February 25, 1993

Page 1

Volume 71, N um~r 18

'1teportin1 Midwut.ern Statt! Uni~ersity News Since 192Z'

Wh ite kicks off AIDS Awareness We ek Whtie slressed educaI10n Sever•I warm rounds ol ep· By Jean Hall plaiUH puoctuatad lhe remain- and reading 10 her son from an and Linda WUaon Scott age bec.lus-e ii was eWhe earfy IC)eeCh Mt ot der Reporten Whet• said Ry•n wi1s diag• ooukt ~iv on, ah• sad. The WMk before her aon 19&4, foUowing • aurgery In wtt.n hemoph1ha h wrl nosed White JeaMe Ryan White died, only ltwM days old He be- to remove pel1 ol hit lung due to watched a lelev1510n special Ryan WH dieg• about h1rn wIlh e group of gan reeeMng l ransluSJOn, ol pneumonia, AIDS and given .,. l nendl She laughed W nng the lac1or 8, Iha ~ clotllng nosad wrth H• wH 13 yNrs show whlle the others cnad prodocl wh,ch .-.,en1ually u, . month& 10 We lor more lhan because, she Nid. she had oriy l.cted htm and Ryan' s perenc1 old He survived were 10kt he colJkj never pi.y fiv• years happy rnemonea of het son !amity didn't lhe s,11d WM• car a survrve or sports contac1 A posIINe •n,tude Is 1he know al !he ttme to keep her n"IOSI •"1)0f1anl pain of INing With accdenl ----, --, AIDS, wrth AOmeone and loving Whtie IOld lhoH who crowded the Clark S1udent Center &llroom Feb 23 to hear her 191P 8~ '•· ..;:"' :": :• presentat10n on Ryan Wh1t•s I 'JA•, 1 ..... ., , legacy during AIOS Awarene5s • rtO • Weo~ at Mtdwe5tern The presenIaI,on began


Who has Al OS?




::~:;,~ie;,~: ~,t;°~,,:;1:: M,~~ with Ihe dsellse. l he haired and th• d1scnm1na110n. as wait H

happy moments In his life such as • benefit concert with Enon John, a speech to 10,000 leachers al the Super Dome in New Orleans and a chance lo h~ create a mov.e about him-





1 2~..


/ ;-

a,,. I He10,ose.1:uats


Wh en While came to lhe lront of the room, she received an immediate standing ovation


0 1.1r11 s.

Homostm .al M,m

Sou,co C1m101s lo, 0 1!:e:1~• Control

son's dilelM • sec,_ Because SM knew thet II was impo5Slbl• to ap,eed AIDS Ihlough casual contact, she lhoughl everyone elN knew. loo The tam,ty faced immediale INr end hoshlfy from one-lime fnends and acquainlances The school Ryan attended voled to bet him from attending, and onty a nin•monlh court banHI lon:4td lhem to ~ him re1um , she said One• in achoo!. Ryan was subjected to constanl avoid· anceand ridicol• He h9d touse a aepa,•le drinking fountain and eat from dlllpOMble dishes His locker was vandalized He was called• i ag• and Jeanne While wet iat>efed •an unfi1 molher"' Vlck>u1 letters arnved al their


Ryan's posl· trve eniluct. and h,s ebihty to take the 1n1uh1 as iokes got them through the OfflNI -We ot1en aaked for a mira cle to save his ltfe: she stud "8'A I lhink we hed a miracle 1us.1 ,n who Ryan ..-..: Whlle Int reehzed the ,mpact Ryan cou6d hllv• on AIDS



S l ra1&1er, Pl• 2



MSU AIDS victim deals with uncert ain future Editor·• note: In order to p rotect Iha Identity o f the lndlvldual In this story,




been choHn aa the appropriate pHudonym.

Jlyan'1hope ... Jeanne White, moLher ~ I.he late Al06 victim Ryea Whit.a. told MSU ltudon.. .i-1 ho, ...,., ica<J Feb. 23 m ti.. Chu\ Studcmt <Anter S.Uroca.

By Linda Wil.oo Scott a nd Jean Hall

Reporeen Sept. 16, 1991 is a day lhal

MSU junior Steve Johnson (nol his real name) will never forget II IS l he day that health officials a1 the Wtehita Counly Health unil told him he 1H1ed positive for IM HIV virus.

When Johnson learned ol his diagnosis, he cried tor an hou,, lhen wiped the leers away and headed back to clau et MidweSlern. Although he was

slunnad and tr,ghlened , J ohnson was determined 10 conlinue his da1ty routine of dassesardwo,k

•A nytime you have u~o-

lected sex. you are placing yourself a nd you, partner at risk," he sa,d Unfortunatety. Johnson lea.med thts lesson too lale Johnson expf,aw,ed that he became sexually ectNe dl.wing a

lime thal AIDS Iust started to make the hNdlines •tt c;oukf be anyone yo u

know who has AIDS." Johnson u.d. "No one wears a tattoo on his forehead tMt wam s others d lhe Yin. We loolc no different ttw, anyone elH."

I■ aee Uving, pg. 2 j

Germ an profe ssor relives WWI I ordea l By Cbriatinr S . Pu1b Editorial Anisuat Al!Mtd bombs were expb:ting a/I-aro und, destroying • German c,ty as three young boys ran lo the rescue of injured sdd1ers who lay waiting lo be lranaferred to a hosPlta' One of lhe fearless young boys was Or Audoff M Kle,n. as.sociele profe550r of German al Mldweslern, who experienced first-hand Ihe herd and sornehmes gruesome roeblies of WortiWar ll ·1n the last 1wo years of war. all the young men had to go once a week tor param1l1tary IraImng. a yo uth orgamzatto n Ilka Boy Scouts.· Kkun said Klein remembers hav,ng lo learn how lo mrlk a cow al the young age of t 2 and to deliver the mdk along wllh rood and sus>phes to 1ho German women who wa re h1dm9 from the Ausslan soldiers who invaded Germany dum'lg the las! year of Che war "That was q urte a re spons1• b,lly lo, • 12 year old, but ii sure g,v, you a good feehng ol ac• comphshmenl aherward • Klein

said. Forty-eighl yeer3 later. Klein can .speak ol his expenences

dunng that rufbulenl lime u if it happen«f y"1..-day. "The end o l lhe war was v&ry trautM!ic becaUM you had refugees cOffWng by !he t hou•

·1 have IN.med IOcalm down when I hear lhern because I lhink. well, this time they're not he said coming to get Klein recalled Iha! even !hough living conditions were harsh. few peop6e complained "The morale (of the people}


Bolsheviks from taking over," he said One particular image ol the alrocilies of the war stands out tn Kklin's mind "When the war was over. some of the anll-communlst Russians fighling on our side

lo !he wHlem prison camps - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - , ran lo llae l he inevitable punish• menl (Soviet dictator Joseph) St alin would admlnisler." he said ·utt,melely. lheH Russlan citizens were rel urned l o Stelm via cattH9 cars which ran through lown. I'll n evM forget lhe!r laces They knew exactly whal was going to happen 10 lhem. • Klein was bom m Bensen, Germany ,n 1933. The l own is bcated in a province wh1eh fell under the dominalion of the Iron 19~6 wh en in urt ain sands: he said 'They knew was surpris.ingty good unhl lhe C occupied lhe Czechoslovakia what was waifing lo, them If they very end, bec.ause they knew regten know lo ia Ruu aboUI enough by over-run been would have able lo eswas family Klein's comthe R ussian army People lrom that !hey didn't Wini !he said. cape to l he Wes! through the Easl and Wesl Prouia fled from munists Liking OYer," Klem Czechoslovakian a of m as~af'IC4t know · v ery lew people !he advancing RIA-Wn 8rrrf'f and officer . whose life was Iried ro get Into lhe weslern· this country, tha1 ev~ when lhe police war was lo&I on the German sde. saved by Klein's fal her during cenlral part d Germany· nahons 16 to 12 from anywhere lhal admits Klein day s To lh1 ■sc• S cltolar,hip, PK, 2 foughl on a simple tornado siren bnngs had volunleers who the German side l o prevent lhe back chdling memones ~


"When the war was over, some or the anti-communist Russians fighting on our side ran to the Western prison camps to flee the inevitable punishment Stalin would administer." • Dr. RudolfM. Klein

Dr Rudotf'M. Klein, auociat.e profeeao, .tGennan, ditplays a frarmeor. al the Berlin Wall p.-..,ted to him by a former 1tudi1111. , DeVff thoucht the ..U woul IDCDe down in my liflti11N,. he Hicl..

~t U,ft\i


xampI ;-,::.1.:::;.,".':.~ Stran ger thanks White for courageo~:,_e w,,~• 1: CAMPU S

l'aica 2 ■ Thunoday, Fe brua ry 2G, 199:J

wenltd to .o.ic:af• ~ ,...,.idfromnow on, w• llgH lhf - • noc Ille poo, , pl With lhe cfiliNM." aht utd • Whil• Nid Ry■n·• maturity and optlmtMn 1tway1 c:hNted from pap 1 ■warene11 ,n 198~ when• her when •he waa m.d or .«range man epproedwd hm in ~

• l ■ c Ollt lllUe


The ordeal helped While conquer her own pre1ud.c••· renc•."Whilleseid WMa ,.id, blcouse ..t,1lt II•• wt.... moat ofdln1,y peopfe rehg1o u1 commun11y con· oA avotded the WhifH, lhe media demned !hem and memberl 10 and Holywood atar1 weJe nevtf 1he1r own church ,,tused efraedofthem, Whi eNld Ryan shake lheIr haods. lhe 9■'1 develop.d • deep friendih1p communrty was welcotrMllO with

,.,,. al rh~t p,e,udic• and 1gno,

~«:::::.:.:== Living with HIV is I■ C t • d I "tie never hlted anyone

boco-hf-tt>ey wtre vic,

Ryen then told hll mom he

othrM ttudenta. JohNon Mid hi lher9d th• ,-ws ol hla llnNI ~ hie cloeOD lnUe 1 NI frilndl and hie p,oleeeors In the hope that they woutd un• trom p ap 1 Drug lherapy w,lh AZT be- derlllend what al going on his o,an almoef ffl"nlldlatety aftw the Ile, but M doN nol went tymdt19nosis. but tor Johnson the pathy. k, tt... initial WMka after his s+de•efl ects were deb1klaling "On lhe rnectahon, I , .. ~ d ~. Johnaon not onty hid 10 dNI wlh hit own lhoek U-.n 1 have f!Nlr feft in my lite: he MIid 'All I w11nled to do waa and dlnllll ol the._, tu MIO he ff'! bed • Aft«tf several week& wu forced 10 dNI wilh hi• of nausea. lahgue. mood 1winga friendl' f'IIPOMN,. "For • long lime, no one and imlabihry. Johnson decided would even toud'I me." he uid. tt.t 1he AZT wu nol for him. Johnaon Mid living W'i1ti HIV '11'Mly...,. afraid ol,,. • Although lhe iaolation hur1 has been a k>ng. alow and someltmM k>nely experience Johnton, he understood their Evenlualy he found NV· ,_... he beieY• for him. He au:J he ta the odt/ HIV poMUve •udert eral lrienda who tried to otter He at.o found cemg, auppo,1. rnarlf al the MSU cafT1)UI and times he hes f.tl Isolated from OC>ff'4>1Mional:• proftseors who

~ - - - - - _ ;;:;..--,


'7!~/ttc~::t::n0 1'!E!:; helpodwilhmoneye ndgifts

: : •l auppor1aod meduted·




f:rompace 1 the wa, t<le1n'a exlenalve educa· honal background began In Germany in 1939. Although io.ing a year of 9Choofing due to


gree. btA mote 1mportanUy. he hopes to make his parenI1 proud of the ir aon tnd his lat·

cofl'1)hshmenls Johnson hes discovered Iha! one of !he hardest aspects wilh Iva iftness is lhe dealing 01 hnancial reality 01 e1tpen 51 ve rMdic:ation Since and tre1lmenl

he does 004 recetV• Nnancal aid for hll 1ui110n or receive gov• emment Hs1stance. he musl . work ev.n when he feels 1U living under the strall'I of his

iNr,ess caused Johnson lo seek

Driven by his goal to gr.dutie horn Midwestern in May 199-1, Johnaon aomehow stJmrnona lhe .Crength to lake 12 houra of clasHt ind M>rk 40 hotn a week. 8y waldng IICfO&I the tlage during greduetion. Johneon hopN lo not onty rN~

washauntedby l heaad, sunken facec of the other patients with HIV a rd full-bbwn AIDS "God, I don't want 10 look like them .· he

ize NI drNm of finiahng hia de-


suppoft at lhe AIDS Supporl

Center Wl Wichita Fals The last lime he want 10 a meeting. he

the war, Klett1 ...

~ 10


c eive hia ' abitut." the Gennen equival4nl lo I high school diploma In 1953, he WII

~Jn--h o-.

at tha Univers,tlt Munchen Ill Munich. Soon alter. he apphed for immig,alion IO Iha Untied Stales at the Amencen ~ t e and 'fv\lltJ n.da it • Klein deckled to jotn lhe

enro lled

mili111ry in t ~

Not wanting to

relurn to Germany as a U S.

Armt occupaltOr'l aokiat, he enlilted i n 1he Marine Corps lo avoid being 1I111on1d in Europe While in the military. K'-ln was a fo,atgn langtage in.s1ruct0< fOf Iha Mar1ne Corps

lnalthAe '" Washington. D.C Klein' s military t11ghpo1nl came dunng the fall of 1956. "I got clo.sa to making lh• U S

1(p,u/y's 'Pain I & 1Joay

-~=. ~=--· ... -----

...... ,.....o,,.._o,,.

o.,. 1n.-. ,.,...,,


celal10n of the p,ogram Ounng hill 25·yNr tenure at


~ ~ c,,~ ~ 1' 11• to other \liefin11 1Met1ngs. ,...-d a offer .' ~ the ~iS,9,esepeoPI• ;ust

Wll lllngi.9ge is benefic~l lo an indtvidual 'It's an awful leehng lo go lo ano4her counlry and no! be able 10 speak the l11nguage. • he seid •vou feel like • deal •



l #oll vlJOllff•lol , 11,t-. ci.: t""'hr,1111...i,_liovf


. ,. 1 .,....,.,...,

t'1u'I'. a chan~ lo urn 1c 1.000 ror yours.:rn


•If I ddn't have 8 P0sl"-"• ,

tudtl and rny goals, I '~

ab.. 10 gel lh rough l h1~• ; ,-ld. In observance 01 A,. W eek 1. A 'IU re ne ss Midw••tern. J o hnson 1s V~ ning 10 view lhe AIDS 1_

. i- AtthollQh he anhc1pa1,, ,.._, said ness wt,en he sees !he inga, Johflf,On a ,-lsllC -" se~ of humor~• and personal effecla OI fAI F~ ~ hi~ deal with this en&~ AIDS viclims, Johnson s.11 -.,~ tude htl haJ alreadY picked <>IA.,.cf d Iha most beneficial lt\etar.-.i. ~ . t,oogrl Ile in5U~~ is being ab'• lo lel OUI tht Pen and fruslra!lon of~ sure that when he II ail• ~



. afized he wil nof be klPI




wilh an uncertaJn llAure

•5omelimes artificial ,naans. ~ 1 ~~~ feels !NI int~ -f ~ "'"". he said sl>ility f«hiSifl· .,., , ~"~··



s -ON Of(,ce Supplies

;;:~;;;E·MSV STUDENTS! We provide school supplies as well as office supplies.


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grow up . g raduate from ~ e m and gel rrarried.• he

"There we1 a sudden opening, and I waan1 MA I I wanted to come,• he said. •t

_,._ ...

ecc:epttd !he pooi!Jon ond I In 1972, Klein elev.oped

tho MSU Fo,tign Stu6t1 pro, gram al lhl University of

Garcia perceivM Klein I S a

tnfhful, kind .,,cl oodefstanding paraon "Hi1 1tud1n1a are lucky," he Mid. "He IS !he bNI

mon you could know • Dr. Atvile K. Teylo<, •• prot__,. al Engl;,t,,

asooc• aw•

elates Klein·, wonderful sense ol l'MJmot-. "He'a atway, making a

P'I' about tomethng.• Klein married h1a cu rrent Wife. Chertotte. in 1992 He has two deughlen. Marienne, 29. an MSU graduate and a computer an•fytl tn Albuquerque . N M • and Doria. 25. also an MSU ~ I • who ia employed by lhl CMI Service in Arlington lnetMd of patronb:ing a local dwlng t. lunch hour, Klein can be found hllhng the

Regenlbutg In Gerrneny and the unwera;c, de Neuchlllet tn Switzerland. The program be· gan with 72 atudtnla from 15 dff.,.,.. uni¥era.iiM 8Cl'O$I the counl,y. The laing value al tho U.S. water ... the MSU SW!fmlln9 pool doft.r c,-Nfed • chalic drop tn 1n lhe D L. Ligon Coliseum. college enroffment in 1973, where he twinw a mN eYe,ydey Kletn aeid INm,ng a drffe,thereby necee,ailaling !he can•


I IIR. CI.F..ANr~S M'f> LAUNDRY 2111 Soula-• p......, 691 J9?6 Jho YiMaPJu~

322. 1,s.1


Wtehu.-Sc~~ "Dy Jrwd Ot...o

1101 Mlctwemm Pdw•y 72) , 1900

1611~Swc, 161--00IO

11 1 ,h,,.,m1,,11 Jr ,~kuunr u11.Jt,11,11h,

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"~tt.1. BOTS L1guo11




17 \1 .'iou1ti wc,,1 l';wltw,1y f lt, Wtdl!U 1-.1111 I cu, 7fl Witt

t>il7l '1% KOf-.8

691- 1002


1 ~

15 taking respon


·rve watched h11 children

GRHKS&t'l .lllS

$1.000 AN HOU


Min)' di thiefTI u,,oogh hand IO go nd if I can .

Dr. G.-mo 0.,ooe, prolos-


all C hm S ;alh no 6lJl -22

~ 1

darkn•:· ; , I'll (Mal wtt~~ sorneo ng sight• al !ht

..._...._ wn


musK: vid eo l'r\l IJ Ot Ay11n·• memory

un1Myourea~,1,. .nttohl'+'•


Vcntkff l~, cn~per11r11r1, '11'40 Pru,:r.m ~llc:n SIO P"'


-· !ht-.--

ment ol Gtan LW'Cil 1SN!6. He,... tl#'l'ltd 10 the Uniled Stal• WM:1

awarded a Fulbright Eltchange -hioPh.D. lnci.m..c.11 Scholarship to WiaconMn Stale ... al College ,n Milwaukee. Klein Nffi'e d .. MidwMl.n Not wanting 10 retum to h• hom9'and aft• his yNr we1 up in the WI of 1988. at WSC. Ki.in enrolled et !hi Unrversiti <I Alger m Algeria to aludy Arabic. Dua IO the orMI of the Algerian Revofution, aN 10fefg(l«S were Mked to INYe the cou ntry Once again, Klein round htmHlf standing al • crouroads in hls: lite. Dunng the apring of 19S5, Klein returned lo Germany .-wJ

we c;11n 1alk ....-.,....,. ii can el·

WtllN answered Que1t~ ( ' ~ ,udienc• The prettri ; 1ended with the sho~irig!ti:,,

J'f1 l!'fC. ~'4Dfrt,DYll!tT00::0..S DllaP,., c.,~


Kl ein lhen lnatrucled Gennen. Frencti and SpenW, under COf'lhcl wilh the pern-

,b(J4A >JDS and -w,c,n~" tlllilfict, buC


aor 1men1u1 ol foreign lan-.clhio-allci enceln gi.eget, hokla Klein in high re•

-.1n 1962.



Nndl .imo.t unbellabfe. Latety. Johnaon has begun to expwience lhe uomi.Caklblt aymptoms of AIDS. Some rest• ltM nlgh1a are plagued with night &WNla. Johnson's skin hu become very dry and flaky Faligue has mD i1 he~ lo get ~ of bed some mom,ngs. he



:.0-ng ;nit<~ irl AIDS

•9'"9 .ii 10 be

Po''°""lly. you have

ioOO The on~ way 1"101 t,;, 'lit! .4f()S1Snof l0geflf' Following her sp,

. !g =~~7!':;gu~u, .. long, slow, Ionel~ :Oeon


have provided muc h needed 1Ir1ngth All ho ugh Johnson feels weU, there are some days he

- ·in'Thot-m,biggoot !he- Corpo.· rjc,y MidwNlem, Klein has made cloy Aft« ~ en hononbM valuabte friendlhipt within h1a diachllrge in 1958, Klein •n· ~led 11 the University of Weoonein In Mitwaukte. He


lectyou, you

Scholarship brings Klein to the United States ~ pillol erd ""',_,,,. he

Wh'8 ~,,g ,..,yono ,_.io"I to ..,._

,peecti t,y _,


·········-----·· : ONE HOUR OF FREE I I





~ !"ITH THIS COliPO:\'

~ c tlJ!tbftsn


Thunday, February 25, 1993 W Page 3

Peace Corps recruiters seeking prospective volunteers Ry K ath ry o M lf Hrporkr .. ft fl tou ghes t tob yoY"II e\ •' tav,i• ..,. 111 be l,,nt)( J. ,ng a1


OO>r March 3 a s the Pe11Ce Corrct recru~ers visit the MSU camp us seeking prospoc hv e YOlunfeer~

An inform.-1110n lable 'Mil be

set up 10 !he Clari( Sludenl Center Blue Lounge from g :. m to t P 'Tl 00 Marc h 3 Sludents

■ • f 1j


,n ,Otn!OQ


horn 2 p

may arlend

l"T' 10 .- om

111 the C Arecr Pla!'\ning a nd

Plocemr.nt ol llce '" Haro ,n

South. )(av f\.;ir~n dMs,on !tee· refer)• ot ca, eer plann.~ ftnd p!Ac emr.nt s.,Jd

lobhshed ,n 1961 under PraslOenC John F Kennedy and seelits 1nen and Y1 o men ol a ll

wa llet , a D•scover card • Masterca,d a Scuhwes1em ~• telep hone card . a ditvets 11• cense and $ 120 from an unloc~ locker in room 15-0 ol the O l Ligon COtlseurri. Feb 18 The items ate worth $120 There a,e no S05Pect~


r VHICII m· TIU: fOLl,OWISG DO YOU PREFER?. . I A S~.000.000.fN)0,000 dtficil, Gmtrnmental I

•...................... := FAT ALBERTS :-~~~;:Jl~~B.: RH EA a o :35¢ Poor,: ~''.~'"· llif:hu Taus . Pa~ Rai~ for Pohtic1an~. Mott Go,·"rnmtnl ro- u OR


e,a'Y IINO years long W"llh an.-.~ 1'3! tratl"lln,g seu.on of etghl to \4 wee"-s t,eld in the rost coun1ry, Peac e Co,p pubhcahc>ns stated

I tR41 ~i4i\ I

Polic e M SU T t-ie Oepar1ment responded lo I theft an 11e1 ol cnminel mischief and an au1o rnob,le • cc:1dent 51nce F~ 18, HG Evans, chl,ef ot pohce reponed • An unknown •nd1V1doal remov,:a • mens ~alhflf' tn-takj


end ta!er.1s Currenlty the Of· garuza11cn 1$ m demand !o r people IOl hO are ~l.oqeabki ,n agriculture

The HSlgnme.,ts are 0-"·

The Peace Corp s was es•

,:4011-B ..... ................·•




•995 'A lth fN"V c,'1e-ren1 sJulls

• An u~kno....-n 1nd"ttduat teff'IO'lled I val'Ve siem l:orn the ngt,1 honl In ol a ear o.1/1Ced ,n lei 6 Ff!O 19 The illen, o worth



- ,Ji


■ I ....;;...~;;·-;;;::--::-=--- - - -~__,,___,, n.- ~r.._.V_.iract

.......,.? lfidlaitl Koofer, Johnny Cartn, St.at)' ~-UC"~m~• 111d Def'llk Andrew11,, ~ of tM MSO P• t...Do you know the

CoGeee Bowl All.star~ . plolatntea dunnr • r f'Clln l ...kh ac•in,t th.t tawk, i..m.

MSU still has 'flu stragglers' By Joh ■ Graotham

$1 0 Therea,e n o , ~


• An MSU stuo.nl drMng a brown 1983 Foro Raoge1 t'UC.._ struck a !P•Y 1 992 Honda A.cco,d while boeh c ars ...,...,,

Here a cough !here a COUQh 1ve,ywhe,e a cough cough " '• ~ s.vne old SON) but.

baclong out ol pet\""9 'IO«" in lot 2 Feb 22 At of p,e.s.s time I~ damao• hH n I bffn • P Pf•'ied


Mtrhotestern .erli dtfltfent Nu a few "1tu 1,tragql..-s· 1tws

of sick people o n campus," Peggy Hart>ock·Hon. registered nurse end d1rec101 o f Mallh Soel'VIC... $.lid F'to ~11cc1nat1ons w ,11 b• g 1'\len .al the Vinson Health Cen11, unllf early Feb,u11ry 0 1 'Ntif!O lhe eienlef runt OU1 of l h• va.cc,ne

Af1 er ,mmun1zalt0n. rt ean 1ak, ~ 10 14 days fOf the body to build an V1'lfNJnlty 10 the ""us Hoft said She addftd th.al an• o lhef ootbu,ek o l the l h.1 IS elC• p,9cied belor-e the w-mler 1s ovet

More than 260 MSU &tu• denls were immunized la51







F■YU1fll bMuty and Lord 5 l .ty MldwNttm w,e,"\I wttl be held fr('lffl 8 8 pm . FM> ?S t1tnd 9 a m 10 1 I' m l=_.b ,& l111 lhe

Cla,t,. Student C _,..., -'IN1m * Al111J K,11hloen Kt.._hA, w,11

R F.\IHIHE R 1·s H}R H ) l ll OIPLOM.\ NEFnS framing . rnn~ •

l '' ' (L'r'\

~ flisenl II s..hd• 11111.. 111 ◄ pm Feb 2S in Fitte Ana C ll I AlllfPES wilt mHI el S JO p m . F~ 25, in lhe CSC Ho■ptahty AooP\ A Philosophy C lub



mNltng#ltb41heilda1 T30pm onFeb 2SraCSC11s e _., ct.:>- d ll"IC <.one~ #!fl O.h«Mr1118 prfl F'llb ; 5 rrtl,,_ Akil'1 -'uc:Monum and Po ta,o,1 A l • p lor ,1,1,o n W1111 e,m1d, a Worlotq., d be htrid • 10 • m and al 2 pm Fl!O ; ,;; ri r A C 106 • The Geology Cluo -.mil me.. al 12 pm Feb 7i5 •n Boltn Sc)'JrceHal 111 An AIDS Vdll'TIS Memo,,al SeMce Mt! be 1,-'d .. 12 15 pm . Feb 26, 1n lhe Alu n Aud1lonum A math c onfer ence , • spona.ored by lhe educa110n department. win be held at e a m.. Feb 27. 1n the Ciani: S1udenl Cenler A S•mile AIDS Awar9-0K$ Wal k lo benefit lhe AIDS




• St...-. Atten Jt , M D ,on r,I fhe I.a~ comedian Steve " llen, # tll present I PfOgt'API ~ l l ll"Q ~ ~_.nte Qt ..ught., •nd play tr'! teduct-ng stress end 1n p revit"lallve r--.dk:ine at 7 p m !=et, 27 ,n !he Alon Audltonum For mot"e inform.hon eonl■ct 8.tlye Ruth Gos&a1m , 125 • The deadline lor Spong 199:J QQdU,a,hOf"I h■.s been HI

al fl.xi 4321 The Art1al·Leciur• SenM ComnwflN ,. cunenety acc.epl· "'9 apptical/Of\a fl'OPI &tudents intaruted 1n becommg membe,a o l the comm,u,, Apphcetions ■,e av■ubt. rn the dean ol a1udenfa' oftce ■nd are ~ back on March 1 Fo, mont 1nform•t1on . cont■c l Ph1ll1p 8 1rd1~ dMn ot studen t s et 1111 4719 or Johnny C orte,, Gove r nmen t S 1ud9 n t Auoc1at10n p,estdenl at .,,., -'709 The 8apt1~! S tu denl • Un90n w,11 pre&~tnl a luncheon rally et 12 20 p m . March 2, ~ the CSC Ballroom Da vid c,ain M l be ttw featured ~ leeder Mld speaker Al r.tudenl Or'g &nt· zabOrl• are tn't'Od, and !he tun•

tor Mardi 1 Fe, more ll'lform.t·


Suppor1 Center w1M slart 111 1 pm Feb n ■I the weal sld4. of M"n,o,111 ~l11rlium ,n WIC'hcta F'11U-. C ~ k-1n II al 12 p m Sr.;oll!IOf l)N':k@II tor Wllllkftf!I can b<t p.c.h c1 up al !he ASC k>· c • lftd 111 ◄05 Oalveatc.,n ,n W lf"hltA F■ n. o, 1ht, U n,v9fs,ty P,og,an'll"Mflg 8oar'1 atfQ lf1 l he

Clffl St~nl Center


contact the ,eg,st,.f s offu

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• A band

clf'\rc c::oncert will


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Match2, tnlhe

The nex1 1nslaMmen1 of

& Lady Midwestern run-off vol• wtg wit behetd trom 6-8pm

, , , ' , , , , ', ,

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~3and930arn 101 pm






m . March 4 ,r, the

* The Student S.Nllle ••II



meet a16pm . March 4 , m CSC

'°' •


O u1'each o l

Wtchrta County will ptesent a ten-week video senes on Famity • beginning ■I 7 p m March 1 a! the YWCA. located a1 801 8urnef'I 1n W!Chta F■Jts Fe, more 1nfo1mahon c■II F■m.ly OutrM<:h ■l 723-21 2◄ T he Assoc1a11on to r • C ~t,ng Machinery will pre• senl •The Brown B■ g Luric h S.JTW1a1," fN lunng lhe late.I In oon,pute, lechnology at 1 p m , Marc h S Sung your lunch


students and faculty ...one of our priorities! · fru.:..1k!hnv cwke a day to MSU ! • l.11l." '" .. 1n.,""' , .I ,,m,r •111,rl..,_ .,,.Jhm111urr "' le ,.,,.n.11' ·( •lflll'" h· tn..,l"fl' .... , , . , .. 1k-1~1nm1.1,t . .... l ..... ~..

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Gourmet Coffee, Tea and Accessories 3~"' ._t:,n•




Lll·f-ll E ~l 11'1'1Y L-0


Joshua's C hr1.n1un S to rr_.,

" Books. G irls . Bibles. and Videos" .Sb.a)·b('haf,rcll 1 l 1~

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1tbt Pare 4 ■ Thu"'dR,Y, Fcbruftry 25. 1993


Opinions of the air

Another acquittal in case doesn't mean more riots

GM/NBC incident raises e

The Baltimore Sun The week thal Los Angeles has been dreading has arrived. Four Los Angeles Police Department ofhcers charg·e d with criminally beating Rodney King go on trial in federal dislnct court. The officers were acquitted tn a state court 1n a nearby suburban county last year of all but one minor count. That touched off lhe worst noting in tt11s century: the county coroner attributed 60 deaths to the fiery. bloody react,on to the verdict. Property damage has been estimated at $1 billion Many Californians •· many Americans •· believe the officers have been shown on videotape to be clearly guilty, and so they fear anolher acquittal will provoke another not But surely that is not .so. That the police officers are being tried a second time •• and in federal court .. is clear proof lhe system is not supPortive of whtte brutahty against AfrscanAmericans. Many people believe Daryl Gates. the Los Angeles police chief when the beating took plaoe, was a racist. He is gone, The new chief is a veteran African-American law enforcement officer from Ph1ladelph1a who has been working night and day 10 rid the Los Angeles Police Department of whatever culture of white racism still exists. Police Chief Willie Williams also has been wor1<• ing to prepare his departnw11 lor a more professional response to the first signs of rioting. Lasl yea( s rio1s might never have begun had the Los Angeles Police Department and other law enforcement units done lheir Job ., a timely fashion. One of the clearest '8ssons of the urban disorders

of the 1960s was that massive force promptly employed stops angry, violent demons1ra1ions trom 1uming ugly. If Los Angeles, the state of California and the federal government did not r&-leam that lesson last year in Soulh Central Los Angeles, they never will. Federal courts are behind their state counterparts ,n recognizing the need tor the public to see what

goes on in courtrooms. II is unfort1,1nate that this trial will not be televised. All people are going to see -over and over, no doubt -- is the sd<ening videotape

of the beating. with none of the accompanying al• tempts to put it into the context that the jurors of last year rightly or wrongly tpund persuasive of iMo-

By Ric h•rd Harwood The WHhin1ton Po■t WASHINGTON •· The Wall Slreet Journal reported recentty Iha! "'hMds are hk■ ty lo roll" at NBC because of 1he " pubhc hum1liat1on" brought on l he network by Its new, div1s10n The fifsl ol lhese. lhe colummsl Richard Cohen wrot•. s.hoold be lhe head of Michael Gar1ner, president of NBC news He was not personally 1n• volved 1n lhe d 15honesl les1 used by "O•teliM NBC" to demonstra1e that gas tank mounls on SOfTHJ GM p ickup lrucks may be unsale. But. 1n Cohen' s view. he slonewalled too long and delended 100 much a J>tKe he knew to be 1ndelensable "He showed a dismaying tolerance lor uneocept• able journahshc pr•chces (GM) was not the only party in1ured by NBC's ethical felony Journalism was mugged lwice once by lhe program and once by Gartner'• defense of II He ow. . his profession the courle&y of leaving it " The llgura1N'o beheading of Michael Gartner may be aippropnate. 8l.C he did not creale !he probtem Iha! 1s al the heart ol thl■ eni>arrassment like Adam in the Garden of Eden. he ts 1n lroublo not because ol Eve or the snake but because of lhe apple Tolev islon's apple •• whether in !he news or enler• teinment dMal)ns •· is l he ral· ,ngs game Who Of what can attract the largesc audience? II IS unfair to SAY that in lhis co~t1lion, any1hlng p s But 1here are lncenllves and lempletions l o sensahona1ize or "c®rize" 1he facls. lo rnttrepresenl Iha sign1l1cance and meaning of events in the way newspapers did when we had street wars fo r circulallon suprem•cy A " screaming" headline w as essen1ial·


thi·cal questions

obfr1 Read. ui1vid

" He1re!.S Slain," lho " heiress" pcwhflps being a shop gul who had been the benehc:uuy ol • $too insurance pohcy This compelit1ve sp,111. 1n the case ol the GM ~gment. otwi• ously infec ted everyone In· votved, strongly suggesllng lhal the ·-,oumaliSIIC prac11c os" lo which Cohan ob1ected perme· ate the televi$10n news community lrom lop to boMom. The day before NBC issued lfa extraordinary apology 10 lhe automaker. Ga11ner inslsled in a feller l o GM that the program "was and remains corr'f)lelely factual and accurate ~ This letter, according 10 the Waif $!reel Journal, WIS largety lhe NBC's c h,el public relations counsek>f. Betry Hudson, end the networt,i.·s chief m-house lawyer, Richard Cotton It wes wnnen wel •rt•r NBC had been inlonned 1n some det•II c' lhe problems 'Nllh lhe piece and had been Uvealened by GM with • defamation sUtt n~ 1eam that produced lhe - Qalehne" program WIS witltng. too The reportec on lhe story. Michelle Gillen. wu present when the nggod ,. ., IOok P'aee, •c:companied by camera ■nd sound crews They knew lhat whal happened • I !he tesl sde dtd not exaclly square wrth what was shown and whet Gllkin s.a.d on NBC IHI NovetTt>ef The man who conduc!ed the ngged IH I was Bruce Enz ol lndianepoks. a profes.sioflfll '#11· ness ege1nst au10 makers 1n• volved m liablicly , u11& He re• !used to cooperate wrth GM's inveshgall)n ol lhe test and was adv~ by lhe lawyer represent· Ing htm and NBC lo .answer no questk>ns "on grounds tha1 Enz IS a jourMhst," protected by the Fir&! Amendmenl hom lnlerroga!ion. Thal waa pa1en1ty untrue. The producers of the pro-


ri,ere 15 anolher ~ stems lrorn the adi.toc.,cy ~} ., ,, prachcad duri!'lg 011 5 de .,.., War II by such bros a"e,1 .; Edward A Murrow . W11~a,:, Shirer and other pioneers a:~ mediu m They brough1 ho,,.~ this style ol reporting, Ira,._ ferred it 10 such program, ti "SH JI Novi' arid estabhshed 1 tr,dition ol ~11or1ahzin9 11'4 1 out ~ ol ~ : rnockrak,ng with a~nt of v-._ these ~I~ "ow• -•ted by It war. no! as o rageou, IC "proles.s,On 11 ~ -ua,ifies praci,ced by Rush l 1mt:>1ug11 the fact thll ~~m q the bUI it was clearly honed lo ITllq as a "profna10n·· in onfy rd • point to prove a case, 10 VII• vagues! sense of lhe c;otWiclion, 10 enect a law That ,s w~at 1s done o,. Unhke \awyert and 01 have no common c nd neWSP'per editonal pages ..,_., ethics- We are licensed~-~ day The difference cs that rllt thus, can'I b e ~ r ediio r1t1ls are presented 11 is no common dahnil~n o "op i n io n s. " not I\ "JOllmahsf' or "joumllism- Ale " doCumentanes" or ··news " w the news readers on ~io "zoo the networks wo uld tidop1 a teams" tn the same business.: uuth•in-labehng system. the NBC nightty news or the of their current problems ITllg/1 1ona.l boerd ol th• Los Angeles be solved Th«Mr presenters~

st Ae&d also employed IOI the ~~re the NBC knew weeks ~~ hl,d serious apology that bl1t h• problems wdh the s·.;....,;ors le1ted lo mlorm r~h;ihese The ques11o n o nd ~ they pl'OOuc:ers knew a r1ed is knew ll. lhe !he slbiect of inh"hod ..., lawysrs Med by NBC IO .,, nl wrong







rirne!7urnalishc pr•chces !hill woukt gel you !ired lrom 1 Chteago Tribune Of' New Vo Times .• aurrep1ihou• eaves· droppu~ or Haummg • false tc:t,mtlfy •· are s1anda rd tech·


~~; ;,!

::'N'?."a': do wa classrly the 1elevlsk>n tabloid programs ,ucn .. ~Ha~. Corr(' and "A Cuoent Att.,., where tact and flCll)n are hop•

=~~:Y:=~ ~;;:;w ~


lhe Direc tors Aasoc1at1on. the A rner1c an Sociely ol Newspaper■ Edr!OfS and so on •• are nol gomg to SOI'! out these matters They heve no COON .or la~ 10 enforce. no powe< Of' inclinatlOl"I to pc,hce 1heir com-

attorneys must convince jurors not only that excessive force was used. but that the police otfteers intended 10 use such force· The cops didn't lose their cool. they cooty infhcted punishmenl. This is something no law enforcement agency can ever allow to go unpunished. Bui under the American system, prosecutors still must prove rt to a 1ury with the same degree of certitude -- no more. no less -- that is demanded in the case of any other defendant.

compensalion and olher 1ns.ur• ance benelil s, som et,mes 1n-

~ ~b~ W tcbita:n ~ =;:;i:~;;;by' blends history, love M i dwestern S ta te Unlveraity 3410 Ta1't Blvd. Box 12160 Wichita Falls, TX 76308 New1t Desk (817) 689- 4704 Ad. Desk (817) 689-4705

Adffttl-in1R•P• Gn,phJ., Arlia,I

8«.ffWr lt..-



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D•r EdilOf. The problem of 1lhleracy I). rectty alf«u 2 7 mtUJon Amenc«i 1llilera1e adutt& But II 1ndueco, affects • II ~her Ameocans You mlY think lhal , becau58 yoo tan tNd this, illiteracy is no problem for you You need to lh1nk ag111n lllileracy lowers busine" productrvity lllderales may noi be able to le.am enough lo knothe difference between low and high quality During 1ra,rwng, ~ery1 hing mus! be explained orally lo illrterates T hese costs are pt1ssed along 10 the con-

"°"'1tng lawsuits. Insurance rates are ba.s«t on averages, and uihmatety we aN pay h1ghe, 11'1S<J'• ance t>.ca.us.e of ace.dents re• suiting Imm illileracy IHJtenacy doves people into

If you wilh your letter to be pubhehed without your name, and the contentjuatifiet th.at action , pleue 10 a mutual aareement can ht reached. All letten w:iH be pncted unedited.


==,.L ==t"'t e =e"'r=""' to tlie

be hur1 by 1he accidents lllilerates who cause accldenb are more likely to draw worket's

coot.act the editor


change. But 11 would b, 1 cteanslng u:penence if II wer, 10 occUf.

llli1erale wori(ers are prone to have accidents because lhty




Present formats are probe. embedded lor QUIC~

b~ too

cannol rN:d Lde,.le people catt

Lett.en to the editor abould be brief, to the point and without abusive language or penooal attacks. Lett.en muat bt' aimed by the 11rnte.r- cot typed•·and 1hould include a telephone numbtr and address for ven ficatioo



c essity 10 uN rigged r ~ make 1heir case and Pl'O'lt 10 their

surneB - U&.






One reason some observers fear a repeat verdict



!ha! Enz and hi s

is that the prosecution has a tougher case to make under federal law than tt did under state law. U.S.

Cepy EdlLet

,■des . The l1r1ng of tA1e"4ti G•r1net m19~1 be a 11

~ Jeff o..mond •• • 1• "obieci lesson to us a• Su: b Rummell • st ha'+'• knOWO lhe death penally, •Is de1err:, most certainly ~~ ny Wftre value " suspect

gram ••


-'-'tl•Le Edllot



R,- DHD Lawrence

Mone Cr itic The Civtf Wer had ended, and those men who survrved beg■n lo relum l o lhelr farms and larTlflies. In lhe Soulh, lhe war left h mark: homes burnt and loofed, f•mlltes war-weary and pennil ess. and former $lives di...c1ionteN in their new freedom Men W9f'e changed by 1he wa,, sometimes 10 the po1nl where !heir own lamillss dtdn't recognize lhem anymore So ~ was on 1he Sommer sby pfantelion m T.-w,...,..

'Sommersby," now ahowing al Sikes SiK Theal era, 1s a remeke lhe 1982 French film rrhe Re1um of Mat1., Guerre.• Rtehard Gere stars as Jac k Somme,s,by. before the war a weaNhy plantahc,n o wner. who amves back al h+s hOktings al Vine Hil, Tenn. after en absP.nce

ol aix years. He 1s stronger, bolder, more vmle and yet gent!« than his wife remambefs him, He it a changed rn1n literally. Had lhe war affected him lh1a way? Or was there some other exP'9nalion? The film l akes its lone lrom Gare's sly -eyed, completely winning performance, and cues the viewer to see Sommersby as a kind of adOr himself.

The movie is • &rnOOlh baend ol t>.Weveble (though llO(

~ ~ o l y oocunote) hisloty aind t'Omlnlic kwe. Fosler ii stunning u ........ and Gtre is hi■ charming MIi. If the IT'lc:Nle is weak • 1 aa. it may be that the charactera they J)Of1,ay • • not a1 richly developed H they rrnghf have been Finally, ' Sommersby• ia a

movie that 'Ml benef• from more ThenasmglevlftWing, Th9plotis Jodi e Foster 1s Laurel. compleK, •nd tnty lend 1o be Jack's wife, who. having given con!us1ng ii lhe viewer Is not him up for dead, 1s se,10usly paying. sl nct attarrtion lo detail considering another man But and dialogue. 11 seems long

of cours,e, when Jac k returns. atthough it ia just shy ol 1~ lhose putna •bfuptly end The hours, P,obably lacause i1 isn'1 relationship betwffn Gere and high on action Foster ti playful, ye! lender. and 11 is worth seeing al least poinls toward !he Idea 1ha1 once on !he big screen . II may marriage, like love. requires be beSI lo Wll. fOf' the video for suppof1 and behef I rom eac h !he second lirne around. part ner, especially during ditflCOII or ct.ngerous IIITIGS flev•ew Rating A-

low-paying joba, unemploy· ment, even weNare. Thus 1J11tt r• ec.y weakens the tax base whff 1ncrusing the benehls paid The federal debt, over $4 inMion. has partly arisen from unproduc· tivity rooled in illiteracy The federal debl hur1s each ol us when we borrow money and face hlgh 1merest rates In 1urn lhe federal debt worsen.a lho ilhleracy problern because the government can• not fund programs to auack 1VA eracy when so much 1s gomg into weltare and olhef needs resulting from lllrteracv Cofl1)8nies leave Amenca 10 00 where lhe workers can read The jobs go loo Revenues decline whde the govemmenl s bills conlinue. Companies are •specially reluclanl to invas! lobs in areas where 1lllleracy and reauhing problems a re ubiqul· IOU$

Now ia the lime to slop ~!•· eracy . The Barbara Busti FOWldation lor Family l dordC'f' laub• c t-i L i teracy Act1on literacy V~unteers of Am~ric• and othef wonhy programs de· serve our h9'p Inquire ~ 1•· eracy Prog<Am$ al your loetil ~blery We are aH pt1y1ng tor 111ei· aq Sincerely, Manhew c Doyle Student ■ m Free Entorpnse

c Ulfcbttan



8)' Kirk IUlcruee

Spon,, Staff Thia a.tmeller' a 1ntramu,11 sports •re underway Hl men's ba~1, table tenms s,n~· 5 , btidmmton single' a, darts and

women·, volleyball

The MSU men ire I perlec, Men'a blllketbel games a re t2·0 in I~• dome and look lo pla yed on M onday and ence ,n IM Di•rict a louma- Wednesday n lghls 111 8 pm , 7

, March &-9.

The MSU WOfT\en have '#On 11,c . t lraight ga mes in Iha !ileum and ptay with eonvic.on in rron, of the home auchnc:e Maybe H "'I high school Iowa Partc, had pLey td in lh~

Pm or ep.m_in Gym 101 in o L

LJQon Coliseum

There •r• tour divisions of leams and I~ lop three In eech divisbn wiN ldl/ance lo Iha playoffa scheduled lo begin this w. .k. W o men's volleyball games •• played at e p.m. and •WOUd'vehad ■ win ;n Thursday 'lights In

---ol•~. . . . .

wt.I mekn • great IMm?

Glw Ions c, 1Nmcl1orri■try? The 1n1w1r it proiably .b oth, lh:a Iha MSU men and won,., have onty i~ l d H the ...ton hat prog,eued.

The Texan, continue 10




1993 ■ Pa(•


Intramurals begin

Totem Pole By She ne Glvena S parta Editor I hod ployed "'I high IIChool bukailbel ca,. ., in lhe 0 L. Ltgon Con1eom becau.. this no one Mems to ro..


Thu " d ay, F ebruary 25,



Teams ere not only compet· mg for • pat1icular IO()rt's hlle.

bul also the teem chempeonship awarded al Iha end of lhe

seme"er Arry teem entered '" • sport reea1ves puticlpal10n po1n1s. plus bonua po1n11 tor finishing first, MCOnd, third or lou,th The teem wr1h lhe mos.t points at lht end of Iha Mfflllltar rec:ecves the team 11!1e For more information or questions about enlenng a leam in a !p()f1, oonlact the Intramural Sports Olfice 1n O L Ligon Coliseum, Room 13' Or Don Flatt serves as the lnlramural Spor1s Director Intramural Spotts Handbook& can also be obtained al the intremural otrce.

Tournament trip slated The MSU department ol atNelica hes WJangrtd I bus lrip for fans who "I'll to attend the

Basketball NAIA Dis<nct 8 M-,'o bubtbol Continental Asaoc'-110f'1 that • win in Wichla toumanwtnt at South Plains Jr

The MSU men will be seeded No. 1 and w,I take on Llbboc:k Christian Urw.rs,ty et 6 p m on Mardi l!I. The winn•

wtl play lflher Wayland S.peist

College 1n Levelland during U nivaraity or Weste rn New F. . ...,beNm■d. - 8 - 9. Mexico at 7 p.m. on March 9. Some people feel • lot of n... CCCI of the bus trip is The bus is acheduled 10 lldc is involved in a WW, struk. Yea. Iha! m1y be true, but the S6S per pet10n, which includes depart from O.L. ColiMutn et 11 tran1p0rt.1tion to and from the e .m . on Mu c h 8 and If lkil .....e .. of lheH t•ms keeps games, one night's lodging Mldweatem ahould •6'ience lo lh..m c)ose through Iha game, while lhe crowd bring, out lhe (bo- on double oceupanc:y) •• the lournamenl finals. the bus !he downtown Holiday Inn in woukt r.iutn lnvnediltety foflow• VictoriN. Lubbock and a 1ournamen1 pus 1ng the 7 p.m game on Marth 9 good for gaimes. All person, 1nlerested in making the bus t'l) shoukt contact lhe MSU depar1menl of athlatics: no i.1er than Mardi 1 to makeN1MtVettanl.


For mote lnfOfmalion, cell 689 -4767

Students that want to attend !he loumemenl. bu1 don't want lo ride the bus can buy • tournamen1 pass tor $10 and supply his or her own nde lo Lev elland. Pass.s wi11 be on sele dunng office ho\n, 8 e.m to 5 p m through Marth 5.

lb:cUN mel Serena Cart.er, 1ft, pat., a aoni • lM W ,-t &a.. Sh.adrina, 153, ofWNtem New


Women ride Mustangs 70-63 Shadr1na with live louls with seven minutes ol play

By Deb bie Maestu Sporte Statr women ' s MSU The basketball teem hes done it

Midwestern wu able to welk away lhe victOf, 70-63. even aft« making 28 tumovars. Serena Carter once •oa,n aga.n ard agei-1. WIN thal isl TIMI led lhe team in sconng .....,,.,,. Ledy Indians hit the road to connecting 17 of 22 frH throws Lawton, Okla on Feb . 17. for a game-high total ol 29 where they look on Cameron points. Cart« ~ed the boerd:s Univer"'y lor the second time hard and brought down 12 this season . Home court reboundil es wel. Elrit'fOilandTemrnyMuray edvenlage did nol help Iha howeve r, each added 10 points lor lhe 1nm Aggie .,... .,_,... . ,_ _._,....,. .. _,... . ,. . . ., _ , _ Lady lrdans while Mindy Myers



r~~'!ady Mustangs could

001 kaap their composur~. however, 9Mng up !he lead 1n the last lhree-and-a-ha.N minutes ol pfsy Adrenaline 1u1ces wo,e flowing s1rong and became even stronger when WNMU coach Oex1er Irvin received lhrN tachnicel fouls. one after

r-~~::,~ ,._ ... •.,...,,1-•-·~

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:::.,~ ;::•;,.':,""'My~;ghilet:';: penofly ahols on■bl,ng th■ Lady Indians to take ooncrol 'Mlh 3·23 ,ema;n,ng ;. the game. Corte,


game thon the , ..,. they ...,. not abie lo take advantage of the MSU lumove,s. gett,ng

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po;n,. "

Although C.men,n put~•

and junior Lynn Buckmasfer

M<h '5COfod 2• po,...

~::;~::,.total. whao

Ligon CoUaeum , lhe Lady Indians defHled the talented Western New M exico Lady

The Lady Indians went unCMfNted m dlslrict play and ere ranked 17th in the naho n

- • • - MU5:~~:-:stouch and go

with• 2o-6 reoord Midwe~em

~~!!:~ i~:~~ c;;,:~•:~~

I from lhe stat! ancU never let~ I Midwestern was able to lake the

fnt round of the Ocstoe1 a play offs ,n Levelland Carte, peced lhe lum with 16 pomts for the game-h,gh

I bal lo the hoop and d,aw lout

shots H well as clearing lhe I court of 6"6' f,eshman Eteno Drive Rile I

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, NIGHT ROCk ~ , . D,.a"Be" ;;,t:1 ::.~ p: NIGHT ·c: ~BJ.:~~:i r Foitunn, Cur ltlf~";,tt, Ccutet D,,:,,o ll= 11:i:lloChc::t Ccutet 1 SoxyT lS :u:i Up Wc!:::ts Hottet ~ 10 6 -'-'--= 37'J Cll!f:cli

I)-_-,: Op;:. ll S~


Pap 8 ■ Th unday, fehruacy 95, 1993

tho ,.""'uon■J poll 1"6 Sa" v.id10 • prime . , . bep,cJlc ~ ~ximity to frH· ,,.,aportetion •nd c:auM


Officers of Grupo Bell. • lu1-mov1ng wt1ltr1 Iha! hive esC- GaJ.no~. was lhe 87 Bebaaitla• Rotella Hme woman who wt1nant1 Me1ucan border polict un•. ara b.Comt the ~WOii h1u1d Loe A"• elee n ... mekiflg rncuH end warnatao lor shouting rtpor1td Hrher SAN DIEGO ·• Tho_.. along wtth rotio., , rocky lerraJn nskJnQ lttW hive been wuhlnv up onto end hNWlly traffic - of the t,ua,. help H Iha currtl'lf pulled her ing fT911nl& llglllflll c:>cMi, ivn rtvtfbank1 •nd beech" IOf ••1 eroM!og zona on lhe bor· toward the Pac& olpoww• WMk6 now, ~ ful r•inlf()frN thtt hav• tNdt tht U S -U.KlO bonM, ~ to, llogol im-

dar. ' For every body 1h11 we have found ther11"1 a lot mo,a ~ lhM Nlva drowned Ind

Relallve, have ktent1fled 50,ne ol rhe dOld such H

A1 ,..., aix ptopt. have John Everhart of the San Otego drown.d while lrying to crou U ~il~ ~~frTII 1h11 Rivet' and flooded the WMkand, lht dtapt rate ad• Wtll1""'9yt in U 5 1en10fY ..ne. c-onheavy ,..,.. flrat pounded !hi, vancei of bof'der-crouer1 linues Authonties toond ttvu more bod!IH - two men and a

thrNwholoefhlaQl'1>on1Cllble apanning tht TT,uana River and was swept•~~ the wn-.n1

"'9'Y ""9'"m.

nobody knows about," Sg1



SortHn more migrants a,a r ~ t d ml11lng and 1..,td dHd SeYA of lhem " ' • '-el ....,Mruvglingl nthomuddy.

MWNn •· s.turday on the bMch

nae, the fflO\Ah ol !he l'Nar 11 Md not yel bffn dMtmuned whttMr lhe wo,nan, adentrf1td

Hecto, Hernandez Rodnguez, 43 , • gerden•r and lather of

'For me it ha• been very aymbohc.'' J1¥1er Y•lenzu•la Malagon, chief of Grupo Beta, Mid. "If wt can~ llop them, t the river cen'I ..op them. ~ ~n


OUI lo, Nt.mber 1 ..

LooAaple,Ti aH lONOON •· An anragtd

more lhan lhrN hoors before lhH hNring •· to 1ry to aver, trouble

crowd outa.de a courtho1..N 1n trild Mondoy to ■a.cl<


The boy• lppeared befo re 1wo10--,.., ~boyl~ln wd geve onty thew Iha bnJlal killing ol 2-y..,-o&d megilt'91• namet and a~• dunng lhe aix

Jo- Botgor


errHttd Sec P«>p6e meni,e,tof rheero'M:J ol 300 acrNm.cl pn:,fanitiee and tu,ng .,..,... ruah«S IWO police

minute, closed cou,1 NH.on They then were rttnanded 1!"110 ~

unol 1 "'"'h 3 hooring

Magtstt1IH order.ct lhat their be made pwic. end PfN«'lt were admon• lhe boy1 beck to a dl'ttnf:ion Wied to pnnl no detaita denlify· ~e,aflerlM)'O Unglll••• w,,g lhe defWldlnta ~

p.ar9d m eourt Ontooka,, hurled rocb and . - al u,a

nlffiN; no(


()ne boy

WU accorr.-Nfld

windowf9N vans otAMSe Booh pl--.d _ Court u !he ohi- by hie: IMhe-r and • llwyer, I~ _Magillra1a'1 Ulwyer and • aoeaal

on,., by a

In'"" Dnl"" -t.m. juvenlles agH to lO 14 ,..OCO.,,..

Alt• It. Vant disappeared, ~ wihdrew and 1he crowd


Am5d lt;hl HGUfrty, police

moved !he two yoong au.pect• to the eoutt . .r1y Mondey -

~.,.a,ocus,ed ofma,otCl'ITIM must be t.hown to be aware of 1h11 ~ d 1h11 offenM

8Hfdu two probable of mutd.r. the 00Uf1


clertc indicated that the defendant, may be charged wrth at• te"1)1109 to a bduct another youngaler the day before lhay Nlled ~ The IOt who WH abducted 11 days ago from a busy shopping center ~ tn

moth• mada a purchase at a butcher ahop, WH badly brNlen, 1h.,.. lo.Md 01110 • ra11-to.d track wh«e tits body wea

run ov-, by • !rain, poUc:a re-


M11nwh1le conlrove,ay swiried around another. young former auapect Jon1th an GrH n, 12. who WH taken list WNk from his home 1111he middle of lhe rnghl ~ pohca who afflted., hd a dozen vehlc6N a r.w dloya after the cnrne WM dis· ccw.,ed Green WIS hekt k>f 23 houra and quHIIOMd white n.,gtlbora vented their ~ M h11 home, br. .kmg windows and driving !'Ma !amity trom the-


ptblic~,n,nantly L•tino u,u,lly, ,,,. pr hfeh ,,..r w,_,.,,., alanll

Tl1uana R,vati S notthweltO,lntonlry •nd perallelS


1: IM ~ u t1$t: ::: nd mort 1hln knte-O"P·

flood• thll ap,Hd d4!8I~ ~ the ~ nvel• destruct.on c,Hkl def c/ly _in_,up and ct•led 35 IHI

rd■ llogll croooingl 1rodiloon■J~ water Wt'~ surv- 11"1 J.ni.-,y • i~ r u nort~ ol tho t,o,do<. lifogu■ ralum nor1h allar apendmg Chr~rn1t holiday• in MHioo ,.;; Many sip into the United StatM along• 5 mile section metOng

Mob attack s boys charged in death of tot By WJIUaa Tuohy


urMn, I n•lghb<>r~

ond_ .. _ ..

aaNwit,k>oktd on

Olhers remained undenh• lied. auch H the young man found w..mg datt.: pants, highlop beskeebl.11 ahoea and a T• shirt wilh IM i.g.nct •Looking


rom_. ,.... of .,..,.,


The boy WH Iller and almmas.d ftom the lnQUlf'f

Bui Iha experience II uld to have hid• devastating effect on hmi and Ma family Thay r.port· edy are hdtng in lhe LNe,pool

No Washington office in plans for first lady's law firm pr•a,denl ,



Paul Boueton a o d o.partm•nt ol Ju,hct 11111<>' wilh tht new powerbrOll:tts , Loe Aaplee Ti . . . th• Whit• House He II h


WiUlam J. Eato•


When Richard Nixon bt· pecied to land a high poe, 11 '-I came p,e51deinC, he 1apped ont Oeparlmenl of Jusllce V~.,J law partntf, John N Mlchel, lor i=o--t• J, . a dc»e lnend tt .,.i attorney genat11I and mad• .,... Clineons, tS Whtie oth•. Leonard Garment, • top coo~ and Wifliam H K~ Ho uH ellornay Ill, •ncChBf ROM lwm par,,_ Wh ite 1 M..nwhile. No:on·• New Yorlc eYOCillf• coooset

Green u ld Mondey lhal ht WIS on the verge°' falsely oonles.ar,g lo lht c,..,.,. becauH of

HI· '""" - · quicklyconnect,on.s, ""'bfim, political of ling l4I • Waahlngton offiet, Neron, Mudge, AoH, GtMirie' A._xandef buil • tuc,atN'e kt d clients who hed busrnff$ "'1h lht gov ernmanl, aparkmg

Bf.A M.,..eyelde police reaponded and ukt 'the boy was

arra&ttd on the ,ns.ence of has

~u:~=B-=~r,thl hia beluddlllmnl under ptBIS· 1.,-il qJNIKlf'M'IQ by police

Ma,ga,et Graen Jonathan's mo4hef, u,d 1h11 lht l amlly hid caHed !he pohce on~ because lhey lhoughl theu son WU !he ¥ichm of untrue rumoq m the netghbomood .• and lhal an inVHh91hon woutd Nlabhah his tnnoc:enca ' Al no lime did lhe lerrily of..lonlthlnGt'ffl 'lllkfor hi'n to bt arrMICld,~ a lawyer niip-


The firm haa no pta,.. It)• Wuhington office ~. cio, 1

, . . ourselves becomng ~

pncld lowy■r ·lobb\l"'•·· Ro-. M Ckltt.. lhe fwm's spol,:~ ton , aald •But we think lht ..,. "'" bu....... quationl abo4JI pouibM con· ibi/ly oould" he~ Ht added ··,..,1 ArkansH tlict special 1,-~ Now tht Llftla Rock, Arlt , don'I expect a"( (Hd1, ,J people those i.w hrm whefe Hilary Rodham rrom lhe lhrff Olht, t,

°' r,i.rut. 0

while her hut· Chncon and They're~; merpertn.rs). band WIS govemo, has fMde , 'm&tlCaf dttp inroeds inlo Bil Chnlon's 1remendous $i1Cnflce Clinlon


C:~ J

1dmimatre1lon. Webster L ~"•~h,~~e;!v';he/~. 'Web" H ~. a Ht'll0f perlnar m lhe Roe• Law Firm of l.,Ult not 10 help us bul to ~ "'· p1r1ner ol lhe country" Rock and a

,_."11 thl fomoly 111d.





4 . 00 t:OV!R UND~p 21 Of'> WELI,S & DOMEST!C HE!::!-'

1 . '30 PR~IIJMS & IM?OF-TJ


1 -75 LONG ISLANc Jr~o T!::AS

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