latin ~avm
Grupo Fantasma brought their Latin tunes and ten-piece band to the Artist-Lecture Series on Thursday.
, j 4\.
r, b1t•
yber mistak e triggers m~us securi ty breach
~,~n O! itudt l'l! emplom:~ rtltuJng p/oyees advised UStmamn .ind R'l.iiltd pt.\o;wOfds to user 1 01J .-.idt entn~. d "Dut 10 this ol crcdtn ,nts an passwords
#Ot release
) ,:iofTll.lDOn
h;id bttn
¢ [ ,n t:nVI sent [O l•culr-1. R011,ers ir,(flOl.lUOn wis due to tacal!y,
Cross country and track find newfound successful with an indoor team.
~ · h··1tan ~
, " · 2013
lloft1'$ told f.lC\Jlry an\'l SIJ!I dUflJlll the week M1dWt>$!
~Wl C
.u1• A
I) Mond•Y. univers11y Pres!dPnt
rractice Never fn~~
ft1 a m,mo, uniwrsiry Prmdrnl j t.JSt Ro:m 1ugg1111fiuulty ond S/Djfrrmtm«r /Ixfollaw;ni:
fhest outside sources al't' phlsh trs, according to Randy Kirt.p,lnCk, 1n1enm c~uer 1nfommion ott'.<·tr
• Newr give out your MSUMt MfWOd:/em1il pusword An technlci,n wil never ask for vour network cr•denti1Js, A t1chnicl1n nttdittg tccHs to y'0ur tccount will resit lht p,ssWOfd when tus work ,s completed. You will be required to
" Phishe~ would pretend 10 bt ley;1Um1te enUlit!> r«j\JCStmg uwr name and password datt'," Kirk µu!Ck ~Id. "Jus! to bt c!ur, any
t1a!s, ont .tccoum hu RtOtnied hundreds of ;how.ands of rltmonJC fflAlli outbound to entitle$ wortd wl~ tNI have in tum rcportra our. rrqutst for 1.,semhne and pas.sword mail servrc, for blaCkJL!.!lng, • Rl1~rs d~le ll nof leg1umatr, wherhtr It comts m 1he form of an email. phol'H' ~id lhe l't)Ult ~ now rrwny un1\'Ct Cilll or somtont walkmRup and .uk S:015 and YtndM won'1 bt ablt to ltlg for fhl( kllld ol tUit•. NtVtl glYt rrce1ve mbound em;iUs from MSU pg. 3 accounts.
ttltct, new p,1sword me next time you log on. tt anyon• Hb fof your networt crtdtndtls, whether by phone, em1il, or the Intamet. do
not give them out.,rity eild confidtnbality of priv11e information,,. impo,11111 resp~nsibilitits of •very ~rson who UNI MSUnet.
uition increase, student fees djustments hinted by Rogers w11! >.llow !ht lunds to go directly 10 ttlt
proqam ii \lt.:dtnt ~ SIUdVlt\8,
"Tot st•tt ~ very ~Lflc ~ TO whi: 1h,n rnonn· can tie spml on."
M'ffie'Slt'f. According, to RoRl't:'i, SIU 1errs can t>Xp('(I tun,on comh1ned
w~J not t<fCetd 3 pc:rtl'nt ·T~ good ntws IS 1here'l. no cut In the budRel, - Rogen <;itd.
!he~ is S2.2 mJlllon pending 111~ ch.1nJ;C$ will be sten on out s t m ~ !Ultkln blK. ACt'Of'd· 1n .,,,i1turtfotlhr ~ b\logeL Rogers Sild LI the mone1 is Md by the lmplemen1auon ol th~ aw.l!ded. tumon Utt) would be na1 for1henutyeu. le<. ·We'rt makmg a lot of progress •'Nhen \'OU gel ~our bill the not !l:'llt vou ; ~re,, it ...,nu be a lot sim- rvtn though our budget is down Sl4 m1t110n.· Rogerswd. pler 1hn now,· Rogers. si.'d. W11h !ht Tens l e~turl' m .\otS
lnjt !O Rogers, tht bdl WJII bt Slmph
~ion. tu111on rares m the &m e are up for diSC\JS$:On. Rogers sa:d twllon
QEP El-"try JO years MSll mu:.t go
r•in are stl 1n Febnm-v so Sfudents
SGApg. 3
art iware of ihe com for lht fall
ecruitment efforts continue as hinese student visit the area COTTINOHAM ,IN-CHlfF-
fmTL tounn~ M1dw~1em\ rnn ~ !~L\telnR •t •J1e Wichita , Chmtst h11Vl school stu ~ their North reus vt\ M:lr.dav 11.,1n a lartwen p,ntv cumr,o:i, hmted by rhe uni ihf ~t 1wo Wi.'tk.s, more 40 Our.l'\l' stu,len1~ rPCeived Gpf(l.!unir.· to <'Xptn..nci: ~-o1
~m Wa:ii. Mct:Ov school c-f int chillt, ~1d everv :.!t.:d,wt
fn the w,nter camp en,1<>.·e<! umpus .rtd lhf' Yl'OftT.lms lhtY stl up for rt:em. ·They marve1,t1 the 1Jn1vers1:y faetl1t1ts and u nnR MSU ~un; W.1:ng said ·Hwy ar.o tnioytd good com~n;ts wuh s1uden1 illds. They seemed !O enroy th(' Clark SIUd('nt Center and what 11 oflen. 1., uu dents.· In !he rNO week.~ :hev were m the arN. 1h"! srudenis we111 10 i D.tll.ts Mavl.'11cic5 ~'Tit . vlslttrl area hll!,h \Choo'.s and muted Sheppird An Force 84'~1' S1.1tt"l'n )'Ur ,)11 Chm~ hrgh
!>ChooI swdent ' .!t i Uld ht tnp,,·td lllS Urne in ,\r:u~nca ·re,,iplc arr kin I an~ fntnd!7; C:e• !..111'.1 · ne scl:.:,ols ir,- Iii~ a
lotd1ncrem Joyce, 10. abo s.i1d the school s~-stem wu very dlflerent than her counuy.
·1 en!O'{td 'ht Ameliun food and cuJrtJre,. Joyct ~Id. ·Thf' schools wne quttt dllftrtm. We stay m I.he s.imt cla~rootr: In ( .hina, bu! here ~tudentsl walk to dJNerent clu,s
rooms· Minr ol 1t:e s!Udtnts hke 1O'ft'ar "'d Jdfrt'Y ht wriuld dtHm!tly COl151d('t entolhng Ji Midwestern ·The envirornntm and people wtrt' all fn,rnlly and 10 us,· h, S,JJd. ·11n Amenun SChOOkl, Wt t:a ,,. enoup_.ti tlmt 10 utk to teKh e~"
CH_INESE pg. 3
"'(11011V...t;r""Ct(01S'"' ..,t,111A.' i
Sui.,J11M101Non Mfltlle b 1prt1udNS1111fwho'-"11 't11Htr....._lfl•,--otMSU. De""""nityeaisl• M ._ In tttfWII lllck h1to colt1111htr 1M Hrnd l1ot11 d1p11111on 1M ,-le lftKkl t.llowi11t ti1r m,.on·1 flllltl.
Student finds finanicial assistanc~, guidance After battling depression, senior finds her way back eRITTNl:V COTTINGHAM EOITO..•IN-CHIIE,
studen: IS gjvmg back tri the university aher Mid western mistea her whtn Silt nttdtd It tht mOSt. Aher 1he death of her ,1eps,on la.sf Augu>I, senior J.inna Dalton
WJSOll thin Ke "Om the ~\Jmme;, I h~ a Vtl'V tuumauc t\'ent in my
lift: she :.aid. ·M1 stepson Bret WJS killed 1n i lh!f't<ar collis1nn on Su1e Hi~w,w 121. In iti.1 same month, sh, -.YJS dlsmlue:1 from her )Ob •t a loci!
"'Nl:11• ""'-'' f-lMSl""°"IAA
0.-W.CW...,MSU l111tir11uonalrnurd1aNlplMM11f11, ,.....fof• pimrlwflhfflliefltl: ll.._,1Y....,fln. .._:flrltltstuu1111fr-Cflrn1.
The ~n;c artac~ bec.ime overwhelming.. Her drpr~10n rtachtd an all ome !ow. -1 Sli!I 1tioupJ1t I CCIU!d com pltte lht stme1te1 so I rurranRf'(I a few ctuseson ffi\' schtdult, bu1
I ~t•n.ed having pank atticks and Sttpe,1 lnto a hui, depres.s1on: she said. "I thOught I would
h~vf' been capable ol hindlmll my work.lOid. but the psycho logKal efftclli on m~lf aod my family Wert 1m - - -
M on '"'
dropped ~he out of school
wJS my source of Income,· sh(' ~id · 1 hlid depended upon Uus
}oh for neulr tm years to suppon my family. h was scary btmg with no rncomr • Dallon was released from tht Helen Fm·
"I never thought t><, c'""" r>ccem '" and MSU would hed, me ber wu out, but after Q I 've aUowed 10 been through, I'm so !'or:'.' · M y glad they did. "
rh~·,~.::;s~ nervoos
down m tarlv Oc~~~'J5
OR::;:K'--, S:,:O.::;Cl;;:Al.::;W:.:; _ _.::;SE;;;N:.:;IOR;;,
dened that I h~d to drop 0ut dur mg tht fall ~:mtsttr bf'cauw I
wa.s )() c1w 10 gra!tuatinR..- ihe S.lld. ·1 1ust did Ollt ha·;e any o:h er opuon Two month~ later, 01\r()n !ound hel'S('lf ar H,len l·arabef> U-nters in North Tcu s to rrct1ve lttatmen: for itr depres.sion ;ind • VJltl "I Na).lt mvwoo! wtien I losl m~· ,IOO at Dtnnv·s btnuse th•I
doctor re :~~; b;:
to work uound the nrst w~k of Dectmbtt and then he IOld mt •~ long as I worked ~rt ume 1har he would rtleast me 10 alll'nd Midw~em anm, but I owed a balancP from dl'Qppin11. OUI the previous M"mf>\ll't. whl.:h kepi mt !tom btini;, ib!e 10 ~tr.· HoweH•r, Da.llnn. whO !S ii firs1-genm11on college student.
~~mrus Voic~
, .J
wich· 4114Q
Scouts should allow gay m~mbe~
s....1 ~~~
...... Anderson, suppor11 Obama 1nlti1t1ves Proud Slf• Space memHr, pro,....,r
You CAN BE. CaAl 1t.J
u::~ PEoPL~
T~t SoYSc.o\11', NOW...
UltJ 'T JUST 81:
~t~:~na:'tl~~m~~ .:-'
f<I> \)n rrtsldtnt J f\,Had: Ob,lma
l!'lf!roltmodeltlP~:~;tal;~ ~ncl~: ~.:~;.~ion and m011 pt>Op!t u anoO-"t s~
~y~tt.Ss~,r : an orpntzauon
should bt al
o;t w11h ttlt t!"nd 10 rt'<'OgJllZt _ And rson said Pt'
but It •« t.1t, ··~
wt11ch rvtrybod,· to, Sc()Uts' d«IS!On u
lowed lri lht foondtd ln 191 Q ror iht prrvtn for our )O('LefY to t.i.r~ ~ Boy Srouo to lty !0 children. Today II hanJ~. C0fflptOm!S" Cf! •• f end long•ht:ld ~u:;~ ,;,ay pcoplt and other <amt opponun111tt •,•• ; u cluoons ol mln<lnl~. llihO nttd support IO ,md adult mmortoo. The s-.11 ._c..., Anduson tn,(\.,~-,.. achlt\'t tqt.11! nghts, propos,al opt'A.S Smet SoyScoutS announ«d up a dtsc~ to thb week's Boy acceptance ol pv'. no1 on Scoots' naoonal ,ucut,vt t,o,l'(l Andtrson I) s.Usfted with wt d1rte wouJd hkt 10 hi•,.. J 1~, • mttl!nA,
·:_ lM: :i~~->Ul:blt::.~ ,~•,.:._
which L\ ~Ing 10 be vcte<I
onln ltus.
Patrlm Anderson. aswciJtt pro
fNW for counsehn!' arid sptcial education, prot1dly p~nts her Safe 5pKe: nn her offict door. He-r offlc, loob uke a cozv and ca.bin with booU 10 tht cell
mind iiod the cou,"1• ..
tlon mis $1X'let'I' is htading. exceyt for tht vrri conservatJvts who rtaf· ftnntd the no gays polKV ol tl'lt Boy
have htlptd 'J.>V Pt!"~ • ytars to µ in rt"ipectf~ -...,
Scouts iust S('Vtn months ago
Scouts now. t>ut on the other side onlvont, 'Nho1sl<><,if.!•i'' •
in~ 1/ld Old, comfy chaUS A Lunp not man,· 11,,1v people bt'twetn !lit Ullllts warm llglu on the: SlgJl, "You nav, 1he t1ght ID NOT rtm:illln slltnt. · agf1of 10.llld
· n:t pr~tnt ISICUngas a post
tMugh ~) ~- •
Good that the txtcurh·e txN.rd nol ot)taintd lht samt -,~.. changed thtit mmd. t'lfTI 1houll)_1 ] l'kld, every ~ttp I~ ;i ~·": ·" am • lmk concerntd aoout the Girl acrtrtance And I hv..-, 1,. rainbow cookl!S na1,
emphiSIS on equal
ruiting the
A smile on yourface can change the da
•Jttllo," "How are your and wPar- could tell her moo:i 11+3 Wn comp!t'.t ,, consldu don mt, 1~1 to namt a few. An'1 on~ other lht world and Ille pt<,p" t' 1 the !Jct that Ille mus,s rte1pron1ed and I tven scortd a cc..;, you that suggesti:iR no1 rm Nov.· a htt!e polllt pons rrom her 1hat a C',6··· nm. kindness m~I have: a full·blown hurt I0·ht:ar! . ltl't bthmd and common w11h tvery stranger 1ha1 passn you Now I woold llOI di..~ dec,ncv can by 1nor would I recummend ll• .use do wondtrs for your 1udl!JT)tn1t. bu! evtn the anv;, nietst peMn in tht we.(-: vour own U1d toothltss !Ady .at the bakerv lumtd comt close 10 claimmg L'll your fellow hu a complete 160 in mood u I slmply epuomt of cllis aid m;u•,. 11.cti ll•d ah.ze vulgamy is my Jl('Y,· mans' /perhap! said, "Hello. how are vou 1odavr lht mos1pan. wl\f'n I ~sed by the counttt a comptttP sir11ngtr'sl psychn? Howt·iet, lchallengt n, wilS she what stopped evtn Sht Afltr trud,.!ng through Wal man, I dKl<kd that I would put my New doing and offered me a cookie! I to lfY 11 loda•; I llo nor n art or wh111 ·,-ou are , you any 1 1 w1tho1. !Q'attfuhy. acctptl'd, Yt11fs 1tsOluUon to use
R f!Vtr
Tuition may increase Student leaders should fight to keep costs low OUR VIEW: Student governmenl offic1a1s need to spend more lime worf'V\ng about ways to kaep twtron and lees low and less time vo1mg on useless lt gfslahon. de somt 00 student sen.11ors sat round Ftb S waiting for university President Jesse Rogers to SPtilk. they SPtnl ..htir tlme ~Ing spelling errors on the 11genda thal was pro,iem,:i on the wall. Then rh~ welcome Rogtrs with appl11use, wh,ch Slltnces quKklY after Rogen takes a fee: bill
o:.n of rus jacket pocket and starts ralk.Jn~ about
tuition. The~ news· The bill students recef-;e !n the fall 1s going to be Dtuer organized withou1 Ustlng 20 dlfferen1 fees for utllltlts, llbrary use, the Well ness Center or fhe l,i,'i(IJ/tin. f'he b.1d news. Tuition mlgh.t go up. Ro&ers tned to explain lhe bid news. In short. the H.izlewood Act does 00111Uow school~ to charge tuition or ft!S for veterans or their spouses. lo fund the Hulewood Acl, tuition costs might Increase by 3 percent nexl semester unlts.s the 1exas Higher Education Coordlnallng Board and the Tex15 legislature nnd ol/ler sources of fundIna. MSU could tost S1 mllllon tve:ry
semtster because ol this acl. Of course, veterans shoold be honored, bul W!Cf
lht act a.ISO includes their .spouses, olher
students wUI be required 10 fund their education. Rogers p0l11e!y polmed out tha! lhe stale a.I· ready pays for 20 percent of e\·ery student's 1U1tlon and another 20 percent is CO\'ered by donors. Even lhe good news turned Nd. Rogers Sil.Id tht intent 10 ~lmplify the s1udent fee b[ll and not disclose the de~lls of how the fees are being spenl Now, for example, 1he: student fee bill shows that ~tudenis spend SSl for the 1echnology fee. SSO for athlellcs, S4o.SO ror a ~ludent services fee .1nd S24 to fund the l!branes. Under the new sys• tem, studenis Would Just see a total and admlnls traiors, as Rogtrs said, could move monies around ·as needed.w Students deserve IO know where their money Is going even though lhe changes make ii easier for admlnlsttaiors. Rogers Lllktd for maybe S minutes. Then the student senalors went back to votJng on USf'!ess legislation tha1 would have little Impact on anyone. Instead their Ume would be belier spent uytng 10 nnd ways 10 increase administrative account.ab1hty, cut coSIS and keep lulllon low.
Th.s yur I win chomt 10 ketp a shame ll!H I was illont, Wl{'1oUT my sm.Jlt on mv !ace 1r.d a fntndly word 2 )'tU'(N(i son !Who usuaJIY gNs lht on my tongue. when I would have RJ)Ods at tht cookie coun!tfl I fi,:uttd I 'NO'.Jki try this profound u~u11Uy talller h,d my m}dd!e ~nRtr m tht ur, and date wmeor.t to cue methO<: o: '.lptrauon WlCt' •~n. n I ~ through tht cramped aisles Ms eyH ill m, duttng.such llmts. What would normally havt bt:tn and made my way to lhe chtck,out a torturous banlt ol groetrf carts as I apprOKhed vet another wumpy· amongst a sta of barga1n·shoppmg f.acN1 ClShitr Afit:- maJ{lng lner.iUy lht weak dronts tsuch as myself!. I chose to sm11t to thost .around mt and s.ay tsl m ourn Qf fnendly sm.iU talk, I
Tuesifay, I was approached to donatt blood on Then, thtY told mt I could have .i shin - " umpu.s. Of courst without a doubt I ~ 10 do so wa.s gomg, to makt up for them not allo-.i.>:-ot ~ b«ac.1w It benefits not jus1 me. but It could S.\'e a hfe IP,Vtblood. I u,en s.i1d l have spem far too loog lytng~ I then Statttd the ptoel'SS ol lllling OUI lnfonnilUOn sexuaUty and I wrn not do 11 1ust for K' I'. and gtlling ready 10 donate. Thttt was a qurltlonnalrt: Wlth lbout 40 orso odd that wa\ 51.lpposed to brt for I good caw qutstlOIU abool my health hb;tory with ont pirticular I wou)d think wuhsuch a di\'ti"SC untren.-.t question about sexuality tr-"I havmg peoplt on campus thal d!SCr.'tt.a't I did not lie and I pu1 down that I was a P'/ malt. for what you art would not ~ppen. Soon after a outse came over and 1,,11 dov.1l at lh, But I guess I was wrong. <omputn, W uktd mt a,aln about my stzuallty
I conflrmed Um 1wa.s In fact a py male:. h WU then lhllt lhty !Old me I WU no! golrtg to be able todon.ite because of who I am
Does the Artist Lecture Series provide speakers you are interested in?
· Yes and no, I feel like some of !hem I would go to
·Not ryp1cally, no A lot more people on campus would be interested if it wu maybe, not necessarily someone super famous or big, but perhaps someone wtio Is at least known outside of WicMa Falls •
bttng • httlt bu mcer 10 a..-:· son 1od1y and ll!Sl Stt What r WIil btt )'OU all o! It m your car coMO!, lNt c pt-op!,· wu! rnpcnd ,. • :: rrv 11 out! 11know, I t,.., me lnus .I'm pul!m~ -r • ltm.crulsers and hea: ..-: ..._ there m a bll !or roun.! :,·
Blood drive refuses to accept gay student's blood
)[;/jfl~ w:
but I do not have time. bu! tor 1he most part I am CAITIJN WAUACE. SENIOR. EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY
· No, not re.1Uy... l'd rather have more musicians More modern music. Not rock bands, bul the kind of music they play II lton Horse.· EIUCI( GOmA. SOPHOMORE. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
WYes •.. I went 10 one ol 1hem last semester. It was a book lecturer I think. somathmg like that ·
,.~.......,,., _______ ,...,...._.,._.
27 _ _ _ _ _ ., _ _ _ ,. _ _ _ _ _
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m ot704 Ml: [0.01)97 ~70'.)
Nf,,.') Daa. 10401
Fu l0.40)lQ7 &0l5 ·~~~.fd,1
editorial board EDITOUN.CHIEF: Brmnev Conlngtam MANACINC EDITOR: M<ib\1ll Kmnty OP,EO EDITOR: Smh MusctMol SPORTS EDITOR: Ori1ndo Aom PH0To EDITOR: timWOOI U't
IUSINESS MANAGER: Ptultlp Mundlnt WU EDITOR; CMitn Bunoo COPY EDITOltS: Kelly Ulln1t, Ma:iorv C.nnr,nst i CONT'RIIUTORS: Courtnty Bttu. Ruth Blac~. John!!\' 8itY,!l1, N I< Shelby Dnts, Altm Gar. ShilllCe Glovtr, Slyr Htra, [tlun MtlCI~ ,.••. Morain, Coo)> Pa."Wl, Ulurtn R~rts, ltb,h 0mm. Or,~ \', ;..~ l .. Wnnklt-,JtnntU Wllitttt
DIUVUY: 5.riil., AWla:nov ADVISU: 8~
pAJ,TON pg. I
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• ' •• ,.~ L••1kj,'P lhfn too\ 11
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.,_ ~,r 1,t."r, tl'll'C'.l~t1):111""' \up "'1",..,r\. ,t.t wa, "'~" f'> rl't lfl" :-1Jrir rtttdtd v.1ih t~t Hnarl(1a;
,:;,'t"'C, Kc ·t,
, · ,r,.. r,.11,
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\\\• ne t>.u1ullv " ~1rct /or 11.'"l'• t~it\'. • <aid 1.J.u htrada
nr~ Mldwt"''M"n·, Unn~ popu
t..iun ·\•;, ~11/'d a n•Jmbf• ot m~uL M N ol h,1,,tit'f ,•duu1h:.,n tn n·•lu•
=~. •ac::: .......,....
>o1td :n 0~1:.,r.·s US#' Stu
r'' "i,;!)?":-'
Scrv (ei. WU ab1t
: : ::
fi:-1 :,,r Wllh IU',: •nd \'atlous •:tbfO?S m.11 covtrtd le:•min~
~· tri..ncldl i1tcr•cv •nd 11m<'
•]/ 1,·,
111!!men1 mill1~~·ru•n1. took a tnp 10 Lhr::a ror rt:t\.mn11. purJ)O!oot) t11 m
--.?I'!'. dtrt"CICf O! )ludtri1 ~1:ppon
.., IC
As o1 ffN ~tnrratl()ri ,e>!l1>~• ~tu deni. Oiltc,n ~ltd he: IS !u bt' tht llrsi ptMn m h,r f;,mlfV 10 IU.W
-.a:d lr,:trr.~r,or.•t "u lt ~l' , n'T?r,n.,f'
•rd P;, m1: ,;.rnJtnb d!~ l f/l', l'l'\11\ -•J(tlT'.tnl. Af•. 1 \ omti:t t.•1)1. t,"r 1,,nd(•">,:J•du coun~ •ntl tn hi''l' f,ti•nd a!t·,· \t.r 'S!:,;!tn!s haw tht U~b:lir,· IIUI)... .Wl<t ,tit port M\U lo, bo'-,n11 ~ ,~'11)1 !,) lllt a·r ,ltpN m ,CfC.t to tl'e MaG•h.a bu1ld1n11.: uate: wrlh • ral:t$:.r drt,7tt Ir, Jltt>M WadtJAlt •c/"vt,I j \ • !.1r.S r ,nu.1:1or w , chroui.hou1 ~hW •lh ,b • Slaff fflttt W1th · 1 1rurv •m proud lo llt • MSll l h" Ot:im•\ r,r. ktni;'I 8:vl1 11 \11.1Wt )ll'rr hln 1hvJVh ,ti<· ,: :1 rt(,'Nt ) - ~:'JdtillS •nd let Whfre ~ y s1uc:en1an,1 • I\T'! r.-ntrat.on p.ridu now rJvir:.i ~udenrs .i 10 r,extnt # ~ wtia: lhfi' !If'~ Our RO.l rs att." )hr ~;d . I hi\"t wutked nal'l1 discount (In •ll 11en1\ tA \h1w,m; 1our,1·un11. lrll:n ll.e ll< k>n f-11,1btt ~1'){;::, L, .tcadtr!IIC F,OOd U.tnd to show m,· <h1!11ren 1h,1 11 ral:M a 1,1\c,, ""J<'nl U, h e , i, 1n1 ,t•fl 1 rn:f 1:., D:.:to!' ._.. J jl')p tr 11,r v·t, 01'llr.f of rttrr.iion w11r: the Rood t'duo:, n lo , Ji:cm u. bit.· ~·•-: tnn~ • ~n;c IJCICCI :.tub lrvm ,tru~,~. ~I), I'>~, ll·.irrr J ~ •' l l rl ' 1 a' pi' o' warfo.tlJOn. • lo ~Vt back 'O a -.(fVIOl 11'1•1 had •nv .1ll"!e11< l'\ t'nl aM a1...-. 1"l'C"t •··"' 1\ ht-Ip •1:..' uiei, !,.: ,r,,"" 1,·r,o •· ►. J,1~1!. i)a:lt'n 'il1d l~ 11 wttt 11<>1 for tht ~vtn htr w mu~h. na11un w.d ~ rhe l i!>t0!lf1l :,nmt oJ !/ii !hin,t., rl;,1r hAv, 1f,$.I .kt' Pen,· (;nne:r, univ-:>rsity beRan c:i-,11,r.11, a run::l~!\er tl',m "0•1 ~m,. J .1~-s we art' bu,;..u MtJWNl'rn
}'(f(t r. t of M11Nf','tr•,\ \ fU dl':ll t,011v, t1t:1b-.a1::J · H•vm1• • rot1:i•1 1nttrr;,1,rt0•l nirit
\It.:·~• 4 ! p1.,w•m :l ir:• t it !:':!'r! 0: ' ,., l Ulll'V -.1,.•1t :i:, to •hr ~ l.4:11t• •atl1 "rl.t f !N1 OlJ lfl , .r.;i.anj "nd rc:'ir.,. riur c>/ ' fil' WP! '1. no1•, :d1• 1,i i!l\t:
.-. r,rlrl
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t ons l'I P')S,d!e ~m,l'~hlP'... l~mti tn•I...111:;::~o:;:;.~: ~~ ,;;~ .-.c,iv"" lrH tlntfll 111 .,,,..,1,n ,Mwfl,11 !hey c.... 41ne w,cll 1M11 lflNlfl11 ID
...., . ,. o.•.,.,. . •Mftl 11WtM1 ' '"' ,-,u1114KcHIIC
1 ·.t,:,·
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l ~rn:.. ,.,c,.
i;r..,.1dtn1 of , tul!rr.: ~11~1r,; ~nl! tn
'~) ,,~ well a) lht ·,• have dlffl
!1 oh•dt or th• dmroom \tan
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'1•· Olli\• i"I contnuf Ll~ ('(fl r,.,fl'lf, Jn1 ;n:11·c.1I :, w ~ prl'fnt :'l
bi- ,-,,, .t ~· ;,;.1h •t,r •1e1or·r ,: 'll'
t~l 'If
n~•.: f,, _.,<1
\\~n;,• ..a 1 U,,:ir;i• tdtlC,'!IIOn •,1,trm\ h,,1·,•t a /f'r,' ~11(,d tr:'lpha~lt' 1v0 mucn ,'!C•dtmK accorm.,-l.shm1 n1 • P,f' ,\mPTIC;!!' ' 1ul•ltv n Wl
'l'rr.' ha·,,. • w rv i,.- 0-•!1 l!mPha~,c (In 'N rr.wun,, rn:-111:·in t,ll.O~ ;ind ,11l'lr: ~~ •!t , ,-,11:.,· l,',u ,1: ,.,,J L.lmtl \.i,1 1t:t• r..,, , ·•• I PJ!:Ui~,
carr;11'.lt"'> • 1..,mt <,a,d ·~ lntnf-\1 tr, ,tu1!'t:t~ !C\'Oh"" I -~-lnil 1' ~l •ll"r.'!i}' 1') lunh, : )Ml~ h J' ;,-,,iJ t 1'1 S : ,:l.1 1r:~11tu!,ons •11,tr,:f"/ •h., m,\\ · ~.t}·\ mtrr-:auQn "'-•JtHI 1nl chin~ ...litt'S ,lid n ' l lhl :,f ;1• •1.,dn , Im~ •tri 1 1 rhi t111ld ln ' fl'!' hn:r ,. ,.ncr U,. Jt-••h .t <!udt nt j'.,l,)pJi, :vr. 1,-. r. '"I 1h1\ ah•r 1v.1, ,·uil••f,111(1•,-::i h,•1 ltlft{r;fo t i nw 11,,-...,:i I w-t ,~,e t, v boar'~.., \N to ! er.n A·1U tht; )Vfe-1 ~ 1 w,,: ~ct,:r.• l• tt." !rlg. l)t.t: ~,, 1.-r.r
, 1t:.-
bu,mes, o~c,. Ult
.-;-.~W~ !:'ICJ.w,,; lhlSM"fflffit'I 1111~ -♦ ..p tu nn.t! ve•r
•t !he htlp
thro ..r)1 !":t· t:np'Clyc~ O,,nm s l>y subrr>rn no; J lt-::tr IQ •hf °'-nnv') COtJ)Or.)!t
ore, e JM-Cnbmit her story
now t..-.-. u.r- we d,.cnunt lht •,1thc11t :Kket \f1 m ,.,.• ;;~r 11 t,,·I~ tf'o1 wm
muni1;a, w,.,I M•~
•nVt'l'1t'\\ tth
ind tht- ..:1.111tnbu1mg fam>r ,\\ldv,.-r,s,
tfU.~',\,•,:d/ ~he ~IC. ¥But 1 'NlS
ern pl•vtn Jut1n~ hmts ("If ,truM,fJt
C1lCm,· !)a1trr,~1d
w:cit1 •; some of the rtmarub:e
•Df-r-,m 's hiS brtn • rrma-'.-:able company /or m, to -A-Ork lor ~ • s1u ~, 1!1.0:it)'I •bot.It
l..ou J l)cmiy"\ rmr:oyru w1:1 •OO be v.ur nR M~U t i,:1n~ ~,n ~mt' J•·,.._, to f<l:-Jt,r ~•111PO:t thfo
· : .-,ii,,1'1
,,,,. !h!I did so mary dt!lete:nt
,..~"]~ -
dent. D~lOfl s.a:1::I
g.lmt• 1·1 ltl
Oti r('\.flVt'
1hr di~
<>ti 0 •1t ~ <h;n.1 i u:i1y. w 111l II~,., •li-rp on •nr IIOl"\I [1111:n Wt r.,i c1
'1UD t~"l"Y 1.1\', r
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:(,n""f 1-.l'lt ll'l1'"1 f1,1 1,11,-,,L~ h £JU,I' 0
~'<lu OOn't Vlow ,I •n, "''" will bt httr tn:nnnuw •
"hi' Wl,flj'\ r'IP"J
Xr Lo l\t'll
•1f I .ITTID \.1;1
Vn dergraduateresearch is an inquiry or investigation onductedby one or ore undergra.~uate students.
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:ion pl.Ml. In lht mun:
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Saturdays 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
ot Publlr Llt:tra! Am , a i.l•n has t.frn crt•ttd to .indtl)IJ.ldUalr r•.c•rch \at ot !ht' m,1c1 f(J(u.\f'S ol CO
~ f,otJn<il
,c IS t.fldttfJaduatt
_ ...•••~~ ~~c"~ k940.696.9229
llifJ [l.'Klw ol Undt tR.r•duaie Sfu
1beuch h-UFaly Rincon Lach• ~~td 1ht plan must be .11dap1
be known •\ IJrdrrgr•du;He Rtsr,mh
tllf I JEP 'NIii
\ inrl~
,1•1\•nd Crc.-au,·r Acfrnue, 1bs I\ an uorinP. opponurnty
,I '!
MlONNtem. II\ Volflll 10 toe .. OfpOnUMV tor •II of )'OU,. Zlch1ry~1d.
' I
of liquor. beer.
UIRtl.A will p.:ur stud('nt> from d~ .:illnrs with • faculty t r.~~1:1r,yan::hac11vl
' '' l••W«{JA,1< r.- ..• ••\
Al T.-.y't SMl!lf hffrMMM AueicMiell ,-.u.,_ 1111mlr,ity ,ruilltftf .lnte Jl09ffl -'i.cvise1 ,ouiblt , 1,m ol lullion
iflc,.... ........~
rt~t' OfP,l(IUntlt-~ 1_1 11(! t ,\ pr · w e ",.. ~•:lit to L, l fM"tif'_;arm nppor·un111e~ !{,• yr~, :o tn ·:11M n•·lp:, .....uh 1011'/J•<T•lfl ll",' t't' r, urch t n . ,•ooi, , 1.nitro•m•r.~ •i-!.it•n: .... quai n,;.h ~ r. '1}'1/' prr,j lM' p,n.,;.n on C(tm;t rt:on 0: ,.,.,.,!'fl \'ll'1f'nH,nd fac 1!1, . , wc.-1r J ' tk•·:N,· R1fl(ull,;,,..1 Kt, m,den'\ mmr s/UJ't rr.tlr u El/Rf(.A WIS rht ,o,:s fo• ~iJ e,,,:wtt-i MIM'S,e- ono:r.rl,I•. pe,ntr.<~ an"l r.ndm~ in • ~;ui,m1 •,Ju>:. S-llol1 /it W,U\h fr l r ;::uc.1·• ,)l 1iscrr1tr, \f"•re. t:tpivte, ro d:onb Joru/11 po:1nu.11!, ~••1Jent~ ,,n CA'llf>l.b aOOu1 ·t,:~ nr··,, ·,111::Jtn·, w1Jt ti"Ctive a ~t1ptnd1 think cmio!ly. rxpr~ p·v~Ul'T" IDC!U!ll! 1 a"''"'''!~ ~ · ' W 11 -, ... •\ rf'l(V•ni mor" le•mm~ rr..ikt um of S2.000 IN U't opp-,~uniir M tirt :t.o•:,.uds or rvi,r-., t:1:-,:11"'1 u rrl':ne wn:tn~ lnd oia! (kJli\. dO rrw.irch,~ R,nlon heh.arr SJld Panrc:rJ:1\\ mn
i war1td up
S2,000 !or )'JPP!tl'$ •n1 iuvrl l'll
ror rn,
nus prottum cs o.'kred ,., an;• 1rndai.1:adua:1 ~r.iJi'nt, bm part1C1 pu1,m ,, n01 •r--qulr<'1. ~111'>f' only iw~wi ,.,::t;,,'J!' .ire a\·atlati!e
~Ultrl!Uft ttl,\ U'i ur;i:lr· )IJ"ai:lu•t, r(";(U(h h•~ oln ir.-,pw vn
fltJI ''l \:t.dtr-"
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4 M
. N Geo Music which di• FAST FACTS, In 2011 Grupo F1nt11m1 won I Grammy for their Htf•productd rtlHH El bitlefftlll on I I I ilcation." I •Latin Wall Streit Joun11I called ·tatin mu11c bolh new and traditional... wibr1n1 fusions thal tr1nsctnd tHY c ' " music btnh flt'\VJM 1rad1l10fldl , ,brant !,,~1vi1~ L~at •,,1n~ffld f'a~ f laro;1fiwhiln· WJII Street Journctl I
Grupo Fantasma returns for lecture serie~ Grammy Awardwi1111i11g, le11-pi,ce
Latin ba11d Performed in Akin Auditorium .• y,, ... $ T"Ar, WR1tf.fll
...... ....
l .,))(>,Tltl
.... n,.:rntngn-q,cinwrrom 1:, t.ut
ptt\. U).Sll)fll)l mlrodu(ft:I
p.>t.r•n Nn,• <1nJ j'tl\'tJ ,1 Ulun ru \,c,n I\I \W, ~1.,nl., mfffllA\11' And mf\H:-Tl <urr.l:,1 m1..~1e ~ Plit uf the: A.rhl (t'(lutt \tt•~ sn Ak!"I A,u,],l (I
tn1!.t'a1.1wd · w,·tt• ~nito turt ,un th~ rw• r.,na l'vtt"fbo</',',. I ~ltll'fl '-lki. Hon n! bu p..•11 pinl , pu,p~. Of I i ;t, l'tifo"IW and b1•1t Jl!K""<i Kt0~1~ tht ~~f' Jt,11'1\l lhf' CDllrt ptrfor
c,,:1..n \J I ho' ;uJ1ionJ,n ~ ,..._iy IIUN m:.11:td .audlffl«' of l.11lf\ mu >Jo. fa°' ~t.iJfflf \ 1'11J l>I .a~ ol tht n1:l'l),U:°t'1'
.,.....,._.r.......,;..,. h ■-
lf...,...,.••-■lill liaMI..-■
"41 ( ..........
...,,th I
!Ct'l"'lt public Th,, ,UIS OC(Ufltl'd ~ c. ·owd of ! .,:rv .:u,11.1rn ,~r~ri£
, ....., M11v..
•"'* •
lJ.1,1utfl111 Ito,
What are the requirements to become astudent ambassatlor or peer counselor? 1.C.......-••--_..c ........ • • alJIIN~• • , _ . ~
,...., ,,_ _, II hftftll'latl .
w.... . ....... ,.,.,........... .......
,.c.......... 1
NHl ll . . t.11_...,:
" tb " N191t,vt, d lude1s
..,,,_._...........,..C...,..wtltcllc.,,... ,..., ,
b Musttnt1sRaav C f'ltrul'/01y
d A.lloflll, 100\"1
5. Mew .-ch c..-....,t If M$U __. llt c-,1...11,. .,,1, I
b A!leut~h.ill'(l'at:I t Al1tutoney11r d Al ituSl l'WO Ind ti1ll ye111
, wti.11k dle~........, _. ,._.c~..•, 11hceftefl4Mlli11e7 I f1bfu1ryl 1>
c f lb1u1ryl II f 1b•i,1ry,
! h,o
b.lrid IUdtr; smttl ,nd lht ~ p
,., 10lo'ITUfl«I lhf' corut.trll II ','ft1m
ltir •m t f1h.1ncM mood \\-lien th"V did n0t play a,! of tht m\trum,nt.\ l,rl uni'-"'!, 1he bind sht""-C~ <11f1,1,n! ,i1•tu , '1m"fl ~ bU:SI ~ - But. Uwrt 'NU m e.')' m.,,,,. .1 POWlt wtltrt .1 rnlllkiln ,.,,. noc \.J\6PO ~'wawn., lta1W'fd inltN contribullng tomthow, bKluw .IH mtnts (tlNIMing ol a U\lfflptl. trom muskwn ~g btcqrnuOO "°'.Its ~ . blmOM suopttorw, lhrtt dif- whtn ttin- -Ntrt no1 pl,ylnR !Mir
Wnn1n1l' ◄'In 1n,,11
tll"' ....1.1\ II Oflf' yQ1fll ol tht )hOW H1J'wl) lhfOlJ,;t't rh, ,now. 1hr
bt nd ff ( Ujl;Tlllt'1 Mall)ly R ncim ha~f'(. t>:11.<lfY profP'UOr ln<l 1he 11ndtrg:Wu.11e s1w1en1 rt ..t.1rct1, who t,11, ~ n with M \ 11for ll <Nr>. , , • "''' · rrnrr~ r ,,re ran in WKhll.l 11111 - A:, ) ht mt! C..n.po r11rKlflr rit
hnwm•on~. c.mannpmcnt fd ht! l l'>kffl o( lhtlr gra!llud-.
on umpus Since the .ltld txtrovtntd but 1t1n· rto nttd 1a 1070's Tbt pfffllg,ous lfOUP clstu- hlvt enou~ cor5dtnee to U com
tivtly work.rd
Y'fflll "NI~
STAff WAlTl:ft
Tht ~IUdtffl Dr,·t)oprnrnt ind Onmllt1on OMc.t n appb c•nl.S for thf pcwuon o! s1u,Jtnl ;r,m ~ and sp1nt days pttr co11n stl(Jf, Stud,nl amws.sadm and ptf'r
CO\JnstkNl pt'OTTIOIC lhc !Jnlvcrsnv 10 prosptCUvt "udtnts, 1ncomm11 " udtnts .1M 1ht CM1mun11v. Cammie Dun. dtreaor of sruJtnt dfVtlopmen1 Mld ontm.1tion cJhc.ts, t>tlds 1his mrmtsn~ process
\.'I.,. Slid Ult CW!kt ,,1 Slud,nt llr :•!opmcnt .1M t>r1cfllanon fNT\Jll' ,1ud(>r1ts 1(1( tht- PO\ll!<ofU Ind tilt Jrpar m,m h,c., 11, ' "Pla,c, thuse Rtil1uatc1 !,111 201 l ,mn 1t-.w, wh(I w,n bf' .r;r,duaunR \pnn,. 2013
...___.1r,-~llf1 1 ll'SGPA b 1..5GPA e JOGPA d 20GPA
\,.14',.tlt't 0YI M ) IIJ" / ~
).OfHJ ltl.r ,~, 1w,1rd wmrnng h•c
·H I u ,1t'nti.1I" 1"'1 tttlr -.' fn.lOO of 1/t l<.183 faikJna tlnrt-.vinJ, "Sum na l\own t~ II~ • A.llollfl... P"'(f'tri-'i''t1~'1,~ •,•ol,1rr~ up t.,a1 I l fln rh·r nm, 1,mpc.• whtch ~ w blrJ nlt'mt'lrr, dlll(mK anti ml)vlf",l tht, r htl'1l l0 lhf' bfats unl!l \ U<.MNI ~u~
&-<1u\t thtf¥' wi, 110 1 rnoullh room for aurt1,n1, membe" to,. trorn u,,.., v.i•\ <,olk.1nl'l go( {ht cro·,11d ,nlnp b',' ,.,lhf'r d appm& 'ltsdt.i~t1CU1 r h1n::t< lo,t<hff, »g ,n'm)l ~ I t rc.i fehu-" h,~ It~ ftlt' 111dlt'fK'" d.lJ'f"'d d l)r!Jt IJid mort 1h,•1 ~"" P,-'IIJ:•t' t"-'lftk d th,~ ptr
Applications are being accepted for student ambassador and peer counselor positioRS 1
••••df'r ,,_ f,J.I I p11I '· ·c, :0. 'i•ntf ·Ju• f'lt!l.i"111.. I"'" •'"I 1• Jfk. 'hf ' ........... •wdo" , .... c,,, ••, " D· ,il'llt•I .,...
' t1'!t'f"f
ff'l'ffit llntk r,I l Ultln., :.t utt J,n...,, drnm !>fU and dltf,r, nt ha!.d pnci.r.. :IIOn lni lf!JnH'f\b Tht-y ptrli mw-,.1
Student development seeks employees
l'v .f J•11I.,.
t1l ll~rut llpr,•1 tlw ol 111• ~m~ , m ~.1!, I n,unnu• ol 1,upJnrr Ind ni..ilr1p!,lo con·'1'"'Q11...ns i,i1._,m,d 1hf< ..)l"ffl MNt 1Nn I S mkrooti01•s w•141ti,. ~IJ'f' ~ Wt-II ~ ti.and tuw rl) ,lf>,,! .....,,,. OOttln II t'Vfry 1,n.trum• nt st11J<>nJ1 rtr~r11:o.1Jot thfl)!'tll'lf n1,i"t' A~ tht ,voup t.f m.>rt ll1.1n
P,r t:nmm'I' A».·lld .,,, nrun,:. ' t :'! fH('('t hlnd, (.rupo hn1UJl1,1, " rn ;,rtrfom, aflr .ri ovtr
.....,,,e,,u,,o·" " WMte ........... AIINl•t..ctw.
frun1 "-'l<ln
~<)( t our..t pttf counY!nN: 11,1in
1'1Al!i m Marrh Mitt Ap1il , 50 usu l !IY tbf ,ebni1r, l\,r rccruiung. ;1nl1 tor 11)'Um1t props, int~ tJlf'lr ~uons so th.11 rn,,v un do tflf11 1,umng ,n 'l.t ~m« ind bf rn.t,· loc lht Spint 11,~ f'V9'nts tn 1hr ttUTtrr."r.• Dt.1n
!'()I' ~"11"nl~ N'ftll)I. 1;ffku]ttf!S dtitrn-,!r?•nJ \l,''111 r()lt' l\u lhtm more, u h 1mpr,,un1 w un!k'rsl-ltld lhf'
lh!OUR,tl Wh!Ch ~!ud,nt
, mt-, !NOOr. and '-.~1111 f>a',') p,,-r "'unv-fors vat"i I>c'an ~ t•l 1h, l)"'tt I nunvlor'\ ,utntJ mort !lmt wurur.• speclft c,l}ty 'A-'llh ftnt 'ltU students Ind the r,61ffilS l..\ lht!r IJrgtt IUdltflCt A m ~ b,vt the opponuruty. ltl .lddHlon IO mftlJn~ w,tlt ~ 11vt to wort With g,Jnb on , ampus. >Ufh as pt"lJ)lr who atttnd ·tie pm$dt nt s si>fdal tvtnu., cur ,rr· (11., dencs and corrunun,tv mtm
~" rs •11Slllnl tht ornp~ Thtv work '1t1th a t r1>.ld r,nat of IMl\11d1,al~
iil' t'.b.i\'4(YI" tt• .-e- ~
tr1intd t.Xltru..i ,eh· t,.r , penOd to ttUT ,w'. niques (In fJVlfltt toti'\ •·~ t• unl\'tnlty. studtnlS Uld 1he commu welcome pmom or: campus.• ltadt't nltY. Student amb.lSAdors ut coo C S. C:ilagoda, .1 stmor in inter •Tht v "''II do l'-•'tt, ~ sldertd the facn ol the umvenity n.itlonAI rtl1tioos and pohtlc,I] sci mlnm~ wh,r h r1nll, Irr - ••• , and thtrdore, lht: po51tlon is not to ence, h;u betn a studfllt air.bis.sadof \,JI:.,. how to gJ\'t .1 tl'lt1" • -.. be 1aktn llgllltv. lor a rtw ynrs. <'NI~• ~d the With f'(~lrltliln .and ' hf f ·-rt1t:y lr11mct wilh nO( only po r rpenuKe bas W\-en h•m lhP Oflpot U lO Wh.11 ~tu::len,s '1ft.l ' ,,· rtntJal Sl\ldents; Duu uld '"Thry Iunity to give bick to !he llnl'lt':l'Sltv pr<1111R rev.istn1ion il"J £.. lit ibo .1 ~nt.1Uvt o( wh11 ·1ju\tw1ntcdroittt lnmorcwr1h lht'ir drst ,;f'~ f-<;lf~•• Dw \l . MSU has 10 otftr and the thing\ lbc uniVfflllV work and t vtrything, Mano,rez I ni.c L~l h&ppm hue • Calatod• $lid, -11 tw betr: gtlt d~I In t'duot ion Jt>1;1r<•: t ntly r-.tN~ ~ <;.p,nl OJ·, ?" Stnlnl IS l ~ bee.lust I l!fl to \tud,m ilmb1S work with a 101 wklt T'he gro,..rp tit., tft-· 0!> peopi, ~kt IMU\lmt'nl !or d,,·t.(11 •"~' 1v • .. II U\f'presldf'tlt llt penon.1/ skills ~ludenh to lum holJs d;f!trr·nt ~1 apph('(J be(,11i;y ,: " 11ft 10ni skll!J t\·tnts 1hroulth [ !Ob oppr,rtun1rv ,~ 1 ~1 ~~:n: ~;;, : out thr ~'tu ind pro,chrd bv rinr 01 :rt c::. wt volunittr for who haod illrt.ldy brf, I r«· ~hip and com CA-. OW ditfcrtnc t\-tnts selor.- R1mirt.: \id •i~t , .. munica!Jon skll~ DIRCCTDR OF STUDENTDMl Dl'MENT In t'1e :sc:hOOI and rnct allo~ you to r_rl't' 1 1/JtY can 111lhz,, ANO ORIENTATION omcu 1" lhl> commu incomm~ Pt'Ol)I" Yo.11tu-dunn{' Ind ifttr COlltlt(: M) • d1tlrrcn1 \~tis d·1Mg \"•t-· -.: ·s1ud,n1 ~~ in p,rticti lhll 11 llil1 helps VOil bf\<-. 1,r, pid up I IOl of r1celltm Ylilbi Sf'IM DAYS l"Ua COUNSU.DQ let \IUd('nl, pt:N:"n md OJ' )\l(h ~ being ~ 11 mttcmg peo SJ,tnt IR~ pttr COtJOSt.'~ JtUide ompu~ • r,k .111<1 SUMlllJt I conYtnallon 'Nl!h unlkr,,r1d.i1te "Udtna 1nd their Silty J\l()WTI, .1 :uflN - ~.~ mronr ~ ,u did n<>1 know 1.1nt11,...,o p,nents on <-p1n1Ot)'S.. fllan11te111en!. h1~ J~• k'•I" ·: s«r.,n,j\ ain A Jot t'IIQll"lle ind <:tud,r.ts lnttlbtcd In -'l'PlyillR ll pttf coun\('!of 1nj w.l rad1r~1 n0 p11a1J1y ,, 1tJ(i 1hr \On ol ln1 1hr pos1t'<'h, ,hou(d haw• :i minl m;inai,:fmtnt anj ri,.,.,., ,,~ ·• llllllltS lludtnu 'NIii p,1 Imm bc_,1np mum 1,PA ol 2 S ind have , sptnlr:t lhe two importlnl ,, ,'< »· ,,· c1udfn1 ilfnbas.<idor, • OPan ~ oe~•n1htv • 1hr opn,rnc•· 1, :i' li' Satdftnt:1 m1,,n:«1 Ir ;r,Dp)ymv, 1 ~nd1d.1ttS 11\0 ffiU)I l)r ol K,Jlh,> lo mf t t a.ii of mt • i-- ror lht! J'.)('K!UOO 1hould have I mini mot,. ,1and1ng l!,. ol \ Ummu 2013 f tltf R"I f(I kn,.,\\ i ..;I il' rnum l \ 1,rA and t,, 111\·•,hffi in - ~,e art looklntt fOf hill,h et'1t.r,:y is a wrat netwcrkln1·n- l·· um pin ('l'~nlallOM and ac,1;n11,.._ ,tuC,•n~ f'«IU)t' ~ lfll D.11/) evtnlS l \sl> l••rn·l' •f'V,'il)I \I, •· · wt. Wlhl thtm 10 bt in•;olw-d ,I/.. l,)I,,. "~t'Oll,. lkan ~d. •They Wl tfl nf' A' , tllJ lf.b ,i• J .. In otl>t.r otpnlUUOris ind ICUVU"" 't';n r~ Ml ria~ .Ind ll fl"qUlfC) lou of Pt'fl cnun~11,,~: f\,o·,1, r' 00 C..ampus ~ lhtv WOUid !)e at>!f' !Cl tXC.l'tmt>N We ilrt knk.ln,t tor hl'w \ tudc>n~ in•, h 1, 1 .-: ' s»IUP ~ 01lht ll'mn IN! hlPPf'rl tntr,JV ilUdt nb 1,•no lrt 'Nllhn11, LO cumlnl( a '1uJen1 A'ltl.1~" Ml our n ml)(.6. ~ Dun \atd • And rakt' on ~ IPldersh1p mlt btca.:o;c ,1 Spine l)a~\ I'• N, fllln" .,,•,; ·' !hf'\' ,hould be oo,n Ind lmtf~lrd lot Cit v. hit ti t Y110 " Wl)rk1ng wnh uf\lmt 1hro11Rh 11•1. }-n. t•t. into ml'tlln,: ntw Pf'OP'"' 'lrrt on canipu). It dots nvi mean lhi! tJ1t v \m.i!I jU"Oups anJ hfloin~ them gt't llfll' f()t ~IJpl,O!WI ~ I• :a~• u nnnr btmtro·rrrted but 11 1'1o1Jc_ip,; : •thin1t< df'lflt 11111 they ntte1 tn olT 5 pm no• •n<'cn lh.11 1h.-y hi\'" to°"' 1-:Mld ll,rti ::,.-r u,,,n\tkl"'\ wul bt
» a rwson bcrween Utt fwul>lf
"",,.:~n~ an
-me are looktng . or ~ high energy _stu_ mis h W Oare Wllltng fO take on leadership role. "
new ?tOf>k
"N tU
Students still read, study shows ~esearch shows changes in student reading habits due to involvement in social media ,1,0lf"l'~~•-•tl!. "' ;,o,i1s ftM fOR
~ f
, ai, t(luOt\00 P!O/E'l,.l,()r. dnd 'S-u Hua Iluanf
11 nlrd 1he1r nudy, · r xplonnr.
much tlmt' lht-y art ~P'ndmg on re.1run~. Sp('(iliuU~· m the three a~ ai) W(' locwed on Technoio,zy hU chJnRrd the way we dn a lot o! lhinl',1-
New~ orief;i Black history month events continue Gosprl Music .1nd Dan<t runvapnu IV'lf'n:Feb. 7,8 IOp.m. IVl'i,:n~ CSC CO"L\An(ht
(flall~Jnlt Rudlnjt H3blts of
lluang ~ Jd their s•udy included ll-?1<11' ,j1k.OVl'T tht hbtor; bthlrv.t ....,,an l ollei,,~ )tudent!." Ftb. s 5 ,t,SJ>4'1 ,nus,c ana dMKt ~ •"ithf' ~m hcully Forum Cienh " ul'\lev OI I,20~ SIUden~ on cam Pui. R~ul:s $.hOWed while mou Mu• &rown bllf: discus!JOn. Ow ti.Kt 1magt den1.s~1d 1heydevo1ec1 m05t ol tlltlr ,....-;:· )tflf") h sp:11 up l>t!ween H-?lt"IJ Feb II, 11 1.m.· I p.m N>adlnR llmt' lO K.Jdemk rtadLng. \ttlt""- CX Ktow1 l {Udents Klllillly sptnd l matonw 11' 1t1m abot.11 Atncan•Mltncan Of their ume indmg onllnt, spec\lilnugtS lnthe mt'dl• cany Within social ntrworlu. lo tn • ,., IOt of them Uld they d1dn'1 !!«kWlllittte\J)l'ntnll!lOO FJCuliY Forum Scnts has 1-Wiirn: Ftb I}, 7 Opm, on u:npus for many yl!ars,• S?tnd Ume readmi for pleasutt' ht IV1i«<~ 7 Op.m cauSf they spend ;a lot ol time on ~ lod:: said ·1t·~ b.lstcal!y an op lht lnteme1 social networking with ~ .::-Jr; for raculty 10 Pttscm rt ""°'0 11"""""''00l l1.f 1111f""'-'-W, thlnw, like Fac,bOOk, Twitter or ~ ~nding1 10 other raculty or chatting wtth lnends,• lluang S,1id. SI fhN ""-9 4iK.... Mr fHllrtll OIi MW 11,COW..I.. .....-S 10 .,...-1e.....-1lt, ii c,tdc■I . . . . , . . , . ~ P''"« Black.lock and Huang noted put NCHN it it how ltlldHtl lMfll., rt. .int hlhlttlh IN tc....ic IC~......... packlOCks.ald lheset!t,ts agrcat llme ~ Influenced the .1mount 5,0C\ill media avenuts for enp;P,1n11, to be more likely tn Buan,t oo\td their rese.1rch h.tS 1h1>m lnlttl'l,ltlon~I lltlst l nd local pholog , - for tht' M~U ,ommun1ty :0 or Ume Mudenu spent ruding md reached COllfilRUt"S " blp$,('r UnJYf:t· ni;>her will oprn tv.-o u:rub!tlonS from ~ 1 hr WCI.II mtd1.1 and c!.assroom ~ 1.. ftndln1t1 In a fntn:Sly SOCi.lJ nttWorkin11,. S.tying MSU " studer.ts rn readml!,.• he Sil.Id "llhe H'O 22 It.rough Aprll 20. A trtt opmlng 15 students! art ,-try interested In !so aPJ>ro•d1f'S art' 'Mill ttally 1mporam .1,1tv hke tht' llntvtl\lty of Teus m rKtpllon Wlll ~trnmO Spm. Frll. 22. campus where a t:11Rt popul.1iton Clal med1.1) and partlclpa!t in II. h 10 gti ~udents mtr1nted m re.Id Au\lm and evtn ttarvard Unrn~1ty. ~lloek's and Hwng's presen- of studtnU Le Temps dt J'E,1u by Takr Mt to !he IU&gle a lol) W1th their Wt">uld be up to the 1~1ruc1or or U,r 111$,· he wld ·Repr~ncauves from both Joct!Sn on ;a veu long study schoollo,d, school~ q1~ they wm• •no, )Uf • lll\-tr proJtct ll'ICludn works in palntlng. profrs.sor to !.ttk wa'f, to .1cu·{e:v l'n Rlack.lock ~id !he houo. ~tuiltnls , Jtf4'd on colltge nudems ttading drawing. photognphy, vldto. sound, ·we found tNt when rudmg gaRe sllldl'nu In !hat l:lnd of 1nm sptnt on imernei r,adm11, nnked pnsed bV our flndln~ .• Huan9. said. sculpture, 1nm.!laoon UJd p,rtonnance. ,-s..c'lth •cadtmK l't'adtnR. extra !or plea.sure:, students were 1nnu ln11,." hlfijlc1 1h~n .indcm,c and exta cur ·n1ry',;e all not11 Pd studrnts usmR iwel~.- ar11su ftom d!tltrcnt counU1ts ~ rtadlng [or tta.dlng for enctd greatly by $0Clil medt,1 and lkspUe the 1m11.:iC! lt t hnnlogy ncul;u rradlnt. but KadNnlc wa~ sod.ti mrdla and ltChnol~• more In fooMed this pt'Of«I to promote Ul'lderwtu:1 !lemeone would suggest 10 ha, pla)'C'd in ch.tnRlnR colle~t $IU ~Ull)fl\UIIUY 1kxe be,h\M lheda~rMm • ~i.ndln1t and cooprmlOn among people down them on thmgs Sueh li Fi.crbook." dents' rf'ading hah11~. !\lat ~ltd: BlKklOCk hopes tlLtll' prrsent.1 UJd nations. ·it wt ~ !acuity un lorik a1 wa·;-. • ,.12 gr◄1de stUi!l'ntS looking at Black.lock said ~11 someone would Tht Lt1ter Jone Photogn,phy Col SUN.ei.l lhe ,mponance of lhc pr()- 10 cornhme,,mic rudm~ willlm tlon at 1he raculrv forum Series will .,DJ!t chddren," Blacklock uy, ·vou·ve really got 10 rrad The lt(tioo'. A Look al W,ch!UI Falb displays 1~-.of In s~aptn11, h.tblb as well .1wc:, lntlWOllt, tllf'n nbr<fJm~a tric.our•~ faculrv to continue 1he tht hlll(),-Y of Wkh1ll h llS. These pho· - •hJ much more hmtttd on Hunger Games.· or some1hing ol uend of 11,1emn,. 10 u1d supponlng ·( ),JI findmg,, also ~Ul!l/,'5!1'd th.ti mu1.h m01e ~'<'1Wt1fo! tool for ~p ,,_ that luvf' taken place With !hat narure, lhO'.,f' tndorselnt'nlS 1ogn.ptu SlltO ll,Jll Ol'I Vowlh and de lhf' te1eht1 WII ruake\ thf d1lft1 portinit wh,11 Wini stl!dffits e¥h oth•(\ revarch. ,;e:opmml Ol lht CIIV iocludlng !he con _,., students uid their rnthng v.·ert real!)· powerful ln mnut11Clng ence tr ·lh, 'fflts ls Oflf' of th())t things wuc11on ,tud\"nb rr.tdlnit, and what to dn \ \ t w.1nt 1h•m 111 explore ol skyKraprrs, _, &nd whether they h.1ve or .,., ha, Sludents were walling 10 re.Id thty' re readmit.· 81.acltlock '>l!Jd ite11lt•mic rr.ldln~ ,ind how lh4'i' ptr that I ht'IP, Wf can conunue 10 u~ r-or rurthtr information contKt !ht _ ,ch,nged .1nd wantlnR to 1-rad • "Rt'j:_art!1e-.,; ol v.hatevt>r we·re, do <e1vr 1tw wn11J ,nd tu thlnl: drtP'I to ,ncoun~!' facuJty 10 prbtnl a! Wlchlt• FallsMuSNffl or An l t 040/ 307 De pnmuy focus of 8lackJock Huani btlteves collrge prol~n, lng In thP Clb.Uoom, \ 01 nol, atiou, the (hlllll;S Wl' te reKhlng. 1f and 10 ,mend." ht' si1d. · 11 provides 8000 OI Y\Jlt mwsu.rdu1w!ma. 1 ,ilHli&ll&'s study was how college should bt more aware of how read• u·s a powerful trsumony 10 fKultv wt l,m fina wavs 10 mtfl'Jllt' 1ha5t ,\ venur l0r sh~nllp idea~ where we r,fd ue rudm~ Restarch con in~ hablu have changed among col- membtf') ,ngaginR with wh.1te\'e r two 1hm~. 1hrn they're iupponlni can collabmate and w ork h>F,l"ther. - ' ol two questi~ asked· the lege ~tudenu and the way t«hnoi thty want the11 ,iudrnts to tf'ad and uch Olhtt." 1n1 waybf'! other research pro, .,.. of wne ij)fnl rHdlng. and ogy can be integrated Imo lt'Clures, purpostty ~nm, .hill out thtrr • Since: the compleuon of thtt: ,m · _.,-tents go aboul mdmg and citing m°'t studtnts not only use Blacklock salJ studenL\ mdic.-.te<.i !.!Udy, 8!a<klock and Hu,ng haJe _.;tll!ucnc1ng them. sooal media ltisurtty, bu.I alSo as an V!I mttl"o'ICW II profts$0T"'I Wt'rt' teJI· had !WO pape~ pubhsh,ij on lhetr e found thert are quite a acadtmle resoUKe. ly en:.b1lSed ffld en~ged With what· rrsur<.h, as well as " third In 1he lntomuition 1tthnolol)' dlsco'ffltd - ~ wasn't an knpllnuon of f'Wr reAdln~ thev wett ~oc~ng works focused mort on audmts 1nfh.wnctn, tlW'Wfllf • _,111u&,Wktllntffllt'tacctSS Feb. 4. The Cdems m m,dlng and how lt'~hm looking Into thtSC virious 1he s1udenb 10 do, )IUdf'nts d~ne.1 whO w.inl to become rta.-:tlf!r,. prob:tm 11emmfd t:orn • t.ulty Kilsptrsky anuv1M updatt
;. ~w:~n~~~"~t~:~~;·h::;
~&.: :~=~:.l=u~ <Tilt
Exhibits open at museum of art
~•~:;;t:~t ;~~::
Anti-virus software causes access problems
In an em.111 10 tht nmpu1 commu
niversity pushing ocial media links
ruty, hm Hau. networking s.erv1ces m, n a1trr w!d, lndlVldualswhoaresUII N Y\ng prOOltm~ shOuld tt book lMlr computer. Ht Sl.ld K ~ Is wo1klng on l prr.nanmt ft1 fol' this luut.
Sorority presents corporate swagger coach
tru'ou~ dlgltal m!trKtlons, but we a!So provide twftlme promouom .11 sponmg evenlS !tke Midwestern bas l<etba.11 game-s. • Stelmel sa.Jd, Some11me:s I: is easy ror social med1.1 web sit~ to get mvotYed with ~ rsonal s1udem affairs, bo1 Soc:11I Sumpede ttlri to keep lt MSU re• lated and educatJon lnendly · we don't do advenisements arid promotions for businesses such as Denim and Diamonds or Stagt West
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Rho Nu
Cl'..ipttt, prtwnu profmlONJ spe:aker and Cutfr COl(h Rodnty Jona to teach uudenu; !)f'Olffllonal eoqutne. Jone,; Will sp,uk ln CUrk Student Crnttr In the Comancht SUit Feb. 22 11 0:08 p.m. For mo1t m!orm111on clll , rtpft$tn• tal!\"e ol the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority
Ntgbl Club btcaust th06t u e S!IU.1
at 400 ' 826 1420
lions and evems that do nor. involve: Midwestern,· 'i1tlmel SOCIAL STAMP'lDt: 1Soc,,1S1.11mpitd•. IS111u1G• ng 1MSUP11d1
Desire2Learn out for a day
Btcause thls par tlcular method 10 ~et
MSlJ mvo\vtd wtth
Sllll'IPnl~ Through snClal media Is rrlatlvely
new, l>Ome students the connec uon yel. •Ifs a start, but I don·1 lttl conntcted Omul'WU l !lfUlllt nL with lhf> uruverslty ~ fir..t bcitan 1 Mmlant and then be· .-:.1uc.e .tll they locus on b giving .1wiy stutl." ,;aid Ale1 .-indro Franco, fr~h Utime \C hoo! offlml in man m accounung. of 2012. Soclal St.1mpedt promo,ers have ,, really handles th<' Ind lw1tter ~1tes while lhe ocen P)vm11, away stu~ to t.."Ablish thJS socta! medta mo\·ement. p paRe ,,r Midwestern Somt s1uaents don't reel like so by t.l'le lnformalfon Of m l media sites are an efftcuve way el wid ner accoum Slarted in for thr uruversitY to conne<t with 12 and ti.i., 1,1 71 follow- siudems. ·1 don't underm.nd the po!nt the iu, reachts I.SOO of hash tAi:,ging with the umve~1tv tllrou~ Social Stampedt' brause e) we will be~n giving our Ind will hopefully bt' do:ng I don·t cart 10 1n1erac1 with ,\\SU SQle ltunli! ooce we reach 1.,000 thlOUf,h soetal mtdt.-i,· said A,hh De Jozlt'r, M?nior In nursing. ·s1em1el :witd. The Soml Stampede hopn to ~ day\ otp,an11auon., <md in promotr 1ts efforts to be able 10 nei• llttJ to ,taiy releva111 with .. :t1 E.M tllem in1em1ed Ln work .....,,h $.IUdf.'OIS t,y gelling en med with morr evem) and rCC"e1v mv:..;,; 1'btv tff~3 WIii t,optfuftv al tn11, morr f,il:owm. - rhis ;~ my nr.., ~mn1•1 m this 1lta:irnulli1ta11on ro!tt , 1udrncs ti 1.,1: t-rN:ice throa#I !.o ~IIJOn .-i; MSl l so l(\ a lfarrun.~ ex penern:t IOf mt. bUI W(' ultm:att)~• lf!:u.•s:,.me1,aiJ. ; a1 \;.mpt,1e 1~ prr·1;M_r.1 on w:i ni to rrcouraae ,11J'1cn1 m\"Ol'le menr: "i:,,1mrl c..aid i(,.,._ Jrna11;1:n and rw,11cr. "tOI 1r1..•, do we tta·: :Pil¥3nt Omldwu ttm stat,
' "O'n " &WWClf- lUVIM ll/1(..;!»1
, i - Owt11, I ,..,._. ifl ,..,.ic,tl ' " '' "· J nti11 w.tri111, I so,--,. ill ICCOUlllh'I, J,4,n Corili11, I sophOfflOfl lllldMillk•I .....-1..... T- , 11-•rl. ■ lrt--- i11 MINU, 9ffler H l ibt1 study be9i111
don't fttl
Keeping the faith Monday Night Cru continues to inspires college youth r,nr~•" ,·. n 11A~.1 $ TAFF WR!TeR
rr'i Kl!VltlfS ind !hty also sporllpjll
Je,.u~ t:hn~t E, ('N M onday ntghl !hi> group
m,-ets to have ~Mo1111.iv ~,l!,hl Lr,· m thl' t,l.lrk 'l!trdfnt (tll!Pr Amum tmm830 IOpm
Mondav Nil(.h: Cn.: hepms ,_.,iJh a ,./){J.,11 mat
"1nce Novrmb,>r 2011 , and ac cotdlnR to Ne~m. -u j!,IVe~ you a chance 10 learn abou1 god Wlth ~IC•lt•~ IS the jl~l~Pnl and one of Uthrr IJ"Opk " The 11/0Up fOCUst'\ iht' foun,lel'\ of cru·~ subd1\1~\0n. on lh!'ff aie.u disc1p!e:ih1p. Nt•1,-.,,~ said he h.lS AIWil)"!, bt't'n evanp_eh~m. and m~1ons. ac1r:P m hi\ ,h,:rch and Mt C/Jm ·we hne a lt"adrrsh1p team pthPd to Rf\ 1nvotvrd on campus mtldt up ot f'17,h1 to 1en members, He <.,tid h4' ~,rons:Jv bfllr.-es ,t 1s and an n! II\ at, suppose to ha,·e ,mp(lrtani w havt SludPT11 based re dbc1p!t"> to ha,·, • on, on one dis IIV)011 vn camp:Jwio r~1hcr than !?JS! cus.,.mr about voJ one, a week.· a11rn'1mi ch1:n..t1 ~t"' <.aid ·\Vr try tn trach ~Just RIMUJI. to ..:t,urch lS not peoplf aboat the ~ood work of God eMupl. Yr;u rn1't r1:n all you need and try to \hart' the good news.· w~tn ynu RO 10 chur.:h 1us1 once "h is • wrn way 10 RE't in p--r \\'Ptk. ~ N;:o•A'Vlm \.lid ·You VOi\'{'j ," /,lkf' Blackmon. wpho r.ttd 1, t-.t- lnvl..,tN 111111 i:;eop~. We !'!Ott' m fl'S)ILtillOry thtr.JVi. --aid. flA'II? " ~mlll ltJ'OUjl or prop:, ·•oc • As ,l l ;hns!l.-ir. ,, ht'~ me ltfOW m c.-.n.t~l 10 and ,h,ur wt,at IS l'>Nh m \' fa1it., ~ I in :hr l.'OJd and to just e-rmt, vou I! .~ .tiv.a•,,, oor,d !n he bt with f;,1Jo•1,1 t.rllf~•e~. rtad T11e aNe :o •• , •1• \Cll'!l((1nt I'!... It Al~ :nble .ind ,W.t h.-iriv 1Ul • ht1!~ ;.riJ ha..-, a t.11 n,, t" 1~ :1tpth 1.11h 1,1,'.I 1f \'ou .Jre ,1nJ1t1i1n~•.· i ·n hol) tfrn a p.\~1 ,,1 can,~11\ memhPf'
Cru, formNlv known as •'Jmpus Crusade !or Chr1)i, I\ ii n1,n-i.hmom 11mwnal t .hmtian PJOUP ~,ared toward~ corwemnJl t1111t1>n1s Imo leaders lur l..n· tst nu w.s loured ,,~ !hf' funda menul prlr:c1p!es 1n t ncn(.IUP.f' i!u denu e\"f'ry'Nhere 10 ,mt:1Kt 1he purpr,-.e. IO\'t an:t IOIR)'ltnt~( L.od offm rhem m a reloitwn\h;? ,\ ith
01 un•,l
p ni
Thtreaftt>r, ire n • mbtl'\ i!,,!ther r~thu for • t1bltt ~, mP\.~rr ll~ bri'a~ UJl lflltl (nl.?llr· ~-•J~ fr,r !"ih1e \111dv t1ur :11:: 1r,e e;rn: tlir men'bf" h,i';f fun w,1h :crhfl•.1..:
lu~un Nrws.vm. a 11mlor in Kme
Dt3trt2Lum Uptrn'OCtd i n OUligt IAStmR I~ than 24 llou~ beginning Jan. 31. l>2l WU una,•a1lab!e to dut aii SJIU·
ation l'f'qu,nng m,inttnance In tRorts 10 Upgl'ade bv mOV1n1t clitnt du, from une l,('l'\'tf 10 anothrr, network trrtll'1 OCCUlff'd ui.umg 02L 10 te out of com m&lon Allproblt m, v.-m K>l\·tdf.eb. l.
Dorms lose power A ~htdultd 1nsp«Uon of a tnralo1mec Jett KJlhn"'worth Hall and Pierct Han without powtr ftt, 1 11·30 . I p.m. Durlnl$ lhC !nsr,e:coon, a W\te was
ldtnlll\td that had 001 bttn proprrly con!IN!fd 10 1 lug.
The Wilt w~ s.teurtd Ind Conntc1Ni appropn,ately.
T1wltl('~.:n- """r'f'C''r"'u,,11\#11<1.ldrM t'O,lfP'lb-•~.c:to. I• ~-tol"l""'Vld bolt<M •'"""""••1'1...t ir,i,4,1~-. 11T,1D d.:1... ,-.:tf,h'left...,.t,,t.-,( 1 ( ,fl!J(IP"""""' ~ ...1i,hr,,,.1Qtw
•~:r.nNml"• IM.11 b(W'f
Art~ &[nt~rt~inm~nt
i#ii!diSl:iiii:Y At_._, I ~ ,I
Hopefully I've grown as a songwriter over the past few years, but I don't try to get too carried away with it, I don't want to try to be too serious about everything. 'Double Wide !)ream' is one of those songs that 's just really fun .
' .1..ri r101,i11'1, •.._ tmr:- Bi,,r1~,,m. !f<J•.
1..-,.,~ .:,Hif'l!N vrri'r ,,
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"IHI; lk)b, 11·
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"1 1)(1n'1 ! v lf \ 'hLllJ,l 1n ,.,,1rll,• :nai rtav• ocui.:"' •:\ •,vhr:• 'tt1<1 :, 1;-i,m w,,i..t1 1,-, 1 ,r,p iri,1.l'.n, •n tl!.' [l(>j{)-::i·,~ .1'1.:1 t ,1•,-1:iy tt.1r~ r-rr!r,m,,n11, ,t: l'Cl!Tll' • hi' It •x ;h l'J .l wl•r,:r ,... ,1l IJ .-.11,j [)orJJhcY. ><IIJ h,' ?).>!,ti , ~ 1'1\ • ,: f,1,'T,I -\.-r· ~ 1;,n~ Irr ta,;:. to• ,1\t' r,·n 1·r1~ 11111 proc"'~ 1) .. r.c,,r ~•·r'•Ni~t <l'JtrpJrd ,,1 ti,1,1hl'W jr,,,•1'• ~t· - .. r..f\\l• lrl !!fl!H of ":r.f'' r,,.,.,,il ar: ~1' 1..T '.\ h '.l'f'.n:'° - 1 tJ•.;a,,y ',J\I WM :or l':•"):.,d·()!' .'~ 1 "! '" '1 1<• Jt''. ' l' J 1\ l<''Y(l1~, 1\,•111.~ ti•R •:"'lp ,iff !')f 'hJl t~ <J tl'•' / n~ • .,.. ~- 1r ~: !!'A~ ':.1' • •N J 11-ir, :, i .omr·tim~ h)U ' >;r :v 1,x,,~ •)r, -.C!1~•w•·1 ;.,',. I· ,.):J,t r • ~?'' (:.L.>: I',•!' •'lpt'"i''H. !J,.~,ihl'\\. )
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llt)o.ii.:I 1/>e b.!.nd tours ,., 1nuct.C,-ra1,v> :t1l'\' tt1r fan~ want w -.e• th·", j!f""
I,..... "•' '-'
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w11h thr l~n, :,: !!•"' me-st rrwarc•ni: t"1nl(.
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I ' .,.,, ..,,J, l),•J:>1H ,,,1, I ,,,, 1
ohra~, 111ia11 hc--.,,. <..11d , •nkf-- 'Tlra,at-OC:\J \ :J•t • Donati;ow "11:1 W~rn ~ed ;,bOul lhrN' 1:tms he t OO!J 1..._,..., Ad'l'ur":. Nt•,.. ar•~I~ Mich a, [ Iv,~ m•·,•('f h~'t' W\IMUt. Dc-n,1/"',f'W rcpl,..J rhal .ind (,m11 flr,,,t:.. ht>'J bf !0-.1 w:thout n1$ 1Ph9nt, ~ n l(' kmd -1 IW\' ~rt ~m,111mi: cl'll'rt,11•1t"> .lnd O! ltl,JO, and Clt!O>t'!J ~rtl'lt'\i/1 lh•!'~ •,v nit tll\' bJmt \tr!\',"'- tn J,-, • Dtl!'til ·s11r rc.tly \'tJ rrr,.,,tlv mis.s m\· ,Ptiune h<'W .a•.:! N'<.•u~ 11\at'i w i>erl' I wn1.-- m<bt {If nw fh,. !dn., ,,r,· IJlr t,19$t'>t re-,~n lor hi! ,dP2S tor i.u/11,15 ind v. ~'" tmie p1ay1nr'!lCIUfl'li,', Word~ w11ti I nl'nch :m tnr tour b,1~ ~ Uo ·r(!': 1rm1'l~ '-) .,,.~J\ ma,e-- l•'tlnn11. nahc-"' ~ 1:i W'lrT' ' h,'-"U"-" 1• 1• hard dct' : o •~r rl•F· fhe counl!'I,' ani~t kr.r~ tn ~l.l\' tru,• ll• • r,.~ •,~ <J ani:1 t,,,•,-.';, bur 1t,t , :r,wd anJ 1lir n,~ faM • ~.j n,a;..e •hem f;,r1 1m~'<",rra•1! 10 :,1. , <·" t.. m,· 11u·n1t.• [l;):•at,n,, c,a1J him t ~....-,. h.u Jlf"ll' •rrit,l ,11t (l". l'f lht' . _c,un ·A~ an 111de-~ndrn1 mi! I, mr b;l,n,1.u,o 1r-,• :,.1 nr ~ -d µ,,h 1r:11. 1ri for1 \\'c,rrh :) In:. ! Ur> do wl'lal '.\~ WA/II 1"1'1 {Cr'r1,,;1ni:
~i•y .l!\ 1 :.:it.:r ~~<11!1..,l'C'~ !:l):l'l •~e 11:iivtr. I;' </ ki:l, J: A:l.~~w1
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ch,' 11m;.1 o! rriv travel 11mr " ) I ....n t?1vr mor" um•' ~)r !am1!v i r.1 lne"ld•: (H,n3
·J,, !r,1 o 1 •iw 111•,llf.ifl••n wmr, tr11m hi••
~!11 ,
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1•,rm ll·U 10·; i{•' nw: l),1r,ahrw ••1:l ~•mrnm~ tounni .ii: ul tf•r 1,rr,.., :-n\;f',. Hr ,1;t;_. 11orr11 ~~• ,vn·, 1in,e-. t11 w1:I ;t•1 n J1•!\c1..llt 1~ l'll'lndhf l\ 11, r '""l•Tk: m,,n1 1\, ,..., i;-, •u t .•mt1r,)' .i n• v. .,.,r\J,l, h,' ilfl1 1r... (II/IN asPl",t"- ••! hi!- Mt !lit•rr Jh it1)'1 L,fllt~ ......i-, n ho> .... ~\M !1l1rr t,1 ·1 li•Vf' (U Nnfk ,11 +I An•I I! r:,u;c
lndigoism by Underachie~e
'Double-Wide Dream' coming Feb. 7 Texas s,11ger says 'Prrfom11 ng is what makrs touring worth it'
I I'
fl}( l
ll!Ofllill r110·lll ,m 1n 111pp0l1 of 1111 IIIHI 1lbum, 1011'1 D011lll1•Wilil1 Drum ·1 don't ..-,city know wti,1 lltl hM1 119,cy w1ll lt1 , • o,n,Mw ii.aid • ..,, I !top, lhl '"" 1n1oy eur 1111/llt llat1UH dtfinrllly 1n10, ,n1IU"1 ii •
Christopher by : The Ruby Suns :
□ ,,i~~'·,rr,,.., ,: li .. r.i
P-;J'l ',1.:r-.• r.c,1,.• ,t•,:· , \l,' U J !iy M(l'il ,i ·,
\I) •;c,rv,"t\' ...... .
.. w·/, '.) ,1r'·t·.~ lh·••·· ',· •t<"tt'tr r• l g:~~1,u·:• f'!W,c1,1-,\'loi.:'fl •1t,·rr brt " , ..
flt ~,r t,o~IT>~r.d •• , ,,, '"'.I
~ M'!'>trr
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J: \ , »~~r t :tit ',Id
1• ·.sco,,,e·, ,,,,. 1r,·
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O,ofi';il'tl'• •""Y1'1A..IS .,_, .. ~,..••~
~II Cf119er m1k11 1 IHSI lo dtt t rtwd 911Nfff al O•ini 111(1 Oi1M011lill 011 J611 JI 1611'1119 I Shirt lirHII C,1191r 11 rfll Witllhe ftllt nlfbe ch•lo m, 111 111p,«1 ol hi1 lr11st tt!Ht•. Sor1flllil11 "11111 Ith SWJtllHr c.,._.. 1111 vw, well W IN lyrics ,,. r1■llr -•n11tfh,I. • C1N1tr 111111 tfl • llf't•IMW irit,n•-
Creager rocks D&D •1, 1,. fa·,.,, .. ., ,.,:. , .. ~, · •rr,rn ll
Texas Country favorite stops by Wichita Falls club
l\'h• ::,,.1..·•, !"\ •!'~I ! s ;;J j , .~)-1••••;, • I
a..:"''-l•:l ·t•·1".· ,...
h "r-. Hrn M;n, r ... r,,11: .:1,0 IJ;,l
m<•nd, !t.atur•, a u• mr:v ilrln'. \I• !•Jr tf.•• W:lll!la ,.,,,, (r,JT
,"'rfMm !l'I.Jru!y
1!,,: ~p,J1lk cooorn, Nn l I), n,1
-.en !:iv ((•:c,v~;< ~1111 w•• 1•1~t VOi 'l \ 'IIHJ1 r,,, •t,, m ro ~•a.., ,.,.e ~;
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'\\fichitan ~~01 iii 111ml)
Hampton named defensive player of the week U,1 H, trpllYl
bffu•,,. ,:.,
tour:h d1!
!trrt'!t 1..-1v ,\ \~Jr.rt 10 to- 11onond Lo,tt St.r Cor,Jl'tt!'IC'" pl.i)"<'r ol tht wttk
,rcn- llfO"llfl\oWm,:S tn tti.. lar,
JI Jl)IM\ lnum.i1t Wv:d, lt.d VH° f<>h J,
glt'\f ag,:r:,• Tn ~ MM ll:1t1pv,I~ lb mpwn 1o1~, A."1~<1 Canu. l:in'.1 ()qf!II md 0-JJIIU u IN olhtr
(,MN Mi.a:..111,hJrtttM , p,,;vtroft.".t Wttk !'l;JnOt. H1mi,f"fl tC.,..J up I CirttTh.lft
~m t'.o..U n>:mt horr~t, Word, ll'ld anollwr iwo ,t,ga1rs: MM Kl.'lgsv\&lt Tot ~ ~ O ! t ~ l i d ~ , ~ t.vt ttu b U>tnbll'ltd OWi' tht twn ~ H111,;-'0'I ron1:1bultd lo U'lr udV M1.11unpM111n1c,1'6n1 pU<t III tht l5C Q!:!fftilvt~ . , wdl i,cmng ' catHNU~ 11 points J.&11:UI MM K.Jr:~ llt ol! of S!«- 7 }pointt.'loo~ lnd ,prrfte 2 lor 2 O'J Ultl at thf !Ttt throw llnt
Taking control C...t1TMMttl-etthlMll1tlM~ ..alMC .... lnurMlt~ ....,.;. en,. n.-111.ef11),,...1l•f..._ ....... hllbtl 11,-CI lttll'IMl't ht•
11...11 ,,.... ,, 11M4'1Ktwf ""•lnc:1rM11W..-'IIIJN J1 .. ,.._ TlltWMI
,._ plltthl
"'-"I' 11 IM 11, ltltlt lAM Ste, CcM'll.,-,ic,
S.ctN-c"-t1 ,.1. . ,,.,.'11111 M 1 ~It IKCIOf if! tbe M..ianp' 'lic1..-,, u . . . . ,.i~11,.....tt1t ....""'''"""· Aifi11t n.... 111 lllewtll-• ICH111 Creylt", wwtlfscOl'M • .....-htt' 15
ght cott1n,u11ff Na,.. riw..w.c:111.n.
,.... .... .._._ ... 1111..-.., C..M,_,tty,Wk1h9'111"in11,....eflm. ._., IM!krr1U ~ . wtt.M1NtNl11t.,._,.lylhrN,.ltltl.Nlt'K-tll ..
,,..,... t . . . .
u ...... ~ n
MMIQ, tac--WMWIIISU ll tO JI ~IMIUIIH, t-11 ~1w,Q,.....,1' CeobtftTfloll\Hll C.t111J.dii,,lt1\l l1:t1-•I O'MMI ' ( 11111 S,J Gr1t1 ?, ........ WMIOJ.1, ..Jl · D__,.1 11a.oflttlJ,0tf\N'l UW\91tol'II 14or,ooo l ll to11 l 10W'l,, W ·.-,.4 ~ , l.,..• lll-'.-i IIStH U
G"~" ' r..,,l
!AHe11t,J.1. C!M»I I J G11~t-\. Dll1.o O-I c;..,..,t ll,lllc.,._WMl l l !IIOIWI U~O-l i,_,."°"011,.,..,,0 llj f.!Mrt.- MIU 1111. . . . . .W..-, J!l,}O
................._ "" lha ....... lH wl6 a ca,Nt•Mfll
Softball travels to Kingsville for tournament play
l S.i"I Z: AIM-llapnMt f&-11,
,.,,.,., \14 11 12. S!'lt•~ Jot-tt 11
llO#i'itnl. S.ic,2.Ct1,t J.W~_. 2.!t'l• ...,n1 1J.,....,. . 111u ~~ ~, 11"51, 1-t s.11.. 1.J Ot t.1,Wa,<1ct lMI. M•••....,....••ll 1S JO<lt J l 1 \1411 I I
lip~ /or tllt \l,'Gfflf:n'1 ga:nt' wt~ tit.10;,m v.•!l'lt."M!mrr.l11 to
T1•• A&M,lafn,lle C I MIU 1 1 Uflll .........U. 1C n OlltSIJII._ -ui.. H111't,10~ 11 Ar11,u c,11.. 11 IOfott1 t ,GoHfl W1rid S 0~
lO tilt on (O!l~li'1\Ct n•ll Wat Ttr:U M M rn Lor.t Star <M!ftrtnet. This ont , nd donf ro.111 !np comn ~ r t I four g;a'M >iomt ~,vv., ror tt;t M1,1mnp rrorr: H'D 0.!0 Both pror;ur,t IHII tilt LV Thr mm 110 2! l'lold I st.-o:>,g. rwo p mt ~~ l)Wf ir<OM plKt cu,uon, wn1k tht 111 .!1 11.11., 1 much ughtt i 'll>";t.'1 a fnl' P,.T.t loud '1Vtr \Kor,d ~Kt Tatit:0'1 ~tit arlC! • ON lJffle k JJ O'Ytf 1h.;:, p\Kf AL tl'lf (.tim:..v, lot'I leJI:".\ ;..(,(J "'P t,~ W It lMtr !Ul lr,ffU.'16 ·A'!UI ',';b l luu Of! Orte S
out17•SSWow 01,,1Vktory.
. 116-ltffflllrtc
Tht rrt11"s •nd womtnl !Wkttllt.U p10111m1 W,il M ~t ,Old lor ~ molt tnp Uld1Y .» lhtv IU\"d lO U nyon
Tl:t ':ltfl n11"'0\II..., f"SOl)('G 'N llh J OS~2 ovt rumr "'"n. Wh1lf U".t wo:r.en P',l1itd
'" .... '-lMr 1'11\.?Wlllleloa
Men's basketball continues play today
,t,,/m I J 2 s:art :o the wwm tasl
11,n1'1'c!t 10•ll lfrM-nr-. l t- ~0 A&fll.• ........... ,0 11
\l,"ff(r.1.ll'lf!<lllhl l o~m w1!1 :raY w l:11ipvn.t to t•kt pMI :n t.'lt l u as
MM l,.1:iJ;\\1111' lft\'ltl llo:i&l
from t=f!:I•
Tl';t :n;, p!us 1n f'lo'O tWOPf'tt 1,1 f!t'JlgJ:T.s'Tnu M\l lr.ttl'NIIJocUl l •,O SL Ma..-y, S,U.i.'-dlr II Oa.r:i i nJ 2 pm
Sun-:.-, ll'tien,p:m, St
Ho a m . ' l.iJv,f'd 1.'1Gr1/Y l.."'-tt t-:y W!f n~.1J Jl-,r 11,-,:lt Tuu .\&M lntMUl>Ol'lll
a: t I 301 -n
Indoor track prepares for LSC Championships Mustangs dominate C..All..rty ilri"'n ,n1 T1rtoMH Diai. Mtl1tly K 1tttl I
l11p 11 ,.illlb, ,1114.,.,. IMIClownaists ·· nd:-.11 ,,..,. . ~.,.... NI .. Dl . LitM Cetilnl'll lllri.. • Ml pM
•-'"'"' 1eMIIMt ~~
~digital ~' deviance screen printing• graphic design ~
11 11 ~a ~ I' .. ~~~~ . .'f &~
t ',, ......~..... ,',
• .,.•• net-, n.r Tu• MM•Kl... M h~. 2. ounctri111 !tit JntlitlH ,,_,,, ,............ ..~.==ei::.~.,':.rflott":t!'~~-;j;:.~~== 'llllt
Tht ........ IIIMIIN4 "'" LN, Stw Cffl11tMI ..... lo IMH .t MC.... "9c1 C...,... wi1111MYICllfy. They IIOv, 118114 LSC.-114-5...-.U.
MIU Pl. Tu. MM....... • I MW 41 31 7'. A&IU..,..,,11• l1 JJ ~, I MIU
IM-\ 11-ff • Clllt~IJ Dtttl l(ntt1 1' G.,m, O i.t,<!1 1 JG,.~.,,. lltonlu 1 It GtM1 l ~ 4 G1lll1W ). Bun.11,10,e 1. Al.lll•k~fllle ~II, H i . ~ttftl4 lb1ey14 °""'t"I TIY'otll, lr,!1 1 ~ , W.U.i• I Blott,,~ Bor-41' w. .., 111 , 11..:,. , ,,.,..._.· MIUl•l l ~ l 5.J G111·11 H (i.,w,,1 l a: Gr1,,.. 11 CiotbJ l lL ~ J•I01a.$f'l't l . Wdlr111. Tavtt,ll,B"""0-10.t1Dl1l h N ~ · ll-2'.
Tht ,idoor ~ k 1nJ ~ :d !'"111! ·MU Nr1p11p 1u ,na11i1mi ~ ii,on at tht Ok1I
hom, ~ptisl lm1Ut10rul in No:man. Okla on f-ndiY Tht nltt! WIii l;,t tht 1151
tum p.,ruc,puts 111 tf:lort grarmi up lor u,, Lon" Star t...onr..1rnc, Ct~mpion itup nL; kh:11 2124 r-., 11~...,.,. • • ,,...,. r,f\.1 ,...,....,,...., •..,M., ,i;... ~IUh
:,-,• c,~ t,,_.t ,..,,_.,On,t,...i
l'.AJ~ •.t.r l •.•..l#'-. ""'1'• ' •'->f .:. , •l"ir: ""Ir' "'l'•. ,-b,, 11 -v , . ,.._..,
•r.. ..t-~t l:W"•fr.!1 . ?nltl
J~,1 .....
°'-,('! •"")• ..o,,
,•,' :,..,-,,,., . , '6X."'d
LocAL ~-----Boys
......_,1,,....n~,~.. ,-.....
The loroe,t selection of craft/ imported beers In town!
C01ne. ol 11.e~ '- Sovthweat Parkway t1 J • bl.' JC\. /
Greatllllectlon. CJ9CltPltc:et.aid b e d ~ aw:. In WlcNla
f,owrsmrn■H::ff@ii,,;m~ febn,m o, 21)13
........ ~,..-,... .. ~,,,.
Th, ,...., ll•c• ' " 5'1411- , ,rtorw WlrM . , strtcc M i 11 McNl<tl Jvaiu Hi9h SchNt't trtd ' " ot latMtt Jlu4 "l\11 track ,. IM Hit tr1U ln lt WII 1114 if ~• tfl• ll111slll11ce,· htttl coaclr1 ICNY $,yi" u 1• "h 11 llk:1tacihty. ff4 1f1 NIU he,f ·• • lll•r tuc:b II IT I H lllll Ill IM111fltl tM1'tlel111tn . TM ilwltaroac• tiwllleld1t-,r1C11t111,,.• . Nhrt c1..... 11. .IIIOIIC" " " '
..,.. .... Running with,••!?.~!.Pua~~ New program helps prepare runners or up ~=~~~;.~6:l!!l
'°'-10 on !ht tndi.1!111CI! lnchvtdual Ul'l.AINING ntE DIFfHl[NCES 10 I\'. tr•ck 'lfll much of a tum ~p<:1'1 lmk,or 1ra~r ~iffcr- frC1r.1 ::. a: ,1l~tountryb,bUt 1 htmamJt0,1I lr.)(K nor O'.lh m vr-nue. ooor ,,.,,,.l'~fOW"Jf!IIS(fOS.'i(f)Unl:'\' " In s,u W11M J ltil1!t_ional
ht~ ml1't ..iude-n1~ ar, ?Ill\\ 1·yin,:1r i,,-. 11t:, 1rlil)! !('~' fl'11n.11e-- rot iJ<tf'p ,1 (l
tr.)Ct: mtJ,Uff'\ .l{)() n.l"ltrS
ii n, !tit 2~ )tmkn:~ ,in lhi" l\, IJ'Tl ..,, 11'"-\ (<I'll"'') li"U"I UI' ....~d('
,w,1?. .,;•·r r11, .n 11>t1r ~"I w.vku111 \,fuwJu
~"" ~ , motlVIU'Y~ IOOI to J,.i\h
: tu, "f'l_~"Cl "IJ\ bNuW)t nr I Tl"'W ct ;i,:;.l!Rf !••T 1~ !ta•11.,:; rt 1~ !ht:
r,, '"ii"') f;'I ~""'t't'" 111 th, l,lnt \'.ir { ~•!ll1•tt•~"\ 1nd,-or tr11k i nd ·r' I <1•~1-.ion. \\ ,, ,1~1wct 1•111
a., 1,...--~ rr>un
IN•'n'• r111,i-a111 Jh<ill "' -'' 11,-h..• J l,..1t,v \t\·it-- -.ird com
\"'ti ·n CT'!"-' ("OtJOlJy ln 1'le fill 1r I •Nn l~I \ J., fl~ V'1\l'\ler 'lit ari-u"IJ d·IU'lg nQth We were
N-.Cl,!YtN,ddt:nA 'JUTlh11mt:s wMt' .....ryr,r, ~\\ AN'1' 1r,1rp 10 t<-rnpi>t' •~•rt)I m ttlt l.mff'ffflC'", and now r•u,,n1,!.,. Wt'ft' l"Ofltlnu1~ 10 ttl!n u1, I Rr-l0t'tttr_-
~)tj ~;d
Indoor llKk
IMMf rra~u Ut ria,t lhf' SIZt at of lht' tt•m mtm
mt!~~I" '\Orn,
tool bf':'\ Wl mdOOt l U ~~::,~ ;rk'V(';
!ht j()fk 10 SIJC(t)\
thtm mOl,\"1'«1 .ind ~
Ni1.ttt1n11, 10 " , bt'rt>r. thtm •• •Wt wr\'~, ::.Mr,
u .d ~tm,ttn an :ndoor
re gotng O OV t tr~ unior nuthe an even better outdoor 01_11n mmr Car;i :!.-~~:,~ sea1011 hecau1e I'm ~~~s, aiw..,,... .i: !l"»I Jeeing tht 1tre11tth !rom outdQl'lt to :~ha t1m, fr,r they're gettingjrom tnaoor mcl w~ 10d ~ou : : : doing indoor track . ., ':,,?K' of c ht ,,, btlltl 1h11.
KOIY m us
l htv'rt <.Ci'l HE.AOCftOSSCOUNTRYITAACK COACH ~-• -~~ fl• tJ1t Stlnlly (hiSIO,. WI pKt O: ltht Hme MIOfl i," M.Kk said •1Tht: trX k Ill Adding lht trMk i nd !1,ld pro- 1 shorter dism •ct. ~ dwr,·~ mo~ 11am nu bt'ntfttl'd thf 1n m 1n mor, t1.,ms
Rought start a.u, y ScMt lu 1l1ffl "" tlu14 It rflt Gt!N111 CMpll llwllat1Nt l '" Plt-.lA fH I TIN l-'f Miil-l.... w,111 l •l • '"11 ltwM . - " " " wlffil lonM c.,.y.. fM U4, MtnN... te( ltff •• I NI 11111 11 dM ''"" 0&1111 ffltllltt lt lwl lHrti"t .... . lltft Sll,t.y Carll! IIMI CMay C-.,..11 bdl ,t1y" kllkkN kl! l'wt ltd$ "10llf1 lt JIit 1,-·, 1-2 , 1cte,y. TN !NI .. die -...,KIM a,aun1 C.tll4 Ca,iyn 4ib'l tt " - 11 ._, IN l , .., M1iMl.._1 Gi!IM Ca,iyt11 tMk I lllftt•run IH4 .. tNte It 0 ff'ltl U llt Musi~· j l ltu lfltt t.w tnMS ffl It.. Met111I rMiflt The 1.- - d i--, wtdl C,MIII Cl11y011 u w 1M udy Mt11· lllflt• " 41w11 I e llf•1 • ""ti• 11 left k l4 1111 r - ,c"' of 1■ 1M '"'1tl 11111i111. The Ut, Mli1tufl 111414 lfl1 -k•IW ill'fltltltMI wi1J11 i -l ..-11t tl IKN4
••n •-
the ' '""
-1 ju.U ktvf' Jnd~· t, ~Id "WP J('I ! ,) t·m •nd a IOI ()f us if'! r,) i mttu which IS ·,air, ~-.
DOrt Ir fetb mmt I!~• ·• ronmenl v.htn 'tl)Ur li~-
thfrt Croocour U"y 11r:,;, can onlv like a ctn~· r pfOplt.
~~~.r: m~:Un!N: o::'-
sucasSVlfl0SNEWPflOGIUM than a 1raInIng ind cnmpttltt'Jt IS Mxri lil ,. '-W!,.,., :hf' runners ,r;th ~d :ht ,ucc~ of tht !)e(f. Styltj ~ 1d tht progmn\ ha'•t ~.d 'hf'V titl:t..,e thr Jdcmon of m· crw ~r> mirv rrotrim ,in,e lb re htav,ly helpea rtcru,tmt'nl com ,1001 nxlc o,n,nl: !'!tip •1'.rmst1y m 'l~lih,m on 10 zoo; hn ll.'ovof'd for pa1td 10 rust havm~ 1 cr05.\ counuy shatiot f.#l'N"tTI ~iSOl"IS ,~.,, m tion o! botn 1:-1ek and l\eld program -1.-> a 1'(Yt ttar.S,jt.on from cross ·Recn.nung wtst. ttus tltfps !,("I COl.illlry 10 ou:a('(ir ·racit.· sopho p~Ur.>1ht' u:r1 .:on>ptfltlCl~ allOw much beo llSt' wt rt ~tilt to re<>rw: mott ~rt n:td ar.t rr..1JC;r M..:bf'JS.. :ti' Lad, Mu•'ITlJtS ·o (Offipt'lf' vtar , much betttr athltte." StyJt-s jlj,j t:rtzu"ll6k.l sud ·O,:orm.\llv ·.-.e llO I~ a lot of rtenms for be ;mm No\'tl'"lbet 10 M1:-cl'I lllll work .MltW Aatlli,y florM l,ic:IWN ...,.l , t ~ NCNII lltdte UCO ~ ln,1t.tN111• n,>1,nd, O-:Jt als., to in,pron tn rhe u .r, _, __, n111 W-1111 lih ail Mllp ,__,.,, llltf 11M h ,,_ t.1ltlt LSC-1 iNoo1 t'IS ntffld lor CTOM cwn\ly Yi>I he •ng 1u~t cross co.intry only Ad(!mg mR out, SC1 i,ndoor1 ketp-; llf 1n r•cr cl l ~lp · c..t.tMCt is tM race 1MI _ .,. eo«etllH W1tb ,tac,.., .i1d ttir, Mly rompett in ctl~:;inc, 1tt1ei: •nd J\fl[t) ha~ iaktn our pro Yllot • Nu..., ~ I wtlitft - , .. ,.iMI. • • lolitl "Aftlf cNflfNCI, 1Mrt'1 lllt!OII• gram wav bt'yond wtm 1! was a few M1chtllr, 1wm iJsi"r. Kun Kr, 1111, V.u lwi.,.IO 9flf1 900tl 4"1-'..,tr1ftl9Hto N'JMCt 19 NbNtlS. IOfft'fHl 11 ~anmn1t in e'ltnu. cent.ftllCt K IO e-f p~ffll. W llsl It f lt I ffN IIIM!ifyt~ liN • zonmkl, also runs ror tnf L.d,· Mus '<:;tyu.., q1d. -we want t() kttp u., rurs aRO •
"'Cl "l'I~·-··--·. . .
~:• , : , _.:) I) lht !Pa:m asptct cl :r
havt bttti cnmpeUt!\t •
m1,01 Ashtf'Vf"lomsa.1G•-.. hts ahead a: thn vtlr's ...
Joc,r tr«t. •'Id ffcld C:·"' on 1-cb. ll ,md 2-' and~-upcoming outdoor lfi:t r" srison · we·r,. dcftmtcl·, •~,. -4;
were 1his um, last ~"t"".:t::,
g_tttinp. bener each r~, •
Florts<ia!d vebtt• 1,, wtU, ;ind wr'rt mM/"1 ..., tM>UJr,.ti lhJS Stl.Mln :,, P"'·•
outdoorst~n.(,tylo, a~
·rmvtf)', vtry ~Ins,,:, way 1hty ,e Protlh' it,.··• th:.nk we re go,n~ 10 "of,. tlttter ouldoor ~a~n :it'."-•
~'nit Lhe ,ireniltl ·h•. •, from doir.?,. lndoo'. '"le,