January 29, 1997

Page 1

• .M!dwestern State University

Hooping it up

~,,. .~...,1chi tan

M...·n·, um.I worntn ', hn,kc1hall t~am, 1.·onl111ur.: ht 1.0lllf')CIC In

Lone Stnr

;jl.ll•ll\. fflK<' ()

Mul\\''-''lcm S1a1c·, ch.iptcr {1f NOW 1' up ,mJ run11111~ agu111, 11ag<' J

1 umt . i - sut


Discussion dominates SGA meeting



Alish1t Ftrguson WicfiiOl"t i?ep0Uo1>ct-,11c: ,mJ d1.-.cu,,1un 11,cr


hill 1nrcncktl t11

ln\pt'(I\ C ,·ont.K"I ~lll-«n "'n.th)I" ,md th,.•u <,.OfhtlhKflh

don1111.1tcd th(- fiN Snuknt (,o,'tmmcnl >., ......_ ,,,11('1n 1rwx1m, ul the ~pnn~ -clllC:'-'<'' l"IK' t11 l1 ... n ucn t,y Aw..11.1J11011 ol lw..1.il .inJ Rch;;.1 1mal S.:ic:occ:, St-n lkr~n ( '(•~pc,. 10-ould 111,c: \C"nau~ 111 1'" '' :,~cnJ:,, .a1iJ nnnucr-.. 1111 11,cll J ~ rtpon the: n-,ult, \11m -.cn;ator, d11.1r,vo1·ctl u( 1hc hill for 1.111011, ,ea ,.)11,, u~Jm.hnJ! ,..onccm, 1",:r the rl,111 , c:fft\.11\Clte"• It~ '4'0oll<JI" 11,ho "'~nt ill lafic: numOCr o l CC)INtlUCfll•


("o~pcr ~nt


of !hO'C ~ lfJ lhc: 1'11ll ""Cf<'

l'C'.IJmg 100 much m11> 11

~,c, JU•I ,omc:thmJ.! 10 j:ct u,

out frt,n1 bth1nd 1 ~ t~k, m btt,.'ccn mtt11ng,. 1.1l~1nt1 hi reoplc". JJ()'l lnf! IIOltl.'l"" dvmi; "'",II "'c.' u: ,upp,_N.-J IU ix' rJllm}: Jfl~ v..1) • \1)fflC' '('n.11t'f' ..,;,.iJ lhc) v.(11.d d W rP"fl

the t-111 11 II modtliC\l J.au l:n"<'mhk Sen \IKh..o:l T:&)Jnr ~tJ ' I .1~n.-c v.tth 1he pnn,:1pk ufthe t-111 v.hokhcMt,-Jl). hut (ll the nlOCh:&nil", of II J J1111 ·1 -'!l,T«' "" 1th • Aflc1 :'O nunutc, L•f 1.h...:·m,1on .md qu,:"'°"'- 1hc '«iA \OlCd 111refer chi..· hill to the l'Uhlic Puh,) Comnutlrt In otti..•1 k!,mc". the SLA lilkJ \.l(.'llllt , h_.,,.._ JJ-.o11 l..iwn:occ "'"' '"'um 111 :i, ~(.j,\ St..rct~ .1nd (;111,1 \l,h;tlCOI! '-'1' \tiled 1--.a..ull) 11k n.i1,• nh'-l'f\Cf 'l.:umm;at Hlri- for lhc Oul\l.ml.lmi \ludnlt ,\v.Jri.h :;m J the Viola Vr,Mh A11,arJ ...,w e .11~ t!c,.1dcd ~,l\,a Bn.i1'1CI and ( > ~ M1JJk1on v.cR' chc n,,muncc~ for the frc,hm.tn cl~" \1,md) l'mlcr1rm .tnd Ur~..-,S111('l.t1r "'~'c nom1na1o:d for the -.orhom111c , 1.1,,. L,I~ Stro~ ~ RM..hW Yount? \l,('fl: \ Oled 1hc- nom1~, for the 1un1or d .1,, . ,mJ U-11.i l'lumnM'r .md T.lC" l.<c "',:rc rtormn.itrd 11.M' lhc \l:n1tJr d .1" ~{,,\ l'n',,lknl k,-c: \kn..k·, .anc.l 'itudtnl ~Cllil\t' l'rtlldcnt N/\d111c Kucm~ '-'ere mmunJtcd lvr \l,111 ,md Woman of thc Yt.at J1II \t1'(IJ;ud v.,1, numm a11•ll fo1 the Viola Gnld) Av. ,ml. ~ -.chl•l.ll'htp lor k:klc"h1r .lntl '-' Cl\:

- •le'

.K.llklllll t \ t CIIC'nCC'

lessing in disguise' ppa.Sigma blaze provides opportunity for complete renovation Matt Gur<ikl'

of h.1, 101

IIVUi:h th<' •t

\ hoth(' ,,n Ill, 11i% 1hcll


hr <'f


htt•\\l/1~ lhJn "


n11.·c hou'-1: h nht fircJ

11,-a, ., hk,,1ni: m d1>gu1-.c." Kapp.t S 11tm.1 P~ , 1Jcn1 Hr;anl M,u, ton ,,1ul \1 ,tr.tnn o: t rl,uncd that .11 fiN he ...,,., J 1..:ar,pi,1nttd ht,,11u-.t tht fr:11cr• mt) no lnn~c• h.aJ 1 ~:1 ~


pl.ae 10 mcr1

~wt ux11Jn'1 nk'tl OI' do ,mythm1 al the h<lu'-C' We h.td h.l lind ncv. pl:...'t, 10 g.i1hcr:· llolland ,:11d " II', ,m a11,c ..1n)C' f« tina bcf} . thmg " g11m11, 1,:,11 goo,I 11 uhc hnu~• 1011l ~ .1wr,..MT'll' when 1f,

Pha',(' vnc. "'h,ch hct=·'" m r,.'.o-.crnber, I\ 1hc ~tor.auon <11 the m,11'.k of the MU~ Pha-.c l'-'O 11,h,l h ¥. Ill lOltcl'l1 • tr.air on 1he 11u1,1J1: 1•1 1hc hoo-c.

~~!,~!': a~,:'"~r~~K:,~:i:~~"~

~;::.,:•;1.;'r~~~,i::•~<:. Jo~~;i':"":!i:C~!. n. • K.ippa u(f1~1.11nhn11 1

J<.'t l 11,111,1IJ n1.».o: rhc tkiu\t' hrttcr th.an II h,id ht-en hch\fe I 1c~hm,1n t-,,,thc, Scott llollllnd ~ hotd \1.1Non , -.cn11mtnt,


\l,iNon, 1ht tifoth

\1,:n1,1 ,1lunmu, , , nluntccrt d 111 er, t-cr.an iht- ptT•Jf".I hy ttmo, mt l nontm.1te 1ht rcf'lfl\,1lmn cOom .all of tht firr-d.mujrd "'Ol'(I fn,m 81.-.km.af\ ....,J the ltOO\IUOft h•~ N"<n 'C'J),lliilcJ ,nto l\loO ph.1,c~ Stt K-eppa Si,tm11 pagt J

1M \licl"'bltm St•tt ch•ptn ••, li:app,11 Sltm• r.....1,m11, h ~lllnt blK'.. oo lb rM llfttt " "' rtPt)NI throuih lb hl'IU"f la~ \C'mt"lt r. rli,1'0 " ' ) (°


lack history remembered in February Counseling center sponsors EDAP week Mand'f Thoma.son ,on tJ'-'<.,re, t l'l!t,. h ·bru:tl) 11.1, hn·n

~a~::~. l\l1~~;c~~~11~,

.,...., h.fr Kan- \ mern,m, "'""

liit ,rM~ ,,.,n1nl'>utc1I ,,, 1ti..· h,,


Hl,1, l ~ \ lonth 1, h• rJu, .a!I ..nil ~•°'~· lhc ~,tnl111"11l1"fl• ••I


l•llU' ,.,


_,'Jat\\'f. nw11 pru pk 1<,J.1, u..r ,.-.ti ,ul\'\,,~11111• !hr \tm,m

ltl..c\1tltUl\" ln ,u..id) ,I. lllllt, 11... ,.. ,1n llhl11lm~•

r;111g111i! fmm , 1111, m ftlm. ,p:,rl\ ··Wc' \t dt•nt' II ht!l>ft'." J•....:ph htl\."-''· hl,t,, l. , ~hoy, . ,;chul11r,. Q 1d ..l:,;i..h gmup t.alc, 11 tum m M.t,·I. .... ,,me n. poh1 ,c1J •,huV.\Jstni ~mlt'thmj: lu ck, w11h liguR', to lllt'IJr\ srmu-.c=\, BI.K"k 111,t,!fY Mnnlh 11lC' m•"I pt'l}ITilllo.'.111 Mx .. 1,gGmup<- u\u1lly h1i,:hhxh1 , •re· Ut(', -'M"('arm~ mo-r m 1hc cclri'lf"• urtc ~tnt m hi,tOI) 1Jr an .1\1)(\.t 0 1 1""1 .m: Ot \1,a mn Luther Kmr Jr . 1hc Afnca.n•Arncnc"n tUhurC' l,u1 \IJl.. nlm X. li(•ll.C'1 T W:a, hm~lllft art t'l"llOUUJl'Cd lo ht crCJh \"t' Vt 1th th1:1r Mk,1, .1tkl W f ll l>u801, A ctOfdlflj: 10 mcml,n Dlf'l"ll.'('Jfl ll,ctt iU\' JfrfUUm.ttcl) ~ hl... ).1~1,1.atN°"'lf\.Ju.littr"'°"· \hdJldon. tht JO) Gu\pcl l:.t1<;t'mIIC'-. h:tkmllk.._,nJ,P.'-"\JlltltC'R.'!,f t>le crkhr.itc\ Rl« k lh\h>')' Mon,h J."'(1("'1"' MI\J...-c'-'ffll suic·,campu~. ti~ luliilhng , hurchc, f'Cll~,u tor \l,1m of rhcm , uncn1ly Jo not 1hc1r ffil/\lCII laknb 1'hc group fll:lkC'~ llf)f)C':traOCtl 1n :irt'a churchhJ\\" ,pt,1fit rro1n, h 1 ,,,m,ncmo0


1":Jll' ~ I.K. l /lh lllr) \ fon1 h km~r J,,....-ph. pn·,1Jcn1 of !he C ,1nht-\· .111 ~lutknl O1Eo1n11,1t1Qn. pl:1n, ,..-. J"m,ng !ht ,tth..•1 J'f"•·Jomm .. rcl) M.k l (>f'Jllfll·


10 ,mg

. . . f!'(°'IIIIC' 1,.11,.hlfll!

1.it:011, 1n .t,:",..,."1m~-1 glJ\• ,hl:r,,.

· ►lnpcl u lly. \IC' lan cclehr.11c Blii.J,: H1,1~ Month "' ,1 v.hult' r:t,:c~i. nut JU'-1 lta,mg ti up 10 t~ hl.-.l l)l'JJtlll.alM)ft,,' Pn.-..1dca1 of the , a1,onaJ " "''ic1Jtron for tht

lit. ~Nmm 1,,,, ,,1 11:,Wt·r, ~ tti, 'U~ho'l.11 lh<' m,,nch

' " "' ho\ 111 lht C 1.., .. ~Ilk.km I 'tn,,·, Jur1111 the month

o\<h.ll'l«'mcrrt n( C-ol,"td Pcoplt C~ ,\ACP1 f,,mrt,. FIIWot'f' -..00

~ 4111.1 l\"'l' 'll !111 hl,11,l

llf? Ind r t.,hh,hu•~ , ,,•r,,,.,- nl Ill r'f'dt .mJ "'11 ·t''l\'etll

,.1,J 1hc




1.,111,,, 1 fh11 n 1h, Ji111 I'"'' 111" ,..,1,-~,n 1, 11r1 ,l,11f111c: 11 uli , ,111111( J 11mtf,.,1

"llc,1hh) Wo1~n :?00)- l:..ilm); 1>,,nro.kr,·· "-111 he , ho\l.n III the C-SC. morn 10-I. ,it noon 011 l lk'...l.1\ . Fch -& C'mm,dor, 11,1II k> on h,llld afi..-rn.tnl w :111,....·e, "") QUC"\l ttin, llf ,·11111111.: ntt 1k \ltko \\Ill t't ' "''"'" .a~.itfl fht' ~fal11,t\lcm \ 1,11c Coun-.chng ( c1Hcr v.111 '""1· :al I:? -&5 r m nn WcJrk"..J.1,. Fch , " \I ) mam go.ii 1, 10 gtl 1hr 1nfom1Jl10n t\UI to ,1u ..._,.. 1-..atmJ f)i,..lfdc1, ,\11,,arcnc" .and Prt',rnlll'fl lt-.OAPJ dl•n1, l;ai.uh) Jnd ~.iff." t1'1J11'4.:lm ~u ....n Knm, ,,111.1 \ltti. hrr 1nn11111' I'll t-('h 1, h) hi"-1111~ \ ,IJ'l(1tJ\ "'-ll\ 1Ue, Krnm ..JJcd tha1 J"C"Plc t,r ,111 .ai:,·,. r,1u·, .and ti.Kl for '1uJcof11\ .ilOtlnc.l !hr l -4lllf'U\ On Mmd,1\, I ch I !:OAP "'•II h,;,1n 1h anno.il cam• grounJ, , :in he aflc,..1,-J h) calm~ J1"irikh \ hi.• , uong• pa1tn to Ilk fi.'.t>e puhh, .1"";&1\'fk",, ,,Jc,1hn~ J1\0r\kf' at I) trM.11ura(!c, r.a1111I) . rnt,11.h ,md ('1.-.:lf'k- "'11h the d,, \ISt ' rhc lhcmt' fn, thr three I.I,\\ l,.ng .,.,.~renc~,t:am• t'J-.C In J llend one or ,1II o1 the ..._ll\ 1hl' ' !'hen- JR' -.C\l'fJ\ ll1flercm 1,r,:, 111 (·,1110~ 1h... irJ,:,... ro11~n 1, l)on'1 "'C'1~h ,nur sell l'' ""cm 11·, 1,1.h,11\ mcludmg WlOl\'\1,t. huhm1"· u11111lUh1\(' ,:,111111!. 1.ompullfl\ldc: that ,·111,1111, lbc,,1mp,ugn "'111 h ,u, on ,1'-',1Nt1t•" ,Utt.I fll'C\t'11IH"OJ1 '"~ c,cn.1-.c ,md l t}ITirul\l\C' l,thlfll.' NI.II i:rJ11l , ,11m1111i: \\ l,crc c:11111~ J .......1c,... , .111 ~Cl <l,lll1CO)IJ, 1, ..,..hl:n th.-\ StudC'm, ,Jn k.1m hi"" 111 c:u h,·,1lth1l·1 .anil ,·1.J:r,·1\t' tic,,. bn.·o u,c IUI :iJJi. 1,.-111 h i.,: ~whul ill Jrui:,,. Krum ...:.11.I lt"T. h) rc111ing r.unphlch ..,o~·J .a! lht c11lk~-< d1r1 llll" C11Un~lrni: C"entcr " ,11,o el'l.,l\Jl.t~m,- .111\ uOC' 111 An 1nf,'K111.at111f1 1.1hl( oUenne: r,.amphlc1, .and hn,htirc, tt)C' \l" I communll\ 11, v.111,• ,1 , hurt, .1no11, 1111.,u, ,11," ""rll t'II! -.cl up III lhc Hluc t.. 'Uttl..'c.' m thc Cl.ar.. Studc!U ~h.,u1 11<111, c.111ni,: d1\l•1dcl" h.1,c .1llntcd· thc11 h\C'• CC'11ter tf"~{ , lrom "" m Ii•:' p ~, l1<'fll l--ch I Ill \ Srudcnl, \fo1ll .1l,..1 l"I: m•1ti· I 1ur-ir,1<..1p.r1c ,n the m.U.mg M1Jv.,:,1..-m·, H >AP ,.,,mm1t1,:c h111~• 10 J 1,pl,, .ill rc,pon ...., .tH'llnJ ,.1mpu, dunni:. the c•mr.t1gn · r,f "h:anocr th.at 1".._.,,,u..k11h r~·,r,..111-...... luchrljUC't..-,n \ t,111..-, ,hc.lUIJ he turned mhl 1ht· Coun-.clmi: Center. • \\h.it "'oulJ tut,Jw:11 11.,.,,. ,Li'f'f'.-J h..une ,11,1, ~ -.!""'- ~ ll ~1hn '1110th Ho ..m ~1 1. vr dmr1'«I 111111 Ilk' umru, ,._lun~ "'•lh th<• 1nl1lf'm.1:11,n t.1hk . .1 \ kic,1 Ullcd ll\iitl ,1,"-IH·,...,-J 11• tht C',1t111-chng I cnll"T

/'+ fandv Thonrn,;1111 w .-..1,Ion Q(ij.,Offtl'


We want to know \\ t 1,,,111 10 L.no" \\h.11 \llU h he 10 '-9\' \\ l•cl.. .ltl' f "'<"Cl. thr W1,·h11,m

UtJ Drr\l.




) OU u 0(\1,, ck.·r1)rr undcf\lJnrlmg 01 h it-. m thd 11 1u~1 m:.d,c you

,!JII J\llh ,1ut II p.1pt1 w11h vur , hul..c \,1u1 hcud and wo ntlcr ' '''"' .1.nd 111,111101\\ ,,n 1hr cd1to- ..-.11,, hr· ~ch ,o much ,;:pace ..,,, 11,11 l'·'i?" Hut " 1..'<:I.. ,1ftc1 \h"t"k . P:lit l" u' It 11nly 1111..c,;. ,1f n1uplc of min the- , tt•,,.,, til lllhr , -.c'f!IH<'nl, ol ~lich,,· .. h·rn - - - - - - - - llll' , ltl\HIIC U\;l lht· letter \J,lll' ( ••ll1111Ullll\

Or g1w: u" a

Jn· u,uJtl\ :ih, c111 thC , ,,mc


\\h, ·'

, 11


\ 'OU

Or t-.cuer

ir:~1·rin it!~:

Jun•e lo .\"(I\',

Finl' A,1, Ruildmg (Ii', rc:ally not 1ha1 hnrd to find)


Wr <lorfl rart

, ,, " the Wtl·h 11.in


) Ct.




espet·1all) aboi,r th,, newspaper.

ulh 1!.1 nc,1 c,11r n '(''111 ku r" c,1 th( .:Juor ,,r ,.qu<' ).:Uni

call Ill 689--li O-'

Nmr the iv;chirw1 u·w,r.,· to k.,row what


10 - - -\\Jllh \\t,.,1 )OU hinl' 1u "3).

- -Ju, t h:t lh

ho\.\. you do 11. know wha1 )Oti'n:

1h1nk111r, We know \\I." ha\C our prob• 1utdhaodth:,t )nul1kcdorllnl n1\t km, Nl~,cl) '"- perfect. and we ltll• , ,,mc1t11n~ 111 our r,,ixr WI." ccrtainl) do not claim 10 be, E\'rryhod) ha., ~mcthtng 10 \l.:in1 hlU 10 te ll u, ,ou~lt l>1d )OU hlc 1h.i1 Jrllclc that '-'Y And we wanl 10 give ) OU 3 11lacc h\ !oa)' 11 1,1n ,m th,· lront pa~c.· l:N v. cd.. l)on·1 be ,hy w ,ltd 11 1111''- lltt.• f)Olnl <.omplc1rWi: w:,n1 to knu"' h, l.'J"k"unll ) :1Mu11hc JK"\\,p;tpcr \\t 11,1 lkM Y. ,ant 111 hc:,r \C'\.

I lhinl II \ nc .., th;11 thl·f,c a,,c. J'l"OPk .... ht,

-..iMc.h Jh h,ni °'' l'\ I v.1>uld n 1hc:r w,1t\h ,on1'1h1ng nlUfic " •111111. 111.t l,1y1,)IOllm J«onlJX)\ln,- bul I th1nl 11·,,1\ll pt'(lflk- ,11 1A1oulld •nd ,-...ich 1hl\ l,(/f1 of rnt'Mltfl'}IICh Jlfll~™n1n11,, n 1c: Olhrr dll) I .,.11, .it .a fnr oJ , hou'C' fhl'l)ml lhhlU'h lhc l h•nnt h . v.tw:11 I nmc 111.·rm, one ol th..• ,t lh h1nJ1 , hm,, r ,1.1r1 ra,, lhr"" l)·('I(', of J\11w, .,11 the 1m1t !lut ror ,nnl(' k"..11111 I •lnfll"'\I "" till\ r.~rt1,11l111 t f}l'-'llk .&I\J ,, at.;111.ill) go, inc thlH~lllt,: I l1•UIJo I ~1,,: • I.el \ ,u11111 :1t,11u1 fi, hm, lhh .lfld 11ny1h1nc ••~'I. i.1tc:,I 1o. 1th (l\hllll 1111 huh, l'hh1ni lint, fl• tn11i: p,•I~ .ukl lhh l'ti1 a, I 11o.a1d1cJ 1111, p.,n,,,diu m11 N'-It\ t l'l-.o.Jt- I ,1.u1,-,.J 1c.al111na th.it lhtrt lll'C j)('<I (lie .... tw,do ,111c:.1 rJ1', rn111p Ir, h.aN It.I htl1c-,,c:. t,,,,1 J lh hinJ: ,ho.... mlJt mr rc.11!1C" r,c:ry rtr,011 1\ d1ftt'ff"nt iind ,rn,1.111n h1,,1f hn o.,..n Y.11} I ia.:1ulll) , 1.ar1rJ thmlmJ JN>\u !hi' l:1\1 v :,,tnic, ltl .... h1k I ....., \1111111! 1n my cl.h., . "'u1 lht fi~ 1ni; \JI,,,,. p11"1c-J me: u, t r the ttlgc:" ~ t00ctd me w ..1 .k,11o·n :.ind .... me


11t,,-,ut II

In gt'('I~,· ,ny pmfcw.lf 11ooulJ ,1,11)J •I lhc fr,'fll of th( cla, , rAnd JU(I 1.ilk .and 1;111. »boot n<,,.L~ I Lf"ll)',I,' lhJIII ) 11oh.11 •ou , 1udy m ,col~ S), bul ) OU dM 1 11ndcr,1and th" mJn ..,. .., A.II 111boo1 roch .1nJ 11t\ C't r,1n 001 nr1hmg, m \,ll)' about 1hc1n II 11o.a, asnume .\1 the- ,11111 ,,( 1hc \C'n1c:,1cr. I 11o1iuld poll fo11 .11 him for lnov.mit ,o much atioo1 ruc. h . t,c,..au-.c I f)UI rud,) righ1 up 1hc:R' .... ,1h fi,h1nr


Bui hallw11~ Lhmugh the: -.cnw:,1-1:r. I

America's not Online be<.onk:' ··a!<. big :i part of everyday hfo a., 1clc,•1qon :tn<l tc.· lcphonc<· but "'1th a rteum ng bu'-)' ,;1gnal on the mockm and hour., mvc,;tcd 10 u~ 1h1" ·necc,;,11y;· many u,cr,, lt'amed 11 JU'\I wa~ not 1ha1 c,,cn11:il a part of hfe WhDt AOL ,hoold h3\C <lone IX'lon:- 11 &:('1Jcd thac II v.ancc.-d

In lalc \!u\cmbcr. Amcncn Onlmc announced 11 had one ~o:il To Ix 1hc No I Internet n<.rc,,; pro, 1dcr m the i:ountry \\'uh un unhm11eJ•U'IC rncmi plan UO\Ctkd m IA'C'cmbcr and '-lcpix·d-up markc11ni effort... AOL did JU,t lh,u. n.panchng n, mcmt'Cr ha-.c hl 8 m1ll1,m H


o \\ c \ ..- r . - -- - - -- - ,uch a lar&i:


of the marl.cl wa~

then:·, one thmc \OL d1dn·1 <.'Ouni on.•ind th,11 w it'-


fi1'1 cn~un.• th:11 11

Win- invite ..J million was equipped 10 pl'o11/e toll parry, ~~~e i.uch a on a,:commoda1 when the only thing Wh) 111v11e 4 mil· •ng mon.· th,111 8 avw lahle to hare it in hon people io a i par!). "'hen the I / K / / reoplc 11ulh1)n ni,r: ,rs onl) rhing av1ul· 1 u,1ng the -.en 1cc tS 1 ,e oca o/Columhus hall? able 11.> ha,·c 11 m 100 nulhon hour,

~~:V,~~1~ rl~'n\~~:

local 1hc 1~ a <la) , up fh1m of Knights ahout 7 m1 ll10 11 Columbu~ hall., fll'npk lo~g•ni :\0 AOL ha, gotten on the nght m1ll10n hour, a <la) 1u,1 four 1rack month, c:ul1cr


AOL , hould ha,c -.cen 1h1,

It .,. reducing 1i.. di rcu mail

who hJ~e ~:~Jc" h:;,p:tr;~~~rr:~; up ,1Jdc<l. and JI more local chaocc, 10 ~~:~•~~eir'~o~~;nJ to elnmnumN'r-- m an

r r~~~c::;ac,~;m!,cr, pov. n 11rcd of ,pcndmg hour. 0 ; 00h::~ hl:unc lhcm"' For C:\amplc. only for lJblc a\;u .ire l\li.o number"'u~r-- nc,tr W1c h1IJ Fall, . har<ll) cnoo11h 10 ,uppor1 1he hundrc<t.. u f AOI. m e m hcf' in !he IOLJI


, 1cpp1ng




The Wich1tJn wrkom('S ll!ttcrs or opm1on from faculty, stuht! bn ('f ,rnd ,,·1thout abu'il\'C


u tters tothe Editor

Uring k ltl'r5 In the Wichitan


l >nk,. Room ff I OJ of lhf F1ln

c.ition purposes. l.ettc•rs will Ix• <.-d1ted for gr,l mm.ir only.



dent'< and <,laff Letters should

News Desk (817) 689,4704 • Ad Desi< (81 7) 689-4705

ldtto< lo Chief Drew Mye,s

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Associat. Editof" Jason Lawrence

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Advortlllng Monogol


Bk:»n Hern&f

News Editor MottGur5"v

Lony8iU$ TomrnyCOOk Te,oh Curry

·'""(> .~



•,.. r·• 1 ,

Ad Slept


Suzanne Mille!

o f'"IOl'rV>' , ..,,. 'e,.:. ii,•o,cceeg,o,e Poets ·1': 1\ n •.,,. • ' J.•••·Y""Wdll"'8•<1'' '"P JI Jor-\:l'1>10ill1Jn.'"ecl'tf~o

'f'' ·~:Y, J''t - • , . ·>l_.••



JCGOl'cio M0tlo Lowry

Wfchtton lleporten


Antnony Newberry .JonQnnoNu<>ng Mondylhomolon Photographers

)8rYl1l e1 Smltt1


~~ Woyne Moo<e

Rondy Brewster

Adam Chavez

Donno Poylon

Ac countant

~1.-.._...., , ,_. ....

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,-•.>~ ''>t'S,,,-,'e,,IICJIYWY>iO,OJ:l'JOf ' lf-.i>11J•'\~ l 'h810i..V-...~ ;1 .....,-. . ,.,.,,on,.,rro-,'Y)'·~•o,.on

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Pcr,m;ilh . 11,-..JkJ~ 1n10 m\ ol.:I I\IOlll 1, 11kt a bl.N

frurn the ~ hrrytlnn11 m

lhcrc mn1nd, rta:- of .,.ho I u\Cd111t'C lf,f'K'i4 hkr 111\CJ lo 11,t :n)lhrr hfr. hu! mo1t" 11kt hi'M' I lu•"C" t'\Ohcd inw ""ho.11:am lod.l) Lmlc lhme• from m} piht

MC i,I11o11y, fon 10 find :m d rcmm1-.« ahout For t umplt hig h '4"hool dmcc: p,, iurc:,. Chmlln:t! w)d hirthdll) c;:11J, I (kc:KkJ to lung oo 10 fOf (Cntm1tnl:ril \lllut. old nilcn

xx,,..,..,..: .c:.,.e,0'9


dM• that r,:conkd C'\t'I) r•cn1 flf m1n1m.1I 1mponJrk:C. nolc\ from Clld friend, .ind ho)fnrrKh . .and 1n..:n1111n.mng Jlk'.hlft"• (m4n all lho-.c .... 11d aoJ CI V) pan,c, thJt )UV h1dt: in a bl>, 1n thC' lQc-k of yoorclm.r1 -o )OUt pat t nl\11C"•·cr1tt thi:m Bui \\h1lt I ..,.a, nnnm.asinJ; through .a N>, of cuU«tcd momcnto... I c-.amc: upon :m old pl,iqut Ill} p.ucm, had g1n ·n ffl(" man} yc:ir. .ago 13..ck thi:n, I tht•11ght. ··Oh. ht>,,. 1111.·c," .£00 10,-.cd ti un a ,twll 111 hl)' d thCI Somehow, 11 h:.d rC",urf.iccd. and \\ hn1 t-t'I IC'r :, 11111C for me lo find 11 TIIC pllM.juC ...ud "fr ·1 11111 cmJUth 10 lw,,." drr11m, 1111/to / 111

" "f/1,nJ(/fO/Hll\U('I/

II' "°'""""'h111.l.1"111 .. hm 1111:hr. ,111/t \1 I m u m11t t,w11~h m du 11 /, 1 nQI ,.,._,:h lt1 p11 lht' r ro,,,·d 1,, IN 1.H Ul1,.,/t'd1trd,1nd ,,rf,.pl,.,I I m,111 DI' /rut',,. '"' ult'11/J nrn ,(Im " " lu.lrd ,mJ ")'' ttd ·

/ (1 fl/JI

r11,,.,ih r,, /rurrt lht' troth



1il1t1f('(Jnt/11t,,,11 -

Jr'.r nlH t'IIM,l:h 1'1 rru, h rurtt'IIIOMCh m _,1, r I/

J.,,rf,.., '"

All al once:. ,nc mt11r11n~ o1 th110tt.

. , m.11.Ltd me 1n lhc: f.:c I h.>d :u, 11,,.ful F.all -.cn1C,1cr ·...,ilh n. ~ arc of kw,, Lile <;OnW: rcorlt •~ l!ll111J; gt>I IOUJh. I J;UI ~ l t ~ IM afl<'r R"admg m) pl,ique. C•l·r.11Mr du1 My -.clr-blJnll: tumcd 10 l.fll htt;, Wtth the: d1111omng 11f ,t 111:v. 1n; '-l'lll<'\tCrl Jll'-I bchmd 11, JII. ,·,m,,nc !u i....· mak1n)! all "'111\ of rcwl.111,;r, prom,-c• for the futun· "104. ool) llll•C' I pcr-onall) •Hc-J·•i 1h,, pl.-qot '<'I) 11l1cn. bot I h.l,c 11)'1,t: 10 lollw,· II a, , 10....-1~ .... J)ll....thlt l"Cl ion. nn. 11', no, enough unk,, wu rt cent (UIC of v.hJI \ OU bcl1Mt One\ ,1b1ht)' l\).ha1)Jk hie, \ll(U\! -.omehow -.ccm, t a,ic, a• lung .a• ,111 11oh,1t', """lthm .and n C\{'f ~u ~DI.IN.II ,

Cars: convenience or trouble on wheels· Mall

Karrn mcm,


Spomlcltof Nicic Eatmon

Adviser JmSetr'IOe

,,.uh my brolhc:r 1bi'H1! ,.,h o<h<,\ '""· I nJ Kl lbrhc•c 11 or f"II~ ) dn11myfl'Ol'll

Letters must be signed by the

Wichitan 1

I 11.c: nun)· proplc:, I 5'UC the: pk a)Urt of ,pn,<1,ng .:oun1Jc,, hoo" al m) p.1rtnt\ hou~ 0\C"I !ht ho'Kby twrill But 1n\kad of afiUlllg

writer and indudt~,1 h•leph1.me numb<-r ,md .id d rcss for vcnfi-

3410 Tott Blvd 12l60 • WicMo falls. Texas 76308


Growth experiences lead to understan<:Un~

l,1ngu.1ge or perM>nal attacks,

1-i ne Arts Building.




nalc !he h \J'-lrJllng monmone o f a bu,>,,~nal. e \ cntualThat may be I). but 1(,; a l111lc 100 late 10 appea'-C 1hc m 1lhon, "ho made :1.rca t\OL 1orcnc mo nth, ll')'mg to AOL wha111 w:mtcd 10 be - No I

W1th1n the: \h\VI ,p;m o( I milt and 2, lwiun . I fouOO mywlf lllJt\llOlllnJ the ~.bOl'I I l>NhC'f

11o·11ha ca, II all ~a.n on f'l'IC o l thv-c


t'Wn1t1s., .,..hen I ..c:, oot 1'"' Jme thc fr:.--11011 o ( ~ mdr 10 h-,,iJ Lmn TM, c of u, 11o ho h:i, r mtgralt'd north 1,, W1d 11tJ h 1lh could , urc 11-.c ll f'""' lc,~111, on dm 1n, 1n ~now ,md 11:c The) don·• c,·tn \tll 1rr "<"r.lppcr, v.hcrr l comt• lrr,m Min ~II. 1hc •hdc,t Ihm~ 10 Jm-c on wulh of llou,100 1, tilt' ,anJ ... lht ~Ah l'crh:1.Jl\ thr lo.al media C<llllJ W..c lt'•l''-'fht

t-1h1y f,11 tho-.c ,1r u, .... ti.,m 1he loca l, l:111 dumt,, Jfl\C'P• ;md j l Vt"


I lc~Y>· h (l•

I htl .in 11 )


,p,..11 mthtn•.aJ.ilnli

,.ar 1mnl,{'(h.atcl) con,tr1t'J ,,.

,1 ,11 n••pm · r\f1rr unl mg 1hr curb, anJ th11.11kfully 11 "'' " only lht curb. I found m)(Clf p<N· uoncd 10 dmt' nght b« L 10

whtrt I came: frflffl And w I did

8.-:-k m ttw: ~fCI) of m)


I f«lKinleJ the ""'> 10 Ol) fam1• I~. 11,ho\t only r(\pt)fl-.C w-.a, "Wh.11 Jrt ...,c gomg IO ut fOI' dinner My h..J lucl tonunuC"d a, I iound out the d;imigc: "' my ur v.a" lht , 11mc: am(\\jfll •" my

"°"" r•

m,ur.1111.t di:!Ju<11blc ,\) 1f th,~ \\crc:n·1enough, I ,;c1 0111 lnr d ;i-. lhc nc\l mornmg

,portmg .. donut hit ,mJ ~Ull kl)'

lou ntl my\tlf 1n rhc !Jn11 l1.1r pto.hc-.untnl of -.c,m.hm~ fof 1 p.,l.. m~ plXt" oo nmpu, , ,'\I ronll rould I n.., 1mJ .a r l"-<' 11> p.vk my cnppkJ ur. hut I 1ut 1..aurh1 m ~ h11~c: 1uif11. J.rTI 11\1n1: 10 l'CI OU! 111 tht lull p.ul

m11 lot ntll 10 Al. in Aud11011um Why dJd they malt lltll)· ooc t'UI 10 1ha1 p;u-L1ng lo(' Tri,, bad 001 pa,Lmg , 11, l c1 ftt, don'1 PJ} for an .11tc:n,J.,n1 m \I.am.I ;i,1 the: c:nm111cr 10 1h~1 h11 .and huld up ,1 " N o VIIC,UlC) '"

" ~n

Netdlt-, II> ,d,,.. I""~\ I.ale f<w da.., JudJ.!m¥ fn."'m my r m1e,. ,o(\ rC"Kmin. J Wd\n I the: fir.I 10 , rw:;1k m I.ate w,th ;a J1,1mugh1 lnol on Ill) l.i..c: A, I llt.M b.u.L lflhl m) c:u aflcr

k .a,1 W mmu1c, t..l..•;,c lnlCf-.«1100


n,,t ..

mon· c.u Tht-1.h.11•,f('ffl'"'\o. of1r.1ffi1. 11M.kltn1,crt"l'd'

.a,lcf\ •uch ,1, h11rl'k..a.Y. 1.1u.ih•, Jnd l'O""rr l'II~ w 1o.,1it n·p;ur' ""' I ~nvv. v. h1 """" "('V. .J)t<' '-)'-h:m .1 J 1'-J·'Cf

l c1cn111.all\ .lR1\cJho°"• 11nlv ll ,m,1!1 iknt 111 '"

:~;~;:":::~·:::;~~,;,·:~;~ : ~::t~·:::,;F:2:~f Afltr .JI u v.:b onl)' f rn 11c frum ,,. here my c..., ,at 10 Ill) l;1,uo1c )\i1rl.1n~ placl I I h°'1"1C'

A, 11 t11nk\i wt I , ould h.a,c m.adc: hturr umc nn 111\ h.u~h .tod I.nee, lh,1n I d1i '111111, hchmJ the ll lll.TI 11fm) •M j ,;ii .II lhc CUITl('I 01 ll.!1J. v.c-,,icm l'.arl."".1) and To1!1 fvr al

v.1,uld out ht· tin"ool ~-inc,

It 1h1, 1>11,\ 1111rN ht 111m rr 1~ "lornchl.11,h nc:.-d• r., N" ""•lh ll to11~h1 UfJl\~t rhl 'l.:l'('dk\\\0\,1\ , 1,.,,

1-•omt 11,

:1-.CL("IUJ )!IJ~t"h<":!I,

11• lr.i•C' h•r "'"'" -:t,~• ~11

2~. 1~7

NOW chapter back in business men 11nJ lh..lfllC'II .inJ he.' wam\ tu IIC'l p !Mc.it 1hc , ttr«• 1yr,c 1!1al NOW " iu•I,. '4/UT'l••n·, urt,,n11atmn - u \ftU hl•ht 00(' \C~mcnl ol Ilk- pvpul.atH.lfl ,J,J,'4n \lc11dc, ,:ud ,oi,·rc holthnr ,,11,1,-c<lf do,.n "'"'' SoillC' u f lhC JM"1t.lfollr, ti( lht- \t ~l '-0\lo l h4p1Cr, '-' , t..1l"d in .1 ' 1••c:n1ht-1 1ntthn~• ~ alu;i.h<m .ire ,.n """.irt II('\\ 1,11 ,c,u.. , 11-.,,uh, r-.:r 1oJ111.11'1 (' right. , ltnl.ilt N!Ull II)', •UJlf)Uf1 OI kg1,t.111nf1 mc:n .md '4UlfM'll , h "llll! d.i1• rng rc1,_-.n(1"1ht1t\. lt1l'l-1n right\ ,mJ juh cqu.. hl~ Wh1lt Int',< ,111; hroad 1,,11('1, {j1,l>!t' ,.ml lhr i:l'\'ur will 11,0fl t•n lhelll J I lhc lo,,.61 k h!L 11kt po1,1hly Pf"· moons; a d11kh•I\: pt11r1:u11 on , ,1111pu1 Al S0W',1h11J ,.fficrnl mc-:1,n~ l'tn JI.IC'....i1y. h n 11 1he group d1,._,,u,-ed 11,.11" to pmmolt ,r'-'=lfon l',m1pu, Ill Fetttu.11y, 11,'hllh h Il l.ad: 111,lory \fnnth .1nJ 1n \ l,11\h v.h1ch " N;u1un,1I Wt111lC'n \ l h,1ury M1,11th ~nw::.c :arc rt11«1 11rromin111c, t;r.ip:g , .aiJ. ..,. JIIJW r,topk 1toh..1 ,ow 1, •II arou, · NOW, v.hKh 1, ~-<d m WJ•h1ng1,,n, I> C I\ th<" IMjl;C\I km1n1,1 Ol'(llln1n11on ,n lht I ' n11cd 'iilJlf"t. Jt V. 4 \ fountkd m l'H'i6 ~ h,1, .ih11t11 2~1.000 mtmt'l'h nation1to1dt NOW hi,, 1toudcd 1,1 09fl'7'C r'...:1,m and ,11rP()rld1•C'l'lt) MSU', NOW ch,1p1c-r ..,Jw,('r, .11.: 1.0..ml1111> pruft, \Of r.,n,I) l.-11Kt1r :and r,tt·l'.l'Olnt\., «h1..:1hn..tru1.111r . Meg Graig Tht nt\l mcc11n11 11( 1ht 'l.,1,n,u.l 0,1pm1.:1111<.n tot \lo1•mc:n '41l1 be: held on Tut"<l;iy, t-r h 4 al 6 JO rm 1n the: l-,\,S1udcn1, l>in,ni Rocim of rhc Cl.ark Sun.knt renter

K•O· Martln WicM ori lli,por tt'tf

f"h<' ,oh c uf 11.,,111,·n ,, gC'lunJ , 1mn.:t1 :it ~l 1J,,.<'•lr m S1.1tc "'lih t.hc- n.-111'1111,•11-.c:nt oftht l\iitton.d °'1:-ni1.i11on l\\f W\lffltn, .,_ n~1uo.tl fcm1n1,1 or,;,11111"

"'"( h.1ptc1

l" c,1Jcu1 anJ "'1>hon10H· h11\lf1C\) m11101 KJthl) n Cirug11 \ Jld the M~\' chMrtr r ol /'\OW \\tll l"1'!1 IU lh altC'ntton "" fll\Jll'-h 1h11 W-(' Ull('Ol'IJnt 111 Ul('

1u1111e11 .ir.J 11\Cn uf 1111 , c~mpu•, hl.t voluntNn ng .ii

lo..,d v.~n\ ,hc-ltt•r,., :md n1'1 ~c~•,1/ll)' JU1l lu11l.:1ni: "' 11\c p,1001,c, -..:t ,., ,tit 111111011~1 k id " Wr' ll'l 101111 Ill focu , 0 11 \(IOlC l\~U(\ 1h 111 ,If(' lllll I.O

\UfllfOI Cf'\IJI.- tilal!&: \&IJ ' •!Jul 14(' w.1111 h• do 14' h J I "'l' d,,v.dl ' The.- ftr,1ch,1p1cr ut SOW 11.-a~ c,whh•htJ Ufl ,·.1mpu1 111 Ii.NI hut v. ,1, 1hi}l"l h1«t lk <'l lffl'lll MSL' chafl!cr tui, Jbout ZS ITIC'mhe".

""IUI OflC•thuJ of -.horn ;an m.1k

..l:>t1c"'' ~ ,, 011c of NOW' , rnonuc<' Gn u ..,ud "'Tht,.:·~a k>11obe lt-..m«I ftom 11

"We 14•.,1n1 to <i« m(n Mid \ll nmcn "'orl.mc tugtthc:r" A in.tit 1ntmhcr of lhc local chap(Cr and MSU 11-r.lJ• u.ttl' -.iudt,11 k ,-.t Mtndt1 <.:11d ht ,01ned 1hc ori;1n1111• 11on to ,hov, lh:n men and ""omtn C'8n ,ur,,ort c:.ch ,1thcr ' U\C I'm finnl)• Ill \UPf'Ol'1 f\l the "I JIil I m,:mht1 l:'CO l'Cl'olll0f1 oi tqllolhl) ht1v.«n mm :md V.l)ffl('n," Mtndc/

~ ,J Mende, \.lllll 1tta1 'l()W'( l\~ut•


~k•llfll to both

Hearing set for possible increase in general use fee Tht Wk hltan •~ ·r..:.1~ m the gc~.nil U\C f~• from

:;:,::~t K~: ;,:n~

~: ~ :n:C:~c:•:c,: ~:tl~~:~: ~1 the fall -.Cn\C\ ltf (I) 1997 V1\(' J'rc'IJtnl ror Studcnl :ai,<1 Atlm1111~1r1111\t ~crvicu lfowud Farre ll c-.\rlluncJ rhc ~:ll,jlfl for 1he tlKtta-.c in Lhe i;rncral U\C f« "I.J,1 f,111. v.t' h.kl .in cnrollmcni ck{ hoc:.- hc \;ud "Ir', r~re11a~k .

I) and the rc,1ht )' of Jcd1mni; , talc allo,.JltOf\~.. gc~:::~J: ~~:~c':1~':1 rn the ( Iv, S1utlcn1 C"cntt't R3II• room 00 lliuf'duy, Jun )0, horn 9 11 m 10 JO a.m All ,nterf"t.1td l'('NXb mi&) ,ub• m11 0111i1c..iu11onyhcfort1hcJ~1 JO

...,n n;;.)' 11~0 up 111..J\!lrK'C o r 3l the hc.m ng l'rr,on, ~ nung oral 1r,nt1'10n) Jlt' aUcJ 10 1't0\1tlc a v.nucn lop~ or 1hc1r tC"hlllllft) lo Lhc hc.anni; offtec:r



aptist Student Ministry planning Ukraine trip Wa\·nt Moorr on 00, 8f ~ n of thc MMJ .. c,1em S1.11c Student Mml\11') art pl:ln1 111o·o-""·«l 1np1o tht Uknunc ,.mmcr ~n:ll 51udtnl.\ 11.11\c ..tww.n 1m.,-rjdthtlio31V!kctt0nP1"'<C\, h;a, t,ttn complcted. Bryan 0 hptun1, o( 1hc Bapri, t S1udcn1 !llld. "'.\1Sl1', BSM \torll ,e,tola tum of 12 to 15 J)t"(lplt WIil bc mcc11ng v.uh \fl0 10 SOO swdcntl from .1II O\Ct the - ht ,:ud.

l 'ht 1..,M,\'tl. 111r .. ,u hcim un J_111~ :..~ .tnJ end Olt Aui; 11 TI1t 111,1 'A.Cd,. ... ,11 h( •J"('Ot 10 !hi: I\JIN)tf, c,1p1t,1I ol KIC'-., 1tohirh ""~" fltl\.\" 1hc: 1r.td111onal ccn1cr ol Ru"tln \hu ,11111111} 1lit ,1udcni.. Jluni: "'llh Oltphm1. ,.,II CCIOl'dut:11c ~ •tu...kn1 .:otlfcrffl,,. t m v. h11.h ttk:~ v.111 lc.1d •l'mm.1r, Jrn.l mm1,tr1 throoih nnN.. •nd d1-;un.1 The \('\.onu "'C'C'l v.111 h..· ,p;;nt III P..:rH1tllJJ•~. v.him: lhc) will N' "" O•kmg 1to1th li,a! l ' l t.11mJn c hun.hl·, Jn1ng outre;t,,.h and ..:on• ductm~ ..Cl\ lrt:,

~ PJ>ema 5 Paa ~ lADIE'S LINGERIE

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Scw1r1 Soc1;th\l Rtputlhc. the trl1.11nt V.11\ lhc ll'l{r,I hc,'\II)' popu• IJtcd :mdtXonomKatl) l!IIJ!(lfl:lfll oi IIH: So,·1c1 rcpublK', II" ooc o r the gru1e,1 1to·heat• f'l'(k,h.l\.1n1 rtgllll'I\ of Europe. and the: rcpul'ilH: a, :a whole provKkd r.tatl) a quarter Clf the SoYiti Union', food ,upply It ll al)() 3 maJur pmJu..:cr nf iron \'Ire and coal. HOll>'C\'(I, MIKC 1he Mak,up of Ilic Soviet Union, 1hc Ukr.11nc ha\ ,tru~glc:d ·'The tcooomy ,~ •Hnkcd." 0 hphmt , md. ''The w.in,u1on 10 .Jtmocnc) ha\ nol been a, ~u:ally ,mooch .,, we m A.mema 11ould ltlc 10 think TIM: avcn,,gc famli) trKomc u1 rhc tJkra1nc i) lhoul SM) per month It •~ an 1mpo,·cn ,hcd coumry, hut 11 " a clc-;an pmtr1)' The r,copk m nt31 and flJ)·, the,· JUll don't ha,c much. "Thq; 11o-0uld rn,h;ably )tan·t 1u dc.ith, hut the\' IU'C .1-llllnll, on htcr.il 1y 1he rKhc,1 :,oil on c:llflh •. Ohphtm Clplal~ the rc3Wll fof the. J')O\CR}' Ill _the ~kr.11nt 'Tht) d.111 t h,1\c the , l dJ. 10 d(\~lop bu,mchc~ When they Nl:c ind \CII 3 proJuct. they !lfC ta\ «l kO pt"r,-cm It I\ J ucmtndoui· I)· dc:pro"t°d tconomy. cnonnou, ll)rtr-inOJt1on··


d our ln Bo:,:-art's 1 GH6-1Ui~J


0hph,na lfll\tkJ 111 l\:l"unuJ•l m the •11mmcr of 11/9~. laking a le.am fl\1111 '-':11\';tfT\> Junl()I' C11lkgc.ind Htll lunlOI' (\•lkj:t S111dcn1, .. 111 t,c challc:ngc;J m marl\ 11,a), "Each An1tm·an""11l bc fn-'L,:hrJ onr on one v. nh an mtcrp,rttrv. h1k:1111hcL,ramt." hc,11J "You ,1rc "'lcly dcf".ndclll un thJI 1111..-rpn:tcr, 11, h1c-h h;i, a 1cndtn..y 10 tiring \OU WI of ) UUr comfo11 /OtM: h hdr" u\ 111 1t':1h1t· th11 ""'C do m 1:... 1 fH.-cd cJCh oihrr" l:>c,rut" the f.act 1h.i1 pl:m, Jrt' , 1111 hcm~ fonncd. 0\1phm1 1, upb(-,11 .tllollt the tnp, "Thl'rt .1rc , 1111 ~ luc of1kla1I, that need 1111\C v.urkcd out. ,mJ a loc nf f1nal11.m~ tu be done. hut "' uh tht help of local churchc, 11ml 10mc m;aJor funt.l r.m,cD we v.111 rna_l.c ll 'The BS.\1 h.1~ lxcn rJ1\lng thtu ov.n , uppixt 11,orl,,1ng 1n coopc1111IOO 1tollh Chn,u.an Rll.~ l'trlC'• to the1 l~ncC::.,~u~~ncrl) l nt'IY.n a\ lht l'lra,n1.1n Su\·lt'I Socialt\ l ko!r,uhhc ,.:.a, ,1 "'puhlK' of 1ht> fnr , mer So\lt:I l/nlOO 1n the ,outhll,(\I• c m pat10(1hc countJ'\ unul ,t g;uncd 1h 1nd..-pc:ntlcncc du;,ng the lvc;,l up 01 tht union 1h1ooghou1 1tk- early und mld-l?Xk. Ai1.:r 1hc Ru ,1,1an Fcdcr;amc

m 'Ip m Sun 12 'JO 1• '!'


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Lasl day for yearbook pictures set ~ The l:i\l chance fo, \ludcnl picture-, fl'lr the 1997 Wai-Kun )tJrlx>ol" Wcdnc.•,d.i), from IO •m to21un .ind ~ pm m7pm 1n1hc ClulStlllkn1 Ctntcr Lounge Ture 11,•1II be Ir« cant.I) l'!;m, fo, C\ tl')'ont g.c111ng thc:11 p1c1u~ mldc

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Local schools join Wichita Falls Symphony More lh:in JOO tocal ,1udcn1, w,11 Jl'lm the w ,ch,t:a Fall, Symphon) Orchc\lr.l 1n Utnl:'vtc IC• ~ h-CcnlUI) Amcnc.in ('Ufflf)(N"f'\ Ill ;I Olntl"R on S:uun.fa). F-cb 8 al 8·15 pm 1n ~lcmonal Auduonum T1tkc:b lll't a,~,111.11\lc b) c.:alhng the \lo'fS0 otiiCt" :at 692, 2255 All \Cat, :art~l'\C'd



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alias artist to conduct ottery workshop at MSU Ttrah Curn•eoo- er .I l>Jl\<1, .lflhl•pot 3 l rt'('t1<io.J.,) pot.

Ill the C"cr.11111,;, the: F.1,n Ftnc An, ~lldwc,1c:rn St.au~ ••n hhllJ'I


,.Ill CO!l\1\1 Ill 1cchn1'11.1c, :in,I

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IJ rown C'IIJIIY' th( rd.i1w11...rup hC' h/1~ tJC'itlopcd ¥I-Uh the .11hlt1c~ ,nJ 1oadk', .11 MStt ' I CllJO) the 0111:u°.atku C' \0 1th Ill<' C'O.M.hc• .ind 11 mu1,, ,1 k,c 10 h,r aM1.· hi help mJUlcd ~thll'lc:\ .al\d w:11,·h thrm GC'I bC'uct - ht ,.11d One ()f ht\ m11•1 1ncn11,r11Mc mqmrn1, ""' " "'" quancrbMk Ch.Ml l)('(iA'nicr n-cc-,,c:J .a n111h1rk: rroM;" 111rc 10 hi\ 1,.1\0N k& l k dC'...,_..nhcd hnuni; l>c:Crcmcr·, k-11 :wJ u lhni for 1hc 11mbul..ncc: Bn""n uid thcl\' ,, n,n hll'IC' In ,nt1<11I \IIU.tlluth hi , pantc Of ac:1 '-(,ll"\"J "Yoo JU\t do ..iu, ~oo·,c g:o to dn,' he npl~n.:J Y,o.. n'• ,nl.Ctt"" 1n , (IOl1, mc-Jicmc: hC'g.an dunn¥ h" '-<lll()f ) C'.lr lit (.1.:w,.k lllgh Sdwol lk 1.ho-.c ""' IC\ rl•) (oot~l1 •nd tx....·•nk' 1hc ttam , m :m.igcr 111, 1.' l!Kh ..~, LA\lt\Jlll("nl;al ,n h1, dccl\lOII 10 pur.uc l nrttr m ithlc:t,c lf\11nm1 Ht omcJ ht• bachclof of ...,_..,C'l'ICC' dcg11.·c 1n k111n1ol• og) m 19R6 from Lubhod, C hm l1ln l 1n11cr;11y At LCU Hrmr.n '-''.t' :1 ,1udcnt tramc:r for 111 ,-;incl) of , pon'mdud,ng footNII. ~ l t'tNIII. lla."k Jond b11~hall . Urov-n ron11nunl hi\ NIUC~11on ~, the Un11Nl Sliltt'• lir,o11, Acll!.km), whcrl' he earned h1~ m11.,1c:1', m •ron, rnccfamc: 1n IQXR Ure'" gu,dua11on, Rro1.1n hqan h1, 1.arc-c:r 11 h1, ,1lm.1 nmc1 , I.CL'. " hert he hdd lhc hc.:>d ut.hkuc tn.1ne1 pu,111011 l ot t'4r• )UJ\ He: nlO\C'd 10 WIC'l lll.1 1-.dl, ,hunly :after .tnd '-'•lfl cJ 111 • phy,i<al lhtf'.apy chruc fOf fou, )OI'. ,\, fur h,, ~•hOll II MSII. Rru.. n ha, no mlc:nllllM

,,-<,1,·.1• .1~1•:111 \fl 11>1 m~-.rh J



.aM.I nlll\h uf h, , '" Oil. J 11un11'oc-r lll ,1) l\\111.· h J• 1hc .111<.1t'nt an of the ,1nJ Gn-eh .a, 111,:U '" II.: :in 1n~1.•1hcr 11,11h .-on n>n,.1.·pt, Jnd .ic,1hc11,, nf lmt: Jod f1vn1 Jl'C: \ I\U • t, 1n \\JtrJI, ...,,11l """'I .I lll.1JC•r .l'f'o,."\.I ol c:nn, hmcm o l h1, ""Nl

Dan Brown


hc:th h lni111«t alhklC'• '4 ho-c ,por1, 1 ;;;·;_:~.1~i.:::,'~·;:K

-c t,,i,~ 11111<' .1~•· .,.Mn S1mr ""' lin.111) ~i,n


hi\ IK"'CI had I dull n1,•.rncn1 1n. l11,

Professor p fil ro I e

, ""''~ .....


,t- ,h('


Brown keeps busy as professor, head athletic trainer

" I C'llJ") 11 hc:rt J ){t\',;" lhl' rc<111k I

\O (Jl l


uh." h,:

, .utn '"" dJ\\llWJm. U,u,,.n K'-.hr\ .i , .. ne t) nl pll)•ti..U cdu...tJion t l.i•-.c:• l h , 141 ,·,,ru c d.i\\ 1, .i,J,Jn,. tJ .athk:u.. 101nrnr ~1utknh .IIC' thl',c jlllll\Jlll) N',..au..,:- !ht ) "1nl ,,~ lum .1h0u11h.11 .ire.a .ind 1hc ,r ..,.hu1i; ,.onu·p, t,c,,.,1me m•Jc:r th," IK' .......1 lln...,. n enJ'') ' N.111):mr .ah,ut hi""' llu1,. l,,I) h1, , 1uJrn1 1r.1inc:" \JN11111~·11 ..i.atc 11,.cn,utc: ..,hc:fk'•e• r ""t>kWhcn .t,lcJ 1f he h.l\l ;in\ ,IU111.c: Ill o flc:1 •l1,1,.lc-n1,, !Jrov,n 1..ud Ml).on I JIY..1\\ hchc:,-c: e\C'f)ltl1ng )'-'U ro:.id l uh,e )OUI , .... n IO•lllll. l• Jnd IOhc:'n )IIU·u: 1n A"'""' )Otl ft-d 1, ...,,.,,hie"' (IJ) • ('C"'"1,,I ~ncnti,,n It', u,uJII\ . 1hc:mJtClllil ) •>U'll 111.· cd 1tk'n1<1'I


Gro"lnf U(I. H11l\On fdt C''-J'IC'• 1Jlh IIK•h• .i!td lo ,u,;. cttJ tr, '"" md1t1Ju<1I, h1, mo,1hC'1 .tllll 11,r.an.tfathc:r -M} ar.111dh11htT .::,11.1ld Jo ,u1)th111r hC' JXJI hi, m•~ 10 ," Bmv.n ...1J, Jc...uhmi,: Jll tll\l,11\lC' \0 hen hi\ r r.andrJd\ltt cu1 oo... n .1 11« from h" ,...._k) ..rJ ,.nJ , ,ar,cJ 11 mto J cat-111r1 'flt.it m me" ,,m,.11nJ ·• A• ftM h1, motht'r. Hr~n l6dmire• hi..-r filf h..:1 '"''"' Cort\'IC'tum, 10 C hri,t dl"MI her 1n11c1-,t1Cnj,?th "She- ('\C'lll(lhfic, \ll'(ll}!lh o l ch:,r.Ktl'f better than lln\'Olk' 1\,:- C'H"r ~n,,wn," he ,.inl ·A..,11) l r.1111 MSL!, ijro,.n cn1ny, n renn'ICnnng v.11h .,,,noJ..,,11k m h•• g:uJfC ~ntl •1...:nd1nii: umc """h h1, -'· ' ---"' h.ar} IJro .. n ,UH.I hi\ .. ,re. I)' Anrk', Jf( )"Ul,OIJ :r.11.0 C'\l'l'Lhng .inothrr r h1ltl Ill M.ir,;:h l hC')' h,1\,:n r ) 'C'I Jcc,J.t,J un ., n.ank' for their unt,,om ch11J hul M:lllJ f.11,:- ~fortl\ :and ltufu, ,arc ,1II J)lh\lblh -



\\.atr.al\ 1.C'I.Um,, .sn: ,Olhlru.tc-J rcJ. r,mlicn10.a,,:- d.1) N>d, llu,ldmJ t,'ctlnk{uc, 11.._lu<lt thr{N• mg ,· ,tnN.lmi ~nJ h.antl hu11Jmi; ,n ~OllJUll\l1nn "Ith O:""- h Uihcr l h< , un..,,:, .110: lrC',alC'J \lltlh f lJIC, IC'rr.1 ,1i;11!Jt.1 \tlpf~r k.-f :rnd m1wd11k'\liJ WJl rJI ""J' hom m C'k\ d;&il\l .aotl c.i,l'k.'\lh"m:"11.• r,,t fok'.1n,tJc-i:ra,• lr,1n1 fol.inc I m\\·1~1t) 'le.., l"lrlo:,111, lfr \Urrtllll ) n:,11k, JnJ h:ll- ,11,1. li1,,, Ill 0.111~,. v. ho:r,· he tn,;-h,,·, .ii Sno1hcm ~klhn.h,t Un11 ('l" I\. The '4,)rl,l\np ,.ill l'I<- hcki (mm ' } Jm It• .J pm \\Ith hr1.•.1l, l<lr lur1<.h .,_t1h d.t)• l"hc "'f'lll ,t,.'1' 1, m.aok r,>',•1hk thl'\"!U~h t}l( ,ur p,)n ,,1 lh,· \), 1.-hu;;i I ,111- ,\ 11, C,1mm",1nn \Ollh :,

ase recycl<' th is 1wwspc1per whl'n you are done!

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Only 400 Tickets to be s old. t In 400 chanc es to win.

s,·~~· ports Wichitan

Indians eyeing 5th straight win ""lck Futnian

.:: ~.. i:; [ 111 ~ lt._. \h.l.,.,,1oni \ai..- nwn ~ "" t,.t◄h.oll t• AJ!I\Oolll 1,)1,,l. k1,,otllu>IJ\'II• !Ollf ai.tmt •1nntnF , 1,Ql.1h1• ""ttl 0

c!\J ""ilk hi,u l ,~ \I U ( 1'111,'ltn..,· f',,·ll!,(' rcO•.Md'l t•

I hv• h,,,1

..J.,, n1;:h1 l-..-1t111

I 111H1,11\ ,1 ~

Chr IIIJian, 11 ,ll \ft"'(\ \t..., rni at l 1J.in


t o 1hr (',,1i--.1on1 \IMJ\11, '-IMll \S, :'( t1d1itr 1ht, (,1t'\lhlttr1J , 111,'lfl(I,

lb.\ 11 \\ll • l"'''"'M' h.i,,_. , ...,1, 11tw ""-'•t 11•,l.l\h thf •I •IC'I\'


ht,.J ,.,..,h lrfl R_.., , 1,J It • f''"f If' h . .a l•>ulh J•IYW' lht, f"'' "' .a r,,-it) •""-,J

\l,1J 1 I lotJIU\ 'l'lo.('


Jrl(.-1 tn lhl ltf'l f .llfK' \1\1 1 I~ ~, ... 111 "-I\

•t ti.,nlf ,,,......, .., .., " •"" h\h \k \l ... ,11



1,11 .fflo~h<'I 1' rn1 1hc l11t-.: ldl 1,, 1hr

,., !1 \All

llv11.il,,•, • ~( u, ( .an,,1•1 ,.,, J,111

......, ,\11.(t'lo ,1att' ,~ t.'I ,n,I \t-1ltn.. C'h11,.11.n It I ?,. "",,h It. Ir h••lll I.am.al 11.t illb ld, ,,1 I ••I ,.a1u1d.1, \\'\ ,ht◄ 1ht i11r ,1r .aui.1 \( I t-.ch,nJ Ktr-Jnd I IK" l >w.·1h11t '+'11M' -..l>t\"\I Lhc IA l"t•nh I\ 11! h1, lt',1111 h1~h I"



h.111 Kffldm l ,h..,1,>1~N-I"'

1thwn.h hlf th\-

lill n,

,t 11,lult

,h.,(lt hul h..


K tntlrtd

~ ,11('


1,1 ~,11n n1,•r.· uinh


,,,J. .


lh..i Ill In\ l''lllt> Ill



\\t ~n.-w 1hn " '111ld ni,lr ,

hJIJ ,1.J I'm 1ml lllt'n' wqlhJ IO.tn

,ilJU IO.f , .., •IUI "''


1"''11\h lfl JU•I 1 ~ ltll!Wlf'\ of a..l1t"1

• UJll\lfl foM!I 'l,t11>

JI h)l/ r--,l'ln tmk' N.11 nt-'\',kd ~,1 IIC,; lhn..,,, 1hr ,tn·t1. h m hl~J nil tht r;a\ h,n, \\ 11.luh t,'f 1hc: liH·•r,11n1

iJ,w, n


hom 1.-l .,.,n .1 t- hell \ \hr~ul \\ dh l r ,;1,, nuJr th1tt ril ho ll'lllf I r,11n1 """' ~..., o(ollt'tl 11

\k,1u1 \!:.\r I nl\,'l.,lh lt'f:-'IOt'J h1, clt)'lNhl} 1h1, ••01"•1el Jher m,..mi: !he lir, t t•flU ¥,IOI('\ 1h1 • "'-'.,."II lk 1••t\•"1,l,.11thttc.m1in , ,.,uti: J1 I I 1 1-•mt, prr i:.i.m..· o.nJ 1,1h,•"11U1l , 11•111\t>.M.111J1.·1\l.1lh at1 ~Jlllt' ln l .i:,, )'(

I\ h• 11(


l IIU('ilr \ti l\lrl\ 111 U\ Ill 1hf "<'H-nJ

h• rla• l r, 1111(-,

I•• ~•• n\!<1 jll,ol/l}: , ~~l<'n ~n(1 u.h


,.llllt' l,1dJ1

r-•mt lnJ •• I'll~ 1 t-ti l, MJ ....tJ ' " 1th Ill.- •hn ...- Jl''llll \h.11 )l'ltl J1l.t\ llll••n 1li. 1,•Jll ,:,~..Jtc.am, ,,a11

<\lnnit .,..,1h Km.Ii" t. , h11t iJnic, fr..,h,mn Jr,,,mc J.,. l .. tfl llnJ l OII J ",n11Jj;1J\\ l1o 11l1 ,.imc- ,111 rht 1-..n..h

I.mil pl,,t1I ~rt.II 1,11 u, · \l~l h,.,.J IVo11h ltll k l\ , 11,I l k,

l'I ~ i•n.i.~~

\\I , l\, ,1 lc,.a,1 ,, "'"u mi: tu rl,n n·.il ""' II l.11rh k o -...ii.I I hn 1c f.,f \l lll'K' )'.,o.l ,11hktc,

"'"In tl1t

11\1.· lnJIJlh •"'•'~ 1"1,> 1,,xJ t·•nk'• lht .,.r,r~ •rt:0. "'t'" <1\<'1


" t> hlott t[.U41d l1t,n1

\\11.h,1;11,.11, knkr "'"rrJJu\.l


j'oOtnl, l\lt m.a.k ,~r H\kt.d frtt thtl''"'' m the i:~nK' '• 1111.iJ mmucr 111 pre-rue lhl• \llil ,1,1or) I ~o n1111..J11) Kc111lml lrJ Mul10.t,l•m m , "1' liQ .,._,n JI Ant~lu \CJII' lk '4111nl ~~ 1'•t1nh ~ p1.iNl!:J II) n:NtU1xh \I \I \

k'Jtlm~ ... om 0 .11mon \ldtmnr~ ' ,,., I pv,Dh f'('I !(Mnl'I m.-k four ul

' " t p~nt ,tutmrh JoJ l'imJwd 10.1U1 IR 1•~nr, (. l,nt I,"'-, l,,u~h, ••II twl Ul,JII t,k •h11iuJhovl ,h( '"'"" tlut man• :&J:Nl10..,111r 11 f"'•1nh lkf1\l\' llk' t.im,.· M.1) ,,11d 1ht lnd1Jo, 10.UUIJ lll'C'J co , 11-r .\11$t'kl Ciwr 11uJ11J, l.~1) ,\,eu.,no ~ ( ,Mr\ I J.,..:u·,r. ,I rhc lnhr. IO.C'ft ili>IJ\J \,) "1111 In l hur"''-'", jlolClk' AIC'/JJl}O JIili l~\l.,vJ, ,hot I) 11 ,,,mblllC:'ll l1'1.al1.Ulul!r,11n1•

flit- N.im, .IC •ll'lt' nf lht IOfl thrrt r,»1'4 •ht• >hflll IC1111h m lhit ,,,otnrn,.e hu1 mJnlllfd tu ,.ho,,r un -I 1-1 1u,1 :K flCll.\'nl h>r the fn>m t'ChmJ lht- lhftt 1-•f'M lllk' "Ille lnJ1.in, JR' 1.Urlt'OII) 1n \ !\th 1•IK·t m l hC' \oolhVle•I Resum l1Kk(ll.i,dcn1 •••1Klm,:, ,11 1ht t.'.1.au\C' lbtJnJ ,y,c('fl'I 10. hk.h o.ktrttnlOf\ the ,1, 1ntx'1 pla)ull , 1..1111, rc~m, m 1hr ft'VIC\fl 11u:al1!) for 1hr rti)off, •·wr ·,e1utfoelk•fnt'l111ne,lcf1 and fot11 ul t~ni bt.it Ui tht fiN R.i} ,.11d ·11 , 1nipnr11111 LI\ ltJ JcfcnJ oor hi1fnt' U>Uf1 ••


ni< •or


urnc. ·

Work ethic pays off for MSU forwar~ ul~·· 1hr r11:-..,urc- ..u lht r,,,.

A nthonv

pl.1H' f\l0'4111C, l "•l!I\,,<


111.'r ouc,,Jc- , l111o•!1• )l h , th,; "JlfM'IICIII• •IJI "IJ ii ·!, . .-.~;Ndm,: t,1 " 1llt.1tl)I ,,,,

cnih rhe ou1, 1Jr

,I, ,..i, ,

J1'P"t'Cl,1ICJ ti~ Ilk'

pc,.;, •·•J


w ,. . ~,~ ,r,c-.W, 11\c: ......

.,.. rlh hl:r r,n~ JnJ 1h.i1 11.., hMd lof urtitf IC'.Ulh '" Jo'ltt

oorro•i..- \\1tll.1m,,,1t1 l.<l\l ll..tlt:Un1.l(Y, 1n1,"~ lhlCC' )e,11, .,.J,_ 1ll"-..r1!\~ WdliJm•ltlit'nlht1,1.,,n,.ar\j '9, "~he t• pn,1,.,hl) '"If rn,,,J ltcl{lll lC',Un lt·,iJ,:,1," \\1tJ 1.ui \

L,nrll ,.uJ che l.,.,J:, 1·..i jlOJh I•

t•• .... ,n J

n.ih•>nJJ ,.

,,mh•r Jnd ~hhou~h thq h4 : .i le"" i;,1m..-, tht'\ -.1111 Ii., c-h.1n,.e ,fthc"\ .,..,n Ilk' f,111,r,, 1 11110 lhc rb~o lh On.:t Ult'\ '° the fMJ\uf f, Jfl)lhm~ ~•n ~ .•

'\hr LlllM\ 111' h(r IN"'...,., ""'"" 1.. nul,: ;1run

I ,\. Jl\1.,11 , ~nun IC.am, 11ut

•,d,eJ !uni l'-l!th




l.eth IIMM.an ffl,,oud Julk Loull icot"' filf • "lloMilld 111.!it>I r"..,. A&M•

:tnt.l 10. htn I "--g;111.i1 M\l l o\C'tl \,11d ' rhrR' VIC'«'! 11 IOI u l i1ul ~ •)er• ... htn I ( ;tJII(' hcfC' ~· I luJ

( OfflflW"n:I'




m) v.lMffl' hre anJ 11. cnJ, W•cct ...a,J


I,, II

""°"I. h.inl ~

Lady Indians return home to face No. 4 West Texas A&M

· -,.-~ rnll) WtJtth h:1n, b«Ju-.t' 11', "'>melhmt


American Hean f t Association ..~

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