Local band scores big with first album. Page 4
Six actors play 57 different roles in MSU's latest thealer production. Page 5
V,ce President for Student and Administrative services Howard Farrell receives honor. Page 4
1111 lllilllt ~ 11 l'llllwllln 11111 ~
ould it happen here? idwe stern could have potential for fraternity problems like Southwest Texas State ~ Sl~dcnt de\·cl~mcnt,
JASE~~o~~i: ~E
fr,,U:mi1ies .u SC\·cr:i.l uni\·cnitics ha\'t :t'd m:i)Of problems recently. But 11 hlppc=n at Midwc.~tcm Sl:llc:7 ,. nu_mbt-r or .Southwcs1 Texas Stale c mny members wen= tn:ated 'tf'ilf}' rrat_ 11,."0hol pmsoning. gun shots wen: fittd c1lt fr:itcmity house. and one pledge was rcn to ~ath as he slept on lhc couch at , fr3tcm11y ho use at the end of rush wtt:k -.·cd:cnd. 1 don ·1 think wc ~.3vc_n~ar the problems tbJI poor campus, Mnzic Buss. direc1or
s_aid. "One of lhc ~. 1tswc havc1slha1wctt:asmal\crc::un_ G_ Al a.nt "~- pres~denl of MSU's K3ppa fraternity, said lh~ cul~urc _of the wcst_Texas_campus ts quite d1ff~rcnt th a.n MSU s, which would make such mcidc~ts l~ss l_i~cly he~. 1ltlink _11 s more lhc campus culture than the fratemny cuhure," he said. _"I don"t know 1h 3 1 ~ou can blame the fraternity." Gnmcs _said lhc MSU campus is much more rcstncted ~an ~outhwest Texas' _But when _sirrular 1nc!dcnts happen. Buss said. the maJOf reason ts usually related to pu~
according 10 a memo written by Buss to
·_·When alcohol is a priority, then you're going lo h3\'e these other problems," Buss _ _ said. Buss said measures arc m pl3cc 10 prc\'Cnt suchproblcms fortheGrcd.:system,suchas risk-man:1gcmcnt plllns :1nd educational scss1ons Bui these prooctive measures will not always prevent problems. said Jane Lcishncr. dc 3n of studems. ''Tl,c potcnti:1! is always there everywhere because we arc such a violent society," Leishncr said. Thal potential may be closer to reality,
Lcishncr. The memo reports that several windows were broken at W Kappa Sigma house o~ Jan. JO. According 10 the memo, ~hen ne,g_hbors spotted the persons_brea~1ng lhc windows. the vandals got tn thCll" truck.sand sped away. The neighbors were able 10 identify parts of the trucks' license plates, which matched Kappa Alpha members' trucks, the memo said. "If anything was done, it wasn't as a fratemity," Grimes said. "When individual members do something like that. ii reflects poorly on the rest of us."
Grimes said he did nOI bclir-vc the Kappa Sigmahouscw3svandili,.cdbymembcrsof his fraternity. " I would need morr evidence lh;an lrult before I declared someone uih ;· he said. Ith" k l _g ilh . h d "lfit a\C car w~s a group, .. in v.:ou somc_th mg by_now. Gnmes 5:"d lhe ~~pp~ Alphas would cooperate with 3Utho~t1es if asked Scou Canada, president of Kappa Sigma, was unable t_o be reached for comment Lt Dennis Bachman of Wichita Falls · Police Department said there arc no suspects in the case .
Bill would increase professors'salaries
In Your Face
Copy Editor
A bill to raise professors' salaries may mark the t,cginning of several measures in the Texas Legislature to h;gho, S e n . Tom Haywood introduced the profe ssor salary bi ll , SB-466 . Wednesday.
stands how important ii is for experience to be rewarded." In a press release issued in February, Haywood said, "I have seen first- hand not only how hard lhcse dedicated faculty members work. but also how difficult it has become to recruit the best individual specialists in certain disciplines. If our goal 1tlis legislative session is to improve studont access 10 Texas nigher education, we must begin the ~~fe~:r:~~:~i!;~.at lop-notch 0
According 10 Haywood's office, the H:rr~:~ ~res~lncE~fi~~ TJ;: bill has been referred to the Senate Association of College Teachers subcommiuee on higher education. (TACT). said he anticipates a 7.5 10 The bill calls for an asscsmcnt of the 9 percent increase in salary if the average salary of each facu hy lc\·el bill is passed. "We (TACT) have urged tum to at colleges and universities in the 10 most populous stales other than introduce it. He was very easy to Texas. It then calls for a fonnu la to work with and was very helpful.'' he said. be adopccd that would adjust W "We were de lighted when average salary of each faculty to Haywood imroduccd this bill ," meet or exceed the average. Jennifer Ransom, publicity man• Hoffman said . "We're seeing a ager for Haywood. said, "He is a shortage in teachers for certain disforme r college professor. He under• ciplines. We have a shortage in MSU's education department that
has remained unfil led for two years Hoffman and other members of the American Aswciation of University Professors (AAUP) visit• ed legislators. in Austin to encourage support fo r higher education legislation. ·•we have three things we're trying to get the legislature 10 look at One, we want the salary increase for professors so we can attract gOOO people. The students of Texas deserve the best 1cachcn we can get them," hc said Another item is a call for more funding for scholarships :1nd grants. Hoffman said the only rin;incial aid offered to many would-be stude nts is a Joan. Afraid they will not be able to repay a loan. many of :~:c :~n~cl~hi:u~O(~o ~~~ef~~a~i!~ Hoffman said, to provide more scholarship and grant moocy. with a baJance between need-based aid and merit-based aid. The fina l item Hoffman said AAUP would like 10 sec is an increase in retirement benefits for professors
SGA approves bill calling for full-time campus doc introduced the bill, was pleased at status 1wo weeks before final exams The amended bill excluded the outcome. 'This is probably lhc most impor- Proposition A entirely. keepi ng The St udent Government tant bill that will have been passed proposition 8 . The SGA nominated several indiAssociation passed a bill Tuesday to in years to come.'' he said The bill will ultimately be brought viduals for outstanding student bring 3 full-lime doctor to to the MSU Board of Regents for awards. Stat< consideration and possible approval. "The nominees were freshman Joe The bill. which The other bill passed was an Apple. juniors Sarah e~1ad and was tabled in the amended version of a bill tabled il1 Mall Trabcck. and seniors Bryce Feb. 2 SGA the Feb. 2 SGA meeting asking for Sinclair and Simone Senhousc. pro- 3n extension of MSU library hours. meeting. The outstanding woman and man vides for a doctor The original bill consisted of two of the year nominees were Michelle to be available propositions. Proposition A would Holguin and Gant Grimes. weekdays from 8 have kept Moffcu LibliU')' open 24 Gradua1ing s1udcnts of the year a.m. to5 p.m. h'tiurs from Sund:1y through nominees were Reginald lbe and The doctor would pcrfonn routine Thursday and would extend Friday Gina Whatcon. Brad Phipps was and specialized examinations, prc- and Saturday hours 10 10 p.m nominated for the Viola Grady M:ribe mcdic:1tion and provide medProposition B would extend Leadership Scholarship. ical counseling. A Lc-adership Fund requesi by Phi weekday houn from midnight to 2 SGA president Gant Grimes, who a.m. and keep th~ library on 24 hour Alpha Theta was also granted. DAVID GUNNELL The Wichitan
MSU's Craig Snodgrass gets inthe face ol a Texas MM-Kingsville del~nder. The Indians have a chance to capture the LSC title this weekend. Photo by Lindsey Huffhrnes
Regents to meet this week 750 att~nd Coiiege DayP~ev1~;w, ,last weekend THE WICHITAN
Academic reorganization will top the ln>da a.\ the Midwestern State Board of '1Cn11 meets Thursday and Friday. Under the plan. the ni~c ~ivisions cur:nrly 1n pl3cc wi ll comhm_c mlo five col1,,. Some di\'h ion directors woul_d 11UfTlc 1hc po~i tion of dean , and ~n assoi;:1· ~ l~i: l;~~sJcJcnl for academic affam
The- plan 1.1.-ould da:entralile many font• -'11 of !he vice prc,idcn1 ·.~ office to the :illlcvcJ Se,..cral rec incrca,c~ will a/!iO be cond.iercd The OOmlnislra1ivn retfUClib thlll ? ,1u<lcnt \Crvice fee he increa~ed •i IJ4 per 'Crl\C'lilCJ hour lo I 2. 1l1c maiu 'un amnuur :1 ~•udcnl can be charged dcrqllte law h \150.
The computer fee could rise from $3 per scmcmstcr hour to $5 beginning next fall . The regents will also vote on a new core cun-iculum. Legislation passed by the Texas Legislature requires that universities across the state 10 adopt a standardized core cur• riculum. Also up for review is fi n3I approval of a new health science administration program as well as a new option for the masicr of science in k.inesiology degree The Board will be asked to approvc hav• jng a physidan in Vinson for an ho_ur in lhc aflcrno"n 10 supplement the morn ing hour one is 3v3iJable . Addilional propo-.als include renuvalion uf six rcslroom~ iu Killing5wonh and Pierce and the addtion of a !iprinkkr sys1cm :around McCullough•Trigg.
lhe Wlchltan
For most hlgb school sludc:nts, IOlDI to a college or unh-crsity is a decision dw can mab. oi- bruk their future. 0,ooling w_rlJbt school can be fn.istn~uition prices;' location. orgoniz.atioo.s 10 join, canipus activities. and finding a major. last_S:tturday, Mid',\'CStem_,S~ held
=e=~:~~~~~:~i ents w1d ·studenlS.
CoUege D11y Preview Is n day for higb achoo! juoiors'md 1tnioT1 to tour MSU and see if It is righ1 for them. This year, 3:)0 studcnlJ aud 419 puents Jmdc their
way 10 the carupus.
Director of School Relations Barbara , (ccrs," Merkle ~id. (rollqc .Days i, held once • year, and Merkle said the day wu~ • • ~ ' " because ao much was_accomplisbccM.i:lbc a!Wlys', in- Fc~uy. This is so MSU docs 1" ,not ~\'C, to compct.c wilh other coUegcs few hours College Day I~ Accordin& 10 t . j ~ proa-p«:UYC~stu• and tmi,'CIS.itjcs who bold pmiew days in • lcamcd SllDdmd the fall. · Msu,~ inthtctint "GoU)8 ·10 "school here looks litt it's aid ud ich?lai-• • 'going_ lo , be fun and ueiting." Al ihips. They wcie _ able to vilit with Gb.avanii~ • s,udcnt from Ahus.
,• •., lhclrdcpartmcnllll)ll\J<,o.' ~ ~ Y ¥ u~ 1 t:'ampus ~....llfe .wd.' a n d ~ ~ IUl tiSCmbly With all the divili~ and student organiz.atiOOI." Sixty studcDI b05ls dooatcd thcirlime to
O~ii\i>.~d, .~~~ugq, c'otiegc . Day Pre\'i(w w:i..~ only sqiedulcd rrom 9 to I p.m .• students
wcic iriyi100
to s1ay and cxpcrio.111.:c col• le~ life; such as touring the reside~
or~~;: 1:~! J;:;~b~~~ -~mm~ ~•::.YIJk1!: ~lSlheir;dlc!;u,°;!: lg°linsl Tuns A.tM-Commcrt.e ,.. deplnmental diviJjom, to
"We ,couldn'r do
!t' without the volun-
VIEWPOINTS Februi ry 17, 1999
Greeks need image change "All 1ho..c Gn.·d., <lo i, drink and pany 11II the 1nnc::· Thi~ I\ whal I ,,,a., told hy people v.ho wcn:n'I m fn 1cn1111r.-, or ~ ruf• i11c., bo.:forc I Jnined a fra1cm1l)'B«:au\C.' of 1h1, ,tt'rtotyf)C. 11, II\ other.. hl-c Gn:c\., oq;ani,.ation~ an: ju,t .. rtm -:dricnd .. clubs, 1
w:a~ ahout a~ :mli -Grtd, a, I could he v.·hcn I fir..t can1t 10 MSU. Thi, all ch:ingl'1.l aflcr I m:wk the
~~"'""= "'
'5J:t~f~i afcwoftheirparlir)
:1nd other
~:~r::d th:~~ pU)') Wtrtn'I
)lc rco t ypical " frat boy~ .. lh at
_ _ __
drink until they pa)~ out. In fact, a few ~f
Staff Writer
all and the ones
~~~~~i·b: so Needle~) ID U )', 1 ended
up Joining TKE last ).CtT'ICSICr and. though thcrc h:11·c been tough lime). II h~) h«n one of lhc bc\t decision) I ha1·c m:Kk Mnce I bci;an :mend1 ng colkgc. I leam..-d -.e,·eral imponnal n:a• -.ons I ne,·cr thoughl of before 10 JOI" a fr,11em1 ty. I lc:-JmCd people join frJtem itics IO develop lcadcr• ,h•p and communication ~lill ~. Rem ~ m a fratc mit)' al<-0 ,cache~ ih mc mbef"' how to deal wit h pcopk on :1 rci;ular ba_,is 1hcy might OOI nccc~~arily like or want 10 deal with. Now I i; ct Ml tired of )u,·injl people tell me I dun" t ~ m like the '"frJt : ix,)·• 1ypc. I almo~L feel 0!llhCOU\. Anybody can he the ""fr.atcmi1 y trp: ."" I learned 1h1) al a co,wenli on ce tchr.uing Tau Kappa EpMlon·s l<Xlth anni,eMry lasl month. I mtl - OJ at ka'it .\a ll,' - o,·cr 500 Tckc, uh:11 ·!> what ~ hkc to call our· -.ch·cs1 and !here wa~ ~uch a divcr..c group of young men there I wa, dumbfounded. ' Now I ha,·c defended the Greek ,y., 1crn. I mu ~t make a call to my fcllo..,,. Greek, to hel p 1mpro,·c ou, miagc on th1 ) t-am pu!,. We mu~t 1al.:c our ~hare of the hl amc for J)Crp<'lU· at1ng ou r own bad image., . We mu sl
,,- -1 must make a call to my fe llow Greeks to help improve our image on this campus , ,
rem emhc r the G reek !>y,1cm i., umkr eon ~tant -.c ru tiny bccau -.c of the ncg:u i,·c hclicf~ m:m y hokl of ii . An ylhins we do. ei ther a~ a )y, tcrn. in our own M"p.lrJ1C orsaniza1io1h. or as ind1,·idual!>, i) n: 0cc1cd on the Grtt L sy~tcm. If one pcr..on in a fraternity makes a public spec• tadc of him!.C lf, the 11. hole frate rn ity looks fooli,h. In lum. 1f one rra 1cmi1y loo k, foo lh h. th e entire Greek ,yMcm ,uffers. The c,·cnt,; which occun:d on the campus at Southwc)tcm State in San Marcos. Te.\a, la,, week - 1he mo-. t )CriOII!> of which a TKE pledge wa~ beaten 10 death hy uniden1ificd men ~ho hrokc mto the rratcmi1y house after hcinjl lhrown out of a pa n y - make me ,huddcr. We should all con~idcr lhc ramiticauons ef our actions. Let's all honor the ffiC0"IOr)" of that pledge 11.hen WC sponsor a pany al our hou~ hy co nducti ng oo r,eh•c) , afcl y and rcspon,i hl y. Being a member of a fr,11emi1 y should create fond nw moric~ for oursc h·cs and our fam ilies. We ~hould do o ur best 10 cn,urc thi, hy elimina ting rivalric, and other lhin gs th:lt , Muldn ' 1 happen be1wcen or wi1hin fratcmitc s. This will not only m:il.c our own mc mo n c, hincr ones. hut 11 will fuel the ti re hui lding ugaimt u,. Ir 11.•c 11.•ork together we can to malc the G ree k srtem somcthm g students can be proud of and want to he a pan or. If we conti nue to ha\'e unnecessary ri \'a lrics 11nd con<lucl ou r-.ch ·cs in a 111;,.nner unbec omi ng of mcmbcn of the Greek sy..ic m, v.c dc.<;er.c all of the :.com a.nd ridi cule we r..:ccive.
Bll,:tr/H>tff u
sorilwmo rt' man
c,,,111,uminuium 11wjur /mm \Vwl,iw fo/1.1.
"Woo hool It a•wi me ,n utr1 1od1...for frN I"
Look at the funny side of situatio lf\aui;htcr 1, 1he 1'-est 11"1\."<licmc. ifs also good for other problcm)I,. The weekend bcforc las t my hoyfriend, Matt. :mJ I and )l,()ff)C of our mutu al fncnJ~ wcn l out 10 cal for Ma tt"i,, b1nhday. Whi le we were wai ling at thc re i,,tauralll for the so me of lhc people 10 show up. we saw two women enter. One had 10 i,,lagger 10 walk. kanmi; against the otht r, appar• en1ly t1ffcr1cd b)' cc n:hral pal\y or <-Orne• thin g ~i milar.
~~k~ ,~,u:f;d
cc~~or-::;c~ri:~;fc a;;.h:~e you sec on the bad of 1ro1c1ors and Amish FERGUSON carriages. and umkr lhe tria ngle were the 1 1~:.~\;~cg 1; :; ~ k s,. Then I rcalill'd lh~1 ~hc 11.•a~ a ~f()\l,•II _ _ _ _ ~~~~c:.ho would ha,·e ricked out he r own
Copy Editor
,~f~ ~:-;:JY
She had a sc n~e of humor ahout her sit• uat ion. She laughed in the fuce of a1frcrsi -
Sometimes, you can laugh in the face of grief, too. When 111y grJodad died, just ahuu1 c~cryonc in the tiny c it y of Memphis. Mo .. came by his hou-.c tu visit 1hc famil y. E,·c11·onc hmught ham.
r! ~;·1n 1
or rood WC woold n"t cal would " th ings. and when we ..,,.c,e h111t
~~~i~~t~a~~: J!f~c~!~ £~\! j~;
~:s~:,::ta!!u~;i~ ih~ c:; ~;h:n7
1 ~~n: t~;~\::~~i~tym~~~:u:~ ham - we fu~~~ng with the ham cpidrmk , 1fur There we were , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bad on mournini; , but laughing ' ' thing ~ he C\'Cf)' time ye t aoolhcr ~:kru·~~ftl :~ii!~ b.'i ~Ct ~'::.n~ a_blc. I rtca)~
She laughed in the
""'" 1h,y , II ,hough<
""" .,., I
face of ad versity
:1~ wl~~ a:~;;~r~ what was in the ir hand), and laugh ing hysteriul -
ly for no apparcn l rca• son lhe ..,,,ee k of my gnndad's funcr,d . Of course. I know my grJndad wou ld lrn \"e rather had U) laughing than cryi ng. And he would huvc th oogh t the ,itua1i on wa~ as funny as any of the re~t of us. Hc"d ha\·e told us lo be sure to cal our hm hccausc ii would " mak e your h11ir c urly and you r lccth pearly." These ama.zing anrihu1cs were not lim• itcd 10 ham. He 1old us grandk id~ all forms
:~dlUt by~~ asked mt to 1 milk th(' co.t wa~ all rul) wi ll in, 10 , when he fl·
to ld me you don" t milk Hey. I was 6 - how was funny al the time. gel through a 1rauma1ic
beef cauk was I lu l llO\! And it hdptll lime.
Ft'l'IJUS0 /1 is U muu CO//Jll!lln/(01 mttjor from Wichita Full.I.
Stress isn't so bad
Friends make unbearable momen ts more comfortabl Full-time doctor on campu s long overdu e Finally. an mnovatire idea ha s co me out of 1hc S tudent Go,·cmmcn1 A,'iOC'iauon. The SGA"s plan 10 bnng a full • time docl or 10 c11 mpu s b not onl y long ove rdue, 11 is com mon sc n!>t'. The s)·, 1cm currently in pl:tec 1s unacceptable. Studcnb mu., t wal.c up and be at the Vinwn C linic hy
7 a.m. What )llldcnl , MC k lb a doi;. would want to do thi s'! The ;,.n~wcr: none. Student~ !>hou\d 0OI ha ,·c to wake up an hour before the tirst da.,-.c, begin 10 sec a doc tor who 1, lc,s than cmhusia,tic to be here . Some , 1udc nb, howc,·cr. foil IO ..c-c the need for a full lime doctor on campt.h. They J o not wa nt tu pay the 1. 15 per !>CnlC~lcr to h;&\·c med ica l accC\i,, at convenien t houn.. Th h could be c1.pecteJ. ~il·cn chat many students arc frum lhc area . and arc alrc:ady cove red under in ~ur,mce pl!in ~. But thc i,,e s1udcn1~ will 11l.,o ha,·c accci,,~ to the medical tn:ul· n1Cm on campus. and will not ha\"C to pay a deduct ible for a vi~iL 10 the ell/Op!JS doctor.
Thcr.c arc the san1c Mudcnl\ who complain about the va riou!> fcei,, chargc-d c:11:h Mudcnt C\"CI)' M"mc,tcr. TI1cy compl ai n about the co m• p!Jtcr u~gc fee: because 1hcy hu,·c oc,·cr ...ct foot in a co mputer lab. Hut who-.e fauh 1' thu1"! Theirs. Man y sluJcnb benefit from these fees. AnOlhcr S 15 fee could benefit MS U studcnl\ more 1han all the other feb combined. S tudcnh who pay lhc S l5 for all four yc:m will actually ,ave morlC y in the long run. lm1ead of payi ng SISO or more for j U)I ooc vi ~it 10 an off-campui doc tor. they wi ll be ahlc 10 rccci,;i: medical trea tment for u much lowe r price. fkMdc~. !he UOL\"Cr..ity will be ahlc to recrui1 more ., tude nh hy adwnising I~ medical ~rvicc. Thi~ step by Lhc SGA coulJ be the mo~l 1mpon un t i,,1L1dcn1 initia l• cd-idca in 20 yea rs. A fc11.· M! lfoh :: _udcnl\ ,hnuld not be able to Mop Tlrr t'JUt,riul lxl{m/ 1'ml'd 5-0 OU 1/ri.Ji.\'\lll'
3410 T11n Bh·d . Bux 14 • Wkhi t11 F11 IL-.. Texas 76308 r,ic" s Dnk l'J40) 397-4704 • Adnrtlslng Dl-sk 1940)397-4705 [-m11II: ~IStlEdltor @aol.com Wcbslle: b1tp:l/l'!·""'"·mv.·su.cdu/~ wlchit11n Cur}nJhl O I'm. Th( W1ch113n" a mcml>e r 0(1hc Tc u , l111creulk~1a1c l'n:" A,,11e1uuu11 1'hc Wich11 a11 ~ -c r-·c, 11l1: ngh l LO ed1! ~ 11 )" rn3Lcn3l ,uhmi1tc:d lur put,111:a1oon or,,111um nf"t',.cd III Th.: Wk"hitan du mM nc:, c,,lri ly 1c1kc11111N: of lhc- ,1af1 . ,1udt-nh. fai.:uh~-- Adnu n"lrat1un or Bo;ird uf Rcgcnh of M1J11,·ott'TII S1a1e Um.-cl'I I) FiN ~upy of 111( p~r,,.,r 1, In:,· of charge: udJ11mnll .:up1 cs 31c S 1. 'fll( \l.~ich11;i11 11,•clcun1C, lc ucr.. or op1111on, frum ~101.km,. f:icu l1 ) ~nd ~t.:1rr ~uhmnt.:d hy the Frllby hl:for c uMenlkd puhl,ca11u11. Uncr, ,h uu ld bo.· l>ncf3nd v. 11h,,u1 ~hu..,1·c l~n gu3~C ut pt"r"-'flal an at:L-. Lcum, mu ,1 be t) p.·!l and si ~nc!l l>y 1hc 11,·ritcr aJIU mdude a 1c-lcphonc number and a!ldr(." lor ,·c11ficuho11 purpu-..:~ LtttCT~ will he cdi1eJ fur gr,,mmar only
With the i,,pring sc nlCstcr in full swing. I ha ve finally learned what college is about. Stress! Ul,1 semester I did n't qu ite realize how l1JCky I was 10 act uall y ha,·e free time. h was undcr~lood 1hal when 4 p.m. came arou nd, nw and my then ruommale were in our room wa11.·hing " Boy Mccb World"" This ~e rncs tcr I wou ltl he lucky to sci: " Hoy Mccb World." As a mancr of fac 1. I 11. as in the studio a few days ugo. and it cu me on wl11l c I wa_, talking to a man who 11.·orl.: s for '"Campu\ Watch." A, much a.~ I knew I needed to lis1cn to him. I wa~ ~till ~lrJining to sec what episode it Wil'l. Ami. uf C0llf"'C i1 \\'a.\ nnc I had not seen . Something che th:u i~ new IO me th is scmc)te r i~ I ha\'e act ua ll y been usi ng the day planne r 1ha1 w:1s prO\·idcd to me at thi: begi nn ing nf the year from the Housi ng Office. It ha, so m:my marl.:ings in it. I get confused anyway. Hclwcen ..,,,ork. !>1:hool and ex1 ra curriculur ac tivi1ic,, I' m lud:y if 1 ge t si x hou rs of ,Jeep :11 night. I'm 001complai nins, 1hough. TI1 at's 1he arnaiing part. Last ~e mcstcr if 1 would have bee n in thi s ~itua1i un. I wuuld have griped umil one of m)' friend, lnl d nlC to shut the hell up. Then, l woul d have made n•·w fri end, :mJ i;ripc to them and ~o forth. Bui. like I ,aid. I am not complaining. 11\C ma in rca.\oQf1 I am so happy 11.•ith m)· cr,11.y sc hedule i, hcca ui,,e of th e people uroun<lme. This i,,e m1.• ..1er I h:1\"e eMahl1,hcd a few
Staff Writer
THE WICHITAN Editorial Board Editor in Chief Jasu n Law re nc e Managing Editor Deanna Dolford Viewpoints Editor J c nnircr Til lery Copy Edi tor A lis ha Ferg uso n Photo Editor Teanncllc Mi ller Ad,•iscr Jim Scmoc
close friends who will Ihle n to me talk aOOu1 lh c paper and what is new with it. The:,c urc peo ple that do 11()( mind if I ha\C to cancel on a movie with them. bo.""Cau,e they undcr., tand. Othe r people ~t".~:;~~ji;:a~~! th 11 a
i~~!~~~:~s~~ ;;, ~~a~w
1 ,;;a\k~~:
:~~:rd 1:~~t
my night cla~s. I came bacl 1n 1c wri1ing my ~•orie s for the ,.....d I down at the ~ me computer ttul I been al al1 day, and what happtrr-.l! compu1er rejected my di ~k. . I do no•
be, I will always
form/f r~~:
have a place here., ' _ 7
Tuesday nighb until midnight or 1 1 ~d c~; associate edi tor. Tuesday~ were so strcs,-
~~~i~~ ~~w ;~ ~O:-~
I realized no matter how late or how disorganized } can
some fricnJ , 1111 Whik I
~!~ngc:n:~tcf ~!C_umini; ahou t my di sk, S(wal Ii,
fu¼ ?w thini;s arc worl.ing out differentl y. Wnh the new staff and new edi1 ors. thing ~ nrou nd The W!chilan arc going a lot mon: smoothly. Smee I always mis... deadline due to the stories I do {baske1ball 1 ~: s a~~~;sa~~~;1t~ \ f:~~ et~~~~~·y! 11 1
~~,~~o:~:ti~ ~~JiQc/~\~::i~ er came in to keep me cumpan~ The feeling I got made all 1hc •~ an ger about my job d isappc;u I no mancr how late I am or ho" J,
and Tuesdays. Howe\'cr, the
Of cour,;c, that"~ panly bccJU" 111 else want ) 10 write spons , t,ul I
editor-i n-chi ef
~~: ~ ~1~h~-f~~~!~~t / 1~~t:t:~!::~c~da~i
1~; 1~~:- t~~~r:ri ~r~b:~ h:ippen. Hell 11. ould prohably freeze o\'cr orwme thms . A~ a maucr uf ract, last Tucsd:iy af1cr
Rcporh-rs Ni.:k Bag herpour Ci ndy Bell Stephanie Ce rny Kim C ha mne~, Wendy Garfink le Da\'CGun ne ll Anika Kenti sh Dawn Hensley k nnifcr Herr~l1 Na11cyQuan Danielle Rune} Joe Ruo;,cll
~~~~~ I can be, J wi ll alwa y~ Ill, ~,
and say it's n:a ll )' hc(au.c
Who know~. ma ybe I am ri~ht
Dmn 1 Ht"1utt•r is u 1ophom1•rt
cwm111111icmim1S majt/r ffVtll s.,n:r'
Photo~r-.1phers Dal'on Bake r Masako Miura Grap hic Artist.~ Adam Chave, Kei th :'-,lyef'i AdverlisinJt Reps Chri, Jones Donna Pa yton
Accounta nt Joi,,h 0c~~1 n Circulation Ma nagtr 1 Mau Hu mrt-~ Websilc Coordlnltor Adam (h3,,l
THE W!CHITAN ~ hllrlla'Y17,191
NEWS CAMPUS BRIEFS nrollment drops slightly M~~! !
l)IANNA ~OIID ...~ no EdilOf m S t31C , 1:in cd thc s1cr ; :i1h 2-17 fewer ,tuthe f:ill '<'nte,1cr. ,
his in mind, will MSU 11 ' ~~ :··•:111:11nahlc .. L:k. 1hc d 1tCl'IOr ~f
1997. l..a\ l foll .\CIIICSICr tlk're were 3 \Ol~IJ of 5·69-' ~1udcn11> cnrollcd :;.c u mg Ilk' winie r trimc!>tcr :.1u'. llk're arc only 5,447
Some people looL: at the enroll. mcru numheri; nod b(lic,·c f,.-ISU will l'le\'cr ~ :Kh i1s gool o f 6,000 Mu• :;Ll>. fu-c.i:amplc. lhc j oL:c that has
S1udcm and
n whi~~red on campu"- for 1~
~~~: I~ st: :;
\~c ~:,~~ ::~
~~k"fi~ .,G:1~~-~ more rexh-
thc Cow ho)•\ g out :ihout U1>
nr:'?: good school ihat
•ice~ Howani
On the other hand. lhcrt are those ,., the!< same numbers
" ~ _loot
wnhJoy bccau)C they believe 1h:it ail
fimtcly gcnmg out
;~~~!-~; were 85 fc,,\'cr Mu-
: ~ " ~ \,: d~~~ rttrui1 3 mere
cm~u~ ~:
Barbara Merkle explai ned 1h:11 prople need 10 lool.: heyoml the
1998 1h:1n in fall o r
:umt':c: ;~n~: : ',~:Ch:..t~;rc
think we 11,·ill n:uch our goul. lfo11,•c1·cr. people mu~11:ike into con• ~idcnuion 1ha1 MSU ha, gr.tdua1ed lb largcM cha~S('\ in the pail lhrce years. Thcrcfo,~. 10 rtach our go:il we ha1·c 10 rcpknish these g™1u:11ing cl:1~!,!;'S, as ,.,ell :n bring in transfers." Merkle funhcr u plaincd that the numher.; rc nce1 what )he calls ")tOf)OUL\:· These :arc studtnu who will ancnJ MSU :i semester and then take off a scmc)lt r 10 cam enough money 10 come hxk 1he following scmc.,,1er In rcvicwing the enrollment num~rs from )urrounding uni1·crsi1ics. II s«ms as though MSU 1~ wilne)S• ing the Ymc dccrusc fn:>m fall 10 ;~i;_& that all universities expcri-
Step hen F. Aus1in Uni1·crMI)', Stephen F. Au\tin Cllpcfienccd an II pcn:cnl Jccrca\C' in iLS cnmllmcnl numbrf'. Rcshtrar Dcnnh Jones from Stephen F. Austin ~id.'" All uni1·er• sitics h:i•·c 10 cApcc1 ~ drop from ra11 10 spring. We drop C:\'Cry year. Ou, cnrollmrnt dropped by aboul 1,000 Sludt:OIS, mai nly bccau)e of lhc Dcccmhcr graduates." Pe rhalJ!' MSU docs not ha1·e anyFa rr el l thing fo \\"OfT)' aboul. said,"Ye1m, :igo if yqu had gone to the Me:tror,ICll and asked about
0 ~ !~a~ c~! r ~ t: ~:!!J,~!:ccp1ng M~M:a11on, f£?1 p«Kpccli1,: mcmbefY!ip during the 19'.19-Z<XX) !IChoot year. Mor111r Boord •~ .'ioCnior honor wc1c1y lha1 promolc!. .-.chol:iDhip, \C'r-.-icc and lcadcM1p 1n 1 ~ : ~ ;; ~~1·~11~~a~~60~r: :a~;::'ic: '.:i;.~~:,"J;:! mus! oot be sooner than Dec. 19?9. lnfom1:111on ) httU arc a,-:i1labk m the Dean of S1udtnb' office. loc3tcd in the Clark Studcnl Center. 11
Dallas Cowboys to conduct intern interviews 1bc Dallas (o\\brl)'S arc looking for 1111cm!. 11ml :ire laking interview,; on Mar. ) from 9:.\0 a.m. to 12 p.m. and I p.m. to~ p.m.• ThO!iC ~,udcnl\ ,...ho :ire inccrc)tcJ should IJO by Carttr and Tc\1in11 Scnicc~ in the Cl3rl,; S1udcn1 Center. Room 10!1 10 mai:c an :ippoinunenl for an m1ervicw. Applicant!. m11s1 he 18 ye,us or 1111e. Rcsumr~ arc rctiuircd by Feb. 24.
r- - - - - - - - - - - -, .
~;:-:;~':;::'. ,'7.:[';r",~;:; I
1hcrc now, p«Jple will dcfimlcly know who we arc. wc·,·c got a grcm
$;"l5. 00 QfJ1' •
~~~~ I ~~
~~~idc3~1d w:/rch~~in~h~o For example . Angelo State Unil'cn.i1y dccn::IM.'d in enrollmcn1 ,'.'?.il•.•!ng c:imp. We will from the fall lo ,pring. a.~ did ·---""
D&NIIU T~Y_!OII l)u.NNA ~OIID The W1ctutan
Tr,m)m~s~ion of the 1•inis usually h~ppc!is through d1rcc1con1:w:1 with
and swollen lymph gland~. . Diagnosing mononuclco,is can be difficult due 10 the similari ties belwccn ii and 01hcr infections such :i.~ _ s~rcp thm:u. meningitis. appcnd1c111s and measles. Certain an1ibod• ics and lymphocy1e. or 11·hi1c blood cells. art produced by the immune system wi1h the o nscl of ihe syn1p\OmS. Thcrcfon:, d1agnos1ic testing 1s nccess.a.ry. , At Vinson Health Center, Hoh s~id. the physician will normally g11·e a Mudcnl an1ibioucs \\'hen he or she is exhibiting these symp1on1s and th(n order II tcsl for mononucle• ~is. llolt said it is difficult to diagnose "mono" even with a test hcc:iu-.c it ha~ 10 be caught at 1he ~eh~/ mc for a 'posili\·e rc)uh lo
,·1rus-m~cc1:d .-.:1lh·a. Thcrd orc. if a pcr..o_n 1~ diagnosed wi1h mononu~lcosis, he or she doc~ not ha1·(' 1o be IS{)latcd from others. 'That i_s a myth of· mono·:· A IX'' · ~ ~ s ™>I have IO he quar.u,u ncd. Holt !>!lid. ·11tcrc ha,·t been 1tf~ t10u~ m? no~uclco)is i, c~sc.~ where one person in a family by the Ep!,tern-Barr virus ,.,,111 ha1c the 1·irus and no one else w1ll e1·crgc1 it."" Afler the viru) hai. ell1('rcd the ucle<bh be1wecn the age) of body. it may lake up to ~vcn wcch Jlld 30. occurring slighlly morc f~r sympton:i, !Oarise. Usually 1hey in men lh:in wo men. d1Y ppcar w1thm one 10 th rtt weeks. 1matcl~· 50 out of 100.000 although some have lasted for mooths. " Mono'" has been known 10 an~ u hibit symplom~ of ~ asymp101ic in many people, e:iusuclcmis yearly, but within a mg 1hem 10 be una11,•:arc of thci, ~ uinf, lhi~ r-.tle b sc1·cral infection. pca1cr. Tiic onset of this infection is charThere 1s really no cure for )lorl0nuc1eosi~. sometimes ac-~crizcd by headache, fatigue. mononuclcoi.i!,,. Treatment is nor10 as '"mono" o r "1he kissing ~hills and los~ of :1ppc1i1c. As the mally limited 10 that of the symp: laJlleL~ and reproduces in mfcct!on p~~sscs. the pciwn may toms of "mooo." Wi\-ary glands of the mou1h. expcncncc a h igh fc1·er. SOft 1hro;a1 During the acute phase:, rest.
: \'~~,;c~::,r (!p;~e:~~~
nuid -intake and :i healthy diet :arc rt'C'ommcndcd. along wi1h a pain relic1·er fot hcad3Chc and muM:lc pain and salt gargling for sore throaL,. "All anyone w11h ·mono' can re:il• ty do h cat \\'CII and rest. Dnnk plenty or n u1ds. but don'1 J rinl.: alcohol. Ch·crall. just take care of )'our.,clf," Hoh said. An1ihi01ics arc not prescribed for juM mononucleosis iuelf. ThcM! 1trug sarc nnly cffecti1·e against bacterial infoc tions, 1101 l'irJI infections. Howc1·er, some people m1gh1 experie nce b.Klerial complications in conjunction with "mono" 1ha1 w,11 require an anubiotic drug. As with any 1•iral infection, EBY rcma ins in the body even after the sympmms arc 1:onc. Thi~ infection, however. r.il"C'ly reoccurs. lnform:uion in this aniclc can be found ::u the website http:Jlwww.mediconsuh.com
(Regularly $35.00)
lff~[R lOOH~ 4701 SouthWest Pkwy. Suile 22 & 23
1501 Midwe5tem Pkwy. Suite 1058
We offer I f Uline of IJlnning supplies ! HOURS Mon~ u r d ay 9a.m. - 11 p.m. Sunday
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/11 Cdl1ffOl1.
TextJS dlfd M dl'I !Jilfg!
Tire /J11s w1ll ledvt at 1:30 PM /r0111
DL. Lip, Coltse11111 dlfd tltet rice 1s1'ttst $5.00 vie/initeftf clreater tlta11 a tdlf/; ofgt:1S'). Box. l1111clres all(/ s«itJS W✓ll be trovided.'
t1t 391-4500
~-"-=------- f Two. ~ to. oeiwe yea I
MSU 8t1sketbt1II Te11ms!
for more informt1tion tlet1se ct1II tlte Office of Stvdet1t Activities
1 f
Bring in this coupon or your valid MSU I.D. to receive
ono strikes many annually -
T!,e Lalff /11(/idlfs W✓llf'ldl/ at 6 00 PM & t/,e llfdia11s W✓ll fldlf at 8.-00 PM . ~ will be tlrere to Sllff'rYt /:Jot lt teams /rY t lt1s
IM P0R..TANT VICT0 R._'f.t
Bigloo's deb ut a hit NICK ■ ,HNDPOUII The WIChilan -ci,.lOJ
• Ti nk tr CrNllt Union St-mlnar. 2
CO. 1, an C\h ih11mn d in~N' mu,ical hxlgmund, :ind 1hcir collabor.ltwe dTon to CTI:'a tc their dl\li no:111-.: hr.ind of Te,:i., hluc ~
a lot of attention and rc~p,rcl from Te,a, hluc, band~ and 1, )Ure lo n1alr u pl:,cr (Of ll"t'II amons the mo n.- n.-pu rahlc hand, of 1he genre 11•ith thl\ lll>u m and the e.\lCO) l\·e n.-gi onal lou ring lhC) arc dutni: 10 , ur,,on 11. Althou gh thc rn tin: C D i, e.1..cellen1 anJ \'Cr)' rrofc,, 1on:1.II} mi.1..cd. lhc track, lhJI n:a ll y ,;1and ou1 arc ·1 A~k Why:· " Hx l Around:· " No ·-c10-.c r 10 You:· Nt"A' Nev. )," "And So We Mttt ..... and "Sca.\ 1M1, ... Tllerc · i, al-o :m un li,1cd tmd :u the end 1h111 b unc of the nkcsf 31.."0 tb! IC pi«c, on 1he d, sc. ''Closer 10 You,- the .-.ccond uxk on the dbc, opens v.·i1h a 1·cry funk y intro riO reminiscent Lenny Kr:l\'i tl orTlle Btx l Cl'O\l e~. Lnd guitari \ t Dee Kimic u open~ V. i1h a \'Cry cn,p lead II ilh good ~USlain, Tlle ~ni: co ntain~ i:NJJ 1rndi1ional blue~ lyrical wo rk and you an aln'Kht p,c1urc the dimly lit. hazy CO\·iron• mcn1 of a good Muc, bar when h~1cn111g to it. Follov.1ni: "Clo-.cr 10 You," i~ lhe llCOUSlic tracl - 0on·1 A,l Why:· The hand exhibits i1s tr.xlcmark col labor.11100 ,lilt, on thi, piece making smooth transitio n~ from mello11 10 a linle more intense. Lead voc alist Jusun Sm,1h ·, 1·0 1c-c con\ cy~ the emotions i ufficicnt to male hi ) \'OCals belic\ ahlc with the bitten.wcct lyric~. Trac_l ~•.1... " Bxl A~und,'' begin) with a mce sliding llCOU ~l!c tntro that n:mmd, me of some of the acouMic wort. by the J:1mc~ Gang fan old band fro m the ·70·~1 ::ind The Jayhawb. The song mo\·es into the chorus well and the: chorJ progrc ~, ion in the chorus is 1·cl')· nice. The ~p: rem inch me a lot of The Black Crowc:s 10\0o'ard 1hc m."'C 1\'cd
"'"· '"No New New~ ... the hc:a \'y- hitting eig hth tr.tck. b
uippy from :i rnu~ical standpoint. There i~ some t()()(l l) n cal wori; here by Smith and bass,~1 Ja~ Welch. The qi ng h a pnmc C.\amplc of Smith '~ incredible: \'OCal
~r:~rn~~f i: !~~~ gdi~~l~~~!.~:i~c~1-~
end h~
• AL M proit:nmmini ron lCSI, II a m. ,n Cfa1l Student Center Room
Wednesday, Feb. 17
'The \Ong i, dl\·1Jcd hy II gui1ar -.olo 1ha1 1rmind, rne or J1mi llcnJri,.' \olu on "Hey J~ ." Thcrr i~ al'tO a
Dof, Gn.-cn E.1.nh.- loc:i.1 banJ Digloo\ Jcbu1 ~~~ of 1hc nK'mbl·I"\· ::im::izi ng t:ilcnl!.,
lnc banJ ha,
run. in Clark Student Ccnh: r Room IJ8
• Hrlll~h S1udlt:o1 ln tH~I mtttln~.
l ind of :m Al ice In Chain ~ sou nd. alhcit low-
7 p.m. in C lark Student Crn1cr
Room 171
•·~:!~.;;;~:,:~·~:11;;~~~ro~; !~ Thursday, Feb. 18 in~;~~n~:itcs~!f1~ :in
" optn 1uning" -
chord - in lh i~ one. "And So We Med' blcrn.h into a !ieamlcH tr.in~ition 10 Uk' nc.\l trxk, "Sca\Om :· Thh ~·a~ :i \'Cl)' clcn:r :ind impn:ssin· mil ing 1Jca on 1he hanf \ pan. Thi, w ng ha, a Nei l Young w n o f quali1y lo ib dn Ying electric chord progrcS!>ion 1,,hich sound~ like an c:kctrificJ kin to Youn((s ' 'Old Man."
1 2 si:::it~ ;fay~ ~~ ~~:~ 1,""!;ca~i ~: 0~;ic !u~Z. and a harmonica (another clement o f Neil Young' ~ si ylc). Austin musi ciim Elilabcth \Vilt~ helped the band :k~i!~~~mco on th1, song, lending her meals 10 the 0
If 11 weren't for the in ten\C \ ubjcc t matte r of the song, a li M~ nc:r mig ht think it was 3 Barcn:iked Ladies Ming. Thi, •~ one or 1he best stud io record ings I han~ e,·er heard and ii is definitely 1he best onc- to C\'C:r come: out of Wichita F11lls.
~;a~f~~hi~ tt;n~ b .l~~~;:~u~~~)'. di 0;~; ;~ Texas and a damn tood guitar player 10 bool. Kinnett 1,
11 ~;:1~1:
r~~e:.:t\~ ~~~s~~ r:~~~~ :~~~ 11
:~:i~~n!i~!:::c~~ ~~~ ;:;,:~:i~tl:.:r." /k: ~~lt~;e~f With all orthcM' thing ~ stand ing out. ii"Hasy too\·crlook the rhy1hm work of ba!>~ist Wckh and drummer Ric h Stitzel who both ha\·c dc:cp roob in Jazz music. 1 1 ~r;;:~;~st~~t .... 10 ~~ cfL yoo_ should pic k up 3 copy :i.\ soon as pcmi blc :ind dcctdc for r oo r .'>t'lf. I warn you, howe\·c:r. thi ~ i~ a daunting tas k for any mu ~ic lo\·er.
~~t rWt: ::;~~:~::~~
~~ ~
• 0nt"-Ac1 Pl•J ln,·JiaUorntl, 7 p m in Akin Aud11ori um
Sunday, Feb. 21
the guitar 1~ 1unc-d lo :m OJ)(O
• Ma lh Coonl'1'J un lo r 111.:h com~tlUon, 8 u.m. ,n Fowler Room
• t"aculey Stnalr mtt llng. J pm. in Clark S1utlcni Center Room J7 1 • Phi Alpha lndurtlon t'trrmony. .\ p.m. in Clark S1udc: nl Cc:nic: r Room I38 • Alumni Dlnntr. 5 p.m. in Clark S1udcn1 Cc:nlcr Room 162 • Pa nhrllr nlc Mttlin,:, 7:30 p.m. in Clark Student Center Room 17 1 • Campus Crusad ~ mttling, 8:30 in Clark Student Cenler Roo m
Friday, Feb. 18 •Apple Trtt Lounir potlry and p rose rTading. J:JO p.m. in Clark !~~d; n• Ccn rcr Wichita Roo m\ I
-Caribhnn Sludtnl Orp.nl1,11tlon mttllng. 5 p.m. in Clark S111dcn1 Center Room 138 • C■ tbol ic Mass. 7 p.m. m 1he Catholic Campu~ Cen1cr •SocM'ly ror C rTalh"t Anac h ronis m mt'rll na , 7 p.m . in the Out door Education Center
Monday, Feb. 22 •Carihbcan Stud r nl Orga nization rxh ibition. 9 a.m. 10 2 p.m. in Cl:irk Studen t Center 136 • Unit td Campus Minlslry Lu nch, 12 p.m. in 1he Catholic Cen1cr •Al pha La mbda Delta/P hi Ela
in Clari. ::~:;;: ~ 1~rgR~ 1 1 •Chi Alpha Blblt' Study. 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 20
• Wlchilll Falls Championship Major Zone, 8 a.m. at the tennis couns
Washin glo n , 7 p.m . in C lark Swdcnt Cen1 er RoomlJSA • Circl, K lntrmalional mttti ng.
~e=:;:o~i~:~ I
Room1 77
Tuesday, Feb. 23 • As One Gm~I C hoir ~ 8 a m. 10 12 p.m. ~ 1 SltJ(knl Center Book\lurc: , Social Workrn Actirtt l ~
a~ 1
• Gd lo Know Mon ar R.ii p.m. m Cllri. S1 udcn1 Cerao
172 • C hi Alpha rnttlln t. 7 Clark S rude n1 Center • UPR prt'.W o l, comttttan ~ Was hin g1on . 7 pm 1~ r S1odcn1 Cen1cr Room 13~,\
R~f~ ,
• &ooomic Finan« ~
Ing, 7 p.m. tn Fov. ler RCIOnJ I
,,: Dr. J oyctly n EldtN. I 9, Clark S1uden t Ccmc:r R00rn 1,.
• Artisl Lttt urr
Wednesday, Feb. U I .\ f~ • Rn lil y Coll~r ba na na splil party. 11 Jo 4 in Clark Stll<ltrw
: :·(~ ~=
• Holy Day Ma.-..~. 12 p.rn 1, 1
~~t~:i:r:; ~:~ I·
Cl:iri. Studen t C.en1er Roo~ c~:r~~,'~~701~': ~ J i_, 183 " - - - - - -
:3::_0.!::P·!!!"'·cc;:!.".:C::::l><_:k.::_Sl::::"d'.:'°'.'.'.'.::C~'"'.'.'.":..'- " L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.!8:;:: In f~ 10 ilt' m for This Wttk, call 397471.M or bring II by Th t' \Vichi tan orr~ Ir )'OO r o~a ni,.atlon tion. Arts Room 103 oo l11trr than 5 p.m. lhr Frid ay before Jn cr ndtd publica
Elders to spea k at ALS Farrell hum bled by aware THI: WICMITAN
Fonner United S1atcs Surgeon GencrJI Dr. Joycelyn Elder. 11111 spcal at the: Anist Lecture Serie ~ Fc:h. 23 concerning he:ihh care in the :! hi ccn1u ry. Duong hc:r term a~ Surgeon Gcnc rJI. she iniliated prog r.1111, 10 comba1 youth smokmi, teen Pf'C!; nanc) and 10 incrca -.c c hildhood m1muniz.ition,. ..01c:rall. the ALS i~ a v.indow 10 the outside world We II)' 10 gc1 na1ionally known ~rculer~ 10 , peal
on uni1·ersal topics:· Dean of S1udcnb Jane Lc1 ~hnc:r s::iid. Elders ha~ been acti\'e in ci,·il affa irs a~ a nicmber or the Link Rock C hamb(r of Commerce, Nonhside YMC A and Youth Homes. 11·an1 to change the way , we think about tlealth hy pumng pre\'Cntion firsl. I want 10 be lhe 1·oicc and ,·ision of 1he poor and pov.·er• le~:· Elders said. She has won a11•:irds such a;; the Ark...an~.a~ Democrat '~ Woman or the Year, the National Med ical A, ~oc iation~ Dr. Nat han DaYis
Award, and !he Nauonal Coalition of 100 Black Wnmen·s Candacr Award for Heahh Science. '"We don"1 nc:cd 10 agree with her views, bu t rmher re~ pcct her kn o...,.1edge. Bknding ideas is v.hat educa· lion 1s 11boo1," L.cis hner said, Elders ll'ill be appca ring in Akin Aud itorium on Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. Tic kets arc ~\'a ilable in 1he Clark Student Center Office and are fr~>e 10 MSU studen1 ~. r:acuh )• and st:tff. For more information. call 397-4520.
ALISHA FIIIOUION The Wichltan Ad~~~is~;:i~i:ec:n~c~•}:~d~in~w~~~ Farrell, 1hc man v.•ho brought the world 10 Wichi1a Fall.~. was rt'COS· ni zcd for his dcd icatioo by being namet.l W1ehitan of the Year fnda y. The award, gi,cn by the Wichi!.i Falb Timcs- Rccont Nc:11•s. is f i\·en 1o··)()mcone 11ho has m:adea s1gnificam impac t in bu)inc~~. qualit y of life or communit y ~l'\·icc:· Lynn Dickerson, publi ~her of 1hc Time:~Rc:conl News, said. '"It "s for ~omc:one who has helped make \1/ichita 1
Fa~! ~~!t~t, ,~ -i~:~l~~~-~ompl is h-
bi:~~J~ll~: ing c1:.~,pDall:1~
M~t·e;:f1; S1•~: ~0 ~~in·l~i1
~~~-~!ii/ ~:aJ 0c: t:~~;~1u~i./~~ gcnml ,.. Dic kerson said. " 11')
:1~:~~!~~~;;~1~ 0
: ,1:h~-~u~ ~(~ crwi ~ nc\'cr -.ce 11 , 1101 1n ment ion thl" S6.~ million thJI w:h ,11<.·111 llcre . "'Economic:t ll )' 11 wa, a great 1hing, hut also gaw 1he commurnty ~ lf-:1,~ur,111\·c," Whi le llll· aw:i rd r.:.'Cogui,e~ 1hb monumental fc,n. Farrell 11~J ~ :1b.o
~ ~elected fo r his many odlcr con• tributio n~ to the th e ; ~~~~ni~;.d F .ir r c ll ~ has been the vice of president and S1udc nt Admin i~ l rati1•e ~incc Services 1989 a!l(I is al-.o Farrell the adn~c r for the Student Govcmmc:nt Association. Off campus, he i~ in\'Ol\'ed in :.evdirectory eral txnnh of ~u ch ' '
~ ,, ~
\::, tu
(] IJ
Set your teepee up at Country Park Apts. We lease by the semester. Student, Faculty and Administration discounts available. Make your reservation today!
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1 ~~~ 01•
~' ill~J ~: ~h1~ h~~n111sy 1~~ Love or hate the ~ \! ~~~?r~\~b a~1 Cowboys is not the ~~c~~~t~\!~ point; t~e fact is they ,',~~rim.,_I . , ~:::n;;;k~ ~h~ cast a big shadow. - D,: Howard Farrell ~-~~t:~ of Board
f , rt Comrncrce and rec1 p1,·n~ ' C h i I d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, JI 1he Ad\'C)Catc ). .\I lude inc The reci pient of lhe Wic hi111n of the Year :1w:1n! is Prc,ident Louh J. Rodnj:U<I. & in 1iart , ek c 1ed by the communil\' of Re gen ts Chair K:11' Y,•Jin' ; ihdf. The Times-Record he ld .iii Rob(-n Pridd y of · th,· ·I'll Fou nd:ilio n. OJIC II nomi n:ui on in the pape r. • ·
t~~/~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ann~ "'-l'o .. ..-""'
Screwtape Letters Flickerstick Fri. Feb. 19th Sat. Feb, 20th D i r e - a t « r c . m Da.••a.•!
The Undulating Band Fri. Feb. 26th
~i~-~~~; -;:~~;i~~:r°~r made upthc !>elt.'Cl1oocomm ~ Farrell said he w:h wrpn < rccc:i\'e lhc .iwanl. ··11 ·s \·e11· humbling:· he- ~ ..The crc.-dit for all the 1hmr, ~ ii"~ lilcrJll y a cast of 1h11U~ was dd1~h1L>d.ind H•r:, Oli lNN, On 1he 1mpac1 of tt11: Ila camp. he said . ··1 1h111k 11\ ~" " a window to the worl d. Len~ tt l the Cowboys 1, 001 the f'Ollt f:tct 1, i
~ a~i:,~o~~ ~
Ou t of :1bou1 20 nom1n• Dickcrsoo ...aid, 3 to 5 •·~ Farrell . Dickerson, Ti mc~-Rc:
ooosu Sat. Feb. 20th
Volley Ball
Try Outs
Feb. 20 11 a.m. D.l. Ligon Coliseum I Need to bring papers frd
p hys ical.
Help Wanted For Court Servicei: Part time job Delivering citations Jrid c r im inal checks. Will
For more
Aline Dowd
$2. s:o60 oz. Domestic Pitchers OPEN TUESDAY thru SATURDAY 4p.m.TO 2a.m.
Ctnl~f rKt mjl t
1 l'.'1Lh1U fJl!..l.'i76l(A; l'tit 9!0l .. •
~ = - = - -5 FEATURE ew play offers different spin for viewers THE WICHITAN hllrla'Y17,1898
~Actor 1\i,o" "AclOf Thm:::· "AClrc~s 0nc:· done fo\l. "Oflentimc.\o 111·e'II run off ~lage aod -Actrc,, 1\l·o,- and "Actrci.s Thrtt" lx1.:aU\C.' be in the nc~t .w:enc with differ-en, costume)," there will be \0 many diffen:"nt ch:irJCtcn, Bell )aid. "h 'i, rc:ill y fun ," Fem1:in !l,;lid. ""'-"Cau~ you The ac ton arc soh·ing 1he problem of _chang;it,,,J~7d1tfcrtntrok,".' SCI lo play Ml many different charJClen.. h's an ing whole coi.1unici. by wearing a ba,,c cos· 01 ~1n~ Room" by A.It G_umey. :ic:11111: experience." 1umc 1hat they will Ulld uem~ 10, such as a cane ,fl'1/1(' rit'.\l prnJu.:11on thac .,..,,11 he prc~m Tho: number of charactcn, each actor played for an older pen,on, 11,·hcn needed. . r ,he M1JY.c,1crn S1,11c Theatre al~? made the charJCter dc\·eloprncnt h:ard. Bell was ah.o pleased with the opportunily to ~/ nt fl"lln Fch. 2.5 lo Feb. 28 ;u the: Fain It 1, only a li\·e• lo 1cn-mmutc !>CCnc :and it\ play a numhcr of different roks: "You oon·c get rt' n,ra1rc. nk)f(' difficult to switch from one charac ter an oppurtunity lo play :i 6-ycar-old a~ an 110. J. pJ~ Jt:p,ci- the ~ro(!n:,,I\C hrcak tlown year-old in 1hc same play. The neat 1h1~g aboot P' 11Pf"'r-m1ddlt clai,i, Amcno.:an fami ly it b you get a chaocc IO play a role you d ncvu iJ'dlt \}mt,oh,m of 1hc dinint mom. · gel 10 play, like a 6-year-old child.'" . ._ , ,no..:111.· ol d1lfrr~n1 -.cc~es:· Jeremy The play will be directed by LaurJ Wilson. ~ -ni,or .,.. ho pla}, a m:un rok in the a~r.ociatc profci.sor and coordin:nor of the ihc• Jtd. He ,;uJ 1hc play i, pcrfom,cd by atrc dcpanmcnt. Natt-Ian Landrum. a senior ~nd ,.., JC1i14"4hr« men :ind 1hrl-c 11,•omcn- for the set dc.~igncr from l:til semc~tcr's production 1 of "You Can·1 Take It With You.'' will bc the ~;; :i;n;~~-ffercm pan.. h;'.I\ Ix-en a chal assi)tan, dircclor. "f(ll lhi: :ICIOI', . Frcshman Graeme Bice will play Actor One, -junior Christina Bell tw~ part fm all of u, wu., line rncmori,aFcnm111 wi ll play Ao:tui T"' o, Smith will play '. fj,e.hman 8rJndon Sm11h, who play, Aclor Thrtt. Befl will play Actre~~ One. sophodJfTt."l'tJll .:ha_r.K'tcr., ,:ud . .. It too~ a week more Andrca Goodwin will play Ac1n:ss T111·0. :<f 11, mcmoruc all ti\(- pans. Plus. wc and Kimbcrl y Hubbard, a l>Cnior. will play l' :J ;lfllUnd V. hen 11,•e WOr\:cd 00 'i("CflC~ . Ac1rcss Thrtt. r' nt 11,c .,..,~·h-d ?'\_lhr..-c w«h aro, we The pht)' will i.how at 8 p.m. from t'"eb. 25 to from ant.Mher,'' Smith said. 'tliJlllcd a_,_11 ag::un. . _ . Bell didn't thinl; character dc\·clopmcnt wu Feb. 27 :rnd a, 2:30 p.m. on Fcb. 211. ~ !«IIC 1s challc_ n~tng m 11~ own ~·ay:· 1 MSU ~iudcms get one free tid:cl with their hard httau!>C of the way she looked al each ·:t l)lcllrt" JlUJ{lf ~ hm11na IMI s;iid. MSU II) and facully 1,;c1 two. . . charac1er. She play«! JO in all. ri ()lc i, compo,;c,J of. 11 M:"~nei.. 11,hile the Adult ticket, arc S6. and ticket, for senivr cn"You have 10 worl; on each one (character) 1, compoM:d of , 1x, wuh each .,ccnc izcns. high school student.~ and military pcr.;on' IM a separate play. Dci,pitc the rather like 11\ from :i different play," Bell said. Fcnnan also ~aid 1hcre 11,ould be a wick r:tngc ncl arc S5. nu1111'er of !oCencs. Ferman l>:lid the play For more ticket tnfonnation. call the Theatre a,;1ually he f:lirly , hon, la.~ting about ;in of cha racter 1ypcs and lots of co,tunlt' chance~ . . between sec~. "I think people will he sur- Publicity Office at 397-4393. $Id a half to two hours. l tmiiftr Tilltry /1tlf>t'ff (tmmbw e /fJ tlr u f!rt/• cllJnClen. ha\·e no rc:al names and will pri!>Cd at the i.how," he said. The C&itumc changes between scenes will be cle. on thr progr,1.m ob simply ··Ac1or One:· The Wictu1an
Jo \'OU tct .,..hen
mi\ ,i,, diffcrcm
,,.---____,, Every scene is challenging in its own way.
Kim Hubbard and Andrea Goodwin perfofm a scene in "The Dining Room." Photo by Teannette Miller
ull service center ew organization offers students a way to.find places to volunteer
The WIChitan
' Jal 1ol>h to \"Oluntttr for community service and ) Slllt' where lo _.. ,an, thi, campus-based organi,.a• 1 I ti1~. a new campu\ !>Cl""\'icc dcdicaicd
sem<>t« hut th<y d,do't ' "" xh-crtisi~g until tht' end of the ' , - - - - - - - !>CmtMcr She sa.id 1hcy 00\I,' have ~ i~fo~ati_o~ booklet about lhe ;;eo/:o~mmumty organi- The community is 1.a1ions 1ha1 h3l> found the Scr.•icc really excited about it.
01 t~~t;~~! ~ f: ~ •~~~:~c~:n~~~;~~~\~1t~fi 1:t\:~;: cifi.~ ~umber of _hours _of c~mmum1y .se~1cc. Bu;~ behcvc~ 1hc Scn.·1cc Stauon w1ll .hclp ttlcm accumuta
i~~i:~1~; 0~~eJc~i~!l'\1~~,~~nff:~~ Ayer- arc being printed :ibout 1hc~ 3 10 ~1~:!or!:~bt~~ia~ ~~~~~·~~ •Mitzie Buss tion~ target speci fic 1 0 Kumil;o Yamag1JChi and Kumiko Buss hope) ~tudcnts wi ll be 01..1wa, both Ja . nc!>C i.tudcnts, ' ' attracted 10 \'Oluntttr panially un 1hc provided by thc trvicc Station. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lxt.~i ... of ,heir major. She explained Yamai;uc:hi and Ozawa visit tht that many studcms an: t<.'quin-J to he Manor C\'ery Friday C\'Cning for approximately one and upcrieoced in their ch!J!>Cn field . outside of fum1:i.l .."<..lu-
t~~~;c~~~i~~u;:~tion currently ha, 75 r1_1mmunity nrga~ 1111.ation, tha1 hil \'C ~.'> led fur 1ulu111ccn. Bu~~ ,~id thc 0 9~~:~:~; · :u\~c~i;t ~~~~c ~potl ii;ht a d1ffcrc~t commum)Y or~.i111zauon each month w11h.mfonn~11on abou t being a \"Oluntcer. . 1:"hc Scn.·ic~ S1a1ion 1aryct, cam.pu, \·ulu nlccr ori;am• Lauon~. l>ut md1 \•_1~11al ... .who w1, h_ to \olu ntccr arc cncourngcd 11, pan1c1pa1e ,n the ~n.1w.
m&s'.: ~~; i student rnlun1cm with mmmuni ty rnluntccr t:~i:; :~anbtM:n~:.luahlc aid ii, u~::~~;,~~~G~~ 1~~~~·11f~}1~.,!.h: 3~Pn~· AuSlin Joanne11 Grimes. volunteer coor-
Stn·icc Station conntth community Ofl:ani,;i, dut n«d \"Oluntccrs ~·ith campw; Ofll3nll3tion5 or 10 uPh who 11,•;ant \'Ol untecr. rommuni1y b reall y cxci1ed about it," Mitzie ditclor of studcnl dc\·dopmcni lwlid. .. We're hop11 ~~~u=:~e:~!~~l:,,cd during (hc fall 1998
19991!,imnes.s 1?.J,view
-/rum,t,,,,,,, N""f»/"' .S,rvicu, 'Jnc. •
a ,Qt
me Wichita Falls area better golfers prefer ttle smoother greens and beautffu1 fairways of ttle
COLP: couiSE owned and operated by the City Of Wldlltl ,111, at 4400 Lalr:e Part r1 w1Ch1ta Falls This Is truly a ·gOlfer's course · and lt'S specific.ally designed to ~~~n~~ ~·:; ~~· ~D tremendolJs fun! Ttiev feature an 18 Mle cl'lamplon!hip course, golf · f I t ctlon and sent Grass greens. Ttiey are the 'HOme Ill 111xn • nd a /ora"=~!!~~Tee with your friends and discover Just hOw great a game • Jim 111 1 ve when you play on a course thats well cared for ?n:s~::."~~~~:~:n~~~~~~~r;a~eea~ot at this beautlfullY landscaped facmtv. The :"'riter's !tit 1999 Business flevlew and Reference Gulde suggest your game wm Improve and you 11 enJoy tnelf a lot more when you play ttlls outstanding golf course!
!•pc~ t\"y •;111 able ti , ..~;:~.::!t:r~: u,c u on I cir re,umc \
, holf hmm . h<lplo, with tho blogo ga~s and spending 11mc with the resident~. have·;;:~\:~ ~a~-"~~ ~~': 1 g~rls are real helpful." . . . The or1:ani1.aiion~ that ha\·e
1 1
c,tloo. S~< !h:!t woul
~:1t :~:;~r:i
- !~~~ ,~:t~i::;
DEFOOR JEWELRY 8 LOAN COYLE "DEE" DEFOOll • OWHEll/OPEll.A TOll Need money? The DIFOOR JIW■ LRY & LOAN loans money on most anvthing of varueJ This reputable pawnbroker has establlstled an envlat>le reputation for loanlng the most and their large number of repeat customers shows It Located for your convenience at 601 Ith st. in Wlehlta Falls, PhOne 12s-11ss, this well-run shOp specializes in ttle making of loans on sucn items as guns, Jewelry, TV's, vcr,, muskal lnstrumentt, and all manner of other goOds. As a retail store. DEFOOR JEWILRY & LOAN has also been very success fut In offering their customers some of the aren outstanding bargains on out-of-pawn merchandise. Stop In today and look over the selection of goods that he has to offer -you'll be sure to find something you llk.e at prices you can afford. The writers of the 1999 Business 1/evlew and Reference Gulde urge price-conscious shoppers to look to this fine shOp for bargains galore. Oh yes, remember. they also loan money, too! DIFOOR JIWILRY & LOAN looks forward to serving you In 19991
TEXOMA UROLOGY CENTER All lloabtacbi, 11.D., F.A.C.S - P•lllip E. Dowel, 11.D., F.A.C.S Many people, bOth young and old, experience urolog!cal problems at some point during their life. The TIXDMA UROlOGY CENTER has been serving Norttl Texas and southern Oklal'lOma for almost so years. The staff at TEXOMA UROLOGY CINTH nas the speclalized training and expertise to diagnose and treat urological disorders. TIXOMA UROLOGY CENTIR treats disorders such as obstructions and malfunctions of tne prostate, bladder and kidney infections, prostate enlargement, kidney stones, and cancer. Through speclaUzed testing, medication, and in some cases, surgical treatment, most problems can be treated In a relatively short time. The physicians are avatlable for primary care or second opinions and welcome most medical Insurance plans. They treat both adults and ctllldren from their office located at 151110th In Wichita Falls, phOne Ct4O1 723-0125. The doctors and staff invite your inQulrles. Ttley provide concerned care to au of ttle ir patients. The authOrs of this 1999 Business 1/evlew and Reference Cu/de are pleased to recommend TEXOMA UROLOGY CENTIR and suggest anyone in need of treatment .call for information or an appointment.
~ H ti • Plum•1a1 • Air Duct Cleaala1 Ceadltlonln1 • ea DI LAIRI I SANDUS SIRVICI IXPIRTS IS on the Job. They !al service! That'S wnat YOU ret w~~nn ~lumblng heating and air conditioning units. Ttlelr team ~ Hze In all manner of repa r wor In evel'V possible wav. Help avoid cooling breakdowns Skillet! experts stands ready to ~sslrt ~~~loning and heating systems by carting the professionals ~vet top efficiency from your a;;,~"vou might be surprised at hOw much dirt. Pollen, dust and Cl.AIU & SANDIRS SIRVtCI IXP · f 11 suffers trom.auergles or asthma, having 1 ~o.i5 lurking In vour air ducts. If so me~~e~Yi~~n!~ w~uld be very beneflclal. service Is available Owner :ai~ ciu~of your cooling and heat1ngFOr prompt and reasonably priced air conditioning, heating, resioentialand commercial concerns. he writers of this 1999 Business Review and If you are planning a new Image for yourself it wm depend to a large degree on healthy, fashionable op1umblng repair service or arr duct cleanl~~~RVICI IXPIRTS at s•11 McNlel, suite 201 1n hair. A beautiful halrstyle can make any person rook and feel younger ana more attractive . 1n this ference Gulde suggest you call CLAl ~ ~ ~ lt now before a break.down leaves you ·out area, fasnlon-consclous men and women have found ACCENTE', located at 2617 Plaza Parkway, Chlta FIiis, phOne H&-OH7 or 1-1 VV-VV" 714 • 00 suite 809 !Inside Mercedes Beautv salon, next door to sa1a-oe11·s, In Wichita Falls, phone 691' the co1e1 • 4512, to be the most progressive hair design studio around . These professtonals speclalize In • precision cuts that provide high-fashion stvllng with easy-care slmpllcltv. cutting and styling alone are not enough to ensure beautiful hair. At ACCENTE' their experienced personnel take time to evaluate eacn person·s hair type to best determine the proper care and treatment. Permanents, 1 11 laraea - Admlnl• t rator PLACI Ll~ING CEHTIR has become the preferred hfghll;tltlng, coloring and professional facials atso are featurea at this complete hair care saton . To th some of tne finest facilities anvw~fi~·ih~~~ghOut the local area . The Quality of care that the feel totally pampered from ·head to toe· end your visit at ACCENTI' with a professional man icure ~ng home of many prominent fam d with tne very best 1rs located at 1501 seventh or pedicure for that final toucn. To relleve stress, aches, and pains or slmply to feel better, enjoy a tient receives at this nursing care facl1itv ::;~~~r ambulatory and bfdfast patients. here's a Mme relaxIng massage from the pros at ACCENTE', as well. There are few investments you can make for lflttilta Falls, pl'lOne S22-074J. ldeallY su n and rofesslonal nursing care than needed when your total Image that will provide more exciting, vet affordable results than a visit to ACCENTE'. leJetne patient can get the kmd Of attentlo see e~n the patients· eating habits and the kitchen e vour next appointment at their full service styllng altflls falllng. There·s a dietician to Keep a cl~lons vfor thOse who must restrict their Intake of cer• :~Jn~oRte~~~;; ;~~~Yo!!i~~~j::!~/;~d~!:_ !Dares lnalvldual meals to dletarv specl~:tlonal activities, and personal attention makes PARK n foods. Physical therapy, exercise, rec ell The editors of the 1999 Business lievlew and liefer• ~ ~CE UVINC CENTER a nice place to be a~oV:.,e ·to anyone needing the utmost In Quality care . ....._..,.,.,u.a.ur ANT ,mca o• WB'U. can YOU,,, ...,~ .ecu1e1e recommend this fine nursing
Jk>KED tJP like 1e.now that bOOks can become an expensive investment. ebook:collectorsand ordlnarv readers ad trading oooks at reasonable prices. Even bOokWorms can
~ UP specializes tn buying, selllng an e Interested In factual documentaries or science fiction, Jra to stOCk. their libraries. Whetner you ar orlng the books you no longer plan to read, bring tllem 1wi11 find au your favorftes nere. 1nstead ~:er books BOOKED UP accepts har.dback. books in good ~ e\laluatlon and possible trading for Otter ciuall!V. If you are Interested In a particular author or ~1Uon ana sells books of the same or :te It through their ·collectof'S graoevlne. • WhV spend top• book, they may be able to help you 10 In their store located at 216 south Center in Arther City, !arfor books? You're Invited to brows~r read ing you'll iove BOOKED UPI Ir(! 514-2511 . If you have an appetite .
"JUST LET PllUITT DO IT" PRUITT FORD offers more than Just ttle usua l hype associated wittl automobile sates. Rather than double•talk, here you·11 find honest advice and reasonable prices. They speclalize in Ford recoonized as hlgtl mileage, high performance vehicles, where Qua lity, value. anci economy Is t>ul lt right In! The sales people exce l In service - before. during, and after the sale. Their service department guarantees that vour new vehl~te will be In top drivi ng condi tion upon del ivery. Jf you do have problems down the road, they II be there for vou. They offer a large In stock. inventory or can special order vour vehicle upon reciuest. When you are tired of the double talk , come to the straight talking salespeople of PRUITT FORD. located at 912 Sheppard Road In Burkburnett phone S69· }~~~;~a~~; ~~~t~~:~ can do for vou. Remember: They'll beat any price or the'r-11 give you
THE WICHITAN fllllouaoy 17, 1899
. Indians on four ga~ Exp I0s1ve: winning streak ,
Lasting memories Seniors bid farewell to team, coach and fans _ DAWN HutaLn
bolh hid good yc:i.r,,;,'' hud ~ i.krib.1/1 coach JcfT Ray s:i.id of hii. 1wo tum captains. nlf $Cnion Tony A,·n .lano and 1'hey\·c
gel to go ovcBtas ;lOO pla)' ball,n Ray ~id. "Which ,..,'OUld be 1rta1. but wben he gets done doins that. he nttds 10 come back and set his
honon.. Wilh lhi~ bting Avr1.zano·., la~1 Ka\(ln as a player on the team. !here's no doubt th:11 he will mi~s certain a~pccts of the g:ime. "Prob:ibly j ust my lcammatrs mott than anythin~... Avezzano said. "Bring in the locker room btfore the game. praclicing and playing. the v.·hole hi1." Although A\·euano did not see a, much playing 1ime this KaMJn a) 1151, he is still satisfted ,..,•ith 1hr outcome of lhc M'ason. "No quc:Mion," he said. ''The goo.I you Slart ou1 with c,·cry year, is 10 win a lot of game). win confrrencr. if you ha,·e a ehance 10 do that So fm \·try haPJ>y with ii (lhe sea'\001." A,·cuano plans on moving up from playing baskctball in yean 10 come. "l\ •c got about a year lefl until I sr.wtuate. :ind I ,..,71n1 lo gci in10 c~hing," he said. Ray louks forward 10 sccing Avcuano on the coaching end or 1he spcc1rum. "I lhink Tony h going 10 help U) ne,.1 year," R:iy ~aid. "He i~ ~oing 10 he our s1uden1 assisian1, so he.II he around." Some or Al-'eu.ano's accompfah• mcnts :is an Indian include II recorded 22 points against We~ Tc;o ,s A&M las, January, si,; rebounds in three diffcren1 game). eight :issh ts again,t SI. E.dward\ 1n Novemhcr 1997 and agains1 ACU lu t February. " It could alway~ be better. nobody plays perfect. definitely I ha,·en·t done th111," hl' said. "8u1 l\ ·e CnJO)'ed ....-hal l\ ·c done, and J lil.ed playing basketball, but I'm looking fon•.-ard 10 doin~ other thinrs." • Ray knows he wilt he losmg imponant pl:tycn. this year. "L.cadcMip in prxticc. games, both or them ha,·e JU) I been a huge pan of this progrJm;· Ray .\aid. "Those IWO J;UY) , I am definitely going 10 miss."
dcgrtt."' ··1r he's not Iii')! team all-conrer-
encc. I'm going to be shocked. He He has the chance to be Richard John~ n. l:1., 1 S:uurda)' \hould be. nirh1 \ F3me h:i.d sptti:il muning. It al I-region player and be has the ..-.':I~ 1hc1t b~t rq;ul:ir ),(';a',()11 home chance to be an all-American player. in and night out h:as nigh! Richard r ;amc:. n ·cr. been one or the best, ir not 1he ~t Durinr Wit Clf'ttn :11 MSU. both men h:wc i.tri,·t'd for c., cclkocc ;and playcr in our conkrcnc-c." This !lt'aw n has brought wi1h ii p:1,·ed the 111-:1y for next yufs team. new changes for Avczzano. John)OO ha, ~ ome ooc of 1he some A\'e,.z.ino bcgan his college career Indian,· IOfl r,'aycn 1n ju,1 1wo ~.aplaying shooting guard bot this year ha~ been mo,·ed 10 play behind This .-.c;asoo John)()n led the 1cam Johnwrt as II small forward. which in field go:ih v.·ith 157 of 3 14 from Marting this SH · ill!Cmpted. And 40 lhrtt-pointcn;, ~ . kept him
mal:ing him the 1h1rd-r.inked thret• point )hootcr in the Loiic Star
Conrc~ncc South. He abo rccordtd 92 of 119 frtt throws, 101:iling 44.S poinh for the SC:&SOO and l ,023 carttr poinb, leading the tc:im. He ...co~ a ca.rccr-high 36 pain~ ::ai;:1in51Tc.o.s LutheBn la.~t Nov 30. Q,·cr 1hc season Johnson played only 1wc 1::amcs which he did not )C'()f'C the double digi1s. La~1 ~eaJ>0n he s1aned all 25 ga~ ::and earned liri.t learn All• LSC South no1ice, averaging 19 points and 6.4 rtbound~ a game. Johnson •••as alM> the kading scorer in 12 game), i,hooling 49 per, crnt from the lidd, 43 pcrcrnl from the perimeter and 74 pcrccn1 from 1he fr« throw.• line. He h:.d IS games in ,..,h,ch he \Cored mott than 20 point). With Johnson's last home game behind him. he is looking to continuing playing b3)1.ci~ll in the future. "I hope 10 con1inuc playing b;as1:cth.all somc,..,·herc on a professional lc,·cl. 001 it's just whatc\·cr happcni,," he said. Head hasl.:cthall coach Jeff Ray has 1hooghb on Johnsru,·s future as ....-ell. '1ncre's a good chance he m1gh1
·-rony·s come off the bench and played well for us:· Ray said. He ha.s s«nd I07 poinlS thi~season and maintaiocd a .333 perttnl· age of thrtt-point shooling. He ha.s rebounded 39 halls for the season and posted a .667 percentage rate in free lhrows. A,·cuano sianed all 26 games last sca~ n. scoring a 101al or 287 points. and al-'eraging 11 points a game for lhe season. He hit a least lhrtt ) -pointers in 10 games and h~d a minimum of six assists in II matches. A,·rzzano maintained a .7SO percentage from the free throw line. Al fl.1SU rh·al Angelo Slate. i'weu.ano stan«i all 24 game, as a frc~hman and played all 26 his )Ophomorc year. He was second in scoring. a,·eraging 13. 1 points a game. HowC\·er. lwrzzano ~w 1hc bench more his sccood year at ACU 1h:1n he had c,·cr before, due 10 differcnct of opinion betwttn him and his c~h al lhc time. 'The decision to come to MSU ,..,-as an easy one for A,"Cu ano. He had known MSU's head baskc1ball coxh Jeff Ray sinc-c high school • where he won district and regional
Bca~Jcy also recorded_ th~f;
DAWN H■Nllff
TheW1thilan Ne,·er undertsli mate the power of the Indians. The Mid,..,·es1rm Scale men's ba~kr1ball team docs not undcr)land lhc wOfd dcfeal. but all of their opponents arc all 100 familiar with it. Saturday nigh1 in front of almos1 4 .000 excilcd fans, the Trihc s1aned off slowly. bol after lhc lirsl two minules of the game they stoinped I~ Tens A&M Lions. 94-87. Richard forward Senior Johnson opened I.he game with two points in 1he firs1nine seconds oflhell.une. Johnsonscorcd 12of the Indian~· first 16 poin1s ror the night. Al half time lhc Indians had jumped 001 o,·cr the Lions by 10. 45-35. Commerce posted 13 1urnovers in the firn half 10 MSU'seight. With 15:15 lcft in the game. the LK>fls dug their claws inlo the Indians, cutting MSU's lead down 10 only one. However. with ttli~ game heing the la.,,t game Johnson would play in D.L. L,gon co/is.cum, 1hc dunk he made at 15:06 brought the crowd 10 its fttt. In three minu1cs of heated play. the Indians scored 10 points and broughl their lead back up to nine. Johnson finished his !lt'ason ,..,,ith a bang, scoring 25 points 10 bring his regular s,ca.,,on total 10 445. Also pos1ing up dou~c digil numbers wert Thomas with 17: junior guard Craig Snodgrass and w phomore forward Rodney Bcai;lcy with 11 each; aod junior forward Edgar Ancaga with IO.
I 1....~i~~o~l~::t\ ju~I 14 minute, of Pb) ~ H11mil1on ha~ 1hr rno..i ~q ~ w-a.~n wilh 49. the lnd1ilk Three thc double d,gu, 1~ ~, Johnson with 17. J. ll,,_'(., /2.6 and Ancaga -... 11h·~ • ~0ur depth 1, lhc: ~ ~ 11i•e·re doing;· Ray "-dt. 1 coming off the btncti, l well. wc·rc noc 1ired,. !!; II. ,, the game." 1
~):nts,J~ ~;t~ii;a~~g and 0 seven rebounds. . The Indians ,..,-ere 16 fo6r 2f ~~ their fr« throws and I O ~ from the field in the second hr:~ie "Our offen~c picked up a
wvd Tony Aveuano said.
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"R~h:ad '"Terrence Thomas.came off the bench :and h:wl 17 pomlS. I think 1h1n ·s j ust the k.~Y to whal
se::; ':~;;· a ~ o
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againsl Easlem Nn.. Thu~ ay and Wr,1 lt~ ' on Saturday. " h's no1 that ,,,.t're°' Eas1em New MC\ico· ~ "We n~d 10 win hoth·r ~ game 1s no1 gorn,: 10 do 11. need 10 beal Ea~tem ~e... ~
w~u::: ::~~ ~Tribe edged
byJ::n~Ki~,~vi:~ wa(• lo~g befott hiuing a 1hrcc•po1nrer 111 the firs1 six seconds. John~ n ~on1inucd his shoo1ing obsession. scoring the ~rsl scven of 1hr Indians' 89 po1n1s. . MSU began losing 11s momen- ~u~:;a~~fi~~ tum until sophomore forward (Tuesday). which is~ l11rk1,, lier than we nonnally dt. Charlie Bennett dunked on 1~ fovalinas wi1h 9; 11 lcfl in the first going to Ir}' 10 lie in &\le Mexico and W.T. lhe '-' holtll half 10 1um thr game arou~ 11 ~ pul ihc Jcod into 1he Indians We're not going 10 ... ~
a: ~-f
ha~:- second half started ~ff closely with Kings\•illc sconng six in the 1irs1 minute and a half. bringing Msu·s lead do~ n to two. With six and II half minutes left in ihe game. the Ja,·alinas tied the ga~t a;~o.lndians know what it takes 10 come out on top in 1ough 1imcs. MSU played 1oogh defense to end 1hc Javalinas· reign. Top scorcn. for the night were Ancag3 with 20 points and eighl rebounds, Bennen wich IS poinb including two dunks. Tho,:nas wi1h 12 point~ and fh·~ :iss1s~s. Johnson with 11 potnl). six rebounds and rour assi)IS. and
F~1at~;ol~~i~n~n;:~;-~~ I A&M 1hey will clinch lfc pl.w:e spot in the LSC 5ot1 hosl UlC Lone Star ( OnJ'
·n~ :;'a~:;gaf: J ferencc in what we do.~1111 ''Once Saturday nigh!'~ fl.'\ O\'er. W C ha,·e to tr.wrl h.i...l We play again Tucsda) a.,J bl)' Thursda)' and Sai~ thcre'snota lotofpre~ , jusl ha\·c 10 keep doing ,i..' doi ng. We' re going 10 ~~ who our opponenl\ an- s.., and ge1 some film, un !he• Monday."
Lady Indians in tight space DAWN HENSLIY
One down. one more 10 go. The Midweslern State women's h.asl.ctball team splil games las, weekend against Teu, A&M· Commerce and A&M-Kings\·ille. bringing hopes of pl:iyoffs a little bit cb..cr. The Lady Indian~ must win ag:u nM & stern New Mexico or West TcxasA&M 1oclinch a spol in the playoffs. Saturday the ladies s1ompcd Commerce 83-71. Going into the locker room at the half. 1he Lady Indians were up b)' two. 36-34. Opening 1hc ~ond half. the Lady Lions tied lhe game 36-36 and (or the nex1 JS minules both team, stayed no funhcr than fo•c point, apan. W11h 4: 16 lcft in the game. junior guurd Heather O'Nc:il hit a three. taking lhc gaffil.! out of reach for the, Lady Liom. Puuing up number; for the l:ldy Indian, wcrt freshman guard Lindy
Lombard. senior center Shannon Boase and junior forward TeNay GarTell who each had 13; senior fofward Toni Westfall with 12: and sophomore lluard JJ. Andenon and O'Ncal. who each had JO. Wes1fall :also kept the ball out of !he udy Lions· hands. rebounding nine times for lhe game. Boasc also rccordcd four steals and eight rebounds for her lasi home game of the rtgular season. Hopes of the pla)'offs .seemed far away afttr Thursday's 65-53 loss to A&M Kingsville. Although the ladies tied lhc g:ime ac 32 with IS minutes rem3ining in the game, the Ja,·elinas outshol the Lady Indian~. Each time MSU would hit a shot. Kin1:sville would come b:ick with 1wo. Afler silting out :i game uod a half due 10 injury, Garrell returned to atld 12 rebounds 10 her O\'Crall rebound record of 2 14. a,·craging 9.S a gumc. :ind pu1 up 11 points for 1he game. Boase shot for 16 points, bringing her 101al for the ii-Cason to 29 I and 1,229 for her career al MSU. Boase
The last two games of the Lady Indians· regular season will be pla)·ed on lhc rood against Eas1cm Ncw Mexico and West Texas A&M. TIIC I..SC takes the lop four teams. and if the Lady Indians wins one.of thr games on the rO.ld, they qualify for the toumamen1.
a1·rnigrd 12. 1 poin1s a game this scason. Lombard also rebounded 12 halls 1gains1the Jal-'dinas. O'Neal assisted 1he Lady lndi111s on si1. baskeu . and Andenon swiped the ball from A&M four times 1hroughou11he game.
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