February 24, 1994

Page 1

Letter to the editor· condom rnach' . ines


-Volume 72, Number


Lady Indians streak broken

Olympic breakdown

nmWichitan Midwestern State University

Of!d W

SGA votes for condom machines


by Alan Moser Sta!TWriter

l\-lexico Children clapped. Women swooned . _Men chanted "Lonf, li ve th e Zapati st~ army . " And reporters scrib~~~i~·hl!c t ~s. Marcos ," on Seve n weeks a ft er s1onmng San Cnsiohal de las ~:~s\':-h~c";enmandant,c MarRehc l dnc umen1s se ized by the Mexica n arm y indicaic 1hot thl! tn su.11!c:nis will not

lay down_their weapons until Mex ico 1s a soc ialis t sta tt::. Profou nd r hange is what the 1

~~~i~ ~0 ~~~:~L~~c<.:ordin g to

,, . They didn't hand together JUSI 10 have land or demand highways," hut to ti ght "unti l we hJve a govern ments of the people and ac hieve socialism." The re hcl doc uments ohtaincd hy the Doi/as Morning News show a dL' lcrmi ncd calculating. we ll -or~a nized ins u rgr..:. ncy hc: n..t on 1ransfo rm i:1g Mexico throu oh vi olence _ and po lit ic~! maneu \'cn ng. The doctimcn1s al so in dic a te that the Zapa1is1as hope 10 sway 1he outco me of 1h e Au g. 21 presi<l cn1ial clcc1 io ns and break up 1hc ruling lns1i1u1ion:il Revolu1iona11' Pany. The rcbds say poli tics.

imagc and publ ic suppon arc a cru cial part of th i.:ir ovcr:i.11 s1ra1cgy. "\Vi1ho u1

polit ics, we

can't win Lhc war," it ~ays in one <locumen1. "We're lighting fo r powe r. That's wh y politics are impor1an1." ln lhe re bel papers, 1he Zapatistas also iake shots al lhc United Stales. They say 1ha1 11's a capi1ali s1 empire tha 1is "ga ining conlrol of 1he mos1 imp onanl ri ches of Mcx ico. Eac h year, more fore ign money co mes in to domin ate our country." Thal will end, 1hey say once the Zapali stas gain poli1ical power and install a "govern1 men~~~ 1 lhe rehcls say wi ll be used by the Mexican govern ment a~am st th em


I See page 2 j

Fchrunry 24, 1994

h_\' C1111rh•,; CaJ.!e: ~1 11 trW l'i frr

T he rvl ul wc-. 1a 11 S1:i tc Universit y s111 dc n1 ,1,,e n:11c voh:d unanimnu.\ly, Fc h. 17, lo pa.\.\ a rc.:.-.u lut1on rcqu c,1,,ting th:11 1hc ad 111i n1stration /'lw to//Jrnnd11 n (}f,/1 Cnn ... lrul"lion )l, t:1k,·, m:.i r k 11rufk"c:d , u\l,·) h:111 n mrt l1 H.·11 kcl In lht· "i n.\tJII condom tli -.pcnsi ng nnrth c11rnc:r nr Fain Flm• Ar h Ce nh·r adj:1t·,·nl 111 l'it·rn· llall. 111 :irhi rws in n:.,1ru11ms in all tv1SU ac.ulcm ic aruJ stUL!cn t st· rv1cc hu1 lclings. ·· The.: ri;~11l11t ion, numhcr 1 ).1/9..t -5. also "~nl'tHll'age~ the Vin,1,,0 11 1-k alth Cc111cr anJ thc AIDS A,\ :1rcllL'.'- S Committi.:e 111 dl!,,i,!!n a l·1irnp rc hcnsi\'e IIJ V/A IDS .: du ra 1in11 pro!!ram w h1 t.: h .\ II C!-.SL.\ lhe preve nt io n of III V/A ID S Dr Huwar<I ~, ra rrcll, through ahstincncl' ;1 11d latex :. i s Oirc,:tni ,,1 tlw F11h: An-' D1\ 1, 1nn. Fi.,1. hli qu1.·.\ t1011t.:d vu.:c prc~1di.:nt fn r stud i.: nt and condom u-.c." Thl! resolution by Kell y Webb Mohlev Editor · \\ h) h1.· ,, .i-. 1111t 1.:u11sultc.:d :1dmi111 s1ra tivc scrvkl!,1,,, sai d al, o calls for 1he "proclamaahnut ., , .111J , ,1lk·yl'l all roun. the '':m.:a whcrc it is going is tion uf a MSU I-II V/AIDS T,·d R,·dl Joy k. direr 1or not dcd1ca tcd tn li ne ans or awarc.:m·ss day," :. i nd asks the Som e Fain Fi ne:: Ans facu lty are upsc1 wi ih the lo- of hnu-'111g aml rl·s.11.k nt lifr. th i.: post offkc Pt:n ph.: scc m Vinson H~a lth Ccntcr "to Ca l ion of a m;w sand vollcv- s:ud a ,1,,un ~y. tak c.: n approx 1- to fr1rgct th:11 wi.: arc lwrc fo r ~uhl ici,e the availlhili1y or hall coun hci n~ hu,h within. a m:itc.:ly (Hll" tu unc.: Jnd lllh! thl· stuck nts--our n..:sponsi hil - I rcc C()ndnm s :i nd 10 ma ke few frc1_of 1he amphi ihca icr, h:.df yc:1r-' ;.ign. a111Hha ,·ol- i1y is 10 he ahlc 10 offr r a 101 lhl.' m lllllt\~ ca.~ily an:c-.sihlc ." lnca1cd in the north corner of k yh;1 ll n,u n w: 1'\ :11 1lw hlp nf more. R..:~ol ution 'JJ/9~-5 was C:irla Benne tt . ass istant tl1c Fain Fine Ans Ce nter. the rc.: sHh.: nt stuckn t's wish . Dr. Ro n Fisch li, director lb t In ;mullll'r :-.urwy. ro n- pnifi:ssnr and L·lHlrdin a1or or rn-spu nsorccl hy David Morn s, Sl"llator-- Divc rsily; ~fory ot. the divis ion of li ne ans, du r il'd 111 the.: lall hy a cus- mass com municnt1 011s, ,1,,aid , " said lh c vn ll el' hall' m un 1omc.: r .\c.:rv1 n · eo(1rd1na1or. th t: I dnn't thin k the i~suc is would no1 interfere wi 1h 1he s :1 111.J volkyha ll n 1u r1 wa~ whl.! th i.: r thl! studc nls dr.:se rve a vnlk yh:tll roun : thl.' issue is amph i1hca1c r unl ess a again :i t 1h1,,; top nf thi.: hs1. Prl'.',.: ntly. iht:n.: :irl' 1tm.:c lhe lnra1i on . A \' oll ey hall su mm er produclion is schcd ulcd. He di d say, however, SJnd \' nllq hJI I rnu1'b loca led court wo uld hc inappropriate lha1 whe n studenL" an.: work - across thi.; s1rcc.:1 at th l.' Ou l- in frnnt of Hardin Adminishy Alire Erwin ' ing ?n or performing a pro- <l nn r EJu r :i110 11 Ci.:n tc.:r tration." The new \'II IIL· yhall court. Reporter duc11on on the inside Mace, IC JEC ,. wl11r h 1., a half mile lla1Ty Wah,;rs, manager of noise from outside can ~ a from th i.: p:.irk111g 101 hd1inll is just one of 111 :.my requests P1c.: ~rl.' 11:ill to thi.: pa1~i ng lot hc.:i n!,! ..:unsidcrcd to imp rove the MSU lluoks1nre, has lcfl real pro blem. Fisc hli sa id he hea rd in lro111 of the l11urts. Ri.:<l - c:1mpus life fu r stmknt~. Far- his position to hccome assist:.int man:1gcr :ll a hl)Oksl()re at th ro ugh secondhand in for- lauyk ,1, :11J tho.\c court., :m: rell und Rcdl ar,.yk said. Nol all st ude nts like 1hc Texas A&M Uni versity. Pema1ion about 1hc volleyball p:11'1 nf the ri:rrca1111n:.i l faL"i ller Rooks ass umed du ties as ilka . Greg Jones. a freshman court and was surp rised be- ity :i nd wil l n:m :1111 at thci r who li ves on thc ho11om fl oor manager on Monda y. cause lhc proposed sign and prcSt." nl li 1L":1t1on. W:. i tl.' rs, who had he~n of Pie rre Hall, sa id " I Rndng ui.:z , 1 , : 11d th l.' ,,,.i . (J_lacemcm of 1ha1sign fo r the line arts center had such a k- yh:..i ll l'CIUft,1,, ;Jl'fOS,1,, lh l'. w~ uldn 't wa nt to have my manager fo r the las t two y1. . ~ urs. said lu! hopes to work a window open if pcoplc arc stree t an: "not Vl! ry 1.:011 vcdifficull lim e gelling ap proved. Fischli said lhe sign nien1 ." The $ 12(111 fur 1hc over their pl ay ing vollt:yhall couple of weeks ht:re with Rooks to make the tr:..insistion and l' 1 11 stud ying." He ad ded new fac ili1y wi ll be borne hy proposal was suhmi11cd wi 1h 1ha1 he docs 1101 think many easier. ve ry precise speci lica1ions. sll!dL·nt scrvic~ frcs . hi.: said. Rooks. a n:1 tivc Au sstud c.:nts knew ahout the three The nr.:w rou rt is primarDr. Louis Rodriguez !hen tr:_lli :m, h:1s hcen thc nbn:it:cr subm iued lhe proposal 10 1he ily fo r n..:sitlcn t studen ts, and OEC volleyball courts acros., ol the huokslore al lhe Unitin.: street the housing Jep:H"lm cnt will versity or Nort h C,1roli nu in ~s~~~~sti~~s. ~~~c~~~ro~'~ con tro l :111d reg ul ate An 0111door has ke1hall thc Charnlo11c for 1he pas! year. was ~ran}ed a1 the Feb. 11 courts, Red laczyk said He cm1rt. ano thi.:r req ues t hy studcn1 s, w:1 s recently co madded 1ha11he lhree co1111s lo:~1~\~~~;b1;t;~~ss~;,: a~~~; ca led al 1he OEC arc "too far pkled and is localed behind 1hc placemen I of 1hc sign. Consi dering the close ~v;.~ -;- a;-~::~/~uidc~:~ proximity to 1he 1hca1er, and is "no1 in their hack yard and . lhis i;."

Volleyball court stirs controversy


Land. se nalor--SWAT; and John Gahan.I. s~n:11or rc prcM.0n1mg Pu:r..:c I I.ill. It also included 3 friendl y OIU L'mlm cnl tha l \.Viii "only all 1)w fo r !!11vanmcn1 approved !\la1i s1ic~ on the m:1d11ncs ; nu other advertising m:i1erial 1s 10 he allowed." A hostilL: :1mcndmcnt. in trodu..:cd hy stuJ i.: nl scn alnr J.W. Ju, 1icc, ha rel y pass.,d hy a v11 1e or 21 -20 and ad~c•d 1he ph rnsi..: "ah.~ 1in cncc is the surest ddc nsi.: against gelling the AIDS virus" 10 the required m~1l."11ine postings. Pam ll ail ey . a scna111r who ., poke againsl lhc resolu tion qu ~., tioncd whether or nol 1he resolution might rep • rese nt "promoting soml'.'thi ng as MSU s1udenLs." Michael Martinez. who also spoke agai nst 1he resolution, said, " I don't feel we ni.:cd It) Jc:il with a condo m mac hi ne in every restroom."

!See page 2

Rooks appointed new book store manager



Waters said lha1 1hc new manager's rcsponsihilitics will ~ndudc_kceping up good rcl.i llons With the students. focuh y, and adm inislrJlion. as well ns reg ular hookslnrc duties. . Waters nlso sa id 1ha1 ass1~tan1 manager Ruhy Rawn wall r1..· ma111 alter hc kavl~S. ~Vi1h, a smile. he added, Shes hcen here twenty ye:1rs; sh!J reall y runs th e pla(·c!" Accordi ng 10 Waters, 1hc move lo Texas A&M, which has 42,IKlO sludcnls as comparcd 10 MSU's 6.(XK!, will he a slcp up for him. \Va1m, said he looks forward 10 the move.

I See page 2

European countries combine resources in search of favorable trade _ __ CEdilor's no te: T hi~ Is lh e li rsl part a four pn rl nrlts which duts '41ith lnt ern.ationnl 1:rnde.)


by Brian Ball ard Assoc. Editor Governm cn l delegations from Germany. Denmark and Spain spoke 10 more man I00 stude nts, professors and bus1nc;s persons on 1he ahvan· lllSes of investing in 1hclf ~pec tive countries' economies Fch. 17 at Cl ark S1ude nl Cen1cr Thea1cr. The Euro pea n, vi si1cd MSU under 1he auspi ces of the Ne,us Program •" Sa n ha nc1,co Stale Uni vu s11_y and MSU 's Bureau ,,f Dusi· ncss on d Governm ent ReSCan:h.


''Nexus. whic h means or li nk." l!X plained Endre Pesics, project di rector ot' the program, "was siancd to hdp Nonh Amc1ican companies learn ah?ut conncction

American com pJni r.:s without prop rietary prnduc1s or strong compl'titi vc edges

worl d wide may have difficu ll y exponrng 10 Europe in coming )CJ.rs. investment opp ort un1111.:s One diflieuhy is hi gh European tanffs for companies overseas." He said 1he U.S. Depart- loca ted in 1:ountries outside ment of Commerce suppons the Europea n Cummunily U.S. companies a11cmptlng 10 (EC). Another prohkm is 1ha1 cxpon. Some memhcrs of lhe in thcsl! days whl! n Cll mp il · aud il!nce wcrl! m~m: rn tcr- nil·s worltl widt: a1\': stri ving 10 ~stcd in how Amcncun co~- 1mplcmen1 Tota l Qua lit y ManJgc menl (TQM). "jus1 in l :1 ni cs migh t export the.tr Prod uc ts 10 Euro pe 1han in lime" ngrc~ml' rllS wi1·h key fak ing an equity pns111~n '" , up phcrs. and ot her fineEurop e al thi s 11mc. tu ned str.11e~1.,. c;; to hpo,t pn,Howe \'t: r. :i~ the program duclh ii)', profi 1ahil11y, and unf,> }dcd. il hcca mc th ~ir 1.:omrct1t1 vcncss. com onu nd an 1l y cleor th al paml.!~ wun t tn lric:.ilc their

manulacturi ng fa cililics ncnr ho1h key suppliers and markcls. Thi s cre111es 1hc opti mum situauon in a \Vo rl d of dynamic markc1.,. The higgc.,1drnllcngc for Ami.:ricun companies trying to cxpnn to Europt: involvi.:s th e ra tilication nf th!! Maas1ricl11 Accord hy all 12 membe rs of 1he EC IJsi year. Yoshi Fukusnwa. professor of economics and direc to, of thi.: Burl!:.iu of IJu,1, incss ond Govc rnnu.:m Rest•arch. said. Wi1h 1he Maustric hl Acco rd. Germany, D~lgium , France. Holl and . l.u xemboun.:. Gn.::H Bri1:..1i n, SpJin .

I See page 2 I

\~'ln 1H·r ul: lht A11<l} AwJnl, prl', r nlcil •11nualh· t,, 11\r \\ tthU.t f 1:1 IJ,; Ad l-~d~1;1lun r11r Ila• ,mh l.t n,l:n,1. pu t.II, ~CJ , 1 9 • n•h.1 1.ano • nu:111, ,_ ," f\ 1~ 1,; se11l1,r .111d n~cc l ,lm1 11unh ,1,, " ,•11Jo1, I lnJ.t \\It . )Un Srolt . ·, ht> ,..., \, tlt l,,I " b.tlli!,, n.. ,,. u ~ -11 1 """n t hild 1c t, • n<l ~un~.

IH· Pnuln S. Hroml R.C'p~~lr1\-h. 1-L the Ar11., 1 Lt·c1urt' ~t·ril's pn•,;:n tt·d :t rc1ncc1 t t'iv l>, l.111d l, }llhll ~ Eh·m,Hll' ·m,d 1hc Ni~l·n.in

All ,S1:1rs. 111t·i1 p,.:rform.ir!L'C f o1t1h1m·d n nr h up-ht.·:i l mix lU1\·

,,r h:1~

h nnl!OS.

g11i1 :1 rs. Jn11ns.

!Om • hllll ;;.

S:JX(I ·

phrirlL~S :ind ~yr.i_tin~ ~l:iiirt· i;~_.

Eh·molk· s:lld, 11 yuu li~-

lt' n lil

thdr mu sic )'1H1 ran 1

hdp hut fc-d harpy Thi s :111i1uck w:1s t•clux.•J

in till' a~1dil'nL·c n.·sp11nst· The :iud1L·nn· Jppl:tUlkd m:id/y

aftn th L' first llLllllhcr w:is rc1111plt' lt·d. :ind hy lh l· end of lh t• C(llll'Cl'I !-iflC(l:llllf'S Wt"rC

Co nd om s- --I Fran P>sc th He SJtd vi.<i lors 10 c Haruin huildi ng, for example, might lind the di.spcn,ers "cmharras_,5in,e::kin• • for lhc resolu • · ,·110n, Morris rejected the tdl'.a

~:1'1~s'~:~~:~ ~;~l~n~~~~ dnm mac hine, would promote sex. He said, "Condom 1

machines don'I have cyc.1,, IO

look back at yo u. co nd om0 1 mac hint!S :m.rn't ~o ing jump nut, annck someone and drag 1hcm off 10 the hcd rnom." Land s;ii d. "This i!- not a morJlity issue, lhts 1s a dcalh or dying issue ." In 01hcr bu si ness, the sena1c ;ipprovl!d a numhcr oi prcsidcnunl appointment s,

MSU group 10 rites .cavo t·or . . • 1' plant tree SGA announces nom111at10ns l'le.111.),, l:1\·11nic.~.

Denmark , Ireland. Por1ug:il , and Greece (the 12 EC mem bers) hove agn:cd 10 establish 3

common economic and

trade with one nno1her: TI1is is good for consumers wo rldwide becau se lhe availah ilily of cheaper foreign goods drives down the prices of domestic producers, improvi ng 1hc standard of living for domestic consumers everywhere, he said. Fukusaw a noted lha1 the United S1a1es hns generally negn1ia1ed with Japan bila1crally rather than mullilalerally because of Japan's large 1rade surplus wilh 1he United Stales. Japan rccendy made concessions on rice and beef which should drive down prices on these produclS for Japanese consumers, Many of the larges t American compani es have long had subsidiaries in Eu rope. Because of 1he Maas1richt Accord, many others have moved aggressively the pnst 1wo years 10 cs1nhlish equity positions in the EC m!lrkeL

monernry policy by 1hc yeor 2000, he said. They also agreed 10 graduall y in1egra1c 1h cir 1rnde policies, foreign policies, justice polic ies, and many of their S<>Ctnl policies. In effec1. the EC has become 1hc lnrges1 lr.tding block in 1he world and will soon negmiale wilh countries 0UISide lite EC ns a un i1, Fukusawa said. The United S1a1es docs not consida this to he in its , bcs1interest. "The renso n 1hc United S1a1es hns al ways favored mul1ila1crnl ncgotin1 inns, such ns GA TI, is 1ha1 this involves all eounirics negotiating together at the same time. rather than individually. As the largest single country economy, combined "' lh ilS poli11cal and mili1nry power, the United Stales favo rs this ORDrn 7 8 type of 1r.tdt ncgn1iations be- I FREE cause its power gi ves it more OFCRAZY BREAD influence on fin al resullS than I I WITH ANY other si nde countries," Fuku - I PURQ!ASE, THIS ~D, I sawn said. I AND MSUI.D. I The Uruguay Round of 1ed , /~ GAIT, rccen 1ly_~ Litt le Caesars / is Impor 1anI hccause ii will = i 1u1 "I I~ sign ificantl y reduce both VALID OM. rAr SOUTHWisT 1an ffs and quoins, maki ng i1 1LPKWY. LOCA170MI _ _ _ _j1 easier fo r all countri!,!S 10




s,.,cy C:1rpcu1c1

Trcn,rfr.Lr lq • J1111i11t Cl:1s,; Orauli<-.'i Julk· l.i11kr .1~l'

k11ni frrN1 w;1k

J..::; 1h~ lk1t'l(:n Dr.mdr;i /\'menu

frnuy .'ill' \ 'l'll'i(ltl

Fn•,;Jun:111Cla <..,,; Jlr:1111ir., Kn ~ll'n IJaka ,\lp i:i~l:1hnc1I

,\m yWilll:unw n

T:1111:ir:i J l .1~lt1r

Junlurl '1:t,, llrau" M:ur m ,\lkn TrnwCc:11ky

Srn i11rCfa,,;F:1 , 11rih- , ~lcl1" :1 Oul1H·r n r.mcl1:1Kn11 ,•11 Eh1.1t\.·1h l<1d1:m l"'1u

.S, ,pf1111m 1r<- l'la...:,,; F:1 n 1rilr ~ Mb,y( in·c11 way

\\' Trn1nl· ~ft-...,n· Rkh.1nl N1b

Tmnmy,\ n:n-' Chri.\Kcd

fr11rukr Ni1l ,1\.

Volleyball courts

From Page I

f,III)' ll.1r:11.\11n Sll·plum c I :1111k: rS Pauf:i\\'rnUcM,1ck M:irkl>l::111 l ymlm1 l.odt:

J.,a,h Mi1h1t·,1t· rn

RnNu C.i,f/dx:rry lll'd,y i\\·wd l

International trade

Fr•·~ hm:in c1ii~~ Fw\'11rih'(

I AlnlW.:: C\ 1,111.:,

.Srnior Cl.1,.,; fl t';i uli,•-.

nr:imlonf' an(.·

L.mn ic D Tlk'h •r

~f1d1c:1J (in·•h:un 0r111 Mih1r :1d


Soph11111or<-(Ja.,,;.,; Jlrau" ffonni c Derry

Junl ur Cl :,,..: F:Horilr., On·I.) 01.id, M.1ry O\l'l'II"

aud I uni

l.1,nl !\lidwt",lt- rn Trn or C'l·,trky

and resolutions, and unnni1 ;~i~f 0~c~luh~~ n,~.1{t~~ cci,·e two free Anisl Lcc1urc Commil tcl! evcn1 [ickcts ralhcr 1han one. The senate will next meet Mnr. 3 when senators wi ll discuss n controversial rcsoluti nn proposi ng the al low;mcc of m·crni1:=h1 visita tion in Man: hman Hall. The rcsolu1ion was tabled pending arrival of slatislics indicating 01hcr un ivcrsi11cs' polices in !his regard.

Tom Brumlid d . dircc_r?r of lhc physical plant, checked other _a reas ncor the dorms and lh!S wns lhc onl y locallon where a sand volleyball coun cou~ ~t,,'~f, \~~~~~ ;diid 1 • h. • r' no_l have the fi gures. rnm I C onginal surveys. he sa id he personally polled studen ts~ow ·conrnuc1ion slakes has _visited other campuscs to location of gctdtdc1as11.~~ ~~~M· ru~~~o~~ mark 1he intendedl court Bethe new volkyhal Siu en •• " cons1ruc wcnlher. of consideri ng some of these for cause tion hns nol begun. implemcnrn1ion at MSU.

M1l'11c.·:ilUnyk Rk lLml Nill•.,

11 h.'\.\p(hlt'U lhl' (IJIJ\ . 1'1 4 n(\ffiilLllill ll.), lnrd:l.,~ tx·:uH 1t,.

and pa,scd hill 93/94-6 which clarified the Studen t Gnvernmcnt Associn1inn prcsident's power of nppointmcnt. They also tJhlcd hill 9J/94-7. which would Jffect a 1:hangc of wording for proposcd hill,

l~r~o~~~ ,' field. Farrc~I .,aid, lhc haskt·1hall cnun will soon hove lights installed so stu• IS can la al ni ht. '"t heir denFarref1 y sai l (s1udcn1S) ..cnnecpl _is. lhi.s is mv home. and ihtS fi lS tnlO lhe philosophy of "improving sludcni life. '" He also said he


111c MSU ,1m.knr p1\'\' mllll'UI

Kl'll )' <iridl'r Tr:1d1L'IIL'W:1ml'r

Bnxlcrid: SL'n!:aJ SPphc 111111rt·Cl:t, , Dc:1utk.\ Kr1~1i O:ulanJ


Dc,1rl'L'~ lurry

Frr, hm:111 Cfa,,;,,; Ht:1 11.~

Markl>i.:.111 Lyudnn l.o,:kl' J rrl'nfMurp h y

V11lill!!lllllli11ucs: Thllr~J:i)' m CSC 0111c Louust: rmm 9 :un 10 l ~:30 pm :irnJ :ii ~fnfft:11 Libmry fn,111

Imm 9 :un 10 11:30 pm.

,orId ----------

l "} l t'

r, I From f' Jaw oniccrs wa.~ captun.!d on will he the cnvanmcn1-,pon- vi dco1apl.! and seen across lh!.! so red opt.:O ing of cantin a_s to across the countrys ide. and· counfr)'. was scntl.!ncc.!d 1wn years prnhation Monday. The court had earlier forl 10 drown 1hc uprising l'Onvictc.!d him of two counts wi1h alcohol. of aggravated assau ll of a pl.!acc officer. rising from a l\'a,;hington alterca1ion Republicans in lite US Sept. 29 roadside 1of Athens Senate say 1he ac4ui11al of in- six miles snu1hcus 175., Highway U.S. on HutchiBailey y cumbent Ka Colston and his lawye r so n was lhe bcsl thing 1ha1 for a ever happened 10 1hem . Now sa id 1ha1 they wil l ask they say they cnn get a liulc rc1rial frntn the s1a1c district apbefore Athens in court havrni; ot attcmion 111stcJd cnntheir voices drowned ou1 hy pea ling the 1wo felony \'ictions. Hutchiso n's legal troubles. FBI offici als in Dallas have said they arc invcs1iga1Athens, Tcxns Loren zo Col ston, an ing possible civil_ riglus violations in connccuon wuh the Afric an-Ame rican whose struggle between 1wn while c:isc.

6 pm 111 S prn.

Fril1.1y :1t rsc 0/Ul' Lounge

hi• Kristnl Kingcode r<rporlcr MSU's Upward Bou stucl,·nl.< will celchratc N~d 1wn:il Tnn Day on the sou'h sulc of Mnffc11 Lihrary ; S:11urd:1y



N:11i onwidc, more th Trio program , 1;:


;umcd a1 _assisting low.in. come or dtSa<lvantagcd hi!h sc hool sludenls . Of them more than .l 70 arc Upw11J IJound program s, the old'-'! or T1io prngram s. The Upward Bound pro. gram :II MSU hdps 50 lor, 1 hi!;! h sdwol sI_udcnIs 10 o,·e,. come cconom Ic. l.! ducation~I soci al ,ind cullurnl harrier: ;hrough_ ~c:Hk:mic lutoring: counsdr ng Jn<l nthl.!r acth·j.

tics. The Upward Bound s1u. dents wi ll unveil a stone 11,.lt marks 1he 1n:e planted durine las1 ye:ir's cekhr:11ion. unveiling wi_ll he followed h) s111dcn1 pcrlormancc, aod , pizza pany.


Police beat hy Cindy Knhlcr llcll . Slnff Reporter Reporls filed w11h the MSU police depar1111 en1 hc1wcc n fob . 14 and Feh. 17 include 1wo c.::ir accidents. □ In 1hc lirs1 aecidcn1. the driver of a Honda Accord was pulling inlO parking 101 I and 1he driver of a Chevy

Camara wa., pulling ou1 of , parking space when lhcy collided. O The second accidcni occ urred when the drivcr of , Buick Sentry and the drive, of a Ford F-150 bn1h backed oul of their parking spaces ru 1he same lime in parking 101




JI,,, ~x

Stt our~p:~;!=:::~~~~;;!:~u:~stort.


DATE: Wed.,March2, Thurs., "llME:


March 3

IOa.m. . 4 p.m.

MSU Bookstore

=• eJ il

Payment plans are available.

f!lti \l~chltan

"'"'i";=""·''" ..,,, --- D~ d. Opinion :,;;:f::. ... ,,,r 1scusses segrega 10n lrr ~:Hell oul~ .1.: r1.: .tlso \C~rc- _ hrcausc ll ~~r the ClJs.,Hlh) n, s ' dcnct..· n.·- 1 c.: !!al rc s1 4u1rc surh ~rn~~ ~t..'I\' lk\1.• lnpl·d 111 onl y I \l.: :t) lh :11 )'nu l o1ild '

?~'.' ~rs l)J r. ;\ . ,:1 11110 111 1.1, '!.10 -n1kJ n~l ~1_c~ s !C!!n•. . ' PH ·, I\ 1l-r1 •~ !iJl : • ~ ~ illllc.ll, S)'S~l·rn dt'{!p)t h'':.J his h. ach1n~ l'Jl\"t·r (






. p1~ally hi.irk .

lllarks we re not wdcome ,lcnts. I don t ,cc I !,spank


Whi . lh,s a sn11 01i un '" lun ~~ ~ lncnd 's father cm,huild _" _hu1lder in 1937 "' h::uh a lour hl•Jron1'n. l\\'\l Th. house wi1h a hasement.


.is I.ate as l lJM~. ~:~it~J .Dm~vc~ hJ s.n,· h!Jcks using the t:,~

in \Vtnsh)n -Sakm. ~~-C. -~~

c.:~uldc o~<!rcd h:uhroi.lms. Y,m

srh rn, I 1hat was HXl pc , a rc,n1 S<'g":ga1cJ hy law. h lhough in ruled I e Supr,·mc Coun 1954 ·srparJIC hill L'<Jual " doc lhe

lhr s,c whe re !hey painicd 'co~i''~h. the sign lhai sa id h h. red . h was almosi lik,· a ~, ll _had hc,·n f,,rmcd ;md 11 ey,~,d ll uu1 Mhah,1."

ln nc l!J tx· uncon.siitutio ci,·~I righis ac t WJsn'~a I~s the until 1964. Dovc.!r gra~u-sed

~~~~: P~)S.1t1_vi: _thin p ahmJt

ut c~-\~11 Stl, ilu.:rl' \\'l'n:


:ilw~ _grch~akJ s11uatIom•. you

~I.lee1 fro~)s __ ad ~ur pr,n .nu t nnly . com lam ,! ) hu1 lrom th e llutwJrd rchdli on .. 101 01 a . mun11r- \,Ve wnc rnJel'd in 1<_963.

Thcn, w:is noi "

he Js wdl


' 1


as h'. 1~

lhough P:ln! nts and

fr.Ill _parcni~. ~hided hy &!;· reg:iticul policies, thcv ne ver

occ:rtl'd th em.

. fh 1:.•y nc v~•r lhought at

was n:it u~al tor men and women ot o~c group to he ..:ord 0n~ d ort JS somcthinc

Cl>mI~1uI~11y. · Dt~wr said . ll1a1 i.:omnrnnuv t..'Wn in cIudcd a "IOU p;.•r(cnt hlack bus sys1cm" rnvcrinc .111 blark pans of thl' rit): 1 Dm·c.•. r found. ill thi.: ti nw 11~ · surprisi ng. ~ 1 did n't se-c th:1t as hcing too odd 10 me : 1 th uuchi l'V ·


scpora1e:· Dover soid. "They cry ci1y had a hlack h,~, ,·omhJd_ lo develop a S1ra1egy hy pany. hu1 we had !he ,>nlv one th w~1 ~h they c,)_u ld operate in e world. 1 lllmk lhc- ,inl y wuhm 1he con lmes of lhal oiher hlaek-owncd hus com plrlicular socie1al struclure." ~:~i~pi~_,_g hi hav,· h,·cn in In lhJt communiiy l~XtSIL'd "l!'s called survi,·al. Jnd blacks. cva since they came ~l ack dociors. lawyas. lk'non the s!J vc ships over hl!re, ha\'C alwJys hacl to adopt along the wJy some fo nn of survivJI mechJnism . ThJt's

ti sL,. college pro(cssors and cduc;.11ors who scn \•d as :i

~~fJ~~I sys1cm for young h h 1 11· ' b The church and srhools s c.:n10a oul. lhen. as ;e as. n~w. some ex1cn1, " were a_lso very much, pan of 1h1s t1gh 1-kni1 r ommuni ty. over sa, · "' ~ 1

Letter policy The Wichit.an weJcometi all letters of opinion fro m faculty, ,tudent., and staff. Lott.en •hould be brief a.nd "'ilhout abUJivc lu.fuare or personal attacks. Letlf'n must be •irned by the writer ( not typed ) and should include a telephone number and addren for nrifica tfon pur• pona. AU letten will be published with the author's name unJeu arTllllJement. have been made with the editor. Letters will be edited for,...,..,...,. only.

The Wichitan U located in the Fain Fine Art.a Center, B103

The \Vichitan 3410 Taft Bll'd P.O. Box 160 Wichi,a Fall~ Texas 76:1()8 News d<.<k: 689-47~ Ad1·atising dc.sk: 689-4705

Belle Malone

Adl'iser Brian Ballard Associate Editor

Kelly Webb Mobley

Editor Advertising Manager

Eric Beeks Business !rfanaga

Drew Myers Sporrs Editor

Dean Lawrence Enterrainnlt'nt Editor

Dara Hawkins

Starr Reporters Cindy Kohler Bell, Charles Cage, Spenc,r Friedl. Alan Moser, Liz Richardson Copy Editors Photographers Bruce Smith Brandon Olds, Ediror Dean Lawrena Marcus Cleveland Cartoonist \Vay/011 Grun

Circulation Manager

Jason /Ha/one

Ass. Circulation Manager Eric Self M,lissa S111/ivon Advertising Representil\'es Randy Brewster, Jason Tuckrr

l\tusic Reviewer

Graphic Artist Jason Fo(rchild Copyrieht J')l).l,

n,, ll',c/11t1in: 77,r

Bup1i s1 dents." Dovcrrnd. "Sn111c arc ~nod. so111e urc la,y . It eu1s aero,- rolor and abo c!J ss Dowr n.:mernhi. ! r1. hm\ • llll l'S.'' ever, 1ha1 all nl hi.< early



ll!arh illl! L'xpcriL'lll't'S wen: not nc!!ativc.


$l'~n:,!!~tt;.•J c~mditions attcndrng Atki ns 1-hRh Sch

W h,wn i'- n mt mha of 1l1eTex:i:-. /ni< C~llc~e Pr<~<S<rvi,~. Tile

:tl :-ubmined for puhlic:11io11 U'l.crcvlkgu1e Press /U~lCJJfu i_n lll 1 WidutJn rcx1vcs Lht! ri~lll to e<lil ani~:~!',:'.:rn:s.~ :tf'C IIC'l l\('('t'...\.'1fily ax, 10 rcfuo;e any ;\Jver~ mcnl. Or ~u.K.lcu t t,i.Jot.ly of ~fo.J v.e:-1em Stlle Juflhtcul.U't Wrch ,tan sLlff L~ of I.he fa:uhy, awn uu.slr.\UOO U11.h-"tnily ;p.J m..1y not rrpt'~111 a l'(l(t-cnsu

or :

!'ltudc.:nts. Wh.:i t I ~cc: urc Sill ·

g\iu:':f,. Univcrsi 1y

h• e ~u1lcler said. "'\'uu must


It w:i -; tht,.• L.O ntr:id 11:1u111 \ 111 the dJ S~IUOrn i.:nv~rnnm..:nl, Dn\' t.:r SJnL 1td1 ... re · n1cJ the M:.1r11n Luther Kmp and till' Jcsc; i\! Jachon~...

grnu~. even ,,iu ~lh' ~OJnL ol ~I've nc.:vcr h.1J fl /\' 1.11 creating thl! Untv~r!'i llY napt!Sl Chun.:h" hccaus.: they .t-i~~- prnhh:m li in thi.: d J~sroum 111:wd th i. ! Smllhl·rn Dapttst~ t'h.:cau,l.· I don't s~·c.: hl:1ck \ IU• th: nt~ I don't sc.:c.: whil e -.tu • to he tuo libera l.

pie \~;."t..'. r ~'!ll'\I :1~ un exam -

~ _:ii n't l!~nna build n~ ~ISU. s -~ ger •0use hke 1hai lor 110 nig 1,is11,:c d .l<.<,-_, al)'L'Jrs · '' ~ I his h1rmJt1,·c

said, hut Jddcd th;, 0 over


10 ,,

,nsll Is wi1h,n a )'uunc ;,~lly ·111:iy hl' ~·n~ ~o~ as i;noct' :~ ;onicon, d s~. Mayhe fo 111,1~.Y hlacks_. 1ha1 was ,icicJ ,,u_l: '.~c.pruk-,<ur of poli liql s1.· u.:n1.c _at M ~d\\C.Sk' rn St . aic l) n,n:rs11 y. said. DLWl~I_-, I\O\\· lL'Jc h,n1.:

MSUH~ ~ ~\l;T S:l~d h. J IS ui.: partrncn l ca · J." ~,-dt ~s m~i~y _o_iltcr r;~,f~c;~ir" •'~ the uni,cr.\ll)". \\l u.: rdi -

~vi.! 111 4.•~·rra in pat I\ 01 h::111;· D,)\vr s,11d .. I ht• you .s sunpl) ,, oulll Ih1t ln~rn h I monl'y iJ )ou \\ :Jnt ·<l ~I outs1(k an:a!\ th i~ Ii.~

f hc1v WCl\.' tun es quc~ tllmt· tl wh~thi.:r or en I ,, .1s lll lkl·LI c4uJ I to n~t I l'""'1.)pk lx'l.'Jus1: l)(.·ing ti t er uncT1;1l almost :tUl(11nt~'Ukd

)it1~!JI sc1cncr nnd



and wn~. Dnwr \aid . .i111 j111 . p11r1:111t rart 1l l' his life. Dover said. "I knew 1ha1 my 1cachcrs rra ll y ,·arcd ahou l mr and wanted 111e 111 h,· 1hr h,·s1 1ha1 I p11ssihl v · "'""" he."

ni:1ds. The 1,.·ommunily organi1.~1 •

\\'i n,tnn -Sakm State' Univcrsily in 1975. Onc parlicu • lar Wins1,1n -S:1km professor, a n111,Ii 111 tinnal law proft·ssor 11 :1ml'd Dr. Cle vel and A.

Parl'nf•ll':1rhn :I S!<-1)~·1al 1t11t \ \Vil11:.11ns. hcramc.: a mentor to \h're larc.l' h "hill' I-l e rcspn· tt..·d Af1l·~· sj1cnd 111!,'. one yt·ar D,n·c r \\' 1ll 1:11ns as a "w ise man . at r,,llege :ii Nnrth C:mil111.1 Durh:1111 .. .. whirh u!<-i.:d h1 be km1 wkU!!cahk aho u1 gov• thl' "Norlli C:m1 h11:1 Culkgr.: n nmt·n1s. gowrn ml'nt instif, ir Colon•d " at Durham . 1111 ions and 1hc cons1i1u1 ion D,1wr dr,1ppL'll out 1) ( sr h<llli ;111d wh:H it s1a11d.s for."

In order lO rol lnw in fo r SI\ years to work ,·arious Joh, ind11d1 ng ;1 1%8 joh Ill W1 ll1 u111 s· foo1, 1,·ps . Dover '\•c,rnm unii y org:rn ii.:ation," hq;;1n graduall! sll1tlil!s in po • .,n an i,-p,wcr1 y prog ra 111 Iha! li1i cal sricnce at Kent S1:ne '"" une ur l'rc.sidcnl John - Univcrsily in 1976. Ip 1980 snn's "!!rl'a l s,K icty" Com· he t.:omplcll!d hi s doctoral th esis and lcCt Kcnl Stale to munity Al..'tion Prngrams. Th t:i\' Do,·cr wen! out into l·omrnuni1ics 10 show the.: poor how 1,1 organi ze anJ lohhy ag.ainst injustil·e~ such

as slum law · 1h u for · d 11 1~ live in p:ior\y m~i~uai:~;:] qua n ,· rs lack ing indoor plumhing and lncaicd on din


Editor's nole: The followi ng column is rl commentary by Dr. Michael Preda, professor nnd director or lhe di vision or polili• cal science. Midwcslc rn S1a1e Uni• vcrsity is not on the verge of bccoming an international univcrsil y. Bui. lhc MSU com mu ni ly has made grea1 strides in further "intcrna1ionalizing" the campus in re-

cent years. II was in1cres1ing 10 nolc 1ha1 Loredo S1a1c University. al'tl!r joining th !.! Texas A&M Univcrsily sys• 1cm, chan,gcd its name to

"I wJ lkcd into my l1 r~1 graduah! teaching ussignmcnt .it 8 o'cl ock. Then! wen! 40 slltdL'nL~ in 1he class. mostly

"as thl!y w..:rc thirt y years ago" as a m;ijor part or the solution 10 wd:iy's cdu,a 1inn;1I prnhh!m ~.

1ion progr:11n ,:ndcd uhrupl ly while." As Dover wn lked 10 Dover said. "S1u,k-n1:; ,,I in 1%9 when nrw ly clcelcd the pndinm 10 hcgin 1he lirsl r resi,knl Ric hard Nixon, day nf class, one s1uden1 in loda y arc differcnl lrom .st,1• of 1he W, and 70, . S1unls dc "You . aid s . who k it 1hat th,· covC(nmcnl hi s 50.s nr 611s , l1on ldn'1 pay 10 f, clp people gonna leac h 1his class'! I'm dent< J11 nng 1ha1 lime seemed

Aftl'r dt·St'!_!tq;a1i,rn. mosI organi 1..: ag:1i11s1 ii. dismunof 1h a1 "n)1111111111ity \ pirit" tkd i1. Re 111rn i11g 10 sc hoo l in wa s h).'il hl'r:1 11sc tksq:n•ga1972. Duwr gradnah.:d from lh'll was n{I( 111tc:!_!rati(1 11 . ,h

Mark cd11,·;u11r.< ld 1 1he ~l'hl1ol S) Slcm s. tlwy '''l'rl' l\'pl:ict· d ,,·11h wh 11c.:s; many hl:1ck nik mLn.kls \\'l'rl' los1.

Dover ~cc:, the re - in · v11lvl'm..:n1 of p:m:nb in th l"

cdurallon of their chi ld ren

Dr. Enrnrst Dover

nol gon 11 :1 he 1augh1 hy no nigger."

10 hL' mon..: socially consdo11s ~· mor..: in tunl' to thi.: thin.~s

"II was proh:ihly one of

going on around tht.!m in terms of how pcopk wcrt! h-.•-

ing 1rca1cd."

lhe h<:sl days 10 ever hop pcn

"Today we have rorc:,;J our young pcopk: into 1hinking 'I ncX d a joh and I ni.:cJ to m..ikc some money . I don 'I have lime for anything els..:..'" he said . Looking hack al hi!, Cl · Ccr1ainly .ill or 1hcsc! ex- pcricnccs. Dover sa id. "I pcricnces h:id J strong cffccl guess J'vc had the ht:ncli t of d rII I d · on Dover's cu rrent teaching c uc::t• geltrng a won er hi h' h · I I

10 me for Lh e rcs1 of my c;1rccr as a 1eachc.:r," Dover said, "bc.:causc two young ladies.. while fcmnlc..'i .. uppla:,rdcd as the man walked oul and said, 'good ri ddance.'"

~!o~ic~l ,~p~~.~o:~,f ~~~~ class formals; Dover cncour• ages s1udcn1s to voice disagrccmcn1.1 in 1hc classroom.

lion, and I've developed the ah~ ily t\do a loihor rellccting :~cc~~a/ n~,~~~ · 1hink abou11hen."

~h:~~: :~l:f:;

Dover would like 10 sec s1Uden1s also have 1ha1 chance for rcncc1ion 1hrough 1he in1cgra1ion of mul1icul• 1ural educalion as a pan of tht.! basic cuniculum . . ",l1 hr.:cds IOlcrance nnd an unusuall y conscrva1i~c environment "I fell very un• underslanding." Dover said, comfonah lc !here .. some• 'sour grapes.' hut some arc "and tha1's some1hing we 1hing 1ha1 I don'! l~cl al all al lcgi1ima1e complainLs." could use righl now ." henmH: an instn1c1or of polit• ical scicncr.: at Ch!mson Uni • \'ersi ty. At Clemson. Dova fou11d

" I wo uld never 1hin k ahoul pcnali,.ing a s1Uden1 because 1h:11 student disag,,:cs wi 1h me. I know thcrc are professors 1hat do 1ha1. I had them in graduate school. and I've sooi. 1hcm here," Dover said. "Some of 1hcsc cases nrc

The in1crna1ional program of• ness and Govt·rnment Refice has rccrui1cd new s1u- search, 1he Prcsidcn1's Excel• dcn1S from many nnlions and lcncc Clu b and 01her. Speak• lhc lnlensivc English Lan- crs, ar1is1ie progrnms . "paguage lnsliLUh! trains interna- rades of nations." World 1ional s1uden1s including pi· View Symposi um , Model lols from the llalian Air Arah League. and even hake sales con1ribu1e 10 1he intcrminor in internntionnl studies, Force. na1ionali za1ion of il!c cama nwjor in international tr::tdi..!, pus. Bui. only yon c ,n help and many courses have a Several groups have aided us do more. Picas, '. r.1 me grcater intcrna1ional diml!n• sion . The Dri1ish S1udics in !his -expansion ~y also know if you have sut! •;,:s1ions s111dy ahroad program conlin• bringing addi1ional programs for enhancement of 11 ur pr(lucs wi1h success , nnd 1hc 10 1hc campus. They include: grams. Chihuahua, Mexico (lns1i1u10 the ln1erna1i onal Dimension Editor's note: l'r,,dn can Tcch nologico de Es1udios Awareness Commi11cc. 1he Supcriorcs de Monlerrey- Ar1is1 Lcc1urc Series Com · be reached al ext. 4341 or · Cl, ihuahua) also con tinues. mi11ec, 1he Bureau of Busi- Dillard 102. Texas A& M ln1crna1ional Universi1y. No. MSU cannOI do 1hc same, hul ii can do murc 10 rur1her i111erna1ional· iz~llion. Midweslcrn has expanded i1s academic offerings wi1h a

I Letter to the Editor In reference 10 1he placcmcnl of condom machines in the n:s1rooms on our ea111pus. This is a piece of lcgislalion 1ha1 shouldn'l have hccn passed 1hrough our s1udcn1 congress. This is a lruc 1raves1y thal 1he peop le 1hn1 you have given 1hc rcsponsihi li1y 10 make 1his n belier pince have inslead used 1his lih<:ral hill Ill disgusl every reason· ahlc person. II is a disgrace 10 1he s1udcn1 body lhn11hcy should have lO use facil ilies 1h:11 ' will soon look like a1 truck slop rcs1room. Y,1u know 1hcsc places will soon have the grafli1i of whom 10 call and 1hc ac1ual obscene pielures 1ha1 nre always loca1cd on 1hc machine. The only ac1ual purpose of 1hc machines would be i[ you were on campus, hnd 1hc fifty ccnls, and did nOI hnve enough prior no1ice 10 he prepared . All three of 1hesc clcmcn1s mus1he ac hieved 10 he useful for jusl one s1Uden1. If 1his is necessa ry for a s1udcn1 1hcn he obviously cannol he prepared nnd conlrol his/her ho,moncs. Arc you, 1he s1Udcn1 and faculty, willing 10 contcm plale the idea of pro mo1ing sex whi le in academic buildings? The idea of pulling 1hc machines only in 1he donn facili1ies should have been 1hc on ly area designa1cd. _ If Congress would han, s1aycd wi1h 1hr present sys1em ol runnrng 10 the super marke1 where you can oblai n 1he safe, reliable. and less expensive slyle 1ha1 is endorsed hy lhc hcahh professional. Dy running to 1he store instead of having mac hines 0n ca111pus will onl y take a few exlra minutes. This is.:i dl'cision that 1hc- fac ult v must mu.kt', for the s1udcnls now 1lm represcn1a1ivcs have 'i°Jilrd 10 do their ~like Reu. part senior J>S) choloi;J' mujor




·7 ~

Entertainment Movie review 'Blue Chips' gets a 'B'


P:IS; -I Thursday, February H. 1991


1 U-.ia'Clo•boTn t van,




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~4 0J!-h s p31tv

,10.rsusoros,n _ 7 odd n: croo, nMmo


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Di;o c ,eok

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pig _ 10 TXl.s.m



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Mvohps?· rN'rol 1on:1sm. ·


sz CC'ln:i!fPAllOllll SJ W,,sh:nglN" wactfl Tn,.tn cauuh11 f OIJldt\ l lAH





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Jn< l'll'IS,;no1 on lf'lt9 0nll.15Sif0il l

22 TX o,own5hOlp,Jllilf v.hov.·on •f-Oti,orun{mll I

23 Toll!.n Don ol E:igloshArrjllnil !

25 Mhv.y 1831n

l.nmpasnsCo 31 l\ l1 dc,mo r,11LICOl1 - v.llhMchweU JJ TXlsm· "lh;irn your bulll'/ (CllC!llngl I Tox.1,tCMOCI lloland c11y 35 "Bum' Phll!ips book 2 TX1~m· ·wsr _ Ain't No Oum· • 0


36 TOtnn D,wls ,,tMl



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4J caltlo h,11, loss


·roo T;iit" I. WMfl

From left, Shoquille O'Ncol, Nick Nolte, Mau No,.cr, and Anrcrncc "Penny" Hnrdof nwa)', combined b:iskctball and acllng tnlcnl~ to gi"e "Blue Chips" mo,·ie n sense reality. sc hol1I and ro lll't!l' 1.·oal'liL'S Bell to sarnfice his p,inc,pb. b,· Dean L:iwrcnce L· h Htm he hana procl.'ss that p(rn aful fal.'L' rou1in E°nlerlainmenl Editor rJks it. an d how 1h1l..;l' wh o Co,ch Pelc Bell of the ~lum ni hoostl·rs :m· cager w c:m.· ahlHll him hdp hi m. and Western Unil'ci,ity Dolphin, rnsur~. w/Hl d,nl'I c.m· Jl· H,s ex-wife. Jenny (~lary tww t!HISL' lm·i:s hi~ \\Ork . He loves the ll'm rt 10 n1l'll'l' him maJ...c~ ga me. He love., the boys he McDonnell). knows hi, fail- this snme-th in f l1r' a r~ydwtransform, int o di,c iplincd ings don't rnclude a \~ illing- 111 !.!h,::1! drJn1:1. a:- Wl'II men on the h,skethJ II n,,or. ncss 10 1.'.'0 rrupl lhL' game. :.111d ~ " I31Ul' C111 r :- .. I~ !hi\\ play• UiL';S m SJ\'i.'.: his snnl. whik a H.: lnvl'.s tu win. mg :11 Cl'llllll)' C 11y C1nl·ma.-. ThL· coJch ha t::s 1.'.XCu5es. loc, I rrpon,·r (Ed O'Nc ,11) " He hJIC.S chL·:itin g of Jny kin d. trying ll) rr~Wl' th :11 hL' S JI• Re\ ii.::w Ralinf. B He hates the hypornsy and n:adl' lost 1L This film 1.< direc1,•J h, the h)'P" 1h 01 unde rmines his st Puzzle \\'illlam Fnt!dkrn. wh Cl 1:-i 1i1 sport. And he holes to lose. The t:u:1c h 1s Jl J cross· the- h::ihit 0r ..:a.-ainf l\::J I p1.•npk cop, 1c·al (lik,· pan.s the ro;ids in his ~n.·L·r ::inti m his to pla) lifo. f-1 15; dc~:isions w1!1 :.iff1.~c1 to pl:iy cops m "Th,· Freid, him and tho;, around him for Connc:c11on." rc::1 l pnl·~ 1.; 111 "The Esorci,1." Jnd ,o on), th:: n.:_;;t ol th i..:ir lives. ~j D (lr L V ,- r, J l c ~ I .... This is the pre nmc l>chind insisted thai rea l haskc thJII 0


the l:itc.;;1 !-.porlS mo\·it: . "Blue ficun:s hi: usi.:d 10 msurc [h~ qUJ!ity of 1hc: g;imi: s Sl'·

Ch ips.· "H,· faces a pretty straight• forward di lemma." suys film writer. Ron She lton. "He's n~vc.:r cheated hdori.: :.ind to keep his joh he has tr, chea t. \\'hat dc>c:.< he do'1" Ji is :.i story ;:ihou 1 a man who hd icvcs in rult: s. in

bws, m dvi!i,_ation. 1-k t.:iln'I conti nue! to do what hl' docs well. which is ti..:achmg youn~ men ;ind c.:oachi ng yo un~ men. \V1thou1 hreaking till rules. How docs he bu,·,· to hrcak the rules'' Under pressure. Coach Bell (Nick Nolte) Jnd the school's athletic din:ctor (Boh Cousey) hegin a search for pl ayers that will 1urn thdr program arou nd. Thcse arc the "Blue Chip" players. the cn:am of the high school crop. 1hcy'n.• players C\'ery collcgt! wanL1;, the lines1 am:i tt: ur ,1thk1cs mone v can . hu y And the rnom:y is then: -· from re,dily availahlc alumni fun ds (decidedly not a legal s<>urreJ -· 10 compclc for Ll1esc athletes. It onl y remains for

que nces. Conseque ntly, the cast cont, ins ha., kethall players like NBA all -stJr Shaqu ilk O'Ncal. and NBA rookks like Bobhy Hurley (Sj cram,•n to Kings). Rex Walters (Ne " Jersey Nels). Greg Graham (Philadel phia 76crs). Eric Riley and Petruska (Houston Rockets ). Eric Anderson (New York Kn,ck s) and George Lynch (L.A. L1kcrs). Also cast was former Mil waukee Bucks Jll-star ~tarqucs Johnson who p,c .. ,oll.ll)' appeared in Shelton ·, "ll'J111c Men Can't Jump." and NBA all-time grcJI Larry Bird . Other perso nali ties making appearances inc lu de Jerry Tarkuni,n, University of California Head Coach Lou Campanella. and sportscaster Dick Vitale. OK. so hy now yo u know that if you don 't like hu,ketball. yo u won 't like this movie. But in all fairness. then: is more going on. l!Spc· cially Nolte', port ray,! of a man caught in a diflicult morJJ dilemma th at man y high

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soond ;: JO TXl!:m l~mo


r x, 5m 'no! nnough c









~ ~ol ,7,,_;,,,

New 'Cracker' album

e cl~a:11~ng Good for~.t hous ,: 1


first ,rack


til e ,1isc.

b)· 1\ ldissa Sullivan (l\\ ~tusk Ur,·i~·WC'r "I.ow" is ;1 !!ri::tt ltllll': rh at Oack 111 t he 198 11.". picking ur a hil l~r :ii rpl:iy is enn t.: lkc:thm Van Campe-r lnl :iincd m111,1r fan s wi1h 1in till' Edge, hut 1s r1.•ally lhcir catchy r {1 p wrw... But . taking ofl (1 11 MTV's ''A_lternal i\'c N ,i t11111." The VllkO alas. 1hc h:rnd hrokt.: 11 p. ft.!aturl·s Mac.h1nn:1's fricmJ IH,wl·vcr. :nit! "Rosl:a nn t.:" star S:intlra I 1J92, In Camper front man David BL·rn h:ird :ind is on!.! of th ost! LllWt.:ry. s1artcd a m.: w hand. songs th:11 just hits yo u hkc a Crac:ker. th at sucn·ssfull y s:.ick or hril'k:-. ;md stays with pick s up where Camper Van y1111 rm ;i long 1i1m::. In fart: I Bi..:cthown kfl off. h:id h,·,·n looking all over lor thi s c:1ssc11e singk IO no The hand had modera1c a\'a1I. sucn·~s wi1h its dc:hnt alhum . NL'x t on 1h c disc is hut the hand's scrnnd :ilhum. l·l:11." is l.'\'l' II hct- "Movie S1:i r," an ent r:.111d ng ter.

pop-fa vored song _that includes ,nmc wlumsical lyncs

Althoul! h the alhum was s uch as "Everyo ne said shi: rdcasctl il1 till' foll. it is was hi..:autiful. cn~n withOlll .,lowly pirking up st~a rn \Vi th her he:id."


flu s prc,ch,i must he Lion.

nhou l th ~ world's r1ohkrn~ :i nd lh t.: titl e track rs :1 slow mdlnw !.!rtHJ\'l.! . ~

01hi.: r notahk !racks ,n. elude "Nos1;il gia, " .. Sw1.:e1 Pot:110" :ind. "I Want Every. th ing," wl11ch , to me, :ill :-ioundeU like old Campi.: r VJn

so ngs. "Lonesome Johnny Blut:s'' ha$ ;i country feel 10 it. and tracks nu mher Dan(/ 14 arc called "No Son£s: wh ich is exactly wha t th:.:y arc, live seconds of sill!ncc.

This alhum is fun. al. though I wouldn't call it partying music. It is gootl, how. ever. to listen lo while you'n, cleaning your house or after a lnng day.






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Olympic images sha~ed


• b kdOwn 01VJnp J ..... IC rea

Rt.\ f,o nli ins: to :1 campu.~ mini•p('JIJ , six ~fSL' stud ents offcrrd thr foll o"'1ng- an~,..,n ti , tJ1c qu~ ti on: ., \\'h:1r is th e mos t ~igni ri cant thin:,: ) OU ' \-"t' golltn from lh~ 01) mplc

rn,e r, ~<1h11> fa r7" C ~1 c hc,l.::t \ \1oms. \ .."rn •,r. \ J: d MTn SCC' ho w

r-:\•pl: w,J/ do Jnyrh rng lCI i;ct to thr h ip , in rcfr r{'"m.. ~ ro S :mc )· Jnd Tonp :

rn.nl : .in : m,JJ \:· ~ ..: t :11 h.H.l: .::I ti .: ..: : .. , c•I : '.: .i 1'1


fr_c:: \\ 1b n. CBS rm • i t ' • ;' f,flci:r.t , l' ,_ r ~: ,,,.,: J (! ~ •:,, I \, fl\\ th1 \ 1, wlu1 thr..· Ui~ mpic~ i, J!l .t~' ut D JJmcn wnr, ~: , ~o lJ o n Jy S..: h·n 11f th.: Ol)rr:p:c,.

•rn d thc Cn:tc J State.., h.!J :11 -

~tt>\\m:.:J.!h.. on thr .;,: ~n! J . m d u Tnt· ,\ mcncJ n t·.i.

{; f



dti nc h,·ttcr th;rn

T ii m ~y ~In:: t t· k hr.::t·J

1~ l'.\ c nty -f. unh hinhd J\ h\

v.;innm i; ti"::.: g,ild m th::- i::-n.-.. :i.


!ht· ~u r :.: ;



c our\<.' \\' ~i,;r, h\· r,·:i ~· lwJ tht• hott ,1 rn .-·q t!h• hill . .!() fli\O


"H,ipp) 01 ~:hd.1 ~.

Th~· A mi.: ri cJ n ,, ,1 rn ..·ri, :-. k1 tc .:im h:1J

Th~·r.: 1;, -'nm;::rhm g ThJ t

hJrrc1h ln m o~[ Am i:: nc.: :.m s \.\'h~· n lh.:y :-.L'I.'.' 1h.11 rL'J. w h ll L'

;i.m.l Mu.: 11 ..: pprng tn th ;:: \\ ind .:i nd h1.·:.i.r t hJ( :T'l lll; k J/ rhr:i.~ MthL' st.ir , r:i_ n~kd hJ nni:r \ t i

pb ~Inf fo r th e v. h~lc world. \\ 'c g(.'t g("lo ~ hump, . tL"Jry -r yl· d Jnd r rn ud 10 tx· frnm thL' L' n11i:d S1J1:.:_1,, • WJVC~ ..


!! LI ~:,. J ,1 f ini ,h

v. ; in

t,, ,l !..'.ulJ

J ~d \)nc ~11\~r 1'- ) 1h1 , ,~rn,·. thL' h,·,t rx-·rl,1 m1:ir1-.t· l'\1.·r 1,,r 1hc l "n11.:t1 S 1.1t,·, .it th;.• 0 1) m p1JJ, P1.:Jf'11 :-:1r(1.' I \\ nn .! ,1h cr rn th;; \\ r,1•:1, Jcv. nh11\, hrzncrni: 1hl'. L' ~ A lp:1:. - tl'.1 m n;,:d~I .., ,1u11 1 1,1 f, 1ur Du1 J,,rc , t-r, ,~in~.· r , , J Jl\l)

h:n..- ~n ur' Ui1 ;\ r,•:1 .: d

J:.in:-.en \\ llh lt.:.ir., 10 h11.. eves s:ilutcd hts !--1:-.trr \th 1h:

hi.s nJ tion.i. l an thi.: m pbyi.: J His s1.1;1cr J.mi: died 1mmcJ1 -

\\ 11"1:i ,; ..: 1J 1:1nr ,, ,.·,c ,~ hl.'n 1h: Ju ,.Jf::, d id ,•i i l 1 ~ Pbt1,, Jr.d G 11:., .. buk ·.d1..:n 1h~·, , h ,ulJ hJ, :.: :in J 11:n.:• \, h:n th ...·, ;;.iu nh.. J n rl t r• r T,11,i ll Jnd D.: J n .,, h:n th~· ~ ,~ ,1uld n11 t h2,;: :\ l ll'f lhl'l f ptr/ C• n nJ n,··: , l lr.il' .,;

r. 1,1 rr•1mt

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mr 1,

\.-~.J mp uin._ Il run H !!Jn , •. \ ' 1k1 nr P.:1 r1.·n~ ,• JnJ i°P ll f · 11ml' \\'l•.ld d iamp:,,n K u11 Brl1 \1.n1ni: p!.1 l : J 11 .m:1. r! 11~

ll' L' "L11 in~

\\ ,1 rtJ

v. .1, ,, h,·:i

JJn;.• T,,r, ;11:; .1:id Ch r1, i. ph. r D,~an !n1m Gr,·.it Un !.i,n t, 1.,k ro th.: 1ci.=. fJ\t' th.· r-.·ri t1 r· m.:in, .. \\r ..t l1i; :iml· . Lhrn Ji-q \L) P btt 1\ ,!r. J Grn, .. h 'Jk fr,1m 1

Hu":-. 1J . .i



,,1.ph: 1.·n ~:·.ir ,

:nely pno r u1 his compcuuon yo urq; i.:r \\' hJ t m:.tdl.'.' in the 1992 Olympics. Tnnillt.: anJ o ~.in, l ~., 5- ,1 1 A!<i ht: skJtcd his \·irtory poq_::nJn t ,, .1., lh.1l Lhi.: t v. O !,p in the .. Viking Sh,p:· he hJd ,, on tht: fC'll d t:.:n }t'J r:,. cJrrlcd his todd ler t..l:.iu£hicr. l'.Jr li cr m SJr :1Jl'. \ O Jnd !lJJ

Whit ney Perkins , juni or. s;.i id. I'm · sick: of Tonya Hardi ng "

UrJd \h ,;irm:i n, 1u , .J 1d, ~Tn m a,pi.: i.:1. c v-

n,.ro1lh w~intn1t: t' '-'t: ryh ndy l'l :_. H• ~l-1 f ' ,,J . -

Dt~Jn \ .m.1. . . \\,' \• 11.· l P rlflJ'-l" J \\ 1th th,· m .1rkrn::'- - T h·.:,

,, d i hi: p.: r l , ,11n1 n·~ n nl" !JC1 tun ~· tl·o1 , SJ tli rd.!, !11!.'.hl 1n :111 ,· , h 1l•111 ,,n


S,ra Flipp. ~ophoth:it ~Tonya IIJrding hurt her :rnklc. •

morl'., rt·sp,:rndl'd


Th. .· .-\n: , r1un 1...·; J Jnv 1r.~ l•.'.! lil r I Pu1:., M!.rn :rnd ,;; , \JI! " r!..l .: J 1·1! h.'l' nl h hu t h..zJ 1h. !r ,.!u rl' ,,i r ~·r, nn:i l li .J '" t'(,h rl11.1 h,: 1h ~'.\J ll o,

JJJ h,1,d h: 1.-n

murk rl'J 1,,,1

\~i:d ., rn •·r I, ! h l' ( Hy ni p,l'\ 2n J f' .:r ,-~ ,111..: 1 R1l.:rd1, lud h~·..·:, .. rrl·<.· l I, ~ th,· Jl k :;:rd mt:rJ: ; I

Nicole Ele aze r. se-

Tl : t n.t;J ~1.i:.::- fi•:1.h: U



~~ i ,n l!. 1, '-r •: .·J \ k :Jlln~ l('Jfil .it :h : IJ , I li :1 !1111 :.'. \ d h' ll ,I

~-\\~c:;1~~? t~,1~~-·: '11,~ .•~;r;~:~ T :i:· \\ h :.:n


d.:::-:i r:!:!, -

: \rih ' lll.111

\\'t.: ., c c•u p.

lrl', hm.111. r~prni.= d. Ml kn n w

l ri nt ro, rr ,1,· :ihout ~:m . .·:, :zr:J l nn) J ha, prci-

1h ;J1 lh l'

,,.:).: J ul. J ll'Ji11' d,, ,rrn .l 11 \1 1


fi rst :· Grc~ Gumhlc. CBS com.:sp nn J,.:ni . sJ1d v. h,· n :md :-.1 ,1 h. n· , r-:,·1:,,I~ DJn J:i. n..,i:n won 1h:.: ~olJ in \\ h.it m,, ,1 ,!J ,,d.l'J th1.·

the ~ en',"- JO(JO ffiC {r; ~flt.:l•J skaung.

~r t•.: i l' S l. • • , 1:J lh ~r.1y In II• .'

m"TL·J 111,:url' ,\.:.,tmf .M

! .:Jrn rl.!l.!d

nior. concluU.:d. ·Mostly the T{l nya H:irding case and the American .-. =ire winning gol ds in skii ng, c s pcc1ally wilh it tit.:i ng on 1hc news. ·

1,,un h hui th ..·11 ".1, hurnr ,· d [ II 11:11,! .1nJ J hr,•flh' \\hl'll till Ch 1fll'\l' [,' JITI \', ,I • J1,qt1.d1 11.: J ,., , k n,· . k.111 ~ 111H.· i i f th i.= ·\ m.:n ...·J rl ,k.llL'I, Ji1 \~n t;r

1~:t: JJI

T) ... .,,...··

:\ rn .: n~ .111 13 111111 11..'. fil.11r \~ ,, n lh i. '. co l J 1n lh l' IUOU m. .·tl'I. ~1,·7ni.: kr 11 \t: cnld , c1,aJ !I~ th e- 1TI 1l',l o( :my ..\ m:.:nrJ n (l' m:ill' Jt hll'i:.: m O! ymp1:i,I h1 .-. l11I') :\ \ ( i f pr!.'.:-..\ l1m t , N:m ry KL'rn fJ li v.. J."- r:.ink l.'. J fir :- t af-



lcr thL t(:chnic.als m womrn 's figur.: ~b li ng. T ony:.i l·ilrdmi:.: foll durrnt: 1hc h.:chn1cab. c:i-usrn f! her~ to ht r.ink-:d tl'nth.

I' ll I '\ C I I' I I S "/ S <I l '\ ll II I I 111 I \I I ' I I ' \" I. S I I :-. G

~ ~~



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Oalornli.f'rtthand S1a1t ulLhJAttJ'Udispm,,JC&lof

liUN4'Cl lallr01:111Nt

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'1mll'l~n1 J ftY 1'(1(b ~ )'1'21', )n!O:I tef

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S orts

Thu r,.dJ ·. f<'hrna · 21 , 199•1


Men hit losJ}!g ~~id~

Schedules MIDWfS rlRN ST ATE UNIVlRSffY H NNIS SCI lfDUU Sal . I d, 26

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Thurs .. Mar. JO Howard Payne IJ111\'crs i1y


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MIDWEST[RN STAT£ UNIV[RSITY MEN'S GOLF SCHIDULE Mar 2~ -2~ /'n;.111 V:illq Ct1.1mpwr11, h1p\ Pt1.::,11 V;ilky ( iol l ( 'lu~

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·n1crl.' S pm. ' lhl'I (' I run ·rhcrc I 10pm 'll1c11: l::!p.m


/J u o J.: i e " ' h I I

"A real thriller! Great Cast, great story, great suspense! This will be a blockbuster."

PHO t O r ~ 1,111s


- CO/ Q(/COf't[S

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',t.: OIC ir J :J', 0 0

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74- 69 h\J I f~ th Jn gu:.i rd Enc H. :nk-..: hi t :: ·' · r •1rn:-..:r tn t':nng


:.tWJY Ill-.:












Wed. March 2, Thur. March 3 MSU Bookstore

muc: 10-4

TflA/J~/'[n'.; - C/.O TJflflCi& I.K>f/[









Our exciting new menu • ·. •·. _·. ;. ·' .t. . features as well yournew·_.;, dishes wonderful · old favorites, ·,, · .,,___ . .· ' •



________________, .-

Spo,orcd by: U11i vcr, i1y l'rogra111111i11g Board


Iz e ". l

/J r o


Wed ., March 2, 1994 CSC Theater, 7:00 p.m. Adm ission Is Free


..~-·/way----s on-thtM. enu!





LASER l-lJ-OM. .

'Two thumbs up!"


a 1\'\ \ ~

C,,!/m, tlun .:d ~m- mJ rk .:i nu (1: 0

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Sou111w,u t Pl:u.a Shopping Centor on Southwo,1 Parkway btJhfnd Braum'• 6P2-66!10 Hour,: D l o OMon.-Sot,

lcH·L ::.11:G,\l¾fj.()( ll) MflkMS11 A~IIJHCA

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1Jo. not the chicken coating stuff I The gr.t CJ0wn and boogie while you f, tan place Laser Looks I The place ,___ that has 8 really cool Wolff tanning ~ '~beds with headphones for getting /, oo,:m vmlle you·re getting bronzed 1 Try ,t out and sec for yourself why everyrm1; ,~ coming to Laser Looks 1 11)..

1111111~· I pm llrnnt:' 1pm

SW Ad ·,rnl1 •, I SM I I W1;,1cm J C Uk C11yP1t1\' r-~"I Crn1r.1I S1.11c

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Shake , 'n Bake!,



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Bring your friends for ·~ TIME OUT every day from

't~. '·• @·;--

:t· ~ ~:_i

' • 6 p.m. when you'U find HAPPY IIOUR HAlf PRICf .', , :_, . {;·; •

.., ,,

Americana h1rc.> in fi-e1,ciJ 'Viflctge ·

' ..

COCK~~~O ~::::;~and

IZ ,




i~t:}~~-..,·. ~ {~..~}~ ' '(/





1l111rsdav, Fcbrwry 2•1, 1993 (l'JdJlltlO JI nu1 c s

On the

Quick Sports Rny grls men's head coaching job La~! ·n1ursday. Mitlw...:sh.:m StJlt.' Uni\'rr,;1t~ announcl.'d Ihat kff Ruy wnu ld !ill the ~hc~s of cn:ich Gt:rald St()(.'klon whl.!n hi~ reign of th'-· men's ha.,;kcthall l'Oach ends :ifo::r 24 ~:L\tlllS.

1~~~!~~~,:;~~)dl,~~~La~i~l~~~I~~)~:::~~~~ 1~:r~l1~~i~:~


)'l'a1~ ::!a tinu: last year. :mJ he i.~also hccn an :issistanl 10 1.:oach Shdtnn for six years. Ray alsn played under Stockton for two seasons at MSU. "Cnach S111ck1on is a fantastic coach and he's won over 6fX I hall games: he is a kgcnd in NAIA haskethall, and I owe J lot of my ahility and knowledge 10 him.' ' said Ray. "He.· 1s n:ry .supportiw in ml! g.:11ing the jnh. I kd like he had a lot ( 1f 1.·. nnlidi:ncl.' in m'-· as a n.·crui1cr as a coad1 and also as a Nrs1,n.'' RJ y hc..·t:llllll!S on ly 1hc .sixth ml.'n·s l11:ad road1 in J 48 yi:ar history

Rugby h'am runs record lo 3-0 h,· Rcnrc Ramirez c"o111ribuCinJ! \\'rill'r s~ n_ior gu~ml Mindy l\fyrrs rini -.he.-.

Sti=;ik s~~~~~~ bJ' Elizahclh Richardson Sports Rcporlcr Tue.:day ni gh t the Lad Indi ans 15-ga mc wi nnin ~ sir"ak ended as Crys tal

douht ahout 11 ." s:11d ~IS LI coarh kff Ra v.


Ra y pru1tii s1..·d 1hc hall to

Roh1~son St..'On:d



a few SL'ormg Jn vc~ Wl' 'd get

as do,c :JS four m ~1x pnmt.s hul lbcy an: a good h:am. no

27 point.s to lead Southeastern th c wrnni n!_! ,trL·ak wtll nnt Oklahoma StJ!e tu a 81 -1,(, £ t: [ hi.,;; ll'am dn,, n ,·1c1ory in Durant, OK . Wl.' 11..• n't wnrn 1..· J " \\! 1.• The Lady Savacc ., . :.ihou1 that 10 hc~ rn wuh . \\ 'e J ih ..·m ;hid had rchllUndcc. l1UI ranked No . 1-l ,n NA IA D1 v1s1(ln ~ w1Ll1 a 17.5 rcc nn.J, more :.is~,~ls. 1'1..-y ju, 1 h.i,·i: a \\'t•'II 111st !:!'-' l . lt::1m good also rcrt~1ved 17 pomts from form er Hirschi st.ar Mic helle ready Thu rsda y and Frid ay ,in S:iturdav land ) \l'a for ford and 15 from Moni ca n1g l11 ; We 'll hounc,· ho,·k.'" Foster. Ray :idJcd Senior Emi ly Dill kd The Lad) lnJ,an., h:id J scoring \\'Ith 22 p111n t!'- for th e 1n ;Hh ·;.inlai! l! No. 12 ranked Lady Indian, . 29-25 kd hy Lynn Buckm as ter. abo a rc hnunding D,11 :mJ Ill h \lll Buckmaster former Hirschi star. w:1~ the only oth 1.:r pla yer in douhh: with !'ll.'\'l.'ll tvl ind) \1 yt:rs :inti T:imm y ~lurray d1.<heJ Jigun:s wi th 20. "We got hehind earl\' and ou1 four ass ,,t, c:h.:h fo r MSU never gaincd lhc kad . ·Aftcr

·11,c MSU nl!:!hYtc:.im ~mains undckatcd following Ima \\\:i.:k e1uh g:nrn! ag:1insl lhl· Unh·i:rsity of Dallas hen.· on lhc ~·1S U r:1111r11 ~ ; tht: Indians Wl'fl' awarclt·d till' win due to forfeit hm thcy w1111ld r.ithcr pla y thl.' g;11ne again. T'-'ll mim111.:.~ 111tt1 the O\'Crti1m· period Dall;i."' hc.:id coach D,1h ~k N:ih walki.:J on to th1.: !it.:ld :ind said his ll.';.m1 wa ,,;; pullmt! 11111 Ju ..· to lhc rain :rnt.l thund er tha l had cffcct1.: d h111h teams througlmut th,! l·o11 1es1. The wllnk l!amc w:1s pl ayed in mud and water sl:.ifn:it mg tlw s1zi.: and spt•t:d of MSU :md giving U of D a ~light adv;i n1:1gl' The Unil'er., ity nr Dall as scored Ill quick pmn ts off ~!SU p,·naltics and drnpp,·d halls. hut the Indians came ha<.:k with Duant: Duey and lfon Dr.igon k·adin~ 1he way

OIJmpics for credit? ll'ASI II NGTON- A group or 211 George Wa.1hing10n lln 1wrsity st1Hknts plan tn travc! IO Lillchammcr. Nnrn•ay tn study the I99-l W1111er Oly111p1c Games. Th,· tnp is the highlight of a cn:dit course. "Analysis or the Orga ni,ation and Impact of the 1994 Winter Olympic G:m1l'., ... whid1 gm.:.s studt!nL~ a [ht:orctical and practical ~wl.'rvil·,v nf th e management and markc1ing of a huge 1ntl.'rnati onal .sponing l!\'Cnl.

While in Norway. students will study and analyze the soe ,al. pnl11ical and economic is.sues that inllucncc decismns ahout the Olympic Games. The course includes daily kct un:s group discussions, guest speakers and puhlic lnll.TYleWS.

Inside Sports Colum11

by Drew M)·crs Sporl< Editor If I were walking down 1lw stn:cl, minding my own husin~~s. and Slllll'-'Ollt..' ran up lo me and whispered "~!S U', Golden Thunder Marching B.amJ." I wou ld lnnk lh !.!rn .•;.qu:m.: in thr.: eye ;md say wi1h all my emotion , ·~cool!"

(That scenario has never happened 10 me and prohahly never wi ll . hut th:11 is what I would say.) Thl.'rl' 1s no oth er word in

1'2gc7 :ind


The hand play, ah types of music like "Frei.: yo ur

Mind" hy En Vogue . the them!.! s,ing hl llu: Flinswm.:s and "Walk Thi, Way" hy Aerosmith . (I'm pcrsc, nall y fond of Aerosmith . I love them : I'm actually thinking nhout naming my first kid A~r~smllh.) If I had a nickel for every time I praised the MSU ha,kethlll team, I would he a ric h man (actually I would have only ahout 3.5 cents hut I do suppon them IIJO'i. ), hut ,f I had a dollar every time l'l'e praised the MSU hand I would have nothing, jack.

the English language that c:,n zao. I 1hnugh1 it w:ts 11mc to ,kscrihc MSU's hand than giv..: 1his grnup of .~tudcnts cool (I guess you could say soml' n:cngni[ion. The haskcthall ~layers neat, kee n, or gronvy ii" you m:.ikt: the.: camr.: exciting. hut whipped 0111 th e 1hc.s::i urus. makes the game Cun. hand the 0 1 mp:.irt: t:o hut !hey don 'I ,ool. ) All ~1.'llll'Sh:r I lw vc endorsed the haskcthall g:,1m:s at MSU raving ahoul the fun and cxc ill.'ment , hu r with out th..: hand sillmg on th.: h:.ird wood doing their thing . the gam es would ht: like wa1ch ing grass grow. ( II 1s not that honng hut you get my drift. ) The hand adds that liule somt:thinc extra [h::it'm:.ikcs

• This is JUSI a link s1di: note

10 the hand : Could you guys IL• arn


Aerosm ith

snng. mayhc "Rag Doll" or "Dude Looks Like a Lady'"' You h:1vc.: no idi.:a how murh

that would pump me up'

On a compktdy random note I would like 10 eommcnt on the fact that my sports reponers as well as myself do not have a designated parking you wan[ ...10 1:1p your to'-~ :.ind spot in front of D.L. Ligon scream out "HIIS IS FUN'" Coliseum . I think the hand is just Everyhody from Channel cnjoying 1hcmsclvi.:s ;ind at 6 and Channel 3, 10 the Times the s;1mc time.! cnh!rtJining the Record News have their own fan s li11le spots about 50 ya rds \Vhcn a group can h;i v1.: from the front door. fun during the playtr introI live in the dorms so it dui:tinns hefon: the game the doesn't really hothcr me that h:,nd ha., to he cool. When a much, hut I'm thinking ahout group gct.~ excited hcc;iuse my sports reporters Li z they happen to toueh the h:,s- Richardson and Spencer kcth::ill during the game, thal Friedl. When they go to the is cnol too. Like I said the n: is noth- games they have to park in Egypt, walk in the blazing ing else to say hut cool. The hand is made up ol snow up hill both ways with everything fro m a com plete no shoes on (It 1s not qmtc drum .set ;ind c!kc1rn: guitar that had, but n •1s an (whkh is con! in iL~dl) to lhc inconvenience.)

CRAM IT! th.at 's right,

CRAM THE COLISEUM Sponsorea 6y Stuaent (jovernment ana Stuaent fllctivities

Saturday, February 26 MSU Lady lndm8

SJ;( O·

phon~, The.: music thl!\e JO· !-llrurn cnL'i produce is :ii \ ll




V\ayland Baptist Flying Queens 5:00p.m.

V\ayland Baptist Pioneers 7:05p.m.

Jl[[ stuaents, stu.cfen.t organizations, facu£ty ancf staff are encouragea to attenrl %is wiff 6e Coa.cfi (jera(d

StockJon'.s [ast game to coa.cfi in tfie "rJJome' so [et'.s say 'rrfian(J ' in a 13I(j 1uay!! (jreat prizes wi[[ 6egiven.away (indu~ing two $1001Ji[{iardgift ce~tifi~ates) at ha[ftime of 6c~tfi games. 'Ilie prizes 'UJi[{ Ge awarcierf m the categon.es of students, stuaent organizatwns, e?c-stwfents, a,uf jarn fty/ sta_((

i,=J~99~'• =====:::::;----==---=--=N~~e~w..!..!...!s~_________________ __TI_f_F....;WJ;,:~ 2·= ;p~::!~=e=8=T=l=,u=l'Ml=3)!:;'•=F=cl=,n='a=r;~•=

D Digest

Camp us Connection If your orgm1i 1.a11 un has :111 C\'Clll for C'n111pus C'onntr • 1io11 . c:ill 1he ll'i, -/111<111 al 6S'l--17<.! . Deadline i, 1100 11 Mond ay hdore 1he Th11 osd,1y p11hl1ca1i1111 . Thu r,,la), hh. ,U U h1 w1 11r.Jllt .n111c, 'll.-.m, Voun,•,

,\"- 111 . X p111 ..J 1'11, .11n· r1 1,l11111,111. h m• ,\n, ,\u,hh •IJUIII s rm

\\ .. 111 11·,11.&),~l a n :h 2 _J i:,1\lll1 h.:.,/ lh:;,ul 1t·,l lk:m,

A11i.J1111n111n , 7 pm 1(1111 •111 1 V111..·: 1J· ll) :u11 .

, .,


,·sc· ,, 1, 111111.

~1ud c lli1· I-Inn ('sc · ·nw.,rt·r. 7 pm


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T hu r,,la ~. 1\1:i r rh 10

J J1v , rl\'4,'IUhk . Mu , 1l' Dl'i\U IJ1Lrnl.Al. 111 . ){ p111

• no r,·cnt~ scheduled


Reporter Ac:idcmic Al ert! All stu dents w11h 60 10 90 hour..; mu st lakL" thL" English Us:i~L"

Examm:111011 111L' En!-!lish Usage Exa minotion wi ll he au-

ministl."rcd in the Hard in Bu lldrn ~ room 207 JI I p.m. March 29. A dmin b 1ra1i on


rL'ljlllrt.'nll' lll

l' I·

tht~r hy r:issin!,! till" English U,:1gc Ex :1m 111 :ll!on nr hy pa!-.Slllf! En!! lish 11 IJ Thl· tc~ I mu ~! ht· t:i.kt.: n upon thl' l Prn pkt io n 11f a l k:i. ~t 6fl hnur~ and hdnrL'

cnmpkr inn of lJO hours le ;JY1)Jd 1kl ;1v 11f t:rac.Ju:111 n11. Thl.' ·Eng~l,s h Usa!!L' Ex:i.min:111011 .ind th t.: 211 3

Th1 ~ \\ ill hi." 1hi: las1 C'C1111po1; 11 11111 Skill s coursl.' 1.:h:mci.: th is ~ mi.: ~IL-r fm Ma y :m· di.:~cnhcd in 1h1.: Eng lis h gr;.id u;.iti.: candiduti.:s tr, tal:c progr..1111 scr twn of thl· the examination. 111,· lC."-1 wi ll l'<1lki;L· c ual ni;. For mcm.: nol ht.: offrrL·d Jt;ain un1il 111form :1tit1 n, co ntacl thr En!!lish dcpa r1 m,.·nt offkc al Jull L' :!I. No pri.:-rq !i .\tr.111011 1:,,, re - 68')-~1110. qu ired. al th ough a S 15 kc must h1.: pJi d at th i.: UusmL"ss OlliL·~ p 1ior 10 till' test. A pi<: 1ure ID and rcc c1p1 nf fee paid is ri.:4u in:d J I l hL" lt!:, 1 si ll'. As a fL"lJllir1.:mi;nt for :1

h;u:c alaurcalc (kg1i.:1.: al t,.1ii.1 wc.:stcrn St:1tc U111w r. . i1y. :ill slU ck nts mu st mee t lhL" En -

l'!.i nU·la lh1 1.:1,-S h'plu.·n°', .1d1 um:t I.ILUll y ill h1nl1>[! ). W1d11t.1 .111d :\I . Jnh11 "unirko. p1 1•· J-,1ll , ll1 f h "d11 11 d \~•. 1, l't\rll i..._·, ,,1 d ,. ,111 rd1 n.1tnr 11 1 !-'C11l11 f:> a $, I ~II ,l h11 l.11 , l11p 11 1 •.tudy ,111 d t'• cipll} '> ll , , .rn1 h 1,ri·d , 1 :11 1 ,11 ~l " ll J' l' \l' ,l 1l 11 p .1pl'r 11 11L·d ' Ntlll · T he ,·'< l11l111 u1 11 wi ll n111 I 11 , 11l1111d I , 11,11111 111 kr.1 ol tlir thrn ugli h·h ~r, .111d " 1•1•1·11 l fppi.: r l'\·11n~ylvan i.111 F 111 1~ lt 1r\il'\\it1t! dtt1111 :! 1q :11l.u 11 / • '°'h .1k . lnd11dm µ lih' f)c ',t·np · fi ci.: hour .. o l and Eni gm:i111.: 111111 Rrcl Cross offers ·1,1 ..; ,111 ," w l11d1 w,I\ puhh.\lll·lf rn V,d 2'1 . Nn I of lh l· "fi1lifl'guarcl roursrs ln11 ,· Sr11rl1n 111 fi,- 0/11_1:\' OIUI Thc ~ . ·r1111cl ,1.·" u111 ol l'ol,•,1110/ri,:r 1, ,oo -.d1 11 l.11 :-. /11p Ill . 111. ;111ll

()11c1111 n II J y1.·~

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lour J\lll l' l'k ,111 lh: d L1fcpu:ml Tr:11n111g l'nur., n hq:i n..; Mardi ,1 ;11 llil · ~tSU

N;11:11t1ri11rn l'arlll'l pa nl .'a 11111 , 1 1,,.. al

lt::1st I ) YL'ill'~ 11hl and ,11( l°l',,_,full y pas~ a ,w 1111111111 ).!'

Dr. Huth 1\forruu . H11l 111 P' L'\Lll h.: tl ,I

Ch : tir t! I P 1:11111 ,

r hil dr..: n·., n1 ru:l'lt. fl'hltll'III}! the rrur...1 L 11 1 J11h :111n SL"h.1., -

ski ll,;; h· , 1.


English usage exa1n set for March 29 ti~~'.~'. 'li~:•,"~1:i'~:."~;·/:/N,''. hy Shanon Cofr r

In thr ~pollighl

11 .111 H.1d 1. 111 an ,1 ud1 l·11..-c n l .ippr11., 11n .11rly -HI ,.:l11ld rcn. 1:- :mcl ll',IC'ht.: r~. rn ad· p:in.:11 Thi ,;; \(I . IJ 1111r ro u r,l· lfr1 pri1v nw11 t-. 111 Ill' p:11 t ll'ad1L:s tile ,k ill, nt:l l' \\ ary 111 t1i111m , , Ill· ., nd mu~ll" m:11ors hu., 1- hi.: a l1 kp11:ml al p1111I or la kl· · JdT l.arn·nc;; tcr Jlld ~tall 111" lh v o q :. 1111 1 . 111 11 11 . 11 r Norri , pl' Jfom1t.· tl fo r the 111•,, 111a111r., w llh ,H k a., 1 (1 2 rrn111 foci lll ll'S l11n11 , and .1 ru11111l. 111 ,·l· ( iP1\ Rcgi,1r;11i o11 1~ a!...11 hc 1111! h :hru .1ry rncc11 11g of tl u.: \V1 d111 a F.dl, Symphony L.c.· agut: o l t.2 :ll'l'L"plrtl lnr th l' WatL'I Safl'l'.'I' ln., 1ru..-11,r cnur~i; 1t1 hL' ladd a1 111 ih t.· hnm i; ol Dr am! l\1rc;. I\ISU art clrpartm cnt lh l' 1'1.SU N:11 :111 111111 11 . ivb y I .Olli\ l{odn !,!IIO l'tllll'~l· fl /'l'f':ll"l'S spo nso rs rompl'tition IJ -2l TIii.\ lo Dr. ll ur r y ll cwill, pro • 111~1rucl lk d pa1 lll"1p.1111~ Th,· 1kp:111111L'n t nl :1rt at C'11l~ \ prt•!!l'i.:\\ i\'l' \\\ IJllllllll !! ft.: \\or ul lii , 111ry , and Dr. Collin s, ;1"0,1 : 1IL' Mirhad " 1SU , p1111 ,u1-..· d th ..: l'JtJ. I d:1 -., r, , H:1.~il' and Ern LT~l· nq• I ll i;h ~r h11, d Ari Cn111pl·1i11n11 Water Sak·ty. and 1111 :1111 ;rnd p1ok ~-.n r of hi \lory ;1mi d1 divi sion of hu 1hi.: of lnr flT f\11' ;irl·,1 !ugh , d11 111I , 111dc11ts. Prt.:~r h11n l l\q11 :1l1l 1; Cand1Th l' l·, h1h1111 111 11prnL·d F..-11 d :11l·, for 1111., nnir , l· 11111 ..; 1 he m;111111i:s. [ll'l'.'a l'lltt.:d papers :J I P:i lo 1\l1n nnu:il /\ SL"c11111J t.· lh I ~ 111 1hc r-. tSll a ll dr p:111- :,t ka:, , t 17 )'l',1r~ 11IJ lll L' ll l For mn1\.' mform.1111111 11r a !11ll'1 na1 1ona l Co11f1.:ri.1nl'1.: in F1.:h 12. ~. :1 < ' Tc. k. rnwrbvll ll At II K· 11p\.·11in~ l \.'l l'Jlllnll , n.:,;1 , tra1 11111 lurm. l'a ll lh L· S50 r ;1~h .1w;1 rd, w~' h ' pl'l' · A111L-rica11 Rl'<I Cru" :11 ~~2- Till: c1111 l'cn.:ncc on U.S -r-.k.'<· on.sorl'd ~r :1~ w , 11 0 l.111 ri.: ll':111 !.cnl n l 11 1 ti\\ ' ., 111dc 111., l11r th1.: Xl, X/, hy 1h1.: Univt.:r,i ty of Tt.::<a.~ at 11111.\ I 1111h l :ind 111 ~ w1 11 k 111 Na1ic111al lhi; :md lt.: il Brmvnw ,·:1d1c:,t,·g,11,• r, hih1t,·d Pa rk Sl-rv1ct.: Till' \\' ll lll l' I" ~ Wl' l"l' : J I)


.Jl ,1\'111 11,•,/ l!c-;1111 1,·, / lk ,11"

,\ ud 1111n11m. Spm. Su111l11), 1-'ch. ! 7 l11t.:: 1ll' I


t:111 1 1111 V,,1111 ,.; . C'S(' ,\11 111111

_J l,tJ.Lr.l


J. R11Jrq! 1h·1. 11111 ,·cr, il y 111 c, 1lk t1l. IJr ( i.1rla11d ll ad k y. pro1c,,11 r o l L"L nn,1m i1.·, . :ind l>r Ch ;11h-, Mr C11 ll1111!! h, d11 n ·t1•r 111 1hr d1 ,.,,. ,1 ,n111 bu, 111 ..·.,:-. adr1 1111 i, 1ra -

lh1u-,1l.1 ), M:1rd1J

O;,p1i,1: ll 1·1l·. (; pm : P. h:11\, n.1kl·1h.,11,·, \ \ ':i)t.111d n:1p11,1. lk 11· 7 p111 U 111,·ain l't1, l11 L1 1u11, bur ,\rh



cmnn )'

h 11 1H!l',ff \' llh'll lh ..· 1-. 1)1

pm ,\:. (1 prn Xr,m ,

C'S(' Atrium _JS1udc HI S1,• 1i:lll' :..li:t·Un>= : (''i( ' lf\.l. C'l pm

I rltb~. Fr h. ~5

l11 1111 1r ,,,l i~1y ,, 1t h (11 ,11110 11h ·m l11..•1, 11.1ti, 111 w 1dc ,ind -l h i..u 11 dm·1111 µ a n 1n11 1.11 i1 ,11 ll'I'

•I 10,1111 lp111.\: f• (' III S pm JC \,nc 1111 h.1 ( 'Ju ,u ( 'oUH'tl

UM~l l llax hdl 11•, 1111 N Tn.1, l imw , ,11) 11,;,•rl'. •l pm

D1,: l1:1 f\ lu Oc ll ,1. n na 11 0 11 .1II } ;11• ..:1i: di1..·d h11 ,i ll ~ \!-

llll ' lll hl' I, 011 c :11n p m

Tm•,;:1l11)·, Mard1 I JWnllll'll\ ll.1, krl!1all \ :,

'i \\' lll.l.1 l hl'll" 'Ill ,\ 11l)11r cr d n,..I,; ll:uul, J ,\ !lhl l.,:d ur i.: \1,•11..: ,;:. I il'l1,' Au ,

('...;( ' J\ 11 111111

lli r h s,1111111. 111 , 1 1i1 :K l· 111 k wd ry Ann., C.1, p1.:1 1!1 1111 l( ukr 11, ~h Sdi-ud 1l' lt' 1\ 1·d .1

Ddta /\111 Uclta to hold iniliat lon

in~. l3rL·nd:t n l...:vy from Rukr H, ~h Sdmol, Jir.,t placl. " 111 phowgr,iphy: Kyk Martin from Scymour Hi gh Sdwol. first pl;icc in drawirlg: !v1y

il~~.: ~~

.Jostens srhcclulccl

Aichornh n ,,nJ ~ \\ hic c 1..11 -.w thnrc<l the ~11 1

llll 1,' Jll il'li,: "Pri.:p,H 111g st ,4 . J,.·nh /11r 1h1.: C~1ll i.: g1.: /\,,~u

1 10 11 0n Prnc l'. .,~ 1 1 l'hor.11/ \ ol':.t l 11 111rnJJ r, ,~t

5111\\ 1


Huhin Loc:kh;1r1, :i.s .

11111 , ing, ~;·

1:.1 111 p1u fl' S'aor n f


;J\\ :mkd :1 _-. d1olur'iht p r.1c11 lt y 1ra in1111! pro~ra111

J. :rnra ~\'llson , :J \ShlJnt

prnfn ~~, r ol_thcu h.:r, and Dr. Uo n f1s_chh . ;.is,;0, 1:.111! pre,. rc"or nl tl!L'J h:r a~dMd1rcl'1or (If the tll\•1s1on ol line an3

,11t~·11tl,.;d 1hc Texas Ed uca~ ll o nal Th,.;ah.:r A!l!lncia1ion I lif h School Scholarsh ip au. cl 11i n11., in 1:ilt.: Janu:i/}·. llic convi.: ntion wu..'i held in Plano Tc.'< il-', and :ipproxim::itc1Y ]()( ) pasp,.:c l ivi: Sllld l!nl audi 11nni.: rs we re sccn.

Elizahclh A. Yarosz. a.1. ~ttc: l~llt.: profos .. or of art, is ex. lnhiting 1wo o f


prinl\ in

"The 5111h Annua l Compclition ," a rcgio nal competitive L'=<h ihi ti on :it 1hc MuSt:ums of Ah ill; nc 1n Ahilcnc, Texas.

The p1in1S were "Shell Game· and '"Tr:rnsforma1ion ," hoth

relief and golu leaf pli n1s, Y:irnsz is also cxhihiting

her work in "Reali sm '94," a

Dr. Shelle y Arc hamho,

nati onal compi.:tilivc cxhihi1io11 al lhe Parkersburg Al Cc111er ,n Parkcrshurg, W.Va.

Tiu.: r..: prlelscntati \'i.:S fpS11l1J1 ;1" m ·1:11i; profc~s11rlc,f '1~us1lc, ., ang thl.." soprano ~o os or 11c Jn~1cns wi l l l' al 1h1.: f,.1. Dnoh!O rt.: from 'J a rn. t~1 -1 L·ummu nll y prcs1.:nt.1tion of p.m. March 2-1 IM ~tud i.:_nt...; H:ind,.;l':,,,I "M t.:!isia h" Ot.:L: . ~; d Ar, 1:1 m 1HI a 1.,Cl prov1ul.." who wan l lo hu y ~rad11 :111011

R',,. hard Martin Ash Ill, .. prnfc!,sor of art, has h:id his en''.~lt!,·y ni·~1! 1hEex ~i~ft~~~-~ ~~,\~rd. .. 0 ..

for MSU nookstorc

~sl~~~:~ ~~~c~~:~~ ~~~~~:gr;~~~~(~:

c:ip.~ :~~1o~~~~~·L"IHS will abu ~~~(Jrl: ~~1;o~t~:-l'd% he availahk in d 1hcr p1.: rsn n- Inc. and 1hc Junior League in co llection of th!! University ko~1•~ - ~ ~ ~ y·~,·~~~o~fS~o~u~1h~D~o~ itl~•L~•~•h~ 11 ~w~ e 1~,e~s-~ u~111~ju~n~<1~1<•~ t •~ ·a~ I ,~ Ni! uycn from Wich ila r-all s r.a~li~,,c~•<l~o~r1~1:1~m~e~c:i~r,~

Linh Ng uyen from Widi ta 1 ~ ;~,~~ 1:~~:~r~~l:~j· (~; l 1 ,\~11:RIC\;\.' III J\ l.:f AS.'iO( IAlll l;\. ~t(\ 10 1-IAL" l.t. Tl<JIJL lL"

rlffl~ (J ~:;~~~~~..~s~;:lotk>n T'1,:;r,(Ml(opro...-Jo<J u ,putJl,~'ll'VCO 11113 A/Nl<,c,1n lloa nA.s-wc,<1!0"1

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