January 26, 1995

Page 1

Senior recital



The Wichitan

Volume 73, Number 13



•W@Wiffi#WMMI State and "ed I 11 Keeping an eye on Texas AmeriCorps: era lawmakers =~=======---i readytoserve prop?se changes in funding ~~~~~i!!r.,!~:!1~:.:,t~!'.~t• communities ~or higher ed . across ~



Changes arc in i 1ore for chc way Texans fund their eolfogc educations. Both fcdcnl and state lawmakers arc considering reforms that will tffcc1 funding for higher education. Two oul three Americans do nol_favor cuts 10 federal l.%tuca11on programs, accord . ing 10 a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. At . a timt: when the Ame rica n peo ple want smaller, more efficient gov ernment, they continue to show strong suppon for in . vestments in educatio n. ac . cording to this survey and other recent n;uional polls. The Washington Pos1ABC News poll , released Jan 6, found that whtle eight of IO peo ple surveyed favor a balanced hudgct amendment two or three said they would not support ! uch an amendment if it meant that educ:1• tion or Social Security would

be CUL · A poll conducted by the Times Mirror Center for The People & The Press. released on Dec. 8. ~ounJ that 64 per• cent would increase spending on public schools if given lhc opportunity rn set federa l budget prioriLics, wh1fo only six percent wou ld decrease spending. Among 14 government programs cited. support for public was second only 10 ant1•crimc programs. A Ne.w York. Times/CBS poll. conduc1ed Dec. 6-9. found that 59 percent oppose cut,; in education. while 22 percent suoport the cut'i.

lhl!~: coplc· know education is wi . , ey 10 prosperity and the 10 a high 4ualuy cducaliun m:iscst. invc'itmcn1 we can for every student That's what kc 1.n our children's and the p~sillem and I, J0inrns. our n;u1on's luture," said US w11h b1-partis:in majontics in S~crctary o f Educa1i~~ the Congn:ss. have worked 10 achieve over 1hc past two ~1chard Riley. " We can conyears. The Amcnc:m people ltnue 10 ~ake these invest- are lelling us. 'Don't go bal.'.:k, ments while working to make gov_c r~ment leaner and more keep moving forwa rd.' ::md that's wh:it we intend 10 do.cffi~ic n1. Tha t's wha1 Pre.sidcn_t Clinton's Middle Reprcsc.n 1a t ive Mat· ;~~:...Bill of Rights is all Thornhcrry, along wuh many other rc1,uhl1t·an lawmakers. prt!scnted • A Conlract W11h . The president's proposals Ame rica " last fall to 1he call for tax cuts for middle American people. This cnnclass fo m1lics w11h children tract calls for t:hang.e in many an~ tax deduc11nns for edu - areas. including prov1sl(lns ca~ion. The cuts wou ld he for college fundin g. Tommy paid for through savings Thompson. Thombcrry's aide achieved hy downsizmg gov- m Washington. dcscrihc..-d the ernment provisions for college fund . Riley s.aid, •the president's ing as an add111cm I0··nnt rc proposals s1rikc the right hal- placemcn1 of-•lhl' foderJI s111 ancc between reducing gov• dcm lo;m program and Pell emmc~t and tnvcs1ing in our grant r rogram. According In mns1 important resource•• 11llimp:,.on. Hou.\oC Resolution people.· 6. currcmly ~ing rnn~1dcrcd The polls conducted in the by the Ways and Mco.ns past kw wr.:cks and months Crmumnl'e, provides for 1hc are consistent with other sur- American Dream Savings veys taken in recent years. A Ac1:ount plan. Thi.'i plan ts 1993 Na11onal Opinion basicall y an expansion or 1hc Rcsean:h Cen1cr poll found IRA (Individual Retirement that 7 1 pl"rccnt supported Account) :.y:,.tcm grc:ncr 1m·estmcnts m educaUnder 1h1s provi.~ion. a tion. person "'ould he allowed to put up to S2000 annually in a "The American people's tax•shcltered .~v1ngs account. message has hccn consistent to he u~ d for special purpose over the years," Riley s:11d. diMribuunn such as medical "They arc willing to spend on expenses. first home rurchasc education. but they demand and college l.'Xpt!nses. This results. They want safe plan would work conjune· schools. disciplined class- live))' wi1h the proposed rooms, challenging academic Fam 1l)' Tax Credit. whic h s1andards. and a commitment allows a $5(X).pcr-child crctla

~,.:.~-:~.=:,="';::,:,=:!.. America t,~1!;.;: S:::.~=:::=~-:=~ol 1io nalAm('n('orp~. the new na $12,14SperlltU!»nl service movement 1h:it ledefel~lortoans andgrant,Mltho 1992·935Cho01yNr- tnef"1h


nations. Ouis1andmg .s1u<lcnts have bt·cn hoMreJ in 1hc annual direc!ory since i1 w:is first published m 19:W.

Students namt·.d tlus year trom ~•,1SU arc: PegH L. Als ton. Gre1c hen K. Armq rti nc. . Sarah A. Bdgtad11. J0hn A. Blackford. Rcl'Cbh A . Boone. Lisa Ann Bo)Cllc. Ga yk G. Br~s hcr. Aglaia ('handler. 0 \)nna M Church, Ka )Ce L C1tl10n. Cyndi 1<. OJ,·1,;, Lon Diaz Dt· Lopc - D1a1 . Juli e J. D1c1rich,_,,n. William D Duke. WJnifa J. Dyl'. Carolyn

M. Milh!r . Rodney D. Mi tc hdl. RehcH3 Ann t,.foorc. Shari L. Offutt. Michelle L. Padgcll . Vicky Ann P:iul son. C unis G. Pendl ey. H0 ,.,,.jc McNu:l Pnncc. Elm:iheth Blair Reece. Charles Theodc,re R_ 1ce. Jr .. Dondi D. Ridens. N1t· olc L. Rodgl•rs. Natalie Roland. Natalie Rutherford. Kelly S. SJml1hyl. T ina D. .Savage. Mt•ri Be th Schwendl.'man, C.uhcri nt' S. Se11z,- fay Thlim.1s .Sheriff. Jennifer H. Smith. Michael K. Thomas. Juha A. Tucker. Kelly P. Laurie K. VaStjUCl.. Ve itcn hcimcr, Corby 8 . Walker. Rot\bin G:ul W:dk.~r. l l)fl A. \\la.lio n. Byro~ Kc:1th Wai.son. Trc,·or D. Wildman anJ ;\,lcl:mit: Ann Wolf.

P• • Grants

SMem Lo;ns

•n-~dono1ndl.df- l ) l ) M d ~

- W C , , a s N C,;lleQl \'/or-S....,,, ~

Aid to T•n• a11.10tnta "'· other...-


mun11y action Sl'r\'1,c.:s, 1s read y to recruit Amcncanc; to mcC'I the cnnc.::il needs o f

commun1tit·~ cvcrywhcn: The program is ge11ing

thin gs d un1.~

w1th1n . 1hc

AmcriCorp, n:rnonal pnonty

NabOMI Guaranteod Sh..lcWII Loan ln!erOlt

$814,48 ,000

SJg,061 ,000

area~ ('l ( i.:ducauon. puh11c safety. human m·cds and the l.!nv1ronmcn1.

In exchange for one or two years of service, Amcncans

will n:ccivc cduc:11ion awards 10 hdp finance the ir college educ atio n or vocational tr.uning, or to p::iy back their student loans. AmcnCorps h:g1slation was initiated by Pn:s1dcnt ,_ Clinton an 1993 and was 1r1,..,_,ld paSSl'd within month~ hy the United St:ucs CongrC-S!o. re■ 11012 sponding 10 thi; po1en~1al 1~f 0 1Jto25 natnmal St~rv1ce w1lh h1part1 • 10ulle,ft1,~s,... • .-t,o,oc,,,,,,.,.,~. . , C.- ... £_,,_ __ ....,.;l~.,, ............... ...,"""9-' D 2610Je san , uppcm. Clinton signed L _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ CZl 31ilOS1 mto law the landmark. national service bill creaung abo\'e tht! e.i,lahh,hl·<l eXl'!OP· make college affordable rn AmenCor ps on Sept. 21 , t1on ol S2.500 ttht· pcr'\un,il the years ahead throu~h a 19'13 For more information on excmpuon for the 1995 tax guaranteed pre•paid 1ui1ion yl!ar). plan. According 10 Sharp. as the service program , a the price or higher educathm brochure 1s av:ulahlc in the As the funf.11ng t ilters soars and scholarship re• MSU Financial Aid office. down to 1nd1vidual stales. Tens is 1:rca11ng iL,. own ver- fi~~r:;::1:~~·t!c;,::r;:; ; iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sion nf fund1n!! n:fonn John the cost of tuition tn the fu . Sharp. Comptrolkr t1f Public ture without becoming mu\!d TASP test registration AccounL'i, propn~c,; a plan to m debt deadline for test on projt."t:t collcgl'. If the Texas Esumatcd costs for 1oday's February 25th is Legislatu re agree:,. wuh mfont to a1tcnd public college TOMORROW, Jan. S harp·~ proposal. Texans in 18 years 1s approxima tely could soon hi; guaran1ecd $1 20.000 a vcar. The Te:cn:r 27! Late registration prc•paid l'Ollcge tu111on. 111c will be J an. 30th-Feb, proposal. Teuis T()morrnw See page 2 15th. Fund, provides for a way to


New food service offers campus a variety offood options in a new environment


Epley -Brown. Emelia Deann Fischer. Veronica L. Furnish, Carmen E. Guerrero, Clara Frances Hanke, James Se 1h Hicks. Cindy M. Huckahee. Margare1 E. Janowski-Bell. Su1.annc M. Jones, Darhney L. Keyser. Jennifer Jo Ladusau, Kacy D. LOn!!an. To mm y Lee Lowack. Debra Lynn Mart,. She ryl 1\ . McCu1cheon. Robert M. McGuffin. Amye

:md hacki:rounds into com·

AC1 lnaut9d Veterans Edueation ·" ' " ~ -.152.000 LO&nll AHlstance Gultanlffd $10,998,000

1995 Who's Who directory includes 61 MSU students The 1995 Jirectory or Who's Who Among Studrnu in Amaican Unn·usitits tmd Cofltges. includes 61 stu dents from Midwestern State Univers11y. These studcn1s have been sclcc1cd ha.scd on their academ ic achievemcnl, ~ rvicc 10 lhc community. leadership m extracurricular activities and potential for continued success. They join an elite group of students selected from more than 1.800 institutions or h1i:her karning m all 51~ ua1cs. the District of Columl:11a and several foreign

cnglgcs people of all ages

Fedtral support for r .... atuclentl' 1n 1\)93, Taxas,~S1 Zblll!OrllOledcraJ hlghlr edl.lcat10n grant and loan llCI

8 )' B,rnard Hurhn,lt StaffWrlt, r

Tony Miller, 1 sophomor. 1h1dul from Mesa. Arl:r:ona and

Kirby Cannon, a freshman sludtnl from Hnt1.'ilnn t nJuy !he lll'W food ttrvice In lht dining room rA lht Clark Student Ctnlt r.


Ntw ('trtal biM add tll,hl lttW Jtltc:tions to sludt nls' brtakfo!IIS. TM biuaapplJ lbt cl.a.a fadllty •ith I hflp•yiiurstlf

Changes in MSU's fond services this semester were mt.:t with varying opmions However. i'ramnrk Corporation was rel·entlv awarded the contract anti ullpkmented its pro::ram lh1., ,cmcstcr. K(.:nt k:ffrcy. Food Scrv1t· e Director at MSU, said that although they would not Ile at\lc to tkliver a fi \'C·Slar hotd scrncc. Aramark :,.ces n11 reason why they ~hnuld have to ~ rvc s1n..:n•typ11:al cafeh.:n a food . Jdfrt' V <.:u d he t->d1~w., onl.' rc.i~un Ar.im,trk v.a~ ch,1,cn tH't'r 1h~ 111r ma c.ltn rng ,l·r,·1u· I Pr, if~· , .. 11H1JI F, ,oJ r., lana gc mcnl l w a~ ArJmJrk',; hcuer ~uJl1ty f11(•d and mnr1· pru~rt·\<.1w and vJncJ r r1,gr.1111 .. 1-k al \ll .lotai.·tl Ar:unark ,hJr,· .. ~!Sl , plulo,11phy ol tx:1ng ~umnut• ted to cn.·Jt1ni; a p,,,11nc tun<l cnv1wnm('nt f, ,1 ,1u1kn1~

Some ~tudent,; have noticed the change in the food '\(.·rv1cc smn: Aramark 100k 0,•cr. Frt·,hman Ncke~ha ~foal'i 'i31d, "The ,alad, arc more varil~d and the food ta\le<. a whole 10 1 heller. I a]<.,o like thl' name t'lrand cc• rt·als Kellog~,. Po:,.1, etc h i:,. much heller than the urd1 • nar)' 1.crc al we !,'.Ol IJ:,.t -.cme,;tcr.R Ne'-' caktntJ ,1•n·1cr, tn • dude ,1 dail y Spcl1J l. rn:.tkl· your uwn watnc,. g1Jnt h1nhJ.1y cakt·, l"\l'ry munth .ind l e ll'hrJtwn ,\( ,pcc1J \ l°\l'nl\

JJn 29, Suri.:rhr,v. I Sun • th..: l,lfrt...:na will take J hJllp.irk theme. S1uf.lcnb will he <;l'n-cd hot dog,. hurgn:?>. n,1d10,;, J nd p1na l lown,·r . .,pml· <.,tud1·n1<., v. ~·r..: un h.1pp) wl!h lht·

JJ ).


See page 2



o_od service _f_ _____ ___J.)jjJLl:!,_ _ _=-_N_e_w y~ ~-h~:~~rsd~;~~~:~~ara~;~i~~9~~s ~h~~.L Hi From page 1 TmruJtrm, flmtl wnold allo w any r n:-.nn - :a r,Jrc n1. a i;r:1ntJp:ucn1. ._•,·e n :rn a nt\O)' · mn u) do nor--10 purc ha~l· .i C'tlnl r"JC I l ' t1\ •~r1ng IUIIIOO :md m:1nda1cd foes at lln)' T c~a~ puhlu; univcr:,,ity or com •

mun11y i:olh:gc IClr .my Tc,a, child Thl· rnt:l' o l 1hc Hm • 1rac1 wo uld he hJ""'' d 1111 1.·ur n· nt 1u,11on and fee rJtt•, Tc-on, c.ould cho(ISC. tu pay the hill all :n 1mcc or spread paymc nb nut un11l the ,·htltl e nter~ college The Trw., Tn mo r r(lw Fund wnuld gu:aranh:,· thJI 1hc contrul t wtluld cowr tu 1110 11 :md fcc11;, n1J mancr wh:it

m1i;h1 h:,rfl('n 10 college co~l\ m the intervening yeJrS. Till! Fund would 1nvcM I.he mo11t.;y l rom prcp:ud con1racts :ind earn mh.'rc: st 10 help keep pace w11h pro)ct:tcd mcrea,;cs In college COSIS. If a child ch1.>sc to au cnd one o f Texas'

pn ,at,· ll1lkgc" l ll' un1 v...•r, 1llt' , . he or ~he w,1uld n.:u'IH" 1hc th1ll:ir ,Jluc ,11 lhc lu1tH111 ... n ml r J CI. hJ,t·d 1111 th,· a,,·r :i~c lUIIIUll J illi h·,·, ,n plJl\' J\ :1 puhlu,· c .. tlq,!l' M un1 Th,•rt· arc 1w11 11np,1rtJ nt r1''-lfll11o n, In th,~ plan Tlll! pro}!.rJm llo,·\n t guJrJntl.'e ;1drms~1on into a ,chuol. and studcnl"i. will still ha "l' 111 ml' Cl a ll cntr.mct· rcqum:mcnts And 11 a d 11\d w:i.nl\ to auc nll J ,t·ho,,1 m ;11w1hc1 "i.tatc, lhl' nwnc~ will ht· r..,•. fumkd without 1n1cn·~1. Sharp , ay,. · nu.~ paynow. lcam-lJh:r plan 1.":l.n ~.1.vc p.1.rcn1,; the hcad,u: hc ol w,,rrymg whc1hcr they will h( abk to a1ford the ir ch1IJrcn':. colic~..,- '-"ht."n 1he 11m..: comes The Tr,.,u Tom nrrnM. Fund will no! only make o:nt,t for par..:nts. 11 will also m.1.kt· snur for Tens

MSU stude nts had 11 chance to get :tqu:unted with campus groups at the Student Orga011.atio naJ F:ur. 1lk: fair ran Monday. hn. 9th through Wednesday, Jan. 11th :llld co mc ukd wilh new student oncntalion. 111c purpose of lhc fair was to introduce students to lhc v:mcty of

organi1.•1tmns on campus.

22 of the 98 groups on campus were reprc~ ntcd. Lc.,.;hc Phillips, director of sludcnt ac11,•1tics. said, "The





SIUdl"OIS "'ho hccomc Ill·

St.aff' Wrikr



Organizational Fair gives insight to campus groups Jame, Winham n

Ano t her r.:mph,ycl• hf 0 . \tudcnt Cllffi • ArJmark 1~ cc•n~·t·rnl·d -11\r,ll n~ k •(, him t1l<1 ~tudcno." ,mt~al rcspunX", ,,' change la1n1.·d that '\ ~a ~• Jlll ant.I ,he c han(;L':O.. h , too n,t)' IIJ orlt' Jo i uin p t f'I LOndus1o n, 1~e to get u~ some of th<' sc:rvmg re rsonul· cumpany ha, 11nly h«n hi·rl' nClt have :i plca~i~g16mcn11.·d 3 week. and 11 1, h10 MXir 1, 11 y Anothe r !II~ ~~ empJny· udi;c." thJt he ha-" sc,.:~ut hi~ mC'illS 1 ci.:s mcasunng Jt:ffrt."y in"'''· ho"'t~1r fur the lir!lt umc chat Aramark h:t\ no pl.in\ 1., :iw :ty the J!110J f<l\~ anJ kc w Some caf~teri~ l"m!.lt~ y~-~~ An r,rop.ratn '- no w ht·rng ul fl'ftd seemed u1d1fkrcnl ~anagl•m1.•nt c hani;,: ~rtccd He ~ays Ar:imark , ,u m I\ emplo yee who hasn:1I f ood C('ln!ilSICllCY and 1101 'tnlpl) lo for hoth Pro fc~s10 Aramark crea te J go,,t.1 fir,;1 1mprr\ Jeffrey s~ud ht· ,n. ManQgc m c n t and•nt appeal's sUJtcJ . - Man:igcmc d but c,ld ,ends 10 continuL· hc1nr rir... to be more org:1ni1.c . n:ssivc 3 nJ thal s why ht: h.i., habits arc h3rd to ~ntrod u ccd the. 1tlca of tht pcc1all)' when_ yo~ The cm· napkin board. rhc panel 1n same cmpll1yccs. te nd'> to 1ry 3nd \!Jy eurrrn1 ploycc also n~tcd ~~..~~;~~-~ 011 siudcn1.1>' 1ush'" Jntl {'lrdn hilc mark J1d no! allo as they ChJngc O\•er encl·~ IO take their meals oul ~a C· umc. Profossion:il Food M3 g mc nl d id

vol vcd w Hh u r~an1 zat u m ~ 1e nd to do hcuc r in :.chool than those who do no t ~ct mvolvcd - She also :.1ddt·d. "Ii'~

not JUSt for traditional studenL~•-1t':. for everyone.Many of 1hc !,!rOup:. at thefair reeognrzed tht· .:vent as an o pponunily to nxrui1 nt•w mcm~rs. Alan Blal k, a ~pr~ nta11 vc of tht• MSU Band, .said, "It's bt.-cn helpful 10 us" Jean Sparks of thl' Texa,.; Staie Ed uc aL1ona l Ag1.·nc y n:markcd. · 1t·s a ~ood way of prcscnung o ur group 10 new s1udcnts.M

Artist Timothy Hil,!h drwr1hNI his work currtnlly MlnR u hihill•d 111 ~lidM. tt;tern S I alt lln ivrrsity as 1ft " unab:u:htd rdu1allo11 of thr dupllrlt} and fal!>t valuts of rontrmporary

Buy. sell or trade $ 4 for the f,rst 25 words and /()¢ for each add,t ,onal word


Sir,n Smigs 11/ V n11il)' Fair optntd Jan. B and r uns unlll M 1111·rh 2 1. II f r 111urt ~ prismarolor a nd tn11 m t l dr•"ln~~ mo1u11~jX".S, and hand r rdue1lo n st' rl1,?r11phs by nnt or f r.u s· nu)St poouh1r ar1 i-.ts. The l ' nh r"il Y Art Gallrry i-. tnn t td In Fain Flnr Arts Center :and dhplay s many of 111,:h 's never btfore shown dn"'lni:s. To r oindde \\llh the (4110 exhlhlllon, a slldr lttlure and a l(l&lltr~ talk I, plan11l•d for fth. 9. a..~ a part of the uni"rrsity's Vl51tlng Arth.a l'nt){ram. A ll i,talll"r:,· t: \·('nts .if't' o prnt'd lo 1hr puhlk and 11re frtt


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Health commissioner prefers health ads...

OURVJEws Super Bowl advertising promotes fun -

Okay, we're goin

10 issue. However I C hc 3 1 i dl'ad d some lifo in it , It oOks hkc lh1.\ ,1Jd d~~ ,',",~' one more g ... y ~1111 have The idcas..th 111 the SJlilCCS, or the po b re :ire too m.tn ~i-1 tiny th:u dt·,, ~ l, a" an~ loo few culprit, or the school 1us1 ,l'f'- Ulnphon lhJ1 , 1u~ ~1~'~.,1 PJrlmi! •~ the u11,,• lhl'n CJ1, 111 rus1r.i1c th1.· au1h hashed ou1 1-iccn stirred and' ~~ ~':_ dch;itcd, xtc~~~,:~·:,:·,h,\\~


5 ·m•,m c:~.11gJlcd_. anothc.·r """'le.... 1 ~ ,..d long cnnu,,h 0 11101 ytx th " ere s The major conmc, a .. PJ'll.'.ir\ 10 ~- h 1p · peak enrollmem h dunnc SJ)r1. •ficalh, I). [)(·111ng Mondays-Wed ~.~ur'i: , . .am tu 12 p m nc.~ ays.fnd.t r .m. Tuc.\days-Thu~ J ay~ fh' 3 nd \J \0 a m 111 11 ,(j ~c_1e1ual hou,s cl:U.11\Cs ~re ur;~ ~ cm, 111 cmm:idc :,~h ~1vcrs11y. Hmmm sounds likc·rl· .:at M1J"cs11:r11 State 1.: a 1.:01hp1r.tl y 1,..,1., dig per. Ir one looks closely . might rind th:11 mosi cl ~ 1!.1ch Scmc,h,~r "' hcdulc O hours, and general assu s •re ulrcn:J Junn, thci.c · due to s1udcnts' prcfc;c:~~u;~ 1" that th,,. .whcJ;il i~,s · iH••'tvn. th.:r._. M.·cms to he a lot of talk :around c:am 1ltcrna.1ivi.: times. stud~u: l~at if cla,.1o1:, wl'rc olfcn·d at m1l!ht t\'arrani;c !heir sche~ulcs in order 10 avo~d' 1 possible tha1 the facuhy mcm~runch 1imc. Could it he actually advisc--thcir students rs nl MSU crn.·our.l~c-1h:al I.hey (faculty) could-- _10 tal": mnnuni; classes so n-a..:h w11h nw hl·rc--havc the aflemoon f~ •)11 Okay. mayhl! that·~ IO<) h take root here. Well V:.iihdr, r.ish ::ind hold nt an idea 10 Many courses are offcrcJ~io~r honur only one sccuon av:aih1hl . . y 1.:vcry Nhl•r scmc,1cr. or could be offe red dunn 4~ 1~r \Cmcstcr Thc!-C d.1~ Journalism 3653 is orr! rcJ cmuon h,, ur:. l·or c~:unplc. course required orm:an M onlr in th1.: :,,pnn~ and is a






s C,)mmu111.:.tt1111h ThL"' their for could 11udcn1s many mlwr, hlc i:1 ,am.I s-t~• •~ Indco~ any time :itdegree. bc SCI


Whal advcr11scr is 1,tmng IO Commm1ory by David R. Smllh, 1\1.D., p;iy 1hc his huda to 1cll you Tt1 ■1 Comml11lontr of how 10 prcv(nl HIV/AfDS ' lltlllh To promote childhooJ 1m • mum,~oon.1" To "·uuuicr t..:L'n Super Bowl XXIX. An pn:s~ncy? To convince you cs.timated 90 million people not 10 smok(1 To control drn • will be w1tchin1. Companies beets? llrt P•f' "& S1.2 million per No major hc:ahh c are half-minute to advertise to provider is coinc 10 spend this huge audience. Every Super Bowl-u1c money 10 yc.u-, I wuch the commcn:ials make you hcalth1cr. They promouns &hoc.• to make you a hcucr athlete. faster fast don't make monc:y unlciS food, smoo1her beer, so(1 you're sick. Don·, ccc me drinkJ ,..1 - , br,n•• ,,- .. on wrona. They aren't bo1d cuys. ~ c anh and new cars en Ji• Jusc don'I e~pcct them 10 necred for everyone's m1d-hrr cnsu. Every ye:i.r, I wish I could sec a Super Bowl «mmcrciaJ promoting bcucr health. Why haven't I seen one? The usual reuoiu: lack of spend $1.2 million a hairmoney and/or motive. I( you buy more shoes, minute to prevent illness. (Or. somebody somtwhere makes maybe. they haven't been more money. If you buy ulccd.) more beer, soft drinb. hamThal leaves 1he public burg,cn or sports cars, somebody M>mcwherc makes more hcahh system. The burden on us. But, money aside. falls stay you money. But ir healthy, who makes more our public health system docs money'! Who's 10 profit ir you no1 have lhc inclination 10 i ~·11rs1 ys~!.1-:ft-;"o'suncto.'."annd? advertise on lhe Super Bowl Withafewuccp11ons, publ1c .. your family... and your cm- health doc$ not recognize the value or marl::ctin1 or :advcrploycr...and...

First. ; e propose lhat all dep:rnnwnL, 11lk r J vanety of c 1asses l roughout the ~ :a.m .5 fl m w,,,k JI)' F:i~uh would still be_ able to s.: hcduk Mu,:k, o·f tunt· ~arch, plannmi;. etc.. )'l't aho Ix• a,J1l:ahk to students tn a more acccss1hle m:anfk.•r. Secondly, we propose that niEht cla)~' rcm.im mtxl ~d continue: w1~ou1change l°hl:rc dues nm ~ m to be 3 d1spu1c over parking dunng lhl''4: h,1urc L35t. we propo~ tha1dc.(1sna11.-d p:11'l1n~ he aholishcd. We understand that raculty nc1.·d),, m he wh,:rc 1hcy na:d to be when lhcy need to he there, howcwr, MudcnL~ also have thal same need :and ~um:m,,:nt. P:irking 15 a perk for facuhy: s~udcnts pay S12 per vch1de c:11.h semester for parking pnv,leges. '!'o :rillevia1e lhc !llua11on. we :,,ug~e,1a w mpri~ . We bchevc that equal :and f:ur. un<lc.~ignJ1t: d p.trkmg and a broader scheduling of cl;i,s~ 1hrouglm111 1hc day arc 1hc wor~able solutions. A.lo MuJwc:stcrn SIJIC University conunuts IO grow. we mus1 bt:. willing to make: changes as arc nc:ce.ua.ry to accommod:11e the gmwih


MSU campus police officers more than security guards

ly Andy Bordtardl ll,porwr

THIRSTY? Every ton of recycled paper saves 7000 gallons of




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Scholarships :arc mainly used a.s a way 10 keep ('urn:nt MSU scudenis at MSU. -we prefer IO use schol11'lhips as a rc1en1ion 100I rather than a way 10 recruit new s1udcnts.For new s1uden1s there

1 hrJ ...,,111M 11 N

l S Reg.:nl scholuships for a nd v:a I c d ic to ri D ns )Jluta1ori3RJ. and Presidential Leadership scholarships for

1 1


t, ,_ ''"

Accordin1 to Anne Opperman. Dircc1.or or Development Scrvicu. Jut semester, $ 346,.560 in scholarships was awarded 10 1.136 !ludcnu 11 MSU. This fi gure docs not include athletic scholarships. To date S297,803 has been awarded in scholarships for Sprin& 199.5. The awards ranged from SS0 10 Sl.000 per s1udcnt No1all scholarships h:ave been awJ.rdcd for SprinJ 199.5. Opperman also cocouragcs s1udcnts 10 keep chctlinJ on their scholirship applicauons.

s~~~l::,~:j~~s.Merklc of

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1radua1ing high school scnion. Merkle suggcsls that MSU has announ<cd the wishin& to apply for 101als for the amount of students 1hrough the scholarships scholarship money awarded for the Fall I~ x:mes&er. 5

1 ·• ~lr"" ..N.i~f .('"" ..


u :.-, D ,n

musl be 21 years old anu have no criminal record above a clus C. Additionally, lhc orficer must pw a physical c~.amma11on and a drug Krccmng tesL Finally. the orticer JS required to sueccssfo lly comple1c a police academy training progr:rim and obtau1 cc,ufication by the WIC or Tcxa.i . There an:: lhree levels or pohce officer a1 MSU: omccr I. II and m. These levels :ire determined by cduca• tional background and cxpcricnce, The positions above police officer JU arc scrgcanc and chicr, rcspcc11vcly. All MSU officers arc required to update their training pcriodically. They must score 70 pcrcen1 in firearms proficiency twice a year and complelC 40 hours of in-.scr• vice training every 1wo years -· including inscruction on child abuse. family violence and sexual a.u aulL

One or more officer is ;1.lways on duty , even when school iJ not in session. The officers rol~tc work on J. three ~ay sh1r1. MSU Ch1~f or Police. H.0 . Euns sa,d 1he primary funcuon of the officer is •10 maintain an environmenl lhu is conducive 10 lhe educational process. Responsibilities of the officer include rouunc building checks, disturbance invcSl1• cations, traffic :riccidcnt m· ves1igat1ons, arrests--whcn necessary, and:•a.s many k~o~ from expcncncc--,ssue c11at1ons for parking and traffic ~ol~tions. E~ans sa,d these: ~11at1ons arc issued m comphancc with Lhe law. Although they pnman ly eoncen1r11e .,heir patro~s on c~ _pus, thcu offie1al 1uns• d1~uon mcludcs all of W,chua County..They m.1intam :a_constanc v1g1lance over 1he lives and property or MSU scudents, farul1y ind sl4ff.

MSU awarded $350,000 in scholarships

'~";.:_,~~..:~: ~,:_t,,iJ.,,,, ,ckpMMw arc M>me scholarships. such

*11""" 1"'1 •"-'►'

,if"' J " ~ !ht " nicr '"'

The MSU police dcpan-

men I wu established in 1968. A1 that lime, the dcpa.nment employed seven officers and four student assisllnu. Today. the same numbers arc still employed. The first scrgcan1. Ed Lane. eventually became lhc original coordin:itor of the crim(nal jusucc departmcnt 1h11 1s 11 MSU 10day. Rcquircmcnu for 1he pos,lion of .police officer a1 MSU are N.Sieally. the same as :any dcpa.nmen1 1n Texas. Qffi. ccrs mus1 have completed 30 ho~rs _of college courSCl•· which 1s more than some city police dcparunent.s require;


,\<\t1'f1Ult tdtl(Jt


l•I00 3'7nl2

When the campus pohcc arc mcn1ioncd. many pcnplc think. of security guards. Campus police do provide securicy 11 MSU. but they art actually certified Tcxu peace offioers.


A,hcna.·-inc lhl M:•J..i10.s s111...on Cottr AsJOC,att EJ,w,

~~~ ~1~:i. n~h~~c~h~t~~~


requirements Hold1 · a:nL\ will :-11:n up for 11 due 10 ~um:th\ m 1M \ Jnd oth1.•r h,semester cou~s :u lhe parkini; problem ~ -ak _hours \lo1,u1J heir, :alkv,atc 3 11 lhc caicgory of -11m;tcd C'li•..:~'1~~t~ ~ny ~: uf\l!, lh.11 fJ.11 into ·cWdhl:aLevcr the case, we, th~ i;J1111nJI \IJff at vuur fr1 n Y campu.~ ncwspaf1C ' h .r. ~,, h 1 i.'lllcr a .!oC"lulll)n 10 this problem.


m1rkel1nc :and cs:pcc1ally Jhou1 advertn mc We need m think ou1s1d( the box of trodmon. We n«:d 10 1.·han~ our own bekavior W i: need (nough. 10 m:ake bclh!r u~ of lhc mnney 1up:1.yers' We in puhh~ health h:1Ven'1 cap11al111:d on 1he dfic,cncy Maybe 1l's :t l111 le f:ir• ilnd cml dfl'cUvcness or profcss,om1I 11dvcr11s1ng 10 fetched 10 hope 10 sec a pre• ;cc prevc n11 ve he allh vcn11vc he:tlth advcr11scmc111 during rhc Sur,er Bowl masage., across. Maybe not. Traduionally, the people Bui 1f your child's in the who c:ontrol 1he public hc,thh purse stringt eschew 1hc hospllal w11h compl1ca11ons value of advcnuing. I n n'1 from measles or mumps th:11 pro\·c 11. but I have a suonc could have been prcvcnlcd suspicion 1hcsc pcopk go1 with immuniza11om, or your 1ogether some 11me bade younger sis1cr is dy1nc of Probably :11 Mo1cl 6 AJOS, or your spou.sc: 1s m J Everyone s:11 around sipping coronary care un11 i1flcr 1wo Coca-Cola, eating 81g Macs decades o f smoking c1g1rcues. it really doesn't m111er what kfod of running joumcd with the procl:im:a- shoes you have on or whal lion th:11 advcrt1~ing 1s nice. so(1 dnnk: or hccr you prefer but 11 doesn't affect behavmr. ft really doesn't m.uaer wh.lt's between the buns or 1n 1he We in public health com- bucket scats. plain .1bout unhealthy hchavDocs it? 1ors bu1 v1rtu:1lly ignnn:: the best medium for ch:anging Enjoy che game. Unles., them, We ha\'en't 1:iken you ge t too worked up, hc:tl!h 10 pnmc 11mc. watching: Super Bowl XXIX We in public hcal1h have won't afr«1 your hco1!1h one to ch1nge our attitude 11bou1 way or the other. li\lna: A few amatc:urly produced. euily ror,i:ottt'n. wutcred-down public service ,rnn ounccmcnts n c n' I

sc hool s u bmi1 their applications early. ·1ney should :rilso occasionaly check for 01her schol:irships which may he :av:tilablc 10

Ih~,'?!:J, ,,... 47 =.::~!·..,-:

S '-' IOot~~



'lfrt. OrigiM[


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dogt" f-cw•tl'edl

11Xltffl'_ higl'I"'"'' 9 10119HIU S hwys

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TEXAS CROSSWORD ', Ch■rlt7 & Cu1 Orbb,m

!14 llvt LIIJd-. ,n1!9ft"Thf BIGl.#'ltf'~lXJn q

lft9! 1n 0tllat ll'l '91 7 lJUttfl• ' - · lolha

Merkle them,- she said. encourages studer is to invesligate ou1.s1dc sources suc h as civic organ11..11ions for financial aid.

SS _ l"• lfoljll'IVllllty) S11ltReriot,tthn_.y _ kl>n WtMrli■#dl"

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Movies & Television

New television season offers good news for old Trekkies By Dun Lawrence En1ertalnmen1 Editor While M:1-Ci movies hl\'c been o n tht! b1e K rccn for

m1ny ye.u s. tclc v1s10n sc:1-fi has hcC"n sparse . with one major e.ccptJon Thu is, of course. Star Trrk, 1 sen cs

~!'·v":;s!~~~ !~f!Yi~:c~~ 5

sea-fl 0Jp. Smee the c:arly 60's the various S1ar Trtk genera• lions have sh11pcd the w;ay Americans h3ivc looked at the foturc. If yo u asked a small

hoy of 1hc I 9SO's wh:u 1 spaceship looked hkc he \lo'Ould have dc.scrabcd a pomtc-d-no~d. silver cigar tha1 sto od o n tl.S t;ul. s upported by hu ge steel fins . After :about 1964, ho we ver, he would very likdy describe the su n.hap Enterprise.

Star Trtk h:is. since then,

The MSU Ar1m-Lcccun· 5:tn«;s prcxnts the acappclh1 S1n&1ng group Reecncy on Feb. 21 at 7 pm 1n Akin Aud1t0<ium. This group has often hccn called "1he Tempu111ons of 1hc 90's." With 1 Cr('ativc. hi&h•cncrgy sound th31 includes ii mb. of music from 1odi1y 11nd ycsl( r• dlly II will be 3 )how 10 r(' •

Knocked 70,000 hgh1-year, fro m Fcdcr111on space, hncway must try to lead her crew b.M.:k home. h is safe to say that the 1rip will not be uneven1ru1 W.ilham Sh:atncr keeps 1.: roppmg up in these ~i-fi orfenng.s. Not many in the cur- member. n:n1 gcncratiun would reChr:ck It ou1 1 Tickets :an: member th.al in :i 1950's :i.vail3blc in the Cl:irk Studcnl episode of Twifirhr Ztm~ he Center Office, Rm 103, b,•. played a schi~ophrcmc man ginning 1wo weeks hcforc who kept seeing gremlins on ea.ch pcrfurmonce. the wings of an airplane. Uicr. lhll aiq,lane turned The Mooney Twins into a swship and he beclmc (Conscious Comedy) will its captain on both the small perform m 1hc Clark Student and large screens. Thus wa..s a Center B;illroom Feb. 8 at 7 legend born. p.m For more informuion Kirk died •• twice -- in contact the Studcn1 Act1villes the last Star Trd. movie Office in Clark Student (Gmua1io,u). so he may nol Center. turn up agarn (although Spock died at least once and lhcn came back). . Now Shatner is deeply rnvolvcd in a new series on the USA Network called Ttkwar. He writes. directs J__ W..,._11 and. along with Greg Evigan. S&affWrtlrr stars in this one, so ~ may The National Libnuy of not ha\·c time 10 return to the Poetry is offering I total of Federation. We .UWI sec.... $24,000 in prizes 10 be Star Trtlc, in any case is a awarded in 1lS annual North clw 1c, and seems datined \0 American Open Amateur be a pan of our lives for the Poetry Contest. near future . And William Many poems submitted

Backdoor The21rc closes No Sc• 1hc prescnu11on or W Please. We're Bn1uh" on Jan. 28. hut there 1s still 11me to get tickets for this classic 8 r1t1sh fartt b)' Mamou &. Foot M:a.kc rescrvilUOns now. While you're at ll. mUc reservations musical fo r ~L,ulc Shop of Horrors.· The cuna1n~ rises on m:i.in s12i:c M Feb I 0. Don't dday -- seat WI ii J;0 fl.Sl.

Aud111ons will be hc:ld for the next Backdoor production. the winner of lhis year·s

~~~ 3~ i 3~~~G~~o;~ ~~ 1

a.spiring actor. want to work hard and have fun . or ju.st want to see a qu:shty stage prescntalion while supporung the arts in W1ch1t:t Falls. consider ge11ing involved wuh 8.tekdoor Th«t.rc. For 1ickc1 or audi1ion inform,tion call 322-SOOO.

National Library of Poetry announces poetry contest

conunued 10 l ead us int0 a future •· an unrealistic one,

probably. but one we'd all hkc 10 have •· with 11u Nut

Cmtrotion. Dtrp

Leisure Affwrs


Nin,, and now . s tarting last Monday. Voyagtr.

Voyagtr stars Kate Mulgre w as Ca.plain Janeway. a hard•:&.S-nail.i stac• ship c:ip1:un thot incidcntailly ha., probably the worst voice 1n the ga la•y . (h 's 1 somewhere between 1he l~~~n~~~~i-af.PJ~~ demon in Tht E.xorrisr and and go. but ncilher Trtk my Yiddish grandmother.) nor Sba1ncr will ever die.



Submissions must be 20 lines or less. The poet's n:une and address should appear on top of the page. Mail entries to The National Lihrvy of Poeary. 11419 Cro nridge

Drive, P.O. Box 704-1483. Owings Mills, MD 21117. Part1c1p:at1on m the conti;.st will be considered for inclusion in o ne of 1he is free and entries must be National Library's upcoming J)OSI marked by January 31. 1995. anthologies.

DrlveS••• D•••n• lve Driving

'N1U1 C o u pon

Reece to perform senior voice recital J a,naWlnMmll

Sla"~ffU'senior Eliubcth Blair Reece will pcrfonn her seniot voice rccual Friday, fanu,ry 27, 1995 al 8:00 p.m. in the Akin Auditorium 11MSU She will perform several Sprin,s, Arl<pieces including: A. h ! Recce at1ribu1es her Pufido by Beethoven; Fttt success in music and theatre Galant t s . a song by 10 God. · 1 thank God ro, Dcloa..ssy: Shtphtrd on tht givin,: me any ~if!$ I no~ Rock (Dtr Hirt au/ dtm possess. and Chnst . _wh~ 1s Fdstn) by Fran7. Schubert my inspiration and gwde. .:and Norval Crews, andAin't is currentl y She Ir A. Prttry Ni1h1 and Tht auditioning for graduate Trus On tht Mountain , .schools in Colorado. N'lrth both excerpted from 1he Carolina. and New ?.=..:xico. Opera Swan11ah by Carlisle Floyd. She will also pcrfonn a collection of classical Spanish songs by Obradan. Reece was named Choiristcr of the Year 199394, and h"' held the Hurrell Scholarship for music for the last five ye31"S. She has performed .:at the D1d1..an Honors RccitAI, the MSU. Opera Worxshop, lhe ~i£llia Falls Greater

~ ('Unt)'

• Dtg Screen TV


• Comfo n:able Otairs • Fun Course

!~ 1,,..~ •.• .:

11019". S -



On ~lie •n:lll.lJt'f • l.nw mnti.1111) ·:de,. • l11,um11C\: 3v;11JJ~e • f-1:nc:ciJ 111 & h' hk'J • Munn1r1 & r;i,. t,nt: , uflrl1l, • Oul\11Jc "11r.1i:c :iv:ul :iMc •

691-4132 LM7'•a.,,...;,,

Elizabdh Rttet Alliance for 1hc Pcrfonning Arts. Backdoor 'Theatre, .:ind !he Burkbumcn Pl•ycrs. She also participated in Summer Stoc k wich both Lyric The.itre in Olclahoma City. Oleta.. and Inspiration Fine Arts Colo ny in Eureka


Laugh ahout the l\.lloney you Save




•• 'W¥J 1'11 I IN 1ntM1lh lt lf \,l!i ... 1ui..-.1v:ul;1hk OII M.l" 11,111" Moo - !'I.ti . 'J J 111 • firm


G.11i:, ()rcn 7 D3)' A



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1!2,99~5 J.!!...;;;IFkh=h•~·--------------=:----_JS..l.jp~Ou.rtuk.iS:1.-_ ___ ___ _JPa~gt.~5___:Th!:!!!!:Ursd~a!.l'.,Y,1)a!!!O:!!:U3!!;r)[;'l!,!!6,J, Lady Indians demolish lV lid we ste rn do mi na tes illots ! •.9,,0-39 L SU -S hr ev ep or t, 92 -71 Huston-T 0 h,o~~ ::;':"~~:. •ad7 The Lady .lndiaru improved their ~cord 1o 14-4 and h~vc won eight Of their IJ5t nine game$ m~ludinc lhc IJS' four games after t.-omplctclyd cvast.a1in1 lhc lf~On• T1llm.son ~39. The Lady Rams fell lo 0. 19. Hu:s1on,-TiUoL~n couJdn'i icc<P up w1lh No. 16 MSU

(hrough 1hc entire came ldSU rock lhc lead early in 1hcgame.1f tcra 14-3runand never lei H go,

The point margin kept 1hanks some J:OOd pa.~tng and the scoring of freshman Buffy Fcrcuson who hil 8- 14 field goals .;,d Jed the 1eam with 17 points. Senior Monica Miller and ,ophomorc Julie Lovcu bolh came in second with 12

1n(:f'Cl5i ng

points. After leading 46-25 a, •he

By Mallhtw Nkktru Sports Ritporrrr Comini: off a two poinl losJ to Okl:ahoma City . ihtnumber one ic:im in ihe 17. NAJA . o n Jan. dcft: iati.:d 1hdnd1an .!. Lousi:ina Slate University• Shre veport 92· 7 1 S,uurd:ay night 31 D L . Ligon Cohscum. Loumana State led 10-4 wilh l6:S4 left 1n the half before the Indians wcnl on a 1-t-2 run 10 take the lead by four LSU' s ChaJ Mcdowell brought 1hc Pilots h.ack w11hm one wnh 1Jnc of ht.!r. four thrc:e poin1crs. The lndiians trailed by two with 8:09 lcfl in the half, bu1 a 1wo

lhc ki:nnJ half. r tdnwn in lnd1:ans scon:i.1 44 J>O•~-~dy Oril.~ allowed the L4d R imd :mu to sco~ 14 r>oinis in : cond half MSU made , s .<J~nfthctrlicfd 'nills ~ 7_-.l7) in lhc sccon: h.tlf hilc Hu.s1on-linolM>n onl sc~~d 18.7 of lhcir fie)-' y u go<Qs (6-12)


I Oniyi ou1 or lhc 14 MSU rwaycrs Jlla)'cd rnorc th.an di:~~ ~•nutcs and only two ave any r>omu. F led J!·~d:tn 1Dcnise ~uman Y nd,ans m rcbo Lovcunds wit~ 10 :ind Julie n:bo u ~~c in second with 8 ~"-· Sophomore Jennifer Little led MSU . IA ' ll!al~ With 1.

Senior Madlyn Oran1 led H ~·lillou:on wuh 15 JX?tn15, Junior Ch:ironneuc Richardson led the Lady Rams in rebounds with 14.

point bucket and free throw by junior Brian Hightower ga"c MSU lhe lead. The Indians held LSU 10 live pomu m 1he l.i.s1 8:09

>nd led 39-33 at halftime.

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MSU soccer trio selected AU-Midwest

By Jonathan Brady Spora Edlcor Thn:c Midwestern State soccer players made lhe 1994 NSCAA/Umbro All-Midwest Socc::er Teams, MSU head um:&&l:JO l!IAUD/IIJ: l{ll; coach Nathan Pifer 0V I Gr«ncaN rm,,.,,.. t,,y us announced. lmm1,,...,,11 <"H«N.u\ttpro vodrU S The players' names arc Pfflllatwftlrt udtfll II.MIN l',cunu of forward Judd Joy, midfielder •tlowtd 111.inotl •II ~ tno Chaffin, aod Micheal 6v JO(Qt (mn, defender Lance Lowery. 201\1 ~l•&i SI f"'uw,11 PMt_ CA Joy, il Jen1or from Pl11no. Texas and a 1994 NAJA First 11'1 (11 111)772 7Jloll (lfllt) m 4,42j Team All•Amenc an sclect,on. made lhe All• - ilidWCSl FirSl Team. He served :a.,; one of 1he CO· captains 1his ~aq)n and Jed the Indians wich 32 pomcs and 14 a.~s1sis He 1~ MSU's sDuh all-time leading scorer Chaffin. a scmor from W1ch1ta Falls aod a two-tJme NAlA Honorable Mention


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The lnJ,an" wen: 16 of \2 from the: noor m lhe frr-Jt half and 5 of 9 frnm hcyonJ the arch. H1rh1o"" cr led MSU a1 the brc:ik w11h 11 JX)IOI~ ,ncludmi! 1wo of h1l three ihret· pu1n1t:·r, JnJ ,cnior Robcn R1111:o led all player.!. w11h <'1gh1 r\.·bounJ, TI1c lnd1Jn\ . . . ent ,,n to uubcorc LSU ~ l l)i: ,n 1hc ,\C..'.;ond h:M M"il ' held .a 2k p1 1rn1 lead w11h JI~ lcfl in the i::imc- A 16•7 run hy th4.: Pilob hmughl diem "11htn ltJ with .11 10 ~o. hu1 1h1s wu .:as dose J.\ 1hcy ~01 Fn:,;hman llerh W1u M."ored 1h,· lnd1Jn1.' lin,11 ha,;J..'.l•1. lJy1nl! the t'lall in wi1h 0 1 on the cl,xk Mc[)(,\l,,(' 11 led JII tK:orcr~ with 27 (>11lnh ,;hoo11ng >( of 19 from thL· nO(lr 1fk."ludmg ~ of IO from Jn . . . mown. l·fay'i led all rchountkr,; with moc and i.cn,or Kerry Bngs poured in 15 f'O'""


The Talk of The Town.

AJJ.Amcnca pick, was pl:lcc:d on the All-Midw('SI Second Team. With Joy. Ch:iflin wu the other co-c:ipta.in on lhe teJm and e nded the year with 10 goals and 2 as,,;1s1.,. He 1s :tlw one of MSU's all-Lime 5.corer.s: he 1s m 12th plac..'C w1Lh 7 1 J)OIOL~. Lowery. a (!rJdualc s1udcn1 from Mcsquuc. Tcx3i. was pl3ccd on 1hc All· M1d""'CM Thtrd Team. He was a two-year :.urtcr for the Indians and as!r.l!',,tcd the. defense 111 their record 10 shutouL, for the 1994 ~ n. 11l<- lnd1am. finished with a record of 17-K and m:idc an unprecedented 1-lth CO llSCCUll\'C tnp to the NAIA N:itionaJ SOC('cr Ch:imp1oni.h1p Toumamenl this year.

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