,w.~ ,..,,.~. "· e
against Texas A&M-Commerce Lions.
~.~I~~!!~~llij~!. ",,~
campus, illustrating "swagger" techniques to uSl! when finding a job and in the workplace.
Wichitanll University set to launch safety app ~th MyForce ,cllvattd at MSU, umpus pollCt art noufttd "lfyou'tt not on campus !t goes to 1hf Myforce u ll ct!lltf tn Colondo. and lhtY trans!tr lh&l OYtf 10 I.ht lo, cal d/sp.a:chfr." Lamb ~ Id. MAKAYLA IUNNIY Lamb s.ald thb app IS euy 10 use and quJcku than MANAGING lOITOA picking up the phont i nd dtahng 911 . In the S1uden1 Co·,t mment A.ssociallon mtttina. "h's thtlroptlOn if they fttl n IS something lhn would Keith Llmb, vice prtS!dent ol student attain and enroll· beneftt them. 1f lhtY fttl 11enh,lnc~ their sarety lhtn I men\ mmigctntnt, prtStnted a pt~nal saftty app to would encounigt them to buy Jt, Somt studen~ would emu.rt Individual stcurlty on rnnpus. probably feet mort so thJn others ttuil 11enha11ces S,aftty ·Jt could bt USftul In tht nttd of an nnergency or II ind secumy and f01 thost I would en• a studtnt l\ttds urtfnl htlp. Ifs taslty couragt thtm to buy 11,• Lunb said KCt:SSlblt on }'OUf ctll phOIW'. It's just an MSU Chid o1 Pollet Dar: Williams •PP Icon; Lamb said has bttn wortJna on I.ht !nsu!latlon of If• tMr of this app fffh In dangtt, ht THEWICHITAN.COM tht Gto f'-enct on um pus u wtll ~ tht or sht Clfl optn the application on a citll '"SOUND-OFF• wttY ftalum tht app t ntaJIS. phont and havt the p,mc bunon preIs MidwtSttrN a safe "Police arft bt evtrywhtre all Ult
Increasing student's P=nal safety becomes priority
"Give a girl the right pair ofshoes, and she can conquer the world.•
istrutting for charity pha Phi hosts High Heel Walk
women's heart iealth awareness ,tAT'MlR IICHW't"IU ,rJ.n WlllrTI"
lphi Phi hosttd Its sprlr.g ph1linthropy
Event, the Hf&h Httl
Walk, promoting ~n·s Htart Ht~th ftb. 23. Thr mllt long walk and 5K
tround cwpw htl?'d rtLSt mon(Y lor lht Alphi Phi N>Und1tion. ..Htart htalth should bt lmporun1 10 any woman because htan distue ~ to bt lhe r.um bt:r onr kil!tT ol WOO\tn,• 8111ty Hu;.:kins. vice pfffidfflt or mrkt1mg and sophomore III f)SV(hology, said. '"So lfs imporu,n1 ro take all the preaulions you can t0 prewnt hart disea.st. Puttfng on lhf tvtnt IS )uSt a way lo rteognlu tht risk of
Ctmtr 1.nd local dispatchers wh!lt pin f~%10Gil Q,W,(·!ll~tJ\i!U world. M}' dispatchers will bt moniiorpolnOng lhe ctn phone·, locaoon. ing thh 24 hours a day, 7 da}'5 a wttk, •Toe adv1nt1gt 15 our d1sp1:tchtt on 365 days I yt;ar,• WilllllTIS said. cimpus will bt lhert. II OJ)tTU lht phone Tht Gto f.ence runs around the eitenor border of up In ttrms of once you hit tht buuon yow phont is Cl!Tlpus. This rrnce lets tht dlspitchtr know the t nct livt . Tbed1SP11Chtr can htar you whethervou·re tJUong loatlon whtre lht pa.rue btmon was stt oll on ll or whtther you're IJ'Yln.g to dtft.nd 'f0Ut'5tlf. The "NotonlydotsnlthtGto f-tncel ihow our mainum-
pus, but it snows lht
Rmulmon ttnter !bat tht NW$1ng APP pg. 5
Whtn K!Mttd, 1ht Myforct Call Ctniu i.s lltntd in Color;ido ilong with local dlspatchm If Myf.orct i.s
1hc United SQt~ according to JOfdan Smith. vlct prtSidtn! or mlr. mam1gemrnt. srn1or 111 \'OCli prrforma.rm said, but ti's also the numbtr one rn°" ofttn mlsdta.goostd disease Ul women btause womtn show dlfftrml svmpt001S
lh.ln mtn.
· women's hun htllth ~uld bt import.am 10 e\'tryone, no1
lemak studtnts or our SISltrs, btc1usr t":rryont Im ftmalt farruly mtmbel'5, pP'lfrltnds, Wl'lt$ tnd
Not only is heart dlstast lht number one kl!ltr of women m
WALKpg.3 •••(ll0CO..lU'l ! WffOOl(l. i,r,(
.,_ ........,.._w.llAl_.• ._llyhrc,..,UC....ls . . . 6 ' 9 4 ~ ~ f f l -. n.....,_,,will lle....W.hf.,._, .....,,.,. . MMMl4mc:H-WCNbKrNS ■ll unMll'MtWlffl.
Launch date confirmed for new, effective portal system MSU Portal promises · ,,.;~;,';t.,i;' f.;~;;;~"=.::: accessibility, enables ""'., ""''"'""~: 1, 11, r.,yno,. aspects ofFacebook pu~,c \nlommlon markeung d1r,c 101, Slld AUXISQAY STAJ<FWl'IITflll
On May 20s1111knu win have K · crss 10 the new MSU Ponal. ·we art s1wie<1 up !or I bast ftff•fea.r conu1a with u, option 10 conunut on at tM s.amt cost ptr yeu,• Robtn Cla.rk. vtct plt$ldent of .dmmastfloon and msrnutlonal etrtcn, ·enn.s. s.a!d. ·in lhf ftrst a.rid s«ODd '+'tar I.ht COS! IS $20.S()O I nd in lht third through ftl\h ym the co.st as gpmg to bt S20.000.• The universll)" IS us!.iP, monc-1 trom 1echnoJor1 fffl to matt an ttf&nvt pon1l systtm 1Uowtng srud~nu to h;uidlt all MS{ ] rtll ltd busir.ts.S w:lh or..r click. ·With t.'ie new porul svstt m ooe can i.et 111 r-,olas. gradt"S and other lnlonnaoon in ont spot," Rober. Sit ntk. 1cchnq· u\llvst, satd. Accordlni to !':lt ~ k, t11t smglt lop; ln ts one of tht fu ru.-es of the portal t>ec:omin11 mot(' .ccasJblf' tn ~!udtnts
Anothtr mal()r le11u1e v.ill bt tht creation of commumtl~. W11h!n
tht5f' communit,es. tht umvttslty will be ablt to place studems wtth somethmg In common ln tht ~me group, thtrdort rtltvint !nlonn1•:on could bt u ch1ngtd. ·we :art ab!t 10 put cm1ln stu dents In ltJOUps and send only the people m U'l.11 FJOUP I message that 1,) rtlf'n m to them.· ~tfllk said AccOJdlnt to S1,n1k, tht
jorfu1urt1s Mv Mrssagt5. ·wt could makt a communityfor freshmen Mudt nts and ::.end them mes.sagts atiout Sp1r11 Days,· Steff1k ~ !d. ·Or we could makt a commu
nltf :or ptop!t who l:vt in dorm, , nd
~nd tl'le sru1er.li m~gcs U>Out and str.d a co:nmunlty of ~mo!'\ a m~gn a~t commenctmtnt. • Tht MSU Porul ...,,ll also have a. social aspt<t SJrrul.lr to flc~book.
Portal FAQ
Art~ J-Vidrd ~ Rt«r,
Slr)iJ. l«.,,.,,•Ml!ll -..w1H . . ,-tMNn1il-
StudenU:wilt~in &cceM IO ... ..,.. ... _ ,f Mly 11l becau,eof1111ts.sueW\thstt.dem
usemames h wat determined tfwt wt '81 IO postpone the studentlC'COUl'llCfNIJl)nll'lt1lthe
WIA WNwerid 111C1 DnirtZI.Mn NI lialtNts M ponal Yes Webwo11d and Des,re learn will be ~ the ponal svs1em as 1mgl1·siyn on llf\U No adlhflOl'III log111 reQUued
__ ,,...,1
The ............. , ..i, my.mwsuedu ~<aiallOQIO
did/ .....- - ... ,-,11nttmy--
~~mru~ Vai~~
OUR VIEW: Studems are already enough lo1ded on b1lts, 599 lor ■ p1n1t button 1s unneces11ry M'fNlrce IS making money off people's fears and believes they are tmpro'Mg th1ir image by doing so.
WPE shows no efficiency
i $99 safety button app does not ensure safety
•Rtnentt rtvtni.:e for thl' uruvtTSlrv
istutors ~ould h1vt •
senior \'Hn Ont mighl argue ihal tht eum ILwll rould bf taulfy. 11 thtrt ~ truly a Jegmmatt wrtl Ing proftaencv probltm ~m<mg s11.1• denU, lt nttds ~o be add~ ill tht c!awoom ltvl'I A )ludrnt 's gT~t thtrt should bf tht 11:nal dmrmfN l)()n o! tus or her ,b1~()'Wrtung pro!Cl(n<)' ~ould bf 111 cOl'J)OTl:td m10 Ill colltlt cou~ f<.r whkh students must -.-.'tl:e es S,1'15 - 00! 1us1 Wlthlfl lht EngiiSh depanmenL The Wriung Comptltn(lts
pil.1 btfott thev tl.'l '"• mg l(Tadt In the r oi.l"lt " II would forte \L,dtr• , gmttr apprt<rill!On i.'11! ,. al tht EnF,IJ.Sh llngi11&t..~ ,, W11l nol tie alkYHtt .,, ~ anv wphomo't ltv..i t•.~-· that IJ.St corr rhe.or.c C'>'.,.:;.
U<ttht ffflOr who hlVt rtqtJlttd •Nflt!tfl tiy fomna ~nit stulfflttS 10 tak(' a competenc~ ~...~ JS prrc,nt t,f paptrs tn iht nmc:d. ·ttieme· 1-0rmat r,.ml'dial f:nllhSh <OUrst dttr1ng thttr rhrtonc coonr.. 1t,i1 st;~
rtspon<!en,~ for wh!Ch 1My ha\·t iuvtn uu!Mnl5 po!ll'd on rm, 1t1t1um11, A's-- U'lf •~ment 1h11 IY/'rh/Wt Wtb s1udc1m haven not bten preV10uslY \itt. I f.illtd !ht U,\('!,.S('d fM stKh compr!t noe1 wnuni rron w1thm thttr libt'r.l1 uts courses is rnmp!ttely lud1a ous c1ncyF.,:arn It a\Sumn tha! whoever 15 a'5eSS tl'lt purpose of the eum L\ mg the pro~c1tncyofwn1,rs ·kJIOM Wl'-t.11 !Cir \:udfnu to btuer· than tht wn eilCh pr('(tdlng demorair1te ·cnticl.l and C-rtilth't Instructor hb 1.1u11,11t m !he lounda thtnking ibout a timttv ISS\N! or oe 000$ ol wr!ung ind ,:1mmar. ThlS anrr the !kt auemp1at rtm ba1ab:t 1op1< know~gr of u,, con ,-entlOOS of a 111t,1S ~ ~v anJ tdvin1t on.e's ibd1ty 10 WCcffllully thoughts onto paper in two convr; proftatnt iM ol Sundartl Wrmen hours is a •&fld Aid" remtdv .it Amtnon English • Kn~ttn ~umon. wnnng pro tint It opens tht door for ii slippery gJ'illll 1:dm1rust:t!Of, uld tn rtal Ille. slope of surularly 1hemtd rests. If lht students rulty nttd a prod studtnts would have lO succumb 10 such l)l bSUl'fS .JS the tlmt llmll o,ncy enm, lhty netd on, m math ~runtttr-. o! tht tum, cohtrtntly and allothucorrlt'.'fl courses English instructors shOuld find 11 guhenna. ttiougtiu lbout 1opi.:s or whlch <tudents might not have prt odd !hilt students whom ll\ey ha,•, pr!'Vlously irutruc1td, having main•nous knowledgt Th, l~t aOO is an ~ t n ! ol tained an ·A· 1ver.1ge in mo.st f.ng tJ\t En~hsh dtpa,unent ~nd tht qua! 1Kh (OwstS- t)r WOt'if-Englim ma)on: who m.ilntain the s.me GPA, lty cl llberil .iru lnStrl.CUOn. As an Enghsh ma,or, and a stu otttn filll the WrlUng Pro&ltncv dent who tw workfd 111,Jessly to Eum Ille cum's UIStenet presuppos• build my ~nAl\sh major to a 3 857 <.,PA b1· mv senior Vfilr. the l:ngll!h C5 1, naw m the mtltlod of Wtruc dt1)utmfnt hU dOnt I d.imn ftne uon studtflb receive from the ftrs1 10b tuchmR ow 10 tne<tivtl\· wnte a day Uley walk on this umpus I1ke manv of mv colltaguts, I plt1hcn1 of rwys- no mauu what letl the tum has included such ru! tht format or 1:mt ronstnlnt5 Th,. exam ~ a Wap ltl lht fKt IO pickyrula1Dtr:surtltlilt the ITI.IIOf lll I ng)bh tirofPS50!' tnd any pro ltV ol students wtll fad, and tn turn,
•i stud••• m"''
•Wi • ·
would bt<ome f'\OT'! ct,,•~ t.ne!r w:1tmg sblls, ~I,:~
lrtStiman levtl, Whl(:i 4 '). over 10 all '>Ulff C'O-Jrs.ts ,; lhtY mus, "'-1'lle COhtttr:t,
,I:- . -
"'" ,1 ""' 1• 1 should be incorporated
:"' .,,_
all college courses :;,:: :. ra:~a~ ~: into for which students ,-,: lunhrr
, ....1
must write essays.,, ~:-i~ l t l· ltUTM IU.C< Sptt<h and other to .,_,.,, STA.fF WRITER VIia/ skJ115 Cler:it.ly t: Thest ~Ill~ ~hould have betn uug.hl bffott lht bemg assesstd for COr.'l~rt.6.rst two rht1orlc courses, wnl<:h are 1ng tht lreshm.in ynr v.¾ prerequisites for most sophomore s1udenu 10 have higher er" 01her courses. Jevtl English ~urvey coul14 Prollcienry Is nor. a Prot.-1:: Students should have .1lrtidy !tuned th1s mlltrlal ltl high school. ln tht Eng)iSh dtpan.m,~, t-lMlt>Jid of erp«tmg itudtnts subs,tqutntlv. should noi: ... to display lhtu wrirlng proftcitncv as w<h. skllls within a timed uam, admln ~:~~:
Midwestern slacks behind the time~ 1~t~:~d::t:1~~1=5
Ars1. with W1 A. srudenu will n01 be clostd er, thtrt is a very strong p05.511i,hty thit ~ up tn tht1r rooms doing onbne nomtwork. A lol wm ~eniuaJly knock evml s!t:dents" It~ U"tt dlV when I rel! ];kt no1 of maltl dilSStS and some h~tcxy clils!,eJ ust the ~ out In U'lf bu1ldin~• M.il!s said "For •• t JS a cold night. CJrtd and exhilUttd after studying a1Ule !J.brary he1ng cooped up in mv dorm Pursonmylab program, so "udem~ ha\"t 10 suy it a Sl:Udtnt 1n Sunwiltct.tr V1!1agt Buildtr;~ for hours llll the clock stnkes midnlgh1. the walk back to the room domg homtwork. I en<wd In lhm ~ ti.ISi :o ao homework. m .i router m hi) or her room, t~-enl"' donns stems endless. Shidows m i;!peartng around every know about the s1ud,n1 W,th \'i i fl, students could go to tht lounge and router Will knock all I.ht other i~tms • COrMT, following every step. There, another shaaow, somebody mun loungt Jind I.he hbrary, bu! rtlu whilt doing !heir homtwork. Studtnts .....111 ,n~ J lind m.i,vbf motet ol'I' o! tht ~ there wUJ bt no 1mtmt1 servk:t ro, _., ll WU cold oots1d(' r:,,Q I dld be mo1t wt.I ling ID W:t i.m, cut of their da.y be following - this situlltion 1s now in the piSL If WI R was 1t1 I.he dorms, students would be students: not wun 10 go outskle of Due to new and inventive tKhnology, a smanptione wiU proVKle Rts1dents cannot ha.,e routers Deu:5e 11 K1lhnporth. Bts1dts lhal J ible 10 us.e lhe1r new ttchnolog')' such n tllt Kin .U.•lt c;.y an app lh,u 1,1,;u ketp s1udents safe on nmpus or any IOC.1tion by d1d nOI want 10 ,ven uke olf die Art , Nook and smilnphones more efftctJYtly. niy bruches, and btcaust 11 IS appa;e,~ ., only pressing the pamc button. ot mv p,11amas. so the longur on mv noor wu my c-· wlthlhtnttWort . d, A Thtildop11ono!WI MyForce Is, ~rhe only persona.I security s.e.rv!ce arming you with "The reason S'..'>"'.;; O rrl-rl a only choi« This WilS ats,o a fail btouw the home tn lhe residenc, halls is live agents monitoring, track.mg md responding lmmediatelv. 24 wor~ I Ni1 to do requtrtd an mtcm,1 connection, much overdue Not only is 1'101 allowed to pl..-, .: hours a da'(, ~en days a week,· u iildverclsed on its website. so I was out of lu(I(. Chief Dan W1l11ams proudly announctd that the pobce TNnk.s 10 umpus housmg nOI bemg up with dtparunent ts now partlnp,mng m the Mi-Force organization to lht-tlJTlft, I had 10 be In my clusstrophoblC dorm :~~oc~:~"!~z!1r..~ ~~:~n= provide greater salery for "only" S09 a yeu lor smdents. room lot hours wtwn I ruUy d,d no: want to be Wt Fl hu bttn UOUn.3 ror appror.mately lb Smee most studtnts h,v, this university as a whole dom.im th.ii i1'I' 1'101;,.] Midwestern students receive a SS I bulk discount Even though or hves !ht 10 mlportarit btcomt has and )'tars admmlsua1ors det!d-d. on beha.lf of the students' safety, to p-rovnk ~ :~n~M::/~\;~ is do~ pt0plt In sooety lus: .ibout l"o'fryone In inv u 1."tis ~l'Vlce, It is good for MyForce that thr-; are miking money ol l'.apptns, thttr CIC'.: •.,. rt'l'T IIN'ds Wt A twl 10 ~ .ibout hlS or htr dll)y s;c Uun~on !htir phOne. already always broke and IOlln·packtd students ~:.t!!e. Although W1Ft IS Ul,"fflltl'I imoo:un;. ii not Wk to Lit f'f"•:-t Al.lXJS 1.AY not having W1 Fi l.s a But appa.rentty that lmpro'lt'S Myforce's Image by caring about ~ not Ult onlV loon Of lntemtl (OMf'CIIOn therefore mlOV p!(,;t WRITER STAff pe~ That nutunce students' safery MSU h1S bttn 11'qWMi Ethernet cords ,n Ule would havt to iea..-t tht ha,-e any mtt!'Tltt• On a 255 acre and dead at night campus, my person's first rtac dotm rooms, ir,d siudenu al'f 11m1ttd 10 whPrt butkhng and RC> 10 ont of the bulldmp with con But this is n(l( always the ca.st- l!'J..-:. i,:i tlOO in a potenua\ly dangerous or lhrea1tning smutlons would no1 ti'lty ctn move uounJ lhetr rooriu Some ~1udcnts nteuons hkt Ult Clark s,ud,n1 Ct mer, lht li~ry have rou1trs. and the mttmtt co~.rA~ • j be ~1should use my safer( button app: Anyone m danger would oo r:OI w1111 10 be coopfd up at a dnt lot nours or tlll' hm Fine Arts bulld1ng. 1ust ftne call somebody or get their meubohsm gomr,and run. studying wh,n mevcould bt 1n tht1r t.tds, bu11ht Mmus ,11 of lht ntgau,-itv, n a ii;tl' • Dtspite Housing"s erfons. adnum.simors h.J\'t This program I~ not mandator; and will not arr«11u1tlon Further, Ethtmtt cor 1 does no: 1uch far tnoug.h. nnr btt!n able to stop the rule-breaking use ol rout Housing Otpanment 1s 11.na!ly rur.ir;£ y. about ewrv tn for W1A on umpus In fact. studrnts have the donns. The new upgradt will dtr:: t' It is mie that Lnttmtt arte,:u M·,-l·orct is 1.1nnt'(tSsarY and the company pronts by setung its prodstuorm ori ,ampu,. t.ul some 'Nondt'1 lf tt IS wonh bought Mid uutalltd roum~ lhemsetves. to t;ise th, ttn.sion between students. S(l·('IJ uct - fear. pi{Ln"morelor1L According lo M1ch~ I Mills, d1rte1or ol houSJng the students wtll not ha\·e to rebel u.d t.•• ·J People ilfe scared at ni.ght and worrv aboul their Qfety, but 1t is WI r1 IS g01ng IO be a v,1'('11 asset 10 !ht lt'SI Immoral 10 make pront of people's !tars. and_~::~~.~r",::~!ft;~~':,~u;:!'1~\~ut rou1trs dtnu ror vutolil r"~rl) To purchase and to Install the app, students will have to sign up lor an dCCOUnt Not only will Myforcc and polke have lmmediatt access to names. addmses, ctllphont numbers, birth dates and s1udent re cords, but will a!so be able to acceu ~Inc CPS coordtna1es of the locauon and time the -panic button· is pressed .MIOTlftlllYd kl l • Wk'1ahlb, Ttra,76lOIS Ntw10...~l.l07 -&10,I What aoou1 banking informauon and a Soclil Se-cunr, number? MJ•f9--&0) .l07.i70S GiVlng out a.n lncf!dlble amount of personal information Is scarier fu l040llln~~ th;i,n any improbablt and potentially dangerous Sltuallon. lnforma fflllll Wkh!tlllllfmw\u.tc111 tlon gives a k>t ol power. a.nd to everybody's knowledge. socletY has ·1passed tht exam People make rt harder then alrudy moved to being under the power of a controlled stale. 11 1s. I went to tht ant hour prtp class ahead It 1s a!re.ady h;i,rd 10 UUSI U1t government with personil tnformaof time and 11 helped a lot My lnends rushed it l!DITOR-lN-CHIEF: Brlttnf'y Co(ungham aon. but pnva1e Ofganlzacoru bemg able to have access 10 ldenufy and fa~ed ~ MANACINC EDITOR: MU:i-,U Klnnt? ing lnformauon lS distutbmp.)\· terr!Mng. especially during a Um, JOHN C. YOUNG, SENIOR. OP-ED EDITOR: S,mh Ml6Ct-.iol when 1denuty theft 1s ii maior concern BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SPOaTS EDITOR: ~Mo Aoru lnc!den~ have h.ippened on campus thilt students, primarily PHOTO EDITOR: HlrlwOO! L« r,males, were attilcked or followed by r.1ndom sll'iilngm, but truth BUSINESS MANA.CEA: Phl1Lp Munatn, fully. II happtJl.s evtrvwhere. The app I) suppost'd 10 lcxate th, user EDITOR: Caden 81.nos.,. WD you and writer good a I'm exam th• lt1led "I the Once e:zample. for CJty, bl~,Rer a tn of!-campus, even anyv,-here. i del1mtety have to go to the prep class They are I COPY EDITORS: K.t!)y C'.aW'l'lt. Mailory Crusr.-nw ustr presses the bunon on the app, the local pohce station wUI call write." you what about parucular very and makt sure that everything Is oby or ill whether the user is in ~ R S : C:.OUrtnrv Btt1$.. Ruth atKt,JonM~·ll?rv,m,S:-.tl'I ' ! !·.t'' \\o:U EthJr. Mmer, Arron llt!i, Sk.vt ?lcwtr, Slwike Gay, Mor a 1hrea1,nlng si1u•!lon. If so. police ilre d!spatched. By the time they . SENIOR KARA CRANE. unve. !hi' user ~hould already h;i,ve moved awav from the danger Wl l l : Lau1tt1 R ~. 8tbh Tunm, 0rt.u.a \\\U.iim1. EM \\'•.i:L't.,e:lllMASS COMMUNICATION ous ~nuauor,. or 1t might already be 100 !alt. Sorry DBUV!R¥. Sttllll Aanwcn When pt'Oplr start worn,ng about ev,r; smgle step they make ADVISIR: lltldlf,y Wilson and wt,eme: 1t .s >ife or 001 10 walk outside alone at night in an ilread·,· dan;erous nei(l.hborhood. r.ot ever: a -panK button· is going tohi>lp ' """<• n•• COM Commcn sense helps avotdm~ (ltuaoons 11kt these. If not, tt on1-,· . ,,....ow p:-oves IN! Dar,,1n's th,ory of natural selt<llon is worklr.g.
~~ :S~:~!:;"1:~
;h,~~! 1
ifur: "The ophon in the residence·halls over due. Not only the ho_usin~ dep~rtment, but
way behind when comes to technology.
~OIi/Hi ml
Did you pass or fail your writing proficiency exam?
..... ...
~wichitan editorial board
Campus offers tutoring services pisability Support Services helps students improve grades by recruiting student tutors ~'-, ~~I~"; P \'l>S~ 1hr u., n::n<>1110 cou,ll'" co1:""1 un be 111uni
;, !r.l o•;;;or...1:, lrn:n~. but the1t 1i nt'Ver ,a ~riortage f';'f" ~I i".md., r,n c,arnpu~ rnclud1n, f)!~b1Ji1v Suppor1 ~ILlt'.'lng ,S('f',I(~
,IVi)J!ablt to Sll..1d.-nts md
\\ ;~~:•J I 3 ,:, r?m~unlty
11!1 re.._ "·er. ,>s (t('r:i,:l ~muson. a ~upplem,m mmur•
~ ~:,v,iwrr:;, phV\1lloiZ\· a.no <olh:w.e algcbr,a, ~Id he 1
prthen,Ion. ~rnpwn ~mi ~s1u:Jen1 tu1uf\ are llfl!l'r ablt 10 r"JJ1e to their pttn wh.11 rJ1ty nave 1«'1.m~ 1n a )tyll' §Ulttd 10 ruch nudents wanting help." 5.ampson \.lld · Both putlrs btnellf. Pro S{)tt!IV(' S!ud"n~ at(' anrarled to S(huols Whl'fl' hl'lp IS <'fftttd to en:.utt" academic )uccess • f.~dl'nck, !>tnlor In nnance <1nd MIS. $aid he round a trrrnendou1 tmpro,·ement whlle lutorinR 1::n!' !lsh.
lamn I~ · Ror· A.lltn, IO!ffltr W1du
unm1ser, d~~D 2Jll:h(Jgt of o0 J,Jlen ume 10 M.SU 1n 1% 7 ,u 1 put,!Jc lnlurma:,oo i:11«:or a/\d p;ru! 111!1 1 n . ~ Ju I ~ tit !>tatn" ~.e urdvtrsiiv', ftrs! !u!I timf pro!OUJt. Al~
'Hal 1hr lld'mO!' fot fht WlchJr»i for J 8
,..,u t. llr rtllrM in JQ8(1 ~t corrnnurd to cnch ~ri nr.,t vntli 1002 , Mt mo1uh un Ix mldt tll ½ tsley
· 1>enru1ely, !n 1ne c~ of my s1udenL\, lht mam Im ,- ~.J ~~·'ln., w1!h hl~ti ~l'\<1()1qU.1t'IH1. f° c:;-,s,•ti ;•..\! J •uto~ !dkf' 11 upon liicrru.tlves to llflp provtmen1was the USf' Qi svnonvm.s to ttplacl' common, limple Y,,(\'°5,. Frederick :>.)Id ;rrs '1,/u;, N!,1,'ltln~ :hrn <'111.'Tl sd:edultS. Tuton hke Altiu.\ conduct 1u1onng St:S.Sloru on thr t , l'H'~ <:ffD m~rh<'-' 1mprovr1nem 1n the studenu ' 1"t ~nu11S 111d m.• wllllng !O pr,h'.11<:f' ~ood stcdymg
::~ ,,J1tchn14uc.s on a corst\tent ~ ~~•.,i•·
"Some Uudent\ Renumely nttd hl'!p, and 1he i.nlvt'r· shy rNhzts thn. (;ood gradeli w1U relltct wen on the
;u!or Aw: Altms ha\ preV1ou~ tutorlnw_ l'Xpctl
university, so ll's. in !ht !<hoo!'s ~ t 1merc.s.1 to hlrt lu tors~ well,- AIUus s.a1d According to Alrius, he hu seen the t'rfett his tutonng seslons have- h.u l on the ~todents ht liftS · r.;oudents] tell me that lhtlf grldn and understand In!' ha\'e 1rnproveo: A.lllu~ ~1d ·r also Stt 1mpro\'t· ment, from ~lOn to session.· Thr DSS w;ims tutors and studen~ to bl' mindful '"'hen mee\Jng. ·~pe-ctally for lhe ~nt llme. Dtbr~ Higginbotham, dlre<:tor of Dls.ablllty Suppon Servtcr, ~Id tutors mus1 have completed at k"a~t JO hou~ here at MSU. ·we ibk mosi ol lhe ume for persons to h<1•1e mort
~~•~dr•~~,;~~!::~o~::I~~~ ~',\;~i~~::rh;~: ,.~JI
l!::dt:>IJr.d tt.e1r wo:k, Aluus s.,ld "Spanish i.\
:rtl~is; t,)i.ilt ! hke and I want 10 htlp others hk.e 11 vv. !.t'mor m. cnr~ !st,ry and pre mtd, said he tu
a, i,:i~•t !\lck :o rr.e campu) commum1,,·, ~ \b<.lld !r-r ~tenet ~.:biec~. studen~ arc d~urat{ed ,ti'ti)vt. a hard time :1Xu~iog t«al.lS«! lhty art> frustm
t't:t:t :na!t~ll. • 1 :in'<!-:-d a tutor wt111e I was go,ng throu~ the pr.:! ,!f:r;\-e plan and am happy 10 he .such a tutor !or
,0 ·t
th( •
\'o MJd.
Ht~i\g oL"ltr; l l'>O Sl•·es ~tudtm tutors lnslgh1 on I.he ~ !Ndv prvblt ms many s1udents hil\'t such as p'!-~'nR~tlld}1:-ig re,chn•Qut'S, ors:,lnlzat.Jori and com•
Un!ie1 MelhOd,Jt Chutdl or :n I.ht Ro~ and N1>ttt!'I Alle:i M~tl (.1llb Mud illl
Virginia medical examiner to speak
~ Ond ftOOl of lhe Mo!feu !Jbtdf",'.
I\,~ Simpson
ex~:~~~~~~~!~ l~e~:~u~!~~f;oo~~tonng t~~;u~:n1n~:::i~:.ppHrn!ons at the DSS office Jn lhl'
Rttirtd chle! ~ie.al t:Uml:i,tt lor I.ht Cornmonwtaith of Y.qpnu, JOO
reurtd p:ro!t:s$0r rmer11i:s
dtu:m~o:r lnforrnauon cont.let CUu dll MonlQ'Y'J 11 o.:o,SQ7 4250
Education to host reading ~I!;:::;;;....,=-----~~""";.,.:,;.. ;:~.~:;•;:_,:::;;.,:-;~:;~:;;;~ conference Nwok• ..i.ew. l •i• r i• -challit•I ...inH;I:.~~ t,llo~~~ rhe WeJI c;~:~ ol UllC-'11:0nl wtl! ~~:.,-:;~~ :.~.~~":.':. , ,,.~.,.":' h05\ Its S lsr ill,Muil Tew A.\SOC!I OOn lot
¢.!5 whO un
bt 1rnµ1,ted by ~ !.1'.l.Se, ~ S.m•th s.a11 "h 1$ Vtry ~ J:.1: h) our sorori:·,· t:o«au~ al ~Jlf"°lli'C>r.e bas a famlly member who_ na.~ bttn lmpacttd bv
' )d;;1:~ni: vea!':1- the Alphii Phi's
! ~:~k~~; ;,tti;:l' -;:al".1r:~a1c in tl:t event
lhl~ 'jt:ar lO ttte lfa.h Heel Walk !ht Plt a Phi, ht!d !he Thu~ay !ht walk
J,Cco:1.lini to ,atilt:. · ror a small , p,>0p;c 1,'PIY" aOit' to t.'now 't-J. ia Fl.ltt ol whip.I)('(! cream) at GljAlpha Phl'Sj :nrmbtr.i:. · Aljt..a Pti .$Ti·1 t~,e 0 · 1! r 1 , ictk or
wn 10 he!p out. Tr:,, mtr.ibers ne!j) from nther ' ,rce,: or ,iv."l&w!lh :he S11.:dtnl
• nc,.iS.
, ;\.\<(lC:4LOr..
'i'l'.ilin:..'1ro;1 1:, so Important to ~:·)it AJti.'la Phi bu1 to t!\c O!htt n:pm;;:a;;or,~ on campus ,tr Lior~ :r1 :o u;:it1old :nf' value C',. ~-i1.ni"/ ~{'Yee :n I.he be,t of
;a:· r-1: HM~1r.ss.w1. · fve-r1cnc )t' !'. t:cl)·or.e m !Ms world ar.d
wo~l<.I a btuer ;>lace then hrre. I 1ust hoi)l' tha t lh15 : 11','(r.ed l!lt> ty~ of many 001 :t.i: , v;oup 'iO ~m•II can makr te-1 !.l!t:-ence :.c~•dmp 1n S-nith, ·put:,n~ 10 • • •r.~ t \ 't'n! b'( gn1n11 o.:t and ·,1. .~•r.;Q~. .:iskm~ our lntnd~. 'i. Jn1 ft-l!ow studrn•~10 p'.'1'1o ti lh" w~!~. ,1n:I •1:11.1 r, up for r.r.it .u ·1.·t'!I ,1, ~ ••lni;: •he flnal :.t~· ~':: hlf,tji£'r ,r.i:iy st:1\:t ., •11;1:!i mu members .1:tow 1nllv :.l,r t',tnt tli<e tl11) ran bt>.~
P:.inmng for ihc event 1wts iill o..-er .-rmost as !,00:l ilS ihe evtnl
end, T1lr chapter is m ch<1r~c of i;t-1
~:~/~ a~:!
:mv. peo~lt tu 1he
I .
' wt!~:3~ ~
i_-,. IV"
·students WIii be able to ha\"t friends.· S1enlk sild. "They v.1U be able send fr1end rtquesu. Students will also h•ve a w•ll wherf' people co;ild wnte on lnd ~ what otlltts ha'le wnum on the wall as well. Studenu will ilio be IDie to blog. . Thi' system WH to be ftnlShed in February. he SI.Id, but lht date WU pushed biick. ·we hid a.n Ls.5Ue with Sludent U!>i'm" mes, W II had 10 be posl ponrd," Stenik. ~d ·we are using a ntw systtm for the- usemame, It wouid have been bad lot students 11 we changed 1t in U'le middle of the semester benlJSt' many stu denlli w,JI not te able 10 gei Into WebWorld to che<:k anythlnR, • Sientk ~Jd O'ley are 1tlll work• mg on es.tab!ashlng a usemame
. ;t,;J
,, "!'I.'
ugemngftllow ~1udents,larn1ly and friends to :in m o\ ~~~/lgh He-el
)<lid. "Evl'i;Ont I.\, h,1\'lng a gOOd tlmt walkJnf ~nd running and 1.llk Ing 10 others .iround them It's som~t?ur.g so simple •s wilkmg bu! 11 m.1k.tli an impact.· Junior M1ch.-l!" lomec. director or
"Philanthropy I.J so ·rn, prep, . ft t nuon for this tmportan Ono even, ,m·t me only Alpha Phi hut e-~Ie~1 thing mfinanu, sa:d ~ht hoptd newly 1m!l rnembtrs lr<1med tltt 1mpor• to the other Greek ~:~~~!e vi~~ atM ti.nee of ph!l.inthroP}' wuh the h1p,_h Organizafion..5 On markelltl,_ V'OU !'.~!;:.;'lolda!in"lhl)Jurnfdcould1-.-a~work. • can,pus. ~~-,~t::ni::~; Tnm~, not have UlllY HIJalNS VICE PRESIDENT Of MARl(EllNG
'' 46UTAFTBt;
(940) 692-1731
tmg t'Vf'i(<hlnR ready a.~ well
I.\ all !hf' little dm1~.~
llucluru ~1d • 11,~ a tonit procN bu! •North everv
minute of n. ~
• 1 hOpe my rr!low nsim i•kr awav the cruca1 importance OI hf'l~ lnR others from this l"/Pnt, We can t luSI be •bout OUl"),f'lvr ~: Huckm:.
10 more seamlessly communicate Wllh apphcants .ind admllted SIU dents m an e1,monlc medium, w11hou1 the studtnl nttchng to vis11 multiple sites and I or offl<es. • Park said rne poiul ...,,11 also
cnll!ini., then. 1~ thr oppon umry it, mcreast 1he vlt-!d o! applicants 10 mamculated studtnlS."
Ponti sy~ttms are not com• mon among many un1vtn.ltJt.1o, Park~td.
For more information, please call 817.279.1016 . JJJ
sendan email to anntttt:fain@:gmtlil.com
tht lmpur,.,rn, :11 or Rtad.ng Con:rt'fflCt ~turi:!J)' Much 2 l"rom 7 .as a.m. - l ~ m lll DIJlud 10 1. Th:1 vt ll'S lht--mt b ~ttrKY Acrw !lie Sp«tn.1m. Tht nrst ,ession wi:I ruturt cluldrrn·s lluthor
Brain p Cl<'arv from 8 .30 - IO a.m. R! -.-.,!! br tht SJ!filll:t, /~ :he
cudo ~ tell
aftttnoon ~on for mm 1ni'orT.J1Uoo m nlKI \ "io]a VUCII J I 0401 ]97 .uaa 0 ~ JI
Artist Lecture Series presents Yoram Ettinger ~t
,·or1mE1Unger wtllSj1tlkitlM Arl l.«turt Stnts Monday ,\\.i:'Ch 4 ill! 7
p.m. 111 Akin Audilor,:.tm. Emnre: b 1ht Olllrmm o! Sp«JJJ Pro:ttb It !ht ,\f\t] Ctnm fo: Po\lcv Rl' SU~h u Wtll u a consvlu:11 on U5. il rael rtla!lo:u. TI<«w u t ~vut1tl~ I t the ewt Stl.14tnt CMttr lnlotma~ Deslc. T:.<ir..t ts 1rt Ir" for s'udtn:s. r1eul!y 1n,;t ~u!I witt: .1 '111:d M!-IJ r ampJsCard for mort lnfo:-:n,oon vis,t http;/' wl"b mwsu tdu/1m~tlt cturl'senn 11n du.a1p.
Black history month continues Ktnyin N od, J.aNll A."r1h, wiU
.,., Wichitan. YM CAMPUS YCUI NFWS.
torm morliiln.a!com~ttlonsandtrai:11
Uon.il Ahinn mc:0<ht• \'lrdt!NdJv, Fdl. 27 JI 8 p m. 111 ~:k Studr nt Crnm ln tri~ Cofl'>.&ncht' So11tt.
Nlt morr ,n!o:matlon con:xt Shon u 940/ ]07 4048 or H mulo
tt:Sa Jonn
rul1UtJ l'r:r,•,11ju tdtz
Sweeney Todd opens Feb. 28 The Dt;>,anmrn1 or Them:r w,!I Jl-rr:1 tnt Stt'phtn Son~ht1m·s ~wtt~ Todd Tht [)l'mon & rbtr o! Rttt St.rttt Ttiurs dn• SUJr.hv. r-tb 28 /..Urth J at i 30 p m. ~nd at 2·30 pm Muc/1 J ln thr fun nnt ArU Lt nttt. Fo1 IIC~rt ,'LlormJUOn c.ali or. Cl mpw .at uil'ns.ion .4JOQ or the 001 ofllc, H
utrnnon 4303
l~KttN:.,.,...,-.;.,.-. ;-,.-.. "t-.r~i"'Tlw.*·
;;;~:;.~~:,-:;: ~:~~::~~-~:i~·
•11.,.., or41">,,,., ,.,.!..,
Sooth,,,,., Ccloado
' FREEWl-rl
"ll would allow ~'\SU tbe abilir,·
dium,· Matthtw Partc, u.sociate \'let pr~dent of s1udents a!fall'S and t-nro!lment nunagemtnt sald.
tn-n pul!••l <ilf 'N1tl1nnlt• a !e·..,, girls. helpr\'\'.ru1un11~mc~ chap:e, wori'.td totethet · nus would auow more app!J· a:td conmbutt-d to make 1111, CVl'nt c~ nb to comple1e the iippllcauon proc~ and be admitted to MSU," Patk s.ard. wThl' real btnellt m rt
Needs Ybu,rg Adults to wor~during the Summt~
Faculty aM undero11en1 tra111 mg for uslnR the new port.al Tht ponaJ will be used for tn• rollmem applicants Jnd to keep the unr,ers.lry connected ~\I/hen MSU is prepiired to use Ule por!al lor apphc.i.nlS, we Will h•\"e thl' abillly to commurucate with the appUc<1nts via this me·
TttP wt,11('
~:-=~ 11
~~:,:~;e/~:~;r7: 1
Untvrnltv. M.mt!!J Flem>, WUI atttrtd
WAI.Kpg. I
1111 .•,_,., C"l::lt: :ogether to try to
News luiP.!~ Wichitan adviser, journalism prof dead at90
'• , ....,.l<f.,,••
· wichita
SWA G Rodney Jones puts a new spin on Alpha Kappa Alpha speaker discusses how to bring swag to the workplace
nd 1ance ol ~ndmK thtir mr.t't <.EO ' 1mprovin~ \(If 1:11aitt • tft to!d mt mut!lpl., tlmM 'IIA th11 phont !ntcrac1loru • nd ,mo1:l LI IS nN •bout your GPA .• !Jlt wtd ·J:\ goim:, {(l bt ,1bc)Ul whal 'fOU prtstnl IO tht to1blt lfld hov.· 'ftlU
pmcg,t>us R,r1•Jnt soo com I pany h~ mM:on w~ r,ahz,od. m
-wn,n / was a tteruitrr I 1t.1mt-.1 a lot of th# oo·s u ,d Con'1s !rom vi 1n1uv1e·,m pe~pt<IIVC iltld I wn ask1t1g mywlf lh.at qutsllOf. whv thfl,' did not kno·1,• that {hi) 15 )l)l'Tlt thing rhry \l'IOUl1 or should n1>t de <tll \·ourwlf A l?t of stud~: ~o not Ultl!U"WIII IAM" I TMl'W..ITI.. o: uv: Jnnn s.ald ·11onntly most know riow 10 ~u thtmsta s!~dt nl\ know and juH 0:.11 AccordlnR 10 is impor Swag. On Ftb 22, Rodney S of thtm did m Jooff pu1 Mown navor on the def! of .i pus,on to - - - - -- - tant.ind s1udenrs nJuon by erp!a1mnR to s11;de11t:. l\ow g,L\t back ro 00 sh Id know tht ro convtY their own swag in tht Pf(lplc. who ,111' ouomt IS ln . . • cute wori.'. pl•ce by l\nd1ng their mner coming bfhlnd m,. 1 w•ni«I ts ~vor before CEO 11 Broujtht 10 Mid...,·atPm by tht tht'm 10 havr in
Alpha Kapp,1 Alphl: c;oror1t7 ln<S Rho Nu 1.,har,ttr and M ultkullUf.il
Ctttk Louncll. Jonn !Old Sludtnts
now M,y
WU l
day thl:I
chtn,:t.J hu 11ft
Jones 1-atd at 1.F.f 22, and .s scudtnl at Tht Umwr,.1t'I' ul Tuas, ht look CU~lodY ol h,S IWO VfJUIIRt r
SIS!tl':I which prop('UtCI h1m lntO I.hr worltforct euher th.1n he thought. /onu had nn dtR,rtt or nptntnce m tht ~ ht pursufd, but L~rough hi) dnlrt to Wtn hf got tht pob Jones "1iid ht .chlt\'t'd most valu ablt p~yer t,onon and wnh his con
Unuoos deltnni~llon Jont) b..'"Camt p.roftSUONUv Ucenstd m stVtn l u
,~ot ftll&ll(e. Kul. II WiS whal he l.indtd a !00
;;P, :::
!l) Wnd· • ••
, ~c "1'p<iU'" lo'•~;•• w~ a· ·t, 1,•r-t~ •.. t-
('t>' o>f
cm;:lm"h 1mo1,,. 1·.·
-:.1,. . .1,.rrr,'rt·..-.:
tnerRV. cont:dt·.,
~: '1 •
.?·~ ; ·
.-molovf'PS, • "" \..11 t ·-.
rx:n,,.r ,rr,e1:. ,,.,,,.,. · ~- ,
Cl(~ ar>' rl"n'III , , ,. .
f~~r rum sorne ap II a Ulch~ nam, IIOONEY s JONE1 phca.bft lOO~ beuuw I know PROFESSIONALSPWER that thev could tyoung ~ ti U)l" unmtd!att!~• J1kt- swa,gtr, but m all honl'Sty therr 10 $.tt a ch,nll,t m how thtr pm.tnl is 1 w,·•e,RtryounffdmrhPbustnm thtmsth-n,· Jones said. · 1 plan on wo,!d luvlng them "A1tl'I 1he Stnst that not Jom!) S,iild • )t',!~ or ..-,r:m ltd "m!v do 1bry btlong 1n tht buslnffl him to dtd1u1mr. hi) hre- 10 mtntor world rodav. but show lhcm how to lng md1vldu•ls on hu. t~,~ of cor excel in tht business world today. por.l!P w.,u.er Uilngsubl!tlJts UC ofttn OVi!rlooked loot\ comactt"d l.l Donna ,1nd those art' tht UJb!letles I call coc· fhompkm~. pmklenl al Alph• K•p, pora!ts'A'l~tC p, Al~•. 10 pr~nt his 1heory of SuccH) comtS when people att corporatt \W~r. muodoctd ro 1htms.etve:s. Jones $lid ftiompkJnsSlld ~fltt her personll dunn11, M prtstntatlon r~Hn:h on tht 1llf0t)', 1: .,..~ 1mpor lonn S.lltd he spent years perlect l,1!11 her pem undtrstood the unpor ma hts plaiform · col'llO~lt swa~r-
t ,u1er. ~ \! 11j .. ._, i, h1r ,.tflc~!-s cr1 ~• • '; ltf'C"• ·:in • rt \IX>~ •,, • •
·.Cor{orate swauuer is to now what the other team thinking before you enter in the situation. "
~'Wa t••1av
~ion. have u: , ,... !, · t :. walk with f.:' ,rt"'' I l " . with prtsrr,c• • Ver.el Scartv:-u ,>'.-~ , .,,. mvi,~T.t""ll :n~o-n ,. , said he Jert ·hr ;·r-v-•, :nformf'd (Ill tow • ~:: ....
·He ,,.,n i b!t 10 er, - ~, uon art:! ·ht :• art ''l'":c , •··.,
he , po!t
abo11' -~,.., 1r, . llh' htarmi llbo<1: I' anp,!e mo;" 1nfr,•r- c .• borou$ !t.ald . · I{.- '•. !;C~I"
r-,1r ,.
of poma. I rN.,:, ,.,;e 1b;: •. about 1he '\'O" W;:r..l,""., • pml"'(: b«a ...~ a· 1.::'.t~i'.f'< If) llll-1 .ibout f f ln/ 't, ._· ~ltlng an N IKll•f n. ;-, .;.: . 1mporra.."11 ·
@corpswagger .@Midwestern State now knows what #Corporatr.Sw au is. Thank you all for having me. I had a blast 1 #movethecrowtl
English dept. defends WPE requirement Writixg proficiency exam measures writer's maturity E h•A~j M+ re ... , ' 8TA f'f'Wlll"a l'I
\'/htle ~u~tl'IU comt 10 MMJ,111~ em "ime in uu..ty a ·,~e:v of a,lfr. t nl subie<ts. tt-m ~ one ioor:ur:g lhr-e.t 1h11 &11 \ltl1,..nb ~e;n 10 te:i: - tht' Wntinit Ptok-.tncy E.u1m. &e::ort tht v nn u ..diu1e, ,11 \l>J denrs mw.t p,A.<;$ ttU'lff lhe WP[ or m~I tnroll rn an<i pa» l,om~uc;n Sklllio, a cc,urv drsi,;nrd IQ le.ch \I~ dtnts tht bl!IC.• (lf ci,\lt~ levtl Wnl Ing. i COUl\t that ~1udtm, n'IU\I t)aS\ be:lore tht'Y c.1n Rraduate ' ' " re•r 38 pttetnt of siudeno fl.lied UM' ('l,lffl - 0 perC"fll ~
than 1n 20102011.
p,:~;:n~:;! ~~;:r:";1 ~C...--.••.._....... 1
rlson S.&ld lht U41'1l is dtslgntd 11) htJp studPn~ mhr r thin hun r.htm.
·We don'! w,n1 1hc-m h.1v•r-1t wrilJOR,k1IIS fhat w1U hurt thtr.: on tl'le ,ob markeL~ <;.rr1son (.IJi.1. Accord!nR TO <..arruon. lhe \', Pf Wl.\(rUled In tht tarlv IQMswhc-n umvrr;1ty adrnin1~1rators 'Rtrt get· tlng negai:v, rtpol'IS abol.t the vr.-:1 Ing slu1b r,f itnituatb, wh1C!"1 only serm 10 wuker. !ht' poKtt Na de ,i,tt lrom M~ I. '"Th.l1's whll r,~t-i the' Id minls:u-at,on •ntl :Ile bNtd o! t~r.t~ 1r 1hitU~toappro,e1h;stumrt
Nl~tncNIS.14"'--.,,......ht'-"t•_,•cc:::.e,;:;~: ~~
qutrt>Mtni.· (,amsvn »1d. ·1t·s sup pov-:1 lo l"' ma~n~ 11.:e 1h,r our s1:: df''lrs ha~·t .he \k:,;:, th~ tht-y r.ttd to CM" \,JCCM-Ul.JI • A.ltMugh 1hr ru;n Wb i1es!jl1ld II') ~Jp~!Udtnts. lJltre I:. )tl!J co:uJd
tnblt anxiety CiV"r th., ttit. a tut Ulat coro,s Nllh a 1:2S non rtfund ible ftt
Pt1t• Mt,,..S. Ent!Wl pto!'5,.)l'lt ,m:t mwi,rn·, r ,,t Crvr,pr,sioun Skills. !li,d he rttJs tht 1ver,tgt" Sl\ldtnl JS p~b:,, no' wrilma 00 I COIie~
· Wour'1 1r.a· •xp!at11 whv pro aiv ~t.U ll"lll, h, J('q1ur.- mr,re u, ell\\ pW' art ~t.in! abc'oln u~nlo\ a tbl wr111r,g m !ht rhttorn: •nd <v:npo-., lhat u\·n lhtm lhe m<oflt"V i nd t,'lt !1(,11(~,('S, l.n,Jlsh 111) ,and 11 2). 1r?Ubl'! of t•kln.g 1ht courYr r 1tlds :o tlr)p Sludrnu pr~parP for 1~ iW. WP[. but \."le ~ Ld We still 'eeb that f lf':'11 Pf',01~ to• ll!•lo:ig !,ck of t flm~Uon Skllls ,s an 1rr,oortan1 rn,.,;v,:ntlll m ttid1nR i11d wnunK cr,cN !or sNdf'!lb •n rake ro ex-plain why Sf~t'lb ,,,. stn:R -~~dtnts who t,.ve )Ui,AA!ed !or ghnR 10 ~ lt.t t.um
' l?unk ,1tc,,11 K th;S wa•,• i )•1vtarv;,1 h~ comt lnb '.ar wnh O'Jt t vn bring htkl KCotlfl~ fOf' hts 01 htr wrlllrtA sllllt." f1tlds 5.i!d Wmson said En,Jish profl'S.SOr)
.... • • ·•• tt • •••• ~ - ••••••• : ~ 3 ( ] 3 ~ %M : 'Spol-Cidiz1.11.i- u,, ~ww $ c(J,.,.
:.2J13.~~ !~ !f!3.01 ,1t;•..._t :". ~~ f:'!.-. t,o...._ t1- ' "-t,( ' - -i ""-9 to
l ,, rrison ~11 ti, i !Vtts m.u Com ~ h<ln Sk11li c,n bt' a valuable re \OUR:f' tu Fn,J1wi lotirn•rs "'Anyont who ch•~ tr, co:-.c
{fl"' •
M -.
■ crffrth••n?
MSU poht y Slit ts new i~~ tr1n1!emn; with ino1tt"1• I credit hours must takt IN~ durint;1 th•ir second tonc., l'i: spr1nt;1I H m1111r
WhM 8f1 ttle crrltri• tor P
irtt? A. pusmg esuy 11~dS to one of :hi p1ompts 111\""\f c1,.,1y s1a1ed 1t1u11 .-.~-.• rh1n 11ctrvts 1l'ltQ~1:, suppor1 ,nd d1vtlopmrt
1nth11 res1 oltne esu, t-.,: ISUY shows tHSONt-' t ff1c11~e 0111,n1u11on ,-: .< • p0rop1,111 p3rtglfph.r'; rusonablt co!'flfl'ltnd el
11n11nc1 suuc1urt ,nu vocabulary. •nd set~~ ,'4•nd ounctua:ion
skills: , ,am!IOn l.lld.
1{XJ t vl#fUS ~~
.-..e t o - • r......,~\. ~
Yu MSU policy 1UIH. mu11 PISS lither tht 'rffl or ENGL 2113 poor1011r, ~ 90 Cf'ldlt houu to ObllJ!I b1chtlor·s degrH Whalif l1 .. 11t1wtt..., IIINMt10 MSUwiltl_.~
htrt dtnCf' probab:Y WOllld bt h,ppi..r in the end 11 he or ,hr !tit with )tronw,r [n~iih sp,c.1kini,:
r<.Wichitan Pl'WS .
.www.shawsbeautyplus.net ....,i.
really be a tttn:en~Ot.S ,~a,nlna I'll: penence. • C.amv,r, ~d VlmY'f.1 '-'r! \h• tfRJ'flilhat 1ho>
·rm ll()l or1gin.1;llv trom h<',r V> n·s ruu,, htlplnv, mr a lot,· Marq:X, i..tld - rhe 1ec1cher l\ rNU,· hrlpful •bout t ,:pll)nlllR the rule\ of IUilm
Join Us
any. one
kll o u,
20 1v 21 vem ,,r,e"Noln1m~ some ~ mmmar et,me nt;'. ti( 11':it class r.ro1llv ~1:ln1t !hi t rulf'. i ll11tt.1 can
!ort lr,,1kmit lot a 10b
C... l ttkl ENGLZ113 .... tald.. O..WPE7
: $5,off
: ••rvlc• •:940-781 -CURL(2875)
~ ~
lompoitllO!l $Jolls COUl\f' has Sl.'Ch • ntF,ait1ve connoi.uon 1.·1lh students beou.<;t sht hu r,pe,tf'dlv ~n stu denL\ btcome MtonRtr for taltinR 1hr claM · 1 know that sludents M'E' 11 a) ~ punW\mem but 11·s ~mp))· a wav :o s.iiy hty, lei's gel a IIU!t mi:.re tn}truC uon be!ort vou !H'<e." f,a'i150n said C.l'ltlw Arctntaw;. a stn:or m chtm~trv. s.aid sht vtlun Corr.~1 uon Sk.Jlb btoust 1t has helped tl' Wh ht-r wrtlinp skills. "A:. a chrm1ury maior I don't wntl' i l">r. 1~1 re~ru and )luf!. , 0 I aciually v1luf 11: Arcrnuux lt.iit1 Compos,non 'ik1\ls ,!so oHtt\ non nauve [n~1sh ~prakt'rs ihe op ponun11v 10 , pend :1mc -...orkmR on lhttr wammir WfoN' 1Uidu.i1 m11,. C..,uidi1up,e Marquez. a r·mtor 1n buslnt'-'. ~ on.. 5\ICh s:udenr ,ne "1H1 ~he b thankful lor L>it oppon•1 nlty 10 ,harprn hrr wr,kc<.: \ k.Jll l.(-
Exam FAQ 'Mo . .Wi.btt..'M'(l S1udtn1S who ere nttr,a1 b,chelo(s. dlt;1rH \0/llo llht more then 60 credn hoU'r1
11t.y •
'Bring on the Jazz!'
■ ,,.,
Pitl\lSI 1~
Multicultural services wraps up Black History Month highlighting the history of Jazz
Turpin wr11u Htrr.,,,,
"•"·'"' '''31 .,nnwnr,g1,n-,
Stott J opl1t1'1 M•plf U11/ RlrJ ,. ~~::•d I!'~ H!h ~ti 100,000 P,111111 Jttt-,, Aoll MOf'!on clt 11nt to l'll~t 11\Ytnt,(I IUl
Tht clus,c .,. ot ' • ~ · ffldJ
Nnv Or1t1n1 tronibon,,t ltld Ory
IM rvr nl
Wllh Kh0<.ng )OUn,fs or ~llffl.
ffi(""•1 10 lot Mets" 11\d fount 1
ll'lt town ot Zion, m bt n1 J i u ~rlo,m,nco. lt btt,ng 111,m · • ontllf •
Trvmp1111 LOUt, Al1Mtrtn9 l'IU I h U9t ~ l I M PIOtlHfl IUI 11f1911'9 wltf'l 11(1
hrurtcordtd or,vlfl, 1COl'l'lp011lOn Htt/:,11 JHbin, l1at1mn; hit Hot f.w-e
1DZ OJ~e E~ton rtco>rds h Donl Mt•" • Ti,,n9 f1I tt A tt1 r Got r,,,r $1Yi,,,g/, Ute • t,nt JUI (Off\po'4,0n to UH 1W1n9 in fl'ttlit~ 8 11111 Molldav r1tord1 $11, r.91 ftu< With con,rovtrsitl tyrrc, rtQ61d~
Nai l(ing Colt 's 1rio rtco1d1 lht ta,i~ P,tc,. Gon, W<lh tM Or, lr
~ !nton·, '1tVMIIH '" Ntw Yotl becomu • hot 1po1 for J tu
· 11 IS d1lrtrf'nl lhan hip hop, .llld 11 l\ ~t1U u rmni.· IGnn ).lld ·11 mntN,:b you 11) danct uhi f W,1"1 rt.rm 10 appecw11r L~r rhrrhnu ano
~1urd17 nutttms . fa.c:ult)' Ind
1hr w,1y 1h.at111ty,lhRII . I hf ltsil'l\hn of IM mgh1 tq:an '-'l lh ln)trun1tri•.11 '«lft;I, bY ~uptr nov.1. llwayrl<' luwhni, lhr Nnd)
ont Throu11,;"l thb, ht ..,Id , 1t-.r111#
:ranai n, -.,xt rhf' ,v...nlnit\ rv,nt Sllllt'd Wi!h )k)•.... :r mpo ~v mu,:c .1rnt #ndrd with mott h 1p,h i,mpo
M o rith
•N frt c,r1J,Jl1t·d li t p,mk:r m th#
Cl'l f'bratnry 1Cl1Vi\l0.
rMmbm. of W Wh,hua r.111S CO:'tl mun,1y W#re ln'ttt~ 10 a l"''t' ~ncl pt':"formir.ct by Sv~ncwa to tn,cr dlff" ltnt lonru o! ian Oublxd -A l '?wy Atr,ir- 1111 C,1... r,u,non," lht niiri1 prt)(mtd Ul'f\.'b Of I.I?::: Ol\l;,IC S1u:knu •t.amf'd r vrn thooj/Jl 11'lt ;TIU)!( its.rll 1\ d1thcu!1to deflnt.
"lht pll Vlbl Wo\\ dl'Cldl't1 upon N.\l'd un ltlr nam# c..l !ht rven,; Rawltn~)<lld ·J httVtnl b l'nt1lk'd ' t lu sy Affa,r· antl 11 WI.) mort ti l l mrtntN At.so, V.·I' w,1ntr!'I to Im d udt'l lhl' crowd Wt Wtr, u pect lni,.I !rw Amtnc, m. m ulti cuit.irtJ r,roplr •M ,I lot ol ('11lbbun .p('O pl, \o wtwantl'dlo do ju tfot lht Wmr. M>mt A.mtrtean muc,c ror tht lon l crowd, \Offit c.,,r1~,n TTrUSlr for tbt Ca11~bt•n crowd and a combtna11on ol 1!1 thrtt • Tt:t band k.<kl'd orr tnt lh11V1
mu:tkulrur,11 st"VK'ts. ),,IJd 1uz
011•• EJ,ng1on's bMd , , , ~d•
dnwN from Atncan su~·ts ano
compou(s Bitv S!ltytlofn\ Tit, u,,
tvOh'td UllO V&OOOS. !('offll~ of ffiUSJC
A' T,11'1.ollffi1C/'lbtc~stht btnd'S
m ot.t culture :vchiv.
· 1t s1.1t1fd nut ~ i;os,ptl bu! rhf'v
B•~bo11d l'NQU<M publi1hl.1 t".t f.rs1trittl11cord cll'1tt11Nltrlhttltlt " H,rteffl H,t P~ao• .
aldtd L~trumtnu !ti 11. ar.d OUl or I It b:ot:r into 1.11.1, l lil~ and ~ d.fkrtm txpl't:S,\IOru, ,,b rock. n roU •nd tup,hop wr M\'t toc:11\',•
Cool11 Willttfflf, ,,c.ordJ Tb1 1oi,,ou, Rolllfd~J'l
Thd 11 Utt
'""'.,,_,.,.....,,.ofhtMl!L " nu h t- • lht l'>OU
~ v.":!
......,(fl l'lu
mancl"S lrom mcmtlC"rs wlthm 1tki;J01J? who also rallied th( IUcJlt ncf> 1o danu A«nrdlnJ to Ra\loltM, btcaust Xlpanov,1 a a m m urt ol artl\lS WIii' d1fftrtn1 11'ents. rhr ~up ctwint b ...,;h 1nd1,.ctuaf 1.JH IOIO
dn.mJ a n,j I smooth pl.IN>. M ulti cultunJ~rrlcn r ndtd f\!1ckHtSlo ry Mont!i !nlfo'ltlb Wllh a U:lfbn 00.'l of ~ u music
mu~•O! ...:no!ars. hav, dl"SCrtbtd II .as • :o:m or u ii1ts'l<in convr~'ln11, i;tories on Jo•; t , oppr,,_j,S:on or r mo Mns it.t artN U tt'f'!mg m 1t.t mo mtn• ShO!II~ loM#\, eoor.:S1n,11or ol
lyrchrnq wh,cll uuns II to c, b 1n11td hom Hvtr,111<110 stn-ons
Mo,,• ••
Y<-ould m \·t ~ tpprro11ion !or I.ht' 1,U l CUl!Ult Li ff thry l lltndrd
0 1: l'l!A \Y,t l llU'>:,
b t<1C1. brinci111911u1o n,,.11, 1
lonr,1; S.11 , . r •1,,;,,..1 , ·u,k:.:s
IICOfdN lltt ,Ul'da,d COft",ott'd by
With ln,uumtnlll !i l l son,;s him of c:.nw:.tan
!f'.ituting , 1
ab!C' IO confomi co J.Jffcmu ttnrt"S of mu-,.IC With loh of ,·rtaovr ,tv1~ luwbt~ said
IS 'tt-V 11':l?"}t'J n l [0 all U:.I' rr.embtrs ol tht wouo anJ thtv
-r.orrun11 bad: lrom 11ur roor.., 11 was 1mpor1n1 tor ut 1,-, iovr b.lck; Riwlms Sll'1 that rrj,1!,•IJ t,l
· 11 \IS
W,I~ ~mt!hlnll ,\ho. ll'ILS 4"Vt'nl
ga"' U>, char-.cr IQ tXPlf:S.\ )Offlt !J'llt\g !hll has btt'Tl (l\"tflriokl>d a !M for th.. 1a~t re-.v VtU':i. Ashur,•,1 W1lh1rm. \C'n 1o r Ill rhy\lul tdUCl ''M S, ).,ml lht conga ilr.t
danct WI\ VI#
bW,' 1)11 nl IK'r
· 1 ha~ so much fun· ¼1ll;1m1 )lkJ ·1t:# conga tinc- N&t tl.r h1iu, f, '. rr.r t h# tanll LS !I() taltnlt :I fhn st,,yJJj jo lh k mortoh.fn • IJ9}\! l)f I~(' l'\'l'fl"
!111111 Holtd• y perlonnt twKI JI Catneq11 Htll boltl llmU l>fUlinq bo••ol'flu IICOldl
NBC ttul'IChtl tht Net l(,ng Colt M,lu0 , Y1llt(Old1 ( mdof8 Jut,
P11nu1 rh1 K1nQ Colt 0,U ol Clr'ttll
r,umo,111 l ou•• A.rro1u,~ o,..
Trnm~1,, ~Vu 011111 com.n out o! rttof1.m111111nd rtto1011t11 luM: ffld rocl 1111\u,nud rite M111 wO tt11 H«n Vl,nton M11wt,, tr1;n1p1t1r tftl\·u ru,t04'Y try Wll'ln•r,,;1 • ~ti • M CIHl!Cl l Gr•mmv Awarcl •n rl'I• , ~ , 'l'l•r
to ~ •\IClp.11:.S ~ lnmffl Jifb ,rt Wfl
f '\I IOOP'fflrltlO rf<Plrt will rl"(r,\'('I f"'(Ul l,fl Rf1.l''J 1h0'1 C<KII SlO (.lrtl!llt •tg •t'a:,,n ..., tA' Gp"n ur.tll ~Urch S ,t ...,...,._ .,.ti,·t Cv'tl In ;,,,or,, l'fll1Ul\.orl
v. '1 1al t ~~t 1,,h tt!'I O at O L Llpt
March e fffim o
l...- .;\ .~ an us1~1al\! pr\ ' t,iO! al!d
Ni u ,11,,:a;,~,cd,).'1JIJt MS1Jt!nct '.\ 1!'1 lf• 'ff1r,.,1! tr:itN'fl(t, .\\on k'"f> It ) \',..,.,U U,..l'I ('l!~~ C,tk;:i'lf:,
... ' 1,,J,.JI<#~"'"'' ' ,; . ...,
1li•ftt:1trr l"J v,• ..1 n •.)l \tonttru W\U ·~ 1ta1ur1-J u 1•,0'l lf ~'II' . \11·1 "IJ Ar. .u '-Urc:- n •oe l.rrl 1, rrt " U-.b,U\11 ,,t pt.«o u,•n l J ~.n,_ 1 1Jmmrr V.'l aJ Atu ;n ~ Jt"l("r ,, '-"'w 'l'~ l L It ,n 201.! t •IT"'fr 4 I W--
.c•rt,, ...,,.., -11 , (l'..1,<ler · ... • ' I) h.l' r:ir • '..I• Ur.. M'1 tt,•·n 11 ,, ' h,~ 'O hni.1 it
t,P°' r,.rp,> nr m, Th)t , rhr brit
~ v.ir,u~·, 1, ·\ ·"' '
KQCKS Liquor Beer wine '1app.y Hour Largest
l'.151' ,,1 ,~~
Myfnct- wr.:\.< ti 1,r f,,m,r,i, r.ll l'nnn1 ,,a:(.., lh.:- )r~ · SOG f:1'J'i'"Jf •o• w..1 ,, .:l>'nt'• •n J SI ) I'! r--r yr.u for t t>.l' g,· ....J t1111 ,ir
I· kc l ~t' i · ,,1,:~ I 1 wt Y.' l ll'ii!1' 11) (,f'tf )' :-., 1 , ~, r ~ It w.a, 1mp,)l't.1r.t tu I\ I() n.H .. I ~H I "\\'f r#lily
gr, pt11,
1,,,Jlo, I:": ;,tn dbf.ildl \\r·l,lt rr ,t ..-.,,~."II ,.. 'h thr ni Hl'.1 v,, l °i Mo'f" r t ,m d w., ,....r.. at.'" t n 1 •vrr 1, )ltf4"fmtn• ..,,.h(';. • 1r , .,J,..nt..
M'1. • t t..e1 .,1 r(•l.<f' O1n w r lt.l•ri< hll bti-r. w t,ti l!"!lf,M TIW' 1;-. ~ l:11,, ,n ,,t 1t,e f A"<, f( l'Ct r-n orr,
,i,-,1 .1dbl.,m: 11, 1 1c,a1iv,,p< •!fla'. p1Jr, n.lY': lamb,4:if Lunb )l,j t/>1¥ whu •1: , ,Id !,...I !-ol!tr Wtlh lhK I lftl( t, ,•ton ,hl'lul1 l ••wntW•J 1hr .i:pp - 1r.1 thl'i~ npMn if 11,,-y !firl U ~ 'OtMlhJnll lh•· W1'1Uk1 bfonf'fl: thr:n If !tit'( fttl 11 tnhancf'\ 1~n '4!MV rtirn I ~Id , ncn 1t.1:~ :hi·m ,,.
- r oht't un·1 :,.• , . r •vwlo<'rt , ,1 rtf' 1tm1. , n-1 th, 1m1 ►'-:'"' an mJ1 \'Ul -1-ll l :-:o•t , • 111,ll lr'l"l of \fCII r:tv m :,..1,tf, wt,r, ! 1,1, llP~ICh '"rs ...,1·1 be ~fln,1,,nn~ 1hl.'> 2d r111urs I .J.IV, 7 :h f\ I lll'f> P., 'Jr,5 f•r, ,
111{ ,! \elm, ; :u1,.n1~ m1.;ld Not
!'"re" 't" 1r;, l .:-.~ lcl'rr ~ /, /'!'.\' ' hi' , r ddrou• ·•!l ,\t,, rr 1,ri,.11u t .1t
'h.. ( f ,.,, rr,
m v ;JbM 1)l,1":Pd • J,ar-.l "A .11 If I m ,n " 1.1: J 1'1r,1. Nht f" I ~an·, 'J!• rrv J;M~ ' I) n , nr ,1, IH ' ' 11· ~•1!J oo,r, , ' hr! can t r u ,1,·ti,1 , Rf'M,1t" n
arr,•.r.J un;•J\
1'?1f'b'"l U ".PM<tl
.JJ" ~
lt ,f rtr• r.,.., . 'I\ •h1n " '""" l ~~I , , n!,411, iM. '-''"rv anj Sf~ untv anti
and wine in t own
KRANK IT K~~~~-~-
fine & Liquor rasting aturdays 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. 940.696.9229 r.. .-Jo:.: ·kl
' ••.p •ld ..... " '·' ,,:le '" '"'
•.,.,.r,11I .. .,... u•·•11t• f"II
.... •:""'
p•a n
,.,,1 ,1, 'hc- ._,,,.,, ff-'11,1'\, 111,
lt'I r nl,1,1~
ti, /
2] .,i;I -
vur; Y,'1lh1in ·. -..,11 Ir, 1-M, h•«" r 1r, •rnun,t lht' ,x1,n1r r,,-,rJ, , ,.,1 c.1mpu:. l hls
Comer o r Sh~ppard Aa - Ro ad & CWd low.I P:ark Road E:ctl 1D Off 1-44 - IJ40.76 1.90'l9
.,u-,.,,.,..t>(•,c-~i•ut.Ol'l pl'Ogr1m
l l rh, lu11w ~ '1 1 , . tr,
n•·. • ,1 A·~
H\1'1/n' Srt>ool
, .,.., ll'cl\lln alt' to MU 1t ::1, anJ 101ht Jl\,U<,; T,1 ~ · f a rnt:"'l hll' . c,11
•t, r-. ,.-,,.r~ "-1•rn,trit •1v • \','t' ;a::n · ~:d \'ltrr, ·;r i la•"'l
"'' ,/r 11.,
~,.,. • •...-~,.11 ""' ,. 1· Lo- : ·,r nro •·,r I. i: ~·., r ~ in.::,1 1,nf • ·.rr.t, rti~•,,• "lb-r.Orr • r.'1 .1"1 rn-r :• r, C)
Football tryouts begin April 6 lf\<> l,lU1N11 Ul)I.I n, Ill!' 'o\111 tm l •1•tw,l'\f\ ♦l!l\' t1' t!",~
l.l1VrtolTIAf,r\l O
-••lltt 'lf ' Cfj\t' 1,k lC'\l- 1ht lJ I l'l,00 1 (1.,1'11':")
;••, ,r:!"1 l"un :,u,i
t ' lfl', • If• ' \
,.....,, ,
\ ' ·lfl'
I '•'! <ll
r. , ,,.,,.
t:,~·. r ·•·., ., , 1.,a,
~•r ·•
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:.ct><y, :un
•. ,., ~·-,,.,. ,,,.·'(fo, ·rr "''' T
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•,..-,.uJ ·o 1r•~
w ..· •..,,..._, I ; •{"'I.'\ , .,..,u..,(1 n t a,.. ~,.-i••tNt pl,·; • "> ,nl , t I~- 1 •t ,J , :.,l'f · 1,......... ...i I,' ·, - -m, • : ,r ',)1 lr.4' • x •· , •''" u• I -~"" I.Ur
t •,~ .•
Y," idf'
M •},'I • ' ,:, )1 1'-l it. ,lj M.,( 1•: ,- \ 1 '•f 1
o,o 107
o&u ~t
l v·•"n••· ,tu l<'m ' itl~• I ,#fl
1-.'nc, -hf .., 1...ir :T!I r •mr ...•, tu1 • ,hvv,.. 1 -" ;1:"l •1• ' • " cu,t,..r rt,11
/J//JJ'll//l,11/ /Ill/ #t'IM/1/1 /II/ .f/11,1//I'll/I/It'. 1
,t,. , r,.,
•;,,' l"Uif 11 ~
of liquor . beer .
r ('O-<'i ••
K1n 1HC"V
\'Y t N'
At tll JO Rt<"t"\J<t ~ IOt bo!h optn
c1:s .n1Jors:, Mo,1tl't'
~....._S~inaMEriu Arnlt u 1lf cllif4Me4 pr1.._.,, e.;.yt1t11Jau-1cp,rt.,..;r..,~, .
11\ld,nb Nn i rin:tu#1 ~ Al"'-" lth:k llntd ( ')l,!n,t MMUna 11'I. forhhln1, I I O L Li gon (.olibr'uM (.'ow i llCb. IWC~~ ts. bt-,c,,tU ,n1 ll•'>K> w.:I ~ pn)Y'ldNf
'-pa,tb h 1'\nh,!.tt.wri bv ltM1!t1h1
J.U• pof) tnUM II /\ 1Ce1'WIY G hU I hlll
·: ~ksllpor C01TI •., On rncebook ~ -,._ 940 322.3&72 ,. '
Up tt\l' N1gh1'lKMucn 7 u 7 pm Thi t \'t f'I w,11 tal',t pl,cr on c1mpus WN'rt
tirn v,11h f#tr,,st. r111:n 1J pto'lldC':I
A S,J m...Oft Jall lTIII H U'"I O,IM 111
ALL Wines
Tht NOmtn\cro»c().Jnlt'( Vld ttKk
1u m v.11! t,on thr MS\J Gk►w Run l.iJ,til
1r p w :1 Dt
APP p~. 5
Women's cross country and track host fun run
w1th So,tgturd
:' te.rs of Liquor
IIO"I (Ot\tlel thl'
D1wn f 4'!#' II'" 1tw !er,¥' ltlllnY March
bttOffltngOIII Oftht btJ1 uQ.ri,11111 1l01,1rnsof••·llfflt
\ !l'tt
F"(,: ff'IOtt l~
Dtllltd <~ ttl 8 ,r,,..nffl ,1 04C)J J07 l 2Cl:Z
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t.'<I Cork-,r r..t 8usitW11Mr.1nls.!nUOO. ~ f.1Jiu,, Jboom '-~":..: lor EconomlC
Art exhibits open in Juanita Harvey Art Gallery
Ou.r111 Tl'l1 t>i;n'Y pop1,114or C/'1,11 1, cord1 M.- Funnr v, i.r-tiM •~ 811t N01FotM1
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u • t,.ow, lunmng CMrbt Pttlt r.
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giow •rnc"9 Atnun, A.m11J("11u end
Economics professor to ,attend Streich Family Lecture Series
Tht DOP!.lllof¥ OI r,g,.,,,,. COntlftuO lo
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Art~ &[ntmtainment
MtfolL u11et~ British rockers move in new direction
sptnl lllo" ~• rwc,
•' UOA.DN mn lu.J,N ' " 'Y n \'l,1
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•.Jw a;nupr.N':1,J Hoi.., Ar, ~ fN:S' U'!Lf'l Mutk, Al
Hollywood's iggest nig~ I i
th,d1tDWl<l f.c.Nart1n,r,o,·tru-..'.v:td to:tp flLI ot pf'Cl\t &J,W i'.<11,S It-ad ng
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t~ .,,~ '1nd , "'UCh tr.Ott rich u.d !I.Jly 11'tiltd u,un;1 or. Hoty f'tt,1?";lh'1rgtl , :n,rns ot;. .rtt rJ rior- 1:1 t.hf li&nc:'s
,r.to, pe,ppv aanct~t. c..,:~'lgin1 l.tofSlllWtu11::olthta!!>um'1p"fV:ou,
IT.ttrJl,'f:d V>Xlh WIii 'IU!t!y ~..trKh lht Nir.d into so!d 'l!Jt amu nt.:,Ml<'I SQM
Inc. spins unique version of R&B on debut
),lJTI, ll'J;.ai
m wotld u not your 1r,olhfr> R&Bn<otd ',V1u, :>i, l"'Critpor,1;,.nr, of do.vr: ttmpo tltctronl( lrt.sts l'J(h a, ~ TRH a/'Ml l;f\lol:Jmo, u (t,ff'tf$ b n,) t.ttp"!U to tn:1 Iha! R&B ~lS bff'ICOl!tt ti,;'r lv l'f'SONIJn~ Dr. th W(lf,i \ m~IU) p.ll't:tt, ht -aldtr.l Ult \JCCtu ol F-in,
{Xtara t.h.nn, 1Otan,:t ,n 2012 Inc \p!I\~ IJ'ell own ..n.:i,.:, vtn.!Ol'l of i!A8 oo r.o world, Uf:-'1'..'V r..i-flv
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Cl~recorallu.· (ISfUYIOOVt,10011. 1n1
"life of p1was not my kind of movi1, vary dragged out I was hoping Steven Spielberg
·r don't know who IDaniel Dev Lawis) 1s. I don't really keep up wrth actors"
Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence
pt,.!a.o~n;u1 , ,,...
[."') ~lllCf pop '«Ip W1f<' Z007
~tin.-L M.lt l'lt o.J".i\ i.:n• t"ntr., 1,.-ntc10¥1blf- IIJ!m "'un ::.ar to tnr:n.
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~ ,ryu.:;11, v'lt:.rt as ·F,,,,,, rt\,, mo~~. .,,,.<fo-•n•IW11 \(,")(;,,/,\_.,~~~ltfn'Jli►i'
"klL"lll r.'1l 11 \l'.r,r.,• l'f(or;I t v ~fJIJ~JI .!I W~ . 'l _,_i! l"'ltl't: ,i:.:l ,:<llUlM U~ t,:, 1:..r "'7.".r(l'>""("t~ r1tt,.r ::·ar !(4v,111, ,.1"'~•1
l." •t
f•' ~
*l hked the girl's pretty curly hair in Brave. It was a good ch~tee and a good depiction of real hfe as a canoon
Best Original Screenplay: Django Unchained
intense the actors were ..
Best Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway -Anne wmnrng 1s amazing Good far her, and for winmng for a role 10 a musical. Musicals are not as popular as they used lo be.~
·101ango Uncah,nedl was really trlterestmg and Leonardo o,capno was so hotl"
ERIN DAVIS, SOPHOMORE, MARKETING ·11 was a really good movte and I really hked how
Best Visual Effects: Life of Pi
ot Pi was very well done from • cmematogr1ph1c st1ndpoint. It didn't ms1st upon itself, but provided the necessary backdrop for the story to develop but wasn't the main course !or the audience • not unhke some other nominees."
LESLIE WYATT, SENIOR. NURSING *I'm not really a fan of Anna Hathaway I thought there wete other actresses who deserved II more "
MAIIISA CHANDLER. JUNIOR. MASS COMMUNICATION #It's BS that a musical was nominated m rhe first place No one in real Ide s,ngs bea11t,fully when they are about to dte ol disuse and starva!Jon. or fac.ng life ,nprison
"On one hand, typically, songs that get a1n1me as singles don't win many ldm awards. However, Adele •s e,ctremely
talented and the song was amazmg:
" Honesllv. it's Adele That should clearly tell you It's not an or1g1nal song and quite frankly, she shouldn't have won, simply because 11·s Adele.-
Host, snubs gener~te Oscar controversJ
o.i.r.inpolttt muM Pol:!• ~ k"fnf, l\aYi' brri
Best Animated Feature: Brave
·sy gomg off what I had seen ol her m The Hunger Games, she seems to be a good actress. although I don't know what I would uv about the besl actress, 1us1 because she has only been m like two big mo1J1es She needs more upenence in my op1mon to be the best actress "
how r\Ch ind Mu.W!t no lli'Ol'ld ~•n !:<-, e,~Ully /er 1 !llrld dt ~ntd 1w U-.t prll !O:W'lpnYtl'lt"Jt,q,,n,01'\'"
STRFKR's newest release broadens fanbase
would've won ..
"I'm glad Jenmfer Lewrence won it. she deserves ft·
tlrJWS I l<i• ol ~-, i:r,,nit:t,r, tror, i'Ul'I
d watching t.,fe QI Pi sweep up vary well drrected and · 1personally enJoya , this award I thought tt WI 5 ., absolutely loved the movie LACEY TALLEY. SENIOR.
11.1 :1.,t1n1
well wrmen Although Les · 1thought !Argo! wu Miserables was my fa1Jot1ta of the hims. I do behave Argo deserved 1L It hod you guessing and at the edge of your seat the whole way through II was• great story I always love it when the underdog
·As soon as he accepted the role of Lincoln, he got the Oscar I love him though Daniel Day Lawis 1s fantasnc, better man any actor he competed agamst
tlUlr.f'TlilllU ttt!'i!.JClll'l'll)lt-V
&rod 1~ ~nr,g 1n«rwntl"IU and
Best Director: Ang Lee for Life of Pi
Best Actor: Daniel Day Lewis
t'A'O lrKU "My Numbf'r" uw, tUliv ~ I t lvno ,boat Chll'llllll on,·1 r.i..mt,,>r lit~ , llttti.up. , <lt-Y. lfld101« lhll fo.a:S \J !10 IOn,n 1M 1"1~•t»t"I0($1>( p!ltf a."UV l'Xi: tand tl':i11 thtv Of.Ct wr, Ho'v l':'t II a NOl"dffl\:llv vr,lrffl a r . d ~ \ :t pl«w11:Jlo1Fo.i.s..
Best Picture: Argo
bl.JIT:, M'...1 brs O! !hot'.! Oft\10,IS \lr·>fk W\.l Ctrl't,!"lv r,OIICC 'IN,'()• ctwt~ lfl
-hit, ~WIC I £cii
1'4!H,,.-1 k,t,11,a l,(\~i(!"I. fi' \l')oo\ ., •i,.l
1'1'1'"J'd 11\.11'
11.;;:'r•,l"ff~l.d,l<ra:t t.,.,T.\f ,.1"{ ,r., "1)1,;"f !f 1'4(" ••·•rt,.~,~ ,
he 85th annual Academy Awards were presented Feb. 24 at Hollywood's Dolby Theatre. Controversy surrounded the night, particularly around the show's host. Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane. From lhe controversial 'We Saw Your Boobs' during his lengthy monologue. to his various risqu~ sketches. MacFarlane ·s performance was a heavy talking point the day aher. Aside from MacFarlane, another heavy topic was the snub of films. ac Jars and directors not nominated or beaten ou t - none more 1alked about than Ben Alfleck's 'Argo" wmnmg best
picture despite Affleck not being nominated for best director. As always, Leonardo Dicaprio was nowhere to be found on the best actor list for his portrayal of Calvin Candie in Ouentin Tarantino's 'D1ango Unchained.' Christopher Nolan and the entire cast and crew of 'The Dark Knight Rises· may have been the biggest snub in the eyes of many fans, as the breathtaking end to his Batman trilogy was absent from any category. Other talked about happenings were Adele bringing the house down with her performance of 'Skyfall,' and Jennifer Lawrence·s tumble on stage when accepting the Best Aetress award.
l'• . j ~ .....1$:t,w~•"",;..o"'"Y;,:r •1 H,)d~ •~..lt'l'i\ l k!!)o'• " ~ • •~•••
iSlllll., \",:a:.,\' ,~i•.u• r~ ia,P1a'•Jt•'.C"t ~;; "'t-t.... l\
"'...!"' • tu,J
.::t_-_ .... ,
,,1 ••·
,Wff, ~·
•w•nk..~ best ,art WIS when Lit, of Pi's Cttlt~v• ~Hffl WII Cllt off~ •• Jaws ttltmt song, I 1110 fik-4' ·1WIS IVTJristd thal Les MiNnii.tes d....... Adele SNII· The wors1 ,1r1 WH wltH D111111 lhKhfft 11111 Kritt1n Stewart pruentff tc>glther. You don I nux Herr, Pone, and Twilifht * Jordan Carnpagna. ~ Undecided I ·1 ~ ,t, romo,e-1r (hoc\: leonardo Oiral)J,t1 ~ \n t ncm,nated to:~, ~uDl:'°'1'"9_ ac:o, c011s•def1ng leo i.s one of the besi actors ol an time Oscars a,e ngged ,; ~- . 1 l-t;,A)f>f,n,'k S,)Ohotr(;ff:, H•(tory IIN o.ly NVII f se~ I~ yHr wu (The Dan: Kn19hf RIHtl. It was • grul movie, and I Jot people lontf it. l'ffl su risetl it wnn·1,_;,,, rp for 1omtd11na." Joel_s.idl. Senior, Mass COMMU1e1t10tt I
•w:ichitan CHAMPIONS pg. 8 lO rnm, by Ei d1 Ollf should tit ctl rbratt<1 for what it b,• Tt1f ct:rbrat10n did not ta.i.1 Jong. ror lht mtn, thou.Rh, .u Ulf>Y ten ro lari,ron Siu , 7S oo m Stcphtn vtllt , Tu ason f"tb. 23 "Honmly, It WAI IWl • IOUIU'l conftrrnct loss on the ra.d, • tla~
Reriv s.11d. "To wm on 1h,. road, hPfl!Jilty Whet! It's • J,tlfflt Um
Aft..r the Paul Oumn pm•. cte tle1ml ill 0.1. Lll(Ofl Colisruni dur, Ina tht' tu m'! !of'nlor nlp}u co wm teilm wdl havr thll'f daY\ 10 pre for the I.one Stu Con!crencr p.3re who team :he ,m mrmor.ne stnlo~ w111 graduatt- or tos, t hglbll11v at Pomt.1!i00 TO<Jm1men1 m Allen, from f•\.llrt'h 6 O. Since n Te.u, \t'CoOn thf> the end of • fhis Wttk we'll look 10 iet hol,h 1he number one ~ d. 1he hea:thrtr and htuer." H.1mr1v re.am·1 5ni pa1r1ng ·wtU be .1g,irw )iJd_ "The P.1ul Olilnn µ.rr.e Will bt lht t11.hth s«d. llaJ:;gerty uld that dt$p11t ex .11 blit or:e bt'<'.lU$C ol si>n!or night, ~nd we're sun llghung for .11 good pecunglhe1eAmtobeln 1he NCM \p,ll In rhe n.1t10Nt 1oum•men1. f>O\llt'Uon ~L1yoff1, they know It'll ~l~ bf a 11,ame be/ore tht con- nothm~ w1ll be guatilnrttd for IL "There arc }1111 .t lot ol lhtngs lcrrnc,. toumamtnt lhill an hipllaAAtllY <.aJd - ·=c---c-=c,-"" tram w1111ook •
hh so much hinorv as Mldwutrm Su u, .nd Tulf'ton. rou'\'t ~ 10 be re-1.lly ~ m :.omt ~ b • Hagg('ny SJ1d ht thought the m,n playtd tKtrcmrly hard and Wtft' prrp,uN aM fooiwd ror thl' :~u~;n:u;,:;~ game, but ht ClfCd poor d«1s1ons and rebound the th when 1he tum had a slight lead ~~ that ltd 10 b rJt:on gtulns: tht vi< ~~~/ht IOI'\' rt milln successcou a on P•ul lJlol lht quJck lot a ful :.w, i.hol
U'e still have a lot to "" " ,., ., ofwork to do... Our ~~lht :~~:~
season isn't done yet, ment gon, as and we still have a lot ;;~: :~: or don'1ma.kt to go after. "
,pte Of ~ I ons, and we missed Quinn glltlt. On ffft throws l.11t in the game: ht the offt ns1vt end, w1C. "In order to ,..., non lht ma.d, you'"t go( to do 1hiu two thmgs
tht n11Jonal 10\Jm•mtnt,• he said. "Wt dttln!ttly w1m 10 go out and ,wltl tl'IIS IOUm•mem because It's lM Lone St•r Conll'rtnce, but we also WolOl 10 pul ourstlvts In I gru t posltlon 10 bt 111 tht n1uon.1I 1ouma ment ilnd have the best s«d pos• siblt . We s11U h.1ve a lot t}f work to do, and wt p!av for !hi\ lime of the rear. Our ~1.SOn 1m'1 done yet. •nd wt stdl have a Jot to go .1ftet •
tumovtl'$ win h•\·t to be cut down. ind they ....,u rnlty hll\'t 10 !ikt
o re of !he ~lmb.111.
l>ts;:1tt the los.s, lht mrn still hold a big t llOtlgh !tad 10 not lose !he I.SC championship. Tht team now hu a wttk off 10 rest and rtrupm:e btlore pl.tying their n. nll g.1me ot rhe reRUfilr seuon on Much 3. fhey wtUhos1 Pi ul Ouinn
-when We do •II tht.se thlnp . we\•t proven 1ha1 we're prt tt't' tough !o be.11," Haggem• s.ild. "We're sUJI going 10 prepare 10 Win the ntx! ~mie th1t we plily, and hoptlully we'll bt ma.km~ ano1her stop towuds plaVlng oor bts,1 bas kelball 1h1s time o! !he year.·
WOMEN pg.8 TIie te.im quickly worked the kmks OUI lht lollowmg Wttk , pickIng up a 70 02 win 11 home over Commerce, and a 7 1 o) wln on the ro.d agam~t Tarl<'ton K1rs1I Degell,1 paced the women IO t',oth wms, scortng IO pomrs • gamst Commerce, •nd 18 pomu ag.i1ra1 l.1rleton. Sha1or1 Gober also scored 16 pomrs 1r..i1nst Com• merce, .ind Andru Clntt notched 1 doublt·doublt m both µ mes. sconng 11 pomu and grabbmg 12 rebounds a~Jnst Commerce, tnd IS points Ind 14 rebounds ilg,IIOSI l arletor.. " ! fttl hke "Ke illSO had .11 slump in the 61'$1 h.l.U of the Commert'e µme when we were down by nine: Joh~n s.1<1. · But in the secon1 ha:I. we pkked tt up ind wr nnally plilyed our wiy 0~1 of 11 We 'l.'ett rt•di' fo, lhe jTarleTonJ game. To play I.ht 'N•Y Wt !hd, I'm very pl'Olld o! 1h1s 1e1m and how we rl'Spor.dtd lrom t.tiose two
Tht ltl m p1.15he,d llst!I bKk up numttr rwo spot Jn the l.SC, tri,l.ing ACU byonr ~ll'lf. after 1he IWO wm~. Johnson uld despite the lftm's e.rliet !OM, the me tor trs1 Is still !IJ t.~e
up for grab.s While ACtJ 51111 hu I.ht tough task of ta.king on lnurnate woro
on Feb. 27, they ;ilso play lherr ~t g;ime of I.he seuon iP,Jinst I.he ~ p!.1Ce Teu s MM Kmg.w,Jlt on Mtreh 2. MSll, on the other htnd, wlll wnp up their season .tp!nst Te.us Women's Uruvt~ty on Ftb.
27 "We'll be 'NlfChlng [rhe Abilene Christian/ garr.e closety to Ste how thty ptr!orm.• Johnson .solld • Them hrnni 1wr, pmts leJT ro pl•r. •rxt w. only h1·1Jt:A one, Ciln ploly 10 our ld'ijntil~. but Wt
shou!d h•ve lilken cue of business earlitr so w, wr ren'1 In this posmon .1no dJdn"r need any help.· Tht 1um's Feb 27 game wrl/ be 1u ltst regular selSOn gam,, ilnd ~1.Udoubleu.-.enlOf nigh1forthose 111•du1tlnRor losing t:HglblU1y 1tter lhis w~n. ·1 dellOllely fttl 11kt we've go! ~m, conftdence going 1n10 lhis game: Johnson s.iJd · Espec1.uy lht way Affl!ey Rush, one ot out !.f nlors, plilytd lhtst las! two games. She'$ going 10 want 10 PQY Ute thal Wedr.tsday niy.ht bec• use u·s htr la.<1 home Rilme: Aside from ~nishmg off the reauJ,ir St'll~n strong/}'. Johnson IS focused on pN!panng the te.1m !or the LSC PosLStu on Toum.1men1111 Allen, Te.us from March t>-0, •nd ultim11ety ;i run in the NCM D II plilyoffs. Johnson s.ild ttu1 dtspite r.he tum·s youth, lhls stl.SOn helped them grow as a team ;ind 1mpro\·t their chem1sttv. Sht t.akes pride m how far they've come dunng lheir 20·5 se;ison, .1nd looks lotw.1rd to Stt 1ng how tar the women go into the
postsea~n. For tht' rum 10 be succtfflul, lohn)On s.iirl she btlitVe$ the wom en have to play their game "We\•e ltOI IO prepue ounelv ts b'f conunuing 10 foster whi1 we
do weU run the baskttbllll, pl.'ly prfflurt' dt-ftnst ilnd be actlvt in tht pl),.ljOJ l;anes. We're not going to ch•nge l nHhing up. Ifs ;a whole ntw srason once the conference IQUtnlmtn• IS OVtr. Evtrylhfng YoU did In the Pil\t !S GVtr now it's SOrMt and.1dv1nce:
Indoor track places second at LSC meet T'hc-lllOOol' trK). m1 !t)c> (Uffl f.11,.rd t<l l t M:h Hs jtOl l OI !lllVlnt lht mo~ po1.,u ti, :he dbU.1't"t f,K~ II llit' Lor., IIU:l h, M SUr ron:mnc, Jnooor
Ch,mplorunlps In l.u.bt:odt, f-tb ZJ 24, rYfthtt,po:nu Tb, team Ud ~: :,t(flfl,j ...., 11 Wts! Ten s M M. w:,:ing 27 po1nu ~o:n t.' lf I milt, ) ,000 mt!tr u :d ~000 mtttr
1::d lhe d:::.1ric, 11fd!~
Top l\n1Ulm lor lb lt•m W#ft Asl'I lh!J'd 1:, the
lfy Rom, w'lo ~Mhtd
I milt , JuitJ Um1>btii, wt-.o (OOlr ~f'.h In thf sooom,tt: 1nd \t'Cond 1r: tllt3000 mrtt t and ,',,1,chei!t an:I K"irr K"rt UlflOSb , Who pl.lctd ll!'lh iml JlJ(h I'!
spec only IA lhe 3000 lt.tttr Tnt !Um 111o pKttd up , 1«otr.1-~ r medal 111 lht disunce mtdlty rt1'y.
•Tot OMR was awnome." Cl'MI Count,y lOd Tn d. Hu.:I Coach K"oby go! itt'Ond, SO 10 gtt a Srt. n ~ Jd
rr.tdll out of ttllt w;is prrttv cool. Ont ol ow ltp , Ann1 Lopn, took our tum lrom ftllh ,ut.".t 'Inf 10 ~nd. , r.d IJ;t"J
Ashley Ao1es did what A1hltv Ao:-,s dots 10 1lnbh ,1 on torus.· 0tll)llt thr !'Ugh tlmshes !Toro th women, no one on tht trim w.u .ahll' 10 quality for natiONl5
· we vme hop:ng MhltT would, but \ht TKt Wtnl OUI lOO !KOU],• Stv!~ sa!<I. · Now we h.lvt our f1m outdoor mttt an Muell 16, so 11", !)»ck to lht
drawing bo.ard. "' ~ ie,m'1 l\m outdoor mrt1 v.1U bt lnUnyon 111.t:, Wts1 Tu»MM()p,n_
Carter, Thomas named players of the week Andru ~ t r 11;nd
~ eenitd 00th lw.ltt".b.lil progr,ms VI cOKhts,' polls lhtl Wttk. C.rttr WI&
named mt lont s~, Conlmnce de~, pl.aytr of the Wttk lo: Llit women, • hllt Thomu was named the L~ «kn SIVt pllrff OI the Wttt !Of thf mt!': lrvt
Carter avtral"(l a d6ue!N1o1.:b'.f
With 1J ;ioinu .and IJ rrtiouO!l~. .s
wrll u ].~
and 20
lht wom,ni pm.ti ~ nst Ttus MM
Commr1tt Inc! Tu!tton S~tt lht w,rk of Feb. 1723 Trui W1$Utte:'s ~ ume tore-er,\·, ll'lishonorln ht.arttr a· MSU Thomu dominated the lSC offtn sivtN, notching I doub!e doublr !n both mfn·s pmo q.ii:is1 Commerce and
Tar1t1on 10 ,1vmge 23 points Ind 1S It boun<!.sftom ffb 17 2] Tbon-.u up!ret'd 1t1 d'. f N'b 20 /Tlll:ch up against Commtrtt with , JU Mlntugho!27points: ;alld 18rrbotindSlO ltild W 111m to Its steOl!d lSC chlmpi ONI\Jp u: ,1 row Thomn co:iti: , ~ h :s o fft:U:\'f 0:.1 J)llt ffb.
23 ln Ult lta:n·, toss :o Tarleton
WHh JO po,n:S Ind 12 :rf.lo>'..,1.:1! Whllt: Thonw t41T'td iunatll tnrtt dt ft !Wn p~tr of lht Wtt~ b:d1 lllls stuon,lllls l1hulir:: 1r.rne:or«eivr 1ht' o.1'11$1,e pll'fff ol thf Wttk .iwu.i
Casey wins player of the week for tennis K1yl,i C.ils,v V.~~ IWU1!td thr lone SU: Conltttnc, pt.m or lht v.tt~ awud for 11ft p!,1~· durlnt the wo:nen·s ttnnls progru:,\ Sf"ilMln opening Win 1P in'1St. Mary·, on 1-t-b 10 Cbty pkkfd lip two W1M 1n :l'-. t team's 72 VklQlY. lr,cluding an 8J vtc torv ovrr Ja1n1r 8'}~m a:,d Amn, Sil CUN "Aill'I ht'r 'U1tr Ktn1r1, , 1111 • 0 4, 7 S 1in~ r,<11.w o·it:
Va'.,ntint Um
blt<lhi .
Tht wo:ntn WiU raum, pl.ay M.ardt
I 2 ll;.llnst ln.::ilNlt Worn an.1 Okla~,o ma Chrufil n Jt 1n, M5Li Tt nnli { cn:n
;~! I ¼ ~ "!1::'bi...-0, ,-, .·t--•o~o\ 1, ' 1 .!.05 Corner ol Kernp , Sou1hwe11 Polwoy
Softball games postponed due to weather
t/4..'.>1~9} 100!
C.tJ,~ ,. .iEY2
,,,,.. ,.,, ..,,.,...-.... t ,election o f croft/ imported ~
beers In townl POI. HOSPITAUTY sums, HOUDAX
fTb, 26's s.;hed i.:lr l doutle Mllt'r
lor lt'.t sof'tb,u tu m 1iu::r.!t Cr1111.1a ()tJ1hom• WU ~ IPO:itd di.If 10 11:Cll"m
e:it wu!hn cor:J t.oni The stnit) ha; bttn l"r'$('1 to tikt p-;x, on a.11pJJ. on Mar<h20
IDrnD' ATMON ...
I 1 2 8ARRfLL KEGS . SqJ PlUS TAX'' ~E lf C"T, /l [ C rNBOl.K & UYS I O Nf U C.,MT
~ ~ geot P"°" aid bell c:ulk)aS ..w:eln
.,"'ft,.~ --·
,-..,;tt:..,_.., .,~,,_-,,c.~-..
.t" ~Y I •-t "'t,,,:,,,, ~ t:Mtr ditets Offf I T1u1 AIM-C. . . .rc.• 11..,._,., 1"-r 1 6i¥1 i. 11-,.iet. "''· 211. 1M Nltll llMfll lM . . . ... ~ -... i--.,. 70.Q , kttry, II..W.•IIMW1 i.i,..i '"'81'1 tlie 11- 11 t 12-~ .._ ••~ "1 ~ . .,
:r·•.p!;.J v,t, ~••1,c~?o,.;' <t, .,,ei,,,k,., ,\/)<f';"'d<IN ' l'J "1'• .Golr'A t - r . g,) ~;,r;r,... ~~Jh iUl"'1,,- ...... f - !l,*:., ~
•'1-,t4 ,_._, ~ ~-- ...
Brot hers conn ect on cour t
Grayers share passion of basketball, lead men's program this season k t\"lf' S',llnrd
LAUM:N "°9Cf'1"S PHOTOOflA.""11,-
Ktvm 1t1t1 JelJ Gu,tr ut hi!
- •Tdidn~ 1ign when I came down (to M SU), hut when I left, I pretty much knew I wanted to come here. • KEVIHCMYflt
Season stats 24 glfflts pl1ytd fl l IUrts) 11.6l)OtOtS·Pft•gtmt C.Orebounds-per-~ • 3.3 usists•p•r•!J'm• 1 3 sttalS·Plt•glmt
• 0.2 Wod.s-par-g&l'llf • 0.457 fit ld goel ptKtnClfl 0 33 3•p01nt p1rcenttte 0 75 frt1 throw petctntagt
tht mftl's ~e1.bl.ll tum, bu! u:1ldtt mos: broehtr due., thfv h,ve not i.lwavs livtd !Ogtthtt K.evtn Wi1 born on Feb. I. I087 111 Chic.ago lnd llistd !n Ror!.:la ',\'lt!I hG m«htt. Robin KmA, whHt ltff was borr. Ol'I No-.· 1l, 1081,1 and r.ibtc lfl nmr, MKh. with 1bt1r fil· thtr, Jdfery Graytr Sr. and h~ moth er, Alfrtda Smith Tl'!tlr fathtr .wrttd ilt lOWil Stillt rrom 1984> 1988 unul ht was dra!'led 13th o-.rmll bY lht MUwilJktt Ht pU!VfG wtth !1"1! N6A 8 !.K .:S
playing comptUILVf
baskttN:I .ilttl h.. r;iO'l!d 10 Florldl, Wh1!t Jtff Martt<I pt,ym11 wuh lhtir father · 1 Wb .1Jw1'r'S folicwing my dkl, trying IO follow m h,} !OOUltp$, . Jttf Uld while rt!Mll~m~ lhe dnlls his fattltr wouk:I holvc hlm perfonn
UaYing 1Merfnl molhffl, XtVJn and Jtff 'NOO]d 001 l!'letl unul lht
summerot 199'/ ·1 dotl'1 ;c.iJty rrm,mbet riow It W'6, but II I rtmtmber corrtc'tly, I W1S KUt'<I 1usi metll1lg ntw ~ pl< ~ I t I d1dn'1 know, .1nd thtr
ilM.1 I WU kind ot es:c•t~ Sl.n(f' I WH 11 young kid.· ltN sal<I. ·1 hid a!w1ys wanrtd .in o!d!'r brotm't, i nd I w.int td 10 meet him • WhJt 11>t brothtrs rtmtmbtr
'4 trt ..xd•Jr!Pd
~-Men win conference title
World m Flonda, and I klnd of didn't any fflO!,l aboul (ht VISII IS p!l'(lng ,ll tvtn fe,,l llkt pUylna blskttbl/1 mort I wanttd 10 play af!aJn ru~t l't along Cilmp thtir father's l>lskt~ll CilUst 111kt NSkttb.lll I mt~ ll ii wilh 1hc1r ~bttr Bnttnty. lk>mg oldtJ, Kevin wu 1hr bttter hUJe b1I but I kind ol KCtJ)led tht ract ot141 I rr1P,1:t ".Ott\·t-r p:ily .i~m p:aYfr ,H lht umt. Kt'l'Ln h.-.d 11.111 stilrted working ·1 can't rta/1 bta!ln1 him ill thal young age bttause M was just big- out 1galn 10 u1.y In shape when lus gtr," ltffsald · 1 w.asllwayi:trying fillhtr u Utd ilDd uk:ed hLITl Jf hf wanttd ;o au,nd CJaklaM CC to 10 go a1 him and but him •
AJ1tr the ftrs! mtttlng. Ktv1n and Jetf would Set uch Olhtr OCC1StOn dldn '1 tnow mt." Xtvln wld Th.s woulc Ct lht first tJme he a.Uv tor Chrutmas ilnd a ftw more wm.iM mttt ltrf. 'I,, brotMt, and his summers. W11h ktvtn m Flonda and Jeff m fathfraio:it ~1 d1dn"1 really have a rtlillionsb!p M!ch1gar., 11 was d1Nkult lor thtm 10 'Nlth tither ont ,01 my parer.ts.r gt l 1ogettirr. Evtn though lht two Wtn! apart, kevu: "'kt ~AnY'J.fflt I w,m to~ my fatl!er I w~ with my molhet. h thl'v continued 10 keep in ,ouch and was .1twavs m, and hr,, and this was Slil)'t(!Clost Jtff said, ·1 still lo,·t bemg around irt r.rst tlmt r went by myse!t I r,w Dy my<rll from~ 10 MKh!pn. J him to thu day we·ve got a grt"at bond• WilS upenence gum II.Iii. the whole Tht bro1ners met up on~r wlreallyscuy!ora IOVUJ·Okl· Tht '>UT:lmtr hl' mr, Kf'Vln was ltgt began, ~ thty lllendt'd OakW'ld Com!l'lunny Cotlegt, lornt'd •n u0Un1t- Jrlf <Jid "\'It !ound out .ibout !Kt vw.l, In Michigan, 10 play ~kttb.ill to
tra:m and iwo CBA 1tilffb dur,n~ h•s II ~arCMttr. He has a l.aot of il<C6mp!tshmenu. incll>Cing being tht l!l tJmt lud 111g scort· a1 IOW'a Su:t with 2.SOZ po1nb Whl/e a1 Iowa Stm·. hr ~ I 13 Kt".oo'I recortb, and ht w~ namtd to tl'lt 8tg E:isfs I080s All l)«lCk Tt am He plavtd :n O'lt 1988 Otvmpil~. Y.1nmn1t a t>ro.,u Mdal, Y,ffl1<h w~ fhf la~ Vt'IT prolffik>fa/ I IS J,1.,yers
gtlhtt nus mteung .1.rmosc did not h.ipptn, though "At thlS pomt I wa:.11 't m ~ hOol,
t:ev,n said •1 Wli workmi ill St.1·
play ~ske1blll with let! "When he calltd mt> I was b,;e yeah, I'll IN It out an:1 wen: up thtit and 1: was fllri: Xtv!Jl Silld le/1 was nmshlilg his sen!OI' '(tilt o! h11Ut school when thtl! latntr asked what hr tho«Rtll aboul Km n comini up and p!.vmR a! thr same school.
"7hat s;,,y/mtj Heknow1wb I like to do on , court, and I k,,1 what he lik<Jto , on the court.'
JmGAAVO SENIOR, Uf~~: f ; ;
Season stats I
• 11 games pl1ytd • 2.lpoints•per-911nt • 1.1 r1bounds-per•9M'l 1
• 0.8 assists•pir-gatnf • O.l stHIS· Plr·91m1 0 35 field 901111trc 0.29 3•polfll ptr"/Ujt 0.5 fr1t throw perc
, ...., .. ,,.~.. .,,,., 1"' __,,,
d1• . S-i•r C..'11 ~ , ... • dMM ii,,..,., Tt1• AIM-C1-,c1'1 . . ., lrown 1h1ri1t1 fl9. 20"t lSC a.-,,inth1,-cl11, ,-11111 Hi 11
ifll 11>'1111 .. Dl
l lfM. 111oN1 pltpllf t ctwt:i.l ,en I" 1M l1M1'1 '#In, notclti111 t llouWe-Nulile wllh 11
Mustangs clinclt LSC with win over Texas A&M-Commerce, prepare for postseaso11 " ~l.-.,m
► rt
or e
S POtfT'SIDfTOflll
rht !f!d'U ~(~i (,:r,g:"<111 ~ a (''"-lnl':O ~ Fe.ti. lO S.t 1)7 -...~•'If',',-,.... u ~ AM '., .n-::mct.:r 11• ,.;,r-:re r~:: -to.:ur:1 L-'>~~ \ ;,u t ,-n!r ~eue \ t,amr1 1r.)"•r ,~ it.at 1,1\, :'A ,• ,tli-")!:l. It,(' '-'"! 10:.I ~, ~n.l'f'1 't." INJJ: ~ ~\J!o..llJI ai
r.umt.er or-,. ,n t"it l!• . t,:1 ; a;'() vmd cirN .i 74 oo ~~ 10 c"t,:-lfl'lf"Ct' ~,:. tn !anur.- 10 ... arJ, l~r beicn ni~J ...r r,T>f.>r~x,
av gi~.~- m.,c►1 .ts\ 1n,
:u guc. •
·1:·, .,,, r:~ :\h n·~ Jk .1j P...;k•"baJ r.,;,,1ct. Nr-o.~r. H•,:rtrf :-a·d ·1o "l~vt ,1 v,,;i;, r,I ntw w1·1, ?.111Jf' thmuAA ~o .-.-1n ·•1 ~ 1"a,: " I\ rt JI;), ,1~: nc :r-,11ri t' J~ ~"liW'l'I of !hr. :1 .,, II'
't'ilt:'l !'IJ, l•1"!' \ "t,•
1'"'0"\d• .r,1
•.t., ·..-ar, l'l.i~1Nlt wut1
1rJ: 1 f JO•·c ,...,r,- :nr0"-2,.':0lol ~ ~ ,tar ·' io mat:rr Mw r.;ird ma1,\ ( '1J1;1p,:,•.\~11,,s :h~i )'ru ,m·,. U:cv Jrt
'"<l'J-•, ,,,.1., ,., wirtii1•:e;~,~==::y:::;!:-:!=:::-J
Sll..a.GehrMlil-"M eyAMu1ec1r.M111 n,T•"'AIM~ • -'-1121. G..1Ntti.1u111 i•suri.. ~
·women prepare for post-s~asd Coach Johnson looks to lSC tournament, D-1/ playoff run 011t ANOO n ( ll!f<: JFl
'"' team hil go11en th,,t /J•he t;\ •. · ·.-.·ins. h1.1 rt w•~ a pmiv bii: 1 :,.. .. r 1, o•
to drfi~ be,th hwi, ~rtie... a~.u~t .s.!.: ,':'• • An~elQ StatP 1}'"~ Lkt :" .. hit -t ti:1 "'fa -!t.r; h~ · I 1 An,:, ,('I '-Wf, l11hnw1. w, 1 ·\',t' , ,,. • " 1 ti,t,u~ i drft n• welv. ai J J.t I<' , ,\ ~ • •
"'ti tr2m ,n how 'J.t 1r.,1l " ''Ji "•·. ,,.
w.. .vrr"n' 1l!.lmt1,tJ1.i.1 ..,r1, 1in:,•, , ,,•·,
•!lri!,!' t.voo~po•,tr,!\ •