boh \Vc :,. t asked 10 a recen t Texas poll. leading to ;i h;.ichd nr of ans If the elec ti on were held wi lh a maj or 111 intnnalinna l how th~ !-i tuden ts wouliJ react today. the poll indicates that trade, re\'~1mpcd thi:: prL's~nl lt1 an innt:a.\e 111 their rc..::s for 47 percent of voters would Rc.=spirato ry C:.rn: program. renovati on ur a Studen t choose Richards and 41 approved several prnposals in Unu111 whic h thc y might no t hc anrnnd to enjoy. pc"c nt Bush. accord in g to support of othn hea lth Shannon Pueh. SGA the 1.0110 Texans su rveyed. sci.,;ncc deg rees, am! dcc id1.·d prl·:-.idcnt. said tllai a ., tmkn t Resulis were reported using a ple tho ra ,,r ot her !;11vernmi:nt rl'fl'n.: 11du m wa!-i rt!gis lacd voters, With a ho usekeepi ng and pi:rs111111c l hdd 011 th l.' JSS Ut.! ];1 st f-a ll margin of error of plus or issues. wi th thi. : l11l!lic,t lurnou t sinct· minus 4 percen t. Othe r 1980 (c .s~ l11dinc the Fa ll Student Uni on Fee fi ndings of th1; surve y The hoard approve d a offiL'er ck1.·11un\ ) ;ind .i n indicate that Richards holds : Student Un ion fee or S20.UO owrwhclm111g majt11ity voi..!d lead on Bush among hlacks for l!ach long semt:stcr and in favor or thl' 1"L'1uw:11ion uf Hi spanic..:s, women, an<: $ 1U.00 for each summer Clark Stude nt Center. (ed. people who have li ved i1 session. ll1e fee will become Tc-xas less than IO years. effec ti ve the first sum mer Bus h leads Richa rd. session of 1994 . Fun ds among Ti;;xans with :11 income hetwecn $40.0011 and $60,000 and those with a, income of $60.0llll or more . Bus h has a great deal ol support from Eas t Texas by Charles Cage vice Managemc nl rect:n tly wh il e Richards has he1 Staff Writer traveled from Jupiter. Fla.. to strongest sup port in the state". Midwestern Stale Uni- vi sit MSU as one of eigh t lwo largest urhan areas ve rsi ty's foo d service con• sitcs targctl.'d for add itional trac t, curre ntly held by Pro- a11en1ion. Fandl said . Dallas and Honston. fess ional Food-Service ManMichael Rohr. PFM diagement. will terminate at the rector of t\!1.:rui1mcnt. summaGcrmersheim, Germany For more than 40 years ol end of August. Dr. Howard rized it as a '"prohlcm -solving Cold War. the United States Farrell. vice president for visit." The visit incl uded spent hundreds of bill ions ol student and administrative mcc.lings wi1 h faculty. staff and students including PFM dollars on equipme nt 10 he services. said. Farre ll has. however . aucndanci.: at ;1 rl'sidt!nl a.ssis• ready for war und to keep hundreds of thousands ol asked MSU 10 exi<'nd the cur- t:int meeting. Farrell said that PHl"s rent contracl through the Fall troops in Europe. . Now tha t the Cold War is 1994 semester in order to ~!- rcgion:.i.l rl.! prcsl'nt;itiv!!s mt!t!t wi th a forult y, staff and stulow time IO complete a sails· over. the military is having a garage sale. Unless you r un fa ctory request lor proposal. dl.'nt food st.:rviee rommiu~l! l!Vt.:ry four to fi\'e weeks to the document out_lirung_ the allied co unt ry, 1:inks and other mil itary items arc not responsib ilities ol the lood accomplish simil ar goals. Though s1udenLs have cxservice vendor. . lor sale The di tlicull)' in rcpar- prt!ssed soml' rrnH.:crn ubout Ne~d a pickup tr uck '.' lht! poss ibk n.:.t:ontracting of Mnrc than 2,DOO Chevy ing the RFP s1e_ms fr, m d1~ PFi\f. Farrell sa id food ,~rnerd Ill work wllh the Clark ~iekup trucks und all-l l" i'f•11 n Stu tk nt Ct:: ntc ~· rt.:' no vatl{)n vicc.! will improve n,.•gard k s.'} vc hicb arc , chcdulccl ,tn hl' l:1n's iood ~t:rv 1cc 1-·onsultant of MSU 's s,·h·tion because auctioned off .,;vt.: rY _1i;w P' of thl' impro,T mi. '. Jll', in Sp.let!, 0 ·d in ate the RFP and Weck,. A r~,·ent hJ tt:h ol t!:c :~n~~ac'ion plans. Farrell , aid. L'll lli pmL'lll ~rn d ~ckc tio n A numh~r p ( d11 ccto_rs sc·hedukd a, pJrt or the CSC from Profr_c;. s1011 .1 l f,vod· S~r- rcnorJli on.
Regents tackle • many issues
I See page 2 I
S11ur ls Edilor In the , p, nted words of Rege nt E1v111 G.11nc11. ~f, d ,,cstcrn SI.Ile Uniwrsll~ 1s gnm~ "Big 11111e"1 h1tl.1y m111ning. the ~!SU [h1a1d lll Regents dcu<kd tn pun,ui: ,111 11l' w,1y 111.:h·t 10 thl' Lone S1,1r Confe1 l' lll e .111d NC AA Dmsmn 11 !or 11s athk tir program. ThL' hi!!h ly supponriJ t.l c• 1 ~1 ~l:~,~~~,. sU,.r,'~,~1 ~ 1 1111.., 1 .. k••ia tl; Ath h:1h.: t\ssoci:it ion 0 : \1~ ~ ::.:1i~:r tin 1 0 1 1
~;:~i~ \;i:t
;!: ,'.~:,.t 1
MSU IS going "big time" ________ and womrn· s ha,ke ih.dl nnd men's sou.:rr ,lrt.! l\tSU s s1,; holai ship prog, ,i ms .. 111 lc.ivc thc(,.t,nlcn.:rn.:c The vote 011 the mov,· Sl'L'med lLl hL· :.i llll;fl' foim :ility as :J un ~rnimous dt·c1sio11 \\'J!-i m:idc. If arcc ptt::d into thl' c,in• \ rerence. MSU will have the oppo rt uni ty to compe te aga inst simibr in... 1i 1utio11s •
pn>hlcm,. h,I\C II S cxp,·nses for champ1onsh1p play covc,cd hy the NCAA.·"""' the lomb,111 prog1am 10 award 15 fu ll st.: hol.1rsh1 ps ns earl y as 1995, and cmer the cost of 111 surnncc th rough NCAA lund s 01her .1d,,1 ntages c,11nc wuh the move: MSU will get n:11nc recognition lhrougho ut Tcxas, iV1SlJ will ka\'t: lht! NA IA whic h ;ippc;.irs to he an nn:aniz.i tion in dc.!clinc, and ..
!See page 2
Dorm opens In June by Charl es Cngc Sta IT Writer Conlral"tors wi ll complete construc tion of the new MrCullough-Trigg Ha ll. a coed tlnrmilory that wi ll h1luse 75 stuiJcnts, in late M:.m:h. Dr. Howard farrcl l. vice presi den t for student and administrJ tin: s1,;rvict!s, said. Ted Re tll aezyk. di rec tor or hou.sing/n:sidencc life . said s111tlen1.s wi ll occupy the dor mi tory hegi nn ing in the Summer I st.!mt!sler. and tht.! dormito ry wi ll also serve lo ho use offic ial s or the Nation.ii Cycling Association Champion.s hip. in wh:ch MSU wi ll play host this summer.
This wi ll 1)Ccur pri or to 1he normal room J:\sicnmcnt process, all owing ~tudcnrs to re tai n their current rooms if th ey don't rcceivi..: assig n· menls in McCullough-Trigg. Redlaet.yk s:iid. A tour 1\kCul lou~hTrigg hy the ~ISU Boan! of Regen ls Fch. 111 displayed the dorm itnr y's "semip riva te" rooms consis11 ng of r~n1r private bcdrooms con111.:c tcd lo two living art!as thal share a singk h.ithroom. ReJJ:u:zyk said that i..:ach living area will also he e ui 1ed with a "Mi-
crofridgc." a combined re~ frigera tor. freezer and mi· crow;1,·c. Reul aczyk said McC ul lough-Trigg"s ki tchen faci lities will be mun: "like mom"s kitchen at home ·· as opposed to the "efficiency-ty pe" kitchens in Kill ingsworth 1-lall. "Studen ts who have seen the tlorm have reac ted favorahly," Red laczyk said. Farrell
lsee page 2
r-arn:11 said housing spe· ci:il !!rnups this sum mt! r of. fers MSU a chance 10 "show nfr' lht! do rmitory as wd l as to "1ro uhlcs hoo1." MSU will oiler to urs of McCu ll oug h-Trigg !J ail 10 st utlen ts <luring the week of March 28. and appl ica tions wi ll he due hy April 5. Rcdlaczyk sa id. He said upperdassmen as well as current n.:sidcn ts will 1\!ccive priority, and room assignments wi ll bt! posted hy April 8.
PFM contract to end
-See page 2 _
"It's very diffic ult 10 cat tlm.:t! mt!a ls a day for nine months in the same place without getting hn rcd." Far• rd! said. Funhcrmore . Farrell said students will he an inteera.l part of the bidding ~roccss throuch the in volvt!menl of the CSC renovati on committee, food st:n·icl.! cornmi ttcl.! and other pwgrams. He said studcms will he involved in viewing the vari ous hi ddcrs' prt!srn1arions. and stud!!nts interested in participating should contact the Stu den t Govi.: rnment Associ;.ition. PFM has held tht' ~!SU contrac t fo r 1.1 years. Farrell said. Before tha t. he ,aid . it was held hy a company named SAGA and bef ore theo. it w.ts hJndlcd ·· lwusc" hy ~!SU.
(Clockwise)Lorrai nc Hanshcrry. dramatist, wrote "A Raisin in the Sun" which was awarded lhc New York Dr:1ma Critics Circle Award in 1959. Marion Wrigh t Edelman. fo unde r and president oi the Children"s Defense Fund. has become one of the na tion"s most effective lo hbyists on behalf of chi ldren . Mary Mcleod Beth une, and cJucator, devoted her li fe to the improvement of ed ucationo l opportunities for hlacks. She opened a school in Daytona Beach. Fla. that is now called Bethu ne-Cookman College. Angela Davis' rok as J poli tical ac ti vist ht·!pc:d her org:rnize the na1io11JI Alli ance Agains t Rscis t and Pol11 1cJI Repress ion. !\lac Jemison, physician and :JSlronaut. graduated from Stanf,ird Uni versity and Cornell Medic.ti School. Maya Angdou. AmL'ricJn mL·m o ris t and ~l. \\Wt..· memoirs of her iit'l· u1 ~l.' v~ral volumes inl'ludin l.! "I Kno,\ Wh y the C,ged B1r<l Sings and G.i!h~r T,ite ti,.- r 111 ~I\ N:.iml..'." 1l1c I:b hJ .. Stud..:nt r nion 111 con1 uncr "n ',\ 1th L., r ~ ..i lionul AS,CIL'i;I{ i. •n (,.: t!i~· .\ tl\J 1Hl Tll' !11 •'. (',1h.1r~·d P.'l'r :~ 0
(N AACP\, C .111 ~~,· .n S1 u,1,·111 ( lr..:J1:1 .. P '111 l'\(l {),~.u u 7.llion of H 1,r.1' lt L' \ 1, .' •nr' I0 11<,: 1, :.! l" \\ ...,,\. ' li-·L•;-~ ... l J
in Sure!!'\'- unJ l' l h Jl, ·1 ·n w 11..; 1 ...1J \ r"' 1 p!· \lrl.J. r-ra1t"rn1i, ,qll 1..:. -. p ,,111'. · ..: "'l'' ·•·if , 1. ,,!1.., 11 •• .r..1.r •_;\'-..,.. of Ill.,. I. l l" ""Y m,·n t~ • 1
P:,~,· !
Th11rs1b y, Fcbrnn · 17, l' l')·I
Regents approve 1nove to NCAA
l11'1r11 l',lt'l" I
Board tackles issues ,~'l
n111c• t\l tllJI 11,; wm, ,,t·n· or h1'~ 111 la\1 ir an,I ~~\ ,1r '7 <l :l(!:1111'1 ) Pugh :,..1id lhJI ll h' 1:,.q1t' h.1d l"'l•1.·n th nn\ll )! hl y :.11n·d on r.1mpus .md in 71,t \Vi,·!11ta11 ~~: th1• Fa ll l t.~tJl
P r lhnu1 d r :uh·II. \Ill' !Pr \lud t· nt a 1hl I l\.:1!' 1:· 1 :id m1111 , 1r.1t1\ r "'l'I , 1r1·:-., t?, 11: .l w : , f .': .I l°ll.1 ih"l" h1 r 1,mm1.•11d i:ll Pt11!h JnJ kn 'n:111 Gh.1,a l. Sli:\ ,·1t\' , ',11 1 11l \ \ II\ .d1IL' " \\ 11h , . Ii·· 1, \1~, I .11 k-1011 .ind pri· ,1<1\·111. ,l !-1 ,,l·ll a, 1hr :-.1, ·c1;1I n:1111\·athm ~\ 1m1111 tt1.·l' \ \ . , 1 l : , l , \,\ \ I 11,. l1::l1 th , 1l· .11.· qm ~· .1 ,,hid1 :-.huli,·d thl' l.\.,m· .. ind :. \\ :• : >, ,\\ 1th th.· 11 .!lhil h' rl , 1h1.: \lt1(kn t 1'.t1\\'1"111111·n1 1'1,r 1h,· rl' ~p1,n!->i°t-,k m:urn~·r In ~: .1,d '.1, k, It:,~ ,I\ ,,.·Ii I h; h ~~--· , 1 ,!i , .nh ,1nt.1~ 1,,•. ,,h1d1 till' \ h:id 111 11 i.1tcd :111d 1..: ,,1ul,11..: 1c~I th 1.· rcn1 1,·;1t1 11 11 1, ' " · '-~t "'. 1,I XtO lth' H '.l\1,: l'll!- I l·:i.. . u,: 1• / !11, , it,:1!1 :-!.."lwl.tr• ~tudy :rnd fo l111w1.·d tlm111~h ,!11;•, .Uhl ~\Sl 1 lll :J.> lll' i..' J 1, n edurat 1n !,! the "h ok ,, \: ·.ii ,,.ii, h 1 lx·n ,mt· l..'1' lll - 1.·:1111pus 1n 1hr.: is..,111.: f'' ir ll, : 111 th,· , ,mf,·rr.111..·.:. Nrw lnlt•rnalional c).Ii, 1 op1 11,n., tha1 Cl1uhl Tradt· Dr!!rrr 1..,, .. h:.·n .·,r\c 1 r,·d 111r hhk " Th1..• th,:m l :1j1p111\'t' d .1 ,11, ,l i: 1·: T l:\\, f,111m n!~ a nr.:w h:11: h1.·h1r 11f .irt:,. dl' t!l\'l' 11.· ,, 1{,,11,.,.· hcil.m,h1p ..:,,nft·r· with :i m:1j,,r m rnll·rn:ll1:1n.1 l i..·:-- .:. ,,r 1•u1 ,um!? 111di..· 1x•ndcnl 11 atk . Tl11,; prngr.101 ,~1 11 , , .i u, 111.1 \\:,l·r. thi..· h11:1rJ ,~4 uip ,todl' lll.!> ,, 1th :1 \1111nd t;:1 1h.11 1'C.\ ·\ ll1l'i,,.,n II :l l':ldt' lllh.' l t'l ll flclJl l ,Hl Ill \\ .h 1!·.· 1•~hL <lwll'l' l1 1 r tlH' i nt c rn :1ti1'l1;i l lra ck . 11'; 1, : 1,u, inr n~:is inµI) imp,,n.1111 111 th l· 1:.irn,,· th: h1,.1rJ .1rp11nc d U.S and ·l"l'.~ ~1,; C't"l) lh \ lllJl'~ 11!.· 11·,..11:un1.:n,!J th•n 1)1° tht· It will 11\l'<' l'lll' l'.lll' ,!; 11!. u,., i'"'fr.un. th: :1dmm tr.1dlf il, nal l!l' II Cr.i! and 1, 11.111i11 1 .i\,1, n1Jdl' .1 n• rpm(.'l'O nlllll l l' :,.lll j ll':,O. ;1 ~ll'.llt'I" m: nJ:1111rn 1,1 .1dd1 t' " THk :1 rr n·l·i.11 i1111 f,,r d1 il:.: 1l' III c·11l 1Un·s. hi s lf'J)' , .111d p n l1l1l :ii I\ . 1 ~kl'llll !,! thl' n·q uireml'nts S\ 'Stcm ,;, and rrl li(ll" ll q Ill ;J r;,rc 1gn l.tn _!!IJ,l~l- . Tiu:-.· lh'\\ •. d th,· NC/\A and r 0m1n ~ pro!,!rJm will hi.: ,11 il'll'd 111 d 11'-(,' 111 ~ ·,)mph:inn: with Tllk I\ \\.lS mJgmficd m 11 n: 1h.m JdJ 11il111 11, thl' n;1, 1111c l,;1d1d11r of ;u"b tk !.!H'l' lh,~ 111"\: JL~·II. ,·cnn,1m11.·:-. for whirii thl' l'l' Th~· 1'0:i rd , 1,1:.-J h' ('ut h:t.'- h l' l· n tll·r n ~:i~tn f lllll'll'-" 1:,.:n , :ind ,,•c,mt·n' ., trar k Jnd .l 11 d l' Ill p I 1)) Ill t' ll I m,•n':- r: 11l f. ,u,J :idd wfl mt:n 's 11pflllrl lllllll l'' In fl' l°l'lll ~c:1r~ ~1 l·• " :.·1\ll!lll"\ 111 l,rdcr h1 h:ilThe rrt)J! l".l lll will llll l .llld ' th:.· sr1{r15 hl' l \\l'l' ll men r,: qu irc l11 ri 11!,,! Jdd 1111rn :i l JIIJ Wllllll'. n An .11ncnd1m·n t f:icu lt \ nll'ml'lns 11r fundlll !! \\ :i., :1\,0 p:i:-s,·Li (1 1 •• tudy the R·rspiratory Can· pff,1 dc nl
ucnl·di 11.·ll. th nd'0r1.• . 1h l· =-tudcnt,; l·,11111111 11Tl' I\T lin:111c1:1I ;11d. A1h11ha pr11'1km w11h tll,· rr t:w n( pr11i:1:1111 l'i. lh ,11 Wichil:a Gr 1h'1al ll ,"1ut.1I.
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PuFh. :,.l\llknt ~ov-
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,vorld in Review I rr•n1 l~o:c I
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:an FrL-.: TrJJ,· Aerecmcn!. InsteJd 1lf r on"1h1111inl! the r~h..:h . thL•re 1s evident.:/ thut the p-n,·crnmt'n l 1ncd to huy 1L'- ,\.1 y out of iroutilc vi:i an nnrn.·c,·Jl·nled CmCf£l'l1CY:iid rxl.Jfc'. H O\\ C\'t.: r , thr SlralJgy :ih, iously hkw ur in 1he 211 t l' rnm-.·nt 's fac e Ne w \ ·.-.,;\ D:iy when !he Z:tpostJ \ Jth)nJ I Li hl·rJtion Arm y at1.1ck,· d S, n Cristob,I de /is C.b,1" Jnd :.cwrJI other Chi .lJ'J~ t(w,; ns.
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Olhrr Hrallh Sri,·nn· Jssurs Rt·prn ls
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l·h: s:i1d tlu.: J"l.'llll\'.llion
said, "E vt:ryh, ,dy wan t!> Ill ~; 1\ inc!~:-~lr~\1·~
ru'~-~;~: ~'.i: ~ 1
~ hiJirp c rso n Ycagt.:r appoi nll'd new h,1~rd mi.:rnh,~r E rvi n Garnett_. Sr .. to the
ph y,k:il rm:lilll l'' ,11 lhl' Ma y
hnard lllt'l.'ting Thb n.:v il' w 1s dt1l' 111 thl' dc1n111ra111111 ol !h ,· Dilla,d B11ild 111~. prc ~c ntl y hou.; 111 ~ l hl· p11l11 iral srit'nl'l' 1kpa11111c111 . and th l' lll'l' d for a m·w hl·allh sril'lll'e l;1dlit y
S1u tlen 1 Serl'1c·,· s >ntl !h, E xt.!C lllt VC co~mll h:~s fur lhr rcm:1i ndcr ol the ,icu!cn-i 1t yc:i r.
The ho:1rd vo 1q 1 unanimou ~ly tti r~:1pp111n 1 Louis Rod1igua. J ~ prc:-.1d;:nt for lhl' ac.1<l c mic Yl'ar comml'ncing 1his Scptt'tnhcr
Granls. (;ins, 1'1,·<li.:,·s Till'
l" l' pnrl
11 \
lh t·
1111h·n s 11 y dn l· l 11p111t·111 c o mmilll'l' , 1\"\l',tkd th at th l' ll l'\\'
1111rs111 g
J' l"O!!l"il lll .;
rad1o ln!! 11..:
ll'r h1wl un• h:1\1' IL'll' IVl'll ,l
!<Hal lll ~711 1,IKIII 111 !' Ills a11d pkd ~l·~ th is )'l":Ir Thi , inrl11 1k .s S7'.i .llllll fn,iu W1d111:1 Gl!IJl·ral I l11:,.p11al.
S,111,llllll from Be!ha111 a Rr eional I bl!h Care Cr111e1 . $Jilll,ll1111 fro m !he Oryan!
fllll~ ' 'i'!,'.'.";\i,'1~.',',; Fonnda!wn : and $ 1.15,111111 from th1.· Priddy Fo11nd:11ion. Dr. David /\lien. regent nnd c hairman nr 1h c committee. repo rted 1ha1 MS U h:ul rt.:t.:ci\·~d a total of S 1.702,8 11 111 gif1.i.; and gran ts anJ $ 1,5 17,.185 in addi11on:d pled gl'S from Sl' ptemhe r 1991 Ill January 14 !his y,·ar. Especia ll y ,ig n1fieant don:1tions and pledges \\'t're
Dorm near completion Frum \~gi: I
:Hl\' ISl' ll till'
A !-lutknt pur., u111!,'. a k\'l' I dL'1!l1'1.' m l"l'Spir:1 10ry l';II\' \\'tH111i ~r,·nd ahnut tlm·l· yr.11:,. 1111 t\ 1mp11, t:ik lll !!, !!l' lll'1al 1'l hl l._lli 11n \\111r., c.,; :md (1111 r\c ,; n: l.111.:d Ii• l\':,. p1ra 111ry 1h r , ap) rhc f1H11lh \t' .11' \\11\ild t' tl ll .,1.\1 ti! a p1 :u.:iirum 111 a h,,.., p11 :II B11h
Other pl.'r.1.onnt1 rn ,l!tq ;1pprn\'cd __ hr the ho:;r i include h1r111 g ii~ 1~tJ 1~ haskc!hall co.irh 1,,r !lie 1, 1 nnd hir1n !:! lv.u nn,, ins1uctors 1_11 the rt.h1 t:Jt i,Jri department III rei;, pnmc 111 \h. ncw emph:i~1s 1111 s 11 1.·. · ha ~~ cdm:: a1111n .
lllllllf:,.111 1,!
radi11h1t!ir t1'l'hr111ll 11:y
lh :11
111 il l':! W,111d !!all. Till' \\'fl r~ \\Ill Lll ll \'l' rt thl"l'l' ft"llllll!-, i11 lll °'l'\l'll nffil'l·~ f1 1r uddll1l 111al fo ,· ult v and -.1;1lf ll l'l"l' ... :-.1t .1tt'd ~,y thl: new 111.1~1a's pn 1!,,!1:1111
h.11.·l·al :tm't>:11 1..·
s,· 1t111c
go\' c rn mrn l rl'!a t, r 11 1 Pr1.•:,. nknl Rudr igu r , ri~ \\lll'k with _Ch~ir[l\.'n,u11 Yrat!er tt i 1111:ilill: thl' J:•i, Y of thi !> new pl1,111 1111. · 111
Tlil' ht1.1n l .dlP1:11 cd $,1(,.III HI 1, ., 111 l'><J~ -'Vi I IEJ\ I· monic, f11 r l"l' llt'' ;111 011 \\'t ir J..
1111i\ t'D,ll )' •h ,t~l'll pro i; 1~1111
l~~·cc 111 11ti~l' l'\'et1
Thl' ho_a nl app r,i \1: ~ new pi.1rl•t1m c po,11 1111 ~
a ,;~i!-,I thl' admi mstr:1111,n ~ 1.
11111,111 1! , 111 , ll-111 ~
wilh al..'ad l' lll tl :,. lrni: t111l' S sim il ar 1t1 th n:,.l' 11f 111 l· d1 l':1 I ti.:ch1H1l11µy. nm~i n!,! :rntl
healing antl coo ling on de• mand in each room .
LPolice beat ] hy Cindy Kahler Bfll Staff \\'ritrr Amonc the rqw rl'- riled wnh lhl· ~~ISU poli ce dep;1rtmc 111 h\.'. tWLCll Fch. I :.rnd Feh. l l, ,vi:1\: two thdts, one re1w n cnmin :t l misc_hil'f. a!HI 1,,.,1 n.:- p11rl.li or med11..:a l a~s1s1ance. □ J\ Mone! print was !Jkcn Oll i or Clark S!utlcnt Cen ter's nnr!h hallwa y he!ween Fch. I antl Feh . 2. The print is 2.J inches hy 36 inc ht's Jnd Its value has hcen .1 c1 a! $ 1(111. There is no susr1.:c t :11 this time. O A mi.:n's 26 -inch hluc 1111111111ain hike was slolc n fmm 1hc hicycle rack in fron! of Mofl'c! I Library hc! wccn Feh. 7 and Feh. ~-The hike is \'a lucd a! S1811. There, arc no
"The major benefit wiil suspt:..:ts. he ql1icker Changes in tcmO A c:1sl.! of aim in,1I mispcraltll"t! in the dorm. " Rcd chief was reported hc!wecn 2 laczyk said . antl 4 a.m. Fch. 3 in Pierce ~i~~s placi ng it with ;i "f1Hir pipi:" McCullou gh-Trigg Hall 111 ... . . r .. . of .system like Marrlunan's and was linancctl hy a $2 million 1-iall. J\ tlry chemical lire ex• )~t:·Jr w~th 6: a~p ll'.,lllt·s· ,JS ·w the system in thl' ne w dormi - tlonalion hy 1hc McC/1llough tin guisher was emptied in10 a dormiiory room covc~ ng__l!1c ;:;;;i}n~· ~~i : :~~ 1!~~~t~in.1 tory. which will allow hoth family, F11n'dl said. and one hall tl in:ctor position ,,l li\'l' 1~~~~;:. ,yk sJid :ippliL'a- pipe " Systl'm. whic h only :lit ions for rl' ~idcn t a~s islJnt
~~\~:~-~~,;~~~:~ag~ ~l;~:~
~:';}:.e!~:~·:~i~::t~::fi.:~ '.-~~~li:~~
;:~\~. a:~t;~~c p~'. sith1ns will open to man the dom1's 24-hour oflice. "This shows the s1rcng1h of our program," Rcdlaczyk saitl . Rcdlac,y k saitl living in McCullnu£h•Trigg Hall wi ll be slightl y more expensive than li vin g in Killingsworth •. S9(XI per semcsta as opposed 10 S795 per .1 cmc.s1cr •· h!i! this is normal consitlcring the "ni:w ncss" 0f tht! dormitory. During the summec. MSU will rcnovJIC Killingsworth's heating, ventilation anJ air conditioning (HY/AC) system, Rcdlaczyk said .
.-Endo!f.dCoo11Jard UESnimmiug 1'101 .-llol \l'alrr& llraliog !'aid a.?llinolrsa1nyf11mll.m r t&~ llcdrooms ~ Sht1i Ttr11 !Jaws
• ~
mom and all its contents with 1hc tlry chemica l. J\ susr,,c1 was itlcn1ilicd. and the case was rcft:rred 10 the dc:i n's of.
rice. O On Fch. 4. mcJie:tl ,s. sistancc wa.s 111..! 1.'.dl'd at the Wichita Falls Texans gam~ in D.L. Ligon Coliseum . In 1he li rs! ioeitle!I!, Fer• uzl.! Ba1cl ('l Jssed out in the cas! hallway. An amhulance wa.1 ca lled. and Ba1cl was transferrctl !O Bethania R,. ginnal Health Care Center. campus Poli ce Chier H.G Evans sa itl 1ha1 Oa1d ma) have hatl heart prohk m. In the north hall way, an MSU police offi cer found Michael Bunji lying 0n 1h, floor a! !h e foot 01' som, s tairs. Accor<linc to the report. Bunji saitl ·,ha1 he had slippctl on the stai rs. hu! was uninjured . Bunj i we nt up stairs to his seat and was /Jter ohscrved hy the oflicer wi!h hi s fricntl s. The ofli cer reporlcd that Bunji app,:ared to be unhurt.
Shake ·/ , ,<'•'n Bake. <, l:,. _
692-524 1
tll"!!,1111 /t't l.
aprrnwd . I Il l'\\' p,l\1t h1n tOr .1 Rad1oh1!,'. ir Tn·l11h1 lnFY Cl 1n1r :,.11pcrv1:,.1 1r l'lH ~k1 rn pk x Affi l1 :ill' I lo:-. pi1ah. Thi s 75',~ time funilt y p ns 11io11 wo ulJ supcn '-'t' assllt'i atr dq! fl'e radiol,,gy !> lu tknt., <lurin g th l· 1r ,1111> )'l'ar dinil' The h0arJ , (1tcU i-1 :1ss1gnml'nts at m~lropkx fl'.S lnl l' lll rl" lh t· r rl'\ l ' lll hospir:il sires. On~ hundretl l'i !.! ht L' C/1 r.!spi r.11nry c;m: pr,,!!rJ m s,1 !Ill! 11 ran he on:retl i!cJ hy .. 1udcnts arc now 1.•1mJkd in lh1.~ Amc rH: an 1'kd1l·a l lhe pn•g r:1111. Nim: of th i.: 26 AssoL·iJ 1io n. Tht.: fUl'se nt uffil ia1c ho.1 pi1als are lor:l!cd prog ram wl!h appn>xim:ncly in the mt: tropk x. The new 200 stud ents c rnn1ll ht· r o.1i1i0n. ncres.1i1a1rJ hy !he
Jl 'To7tcfi s;f Pearfs
ATTF.NTION sruvptTS! \Vi:komt to
Twn Il l'\\ 11111 , 111 ~ in , 1ruc111r, will h1.· lnr,·d. 1h1· h11 anl lk~·i1 kd Thi , ,, ill allo w flll l ~II adJ 1t1 11 11 a l
Olhrr lssu,•~
fllll llS
pr11g ra111 is a tr.ulit1 11 11 a l h,1:,. pi1al -h.1 ,ctl pr1l1: r.1111 r1.•,ulrinc 111 a h:id1 t· l11r ,1f app\11•1,( :1r1 s and ,r 1,'11l' l'S ll1..' i! l~l' fr 11 111 t\lSU To win :\~1,\ an:n: dit.1l1t111 , It will b1..• 1e.,1ru1..: tured 111 l.1\ 111 1l f .1
" '- ~«N, (CO'"'°""' ...,_IMU "'" ' ' ~"" 4"()\f't(.N (( (".IJQ',.\ \10,.l\ ... u ..,.,;1,-• NI\ IO,, 10-.'4:C)ll(Jll(I
IHI \ \'
EJuc.1 111\Jl.
,uh It' ll 111 :1\ .11l .11' il1I ) 11 1
r nn:-.,m 1.1:t~ ll'l'lll l'll t. h,1., 1111ly 2,1 :-.ln1., ,II till' 1111,pi t.il h1r thl· pn1!!1"Jl1l .
l' ,.'()lh10l1.:S
with "hi.-h ~l~l!
lw n,;~1 :imnl _the RG,1r.J , 11 :imJ Ll!~· n \\ 1.·, t On 1\11i11l
rapid i::111,qh of lhl' proµ 1~m . w1111ld he· aJ,kd 111 th ,· I.il l.
No. not the chicken coating stuff! The get down and boogie while you tan place .. .Laser Looks! The place ,., that has 8 really cool Wolff tanning 1 ·: beds with headphones for getting down while you're getting bronzed! Try It out and see for yourself why everyone Is coming to Laser Looks1
b o o g i e w I, I I e y o
t •
b ro
.z ,. " t
LASER ll)()Ml
♦ Soulh~·,st Plau Shopping Center on
Soutt,w..rt Parkway
t»hlndBr11llm '1 ~ Hows: i fo9Mon, ...S:1t. ' ,;«)70 T-$HflJTS • ctlt.OA CDPU:$ - TR.AN'J 'fnj - ct <m1 -.c; & •JGWlf
Somebody cares. Life means more than money. Everybody has a future. There is a God.
,~ ~
If you're looki ng for the real answers and people who c,ue, Conw :\ lond,w Nights, 9:lS pm, Ho-.pit.ility Ro1;m, CS C U-.l' South Lntrance
TIIE WirhiL1n
Thursd~y,February 17,
199·1 P~gd
n Roger' making most of his second chance
b)Unm S111iU1
Copy Editor Roi;n Hinc~h \I.la_~ 1 . ,n th r: fa s1 lane wh _1v1ng dJ11cr:J Wll h thr king ~n he ·n' roll, hut lhat ra.~1 1 roc k t"JmC a pa1h to tlis~s tc~nc hethe d~m_uns of alc.ohot'hcn dru~~ JOmt.: d him on h· . and ncy of li ft.:. tS JourSohcr :rnd dru f almos t 20 yea rs. for l·ustoJ1 an now \\·Ork . SU ve nt 1ccns from to pre_s~ mc path th at almo~1~~ the Ins clc.struc1i on. · 1.:d 1" "Hockm ' Rogl!r h . kn1,~\-n aro und l' JmPu~~ i!;,t.· ~~ 1 \O (\\ d wnh orc:i or,•ani ,a. 11on~ !-lH:h a 11 1N ° · "& Ak~,h~~ ,~~~~cTC~a.'i anJ th1.· Wich ita Fall s ~~ d,•_r : n~rnt School Di s1ric,H,~ also is a n11.·mhcr of lh,: \\ 1ch1t1 F:ill y ... n l th·c j !- _outh Council t ~a nJ uvc n1l e Ac.l visory
l·tll y k 1~ C at/d ~•m w move out lea.~ a \ orn1 a. t\ftt:r hi!- re • ~I w icn he: was IX. ht: tl iJ <, mun ctl an~ O'K:.irH.' won , Lo~~ ancc.: conir:M, rn th t: ca~ch "tclcs urea. Hi s takm ~ j1.1c(c It e alll' nti{ln of a disc . 1;01 ht O\'.I of C~i_r:igo. He ~· d:i . n un audtl1on fur a tar l. 111,. ihc mo~·it.! nat d 1h g Bi.:a t. Th:it Si l! · \ !-ho~ d c _1'cg rnnin ~ of hi s f"' lywc,o/ nc ing r al\·c r in H 11 (. ., II mov~~, d::ii'1 ce J in man y B:i hy ·• Sl)\1 as "Rod Pretty "D~cP S ';,urnm cr Luvl·... and ix , "D:.i rhy R:in!!i:r" 1 Elvi s J~il 1u~c Ri l{°k" with du.Jn\ k~i~,: t , lo learn f . lhc film . mm till' d:rnt."~ I'!- in "Ii ,, d:inc: e to~c.l u-. hr didn't n cn :.J ✓ d' ~ at his prom l'x·l'ausc hi.: ( .J. l~n I kn o,\ how,'' l-lin L·sh ,lk u~c~ his persona\ - s:ud giggling . pcni: nce wnh dni t!s and al~~ - . He also aprx:an:d sevcr,il Rogrr 1-lincsh hol. Ul tc_ac h ahout lhdr llan- limes on "Amcrk:i n B:md • 1,!l!IS. It I~ an experience nm stand " and till ed in a, ;in 1.'\ · IHirf lJr) an d sni tl'hl·ll l HI Ht - rou ldn 't n:: memhe r how he m:my could ~ \' i.; !~1~c~~ :\rm y and Nan p1r - ne,l~Vlll'n ;1 warr,m1 fnr hi... pH ~J\l':.::,u:dl y. he hl'l.'am l· a . In 1938_, Hi nc..,h \\·:t.-. horn Onl! ni ght Ill !IJ5<i al a Jm•..-.t w:1.o; 1~., uLd. lh nn,h w:is hd l hop f,1r thl' ht•IL' l whcrl· ~n J Sah·a110n Arm v hospital ~l·re i.: n1ng o f th l· tnil\ tc 1r:1vdin g arr1111u.l till' M1d WL''-l hi: w;1:; inlnidurl'd lu "hon t'_~ ? ma.h a. N_t.· h. His moiher Tamm y·· :-. larnn i; Dt· hhi,· in a sh1m· ral k d "S1.irs nf thl' lq!!,'.i n~ and p11npin i; ." He !_!.l \l him up tor adoption. H. Rey no\lls, Hin l· :,. h llll' l ,t Gr:md Ok Opry " 1-k J 1dn'1 -.:11d 25 hd l h11p.'- at th i: hotel cndl'J up :11 thi: St. hmc.s ~ sound track prndul·1.T n:.im cd n.:turn 111 Om.1ha un11I J:mu Jiv \\'l' ll' 1m1)ln~d 111 thL nimmal 01 ph:1nag1.· Ill Omah:1. A hl .:ick Geo rgl' Jay . h\' \\ .1., im- ~'.~·,; ,1 .?,'1 '0_,,,1dk.,,,v:,1.l,,,rr_,,'.'.1,~p,'.l1)' ,_=irl·.. "flt·1;~~11~•:J165, th,· .crn111l fu unJ 13~~~~co .rphana gi: tau1;ht prr.: sSl'd wi1h \\h:.i lll uw . . h h.id .. • .. 0 IO say ~hri .. 1 thi: p11.'tu1-..: and lpl,.1.1,',',·,, 1_1,,.,',,~~,·,~·.1~·t· J i,... fir.~1 ;;:11 ~:~:~\c~~ ~~~~{~::ii~~ 1 1 Hi_ncsh went throu gh six as ked him if he w, 1 uld lik t· to ... ... 1 adopti ons d_uring hi:-. child- work for him Hm~·!>h JUlll[)l.'d l k SpL·111 thrn· )l'J r, m .1 h,· . . ~ippl'd IUwn .i nd went hood. H l· said ht: \ 1,1:is ahuscd al the chan1.·r I Ii ,; 1111, \\JS tl• t:~1\:i~;;-11i:11~1~,.l •/1\\1','. ,l'. 1. ,N,'.'. 1• 1,,_, ~:1~·1~/ ~-,~'~,\~1~::n '::,~·dr~~;:.1~:~:~ s_c\c.ra l lim _ cs. Hi.: 1.;vcntualli• pm111111r n-cord~ and d1:-CO\ l·r (.nt.ll:~l up ,H F:ith~r Edward J nc.:w t:.i lc111. \\\'.rt' tnrllm: Ik \\ .i... ht: ,1h." 11 . :1c 1;::l'~:;i,:1y.1~,1 ICJfiX, 1lirw:-h Fb 11 1gan ·~ Boys Tow n, ~ ~Georg~· lrl':tlt.·d me il k~·., rap1.·d and ::.t.d 1 h,·r.J sm:1 11 rcs1 i. l (' ntia\ ar~a for :-.0n," Hrncsh -.a,d , rclll'( lim.: Atk, 111.<- 1,·k.t,l', he w ;1~ rl· l.1p., . . d 111 \ll ah.:nholi ~m IIr trou bl ,·d hoys l nd girb riu t- on Im t.l:1y~ 111 I h.JI) \\ 1,nJ. · 11b t1 1u111111 :d11cd in ,1 11H·11 t.1l ,l)!,1111 bl;1ch: J \l UI 1h1 , 1im1.· side Oma h:1. Dunng lhl' J::i ~. / lrnr . . h h11,p11.d 1,, r ,111111nth l' rnl111!! up al 1hi.: Tratli: Wind, He met :i girl fmm Los wo uill try ou 1 IL 1r p :11h m r' '.:1~::;:.h 1t."... ~1\i<~ ~lotcl in \V 1d11ta Fa lh 10 Ange ll!.~ \\ h(1 w:.i s \.'1s11111g mn,l·ll':-. andl wn1l h1r J.I\ a1 ih,· fi r. . 1 thm" lw d11 I \\ ''.:. ii-. days bier N1 11 only was he Boy, T~w n With he r fam1I ; . ll, urH 1 l<)sc, By tlll' ll i•n @ I :1nd t:.'t'~ dru 11k Th: :-l't an al rn lmhc. he wa, hl·c.:rnnhy this lllll(: . hi! had hccomi.: :i I mck·sh h:1t.l h1.'l!ii111 ,· ahh l·:1v~ ~1 . ·. 11 ,n,· fur Ill" ,,,., 1 1l1 i,·.·,,·, mg a drng adliil·t abu. prclly gooJ d:inccr <nn ·er. and hr.: !-:.JHI c \\J:- c,J 111., lit'L ~ "That's wh ~n I l\·:ili,.cc.11 Bonni t: O'Kanl.' saw h11n not dc pcnd :i hlc .11tn h~· ll mc., h mana.!.!i:d h 1 !.'.l'I :1 ha<la prnhhkm." . d h. dJm:ing one ni ght an d was ~t:1rwd dnn bnl! 11 w,:1,~n t .. ll 1ncs cnmm11tc tm · imp ressed. She told him he long h!.::fon: J.i y ll rl"d 1nm {~h ()~n~l~~~lll~f~:1~,l~~t,,J::~~~I ~ ~el f to the Wichi1a Falls St.Uc should go to Los Ancd i:.!- ~llrnl·.s h ~ave up Hnll~ lln.sp1tal and agreed IO sta y 11 c.· Ju.<-c ht: was goo<l ciiour< h to wood when hr r:.i n out ,,f \\ ma n he h:1<l planned to frir 60 days. l-lis dedicati on to h emonl'\ and r1·111rnr t.i in Boy m:1rry. l·k ~a 1J he was dr.:an up his li fo dill nm la.SI, st1 cc~ml'I~ r, Ti)\vn-,n Nl·hra,ka. :- d~a ning up h1!- lifl: :rnd turn - huwt.'ve r. One ni gh1 he found t he t~ml~, l'sh sai J Tht:drmkm~ n• nlmuLd. 111g th ings arnu11J unt il r\u g. :1 honk oJ pills in lhc ni ght 1tc was. a\'ln g aHtn lot of psyTha i ~ummn. H mo h ~ 1964 s1and in his ruom 1-1 • look ~hi~l;gi~r~!:r~~~e~.~O\':fc~~ cu mm11tr.:d !11:-. fir . . 1 hr~ak-m . . A l:ar an·1d\'lll huik lh L ~h l'. tn :tll. His (10 l1 J.)'!- ~urnl!d J-k •md a coupk nf tcc.: n .:I!= ·r... hk o! his fLrnn·,· :.inJ p111 him in1n nini: month~. c~ildhood, '" and dncto r!- told hro kc into ~ rl'!- tauran.t J~ld ~1~0n't',~~. i\~~, 1:;~~\I) ,~·r1:·1i/~~.l: I ~u;rnlg hi s s1;_1y alt the l~1m ~r.: ~l'C$Cd to he mslitu - stnk· some.· nHmt:y Th1.· !'.r@p c1d.. ,1,. 1-1,n .. , h's ,...1, ,,,,·1, 1111 ~ospll:)1 . IC met :1 fcma e p.:iuona ize . or 1hc ne,;t c1gh1 got J.way with thL· huq;lar) .. .. t1t:nt. ( nc wi.:ckl'ml whill! llllt monlh$, Hin ~~ h was und er un til tht.· othl'J' two i::rm. \\erL hy a c.lrunkl'll driver on a wci:kl·nd p:iss Hini;sh at psyc hi a1ric c:irc. arri:~ll'-d <l om~ J.nni h~r ioh l-lrne~h h.:id ll) lea rn to ag e ~O marri ed °F1::.i.nr.: me.' She During th ::i t timl!, O'K anc The y cn nf~ :-cd 11 1 th e fi r-,t \,,'ra tlk·..J1d1d. nw.·n:.~~ :1~:1,111_t ,:_:,1 u~,,", \\'.I S from Amarill o, Tl!xas. 11.. 11 1r-- 11.., 11111.. .... 1 wrote him letters ant.I re peat· an d whl·n he wa!- relcas1.:d 1,~:~,s,~11~1~·;, lnn1,'.,111,,·1,,".''1111~sew~.1s~ f~1n: the hnspi11l 1n March of 11 .. .... I J{l J Iii: went to Amarillo 10 laid.~;r'~~:: n~1::~t~1:1tL" Iii - ch.::in up hl! r house for hl:r 11 1 1 34 IOTaf'I 81\'ll P.O. Do., 160 Wid1it.1 Fall ~. Tna, 76Jn~ ~ \~~~~; he wa, rc kasc d ::~1~~/;:~~~:t:• i'i Nt: WS{bk: 6R9-1704 frnm thl· lrnspH:il I linl' . -,h said f-ran ~1111. : hcc.i mc pre gnant. J\th-c.rtL,iui; Uc.,k:689-4705 1 1 ::~l.gj}1~ ~11 :1~./~.:~c~~~ ~IO\Vl!V~r: l{anci nedw;t ato a Uclle Malone hotd m Kan~a~ Ci1 y, hut he ic:i? k~lll '.ill ( II! ·cpl Acldsr r
rou/ h
. L-
i\: k\~,- ';:.:~~~~
The Wichitan
~c'~ ~~~~:
Kelly Webb Mobley
Brian Ballard A.u ociatt' Editor
Dara Hawkins Adrertisi11g Mm,nga
Du.m1 t'.f.'i Managrr
Drew Myers ::,j,orts Ecliror
E11tn tw11111,•11t Editor
n;i, ncy Shr: de ve loped cirrhosis nr ihc hv,; r , AnJ Bi ncsh n:rnmcd In J lift.· of ,.:rimi: 10 try 10 suppm1 his fa nul y; he \V,tli ,au1:h1. Whik in jJ il a"'•ai11n~ !-ICn tl·m:ing . l-li11l·sh karn cd hi ~ wife dh!d. His h:ihy w:is hnm , hut dicJ a few days latt: r. And Ill' w:1s ~cnt lo !he I lun1~v1\k State Pnscin. "I wa..1- in fo r ;\ rmh.• aw:ik · cning... Hincsh rcrall l'd, de sni1'1nj! his impn!i unme ~t thl! rc ;is <me of d:irkesl pen · Clt.is III his life "It was O lwr· rih k place." Hinl'!-h said :i c.l ay didn 't h · · k d 1 ~~ : ~ult~d\~~;ll\!ri~.~~c rampant in th i: priso n also, and he did his sh:irc. Hmcsh said soli1ary conI t rt lmemcnl was t 1i. : ,~,1~~ pn·c.1 of the piison. th oug . c sa~ hi! h:1rl'ly survived his Slint m !-nlit:iry. lk s:iil1 he m:idc ii ihanks tu th e comp:rny of a rat Ill the rcll. He said the! rat hall hl• r h:ih ies whik he w:is
thcr~\011 wond t.! r what will kee p your sanit y. Th,11 ral hdpc-d keep mine.'' IH~ oh• M'rvcd. 1-linesh s:-iiJ he wa!- in hac .,;h:ipc when his time in !iOli ~~-',1Y, nwoa,,,hu·r·n:··"aTnhycmw,,1,!~.. ~.o live: ... .. .. After six weeks in the prison hnspi1ul , the w;1rc.len gave l·lini:sh :, posnio n :,s a (1',',',o,,1kl.,· 'r,1,i,n,,·hs·l· 1 wha·•dr11'..'n' parncd•path~ .. .. . . .: gu:irr.Js. Hi: li ved in the II 1 ·t 1· 1 d f ~1~~~::;zn ~~d\:1rnodo:,~~i~ p:irolc thrcl! times, hmt-cver. f-in ally. in 1973, 1-linesh was rl·lcased on p:irok. But, ag,1in, life in prison didn't l'han ~e his ways. He wasn't out 30 mimllcs hd orc he hall a honk In gc1drunk with. I-le wa~ supposed to rcpmt to Am:mllo. hut never did . I-le went on the run for nine months. Those nini: months wr.:re the wildest of hi.s life. He hi;ackt:J trucks, sold and took drui::s .. hi; l!VCn -
;~ l~ij~~n~•l~~i~~c~lt."1-l~H~:;!~ mcl , "man from San Quin-
1 ton" and a "Rookie ." They were partners in man y hurgl:.iries in WichitJ Falls. l-lihh d b k ~~~ Co~mtrt~,~~ ~~t~t~~ glar. Tin.: uio h:iJ :m agrce mcnl with a lol·al jeweler. also. They sold the items they slole to this man. Hincsh said lheir
t\~~}-~;t~E[!: 1:~k::~ th oui;hl hi: w;is gone.I enough to pull n job by himself and wa.s caught. He took his two
p:irtncr~ <h1wn wit h hun D{e time. Hi nc.sh's rou!!h Ii e
thJ I
, f hn01.inc and dru gl! ing
cJu~ht up with l11111 TI1e Juth orities fo und Hin.:~h nc:.ul)' dead in :1 hou_..e on Kemp S1rcc1. It has $1"Ct.: hc-cn turn down. -1 wasj ~sl l!l:id it wa!. all O\'l"r "
Hmc.:~ h was sc ntcvccd 10 only li \'C ycur.s. "I cCl uhl hav..: hecn ~ ntcnccd to 1,100 years in pris<m,.. he ~aid, In prison for the third time. Hinesh up 1n m::iJe the effort to clea n up lu.'i life. Ht! in\'Ol\.'Cd himsclfwilh thl! alcoho! ahw:..· progr:im. His llfo soon hc~:in 10 tum around, In 1975. he was released from prison. I-le rl! turm:.l1 to Wich1la Falls ::mc.l li ved m a half-way hou se · · The fl o~crc.c;l Lod~c. He met Ed Hold t r the1c . "He ch:inccd • my life," Hinesh _sai t.l. Mc was rc -in1rod111.:l:d n:llgi nn. "I had nt11h1ng going for me but a liulc f:iith in God and Ed I folder's friendsh ip." Soon he w.1.~ involved in 1hc community, idling olhcrs ahoul his lire of alcohol and drugs. In 1979~c 41. Hincsh met his mother fo r the first lime in Nt!braska. f-lo wcver. his mother didn'l wan t him to ~chJ~~~~ll~e~~~ccl~l·~9s~\·~~~ 1990. Hinesh drove home only 10 he turned away Jl the c.l oor. His mnth cr died in 1991. However, thi s pa st Ch ristm as was supp11scd ha\'C hccn diffcrt.!nl. Ht: was invited home for his fi rst famil y Christmas hy his :.iunl. Hincsh returned to Nchraska in December. hut something camt! up. Mc was only ahle IQ spend three hours with his fam ily. But, thal is a start. "At lc:isl I'm not alone anymore," he said.
Now, with ju venile crime :me.I gangs running rampant in socit!ty, Hincsh is trying to help the youth of 1oday. He said socie1y mus1 not give up hope on tel'n•age rs. "We need to rind out where they'n:. coming fro m." lk soi d mori: money shoult.l he spent on ju\.'enile delinque ncy and iess on building prisons, also. The Hollywood fast lane and reeling of not l>cing loved may have turnec.l Hint:s h 10 drugs and alcohol. but today Hincsh's life is back o,,n track and through his tra gt:clics, he may save countless 01 hcrs from making the san11! mistakes.
Eric flecks
Dean Lawrence
Staff Rcf)orters Cindy Kahf,,, Bell, Char/rs Cage, Spencer Friedl, Alan Moser. Li::. Rid umlsun Photo~rophers Brarulm1 Olcls, Editor Marcus C/rwdoml
Copy Editors Bruct' Smith 0 nm Lmrren ct'
Circulation Manngc r Jason Malone
Cartoonist W"ylo11 Grun
~1usic Re\.·icwer Melissa Su/fi\•an
Ass. Circulation ~1nn:1gcr
Advcrlising Rcprcsentil vcs
Rt1mly Brr.u-srer, Jason Tuckt•r Graphic Artist Jason F"(rchild W' 1 tan Tiu• U'ichitan is :.i mcmN:r of TI1cTe., a, '.' ." -,1: i :ull.l 111c Collc~e Pr(~\Scrvice. The 1 lntcrc_11lh:g1.11c J'reS,c; 1~~soc ~~~:: :~,y m=iicri;I.I suhmiueU fnr puhlicatlon
C'o pynght .1~. 77,r
W1ch1L1n res Cr \'CS then~ ~ll O ioinn:-. cx p! t!SSCtl are UOl llC,c~\iLfil y :uuJ to rdus! ru1y aUvcru~~cnl: ~1r :-iutlcnt houy uf ~tiJ1,1,•C\h:m SCJ!:.: those ol tlie faculty. adm mbtrJII 00 n,;;us('lf the cnli rl' \\'icluwn st.1ff. Uni\'crsi1ylf\U m:1y not rcpn.-scui ncon:-c ·
Edilor's nutc : The following column i.'i n guest commcnta.ry hy lfarlrnra L. West, L!\IS\\'. assistant prorcssor of soci nl work. In Apnl, 1992, 1hrcc tt.!~nagcd hoys from a 101.·~I gang randomly sclcc1ed antl ki lled a ncighhur 4 houses from my aflluent rcsidl!n ti;il home in the Metroplcx . I n.:turncd to Wic hi1a Falls to the rt:a liz.:iti on that 1hcrc "was not" a problem here. Yet, I saw the. gra rfi1i hack in 199 1. Ran· dom drin:.-h y shoo tings in 1993 suggt:stLd a prohk m in Wichi1a Palls with g:m£s, hut onl y on th~ nort hl!ast si de. As n Wkhi ia Fa lls c111zi:n. th e protill'm in 1992 hl',:ime my ind i\'lc.lual prohle111 hu t a co mmun ny pro hlt: m in 1991 Juvenile p mgs ha.vi: c;,;:is1cd for m:iny decades in the U.S. In ri:cent Y'-'ar:,, i::.i ng ac ti\'ily has bccomi.: a major "soci al J iscase" a.c; thi: numbi:r of you ths belonging tl• gangs, gang you1h drug 111volvc-mcm. and g:mg \'i ok ncc
hns incr..::1scd. Sci1.: ntific kn owledge is ve ry limiti..:d as w..: ha ve continuall y deni ed lh:.i l 1he problem exist<:. The ina deq uacy of scie n11rk knnwh.:t.lgc h:1s made it difficuh IO c.l clinc a yo uth gang (e.g.. 4-H Clnh mcm· hers, sk111hc;1ds). Th t: wo rd "gan g" conJu res up in most of us delinquent you lhs in vol\'Cd with drugs, crime. and violence. The myths rd:tted 10 1hcsc im pl ications Ari.: : a) gang~ art: p1imarily ethni call y ho mogeneo us adnkscc nts of min orit y grou ps anJ not whites; h) gang me mbers arc hl! twcL'n 12 and 18 years of agt:: c) gangs :ire compo)\ed of males; cl) g::mgs fncu.s on drug lra flitk mg: and ~) ga ng act ivit y only h.ippcns in large. inne r ci ly, urh:111 areas. The facturs thal k:i<l ado k:,cl!nls 10 join cte linquen t gangs and engage in deli nlluent activ itil!s arc muhi facc tet.l :me.I hi gh ly complex. lt is sugg~'.) ted lh,11 th l! prmpccls of dl'lmquen t he·
11:.iv1or decline as th e ad olescent is con1rollcd by social honds: :i ) affective ties 10 p:1rcnts; b) involvement in sc hool acti \' itics; c) -' ucccss in school; d) high educational and occup:.ilional aspi rn lions; and d) hclicf in 1he mura l rightness of conve nti onal norms. Tilc wl!akcr the social ho ndi ng lhc grca1cr lhl! likelihood that :m adolescent will heco mc in vo lved in delinque nt gan g ac 1ivit ics. Social bonding mny he weakcni:d by parent al crim i11u lit y ant.I p:ircnrul <l iflicullics (e.g., excessive dri nkin g, lmcmploy• mcnt, inadequate p:ul!nlal supervision, parental rcwnnl ing: of dl:"ian t hcha vior, p:irc nr al modeling of aggri:ssi\'C bcha \' inr , an d in ndc qu:ire purenrnl wam1lh). It is clear th:it delinquent gang activities arc on t.hc increase in our society. The rca~ons fo r its inc rcusc :inl1 what cffl'ctivt: progroms will reduce tht uc1ivi1ics url! un• known. Consit.11.: rati ons for
intcr\'cntion arc a one- to-o ne level in our insti tution al scitings (not hehind th e desk) and in the g:.ing environment nnd at the community level, changes in social policies re garding guns. drugs. :mJ re• sources. A del inquent gang is crc<lled because the needs if its members an! nm met by fam• il y. neighborhood, or 1radi1ional comm uni ty in.1.titutions (e. g., sc ho ol, police. and rccrca1ion al and religious inslit111ions). The yo ulh hJvc been tole.I it is a rig ht in the U.S. to expect n l>cu<r quality of life, yet we provide obstacles th ol arc difticu lt to re· movt:. l' Jusing ft:clincs of powcrles.sncss ond lrnpckss• ness. We do not take the time to un dcrs1an tl people and thd r cultures. hut bclk vi: ou r way of thinkm g 1s the only way . The prnhlc m 1:,, ours! Doc$ your house have Ill randomly "rnb<;cd" for u killing to wake you up'!
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Buy 2 Pair For Only
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Play Golf' Wi'thout
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1oouUMi.!' tol':,:pm,; 011r11ppmi,11i,mfor y,mr w11tir1u,·,( support [,y ojjemitJ a 2096 di.<m11r1 1 011 n11y r<'g11for price,( 111crcf111r11(isc
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,'iimJ'~I I'rr.mt your s111n.·111 l.'D. to rccl'i11c.9w11
6r1111ds fi(s Poro, 'X11ff :J/t'o11J1, ;,1,t1.<, Cofr · :Han 11 . nnd 111n11y otfia., . ., 11 vi11_q.< ,,11 lllll/lC
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tNw 15ont' tonutcli t•1,vy ,11Jtlir -
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Our exciting new menu features wonde,ful new dishes as well your old favorites.
Bring your friends for . TIME OUT every day from 6 p.m. when you'll find HAPPY HOUR HAlF PRICE COCKTAILS, HOUSE WINES and . S1.00 DRAFT BEER.
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Championship savings on t 3'"' Color Durasof CONTACT LENSES
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• My !wt is off to Shannon Pu gh, pn:sid ~n l
Mutlc nl
~~~l'3l~l;n~;IC~~t1~lr'~fi:jl; contribu tion to Fricl~1y's
6 91 - 2 211 Locate d
·n Century City • 4105 MAPLEWOOD
6 TI1ursda ·, Februa · 17. 19~-I
0 Digest Ca,npus Con nection
11wrl' dl·tai l.1i 1111 ,uhm i.,!>ion ~u iJd in c s. c,rn 1an tht' Endbh or fourn:11l ~m d~pb ·Thl' Vin,un t\"Jrllp:ip a SMW 1.:a~h :1,1 :11J .1, wl'll n.~ If your "rg:u11z.11wn ha, :rn t:\'ent for Campu1. CPnnc-c• P11 1 , pt·r 1h t· r"\1:ly i:r:1J11 • puMic rl·c c1i.: n111 011 ut 1lw al.:.,... mu q fik Jnr J.! rJdua11,,n M.SU l lnnor:- ,.\:-!-1·mhly ht·ld 110 11 , l"J.11 thc Hi( hmm :11 6S9.,l7().t O~:idlinc ,~ 11 00n h)· Fd1 ~8 nml ,\~1!.!11 '.I c.raJ · in 1hi.: spnn~ ~fondly hd1..111.· 1hc Thur~da~ publlr :tlion uJh', mu,1 f1 k h) ·Aprtl I S. • :'llund:.i). Fd1 . .:?I l hi: fL'C 1,1r:1r \ ufr'it·e ,.Ill · Ex-stud rnts kirk off Thur\JJJ. t·th. 17 ll111111l' L'(' an mrnl m,•ru hcrship 0 l ·J \ 1'111,· , 1 1.kJUl h'• I O tJ II \ To fik . ~\lJ Jt·nl!, llllb l -....·t: h\' l>l·rri rk Ch rMu rt Tul•,d,1,· . Fl'h. !! ~.,111111.11i,,n. CSL ,\1 r1u111 pli.:u· corn 111 ,or, Jdn 1hd1 1 111, l 0 ~k11 ... ll.l•l ,:ll JII , , Q;i m - I rm lft•porte r ,111d ,,ffit'1JI tli.:}!n'r p l.111 :rnd Tilt' h · Stutklll ,\.. ~OCl,1· .'i(1~·n,·l" :ind ,\11' ll11mc, 1pm "ilutk nt '\(' UJI,' f.h.'\.'l ill,!: ll· 1l'!!l:.tra r !I uf. 111ir1 nf MitlWl'.\ l\' I n S1a1i.: 0 \\\,11 1,·n , lb.•~•·lhJ II , , '-1·. ~HU II mh1 ti l .'i'.l' 1 1 ►1 t, p111 l 1Cl' ;i ~ !-.1.1011 a, p11•...,\lhk Thi.: il)' ,, ill I.H·~ off JI.~ Unin·rli ,\11J) . ,111.1 ,lli. U l ( J ~kn, IJJ•lr1h:ill : , filmt h'i: 1, S 15 l11r M:1y :1n11 u.ll mt·mh;r:-lt ip ,lnH' \\'l•d111•~ 1.1,, f-\·h..!J l11111· lt·n11:il Ol ll t• Oll' 7 pm g1:id11.1l t:'. ~md ~21! fnr 1\ tlt,!ll!-I wi lh u puli ht· :-t· n ll·i.: a11 llU1hi n:.:.~ / (i111'I Our,·.m l undi. Q l·.11i1r11,•vlk :mtkVlk :1u, ~rad u:i ll' !> 'll1e innl·.1~t· ,., n1111nt'l'llll'II I \'ilk11 pr t· p:irl·tl \ 'i 11lnf C"iC 1\l m1111. D.1llr1~ itn. C'\C lhl t' 1,1 l11 ght·1 l'\ f'l' ll!,L:\ 111 I•\' the Mass C11mrnunira11t•n (i r m-\ pm p1,!- r,1 1:l·. 1h pl1 ,m.1 , .rn1I n11"i:r,. 61·par1nwn1. Thi.: v1d~l 1, l' 11• OF.1t'tdl\ ~,· n;ilt' ~II ),: . faN ,·llt- "-:1\'U l!t', 1\ " 1q ,111 1 ht 11 rd1nal L·d h)' Pam Ut· lll'II • ·n 111f'"d:1~ . Fd1. !-I I!c1~p lt111 • r m ihl.' R l· c 1,1 r.ir~.m l t'IIUrl , ;1Jtlllfll:lfolll IIISlfll("ltlr, 0 \\'!·Sin ~11~ ( 'SC 11:.·.ik·r O l·:n11111 l'vlh.'.Hl1H'\.10l·,ll" S :1~ ,l!,!l' 1.·111 i!ll lJgt·:- \ lt t· bno!-ll' d 1h1• mt: 111ha.\ l11p \',11 i11~ . ( ·~c ,\ !1111111 7 rm till· .1v111d 11 1 t·:,rl} t'ik 1t1 , . Ji.:n1 r1p:1 1!! n l:1,1 Ckr11ht· r :11 m:·d ,ar a 1km 111S1 1.1 ckr1h lnh • ~11~ •J· l ! I :im lp111 ,\:. 6 PHI ,; rm r.k :11/11111.' . \\hldl 11\11:dl} ' l'l'. \ .11 111t·1i:,h m i.: nw111hr r.\ l11p . Q l ',,1..,_,.1111.1 Ch,m c·, ,11,~·11 ( \( UJ ll1 ,lC·,111 . "' 1!1 pill l.1q:t· n11111hrr, 1,1 .1ppli t·a 111 l! 11, Jlm L t· t·, prl'" • at't11nl ,U 111 . S rm Fritl;i~. h·h. I~ 111111', and 10 111, 111"1' 11 rq 1:m·d d,· 111 rlw ll S),flt'1:J1 iPll. ~ 11,,· .. r1l· l'J 1-. ha111 1u. O F.1 \'11111l•.Jlk .11llit•,1lll'J1J, Ill' \)!, Ill l'.1!11.' nl ,Ill} r,1,,1hk Slwrr) Km }!t.·;uk. ~ 111xt'11' Hnr An , \ llll11,1oum .'I rm Nnnuc.11!1111 , l \l' AI II Unl !>urrn.,1.·, " Dunu i-: llllf ,. , ••,, . ,if al1111111i rd :lllrnl\, n•porwJ 1 11:N·ti.,11 r1·.11111, o o::im I pm U.J! r,,n lh' 111.1y d,~ l'O\'~r lh JI a 1h ,1 1 lh l: ;c-..,11i: ia110 n IHI\\' ha.\ 11} ,·1, lnh l .1, Tn N 1, .1 li1 1k , iiu rr nn ,11Hkn1 929 mcmh.-r~ a nJ d1;1p1t·r~ 111 :J l lru1;1,I I } /\1111n 'J.1I, ~I I~ IJ th l') t1h-d ,·.irh D.1ll;1 , . f 1 \\'11 11 h. S:in 1\111 11h ,1111, 1111·1~ ,I pn1 11.,, p l{, ,1111. , : iurm 1.· nuu i.: h ;i rr.1111.:1.· ml' nb , 1111 1~1 111 0 , Au,1 111 . l hm,!On. And Friel:!~ . r,·h. ZS QC1 l·,I1 1 Pn!"n ,\ nnu;il ~kmt,:r • I'll: m:1Ji· hi :n1:1 ,I l'l:t." 11 1 , :11 - ;,. 1idland-Od1'"·'· , l iip~II !' (Sl' l lli.:.11 ~, 7 l cl pru :) l·.11 nri11:, '01·Jtll11•,/0e:m, 1,f~ 1hr 1t.·~111rcmi.: 111., ." S:1v Tht· ;t, .. 11,;·1.1111111 , upp11rt~ \ \111111! CSC -\ 1rtu111 SalurtlJ~. fl·h. 111 a~.- ,:11,I .111d "l'•m,1,r~ ac1n·111t•., "uch rm -1 ., Jm O~kn, OJ,h·1l•;11t1, I uM,oi.. ~ J ., h11nu·L"111111111?. !-d111br, l11p:-. Q Th.:.llll' 1•,, ~llll'lh•U C/11 1,11:m A 11:i\ 1 \ 'imam :rn :1rd tlra dlim· lq :1,l .1111·,• rw twork mg and lln, A n,Au:IJ11•J1Ulll .'lpm 11111, t·r,11~ unp1nn· nw111 Tlw " ' ' fnr ~larc h I a .\ \11t·1.11111n 1:1 kt· , pmk 111 lf"h" Sh:1111111 C'o rt-r • not: \ cnt" schrdu kd .llm .1 m:i1i:1 :md , 111 \t· , 1,, lit' pt1rh·r
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[ lllr) tl.:::nll1111·, lnr lilt' J•)oJ..l \'1n :-.i n ,\\1 ,1rJ., 111
CROP .,1:11Hh rnr ~chn.,; uan Rur;il O\'a~l',I~ Pror-ram :wJ i!> giwn rn wa lk s and {i lhi.:r ct1mmm1 i1y hun1!c~ ~du:ind fund ra1-. 1_n t! l',lli inl C: \'t•11l!> ~rm1,<11\."d ~y ~h~ur h Wtirld Si.:n·kc: C \VS I!> a mm-dt•m1mi11:.11i11na l Chri!-ltJII 11r~:in11.11111n a1fil1a1t.·d w1 1h ova U dL: nnm111.111on, in 1hi.: [ l nttl'd ~t :J IL''·
For mMi: 111fnrm :11 io 11 . Rev ~I.irk Jn1 ns of
(.'Oll l JC I
Park Plat't' (hmtilln Chttrd1 :II (.92 .IJ l fi)
l'l a nd :1rium o ffers ''lJ ni vr r.~ r'' program Thl' plJlh.'lanur.11 \ I ill n~k r "S pri 11!!11m r
,·a .,c -
the Um ·
The ,15 1111111111.· pro-
NJtwn;i l Ent 1n1·1·1\
;\ II n e.1 111.i.: wn1 1111.: 111 .11c n;II ,h,1u ld ht· ,uhmiu:•rJ 111 Dr B11 h J,1hn .,11n. 11.mlin Bldg . t/~1-l. M 111 lhl' En!! lish Ocp1..
2111l11, 11t ~h llh" , lup w,,1J..,hnp lr11 111 2 ullld 1 2(,. Th cri.: .... 111 t, _ :i 1,11 n1 p.m Fl'l1 22 10 1h~· rt:11 \..
mi.:t.·ting- c,1 1/w l, "-·,11 d1.1pti· r, Srndl' nl lent,·, O.dl r1,n 111 01 thl' NJ tH111J I S,1 ~·1l'l ) 11 1 Th t· \\ ,,r\.. ~hop \t.tll il "'· u, ,111 MJn ul ;ir tunn _!! l-.ni: 11H·c r, hmt. ,i.:hubrsh1 p, .111,• h,mdkJ from .5 1(1 p 111 uu til "T .I ) r,m on Fd.. 21 F1 l f IOPI L' Ill fr1 rm :i m111 l'JII M\li ..12M,
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h~nd )'Ou c:in c1II t,S9 -..lh lti.
Thl! ri.: will h.: au 11rf ,Jllr · /a llUll :1 1 mt·i.: 1111!_! 11f th e A111 a 1r.111 Ind ian (]u h ri. 111nr.l:1v, in tht· Cl.11 k S1u1.k r11 Ct· nta' Tlw 1nr:i.: u11 ~ wi ll hq;m :11 noon. Fl· h 2 1 Tiu ~ 1<: a ~hnn g y1)11 r c,\1 n hurJ;!i.: r lu1Kh/111t·c1inc.
Tlus d ul~ i:- 11 pcn ICl ;tl l :- IUJi.: 111 ~. fa l' t1ll ) , and Slaff
lfrcruitmcnl rall y S<"t CR OP \Valk 199~
infnrm:1111 111. pk a:-l' ccHHacl J
Stangl to be honor rd St1le show to br held in :1s Profr.sso r of th e Ycn r Dr Frt·drnrk S,:un: I will I"--' h,)nr,rd h} "1 •lla~l111;11J as "Pwlc.,:-nr 11I 1h1· Yi.:JI 1•11 Fmb\', J I :l lunt.la·1111 h1.ld 111 lh:: t'~ -~tuJ~·nL~ du11 ni.: ru/1111 Dr Lums J l{1,~lrif t1l't , uni va s 11~ pro 11kn1. Ur How.irJ Fandl. ',ll't' pn'\I · dr nt for .,1uJ.:n1 :md .1dm1m, lr Jll\t' St'n 1L·t:.:-.. JH d \ l11rt:irhri :ird 1111·mht: r- \\ Ill t•, 111 ,11, it·ncbrll'C Jt the a•,, J11I pri: "-·n l:Jllu n.
C.~C Ba ll room Thl' Du,tr11·,L .ml.I P111/n · MPnJI \\'tmlt'n !I \ 1m uJ I '\I \ k
~°; urop e, r.-l cxi co
Doc k Hnn ds , C11s 1no Workc rs,ctc. No c1pcri-
cocc necessary CALL 602· 680-•164 7, Ext.C14 7
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q P!iJ~i' GFD!'J' :·R.I\Z '{ !'READ
:-,1 111 ANY r..JP'tt:,.<:E. 1m s
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Alpha Plasma This Lucky Fella Gave ~ the Gift of Life. ~ ~
/..,.:._:,.,;,.- ~
" .
Crr1Ahl 20010 Ruwct lDI~
l ' li10it'C A.f ~ 4 1 . e , ~ C,.l. il)l~ ~(
Cmist E,nploymrnt Stroius (206) 6.34--0468 ed. C5SJ8
, y!> ll'lll!- and hu s1n1·,~ k ch .
nok'lJ.! \'.
;\m i.:ncin lnJ1 :111 17M more
W. Ju , uri.: al 61J2 -~766 11r Dr. ~lillit' C:11111.'1\'r in 1hi.: cduca• llllll di.:rar1mc:n1.
l...-!.~ lce Phillip:- . d1n:i.:111r of ,111di.:n1 ac1 iv ll1 t:s rcccivl!d a rt·.\olu!Hm (II apprl!CIJ.lmn a1
the Oo~1nl of Rt:gi.:nl\ mi:ct 1n~ on Frir.l.!y. Fi.: h. 11
Th ..: ci.:n1fit·J tc' wa!. awa rded tu hl.'.r f11r her ou1 s1andi n!:!, rlannin f and l'Oordina1ion nf 1hi.; slUJt:n t acU\ 1tit::1 i n l'O llJUtll'II OII wuh th...MSU ll m11c,·111mn!! ltJIJl Thi.: n.:: su ltHmn slated thJ1
man v ind1vaJu;il:; .'iai t.l th a1 Moniel'1m1in!! l tJIJJ was the hest in the i,isiory of Mid. Wl'S le m S 1:11e U n i\'ctSII} ~
aeae=,;' aeaeoa:ra:ks =gaeaew ·n =1= 1·t=a=naeaeaa:daeaeva:e=r=t=1·s aeae1ac:a:haeae (Fr=Wi for you!
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CRAM THE COLISE UM Spo11sow { by Student (jovm1111<11t a11t{Student 5kt ivitfrs
Saturday, February 26th MSU Lady Indians vs. Wayland Baptist Flying Queens 5:00 p.m. MSU Indians vs. Wayland Baptist Pioneers 7:05 p. m.
O'!}anizations, facufty and staff arr. encouragd to attw.l '11iis wi{{ 6e Coacfi (jera{,{ Stoc{<Jo11 s fast game to coacfi in t.fie ·vome · so fets say '11ianf:J ' in a 'BI(j way!! (jreat prizes wi/[ 6e 9i,1en away at fia[f time of 6otli gamtS.
51.([ students, student
Birhday Discount I0%off everything but kegs--with proof of age. "Pa Checks Cashed.~---
r t'
;111d 11ppor11zni1 i:.:\ 10
rl tn ltll'ICJ AJ.I SJJ&JtttJ
Stude nts Needed!
)lt ur_ll'l' ~
:a., s,, 1 111 1111:t·rrn r _11w l'h:i n,. lllf di.:manJs or rnr1 1rma1 11~il
;a.J /l.'11 I . D.
I "' - ·
JOM l\r .,.,l.:I
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wor~ing for C, ui~i: Sh1fl) or W11rld L.lnd -T(luf compJntb Tr.>vel il·l,1wJi1, Mn1cri, tht C.mbbt'.,n, ttc:.) Summer 11nd Full•Timt l'mpkJymffit ,1v,11IJblt No nperl,mu ne«.n~,y Fer mc,r, infonn.1rion c.1111
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E.>m up
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11 .. , , .., .. , . , • • •
:i1.l60 I T.1f1.
l ':J lL:l!(1ric:.~ (pOt' II') , p n1,I,' llUJl ·
Cru ise Ship Jo bs!
Gu1dl'ti, Gin Shop So.Jes,
l':11 er ory. t'llllh.' !'>l ;lnb s 11hmi1 in Jll ) tif
: ma;
nc.~ig n ~l:lstrr T:11100 Sludio , .•,...,.,,,.,,t ,n:>r>.'
Students nee ded! Ea rn S200(l+m ont hly Summer/ holidays/Cull-time World tn.i,•cl. Canblxinn, Hawai i,
In 1i1c Cn::iti vi: Wri tin}! Prc.<hy tcri,n Church. localed
In Shrl\\ will tJh1· p l.id' .J I ·1~ fa1t1m .111d pro~t· lirrwn) n :il r:Ut'l!lll)', p 111 . Frh 22 111 th~· Cbd.. tht· Nt·\1 ✓ Ed11 n S1mkn1 Ct·nlL'r HJllr,,,,m Fnr each p:m1dp:m1 mu:-1 ~uhmi1 1r11 111 t' al' h lllnn· lllh' rmJII PII JIJJ ro, ,~ C1 nl' :i n il'li.: c :11q;,1 r ) Ui.•;11 url! !- l1 1ry. news ul lid.c h ctH K1m h.-d} (1S 1J :i l) Fnr 1!d111,n :md :- l11r)'. .1J( l7
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