lnsinhts• . "' · Spirit of sports by Dr. Du
Fa ther and son team perform
nm Wichitan Mich, cstern State University
Walker recieves distinguished honor
W~hington, o.c.
Pres1dcn1 Clinto 10 lift a 19- can 1>opes embargo on YieJ'. r ,. trade few days, accordi:n v. llh1~
a trade official s. cft 10 senior 1 conc~udcd that the 7i~~ ~~: co me 10 he g in r, . . n:l_:uions _with Vic. ,cnsat~ n ~g 1akmg a highly sen ··c . Y of resuming lrad·c s 1 1\ C Sll·p . ~ linton's a\'~idancl! of durin g the
~:~:~7m sc\~cc
1 ..
s1..: n1 0r ~ff1c1al said " It'~ a done deal._Th~ prcs idi;m has made up his mmd.[t
wa_s unclear wh i.:thcr
the Un11c d S1a1c~ had in for~cd Viet nam of the decis ion, heca use \Vh ,1e Hnu~c offi cials refused to
provide confirmatinn
Admi nistration ~1 ftic1als SJld 1ha1 Clinton hoped lo ma k e an o ff1 c1al : c"~v~~t ~mcnt by th e end of t';I~h?mon hu_,j"'""' mujur Cor h~
Governor Ann Richard~
cl11e f of staff said Tuesday tha t he orde red th e deslruc_tmn of thi; go,·crnor's long distance phone records m August of 1993. John Fainter, th i. : dut.:f of staff. said his decis ion WJ.!o not a rusult of t hi.: Hutc hinson inq uiry. Slate Arch1vl' 1. Direc tor William Go('(:h told Richards' aides in a letter Tu e_s day lh nt th ey had m1 stn tcrprc1cd stal e rccon.J n!lcnti on la ws in decidin g to destroy the 1ekphone records. He advised the office 10 begin holding long-dis1anec records for th ree years. "I will concede .. . 1ha1 ii was not a very wise polilical deci sio n (10 destroy the r..:cords). I wish we hadn't done it. said Fainter. U.S. Represen~11ive Mike And rews of Houston has the most campaign cash amu ng th e major De mo"atic candidates trying lo challenge Repub lican Senato r Ka y Bailey Hutchinson. Campaign finance rcpons prepared for the Federal Election Com mission show that Andrews had $429 .886 ·n cash available compared 10 allas businessman Richard isher's $339.866 and former ems Allomey General Jim a1 1o x's $1 13.77 9 . utchi nso n has $1.5 milli on n cash avai lahle for her re' lcction campaign . The Senator is ,chcdulcd o go on trial Monday in Fort :Vort h on one mi sdl!meanor harge and four fc lo_ny · harg cs of offic i a l isconducl from her tenure state treasurer. She has cnied any wrongdoi ng.
Fort Worth, Texas
hai~~-k Dc Gu cri'n of ouston, who is heading u1chinson·s de fense team nid he is concerned that her
_See p~ge 4
Uy Drew Myers Sporlir;: Editor C1Jrhy Walker has hecn named a NAIA Di\'ision fl foutha 11 A II - American Scholar Athlclt!, the firs1ever in MSU foothall history. Over the years foothall players have hccn 1agged ~·i1h lhe stereotypica l lahel of "Dumh Jocks" . Society has dt.:l' mcd these :1thlctes ,1.s !!ladi:11ors th:11 arc stumpcd'fur an answer whl·n you say hello, h111 sophomore Corhy Walkl~r uf 1hc India n foo1h:1 l1 1c:1m ha.~ tLi rn tha1 lahd off and he did it in gra nd fashion. ,.•n1L' aw;.m.l mL·an.s a lot to mL', hut wh:11 me:ins mnrc to nl L' is breaking thl! Sll' r..:ntypc th a1 :ill fo01 hall pl:1ye rs arc ·~tu pid' or c 111 · 1 make the grad e," said Wa lke r. "Everybody jusi thinks 1ha1 footha ll players don·, h,ve it ups1ai rs." Walker linished wi 1h im prcssivc slaLs on 1he foo1hall field . He recorded 29 1ac kles on the sea.son. di..:spilc miss.:~~/ction due 10 an ankle in-
h: ht.·t·n n:un«I a NAIA II foo~hall :1 ll -An1c-rican :,.dwh,r :t lhlrh-. 11,· b, onh· on uf 1 ':~•~~~~ ;~~/tM ilha ll pl :t~"r' (rnm 1Kr11,~ 1hr nati,~n "It h
r llbiun
Austin, Texas
Television a nd s1•11 mer.is will not be pcrm il_ted n the courtroom dunng u1c hinson's trial on e th1 CS
February 3, 1994
First in MSU football history
by Alan Moser StalT
p~l~ tica l ~a!l'ft;ca~~~: .
On the Inside: men & TV
Walker made the TIA A all-confcn.:ncc 1cam due to~his performa nce on the field . With these fani; :1lonc Walka is just :motha "dumh jock" in s0<.·icty's l"Yt'$. "I don·, hrog aho111 my grades 10 people. hut when they do find 01111ha1 I actuall y play foo1hall they' ll pop off ahout me hcing ~1upal . then I'll ~:1y somi.:1hing ahriul my gr;1lks. ~fost people :m.: surprise d; thc y' rl.! real surprised." The reason 1hc.y arc so surprised is due to Walker'~ succc..,1. off thl! fi eld as well a." on. In 1hc cl:L~smom \Valkcr, a junior. has :i grade point av1.:rage of 4.0 on ;,i 4.tl .scale..
"I guess I have always had a drive lo succeed," said Walker. "Everyone I hnvc eve r talked to or 1'11.! en around ha.Ii !Old me I am a pcrfecLionist. and if I don '1 do something as well as I'm capahlc of !loin~ it. I reall y get down on myself." Making his parents prnud of him is just one thing that drives th is so phomore linchackcr. He said his accompl b hmcnlS an: not just for him . hut also the people :uound him. "I gue_1.s after lhat firs1'4 .0 I would he mad at myscJf if I dropped below that," said Walker ahout the other thing 1hat drives him, wh ich is self mot ivation. "Since I know I Ht.: is one of onl y fo ur foo l- can achieve th:it und that I've ha ll players ac ross the nation d"nei t bcfore i1sccmslikc ifl in NAIA Division II who drop hclow a 4.0 I'm cheating m, naged a perfect GPA. myself." His acade mic excellence Pulling a 4.0 was no easy earned Walker a spot on b'mh tas k for Walker. During the the TIAA and the Disiricl 8 foo1ba ll seaso n Walker all -academic teams, but ii is pushed himself daily suning not all the awards and honors ~~~1hd~i ves Walker 10 these
I See page 4
Organizations announce events- - - - - - - for black history month b~· Toni Jon es
All pnl! tf\' and shon story L'nl nl' i; r,<im ~tSU students must hi: 1.uhmitt r..:d to the dea n tif , tmkn t'~ ciffic1.: no later Advan,·cmcn1 of Colored ,hrn 5 IKJ p.m. Feh. Ii+. Wm~coplc (NA ACP ). Can~"."an nc" w,11 he noti[ied hy r-eh. Student Orga ni ,.:iu on lCSO), 28 Poetry and short stori i:s Bl ack Wom r.;n lntcn.:\tcd in for WFISD s1Udcnts must he Sut..: ci:s1. .:ind Ed uca11 011 ,uhmi lh.:d 10 their princi pal'.s (BWI SE). and Alpha Pl11 Al onice hy 3:00 p.m. Feh. 28 . pha Fr_ata n1ty w,11 ho~t the Wrn ncrs of ihat competition following ac11,·1t1 c~ w pro- will he notiliell hy Mar. 15. mote awnr~nQs of Afn l'.an- Third pbc:c winner!) wi ll reAmenea_n lfol ury ~1onth . ecl\·c a pi all from CSC Deli. Subnns.~ mns IM lhc poclry Each .second place winner and sho_rl sto ry contest ;m.: l\ri ll ra ci\'l! a S25 gift ccrtifi • now hcrn g acci.: p1cd. Thl· calC from Barn1.:s and Noble poetry or .1.hon .\Wry_th cmt..: 13 ooksw rc.: and first place must shClw somL' .rc b.11onsh1p win.ni.:rs will. rc.:l·civc $50 cash to Africa n-American h1:-.1ory aw;i rds. ? r pn!sc1~t Black cx pa1cnces . Frida y. Feh.4, is lhc first _rherc will he separa te Judg- da y of ihe 131 ack Film Festi mg and awa rd, for MSU val Movies will he sh"wn students and stude nts in the 6:4 5-9:1111 p.m. m the csc IV1ch 11a Falls School D1s1nc1. Thea ter, wllh "In the Heal of
Th~ 8 1:lL" k Stud cn1 Um nn, N;nwnal A!l•w c1:i t1C1n for 1hl'
Volunteers needed
!.he_Nig ht" on Feb. 4 _an<l 9. Ilrn ¥,o ~o n~ and his All Star~ will _:ur Feh. 16. uml the Au1oh1ography of Jane
Pillman" wi ll he prcscotcd on Feb. 21 and 23. _Every Monday throui;h Fnday of February. one-hour docum ~nlarie.s '. relati\'C to black history, will be shown from 11 :30 a.m. t~ 12:30 p.m on 1_h~ CSC wide screen 1clev1smn.
BWISE will serve a harhccuc lu~ch Feb. 15. ~ost .1.s $2.00 a ticket and service w1!l he from I l :00 a.m. un lil 2:00 p.m_. That cvc~ ing IlWISE will host an AfncanAmerican History CclcbraLion from 7 to? p.m. The cost fo r that event is 55, or $6 for
The prog ram tS undC( the direct ion of Dr. M1ll1c Camcrcr, assislant pro[eS~lU of education at MS U. Dr. Camcrer's methods of teachi ng special cdu_cation cl ass will be fac1h1 a1ors wit hi n 1he gro up and are seekin g MSU s1udc n1s 10 complclc 1he circle.. There wi ll be r,vc,peupll' iwo faci li tal o~s per group. ·n1cy an: Jookm g for MSU stude nt_s._ parents N cou('.lcs 10 pa.rnc1pall' and
I [
See Page 4 1 l'hott>/Bron4on OldJ
MSU helps Circle of Friends by Kelly Webb J\Ioblcy Managing Editor The Assoeia1ion For Retarded Citizens Wichi ta County Inc. in conjunctio_n with · Midwestern Stale Umvcrsity students arc workj ng wgctl,er to form"a _new pro-_ gram called Circle ol Friends.''
The '\•i rc h! fric.:nd .,, who This program is designed is the volunteer, will make a 10 help fu ture MSU special education tcuchcrs with hands comm11mcn 1 10 call me1r on ex perience in being able 10 '\·enter friend ", who is handic:1ppcd, one eveni ng each work with handicapped peoweek and tal k with them for ple. al least ten minutes. They \viii ;1ttc.: ndcd a s,1cial ac1ivity There were 20 applicawilh 1hd r "c..:nt1.:r friend" for tions that had 10 go back nnd unc to 1wo hours every fifth those handicapped people had wee kend. One can take their IO he told there were not fricn_d 10 the mall. howling or cnou~h 10 go around. 1110\,"ICS.
Vicky Paulso n, MSU junior majoring in special edu cation , snid that the majori ty or the menially handicapped people arc homebound or live in group homes and tfave no friends outside. ''One young man has li\'Cd in the same home for eight years and does not know any of his neighbors," she said.
"if the people are willing 10 devo te just a liule hit of time 10 helping someone in need of a rriend. they wi ll also he helping a future special ed ucation teacher," said Paulson. Those in1cres1cd may contact Dr. Millie Camcrcr at 689-4269.
Bt lly C. rroll , Kacy Longan, and Mh:bt'lk. Padge tt innkc cCJ,SI Umd
tor lht lh att•r '), produdion of'1'trn Nu,-."
Theater production to run last weekend of Feb. Cindy Kahler B.:11 Staff Rcponer MSU Theator's production of "Terra Nova' ,.,11 he running Feb. 24 1hrough the 26 at ~ p.m and Fch. 27 at 3.30 in the Fain Fino Ans Theater The play i, set in Ant:il\·tica in the ,ummcrof 1911-19!2 It is the story of Rober1 S,·011 und his anempt 10 be ti>.! ftm m:tn 10 reach the Sou1h Pole: it 1< the story of hi< compeuoon willl Roa ld Amundsen. Da>id W•llis l\fSU Thcattr Box Office Manager. dcscnbes the story •s •pnnciplc agam,t r&JJCdiency" and "a lllle of an 1dcahst destroyed. bu, ,dealtsm il'df. somehow wonderful! y undefeat..,d. • The casi includes. Tommy D~y C.irey .is R,,bcn Fllc,,n & ou. Michael Chruli:tn Huf111< .., Ro;,ld Amuod...en. ltJCy Longan as Ka1bleen>Scott. Bcn,amu, 01.arn,.. LieuL H ll Bowers, Da.okl C. Oun, o, Cart LEG 0.tN. B•n /\ Noggle as Dr. E.A. \\ uson, and G<cg J. ne; 11.s lxut CJ ward Evans. The pliy wlll he d11tt1eJ h, pr, 1,.>0< IX•a
llcnschcl. The pl•y is sellrJDkJ for retMmai,c,, 11 l "'" " , ,,1 Me~ llJ1'lr thr ,l't1>il• U,;wt cl,,.,. 11 \ ISl
Ch1huahuo. Ill
Thur.<day, Frbru., ry 3, 19?~
Pll~-e 2
Kathryn's earner
If' you thought you were sick, it will be confirmed by daytime television lk m~ ., irk 1., 11 0 1 l ,:hC\k llll 0 1 fun. f.C11 thr~,· )l ",tr'\ no" . I hJW t'I J1tlcJ :m illnrs., th :11 i.hX-h)r:-. a( lm t ~,,uld n,)t di:1~nt,~ . and now, the\' rall . II 3
( l•m !lJOJIJllll 1,1 i(\nl! ll'ml rm1hkm~
TIK'.te pn,~k m..:. thvugh. an· kJ ,·ini: me.: pn:11) m ·I1 tx,"{!11dJ~- n ~hCSl' dJ)'!lo . :ind llll'~ arc hrin'i:m!! my hfr h~~ h.:1 11. M> :ll ll\'1~1r1.;, t-e m£ r ut ~" Jri.lillCl ll )', mcl rnk ~~~~~~~fn.lc.:k n ~ll' "· ;;k1.:pm ~ rtn<l wa1ching mwl: 1 Dunn£ this c~tt'.nckJ lt.:J n' 11 ( ahSt'nt:c. I haw n,.ltll"t:-d ~ha~ m,}st ,"'f~ daytunc ll'k \'iswn I~ filled wit h wh:it I 1.·. :ill . the sh~~,•:-.. On one r~et,1, ork ch=innc.t nm: ran w.11cl;
almo.1,1s1>.. hour.-: of lh1 s fom1 i,rpwt,r.i mm 1n~. TI1:il m~~ml l'nc-fo unh ()f q,m1.•l)nl··~d:iy cou!J cons1s1,,f seems a ~o·Flr•OI~ ITllHhL· r d:11(' h\!r l 7•\'Cl r•old ~laug_hll~r s n :-r{))'fm.•nd (\\ ho\ al!-1\ 17). Or 11 \frn 10 a .ong .10~1hou.~~~·crlii.: r ~cs,nhi.! lhL· talc" ,,fwhJt \\ L'nl ,m '" a fam ous m11,·1.~ ~t ir s hou.'i L' In~\'Jrs :ic,, Th~ _:1~wu111 nl mf\1rm:1tmn onL' \'J n lc; rn f n,m lhl'~c sho..-. ~ is Lnrinn,n,s' or c,m rsc. th..:y h:iw not ye t ~h1nq,:J ~ c.~ow Iii r l~~ In )' :iilmr nL~. hu t I hav1.· k:imcJ h~\\ h l h~i.: .1 ~·II_L'r Il k . ~l.l)' away frl,111 "prc,bk·m nw n " :inJ · · rJ IS...: :1 child in :i trouh ldl W\)rhl h ·I ~1on:~w:r,_I ha,·c: IL•;1rni:d hl;w mJn~ .1uth() rS ()I Sl·lfc pOO()k.1;. l H .:t m ilw wnrld. (I :i.m J!m(lq md m ·ti I ) oi ,df-hdp 1'ook, to p,yrho, in '.hr '
r,,1 •.~-·n· Ct''
lltlls' 1,,11rn1111r chc..-k :iJcr c11111111, nlory ~ . Inc nu ins) . r. 111· hr,r . I dn·iJrd tc> pluJ.,, ,,. j ournuli ; m . lnu tor ul phw J li11lc fN them ,11d. to he nwr,· pn,.<umptuous. for all The <ttll han'i:s":',n~; ~,' .1'('/!0h'r losrrs. in , port., or'" life. TIil' 1110,1olw1t<U<1l11nn to to d , ,. )(' ti Ill)' ,,rn ·, · ,ay is that m all pa m,·.1 if you rnh,r fcs\ '..;~, ~~'.'.~t h•'11\'.'\'Y a h, _''." a ')'"'""'· you a_l,n the r,·iling b , ran,i1: 1•' ~ h <t> I 10>< r. It ,., ,o :tXIOnl,lllt tl\JI it, b gue, and rne,ni np , t1m,·111nes get hl>l I~ my ,ol;tlldl' ~s a a O I < Rl'fmr th,· Sura howl. Um· , upport,·r . >mlly :'f ll ufl ah, sport.I h,, . I can't n·ally d am, " he Bills' fan I didn't .,. • 1 , . ' wnun N«nnan a .,ka hlJ nwl Bill., r, p , Jon' "' 1•~1~ ·I ovrn·mphasi, ,,11 wi nnin, ·" n,lf 1,1 11 )11 'II 1,.;1r:' ·.' ' ·1s pl ll ,,r the North Am,·rirn1 ,·,111tl<1l,·m·,·: ,, · '."·'~'. 1o:r ' P"'. 1111 g prn hkm · u nk " r: Nu I )'t1t1 're ,,., rer«rd r,, un h 11 11 ~ good. . h,· l.1111,·111,·J. Jos., I did ruin ma,· .' 1 . Ot r,, ur<e wr l'll ll ,·astl y 11c·,,r ., s11 ,-.11, ht1l ,~-'. t :n 1 . " lh~t lluff:do pedant'< :1r.,,1IJ11ff,,J., pa1trn,1;,,'i n,ni ',""'' What', th:ll''" j,·,·,-.·d J , ,: ~'.'P'. ·~ '. anlll'tpatory ;"'" · 11 gr.,p, ~.,y. h<ll>t l'>'r. that w,· ,km . N,11 1h.11 J dtd , adnur,· all w:mt 10 d eansc OU[ Super 11 n11 !Jowl Bowl h:tllf <ll'l'r hy u« ni: the th,· _('nwh,, y, Sup pnl, irm.111,·'.· Th r \l in r< t1""t1on-,w11ch therapy and
s;, :, ,
,/.,S. . h'
n:rr ~°i~~
«,.',~,.:~;:'::.'. ~"" ~~
~ ,,y
,, :l f lll» ed hy th JI nu JX'dan t. The lc;1, 1 w,· " :' ah,1111 the , 11,, k of Nnn, ) Km ii:o n " th,1I wi,.,c,rr pl<Ht<'d th< _11.11<1n111f '.' J11t<d fo11ya IIJrdtnC 10 he No I Sl111 uld Ii:ird tn [!. h,· lnwcd 111 , , , 1,· ,n Lil l< h,1~•n:•; under th,· sm, and St, ,p, .I Wh ) 11111 '' Ik r ,N' wmhol· I/CS th,: win11ing·L<•el'l'r)'tlunf rule glorified ,nd commerc1ul· itc:d tn our sport, culture How dm· the mass 11T1Cd1J . which , mplify th< glitk'li ng of the Olympic gold med:t l with c,1011nrrcial lin1ehght worth thou, and.< of dollnr.s. ,·vr n murn1ur :,lx1111 taking ha out'' !Jul wh,· 11 it comes_ 10 whrthrr l·lunlm~ has the nght Ill com pet,· with ,11 hrr ath k trs under the (i ve- rinf Olym p<C n,g. the ru k chan~c.< -n,cre is a d1 rfe rr n1 authori ty ·· the
h1. U..S tr;im
10 l~JVl' 1hc1r 15 minutes of f.1mc. n l'n if th,·y will tx.· lh . i.: lalk cif thl' to wn fo r thl' 111.' '\:I thr1.' L' CClll' rJ\I On( . , •~faytx- Jn :mthor Ol'l'd~ IO step..forw::ird a~d wru c a r lt -hdp h..1(1k for thnsc w~n frd they "nerd~ to ;m th . oun~ry on n:i11on:i l td.· v1s1011. Then. the AmL·nr an cir
~t :/,'i ~(:~1~;01 · 11ced" the." ' show, ;1., thrir ho; 1., make . 0 !· course . what would ~irk ('k..'l,pk· likl· mr hJ\ C IC' 1lwm~ l"c.1;, if Jll 1hc _1r:1ns,·cst1ll', W U!l tn ~o~:_m~. ahu.liC -pron..·1md1\'tdu Jls kepi th~·ir b und ry at
c n1cr1.:itn
"sh~:~~ ~~~~>~trrO\\ , and I'm sun: thac ,, ill hl" a J..'athryri St// ,~rdiror nf n it 1\'irh,ran
11,c Wlchitan is Jpcat,-d in the Fai n ~i nc An, Center
~ - -- - - -- -- - - - -- _J
The Wichitan 3-IIOTan D11·d PO. !lox 160 WlchltaF:ills, Tcxa, 76308 News des k: 689-470! M w,T1lsing desk: 689-470l
Belle ~lalone KathrynSclr
Kelly Mobley
Managing Editor
Dara Hawkins
Eric Beeks
Adl'tnising Manager
B11siness Manager
Dean Lawrence
Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Reporrers . Ronnie Adams, Cindy Kalt/er Bell, Charles Ca ge, Spencer Friedl, Liz Richardson Pholographers Copy Edi10r Brandon Olds, Edicor Bruce Smith Marcus Cleveland Deiut lawrenre Reviewer Music Cartoonist Melissa S11llil'an Waylon Green
Assistant Circulation Manager
C-..Culntion Manager Jason Malone
Advertising Represenbti~~c Self Randy Brewster, Jason Tucker Graphic artist Jason Fairchild Cop)Tlght 19'.>4, n,r H'1rl11 tan T11 t w· J . .
As ·.
ir utan is a member Mlhc Trxas lolcrcollcgiate Pr Sm•lcc. TI,c Wictti1 a11 ::en-~atJ~n and The College Press t! nght to cdi1 any ffiil lcri al submilled for publication and on.s e-xpres~'<I Mc: nor neccss~ ~ re,rusc any adwniscmcnt, Opin1Jon ur 'lludent hody of Mid. y I lose of U1e.: faculty, atlminjstrarerv~ nl 3 consens: ~ ~c; St~.e Uni_w~sity and may not l1 . cnurc Wu·lutw1staff.
and ~i.: ncmu.(; hum Jni ty~·uif .1 Hint.• f:i r h~v~ "~ d·•v· from. 1l11., sp1r11 ! Do~ ~'Ji:.ij
w111ning-1.~-cvc ry1.hmg <.'O the help huild up a mor,· sc "''i1 lnu~ .ind gcnalm1;, hu,~ ;iruPb 011
n,,· auack on Nancy Kd l" has .shed , 0mc light on~~•\ t.-
(J llL'SII On S
The ~l,ucri ng of , mcdJI or thl' _LomhJrdi
f lJ 0
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cann 01 change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.
,,rlhc.s.:· "~hows" w1ll 1.' \'CO:1limit th rit
:,c pt.'™1 na1 anacks Letters musl he Si{: rll'd by the wrilct .. nnt l),X.-d -- and should Include a h.:l~phom: numhcr and Jddn:.ss for \'LTi ficalion ur St:S WIii he puhlislx.-d witl1the author's name uni,;,; ;,:ans<· All mcnts ha\'l' tx'CI\ mallc \\'Ith ll\C' cdilor. I.L1lcrs 'to'i ll tx.· L'dilcd for gramm!lf only
pt rt..'l'pl s 1~ 1c, hu ll d 1-t½ str,, nfl' r Jn d nmn: \'J lian 1up i
;if)on· JII , murl! \1: rt.J
ph y is transi ent Tit, '" Lnmti.1rd1 l rop hy w :i .\ li hl n,,kin ~ h rwnr J to 1hr.! Olymp ir spirit. glNY !-hin~s 111 th1.· sun ~~ll Picrr< Dr Couocrtin. the h~ht f,,r them But "'"'" do up,:ommg Wint<· r Olympie<111 th,• 11:unc m Olymp~ ~ hght.< 1 Ala.st fo un der of the modern n"1 h J l'l' hr:md p.u:iphn nali:t ~• ll_, hamnh'r, N,,rway has •01 n hi , Ol ymp ii: Ga rn 1.· s. lld1m.:s
l{l l L')' .'iJL'n rirL' their pri, JC~ J U(; I h l ffi L't:I lhL· hm,I or Ne w Y(lii; _It 111~1 f L'C.I;. Ill ~how pcn pll· will cit; ;111v1hm!!
. Letter policy
·n 11: 1.:, sl' nt1a l thin g i \ r1~ t!a vc conq ucrl·J hut 1; a1l1 1ou~ht w~•!I. T l1 sprl'Jd 1~.i\~
:~~'.~:.' td cvi,«m 10 discuss thrir drq x·.,1. dork,.,;
The W1~!111an wd rul!IC.$ all kllcn of opinlon from stud::nL,. facult , and sUll. Leners ~ ould t,c brtcf and without abusi\'Cl:mguaf' ~
,mpor! JTTI thing '" hr (I
the: inumrh hul th1..· -"~~ t r,,,
... ~~l,)wi n!! up. howcn·r. I wa.\ Jh\J\'S ms1mcl•·d nN h' uir _my 1:rnndry-" in ruhlu: Yi.:I da) :J i1 n .J:n·... tho_11"1nd.\ nf ~nd -:•tm: h·n. low -s1rkc:ncd pc,~plc ,, rin h .Som~ tm'..'il.'l
"Th< important th'1 1hr Olymp ic Game" 11rtp ,1 wi nnin!! hut 1:i k rn !! N ~
D Police beat
Q Briefs MSU Accounting Society gives free tax assistance
By Cindy Kahler Bell Slaff Reporlcr A lire and a theft were reported 10 the Univer.;ity Police department between fan . 23 and J,n, 26. The lire occurred on Jan .. 21 under the hood of a u-uck YMCA on parking lot seven. The \Vi· chi_ta Falls Fire Department The YMCA needs umpin.:., C h · for May June and Jui° Tra' . ' on _err youth ha.scball game., amvcd and gained access 10 at the C~ntral 'vMCA.YFor ~~~gi~iimcs will ~ gin in February the truck by breaking a win• orrn,11,on contact Brenda or <low. The fire w;1.s then cxtin· Georgclle al 322· 7816. guished. The owner of the
The MSU Accounting Society is re · assistance to the puhlic. They will be loc~te~rng free ta x Busmc.ss Development Center on Tuc.sda s from•\ the Small h I am. to I p.m. and Saturdays from IO a.m. to 2 m yti at the Small llusinrs.s Center. Plc:isc hrinf·ali ta~~~70 1
truck was in clas.'i at lhl! time
CPR TI training for 'Save A Life '94'
A thdt occurred at th• Fain Fine ArtS Gallery on Jan' 25. A painting 1i1kd "Empu: ness In vaded by Mental Structun:s" was on display ~ the semor exhibition of Lis, Jackson. It i.s believed to ha,·c been .stolen between 5:15 p.m. and 6: 15 p.m. Howel'cr the painting, valued ,1 ahou; S300. was recovered ~an. 28. It was fou nd wrapped in brown paper rn a room in tht Fain Fine Ans Butldm, There are no suspects Pr~
of the fire . The cause was de- cauuons arc been made 10 SC· '94" c_" A~encan Heart Association will sponsor "Save A L,fo t~rrnincd to he faulty wmng cure the rr.!mammg works Fl tl;";~s CPR Tramrng on Saturday, February 261h 1994 ~.o one was 11\JUred ~~,II ~ a Il_c1,gh1S M~tho<llst Church, 22 14 !01h St. The ~ourse ce:.[~~·~~~~c~; ~ca'::'~~ ~o~~~',P m unul 4 pm Adult Baste Cardiac Life Su ort 0 nstructor.; nd will teach C The cost of the course wrll hlts5 p~<; ; s: A)Rn Choking al the cg1s1er on r , office Assn Heart Amencan Sponsors of a nauonal prov,dmg tmuon and lodgme 696-5596 14719 Taft, Sutic 6, or hy calling leadership conference to be for the 200 partte1pan1S Stu" held tn Washtnglon DC ar • dents arc rc.spons1ble only for A
• • women sought umverslty
• program 1or Jeadersh1p
travel and living expenses Honorary co-cha ir·
ccounting society features guest speakers . . TI . mcctin~~ ~;t~rt,~cou~ung s;iety will he hosting a series of ~~[:;;~he _spnng semester. On Feb.23 at p.m. Review and the CPA Firm . On M,~•'~f~/tuss,~g ~c di~lu~~ th e !nSlit~ te of M, nagemc~t AccoJ~~~g. The awards b~~q~~ °;i~I h<:Ci~tf~~ i'J'.n;scmcnl Accountant. . at p.m. 1
scckrng ou1s1andi~g Mid~ ~est:rn State _University 0 9~ e~\t p~rucipale in the program .o~;e Ai~Leaders" conference is schcd~lc; ef~~ 16 May '.hrough May 28. dcsig:~~'"1~n~t{f:e program is group of200 c,lll~;e ".,,~c~~~'. vers,ty women an opportunit
Local "J art center exhibits dinosaur show
program. leadershil\ to sharpen for sekction in· as . • '"theCriteria personalskill{ their e,~mmc
MJurassic." da dinosaur exhibit will be held , 1The Wichi~~mF;IYlslo • . uscum an An Center. th . A doz,:n different dinosaur.; are showca.s ·d . ~ ~1;~· All c~hibi Ls are robotic, p~w~~ ';;' b~ a %1:::: life-lJ'e f~aturcs°d pncumauc system that gives each dinosaur Dino's to be seen include the Ptcr Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus Tricerat anodon, ryrannosaurus,
explore the i: : rauonsfand o wo men's lead h' pact crs 'P on society. . . They will als pate in a "Mentor 'r~r ~a8'. c1,; program which allows s~~d_cnts to obser.,e a profes
K~~~~ t~A
women of the confcrchce ,re Sen. Carol Moseley-B raun L?~iin~;l~R•.n~} t Susan Three women fro m each Slate. the Dis tri ct of Columbia aod Pucrtu Rico will be chosen to participate
leadership on and ofi elude campus and ihe endorsement of _the student's collecc .ir uni versity president. • .In addition, students n:· turn,ng to camous aftrr th< program arc required to , J
~;~~n~z~: ~ui no~"i: d: ~:.~:; ; u~Tn:s ~;; ughout Dimo :: ~o;i.:,~i~~~s~ c"!~::u~~~ravis.n;;~. ~~~n~o~by, topic. The con fc • . , . ?uw n with the 'hig guys' " for Jr~d,"rass,c_ are the "party \\'omen who an: in!ir pres t_ .rcnce Th by sentcd special The parucs, Y "D' the Show." Dm? Planctnrium the dmo-mania "Shop-a-Sauru.s." mosaur discovery room" and Center for ln~e Was_hmgton ~ ted_may call SII0-4x~..s~:•
5 p ~~~~:::,:;~r~:,~ Ju~d•~ throug h_Sat urday 10 u.m. until Academic Semin ~~:h1 ps and a~~",'~11:;;~s museum at 692-0923.
par1nirn 1, of Scl " r,·1a' Mer Sca p. . or more mfmmauon contact the Gro up . t.:· hand 1s~ stnn.:s. sponso is rs _Dradlmc fo r sutinutttt'J gra m fo r th.: nng the pm \ccond year, apphcatll)n1; " Fc hrtl.lf\ l '-
'!TirO nqmal
FrbnlJI)' J, 1994
P:ise 3
TEXAS Music CROSSWORD New · ( hJ rt P ,\ L u, llrhivin
'Crows' are in town and they're ready to fly up charts
RJ ~1rli -.,;a Su ll inin
'Lead singer Adam Duritz's song wri ting rcnccl~a th inki ng man's soul.' -~Ir Joni:..-.· hJ.S bc-tn played 1n moda.:i tc ro1ation on MT V, u!iually on "Alrcm:llin~ N:11i,rn," or J-" J "Bun Clip · It's bc.·ginning to £Cl ;ur lime on KJ\:JN 1his WtX k .
Thc :1 1.rrd t tuu'
:11 lY./:.m1ot ·,111111o 111•." <1 0 t1 •1' • ttin~ , il l !.,.an /.t11Qnn 1,.J1n
iv-:,.. 1,~ lli,nnn /,, ,
want lt1 be: a star.· and "t.ht!!c's goua tlC someone for me " Pe r fec t Blue Buildings" is a sad, rentcli\'C
4;, r10•!l,c,II.Jut',>,1,i l 1', (L11:.:itl11 C,1 ~•, Q,j,1 '
so ng.
hru1a ll y honest lyncs.. will ~ hi~ II 1dli. thl' t.:ik f)f two me n in a har look in g at wome n and mlk t:.s the decl.1ra1ion th at · ""' all wan t 1,omcthini; tx:autiful. we :111
'F f'ltQU".t)t
1',:'! qll'rlDOiieh'°'1 { 17)
Father, son to perform locally
A STEREOSCOPIC 360 DEGREE WALK-THROUGH VISIT TO CYBERSPACE (AComput,e.C.,,..,,.ato:l l'Llcd lm.iginc how wild it would be if you could experience the illusion that you arc in a IQiaLJ.)'J)~Q filD,, world of your IMAGINATION,• world where you could artu,dly move around and interact with the people and objects llith,t world!
THE FUTURE IS NOWI We call it YJl!IUA)JD', , STEROSCOPI C 3-D, 360 DEGREE ADVENTURE INTO AN ARTIFICIAL WOltl.D! As featured in 1he films, "LAWNMOWER MAN" and TOTAL RECALL" VIRTUALITY is' TOTALLY INTP.RACTIVE SENSATION that has lo be experienced lo be believed!
1un~. :ind ·rime Jnd Tim e A1=,.1in" sounds l ike U2's
"One· al firsl , bul develops into ils own mt!l:rnchol y ma.stc rpkcc. "Rain Kinss· picks up 1hc pace wi lh ilS pop-tinged feel and rcla1ivcly peppy na\'Or. I was a bil partial lo "Sullivan S1n.-01" for obvious rcJson s , and waso '1 diSJppoi nlcd \\ith iLS morose wails. This album is 'not for lhc depressed. Lead singer Adam Du ritz's song writini; reflects J thinking man's soul. This album hos great polCnli:il.
Pine Cove Christian Camp is hiring for summer positions. For more details, call 1-800-225-9069
The falher and son learn of Classic Ballou & Company will be appearing nighLl y at Chelsea Stn:ct Pub in Wichita Falls at Sikes Senter M:ill Feb. 14 through Feb. 19. Classic and his son Scdrick arc from Lake Ch,rlcs, LA. They pcrfonn in Tens, LA., and will be in New Mexico after leaving WichiiaFalfs. Clmie has opened for grrn pcrfonnm such as B.B. King. Scdrick played wi th "Rockin Sidney · which recorded the hi1 song•"Don'1 Mess wilh My Too1-Too1.• Cl•s.sie stoned playing lhe guitar •bou1 9-yean-old. Scdrick Slarted playing bass a1 13-ycars-old. Clas.sic and Scdrick play rock-n-roll, blues, country and soul. Billy Pritchud, vicepresident or cntertJinment .it C.S. Prom otions, said. "Clas.sic does a lot of audihe's a
·-•··.,"•:· CUSTOM
Valentine Cookies Valentine's Day Monday, February 14th 8:00 AM to Noon O'Donohoe Bldg. (by the front doors) • Sponsored by PSI CHI • (National Honor Society in Psyrhology)
Fain Fine Ans Building to buy a \'ale11tine Gram for
~ l'IIE u,'',h.l
i llrn r,iln ·, fl'i>r11.1 • .I, 1'>9·1 ~~~T=:.Lf--.:..:.C...:..---::::-::::;: =:::----==~~wD,;;~ - - - - ~!It'
World in review I n11,
b of doctoral degrees to · crease n1inorities show 111 I . numl•l·r
lh· Collr5::c l'n:.;;;j Srn·h'r.
r.••~ I
· WASIIINGTON · Mu) I 11111 i- 111I ) 1=n•up, nunk Jr.1
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r, •,1,I \1111
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tx· 1al c11
h.1d J.! tllll' 111 thl· p!J y1ilfr1 1,r h:id a lx· u,·r .,r.t.,l,n .. Walkn
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11u1 p1,1 lrn 11b.1 II pl.t ) l'I'" . 1101 ,, nh i: ••111 f 111 d :1" tiut fl h 'flJI LII ~ l11 r lhn 1 , r11r1," W~ll.f r .1dd,·d A~ l' J..' ) :i , JI \\t lUltl lw fur
oOt l' IJ I rc: p11rt , acr1dt· 11L
European studies offered
The U111\t·1,11 y uf t\n\ Ch - r:il'.y 111 l:un,t, · Prohh·111, and kans " ·di s r ,rnsor 1I!<> I S1h Pn,,1x·l h ~ nnnu :il ln1..: mJt1011.1.I Summrr En m llmi.:111 1, li m11,·d. ,11 m• S<.·h{\('1 1 m lnn~hruck. t\u ~lna lt: f\' \lt." J ~lu<k rns shuuh.l ap durm~ the ,umm..:r of 199.l r l y a... St\tlfl J., p11!<>., 1hk Fm :1 Part11: 1r J nl( l'J O l'J m fo ll n il,ir hrot.' hurl' and up ltJ ll·n scmc~ ln hour~ CII ft l llrx· J r,;c npl11 !11S \HIil' I U crd11 lfull v trJnsfcrabk JC· l'OrJin i; h 1• 1lu- u.. ual rules}. l ino- \m1.\h1 u, k' -Jl •>-1 sr kctin t fr om m·cr 50 ln1c111:u kmJI S1ml) l'111p,11l 1, llu.1 JJ I~ nm rscs Cuu~J foc u, rrimar- llml \'f'MI) OJ r,;,•v. Urknsh ily on the rnlturn.l, lustoric:il. r-;c w Urlcn1~. LA 70 l4R soc ial, poll uc~I. hu~ml!ss :mJ cconumi c i:.S Ul' S of or c:111 tlw UNO ()fli rt· of ln U.SJEuropc:isn rdarnons, anJ tt.'rn :atl(lna l Sonly Prni:.m n._ JI address the theme "' Dl· mN:- (5(>1) 2X/,.JI 16
.kt/J; $;udty/
up 111~
aw:mh II it 1111.::1111 , 111..·ci.:~, ltir tc:1111
lhl' lmhan f11\llb:1ll
Don't forget to put your Valetine message in~ lnJJ~ JnJM11nJ.i) ll"m IJ \ l'm1.•t U..111JI\II
• •
1 N 'i 1 11N 11 ,~s
Donglr lni1iol<Ri11gs : 2 le11e1~ $65.00
intt!r"t:nt· 111 rc vcr~t' rn:mJ.
I ti Wo111, 11 ,n ,•,,r h rJ<' l,I ·"' ' rd1 nic n1111unl)' l! rinLp rn ,idf 11 1• ·11ns in llll' r ~·rr,·n tJ!'\ 1
J,,wn rrnm ·10 pa· cn:•,'·,',\\ 1:~~:vc<l sonw ., 1111 1 11 no1:1 hle g:1 10$ in i.l1 1C lnra l l' · !!fl'l' ' :iw:ir<lcd in tlw sc ,l·nci.:.s :i nd en g in e e ring T!ll' ph y,1. in1 I !it:i~nccs :wd 11 c !<>Clc ncc s accoun1 ed ror ~fi •nI or m ·nnnt ) ~i:.t~~r:i tc~ 1n 11)9 2 · n:i ru r:i l science .( :ind en!! II\Cl'flll!! a<.·cou n1cd for 1S pcrct·nt. up fro m. 2J ~·n:t.' nl 111 111x2 . Th,· su1..· 1:1I :,c1cnct•;; :u:cu uui.:J for 17 r c1c(' nl 111 .111 minorit y dci,.:tura lc.~. "Effe<.· rin- rl'au1lmrnt. ml'ntt1rini: aml :KaJl' rniL .1d vbt n!! pn11;;rams -- uflcn !<> llr · rMlctl hy !ipr.ri.il fumb .. m:iy h:i\·c <.',inlnhut~·tl 1111hl'St· ,i.:,iin~." the r.: r on !<, Jti..l nor111t·, .
ct•111._:, _,1,·
(Ninlf! nd,;)
Krpo r tcr
Th· Univcrs'1 1 l.:
• .
h Y roliec
p,1r1 m~nt 1s cllfcring lo dt. i::r:iv\! 1dent ifi ca1io 11 nun/'"
(1n \·aluahlcitc mshclonci~'Q •
~1utl t! lll!i, fal'll hy an~ It 1 mrmhc rs. ~/! f_f an llem i.\ l~st or t•,.
a_nd 1_r,(•ng~Jvt!d _w1lhad~ l'l Ileen~ nr 1drn11fica1mnn Ct-i her. 11 can he traced blltr; through th e Na1i onll C icl Jnforrnati nn Center 1; 1rr<( n !_! htflll nw11 cr,. Policl· (L ili II.G F.v;rns sauJ .iiJd f-k added Ihat in CJ.3.:i "hcr\! :Ill itr.:m rc.cu\·trcd 11 bcl ,eH·<l to he siolcn , ch~~ c.·:irmol OC fil ed unless the 1~
c:i n hi.'. ickntLfil·d a.~stolen_~
th,:rc is no ~ronr ih :ll lhc i1r;:1 \\;i~ , wlcn. it mu.~t lhtn/\: rt k :1sed 111 lhc party lhJI PG!-
sr.:.,\l'd 11 al lhl' Inn,· of s~ clll:\llun To ma~e an appoinlr»ttt
r:i ll ..: -.:tc ns1on -l239 A \ ~JiJ dn vcr!'. _license or <1lhar fQn,i u f 1dcn11fic;u1on 1, n;qu1rtd.
(Nin "'ml•i)
(Ninlf! ndo)
~ ~ ~
Quest ~~~!~e Best
l'rocoods tJenof1t rhe Cluldren·s Mlr:icle Nen, orJ. Telethon
IV,c1"1a' General Hosp,l,?I
r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .it
f8~,,~~~ c:~~~er 15 to 18 ye;us
Quest for tho Bost Tournomcnt
1 1 10
1,1 ye:irs
19 ycJr::; .ird older
: N.lnWJ - - - - --
t~o ~~~~%/~lii];~,~nr::t 0
- --
· I i\dd1oss _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Enlry Foos:
CllylSt:illYZrp ____________ _ ______________
0 11111111ors:
: Phor\ll ,Nunt>cr
The lop 0::ighl QUJ. hMr5 In c:ic.h JOC group wil 1
[ Aoe Or,idcl - -- - - - I
r ntry 1011115 :ind Ice c:m be rclurncxl 10
W~~ f~~~\~l~~01
I 01bring cn1ry form .ind enlfy loo to Hamilloo I , _ o,,,,, 11,c wuekc/'d ol Fcbn,a,y 5,
,:::g rounds will bo hold on
Solurday, February 5, 1994, al 10 o.m.
SJ1u,~!~~ ~~obr~~,;l;12~1c9~g~~~fo o.m.
Top th,ce 1111,11151s 111 each age grouo will win
KrDX TVJ ♦ Ha1TI11ion 0ryan ♦ Tcxom.i Communi1y C,cdi1 Umon ♦ KNIN ♦ Dan)' Ouet1n ♦ , Pitza Hui ♦ Piltncll Ch,yslc1Plymoulh Jeep Eagle :
Ii. Childrens Miracle NetworkTelethon'
u.AM'S~\.' "'. ;'.it
,. · "Restc1111m11 and Grill ),{'
dishes as well your old fovoriles.
~ ~~:~',~:m •·:Jq n:·t"68Jr°~~!: p.m. when you'll find Serl
lly Ci ndy Kohl er 9t 11 ' 11
Super Nintendo
Feo•UimoOJI Infamous Mocllo Clle!IConleii & ~ lie Con1e1I 18and Up 11~.::omc Holle;t cp 40 Dance Mu11e ;; 11Colheld 696-(1))5
Jnkd . ~\ II l'
Our exdilng new menu lealures wonderful new
llo0ll Open ol 800 pm 50< Be, Dinis &Dtow Beet Unl,1 11 00 pm
11ll' fl
p0 1I•ce Of""" ID progri\;l a1n
~../ways on the"Menu! .. C
'- ,lit! hl' \\ Ould p n :
111 x:,t.·r n1 1
" t\ 1111111 1:! m 1111m1 y ~C11up ~. ·\11 1\,111 ,\uwn \·,111 '\ \n ·n· 1h\! " uh /!r11 ur 1di n \C !<s h.tr~ of tl ul tnr .11\· rl·L·1pi l' nl\ JI.' , hnn l. " thl' h'p1111 ,1:11..:, "In
ll ,1,, · / h.11 1, th ,· lll•l\1 1111 p,,11.1111 1h111 r ,n " 11111,1 111 " 111 .1k 111!! 11 1.. \ l.1 ,,. ,. 11 d W.1l k,·1 .d•t•\11 111, \\ lfl' I [II , ul1. •" " I 1c .!111 .1~, 1h,•111: t11 th,11 .1 11yb.i1h ,·.m t,,..1, , 111.11 1 .1, .rn, b,1d} 1·1,c ,1, l1•!l:! .1, 111,·, ,Ljlf' l) 1kru ,,: h1 , · ;\I I hi\ , 11 l H '" ,,11 ,i ud 11!1 tht: l1dli h.1, 1111 1 t:1 11\l tu \\'.1 ll l'1 ·, hr .1.I .111.I h .-Li..111 .11 11.,
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Students want instant access Dy Collc1:c Press Srn·ke ATLANTA ·· Bools. ,chmools. \\'c wan1 111st:rnt compull.!r ;i c..:c .s!i 10 di~11:1h1.cJ informati on . pn·frra hl> fn1m d<mn t\x,m\ and ,1flii:c.., ThJ I s the wan· of 1hc hlltll l',Jn)'\.\,l) . :IIHI llOl\'L:t!>illl' \ Jfl' \\(lr\..inl,! Ill lr.1n ~form hb1Jl1l'' of y.: ~1c r yc .1r in111 Ii
lir.irll'~ of 1hc fulurt· tn :i.rc11m1 11l •J all' l'h:ini:ing lll'l'd,. Emnry llni"cr,ily rl' l'l'll tl y rn'l'1,·n l a s1011.0110 1;r:11H fr r,m th1· I '1l'l' Fnunda -
Cn y lh:11 h1uJ I hl \IJrl a
twn 111 NL·w Yurk
rn:i.hk , th,:
tlm-l' ) l·:ir . S111~1.ono prnJt'l'I 1,, ,kwlnr :1 hhH'prin1 for a ph•t111ypl' 111 ;1 ,·1r111.1I li\lrJry a llllrJry in \\h1 ch ll11nb and 111hn li.1untl m:1tl·ri.11\ Jn: u .m, fl.'rrt·d I(' dn:i1:1 I mf,ir m:i 11 11n .iv ;ul:thk .~I thL' hmd1 J t 11mpUl l' I huH(•ll anJ u1111h' t' l10n uf ,1 !l' li-ph nnl'
!,sues dl·:iilin~ w11h copy• ri &ht law. u.'iage and i,.1oragc l'a p:i.h!lil)' arc JU.S t w mc of the cnormuu); challcnl!C\ 0f such u projn·t. Glci,on .\aid. But the rew:mls of \' trlUal lihrJrks al~0 an: hugC' lmagmr. for in.~tanq:. ti..; . 1111! ah k 10 accC\S :m entire 1111 \'d fr11 1r1 thl· ro111fur1 o( ru ur r1 1111pull'f work .st:llion in a h ,11111.' or o!ricc .1ml u~ing a h·yword ltl·m:h lo find :i tWl:tl n hil of in f,,nuatum ,\ co:.... , 10 d1ptn l hhr;mc.'i i.~ n. tn:mdy helpful in Tl' · \.\" an:h for im,tanrc. an art h1 ,h1rv Jtludcnt at Emory who n..-..:J,( .1ccc.,.\ 10 a hook al the llar\':ud lihrary mighl t1C ahlc w download 1ht· ncfckd in lnrmat1on hy modem if thc h1,nk w.1, .shJrcd d1r.11ally.
; ;~~~ ; :~~~~c~~~./:~ sr,;ow .•.nurr,· , n,.un 1 1 nd 1nrn1111rn1 In lht lhd River ull, y. 1 lrJvcl 111 J larvard IOdo lhc n!· ~~~~~~ll:d.:~'~ 1 luw , e.uch or go 1hn 1 u~h 1hc ln-h,d, lr,ynu•"''ant ,r:.y for o1hu ~1ud"1L', fiKully and ,1.1rr. Thtn wu , Sc111 ,11, d1., ru~,,,,1h h:J\'C ,·nmpltr:ut.:d process of ge t• only ■ houl lwr, Incl," uf 1h, white "nurr, Jluff,"but O rb Gllll ■ nd hcc n unt.kr ,, ·•~ .111111ng tin~ lhl' hon k hy lnan . • lf ii ·"~•-m,.,>.,";;.';;;"'.,w.r,_,._•• En1 ,1 r) . l l.tr\':ird \lr11v,·r,1 1y Jnd YJk l1111\r1 , 11 y 10 nil "~"Sc\•cral ,vailahk '"" "''Y an· f:lcwrs 11 bhnr,1IL' nn !hi.' phllCll ,u thC' dri"mg lhc trt·nd towarJ 11111 w r s 111..:, cotdJ wnr~ IO· vin: ualhiggnt lihrarics,i~ hutfinJnci one of fl' llll'r 111 ,;nh·c prflhkm ,; 111 · lht. al hcrL·nt 111 .,h:1rml! u· ~ourl'c, i.: onsidcra uoo);. Boob have ckrtrnt11L·.1lh· and tn im·,ci-.,· become much mor e Lifcsuard 1raininl:! h.;forc the stJrti ng Ua ic. Cost tht· qu ,1111il) ;1f 111:1k·n:il :1v:u l- cxpt· ns1vc in recent yars. the cour..c..,r, will hcg in Fch. 17 a1 for the lifcguan.l program is J hk in clt•L'l11)n1L tunn . ).JHJ numhc r of puhl ications ha); the MSU n:llalorium under SW J.111Ci k.L,11n, t·Xl't·u1i\'i.'.dim.: - increased and 1he costs of the dircctinn of the Amcrit-an Parlicip:ints must he al tM ur Emory ·., Ncws :111U In• maintaining decaying Red Cros\. leas t 15-ycars-o ld :ind !iUCl, 1nna111m uffi l'L" collcc1ions have risen 3S well. Thn,c in1ercsted n~ed 1t1 ccss(ull y ra.ss ~i.1.·imming r:gisti: r at th e Wichi ta sk ills. Counly Red Cross office Th e 30-h nur co ur se tcachc); participants 1hc~kills and knowlcdi;c needed 10 lifeguard al a rool or lokefront faeilitic.-.. Registration is also hcing hdd for 1he Waicr Safely In• struc.: tor Course hl!ginning
;~:11;~~;~;~~l~:~~~r~-•~;~~~,i:,~~ ,;: ~::~·.!::":!:~:
L1°"eguard courses w1·11 beg1·n Feb. 17
M.S.U. Stud ent Bow ling
1n fi1hNics
Moy 13 al 1hc MSU n3lato-
M:tn)· e:1 ro
$:WOO+/ mo in cnnneries or
$3000, $6000 +I 1110 on lisllmt vcnels. For mfo. call 1-
200-5-15-~155 WIL M 838
Cruise Ship J obs I Students needed! r: nrn $2000 ♦ m o nthly Summer/ holid1tys/foll -ti mc World trnvcl Cnribbeon, llnwoi 1. Eur ope, M1ixico Tour Guides , Gift Shop Sol es, Deck Bond s, C3sino Work crs,ctc. No oxpuricnce necessary CALL G02,680.
4647, Ext.CH7
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11:11: odl'LD'-tt f:"1,A l l, ~
rium. lns1nictor c.:mdidatc:s must he 17-ycars-old. Cost for the program i.,; S65. Fir\l Aid and CPR ln• struc1or courses will hi.! held Fch. 10 1hrough the 11. a1 1he Wichita County Chapter of the Ami;ril'an Red Cross, I 81~) Fifth S1n:cl TI1e 16-hour courS!.: will train individuals lO instruct Red Cross firs, aid ond CPR course.~ including adult CPR. info nl/child CPR. Community First AiJ and Safely. Gust is S30. Tho~ interested need to n.: gist.:r bcfon: Feb. IO. All instructor candidates 11ius 1 rnmpktc a six hour prt..! ro.1uisitc in:muc1or candidate train rng course oHcrcd on fon. 28 at th e Red Cross Chapter. The cost 1s SIS. For more inrom1 ation call '22-R6R6.
w-ith ad
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s1GNA1URE ton:
om s,iOi<l'IG
=z;;,:-.::~t~~~1n-;!::. .W
\) MMwk:o,, HfMJfl Auo.:,ution
t!lti:IIJ Hill! 13-i'IJ-I 11-1•1Ii
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~------------------- --- -' -- ---- J I
On the
Inside Sports
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:-..·hi.::dukd for ~1Jrdi 19 Win1i.::q; u.1rJ •-~ .1 "11\turr
\\'hrL: I 11.a r - I ,,, holiJJ, I c .1~· -· , J il cd11 .,nJI t-. 0. \·u P.. 11 h
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111.1ri.:l11n !'. b:tntl , d:1nri.: :ind thi.::.:i tn.: Till' (1 1 h1r}.:uanh o.it 111:,:hl) l' t.11npc 111n i.::. much likl' thl' Jrum :ind hui;,k l'C'l f'i's
\ \1,.· . .. - \ "'" · . :",· ...., _ . ' "' '
1 .. 7 . J ·.,; I !1 L: , , " \.1 1,1, n; ·. r . . I_-,:-. : t:,,1;;:- t 11..r.1 ,.,. I L. - ..-r .J. - , r, l
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rr. ni.,,. 1 · Jll.,_ ~ i 1, J r: •.1 -i ... .
the n·
I ;.~ - ~
Resident Assistant
-: I I I IL
Student Assistant
Alpha Plasma (jive more tfian f[01uers ana canay at o/a(entinc '.s. (jive tfie gift of [ife. Lisa Ellard
2~6 Sikes Center
SllOVHl .. Lf!cal'Boys L.
Earn $25 on ycur first donation with MSU I.D .
· · ; . . . · Birhday Discoun
I0%'J'rf t:;rything"~ut J.eg~ -d ~Y Gh~~ Qi~
Fall 1994 Openings
Pick yours up at the Housing Office CSC 121 , the Hall Office or from your RA.
Application Session: february 7, 1994 7:00 p.m. Ex - Student Dining Room
2731 Southwest Parkway 692-J
._· _
Applications Now Being Accepted
Application Deadline: February 21 , 1994