m, Loo, ~-~-
~~~}~~~.~m ~I~L~, -"~
Conference after two home defeats.
funding related projects, including the addition of a drought alternative water well .
1tan11 Enrollment drops
• again
Attendance drops 4.78 percent; university to focus
if// universities ,re recruiting more
Student anendance dipped 4.78
pmJlf'(U\·t MudenlS and increased compleuon ilnd gradua1ton ra!es at J\·\SU, • Lamb said noting tha; enroll
·we. are taking other Heps to streamline and 1fduce our operaung bud·
percent this :-prln~. making the low• mentdropped 510 studenlli lrom 1he get 1n order to keep tuition est enrollment sinct• at least fall or !all ol 20 I O10 the fall ol 2012. anl3 lees as low a.\ pos· 2004. The dechnmgpopulaUon In Nonh s.ible,. he said.
·Toe b!g picture I!. thacour gradu• ating cla5.Se$ tht l~ t r....o years have be-en l~er than our freshman cln.(.• said Keith Lamb, \'!Ct pres.dem of
si:udrnt affaiirs and enrollmem man•
aRemeni Enrollment 1s down 470 studena
since fall 201 2. ?a.nialiy, l.amb said, oecaust moit' studtnts t:a\·e been graduaung than have bf>en enrolhnti
·t,.11dwe$tem's enrollment de crea.5,fC by 510 srudenu from the fall 2010 ~mesttr 10 the: fall 2012 st>mesttr. • Lamb s.11d ·Toe drop IS a comblnauon of several item): geography, due to the populaOon fn this ,q.lon of TU H
decllnmg: mcreased admiss.!on s1an• dards; avallal>!e rts0urces for uien• uty,ng
and communlcat!on wtth
smaU sophomore and 1umor d us. w1lh a luge expected gfiduaun& c lass thL) spring.· Lamb said. •As
such, 1he Increase of freshman and transfer students will help Stablhze.• Teu s 1s a\w a factor In Midwestern 's Lamb said when the fall enroll• Bastd on lhe amount of enrollmen1 woe-s, Limb said. ment numbers were nnallzed, the ¥ecrult1ng . !or Incoming fttshWith 5,437 S!Udents, Rogers said unlverJ11y al31us1cd its esumate lor man cla~. enrollment enrol!meni LS ,almost exactly the lhe spring and was wlthm 13 of lha1 ' will being 10 grow, Lamb number 1hat admm1nuto~ ant1cl ad1usted ~uma1e. • said. pated since the spnnR enrollmen1 1s The senior class. wllh 1.902, 1s According 10 Lamb, the: wstd upon the fall enrollment. the l.1rg~t class. succes.s of Saturday's Mustan& wlFall enrol!mentl too was down However. Rogers said the number Ralty wu a good mdlcator for future: about 4.5 ptrcent." Rogers said. or freshmen applicants has increasel3 a1tend1nce • Add11lonally the l)ecember waduat a} a rrsult or moie promotion and ·The1e. were 301 studcnlS In at ing dass was very large. We are Uk· contn cll. tendance, a 78 perc~m Increase ovt'r Ing so many mruure lha1 I would ·Our numbers of beginning fresh· lut spnng. anti a 4()8 parents m at not begin to delineate each them.· men for fall 2013 Is up considerably. tendance, 1 6Q percent mcre.ilSe over I .st fall. a drop m tnrollmem re All umvers111es are recruiting more last sprmg, • Lamb said sultel3 m a S1 mllhon shonlall. ap.gres&vety than ever,· Rogers said. In addIlion to making budiet At a Studem Government As.so-L.imb said whlle Midwestern will C-UlS. getting more. students 10 look cuoon mttling Ju i week. Rogers hive a larger freshman class and a1 Mldwtsttm is one of Lamb"s key ~ Mudfflt'f' o( .a ~ raH more tnJRr .studfflis- In thP-fltt- goah An tggrttm'e malitf"'JnR camm 1ui11on If stace funding IS cut, but 2013, overall enrollment should be pa1gn to S0,000 lugh ~hool seniors 5.1113 a d('(lme in enrollment would rer1uvely flat. not result Jn a 1u1tion Increase. 'MSU '""""" ' h,s "'""''''
"I feel very good about the enrollment Juture ofMSU. " lllTH I.AMI VICE PRESIDENT OF STUDENT AFFAIRS A.NOENROLLMENT
ENROLL pg. 5
LLMUIT: Spring 2004 • 6.052 I Fall 2004 • 6.341 I Spriag 2005 • 5,962 1f■ ll 2005 • 6.279 1Spring 2006 • 6.1142 1F■ll 2006 • 6.1142 1Spring 2007 • 5.1051Foll 2007 • 6.027 1Spriag 21101 • 5,746 1Foll 21101 • 6.093 200! • s.m I Foll 2009 • 6.341 i Spring 2Q10 • 6.056 I Foll 21110 • 6.42& I Spring2011 • 6.1191 1foll 2011 • 6.111 I Spring 2012 • s.no I Foll 2012 • 5.916 ISPIIIIIG 2013 • S.A37
BAUCE REDWINE 1'NNtet1 troM MSU I• 1,SC wi1t1 • t1•trH ltl lltllo,y -l.-1'11SIG.l111il1i.-__....i.MSU •lloni "' Wichi1• F1ll1 in ,m •llnMt1 ,etr.111"" P1rMnMI . .HlllfM 1n1R Wichita fall, Hip Sci.e.l in 1MI ,j....11 W.111 Inc:. NI 1952 .flNMlf1II dM llffwln1 H....- 1nli M...ic "414wiM Chiltl C.11 CNler 111 Sin Anr91l1. T11M
onors Program adjust ochanges due to QEP , upt changes made by ministrators cause honors ram students, staff to regroup 'f'l.A KINNe v INO EDITOR
~h~~~:1~~~:: ~~~!:~i. ~ ~da~; :
their research,· Sommerhaus.er Coe.nen said Tht> Red"N1ne Scholars Prowam will have a cap of 22 student:. admlued per year, wl1h .20 of thPSl' students be lnp, mcomlnp, fmhmcn In prevlou~ yem. the program na\ no1 had a cap S)-S!em, Accorl3lng to Sommethauser· Coenen, m the 1~1 S('ven yt'ars 1fie pro,,r.11m hu admmed an average of SO students each year, v.11h 4 3.4 percent of 0 the ~!~~\;~;~~e ~:i:~~Honors students will tit a.lfec1ed, but the primary tffoo will be on the incoming student who will participate fully m the new program and lhest !Mudents who 130 no1 ha·•r the oppor. iunlty to be Involved in Hnnors bt'cauSf of the new cap,
;o meet the requir<'menis of the Ou.ilny En l Plan lhrouW, undugraduafe re!,('arch. 14 de-..iwm lS mean! 10 erhance t.he recrwUn~ of ~ 1."'! Mudents bv olferrng ihem belier sch<>l lrul ;o 11ecN'ilSf overhead cosls ol running th~ ~ ~ne~i~~:·lhe fT\('('Ung with the Hc,n ~ am.~ H,Uary ~ommer ·- - "This derision ors students announone; the lmpte Cotren, honors prowam (O . mentat!on of the Rr dwme Scholars '\'.,,)al\1 meant to enhance / e Program, clari6cat1011~ ha\'(' tttn m U," tau. the honon •, · .,./' made but chanRes ha·1e yet 10 be Id· .:i 11r,n bl! calt('d the Redwine recrut tng o· ,, mmlStered. Prngr1.1>. lr.'\!Nd of having achieving students.... · Honon llousm11, ....111 continue ~.c:, Dirwo1, the Redwine HIL.1.ARY SOMM(RHAUSEJ-COENt:N and siudent who panic1paie m the ... i'-~.im ....,w be dirteit'd HONORS PROGRAM COORDINATOR Rrd ....·mr !:,cho!ars ptL'£Tl,m WIii sun ?.it rn;y()l.1 s O!IICI' ThiO:Jf,h The W3dUilt' wiU'L Hon on. 1 he Honors • i:Mincem,f't Plan, 1here p Siudent Commmre wm contmue to be 1n tif.'!1 ,0tr•-1!,f'.J locll.\ on undcr~radt.:ate rt'St'arch rogrtmth. g.h 11 rnav need a naf:'le change: Sommer· ~lll'lflo"'\ rrog, ~m has pre\·1ous1v encouragi'd u~, ~o~:~~:1~en ~1d ~-,:~ •c, tr g,1~,. m re$-rar.:h. bu! 1inder thr ne ~ a· PrQgJ"am ::,rudent Comm111« Trea.~urtr : • 11 u_O\' it ·t~uremen: for rvcr.· 5turlent, He~~~~~iilktr ~/11 )he beli,.,,.es t.t:c char.gts !>el1lg made r i'~r \..otn<:n siid. h rogru n are po!,ltll'f and will t>endt }Ii.dents bV ~ ~r:t wn:O!' Honof'\ \ludrnis w!ll ~ verv l:nt~ ~: l e :gm l:"lder,graduaft' r-r-;earch. ~l ,J:;o <hnff" t-,e.illf i"lili1e 10 1ne ; . ~ Flrs ~ e chanllt) work tfflN fo: m, bt'Ci u$e I am a '>.co.~~ ~ar \!U •rnr!< will bt .iL!i' lo ~pp,y .lu lhe mfsL"\' :imor: an,j I ~re.a:Jv part:csp.ate m rt':SE"ardl. ..,..:"-"=-"ri'ar5\:p If ch<•-"~. ttir:r i:Jdr'lh w,I' t,.1- :e ~~ hf!~ mf' '10 t:ave a ~rogram that empha.1.azes re 111 .:.~ 1-m,t•p:i> •~'1. an ur.dN)Jid~!e rt:"a~t\ ::ir\ uch niiht't man ti~vlng the 1wo progr.,ms bt sepa .., ~i th<,· .,u, vcl~ lnwm:n~h•1nur<,S•IJJ{'(\{\ W ' Y' • ~ke-s.a!.:I 'lf •1:, "aflr~h,p ,:1ur-;(' ·.,,h;c." v."1i ' 1a•·eJS!r.al!cr rat~ aa oMccr.of trr s1u:1en: commmte. B.a:l.tr said .;: •p,~t. H~t Huno"'S ltn;, 1 "i,·11·.1nar , . • •I. >! ~lte !ecb ti:c new prcgran: will give 5tu.1rnll a chance ,1 .,,.,:i ri:oll m a -.,,n1£lr )('rr.,rw .au;o,h, by t" s;1:1 ",.,.l,~ :, : ~U•it 't"W.ut. 1n \\-tr ... h thPY v. il! pttst!ll
h hivh
N..... M ,,...._ hip hop-'c N4
""010,'l'LM#lfll"CIOIS w,c,,111,'<
IINt Vwtllk n
h1spi1atl-l Nt1tl1I ,_ MW...,._
"Opportu11ites forfim come.fe w andfar i11-betwte11 i11 this tow11. •
Prof escapes with musical hobby, finds creative outlet Nathan jun shares hidden talent, love for hip-hop culture 11R9 T LAST TTTLE H ERE
eaching is no1 Ule only thing on philosophy prot..-ssor N.iil· than lun•~ mmd. h om d,vrlopm~ ~c!"lolarlv iour nah 10 publ.sh1nR hiS fl~1 book m 2011, when classe-s are 0·1t; and studrnLt leave U-.e clmroom. Jun's pla.ra lot tru' day don·1 tnd there. \\'ltll a laptop. an a11d10 editor progr.m and a cru uve o-.:t.lorik on c1eatmJ1, music beau , this •ap en
lhus~t l}M~ time bflw«n grading exam) aM establishmg lc~n plans express hlS love for the hip-hop culture. ·When I moved Ito Wichita hHs 1n 2003] I Slatttd m™,ng around ma>"Jn~ beats just by my !.elf." lun s,ud. · 1r. pan because! I had ~tul3ents who were MCs so I would make ~ ats for them that t.hry woulJ rhvme over. II lund of lhen developed mto a hobby. At his hom~, Jun uttllzes multi tra~ i1111J10 mordmg .lnd produc IXl"'L sott"Natt' Adobe Audltlon, and a \\mole ()J muer 10 make his btau <ome to lift "It'& fairly Mrnple 10 dO,- be
said. -The u lck ts to lr) ' and come up with a creauve blend of tracY.S. I had one where I 100,: lhe WOO','f' from Steely Dan·~ 'Rikki Don't Lost f?lat Number,' put some hip hOp drum track under tl'Lat. then some. J;,mes Brown. Sometimes Ji works and wmeumcs 11 doesn't work. You 1ust have to try different com blflations until you find somt;htn~ lhlt ~ Sl()Rether.~ Jun normally pro,.1des alxlut IO t.ars of a main beat I.hat i:an brused by .iilnyone as a bulk1mg block 10 ctta1e a song. -u I am Jayenng stWrtl differ•
Lomrus Voice
Rogers' untouchable demeanor undeniably his largest flaw n,,
Tht Har.·tv Hou.se debae!e unlvcrsuv ph.">)1dem. but u a le•de1 Whtntvtr rrts!dt-nt }J>S.St hr K rn11CIZtd now, ht dot$n ·1 hldt RoKefs° annual nehmd an\•th/ng or anybody. Wt )-t pPrforroanct', m.P!>IN, when anonymous lellffl surcomptnution faced lisltnf hlS flaws a~ prrsldent, and contr.K1 he quickly ddtru!ed hmutlf and ~view, where (he, ch(\l(ts he m~e fo, the untver 1,iftN:yc.ctilll"-M prtise WU g!Y· .s1ty. R0t;t11· 1mprovtmen1 Ulould be en Th, Bo.1rd hl~ h,Jlttd as a m110t plus. rtcommendi'd 1ht commu.ltlon of I havt Interviewed Rogers dozens ROKC,... comptnsatlon packaw,. tn· ol limn tor f'he tt-ichit,mand ht has
l½ord Nt~ents
;~~;~=~~~-~~~:~:: ~~:;~
Enrollment decreases OUR VIEW: Un111ersity needs to increase freshmen enrollment. because student ~nrollment is the lowest since fall 2004.
omp.red 10 1.213 1unlors and 1,002 seniors. 702 freshmen Is
a vtry low number. Ir this number do not change soon, tuition wlll increase f:om vur to year until beaer umes wtll hi! us or the unJversuy has to filt bankruptcy.
B•Jt adm1mstrators havt pul thought and effort m10 increastng the nt.imbPr of freshmen by hiring marketing com~mes that art spendin~ thousands of doila;s
to get the word ou t that Mldwestem is a
ri'spectabte unavers1tv. Rot.er· Clv k. vice president for ~mmlstnoon and institutional
".!Jt'cliveness. supporu EURECA. a prognm starung nex-t fall. which on"~ rnnrt schola~hips to students and increases commun1carion and ~.lftn~n:hip ln between colleges on cam pus due to student
r~,m ll and engagement A univns1ry needs to offer opportuniry. The general idea is thtre. ~or~ suciport in sporu and academJC exceUenc)' are the key to 1n(ruse Midwescem·s populanr,• The only problem is whe re 10 \I,.,.., bN:ause M1d·J1estem IS tar behind on catching up with the m.:i.,nr,1urr generation. No Wl•A U'l the dorms ls a big contra on any srudtr:t's 11.51. To m.v connP(ltd to the lmemet 1s mevU.able and necemry for '.i~t communication and acces.s to mlormauon. Askinp, questions or 1.itin~ a walk to lhc- litrary are las! resort opUons no student is going :o tak.e inro account nowadays. Wh.rt st•.JdentJ nee-d ls high speed Internet. •~exr rall seme\rer. resldenrnll ~rvice:s are finally going 10 remodel the drmns to 1rwall W! A and get nd or EtMmet cords l~t lock ~111r1e-n~ 10 1heir desks 10 accm 1he internet. I he r'"'i'Oodelinp 1s goin11. to bring new costs With l1 lncreuing ralr. f,1r rooms m Kllhngswocth. Pierce and McCulJoogh Trigg. a.'> W"'II u an mcrt~ for tht cafttena me-11 plans. At ltasl tuition nion,.y d~ no1 ftnanct the remodeling of the r~d,nce halls. Sllll. hvintt on cm1pus b be-comrng more upensive, wh.ich Is also coun 1erproduc11ve R""sldtnrial and dining cost mcrei.WS w111 be m~, signltican1 to !r?<-hmrn wh11 pl.in 1)0 mo..-mg to campus ( .(lnw11uen•Jy, all numbfrs are wor\dnR agamsl each other. The number ol 1nroming freshmen IS dc<rusin~ the price of livlng rod utin';, Hpenses are :ncrta)ln,._ and the only positive numbfor so far is lha' the bandwktth wilt be g,ea1u. T~ nf\1 W'rek>ss programs nme out !n 1QQ I. h has uken MSU 27. vears 10 up<U"f' Its system. It Is nectssary tor a unr,ersity to keep up \vtth newe"\t tf"l hnolo~ and options, 01he:t'Wlse t'Orollment numb\•r, will ~ufler
.;t1al)f'd him .ll no, on!y •
COIH'I U( I l'd
:fen anboo~:dn~n~:;:i'rr=~:~;
thti!~3s;~~Js:~·. !ht Board WilS :::~~l:nl!i :l nk eu ;r. p:caStd enough wi1h R~r:-;· perfor- son m•nct to utend hlS contrai.:1. DI<! I menuon he h.as an offbeat WMe thr bid of Re,.enu PJVP~ stnse of humor as wtU? Rogers an A+. th{' mil grldt Ult Rogtrs·personahtv.lorthwwho ltadtr .should rtce1vt h, a solld B. h.ive had tht pleasure to ~ak to Minus ,l bnef stint n intenm h1moneononeisno1 thepl'OOlem. prnldrnt fn JOfK>. Rotttrs h1.) strved It u: tht ,mil.gt of Rogers th.ll Is pro• as umvmirv prtsktt:nt lor l l yens ltCted from his Jack of inttracting In t/\al ume. Rogers mostly (!lrted with ~,aff. fKU!ty and most lmpot· h1rrutlf away from conl!Ovmy 1.an1ty.s1udents. that was unul lM mfamous Har,•tv l'vt auendt:d t:nough Faculty
i:~::::~ . •ni~
lym, nn 1h11 alone is not ,-n«LTVf Mou dr~ i~ni cha;~ do d';i!~ 1
Hardin bu1ldlng 1r, nt; . ~..
d usroom obs.Uclt' ur. ht s00\lld make ttme, more than one,~ a yeu. to mfl'tl with tnem. hip wnh h mlty. RO@tn' rclauon.'> ~ srudent.s ~ p~uy muchd no~~er !tnL Un!ess '1W Vt' 1 .s,1.1.1 en~f ttlt on campus, It " .safe say t R hrs! 1nd i.si umc you s,w d I 11
was dur1nR orit:ni.iuon
When R~rs
duly ~ proft'5501'5. SO ~.y~at the IO know lht truth a00Ul .
ovtrlookmg the qutij , ~~~:~~t;::e:r ri;,:..;:, Thl!i Ii h15 bi ~ •..ti1-. which he b Vtrf a·Ni"'t ' R~~ MS .s.u /-,.• style ,sn"l 10 walk 1i:01;:.~ meeting and sr;tt~".: ":
tKUlr/ His S!Ylt
~ ,;u
the de.r~
and ott-n ~~ .'
;:~1::~~;!:£•~:,: ,:,: IO \'.'; :;:~.~, Tho<.t: who are qtuck iocomplaln 1bou1 Midwestern or Rogt~ in 140 chu ac1ers or less on Twtner. ~hoUld 'consider sending Rogers an tmall or semngupanappoit11men1wlthhim White Rogel'5 IS busy, ht rtpentdlv ,;iyshf!willmeet
KMdule co put hi.!. fu:lr:·
btHtnng his rt!at.o1.11L: • Sluden: body, hti Pt1r r: .imong srudenu W'JU.<f -:-; 1 •m hswng our a , Roge~ - gtt OUl L~
"Whi/etheBoardol' ll--w-,, 1 Regentsi.ives Rogers ,an e rea gra e the leader should receive is a solid B. " ;: ;
'J h..s '"~ I llmt:illl0WS. W,tb -~ He ls ua,·t'I -A / d M«, r Ing back and .n+, t dfflu • fonh to Austin (o!~ th !~::d::d:~-a;h;;n~~,1~:;;;;:; :::~~ ::::;::i::!n:~n~:' !~a~i:! ~~:~ rrnov.1DOn\on a SI. I m1111on homt, ton .&nd professors m on sepuate · ftghlinp, 10 m.ike lfUTTNEY COTTINGHAM and h whk.h 1hf' "1chtr.1n brok.c in No ll!nd, of the ,ptttrum. R~er.. has hiJ!)'!er t:ducalion EDITOR tsk i;;...vrmbtr of 20IO bttn tidlCuled ror no( t1e11ini ont ii foclil. whkh well Ht wn ff'luc1an1 to ta/It to (ht on one •Nith professors. 1nsrtad de11 Is SOmtthmg we should be grattful I am SUIII! ht: 'Nints to ,~ mtd1.1 1bou1 1nvth!nr,. lrWt.ld r r mg WKh 1ht uec-ut1n ~ rd of the lot He ;s mtt1mi with don0'5 to re1/ rr ~t1 why enrot:.":r prtu1ng himself via press rtlt'a50 h culry Smatt .1nd college deans tncourage Utem 10 p;svr back 10 tht cllnlng. Mariceung and and em11l1 10 facultv and staff l ht: .1nd somtomts ytarfy with the dt un!verslly As Mldwt:S1tm"s Je;adtr, upertscanonlykno-"·s-,-:. kXal mttha tra~hed hJm and despite paruntnl chairs. th~ are thlnv..~he L( good .ll Rut he den~ on give ROft'rs a m other !1<;.ors. hr w.1~ bl.med ft-r tht While there iS still room for Im will rru.ke ume lure ol the shire M1dwe.:t~ incl<lent orovemtnr In .1 perlttt wotl1. ;>rotes Ht Is a great .l<lvo<iltt for Mid Roge~ should :.peak /~ '-mce lh#n. I be!irve Roi:,ers tu1s sors \h0u1d re!ilv any problem with wntem Ht lovts his umvers.nv and whl!e s1u::!1?:1ts should 1mt1e.irned ms l~n. 1he unr.'t:rslry 10 tht:lr dean. Bur rt wants 1t 10 bf m compell!.lon with him. If only for one afiernf'Y" with students as
Take cover, meteors are falling from the sky Meteor over central Russia leaves uproar; breathtaking celestial activity expected Many wthllngs u, dntuni around m , sme
of ~nlc in (he wake of lw Wi'et·, me1ror lhal exp)odPd ovrr <tntral Mus 511 aM ,em C"'ry chunks of CkbN catttf'ln~ tl)Wards unsmp,ctir~ clttzer-'
Ml;aculousl;•. no casu arues h•-t bttr 1tpontd }'l!t, 11:d m°'t of thr 1.200 lnjurm; wer• not du 0 to tllf' meteor11e:. them selves, but from Sllallf'rrd w11100w al~ ind t1e bns lrom UIOt,t J,000 buU&n.;s 1n 1he surround a.11K.11
Ing I.be trail of desuuctk>n u sten In RW&ia, are consklem! meteontes.. Comets, on CM Olhtr hand. ilrt: considtrt:d to be more l!l(t: · dirty snowb.liUs,· accordmg to astronomer Fttd Whipple. consisting of mostly
Comets llavc txtremety dlffettr,l rain. m~l 1aklng thousands of yet.~ dlSCOvtry of .such pll!riod\c comttS Is tr exculng because Uiey wlll be vblb!t 11r..: naked cyr mott than once ln our lilft.~ Ill.SI havt: 10 lcnow when and where ·.n ..., Novtmber') gr.ind flnalt Y.111 1J1c!u<k ISON on No'#. 28 to be as brtght as Ult:-.:.· wht:n It geu to 1he closnl polnt to :ii- s.: cordtng to E1tth Sky. Indeed, Comet~ becomt so bngh1 that It might bt VM::t "j thf' day 11 m1ghr give • llgllt show lo: 1 • :1 Consldtr thb a warning. C!.lnt snow bills muklng actoM the sky do r.i:ii • sarily mean tl'lilt lhe rapture has co:rt We are Ju~c the lucky witn05t5 to r, tht: most frequent and breathtakj.n@.er~ UV1ty 10 ~ce our s.kit:s !n ft'Cent men -,
IC'e, dus1 and 01her frozen ~ .ind ortnt MOund the sun. just as pl1nets do. Addllionallv, irmruc1ors migtu Wlrlt to dose 1httr wmdows come !all scme-ster 2013. because lht: light !.hows , re lwt gemng sutted. Accoidtng to EilrthSkv.orp,. sq'•Y.ratchtrs around tht: world ain Upect lhe .rni~I of \.om• t:l PANSTARRS In March 2013. which will bt vlslb!e 10 U\t' naked t:Yt, ha'llng a ~:m11.lr lum1· noslty lo that of Vt:nus. In November ;alone. people cin e:rtpect to en joy 1wo ctlesUill dlsplaY), unprectdemed In out
IJfetimb. Come1 Enckt I\ • pt:nod1c come1 (one 1h11 rtiuLtrtv orb1u the sun! that has an orbital ratt' aJ# rocky p,.rt.c!f'I>, r11ntur.R m Sl2"'. of about J ynn, lht shone$! of any known I!! lnltrpllo~ry spact: and ~ comet. ~~ t.ht mtb"s atm~i;htrt. Th• rock\The WI 11me Comet Fncke made 1n appear r,ankln that are not tnclneratl'd by tht t an.h's tnct was In ApMJ 2010, 1nd sctentisu e rJ)fet Its l tmospher,. ~ st1U.t the (U".h"J SIJrfKt, C.IUS· return around Nov. 21, according 10 Unlve~ lngarta Mf~ lhil1 roov~
So martc your ult:ndm. gr.ib ~..t • lnd t:n}oy your nut spnnp, and
breaks wrth a from row scat 10 show" on the pllrlf!
!M ~
,'' ,, J:.,' lJi11I
J,110 Tlll llYd llc11 1• Wkhltl h lk In.is 7 ~
Jesse Rogers is an effective university president Do you agree? · He made I good dec1S1on expanding part.mg. It's much tasittr to park 1nd gtt to class now." AUSTIN GIWS, SOPHOMORE,
· He did a good JOb getting the renovations done al D L Ligon Coliseum It would be great 11 they can do something about the hnes to the cafeteria...
N4-""' 0eu: 10-401m AJ"- [0401 307 A7(K
t-u IQ4()J 397402S t."1'1d WICrwtM'lltmtnu NIU
editorial board !DITO R-IN-CHI EF; 8n1mr, <'uttrn,Jwri MANACINC EDITOR: ) .1auyb Kmnry
OP·ED E.DlTOR: Saah Mu~ttlol SPORTS EDfTOR: O!llndo Fli,rt\
PHOTO EDITOR; Harrwool I.et IUSINESS MANAGER: Ph1ll1p Mumhrw WEB EDITOR: Cac:!m Bur,oq
"It feels hke he"s creating a good environment and I think he knows what be"s doing ..
E .._____ ___ ,.·--__
"Everything seerns 10 be running smooth I don"t really notice his presence 1round campus
though ·
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~~~~~RS: Keily ~ . \llllfX)•GNSZr,l,\ ORS: Courtnn Btlb. lhuh 81acL,J~M "lY 8,f'\ "O,, ,"'fl'ShMilcc ti,ltwtr. q,"' Htrl, A.-mn Mt•( fl. tl'°4~ \~*=-"-'· ;•.~~:· U•,."t"n l ottr.J, Btlt.oh Tlmn,. (JNl,l Yo't ,!tm~. l ~.•. \\,.:-V Akr.s
DELIVERY: Stttc, A•tnuw·, ADVlSER: Bl.ldl-ty Wlh(i-,
- - -- - ---··- - - ·- - .
"vichitan ,.,,wtchHan.com
your campus
your news
Wednesday -- February 20. 2013
flousing prepares Wi-Fi proposal
··udt'III frustration ~-.-rll'i-Fi results in 1,usi11g adjustments
!nll on '1 pr•ii,o,al
t r nv, W1 r, to ; : d•inu it.'l:I apann,n!S llTI um 0
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M!'\-il OI lhe acdemK .nd Id m1n~1ra1ivt bu1ldme have W1 A availab!": ewm the quadran~c aM the \\'rtlne~ Cenu.·r has W111. 1111' ~umuncc ap,mmtinl\ al\O h~'le W1 t 1. bu1o!'ltytoa ctr11n_~1~:ntbt<"n ovrr 1n "un oance and the WHI ~ only usib,c Ill the
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Sll\' Wlde Wtfl.~ Man} (II U,t' ~todent5. on ClTPJ~. llk,e McCuU')\Jgtl, Q•(! the"I eny,y n.avmtt accrn 10 W 1 r1 In the bulM In~ ac~ campos, .tnd ,itt gla!J WI fl wlll YJOn ~ ln their llvln~ quancn · 1 do ,~e WI A In other tiJil1 mF.S 1.1 kt the hbm;• a.nd Bo.In. rtw \'II A docs WOik well. u 1.t 11'U bt a great add1uon 10 t!:l' apanm•mt!. and dorms,· McCulloup}'I ·.aid. rart of tht pli n ror the upp.rade lnclulfrs itw:rtMln~ the oandwtdt!'J of thl" connf'C' i<'n In 1h11 N?Si(tence hall,. The !ntrmet connect;ons In Ult' adm1mn1auve network .cce~ ~OOwiUth almost !our ~mts th1t ol the re!ililenUil network. The size oftt<e p1pt or lhe · t1and w«lt.t,· 15 tl'e size of 1he pls.s.ait m whk h lht data IS mvtl1TIR wtthln. and SPf'C:d ~ the mr zhe cuu ~ trav ehnR at. A !a.rgtr bar,dwldth wlll oll low more dm to uave1. which wlll al!>O 1n. rt;i;~ U1e u:,• ,i; which lt travels. Howevrr, L'lat doem·1 mtan tht' \;>e4'(1 will be !ht' ~me as the ~ mlwtr:nh • J use W1fl m Oillatd ar.d Fam I rt-ally hkc It It's nOI all !~I ~low U! mg Wt h m the buUdlligs: Mounce
tJk€S Ilk'! 1') r.unu!B 10 !!J id .1 You Tubev1~co:
BecmSf 1t, re 1:1rn11ji lr.zcmrt k, A SOtr.f' <lud,.nu ~ti 1..;, rou•rf' in th"lr dorms or a~runenu. evrn thoulth 11 I! p:o hlt:Hrd ~wl' have studrnt!. 1hat x•1 up •,-..rel~ roott~ 1;, U:tit dormi I don't knoN Y.t,/. but 1,QIDething ..~ut thrm sk,w!y m~...., liP 'ht nrtwork fc..r thr entire building,· Mlllssaid $1udents \aid !?'icy hope OflCt !he \'.ill l\ !,Pl up 'l '"l' dorms ar.1 ~p.irtm,.n•,. t~" rt:t lr.:emtl >Pfl'd 11 '11
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c.at,on oi C,,•·rr-, •-: • \c~M'•, 1nxr». tr.t~JCrl'lfNmtmU"lol ·:,~ni,:-1.1 U\t J,tu;x..,a; A'U kumtJ. I< r,cor /a.:11,uv y,•,:I '7";1,\,:J r:,,-.,. Vr>f'J"'I w,it !tmCl'O' l"'d !'In 1,~w po!,II.IOn u [J.m.:O! of U'l!lffg,JdU.0 ' tt l'lj ;'O fTltf t"o<NI
Lynnl.i!l,t'JIIJ ll':t'('l',rtri'.c;e;"('f\((' 1"1-il ~bt.~m.u ~, ~\'t spc~ -.crd lr.?S month's ..., ot for lf':-.O'"t m•o-rN:IOI', and to R5\'P ('ffll ll t'l)'!~f,('ltmW):J f'dll
Disabled American Veterans host dental clinic ll",t Dtn11l lh-:;;lnt Dtparuntnt \\1ll F OVlde lrtt tltnt.1! Clt1:unp
· A1 least !here 1s mtemel, some unrvers111es there isn't any mternei m the dorm. It's gonna be 11s1er tor !he people who have 1Phones, ,Pods - the ones that connect 10 the inlemet I'm exci1ed, 11's a good thing.·
~ll°s going to make ever(thing easier (Not hevmg W1•Ftl makes everyrhmg difficult because rf you go to your friend's room. you have to brmg your E1he rne1 cord. Sometimes the internet moves really slow II 1ust depends on tho day and whal you're downlo11d1ng •
·11's more efficient tor me because I have an 1Pad. I used 10 use ft mstead of a laptop, but now 1111h1s school I have 10 use my laptop Hopefully the W1-F1will be up•to-par and not cheap where 11 cuts off and cuts on •
M•i'-fum I• r.-nor F:anc ,n,. t 'at W O UJd a lot ...ore IS pl,nried 14 r
'Ne t.a·,r ro be o;:rn ~much~ po-,. ~1t:!r,· 1 armosa1d ( 1:t r r char~ 11"1 ,)CrO!TIMOllalt t.;inj,(~rvd -~lc.n 1nc.ud.- itplac
10 lh(' mul•1 purpost room are ,urned al mi lting It .t nku area to
no:d t ·Jent\
(940) 692-1731 M-F 8:00- 5:00 "\J 1.8111 ~ 1•.111>0, Sf.1.E( I l '-' IT~ 'I\ \Sfll·.R ~ llHYEH CO'- ,~;CTIO:S:S 1:,. ,F.UTT H OOH Pl. l:S:S 'Fl 1..\ l fil 1•: 1.E.\;l'-t; TEll.\lS 'LO:SiVI NIE:S:T J.OL.H JONTO .\ISU "WAI K-1:sl C LOSE rs •2+- IJR f:~ l rnC; F:-.CY~I.\JNTE:-1.1:-iCF
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tt"ffl so "I\IX~. a"d thtv w1 01J1 st\ldtn!J can Ii!!
bttiust t.'ley nttet ~titnu.• lllmrr.xk
""'[)tonta.l hi
)!UdtOU u, ttqu,red
to wo·< v.·tt a ~ · a'.ll< uni of p,:JtnU
mormr.p i::d lua.dl\ l!ld
F->r .ippcintnw:s ciu CJ40/307
n, W1lwn S<noo of Nurt•r~ Mn l'nnt'd Re;r,o:i1I Htalth r...irc S;s
ft::t nut"'.( '\ ,~,
Nuro.e Prtctp:01 N'b I J
10 any disabled Vlsllors. Stalilllt he W.tnt!. to go above and btyond thr minimum requirements of ADA. · we wan1 10 be 100 percent compliant,~ Otsborough s.11d Along with lhe ch.anges to the b.!.lh:ooms. Dhborough Slid h, w,lnts 10 make lht back dooD wider and the lrom door; easier 10 open lot hand1UpPfd md1Vidual$. · We a!S(I wan110 add a buuon to automit1nl!v open the lron1 dom: Oesborour)l ..aid ·we don't havf to. bu1 we want to.• While miny of the delalb con• ctrnmg the:se rtnovauon~ are ~UII bt'lng WM►,,.d out, Dr..borough ~Id r u11ni lhil COlhlrUlUOn W0\111 tit crnip!r'f'd bcfi•rt ~ I
:-.:11 A ll\
tht l'i~t
°' t.'le Olortr , -~uc
Nix hu ,·oluntrtrtd u , chrucal r.ul'$t' ~rtct ptor lor tl1e un.1tryJal!uatt ('.runl •' J1tits 1,,. )C'1,C:A! \ t.11'\ Sht rt;om11td 'or hf; contr~~ns m
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AppMt lm.i·rh· JOO n, hu lthure WOtkCl'l volunttt• 1S lmtru\tOl'l lM ptt-
Ctjllffl :or MSU 1tu-~rnrs
Sweeney Todd opens Feb. 28 Tt<t ~ p1ru11tnt o' ll,.,1r1• r ,\ t!I prn tn1 Stcrhtn ~he-.r,\ ◄..w.-t~ Jooi, nt (HfTl(lnB.l•~rc! RNl ~tr'ttl HL\."'1,• dJV \ahi.Jav. fctb. 28
\dr.::n .z ., 7-'IO
and 11 2 "'rm. •,tarct: l ,n tM Fam hnt Jv•~ Ctr.ttt fur rk,.tt 1r lo~rn<1t10n can on ~• mpw ,l! UltMIOn .1 !00 or tlit bu~ O~C(' , 1 Uttn.Vln 4 ] 0J
,"'ltll\,.,,._,..,.•r11-.. I
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1·30 p 'T' r'l')o;,d1n,t Cll't ·o 10 l)IIJtftU a: a Ur.it. D<n111 H·;i •,nt P~t.en· Cc.or d.niio: Kathy lhmm.,1,, s.i.!l 11f"'Oft 1p
WM:i«div .1n.tmoon1 Sfr.icn at tht chn.:c a:t ll'ff to MSU studtnt!.
~AA{GM.I;:~!~..a $38, PER :\PAR I \1ENT
s«ondcllmc · -'pPOmllnfnt t. 'TM'S ut> 8.JO l n . ln-~
Nursing school honors preceptor
·11s de~rut,tf dated in 1htre: ir.11 Old d"Ork.nobs ,,,.,th ntY.tr or.rs ~rou,..h~id that ,d i' e..,!er 10 cpen, and no<hly Ht <.i,J noo prol!ts hold lund ·It\ put ...r a l<•r c urR(' plan fo1 1n~ water four tami to be ei.~ttr fol ·,m ers 1h"r" ~ery mcmlh. but ht' l'n11 HI the t 11! 1\1111, t ut w;, u n nnty Jo dl·abled fitf\nr.~ !O U<.t' would 11kt Ill evrnrna\ty stt tht> r'•1' WMIT(FI rht WJMA ~ ho-r1< r, rr.orr room ren:rd out ever, lllher da'f. what we t..irr 1!1t mon,..f for,· Cilf "~\'.',<hl!J IJI; 'Ju~um of Art :aro~J 1han ps1 a pdl er/ ran of tN' n,,wt.,"Wt wan• e,,.eryone 10 eniov 11,cf'l~!Vrs l'trl' • • ,cd S7SO .W.: 111 lunch to 1t,•r want them to 1.arnn )Ml th· -nUSt'u:n ti~ 10 ,cqu,:~d lun<b w.;! $.O to 11~d•un11 ...._,Jt.:,g rart> of the bu.,d m3k" mrrO",.,m,r,b ~ hm1m~ 1s tr.e r.,ust•Jn,. ;r.J!U ru:yM room \vme ~ ck.· t>f'sborou~'I ~id Wh1!e lt°.t' IJndmR !or these 0.1. II rl ml <!O> a,tir,:os rr,ct J il'J, An°'her rt,:,vn lot \:.!~'. thJ! is rrr,:('d o..: '· r •·:e,L. ,ucn as renova•l'ln, h3.5 t,.,>n 'arproved, ~ A'.">• r.,f lhl' WJi;~. a;, wr!I as gerlr.p lilt? coruiPJCl1un t1'i~ •1,a , !\ w,'dJin,;, and n<,r. pro!ll fundrals ' J;JJTtff ilQ Urf'~•nt, or 1~ kcl'p the m 1',t ,.m o))t'r a m1;: h .,r,. ma\ nt it •~r mu•ru'Tl's m•m cont~ (U r('· the adJal COILUJCtkm ,;,,,,1rfr l}f in,rmie arr ,:i!l 11 nno'1JtM1, m•u•.nP; lhe J ~,~.s \· 11n "'I 1t 1,1 f'\ \ ct a., lhtfUn t'\'Cl'\.".'rrt(:1rr;t JewR~ .m~m·,rr., n'l a~ ~'.ll Pf'"ldmr •\'",• •pJf ·t l1tl'l"pt,1C. ~ l: I 1 I~ ·~••►1lc •"J!i , 1Q\' • r rrs •., •1 lu~d~ 10 ttmove the w~. P·• ,a, w hlh:11uf',~ I)(',; .mr.~ 1u 1.l i,t' a.1J ;q,lact I! .,,, 1th t.Qroul')i w1d. "\'., are 'll'l;,1~1t1n a.It a w .ndo·1.• so the f'(l('lm •NJ!! ha\'t A R(,inR to ti.iprc:n. arid tllfn M>me.■ buuuful \,~w: Camun ◄.a1J Des.bot%~·~ main con<em v.1tti D11«:or ,,r rcell:.tt fr,: \'lr\\A ·he ff'f val!,)ns ~ t•J mai:e 11J1t the jd'I l)('~t,orour,h -,,i•J :m~- •. mrn•, ~useum ,. comp.e•pty acctu1blt • l •
t)'~ t.~.· S•and l)Q1NT1 J•ntal C'!!r.•c n NoHmbtr, pi0Vid1nr Jo vttcmu with dtn!)! ~,rt. Any vtwm .~n-:.ofl.u n01 re ct Jvrd 1 dtnul clr.m.;ng !:i m month, Is t , v..tite to mtlvc, trtalmfflt dur n, lilt
the IIIUM"Um w,or1 tr.• ADA ,m i,row.m,nl, tll th.- i...·!.n-orr.s.
,-., ,i~-~PEC , ... ' IAji(
.,, fl'o 20 1n llnd,,,. ,.. Hill Tht Dental Hntit D,par.--:tr.· l'l.:J , . , DA'.' , ....:tnt"M tor
~•c,•t g:aJt.at.,.g, ;o tflr fltnu. Hy,,cne C...-... cS orrn to t?1r ;.i.tt ... Mo.,day
enovations planned for museum of art ~ii? d.o;per,\fr<. ,,nd a,n,matK" (Pt, for the qnk,
for v,•lt"fUU bty,inn,:1; lt 8.10 '
"The main thing that sucks 1s I have overage charges on my phone. 4G 1s great, but 1t can't gel much better than Wi•F1. It definitely would save me money lt de finitely would mal<e it easier because I woutdn'1have to carry my laptop around ·
R,.:irt 111~_,1;1 P1rMn l,<tar.· i'ld , .,, • 11~,! 'V [ r'°ll!C,~tnl P.m
ri-":1,t!rr 'T't rr•,,.,, •1ml mrtt fNI. 21
1: ~ )l)p,:; .~. D:~•1! "0101.KUU OH p'f {"V,1! to .;'.1!•·~, ,~.., ~,. ur!:r. '1•1J1:rtti.N·i-ivtr w,.••· '1rh<"f'W
•NJII be {,l\ter, llttll'Mlllg the num btr of ~ludmt fOUll'N. ·t hop(' thr W1 Ft w~! bt fa$ter
How do you feel about not having Wi-Fi in your donn or aparbnent?
~ 11structio11 11eeded Museum of ,!rt to meet ADA
OEP committee discusses Iundergraduate research
becau~ we are all usmg rou1er1 to uy 10 )petd the lnremel up, but It S:ows il dOY.'TI !or lhl"oS4! not us.In~ 1 ;et rouiers: Brrnda Pron, 1uruor in te:.!JUCl•;"f chan,::C? MICHAEL MILLS bats In anv of sp1m ory en . -.aid Will liappen ,n DIRECTOR Of HOUSING the rooms: McC.:uiloujt.h .w1d ~he ~ plr.ised the \:m.mcr M> R\·an )('avers, 'Nlth the dWi.ton 10 brUlJ\ WI f1 IO 11') r.-o1dv tor the f.ill. • sophomore 1n accounting. ~Id lM residencies on umpus ,.~ills ~.J he •,,,.on': know Whit According to M11:s, when th(o) "Bnngmg W1•A 10 the dorms and 1he C~t w.,! ~ t.nhl 1;'.rr U,t bid, wrrt lnsul, -:~ thr a1m1nh1rauvt apartments 1\ ,i p;re,i1 Idea Ever,-ont t-ut ht h~ ,m idea of t,JW m.xh u W1Fi in the WeHne◄-s t "nter across w\11 only bent".! from havim: WI m,Rht tf' lhc ~th.'t\, ~mt u! Lht hctspob F1.~ Mc<.u!loup)J said. ·\\'e arr expe<:.ng S 100.000 :o were P''1'.~ m lhr Sund,lnce apalt• ~Wis ~d he unomundl how S200.000 a P'N 1'l CO<t l'tl·, 1ri menu. frus1ntmg 1t is 10 not have W1fl. ~ ... Ce:. Ule :iil.l1dw:dtn. supj)('f" ,in::I · Some Wi Fa I Kctn1blf in witch JS why they Me working en f:1'.li~rr.,r·: \\Jl> ~Id ·w, w111 tht toungt a•C'a but 1~ mos\ of tht KlrJcr,amck qi-:1 tt,~ re!Jdrn thepropc..W l ro · :r.,,~I' p:rc.,('1f o! \\ha1 :ne rooms. lhe W, r, 1s.."1·1 ac,miblt/ 11al nciwork 1s much smaller and. •J know 11's lrustra11ni IO lstu C")l. ~1U,t»11"-\ .. v· M1lh1,,l1d. henC«', much slower dtnts! bt<ause Its frustrating ro us: A"CM11n►·, 10 R.t::dy t..,rk~lju,,.'(, Thert aie ~me 127 wireless ac •fhe Internet Is really slow m my M1li.S said. ·I'm e,:Cltfl'd l!°s goinv. tc rtrr -n "it I 1:-•orw.110, technoi re1) poinb oo campu~. bllt the In ,ip;rrnmtnt 1r{1nR 10 do a.nvthlnp co:.1 more. bu! I thmk irs somtthinR o~ o1:ict·. it-r Cf>St r,! \\', h f( Jr lor/'fl~:ion Technol0t,,' Dep.mmenl on th" Internet takes lort :er tind 11 Wt aU need.· ~~"t!',t :.,: , ,'t'ry t,u1M ..<Jt. ~";itr.0:"~ ,- hoJ.:n~ for reor-e. can ge1 realty frustm,ng. • Mad1)(Nl on t.hP .:ii•.u1.....:•u:e rt"r tUrr.?it. t.. r~ p,ill.'1Cl wd. ·11 1$ our hope Dun, Junior In psychology, <.ild · 11
an t''lfl IPln)l -; _.~, him uud.:nli !or a cnu "N-~. r '.\, , w.: II in~-, dum1. l,:. ~ • ~-· ·:'It •..,,u, an (\l:<'mct
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that .:·•tntually we wdl have univc:r
~h~~~~~~o :~ ~:.:~~; 1~~
'1 know it 's USfrating {nof v ing J,f li-Fi/ to sh1dents because it's frusi rating to us."
.viii ~nd Oul a
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111hr bu!l11in11 I! mad,. out ol brld:. It Y.Ould h•H~ tC'I be drlll~ throuP.,h
wmd:,-.... ti:1 io coi::p
~<~~c;1~~ ·:.:\ 1 ~:t%~d•.~J~j -~
St<lrt _
no: two to !out •.-.••r.Q whrrr Wl'
·" :.d1no,...,'v -~ l(,on
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~u}IHl!tr/ -
NeedsYoung Muffstowork during the
' ,t
f• llew TM[ WICHITAN H TwYII...
(j lih TMEWICffllAN 911 fK•ltM-
for more informdlion, please call 817.279.1016
.,., Wichitan.
send an email toannette.fain@gmail.com
l rtlRCA\ ~'01JRNl\'r!'.
l .. " -:tl,. •1'1>,'
1\Jwichit ee-r-&ii ◄
4 MIBiM411&¥111
University to spend $7~: for drought water well
dent.\~ well
-,,epin• "" fi,lds w,11 tmi,teo "-nc• ~
Board authorizes equipment to . . I th I O practice fields 1rnga e e w
:n1urv !O anyone using 1hem W~J(~ ' ), plus, Funk s.atd_ one of 1he well$ :s located m 1ne r,v.-•f. t •W~ \ \llllf~l' I I !he footb;ill neld~ and the 01her one 1s STA,,W..ITl!R cer neld~. Rl'Rt'nfl ;ipprov('d ~p,ndlng SlS.000 \O !uni:I con TM e:qulpmrnr tn pump ~nd d1.:,~ ~·:• . m uction of .i wrll s~tem :o provide water for the ath would bt located due wc-;1 o! the fent,o f'<-.:·· • letJc field~ at 1hett ffb IS mt'€':lng. ment aro between ihe >OCcer and fri,;~ ~ ._. Accon:hng to Kvle Owen. moc:1att vice pre$1dent of yid. ThP rwo wells have bttn tested •c, it , t,1c1l111es S('r1:ces. MSIJ will begm budding a rteovt ry b!nc<I supply ol o·m 70 gallons ,>('r minJre , , $'($!(-Jn 10 pump llle water out of tht 1wo wells MSU water will be pumped and s1ortd ma ~1,; ,:• alrudv ha~. S!Ott' it, and lhtn d1stnbute II to (WO~nd a dtillYbiS!S." based football l'leldS According to Owen, MSU Wlll lower;~ ... "The sanl1 bast-J footbilll ftPltb use a 101 01 water n CltYwater to keep two fields alive, ·1,'h1<~·:,.. A.~stam nuvctor or Fae11!11esServJces RichFrank. said O - - savP Midwestern r:,,'• "Thev will not sur_:nve on !Ive hours of long run. ., •, (I{
lptff Jt111ll111, so,i.o.n.i,. ehffn
1tn1t8Uon a week. Frar.k also satl1 if the fields hid 10 t:,t f'('pla<:t>d bfcaose they did not sur· vi~·e II wo11ld take mott than S40,000
at''"' 1,11 tooa.11 ,--111 CtwNyl S11~hlffi.
a p~~:!On:~\il~; tphr:~ect o"ur invest
Cheerleaders given $25k budget increase Cheer squad granted funding for future national competitions
.·. - ~~...
Tli" c'lcet1P•dt-:. han• ~n rr,,., r:i,1•~ a; :ne1t own · p~vo1:s· f(lr !I'" p~t 10 'it:ar$ ~n,j thl) Ytitt r,inkrj \1J.'i'! it ;he I lmvt!l.:IY Chttt ltadt":-; A~r..;_ •n
r.iltK)nal compt-
..:Ur.n in !anuar,' l\:'1.'!!'JO, f-141
D.snn WorlO m
•\', e ~.,1·1e compe't<! tor lhe lis.t
V"'Jr" il!lJ
wne In the top 10 of
thf T.lt11111 in Q'.Jt
vi:i.ion: Slk1 Slit
1•; '.!:f'~.p)(IL !.pt>"tSCl:
1t:I' -~t.Pt!Pitdtrs. ~omm!l to their t .I\SC"\. dar!ty M>rk and of COU™!. rrt<r•,1g, pri<:!let rtgtJiirt/
"The U'l,t of Wtll ·~t·•· of w v willer mNn~.,,. i~ montY to pay for ·~t _: within rwo vea."'> .· ha.\< ~
Since I.he un,,e~,tv ) usmg nur!y as mu,~,, .
~~~~n~~~n: eb! : t :~~~1~::~1~:-: ~1
l·m,k said the need for water is a re$ult of I.he droughl
m !ht' centnl IIJte Ht ..aid the am l;ik.es were less than 40 prrcelll ruil Jnd there has been little mn to replenish
water 11 will Jeavl' Ill(•-.·· lht residents, Owen said • "The well wlll tap Into I.he Seymour Aqu,'t·· he Gaynor, dtrtctor of markeung an::I public:•:,.. "The, cost wl\J be S75,000 and w1Ube !tJr1t:: savings from FYlJ and FYl 4." The cost me lodes I.he ~r.,tem ldowri nJ, t.1nl0, d1S1rlbulion pump. underwound p1p..~;t, Ing" sprinkler, electri.::al power for th, wstt:r, '\. ;ind all the control equipment for proper ~7:· thl' system design.·
the J.ike) llwen ~!d 1he comtNCuon will begm befon' June I n~f1unal ctlmpeuuon, and ...,.h,.n dirouir.nout tlll' y,ar .. fhe,· work hard ~ll Vl'.'a1 pro thev i,..>nd U\ fll football plavoU,. w, and .,..,u bl' beneficial to MSU .is well, rPSulting m I~ dPprndence on tht' arra lakes for Pater. ~wng m the,, il1llS, pra<:!!<:1n1t do not hav,.. 1hr hmd1n2 In 01,r a, ·rr •~ a weat ideil 1o preserve the m..-estmem we have ,oum," W1t11erspn,, n s.tid thrtt lO rour llmt';: a Wl'l'k," W1!h me , ()mp.-rn1cm tt'am compel~ m these ~elds without deU'acting from the city's Willer ti5J)OOn ~ 1d "Plu~ m the rnnnumr supply· at the l 1~ A annuallv ~uppo:1ing all ath1eu,: !earns.· Kat,.. < I.irk, a 1un1'1r m ;pec1al Not only lS MSU pro1ecung its IOVC\tmen1, bu! LIS SILi fo t'l,'Y.'ard !hPITl for all their ha1d work, ;r >('erns flt for tht 1e.r: 10 l'dl.JC.iUOn. ~id ,h,• ~n:Oi" (OmJ)('I mil. ill tho? na11nnal chi1mp1on;hlp compete na·1ont1lr st:t .1-al<I '"UCA ,~ a IOI mo~ Pfl":-(lnal.n To m.ikt thf' (0l':"Jtlefll!OO !e,~1ble, me Bo,i;d of Re-11.ems tncrtased The Uark ~1J, notmR !hill n begms "Nl!h Ch«-t!ndmg budget 10 $2\,)()Q a routml' and then hallw~y throull,h 10 ,o~f'r !ht tta.nf~ p,artlc1pat1on in the ptrformantt> •he ~ ad doo. a r,o11.on.ib. and •o fund m vel to lhe minute lonp cheer ro Rtl the crowd 1nvo!..-td, Clark !>aid ·our Roal 1s to football lt'am·s playoff games The ~ ad 11ttdtd the budge! mike the crowd ,·ell with us beciluS€ 11 ,r.crt~ altMugh mere Wa~ no th p!eif' overhaul of 1hr ResN"e1 sys1em Some of the mrn:a!c · ;~ t!l~ ,ompeu Meal plans, gumit~ thu !hey would ge1 to will be required, Tilt annual internet a 5.07 percem mcrtase :. comptrt tn rutionals. Of how far me uons bendu M:)IJ b«aUSf' 11 gets cost w111 double iltcordmg ro prelim1 of ii semi pnvaie room • , rootball team will go :n t/'lt plavofls. nary s!udies and d~us.s1ons with sworth and Pierce,, 3 8.! :-· pg. 7 "\\'her. we rtq~t hmd1nK for vendors ere~ inrates a seir.: :-• r:, ·Ju~t about e\·eryone md1ca1td m McCullough Tn,.g, 22•,;.1 llt.0115 GA.Y STAFF WRITER that W1-F1 servsce 1s a mos! and lncreilst inrates rortht '~Next ~ mesm, s!udt>nts 11vmg m therefore we will be going out 10 and ii 4.8S percen1 1:i<·(tI.he dorms will suffer ii spike trt hous bld shon l)· after the February Board 2S meal block mg rates after the Board of Regents of Regents meeung lils.summg ra.tt>S Tht> apamnent's ratt:! r,,j approvtd lncreilSt' on housing and arl' approved I to sohrn pmposals for creasing. wireless mttmet seJV1ce.~ M1ll5 said "There are addlM:ll. I dmtnRmes. ; • ,1 "Every February, we send our "However, ho1.1smg Will bt' looking that will be prO\'ldtJ I' : i proj)()Std h-Ousmg and dlnmg rates 10 cover some of the upfront cost housmg ne:x1 year th~1 ~, ., to the MSll Board or Regents for from housing rtsf'r;es m year one do not offer,· Mills <.J·~ •• approval,· M1Chael MJ!IS, director 10 1ry and defer somr or the upfront we are u-,,ng fo kti>r ,. of dmmg and residence life, said. 1u:hl;:. ·Once the ntes are approved and llna!ize::I, we ....,u then update our rtvenue pro)ections based upon :~~~ ~~e~;;~;~ occup;incv trends and finalize our there 1s a sllgh1 housing budget dunng the summer mcruse m room lo,:. w, months. Rat~ !,(lmeUmes v.iry from rates 10 cover ✓ fee :1~"i. year to year depending on correnr !ht' protteted al1 ' ~r. r~ · yur exprnd11ures and proposed up dmonal annual MtCKAEl Mill$ rH:-.-oc, wad~ co tious!ng and, or d1mng.· wireles.s com DIRECTOR OFDININGANO RESIDENCE \\'e (''. HCMlng is funded from rental St.iff mem UFE rcv,nues and does not ttct1ve any bers 1n thl' (lfnce ol lfom,m)l h,b to the o1mouni ntt~f~ • money from tu111on or student !t't\. mt\ With SfUdrnt ~n,ups lUCh ilS the cover Ule addiuonal cOi.:. ' · we mu~ operate our houslnR Rf'S1dence Hall Aswc:1auon and ron service~ • Path ~~tern USl'(I upon I.he revenue tha1 ducted focu~ ~up.,; to de1ermme Views \'aT)' abou: •N has been brought m curtl'nt year how b11t ol an impact Wi Ff semce mes, rf'nU and w1!h current yt ar ex~ns would hiWt on the rPSJdence iile en S:erra Harptr, a rr.-s'."':° es 5omeumes thmll,S change such v1ronmen1 • said she probabl'p" wo. :· as our uUl!!y ta\('S lhat require us 10 The carr ieria wlll not be upgraded m the dorms due :o ·• t • :· have higher upendnu res than the with !he pmpo~ 1ncreasrd rates. Howewr, ~ht' sallJ. ):t·'.l:. · prev10us year,· Mills said. "The, cafetena v.,11 nO! be under- accesslnlhedorr.i, ~i ~\ . Th~ year Wl F, IS a big facto! or ~olng anv ma1or renovatmn~ due to If thf' ra1es are aµ;· · lheprnp(l'i('d mcrtased rates. this yu r"~ propos.ed increase in mea! will go mto effr,.; dur,~ .. ·J can gladly qy th•t 1hu year's plan rares,· Mills said • Howe•;rr, m 2014rNr. mcrfa.se m room rates Will be mainly partner..h1p with Aramark l!he FOOd 0verall.1hestu~f':"'.!- ·' help cover the cost ol a malor St>rv1ce pro,·1derl, we will bP begin from the 5rrv1ce:. pr,:~· :,, upgnde !hilt the Office of Housing nmg an m deplh study of the dmtnR with the pror,uwJ ri'C\. · '.' and Restdence wrn be undrnaklng, • program nex1 !all m preparation rm ~wt' are happ; :n r,rv·· Mills said. We have been listenmg our nex1 food :.ervice contract 10 tht proPf\M'J ho'-'~ n~ rl'· · IO .Stl.Jdent t.alk for several sem~ t.ers lake place m thl' commg years. This 11 now aoout Ule need to offer WI-Fl will hf> an explor~tory study louk we will be ah!e :o •.- "• ' 10 W1F1tfla!Nll ,t:.1Jett1;, • servlct m tht residence hatb.• at ~tudent opmiom and recommen According to Mil~. to conven the dauons for a future food service con tal an;:! wmn1,r.i(tr1: ·~•' peatedly hm1 ·r,? ,•,..:,• rnrrem S'(\tem to wireles., a com nact. · hk~ to see 1mp!rrn•r."t';·
Housing, dining prices to increase in fall
housing rates raised to improve campus life
- «1he lakes are at a I l I e need ,ow eve SO W ,. to conserve.
~vtfii-.-.FN. UM -,W """" ~ ~ - 1f
·.,, .,.
"Students w ill benefit ~t~~,. from the services from· provided next year :~~; with theprobosed rates.
l- deviance -~. ., ,. ',, .
screen printing• graphic design
>\ --:-..... ................. ....................... ,
Fal'-w T1IE WICHrTAN on rwm.,
[j UkolltE
,., . . . .
:::.~: ;~~ ~ Meicalf WIHaiplo,;!he rn1111s of 1h1 WJ1ttng p,01,, t 1n ',''·. t tt1 and wt,111~~::o~°:; ~:::s, how rn1ny peopl1 11kt 1ht clus ~ :-r• '
n. Wich itan \M C.AtAP(JS 't"OUA rlt t,.C:..
Business Program aims to help students become entrepren~urs
Dillard's lala 11 ; tbm Rio, 2lt, ..... ~cu:.r:t.rt~ rs llnlfl(,. Center gives real-life, •~t tcooorn10, 11 S Alt 104 m \Jl ue ~•n,r1l bu~lr.rss. modern experience P.?l..~llt!:'ltt:I, 50 if(' 1ll~t:ntnt .... ,, .. ,., ..., tr.!otrrallc~ ",'5:~n. ln1 114 MV
kt11r~ T'ht :rur-cr is ~r:-.anh ,~r:r"<'.I 1011.rd r.on W!'r"s.!- rra~rs a~ dt"lt~ tht 1k.Ji'.1, of ~l'rnF tf':I l'fCogJllZl!':l 'ltw ,:,p:,cr .,,w.e, 4
A.'l e:1;rq1r,11,ur is J Per-en who crta1..., a b:.:1;t1N.\ lt(m) scr,nch o· 1~ thttr ,m~na:;on, ' 1im.uo <- W";;t or Suiineu M m_lnistrauo.-. a~ctpl,d th.IS new ;m:nur In ttk' bu~1n~ ~e!d and
MW prrpJnnR \{UU!n($ lot
~ l1!.. ;
running tu~ or her own Cllmp,i:nv
The Lllani Center was l reat~ !~
2000 It b dtt11l1l",1 r,J prtpiie \ tu, denb 10 pu 11110 th" bu~m~s world a.,a .Khtt'\·e ~u,~~ Th, cent,r lS
PMr.an!\· 1~1 nn enuc;irrneurs
,ma p:q:.a:ina 1hr $tu!lrnb t,:, l.i(f >ht bi:'1!1h1~ of lhf' tuf World The
,t'nter w1., J g,il l·om tht laml!y OI Munlr Abdul 1-41.i"lt. ·M~• ,1~plrM Ocflnll10n uf an en ·
itl'J'l\'ftlUf ..~ '01:11' JO(' ',1,hO l rfll~
~mtthinR ur \'atut 1hJ1 <1iJn't n~i
t'tfnrr.M ll'!T ~l.\mt-au~h. 111tttlClf <•l lhl' u·mrr lur ~hl:~ptt'll('UKtUp J11d Ire.- l·ntttrn'>t, l..i..}ru ~\\'t
}la\·r \((''+ (\Vt'[ !ht NSl 31) \N:'!.
•h.}t 11\ i!l 1,v, tiw h ou:_\Ourrt' !(I 'ht ~\\i"S.: ,·,~t •b.1r mur.1•1 m~i ~... t;u-ru 1tw1 irr m\l 1kirt tw('r .ll'd \W\"I
I~ I,
l'W Jti•:.1\
to,r..nr \C'fflf'
Ut·n~ ntw t~m ~" pN,iplt JO.rt t~.l' nl.lS'-"' Ind ·11nld\. ,n lh!e) • !'('N.•n 1,, R\ t 3hl'J,1 111 our
ti.;ll.'J mA " pb.r: ~ x1u ·~.w op
trtp~nl Jr..n·;i. nrl\ " :11m,11: ~.J .\:iu, t:1t"' n. !ht• :n1tm)h10 .:om
\i.unt-..11.111,1 ,11,l A.ccNd:n« iv \1.un!:..iu1', t.: • ,>I t'lt rTIJ3'-IOr~ o! ttw , ~::•<r I) re, Jr trk'p tn 1'11'.t(p~r, ,,.I.A: r. • ht 1
..: , \.'I
)\.l'lU• l'! It,(' 'A,\",•)'~ ',0,'J~ l,,~,•,•111:J
·,,~ ,:;or,.,,
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Anoa•,·, wh
!!'I .1
r,·,1 ••
mi!-\1•111 w,n 111, r,-a:1,,n ,I •t,,. h1" l;\\\(I ( "fl'.t'II
s•urlt-nt\ wt.lin.- h• ~· :h•, ,; 11 •~,
ll.1rJ w<>1k,,1 (t•l'll'll 111 A,1t," r-.,1 nro.., ;-t,n JnJ f•r •j'\"'I' 11 , .• Tt. ·,, iU,lf,•• 1<'
[ h,S ~l\f !hf' ,l'tni'"'1(1fl
ln l!\ luurl/1 \'fM ,\flJ l , tlut
kick oft
in 1~11"
rr, ·,· 1~ S:?.000
~l'flf'I: 1fl(' r.1.1M h ,r m11tt ln/urriu
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llOO p'N"' \ l\l't
"" dfdn)
·\\'l'ln I rook. lht c!i u ,n tht ~umnttr, I wu )1,;rpnst<I to ftne thill 1t ~'l>n't all tht(Vrltcll: Phll t:iro,n.11 a loirntr ):udtnt ~ Jn en trtprtntt.r cla.~ q ,j ~f<'i1.1r ,unt
spubrs umt to 1hf' d~ thlt h.Jd built romp,rut<-. $Old ;;-rimplt:~. and 'tUCtly wh,t Wt' d:;J m tht tn· tttpitntur w1.>tld, Thcv ~Vf us tht pttsptC"'>'t o! rh, work ,t 100k ind 1hr know:tdR(' µmtd 11.·tutt' wort in~ in !hf' bustnns worid • ln1em~hrps arr an 1moomn1 p11n
Anrc-1 tm~'.urs t\'tltuUy
tn ':'ft' t nt-Jr,. ttra! 11,.Jnl {(\ "PJV It
~~1,.. J•I 1t\'·n1t u, ~: ol'f
!Jl"lt; ,l"J · ur-,. 'fl\' ,t·.JCl"~b
• llf tht l:J\10('-SWOt'ld go ou1 mto ~ht community tnd flnd lntuMhlp ()f'µ>MUnlllf"I AISQ beuw OI our flf"IWOrk.mr.
rl'l r•,~,--Ir. H!lAI p:·,.,..,nt11J• 11.· 'i•a1T;,:,i,;; J1J 1.,, .. ,, 1~), ,1r l 1n11 f' ,art t 1 !
mmmhip opponunnlf'I tlnd us ~ wrll,' 1,1t:6on ~11 · we pr<)tnllv h.1v, ,1pprn:u:na•tl'{ ',O ~us1nM-~ lhai do mtrm)h1p1 with Ui on l r,vu!ar bas-<· I ntrrpn.'nr:.ir. 11kt S,11 Gw•~ and ~ttvf' IN.1, 'lavr 1haprd the wc,rld and char)ltff I! lnl(I Sl)flltlh!rR d.L!
·r· ,,
fc:,nr from ' ht pl~!
1, ·:- 1
·•11,1ra. •
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·J,n•l"P"lleUM-h•p l\ n•il • lad ti 1 !hf r1111.rt ~ i!uXnb' tt<lbll ~ w ffi[•J:-'.tnl tt'" lbihlY !!'.I crtatc
~•I" "
WIii !:, lf)lh~TfulJrf' Sut(l'U, lflf'V
wtt11 mm,. anc morr rxpo,ur,. rr, ,r:tt1>prtri,:1Nh1p • \lamt-augh 'I,•·~• • .., ,,y,1 ,rrl ..._,., ,r,nna ~,1 • f ha1 awmt. c,~mb!ird
br 11,,·r v ..i;,o• I ~~1..-,, · 11 \ •i n, 1•t ,, i• ◄ ~ 1
·alp~,,. r,ir>:~v-• 1:
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n11r S70/111l,'\•1':ll• ,J', .t.i Pr , ·,~,r•,'.1 l~,.1~I~• , .,~ . ..r
l'llst h-ttore \lr'l!I ('h,1n~
m our dWtt Pl'Olram. trld ll!hough
thts bJ1ld.ng WlS rtcemJv ttn0\'a!td. we nttd 1.1rgtr c1<1Wooms and lt~r COmj:'Ult'r I.lb.. Tht' pul'pOSC' for tne exp.ans1o!l I) !O ~d • new classroom 15 sta:s and 11lso 10 idd new llb\ nn.. l.iib Will bf •n energv lab ... ·.11. iiS 4 •es:.;Jf o! l ~ft a~prov,c an1 ihe other an t'ltrnomcs lab. Admmi.stra!OD in the engm~r• I l!t ilolrd Qf RCRtni,s !i.\t Fr:dl\'. l.;xuµrision pro1m will provide a mg dep.1nmem si1d studems .1nd .«t pra~:x:al S('l<tnll Clll'IO'.J<J'IE' tor the cnmmumtY will be plustd with k JC r~ :o both c.;rren: and fulure L~e upanS1on The~· are .l'Nare 1hat thrs J.S a ma)Or ·s1tpp111gstone· 1oen ~.na \luctnrs. I1!t po.te•. toJU·,· fun~td by do- hanc.c.- recnntmg tfforts on U:mpus. "Our (UITtTII 5'Udtnrs .,,,n be hap 'ffl. !ndl:Jtnit James McCov. Frink )lfr.:s u:d mt Bohn '.am1l":. •,n/i p,tr ·,111 we hl\'t lugtr classrooms .~ larger lib ractll!lf'\, Wan~ Sild. a:ar;ro11rriatr·v SI .N.iS.000. ~~'Tl«'~ ac: ... Jll\ ;ih.iSt> rNO -Aho ,.., •rt 1'011'Jt to t;avt 1wo new olficts and wt will hlrt three facultv Ill Mel.A,, Xhool o! ln~nttnnp_ • -:.~ up,1:n:.:o,r. pro;ect. /hr 5rst newfaculcvm,mritrs. lhh will ~nd m~a1.:t :o the community ~ll1\·t a cla.\Slt>Or.i rrno·,a1ing 1ri·rol•,·ei1 rm ./ 1.:~1 .vcrm!,? 1t 11110 l co:r.putrr u'lat cr,f;npenn~ d1~1pfme ls .1 good
d1)(1phnt an:I we hop(' we can at tract mo1t midcnt~ 10 m.l!<ir m sci • \j; de~1nM1::~1 ha...- grown ::e • ·.¼ .,:, in 'ht ~.SI lhrtt wars cnce 1:.1 t'IJUnttnnit • lrit f'Xpal\.).t>n .,fOJt(I l.lthoui')I 1 ~ .'I la~I o,1r i>nrolim• nt has more , "":!<..1t'"'l, "hrldon Wanit, chw 1 r,1-or ·~repp:nr ~1011e foi I.he de p,irl.rTlerii ll IS TIOI cnmpltx f 1• en~:irr·1r~ prciRiam, S,,11d Wang rnn~rm) thl1 the cons1ruc r>O'A' we h1vr 230 stunr nts 4
KQCKS Liquor.Beer .Wine LiterS of Liquor
Largest Se~ection. of bquor . beer
& ALL WineS
and wine in town
Ha~py Hour
w-.. ,,.,...., .,.,
940 696.9229
awn ::; '/lc;or K,:<.\(S 'J '""1, ".,r:....',
and tmiik t,,,c.amr a
C·mng forrt for rtcru11r1e~t Its:
mcomm.t cl.Hs. Um!! u:d "GI\' apphu e:t '.ht sl'ttr \'Oh,m11 t:o~. canpus :Ol::., Ml!itanP, Ril /\' nt.mbers. and 01her r.iei.~urC$, wr lie g"lt!ng ~ore ~k.s. Abo. the Clpt:"M'"lte ?TOSpt( t:\'t Ml:dt'nts ha\'t wMn 'l'SILft'l c1.'Ttp~ nttes ·o bt s«ond ·o none and Linh adrr.."..l. t~t ur, ,·ersitv I) wcn:mg ro IIT:?TOVt. "Thtre 'A'ill tie m0tt op.onu mtlt'5 lor stu::1tnts 'OV-.$11 Clffi;:"U\, mort 10 do whi!t. '1WUn1t cam pu~. and we will gencri.lr ha,·t a more robw.t ·ru11 rxpmtnce: Umb said ~ As 11.·t enluate thts.t p~tms and dt1errr.mt eff«ti·1tnm, we 'NIii tt"ne and 1mpto\'e oor pllCIJ(f' I lttl ,·ery good about 1he enroUmtm h.:turt
ofMSU. uon w~I begm right afttr tht parking lo1 l\ coml)ll'ttd and will be rtnished 'tr{ lillol 2013 ·The exp;an\ion will bt very bu!!dmit simple" W.1ng said. Will be t'lttndtd on 1he Wts1 ~1dt. Un tht r!ltht hand tide lht t" wlU l ~ thrtt new I.lbs ind on the left hilnd s.lde thit1e WIii bt IKuJtv offlct- ;md
I d,Nroom.
tnidnttrlng. >.1111 ho• 1, mort than pif:a5td 'A'llh thr nrw up.1n~1on 4
Tht McCoy ~hool ot ln~
nrerinR rxpallSlon I!. a wonderful Kira and a grtat q,p toward!. the tnhiuictm<'m ol the enp.mernn1t
school: 1-lazcl said. ·t1opefully the. exp,nsion will help 1hc Mccoy 5<:t,ool Y. llh Its W'l)Wlh ln boih SIU dems .1nd r..•rowi1tlon. 4
Rilul Hlll'I, )lnjor m mechar.kal
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/J//lfllll//JJII /JU/ tft'IM/1/1 //// Stl!JJ//l'////1/t'Sl Comor Of Sh•p~rd Ace- Road & Old Iowa Paric RIMd EX lT ID Off 1·"4· 940,761 ,9099
art ti!tln~ Olhtr SU!p): :o ~lf'fJmline and rtd\Kt ou: o~ r at\ng bud11tl in ort1er to k.ttp tu luon and fl'f'S u low u possiblr. • "\\'t
he said.
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Historical marker honors Charlye Farris I ~t'Vt t) I ,rr.s w,'1 hi: r.<11 <1-M I TrnJ Jhs.t')lou \.tu·,· h•~ lJ •T 10 1 r" II ltt \\ ,'l-til •·•"JM't
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hn, w1,·l'rf.~• ·,.--.,,-.,.11,..,e,:1,,. ll·A' 'l w~111•1 l.-..1nT\ ·hr •.,,.. A'T':l,, A1ntnU.'IWl'~ ....1::' •tr,,•r,·t,- Tr1.\'\ S:!.l't llu •Id ·•• 1\1•1 ..,, · ·•n ,\1nr.'"1r [UII~ r. ·nri.o.Jtt- .m(t •r. .~.,::ul..'...:," \"Lt w.or.c.:J on u,, ,,,,J~,·, t~: '\• ptt:•~4- (A\JrT 1•.f 810"'1• ~· ~ ! I ,;f FJ!;ll!N' a, a l,a·.1,· \\tirlpr• l' !lo·,o, , • j \JIU>f'l'II!'\' • Wi•h:n~•"!' l"l I fJJM Al' ~~t"J•'l•l'd ' l ,~ .. l\c.t':l ,;~ Pt,:f'lU ·~ 2u(l(I a•<'I '-tr.. 1 ,n1 '('f
•,,U~l'••,Pf<II l :•!•,t,, •.:o--
P~l ("!,lr'l',n '!' ·•r 1~1~. \i;i•r S•i~ l ~,• 1/,"1- ;tt( ,r, H. · ,:v 1· ! J.'ob lo· n w · ;,•N7 1 ,,.,.
rr.emo:1,1' °IT,m 1!\f ':aa !11• n
r.o,o· ,-,•
f'1"' • 1~ ~ u.:,, w,lt bt :irw-i..-o :;y ,.._- .ymtrr,btn.
Exhibit opens at museum of art I.N'1 ;.· ,,,c:av<'·U-:•t· fe,:'I('~.,· f\PtT ,1r i r •tl':1 t,;i,,., kt. ."!1 a:• C" ,:·"" ,', c:i,:af,i.-. MJ\tl.l"· .,f A•· 11".t le$:t• ?11n1"S Pho· .p:1r•.-.- 1.c:
e,.;~~ A l.otk at W,c~.•1,1 h '1 ~-'P'M :t'.t ~ ~:O!'I' of \\'c"L,ta hi:S •~t'\I f,,t,• ,..,
~ov.'111,rj '.lt\·r.or~t·•1,,1 ;:-_,,,'., r ~,11~1'!2, L',t ,
.-•u-·.,·:.on 1/ •(\x·a;'<:-
!o~l"' ..,,.:c• \\ ='11•1 f·J ,\'am,; !. t•e,m a ~·a,:-1 •uwn :c. 1t.t .u-:- t r.: l C(;i•r•
:~~~::·>1;:;.~/;,;. :;~~:,
j ; ;:~·;;.
1."1~·":.11t;~r~ l1 i1t11:e:1'l aw f•rf.
.t."1.1 Pn•,v lo•~ f"lt nJ t · A,, 111
1:!::a,•u-,._s,- A;,"11 :O 11 ... st·tr .a., o~ L'lt' pt•;na~..n: co.kt'.'.-r fo· fu·trr· it.',,r,,.n-r,• . :;•~ : ·•·• .',ic.':,.' j~• \\1.;l'l.mr!,\J•:uU.1(1 V.'"l~
lnlheftb 1J,11u1 A Pl Qt J lllfflP ol t story 1bou1 t studt ntwflowu d1n1adtht opoortun1!y 10 d0tltl9 blood btCIUSt h11591yquo1td1notllt1•1"1d1V1dutl who S1111d 1h11 HIV •1 not Sl:Hlld through stmtn lndnd, HIV u n bt lrtnsmrt11d
b•sem,., ..t.cco1d1ritj1toth1C,nrttslo,
AC(Ol'C!lnlt to IAmb, ;hr
cess of Saturday's MuwmR. R.illy
w.u i good md1rnor for luturr attendance. ·There wm JOI iludtnts :n a11endance. a 78 percent mettue over II!.! .i.pnn11,. ,1nd l 408 p.ir ent~ m 111endancc. l 00 percent
:;:,,e us On Facebook
tooOT•e. !l<t."'(l' (; fM•
cllelrlf Mee.,- khNI "E..NMNfflll. Hlai"" . . SlrlthloR OlllliMltllM-H4fflNIM"'-W""'9,
:ax 940.'322.3872 ,,,z.'·;;mp;H Wh•t• .,,1,. :ms
t " eN
Wine & Liquor Tasting . ~(<f~., - 6 p.zn. Saturdays 3 p.m.
ar.J -t':'!..r• N",:1~.;,•-~,., "'' p•~..,
•.,,..,,tm, ii'""
r1~·L,1 HI;.
,i'J·t-;tut::,,,\ It' ')...ll •r,~ f.l"r~,· f',f..l
Si'"' 11•,tr MP!• 11:,,r •n,r·
1 :--
ENROLL pg. l
pl,t1 \'lt 'A1!1 mall l!lfoni.at·o~ '.O 40.lAX> un,01'$ lttt" :!',i:s s;,nr,~ a :.t:'".t:! ,f t."lrtt N.,in1t tro~ mid ,pnnij ·o m!.3 "U"flntr, whKh bt !r.g.\ r>'Jr tf!Ol"'.J on :.,t fal' 2014
P'lt ltr L {rr.t< • ~~: :r, >:t• < •.. ~• 1~1., •r,mr 1nJ 1,,1nr 't. ; , , , h ·! ,:l tr,,,mQ~"'l t'lp~ . .,N!ri .!4'•,!"'" l:
1,•.1. Tot uruvef!>lt'/ nas a,Y> bt g-,:n a )tl':n ol 10, 100,c ~pec1fk pm~cara :>etn~ :nt1\td 10 50,000 :;r,-..spe,cu .1r.d t~ost 'Nt.O !l.ii\'t ap
Kemp Center for the Arts hosts home and garden festival
o! :tv- ma•11>1 /Of h•'.11. • oM.( :• lit •':t ur'ICIU..nl of 'C'1fJ~ Yl'i:1 r;,,cu:;t <,l ~-
thet: IOH), ptXllct tht de'lf'klplT'"nl ~'.l 'A:~·-1l ;)!l"l'f't°.l 31'1 t!•I":
oard of Regents approve expansion construction project Friday
, . 1''
vao, .. :,(110 ~, Tiu· fl11!0:-,,11
A, ,,r{1~ ,,, ,,..,m tguyJ. \\1,J,_..,,~ ~·11. : lt ·;::cnir:i'
a·"' h'l' 1.
·$1.7 million given to fund McCoy tn incrt~j mrollmtn; :::,ci:,1.,;cal r:lJJ'lttMlt, ..1rl{er :4.lff'\, r:tw llboratorv roo:r.s o !l,.,.;ltY of:'!cl'\ will bt ldded to 1111 Mceo<,· S.:noof of Eng.nttrinj:.
Nl!h r!'.t u,rr,nff•>lfi ~u;,µv.- from Dillard t .o!lf'~ . un!Vtl'l,LIV ts I Nhn!4' an'1 rht l:r.!!111~ commun·r,'. mt&.'"!~ I~ iutUf(' ;S br1,ill "
•Ptopk Who Ctti te iOmtthtng
::}~~~th ; ~ ---''. :;".:.:". :;". :;'"; :'. :;": '"; :"-- ::::~;~t,t,,~~
30/ ,1(1}.I,
ta!! 201.2, lhtrt 1,rt 816 8u.<:r.t"U m.l1otS In the $Ch0o! 0:
An,;,th( t m&1rn b 10 ~Jmul1lt Pr,''1"i):(':':<Uf'lll ,KT.,·u-s in tht rt l.l'll' ~r.'l<" ui int 'hm,:, Jori, !I> «corrpbh thu •1'11,~,on 1, pf\1vtd1~ ·r<:ul'aior N.:t~ 10 ,~•,.. t."Y;t>i,: 'O l.lUf.(~ I!, i.H:l"» anj er, At·• ~,ll': Mtpttl:ltnl \:;.<ty~::n :;>a-;11"1 uo ....~,., 1r r Tnoma Ar: ){tb. Acrordm1t :l' MimNu~.
sourcn ntt-01-d
C'!um,,, fnt tl'it O;!latJ (ollt"R(" u1 Al. ot
Entrepreneurship r, d • • h • IS not aJa -1/tsf e future. "
chl' tmrtpr\' ntut f(l:, ·~'" IP
Entrcpar(ur,?li~ :, • nun\11.
· \\\• Jo nn1 ha,·t ~ m1•or 111 en
ponunme, 1-id commur,•rni:tjl thr pi>tt'lt..i, 10 c,thir!i "1 11'.lt
~nr their 1,fou 10 retl tntttpttntul'l !n ,1mrs )u~h l.) •n Introductory counl.', ;m [ntreprrntunll plV!nlng cou~ t nJ an Entft'p•tnturi1! ton
1''0ritl, lnd 1('IK'U\Jrlgt lhtr.i 10 ~~"~Rt It 'or th, bt'tlt:, • S1.1mtilu~h
'l ...
1'1 •,•
1 1 .. 11,;•
mcrust ovrr ~t ~pnn~ • Ltmb Sild. •k. we tv.1luate 1hese pro grams and d.ttermine d !ect1'le nm. wr will renne and improve our pracuce,· l..amb said. ·1 fl'tl vr.rv p,f)()tj ahou1 the tnrollmt:u
D1nue Control ind Preven11on, "Tll1u bo(ly l!uHb htvt bHn shown to con111n high concel'\l1111on, of HIV blood. Hllltll, ug,1111nu1d brHSI milt 01h11 bodylluidscont,in!f!Qblood •
fo tflTIOYt
lrly 1mb1guft¥, coc
othc11ts S111td. "HIV 11.11111'\IUOCn duough n , otcu11,n 111, t uh1ng1 ol g1n1111 ffulcl such u umtn ~ v.aq,:ial HClft/OnS "
A P•II• s story iboUl Stlh 0onlty should tiavt quott Ohim H H)"lllg lht l ht dropptll OUI ol t n lhtr•"hool m1lh· 1,1hon11udy 9roup Ap1 go 811ory1bout!ootb1n r1c111111 111corr1ctly11p0Htdth■ nllfflbt101
11tr111ts l h11 1urscl1ucon" J1S01
l7 ntwpl1y1r1.1nclud111q ISdaltrrs~t
l ht W!fh1t1n •11111u lltt 1•ro11
Art~ &[ntmt~inm~nt
6 MM
JUN pg. I ,..,: , ,1~1plC'• 1nj Wt.<r,d t!lf\:t'. 11 Cll!.l~ ll kf' a :nng ll!l'tf' • he ,ud • 1 I hlvt btt~ work r.av, a C1>'.IP,!'!
.,II. ,,,. f"" n-.on1:-t:. now 1'1-, bt.111) thfo:nw1m w •r. I ., ,rv Ion.. I,u<-1 lr\ 10 it:n Ml i l} ml.ell tu Wvrk Wllh .u pns.slb:C- to butU a :,11ck {lf1 lhttr
A 'Ntll tt;ll ~ n.:1 tro rm,nv. lun
rti,rr.u1.ly uni',' •h.ar~ h i\ lo\t lru ctt ..ung bti!i and :ht hip hop CUlllll't" 10 otht r \1t \ l'>f Ok nr colt.liboru~ Wllh mu<-.!CaHv "'-omrllrnt~ thn will COlllt 10 mt )ay tnar thfY h1vr thnt lyn(', but :hrv 11,iivtrd round 1nvthmg 10 RI) brhlnd •~em, so I'll tf'~ II md
t..-v and m,1ke •t., co~,rondlnJ btat lund of rt llcd !hf' , mottonal lmd l\'tl(~ •• II<' s.1.:d ·Qr :f I know rht !>('I\Jfl(h ,11 rr.~k !hr MC hkts to 1:,1rn 10, Uw1 .,.,1U lnRutnu MW I Cll'i 'I' lllt' bnl fGJ lhrm Thl' l hlCajtO rta\1\ t QJd f\C hH
s..ape of !hf'
bttn in and out of band~ !.inc~ ht WU 16 VNf'. old •ml has playto
p!ar.o ~ire, hf' was a Chila, "Whtn I
~,rv young. I h~
tf'nfd ?O lo!Uff hltt lhf Fit Bo--r.,. ·u ctnstd 1(1 Ill' b\' U'.t Btbtlt 8rJvs and
DI luzy Jt,, & Tot F~ Pnnc,.• ht s.ud. '"So W t IS ~mtthmg lhat I J~ hsu~ntd 10 ~ .\ ltkl.. I dldn, gfl really Into htp hop unul much lattt. As a k Nish Ud m ~h!cago, It WtSn·t hke hip ~ 11,•n n~t lhm •
Slild 1-t
also perlorrned
~ t tolk ilnCI punk bands 11i·htrt ht showcwd hb g,.u m and drum stills
From Pt" Rod: 10 KRSOnt. whom ht crtd1ts iS tht 11,f"Ultsl MC t\·tt, hm s.ald okl school tup hop mu SIC lrisp1tts lht kind of btatS that ht creates with an tmpl'lll!s on horns
.aoo ~ roou "Th.al kind of st;'tt
of pr·oducmg
now for 20 rtm,• Jun ~td ·1t re-ally dropptd out ac1u ally cound !he tunt ol t arfv g,,ngs(tt rap Ptop!t d.kt Dr. Dre Sl.uttd using lunk s.imp!n hkt Rick J.imes \mltld Qf',Out~mp!ts· 6tgmninj! m tht mld•80s. wn.1 man) oU hip hop"s ·go:dtn agt." Jun Wli.S ftril tJ.powd :o tht Wr.tS of Pubhc f.ntmy arid Ralum. ·0ne or tht things 1~t realty Chi n~d h1j}hop Wli.S m, dtwpptilt anc, of tM l')J wd I.ht nse of the producer.· hf' s.a1d. •>,, !O( of the stuff ustd 10 bf, ptr'.t-rmtd livt LnSlUd of a productr piutir.g tt an togtthtr. l01dmg it omo a laptop and pre:umg pll·, and thtn • guv r.aps ovt1 It Thi: lorm r,f m1.ur.,: uwd !O be dOnt ilve 11,1th two 1urn,~lcs. • Because of th!s ~hlft. Jun said DJing has btcomt an underwound .an form Dltng no !ongt; Dtmg .a · standa.rd" and ~.iS uus.fd in.am ~tream rip mmK w loist wm, ot t.'ie t ltments of !hP old rnus\c, lun said, "Hip hop lf:le.! a hl\le bit ol Lts cul turt when 11 <i!m( mort ontn1..11td roward thf' MC and so producnon MTV~ Ult tnltm! of {he M(. and not the mhtt w.av around,· he ~id. "I 1k.e IM!t,; rook tht t,a51,, !du of produ<.llon lO lb IORJQl sor. ol ti t:tmt b') s.tvtflg. "wt'rt JUSI pl'lR tCI samplf' th,., ont ntl and th.at's 11 .and then loop il over md over aR11r · rtiaf1 so medioctt. fhtrt'$ no1 tal tnt:nthat " Howevtt 1.lus alteration ol 1ht> genrf' has 1ts perks because lun said MW l)l'Oplt llkl! hlm~lf nn tr( !Ptll har,ds at producing.. l:Ytn though produo nA ~ cumntlv a hobby, Jun s,.ld m.akmg 'llUSIC ts a WilV lot him 10 rt!u: lh>m h\s htetlC da·,·t0 day llfl' ·opponun1t1n fOf fun comt rew he and lu ,n etrwttn m lhts J.iild ·1r ,'OU U'I! a ptt'500 that h!:ts mcs,c. mtk.ni IT on vour own nr rnaJunj( music With other pt<>pH' JS lun and wher, vou .i.rt 00mg .a •ob
has bttn
serie5 film off kicks s Nobb t Alber Foreign Film Series screens itsfirst selection ofspring semester 10...,n." Kirk s.ild ·Mar,r nf our
OAl ANOO ~l Ofll 'I ,•A
MJunct laculw membn Donmt h1tk. kiclttd off th:s stmtsttt's f'-ott lWI rum Strits on Feb IQ With ~
>ho• ~ · 1 lovN !The F1rs1 Grader, be pho1 in tht mewg~ thtv send. I uuse it w .l!. h1s1onc.l!, .,.,r;r dram.ar !Ind th,11 1ht 1memJaon11 lllms ue IC and very tough m somi' SCf'"lts. • •1try imphot, .and thty' tt lo!d from t.:1rk S.11d ·sut ,, ru!iy show~ 1he .. d!ffmnt ptrspt<li\t. I think tt's hum.tn spmt and thai\ 11,hat I 11k.e vtry 1mporun1 to see that d1ffertn1 about 1t • Accordl~ 10 K.uk. Ult Hlrtign pmptellvt ~ \Vbtlt thf ~ was ongt111ol!y lilrn Stn,s tl optn 1n .any and •II membfrs tnttresttd m prr fKulry !or pm,entfd M tht Kemp ltnm tht Ans, Ult un,versiiv ctiinged 1ht 5tnlmg. Centt'r for Conunulng f dutatlon tocauon 10 the Museum or An at MSU once 11 ~u1rtd tht mustum director P.afl'I Mntg.ln contKIS m rn 2005 According to 1ht c ,nm of ltN"\kd f,l('ulrv mtmbers 10 present Continuing Educ•Uon, 1nywhtrt ,1 Alm for tht series. bul 1rttt that. trom 2'>·100 people usually anend Ifs up to Ult pte:St'n!tf ilS 10 wh.lt they'll show. U!tKrttnl~ "I Sf]ecttd !Albert NobDSf be K.Jrk has p,utiopated in both the I llk.t Gtenn Close, and I hk.t' uust f-ortlgn furn Series 1nd tht Clau Aim Stnn !or lht ~ l ~vt ye1n, 10 look at marg,.nahztd cultw~ or wlthln our SOClffV to do popuJ.ltiOns Ult for lht:m but be M.S 1oumded .an in dep(h wOV of them I thought pastttghl't't"'1!> Of lll lht ~ Klrlc ha.sshown, Iha mOY1t wn a pretty good t um M rists lu.s fa'IOntes as Ptrseophs. pltof th1t.• Kirksatd. WhJlt tht C!,1SSK Film Stnts toan arunmtd fnwrt abOut tht 0\'el' throw of !ht Wh of ln,n In 1he CIJ5fS on oldtr films tha1arr dttmtd Mc!1~· !IVthose prtStntmg them. I Q80s from a VOCJ1A girl's :>ersptc nw:, •Ml Tht First Gradtr. a trot Ille Fotttgn Film Smesconctntratts uory about an 84-ymold Ktnyan on ntw and currtnt lort1gn filrru.. "Thert's ntver usu1Uy a lhtmt man who goes back to school 10 le•m hOw 10 rrad, as fflms th.it ht's for a pa.rucular evening.· ht said. lllm~ in lhr llnittd 5tatts Ut u
A. l fOl'TQ,i
pr~nlilllOn of Rodrigo Gll\'.1.1's
2011 Him Albtn Nobbs. The tllm !iikn j)U(t ~ 18~ lrtLand. ,ll\d )litS Llenn (.."!mf £S Al
ben Not:~ • wom.i.n who dl'f1stS up ~ a man to 1111d work In a pc,sh hottl.
"SomtthJ!i YeT'I' JnttttSW\g ftnd the miin Chane m at 1ht inttrs«uo.1 of a va.rltty of
aboul ii I) Wt
dl!'fmnttnings."Ktrk.sald •from a
tn,gic modent urly In lilt, 10 bt!ng a 'NOO'lan and dtal.ng Wltll the way women 'lr'trt trtatKI • .U WtU 15 Ult
ng;d soc.al class and c~tt l'"f$lem dunng this parttcl.lW' 1\mt • !"hf Fortip! Fi!m Stnts 11,-.i starttd Jr. 2002 u a v.:ay to ~ · MSU a.'111 Ult Wich11.i. h!b cornmu r'hly ll!tra lhtv wouldn';
Rf1 to sc-e in a norm•l thntu · 1 km 11 btcwse, for tht moo
p,lrt, lht ~Jim th.II vou·u ~ Utffl ftlms ui.t vou un norma!Ji' Stt ,11
anY r.lOY1t lhtloftr because lhf'l'e's no( much of a Mmand for It m
"'.''r't 'tt not 1us· t ~ : -~.\lny r1mrs J n.a\t a particular film m~ a tllm. Jnd ('\'rr-:,,· m mind, but for this pr~ nta11vn. I end." K,rk ~.J •1.\, •• , 1he d1dn'1 I IOUked lhrou,ll)l lo Ii.St pro an opi'n ch•t ao- .!.t L·,• , ~ \'1,1ed ~)' a l!cem..n~ .igencv. and I bt> prt llY ~;.r;:'..t: vou'd had Sttll :n~ pl tUCulV f.lm on lht what people th:nk .l:1::I ·..1'.·• 1111 · • 1! about for cosi 1he rk. Accordmj! ·n K.1 Although l,.1tk ~!::! ,"'.t"':. tht C.emer for Conunumg Educa a l al.!-COM'."':J~. , W1cb1 1lf' fees J;cc-n~mg for SOOO S4')0 as non dependma on !hi' ~lm, Jn-J lhtv loft most en~~ ,,. tt c - -.. pnm,1nly ru~ed 1hroug.h depm ~tudtntS m ,1ne11aar.cj> ~mem lun<h, Jnd some11mts ~ants as well. WheThe· it:e \';• siudf'nts and lacul" '· .as wtU is 1htre ror rxua crea·· r: Jt~i·, rr.fml'<trs of the Wich11a Falls com behe\'es :hat rn'l\ r.~ •· mur:1ty art ,11! encoura,td lo illltnd shovm art r0t.~ i i;. e:io..e,i, !hem 1m nl•~J :.·, :re cid 01 th~ ~rttnmgs. r-;o martt'r '.l\f' m.son for, · rn advtrl~ ma v.arttty of fur Kirk ),l!j he hG~ 1, dance. rr.1t.s: ~11k sa.od "You'll hear about u or. "JPR. m !ht Times Rteord aud ('IKf 'l,'JI' be ,ti•, V) "-!obbs and ... ~ AU.er1 with Ntws and e'.'r n m rnr Wierman. The ma)onty of pt'Oplt that com, ttung from lht' nim ,,mt. J411. l;flr-,:c; 1 thmkwrh.1ve1t J • proplt community the art thb lO Yoo·u 5tt a ft•1,• landr,, mtmbers UMtd Stat~.-he sad ••., .. there from !Hilt to-tJn,. and you'll womtnh.a·JtU SORQOC 1·:- J i:sual~,' $tt studen1s tht re ror utra peop:f' rr.ahzt in.it .,.,.t ,._ ••. long wa.,. !tom lha1 umt :-tr:-:, Credit purpo,ws. K.ltk said hli fa\Onte th,n1t.abou1 th~ p.i,nl(ll,)l,f \ U"U1,lt!t<, l.°IJ(•4 1ht Foreign F1!m Str1,s is tn' aud, !ft got'S L"IIOU)th o:ice :.',,..,• (• j encr.s· at1htv to not 1u.s1 w•:ch ~ n!m I ll'Naf\ tir,pe :h•· • • ., movie, t:.ut to luUy engage wnh 11 ~ the ft!m com~ u ·i,i ~ • .M'~ Ofj/JltJtude · ,nd di~ uss 1t a1terwud~
John Banville (Sc1111 AINrt Nobbs 12011 I Di,ectH lty flo4dto Garcia I Stamng Gleoo Close, Aaron TaylOt-Johnson & Mia Was,kowska. IWritten by: Glenn Close {ScrHnplay), lnttm■tion,1 Ml 11l1yl. GHritll1 ,rekop (ScrH■,11y) Gtortt Moort(Short Story) & tltwH Saito (Story) I Rated R for some sexual,ly. brief nudity and language I SOURCE: Omit.... IMDB.c°"'
Shake Harlevideomsweeping Do thesoundtracks the nation viral Electronic song
I '"'ll\•, ~.1111rA.l•'>"Afl \'1/P'TrH
After or..'Y 1wo m?flih.s pas.si:i,,_ !ht thtJT:e YlnR b r 2013 tw •' bf->n l!P(ldtd Whr:f' 1!'1 fl') whf'rt' near,~J,JOSSV 1,•i.j Korean ,is l.&\I Yf'ltl · r.wwiam ~tv!f· UUt,
'"Huie"Tl ~f,akt" tiv Ul? ~""'1uce, ftailUf'I hH IX'fn y,.- :hriR m•l!lfln\
.aro•1nd W wMtl mro 30 sttof\3 homt'm.ide dancm~ Ms r m \me, the ""1Tli Wtn! Vltl! On Ft b 2. an " ,mra'1an ..;.-e 1nm ~.a11t-J 'iunny c ~ SUtf' up lnM:1t j ii ~tdto oi vnt of thtir mt!Y' ber.. 1,'t.lMll ii mo:orq1 1~ nt1mel Nh11t dancmlot to the ~n2 in a room
surrc.unittd by o:her memtit~ ol hP.lfing thf wordl 'do tht liar/em prommtnce as qulck!y .as the liar Im tHm u tho visibly lgnoft him. Sri.akt'' IS tno•ig/l to ow, m~ lem Sh.lkt \1deos did .att doomed ro ~ty pUl'(lnR ndf'o f,lfTI~ .and USlng pM?.e 10 mn tlf'anng 1h, song pl.i.y becomt stale m a fair,y st-on penod • computtr Th.i.t ls, unul tht ~ !i lht;r he.id~, .as 40,000 variations oftimt Somt have noted th~1 lhe mrme ,J thr Vldf'O hlvt •lreadv bttn up Ir IS ii this momt1 I 1hat ii!l hell lo.i.:lt'd :?.S off-thruary IS!h. ilCCord wu bummgout when tht' Today bruksl"'OSf'.so:o ~•k t,ervone l'iRl0 aara putlt,1 fmqi YouTube Al Show. a Plitt where coo( thmio Rn 'N/".O WU l!C',Ct IOungjt,11' .u'O'Jnd II, lht mr rr.e) ptai:, -1.000 vtr:uM~ol to d;e. j:fflormed 1heir 011i-n \'tl'Ston on lhe ill now dir,cmi h.atdl'T than m01or the Vdl'O Wtrf' uplr,idtd eloCh day Wh11E nont or the VldPOS 1,~ flnt thmR 1, ror ct rtam, hciv. cvrlt f1PIIJ'lt1 ruy ever did, ~nd.rlR rt-., 1r bod•~ 1n10 cc,n rok1on~ ll ,.._.fin • month Old '(ti. tht'f hil\'t tver- I.ht ll,lileM 'ihal:e 1S fun. mil 175 comb!!lffl .a ill 1n sundmg 1rs lilmJ1it< and mtnds, clocktd h.lvtnA Whether ;,,ell' they ;houRh IITTn ·,It"..,..,, Ari imp~ ·•., iota!. the [),1JI•~ MJvt rtcks. 1 rain or tile ~.zur11 No nm! to a ll o 1 ! U,flO,JWl, ~urtty, but some q1"'ll0f\ !ht Ion NNwe~an Army. t 'lt l"','Ollt 1~ dom~ the llarltm Shatt they°rt 1us1dom~ lht 1btltm 'ih1k.t !tf\1ty of tht mem, ~c,mially rT>t mes ti.at rise to Sr !hrs poou. ,imply rl',ldmg or
IPa· b ~ ~ " ' mlrtt, rou I'-~ ritfd 10 do something th,11 isn't gm:1 m~ ot p1tp,1nng ~~ or tt.admg, •
11te fo<• il nfll11tS.t1" tllh41 Mwu1M1 of A,, ll lti Miactlec:wty--.,O..l• lirti1in11r-selllatiN Mi•rtK1HIM.. AlHrtfllebnfwllleMSU•N Wichlt•flll1com1NU1"1 IM"'°'r,ltt•ll4•111
.. ....
luu., is th• N,w Yort DJ ~ 1illte lo, !ti. t11 t k 'M11t,_ SM': ltl11', 1ounclt,.ck1d lllt l1t1S1 V,. YnTuH v1r,I vilil101 H,'1 c..aip,,4 10 D1,1o·, MM 0.ctnt 1M
What are your thoughts on the 'Harlem Shake' YouTube videos?
· trs cool, I like the Norwegian Army ver$10n There's been talk about /doing! it. but we haven't done it · ·
"I've heard about 1L I hea,d rhat people , re..,J shaking their head end body, and thai Isho~ check 11 out ·
"Personally I've seen a few of the videos a nd my mam rtac11on 1s 'what 1s th1s1' I don'I have a favorrte 111her "
·1 have New York friends and 1hev aie mad ,:-
twjchitan ,..,tti&,lu@!Qiiifls-%;;
Students work up a sweat St11de11t fit11ess classes catch 0 11 to Zumba craze "'' r ~1 .. ,,A'r ST...FF Wfl1T!A
fhe lnstruwir tum) on the ) \t · u.:t Latin m11~lc viund> 'bump lr"rnth.',~.UC:trs t•'tl,
Th, slutkms standing .iro:ind
lhe room ~•t rtady to work out for u• hour an<t bum hundrf':ls of nlo nts by sulh· danclnR 10 the sounds
of :-abi htaa 5'udtnts
bum .ipµroi:1m.ittly 500 alorirs or more in a Sln,Je wori:.ou1and lfarn some ntw dilrl(t mo,·ts while lhev are .it tt
Zumt.i workouts are a lwlon of
Litm SOflltS and S,J,fsi dance movH It IS il form of WOtlong O\Jl
vent('d by i celtbnty nmm 1ralnu ;1:nd choreov,tapher namtd Alberti}
·aeio· Peru.
f:ruted m tht 1000s, Zumba not bought 10 1he Unites Smrs untll lOQO Since then, II hllS gained populilmy 11round the world
w aS
lumb.i nn e•·en be purchaSt'd on DVD. and most gyms of any ~ze now h{')I Wttkly · 1 lovt tuchlng Zumba btcaust everyone In tht Cli..\S is tull or tntr v:, and urnemen1; Kruun took, Zumba mstruclor )t)d. ·1 walk In lhe cla5.S ready to !UCh beoust I w trur.rurnng peop!e who want to ht lhtre and lovt lht cltii. • l ·ook ha~ t.ttn a crmrlfil dance l~CIO! ~net 2000 at M~U and accord;n_a 10 Cook, U1e .i11c11danct a1 ht r cl~ h~ ltftttised over the J)l,l,t lcw yeu-s
' ~"'$,
·1 bthtvt th\Jmcru..ersbfcause !I'll' clau was mo\·fd from tht old tCCT'f'aflon CtnleJ 10 the OfW build
lnit." Cook said. · ourmg tht houtr stMns the other room would bt urremely Ml Tht nrw room ~ bttler. which ma•; bt a atae ol ~ lncrtaM' Ac:cordmJI, 10 Jory Greenwood, 1...enttr dlrecior, Lumba ha.s bten a pan (If MSU s.lnct 200Q and It has ;,i vtry bright ruture. "Tht cl~ conlinuaUv lncrtast:S each ~'tar, tsptd.tlty ln the fall .se· mrster,• Gmnwood said •11 IS a very popular fttness cUS.S. • Grttnwood h.is bttn the dlrec• tor for IS yurs and saw flrs1 hvld lht tnruillon of Zumba and olher ntntsS cla.s.5e$ from lht out)lde rec rta11on center by Sikes lakt' to !ht l1rgtr. chmate<ontroUtd class ai lht Wellness Ctnltr. ·Tot ntw fac:1hty has broughl a lo1 or new studtnu to our group flt· ness cl uses.· he ~ 1d. Tht clau par11clpainu ge1 In .1n hour of working ou1 by dancing to son!l.'i by ar1,st such n Pitbull, nna Turnu, 1.ttUt 81g Town .ind Cool. ·11 does 001 evrn fetl 11kt I am work.In~ ou1.• Crea Knuckles, a 1u nlor 1n eurcue physiology said. ·1 went to !he class lnmally so l cou!d "et moVing again btcause I un 1ry inr,10 ptav soccer· !ht go.ii of Lumba IS to &ti people off of we!Rhl machmts and tht d1ny noo, dOlnR cruncht110 gel tMm eic11td abou1 wo1kJn11. ou1. ·1 go 10 every clll!. btau.se LI is SCI fun: Knuckles said. ·11 IS btuer than running or hltlng wrights.~
,. ,.,llnw
Ourina lht ran semtsitr. lumbl w~ auendtd by mort than I 000 11udcnu and faculty mtmbtn. ~7umba draws I b1g crowd d\H! 10 the upbeat and Jun workout. h's Jlso &ood for .111 levels of fltnr..s. Howtver, 11 dot'~ requJr, tht fol lowin11, ol chort"Ographv, - Anna Jen uch. head fimcss instructor ai tht Wtllnrs.s Crmer, said ·Last .semes ttr wt had 1,007 scudenu antnd lhtZumbacla:s.st$.
AlthOull,h Zumba
a popular
clw;, It IS not !ht 17ml popular ·Spinnmg LS alwa\"'S lht m«.t at iended cl.is.s wt havt on sc.hfdult , I Uunk mainly due to tht rac1 that you can set tht class .it your own pace: Jentsch said ·And if~ no1 In tlmldaung. nor do you h11vt to fol low any !it: chortOfPJaphy Sf)lnnmg is .1 good c\.iss for both ~nntr .ind advanced utrclstrs. Wt ~mt$ttr Wt' had 3.000 HUdt nts m,nd lhe spmnlngclll.se$. • Other than Zumba .ind !l)mn1ng. a cl.iss c!.llfil Card10 FUS10n IS .i.lso offered a\ the Wt l!nts.) Center. ·eardlo fusion IS nut In lint.
ThlS Is a hardcore cardlo ln!trva!S class1ha1 lsmottS("lfotthose look Ing lO challenge their mdl0ViSCU lat ab1lltlrs,· Jentsch!-1.id. Sludenl!i pay for th, Cius.es and the Wel!nf'SS Center In 1ht1r tultlon, ;;md lhoUW!dSart takinR ad\'ilnt.1ge of Zumba clWts, spinning and In tense 1nttr,r.il c1.isses. uu.ght by prorts.S1on.1l tns.tnJCton. • All of our cliMt:S art doing very wrll in attt:ndanct at tht momtm. • Jentsch s.ild. • And tht students ,1,nd athletes art mUy taklng advu,tagt or adv1ncmll. 1n their fttnm goals.·
On campus sports Wef ~o.1~ WN1H'a lluketb1II n . Texn A&M•Comcnerc1 - 5-.30 p.m. MH'I blllttdtall YI. Teu, A&M-ComtMrc, • 7:30 , ....
fri.~o.11 ,.... n. t1"t1ea4us Wlfl r1c1nlly ,,.__ 12511 II 1lktW them II'""' lo t--,.fitiottl: "4 ,,.,.. . IHCMH , - u.
7 1
~~011~ ~,i~!~ Indoor Jrack prepares for LSC championship Th~ wol!'lfn's indoor tuck ar:d !':t!d
progr,m wi:1 tn,Vtl to 1.utt.oo !O ~nlc1 p.llt In lht lof'lt ~Ur ConlmY., INc.or Tra<lt 6 ~t!d Chl.-np,omh?r;s this wttk.
The rr:ttl wm ""' Univmuvs " running wlll
M' htl<1 •t Tu~ T«h lndoOf trKk. tl'Ot'l ~ 23
Tht V.'Olllrl c,:ity p1ruclp.ilt 1n tht evtnu, tut \Iii.II still bt K Ot'fd :b I Mi ltl.T, The tf'lffl hopes to rtlvt tu"tr:tl1 Mtunct to tht 2013 NCM Divut,on II
Indoor TrKk & fttld C.haMp,'.Orllh,? 1n B11m.1ngriam, A.L from Mire ti 7 o Or.ct moo« UIC\: seuon Is rt"H. thr ttam "'111 begin ,tinng up iot OOJ!door trJtkjVJQII. Tht'.11'1ntmtttwlllt1'on UnlV'trsityofTtw.it AJ
Mt,r. 2J II tht
Women's tennis picks up a win in season opener Tht No. l8 womtn\ ttnnb: profl)'am opeMd 1hf11 seuon wi\/'I • 7 2 win aga\nit No. 40 St. Mm's I I :he MSU Tennis Untrron f-tb. 10. Tht ttilffl p:cktd up I.II Ultff doub!t:S points with an 8 4 'Ain by 1,.-bdt hnt Schorlf'mmr. ind t.aarrn Pmtda apuu1 M1rll111 Rong Ind Chrbtln. Lopn, 111 8 4 Win by Tayloe Colfnwl .rid Su![J Adhlbry owr Valfflllnt Llrr.bt«hts fflcl F-tllcity [)r:pd0,1,nd 1 8 4 ·Mn by K1y"..i Krndra Casey ap,r.st Bryn1 ,na
• nd
Atun.aSu:lan, Schorltmmn, P ~. Uyb Cw!v ind FuJm.,, Otmfl!Uno j?IOtd up 'Nlr.t lor Ult t.aav M1.11ungs In !:11)\lts plav. Schorkmmtr won htr tma:ch 1~.s1 Loprz 7<J 141. o 3. />lntd.l do:n1Nttd l0011t BrylntO 1, 02, ~took down LlmbrttUU 0·4, 1 S and Clt-ment..'IO btll EltNh Bmnt 7 s, 0-l. Tht tum wtll tom tht rM:i·s ;;rogam O'l tht couru UUS f11d1y V.htn U\n' Ult on Tylt r Junior Col!rgt a: 2 JO p.m. In flit o! thrct mitches O\'tT rht week tnd. Tht ttami v.1IJ abo h<Kr D1llu ~ p tut and Eut Ctntnl 10k.l;i; ) on Si:turdiy.
Cycling team finds success at Austin Road Race Thr MSU Cvclmg Tn m tud .i sue Cb!ful Wffktnd at lht Un1vm•tv ol Tnu u A.u,tin'~ RCMO !bet Wttktnd on Feb. 10 Tht ttilm p!Kf'd l\nt O\ 'tt all, and lhtv llOW k il<l !ht Soufll Cmu.11 Col!rgutt CY'(tlng Conft1tncr !SCCCC1 1/ttr :?It dn1 o1 eiu,•
O\,'tl'all 1tncs
Mu's and WomH's ttfHtis YI. Tyle, Junio, Collttt • Z-.30
"'3'0t.OUl'IIP IC'l Nl'Ml~
C.. a....t..,1... lHm IN"°'"" II Cowllop S1Mi11111 "'' "" Ult LOM St• Cold1ttnc1 ,...thll fllth,11 ffl """""'
lndivldull Khlf'Vtmtnll !or U'lf' tt•m Kross lhf' boud , .u :ht tnm h.ct somf'Or.t pll<t In lht Womtn·s A dlvwon. and the Mtn's A. 8, C , nd 0
~al. ~o.1J
d !\"WOOl.
In tht Womtn·s A. d1V1S1011. Jnsiea
P'linntr plictd first in tht womrn·~ ~
Men's 111d Womtn't Tan11i1 'fl. D1ll11 Baptist • Zp.m.
and Cfllfrtum tvtnll, IM A$h]f'V Wuvrr p!acf'd .turd In !ht IM ~, rM:f
l'Mner 1M Wnvt1, 1lo111 WI\JI C~rt
., 1n1111, way ~mce W11hrl"ir-<xm took
.c.1n·11m.i~Pf' hrf' v.,tt.out SJ)(.>ftS 11nfi !•••~urr '"'all)r tn!or, '.ht fnend\h:p ,.,:r.~ s"'° ~-~am wl1h U1t• ,i:htr ._ :-•r. :,er, 1t,rou!(,h rh;'t"r1n~ ~
Jd:ng. thr
I~ s Chf'f'tlt'adt" hJV•' cr,mc
1wr>rtt-r 1eanArcMd•r.v tc, · M~ma ~1:e," a~ lh<' ChPCrl1d•Jn-. uu hl'r, ;'f1(1 onh· smt r1 cui1 w,•h 11,r;t' ur 10 Cht'rr'tadtr<-. Jnd t y t 1•r I!,-...• lr"iVII '1tr hil t k) · wr tlt 1ri·; rw;i lia't'f' "r~Jutl m,t,,mli. ,J 1.,r 'tH' ~~ ro•1p!,· rif RU~M "''' ,,~.i 1,1 wt.ii •~rer dJfer <':'II un:fo:n·• t.:',111 our new onts om, Ir.· \\ 11hio·~p("(}r sa•d k (•~ n,.w, ,\ ~'ii I r.,, hVI) cl'"t'r
t,adm~ squads. th<' COC'd tum. w:"uch consiils of 21 members, •M tneAll (,!r! ,,.am which ha} 10, The ,.C\l"d teim d.rers at .111 1001 bi.II and bls~l'tball ~mPS, whereas !ht All (,lrl It.Im chefn. .tt VOl!(",'~11 .ind soccer ~ t, ii\ Ntll.
• flus vear was th<" n~t um" rot lhc All (,Ir! squ.a.1," Witherspoon said 1/avm~ ,moll'. tf Soqilad pJ·1ts rroit ~ udents lht vpponumtv to ~t ,rwGl:td on 1.tus campus ·
MH's 1n4 Women's T111nia n . Eut Centnl lOkl1.) - & p.11.
4Nlilla-111Hdtr n . C.fffl'II Oldtttom1 • 3 p.m. & 5
Im Buttgtr wn upgr~ 10 Ult' Mm) C dlvwon WMrt ht abo took st<ond m lh.'11 d1Ylslon'1 rntrnum Anthon, St qum plKtd Ihm! In both tht Mm's C rOld racot and cnttrbm Tht tum Ii W'I :u tnve! ~rk lO Al."1 unon Ftb. 2J to P,rtk.itM:t m the WaN btrt R~ Rut ilM PKr 8tn RoJd R.tt
llwltl{!Wr,.,.t~.-,..._,,,.,.._,.u,,.,, l;"<,ljt,ltltl°'"'"I.Nf\ fo(l't~it,, •• jc, ~ ,I
able to write weekly columns a bout ftsaional sports and collegiate sport•
- -
P•i So.,iti, :.ir:,,,..o,,
for The Wichitan
m ll'lf 1eam time 1r,1J, with Baca Ill.Ing st<ond ,n lhf ~ mt and third ln tl'lt cntenum Seo!! plKtd ste:oncl m tht en ttnum Ind third tn tht ro.d ~, In Mtn't 8, Ca!ltn 8urrw, RUl$tll lmy. Enck C,ovu,, and Dl\id Bmtit p!.actd steond in the tnm limt tr-ll. with Burrw placint third ln thf' cntt Attn pik ing nnt 1n tJ.t ~\tn s Den ttnum and s«Ond In tht ro,d rKf, Col
',•,·, c,-,.a~ • , 76308 Comer of Ketnp l, Sovthwe1f Polway 19•016911001
Sports Writer )'' Contact The Wichitan a l~ ,,, Wichitan@mwsu.edu
In the Mtn 's A dl\-Ut()n. Tony 81<1, C.ory plactd 1\rst
lue. feo.1~
,Softball ....
RouUMgt plKtd l\m In flle tum time
"'" Scou and St~n Brown
The /oroe, t , e lection o / c,oft/ 1mp0<ted beeu In to wnl
LOnur ATM.ON_,.
rtus TAX' "
Qeat ,electlol\. greaf ~ md beat c:uatoa. ..vice III Wichita
200w~tr1W-~1,.. ~NU.,-..,,.., •-• MJ.....,.,.,.,ffl<'lr-,t~A:'"°" • • , ...._ lW" • lnff\JIN),3~...t,,a;-lf'l! t..t!.. • ...
,., t,,,'.,.
•-Clrt.,.,.llt•,.•"l~~,~•S· "
le~~;~fu~;ii-~~;~s to Fall
Minor Football players contin11e career with local team
bttfl nior.. \urpnsui~ 10 m, h~ I no:
munlty, • IKie.on ~ t j A:\O, pla','ln~ for I.ht :,.J~INW\:.) :«b. /r.Qlf' p o 4
majf' rht'
ll ln\Ui\'~ • ftw
UptnfflCtd pll\'t'i) :rom
Wtt-'llt II'
ThrN' h\mdtt'd a!t'litt~ )hov.·..a
up at Mtm0nll SQdrum m (.X1obt1 ·om:.,. ~.t~1 football ;ii.Iv !or lht N1!1t1Wwb' UYOL.lts, .t.~ \6 ""' .a:, ~ .n :rp !(lf the: W1o.:M, f l!lt now...., , .~"?:mwn. , r:i uy 1,tig-.w '•10t Al~COK!"-ts-tlecttjlack. ~ . rn:n t.'l.a: 0e1;1 t.'w r-;o:,,n Tuas )00, ht was It~ with ~r,,r .i~m ':aor,t:'f'd" i-tti 17 m:M.r !\m t:or.it ~ !onntr lntn:b brtatr.t o! ~:!
TIM WidMt, hlh lfithttlawb•• , . _ ...,..,,.....,0. .1.....u-.-,i..,.
......II 1. . . . . .1UaM11111 ... Pn,ftMtMtl Aawfc111 FNl'hll ll.... dlit )'Hf.
' II ft:t gooo 10 :11,ki' :"t ltli'I' brca!M f lot ol Pf'(,Q!t 1d:i'I 11n l.>rtunat<'ly, th«it c,f u, who di.I, l~t rnends woo lko nrd 1"11J:," 1a~bo"lfl
d ot:,R '-Offleth.nli, 0 ht
All ·hrtt ~Id tffl' N'lf {htfmn: l(ol.V'lMIOf ti,1~'1111
1',rir: 1 lkt!,in '"I'! MSU m 20()0
,:•a r·a:.r-.: .:n
'001mn !or tour
• r~- ITI.H' li:CM. for lht tum 1$ lO ~· ,, .1•.a\· ont J;' a1t• 1n tr"' "fl r.ry vJ'' and fl) l'vt 1ar.a.ts u: U'I~ roHn
pY to Dr 01'1 ttlt ltar.\, ht> abo ~-1 wre Is a dtiTmn1 klr.d t"I! rc-n.'ll~
l""'.'f'rt.P:;T.tP·:t-,. \l:.d
tmolvd m pl1ym.,. for I P!\Jt.»k).'lt.!
t,v '-'>O'.:.lll was no: '.ht
..,Iv :.-.aYI( IM..sM q!d ~,t W&r.!td ' t.'~\ ft' • ,:11" , lt.~rt"il,.f.S ~,1,,.;.1,,:, •HI l".f' ,ah(, ,u:,•~;t IO be
AltnotJ#l lKkSon )M ht \ hap
tu:n than ~ M
?i,i)'f'd in
For 11'4tl."1Ct', rht tt.t.-n) man13t mt"n: and marketmll, ltl"Oi.1) havr rx. ~tauons for tht plaws ind their t.l!~\'IOI' o:i ;a,,'ld off tilt ~tl<l b«11LIS4: I · 0".J:,r,t.. r~·•-:r ~ part;i 1,I 1h, 1.!,, 1of t:ll), t'X~Urt' lh(')' F,1 ;,a:r11:•·t,•\~tlOimJ:l(.S•:-:-: 1n tht(ommunir.• f 'd ".tr"'• '.o,i•t~!, .. ),'-,ppir1 Air ·wr hd to fTM etr"Tain p:ctu:-es f,n•~t
11.,,, Allt <:.it ~UU.
"-t'tf ,1~•:,y~r.1i&::.h,,tn.1tlftt'
• .... , '!'la· -.zr ..,_, , ·o : !an~ kids
, -1 :.ta · ·.ll'Tl'dtl 'rr.ulc.ltl".t'T': And •~<,JO(I )'I' t .S"!itfr.of!l!So! ' ... /'ft•:' "!., ..,1, I .>.'Ii' t fnr P.bl , t.~! I I.le, 1,',h'" : !"f 'Y '1Jttll~Wb ffiN' Of' c.t·1 c '"" , ,. ;r,r~ wx,: in U-tcQm (1.1\"''l.J;;
~ITI Fiket.ook ar,d ~y ii klt mort attt'l::.on ro 1hinZ1, we )ii'{ and do l!lmugh 5«1AJ t::tdla," !atlSO'l ',ll)d ·\\'t' l.)1)!11·,'t tocanv O'J r«lf~ Ott lff o~ Ult &f;_i, and milt Sl'l\ll"ltr. !TIM' ft\Cl(lf\l,tlt C:tcdlOnS: J,cb(JtJ ~id l',P :"Ja.s r.l'IOLlal'I! ;abolJl uying O\.t !or :h• NF! If tl':t o.,por,u r.iz , t\'tr prntnt,:1
1t.stlf 'll\ Olfftrtnt Wht'n yoc. 111st
I am ddlmtl']Y
hoMT<"1 !nil I di~. ,\llh~, 1pn t,,. v,,;u 1 ~u)JnC'$,Uld IJa, a . which htlj» peo-
1Nn1. l,111
f9f.-. .............. ,, ... Mil ._. .1,.,...._mr1 WMlfl6owb .c-
\.11,iJ " I It-it• the p.mt, t.ut 1I I (OU!d !!fl )0"1f
~ hljlh'!il,tlll iln:I gond ttlm It> um m,~lf ii lr)Oul. !hilt would l't
8:.1. tor >l<l'A'ard, t,•11~ on thr ll'lm I\ molf" rJ,iln JIU\ • h.,ht·1 llr 11.- ,,:J !' ·~ a, '¥<t
p\.mri~ all,ilrr.•
M cofllinut 11!~ r•~or1Im t.Jort.all
lt,"'UL '
v,uld)n l!Oll'll'd. 1 -m10J in cnmffill 1ust.ct who us.NI to pl,I)' on sch~p. )lll:I h(' wants II) bl- on L'\t' tu.11 mor, lot thf nlt'n)Qrin. "It lffb IOOd IO Dr piill ol somt lhlt\l btMr than out!ielvn I ftlt like rcaking tht ttam w1~ ,.., t-.ono: btoll'it Qf Ult <,tltcuon proc!SS, aM beoust wt had to put so much mto
11." Howudsa!d
~! l>Ut
rt-rrr a'ld
p1a, tn frMI ('If a CrtrNO it l.owt,,_,.,... SlaJ11,;m," How.irr1 ).l:d ·Se1r,~ on tht ltlrn hn hclp,J ~-" ';J<J'G t,y !tam.Ing 10 bf a ~~- mt« rcspC>Mll»t, rolt modtl .ind ar OVtr lD bttltr mtm~r of $00tlY. rJ G:-und)', 11 Ian 2012 mduut m mass commJnIu:!f'ln. h~ h\s own vlrM ab<>1,11 btir11t a memt>tr of tht
Although ht u~ :o p!ay !or th<'
In th, lilll ol 2010, nt wnon ~ stopped pliylng lleld for h:S Stnlor Ytll' HOV.t\'l'', to locus oo hi5 .iudem!o Howtttr, dUMR the st:nni stmlS!er, Lrundy M hilO d1ntrtnt rrw,n~ for -.nnun1t w~ no !Onll,U thll,it.lt 10 play T!'lei, torr. f'\(' ~Id ht was ('l(lltd wMn 10 play on tht N[1.h1hawh' !tim. ·ltwu rr:ortol .in 1r.c,r,:ivr 10 ht WIS pkkrd to plly !or th1' N1#1I 'Nini lo pity broust 1.heff w,rt haw-ks. mort orttr oppom1:-atlb madt PoS ., WIS re11ty tl(lled whni I got sib:t I 1!so ffl 10 pby al I d1ffrTf1lt picbd. 001tobtno,w,,.t lnnacom ltvri, .ind II Wl)UJd bt an ab'loh.:I" ptlllOI ll'\d I hl~l' conhotnct, .so h artilffl CQmt IJ\lr to l{l'l pro • Ho"'· w ~ kind ol txpecl~ whrn t found udu·d out.· Grund\' S,11,j •Jt wou!d havr llnl\'t"SI~. HO'Nll'd
pm11cfd r,r , :~·•·~ · ; ilS ,~.r flf! ... 1• , .. , •
.1,-:.\,n,,: {.;r%J,' w. 1umi 11ot'1 c r
!Oi,.'t!/ltr rr.or, 'h<I', ,.
p!t ~a\·, n,Mf'V or crll pMnt and
and we·,·t or.ho ~-
ut• 1ty b1111, C,;J'ld { \.IIIJ hf r.,"{'I~
•b<>:.i! ftv, moit" '> • .,
pa,·1n~ !vr,•ta:J, t.,1t kriO...,'\ 1h.1t hf' nn-1. •o t:av,. '-Or.JPttanll, to /all ~a.:k nn it~:) ,,,.,u~.i , u1Kr don not hlP
zhln► •1.•th.J•:t,:r""! c. ont\· £rt bct!Pr r-"~ ,.. PJnb • Howr·,rr. t~r,.·.:, Ct>plJ<ln !I! 'A. ha· t•, •,..art,~, w1U rr~, , ··•· Rtv1Jp.
prn ~ plu nfd ·r'O"tult , 11. mv htart. tu: I'm a b:.Jlllf"i• mu1 m ni.,. flt.id But, a,; )t)r.11 a, I rn aM", mv bt:s•nts'> 1s l(O ,r:~ to r,r 11.nnmv trNr. anywhert bP ca•1«- 1t 1) ~ l wtr.!.l:r." Grundy -.aid lk alsll )a·d u,, rt.t:,01' ht wa•lu
i\\$11 wa> U'ow h,-. ri.-;i, 1, m .-4.--:1 f',\11 ·1,·,:t•. ,., f"1:'SOn 1 - ·; ,:r"',,r.. A'.·.. ~., ~:• .rt r '"T"..'> 1•,v•:
~:'"W • ,,,....J
M'd t·,e:-,, •. ,
rhe bt's1 un ttl"H rJ i r, hf sa1.1 ·wr ha,-.,· • ·
:nal:co: and ,,c,-. :-· whom ~nou, 1:• • •·
•.,.Da•,~~--~·.·· ·._.:__.~.. ,__., ,.
tHm boo .. ~,' MW •
·wm1 tt.f ,.x~n- ncf /'tr. ~tJn,,. I J,Cm"flV
·E~·\ryonr 1.111 · •;a• ~ ·10Ull>',
1ft tllnf'7 ~ov• lO
<,nilda aoo r,a,• '.o· tf'"' <fl.or :ila,
pltl)'t~ w, :t 1."' :.'l.. ;._ • ,., ~..,., C •:'11'1:-0.' • thf1rtiptr.r-:tr on r·. •
tor 1t.t '\'FL· ';n,nTt' s.t;d r ,nir:!lV ~,l ~.,, .:.t\ ti a\ n,, fw tt;e :,1m t!"au,t tht :o'll\ 1m,r.a, manu:tr. 1,rrv H !R,lil'S. ha~ ,i,id,. tllt o·~n•ut,on l\ profes..,11Jml ~ ~b!t 'Ii( \ ~p,-r:u ,,1,.of •.~t' a~J rr·~n "" m·o -na,;..n~ :~t 'ta-:: \·x~~•:i,
i;:t'' \COIJ', {JI I, A)'
A, W 1t ii ~c a.:cr:ni;··
And v,,~c., •• C ::-~ .,., •
'A i':~ !or tllt' IU!f', ~-:!! ',\f' \?a
"If Y'Jll Ii.I'll' plaw•~ 11 it uw•· ·
• ,..,_
ilr,d 'ht !t>r• .,,. ~ 1,o.ab Siid Wt ••1· · ti\,
!l'l.l!lk.Li11,,· l.:fMl\ ~td :tit - · lt.tV.1!11' 1-~ i lft!'l'I, !'• ~
pa~. f\'t'n1:IO:lv A"!f). • lif' sa:d All!'lni,pj •rp:,, 1-r,po> lllf s•.< c~. t\t'l:,,ht",'Mlhm •rt \Or.f"
wcaknts.sn !or 'hi!. ntw i••ar:: ·1Jur wi>akn--.s is we 'l•vrn ,
"A.11":rtt ,. •
matwo·1.. ,,~.C'i"'j · \UU jl(!
Ju ~oac.. ',,· .
v.ha1 'ht\''rt j v:r~·1
WICHITA FAUS NIGKTMAWKS I lHNM IIMI in bol4) I fli.11th 2- Ul1r1Coonrv Cats I March 11- Coolct Cowmy Owtlaws I March 17 · Permian Basin Strytorce I Marth 24. Dallu Trojans I March ll ~ r. Stampede I April 14 • T-,1• Pallthn I Ac<il 20 Cool.e County Outlaws I Atlrrl 27 · 0.Jl1as Troians I Mt., 5 • Andt rnn Co11nty Rotlghntcks I SOURCE: wflligfrttlewkl.com
-.e"~... l(U.0 1 -
~,,.- ••, ..
•nsl O..,.tl• 1Ntt1 MflM si.t.'1 H1ytN Ofmf ...WIii the~·• k:t· ~...nrN 11i ' Ptfa0111• . . -. The~u4 • '"P-M•'-"• "IM\' mp,H .." , _ .,.._ Atli- c ~ a-n.,. rN. 11" w.11" dltlr 1• •Wlltl . . . . S.... S4-9fH11 And,u C111t• notclld I clo~bll •IIOilblt WM 22 po,nti • nd 11 1t oo.in1h 19111111 At.,i.1111 C'Hm,1r 1M m1 l..:fy Mu111119s' 2S tu1nov1r1 t tlowtd Ab"-n• Cti11sc11an io ..,1n ,...,,.,.. w,U, m, vc:orv Th sutf•r•d tl'lt utr11 1111 on ftr. 16 ~•onn ~•kl St.ill di.It to poor shooting. MOfll'lQ Of\/y 14 ~ ol ll'!t SI sl'l<r.s lnlY 1#11~
01q,1,■ t9dtr111t~ llll(Of"'9Wlflll]l)OlnlJllllsi'ffll IN. v.om,111efl to It 5 cr.11~,1 wilt\ a ll·• t onl1rt11Ct rKotd Tht !WO JonH o,~p 1n, IU'fl $owfl 10 rt,, W. d SgOl III mt LSC b1n.nc11 Ao-.on, Chtllllfll 11• 11 • M
T, r1m,,St,1tlll ll
,~. _,...,, ~ lool 10 boanu !ltt• IOdl V • O•ll'lfl
SJOo,,. ,1...,.,,
f....H .t.aM WIN'll•c• ti
.. ....""'~~•! ..~ ........ ...
c.,..n....,,-a., , s1Ncwtlilt~I.-CIM11tia11'1CMh T1"'1..... ~1Nftl ..,._.__,,-.u:.-..11. . .·, . - 111 F-et. u n..-.·111. ,.1-.10-,111""'
~ , ...,..,,-c:1dlt 1..•1t • il51¥iett1T-"'°Wi1'c■t1 •nifl c.r.,..i.t1 . . t.-iaocOMlwilllU,oinb. Tn,mlflwtfl llOfHlutl yon h b 16, He>ey-re U?ltl'360b'(An111to S1•11 T11t Mu11e119100tDtt10 tl1t1st,fl t1t >l1r1Qtllt ll1mt34 1!1,1,1m,1Mol!ht fi"1 h1lt IJ'l11h Ar1Qt1o S\111t'1 l>Qhl' PIHi 11'111 lo,ttd lh1 Muflll'OS 10 touqh 1,p lht b11! 211.l!'lfl Thomu 19.111n 11'11 ttlt Muii.nqs M'lh 14 po,,it~ •~d """' 11boun,1 Th• m1n riow ,i.r!d M 11·1 avtt,11 •IMI IJ.3 ,n r!lt lont S1,1r Con41•1t1tt foe11 f!t•I OMIHI WIii b9 II hol1'1 ,ou:st ll.8,IA Cocr,...t f( t, W'ttll tl'lt, 'Ml ltltll'lpl 10 cl1.ri so!l 110Utut0n I)! 'l\t lSC • •1,