February 18, 1993

Page 1

~ Volume 71, Number 17

ttbttau ,

"Reporting Midwestern State University News Since 1922''


Thunday, February 18, 1998

Regents appoint president, plan major improvements By G.Patrick Portaer II Staff Writer Tho MSU Boanl of R_., officially r•appolnttd Or Louis J Rodriguez as uiwe,uy prMidenl tor the next academe y.., In o t h e r ~. the boltd aUlhorized up lo $200,000 for

renovalions on Kitlingsworth and Pietce halls. The renova-

tions include new ~ghling, H well as new fk>omg and furn~ ingslotpublic:areas. Midweslem w,11 open con·

slruclion bids for lhe McCulloogh-Trigg Hal on March 10 Rodriguez aa!d lhel the

The CSC p,o)tCl. acoofdlng lo Rodriguez, • could be a rnetor endeavor, including new eir condCK>ntng and healtng:. • Olher ilnprovemenls in• elude, but a!W not lil'Nled lo an ov.rtlaul and expansion ol the kitchen and caleteril Due lo an increased amount of lraffic in the post office, Iha board approved lhe creation of an additional hatr-1ime postal ckrl posrt,on to aid in campus·

W>demail<Wve,y. The board dratted resolutions oC app,eciatk>n for services lo the universiy by Minnie Rhea

board al&o discussed renova·

Wood and Gerakt Stoeklon, MSU men's basketball held

l ions to Iha Clark S1uden1

cooch Meal ticket prices wiU rise


approiumately lhfff percent. bu! dormitory rates will rern11n unchanged Rates l or Bndwell Court resdenta will go up, bull the untvers,ty will absorb the utdtty costs

Rodriguez utd uc~iries are a concem during budgeting, es• pecillll"f sn::e rates are expected 10 Incraase an approxi mate $120,0001htl year Tuil;on • alao pro;«ted lo incrNte an approxirNla $2 pet semester hour lo $26, but

Rodriguez said !hit 1uition rat.. are SCHI very low ~ a d to N rest ol the natM>n, citing !he stetis.tics claiming Iha!. as ol lllst yNr. MSU ranked 48lh out of 50

in ~lllife tuihon ralN .

College Day 1993 called a success ondlhe _ ___


sells heft.· 8ridwetl said.

By Charles Copy Kditor

nus year's attendance was

More lhan 550 students, parenls and MSU faculty and

staff anended MSU's 1~93 College Doy on Feb. 13 The 1luden11 received campus lours and viewed preaen1a110ns by faculty and Siu·

A'°"" by any other name...

TheaV• IDQ)f MicbMI HuAflti prventa Fine Art.t divllion Mtfttliry Lynae Holiday • •inclna TUllltio.eonFeb.12.~•P•iOmep,aU'leatnfra&ffnitJ,o riant.dtJ.eeventandraiMdm ore lhaa '100 for dwity 811d ,......,11:, fuod,.

dents. "The Sludenl Ambasudots dtd a great ,ob,' Chadd J BndweU. school ritlations


sek>r. said ihefe M&a lot c:J nterectIon belween lhe gu.sls

up from 636 In 1992 lo 660, in-duding 65 MSU lacUfty and staff members who voklncaered their !Ima lo talk Wllh prospectjye shr dents However. the percent• age ol RSVP students attend· ing dropped from 71 percent 10 66 percent Overall attendance also in• eluded 282 JUNOrt and seniors H welt as 389 parenls and



lee! that lhe campus


hardest par1 " getting them on campus • To encourage sludenls lo attend, mc>fe lhln 8,000 college day RSVP cards were sent out. Of !hose, 993 were returned BndweN seid lhe me_lOI' dit· ltrenca belween this year's RSVP cards and lut year's was the addtlion of a bk>ck to be mart<ed by studenls who couldn't attend college day but still wiah lo receive information

Personnel office updates student employment requirement" 87 Chri•tlne 8. Pugh lie~• TM MSU pet'90nnel office 1t updaling ii• tludent employ• rnent requiremenl• lo .iirninllt• undergraduate atudents '#Ork· Ing mof'e than 20 hours P• week, Bob Rtngle, MSU per• aonrHtl direc1or, said In add1lion, non-teaching graduate assistanls will not be pem'ined lo wottc more than 17

hocxs per wNk ~e lo poN-i>te hM•h benefit eligibifrfy. he said

Ringle said Iha! Dr Jesse Rogers, •nee pru.denl for aca• demi: ellairs, amendod the re• quiremenls In the un,versity'a

keep !rack of !he ,-smbe( oC Rudenls who were break,ng lhe pohcy until the acquisdion of a COl'fl)Ul8f which allowed them 10

policies and p,ocec:h..-et manual in Spring 1991 The rule , tatH !hat studenl ~ M S 'NIii normally be authorizlld lo work no more lhan 20 hourt 1»f week Excop0ons to Iha 20-hlMJr work week must be approved by the appropriele

galher lhe relevanl inlonnalion

v,ce p,estdenl Personnel was not ab'e lo

needed IIYough Iha use of per• sonnet 1ransact10n lorms, Ringle Y id,

Chris Gibert, o g19duete as11arent. was Identified lhrough

INS process Gibert worked in pe,.:xt.cals al Moffett ltnry lor two years and said betng 'et go oo a weeks

noticecameasasurpns.e Sue CoNsy, periodicals SU· p1ttVisor, ract11ived notice of his lerm1nal10n from ltbrary director o,- Melba HaMI. G"'"" sad

Gibert also said payroll in· formed him that II was necessary lo enforce 1h,s stale law be• cause graduale t1uden1s working more lhan 17 hours per week would be ehgtble for h•llh beneftta Coffey refused to comment oo 1h11 mattOI' Gllber1 seld he was no1 made

Iwate of the policy when he was hired. "Theofelically, they say lhal when you get • teaching a$SI&• lancHhip ll'S e(IUIII lo 17 hours, but no one ever told me thal. I lhought that being • leaching HSIS1ant dldn'I have anylhtng eln to do wHh lhe res1 ol 1he

campus,· Gibefl sad "I wasn'1 p,epered lor 1his A teaching as.s,stant doesn't meke • lot of money, Iha!'$ why I had

!his extra job,· he sead.

•1rs d1tticul! lo find an olf 'IVOfk around

c.a"l)US ,ot> that will

your schedule," G11:>et1 said.

Gibet1 earned a bachelor oC or1s in Engltsh at Midwestern In 1992 end ts 1¥0fking lowerd • maMer's degree 1n Eng~sh G11:>ert said Iha! ahhough hf feels the way personnol handled the malter is unfair, he 1s not upset w ~h lhe payroll office

l■aee Grad, page 2 j

AIDS support center thrives Smee the AIDS Supporl

g:; •:z.~ ;fi i~:./:-~: I


an avera99 of -10 to Michael S!anhttld, services coord1na1or, said. Although 1he ASC hu been re~ alrvety socces.sful wllh !he hot· Im• Ihrough l'ls ol vclunteers, lhe center is tn need ol money

lrttld was month. calls•


• ........c

cal.. and '"Iii'._.


Th• holline's onginal goal

and more volunleera 10 perform

WOO( cie,al 0



people need A who are cleucat t1nd can w()(k from 9 a m. lo 3 P m when bu5t· nus ,s conducced: S1anheld said. Anolher problem l or !he ftnl.~~\':::=~=::~rald

ol cross·HSOCIIIIOn with 91Jiys,'

sad 'This Is not a gay At 7 p.m. on Feb. 23, the Uni• Stanfield affiliahon ktr the center • The c enl er provides 1rans• versity J>rotramrning Board po,tahon lo Dallas for dtx1:0f appomtmttnls On lhe f1rs1 and will present Mrs. Jeanne third weeks of 1he monlh, two White, who will tell the story doclors and den!!$! from Dallas come lo lhe HIV Chnic al lhe of her son Ryan, a hemoHeath Cltnc W,lh0u1 p1111ale l undtng, philiac who died of AIDS al• money be d1tticul1 I0 oblain because the go11ernmenI has moat three:years ago. For CUI funding Also 1nd1genl more information, call 689· l■see ASC, page 21 4193. ft


MSU really la cooU Thtse arMhich tehool ltudents check out an exh1bilin the Clarke Student Center Alnum dunnc the orpniutional fai,f/ Coll~ Day 1993 on Feb 13. Moni than 650 attended the ev«iL


Pare 2 ■ Thunday, February IA, 1993



ET prograJll to be phased?,.~!. . dt\;~ Uy An iUI ffumphrfea

Reporter The b•chelor of science

degree will be one map, ahOtt In lhe future Due lo a i.:k ol .nrollmitnl. the electronics lechnok>gy progr•m will be phased OU1 Dr William E Hrnda. director of lhe 0MStOn of Ma!hetNIIIC81 Sc1encu and profeuor of

mathemela. Mid Aecommend11ion for the

w..i.i..s- blanlleted...

n..-..111., , . _ . ,. . lfa-.I AIDS Q,uJ, _ , Napped from tho top ollhe

' t r • ~ - ---,IIGOYlait .onYiewed:IO ,ONpu..._

ASC serves an II-cou nty area


• Continue d

I ,


froap. .e 1 hellh care his*" abolishred. The ASC 1s a non-profit Of· geruzahon With onty one paid empk,yN The cent... setVM an 11 county . ,...

Stanlteld said lhe long temi

pis tor 1he eneer are to surv,ve h and to edueatll • ccmmuMy

!he cMer will hosl a polluck dion• tn contlJ"lciion with a vol-

The ASC will serve Mldw.stern by helping when ne«ted answering questions and ~_, 8MlS!ing with lem'I pa• pe,s, he ..... An AKlS AwelVleSS Walk 1c benel1I lhe c.nier will like plaice Feb 27 ~ n g and ending 81 Memoriai, St--.m ln-6:jjfion,

20 at !he AIDS Support Center

unleer meehng at S pm , Feb

S1udents lnleresled in vol· unleenng time musl v1srl the center lo 1111 out a volunteer packet 'Most volunteers can spare an hoot." Stanfield said FOf mote inl orma110n con-

lacl S1anfield or Owam Welch ' president, al 3 22-9 122

Grad assistants took extra job df



from pqe 1 0trhelibra,y •1t haan't been enforc ed, and I ltwlk atbttranly 10 ...,. OK, we're going to fflo,ee ii now and lhen lo let r,erybody go. I


don'I lhink lhal WH very wb,e •

Ringle said many of lhe

p M t • - • 1 - t h e u;ot,. on carr1)US unaware ot the policy and ih11 makes them WOftt more than the 17 houri a



lion as lo the legainy of it;


says that a grad o, non-lNChlng aS11Sl8nl might I\Mle lo be ~ benefits •


R • al$O sed Ns concem

Is more abotA: !he ,obs not being passed around among sludenls who need lhe Jobs, and !he effect WOf'klng ■ lol of hours may have on a studenl

cutbKk will be PfNenled lo Dr. LoutS J Rodnguez. MSU pr8SI· dent, and lhe board of regents at a lulure meehng Hinda •nd Or Jes.a W Rogers. v,ce pru.tder1 for academe affairs WIii pr-. sent the request to !he boerd fo, 1he1r approval

the 1n1tn.JciOI' ,.thar Mv• the four yea, P' • and noC gram IOf the purpcH,,. of to~rd !hell or r esearc h q uald1Calioni • 10 * n at>lefoad ,n whtc t'I c fll.. ,would prepere lhem for Jw. I monelarlly oorn- Gl••• •r. elec::trontcs Sluder< teaching ,aid they were ~ gad. S t ~S who .,. lfl\lct,IG pent : .· ~hll IS passed, t~ students involv.cf .,, th• pro- ,,. unhaPPY wi1 h l hts dee~ feel that Ille d~ree wa, rq .,,d IO ,. . . 'i two given be will ram !,n1)fet• their courH r~r.,. -6-'ertised enough in lhe ~ 10 produce hlghef .....,,,.,_ nu,lty ext.osiOM men(S with po6St>'e sse,Y F._ming ,.,d thllf t,ets in enronmenl. Oa1!1 Capt rt 10 .aa,ctronic:s student. said attowed be will ~udenfs 1 s1udenls a re conce,11"'gradual• even if lhey tuw• to hnish through speci,il p,oblernl ,rtlh lhe c;ulbaCk and I~ '-'SI. 0nd sh()uld be more d ,ver~,~ ,. courses. The first •~ tee year COUrM' witl continue 10 be ,neet the needs ot our ind~,lt laught. bl.A will ,wear under 1h11 area with 1echncMOQical lrd I(.. In

ses son;,~ C:ourses apptf

hH taug

ent~ldl:::epflOO of the lie,:.

phySICS rnllP' The electronic, degr••

State func:hng is the key rea• son the program h., suffered N 1s required 10 have 11 least 1O s1udents lo make • class by stale regulation On many occa· sions the dep,ar1met'IC has had lo seek special perm15a10n to run classes due to the lack of en-

roflmel'\l 'This creates a b!Jfden on MSU to ptek up the costs of lhese courses." Richard G Fleming. 1s.sociale professor of eleclrorncs technology. s.1id

evolved trom an ua,ociales de-grN. bul due to the slate's demand that MSU not compe(•

the 8,... Jnctusines to make~ aware of whal was ollerfd •

with Vernon Regional Jun10r


~:!\! :o:~~rc1' :•'~O::

Iha CSC Alnt.m •• A chotf dtnic: concet'I will be he$d818p m , Feb 25. lll lhe Alon Audilonum lh9 C"1tc Sludlnl Centar •• The Ar1isHecturt Serie. •• The Student S.Mtl wHI CSC in , CommfNM " cunenlly accep4• 8 t rnMI ate p m.. Feb ing applicallons horn studenls 104. •• A radiology "'"'ing will ,n1eruted in b.eom1ng mem, be held •I 15.30 p m.. Feb. t 8 , "' bert of lh• c ommiflee Appicehona a,e av■IW>M in the thecsc-.. •• TI-.. women's basketbe" dean of studtncs· office and are INm will play We,tem New doe bedc on March 1. For fflOfe MG:100 al 7 p.m . Feb 18. 1n Iha


•• A credit untOn tnNhng wil bahetdal 7,30 pm , Feb 19. in the CSC Theater •· A College 8owf 10uma1Nnl w~I be held al 7·30 p.m , Ftb 19, ,n CSC 104

~x:: ;:~e ~t:iv~~s~;: ' :~

tow enrollment was the exten• s1011 of lhe math requirements degrN in e 1ec· for • t01X•year

c,oUeges ou1 the Wicl-1111 F,~ non-1radi110t1ii 8,.., Most are lfU(:J9ntl who would not be iblt

henler then other sdence pro-

to make such • move due ,, thN" job or farnly

~~~~1 aren't any

Army band to perform on Feb. 22 should submit an audfo or VHs containing solos or tt Farka, . Franc,, Poulenc . tape demonstral mg varlOIJI cerpts Ale.. ndr• Tcherepnine and mus,cal styles by March 2◄ 10 Richard Trev•rthen P'8C• by Henn Ton.II. Fe,enc

By Howard Well1

Reporter The MSU tnU1tC department w1U present lhe U.S Army Fie'd Band on al 3 p.m . Feb 22 1n

Akin Audrtorium. The per1ormanee i.s • required seminar lor all muse ma,on and mtnOtS Th• program w1I CONtSt d

Commander, Ann

vocatist. lnllf'fltecl mdivtduals

j'Jj/ ll!~ -,


~:-~--~ {Z, •

1nlorm•ho n, con111c1 Ph,lhp

Btrdine, deein of studenl s . al 4219 or Johnny Cart er, Gov e r n ment St ude n t Assoc1a1,on president , 11 e,o


◄ 709

.. The deadline for Spong 1993 gradu■ t10n has been set for "'-n:h 1 FOf fflOfe .ntorrna• hon oonltlci lhe registrar', office

., ext 4321




1"°1 M.t--.11 f•l ••~ Wdl.1.1Sq,i_.

'BJ Jc"l °"'-o 691-00l!O

1211900 16129111 Stror1 161PO

11, h-..,w,1,,uJ,-,l...mm t.yldl,,mJn 111.,.,,um 1n, tl1 I '" "h 10\ ,Jtlh.-r -p., ,,II',

,,111 \1 \l

ll),. 1lh1l1<,. 1t1111~1,it.l,.(\ /Hhl,.,~J1"'1,unl



•• The TASP lest wlll ba adminaJtered al 8 a m • Feb 20,


and9•m I01prn , F.b ~ · "'

A uditions

The U S Alm'/ Foeld Bond U S Army Field Band For: currentty has v.canael for B tlat G90fge G Meade, MO 201~ clannet, French horn and baSI 5330 or (410) 677-6231

'We have one iltldent who worka<t an equrva lenl ol 14.3 percent That's about 60 hou,s a week That' s 1usl loo m•ny hours fot a &ludent who's going lo ccjlege," Ring!<, ,.od


27ll SoloUlwai 691 19?6 lliuY.c.. Pb.z..,

"" Arodlology_,w ilbe ~ al I• m., Feb 20 In CSC

•· The men's baskalball team wtH ~)' lh«t Ufllverd y of Sa■nc• and M s It 7 p m . F.t> 20, tn the D L Ugcw, CoiHom •• The men's bukelball team MH pllly Wes1e,n Ne w Mexico on Feb 22 ~ lhe O L LlgonColis.um •• F~ orile, beeuly and l ord , Lady Mdwest4tm votcng ri ~ heild !'rom 6·11 pm . Feb 24-25


Th• nearesl college lei


•• The MSU Dance TMm wi1 pnM:tioa •t 15 pm , Feb 18, lf'I the Ex·studtntl 0.ntng Room of


MSU aod encourage lhern

yNr degree. eontrbA10g lo lhe


D.l.L,gon~ •• Favorite, beauty. and Lotd & L•dy MktW9ttem nomi'MIi ba h-'d from 9 a.m lo 1 pm , Feb. 19, in the CSC

trontCs program H inds v1$4111:l

WELCOME MSU STUDENT S! We provick, school ,upphc.< as well as office supplies.



'UOI Kc mr 81\'d . \V1lhll:t f,,1JI( , T, 16lflX Phonl.'. (Sl7164Jl .'1555 l•J\/kl 7J (,Ul H t~





OF FREE·· : ONE HOUR -----·······: POOL



•lV.!!~Jlfls couro, '


q, Wlcbftan:


Thu nday, February 18, 1993 ■ Pace 3

Vinson Health Center to provide clinic Feb.24 .._.

1'r Jolla. GH ntha 111

1~9d 111 an earty llaQt the I«•

The Vlna,on H•anh Cenler _.. be pf'O'lllding I hoatth watch chnc oHenflg brHsr •••minanont and~ smtiars k>r '#Omen o~ . Feb 24 Or_ 'Keilh W1ll•""60n. f1m1ty P<ac:tihoner

:O~n=~g 1he exam.~ A. fee of S30 'WIii cover lht coat of lh. ~ O f' s v1s11. btood count •nd unne anatysis Peggy Harbuck-Hon. direc• tor of hutth services, said ~ ot all ~ groups are advised to rnak1 an &PJ>Oll"llman1 08'ection is SO lmporta~ • she Mlkf When cancer lS d~0

1!hood ol oa111n9 the • briorm•t Ns.su. remcwec:t is much QfMler The lroquency ol women having breas! cancer is high 1nd 911 Y rty uams increa se th~ detection •rwJ n-


RObbut Mathews, CII\Cer reg,:slrar •t Wichita General Hospital, lllll!ld 1h11, naHonWICfe, one In nme women, ap• P,Olc.tmatety 182 000, WIii de•

vo1op bfea5' cancer this YNr In Tous. 9 000 women wiU be di•onosed Wllh btee,st cancer and 2 ,300 are 8$lirnated to die of COnce< Tha



Soc1elf 9•ves sev1n wamtng sq'lllls that !'My lnd!Cl!O breast

cance1 These signs are • chtnge in bowel end bladder habfla, ■ IQl'e lhat does not hMI. unuiua1 bleeel1no 01 dis.charge. a 1h1d ening or h.1mp in !he broa5t. ondige5t10n 01 difficulty 1n

swallowing, an obvious chtinge

In a wart Of mo;e or I naggmg cough Of hoars•nus Women a,e advl5ed lo perform ■ br east exam1n111tion weekty on themse~s Every one to two year,, an eQlfflna• lion should be perlo,med by a gyf'll<:Ologl&t, espeei■Ny If l'lll'O Of fl'IOfl blood rellll'olet hive • h•

Abella to present piano recital

By Howard Well,

any abnotmal b~edin9 Of sho check lhe lovel or esi~en and haa r..ched menopauH ■no ii p,oge5t•om, In th& body ACSaald Tha type of folk)w,up lrNI· Hoh Mid that an abnofrnal ov.-wtttghl Ol talung honnonN A worrian ahou4d have a pap ment depends on what is dlapap smear cOIAd aignity many lh,n91 that could ~ going on 1m1■r parformed wtlhin six COYtfed dunng lhe examlnabOn Hoh Mid the! If Onylhing abllllt(M a woman·, body ni... monlha o4 har first intercourse prot>i.n,. may be taken c,ere of Folow-~ U:ln'W\llhon, are rec:• 00,ITll:I II l ound. 1he doctor will wilh a llffl)le vlSl4 to a doct0t'1 ommended six lo 12 monlh• cot6\sol the psi.en( and h&lp her olfac., bul, If 'Sinewed. c,en po- 1tt1r and lhan al one·to-1hre-e• anange an appoint ment with a local physc•n lfflially become ITIOfe Mriou• y•r tnterva1s. N lhera are ·1 don'l lhmk there IS a pie partna,s !he examina11on1 ardloos_lo_, woman who WflntS to have 1hi1 ahou'd be mewl frequent done tt 1a re,.I ombar,.a1,1ng." Thel"9 win bt an Mllmat«i Pap ,me.an are ased to d• Holt Mid "BUI our clr11c II v.,., 2,300 women diagnosed whh friendly . e nd wan! lh• IJ!erine cancer lfl 1992 ol whkh !Id lhe mv.aopma,n1 ol cerval 500 will have canc;er death1, ca.new and Wal inlecbons ol lhl WOfl"IIOlo lNlal home• Tot cJinc hat been offered carvix Ak>ng wkh checking f0t Malhtws suited The ACS r•oonunenda that vin..-.1 fUCh H harp.• 91"1)1111 to, seve1al yNra and ,-., been women se. a doc1ot if thefe ia and wart viru111, !he , ,ams waU received by lhe 11udenl, lory of any form of cane•. l'h•



MSU Phi Sigs called 'better chapter'

Reporter 'The depM""'"°" o, ff'Uk: Wtl Pfftenl Judith c ~Ila's ju,io, piw.o recital a t 7 p rn. Fab 19 in A.kin Audhonum. ~ te<:llel ia ofl'erlld In con..,i..nce wi1h the t1Quirem.nt1 !or a deg," 01

lhan they are ln,.tled here I !eel 1h11 I have I much more personal relationahip with ~ prof&&sor •nd lhftl I INm l'Mf1t than t did m Europe Th& u:pe11enca t!Ne is mo,a ~sant.' lhe aad -When Jodllh ptkiorma. she

lty G. Pa.trick Fortner R Stiff Writer Tha Stgn-. Tatatton chlripl• ol Phi Sigma Kappa a l MtdwHtern is . according to Chrit Oonwnguaz. "rNn for rn■n, one of the baNlf c~ • • I've

• IMM, 1, one ol lhtN le~... ship con1uhants employed by the Grand Chapt• ol Phi Stgma

=k>r of mu sk In perfo rAbell• i• • senior at

pushb her..11 beyond he1 own fears If"! order l o lruty oomrnuni-

M~ . , . , , and is a student of Dr. RtAt, Monow. •Utat• nl prof NaOr of mt.ic and Bolin chair

cate wflh her audience Thal. In

bellio!°m~n9uez, • lead•rthip con1uhan1 ampk,yed by Phi Sigrra l<appe·• iNllnlll100al of· IJCI, V'IMed with ct.J)te, on.:.,-. •nd m~r1 la.It WMk to di• • C\l" c~er oper11lons, p,tle4t· durel and goAlt 1993

IICll"l i'.:'m'!::az HHj the addi• lion of a tw more c:on.uft■nl1 would tMt ..-1ram1My helpful, ao vtlb with chapl_.. oould •·h• be longer Of more often Atthough V\atll are usually no looOIK lhen thrM Of lour

The role 01 a IMdar1h1p consullenl la lo point o ut 11'englh1 and wNkne..,.. th.t • ct1■p1er h■i• . and then halp formuta1a • plan to take .ctv.nt19e of Iha alrength•. While mln1m1zlng Iha waakneHH, Oormoguez N,d Oomlngu•l. a 1092 greduale°' lhe UniYer o4 Celifom..

day,, HHUlng a chapter·, 1ta ndlng II relel1va ly H IY, Dominguez Mtd "The ch■pte, h«e (st MSU) appNrt to be a strong group !hat really ca,ea about what the rr•lamlly 11anda tor .lhey hava a g,wt deal o4 davolion lo the lraterni1y ideals." Dom1nguez Nd

~ p..no. ~ is d<xtie-majof-

no ., ITlUlic and Spanish



udith Abella

She came to M ictw.. ,n - - - - -- - - 1919 H an axchenge lfudanl M~le,n la ffiOII rewarding from Barcelona. Spain She because of !he ona-on-one in• atudied five years ol mualc lh• struchon wllh her prol'M5Qf ory, piaro e.-.:t chew at• cons«· valOry In Bareebla, Spain. The aaw•: ~~~=I~ 1 knowledge she g•ined from stuctiu at the conservalOfY waa ~~;::n~c:~~ne ~ : ~~ tubatantl91. but Abeb said the servlllonM trelil H'lelr ~ IIU• lducahon lhe has rec•iv-ed et d&nt$ in e much diffetffi way



my opinion II th• grHIHI tlreng1h • ~mer can heva • Motrow aald. · At !he racial. Abella wiN pr.-


senl .,., •udi«ce """ha vaJWy mu1lcal ltylea Sha wtll perom, piecaa by Bach, Haydn, Chopn end Bartok Each ar11111 ii represents one of the lour btl$it: hmt POlfodt ,n p111no h!ttory t>.roque, cll111eal, romanhc and 20th century

pubi"dm~s.a'.°" II tree, •nd the 11 al~~ waed end ~ 10


KlilPPI Stgma Teea rton II the 23td chepte, Dommguaz hH visited ':'"'• ha ~• hlfed to, !he po,11•

official reported •• A.n unknown Individual removed a GUN.S Wlltch w~h • Ian band. a pn(V Mg with a blua

atone and l'NO walchea wllh Chi Omega cresta from Gym t 01 o4 lhe 0.L. Ligon Coliseum on Feb. 9 . The ~ems ara WOt1h $252. There are no auapect:1 •• An unknown indi'llidual removed I Merid1en BH.c telephone from • cloael in lhl rned\l room on tha NCOnd floor of lhe Moffat Library between the last w11k of ~ and


"If !hey (Phi Sigma l<appa

mani>ers) WOO( 0f'I mor• chapfer lnvo~.merrt In OUlllde acHviltN, they have a good opportunity f()f unprov1ng lhl Greek •Y•· tem." Oomingl>IZ Nld Dominguez a l110 alrened the ~ n e e of pining any lralerntly, nor 1ua1 Phi Sigma

Kappe "All ol the ch,r,plers .i MSU ha"• .omalh1ng to offer F,.l ernlty hu 90f1'1i1Chwlg to oflat 10 almotl anybody ,· Dominguez Mid

Sy Kathryn Sdf Reporter Nomina1ions tor Lord and Thate are no suspa,cr1 Lady Midwestem. class h1von1es •• A.n unknown indNldual and beeuhes end beaus wrl be removed a navy blUII OooMy accepted from 9 a m unlil 1 Bourke leather purse. a M4 cl p.m.. Feb 18-19 m the Clark houae -,a. a dnven pennit and SIi.dent Censer Atrium ·we encourage everybody a chac:kboo61: from a ahalf in the northsda 9"'1,' drai&aang room of lo participate m II II elec110ns.• \he O L. LigOtl Cobeum on Johnny C arter . Stud ent Feb. 11. The items are worth Government president , u1d $200, There are n o ~. Carter elso reminds $ludents to •• An unknown individual bring their MSU lden!ihcat10n telTIOVild ■ ~ M2008 ~ card when they come io vote line l elephone f,om room 321A Sen10rs and 1unior1 will in the Bolin Scienee Hall t,e-, sehtct cendidales tor lord and tween Apnl 1992 end Fab. 12 lady M1dweslern Nominees Tha item 11 worth $136.0e muM be• JuntOf or semor wrth a There 1,.. no a4.MC)ads. m,n1mum of 30 hours at

•r--------- :nw:::;h;::::,=~~ •

students and faculty...one of our priorities! -Fn.-e delivery twice a day to MSU! • l.argr!lt M"ltxtinn ol oliict- sul"J)f"t0 .1111d fumil:urr i11 T~-'ome' • COlnpkt:t in1,1ntT ,c-nirc clc,,anmmc

· kU('l\.bl~-nbk St11ff · Xrnlx ( ~"' &. i=., x M.chinn · !>\Oointn:Tlpr\Oorilm • Sl.ttl.:-a.'-t br.tnd off~ fumi(urt • lncrn:ll' Dnii:n Sc-rYicT avail.ablt

• "\Oil~) C.:~'\.>e Man • Fr« faJl'fl'\\ IA~,., ry

·lo b,,.,..,.,;,., 19<2


PR.)j~~• S,.,,,




1 :: Na whole.

Feb 11 The um • worth S60

Po lice Department responded l o lour theft• aince Feb. 9, an MSUPO



Nominations to be held on Feb. 18-19


t.~1orr:..sr1tAN §

Domt"9Ull' added Iha! the GrMk .,-111em a! MSU ii wtll,balenc.ct and at.a Hem, lo bl vwy strong Oomingue.z • • Id that the chapter coukt be a bif more 111• vot..ed trl ca,~• ectivities. blA

ori 1ht


-4-('l . 6()'\

ilrms }utl nc"('(I

in oor Priori! rnccr!




1ng votes will be p\aced on Iha batlol to be vol8d on by Iha Student Body. lord & lady are elected by a ma,onry voc a Class f1vontes are nom,naled by lhe1r resp«:ttve clasametu . Sludenls will nominal e one man and o ne woman lrom !heir class Age,n. the lop four men and 'lll'Omen with the most votes wi l be placed on lhe bal· lot. Favo,ites a re elected by a pkJr■lity vOle. Beaulles and beaus are nominated l hrough 1he1r retpectiv-e clas.ses. also Studenls will nom,nale IWO women and 1wo men from l hetr respecllve class, and !he top eight men and women wrth !he grealest num• ber of normna11ng ballots will be plac8d on eloc11on bollol One man Ind one woman w,H be eleded from thew dass by a pk.,rakly vote


AU nominees mus.I have a

2.0 grade poinl a'llerage oo a ◄ O syalem. Elechons fo, these lilies w,n beheldtrom6pm 108pin , Feb 2◄, lrom 9 30 a m. lo t pm andlrom 6pm lo8pm , Feb 25 and from 9 a m 10 1 pm. Feb. 26 Run -olls, ii needed. wil be held March 3-5

Pa.. ◄ ■Tburwday, Februa,y 18, tt9.,



Turning up heat on meat inspections By The Loe Anf-leo Tlmet Prfflden1 Clnton has respon~ app,opnatoly 10 on outbfHk 01 ..,,H ses hoked to contamtn■ttd ham• burger mHt by O<!Jerlng lhe Oepartmant ol Agriculture t~ h1r11 more m11t and poultry intpeclors. But. u wi1h OCh•• ragulalory agenci,M !hat have been neglected ?"-r lhe last t 2 years, he and Secret1ry of Agriculture Mike Espy must do a lot more to re1nvlgor1i. the USDA. The department•, belNguered $500 milion meat and poultry inspec1,on program la I good place to llart. Oueltlona lbout the shor1age of Inspectors. and the effect'-• ol lnspec1lon procedures themsetv.s, hive sur1aced after an outbreak of food po;. toning from contaminated hamburgers at several Jack-In-the-Box restaurants In Washington and Nevada. One boy died and I t IMSI 400 people became ,11 whan they consumed meal that had been con1amln1ted with E coli blcte<II . To ease public fee rs, lhe Oepertment ol Agriculture Issued new lood preparation S111ndards requo<tng that cooking temperatures lor hamburgers be raised from 140 degrees to at lffst 155 degrees to kill any becterla that may be present In meat. And on Thursday. the pres,oent tried to demonstrate his commrunent to lhe problem by authortz,ng the depanmant to hire 160 new mHt and pcu~ry .,. ~ors. Bu1 continuing attent,on to th,s matter wilt be necMl&ry. Mora than a decade of budget cutting and deregulation hea signMlcantly reduced the number ol agents reoponll>le for inspecting the natiorl's mora than 9.000 l'IIH1 and poultry processing plants and ll1ughtert,ou-. The ranks of USDA lnspectO<S have dwindled to 7.200 from 8,400 In 1978. Currently 550 pos~ions re<n1in unfilled, so the new hires. whole very much . -. hardly begin to 1ddress the shonlall. A doun ~ I agencies ""' rasponoible for regulating food sar.ty and quality. Togethef, these ■gencie& ll)el'ld about $1 bolloon 10 admnister 35 seperate lew1. Nol surprisingly. given this patchwo<I< 01 reguallons and the varying missions 01 these insllu- vary widely fo, prodtuliona, Inspection ~ ucts 11111 pose vlnuaJty the same health risks to oonStJmerS. Meat and pculry, for example, r - . . much more rigorous Inspection than fish Espy has promised to develop a new tood safety program He Sho<Jtd seriously antenaln the Idea of oonsolldating the various regulatory agenaes. He should also consider modernoz,ng inspections. which Iii~ rely on antiquated techniques •· like soght, smell ond touch •· that have been ,s use for ha" a century. Food safety ,s not the h,ghest-profile issue the Clinton adm,nislratlon faces. but rt's one that people become all 100 pa,nfully aware of ~ there's a problem.

LETTER POLICY Letters to the editor should be brief, to the point and without abusive language or personal attacks. Letters mWlt be signed by the writer-not typed- and should include a telephone number and address for verification purpoaee. If you wish your letter to be published without your name, and tho contentjustifiea that action, pleaac contact the editor so a mutual agreement can be reached. All letters will be printed unedited.

(.» ~ bt Utcbttan ©= Mld weatern State Unive.-.it y 3,1 0 Taft B lvd. Do• 121 80 W ichita Fall.., TX 7 6308 New• D-k (81 7 ) 8811-, 7 04 Ad. D-k 1817) 889--,706


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0 ,_wt~D


s..-.~ O.. l • -

Clinton struggles to balance spending cuts, tax incr!~~~ ~.. By JUI Dutt Ne-.day

W-.SHINOTON - It 1h11 • whll ol ~ tm0«e « pre,Np1a mt1 r'Of'a glml coming from the Whilt Houle budget office? H••·• one d tht 150 ..,.. cihc CUit In domet hC ~ ncfjng lhll1 P1Miden1 Clinlon p,opoMd

hl1 Konomlc ptc k19.e W«fneaday nigh CouJMN with


lnoom. -above '32,000 who r• etlvt Soclat Secw~ payment, W'lf1 be taxed on 65 pe,cen1 04 their ~ • up from lht cur• rent tu. o n 50 peroent $inct wt-, la a tu lncfN.M a ~ndlno cut? Sinct CNnlon al'ld hia tldH have begun llrugghng lo inttod4.a • p6t.n 10 thrink the lede,II budget cWict

• nd - . g o inv..,_,. lhot ~ balanced bafWfff'I ,pending c ut, •nd IO inc, ..... If loo much 04 the dtflCII reducoon

0 , , -. . . . . , _ _ _ . , .... ., . . . .

,nuCh lM ~•h:- ""• .. "°"' 'fN r #


k>f IUN. • th.al I tu incrNM Of a spending cul? h Is bolh It's C\.(ling . 9Ubsldy as opposed lo a N hng • new tu " BIA Senate Minonty Leec:Mf 8ob Doll, R·Kon . .... , cMflf· enlty -W • haven't seen a ny aptndtng , u 1rain1," C\ole uld on e Sl.ndey l11C>mlnO OIWS Pl'O-


. ,.,1ng mot• ~ •1 ~UI

•""°'from-----, .. C¼t,, pi.,, to



dtl tl'lt



A~,,:;• have le, tcnA--,•4', .,kJIM)f int•

,,_,no apandtng ct.J1• outtined wlU ac·

f,ofl'I ~llh-caira ,. orm ~ ~ uMd k> pr<>Ylde coveraoe 1t.,

tualty heppe" wil be

fhl 315 mifJion Arneoetn& "'Wtof),J

t,111 of 1ny ap~dlrlQ cllll




C1ffllon prop0MI lf'llon ...."11: hid ,.Id ..rNf Iha! ~f"l'y ~


not ,-Vt ~ llh tnauranc. e,_,

Whit WC n;f. . . ., h,Ve en 9Ceiphlr,op0Ulol aald ~ 1mrnecllele impact. ~~ lha1 CJinton 1• p4,tnn,og lo Pr>,


ClAI take longef" IO wort( lhh,NV''

en tmm«hale COi ...

~ Iha govemmenr • •

the I)'_,,, C)uls,de bud0-4 n · pe,1, . - , thll in Iha fw1lfl ye¥ d



doCIOrt af\d hoap,te ls IHlde, l,lodioM• or,d thot thow ,..~ d bt _,m,,rkad f0t dtifq r.,_

Clifton'• pion, ' II unll<ol)I hi wil eehievt a one-1<>-0N t,ei.nce ~...n ..,_ncino Cl.fl anid tu inct"NMf


'The Gin Game' takes serious,


comical glance


at elderly people

5PAC ■,o-.a t.awreace

..,..i. Critic

Thit ,.._k I am dev• bt1; aomewhat from my nor"-J c:owN,.whictl .. lOrw.w tec:., fflO'III offeringa. Thta Wltll I -IOMIY""mt..........,•

a Pf..ent■Uon of "T he Gl'I

Gome.' by D L Ccb<Jm. opo,1ld INl Soturdoy nogl< "


Wchlf■ Fan, · own B■ckdoo,

"The Gin Game", • 197&



$dlMldol ond Art s... pllywtt the parts of F~ Oo,..y end Weier Marhn ,. - ThMe two V8'1tafl ~ "" - - cpom,mor• lho..-, l canyinghod -

1h bulk cl • __... ploy ., by


• ond lhoy dtd • _.,,


C>nctor' Jotn Wiliams did•, ac..enl lob of cealing 8dh


The National Press' short-term memory

and Swerdlove ft


their cNraden perfteUy. ,ne1 wtwn oomt,Nd with lhe pliy's eold dialogue , lhe p<odUCIIOt\

The enln pley 15 set on IN -po,dlolthl 1eedylle"'1y

II bul 2t day• old ~ already IJ'IOMn or two eerw By Sydney H. Scha.nbert Pat1 of lhls fooll1hnH1 .._..,,..,.. Home, ar,d, as you lht WNhinglon Pf_. herd hat New9day NEW YORK •. Zoe tnd MMYWnld '4> and peued Judg· comes from the drive to stay ....,.. .uapect from lhe 11111t K.,..._, -.-. hwdly knew ye Odd. ,,.,.. on his p(flidenc:y He is a even with lht compelltion -..ch of the d &1k>gue 1,~11 pr_. b e nder e nd braaker o l (r,rnemt,.,. never too tar OtA in ~ OYW 1h41 gama of Glfl ..,..•1 ii. thel ltw PfOl'NN:I,; he tu.I ar,d N05 IOO front wilh dee C Of M) And part Aumff¥ OOfJ)S, lht tliht ahow hotb and pity ia an tr?VesbIha ltlw...on ~ (IOfflt . . . , lf'I lht lac• of ot.4aclu, of II. the need just lo .., aome- flllion ol lhe of old 1gt of IMM a re tnl..-d'lanv-t,f,e) r. Whee H0uM t&aft IS I mud· lhlng IO 1h11 lhe news cotumn& 04 lonehne.ss. use, MY• _,. btA torgon.n lhe llftOf· • • he ..,,., 10 be lcwtd by IN· won' t be blank and lhe a lftllnt ...,.... and,.., that comes 11 llleot do k> his ptftllderll . w -,,0,W !HUI VNaMygal• tft•r• g ~ I halt lo lhink whet we·r• lholo,ondol ile. that heel ao conegned M1d _,.. things lhli1 carry pH'I b ,o,ne .. going 10 do Wlt\.n lhtte ate 20 ftar'Nd lhem only a coupl,t cl And to on Wei• • b,uh .net aolchI on., none of tM as an channalt 04 ntwS on Wevfiaion weeb ago _,, given lo curtll'IQ • nd his• detem.e Of champt- A port,on ol lhll channel ~ Maybe t hat at.ya bNn ~ fot Gin (!he game, rd lhu9 and I ~ t.vtn'1 noticed, ~ 04 ~ No search of &K>fl w,A, of coo,st. p,oduce PM,lic)n w I c.n't rteal • ~ when Iha "'I ootumn& WIS tum up uncon- hulhy divtr~ &A a lot 04 ii, J h drink). Fona68 is I J)fopet well•■d11.n1ed ind ••trungty bombaf'duswtth llffl)ty wlll feet, new !his of adol'■IIOft c.ornn,ur,auoosindultry hld tn dilk>nDI WOfNn •· • pe,· ~ ape,1 • brief and tu- Pftil,idtff Of even lflC!pfeOC Ian• more b6tnd eGhoM 04 .t\M the dorn mttely cunotAy. ~MK>N pack es say,ng ton one migtc like 10 MVe u • ~dail • fM one ft One w• y to undl rtllnd nor of I h a ~ and hope Todey's mu5fi"MJS are. now I ~ rather, a IOOk ,1 the idN Mtat>- some ol lhe phenomena sur• 1..,. and "aill..-.Wfon" P",C>Aca· However, lhey bolh hlvt ard how unkl•exam~ lheit probleme, end their HSome Qt lhe media peychl•· IHI greal pretaure lo •ppaa, cttta. bole) typM ..,-, twte beef'I wfh talks Foru.111 no trilU •w-r•ntty got lh.-ir 81'\1• PfHCltf'II and ,uper1mowledgt· t>lo,lng Gin, 1 nd u they plOy i.- lll'ICe 'fhorMa P..--. end 1ft. ...... ...,_.,boulntodioc ~~-~u:~I nol like~ lo disap1 ..ti othet 1"- dfl8pp01ntmarll I rllfl s\llNd IO the al-II» ~ they r..ty hliv• harveettd uale t ludenls. trying 1o l1gure . IO much lnl4ghC in so ahOf'I a lhwlgs OUII BIA admf11rt9 m?rtal• Ind ■ct.v.,,,.,,., of their was. ~ mehatrt1W'n ~ wtlk;h dhdli,I IM p. , _ in OI• apel'I N 10 have COff1)1eted thetl lly Of tven falbiley • 00 1 hlgt,ty - t l l y diooovtri09 '""' UW! dtf to ruati to,we,d on ts prme,y ....,._ all« 29 day, ol a Pf•· regarded or rewatdad lf'lit in any 'M¥ noc be ao diRerett llfte, II prolN$K>n or soc:,ety I know, "9ltl0f'I. ~ k , IO panpw9N dtnCJ'? .,... (Mn Gama• takff I ... I e rn ~ bell"lg too and IOtoo., ,oum.l■m, Ootothy Petke,, .. .~ tun· Why• C f t in the Pfffl hnd M'9 o. geffllA ol dN• from A herah I know ·• al'Jd the Walhnglon PfN& CIO-cl kt'\O'l'I'$ fl ao dtfliGul! lo say lhlS l nAh lo • clf'l'trtne ptrtpedtYt •· onf 10 8 The torrniAI tor p,t N SUI· too •• N 1M pottraf of CMlon our rNdefs? Perhaps we lhinlc . . motl of U1 WIii aom1 veils ■way vtvat 1n WasNngton, to, .um- 11 anything buC C0111)1eled The 1h11 d f t OCIRla lo kno., p6e, c 10 alay dolt Jo Iha pack. ~ lit _,. wobble Md blur •nd they II Me us U 1ht rnori.la " "ThoGtnO..."•"" ""' ,,.,_ IIJ'ayi,g mart lhan • few tHt ,IIJllr'I and eg■l"I rd apwl •• are • nd begrudoe the ularit• the Ume -,,enl uein9 111 ywdl ,nto N ,..-m of ttw ~ and MCh time rhe p,eu Wlii some ol ua "'-• Anyway keep 1ft mind l hel However. ii contain, sorN an or.cuta, lone and odetlc And thing,I a,-n·t It.I Zoe S.1rd •nd K1mtn Wood muchdiffe,einl in New Yortt or say U. • Iha defiNr11e .,..98 -.og..,,_.nd may notto No one would ru~ mmd thou tront-p■ge meteors • ,ourna,ottw ceni.-. OUCNnCl5 !Ifie lholqc W'I ~ ld,Ns C Iha pre... lf'ICX>nSblncy 90 rnuc:h bland • c,o» Wash1ng1on I N you en,oy rNI lhealet' .rd through which are IIOffliltSNS I would gueu • we WCM.Jld re· lrans.,ent star ty5iem otv-f I fort. nw-d ~ raadera ard -.iewara n1ghl ago, hive now knoWn aa contexl and peuc>ee· WIN lo 1uppo,t the Arts II" bYe tnd .....,. WIIOOffl bom of .,ary ome we !r• lh«n • nefll' peered oft Iha radar SClffnt ~ 1he ll"M9• make,a Mt'ybe thoN proft.W'l<My llbou'I a p,e&ldenl ~ •• noc -...:ome



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tnaNf• •


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z. ..,_._.._... ............................ i PA lr I,~. .................... - ..... . .::=-......,..._ tetm~!.vV:.~t:;.!~'°': :!:..C~;;'~ ....... _

beoiild.s(••J W ~ .,. Ci.nton' a budO-' ~ '"'"9

Myers N Jd When lrit oov.,n. menr glY11 you money and th• ooYtmmt nl l•kH money b•cl<



91..,.--.....-d ~ ~ ,-,clinfon ~ • loan,

pnding the,.,..tv•• on rn·~ 1 toq.thtf , n h()nltlf futty rt'f~ • I M ~ of ptO' grarna and l hl_,o,,of !NII cx,uk1 bl ,.iHd ur,dtf' V ff~ fh• OUI tax nal dt1ail1 begin lo felt ,nio rht c;,ell 1h11 ,~ J)MtCt



g1•rn '11th.., ••kid .t,ou! ,: adcMO tty Clinlon

com.. from h1gh•r IHH CJinlon INves htmwft open co and R ~ n • tta.ck, fOf - poHc.H, ~ WM• Hoou p,eu ,.at· l•ry Off OM Mytrs denied lha1 llltlng the hlghtf Soa•I 5«:wlly la.II. . . . . apeodtng CUI WU It-.. • •nd mttron, gunkmd 04 ~ lht tdm1m1lrali0fl has vowed lo IM>id " You coukt maJ(e a lo«Jit•· meta CIIM 10 do 11 ei1~ way.M




di•• .

'° mpomnt


- '°' ..

~~~~~~,;~ The phon•


number 1s 312


Thunday, February 18,

Ul93 ■ Pa1e ~

Tribe flies by Pilots By Sh••• Given,

"kl~.· Ntd held co.ch Oerald

Spono l!dltO< The MSU rMn's buJte1tMU !Nm t>IM1ed LSU-Sh, eveport

S1ock19n, men·• b.,.htbtll IINd OMCh , Mid ·Ha came 10 praclir;e Ht1y y•etday and 10-

,... Frldoy nigN 121·69

day lo do 10me 1Jdr'l lhoobng Arthur Hurllt wet -tt.ctttd 'l'Mh 12 •49 left lo play tNeaUM he ttiHd hla t'-1 a l L9U· Shreveport guard Chad



lridiant etroUtd lo their 10th llrtlghl win Ind lncruHd their OY.,.I NCOrd lo 18-9, The lndl1n1 .,.,. led by Juon Paly, who acoritd 27 pomts and bfok• Into lhe MSU 1,000 polnl club P■ty lo only lhe 251h player In ochool hlolory lo 600fl 1,028 polrw1 1n hia Cl ·


, ,.

"Paty cam. out ol h/1


McOow.11 but n..,e , lhrN a punch Hurat'a ...ctlon fifed h• IHmmelH up . . lhey o ultcored lh• Pllota $3•26 throughout lhe , . .t of the g■ me ,

Men coast past Lubbock Corey ShHd had 1$ poinll By Shane Glvea1 Ml the lint hal end E.J. Colina Sport< Editor The MSU men'c butcitlball hil -4 of 5 thf. .point.,. lo 100re 1. . m d1f1ated Lubbock Chriatlan University 100•59 Sttuniay night In 0 . L Ltp

c:oii...m. Bonlleellerledlt.ew"'flo< the Trbe againlt the Chaparrals wilh 19 poirt&, whlo Juon Poly nNrly ea~hl him wtth 19


12 poinls,

"Our defenM prNMd them •nd double teamed them throughout tM game, which c,uaed aavaral turnovara. • Gerald Stocklon. MSU m,en's heed bUketbl• coach Gerald StodO:on, 1111d.


Charlie "Sugar·


scored 10 po1nt1 and con• lri>uted to h• naw nickname by coll.c1ing US awHt Nbounds. which IS the m011 boards in one game by any MSU pqiyer lhis

Th• Tribe increased ita record to 17-91nda peffect 11· O record in Iha ColiHum. Lubbock Chrialian will get an oppo11unity to avenge lhelr k>&s look, _ _ , in lhe playoN1, but Midwestern

n,, ~

-~•IN-..........-•.. AlrP119

.,._l'llt:r,llo.111.lo,._ _


• -"



f te"'u:;J~n

~!dies demolish LCU 86-63 !!~r.~ball .!.!!.1§J!!.~ f Q ~ ~:-Ht.at 0 money M~st~ def~led Lubbock

w, h


. • t, .. No 1 Med lorthe District 8 playoff, Cinched. lhe MSU Lady Ind.ans a re unstop~ e Satl#~ evering 1n O L Ligion C 0 (•uum !he Lady tndie.ns conlWJued to do Mlet I • lhey do a.o well ·· WIN!

Clvlol..., ,..h • f,nol "'"''• 86·

83. bnngingthemto18-6torthe s.eeson and S-O tn !he di.ttrict The Lady lnchans were off and runntng from lhe atan, tak• ,ng e 9-0 lead ,n !he first few rrirues of play Emlf Oil scored 10 of !he l1rsl 13 potnls for

Mldwe5tem helping make her

g■me-high 23 poin!S

_.,, re-

boundsandt'#O . . . .,

The Lady Indians maintained lhe INd lhroogh<MA the game alk,wing the l.ecty Chaps onty within ~he point, for a ahot1 period of Hme.

AIDS Awareness Week February 22-27 Monday: CSC Theater 12:15 Film: "A Letter From Brian" with Wichita Falls HIV Co-ordinator Jayna Phillips


Sporta Edi tor

Tommy Scho41, winning pitcher,

The MSU - - -


songo«offtoal08Mgstartlut Tueaday afternoon " the lnd111ns deleA.ted Hill Junior College by one run in bolh games of 1he ~J..hMder.

The fim game WM a oomefrom-behind v,c:tory lor the Tnbe as ii behind 4-2 going into lhe Int Inning and ec0Nld ttw.. runs 10 pub OlA lhe win "I think we played a p,etty good geme. but a long sea-



T~e HOOnd game of lhe

run viclory, H the lndi• ns Sports Edltol' scoced 3 ru-. in the Jixlh inrw,g MSU athlelics Is al a aowto come from behind again and roads and the aludentt should win 3-2 have • say in whtl happens in LHding h1ttars fOf MSU w•e Gervin, who went 3 for 7 .nct hed 5 RBI,. Rolend also conlrlbuted a 1 for 3 performane• and had 3 RBIs lo his credil.

Volleyball begins spring practice By An ie« Scholl

thetr conhwence.

lk:e on Feb. 1$. 'Oieral the INm has a 101 d depth end TIAde t-WI, a 59 returning pl•yer who waa named to INI y..t , first 1nm

t h•



1.,-er.:e, said. "I lhink next season we will be sl ronger and proba~ go farther than lasl year." The Lady lndtans d id not lose anyone l o graduelion but Iha return of some players tS ~;ii uncertain The Lady Indiana lin~ klst MasOO with an overall recOfd of 20-16 end second In

leam. Th• as11s1an1 Do we went to be a large J;,nmy Picht and Carrie school and have a lutl scholar• Jacbon wil also be returning lo ship program IOf &<1ery sport or guide the Lady Indian& toward a exclude some programs in l11VOJ


w,nmng saaaon. McKinley said thlt one at the primary skilta !My WII concenlrale on during spring work· outs is defense. Mc:K'intey said. ~• WlU ba working on , 11 H • poets of detense • He also said the team's 'never say die· an11ude hes bean a key ladof m the pes1 •nd hope& ,t will continue lo play a pert in lhe team's performance

Support MSU Athletics

·~-------------------· t"HICH OF THE FOLLOWING 00 YOU PRD"ER? I A $4,000,000,000,000 deficit, G<>vrmmen~ I Wute, HiCMr TufS, Pay Raises ror I Politicians, More Go,·emmtnt Power OR


of others and Slay the same size lhalnarerml/ 1 wo uld like l o see the school go one way or the other

,n lhlS matt•. All scholars.hip or all non-aehoiarship and ooncentrale more on acaderrics II 1h• only conc ern is money, l hen we as student s shouki be asking tho S1ele legislature whal they are dotng with

the rl'llllions or dollars the slele makes off of !he lollery each week. The only reason I wanted a k:>nery w-.s 10 see at least a po,• t10n of ii go to higher educat10n across lhe . .le I love MSU ethh,lics and f!N· ery prog,am adds lo lhe overall college atmosphere, b UI I musl ask myself !he lollow1ng queslion, Is lhis causing my l uilion lo go up or le I a lerger problem?

.... •.. ••.. · .... · .. : s3:&BEER• ::1: ·FAT ALBERTS Joshua's 14011-8 RHEA Ro.: 35¢ P00q :••M;";;.,DAnu,r,;I

12:30 CSC Theater "Cumminity Plan of Action" talk and discussion What's being done now? What do we need to do?

•.,· •rR'ii "'oi-ooc'v/t;.iii-ms couroN .•





Akin Auditorium 12: 15 Memorial Service for the more than 35 Wichitans, including MSU alumni , who have died from AIDS

"Hooks, Gifts, Bibles, and Videos " Shayla C"h.ir,rcU Mu.,:n

, -eo..ltopm

rani.:ncc... n-.un. .wt Sau1.agc


C h risria n S ror,:s

S.lltr da70 f'ebrHIJ' 20 1.,.. C• , -1 fdklw,hlp ff■II :wes T•n (Con« o1 ·r.n & ll•Mpa:k-ad)

M enu


SOCCef and bukeebell Since the school is in • budge! crunch and lui1ion ,.,.. may go up ye1 egalf'I, why can·1

lhe admini&t1111ion examine lhe

Wednesday: CSC Ballroom I0:00 and 12:00 Barbara West hosting "Persons Living with AIDS" panel discussions

l he school athlelic p,ogranw How much income, H any, doM the etNetie Pf'C9WT1 bnng Into the university? I'm speaking ol 1he acOO.rshlp prog,ams of

Bob McKinley wit be rel!.m· eff1Ciency of every depet1men1 Sport< Staff The MSU Lody Indians vol- log IOf his 1hirct y.., H head to make it . .,ier on the stu· l"'fl>al !Nm beg■n spring prac- coech, but his fourth ypr WT1h dents?

Al-districi end ffl1 tum Alt-oon-

Atrium 10:30 throughout the day AIDS Memorial Quilt Display 4 panels from the Tarrant County chapter of the Names Project CSC Ballroom 12:30 The story of the AIDS Memorial Quilt CSC B,1llroom 7:00 Jeanne White, educator. will talk of her son, Ryan, and their fight to allow Ryan to live a normal life

N <d,

double dipper was anotl'• one By Shaoe Clveoa

CoHcc. (nttgc Jwu. and M,tt

Al•\·- -c-... £.lfM lil,prln

-' • oos., Tlo ~•:1

_______ .. .__. . . ...1--•W -,--·~ ,.,...,-_._ _--·•W-----::::,-:--· -~• .,_, ~ ,_,_ .......,.,. ,,_

_ Ill_ ...__ .-.

.-,......_i, ... t ~TIIM:l.'1CTl.t -t'M''U.Sfl"Tl''TtfllKTIIUl(ST <'1n ~I n. ..... - .. ,....,.•- wlf '"_ ... ___ ., _n,....,,,\ _ _ ,..,, "" _"' -..r-. ,-,,._ ,n,i:,.,..,.. ,



1rP-.,-e-8-■-n,-,.,....--.-y,-F-.bna--.,,.-l8-,-l913 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C::::-AMP:-=-=::-:u::-:-:s=----------

lt's nu s~as: called

'Whodunnit' slated for March 4-7 on mainstage llyLloo Poe« ~ Tho MSU lhutto dopo~mtne wtll P,IIMnC lhe rnurdet'

Vaccin eventative

best&,I,or - ,,..,,

Mytynk• Kilgore Roger DHhwoM wil bo played by

.,,.,,_..,.. 1hollu c...._


By Katbr,D

Ben Otooo Juen Hogonw,n•ploylhopMol . _.. Bowdon and ,,..,,. mytto,y -...cly, -by Anlhony Shofto, on tho ,._, C...., Johlo wtl ploy hie

----■ lpm.. - H I andal2--30pm , Man:h7 Tho ....

"" '"" COfflOdy thrUler lncludea aophomor• -~HlltololOb«· lot Atchlbold PO<tunt, tcphornor• Tommy O Carey H c.i,ocwr1ou. and JU·

•e.nNopwap1oylhorc1o dlowyo,S-lleHby



W>ioduMit II HI ff\

Efl9hl, ...,.,. -

~ou, rnutelH ICfNffi • •

Tho plol

b...c~ who heve galh«ed lor •

Iii• .ncf gel t>onor ,·0no

form1I dinner In a w11lthy

llwyfH'a rTW,nlOI durTlg a thundomonn. Ono d tho guosll, during

opporturwfY' to r6C.0Var • ..,.


"""Y --111oi Wllt,•--- .. "' ,,,.,,.. - •-t,om <ilM 1114,,


., tho Nonh T•u · " ' : Pofllf Hofl><jd<-Ho/1, • -.... studonll rNY bo ~M ,uwl dlroclOf ol tho "' how !tu Of. .«.it,/ hoolh urv,, ,~oody hoYo I, -lhoy can , . , . _ . , _ . 10 tho """-I



pnoolt.....i.dw,lhoteeond od

nc1crtt,10bot-1>«..,, Aeeord lng to th• Tedi Mfp wh«fl'er 11 may ~ 0opo•mo'" o1 HNlth, l h ~ ~ Including c:ontaa, fluenza vacciM ts Iha n ii ,.of__,,. IQ proven p,tveneion rMthod the "'W• • r• Mr• 10 ~ n._ suggostod lhal po0IIIO got o, . - ,uwl •ro alwoyt ""-t shot during s ."P1•d~~ ltw IO l.elc to the tlYMnte,' ~


October bU'I any1f'M' ..,."."

Holt romlndo · · - ...

MUOI> ,.;i pro,,ido pn,toct,on.

Dorms have 50 'no-shows'


To d ~ dncto<d -.w-... ..Whan ...,. a hock racenlly

........_~ ..... u . ~ .,,._ ,i..Ano■--.. n.-n... • and of F~bNUJ.

--oly ---· lrd---- .._, ~andPlo,oooponod ogeln lo< '"" apring HIMIIOf, 50

hod~--TheN _,. tlmanl1 who

to bmg the dooN '4> to dat•.


~ k told, tho hope • tor benadofa who ..........iy Rdlczyl< told, 'Tho dormt


..,.~30y..,.ago-.Mn dom'ilotfea: . .. buiill kw . di·

tionaforroon,elnthe~ pold~lot ... _ _. _ , _ . , ..... ThopDO<ahowing ■ tho

rNdance halla COfflN . . . lmil when COMlNc:l,on ol • new

more "'9.,-.....

•re •

l«ene Mudenl populelion lhet cld not conlrol heel and atr condi1ion1ng. c•rpeled rootna. Clltlla TV •nd lhe ....1

Museum presents space shows

., v...... Gonloe The WJC:hla Fak Mu.Hum and Alt c.r,.. it pr-..g lhoWI W'I tt- planatarun lhe· ..,.on Feb 20and21 TM Cant., 11 pr•nnling •r.u, Skia1° •nd "Soviet


-n Tho ~··""-~-

lsL.arry'Mnchel'M!Oil anMSU «udant and lab uMtant "' lhe

,_., gootoi,y ond Ufn>nomy - •· Winchell NJd he •nioys p,oduc:ing 1hooo " - ' Ind hu bNn .,..,...., in .aseronomy .. well u other tcienc• for sav• etaf y•rs. l'he,.,CM'a addf'\g tit, own ttyte d humor and JOY,iy to Nch thow H4i has ellanded MSU lo, lli>o<A 1W<> and ON hall

---MntaUon INlurH an 11-.door

thutmlon of • deer starry night dc>nNlooy lo .. plon,w,g Ao tho .......ry a,ntinuoo to --t)l)icalymd ol<y wllch could bo thal p.y the debt ow~ on Altl,ough tho ...,....ion It MCOnd lhow ,. . . . . . . aiide ~ -P;o.coholo, conetn.dion of a MW 7S bed, l(MltngaWOflh and Piatc• hu preHnC.ation of Arnenc::.n and deeliMd fOf the pe.C ......,., ltwN Mory ~ he. wifl bop, ;,, tho Wt. RoYonuo lot 'f'Nl'S.therewilllil beanNd Tho-Thootto it lt'lilp,o;.<:1cem.f,on,a,.. The n.. do,m n•med c:opblodroc,-.g.-o1 lho~tlly•a,,ypoi,t;,,..,,. llrictod gift • loeol lomily McColouglt- Trigg wil 1aM opFu-dtln)ma,_gift_ ~ 13 - 1 0 buld d<mg • n. plonte• thal noc be funnel~ to ~ pn,joc:t helol•~lolwilbelA.. aye.,....,. and Jl4)lor CNr,g lzod w, t h o - d l h o tho - - lhooo ptontc, and Piatca .,. ~ in nMd ol localionainlhenigt,takyar•,. ropolrand- Rec«cly, lo re-fOUte pertdng one• conalruttion bagiirw ~• Ml 11y 10 A queadon tho MSU Boord d and ar'IIWer di· ap- ~ proved • S2 maon bond to up~ - Evo,y com,- hoe cUlllon belwffn the audience dale the eg.ng buildings, The .. po,tdng pn,btomo." Rodloc:zyk and the plenetark.tm ope,•tor deifanal al prep« rNlf'IMn8nc. OCCUl'I )UM befort lhe and of




.. ,_pofldng_

... iNln,-,y .. thoro ""'""" • ltU(IM'II ca, ... • doctor hi.

naiad agailsl the

. . ...,


The opM'llk>r end lchnicun

nu: L~id


a.rn. • nd 9

~--and_.,,.._ ......

po,c,plo. ,Jay

wK1 ... 90,• Holl ..d We Iii

- · II" ..,o,yono ....,, "" d ." 1h. .old.

ALS needs new members Tha Arlist•la<:lure S,,._ established in 1964 to t,,n; •nd quaky p,o. grams in Iha performing 1r1, 1o

By Lleda WIIIOll Soott



no(~ i.ctu,e,s

MSU'1 Art!S1·Lectu,. SanN comm11tN raenlly ac::counced lha1 l>KauM of !ht upcoming g,~ion of MVe<al ~ . rt WII be k>ou'lg lor • t.-,, ooo,d

lhe MSU campus and lt-,e VnchlaFalo~

The Pfogtlitn I• funded ~ manly through student iMs tic"-1 ..... to Iha ~ I Plitt




end through dorwtlontlg.-,~,

,.._... c.._. . . . . . . o- ... 0-W. . .,. ......

Johnny Carta, . Art1at • Lectur• chairman, said that people who ~ t be interested The lllmoapher• is ralex~ 1n parhc,ipahn9 5hould ptek up end irilc:wmal Ind the canter has apphcat10na 1n Iha Oaan of many ••hluls k> oNat lo th■ Students Office Apphca hons ... be occaplod """' ....... t TM lihows 1n 1ha p&anatarMSU'• Ar11St·leciure Series lum lhNlr• lh'a comng WNk• .... b,ooghl MV.-.1 worlckiau end are 9Chadulad lo, 1 p m. I« perlormances and wall•known "The TaH• Sktt•• and 3 30 leclurera 10 the ce"1)Ua




Cirdt C Alarm & Security Producu

:;__.:: .:~r~~s:~:·1~ li"""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""il 35 to 40 mini.AN long

MSU multicultural committee Yarosz displays watercolors combats racism, prejudice .,. U.da wu- Scott during~ 1, JaUe .....,

and lhet lhlt eomminN . ...


HrvH u


by tho lrd .. tho -


boo1c fMturN 150 d America'•


- on. -_.... ~


•E-ion It ... -

o ooneet ,_..... and



• ~ Pllilpo. -


....o.. ~ and _,_1on_lho



In-··""-"-.. _,, .. _......, a-.. The CIOff'lfflinM alto pot1e flierttop,f0ffl0tea..,.,..d

.. - - t o l d.




Phllpt told !hot

1aMIAbAni .. _ . _ AWWenNI hopoluly, -· The andCNete """ fl"ICIN ..,.._



pcmlrQ catNfS

Elublth A. Y■l'Oal, aNOC> ... .,,__ ...., ,-,,,Yhod two walfflX>lort ptbhh~ 1n "Splash 2: Watercolor

-.. ™-In

- - ~ l o t . . .,,.,... - a n d Cinco do Mayo.


Thia oommittee el~ • the conwnilN ~ PfO-

......-.pleco-- ~ """"' 9roup■ to aftnOUnCe va,.OW

lhe N,,...,,

nlullont TIie - - !hon

CNllll• ■ c:aend■f'd....,..and

cklributN It in campus ma.ii Comtnk!N rnNtl .,.,., other Tuoodoy tho Clon< Sludon bol<N. Cont.. ~ Room Tho nut ac:heduted mealing k .a.,~ to, .t P,"'-. Feb. ZJ.

Drive Rltc


ID] -··

~~nd";";;"t2 Brood fi:b. 20

r-eb. 22 A 23

Tlumday t'cb 25

Mateh 8 A 9 May \Ake half clau 11 1 time l ~I00-460-)501

n,,.J11: ,Alft,QVfl)~t:Mltt'Ycnt'aJII



.· Yaroe:z:Adthe

bNI c o n t ~ weltlfCOibs

and~....,.,_.,....,. brHklhrough1 upariancad

Two other watercolor• of Yarou:· appaar In tha book "Oolhc: R.,..,.J." •ncl 'In S..reh d lho P'"oct Dwoltw,g '

Yarou'• w•ttrcolors have •lso appeerad in "Spl•sh 1 Am.~·• Bast Conlamporary W•tarcok)rs ' Both booka a,e av11iatM ,n Iha MSU bookat«a

The Best In Live Entertainment

The Wild Bunch


Aids Support Center 405 Galveston, Suite 10 Wlchlta Fallo. Texas


lnfonnatlon & Referral

Hot Line Toll Free


Iha do« al 7·"5 • m

gelad 10 group, that hava • g,Nler r1lk a l ~ the flu and may be a grMI• nlk of 1'/1ng due to oompic■IIOM The State HHtlh Oaptirtrnent an• couragN •nyone lo r.cerv• the

The~andArtCentar the ar11 and an,oy m. .hng Is loce1ad n•r lhe campus. people and po,ticit>"'ing ;,, camwithin walk,n,g d11tance and at• pus event• are encouraged to

lrect1 people from lhe Wichlla Fell.,.. u wel M peop6e, from outol .....


App<linl- "10 not ,,.._ V.conahon affoffl •r• ...,. --,. tu I It _...od to bo, -

Sludant• who epp,ectal•

_.......,,,_., ... _ ~--.,-....--.- _.....,.,,,..,... ......,_ lor•-~.Ro,joc:zytc-

'Tt>er• .,. .iw.yt ~ nrt1H IOf' people lo be ~ Sohuloler, ~

has the u,wa,Stty laang large rtnO'tadol"I coata. TM tTWfOf COit factor will be i n ~ the

old hooting and c:ootong oyllom More r•v..,ua la being aougtc 10 r900'w'ata the aging bulldingo. Fumituro. carpotlng




Tho MSU Tho■ro bo. olfoc:e K""'dlbutl Folilll and aopho,_. Kecy Langon will po,tfty wil oe,on Fob. 22 and - · tlont bo by calling lhorclodi...w.o~ Mt--4393 btitwNn t p.m and S The , . ot the ec:cwllric .,. p.m ilCkatt ate $5 lot -.,b, chaoolog;■ Oame Edith will bo l r d M l o t -. ~ • n d auum•d by aophomore Mniorcitiztn&.

., u . . .,._ Scott


n•PPad by eommun1"•· ' ; With • busy IC~IAt .,.( hove tho llu. So. do I""' -nd•OII proteuors ..._

'"" fnllhal od,he - hM - pnWIII~ mmelha'tg to

T -.Noolllo wa -ploy the role of RHr Admiral


~ "" today • """'r ~ d'IIII ... oc>n'I grv• OUMf¥.. ~

endure .,, ~ torture I ~ No you MY• not t>een .-1

fOCUMI on tix ltrangef'a ~ •

Jura R - Mobley will bl,ickmail IMffl fth The

play tho c - • ol Ledy


;:::.,:', pound thOir lo"""9 ~ Ink> yo,,




If • a1udent hes l"4 I'\ s.i-,- rooommondt Ihm ct,on» ol jo<:I<· ,ttJdOnl1"kOtholrno lo"'1>~

Reporter _ __... -

Local 322-9 122 I -800-322-9122



$Q 19) ·-: :~ :::::ff:tfffe{' acco~ •,•.·,-~:-·-•,,



S~ cover charge

i/iiy Coin Night

ConlflbuUons can be malled to P.O. Box 2023 Wtchtla Falls, TX 76307

,-:· :; ira•r·

SS cover charge y coin night

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S4 cover charge College Night and ladies N1ghl $3 Cover Charge

'IT&up Drink Sf>ttl•ls ·- W"'. Sun till t I :00

Contt!ts Wttkly 5tt ny,rs r...- details

.-iie 111itbltan


Thu.r11dR)', Ff"brua ry 18, 1993 ■ P•1e 7

Israeli army bombs Palestinian homes the

~~D=•~~i!~":~.trt Th e ~ : ~ ; ~ : : ~

='•~~.•::..:=: the bed I~ sw . . 1 hoc 1N'OU9h '!'Ch ~ t ~ s Galas.a Jnd Me s.h..ttds COY·•~ lh• ~ eJ«tncal Nua,s ht..ng from tM ceimq, and concrete walk 'N9(e nddled wth gaping >-des 'Every1h 1ng ,,,. 0 d•·


said About 10 houus

PaloShn~n tarr.hes were dts• ~ mAny of them in1.:i len1s ~rovtded by lhe Unf ed Noll0n$ .,,.. • nd WC>fks Agency 1n a

~saJ'ld lot

attad, wa, the la!Mt • · I ; ; : ~ of how lh e h,raeh• f s •Nan connict has shlf1ed conh onlahons beh,-een 1~ •rmy • nd &I CM'l&-lhrow,ng :;;:,trators 10 a vers10n 1 armed bel\11.'Nn the l'nlW1ry and La•ct ,visls Increasingly

s:~•ed '' saldAf'lo.ubl. a t ~ and f,.the, d sa who had ~ eq,eMed trom K1.rw,111 a!':er the P~n Gui Wa,. a nd WH gr.ou.aty rinw,lfl9 • new house to, ~~in tf\e Amal Mighbo,.

!:.;~~m~ ~ $=!•

atmr loudspeakBR ~tote dawn ~~~ ' ; : =ed~I:

w~ w«s

nearby bu11d1og , Rhou bl and dot81\S ot o1tier men lis1ened

Al the s.rne hme, SUS· peeled P a lullni•n gunmen


....:=:.:,,:::.:,~ ~ ~::~~~":/.·.= :

:-: ,;:,7

;:: Ne$ I: ~WHk's incident

12 1 ,~•h::,Sg "";~; :::

Paleshrnan gunmen, set dyr\a• rMe <:h.lrges a nd t.r&d rockel • propelled grenades and anll•

lire d

rgesc •ssault so

fro m


cars or


In l he opera11on . fou, Pfl~SIINaf\$ .suspected of be· lonc;;,ing to H,unas. the radical lslollrNC Res.1stance Movemen.l were cap!IA'~. erd 10 a"ned:

te n,ified • sine:• lh•n


Clinton addresses public, draws battle lines By Gilbert A. ~wthwai te Tbc Ba ltimore S un WASHINGTON - Pres«1ent Cir.ton. p<epemg the natl)l'I lo, som. painfuC economic belt-

1i,g:Nen11,g, dntw up biart'9 lines Wllh "'the defenders or dectirw,~ Monday n.ght and '5$\.-d •• ca!! to a.,ms 10 restore lhe t.101,ty of

thaAmencandream ~ In his hist nahonalty 1e!ev1sod address hom lhe Oval Office, he cast himself es • Washtngton ou1stder and an age,nl of change saying .,.he puc e of domg lhe H ~ old lhing 15 far higher lhan lhe pnce of cha.nge n Like a doctor prepa.nng a p111Ml nr for surgery. he .xP',ained lhe ~ - t y !or pelf"lltA ac:110n. the unaccepl'a~e cost ol deiay and lhe IOng•lerm benelirt of



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111,1 , ffw


Plus :1 cha nce lot-am 5 I ,000 ror yourst-U!

~,_ ~<lt.li,_

1-800-9.12-0528, UL65

wocnslul trMl:menl l ike lormer pres,dential cancfldate Ro.ss Perot, he pro· duced color CN,r1s and graphs to dklstrat• NS points. And lik• tonner Pres.dent

Rugan. he apperaled dnctly to the P«,mlic o,,,« lhe h-.ds ol the pot1tic'l,M who wdl u"imalely pass judgmenl on h;a progr11m Not one. did Olnton ,,..-.. bon the WOid -.:rlfic. .. he did &artier In • subOe change ol tone. he lallced - as he has the paSI week Of so •· ot makng • "cor.trbulion~ 10 t~ nat10n's tu\u,e

Reserving mo&I of the de· 1ails of has econon'NC program fOf hi$ IPM(h 10 a joml ses:sion of Congre.s.s on Feb 17, Clinton concenlraled on tel1ng VOle,s ot the dlticultes and oppof'h.1011es he laced as he drafted his bh,ep,w lo, rho future In one of lhe lew .specifics, h• J>fomised l ~t 70 percent ol proposed new taxes wook:I be PAld by those eemeng more than $ 100,000, • figure fa, )owel- than lhe $200.000 IOCOm• level he ha1 previously used lo dehne the w...hy

• -





ls,aell was


, ~ j~ ' . .

::~e~=~~~;:,~ dtmonstraOon lonrght ne.r an Arab vtltage, at wtw:h lsr1el.s cha.nled "Oulh l o l he l eff'Ot• iS!s'" The pn,ctlee of f"11'lg rockets tn1o P1lestmian house.! beg.an l.1s1 summer alle, lhe eommander ol an l sraeh undercovar squad was shot When his unil SfOtmfd a house looking lo, !WO Pa~s1111ian suspects. As a ,.. suit, acco rd ing to m1lit1ry sources. !he army deaded the

=~n~ ·a ~~1:~~~':;, :,~:=: .J~u~;Ys,=~t: ;~h7h~~:=-~~! P al utin lan







d1ers. we ,c:l',oofo lo go ....,.h the

b~n apar1. and cmckod con·


~vesol lhe · 1 ch1tr~~ :;:,,~~•~~~:~

0 1 ~~:.


about 6 am.. rhty ordered an men OIA ol the" houses, boood lh9tr hands b.hind th..' becks Ml:h plNtic handcuffs •net et· cort~ them 1o • nearby buikl· lng. wh4ire !hey were bhnd· fokled Woman end ch~r•n w•r• lotd lo evacuate to

M,ghbo,s nearby Abdul Ka reem Bardweel, who l(vH nMrby •nd was nol among those dett1ined. said he uw tsra,li a.oldiofl enter one

p e rous, compared to the squalor-Mled rel ugtoe ct11nps ~ · Ill lhe Gai:• $(~ An lsrull •rrnv spokesman sad lhe loo, men whO ~·ere caplured m the 12-hour op,erahon ba)ooged to the mdilary 'Ml'l9 of

kiled. ar.d the •nalysis was ~~~.';:•:.~•~n~e=


sa.td The Gal• Cenler for R;ghls


buildng. Ahec ll was d!Monllled, he said, I04diers tired rock,1 -

gre~s from nearby In other bu ild ings , !he

In the Pf'SI , lstael has ct.mo61shed and Se.lied hous.s H pun,shm&nt o l Pata slin,ans 'known lo hove 11ci1Vely p,rtid· pGled in • murdel o, caused sellOUS physical U'ljuty," according 10 lhe S1t1te Department's • n• nual rt!p0(1 on human rtghls 1n t he occ upi ed 1e rnlo rle5 Ho wever . in 5uch c ases. the Palnllnums have the nghl to appeal beforehand lo rttg,ona1 mtlitory et.Chorilies and lo lsnefs H,gh Court

Hamos- smalCfthola,modaclivisl s wtuch have da1med eredil for attacks on lsrae-14 ml«ary Pl· !rots. The spokasm:1n said the army also found• p.stol am.nunit10n. 1tvN grenades, axes and

subMquent~ been 17 such H • sautl.1 includrng last week's in Khan Younis. In many ur1ier rt11d1. ,:,:a1es::;ia~ su~~ ,n I a ermal lhe attacks, and !here has been mounting cr1hc:EMn ol lhe lac:IIC.


las I week,



1 ~~~l•~~e~rg~a::~ !h,c:h

house.s, witnesses said Th• ,nny said the explosl\les are de6lgned to knoclc down walls quick~ as sddlers searched lo, fugiUves



But 1n lhe ass.out! here, the residents said !hoy had no lime 10 1ppoel. or even gelher their belongings One woman , Mahab Ashour, letl a ◄·monlh• okt daughrer, Ala. 1n~tde her thinking lhal lhe M>kM!ra were only oonduchng searches. However. she wa.s a!lowed to nm t.ck inside and retri8'V• lhe cMd when she learned of Iha plamad anack, lnends sad.

srves, the army om I wes engaging in coloe!rve puru,hmenl : ~ M ~ ' : : " ~ n dI n~~ Ii U6d& could~ 10 l;-e I go¥ernme~~ or lf~m•g:s, ~ ae~;or m l ~O;:er



milit•1 :i!,! :899 ~ ers~u:;?1:es ol our~:

ResKients Monday potnted lo holN two and ttvu lee! "Mde 0


lhe I O card of •n lsraeh 50kiter. Alon K•r..,anl. who w a, ktd·

~~c:!. ,..~. s~~t 2 ann~:~:~:'~'::",,.le.:'.;:'k: o~ us.ng mi~~•~"!:it bu:


er ally abl e l o demolish Palest111..n ~ , on l h@ suspc.on !hat per50f'IS d ~ 10 be w•n1@d by llie •ultlont1es IT\a)' be hdng Inside

E.~:~'::-=2 =~ ~"~~1il~= :::"'=:~:w;E::~

Lawyer takes on Supreme Court By Joaa B l akupic The WHh ln,toa Pott EU.Ot Cohen, • New YOfk IIW)'k who sn::e Iha 1970s has spumed burMueratc demands fof l'ltl Social s«:uril:y ~ . ii trying 10 lac• down th• highest <XU'I ,n the land. Why should • lawye, who wanls lo pn the Sl4)feme Court bar have l o reveal his Social S.curity number, h• asked. poinlrng lo a fede,.I i.w lhal gonoratti,, uys a ~ • • SocW Secunty number shouid be priv•le F"ive years~- Cohen. 35, succeufu11)' protea_led • Conn.cticul bar reqU1rement 1hat applicants give out tM ir

Cohen lsn'I alone In tryintj) lo re.incl ac:C:MI 10 the numbar "ThOfe ■re lots of lhe$e ordma,y A.rnencen1 concerned aboU1 gNang oul very private ~orma• Hon,'' Paul WoM'scn. a lawyer

with Public Citizen, saJd Pubic Crttzen is rtipre.Senllng a Vw-gr.a

man who has challenged that s.late'a reqwemenl that a c:ilizen have a Soctal Seclrly rurber 1n oroer to reg.st• to vote (A dis• lrict court upheld tM p,achc• and that CMe is on appeal ) Wotfson s.id his Vi,gin,a clienl. a lawy• hmael, gave h&s Sodal Security number l o a friend 10 Ifft OU: how easily one cou'd gain .supposedly pnvate inlonnalion. •rhe fri•nd found Soc:ael Secunty rurbars and last out my client's aludent loan~ year c:henge in • sifni11r anoa and go1 h .. ~ t,.npok_y for the 1~1•1 Sootwrn ecript," wonson said ·1rs th• Datrid of New Y<rit. kev to open the database .. He asserts that a Social Security numbcw is like a pastCoh•n·s langle with lh• W0fd and can _....., be expk>ied Supreme Court began Htlier by people tryu,g lo galher pef· thla wintet" when the 1988 City sonal inlormation, esp.cially Universi1y ol New York law through compuer School graduate recefYad a let-

won •

19' from f allow alumnl abou1 admis.sion to the Supreme Court ber and group pl&nl 10 attend a sweanng•tn ceremony Such group apphcallon eNorts are common among many of 1he S,000 anni...l new members 10 the St¥.,,. Court bar

sends of applicanls, who must be ol acceplable pel'SOMI and profHSIOn■I c:harac:ler •nd be quahhed to practice before a s1a1e·s or lerrrtory·s highest


Cohen on Feb. t O wrote • letter 10 Chieif Justice William H . Rehnquisl in which he citN lhe 1974 Privacy Ac:t, which prohlbil s state, local or f.cteral agenc* from requiring an ap• plc:ati fo, • government beMfilt lo ~ • Sodal S8Curity ~ ber Some agency functions, such as select•v• serv1Ce. are

Anhough al cases brought to the Suprem. Court require the sponsorship ol a l lea51 one rMt'l'i>er of the &4>reme Court ber, rnent,en,hip camas no reel duties 01 Denellls MoS{ LawykS apply IOf the p,est)911 of betng in the t-.gh COUl't bar eumpt. 8u1 in January Cohen's ap8ut !he Judiciary IS not lypl· plication was kicked back lo him ca1ty considered ■n agency, because he refused lo reveal and, Suter said. 'My reading of his Social SeclWity nl.ffber lhe Privacy AC! woutd meke ii 'The rules require l~ ng out qull• clear 1s Iha! person i5n'I !he form, and the courl ap- absolved from giving a Soc.ail proved t he rules,"' w,niam K S.c;;ur1ty number • Suter alio Suler, Supreme Court cl•rk. pomled lo• 1985 case, in which said, defending the request lor anolher woukt-be Supreme

Court bar aipptc■nt lo.sf • lawsorl i n whic:h he c:hatlenged the Suter said !he number II im• clerk's olllce o'Ver !he Social portant lor ldentity,ng the lhou· SecunlY r&OUiremonl.

• Soc.al S.Conty rurbet-.

Committee splits Exxon Valdez damage award By Joh.a Baber

Lo• Ao1elea Time• ANCHORAGE. Alask• ·· After al !he miNiona of ga~ of OIi sk>llhed into lhe sea, after all those lears, th• dHd end sullenng animals. poisoned sh•llflsh. drowned 011.,s.

unceugt,I ,W,, defiled bNc:hea. econom.c dislocation. fingerpointing and excuse-making •· afle, al of thal, pol of gold


tantaHze• >Jeska al thti dtl.aater's rarilow



,.,. ___ _ -:.:::;

1uJntfy s Paint & 1Jotfy


0.,. 1~.-.. s;


Alrnosl tour yNrs after lh■ supertenk•r ran aground • lop Bligh Reef in Pnnce Willi■ m Sound. !he bounty II now on lhe tab(•; $900 million in dv1I penalties end $100 million in oriminal fines. the ruul of pr•· l11al settNtment belw"n Exxon, Iha Bush admini5tralion and the

-•edAle.N Wal. noc actueRy 1het much enymore Something In . .c:•11 of $200 million hu already bMn spenl to reimburse goverM'19"11 •g•ncie• and Enon lor eom~ed c~enup • ffor1s and for oonttnuing stucfiM ol the spil

'The fratneWOOI: we're doel-

0..-..U. ....



1ng with Is whal can we do es humena lo lix 1h11 plac• w.·v• 9Cf'9Wed1.4>rPame1■ A

Jim Tibor


W3r ag31ns t

~~-?.:E..~ :~,L~7C:/"::,'"J ~! "i::: ~.~::,.".'"';.~.!• :::' ::::

hKleouts. H•mas his cta1med responsbth1y for Iha allacka. whN::h lnggered the deportaoon last D ecember OI -tOO SUS• peded ts.rrw: actMsls. The c:ye'e of vidence has n-

I~ mis.siles no 1hGu hous.es


~~~~~!'~~~~:~ =!~~!•~Of~•~~:

Steve Ramming



the Wildemeu Society said..

"The wor~ case I, I~ lhe money w1U be uHd to bulkt more roeds tor loggmg, more

ports, fflOfe tacilili• lot tndusi n-

aloUrilm, or ,..,,.,iv that we lrilter lh e mon.-,i • way," sh• said "The bell cue la that we pre• venl the ocosyst•m from bemg bfoken up .. W•'v■ been advo-

eating lhal 80 percent be allo-caled 10 habilal ecquisition OI



a.bit becaus-e 20 percen1 hu al· ready been ,pen! •· The requests for money • •· oould be 1r"N1gined. oolossal and conllicling. In general . these ar• the co'1'>9hng inlet• Nts •nd some ol their cilirns ■a

'SCIENTISTS Hund<eds of acaenhsts hat.1e produced mil• lions of words, end among them er• •n•ed, mor• •tudy " Sc:len1la11 'View Pnnc. Wilkam Sound U a VHI laboratory that can provide knowiAdge 101 99narelions to come Cnhcs say time to be asking, when Is enough scienc• loo much? Should sdanlists, for instance. be pe)d lo WIik every loot of ...... e,y slretm th,t runs inlo !he IOUnd lo make lhe beat-ever map of the ,-gion?


• AGENCIES ANO EXXON Under the l • nns o f l he setll••

me,,._ oov•mment •oenciH .... volved with lh• cleanup and r•storation ar. permctled 10 seek re1mbursemen1 !or expenses. Ditto with Enon So far. Exxon has been paid $39 9 mallion for


1 Ft\lLS f~(QJWL

II ** MSU SPECIAL** Bowl First Game



4105 Maplewood Ave

no longer reason·


------II ) ·~



S91-22 I l




costs of cleanup ettooa Iha! occumed after January 1991 The $2 bllllon Exxon sald rt paid IOf ciunup before !hen is noC reim-

bursablo ' LAND ACDUISITION. Env1rorvnentelisls say 1he bes.I long-term use of the tet1'9ment would be lo buy and preserve wildlife habitat Among those wonling to sell up lo • million •cres 1n and around lh• sound a,e Na11ve Aleuts. who Sffk cash fo r 1nvealment Moreot.1er, several Nli¥e gro'4)5 are warning Iha! if lhey don't gel some ol the sel· lleme nl cash s oon, lh•y will c:IHr•c:ul 1he limber off 1he1r lands •nd sen 1ha1. Of oflef their choices! hok:ling:5 ,nlfde lode,-. •It)' protected area, for sale 10 reSOf1 developers. • DEVELOPMENT This Is tha QLHl•st fronc beceUM many Alesklt'II and nw,y Amercans tn l he other -t9 al ales teals\ lh• idH of further devalopmenl in lhiswlld regK>n, wtll<:h lSpnn,ilnfy known k>f its oommeldal fistwng

Gov. Wal« J HICkel, howev■r, has indicated that he favors at le■al some lur1her det.1olo p • m•nt, th• exlenl of which he has nol specified Ideas range lrom liah halchenH lo port en-

larg.,,.ncs. 11 b.er1 manlt0n lhal any one of th••• four 1nteres.1s could awa Now S 1 b illion fHte, than • k.lller whll• c•n suck down • ~khng . Oecis.ons on allocaltng ll.l"lda rffil Wllh • 11x-

member trust fund commlt1H, lhrH repr...nting Alaska a nd lhrH the Clnlon edmmistrallOI"\ Terms of the setUem«1I ,oquiro unanimous votes







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