~,t~~,!~!~~~ h~~~~~,~ ~~~,~~mt ::;:
celebrating the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.
,oa,h', oo~fu~" ,,::· B
Mustang returns to lead womens basketball.
Wichitanil , dmin replaces Honors Program
Honors Program (a,of~pri11g2013)
ew Redwine Scholars Program cause students, faculty concerns j)t HOflOO Prw,r1m as students kno·N ,ooftCUSC' IO U IS!
j»ttld, lt w111 b<' repllctd bv lhe Rtd scr1ol,u rroiu.im. which Is funded by
tdOWmtnt !fir b\' lhf Redwine fam, ~ t Betty Srtw;in Introduced lhe
e Scl'I01.ir Pro)\nm a1 an Honor..
lncomin1 freshman ttqulrt.-nts:
• 21 + ACT score • 1200• SAT !,COtt
Hnn hlf'fO by tht univer.wry, and a new re '>f.1rch cnmpomem requntd by tr1e Sooth
nliety 10 tne univef\itv's des:gn.itlon as a lions have nottung 10 do W11.h biHfKet membfr of me (t)UncJI of Public IJbl'nil cutS; lnsttlid sht sa)d the Rf'OWlnl' Scholar I'm AMoclaiion of Col!,ges ind SchOOls Arts Colltgn. a group comm1ttf'd to iomt Pror;ilm would ~ c01,ting the university ·tn I.he 1•~ !>tVeral weeks. the Prov~I i!udenHiculry undetgnidite rest"arch • more money hi~ spoken to the col - ,= c---:-,---,---However, in a ln thr meetm~. Stewart :.aid thankS 10 lege d,ans and 0th mee1mg last week the suggesr1ons by Noel•Lev11z the aclm!n· lstntlon dtc1ded to alter the Hon<in Pro:~;;~~h~1e a whert honon ¥,.,. deriu and si.n w,re 1tnm 10 funher d1slin11m~h Lhe itudents
"The administration P~::,'m" made decision :~ : ,:~~:~~ur,: with no inputfrom" 1h, chanitn: Rogen students orfaculty.
by p,ivmg 1t a new name and funcuon. ·When we looked i t the Noel LeVitz ll"Commendal!oru. for aura,ung and rt Sild. QJNTON WAGONER t1m, . sever•I v01ced ~!Oln!C, \IUdtnlS, the ~hol~!"Si:1ps Ulil Accotd1n11, 10 Rog. STUDENT COMMlffiE CHAIR concerned aoout the ue m 11he Honorsj prop;r;im now are Jess \ office Sttw1n, who ;s ~ fonner en, th, new rescuch adru~tments to 1he than wha! we 're ROmg to VJW• out in mem profmor and College of Ser componem that will be 1tqu1red of ~lu programs. • -chloaf')h!ps," Stew11n !.aJd m 1tie mttt .,d Malhemaucs dean. will evm b( dents ln his or het tumor year Hts nicety •Al !IOmeUme happell) when changt ing. "Thr quall!y of studeni!i 1n lhb room a semor-ltvel rcstarch seminar. with a ma1or QUihty improvement pro comes 10 an e:mting program, n1mot and 1s bener than thl' general ment <,eholar IDcb siewart and umverstrv pres1- gram lhe unlvtrs11v 1s iniutitmg ~~apart m1S1nlomat1on abound," said le~~ Roiitn, Ship " jeSSt RORets Cited the r, ason for the ol HS t l'CUlUCilt1on by SACS. un\ven lty prnl~nL "Thi~ IS the CaM' •N1th According 10 $1ewit1, seniol"i would :o linked ro • recruitment ;ind re "llie r~ arch component also wll! lhtdec1Ston1ore~th.-hono~ program • pb.n bv Noel l.evnz. a markeung connect lhe Honors Program more den Stewan made n cll:ar lhbe altema pg. mtttln11, 11st Monday
'!'!It ,ctiolmh1p will bf doublf'd from to S-i.000 and the Rtdwine Schol f'rt'f'ill'l Wlll be adm1m~tertd by lht
Cutrrnt honors 1tudenll requittmtnts: • 3.25 GPA overrafl • 30 graded hours per acadetn.lC ve.i.r • Take at leasr ooe hcn?rs coun.t per sem~t•r
:!1,n, ~;g::;
ogers tackles egislative session
• T.-,p IO ptrcent o! gniduatlng dus • Wnungwmpk • Letttr of rtecommtdauon
Redwine Scholars (as of spcing2013)
lncomin& fteshmilln requirements: • 25• ACl scort • 1130+SAT scort • Top 25 percent of graduatlfig class
• 3.25 GPA ov!'mU • 15 hOUI'$ ol course work: per stm~er
,---------==_=-=:::.::~~ =~=.=,;========;
m our campus how:lnR or butl,1' mK,"
Rogt n, NhO
Slid he has httn
agams: allnw1n11; guns on campu::. es art belni drawn as xas Legtslature Is un ti May. Jawmaken will
stnee the ftl'\I Olli wu introduct1 a lrw wars a1to, satd this lrg!slature m111ht h.iw• good 1n!P011on With this proposed bill, but 11 is not rea
Y>nable. · J "Nani only our campus po l.:ce 10 be armed. ■ he said. "They ~re trained m use of firearms. an:1 I trust L'lf'lt THEWICHITAN.COM )udgment m the US(' of such Of REAOER"S POLL
hin11, from ntllCom~
ng 10 ;illowinl', ~ ns camp~ Pre~ ORtrs IS
Should wnrealed ~ou';; weapons be allou:ed on and 11 1s d1fficull campus? 10 ensure tha1 ses
0-Jtlng th~ Sen. Brian ell !R•Crandbury! n1ed a bill
would allow Mncealed fire en ur. rtf't1.1ty campusc>s. Rog Y!d ht u op~d 10 allowing a.ltd ftreann) al M1dwtS1em
11ij 0lherumvers1ty. ·t ts mv firm bthrf tha! we defend our;el\.'eS aJt3.1ns1 :ianRer by bnnl',tnR more
on campus. ■ Ro~ers wld. that withm a 'lt ry ptnod of 11me, we would .!<lfl'leOnr wounded 01 killed
ft.illy fm
we could ntvn na·,e a ~hoolmRmc1dcnt. However, ~uch an m~1ance cnuld no1 reason ably be "xpected rn be comrolle-d b'f ~meone not tramf'd In the use of handguns a11,,11n\t a shOOter.~ ROJ(e!\ said hi~Wt".iltl'St hope lS !he bill will. agim, be debiled ..
Cov. Rick Pt rry 1s pu~hmg for ii
nat rate.
fouryur tui11on plan.
niversity employs esearch expert I • :
abvut research becau~ we believf' you IN m by domg. I have research experirnce o! mvzy,vn Dunng my carttr al M1dWl')tern, I havf' In· \'•)lvtd undcrw.iduite research !n my own research.· Rincon Lac ha•
Ah, ltl'll'l' ;h,, n 2() \'U J'\ ,It :em. blolQ~ pto'h«< and i\\L IO'Jndn, \·1a~~l\ Riocon ~a~ t,:'fr '-1 \·c:cd ~-' thi> fi under1.udu,11e Mudrnl
1hJs pos1M11 \\';!.' cre,ltt'd I" -I aJ! i.M lfr~aJ ,J~!(I rt'\f'U Ch •:f!";t,:"ll• a, a ~rt1di>n• .., .n lo:l (11 'h"' i Ji! II\ er. r,.:,
'.?.tr· :i .~:i lnr thf' ~the!'"!'"
,Ut . 11.JC'l'~
Mavm,R a director of u~(h?f' gl'ildllille S<Udo?nt rtSeUCtl w,;e. ~tudents !hf opportumN 10 seek mf,-,muu(ln lrom ~ fxultv mtmber w ho ha( txpenf'T)(t In restari:h as
wl'!I a~a ~uppon group In variou~ !tllidlh.
- fhev wlll havt one petSOn io a1k. qu{",,r1on.( who k.nows wherr
!ht V)UT(e) N support Vt I think 1 •.,,..:11 bf' a gf'lud 50Ui'Ce 10 ,1art IOI t~t m. If I don ·1 ha\' t a:i ansv.-er 10
Francis' Soap cleans up Recent marketing graduate finds success in an unusual business venture RUTI-i S LACK STAF,-WRITl R
IS the ~ p '(Ol!r
IO'Ul R,tilndmolheT us.ell
<,aid Fra., m Hamre a,\ ht leill!led ait.imM .i mountain ou., in his garaRe turned 10
make. ■
makeshifBoap ~M p. In f3Ct, Hamr.:'s reo p!' mi!l,ht put ~ t at 1trandma\ wap tu >~•ime w1U'i hi:. ar1,1v vi smk:nittv i,anted es.wn:1al Nb t:f' •1sr-:: 10 custom
IU';ldt1llte ar,d formn r.•clmRTeam
,ucc~fu1ly pul"!iuh
member nas made a /oca.l name tor h1mstll m tht an of crah,i it h!l
· 1notked that all ;he Wl)fi;ers in the Cl't'N DUS•nti.l had "'llte'Tlelv q>!t ~ind~.■ hf' sa,d -1n1s wa) d1.e 10 ·t:c WM kt't'> n.1r::11ng tnr 1lilk prodocts au d.iy 1~uch a\ wh,,·;i • P,r,:aJ!>f whl')' 15 a :iai,Jra1 m,,.) t Ut'l"'f. 11 n-,1.-:!£- ~ r.'it' fnr Hamre ·o find d,f!tr"'nt u\i.'S !or the prc-Juct lf'I :act, ac~or11;1Rto l lamrt . M vr.e ti..... Pver .i:tf'mpte:I •o m~ke -.oap :r:1111 wt-..-,,,r, a l.iq:.t'~ale. "Tlit't!' l• "I> ,:IT'1t 10 t!'lr UM'> :or Nht"\ • H.w1rt expla·n.-(! ·So
own RQurrnet SOip. and t,.. does 11 all •i a one man ~ <i .,,, .r. a !>.'lop lit h,scllun!ry hOme.
H.t1t.rf , r.it'ied in larmma ar.d caalt ranchi~ RO! h1~ hast' of Jm,,w!N ~, ,r cunn,t :1-J!k bastd orOOuc~ b', m.i,c.m~ ,htt~ fl"):n th"' !anulvrn·.,, While wcrkm~ m the :::h~
maJce ~ !ch~ nl hts 'I, ho!y t.<a...-.Pd IN!(lf!f ~ I' :'-S.S. Hamri' nli:JC.eJ S-Ometh1n)! tr.at wo.:,j lau,ch a:i soap. Al 24, thl' 21., 11 m.irkr1111a cnure bu!.,nl"i-.\ plan 1hat he •iow
/T'lUCh .,, .,.,., ~ Je!101er
d!ter 1ht
cheew makmll. proc~. aM ::,,ijt
of 1! Rf!lS lhru ...·n a\l.a;. I:a!u~ti lit.I
a ~:a•: ·o rakt· !hat !.,•:.,\,r ..-.·••('\' fr•i::'I ,iy chtt<,t ; tfl l t.C:ll>f,. ,U:J \lirn u into !.Ome·hmg JSt:' ,! c,•t.•··
man dum;imt 11 "'° cr-•i:-• a~ tf:,1 1 11.er 01 ,1mpiv 1hrowmi; 1t a·11·a,•• Ham:e ~i,J rio~t ·:--ah p•o ducrd. ovt>r 1he c,,'.,n:,r ,;,.,aps w!d ar;,. n,,1 .vnev t.l~. ::ie·ef ,ti'. tll"Ydry OU! i'OUt <km n\l!lt "'·; ·, Al,nrd,n~ to Hamre, if a rl\"1 r1C1 ~ m,.rr,..htms tnciu,j(' t'rrr~
SOAP pg. 5
~amru~ Voice
. . Two-way discussions
help campus relations I Rt•~r \;;::~ ,no oth« '1 mtn1u r.1 tvrs muSI na,..,
ll ll
~ '"
l,ht:rru(tt,.•n OU1
o! the llolt In whkh lhc~(•'t CHY !Ot.:nd \t'li n .
On Jan 1.4, Stewart infonntd members of !he Hono~ Program
LET.STALK Administrators should know backdoor decisions will always come to light OUR VIEW:
the or.es who are below the curren1 rcqu1remtnts of 1.ht presE"nt Ilooors Program. rhe'f lowertd 1he SAT and ACr score requ1remen1 for lncom successful 1n academic achievements, mg tmhmen and ra!.wd the required In< las.i r.ink to be hard worltmg, and to take action from top IO percent to top 2S percent and responsrb1hty, but to most 1mport·antly Our Honors Progr.m requ1remenu art even represent lhe unwers1tv m a bright hght higher than lhOSt' ;u Tarleton State, whm I.hey Unfortunately, the admm1strat1on does not require mcommg frestiman 10 have similar require follow these attnbutions itsetf, tven though ments found tn the Redwine Scholar Program. they expect them. The decisions tor the new So they are lowering the s1andards of the Hon Redwine Scholars Program were made under ors l>rognm for l'fSt'MCh pul'l)O$eSr the table and didn't not cause rebelhon, until Don't think~. the red wine was spilt on the white table We doubt that the Texas Higher Educauon cloth. Coordln.itlng 6oatd would be pleased to hur Lhait Midwestern ~ lowering its requirements to get mto a honCITT level program. A '"ttW Honors Pro11,i· am is going to start Y11th Let·~ cut to the chase and address wnat this is :tie !teshm..,, class .n September .u,d 1s sui:-poscd really about - recruitment and retention. It is :o b:1n11, good cnan~ with i t Th, .unounl ol the Honors ie-vel scholarships will doubt,, from S2.000 no secre! I.hat A1ldwes1em has had JSSues v.ith enrollment Stewan mentioned m lhe mettJng, last m S-U.IOO Those stooems ,\·ho put m the extra 'loJ~. wt:o do more commu.nity "MSU Honors ~·u:e and who rut::c1~1e in mo~.. camp1.1s a<t1vttles than Program, August, Ltvltiz, a marketlng finn hired by moo.t dtser1e ar. upgrade m 1964 14, lh•~ ~~~~;~torsthoug)ltthey ~ho;iir!>h1p mona·. FurUK>r. 2 013. she rest in could use the Honors Program as the nev. p~ognim ·Mil require Sll:dents to cornpiete a restain::h peace. " a tool to a1~ch more students. or crc;rn'ie oroiec1 MAU FAMIS They thought lowering tht $011. the problem isn't that HONORS DIRECTOR ONFACEBOOII m,ndanis would recru1[ more lncomlng freshman ~PY haivr to c.reai:e a projt(t to A unlverslt}' who already has the repeuuon ~usfy Utt M:e(U of our accred1tmg agency or sme or ~mg a "'back up plan"' coUege thougtn Joweroftiml~ h :snot a s«m that m0$t hono: students thmk mg rhe standards of an honors level proe,ra.m and throwing away scholarstup mone'{ would recru11 :Hfferenuv than the average student and enjoy putllnf'. in extra work. Some even 10m the program more lncomini freshman. who are applving t0 largtr unive~\tv 1usi ·o do r~ arch fhere were. however. problems with the revi And we didn't lorge110 mention the fact that administrators did thrs without consultif1% with s:oru to lhe program and thP proc~ admlnl.Mra students: Bt:t wh·f would they? 10~., ur.td 10 bnri,t 1t .1bou: The dtudvant.ign and Not i!k:e thev urt what we think The applln prc,blem5 with the proceM of cre.t.ng Ulis new non for !he Redwine Scholar Program was up two promm are end!~ week. \ btfore the meeting that brought iht scandal Pto\·o<· Betty St..wart g;tJ the r.,w program to llpJ'll And tor academic admlnisuators on cam wth w•r undt>rgrnjuate ShJdents more mmlvW m ptlS have tttn dl~usslng this ror months without ;e-;,e;uch and make hor.Ns uud,ms more "high m•1olvmi any siudtnts. p•otilt>d'" on ump1;.., We'll end thlS by il',1ng rhat we agree with the The high pro~1e ~rudenU lh,i t S1twan is t.lklng Face-1:;()0lc posting former HoMrs Progam Oirt'Ctor about cw bf found m the current Honoo Pro Mark F-ams'. ~MSU Honors Propram, Augus1. 10(>,i warn. So .,. hy change:? Adminie.rmors think ·h1gl1 prol!le'" studena ue - Jan 14. 201 3. Mayshrrestlnpeace.·
To be an honors st udent means to be
;:~:i~~~~~~;~:e~tsN :;
-Jan. May
0 I 0
:=, C) U)
Fam Ant Am wtre cot'l)'.llt~ abour lht llonorJ Program 1..tian~ . I ht h ogram. faculty ,,.,,... t,,.., H◊nors hcultv Comm1utt c1,mulll'O •bout :re t-l , , "' membt"- 1o, w'ttkh none art dt:IM HI" dt t ~ was fll.lrt~ ·• or drpartmtTlf chalr5J ,...,ttl' not. Tht 11') noz onlv ~, ..~-· honon '>{1idt n1s wrrr not. Whrn ln!l aOOUt th~ unJ•I'•;, , 11
to dt"Ci!>ionS ~kt
.nd adm.n1m.1101')
n,w, don, an
Cl!IOfb, but l~ tac111", ~ ,
, dmh,1n,1::,p•o_,~,•l:,,•,t,','.,"_·.'•.· 01 1 r -. t~ L.t11vtrslr; Thf"'/ ~ , • Pf'CI 10 have i co!1..,_,~, ,· ' 1:up1r, l11l m1ng if :rt r , . .ifin\truc:ors don r ...- Kl •1 , .. I'd also Ute M w,:, •t 1 tha1 the Board ol rt~-• h•• e Vl'I to bt postf1 r • ,,,. ror the mtttmia um Utt,,,. uary, 2012 l!'tt m.r u•.., ..:
dw- peoplt dirtW)" aff«t("(I bV flit cb.lnR~ Would b-t cor.s1.1!ttd befort SlfJlnunl d"'"-lom ar<" mad<'. Two way cornmun1e,uon Is 1mpo1un1
1hat t-.\SIJ would bt lUMIIOnlng ln ~ bustnnW"S, comrr.um lrom thf' .-:urren1 prnKwn 10 lhe Redwine <'<Miu Program, a ded e.1!1on ~ very h!tmch1JI .1nd top down. Employte:S are not consul!trf $100 !ha! mt! Wllh J NckllSh from ~!udtnlS and /acuity, a NckWh ~he In tht dtcJSJOn maklng process. Mn ht that' 1 the d1ttcllon stmor admm wa~not o:pe<tmg, fht lll~t Mtmm~ oo: ~ much kstr.1rors aJt' u.kmr, rht un1vml!v Ir th.lt'stttecN, thry ~houldlool. cl~ from IM MOS1on list!! bl.II from tht .admm1~1n10~· l.li!ur, to !nlorm the er at the product mty claim IO ~II e<1uu11on and 1ht consum,n Honer. f'ro~um siud,nb Mid f.ac ulty i.nlll ;ht dl?CIStnn WU Alrc.1tfy of that product - 111, ~tudent,. F.1c ftn.ahV>d C:.mce thf'n, the provos1 u.lly, not th.- oldmm1,Stra1ors, d1rtC!h'
l)rovldt eduut1on to srodents
poMtd tn a 11mely n...:.r,. , Nl!hin a month or thll r.,,.., w!thln 1 ·rtar, for ... rr,'O:it o1nyt11n, \\'l1tiou1 Olf"'r1 • . the admln!Wators lpp,ti'\ • ro J.ttD thf'lt ldE'J) md 1, 1htmseh·es an appt1n· prob.bl) don t mun '.o mi: Th, \lORin for thr 1;• ,mts, "It's mv un,,tr-. 1 ll yo.1r\ • I ,mha\ 1ni 1 1¥-btlll'Vlfl~ !lus univers.Jtv ts r lOORer. I'm surt' facuil'I !T·t'.'r havtnit • hard nmt: .1s ,.,.,1: luM rtetnllv l'v<- ~~rt'd ~1,,und campus for 1 to appt-, fr.r a PO!-!Uon on 1t..
Smet faculrv ue alttady ov11r workt<J, undtrpald and undenip prernted. ~m1nis1mo~ should iocro.~ morale bV .111le.tsl mauwun 1ng ,1 h1,a.h level ot tru~t with profts navt dl"IIOOJl"'d J h.a!,tr o! mak:ma \Ots. Low sp1r,ts among l.teul1v will dKTr.tse the qu.alltv of tnstrucuon d Kl~IOfii bth!nd close'd doo~. I am an He>Mr'\ Progam stodem, lhet' ptOV!dl' for the \IUdtnlS, which •r.J wrui.- I'm s'Jre tha1 Wfl\t' of my could nep,auvety mnutnce r,t('nllon :,!lo',... pm,nm )\udrnu agrtt: w1lh numbt'~. Alf I am m;1 wnt•n,. on bth.llr Q/ At tht samf ttmt. the idnnoJscu thtm, o! 1/ll" Hnnor.. Prop,,"llTI Stu• tm netd to kttp thtlr own pos:rrvt dtnt Cor:multt"" or !ht Honors f)I rPl.ttlonsh1p wllh s.rudenu 10 e~urt' slty':, ~;,,, team; a group tt 1' 1kt. rhc prot,111 m that I h.lvt IS not they ftt'I ·.-alucd, u btmn~ do promote M:dw~em. I wou wttl'I the dw\geo; to the pro.,-lrT1 with ronsumer rtport> II studtnis. ab!e totrllh11\}l )Choolon r.1r but With 1h, way tht ch.1npp um, st
excep:iooal tob r,f workln1t with I.he Hono~ Progta'TI sludenlS :o addttss lt.tl! concern\ ab0u1 !he RC"dwint' Prq1Jart1 llnfon1.1 natth.·. 11 d ~' t . dtanR,(' tht ~! ~.llM aam!nl~tarors
'""'"I !Ind
l,ar:t 10 ~1.ca !hat IIT,I V('rs,ity lndfn maJ..e dtci11oru.. 11kt
oo, with the Hooors Progr.un,
in :':~,~~ ·
"The ad--,,,Tn;;i;a{;;;- ~n~~ has developed a habit ;~m _-·
ofmaking decisions
f11c1 them, s1u
wuhout consuluna the o1n«1td iwr lies btforehand I .,, hf:ard mu,y
""" w,u "0to' behind closed doors." continue
prolessor') and ,tudents y y that lhe
tnro;I at MSU
Hooo~ Program chan~ could 1),1•,e been greeted v.ith exmement h·; curmn Hono~ shWtnu had I.tit ad mm1ma1ors been more forUK"omln,. .tboUI the Chanin, IJ'.)lfJd of duck mg and dodgmg emails, and 1h,n scntdullnR an lr.lpromptu m«ong Wllh tht lhtmt, "Hty guys.! t ook: what dc111e for you' I know we d1dn·1 ult v~ for vour op1Mon t>Cfot" we made lhbt decision~. dt spite yoo being adulll and this uni v,~lly bt!nR 'vour' university, but wt know you'rt> going 10 love ·,m•· I'm not clalmmg to Know ui, protoco! aJmlmsuatM must lollow
~.~! ::i\\~
wam 10
' ~!• • and _ _ _ _ _ _;.,;,;;;;..._ _ (so,;n
won't :t'Com 10 ~.. mend 1he unw,rs11y 10 lhelr friend~ enrollmeni miy il:#}tl)' t',>",,' tattecun~ tnrollmtn11. th, A Tum: bu1 rt:tr .. Bui un!ununatfl\', m 1ht f'Umple kttp supping If dtCISlot~ ~ ol the Honors ProW3m, ~tudtllts 10 bt made hehmd tht t41:._ didn't havt a Soa\' when the decblon Student.~ and !KUlty ro lhf ch.lnl;d Wl'> mad,.. i nd The bo11om lmt ~ i.".r ne:tht'r did Honors lac~ltv The ad need to be made 10 ~""'. m1mnratfl~ lhoutzjlt L'l.1t siuden~ tml)lt>mtnt.uon ol um!,• 'i would bt CXClferl lhlt the scholar- oons bV admmiumor~ A t shJ? WOIJ!d mcreast lrom S2.000 to parUts n('ed to bf CN'.st. ·~ S-4.000 a ytar, !>ut thf',' ove-rlooktd hand. even 1f it del.1,11•,,;, lht !act lhait <Judenu we1l' not lu~t making proce~ . so tna· s·~>" virwlng tM ch.anR,f':!, rrom a money tacuh\' can lr\JSI U1e .i! r.. • st~nd point, b\lt lr,>m • stand point and lttl that thcv ;, r(".;-,II) makt lhe:st de<tSW)IU -· I'm surt of pnnc1p!t: - a pnnc1ple bbcd on Llib IO~IJlullon. the'\' followtd some form of 11 How rt-elptoe.al tru~! belwttn SIUdems UntJI thtn. I n nnr,t !':.o:• ev•r, I .1m !.clY!njl, thert's somelhmg and ~mimsuauon. a trust th.it was that MSU 1~ my um~'fl"SL~, -, fundamentally wrong with thJ.S uni broken. ulty\. lht unlversn, t.•r: vmlt\-·s deciston·mak!ng method. This !sn't 1he ftn; Pxamp!e of a provost ,1nd adm1nMut,,~ let me clarify· the Honors Pro 91am Student Comm!tttt l!Ndt up ol all llonors PrOF,11m SllidtnlS) ind the Hono~ faculty were no, rnnsult td by the admlm.s!r.1tors 11 any pomt J.410 Td IIIYd kl I• Wlctli~ FtlJ. li,.u,s ioXI& durtng the ume Um tht chlngtli 10 Nf-wot Dnt. to.to\ m A10,,t A'll. /\)<&(), 307 .41705 Ult program wtre dL~US.Wd In Hrly f,n (fi40J ) 9 7 4()U fall 5'.'!m~tcr In !ad, tht new Red· tlll.it~~ t dll w,n, Program wu es1ablishfd wiUI •P~ 1Cat1on teu,n. mal1fd to po1rn
tial frt!.hmen In November of 20 12 am1 an onlme apphciuon w~ po6tt'd at \e,st • month tit:fort tht Provost had evtn offlcu!ty anoouncM thf
How do changes in the Honors Program affect you? LJ_ LJ_
Unlloll't•I •JK:Wn
thf •'1mtninm o,.,_ 1-.,. ~ P~11 mfflrmrd th, •• " C.)(t(lbtr 1h•t ~um~r • 1 1't d«rta$.l'd A$ •1,1•t °":
bttn worrJng onrumt 10 d1~
11c - - --.i1
RtdWtr1C l'rogram tn rhit llofl1'f'S SIU
tj,nb on Monday ()f rour\l', 1tit !!taro. .101 depar. mmi chatrs i\f Pro(hra-Yt.aRCr an0
"I got scholarship money for !he honors class. I went to a lot of school actrv11tes hkt art shows. music evenls and sports events · MADISON GllASSI, SENIOR, NURSING
..Now, I do not really know what to do for scholarship monev The admin1s1ration ts making me have 10 make a hasty financial dec1s1on.'" EMILY BAUDOT, SOPHOMORE, HISTORY
"The main way that it has affected me 1s H" de1ermmmg rf I would even be able lo be a part of the new program because ol mv ma1or Also, I don't thmk I would even be allowed to be a part of the new program because I am a President's 0 1sUTll91ushed Scholar and with The changes to the program, one cannot be ho1h ..
~For me. the biggest changes will be a drHerent d1rector and posstbty coordma1or. 1he choices and optJon of honors classes, !he options of brown bangs and other required aCt/\11t1es and the option ol tield mps. I will fill out and apply for the new scholarship program. but since •·ma 1un1or and will be a sernor in the fall, 11 might be too late for me·
editorial board
EDITOR,IN.CKJEF: Brittney Cotnnghlm MANA.GING EDITOR: M~byta K.inntV OP·ED EDITOR: Si.tlh MIUChlol ME EDITOR: Orlando Aol't$} Jc.
SPORT'S EDITOR: Oamlin AUITltnw1n l'HOTo EDITOR: Han·NOOI Lt,. SUstNESS MANAGE~ Phillip Ml.:d,nt WEB EDITOR: ~
COPY EDITORS: Ktty U lan-e, 1-Uilor,· ( , MZ\'rut, lc1s \1<"u. ~ ~ NTRIBUTORS: Couruiey Btb. Futh Black, !ol',1°~y 8.n ru. A••lf'I · lby Da'fli, A.ln U Ga-r S'l.1n 1((' C0 lortr, S\Ye Hrr.1 [tr.in \\•'f.i.' ,-.r,i
: : : • Cocrv Parbh, Uurtn R...t,..rl.), 1Sti.4h Tirnrfi, r.r, .a ,', DELIVERY: 5ltliln At.JiJlb>OY ADVlSEI: 81,dlty WilVlr!
,._. , f •
. .~chitan ¥!
Scholarship honors young artist f)llnor remembers
dfJ#ghters art with _$5/XJ scholarship -IIITNfV BETTS
~,;; WAITER ,,~-
&ttnnmll, lht!i f.('me-.ier, Andrl'W thP Mew,
t,nlf' will be rundm~ rtf
5ctlolarsh1p tvery f~II Uld
f)flflg )l'mtsler m mt'mory of his
:::,$lt,r whr- dltd m a car acc1d<'m 1)1<1·
mis .!JChl.llar..h1p allows the un;
~ry t0 awuJ S500 10 nne s1ue1enr t<'tTI lilt' at1 Jepa,i,mem during lhr ~ng s,m('ll1et and to one stUdeni tDl'!l !ht· lheatlt' dep.irtment durmll. 'il llll scmrstcr every year.
r,nter ~ a n0Mn1d1ucmal student
After Megan yadu.1ted from !Me, m 2000 Ult also looked imo i1t1endin~ the Ar1 ln5tltute of Dallas and workmg on her an portfolio. The Meg.Jn Pamer Scholarship Will honor her love for I.he ans ;ind ·t w,ui.SMst other an and thutre st~. denb ro pursue thetr malor. Laura Jetln~n has been the lhe and years 7.5 than morr for atre chair she remtmbtrs Megan dlsplaY1nR hPt an ai 1he untvmity. According to Jefferson. the College of nne Ans is one of the smallest college.-. In reference to ~tudent PopulatlOn. However, the facllll'{s equipment malnten;uice causes 11 10 bt> one of 1he most expensh'e col• leg,,,
Jefferson also claims, •1.t1wre student, art taught theory in the )If ot HC'alth Xienc~ and Hui_nan classroom and It Is put into pranke :;.r,,ct'I SITICe201\ . during production, which 15 very exAC('OrdmM, m him. Megan had an pensive In order 10 provide a qualuy p talent from .i very euly age. educauon.· ~ would draw 1nythmR and every, Art Sludents also have high COSIS ~ $11ttlOR In ck>men,ary. to pay because the supplies and PJnttr happ1)',• recanu., ~1 will equipment requutd to create an ,ll,TJ'!> rtmembl'r her drawing of a pieces in the studio become very ex.,.i of n,m that sllll haniS m the perulve. wt ot jdfeoon Elementary School.~ With the increase of 1u1!.10n, this Mtga!I a:so took an intem.t 1n scho!m hip will help students with 1#-t when she Wli only five ;·earl the expensive costs tha1 comt along ~ ll'ld sports later on m hfe. but de- with obtaining an an or theatrt dt· .:Jtd ;o focus or, an ~ 5he got older. gm. Onct she started anending Ridcr Panter funded the scholmh1p In ~ School. she furthered her ar- Megan·s memory because he want• ts:.< 1111ernts by tnrollm~ Imo Ad ed to create a pos1Uve outcome o11ter ~ PlKt nlenl Art C::I~. This her death. tOIISt allowed her the opponunity He also hopes to e\·eniually help 11 c!Nle an p;eces for her portfolio more students each semester by ts· 111' w J>irllcipate in hlp.h school ex tabtishtng a web site in which busl• n ~ and Individuals can dona!e )lljll, ~ -..,~also able 10 display some 10. This will allow htm 10 give more "'-010 COUl'lfSY(Jft,11:1,A~P,\lffl, d'ld~"tWori( at M1dwestem dunng assisunce to more students each ....... , . ..,., ...,_for._ 1rt will conei - It Miiwn11111 att1r her tatMr Ill!!' puor and seruor years of high semester because Panter Silys, ·me c:tNIN I ac:"-'-ttlip i111 lltr IMMK. M-,... WM tli1d in I tlf 1c:tilllnl in 11ffy DKIMlf, W• 1 In-• IJf . . lfts entl IMltrt. would have wanted il I.his way:
pr,,r:gcnnunal JWke at lhe Col
3M ROGERS from pg. 1 IJndcr th,~ pliln, If ~rodents don·1 c<,mplt'le their underp;rad dt,:tt Wllhm foot yt>iln. ihelr university would chMgt tuluon at 1he prfcP It w;u when they ftr..t tnrolled. l~pite some ncgauve cn11c1<.m, RnRers said ft,:rd tuition is not all tha11tS<"em~·1t b a way of ensurlng an enttr• m,. freshman that !he pnce of 1wt1on and fees would not changr !or four years: he said. · rt IS little kno-,._,n 1ha1 th~ universities .selling fixed 1U1tlon have built inflation mlo the na1 cost This Is ac1ually more ben eftcial to the umverslty than the stu denu.· Rogm cited the UnJ•,mJty of Texas at El Paso and Unlvers1ty of Texas at Dallas as eumples of colltges that have had a pos11Jve tl'Sponst to Hxed tuition rat~. OUTCDMf ·I ASfDFUlfDtNG
Perry also said ht wants col!eges 10 earn outcomes-based funding by reponed!y tying at leas1 ten percent of the money 10 how many students graduate. Rogers was a member of I.he original formula s1udy commil· tee whom recommended Incentives to be related to t~e number of graduates ofa university. According to Rogers, the dollars related to each graduate would be weighted as a result of several factors. which Include h1gh•nsk SIU· dents and students graduating in the STEM or other high-demand fields.
Is keeping the community alive In the program; Baker said. ·we feel that some of the requirements for current Honors programs students promote that community because t pinicipate in I.he Redwine Schol gram. ·we were al5o worried tha! the we band togelher to go to lhese Otll 15 Prawam will be able to kttp the SZ.000 scholarship 1f they malnt;tin new program'would Umll diversity, side lectures and brown ba~ It's a making it harder for those who live form of hightr 1Hmlng.• 1GPA ol 3.25 or hljther. Baker said those 'A·ho make 1hr E,en lhoug.h Stewart stated re outside of Wichita Falls, e!>peclal/y ;r.tedly !n I.he Monday meeung lnremallona! s1udenu . 10 gain ad- choice 10 swnch to lhe Redwine Prolt.t requN"ements for the Wedwlne mlnance into I.he program,· said ir,am would be soaal)y d1sconnrcted l'!ogr•m would be 1dentkat 10 1he Heather Baker, student commirtee from 1hose who chose to !itay w11h ttiecurrent program. ~ent Honors Program, the Red trea.surer. The Honors Program 11udent In I.he meeting last Monday, an lf1M Program ac1ually has lower tandards whE'n if comes 10 ACT and hOnors student asked Stewan o1bou1 commlttre agreed during the meet 541 scortS and high school gradua- what act/vmes. '>UCh a.s the brown Ing tha1 they wanted their lnp,.it CJ)fl· bag forums. would be available w1lh sldered in the developmrnt of the ~ r.inkmg. In which Tot Redwine Scholar program the new prawam to encouraRe com- Redwine Scholar Program. Stewan ques:loned, "So !he ques· ·,TIJ! ilke 22 -.wdems per yrar and munlly amona, honOtS s1udenu. Stewm answered by saying tlon Is, you want 10 llghr to receivmg tr capped 111 fl8 s1udcnL<; when at t'l c,parny. Year I)•, two slou will be honors students wlll ~till have the a $4.000 scholarshipr Since lhe initial mecung, Stew1.1 "5er:Pd lor currtnl MSU student'> Honors ffoor In the dorms and will and Keilh Lamb. vke president of l"-ll !he IS 01her slols are open to all t,,, able 10 panlcip,u e and ha'le com· student affairs and enrollmem man1Fr11car11s. f·1Yc slob will be reserved mumty activthes therr, bu1 admitted agement. me1 with the studrnt com t.rnuccnts m1t1e W1chila Falls area, to not knowing lhe ex1ent In which mfrtee on Fm.lay ~nd plan lo work 111:ch wooid be 2S percent of thP s1udtn~ panicipate tn tl'rms o! comon a comprom~. suagesuons. for up was but munity. ~WIJlf' Sclit1laJ Prc>wam Chatr ol I.ht studem comml!lre • As an officer, our main concern Siudents hke Hea1her Baktr, -.tu
bene~t !tom thi~ pro!tfam and 1u would ha'le d!fficulues as well
dent comrrume Itta.surer. thought this gives a disadvantage to International students, who make up 37 percent of !he current Honors pro-
Chmon Wagoner said he was ongi· na!tv a.gains! what was happening with the program, but now has a bet· ter understand of the plans. He said 11 was aware of the changtS prior 10 the meeting. but was not given any speoncs. -1 am excited 10 see some of the changes. The Jack of understand that caused much of the ,mger and frutrauon Monday nigh1,- Wagoner said. "M~lf and many or Uie students in the honors program need spec!Ho: and the plan Dr. Stewan showed on Monday was 100 vague fo1 us 10 be comfonable wilh. • Wagoner said at Friday"s meetmg lhu !he Provost showed a wlll!ng nm 10 !JSlen and agree with our suggestions concerning the new pro· gram"s less deHned areas.. He admil1ed the admmlstraUon handled this slt1Ja1too with the Honors Progr,im poorly. · Thtre was no lofonnatJon exchange between !he admlni!trat1on and farult;r or the admln~111uon and s1uden1 body.· he said. ·While I may
thmk lhe changes to lhe program are benelk1al. the admmlstrauon has set a dangerous precedent thal needs to be addressed. According to Wagoner, I.he stu· dem commiuee was not consulted pnor. ·The administration made a dec1 sion with no input from student or faculty and Implemented 1t in only a few months; Wagoner 5ald. ·we got lucky. The changes bemg done to the program are btneflclal. That being said. 1think the administration needs to be aware 1ha1 making these backroom decisions wllhout consult· mg the people directly. impacted can• not continue.· The communication between the administration and stud!'nts ls virtually non-existent righr now, Wagoner said. But he hopes With Stewan takm~ an aclive role in a student program that will bring a change.
RESEARCH from pg. 1 thilt are en~grd m their career m undergraduate research 10 promQte what they hao;e done and 10 celetrait and :o ~park more and beuer tdra.s. lt'~ ti) ce-ntril.l,ze 1he efforts: Rincon l achary sa.d. Rmcon Zachary has developed and been mvoked In llndergradu a1e Research Oprxinumties an1 Summer Workshops -.Ince II started m 2004 The first t IGROW group had lom paruc1pallng s1udents along w!lh lour fuculry membfr... Ir. thb ~ummer wor-U~.op. ~•udents are in· vo!ved m r~archm~ vaMus lopic~ wHh 5tudent~ fmm drffertnt dtsc1• phnes lastmg ftvr wee~ during .he ~ummr-r. M.rr going shrough the prof.Tam. Rn,con Z~hu,· sa.i.1 tiie $kills ~,u
saying wnh research. If you under s1o1nd how that proces:, works, you will be able to make better decislo~ in life m every area.· Clark said. 1n choosing a director for undergraduate student research. Clark said Rincon Zachary"s experience fl.illy quahHed her for the pos1tJOn. · She·:. o1 good re:.earcher hersell. She's done lors of resean:h over the years She was rhe natuial one to move m1u tha1 posU1on: Clark said. lhncon Zachary has been m volvtd m research for mQre than 20 years at l\-\Jdwrstrm. Stewan said Rincon Zo1chary"s devotK>n 10 re• search has allowed her to tsla.blish a yearly 1mdergradua1t interd&i de-:ts leam lhro\lgh l'eS(',l/'ChlnR pllnarv l"t'Warch program and share slwptns (t1111.al 1hmk.Jr:p. ~iw~ u :d th~ \kills wi~h both srudenis a.nd conf!dence. faculty. ·TJ-:ij wlU make }·011 a cn11ca1 coo ~she hi!. a passion for ruearch s!.lmer cf d•t.a If vou unders!lrld now data ts ,a1hfred and ust'd Jr ma,;~ and !lb an opponunlty 10 shirt htr ~ Wllh bolh studtnts l!Jd fac~on ·we·re i,;omi 10 11$1! llJ15 ~:•J(lcn1 ~-v·J mo,. 'n 1vud1 with wha:'s 11o·ng fonim for ur.dera,radua!e nudi>r,u on fht importance !(N'S w1Ukiu1 ulty,· S1ewar. said.
their quesuons. I can ftnd the mfor ma Mn for lhem,• Rincon-Zachary Silld. Provosr and Vice Prestdem !01 Academk Affairs Betry S1ewa.n said underiuadua1e ~rch Is a h1~ im p;1ct .educational practice tndorsed by th!' Ame-ncan Aswc!ate of Col• lfge~ ar,d Hni•1erslt1es involved m both pub!K ar:d pnva,e !ibcr.JI UIS 1nstilul!OTIS. · we want to emphas!zr !Kime of the high impact rducauonal ac rlvitles currenrly bcmg dor:e at MSU and !O mcr"ast those opponum:1es for our quder.tl. Tt,e director v. ill ~ r,e a) a rtsour~e and w1i! lmllm e current student rc"4'arch acriv1llt') at a central IOCallon: Stewan sa.~. The :oea !or lhu posioo,, h<lr lu ct'mr.1hze ertoru :"lf research .md use the ~tudtm forurr-,s for unoersradu ate s1udent.S lo µromou- wt.ot thev havt dOnf' m then collt~ <Meers as well as to cc!ebute rr:ore ,me be:1n
Don Ray McKinney art exhibit opens An uhlbluon ty gunt •rJst Don by MrK.!1mcr uhibnlon ~ Ian. 18
Mc](inney portr1ys Vibrant colors In hb work Hts uu- of colon. cam, fmm •n 1pprtntk'tsh1p with • colons1. • AuromallC du·...,ng or driwinK lrom W: subcCMIJC~ 1nd co:0:- are iwo ol the m•in things I im !nvotved Wlth ln !ht 1rts." ~\c](lnney S,lld. McKmnn rnakrs dr1wmg a part ot hit dajlY routint. He sa!d W nu)Or1ty of his pim1lnp s!Jrt K dnwmgs. ·Only a !ew wr1t1 come directly from p1mtmg." Mc](m~ sa~ Co~tructln~ such p1t<.ts could ~ rrom iwo w«u :o ~1 yean to com plete yt! McK.!nntY considtis htmstll to ot rnort o! an anJ l)l!tfecuonut - 1 rtlish m that ~ndmadt qu,ahty of tnmgs. so ','Oil know mv Wflfk 15 handmade: McKmney said. Though tht pieces are avuJable ror R lr°, McKinn,y tlnd5 the prier to be ratherirreltvant. ·/ ;im more 100klng and worrlcd abour thrm /palnllngs) hlvmx a home with stt\Jnty thVI I am how mucti 11 <OJI 10 get them into that home,· MclUnnrv said.
Admissions seeks student employees Adm1ssi0ns 15 sttking 10 student5 to promote MSU. Those wlectt'd wlU be rtqulred to work rwo houn per wrek along with two Saturc!ays ptl semester. Membtn of the • A-1tam• wru 1t . Cf'lVf' scholarships. For m0tt m!ormauon contact Dustin Webb al dustin.webb@mwsu.edu OI' 040/ 397-4335.
Student produced one-act play auditions
HONORS from pg. 1
l tit to the new requirements. Cur· I ~I honors students who chose not
Auditions lor student•prodlJCed oneact plays w1H be Feb. 2 from 9 a.m. un• tlJ 5 p.m and feti. J rrom r p.m. unuJ S p.m. all 1n the Fain Ane Arts centtr. There wl.ll bt aud1tJOnS !or I 3 d1rftrent one·m pl•ys with positions for I 3 females and lOmalts. ~ ;iud1110n!ng are not ~ 1rtd to be maic)t1ng in lhe.itet.
Applications open for UGROW Undergraduate Rtstuch Opportu• nllles and Summer Workshop is an op ponunlty for students 10 bf involved In rtsearth In an lmetdlsc!pllnuy environment. Tor workshop is from May 27 through July S. Apptnnts must h1ve a GPA 2.75 or a GPA of 3.0 In L'ltlr ma)Or fteld ol study. Students must enroll m SCIE 4000 dur· lnR the first summer M'SSIOn and must gn<tu;ite no euuer lhan spnng 201 4. Students must ;mend the Research Pr()j Kl Preseniauon and Rour:dUblt Discus sion Feb. 27 u ~ p.m in Bohn H;i!I room 100. Thedeadllnr 1sMu chQ.
Kappa Alpha fraternity to return After J lour-yrM brt1k. lht C.•mm• Omrga Ch~pter of K.i~ Alph,1 Ordtr Is re~ y to rtlurn tile 1m1gt of jtood Khol arly Rtntlemtn !O campus. Tht Order foundtd m l 86S I) working to tt.Kh full rtllliUttmen1 by NO\'tmbtr to re:o,n !ht Jn1erfmern1t\·Counc,1. Former Prt'ildent Jake D1btll1 ~ 10, ·we IK,1ppa Alona I art rt.id\' :o do tiusi nm 4nd help OU! 'Min J'lV nttds tha1 u r. called upcn \U :o titttt>r help tt1t uni vrnltv ~rid Wich1t• hlls.•
Basketball resumes LSC play The men·~ ,lnd WO'tlt~S b,i\kt'tbl.ii te~ms con:mut lone St..r Lontntnce pl1vtodava~.ns1 ·hrC.ar,tl'tlnlJnwt r Sl!V A[W~ tonlltht In Lawton, O~la Tht women u1 oN u n p.m ~r,a the men a18p.m. lhf' l..adv Mu)til~ IIZ J1lN'QUgfll m i tl'!rtt wav oc w,rh rarlefon o;;iue and Ahiltnr Chrbllan In womer.·~ LS(. play Wl.h I 7 2 rl'CO!d, W!\l!e !ht .'11\us• t.ann i i I J t if'ad a,.- mm) !5(,c1vwon bv one µr.;t wltll l 7 I mor.t Both te1m~ wll! pi.y Clmt"Nn i MOC ond Ume 01'1 Sol!ul'Qiy at homt at 4 p.m ;indop.m.
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New director creates diversity Multicultural services coordinator finds a home at Midwestern ~~l
ttt. Hfr\
Thr nt wes1 emp!oytt and mul ncunural al!am coordmator of Stu• dtnt f>e\'elopment and Orientation,
Shnntesa lones, ~ wekom,4 earty !ut month to comnbute nev.• Ideas and efforts for the de~mtn.L -1 plan to help Improve the orga•
ni.:uions by sr.arting different programs and acm•ltitS wtuch Will help
memberships p;row, ~ Jones s.aid.
bu1 their actions art' different. f.or mst2nct, ~meone can say they w1U run a marathon wnttyou, but when you a~k them to nm w!1h yQu, they Sh) awav. • Jonh said. She s.ld she believes the non, accept1.nce of diversity from some people stems from their hick.grounds and personal values lh,u havt bcfn insulted in lhem by their Pif('nts.
Um m us illld 11 1a~.-s um, to dt· proyam and truly engage In I.hose types, of Otl'ferent cultural ac:tMtJtS:
Jones said. Jones said ~he is look1111 to make change-; wh11e be1ni1, m ctiarRe of the o~ mzanom. For 111stance. Vol untttr Counts. olflclally J,;.nown as Volunteer MSU on the we,bslte , !s a program Jonh s.ild she is trying to
~;~st:~:~; "/atwant diver;ityMSU because their values thil they grew up With, and they '
don't want to
compromiSt and
not one sinfalar p&u/ation C an~eS t e whole worl . "
;~::ent and im "We've had l l , bod
b t
u no V setms 10 know about 11. I'm trymg to g,t
work fo; the be!· hea~a:~h: p:. ter l:,y coming SHONlUAJONES warn.· Joness.11d. 10 a common MULTICULTURA.L AFFAIRS COOROINA• She said she ground wnh dif• TOR OF STUDENT DEVELOPMENT A.NO hopes student" get ent cultures that separated her from fertnt ltJ'OU~,. ORIENTATION tntere.sted becilust others and uluma1ely mulled in her Jones said. !l would bt' an opportunlly for em gc:tin~ the posiuon. One of her ll.~l~ while she 1s ployers to see a lull tranM:np1 not ~, w amed 10 apply for the JOb be working as the multicultural arfa1~ only academically, but cultW111Uy as cauS( It was a chance to chan~f' peo coordinator IS to get studenu to truly well. pt~· VJi?'A-S about different cultures. 1 accept and become active m differ ·Volunteering tor 1h is or~amza enrov thf' chance to do Um btcau$e em cuhura1 acl!vlues that she plans lion IS a good way for students 10 be a helps people more In the Jong-run on lmplemenung for the d11fere.n1 acuvety mvolvC'd because II can pro more than anvthmg..- Jonts s.ild. multJculturaJ organ1zauons vlde networkm~ and skill building Ion~ has a perception that when Jones said she hopes m get 1he opportumues.• fl)nts ~id. prop!, come from different coun• word out mor(' about muJucultura! Jan. 23 WJII bt' Ule first (by to mes. Amencans uv to conform them services and orp.anmuons to bnng ~ign up wi th Volunteer U>unts on to C\Ut own lifcst)'les and cw.toms awareness throughout the campus. !me, wh('re student volunteers will that they mav nor be comfortable ·1 think WC is humans ha\lf' lhl~ be matched w11h the righl QrRamza with · concept of what we ttunk 1s nght, :s uon, on tt:.- hst. l!.ines said shP be ·rrople may say thev·re accept wh21 reall\' I.\ ngh1. Our parents ~d [K'\·~ the morl' dive~ thr org;m1 m~ of IX'Ople from different cultum. our environments have embedde-.1 1auons are. the beHt't thl')' will be
W hen she applied for t he post lion. Jones 1is1ed her w ork experier:ce W )Ul different people and differ-
She also .s.1d I.hat she wants all 1he groups 10 be dwerse and does not want 1us1 one group of people to be the sam<' culiuri!Jy. ·1 want dwersity a1 MSU because 001one smgular populaUon changes the whole world. For ins1ance, )u.sl bt'Cause It mav be women's month. doesn·1 roea.n a man can'1 come and be mvolvt'd in ac1iv!ue,s. Does he no! have a mother?,~ Jonts Si1d.
She alM> said different personali· ries usually t>rmg dlfferen1 perspe-c· lives and helps grow awareness and open·mmded lhOug.hts for different
cultum. If, for Instance, an organi zauon is called Black Student Orgill mzauon, lhen there does not have to be 11.151 one race mvolwd. •If there·s 1us1 one race m the f<>UP, how Will anyone elst' out'i1de of that race learn aboul that particu lar group of people or Its cullurer
Jonnsaod. Jones 1s still work.mg on f,1.ettmg the word out about the different orJtaniza11rms, bu! ~he 1s pu1t!ng nyell and brochurt'~ toP,ether for advents mR Jiowever, ror 1hose who want to get Involved, 1 he S1uoen1 Develop menr ~nd Onentauon evrn1s portion ol lht' wrbs11r's launch, along with OrK,Sync and :.ocial mrdlil paites, are Up('Cled ln
~.r~ u,_, .,_,~,,,
or April 10 f9VP
......... Students, faculty celebrate MLK and Human Rights Wee]
prop!e v1ewln11, ilccess or the differ Pn!
S......., Jones ' " '
M•rio ll•miru,
new ,ulH with
9r•due11 u •
Student Development embraces voltmteerism OR•S IA WILLIAM!:! STA.ff WRITER
. .. '
NOl ~ 8Y1MJllll'< fl()al-•1 . to'tw.(Mlll,>o
'•rklftf let IKMff N lNn J. llo4ripw Drtn •IMlll .......-•M laM ....... e... One• 1M ,.nu 11.tictn i, toni MWlt 10 -,.Cl te, dtit tel HMtncd4"I wiU " - NW ,.tie• rtatior, which will'- locetN wttefe Mete"""" H1IIIIMftNW.
•n ..
University pays $ .5 million to create more parking Old band.hall cleared to make 200 parking spaces A < f Jl lq OAV STA t'f' WRITIEl'I
D,.1e tu s:iomge of parking oo ompus, a ne·.o.· ~ rk.ng !0 1 ls unct,r (00511:J<tu)(I. I: 1s 10 be (IOnP by
"Honestly, parking on campus is ridiculous." JASMINE HAU FRESHMAN j PSYCHOLOGY
1he future a_<; or the prese-ni lime. but a rew \paces will be added to an al m:C March and n wm have app:oxl• ready l'XISting IOI. ·1 do not beheve that the new mately 200 s~<.ei for lflt benf'l'il of commute.r 1>3rkmg. l he r.t'w coo• parking being constructed 1s llOlng to SITUCllon In 10111 wtll COM hat! ii mtl· be benenw,l 10 l!lf' ./\:\SU lffid!'nl<,,• non 1Q!lar1 The hlg.tier educauon as- ra·t es R~U. a freshman in bus.i s~um.s· hmd~ wl.U provldt rht> funds ncss marketmg.$110. -1r !s :rue th.at we need more parkln)t. but lhe locol lnrtr.t:)mi-ect "l h."'rt ,s s:cr,etJIT!~ i1Jfflcutty in !Ion 11 ;, far distance from 1he school and 11 wou!0 bf !OTeMed :or cnm locatiri~ d()~ parktr.~ wuh the early mutU'J.. Thf'rtfOrt', l t would fl(\! b£, d&.~ . ~, c.l tt-.r r.MI.° ICJIS will alltvi bE-ntfic1a! !'}r ffSJdt'nt\, !.O Wt' wou,d 21e m.1t ni·ti the addition of new spa,~ a_\ ,..pr1'"1Wd .o ~ng to south still bl? tr, the ~rr:e t,c,Jt we ar<' cu;• !"l'nlly 11'1 With tryrn~ '.Cl :ir.d parking ra-mo•~," ki<.►, f?.mk., a~.bti!lt t1Irt\: f'Stlf'C1allv park1f'lr near the <)nrms tor of r-.. ·.J; •·~ ,.r1. where we 1ivt • l !1r ·,>! I~ ~Oir P. ;n bf'r.1-:h cm:, To d.11.-. wre L~ a var:tty of plac tTIIJlt': pa:;.m~ tAI: does JlOf ~~1 II,) tS Wl'.frt' ~ui:senr:. it,•ing r n C&mpo~ lr.4' paskir.t, SJ,r>"!t I.JlC :ts!dt':I\S ne,NJ •o • V-1\li"t' Accor<f,m;: 10 Frank, rl'lefl' can park. ttk lo1s ~tt;nd Pierce l--4all and m front of Kl!l!n~-.N Ntn. ltl ltOM ..,, !":" '!l(''N p.l! l-:Ulll IO!~ p!anned !(l]
, ,Mc~.
On the break of Nat.Jona.I Day or Service, the Multicul!ural Servic~ ha~·e organized a week of events 10 celebra1e Mamn L111her King Day. The event entnled · Human Rights Week 2013. Celebrallng Dt Mu 1m Luther King Ir.· offers various avenues for studenlS to RIVC back 10 1he1r commumues Marun Lu thcr King Ir. Dav commemorates his legacy. Every year Individuals anO p.roups act~ the country Rather to .s.ervt their commumtJes )hontesa Jones. coor0mator of lh@ Multicultural Services, sched u!f'd a s.cr1~ of rvent!, 10 mspire vol• unteerl~m and tearnwork The message ~he would like to pa~ on to stuOents at Ulese tvents comc1des w,th a famou~ statement made bv Martm I ulher Kmg Jr. in which he ,,.id ·u1t most persist('nt and urgent qu,~tlon 1s, what are you doing for olhcrsr • l"hc pu~ of the event is 1ust t11 yjve back to thl' community,·
IOllC\ saJd ·or M.mm l tJlhN Kmg Jr. was b1a on comm~ !~ether for vol i.ntttMR and helpmp, each other Su. l~tcad of 1us1 contnbutlny or remem bermjl him by walkmR, wr are actu ally ming to do me srrvicln~ by of Pierce Han. in rhf' apartment 101,; 1nw back to ou1 renew, commumrv anC the O\'o!?rflow rhe other spols arr Jon,~ said al!tr the t venlS, Stu for com multi$ and fc\cultv membf'r.. dent lJpve1c,pmen1 v.ould be dellv Even wl1h the currt'nt available lot5, enn11, a sur.'t'Y to S4.'t how madems srndtnls \flll comp!am about not be Upt"'r1enced Human R1gtJ15 Week. rn g abte 10 find Sp<tts 10 park m . - 1don't bt'l1evc m ha\.'Jn~a~ rvJce "Honc-.uy, oarkinK Cln c,1rnp1.n is event w11hou1 peopll' a.crua!ly feel nd1Culous, ~ Ja..~mmt> Hall. a frr\hman lnli[ llke 1her a.re domg !tOmeTtiang. m psyct:olr.i;tv. s.aid. "Wh1t1: thrrt are Jonts 'iii.Id "Somf' pt>0plP have .sf't
several pl.l Cf'\ lo: commuier-., i t is a lonjl dra1mn~ proce,;s to hnd pdrkrng near !he r~tdcn~ on ,ampus.• Accordmg 10 t ' h id of Pol K t' Dan 'IIV1lham$, thert' ,s apprm:1ma1ely a 7, 10 I ra!Jo c,, <,!:JderiL, 10 parkmg sp.crs Wun the <1dd,11r,n of 1he 84 pnkin~ \pa,es nt ar thr police s1;; !Jun. mtre wilt b<> ;, iota! of 2.-16J park/Qi!- ~pact1'i oea1, atrd 10 studcnL~. U l,I t,f •he tot,d parbnjl \p0lS, I 'I I j .lI<' 1,,r ~!rlcUy comm1J'.er parlW'll/:, 73o fer ~tncHy r,,,:hl tnh Jnd ti I S tor ~ cr,mbmaU'ln (If fh(' iw.:i. The 1n•1:.'. ld!,,'n o! !he new p.irk lnjl; IOIS W!II
h,r,t' '10 ('(tecl on
1rnuJI ~rk1nli[. r r:, rt ar~ no plar.s for add!:1nmd tl'5!dtrnll.ll pa.rkmg ,1: i/l!S liJ'!li'.
vice , w nlS Jll"I 10 have lhem, but I wani people 10 frfl hkt' lhfY are ac 1ua!l·f g1v1n~ oack to lht commumtv ilnd lrrl like lhc-y arc actually h,!p
mitsome-one.· MAJITIN LUTHEII WING .111 DAY Df SUMCE Pn Mondav momm11.- sevrral studen1,,;. m~de their way 10 W1Chi1a I-alb Fo<-a Bank fO lend ii hand WIili the StJrtmg Of fOOd ite ms IN d1~tnbu uon to tan111~ llnd lfld1J1:lua1, 1n netd. From clean1n~ cc\n, t◊ mating
boXt'), and ~wn •l'p..ratmg IOOd~. I~ rhan IS \IUd#nL, pdrl 1Clpdted. ·1 had so mu.:n lun bt-nuse I lf'arnt:d how fa!,Y 11 I) to :ove b;tck ltl •ht communltv.· )<lid nur<.mg ma kli t .h ll" " Chuk.,,,"\.17.Ubl"h.t "h W;t\
W1rd1 S.v.rin, a Hnior ha comp1111r scl1ne1, telb ~~.,..~:~•n: •;:i;:~. ·;· ,,..., chemittry, •IWII A&h~I• Jlemy. • .unior double m•iorint 1n biol09Y and ,~,_..., ~ . :~1•nl1111on I'! lhe D,threnf A.wors
an ~e opener for me and from th1~
experience I feel !Ike I need 10 do more. I am much mur, awaie 1ha1 there are
J)fo p11•
\r.1r,•in11 out thtre
so the liHIP I Gin 0tl to .;omnl>me' lwd! •
C:hris!Janilh Uobukoma, who abo volunieered. '-ltd tt.1s w ;u her nm ume work.mg m !ht' I 1)00 Bank ~11 wa~ hm for me,· , lobuknma s.a.1d · 1 aciualtv find 11 verv fa!.(.:mai mg becau\.E' l w"~ .ib!t 10 an an~e food gomi:i 10 hom{•lt\.\ placr--. And, bt'm11, ilblt to arrang1: that 1., ,eallr mai:mR mr- happy Lecau.st 1 Cill!f:ul help ' hem w11h mnnev. J can at J('a~f help !ht·m arranw- ~nmethf1111 ll1a r ,., Jl,) inp tr, ~o m tht'ir tiocy awi , i:itf Al$!,, mPt'!tng pcop)r, was rr.,,:tv fun for mt'" DtfFfllENT FLAVOR OJIGANIZATION SHOWCASE
1 he Different I lav,,r I iq,r.,_ i 11112 l ion .)howca~e Wil\ •in ir1r-,l3v h\
atm ~[Rf)
v.~ to tn~uura17e IJ'knb up fuJ U ~ hll~t...n< ,,1 !i'>P·f
1"~ 1, whilP t'n1nlmr.11, t i!~•· h·11 • cho.:,.., :aie and mu~,1 ~ ·-•o;-r,ll t ll!npoi, 1 ·r~•111•·1,,1h W CTt' tir<>wne 'n\ •)IJr ll,'t•l~• , . ,,dent!
·••nt MIid II the Aln lllll ror ..,-
lO ~Ill.fl up ,mt! I.I(> ,l f•ai ' . ! ~eart-d towarJ~ Y<'lunru~-· ·wr:: are l l"\lln)t ' " 1·, 1 ;·
t0lll and \('( WIJili \', •' ·' ~td \p;in1'h I l, ;h n ,·mt M ,ircuo "'.\'e ;ar,:, ,t ' r lural ..,,...,.n,,, 11, l1•in~ !l1• ,,.,.
a r1,! dump. . ,,1111ill'N \1 ·•·~ campu~. ~
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Art~ &[m~rrninm~nt
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SOAP from pg. 1 as honey and mil~ pro1em, 11 might cont.un whry, but thcrt is no ~al guar.lntl't', btcaust Wht'}' ba.~ed ~p producurin ha, never Oo'en done on a lar11,e scale lrir maM•produwon ·Lei·~ µul it thL~ wav. • llamrt said w1·n • ~n. "I'm not <.aymg that Su.we t.iran:r s "MIik r rotrm and lhmey· wap ~!Olt lhtir Idea !tom OH', but 1 re:warched ti , and I JCtU all\' haiJ the fdN before they d!d.• Ilamrt '\il1d ht Wa) lnl11ally told bv many colleaiu, ~ tha1 he ~hould either -~!l big. or RO home" whrn lil~'tnl!, OUI his buSlnts.\ plan. "Thl.s Willi not the c.ue for me," lbmrt <..atd. "Be<:au..~e I'm a one man ~how, I've kept my busmrss small. and ~n pretty ~ucces.~lul do· mp: u. Manv people don·1 r-r,l\ze the vast compe1!11on m ffl,ll.,S·producing soap. ?Ill$, vou are no1 1toing to gt'\ tht'.' quality of product that you p.N from me:
Hake 'etn laugh
median entertains, eases students into a new semester
M,,ui!m1, ;:,cr~or.:uni. ~ all ahn•n !ht
~h;i;rn,~ oi 1rlea~.
S;u1d up 1nm€'Jy ""l' •Yf'rl a \!( ;llt1l t-"<irn :o M1d•,1•~1m1 St.:i-C'
"I! llnt>5 al! the w.r, t>ack m 1,rttli: :1me,: M,,utt,,ri ...,.,l, · S1,.,ra11!,, al ,..,.v, 'illk•if •r, an!J r~ujlhi tht ·1n,11h o! rhf' rnv • fl.: ~idt>s thar. the .studen~ :~ at tl'n.1am:e r11J n'r '-('f!m to m1T'ld wl'.en h-fou!ton ~1k<'d fun at <he ( aribbtan acc.>ni commor.l\' hend arn:,in:l MSll. and they roared w11h iau11,h1rr a~ hP mar:ell'd ar the h;i1:do on one
17 who>;i thr t 1:w 1tt\1•v Pm
Bc,:ir1 hC',tPd u' mrd •ar, ,\ toulfon ;it lh,~ ( ,) fl!)llt.hl' f;:,n fl) help e,mi ~!udn ,1, 1t !\' !ht> ~~
Not \urrrsmltly, !f.,,n• ~"t'mf'd to If. coosw:1 IJ.u)threr ect:omp. from
Ot Comanche ::.u1 1es as. soon •.:ton took th(' stage.
•i5,,:iv. evrn tht' pnx:ra~m1auvn l' tin Ti."n.s." M, :.ilton -;;iid. ,!S !alf'_.,m fill"<! :he !n,rt ~~
ti)Om . " "
t>y thf' n.u1.-ou~!;mrJ1ter
kom the ~c1 ~u. 1C~ rw; rn ~ ~ Moul'.rm ,) .i ,1~a,.cmd en:t>r1:on 1 ¥ ht fed Clff of thr CfO\'. ..i ·, etw rizy
ll!;:r1. h1t>lrd 11 n;i.ht back w!lh hb ~t''- l.'ld ob~ ra11ons. m,k1111.1,
!mrracuvt· st10w.
Mc-.:'.ton :-aid that wht>n ,\ Ct•l'll' tel tr:ts IC'I llRhl the n,)wJ. th1•;· h>J! :hat w~n·t a prnt:lem ii! _. ~- :\'.oulmn as h(' unJ,,r1!tX"1 QK'J1 ~ow !1) cnrerrain a col 1r,:tc ~ce. 'Tt!m•·~ an ('n<'J'RI' tC'I a c,1lh.•~c tt'f.j ,~ii! ,
J1f/exut fr,,m a,;y <11hrr
CJ,,:1: .-..1oul!u11-..i!d r;,.
('llltl)",, l\!'tform1np.
tJ \'>.,'J "1t '" aud1enc(', l .t'Ollloe ·~•(
~~~~;' ~~it•~~
colle<Te rrow'fthat's o
·Fverron" In a cor-1eav dub
:;u1::~1;~~illt~; ~ ~~,-'
1here} ener ·
formar.ce .st>rved
other crowd. "
: •~a~~: : _ _ _ '•..:~u:0;;;~;;;f;;;o,;.;; ~~;.;; TD_• _ _ _
hf wa\ ton
VJphnmt1tf' "-i\ti~,r ,\-\.utw,iu,11 •·!l!(,.,,.,d Mr,111:1,n·s ~b1loa• 10 be v,•ry 11r"'n ·1. 11!\ :hr aud11 n1" al\Out the ,1~1
k·,•: ard
<H! !ll\
11f h1, ., .~urh
uu~1J!,;r,;, h.- rna.11' 1;lui•• !rdtr11nv. ti.· a p.1r1>n1• b•11 ~t ,. ah!,
!'ll'W IL•
!ikrd h1, abill1Y 1\1 !lllf'T('Yt" ' ~l ,::rn did " R' e'li 1r•t ot !n101 por.1rm.i 111m,, !1dn"nm~ at thf' ~how.~ Mtn<',Qllln , a•J It w,,u!du·1 h,1w tlf'"ll ii comr1·;
& ALL Wines
and wine in town
of liquor, beer.
W ine & Liquor Tasting
Saturdays 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
940 696 9229
;;:' kocksliquor com racebool< • • ·a,c 940.322.3372 ~~~~~('~!/~~~~ ,;t~;:~~
:;-se US On
~~R :~/nterlain
atx>ut a month.
"The bus of soap , re cooltd until th('Y reach an e:uttly ptrftc1 pH so that they are sire tor use: llamre cmphutzl'd. OTflfR IUSUlfHS YfNTUMS
lronit iillly, Hamre dC'iCnbes him st11 as a canle-ranchcr 8rst lie ,1:lso
owns•nd opc-ra1es 111s own lawn and
1rtt•trlmmlng i.ervite and sells ffl't' wood In the wintl'r. Hamre is a S"II taul!Jit !.OaP maker, Many time5-, Hamrt uses cedar a.\ he said, picking up hi~ skills from a - - -- - - - .- . - book and creating hi.s base scent - ~ or -1ow note.· h15 own rtelpes CREATING THI: SOAI'
:nd -:~i~!d note; such as lavender. or an · u pptr·nott•· like lemon
Slo'U!.}roduchon ts good. 7hey _don't teach you tha( tn school and it brought me
fro~ar~::e. auri·
butes much or his sutcess to a pan.Jcular proff'S SUCCeSS. sor and mentor to gms. FMNCIS MAMH him at MS\l. Dr. To kttp ctr· OWNER OF FRANCIS' SOAP Jeff Stambaugh, ram scents dis as.s!stant prolrssor from one another he makes of managemtnt and marketing. cemibte AN UNUSUAL BUSINESS 1'1.AN dUferent batches of soap. Hamre "HonestJy. if Dr. Stambaugh Wh1lt Harr.fl' a:1mi~ his own shared an old.mck. hiildn·t pushed m.- 10 toter my ideas businr:.s plan Roes aF,amst 1he norm "You take a whiff of coffee Into busint'SS plan competi!lons, I !rum wt-,at f\JOSI btl\ busm~ marktl· grounds ln between smelhng your never would havr pursue-d anv of ers Ir,· to ll'arh w ncemmg mas:s·pro· essential oils.· he ~Id. "Tht~ helps this.- Hamre explained. duCIJon. dnmp, n h1\ own way has two things. One, !I helps clean your In faci, Hamre won Idea Wtchita hf'f'n h1~ br~t dem1on. ·smell!ng palalt" to keep your 01her falls. a business Jdta compeuuon · s1ow prOOucllon ts good," scenl5 distinct, and 1 wo, Jt htlp,s to whtre three wlnntrs l'l'C'e h•e over HamtE> --aid. ·n,ey don·t tPach you tha1 m M"hool and a btoull,ht me curb nauSt'a from lnhallng each es• soo.000 m cash prizes and free ac senual oil. It can ge1 overwhelmin~" crss to prof~slonal service5 such as ~uccr,~ However. Hamre is suth as mas l~al, accountmR, and markeung a~· In f,1:ct, ahet the llmn Rrccm.J ter at hb St'Ctet recipe, he can pretty sim.nce, directed by Stambaugh. Nf'WS r,1:n a shon amd<' about him Hanuc·~ business ideas also !and· "nd h\\ hus1nes.s m u rl; [anuary. much makt any order custom•made a spec16c client. ed him both fir.ii and secood place at for Hamre') stock u Sun~hme Na11m.t According 10 Hamre, the lnp.redi• lde;i MSU. a husiness plan compell· Foods sold OUI thl' w:r{ next day, he ems he uses in his 1tounnet soap art uon sponsored b\' thC' Lalani Center Hid. Hamre hal t,is tf'tail hcen~ to !>ell the ronowmg, Ive wa1e1, whey, lard, 50 current of lorm('r MSU studenlS tallow 1cow or sheep !at), coconut can hone I.heir business planning hrs MM.pm le.u~. ;~~! l~nll~:er c~;· ideas and obtain business planning and hls soap IS WHERE TO BUY THE SOAP assistance. available at Sun • Sunshine Natural Foods, tonSttd oil. ohve "The funny lhmg is. I won recond :;tnne Natutiill Parker Square S uite 401, oll and cssentJa! place for my homemade $00p idea,~ food~ and Alley 40/7 _ 9 67 2093 Otis that add the Ca1 Collect!ve In Hamb~ s.ild with a laugh. ~My fl.rst • A lley Cat Coffectlve. 922 uniq11e scent 10 Wichita Falb at idea was talltd Cheese So!u1!ons. I Indiana Ave, 940n33-2761 each oatth. aboot S<l pe,r bar. would baslca!ly travel to different ; Jbam~k:r ~~p dairy fanns and m~truct o·Nners and Mamre also • Online at francissoap.com 45 takrs online or at a Lmt." Hamre workers how to make their own ders at francissoap.com where CUS· ~d as ht displayed a balth of tough cheee. At the s.ime ume. I could tomer., may also request custom ly chopped, beauufully fragnnced samplt oiht r people's batches ol batches that he may not offer in his homemade chme and offer them ba~. regular stock. Showinl( off a large m ror which advice how thty can improve their he meUs lhe ods and Ins to a ttm• recipes. PARTNENNG WfT1t Although Hamre consider., him petature of 100 degrte:S, Hjmte ex• TIAM WOOlV MAMMOTH plamed thal onct thl' heated or\.s and Sl'lr a cattle rancher fi!"',,I. he adma His connectJons w11h the cycling falS are to 1ust the rig!lt temperature, tfd while he didn't necessanly netd team manager [or Austin Ttam Woo• it IS then mJX~ with the lye wattr m LO US(' hlS marketing degree to get a ly Mammoth helped his expand hJS a St>p.aratetank. Job, ht think.~ about most of his upbusines.s to Ausun, San Francisco After.,,.•af'OS, the mixture rs poured per•levcl marketJng COul'$eS almost and even Pon.land. mto eight molds that H~mre hilS had rvery day when 11comes to his bust· In fact. Hamre worked with the speclal/y crafted out of bt'nt tam·gut ness vemures. Austin Wooly Mammoth Cycling ters. Each mold will vieid SO bars of "In tht rral world, you never Team to custom makt a ~ p fra• soap and mus! rest for r-.-o day~. cte know what hie ...,,11 throw at you," grance for the team that they ftll aung a · 1oaf" that 1s cut mto bm, • Hamre said -Sometiml'S you jU\ l represented both a cnsp. cltan scent Hamre explaintd. ha\·e to get ·1ou1 tel'! wet- trust paired with a · manly~ ~l'nt that When lW O days have passtd. vour m1u1tJon wouldn't deem the SOip 100 Howery Haml"l' move his ·1~vl'5~ Imo a or ·gir1v· m nawre. cooler where they will be held for ,,
.~ tarroquln that ,1,,foulmn·~ raunchy rou unr •1,·orkt-d well w111J an audience of <Ollt'9,C M•JdNll\, s.iy1ng 1h31 he re• mmd<d hrr 11f 1hat onr farml~· rncm b..r who drink., ii Huh• ion much ev• NV !Jmi/V Rilthr nnR · You antKlpiU(' that they atl' J,:'1101, tn f..'IV ~om<> tm~omfomble ,nm~. bu! you can·, ht>ID but lau,!.h anvwav and \'OU f'nd up Jikmi.: rhem a nuie tlll lll(lt•' than bdore.· Mu fv u r.d
10'1."-0ff Liters of Liquor
t~7' - :;:;r~c~~an:h;~ "this' way. "'""'his'1.pN1'
differentfrom any
K.OC.K.~ Liquor.Beer .Wine Happy Hour
show 1! :he per!orrril'r didn't push !ht> envelope a little bn. Some ~tudt ms reacted with dis• appr,mng 11,a~~ af1e1 ,;ome ioke.s. namely at th" fall' of an 1magmary m1d~i.'i [not little proplel, and hrs hippie mother's questionable parent mg. but Moul!on nouced the dis ((lmforL "That misplaced empa1hy 1~ p.Oing 10 ruin your life,~ Moulton ~td. Ile explained that jok~ are hy•
1 he Wooly Mammoth Cycling team chw a seem L~•t wa~ ctdar based with ii hint of prppermlnL ·1 named it Ski Cabin because, ln my mlrn1. tt's a SCC'Tll tt.at one mlR,~I ha\·e whlle siltmg In ,1 wood cabm fn the mountams, • he said. · 1uy to gei crrative In niilmmg new soap!. so thH I can captutt the esMnce of what th.ill sctn! brlng.\ to mind each ume you smell it."
'' "i'iln ">aid
Ctmacterllt'd tw hi~ Wt'b-HP a~ a ~comedian. 1•,m!et, ,lCtor and hu man,~ Mouiron ha, ket ! hnnst>II hw ~ V('r \lllt' f' h1· fiN !Mk [/JP ~!JJ,\C Ill PNO ~incl' th••n ht' has I(' ,ortJ,.d 1wo c,,mrdv aJbum~. taped a 30 P.JU\!.it,• special fnr ~tio·Nt1me i·all""' ~rr:at's !u~; 1.h:<ken Stup:d.~ anrl won •n:mrrou~ award~ for hJS innate .1b1/1t\· 111 ~1't'P an aw11<"nce l3t!J,\hLlli A• ~•mt'O0<' wh1l\ bo~i, mJn Jt1,1n1; a busy 1·ar,·rr i!'I the lug_hly Ji',;lrr ! ~..:Id o! t't1•Prt.1:nmcn:. f,\rw :1,1•1;1lfi?r(~1 ,0,r.,• W:S,lllm wall rt:,~ .: ,,! 1·nh ~! 1.1S1I ,tm·1nJ,?. \(.I kKk 11•1 1•... ,r larcrr, il' JolJrill~ ~ of whar l! m~·; tw. - 1uir, t f.-,ir lil\h;·r.· Mou:ion
:tl. · 11h\ ..:r.,m.n1t 10 wh~t you want {<) (!n .,; rt ,!o !I 1)1: wh~: ','l}U !Jke ,um! l'•,u tliin ·• h~r ,: an,; more.~ -.,1
t,fau;·,,n , 3.ct · •t1r n /l ; somt>Thlf'IJI:
l'IIO?ll .. SIW«( "'(l'll• •Mf\,[ "'I'~
francit ...... dffllonst,.-1,-r1of1"9 ptd lK1ion proctHltt . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ftNcll' SMp, HNll't CIH'-41 hi1 oww chnM," wt/I ff wertun, 011 hit pate11t1 lan1.
Art~ &[ntertainment
6 A AMMMllfoiMJli
Timberlake returns to music after 7 years with new Timbaland song ~ Pt ANLV"• ~\ o .it .._ Jq
A&tl! E D (TOA
!tJStJn fimbtrlakc ansv.ttt'd tM pra,•p~ of many on Ian 13. relf~ml!. "Su1: & l ic.· nis first ~m~e m M'\'('f'I vnr:.. Till' ~m~t 1~ ..e, t-> bP the firo;t of many trom 11:nt.trlaltc's tnrttic,unmg '~"Jir::! ~tud10 album, lhe 20120 hpencntc. duP w me •1methilyear. The song cme a ffi(·re thret da\~ afm Tim btrlalce took 10 Twitter tn the ear!y hcurs of Jan
10 lo dehver the mys1enous mmap,e of ·Jan JO. 0:01 a.m. PSl. • ll'adinJI. mam· to belitvt he wouM be relrasm11. the so11g at that ume Instead. fans got a teaser trailer of limbe-rlake hcadini into the studio wnh a 'IO!(e over d«l.i.ring tie was ·re.ad( to rtlum to music. It was laltr leaked out by various :,t,m and me d1a ouUets lhat Tlmberlake's newest sm~ would featuh' Jay•Z, ~ produced b·,' long time collabrlra 1or Timbalar.d and would be rt!eastd at m1dnip,h1 JUmN TIMBERLAKE ·surr I r1r FEATURTING JAY-Z
FROM THE 2Ct.'2II EXPERIENCE 121131 JAN. 15, 2813 RCA RECORDS LABEL • iTunes (S 1 10)
• Amazon MP3 S1o re /Sl:'q)
• Google Play Store ISV")
1he loUowmg Monday. In true pop star f.ash!on. the single quickly c!Jmted the BIiiboard Hot 100 m record seu:ng fuMon - debutinR at No. 14 11he h!p.fle:.t ,,r any male artist In history and Sfcond h,11,he" r1f al! timt>I Tm<berlake re 1eam.s uf, with hip hop producer Timb.a!and for !ht track In a chance 10 rt<rea:e the magic of 1he11 previous col!abom1on, F111urr ~x '
Love Sounds. kaihtr than follow the same !uturulic. elerno· pop o! Fu1ure St:r / Lovt' YJunds Timbala/ld helps nmberl.lke IJVC 'IP 10 the :ll)fl.l!:5 classy tit!f' W,th a 1u.i: mfustd sound full of hom~ and stnn~arrani;:e mt'nts dunn~ rhe thlny-~ond mtro and JT bm~t 1n~ tN! he\ on hrs · suit and !Jt' ~· n, • a clrar \!PJI
rhat he's marure.d In 1he la:.t dPcad, !tom tA>111~ a rormn bo•, band sw. The Sllng's slow cre,p dum1~ !hr muo 1t1ve~ off a ~low 1am vlbt. bu! o;oon afte! firnb.ala!ld sp«rh tile tempo .ip and lets rmiberlake·s ·11,)('.al cord~ g!Jde •crw anC11her R,entf.'-bending pop hit
Timberlake 1s ciear,v havinR. run w,th his nnv · no t'nd !!•me~ apprOKil to music craf!Jr.g a sir., pie. but mrectio~s song crmerM on dr~1ng your
~rand danc1np, 1he m&ht awav. Wtule he·s at hi'i bP,1 when t1pressm11 dttp emotion:. hke affernon ,·My I ovr·1 or R,ettmR revenge on an ex lover ("Cr/ Me a Rivt-f, · Whal <..oes Around COmt'$ ,\mund"1. !f's nice to hear T1mhtrlakf' finally make a pure f.ood time 1rack hke ·<;e,:ybulc" a11,,11n. Mos! r.ouceah!e about the trnk. though, i.s the gue:.t verse from rap superstar and m~ul Jay 7. a bip. step up from the' taSt rapper Timberlake had izuest on one of hlS tracks. lu1cy J While Jay doe:,n·1 drop a lvrll:ally mmd blowing verse. his
boastfui na1ure ms the track well. While 1n dear tha1 Timberlake has a hit on h~ hand::.. the real quesuon the sm9,le now brin~ up now rrvolvc:. around the album lt".5 promucm&,
rhe 20 120 hpenence. White ·su11 & Tie" is a promising directJon or what The 20, 20 Expenence mav"SOund !Jke. a lot has chanRe1 tor1lmtierlake m the seven Yt'MS \1nce he releaSfd his last album. For Mar.en:, TTmberlake 1s now mamed to Jessica Biel, meaninp. that the ~ub1ect mauer should chanRC from the vl'nRefu1 1herned ,racks based on t,1~ pa~1 affairs. to lha1of a !hop<>fully1 happdy marr!Pd ;.1an While lo,·e may be a strong rmotion, pop artists havr ~n known wcrrate their 1>es1 son11:5 and al· burn~ dunnJ, or after a troubling affm Is« Mamn G3yt's Hear. Mv [){>ar for a good txample\. Secondly, and more broadly, the pop landscapt his ch,1ngl'd dra:,tically since Timberlake released h Jture !'sex l.o·,e Sounds. The electro-pop clashed w11h h:p·hop ~und that made "Sexyback· and ·Mv Love· big hits m the summer of 2000 is Jon~ 1tonr. and thl' charu are now dominated bv Am,nca'::. 'crappv ·.-e~ion or Bntlsh electronic dance ffiJ\iC. •·suu & fie" IS a good SIRTI lhal 11mberlake WIii n•n takf' th~ route. tut 11's not too hard ro be skep• 11ca! m u.~~da'i and a~ that mont'y may mouvate him 11, pu\l'I our a ftw mundane, radio friendly tracks to build a biAA,er buz.: Nu matter what route he takf'~. one thing can be afl,fe'"d on - 1t'l. !lOO<I to have l lmbtrlake bark ,n t!'lt> m:ale world,
What are your thoughts on 'Suit & lie'?
1 I
-1 like thll cover an, but I don·t like the song I thmk the music is cool. but not h 1r11 srng1ng, rapprng or whalever he's trymg to do I 1hink. he needs 10 stick 10 ac1111g II sounds classy, and that"s cool. bu1 he'll always sound hka he was m a boy band to me. I don't really hke a lot of his other songs other than ~se.:yback.'"~
· rve listened to hts music before. and 11 sounds like the same old Jus1m Timberlake nothing very special For a comeback album 11 doesn't sound like anything realty differen; than what he usually does. It sounds like he could have given a little bit mort of an effort to get with the times. I do tend to buy things on !Tunes, but I wouldn't buy this."
~wen. ifs music I hate to be ·judgemental because I'm not really a mus1c critic It sounds like he recorded the song w ith a warp a1 the begmnmg, and rt didn·1add much lo the song, rn fact, 11 kind of took away from 11s quality. I really couldn"I u11dc1stand 100 much of it. There wa sn·t much of a boat. either.
~I've never lismed 10 much of Justm T1mberlake·s music I usually listen 10 bands hke The Script or Cold play. I kept thinkmg
!hat 1wouldn't pay for music like this at the begmntng of lhe song when it was slow. I really didn't like II too much, at hrst. As !he sal"!g progressed. II got a little better. I liked the second half of it ~
Justin Timberlake
■ '"":: 19'1 2000
I -
Forms ' N Svnc with JC 0-astt I.a·, Bau. J otv Fatonr & C~ris Krr'r;r 'tl Syn, rt!easrs sell-filled an-: album1ntheUS ·~o Si•rngs A1't,Jched ,s releasrc 8ecomesldstes1sellmgrrcord .,, 111siory with 2 J m1H1on cop,1es so: l1rsr week eve11u11llyseUs l l rti• top,es
Born m Menpn1s. Tenn
Jo•ns thn rast of The M1ctev M:., Club, mev:s 81t1nrv Soears
2001 Celabnty 1s releasrd Becomes second lu1est•seli1ng ,ecord m 1'1s1orv wrrh l8 m,!hon1tbumsso1 l1rs1week 2002 81111,ns solo career by 1e!eu1·; Justified bruksupW1thB 1 111t
2004 ~:...:~::d 1n · wardrobe malfur,,;:~ w,1h Janet J11clson lfunng :~, ha/lt1me show of Super Bo"'1 :W:, puts recording cares, on ho~
S1a1s1nl11stma101ac11ng ro,t •
Ed·son force 2006
RelusEs Fu1u1e Se, love so~rci aopnrs 1n Sf~td1911alshort · o.t, Bo~... sta1s m Aloha Dog
Goes O'l second mus•ul h1Jt~i blilg,ns dating Jessica 8111 stais • Shre~ 1h11 Third. Bl~ck Sna~e ,Ja,• and Southland T11!es St.If$ Ill The love Guru W!lh MII M~ers 2011
S111rs m The Social NetwO!~, fo.;, Beai, Bad Tuchtr. Fr,enOs W"I~ Benefits and In T1m1 M11riu Jessict
Biel. purchans a mmorrw share 1r 1he MtlflPM
Gl!l1hes begmsr11cor11,n11Tl't ::t: Etpenence;s11rs1nfroubl•'MT'"-
Cu•~e w11h Cltnt Eastwood 1nG 1,..-. Adams Releases "Sult & Tie·. planstoit W l he 2CL'20b.pe11ence
SU sits on top of the ne Star Conferenee ·',\'t 'v!f. be..-•1 l ~no I /1Jl1 !Ut'I
tr• 1•~•rll\p," Ha;"j{'fl)' \l,d, "I l"tl li.,r .., ..·r,, J1 J P''l'II
S!IH:C' ll,t \ tart c!
,l%w 11~ i\ M rr· t--,11tr, .lnd i,;ul') t-,.,,, fr:u·11 1hr I nic.h\' with whJt \\I'
.. ~•.
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but .••,
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Rtlt'.' \,\):f ' You'd rlll'll'I bt ~ ~('(h~
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bt:tu oos.111t1n urlk't In \hf' ~•rnr • AJ1noov.h tnt ,..11..~~np ),.'01 UN lJ a hot SO sun tn bty.in 11K' s,u">n. HaJ:gtrty tf,lt th, w(n mUR)M .,,tr, 1. llttlt 100 <I~ :O• C(lffifort ar::j W lt.un WWI~ playmi to lhrlt :l.U
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"Our goals as a team have a/wu¥s hee.n the same. t don't go into a season thinking about what record we're goini to.hav~ at a certain trme.
A ~lMl 11f lo-.,,f'S to Colou10 ~tt Putt-lo ;uu! <~chtta &Jr tKl blck tn NC1\"t'f1btr bf>lort tt.r
Tlw1hv,-.1ni tirul ~·.-, ll•irtffi·\ <Gn<rrn~ ~!l(JHV, ~1.th the m:11,cn ot ta.ch~ tx1:1j:\ I~ 1111..'l ftvt w.:,h
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we nc-td to lmpro·;t m •
Mf"''S 8AS«:ne.t.llCOACl1
1ht Mui.r.ar1~ havt hold 111mr hlTI(' on \!nu· thtLt \tYrn ~mr rally
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1nR lht ~ 1 tum wt c,n t'f' at ~t md ol tilt ~·!,()I'\ )t) 'Nf CJr. makt a 1VrU nm •
DEVIANCES SKATEiSUPPlY~~ ~&.v~•Wlllt "'W ....... ~ ~ if
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s-, ~ digilal )t~ ·,' deviance g~. == ,. , .._
screen printing• graphic design ~~
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"'(l•l ~s- ... ..-.c...·•~
, iM10NcMl la,tiltUtiifffSlty n.-,~""et" 11,ot. . , . , , _
Premier League debutants flourish . English Premier League signings i11stil/ entertainmml DAMIAN Af AMf.NWA.N S ~T-1.DrTOA
W.1h •t~JI I W"fk ;ti! In tt:t Fni,..;.h P·tn1,tr l"'lfl.lt rrans!tr win ~ luw l..111\N ntv.·
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i:ol·' Umt tn ;hr ~l)nd ln•I lht
(' .ty
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rt-, l lU'tn) collttttd fhref ~-<,1 •,t, ,.. \1ar::hf"'ir. Nt¥-Cb t1e I lnit~ ll.•' r1 in \t'O:Uf( ,ny p('>lnU 1nfrnn1c,f1uM':'lf'fans Yoi'wl(• ta.-r , htt A.K, ?):Vl" :hf' Matp1"S • lt •t, nw\ut" :,,,o .lli-?m<1 R('N ng DUI 1111' ,r,, ll•l' 't.mM lhl' µInf' Jl'Ql•t•J n tur 1-\'f,.,°td haif A ,r.,nuir -1:·rr cornmg 1,tf '1hr tirnch, M ani Ir lor,1r,. «M( thr ., l!..• 1:rrt fw Rr1d111R horn 1. hmmv kc~ er"'' rr,~n ,ix n,•r.1n,... liter. I<' i-onJ~r l'ntt 'lr w,.1,t11>"s t:ri:•
Chf!Sfa Ralwl &r-\11t2 ..,.,,, ~ n'IM"'t.d w11h thf w m, M h" ttim h•d had an app1,lhnt tiomc- Imm tor tht ~st Y'Vf'n W<"t'.b Juan t-.hta tart, R.,..! l.fnt (,htl~o ahNJ 1.\ I rink I ..II':\ p.a;d\ Pf'nallv kick ~.l'-'t 11':c 8h,i-s a
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~1>mlor ib!t l",d
Fvtniua:lv. :tic (, mnc~ w,,1,•
k 11,1· \ 'd )j':-'ll(,'I ,. pluv,1 With h.< IUJ"!\ .. a:-.•1,r; ;r ~~"i: t~ • • IU\I ._, t h lf(t1ll~ •.l-• r,.11::111 J 20 lthC1I ,i,1.;,• : \\r,• )1•'1'1':" ,1,·,lh A1tl"'tl in ,l ,1:
iblt to put o:l<' m u,un.-w n! !, <.,. \\ lJStwr\ \Uptrt, "l..lyn11kmi, i lilb •nd Thro w,1co1t p1rc1Y tu, !>hint Bu.I rbt Wbt11 !J'lt w·Nt I( lht' n•1 l1'."r'i 'N1'l"'h-om"'Mt~!\('\V••:i'
flru-:- r>1.! \f\:·:rahor:l"
Ac"I\Y~} lt'wn tro~ \u-r ', rd b":J;, . fo1:rrtt:a:n llc,•~:i• h"-'•'d
:m ... ~r.11•,1 .,~.111;·r. ~ ~!l•M \ 1!,l 1,t r_,r,,n~1 ·••.• J,;..i.-, '.1!..i,nl",t•'•,
lr,i5t1,l lt~.J••~ M.J!, !,f('.-f 1 ·P•t~J
'.\1)'\W'; •, \ \cv M~ • ~ ,t· j • 11•1'-•T,
,,.,, 4 l,(r,,;ll('. l• ·· •e 1,M•r, ,'r) · ,: ·d·•~t·.--1,t,r r.,,.~ f•''' \hi "'..n1,•1
,,1· ,
• : ..• 1.
tn, Nlh mtnule bu: hlS go.al
dmchtd an autnon1.11m·t J I \'ICtOI')' O\'tr Sto'«' ..:itv, wrio n1d lhf ~l Jt!tiat In lht lta~U(' ln lh.. f!r;i hill o! lht stl..>00 A.i."r • ,o..llo.s ftru half, 8tn Da\1h bttl~(' 'ht Ot~ l«k tn 1bt JQin m1nu1, , rc,wrn:,g puc lhrtt dtfi"'ldf'n bt'l)l't ilnmrtA m tht opt11tr lon.iltian 0. <,..iniin
!': '' • f'.Ji'c,<'
f ••
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p,,-:-;n ;i••,r •·r :.•,ac J.• 1 • ir-\ B· cf" , \ ":>' 1:-~ ::• "'l(f-ilCi,;. N,:h l
.-1·1 " • •.,.l.
B 4j
1,,1 • .!n
,-n.,. v1
..,.,.,..Pr•--:\\: :11· ... j r,ft '"I - ,, ,1, ~-1.(",; Ptt11t l>dtm ,,.1 ~- r.,(" t ! "· .,., t1.:.-ih::rr At ·!':1 L:-.r ;-,· ,;:111: u".1'1.<.·1,il'i(('ll
·t;, Iii Ju
't':ti:1:IC.il r,,4m, •tw• ft':~•-1 I I it : ,n \ an l'":'\'t :!)ih m,r,.1•, Ndt· p\ , Inf RPJ I¼'\!. ,t,e tJ u1m; ,• ~• , 11n: l>..n1~ ..,,,.,'!j n 31 O)r:1 '.111"1:,lf' ("~1.11,; ,·1 ' (\ l '.llf\'
1"'1 ,
i ni 1t.r ·11"S" 111."l.•'tr r.t _.,°" arJ I' I N'.,'I C,,i('\, ~pr•·•• 11:, : I nti a'.I ·tt- ~l.t>fl d '"'' ww!:1\ itrtll,'\! -<;!011\ f".l.~Jt' ,.,. ,~, ~?Mt\ l"'.d 1, , "'-"-,tr
1N,!, I'
Back on the sidelin p[
"''u,ol c!J·,rr,. :n
rr,11<, "' I act c.m
ayer ~e UTnS pl!,hcd •..rut!hini,:rvrr; iUl lach,int :1m, ,II f',;r;-~uru:~,1;;:' to famtltar territory '""""'"'11 tier u•vr ,,,i! ,.(' rn as assistant coach '0T111€ ~ ,
ti<)rt~nt t\~Ul'P~ in t'~f 11'.r ,_~....11 t,l, I , ('1t.ill c~ch /\lt'l Ji:n,u.J,fl',
A bmlhtr IIH' h" popped 1,p /\:l tht ~1tk!!nri- o/ lht Y.'Offtt11\ t1..,,kr1t-.ill trim this \('l~on K,11ry.11 IJ\kk'lll, .ll lt'lffn"f LadyMtl\Tolnp,, M tnn\lll/"lnt,J Imm I l•VlnR 10 (~h
t\'t': hid. support1\'f'
of me did t,t\ ,1]'1..11~ 1 tttn d1trt lt11 mt I w·n no"-. can oil him up 1n1 nk ;11:vtnlniof hl!TI He', Oflt' t)=m~ b!V,!.!9. ritntOD iWd
~1~:::::~\:!.11~~:o.i~~;,: nnf':e~;;;::c~~l..il l~v Mumr.jt\ ,t !~,:~/~;~~:1~~g1~:l~::1
htl{h ~hoO!
urttr lacit\On rn.riH'<l .11 ftY. olft~ from vanou~ )(.hools .lit the f!Jr!IOI" collt'Jit !r,·el whtre .sl'lt ~ytd frosr
2000 to 2008. J..:~n rramferred 10 MSU rn 2003 from hank Philli~ ColleRt, rollowmP. rn 1hr !QOISlf'ps cril!ellJate pl,Yt•r ·J ,tar.I'd p!avrngt.uktlb,111 whtn ol her :alhtr, Dtrncl: Jackson. who
IIO!lal :Nm"<>r.('ntl'd s.1ualkltl most tnmk of Nhtn 1.1lkrng,1oour .11 fonntr
Mumnp:; I WlS •n Thud RT.ll:it, bur I didril play p1'~·td ~kttb,1!1 for 0 1 11 ht!" for ::~;~.11=~~.t J: 11 -~:a~: fro~,_~, :d ~:1~-.11Uy ,..,, 10 do rvernhina ht did, and 1tia1') rv,-o vcus. o1nd ht trJnslerrrd from " 1unior colie11r hkt I did: lack.\On what ftll mr ~1.11nN • Antr a !tw \'eJT') of one on one, ).11d. "/'\'e 1ilways war.ttd ro pla)' ~U w11n Rt'QJO(', Jacuort finally g.1ve cotl,Kt b~t.etball •nd follow !n 1l1J OJlllin!ll!d bu\etbl!l .ll try in bhl'I f~ lt'ps ~nd .Kh1eve ll much ,1,\ y1de Wllh t:it )oc,11 Bors ,\ Gtrl! hf·i Khl("i°td" J•ck.son'surer r,t.illmr.1\.1 1.-l!f'I dub 1Ugt.'t' RrAAJt co·11mutd 10 •up~('llt •n.:I ptish J•cbon, and also Musmui: mc!Jded 7 'I pomt,. <!. 4 w "r:t. u htr ,;o1.11tt of l:l)p1raoon ar bound~ I 4 Mea~. I 4 J)"lSf\ ar.d 7 Okx.ks ?Cf µm-r Ir. her tirst stil'\0'1 lM mr.e. ·Jl!t:t Wll ,llW.11\'S SOffif'()M l)t[ ill MSll, JM\:snn ~urrrrtd iln ALL m 2000 tha1 furctd ht• irt rtd ln!urv '"": rha~ mt ~•tffi I •urttd plmng. llnd I ·1.-ou!d alwa','S U'V to work <m Shirt lht 2000 201 0 !,(',t5,0rl Aftti a /.lck,s,,n pil'ft'd ofrthab!IU:ilion. ','NJ t;fltff be and II 11,i:..t tll 1mp,"M' •h an 'htm, - IKkRtn )114. • 1 ~~rtd hfr s,rnlOI' 1,eawo In 20h)l011 'lt':'1' lflt c.1-J!itigt btUU\t' Bl mr when lht Lold; 1,.1u)l,1np l!Jll b,aftl\ b.°'Oth'"'~ Ht wnrkf'j w:th mr ,1 lo! mu..<.fd 1ht conltrencr toominlcM. -1f'fllO~'t'd pl.ll'flrl&.111.\\SU: lack ,no P,.ISht-j fTlf' I{' do btTltr. -,n4 1,; wr,'( w~nttd ro 11) t,e1•er Ht.in what ~n !,lld · 11 w•) a pJUI r.cpentnC"' "lf'dt4 lt'l•nk.vt>U l,Wll)')W.ll:'ll!Obe ,1nd tr .1!1ow"'d me 10 bt Jroond .1 lot OI ~(',It p\,1•;er-. •nd peop.e lht'l)Uv,h c..t•:,r thin•;()~· ti~ ..n~ • Whtn sr.t ~n1 It' ,01 , ... h1W ow mv t•me ,1t thiS pr~--am Nor x-~. IK~ tl(f'!:ed ilt lM~pon <'nlr was n gooo th.lit I go( 10 play ~kttb.atl, but I 1lso go o1ntdoco11ion )U.!1lr.~ QI\ 11'.t VllNI/ !Um ti I s->pho:'r.r,rt • t Mubv 8urk.bJmt11 !mm 11. 100 • la,:"ksm1·~ fir)l ~ ·aslJn m l008 Wi., l·h,il ~r.ool. ,t,t tarr.t1 r urr.ttc,ld h1J1.0~ 1J1:ou,.nOJ' 'le, t1mt ;>!a·;m~ 11\o Ille l\r5\ v~ar another 1mrnn,.1m flp,ur.. 1n 1he women\ baske•!l,1U pro ual..i:1)JiJUd•~ ·J ..,..n .i!l .t<,1dem,c tr.\' v>pt~ ~llll lle,1ij COMJ\ NOfl J('ll1nson had 1.J /!"OTP Holl, •d-di:JMCI m·1 ••m/Of YtaT ;ind 1lh~•t rf''( <.('~!I'll yrar: JK.c !:mJv 1.11.tn over l11r formr· cruch ).()fl 11,,111 'I ~'.O -r:.adt &.t l t,A AD '-1:1nnoo K11rlc5, who onRJn•'.lv rt Stat '"'im r.w .,,r,')I' 'r'U, wt- ch ,.,,.., cru1'1!d li<lc.<.0n tn M"I I, ar.J 111,,ok .1 :um n,a-lt JP 11• 1111' •np 2S l':it.'l "\'11:., rime :o .id1u•1
""Cl"G l•Fl,(M"-• ;'"'h~11· 4\·
AIMtt. . lllhk-.11 CMCII ...,.,, ~ Ii.ti) .,...t,ci-ty-0 --- ~ • • !l'Kfk:IHNio,i
Midwestern State women's basketball team prepares for .=: .
~Af :i::
., Ir.Ct 1 "'"' ':t' ~n:f t,,r w,,rk :i n ,11 ,··w'' 1, 1 wLll Wf
~:;•:\~~~·~t~:.~~1:;~;/;~:~•; •.=~
to extend winning
::!::;•~~,~hicn ·he ,a:h '1!'.l ot1 5-ttll, ttif' 1.14', M~1,1nz r.,1vP a.t; •mu rn, Y;".iJrt w,tr 1 !"·,,., p!1yer-.
b1J: ,Nu"'!>:• ,nJ.ni: <,,a;1 lvt'n)('n ri,,j> Li11 M•1~Qrn ◄":V..lpa·e • .,
ind Ml nd•'MJ' 1-:it<U fH';:,'lJJ /':Jt t'f'o'n it• 1,lf1>f ~•t f'tr'o~•,;f ,,._.,,,: .tn •Y"'fU':' {)f I:'
(l,i~•ar,111,i q\l)Ul l'A,I 1,f 11\1' "Ii
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,1nd tlfl
Nlwunitt,. ,r
""' I .~ •1rb,•-1t• r,
lh Ii\! lht'
C••"il'f••l'I• i,:...'IJt·~ l.r"w't y'j.Jlf V'("'f!
Iii 11 w,.•11Nf~ b.l.•,i:f'l'b,J!i u\leh t-;1...,., Joh:1>on :•"d"'1 htt :nm~ ts ll"~ Jl.\f'n ~v.:,h;n t1't pa,; ltv. 'Nt'"'{'S
·rm ·••i!, r"' •,j nl lh"'""' ,..,una .,t .~.
•It i,1,t-:l 1(U"I • " C.'",f1l li.d
ti,., t>1,J Of ,r.',--v,t ,...ot.: 1•:, • •, ~,.,,.r w. l ·\\ , !,,,, !•.II" ' ~,,.,J ,-.t prtµt
,111 " .,.., ,.,,... ',,r ·/ r J>< -re ,-. d IC -c· ••·' .,., ft,• t: ,.,. l,1 .. , ,1 ~ r:l,rr:i, (' ~- ~ .t."' 1 1 t •~J -.tt:: i l, ·,it .; 1 n•; "
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t.1{,,lf,','i.lt' • 1l •.11\
_,.,K a•·c-1 -n Nl1ll..,.-Pd"
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the g rind ofthe :1.'\;~; season as w e are about ,..-r,::r, ,r i.r.c,,,. · l,1A ...•1"$!t1'1~(i1il'1!,p!t"J,Mf1il•l to turn the corner of :x.. , .t:"'.<:-r>n 1·, •..-~w .n ::M., the second halfo[tbe ,,.~,k (:-,f"Jr•,~ "' r.•,:r.r; ft,. 11 conference.
~.,::-.:_-i, ~:~;; e«:.~;:~
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:cry.,, ,i fa· 1,,r
~r.r, ··; ~· ..,_ 111•1~V1!! ~ld "'>hr'~ o:t ,if :~.~ ~,,,,. ,r.J ... ,, 14~. ,; •' ·(; 1,.' thJI lr,1~ bl cnm,,1.., UM! r,t L'l<' gmt-: fr·, tJr;
m, 1um, · t .N<.h
~n!1 \ht' ,r,,>M'. pt(lfll' t·*;"ritd ~ Wuir,nr 111
lN<.h "~
, "" ol /.lit hon\ ~!In ol ••rl~n•llv I¥ ll'r bul in• 1t.o:ir.t'.' , .,.,,, " 1 lh)' ' ""~,.' -nm•l J•inr~ t,r A• I Ill CtM ' IOj:~'htn I \.lll ~JI tl,al ¥f!H. I 'A'.lltCM!d ;md /PU"lfd IW' Jllft>ri'~: a.~'.s o! tht p;,me ,n..u )·c,u 1001 ar.i:aY!, )ti' r11;·,r.~ :;.· l,cksl>n ~ l •Afirr Ul,11 yto1r, I re•IIV ,noul')li ,1 I d 11 could cfllCh " rd 'A"ilnfl' ' d~ ;' : 1h j,clt.Son admits ilt \GI~'<~;~~ 1 son "1 r iavtd ii pan n ~ • ' th•t coict,mR w..~ ,;o~•irun:,,::~ 'Adntrd todo ar,er ,er p .ll)lf1jl
w~t~:~h I pu, hrd 11 a ltttlt b,1, k I asllnp 1f I h d too.· ~!it ~ rd "'.>flt ep
an! wanted :o help rit..t •M dLJ other tnm~ wHh tht' rrOFJam. w~ l l!•tlc tie,,1to\nt ,11 11.rsl. bu! I'm R!ai1 1ChllV!OdOl!.· Jotinv,r.'s puUI lo: Jac~n II) N k 1mo c~chm~ S!tmmed from v1o;N1:l'( tlt>r )!a:J ~t ~ somPl!llnll, tha! ,:oJlj bf \l't\' vaiuo1blf' !O lht co...::h:nRv.c,rl!J, ,l!ld motP(P,Clfin[ h 1hr women·~ blsktlball projU.lm at MSIJ "I w.ar,:;:<I her lb ,1 «~c'lt ~ uu~• th(' WOtlCtd h:ird '01 mt.• lot.n-.on)aKf. ·C.ht"S<,1:o>11f1hemos1 lfr11! ~,p_,. )'Nl '1 tVtr !TIN!!, \C'I 11 ""-as a r,<, t:niner 10 .IS~ ner 10 hf' in \'OI'~ 'N:th the PNmlffl. ~)I vu·. '~" Wal, !ht gtild•Jl!t il~Unt. and as soon .I) tht ~mon )hf' :iow h.as 0
np,er-td up. s."r I C;tlt-J
the !IN
r· " rn, ati,:1~1 ,, ,. •· • ,, ,: ~wn,.u.. c, J , :"ol.rl'l ~ .,..,.,~r,f'> • •• • Cu""'Yl1 mi• A'r,1 •
i4< k,c.,;, \ c,·rt· . '1Jly trl"'N r, ; ., ,... ...,m\ p 1.l!dS. ,:•, '•· w,•:~~t;fll''~~;:r:~ .·· •
l'lll jr,l's ._,. :h ·r n-· JJlJ ~,;i•f
a," w~ -:,!1 "
1 :~::'~::;,•_ ::: :~ '";o lwr ~il.i:,i~of. .• , ..•
mf'~ rrar.m,:t'\ ,., , .-· '-lr,!tr \\.arric.: an•l 1 __ • rhPf '.\l'rl' 'ri '-..
Ji,:,,y.- :..
p!ayr•I tle:t •
don't <'",1'n r.a1: r-1- er <L.' • a'>d thH· ~"·' m,. ii~.•:: ii •'.I lhl' l,m,. ~
[){>sp1lt lt1•• far-.1i.2;• .
<ht ha• WJ!h Wam ·.I( :·. lacKSOn .!,l!Jd ttltrc • a ._
!Wetn them ,1.r.,J th,1,· them ltl wQrk h h,•-j , 1 wh,n ~ht' W,1) ii :..l.,w I tluntt~:ie S.ll W"'.'l,1~Wo1m<.k)l:d ·°'tt-,l•""- i cltar. .ind ~!-f,·s a "'"J'S :,., 1 ont Wt Ct>J!d foli«N • l" 1 pll)ing A'l'.h hl':. 1•,,j I • I
forhf tr.ow·
Alrhtl:J~ ~~(''S •1twkt·;. sis,t.an: twch. lac~-: ,, • h,.r ~u.:ato;, a r !,I(..! ..s • :i.tw, .. nn tlm\,"l•r\· 1;;"I hope .)ht Wi:llS I•• • and hn~: lohr.WI v.i~
. , ·"" ;:, '"'-" ' j
l>unnR her ume a~ \ht C,A. I.K.c and ,ht t,nnit' a Joi ICI • : son lt.tml'd th, 111.s ind ouu of b.a.s rm vtrf . 1·try lorturui1, · 1 k"'tbltl that dtm ·1 nPct,.,.n!-1 have I<• va un rr.y,un • ("lrJcr !h" \ fin-'!'1"1 , do wuh rht on t:our1 pla~· • 1 1"'amr1 tht ('IU!Mdt m.H l!l.c !J.:'K..'-On\ ulumat,. 1,ilir . travf1 olnr1 no:t1 ~rnn~e:i-t>n''· is hf>•dc™d1 1 ,f,1hijU1 !>...!l · -11h,rJc , ht •IOC.) f,1 •. · Wtll .IS all t!~ d11fern1 Ihm~ )'CIU WNk ()'I 10 ~I rh"' rum ,raJv fni • t~ 1.lm w1JI ,pnn~;·; pmr ," l.lck~ Y'd 'Now !h,11 I'm hc•:l Co.lChlll~ ?(",!• ,' an •~•~unt rc-..ct.. t dCl ll lo! moll" <,f )olld ~\\"h2.tcvrr ·e·,,., •~ jl U'I" lYIM!'!ltl~ pan • t Olchor, <11,' llo >l'"''' /..hn(,lfl ~11 ta.-k.i,,_"'ln\ iran,:aot"
:n•in(();,;·,,:: t-.,,'1,.