February 4, 1993

Page 1



b Volume 71, Nulbber 15

"Reporting Midwe1 tem State Universi ty News Since 1922"

Thuroday, February 4, 1993

Performers to kick off ~.!.~~~. ~~~ory Month ,,,,_.,.,,

The hott. . llciwil in IOWr, •

Hrsto,y ~ F'ebtuary •s Hlack • 1 bel h

former and hive !he chance to

~~~•,.. Ani 1t: Lee1ure

College and lr1ined at the Bleck

!urn ab0tJt blkk culture:

MW• lhet 1h11 11 !ht ,dlJ OIi Gkwer. • nalrve Calltomian. According to off1elaM1 at lhe :_ac ~u.., eve~ .,,..,..• ..,.., f td, Trey Hams. • member lltendtd S.n Franct&Co Slate (:lllk Student Cenr« Office the

~ to Darrty Gic,yw Ard j:._ ..,...,.., performance on Fet, 9 .,,,,,. tut« than In; othtf ev~


-•~ee. llid

- r.,su in rcen1 hiaory promise, lo grve fresh insight 1,.. rMpOnse to the demand fist waa •t•rttd, tM.ii ~lo the wo rd_s and lives of ~ktt filled up, at.o. The CSC • ugh-, •nd Kin~. A queihon• wil follow r,1t;t • sein rec:41Mr,g 10-tS r• 0 Phillip Bi~. MSU dean t:A : : : :. per dly for the perfor.

1 _.;ting


roa holders will be treet IO an ~ng • Ith an


.,,.1 supemar • t the peak of •

llf c:arNI'

.w,11 be

PtirfOl'mlng ~orldiredor F • Juacice





1 Lang.ton bnnO "'· Dr. Martin .___ L~Ki~ Jr to lhe campus "'91' It p m., Feb. 9 In lhe

F'H Arts ThNt~r.

.fhe MSU


he !tunic.a ifs student•. tha Mid


t • _man of Glover's

,~ COtni:'9 10 Midwestem

:i.:~~• ·n

~ hprogram to, la exce1i.n1 f~ him lo do this. It is evident that money• not lhe motivating factor- he is doing this btcauu he ~tis 10

aetthereeord straightabo!A the

c ontribulions of Blacks lo American society," Birdnt utd "Thill ii an IXcelent oppo,tunity the MSU 'fernt( lo be ....,.. tainec:1 by • wor1d-clasa per-

~ u r •.Seritia ■ llf)OnlOr. ill• =-hme only •cluelve ~








Gkwer Ind Justice wil pr• American Conservalory Theater ••nt • lh..1~1 reading thlt He rtr11 came to Mllonal anen-

l ion for his performance 1n tho Naw Yort,; production of Athol

Fuganfa "MIiier Harold and !he Soya."


No4 long afterwards Glover



Danny Glover

Acedemy Award-winning film

Felix Justic e

"Plac.es rt the Heart.·

Glover has starred in Iha Color P urple," 'Silverado," "To Sleep With "PredatOI' Anger· and lhe 'Lei ha I Weapon' series with aclor Mel Gbson. Gkwtreamed anEmmy nomination for his role m 1.ooNOme Dove,' and hu won Award£. In two NAACP 1~ February 1991, G1over was inducted int o t he Black


Fknmakers Hald Fame Glover, a very versatile and busy ae1or, Slerted lasl year with K~;~ne Kr~:·rl~ary 5


Wood wa rd ,n Lawrenc e Kasdan's thoughl•provoking hi1 drama 'Grand Canyon • ' Canyon· was Glover's fourth litm to be r.teued during 1992·

Carol,raan ard lather of four ctwdren studied theater under Rob~r1 Johnson and John Collins in San Francisco. and Julie Bovasso in New Vori< Jusiice has been actJng and d1fect1ng lor twenty•e1ght years

His one-man Martin LlAher King show, •Prophecy ,n Jr America.• premiered during 198 1 at the Lorraine Hilnsberry Theater 1n S•n Francisco. Juslice his loured mensively in the United StatN and Africa.

Juslice, a nalive Sou1h

!~~A1!8_!2.!>;.o~!.M§...U~~i_ght ;,,, the A . Wayne Fwy •I 7:06

Alpha, Gamma Phi Beta. Chi Omega, l he student QOYtm• menl aasoc1a11on and !he univeruy p,ogranwning boent

Mtd ,...,., These g r ~ in-

Ho wever, 1ludent1 who m1u the opportunMy to purchase• ticket on e11mpu1 c,n

C.,, &dit.or Thurlday, Feb. 11 win be

lltSU night when lhe Texana pm In lhe 0 .L Ligon Cokeum. A nun"ber of ce"1)la 0'°'41a .,. Nlling game ticket• H a

althegllltwlh •vudMSUI O Game ectMtiN WIii indude • pertormlnce by the MSU dance ,.. m Md ·•n m game conlalt wih the p,rticipat,ng grouPt, lo keep th1ng1 exc,hng. • Chns Sp•lhno, Texan, director ol

'We warn lo help the partict• pahng organtzat10ns promole their particular cause,' Ke,ry Bubolz, Tu:ans general manager, uld 'We think lhal !he coOeg,e age crowd could have a (}:)O(i hrne ~ our Qames.'

Sup er Bowl prompts intoxication . - - - - • - - - - - • - - - -- - - ,

IJ Tam.mle Bill•

OU1 w,lh • dofm res,denl w ho

'"'"' cla>med lhal 1t1• A A d,ank - •~rbowl Sunday 'firlr1rlt;1rl,:*1r1f **1r1f1r lrlf1r1f* 1r1f until ~ beet.IN obncnoous The - If-WH A • ,.., '""'ed ,ha, "'IJh• by On a li:ghttr note... m • l■<v- Po<tion the lalllng af'd h1t11ng hd hM<J



lnloxicated, KHp1ng alcoholic !>ever-

-■woyfrom 18, 10and 2().


,-r-dd oorteoe students is eJ. lnOlf ~ On this


puo l hos bMn ~ Not betng et>i. to go into the lquor l!ore and purchase eloohes not _ holic: bever1gH



Mrnor, hive been getting

lk:ohol sn:e h,gh Khoot, and •

do..n'I nec1surUy hive lo be o, family: they tho;r

m -


g« I from~• Pien::e

-.ng.rs, a 21 ·yNr·old 11■1.-....i.

The rNldent said that stu• dints who were stifled by their ..,.,..sereth eOl"IN~like ly • •m to expanence u:ohol. Thly ,ult don"! want k> be I.rt


Da Boyz I are back•f ~.=.::~~'w":,::i"'~:

tplle a queshonab'e pes, Wller• ference Cllll Of'I S.nny O.me1 ~ • dropped touchdown pass DA BOYZ ARE BACKI by Jtckle Smith. I honully lhoughl my boys WOUid pul ~ After enduring 1he worst • YICIO,Y and the make the record W'I NFL history IUII lout 'Steet Cunain" lall y..,. ago. the C.Kas Cowboys Unlotluna!tf'/ . II was ooi their r&Khed have once age,n meant to be, and !he hal ed World rightful p lace u Wf)flt tty G.Patridi: Port.Qer 11

Slaff Writer

~ The yee, was 1978. and 1M reporter was an ecslalic lhird grader •ll•r watching the Cowboys defeet the Denver 8rorco1 ., 5',J>91" Bowl XX:11

My boys made ii beck 10 !he ~ Bowt the ll9X1 year, with a hance lo nol


' Getllf'lg lhe alcohol hea ,...., been the problem. con~ • t.s Look el me. I'm 19


Ind rm drunker tt.n s ..t, bl.A I'm confr01.-ig 1111 , • a donn

The reason lor !he A A 's

onty repeal 8$

iworld ehempions, bu! al$0 redeem a pr•vlOUI Super Bowf io..a to the Prnsburgh S teelers Tlvouahoul the 90me, de·

w, look lht lCle

s1. .


on to become the 'Te,tm ot :he

70a: The Cowboys remamed nnr the lop d It-. NFL over lhre nexl few years, but never qude n-..de the cllrrb to the L:)p The S•n Ft9r.c1sco 49er s

s ltl the defHlad the Co~ 1982 NFC Cha~IOMhtp #ll'()f'I ""' and Bowl their rna SLC)"ef on toba kr1own u lh• 'Teernot

see Decline, pg. 4

., "'( t00n1

C<>Meg. officM are tom be'-w'I lt)'W\g 10 •op alcohol use


Ind encourag,ng responsitNe

A 21-yeer-<>ld dotrn resder1

lllrongty behe'IIH 1h11 no one can IOl\le lh• probwn and thal ~ .,. gow,g to dnnk even lnera to rf 10meone tnes to -lhem"""1 "°'"',lso ()J Herry We.schktr. a pto· II HaN a n:f School of


Public Health, 5UNeyed lhe gal dnnkw,g age, this makes II dr1n~1ng httb1ts of t ,600 fresh· eXlremely •sy lo obfa~ alco• men al t ◄ Ma$Ychusetl s col· hof To deal Mlh lhts ptobiem leges and found that among otrw::ialt have sought lo room This ldoa Jhos,e who drink at least once a md'IOfs with minors wffk, 92 percent ot the men hH in no way been JM into el· and 82 percent ol lhe women fact Toer. an 21 r.-dent assa• consume at ~ five dnnb ., • row Halt said tt,.e., 1n1en1ion1 1n,. acme 01 whom are mnors !hey. 100. drrn~ 1n the end to g111drun'I.


In ,ev•rel ca.se• mlOOts room wih people who art ~ le-


In Fall 1992 an A A wen!

SOttn He also wanred everyone

10 lel him how tJrunk he WtH as ti • 'N9fe cool the , ~ said

Atlhoogh lhe A A s art IWllre of the alcohol prob4ems 1n the dorms, they don I repo,I them A 2 1-year ~ JUOl()f f8$1·

den! said, • II ·; rould be a complete "'-a.ste ol f,me •

Alcotiol IS • p,oblem among rn,inors_btA !hey do ~ seem to tM, obusing If. rf lhfly are, II• ool being reported There have been no a lcohol rela1ed accitJenls reported 1ecentty IICCOtd· .og 10 a reSlden1 a5Sl.Stant When asked 1f dnnkmg atN>Og al dorm re.sdents was a problem an A A rHponded ·o111th. ' l o a dttgree Some of them get carried away and go oYerboerd • Kart Ea.5ferllng a 19 yeardj dorm resdenl. sad Iha! • wasn't a problem.

faS1erl119 also said, 'HNvy <hiking 15 onty done on spec.I OCCH IOnS like !he superbowl,

sports events. t»rthdays and f,a.


lerruty events.• Untorlu~laty

these evenr,

OCCllt Sil

OUI of

sevtn days of lhe week ti 1101 seven

Room check.A seem to bt

fee Fire, pg. !

lla!U.tlc MBU ~ Aaren 013:nen. Stacey Stanley and J..G.nme

CoM6 ~ Chmt,y Kibb1ta •k.rwnrd du.rift< a r ecent ba1btbaD ~.._ 'nt. lq\ia d i , turrtn\O' rllnkad 16th W. the 0 1uoo.

IP• 2■Thunday,


Febnauy •• Iffl

Flavin, Watson and Preda speak out

Professors optimistic over new pre~~~,~~! He oxplolnod that bee■..• of lhe .,,., the ~ ii CJllllf'lld. four YNIS mey not be Jong tlnOUfti b Clnton 10 NliltAt II

By Joa■ R■U lteporter Al1ho ugh doubtful thal P,.aident Clincon can fulilt all 1ho AinerQn . , . -·, higll .,.. MSU po81cel pectalioN. -

hit propouto. Preda Mid thot - . 01catly high expectaftona 1 , .

science prof..-ora IN optl· . - !hat t h o . , , - can ol· ftct poefwe changN.

conwnon cl al """"'">u ■dnino-

Wot,on agreed that lf'Nllment hllt been f• and Mid lhalllberwbillin favo,ofChc,n ..,..,ey isn't as 11,ong M many ~ cla,m. primary gaol•


profit,· Watson

Htd. "That

...,.. they need ocandol end tratiof'l1, but Iha PfHIUl'9 from clepule. " Clinlon doe& tome· Alvin. - • tho rnadio ho• been more in· thing, thoy'I ~ on him • Dr F•vin aid thal some of prof~, Dr. Samuel Wal.on, ,.,.... then IMOI.I. Clinton'• tum hes ex.preu~ H$11Lant proteaor and Dr The ftrll 100 day a of • frwtration ove, the touvti t:#V• Michffl Preda. ~ of the term • 19 -..fly a .,.11" bl' the modlo which is DMu>n cl Poaica1 Scionoo and tho accoi.wubfe holding hon ,,...,..,,,_.. during which N>ic: Adnnttration, al that Americans mq:,ect loo much Pf'ffl lrNI the p r ~ I 'Mlh lo canpaig,, promise1 lhan pr► too quicldy from tho now p,ooi- oxtra coro. Preda said thit hon- viouo ~ Flavin Mid that when lhe eymoon may never happen dent •1 think there wlll be again. • nd perhlpi, • is not nee- late John F Kennedy ran in a 11111(), ho I>'-' they wilt bt lfow - , y. Ht Mid ntpoflen are lrtat· gap between thl U.S. and the chang•: Wataon Hid. "Our pemment doeiln't tunctkm in Ing Cllnton fairty and 11kklg U.S.S R , claiming thal the






1h11 CtOOlod a danger Aft• he WH •lec:ted, he dllcowred lhat UW gap dktn'1 uilf. But no one hekt him-,. tor tho diocnponcy. Ftr,ln uld tho - • tcnJtin)' • N much a change"' culhH u a chongo In . -. ChengN I n ~ such• IP rrwchinH, computoro ond one-hour film dev•loPm•nt t.v.etNted ■ generalexpecta· lion of rapid ,...__ •Th•r• lo more intonu ocn,tiny minute bl' mfnuta.' ho utd. •H thingl don't i~nw• quicldy, ...,. poop1o wil ,,.,, agai,lt hm.• Bui In IOfne ■f'NI., ach., lilting tho b■n on homooo,.,.,. in tht lriMa,y and •ling restric· tk>nl on eboffion and abortion·

timony to Congr•H in lht 19'01, and Nancy~ hed important 1nflu1nca on p.-,. Ronald R -. E- r a Buoh, wt,o hod a g,andfflOtherfy tmllge whh lhe,

~ . Prede utd. "Ther• ~ mo<• ,..,.,..,, cl policy then I oxp■ctod in !HS Iha\ 1 week. The~- of actr't'ity --, high.• hoa Another area of pubUc the ,olo cl tho hos ocn.<lny ft™ '-dy c,n1on hat brok.n


public, • • "vo,y i<MW!odg. able

of women In 10Ci•ty allow, got"'°"' ad tor bo1ng a ~ o n t aJ>d ,,..n;g.,. Oiler, and Clinton ha• rMde cl hit dopor,donce on no -


H;ita,y to

head~ -~"• Howe¥.,, aN rhrN prof•· ~ poinled out~

hil wit.









op■cif!co- She jull did not b<ing

thil role lo ttMi '°'9trofe:

~ . , . , -~--of pollical ho, to on t,HNh tool< -



.. ptOYidod -


rno,ing with ,peed. •He'I been ,Hdy 10 taclde )of IPIJH 1urpr11lngty

•tt anyone ii aurprl5ed thll

hove always hod "'9- .,. H;fta,y ptoys an active role, they

nd haven't bMn ~ing an.nlion," fluenc• on p,Hid•nls, • Hilary ctinton'• JON lhoUid be he uid.

~~~~~;;!.-~. ~Mlt]Ki-SUGiiAllsj·f~E GREEKS & t Ll IIS


Church. Ha was ~ e d by ! •d-h Bani< .. ~S~ I

dent, died Feb.~

0d ~""!nn-~ Fola.onu_ 20,

1.-v, a,



RicllAppfingclWichita Fol und






mN1 at & Pm.,

Fob. ◄ in Cltrlr


Memorials may be rnede 10 15 ~ 1~:Z-nd~•h~



!roop c:...en:.; C~rch. Av!.... H WICNI• Fels, Tlll 76309

practice 11 8 p.m.. Feb , . .., CSC 110.


•• A. TMc::hing CFontob... 21-48 K1ppa s;gme Fraternity. ,n · S ...JU will be held • 1 g a.m ' Eligle Scout and • membef ol - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 a .m .. F«> e . in lhe CSC


Fire drills control alcohol 1..---------, • ed ■ C ont IDU

there•nowr,ofaofvlng ~ Tho •fcohol consumed by

the student• range from beer to .... ...... . .- - - - - - - - .... ...,. , _ end gt■in alcohol. Somo from ~ l :,;.~~inc:'!: thot end Iha)' •r• done by way of th - Thie wey thote,. 0 logitf· mate rNIOn tor 11n1ering ihr ....._ Th• students, however, kMwtltio......,.andhovoornpie time 10 hie» the alcohol or take ii 01.C of the dorm in• beck· poc>o<jodoot. ln • ,arwJom ...,_,, of MSU dorm rNidents six OW of 10 retideru ,.. thal G'Wlldng II • p,ot,tem among minor• in tM olgl< domw. In otA cl 10 r■oldonto ,.. lhof


i;:....~- "'°'"

Fob 7• In tho CSC Hotp,tolity R"°!'.':,.L---""W_F... dinner wifl be held 11 4 p.m, Feb. 7. In the Outdoor E~lionc~~g::um,n



1501 M.t-.ccn '-"'•Y ·s y N wel UKo'


691 -0060 I,,,


11 l


11 I

1,,...,., ,nu ,u ,I , "' \1\1



,t., V,na ftu,,

,I H


,q 11,,1

•::,;5,e ,


Quorum Opportunity Knocks Since Crime Won't Over 93~ o( bomu. .ma.II bu1meua, Qu.J1ty producll lillil peopl, tull)' •dn<"les and people netd re:lilbl1 and qu.t11ry uairiry N~ ii u bom 11,nplo

pW1 8.ttbdby 011t of lMW'llf\cr• lnd1111 OEM cltctrot11(' man111b c1wa1

Qual1l)' podllCU dl.M pc,opk rc&LI)' wN)I No inYall<W)' ,-qvnawob


F'nc tltN inriclln& and lralmnJ


opportuai.ry of )'Ola' hfcU.




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25 words or less-$4 Each additional word-10¢ Messages and payments mus1 be submitted no la1tt than l p.m..f,eb. 9, lO Tht Wicltitan, loca&cd in 8126 of lhc Fine Arts Building.

VALENTINES WILL BE PUBLISHED FEB. 11. For more information contact Clcll Tickle, Wichiwt Advertising Manager "689-4705

Klloct. Kaxt.-OppcM1uuty c.Jh

C:0.ld Kyle Ru.di. Senior COCllfllllaScacc Major




~~i'\_, ,c

l fol29th !.uM.t



u1, l 1,. ,I!

11 , 11, 1 'I", ,I r,I I I r





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MSUTACTchllpl• el1:30 pm.•

Aids Support Center



••••••••••••••••••••• CH OFTifEFOLLOWING DO YOU PREFER? I ~

Public: A.dministrelion, II 11 •-----------~ 1.m .• Feb. 8, In lhe CSC '. .M \ ~ Thooter Fob s . in tho CSC Th..tor ~... .r.. • I •• A.Mulicuttural Awa,aneM " ~ Relreshmeris will bl aveilable, ']Jon and non-mo- ... oncou,- 'CommltH mNlong will bt hold I\ ogod- ~~~Natic>naVGRE ex· ~'.:i!o~ify ~:.,•)~


lbrou&b inak.a tlwH 11M OfP0'1!MIIIJ ol lbt 901....,'lfSln&Ofcompl:IUIM 111, 1.llwonJdu ffOf indcfwftdtnl duer1bv1tt pcnoo ~ PfflO'I uJts. w11hm vayd)'ll,lmKnttworli: =-kct.&



•• r FREE HOT NV!·wifiiTHIS c.ou_ro_N_ ~:~g~ p;:.:~~i.%,!~ •. a1

r. -..

disagreed A c1orrn and said lhllt he bah.vu that plq)le point the ringer 11 •th· "'•Alncan-Amorican studer11 when the while ,tudents .,.. actualy lhe onN with the blggNI drinking p-obtem, Thi raho of etudenl• •t MldwHtern 11 and • roughly 92 po,cont porcor< Ahlc:an-Amoric:an.




S.rpaliu, will be Iha , ..1ured opooke, during• 'Town Hall

allid affordable T«MOJo&I«:.! ~ &JI:.

27)1 Soulhwat P.tway 69119!>6


tfton • ~ - - - -- - - - - -- -- - -- Drinking by tho student•~ $ done wenfy by fraternity 1nd GET HER A PAAL FOR PROTECTION. JUST 29 sorority members, othlotH, CONTACT KYLE RUSSELL. 691 -4017 white Rudenls end AfricanSENIOR COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR Amencon student,. an R A





rorN! : ~ n 1-•=93•0528, exL65

format ion c::onl1cl LHIH Feb. S. lf'l the BolinScltnce HIii. P ~. tir8ctorof 11UCWll•c:t~Bowl ~- - et m 4500

aminaUon Ml be hekt 14 8 • m ,

· • A gener1I tec::ul1y/a11H mHling MIi be held at 3 pm .

F«>.~·~~::.,_~:::i1 ,..~-:_~,:~~U:: =.!:nggJN:;~:_~ St~;;:~C:..r.m..tt inc:: u •

urv vora

n. _ , •


• JO.day Cl\al\'t' Pbn • Frtt &ptt,1J 0.,t;Yttr


• In 1,us;..,. " ""' 19<2



pR!9-R~• - pR ·""-e= _-::-#·

. 22-0124 FOR l"iFOR\L\TIO'J CALL JJ:!2-01


S..,·c 40


00 1htilNffl}')t1 ~ Tl'I06(

in c,ur Prinrll Prttr!




Thunday, February 4,


Tapping the pension funds

Some words about four-letter words

roJects that us&d 10 be called b g cons1ruc11on now m ore fashionably known apu Ifie works. but ar11


s ,n ras1ruc1ure.

It s en Idea that c arries a 1 1 f of which Is the d anger of exp~n~/ da~gers with It - chle the expense o f the pensioners. ng 1 8 perk barrel at Inve sting in infrostructur untary for the pension fund: w~uld remain entirely voloveloped by the comm i . un er lhe prop0saI being 1 slabhshed. It envisions :~ ~~ lhal ~:;ogress recently these p rojects what Fannie M enc y Bl would do for

5 or the College Construction L~:nh~ ~~ne for housing 05 Association has do ne for colleges. ance

They m ake it pOssib le for small bo loahns f~om hu_g e Institutional lnvestort~~:~~I~~.\ ot erw1se be in terested in them How? B . loans and provid ing credit insurance poohng The plan is to pro vide somethln . guarantees. roads and a1rp0rts, but telecomm g sn'!ular not only for other utilities, But the case for it is~~;ca11on ~rtems and infrastruct~re is built by state and 0 ;~e~t~~t A pension fund doesn't buy municipal bonds beause, being ta_ x exempt, they carry low rates o f ~etum



Since the pension fun~s are also tax exempt. the


or taxable bonds paying higher interest. Y9 To sell bon_d s lo pension 1unds , the builders of infrast~ture will have to pay the same rates as taxable securrtles. Why would a stale lake that route? One reason m1~ht be that it was circumventing its debt limit. Al lhal point yel!_ow warning lights start flashing.

. Tha~ raises the whole question

oi need. There's


view, w idely held in Congress, that the country's needs

fo_r roads and airports are immense and can't be met without resort to the pension funds. But if tolls are set

By Joo PiMni T h e Greenwich Time Fro m rurel ldehO, whtr• potato farming .. • mor• popular pullm• than watcnlng D•vkl Leu erman - and rightfully so comt1s one of thoM ctttebteted eases ~ing the Am,erican CivH Liberties Un10t1. which is lhe d• fender of politk:ally c;ocrK1 ftee apeech, against hard-working. llw-ebldlng, farQly-valud•lovlng Americans, who are 1he supporters of frH apeech wilhOUt foor-hllttor 'M>rds 11 a ff begnn wrth three 1..n. agers reportedly dislurblng the peace by hurting stonN and obsceniHes at a dog belonging lo Robet1 Jeue (Blame ~ on TV kids today get bored easily) Anyway, lhis 1rio wanted 10 do somelhing more Heiting than hareS3ing Rover, so they el• legedly started cuning at Jeue·s wife, which is when the authorities stepped in .• and I don't mea n lhe militflnt teml· nisls Under a 19th ce<11u,y Idaho law. Iha leans were charged wilh using ..vulgar, profane o< in• decent language" in front of •

woman. The ACLU said lhe lrio's conslitulional rlghl lo free speech was v,olated. Jesse u td, 'They hflve no respect fo< anybod-f or anything." Even though lhe teen• agers face six months in !he slammer and $300 fines. our weak-kneed judicial system will

P,obabfy ltll lhern off wMh 1 $50 fine and I s lap on lhe wns«, !hough a t>.r ol soap in the m0U1h woukf be • more fitting puni1h~nl. People In Burley, Idaho, (population 8,700) woukt prob• ab~ be happy and p,oud lo lock up these allegadly fou lmouthed, dog ·hallno. woman• 1,wulling wouid·be Andtew Ok:e CIIY• In the C 8UH or down-




The Mleriff aaJd two o, lh,..

peopM are arrested each month on ,irriar CherON, bu o,-iy" the obecen1Ues ~ l ist after warn•

ngshrol•beenla&uod Look al it mfe WIiy: We have

lhoH la le•nig~ HBO comedy lp&c:Nlls, lour•leller words that once Ct11used God·learino peoP'e to hypervenllla1e have become moro socially aceeplable lhan pa;SS-Ne c1Qllfet1• amoke. So meny people curse lhel fou,-leU., word• have Iott their potency E1,1en Iha shock value end dascrlpt1ve power o4 the once mighty " F•word" hes diminial'Md OVllf Iha pHI 20 YNn, wt,,ch leeds me lo cooc:lude we should prob1bly ab• ndon 11 purely io !he inter..Cs of literacy and btevity. Besides, excising obsc:eni• ties from our vocabulary would elimirwl• • lo1 ol excess ver• biage and free us to &pend more tme ~h ou- kide. For exarr1)1e, rl 6 f9Cf0f John Sayles had cut the F,wofd from " City of Hope.·· he could have ediied 15 minules from lhe movie. end it mJght nol have

laws ageinise NI• crimes end biascl'irnN•nd~lat>Noff niattretH&, so why shouldn't thoutlng obac:enilles at a 'llllom•n in a oounlry town be a ctne7 Thia cese hes taken on ~- boeneo borinll, licwl if'r4'.)0ftance at a lim& ~ n A poll conduciod by The th, cussing craze has clearly AHOCialed PteH • nd Media OOten out of hand. Today, you Gen.,.I in 1989 Indicated lhal h-.r more obscenities 1n the 80 percent of 1,084 responc'-s,oom than you ever heard denla believed there was too in he locket room. You hear much profenity in modem film•. then in the ofrtc:(9, on te~sion la thal a M.WpriM Of whet? After ancin the movie lhMter. all, " GoodFellas," Iha Oaear ' confess to c ussing as winning fikn by Martin Scorsese mutt es the next person - at reportedly averaged lwo ob· WOfen. d09'5 and inanimale acenities a minUle in 1-46 min• obiftts - but I think it's lime for utes of running lime. which I ua !<change our ways and try lo ~ w a s • an-al ~ lo pay resl re aome d ecency to In lhe higher CIIUN of crealive Ameea. q(;liuse of Iha pemlctOUs "Anyone who bothers lo lis• Jnllu~• or Hollywood and !en lo the public mual come to


anywhere near the economic costs of the facilities in-


Letters to the editor should be rief, to the point and without abusive language or personal attacks. Letters must be signed by the writer -- not ped -- and should include a elephone number and address for erification purposes.

Midwcat orn State University 3 410 Taft Blvd. B o x 12180 Wic hita Fall8, TX 7 6308 News Des k (817) 689-4704 Ad. Des k (817) 689-4705 MJ._1.nCbW ~l■t■

.Midlacl V•mnd. JutK Naa• y




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l'lnOCllnl of !he mutder fro( which he was convicted and s en• l enced to dealh. The court turned him down. Given 1he high court' s previous inlerpretalions of lhe Constitution on lhe dea lh penalty and limelables for appea Is, lhlS was no doubt the righl decision lo make. The new evidence cited in this case by lhe death row inmate was nol compellmg. and the inmate had k>ng ago lost several post-con--

viclion appeals

If you wish your letter to be published without your name, and the content justifies that action, please contact the editor so a mutual a!;lreement can be reached. All letters 111 be printed unedited.

'W tcbttan





hes become • deme:imng H · peoenco," M .cha81 Medved him c ritic and aulhor, wrote 1n America ..Ho lly wood vs Popular Culture and Iha Yl• r on Tradi1ionlll Values .. Tunes have surely chtlnged In tho ·s o, and earty '60s, that famous lour-teller muhipurpocse v•rb. noun, ad1ec:11ve end ad· verb curied people's ears whoo It was utteted H"'I pubhc Back lhen, even the sahieSI· mouthed construction workers and &ailors showed elementary propriety by no! swearing in pli>lic bocause they'd be repo manded for uttenng vulgar1t1os in the pre&enc:e of • "lady " Wha1 has happened here is aoc:ia l progress Fire! of a ll, women aren'I supposod lo be "ladies" anymore for roaaons I do n' t qurle underslend And second. cu" ing in p ublic haa become a national p,9~11me fo, men. women and children, even If !hey aren·t .., the Navy Someone once s~ud -· I'd wager it was Lenny Bruce •· ''There are oo dirty words, only dirty minds," But any root. foulmouthed or olherwise, will 1el1 you the! we wouldn'I want lo uu cuss words if 1hey weren't dirty Maybe our new mon o ahoukj be "If you can't say any· thing nice, don·t say any1hmg .at

By The Baltimore Sun A Texan on death row asked lhe Supreme Court to gra,- him • new hearing on the basis of now evidence his



understand lhal the oxs>'osK>n of vofbJII obscen,h es o n &c:roen hes cont ributed power1ully lo the sense of many mov1egoerw that a Vial! lo lhelr k>cal lhoal er

High court makes right decision

vestment r~u,rem ents will fall to levels that can ~ met by conventional methods. If Congress really wants to help public ftivestment .. and p rivaIe investment as well •. the best and most effect,ve action is simply to cut the federal deficit. Complicated and questionable proposals like this new infrastructure.financing scheme are no more than d& vices to try to m itigate the hard fact that the federal deficit, at more than $300 billion this year, is soaking up most of the capital available for new investment. The right remedy is the direct one •• to attack deficit, freeing funds and lowering interest rates for all the investm ents that a growi ng economy requires.


Page 3

EDITORIAL y The Wu~lnrton Po■t In the Clinton administration 8 d row,ng enthusiasm for tapPing th" Congress, lhere·s oney e little more heavily for the ~i enormous pool of

l v,i:-

1993 ■

'Used People' caUd gentle, comical By Dean Lawreace Morie Critic "Used People,· st• rring Shirtey MecC5aine and Marcelo M111troienn1, tJ; • ;.ntle, sometimes oomtc:af, aometimes le11rlul look al • family who has. like many famliee. ..-rived• • crouroeds. In OM direction UN sameness· • conlinuanc:• of • comfo rtab le. 11 not ■o h•ppy, /ifosly~ In lhe other lies the possibility of happiness. But making lhe tum mNOS change. risking further pain. f.cing lear Change. of course, , s Inevitable no maNer which chok:e is made. for there is no standing stial. MacClain• plays Pearl Berman. a woman who was raised as aJew In New Yo,tc: Cly's Queens d11lrici She married Jack, ra ised two g1rfs and • c• ~ed her life with rM1gna1ton. In her wer e established lhe habits, accents and prejudk:es co mmon lo New York Cil y's JrMSh corm,unty.

Both dau-rs had prob- • pettOf'I OOtJld rNlly change, or lems of 1heir n. Norma Ml el !Nat lake on • new life, bl.A alim and attrace, bul couk:ln't only by first coming 10 lerms wi'lh ..ow lho wono see her real the put one. lace . Instead. • dressed up Thet'a whet the movie. each day hkt0rne lamous •uaed People"• about. dNling worn.n and hdhind • wall of with Iha pest in llghl ol lhe p,eher own insecu•. Bibby. who Hnl, and atarting again by ac· was chubby aMein. wouldn't cepting one'a ..n. IY9aupatal. There is no fest ection or Jack died i869 . By that lime, both girls -J been mar• edge•of-your•seal suspense, bul !here ere powerful perforried and divo rc1 and Norma by MacCleme , had• 10·Y••r-obn. The boy. m• nces Mastroianni and. Indeed, each named •s wee1 P (by Itself a SOlXCAt WltWK:u no dolbt), of 1he players. All are eJtPf!rt ■c · beltev"ed hia deqrandlalher fOfl, end lhey bring !heir taients WU proteding hind maiking to beer here, providing movie· him invulnelfe , li ke goers with characters thal ere Superman. He Sit his lime believable. mufti-leeal&d. and entertaining. tNfing his theory.


Curing Jack'veke, his friend. Joe Me■nte, an ltahan, paid PN.r call. and asked her o u1 coffee


Ahhough < (playod by -


'ty), Poon

ac:otrpled, end so bn • p,o-

ceu '" which Pewll'led lhal

Thia is not a •must•ue• movie. Bui l hoH who 11ked

'Driving M;sa Daisy' wm also W.e

lhla offering. "Used People" is now playing el Sik e Six


But what the court said m •rriving al ~• opirlion 1s enough to send ch1Rs down one's spino. Speaking fo r !he court. Chief Justice Wil~em RehnqulSI said, 'We may assume, !or t~e sake of argument in deciding this case, lhat m a caprtal case a lruty persuasive demonslralion of 'actual innocence· made afler lrial would render a defenctant·s execution unc:o nstitu110nal and warrant lederal habeas rellel .. (But pelllioner's) showing of 10-nocenc:e lalls fer short of lhe (extraOrdinerily high) lhreshold showing whtc:h would have to be made in order to trigger re~ef • Assume for lhe sako of aroumeol? Now lhat sounds hke in r eality there may be no such assumplion m Rehnquisfs junsprudence. that ,t may be con• sl il~ional lo execute a perso n dehberately dHptle new evidence of innocence. We agree with J uslice Harry Blackmun, who said 1n dissent "The executlOf'I of a person wh~ can show lhel he is Innocent =~erilous ly close lo sirrple Those ere her&h 'M>rds. nol ohen heard rn Supreme Court justices· opinio ns. J ustic e Blac kmun was pro bably i n Supreme Court muc h to the majority ~nion wrller. Ch1el Justice Rehnq u1s1, as t o Jus tices Anto nin Sca ha a nd Clarence ~homas What !hey ~d lo say 1n a concurring opin10n was worse lhan 1he chief jUSlice's words. They said !here was no argument about rt •• courts •r• not r~u1red to cot1· sider new ev idence of innoc.nce after a deadhne for a~

peals .... passed, 11 1s go,ng lo be a long hme ·· it ever -- before the Supremo Court reverses Itself on lhe ~ = ~ n •lily o t cap,1al

I arter, Hurs t are Best oftbe best'

How sweet it is

Stockton gra bs 600th win Hy Kevin Duke

.,. ..... 01....

CorrHpo ndeat

8Poou UIThe._ ollhe_ .•on

Texas Tech coach James Od.ey has celled Mtdwntem '•

W _l_lO_MIU

G.,.aw;t Stockton. •• legendary ooech , one of Iha hnNI wdvdualt ir"I 1he pror.......,,._-

~-pl,,-.--. ..--,.;..... _..., 8'hNll•. il'"1thl1N h

H~et and S.NN


After 28 yeara in IN coech,ng rankt. Slocklon ooached hit 600lh C8tM r wtn Feb 2 al Iha D L Ligon Coioeum, IOldlfyfng h11 place 1n college bllskatNII h1s1ory wilh a 92-78 defMt of

~ -and c.t.. to __ _ _ .,... ot - - 1or lhe


bOth the men's and WOl'Mn'I




Ploy., of tho WHlc.

Hu"'·· -- -

- ~. h o - -


In one of lhe top 20 MSUt-.... .y. o)'10 •11ha,b Mn1r•i

--~ --Caner . . . NMed NAIA


ecoring 3◄ point, ■gafnsl Southern Naur~ .._ week

and 20 points ..,_, Waylond


n,, w~""" lt•ul

Airborn e

S...... C.-(13 2) llhowtoft'IO- ..,...tho ! pmond - of b.r the honor "bemc natMd N,\IA Nauonal ~ theWeek.

Lad y Indians dethrone 'Queens

• W.otfng 58 Sho perc,ent from the Mid and • ..,oldng 711 pen:..t ln>m tho free lhrow ftn1 durtfto thoH By Shane liiveH


Spon.1 Editor C.l'ler WU named Oielrict 8 The MSU lady lnd~ns imPlayer ol Oho WHlc lour ,.,_ proved 10 14-5 O'Jetal S.turct.y prevlou.f y thia HaOn The nighC when they be,,d the No 8 Na11o,.al Ploy« o1 lho W- ranked W1yl1nd Bapt•t Ry1ng 0 . L Ligon - - • lho higheot WNl<ly Queen, 73~7 in


honoff lelWA -toacol - Cofiseum.

"I expe,et we' I be in the lop If\ the next poll. but I don't warl lo eound too excited,• Jeff g,Nt ..... for Serena to , .. Ray. lady Indians head coach, tv, bMauee you' re tdung NJd. The tJbe WH led In ICOring by Lynn Buckm.at er with 22 points Ind seven rebourvis. while S«ena C.rter chippeci in so join ... in Ml'lng, 20 poinc,. I« rebounds and IOU'


lagiale -

"Bline ..ltctod

.. .~.


, .. ,...,_,_. .....Aoy..,.,.,_ - . r -•, ,_

-----·--· · INm.

Hill, a 1unt0r hiller from

B~kenrid ge. w111 ptek.ed hrlt team el-c:orier--=e kx the MCond •re.ght y. .r She led lhe Lady Indians tn total kiKs •nd bloeks this ...son wMe pleci"\il HCOnd in the TIM to, the Mime two categoriN: Thla le the htal lime lhail Andert•. • 1umor hitta, from Wndlhof'I I, WU Nlmed all-oonference She wH HCOnd o n


...._ _................__

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Monic,i Mtlller Nd her >est game of the yH r with l me poin11 and 10 rebounds ~ndy Myers had e'°hl pomts. fnt r•• bounds, live au,sls 1N hi1 lhrN out of four from lht free throw i ne l(oAodz.1ejcz)'1( led Wft!land '" sconng with 19 pows Nf 11 rebounds. Jennifer Tuckl" also added 14 points V'I • lotno af.

lhe 80s." The dechne continued, as bad draft chotces, •long with poor performan ce on Iha field and some debatable coaching deci.slons (rememba f lhe Whit► Hogaboom quarterba ck controversy?} ~ lo th• disappointing 3-13 1988 seaaon The Schramm -Land,y Brard triumvirate hid loet Its at~ mylfical lult• and the lfa, lamlSh.t



M• what woukt happen: Sloddon Md

,uM lo


Th• ttda began to tum H !he JJ'a opened their beg of

tricks. <hfttng RU&HII Marytond to 1mprow Iha defenH, trading Herschel Walker lo MlflnNOta for a bevy of pl.ayen and ing and dN'-ng lo ln,>rove !heir


draft.statu s. The aggr8$siv • posrtk>ning worked, bec4iiuH 1n four shot1

yNra. Dalla• reached the pm• nac:le ol profeMfOMI loofbeN.

It hu t,ae,, • long 15 yeon tuled with anllcipaho n, hope, d1,.ppo1n trrMnt and • good

amount ot twraNrMn t rrom nonCowboyl tan, ~ho uncloa<1), w it h• been wor1h it becaUM I am now an eestahc po.al-bee· ca'8urHle sttJdenl .,.., watchIng the Cowboy• defaet the Buffalo &onco1 (oope,. I mNn Bill) w, 5<.- Bowl XXVII. Will !he Cowboys become the !Nm of lhe 90e? Will lhey

rape et-~1

TheN que1don• are moot. t,ac.■ uH lor now, OA BOYZ AAEBAC KI

ttorm wH brewing on th•

horizon. The oil boom of th• Nrfy 80. had made Texas A & M boo5ter and Oaffaa Cowboy• owner Bum Bright ■ wHllhy man. end th• 011 boat al !he late 801 nearty bank~e d him Enter Jeuy Jone,, wifh his Atbnu1 drawl and awagger, the new owner of Iha franchse Tom Landry, the onty coach

ift that Get YG al Allack shows y ~ are, buy a Paa / ( Pers Alann.



"Thia was • sweel •teto,y, bl.Al know the gris want &shot al the No. 1 ranked 5'ulhern Oklahoma Slate,' Ray srd The India n.s play 10Sl 10 Soulhwu tern tonight ll 5 :30 p m. V'I the ColtSeUm

U l-0236



the Corwtloys eYlf' hlld. WU un-

ceramon1ou1ly and abruptly hred in favor ol Jonas· lifelong lnand end M1ami Hurricane , coac h Jimmy John,on Schramm and Brandl wer. soon gone, and the coup waa com-


Only $29



Landry's firing did not rut well Wllh the mafority of th•

team's tans.







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, • ineku b l b e ~ t J o f


CoM>011 lano cidn1 know It, but •

As lat u many OallasitH In out to avenlual Wltfe concerned, Jones wa, Iha lady Indians volleybe,l leem t>.fore bowing same category H Chartea the New Weorn champion lor kifts • nd blocb ,n 1992 and d,stnc:t Jo_! WO!!•· Manson (or even Mexico. WU third in Iha TlAA Van Hemert, a.O a repe,111 lk<>nd IHm ulechon form 1891, led the lady Indiana In NMt• O'U pql Mason and WN MCOnd in the conference ~ 1• a sophOfT'IOte Htter from Garand Thi..'\ 11 tho seoond post .... WEL CO.~IE MSU STUD ENTS ! M>n honor bestowed on the MSU tno th,s year HII wH the provide school supplies onty lady Indian H ie ..led first a, well as office supplies. team ell-distrtci , while both Andert• and Van Heff'4r1 make the second ,. . m. Tha Lady Indian voUeybail/ 3'11 Kemp Blvd . W1ch1u Falls, T, 76308 ~ team ltntshed the 1992 MMOn P,nnc (817)69 1-655l F:u (817)691-7504 w1lh • 20· t e record and ad• vanced to ~ Otslricl a pflllyott•

T.-~ P -1 tllut·

1Mr-.1 wod.lll1 d w ~


hit bNn M the 1wkn and~MX lripa to the NAIA national tournament, be.I the coeeh ~ to win a naUonal ch i ~onihlp. •r d ~k.e lo make ~ to na0onele once or hlfilee before I

at Murrey State Junior Coll.ge, ~ 11:• t•m lor five ~ s be-lore two-yNt stint• al Camtfon J unior Coll•Qe and Sul Roll Midweste rn h 1rad Slate


uhK.ka. -t

plOS)k. Qlltd l«Oll!)' No••I UJmp#


457-313 racord while Stocldon

from pare l

iiliiilt■■MIDNl!EM - , a/f~


The Indian'• headbuk elbd Q»Ch ti.Q.rt NS career '" 1955


QUORUM bl)11tt1.

yMra.♦ Stock1on uid

Monlana). TMm me,chand islng dre>pptd dramatica lly H the Cowboy• made the record 1• 15 1989 sea• books fth


_. 91'1, c.f

lhe officW NAIA ....ica ·tt 1ook a long time 10 vet het'• and I'm Y«'f happy with

tM quality p&aye<a and asalllanls I've hid ovor the

S1a1e Sa11agN

3 nam ed to All-TIAA volleyball team

MdwNlem '• 1""1111 Hill and LHIH Anderl• have bHn named lo the 1992 Firll TNITI AI-TIAA Voleybel TMm Haelected by the coaches of lhe THH lnlerco l~I• Alhle,tte Attocilho n. Molty Van Ht'rnert WH aeleeted lo lhe Heond


Decline attributed to draft choices

Ouncanvtlle, has ,c:or«t mor• then 1 ,000 point, dui1ng hie ea,_, at Midwtcle m. Barring 1n-,

Stockton, MSU men'.s he■d

and thoM WWI• do not COl#'tl m

"II ,..Jty Is fWC• to r..ct, 1has

lev_, but I couk:in'I MY• don6 ii

Slocklon in 1970 Slocl(l:on"a record at the 1untOr coUaQt ~., was 131·51 .

the Sou1heaslern Oklahoma

.... -,oDuring of 12 ho llold,· 451,omtt hit 2• olNo 18 r.om tho 2• -,_ llvow_lno ond gotho,ed

001ch Arther tl''t,H leet few y•,., and IN hit abllt. . improve 1v1ry yHr: G•r•ld

1lb< Woc~ilan


Pap • ■ Thunda y, Februa.ry •• 1093




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